#Or as the High Noon song puts it:
mswyrr · 5 months
Cooper isn't just named after Todd Howard, he's named after Gary Cooper, star of stage & screen. Most famously of the film High Noon, where he plays a character who must do the right thing, even if it destroys his life & marriage & the theme song goes "do not forsake me, oh my darling."
The song lyrics also say "Oh, to be torn twixt love and duty." Which is the core of Cooper and Barb's tragedy imo. Love is the death of duty and duty is the death of love (to paraphrase GRRM).
Cooper's feeling of moral duty toward others would lead him to just trying to have some good time on a ranch with Janey and Barb before the end. And Barb's love for her little girl means she'll burn down her sense of duty to others (even though she has a conscience, unlike Bud and Hank) to save her.
It's meant to be an impossible situation because they both feel love and duty. And neither route, in being forced to choose between the two, is a good one.
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kenobers · 17 days
Jason Todd Headcanons
just a few thoughts that help inform the way i write this doof. it's linked below as well, but check out jason's spotify wrapped if you have a minute! ;-)
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Samsung User
Jason says he likes his coffee dark, but secretly orders flavored lattes (see that one Hozier photo)
Puts cinnamon in his coffee grounds
He may have good taste in books, but he's got shit taste in movies
Loves a few basic safe picks - Fight Club, Pulp Fiction, things you might expect from someone like him
But his "Watch Again" list is all cheesy action movies and wacky comedies. Mark Wahlberg appears a little too often.
Doesn’t watch a lot of television, but sometimes likes to fall asleep to Family Guy or South Park
Has one ear piercing he got on a dare, done by either one of his brothers or one of the Outlaws
Good gift giver, but only wraps things in newspaper
Really terrible about remembering to take his medication
To the point that Dick and Tim got him one of those every day of the week pill boxes as a joke - but it's actually been incredibly helpful
Is a regular at his neighborhood corner store
To the point where the guys at the counter don’t even card him anymore
He's the type of man to sleep till noon, 1:30 on Sundays
If he's sharing a bed, he will snuggle up to you in his sleep
Unfortunately uses 3-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/body wash
Has an high tolerance for weed, which annoys the hell out of him because he enjoys a joint but does not fuck with edibles
Every time he tries an edible, he stares at himself in the mirror for three hours and Does Not like it
Drunk Yapper
Beer Drinker
Doesn't always know his own strength
Not in the accidentally-break-someone's-arm type of way, but definitely in the sometimes-closes-the-door-too-hard-and-goes-"whoopsie daises!" type of way
Thankfully, he's become a pretty great handy man
Despite being a certified Car Guy, he did die at 15 and as a consequence is lowkey still how to drive a none military grade car (in other words, he's a shit driver) (but it's okay, he sticks to the motorcycle and public transportation)
He's not a hugger, but he is a leaner
Thrifts all of his clothes
Prefers to get his books from local indie/second-hand/new & used bookstores
But still has a Barnes & Nobles membership card
His bookshelf is not organized what-so-ever; it's started to operate as more of a gun rack while his books get stacked underneath his bed (he tells himself that this will make him get through his To Be Read list faster)
His top played song of last year was “Kiss Me Through The Phone” by Soulja Boy
His music taste can be divided into three primary playlists; East Coast Rap, Metal, Ear Worms
Is the family expert on the Gotham underground music scene
He isn’t big on social media at all, but he has a Twitter with like 15 followers he uses to keep an eye on whoever
(and also to keep up with music and book updates)
He’s occasionally very funny on it. But just occasionally.
Just Online enough to know who Trisha Paytas is, not Online enough to know who ClubChalamet is
He got his GED once he joined the family again
and yes, they threw him a little party to celebrate
Has the BatChat on silent, but still checks it regularly
Terrible texter; you’ll either hear back from him immediately or in three weeks time
“srry didn’t see this”
(he did see this, he just got anxiety about it)
Has a lot of anxiety about smalls things like that
Especially when it comes to the Bat Family
He’s not always sure where he stands with everyone - if they like him, trust him, want him there
Paranoid that they’re nosy because they secretly think he’s going to go rogue again
Has to constantly remind himself that they’re just nosy the same way that he’s nosy - because this is literally a family of detectives
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bellrose · 18 days
A Kindness
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Summary: Your brother has been lost to the flames at Rook’s Rest and the anxious whispers of the Court do not give any consolation. However, the words of a knight in green do. How you wish you could give him a kindness in return.
Gwayne Hightower x female reader
Warnings: Angst. Loss of a family member. Descriptions of injuries by dragon fire
Word count: 2.615
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The host had returned to Kings Landing with a fanfare akin to a funeral march. 
The flies buzzing like bees amongst the rotten flesh of Meleys a song for the dead. Vhagar had been there on the battlefield, the King himself fallen from the sky, and the hope you held close to your heart and in prayer had been a child’s dream.
Your brother isn’t among the men climbing stiffly from their horses. Nor the men carrying the banners with their ragged edges, specks of rusty brown marring the King’s crest. He won’t drink with his fellow brothers in arms, revelling together in their victory until the cups double in their quantity. He will never smile again. A crooked smile, for he had lost a tooth during a tourney right before attaining knighthood.
No, he will never return.
You’d known when Father received the raven and his hands shook to hold the message. The sight of Meleys’ severed head being paraded through the streets a finality. It is an omen, the folks whispered to themselves. For who dares to slay such a formidable creature? Your brother laid rotting like the mighty beast and the hapless mass of fallen soldiers. Overlooked by Sisters guiding them through their final hour, if they were lucky that is. 
The dead don’t speak. They wait to be reunited with their families. Or to be lost in a field. 
Nameless. Forgotten.
Turned black like coal at the bottom of the hearth they’d whisper. Faces molten into an eternal scream they'd hush behind fans flapping away the noon sun. I heard they fed the remains of those poor boys to one of those beasts, for the sheep had fled. How awful!
There are others who share your grief, who barely leave the Sept or gorge themselves on any rumour that might bring reprieve. The Ladies of the Court give you their pity, their condolences, though it is half-hearted and they refuse to look upon you truly. You do not blame them. 
Rumours cannot explain the seven hells that had opened up on those grounds, and with the King’s condition a barely kept secret, they grow less sensical by the day.
Father would know, for he wakes up with a tome in his hand and an age old tale on his tongue. Surely he must know the truth? You wish he would speak to you, but he has thrown himself into his duties and refuses to receive you in his small chambers. 
Ladies smile demurely and sip politely on sweet reds. They don’t scream. There are no more tears to cry. You’ve exhausted your grief to the point your eyes feel dry and brittle. Like parchment, and you wonder how long it will take until you, too, shall crumble underneath the dragon’s might.
“Lady Waye says the Queen has shadows underneath her eyes as deep as the night,” Edeva murmurs to your right, low enough that only your ears catch it. “That her whispering has returned tenfold.”
“I think her Queen’s Ladies in waiting should put their grave concerns into action instead of turning to gossiping,” you bite, a bit louder than intended, only it gets lost in the clamour of tinkling glasses and a bard playing the lute. 
Edeva has been your companion, a good friend to turn to in the halls of the Keep, and you feel ashamed for pushing her aside. She tries to distract you by pointing out the dish full of lush summer fruits being set upon the table by a servant. However, the sight of their ripe, glossy skins makes you nauseous.    
Without announcing your leave, you slide past the gowns and grapes further into the Keep. You have no destination in mind, other than it has to be anywhere but here. 
The stairs blur beneath your heavy skirt. Every breath locked high in your throat. You turn a corner, another, the colourful tapestries twirling in your periphery. The stories they tell a mockery. A servant leaps out of your way. Another step of stairs, and then - the sound you keep hidden escapes into a shocked huff when you collide against something solid.
A hand grabs your wrist to steady you, warm through the dark brocade.
It does not take long to recognize who stands before you. The tower spewing flames engraved on the leather doublet telling enough. His ruddy hair brings forth the invitation to a dance, that same hand guiding you over gleaming stone to the cacophony of a summer ball away in the past. Father telling another tale of a tourney. That dreadful day when the Stranger took Queen Aemma and her newborn son, when Prince Daemon drove him to the ground on his black steed.
You will never claim to know him well. Only a flash of red and green through the years when your paths crossed before taking residence in the Red Keep. Like so many faces he is out of your reach, a familiarity, but not an acquaintance.
Ser Gwayne Hightower's face does not bear any scars of Daemon’s lance. These are the nicks and scratches of a different battle.
He had been there. He had stood on the field where your brother met his grisly demise.
“Apologies Ser,” you whisper, voice cracking around the syllables. You retract your hand and slowly bow your head and knees in curtsy.
“The apologies are all mine, my Lady. The halls of the Keep are mighty. I fear my feet get lost in their splendour,” he says, the hint of a smile on his face a tad tight-lipped.
The steps of the seat of the Hightowers can be more daunting, and the structure itself grander than the Red Keep could ever be. You feel there is more to the white lie, a contempt.
There is a horror hidden in the ashes stubbornly clinging to the grooves and fibres of his clothing. His face has been scrubbed clean on the road, but the dirt of travel still sticks in his hairline, a little smudge behind his ear. You imagine you can smell it, even if leather and the natural musk of men try to hide it so. The stench of dragon fire; of burnt flesh and desperation, of loss - and if you cannot smell it you can see it in his eyes.
Gwayne does not possess the doe brown of the Dowager Queen. His eyes shine brighter. Like the precious gems Lady Nelda likes to wear around her neck whenever the occasion arises. On another day they would have been inquisitive. A bit haughty. Now they are exhausted. Duller. Something unsettling swirling in those depths. You are hit with a different kind of familiarity, one of understanding.
“My Lady,” he bows.
The moment is gone. Gwayne averts his gaze to a point further down the hallway and you wish he would look upon you again.
The knight in green has taken but a few steps before you find your voice.
“My brother... Ser, I-”
He halts. The expression on his face is a mystery, though his shoulders stiffen.
“Was he in the company at Rook’s Rest?" he asks lowly.
Your nails bite in the palm of your hands. “Yes. He was.”
Gwayne turns back around. A scrutiny in those dimmed gems when they rove from your balled fists to your face, and you cannot start to guess what he finds there. The despair bottling inside overflows into a torrent.
“The men- They say dragon fire melts the flesh like wax. Turns the bones to dust, to scatter in the storm. That there is nothing left of their prey but soil to grow our gardens.” Something changes in his stance, the dullness receding and it encourages you even more. “Is that what is left of my brother? Dust? We cannot bury what is lost on the wind.”
“I do not know, my Lady.” Gwayne takes another step forward. “I do not know of the fate of your brother. I wish I could give you that amenity, to ease your mind.”
“Does it ease your mind, Ser?” you ask, aware how your tone is rising in pitch. Shrill. “To have witnessed the dragons dance and live to tell the tale?”
And how dare you pose such a question? When it is loud and clear he has witnessed the unspeakable that the fiery beasts left in their wake? But he is here, standing, breathing, and he sees.
“I wish it were that easy,” he answers, wavering before he rightens his shoulders, clenching his jaw. “We need to be brave, my Lady. Be brave for your brother. Be brave and find it on your own, as I cannot give you the solace you seek.”
“It is not solace that I seek. I-”
He cuts you off. “You want answers. You want an elaborate summation of his gruesome faith, is that it?”
Gwayne takes another step forward, closer now, and you have to lift up your chin to follow. At first you believe it is rage that meets you, anger at your accusation. It is helplessness instead.
“Many good men died at the foredoor of Rook’s Rest. The dragons tear off each other’s limbs in the clouds, trampling them all underneath their feet and breath. What folly…”
He drifts off, his attention now on one of the many tapestries adorning the walls. A wry chuckle bursts from his lips. “It seems the many days on the road have disrupted my manners.”
“I fear there is no propriety in grief Ser,” you confess quietly.
Gwayne tilts his head sideways, considering your words, before he smiles once more. A real one this time, still edged in a shared sorrow, but it’s warmer.
“I guess not.”
“I do not know what I seek.”
“Then stop seeking.” His eyes find yours again, and his next words are spoken earnestly, kindly. “Do not tarnish what is the memory of your sibling, my Lady. He would have wished to be remembered whole, for then he cannot be lost to the winds.”
Gwayne grabs your right hand, unfolding the balled fist. His thumb stroking over the indents your nails left behind and turning the palm downward. His lips are warm when they touch your skin, lingering for a moment too long.
“A good day, my Lady.”
“Good day, Ser.”
You watch him go. Steady steps carrying him down the hallway. His words mulling over in your mind and for the first time in the past moon, ever since your brother left the Keep, you feel a peace.
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The stone steps underneath the soles of your shoes are still a bit damp, the ground forth uneven where hoofs have trampled and disturbed the earth.
There’s a flurry of activity in the yard. Green with golden dragons on shields and banners, knights gleaming like silver coins rolling on a hardwood table. For a fleeting moment, you expect to see another face, one with a crooked smile who belongs only in your dreams now. 
And then you see him.
Dressed in his armour bounding towards his horse, as if he cannot wait long enough to leave. As if Kings Landing is worse than what awaits outside its seven gates. Perhaps it was, or he would rather not delay the inevitable. And what is that? A quick death? No.
Ser Gwayne offered you a kindness with his understanding, and you wish to understand him in return. To offer something steady in a world that is tilting on its axis the longer the war continues.
Deep in the pocket between the fabrics of your skirt, your hand grasps the hidden piece of cloth. The stitches tickle your skin. It steadies you, dousing the nervous thoughts that have been following you all morning. 
It’s not a handkerchief. Not in the traditional sense. You found it among the garments in the chest of your quarters. Dark green, almost blue, and the moment you touched it, an idea would not leave you alone.
The needle still feels clumsy at times between your finger tips, as you were never the patient pupil your mother had wished you to be and rather spent your time learning the harp, but the flowers they bore are delicate. Pretty. Refined. White petals with a core of deep orange; the colour of the sun peeking over the horizon. Your Septa would have been proud. Though, she would admonish the purpose behind it.
A kindness. Be brave.
It is that sentiment that moves you forward, past the guards standing sentry near the stairs and interweaving through the crowd filling the yard. His destrier, standing out with its magnificent armour, shining on the morrow, is in the hands of a squire. Gwayne does not see you coming, too busy speaking to the boy. Voice short and clipped.
“Ser Gwayne?”
The squire bows and runs off. Gwayne watches him go for a quick second before his gaze lands on your form. There’s surprise in the way his brows raise, the corner of his mouth turning up just so.
“My Lady,” he says, loosely gripping the reins of his horse. The destrier noses the pauldron at his shoulder. “How may I help you?”
Promise me to return all these men to their families, to come back, but that would be too much to ask and too forward, as if bestowing him with your needlework isn’t daunting enough.
“I sincerely regret not thanking you properly for what you said to me that day,” you state politely.
His head tilts down in understanding. The sun catches the red in his hair like honey. “Your regrets are misplaced. You do not need to thank me.”
“You misunderstand me Ser, I do.” Bolder now, you fish out the embroidered cloth from the hidden place of your dress. “You will be in my prayers, but please take this as a token of good fortune.”
He accepts the cloth mutely, brows rising further and gloved fingers studying the wreath of flowers you stitched along the edges. For a moment you fear the gift is too unbefitting after all, that the warmth that you had felt besides the kiss upon your hand a figment of your imagination. That he will reject it. 
He’s quick to crush those doubts, but not quick enough to halt the blush of regret that is slowly blooming on your nape. 
“I will cherish this gesture my Lady,” he says, eyes glittering. “But do not trouble yourself with concerns on my behalf, there are much more important matters to ponder.”
“This I cannot promise you Ser,” you answer honestly. “I’ll be awaiting your return.”
“That sight alone might make me forget the pungency these streets carry,” Gwayne parries, a hint of smugness that is purely in jest, and studies the cloth again. “White Lelas... They grow near Goldengrove, do they not?”
“Yes. My late mother used to put them in my crib when I was a mere babe, as my father tells me.” You think of the washed white stone of your grandfathers’ Keep and tall grasses holding a vast array of flowers. Too many to count. “I barely remember what they smell like, but I always thought they were quite charming.”
“Quite indeed,” Gwayne hums, though he is not looking at the cloth anymore. He turns towards his horse, looping it around a buckle on the saddle in a strong knot. The fabric will sway against his leg with every step the steed took. It will be with him when he confronts the enemies of the Crown.
A memory, a constant. 
“I hope the day will be upon us soon my Lady,” he says and the kiss on the back of your hand is a farewell.
For now.
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Did I purposefully mirror the phrasing of “turned to dust” from Cole's we're-all-going-to die-anyway spiel for possible parallels and continuation purposes? Why, yes. Maybe. It was never my intention to write this anyway but the brainrot is real. Damn you, Freddie!
Thank you for reading
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likeadevils · 10 months
Midnights Timeline
This is a very long post that puts all the songs on Midnights in order of Taylor creating them. I’ve also included a few other songs she worked on while writing Midnights and quotes from Taylor and her collaborators talking about her process.
If you don't want to read all that, check out this playlist of the album in order, or this playlist of her entire discography. WARNING: there is a very large chunk on the playlists that I have no information on (Maroon-Dear Reader).
I’ve also added this color coded scale of how sure I am of the date: 
Confirmed: There is some type of official source for the date
Inferring: Nobody has officially said “This is when we wrote it,” but all available evidence points to that date
Speculation: This date is based off pure vibes and guesswork and is highly likely to change.
Unknown: All that is known is the year (from the US Copyright Offices
Renegade: March 7-15, 2021 (Confirmed)
Aaron: “I wrote the music [for Renegade] at some point after we finished [evermore], and sent it to her, because she was inspired by a llot of the Big Red Machine stuff we were working on. And she had already sung on Birch, a song that hasn't come out yet but is one of the major ones on the record. And I think she wanted to write a song for Big Red Machine. She very much feels like part of this community to me. So I wrote Renegade, the music, and sent it to her. And not unlike a lot of the things we've done together, one day I woke up to a voice memo from her and she had written this incredible song about how anxiety and fear get in the way of loving or being loved. And she was clearly thinking about Big Red Machine. And then we recorded her vocals and everything the week of the Grammys, when I was there in LA, and it was really nice to have something to think about that wasn't related to the Grammys - just to make music because you feel like making it." (transcript from jaimie)
High Infidelity and Would've Could've Should've: March 7-15, 2021 (Confirmed)
Aaron: [Would've Could've Should've], we wrote that song together, and recorded it while we were together in LA for the folklore Grammys. It goes back that far. And the same with High Infidelity. Those songs, we actually recorded in her house, the vocals, we recorded them then. And I just kept making music, and it was kind, after we had made folklore and evermore, I started to have ideas which I would share. And eventually, she obviously made most of Midnights with Jack, and it became something different. But High Infidelity, and Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve, and The Great War, and we made Hits Different with Jack and Taylor and I also, and it was great to be part of that record in that way. (transcript from @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes)
The Great War and Hits Different: between April-October 2021 (Speculation)
In the above quote talking about his songs on Midnights, Aaron says "Eventually, she obviously made most of Midnights with Jack, and it became something different," implying his stuff was written before the bulk of midnights in fall. He also says High Infidelity and Would've Could've Should've "[go] back that far," which implies they were some of the earliest stuff on Midnights, so it's safe to assume TGW and Hits Different come sometime afterwards.
Summer 2021: Jack has a session with Sounwave, Sam Dew, and Zoe Kravitz, where the instrumentals for Lavender Haze and likely Glitch are written
Rolling Stone interview with Sounwave: Before Antonoff began to work on Swift’s tenth album, he was cooking up tracks with Spears, Dew, and Zoë Kravitz [...] During a brainstorming session, the quartet put together a track that would eventually become “Lavender Haze.”
November 3 2021: It was announced that Joe has been cast in Stars at Noon, alongside Margaret Qualley, Jack Antonoff's then girlfriend now wife. Since Joe was parachuted into the film last minute, filming had already started, making it likely he left as soon as possible.
Taylor: We’d been toying with ideas and had written a few things we loved, but Midnights actually really coalesced and flowed out of us when our partners (both actors) did a film together in Panama. Jack and I found ourselves back in New York, alone, recording every night, staying up late and exploring old memories and midnights past.
November 8: Jack gets back from touring with Bleachers. Let the games begin.
Vigilante Shit: November 2021 (Speculation)
Vigilante Shit is the sole solo writing credit on the album, which implies it was written before her and Jack were holed up together 24/7. Also Scooter and his wife divorced in July. Beyond that there's no evidence this is early in the process, besides it making sense that Taylor wrote this alone, brought it to Jack, and then fell into a creative inferno.
Maroon, Anti-Hero, You're on Your Own Kid, Midnight Rain, Bejeweled, Labyrinth, Mastermind, Paris, and Dear Reader: November/December 2021 (Inferring)
I don't have enough info on the making of any of these songs to give them each their own little blurb, but if anything pops up I will update this post and reblog it letting y’all know.
Question..?: After November 21, 2021 (Inferring)
We know Rachel Antonoff, Dylan O'Brien, and Austin Swift were there the day they recorded it thanks to this behind the scenes footage of them recording the cheering vocals. Dylan was filming The Vanishings at Caddo Lake in Louisiana sometime between October 5 and November 20. I don't know exactly which dates he was filming-- he was in New York for All Too Well filming in late October and to attend the premiere on November 12, but since we know for sure he was in Louisiana on the 20th, I'm just gonna Occam's Razor it and say Question was written sometime after he got back from that.
You're Losing Me: December 5, 2021 (Confirmed)
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December 17, 2021: Filming wraps on Stars at Noon, and with it the bulk of recording for Midnights.
Lavender Haze: Early 2022 (Speculation)
Lavender Haze, Snow on the Beach, and Karma are the only songs to have Henson Recording Studios credited (I can't find studio credits for the 3am tracks so there is possibly more on there). This could point to them all being recorded around the same time time, or it could be in reference to Jack and Sounwave's original recording sessions taking place at Hensen. I lean towards the former, since 1) it seems like the Winter 2021 sessions were mostly between Taylor and Jack, and the spring sessions have other collaborators, and 2) the tabloid rumors about Taylor and Joe getting engaged really started heating up in February 2022. On the other hand, Sounwave implies that there was a notable stretch of time between Lavender Haze and Karma, so I totally understand if you want to put it with the rest of the Winter 2021 sessions. Rolling Stone interview with Sounwave: A few months [after Jack and Sounwave wrote the instrumentals], Antonoff reached out to Spears, Dew, and Kravitz to see if he could pitch [Lavender Haze] to Swift, who loved it immediately. She wrote lyrics inspired by a Mad Men scene, numerous tabloid rumors and online gossip about her relationship status, and “1950s expectations.” “When Jack brought us in the hear for the first time, all our mouths dropped. She took it to a whole new world and made it her own. She created different pockets we did not hear.”
Glitch: Early 2022 (Speculation)
Rolling Stone interview with Sounwave: "Glitch,” one of the bonus songs on the Midnights (3am) edition, was born from the same studio session as “Lavender Haze.” I don't know if this means the instrumentals to Lavender Haze and Glitch were done in the same session, Taylor wrote the lyrics in the same session, or both. For the same reason as Lavender Haze, I lean towards this coming later in the process, as well as Glitch mentioning being together for six years, and in November 2021 Taylor and Joe had been together for a little over 5 years. That being said, Taylor could've assume the album was going to come out in 2022, and that she would stay with Joe until then, and bump up that date a bit. It's still very up in the air.
February 5, 2022: Taylor is photographed leaving Jack's house holding a keyboard.
Sweet Nothing: Spring 2022 (Inferring)
Joe is a co-write on this, meaning they likely wrote it after he got back from filming. It also mentions their trip to Ireland in 2021 and refers to it as "last July", implying it was written in 2022. While I was writing this timeline Taylor liked this post on twitter, implying that at least the second verse is in reference to Paul and Linda McCartney. The quote is from his poem Blessed, which you can read in this interview (TWs for death and cancer)
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Bigger Than The Whole Sky: March 2022 (Inferring)
Claire Winter, a close friend of Taylor's, posts on Instagram that she miscarried. (I toyed with whether or not to add this, but seeing as Claire Winter made the information public herself, I decided to put it in. If she ever takes that Instagram post down, let me know and I'll delete this part.)
Snow on the Beach: April 1, 2022 (Inferring)
On April 1, Lana Del Rey posts a video on Instagram of Jack in the studio with an unidentified female voice in the background. Two days later she posts this photo, which Taylor and Jack both include in posts about Midnights/Snow on the Beach. Lana: Well, first of all, I had no idea I was the only feature [on that song]. Had I known, I would have sung the entire second verse like she wanted. My job as a feature on a big artist’s album is to make sure I help add to the production of the song, so I was more focused on the production. She was very adamant that she wanted me to be on the album, and I really liked that song. I thought it was nice to be able to bridge that world, since Jack [Antonoff] and I work together and so do Jack and Taylor. Taylor: And with Snow On The Beach, which features the genius Lana Del Rey, very lucky to have collaborated with her on that. And Dylan [O’Brien] was actually in the studio with me and Jack, because a lot of the time we record at his place, and Dylan was just hanging out, drinking wine with us, and listening to stuff, and he was just trying out the drum kit there. He wasn't serious. But we were drinking wine, and we were sort of like, 'We haven't recorded the drums for this one yet! See if you want to...' and he played the drums on the song. Sometimes it just happens like that. (transcript once again from jaimie)
Karma: Spring 2022 (Speculation)
Rolling Stone interview with Sounwave: The bubbly “Karma” came later [than Lavender Haze and Glitch], when Antonoff reached out to Spears for any other ideas he may have to contribute to the album and its synth-pop vision. “‘Karma’ was just a last-minute Hail Mary,” Spears says. “I remembered I was working with my guy Keanu [Beats] and had something that was too perfect not to send to her. As soon as I sent it, Jack was instantly like ‘This is the one. Playing it for Taylor now. We’re going in on it.’ The next day, I heard the final product with her vocals on it.”
April 19, 2022: Elle's interview with the Conversations with Friends cast is released, and when Joe is "asked if he hopes to continue writing songs, Alwyn simply says, “It’s not a plan of mine, no.”" It's possible this means Sweet Nothing was yet to be written, but I think it's more likely Joe was just denying in order to not create hype around a song that wasn't officially announced yet.
May 2022: Taylor teases Labyrinth lyrics in her NYU Commencement Speech and says m i d n i g h t very prominently on this instagram post, meaning by early summer she was likely confident in the album's name and which songs would make the tracklist.
And that's all for this timeline! Check out my others:
TIMELINES: debut • fearless • speak now • red • 1989 • rep • lover • folklore • evermore • midnights PLAYLISTS: debut • fearless • speak now • red • 1989 • rep • lover • folklore • evermore • midnights • entire discography GENERAL: tag
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mypearlsareclutched · 1 month
I Can't Survive
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High By The Beach | Chapter Six
Modern!Aegon II x Original Female Character, Modern!Aemond x Original Female Character
After what happened on the beach, Mila is left wondering how this will effect her friendship with Aegon, and what this could mean for her future amongst the various Targaryens. But when she goes to sleep at night, whose blue eyes does she dream of?
Ain't nothing like the beach to get people feeling frisky. Is it just hot in Old Town or is it the She-Wolf and her scorned dragon bestie/ fuckbuddy?
Song inspiration | High By The Beach, Lana Del Rey
CW//TW: Sexual Content (MDNI, 18+), PIV sex, Aegon getting domesticated, catching feelings, Aegon's tattoos, Modern!Westeros has big Tesco, if you're not British you won't get the big Tesco hype, beach vibes, prescription meds, smut, fuckin on the floor, oral (m receiving), fingering, body worship, fwb relationship in progress...
Word count | 5.6k
previous chapter // next chapter
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Neither of them spoke about what happened on the beach. Neither of them wanted to. Like the tide sweeping up onto the sand before drifting away again, the moment was there and then it was gone.
After a while, Mila had gotten up off of the sand and went back into the house, collapsing onto the sofa and dozing off like she was operating on automatic. Before she drifted off, she distantly heard Aegon shuffling about, the creak of a bed and his snoring through the walls.
When the sun rose, Mila's eyes cracked open and she released a soft groan. Her head felt groggy after smoking weed last night on top of her slight hangover from the day before last, and she was groggy and miserable.
Rubbing her eyes, her body jolted as she remembered what happened last night.
Lying on the beach, the sand in her hair, laughing with Aegon... his hair in her fingers, his lips on her, his name on her lips as she came-
"Shit." Mila whispers to herself, sitting up, "Shit, shit, shit!"
She runs a hand through her hair, feeling her nerves rising as she remembers more and more of what happened last night. Distantly, plans clatter together, indicating that Aegon is awake and making food.
"Oh, I'm fucked." She sighs as she stands up, "So ridiculously, abysmally, astronomically fucked."
In the kitchen, the object of her fucked-ness stands by the stove, scrambling eggs absentmindedly. From the bright light of the autumnal sun beyond the horizon, Mila knows its near noon. He was probably still shaking off the weed last night, like her. Or spent extra time in bed to ponder his woes about their situation. Mila internally groans.
Leaning against the kitchen's archway as casually as she could, she hummed in greeting, "No music today?"
Aegon turns his head to look at her, giving her a tight smiles before shrugging, "Seems so."
It's awkward. Mila feels her stomach plummeting as the silence lingers, and she gnaws on the corner of her thumb as she approaches the blonde man. His head doesn't rise again, almost like he does not notice her. But she can tell from the way he stiffens that he can sense her approach.
"Did you see the big Tesco down the road?" Aegon cuts her off, not looking up from his eggs.
"Um... no?" Mila says warily, eyebrows furrowed.
"There's a big Tesco down the road."
"No kidding."
"You don't like big Tesco?"
"Who doesn't like a big Tesco..."
"We need stuff." He shrugs, plating the food, "These are the last of the eggs we picked up at the services, AKA the only real food we have here. We need milk, coffee, painkillers, toilet roll, you need some socks, we should grab cutlery that wasn't made before 9/11..."
"How very domestic." Mila murmurs, looking at her feet.
Aegon sighs, putting the plate down as he finally turns to her. Mila looks up to meet his eyes, and she can see him visibly soften. He scratches the back of his neck, looking over her sleepy appearance. Mila takes a second to look over him herself, eyes roving over his tousled hair to his worn Beatles T-Shirt and grey joggers.
He looks good...
"What happened last night doesn't have to mean anything." He says, "I care about you very much, and I want only good things for you. I am well aware that I am not a good thing."
"Hey-" Mila interrupts.
"Nuh, shush, I'm talking, zip it." Insists Aegon with a hand in the air. "We were high, and tired and stressed, and if I'm being honest, I've wanted to bury my head in between your legs since the second I saw you smile. But nothing has to happen. It's too messy, it's too complicated. And I'm happy being uncomplicated right now."
"So... it meant nothing?" Mila asks, unsure of what answer she hopes to hear.
"No." Aegon smiles, "But what it means will make my head explode, and then my brains will get in our eggs." He walks over to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"Look, I... I just don't want to hurt you, Aeg."
"You could never hurt me." He says earnestly, "You're the best thing that's happened to me in a while."
Mila takes a shaky breath, letting him pass her on his way to the dining room. His smell hits her as he brushes past, causing Mila's knees to weaken beneath her. As he sets his food down, he smiles brightly again, as if their conversation never happened, "So, big Tesco? Half an hour?"
"Sounds good." Mila smiles weakly, grabbing her own plate and joining him.
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With the limited clothes options, Mila decides to don a Gwayne centric outfit. His wild youth days must have truly been behind him, because all Mila could find in his wardrobe are very frat boy-ish, super tight jeans and neon tank tops.
"I bet younger Gwayne would think Aegon rules." Mila scoffs, eyeing a wifebeater covered in embroidered, glittery marijuana leafs.
She decides on choosing a blue, checkered shirt and a pair of washed out levi's. They both practically hung off of her, but she was not here to look sexy. She was here to heal.
And to shag her ex-boyfriends brother, apparently. Mila rolled her eyes at her own thought, rubbing her forehead.
Across the hallway, Aegon yells to her, "Ready to go? It's not a fucking fashion show, princess. Wear a burlap sack for all the rest of us care!"
"Piss off, Aeg!" Mila calls back, "Be down in a sec!"
"I'll be in the car!" Aegon groans, his heavy boots (courtesy of Gwayne's emo phase) stomp across the hardwood floors, the front door opening and shutting behind him.
With a look to the mirror across the room, Mila nodded to herself before grabbing Aegon's coast. A sudden jabbing pain in the centre of her head stops her, causing her to wince and press her hand to her head. Ignoring it, she heads out the house.
The car drive could have been avoided, as the Tesco was basically just down the street. But Aegon insisted that they wouldn't want to walk with their supplies.
"Are you planning on buying out a whole big Tesco?" Mila inquires, getting out the car and following after a practically-skipping Aegon.
"You don't seem to grasp the magnitude of big Tesco. Like, at all."
"You like big Tesco a lot, huh?" She laughs, finally catching up to him.
"Big Tesco is my holy land."
Once inside said big Tesco, Aegon was like a dog left to its own devices in a park. He grabbed Mila's hands to walk through the aisles, already getting way too hyped at all the different sections there were. He noticed a pharmacy nestled near the cosmetics aisle, and led Mila over there with a grimace.
Mila gives him a look, wondering what he could possibly need at the counter.
"Gotta pick up a prescription." He says, rolling his eyes as he leans his elbows on the counter. The pharmacist walks over, her eyes roving over Aegon. She gives him a flirtatious smile, and Mila has to physically resist rolling her eyes.
"Can I help you?" The pharmacist asks, tucking a strand of blonde hair behind her ear.
"Yeah, hi, I need to pick up an emergency prescription, name is Aegon Targaryen." He makes an over exaggerated exasperated face, "Can't believe I forgot it, came on holiday and it just slipped my mind."
"That's alright, Mr Targaryen. Has this been prescribed by a medical professional?"
"Yeah, by three actually." Aegon laughs, "Dr Nettles Waters put it into some kind of emergency system, apparently. It's called something funny- Lor, Loz... Laura...? Lorazepam! That's it-"
"I've found it, Mr Targaryen." The pharmacist says, halting his rambling. Aegon grins as the pharmacist continues typing on her computer, "It says we need to write down a second name to verify. Your... girlfriend? needs to sign the receipt. Can I get a name?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at Mila as she slides over a form.
Aegon's face falls, "Oh, well- she's not my girlf-"
"Emiliana Stark." Mila states as she takes the offered pen and signs the form. Aegon raises his eyebrows at her, mouthing 'Emiliana?', and she glares at him.
"Alright, perfect, thank you." Says the pharmacist with a tight smile, taking the form with a hardly-hidden glare as she disappears to get the prescription.
"Emiliana Stark?" Aegon smirks.
"Got a problem with my name, Aegon Targaryen?" Mila teases, snatching the receipt and prodding his chest, "You owe me."
"My knight in shining armour." He smiles brightly, rapping his knuckles on the counter.
"I didn't realise you're on medication for anxiety." Mila says conversationally as she looks at the receipt.
Aegon shrugs, looking away, "Been struggling with addictions and the old mental health since I was like, thirteen? Nettles got it put into this system where I can get it anywhere in Westeros, how great is that? I mean, if I don't take it regularly, I can get into a bad head space. Apparently, I'm 'a risk to myself and others'." He rolls his eyes, waving his hand dismissively.
"Are you a risk to me? Should I be running for the hills?"
"You tried that, remember? I found you." Aegon winks.
The pharmacist returns, giving Aegon his medication and a small slip of paper. She gives him another flirtatious smile as she presses the paper to his hand, offering . Her phone number, nice going. Mila paints on a fake smile, crossing her arms. Aegon takes the prescription and the paper with pursed lips, thanking the woman before turning and walking away with Mila in tow.
As they walk away, Aegon slides the paper into the coat pocket of a passing man, unnoticed. Mila stifles a laugh, raising her eyebrows at the blonde man who smiles victoriously.
"Alright, now we can have fun." Aegon says, sending a wink to the pharmacist before grabbing Mila's hand.
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Walking around Tesco with Aegon is like walking with a small, excitable child. Mila can only compare it to when she went shopping with Luke and Joff when Rhaenyra and Laenor went on a business trip. They definitely regretted giving Mila and their young sons access to their credit card when they came home to see their living room was full of bags of various sweets and pastries. Joff was in a food coma, Luke was bouncing on the walls, Mila was grounded.
Aegon is currently looking through the racks of clothes, trying to find something that would fit Mila. H alien sunglasses are perched on his nose, his second beatles shirt looking raggedy.
"You should grab new clothes, too." Mila states, taking a grey sweater Aegon offered her, "You can't just go around wearing your uncles band T's for the next... gods know how long we'll be here."
"I'm serving delinquent chic, leave me alone."
"You're twenty eight."
"Reliving my wild youth." Aegon smirks, grabbing her a couple of pairs of jeans in her size and throwing them into their already half-full trolley.
"I need underwear too." Mila sighs, walking over to the lingerie section.
"Hell yeah." Aegon wolf whistles as he picks up a pair of giant, beige panties, "These would look great on you."
"Shut up." Mila scoffs, pulling the material from him and tossing it back where it came from, "I'm suprised this isn't one of the places you're banned from."
"Don't jinx it."
Mila looks around , rolling her eyes as Aegon gives his opinions on various items. As she grabs a matching pair of lacy bra and panties, Aegon watches her, an unreadable glint in his eyes. She pretends not to notice, putting the underwear into their trolley, along with a few more sexier items. Nothing wrong with feeling sexy... Aegon clearly agrees.
They continue past the clothing section, walking around the food aisles as Aegon grabs various ingredients. Mila watches him as he dots around like stressed sports mom, his concentrated face eerily similar to Rhaenyra's.
"Should we get booze?" Mila asks as she looks at the wine.
"I'm T total." Aegon shrugs, "But I don't mind if you grab some." But Mila puts the wine back, resisting her own urge.
"How are we paying for this, by the way?" She looks at his growing collection of food, clothes, another pair of neon crocs, and a literal microwave. Aegon pats his coat pockets, pulling out a gold credit card. Mila furrows her brows at it.
"It's Viserys'." He explains.
"What?" Mila's eyes bulge out of her skull, covering the card in his hand, "Are you kidding? Stealing from your own dad, come on, Aegon!"
"Chill, Em." Aegon chuckles, "If he hasn't noticed it's missing by now, then he never will."
"How long have you had this." She demands.
Aegon counts on his fingers, pretending like he does not know exactly how long he has had it, "Four years."
"Lik I said, if he hadn't noticed now, then he never will. It's been years, most dude's would notice by now."
"He's basically a vegetable."
"Exactly." Aegon winks, pocking the credit card again, "He has like fifty, and he owns the most lucrative business in the seven kingdoms, he probably still thinks this is under one of his cadillacs seats."
"You're trouble." Mila sighs, pushing the trolley with Aegon in tow.
He follows after her, letting her push the trolley along. She winces again, putting her hand to her head. Aegon notices, furrowing his brow as his hand rests on her shoulder.
"How's your head?" He asks, concerned.
"Would it be wildly inappropriate to say 'I haven't had any complaints yet'?"
"Yes." Aegon chuckles, "Considering that the last person you gave head to was my brother, and the last person who gave you head was me-"
Mila shushes him, pressing a hand to his mouth as a middle aged woman eyes them from across the aisle, "I'm going to tape your mouth shut."
"There are other ways to shut me up." Aegon murmurs, his words muffled by her hand, eyebrows waggling. Mila rolls her eyes, half-heartedly punching his shoulder. He staggers dramatically, pouting.
"Drama queen." Mila nudges him out of the way, pushing the trolley as he jogs after her, wrapping an arm around her waist as he kisses her temple.
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He kept a hand on her waist as she pushed the trolley, offering a conforting presence as the pain in her head continues.
"Here." Aegon grabs handfuls of painkillers, showing them to her proudly, "Theser will help."
"Hm." Mila smiles.
"Withdrawal is a bitch. Two days ago you went on one hell of a bender, your brain is kicking your ass right now."
"Feels like it." As Aegon piles more painkillers into the trolley, Mila grabs some soap and toiletries, before looking at the cosmetics section, "I'm getting makeup."
"Yeah, wonderful time to get all dolled up, Em." Aegon quips, watching her as she grabs various items.
"Maybe you'll let me do yours, make you look all perdy."
Aegon flicks her nose, taking her hand in his as he drags her away from the cosmetic section, rolling his eyes playfully at her giggles.
Once stocked up on everything they could possibly need, and paid for it with Viserys Targaryen's stolen credit card, the two of them headed back to the beach house.
They unpacked slowly, as it appears Aegon has short term memory loss and got excited with every purchase he remembered he bought. Mila watches him from across the kitchen, putting away boxes of pasta and rice.
"Oh! Almost forgot." Aegon says as he rummages through one of the bags, pulling out a little black box. He throws it to Mila with a grin, and she rolls her eyes when she realises it's a pay-as-you-go phone.
"What's this?" She asks, an eyebrow raised.
"A pay-as-you-go!" Aegon grins.
"I can see that." Mila laughs, "Why?"
"So you can call your brother." Aegon shrugs. Mila's smile drops slightly, feeling guilt rise in her chest as she remembers that Cregan doesn't know where she is.
"Oh gods." She sighs, tearing open the box, "He's going to be so worried."
"Hey." Mila looks up as Aegon stands, covering her shaking hands with his own, "Don't beat yourself up about it. It's been a tough few days, you've been through a lot. Just give him a quick call when you feel up to it. I've got to call Halaena as well, and my mother probably. But it's late now, let's call them in the morning."
"Okay..." She sighs, gnawing on her lower lip.
"Want a distraction?"
"Behave." Mila rolls her eyes.
"Get your mind out of the gutter, Stark." Aegon gasps, clutching imaginary pearls, as he walks back over to the bags. He pulls out her various makeup items, lifting them up, "Wanna make me all perdy?"
Mila's smile returns, putting the phone down and extending her hand to take the makeup from him. Aegon passes it over, rolling his eyes and sighing dramatically.
"Sit down, Targaryen."
Aegon chuckles, sitting down in front of her. She decides to forego using foundation and blush, as the lucky Targaryen bastard already looks airbrushed, so she grabs an eyeshadow palette and looks over the colours.
"How does green sound?"
"Sounds very on brand." Aegon smirks, referring to the Hightower's obsession with green. Mila rolls her eyes, unwrapping a brush and rucking Aegon's hair behind his ears to get better access to his big, blue eyes. He smiles at her, wiggling his eyebrows.
Mila leans forward, swiping the brush covered in green powder over Aegon's eyelid. He flinches a bit, but she presses a hand to his cheek gently, and he settles down. She takes her time applying the eyeshadow, admiring all the little details of his face, all his microexpressions. The freckles across his nose, the small scar on his lip, his long eyelashes that are too blonde to be noticed at first. Every time she drags the brush along his eyelid his eyelids twitch, and everytime she caresses the skin of his cheek with the pad of her thumb, his lips twitch into a microscopic smile.
"Alright, I'm going to use white eyeliner to do little leaves next to your eyes."
"Cute." Aegon nods, keeping his eyes closed as she puts down the eyeshadow pallette down and picks up the liquid liner.
Mila presses her hand to his head to keep him still, focusing on the eyeliner. Aegon's eyes open slightly, looking up at her through his eyelashes. His eyes remain on her, focused on her biting on her lip slightly in concentration. A small smile appears on his lips, though he tries to hide it when she refocuses on his face.
Once she was satisfied with the slightly smudged vines and leafs, she hums, clicking the eyeliner shut as Aegon blinks up at her.
"Am I the prettiest princess?" He asks with a toothy grin.
"You are." Mila laughs, kissing his nose. It was ike second nature, even though they've only known each other for less than two weeks, Mila felt so safe and at peace with him. Aegon smiles up at her, his hand remaining on her waist as she admires her work.
Her fingers come up to tuck his blonde hair behind his ears, and he leans into her touch slightly. His eyes flutter closed as she runs her fingers through his hair, and they remain sitting on the kitchen floor, sharing space and gentle caresses.
This means nothing. Mila tries to tell herself, Nothing. Definitely.
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Aegon made spaghetti, and Mila was once again pleasantly surprised by his culinary skills.
They chat pleasantly, joking around about their pasts and making wild plans for their future.
Aegon has decided he wants to be a tattoo artist, showing Mila the ink he has acquired over the years. Mila was most impressed by the dragon covering his hip down to his knee, and the golden retriever on his forearm. Sunfyre, Aegon explains, his smile slightly sad.
When asked about what she wanted to be, Mila had to think for a second. With a sad smile of her own, she just tells Aegon about her dream of wanting to open a bookshop. Since she was a little girl she wanted to have a tiny, old bookshop somewhere secret, her own little escape. Aegon smiles as he watches her describe her dream.
They're sat close enough at the dining table that their knees brush together, and as Mila goes on a tangent about her bookshop dream, Aegon's hand covers her own on the table, absentmindedly rubbing circles over her skin. Mila's voice fades off, looking down at his hand.
Aegon stiffens, immediately going to remove his hand. But Mila catches it, intertwining their fingers. They share a look, the air tense.
"This doesn't mean nothing, does it?" Mila asks, though she knows the answer.
"No." Aegon sighs, "I think it means a lot."
What happened between them on the beach was like the tide sweeping up onto the sand before drifting away again, the moment was there and then it was gone.
But just like the waves, it repeats its accent towards them.
Standing up from the table, Mila walked around it with slow, unhurried steps. Aegon watched her with an unreadable expression, body tense with anticipation.
Lifting her leg up, she climbed into Aegon's lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. His hands braced her hips, keeping her sat atop him. He looks up at her longingly, eyes wide. He opens his mouth to speak, but she shushes him, running a hand through his hair. He bums appreciatively, and she presses her forehead to his.
As she pressed her lips to his, the world around them disappeared.
Aegon's hold on her tightens a she kisses him, his large hands gripping onto her as a lifeline as he tilts his head and deepens the kiss. Their lips dance together, soft and romantic.
It takes Mila's breath away, her fingers coming up to run through the silver tresses of the man below her. Aegon holds her close, his tongue caressing her lower lip, asking for permission. She grants it, their tongues meeting in a sweet, passionate dance.
He stands, lifting her up gently to wrap her legs around his waist, waking her back towards the rest of the house before she stops him.
"Can't wait." Mila says breathlessly, "No bedroom. Right now."
"Fuck." Aegon groans, pulling her down to the ground, their lips reconnecting feverishly.
His hands pull up her shirt, crawling down her body to distribute open mouthed kisses across her belly and up her sternum.
Tugging on her bra, he stares up at her wildly, "Off, now."
Giggling breathlessly, Mila obliges, sitting up to pull her shirt off her head and fiddle with the clasp of her bra behind her. Aegon lies between her spread legs, biting long her waist, his hands kneading her flesh.
Once the offending lace of her bra is removed, Aegon pushes her back down, lying over her to kiss the skin of her breasts. His tongue dances along her nipple, pulling it into his mouth to suck on it gently.
"Fuck, Aeg." Mila moans, grabbing a fistful of his blonde hair. He hums around her nipple, his other hand caressing the unattended tit.
Mila bucks her hips up, feeling his hard length beneath his jeans.
"Clothes. Off." She demands, pushing his chest so he can be rid of his shirt. Aegon complies, sitting on his haunches to lift off his shirt. Once it is gone and discarded to the side, Mila focuses on his torso.
Aegon's face flushes, clearly unused to being seen naked lately. Mila eyes him, taking notice of his softer body. A year of getting better had turned his slender, borderline malnourished body into a healthier, almost pudgy form. It was clear from how Aegon stiffened he was worried she would be uncomfortable, knowing Aemond was lean and tall and built.
But Mila just wanted to grab onto Aegon and do unholy things to him.
She pushes him against the hardwood floors, crawling over him. He avoids her eyes with a blush across his cheeks, opening his mouth to apologise before Mila presses a kiss to his lips, her hands running over his cheeks before descending down his neck and shoulders. As her finger tips drag along his pale skin, her lips follow. Aegon shudders as she lays butterfly kisses over every inch of skin.
"Beautiful." Mila murmurs, kissing the soft spot between his pecks. He groans, and she moves her lips over to his nipples. As she begins biting and licking them, her hand travels further down south to palm his bulge.
Aegon chokes out a gasp, squirming below her as she pays attention to his sensitive nipples whilst she cups him in her hand, "Fuck, Mila, please..."
"Please what, baby?"
"I... I need you." Aegon admitted, "Like, right now."
Mila grins, pressing another kiss to his collarbone before moving further down his body, unbuckling his belt with deft fingers. Above her, Aegon breathes heavily, watching her with blown out pupils.
She frees his cock, taking her lower lip between her teeth as she watches it slap against his stomach, hard and flush and leaking. Mila has to resist moaning at the sight, leaning over and licking Aegon's cock from base to tip. Aegon groans, throwing his head back in pleasure.
Mila wraps a hand around his the base, her other hand smoothing over Aegon's thigh as she takes the tip between her
Writhing, Aegon's hand reaches down to collect Mila's curls into his fist, holding it away from her face so he can watch her. His lips release groans and breathy praises.
"Gods, feel so good."
"Just like that, baby."
"So beautiful, taking my cock in your mouth like a pro."
Mila eats up the praises, sucking his member with more fervour. Spit pools around his base, rolling down his balls.
"Baby, baby, stop." Aegon pleads, and Mila raises her head instantly. Giving him a concerned look, she runs a hand over his thigh as he holds one arm over his eyes, chest heaving.
"Are you okay, Aeg?"
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Aegon chuckles breathlessly, "You're just... too good, I can't lie. Was about to cum like some kind of inexperienced teenager."
"Nothing wrong with that." Mila smiles, nuzzling her cheek against his thigh, "You made me finish pretty quickly on the beach."
"Yeah but you're a girl, I could make you finish like fifty times tonight and I'll be out for the count after one. Especially with that mouth of yours."
"Is that your plan? Making me cum fifty times tonight?"
"No." Aegon says, pulling his arm from his eyes to look down at her, "I plan to make you cum fifty times . Then, I' going to sleep, and then i'll make you cum at least another thirty times before dawn."
"Experienced." Aegon sits up, cupping her cheeks to lift her up for a kiss, wrapping an arm around her. They kiss before separating to tear off their jeans', Aegon sliding them down his thighs as Mila shucks hers off and tossing them as far as she can throw them.
She practically pounces back onto him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders to pull him on top of her.
"Shit." Aegon stops, lifting himself up, "We don't have condoms."
"I have an IUD." Mila smiles, pecking his cheek, "And I got checked a week before I went to . I'm clean."
Aegon grins, pursing his lips appreciatively as he resumes kissing along her collarbone. Mila playfully tuts at his silence, dragging a nail over his shoulder.
"What about you?" She asks, "Are you clean, Mr Man-Whore?"
"Hmmm, I don't know. Does syphilis just go away?"
"You're so not funny."
"I'm hilarious." Aegon groans, hiking her legs up his waist as he attaches himself to her neck again, "But I am clean. I fucked around but never without protection. I was a sensible man-whore."
"You're about to fuck without protection now." Mila says with a raised eyebrow.
"This is different." He insists as he reaches down to line himself with her entrance.
Mila takes a sharp breath as she feels the hot tip of him press against her, coating itself in the wetness found in her most intimate place. Aegon takes a sharp breath at the feeling, rubbing his tip along her slit teasingly.
"So wet." Aegon praises, biting his lip as he looks her in the eyes, "All this for little old me?"
"Don't get cocky now." Mila chuckles breathlessly, though it turns into a low moan as he pushes into her, spearing her on his fat cock.
"If you keep making noises like that, my ego will never recover." He murmurs, though his eyes fall down to where they join, his breaths heavy as he pushes further and further in.
As his hips meet hers, Mila lets out a shaky moan, feeling so full. Aegon places his hand over her cheek, pulling her face so she looks him in the eyes, "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah... feels good." She smiles, her own hands running through his hair and over his shoulders. Aegon practically purrs, nuzzling his head into her neck as he pulls out and thrusts back in gently, causing them both to gasp out.
"Shit..." Aegon sighs, grabbing her hips to hold her in place as he fucks into her, pace quickening with every jolt of ecstasy their coupling brings them. Mila wraps her legs around his hips, meeting his thrusts with her own movements of her hips.
Aegon's grip on her hips tightens, his fingernails pressing screscent shaped indents into her flushed skin as he keeps every inch of both of their bodies attached, fucking her with small, hard thrusts to keep her warmth pressed to him.
"Feels s'good." Aegon groans, lifting his head up to watch Mila's face, every pleasured contort of her face motivating him to fuck her better, grinding his pelvis against her clit.
"Oh, fuck, Aeg..." Mila sighs, eyelids fluttering.
"Need more, baby?" He asks, kissing her cheek. She nods, and Aegon smirks, "Harder or faster?"
"Harder... and faster..." She breathes, a small smile on her kiss-swollen lips.
"Good girl."
Aegon grabs her ankles, pushing them up to rest on his shoulder as he leans his head down and begins thrusting into her faster with urgency. She moans loud, arching her back as his cock finds her g-shot, pummelling it with every sharp thrust.
"Fuck, right there, just like that..." Mila rambles, one hand gripping onto Aegon's waist and the other twisting into his hair.
Aegon groans, his fingernails scratching across the floorboards as he tries to find purchase, fucking into her wildly. Leaning further down, and pushing Mila's knees further down in the process, Aegon rests a hand next to her head, the other reaching down to flick at her clit.
Mewling, Mila shudders as she peaks, her eyes fluttering closed as her cunt clenches around Aegon. He groans as he feels her tighten, smiling wildly at her.
"There you go, pretty girl." Aegon breathes, "Look at you. Such a mess on my cock. I'm not done yet, sweetheart, I know you can give me another one."
Mila gasps as he continues to pound into her, his deft fingers playing with her clit and making her see stars, her body overwhelmed by pleasure. She shakes her head, gasping and moaning beneath him.
"I can't, I can't..." She insists, though her body pushes through overstimulation and creeps closer and closer to another orgasm.
"Yes you can beautiful. I can feel it, you're doing so well. Gonna make you cum again, aren't I?"
"Yes! Yes, please, fuck!" Mila whines, tears shining her eyes as she looks up at the beautiful sight of Aegon fucking her, "You feel so good, Aegon."
"Fuck..." He breathes, eyes rolling back as his hips stutter at the sound of his name on her lips, "Gods you're too good. Gotta feel you cum again, feels so fucking good when you cum on my cock, baby. You gonna cum for me?"
Mila nods vigorously, gripping onto Aegon's forearm beside her as her climax gets closer and closer. With a scream of his name, she coats him in herself as she finished for the second time.
Aegon leans back slightly, sitting on his haunches as he holds her knees over his hips, pulling her onto him over and over as he gets closer to his own end. He hangs his head slightly, mouth agape as his stomach flexes with the effort. After a few more pumps, he shudders and groans out Mila's name, pumping her full of his spend with three more shaky thrusts.
Sated, Aegon collapses against Mila, his head resting in the crook of her neck. His cool breath fans her heated neck, and she runs a hand over his ruffled hair as she closes her eyes and catches her breath.
She can feel him place a gentle kiss on his shoulder, his hands soothing over the indents his nails made on her hips and thighs. Mila
"Now, I'm not so good with numbers..." Aegon pants, lifting himself up onto his elbows as he looks down at Mila. She raises an eyebrow, pushing some of her hair off of her sweaty forehead. Aegon drags his lips down her stomach, eyes twinkling, "You're at two orgasms, you better keep count..."
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AN// Horniness wins again. Hope y'all don't mind the slightly chubby Aegon aspect of this, I'm just such a whore for that. Let me know what you think! Next chapter is currently being edited and then it'll be out sooooon!! Mwah <3
Lula x
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strawberrystepmom · 9 months
gojo x f!reader. cw: food mentions and suggestive theming. he refers to reader as sunshine.
this is a bit of a love language exploration. reader’s giving love language is acts of service (😔 never beating those allegations) and gojo’s is giving physical touch with a dose of words of affirmation. wc 1.3k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune
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There are times when the simple daily acts of taking care of Satoru feel like the sole thing you were put on earth to do.
Not in the fashion of the maids he was raised by, tutting over his wrinkled yukatas and forcing him to eat the slimy natto he’d swallow through a pout with eyes as watery as the oceans that color them, but as if you’re the well from which his energy springs. He wouldn’t think about little things like slowing down to eat, rest, drink, and enjoy without someone there to remind him to do it. The curse and blessing of being as close to otherworldly as one can be without entering the uncanny valley.
This realization came to you long before you admitted to anyone that you were enamored with him. Back when you were a pair of bratty teenagers and you’d only ever seen him munch on konpeito with a hand wrapped around a bottle of melon soda to wash the scratchy sugar crystals down. You were appalled at how little he cared about himself (you didn’t take excellent care of yourself either in those days, judgmental one…) but you took it upon yourself to start taking better care of yourself and him by proxy in the process. A small act of compassion for a friend would never hurt, you reasoned easily at 17.
At that point, your role was merely sharing bentos or onigiri you made for yourself with him, trading a bite of your tuna filled rice for a sip of his soda - the indirect kiss aspect of this ritual made him giddy for more years than he’d like to admit aloud - or some of the star shaped sugar crystals in his palm that he’d toss between your lips and teeth when you’d open your mouth wide enough to catch them.
(You’d stick your tongue out far enough to allow him to watch the sugar melt away and turn into a colorful splotch. His big eyes, animated as ever, widened further with each bright green and orange spot that appeared and washed away in a flash. This little ritual is also how both of you learned to French kiss but that’s a memory to reminisce upon another morning.)
The two of you experienced some terrible things your first year and his second year of high school. A certain part of you felt bad for how unapproachable and closed off he seemed after Suguru’s departure and you know now that the acts of kindness had a larger impact than intended. A stray cat that gets fed always returns, after all.
He keeps returning. You thank the stars above morning, noon, and night.
Now, caring for him is as steady and effortless as the click, click, click of the knob thay controls the flow of gas on your stove as a flame ignites beneath your rectangle shaped tamagoyaki pan. Oil sizzles and the sound of it mingles with the shower running across the apartment and Gojo’s singing that is somehow louder than both of these happenings.
No wonder the neighbors hate you.
Whatever off key song he has come up with at least makes you giggle while pouring enough egg into the pan to start the process of making breakfast. Some days you are both too busy to sit down and share these moments but you still make sure he eats, a bento always tucked into his bag that matches the one in yours. Thankfully you are both off today so you get to enjoy the process rather than rush through it.
“It smells amazing.”
You didn’t hear him shut off the shower, too busy pouring and positioning egg to notice wet footsteps across the floor and heading directly toward you. A towel is slung carelessly over his hips and you giggle when he drapes himself over your shoulder, his hands dangling down the front of you. Shifting your face, you meet his with a smile and pretend to frown when water droplets fall out of his hair and onto your shirt.
“Whatever happened to good morning?”
He looks up at you from the corner of his eye and then feigns a bright idea coming into his head, shaking it and making more droplets fall on you at the same time. Giggling, you try to simultaneously monitor your eggs and him at the same time.
“You’re so right, how could I forget!” He clears his throat dramatically and stands up, hands wrapping around your waist. He bends to whisper in your ear. “Good morning, sunshine.”
You glance up at him with a too fond smile. When did you become so soft? You’re no better than the sugar that used to melt on your tongue, more than charmed by his sweet words and tender touches. It may be written all over your face but you do your best to hide it, raising your brows and sighing dramatically.
“That’s better.”
Clicking off the heat and shooing him as much as you possibly can, you pull the hot pan off of the stove and deposit your eggs onto a cutting board. Even a few seconds of time apart makes Satoru antsy so he’s by your side long before you can miss him, an arm draped around your shoulder and a hand on his hip.
“Thank you for doing this. I know the sun makes you hiss before 10 so it means a lot.”
Rolling your eyes, you slice the tamagoyaki and he hums his approval immediately. Steam wafts through the air and you have to admit that it’s making your mouth water, too.
“You’re the only person I’d do it for,” you mutter under your breath and he laughs, leaning to kiss your cheek. “You’re a liar. You’d do this for anyone who needed it.”
You continue slicing and he removes his hand from his hip, reaching to grab one of the already cooling slices off of the cutting board and stuffing it into his mouth. It’s still too hot and whatever he was going to say next is lost completely when he burns his tongue. He breathes through his mouth for a second to cool the eggs down the rest of the way and you groan.
“Mouth closed. You’re an adult, I shouldn’t have to tell you this.”
Now that it has been sufficiently cooled down, he chews the mouthful and swallows. He knows you’re joking so there’s no hurt feelings, just a cheeky grin and a dramatic eye roll.
“I was going to say, before your breakfast tried to murder me, that I’m grateful you do it for me and not just because we live together.”
The way he beams down at you is all the thanks you need, his smile as big as he is, but the words make you squirm. You’ve never been good at accepting praise or compliments no matter the amount of them you’ve been given.
“Yeah, yeah. I did it willingly when I was just your late night call too, I know.” He scoffs and shakes his head, reaching for another piece of egg. You slap his hand away playfully. “You’ve never been just a late night call to me, you know that.”
This is true and you lean into his side, aware again that he’s naked except for that damn towel. Wrapping your arm around his waist, you tickle his side and he whines.
“Go get dressed. I’m feeding you natto this morning.”
Satoru Gojo, alleged grown man, whines again. Loudly, childishly, pathetically. You giggle at his dramatics and slump when he puts most of his weight on your shoulder, drooping.
“Really?” He asks and you shake your head. “No, we’re having salmon. Go get dressed.”
He shakes his hips and the towel wrapped around them threatens to fall right in the kitchen and you tap his side with a coy smile.
“Goooooo,” you urge. “The sooner you do the sooner we can eat and then our day can really begin.”
Raising your eyebrows suggestively, he picks up on your meaning immediately and holds the knot of the towel against him while he hurries to your room to pull on some sweatpants. They’re his favorite for easy access and he’s more than prepared to give you his thanks in the form of as many orgasms as you want as soon as you’ve both fueled up.
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lqvesoph · 2 years
babysitting - jude bellingham
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gif by @yumr11
summary: Your friend asked you to take care of her baby daughter for the day and Jude joins you
masterlist taglist
Your heart was swelling with joy as you watched Jude handling the baby in his arms.
Your best friend has asked you to watch her little baby girl. She just turned four months old and your friend and her boyfriend wanted to have a date night alone. So you agreed on taking the little girl for the day. But ever since your boyfriend randomly decided to show up this noon, he basically took her away from you.
At this point she even started wrinkling her nose when you wanted to take her away from Jude's arms.
He was currently holding her up in front of the TV, bouncing her up and down and watching the Schalke vs Bayern game. He didn't have a game today as BVB played yesterday already and after their recovery session this morning, he had the rest of the day off.
"Them we don't like", Jude mumbled holding her up to whisper into her ear while pointing to the players dressed in blue.
"You know her parents are Schalke fans", you chuckled, interjecting from the couch. Jude's head whipped around, looking at you in shock. "They are?", he asked.
"Why are you friends with them?", Jude questioned, fully focusing on you now. "They said the same about you when I told them we're dating", you laughed.
His attention was soon taken away from you though, because the small girl in his arms yawned.
He immediately looked down to her. "Are you tired, princess?", he whispered in a high, soft voice.
"Let's put you down, love", Jude cooed. He didn't even acknowledge you when walking past you to carry the baby upstairs.
You shook your head, smiling at how engrossed Jude was with the little girl.
"Your auntie set up this little bed just for you", he talked to the baby while walking up the stairs. "See?"
Jude flicked on the light switch and showed her the little crip you had prepared. He turned on the play of light and the music, which started to play a piano verison of 'You'll never walk alone'.
"See, your auntie wants you to be a Dortmund fan as well", he smiled, carefully putting the girl down in her crib.
But as soon as his warm hands left her, she started to wrinkle her nose and let out small sobs that quickly turned into crying.
"No, princess. Don't cry, I'm right here", he muttered, slightly starting to sing along to the song but the girl's crying only continued.
So he didn't have any other choice but to lift her up in his arms again and as fast as her crying had started, it stopped again when she felt Jude's body against her.
"Guess I have to take you with me again", Jude mumbled, turning off the light again and closing the door.
You didn't turn around when you heard your boyfriend walking down the stairs, so you didn't see that the little girl was still in his arms.
"Jude did you put her d-", you asked but stopped when Jude was in front of you. "I guess she didn't want to sleep alone", he said, an adorable expression on his face.
"I tried singing but I don't think she liked it", he muttered, causing you to smirk.
"Oh really? Wonder why", you grinned cheekily, raising an eyebrow. Jude kicked your foot lightly. "Shut up", he said teasingly.
Everyone probably remembers the video Jadon posted to his Instagram story a while ago...
The baby's eyes fluttered shut and she sighed against his chest. You tapped the empty spot on the couch next to you a few times. "Come on", you said. Jude obeyed and carefully laid down next to you, gingerly not to hurt the baby.
He put the little human on his chest and wrapped his other arm around you. You smiled up at him before putting your head next to the little girl.
"We do like him", you whispered to the baby on Jude's chest and pointed to Terrode. Jude clasped his hand over your mouth, shutting you up. "No we don't, he's playing for the rival club", he said, slightly horrified you even said something like this.
"But he's pretty, so it's fine", you smirked against his chest. "What? He's way too old", Jude complained. You laughed at the fact he was so bothered by your words. "Still pretty!"
Jude sighed and carefully stroked over the baby's hair. "You better not become a Schalke fan as well, little one", he warned, making you chuckle.
"You're gonna be a great baby daddy", you whispered after a few minutes of silence. "What?", Jude mumbled. You didn't see his face but you could tell he was smiling.
"You heard me", you muttered shyly and buried your face in his chest. Jude chuckled and placed a gentle kiss on your hair.
@im-an-overthinker @buendiabebeta @hungryhungarian @eve-eh @ohthemisssery @kenopsiababe @starlightoctavia @sawendel @lechefian @teamspideyman @enjoymyloves @alireads27 @ricsaigaslec @ravenqueen27 @whatever-comes-to-me @squidwardsluverxx @temqr1 @leclerc16s @lavinyx @dudelovesstuff @theamazingsimp @coldmuffinbanditshoe @hotchnisscm97 @bellasummer03 @andtheworldiscrashingdownonme @moneymasnn @justme2042 @organasith @idkiwantchocolatee @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @pleasantducktimetravel @anthonykatebridgerton @juno-1610 @lisannehus @hannahholland1811 @marvelousmendess @lighttsoutlewis @mydutchproblem @dan3avocado @alwaysclassyeagle @cocomira @hopiiex @allthisfortommy @soleilgrec @cheeryara @person234 @aquamariene-me @judespoision @klouise12345 @sbgal @teti-menchon0604
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 7 months
03/12/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; More BTS/Photos; Samba Schutte Cameo; Taika; Fan Spotlight; London Billboards/Trucks; Uproar; LubeAsACrew; Watch Party Reminders; Continued Efforts; Trends; Love Notes; DailyDarby/Tonight's Taika
Hey all! Thank you so much for your feedback on the recaps! Right now I'm planning on sticking too them, but may cut them down depending on the day. Right now we seem to be pretty solid on daily news so I'll keep them the way they are for now. I appreciate you all sharing your thoughts with me <3
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== More BTS / Photos ==
Well as many of you know, the things that broke the internet were the latest photos that were found by @jodegg on LK Creatives Website
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Nicola Dove also put up some more photos recently! Thank you to @kiwistede for putting them all in one place in this post.
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= Samba Schutte =
Thank you so much to @gheyandwoke on Twitter for getting a cameo from Samba! It's absolutely beautiful and totally worth a listen.
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== Taika Waititi ==
Taika's out here advertising for hot tubs, and seems to be enjoying himself with Rita! Src: Taika's Instagram
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== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Tonight's cast card is Rachel House! Absolutely love Rachel in so many of her roles! Thank you @melvisik for highlighting her works!
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== Ari Azure's Act of Grace ==
Our lovely crew-mate @ariazureyt wrote a song about OFMD being cancelled, and commissioned @enabuns to draw, and @ferventrabbit on vocals! The full song will be released on their youtube this Friday! To follow along for updates, visit their Link.tree
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== London Billboard ==
A few more photos from the SaveOFMDCrew meetup at the London Billboard in Leicaster Square! Wanna see them all? Visit the @saveofmdcrewmates website!
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Our crew-mate @heather.in.wonderland on Instagram brought Little Ed with her to visit the billboard!
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== Trucks Ads Outside Amazon! ==
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== Save OFMD Meet Up In London Video! ==
See the whole post on tumblr!
Website: https://www.help.saveofmd.com/ Petition: change.org/p/save-our-flag-means-death Socials: linktr.ee/saveofmdcrew
Vocals: twitter.com/ferventrabbit
Video: twitter.com/kristybean18
Lyrics: Set your eyes upon the screen A wondrous sight to see This is "La Vue en rose" Londoners from far and near Will likely shed a tear To see "La Vue en rose" The petition climbs so high No streamer can deny The power of our show We’ll spread the word about our pirates dear Until the fandom at last perseveres Look upon the lovely sight To keep our hope alight "La Vue en rose"
== Uproar Coming To America! ==
Get your tickets at fandango!
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== Watch Party Reminders! ==
== Lube As A Crew ==
Our dear friends over at @astroglideofficial are hosting one last Lube As A Crew, with all of Season 2 in one go! Starts Friday March 15th 12 pm Noon PST ( 4pm EST, 8 pm GMT)
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== Wrecked ==
There are sources being passed around. If access is an issue, DM @iamadequate1 on Twitter or Tumblr
Season 2 watch from March 11th to March 15th. 
Season 3 watch from March 18th to March 22nd. 
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
== OurFlagRTL ==
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Twitter-Watch-Along von Our Flag Means Death:
Streamt Staffel 2 ab dem 15. März.
Samstag, 9.3. 17:00 Folgen 1 bis 3, 
Dienstag, 12.3. 20:00 Folgen 4 & 5, 
Mittwoch, 13.3. 20:00 Folgen 6 & 7, 
Donnerstag 14.3. 20:00 Folgen 8 & 9, 
Freitag, 15.3. 17:30 Folge 10
Und anschließend bingen wir zusammen Staffel 2! 
Schaut und tweetet mit! 
== Continued Efforts ==
So even though Chaos Dad, David Jenkins told us there was no more home, several people are still out there fighting the good fight. There's been a few different routes being taken.
1. Sell The Show, Let Us Go
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Our crew-mate @patchworkpiratebear has been putting out lots of awesome media regarding this, and several people on twitter have been using #SellTheShowLetUsGo
2. There's been continued and more targeted Polite Menacing against Max, WB, and David Zaslav.
Lots of folks have been either responding to Max's Twitter / IG Post, and others have been focusing specifically on Zaslav.
Specific hashtags being used were #FireDavidZaslav and #DontStreamOnMax Thank you to @iamadequate1 for capturing all these great trends and metrics:
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== Articles ==
SchadenFreude Articles
== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies. I know that the new photos were both a welcome gift and also a heavy reminder of where OFMD is and what we've lost. For some it's helping them rally, and for others it's really pulling them down deeper into the gravy basket.
Wherever you are, just know it's gonna be okay. Whether we get an s3 or not, and if we do 10 years from now or next week, it's going to be alright. As so many others have said, including our lovely Con O'Neill, they can't take what we have away from us.
I continue to hear from the cast & crew in all their posts that we are some of the much amazing, kind, and engaging folks they've ever met, and you really should be proud of yourself for that. Our cast & crew are wonderful, but the fans are too.
On a slight side note, please if you can, check on your crew-mates today. The initial shock is starting to fade, but a lot of folks are still struggling, or coming back to struggling after a period of being okay. We're all riding the waves right now lovelies, and it'll take some work but we'll get through the storm, but it'll be easier together.
Our friend @thelatestkate has another lovely note for us.. and I second it. We are all weathering the storm right now, but you belong here, and we love that you're here with us, through tears or laughter, or unhinged fun. Be kind to yourselves lovelies, we are small but we are many, and we all care about you, I wish Sweet Dreams / Happy Days for you <3 Love you Crew.
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== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
I've run out of images allowed on one post so we're just gonna do a combo one tonight, and since this scene is the theme of the day, we'll go with the goofiest one of all. Gif courtesy of @stedesbonnets / @edsrosetattoo (The gifs are being weird AF tonight, its showing one name but apparently it's not right? Apologies if I'm not crediting the right folks!)
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p0ttersglasses · 1 year
Birthday blues | Jake Webber
warnings: none, just some angst towards the end.
No hate towards tara, I love her.
Word count: ( 2.0k)
You hated conflicts. You hated how people get upset, and say things they don't mean, and how they tend to not be friends after the whole argument. That's sort of what happening with you and your friend Jake Webber. You and Jake. You two have been friends since the end of time.
Ever since he moved to LA after high school. Your other friends Sam Golbach and Colby Brock had introduced the two of you guys at a party when he just moved. However, you didn't officially become friends a month later, when bumping into each other one after noon.
Now here you are, in 2019. It's your twentieth birthday! Normally you would be spending it with your family, however they are in your hometown, which sucks. It was late at night, and you were getting ready for a birthday party that your best friend Katrina Stuart was throwing you. She is talking to Sam Golbach, and you hope the two of them get together.
Getting a knock at your door, you open it and see her. "Come on slowpoke! It's nine, and I told people to be there in thirty minutes!" She yelled while grabbing your arm, making you instantly take your purse and locking the door behind you.
"Okay, chill! I love that you're throwing me a party, Kat!" You annonce as she enters her car, and you two are on yalls way. She nodded.
"Anything for you [y/n]. Plus, we got this huge cake that should last for days!" She joked as you two laughed and sang along to the song on the radio. Pulling up to Sam and Colby's house, called the traphouse, where your other friends are living too, you see tons of cars and are already hearing loud music.
"If the cops come, we should film." you say to her while walking up. Seeing that she's on her phone, instead of laughing at your joke, you ask who she's texting. "What's going on?" You ask as she spun you around to face her.
With her hands on your shoulders, she starts to speak. 'Please don't be mad, but this is a surprise party. Everyone's trying to find a place to hide, and yell hello," she told you whole moving her hands along to the story. You groaned.
Yes you did love surprises, however you hated being in the spotlight. That's why tonight you thought it was just going to be your friend group, and not people you didn't know at all, trying to crash your party. Hell, some people that are already there don't even know who you are.
"Fine, but if they try to prank me tonight, I am not going out to any kind of parties for a month!" you told her half-jokingly as she smiled, and sort of blinded you with her hands. Hearing a course of Happy Birthday you instantly had a smile on your face, trying to show them that you had no idea.
You saw the decorations. It was a classic color, purple, since it's your favorite, with all kinds of balloons, and party hats ( jake had two on making you laugh), with a photo booth on some wall. It was mainly just your friend group who was there to welcome you, and a new girl? Standing next to your best friend, making you a little upset.
Walking up to everyone you tried your best to put a smile on your face. Yes, Jake was your best friend, and he could bring any one he wanted but it was your day. Why would he bring a date, you don't know to your own birthday party. It made you sick. You didn't have a clue why you felt this way, maybe it's cause you started to form a small crush on him, but you told yourself it would go away, and it would never happen.
Making your way to him, he smiled while pulling you into a hug. Rubbing your hair, he put his second birthday hat on your, making you let out a fake groan as you pretended that the string hurt you.
"Oh hush! I know it didn't hurt." He said while playing along. You and Jake fit together like two peas in a pod. You two understood each other when no one else can, not even Kat or your other best friend Colby. As he pulled the short girl beside him closer, she tried to let out a friendly smile.
It's obvious that she was a little awkward to be here, and so are you. With the biggest grin on his face, he introduced the girl. "[y/n], this is Tara, the girl I was telling you about." He said as she smiled, while you shook her hand politely.
Ah, Tara. Yes, it all makes sense now. Ever since October Jake has been talking about a girl named Tara Yummy. How he makes her so happy, and how she does the same. That's when your feelings came in, rushing in a little too late. You were slightly hoping that she isn't nice, just so it won't hurt much, but however she is.
She's probably the sweetest person your have ever met that Jake had brought into your life. Before it was time for cake, and for you to blow out your candles, you and Tara were talking, along with Kat. Music was blaring so loud that you couldn't hear a lot, but it was fine. You could see Jake on the other side watching the three of you.
"Again, it's so nice to finally meet you, [y/n]. Almost every day Jake brings you up, and I get to meet his best friend. Sometimes I even think he likes you more than me, which might be a little weird since we are talking, I guess." Tara announced as you and Kat looked at each other.
"What?" you asked her as she took a sip of her drink.
"Yeah, he talks non-stop about you. I wonder if he ever talks that way about me to you guys," she says while giving a smile to Jake, and he does the same.
You shook your head not knowing what to say. Kat was the one to speak. "I'm sorry, but i've only heard about you now and like two days ago.... I don't -" as Kat was stopped by Tara she thought it was a good time for cake, not wanting to get into a argument with the girl. So many thoughts were racing through your head, along with the alcohol.
Why would Jake talk more about you instead of the girl he was seeing, and to make it worse she seems so nice- you were interrupted as they started singing the song, while taking videos and pictures, probably for posting on instagram later, but for memories.
Blowing out the last candle everyone cheered as you stood up, excusing yourself and going to the bathroom before you had a piece of cake.
Shutting the door, you ran our hands through your hair, not knowing what to think.
A knock was heard at the door. "[y/n}, I know you're in there. I just came because I know how much you like cake, and since you didn't get a piece yet, I just wanted to check on you." He said, slightly yelling. Not knowing if you should open it or not, you gave in and opened it, letting the boy in.
He closed the door, probably thinking that I conversation was about to happen. "how come you talk more about me to Tara? And you never really talk about her to us, huh?" You asked him while pacing around the big bathroom. "Why would you bring her here tonight, if you haven't even talked to her more than three times, Jake! I mean, come on it's not fair to her if you don't even like her-" As your ranting was put to a stop, you felt his lips on yours.
Kissing back, you held onto his shoulders, making him lean down a little to make it better for you guys, because of the height difference. Knowing what you two were doing you pushed him off you, making him stumble back, with a confused look on his face.
"[y/n] what was that for?" He asked confused, why you would break the kiss. "your in a relationship with Tara! You brought her here on my BIRTHDAY, and now your kissing me?" Before finishing you had to stop yourself from confessing.
He was fidgeting. "I'm not dating Tara. Sure it may look like it, but I don't feel the same way about her as I do to you!' He said while pointing his hands towards you. "I've liked you ever since I met you! I think Tara was just something to show me how I truly feel about you. I liked you [y/n], I love everything about you." He said making you think.
Moving to sit on the side of the bathtub, he sat in front of you. Waiting for your response. "What about Tara?" You ask as he sighs. "I'm going to talk to her tonight, after I drop her off." You finally looked towards him, wanting to make your own confession.
"I won't lie, ever since Tara came into conversation three months ago, I became really upset. I noticed it was because I liked you, and I just didn't realize it. What happens now?"
He gets up, and takes your hand. "Will you go out with me? I mean, after I settle things the right way with Tara, and tell her how I really feel?'' He asked as you smiled.
"Yes," you said while he pulled you into a quick kiss. "let's go have some cake." He said while making you smile and follow him downstairs.
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
(Re: About Joe Alwyn, Similarities with Nic, and Acquaintance with Luke Thompson)
Response to your shock about Ratty Healy : Hahaha as a swiftie myself I SIDE-EYED tay so hard when she had her rebound with him, like gurl he's nasty and disgusting with all of his past troubling behaviors no matter how sweet he might appear to you.
If you wanna know a glimpse of JoeTay relationship, it was officially started in September 2016 and ended in early April 2023.
They first met at Gigi's bday party (April 29th 2016, References: High Infidelity-Midnights, Gorgeous-Reputation, Dress-Reputation), then met gala (May 1st). She previously and was still dating Calvin Harris- long story short he was a D, she wanted to leave him. I didn't know what prevented things to go further between her and Joe but in met gala she also met Tom Hiddleston and danced together. They had a brief getaway car moment or rebound (Getaway car-Reputation), officially known to public from June to September.
Then Joe and Tay started their relationship on September 28th (Ref: September - Cover by TSwift).
2016-2017 was the hell of year for Tay because of the whole Kanye Kim drama and lies. The whole world turned their back on her and she was at the lowest point of her life. She disappeared for a year then came back with a new album Reputation released in 2017.
Albums that give us many insights about her life and love story with Joe are : Reputation 2017, Lover 2019, Folklore 2020, Evermore 2020, Midnights 2022, The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology 2024.
He had part of writing and producing some songs with Tay in Folklore, Evermore, and Midnights in the pseudonym of William Bowery.
In TTPD, songs about Joe are So long London, I Can Do It With a Broken Heart, loml, The Black Dog, How Did it End, and Peter.
I'm sad when people have to refer Joe only as Taylor Swift's Ex. He's a talented, low profile, and private actor. He's rarely active in SM. (Alwyn keeps his personal life private, which he described as a "knee-jerk response to the culture we live in". GQ labelled Alwyn a "notoriously low-key actor".)
Alongside with Paul Mescal, he is one the male leads of Sally Rooney Novel Adaptations. Paul in Normal People and Joe in Conversation with Friends. (I really would like Nic to have a project with him. Maybe another Sally Rooney adaptation would be great😭 *manifesting*)
Some of his projects are The Favourite (2018), Boy Erased (2018), Mary Queen of Scots (2018), Harriet (2019), The Last Letter from Your Lover (2021), Stars at Noon (2022), Catherine Called Birdy (2022), Conversation with Friends (2022), Kind of Kindness (2024), TBA projects: The Brutalist and Hamlet.
He is also friends with Lukey T. He ever talked about him in interview.
Similar with Nic, he is very vocal about activist/social movements and always stood on the right side of history. Nic came from her background as an Irish people and her late Dad with his humanity and military works to keep peace in middle east. Joe family also has deep connection to activism, particularly in Palestine, his late great uncle is a peace activist and patron of the Palestinian solidarity campaign. And both are private about their personal lives. But Joe is really silent and not chronically online as Nic.
I just love when Nic has so many connections and fully booked. She deserves it. And I would like the same things to happen to Luke too. They both deserve the best to not put their talent in waste. I wish my parents all the best.
Are you on his payroll????
No but seriously thank you for sharing 💜
I know nothing about the guy but I have seen multiple movies listed above with him in it
Will have to rewatch and check out some of his other work 🥃
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melisshivering · 7 months
Yone Skins Scent Headcanons
A/N: Random little scents I think each Yone would have because I'm OBBESSED :DD
Base Skin:
I don't think he has a particular scent, nothing too distinct. Traveling around while hunting demons makes me think he tries to keep himself hidden, any possible way. He may have a scent specifically due to the azakana mask he adorns if there was to be a scent at all.
Spirit Blossom:
”AND WHY DOES IT SMELL LIKE JAPANESE CHERRY BLOSSOMS.” Is it too on the nose to say he smells like flowers? It's a calm and light smell. The kind of scent that if you smell it somewhere else you begin to feel warm inside at the thought of moments shared with Yone.
Battle Academia:
He’s a pretty introverted guy in a campus of fighters. If you manage to get to talk to him for a moment you are pleasantly surprised with smells of vanilla. It’s rich and feels unfitting for him as an assassin to be smelling so good.
It's difficult to fit it into a signature scent. Instead of something that would clash together it works miraculously. Almost too well. A weird mix of sweet and bourbon. Conflicting similar to his heritage but somehow works hand and similar to himself. 
Ocean Song:
Kinda hard to say he won't smell like the ocean but he also smells sweet. Whether it's a citrus sweet from the sheer amount of fruit around the parties he will be performing for or sweet of the flowers and other pretty foliage that decorates the venues. He just smells refreshing.
An alluring oaky smell. Maybe a little smokey but not the regular kind smoke. The kind of woods used to infuse with foods that make things taste strangely sweet. It's something that makes you wonder if he should be smelling that good. He's very mysterious so the scent ends up fitting with him well.
The other heartsteel boys always joke about Yone acting like a mom. I think it's a given he smells of fresh laundry. And sometimes you can also get a hint of the natural scented shampoo he uses on his hair. Yone does his best to take care of his hair because there is so much and he treats it with the utmost care.
Honestly I feel like he would have some expensive or just really nice smelling cologne even if he isn't in the spotlight much. He would choose a scent that has pretty good reviews, something he's able to try in store. He wants to spend his money on something he himself enjoys as well as something others will enjoy.
High Noon:
The west isn't really stocked up with luxury items. I don't really think he would smell like much besides what would be his natural smell and alcohol. I don't think he would allow himself to smell so much like the devils he kills because he finds them filthy.
Peacemaker High Noon:
There isn't much of a change but he smells slightly more earthy. Most of his time is spent out making sure the wild west is a safe place for anyone to traverse without being put in harms way. Its definitely lighter and more refreshing than High Noon.
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sugar-omi · 1 year
yes i based coves experience off my first time getting high i feel like we would relate <////3 advice: don't get high if youre anxious or going thru smth👍 or at least don't take 2. i was high until noon THE NEXT DAY. PLS....
tags : NSFW, step 3, all readers, multiple choice dialogue/words, power bottom reader, getting high, non-established to established relationship
synopsis : you and cove get high together, which causes you to have a little heart to heart which leads to something a lot more..
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if you asked cove what he planned to do today, getting high was not one of them. when cove came in unsuspectingly through your window, and in the midst of his gaping you offered him a gummy that you cut for your new guest.
it was his first time getting high so you didn't want to intimidate him more by smoking to get high, and besides:
you don't like smoking, so you don't keep stuff to roll.
you smoke, but didn't keep anything besides gummies because your mom's asked you not to smoke in the house.
you smoke, but ran out of weed.
you smoke, but didn't want to smoke around cove.
you smoke, but didn't want to make cove feel awkward by being the only one having a gummy.
cove stared at the gummy in your hand and thought about it, and you even soothed his voiceless worry and assured him he didn't have to, but in the end he took the gummy and that led you to now.
it was interesting, at first cove was quiet and just hid for awhile in the nest of his arms.
but after the anxiety passed, and cove stopped looking like he was going to either float away or shake a hole into your floor; you made your way to your bed.
in the back of your hazy mind you think that you're glad you got a double bed.
your playlist varying between pop punk, indie, and rock. now cage the elephant is playing through out your room. you weren't paying attention, what song is this?
taking a break from thinking about the depths and shadows of cove's eyes help you realize the song is 'come a little closer.'
cove is the one who speaks first.
"this is... this is certainly another thing 18 year olds can do." he refers back to what you said a few weeks ago when cove suggested you use your newfound legal adulthood to jet-ski.
you fret, looking at cove's blown out eyes has you full of nerves and a bit of regret. "sorry i got you high."
always being brave for you, cove puffs himself up. "its fine, I've been curious anyway and besides, i get to experience it with you."
cove startles, as much as one can when high as a kite. "or is that weird? I just, I like having my first times with you. ah wait, that sounds sexual-"
cove stutters, and while he flounders, you just watch the way his lips are more full now that you're older and how his tank top reveals his chest and toned arms, and the way his body has become so firm. so refined and sunkissed...
you lean closer, putting a hand on his cheek. he's lost most of his baby fat, he's becoming a man, and thus more irresistible.
you tease cove for his slip up again, just like in the RV during your anklet chat 10 years ago. "I want you to be my first time, too. sexually..." you smirk, meeting him on the floor to kiss him.
"i like doing stuff with you too.." you don't comment on the unintentional innuendo and meeting him on the floor to kiss him.
you just crawl next to him on the floor, your intentions to kiss him clear.
cove flushes, closing his eyes and letting his hands grip your thighs.
something he did not think through because as your kisses deepened, going from tender and unexplored territory to hot, wet kisses..
cove let his hands travel up your leg.
somehow cove is both hyper aware of his existence in his skin but also can't feel his hands. he just feels warm. is it from the blood rushing through him or is it from the heat of your palms on his back, feigning to touch his skin...
when you pull back to grip his wrists, cove almost doesn't hear what you're saying because your eyes are hooded and your lips are wet and swollen from the biting and sucking and kissing, oh god you kissed oh go-
"your hands... not that I want you to stop but..." you trail off, taking your bottom lip between your teeth. "are you sure?"
cove pants, realizing how handsy he got.
he thinks as best he can. somehow he's calm but also cove can feel his anxiety filling his body like it's an empty glass and suddenly he's a tall glass of anxiety.
cove swallows. he ignores the burning of his body.
"only if you want to."
"I want to, do you want to?" even if the room is spinning and your blood is rushing to your fingertips, you still want to make sure this is something cove wants.
"yeah... yeah I want to. just uh..." cove pulls you unto his lap. oh god he'd never do this, oh man this is the first time he's done anything like this...
distantly cove wonders if his dad or mom will be disappointed but when your tongues swipes your lips he forgets the negative thought and continues.
"just... let's just touch each other, for a bit."
you nod. "okay."
cove has a mouth of fucking gold.
also why is your floor so hard? you should get a rug. maybe a pink one... no, no definitely not. how did you decide the floor was the best place for some head anyway?
ah, maybe one the color of cove's hair that's tangled in your fingers right now...
cove looks at you from between your legs, his lips wrapped around your clit / cock and when you make eye contact he sucks, he swipes his tongue over your sensitive sex.
"oh fuck!"
his eyes. the rug should be the color of his eyes.
you cum into cove's mouth, holding his head down as your cum fills his mouth. when cove pulls away and swallows, you pull the stuffed animal on the floor over your face. fuck he's hot.
you cum around cove's fingers, tugging on his hair and you push him away as he licks and sucks on your cunt again. when cove finally gets up, he licks his fingers clean. fuck he's hot..
you try to stop the spinning of your head. taking the time to ground yourself...
you gasp, cove's lips placing a kiss on your hip bones.
you peak at him, licking your lips and swallowing. you... didn't think you and cove would confess to each other like this.
well... if you can count cove giving you oral as "confessing."
you pull him up for a kiss, licking your arousal off his lips.
fuck, cove's lips covered in spit and your fluids is sexier than it should be.
you break apart, panting and you fumble to undo the string of cove's sweat pants. "do you.. um." cove kisses your lips, cupping the back of your neck. "i have- *kiss* condo-mhm-s... cove-"
he's making it a bit hard to speak with how he keeps pulling you in for a kiss, but you finally get it out. or well. most of it. you can't remember all that you wanted to say, it's not that important though as long as cove keeps kissing you.
even though he's the one constantly pulling you back in, cove pulls away and just puts your foreheads together.
all that's left is your labored breathes...
"who uh.. who's on top?" cove breathes out, waiting, thinking...
you pull on his shirt, realizing you're shaking a bit. "you."
cove inhales sharply, and somehow you can't resist teasing him more. "i wanna.. feel. you, cove."
you just look at each other, his broad blue eyes staring back into your own.
finally, cove whispers. "please."
it's like water falling over the edge, and in a haze the last of your clothes scatter across your floor and you fall into your bed with cove splayed nicely against your pillows.
you can't help but laugh at cove's flushed face and how easily he makes himself comfortable, as if he isn't laying with his cock out and you in his lap.
"enjoying the view there, holden?" you smirk lazily, and before he can protest about checking you out, he moans when you roll the condom over his cock.
his thighs twitch, and the sudden buck of cove's hips make you bounce. "s-sorry... 'm sensitive..." cove pants.
you don't say anything, just leaning on cove's chest as you line his dick up with your entrance.
you slowly sink onto cove's cock, underestimating how much of a stretch this would be... you pant into cove's neck, his hands coming up to grip your sides.
cove bucks up, unable to stay still from the sensation of you around him, making you cry out. you slap his shoulder. "stay still!"
cove rambles his apologies. you just huff and start lowering your hips again, slowly taking him until your ass is flush with his thighs.
"c'mere.." you take cove's face between your hands, smooshing your lips together in a messy kiss.
while cove slips his tongue into your mouth, lost in the feeling of you pulling him closer and moans that slip out of you both and wield together, you start moving.
cove breaks the kiss up with a sharp gasp, his fingers digging into your hips.
cove throws his head back, moans and breathy mumbles escaping easily from his swollen lips.
you kiss his neck, taking advantage of cove's intense and lovely reaction to you pleasuring him. "you're so pretty.." you purr into his ear, following it by nibbling on his lobe.
cove whines, and you can't fight the grin on your face. cove wraps his fingers around the nape of your neck, pulling you in. "stop.. *pant* teasing me."
your lips brush against each other as you talk, "but you're so cute."
between the edible and this new development between you two, your heads are spinning and everything is moving so fast.
when cove wraps his arm around your waist, his other hand cupping your face tenderly, it's as if he isn't fucking up into you.
"o-oh!" you grip onto cove, eyes wide and a loud moan slipping from your lips.
the sudden change surprises you, cove's legs tilted up so he can plant his feet and fuck you back. every time your hips pull away, he's meeting you there.
eventually, you just lean into him, tugging on his hair and engaging in a wet, hot kiss. the assault on your insides is lovely, but the way he falters and starts to get breathy, almost whiny, is so much cuter.
"i-i'm close.. please. please y/n..." cove gasps against your lips, holding your hips down and grinding your hops together.
you whimper, shaking from how his tip rubs against your sensitive and thoroughly loved walls.
"i'm close too, cum wit' me..." you rasp, reaching between your bodies to stroke your cock / rub circles around your clit, trying to meet cove before he can finish before you.
"y/n!" cove exclaims, whiny, holding your hips down as he fills up the condom.
you shake and collapse on his shoulder as you finish, your hole fluttering and clenching around him, making cove whine and pant.
you lean into each other for a while before you finally gather the strength, lifting off him with shaky legs, cove gasping at the movement on his sensitive length.
you lean over the bed to search for some baby wipes for you and your dazed neighbor while cove pulls the condom off, wrapping it in some tissues and throwing it the trash by the bedside.
cove mumbles a thanks, and everything is silent for a moment as you quickly wipe away some of the sweat and slick/cum on your skin.
you pull cove backward, making him yelp, but you ignore him and curl your body against his.
"h-hello?" cove grimaced, feeling awkward and surprised by you pulling him down to cuddle.
"hey." you greet, absently playing with the strands of cove's hair.
cove clears his throat, "so uh.." he flips over on his side, his eyes flickering between your deep gaze down to every faint freckle or smile line.
"would this be a bad time to tell you i have a crush on you?" cove laughs, reaching up to take your hand that's in his hair, in his hand.
"no, because i like you too." you confess softly.
cove beams, sitting up, a blush settling on his cheeks again. "really?!"
you nod, "yes cove. i like you, so much."
cove takes a moment to sit there and stare at you with wide, teary eyes before he throws himself on top of you, wrapping you in his arms and going on about how much he loves you, and how happy he is.
you're so flustered, the edible making cove's lips loose, and he let's go of every thought in his head, down to nearly every detail of how lovely you are and how much he's wanted to do this.
he pulls away, visibly happy with your flustered face, although it can't be denied that he's flustered as well.
"so.. does this mean i can be your boyfriend?" you can practically see the wagging tail on cove.
you wrap your arm around his neck, cupping his cheek. "i hope so mr. holden, it'd be awkward to do all this and not date."
cove blinks for a moment, before he looks down and realizes. "oh..."
it takes another moment as the blush over tails his body, down to his shoulders. he hides his face in his hands.
when he starts speaking you lean closer to hear his muffled speech.
"-can't believe i did that and we're naked!"
cove is losing his mind, even the edible can't take away his embarrassment.
you laugh, pulling his hands away. you speak with a wolfish smile,
"if it helps, your lack of clothes and dicking me down didn't influence my decision."
"if it helps, your dick and lack of clothes only made me like you more."
cove yelps, his voice cracking as he scolds you.
he slumps over, hiding himself in your neck. "this is so embarrassing..."
you laugh, patting his back. you sooth him before you break the news. "not as embarrassing as when our parents find out."
cove groans loudly, throwing himself off you and hiding in your pillows instead. "why'd you have to remind me?!" he yells at you, muffled.
you just smile, shrugging even though he can't see it. you'll have to go through it together, so at least you can suffer the aftermath with company.
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c0tards--s0luti0n · 6 months
hi you wanna get into my silly little steampunk bands so bad [mini guides on where 2 start getting into the cog is dead , steam powered giraffe , and the mechanisms] [they call me the normaler]
the cog is dead: it doesnt really have a set story as much as the other 2 bands , you can kinda just shuffle em . Or listen to the albums in order or whatever you decide to do !! The band's backstory which you can find on their website [but im explaining it here cuz im normal] is the lead singer , john sprocket , was a clockmaker in the late 1800s . then a guy named hamilton invented the electric clock [causing the death of the cog] , so sprocket and a mechanic named renate goodwin made a time machine to see what effect the electric clock had . During their journey they find someone , bradley harrington III , in an apple barrel . They decide to make him the ship navigater . They arrive to the 21st century and are shocked to see the cog is completely wiped out , so they decide to devote their lives to bringing back the cog through musical entertainment
Steam powered giraffe: their story is on their website's lore page , only one of their albums is centered around one story . That album is the vice quadrant which you should probably save for after you figure out their main story . You dont have to do this really , but i HEAVILY recommend you listen to all of their albums in order from release date [album one [both versions] -> the 2 cent show -> etc etc] . Their backstory is pretty long so im not gonna explain it here but its on their website you should read it . :3 . they have alot of mini stories inside the bigger story [ie: rex marksley , airheart , captain albert alexander] .
The mechanisms: you Have to listen to their albums in order for this one . my suggested order is: once upon a time in space -> ulysses dies at dawn -> high noon over camelot -> the bifrost incident -> death to the mechanisms . You can switch up the order however but make sure death to the mechanisms comes last . You can put tales to be told 1 and 2 + frankenstein anywhere in there it doesnt really matter . Tales to be told 1&2 dont tell one story its a ton of story songs mixed together . Frankenstein is a single . Their albums tell different stories based on different things [ie: once upon a time in space is based on fairy tales , high noon over camelot is based on aurthurian legend] , the band members each have their own backstories but they each have 2 things in common: 1, dying somehow and 2, getting mechanized after dying . Getting mechanized is where you get the/an organ that caused your death replaced with a metal version , that also grants you immortality . for example , gunpowder tim died from his eyes getting burnt out and his mechanism is his eyes . theres a ton more lore on their website you should check out , theres little stories about their album characters and the band members . Theyre so good im normal
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wormdebut · 10 months
67 if the steddies is still open!!!
HELLO THERE! Hi! Sorry this took a second, but it is here. And it certainly is something. #67 on my Spotify Wrapped is Judas by Lady Gaga The following blurb is rated a Hard M/Soft E. There is religious fuckery, daddy kink, hand kink, and spit. (Isn't there always with me?) Anywhozle, minors DNI. Everyone else, Enjoy.
Eddie loves Sundays. Sundays are great. He has time to lay down a few new guitar tracks, he gets high at noon, lounges around his house in his boxers. Sundays are great. Lately, Eddie gets something better than all of that though.
He gets Steve Harrington, pent up and in his Sunday best.
Eddie fucking loves Sundays.
He checks his watch, 12:15. Lovely. Steve should be here any--Eddie smiles to himself when he hears the soft knock at his front door. His soft boy.
Eddie waltzes over, pulling the front door open and Steve's eyes--big and wide--meet his own.
"Hi." Steve breathes as his eyes run up and down Eddie's shirtless tattooed chest. Eddie holds back a laugh, but can't stop the smirk when Steve's eyes go wider when he drags his gaze over Eddie's half hard cock in his boxer--He was tracking a bad ass song. So he got a little excited. Kill him. Steve's eyes snap back up to Eddie's.
He has a staring problem, Eddie's boy does. Eddie grabs him by the waist, Steve letting out a soft hum as Eddie pulls him inside. Sweet little thing.
"Hi baby boy." He says before pulling Steve in for a kiss. It's not even anything, a quick thing. Eddie has done much worse to his baby, but Steve whimpers. Melts into it.
So, church was rough today then.
Eddie can work with this.
He deepens the kiss, pushing his tongue into Steve's soft mouth, past his pink lips. Steve's lets out a noise between a sigh and a moan. Whines when Eddie pulls away, chasing after his lips.
Eddie leans back, grabbing Steve's face. Steve leans into his hand, hums. Eddie runs his finger over his cheekbone, delighting in the red blush running over his pretty face. He cocks his head, "Rough service?"
Steve shakes his head, still leaning into Eddie's touch. "D'wanna talk about it. Just want you." Steve jerks his head out of Eddie's hold and leans forward, trying for a kiss and Eddie clicks his tongue against his teeth, dropping his hold of Steve completely.
Eddie makes his way back to his sofa and Steve just stands by the door, eyes wide, frown wider. "I--Eds please." He breathes.
Eddie throws the strap of his guitar over his back and levels Steve with a sharp look. "Please what baby boy?"
"I--I need--" He stutters and Eddie raises an eyebrow. "I need you, daddy."
Oh. Steve only pulls that out when he's particularly down. Eddie tries his best not to smirk. His pretty baby will get what he needs, always does.
"I know you do, precious. But, I need to get this guitar tracking finished. So why don't you come over here and wait while I do?"
Eddie watches as Steve pouts. Perfect pink lip jutting out. Eddie sighs, "Stevie, you better put that bratty little lip away right now. You wanna be good, don't you?"
Steve straightens up and nods. Lets out a breathy "Yes."
Eddie smiles at that. "There's my good boy. C'mere, kneel in front of me. I want you to watch."
Steve is quick, doesn't even bother to take off his suit jacket as he rushes over. Eddie is quicker, throws a pillow down, before Steve can hurt himself on the damn hardwood.
"Jesus, baby." Eddie breathes. "Be nice to yourself."
Steve just kneels, eyes locked on Eddie's, doesn't speak. Doesn't want to. He is a man of little words on Sunday afternoons. His stupid fucking church ruse takes everything out of him.
Eddie hums, leaning forward to run a hand through Steve's hair, before he settles back into the sofa and hit the record button on his mac. This song is intense. Heavy guitar, he loses himself in it, like he is wont to do. Things couldn't be better for Eddie, he's got a successful music career and a fucking angel at his feet.
It's over before he knows it. He looks to Steve, still dutifully kneeling on his pillow. Eddie expects Steve's eyes to find his, like they always do, but Steve isn't looking for eye contact. He's looking at Eddie's hands. He watches as Steve's eyes track his fingers as he pulls off the guitar, sets it on the couch. Steve's eyes follow. Eddie smirks.
He snaps his fingers and that's what does it. Steve's eyes jerk up.
"Whatcha thinking about baby?" Eddie asks.
Steve just hums. "Your hands--fingers. Want 'em."
Eddie smirks, patting his lap, come here baby boy."
His boy scrambles up, quickly sitting in Eddie's lap, he leans forward for a kiss, which Eddie allows, before he leans back running his thumb across spit slicked lips. Steve's mouth drops open, tongue lolling out and Eddie--well.
Eddie pulls, forcing Steve's mouth to open wider and spits. Steve moans, but doesn't swallow. Knows not to.
"God, you are such a good boy." Eddie growls as he plunges to fingers into Steve's mouth, running them over his tongue, mixing his and Steve's spit. He pushes them back, into Steve's throat, "Swallow baby."
Steve groans as he swallows around the fingers in his mouth. Eddie can feel his cock through his dress pants. Today will be fun.
Eddie pulls his fingers out, watches as Steve's tries to lean forward, pull them back in. He taps at Steve's cheek, rubbing the spit up and down his pretty cheek.
Steve whimpers. "Oh my god."
Eddie laughs, darkly. "Mm no baby, God's not here."
Jesus is my virtue, and Judas is the demon I cling to.
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lexirambles · 9 months
You see, I’ve never actually posted here before. I only ever reblogged other people’s contact, to show my love for art and fandoms! But this… this just HAD to be put in tumblr. For anything to break my all repost blog streak, this deserves it. Every Undertale Yellow fan needs to see this absolute monstrosity. This has to be the single most unhinged thing that can ever be made forth Undertale Yellow, nothing can top this masterpiece of absurd proportions.
I was simply scrolling through my YouTube home page and found (blood and UTY spoilers ahead…)
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Look at this, look at what I’m looking at! I need to know that I’m not the only one seeing this. LOOK AT IT!
We have Starlo bleeding out with his entire groin out for the world, legs defying gravity with no care for the boundaries of physics or biology! He shouldn’t even be bleeding out, monsters don’t bleed; and he was shot in the chest, not the head. What’s even funnier is the reason his legs are up like that is the sprite is suppose to be slouched against a wail, not lying down. Dude just turned him 90% and let his legs reach for the surface!
Then we have Ceroba with the classic edgy anime eyes, crying blood, with the craziest text. The grammar in her text box is insane; it’s KILLED honey, not KILLER. These two aren’t even dating, they never were in Undertale yellow, this women is RECENTLY WIDOWED FOR ASGORE’S SAKE! This fandom ships it like wildfire, and I am the one with the flamethrower, but this girl is very obviously NOT over her dead husband yet. This poor guy tried to make a pun with her genocide battle theme “trial by fury” by making it furry instead, but it doesn’t even fit in the text box! I’d normally be mad at such a massacre of my favorite girl and an amazing song, but it’s just way too funny to even think of being mad.
Shockingly Clover is mostly unchanged, just a smile added. I expected them to be covered in blood with a gun in their hand considering what’s going on in the left side of this cursed image, but no, the murders child is the most tame thing here. Meanwhile Flowey looks very concerned over a yellow sans just chilling to the side, who also looks just as concerned about all this. I can just hear the conversation between these two.
Then in the middle, for some reason, there’s just DUSTER from MOTHER 3! Why are you here, who are you, how did you get there?! I’d expect Flint or something for the cowboy vibes, but nope, just a random dude watching a furry go absolute apeshit on a child while a living Starfruit shows us a different meaning to “high noon.” And you wanna know what the kicker is, the punchline to all this, the cheery on top of this pesto bismol flavored cake is? This is a thumbnail for a speedrun.
This needs to become a meme, I don’t know what or how, this is simply too over the top not to get memed to hell and back. Make sunning Starlo the new family guy death pose. I need Ceroba shouting at the top of her lungs “I AM GOING TO TRIAL BY FURRY YOU!” I need whoever this random guy from Mother Three sitting in a lawn chair with some popcorn and a soda watching this shit go down. I don’t care, this just HAS a to happen!
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sleepyhead-poll · 18 days
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Briar Rose:
- a clone of a woman named rose meant to be a perfect soldier, she went on enough of a murderous rampage she needed to be put to sleep cryogenically.
- in her sleep she's connected up to a giant defense system and powers it
- lesbian relationship with cinders
- also her song (sleeping beauty in once upon a time in space) just rocks
Joseph Robert Mathea:
[No Propaganda Submitted]
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