#ditto stuffie
dreamdropcompanions · 2 years
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sorry about the mess. :) i ain't cleaning it Σ(・ิ¬・ิ)
hanging out with Ditto (they/it) and Aries (they/them) (they're an alter and my partner ;p and Ditto is one of my main object companions)
having my nightly coffee while i'm out (caffeine does nothing to us) this is our 4th cup? of the day lol.
love this Hello Kitty Sanrio cup smm ♡
so does Ditto ♡ and Arties likes it too.
(ㅅ ´• Ꮂ•`)♡ just chillin watching our neice. imr ready to take our meds and lay down. low on spoons. Ditto is soft comfort. I feel they like it, being close to my heartbeat.
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plusie · 6 months
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goobersplat · 1 year
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💜 Give them the love they deserve 💜
Thought of this idea while looking at Ditto plush, I love that they’re such a simple shape but they all look different.
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
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raph-stims · 1 year
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Unpacking Piggy Plush for @vrfreeman! :3
gif one: two pale hands holding, squishing, and turning a pink strawberry cow squishmallow. the cow has a strawberry on its stomach and a pink heart on its back.
gif two: shiny, yellow taffy being pulled by gloved hands
gif three: a pale hand in a black sleeve grabbing and rubbing a fluffy pink and white yarn
gif four: two pale hands holding onto a ribbon, moving it around to inspect it, perhaps. the entire gif has a golden filter over it
image: the pig plush from the video game Unpacking. it has a yellow ribbon and a pink patch on its stomach
gif five: a yellow and white ribbon tied around a long piece of fabric with sunflower patterns on it
gif six: two hands pulling a knitted, pink hat
gif seven: a red machine pulling pastel yellow taffy
gif eight: a person pulling a pink ditto plush
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omegalomania · 2 years
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been rewatching buffy
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dreamdroplittles · 2 years
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Ditto and Gloomy Bear
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hec-chan · 10 months
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#ltxsrfku #purplehair #makeup #altgirl #piercing #oddarette #kawaii #sanrio #tokidoki #ditto #kitsch #aesthetic #stuffies #nonsense
Permission to use art granted by @oddarette
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whiskey-tango-matcha · 6 months
For the prompts, I honestly think it would be fun to see Greyson and Matt building a gingerbread house for an event while one (or both) of them is sick
But if you’re looking for suuuuper simple prompts, Elijah locked out of the restaurant because he’s sick and forgot his key?
ghostlychill, you always know just how to get me to write something lmao.
Greyson and Matt sick while making a gingerbread house, under the cut. 500ish words. Thank you for the prompt :) :)
“Hold still.”
It’s Greyson who says it, and Greyson who pulls away moments later. “Huh-! Hh-NGTSHH-ue!”
Matt coughs out a laugh. “‘Hold still’,” he says, mocking. The sous uses his tweezers to gently place a gumdrop on the front door of the house; it barely has time to set before his eyes glaze over. “HTSH! HhIGTZSHH!”
The two of them stand with arms over their noses and mouths, a game of chicken they’ve both already lost. “Bless,” Greyson says first, wiping his nose and sniffling.
“Ditto,” Matt says, coughing into his sleeve before removing his own arm.
They stare at their barely-begun gingerbread house in agony; this Christmas cook-off was supposed to be a fun, silly little event that they were doing to raise some money for charity and get some press for the restaurant. When they signed up for it three weeks ago, they thought it’d be a good excuse to make Elijah close the restaurant on a slow Sunday evening. They’d make their little house, the event would be over by seven, and they’d get to drink hot toddy’s at a Christmas-themed bar until they blacked out. A perfect winter’s night.
Now, it’s nine-thirty pm, the gingerbread house portion of this never-ending event has just begun, and Greyson and Matt are sporting dueling headaches and twin fevers; matching Christmas colds to go with the stupid Christmas sweaters Elijah forced them to wear. They glare at one another, sniffling in tandem.
“Do you think Elijah will find out if we forfeit?” Greyson asks, clearing his throat to save his rapidly-disappearing voice. Matt thinks it over before answering.
“...do we care?” he asks eventually. The two of them glance silently at their sad, dilapidated gingerbread shack, weighing the cost of Elijah’s anger with the agony that is staying in this stuffy, overheated ballroom any longer. Eventually, Greyson crumples back into his elbow.
“HhhETSCCHH-uh! Hh-! HRRTSHH-ue!” He groans into his sleeve, and Matt winces in sympathy.
“You sound like total shit, Cheehhh – ETSHHH-ue!” Matt dips into his hands to catch the sudden sneeze, winces at the spray. Greyson coughs. Several other chefs from the area glance over at them with pity or disgust thinly veiled on their faces.
“Fuck it,”Greyson says, and swipes his hand across their table, wiping their little gingerbread hovel out of existence. “We forfeit,” he calls to no one in particular, prompting a round of nervous laughs from the other participants.
Matt wipes his hands on his apron and Greyson loops his arm around his sous’ shoulders, leading them both out of the ballroom and into the hotel’s lobby bar.
“I think we deserve a drink after that fuckin’ spectacle,” he says, settling Matt onto a bar stool and plopping himself down beside him. The younger man laughs, a throaty sound that immediately turns into a cough.
“I think we deserve the bottle,” Matt says. “HHETSCHH-ue!!”
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millerflintstone · 2 years
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Unfriendly started a Whole Foods order via Prime today at 8 am ish since we're both just exhausted. We needed cough drops and some other things. He had picked up a bag of the Vicks kind and those are harsh. They kept triggering my cough. Probably great if you're just super sinus-y or just have a sore throat.
I added this syrup on a whim and it seems to be helping. The cold med cocktail has fucked up my gut and that is never fun but even less so when you're miserable with cold symptoms. I woke up just stuffy and exhausted. I used the Neti pot, which helped but only somewhat until this got in my system. And it tastes pretty good for a cold med.
This has been so aggravating. It started 2 weekends ago and was just sniffles and a sore throat. I was ok enough to do a hooping class that Sunday. That week was manageable. On that Wednesday, I almost canceled my dental check up for Thursday but when I found out that my hygienist's next opening was in May 2023, I let them know my symptoms and how they felt about seeing me. I wasn't coughing much at the time. The receptionist texted my hygienist to see if she was comfortable. I definitely did not want her to feel uncomfortable and let the receptionist know I tested Covid negative. That went well, though the drive was tiring. Ditto for the retinal doctor appointment the next day (Friday).
Then last Saturday it just went downhill. Coughing so much my chest hurt as well as my throat. Just so rundown. Since I relapsed and it was worse, I thought it might be Covid since one of the variants had relapsing as a symptom. But no. Until Thanksgiving it was just a big blur of feeling like shit and going through tissues. I told Unfriendly that whatever muscles are affected when you cough must be ripped by now.
On Thanksgiving I had to break out an old Albuterol inhaler because I needed it. Also had a low grade fever. Yesterday was the first day I got some restful sleep but only during the day. It's worse at night. That was also the day my chest felt better but then my eyes started leaking gunk. Woke up with my right eye basically crusted shut ☹️
This reminds me of the colds I'd get as a kid / teen but with those I couldn't keep water down. The only thing I could keep down was Sprite.
So, it's either that homeopathic cold syrup that's helping or my body is slowly getting it together. I'm just glad I don't have that "oh no is this bronchitis" feeling anymore. I kept checking the pulse oximeter and all was fine.
Anyway, if you made it this far, what was your fave turkey day food if you partook or what is a food item you are looking forward to during the holidays?
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.,,,, Toriel or Seam
okay you know i've gotta do both. i can't not do both.
sexuality headcanon: i think toriel is ace! and sapphic for sure. not sure whether she's bi or gay but she likes women for sure. and seam... hmmmmm. i'm not sure about them. arospec maybe? i think they just. like who they like and don't put a label on it
otp: for undertale toriel i'm quite partial to goatbun. that's a REALLY cute rarepair. for deltarune toriel i've become increasingly fond of quoriel lately- milf4milf couples my beloveds💙 as for seam i dunno if i have one. i don't really ship them with anyone. an annoyances to lovers arc with them and swatch might be funny
notp: i am so glad asgore and toriel are never getting back together. partially because i think she's too good for him (in both universes), partially because i adore the way the uglier parts of them are contrasted and emphasized by the other. i like their relationship the way it is- broken. for seam again i don't think i have one. i'm neutral on seavil... i saw toriel/seam tossed around once or twice and i don't like that one just cause it's my belief that seam was toriel's old stuffie but that's just me
brotp: toriel and sans of course! i also like her little friendship with alphys in deltarune. she's always rooting for her💙and jevil and seam bring out such fascinating parts of the other. they're the red and black jokers!! i love it
first hc i can think of: well there's the headcanon that seam was toriel's old stuffed animal from when she was a kid that i mentioned earlier! i love that hc so much it's unbelievable. toriel rediscovering her inner child and relearning the magic she once knew by going on an adventure with her old stuffed cat💙💙💙💙💙
favorite line: god. "and my view of this world has grown darker, yet darker" always makes me go insane for obvious reasons. also "you wouldn't want to be caught out after dark"... what do they know. WHAT DO THEY KNOW. toriel-wise... i don't know if i have one! i have a feeling that she's gonna have a few lines in chapter 3 that are gonna make me ugly cry though
one way i relate to them: i don't think i really relate to either of them? they're both much older than me, for one thing. i'm not really in a position to relate to them. i still love them though :]
secondhand embarrassment: seam is the coolest character EVER and nothing they do is embarrassing. except maybe the burnt darkburgers but they OWN their shitty cooking skills and sell them with pride. they're my hero. ditto for toriel. she risks being an embarrassing mum but only manages to be endearingly awkward. i wish i had their swag
cinnamon roll/problematic fave: i GUESS toriel's a problematic fave. i forgive her though💙and seam has never done anything wrong in their life. except maybe the nihilism but like. Not Their Fault
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k-chips · 1 year
The ditto stuffie is so cute!!! And what a smart shape for little hands and any snuggle position.
Thank you :’3
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dreamdropcompanions · 2 years
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Ditto's bio!!
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shyloaf1 · 2 years
Hello I have no idea how tumblr works but it's good to be here!! I will probably be using this very wrong until I get the hang of it but I hope friends from bird app make it here okay💞
I'm Erin she/her 22 🇨🇦 I'm in my first year of Graphic Design and I like ➡️
🌼 Animal Crossing
✨ Zelda
💙 Mxtx Novels & Danmei
⚡ Pokemon (Ditto💜)
👕 Big comfy sweaters
🐻 Stuffies
🌾 Minecraft
🍄 Cottage core
🎨 Art!
Hope the bird app really doesn't die but we'll see ig 😭
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DWTS interlude; they fall in love
(Aricka x Bradley Bradshaw)
(@astralshipper @rosieshipper @hyperionshipping @yeehawselfshipping @letsgofoletsgo @tsundere-selfship @callsign-revenge )
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*after the Disney night performance *
Brad-Brad 🙃: you up?
Princess 👑: can’t sleep. You?
Brad-Brad🙃; look outside your window.
Princess 👑: that’s not at all creepy or scary.
Brad-Brad🙃: do you trust me?
Princess 👑: of course.
Aricka gets up and looks out her window to see- “oh my goodness he’s here,” she whispers. Her dad walks over to see what she was looking at. “So he’s serious then.”
“He’s an actor, dad. He can be serious when he wants to,” she says. “Can I-?”
“Just be careful, sunshine. I don’t want you to get hurt during your debut season.” Aricka nods and hugs her dad before grabbing her shoes and running outside to the waiting actor.
“Are you CRAZY?” She laughs and hugs him. “Oh my goodness.”
“I want to talk about us,” he says, hands on her hips, a serious but gentle look on his face. “Can we-?”
Aricka nods and slips her arms around him assuredly. “I’m always here to talk to you,” she promises. “How did you get here without any paparazzi following you? I know you said that was a struggle.”
He shrugs. “They must all be busy elsewhere. I’m not too worried about them right now. I’m just focusing on us. That okay?”
Aricka nods, and he helps her into the car behind him before shutting the door, walking around to climb in the drivers side. Aricka slips her shoes on her feet and Bradley drives off somewhere private. “Where are you taking me?” She asks.
“It’s a secret,” he says. “But I promise you you’re going to love it. You can pick the music if you want, so we don’t have to sit in silence.”
Aricka hums. “Why don’t we talk?” He takes her hand and holds it over the gearshift,
“Because I want you to see my favorite sport in Hollywood when we talk.”
~~~~~~~ 26 minutes later ~~~~~~~~
“Bradley- why are we standing in front of the Hollywood sign? Can’t we get in trouble for this?”
“Because I come here when I get overwhelmed. Being an actor- it’s loud and stuffy most days. I feel like I can’t breathe most the time. Until I started Dancing With the Stars- and I met you.”he turns to face her, his hands resting on her hips like every time they begin practicing a dance. “When I’m with you, I can breathe. My mind goes quiet in a good way, and I can just focus on you and the music.”
Aricka puts her hands on his biceps, arms resting on his. “Bradley- I- I feel the same- I-,” she hesitates. “I know I talk about how I want to make my family proud and everything but- it’s a huge legacy to live up to- but when I’m with you- I don’t have to worry about that. I can just be-,”
“Myself,” they say at the same time. They look down, away from each other for a moment. A cool breeze swept past them; and Bradley pulled her closer.
“Should’ve brought you a jacket,” he says absently. Aricka looks up at him.
“Bradley- if we do this- if we become an “us”- I can’t lose your friendship- promise me that.”
“Hey- hey sweetheart- you won’t ever lose me- not again,” he says. “I’m in this for life if you are.”
Aricka softens, leans back against the warmth of his hold. “Count me in,” she whispered, so soft Bradley almost didn’t hear her. The actor tightened his grip on her and swung her around as he was accustomed to doing now; and when he set her down, the air seemed to shift.
Aricka stood on tiptoes, arms sliding up to wrap around his neck as he leaned down-
Aricka knew that old saying of “sparks flying” when you kissed someone for the first time- she just never knew what they were talking about.
But now she did. Her left hand slid down to cup his cheek as he lifted her back up, her legs wrapping around his waist.
When they came up for air, they bumped foreheads gently. “I’ve never met anyone like you before,” Bradley says.
“Ditto,” she whispers back.
~~~~~~~~~ later ~~~~~~~~~
“Can I take you out to dinner sometime next week?” Bradley asks, offering her his hand as she exited the car.
Aricka nods, squeezing his hand as he walks her up to the door. “I’m free Wednesday.”
“I’ll pick you up at 8, that okay?” He asks.
“Sounds perfect,” Aricka whispers, as he kisses her hand affectionately.
“I’ll see you at rehearsal tomorrow,” Bradley says, and walks back down to his car.
Aricka waits until he’s gone, walks in the house, and slides down until she’s sitting on the floor.
She had SO MANY ideas for their next dance together.
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psychedelickittens · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Reversible Pokemon Ditto And Snorlax Plush Stuffed Animal 12” Cute Stuffy.
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buddystims · 3 years
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feferi stimboard with plushies and sparkly water for @sad-lil-neps ! the icon is mine, please credit me if you use it!  💡💖
🔱 🔱 🔱/🧁 🧁/🔱 🔱 🔱
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