#distribute tickets
eventbookings-blog · 2 months
Create Event Tickets and Send Bulk Tickets with EventBookings
Efficient ticket management is crucial for the success of any event. From creating customized event tickets to sending them out in bulk, organizers need a reliable solution to streamline the process. In this article, we'll explore how EventBookings simplifies the task of creating event tickets and sending them out to attendees, ensuring a smooth registration process.
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Understanding the Importance of Ticket Management
Event organizing involves numerous tasks, and ticket management is often at the forefront. Organizations risk facing logistical challenges and delays without an efficient system in place. From tracking ticket sales to ensuring attendees receive their tickets promptly, effective ticket management is essential for a successful event.
Challenges in Ticket Management
Organizers often need help with ticket management, such as manual tracking of ticket sales, inventory management issues, and difficulties in distributing tickets to attendees. These challenges can confuse attendees and organizers, highlighting the need for a streamlined solution.
Introducing EventBookings
EventBookings is a comprehensive ticket management solution that simplifies creating and distributing event tickets. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, EventBookings empowers organizers to manage their ticketing needs efficiently.
Key Features of EventBookings
Creating Customized Event Tickets
EventBookings offers a range of customization options, allowing organizers to design personalized event tickets that reflect their branding and event theme. From adding logos to customizing ticket layouts, EventBookings provides flexibility and creativity.
Efficient Ticket Inventory Management
Gone are the days of manual ticket inventory management. EventBookings provides real-time insights into ticket inventory, enabling organizers to monitor sales trends and adjust ticket availability accordingly.
Bulk Ticket Distribution
With EventBookings, organizers can send event tickets to attendees in bulk, saving time and effort. EventBookings ensures smooth ticket distribution with just a few clicks, whether a small seminar or a large-scale conference.
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Real-Time Insights and Tracking
EventBookings offers real-time insights and tracking capabilities, allowing organizers to monitor ticket deliveries and RSVPs in real-time. This visibility enables organizers to stay organized and ensure a seamless registration process.
Why Choose EventBookings?
EventBookings is a preferred choice for event organizers due to its user-friendly interface, customization options, efficient ticket inventory management, bulk ticket distribution, and real-time insights and tracking capabilities. With EventBookings, organizers can streamline their ticketing process and focus on delivering a memorable event experience for attendees.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I customize event tickets with EventBookings?
Yes, EventBookings offers customization options, allowing you to design personalized event tickets.
How does EventBookings help with ticket inventory management?
EventBookings provides real-time insights into ticket inventory, enabling efficient ticket sales and availability management.
Is it possible to send out event tickets in bulk with EventBookings?
Yes, EventBookings allows organizers to send event tickets to attendees in bulk, saving time and effort.
Does EventBookings offer real-time insights and tracking capabilities?
Yes, EventBookings provides real-time insights and tracking, allowing organizers to monitor ticket deliveries and RSVPs in real-time.
Can EventBookings be used for both small and large-scale events?
Yes, EventBookings is adaptable and appropriate for many kinds of events, from intimate gatherings to sizable conferences. 
Is EventBookings easy for novice users to use?
Yes, EventBookings has an intuitive user interface that makes using its features and navigating it simple for both new and experienced users. 
Efficient ticket management is essential for the success of any event, and EventBookings offers a comprehensive solution to simplify the process. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, efficient ticket inventory management, bulk ticket distribution, and real-time insights, EventBookings empowers organizers to streamline their ticketing process and deliver a memorable event experience for attendees.
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justplainsalty · 9 months
Cash Register Controversy
OK tumblr, poll time. This topic has caused unexpected and SIGNIFICANT disagreement in the friend group, divided families, etc, and now we need to know who is right. Both sides are disturbed at the other's way of life. There can be no compromise.
After you vote, kindly put your country/state/etc, your industry (food service? retail? ticketing? banking? something else?), and your handedness (left or right) in the tags, because we need to know how and why this schism exists in order to sleep at night.
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its-the-pilot · 4 months
I was in New York this weekend and if I had been willing to stand outside for 6+ hours in the cold rain I might have had a chance to see Glen Powell at SNL!
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niallschesthair · 2 years
turning on taylor and blaming her for things she had no say or control over solves nothing and takes the attention away from the actual monopoly that fucked you all over just to maximise profits on a tour that was gonna be record breaking anyway.
taylor doesn't handle the logistics for her tours, and even if she was deeply involved in the technicalities of tour she still has no control over how ticketmaster deals with its own logistics or an option to not work with them. even if she wanted to give her fans the best experience possible she still can't control what ticketmaster does, nor how presale is handled.
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andoutofharm · 11 months
sometimes i get on tiktok because i am bored and i immediately remember why i usually do not go on tiktok
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how do u have tix already!?
ten club presale baby ✌️ honestly if you plan on buying pj tickets at any point throughout your life, the $20/year ten club membership is the best investment in the world
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madigoround · 6 months
A fun part of working down the street from a fairly large concert venue is that every week there’s someone famous in a tour van parked right next to my work parking deck and most of the time I have no idea who the performers are because it’s not what I listen to but even when I don’t it’s fun to observe how they act or hear how they treat people from the friends I’ve made at the venue, today there’s a singer I know (tiktok viral romance song) and I just watched him walk down the street and people who were waiting outside the venue started the yell for him and he just turned towards them and smiled a very sweet smile and waved. Usually performers aren’t too willing to leave the area from the tour bus to the venue so it was pretty cool to see this seemingly nice man who has more fame than I probably ever will jay walking on the same street that I jay walk on
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springlock-suits · 9 months
Maybe if I post enough about how I desperately wamt fnaf movie neca ultimate figures it'll become reality
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onehunnit · 7 months
silver light might just be their best b-side like I can't even lie at this point
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cybrprzemoc · 2 years
me and my coworker trying to communicate how we are really interested in seeing this movie about cannibalism without actually saying cannibalism out loud
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transphilza · 2 years
wait what happened?
i’m assuming you’re referring to wilburs tweet! nothing happened in particular i just hate scalpers lmao
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bisquid · 10 months
Seeing the notes on posts about the Burning Man Debacle™ and for fucks sake I am taking the phrase 'eat the rich' away from y'all until you can CORRECTLY IDENTIFY the rich
Rich is 'arrived by way of their private jet', is 'dropped $500k on a submarine ticket', is '$500 is a rounding error'.
'$500 dollars for a nine day event they must all be rich white people' no you reactionary rotten potato that is actually an entirely reasonable price for an entirely normal person to pay for an annual event! $500 over the course of a year is approximately equivalent to one big takeout a month! Being able to afford that doesn't make you rich it makes you probably not poor! The 'rich or poor' narrative is a false dichotomy that completely excludes the fact that 'richness' or 'poorness' is a SCALE! It's not fucking categorical! You don't one day magically flip a switch and go from 'poor' to 'rich' or vice versa you see incremental changes over time! Wealth distribution is a (these days, admittedly, rather wonky) motherfucking BELL CURVE! . The fact that capitalism is driving more and more people to either extreme of said curve is just evidence of a broken system, but it doesn't change the fact that most people should have a decent amount of disposable income!
The fact that many people don't have said disposable income doesn't magically make the ones that do 'rich' it makes everyone else poor. And the people at fault for the massive and growing percentage of people living below the poverty line are not the ones managing to stay above it, it's the fault of the actually rich, the ones stealing our time and our health and our wages and our future in pursuit of a number on a screen. And the rich are the only people you're helping by hating the people struggling slightly less than you.
When it comes time to 'eat the rich' you're going to be murdering dentists and librarians and scientists while the actually rich point and laugh from a safe distance as you solve their problems for them.
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sokkas-therapist · 1 year
Hi hi hi! I have a quick poll question for all the Atla fans that were at Comic Con Revolution today!
If you got in, reblog and put in the tags what time you got in line. If you didn’t, reblog with how long you were in line for, and or what you heard/were told regarding wristband distribution. I’m genuinely curious, lol
Me and a couple hundred other people were in line for over 2 hours and didn’t get in 😭
#I feel so bad for the family that flew to LA from New York and didn’t get in#online it specifically said that wristband distribution would start at 11:30#but I talked to a couple other people that said they started giving out wristbands well before that#people weren’t supposed to be allowed to camp out I thought but when I get there a half hour before distribution was supposed to start#there were already hundreds and hundreds of people on that floor#then they said that there would be a standby line of people they would let in if there were any no shows#so we waited in that line for another hour +#but instead of letting in the people that had been waiting for the longest#the staff decided to play like 5 rounds of ‘guess which number I’m thinking of’#and then let in the people that guessed correctly#there must have been 2-3 hundred people who stuck around in the standby line and were pissed when everyone got turned away#what shocked me the most was how tiny the panel room was????#like they know how huge the avatar fandom is#and comic con advertised the shit out of this panel#why not put it in the main call where they could fit everyone instead of a tiny room that fits maybe 150-200 seats??#I wouldn’t be surprised if there were over 1000 atla fans there that bought tickets solely for the panel#then almost all of them got their money wasted bc they weren’t allowed in#not to mention the fact that there was little to no staff/security regulating the line(herd) of people#or anyone to communicate information and updates while we waited#the whole thing was so messy#atla#avatar the last airbender#comic con Revolution#comic con
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blockchainblast · 1 year
Blockchain and Ticketing: A New Era of Security and Efficiency
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Are you ready to experience the magic of live performance once again? 
Gladly, the Adrienne Arsht Center for the Performing Arts of Miami-Dade County teams up with True Tickets to bring you a newfangled solution to safely reopen its doors. After a tough year of cancellations and postponements, this renowned venue is leaping forward with the help of blockchain technology. With contactless digital ticketing, you can now enjoy the shows you love without worrying about health risks. 
Are you a business looking for a professional team to help you integrate blockchain? Here we are, connect with us for the finest enterprise blockchain development services.
Now, let’s dive into the blog and explore the benefits of this innovative technology for the performing arts industry.
Performing Arts Industry – The Impact Of Covid-19
The pandemic has dealt a devastating blow to the performing arts industry. The Arsht Center had to cancel 160 performances, and other venues faced similar challenges. But they weren’t alone in their struggle. With restrictions on in-person events, the entire industry was forced to get creative to keep the show going. The industry had to find new ways to entertain audiences, such as virtual and smaller-scale events.
Blockchain Technology – Secure Contactless Digital Ticketing
The Arsht Center is breaking new ground by utilizing cutting-edge blockchain technology. This offers secure, contactless digital ticketing for its upcoming in-person show. That’s right, you can now enjoy the show without any worries about physical contact or queuing for tickets.
Gone are the days of waiting in long lines and risking exposure to illness. The Arsht Center’s innovative approach to ticketing allows for remote ticket issuance and minimizes the need for in-person interactions, ensuring the safety of both patrons and employees. With this technology, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the show with complete peace of mind.
So why wait? Obtain the best services from our expert blockchain development company.
Blockchain For Ticketing – The Benefits
With blockchain, it’s now possible to enjoy a secure and contactless way to attend your favorite shows. The days of worrying about lost or stolen physical tickets are over, as blockchain offers mobile delivery that’s both safe and convenient.
But that’s not all. The technology also ensures that your ticket purchase is protected by advanced encryption and smart contracts, giving you the peace of mind that your rights as a ticket holder are always respected. And when it comes to avoiding fraud and scalping, blockchain is a game-changer. By providing traceability, authenticity, and fair pricing, it guarantees that every ticket sold is legitimate and sold at a fair price.
Performing Arts Industry – The Future With Blockchain
The world of ticketing has always been a tricky business, with issues like fraud and secondary markets plaguing the industry. But now, thanks to blockchain technology, there is a glimmer of hope. With the True Tickets service leading the charge, fans are excitedly jumping on board, and venues are taking notice. The Arsht Center is one such venue that has recognized the power of blockchain and is teaming up with True Tickets to revolutionize ticketing in the performing arts. It’s an exciting time for the industry, and with blockchain technology, the possibilities are endless. Do you want to integrate blockchain into your business? Try the leading blockchain consulting company and explore the benefits of blockchain.
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gothhabiba · 6 months
do you know where are the the best places or mosteffective to donate to help palestinians atm? like charities ect
In terms of direct aid it is better to give money directly to families in Ghazza than to a charity. Charities, governmental and nongovernmental organisations &c., are seldom able to use funds to distribute aid right now, as few trucks are getting through, and none to the north of Ghazza.
ETA on Charities in Ghazza:
Taawon Association (in partnership with the Bank of Palestine) are distributing hot meals in Ghazza.
The World Food Programme (WFP) is getting food parcels into Ghazza, though I can't find them sharing a more specific location anywhere. Donate here.
The Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) is providing medicine, food, and water. Their website specifically mentions food relief in north, central, and south Ghazza, and water delivered to north and south Ghazza.
Direct aid to Ghazza:
Money given directly to families in Ghazza is used to help them cross the Rafah crossing into Egypt, and/or to purchase plane tickets and apply for visas so they have somewhere to go after arriving in Egypt.
Help Christians in Ghazza get visas to leave
Help Hala Abu Ramadan's family of six leave Ghazza (organized by Mohammed Samhouri, vouched for by @psychoticgerard)
Help Dr. Intimaa AbuHelou's family of 22 leave Ghazza (organized by professer Steve Tamari)
Help Shayma and her family of 16 leave Ghazza (organised by Fardowsa. You may remember a link to a paypal going around to help Shayma; however, paypal has frozen those funds)
Help Shaymaa's family of 13 leave Ghazza (organised by Shaymaa herself, who is in Canada)
Help Sanaa and her family of 5 leave Ghazza and establish themselves in Belgium (organised by Eyad M, vouched for by Motaz Azaiza)
Help sisters Duaa and Deena leave Ghazza and get medical treatment in Cairo (organised by Shereen Alhayek, @.littlestpersimmon's friend's acquaintance)
Help Ahmed (@90-ghost) and his family leave Ghazza via ko-fi, paypal, or gofundme (@unionfish is offering stickers and prints in exchange for donations)
Help a family of Ghazzan refugees in Egypt get medical care and relocate
Buy an e-sim for use in Ghazza
Interruption of arms sent to Israel:
Palestine Action targets arms manufacturers in the US and UK
Palestine Legal offers legal defense for those who get arrested &c. in the course of protest or sabotage on behalf of Palestine
If you have some barrier to donating or to buying e-sims yourself (someone looking through your transactions, no room on your phone for new apps, don't want to mess up the instructions, don't have time to keep up with what's being called for at the moment, literally whatever), I can buy e-sims and move funds on your behalf. My venmo is @gothhabiba; paypal paypal.me/Najia; squarecash $NajiaK; DM me for Zelle information. Feel free to leave a note about where you want it to go (specifically for e-sims; aid to people in Ghazza; &c.)
BDS (Boycott, Divest, Sanctions)
You asked specifically about donations, but if you haven't looked into the boycotts being called for by the Palestinian Campaign for Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), I urge you to do so.
BDS chapters in your locality may be calling for their own boycotts, so look into that as well. Think creatively about how to minimise purchase of boycotted goods (e.g., getting your union to refuse to shelve Israeli groceries).
Monday strikes
The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) has called for weekly strikes on Mondays. Talk to your union or coworkers about strikes or work stoppages on Mondays, if you can. At least avoid making any purchases (goods, recreation, entertainment, food, &c.) on Mondays.
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smutoperator · 2 months
Rookie Initiation
An Yujin, Kim Jiwon (Liz) x Male Reader
Tags: A2M, anal, ass-to-pussy, basketball game, carry-fucking, corrupted, couch sex, (lots of) creampies, cum on ass, facesitting, first anal, full nelson, high heels, kitty and puppy, (a little) lesbian, oil, painal, "small" butt, squirting, tall girls, threesome.
Word count: 5567
Atlanta, United States, March 23rd, 2024
Yujin is truly a lucky girl. One day before the Ive concert, she had a great night attending the basketball game in Atlanta, alongside her cute friend Liz. On the court, it was a big win for the home team, the Hawks, who defeated the Charlotte Hornets 132-91. Off the court, meetings with celebrities like Anne Hathaway.
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But amidst all that, Yujin had her eyes focused somewhere else, on a handsome guy distributing the basketballs to the players as the game went on. Once the lights of the arena went off, Yujin made sure to get to him.
"So, my name is Yujin, and I have a concert tomorrow at the arena with my group. Could you come by? I have free tickets for you to meet us before the concert," she said. "Sure," you answered back, a bit unsure but accepting the offer regardless.
On the following day, you entered the arena as the manager guided you to Yujin's room. Meanwhile, she and Liz were chatting. "So, are you ready for this challenge?" Yujin asked the youngster. "I think so; I've never done this before," Liz replied. Indeed, Yujin and Liz dressed themselves with just a bra and panties, a magenta one for Yujin and a cyan one for Liz, nothing else on, waiting for you to arrive as they oiled their bodies up to prepare themselves.
"You really like my small butt, don't you, Jiwon?" Yujin poked fun at Liz, still with that episode of her confusing Gaeul's butt with Yujin's. "Sorry, unnie, your butt is not small," Liz said. "Glad you learned it, and today you're about to see how powerful it is," Yujin bragged. "Come on, spread that oil all over my small ass; let it drip all over my thighs," Yujin ordered.
The two kept playing with each other in anticipation, Liz slapping Yujin's ass as the leader got her legs on the top of the couch in the room while Liz massaged her while sitting on the couch. Liz took Yujin's panties for a bit, warming her unnie up as she ate her pussy. "Put it on my face, please," Liz said, eating her out and feasting on Yujin's meaty clit. "Oh, your tongue is so good eating me like that," Yujin told her. 
"Ready to get fucked in the ass for the first time, slut?" Yujin poked Liz with a little slap in the cheeks. Liz wasn't ready, truth be told, but her unnies kept telling her how amazing it was that she decided to try. "Rei and Wonyoung keep pushing me to do this, and now I wonder what's so good about anal sex," Liz told her. "Well, you'll find out soon," Yujin replied.
"I think you're going to really enjoy it. I see you love to be spanked like a whore," Yujin continued as Liz got on all fours on the couch, letting her unnie lick her pussy sticking out of her thong. "Yes, I love this," Liz confirmed as Yujin admired her long legs, kissing and oiling up the young girl's ass and taking her panties off to massage her tight holes. "You touch my pussy so well, unnie," Liz told her.   As Yujin got word of your arrival, she greeted you with a half-naked look. You were baffled, but at the same time, you loved how pretty she looked. Her body was truly amazing, especially her long legs and her signature meaty thighs, fully exposed for you to see and shiny from all the oil Liz spread over them.
Yujin wasted no time and took your pants off as soon as you got to the door. You were shocked, but just let her do her thing. She then introduced you to Liz. "That's my friend; she was at the ballgame yesterday; her name is Liz," Yujin said. The two got naked from the torso down, letting you admire their perfect legs yourself. You couldn't contain your horniness, matching them as you slipped your cock out, already sliding them between their thighs and slapping their butts, taking alternate turns between them.
"You want us to play with you?" Yujin asked as you kissed Liz and humped your cock between her legs. "She's very pretty, right, big boy?" Yujin asked. "For sure," you said.
"Get on your knees," you said, trying to play the alpha guy. Liz obliged, but Yujin wanted something different, watching from behind as the youngester started sucking your cock. Yujin finally followed suit as Liz started licking your balls. "I didn't know you could work on a cock like that," Yujin said, joining the fun as their faces slid up and down your shaft, one at each side. Yujin was the first to suck your tip as you watched her hungrily take on that massive cock all by yourself with Liz still heating up your balls.
"That cock is so hard," Yujin complimented your turgid shaft as she took it deeper in her mouth. You couldn't resist the urge and pushed it up her face, with her taking your challenge with ease, before letting Liz take it all by herself. "Wow," Yujin exclaimed as Liz not only managed to do it without gagging but pushed her face close to your crotch to deliver the first deepthroat of the day.
You slid your throbbing cock between their pretty faces multiple times. "Oh shit," you exclaimed, feeling lucky to have two beautiful girls worshipping it at the same time as they climbed up and kissed your hard shaft, with you dunking Liz's head against it shortly after. You sat on the couch like a boss, romantically kissing Liz, while Yujin took sole possession of that huge prick.
Yujin's deepthroating skills put you on edge, as she went hard from the start. Meanwhile, Liz was already sitting on your face, letting you eat her needy pussy fully and give her ass a little tap, with her already beautifully moaning as you worked on her folds. Yujin, on the other hand, was such a whore; she was already taking your balls down her basket like a pro and sliding that anaconda all the way until it bulged under her neck.
"Get down on this dick," you ask Liz as soon as Yujin stops her throat craziness. The youngster slides with ease, helped by the mess Yujin made on your cock. Meanwhile, as Liz tries to prove herself, bouncing on your cock all the way deep, Yujin takes her bra off and lines up behind Liz to watch her ride you. "Good slut, already riding that dick like an eager whore," Yujin praises her. Liz and you engage in a fast and passionate fuck, trying to outdo each other as both of you get hornier at each thrust.
"Keep going, Lizzie, all the way down," Yujin tells her, working as a cheerleader for the youngster. "Let's go, baby boy, impale her cunt," Yujin orders you, who pushes up. "Oh yes, fuck, do it just like she said." Liz reacts well to someone who didn't seem ready for the challenge yesterday. "You trained hard for this, didn't you? To take that big cock balls deep in that pussy," Yujin said. "Yes, yes, I did, FUCK," Liz says, screaming just as you hit her cervix.
Yujin kisses Liz as you two keep pushing yourselves to see who pushes the hardest. Liz rides, you answer by pushing up, and the game goes on for a while, but you ultimately let her take over as you fall from the couch and she grinds on your dick with her high heels on. After sitting on the sidelines for a bit, Yujin finally enters the game, smashing her ass straight into your face. "Lick it, baby, tongue my asshole," she demands. Liz continues to moan as she bounces all over your dick, while you please Yujin's marvelous dump truck of an ass, spanking it and already dreaming of fucking it as soon as Liz stops her ride.
"You like that?" Yujin asks Liz, impressed with the way she bounces and grinds on that prick. She had always viewed Liz as the innocent one alongside Gaeul, but little did she know her fellow 2004 liners had already been teaching Liz for a while to meet those moments. 
"Oh, your pussy is perfect," you said. It was unclear if you were talking about Liz's on your cock or Yujin's on your face. But either way, it works regardless. Liz finally took a break to worship your meat, tasting her juices all over it like a good slut. Yujin watched and stared at her as she buried her ass deeper in your face. The two tall women had put you into complete submission, with Liz giving a sloppy mess of a blowjob while Yujin seemed like she wanted to kill you by ass suffocation.
"Let me fuck that ass." You couldn't handle it anymore, slipping away from Yujin's grasp as she got on her knees on the couch, her big butt facing you. "I see you had a lot of fun with kitty's kitty," she said. "But how about you come have fun with this needy puppy right here?" she said, wiggling her tail at you.
You pushed Yujin's wonderful ass up, placing your right foot on the arm of the couch, ready to mount her. If Yujin wanted to be your puppy, you'd make sure to fuck her just like a dog does. You rubbed your cock between her thicc thighs and teased her meaty entrance, but both of you wanted one hole the most, that tight anus of her, which you quickly entered as you topped Yujin, allowing Liz to freely reign on her unnie's pussy and give her extra pleasure eating her folds as you pumped the shit out of her butt.
Yujin loved how you fucked her ass balls deep from the start. She really likes no-nonsense, hard-fucking the most of all Ive girls. The best guys are always the ones who meet the challenge of taking their stallions all the way deep full speed inside her fat ass. You knew you had to be up to the task, using Liz's mouth to help you slide in after some initial dry fucking, sensing Yujin could really get tight and squeeze that dick in a hurry.
"Slip it back in," you told Liz after a few thrusts down her throat, as she lined up your monster dick right back into Yujin's rectum. Liz dove herself into Yujin's meaty cunt as she watched her unnie's moans get louder. You sodomized Yujin like your life was on the line, pushing deeper even with her tight anus giving you a lot of resistance, grabbing her waist for a firm grip as your balls slapped into her cunt and Liz's chin.
Yujin's butthole squeezed your cock so hard that you were forced to stop, using Liz's mouth as a little relief. Little did you know, she was ready to milk you dry. "Put it back in her ass," you ordered, dodging a premature ejaculation straight inside Liz's warm throat just by a second.
You kissed Yujin as you slowly slid your cock back into her asshole, her moaning a lot as Liz increased the heat down her folds. Yujin put one of her knees in the couch's arm, letting you penetrate her butthole easily with one leg fully spread. You gave her some spanks as she moaned with your thrusts and Liz's tongue, sending her to the heavens.
"Oh yeah, fuck, go deep like that," Yujin ordered as the butt-fucking veered into an animalesque turn, with you treating her anus like your fleshlight and her like your slutty puppy. "Spread those legs," you told her, slowing down to let her put both knees on the couch's arm without ever pulling out of her tight ass. As Liz put her head on Yujin's back, you had some fun taking some ass-to-mouth turns between them, with Liz's throat always putting you on edge.
"Gape this slut's ass for me," you ordered to Liz. You could go all day long just fucking Yujin's butt; she was so incredibly tight that each pump gave you a tingling sensation and an increased urge to go harder. Yujin starts howling like a puppy as you destroy her asshole, only stopping to give Liz a taste of it as a reward for helping you.
"AH. AH. AH. AH. AH. WOOF. WOOF. WOOF." Yujin goes from a moaning mess into a barking puppy as you fuck her even harder. Liz gets all the kisses while she gets all the pounding. You push this anal whore to the limit, all while Liz and you treat each other like romantic lovebirds, enjoying watching their little toy suffer.
You finally stop fucking Yujin's ass after 10 long minutes. Even an experienced anal slut like her couldn't handle your nine inches stretching her out nonstop. "Lay on the couch's arm," you tell Liz, who fustigates you with lustful eyes, spreading her legs as you kiss Yujin. "Lick her pussy, get her ready," you say, diving Yujin's face into Liz's cunt as you get ready to fuck your "girlfriend." Liz moans as you use Yujin's pussy itself as a training ground, taking her tight, meaty hole with slow but deep pumps.
"She's already moaning like that, and I'm not even inside her," you say. "That puppy must be a good kitty eater," you praise Yujin as you keep working up and down her kitty. You and Yujin team up on Liz, with her unnie fucking her pussy with her fingers while you shove yours up her little asshole. "That's so tight, I want to stretch it out," you say as soon as your fingers slide up Liz's tiny anus.
"Stick those fingers in my ass; I love it. Yes, Yujin, keep eating my pussy, ahhhh." Liz enjoys all the attention you two give her, getting on the edge just with your fingers and Yujin's mouth working all over her little holes. You increase the pace on Yujin's pussy, driving her head closer to Liz's body. Yujin ends up being the powerful force that links both of your orgasms, as you coat her pussy full of cum while Liz squirts all over her face.
With your cock still hard, you move from one pussy to another, taking Liz by yourself as she's already throbbing and in position. "I love you, I love your cock," Liz says as you start fucking her in missionary. Yujin gets by her side and starts fingering the youngster's pussy as she takes your cock. "Look at the perfect pink pussy." You praise Liz's tight hole as you stretch it out. "Toy with my pussy; take it deeper," Liz responds, feeling very needy of your big cock.
You decide to tease her a bit instead, feeding Liz's juices into Yujin's mouth. "Give me back your cock, please," Liz starts to beg, but Yujin wants it all by herself. You have to take it out of her sight and push it back inside Liz. "Like that, OH FUCK!" Liz says rightly after, moaning even louder as Yujin spanks her cheeks. "Fuck me harder and deeper," Liz demands for more, and you give her, stretching her kitty out even harder than you did to Yujin's ass. Yujin ponders where Liz learned all this dirty stuff. She's really been hanging out with Rei and Wonyoung too much lately, right? These two sluts taught her everything.
"Destroy my pussy, yes," Liz keeps demanding. The floor makes a loud noise as the couch moves with each thrust. You take Liz full force, pounding her pussy with no regard. She really wants to prove herself to be a whore on the same level as her unnies. Her tight pussy squeezes your cock and sucks it like a black hole. But you're ready to try something else now.
"Give me her ass," you ask Yujin, who, just like Liz did before to her, lines your cock to Liz's virgin anal entrance. You are completely unaware Liz has never taken it in the ass before, and watching the way she behaves today makes you assume she would have no issue. Her never-fucked hole is insanely tight, making you wonder how long you're going to last inside it. But all that goes out of the window with just one phrase from Yujin.
"Destroy her ass," Yujin demands. Yujin knows this won't be easy for Liz, sitting on top of her face, attempting to cover any of her struggles for you not to see. "Eat my pussy and my small butt," she tells Liz. "Small?" you asked, confused. "It's just an internal joke between us," Yujin laughs.
Liz's tight virgin ass leads you to start slower, as it proves to be a challenge to stretch it out. She lets out some moans that are muffled into Yujin's pussy, feeling a little pain but getting slowly adjusted. Yujin grinds on Liz's face as she enjoys looking at your cock stretching the youngster's ass. You pump a little faster as Yujin starts massaging Liz's chest. Her moans get more painful, and feelings of regret run through her head. "Rei and Wonyoung are a bunch of liars; this hurts," she thinks to herself.
You get another close call as Liz's ass squeezes your cock, using her pussy as a relief in the absence of any mouth in the vicinity. Yujin senses it and offers to suck your cock. Liz feels relieved as she gets a break to breathe. Yujin takes your cock deep in her throat, buying some extra time for Liz to recover, spitting on your dick as you go back inside the youngster's butt.
Yujin closes Liz's legs, leading to her hole tightening. Liz clings all the way to Yujin's ass on her face as you push deeper into hers. Every pump you give her feels like a shot; one minute of anal penetration feels like 10 hours. Yujin kisses you, still trying to distract you from Liz's struggle. She finally lets you see Liz's red face. "Yes, please, just like that," Liz lies, giving you incentives to fuck her harder. She doesn't want to look defeated in front of Yujin. She doesn't want her leader to poke fun of her, so she keeps going.
Liz would soon regret her decision as you manhandled her virgin anus full stop. "AH. AH. AH. AH. AH, FUCK. TAKE ME LIKE THAT!" She screamed in pain, her face twisting and turning even redder. Her tiny boobs jiggle nonstop. Yujin tries to offer a little help, but she knows inniations can be hard and, in the end, just lets Liz take it by herself.
"PLEASE DON'T STOP. I'M BEGGING YOU, FUCK ME LIKE A TOY," Liz screams, even though she wanted the opposite. Yujin just pinches her nipples. In the end, she knows Liz is doing well. All anal sluts are forged through pain; it's a prerequisite to the pleasure of taking it up the butt. She knows that if Liz survives your rough pounding, she can take any cock in the ass after that.
"I WANT MORE, I WANT MORE," Liz screams. "GIVE IT ALL IN MY ASS. PLEASE," she keeps lying to herself, trying not to look weak in front of Yujin. Her cheeks clap as you pump her even faster. "GO CRAZY ON ME," she keeps screaming. Yujin fingers her pussy to add some real pleasure to Liz.
"USE ME, FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF MY ASS," Liz keeps saying, posing as strong while almost dying inside. Yujin doesn't seem to bother at all anymore. This was the best initiation Liz could ever get—a big, foreign cock that has no fear of going hard. She wishes hers was like that; thankfully, he's a quick learner, and she knows so is Liz. 
Yujin sticks her fingers deep into Liz's kitty. "OH MY GOD!" Liz screams. But her innitiation is done. Her tight ass was truly blissful for you to stretch out. Yujin appears on top of her to be the first girl to taste the youngster's virgin butthole out of a cock. Liz clings onto you. Even though you destroyed the shit out of her, she isn't mad at you but rather pissed off at her groupmates for it. "I can't believe Yujin made me do this; I can't believe Rei and Wonyoung lied to me," she thinks to herself.
"Take me up in the air," Liz tells you. Truth be told, despite all the pain, she does love your cock a lot. You put it back in her pussy and lift her tall, long body up. Yujin just watches as Liz gets carry-fucked, clinging to your neck as you plow into her tight pussy. "Fuck me up like that," Liz says, still numb from the anal pounding she just took. Yujin approaches her and pushes a finger up Liz's ass, making the young girl get even clingier and instantly remember all the pain she just endured, kissing you to dissipate those thoughts.
Liz brings Yujin close to you while still riding your cock up in the air, as you three share a romantic kiss while you clap her pussy hard, flooding it with semen and fulfilling your dreams of breeding your cute girlfriend. Your white fluids spill down to the floor, and Yujin activates her puppy mode, getting on all fours like a dog to lick them all up, climbing up to also lick what got stuck into Liz's long legs. Liz herself then climbs out as you sit on the couch, and she licks your cock from top to bottom, thankful for filling her up the way you did.
Liz's initiation may be over, but Yujin wants more for her. She checks her phone, seeing there are still 30 minutes left before soundcheck—more than enough time to get stretched out, take a shower, and get ready after. Yujin sits on your lap and starts giving you her iconic thighjob, smiling as your cock gets harder and bigger each time she rubs her honey thighs against it. Once she feels you're ready, she sits her ass on your pole in one go. Liz joins in and sits on your face with her cream-filled pussy while pouring oil all over Yujin's "small" butt as the duo gets ready for more pleasures before soundcheck.
"Show me what you have; pump that ass hard and deep," Yujin demands as you start pushing your cock up her butt. You get so ahead of yourself that it slips out the first time. The oil Liz pours into Yujin's ass gets things even more slippery, but you overcome their challenge with your desire to stretch out that tall Korean girl's asshole. "I love watching you get impaled by that massive cock," Liz tells Yujin. "Bet you can't do it," Yujin replies, reminding who between the two is the experienced anal whore.
Yujin moans and barks as Liz spanks her butt, the oil spilling as you thrust upwards, your balls hitting her ass cracks. "Hmmm, bubble butt anal slut!" Liz laughs at her. "Getting stretched out by that big cock like a good puppy," she continues. "Keep going, baby; go crazy for that ass," Yujin says as she pushes you to the limits, her and Liz kissing each other on top of you.
Yujin takes advantage of you getting tired to take control of the bounce. Her endless stamina is just too much for you. Each time her butt hits your hips, it's like an earthquake. And you don't even have Liz's honey pussy to cling onto anymore, as she watches her unnie bouncing to learn a thing or two, hanging you out to dry. Yujin is so insane, it doesn't feel like you're impaling her ass, but rather that her ass is fucking the shit out of your cock.
Liz chimes in to taste her unnie's butthole juices, and soon as Yujin is done, You finger Yujin's asshole to admire the way your cock has shaped it. But, in reality, it was her ass that shaped your cock. "Let me put it back in your ass," Liz says. Yujin loves her initiative and is ready for more as soon as Liz slides it back inside.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," Yujin curses as Liz takes the opportunity to slap her unnie's ass. As Yujin starts to pant, her asshole clenches and makes you cum for the third time on that day, as you couldn't resist her bombardment. That puppy and kitty are truly milking you dry. Liz is, as always, ready to taste that huge cock as soon as it comes out of her unnie's butthole.
But Yujin wants more, sitting on your lap and lifting her legs up, pushing your hands to grab her thighs. The way she looks at Liz sliding your cock back in is pretty telling; she's about to teach her the position that sets the top anal whores apart from the others. "Lick my pussy, Lizzie," she orders as you put her under a full nelson. Your cock hits Liz's right in the chin at full speed as she pleases her unnie, who's now turned into a submissive anal fleshlight for you to fuck until you get tired—well, even after you get tired.
Yujin dunks Liz's head into her pussy as her ass gets drilled more than the net of a basket during Steph Curry's 3-point practice. "Fuck me, fuck me, woof, woof, woof," Yujin says out of breath as your cock and Liz's mouth give her immense pleasure. Liz moves a bit outside to finger her unnie's cunt and let you plow her even harder. As you reach your hands wrapped under Yujin's thighs to grope her perky tits and pinch her nipples, Yujin becomes a squirting mess, showering Liz as soon as she gets her face close to Yujin's pussy.
This time, you're the one who starts barking. You thought you had endurance before Yujin, but her ass just milked you a second time in a row. You lift her legs up, letting the cum leak out of her anus right into your belly as Yujin laughs. For her, the more, the better. If her holes make a guy like you cum so easy, she must be doing something right.
"Good kitty licking all this cum like a whore," Yujin says to Liz as she makes sure to lick her unnie clean, sweeping all of your semen that drops out of Yujin's fuckholes, and even diving inside to get a taste of Yujin's nasty, cream-filled holes for herself.
Your cock is flaccid, but you're so addicted to Yujin's ass that you keep pushing inside just for the sake of it. You know there isn't much time left, so you want to enjoy every second you get inside of it. "Let's get him hard again; I know he still has some left in the tank," Liz says as Yujin pulls out and both team up on your cock.
Liz's deepthroat is enough to bring your cock back to life, as her wonderful singing hole seems to have a magical grip over it. You push her face down your crotch further and further, wanting more and more of her tight throat, coming out of it with a throbbing cock that is ready for more. You then let Liz suck your balls, and Yujin took her turn tasting her butthole as you slapped her ass and fucked her face.
Yujin places her hands all over Liz's pussy with your cock still pounding her mouth. "KEEP DOING THIS, FUCK!" Liz screams as her unnie's stimulation makes her squirt all over the floor. 
"Stand up, baby." You aren't done with Yujin, putting her on all fours as you go back in her ass. Liz helps spread her unnie's cheeks out for you as you slowly push it back up Yujin's butt. "Fuck her like a good puppy," Liz says. "Give me that perfect view of your dick going inside her ass," she continues. Yujin fingers herself as you fuck her gently this time, already almost out of stamina, kissing Liz up top and playing with her little titties. Seeing those two playing with each other makes Yujin a little jealous, so she decides to ask a question.
"Hey Liz, don't you think it's time you try it again?" Yujin says. Liz's facial expression suddenly changes. She thought it would be a one-and-done thing. Initially, so did Yujin, but she started feeling a bit sadistic and wetting herself over the thought of seeing Liz get destroyed.
Yujin went under Liz's long legs as you went back in her pussy, tasting the last remnants of cum you had left there earlier. After some training, you switch back to Liz's ass. Shivers went down her spine, but this time she settled down rather quickly. "Stick it my ass, please," she said, honestly, this time, albeit still clinging onto you for some kissing in case she felt pain. Yujin this time wasn't going to make it easy for her, diving straight down her folds to make her already spread legs under the couch's arm weaker.
You grabbed Liz's tits as you pushed deeper into her asshole. The pain was suddenly gone. Liz could finally understand what her groupmates were talking about. She had passed her innitiation, her second time taking it in the ass, feeling like a bliss that she wanted to go on forever.
"Oh fuck, I love it. I love it," Liz said as you kept fucking her ass. This time, she meant it. Yujin fingering and eating her out down low, you grabbing her tits up top—this was the best experience she could have had. Suddenly, her regret was about taking so long to do it first. For all those months that Rei and Wonyoung could brag to her face that they could do what she couldn't,.
"FUCK ME UP!" Liz screams. Yujin now just feels like a proud mommy, enjoying herself eating Liz's out as another girl under her wing blossoms into a sexy slut. Liz lifts her right leg as she enjoys her orgasm with the touch of Yujin's hands, standing on just one leg as you stretch her ass out. "You're so fucking good inside me," she says.
Yujin pinches Liz's tits as she kisses the youngster. Her body language of kissing and cuddling tells Liz she has passed the test. The two get back on the couch, with Yujin on top of Liz this time, as you take turns ramdomly striking their holes. That manages to milk you for one final time, as you struggle to pick which hole to finish, ultimately giving the prize to Yujin's golden ass that you loved so much, but this time on the outside, as you coat her butt with your seeds, finally running out of cum.
"Lick my small butt," Yujin tells Liz as the young girl is quick to place her tongue between Yujin's fat cheeks while her unnie shakes her tail, serving her perfectly. Yujin approaches you once Liz is done, ending the session. "We have to go now," she says. "But I want you to stay for the concert," she continues. "I'll bring you three more girls to fuck at night," she says as your eyes get brighter in a snap.
The concert goes on perfectly—another sold-out crowd for Ive in their successful world tour. The girls are glowing, but Yujin and Liz are in a league of their own. Still sweaty from the concert, Yujin approaches you after: "Meet us right here.".
Gaeul, Rei, and Wonyoung join her and Liz this time. You feel blessed to have such beautiful girls ready to serve you. After some games and a little warm-up, the five girls are all completely naked. Then, Yujin finally asks.
"Who wants to go first?"
Wonyoung gets ready to start it like always, but another girl jumps ahead of her. "I think this is the first time you wanted to go first," Rei says to Liz. "Indeed, she's quite shy," Wonyoung continues. 
Liz moves in your direction and, just like in the afternoon, slides your huge cock deep inside her, but this time straight in her ass. The other girls get awed, as Liz has always avoided any kind of anal sex.
"Girls, let's just sit and watch; this is going to be special," Yujin said, sitting straight on your face and getting a privileged view for herself. Gaeul joins her to the side as Yujin starts fingering her sunbae's pussy.
Liz rides you with ease, taking it to the fullest. The other girls just can't believe it.
"How did she get this good this early? We have to step our game up." Rei chats with Wonyoung. "Either way, we can finally do a 2004 line anal foursome now," Wonyoung lets her dirty thoughts out.
Just like in the afternoon, you don't last long, coating Liz's anal insides after she rides your cock into oblivion. Four more baddies to go.
"My turn next," you hear someone say. It's Wonyoung. She better finish soon, because Rei is already waiting.
"Look what you did, Yujin—you turned all those pretty young girls into cock whores," Gaeul says.
"I'm so proud of myself for that," Yujin laughs. Indeed, no one is better at rookie initiations than her.
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