#do I think she would distance herself from friends and family? yes bc she's done that before. do I think she would be willing to stay on th
navii-blaze · 4 months
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listen to my vision boy
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notafunkiller · 5 months
This is my first time here. I believe we've interacted on other SM & I've always enjoyed your level headed approach. For my two cents:
As someone who is closer to Sebastian's age than most of his fandom, and have experienced relationships in my late 30s-early 40s, what they exhibit is NOT a 'mature' relationship. You do not go from one relationship where you are photographed w someone's hands up your pants and 6 months later always make sure to walk with enough space between you & your partner to drive a truck thru, or use something convenient like bags, a phone, a dog or just fiddling w your hat, to avoid holding their hand while they hang off your arm or hold your finger like they're pulling a tired child. Or hardly EVER be photographed alone. It's off.
I also think much of what is taken as her 'baits' (i.e., liking things in NYC, or a designer, or following a pregnancy yoga instructor) are made out to be SO much more than what they are - someone following something they like, not bc it's a 'signal' as to the 'status of a relationship'. TBH, I don't see AW putting that much thought into it. Her public persona through her interviews and what others have said about her professionally (Charlie Hunan and Guy Ritchie in particular) is that of a vain, selfish, shallow person w no work ethic. It's hard to imagine someone like that spending time looking for ways to 'bait' SM. She's not some 'evil genius'.
Not that she DOESN'T stalk his - and her ex's - SM and anyone they're involved with. She's been caught out too many times for ANYONE to deny that. That shows, again, a very vain, selfish and INSECURE person.
Personally, I think this was something very casual on Sebastian's part. When you're over a certain age, the drive for a 'relationship' isn't paramount in your life, not when you have something as major as his career and being on the brink of what an actor like Seb wants and deserves - recognition. And, right now, it would seem that's where he's at. All of this nonsense about how he 'must' be in LA w her - the unscheduled pap capital of the world - is just that, nonsense. The last time there was even a HINT of them being in LA together (I'm talking with something besides a single 'spotting' on DM that never got posted) was a photo from October that DIDN'T show her & was from so far away, you couldn't be sure it was Seb. That's so far outside the law of averages as to be impossible. But, of course, someone like AW will use him, his co-stars, his family members, his friends, for attention to herself. It's what she's done her entire career and that's that.
Sorry for the long ask. I tried to encapsulate all the convos into one. 🤣
Thank you and please don't apologize for writing long messages.
I agree completely that it is NOT a 'mature' relationship or how a mature relationship should look like. And you can't change so fast, as you said.... plus the distance and the fiddling, and it has nothing to do with privacy.
And yes, he is hardly ever photographed alone by paps. Especially in New York. It's very off.
I think what she baits is content with his shoe, his back, his arm or even his voice, but she cannot fully display him.
The rest aka the pregnancy yoga instructor or designers? I did not even think about it.
"what others have said about her professionally (Charlie Hunan and Guy Ritchie in particular) is that of a vain, selfish, shallow person w no work ethic."
I remember this! Guy Ritchie cut her off so much because he was disappointed in her performance, and I know Charlie was upset about it too.
(I went to look for the links: here and here, so I won't be accused of spreading lies again)
"When you're over a certain age, the drive for a 'relationship' isn't paramount in your life, not when you have something as major as his career and being on the brink of what an actor like Seb wants and deserves - recognition. And, right now, it would seem that's where he's at. All of this nonsense about how he 'must' be in LA w her - the unscheduled pap capital of the world - is just that, nonsense."
Thank you for saying this because many people make it look like it's a tragedy, for example, he doesn't want to get married and how he must change his mind. And how he has to marry AW.
It's absolutely disrespectful to him as a person (with his trauma, life experience, values and beliefs) and it also shows how they infantilize him and see him (without even realizing) as puppet.
Many are so obsessed with his location and where both of them live. It's like they're trying so hard to project onto him and them in general.
It's actually kinda scary and dangerous, too, especially knowing that he had to move from his previous apartment in NYC to another and that they exposed the address of the house Ale and him stayed in during the pandemic (I think).
And it's even pointless bc guess what? He travels most of the time.
And again, PR relationships = common, and I can't believe how some people do not know this.
(Benefits are different for both of them.)
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loan-hh · 3 years
Ranking the Madrigals
I'm going to preface this by saying that if I could put everyone in the first place, I would. But then it wouldn't be a ranking so what would be the point. Obviously this is entirely subjective, if you disagree with anything feel free to comment I'll be happy to discuss since I'm not too sure of some of the places myself.
1. Mirabel 🦋
This is unusual since I always end up caring very little about the main character but she is genuinely so well done
Honestly I just relate to her a lot
Waiting on a Miracle has become one of my favourite songs and I don't think I'm able to listen to it without crying
Expresses the neurodivergent experience wonderfully, whether intentionally or not
The part when she sees herself in the vision breaks me :(
Love the fact that she decorated her whole dress
I'm constantly changing first place because I just can't decide between her and Bruno, this is technically illegal but they should share first I'm sorry
2. Bruno 🐀
Relatable AND funny AND well developed AND adorable AND has apparently neurodivergent traits? king
We all know why he is this high I just want to hug him
Love how he has nothing to do with the expectations built around him
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Jonathan Sims but his stupidity makes him cute instead of messing up everyone's plans
I, also, want to disappear and become a cryptid that lives with animals and mumbles nonsense to his imaginary friends
Not meaning to make this personal but like, the fact that he thinks his family is better off without him is such a mood
Eye horror mmmmm
Also a creative mind
Green is my favourite color :)
And Bruno is one of my favourite names I literally would have named myself that if it wasn't for the fact that I already knew someone with that name in my social circle
The rats are a plus
3. Alma 🕯
Alright, I know this one will probably be a bit controversial
She's one of the most complex characters in the film and I appreciate that so much
I don't like when people villanize her. Yes she obviously made huge mistakes but the whole point of her arc is that she realizes this and changes for the better
She isn't evil, everything she does comes from a place of fear from past experiences
When I think of her I think of her younger version because during the whole first part of the movie her present version is made to look like an antagonist, which is fine, it's how stories work otherwise there would be no arc or it would be meaningless
The image of her screaming brings me to tears everytime, everything Mirabel says about her at the end is so true. She went through so much completely on her own
And everything she does is to protect her family, even if she had to realize that it was doing the opposite.
4. Antonio 🐆
Cute but competent
Has the best gift and the best room
Honestly I just envy him. So much.
Extra points for being the kid™ without being annoying or just a brainless prop and actually having a role
5. Camilo 🎭
Killer dance moves (like everyone in the family but he is just extra expressive)
Love his singing voice
Also got the best verse in the entire film, or he made it the vest verse
I just like his design ok
Reminds me of my actual cousins
His gift is cool but I would rank him higher if he had more development
6. Luisa ⚖
Overwhelmed gifted team
She's only here because of how much I relate to her internal challenge bc until I saw her song I honestly didn't care much
I think the fact that every time she is upset it's portrayed mostly in a humorous way makes me feel a bit more distanced compared to other characters
7. Agustín 🎹
I have no arguments for this I just really really like him
Dumb (affectionate)
He's so genuinely supportive I love him. I think he's the first who actually tries to make Mirabel feel understood since he puts himself in her place through his own experience
Also I just love the fact that he is called Agustín? like that feels like such a common name here but at the same time I would have never expected to see it in a piece of media. Honestly I think if it wasn't for this film I would have thought it was just an Argentinean name
Sing me a song piano man aw yeah
8. Dolores 🔔
Love her voice and how she sort of whispers when she sings
Also has an awesome verse and I love her dance in the wood step thingy
Would have liked to see more of her arc as well, so much potential
I love me some pining
I just feel like she is super gentle and understanding yet it isn't her whole purpose so she isn't just reduced to an attempt of a perfectly kind character and is actually fun and flawed
9. Pepa 🌦
Again. Please give me more development
There is just so much implied struggle with how she has to constantly repress her emotions and I really wish that had been explored the same way it was with Isa and Luisa
So expressive. Star aunt potential
(Star aunt is what I call my favourite archetype for female characters, examples are Natiqa from The Arcana and Kyra from Our Life)
10. Isabela 🌺
I have to admit that I straight up disliked her, maybe hated her until What Else Can I Do, because she was mean to Mira and I felt super defensive over her the first time I saw the movie
Obviously I like her final version a lot more
I also didn't care for her power at first because it seemed to be focused only on the flowers but damn the carnivorous plants yes please
Reminds me a bit of Nadia from The Arcana but that is partially because a friend of mine is obsessed with both of them and it led me to make that connection
11. Julieta 🥟
(I know that's a dumpling just pretend it's an empanada ok)
So loving so caring so competent
Love the fond exasperation when helping Agustín
I just feel like she was made to be a perfectly caring protective figure and doesn't have space for complexity outside of that
12. Félix ☀
Sorry king someone had to be last
Definitely feels like an uncle I could have
Such a good husband his dynamic with Pepa seems so fun and real
Honestly I just don't have much to say, there's a reason I left him for last
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
Fake Kisses
Synopsis: Weasley!Reader (same year as Ron but ten months younger) is dating Malfoy and her family is not on board. So, the twins take matters into their own hands and use polyjuice potion to transform into Draco and kiss Pansy. When reader sees, she breaks up with who she thinks is the real him. But the real Draco is very confused.
Warnings: Language, angst
Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: I did my Pottermore quiz five years ago and got Slytherin and so for years now I’ve been telling people I was Slytherin. I just made a new account bc I forgot my old one and I’m now Gryffindor. my life has drastically changed. 
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Dating Draco Malfoy was hard. There was no beating around the bush, not for Y/N Weasley. She knew it’d be difficult, but she loved the platinum headed Slytherin prince, and she had for a lot longer than she’d care to admit, especially to her family.
Because they do not approve.
She had been dating Draco for about two weeks before finally telling Ginny, who she had hoped would be supportive and hold onto the secret, but she ended up turning around and telling all of their brothers, resulting in a good week of chaos. Ron didn't talk to her for about nearly ten days, and the twins gave Malfoy constant glares that were harsh enough to pierce glass.
They eventually came around to her after giving her the cold shoulder for what felt like weeks. She was their sister after all. But they still hated Malfoy and his entire family with fiery passion, and nothing was going to change that.
They had set ground rules — absolutely no forms of PDA while they were around to see, and no hanging out past curfew. Y/N found the rules ridiculous, she was her own person, and smart enough to make her own decisions, but she respected and loved her family enough to follow them.
“I’ll see you after Defense Against the Dark Arts, yeah?” Draco smiled at Y/N, his arm firm around her waist as the two made their way out of potions together.
“I don’t know why you’re skipping again,” Y/N smirked up at him, clutching her textbooks to her chest, “But yes, I’ll see you after class.”
Draco pressed a light kiss to her forehead and made his way through the crowded corridor, maneuvering his way around students until his blond hair was no longer visible. Y/N pushed her way through the chaos, trying her best to get to Defense class on time so she didn’t get any sort of detention or punishment from Umbridge herself.
She finally made it to class, only a minute to spare, and sat down next to a dark haired Ravenclaw girl who was chewing her gum with her mouth wide open. Y/N groaned to herself, hoping she wouldn’t have to deal with the ainfuriating sound all class.
Umbridge walked in, the clicking of her pink heels rendering the class silent as she made her way to the front, holding her wand in her evil little hands and smirking.
“Today we’ll be talking about our upcoming exams!”
Y/N rolled her eyes, taking out her quill and ready to take down notes.
Elsewhere in the castle, Fred and George were sitting in the Common Room, their other sister Ginny mindlessly levitating a feather as the two boys joked around and wrote down ideas for their upcoming joke shop.
“What if we made a chocolate bar that turned your burps into fire?” Fred asked, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
George nodded, “Oh, yeah, and we can call them… Bars of Fire.”
“That’s a stupid name.” Ginny dropped the feather, facing her siblings with her chin leaning in her hand. She wore an unimpressed expression, as if her mind was elsewhere.
“Bet you wouldn’t find it as stupid if we fed one to Malfoy.” George’s eyebrows wiggled as he looked between his two siblings. Fred’s eyes widened as a grin spread on his face, whereas Ginny just rolled her eyes.
“Drop it, just leave the two of them alone.” she stood up off of the chair, making her way up the stairs and into her room without another word. The twins looked at each other with the same confused expression, but brushed it off and went back to their plan. Ginny had been moody lately always now that she knew Harry and Cho were kind of a thing.
“No — seriously, what if we pranked Malfoy and made them break up?” George asked again, plotting the scenario in his head already.
“What kind of prank could we pull?” Fred asked, placing his fingers against his chin, “We should have her break up with him, because if it’s the other way around she might be really heartbroken and we don’t want that.”
George nodded, “You’re right. What if we made Y/N think Draco had done something completely awful?”
Fred’s head perked up, “Oh, so she’d be mad instead of sad. Very clever, Georgie.”
The two brothers tried to think of a way to get their sister to break up with her boyfriend without breaking her heart too much, but couldn’t come up with a solution.
“If only we could become Malfoy for like, ten minutes.” George pondered, tapping his finger against his nose.
“George, that’s it,” Fred stood up, arms in the air, “Polyjuice potion!”
As Y/N made her way out of Defense Against the Dark Arts, thanking the heavens that class ended early because she was about to snap at the gum-chewing girl next to her, she made her way to the courtyard where she knew Draco would be waiting for her.
She made her way through the crowd and landed in the opening, the sunlight hitting her skin and blinding her for a quick second before her eyes adjusted to the change in lighting.
She spotted the blond head sitting on a bench on the other side of the field and walked over, smiling at him from a distance. He noticed her and grinned, sliding over to one side of the bench so she could sit next to him.
“How was class?” he asked her, placing arm around around her and pulling her closer to him. She leaned into his touch, a smile ghosting on her lips.
“It was fine. I’ve got notes if ever you want to look over what we’ve done, mister I-Skip-Class-To-Tease-First-Years.” she poked his side, eyebrow raised.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “I deal with Umbridge enough to not want to go to class anymore. Besides, she loves Slytherin so I can do no wrong.” He puffed out his chest as if he were proud of his lack of care.
She pulled away, “Hm, is that so? Guess it’s unfortunate I’m just a lousy Gryffindor, huh?”
“It is unfortunate,” he smirked, “But it’s alright, I still like you.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow at him, crossing her arms playfully, “Like me? That’s it?”
He grinned, pulling her close once more, “Oh, you know I love you.” She felt a light kiss on her forehead, his arms wrapped around her as if to claim her as his. Students walked by, almost thrown off at Draco’s openly affectionate demeanour, he wasn’t exactly the most ‘caring’ person in the world towards others, but since him and Y/N started dating he had changed quite a bit. His bitter, rude remarks towards innocent students had started to go down (with the exception of teasing first year students who got lost, of course), and he even smiled around his friends. He had changed for the better because of her.
Y/N was about to turn around and place a kiss on his cheek, but a flash of red hair caught her eye. Fred and George were watching the two of them from behind a pillar. Once her eyes landed on them, they had scattered off as if they were just wandering aimlessly.
She squinted, watching them retreat down the hall and out of sight.
“What is it?” Draco asked her, turning his head to face the direction she was also facing.
“Oh — nothing,” she turned back to face him, her mind slightly distracted trying to figure out why her brothers might have been spying on her. She grinned up at him and opened her notebook, going over the things they had discussed in class that day, making sure to emphasize the importance of the exams they'd be having in three weeks’ time.
That night, after dinner, Y/N sat in the Common Room by the fire, her nose in a book and the crackling of the log being the only noise in the room. Most students had gone off to bed since tomorrow morning there was an early Quidditch game between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, but Y/N had no intention of going. She had plans to go walk the grounds with Draco.
Sure, Y/N liked Quidditch, but she took all the alone time with her boyfriend that she could get — it was hard getting privacy at Hogwarts.
She found herself dozing off slightly, but was quickly startled awake as Fred and George crept into the room high-fiving each other.
“What’s got you two so thrilled?” Y/N slammed her book shut. The two boys’ smiled dropped as they looked towards their younger sister, who they really hoped wasn’t awake.
“We, uh, pranked Umbridge.” Fred said through gritted teeth, elbowing George in the side to make sure he lied along with him.
“Yeah — puking pastilles.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, leaning forwards, “Why’d you spy on me today?”
Fred was speechless, but lucky for him, George stepped up, “I saw Angelina. You know how Fred fancies her. She was with a guy and we wanted to make sure it was only platonic. We didn’t see you there.”
“Yeah,” Fred spoke up, “Angelina. And then we saw you — and you saw us. So we ran.”
Y/N shook her head, “That doesn’t make any sense. Why would you run when I saw you if you weren’t even looking at me in the first place?” The book fell to the floor as she uncrossed her legs, but she didn’t lean over to pick it up, keeping her eyes on the mischievous boys in front of her, the fire making all of their hair appear as if it were glowing.
“Come on, little sister,” Fred plopped down on the couch, wrapping his arm around her, “Why do you think so lowly of us? We’re not always doing something evil.”
Y/N felt a pinch on her shoulder but brushed it off, squinting at her brothers, “Fine.”
The two brothers sighed in relief, bidding her a goodnight and rushing off to their rooms. Once they were out of sight, Fred turned to George with a wicked grin.
“I got the hair off her robes.”
The next morning, Y/N woke up to an empty dorm room. Everyone had already left for the Quidditch game, so she could take her time getting up. She got out of bed and changed into a baggy sweatshirt and some leggings, also putting on a pair warm socks and her shoes. She tied her red hair back into a ponytail and made her way down to the Great Hall. There weren’t a lot of people around apart from the Slytherin and Hufflepuff houses, so Y/N had free range for all the leftover food on the Gryffindor table. She made her way over, smiling over at Draco, who didn’t even look up when she had walked in.
She brushed it off, sitting down and grabbing a plate. She ate some quick breakfast, saying hi to the other Gryffindors who also skipped the game — only seeing Fred (who said he was staying behind to ‘brainstorm’ which Y/N thought was weird as they usually did that together), and walked over to the Slytherin table. Her eyes scanned all along the benches, but couldn’t spot her boyfriend anywhere. It’s not like he blended in, exactly. His hair was enough to make him stand out in a crowd of a thousand. He must have taken off already.
She looked over and noticed that none of Draco’s friends were there either.
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and made her way out to the courtyard, their usual meet up spot, and searched for him there. He wasn't on their usual bench, nor was he on the bridge.
I wonder where he could be, she pondered in her head, entering the bright corridors of the castle, the morning sunlight illuminating every archway and column as if she was in the most magical place in the world. Which she kind of was, actually.
She made her way down to the dungeons, hoping that maybe they’d be lurking around in their Slytherin territory. She came down the long staircase, hearing quiet voices and quickening her pace.
In the dark, Crabbe and Goyle stood whispering and waving their hands in an exaggerated manner not five feet from the entrance to the Slytherin Common Room.
“Hey!” Y/N called out to them, waving her hand, “Have you two seen Draco?”
Goyle seemed nervous as he answered her, “Uh, no — I think he’s in the Common Room.”
Y/N’s smile dropped, wondering why he was in there when he told her he’d spend the morning with her, “Oh, can you tell him I’m here?”
“You — uh…” Crabbe stuttered before being knocked over the back of the head by Goyle. The two boys shared a strange look, piquing Y/N’s curiosity even more.
“What is it?”
Before any of them could answer, the Slytherin portal swung open and two people wearing green robes walked out, so Y/N took her chance and walked over, attempting to sneak in despite the fact that she had the Gryffindor logo on her sweater — a gift from her mother in third year.
She snuck past them, ignoring Crabbe and Goyle following after her, and stopped dead in her tracks when her eyes landed on her boyfriend.
Not only her boyfriend, but his lips pressed up against those of pug-faced Pansy Parkinson.
Y/N’s heart dropped, bile rising in her throat as her eyes stayed glued on them. She felt frozen in her step, unable to move as her heart continued sinking further and further, along with her pride.
What the hell?
She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but she was not going to let that show. Her anger was overcoming her sadness.
Coughing to alert him off her presence, she raised her hand, flipped him off, and stormed out of the Slytherin Common Room, shoving Crabbe and Goyle out of her way with decent force. As she quickened her pace out of the dungeons, she could feel the hot tears stinging her eyes and flowing down her hot cheeks.
She ducked her head down, ignoring the stares people were giving her as she continued rushing to the Gryffindor Common Room, the tears flowing nearly non-stop by now. She got to the Common Room painting, practically shouting the password, and rushed in, collapsing on the couch in a fit of shakes and tears.
‘How dare he? That selfish ass’ Y/N repeated to herself in her mind, her blood boiling. She was so certain he cared about her, that he loved her, but she just caught him cheating on her and acted like she was the one in the wrong.
She glared up at the ceiling, wiping her tears with the sleeve of her sweater, mad at herself for falling for his lies and deceit. Her family warned her over and over again that the Malfoys were dangerous, but did she listen?
She fell for his charm, his smile, his striking eyes, and he pushed her aside like she was nothing. Just yesterday, the two were sitting out in the courtyard enjoying each other’s company — was he thinking of stupid Pansy? How long had the two of them been a… thing?
Y/N felt like puking out her breakfast at the thought of them doing more than just kissing.
“Merlin’s beard, who killed your spirit?” A cheerful voice broke her devastating silence. She wiped her tears quickly, hiding her face in a pillow.
“Go away, Ginny.” Y/N muttered, her voice probably not even sounding like words through the thick feathers of the pillow.
“It’s the Common Room, I’m allowed to be here,” Ginny sassed, shoving Y/N’s legs off of the couch and sitting in their place, “Now, spill.”
So, Y/N did. She told Ginny all about what she had just seen.
Ginny’s face was red in anger, “That foul little git. I knew he was no good but this proves it.”
Y/N felt herself wanting to defend him, but she knew she shouldn’t. He probably wouldn't if it were the other way around. Despite the bitterness in her chest, she still wanted to know why. Why wasn't she good enough? Why did he need someone else when she was right there? Did she deserve this?
“And then he said ‘NOT TODAY, RAVENCLAW’!” Ron’s howling voice burst through the portal, his cheeks painted red and yellow in honour of the match that had just happened. Y/N guessed by the fire of excitement in his eyes that Gryffindor had won.
“Blimey, Harry’s the best seeker!” Dean Thomas clapped his hands, almost knocking the giant lion head on his chest to the ground.
“What’s wrong?” Ron asked, sitting on the couch next to Y/N, immediately placing his hand on her forehead to check her temperature.
“Malfoy.” Ginny sneered, “That rat kissed another girl.”
Ron’s eyes went dark, “He what?! Good for nothing Slytherin, he is.”
Y/N had had enough of her siblings trashing him, despite his horrible actions, and rose to her feet with her hands on her hips, “Listen up you two. I get it, you’re upset. So am I. But the two of you bitching about him isn’t going to make me feel any better. So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to my room.”
Y/N stormed off to her room, noticing the silence in the room. She had shouted it much louder than intended, so now everyone knew that something was up. She brushed off the thought and approached her bed, grabbing the pillow and shoving her face in it, muffling her silent sobs.
She was lucky it was a Saturday because she sure as hell didn’t feel like going to class today.
That evening, after sulking in her room all day (but being comforted by Ginny and Hermione), Y/N worked up the courage to go down to the Great Hall for dinner. Not that she didn't want to be seen, but because she knew she’d see Draco. She wasn’t sure if he even saw her barging in this morning, so there was a chance he’d act like nothing was wrong.
On the way down, Ginny stuck by her side and cracked lame jokes, occasionally making a small smile appear on Y/N’s face.
The Great Hall was busy, chit chat becoming the only sound you could hear upon entering. Y/N avoided looking over at the Slytherin table and beelined for the patch of ginger hair, seating herself between Ginny and Harry.
“Congrats on the win, Harry.” Y/N smiled, wanting to talk about something other than her current situation. Harry shot her a smile, thanking her silently, before picking at the potatoes on his plate.
Y/N looked around, not noticing Fred or George anywhere, which was strange as any time food was involved they were very much present. She brushed it off, thinking nothing of it, and continued on putting food on her plate. She didn’t have much of an appetite, but knew that her health was much more important than how her heart was feeling.
She could hear Pansy’s shrill laugh over all the noise in the hall, probably laughing at one of Draco’s cute jokes.
No, no.
His stupid jokes. Stupid.
Dinner was uneventful, there wasn't a constant flow of conversation, but the distraction was what Y/N needed to get her shoulders to stop slouching and the tears to stop flowing. She made her way out of the hall later on with Ron and Harry, who were deep in conversation about the upcoming Herbology exam — Ron’s plan was to cheat off of Neville’s paper.
Right as she was about to step out and into freedom, she was cut off by the voice she didn’t want to hear.
“Hey, Y/N, why didn’t you show up to the courtyard this morning? I slept in a little later than expected but then I went down and you weren’t there.” Draco jogged over, intercepting her before she could leave. Y/N felt Ron tense up from beside her, but she placed her hand on his shoulder to let him know to keep his cool.
“I saw you with Pansy, you git.” she spoke through gritted teeth, not daring to look into his eyes because she knew he’d render her weak with his piercing stare.
“Me and Pansy? What did me and Pansy do? I barely even saw her today.” he crossed his arms, eyebrows furrowed as he looked to Y/N, who was still avoiding his gaze.
“Just… leave me alone, Malfoy.”
Draco felt a twinge of hurt in his chest. She had only called him Malfoy when she was pissed off. He was called Malfoy by everyone else, and she was the only one who called him Draco — he loved it, it was her thing. Draco remained oblivious to what he had done, but the fire in her eyes was dangerous.
“No, Y/N —,” Draco tried to reach out and grab her arm, but she turned away and speed-walked down the corridor with Ron and Harry by her side, who both looked back and glared at him as they walked.
Draco shook his head, trying to figure out what he’d done. He made his way back to the Slytherin table, trying to think of what he had done with Pansy that could have pissed off his girlfriend so much. He sat down next to Crabbe and Goyle, who looked up sadly at him.
“What are you two looking at?” he snapped, crossing his arms on the table.
Goyle spoke up first, “Well — we’re, uh, sorry we weren't able to keep Y/N out of the Slytherin Common Room this morning.”
“Wait,” Draco waved his hand, “When was she in the common room?” he thought back to that morning when he woke up, rushed out of bed and waited in the courtyard for thirty minutes. He didn’t remember ever seeing her anywhere near the dungeons.
Crabbe’s face flushed, “U-Uh, when you… when you were… you know, with Pansy.” Crabbe avoided eye contact, staring at the cup in front of him.
Draco was even more confused, “When I was what with Pansy?”
As if she heard her name, Pansy herself came and sat next to Draco, slinging her arm around him as if claiming him as hers. Draco shuddered, pushing her away. He wouldn’t mind if it was Y/N, but Pansy’s obsession with him was weird enough, he didn't want physical contact with her.
“Draco, did you miss me? Haven’t seen you since this morning.” she whispered lowly, closer to his ear than he would have liked.
“I didn’t even see you this morning.” he waved his arms, “I don't get what’s happening. Is this a joke?”
Pansy chuckled, her obnoxious laugh sounding through the hall once more. Draco rolled his eyes, just wanting answers. None of this made sense, and now Y/N had stormed away from him.
“A prank? What do you mean? It didn’t feel like a prank, that was a good kiss.” Pansy grinned, twirling her hair as she thought back to this morning.
“A kiss?” Draco felt colour drain from his face, his hands immediately going cold, “Who kissed?”
“We did,” Pansy stated as if it were obvious, “In the common room. Merlin, if you can’t even remember, how many girls did you kiss today?”
Draco felt like throwing up, “But I didn’t kiss you, I didn’t kiss anyone.” He knew his face was showing complete disgust, but he didn’t care whether he insulted her or not. He did not kiss her.
“Not to step in,” Goyle spoke up, voice cracking, “You did tell us to stand guard of the Common Room incase Y/N showed up because you wanted to… have ‘alone’ time with Parkinson. And then she walked in and saw you two snogging on the couch.”
“I never said that, you bloody idiot,” Draco snapped, forcing his first down against the table, “I didn’t kiss her. Sorry, Pansy, but I’d never kiss you.”
Pansy gasped, placing her hand dramatically over her chest as if she had been hit with a curse, “But you did.”
Draco shook his head, pissed off at everyone in the room. He glared at the three people around him and stormed out of the room and down to the dungeons, trying to think of what the hell just happened. Y/N saw him kissing Pansy, but he didn’t kiss Pansy. Which made no sense, so what could she have seen? Why was everyone saying that this had happened?
In the Gryffindor Common Room, Y/N laid in her bed with her eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling. Why Draco bothered denying the kiss was beyond her, but she saw it nonetheless. She hated thinking about how many times this had happened before.
No, don’t go there, her mind snapped at her.
“Does he think I’m stupid or something?” she asked to the two girls sitting the room with her.
“No — only an idiot would think you’re an idiot,” Hermione scoffed, sitting up suddenly, “Wait, maybe he does then.”
Y/N chuckled, tossing a little bouncy ball up and down, trying not to hit the drapes and topple the whole bed over.
“We’ll make sure he doesn’t come near you, don’t worry.” Ginny grinned at her sister, clutching a pillow to her chest.
Y/N, however devastated, felt lucky she had two supportive best friends to help her out. She knew that the next few weeks would be tough, especially having to see Draco in class and during meals, but she’d act strong enough to make it seem like he wasn’t affecting her.
The rest of the weekend had gone by slowly. Y/N was partially grateful for that since she didn’t have to face anyone in class, but she couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in her chest. She hadn’t seen Draco at any of the meals and although most of her siblings were supportive, Fred and George — who she could always rely on to cheer her up — had also practically vanished. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought they were avoiding her.
But when Monday rolled around, everything changed.
Y/N rushed down to have breakfast before anyone else was awake, enjoying the peaceful sunshine streaming in through the windows of the hall. She hadn’t slept much, it was hard not to shake the image of her boyfriend — ex boyfriend — and Pansy from her mind. She could feel the bags under her eyes which earned herself a concerned smile from McGonagall as she munched quietly on breakfast.
She was also the first one in Potions that morning, sitting near the front of the class so she wouldn’t have to stare at a platinum head of hair all class. Snape walked in, slightly startled by how early she was, but he went on and did his own thing, only looking up every time another student walked in.
“Is this seat taken?”
Y/N’s face dropped, looking up at the boy who singlehandedly crushed her heart. He didn’t look any better than she did, his eyes were darker and more sunken in than usual and he seemed even paler, if that was possible.
“Before you say no, I’m going to sit.” he pulled the chair back and sat down, not even adjusting his wrinkled robes.
“Look — I don’t know what you saw,” he placed a finger on her lip before she could scold him, “I never, ever kissed Pansy. Why would I?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Y/N crossed her arms, “She’s been obsessed with you since first year. You’re an attention hog. You two go perfectly.” She wanted so hard to tell him off, yell at him until she had no more voice, but as she looked into his eyes she felt herself still clinging to his every word as if she believed him.
“Ok, never say her and I go perfectly ever again, I’d rather vomit and then eat it,” he held his hands up in defense, “Besides, why would I kiss someone else when I’ve got you? The best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Y/N leaned back in her chair, “I saw you, Malfoy. Nothing can take that back.”
“But it wasn’t me,” he pleaded, eyes practically begging her for forgiveness.
“Go sit elsewhere, please.” Y/N turned away from him, facing the front of the class where Snape stood, glaring at them for speaking even when class hadn't started.
“Please, just go.”
Draco’s face fell, heart dropping, but he stood up slowly and walked to the back of the class, shoving Goyle out of his seat and installing himself next to Crabbe. Y/N didn’t look back at him, only moving her head when Hermione sat next to her.
“Did he try talking to you?” Hermione whispered, opening her book and preparing herself for class.
“Yep.” Y/N mumbled, leaning her head in her hand and nearly jumping out of her skin when Snape announced class had begun.
It went by surprisingly quickly, but Y/N stayed back to avoid rushing by Draco on the way out. She stared at him in confusion when instead of leaving class, he made his way over to Snape and started whispering about something secretive.
Y/N ignored it and walked out of the dusty room, Hermione by her side.
Days went by before Draco spoke to her again — he was losing his mind. After he hung back from potions class to ask Snape about missing ingredients for polyjuice potion and got a confirmation that someone had taken stuff from his inventory, he was on a mission to find out who had done it. Crabbe and Goyle couldn’t stand being around him, his patience wearing thin and his attitude being through the roof, so he dealt with it alone.
He couldn't go storming up to Y/N without proof that it was polyjuice potion, she'd just tell him to bugger off again. So he made it his life’s mission (of the past few days) to hunt the person down — unfortunately, to no avail.
Y/N on the other hand was trying her damn hardest to keep her mind off of him, occupying herself by reading, walking the entire castle, and spending more time than usual with her family. She had eventually found Fred and George, who told her the only reason they’d been avoiding her was because they knew they wouldn’t be able to hold back the rude comments about him and didn’t want to hurt her further.
So, it came as a major surprise to Y/N when Draco stormed up to her during dinner and shoved her out of the way, pointing his finger at the twins, “You two…. you two ruined everything.”
“We don’t know what you’re talking about.” George crossed his arms, “You’re the one who went off snogging someone else.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Draco sneered, “It was one of you two.”
Y/N stepped up, placing her hand on Draco’s chest and turning him to face her, “Uh, I think you’ve lost your mind.”
“Let me explain,” Draco didn’t look at her, instead keeping his eyes on the twins, “First of all, when everyone started accusing me of snogging someone who I hadn’t even seen that day, I knew something was off. Then, it hit me, so I asked Snape if any of the ingredients for polyjuice potion had been stolen from his office, and he said yes. So I did some digging. One, I tried to check who was in the castle at that time that would have something against me — against my relationship with Y/N. My first thought was her family.”
“What if someone just fancied Parkinson?” Fred asked, also crossing his arms, eyebrows raised as if he were standing off against Draco.
“Not possible,” Draco continued, “So, process of elimination. She mentioned to me the night before that Ginny and Ron were going to the quidditch game — leaving you two. When I was sitting out in the courtyard, you two just happened to walk by and give me the dirtiest of stares, as if you already knew I had done something wrong. How would you have known about the kiss if you hadn’t seen me, nor Y/N?”
Y/N felt her heart sink and she looked over at her brothers, not even focusing on the fact that so many people were staring at them. Draco wasn’t exactly being quiet, but she didn’t seem to pay attention to that, her eyes trained on her family around her.
“Is this — is this true?” Y/N’s voice cracked as she looked at her brothers, “Did you use polyjuice potion to look like Draco to kiss Pansy so him and I would break up?”
Fred and George looked down to their little sister, their faces filled with sorry. She had her answer. She sat down on the bench, her legs giving in underneath her. Her own brothers lied. They crushed her heart. She had never done anything to them, and they ruined her relationship, probably finding it funny in the process.
“Y/N, we’re so sorry,” Fred knelt down, looking her in the eye, his face scanning hers for any sign of forgiveness. She could feel the anger and betrayal bubbling in her chest. George placed his hand on her shoulder, gripping ever so tightly as if his actions were speaking louder than his words. Which, in the end, they did.
“You arse! Both of you! You’re unbelievable.” she stood up, giving her brothers a good shove, “I knew you wouldn’t be happy with Draco and I, but this is low. Incredibly low. Even for you two.”
She glared at them and stormed out of the hall, her heart shattered even more than it had been days ago. Draco chased after her, not caring about the rest of her family as he caught up to her.
“Y/N, hold up,” Draco grabbed her arm, twisting her around to face him. The tears were pouring down her face, and he could feel his heart break as he took in her expression. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, rubbing her back slowly as she cried. He shielded her away from onlookers, cornering her behind a wall so they could be in private.
“I can’t believe them.” she sobbed, pulling away from him and wiping her eyes on her sleeve, “My brothers. They’re my family, they’re supposed to support me, no?”
Draco didn’t really know much about family support — in his mind, Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy weren’t exactly winning any ‘parent of the year’ awards — but even he knew how close the Weasley family was, and how much that meant to her.
He continued soothing her, placing kisses on her forehead every now and then.
“Draco — I’m so sorry,” she looked up at him, “I’ve been avoiding you for days and I didn’t hear you out when you told me it wasn’t you. I was just so crushed. I was selfish, I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” Draco shook his head, “Don’t apologize. I don’t blame you. You saw what you saw. You handled it way better than I would have if the tables had been turned.”
Y/N giggled, wrapping her arms around his waist, “Thanks for figuring it out. It sucks, but I’m glad you didn’t actually cheat.”
He placed one of his hands under her chin, tilting her head up in the slightest so he could lean down and press his lips on hers. She leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the back of his neck and lacing her fingers through his hair. It was tender, passionate, and every ounce of love these two had for each other could be felt through their gentle movements.
Reluctantly, Draco pulled away, “C’mon, why don’t we go for a walk to take your mind off of everything.”
Y/N grinned, nodding her head and interlacing her hand with his, walking outside into the brisk night air, stars shining brightly up above them, with Draco by her side again. She knew she’d end up forgiving her idiot brothers eventually, they were her family after all, but right now, all she could focus on was the pure bliss she felt from having her boyfriend back.
“I love you,” she smiled up at him as they continued walking at a slow pace, enjoying one another’s company.
“And I love you,” he gave her nose a light poke, smiling his dazzling smile as they stared up at the stars.
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devilmeows · 3 years
8. for both
thank you for enabling me kib :]]
8. "So you lied to me."
8. "Go on. Make a wish."
not beta read bc i like living Dangerously
8. “So you lied to me.”
Ari knew a lot of things about her girlfriend. Cadence was smart, she was funny, she always needed 8 hours of sleep to be functional, she was incredibly fast despite her short legs, and most importantly, her birthday was extremely important to her. If there was one good thing that she remembered from her horrible family, it was the birthday parties and the hype around that date. The inkling had once told her that she missed throwing herself big birthday parties: her apartment was far too small to host more than three people at once. And that day, as her girlfriend snored in her arms, Ari had grabbed her phone and created a new groupchat.
Cadence’s big 21.
Naturally, the first messages sent on that chat were memes, because Callie and Spencer always had to have a competition for who would send the best meme in any groupchat they were in. It was a weekly occurrence. They had three separate groupchats together. And now Ari had just added a fourth. I’ve made better decisions in my life, admittedly.
Ari - Please stop this or I will kick you out.
Spencer - :(((((
Callie - ok but one more? :D
Ari - No.
Callie - pweaaaaase?
Marie - say pwease again and i’ll throw my charger at you
Callie - pwease? :3
Spencer - marie is a woman of her word
Spencer - one time she said she’d toss me off a roof and then she did
Marie - lskfjgdfgkd
Marie - please stop bringing that up it was an accident
Ari - Is no one going to pay attention to the name of this groupchat?
Marie - no <3
Marie - jk but yeah cadence’s birthday /is/ coming up
Ari - Yes, it’s on February 12th. Aka next week.
Ari - That is indeed what I was thinking of doing.
Callie - NICE
Spencer - NICE
Spencer - i can make the food!!
Ari - Good, I was about to tell you to take care of that.
Marie - where are we having this party? if i recall correctly cadence and spencer’s apartments are too small, and our landlord would kill us if we had a party here
Callie - :eyes:
Marie - ?
Callie - so you admit you’ve been to spencer’s apartment before :eyes:
Ari - Pearl and Marina will be out of town for a few days, and they’ll only be back on the 13th. So we can have it at the mansion.
Callie - can i take care of Decorating :D
Ari - So long as everything isn’t pink, yes you can.
Callie - :(
Ari - You can come to the mansion in the morning and we can set everything up together, and then I’ll go get Cadence.
Spencer - gotcha!
Spencer - whats marie in charge of?
Ari - Anything. I trust her.
Callie - ouch????
Spencer - yeah ouch ari
Marie - :)
“This is a lot of pink.”
“It’s not all pink though!” Callie held up a string of orange fairy lights. “Look, this is orange!” With her other hand, she pointed at the army of balloons lying on the floor. “And those are blue and white!”
“Callie, there is a total of five blue and white balloons for twenty pink balloons in this room.”
The inkling stared at the balloons for a moment, as if she’d only just noticed that. Then she turned back to Ari with a wide smile.
“Oops. Sorry!”
She did not look sorry at all. Ari sighed, then pinched the bridge of her nose. Well, at least it’s not khaki. Cadence hates khaki. Do khaki-coloured balloons even exist? At least the rest of the room looked really nice, despite the overwhelming amount of pink. Granted, Ari wasn’t an expert on what birthday parties were supposed to look like, but in her humble opinion, Callie had done a good job. She had even gotten a giant Great Zapfish cutout that stood in a corner of the room, looking at her with its big goofy smile.
“Anyway,” Callie clapped her hands excitedly. “Wanna help me tie some balloons to the ceiling fan?”
“I would love to, but I have to check on how Spencer and Marie are doing. Just to make sure I don’t have to go to the supermarket before I go pick up Cadence.”
Callie smirked. Ari mirrored her smirk. They nodded, exactly as they had a few hours ago when Marie had innocently decided to help Spencer bake. The octoling left Callie to her work, and trotted down the stairs to the kitchen. She checked her phone: it was 12:31pm. She frowned. Hopefully baking was going okay, because she definitely wouldn’t have enough time to swing by the store before 1pm, the time she was supposed to go get her girlfriend. She pushed the door without looking up from her phone as she checked her texts, but a clanking noise did make her look up. Marie and Spencer were standing a strange distance away from each other, considering that their two bowls were sitting right next to each other on the counter. They also both looked the slightest bit flushed. Ari lifted a single eyebrow.
“We’re baking!” Spencer provided a bit too quickly for it to be natural, waving the whisk she was holding as a greeting. “Right?”
“Right!” Marie supplied helpfully. “Baking...food. Good food.”
“Uh-huh,” Ari pointed to her own nose as she looked at Marie. “You have batter on your nose.”
The white and green inkling quickly brought her hand to her nose, her face turning a darker shade of blue. She threw Spencer an accusatory but lighthearted glare, which made her chuckle, and she turned around to grab a paper towel to wipe it off. Ari walked up to her friend, looked at her bowl, then stared at her. Spencer stared back. She cocked her head to the side, as if asking her why she was staring.
“Useless lesbian.” Were they doing that thing they do in the movies where they flirt by tossing food at each other?
“I- What- You-” the orange inkling sputtered, then pointed at Marie, who still had her back turned. She’s right there! Spencer mouthed.
Ari snorted, then shrugged with a slightly smug smile. “Anyway, how is the baking going?”
“Pretty good! The coxinhas are ready to go in the oven, I’ll put them in later so that they can be warm when Cadence arrives.”
“And the cake is almost done,” Marie continued, now back with no batter on her nose. “It looks and smells amazing. Cadence better like it.”
“If she doesn’t, I’ll eat my spatula.”
“There’s no reason she won’t like it,” Ari said, turning around to look at the oven. Inside it sat a chocolate cake that gave off a decadently delicious smell. “This is her favourite. Is the...the thing already in it?”
“The brigadeiro?” Spencer asked. “Not yet. I’m just finishing up the kibes and then I’ll get to it.”
“Perfect.” I don’t need to go to the supermarket then. “In that case, I’ll leave you two to it, and I’m going to go pick up the birthday girl.”
Ari had never been more happy that she’d made a duplicate of Cadence’s keys: it was freezing cold and there was absolutely no way in hell that she’d wait for her girlfriend outside. She loved her very much, but there was only so much she could take in the name of love. And even in the hallway outside her door, with her scarf, Spencer’s old pilot hat, her two sweaters and her thick winter coat, she was still cold. She couldn’t wait to go back to the warmth of Pearl’s mansion. She took a deep breath, then knocked on the door.
“I’ll be there in a second!” Cadence’s voice echoed from inside her apartment.
There was some rattling, then a crashing sound followed by a loud “Fuck!”, then silence. Ari thought she heard the soft thump of something being tossed on top of a bed, and after some more shuffling, the door finally opened.
How is she allowed to look that cute.
Her girlfriend was wearing a fairly simple outfit: she recognised the pale purple dress Ari had bought for her a while ago, as well as the little paintbrush choker which also happened to be a gift from her. She was also wearing black tights and boots just a shade darker than her dress. And to complete the look, she had slung a long black coat over her shoulders. She looked adorable.
Cadence looked her up and down, and chuckled.
“What?” Ari asked with a little smile.
“You look funny,” she replied, pointing at the hat.
“It’s freezing, I don’t even know how you’re not cold right now.”
The inkling shrugged. “It’s only 16°C, it’s not that cold.” Then she stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Ari’s waist. “Here, let me warm you up.”
The octoling smiled as her girlfriend kissed her. She’d never get tired of kissing Cadence. Or hugging her, or cuddling with her, or curling up in her arms as she slept.
“There you go!” Cadence said as they pulled away, face slightly flushed. “Feeling warmer?”
Ari nodded. “Definitely.”
“Alright, let’s go then!” The inkling bounced on her toes as she whirled around to lock her door. “Crêpe time, crêpe time, crêpe time!”
Ari felt something vibrate in her pocket. Making sure that her girlfriend wasn’t looking, she discreetly checked her phone, and smiled as she saw a thumbs-up emoji sent by Spencer. Nice. Let’s do this.
She gasped, which made Cadence jump and almost drop her keys.
“Sorry,” she apologised, “but I just realised that I forgot your gift at home. Do you mind if we stop by the mansion before we get our crêpes?”
“Oh! I thought this was way more serious,” Cadence laughed, her shoulders slumping with relief. “Yeah, no, sure, we can do that!”
Cadence pocketed her keys, then held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. Ari took her girlfriend’s warm hand in her own, and they set off towards the mansion.
Spencer - ari dont come to the kitchen
Callie - yeah dont
Marie - or if you really want to do that, do it later. way later. like 1am later
Ari’s excitement only grew as they neared the mansion. She’d felt her phone vibrate a few more times in her pocket, but hopefully it wasn’t anything important. At least no one had called her, which automatically meant everything was fine. Everything better be fine. The two cephalopods walked up to the large metal gate and Ari pressed the button to ring the bell and warn the other three that they were here. Cadence gave her a puzzled glance.
“Why are you doing that? Aren’t Pearl and Marina...not home?”
The octoling froze, hoping her look of realisation looked convincing enough. Without a word, she shoved her free hand in her pocket and pulled out her keys, which made Cadence laugh. She pointedly avoided her gaze and focused on the lock, feigning embarrassment, then pushed the door. Thankfully, she managed to keep her excited smile off her face. They were so close, there was no way she could fuck this up now.
The smell of cake still hung in the air faintly when they entered the mansion. Ari tensed. Hopefully, Cadence hadn’t noticed. She didn’t dare look at her to check. Instead, she simply pulled her girlfriend towards the stairs.
“Isn’t your room over there?” she asked, hopping up the carpeted stairs.
“It is, but your gift is in that room,” Ari responded, pointing towards said room.
She could feel her heartbeats racing as they stood in front of the door. Her hands felt clammy under her gloves, and slowly, she opened the door.
Instantly, three party poppers went off and a song in a language Ari didn’t understand started playing.
“Surprise!” Spencer, Callie and Marie shouted. “Happy birthday, Cadence!”
Now, Ari could smile. She looked back at her girlfriend, who was just standing there with her mouth hanging open in surprise. She still hadn’t let go of her hand, and her gaze flicked from Spencer, to Callie, to Marie, to the giant Zapfish cutout, to the balloons hanging from the ceiling fan, to the tables of snacks, back to Spencer, then to Callie and Marie again.
“So you lied to me.”
Ari froze. “What?”
Cadence turned to her girlfriend with the most adorable pout on her face. “We’re not getting crêpes?”
Ari opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. On the other side of the room, Spencer exploded with laughter, quickly followed by Callie and Marie.
“That’s what you’re-”
The short inkling cut her off by cupping her face and kissing her very gently. Ari felt herself melt, and when they pulled away - just a bit too soon, in her humble opinion - she felt her hearts fill with joy as she saw her girlfriend’s face. That smile, those shining eyes...I did it. Mission Cadence’s big 21 is a success.
“Thank you,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”
It was only later in the evening that Ari stumbled across the mess that was the kitchen. She simply stood there and stared at the carnage. Then she decided that cleaning up was a problem for future Ari to deal with. Right now, all she wanted was to get some water and get back to cuddling her birthday girlfriend.
8. “Go on. Make a wish.”
They’d never been more scared in his life. It came nowhere near close to when Reef had torn them to pieces, or when the alarms had blared the minute Agent 3 had appeared in front of Octavio. They were terrified, because they knew that if they got caught, they would not live to see another day.
The tunnel was dark, damp and suffocating. Not being able to see anything besides the faint glow of their freckles only exacerbated the loud clamor of the soldiers chasing them - and they were already so horribly sensitive to sound. The noise pricked at their skin and their head, and they had to pick between controlling the tears streaming down their face and stopping the pained whines from coming out their mouth. They chose the latter.
I never should’ve done this. I should’ve waited. I should’ve woken them up. They should’ve come with us. I can’t do this without them.
The person in front of them suddenly halted. She was saying something, but their brain couldn’t seem to process her words. They only tightened their grip on her wrist, which didn’t seem to help since they felt a nervous flick of tentacles against their arm. They tensed. If she didn’t know what to do, if she was as stressed as they were, if she was lost...then they were utterly lost. And to be fair, they couldn’t exactly blame her. They fought the urge to curl up on themself and cry. Was it possible to die from crying too much? Right at this moment, they was perfectly willing to try.
A cracking noise split the air. Before they had time to realise what was going on, they felt their companion shoving them to the side. And this time, they were able to hear her scream.
Their body reacted faster than their mind: running was a simple command, and obeying it was committed to muscle memory by now. Everything around them trembled. Where should they run? They had no idea. All they knew was that they had to run.
Behind them, something crashed to the ground with the loudest crack they’d ever heard. A thunderclap of pain coursed through their body, and this time they couldn’t contain their scream as they fell to their knees, hands clutching their head in a silent plea to make it stop.
And then it stopped.
Now all they could hear was their own laboured breathing.
For a moment, they didn’t dare move. Because maybe if they moved, the world would fall apart again, or they would be crushed by either rocks or a steel-toed heel. But nothing stirred as they gently let go of his head. The air around them was completely, entirely and utterly still. They uncurled themself extremely slowly, both out of wariness and because their body was shaking so violently that they were certain they’d fall back down if they moved too fast. When they were finally sitting up straight, they turned around. The faint glow of their freckles bounced off of a wall of freshly-fallen chunks of rocks.
The tunnel...caved in.
Tentatively, they reached out to touch the stones. They felt freezing to the touch, which sent a harsh shiver down their arm. Horrible, horrible feeling. Don’t know why I did that. They rubbed their arm to try and get rid of the awful sensation. The movement seemed to calm their trembling as well. The purple glow dimmed. And slowly, a feeling of dread and apprehension creeped in their gut.
Their voice echoed and bounced off the walls around him. No reply came.
Is she…
They refused to finish the thought. They refused to think about the possibility that the other octoling might be…
But she might as well be. Because there was no way they could get back to her now. their limbs were weakened from all the shaking so they couldn’t even think about lifting a single rock, and they weren't that strong to begin with. No matter what they did, they would not be able to find Marina again. They brought a hand to their face and took a trembling breath as they tried to stop the tears from falling again.
A breeze blew past them, making their tentacles twitch. A...breeze? It was cold, so cold, but it felt fresh, unlike the hot and heavy air of the domes. They turned around. It was still pitch black ahead, which terrified them, but...if the surface was beyond that darkness, maybe they could stress themself enough to make their freckles light the way. And maybe if they got to the surface...maybe then they would be able to feel something other than pain.
They got to their feet, and thankfully their legs did not give up on them. They still felt like they might fall over at any moment, and their muscles were screeching with pain, but at least they could stand. Progress. Now...walking. They took one tentative step. Then another. Then another. Then some more. Then they tripped. They managed to grip the wall next to them and prevent another fall, but they immediately regretted it: the earth was squishy and wet and disgusting. They hated it.
But they continued. They continued to walk. They occasionally tripped, which earned them some scratches. They could feel the blood trickling down their legs, but they couldn’t do anything about it, nor did they care. The more they walked, the colder they felt and the stronger the wind was. They knew they were getting closer. The surface was just beyond their reach. Soon, they would be able to call the domes a distant memory.
Somehow, all they could feel at that thought was dread.
Then, they noticed that the tunnel wasn’t as dark. They had to blink several times to notice the difference, but they noticed it. A rush of anxiety seized their chest. I’m so close, they thought, clenching their fists. I’m so close. I can do this. Soon the ground sloped upwards under their feet, and while the roof closed in on them as they progressed, the air only grew fresher. A small hole came into view. Their heartbeats quickened. They could no longer stand, so instead they crawled, ignoring the loud protesting of their entire body. The hole was now an arm’s length away from them. Slowly, very slowly, they inched closer to it. They stuck one arm out, then the other, and once they were sure that their grip on the outside of the hole was secure, they pulled themself out of the tunnel.
A violent shiver shook their body.
They had made it to the surface.
They stood in a large, grassy valley, dotted with the occasional bush and tree. They were blooming. But they didn’t care. Because above them, an indigo blue sky stretched out. It was huge. It looked like the sky they’d always seen on the domes’ monitors, but at the same time it didn’t look like it at all. They didn’t have the words to describe it, simply because it was beyond anything they’d ever known or imagined. It was...beautiful? Stunning? Breathtaking? Magical?
They fell to their knees.
Above them, the stars twinkled. They remembered that old inkling tradition they’d read in a book one of their sisters had stolen. The one about wishing upon stars. They’d promised each other that they would do that once- if they ever reached the surface.
Go on. Make a wish.
But they couldn’t.
They couldn’t bring themself to make a wish when this was how they had gotten here. Sure, they had escaped the domes, but...they were alone. They’d lost Marina during the escape, and most importantly, their sisters had not come with them. Their beloved sisters, the only octolings they knew they could trust with their life down there. The only people that had ever mattered to them. They were up here, while they were still stuck in hell.
They were completely alone.
I don’t deserve this.
This time, they didn’t try to stop the tears. The endless sky above them grew lighter with the sunrise as they sobbed on the cold, dewy grass.
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novannna · 4 years
I Dare You
based on a pin I saw on pinterest where i use a song and write a story sing every single word. I used I Dare You by Bea Miller to write this fic. 
here's the song (:
It takes place mid supernova, when Nova has Danna caught in a jar. She struggles with her guilt for trapping Danna, and questions her loyalties to the Anarchists. This was a bitch to write bc trying to fit lyrics in order is a pain, so please leave likes and reblog!
Wc: 3440
Nova rubbed her eyes, collapsing onto the bed in her and Honey’s room.  She groaned, kicked off her shoes and fell backward.  
She was so fucking tired of the anarchists.  She knew that they had done so much for her, but they expected too much.  And she was exhausted.  They wanted her to keep the charade up with the Renegades.  
And she hated it.  She hated having to pretend to love Adrian.  She hated having to spend every single second of her day with Adrian, Oscar, and Ruby, getting as close as she could when, in the end she knew she would betray them.  
And that was going to make her feel miserable.  Even more miserable then she already was.  
A flutter of black and orange caught her eye, and Nova pulled herself up.  
In her moment of self pitying, she had completely forgotten about her butterfly friend.  
That was another thing weighing heavy on her consciousness.   
She walked over to the vanity, and picked up the small jar.  
“I can remember a time when I was so afraid,” she said to Danna, “maybe the first time I ever felt real, true fear.  A man entered my apartment.  He killed my mom and dad right in front of me.  He killed my sister,” she said with a small sob.  “I couldn’t save her.  But maybe… maybe if I had tried harder I could have.  That was the first time I felt fear.  When I went to a place even my shadow wouldn’t follow me.” 
Nova slumped down to the floor, and cradled the jar to her chest.  “I don’t know why I’m even telling you this.”  Nova groaned.  “I’m a fucking mess.  But I feel like I can talk to you.  Is that weird?”  She laughed, and shook her head.  “I don’t even know if you can hear me.”    She looked at the butterfly.  It was still for the first time in days.  It seemed as if it was looking straight at Nova.  She groaned again.  “I’m sick of being a tool.  I’m sick of being just another step in my uncle’s plan.  But they are my family, and I have to help.  Don’t I?”
Danna barreled into the wall, then flapped her wings adamantly.  
Nova breathed in deeply.  “I’m so sorry Danna.  I can’t imagine what it must be like in there for you. I- I would hate it.  I’m sorry for being an anarchist.  I know you wanted to believe in me.”  
“Nova!”  Honey’s shrill voice yelled.  “Get your ass down here!  We need you!”
Nova grimaced.  “I guess I’m picking up my sword.  Thanks for listening, Danna.  You actually helped me a lot.”  She set the jar back on the vanity, and scattered a few pins over it, making it look like nothing had been disturbed. 
And she was struck by an urge to shatter the jar.  Let all the pieces scatter, and let Danna free.  Then Danna could go tell the Renegades.  
And Nova could stop pretending.  
She could go back to the person she was before.  Before she met Adrian, and Oscar, and Ruby.  Before she met Danna.
“Nova sweetie, what took so long?”  Honey asked.  She dipped her finger into a jar of honey, and lazily stirred it around.  
Nova ignored her, and sat down around the table.  “I thought we were done.  What else do you need?”  She was in a bad mood.  A very bad mood.  She couldn’t handle Honey and the others right now.  
“So snappy,” Honey sniffed.  “I thought you wanted to get back at the renegades for killing your family.  
“I- of course I do!”  Nova said, annoyed.  
“Well you're certainly not acting like it.  I’m beginning to think you’d rather be with that Everhart boy than us.”
Nova sighed.  “Honey, I would never choose Adrian over my family.  His parents basically killed them.  I am one hundred percent committed.”
Leroy cleared his throat.  “The window of time to rescue Ace is closing.  We have to act soon.  So, we need you to figure out whatever you possibly can about Cragmoor.”
Nova sighed.  “You want me to go talk to Adrian.”
They both nodded.  “Sorry Nova, I know you just got home.”
“Listen, I want to rescue Ace as much as you guys do, believe me.  But give me a break.  ‘Cause I… I- .”  Nova took a deep breath in, and out.  “I’m worth fighting for too.”  Honey started, and stared at her in complete shock.  “Just for… for..”  nova sighed and stared them straight in the eyes.  “For once in my life, give me a break.  Yes, I know what the Renegades did.  But don’t play innocent.  I know you’ve manipulated me my entire life.  And I let it happen.  So just… leave me alone tonight.  I have a lot to think about.  We can overthrow the Renegades tomorrow, alright?”  
Before Honey could respond, Nova stormed upstairs.  She threw the window open, and was half-way out before a thought crossed her mind.  She ducked back in and put the small jar with the golden butterfly into her pocket.  
She pulled herself to the roof, and leapt off.  She bounded across the rooftops, until she had reached an old office.  She scaled to the roof, and pulled the jar out of her pocket.  
“So they can put me in a cage,” she muttered to herself.  “Lock me in a room and throw away the key.  But they get mad at me when I try to stand up for myself.”  She flipped onto her back, and looked at the setting sun.  The sky was alight with colors.  
“I know you hate me,” she said to the butterfly.  “I’ve done terrible things.  I hurt you.  But I’m not sorry for what I did.”  Nove realized she had started to cry.  “I dare you to do something else if you had been in my place.”  
She sniffed, and wiped her tears away.  “I’ll break down the walls trying to keep me down.  I’ll be a higher wrecking ball then the Renegades.  I’m gonna hurt them the way they hurt me.  And I won’t let them tear me down.”  No.  Oh, Nova would never let them win. Oh, she would never let that happen.  They could lock her away at Cragmoor, and throw away the key, but Nova would never stop fighting.
“Danna, I dare you to spend a day in my shoes.  Oh, someone like you?  So used to freedom and choices?  Oh, you wouldn’t last a day.  And I won't let you tear me down.  No, the Renegades will never best me.”  Nova wiped her face again.  
She looked at the small insect.  
“At least I know the Renegades are bad. The anarchists…”  Nova sighed.  “They pretend they're so much better, but I know they’re just using me.  They don’t actually care about me, just what I can do. I had an opinion, but I never spoke my mind, and I wouldn’t argue, even when I knew I was right.  I was too fucking scared of what would happen.  What Honey might do.  But I’m not that girl anymore.  I can stand up for myself.  I can say what I want now.”  The sun had now fully set, and a speckling of stars covered the sky.  
Yeah, Nova had lost almost every battle against Honey and the other Anarchists.  She never won an argument so she had stopped trying.  But she was determined to win the war.
“I’m worth fighting for, Danna.  For- for years of my life, I watched the Renegades abuse me and the Anarchists.  And I know that you and Adrian, and the others want me to be good and do the right thing, but that's not gonna happen.  I’m not changing who I am because it’ll get me farther in life.  So if the Renegades do end up winning, you can put me in a cage, you can lock me in a room and throw away the keys.”  She leapt to her feet, and strode around, her mind too crowded to enjoy the starry sky.  
“In fact I dare you.  I dare you to lock me away, because I’ll break down the walls.  I will be a higher wrecking ball.  And I won’t let you tear me down, no.”  She breathed out heavily.  “But I am sick of this guilt I have.  Sick of convincing myself I’m doing what needs to be done.  I’m fucking sick of having to see you every day, just to be struck by another wave of guilt at seeing you trapped because of me.  I’m so sick of being confused and torn between everything.”  Nova scooped the jar up, off the ground and held it to her chest.  
“I want to throw away the key to my heart,  make it so I can never open it.  So no one can ever open it.  I don’t ever want to give anyone power over me again.  Look at what it’s fucking doing to me!”  She sobbed, to the butterfly.  “I dare you to go to the Renegades.  Bring them here, let them catch me.”  Nova turned to the edge and screamed, “I am done being the double agent!  I am fucking done!”  But no one responded.  No one cared.  Who would?  
“I won’t let you tear me down?  No what a fucking joke.  Danna, you’ve already torn me apart.  With guilt.  With your hate.  With the knowledge that when you’re human again, you'll hate me!”  Nova collapsed back onto the hard roof.  
“I just keep running, running, running.  Trying to find my place in the world, and it always ends back at good vs. evil.  Villain vs. hero. Just like you and me.  Monarch vs. Nightmare,” Nova spat, still crying.  “I’m still fucking trying to find who I was.  Am.  I don’t know.  I would go the distance to find out, but it’s never far enough.”
She held the jar up to eye level, and looked at the delicate golden insect.  
Nova knew exactly what she wanted, but she knew that would never happen.  She knew what she wanted for once.  Yes, she wanted to destroy the Renegades for what they did to her and her family.  Yes, she wanted to tell the Anarchists that she was done being their tool.  Yes, she wanted to save Ace from his fast approaching death.  Yes, she wanted to have it all be over.  
But in that moment, the one thing she wanted, wanted more than anything was to see Danna right in front of her.  To stop that constant guilt from devouring her.  It might mean the end of her freedom, but it was worth it.  To see Danna one more time.  
“But now, Danna, I'm standing straight and I think I know exactly who I am.”  Nova breathed in.  She smiled a little and laughed amid her tears.  
“My name is Nova Jean Artino.  I’m not a Renegade or an Anarchist.  I’m just Nova.  Yeah, I was raised as an Anarchist.  Yeah, I pretended to be a Renegade.  But that’s not important.  Because I’m Nova, and that’s all that matters.”  She carefully unscrewed the top and let the gold insect fly out.  
As it disappeared, Nova whispered to herself, “I can remember a time when I was so afraid.  I trapped a golden girl in a jar so she wouldn’t hurt me, and by doing that, I hurt her.  So now, now I’m terrified she’ll hate me forever.”  
Nova sat down on the rooftop, and waited.  For what though, she wasn’t quite sure.  Common sense told her to run.  Run far, and hide.  Danna would tell everyone, and she would spend the rest of her life behind bars.  
A flicker of orange caught Nova’s eye.  A swarm of brilliant monarchs were flying across the night, heading straight for Nova.  She sprang to her feet as they cycloned in front of her.  
They consolidated into a form still in a Renegades uniform, blonde dreadlocks wild and crazy, brushing against warm brown skin.  Danna.  
“Nova,” she whispered, before pitching forwards.  Right into Nova’s arms.  
Nova hugged her tight against her body, and inhaled the scent of flowers.  She gently lowered the unconscious girl to the ground, using her leg as a pillow for Danna’s head.  
Danna’s eyes flickered open.  “Nova…” she croaked.  
“Hey Danna,” she replied through a blur of tears.  “I’m sorry…”
Danna cut her off by reaching up and cradling Nova’s head.  She kissed her firmly, stopping anymore words from leaving Nova’s mouth.  
“I wanted to do that from the moment I saw you,” Danna breathed.  
Nova sprang to her feet, Danna right behind her.  
“Danna, I’m a bad person.  You should turn me in.  Find a better person to be with,”  Nova said softly through tears.  “I’m tired of living a lie.  Please… just do it already.”  She screwed her eyes shut and held out her hands, expecting Danna to handcuff her, or call Adrian and the others.  
Instead, warm arms enveloped her.  
Nova broke down sobbing, crying into Danna’s shoulder.  It wasn’t pretty or cute, it was an ugly cry.  Tears and snot ran down her face.  
“I’m so so sorry,” she sobbed.  “I trapped you.  I betrayed you.  How are you not mad?”
Danna sighed, and rubbed Nova’s back soothingly.  “In the beginning I was.  I was so mad that you had been spying on us, using us.  I was pissed that I was stuck in swarm mode.  But then… I saw how you lived.  The way the other anarchists used you, and the way you were manipulated.  I know that the Renegades messed up your life a lot, and I understand Nova.  I don’t agree with what you did, but I do understand.”
Nova sobs gradually ceased.  “You should go.  I don’t want to get you in trouble for helping me.  Thank you for everything Danna.”  She pulled herself away from the warm hug.  
“Nova,” Danna said sharply.  “You can put me in a cage, or lock me in a room, however much you want.”  She inhaled sharply.  “You can do whatever you want to try and convince me you're a bad person, but I know the truth.”
Nova turned to look at Danna’s wide brown eyes.  
“You can throw away the key to your heart, but you can bet that won’t stop me.”  Danna smiled at Nova.  “I dare you to let me into your life.  Because I'm in love with you.  And if you think that we can’t be together because you think you're a villain, then I’ll break down the walls guarding you.”  Danna smirked, her soft lips curving into a smile.  “I’m a higher wrecking ball, and you can’t stop me.  Nova Jean Artino, you are going to have to accept the fact that I love you, and I don’t want you to turn me away because you think you’re a villain.  I understand if you don’t want me, but I need you to realize that I want you as who you are, villain or not.”  
Nova shook her head.  “But what about my uncle?  I can’t just let him die, he’s done so much for me.  I won’t let you tear me down, away from my goal, and my family.  No, oh no.  He’s all I have left.  ”  
“Nova, it's too late for him, but it's not too late for you.  Throw away this pointless hope that he can survive this.  I agree the renegades need to change, and you are key to that, not him.”  Danna reached out to grab Nova’s hand, and pulled them together.
Nova pressed her forehead against Danna’s, their warm skin touching together.  
“Nova, I dare you to forget everything.  Forget the Anarchists and the Renegades.  Forget everything, and just think about me.”  Danna smiled at Nova.  “Do you want me the way I want you?”
“Yes,” Nova breathed.  “Oh, more than anything.”
“Then what are you waiting for?  We can leave.  Start a new life, just us.   Forget renegades and anarchists.  There would be no Nightmare and Monarch.  Just Nova and Danna.”
“We can’t…”
“Why not?  What’s stopping you?   Is there anything for you in Gatlon?”
Nova shook her head.  “But Ace…”
“He’s already dead.  We can’t do anything for him.  But we can do something for you.  I know how huge this is- asking you to leave everything and start a new life, but I love you Nova Jean Artino, and I never want to see you caught by the Renegades, or used by the Anarchists ever again.”  Danna looked straight at Nova.  “Will you leave with me?”
“Okay,” Nova said, surprising herself.  “Okay,” she repeated with a small laugh.  “You’ve been thinking about this for a while.”
Danna’s face darkened.  “Everyday when I was in the jar.  When I saw the way you were treated, I knew I had to get you out of there.”
“That must have been terrible for you to be stuck in there,” Nova murmured.  
“You helped me.  Whenever I saw your face, or heard your voice it made me feel better because I knew nothing had happened.”
“You helped me too.  I’ve never had anyone I could talk to, but for you it felt like you were listening.  And understanding.”  Nova shrugged.  
“I was. Well not listening exactly, but I did understand.  And I wanted to form so I could wrap my arms around you, and kiss you until you were better.”  
“You can do that now if you want,” Nova said lightly.  “I hear it’s good to practice.”
Danna raised her eyebrow.  “Well, we’d better make up for years of missing out then.”
Nova’s face flushed a brilliant shade of red.  “You’re not the first person I kissed,” she mumbled.  
Danna laughed brightly.  “Really?  Who else?”
“Narcissa Cronin.  The Librarian’s daughter.  I don't think you've met her.”  
“Interesting.  But I still think you need more practice,”  Danna grinned, and cupped Nova’s face in her strong hands.  
Danna pulled them together, and they kissed.  
It was like nothing Nova had ever experienced before.  Small fireworks shot through her mind as she wrapped her legs up around Danna’s waist, and they tumbled down to the hard ground.  
They didn’t care.  
Danna ran her hands through Nova’s choppy hair.  
“We should go,” Nova said, breathless.  “If we really want to leave.”
“Yeah,” Danna said, equally out of breath.  She tucked a loose piece of hair behind Nova’s ear.  “We should.” 
She reached up and pulled Nova back down, Nova straddling her hips and leaned down over Danna again, her hair a thick curtain.  
“You’re beautiful Star,” Danna said thickly.  
“You too, lepidoptera,” Nova chuckled.  She leaned back up.  
“Oh stop it.”  Danna pretended to glare at Nova, and leaned back up.  
“Never.”  Nova smirked.  “So you really want to leave?  We can’t come back.  This is a forever decision,” Nova said, her expression souring.  
“Nova, I want you to be my forever,” Danna said, rubbing Nova’s hand.  “I love you, and I’d give up the world for you.”  She stood, and offered a hand to Nova, which Nova accepted.  
“I love you too, but I don’t want you to throw your life away.”
“I’m not throwing it away if it's with you.  I’m just making it better.”
Nova went up on her tiptoes, and brushed a kiss against Danna’s chin.  “I want to leave Gatlon forever and never look back.”
“Me too.”
“Ready then?”  
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”  
Danna burst into her swarm, and followed Nova closely as she made her way down the old building.  
She solidified, and together the two of them walked through the city, hand in hand.  
Nova thought back to the Anarchists, the way she was just leaving them.  They would not last long without her.  But Leroy was smart, and they knew how to survive.  
“Thinking about the others?”  Danna asked.  “I know I don’t like the idea of leaving our team by themselves, but I’d rather you be safe.” Danna squeezed her hand reassuringly.  “They’ll be okay.”
“I hope so,” Nova responded, thinking about the Anarchists not the Renegades.  
As they walked past the cathedral ruins, Nova whispered, “I won’t let you tear me down, Uncle.  You did what you could to mold me to become your perfect soldier, but now I'm becoming my own person.  And I say no more heroes and villains.  Just me and Danna forever.”  She looked back at the tall girl and smiled.  “She feels better than revenge will ever feel.  And I want her to be my forever.”
Together, hand in hand the couple left the city, and never returned.  
tag list: @honey-harper-official @quinterickson @thepurpledragon4444 @nova-artino @lesbianariescalante @prudence-barnett @plain-jane-mclain
(this is my first tag list so please let me know if you want to be added or taken off)
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slipperyskell · 4 years
If you could ask Cicero for advice during most of the Dark Brotherhood quests, what kind of advice do you think he'd give??
ho man oh man oh man 
Things’ll prolly be p long too so I’ll likely be putting this under a Keep Reading type deal. 
Mourning Never Comes: Since this quest starts right when he first gets to the sanctuary, I can imagine him being very busy getting Mother settled in her new home, as he does mention in-game. While he likely doesn’t sit and chat for too long (as much as he’d like to, I’m sure), he still gives a few good bits of advice, especially since it’s your first bigger job. 
A lot of his advice, since it is your first official big contract, consists of how to present yourself while out in the field. One thing that comes to mind is him having to explain the second Tenet to you because you likely don’t know the Tenets are even a thing, and you can just see the concern on his face as he slowly tells you it, half hoping, half expecting you to slowly say it with him as though you’d forgotten. You didn’t, and that worries him a lot more than you realize. 
Seeing as he’s pretty much wholly unfamiliar with most of Skyrim at this time I can’t imagine him being able to give a lot of advice on how to go about killing a target aside from the obvious “stick to the shadows, be aware of your environment” type stuff. 
Honestly, I could also see him making an off-handed comment about him wishing he could join you to make sure you do alright, kinda hinting at him wanting to make sure you become one of the “good” assassins in his book before you become the Listener. Also maybe kinda sorta him being desperate to make a friend after all the bullshit he’s been through. Desperate to attach himself to someone, anyone. He’s hoping the hesitance the rest of the Family gives him is just because he’s new.
He knows it’s not, but a fool can dream, can’t he? 
Whispers In The Dark: This is where things start to get a little interesting, seeing as things could definitely diverge from canon in this situation depending on how things are dealt with. 
Consider with me, if you will, that instead of simply following Astrid’s orders, you tell Cicero that she thinks he’s plotting something.  At first he’s just annoyed, because of course she’d think he’s plotting something. But then he starts feeling a little hurt. A little stung by the fact that, yes, they were staying their distance from him because they thought he was up to something by bringing Mother here. 
There’s something in this little train of thought that makes something else click - he knew that Astrid tried to make herself the authority of this Family. She’d made that exceptionally clear when he’d first gotten there, and he realizes she’d probably done the same when you’d gotten there, too. 
It’s at this point, in this little alternate scenario, that I think Cicero realizes that his new Family doesn’t believe in the Old Ways much at all. Not that he hadn’t suspected beforehand, but this little situation settles it for him. 
But there’s still one person that he can’t quite get a read on - you. You’ve been here a little longer than he had, but you were far newer. You telling him what Astrid said could be you simply telling him and not knowing better (though technically this would be, in his eyes, the correct thing to do as Astrid is not the leader by the Old Ways’ rules), or you recognizing that he would technically be the authority figure in this situation until the Listener was found. 
And there’s some strange little stirring of optimism at that thought. He’d already come to the conclusion that he wasn’t and never will be the Listener, and he’d certainly hoped that the rest of this Family - or Sithis forbid, Astrid - was it, either.
And once again, that leaves you. Had anyone else been Listener, Mother would have spoken by now. She had to have. But you’d been out and about lately. You had promise....
He thanks you for letting him know before turning and leaving, saying he needs to head out and gather some ingredients for Mother’s oils. 
You wait, standing before the great stone sarcophagus, marveling at the stonework, before an icy cold voice seeps into your head and consumes you. 
When he comes back, he’s beyond ecstatic (as he is in-game) and after the little interaction with Astrid ends and she leaves, he does a lot of explaining for how being the Listener works (as he does in-game, too). He also does make a comment about how p much whatever the fuck Astrid says - to an extent, he is aware and does likely acknowledge that it’ll take the whole Family to organize this contract - is null. 
Though he definitely tells you to not just wait around for Astrid to decide whether to do the contract, and to go to this Volunruud place as soon as you possibly can, which is pretty much the entirety of The Silence Has Been Broken (so I won’t cover that one separately). 
Bound Until Death: I don’t really have a lot on this one other than his advice getting into his own character a bit (or more my own depiction of who he is outside of the Fool of Hearts, and an assassin of the Dark Brotherhood). 
His advice for this one is really him listing off a few good ways to go about dealing with things. Using the environment to make it look like an accident, like Babette says, or using a bow to shoot the bride from afar, like Gabriella wants you to do. He is aware that the Civil War is playing a substantial role in this series of killings before the big contract, and would likely tell you to make it look like something a Stormcloak would do (without getting into racial stereotypes bc that’s not cool, even as a joke). Your best bet would be something archery related. 
He makes a comment about how he wished he could’ve come with, saying something along the lines of how he’d always been such a hopeless romantic and actually quite enjoyed weddings. 
Whether this is jokingly or not is up for you to decide. 
Breaching Security: I don’t think he’d have a lot to say on this one either without getting overly repetitive, though I could definitely see him issuing a bit of caution when dealing with the guard. Killing off the commander’s son would put more eyes on the Brotherhood than I think he’d be comfortable with, and seeing Vittoria had been killed not too long before... 
He knows it’d be incredibly risky, but I think he’d tell you to hold off and try to go for the Emperor himself once he arrives rather than risking alerting the guards to the Brotherhood’s presence. They’re expecting opposition from the Stormcloaks ideally, not the Brotherhood. 
Cure For Madness: Quite simply: Astrid can go fuck herself. That and that stupid lapdog of hers. I don’t think he’d have much to say other than to maybe try and get Mother out of there as soon as possible, before you and he try to work things out from there. He doesn’t think Astrid would go as far as to harm her, but... he doesn’t want to risk that. He can’t afford to, not after everything he’d gone through to get his Family this far. 
(this is another one of those alternate scenario things that I could get into but I think I’m gonna hold off for the time being since that is a very large can of worms.” 
This is where I’m gonna leave it for now. I could see, if that alternate situation happened, you and Cicero meeting up and trying to work this shit out without everything falling apart, but like I said before, I’m gonna hold off since that’s a fuck ton of stuff to get into and talk about and I’ve already spent a good part of my afternoon thinking and writing this stuff up lmfao. 
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars LXIX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I’m so pissed bc last chapter came out in September 1st and I just ignored it??? I’m such an idiot?? Physically I’m on quarantine, spiritually I’m wherever these losers are -Danny
Words: 4,499
Warnings: None!
Series’ Masterilst
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Four: Bagman and Crouch.
"Morning, Basil," Mr. Weasley picked up the boot and handed it to the wizard.
"Really, why can't wizards just use cars?" Mel grumbled from the ground.
Two hands reach out for her and she found Fred and Harry standing side by side. The first one had an innocent and amused expression. Harry, however, glanced at the boy beside him with slight annoyance.
"Thank you boys," She said, quickly holding onto both hands and standing up.
"Told you," Fred chuckled.
"Is apparating just as uncomfortable as this?"
"Wouldn't know," He shrugged. "Never done it."
She brushed the dirt off her clothes, a little startled at the way Harry grabbed her bag and eagerly handed it back to her, still glaring at Fred in a strange way while the twin pretended not to notice, a sly smile on his face as he walked back to where his twin was.
"Hello there, Arthur," said Basil. "Not on duty, eh? It's all right for some... We've been here all night... You'd better get out of the way, we've got a big party coming in from the Black Forest at five-fifteen. Hang on, I'll find your campsite... Weasley... Weasley..."
"I'm sorry about my dad," Said a voice she wasn't familiar with. It was Cedric. "He's one of those who doesn't think twice before talking, but he's not a bad man..."
"It's okay," Mel grinned. "I'm one of those who does not think twice before snapping at someone. Bet you've heard..."
Cedric scrunched up his nose in a way that Mel considered adorable.
"Might have, once or twice."
"I'm also nice, I promise," She reached out a hand for him to shake, which he did almost immediately.
"It's a pleasure to oficially meet, then," He nodded, wearing his best smile.
"–About a quarter of a mile's walk over there, first field you come to. Site manager's called Mr. Roberts." Mr. Weasley's friend told them out loud. "Diggory... second field... ask for Mr. Payne."
"Thanks, Basil," said Mr. Weasley, and everyone followed him.
"So this is your last year at Hogwarts?" She asked the boy, considering a bit awkward to just walk in silence.
"Yeah," He shrugged. "I'm not sure of what I'll do once I'm done, but I think I might travel a bit before working."
"Any place in particular?" Cedric pondered, taking her question very seriously.
"Some place warm."
She nodded, thinking of anything else she could add, however, Cedric talked first.
"Is it true that Dumbledore gives you extra lessons?"
"Yes," She smiled. "It's sort of a family thing, and since my dad isn't around to teach me..."
It wasn't entirely true, but Dumbledore had admitted that her abilities were a thing women in their family had, so it wasn't a lie either.
"That's cool," Cedric replied. "Is he good at teaching?"
"The best," Mel continued eagerly. "He knows ever so many things about almost everything! I'd love to be like him once I'm older."
"Well, you're a Dumbledore," The boy raised his eyebrows. "I'm sure the brains must be part of the family as well." She laughed at this, not sure of how to answer. Instead, she casually changed the subject to Quidditch.
"So are you a Bulgaria, or Ireland supporter?"
Cedric quickly perked up at this, seemengly happy to talk about something so normal that had nothing to do with families.
"Ireland, I think... but my dad's with Rumania, so I have to support a little quieter..." They laughed discretely at his words.
Next fifteen minutes past rather quickly, Cedric was nice and social enough to keep the conversation flowing, Mel felt a little guilty of how everyone at school perceived him as just as pretty face with no brains or goals. She made a mental note to never let any of her friends make any negative comments about Cedric ever again.
When the time came that they had to part, Cedric waved at her joyfully and she returned it, hoping to see him again soon. She felt someone nudged her arm and turned to look at Harry, who pointed at the group that was already moving forward.
"Sorry," She said with a small smile. "Won't stay behind again, promise."
"Boys have been awfully nice to you lately..." He grumbled, looking back at Cedric over his shoulder.
"It certainly does feel better than to be chasen down a street while they threw rocks at you, you know?"
Harry's eyes widened, cheeks flushing at her words.
"Yeah, you're... you're right," He cleared his throat.
"Morning!" said Mr. Weasley, waving at a man standing near.
"Morning," the man (a muggle, for the looks of it) answered.
"Would you be Mr. Roberts?"
"Aye, I would," said Mr. Roberts. "And who're you?"
"Weasley — two tents, booked a couple of days ago?"
"Aye," said Mr. Roberts, consulting a list tacked to the door. "You've got a space up by the wood there. Just the one night?"
"That's it," said Mr. Weasley.
"You'll be paying now, then?" said Mr. Roberts.
"Ah — right — certainly —" said Mr. Weasley. He retreated a short distance from the cottage and beckoned Harry toward him. "Help me, Harry," he muttered, pulling a roll of Muggle money from his pocket and starting to peel the notes apart. "This one's a — a — a ten? Ah yes, I see the little number on it now. . . . So this is a five?"
"A twenty," Harry threw a desperate look her way, probably nervous about the man who was listening closely to their conversation.
"Ah yes, so it is... I don't know, these little bits of paper..." Mr. Weasley grumbled.
"You foreign?" said Mr. Roberts.
"You're not the first one who's had trouble with money. I had two try and pay me with great gold coins the size of hubcaps ten minutes ago."
"Did you really?"
"Never been this crowded... Hundreds of pre-bookings. People usually just turn up..."
"Is that right?" said Mr. Weasley, insisting for the man to take the money he was holding out but failing to succeed.
"Aye– People from all over. Loads of for- eigners. And not just foreigners. Weirdos, you know? There's a bloke walking 'round in a kilt and a poncho."
"Shouldn't he?" asked Mr. Weasley nervously.
"It's like some sort of... I dunno... like some sort of rally... They all seem to know each other. Like a big party."
"Obliviate!" A second man exclaimed, pointing his wand at Mr. Roberts.
"A map of the campsite for you," Mr. Roberts said after a moment of quiet change on his features. "And your change."
"Thanks very much," said Mr. Weasley.
The wizard who had charmed the muggle accompanied them to the door.
"Been having a lot of trouble with him. Needs a Memory Charm ten times a day to keep him happy. And Ludo Bagman's not helping. Trotting around talking about Bludgers and Quaffles at the top of his voice, not a worry about anti-Muggle security. Blimey, I'll be glad when this is over. See you later, Arthur." And with that, he disapparated.
"I thought Mr. Bagman was Head of Magical Games and Sports," said Ginny. "He should know better than to talk about Bludgers near Muggles, shouldn't he?"
"He should," said Mr. Weasley. "but Ludo's always been a bit... well... lax about security. You couldn't wish for a more enthusiastic head of the sports department though. He played Quidditch for England himself, you know. And he was the best Beater the Wimbourne Wasps ever had."
Halfway up the field stood an extravagant confection of striped silk like a miniature palace, with several live peacocks tethered at the entrance. A little farther on they passed a tent that had three floors and several turrets; and a short way beyond that was a tent that had a front garden attached, complete with birdbath, sundial, and fountain.
"Always the same," said Mr. Weasley, smiling. "We can't resist showing off when we get together. Ah, here we are, look, this is us." They had reached the very edge of the wood at the top of the field, and here was an empty space, with a small sign hammered into the ground that read weezly.
"Couldn't have a better spot!" said Mr. Weasley happily. "The field is just on the other side of the wood there, we're as close as we could be." He hoisted his backpack from his shoulders. "Right," he said excitedly, "no magic allowed, strictly speaking, not when we're out in these numbers on Muggle land. We'll be putting these tents up by hand! Shouldn't be too difficult. . . . Muggles do it all the time. . . . Here, Harry, where do you reckon we should start?"
"Harry has never gone camping before," Mel told him gently. "But I used to put up a tent for when we camped outside my house, remember Harry? I can help, don't worry..."
However, Harry insisting on helping anyway. Soon Emily, Mel, Harry, and Hermione had the tents ready. The problem was that there was only two and they were too small for all the people in their group, she turned to inform her mother about this when Mr. Weasley spoke up.
"We'll be a bit cramped, but I think we'll all squeeze in. Come and have a look."
She turned to her mother fully now, a quizzical look on her face while the woman chuckled, pushing her further.
"You'll love this..." Was all she commented.
And love it she did. Inside it looked like she had entered an actual flat, it had three rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. It was impressive, but Mel thought it took out a little of the charm, camping wasn't supposed to be this comfortable, or so she'd thought before.
"You want to come with us on an adventure?" Ron asked, suddenly appearing at the entrance.
"Where to?" She asked, leaving her backpack on a chair.
He showed her the kettle he kept on his hands.
"To get water."
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Everything around them invited her to give up on the no-magic rule and explore, so many different people, of all ages, colors and sizes!
She allowed herself to imagine a great deal, the homes and cities and comunities these wizards and witches may lived on, their families and background. A much more larger world for her to see...
Cedric's idea about traveling before settling down made complete sense to her, and she remembered the talk she'd had with Harry a few years prior, about them traveling the world together, sending postcards to their friends and family from all around the globe.
A fuzzy feeling made its way through her chest at this, picturing the endless adventures she could have with her best friend as adults and free from school.
"Er — is it my eyes, or has everything gone green?" asked Ron, bringing her back to the present.
It wasn't just Ron's eyes. They had walked into a patch of tents that were all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks, so that it looked as though small, oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth. Grinning faces could be seen under those that had their flaps open. Then, from behind them, they heard their names.
"Harry! Mel! Ron! Hermione!"
Seamus Finnigan was sitting in front of his own tent, with a woman that had to be his mother,  Dean Thomas was also there.
"Like the decorations?" said Seamus. "The Ministry's not too happy."
"Ah, why shouldn't we show our colors?" said the woman. "You should see what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents. You'll be supporting Ireland, of course?"
"Of course!"
"Like we'd say anything else surrounded by that lot." Ron said under his breath once they left Finnigan's tent to keep going on their quest. Mel snorted, just nodding as a reply.
"I wonder what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents?" said Hermione.
"Let's go and have a look," said Harry.
The tents here had not been bedecked with plant life, but each and every one of them had the same poster attached to it, a poster of a very surly face with heavy black eyebrows. The picture was, of course, moving, but all it did was blink and scowl.
"Krum," said Ron quietly.
"What?" said Hermione.
"Krum!" said Ron. "Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker!"
"He looks really grumpy," said Hermione, looking around at the many Krums blinking and scowling at them.
" 'Really grumpy '?" Ron raised his eyes to the heavens. "Who cares what he looks like? He's unbelievable. He's really young too. Only just eighteen or something. He's a genius, you wait until tonight, you'll see."
"I hardly believe that being a good seeker makes you a genius," Mel commented.
"Thanks," Harry replied grumpily.
"I didn't say you were stupid," She grinned. "Though coming to think about it, you've done some foolish things throughout the years..."
"You're one to talk!" He teased.
"I am, actually," Mel smiled. "I remember when we were ten and you tried to escape your Aunt Marge's dog..."
"Don't say it–"
"And you ended up on top of a tree until midnight because she just wouldn't call her dog," Mel giggled. "Which was very rude of her, but come on– you climbed a tree instead of running to my house!"
"I was ten!" He exclaimed over Ron's cackles. "Oh, bugger off..."
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There was a line for the tap. Harry, Mel, Ron, and Hermione joined it, behind a pair of men who were arguing. One of them was wearing a nightgown. The other was a Ministry wizard a holding a pair of trousers and beyond exasperated.
"Just put them on, Archie, there's a good chap. You can't walk around like that, the Muggle at the gate's already getting suspicious —"
"I bought this in a Muggle shop," said the old wizard stubbornly. "Muggles wear them."
"Muggle women wear them, Archie, not the men, they wear these," said the Ministry wizard, and he brandished the pinstriped trousers.
"I'm not putting them on," said old Archie in indignation. "I like a healthy breeze 'round my privates, thanks."
Hermione was overcome with such a strong fit of the giggles at this point that she had to duck out of the queue and only returned when Archie had collected his water and moved away.
Walking more slowly now, because of the weight of the water, they made their way back through the campsite. Here and there, they saw more familiar faces: other Hogwarts students with their families. Oliver Wood, the old captain of Harry's House Quidditch team, who had just left Hogwarts, dragged Harry over to his parents' tent to introduce him, and told him excitedly that he had just been signed to the Puddlemere United reserve team. Next they were hailed by Ernie Macmillan, a Hufflepuff fourth year, and a little farther on they saw Cho Chang, a very pretty girl who played Seeker on the Ravenclaw team. She waved and smiled at Harry, who slopped quite a lot of water down his front as he waved back.
Now, Mel wasn't going to admit that the huff that came out of her mouth right at that moment was because of the boy's reaction, but Ron definitely made sure to tease both of them relentlessly until Harry found the perfect excuse, pointing at some tent at his left.
"Who d'you reckon they are? They don't go to Hogwarts, do they?"
" 'Spect they go to some foreign school," said Ron. "I know there are others. Never met anyone who went to one, though. Bill had a penfriend at a school in Brazil... this was years and years ago... and he wanted to go on an exchange trip but Mum and Dad couldn't afford it. His penfriend got all offended when he said he wasn't going and sent him a cursed hat. It made his ears shrivel up."
"That's awful," Mel said over Harry's laughter. "Might been silly, but I never stopped to think about other Schools... I was too excited about being admitted into one that it went right over my head..."
"Me neither," Harry admitted. "I'd love to know a bit about them, though."
"You've been gone ages," George groaned as they entered the boys' tent.
"You're welcome," Mel replied, lightly slapping his head as she walked past.
"Met a few people," said Ron. "You not got that fire started yet?"
"Dad's having fun with the matches," Fred pointed towards the entrance with a stern face.
Mr. Weasley was having no success at all in lighting the fire, but it wasn't for lack of trying. Splintered matches littered the ground around him, but he looked as though he was having the time of his life.
"Oops!" he said as he managed to light a match and promptly dropped it in surprise.
"Come here, Mr. Weasley," said Hermione kindly, taking the box from him, and showing him how to do it properly.
At last they got the fire lit, though it was at least another hour before it was hot enough to cook anything. There was plenty to watch while they waited, however. Their tent seemed to be pitched right alongside a kind of thoroughfare to the field, and Ministry members kept hurrying up and down it, greeting Mr. Weasley cordially as they passed.
"That was Cuthbert Mockridge, Head of the Goblin Liaison Office... Here comes Gilbert Wimple; he's with the Committee on Experimental Charms; he's had those horns for a while now... Hello, Arnie . . . Arnold Peasegood, he's an Obliviator — member of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad, you know... and that's Bode and Croaker... they're Unspeakables..."
"They're what?"
"From the Department of Mysteries, top secret, no idea what they get up to..."
Mel's eyes lingered on the people Mr. Weasley had mentioned. Something about the circumstances of their job and the name gave her a thrill, imagining all the things they may see on a daily basis.
At last, the fire was ready, and they had just started cooking eggs and sausages when Bill, Charlie, and Percy came strolling out of the woods toward them.
"Just Apparated, Dad," said Percy loudly. "Ah, excellent, lunch!"
They were halfway through their plates of eggs and sausages when Mr. Weasley jumped to his feet, waving and grinning at a man who was striding toward them.
"Aha!" he said. "The man of the moment! Ludo!"
"Ahoy there! Arthur, old man, What a day, eh? What a day! Could we have asked for more perfect weather? A cloudless night coming... and hardly a hiccough in the arrangements... Not much for me to do!"
Behind him, a group of haggard-looking Ministry wizards rushed past, pointing at the distant evidence of some sort of a magical fire that was sending violet sparks twenty feet into the air.
Percy hurried forward with his hand outstretched. Apparently his disapproval of the way Ludo Bagman ran his department did not prevent him from wanting to make a good impression.
"Ah — yes, this is my son Percy. He's just started at the Ministry — and this is Fred — no, George, sorry — that's Fred — Bill, Charlie, Ron — my daughter, Ginny — this is Emily Sultens, mother of one of Ron's friends and Ron's friends, Hermione Granger, Mel Dumbledore and Harry Potter."
Mel smiled politely at the man, noticing how his eyes traveled from Harry's scar and settled on her face for a brief second, before returning to Mr. Weasley.
"Everyone, this is Ludo Bagman, you know who he is, it's thanks to him we've got such good tickets —"
"Fancy a flutter on the match, Arthur?" The man asked. "I've already got Roddy Pontner betting me Bulgaria will score first — I offered him nice odds, considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years — and little Agatha Timms has put up half shares in her eel farm on a week-long match."
"Oh... go on then," said Mr. Weasley. "Let's see... a Galleon on Ireland to win?"
"A Galleon? Very well, very well... any other takers?"
"They're a bit young to be gambling," said Mr. Weasley. "Molly wouldn't like —"
"We'll bet thirty-seven Galleons, fifteen Sickles, three Knuts," said Fred, and he and his brother pulled out all the money they had. "that Ireland wins — but Viktor Krum gets the Snitch. Oh and we'll throw in a fake wand."
"You don't want to go showing Mr. Bagman rubbish like that —" Percy hissed, but Bagman didn't seem to think the wand was rubbish at all; on the contrary, his boyish face shone with excitement as he took it from Fred, and when the wand gave a loud squawk and turned into a rubber chicken, Bagman roared with laughter.
"Excellent! I haven't seen one that convincing in years! I'd pay five Galleons for that!"
Percy froze in an attitude of stunned disapproval.
"Boys," said Mr. Weasley under his breath, "I don't want you betting... That's all your savings... Your mother —"
"Don't be a spoilsport, Arthur!" boomed Ludo Bagman, rattling his pockets excitedly. "They're old enough to know what they want! You reckon Ireland will win but Krum'll get the Snitch? Not a chance, boys, not a chance... I'll give you excellent odds on that one... We'll add five Galleons for the funny wand, then, shall we..."
Mr. Weasley looked on helplessly as Ludo Bagman whipped out a notebook and quill and began jotting down the twins' names.
"Cheers," said George, taking the slip of parchment Bagman handed him and tucking it away carefully. Bagman turned most cheerfully back to Mr. Weasley.
"You shouldn't have," Mel told them worryingly. "What will you do if you lose?"
"We'll worry about that, Lady Dumbledore," Fred told her carelessly. "Don't fuss over it just yet."
"But if your mum finds out–"
"Mum's done enough for us already," George replied hastily.
"Couldn't do me a brew, I suppose? I'm keeping an eye out for Barty Crouch. My Bulgarian opposite number's making difficulties, and I can't understand a word he's saying. Barty'll be able to sort it out. He speaks about a hundred and fifty languages."
"Mr. Crouch?" said Percy, suddenly abandoning his look of poker-stiff disapproval and positively writhing with excitement. "He speaks over two hundred! Mermish and Gobbledegook and Troll..."
"Anyone can speak Troll," said Fred dismissively. "All you have to do is point and grunt."
Percy threw Fred an extremely nasty look and stoked the fire vigorously to bring the kettle back to the boil.
"Any news of Bertha Jorkins yet, Ludo?" Mr. Weasley asked as Bagman settled himself down on the grass beside them all.
"Not a dicky bird," said Bagman comfortably. "But she'll turn up. Poor old Bertha... memory like a leaky cauldron and no sense of direction. Lost, you take my word for it. She'll wander back into the office sometime in October, thinking it's still July."
"You don't think it might be time to send someone to look for her?" Mr. Weasley suggested tentatively as Percy handed Bagman his tea.
"Barty Crouch keeps saying that," said Bagman, his round eyes widening innocently, "but we really can't spare anyone at the moment. Oh — talk of the devil! Barty!"
A wizard had just Apparated at their fireside, and he could not have made more of a contrast with Ludo Bagman, sprawled on the grass in his old Wasp robes. Barty Crouch was a stiff, upright, elderly man, dressed in an impeccably crisp suit and tie. The parting in his short gray hair was almost unnaturally straight, and his narrow toothbrush mustache looked as though he trimmed it using a slide rule. His shoes were very highly polished.
"Pull up a bit of grass, Barty," said Ludo.
"No thank you, Ludo," Crouch replied. "I've been looking for you everywhere. The Bulgarians are insisting we add another twelve seats to the Top Box."
"Oh is that what they're after?" said Bagman. "I thought the chap was asking to borrow a pair of tweezers. Bit of a strong accent."
"Mr. Crouch!" Percy sort of gasped. "Would you like a cup of tea?"
"Oh," Mr. Crouch, looked over at Percy. "Yes — thank you, Weatherby"
Fred, George, and Mel had to drained their chuckles into their cups. She didn't want to make fun of him, but it was just his luck...
"Oh and I've been wanting a word with you too, Arthur," said Mr. Crouch. "Ali Bashir's on the warpath. He wants a word with you about your embargo on flying carpets."
"I sent him an owl about that just last week. If I've told him once I've told him a hundred times: Carpets are defined as a Muggle Artifact by the Registry of Proscribed Charmable Objects, but will he listen?"
"I doubt it. He's desperate to export here." Mr. Crouch took the tea, silently thanking Percy.
"Well, they'll never replace brooms in Britain, will they?" asked Bagman.
"Ali thinks there's a niche in the market for a family vehicle," said Mr. Crouch. "I remember my grandfather had an Axminster that could seat twelve — but that was before carpets were banned, of course."
Mel was elated with the conversation. It sounded like a day-to-day coming from the men in front of her, but everything sounded so fantastical she didn't have any problems to keep up with the conversation.
"So, been keeping busy, Barty?" said Bagman.
"Fairly. Organizing Portkeys across five continents is no mean feat, Ludo."
"I expect you'll both be glad when this is over?" said Mr. Weasley.
"Glad! Don't know when I've had more fun... Still, it's not as though we haven't got anything to look forward to, eh, Barty? Eh? Plenty left to organize, eh?"
"We agreed not to make the announcement until all the details —"
"Oh details!" said Bagman. "They've signed, haven't they? They've agreed, haven't they? I bet you anything these kids'll know soon enough anyway. I mean, it's happening at Hogwarts —"
"Ludo, we need to meet the Bulgarians, you know," Mr. Crouch replied sharply. "Thank you for the tea, Weatherby."
"See you all later!" Bagman said once he got up. "You'll be up in the Top Box with me — I'm commentating!"
"What's happening at Hogwarts, Dad?" said Fred. "What were they talking about?"
"You'll find out soon enough," said Mr.Weasley, a knowing smile.
"It's classified information, until such time as the Ministry decides to release it," said Percy, clearly dying to talk about it. "Mr. Crouch was quite right not to disclose it."
"Oh shut up, Weatherby," Fred rolled his eyes.
"Mum, do you know?" Mel asked.
"Molly mentioned it a few days back," Emily sighed. "Clearly, I'll keep it a secret. I won't be the one who ruins the surprise. However, I assure you I'm not entirely happy about it."
"Why's that?"
Emily just shook her head.
"You'll find out soon enough," She insisted, taking a sip of her tea.
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Next Chapter —>
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lordsalehi · 5 years
ʻ   / wow ,   i am so excited  to introduce berlin sari to  our current  students at cape  coral . she  is  extremely  excited to  join  track and field & honors society.   coming  in as a  twenty two year  old sophomore  ,  they  shouldn’t  worry about  fitting in .   the cis female  scorpio  has  always  reminded  me of medalion rahimi  , but  some people  don’t see it .   trying to keep the  fact that she’s the side piece of a cape coral parent   from  getting  around this  school is going  to be tough . no  worries , though ,   cape coral will create  a new life for them , i  assure you . ʼ  
my momma used to say ‘baby make me proud’, you’ve got such a pretty face, but such a dirty mouth
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NAME — berlin avery salehi.
PRONOUNS — she/her.
AGE & DOB — 22 & november 8, 1997.
PLACE OF BIRTH — lewiston, maine.
NATIONALITY — american.
MAJOR — music and audio engineering.
EDUCATION — prev. parker community college, now cape coral international.
CLUBS — honors society, track & field.
* background overview !
so for ten years, it was berllin, her older brother, her mom, and her dad. everything was honestly pretty normal, he worked as a bank teller and her mom was an elementary school teacher. 
when she was ten, her mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer and began treatment, it was in the middle of her moms chemo treatments that her dad decided he was done and left the three of them on their own. 
her older brother was stuck taking care of them both, berlin helped where she could, but it wasn’t exactly in the means of income. 
her mom did go into remission, but later it came back when berlin was 15. as soon as she turned 16, it was her brothers turn to leave them, claiming he was tired of it.  
from then on, she taught both piano and guitar lessons to anyone who was willing to let her teach as a means to support herself and her mom. 
music was and always has been a massive part of her life and was one of the few things she used as an escape when everyday life was just Too Much, so getting to teach others was something she really liked to do. 
when she was 18, one of her student’s parents had taken an interest in her and invited her over for dinner where they offered her the opportunity to be with them. she said yes and began her secret relationship, mostly using the money they gave her to help pay rent and for groceries, or if it was things, then it allowed her to use the money from lessons for other things. 
she was taking classes at pcc mostly online so that she had more time to be at home, but when the parents she was dating mentioned that the school their child was attending, cape coral, was offering a scholarship they encouraged her to apply. 
* personality !
god she is... kind of a mess. 
like being bitter is probably one of her defining personality traits, and it’s not even towards rich people bc of their money or anything, she’s just like bitter that THIS is the life she ended up with.
she can definitely sit and just have a normal conversation without chewing someone’s head off but she never really seems particularly cheery.
she’s one of those people that likes to run to blow off steam, which isn’t the worst thing in the world, but she’ll leave and go running at like 2am bc she’s stressed. 
is a hardass and thinks she’s like top shit even though she has absolutely no reason to be? thinks because she doesn’t directly “engage” or involve herself in drama that she’s better than everyone
is NOT afraid to call you out on your bullshit bc she really doesn’t have time to deal with it at all 
really, keeps a lot of people at a distance and doesn’t really like getting close to people because they can just leave whenever they want to. and she’ll never admit it but she doesn’t want to get hurt.
she’s double majoring in music (basic she knows) but in audio production as well, eventually she wants to produce music, whether it’s someone else’s or her own.
prefers to keep her private life mostly private? like what and how much she shares honestly just depends on her mood.
* character tropes !
so i was thinking and really, she’s a bit of the Corruptor. which sounds bad, but it’s kinda like, she’s so far up her own ass she thinks she’s better than everyone and that people need to be brought down from their pedestals and clouds. so she tends to poke at people until they show their worst sides, or sides they don’t necessarily like very much. i also saw a little bit of the Femme Fatale in her too, just because she’s gorgeous (duh) and fully uses that to her advantage when she can, like the affair turned sugar daddy/baby situation she has with one of the cape coral parents.
* playlist !
kings — tribe society:
i’ve been through the darkest of caves and suffering one hundred  steps off the end of the road painted with passion, my favorite color hope i’m alive when the story gets old we could be free 
this goes with both her personality and her past tbh. she’s really headstrong and not afraid to take the lead on anything she’s passionate about, but also won’t let anyone else sway her opinion on anything, like at all. it’s like trying to push a round stone up a hill. when looking at her past, it’s not anywhere near rainbows and butterflies. her dad left her family when she was really young, and her mom has been sick with recurrent cancer for years. for a while, her older brother helped take care of her and their mom, but when she turned 16 he left, leaving her to fend for the both of them. as awful as it sounds, all she wants is to be free of everything that’s held her down, she feels bad for wanting out, but she’s so tired of it all now.
monsters — ruelle:
one misstep, you’re mine and you better stay clever if you wanna survive once you cross the line you’ll be wishing you would listen  when you meet your demise 
funnily enough, this isn’t really as serious as it should be. the vibe IS her, i’ll tell you, but this is really where the Scott Disick comes in. like she’s very take no shit but will definitely call you out on your shit. more of a if you make yourself look stupid, or give her the chance to roast/call you out, she will and isn’t really worried about what’s going to come from it. not her fault it could expose or embarrass you for any reason!
something to hold on to — the band camino:
do you ever think of me? after everything give me something to hold on to  i need just a little piece  i’ll take anything 
so this, two things as well. i know the song’s a breakup song but it’s kinda at her dad and brother for just up and leaving her and her mom, kinda like the one time she’ll show any vulnerability is when she really wishes they had stayed. but also, she’s really musical, it’s her one escape and this is probably the style of music she likes to listen to and play.
* aesthetics !
sneaking out at 2am, vintage t-shirts, scrunchies, the satisfaction of snoozing the alarm clock, worn combat boots, long sleepless nights, calloused fingers pulling at guitar strings, quiet sounds of piano, an exhausted body finally laying down to sleep, black coffee, backhanded compliments, stone cold stares, the lure of seduction.
* character inspo !
scott disick (kuwtk) , rebeca de bormujo avalos (elite) , jade west (victorious)
* wanted plots !
i’m still not any better at coming up w plots so this is the Same
general friends: honestly some from childhood, some from high school, others from college, give me New friend with the people coming on scholarship, anything
best friends: someone that’s been by her side for years, someone she’d literally trust with her whole life
ride or dies: honestly what it says, maybe like one or two of them that have been through the thick and thin of it but still have a really strong friendship in the end?
confidant: honestly, probably someone she’s close with, but doesn’t see on a regular basis? 
better influence: someone who can teach her to let go and ease up more, and to not be so angry all the time
exes ( good, bad, anything in between ): you know the drill, hit me with the good angst. (male, female, nb)
roommate: rent ain’t cheap! 
hook ups: you also know this drill, but this is pretty much all berlin does (male, female, nb)
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wetalkinboutbooks · 5 years
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron
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Summary: Magic has a price—if you’re willing to pay.
Born into a family of powerful witchdoctors, Arrah yearns for magic of her own. But each year she fails to call forth her ancestral powers, while her ambitious mother watches with growing disapproval.
There’s only one thing Arrah hasn’t tried, a deadly last resort: trading years of her own life for scraps of magic. Until the Kingdom’s children begin to disappear, and Arrah is desperate to find the culprit.
She uncovers something worse. The long-imprisoned Demon King is stirring. And if he rises, his hunger for souls will bring the world to its knees… unless Arrah pays the price for the magic to stop him. (Taken from Goodreads)
Our Ratings:  
 → Geena:  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
 → Kae: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐️
Overall: Kingdom of Souls is full of worldbuilding and characters that draw you in, thought sometimes their actions want to make you rip you hair out. BUT! We really loved this book and are excited to see where this trilogy takes us! Oh also, we should mention there are a few trigger warnings that Rena Barron has listed on the goodreads. 
Spoiler-full review below!
The Good:
→ The Worldbuilding
Geena: So, one of the best things about reading this book was the amazing worldbuilding, which she based off of West African mythology. The kingdoms are complex, and the separation of the different people and their faiths was super easy to follow too. I’ve read so many books where they have some wildass worldbuilding that leaves you scratching your head but this author did a good job at making it easy to understand. Also, Rena Barron did such a good job at describing the magic system? When she introduced the witch doctors in the first few chapters I could just visualize how they were and it was like watching a movie in my head. Like I’m still thinking about that one witchdoctor and her tribe that came down on clouds….. Poetic cinema… 
Kae: OK, so! I really enjoyed reading the differences between the tribes and how they are distinguished from each other. Some people had their bodies covered in tattoos others were known for their tall and lean figure, light eyes, etc. it was very wonderfully written and I always knew who Rena was talking about when she was mentioning the characters or introducing new ones.  Sometimes others don’t do a very good job of separating characters by looks and they expect the reader to remember everything based off of personality, which is quite annoying. Rena did a wonderful job of giving all of the characters their own individuality so we wouldn’t have to struggle and figure out who was who even if they weren’t mentioned by name. The way she wrote the big city (which I cannot remember the name), was very well done and you could easily see the differences between the city and the tribal lands.  I also love the way she incorporated the religious ties to magic in this world and the origin story of how they got their magic. There was a war between the gods, and the God of gods gifted humans with his magic. There are even mentions of fallen angels technically. It was just really interesting altogether. 
Geena: Yesss, the origin story was also one of the coolest components of the book. Also, Rena Barron does this cool thing of interspersing chapters throughout the book that are from the perspectives of different gods and their opinions on whatever is going on in the book. I really enjoyed that even though the first time I read it I was lowkey confused.
→ Arrah
Kae: Arrah!! My sweet summer, very cursed child. Arrah is the daughter of two of the most powerful witch doctors in this world. Her mother, Arti,  comes from a tribe where she was known for being the next in line to be the chief and a high witch doctor. Her father, Oshhe; who is the son of the high priestess/witch doctor and his tribe, making him one of the highest as well. This lineage from which Arrah comes from, left many to have very high expectations for her and her magical abilities. Unfortunately for Arrah, no matter  how many magical rituals she went through, was not blessed with magic. She often beats herself up about it because she feels she has let her family down, and truthfully the only person she let down was her mother. Her mother is The high priestess, and I mean THE HIGH PRIESTESS The entire kingdom. So she often waves her daughter off and is not home most of the time anyway because she is fulfilling her duties at the temple. So our main character is very close with her father who is honestly everyone’s dream dad.  oshhe is the epitome of a perfect father. 
Geena: Reading about her relationship with her dad, I was like “it’s just not realistic.”
Kae: LMAO BUT HONESTLY THO!! So when the children start to go missing in the city people begin to worry. Arrah’s Self-proclaimed a little brother ends up going missing as well. This leads her to sell small pieces of her life in order to use magic for a short period of time and figure out who is stealing the children.
Geena: LMAO Kae’s “sweet summer, cursed child” is so accurate. All she wants to do is become a powerful witchdoctor so her mom will love her :(  Despite everyone around her saying that her magic (or lack of) doesn’t define her, Arrah lives in a constant state of anxiety where magic is on her mind. She isn’t the most perfect protagonist and I liked that about her, she made dumb decisions and recognized they were stupid… but did them anyways 💀 A big fucken mood… But then again a lot of what she does throughout the book is driven by her need to help others, like finding her self-proclaimed younger brother or selling more of her lifespan to find a way to free her father from her mother’s spell. Her personal relationships are a wreck too like this girl had a crush on Rudjek, the future royal vizier, it was very much a two way crush but the whole time Arrah was like “Idk does he :////” like u absolute dumbo… EVERY SIGN POINTED TO “YES”  AND SHE WAS STILL LIKE “I’m imagining things.”
→ Arrah’s Squad
Geena: Barron also wrote Arrah an amazing group of friends. Primarily, Sukar and Essnai, both her friends from the city who would travel to the tribal lands to visit their own tribes for the yearly magic ritual. Sukar was very much a himbo (like almost every guy in this book lmao) and Essnai was a wlw QUEEN who was the oNLY ONE WITH A STEADY RELATIONSHIP THROUGHOUT THIS BOOK. Barron really said lesbian rights by giving Essnai the most wholesome relationship. Sukar and Essnai didn't turn their backs on Arrah even after her family was banished from the kingdom for crimes that Arrah had nothing to do with, and even accompanied her when it was revealed that Arrah would have to die to set the world to its original state. Also…. Omg when Sukar, Essnai, and Rudjek found out that she gave some of her lifespan for magic they were literally that meme:
Arrah: So I did a thing
Them: What?
Arrah: Sold my life for 3 hours of magic
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Kae: IT WAS REALISTIC AF. I’d also like to mention how everyone and her friend group was basically like “Did you and Rudjek finally kiss yet? No? Typical.” And they would tease Arrah and Rudjek CONSTANTLY. Arrah’s friends had her back through literally everything and were ready to die by her and Rudjek’s side. They were some real ride or die friends when it came down to it. THEY WERE WITH THE SHITS. 
Arrah and Rudjek: *standing near each other* 
The homies:
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→ Arrah’s Dad
Kae: OK so we have Arrah’s father, Oshhe, who is honestly the kindest man that I have ever encountered. He is such a wonderful father to Arrah and does everything in his power to let her know that she is loved and that she does not need to possess magic in order to be loved. He is constantly showering her with the reassurance that she needs to have two accept who she is. Arrah is in love with the stories he tells her. He also allows her to hang out with Rudjek when they both know that Arti, Arrah’s mother, would forbid it. (Rudjeks father did some foul shit to Arti when they were young and she isn’t over it… which is understandable, considering he had her tortured.) sadly, Arti curses oshhe and he is under her spell. He tried to fight it, but his magic just isn’t as strong as hers. He is complicit in whatever Arti says while he is under her curse, but he is often sweating or staring off into the distance, because he is still trying to break free. He’s basically under my control, knows he’s under my control, but is stuck behind magical, mental bars watching everything go down well he can do nothing to stop it. It’s really fucked up.
Geena: Kae summed up Oshhe really well. We learn about how he met and married someone as unloving as Arti and it’s so sad. He’d always been in love with Arti from their time at the tribes, and he still loved her when she came to the kingdom and fell in love with the King. And he was the one there after Arti was freed from her torture, even though he knew that Arti would never love him back and that she wasn’t the same woman he’d fallen for. Also, when he tells Arrah something along the lines of that when she was born he knew she’d be the love of his life bc he loved his daughter so much it’s unREAL. He went to a dangerous forest and killed a mystical animal for her. And he would have killed the gods themselves if it had come to that. And like Kae mentioned he was under Arti’s mind control but was aware of the torture she was putting Arrah through, and when he finally gains back control at the VERY END… AND DIES RIGHT AFTER?????? BRO????? I WAS LIKE THE FUCK!!! HE DID NOT DESERVE THIS!!!!!
The Bad:
Kae: So, I’m going to backtrack just a little bit. But when Arrah sells some of her so for magic, she does like this magic phantom walk and finds out that her mother is the child snatcher. Her mother discovers that Arrah knows this and curses her so she can never speak with ill intent against her mother. So whenever Arrah tries to get help or tell someone what’s going on she literally cannot talk. It’s pure agony for her. So her mother curses Oshhe, gets pregnant by a demon via possession of him, and is exiled from the country. So they take a boat and travel to this small town that is known for its unresting spirit activity. Time also doesn’t exist in this town so it’s very hard for her to keep track of minutes, days, months, etc. they get to like this hidden Temple where Arti gives birth to Efiya, the demon baby. Efiya grows rapidly. She is born, then she’s like 5 the next day, then she’s 10. Then she’s Arrah’s age, 16. Efiya is a SUPER powerful girl who has the power of actual Gods, and she is completely unstoppable. Arrah escapes, returns home to her friends, and they’re on a mission to try to stop Efiya. Rudjek dies, comes back, she and he ditch the homies because they don’t want the homies to get hurt. WELL!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotdamn EFIYA shape shifts to look like her sister, waits until Arrah leaves for a moment to collect herself after it gets a little HOT with Rudjek, and goes to take some herbs. OUR GIRL SAID I'M NOT GETTING PREGNANT. comes back and boom. She sees him having sex with her sister. She’s shooketh. And PISSED. And hurt. Then the homies find them, blah blah blah. And long story short, they find the temple of the Gods, she fights and Efiya and they  basically kill each other. BUT Arrah comes back and learns her and Rudjek can’t be together. BUT THEY KISS ANYWAY. THEY WERE LIKE FUCK IT. I'M HERE FOR A GOOD TIME NOT A LONG TIME. Oh, yeah… and Efiya killed her parents. That happened. And her grandmother. And all the elder witch doctors because she wanted to steal  their magic. 
Geena: Poor girl was just knocked around like a ping-pong ball. One tragedy to another 🤕 First, she can’t do magic for SHIT and her mom doesn’t love her because of that. Second, the guy she likes is her mom’s nemesis’ son. Third, every single person she cares about is taken from her one way or the other, from her adoptive lil bro to her dad. Like I thought the book couldn’t get any worse when she saw her dad be possessed, but then Rudjek dies? And when he comes back to life he ends up sleeping with her evil sister thinking it was Arrah. Right, we gotta mention… in an attempt to free the demon king Arrah’s mom has a half-demon half-god baby, aka Arrah’s sister 
The Ugly:  
→ Arti and Efiya
Geena:  The ugliest villains can be found in this book. We have Rudjek’s dad that had Arti tortured, which broke her mind and twisted her into an unloving and terrible person. Hearing Arti’s story pulled at your heartstrings, but did it justify her killing 12 underprivileged children to resurrect a demon with whom she’d have a baby with JUST so she could resurrect the demon king. In my opinion… no. Not even just that, but treating your own child like shit and basically ignoring she exists until the very end of the book where suddenly she feels regret for neglecting Arrah for 16 years. Overall, on a scale of 0-10 Arti is a -5 when it comes to the mom scale.  Also, Arti is a powerful witchdoctor, and she cant feign ignorance because I’m pretty sure she would’ve seen the future at one point and seen everything that goes down. The only good thing she did do was kill the man that tortured her and countless other women. I feel like I’m too harsh on her given what she’s gone through, but she essentially puts Arrah through the wringer by cursing her and forcing her to watch her dad lose his own body. I’M LIKE I DONT WANT PPL TO BE LIKE ‘UR JUS BEIN A BITCH, ARTI SUFFERED TOO’ LIKE yes she did suffer, but rather than taking action against those that put her through hell she chose to ruin the lives of innocents ju kno. 
Kae: YES!! Arti was on some bullshit and I get she got fucked up and the love of her life was against her. But like… don’t take that out on your daughter because you can’t use her to get back at your enemies. I think that’s exactly why she treated Arrah the way she did. Arti married Oshhe for his power in hopes to have a powerful child. When that didn’t happen, she was pissed and started planning for that damn demon baby. Her actions are all based on revenge and power and in the end, they kill everyone. Including Arrah, though she doesn’t stay dead for long. She literally is like “Nah, I got shit to do.” And the gods are like “Mmm ... we can’t let our sister be reincarnated into you again… soooo, no?” And Arrah is like “Too bad bitches!” And zooms back into her own body. 
And then there’s Efiya. Efiya is described as beautiful and looks much like their mother. She starts off as a sweet little girl who just likes being around her big sister. But once she learns human things, like playing and being a child, she gets interested in that, and begins to abuse her powers. 
Geena: I was kinda disappointed on how the Efiya storyline went because like Kae mentioned, she had started off as a sweet girl who loved Arrah. And I had thought Arrah would run away with Efiya and train her against Arti but bOY WAS I WRONG. Efiya is powerful and she knows it, she kills countless gods and absorbs their power, and when she kills Arrah’s grandma she tries to take her power too but for some reason it doesn’t take. Instead, Arrah ends up taking her grandma’s magic (along with every other powerful witch doctor). This annoyed the fuck out of Efiya, bc she’s supposed to more powerful than Arrah, prettier than Arrah, and just generally better at everything. So, Efiya is like ‘I can’t take your powers or see your future so I’ll fuck your man instead” …… very much 0-100. Near the end of the novel I still couldn’t tell, did Efiya really love Arti and Arrah? Because on the one hand it seemed like she hated the prospect of killing them, but on the other hand Efiya didn’t care about skewering Arti. She was a complex villain for sure, kinda in the same way Arti was. 
Kae:  OH. AND THE DEMON KING GAVE ARRAH SOME OF HER PAST LIFE MEMORIES BACK. So like, now a piece of Arrah feels torn because she loves everyone in her current life. But she was married to the Demon King in a past life and he is determined to have her love him again. And I feel like a very small piece of Arrah does. The Demon King wants her back so they can resurrect demons, kill the remaining Gods, and take over the world like they originally planned. SO. THERE’S  THAT. A big whammy for ya there. But yeah. Shits crazy. 
Kae: He also mentioned possibly trying to kill Rudjek. 
Geena: Oh yea oh man.... Wait... there is a meme for this 
Arrah seeing the Demon King and Rudjek throwing hands:
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Kae: SO! In conclusion, we loved this book. The story was WILD from  Start to finish. Rena is such an amazing storyteller and her descriptions that were vivid without being overdone. You know how some others like to go on for 10 pages about the smell of the wind and the bark of a tree. But Ren does it right! My favourite part of the book has to be Arrah and Rudjek . being so awkward around each other and dodging the fact that they’re both in love with each other. It was really cute because neither of them wanted to ruin their friendship and I think that was very realistic. The friendships are also beautifully written as well. And the way Rena differentiates the cultures of the tribes from one another is amazing and I felt like I was there. 
Geena:  I agree to everything Kae said above, Barron does an amazing job in (like what we mentioned before) worldbuilding shit. AND YEA my favourite part was like when Sukar purposely hangs around Arrah to make Rudjek jealous JUST BECAUSE IT WAS SO FUNNY TO ME. But honest to god I’m so excited to see how it’ll go from here because it’s supposed to be a trilogy right, so there is SO MUCH that can happen and there are SO MANY paths this can take. 
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queer-starling · 5 years
Flower ask: also all of them. you get to suffer with me >:3€
oh darlin’ we’re in it now huh
Alisons: Sexuality?
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
she/they | all gender will be shot on sight
Amaryllis: Birthday?
sept 23rd
Anemone: Favorite flower?
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
stranger things or ghost adventures
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
like? distance? a couple miles probably
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
“We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little lifeIs rounded with a sleep.” William Shakespeare, The Tempest
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
wild cherry capri sun
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
ima change that to ‘kiss the last person u thought abt kissing’ bc YES
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
*jenna marbles voice* hell yeah!!
Baneberries: Favorite song?
waiting for the end - linkin park 
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
i have too many to list !!! brandi, kasey, you, liz, ivy, nick , just to name a few!!
Begonia: Favorite color?
blue uwu
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
foxes !! and opossums
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
night time babey
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
either a fox or an opossum or a raven, i think
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
i wanted to be a vet !!!
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
theyre ok as long as theyre not screaming and/or mine
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
i don’t liike vomit bc. nastey (trauma i think) and i don’t like old ppl well. i dunno why? they’re just so old and fragile and helpless and sometimes they’re really mean and idk i think it’s like something to do w death or something LMAO idk. also i just hate the idea of becoming old and having to rely on other people ?? hhh
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
i was bullied a lot
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?  
realistically? probably playing dead by daylight with my girlfriend ADFSGRHYUTR
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
happily taken 
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
ireland, scotland, alaska, greece
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
whenever my friends or family tells me they love me but esp when u text me goodmorning or when we say our goodnights sorry im gay haha
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?  
i have. uuuuhh 6
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?  
no!!! i want some tho :(
California Poppy: Height?  
i think im like. 5′5 or something? give or take an inch ?
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
oh absolutely. my house is haunted as we speak
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?  
bmth hoodie and pajama pants w foxes all over them. i just woke up lol
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
yeah i always keep one on in the bathroom
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?  
my sister bc she came home from college yesterday
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
ask me in like. a little over a month from now ;)
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
FONT??? the animal crossing font
Columbine: Are you tired?
oh absolutely
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
thanksgiving, christmas, seeing my gf, magfest
Coneflower: Dream job?
idk if it’s a job but i just wanna own like. a ranch that takes in all sorts of animals and takes care of them
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
ooooh yeah
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
i mean. depends on what they want/need. distance wise? i’d travel the known universe for u  
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
he was a plaid teddy bear his name was Stanley!!!! i miss him :( but now i have Little Moon God as my favourite stuffed animal 
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
Working in Yellowstone is something I’ll never forget
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
well. hmm. i was gonna say flying to yellowstone but maybe driving to north carolina by myself bc driving long distances alone to places i haven’t been before gives me hella anxiety (i’m better now)
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)? 
i don’t pay rent in this house to listen to their opinions lmao. 
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
you, i think, when we said goodnight last night!!! EDIT: you this morning!!
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
being bad at dead by daylight
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
dead by daylight
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
(little over a month now but uhhh) GOT A UH ......GIRL.....FRIEND ...... GOT TO VISIT GIRLFRIEND ........ and got the windshield finally replaced in my car 
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
i dont know! so far ive laid in bed now im at my computer answering this. not too bad. my shift is only 4 hours today. 
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
for the most part, i’m pretty content, yeah
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
my friends, my mom, my sisters, my girlfriend, my bastard dog
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
what does this mean. physically, i’m very affectionate, i just. don’t show it alot bc anxiety/i overthink. that and i constantly tell ppl i love them and what they mean to me 
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
whoever is reading this
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
wake up next 2 a cute girl. take way too long to get up. go climb mountain w cute girl. vibe on mountain w cute girl. go to waffle house 2gether. gome home and vibe. play video games or watch a movies/tv w cute girl.  
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?  
i like to make art or play bideo jame
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
oh gosh i dunno. the ones i’ve known the longest are kasey and brandi, and i’ve known them both around/over a decade i think. we met in middle/highschool!
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
you, ivy, liz
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
so many 
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
idk man but i remember when you said u had a crush on me and then i posted a selfie and u were like ‘OH NO SHE’S CUTE” and like ??? idk i think that was definitely the first compliment to ever shock me LMAO 
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
my tattoos
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself? 
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
i liked to play zombies ate my neighbors on the sega genesis !!!!
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
eliza !!!! we lost touch a few years after i moved away :(
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
ima be real everything makes me feel guilty
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?  
aaaaaa the whole abi/moon incident 
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
my name is fox. it means i like foxes
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
northern virginia babey !!!! that place fucking sucks!!! but everyone who lives up there thinks they’re hot shit. 
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
i had a bunkbed and i think the walls were pink 
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?  
😬 i’m just gonna say i’m much happier now and i’m coping with life and shit a lot better  
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
she’s sweet and funny and i love her so much!! she always does the Most for everyone, sometimes to the point where she isn’t concerned abt herself and i see where i get it from. but yeah my mom is great, my dad doesn’t deserve her 
Onions: Tell about your dad.  
source of a lot of trauma and why i have so many issues regarding men. i don’t wanna talk about him anymore LOL he doesn’t deserve the attention
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
my dad’s mom is becoming senile and i think she’s racist and queerphobic. my mom’s parents disowned her a few years ago so we don’t talk to them anymore 
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
i dunno. i don’t try to remember my birthdays. whenever i can go to busch gardens for my birthday i usually have a lot of fun there. 
Peony: What was your first job?
if you don’t wanna count working w my mom as a florist, target was my first job back in 2016. i found my name tag the other day , actually
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
WELL, i know you followed me on here first. and then twitter?? but we didn’t really start talking until stranger things 3 came out (thank u stranger things) PHYSICALLY, we didn’t meet until fursonacon (haha. i remember when u texted me that u got to the hotel and i came down to help n i saw u unloading yr car and it was then that my brain was like OH NOOOOOOOO and my heart was like OH YEEEEAAAAAAAH) 
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
physical, mental, or emotional? i play a video game or listen to loud music
Pink: Where is home?[
somewhere in appalachia i can feel it in my stupid soul 
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change? 
idk man i’m pretty content w where i’m at now so 
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
chester bennington 
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
i have a waife and we have many great pets and we live in a log cabin in the mountains or in a nice victorian in a small town or something IDK but we’re happy and that’s all that matters 
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
my mom, me best friends, my girlfriend
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
my girlfriend’s laugh because it’s THE cutest shit and then when she giggles??? oh my heart 
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
oct 23rd, 2005, we brought Fat Boy Zack home !!!!
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
July 22nd, 2016. i was 2200 miles away
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?  
to be holding my girlfriend >:(
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
those i hold dear
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
enough, i guess? 
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
my girlfriend
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
it’s fucking BORING and TOO EASY and they don’t pay me ENOUGH but i can get away with so much shit there so ima still go, ima still go 
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
all of the flannels currently in my possession
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.  
mountains, woods, forests, cabins, autumn, cryptic, occult, victorian, edwardian
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
if someone gets me a gift i’m legally required to execute them
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
this 40hr workweek i got coming up 
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
i have not read in So Long
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Moved out away from here lol, we’ll see
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
i’m a furry
that was SO LONG im sorry i also put you through that but THANK YOU ENJOY READING ILU
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girlbattled · 5 years
hola m’angels , i’m min ! twenty-two ( aka gettin old ) , from the gmt timezone ( aka will be awake when everyone’s sleeping ) , and i use she/her mainly but i don’t mind anythin else . if anyone happens to wanna go wild with me over anime, robert pattinson / zoe kravitz as batcat, or riot games dropping way too much shit on us on the 10th anniversary pls hop into my ims or give me a little ping over on discord at 𝖓𝖔𝖊𝖑 𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓#0252 .
* drum roll pls * i present to you sloane janeway !
underneath the cut is a little bit about my baby gorl. her bio, fun facts, some wanted stuff, etc etc. if you fancy plotting w her it’d be super cool if you liked this or if u came to me, either in my ims or discord ! i’m super down for anything & loan is a total mess so pls throw stuff at me . ♡ ♡ ♡
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trigger warnings     :     abuse,  physical  abuse,  neglect,  destructive  behaviours,  alcohol,  drugs,  sex,  overdose.  if  i’ve  missed  any,  please  forgive  me  and  let  me  know.
the new york janeway’s, you’re sure you’ve heard of them before. cyrus janeway, a stockbroker with far too little time on his hands, flanked by estrella janeway, his personal assistant turned life partner. they gave birth not longer after the wedding of the century to their eldest son, their pride and joy, cole janeway. he was to be the golden child, the heir to the estate... that was, until sloane came along.
from birth, sloane was a vicious departure from her family. she was unplanned, unexpected, perhaps unwanted was a stretch but it certainly wouldn’t have been far off the mark. her birth nearly destroyed the reputation the janeway’s had so carefully cultivated for themselves, nobody could quite believe cyrus and estrella would be so stupid, but along she came regardless. a spanner in the cogs.
for the first few years, sloane didn’t feel the difference between herself and cole. whilst he kept his distance, which she had always assumed was because she was five years younger and a girl, she never believed there to be bad blood. she was dressed up in countless fancy dresses, her golden locks repeatedly brushed and subjected to numerous chemical treatments, and even her skin somewhat speckled with makeup even as a toddler. estrella always seemed like she was trying to make up for something. it didn’t take long for sloane to notice.
she began acting out at the age of six, when she realised acting the pretty and perfect princess did not get her what she wanted. when she was quiet, she was ignored, but when she was loud? at least the help scurried to her, at least her nanny cradled her in her arms, at least cole’s personal butler gave her a look full of love rather than scorn. it wasn’t long before she was hanging out in the kitchen rather than the dining hall, the quarters rather than her own room.
as she grew older, however, her acts grew. countless times her mother woke to find her dressing room trashed, her father’s hunting trophies ripped to shreds, her brother’s endless awards from school all in the garbage. they tried to discipline her, cyrus even hit sloane a few times, but all it did was make her angry. instilled a fire within her. when they locked her doors, she climbed out of the window. when they barred her windows, she broke the door into splinters. when they replaced the door, she ripped up the floorboards. sloane was a loose cannon. and things were only about to get worse.
for the most part, she’d kept her nuisances to the confines of her “home”, only wishing to get back at her parents for neglecting her for so long. only one night, when she was fourteen years old and had finished her latest act of malcontent, it was cole who chose to deal with her. he, as a nineteen year old male who’d grown a considerable amount of bulk as star of his college football team, proceeded to beat the shit out of her. 
turns out, the brother she thought had simply never been on her wavelength had never been on the same planet as her at all. he despised sloane. despised everything she was and stood for, and made sure she knew as she was spitting up blood on their pristine carpets. 
the next day, sloane strolled into school. no makeup. joint hanging from her lips. typical upper class attire replaced with torn jeans and a shirt far too inappropriate. when people asked her what had happened, she had simply replied, ‘ you should see the other guy. ’ and birthed a new persona.
sloane’s way of coping with what her brother had done to her, and what her family had allowed him to do, was to fall deep into the cesspits of teenagedom. drugs, sex, alcohol – she’d done it all by the age of eighteen. yet somehow, the part of sloane before, the part that was simply a bratty child with a short fuse, was gone. now she was a danger. she held a wicked grin and too many scrapes to count. she knew no bounds, understood no loyalties, screamed at the top of her lungs as if she were attending the world’s wildest rager. on top of it all, sloane was the maximum party girl. nobody cared what she was going home to, because all they cared about was where she’d be at 1am on a friday night. she became the family wild child. photos of her strewn over the papers. consistent beatings and beratings from the men in her family did nothing to drown out the buzz she received from the attention she’d craved her entire life. sloane was finally getting everything she ever wanted, why did it matter where it was coming from?
as a final resort, her family shipped her off to hollingsworth. here, away from the prying eyes and judgemental glares of the horrid new yorkers, sloane somewhat thrived. forced into economics by her shithead father, but enjoying every test she aced and spat in his face, she fell quickly into gamma rho alpha and, by the time she had finished her freshman year, she was well in line to be vice president. she was still a wreck, still doing anything she could for the attention and limelight she craved, still bouncing off the walls in an attempt to get her desired adrenaline rush, but what little responsibility she’d been given allowed her to finally form connections. friends, best friends, but anything more than that? things like love, compassion, altruism? she wasn’t even sure what those were.
♡     personality.
uncritical. if there’s anything sloane is, it’s uncritical. she’s never held judgement against anyone in her life, and would never hold judgement against anyone who came to her to admit a heinous or strange deed. she’s heard all sorts, from strange sexscapades to near deaths, and to each of them she often has the same reaction – a loud chortle, followed by disbelief and a desire to know way too many details.
venturesome. to try and stop the blonde from heading out on an adventure is a task mortals would find impossible. a true ‘yes girl’, sloane has never been one to say no to anything, and to never back out of something she said yes to, no matter how bizarre or dangerous the situation might become. she’s always first into the fray, first in line of all the girls to beat the burglar up with a hair straightener, first in line into the abandoned building, first to jump off the roof into the pool.
allegiant. whilst sloane’s loyalty is almost as rare as unicorn blood, it’s possible to receive it, and when you do it’s something you’ll never lose. she sticks by those who have managed to put up with her, unable to let them go even when they do her dirty. 
graceless. a. clumsy. bitch. if you’re expecting sloane’s etiquette lessons to have stuck with her, you’re very wrong. the girl trips over her own feet more times than she can count in a day, always has at least something broken, fractured, or sprained, and has certainly won the award in gamma rho alpha for ‘most freak accidents in a single day’.
chaotic. everything about sloane is a nightmare come to life. she drags people down, deep into the depths of places they never thought they’d be, wishes for them to destroy their lives like she’s destroyed hers. to say she loves to see the world burn would be an understatement. she loves starting and watching drama, getting into fights, smashing up homes and belongings, getting into relationships she shouldn’t be in. trying to stop is nigh impossible, the chaos is almost an addiction, and she’s not ready to give it up.
needy. despite it all, she’s still the same girl who was never loved. not truly, not by anyone, and perhaps somewhere deep down she still craves that. she’ll leave you on read for days but god forbid you do the same to her. she’ll have a one night stand and dip right after but never lets her flings leave her life without something to remember her by. she drunk calls the exes she let get away, tells them she loves them and calls them a pussy in the same sentence. no matter how much she tries, she can’t hide the part of her she thinks is ugliest at all, her desire for others.
♡     fun facts.
an avid skateboarder, she picked it up in an attempt to ruin the family image even further when she was fifteen but it stuck in a surprising way. she now tends to ride it over campus, and has broken at least three in her time here.
massive stoner. whilst sloane openly dabbles in most drugs, weed’s the one that’s stuck with her, and it’s the only thing that slows her down. she’s a much nicer person when she smokes and she tends to have a preference for indica over sativa.
fucking bosses her major. economics, despite all its complexities, is something sloane is just naturally adept at. she takes a picture of every grade she gets with her middle finger in front of it, posts it on facebook and tags her father. he blocked her over a year ago.
besides that tho she’s stupid af. a lot of people think she puts it on bc of her grades and bc . . . she does everything for kicks, but no, she’s just kinda ditzy. a lot of people also think she’s just a straight up cheater and hasn’t gotten her grades herself.
nicknames are loan or jane, jane’s reserved for those she’s closest to tho!
♡     wanteds.
fellow  sorority  sisters     0/?     ⟶     self-explanatory! positive, negative, etc etc etc. i wanna plot w all her gals so bad lmao. besties, literal sisters, clothes sharers, secret smokers, party gals, enemies, girls who’ve slept w each other’s exes, all of it bABY.
economics  pal     0/1     ⟶     i’m thinking this person goes to sloane for help with everything and sloane pretty much does all their work for them. she doesn’t care bc it’s easy, and the other person blesses her and thanks her all the time. it’s a quiet agreement, so whilst it’s no secret bc sloane hates keeping them, it’s def hush hush. this person is one of the few who actually believes sloane’s as smart as they say. can also be a business student or smthn with similar classes!
super  soft  bestie     0/1     ⟶     ok so this is male only for a dumb reason i’m rly sorry. i had this plot before where my old muse sloane’s based off had a really sweet, selfless soft pal who was a dude, but they’d never slept together, she’d never even flirted somehow, and he was the one person in sloane’s life who always had her best interests at heart, and she defended him tooth and nail against anybody. the most unlikely duo ever and i want it back. she knew he never wanted anything else from her and that’s why it was so easy for her to attach, but bc this other person deals well with affection and is very reassuring, she never feels needy around them.
people  she  skates  with     0/2     ⟶     people she met down the skatepark or at a typical hangout before meeting them at hollingsworth. when she’s with them she’s pretty chill, though they’ve def been responsible for saving her ass and driving her to the ER a few times.
people  she  smokes  with     1/3     ⟶     oh shit whaddup stoner gang? lmao sorry anyway, yeah, again self-explanatory but! a lil more interesting because sloane’s very different when she’s stoned. she’s calmer, talks slower, and lets people get a word in and doesn’t try and get everyone involved w her hare brained schemes. these people probably actually enjoy her company! how wild?
new  yorkers     0/?     ⟶     sloane’s underwear has been plastered on the front page of most nyc tabloids and she’s the daughter of two massives in the industry, new york natives will know her somewhat. they can use that against her, they can empathize, or we can concoct some real dramatic shit. people who helped her fuck someone up, and now theyre keeping it quiet? someone she slept with who’s come to hollingsworth with their girlfriend/boyfriend? an addict she started on pills? yikes, lots of opportunity tho.
exes     0/2     ⟶     whew boy. we all know by now sloane’s a hot mess, right gang? so let’s see some people she’s messed up in the past. tOTALLY open to more exes and the more crazy the plot u bring me, the better. i lov angst just like anyone else does.
the  one  she  didn’t  ruin     1/1     ⟶     the one person in her life sloane walked away from without destroying, aka, the one she let get away because she realised she was going to harm someone she severely card about. she would’ve ended things with this person rather than pushing their buttons, would’ve been faithful and honest in their relationship, but dipped bc she’d let herself get involved too fast, too soon. definitely a name she’s forbidden her friends from bringing up.
lifeline     1/1     ⟶     let’s be real for a second about drug use, you can do it responsibly, but when you don’t, you can get in some serious fucking trouble. this person has always been there to stop sloane from od’ing. she only does hard drugs at ragers, so her risk is a bit lower than expected, but when she does them she does them. she’s a serious risk, and for some reason this gentle soul has taken it upon themselves to get her stomach pumped, take her home, clean her up, and give her a warm bed to stay in. they don’t speak much away from these nights where she has this vulnerability (she’s definitely mumbled things about her past to them), but that could very well change.
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emikvs · 5 years
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﹤𝙽𝙰𝙽𝙰 𝙺𝙾𝙼𝙰𝚃𝚂𝚄, 𝚂𝙷𝙴 / 𝙷𝙴𝚁, 𝙲𝙸𝚂 𝙵𝙴𝙼𝙰𝙻𝙴﹥; * - hello EMIKO " EMI " SATO. long time no see. i know a lot about you. like how you're TWENTY ONE, how you're a CLASSICS major,  and in fact.. how you LIE AND TELL EVERYONE YOU STUDIED ABROAD FOR A YEAR WHEN YOU WERE ACTUALLY IN REHAB. would be a shame if it got out, wouldn't it ? so let's play a game. 𝚃𝚁𝚄𝚃𝙷 𝙾𝚁 𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴 ?
*itzy vc* hey hey hey ! SDBJWBDJW what’s up......its xan aha ... this is gonna be the biggest mess ever ...just winging it as i go. and u know what ? thats on on brand babey ! lets get it ...TW: drug use/mention, accidents/hospitalization ( just in case)
virginia born and raised babey ! she’s the youngest of five siblings and ...it shows. SJDBJWBDJW growing up would have been pretty chaotic had it not been for the fact that her dad was a pretty well-respected police officer in their town ! him & her mom were high school sweethearts which made no damn sense to emiko considering they’re still happily married...the concept just seems fake to her </3
while her parents had a lot of  mushy love for each other, when it came to their kids they opted to take a more emotionally distanced kind of parenting style bc they didnt wanna like spoil their kids or anything but.....it wasnt exactly the best plan ! emi and all her siblings just learned to be very good liars JDSBWBDJW as kids with strict parents do
being the youngest emi took a while to get into her rebellious phase. for a while she’d just watch her older siblings sneak out and party and do walks of shame and all that jazz...and while she was always down to help them get out of trouble none of them ever really trusted her ? since she was the baby they figured she’d be the most likely to snitch which just made her really ///: bc she wanted to be included so bad
flash forward to senior year of high school and finally emi’s like . okay fuck this it’s MY turn ! her dad had recently decided to get into politics with some encouragement from the police chief so he was busy with his career and her mom was busy helping him. it was the perfect time to do what she wanted since it was less likely she’d get caught
so she goes to this graduation party.....and it’s BAD like she gets fucked up & carried away so she calls her oldest sister ( who had come back into town for emi’s graduation ) to come pick her up & on the way to get emi from this house party, her sister ends up getting into an accident 
she didn’t die though JSBJDSBBWJDBWJDBJWDW just broke some stuff and ended up needing surgery ): and emi obviously got busted that night by her parents which ... wasnt pretty at all especially bc they low key blamed her for her sister’s accident which just made emi feel like pure shit babey ! 
visiting her sister in the hospital is what kinda sparked her fear of hospitals ! bc emi was like super guilty and paranoid that maybe her sister was gonna die or her surgery would go wrong and she’d essentially be at fault...it was just a lot of anxiety that turned into a genuine phobia of hospitals after that
but her sister made it she was okay and her dad used all the buzz and tragedy around his family to kinda boost his political career....which was ugly. her sister had been prescribed some pretty heavy pain killers for the pain & thats where things got.....messy
emi isnt sure when exactly it started but between the guilt she was harboring over her sister’s accident, the stress from her parents as her dad got further and further into virginia politics as well as college anxiety since she was about to start at the universoty of virginia.....she stole some oxy and thats what started what would be a very messy and tumultuous addiction  
as soon as she started college, emi felt as if some of the weight had been lifted. she was living away from her family for the first time and dorming so she promised herself she’d take these four years to grow and figure out who she is......except that didnt exactly happen. instead of exploring herself in a healthy way, emi was using drugs as a sort of escapism from her “old” self. she’s extremely smart and she loves her major, but her professors would often comment her papers had the energy of a “rambling and troubled mind”. by the time she was about to finish her sophomore year she was getting so high people would find her literally passed out in the dining hall. but no one was that worried bc for a good two years, she was a pretty high functioning addict. 
cue the summer after sophomore year when emi overdoses at a party. she woke up in a private hospital room with only her father sitting on the couch, the look on his face something she’ll never forget. while him and her mother knew exactly what happened to emi, they hadn’t told any of her siblings. or anyone at all, for that matter. instead her dad had informed the university emi would be taking a year off to privately study abroad and told emi that’s what she was going to tell people bc he’d just decided to run for mayor ! he essentially guilt-tripped her into thinking telling people the truth would be a selfish act, and one that would basically ruin the family reputation and make everyone really miserable JSDWDBWBDJW he also tells her she’s gonna be shipped off to rehab ! 
so she goes to rehab for a good seven months. everyone at school thinks she’s studying abroad in italy, and emi is literally just counting the days til she can go back home to her dorm bc she’s lonely !!! in rehab !!! and she gets that she should take it seriously but shes just so mad at her dad and herself and the world too ig ... just some good old fashioned angst ! but she finishes rehab and her dad got elected as mayor of her hometown in virginia and shes like good for u can i go back to school please JSBDWJDBJW and he says yes
so she’s back ! ready for the universe to give her a break.....ahaha.....
personality + tidbits
so emi......my baby......she’s a strange one. she’s that bitch that’s super nerdy but in the weirdest way like the stuff she’s into is so specific and just....generally stuff literally no one else would care about but to emi it’s like holy shit this is the coolest thing in the world JSBDJWBDJWBJD she knows a little about a lot so she has the tendency to come across as pretentious if you don’t know her outside of class when in reality she’s just read one too many random facts. also weird in the sense that she’s a STRONG believer in the paranormal and in aliens and in witchcraft and stuff like that as well as believing in things that seem “logical”. it can be confusing to people who view that stuff as silly that someone so smart would be into it. 
speaking of smart.....she’s a polygot which basically means she can speak a bunch of languages ! she’s self-taught, and since she’s a classics major some of her favorites to study include greek and latin ( dead language who ? ). she’s pretty chill about it though and if you wanted to learn she’d be the type that’s 100% down to teach you. she always learns the curse words first just you know....for the fun of it ! she probably has very specific “pet names” for everyone in the friend group in random languages 
anyway she’s also stupid. ASDJWBDWBJDBWJDWJD i mean like in the way that she makes the most .... impulsive decisions that usually have negative consequences. she’s the type to convince herself she knows exactly what she’s then come up with the worst plan you have ever heard in your life. an example of a dumb decision emi has made ? your girl ate a pot brownie the day after she got back in her dorm after rehab bc she convinced herself it was a good way to de-stress. some other dumb decisions include various drunk tattoos ( which thankfully haven’t been too bad save for the words eat me tattooed in small font on her ass ). also owns a stick & poke gun so she’s for sure tried to tattoo friends while intoxicated despite.....not being a tattoo artist ... she’s not even an art student .... SJBDJWBDJW....but she’s very very good at convincing people to join in on her dumb antics so be weary
big on photography !!! she loves taking pictures. always that one friend who reminds you to document the moment and you get annoyed but then when you want to post a picture on insta you’re thankful she was there <3 she has the energy of like .... the dad friend when you need support JSDBWBDJWBDJW she tries to be caring but it just turns into like ... emi high off her ass putting her hand on your shoulder and being like “you know fuck it man you’re amazing” not that good at the emotional stuff like she really wants to be but she legit doesn’t know how.......kinda accidentally turned into an emo kid bc she channels her feelings though some kick ass playlists and the notes app in her iphone instead of talking to people JSBDJWBJDBWJDBJ 
she’s high key struggling but she’s the type to be like no its fine this is fine life is a ride babey better hold on ! tries to keep things flirty and fresh 99% of the time but then you’ll witness the rare emi breakdown which.....involves a whole lot of tweets that will all be deleted within 24 hours and emi will in fact deny they ever existed
really a laid-back girl but the chaotic energy is there folks......she can also very easily get into her youngest child complex if she’s upset which just involves emi being a pain in the ass and everyone having to deal with it JSBDWBDJWBDJWBDJW  she likes to make it hard to say no to her.....not exactly manipulative but sometimes she can get close /: not listed in her fears but she is in fact scared of genuine love and affection ! it’s like she craves it so much she’s terrified abt what will happen if she ever gets it.......so she makes sure she’s never in danger of that by never getting into anything serious.....but then at night shes like damn . kinda want a freak to hold my hand rn and tell me they love me ... JSDBWBDJWBDJWBJDWJDW it’s all fun and games.............
ok thats it im done rambling.................this is so long..............and for what !!!!! i made her more of a clown than i intended but thats okay (: JSDBJWBDWJDBWJ emi might hate clowns but im embracing them ! 
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martiniblves · 5 years
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mijoo and her iconic entrances DFKLSJGDF
yes, i really am recycling the intro some of you probably Just caught when you followed me DGSFLJLGSD
hey y’all, i’m kat, english student and an old hag :/ also slowly coming down from an anxiety moment, hence only deleting old shit now and potentially going rogue from my blog for the night after posting this ( aka, best if y'all send me your d*scord users bc it's much easier for me there ) sfdgjgfd i’m super excited for this group and can’t wait to read all about your muses !  and hoping you feel the same, i’ll get right to introducing avalon bay’s resident messy brat, dahlia !
[ lee mijoo ] dahlia kim, twenty-four, cis female, she/her, radio dj — a world-class traveler in the making, self-proclaimed “ reformed ” groupie, has been a tennant at avalon bay for two years, her cherry blaster obsession is the sweetest thing about her, she slept with an ex-best friend’s roommate and crush as revenge. [ kat, 22, nt, she/her ]
she often goes between dahlia and dia, first and foremost sdfglkj
came from a super small town in upstate new york where there wasn’t much to do or much to see, so growing up she had an adventurous streak that would run rampant when she was able to go off by herself, able to drive, and finally able to leave it behind
her family life was rather average, her parents scraped by financially but her and her two younger siblings never really went without — aside from a toy or two at christmas or a brand new car for their sixteenth birthdays sfgkljgdf
gets on fine with them, but her and her little/middle sister have had an on-and-off contentious relationship that, at the moment, is very much ON SDFGFG
small town life was.. okay overall, she was social Enough and polite but never really maintained any close relationships with her childhood pals once high school came and went, mostly bc the town was full of gossips so everyone thought poorly of each other and passed it onto their kids LSKFDGJGDFL
and yes, i’m kinda basing this off of the antics of adults from my hometown, what about it ??
she spent most of her formative years with her head in the clouds and music always around her or on her mind
so you bet she wound up taking guitar and piano lessons when she was a kid and well into her teens, and dare i say she was pretty good at it fsdglkjgdf
having that skill gave her the boost of confidence she needed from middle school onward, having been a tad reserved before then
idk what else to add bc i honestly can’t think of anything else about her past Before moving away. dull as hell probably, more than it’s already been said LKGSDF
upon moving to the city, she attended nyu just to keep her parents from completely losing their minds over her not.. wanting to go on a sure path, majoring in communications and spending much of her time as a dj for the campus radio station’s late night shows
soon began searching for dj gigs at major radio stations once she’d graduated and landed a spot as an intern to meet with artists the station wished to interview, etc, and even had an opportunity or two to interview them herself
through that job, she became more exposed to the groupie lifestyle and — having always been somewhat intrigued — soon became one ( of sorts ) 
sorry if you’re a fan of h*lsey bc this might come across as a dig, but this is where she becomes the chill version of groupie!h*lsey that h*lsey wishes she had been DFLSKJDGSFL
she liked the attention from drummers, singers and rappers alike — plus having sex with talented, rich people whenever they were in town didn’t hurt one bit — and she kept it all separate from her job, although it did help the station land more interviews, tickets for contests, etc
wasn’t big on hard drugs, but she never shied away from a bong being handed to her or a couple of xanax tablets, just so we’re clear here sdflkgjfdgk
however, the no-strings set-up quickly shifted for dahlia upon meeting a rising indie band’s lead singer
he was smooth as hell, which she already knew alongside his tendency to get bored easily with fangirls-turned-groupies like the rest of the musicians she’d met, so when she played along with his game, it didn’t take long for him to maintain an interest in her and for them to forge something of a friendship
she’d never admit it to anyone, but he was her first love as the initial sexual attraction very quickly became romantic after long conversations about music and aspirations, mundane happenings in their lives separate from their encounters and who should’ve won immunity on the recent ep of masterchef; dia knew he wouldn’t settle down now and she knew that while she was his number one at that point, she wasn’t the only one he had. a couple of months passed where it seemed like he was going only to her, that his interest rarely waned to the other girls that would swarm him, which led her to believe he was at least somewhat into her and to her confessing when they were both drunk one night — only to be shut down but not shut out
dejected and heartbroken, she still couldn’t quite distance herself from him like she knew she should and the front she put up — that she exaggerated her feelings and would get over it — made him none the wiser
however, he couldn’t get over the thought of his fwb still being in love with him and cut ties with her abruptly before his nth departure from nyc
it took her right out of her bubble, left a horrible taste in her mouth to even go back to being a groupie for others over how poorly it all went with him, so she abandoned the sexual aspect and potential intimacy of it — but not before taking herself completely out of that lifestyle for a few months to get over him
which.. lbr, she’s only 90% of the way there to this day sfdlkkdfsgl
upon going back, she showed up to shows and parties solely as a friend of the performer.... before that got old Quick and she realized how soul-sucking it was for her sexually frustrated And repressed ass KFSLJGS
though ask her pals and they’d think she’d given it up altogether, hence her supposedly being reformed
.. at least she isn’t indulging in drugs like she occasionally used to, so that counts for something lksdfjlgdf
as for her time in radio, she got promoted to a morning slot as a dj with a couple of co-hosts last year, though once an afternoon slot opened, she high-tailed it out of there
anything to get back to her chill, late night roots and this was the first step
lastly, she moved to avalon bay 2 years ago, after uni was done and she had to move out of the dorms. in that time, she’d become best friends with another girl and had a massive falling out bc the other was. well. changing for the worst sgfjgfd
she became selfish, judgmental, advantageous and disloyal, and soon dia had enough of her hypocritical and generally nasty antics ( and not without a brutal argument that left both of their egos bruised )
dahlia isn’t always one for petty revenge, but when the ex-bff’s roommate and crush — who dia had a slight interest in as well — bumped into her in the hallway of their dorm one night, she took her chance to knock the other down a peg by initiating a flirtatious conversation that quickly turned sexual
with her ex-bff being on the other side of the wall of said roommate’s room
safe to say that their ( final ) conversation in the morning was a fucking disaster SDFLGKJGFDK
it’s not something she’s entirely ashamed about, but dia doesn’t feel the need to disclose what happened
she loves her friends, would die for them, would kill for them. let’s get that straight first and foremost !
does that mean she’s the nicest or even the most tolerable person ?? fuck no SFGLJGKDF
i described her to one of my pals as a “ chaotic free-spirit with a mean streak when she doesn’t get her way, ” which. could also describe a couple of my bitchier muses tbh FLDKGJDS
but she’s stubborn, irritable and has a sense of high self-worth and self-preservation
she obviously has an attitude that can and will come out if you hurt her or someone she cares about/someone she thinks doesn’t deserve it
or if you think you’re a god or something
and it can get ugly.. as explained above dfskgdgkf
however, we love confident women on this blog and here you have one !
she’s chill for the most part, so you ( probably ) won’t have anything to worry about if you stay on her good side gfsdkljgfd
passionate af about radio and music as a career, wants to have a gig like zane lowe’s beats hosting job or even annie mac’s one day
although she also wishes to put out music of her own at least Once before she dies dfgsljdfgk
bit of a wild child, likes to party and just do her own thing — partially bc she’s scared of getting older and having to give that all up/being forced to act her age
doesn’t mean she doesn’t like her quiet nights in though !
closet romantic, just wants to be swept off of her feet..... but no one needs to know that, at least she doesn’t think so FSDJKGFD
won't let you see it anyways, at least unless she's Interested and knows you're not someone who's only useful for her in the short-term
also quietly doting, will never be the mom friend bc it’s too much responsibility and patience, but will always be a good shoulder to cry on who tells you your feelings are valid before she tells you to toughen the fuck up and amend a situation yourself, might even tell you how
some exceptions may apply FDLSJGSFLK
a bit vulgar at times, just warning you now fgldskf
wants to see the world and has travelled a little as it is bc of her connections. loves it
has a pet succulent bc she Knows she can't look after the big fluffy dog of her dreams rn
named him bobby after one of the characters from the love island game DFLKGSJF
i honestly dk what else to add rn, plus i’m eager af to post this so we’ll end it here ! cute extras can always be posted later !
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prceteritus-a · 5 years
@hopegained asked:  ship: THEM bc i am Curious and i wanna bother u
Ship Meme || Not accepting!!
Under read more due to size!
- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals? Most times they end up falling asleep with each other and waking up with Rayquelle in Eron’s hold due to the nightmares she has she seeks the comfort and warmth! DAILY RITUALS UH YEAH they try to go out at least once a day and have a ‘date’ and stargaze. It’s a way for them to relax, be in each others presence but not have to worry about others.
- How’s their team work? Do they share well? Ray is a very independent woman but since joining the resistance she has had to partake inmore team activities. Eron understands her Hesitance and works with it or around it so they can get their task done without making her uncomfortable. 
- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feel about public displays of affection? Ok so this is a big thing. In the beginning stages of their relationship no one knows hell not even they really do. Eron needs alot of trust because of the walls around him and the second layer around his heart and Ray respects that. He tore hers down before she go into his so thats something she has to accept. They don’t really come out about their relationship I think ever it just kind of becomes natural and people start to see the looks in their eyes when they look at each other. Public display of affection follows the same rules and I actually think Eron is the first to break that (I answered an ask like this) Where he would have to make the conscious decision to partake in PDA.
- First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight? NO IT WAS NOT! So when they first met they payed no mind to each other however, they don’t really count it because it wasn’t anything big it was her introduction to the resistance when she was found. The real start for them was when he found her stargazing in a spot he thought no one knew about. Eron was probably unfazed at her but Ray was curious. He looked scary, not gonna lie maybe mean? But biggest of all. he looked almost... like he’d seen so much and it hurt him and she wanted to alleviate that because she too had that for herself.
- Nicknames? Pet names? Any in-jokes? Ray for Eron: Love,Babe, Baby, Eldin, Honey, Dear, and her favorite My Stars Eron for Ray: Love, Babe, Baby,  (I’m sure more but YOU WONT GIVE ME MORE ALKDJ:LK)
- Any tasks that are always left to one person? Cooking is Ray’s thing she will fight for that!
- What annoys them the most about their partner? Would they change it if they could? N O T H I N G! Both Ray and Eron treasure the other faults and all the only changes they want are to themselves. ( Ray also hates sometimes how he’s so tall she has to ask him to bend down for kisses sometimes)
- What do the like best about their partner? WOW uhm Ray loves everything but his heart is the best. He has been through so much seen so much yet still trusts her like he does and loves her like he does and that warms her to the core of her being. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.Now for Eron I don’t know if it’s what he likes best but i feel like it’s along the lines of a similar thing. She’s been a child of abuse and was flat out kidnapped yet still gives him so much even on her worst days. She always shows him hes loved and cared for and makes it known she treasures him above all else.
- Do they discuss big issues? Religion? Marriage? Children? Death? Yes they do. They’ve discussed marriage and children especially. They both would like them and also don’t want them.
- Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork? Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public? Drives; either Cooks; Ray Handiwork; either but usually Eron Clean; Both Pays the bills; Both handles the public; either
- Do they celebrate holidays? Anniversaries? RAY IS A FIRM BELIEVER IN HOLIDAYS YOU BET YOUR ASS ERON GETS SPOILED ON BIRTHDAYS WITH BOTH SEX AND FOOD AND PRESENS AND ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY OMG SHE GOES MAD WITH IT. She believes everyday you should celebrate your partner on days like those shes got the right to be everywhere with it
- Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Any kind of honeymoon? S o weddings. Ray wants to marry Eron thats a fact. Will the get married? Thats a hard question because i feel like in the canon verse they never feel really a NEED too. They dont need a ring to tell them that they love each other. But in any AU with them as a ship or in a verse where they do get married. They don’’t want anything big only those important to them  their marriage is for them not their friends and family. Its about them giving themselves to each other. The proposal would be cute and heartfelt and could be as simple as Eron kissing her neck and just “I want to marry you...” or her after a night of him grounding her form a nightmare she just “I want you and me forever... let’s get married Eron”  The honeymoon? They dont need fancy yet again just each other. Take it as an excuse to give it all into each other with no interruptions
- What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up? THey both stargaze, Love shooting blaster, she loves just domestic cuddling , and they always when able eat together
- Anything they both dread? Becoming those they hate and losing those they love honestly those are the biggest. Ray’s TRUEST fear is Embrent will return and kill eron and force her back under his thumb
- How adventurous are they? Eron more so than Rayquelle haha I could see him guiding her around her hand in his as they explore things though
- Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat? Rayquelles poker face is absolute shit. 
- What are their dates like? How long do/did they date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other? The dates they have are usually very mellow and no stress consisting of mainly stargazing or holovids and cuddling.
- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up? Arguments are almost none existent minor little battles of wit do happen but for the most part full arguments don’t! BUT on the occasion they do they get alittle emotional. Make up consists of lots of just quality time. maybe some sex who knows.
- What does their home look like? Their room? Their home thanks to Ray is clean and tidy with a set spot for everything! The same applies for their room.Their things are in no set sides of room for the most part its where ever it works
- Does their work ever interfere with the relationship? Not in a serious method. It does spark some fear in both parties and there are nights where they get genuinely upset the other isn't there and have a horrible time sleeping. Unable to get a lick.
- How do they hug? Kiss? Tease? Flirt? Comfort? listen they just soft bbs
- Any doubts about the relationship? Both have doubts because of their history but never about each other. The doubts stem of “They will leave me like everyone else” in Eron’s head and Ray is scared she will lose him like she lost her parents. The minute comfort finds her Embrent returns and kills Eron in front of her. But in Eron himself? She knows he loves her undoubtedly and that he will always. Now she can only hope he knows she feels the same. 
- How much time do they spend together? Do they share their feelings, or hold things in?
- How do their friends feel about their relationship? Their families? Leia and Luke I imagine love that they’re so good for each other. Family on Ray’s front wel uhm.... like i said leia approves haha. Everyone in the base loves it because it softened Eron and brought Ray out more and shes more sociable.
- Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up? Well N love we both are kill happy for them in TROS SOOOOOO but i do want to write them being parents be it au or whatever UPDATE THEY HAVE A SON AND A DAUGHTER JAEDEN AND EVELLYN
- What are their vacations like? Together literally thats the thing. A vacation for them could be their bedroom. As long as they’re together
- How do the handle disasters or emergencies? Minor injuries? Sickness? RAY INSTANT PANIC ON EMERGENCIES! They are both nurses when the other is sick haha
- Could they manage a long distance relationship? IT WOULD WRECK THEM they probs could but like alot of them is physical interaction and with her nightmares it would wreck eron watching that with nothing he could do to help. Ray loves to hug and cuddle him to tell him she LOVES him and not doing that and watching him have a rough patch? nope wrecked
- Do they finish each other’s sentences? Pick up any phrases or habits from each other? Know when the other is hiding something? They know when the other is hiding something eron especially but ray has gotten good at noticing for him. Another thing is with finishing sentences. Eron could probably but he doesnt engage in it much but shell do it whenever she can!
- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or are they just mischievous? They dont get into trouble really
- What kind of presents do they get each other? Do they only do it on special occasions? Ray gives presents when she feel like it tbh. They range from hobby based to food and anything in between. If she thinks of eron when she sees it its gift material.
- Do they have any pets? Eron best get his woman her own BB unit
- Do they bring out the best in each other, or the worst? Do they have a fatal flaw? he brings out in ray allowing her to open up and she the best in him because they are actually
- What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness? The weakness is how much they self doubt themselves. they rely so heavily on each other that it may be SEVERELY detrimental if one dies
- How much would they be willing to sacrifice for the other? Any lines they refuse to cross? they would kill and die for another
- What are they like in the bedroom? Any kinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do? They both have a think for oral so there’s a fair bit of it haha. Ray has an immense thing for praise in the bedroom so often when they have sex its very personal and intimate full of declarations of love and eron calling her a good girl ;) they can get kinky but like thats a whole other think im sure
- Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love? Uhm ray accidently confessed so she started it, Eron probably kissed her first one of the they just stared at lips until someone took that plunge
- Any special memories? Do they have a special place they like to go to? Ray wants to take him to what she was told was her home so she can find out more about her childhood. Other than that none that i can think of in terms of places. OH! Their stargazing spot!!! Special memories though their first time kissing, with each other intimately, ALSO A memory eron will never forget is walking in on his lady cooing to their daughter promissing her so much in life.
- Are they party-goers? What are they like when they’re drunk? Does it happen often? They aren’t big party goers but they still enjoy a good drink with friends. Ray is HYPERSEXUAL when drunk and kind of a hyperactive person
- Do they let each other get away with things that would normally bother them? HAHAHAHnope they will not hesitate to call shit out
- Do they talk often? yes!
- Are the comfortable with each other? Anything they have to have their privacy for? They trust each other with their life and most things are open but there may be nights where they need the privacy on emotions and just need to be in their mind for a bit. the other always respects it.
- Any special dreams or goals they have as a couple? Any heartbreaks? Regrets? heartbreaks and regrets are still up in the air with them they still have time to grow but dreams? well ray wants to have a family. which they later get.
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gut-shabbos-sluts · 5 years
Tell Me Things About Kitrit 🌟☀️🌙❄️🔥❤️🕊️🍼☕🍂🦋💐🌼🥀🏞️🏡🔪💎📚🌗👑💕☁️👀❓ Yes I'm asking every question. No there are no ulterior motives. Promise. Kinda.
I don’t trust this but I love my girl so here are some answers (under the cut bc this is a Lot of questions)
🌟 When your OC loses all hope, who do they turn to first? What helps make them feel better? What calms them down and reassures them? Why?
When things go down, Kitrit first turns to her sister, Gadiela. This is a poor choice on many levels, the first being that Gadiela is a Literal Snake, but Kit trusts her sister more than anyone in the world, and knows that she would do anything to help her. Whoever’s comforting her, Kit wants to be held, to be told that things will be alright, to be distracted from whatever’s going on. She’s used to being in a bubble. Comfort that takes her back to that works best.
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
She’s at her happiest when she’s with her sister (this will be a running theme). Before Plot Things happened (more on those later), she also took a lot of joy from creating different types of art: painting, drawing, glass blowing. But she can’t do those anymore. The happiest place for her is her family’s garden, and all of her happiest memories are of spending time there, talking to her sister, enjoying the flowers and recreating them in art.
🌙 If your OC could have one wish come true what would it be and why? Would there be consequences to this wish or would they regret it once they get what they want? What would they give in return for this wish to come true?
The greatest wish Kit has is to turn back time and never agree to leave home. Things have gone from bad to worse since that agreement, and as far as she can tell, there was nothing but good at home. She’d give up her new magic in a heartbeat to go back to that.
❄️ What makes your OC sad, so sad that they can’t help but cry all day? How do they cheer themself up? Does their sadness upset any of their loved ones too?
She’s not one to be sad, really. Scared, angry, horrified, lost, those are her negative emotions. Kitrit is rarely straight up sad.
🔥 Is your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
Kit’s not known for her temper, with most of her emotional reactions being to shut down, but she gets angry. She’s angry at the people who have hurt her, the people who force her to be someone she doesn’t want to be, the fact that her sister isn’t accepted by the others she cares about. She steeps the emotions, not wanting to show them or take it out on anyone, and one day she will burst.
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearance, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
She has no clue what her ideal lover would be like. She’s very sheltered and very obedient and has never thought to have thoughts about anyone except the person her parents set her up with.
🕊️ Would your OC ever get married or are they already wed? If they’re married, describe what their wedding was like! If not, describe their ideal wedding (or do this if you feel like it anyway!)
She’s engaged, to a man she’s met once. And she wants out. So Kit’s ideal wedding is one that Does Not Happen.
🍼 Does your OC have any children or want children? What names would they pick? Are they good with kids or a complete disaster?
Kit’s barely not a kid herself, and couldn’t imagine having children of her own. She doesn’t want anyone to rely on her.
☕ Give us one (or more if you feel like it) of your OCs deep dark secrets! Why do they keep it hidden? Spill the tea!
So, the first one, the biggest secret she’s got (that honestly her sister and party have probably already caught on to in some degree): she’s grateful for the trauma she underwent, for the sole reason that it means she can push off getting married for as long as possible. Then, another secret she’s keeping from her party: her sister is a Literal Snake who lives under her skin and is the source of her magic. Both of them are secrets because she’s terrified of rejection and abandonment.
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
She loves them all, between the changing colors and wildlife. But Kit’s favorite is by far summer. She loves the feeling of everything being lush and alive around her.
🦋 If your OC could change everything (or just something) about their life would they? What would they change? What do they think would happen if they did? What would their loved ones think?
She’d live someplace quiet and full of nature, with her sister, and where only her closest friends knew how to find her. She’d have peace, and no pain. Her injuries would be healed. She’d be with the only family member she cares about, and she knows that that person wants the same.
💐 Does your OC like flowers? What are their favourites? Do they keep a garden of some sort? What flowers would they use in a flower crown? (and if you like, research the meanings behind those flowers!)
Kit loves flowers, spent most of her childhood in her family’s gardens, and doesn’t know anything about their meanings. Her ideal flower crown is made of dahlias, lilies, peonies, and zinnia.
🌼 Write a short drabble from your OCs POV meeting their LI (or if they don’t have a love interest, their best friend. If you don’t want to do a drabble, describe their first meeting instead!)
Kitrit met her sister at the age of ten, while sitting in the gardens. A snake has wound its way up the bench, and began to speak to her, and she could understand it. There was no shock, as she had grown up with stories of the snake that had left the womb with her, but Kit was dumbfounded, all the same. A sister, after all these years? Someone only she could speak with? It was the best sort of miracle.
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!)
She left home to go meet her fiance, and that’s where things went wrong. Kitrit’s caravan was attacked by what seemed to be bandits, and she was dragged out of her carriage. Every person traveling with her was killed in front of her, and when that was done, the leader approached her, cutting her eyes out of her head and her hands from her body. She was left for dead.
🏞️ If your OC could travel to anywhere in their world where would they go? Why? If they could live there would they?
The one thing Kitrit would like to experience before she withdraws into privacy is the sea. Everything about the water fascinates her, and she’s never been close to it in such a large way before. But she wouldn’t live there. There isn’t enough green, and it's too foreign. Just the visit is enough.
🏡 Describe your OCs ideal house! Give us a tour around! What’s their garden like? Their bedroom? Kitchen? Where is it and how many people live there?
Kit’s ideal house isn’t a full house, it’s a bedroom, full of light and air, and a garden, sprawling and beautiful. There’s a kitchen somewhere and guards protecting it from a distance, but otherwise, it’s just her, her sister, her art, and nature surrounding them.
🔪 Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
She’s seen many die, now, and she has no interest in seeing it again. But she has attacked in self-defense. It was strange and not something she wants to have to do often.
💎 Does your OC collect anything? Is there a reason? When did they start and is it beginning to turn into a little bit of a hoarding issue? What do they do with their collection?
She doesn’t collect anything, at least, not yet.
📚 If your OC was given some kind of forbidden knowledge, what would they do with it? Would they tell anyone? Use it for evil or good? How would it change their outlook on life, if at all?
There’s a high chance that Kit wouldn’t understand the knowledge. She’s not the brightest, and assumes that everything she needs to know will be explained to her. If it was entrusted as a secret, though, she wouldn’t tell a soul. Except maybe her sister.
🌗 Early mornings or late nights? What do they spend their time doing during these hours?
Of the two, early mornings, for the sunrise. But she prefers the brightness of day.
👑 If your OC was made royal (or is royal) how would they use their power? Are they a good leader or bad? Do their subjects like them or is it ‘off with their head’? Do they enjoy being royal?
She’s noble, and she hates it. Everything about being in the center of attention makes her uncomfortable. From that, at least, she would be a good leader, but she’s also very quick to trust, and is too much of a people-pleaser for her own good.
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundaries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
There’s no particular reason for it, but Kit loves physical affection. Casual touch, being held, she craves affection in that form. It’s helpful that she likes it, now, with all the comforting she needs.
☁️ What’s something your OC wishes they could forget? Why is this? Or, what is something that your OC has forgotten? (or do both!)
She wishes she could forget the last things she saw. Everything else she could live with.
👀 Describe your OC through the eyes of another person! (bonus + specify who)
She’s small, frail almost, with dark hair. The bangs almost let you miss the blindfold. She smiles often but doesn’t sound happy when she speaks. There’s a sense of nervous energy that can’t be relieved. Her arms are crossed, hugging herself, and she sits with her knees at her chest.
❓ A random fact or short drabble! Or make up your own question to ask the OC!
Ask Me Something Specific, Wren
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