#divinavi talks
divinavi · 7 months
something annoying about being a system is that I have no idea if my thoughts and feelings are mine sometimes. the other week passive influence drove me up the WALL oh my god. do I feel this way or is it someone else?? am I even who I say I am?? if I feel this way does that mean im someone else?? new split??? OH MY GOD .
-jade being influenced by allie
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divinavi · 7 months
I was thinking earlier and honestly it's kinda crazy but I feel like the host before my direct predeccesor (basically the order is me -> in between girly -> who I'm referring to) is significantly younger than me. I'm ageless but bodily she's only like 6 months younger than me, if that (lots of Things happened in the past 6 months).
If she had her own body we'd be in the same grade, same everything but I see her in innerworld and go oh look it's a child! she just feels so much younger than me and I don't know why. i also feel the need to watch over her and take care of her?? I look at things she's texted and wrote and it feels like so long ago and it feels significantly younger than I do.
-blurry, but most likely jade. I'll edit when I'm absolutely sure.
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divinavi · 7 months
intro 🎰
basic info
this blog will likely be just my (majority system related) rambles
#divinavi answers - asks
#divinavi reblogs - guess. /j
#divinavi talks - our own posts
collective info:
hello!! we're the divinavi collective, a DID system. we aren't inclined to share our alter count or specific body age online for privacy reasons, thank you for understanding!
collectively : divinavi or divi*
prns : they/them
english only
tone tag users! (we have audhd, please be patient)
dms open, asks open talk to me, be aware we mostly follow close friends!
*I'm aware divie or divvy is used as an insult in British English but I'm american, so I don't really care
dni and host info under the cut!
BACK I SAY (dni)
- basic dni
- syscourse focused blogs
- pro-ed and pro-sh. get tf back.
- anything else I see fit to block
host info
my name is jaden, but most people call me jade. I use he/him pronouns**. I'm?? a guy?? I guess?? I'm ageless, and I get frontstuck often so I'll probably be the one speaking the most and running the blog the majority of the time.
**sometimes other alters refer to me with she/her, i am okay with this
thanks for reading!
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divinavi · 7 months
update I was the passive influence. my bad. um.
which logically makes sense now that I'm in front thinking about it. didn't occur to jaden or me. whoops.
-allie, protector
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