#disclaimer that i dont play the game
drinkingteainthedark · 11 months
Ngl, Yingxing was a little silly stupid. He really trusted a man that dealt with his friends death by doing unethical science to not make him immortal? Down horrendous.
Clearly, the real reason his eyes turned red is because he slam dunked those rose coloured glasses right onto his face with all his craftsman arm strength the moment he caught a glimpse of a red flag.
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pancakemolybdenum · 2 months
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worlds smuggest tween owning noobs on wizard101
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arttitude130 · 1 year
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as expected, i will now be contributing to the disco skill meme economy
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"fenris hates all mages" counterpoint: he just has beef with Anders Specifically
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wormthing · 1 year
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of course i like the bug guy
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ad-hawkeye · 8 months
being an aroace who doesn't really care about fan service in otome fandom is funny because you'll see a new story update or something drop and everyone is fuming about how much they hated it and you're like oh shit, lemme see what they're saying. sounds serious. i wonder what the- and then it's literally all complaints about how it wasn't steamy enough
like i dont know about you but thats a raving review for me. a solid five out of five stars. i will actively seek out this content now, thank you for the recommendation
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 3 months
I was just gonna put this in the tags of the last reblog, but it got a bit away from me. For context, the original post was talking about Shuichi, Kaede, and Kiibo as protags and how Shuichi and Kaede didn't fit into the same role as protags as Hajime or Makoto did. Their character conflicts are more like those of ultimate side characters from previous games rather than a fish out of water everyman like Hajime, Makoto, or Kiibo. Now on to my ramble:
I think that it's extremely cool we get to play as "side characters" in V3. I think it was a really nice change of pace. Makoto and Hajime are fun, but small fish in a big pond type protags who neutrally engage with almost everyone have a kind of personality that hinders their role as characters in the story, and kind of weakens the story through their eyes as a whole. I Get the narrative purpose, especially for THH. It makes it easier to introduce the rules of the world to someone less fully consumed by it, and accentuates the weirdness of all the other ultimates in comparison.
But honestly, I found that Shuichi and Kaede being ultimates with stronger opinions and biases to the world around them gave them much more satisfying arcs, personally. They form specific bonds with many of the other characters, both good and bad ones, and those specific bonds influence their arcs and the plot as a whole.
The downside of a protag like this is that unfortunately, it means not all characters are going to feel equally close to the protag, since the narrative is now focusing on certain characters especially as their friends or enemies. This can feel a bit weird if you, the player, don't end up liking said friends, or really adore their enemies. It could also be argued that this could give certain characters an unfairly lesser role in the story as a whole, but I didn't really feel like that was the case in V3.
The upside of a protag like this for a game series like DR is that often times, I feel like when almost all characters get an equal spotlight in interacting with the protag, they can end up feeling a little flat or ironically distant. Their relationship and character status quo can't be changed too much lest the protag have complicated or different feelings about them, which might divorce our player stand-in from the player themselves who likes said character. And you also can't let one character become much closer than the other, lessening the bond you the player might have with a different character.
Major exceptions to this are characters like Kyoko and Nagito. They get a lot of focus, have a complicated arc, and their relationship with their respective protags is pretty in depth and round. But that's just one special character in each game out of 15 others.
There's only a few other characters that stand out to me as exceptions to this- like Byakuya, or Fuyuhiko. But for them, their character arcs feel to me more like they happen Around the protag than with them. This might be due to the relatable protag's role as a neutral observer, existing to accentuate the weirdness of the others and act as the player's stand in to interact with these characters.
This isn't to say Makoto and Hajime Don't have arcs or Aren't good characters- that's not true at all!! Actually, Hajime's character arc is one of the best and most poignant in the series. And in his case, his normalness is an important part of that. But in general, I feel like in DR, a protag whose main role isn't to act as the player stand in, but rather as a character in the story with distinct alliances, creates a more interesting space for stronger characters that impact the plot as a whole.
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dullahandyke · 4 months
and like sidenote if i can make a post with a target audience of zero. i feel like fhsy was to d20 what aa3 was to ace attorney but aa3 pulled it off better for reasons i cannot explain
#it is. the amatonormativity#^ guy who was REALLY pissed about the sandra lynn stuff#like yknow that bit in the first ep where brennan is like 'oh this drama is going down' and so like the pcs investigate it#probs bcos they think itll like kick off their new quest#and then it turns out to be like. petty romantic drama.#thats kind of a microcosm of the entire season for me#not to say there werent parts i liked (looks at the picture of baron i printed out and hung on my wall)#(and most of the leviathan stuff was brilliant and ayda is a role model for me)#but its all so tied up in the rest of that shit that i dont rlly wanna rewatch it the way ive rewatched fy 6+ times#likening this to aa3 bcos of the rlly noticeable uptick in romantic content in it compared to the rest of the trilogy#like prior to that all that rlly comes to mind is like. 2-3 and pearl's shipping shenanigans and larry existing#but in aa3 both mia and phoenix have past lovers who play big parts#theres a married couple theres tigre and viola (who sidenote i ENTIRELY missed as romantic my first playthru. i am dense)#there's the business with fawles#like it felt like romance played a large part in every case in aa3#where even when it came up in 1 + 2 it was usually ancillary (2-3 excepted but like. ppl regard that case as a fluke in most regards)#you COULD argue that maggey and adrian also inject some romantic presence in the story#but idk it just doesnt feel as central or prevalent as in aa3#like i saw a post abt adrian and celeste being cousins in the aa anime being not just the sailor moon 'best cousins' thing#but like. reinforcing the themes of familiar devotion as aa2's core. and that was rlly foundational to my understanding of the game#even tho its a change that comes from an adaptation#whereas you Couldnt make that change in aa3 without it changing A Lot of shit#where was i going with this. shrug.#the zelda and tracker relationship drama was entirely manufactured as punishing the pcs for not centering npcs#whose relationship issues were ancillary to the overarching plot they were focused on and which hadnt rlly been brought up beforehand#'why didnt gorgug call zelda :/' do u want zac to pause the kalina mystery to roleplay good relationship communication with the dm??#like its one thing looking at sy as a narrative but looking at it as a ttrpg campaign with limited time and a need to split character focus#i dont see what it did for the story besides give gorgug something to angst abt. didnt rlly feel like there was character growth or an arc#sigh. MANDATORY DISCLAIMER its been at least a year since i watched sy and longer before that since ive played aa3#but at the time my feelings were strong and have only calcified. romance as a theme in something not generally abt romance
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funky-gobbo-art · 1 year
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Easy to draw. I like this guy!
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the-acid-pear · 10 months
I got reminded the Lacey's series exists and it really left me confused because... People love and praise that but hate on The Painter?
I want to say it's just bias because Lacey's is very well done style wise (the painter has great art but weak presentation), but Lacey's is pure fucking shock content w little substance. That's why I always hated it. And I still do. It's not even surprising.
And it a way it's fitting for it bc it has that strong 2010s/2000s vibes and horror back then was just like that lmao look at any old creepypasta but it's still edgy as shit.
And I don't want this to be me complaining about that series bc that's not my point what I'm complaining about is how I don't understand how the internet ADORED one but hated the other for arguably the same reasons.
But I also want to complain so see y'all in the tags 👍
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melto · 4 months
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i just know that tsuzuru was mad as hell in that audience bc he didnt think to originally write homoeroticism between these characters when he sees the blocking and misukazu chemistry lol
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killjoy-prince · 5 months
Project Diva X's way of getting outfits via rhythm game gacha makes me wanna run it over with a truck
#prince's talk tag#disclaimer: i do not drive#i love this game except for the way you get modules like fr#i have to play two thirds of a song to get to chance time‚ CLEAR chance time AND hit the star note and then HOPE the module i want appears#if i use a module that increases the chance of getting a new or rare one itd be a bit easier but i dont have one for Quirky!Meiko#ah in case you didnt know x is divided into clouds kinda like how prsk has different sekais#theres classic cute cool elegant and quirky. and the cryptonloids take on different personalities depending on the cloud#to clear a song you have to get enough voltage points and a good way to do thats is to wear modules and accessories that match the cloud#so for example the song Urotander Underhanded Rangers is a quirky cloud song#and base voltage is 100%. but if you use a quirky module and quirky accessories you can boost it so you get a headstart#on charging the voltage to clear the song#now each module has a special ability whether its helping with voltage or getting you more points or obtaining modules#this is where it gets tricky bc you need to use the appropriate modules to get the most voltage out of your gameplay#but if you want something specific like a new module but dont have a module that would make that easy for that cloud#then youll be playing the same song over and over until the gacha gods pity you and give you what you want#i want the underhand red modules for Meiko (both masked and unmasked versions)#but i dont have quirky meiko modules that increase the chance of getting a new or rare modules#and using a module that isnt quirky decreases my starting voltage by 20% and i need that voltage#bc fun twist if you dont clear the voltage by the end of the song you dont get a new module if you unlock it during chance time#theres a meiko festival thats hard af to play in this game where you have to play 3 hard ass songs to get the voltage high enough#but the outfit has a 1 in 4 chance of showing up#so you could be doing so good and then during chance time (which happens during the third song) the module wont show up#so you gotta do it all over again#OR the opposite where you dont get enough voltage but the module you need DOES show up but you dont get the module#bc your voltage wasnt high enough#i love this gameeeeeeeeeee
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shdwtouch · 6 months
I know no one cares but I am just so akjhifdigfb over my monk and ast/rion like. I've spent a lifetime in the shadows, and I'll spend a lifetime more in them with you. she's just so calm and resolute, so mindful. she loves him, wants to help him, wants him to know freedom, worries his need for revenge will ruin him. she is torn between her love for him - to help him, hold him, heal him - and her way as a monk - she will support him and stand by his side, but only he can make his decisions and only he can face the consequences of them. and idk. maybe their end isn't a happy one. maybe he does ascend and she leaves him because she can't stand what he becomes. maybe she convinces him not to do the ritual, but fears she damned him through her meddling, worries he resents her for that.
(edit: cut for length lmao)
like. I can't put to words how much him ascending and how he acts afterward makes me feel icky and uncomfortable and just. I support anyone who chooses that, I support anyone who portrays that, and I support it as a solid way to end his arc and develop his character. like, narrative-ly it does make sense. as a writer and creator I can see the appeal and sense of taking that route, I really can. but it still just makes me feel so gross inside, it makes me hurt.
the more I've gone into that route and looked at how people interpret it and the meta and whatnot I've grown more tolerant of it, and am even pursuing it within an origin run because I want to experience it for myself instead of just shutting down the prospect. but like I said, it still just feels so icky to me. and I wish I knew a better way to articulate how it makes me feel. I guess it makes me sad ?
I think it makes me upset because it's not the good or happy ending you would hope. it's not pretty, it's not nice, it doesn't wrap up in a nice bow. and that makes me uncomfortable. I've found that consuming content where the end is not nice and neat has been somewhat triggering to me lately. making me anxious. I don't know if that's a part of this. idk. I just think everyone deserves a good ending; the world is fucking shit, let the silly little fictional people be happy damn it !
anyway. love how this started as a rant about my tavs ship and turned into me ranting about ascended ast/rion owo; again, I want to reiterate I am not hating on that end for him, in fact I really appreciate being able to see people portray and develop that for him on my dash ! it's just not my cup of tea, but I'm doing my best to grin and bear it through the whole darn pot. because again. I love the angst and drama and potential, I really do. and I love seeing other people talk about it. <3
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tohkilledme · 1 year
"You know, I just had an interesting idea." Make them intrigued, interested in what you'll say next. "No, it wouldn't work." Make them even MORE intrigued, make them really want to know what you'll say next, what your idea is, making them more likely to go along with it. "Well, if you insist." Making them think they have the power here, that you actually weren't going to say it without them telling you to. "What if you played with those three yourself?" Get them out of the way, distracted, so they won't get in your way. "Showed them just how much fun your games are in person?" Making sure they'll go there, physically, and be properly distracted. "Then they'll all want to be your friend." Knowing that's all they want, making sure they'll really do it. Hook, line, and sinker.
Sorry just losing it over this (Watching and Dreaming 8:49-9:13)
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the mere idea that netflix had to resort to THIS way of advertising (due to the strike or not) is hilarious
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kactosophile · 2 years
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Fake MTG card based on a Jerma bit
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