#dissecting this and putting it under a microscope
justplaggin · 1 year
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bsd s5 blu-ray & dvd bonus illustration by harukawa
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shima-draws · 7 months
Obsessed with Law tbh. He's a walking contradiction. He's a doctor but a sadistic one that enjoys playing with people's organs. He's covered in sick tattoos but they're actually in honor of his late father figure. He likes to be carried around like a pretty princess but he'll complain about it the entire time. He's surprisingly picky about food and pouts like a child about it. He's stupidly attractive and badass but he's also the most cringefail loser I've ever seen in my life. He's got such an unhealthy attachment to Cora that he spent thirteen years of his life trying to murder the man that killed him. AND his pirate group is also inspired by Cora. He's an Edgelord but the entire fandom calls him their silly little guy, their babygirl, their cutie patootie. He acts like he hates working with others and people in general but he got tamed and domesticated like a wild animal by the Strawhats SO quickly. What is wrong with him (affectionate) (derogatory)
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You know what's an amusing thing about the previous two Eclipses? The way the both of them were with Sun.
They were never kind to him, no, it would be foolish to say that either the first Eclipse or the backup Eclipse were kind to Sun. But regardless of which one we're talking about, Eclipse has always been more, indulgent with him.
When Sun first met Eclipse eye to eye after that fateful argument he had with Moon in Beta-10, Eclipse was... weirdly gentle? It's not even the correct word for it, but he appeared to indulge Sun and his anxious rambling, before shooting him down. He was also much more friendly than he was with Moon, probably because he did not see Sun as a threat, but still. He quite helpfully pointed out the exit point to Sun, and was acting kinda peacful. He was also less antagonistic, although he was definitely condescending.
When Sun exited the mindscape, he apologised to Eclipse, and Eclipse replied something like: "Oh, don't be sorry, only time you're ever sorry is when it actually IS your fault." which is obviously a jab. However, there's also a hidden admitance, that Sun is innocent, and is not at fault. It kind of feels like comfort from Eclipse? This was preluded by Eclipse admiting that Sun WAS a good person, but with issues (like everyone else lol).
Also, ever since Eclipse locked Sun and Moon into the Infinite Staicase SCP, and forced Moon to admit that he (Eclipse) IS better, seemed to have put more weight on Sun's opinion. Which can be clearly seen in the episode where Sun, having been fed up with Eclipse constantly throwing him and New Moon into things, exploded on him, and Eclipse just... left.
He also passed up some opportunities to actually hurt him? Like we now know, that Sun was tortured in the mindscape, but the first interaction we see between them, which is not a power struggle, Eclipse never got violent. He was a jerk, but a toned down jerk compared to how he was with Moon. Eclipse also, during the first ever video fully focused on him "Sun and Moon TRANSFORM into ECLIPSE in VRCHAT", said he was going to kill Sun, and then never followed through with it, even though he had the entirety of October to do so. Like my guy, do you or do you NOT want to kill him? You said you wanted to! Then actually do it, pussy!
And Eclipse is a killcode right? They said in the show that he is so. But compared to other people, he's actually kinda peacful. Like there are only a couple confirmed kills Eclipse has, like the homeless person he beat to death using Monty's body and the government official before that.
All these can be said to be little things, that Eclipse did not bother with, because they seemed like a waste of his time, but there is one piece of information he had, that could have destroyed both his enemies from the very beginning. A neat little fact. Moon wanted to kill Sun. He wanted to kill him, because he felt injustice at the fact that he was locked into their mind, and wanted a body of his own. The fact that it was their PLAN to do so.
Of course it was probably an intrusive thought of Moon, corrupted by his homicide code, and was probably his greatest shame. Before Eclipse that is. And it's obviously understandable why Moon wasn't jumping at the chance to tell this to his brother, the ONLY person he could fully, truly and wholly love and care about (before Lunar also appeared), but then why didn't Eclipse?
He could have won. He could have won before the brothers had a chance to realise how screwed they actually were, before the October Takeover, before the Wither Storm, before the infamous Beta-10 argument, before anything really. All he had to do, was basically poison Sun with this hate, and ruin any sort of relationship Sun and Moon ever had. Sure, probably when he would have first told it to Sun, he would've thought him a liar, but doubt eventually would have come. That was something Moon could not have countered in any form, and he probably would not have wanted to from how terrible he must have felt about that. Moon would have probably given up, if confronted with that information, because I don't think he'd have lied about something of that magnitude.
But alas, Eclipse never told (probably cuz Reed and Davis had no solid idea about it back then). This could have been such a powerful trump card from him. He could have ruined New Moon and Sun's relationship before it even began! Because back then Sun was still (understandably) more attuned to the Old Moon. So he would not have overcome it as easily, not saying he would do so now. Eclipse could very easily break Sun's fragile little sanity. And yet he never did. He never once even uttered anything similiar to it when in front of Sun. Sure he threw insults and taunts, basically tortured the guy for funsies, but this was a line he never once crossed. And I'm not sure why.
Eclipse had a strong ace up his (non-existent) sleeve, that he could have used anytime. At all times, it would have allowed him to win. But he never once used it. He took it with him silently, everytime he was defeated. I can't stress this enough.
This man had the chance to destroy his enemies with just a couple little words.
But both times he took it to his GRAVE.
Let's see if this one will too (:
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tomystars · 1 year
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marshroom580 · 4 months
I'm not an otto apocalypse defender, I'm actually an otto apocalypse encourager. Yeah he did all that and he should do it again for my entertainment actually
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“Of course you like it, it has snow and cannibals”
— my little brother 2023
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azunshi · 1 year
"i wont say i'm in love" is such a binggeyuan song (at least to ME, whose brain has been infected by their worms)
it's shen yuan bc he's in denial that he's in love withA MAN!! but also he's in love and he's just never experienced such! intense! feelings! for someone! who happens to be the coolest person ever! it'll prolly never work out since bingge doesnt see him that way, right??
it's fine! it'll go away eventually, like all crushes do except it doesnt. he thinks it gets worse, especially when he's had a few 'close calls' where he let himself be a bit too obvious about his feelings towards bingge. this is bad, he thinks, bingge will get weirded out by him
for bingge, he realizes it one time that he's been more open, vulnerable and honest with shen yuan than he ever has been with his previous partners. and it scares him bc he's never showed those parts of himself to anyone and somehow he let himself go around sy
there's that fear that sy will think he's weak for being like this and that he'll leave him so he withdraws, he doesnt tell sy things anymore at least until he gets a grip on himself
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enlighten3d · 8 months
why is scar goodtimes so difficult to write as a character
like, sir. i do not understand how to write you. you are incomprehesible to my tiny bug brain.
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gothwizardmagic · 2 years
theres really Something about the fact that in terrorform rimmers self confidence and self worth are represented as himself in frilly flouncy pink and purple outfits, and that his self-loathing wanted him half naked and oiled up by beautiful women.......
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snowyh2o · 8 months
Just a heads up. If you think Alastor is a 100% evil baddy who is irredeemable, only ever in it for himself and whose only mode of interaction is done through manipulation, then I recommend you look elsewhere for your hazbin tumblr experience.
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fish-bowl-2 · 1 year
hit me with some ed-canons!
It is always so funny how I love having excuses to talk about these guys, but the moment I am put on the spot I literally forget everything. I'll try and list a few for each.
This isn't at all an uncommon head-canon for Ed, but I really do see him gravitating to creative careers. Things like filmmaking and cartooning. Hell, they already establish in the show that he kind of has a photographic memory in regards to penmanship, so he might even have an opportunity in graphic design. I don't really see him becoming fully professional since, realistically, it is a hard industry to have success in exclusively, and I think his struggles with things such as attention span and memory would also be significant obstacles. Creative stuff would definitely be best as a side gig or a very passionate hobby in combination with a more stable manual labor/construction work job.
Throughout the rest of middle school and high school, Ed continues to work for Rolf as a low-pressure farmhand. He especially likes working in the springtime when the baby chicks hatch :3
Ed gets really into dnd and ttrpgs. He regularly tries to drag Edd and Eddy into doing some campaigns, even though neither of them are that invested. They humor him though and play some, but they are incapable of ever finishing them because Edd and Eddy always end up arguing about something and Ed has trouble remembering what they did last.
On top of having trichotillomania, he has tendencies for other body-focused repetitive behavior like dermatillomania, dermatophagia, and onychophagia.
Edd doesn't only have an ant farm, but he's dabbled in other kinds of insect/arachnid keeping. Mostly things he's found outside. He's kept caterpillars, ladybugs, spiders, and mantis. He always tends to release them once they've reached adulthood, but sometimes, his curiosity turns morbid. He absolutely takes too much advantage of his parents not being home to put whatever he wants in the freezer. He's probably also tried bug pinning. He is especially interested in the order Hymenoptera.
Starting in high school, he starts to take higher level courses, which means he doesn't have any classes with Ed and Eddy other than lunch and extracurriculars. He doesn't experience so many problems with the classes themself, but more so that he finds it extremely alienating and lonely. On top of intimidating and confidence-killing, since he starts to realize there are people out there who are way smarter than him.
Mostly bonded with his dad through movies, which is why his taste skews a bit more old-fashioned (granted, he was definitely enjoying those cowboy films for an entirely different reason than his dad was 💀). He's extremely impressionable. He probably bases his personality off of a different classic male lead every week. One day he's going for Humphrey Bogart, the other he's John Travolta. It keeps things interesting.
He has dyslexia. Good luck trying to tell him that, though. He'd rather die than admit that.
He's really good with kids, in a naturalistic "funny uncle" kind of way where you talk to them as if they are just little adults. That doesn't mean he's the best role model in any way. He's definitely sold pot to 14 year olds while in high school (Edd made sure he never heard the end of it).
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chillychive · 8 months
Hey, y’all when Trump finally writes his autobiography, will someone please buy it, pirate it, and then share it for free on Tumblr?
I’m sure it’ll be a wild read, definitely something I would love to read, but I refuse to give that man any money, and I would assume that a lot of people here feel the same way
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nemaliwrites · 1 month
here's a lil snippet of a heracles piece i've been noodling around with - not sure how i feel about this one characterization-wise, so maybe i will trash it but! a section for you <3
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the witch lift a finger; immediately, your hand comes up. She’s small, small enough that only a fraction of your strength will be necessary. You may not be able to kill her, but that doesn’t mean you can’t send a message. All it’ll take is her throat in your grip and—
“That one,” she says, pointing to a sigil of Hera. Tricksy, these witches. You manage to play the motion off by swiping the back of your hand against your mouth; it comes away red, sticky with pomegranate juice. If she’d noticed the motion, had even an inkling of just how close she was to returning to that Underworld of hers, she doesn’t let on.
“So, she’s aiding you, then?” you can’t help but ask, watching as she reaches for the boon. Pale green light washes over her, then, and when she opens her eyes, there’s a familiar hatred in them. “Just like that…”
“She’s family,” the princess says, as though that’s an answer. As though that explains anything.
As though you aren’t. 
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vellixor · 1 year
gottie is like, most probably a terrible person, but also the best fucking character. Like, there's definitely something wrong with her morally speaking, but also she's so interesting as the main character????
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jiggery-duggery · 8 months
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Holy shit guys my lab partner is so cute what do I say
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melonkittii · 1 year
montrose pretty
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