#do not forsake me oh my darling
jess-the-reckless · 7 months
I don't know what has happened to this fic. It started as a bit of fluff to get myself back into the swing of things, morphed into a whole plot where the church grows a vagina, and is now starting to feel like...a Western? What the fuck? I've never written a Western in my life, but all I know is there's a new sheriff coming to clean up this filthy little town.
She's got all of Chekhov's guns in her handbag, and a coupon for Tena Lady pads. Just in case.
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1day1movie · 1 month
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The Prisoner: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling (1968) Pat Jackson.
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brummiereader · 1 year
Killing Me Softly (PART TWO/ DARK!TOMMY)
Summary: Today is your wedding day. Will Tommy be able to hide his true self when an unexpected guest shows up?
Warnings: Language, fluff, angst, controlling behaviour, Dark!Tommy ( This a dark fic, please read the warnings before continuing)
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Today was your wedding day. A day you had dreamt about your whole life. You had the dress, the veil, the shoes, your hair and makeup were perfectly curled and immaculately applied, the freshly picked bouquet sat in a glass of water ready to be thrown into a crowd of young women, dreaming of having their own fairytale wedding. Except, this was no fairytale. This was an arranged marriage, an unsigned agreement, too late to back out of. There was no love story to be told, only a sorry tale of how two people had come together, each needing something from the other.
Standing in front of the large wooden framed mirror, your hands brushed out the small creases of your tailored wedding dress, a dress you insisted on paying for yourself. This was after all your wedding gown, the only one you hoped you would ever wear. You could already hear guests starting to make their way into the church, laughter and joy echoed through the old stone bricked building, just like any normal wedding should have. Picking up a glass of whiskey, you downed it in one, the noise of happiness setting your nerves on edge. Did Tommy feel the same, was he as anxious as you? Sitting down in the chair beside you, you buried your head in yours hands as the door suddenly flew open.
" Up, up, come on!" Polly said as she walked into the room, your veil in her hands, your mother following behind her.
" Oh my darling daughter, you look beautiful" your mother said as tears formed in her eyes.
" Now, now Marianne, you'll start her off, and we don't want to ruin her makeup" Polly smiled, placing a supportive hand on your mother's arm " Turn around love" she said as she held out the veil pinning it gently into your hair.
" A vision of beauty" Polly smiled turning you back to her, your mother wiping her cheeks, unable to hold back her tears any longer.
" Everyone's waiting" Ada announced as she stood by the door grinning. "Gorgeous" she mouthed to you as the music started to play.
" We'll see you in there" Polly said, handing you your bouquet of flowers.
" I love you darling, your father would be so proud of you" your mother said hugging you tightly, not wanting to let go, her only child about to leave her. As your mother and Polly left the room, you looked down at the bracelet Tommy had gifted you, smiling as you adjusted its position on your wrist. Your heart was fully open to this marriage, you could only hope Tommy's was too.
With no father to walk you down the aisle, you made the journey alone. Eyes fixed on the bouquet of peonies and roses clutched tightly in your hand, you walked forward to the altar. Half way there you finally looked up to see Tommy standing next to the priest, his hands interlocked in front of him, his eyes fixed on you, as he waited for his bride. Lifting your veil, a smile formed on his lips as he looked you over, his face flashing with satisfaction as he looked back to his brothers behind him, Arthur giving him a wink and smile of approval. Taking your hands in his, you both turned to face the priest as the ceremony begun.
"Do you Thomas Michael Shelby take Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N to be your lawful wedded wife? Will you love her, comfort her, keep her in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful to her so long as you both shall live?"
"I do" he said turning to face you, his eyes piercing into yours, his hands holding yours so tightly you could feel his signet ring digging into your skin.
"And do you Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N, take Thomas Michael Shelby to be your lawful wedded husband? Will you love him, comfort him, keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live?" Rubbing his thumb firmly on the back of your hand Tommy waited for you to say the words, his jaw tightening at your visible apprehension as you looked to the priest then back to him.
"I do" you said, staring into his eyes, a small smile forming on his face as he continued to stroke your hand, slowly easing the pressure of his touch. His gaze was so intense you found yourself getting lost in his eyes, completely unaware of what the priest had said, until, without warning Tommy cupped your cheeks, pressing his lips to yours, drawing you in with his gentle embrace as you felt your heart skip a beat from the passion he emitted.
Turning to face the cheers and claps from the crowd of people behind you, you both walked back up the aisle as husband and wife, it was done, your part of the arrangement was fulfilled. Passing the crowd of guests a young man in a blue suit caught your eye, you recognised him immediately, with a small smile you waved to him as he waved back. Watching the interaction, Tommy's grip on your hand tightened as he pulled you closer to him, leading you away from the crowd of people. Entering the large reception room located behind the church, you looked around at the lavish decorations that filled the room. No expense was spared. The once empty space was adorned with freshly picked flowers, the finest cutlery, crisp white linen had been delicately laid out along the long table that occupied the middle of the room, as candles illuminated the finery beneath them. Your new husband was clearly trying to make an impression.
Pulling out your chair, Tommy sat down beside you as the rest of the wedding party made their way into the room. Looking at the guests now seated around the table, you noticed the young man in the blue suit seated next to your mother, sharing another smile, you mouthed a small "hi". With the exchange once again not going unnoticed, Tommy rolled his shoulders, clearing his throat as he placed a cigarette in his mouth, lighting it as he sized the man up in the corner of his eye. Narrowing his eyes, irritation on his face, Tommy blew the smoke from the tobacco in his direction, a clear show of annoyance, as the young man from across the table quickly looked away.
"You look beautiful Y/N" Tommy said turning to you as he placed a thumb on your cheek, staring into your eyes. " Did you pick this gown out yourself?" He questioned as his thumb traced down your neck to the lace covering your shoulder.
" I did, do you like it?" You said as you looked down at your dress, blushing at his compliment.
" It's modern" he said, clearing his throat, looking over the detailed embroidered flowers skimming over your cleavage, his jaw tightening as he looked back over to the young man. Modern, what does that even mean? The smile, quickly vanishing from your face, you pulled the cleavage of the dress further up, his words making you feel self-conscious. Was it too much for a wedding dress, did it show too much? You would never normally doubt yourself on something like this but you found yourself seeking his approval.
Dinner had been served, and for the past thirty minutes you had been pushing your food around the plate, barely taking a mouthful, all the time Tommy watching you. It was the lamb, you hated lamb. An expensive choice of meat no doubt, but one you could never stomach. No matter how many times you tried it, it would always leave you feeling sick.
" Do you always pick at your food?" He said, leaning back in his chair as he turned to face you. A look of irritation spread across his face as he picked up his glass of wine In front of him, swigging it in his mouth, swallowing harshly, as his lips pursed at its bitter taste.
" Oh, no, it's the Lamb, it doesn't agree with me" you said as you dropped your fork onto your plate.
"Huh..." He scoffed as he stared at you, his thumb and forefinger forcefully rubbing the stem of the wine glass between them.
" I'm sorry, i..." you started to say as Tommy Interrupted, taking the plate from you.
" Here" he said giving it to a waiter " she doesn't like lamb, get her something else" he ordered, his eyes never leaving you, your cheeks going an embarrassing shade of red, as you looked away, feeling like you had offended him.
" He just wants everything to be perfect for you Y/N" Ada whispered in your ear, sitting beside you .
" Then why do I feel like I've been told off" you whispered back as you reached for the glass of wine In front of you.
" Relax, he's probably nervous too" she said as she nudged your shoulder with hers. Sighing you took a large gulp of wine, too ashamed to even look at him. First the dress now the food, you had begun to learn that Tommy was very particular about certain things, and you was clearly disappointing him already.
A few hours had past since dinner, and Polly had joined you and Ada in conversation, when all of a sudden you felt someone tap you on the shoulder, gaining your attention.
"George!" You said turning around to hug the young man from earlier. " I didn't know you was coming" you told him, your hand still on his arm as Polly looked to Ada, a flicker of concern in her eyes as she scanned the room looking for Tommy.
"I got back from my posting a week ago. Aunt Marianne sent me an invite In the mail, was there when I got back"
" This is my cousin George, I haven't seen in him years" you said as you turned to face Polly and Ada.
" It's nice to meet you George" Polly said as she looked over his shoulder to see Tommy's face now full of fury, as he watched you.
" This really is a nice wedding, your new husband pulled out all the stops " he said chuckling as he placed a friendly hand to the top of your back.
" He did indeed" Polly said as she looked behind him again, to see Tommy marching towards you. "Ada, why don't you go show George the cake" she said urgently, as she took his arm, giving it to her.
"The cake?" Ada laughed, looking at her Aunt in confusion.
" Yes Ada the cake" she said sternly, as Ada rolled her eyes taking George's arm, leading him away.
" Come on Y/N let's go get another drink" she said linking arms with you as she glanced over to see that Tommy had stopped in his tracks, anger spread across his face as he watched you and his Aunt walk away.
"Who was that man Y/N? Tommy asked leaning against the wall, watching you straighten out your dress as you came out the bathroom, an hour later.
"What man?" You asked confused, only for him to let out a dark laugh.
" Don't be smart Y/N, the man you were hugging earlier" he said lightning a cigarette, the flame illuminating the anger in his eyes.
" Well?" He said, walking towards you, his shoulders tense his brow raised. Was he serious? You almost laughed in his face at the ridiculousness of his questions. Tommy's stance was intimidating but this was one thing you refused to give into, you would not enter his little game.
" Grow up Tommy"
" Have something to hide, hm?" He questioned loudly as you tried to push past him, only to be stopped as he grabbed hold of your arm, his pupils widening, a blackness taking over his once crystal blue eyes. You had angered him. Shrugging his grip off, you stormed off, passing Polly as she watched the whole interaction unfold.
" Her bloody cousin, that's who she was hugging. You need to put a lid on your jealousy Tommy" she said walking over to him, anger flashing across her face.
"Jealousy" Tommy scoffed, his hands casually placed in his pockets as he strolled away like nothing had happened.
" Did you think I wouldn't work it out Tommy" she said, her words causing him to stop. " You can fool everyone else with your speeches about needing a wife for business, but not me Thomas Shelby. You have always liked her, why else would you offer to marry a girl you hadn't seen in over ten years, you knew she would do anything for her mother, and you took advantage of that, you're lucky she still likes you too, but your jealousy Tommy...it will one day get the better of you. If you want this to work, you need to back off...Tommy!" She called to him a smirk forming on his lips as he walked away from her, unbothered by his actions.
You had avoided Tommy for the remainder of the evening. Still upset with his behaviour you was sat talking with Ada about what had happened.
" You know he has always liked you, don't you?" Ada said as she looked over to her three brothers standing at the bar. "And don't tell me you never had a thing for him either"
"That was ten years ago Ada" you replied shifting in your seat, as you looked down at your wedding ring.
" Oh come on Y/N, you wouldn't have agreed to this if you didn't still feel something for him"
"Even if I did, we are not exactly of to a great start, you should have seen how he was earlier, he got so angry, I don't remember him ever being like that" you said, as you looked over to Tommy smiling to you, oblivious of your frustration with him.
"He's not the same person you knew from before the war Y/N, it changed him, you need to get to know eachother again. But he cares about you Y/N, I don't think he ever stopped" she answered as she placed a comforting arm around you. She was right, how could you have been so naive to think he was still the same sweet boy from Watery Lane, he was a business man, a feared gangster, a man that had seen war, that would change anyone. But there was something else, the way his pupils turned a sinister black as he grabbed hold of your arm it was possessiveness, controlling. Ada may be right about her brother not being the same person, but did she truly know the man he had become?
" Shall we leave " you heard Tommy say from behind you, more of a statement than a question.
" Right, yeh...ok" you said finishing the rest of your wine, giving Ada a nervous smile as you stood up.
Saying goodbye to your mother you looked over to see Tommy talking with his brothers, Arthur's arm around his shoulder, looking at you as he leaned in, whispering something into his ear. A small chuckle leaving his lips, Tommy looked over to you, his lustful eyes glaring at you from head to toe as he bit his bottom lip. The smile quickly fading from you face, you could only imagine what they were talking about. And that's when it struck you. Did Tommy expect everything a wedding entailed, including the wedding night? A wave of uncertainty washed over you. You barely knew eachother, you had only seen him once before today, and before that ten years ago. Surely he wouldn't expect that from you already?
" You don't say much do you" he said as you was driving to your new home Arrow House, a house he had recently acquired for both of you.
" Sorry, It's been a long day" you said as you played with the lace on your dress.
" Still mad at me? He said glancing over to you.
" Tommy he was my cousin" you answered as you looked over to him. With nothing to say, Tommy just cleared his throat as he looked ahead at the road In front of him. " Don't you trust me?"
" I do, I just don't trust other people" he answered as he shifted in his seat, his hands gripping the steering wheel.
" We need to get to know eachother again" you said echoing Ada's words, hopeful he was listening. " One day at a time" you hinted subtly, praying he knew what you was referring to.
" We will have plenty of time to get to know eachother" he said as he pulled up In front of the large house you was now supposed to call home.
Opening the passengers side, Tommy took your hand as you stepped out, slamming the door shut after you with force as he led you to the front door.
"Mr Shelby, Mrs Shelby" an older lady welcomed you both in the foyer. " I'm Frances, the housekeeper here at Arrow House" she said as she looked to you, a timid smile on her lips. "If there's anything you need Mrs Shelby then please let me know "
" It's nice to meet you, and thank yo..." you replied, unable to finish your sentence as Tommy started pulling your hand, walking you up the large wooden stairs in haste.
"Thank you Frances, me and wife won't be needing anything more for tonight" he called down as you hurried behind him.
" Don't i get a tour of the house" you said, anxiously praying he would agree as you reached the top of the stairs.
"Tomorrow" he replied sharply, as he opened the door to the master room. Walking in you, you was taken aback by the sheer size of the room, it was as big as the flat you had shared with your mother, the room was filled with large furniture and expensive decorations. Walking over to the vanity, your hands traced over all the various objects, as you looked in the mirror to see Tommy by the door watching you.
" This is my room?"
" Our room" he said, shutting the door behind him. Turning around, with your back to the vanity, your eyes met his as he started walking towards you, stalking you, his glare never once moving from you as he took off his suit jacket, his waist coat quickly following.
"Tommy it's late, I'm tired" you said as your hands clutched onto the wooden vanity behind you.
" Nice try love" he said as he stepped closer, a dark smile on his face as pulled down the suspenders from his shoulders. Eyes full of lust, pupils blown, Tommy looked at you like an animal would look at it's prey.
" Tommy..." you said, as you felt his lips suddenly kissing along your neck, his hand lifting up your dress as his fingers grazed over your body.
" Tommy, wait, slow down" you said, only for his fingers to move to your inner thigh. You couldn't deny his touch felt good, but it was too soon, things were going too fast. You needed time to know him again before you were intimate with eachother.
"Tommy I can't, I'm bleeding" you said as you tried to grab hold of his hand only for him to push it away.
"I want you Y/N, I've waited long enough" he breathed heavily into your neck as his lips ghosted over your throat, moaning into your delicate skin. Too caught up in his desire for you, your words went unheard as Tommy continued trailing his hands further up your thigh. He was relentless, his mind driven to one thing, his eagerness pressing into your thigh.
" I want you too Tommy, but please, not like this" you said your hands on his chest as you tried to gently push him away. Snapping out of It, Tommy abruptly stopped what he was doing as he stepped away from you. His jaw clenched in frustration, he stood there staring at you.
" Are you lying to me?" He said, his hands on his hips, cocking an eyebrow, as he looked at you pulling down your scrunched up dress.
" No Tommy I'm..I'm not" you said trying to figure out what to say. "When you changed the date of the wedding, it just..it happened to be the same week I would be having my monthly bleed" you lied, your eyes trying to avoid the fury in his.
Without saying another word Tommy just glared at you, the heat of his stare burning into your skin. Pinching his bottom lip between his fingers, he turned away from you, grabbing his suit jacket as he stormed out the room, slamming the door shut with so much force the whole room rattled.
Your legs about to give way, you reached over to the bed frame easing yourself down as your thoughts spun in your head.
Who was this man?
Tag list: @litteltourtius @aesthetic0cherryblossom @swordofawriter @casa-boiardi @muhahaha303 @fmo166
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mswyrr · 5 months
Cooper isn't just named after Todd Howard, he's named after Gary Cooper, star of stage & screen. Most famously of the film High Noon, where he plays a character who must do the right thing, even if it destroys his life & marriage & the theme song goes "do not forsake me, oh my darling."
The song lyrics also say "Oh, to be torn twixt love and duty." Which is the core of Cooper and Barb's tragedy imo. Love is the death of duty and duty is the death of love (to paraphrase GRRM).
Cooper's feeling of moral duty toward others would lead him to just trying to have some good time on a ranch with Janey and Barb before the end. And Barb's love for her little girl means she'll burn down her sense of duty to others (even though she has a conscience, unlike Bud and Hank) to save her.
It's meant to be an impossible situation because they both feel love and duty. And neither route, in being forced to choose between the two, is a good one.
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wordsinhaled · 2 months
just dropping a handful of songs that are rotating around in my brain at all times as i'm thinking about payneland
marionette — keaton henson & julien baker
i am the master of ignoring the past i have the answer to the question that you never asked teach me the seasons and let every year be the test but ask me to dance, love, i will fold like a marionette i'm lost on you i feel my insides growing soft like fruit in the sun and wonder how long it will be till the air is afraid of my lungs when will the evening cease to cool my wearying head? teach me to write, love, and i'll write you a song for the dead i'm lost on you my god, whose love do i have to steer? oh, i might be lost on me
i wish i was the moon — neko case
chimney falls as lovers blaze i thought that i was young now i've freezing hands and bloodless veins as numb as i've become i'm so tired, i wish i was the moon tonight how will you know if you've found me at last? 'cause i'll be the one, be the one, be the one with my heart in my lap i'm so tired, i'm so tired and i wish i was the moon tonight
give out — sharon von etten
there were your eyes in the dark of the room the only ones shining the only set i had met in years i am biting my lip as confidence is speaking to me i loosen my grip from my palm put it on your knee in my way, i say you're the reason why i'll move to the city or why i'll need to leave it's not because i always hold on it might be i always hold out
two step — dave matthews band
oh, my love, i came to you with best intentions you laid down and give to me just what i'm seeking say, love, you drive me to distraction hey, my love, do you believe that we might last a thousand years or more if not for this? our flesh and blood it ties you and me right up, tie me down celebrate we will, 'cause life is short but sweet for certain you quench my heart and oh, you quench my mind
something about us — daft punk
it might not be the right time but there's something about us i want to say 'cause there's something between us anyway it might not be the right time but there's something about us i've got to do some kind of secret i will share with you i need you more than anything in my life i want you more than anything in my life i'll miss you more than anyone in my life i love you more than anyone in my life
half blind — ye vagabonds
i have fallen foul of my desire striking while the iron’s in the fire taking ever more than i require so forsaking love to be admired yet you cast your net when not one star was shining caught my eye upon your silver lining torn between resisting and resigning like a fly toward a flame inclining darling, i am not opposed to letting go this time though i fear i'll leave an eye still dangling on the line there are far worse things i could expect to leave behind and to keep my heart intact and walk about half blind
to your love — fiona apple
i would have warned you but really what's the point? caution could but rarely ever helps don't be down, my demeanor tends to disappoint tough enough even trying to be civil to myself please forgive me for my distance the pain is evident in my existence please forgive me for my distance the shame is manifest in my resistance to your love to your love, to your love my derring-do allows me to dance the rigadoon around you but by the time i'm close to you i lose my desideratum, and now you so now you have it so tell me, baby, what's the word? am i your gal or should i get out of town? i just need to be reassured do you just deal it out, or can you deal with all that i lay down?
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stars-interlude · 2 months
Even a worm will turn
a/n: YAYYYY FINALL PART (dw all 3 parts are on here so it’s the full story) ngl xiao is kinda a bully at the end of this 😭
pairings: prince!xiao X princess!reader
Tags: medieval, Fem!reader, oral fem receiving, dom to sub reader
symbiosis; having an arranged marriage was something you’ve been dreading for years as a princess then you see the man your supposed to make new heirs with and could he really be that bad?
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It was a bitter day for the bride as you stood next to your soon-be husband. You could feel her father's glare burning on your back, a sharp reminder of the fate that was chosen for you. The prince seemed like a handsome man, but it was all too easy to see the anguish in his heart, like a storm brewing far on the horizon. As the tension in the air rises you couldn’t help but feel like you were about to be pushed off a cliff by your father after your vows were exchnaged. Falling into a deep darkness “Xiao do you take [name] as your wife to live together in holy matrimony to love her, honor her, comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all other, for as long as you both shall live?” Xiao responded swiftly “I do” the Notary soon said the somewhat similar words to you but none of it really mattered because you never loved Xiao.. Soon after the Wedding you talk to your father “I never wanted to do this! tell me why father, why did i have to marry this prince?!” “My dear do not fret you will not be in this God forsaken marriage for long, we just need you to make the prince open up and while your in his kingdom you’ll get his father’s warfare plans and we can destroy their kingdom.” When you heard this plan come out your father’s mouth you were in a way shocked. Not only were you allies with this kingdom so it made no sense why your father would try to hurt them but looking at the riches and power in the palm of your hand was just… you were thinking of a word.. It was just exhilarating.
Of course you agreed to your father but this plan was easier said than done. “Oh Xiao shall we go to your kingdom? I would love to see the customs there” First you had to find a reason to be in your husband’s palace in the first place. “Hm.. It doesn’t take much long just a few hours or so. So I don’t see why not.” Packing your stuff with Xiao was quite easy you only brought a few changes of clothes, a night gown and undergarments of course. As you stepped in the carriage with your husband you thought of your mother she taught you many things like how to cook some foods and many other things but your favorite food thing she taught you was common phrases “Even a worm will turn. It’s an expression used to convey the message that even the meekest or most docile of creatures will retaliate or seek revenge if pushed too far. Now if someone pushes you, you can always tell me and i’ll have them dealt with.” Your mother kissed your forehead and went back to showing you how to cook. The carriage came to a sudden stop, you were so engrossed in thought that it made you forget about how long this trip was supposed to take. “Darling shall we go?” Xiao asked “we shall” you chuckled to yourself. Xiao then helped you out as you took his hand and looked into his eyes you felt something spark within but you didn’t know what it was. Was it love.. No it can’t be. you thought to yourself.
When you went into the palace of Xiao’s kingdom it was as luxurious as you thought it would be. Artwork on the walls it was anything you could’ve dreamed of. “This will be your room” Xiao then showed you a beautiful bedroom “wouldn’t we be sleeping together?” Xiao’s cheeks turned a bright pink “well i suppose so” you put on a smile and gave Xiao a kiss on the cheek making him more flustered than he already was. “We are married after all” after you got into your night gown you saw xiao and he looked better than you thought his hair falling on his face beautifully and the pajamas he was wearing fit just right. “Xiao.. you look perfect” he looked at you like you said something out the ordinary “As do you..?” He said this more like a question than a statement. You then walked closer to him “well yesterday was our wedding night but we didn’t do much how about you make it up to me.. what do you think hun?”
you walked closer to you husband then you already were, then you pulled him into a deep kiss as the kiss got deeper he pulled you into his lap. you could feel his cock getting harder under your cunt as you two kissed n’ grinded, he placed his hands on your hips “getting bold, are we?” you said after feeling his hands. he kissed down your neck and his hand slowly moved up your nightgown feeling your chest and pulling at your nipples. you let out a soft moan “xiao..” Xiao's lips curved into a smirk as he heard you moan his name. He continued placing kisses down your neck, his hands roaming your body "You like that?" he whispered against your skin, his warm breath sending shivers down your spine. “mhmm love it” you could feel yourself slipping away from your dominant attitude. “you always act so tough, i know you’re soft on the inside” Xiao said this as he gripped your hips tighter enough to bruise later. He picked you up bridal style and placed you on the bed you two were supposed to share for the night. instead of his hands going up your body he goes down and hooks his finger on the band of your panties, he looks at you before he goes and feels your cunt “so wet from just kissing? how dirty..” you let out a soft whimper “you had so much to say, what happened where’d that bold attitude go?” xiao then pulled down your panties “ ‘m not dirty!” he slipped two fingers in your cunt “if you weren’t dirty you wouldn’t be moving your hips when i thrust my fingers in you” you didn’t even notice that you were moving. you quickly covered your face after he said that. Xiao pulled out his fingers and you felt empty until you felt his breath on your cunt, he kissed your clit before he started fingering your pussy. you gripped onto xiao’s hair cause of the waves of pleasure going through your body. Maybe your father’s plan could wait a little longer..
a/n: i felt like i should quickly finish this before i start doing all the requests i got WHICH IM SOOO HAPPY ABTT TYY FOR ALL OF THEMMMMM
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hello my platonic female freind. how is your salamander doing.
my dearest deedee....
I fear I am unable to discuss your adoring letters publicly, lest my wife find out. i... sigh. I will not allow you to play second fiddle to a woman who has left me and yet as much as I yearn for the feeling of your felted fingers intwined in my own I cannot forsake my spouse.
miss piggy, shes not a kind woman to those she believes wish to take what is hers, and she has made it very clear to me that I am hers and hers alone.
she is much like a vengeful hera, and as such, I do not fear for my own safety but for yours. she is not a woman to be trifled with, darling.
I refuse to put the burden of my deep adoration onto your shoulders. I cannot hide my deamons from you, and I could not ask you to live the life of a hunted sparrow.
fly free, songbird. free from me and free from my hera...
-your caged crow
ps. the green works as a defence against the watchful eyes of my wife. she Is colourblind and wont read green. kermit. you know how it is.
hello fellow female friend who i have never ever had lustful thoughts about. salty mcswizzle is doing SO well - he’s actually befriended a big-shot in the insurance industry! martin is such an amazing friend to my sweet boy <3
my sweet mis,
oh how i yearn for us to be together. your protectiveness over my wellbeing endears you to me even further.
i will suppress my feelings for you for the sake of your safety, as i would rather carve out my own heart than see you in any pain.
someday, i will return with an army and we will rescue you once and for all. one day, i will fly back to you and sing you every lovesong that has ever been composed, i swear it. we will travel the world together, and you will feel the wind upon your wings.
- your longing songbird, from now until the end of time
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@themousefromfantasyland @faintingheroine @princesssarisa @softlytowardthesun @grimoireoffolkloreandfairytales @the-blue-fairie @inevitablemoment @thealmightyemprex @tamisdava2 @natache @gstone97 @lord-antihero @professorlehnsherr-almashy
(Arab folktale from Palestine and Israel. Recorded by Yoel Perez, from the mouth of Zahia Ghurayfât (60) of the 'Arab al-Ghurayfât tribe of Bayt Zarzîr, September 11, 1982)
Oh, honored listened to the words, shall we tell a tale, or shall I sleep? Let's tell a tale.
There was a woman who was not able to become pregnant, and she could not bring forth children. Her husband was a working man.
One day a merchant came and was hawking his goods, saying:
"Pomegranate for pregnancy! Pomegranate for pregnancy!"
The woman came, took a mug full of pomegranate seeds and said:
"Oh Allah, Allah be praised and exalted! With Your might and by Your miracles and Your exalted state and Supreme Being, let me have a daughter or a son like the seeds of this pomegranate, red and good. Praised be Allah sublime, who is mighty with His ability, power and supremacy!"
Twenty years later she gave birth to a daughter whom she called Pomegranate Seed. The daughter was very pretty and and beautiful. Her beauty was incomparable. When anyone saw her, they would say:
"Pomegranate Seed is more beautiful than her mother!"
Then her mother became jealous and angry, whenever she heard that her daughter was more beautiful than she. Then her father started to like the daughter more than the mother. The mother, upon hearing this, would ask him:
"Why do you love the daughter more than me?"
He said to her:
"Because she is more beautiful and better than you."
Subsequently she started to ask the stars:
"Oh Stars, who is more beautiful, I or Pomegranate Seed?"
The Stars replied:
"Pomegranate Seed."
Then she asked the Moon:
"Oh Moon, who is better, I or Pomegranate Seed?"
The Moon replied:
"Pomegranate Seed."
She asked:
"Oh Arabs, who is better, I or Pomegranate Seed?"
They said to her:
"Pomegranate Seed."
In the end she asked all the people, and all of them prefered Pomegranate Seed. Then she said:
"I want to spill the blood of that girl and to slay her."
The mother prepared provisions for a journey and said to her daughter:
"We want to go to your uncles."
The daughter said to the mother:
"No, how can we go? I don't know my uncles."
The mother said to her:
"I want to introduce you to your uncles."
Then she took the daughter through mountains and valleys in which there was nothing except hyenas and ghouls, and other such creatures. They both stayed in an area full of rocks until night fell, the sun set, and the world became dark. There was no moon.
The mother said to her daughter:
"Let's go to sleep."
The daughter said to her mother:
"My hair is joined to yours, my flesh is tied to your flesh, and I shall sew my dress to yours, and your will be beneath my head, and my arm will be beneath your head."
The girl remained asleep until the Sun rose upon her, and she became hot. She woke up to find that nobody was beside her. She started screaming:
"Mother! Mother!"
There was nobody near her.
Then a ghoulah came and said:
"May Allah watch over you, Oh darling Pomegranate Seed! Allah be with you! May the safety of Allah be with you, and whoever forsakes you will be forsaken by Allah! From where did you come to me? From the gate of happiness to the gate of hell?"
The girl said to her:
"I was brought here by good fortune and by luck."
Thereupon the ghoulah took the girl with her.
The ghoulah was roaming freely with gazelles, and she took the girl along with the gazelles to a cave, to a natural cave, like the ones used by goats. She let the gazelles into the cave, and brought the girl in was well. She warmed her and dressed her. She said to her:
"You are my daughter, by the covenant of Allah, and whosoever betrays you will be betrayed by Allah! For I have been looking for you for a long time, Oh Pomegranate Seed!"
The ghoulah roamed with the gazelles, and every day she would take the gazelles with her as she roamed about. When she returned, she would shout:
"Oh Pomegranate Seed! Open the door for the gazelles!"
And Pomegranate Seed would clear the door for the gazelles.
The ghoulah led the girl in the cave, and all of a sudden she saw houses in the interior of the cave. The ghoulah showed her a door and a faucet, and told her that she was allowed to open them, but warned her that whatever room was closed she should beware of opening it. She gave her the keys to the entire place.
Once the ghoulah was absent, the girl went around and started to open the places which she had been warned not to open. She opened the first faucet, and dipped her finger into it. All of a sudden, her finger was all gold, and then the gold stuck to her finger. She tried to remove the gold from the finger, but could not. She opened another place, and all of a sudden there were two girls there, hanging by their hair. She did not speak to them, but closed the door, and while doing so she injured her finger, and wrapped it up.
The ghoulah came back, and said to Pomegranate Seed:
"Open the door for the gazelles! They give milk from their horns, they give milk from their teats. Oh Pomegranate Seed! Open the door for the gazelles, they give milk from their horns, they give milk from their teats!"
She opened the door and, behold, the finger of Pomegranate Seed was wrapped up. The ghoulah asked her:
"Why is your finger wrapped up, Oh my darling?"
She said to her:
"It was injured."
The ghoulah knew the truth, and she said to her:
"Let me see it!"
The girl said to her:
"No, it hurts me."
"Let me see it!"
"No, it hurts me!"
The ghoulah said to her:
"Did I not tell you not to open that door?"
However, the matter was of no importance, since the girl was dear to her.
One day, a merchant was hawking his goods, shouting:
"Buckles, combs for sale!"
It was the first time that a merchant came to this place on a donkey.
Pomegranate Seed looked at his wares, because she had much gold to spend. She asked his permission to take his merchandise. He asked her:
"Are there any human beings in this place?"
She said to him:
"I am a human being, I am Pomegranate Seed."
He said to her:
"Pomegranate Seed used to live in our neighborhood, but her mother took her and shed her blood."
She said to him:
"I am Pomegranate Seed. Is my mother still there?"
He said to her:
She said to him:
"I want to entrust you with a little gold to give to my mother."
He said to her:
She gave the merchant a little gold wrapped in an envelope, to deliver to her mother.
Her mother was very upset about her daughter. She wanted to kill her, she no longer wanted to have a child. She wondered, saying:
"I abandoned her among the debris of rocks, and yet she is still alive! I want to kill her!"
She said to the merchant:
"Return to me!"
She bought a poisoned comb for her daughter and when the merchant returned, she gave it to him for her daughter. She told him:
"I entrust you with it for my daughter. Let nobody else open it, except my daughter, and when you arrive there let her wash and clean herself, and make sure that she combs her hair."
The merchant set on his rounds, carrying his gold and his property. He went to Pomegranate Seed, and told her:
"This is what your mother entrusted to me!"
Thereupon she heated up water on the fire, and washed her hair. Then she started to comb it. The first time she combed her hair the teeth of the comb broke on her head. The second time her fingers were broken.
The third time Pomegranate Seed died.
The ghoulah came back from afar, and started to shout:
"Pomegranate Seed! Open the door for the gazelles!"
Nobody answered. The ghoulah said to herself:
"If I find her asleep, she is safe, may Allah be with her, and may the trust of Allah be with her! But if I should find her alive and awake, by Allah, there is nothing else I can do but eat her, eat Pomegranate Seed!"
The ghoulah went to open the door, and there was Pomegranate Seed dead.
"Oh darling! Oh Pomegranate Seed! Oh Pomegranate Seed! Oh Pomegranate Seed!"
Pomegranate Seed did not answer. The ghoulah put rugs and carpets on the floor, dressed Pomegranate Seed in the finest clothes of the most expensive kind. The gold that the ghoulah heaped on Pomegranate Seed could not be heaped on the backs of the camels of love.
She sad:
"Oh camels of love! I beg your trust, don't descend unless you are told the phrase 'By the life of whoever is on your back!' Only then descend!"
The camels of love flew. There were some children playing ball in the field. Among them was a poor man. He was saying:
"Come down, Oh camels of love!"
But the camels did not come down.
The poor man then said:
"By the life of whoever is on your back, come down, camels of love!"
The camels of love came down. When they came down, the poor man said to them:
"Keep all the money and gold, I want to take only the girl! I shall ask my mother to wash her, and we shall bury her."
The youth, took the property and the gold, and the rugs and carpets, and he took Pomegranate Seed and brought her to his mother. He said to her:
"Oh my mother!"
She said to him:
"Oh my son!"
He said to her:
"Heat up some water, Oh my mother, and wash this young woman. I found her dead on the back of the camels of love. Let us wash her and bury her."
She said to him:
"Yes, Oh my son!"
Thereupon she started to light the fire, and she brought a pot that resembled a jar of copper, and brought water and heated it. She carried in the girl and spread mat under her, and started to wash her for burial. Who would be willing to bury her? As she was washing her, the woman shook the girl's head, and behold there was four or five teeth of a comb in her head. She plucked out the first one, whereupon Pomegranate Seed said:
She plucked out the second one, and again Pomegranate Seed:
Then she plucked out the third one, and she said:
"I witness that there is no God but Allah, and I witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah!"
When she said that, the woman said:
"This girl was dead, and now she has come back to life!"
She brought clothes for her, and dressed her, and she woke up, and behold, she was Pomegranate Seed!
The woman stopped showing her to the Arabs (i.e., she hid her), fearing that somebody would her and take her to marry his son, or that the king would take her for his son.
Day after day the old woman would go to the water, and Pomegranate Seed would ask her:
"Let me go with you to the water!"
But she said to her:
"No, Oh my darling!"
One day the king's son saw her and fell in love with her. He told his father and mother:
"I want the sister of the poor boy!"
They said to him:
"He has no sisters."
He said to them:
"I shall never get better if I don't get that girl!"
They went to the old woman and told her.
She said to them:
"This is my son's wife, and her story is such and such and such. She is not my daughter."
They said to her:
"We want her even so, even if by force!"
The old woman took the girl and went to the king's son. He was told her story, from its beggining to the end. The king's son did not stop wanting to go to see the poor girl. They told him:
"Allah sent her as a gift to the poor man; it is a sin for you to take her away. You can take any girl you want."
He said:
"Yes, of course!"
He came and gave the poor man fifty sheep, fifty goats, and fifty cows, and gave him property. He then married Pomegranate Seed, and brought her to the poor man.
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honeybeedewdrops · 2 years
Wedding Bells | B.Bradshaw
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Summary: You and Bradley are getting married
When Rooster first laid eyes on you he knew you were the one.
So here you sat all dressed in white the nerves really kicking in. "Nervous?" Phoenix asks walking in with your mum and two best friends. "Yes it's kicking in now" "Don't be nervous you'll be just fine" your mom says doing some last minute touch ups of your hair. "Easy for you to say mum you're really confident and love the attention plus you had a small wedding" You say "Honey relax" "but what if I trip or forget what i want to say or fumble my words" "Just speak from the heart if you forget and you won't trip you've walked in these heels millions of times" your best friend says. "Besides Rooster will probably fumble more than you. Oh man I can't wait to see Rooster cry." Phoenix says "How do you know he will cry"
"Honey all men cry at their weddings" you mum says making you roll your eyes. "Ok all done now come on let me see you" your mum says and you stand up "You look beautiful my baby all grown up" and she starts crying "mum come on the wedding hasn't even started" "I know I know but I can't help it" "Hello! Knock knock." and your dad walks in "Hey dad" and he takes one look at you "darling you look beautiful" and he kisses your cheek "thanks dad" "ok ladies time to go" your dad says ushering them out. Phoenix sends you a wink before leaving last. Your dad turns to you "i'm so proud of you" he says "why are you proud?" "Because you've turned into this beautiful young lady and I have to let you go" "dad i'm not dying" you chuckle "I know now come on I can hear the bells" you grab his arm and walk out the door.
The familiar tune of here comes the bride comes on and you start walking down. You make eye contact with Rooster and he look dashing and you could already see him dabbing at his eyes making you think back to Phoenix's comment.
Here you stand in front of Bradley and it felt amazing. When it came time for the vows when Rooster spoke you got a bit teary eyed and he did get a bit choked up. when your turn came you were a mess and ended up forgetting what you were going to say so you spoke from the heart.
Bradley, do you take Y/n to be your wedded wife, to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honour and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?
I do
Y/n, do you take Bradley to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage?  Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?
I do.
And you both kiss and you felt yourself falling in love all over again.
After the wedding was the reception and it was a ball of fun. Starting with eating Y/F/F and some embarrassing stories.
"Gather round all time for the toss" you yell and all the ladies lines up. You toss it and to your surprise Phoenix caught it. Watching her race after Hangman was so funny he sprinted away like his life depended on it.
At the end of the night you and Rooster were off to the airport for your honeymoon which was going to be in Greece a place you've always wanted to visit. Ridding off into the sunset in Bradley's bronco made you think back to you first date.
"what?" He asks looking at your smile "I love you soo much" "I love you too"
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farmerbebop · 7 months
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Here's the hotvillagepoll to find the best The Prisoner episode, which I hope wouldn't just end up with less votes than the number of episodes in this series.
Other polls in this round can be found under #round 1 tag on this blog.
The Schizoid Man: Impersonating an elite spy is a lot easier than you think. Everything you need is in the files. So when did it go wrong? It's Patrick McGoohan you are dealing with. As one of the greatest actors of his generation, he could make anyone look like a parody of themselves, including himself. We still don't really know who Number Six is beside that he was a spy. But McGoohan playing the role is enough to make it so unique you would feel like there can't be any other Number Six in the world.
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Living in Harmony: You want a cowboy who doesn't like his job? You want a cowboy who is actually a prisoner on an island in Wales? You want the most handsome but also the grumpiest cowboy you could possibly ask for? You want a sci-fi finale on top? SAY NO MORE. I only knew McGoohan as villains before this and maybe he just wanted to have fun playing cowboy. But he put down his gun. And that makes him a hero to me.
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Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling: This one hardly has any McGoohan in it (which could be nice if you don't want to be fired by him on your first day on the job). But you get to know that Number Six also exists outside of his job, he used to have a life. And it means something to him.
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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If the last few weeks of whatever this is that’s going on with Timothée Chalamet had a theme song:
I'm not afraid
Of anything in this world
There's nothing you can throw at me
That I haven't already heard
I'm just trying to find
A decent melody
A song that I can sing
In my own company
I never thought you were a fool
But darling, look at you (Ooh)
You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere baby
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And now you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
I will not forsake
The colors that you bring
The nights you filled with fireworks
They left you with nothing
I am still enchanted
By the light you brought to me
I listen through your ears
Through your eyes I can see
You are such a fool
To worry like you do. Oh
I know it's tough
And you can never get enough
Of what you don't really need now
My, oh my
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
Oh love, look at you now
You've got yourself stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
I was unconscious, half asleep
The water is warm 'til you discover how deep
I wasn't jumping, for me it was a fall
It's a long way down, to nothing at all
You've got to get yourself together
You've got stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
Don't say that later will be better
Now you're stuck in a moment
And you can't get out of it
And if the night runs over
And if the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along the stony paths
And if, and if the night runs over
And if, the day won't last
And if your way should falter
Along this stony paths
It's just a moment
This time will pass
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Paul David Hewson / Adam Clayton / Larry Mullen / Dave Evans
Stuck in a Moment You Can’t Get Out Of lyrics © Polygram Int. Music Publishing B.v.
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ayayabaroque · 2 years
tanginamo hilig mo mag procrastinate kahit aabi mo mag rerelease ka ng fic nung December 20-26
+delusional scarapoots, he sees you as both his mother figure and a romantic(ishh) interest hahahahahaha borderline insane but same ngl
Qhat if ano
Hear me out
Genshin SAGAU but Scaramouche never met his old mortal friends etcetc...
Time travelling shit
But wait, theres more
May sense of creepiness iykwis
Darling takes care of him throughout the time Ei supposedly abandoned him, but aftr he becomes a harbinger you suddenly leave for no reaspn
He misses you and hes mad at u for leaving him
Imagine the shock when he finds out that you returned.
Or, an impostor of per se
in the attempt to make the so-called 'God' he worships as of now, he k-words the 'impostor' (which is u btw and now you hate him since you're a vengeful person and by you i mean me)
Oh the horror he has on his face when he saw your gold blood seeping through your lifeless body.
He's constantly hearing a faint ringing in his head telling him—
"Sinner. Sinner. Sinner. SINNER."
In the desperate attempt to cling on to whatever life you had, he hugged your — now dead — form tightly, while pressing his cheek against yours for any source of warmth.
"Your Grace, please don't forsake me, for I have sinned against you—
"Please Your Grace, wake up!
"If you so wish to torment and torture me so be it! Just please, wake up!
"I-I won't do it again, I promise— I'll murder the true impostor at your command, please—
"I understand I am a disappointment, but please don't leave me! You're—
...all that I have.
My mother... You...
You are my true... mother, not Ei, not anyone, only you.
You are special to me.
You won't leave me too, right mother?"
Scaramouche coddles your dead, rotting corpse closer, rocking bad and forth as it settles in his mind that you're dead now. You're gone.
He doesn't accept the fact you're gone rather, he stares at you lovingly, kissing you endlessly as if you were under a curse.
He's aware of what he's done, he chooses not to face it. He didn't sin against you, he was with you here right now. He didn't kill you, you're in his arms, looking at him lovingly and with care. He wasn't the reason you died, in fact, you didn't die at all!
"My creator, my life, my darling, let us go home.
I shall patch up your wounds immediately.
After that, I shall lay with you in bed, seeking your warmth as I always have.
As I always would.
And as I ever will be."
As he fulfills his promise of murdering the impostor at your absent command, he is expectant of praise from a cold, rotting corpse.
"Oh mother...
Please tell me I've done you good.
Please, praise me again and tell me you won't leave me.
That I am your good boy.
No one else's.
My love.
You will always be."
i fucking wrote this at 12:55 i havent inhaled much sleep so fuck u if you laugh at this
Sincerely, Prince
btw wheres my christmas gift i asked for genesis crystals and you gave me a fuckcij rubber duck./lh/j
i dont want whatever the fuck you're on Prince stop writing your creepy ideas at midnight adik ka ba Prince? I'm also sorry I haven't been writing a lot, I promise I'll post the shit in my drafts soon. Much love and whatever else is left of me, Niecass. p.s: You're not getting another Christmas gift. The rubber duck gift set for children is all that I can afford.
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zsofiarosebud · 25 days
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack
Okay, thanks for asking! You hit the spot, for i'm a huge cinema nerd. Let's see!
Do not forsake me oh my darling - Tex Ritter (from High Noon)
Man of Constant Sorrow from O Brother where art thou
The ballad of Sacco & Vanzetti - Ennio Morricone x Joan Baez
Bonuses: The Shape of things to come (ramones version) i did not see the original movie but the song is neat & Mein Herr from Cabaret (favourite musical out there)
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evil-hog666 · 7 months
I finished my half assed CW’s for The Prisoner (1967) that I made for my friends encase they ever want to watch it……
@milk-and-entrails @smokedbeans @eggskie
Overall series: drugging, kidnapping, gaslighting, deception, conspiracy
1. The Arrival: suicide.
2. The Chimes of Big Ben: The best Number 2.
3. A. B. And C.: heavy syringe use throughout the duration.
4. Free For All: politics ☹️
5. The Schizoid Man: Paranoia. electric shock conditioning. death.
6. The General: Someone is stabbed but it’s very brief and non graphic, time stamp is 36:45, later there’s blood shown but no wound. Two characters are electrocuted.
7. Many Happy Returns: a little fighting, as a treat.
8. Dance of the Dead: themes of suicide.
9. Checkmate: some fighting.
10. Hammer Into Anvil: self harm. suicide.
11. It’s Your Funeral: a little more fighting.
12. A Change of Mind: fighting. syringe use during 21:34- 21:51. syringe use during 25:56-26:06. sci-fi lobotomy I’m not even joking.
13. Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling: N/A
14. Living in Harmony: fighting. a vague implication of rape. Sexual assult. Small amount of blood. Strangulation. Death. Suicide. Cowboys.
15. The Girl Who Was Death: death. implication of vomit but none is shown
16. Once Upon a Time: someone is stabbed and blood is shown at 28:35. Death.
17. Fall Out: N/A
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jwdsrot · 9 months
hate to be the "this is boss baby vibes" guy just because i have brainrot for a tv show but, lee dongsik you would love high noon (1952)..do not forsake me oh my darling...waiting to wed and waiting to enact violence.....wedding and murder vows and to go on living when it it's the loneliest choice but still pleading your lover to put up with you oh..
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culttvblog · 9 months
Number 6 Was a Plant: Introduction
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This post is the first in a series of posts about The Prisoner, in which I will seek to understand the series in light of the theory that Number 6 did not resign but instead is still an active spy during his time in The Village, in some way spying on the way things were run there.
Perhaps Matthew White and Jaffer Ali explain the proposition better than I would:
'The place to begin this debate is in the episode Hammer into Anvil, in which Number Two is convinced that Number Six is a plant, assigned to The Village by The Village's authorities to spy on Number Two. The initial screening of this episode makes it appear that Number Six is playing a devious game, that he has turned the tables on Number Two in order to take revenge on Number Two's sadistic handling of a fellow Villager. But what if this is no game? What if Number Six is indeed carrying out his orders? What, indeed?
'We have plenty of evidence that Number Six was an accomplished spy. Besides the obvious espionage techniques employed in Hammer into Anvil, he is seen cracking complicated codes in such episodes as Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling (the proper projection of photographic slides to reveal a location). In that same episode he is known to others by secret code names, be it another number (ZM73) or a fictitiousname (Schmidt, Duvall). But the question remains: Is he still a spy, or has he resigned?' (Matthew White and Jaffer Ali: The Official Prisoner Companion. Warner Books, New York, 2009, Chapter 3.)
They make the point, rightly in my opinion, that this theory makes perfect sense of the solution that Number 6 is actually Number 1. Not going to lie about this, but I find it fairly dreary that a prisoner could spend an entire television series proclaiming that he is a free man and resenting his imprisonment when actually he is the architect of his own incarceration and could presumably get out of it at any time he chose to. If, however Number 6 is Number 1 in the sense of being 'the boss', that makes perfect sense of his pretend resignation and testing his Village out, almost to destruction. It's possible that he is the boss of the organisation which runs The Village and has come concerns about the way it is being run so finds out in a practical way: this is, of course, dependent on the organisation being so completely secretive that the people in The Village don't know who Number 6 is, although of course there are suspicions. He must also be seen to resign while not actually resigning so that he can go in in disguise and avoid the pretences of an official visit.
There is further evidence in support of this theory:
'Why would Number Six subject himself to the various tortures within The Village? The answer must have something to do with national security: Number Six has been placed in The Village to test its security. In Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, we understand that the breaking of security is of prime importance to The Villagers. (Number Two in that episode is delighted to discover that he may have stumbled across a method-mind transference-that would break the security of any nation.)
'This theory is appealing and puts several pieces of the puzzle in place. We never know what information is in Number Six's head, and neither does any Number Two. But Number Two is always under orders to treat Number Six with a special respect and not to destroy him or his mind. These orders, which are given by the ultimate authorities, protect Number Six within The Village. Why would Number One be so careful to protect Number Six unless Number Six was actually working for Number One (or is Number One himself)?
'The final bit of evidence to support this theory is contained in the last scene of the last episode. Number Six, now in London and apparently free from The Village, leaves The Butler at his house in London. The door opens automatically, much like the doors in The Village. But Number Six pays that no mind. Indeed, it's as if he expects it. Most have thought this confirmed the fact that there is no escape from The Village. But what if it means that Number Six has been a Villager all along?' (Matthew White and Jaffer Ali: op. cit., Chapter 3.)
I will not be covering it in great detail in this series of posts to avoid sending myself mad, but there are further hints that Number 6 may be a plant, in the Big Finish audio version of the show. In several places he is referred or deferred to as if he is the boss of The Village. In the episode Project Six (based on A, B and C) Janet explicitly tells him that he has made himself a prisoner rather than being made one. Of course you could interpret that as meaning that he could just have not resigned and avoided imprisonment that way. Then in Hammer into Anvil, Rover reads Number 6's inmost thoughts and it is discovered he thinks of himself as Number 1. He just doesn't answer when Janet asks him if he is Number 1, but both she and Number 2 have their suspicions. Obviously this isn't made explicit, but left as hints in true Prisoner style.
On the other hand David Stimpson thinks the theory that Number 6 is a plant makes a nonsense of the resignation scene in the titles, and also that possibly Number 6 could have not resigned, but it then backfired and he actually found himself a prisoner in The Village after being brought back at the end of The Chimes of Big Ben:
'What if No.6 is a plant, sent to the village to check on security, to check on No.2? That idea makes a total hash of how we see the opening sequence, that of a man who having resigned is trying to get away before they come for him. That would all be an act, as he allows himself to be abducted, as the Prisoner goes to work undercover in the village Absurd? Well Nadia Rakovski allowed herself to be abducted, to attempt a fake escape and be subjected to the awful effects of being captured by the village guardian! To make no mention of being interrogated and subjected to torture in that interrogation room, as she was a plant, working undercover in the village. Oh I know what Nadia Rakovski allowed herself to be put through is nothing compared to what No.6 was put through. But the principle is the same.
'Certainly whoever No.,6 is he is definitely a spy. He has intelligence of working with codes, uses code names, Schmidt, Duval, D6, ZM73, XO4, and a false name of Peter Smith. He gives nothing away about himself, only that of his birthday 19th of March 1928, the only real thing we know about the Prisoner-No.6's identity.
'It isn't until his supposed escape in The Chimes of Big Ben that we see that his cover is blown! the Colonel and Fotheringay have been brought to the village to help extract certain information from an old ex-colleague, and is left dumped in the village. Now he really is a Prisoner, betrayed by his very own people! But the Prisoner is still loyal, as we see in Many Happy Returns when the Prisoner "runs" again, back to old friends and ex-colleagues. And in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling we not only learn that this one time spy, and undercover man is engaged to the bosses daughter, Janet Portland, and that the Prisoner's direct boss, above the Colonel is Sir Charles Portland. The fact that ZM73 had been sent on a mission deep under cover for the past year, means that even Sir Charles Portland was not privy to such delicate information. After all, Sir Charles may have told his daughter under pressure by her!' (Source: https://david-stimpson.blogspot.com/2012/11/no6-plant.html)
This is an exploration of The Prisoner that I'm looking forward to very much, because I really like this theory and think it may make much of the show look very different.
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