#do eevees purr?
microwave-core · 2 years
The Lengths of Love
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Penny x Fem! Reader
Penny loves spending time with her girlfriend. Unfortunately for her, though, you decide to interrupt her perfect evening by suggesting the impossible: going outside. Extra unfortunate for her, she lacks the mental fortitude to say no to your pleading eyes.
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Life can often be confusing, stuck in a predicament where you're not exactly sure what to do. At this moment, you are lost. You're not sure who you should be paying more attention to. The Sylveon in your lap, the Flareon at your feet, or the girlfriend at your side. 
Sure, it’s not the worst position to be in. You're incredibly warm and comfortable, surrounded by fluff and warmth and love. It’s just unfortunate that the love was being provided by the two eeveelutions, since Penny was completely glued to her phone screen.
She had been talking your ear off about some niche manga she had stumbled across, desperately trying to get you to read it. Despite her continuously binging it in her off time, she still seems to have more to catch up, but it’s to be expected. You're not familiar with the details of Operation Starfall, but you know it got her roped into working with the Pokemon League. That along with classes means she doesn’t have as much free time as before, meaning she’s reading during your time together.
It’s not unexpected, though, it’s how most of your hangout date things end up going. Although she has been getting more social since returning to the academy, her social battery drains quickly. She can only hang out with her former Team Star buddies in person for so long  before crashing. With you, she finds it most enjoyable to just sit in your presence, sending you videos and shitty memes despite being nuzzled into your side.
It’s wonderful, really. Your girl makes herself at home next to your body. Your hands are full of soft fur. Your feet are warmed by a living pile of fluff. The room is taken over by loving warmth. The peaceful silence is only interrupted by the purring of Sylveon (and the rustling of boxes coming from the kitchen) .…You could do without all of the pokemon hair clinging to your clothes, though.
“You know, you should probably get your other eevees away from the kitchen before they break into the trash.” “What can I do about it?” She keeps her eyes glued to her phone.
“...You could put them back in their balls?” “Why would I do that?” You just give her a look, one strong enough that she could feel it even without looking at you.
“What? I love being surrounded by my eevees.” She meets your gaze this time. “And they like it when you're around, too. You're, like, their second favorite person.” You can’t help the smile creeping up your face, but the sweetness of the moment is lost because the trash is going to be broken into.
“Penny… Maybe if you like to keep your pokemon out of their balls, you should try spending some more time with them outside.” She looks at you as if you had just grown a second head. “...Outside? But outside sucks.” “I know it does, but you should probably consider taking a break every now and then.”
“School and Geeta already keep me out of my room, isn’t that enough?” Penny is pleading for her life. She truly is the embodiment of how the older generations view the younger ones: terminally online and inside. 
“We could do something fun! Like go on a picnic, or explore, or go shopping…” “But we do fun things here! We don’t need to go out!” She suddenly removes herself from your side, passing an apologetic look to Sylveon, who she disturbed with her abrupt movements. 
“Like… like… I just got my hands on some good manga! Or, uh, I’ve got some Studio Ghibli movies we could rewatch! And I’ve got some shitty shovelware games we could make fun of!” She’s shuffling through the mess on the ground, searching for the coveted items she hoped would erase the idea of going outside from your pretty little head.
“Come on, we can do that whenever we want! Why don’t we just change things up a little bit, just this once?” If she didn’t love you, she wouldn’t have folded so easily.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but you owe me!” A part of her is upset, but the other part of her is just glad to make you happy. Love makes people do crazy things, or something like that.
“Aww, thanks babe!” She plops back into the couch. “Well, if I’m making you go out, I think it’s only fair that you pick where we go first.” Her phone is in her hands in seconds. “I will say, though, there’s a good sandwich joint right here in Mesagoza.” She mutters something under her breath (something about an Arven), but she doesn’t complain.
You try to look at her phone screen as she goes to pull up a map, but she seems to purposefully turn it away from you. Unfortunately from her, you catch a glimpse of what she was hiding through the reflection in her glasses.
“...Am I your lock screen?” “...No.” Her poor denial is complimented wonderfully by the burning red overcoming her cheeks.  
“Aww, aren’t you just the sweetest!” “Don’t tease me!” “I’m not, I’m being serious!” You desperately want to tease her over it, but you know that any more comments could make her change her mind about this whole “outdoors” business. 
“Whatever! Let’s just go get these sandwiches.” She stuffs her phone into the pocket of her hoodie as she gets back up to find her shoes. Oh, how adorable she is when she’s embarrassed, acting as if she’s all huffy and mad. You know better, though. She lives for your attention and praise, even if it does fluster her. 
Penny puts her beloved eevees back to their balls, except for Sylveon who she allows to trot beside you both as you walk through the dorm hallway. It’s only now that you realize how late it has gotten. It’s hard to tell in her room given how dark she keeps it, but it does give you another idea.
“There’s a really good clear spot just outside the city, actually. Maybe we could make our way out there and do some stargazing afterwards?” “Can’t babe. I’ve gotta be back by 10 to play Minecraft with the boys.” Her tone is dead serious.
“What?” “You heard me. Team Star plays Minecraft every Friday night.”  “So you’re gonna tell all your friends that I’m your ‘gamer girlfriend’, but you aren’t even going to invite me to Minecraft night?” “It’s for the boys, babe.”
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themissingnumbers · 20 days
WARNINGS: Scopophobia, Disturbing Imagery, Blood. FIRST || PREV | NEXT [Take it with you.]
A strange feeling washes over you as you stare down at the Eevee. Those whispers in the back of your mind, demanding that you leave it behind. But looking into those wide, scared eyes... You swear, you can see them welling up with tears.
You don't have it in you to go without it.
You walk back across your room, grabbing your bag lazily hanging off your desk chair. Eevee eagerly follows after you, still trembling but starting to wag its tail- you figure it knows what you're doing. As soon as you open the bag up and kneel down, it jumps inside, quickly nestling up in the pillow and fuzzy blanket you've lined the bottom with- this had quickly become its favorite way to stay at your side, so you'd at least had enough sense to make it a bit more comfortable... It makes it impossible to close it in, but you haven't needed to hide it, and you figure that won't change- there's only one person you're deliberately hiding it from, anyways...
You sling the bag over your shoulder, ruffling a hand through the fur on Eevee's head. It purrs, rubbing against you.
With that, you're pretty sure you've got everything you need... You walk downstairs tiredly, only dully noticing how Miss Hazel isn't in the kitchen or living room like she'd usually be right now... Probably out on some errand, you think, as you continue on towards the front door and swing it open.
You're met face to face with a certain young man, his hand raised awkwardly, apparently going to knock just as you'd opened the door.
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Blue Oak stares at you, almost dumbfounded at your impeccable timing.
"... Uh... Hey, Leaf- I'm, uh. I'm sorry to bother you," he starts, bringing his hand down to rub over his arms. "I was starting to... Worry, I- I hadn't- I haven't seen you since... And I was thinking, like, that's not like her, but I didn't want to....."
He trails off. Looks away. Blue was never the most open of books, and you watch with tired eyes as he searches for his words. He opens his mouth, shuts it- he looks you up and down, expression seeming to toe the line between confusion and concern as he processes the state you're in.
Discomfort, anxiety, awkwardness- you watch the tension shatter into a frozen, mortified horror as his gaze locks onto your bag.
Confusion briefly crosses your mind as to what could possibly illicit that reaction from him, but as Blue steps backwards, it hits you all at once:
Your bag is wide open. Eevee stares up at him, bristling and snarling at the boy.
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You suck in a breath through your teeth, hurrying to try and explain yourself and that it really isn't aggressive, it's just scared, but Blue speaks before you can get a single word out:
"You need to get rid of that thing."
"What?!" you exclaim, instantly echoing the whirl of confusion in your mind. "You can't- Blue, you're joking, right?"
You can already tell he's not joking. That's what confuses you the most. He's trembling as if he saw a ghost, all the color drained from his face and his fingernails practically tearing into the armbands he always wore.
A voice in the back of your mind chides; he's right, you know. You ignore it.
"Leaf- Leaf, please, you have to listen to me-" he stammers out, his unsteady voice dropping to a near whisper as he backs further away. "Please- that Eevee, it's- it's a-"
You move forward, wanting to soothe and listen to him in spite of your confusion.
When you step out of your front door, you are not in Palette Town.
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Blue is gone. The afternoon sunshine is gone. The buildings outside your home are gone. The green grass and dirt pathways are gone.
You look behind you. Even your home is suddenly dark, and completely empty. As if it's been abandoned for years.
You look back to your surroundings, fear rising in your chest and stinging like bile.
A dense fog shrouds the area, blinding and suffocating. You can barely see your own two feet. You squint, trying to forcibly steady your breathing as you take a hesitant step forward.
... You nearly run face-first into a fence. You hold onto the wooden posts, trying to gather your wits and see what's going on. It's a tall fence, painted white... It's too tall to reasonably climb over- certainly not with the dew from the fog slicking it up, and while it has gaps big enough to see through, they're more than narrow enough to keep you or even Eevee from squeezing through.
Dully, you imagine the bars of a jail cell. You shiver.
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Looking a bit closer, you can faintly make out trees on the outside. It seems like... The autumn leaves have come in. You watch the fuzzy shapes of leaves dancing through the air and onto the ground, one landing close enough for you to make out the dazzling red. It compliments the wilted, brown grass well, you think bitterly.
... That's all you're able to gather, though. You turn to your right, seeing that the fence seems to connect to the house that way...
It's the opposite direction that seems to open up, making a narrow dirt path, fully enclosed by white wood.
A part of you wants to optimistically think that at least you're not trapped, but you... You don't know how much you really believe that. But no matter what you want to think, one thing is clear:
There's only one way to go.
You start walking.
... The path seems to stretch on, but you find yourself grateful that it's straightforward. With this awful fog, you'd only feel queasier about any unpredictability... And there's the little things- lazily running one hand along the wood keeps you on a straightforward path and the cool dew on your skin helps to keep you alert.
You think it's been more than a few minutes of walking, though. Maybe this strange place can read you, somehow, because just as you're starting to space out, you spot something in the distance-
A person...! You instantly perk up, recognizing some kind of human silhouette through the fog ahead. They seem to be sitting cross-legged on the ground, slumped back against the fence behind them, but you're sure of it- you're sure of it. Someone else is here!
You pick up the pace a bit, eager to have company, or answers, or anything. You ignore Eevee's whimpering as your approach the stranger.
... As you get closer, though, you start to understand its worry.
You begin to make out details on them as you close the gap between you and the stranger.
Or... Lack thereof.
This is not a human.
You slow to a stop in front of them. You can feel your legs shaking, that primal part of your mind screaming to run.
Its body seems to be that of an older man's- you think vaguely of those gamblers you fought outside of Vermilion City... That's where the traces of humanity seem to end, though. The ghastly man is vaguely see-through, he seems to have no mouth, and he's completely void of color, every last feature a stark and unnatural white.
He's like a ghost, you think to yourself. But you don't think he's noticed you... You start to back away to continue down the path, hoping to avoid whatever danger this thing might pose.
Too late, though. He suddenly opens his eyes.
Seems like you were wrong about one thing, you think as you feel your mouth run dry.
A crimson gaze bores into you, and you watch in horror as the place where his mouth should have been rips open- all so he can flash you an awful, bright red smile. Blood trickles from his lips and bulging eyes, as if it weren't truly parts of his face, but open wounds.
Your paralyzing terror only increases as he sneers at you, motioning to the trembling Eevee in your bag.
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Dreamers of Myths & Legends Chap. 4-Cheer up, Sprigatito!
The next chapter is here and we’ll be getting into some minor angst territory. It’s small but still, angst is angst!
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
Also another BIG thanks to @summonfi for creating a WTDW fanfic server! You guys are welcome to join it! https://discord.gg/eCAD2h9x 
It was a pleasant afternoon, the four researchers decided to go to Saffron City for lunch. Though Wiatt and Oddity were looking through notes that the young boy took about Mew.
“Wiatt, why did you bring your notes to lunch?” Sara asked.
“Figured we could spend some time going through to see how we’ll find Mew.” Wiatt replied, “so far there are a few places around Saffron City that Mew has been sighted in.”
Sara sighed, “Wiatt, Eric gave us the day off today from researching. Relax and enjoy this.”
Wiatt glared, but lifted his expression when Oliver and Lewis came by with food and drinks. “Sorry for the wait, darlings.” The two boys put the trays down before sitting down themselves.
“It’s alright.” Sara replied.
Wiatt put away his notes and was in awe with the delicious food before him. “Man this looks good.” He commented.
“Well, I read this is one of the best sandwich places in Saffron City.” Lewis explained.
Wiatt took a bite of a sandwich, his eyes widened. “You're right, this is pretty good!” He exclaimed. He broke a small piece off and held it in front of his Eevee. “Try it, Oddity.”
“Eevee,” Oddity replied. He ate the piece and smiled at how good it was. “Eevee!”
The group started to eat lunch together, not knowing Sprigatito was around the corner staring at them. The grass-type saw Lewis mewled in excitement. She got into the pouncing position, and waited for the right moment. Once she saw Lewis take a sandwich, that’s when she made her move. Sprigatito dashed and snatched the sandwich from Lewis before eating it in one gulp.
“H-Hey!” Lewis yelled.
Sprigatito flinched and turned, which shocked Lewis. “Meow!” Sprigatito exclaimed as she went over to the boy and started nuzzling his leg and purring.
“What’s that?” Oliver asked, never seeing that Pokémon before.
“I believe that’s a Sprigatito.” Wiatt answered.
“Sprigatito!” Sara and Oliver exclaimed. 
“You mean the same Pokemon you said you saved not too long ago?” Oliver asked.
Lewis nodded, and looked down to see Sprigatito sitting and smiling at him. She tilted her head, confused why he was so shocked to see her.
“Darling, have you been following my friends and I all this time?” Lewis asked.
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito replied, saying that it was following the group.
Lewis chuckled, “guess you like being around me.” He said as he pet the grass cat Pokemon, causing her to purr.
Sprigatito started tapping her paws as she started to release a fragrant aroma. Sara smelt it and smiled, “hey that smells good.” 
“What’s that?” Wiatt asked. He then grabbed his Rotom Phone and scanned Sprigatito.
When Sprigatito is exposed to sunlight, it uses its paws to release a sweet, therapeutic aroma. 
“So that’s what you're doing now,” Lewis said.
“Meow,” Sprigatito replied.
Lewis chuckled and grabbed his Pokeball, “Well want to join my team, darling?” He asked.
Sprigatito’s eyes widened as she nodded. However, just before she could touch the Pokeball. A mysterious voice played in her head.
“Who would want a Sprigatito like you?”
Sprigatito’s eyes widened in fear, as that memory played in her head.
Sprigatito was in an alleyway as her trainer, a young girl looked down at her with anger. The grass-type Pokemon mewled as she begged her trainer not to leave her in the rain.
“You're such an embarrassment!” The girl shouted. “You ruined everything for me!” The girl then ran off, leaving Sprigatito heartbroken.
End of Flashback:
Sprigatito gasped as she stepped back from Lewis, scared. She was in fear of the same thing happening to her again. Disappointing her trainer and being released again. 
Lewis saw how scared Sprigatito was, and reached his hand out to her. “Darling, are you ok?” He asked.
Sprigatito stepped back before running off crying, shocking everyone.
“W-Wait!” Lewis shouted. “Sprigatito!” The group went and chased after her, but soon they started to lose her as she started to pick up speed. She turned around the corner, and once the group arrived they lost the Grass Cat Pokemon.
“Where did she go?” Sara asked.
“Sprigatito! Where are you!?” Lewis yelled.
“Eevee! Eevee!” Oddity called out.
“Excuse me.”
The group looked up to see it was Nurse Joy, who looked concerned for the four.
“Did a Sprigatito pass by here?” She asked.
Lewis nodded, “Y-yeah. I was trying to catch her, but she just ran off.”
Nurse Joy sighed feeling bad.
Wiatt was then hit with a realization, “Nurse Joy do you know that Sprigatito?” He asked.
The nurse nodded, “if you would follow me to the Pokemon Center, I’ll tell you everything you need to know.”
The group nodded and followed Nurse Joy to the Pokemon Center.
Up on the rooftop, Team Rocket watched the entire scene from above and went from spying on Wiatt and his friends to spy on Sprigatito who was still running off.
“Say, that Sprigatito is really cute,” Jessie commented. “It’s fitting for someone like me.”
“It sure does.” Meowth agreed. “It sensed the twerp is a twerp, so it’s easy for us to grab and give it to the boss!”
James sighed, “It's been a while since you said that, but let’s hear it.”
“Picture the boss one day, in a bad mood…” Meowth started as one of his boss's fantasies started to play.
In Mewoth’s fantasy, it showed the boss chibi walking back and forth upset as his Persian looked at him back and forth.
“You mean like he is every day?” James asked.
“He then turns to his Persian, and yells…” Meowth cleared his voice to mimic Giovanni’s, “You are a useless Persian! You are boring to me!”
The fantasized Giovanni pointed a finger and yelled at his Persian before giving the Classy Cat Pokemon the blast-off. Fantasy Giovanni collapsed on his couch with a sigh.
“Man, I need a new companion,” Meowth said using his Giovanni's voice. Meowth then switched back to his regular voice, “That’s when Sprigatito comes in and starts nuzzling the boss. They will tap their little feet spreading that lovely aroma, which would make the boss relaxed.”
In the fantasy, Giovanni sees his door open and Sprigaitito appears before running over to him and going on his lap nuzzling him. The Grass Cat Pokemon starts rubbing her paws as the lovely aroma fills the air and Giovanni feels relaxed.
“Then the boss will say…” Meowth paused to switch back to his Giovanni impression, “This is a wonderful companion for me, and I should thank Meowth and his friends for giving me this lovely Pokemon, and in return I should give them a raise.”
Jessie and James got excited hearing about a big raise after giving Sprigatito to the boss. “We’ll finally get the respect we deserve! Because we gave the boss a Pokemon that brings him joy!” The two sang together.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet yelled.
“And to make sure the plan works I got ourselves something new that should help us capture the Sprigatito!” Meowth exclaimed.  The Scratch Cat Pokémon revealed a box showing a Pokeball-shaped cage. “Meet the Poke Grabber 25!” 
“Fancy!” James exclaimed.
“Good news we can capture as many Pokemon as we can with this!” Meowth explained.
“Ooooh!” Jessie and James exclaimed. However, James heard good news and had to ask the Normal-type Pokemon one thing.
“Wait, if you said good news then what’s the bad news?” James asked.
Meowth sighed as he dumped the contents of the box. “It’s from that company where we have to put it all together for it to work.” He explained.
“Great.” Jessie and James said at the same time.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
At the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy and the four researchers sat at a table. The nurse sighed before telling the four about Sprigatito.
“I guess you're all wondering why Sprigatito was so scared of you?” Nurse Joy started.
“She wasn’t scared of me before, just when I tried to capture her in a Pokeball,” Lewis explained.
Nurse Joy sighed, “I see.” She replied.
Wiatt thought for a bit and a theory came to mind. “Nurse Joy, did Sprigatito have a trainer?” He asked.
“They did, yes.” Nurse Joy answered. “It was a year ago, and I was running errands before heading back to the Pokemon Center, on my way back I saw a young girl running off, and I didn’t know why.” She explained remembering everything that happened, “Once I got closer that’s when I saw Sprigatito all alone. I connected the dots and realized that the trainer abandoned Sprigatito.”
The group looked horrified hearing what Sprigatito went through and it made sense why she went through and why she ran off when Lewis tried to catch her. Their horrified expressions turned to anger and sadness towards the grass-type Pokémon.
“No wonder why Sprigatito ran off like that,” Oliver said, feeling bad for the grass-type Pokemon. “She was scared you’d abandon her again.”
Lewis looked shocked. No way he’d do that to a Pokémon.
“How could someone do such a thing!” Sara growled. “I’d like to meet this trainer and give them a piece of my mind.”
Lewis let out a sigh, as anger wasn’t the answer. “I’m going to find her.” He said getting up from his seat.
“Huh?” The group questioned.
“Sprigatito is alone out there. She needs someone to care for her, to show her that she won’t be abandoned again.” Lewis explained.
Wiatt smiled, agreeing with his friend. “Lewis is right, we need to find her.”
Lewis smiled, seeing Wiatt agreeing with him. He then turned his gaze to his friend’s Eevee. “Oddity, think you’d be able to use your sense of smell to track her down?” He asked.
Oddity nodded and used his paws to look like he gave a salute, “Eevee Vee!” He replied. Oddity got off the table and sniffed Lewis hoping to catch Sprigatito’s scent. Oddity nodded, catching Sprigaito’s scent and running outside to find her.
“Let’s follow him!” Lewis exclaimed.
“Right!” The rest of the researchers agreed and followed their Eevee to look for Sprigatito.
The search took hours, as they went around the town and looked into alleyways that Sprigatito could be hiding in. During the search, the researchers asked people around Saffron City if they’d seen the Grass-type Pokemon, but none had seen Sprigatito pass by. Oddity kept following Sprigatito’s scent and saw it led to Route 6.
“Eevee.” Oddity said.
“You know where she is?” Lewis asked.
Oddity nodded, “Vee.” 
“Then lead the way, darling!” 
Lewis and Oddity ran leaving Saffron City and heading to Route 6 with Wiatt, Oliver, and Sara behind them.
Oddity sniffed the area and caught Sprigatito’s scent going past some bushes. Once going through them Oddity stopped and carefully walked, peeking through some of the trees.
Lewis came by and Oddity used his tail to tell the young boy to be quiet. The boy nodded as he and Oddity looked through the bushes, and their eyes widened at what they saw.
In the clearing, Sprigatito was dancing using a rock as her stage. She twirled, jumped, and did all sorts of cute dance moves. Soon, she used a move, Leafage, as she spun in the air before doing more dances.
“Amazing,” Lewis whispered. “S-She’s a performer.”
“Eevee,” Oddity replied.
Wiatt and the rest of the crew showed up but saw Sprigatito doing her performance. Sara was about to speak before being hushed by Lewis, who told the three to stay quiet and watch Sprigatito perform.
“Is she dancing?” Sara asked.
“She is darling. She is.” Lewis answered, smiling at the Grass Cat Pokemon.
Sprigaito continued to dance before finishing off with Leafage and landing on a pose. She tried catching her breath and smiled before bowing.
Oddity couldn’t hold his excitement any longer and soon started to cheer for the grass-type Pokemon.
Sprigatito’s eyes widened as she looked up to see Oddity jumping around for joy, as Wiatt and the others tried to quiet him down. Her body turned white as a ghost realizing someone was watching her perform. She shivered and was about to run away again before Lewis stopped her.
“Sprigatito wait!” Lewis shouted.
The grass type skidded to a halt, but didn’t turn to face the boy.
“Darling, that was amazing! I didn’t know you had that kind of talent!” Lewis exclaimed.
Sprigatito felt like crying, she was embarrassed that someone, not a group of people saw her in the act.
“It was very beautiful!” Sara exclaimed.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Sprigatito slowly turned as the group saw tears in her eyes. She sniffled and tried to brush them away, but the tears continued to fall.
“Sprigatito what’s wrong?” Oliver asked.
Lewis knew exactly what was wrong. He walked over to Sprigatito and slowly put his hand on her head.
Sprigatito flinched, but her eyes widened, feeling Lewis pet her. She looked up at the researcher in shock.
“You love performing but you have stage fright. Isn’t that right darling?” Lewis asked.
Sprigatito’s eyes widened knowing Lewis was right. “Meow.” She replied, giving a nod.
“I heard your trainer left you,” Lewis said.
Sprigatito flinched and stepped back.
“Look, I know your old trainer hurt you! But I’m not that trainer!” Lewis yelled.
Sprigatito didn’t believe it. Not one bit. She stepped back ready to dash off, but Oddity came by her side.
“Eevee! Eevee Vee!” Oddity exclaimed telling Sprigatito to give Lewis a chance.
Sprigatito’s eyes widened, but she wasn’t so sure about Lewis.
“Sprigatito,” Wiatt spoke up. “Lewis is right, he’s not like your old trainer. He’s kind and sweet.”
Lewis smiled, slightly blushing at the comment.
“Meow. Meow?” Sprigatito asked, wondering if what Wiatt said was true about Lewis.
“Eevee!” Oddity exclaimed.
Sprigatito gave a small smile and looked up at the four. However, a Pokeball capsule came down from the ground and snatched Oddity and Sprigatito before being lifted up in the air.
The group gasped in horror.
“Sprigatito!” Lewis shouted.
“Oddity!” Wiatt shouted.
Laughter was heard as the group looked up to see a Meowth hot air balloon, and Team Rocket inside it.
“Oh great, not you three!” Sara yelled.
Team Rocket laughed as the group started their motto.
“We got a Sprigatitto, so prepare for trouble!” Jessie started.
“And we got an Eevee on the double!” James added.
“To protect the world from devastation.”
“To unite all peoples within our nation.”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love.”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!”
“Surrender now or prepare for a fight!”
“Meowth! That’s right!” Meowth finished.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet added.
“Team Rocket!” Wiatt and his friends yelled. “Give back Oddity and Sprigatito!”
Team Rocket just laughed, “We heard the same question over and over, and it’s gonna be the same answer over and over.” Jessie started.
“No!” Team Rocket answered.
The group glared, as they didn’t have any other Pokemon that could help stop Team Rocket.
“Aww, what’s the matter twerps! Have no other Pokemon to stop us?” Meowth asked, mocking the group.
The balloon flew higher as Oddity and Sprigittito cried for help.
“Hang on, Oddity!” Wiatt yelled, chasing after Team Rocket.
“Wiatt! Hold on!” Lewis yelled following Wiatt. With Sara and Oliver right behind them.
Team Rocket looked down, seeing Wiatt and his friends chasing after them. “Ah, this is just like walking through memory lane.” Jessie sighed.
“It sure is!” James replied.
“Alright let’s pull these two Pokémon up to our balloon!” Meowth exclaimed. He pulled out the remote and pressed the button, but instead of pulling the two Pokémon up, it opened the capsule and everyone was in shock as the two Pokemon fell out.
Oddity and Sprigatito fell screaming as they started to fall to the ground at high speeds.
“Oddity!” Wiatt yelled.
“Sprigatito!” Lewis yelled.
The two boys caught their Pokémon respectively and hugged them tight. “Oddity,  are you okay?” Wiatt asked.
“What about you darling?” Lewis asked.
“Eevee!” Oddity replied.
“Meow!” Sprigatito replied.
Wiatt smiled and hugged Oddity tight. Lewis sighed and hugged Sprigatito as well, which surprised her.
Meowth looked horrified as Jessie and James growled at their Pokémon. “Meowth! Why did you release them?!” Jessie exclaimed.
Meowth looked down at the remote and chuckled nervously. “Looks like I grabbed the wrong remote.”
“WRONG REMOTE?!” Jessie and James shouted at the same time.
“There were two remotes in the box! One to capture the Pokémon and one to release them!” Meowth exclaimed, showing the two remotes.
“Why would you get a contraption with two remotes!?” Jessie exclaimed.
“And how come you didn’t label them!?” James added.
Meowth frowned and looked down, “Well you two were rushing me so we don’t miss our appearance that I decided not to label them.” He explained.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
Jessie and James sighed, but Jessie was the one to pick the team back up. “Well, now we have two remotes, and know which one is to release the Pokemon and the other to snatch them again!” Jessie exclaimed.
“Alright!” Meowth yelled as he pressed the button as the capsule went to capture the Pokemon again.
“Oddity! Use Shadow Ball to destroy that capsule!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity jumped and launched a Shadow Ball at the capsule, destroying it. Team Rocket screamed seeing their only way of capturing Pokemon was destroyed.
Jessie glared as she took out a Pokeball. “Alright, I guess we’ll just take them by force!” She yelled. “Seviper, let's go!” She threw her Pokeball and out came her Seviper.
“Seviper!” Seviper hissed.
“Alright, Morpeko go!” James commanded throwing his Pokeball.
“More!” Morpeko exclaimed as they went next to Seviper and were ready to fight.
Oddity and Sprigatito growled and went in front of their trainers ready to battle.
“Seviper! Bite attack!” Jessie commanded.
“Morpeko, use Aura Wheel!” James commanded.
Morpeko formed a light blue energy before charging over at Oddity. 
Seviper’s jaws opened, ready to chomp on Sprigatito, who shivered in fear seeing she was about to be attacked.
“Dodge it!” Wiatt and Lewis shouted at the same time.
Sprigatito’s eyes widened as she stepped to the side and did a little spin. Seviper tried to use Bite again, but Sprigatito did the same move again.
Oddity jumped up to the right away from Morpeko’s Aura Wheel.
“Oddity, Quick Attack!” Wiatt commanded.
Oddity started to dash and rammed into Morpeko, slamming them into a tree.
“Sprigatito, use Scratch on Seviper!” Lewis commanded.
Sprigatito jumped as her claw glowed white as she scratched Seviper on the face. The Fang Snake Pokemon hissed in pain.
“Wrap that little cat, Seviper!” Jessie shouted.
Seviper’s eyes widened as they wrapped Sprigatito with their tail. The grass-type Pokemon mewled in pain, but she glared and ended up using Bite on Seviper’s tail making the poison-type scream and letting go of Sprigatito.
“That was Bite!” Oliver exclaimed.
“Sprigatito is amazing!” Sara commented.
Sprigatito turned to the group and smiled. This boosted her confidence as she was ready to battle more.
“Morpeko! Stop that twerp with Aura Wheel!” James commanded.
“Mor!” Morpeko exclaimed, switching to Hangry Mode.
Oddity gasped seeing Morpeko change forms. Going from yellow and brown to purple and black with glowing red eyes.
“I’ve seen this before. Morpeko can switch to Hangry mode with every turn.” Wiatt explained. “Oddity dodge it and use Shadow Ball!” 
Oddity jumped missing the Aura Wheel and then launched a Shadow Ball at Morpeko, which turned them back into normal mode and launched them back at Team Rocket’s balloon. The evil team screamed as Morpeko slammed into James’s face, knocking the two out.
This left Sprigatito and Oddity versus Jessie’s Seviper.
Seviper towered over the two like a giant, but Oddity and Sprigatito looked at each other and nodded ready to attack together.
“Seviper, stop those little brats with Poison Tail!” Jessie commanded.
“Seviper!” Seviper hissed as their tail turned purple.
“Dodge it!” Wiatt and Lewis yelled at the same time.
Oddity dashed out of the way, while Sprigatito danced out of the way. Seviper decided to attack Sprigatito instead and the Grass Cat Pokemon used some of her dance moves to doge every attack out of the way.
“Amazing! Keep at it, darling!” Lewis yelled.
Seviper kept using Poison Tail as Sprigatito kept on dancing and using her skills to dodge each attack.
“Hold still you little show off, and let Seviper crush you!” Jessie yelled.
Sprigatito kept doing what she was doing until she was backed into a tree. Seviper was ready to do the finishing blow, but Sprigatito jumped up missing the attack, and Seviper’s tail got stuck on the tree. Sprigatito then landed next to Seviper ready for Lewis to command the attack.
“Alright. Sprigatito use Leafage!” Lewis commanded.
Sprigatito let out a cry as she did a somersault in the air and launched leaves at Seviper, which removed them from the tree and straight into Team Rocket’s balloon. The attack caused the balloon to explode sending Team Rocket into another blast off.
“Well, I guess we learned our lesson of the day.” James started, holding Morpeko close.
“That no matter the twerps, new or old we’re still gonna lose?” Meowth answered.
“I think what James meant is next time label stuff so we don’t have problems next time!” Jessie yelled.
“Well, yes to both actually.” James revealed.
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffet exclaimed.
Jessie and Meowth sighed, “Well here’s one lesson Team Rocket learns every day.” Meowth said.
“Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!” Team Rocket yelled as they went far into the sky, as a star twinkled in the sky.
Sprigatito bowed seeing Team Rocket defeated, which means she ended the battle.
“Darling,” Lewis spoke up.
“Meow,” Sprigatito replied as she turned to Lewis.
“That was amazing what you did there!” He exclaimed.
Sprigatito turned away and gave a nervous smile. 
Lewis knew Sprigatito was still nervous around him. “Sprigatito, let’s get back on track. I’m nothing like your old trainer. I’m willing to give you a chance.” He said.
“Meow. Meow.” Sprigatito replied, saying she wasn’t sure.
“I’ve known Lewis forever,” Sara spoke up. “He isn’t someone who would leave someone behind, he cares.”
“Same here,” Oliver spoke up. “He’s very caring.”
Sprigatito looked over at Lewis as kneeled in front of her. “I want you to have a second chance darling.” He said. “You're an amazing Pokémon, and you and I are going to go on adventures together.”
The grass cat Pokemon felt tears well up in her eyes and soon she jumped into Lewis’s arms as he caught her. 
“So what do you say, darling? Want to tag along with us?” Lewis asked.
“Meow! Meow!” Sprigatito exclaimed, accepting the offer.”
Lewis chuckled and took out a Pokeball. Before he could tap it on Sprigatito, the grass cat Pokémon used her paw to open the Pokeball as she went inside. The Pokeball shook a few times before a click was heard indicating the capture was successful.
“Welcome to our team, darling,” Lewis whispered. “Sprigatito come on out!”
The Pokeball opened and Sprigatito came right out smiling. “Meow!” She explained.
Oddity went over to her and put his paw out, “Eevee. Vee.” He said, translating to welcome to the team.
“Meow!” Sprigatito exclaimed as she shook Oddity’s paw. The two started to chase and play with each other causing the group to laugh.
“Well, looks like Oddity’s made a best friend!” Wiatt exclaimed.
“He sure has,” Lewis replied.
Sprigatito stopped and looked at Lewis before jumping into his arms again. Lewis chuckled and held her back glad to have met his first ever Pokemon.
Fun Facts: Might do this at the end of every fanfic just for fun. Might go back to the previous chapters and drop some, but these will start at the end of every chapter. If I can come up with ideas.
Sprigatito is female. 
(Spoilers for next chapter) When Sprigatito is happy or sees someone stressed her aroma from her paws gives off a nice scent that makes one relaxed.
Also, I won’t say who, but I do plan on introducing Sprigatito’s former trainer at some point, and BOY will you guys be all in for a treat!
Also, I officially made Lewis a cat dad! Or a Cat Pokemon Dad!
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hedgiwithapen · 1 year
DHD: this is a free metakitties prompt, use as you will.
This is how season 2 of metakitties would have ended!!! Barry couldn't feel his fingers, staring at the wall. Nyoom mewed softly, one long note of warning before leaping. He caught her on instinct, burying his hands in her long fur and ignoring the small shocks from the lightning that bristled off her.  
The message Zoom had left, blackened on the wall, was stark. 
He had Wally. He'd watched them all long enough to know Barry's weakness, and he'd finally made his move. 
"Barry," Joe said, grabbing him by the arm. "Barry. Breathe. We'll figure something out."
"Joe, he's too fast," Barry said, finally ripping his eyes away. He flinched. How had he not heard Eddie, Iris, Cisco all coming up the stairs? "He's too fast. I can't..."
"Then it's a good thing we have a better plan than 'run in circles a lot,' Cisco said. 
Barry looked at him. "We do?"
"Well, not yet," Cisco admitted. "But we'll come up with something." 
"We'll get him back," Eddie promised as Iris approached, slipping her arm through Barry's. Nyoom grumbled as she resettled herself. "Lets go back to STAR. We'll come up with something."
"I can call Caitlin," Cisco said. Barry knew she and Ronnie would get back to STAR labs as fast as they could, but what if it wasn't fast enough?
Joe nodded. "Good idea. Who else has one?"
"I....think I do," Iris said, looking at the rumpled sheets on Wally's bed where Moose was anxiously kneading one of his sweaters. "but we need Caitlin and Scrap. And we're going to need Eevee." 
That was enough to startle Barry fully. Eevee wasn't one of the STAR Labs cats. "Do you think Kenna will risk her like that?"
"Wally's counting on us," Iris said. "I'll convince them."
Wally stared across the interior of Star Labs, trying to blink his eyes back into focus. The flash stood two steps in front of his dad and sister, with Eddie and Caitlin and Cisco flanking them.  The Flash's mask was off. Something in Wally shouted that he should have guessed it was Barry, but fear still curled too tight around him, like Zoom's hand on the back of his neck. He was going to die. He'd thought, earlier, he was going to die in that cell, a chain looped around his wrist. 
"The Flash's speed," Zoom said again, satisfied with who was in the room and who was not. He'd ordered Caitlin to shut her cat, Scrap, out of the room, checked the others. They'd done so without hesitation. "Or I break him the way I broke you, Barry. This one doesn't have a healing factor like you. How long before he--"
"Enough," Barry interrupted, light eyes flecked with gold. "Fine. You can have my speed. Just don't hurt him."
Wally opened his mouth to protest. Didn't the Flash---didn't Barry know that the minute this guy had what he wanted, they were all dead anyways? He caught the look on Iris's face, saw the cat she was absently petting. Not Goldie. Moose. The black tabby that had chosen, for some reason, him. Moose's amber eyes were fixed on him, pupils wide, in the way that always made him look so silly. 
Barry clambered onto the treadmill, as Cisco adjusted the wires to Zoom's specifications. AS he started to run, Zoom leaned forward. Wally despaired. The window to escape was narrowing every second. Moose inched forwards, despite the lightning, one white paw at a time. Zoom paid him no heed, but Wally was suddenly grateful for the warm weight leaning against his ankles, the vibration of the purr pushing into him. 
The number on the treadmill display rose higher. Barry ran slower. 
A cat yowled.
It was like everything happened in slow motion. Cisco scooped up a fluffy brown cat Wally had  never seen before and launched her at Zoom. The cat sunk her claws into the fabric of Zoom's suit before pushing off, leaving blue lightning in her wake. Zoom's grip on Wally released as Moose's purr grew louder and louder, a sheen of golden energy circling boy and cat and pushing the monster back.
And from a ceiling tile dropped Scrap, falling only a few inches before she rippled and grew, the size of a bear, bigger, directly onto Zoom's head.  Wally ducked, Moose's shield coming with him, holding up the weight of the bear-cat until she shrank, leaving a gory mess of suit and blood and exposed bone, all that remained of Zoom.  the Tiny kitten licked one paw, and scampered away, leaving a trail of red pawprints. 
"Told you it would work," Iris said. "Wally, are you ok?"
"No?" he said. " I... the cats. The.. What?"
"It's a lot, " Eddie agreed, reaching out a hand and Moose, still purring, let the force field drop. With a shaking hand, Wally pet his cat until his dad dropped beside him in a hug.  
"Hey, uh, Question," said Cisco, looking slightly green at the sight of Zoom's pancaked corpse. " what happens to his speed, now? Eevee can't exactly give it back, so..."
"Kenna's going to kill us," Barry said, levering himself off the treadmill, waving a hand to check that his own speed was still there.
"Not in here," Cisco said as Fuzzwhump bared her tiny teeth at Barry, who apologized.
"I..I'm sorry," Wally said again, a little more loudly. "What?"
"Uh, long story short, superpowered cats, no, we don't know why or how, you're welcome for them saving you," Caitlin said, cuddling Scrap.  
Wind roared down the hallway, blue and gold lightning dancing as Nyoom and Eevee raced each other back into the main room. Eevee paused in front of Wally, looking at the mess behind him.
"Wait, no--" Joe started, but it was too late. Eevee, whiskers twitching, carefully bapped Wally's cheek, and blue lightning flared. 
When he blinked open his eyes, Moose was standing on his chest, rumbling a purr like thunder. 
"Good news and, uh, interesting-not-exactly-bad news," Caitlin said.  "Good news, you're fine." "Interesting news," Cisco said, "You're going to need a code name."
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ask-teamplayer · 2 years
Whats with scruffing eevees?
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CORA: I'm sure it's quite obvious, but if your system is refusing to educate you and you were never scruffed as a kit, I have no issues clarifying it to you. I do like rambling about useless, obvious nonsense! Though I'm quite sure I've been transparent about that.
CORA: Evolving out of eeveehood is a natural step of life for all of us, usually around this age actually. Even if you don't make any stone-relative decisions, there are still evolutions that you will grow into naturally, such as Umbreon, Espeon or Sylveon. It's better to make a deliberate choice instead of being scared into one.
CORA: Due to this, eevees have a lot of instincts specifically around kithood; as an example, they make a lot of vocalizations that we aren't capable of. Chirping, trilling, chuffing, purring, etc. This is usually meant to alert their parents when they're vulnerable or in need of touch, and gives "I'm helpless, please protect me" instincts to adults in their vicinity. Or even teenagers! People in or past puberty.
CORA: Granted, adults may still purr, but the instinct to only sets back in if you're assigned female at birth and have kits. Though to be clear, "please comfort me" and an actual comforting purr sound much different and have different responses.
CORA: Scruffing is a reflex eevees have where, when tugging or kneading at the back of their neck, it triggers... a submission reflex, I suppose? It instantly relaxes their muscles and mood, which helps rowdy kits nap when they get too riled up and such. Depending on how much you scruff them, you can put them out of lucidity for hours. There's a lot of discussion about the ethics of it. It's an extremely vulnerable position to put a child into.
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CORA: Personally, I believe while it may be alright for younger kids, as soon as a kit is able to understand why they're in the wrong for acting out, putting them under is plain irresponsible as a parent. I remember accidentally being put under for hours, and it was absolutely terrifying. My mother helped me through it, at least.
CORA: Imagine all of your thoughts being sluggish, and you can't move your limbs, and you're so relaxed it's horrifying. Anyone can do anything to you. You're completely helpless.
CORA: For a younger child, maybe a swift pull when they're destroying something or getting zoomies at twelve in the morning? Sure. But ethically I dislike the idea of scruffing older children, especially children who are just getting into their evolving years.
CORA: There are cases of eevees being unable to evolve even into adulthood, but that's not something I can speak on. I don't know how they feel about the scruffing reflex personally.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
I am madlad, I did it. I actually did it! My (second, actually) trainersona based on a fan game! I though about introducing them to you(as promised), so here they are ^^
Name: Their name is Wren, it means "bird"! Or "a small bird", I am not quite sure, different sites gave me, of course, different information. Also, I am a sucker for names with the meaning, I absolutely love them
Age: They are only 18, but they'll soon turn 19. Fun fact, they've never drank or smoked, despite their maturity. In that house they respect healthy lifestyle.
Home region: Tandor, of course! A unique region with unique Pokémons, unique Leaders and, most importantly, with three Nuclear Plants (well, actually, two? One of them suffered a literal nuclear meltdown.. Okay, I'll stop-).
Personality: They are not a very social person, so getting used to new people for them is quite difficult. Being not used to hustle and bustle also is not a pleasant bonus - time to time headaches caused by either noise, either crowds make their head slowly descend into madness, even though they are not that painful, just extremely annoying. And then, when they got used to everything (and new people), they become the "I am currently running on 6 hours of sleep, suicidal thoughts and an oreo, and I am ready to fight god or become him!!" vine. However, you can predict their actions, they are not that chaotic and won't try to figure out how much berries or golf balls could fit in their mouth or could they drink a gallon of chocolate milk without taking any breath. Simply, at first, they are shy, reserved, closed like a clam, and when they warm up, they become very active and quite chaotic.
Nuclear Gyarados named Leviathan. The most protective (and feral, despite cleansing) Pokémon of Wren. Despite his definitely not welcoming appearance, he acts like a loyal Stoutland to his trainer, ready to fight at her side. Although, he can act a little bit more stubborn when he is in particularly evil, sad or bored mood. Often used for traveling on water.
Gellin named Amor. The goofy happy buzzing thing that often follows them around, mainly at home. It happily troats over to them, nuzzling their cheeks, making bubbly noises, despite not having any sights of mouth (and despite being not that intelligent or empathetic). This Amoeba Pokémon clings to their back like a backpack, and that's partly the reason of their straight spine - this squishy guy weights almost 38.3 kg/84.4 Ibs.
Dramsama named Majesty. Verrry spoiled Pokémon, she was surrounded with affection and toys since Wren caught her and since she was a Masking. That made her personality a little bit bratty, mischievous (a bit malevolent, I might even say) with one soft spot for her human. She is also capable of being quite violent and jealous, when someone is trying to do something with her fluff/feathers, or her Trainer. To sum up - Bratty Pokémon with a soft spot that won't hesitate before flinging her opponents into the ground with a lot of vigor. When Majesty feels especially good, she tries to decorate Wren's hair with her feathers that had fallen out of her tail.
Duplicat named Omelpha (Omega + Alpha). Like a Ditto, but more cat-like. Copycat Pokémon can be often seen scuttling around the house, trying to kick things off the tables, screaming like they are being mauled, only to get pats on the head and a lot of berries in their bowl. This mon is one of the two on Wren's team that can disguise themselves as other Pokémon - Although, Omelpha does that more willingly than Majesty. And eagerly. Their favourite disguise is an Eevee or any eeveelution. But mostly they'll disguise themselves as a little cute Eevee that likes to playfully pounce on people and that purrs like a diesel engine.
Astronite named Drop. Overly curious Pokémon that tries to touch everything it wants and anyone who awoke interest in them. They once almost broke out of their Pokéball when they sensed some "strange aroma", which turned out to be Vespiquen's honey. After that Wren were running towards the streets faster than a Zebstrika that was struck by lightning. Astronite also can get fairy distracted from the battle when they see something exciting: most of the time those "exciting" things are Pokémons, gimmicks (Mega Evolutions, Z-Moves or Dyna/Gigantamax), rarely people. And if it is a human person, then they'll have a 1.7 meters tall Pokémon making cooing noises over them.
Chainite named Substitute. Wren received them through trading, that one trainer, gifted them this Pokémon with the stating that he is simply unable to take care of them because of personal problems. Substitute, at first, refused to come out of their Pokéball since they were not that trusting to any trainers. And Wren, of course. When they came out of their Pokéball, it took quite a lot of time for them to warm up to the new owner and stop biting them. And stop trying to tear every given toy. Substitute, however, still has those remnants of that behaviour, but they are slowly fading away as Chainite practically melts under Wren's touch.
Story/Bio: Wren were born in Vinovile town, always been surrounded by love and any kinds of affection. And then, Vinovile was covered in radiation that took a form of a thick green cloud with metal tasting. They, among other people, were evacuated by TRU, and now they were waiting in Legen town, alone. It was not hard, it was harder. They got separated from their parents in evacuation and they weren't able to find them for some days, or even week, they don't actually remember. But! They've found them! Yes, the family has reunited, but it wasn't clear when they'll be able to return to their home. And then, they asked their parents for a permission to travel to other regions, since they, despite loving their home, wanted to see other places. Aaaand, basically, that's how they ended up in Unova for now!
Facts: -They have a lot of tattoos of Legendary Pokémon of their region on the body. Aotius on the right leg, Mutios on the left one, Baitatao on the neck, Leviathao on the back, Krakanao on the lower back and, their personal favourite, Lanthan and Actan fighting on the chest. They are definitely not afraid of needles. -Piercings! Septum one and tongue one. That's all. Were on edge to do a nipple one, but the common sense took action and stopped them from doing that. -Once tried to evolve Corsola into Corsoreef while they were in Alola. Someone caught it on camera and now there are several meme videos where Wren violently shakes a toy in the Corsola's face. They ended up taking Pokémon with them, though. -They once were so nervous, that they punched someone in the gut at some point. That someone was Grimsley.. Still in Alola. However, they couldn't see his face since they ran off as fast as they can. -Not used to people seeing their tattoos, hence why they wear closed clothes. Like, they even can wear a mantle. In fact, they almost always wear a black mantle decorated with a radiation symbol on its back. -Can't properly pronounce "f", it comes out as "ph". Imagine their rage at any word with an "f" in it. -They often write random poems inspired by random things they've saw. However, they are way to shy to show them to anyone.
That's.. Probably all, at least for now. Their art is not ready yet, but I'll show it to you when it'll be ready! For now, I'll go. Have a nice day/evening!
-Dearly your reader, Victusordovitreus.
Yeah okay
Your oc is one of the coolest people ive ever seen
Ye like tattoos of legendaries? Hella
And their aura? So good
Their pokemon? Top tier I love each and every one of them I adore them I do
I don’t know much about the region their from, but it sounds super interesting!!! You have to tell me more when you can!! Please?
Ahh Wren and Ren sound the same yeah? Instant besties, to Ren at least, lolol
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kornstreifs-storys · 9 days
AoR, Forgotten Paths, 10
Did I die?, This was the first thought that came to Dunes mind as she came to. It was closely followed by pain all throughout her body. When she had died last time there hadn’t been any pain, so she was likely still alive. Next she tried to move her body, but the pain was to intense so she stopped. She listened it was quiet around, Did the fight end? she asked herself.
She tried opening her eyes next. It was difficult as she felt so tired, but in the end she managed. What she saw let the remaining blood in her body freeze up. Directly in front of her stood Flake shielding her from the hollow Absol that stood only a few meters further away. All the fur on his tiny body stood on end and all muscles seemed tense to the point of bursting. From his throat rumbled a surprisingly deep growl.
“Not a step forward!” he probably wanted to sound intimidating, but Dune could hear the fear in his voice and likely so did the Absol. The hollow grinned and stepped closer, Dune tried to get up but her legs refused to work. Only now did she notice the rather big puddle of blood she was laying in. That would explain why she was so cold, she thought, but at least she was conscious.
“Flake.” she whispered, her voice was almost non existent but he had heard her. He spun around and looked at her with wide eyes. “Mom,” he whispered back and Dune could hear his relive, “You’re okay.” She responded with a weak chuckle, “I wouldn’t go that far, but I think I’ll live” she replied. Her son pressed his head against her side and she could hear him purr.
But it seemed the Absol wasn’t willing to just be ignored, because now it rushed forward to give Dune and Flake the finishing blow. Dune tried to yell a warning but her voice was still to weak and when she tried to get up the pain rushed through her body again, so that she collapsed back to the ground. But being right next to her, Flake had noticed his Mothers movements and spun back around.
Dune could hear another growl leave her sons throat, but the Absol was already so close what could a Level 25 Eevee possibly hope to achieve against a hollow. But Flake was not about to die without a fight, as he blocked the Absols charge with protect. Dune could feel the Energy rush throughout his body as he readied his next attack. “Stay. Back!” he yelled, as a bunch of Stars formed in a Swarm around him.
Dune hadn’t known that he knew Swift, but as the attack triggered something seemed weird about it. She knew swift and the Stars launched by it normally had an almost pure white hue, but these Stars had unsettling black spots and they also jerked around their launch path instead of flying straight. They reminded Dune of the discoloration on Flakes head and they felt wrong somehow.
The Hollow tried to dodge, but as Swift never misses the attack just followed it’s movement and made contact regardless. And to Dunes and the Hollows surprise it had a massive Effect, she could see the shock in its eyes as the attack ripped right through it. Flake seemed just as surprised as the Absol was knocked back and before its body had time to hit the ground it faded into nothingness.
The attack flew onward to hit the remaining two Hollows as well, but as they had just seen their ally be one shot they blocked it with protect. The Ninetales growled and words came to Dunes mind again as it ‘spoke’, “What… How did you do that.” Dune watched carefully, she could see Flake shivering, but his voice sounded firm as he said, “And I’ll do it again, back off.”
Now Dune finally managed to get to her feet. She assessed the situation. Kuro and Kiara lay motionless only a few meters from her, Shooting Star lay a bit further in a small crater. The Ninetales had stood above him before it had shifted its attention to Flake. Dune still felt weak and her body was shaking all over, but she was determined to protect Flake from all further harm.
The Hollows got ready to strike, but before any of them could move an attack came down from the sky and cleaved the Machamp in half. Its body faded away in an instant and then an unknown Eevee-like Pokemon landed between Dune and Flake and the last Hollow. The newcomer fixated the Ninetales without saying a word and got ready to fight.
The strange shadow tendrils that seemed to indicate speech for the hollows formed on the Ninetales again and Dune received the following Words, “What in the shadows name is a Reaper doing here?!”
Start / previous / next Cover (Ch. 3)
Good news guys, Dune isn't dead. And Flake killed a Hollow, how did he manage that? Well that will remain a mistery for now, after all Flake himself doesn't know ho whe did that.
Well the fight draws to an end and so does this chapter. The next page will probably be the last for chapter 3, then we'll go on to chapter 4.
Stay tuned for that.
Check my DeviantArt
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surfacage · 6 years
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some pokemon lets go shitposting
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feralwaff1e · 2 years
Pokerus AU 6 of 6 Irida and Glaceon
So sorry this one took so long and that it’s… Not very fleshed out?` I caught strep throat and that is Not Fun. Either way this au as always belongs to @monsoon-of-art !! I hope y’all enjoy!
“Gaeric’s been trying to force feed me ice chips, Glaceon! Ice chips!” Irida exclaimed from inside the little tent, she looked back at Glaceon, “Can you believe him?!”
Irida was irritated and Glaceon had an idea of why that was. If she had the ability too, Glaceon would have been laughing at her human as she paced around. While it was concerning that ice was now sprouting wherever Irida was walking, it just made the whole scenario much funnier to Glaceon.
Glaceon could only chirp at her in acknowledgement. What else could she do? It seemed to do the trick though as Irida flopped down on her cot, patting the space next to her inviting Glaceon over.
As Glaceon made herself comfortable she couldn’t help but feel a little selfish. In a way, she did enjoy that Irida was changing. It was like she was a little Eevee pup again, and Glaceon didn’t need to worry about accidentally giving Irida frostbite.
“It’s not just Gaeric.” Irida stated, as she petGlaceon’s fur, “It’s everyone Glaceon… I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Glaceon pushed her head up against Irida’ s hand sympathetically, “I’m the clan leader and I can’t protect them from this. What good am I for then Glaceon?”
Glaceon could only purr sympathetically as Iridia kept on petting her. It was the least she could do for Irida. The poor pup was going through changes no one could understand. Everyone was affected by this disease differently, no one person was changing into the same pokemon.
“Thank you for being my one stable constant Glaceon.”
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slimy-vore-bog · 2 years
Show of Trust
NS/FW Shoo!
Guess who got a random burst of inspiration and wrote a story in half a day! Me, I did.
(the comic I've mentioned is finished btw, I just need a paper scanner... And there's one at my mom's place, I'd just need to go there to use it)
This is a rewrite of my fic titled "A Consuming Curiosity" which is almost a year old now! It will be a year old the 15th of July.
Don't have a lot to say, but this is a lot better written than the last one!
Context: This is based on a random story from when I was 16 and was a mix of size-shifters and pokémon.
Pokémon will not play a big part in this, but they are still there, because they would be more important for the whole story.
Minor but important changes from original TOH fic: No restrictions on pokémon
Note: I recently found out I'm selectively mute, and it will be briefly described, but not directly.
Also Amity is autistic, and if you argue I Will Bite You /hj
Word Count: 3.6k
Luz relaxed on a firm bed at the place her and her friends were staying.  They had finally gotten to a proper resting spot after weeks of camping and hiking in the wilderness.
It wasn’t that she didn’t find it fun, she wouldn’t be out there if she didn’t, but carrying camping gear everywhere was exhausting. And as much as she liked the rain, walking in it without waterproof clothes was a terrible experience. She had a raincoat, but it didn’t help much with her shoes or pants.
She yawned lazily and felt slightly unfocused. She reached down to pet her shiny luxio, Sunny, who was relaxing next to the bed. Sunny let out a quick purr, as she enjoyed getting pets and scratches.
Luz smiled wide. “D’aww, you’re so cute!” She squirmed around in her bed to face her, nuzzling her own face into the mane of the pokémon as she hugged her. “The cutest shiny luxio in the whole world!” She kissed the pokémon’s forehead, before she continued to pet her.
There was a hesitant knock on the door a second later. “Hey, Luz… can I come in?”
Luz blushed slightly at the sound of Amity’s voice. “Oh, uh… yes! Yeah, of course!” Luz flinched; that was not a cool way to say that. She swore in her head, before she tried to pull herself together when the door opened. “What’s up?” she tried to ask casually.
Amity’s face reddened slightly, before she looked away from Luz. “Well, I was thinking… Do you want to go on a walk? Just us two?”
Luz took a deep breath to calm herself. Friends could ask each other to go on walks one on one; it didn’t have to mean anything. “Sure, that sounds great!” She got Sunny back in her poké ball, before she hopped out of bed to get ready for the walk.
Once they were deeper out in the forest, Amity glanced at Luz unsurely. She was clearly about to say something, but she turned back around without a word.
Luz questioned the look, but didn’t ask about it. As curious as she was, if Amity didn’t want to talk about it, she wouldn’t pry. Her friend’s privacy was more important than her own nosiness. Luz focused on something else. “Sooo…” She didn’t actually know what to say, as she looked for something to talk about. “How is Aster doing?”
Amity’s eevee was a lot like Amity. He used to put on the same tough act Amity did, but now where she was showing her soft side more; so was he.
Amity glanced back with a raised eyebrow. “He’s doing good, why do you ask?”
Luz felt slightly embarrassed. “Well, uh… I think he’s cute, and I wanted to make sure he was doing good!” Maybe that was a bad start. She couldn’t find anything else to talk about, as she instead just messed with her hoodie strings while she did her best to forget her awkward question.
She nearly jumped when Amity addressed her a minute later. “What did you say?”
Amity stood at the edge of the path, gesturing with her head for Luz to follow. It looked like someone had been that way recently. Maybe the day before or that morning. “We’re going this way…” She hesitated another second. “And… I have something important to tell you, but it has to wait until we are farther away from here.”
Luz perked up, almost letting herself ask what, before she realized that would be a dumb thing to say. At least she had stopped herself from saying something stupid for once… She followed Amity closely, as her curiosity grew.
Amity seemed to know exactly where they were heading, and Luz was sure it was her who had left the marks of flattened vegetation and snapped twigs. “When did you go looking for this place?”
Amity tensed for a second. “Oh, uh… I went for a walk yesterday, when you were spending time with Willow and Gus.” Her voice quivered slightly, before a shiver ran through her and she began fidgeting with her hands. “Luz… How much do you trust me?”
Luz’s foot rolled on a large root. “Woah-” Amity caught her hand last second. “Thanks…” She smiled sheepishly, glancing at Amity to see if she seemed annoyed or amused. It was thankfully neither, as she only seemed to be worried. “What was the question?”
Amity shook her head, letting go of her hand. “It can wait…”
They walked for a bit longer, when they finally arrived at a treeless patch in the forest. “Here it is…” she turned back towards Luz; Amity’s expression seemed almost pleading. “Can I take a few seconds to feel ready?”
Luz nodded firmly. “Of course.” She watched Amity walk out into the field of unkempt grass, before she turned her head up against the sky and took a deep breath.
She mimicked Amity’s behavior without thinking, as she closed her eyes and felt the sun shine down on her face. After a second, she sighed and looked around the clearing. And on a second look; it was pretty beautiful.
Not in a usual sense, but in a natural sense. Nothing about it seemed like it was made by humans for the view. It was overgrown with thistles and the grass looked like it had not even felt steel brush against it… Yet the grass had gained a reddish-brown shade, and the thistles had bloomed with pretty pinkish-purple flowers. And there were specs of color by small flowers growing in between it all.
Luz’s heart felt soft at the sight and her eyes fell on Amity. ‘This place is kind of romantic…’ Her heart thumped at the thought she had. ‘Did Amity take me out here to confess?’ She shook her head to get the thought out as fast as she could. ‘Of course not! That would be too cheesy; Amity would never find this romantic…’
Amity finally spoke up again. “Luz… I don’t want to sound dramatic about this, but it’s really hard to get out.” Luz’s eyes widened with a mix of nerves and hope. “I can’t say it…” Amity’s eyes squeezed shut, as a few tears rolled down her cheeks and Luz rushed over to her.
“Amity, you don’t have to-” she began, but her friend shook her head.
“No, no, I need to, I can’t keep it secret…” She took another deep breath. “I’m a size-shifter.”
Luz took a startled step backwards, but didn’t do anything else. Footage of size-shifters swallowing people whole and alive immediately jumped to the front of her mind and her stomach churned at the thought. Her mouth hung open with unasked questions, as she tried to process what Amity said.
Both of them stared at each other, neither finding the words to ask or explain.
Luz spoke first. “I don’t understand.” The confusion in her voice was clear. “Am I missing something?” If Amity was a size-shifter and she viewed it as a bad thing, she had to be one of the people eaters, didn’t she? Yet Luz couldn’t believe it. “You’re… not going to eat me, right?”
Amity still didn’t say anything, and Luz took another step back as she continued to stare weirdly desperately at her. She mouthed something, but nothing more than a hushed whisper came out.
Luz realized what was wrong. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!” She knew exactly what was going on with Amity; she had been through that herself many times. “Do you want to sit down?” Amity shook her head the tiniest bit.
Luz waited patiently for Amity to calm down.
After a few minutes, Amity spoke. “Thank you…” She sat down, putting her head in her hands. “I don’t know where to begin…” She looked up at Luz, before realizing she had sat down next to her. “What do you want to know?”
Luz didn’t feel comfortable asking, but she couldn’t think of another question. “Well… The obvious, I guess…” She could at least try to be less blunt with her wording. ‘I could be sitting next to a murderer.’
Amity gave a short nod. “So… I know you’ve seen the reports, but… It’s not what it looks like-” She looked at Luz for a reaction, before continuing. “-I know it’s confusing and it’s hard to explain… I’ll try.” For a few seconds she thought it over. “I guess… it’s hard to put into words.” She looked at Luz. “Imagine… hugging someone you like as tightly as you can.”
Luz shifted uncomfortably. “Where’s this going?”
An intense blush spread across Amity’s face in embarrassment. “For size-shifters… We can swallow people safely, and that’s almost how doing that feels to us.”
It took Luz a few seconds to process, but it was as if something clicked when she did. “So you’re telling me that all this fear and hatred towards size-shifters is pointless?!” She sprung up on her feet and began to pace. “It shouldn’t matter if it’s kind of gross; it doesn’t mean you have to be treated this way!” Being judged for something you couldn’t help… That was a feeling Luz knew all too well. “You’re not even hurting anyone!”
Luz looked at Amity, seeing her shocked expression. For a second she worried she had said the wrong thing, but Amity smiled and got up to hug her tightly.
Luz felt a cold shiver run through her, despite her not wanting to be scared of Amity. If eating someone was like a hug then… Did Amity want to eat her?
Amity took a step back after Luz shivered. “What’s wrong?” She only took a second to figure it out. “Luz, it’s not the same exact feeling, it was a comparison.”
Luz let out a relieved laugh. “Oh thank Arceus! I thought it was for a moment!” She felt a bit nervous. “I don’t judge, but… I can’t really imagine I would like being eaten.” Her eyes fell on Amity’s stomach, and she suppressed the urge to shiver.
Amity seemed a little hesitant. “Uh… Would you let me hold you in my hands?”
Luz smiled awkwardly. “Only if you promise not to eat me,” she joked, though she was a little wary of her.
Amity smiled back. “I promise…” she paused, but didn’t think about whatever was on her mind long.
Luz felt a jolt of adrenaline rush through her, as she stared up at Amity. Luz shook her head to try and make sense of it, but it didn’t help much. Amity lowered her hand down, and Luz climbed up on it.
As they watched each other, Luz suddenly felt her face heating up. There was something about the look in Amity’s eyes that made her blush. She had just been looking at her, but it felt like it was a lot more than just curiosity. It was a soft and admiring look.
She felt Amity’s hand shift carefully, before she gently lifted Luz’s arm with her finger. Luz looked up at Amity, slightly confused, but she didn’t protest. Amity focused on her. “What do you think?”
Luz tried to reach for any good thoughts, but all that came to mind was… “You’re huge.”  Luz grimaced. “I mean- yeah, but uh…” she trailed off. “I like being held... at least by you.”
Amity licked her lips, before she smiled joyfully. “I like holding you too.” Her brow furrowed suddenly.
Luz didn’t take much notice of Amity licking her lips; it didn’t have to mean anything. But she was slightly concerned about her friend. “Something wrong?”
“Not… really?” replied Amity unsurely. It was clearly not the entire truth, but Luz didn’t have to prod. “It’s just… Are you… sure you don’t want to try being eaten?”
Luz got dizzy at the thought of Amity wanting to eat her. “Please don’t do that…”
Amity’s face fell into a sad frown. “I won’t…” She sighed. “I won’t do anything you’re not okay with.” Her expression turned from letdown to sincere. “I promise.”
Luz wasn’t sure what to think. It wasn’t more than the bare minimum of respect, but for some reason her tone made her feel like her feelings weren’t as one-sided. “Hey… Amity?”
Luz felt a nervous jolt in her chest. “I…” She had to pause for a moment. “I like you… As more than a friend.”
For a second Luz panicked that Amity was going to be upset when she put her down, but she turned back to her regular height. “Luz! Are you trying to make me want to swallow you?”
Luz sat up straight. “What? How- why would I do that?!”
Amity seemed slightly defeated. “It might not be the same as a hug, but it’s still a form of affection.” She blushed slightly. “Also… I don’t know how to say it, but I like you too.”
An awkward smile stretched across Luz’s face. “Well, I could have gotten that from what you said before…” Her stomach whirled with emotions, as she looked up at Amity. “What… What exactly do we do now? I mean… I haven’t dated before.”
Amity seemed just as unsure. “We’ll… figure it out?”
Both of them stared at each other without any words.
Luz thought about what Amity had asked earlier. Maybe she could… at least look at her mouth. “So… If I just wanted to have a look at your mouth, but not be eaten, would that be okay?”
Amity’s eyes lit up. “Oh, yeah!” She grew back to her giant height faster than Luz thought she could have.
Luz climbed up on her hand again. “You promise you won’t eat me unless I say you can?”
“Yes, I promise.” Her tone was sure, and it calmed Luz’s worries.
Amity lifted her hand to her face, before she opened her mouth wide.
Luz felt slightly uncomfortable at the sight. “Hold on, I need to take off my belt.” She grabbed the flashlight from it, before she took it off. “I don’t want to risk you swallowing any of these things.” Amity closed her mouth briefly, as she took the toolbelt and put it somewhere she could find it.
“Anything else?” Amity tilted her head slightly, and Luz shook her head in response. “Alright.”
Luz gulped, as she watched Amity open her mouth again.  She turned on her flashlight, before shining it into Amity’s mouth. To her surprise, it didn’t scare her as much as she thought it would.
She leaned a tad into her mouth, touching her tongue gently. It was soft and warm, but obviously also wet and slimy. She tried to move her hand away, but the tongue followed and licked against her arm. She immediately got cold feet. “Never mind, stop!”
Luz felt Amity blow out a sigh, but she listened and lifted her back out. “Want to go back now?”
Luz shook her head. “No… I’m not sure.” She looked at Amity’s lips. “Can you open your mouth again?”
Amity did as Luz asked, bringing her back to it.
Luz leaned in again, but a lot farther than last time. “Don’t eat me.” She took a deep breath to calm her nerves, before she climbed into her mouth. “You… You can close your mouth, but don’t swallow.” Her pulse thundered in her ears, as Amity’s mouth closed around her. ‘Calm down… it’s just Amity…’ Though she didn’t get to tell Amity to spit her out.
Amity let her back out into her hands. “Luz… Please tell me if you want to back down.”
But that wasn’t what she wanted. “I don’t think I want to.” There was… something about it. “I know I can trust you.” She looked at Amity’s throat, before her eyes drifted to her stomach. “So… I’ll let you swallow me.”
Amity didn’t move. “Only if you promise to let me know if it’s too much.”
Luz nodded, but Amity didn’t do anything. “I promise I will.”
Amity lifted her up to her mouth, before she tilted her head and hand to let Luz slide onto her tongue.
Luz squirmed, and Amity paused. “I’m fine!” she reassured her, and she felt the tongue under her moving.
Amity obviously tasted her, as she lapped and pushed against Luz’s body wherever she could find a bit of exposed skin. “Wait… Do I taste good?” She was suddenly pushed towards the front of Amity’s mouth as she hummed. “Oh, now you have to tell me what I taste like later!” She was pretty sure she didn’t taste like anything other than sweat, but Amity clearly had a different experience.
After a few minutes of being rolled around by Amity’s tongue, she was soaked and in a good position to swallow. Amity licked her one more time before she waited for Luz’s decision. “You can swallow.”
Amity didn’t wait another second, as her tongue immediately squished Luz down into her throat and she gulped noisily.
Luz felt a prickle of panic, as the esophagus grabbed tightly onto her and dragged her down slowly. She took a deep breath; there was no reason to panic. And she had a feeling her last chance to back out of this whole thing was when she gave Amity permission.
She felt Amity’s tongue move again, and she resisted the instinct to try to grab onto it, before her tongue shoved her down her throat.
She heard Amity swallow again and some more saliva joined her. She could feel and hear Amity’s heart beat to her left. It was calm enough that her own pulse was slowing down from her panic.
Luz let herself get squeezed down into Amity’s belly with no protests.
Her feet slipped through the opening of the stomach and it only took a second before the rest of her followed.
She listened to Amity’s body working, finding the thumping of her heart and the sound of her breathing sleep-inducing. She couldn’t hold in a yawn.
Luz perked up slightly. “What?”
Amity breathed out a sigh. “Just wanted to check on you… How does it feel to be in there?”
Luz couldn’t help the blush that spread across her face. “Oh uh… It’s really nice… and relaxing. Could I… maybe take a nap? Just a short one?”
Amity chuckled slightly. “Go ahead.”
Luz closed her eyes, falling asleep in a few minutes.
Amity sat still, in awe of what had happened. Luz had told her she liked her, she accepted her being a size-shifter, she was willing to let herself be eaten AND she liked it. Amity was pretty sure it had to be a dream, but the feeling of Luz sleeping in her stomach was too real. She hugged her belly tightly, feeling happier than she had maybe ever felt.
She wished she could keep her even closer, but this was as close as she could get. Luz was completely hidden away from everything, and it was all because of her body. She would keep Luz safe in whatever way she could, and nothing could keep her more hidden than having her inside her belly.
Amity gently shifted to lie down, hoping she wasn’t jostling Luz, as she stared up at the clouds.
She licked her lips, still tasting a hint of sweetness from Luz. She rested her hand over her belly, as she thought of her. The taste was hard to describe as anything other than sugary and sweet, but she liked it. Maybe something like very sweet marshmallows. Amity compared the thought with the taste in her mouth, and it seemed to fit.
‘Marshmallow…’ She tried the thought out as a possible teasing nickname, but it didn’t seem to fit Luz well. It sounded better fit for a chubby person.
She relaxed and watched the sky, until Luz woke up.
Luz woke up from her short nap, slightly disoriented. She was wet and it was dark… After a minute of thought she remembered where she had fallen asleep. She stretched, not feeling much like coming out of Amity’s stomach. “Hey Amity, how long did I sleep for?”
Amity’s heartbeat sped up slightly. “Oh, uh… Maybe half an hour? Not too long, did you sleep well?”
Luz thought about it. “Kind of? It’s really soft in here, but... I didn’t sleep for long.”
“Do you want me to let you out?”
“Eh…” Luz considered it again. “Not really, but I can’t stay in here forever.”
The stomach constricted around her, as she was quickly forced back out of Amity’s body.
She slid into Amity’s hands, before she felt her tongue drag across her. “Wha- Ugh! AMITY!” she spluttered. “Gross, I was just in your stomach!”
Amity smiled sheepishly. “It wasn’t for the taste, Luz; you’re a lot slimier than before.”
Luz snorted in amusement. “And you decided licking it off was the best way to deal with it?”
Amity rolled her eyes. “If you keep being snarky, I might just eat you again,” she teased.
Luz grinned. “Oh? Is that meant to be a threat? I could use another nap.”
After they finished goofing around, Amity offered her sleeve. “Dry yourself off as much as you can.” She looked a bit unsure. “If anyone asks, just don’t tell them what happened.”
Luz nodded, and did her best at getting the slime off herself and her clothes.
When Luz couldn’t get any drier, Amity gave Luz her toolbelt and turned back to her usual height.
They looked into each other’s eyes, hesitant to speak.
“So… what did I taste like?” Amity snorted out a laugh at the unexpected question. “Extremely sweet marshmallows.”
And that's the end! I really hope you enjoyed, reblogs and likes are always appreciated!
Thanks for reading and have a fantastic day/night! <3
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smartguy18 · 3 years
Seeing those OC profiles for the Dakota Island on @prof-peach blog, I’ll jump in the scene as well ✌️
 Meet Zakaria!
·         Hailed from Southeast Asia, this 23-year-old person always wanted to do something that is beyond his comfort zone. As soon as he saw an ad about being a volunteer on the Dakota Island, he immediately signed himself up and departed to the island three days later.
·         Upon arrival, he was greeted by the professor herself. But she didn’t actually have a specific job to offer just yet, but Grey heard this commotion and offered the job to him instead, asking him to help him out at the workshop. Peach actually cool with it as Grey may need extra hand.
·         Today, he is an “Aspiring Assistant” (gave himself the title, much to Grey’s disapproval), helping on various day-to-day task, handyman work, repairing things, you get the idea… Critical thinker, hard worker, analyst and also able to work under pressure. Sometimes he’ll find a way to laze around, often lost in thoughts… Oh, and he is not a morning person either, Grey actually disapprove this as he usually wakes very early to restock the feeders for Pokemon and he really need his help to finish it faster.
·         He currently have three Pokémon that he brought along, Zaid the Dewott, Atam the Umbreon and Malik the Emolga.
·         Zaid has been his starter Pokémon since he’s started out as a trainer years ago. Decided to not evolve further for ‘personal reason’, he’s quite sensitive to that topic… (only Zakaria knows the exact reason) Other than that, he’s a loving Pokémon, always help Zakaria on all occasions and good with younglings. A bit of show off due to his nature, sometimes carried away if left unattended 😆
·         Atam was his pet for quite sometime as an Eevee, then evolved into an Umbreon while exploring during his trainer’s days. He’s a fine gentleman, always calm and gentle, but rubbing his belly is a big no-no. He chooses on who is acceptable to pet him. If yes, he’ll start nuzzles on you. Prof. Peach have a hard time to earn her own “petting license” from him, but he’ll warmed up to her, eventually… Great scouter, useful for detect any dangers, alert to sounds and very, very.. uhhh, ‘clown-ish’ for a Dark type Pokémon. Have feline instinct and character, also purrs loudly 😆
·         Malik was an unofficial Pokémon, mainly because he’s attracted to bird feeder that Zakaria’s built a year ago. After seeing this squirrel kept emptying the feeder, he changed the location and added some securities. But alas, somehow figured it out how to fish out the treats. Decided to keep him afterwards… A bit of oddball, extremely cheeky😆, very smart and affectionate to others (if food is offered afterwards…) Malik often hang out at Zakaria’s shoulder, sometimes at Grey’s head, thinking that it is a cosy ‘nest’. Self-proclaimed ‘Speedster’ claimed to be the fastest Emolga alive (yeah right XD). Always assists Atam when scouting the area, when he spots a potential danger, he’d warn Atam first before head back to Zakaria.
·         Grey actually glad that he have extra pair of hands as he can concentrate on other harder task. He usually gave mundane or daily task to him while he handle the rest. Their biggest achievement is when they both built an automatic watering system for Pokémon and the crops using the windmill as a generator. Took 6 months to complete and they were proud of it
 So that’s it for my OC for the Dakota Island volunteers. I hope you’ll like it!
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askthejourneysgang · 2 years
If you ever have space issues for your Pokémon, then you can borrow my Mightyena Shade. She knows Secret Power so she can just open a small pocket dimension for you to have some room. Shade was on my league challenge team and she’s gotten really good at making these pocket dimensions. They can simulate weather conditions, heck I’ve grown berries in them.
You might get contacted in the next few days by the Association of Region Starters Distribution. The fact you have two female starters tends to catch their general interest. All they’ll want to talk to you about is if your starters were possibly paired up and interested in starting families. People from ARSD will respect if a starter wants to focus on battling.
There’s some Pikachu who can pull off unique moves when they wear costumes. One “Cosplay Pikachu” has a special black heart marking on her tail. Maybe the people who work as their costume designers could give some tips on any possible outfits for Eevee.
Goh: Oh good, if I can do that, I might not have to put my newer pokémon in PCs... I was getting worried 😔
Ash: Is that how they get new starters for starting trainers? Huh.
I don't know if my female starters would work, though. Snivy is really distant and Bayleef... isn't interested in other pokémon, for some reason? But I could give them Oshawott! He's like a tiny Brock
Chloe: Bizarre... do they just magically learn new moves just by putting on new outfits? I wonder if that'd work with my Eevee, since it seems physically no different than a regular female Eevee.
Ah, even if it doesn't learn new moves, I bet Eevee would still like to wear some nice new costumes! Wouldn't you, girl?
Eevee: (purrs happily)
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
(( Soooo Pokemon AU? Idk if you’re a fan of Pokemon but given all the cool snippets and stuff you’ve written I figured I’d return the favour in a way and write this and submit it to you! I included some notes at the end! ))
– Unstable Genes –
Billy knew Steve would have a preppy, rich boy Pokemon. He just knew it. Granted he expected it to be something more powerful and less, cute.
The Eevee was always at Harrington’s side, matching brown doe-eyes observing the school. It didn’t shy from the larger Pokemon that approached it, nor did it act sickeningly sweet. It stood it’s ground, head held high, matching Steve’s general disinterest in the bustle of the school or the gossip around it. It was so weird to see such a small ball of fluff regard bigger, tougher Pokemon with such little concern. Billy didn’t know a lot about Eevees but he knew Steves was… off. For one thing, the aloofness. For another, it was (apparently) strong as fuck according to Tommy and half the school. Tommy in particular wouldn’t shut up about the battles the little Eevee had won, helping to secure old King Steve’s crown before he lost it. The other thing was that it hadn’t evolved, despite Steve apparently having it since he was ten.
Billy knew an Eevee’s DNA was extremely fucked. They evolved if you so much as looked at them funny. Buy some expensive stone and shove it in your Eevee’s face? it’ll evolve. Take them aboard to some fancy place and rub it on a stone in a specific place? It’ll evolve. Give it a ton of cake and pet it a bunch? It’ll evolve. It’s not hard to get those things if you can afford the Eevee in the first place. There were no wild Eevee’s anywhere; they were all from breeders and cost far more than anyone should pay for a Pokemon, so if you could afford the Eevee, you’d evolve it. If you weren’t keeping it for a pet.
It just made Billy all the more curious. Curious about the once King Steve and his un-evolved Eevee. And Klaus - his Luxio, the only Pokemon he had managed to keep from Cali - was equally curious. It wanted a decent fight. It saw the little Eevee, heard the stories, and licked it’s teeth, eyes gleaming. Klaus always looked for that Eevee, always trying to catch it’s gaze, caught between growling for it’s attention and purring, letting eelctricity crackle in it’s fur with every step. Billy couldn’t blame Klaus. He saw Steve and ached for the fight. To see his eyes focus on them and them alone, take charge of the battle, hear him issue commands to that Eevee. To get Steve’s skin under his fists, under his hands, to scratch, to grip, to grapple. To feel him sweat and bleed. To press him down with his body.
Then came the Night. Billy got to face King Steve, staring him down after being sent on a bullshit mission to find Max. He’d wanted this for so long but not like this. Not when it was backed up with the shit from his old man. Not when he saw Max peered from the window. Not when Steve fucking lied to his face about his sister being there with a bunch of weird boys. Klaus snarled, and Steve’s little Eevee puffed up, digging kitten claws into the earth.
It was criminal Billy couldn’t remember the fight that followed, thanks to the drugs Max had shot into him (that shit was crystal clear - the rest of the tape, the good shit, was covered in static and fuzz). He remembered throwing a punch. He remembered getting punched back. He remembered smashing a plate. He remembered feeling a pair of canines sink into his ankle as the little furball bit him, evading his attempts to kick it off. He remembered Klaus lunging, electricity crackling in his teeth as he lunged at the Eevee. And then, jackshit. But he saw the results of it the next day.
Steve was bruised, deep purple splotches darkening as his body worked to recover. On his pale skin they were beautiful, vivid proof that Billy had gotten his hands on King Steve and left a mark. Steve glanced over and for a moment, their eyes met. Billy didn’t look away. Steve didn’t either. Billy resisted the urge to lick his teeth. To make it another challenge. It was when his Luxio gave a deep, rumbling noise beside him, caught between a growl and a purr, that Billy turned, following his Luxio’s gaze to the Pokemon at Steve’s side. Billy wanted to punch something. Steve’s Eevee was no longer an Eevee. Steve’s Eevee had evolved, during or just after their fight, and he couldn’t remember it.
Billy didn’t know a lot about Eevee’s aside from them evolving at the drop of a hat. He didn’t know what it was, but it was not a preppy little furball anymore. It’s fur was sleek and black, with yellow rings on it’s legs and forehead, matched by bands around it’s ears and tail. The doe-like, black eyes were gone, replaced by knowing, red eyes. It looked directly at Billy. For an eternity, Billy stared at it as it watched him. The yellow rings glowed and dimmed in a hypnotic pulse rhythm. Yellow on black, like every caution and warning sign Billy had seen. Finally, it turned, following Steve down the hallway.
It didn’t take long to find a book on Eevees in the library, to find out what the hell Harrington’s Eevee had become. He found the page with a picture of the Pokemon, reading through it and freezing, ignoring the dirty look from the libraian as Klaus stood on his hind legs to look at the book, as if he could fucking read (Really, he was just staring at the picture).
“Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon. A well trained Eevee with a strong bond to it’s trainer can evolve into an Umbreon under the influence of the Moon.
A nocturnal hunter, it blends in with darkness by dimming the markings on it’s body. When excited and ready to strike, the markings shine brightly, startling it’s prey. It’s possible that it uses the glow of it’s markings to communicate with others… Not much is known about this Pokemon; Umbreons (and Espeons; see page 196) are unknown in the wild, and few trainers evolve their Eevees this way. Most cite that it is easier to evolve their Eevees through other means and train them appropriately according to how they evolve, rather than spend the time to attain these forms and then hone their training. Fewer still are willing donate their Pokemon for research on this elusive species…”
Billy looked down at Klaus, snapping the book shut. He knew Max had told him to stay away from her little weirdo friends. Which apparently included Steve. Which was still extremely fucking weird. But he wanted to know. He wanted to know what the fuck happened that night. Why Steve was there. What the fuck Max and those kids were doing. How Steve’s Eevee had evolved from some little bundle of fluff into a literal Pokemon of the night. “Klaus. We got some training to do.”
(( Steve’s Pokemon is an Eevee! It’s a rare Pokemon; in earlier games it couldn���t be found in the wild at all, and you’d only get one given to you. They can evolve into a total of eight different Pokemon, depending on what method you use, and each evolved Pokemon is a different type with different stats and abilities. So it’s very popular! It feels like the kind of thing Steve’s parents would give him and think “yep, we’re good parents, back to work/never being at home”. And given how listless Steve generally is, he wouldn’t have decided how to evolve it. Until it evolves in response to…well, the everything happening! Steve’s evolved into an Umbreon, a dark type, which has high defensive stats. Eevee evolves into Umbreon when it had a strong bond with it’s trainer and levels up at night-time - I feel like the events of Stranger Things would cause Steve to develop a very real bond with it and cause the evolution. And I can’t decide what he would name it or if it would be a boy or a girl (girls are much rarer than males - it’s like a 1/8 chance of obtaining a female Eevee).
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Billy’s Pokemon is a Luxio! It’s essentially a teenage lion, and an electric type. They’re not super rare but they look extremely rad and channel electricity into their claws/fangs when they attack! They also develop the ability to see through walls when their eyes gleam a golden colour, which they use to trakc prey or lost cubs of theirs… It evolves from a Shinx (a cub basically) and then evolves into a Luxray (the adult lion). It feels very Billy to me! I imagine he had another pokemon that was a water type/fish, so he had to leave them in the sea when he ended up going to Hawkins. I also took the name Klaus from the lead singer of the Scorpions cos I am not that good at coming up with names.
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God this ended up being massive, I completely understand if you don’t post this. I don’t really know how to sign this off cos this is literally my first contribution to the Harringrove fandom despite lurking for a while. But again, thank you for all the stuff you write! I hope that even if you don’t like Pokemon, this makes ya smile. I guess I should leave a name or something, URM
- that guy who made the stupidly long Pokemon AU submission
I LOVE pokemon this is so fucking good. I’ve definitely thought about Steve having an Eevee before, and I love it evolving That Night, especially into Umbreon, that’s so GOOD and POWERFUL. I also love the idea of Steve with Mimikyu for,,,, angst reasons. And I love Billy with Luxio. I totally see him with electric or fire types because he would really like the strength and energy those types bring. I’ve thought about him with Cubone (also for angst reasons), or even Growlithe/Arcanine mostly bc I’m more familiar with gen 1 and 2. Seriously, I love this SO MUCH and if you ever wanna write more 👀👀 I would LOVE to read it.
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Chronicles of Galar - Prologue 1: Taiko Hirebayashi
Some Info beforehand. This is going a pretty long fic with several chapters. But the chapters are somewhat different than normal fanfictions. Because they are just in chronological order but some of them are not actually connected to each other and some may have a greater timeskip than others. Imagine it like a readable diary of your adventures with just the mention worthy adventures added. But be careful, because this story is like a HELL OF A TOOTHROTTING-FLUFF fic. The main pairing is of course You x Leon. A side Pairing is Taiko(OC) x Raihan and a mentioned Pairing is Leiko(OC) x Piers Although, you won’t have to deal much with Leiko. But Taiko will get a bigger role since she becomes your best friend. Oh and if you wanna look for the Fic and it’s parts, make sure to follow the tag: Chronicles of Galar. Now enough Chatting, here is the introduction of the first character: My lovely tsun Taiko! And don’t forget: This is NOT proof read. English is NOT my first language. So please be gentle with mistakes.
[Prologue: Taiko Hirebayashi]
[9 years before  the timeline in sword / shield]
“Taiko, honey. Don't run too far away from the camp. The wild area is teeming with Pokemon. ”, a woman, around her late 20s to early 30s with purple hair that was tied in a pigtail, spoke in a warning tone. She wore glasses and petted a Flareon, her loyal partner Pokemon. "Yes, mommy.", a 9-year old girl with fiery red hair replied cheekily. "And stop using this word, please. Did you learn that here in Galar? Please just call me mother. ”, she corrected her daughter. Ever since the holiday in Galar began, the child seemed to have increasingly adopted the linguistic peculiarities of the inhabitants of this region. "Okay, mother.", Taiko muttered and rolled her eyes in slight annoyance. She didn't thought it was that bad, because she loved everything in Galar. Much more than at her home in Ecruteak City, in Johto. Her mother was one of the dancing geishas at Ho-Oh's temple, which was why Taiko was promised an Eevee for her 10th birthday as a starter Pokemon. Like all geishas, ​​she should learn the art of meditation dance one day, in order to command the awe of the holy phoenix pokemon. But now they were here, in Galar, enjoying a few days of vacation.
Taiko quickly got bored, however. In her tent, she started to felt shut in. Her toys were only entertaining for a short period of time. She wanted to explore the wild area and see Pokemon! No matter how much her mother told her not to.
The young redhead sneaked out of the tent, while her parents were talking to an employee of the Pokemon Rangers, because a wild Dynamax Pokemon attacked the Lake of outrage nearby. Therefore, a warning was issued to all traveling coaches and tourists to stay away from this lake in any case.
If that didn't sound like an adventure ..
Without even thinking about it, the girl simply ran through the wild area. Lake of outrage was relatively in the middle of the area and her parents' camp was quite far to the south, at a popular campground for out-of-towners. Because there were only weak Pokemon running around, which did not pose any danger to hikers.
So Taiko just had to walk south, right? ... But she didn't knew where the south was.
The extroverted redhead remembered her days in the scouts camp, which had taken place near Cianwood City. She remembered that moss grows  on the northern side of trees because they are often in the shade due to the rays of the sun on the other side and the moss can spread there. So Taiko examined the surrounding trees and based on the position of the moss, she quickly knew where north was. She nodded proudly and then strutted north, full of energy.
Meanwhile in another part of the wild area.
“Pokeball, go!” an 11 year old boy with dark skin, casual clothes and a red headband that hid most of his hair, shouted. The pokeball hit a small, white spherical pokemon, which was vaguely reminiscent of a slug. The dragon pokemon Goomy. The ball wobbled three times before stopping and trapping the Pokemon. "YES!" the boy smirked and put himself in a victory pose, which, of course, nobody could see because he was alone. Shortly afterwards, he took his Rotom smartphone out of his pocket and took a picture of himself and his latest catch. Then he opened a social media page that was similar to Facebook.
'Look, I caught a Goomy! The dragon tamer Raihan has struck again! : D Soon nobody can stop me, so take a good look @Leon! I will be champion before you!'
With a grin, Raihan tapped 'Publish' and waited for the many likes from his friends and “fans”, as he liked to call his followers. It took less than 5 minutes before his best friend and rival had already made a like and comment.
'Wow, congratulations @Raihan! This Pokemon is totally rare! Unfortunately I haven't seen one yet. But don't be too early! Who will be champion first is still to be decided! '
Raihan grinned and replied, in his cheeky way. 'You have to find the stadium for our decisive fight first! XD I have enough time to train my Pokemon. '
The young man put his smartphone back in his pocket, he knew that Leon never accepted his provocations and therefore it was a waste of time to wait for an answer. “Come on, Vibrava. Let's see if we can find more cool Pokemon! ”He said to his partner Pokemon. The green, dragonfly-like Pokemon nodded eagerly and flew over the area, while Raihan grinned and followed his companion. He just loved looking for Pokemon in the wild area.
Back to Taiko. The young redhead was already regretting her spontaneous ideas and had to admit: she was lost.
This part of the wild area was so heavily overgrown by dense forest that hardly any sunlight penetrated through the thicket and consequently the moss grew on all sides of the trees. So it was impossible for her to determine in which direction she had to go.
"...MUM? DAD? DO YOU HEAR ME? ”And then she gave up and called desperately for her parents. Why the hell was she always so .. stubborn and had to give in to her curiosity?
The girl fell on her knees and began to cry. She was just too spontaneous and didn't think about the consequences. Now she was here in an unknown area, far away from her parents and who knows what else was lurking in the dark thicket?
A bush near her began to jiggle and that frightened the little girl. She stopped her emotional outburst and looked frightened at the bush. She crawled a few feet back from her almost sitting position and shivered as the rustling increased. Taiko swallowed lightly, trying not to make a sound to attract the attention of this unknown creature in the bush.
Suddenly a small, white rabbit pokemon rolled out with some somersaults. It had a kind of red fur in the shape of a plaster on its nose and its long ears wiggled and twitched as it straightened up and looked around. Taiko looked at the little Pokemon, which noticed her now too. It looked back. Neither of them moved for a few moments until Taiko blinked several times.
"How cute ..", she beamed and crawled forward on all fours. The little Pokemon stopped and tilted its head slightly as it watched the humans movements. "Scor? Scorbunny!" the little creature said. Taiko knew that Pokemon could only say their name, so now she knew the species. So that was a Scorbunny! She had never seen it before. Was it a regional Pokemon from Galar?
"Mmm, I think I have some candy somewhere …" the redhead mumbled. At least the situation calmed her down enough to forget about her outbreak minutes before ... She searched her pockets and actually found some fruit gums made from red haban berries. A very sweet type of berry that was perfect for sweets. Taiko smiled and offered the Pokemon some fruit gums. "Little one? You're are hungry, aren't you? ”She asked.
Scorbunny bounced closer and sniffed the girl's hand. Probably a first approach as to whether it could trust the person. As it took a fruit gum on its paws, it sniffed the gelatine again and stuffed it into its mouth. Taiko giggled as the Scorbunny gleefully chewed the fruit gum and then happily hopped up. "Scor! Scor Scor Bun?"
Taiko didn't knew what the Pokemon was trying to tell her, but from it's hopping around and staring at the fruit gums, it was obvious. It wanted more candy. The redhead smiled and gave Scorbunny a few more fruit gums. This time the Pokemon was braver and patted Taiko's hand with its paws before pounding on the fruit gums. Taiko had to laugh gently when Scorbunny let 5 fruit gums disappear into it's mouth at once and chewed contentedly. "You remind me of me." Taiko giggled.
Scorbunny finished snacking and as a token of gratitude, leaned it with its head on her arm and cuddled up to her. Taiko blinked slightly in surprise. Who could have guessed that wild Pokémon would approach humans so quickly? So obviously love goes through the stomach. Taiko smiled again and ruffled Scorbunnys fur behind it's ears. The Pokemon let out a satisfied purr and closed its eyes.
After a while, the Pokemon hopped onto her lap. This action surprised Taiko and she put both hands around the Pokemon. "It's so trusting .. it definitely belongs to someone ..", the redhead sighed, disappointed. She would have liked to keep the Scorbunny to herself. The two lingered like this for a few minutes until Taiko noticed that she was still in a quandary. She still didn't know how to get back to her parents. And the Pokemon was certainly not a sign back.
Slowly, the girl got up and let Scorbunny on the floor. “Go, your trainer is probably already worried about you.“ Taiko smiled and gave it a few last fruit gums before she continued on her way.
For the next 10 minutes she already missed Scorbunny .. She sighed softly to herself and stopped to lean against a tree. "Scorbunny ..." Taiko's eyes widened when she heard the Pokemon's call and turned around. Scorbunny was a few meters away from her. Taiko didn't even think for a second that it might be another Pokemon. It MUST be the same ..
When the Pokemon saw the girl kneel down, it ran into her arms and snuggled against the redhead's chest. Taiko straightened up and hugged the Pokemon. "You probably missed me too ..?", She asked and as if Scorbunny wanted to answer, it's nose nudged her fist when she raised her hand in front of it. Taiko smiled. "Then let's find a way back together." Scorbunny nodded and climbed onto her shoulder, where it made itself comfortable.
Taiko went on for a while, she didn't know how long, but it was already getting dark. Her parents were probably worried ... Then suddenly a huge lake was before her. Scorbunny sniffed the new surroundings and then tensed up with a menacing growl. The redhead swallowed at this cautious behavior. "The Lake of Outrage ...", she realized then. She wanted to run in the other direction when suddenly a giant Pangoro blocked her way. Apparently she had invaded it's territory because it looked angry. And aggressive.
The redhead stepped back, startled, and tripped over a thick branch. She fell on her bum and held her aching foot after she fell on it with her weight and cried out in pain. Pangoro seemed angry at the noise and stepped closer. It's dangerous threatening gesture made the girl's blood run cold. Scorbunny growled loudly and jumped in front of the girl as if it wanted to fight Pangoro.
"No..! This is an evolved Pokemon ...! It's too strong .. ” Taiko warned, but Scorbunny tried to attack with a double kick and jumped on the evolved Panda Pokemon. Pangoro held up Scorbunnys leg with one paw and tossed it back so that it landed in the mud next to the girl. "Scorbunny!" Taiko shouted distraught and took Scorbunny in her arms when Pangoro came closer and raised his paw for a blow. The redhead closed her eyes tightly and tears ran down her cheeks. "I don't want to die yet ..."
"Vibrava, dragon rush!", a boy's voice penetrated her ears and Taiko looked up when something enveloped in a blue aura slammed into the menacing Panda Pokemon from above in full speed. Pangoro was staggered by the recoil and  Raihan jumped in front of Taiko, ordering his Vibrava to make further attacks. "Super power, now!"Raihan ordered, causing Vibrava to launch a wave of attacks on the Pangoro. The fighting Pokemon appeared to be extremely robust and put up with all attacks. "Damn it, well then we have no other choice. Vibrava, use sandstorm! "Raihan shouted. Then he turned to the girl behind him. "Cover your mouth and nose!"
Taiko nodded and pushed the scarf, that her mother had given her over, half over her face. Vibrava created a dense sandstorm that made the entire area so opaque that you couldn't see anything. It was only when Taiko felt someone put a hand on her shoulder that she recognized the outlines of the boy, who helped her. "Let's get out of here before the storm subsides," he said. Taiko tried to get up, but a strong pain in her leg made her fall back to the ground.
"Ouch .."
"Hey, are you okay?" Raihan asked, holding her to keep her from falling again.
"I must have broken my leg when I tripped earlier .. I can't step .." the redhead sighed in frustration. Raihan blinked for a moment and saw his Vibrava land on his shoulder. He knew the sandstorm wouldn't hold up the enemy Pokemon much longer. An idea occurred to him without further ado and he turned his back on the girl while he knelt down. “Climb on my back. I'll carry you. ", He said.
"T-I can't ask that of you ..", Taiko mumbled and shook her head vigorously.
“Come on, my tent is not far from here and the storm won't hold back Pangogo for long. We have to get out of here. ”, the young trainer explained and Taiko probably had no other choice. She sighed and climbed onto his back, the Scorbunny clinging on her shirt and holding onto her as the boy carried her away from the lake.
It really didn't take long, a maximum of 10 minutes, until the boy reached his tent and gently laid the young girl on his sleeping bag.
"Here we are. Uhm. What's your name anyway? ”The boy then asked with a smile.
"T-Taiko and what's your name?"
"Raihan. Are you a Gym Challenger too? " Raihan asked and saw how the Scorbunny had snuggled up with her and was sleeping. The redhead shook her head. “I'm not from here and I'm only 9 .. My parents and I are only here for vacation. I live in Johto. “, She then explained.
“Then why were you alone at Lake of outrage? It's not an approved campsite at all. On the contrary, it is strictly forbidden for travelers to enter here.“
"Uhm .. well .. I was curious because I was bored in the tent and .. then I somehow got lost ..", the redhead explained, embarrassed, and tugged on a strand of red hair. Raihan just looked at her before he laughed. This reaction offended Taiko now that she thought he was making fun of her situation.
"Hey, that's not funny, I was really scared!" She said with a pout and turned away with slightly flushed cheeks. Raihan wiped a tear of laughter from his face and grinned slightly before winking at her. "Sorry, I didn't laugh at you. Just .. I've done so much nonsense too. When I was 5, my father was camping here with me too and I saw a Trapinch and followed it to Lake of outrage too. My father had to save me from a wild Gyarados in the water. And I was just thinking that I was having a deja vu when I saved you, ”he admitted with a laugh.
Taiko blinked slightly.
"Uhm ..", she just wasn't quite sure what to say to that. "Thank you for the rescue ..", she said quietly, but still slightly offended, and turned her head away from him.
"You are welcome. But let's take care of your leg first. ", Raihan said and got a first aid kit from the corner of his stuff. Taiko lingered as quiet as a mouse, a rarity with her otherwise extroverted personality, when Raihan exposed the leg by lifting her pants up the affected leg and pulling down her socks to inspect the damage. “That looks bad. No wonder you can't walk. ", He said and took a rag that he moistened with a kind of disinfectant spray. "That could burn a bit now," he warned her.
The redhead bit her lip and squeaked softly as he placed the rag on the wound on her leg. Raihan smiled and praised her for how bravely she got through this action. She even had to laugh a little when he confessed that he had screamed like crazy when he was injured and his father wanted to treat him with the stuff too. She didn't know why, but somehow Taiko didn't feel so helpless anymore.
She watched spellbound as he expertly cleaned the wound and treated it with a bandage. "You don't seem to be doing this for the first time," she said then. Raihan blinked and then looked up at her as he kneeled in front of her to put his foot on his lap.
"Yeah. I have a clumsy best friend. His injury rate is pretty high when he's got lost. I don't even know how often I've been bandaged his falls and grazes. ", Raihan said thoughtfully and Taiko giggled. “Sounds like me. I am also at risk of injury. A miracle it was only the leg. ", She sighed. Raihan smiled and put her leg down again.
“You would certainly get along well. He exudes the same positive energy as you. ", Raihan said, whereupon Taiko went a little red in the face. However, she didn't know why. "I exude positive energy?" She asked.
"Sure, of course. You can see that just by how Scorbunny has taken you to its heart! I thought to myself that it wasn't yours when you said you were only 9 and not from here. So it's a wild Pokemon, but it behaves like you've been training it for years. ", The boy remarked, whereupon the girl's cheeks turned even darker. "Uhm .. I'll take that as a compliment .." she whispered, slightly embarrassed. "It was one." Raihan winked and was amused by the shy behavior of the girl. At the lake she had behaved differently. Then there was a short silence between the two of them until Raihan reached for his smartphone. For once, he wasn't interested in his social media activities. “Which campsite are you at? In the east or in the south? ”He asked.
"Uhm .. south?"
"All right." Raihan smiled and started dialing a number.
"Who are you calling?"
“Mr. Pascal. He is practically the lessor of the campsite. Your parents surely miss you. So I'll give him our coordinates so that someone can come and pick you up. Because I can't carry you the way to the campsite. ”At this comment the redhead blushed again and turned away slightly. “Your last name would still be helpful to find your parents more easily. "..Hirabayashi."
Raihan called and talked to Pascal for a few minutes until he had passed on all the informations. About the aggressiveness of the Pokemon at Lake of outrage, about the injured girl and also their whereabouts. Then he thanked him and hung up. “They can't send a rescue team out until tomorrow morning because they'd have problems finding us and transporting you. I told them that you can spend the night with me in the tent and that you are safe. ", Raihan said. "Uhm .. but you only have one sleeping bag." Taiko spoke. "But that doesn't matter .. I can sleep on the floor."
Raihan sighed.
“There is no way of letting a girl sleep on the floor. You sleep in my sleeping bag, I sleep on the floor. " He said.
"Well, then we'll both sleep on the floor if you don't give in." Raihan shrugged his shoulders, whereupon Taiko rolled his eyes. "Then give in.", She said and shrugged her shoulders. Raihan grinned slightly and folded his arms behind his neck.
"Only if you sleep in my sleeping bag." Was the devious answer. "To what extent is that giving in for YOU?" Taiko asked now and crossed her arms in front of her chest. The two just looked at each other for a few moments before Raihan sighed in defeat. "Well, let's make a compromise.", He said, which made Taiko sit up and take notice. “It gets darn cold here at night anyway. If we cuddle up a little ... together, we can both sleep in the sleeping bag and the body heat prevents us from half-freezing to death. "
His suggestion made Taiko look shocked. He wasn't really serious, was it? She didn't know this boy at all. But now that he said it, it was actually quite fresh. "..."
"You can of course also become a living Vanillite if ​​you prefer that.", Raihan said and spread out the sleeping bag. "Okay, okay. It's only for one night. ", She gave in, whereupon Raihan had to laugh again.
The next morning, Taiko's parents and some of the wild area staff members went to the location of forest that Raihan had described for them. It wasn't long before they found the tent, which was guarded by a Duraludon. “This is Raihan’s tent. It has to be. " Pascal remaked, before Taikos parents ran to the tent. "Taiko ?!"
Taiko blinked, she was still half asleep when she yawned and snuggled into something warm. This warmth moved slightly, from which the redhead woke up. She wiped away the sleep on her eyes and then saw how she was snuggled up against Raihan, her legs tangled and his arms pressed her to his chest.
The girl quickly broke away from him and Raihan woke up too. "Woah?"
The redhead ignored him and let her mother hug her tightly.
"What kind of things are you doing?" Her mother scolded her. "I'm sorry .. really .." the girl apologized and was then pulled into a hug by her father. "Never do that again," he said then. "You're hurt, aren't you? I'll carry you back. ", He said then and wanted to pick her up. "Wait, dad ..!" Taiko stopped him and then turned to Raihan. She made a beckoning hand gesture that signaled him to come closer. "Thanks again for everything, Raihan. I hope to see you again. ", She smiled and hugged him goodbye. Raihan smiled and hugged back. “Well, if you ever want to visit Galar again, you are always welcome. Until then, I'm champion and you can visit me in my palace. ”He laughed. "The champion lives in a palace?" Taiko asked and her eyes widened greatly.
"I dunno, but definitely!", Raihan laughed then, whereupon Taiko had to laugh too. "Well, see you at some point, hopefully. And take care of yourself, you risk-of-injury. ", He said teasingly.
Taiko was then carried back to the campsite and was even allowed to keep Scorbunny.
And what should she say?
5 years later, she set foot in Galar again after her divorced mother wanted to start a new life over there and Taiko seized the opportunity and followed her to see the cute boy from back then again.
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squeiky · 4 years
What if there was a mall based episode of pokemon adventures?
Ps: im on limited juice on what exactly happened after the episode of "practically pikachu" so if anything seemed off, thats why. I can only have so much spoilers.
This is a really REALLY long post, i did my best and added some wholesome satogou moments cause why not. I hope you enjoy ^.^
!!!!!SPOILER WARNING BTW!!!!!!! If that wasn't obvious.
.....(I can't do the read more thing on mobile, so stick with me here.)
So the Professor finds out about some mysterious instances of this shopping district being haunted or constantly full of mischief. So of course he sends Gou and Ash to check it out. Of course Koharu/chloe ends up tagging along with her pokemon, out of curiostiy. Of course something is seemingly following them from behind, and you hear a cute little giggle.
At first, its all nice and fun. They go sight seeing, getting a bit distracted here and there. Gou and koharu do a bit of dress up, and Ash is stuck having to be refferee on who dressed up better. You get some cute satogou moments, and some wholesome koharu and gou rivalry. Before....
The lights start to flicker..
And things go south.
See, before they got to the mall, there was a warning the Professor gave them before the went on their journey. The mall had been abandoned not to long ago, as Pokemon have been infesting it and taking over. Poison types, gost types, what ever dangers you could think of. It used to be very popular, attracting all kinds of mons and trainers from across the globe. Sadly, it had to shut down.
He told them to be careful, and stay on their guard. They did the complete opposite of that, and got distracted.
The light shuts down, and their in complete darkness. Bit of twist, but Koharu brings out a flashlight, then makes a sly remark on how reckless the two are getting. Followed by a slightly agitated gou, though ash doesn't seem to mind. Instead he focuses on another thing.
Wheres.. Pikachu?
Actually... Where is all of their pokemon?
Ash makes a slightly panicked remark about this... Slightly... PanicKEd.. ReSpoNse.. Then everyone starts to freak out. Then the lights suddenly turn on and everywhere around them seems like a battle field. Clothing racks are rolled over, there's some string from some bug pokemon, lying around and some other attack residues from not only their pokemon, but possibly other poison, or dark types. if the situation couldn't get bad enough.
They call out their pokemon names to no evail. The mall is big, even with the 3 of them, they cant possibly cover all the ground. They've only explored basically half of the entire mall.. Or atleast half of what they thought was the entire mall.
Gou gets a bit pessimistic, worrying if they where taken by some baddies like team rocket, or hurt, mabye even kidnapped!! While ash is a bit optimistic, saying they probably got away, or are off fighting them now, and winning!
Koharu though.. Shes not focused on any of that. The patterns of pokemon attack residue.. Shows a winding trail leading off into the bigger part of the mall. Making her even more curious than before..
She turns around to she ash and gou sending out their pokemon from their pokeball, luckily, who ever this was didn't think to take those. Gou explains that the mall is big, and they need as much help as they can get.
So for awhile, we see interactions with their pokemon, looking around, in union or in chaos. Slowly exploring the rest of the mall.
But.. Never once, do we stop seeing all these things happen, in someone elses pov....
We see things from the ground floor, behind clothes, in the ceiling... Anywhere.
Every now and then, we get a faint giggle.. Usually when gou is on screen.
At this point they scaled almost the entire mall. Every now and then finding little things. Nothing to eventful. But no matter what, it all keeps leading then to the same point.
Some random door that says "Antiques" on it, in this freakishly terrifying place. The area is the most rusted, old, and overall creepy place. Inside theres smashed pots and this place has alot of scratch marks and decay. The mall may be abandoned, but not for a very long time. This place looks like it has been there for decades, as if it didn't belong there. You could see a lot of struggle, with some old scratch marks and some strangely.. Fresh ones.
Everyone's tired, and worried, and a bit frightened. Though koharu.. She seems more than excited, it wss her own little adventure. It was nice. Of course, she still worried for her poor yamper.. But she couldn't help but be a bit excited too.
During the whole montage, they'd find some fur from pickachu, yamper or eevee. Sometimes left over pokefood or some old remains of what looks to be pokemon battles. Sometimes they saw some old pokeball, abandoned or even smashed. And even noticed some of the Pokemon that had been watching them through cracks or corners, or under floorboards.
Ash and gou finally catch up to koharu, who has been waiting for them in this creepy antique store. Aimlessly wandering about, searching the place. With the whole gang reunited, they discuss what they found, with koharu piecing it togther.
It seems this antique store looked to be the meeting place for who ever stole their pokemon. They show koharu some of the pokeballs they found lying about, some customized, broken and old. None of them have no strange brandings like "R" on it. Meaning people had their pokemon taken, but not by our common baddies. They found some evidence of pokemon battles, some of the tracks still fresh. Meaning they just left recently, probably during when they got here. That would explain why they kept feeling like they where being followed. They're probably all hiding.
But that doesn't explain why they'd take their pokemon or why it lead them in the antique store of all places. Ash suggests that they should look around here too, find some secret lever or something. Goh agrees, but dismisses the thought that someone would have a secret lever in a antique portion of the mall, then again.. Who has an antique store in a mall??
While they're searching for hidden compartments,
They hear a quick "PIKAA!!" Following a loud bang noise. Sending them all to a panic. Ash locates the sound, and moves one of the shelves. Surprise, Surprise, its a secret compartment. Its pitch black and you can't see a thing. Before ash can jump head first into whatever is happening down there, gou catches him. Followed by koharu, taking out that trusty flashlight, and beaming the light on the creepy old stairs. Seemingly going no where but down.
They quickly and carefully descend the stairs, though their all trying to act brave to lift up on another, you can tell everyone is absolutely terrified.
Then they find a light, like an entrance to some room. The hallway was dim and you could see pipes and some garbage, puddles, e.c.t. Gou runs towards the persumed, but ash catches him. He almost fell into a hole, without Realizing it. Koharu goes infront of gou, with the flashlight beaming infront of her.
Cut to a scene of pikachu. He's charging up a weak electric attack, and looks pretty beaten up. So does the rest of the Pokemon. Though, he is doing his best. The basement is pretty big, but its old. Theres some steel pipes that are broken and bent, scratches and marks everywhere on the wall. Its dark, with only a few lights, struggling to illuminate the room.
You can't tell how many pokemon are there, but there are many glowing eyes all around. There are many different kinds of pokemon. Seemingly coming from all different regions too. They don't seem freindly.
Eevee starts to yell out, angered and fustreated. To their suprising, a quick "umberon~" came rom the darkness.
You can see its shiny yellow rings, glowing in the darkness. It yells back at eevee, hitting the ground over and over with its tiny paws. As if it was trying to prove a point, trying to get eevee to fight like their pikachu did. Taunting them.
The umberon wears some kingly robe it got from a costume part of the mall, presumably the halloween section. Category: medieval.
Yamper could see eevee's eagerness to fight, so he lets out a bark of concern. He's huddled next to pikachu, who still wants to keep going. Determined, to stop them.
Whenever eevee hesitates to attack, umberon lets out a disappointed purr, and attacks them with a weak attack, but it stings either way. It wants a fair fight afterrall.
This was an insult to them. A fellow umberon., using smaller pokemon to rank them up, forcing them to train with them, untill they tire out. All these pokemon henchmons had some kind of scar, or evidence of training. Even the umberon had one. Most of them evolved, seemingly living in the mall, as some are wearing human items like sunglasses, or badazzled items too look cooler.
Then they hear a quick "EEVEE! WHERE'D YOU GO?!" And "PIKACHU! ARE YOU GUYS ALRIGHT?!"
They look back to see its their trainers! And gou, all rushing towards them. Immediately going into the room to protect them. Along with their summoned pokemon charging up their attacks as well.
Seeing this, umberon is pissed. You can see an onslaught of pokemon, who look just as mad. They where crossing their turf, they had to get out.
Umberon curls into the darkness.. Slowly back away from them, in silence.
Untill a tiny, soft. "Umberon" comes out of its mouth and..
They all start to attack, left, right and center. The whole team is surronded. All the pokemon are uncoordinated, but tankish, so they're pretty easy to take down, but leaves you pretty damaged in the long run.
Eventually, they get rid of most of them. Leaving 5 remaining pokemon left. These five being the strongest out of every pokemon and the biggest. Seemingly been in charge for a long time. Basically, its the boss fight.
The pokemon tired them out, and theres not much they can do at this point. Of course they fight, but get taken down, one by one, with ease.
Leading to the grand finale. Everyones on their knees, but still staying strong.
Umberon and its team start to charge this giant attack, thats going blast them into bits and peices.
They charge the attack, for longer and longer and longer. Getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger untill it basically becomes a giant wall. Then they release it. Going full blast at not only the entire team, but the Pokemon behind them that attacked them as well.
The was no where to go.
Pokemon where behind them, and infront.
What do you do then?
Just take it?
Like that?
Everyone throws their hand infront of their faces. Away from this giant charge attack, heading towards them in what seems to be slow motion. Some pokemon are running away, others are just watching this happen.
Its a pretty big basement.
Pretty dangerous basement too.
Gou looks back for a split second.
And a familiar sound plays out.
A tiny..
And then it just stops.
The attack was stuck in place..
Then suddenly, behind them in the darkness...
From the entrance of where they came..
Glowing eyes emerge, with a silent.. "Mew!"
And the whole attack backfires onto the 5 pokemon with one, full, swoop.
The place collapses onto them. Knocking 4 pokemon unconscious, except for that..
With the only expression on its face being absolute RAGE.
Everyone starts running out, a bunch of pokemon try to help move the 4 unconscious ones, and umberon runs in the opposite direction, into what might be their secret escape route. They look back, at the commotion.
The 3 little humans and their pokemon are running out, even picking up some of the pokemon, who attacked them, and helping them run away from the collapsing area.
Umberon sees this. But looks away. Muttering a "umber.." Before leaving. This wasn't the last of them.
Everyone safely makes it out of the mall, alive.
Everyone is tired, exhausted and hurt.
They look up to see the many battle scars of all the pokemon, who are just lying around, not knowing what to do anymore without a leader.
Some a bickering and arguing, some are confused and tired, others are just watching from afar.
Eeveee jumps out of koharu's hands, and onto some tall boxes and rocks lying about near he store. They yell out a "EEVEE!!" Which everyone quiets down immediately. They even stiffen up, as if they where trained to do that by the umberon. Which startles eevee and makes them feel uncomfortable.
Ash stands up, looking at his poor pikachu, for a bit. Its smiling, with its eyes closed. Ash gives them a concerned, but soft smile. He tells everyone that they should all go to a pokecenter, and get some rest. The pokemon try to argue, not wanting to go and to wait for their umberon, but they see eevee is following ash, and they end up following along.
Gou runs up to ash and softly pats ash's shoulder, and gives him a soft, but concerned look. Only followed by a smile. Then everyone starts following them to pokemon center.
It cuts to scene, where they show the pokemon center for a sky view. Its night time and everyone is tired. a bunch of the nurses and doctors are taking care of the many pokemon without question.
Ash is sitting there, next to his pikachu, with gou is standing right beside him, and koharu is somewhere off with her pokemon as well. They all have some bandages here and there, on their knees or hands, just watching as nurse joy takes care of pikachu.
She asks what the three of them had done to get not only so many injured pokemon, but get this pikachu in the state its in now.
They explained to the nurse about the whole incident, with this umberon and a giant battle in a basement, and a this abandoned pokemon infested mall. How the umberon acted and all the Pokemon who teamed up agasint them.
Nurse joy recognizes the umberon, to their suprise.
She explains its not the first time shes heard of this umberon. Apparently, its trainer had abandoned it when it was a little eevee. She said that they'd capture pokemon who they saw great potential and power in. One day, the eevee's win streak went away, losing many battles every single day. Thats when they abandoned them, or atleast, thats what they say.
Ash mutters a quick and angered response of why someone would do such a thing.
Nurse joy looks at ash and gou sadly, then returns back to what she was doing. She doesn't know why someone would do that. Though, she tells them she always used to see that same eevee in the pokecenter constantly. For some reason, the pokemon really loved their trainer, to the point of exhaustion. When it got abandoned, it probably took it personally. Who knows though, that umberon is quite the mystery. Some people even tried to catch it seeing how strong it was, but they'd never succeed.
She pauses what shes doing to ask if ash doesn't mind leaving his pikachu here for the night. Its pretty injured, and needs some rest. She wants to be able to take care of it, in case it needs extra care. She says he can see them tomorrow, as it might feel better by then.
He sadly agrees, and they go home for the night.
Here, we get a nice scene, just to calm things doen a bit. The 2 boys put on their cozy pajamas, and get ready to go to bed.
We see koharu in her bedroom, with her pjammas on, petting her yamper who has a cute little "get well soon!!" Sticker, stuck on his forehead, and he has his younger sticking out, as he sleeps. She doing one of those lo-fi girl poses, as she writes in her journal about her day, as a moonlight shines on her, through her window.
We see gou sleeping on the bottom bunk this time, since he's too tired to try to climb to the top. Ash isn't in bed though. He's looking out through the window of the room. With the moonlight coming through. He's tired and exhausted, but still worried for pikachu. Gou notices he's not in bed yet, asking if he's alright. Ash doesn't give a response, he just continues staring.
So gou walks up to him, and ash speaks a bit low. He wonders if pikachu is alright, and the umberon too. The umberon was hurt too, they could've helped it.
Gou looks at him, then out the window. "Sometimes you cant save everyone, and you cant help those that don't want to be helped."
He smiles brightly at ash. "Like catching pokemon!" Ash is confused, but he tries his best to understand. "Sometimes pokemon want to be caught, and some don't. All that matters is that you tried, right?"
Ash looks at gou, and smiles back. Then looks at the window, still smiling "Yeah, you're right.. Do you think pikachu will be okay though?"
Gou softly pats him on the back. He tries his best to comfort ash. "Yeah, i think so."
It goes quiet for a bit. And it zooms out as they both look out at the window.8
With that, it ends here.
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kornstreifs-storys · 9 months
Ages of Ruin, Chapter 2
(Name of the Chapter will be revealed with the cover tomorow)
The winter sun stood low above the plains north of the coronet mountain range, the snow covered peaks of Mt. Corontet and it's surrounding mountains glistend beautifully in the freazing air, the naked trees are covered in frost and look like snow skulptures. A small group of Pokémon slowly makes their way through the gorgeus landscape.
The group is made up of four Pokémon, an Umbreon, a Raichu, a Gyarados and one that lookes a lot like an Eeveelution, just not like any of the known ones. The Umbreon leads the group, through the seemingly empty winter forest. The group is quietly talking to one another.
"You know," the Raichu said, "if it wasn't so extremly cold this would be stunnigly beautyful." The strange Eeveelution shivered, she was wrapped in a blanket but it didn't seem to help very much, she answered the Raichu, "It is pretty, but the cold makes it hard to appreciate." The Umbreon at the front turned towards her. "Well, Arideon is a Ground-Type. So you're weak to Ice." he claimed, "but during the night it's even colder, so we need to move now."
He looked concered as he spoke, then he turned to the Raichu, "Say Kiara, you wouldn't happen to have some gadget in your bag that could help her?" Kiara the Raichu shook her head, "Unfortunately not," she denied, then she turned to the Arideon, "Think you can tollerate the cold a bit longer Dune?" Dune nodded.
The Gyarados in the back addressed the Umbreon in the front, "Say Kuro, maybe we should speed up a bit, that's bound to help us keep warm, right?" Kuro nodded in agreement, "Your right Torrent, let's go a bit faster." As they were still talking, movement came into the blankets wrapped around Dune and moments later a small Eevee popped his head out from under the covers.
The Eevee smiled and gave the Arideon a hug, while exclaiming, "I'll keep you warm!" The rest of the Group chuckled and Dune gave the Eevee a warm smile, "That you will, sweety. I'm already feeling a lot better." She turned her head and began cleaning the Eevees fur, as it was full of snow and old leaves and dirt. Kiara walked up to them and grined at the Eevee. "And were did you come from so suddenly Flake? I hadn't seen you in the last 5 minutes."
Flake let out a tiny purr as Dune cleaned his fur, "I was playing in the snow, it was fun!" he exclaimed. Kuro shook his head, "You really like the snow, don't you? I wouldn't be surprised if you evolved into a Glaceon one day." The others laughed, but Flake made a dismissive Face. "No! No Glaceon. I want to be a dragon!" he declared.
Torrent the Gyarados let out a loud laugh. "You're goning to be one fearsome Dragon one day!" he laughed. Then he stopped and turned his attention to Dune, "Say, do you recognize anything around here?" Dune paused cleaning Flake and looked around, the snowy landscape with it's frozen trees, now streched all around them. The pass through the Mountains was now far behind them.
Dune closed her eyes for a second as she thought. This landscape really looked a lot like those in her dreams, they were on the right way. Dune nodded, "Yes, this lookes familiar. I think you were right, if this Jirachi from my dreams is real, they should be somewhere in this part of Hisui." Kuro looked around as well. "Well, it's a large area. Let's hope your next dream gives us more to go off of. Otherwise this will be a long search."
Dune swayed her head in acknowledgement. "Let's hope it does, at this point these dreams are to clear to just be my imagination" They walked on, into the vast forrest. Flake had fallen asleep on Dunes back, his warm fur felt nice on her skin. For the thousands time this month she regretted that Arideon didn't have fur. She smiled at Flakes peaceful face. He reminded her so much of herself wenn she'd been younger.
As they continued their journey, Dune looked on into the distance. She thought about these wierd dreams that she kept having, that had let them on this journey in the first place. She wondered why she had them at all, and if maybe they weren't even real. But she didn't want to consider that, as that would mean not only was this search pointless, they'd be stuck here until next spring.
The thought made her shiver, but for now there wasn't much she could do and so she pressed on, throught this beautiful landscape, into an uncertain future.
Start / previous (ch.1) / next Cover (ch.2)
And here we go. Chapter two!
I was considering taking a short break from the story, but I just wanted to continue and writing this is really fun, so I decided against it.
I also decided that from now on I'll make simple covers for the chapters as well. I'll probably keep posting them after the first page of the new chapter, as I think thats fun.
I hope you continue enjoying this story. And also check out my DeviantArt
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