#the trash is not safe
microwave-core · 2 years
The Lengths of Love
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Penny x Fem! Reader
Penny loves spending time with her girlfriend. Unfortunately for her, though, you decide to interrupt her perfect evening by suggesting the impossible: going outside. Extra unfortunate for her, she lacks the mental fortitude to say no to your pleading eyes.
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Life can often be confusing, stuck in a predicament where you're not exactly sure what to do. At this moment, you are lost. You're not sure who you should be paying more attention to. The Sylveon in your lap, the Flareon at your feet, or the girlfriend at your side. 
Sure, it’s not the worst position to be in. You're incredibly warm and comfortable, surrounded by fluff and warmth and love. It’s just unfortunate that the love was being provided by the two eeveelutions, since Penny was completely glued to her phone screen.
She had been talking your ear off about some niche manga she had stumbled across, desperately trying to get you to read it. Despite her continuously binging it in her off time, she still seems to have more to catch up, but it’s to be expected. You're not familiar with the details of Operation Starfall, but you know it got her roped into working with the Pokemon League. That along with classes means she doesn’t have as much free time as before, meaning she’s reading during your time together.
It’s not unexpected, though, it’s how most of your hangout date things end up going. Although she has been getting more social since returning to the academy, her social battery drains quickly. She can only hang out with her former Team Star buddies in person for so long  before crashing. With you, she finds it most enjoyable to just sit in your presence, sending you videos and shitty memes despite being nuzzled into your side.
It’s wonderful, really. Your girl makes herself at home next to your body. Your hands are full of soft fur. Your feet are warmed by a living pile of fluff. The room is taken over by loving warmth. The peaceful silence is only interrupted by the purring of Sylveon (and the rustling of boxes coming from the kitchen) .…You could do without all of the pokemon hair clinging to your clothes, though.
“You know, you should probably get your other eevees away from the kitchen before they break into the trash.” “What can I do about it?” She keeps her eyes glued to her phone.
“...You could put them back in their balls?” “Why would I do that?” You just give her a look, one strong enough that she could feel it even without looking at you.
“What? I love being surrounded by my eevees.” She meets your gaze this time. “And they like it when you're around, too. You're, like, their second favorite person.” You can’t help the smile creeping up your face, but the sweetness of the moment is lost because the trash is going to be broken into.
“Penny… Maybe if you like to keep your pokemon out of their balls, you should try spending some more time with them outside.” She looks at you as if you had just grown a second head. “...Outside? But outside sucks.” “I know it does, but you should probably consider taking a break every now and then.”
“School and Geeta already keep me out of my room, isn’t that enough?” Penny is pleading for her life. She truly is the embodiment of how the older generations view the younger ones: terminally online and inside. 
“We could do something fun! Like go on a picnic, or explore, or go shopping…” “But we do fun things here! We don’t need to go out!” She suddenly removes herself from your side, passing an apologetic look to Sylveon, who she disturbed with her abrupt movements. 
“Like… like… I just got my hands on some good manga! Or, uh, I’ve got some Studio Ghibli movies we could rewatch! And I’ve got some shitty shovelware games we could make fun of!” She’s shuffling through the mess on the ground, searching for the coveted items she hoped would erase the idea of going outside from your pretty little head.
“Come on, we can do that whenever we want! Why don’t we just change things up a little bit, just this once?” If she didn’t love you, she wouldn’t have folded so easily.
“Fine, I’ll do it, but you owe me!” A part of her is upset, but the other part of her is just glad to make you happy. Love makes people do crazy things, or something like that.
“Aww, thanks babe!” She plops back into the couch. “Well, if I’m making you go out, I think it’s only fair that you pick where we go first.” Her phone is in her hands in seconds. “I will say, though, there’s a good sandwich joint right here in Mesagoza.” She mutters something under her breath (something about an Arven), but she doesn’t complain.
You try to look at her phone screen as she goes to pull up a map, but she seems to purposefully turn it away from you. Unfortunately from her, you catch a glimpse of what she was hiding through the reflection in her glasses.
“...Am I your lock screen?” “...No.” Her poor denial is complimented wonderfully by the burning red overcoming her cheeks.  
“Aww, aren’t you just the sweetest!” “Don’t tease me!” “I’m not, I’m being serious!” You desperately want to tease her over it, but you know that any more comments could make her change her mind about this whole “outdoors” business. 
“Whatever! Let’s just go get these sandwiches.” She stuffs her phone into the pocket of her hoodie as she gets back up to find her shoes. Oh, how adorable she is when she’s embarrassed, acting as if she’s all huffy and mad. You know better, though. She lives for your attention and praise, even if it does fluster her. 
Penny puts her beloved eevees back to their balls, except for Sylveon who she allows to trot beside you both as you walk through the dorm hallway. It’s only now that you realize how late it has gotten. It’s hard to tell in her room given how dark she keeps it, but it does give you another idea.
“There’s a really good clear spot just outside the city, actually. Maybe we could make our way out there and do some stargazing afterwards?” “Can’t babe. I’ve gotta be back by 10 to play Minecraft with the boys.” Her tone is dead serious.
“What?” “You heard me. Team Star plays Minecraft every Friday night.”  “So you’re gonna tell all your friends that I’m your ‘gamer girlfriend’, but you aren’t even going to invite me to Minecraft night?” “It’s for the boys, babe.”
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I truly, TRULY do not know how to say this, because the fact that I have to say it makes me feel like I am losing my grip on reality. But no, in the post-capitalistic anarchist utopia, I will not be relying on “autistic minecraft girlies” to be building inspectors because - and this may shock you - one of those occupations takes years of education in how to read and interpret hundreds of thousands of lines of regulations based on complicated math and physics that were the result of decades of tragedy and death, and the other one involves playing a children’s video game.
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icarus-phaethon · 1 month
One of the reasons why women were forbidden from going outside under patriarchy was not to just ensure that women stay loyal, modest or the honour culture. It was also to prevent sisterhood among women because sisterhood is very important, it's a very powerful tool, the restrictions on women's freedom to the point of their own circles and friends was to prevent women from realising their capability. It was to abuse women and isolate them from their families. It was to reduce women to f*** toys and to incubators. Everybody recognises that. Sisterhood is detrimental to patriarchy.
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feministfang · 1 month
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South Asian men and their usual obsession with using racism-card to play victim. Good that nobody likes you disgusting men anymore. You are worldwide known as rapists now. Deal with it! It’s your fault! And btw, india is actually a rape capital. India is in the top five countries with the highest rape rates. Thanks to Indian girls for not staying silent and defaming south asian men everywhere in the world.
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jxitrash · 1 year
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Movie night !
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redditreceipts · 6 months
there should be an extension to every social media site that automatically blocks every male so you never have to read their comments, see their posts or be reminded or their existence while using the platform
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When a man says he prefers a woman who is strongly opinionated and independent, don’t take his words literally. Because what he truly means by that is he is looking for a woman he can ‘tame’, someone he can bend to his needs because men are insecure and wanna prove their ‘manhood’ to themselves through ‘dominance’. He wishes to acquire a woman he’d otherwise not stand because it feeds his male ego. They view strong women as a conquest to be won, exotic birds they can collect, only to imprison them and dehumanize them, as it gives them a sense of ‘accomplishment.’ They perceive the challenge of ‘taming’ such women as a test of their own prowess. Men love to test their limits on women. He views naive women as boring because he sees no ‘thrill’ in pursuing them. Women have never been humans to men. Don’t take men’s words literally.
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hard--headed--woman · 8 months
i hate how feminists and lesbians always have to clarify that they do not hate men in order not to be attacked or hated, and to be taken at least a little bit seriously. i am a lesbian feminist. and i do hate men. cry harder
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caitlinjohns77 · 6 months
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dntouchwillexplode · 1 month
I love femcels n misandrists so much like yessss girl lets hate on men n be proud of it together!!!!! 💗💗💗
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mirusx · 9 months
there's nothing I love more about lcf than the fact that almost all of the main characters are survivors and how it seriously engraves into you, again and again, the importance of being alive FIRST. It's so refreshing to see an mc who prioritizes safety more than anything else, who won't push past the limits.. like serious limits of everyone just for the sake of winning(now if cale can also do this and walk his talk, it would be perfect.. but that wouldn't make him the cale that we all know and love). it provides you with this mentality that retreating doesn't mean immediate failure, and that there will always be another chance to try again. that one closed door doesn't imply a dead end but a chance to open an alternative path. it's such a simple message and yet we humans tend to forget it when we're facing adversities, a lot of times we're convinced we're forced to make self-destructive decisions... cale would prob have plans A to Z but there would never be a single one among them that has the possibility of him losing anyone even himself. so yes!! being alive is the best!!
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vildo · 7 months
Is he…you know
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niiwa-angel · 4 months
Yesterday was Mothers Day in Canada and given that I work at a restaurant, we got to see a lot of families "celebrating" the occasion. And Gyns, when I tell you men are fucking worthless!!
One family came in, mom, dad, grandma, and two young kids. Probably three and five, if I had to guess. As soon as they get in, Dad plops himself down at the table and immerses himself in the menu while Mom takes the kids to the bathroom. Ignoring the fact that Dad could have easily taken his little boy to the men's room to help use the toilet, or at least tried to help in any way. Nope. He just sat and looked at the menu. Then when their food came, it was mom and grandma feeding the kids, making sure they sat still, wiped their faces so they weren't sticky, and actually got the food into their mouths. Dad ate his burger in peace without lifting a finger.
Next family, grandparents, parents, three kids. Two preteens/early teenagers and one kid who was like, 8. Dad and grandpa busy themselves in conversation and don't even acknowledge their wives and children. At one point, grandma asked Grandpa is he wanted to share the fish and chips with her and he completely ignored her. I repeated the question "are we sharing the fish and chips" and he just laughed to Dad about how women always eat your food. I offered to have the cook prepare a 1 pc fish and chips portion for grandma, using a smaller cut of fish, because our portions are big.
Third family, mom and dad with two toddlers. The kids are crazy, they can't sit still at all. I offer that we have some play equipment outside and they can play out there while their food cooks and I'll wave them down when it's ready. So mom goes out to the playground with the kids while Dad sits and enjoys his beer. I bring the food to the table when it's ready and go to wave down Mom and the babies. By the time she manages to get them inside and seated, Dad's halfway done his meal, he couldn't be arsed to wait for them.
Fourth family, mom and dad with two kids, elementary school aged. Kids order their meal and run off to the playground to play with the other kids, so mom and dad have a chance to relax. Mom and I get talking about our beer menu while Dad scrolls on his phone. She orders her drink and he just adds that he'll have what she'd having. I bring the drinks and they're enjoying those when the food comes. Guess who gets up to get the kids. Is it dad? Nope!! Mom again! And once again, dad starts eating before she gets back.
We had tons of families in and it was rare to see the fathers actually take an active role in parenting their children or actually helping their wives. There were a few! And they were great! Like the dad that took his toddler daughters to the play equipment so his wife could enjoy her mimosa and cheesecake in peace. But they were few and far between. So my ladies out there thinking about partnering up with a man and having children, do so with the knowledge that even on a day meant to celebrate you, your husband likely won't step up to the plate. You'll still be the one in charge of tending to everything while your husband sits in his ass and reaps the benefits of your work.
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icarus-phaethon · 26 days
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feministfang · 2 months
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The princess of Dubai, Sheikha Mahra, divorces her husband on instagram accusing him of infidelity. All offended muslim men are crying about it but women are applauding her for making this iconic move. Digital divorce for the first time in history in a religion where women are not even permitted to divorce their husbands. Let’s celebrate! 🥳
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robinspinknest · 2 months
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