#if anything she would throw herself more into her work to try and fill out the void sonic left
maestro04yayyy · 2 days
Expansion on the "Drip Fed Poison" exchange/idea; just assume that Lila never found the butterfly or what have you so there can be focused family drama lol.
Its been a little over a year since the resolution of the Hawk Moth 'incidents' and Zoe would like to think her life had been going great. She finally had a parent who loved her and was invested in her, she was a burgeoning actress, she had friends she didn't need to compromise her values for. & hey, being rich was still ya know, nice.
Unfortunately there's been a blooming undercurrent of wrongness she's not quite able to put a name too. Its a lot of different little things.
She's found herself a bit more inclined to how around Andre's money & name to get things (but for nice reasons & her friends) But also sporadically had this blow up in her face. Usually not long after she had some kind of disagreement with Andre about a picture or event, or shot in a film.
She's also found her schedule often conflicting with her friends unless she obscures it from Andre or lies to him, almost like he doesn't want her hanging out with them. & he's very twitchy about her possibly dating, though he says its just to avoid paparazzo.
She briefly floats the concern t Jean who has become an increasingly ever present confidant and enabler of her sneaking out. But he's monosyllabic. Merely saying, he cannot speak poorly of his employer and continue to do good work, while subtly hinting helping Zoe dip out on an event to see her friends is the good work.
Things, don't quite come to ahead so much as she quietly floats the concern at a small friend hang out and Sabrina looks distinctly... Panicked. Made worse, when in trying to encourage her to say anything Adrien get roped in and is also suddenly super uncomfortable.
At first they treat it like its cos discussing Chloe is uncomfortable and it is, but...
Neither one has the full picture, and both are a little uncomfortable as they feel like it may come off as advocating for her, or smearing Andre, and they had both kind of convinced themselves they'd read too much into the relationship and clearly Chloe had to be at fault, right?
Adrien obliquely explains Chloe regarded a lot of wat she did with or for her father as a form of work. He did too. She plays the role of darling, devoted daughter, babysits visiting rich kids and helps out with events and fundraisers and Andre covers for her expenditures and misbehavior. Not that odd... Right? Really the issue is that he enabled her being mean, right?
Sabrina's read is a bit different, with her noting the instances Chloe tended to come over to her place, or be extra foul usually coincided with Andre being particularly clingy or omnipresent. & that he could and would withdraw his patronage of Chloe if he felt she was not acting as her name befit. IE, he is the source of her classism and Audrey impersonation, but it was a mistake, right?
He's better and learned now right?
Well, maybe not, especially if him currently blowing up Zoe's phone with guilt tripping messages is anything to go by, but the only other person who might be helpful is Madame Bustier, who Sabrina says Chloe sometimes spoke with alone.
Zoe is hopeful that a trustworthy adult will help her put all this to rest.
So the fact Caline looks like she might throw up when Zoe broaches the topic and clearly both wants to offer a hug and is trying to make her not panic by getting to close does not fill her with confidence.
As it is,
Chloe only ever really broached things with her once, after a breakdown (Not meltdown, breakdown) in class that involved flipped tables and broken glass after a particularly 'stressful' few weeks.
She'd been oblique over it, names and issues and expectations oscillating wildly and even Mr Agreste somehow got worked in but al of it painted an unflattering picture. One that likely informed her decisions as an Akuma to "Take Andre out" in one form or another.
But ultimately, the only person who can give her any insight into what Andre is like with a daughter besides Zoe herself... Is Chloe.
Ohhhhh i love this!!!!! Well I hate how andre is to zoe!!! But I love her slowly getting more concerned and worried about the situation!!!!! And yeah that would be a really good set up to reintroduce chloe(so I am basically considering this an au now because it's awesome) maybe not phisically because she is in london i think? I remeber it being the usa but the changed it last minute i don't know i haven watched the last season but still as a voice on the phone and talk to zoe and maybe just maybe connect as sisters!!!!! I honestly just love zoe and chloe being good sisters!!!!
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navii-blaze · 4 months
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listen to my vision boy
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euniexenoblade · 11 days
"I'm not a girl!" - a transfem forcefem story
Hi hi hi hi, note that the premise of this is essentially an egg being cracked by an older woman, so there's a lot of he/him and "boy" useage. But stick with it please, I assure you the end is worth getting to :) also don't be mean about any weird grammar I literally wrote this in a couple of hours for free. Be nice.
The boy stood there against the wall holding a red solo cup, looking down at the floor, overwhelmed from alcohol and loud booming music of the party. He had watched his drunken roommate drive off with a date – his ride home was gone. He didn't know any of these people, his roommate insisted he come to this party to meet new people, and now he was all alone. Panic and anxiety swarmed his thoughts. He was drunk, he'd never been drunk before. He was fairly far from home, could he walk home like this? He doesn't know any of these people, would any help him if he asked for a ride home? He doesn't ask, though, he just stands against the wall, looking down at the floor, trying to avoid eye contact with anyone there, trying his best not to panic.
A moment of bravery, the boy looks up from the floor to scan the party to see if there was anyone that looked like they'd be approachable. To his dismay it all looked like drunken college kids talking, dancing, being obnoxious, people he felt too scared to talk to. His eyes flow from one side of the room to the other, noting nothing interesting. That is, until he sees a tall woman standing with a group of girls. Long legs under a short skirt being the first thing to catch his attention, but before long he noticed her wearing a band tee that was so tight it was straining against her chest, causing him to stare at her chest from afar. For a brief moment, he is distracted from his anxiety with drunken horniness. That is until he finally notices, she's staring back at him.
The boy freaks out. He doesn't want to offend anyone, especially drunken party goers. He decides it's finally time to head for the door across the room, but as soon as he moves towards it, he collides with some other drunken guy. His drink spills all down his clothes, the other guy getting none of the splash back. They apologize to each other, and the guy walks away leaving the boy alone in the party again. He looks down at what was once his favorite shirt, now potentially stained and ruined. He's angry he let his roommate talk him into this, he just looked like a dork and felt more out of place than he usually did.
“Are you going to clean up or are you just going to be a mess for everyone to see?” a voice whispers in his ear from behind.
He jumps around and finds the lady he had been staring at so intently greeting him with a smile. “Um, I, uh,-”
The woman grabs him by the wrist, “Bathroom's this way, silly.” She drags him to the hallway and opens a door, pushing him in before coming in herself and locking the door. He stands there in the middle of the bathroom, staring at this woman in shock, unsure of what to say. She looks at him blankly, “What are you doing? Take your shirt off so we can try to save it.”
He gets nervous again, “I...uh...I don't really like being shirtless.”
The woman scoffs, “Such a child. You were about to cry in the middle of a party when you noticed your shirt was stained, take the damn thing off.”
Nerves or not, it's hard to say no when an older woman tells you to do something. "I wasn't going to cry," he mumbles as he pulls his shirt off. Before he can do anything with it, she snatches it from him, fills the sink with water, pulls a small cleaner bottle out from the bag she had been carrying under her arm, and starts working it into the shirt. “I know the guy that lives here. He's always throwing these stupid parties to feel cooler than he is. There's never anything interesting happening at these parties. Just drunken college losers.” He sits down on the side of the tub, letting the random woman do the work he didn't really know how to do. “That is, until I saw some pathetic perv about to cry in the middle of one.”
“Hey!” He yells without thinking, “I am not a perv!”
“Oh? Then why were you staring at my tits?”
“I, uh, um, I don't think that's, uh very pervy. I mean, Isn't it kind of normal?”
She turns around, a big smirk on her face. “Aw, someone's embarrassed about her perviness.”
He notices the pronoun she used, but decides to ignore it. “So, uh, can I have my shirt back? I don't feel well and I want to go home.”
“Sorry sweetie, it needs to go through the wash and dry. You can just go like that. This is basically a frat boy party, no one's gonna think a shirtless guy is weird.”
He considers it. “I'd rather not, even if my shirt is wet.”
She stares at him as if he said something incredibly stupid. “Ok, fine.” She grabs the bottom of her shirt with both hands and somehow pulls it free from her body, her breasts only concealed by a black lacy bra. She tosses the shirt at him, “There you go, a fresh shirt to go home in.”
“I c-can't wear this, it's a g-girl's shirt. They'll make fun of me...”
“Huh? Nothing about it is inherently girly. It's a concert shirt. And these dorks are so drunk they won't notice a thing.”
“I. Uh.” He's overheating. Overwhelmed again from the alcohol, the booming music, and a situation with a girl he's never been in before. But, above all else he's struggling with the realization that he's fully erect at the idea of wearing her clothes. “I. I. I can't. If peo-if people see-”
“Oh I see, wearing girl clothes turns you on, huh?”
His whole face turns red. Embarrassed is an understatement. He doesn't know how to respond. He's frozen.
“Aw, how cute. Strip.”
“I said strip. Take your pants and underwear off now.”
“You're going to do what I tell you or I'm going to push you back into the hallway shirtless, and you can navigate what ever feelings that makes you feel.”
The boy's confused. That's not really a punishment. Anyone not wanting this situation would easily accept that. Even with being uncomfortable shirtless around people, he could deal with it to get out of a weird situation with a woman like this. But, despite that, he found himself standing up straight, unbuttoning his jeans, and pulling them and his boxers down. His body on full display for her, his cock fully erect, which he tries to hide with his hands as his face getting incredibly red again.
“Good girl.”
“I'm not a girl!” he yells back.
“Not yet, maybe.” She reaches up her skirt, and loops her fingers around the ends of her panties and slowly pulls them down. He watches her, confused and excited, and for a split second he can see from under the skirt that she has a dick. The boy looks away, pretending not to have seen.
“Aw, adorable. I'll make a girl out of you for sure.”
“I'm not a girl!”
She sticks her hand out, her black lacy panties hanging from one finger.
“Put them on.” She says.
“WH-WHAT?? NO, I can't, absolutely not!”
Her demeanor doesn't change. She just keeps looking at him with an intense stare. “Put them on, now. I will not repeat myself again.”
Once again, it's an easy situation to walk away from. He doesn't have to listen. He can grab his clothes and go. As she said, everyone's drunk, no one will likely noticed he came out of the bathroom naked. But, as before, he does as he's told. He takes the panties from her hand, and slowly slides them up his legs, his fully erect cock making the most noticeable bulge.
“Now you won't be so concerned about wearing my shirt, will you?” He doesn't reply. He's standing there in this woman's panties, feeling emasculated.
“How are you getting home?” the woman finally asks.
“I, uh, I guess I was going to walk.”
“Oh sweetheart, not in this state you aren't. I'll drive you.” Once again, he doesn't argue, he's already so embarrassed and overwhelmed he just avoids making eye contact and nods. "Now put on your clothes.”
He pulls his jeans on over the panties and puts her shirt on, noticing that it fits him remarkably well. “She was definitely wearing this to show off her boobs” he thinks to himself. Once he's dressed, she grabs his boxers and wraps the wet, cleaned shirt in them and places them in her bag. She unlocks the door and once again, grabs him by the wrist and pulls him with her. He doesn't resist, his will is beaten down too much, and a ride home sounds ideal. Just as she said, none of the drunk people even notice that he's wearing her shirt, all they notice is that she's topless now. “Haha yeah I spilled a drink!” she says, which is enough to make these people nod and ignore her. No one even notices him, or the fact he's wearing her panties. A fact that's getting his cock even harder.
The woman pulls him outside and guides him until they finally reach her car. She only finally let's go of him so he can get in the passenger seat, making him feel like a little kid with the way he's being lead around. He's finally free to just sit down, something he's longed for all night, he collapses into the seat, finding such comfort in her car. She gets in the driver's seat. “So, where do you live.” He mumbles the address to her, so drunk and so comfortable that he's having a hard time staying awake. She plugs the address into her phone and seems ready to go. She turns on the car, loud music comes on as she does, overwhelming the boy again. The car doesn't move. He doesn't care though, he's barely still awake. The comfortable seats feel like a new home for him to melt into. And, as he's starting to drift away to his dreamland, he jolts awake, she's rubbing his cock through his jeans.
“Aw, my sweet girl, you got so excited wearing my cute panties through that crowd of people didn't you.”
“St-stop, w-what if someone sees?!”
“Then they'll see me playing with a pervy girl.”
“I'M NOT A GI-” he couldn't finish, instead erupting into a moan as her hand went beneath his jeans and stroked him through the lacy panties. The softness of the panties felt so good on him.
“That's a good girl, quiet down and let me reward you.”
Once again, he was red. He couldn't argue with her, she knew exactly what to say to shut his brain down. She's stroking at a decent pace, he can see people going in and out of the house, but none seem to turn their gaze to the car. And even if they did look, he didn't care anymore. He was so very close to popping. He needed this. He needed to cum right here, right now. But, then the feeling stopped. He looked at her pulling her hand back, “No please I really want to cum”
She ignores him and as he tries to ask again she pushes her fingers into his mouth. “Clean my fingers, and maybe you'll earn the right to cum.” This time he wasn't embarrassed, he was frustrated. Horribly frustrated. He needed to cum and now instead he was sucking his own precum off of this woman's fingers. But, he accepted it. He wanted to cum, and she promised he might get to. So he was willing to do as he was told.
“Good girl.” He doesn't argue this time. He knew she would just embarrass him again if he tried. Plus he wanted to cum. His silence brings a bigger smirk to her face. “Now let's get you home.”
The drive home was uneventful. She was taking her time making sure she didn't get into an accident. Eventually they arrived at his apartment complex, and he lead her to the apartment itself. He unlocked the door and walked him, she followed him in. The living room was dark, but he could tell his roommate hadn't come home yet. “Take me to your room.” And he does as told.
His room isn't very interesting. No posters or anything, not much furniture, just the bed, a dresser and a tv with some video games spread around. He could tell she was disappointed by what she found, but she didn't say anything about it. He tried to think of what to say, but he didn't know what the next move was.
“Strip down to your panties.”
But, clearly the older woman here knew what the next move was. He did as told, he took her shirt off, he took his jeans off, and he stood there in the middle of his bedroom in this woman's panties, made wet by his precum. She walks over and runs one hand through the hair on the side of his head, and with her other grabs his ass, and then starts to kiss and bite him along the neck, slowly moving up his neck. Each kiss followed by a sharp bite, each one making him grow all the more restless. He lets out soft moans, surprising himself that he can sound that way.
“Such a good girl~” she whispers.
“I'm not a girl.” The boy moans.
“Oh? You're embarrassed to show your chest to a bunch of drunken men like a girl, you've got your panties incredibly wet like a girl, and right now you're moaning like a girl.”
He blushes. “N-none of those things make someone a girl.”
The woman slips her hand under the panties, grabbing his bare ass as she responds, “That's true. But doesn't it sound more fun to be a girl? What do you have to lose by embracing this part of yourself? Why not try something new?” He moans as she starts to bite him again. He has no retort. Just desire. His cock throbbing, yet tears forming in his eyes. “Please make me uh....please make me your girl.” the girl finally says.
A big smile forms on the woman's face. “Of course, sweetie.” She pushes the girl backwards onto the bed. The woman looks down on her with such a big smile as the the girl adjusts herself so she'll be more comfortable on the bed, but all her movement stops as the woman gets on top of her. The woman starts by kissing her upper chest, slowly working her way to her nipples. The girl grabs her sheets and squeezes her hands into fists as the woman sucks and bites, making her moan from pleasures she never knew she could feel. The woman takes her time, sucking and biting, eventually kissing her way to the other nipple and repeating the process. Slow, biting, sucking, kissing, pleasure.
The woman starts to move on, kissing slowly down her chest, slowly down her stomach, slowly down her crotch. The woman starts to pull the panties down, just enough for her cock to pop out, and the woman takes it into her hand and puts the head into her mouth. The girl moans at the feeling of the warm mouth on her cock. With her hand, the woman starts to jerk the girl off, while lightly sucking on her and her move her mouth back and forth. The girl's eyes roll into the back of her head and she moans the biggest moan of the night. She's never felt such ecstasy before. It's intense. So intense. She needs it. She needs to finish. She needs to cum now. “Please, please, please” she moans. “I want to cum please.” She can feel it close. She knows it's soon.
And the woman pulls the girl out of her mouth. The girl is once again frustrated, “no, p-please, don't stop please...”
“Do you think you've been a good girl tonight? Why should I let you cum?”
“Please please please I'm sorry I'll be your good girl please let me cum.” She's desperate. She'll do anything. She has never felt this good before, she doesn't want it to end like this. “Please I'll do anything you want please, I'll be a good girl for you I swear.”
The woman smiles again. She pulls off her bra, revealing her giant tits for the girl to see. She pulls the girl head into her chest, face between her tits. “How do you like the tits you were so obsessed with?” The girl doesn't know what to say. They're lovely, but the pressure in her is too intense, “please, please, please” she cries while her eyes start to form tears.
The woman let's her go and stands up next to the bed. “I don't want to hear you beg. I want you to earn your right to cum. Put your mouth to good use.” The girl never considered she might be expected to do something back. This is all so new to her, she was just riding along with what the woman did. But, she didn't feel resistant to it, she just wasn't sure what to do. Sitting on her knees, the girl was easily crotch height with the woman now. The girl slowly lifted the woman's skirt, revealing the woman's semi erect cock. The smell of the woman's sweat and cock flooded the girl's senses. And she loves it. It made her even hornier. She takes the woman into her mouth, trying to copy what the woman has done before.
The woman puts both her hands on the top of her head, “Don't overthink it, just relax.” The girl listens and tries to slow down and relax, and then the woman thrusts, her cock hitting the back of the girl's throat. She pulls back and thrusts again. The girl understands now and tries to relax, but this is completely new. But that doesn't stop her from being a good girl. “Oh babygirl, your throat is just like a fleshlight, it feels like you're made for my cock.” The girl barely hears the words, she just lets the woman have her way. The seconds become minutes, the minutes drift by as the girl loses all sense of time. She is not a boy tonight, she is this woman's toy.
The woman eventually stops thrusting, exhausted she pulls her cock from the girl's mouth. The girl can see strings of saliva and precum connecting them still. “Lay down.” the woman commands. Having learned her place, the girl does as told, laying her head on her pillow, preparing for what's to come. “You've been such a good girl, I think it's time I helped you cum.” Excitement wells up in the girl. She's waited all night for this.
The woman crawls onto the bed and stands on her knees, pushing herself between the girl's legs. She puts her cock on the girl's cock, and thrusts. The girl lets out a loud moan. And again, the woman thrusts. And, again. And again until she's developed a rhythm. The girl realizes she can see the woman's face like this. She can see her face strain and hear her moan with each thrust. This turns the girl on even more. The woman notices the girl staring, and slows her rhythm as she pushes herself forward to shove her tongue into the girl's mouth. The girl doesn't know what to do and just let's her do it. The pleasure is slower, but the pleasure is there. The woman lifts her head back up, resuming her previous posture and previous rhythm, causing the girl to let out long, deep moans. The pressure is coming back, the intensity in her cock is building, “I'm g-going to c-cum” she moans out.
“Mmm, cum for me sweet girl,” the woman replies. Finally with the permission, the girl finally feels herself explode. Her cum shooting out of her and covering them both. The girl breathes heavy, nearly in tears, “th-thank you thank you.” The girl can't tell if the woman replied, her senses fade, the world around her fades, and she melts into the bed, deep into sleep.
The sounds of chirping birds wake the girl up. She's in bed, covered in cum, in a girl's lacy panties. The woman she met at the party before is putting her top on when she notices the girl woke up. “Oh hi sweetheart, I need to go, stuff to do. You should go back to sleep if you don't need to get up early.”
The girl shakes her head, she has no where to be. “But..I don't want you to go...”
“Awww,” she coos at the girl, “but I have to my sweet girl.” The woman picks up her bag and pulls a pen out of it. She looks around the room for something to write on, finally deciding to just write it on the girl's arm. “This is my number. Text me sometime.” The girl nods, excited. The party worked, she got a friend!
She escorts the woman to the living room, but before the woman leaves, she reaches into her bag again and pulls out two pill bottles and puts them in the girl's hand. "Take two of these a day.”
“What do they do?” The girl asks.
The woman motions at her body, “they do this. It'll make you the girl you've wanted to be.”
“I'm not a girl.” It was automatic. She didn't even intend to say it.
“Ok, ok, girl adjacent. You can be whatever you want, but take those pills and it'll do it for you. I have extras so I might as well give them to you.”
The woman opens the door and as she exits the apartment, she turns around, “Also, you're going to clean those panties and give them back. It's a matching set, damn it, I can't just lose them” The girl, realizing finally that she's still covered in cum and in panties, goes red and finally closes the door in a panic.
The girl goes to the kitchen to pour herself a glass of water before going back to her room. She stares at the pill bottles given to her. She opens the one bottle and takes a small blue pill out. She stares at it, trying to figure out what to do with it.
“I'm not a girl.” she says to herself, just before washing the blue pill down her throat.
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you know how you did bg3 types of yanderes, could you do that for castlevania? Like the trio and isaac, hector, dracula/lisa, carmilla, st. germain??
A/N: For reference, here is the one I did for BG3 villains, and here is the one I did for the BG3 Main Companions. Also, this is unedited as hell so if you see grammar mistakes, no you didn't. 
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Castlevania Characters as Yandere! Types: 
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Yandere! Trevor: 
Defensive. Calucative. Hardened. Trevor’s seen far worse than you, from humans and monsters alike. He knows the terror and the cruelty that lurks out there. He wants to shield you from it all, for as long as possible. He has this overwhelming need to prevent what happened to his family from happening to you. Even then, he knows your innocence won’t last; it couldn’t possibly. So long as you’re tied to him, you will know hardship. So as much as he babies you, and refuses to grant you complete independence, he is also distant, and frequently unaffectionate. In his line of work, people don’t die of old age; neither of you will be in the other’s life forever. Just let him love you the way he needs, when he asks for it, please. Everything else is so difficult in his life, you don’t want to add to that. Make yourself into the one piece of his life that is easy. And enjoy the easy while it lasts. 
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Yandere! Sypha: 
Confident. Feisty. Unyielding. Sypha is always sure of herself. Everything she does, she does with 100% effort and full intent- your relationship is no different. From the moment she sees you, she’s sure she likes you, and she’s certain you like her. Any behavior that suggests otherwise on your part must simply be beginning relationship nerves. After all, she is a scholar and a Speak Magician. Her infectious optimism seeps out of her every pore. Her love for you knows no bounds, and she will not hesitate to throw herself into danger to prove it. I mean, she can conjure fire and ice instantaneously in her own two hands! Who wouldn’t want to be her partner?  Only some sort of complete and total asshole would try and turn her down, or worse, fight against her. She fights for what is right, and what is just. You wouldn’t fight against what’s just, would you? 
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Yandere! Alucard: 
Intellectual. Sharp. Melancholic. Alucard is not a stranger to romance nor heartbreak. Losing the people closest to him has left him vulnerable, both emotionally and physically. Instead of processing his feelings, he bottles them up, until he can no longer bear their weight. He feels such pressure to remain composed, remain controlled, not animalistic, to go against the programming of half of his biology. At the same time, he is starving, desperate, and filled with an insatiable thirst for closeness. Such a complicated, disconsolate man, Alucard needs you to stay, more than anything. His life has been so lonely, and so hard; at times it feels like all he knows is loss and the cruel impossible whispers of desire. You need to stay. You need to choose him. He cannot take another heartbreak. It’s quite possible, given his role throughout history, that humanity wouldn’t survive another one of his heartbreaks either.  
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Yandere! Isaac: 
Keen. Precise. Self-Righteous. Isaac has journeyed far on his quest for revenge, coming not only into a new land and new role but a new self as well. Gone is the former subservient, sacrificial lamb, who has risen into a stronger, wiser, seemingly benevolent king. Do not mistake this kindness for weakness, however. You must be either admirable or too kind-hearted to pose a genuine threat. Once you’ve caught his eye, prepare for an odd game of cat and mouse, you being the mouse of course. Isaac is not used to having friends, much less romantic companions. You must be patient as he learns the intricacies of your psyche. Surely, you must know he’s been analyzing it since you met? Be an honest, positive presence in his life, and he will keep you safe from all others who may do you harm. Treat him as the wise king he now sees himself as, and perhaps, he will ask you to be his queen. 
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Yandere! Hector: 
Reclusive. Embittered. Suspicious. Hector has been forced to toughen up. Too late did he realize at the end of the road, that it is the people, not the zombies you command that can make or break a man. That is where you come in my dear. Following Lenore’s death, Hector’s purpose is up in the air, he is suddenly a puppet, free of its strings. He feels much wiser, but just as lonely. Hector cannot help but latch on to you, the first “normal” person to view him as human. He yearns for a simple quiet life, with a dog (a live one) and a partner to call his own. You’re perfectly plain, or perhaps, you’re just odd enough to make him look normal, and he relishes that. You have to understand that he can’t share much about his past. He can’t possibly tell you about his old life, no, no, no. He’s hiding it from you, hells, he’s hiding from it with you. He loves you dearly, he does. But he can’t trust you, not fully. A man with a history like his cannot truly trust anyone. 
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Yandere! Dracula/Lisa: 
Nurturing. Captivated. Smothering. Dracula was not keen on humans before meeting Lisa; she bewitched me body and soul. And now the two of them have become enthralled by you. Dracula has learned the ‘other’ humans are not to be trusted, not with you, and certainly not with his wife. Lisa finds it unfortunate how she is no longer able to treat her former patients in Lupu, but she’s also incredibly thankful now that she has you to take care of! Ever the eager student, she still wants to learn so many things, and how wonderful of a practice dummy you are. Dracula is also eternally grateful that his wife will not be completely lonely; he knows how much helping her fellow humans means to her, and now that you’re here, Dracula no longer has to worry about keeping his wife (and by extension, you) to himself for eternity. 
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Yandere! Carmilla: 
Prepared. Calculating. Cruel. Carmilla is a sadist at heart, there’s no denying it. She loves feeling the power she wields over all other people, humans, and vampires alike. For you to have caught her attention, surely you must be something special. Either you are particularly gifted in something she’s not (negotiations, necromancy, art, etc.) or you’re just so unbelievably precious, that she can’t help but want to steal you away for herself. She sees you as a possession, as a rare and beautiful gem, not a person. Even if she did ‘hear’ anything you had to say, she’d simply consider it further fodder to be used in manipulating you should it all come to that. She is not a woman who is denied, not by God, not by man, not by Dracula, and certainly not by you. Chin up, pet. Things could always be much worse. You could be thrown in the dungeons and left to rot. How lovely of Carmilla to instead treat you to more luxury than your kind could ever dare to deserve. For your continued safety, may I suggest showing a little gratitude? I mean it’s not like your life depends on it or anything. It does. 
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Yandere! St. Germain: 
Wise. Inquisitive. Obsessive. St. Germain is a man who knows his mind. He knows a great deal about alchemy, and that alchemy, at the end of his days, will be his greatest work. That was of course, all before he met you. You opened up a whole side of him that he didn't know existed. Before you, his conquest was kings and courts; his acquaintances were mages and scholars! But now, in his effort to keep you from himself, you have become his conquest; his acquaintances are vampires and demons, all practitioners of dark magic. To him, it’s of little matter, so long as he can secure you, his one true love. To him, it’s the most important to have someone to share all his knowledge with, all that he’s achieved. To bask in the victory alone does not hold the same merit. He needs you at his side, he needs you to be invested in the great work. Without you, without your love, he fears he cannot achieve it. As such, he will do whatever it takes to get you by his side. And I do mean- whatever- it takes. 
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beetlejuicyy · 6 months
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Eraser | Ryomen Sukuna x reader
1. Ultimatum
Summary: modern!Sukuna has a tattoo of your name on his chest that he wants to get rid of. Can he, though?
Warnings: gaslighting, toxicity, mentions of cheating
Word count: 2,254
Series masterlist:
1. Ultimatum
2. Wash Away
3. Only Memories
4. Vengeance
Read on AO3
Notes: this idea popped in my head very randomly while I was listening to a song and it screamed modern day Sukuna so here it is
General Masterlist | Divider @rookthornesartistry
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“I want it gone.” Sukuna said, already irritated.
“Are you sure? Covering it up would be way easier.” If this bastard kept talking, Sukuna would rather cut his own skin and get the job done faster.
“I want it gone from my skin.” He growled and the guy quickly went back to the computer to search for an appointment date.
“Any other guy wouldn’t have treated you as well as I did!” Sukuna spat back as if that was supposed to fix something.
You sat down on the floor of your bedroom, back resting against the bed. You were tired of yelling and screaming. He would never allow himself to articulate the word love, not even in this fight that was about to end your relationship for good.
“Really? What else is there to be done? Fuck another girl in my own bed?” You replied sarcastically and he groaned in frustration.
You just couldn’t understand. He warned you that the wasn’t he goodie two shoes compliant man going to a 9 to 5 and talking about finance or computer science like your previous flings. He was running an underground illegal business and networking was the most important thing if you wanted to end up on top. Sukuna reiterated these things many times, as if they could overcome the indescribable magnetic pull you felt towards him. He shouldn’t have flirted with you so confidently and insistently if he never planned to let you in. But you eagerly nodded, dismissing all his warnings, all of Yuuji's, his little brother’s warnings that predicted exactly this moment. When you would find out he made out with another woman in a random club at 1:30AM while you obediently ate your vanilla ice cream and binge watched netflix.
“For the last time, woman!” He yelled, his hoarse voice coming from his throat filled the quiet room. “I didn’t fuck her!”
He was sitting in the doorframe of your bedroom, looking at your pathetic form on the floor. Head supported in your hands, your tangled long hair falling over your face. He had been banging on your front door for half an hour before you agreed to open it. He had smoked cigarette after cigarette, trying to relieve some of the stress. When you finally opened the front door to let him in, all the snarky remarks he had prepared faded away. Your eyes were swollen because of crying, the hems of your sleeping t-shirt, his t-shirt, wet with tears. He followed you back to your room, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk in, seeing you like this. Yelling and cursing at each other was easy, but resisting the sight of your pain was harder than anything he had ever done.
“Oh, yeah sure.” He couldn’t see your face because it was covered by your palms but he knew you rolled your eyes. “First you make out with her and then wait until she throws herself at you. Funny thing, worked on me.” Your voice was strained from all the yelling. Your energy had been used up almost entirely. Now all that was left was a bitter, quiet tone.
“I knew that little brat was too young to get involved in these things.” He mumbled more to himself. He pulled at the knot of his black tie. It was already lose enough. He was suffocating.
“Yuuji didn’t tell me.” You laughed. You were so tired of all of it. Your head fell back on the bed and you looked at the ceiling, as if the answer to your problems was written there for you to read. You didn’t need to see his handsome face to know one eyebrow was cocked in surprise. Damn his face and his black shirt and his perfectly tailored pants and his tattoos. “A private number sent me a video.” Sukuna’s tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek in frustration. “You could call it networking.”
He sighed. It was on video. All he could do was walk up to you, crouch down on the floor and try to resist the urge to touch you. You looked so beautifully devastated at 3:42 AM, only in your panties and one of his t-shirts, pretty legs sprawled on the floor, neck exposed just waiting for his teeth to sink in. But you already thought he was disgusting. It would only make things worse to admit that this sight of you turned him on.
“They’re trying to get to me, can’t you see?” Sukuna’s voice had never been so calm, so quiet. It was deep and throaty, coming from the utmost effort and consideration he held in his large body. “They know how important you are to me.” You only half smiled, as if he said something supposedly funny.
How come you didn’t know how important you were to him? How come he never told you how he felt about you? How come anytime you would seek reassurance from him you would end up in a sexual circumstance? He would tell you that you’re pretty, beautiful, sexy. He would make you feel like a goddess when he would touch you. And you would fall for it most of the time. But never, not once, express his feelings, his sincere and most vulnerable feelings towards you. You couldn’t do that for the both of you anymore. Sukuna seemed to understand the lack of trust from your silence, from the curled corner of your mouth forming a sad half smile, from your empty eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.
“I needed information, y/n.” The sleeves of his shirt were folded up to his elbows, a strong smell of cigarettes deeply impregnated in the fabric. You raised your head from the mattress to look at him, bloodshot piercing eyes staring at you closely. “It’s the easiest way of doing it.”
“Yeah, actually you’re right. I need a Prada bag I’ll just make out with the security guy and he’ll give it to me.”
“I can buy it for you.”
Sukuna didn’t expect it. The stinging sensation your palm left across his cheek burned deeper than the surface of his skin. It burned inside his heart. He didn’t look back at you. He kept his face turned away, so you could see how the skin changed into a pinkish color, more vibrant than the pink of his hair. Sukuna took a deep breath, licking his lips, trying to find a way to contain himself.
“I knew you had been a manwhore before. But I really thought, I really wanted you to respect me.” Your words cut sharper than any slap could. Your voice was getting louder and shakier with every word, anger and misery mixed in a pitiful sound. “I was stupid to think you would really care.”
“I do.” He said between his gritted teeth.
“You don’t. You just proved it tonight.”
“I told you multiple times.” He placed both of his hands on either side of your frame at the edge of the bed. The smell of his musky high end perfume mixed with cigarettes and a slight scent of alcohol as he spoke intoxicated you. You couldn’t avoid him. “This is what I do, take it or leave it. You said you’re fine with it.”
“You’re saying it’s my fault?” Suddenly you became very aware of the fact that you were covered in minimal clothing and the way he was looking at you, that mix of anger and frustration, his clenched jaw, his soft lips, they all made you want to stop fighting.
“I’m saying you’re exaggerating.”
“You really want me to slap you again.”
“Only if you can bear the consequences.”
You pushed your knees against his body, trying to break away from the cage of his muscular arms at your sides, keeping you prisoner. He didn’t even flinch. You kicks became stronger and more desperate, fighting against him while he did absolutely nothing to you. Sukuna looked at you in surprise, not expecting to be pushed away like this. Usually it took him a few intimidating looks and some sugarcoated words to make you forget that you were mad at him.
No more gaslighting.
No more forgiveness without an apology.
No more loving by yourself for the both of you.
“What the fuck are you doing, y/n?!” He asked in a raspy voice, placing large hands on your bare thighs and forcing them flat against the floor. But now you pushed him away with your arms, although your hands weren’t sure if they should cling to his shirt and pull him close or push him away from you.
“You don’t love me!” Your voice broke and you started crying, salty tears rolling down your flushed cheeks.
You just did it. You said that one thing that had been eating you from inside out for so long, that thing that you were so afraid of voicing out loud. You stopped struggling altogether. Sukuna’s heart broke. He always thought he could get away with his way of living, even after getting into this relationship. You would understand. You would forgive. You would know nobody else meant shit and you were the most important person to him.
“I have you right here, silly.” He said, his hand gesturing to his chest. He was referring to the tattoo he got a couple months ago, a small addition to his collection, your name right above his heart. You were never into this kind of things but he came up with the idea and you guessed you were important enough to him to be part of the story on his skin.
“You can always cover it up.” You said, unable to understand that this was his way of saying I love you, his way of carrying you in his heart at all times. “But what about my heart? I can't cover that up.” You brought your knees to your chest, hugging them with your arms, resting your forehead on top of them. You were so small, so frail. Sukuna used to think you were a strong soul but it seemed that you were more vulnerable than you showed. He had just broken you. Continuously hit your seemingly indestructible outer layer, like a glass that cracked more and more with time, until it shattered completely tonight. He wanted to hug you, to comfort you, to reassure you. But you only wanted one thing. He knew the only thing that would give him a chance would be to say three simple words. And he couldn’t bring himself to say them. So he just sat there on the floor with you, while you sobbed your pain away. The strong and mighty Ryomen Sukuna whom so many people feared was reduced to silence by a woman.
“Go away, Sukuna.” You said when your sobs quieted down, your tears ran dry and your mind started to clear out. You rose your eyes to look at him, still standing in front of you. “Go away!” You said, louder this time, like trying to get a dog to stop following you.
“Do you really want me to leave, you brat?” He asked, hoping that you would change your mind in the last minute.
“Get the fuck out!” You yelled, grabbing whatever your hand found closest to you and throwing it in his direction. It was his pack of cigarettes that was now half empty. It hit him right in his chest before falling miserably on the floor. He didn’t even feel it.
Sukuna had been trying to get in contact with you for the past two weeks. Work had him busy and exhausted all the time but not enough to forget that you weren’t answering his calls, weren’t replying his messages. You even got rid of the airtag he had given you to know your location at all times for safety. He pestered his little brother Yuuji to talk to you but he kept saying you weren’t answering him either. The brat was lying, he knew it. These two weeks had passed excruciatingly slow for Sukuna. It seemed like you had given up on him completely. In an attempt to tend to his shattered ego, given that all hope was gone for his broken heart, he decided to get rid of the tattoo of your name on his chest. He wasn’t going to cover it, like you said. He was going to remove it for good.
“You have to sign here aaand here.” The guy at the reception handed him a pen for the paperwork. Sukuna was just about to sign when his phone rang. When he saw the picture of his little brother on the screen his heart skipped a beat. He was so pathetic. He really hoped Yuuji had some news about you.
“I’m busy, what is it?”
“Uhm, it’s about y/n.” Yuuji’s voice was hesitant, like he still wasn’t sure he was supposed to share this information.
“What about y/n?” Sukuna was growing impatient.
“I think… I think she might be going on a date.” Sukuna’s vision darkened. The grip on his phone was so tight his knuckles turned white.
“Not on my fucking watch.” He muttered between his teeth. “Send me the location.” He turned on his heels in a second, walking out of the building with rushed angry steps.
“Uhm, sir? Your appointment?” The guy at the reception yelled, confused.
“I ain’t removing shit!” He yelled back as he reached his motorcycle. Yuuji had already sent him your location.
《previous Ascension | next》 2. Wash Away
True Form! Sukuna x Reader
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crazyoffher · 1 year
summary: billie's lack of attention toward you causes you to meet with a guy who tries to seduce you. then, does she finally give you attention.
warnings: smut (18+) — oral (r receiving), strap-on, dirty talk, jealousy, men, dom!b and sub!r, roughness, slight begging, slight angst, my writing.
word amount: 2900+
a/n: two posts in one day lesss gooooooo
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“Baby, I think we should go.” You nudged Billie, who sat beside you and was too engrossed in her conversation with Claudia and Marinelli to have noticed your tired expression earlier. She turned to hear the sound of your voice, and you noticed how her eyes drooped slightly as well.
The party was a celebration event for one of Billie’s mutual friends from around four years prior, and you originally didn’t want to go. Maybe it was because of the dating rumors between Billie and this friend of hers at the time, but you blamed it on the lack of sleep due to your harsh job. Billie had begged you to accompany her, though, promising to leave around 11 p.m., but it was 1 a.m. and she was still sitting around the couch with her hand on your thigh.
“Ten minutes, please.” She begged you, ignoring your need for sleep as you had to go to work around seven hours later. You were ready to respond when Marinelli tapped on her shoulder, presumably to get her attention again, and she didn’t wait for an answer before indulging herself in the conversation she was previously in.
You sighed, your eyes drooping a little bit, and you knew that the earliest you’d be leaving was thirty minutes, not ten. Seeing a hand wave at you through your peripherals, you tilted your head to see Finneas waving you over from the barside, a drink set off to the side for you.
You moved Billie’s hand from your thigh, the girl seemingly not noticing, and you made your way over to Finneas, eyeing him tilt the drink toward the edge of the bar. You gave him a smile. “Love ‘ya, Finn.”
“Anything for my future sister-in-law.” You pushed his shoulder, taking the cup that was filled with ginger ale and wasting half the cup in one gulp. Bartenders and their ridiculous amounts of ice. “You tired?’
“A little bit,” you hovered your index finger over your thumb, giving him a visual to which he laughed at, “but Billie wants to talk to Marinelli and Claudia more, so I’m trying my hardest to not pass out.”
“I can give you a ride home if you want. Billie’s clearly not taking your own needs into mind.” Finneas offered. You waved him off, telling him it was fine and that you would just… sleep at your desk at work, finishing off the ginger ale and asking the bartender for a glass of water.
You and Finneas talked for a little, maybe five minutes, before he was hit in the head with a pingpong ball on purpose, a couple of his friends trying to catch his attention to get him to play. He turned to you, teeth flashing in a smile to try and get your permission to go, to which you just pushed him off the stool and he left you alone.
You loved Billie’s smile—a happy glint in her eye as she laughed at something Claudia said—but your admiration was disrupted when someone tapped you on the shoulder. Turning, you saw a man, 5’10 in height and dressed in all brown, giving you a smile and a tooth gem sitting on one of his front teeth. “Hey, pretty girl.”
He sat by you to your dismay, deciding not to retaliate at his comment. You were never good at dealing with guys (or girls) flirting with you; Billie usually handled it for you with an arm around the waist or a kiss to the cheek. “You’re dating Billie, yeah?”
“Well,” he turned his head, eyeing Billie and seeing her engrossed in a conversation, “she’s not looking, and I think you’re pretty fine. What do you say to me and you in the upstairs bathroom? It’s pretty big and soundproofed, if you know what I mean.” He sent you a wink, and the urges to throw up on him and throw your cup at him met together in your mind.
“I think I’m good.” You scooted away from him slightly, but he only moved his bar stool closer toward you. The bartender delivered your water, but you didn’t want to drink it anymore. “You sure, girl? I mean,” he said, planting his hand on your thigh, in the same position Billie had her hand on, “I can give you the pleasure; I’m almost positive Billie doesn’t give you any-”
“Says who?” You flinched at the familiar voice, whipping your head behind you to see Billie sending the man a death glare. “You don’t know shit, Markus. Come on.” She grabbed hold of your upper arm in a fierce grip, pulling you out of the bar stool and out of the house entirely. Her decency was still there in her mind to open the passenger door for you, but not enough decency as she slammed it shut in rage.
“No.” She said it simply, her voice awfully calm, and you wouldn’t have thought she was so mad if she didn’t have smoke fuming out of her ears. The drive home was silent. You had decided not to try to talk to her because it would only break out into a major argument.
“Why didn’t you tell him to fuck off? Go and fucking chop his hand off of your thigh?” Her voice rang in your ears as you made it home, walking up the steps to the front door, when you heard the venom that swam through her tone.
“Don’t you go and start blaming me for this.” You fought off her words, or at least tried to. “None of this would’ve happened if you just kept your promise, and we would’ve left two hours ago! But no, it’s fucking one a.m. and you decided to not care about my needs—shit, Billie, I have to leave for work in five hours!”
“Get inside.” She demanded, ultimately shoving you inside the house when you decided not to do what she said. She turned on the light that was beside the front door, illuminating the front of the house and parts of the living room as well. “Don’t you touch me like-”
“Take off your clothes.” The finger you pointed in her direction dropped, and your eyebrows furrowed. “What?”
“Take off your clothes. I’m not gonna ask again.” Billie was already undressing, hanging her coat on the rack beside the door, and unbuttoning the dress shirt that you had requested she wear. Her hands traveled to her belt, unbuckling the leather fabric, and it was then that you snapped out of your trance. 
“No,” you hardly ever said no to her, and you said it for good reason. You were definitely into rough sex with Billie—more into it than anything else—but you knew that the more mature route was to talk out her rage, not fuck it out.
You knew you were right. Still, you couldn’t hold back the moan that left your mouth when Billie got you up against the wall. Her hand dug into your pants and underwear, her thumb slowly circling your clit with pressure that’d have you on the edge if she were to rub faster.
“No? Say that one more time for me, baby, and I’ll stop.” The hand that wasn’t cupped around your heat was unbuttoning your jeans button, giving her hand more mobility and allowing her fingers to dip down to your entrance. The tips of her fingers brushed against your hole, and you grinded against her hand in an attempt to get her to properly finger you.
“I’m not hearing you, love.”
“Don’t, d-don’t stop,” You stuttered out, your hands meeting her waist while you grinded into her hand. A smirk slithered it’s way onto her face, her index finger circling around your hole, making you whine out. She grabbed your hand from her waist and planted it against her crotch, your senses alerting you that she had a strap-on.
“You’ve had that on all night?” You met Billie’s gaze, immediately shrinking at how dark her look was. A smirk still sat on her face, and she licked her lips when you started to rub the silicone against your palm. 
“I planned on fucking you to sleep, but oh god, this is so much better. Isn’t it?” Her lips met yours, her hand leaving yours that was keen on rubbing her bulge and gripping the back of your neck, pulling you deeper into her as her movements on your clit fastened. You were a moaning mess, the sounds muffled by Billie’s tongue shoved into your mouth as she redirected the two of you to the couch, not once breaking contact.
You broke contact when Billie pushed you onto the couch. Her touch was more gentle compared to before, but you knew she still had steam to blow off. She settled in between your legs, her tongue licking at your hip while her hands moved to take off your jeans, her tongue moving down your right leg the further she took the fabric off of you.
The sight of you biting your lip, trying not to beg her while looking at her with doe eyes and your mouth agape, was something she would never tire of seeing. “You never fail to look so pretty—all mine and never anyone else’s.” Her voice contorted into a slight growl at the end, seemingly remembering why you were now submissive to her on the couch.
Despite the heat of the situation you found yourself in, a light blush tinted your cheeks at her praises, finding them sweet even if she was about to fuck your brains out.
“Now,” she crawled up slightly, her head inches away from your core and her hands gripping your hips where the hems of your underwear were, “I’ll show you the pleasure that fuckhead thinks I can’t give you, yeah?” You nodded vigorously, the two sharp, fang-like teeth that were biting down into your lip starting to draw blood as you waited for her.
Billie sat up, her ass resting on the balls of her feet as she took your underwear off, mouth salivating at the sight of your glistening core even in the slight darkness. Usually, she’d tease you and make you beg for her to put her tongue on your clit, but tonight she was too impatient and dove straight in.
Your hand flew to her hair, grabbing a bunch of it as you let out a rather loud moan at the feeling of Billie licking up and down your folds, the pressure of her tongue hardening as she’d flick over your clit. “Fuck!”
She removed her tongue from your clit, and you let out a distressed whine before letting out a shocked moan at the feeling of her thumb rubbing fast circles on your clit. Her tongue moved to your hole, licking around the area, making you buck your hips up against her face. You knew she was using her saliva as lubrication for the silicone, but it didn’t make the feeling any less pleasurable.
“Mmph, oh…” She ran her tongue over your entrance one more time before spitting on the area, and you’d hate to admit how hot the sight of that was. Your hips bucked up once more as she removed both her tongue and fingers from you, but you didn’t whine because you knew what was coming.
Billie pushed herself up on her elbows, leaning forward to capture you in a harsh kiss, and you could feel her hand travel to the silicone cock she had, not even aware she had taken her pants off. “Be a good girl for me and take all of it, okay?” She asked when her lips left yours, and you nodded with wider eyes than before while your teeth found your bottom lip again.
She crowded her face into your neck, bruisingly sucking on an area to make a hickey while she lined herself up against you. She bit your neck when she thrust her hips forward, filling you with half of the silicone, and you let out a pornographic (though true) moan at the feeling of the girthy, long cock stuffing into you.
“Shit, shit! Faster, please go faster.” You begged her; any self respect you had for yourself was thrown out the window when Billie thrust herself completely into you. Her attack on your neck continued while pumping in and out of you, starting out slow for your own sake but getting the memo to move faster when you hungrily humped against her cock, a desperate search for pleasure ensuing. 
She bit, nipped, licked, and sucked around the area on your neck before letting go with a pop, her eyes narrowing at the sight of a large, purple hickey right above your pulse point. She met your lips once more, and you barely kissed back from the daze you found yourself in, Billie’s hips now rocking back and forth impossibly fast.
“Oh, fuck. Look at you all wet and tight around me. My girl.” Billie purred, now sitting up on her knees, allowing her to capture your entire body in her line of sight. Your breasts jumped heavenly against the thin fabric of your shirt, and your head was thrown back, mouth open, because how else could you be letting out the moans that filled Billie’s ears better than any piece of music ever could?
“Shit!” You flung your head forward, strands of hair sticking to your face from sweat, and watched as Billie’s silicone moved in and out of you with ease. That feeling you knew all too well, one where a coil in your stomach was burning, had returned. With every thrust, you felt it was going to snap, and soon.
“God, how I’d love to add this sight of you,” Billie bent over slightly, her hand grazing your cheek and tilting your head to look up at her, “to my collection. How I’d love nothing more than to masturbate to a video of you writhing underneath me when I’m fucking you just like this.”
Billie videotaping the two of you being intimate wasn’t an uncommon experience, but she didn’t do it all the time. You allowed her to do it when she first asked you, and the sight of you in that moment, breasts on display and bouncing while your hair was messed up and covering your forehead, was a sight that Billie wanted to savor. And savor, she did that time, and another time, and another.
She originally brought the idea up because she missed you more than anything while on tour, meaning she missed your body and how you looked underneath her as well. So, when it was close to midnight and her brother and mother were out, she’d pull up the collection she made of you in her photos, and she’d happily finger herself at a video of you sucking off her silicone or getting rammed by it.
She stuck her thumb into your mouth, which you happily sucked on, biting down on it when you felt Billie hit that sweet, spongy spot inside of you. She groaned at the feeling of your teeth clenching around her finger because she was fucking you too well, and she could tell you were close to releasing when you started twitching.
“I know you’re close, baby, am I right?” Billie grabbed your left leg, pushing it up and over her ankle, allowing her to fuck you deeper and harder. You gasped around her finger, eagerly nodding at her words. You moved your right hand to brush the hair out of your face, holding yourself up slightly to watch as Billie slammed the silicone cock in and out of you with ease.
“Billie—fuck! I’m gonna cum; can I cum?” Desperation was more than evident in your voice, and you had been teased and forced to beg one too many times to the point where it was instinctive to ask for permission. Billie only grinned, resting the side of her face against your leg that was on her shoulder while she fucked into you, her eyes darkening as you held eye contact with her. “Billie, please!”
You felt the vibrations of her laugh travel throughout your leg, and you found yourself struggling to hold off the release you desperately wanted. With a bite of her lip, her eyes explored throughout your body, starting from her hips driving into yours up to your face, impatience clear in your narrowed eyes.
“You’ve been good. Cum for me, baby.” That was the only agreement you needed to loosen up, your orgasm hitting you hard from the delay, having you shaking and twitching under Billie. She pumped slowly in and out of you to help you ride out your orgasm, her mouth salivating at the white substance that coated her silicone. She ran her index finger through your wet pussy before taking the collected cum and putting it into her mouth, sucking off your sweet juices considering pineapple was your favorite fruit.
With her adrenaline running out, Billie fell on top of you, her hands holding your waist while yours dug back into her hair, this time softly scratching her scalp. The silicone cock was still inside of you, and every slight movie Billie made had you twitching slightly, though you weren’t horny anymore.
With a yawn, you rested your head back on the couch, letting out content breaths. “You think I should call out of work today?”
“If I can keep you like this,” Billie’s arms fully wrapped themselves around your waist, her face burying into the cloth of your shirt, “then definitely.”
☟ ☟ ☟
(billie) taglist: @grandpatrolnut @annalestern @rhythm-catsandwine @jennas-10
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wzrd-wheezes · 7 months
Not Half Bad - Marauders x Reader
AN - I'm a few minutes early but happy valentine's day, my loves. I wanted to post something that wasn't crazy romantic because I know today can be pretty lonely. So, enjoy some platonic marauders x reader fluff. This is my first time writing anything like this so please let me know what you think. 1.7k words.
Y/N startled awake, her head throbbing and her eyes swollen from tears. She groaned softly, feeling the weight of exhaustion as she rubbed her face, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Then, the unmistakable sound echoed through her apartment again.
Bang, bang, bang. 
With a resigned sigh, Y/N muttered curses under her breath before she shuffled towards the front door. The harsh hallway light made her squint as she opened the door, taking a moment to register the trio standing before her. 
“Come on, you. Out of the way, we’ve got some serious work to do!” James declared, gently nudging Y/N aside to enter her apartment, with Remus and Sirius following close behind. 
“What the hell are you doing? It’s practically the crack of dawn!” She exclaimed; her voice still thick with sleep. 
“Oh, yeah? And you’d know what time of day it was, would you?” Sirius teased, theatrically throwing open her curtains, allowing light to flood into the room for the first time in days. 
“We’re on damage control. Y’know, since we haven’t heard from you in almost a week.” Remus explained, heading straight into the kitchen and flicking the kettle on. 
Y/N sighed heavily, feeling a pang of guilt for having shut off herself off from her friends after her recent break up. The end of her relationship had hit her harder than she had ever anticipated, leaving her feeling raw and vulnerable. She hadn’t felt up to facing her friends properly. She had shot them a quick message briefly explaining the situation before shutting off her phone and finding solace in her own company as she grappled with the emotional fallout.  
Remus busied himself in the kitchen while he waited for the kettle to boil. He had a tea towel swung over his shoulder as he started washing the dishes that had been piling up in the sink. James was getting the living room straight, opening windows, clearing up the endless piles of scrunched up tissues and fluffing up the sofa cushions.  
“You don’t have to do all this – I'm fine!” Y/N protested. 
“Stop fussing and just let us help you,” Sirius chimed in, poking his head around the doorway from where he was in the bathroom, “Now, get in here because I’ve just run you a bath.”  
Y/N’s protests died on her lips as she relented, allowing herself to be guided into the bathroom by Sirius’s firm but caring insistence. The soothing scent of lavender filled the air as she stepped into the room. Sirius shut the door behind her, allowing some privacy. He had set her some fresh towels and clean clothes on the side, even going as far as to light a few candles. Y/N let out a sigh as she sank into the tub, the warm water washing over her tired body. 
After a while, Y/N emerged from the bathroom feeling a bit lighter. She smiled at the three boys, appreciating their practical gestures of support. They had practically cleaned her whole apartment while she was in the bath. It had taken a bit of a hit in the week that she had been moping around. Remus had set her a steaming mug of tea on the coffee table, and she took it into her hands eagerly. 
“Feeling better?” he asked, patting the spot on the sofa next to him. 
“Much better. Thanks for the rescue” she smiled at each of them, “I owe you guys one.” 
“Nonsense.” James dismissed with a wave of his hand, “That’s what friends are for. Plus, I’ve been dying to bring out my superhero cape.” 
Remus snorted into his tea, “Superhero cape? More like a tea towel tied around your neck, mate.” 
“Hey, it’s all about the dramatic effect, Moony. You should try it some time.” James mock-glared at him. 
“I’d pay good money to see that.” Y/N laughed. 
“You nearly did!” Sirius remarked, “I literally had to pry it from around his neck before you got out of the bath.” 
Y/N burst into laughter at the mental image, shaking her head in amusement, “I can only imagine the heroic struggle.” She said, grinning at James, who rolled his eyes with a good natured sigh. 
“Yeah, well, it was a valiant effort on his part,” James admitted, earning a playful elbow jab from Sirius.  
It was the first time in a good week or so, that Y/N had laughed properly. She felt her spirits lift with each passing moment, the heaviness that had weighed in her heart for the last week beginning to fade. Their light-hearted banter and playful antics had a way of lifting her spirits, offering a welcomed distraction from her recent troubles. It was only when the boys stood up to leave that the empty feeling in the pit of her stomach started to return.  
Sirius noticed her face fall when they started getting ready to leave, each of them shrugging on their coats and slipping into their shoes.  
“Don’t worry, we’re coming back.” Sirius reassured her. 
“Yeah, you didn’t think that you could get rid of us that easily, did you?” Remus chuckled. 
“We’ve just got to nip out to get some stuff but then we’ll be back.” James promised. 
“What stuff?” she questioned.  
“Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” James quipped, playfully tapping her on the nose before swiftly exiting.  
A bemused smile played on her lips as she watched her friends disappear. Although they had only been around at her flat for a few hours, it felt eerily empty now that they had gone. Collapsing onto the sofa, she reached for her phone, hesitating before finally switching it on after days of deliberate avoidance. There was the expected flurry of messages from her friends and family checking in on her and she made a mental note to reply to them later on. She quickly deleted a particularly nasty text from her ex before she gave herself chance to read it properly. As the screen blinked back up at her, the date glared back with unexpected significance.  
Valentine’s Day. 
The realisation hit her and stirred up memories and emotions that she had been trying to suppress. She couldn’t help but feel a twinge of loneliness as she thought back to past Valentine’s Day spent with her now ex-partner. For a moment, she regretted even switching on her phone; ignorance might have been bliss on a day like today. Tears prickled in her eyes and she bit down on her lip in a futile attempt to hold back the flood of emotions.  
Just as she had been earlier that morning, she was brought back to reality by the door of her apartment swinging open and James, Remus and Sirius bustling back inside.  
“Told you we wouldn’t be long!” James said brightly, though the look soon dropped from his face the second his eyes fell on Y/N. 
“Oh, no! What’s happened? Everything okay?” Sirius rushed over and crouched in front of her, so his face was level to where she was slumped on the sofa. 
“It’s silly,” she sniffled, “I turned on my phone because obviously I’ve been avoiding it for ages and I saw the date. It’s just... overwhelming.” 
Remus moved to sit beside her, his presence a comforting anchor as he place a hand on her shoulder. 
“It’s not silly at all, Y/N. Valentine’s Day can be shit. Especially after everything you’ve been through.” he said softly, offering her a sympathetic smile. 
James signed, rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped closer, “We came over today because... well we didn’t want you to spend Valentine’s Day alone. We didn’t realise that you didn't even know what day it was. We’ve kind of fucked up really, haven’t we?”  
“Don’t be daft.” Y/N wiped the tears away with her sleeve, “You’ve already cheered me up so much just by being here.” 
“Let’s not stop now then, eh?” Sirius said, patting her affectionately on the head as he stood up, “We’ve got plenty more planned for this evening. Why don’t you go get yourself freshened up while we get set up in here?” 
Y/N smiled gratefully and obliged, making her way to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cool water, letting it wash away the remnants of tears that clung to her skin. As she caught sight of herself in the mirror, she forced a smile onto her face in an attempt to make herself feel better. She quickly ran her hands through her hair and smoothed out the wrinkles in her clothes. 
In the other room, the boys had sprung to action. James rummaged through the bags of shopping, his brows furrowed in concentration as he set about preparing dinner. Remus, ever the organiser, rearranged the furniture to create a cosier and more comfortable set up for them. Sirius, with his flair for the dramatic, set about lighting candles and pulled an assortment of decorations from his bag to add a festive touch to the occasion. 
As Y/N stepped out of the bathroom, her eyes widened in surprise at the transformation that had taken place in the living room. The warm glow of candlelight danced across the walls, casting soft shadows across the room. Tears of gratitude welled in her eyes and with a shaky breath she made her way to join them. 
“Speechless, huh?” Sirius joked gently, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. 
Y/N managed a watery smile, “I don’t even know what to say.” 
“Nothing needs to be said.” James stepped in from the kitchen, floral apron tied around his waist.  
“Just know that we’ve got your back always, yeah?” Remus chimed in.  
With a grateful nod, Y/N settled into her seat at the table, feeling a sense of peace wash over her.  
“Nice apron, James.” Y/N teased, unable to contain her laughter.  
“What can I say? Real men wear floral.” he quipped, setting down plates of food in front of each of them.  
“Ah! I almost forgot!” Sirius stood up quickly from the table and disappeared into the other room.  
He returned a few moments later, holding a bouquet of flowers. He presented them to her with a flourish. Y/N gasped in response. 
“You really didn’t have to!” she protested, her voice filled with gratitude, “You’ve already done so much for me today!” 
“We wanted to.” Remus smiled. 
“Besides, we’d be pretty crappy mates if we let you go a whole Valentine’s Day without flowers.” Sirius chuckled. 
“Yeah, it’s practically a cardinal sin to neglect such an important tradition.” Remus nodded in agreement.  
“See? We’re not completely useless, are we?” James nudged her, grinning. 
“Nah, you’re not half bad.” she beamed back at them, “I might even go as far as to say that you’re the best.” 
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devoutekuna · 3 months
An obsessive baby
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
A/N- Because I watch ultraman: rising <3
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Despite how many times he says he hates children, people alone. He'd never actually hated her, she was so clingy towards him, making it clear who she preferred out for you two. Leaving the house to get some food, left his daughter alone with you for only a few hours, yet they would be a nightmare, refusing to eat. Crying every second without a picture of her father or a comfort toy. "Daddy!" Running up to him with tears into her eyes, hands gripping onto his clothes in the hopes he'd hold her. "She missed you all day Ryo'" motioning towards your baby girl. "I can tell" picking up the girl to stop her cries, normally he wasn't the type to comfort someone, but when it came to his daughter, he'd do it anyday.
"Please don't leave me daddy" watching the man as he put on his shoes, she had hidden his tie in hopes that her father wouldn't go to work so that he could play with her, but he was always prepared, having an extra all the time. "I've got work sweetheart." Tying up his shoelace. "But you said you'd play with me!" The duo had been up all night playing with her ducks, he was exhausted and wanted to head back to sleep, yet he had work. "We played at breakfast". Stomping her feet on the ground. "How about you go play with mummy?" Pointing towards you in the kitchen, fortunately she looked away giving him the time to escape through the front door.
Suguru's daughter adores her father more than anything, despite carrying her for 9 months, she pained no mind to you, always rushing towards her father whenever he was in eyeshot. Pools filling in her eyes as your husband walked towards the kitchen. He had just been with the little girl for the past 45 minutes, he was tired and wanted something to eat, yet his daughter was crawling towards him, desperately trying to grasp onto him. "I'm not far baby" kissing her forehead as she held onto him, trying to get herself into the midst of his layered clothes. "Can you hold her babe?" Pushing the girl off him and towards you. "She'll keep on crying Suguru" picking the baby up only for her to cry even more.
"Another game!" Hitting the man with the wooden baseball bat. "Another game!" Repeating the same two words towards his father, somehow he had exhausted his father with playing baseball, despite him only throwing the ball. "I've got to go do something!" Running Infront of the man. "No, come play with me!" He was about as stubborn and rebellious as him. "I've got work" he was Satoru Gojo for goodness sake, he could skip anyday of work. "You promised!" Hitting the man with the bat, unfortunately he was caught off guard and couldn't activate his infinity in time, hitting his slender legs, bound to cause a bruise. "Stay!" Holding onto the man's leg.
Toji slept anywhere, he preferred sleeping on the rug despite the bed or sofa being right there. Somehow he found out that his daughter's rug would be the best to sleep on, resulting in the man in her bedroom, practically taking up the full floor, fortunately his daughter didn't mind, joining the man on the floor as she laid ontop of him, in the hopes to get into his embrace since he was too big to walk around. "No!" Kicking and screaming as you tried to pick her up to give her some space. Kicking the man. "Get up Toji" he was a light sleeper fortunately so he woke up almost immediately. "Put me down" "no because you should be in bed, not trying to sit on your father." Kissing your teeth at both of them, kicking the ,and again. "Ow! I'm up lady" rolling over to face you. "Daddy!" Pushing out of your embrace to get into her father's.
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runnning-outof-time · 7 months
A (Debatably) Lovely Dinner | Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader
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Request: yes by anonymous
Pairing: Tommy Shelby & Daughter!Reader
Summary: (Y/N) has her family over for a dinner that she worked so hard to prepare. Her father and uncles tell her that it tastes lovely...but are they actually thinking that?
Warnings: drinking, language
Word Count: 1773
A/N: this is the first daughter!reader fic I’ve written in a bit - I hope it’s good. I’m excited to be writing requests again! Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged in future stories!
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(Y/N) wrang her hands together as she looked over all of the pots that were currently boiling on the stove. She took a breath and let it out slowly, trying to compose herself and shake the nerves from her body.
"You're doing great, love. It's going to be a good meal," her husband, James, offered some encouragement as he came up behind her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed a kiss to the side of her head as he pulled her into his chest.
"Maybe I should have accepted the catering offer? There's a lot of people coming over," she expressed her worry, eyes still focused on the pots. She then began to wonder why she even agreed to hosting her family in the first place.
"This is going to be extra special because you made it all," he told her, kissing her temple once more before letting her get back to work. "And your cooking is wonderful," he complimented her, sending a smile her way as she turned to look at him.
She smiled back, although it wavered due to the nerves she was still feeling, watching as he exited the kitchen before she got back to work.
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(Y/N) was bringing the final dish to the dining table two hours later. She smiled at everyone who was waiting patiently for dinner to start and took a deep breath as she moved to stand behind her husband's chair.
"James and I would like to thank everyone for coming tonight. I hope that you enjoy what I've prepared for you to eat," she gave a small speech, her nervous smile still present as she then sat down.
"Let's eat then, eh?" Tommy suggested, smiling at his daughter from the opposite end of the table. He was proud of her for this vast spread that she'd managed to cook up. It smelled wonderful to him.
Comments of agreement came from around the table as everyone began taking dishes and spooning helpings of the food onto their plates. (Y/N) watched as this happened, wanting to make sure all was well; filling her plate last.
Dinner began quietly, the sounds of forks hitting plates the only thing to be heard. (Y/N) couldn't help but sneak a few glances around the table, wanting to see if there were any problems. All looked fine to her.
Somehow, she didn't manage to catch her uncles, John and Arthur, throwing sideways glances at each other in between each bite they took. Something about the taste seemed off to them. Whether it was the seasoning on the roast, or the choice or cut of the vegetables, the food wasn't exactly pleasurable to eat.
But the pleased look on their niece's face told them that she was happy to have the family over, eating a dinner that she worked so hard to prepare. They couldn't even think of ruining things for her by bringing up the fact that her cooking was well under par.
And besides, Tommy seemed to be fine with eating it, and he never ate anything.
Dinner continued and small talk was made. The usual discussion of business between the Shelby family had been swapped for stories of the past and the men making arrangements for their annual hunting trip that was fastly approaching.
All was well until (Y/N) decided to ask the table for opinions on the food. "How has everyone been enjoying the food?" She wasn't sure if she was being too upfront in asking for opinions, but no one had offered any prior to her question, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't dying to know their thoughts.
"Lovely as always, darling," her husband, James, was the first to share his thoughts on it, sending her a smile as he cut himself another piece of the roast.
"Thanks, James," she smiled back at him before looking out to the rest of the table. No one else's eyes met hers; their gazes cast down on their plates. Maybe that means they really like the food, she thought to herself. "Dad?" she asked after a few moments had passed. Tommy looked up at her, his brows raised as if to say 'what?' "What do you think?" she asked, curious to know what his thoughts on the meal were.
"It's good, love," he told her, nodding as he grabbed his glass of whiskey, "really good."
"Thank you," she chirped in response, feeling extremely pleased with herself. She grabbed her fork and knife then and went to cut a piece of the roast.
"Well I think that..." another comment started to come out, but it was abruptly stopped. "What the bloody hell was that for?" the voice belonged to Linda Shelby, and she was now glaring daggers at her husband, Arthur. Arthur had his brows furrowed as he glanced between his wife and (Y/N), a bit of an uneasy expression present on his face. "Spit it out, Arthur," she snapped in a harsh whisper. Arthur said nothing of sustenance though, instead just shaking his head and muttering "don't," under his breath.
"Were you going to say something, Linda?" (Y/N) asked, her curiosity peaked as she focused on the blonde woman.
Linda shared one last look with her husband, who was still discreetly shaking his head, before she plastered a smile on her face and turned to look at the younger woman. "I was just going to say that...that...this is a lovely dinner, (Y/N)," she finally shared her opinion on the cooking, although it may not have been originally what she wanted to say. (Y/N) took it though, a smile breaking onto her features.
"Aww thanks so much, Linda. I was so worried about this dinner. I'm so happy to hear that everyone is enjoying it," (Y/N) expressed her previous worries with the group, earning a chorus of 'no it was good’ comments in response.
Overly pleased with herself now, (Y/N) was smiling from ear to ear as she continued eating her dinner. Just wait until they try the dessert, she thought to herself, pride flowing through her.
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The Shelby men followed James into his study after the dessert plates had been removed from the table. (Y/N) had decided to take the women around for a tour of her new home, a tour which the men felt they didn't need to join. All five of them had a glass in their hand, and they were seated on the chairs that were positioned around the mantle.
"I don't know how you do it, James," Arthur said with a sigh as he brought his glass back to his lips. He took a drink and then let out a sigh after swallowing it.
"Do what?" James was confused by the older man's statement.
"Eat (Y/N)'s food daily," Arthur didn't beat around the bush. "I mean, she's me neice and I love her, but the food she cooks is fucking terrible."
James nodded slowly in response to Arthur's statement, a knowing look present on his face as he looked like he was fighting a smile. He then took a look at Tommy, checking the waters before sharing information about the daughter of a man who could do some nasty damage if he said the wrong thing. He wasn't surprised to see his father in law looking at him.
"Well how do ya do it?" John broke the silence, signaling to the other man that he'd been taking too long to respond.
"She's my wife," he began, a smile forming on his face, "I've learned to love every part of being with her."
"Ah you've gone soft, lad," Arthur couldn't help but chuckle at the response he got before he set his sights on his brother, "and you, Tom…how do you do it, brother?"
Tommy laughed to himself as he heard the question. He brought his whiskey up and took a sip, pausing for a moment longer before finally answering the question: "guess it grows on you." His response was simple, and he followed it with a shrug.
"You both have not a clue what you're talking about," Arthur commented with a shake of his head, "John, help me out here. It's nothing against (Y/N)...her food's just downright terrible, right?" he looked to his younger brother for some back up.
"Right," John nodded, raising his glass in agreement.
"Good man," Arthur praised his brother for answering in line with him.
"I think her cooking's good," Finn chimed in from where he was sitting by the fire.
"You wouldn't know what's good for ya, Finn," Arthur dismissed his youngest brother's opinion. Finn shook his head and looked at the fire, wondering why he decided to add his two cents in the first place.
Silence fell in the room then, and James couldn't help but keep thinking about his response to Arthur's question. It made him chuckle as he realized that maybe he hadn't been completely truthful with what he had said.
"What's funny?" John asked, catching the other man's laugh.
All eyes were on him in an instant. He could tell by their intent gazes that he wouldn't be able to get out of this one. "Nothing...it's just that," he paused, letting out a breathy laugh as he shook his head, "I will admit that her cooking has been harder to learn to love than the rest of her," he shared what he'd been thinking.
John and Arthur immediately began laughing, both happy that they'd gotten the young man to break and share his actual thoughts on their niece's cooking. They knew that he felt the same as they did just by the vague response he gave earlier, but hearing it cemented the victory.
"It took me a while too. You'll get there," Tommy cut through the laughter of his brothers to offer his son in law some advice. James smiled at Tommy, happy to know that maybe he'd be able to get used to it, just like his father in law had.
(Y/N) was sitting with the rest of the women in the front room. She'd become quiet, letting the others continue their conversation about the latest fashion trends. She had too much on her mind.
A smile was present on her face as she thought back to the dinner, and all of the lovely comments she received from her family. Giddiness bubbled up inside of her as her mind went to thinking about what she would cook for their next family dinner. She couldn’t wait to have them over again!
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Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @theshelbyslimited @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @emotionalcadaver @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @cillmequick @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @garrison-girl-08 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @raincoffeeandfandoms @dragons-are-my-favorite @forgottenpeakywriter @cljordan-imperium @brummiereader @red-riding-wood @everythingelseisextra @little-diable @thomashelbyswife @shaddixlife
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falling-star-cygnus · 8 months
im still hung up on Adam hating seeing Lute cry if you couldn't tell
pr.2 of my previous Guitarspear fic❗ :D
basically- Adam's death was just a nightmare on Lute's part and he was actually only injured yes this is me being delulu
{The first man's palm is warm in his final death.}
{Lute shoots up in bed and chokes on a scream.}
{She can feel her chest heave, too hot tangled in her blanket and yet far too cold at the same time. Hot like the blood Adam left on her cheek. Cold like his hand}
{The exorcist slowly lowers herself back down onto the pillows, subconsciously brushing her fingers over her cheek to wipe away ichor that’s no longer there. Lute's heart is beating a mile a minute. She can feel it pulsing in her throat}
{The black and white feathers of her wings tremble, loudly broadcasting their presence and demanding to be soothed; the angel takes in a deep breath and closes her eyes}
{She was being silly.}
{Adam's cold hand on her cheek, his ragged inhales, the golden blood staining unholy ground, his final-}
{Lute throws her blankets off}
"Just a quick check,"
{She swears to herself, barely noticing her feet carrying her to Adam's quarters until she's gently pushing the door open}
{Adam's larger then life form is lying on his bed, facing the wall, and still.}
{Until a heaven-shattering snore disrupts the silence. Lute feels like she can breathe again}
{With a long sigh, Adam's lieutenant turns around to head back to her own room. The ache in her chest has lessened, thankfully, at seeing her boss alive and well. But somehow... it wasn't enough}
{Which was ridiculous, Lute was being ridiculous. What more could she possibly need? That was appropriate for someone of her status to ask for- that is. Obviously she couldn't just-}
{Lute is pressing her ear to Adam's chest before she's even processed she's entered his room.}
{The steady thump-thump-thump of his immortal heart is like a balm on her frazzled nerves. Her eyes close as a sigh of relief wracks her suddenly exhausted frame}
"huh- what the fuck? Lute?"
{Lute would like it on record that the sound that left her mouth at Adam's sleep-raspy voice was not a yelp in any shape or fashion}
"S-sir! I was just-"
{Just what!? Just listening to his heartbeat to reassure herself he wasn't dead? Just watching him sleep? She couldn't say that. Pathetic. She was being pathetic}
"You were just...?"
{Adam's not wearing his mask. Which makes sense, it's 3 in the morning and he was sleeping. Of course, the first man wasn't wearing his mask.}
{It's not like Lute was complaining about it, he was very attractive under his mask. He was attractive with it, if she was being hones with herself.}
{Lute can feel a familiar burn working it's way up her throat as Adam raises an expectant eyebrow. She can't meet his eyes anymore, her actions were beyond shameful. Beyond embarrassing. All because she was needy-}
"Ah- shit- tears... uh-"
{Nice, familiar, warm hands cup her face awkwardly. His thumbs clumsily try and rub away the salty tears that pour down her face unbidden. When had she started crying?}
{Lute can't really bring herself to care when those hands only further prove that her boss is alive in front of her.}
"C'mon Dangertits, don't cry! You're supposed to be badass!"
{It's so heart-wrenchingly close to what he had said to her on that day that Lute just cries harder. She can't get any words out, can't say anything to rectify her rather pathetic display. But- Adam almost died. Almost died in her arm. She's allowed to be upset damnit!}
"Fuck- uh- ah shit, Lute. Please? Please don't cry..."
{The first man is full of surprises tonight. First saying please and now dragging his lieutenant into his arms with a near frantic urgency}
{He holds her head gently to his chest, golden wings folding over the shaking exorcist in a protective barrier. That familiar thumping fills her ears again.}
{Lute can feel his hand card awkwardly through her silvery hair, the other resting on the stump of what's left of her arm. It feels... surprisingly nice}
"See? I'm- I'm ok, yeah? Takes more then some fuckin' cyclops with a needle to take the first man out."
{Now that Lute's not driving herself into a headache with sobs, she can hear the shaky notes of concern under his boasting. The hands pull her just a bit closer, and it's because of this closeness that she can hear:}
"...i hate seeing you cry."
{It's whispered so softly it's like a secret admission, like nobody but him was supposed to hear it; not even Lute}
"...so please, don't do it. Not for me."
{Adam buries his nose into the silver strands he's been finger brushing, moving his hand to hold the back of her neck instead}
{The exorcist's tears have died into sniffles, the expected headache raging inside her skull in sharp fireworks. Lute turns her head to the side, resting her cheek on Adam's shoulder and bringing her knees up to her chest}
{They stay like this for a good ten minutes or so. Until Lute is feeling tired enough to attempt sleep again and uncurl herself from her boss's comforting hold}
{The lieutenant doesn't want to leave his arms, embarrassingly enough. But she's overstayed her welcome and they both need their rest if-}
{Adam's wings drag her right back into him}
"Sir-!?" "Adam."
{Lute's jaw closes itself with a click as the first man cuts her off, laying back down on his side with his best friend in his arms}
"Just- Adam. Just for right now..."
{It's a rare show of vulnerability from him, drawn out from his lieutenant's tears. Lute can't bring herself to deny him anything, not when his arms and wings are holding her close like she's something precious}
{They'll have to talk about- this- in the morning, probably. Whatever this is between them. Or maybe they won't. Maybe when Adam wakes up, Lute will have already fled back to her room. Maybe Lute will wake up in an empty bed far too big for smaller stature and tucked in a blanket.}
{Or maybe they'll wake up still tangled in each other, still with tears stains on their persons, still holding each other tight enough that neither Heaven nor Hell could pull them apart}
{Maybe they'll just be Lute and Adam. For a few more stolen moments.}
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Little Girl Gone Mob Boss AU Headcanons
A/N: Alright my brain woke up feral this morning with a bunch of head canons for my new series that I've been working on so here you go the fruit of my labor. Also there are mentions of t*row up, mentions of killing, and actual depictions of killing so please read at your own caution. 18+ HC are marked as such
Minors/men DNI
-Y/N buying Wanda all the pretty rings and necklaces because you love seeing her wear them
-Wanda shows you pictures from high school when she was emo which is something you hadn't expected from the suburban mom
-After you learn this information you slowly add things to her wardrobe such as black skirts like she used to wear and band shirts and fishnetting
-The first time you see her in a little black pleated skirt you go feral. Luckily the boys are at school and you take her right on the kitchen counter
-She decides to wear skirts more often after that. Usually when she wants something.
-You slowly teach the boys how to fight, but don't introduce them to anything dangerous. Not until they're much much older.
-Wanda also eventually gets in on the self defense lessons
-Wanda and you go out regularly for date nights and taking the boys out trying to keep your lives as normal as possible
-When you propose to Wanda it’s at a fancy restaurant where you guys have a private room
-She says yes (of course) and you couldn’t be happier
-You guys decide to have your wedding in Sokovia and do a traditional Sokovian wedding
-When you guys have your first dance you include the boys where you start the dance together then you dance with Billy and her with Tommy and then you two switch off.
-You guys end up having a baby girl after getting married
-At this point the boys would be old enough that you offer the choice to them of joining and both do say yes, but Billy focuses on the business side of things and asks to go to college for business. He ends up double majoring in Business and law.
-Tommy also goes for a business degree, but ends up switching to go into nursing and becomes a Trauma Certified Registered Nurse to be able to deal with injuries that happen in the family business.
-Both you and Wanda are switches
-the first time you two try and do things and she calls herself ‘Mommy’ it sends you into a PTSD panic attack because of Natasha calling herself Daddy.
-Wanda soothes you back down and is such a soft Dom the whole time and everytime until you ask for more.
- “M-Mommy please r-rougher,” your lips parted, tongue out as you try to roll your hips on her strap. She's edged you for hours into a blissed out state.
- “Whatever my princess wants she'll get.” She grabs your hips with a bruising force as she sinks deeper and moves her hips roughly until you're screaming and crying and begging Mommy to let you cum
- “You've been such a good girl. Go on cum for Mommy baby. You deserve it for being such a good girl.” 
-The first time you were on top you weren't sure because you had never done it, but you wanted to try it. 
-You realized how good it felt but struggled with what you wanted Wanda to call you. Mistress, Master, Sir, Ma'am, King, Queen, Goddess, Owner, Handler, Boss, Captain. You two felt like you went through everything until one night Wanda tentatively brought it up,
- “I know how you feel about it, but maybe…we could try Daddy?” Her words throw you through a loop. “I think it could be helpful even. You'd be such a better Daddy than her.” Wanda puts a reassuring hand on your thigh. “You'd be the best.”
-It's her words of encouragement that make you give it a try because she just sounds so soft and genuine.
-You have Wanda beneath you, a pretty collar and leash on her as you slowly sink inside of her with the cum filled strap the two of you recently purchased. 
-Once your hips start moving, slow at first, you're hitting that spot that she loves and she just moans out, “Right there Daddy! Please Daddy harder!” And you go absolutely feral as you pump harder and rougher, pulling on her leash as you do so, both of you having a rather quick build up, “Gonna breed you baby. Gonna have my babies inside of you. You're gonna give me a set of twins right?” Wanda is so blissed out that all she can manage is, “Yesh Daddy m'gon cum!”
-During the aftercare Wanda assures you of how much she loved it. She could see how worried you were over becoming more like Natasha, but her words soothed you.
-As you two were cuddling up, watching TV afterwards she spoke up, “Would you actually want another set of twins?” You shrug, “if it happened I wouldn't be upset, but I'd love to even just make one mini us.” You tell her wholeheartedly which brings tears to her eyes. “I love you Wands. I wanna spend forever with you. I know this lifestyle isn't ideal for a family, but-” she cuts you off with a bruising kiss as she crawls into your lap. “I love you too Y/N/N. We'll make it work. I fell in love with this, with you so we'll make it work.”
NSFW Mob life HC
-You still take care of business mostly at home.
-The basement is off limits to the boys and is under several locks along with a fingerprint scanner and a pass code only you, Carol, and Maya know. 
-One day Wanda comes with you to the basement even though you've told her a million and one times that she doesn't have to be involved in the business she insists. 
-She watches a side of you she's never seen before. The side that Natasha created. It's almost as if she's watching Natasha pull strings on you.
-You torture someone for hours before getting the information from them. You grab your gun and look at Wanda, eyes cold as she trembles.
- “You can look away darling.” You tell her, but she doesn't, eyes fixed on you as the man begs and pleads for his own life, but he made the mistake of being on the wrong side of things, on Natasha’s side. 
- “If I let you go Natasha will pick up where I left off. Slowly torturing you until you die a slow and painful death. This is mercy.” You tell him and fire your gun right between his eyes. Blood and brain splatter everywhere. Especially on you.
- “Carol, clean this mess up and show Kamala how it’s done. She needs to learn. I need a shower and I need this all done and out of the house before the boys get home. I'm gonna send Maya out with America to check up on the info we were given.” 
-You turn your attention to Wanda holding out a hand to her, “Come on darling. Shower.” There was some blood on her and you helped her upstairs. Wanda didn't talk the whole time until you were drying her hair on the bed. “How do you do that?” She whispers and you barely catch it.
- “When Natasha trained me. I actually threw up a lot. It disgusted me to my core. I had a hard time handling it, but everytime I did something right she'd praise me. Reward me. The last time I killed for her she praised me because I only threw up after I killed the man. Now I'm…it's like I'm not me. I dissociate from it in the moment.” 
-Wanda turns towards you, crawling into your lap, nuzzling against your neck and letting her hands get under your shirt and onto your back for more skin contact. “Thank you for taking care of us. I always appreciated it before, from the moment you saved us, but now after seeing what you do…I can appreciate it even more.”
-After much back and forth Wanda wants to help out. At first you have her work in your office at the computer on record keeping, but she says she wants to get out of the house so you allow her on safe calls. Mainly to get money from people along with Kamala. 
-You never let her go into dangerous situations. 
-You always make sure Maya tails the two girls when they go out especially when Wanda first starts, but you see that Wanda is able to handle her own.
-One time Wanda comes home trying to hide all the cuts, scraps, and bruises after fighting with someone over their rent.
-You freak out when you see it and after cleaning her all up the two of you go back out and you take care of him in front of Wanda. Showing her how to overpower someone bigger.
-You keep the man on edge making him constantly think that he’s going to die until he’s begging for his life and has pissed himself.
-There comes a breaking point between you and Natasha which leads to an all out war between your two mobs
-After a lot of loss on both sides Natasha and you go at each other which ends up with her losing her life when she can’t just accept how things are now.
-Though Yelena wants to kill you over this Kate convinces her not to
-You and Clint come to an agreement of a truce. Which ends the decade long fight at this point
- “I didn’t want it to end this way.” Tears streamed down your face as your knees crashed to the hard ground beside Natasha’s body. “You were terrible to me. Treated me like I was nothing and yet I still wanted to see you change. To be better!” Wanda holds you as you cry and shake in her arms not realizing all the emotional turmoil that you felt towards Natasha even after all these years.
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anima-writer · 11 months
heyyyyyy, can you do a headcanons with pomni, caine and gangle with a artist reader
also, have a good day my folk
Pomni, Gangle & Caine w/ an Artist!Reader
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Summary: The title
Pairing[s]: Pomni x Reader, Gangle x Reader, Caine x Reader; all platonic.
Word Count: 1.591
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With an artistic reader like you, Pomni wouldn't make it at first glance. She would still be worried about looking for a way out of that place, so her attitude would be understanding; We should also highlight that she hasn't gotten along so well with anyone yet. Little by little time passes, and even though Pomni is still looking for a way out, she begins to have to socialize more with the rest of the characters to maintain what little sanity she still has left. And one of the other people she socialized with the most if we remove Ragatha, was you.
Time flew by and fled and without noticing, Pomni ended up making a friend during her journey through the place. With your friendship growing, it would be obvious for Pomni to notice your hobbies. Art.
Observing you, you usually draw/scribble some drawings in your free time; free time where Caine wouldn't be around to introduce them to a new adventure that would result in more mental discomfort. Seeing you just in your square without thinking about anything other than finishing your drawing makes herself stop for a minute from her own turmoil to analyze you while drawing. She's sitting next to you just watching, not in a scary way, just a Pomni tired of discord and wanting to do nothing but nothing.
You and your drawings are a good escape from reality when it comes to this subject. But even though she wasn't a total stranger, as her expression of tiredness at your side would be surprising, she gathered her strength to give you small compliments about your work:
"Humm, your art is cool..? No- hum is great! Yeah! So great that I can eat it!.......forget it please."
She's not good at giving compliments. But try. Believe.
One more idea I would like to share about a Pomni with an artist reader would be that she wouldn't mind you using her as paper. I mean, she would care, but wouldn't notice you using her as a paper. Come on, we have a Pomni babbling about her worries and conspiracies about this place with you by her side and we have you, bored because you forgot your sketchpad and just brought your pen.
With boredom slowly consuming you, you make some doodles on your palm only for it to become boring as well. However, the moment Pomni throws her arm towards you, you have a mischievous idea to start doodling on her arm. You start to make simple, small symbols so that Pomni doesn't catch you by surprise, but she ends up catching you by surprise… by not noticing anything.
Just disappointed, you just continue to scribble on her arm until it is completely filled with your drawings; when finished, she still hadn't noticed it.
Later, she only noticed her arm completely covered in scribble by someone else pointing it out. She would be totally tormented that she didn't remember you doing that. It seems like she was too busy talking.
In the end, she would think it was cool that you were an artist and would think it was fun…a little.
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What a coincidence we have here, it seems like you ended up finding a drawing companion in this place. Gangle even enjoys the same interests as you, drawings! But, specifically, she likes to draw in a more anime-style way.
Like the others, she just watched you doodling, but tried to be as discreet as possible so you wouldn't think of her as a stranger. However, after you got to know each other better and started to socialize more over time, she had the courage to bring up her hobbies during one of her conversations, after a lot of courage required of herself.
For Gangle to be able to show you her work, it will take a lot of time because she is not used to exposing her interests. But after losing his fear, Gangle finally manages to show him his art and after that the two of you are talking for hours! And Gangle would be the one communicating the most.
Your conversations can be anything but make sure Gangle is the one directing the conversation. She's just happy to find someone who doesn't make her feel pressured.
“Hey, remember when you were asking about my drawings? So, um, I kinda drew you. Hope you don’t mind the art style...” –And soon the little masked woman in front of you would be handing you a piece of paper with a drawing for you.
I believe that Gangle would love to do some drawing challenges with you, and several of them would be: Drawing a character that was requested by another, drawing while running against time, drawing and having to swap each other drawings and continue, testing new drawing styles (In this specific case, I believe that Gangle wouldn't be able to escape her anime style; even if she wanted to). and etc…
Arriving next to you, you, once again, notice a masquerade made of ribbons coming towards you:
“[YOU]! Look! I did the art challenge that you made up for me! What do you think?”
One last thing I want to point out would be about compliments. Unlike Pomni who, at least, tries to praise; Gangle can't do it. She may be thinking of thirty-five different types of languages just to mention how amazing your drawing is, but when she opens her mouth, all that comes out is one: “Oh, cool.” 
During the night, Gangle squirms, cries, and starts having a meltdown in her bed all because she feels guilty for not saying what she really wanted to say. Please don't blame her, she really likes your art, she just can't express herself properly...
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Unlike the others I wrote, he would be the only one who would notice your artistic side at first, however, he wouldn't point it out. Just make a mental note of this fact without you realizing it. However, he loves recognizing artists so if he saw you doing any kind of project, he wouldn't hesitate to praise you; Even though that moment isn’t one of the best…
“Wow, my dear!—” —Caine exaggeratedly expressed himself through the air– “—I can say for sure your work is fabulous!... But you should keep your eyes on the bull.”
And before you can even ask him what he was talking about, you're hit by a bull in a fancy beach hat.
Even though these small interactions are not always cool, given that Caine appearing right in front of you never means anything good, he has a genuine feeling for your art.
He likes to see you drawing at the same time he tries to do his speech, but doing two things at the same time can be a challenge. So, if you are just doodling in your notepad and don't listen to his voice, it’s because Caine is right behind you watching you draw. No one catches Flying Tooth's attention, because the longer you keep him busy, the longer everyone in that circus doesn't have an adventure; in which they are too tired to sustain mentally.
Bringing the theme of adventure to the surface, there are times when Caine asks you, in private, for your permission to use one of your arts for future adventures. It's not that he has few ideas for his adventures; His process of creating adventures would be in daydream, so imagine while he produced his work mentally, your work ends up infiltrating his mind, but unintentionally, the idea ends up becoming better than he imagined. And that's how we get our host's first sentence asking for permission. But don't worry, only if you want to of course...only if you want to be dropped in the void if you don’t allow it.
Just kidding, Caine would understand and move on.
With Caine being an art connoisseur, he has to prove it, and there's nothing better than showing it off to everyone. Caine, for sure, would be those types of parents who, if their child showed a common project for a child, they would display it as a trophy, that is, if you do something, be sure that if Mr. Tooth likes it, he will show it to everyone. . Whether you want it or not.
“Oh gosh, little star! I… I LOVED IT!”
About to respond, Caine continues his speech, taking your work from your hands: “LOOK EVERYONE!—” –Caine called the attention of the circus cast— “[YOU] MADE THIS!” —Caine floats above everyone with your project still in hand, not wanting anyone to miss it.
“Caine, you really don’t need to do it.” —You announce watching him while it flies moving from one place to another.
“Yeah. Those drawings aren’t gold, you know?” —Jax said, standing right next to you. Hearing this, Caine turned his “head” as quickly as possible towards the rabbit and then snapped his fingers, making him instantly disappear from your side. After this event, the silence soon prolonged until Ragatha broke it:“...Wow [YOU]! I love the way you used those colors in your art. It seems you took a long time to choose them.”
“Yeah! But I liked the lineart for sure!” –Continues Kinger
Some followed Ragatha's example just so they wouldn't end up with the same fate as their purple companion. Others, such as: Kinger and Zooble, didn't get the message or just didn't care that much about speaking verbally.
Caine really likes that one of his characters is an artist for sure.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
thinking of bold and cocky eddie who would be incredibly shy in front of his gf... him bragging to his friends about dominating her in bed (when he thinks she cant hear him) but the second they leave, he's struggling to put on that same facade and whimpering like a hot mess
This is delicious
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"so what's the sex like?" Steve asked, sipping on his beer
Eddie blushed at the question. Eyes looking over at Steve, Robin and Nancy.
"um...it's really good" he said nodding. The sex was amazing. Eddie had never felt his body get so high, and ruined. She was brutal and mean. He loved it.
"she's so sweet and nice. Is she like submissive?" Robin asked curious.
It was true, Y/N was always sweet and kind. She's super nice and friends with everyone. She doesn't even look like she could hurt a fly.
"oh yeah definitely" Eddie lied through his teeth, "like she's on her knees begging for me. Calls me daddy and all of that. Sometimes I don't even let her cum. Sometimes leave her there crying for me as I do random shit" more lies spilling out through his mouth
"nice. I love submissive girls in bed. The way they whine and cry. Gets me every time" Steve sighed out, a dreamy look on his face
"yeah me too. Sometimes I even control the small things she does. Like when she can join me in bed or not" Eddie agreed. Having no idea what that even looked like on a female.
Steve high fived him as they laughed.
He was the whiner and crier.
He was the one who had to beg.
Eddie closed the door as his friends left. Turning around to be face to face with Y/N, who stood smirking.
"hi baby" he squeaked out, jumping back a few steps
"hi handsome. How was the hangout?" Her eyes watching his body slightly.
"good" he said fast and high pitched
"talk about anything fun?" She edged on. Her hands working their way up his chest over his clothes.
"nope. Nothing. Mostly sat in silence" he said, throwing her hands off of him and racing to the bedroom.
She laughed to herself but still followed him with a smirk.
"what are you doing?" She asked, leaning against the door frame as she crossed her arms
"I think I'm going to go to bed. Tired? I am" he said with a nervous laugh
Quickly stepping out of his jeans and throwing off his shirt
He shuttered as her eyes burned through his skin
"lay on the bed Eddie" she demanded
"you have to lay down to sleep right?" She teased
Eddie blushed, "yeah duh" quickly throwing himself in bed, crawling under the covers
"can I join you?" She asked, walking towards the end of the bed, removing her shirt
"why are you asking me?" He questioned, eyes watching her slowly strip
"I thought I had to ask....daddy" smirking as Eddie's body froze. Her pants hitting the floor
"you ..uh...heard that?" He stuttered out, eyes huge as he felt anxiety filling him
"yeah. I heard I'm such a submissive girl who gets on her knees and begs for you" she mocked, crawling on the bed. Eddie's eyes watching her.
"I'm sorry" he rushed out, shaking slightly as her nails began to scratch down his naked chest
"oh are you? Lying to your friends? How embarrassing Eddie."
"please I'm sorry" Eddie panted, her body slipping underneath the covers, grinding on his lap
"do you not like being my good boy? Are you embarrassed by it?" She faked pouted, moving her hips in slow circles
"NO! I love it. I swear. I'll always be your good boy" he whined, hands moving to her hips, gripping tight as she moved her hips faster.
"well good boy, I wanna see you back up your words. Make me beg" she challenged, her body moving off of his, but he yanked her back on him. Arms hooking around her waist, locking her against his growing cock
"no please. I don't want to. I don't want to try. Just please touch me" he cried. Trying to move her hips with his own hands
"but daddy how can I be a good submissive girl if you don't dominate me" she mocked, enjoying the way he was breaking away piece by piece
"I'm sorry! I can't do it. Please fuck me. Just please take my cock out and touch me" small tears falling down his eyes as she rocked her hips harder against him
"you want me to take your cock out and play with it?" She teased, fingers dipping into his boxers
"yes please...fuck" he whined. Throwing his head back as she took out his cock, letting the cold air hit his sensitive skin
She moved her body further under the covers. Completely hidden underneath as she sucked lightly on his tip, humming at the precum
"fuck baby" he moaned, hands gripping the sheets as she licked up his length, small licks to his balls as she pumped his cock
He felt her tongue swirl on his head and work it's way down his cock. Her lips wrapping around him as she bobbed her head up and down. Taking him further down her throat
"I wanna see you" he cried, licking his lips as his tears landed
He peeled away the covers slightly, enough for her head to poke through. Thighs clenching instantly as he watched her suck his cock. Her nails were scratching at his stomach, definitely leaving marks
"oh that's so good.... Suck my cock baby" he moaned. One hand teasing his own nipples as he moved his hips up. Eyes rolling as she gagged.
She removed herself with a pop. Licking up the spit that collected on his tip
She smirked as she crawled out from under the covers
"wait where are you going?" He panicked, watching as she moved off of the bed
"watch some tv. You lay here with your cock out and don't even think about touching yourself. If I get bored I'll come back" she teased
"NO DON'T DO THIS. IM SORRY!" he cried, watching as she walked right out the bedroom door, only in her underwear
They both knew he'd listen too
He spent half the night screaming for her to come back and fuck him
But like a good boy, he never touched himself
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming
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cyberapid · 6 days
Mom 2
ES Wheeljack x Cybertronian reader
She/Her pronouns used for reader
I might do a part 2 to this idk
Twitch finds any time she gets to spend with Wheeljack enjoyable, even when he uses this sacred father-daughter time for work purposes. So, when he says he's going to be working just outside of Witwicky for a project she jumps to offer her help, begging not only him but her mom and dad to allow her to help– she is a very capable Terran after all. So, with both of her parent's permission she sets out with Wheeljack into the wooded outskirts of Witwicky to painstakingly push short stakes into the ground, they pulse blue at the very top but once they're covered, she and Wheeljack are the only ones to know of their location. Them and the little notebook she’d been given to jot the coordinates down, a very important autobot mission.
“So much for bonding time,”
The dirt takes the brunt of her anger as she kicks what’s in front of her, scuffing her pristine pede. She almost doesn't hear the crunching of leaves and twigs because of her sulking but the last branch broken was loud enough to snap her out of it, she turns expecting to see Wheeljack. Instead, there's an unfamiliar bot who's larger than her, and holding her arm, that is formed into a cannon, at the ready. Thankfully the femme hasn't seemed to have noticed her, leaving Twitch the ability to transform and fly up just out of sight.
The bot is leaking energon and dragging one leg limply, she’s clearly in pain. This twists Twitch’s spark and fills her with the urge to help but all she can think of is her parent’s disappointed faces and decides to find Wheeljack instead. So, she flies off into the forest, not as quietly as she should have though as the tree directly in front of her suddenly bursts into flame and char. Crap-
“I heard you! Show yourself, Con!” the voice is wavering but confident- Ok new plan, new plans are good. What would Bumblebee do?
“I'm not a con!” probably not that,
“Twitch?” Wheeljack's thickly accented voice is an instant relief as he comes through the woods, confused.
“Wheeljack!-” his name comes simultaneously from Twitch and the mystery Bot who walk towards him, throwing both of her arms around his shoulder pads.
“Sweetspark? What are you doing here,” his tone turns from confusion to worry at the sight of her leg, where energon is spilling from damaged fuel lines “By the Allspark! What happened?”
Their conversion turns hushed as Wheeljack adjusts his volume to the low one of the femme leaned against his chassis but Twitch still catches a few words as she creeps forward, important words being Cons and in the area. Overall, not good is what she got,
“Alright alright. Twitch were leaving before there’s any more trouble,” he’s transforming before she can get a word of protest in, revving his engine and taking off back towards her house after seeing both girls transformed and trailing behind him.
The drive is both quick and horribly slow because Wheeljack is speeding like she’s never seen before but also, she can’t help but try to inspect the leaking car that rides just behind him and rumbles anytime she gets too close to her side view mirrors. She can't help but scout just ahead of them to make sure there’s no unwanted bots in front of them before fly back towards the group,
“See anything, Kid?” Wheeljack's voice startles her from her near trance of flying back and forth from them.
“Nope, all clear up front!” Her voice contorts from the discomforting silence that continues to drag even as they finally drive up the familiar dirt road and see the red barn Bumblebee, Thrash, and herself call home. She quickly transforms back and checks the house, seeing all the lights are turned off and the barn doors are closed tight- everyone's asleep.
There's the creak of metal behind her and she turns to see Wheeljack, back in bot form helping to lift the form of the femme cybertronian who sways unsteadily. “You need to sit, let me look.”
“If I sit down, I don't think I'll be able to get back up,” the bot steadies her helm on Wheeljack's shoulder plate, their hands intertwined in a comfortable manner. It's a scene she's familiar with, loving, like her parents when they are extra romantic or just want to poke fun at their children.
Oh, No way
“You don't gotta get up. Just sit, please,” he’s easing her onto the ground before moving to look over her leg, securing the bleeding which leaves his servos stained blue. “It's not great but it'll do till I can get you back to a medic,” his tone is low and most likely not heard by the bot whose optics struggle to stay open, this was reassurance for himself.
“Who is this,” Twitch’s question startles Wheeljack almost as if he forgot that the young Terran was with them in the first place. “Is she your-”
What does her dad call her mom?
“-your mom? Like mom to your dad?” sounds good.
His optics go wide from this question– spot on. He sputters and there's an audible click as his vents kick into overdrive,
“Mom? No, no- She’s my Conjunx,.” he’s fussing with her damaged leg and trying his best to avoid Twitch’s stare, “So in a way, yes?” A sudden hiss causes their attention to turn to the Cybertronian, who slowly comes to.
She slaps Wheeljack’s servo away from her leg and clutches it. “You did good, so stop Jack. you're killing me,” her tone is sharp and her servos sharper as they turn a annoyed glance from him towards Twitch, gaze softening, “Twitch,”
“You know me?”
“How could I not,” she smiles as Twitch comes closer, settling herself nearly between the two, much to Wheeljack's chagrin.
“But I don't know you,” it's her turn to give Wheeljack an annoyed look which he returns,
“I was gonna introduce you two eventually, just needed to be the right time,” the barns paint chips and the wood creaks unsteadily as he suddenly leans his weight back onto it, rubbing his stained servos over his face plate before giving his digits a disgusted look as the blue stains part of his plate, “And I think it's safe to say this wasn't the right time. I don't even know why you were here,” he turns towards the femme, bewildered.
“We got word that Cons were in the area, no one could get ahold of you, so I went myself. No need to thank me.”
Her smile is weak but playful for a moment before dropping at the quick snark of Wheeljack, who doesn’t seem to catch the playfulness, “Wasn't planning on it”
Twitch watches their interactions but tunes their words out, opting to watch their desperate need for physical contact. The two are sending fierce glares to one another, their servos never untwine even when they are awkwardly twisted around Twitch’s much smaller form- Then it clicks, “You're like-”
“Don't-” Wheeljack's optics widen as he predicts what's gonna come from his daughter's intake and he reels with horror trying to cut her off,
“-my Mom2!”
“We can have Mom2-Twitch bonding! Science is already Wheeljack and my thing so we can do something else! What do you like to do? Unless you like science too which I'm fine with more of- but I really like-” She continues even with Wheeljack trying to coax her to silence, but her excitement is infectious, and it brings a smile to your face plate.
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satoruoo · 10 months
VIA VIA VIA HEAR ME OUT. secret santa b they get u and accidentally spill it / the big reveal…
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(NOT SO) SECRET SANTA - aki hayawaka
summary: despite aki's best efforts to keep your gift a secret, his (stupid) roommates somehow manage to spoil the surprise.
genre: fluff, non-devil au, everyone is happy, crack
warnings: swearing, denji, f!reader, suggestive
notes: hope u like it babe !! this is my apology for the recent aki slander 😈🔥
now playing: rockin' around the christmas tree - brenda lee
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"for the millionth time, do not tell [name] i got her, understood?"
denji and power sit crossed-legged on the floor, looking only half interested in what aki is saying. they're dressed in christmas gear from head to toe, heads swaying slightly to the christmas music coming from the record player.
power looks awfully happy with the pair of antlers that denji unwillingly brought her from the store after she threatened to throw a fit in the middle of the aisle. they're decorated with little bells, and every time she nods her head, aki can visibly tell how delighted she is from the jingles that they make. she now refuses to take them off.
denji's gone for a more traditional approach, sporting a santa hat with a light up pom pom at the end.
(the hat also says "ho! ho! ho!" if the button on the left is pressed, but denji had overused it so much that aki cut it open and took out the speaker. he then burnt the speaker. denji was told told it must have broken.)
"duh, i ain’t a snitch!" denji claims, saluting his roommate with a shit-eating grin. he would snitch, aki is fully aware of that. bribe him with a lollipop or a tit squeeze? done deal.
"why are we not allowed to tell her?" power asks, fiddling with rudolph's nose on her christmas jumper.
aki audibly groans, fingers working at his temples in exasperation. "because, it’s a secret santa. we aren’t supposed to tell anyone who we got."
power's face twists in mild disgust, "what is the point of that?! just give me my present now!"
aki rolls his eyes, raking his fingers through his dark hair, "because it builds the suspense, power. do you want to have all your gifts now and have none on christmas day?"
she seems to quieten at that, closing her eyes as she mulls over his words. after three agonizing seconds of her silence and aki wondering whether it'd be easier to just throw himself out of the nearest window, power pouts and nods.
denji dramatically sighs before aki can say anything further, slapping her twice on the back in an attempt to comfort her, "i feel ya, powey."
the girl mirrors the sigh, slumping against denji as she flips aki off with a scowl.
"you should thank me, human! i will not go and tell [name] that you have her!" she declares smugly, resting her body weight on the male next to her.
aki vaguely hears "ow, fuck! power, y’re crushin’ me! how the fuck are ya so heavy?!" and a loud slap that probably came from power as he walks away.
• . ✿ ° × . *.
aki really does try his hardest to keep the secret.
he finds himself slapping a hand over denji's mouth when he almost lets it spill, and shoving a piece of food into power's when the topic of the secret santa comes up.
it's only halfway through december. he doesn't know how much longer he can keep this up. he can tell you're starting to pick up on something fishy and it's beginning to stress him out.
"and so aki has-"
"what are you doing?"
power freezes up at the sound of aki's voice, head lifting from your lap as she scrambles to defend herself.
"nothing!" she says a pitch higher than usual.
your eyes narrow at aki who sends a subtle glare in power's direction before taking a seat beside you on the couch. you're immediately taking his hand in yours, rubbing the pad of your thumb over his knuckles to soothe his anger.
the man melts so quickly that it should be embarrassing, shoulders relaxing with a simple touch.
"she was telling me about secret santa," you fill in gently, "something about who everyone has."
power wishes she was dead.
the glare that aki gives her makes certain that she'll be banned from chocolates for at least a week. that's practically the same as death.
"was she now?" aki asks, an angry rumble in his throat.
the girl is looking at anything but his face; when had the wall become so interesting? look at that, is that a new vase? what are denji's pornos doing on the floor-
"why don't you tell both of us, power?"
before anything else can be said, she shoots up from her spot on the couch sweating bullets.
"meowy needs to shit!" is all she says before leaving the room at hurricane speeds. (if only she were that quick to close her mouth.)
you smile, turning to look at your boyfriend with a raised eyebrow.
"so?" you question, idly threading your fingers through his.
"so, what?" aki responds.
he can tell from the way a small laugh escapes those pretty lips that playing dumb isn't going to work.
"nothing, just a bad day." he tries, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
"you're snapping at power because of a 'bad day'?" you state, scepticism evident in your tone. "righhhht."
aki chuckles into your flesh, placing a chaste kiss there before pulling away. "yeah, that's all."
you press a kiss to his lips, tongue swiping over his. "sure, okay. i'll let you have this one, handsome."
the edges of his mouth tip up at the nickname and silent relief fills his veins at the clarification that you won't push the matter.
"thanks, love."
• . ✿ ° × . *.
aki swears on his life that he tries his hardest to keep the secret.
it's just that denji and power are not good secret keepers. they're a pair of loudmouths who are easily bribed. if not for your presence to keep him sane, aki's sure he would have strangled denji and confiscated power's antlers. actually, he's sure that if the gift he'd gotten you wasn't so important, he'd have let his roommates tell you already.
"makima, c'monnnn! i licked the floor so ya owe me a tit squeeze!" denji whines in a kneeling position on the floor.
going out for christmas lunch with you, his two roommates and makima may be one of the best and worst decisions aki's ever made in his life.
power still has her antlers on with a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck, you had to persuade her to wear it, as she makes fun of her friend. there are still remnants of the snowball fight he was forced to engage in on her coat, and her nose is pink from the one denji threw in her face.
denji is as desperate as ever - shame didn't seem to find a place in his vocabulary. his purposefully broken santa hat is still finding a home atop his dirty blonde hair, though the pom pom looks like it's about to give up and fall off.
you on the other hand look ethereal in his eyes, a smile etched into your gorgeous features. with every small giggle that escapes your lips, aki feels his chest constrict almost painfully, heart thumping loudly within his ribcage.
you're still holding his hand; you have been for the past three hours.
"only if you tell me who aki has for secret santa, denji." makima answers, voice silky smooth.
it's meant as a joke 100%. everyone else in the room, even power, understood the joke. curse aki for forgetting denji's inability to read social cues.
"he has [name]!!"
on december 23rd, the day before christmas eve, denji tells makima who he has for secret santa in exchange for a tit squeeze. typical.
there's silence for a while. no one really knows what to say. all eyes are on the dark-haired male who genuinely seems to be in the middle of a breakdown.
denji's all frozen up and fully ready to make a run for it if needs be.
"i already know he has me, though." you say, confused.
comically, multiple heads whip towards you.
"...you do?" aki breathes, annoyance towards denji disappearing as fast as it came.
"well if you didn't already know, you suck at keeping secrets, honey. i've known for ages."
part of him feels relieved. if you already knew, then technically he didn't fuck up. technically, it didn't even count-
"it doesn't take a genius to figure it out, you know."
"for real, bro. i knew ya sucked ass like in general but not at lying as well-"
denji will be dead by morning.
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"your secret santa gift was an engagement ring?" power asks, mortified.
"what a shitty gift!" denji pipes up, "it's not even edible- ow!"
you chuckle, fiddling with the ring that fits perfectly around your finger as aki smacks denji's arm.
"really? i think it's a wonderful gift." you muse, "it'll last way longer than food."
"so what?! food stays in your tummy forever!" power argues with her hand pointing at her stomach.
"no the fuck it doesn't! ya shit it out, duh!"
their bickering falls upon deaf ears as aki steals a sneaky kiss from you.
"merry christmas, [name]. i hope we'll spend many more together." his cheeks are definitely not dusted pink as he says that. not at all.
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weskin-time · 1 year
listen, i'm throwing this request in here because we frankly don't get enough of this in the x reader tag, character x injured/sick!reader. it doesn't even have to be anything super angsty if you don't want it to be. like i just want the fluff of an overwatch character fretting over reader with a sprained ankle lmao
(any characters are okay tbh, write for whoever you have ideas for!)
Hello anon!! i hope this works for you! i had a lot of fun writing this and i might make more later on. >:3
please give me more OW requests. mm brain rot <3
TBH i don’t really like genjis one i might rewrite it later on so keep an eye out for a post
D.Va, Genji, Ramattra X GN!Hurt/Sick!Reader
Not beta read
cw- injury, pain,
Hana “D.Va” Song
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gaming with your girlfriend was almost mandatory as you started your relationship
you were fine with that, in fact you were happy to join in her streams and hang out with D.Va and finish to get some quiet time with Hana.
But. you two played different types of games.
You loved character driven story games, open worlds and side quests
and she was a world champion, mmorpgs, real time strategy games, fast paced games you never really tried
But she asked one day if you wanted to play LOL with her on stream you said yes of course
but wow was it a learning curve, and a new thing you had to adapt to. fast paced clicking and key mashing hurt your fingers and wrists.
you have no idea how Hana doesn’t have wrist problems worse then she does if you just played for a few days and your pointer finger felt stuck and pain would throb in your forearms.
Hana ended stream that night and took a breath to regain her self. You were chilling in the same room as her, her set up more impressive than yours as you turned off your own PC and turned your chair to face her.
Getting up from your semi uncomfortable office chair you walked over to her as she stretched, you went to grab her water bottle to refill it for her but as soon as your hand grabbed the bottle pain shot through your forearm and wrist making you involuntarily wince.
Her eyes shot to you in worry before she completely understood what happened, “Aww I hope i didn’t push you too hard that last round.”
You chuckled and shook out your arms, it really didn’t do much. “It’s hard to keep up with you in these games Ms Professional ESports World Champion.”
It was her turn to laugh, “Get good.” She got up and grabbed the bottle herself and shut down her PC. “You good though? Got Gamers wrist?”
“Up my forearms and everything, clicking finger is sore too.” You flex your fingers trying to get the stiff feeling out.
“Didn’t you used to play a religious amount of Cookie Clicker back in the day, without auto clicker?” She points out as you follow her out of y’all’s gaming room and to the kitchen.
You have a scoff, “My child self didn’t know what that was, i was rich on cookies. And it didn’t hurt all this bad.” You rested against the island.
She paused by the fridge, filling her bottle up with the water. “I have some extra wrist braces if you’d like, they work wonders.”
“Please.” Your response came instantly before you could even process the last part of her sentence. It made her snort with how desperate you sounded and she almost overflowed her bottle.
“Come here, give me your arms.” She turned around and leaned against the other side of the island in front of you.
You did and held out your forearms to her with a confused look.
She wrapped her hands around for forearms and began to squeeze them, massaging them firmly, perfectly in the place where it hurt the most. A whine left your throat at the feeling of sore pain meeting soft comforting pain. Her fingers dug into the meat gently as she circled the muscle, slowly making her way down to your wrists where she provided the same treatment. Your head rested on the island counter as you slumped over, heaven was in her hands.
“Thank you Hana.”
“You’re welcome bunny.”
Genji Shimada
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sleep deprivation sucked.
2-3 hours a night was all you were going off of. it wasn’t enough to keep your brain healthy or your body.
constant headaches, unfocused eyes, micro sleep, confusion, it all was ass
but there was nothing you could do in the moment to fix it, you just kept staying awake at night to either game or finish work projects and paperwork.
sickness sometimes finds you when you’re like this, nauseous from lack of sleep, headaches making your eyes hurt.
you tried your best to fight back the sleep that demanded itself, but failed.
Genji was silent in his approach to your desk, you knew he was there, you could sense him.
Your laptop was too bright, your eyes were unfocused and you could barely feel yourself slowly lean forward to the desks surface. A hand on your shoulder wakes you up enough to realize you were holding down a single key on your keyboard and the open document on your screen now had a long line of Vs.
“Hiya Genji.” you slur almost, as you closed your eyes only for the entire world to pulse around you, sounds were too sharp and too dull at the same time, breathing in and out seemed to take all your strength, but your strength was elsewhere trying to fight off sleep.
“You don’t look too good.” He stated flatly, his helmet off as he rested in comfortable clothing.
You glance up to see him, eyes focusing on his face, “Thanks.” was all you had the energy to respond with.
He looked at your laptop, reading what you were writing but telling by his confused and concerned face you think you just wrote gibberish that your brain thought sounded like a normal sentence.
“How long have you been awake?” His voice dripping with concern but his voice buzzed in your ears and bounced around your head for a second before you could process what he said.
“I’ve had 5 hours of sleep this week.” You yawn and look away from his wide eyed expression.
It was Saturday. 11pm.
Your body didn’t have enough energy to even move it felt like.
“Okay,” he dragged out the word and closed your laptop. “Let’s get you to bed yea?” The way he said it made you know there was no changing his mind.
You didn’t want to admit you needed sleep but at the same time your head was throbbing and the thought of cuddling with your Genji was enough to perk you up more.
You mumbled out an okay before trying to stand on wobbly knees, your body feeling light yet heavy at the same time. A flesh hand came to steady you and hold you before you heard a sigh and suddenly you were swept off your feet and being carried to the bedroom.
“You need to take better care of yourself.” Concern laced his words as he placed you on the bed carefully.
“I know I know,” you made a grabby hand motion at him and he smiles, soon making his way to the bed as well, cuddling up beside you. You used his still flesh side as a pillow as he laid on his back. “I’m sorry Genji.”
He ran fingers along your scalp, scratching softly, putting you in a trance. “I know you don’t do field work anymore but you still need to rest.”
“I will, I will.” Was all you could mumble out before almost instantly falling asleep. the last thing you felt was his lips against your forehead.
The next morning Genji barley let you leave the bedroom after you slept for nearly 14 hours. He made you food and sat and ate with you in the bed while the two of you watched Cowboy Bebop. Your work could wait till monday, you just wanted to enjoy the last day of the weekend resting with him.
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you were out for a walk with Ramattra
the spring air buzzed with life as you two passed by trees, bird song filling silence, bees resting on flowers as they bumbled their fat little bodies around
it was a nice walk, one to clear your mind and his systems, just to think and be together
you didn’t see a tree root and you fell and ate dirt, twisting your ankle
“oh ow ow ow ow ow.” you let out a string of curses from behind clenched teeth.
Your ankle throbbed, it felt warm and tingly at the same time, pain shooting through your foot and up your shin. You do what your dumb brain tells you to and you roll it to make sure it’s not broken, thankfully it isn’t but the pain takes the air from your lungs with a sharp gasp.
Ramattra stared down at you on the ground, unmoving as he studied you. He watched as you tried to get back up with only the use of one leg, holding onto a tree for support as you stood with your leg raised like a dog that’s paw got stepped on.
“Fragile things you humans are. You tripped and now you can’t stand?” His voice wasn’t as harsh as it once was many moons ago, but he still said it with some form of exasperation.
You set your foot on the ground, testing it and instantly regretting it as pain erupts again.
You ignore his comment, “Oh gods I don’t know if i can walk back.”
“Weakling.” He said but held out his arm for you to take. There was no malice in his vocal synthesizers.
You did, leaning against him. Thanking him as you both turned around and took a step to head back to base. As you tried to put weight on your ankle you winced and let out a hiss.
“I really fucked myself up good.” You laugh a little as you stare down at your feet.
“Do you need me to carry you?” His voice buzzed with slight concern, you wouldn’t have noticed it unless you had spent enough time with the Omnic, and you have.
You look up at him with a smirk, a look that pokes him, “You goin soft on me Ram?”
He tenses a tiny tiny bit more than he already was, “No!” He said a bit too quickly. “It would take us ages to get back with your condition and I am not going to wait on you. It would be faster for me to carry you there. Simple.”
You ponder for a second, before nodding your head. Why would you ever give up the opportunity to be carried by this giant?
Ramattra let’s out a fake sigh and grabs you by the midsection, lifting you up and placing your butt on his right shoulder. You were expecting to be carried in his arms but sitting on his shoulder was way more fun already. You felt like a bird resting on his broad shoulders.
“Thanks, you big softie.” You pat his head to make your point.
He moves his right arm to hold your hips, keeping you stable and you use his arm as a grip. “I’m not doing this for you.” He grumbled but the way he made sure you weren’t going to fall off said otherwise.
He waited for you to give the word and he started to make his way back, you on his shoulder and enjoying being really tall.
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