#do not keep reading if you have not seen season 3 episode 17
farcillesbian · 7 months
Grey's anatomy season 3 is so wild like there's so much stuff happening. coming off the back of the season 2 finale. everything that happens with the ferry. good lord.
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bylerposting · 9 months
Max knows about Billy & Karen and that's what's in her letter to Mike: Season 5 Theory.
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I've always wondered what the purpose of Mike being in this scene was, because it feels like such a specific choice. This scene is about Max experiencing the nosebleed symptoms. Mike is all the way in California having gay thoughts about his best friend. What's he doing here in Max's flashbacks? Why was it important that Mike saw Max getting this nosebleed?
From his perspective, Max's hair would be blocking his view from the blood, so mabye he didn't notice the nosebleed specifically. But he noticed something was wrong.
Check out these BTS pics. Look at how much went in to this scene.
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All of those extras, the classroom location, outfits for everyone, makeup, props, just for a few shots of B-roll.
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Note how Mike is blocked at the start of the shot, and the camera pans right to reveal, as well as racking focus on to him.
It could be just to show growth between the two characters. They both take math class together, and they sit next to each other. Mike and Max have been at odds with each other a lot, so its nice to see them a little closer.
It does keep Mike's from feeling too disconnected from the main Hawkins plot. But due to the nature of his story this season, his character was going to be little disconnected regardless. That's why I like to think there's more to it.
Remember that thing Karen/Billy had?
As lots of time has passed between seasons, a lot of fans have criticized that for it's characterization of Karen because, while it provided excellent subtext for what happened to Billy as he was flayed, it doesn't condemn Karen's involvement. Therefore it comes off as painfully tone-deaf toward the predatory nature surrounding that dynamic. If they weren't going to condemn Karen's involvement, then why characterize her this way in the first place?
At the same time, people have also noticed that season 4 seemed to slowly build something up with the Wheeler family. Namely, with Nancy's vision in S4E8 showing her Karen, Mike, and Holly presumably dead.
And I think the final piece could be hidden in Max's letter to Mike.
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Season 2 Episode 8: Billy and Karen meet for the first time and are instantly infatuated with each other.
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Outside of the meet-cute, Billy is looking for Max, and Karen knows where she is. Karen gives him the address and says "And when you see Mike, tell him to come home already, yeah?"
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Both Mike and Max get tied to this from the start. Billy and Karen talk about Max and Mike as their responsibility, even though Billy is only 17.
As of up to season 4, neither Max nor Mike have any clue this even happened.
But I think Max could know.
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Season 3 takes place 6 months after season 2. Billy and Karen met before the 1 month time jump at the end of S2E9, Add that up and from their first scene together up to their last scene together, Karen and Billy have known each other in-universe for 7 months.
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Maybe sometime prior to S3, Max could've seen Billy and Karen together. Maybe she could've overheard how they were talking to each other, and and maybe just didn't know what to do. (I wouldn't blame her. She's 14. She shouldn't have to have a conversation like that.)
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Mike's presence in this scene could therefore be to represent that secret. To hint at what she was hiding that got her the symptom.
As of Season 4's ending, Max is in a coma, and she instructed that her letters only be read if she died. Right now it's 50-50 on whether they'll actually be read in S5.
Mike finding out this truth would be really interesting. Finding out your mom cheated on your dad with Billy Hargrove makes a great catalyst for a TON of conflict. I think there's so much that it could lead to.
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Argyle being cut in half in that shot with Mike and Karen; "your dominoes are gonna fall."
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misscammiedawn · 3 months
Story time. Allow us to ramble a little.
Recently we have been reading interviews about I Saw The TV Glow. In one interview Jane Shoenbrun mentioned her experience rewatching her own Pink Opaque, that being Buffy's musical episode, Once More With Feeling.
Reading it unlocked a key memory. A memory I'd like to share today.
CW: Suicide mention
Text version:
We have never seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Not all the way through anyway. By the time we had the ability to our distaste for Whedon soured the idea. We had seen the musical episode. We were sure of that, however it was lost in the sea of blurry memories from the period of our life where we were making it on our own. I shall spare the details but at 16 we were pulled out of school and at 17 kicked out on our own. This story takes place sometime within those fuzzy years.
These were the days of web forums, HTML and Limewire. The days that told you System of a Down wrote a Zelda song and that Mew could be found under a truck by the SS Anne. We lived in London at the time and during our early days of homelessness we found free ways to keep ourselves going. Did you know that one of the HMVs in Oxford Street had a movie theatre in the basement that just showed off DVDs? We watched Shrek 3 times in a row in that baby. It gave us somewhere to be that wasn't the abandoned flat we were holed up in.
More often than not we were at the library using a computer and logging into Yahoo Groups and a video game web forum. There we met a person I shall call Rosy. Rosy was an admin at the forum and was, like us, keyed in on a specific comic adaptation of the franchise. We used to read each issue religiously, camping on the floor of the W.H. Smith's in Waterloo station. Funny... we have no memories of our little sister growing up but we can remember the exact space that the comic was stocked on those shelves. Two and a half decades later...
Our mutual love of this niche comic and the fact that we were both ostracized from a portion of the fandom that was attempting to do a fan-made continuation made us fast friends. In many ways Rosy was our first true friend. She was 5 years older than us. She was also moving to London for university. We met up. Spent time at the same internet cafes and libraries.
Time flowed. We grew closer. We shared our intrigues and stories. We would sit with our back to the wall curling the wire of our landline around our finger vividly picturing the tales she told us about her roleplay adventures. That became a fixture. She would talk and talk about the fantasies and stories of her daily life and we would just visualize it.
She was a fan of Buffy.
She was excited for the sixth season starting on BBC.
As she spoke about the plot she described in great detail the plot of Glory from the previous season, elaborating on how much she enjoyed and appreciated that storyline. An orderly named Ben who was possessed by a goddess named Glory and would become her.
I cannot recall the details that she laid down, but I do recall that we would picture it vividly and clear in our head. This becoming a woman. I do not recall if we focused on the topic or she was preoccupied with it, but she elaborated on the differences between representations of men becoming women in fiction.
She elaborated that in much of culture a man becoming a woman was seen to be disempowerment. A joke. Something of a humiliation. That it was constantly looked down upon.
I feel like she was venting frustrations about her gender being used as a tool for ridicule and how Buffy as a show empowered her as a woman not just in the strength of its predominantly female cast but in that a meek and lowly man was seen to become an all powerful goddess in feminine form and how much that impressed her and resonated with her.
She even went on to elaborate on examples such as a story she had stumbled upon about a group of male prisoners having their violent urges suppressed by a feminizing treatment and how it made her feel sick to her stomach that being turned into a woman was treated as this horrific thing within that fiction.
These memories are likely inaccurate from the years and years between, particularly as they were lost to me until recent weeks. Even still... I recall us feeling somewhat hurt and confused in that moment and yet in time I believe we misunderstood her at the time. We were not yet ready to grapple the topics being laid at our feet.
I pause now to mention that note that Rosy a cis woman.
So we decided to tune in to BBC2 and see what all the fuss was about. The musical episode was our first exposure. It was adorable. We keyed in on Allison Hannigan's Willow instantly. If we had tuned in for gender related reasons then having a red haired queer woman to focus on did not hurt at all.
Plus it was lesbian representation.
A side bar which can fit its own storytime segment is that our mother is a lesbian. Our mother is a strange figure on the edge of our life, particularly as the UK courts deemed her "unsafe" to raise us and the gay community of 90s London had some biphobia strong enough that though I cannot recall any memories of seeing our mother face prejudice for having biological children I know it was an issue.
We would watch Hercules, Merlin and Xena with her. She was not shy about sharing her feelings about Lucy Lawless. In fact, now I say that, it is pretty odd that I am aware that Angelina Jolie in Girl Interuppted was her biggest screencrush.
Allosexuals are going to be allosexual, I suppose.
Point is, since a very early age we were aware of sexualities beyond hetero and just how much it made the target demographic light up to see themselves on screen.
We'll get back to that...
The musical episode of Buffy is not one to walk in on. Yet it has a romantic ballad of lesbian bliss with a mild undertone of psychological abuse strong enough that it could be detected by someone who lacked the broader context that Willow was rewriting her girlfriend's memories rather than communicate openly and honestly.
It also is entirely based about characters who have had their emotions reach a boiling point burst out into song. Song and dance in musicals are expressions of emotion that can no longer be contained by dialogue alone and that episode was forcing each character to spill their truths. Leading to the reveal that Buffy is deeply angst-ridden about being brought back to life.
Rosy had taken effort to explain that Buffy died at the end of Season 5. Between the conclusion of Season 5 of Buffy and Season 2 of Twin Peaks, it's clear that Shoenbrun also had feelings about killing off the lead in a season finale cliffhanger.
That... hit. This is a topic about our gender and not our mortality so I shall not elaborate. But that final song and the episode ending on a discomforted emotion that Buffy regretted being alive? That was the moment we became engaged with the show.
It's funny...
We watched it for 12 weeks.
The plot followed the slow corruption of the redhead that we had fixated upon. How her addiction to magic was ruining her relationships and compromising her good-natured spirit. I do not recall the episodes well enough to comment upon their quality or how well the story was handled.
I do recall how the story between Willow and Tara ended, however.
It was so senseless. So cruel. So... pointless.
Certainly, it allowed the queer backbone of the show to become an evil witch and likely be defeated in the season finale, perhaps turned back to the side of good once more? I do not recall and did not stick around.
The emotional tension between the troubled couple had hit its apex and discussions were forced to happen and Willow was discovering that she could not abuse Tara into staying. She could not bespell her without circumventing her agency and understood that she had been doing that very thing by not allowing her to remember their fights.
Then Tara drops dead.
Tara just dies.
An accidental stray bullet from outside the house just pierces through her body.
I do not know the history of this character. I was attached to her only in the way of knowing that so few pieces of positive queer media existed in the awful landscape of the 90s and it was nice to see a lesbian couple allowed to exist openly and without inference and innuendo.
And they killed her.
They just murdered her so Willow could become evil for a few episodes.
Rosy was livid too.
I have no memory of the conversations we had but I recall our intent to stop watching was solidified and she did not blame us. She knew our history. She likely knew we were trans, even if we were a lifetime away from accepting it.
Buffy may be a good show and worth watching. Perhaps some day we'll get over our distaste for Whedon and watch it.
But now we have the memory resurfaced, I wish to linger on the version that existed in our head before the musical episode. Before we knew what Willow looked like and projected ourselves upon her.
Just the mental image of a meek boy turning into a literal goddess and how that expression of empowerment resonated so deeply with our cisgender friend that it blossomed into an emotion that we would someday recognize as gender euphoria.
I have no clue how Ben was in the show. I do not know if he was an allegory, if he communicated with Glory, if this big bad of the season was someone worthy of Rosy's admiration.
All I know is that someone saw positivity reflected in the screen and a dumb kid who had so very few role models saw someone she respected described crossing the chasm of the gender spectrum as a positive thing.
Even if the representation is not perfect, even if the creative team themselves are not perfect... sometimes someone can find language to convey their truth from seeing the ideas play out on screen and sometimes hearing someone else's truth can be the key to unlocking your own.
I did not see the TV glow.
But I heard it in her voice and felt it in my heart.
It took over 15 years from those events to come out. But I did. And Rosy was there with a message on social media "It'd be rude to say 'I always knew' but..."
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I've done 80 Violetta questions and I've done 80 Soy Luna questions... now it's time for 250 DCLA related questions - the 250 simply because I will sneak in some bonus ones related to D+LA as well. The ask game is simple - send a number or several numbers and get an answer for the questions that was those numbers. It's mixed with general questions as well as questions specific for one show. You do not need to have seen all of the dcla shows, as long as you've seen one that's enough (though say that in the tags so that people know which questions not to send you, etc). Also, I am aware that there are technically more dcla shows than just three, but I will keep it to Violetta, Soy Luna and Bia. Alright! Here we go!
1. Favorite first episode of any of the three dcla shows
2. Favorite season 2 opening of any of the three dcla shows
3. Favorite season 3 opening: Violetta or Soy Luna's?
4. Which DCLA show did you see first?
5. How did you get introduced to DCLA?
6. Favorite Violetta episode/s
7. Favorite Soy Luna episode/s
8. Favorite Bia episode/s
9. Favorite Violetta song
10. Favorite Soy Luna song
11. Favorite Bia song
12. If they made a new DCLA show, what do you want it to be about?
13. Least favorite Violetta episode/s
14. Least favorite Soy Luna episode/s
15. Least favorite Bia episode/s
16. Your favorite running theme in any dcla show
17. Favorite ship in general
18. Least favorite ship in general
19. Favorite song in general
20. Least favorite song in general
21. Least favorite Violetta song
22. Least favorite Soy Luna song
23. Least favorite Bia song
24. The best DCLA villain?
25. The worst DCLA villain?
26. Favorite Violetta character
27. Favorite Soy Luna character
28. Favorite Bia character
29. Favorite character in general
30. A certain DCLA moment you will never forget when you watched the first time
31. Most memorable scene from Violetta
32. Most memorable scene from Soy Luna
33. Most memorable scene from Bia
34. A storyline you wished they explored more
35. A storyline you wish they did not have at all
36. The most forgettable character
37. Favorite two characters played by the same actor/actress?
38 Favorite actor/actress in general?
39. The weirdest ending to any DCLA episode?
40. The best mid-season/episode 40 episode overall?
41. A scene you constantly forget exists
42. A storyline you constantly forget exists
43. The best meme you've gotten from these shows?
44. D+LA question: How many D+LA shows have you seen?
45. Have you read any Violetta fanfictions?
46. Have you read any Soy Luna fanfictions?
47. Have you read any Bia fanfictions?
48. Do you write DCLA related fanfictions?
49. Do you make fanart of DCLA?
50. What is your favorite DCLA fanfiction (that someone else has written)?
51. Your favorite non-canon ship in general?
52. Your favorite non-canon ship in Violetta?
53. Your favorite non-canon ship in Soy Luna?
54. Your favorite non-canon ship in Bia?
55. Least favorite Violetta character
56. Least favorite Soy Luna character
57. Least favorite Bia character
58. Your favorite character from a D+LA show?
59. Favorite Violetta headcanon?
60. Favorite Soy Luna headcanon?
61. Favorite Bia headcanon?
62. Which main character can you relate to the most?
63. Which character in general can you relate to the most?
64. Favorite mean girl?
65. A ship you always forget were a thing
66. What did you know about Violetta before you watched it?
67. What did you know about Soy Luna before you watched it?
68. What did you know about Bia before you watched it?
69. If there's a DCLA show you haven't watched, what have you heard about it from people?
70. Weirdest storyline?
71. What was the biggest crime a DCLA character committed without getting caught, according to you?
72. The most misunderstood character, according to you?
73. A character many people dislike but you like?
74. A character many people like but you dislike?
75. LGBTQ+ headcanons for Violetta characters?
76. LGBTQ+ headcanons for Soy Luna characters?
77. LGBTQ+ headcanons for Bia characters?
78. In D+LA: Best actual queer character?
79. Best endgame couple in Violetta
80. Best endgame couple in Soy Luna
81. Best endgame couple in Bia
82. Best parent/parental figure?
83. Which DCLA show had the best season 1?
84. Which DCLA show had the best season 2?
85. Which DCLA show had the best season 3?
86. If Violetta got a fourth season, what do you want to happen?
87. If Soy Luna got a fourth season, what do you want to happen?
88. If Bia got a third season, what do you want to happen?
89. Best friendship in Violetta
90. Best friendship in Soy Luna
91. Best friendship in Bia
92. Best platonic relationship in general
93. A line from any DCLA show that you quote a lot (note: the line can be dubbed)
94. A character you want/wanted to stay single
95. Cutest scene of your favorite ship
96. Characters with the biggest change in personality througout the show according to you
97. A couple you don't ship but you like them fine
98. A ship that was good but they ruined it
99. Worst scene of your favorite ship
100. Favorite 100th episode of any DCLA show? (This is 2x20 in Violetta and SL and 2x40 in Bia)
101. Favorite first kiss scene
102. Favorite kiss scene in general
103. Worst kiss scene
104. The most memorable character that only appeared for some episodes (Ana, Emma, Daniela, all the girls Maxi tried to date in s1...)
105. Storyline you felt like they just scrapped midway or rather quickly
106. Which DCLA show would you, if you had the chance, rewrite? And how would you rewrite it?
107. First impression of your current favorite character in all of DCLA
108. Something you shipped but not anymore
109. Couple you didn't picture being a thing until they became a thing
110. Best ship that dated but broke up
111. The most underrated dynamic
112. Biggest plot twist in Violetta
113. Biggest plot twist in Soy Luna
114. Biggest plot twist in Bia
115. Most emotional DCLA scene?
116. In which language/s do you watch the shows?
117. Funniest scene in Violetta?
118. Funniest scene in Soy Luna?
119. Funniest scene in Bia?
120. A couple you thought were gonna be endgame but wasn't
121. Gayest scene of Violetta?
122. Gayest scene of Soy Luna?
123. Gayest scene of Bia?
124. If you were in Violetta, which character would you want to be?
125. If you were in Soy Luna, which character would you want to be?
126. If you were in Bia, which character would you want to be?
127. Best siblings of DCLA?
128. Which couple would be most likely to have kids together in the future?
129. Favorite D+LA ship?
130. Best season 1 song of any dcla show
131. Best season 2 song of any dcla show
132. Best season 3 song of any dcla show
133. Worst season 1 of any dcla show
134. Worst season 2 of any dcla show
135. Worst season 3: Violetta or Soy Luna?
136. Favorite storyline in Violetta
137. Favorite storyline in Soy Luna
138. Favorite storyline in Bia
139. Is there any DCLA show you just like more than the others?
140. A character that disappeared from one of the show that you want back
141. Do you have any DCLA merch?
142. Any english dubbed song in Violetta that you actually enjoy?
143. Something you feel never got answered in Violetta?
144. Something you feel never got answered in Soy Luna?
145. Something you feel never got answered in Bia?
146. Which S2 of a D+LA show are you the most excited for?
147. A character you only can picture one person with
148. Your ultimate DCLA NOTP
149. Which DCLA character has the best singing voice?
150. How do you think they would translate the songs in Soy Luna if they english dubbed it?
151. How do you think they would translate the songs in Bia if they english dubbed it?
152. If you would rewrite Violetta season 1, what would you change?
153. If you would rewrite Violetta season 2, what would you change?
154. If you would rewrite Violetta season 3, what would you change?
155. If you would rewrite Soy Luna season 1, what would you change?
156. If you would rewrite Soy Luna season 2, what would you change?
157. If you would rewrite Soy Luna season 3, what would you change?
158. If you would rewrite Bia season 1, what would you change?
159. If you would rewrite Bia season 2, what would you change?
160. Which Violetta character has the best clothes?
161. Which Soy Luna character has the best clothes?
162. Which Bia character has the best clothes?
163. Which Violetta character has the worst clothes?
164. Which Soy Luna character has the worst clothes?
165. Which Bia characters has the worst clothes?
166. Which DCLA character would you like as your aunt? (it does not have to be a character who's actually an aunt in the shows, it can be anyone)
167. Which DCLA character would you like as your uncle? (it does not have to be a character who's actually an uncle in the show, it can be anyone)
168. Which DCLA character/s would you like as your parent/s? (it does not have to be anyone who's actually a parent in the show, it can be anyone)
169. The best DCLA mom?
170. The best DCLA dad?
171. The worst DCLA mom?
172. The worst DCLA dad?
173. The best D+LA parent?
174. The worst D+LA parent?
175. A Violetta song that easily gets stuck in your head
176. A Soy Luna song that easily gets stuck in your head
177. A Bia song that easily gets stuck in your head
178. Any Violetta character you could date?
179. Any Soy Luna character you could date?
180. Any Bia character you could date?
181. A Violetta ship you really don’t see the appeal of
182. A Violetta ship you see the appeal of, but you don’t ship
183. A Soy Luna ship you really don’t see the appeal of
184. A Soy Luna ship you see the appeal of, but you don’t ship
185. A Bia ship you really don’t see the appeal of
186. A Bia ship you see the appeal of, but you don’t ship
187. If you would rank the DCLA shows, how would you rank them and why?
188. How would you rank the seasons of Violetta? Why?
189. How would you rank the seasons of Soy Luna? Why?
190. How would you rank the seasons of Bia? Why?
191. Of the D+LA shows you’ve seen, how would you rank them? Why?
192. The grossest Violetta character and why
193. The grossest Soy Luna character and why
194. The grossest Bia character and why
195. What was the most surprising DCLA-related opinion you ever heard someone have?
196. Unpopular Violetta opinion
197. Unpopular Soy Luna opinion
198. Unpopular Bia opinion
199. Unpopular D+LA related opinion
200. Your favorite 200th episode (this is 3x40 for Violetta and SL and Bia sadly does not have 200 eps)?
201. If you would make a christmas related Violetta episode, how would it look like?
202. If you would make a christmas related Soy Luna episode, how would it look like?
203. If you would make a christmas related Bia episode, how would it look like?
204. Favorite marriage in a DCLA show?
205. In Violetta, how do you picture the characters 10 years from now?
206. In Soy Luna, how do you picture the characters 10 years from now?
207. In Bia, how do you picture the characters 10 years from now?
208. Any DCLA character you really don’t see the hype for?
209. Any popular DCLA-related headcanon that you disagree with?
210. When you rewatched Violetta, how did your opinions change from the first time watching?
211. When you rewatched Soy Luna, how did your opinions change from the first time watching?
212. When you rewatched Bia, how did your opinions change from the first time watching?
213. Any DCLA show you simply like a little less than the others?
214. An out of context Violetta scene you think about a lot
215. An out of context Soy Luna scene you think about a lot
216. An out of context Bia scene you think about a lot
217. A character you think many people are ”wrong” about
218. DCLA ship/s you think broke up after the show ended (or that you want to break up)
219. DCLA ship/s you think are together forever
220. Something in Violetta that you will pretend never happened
221. Something in Soy Luna that you will pretend never happened
222. Something in Bia that you will pretend never happened
223. Do you think you will ever be able to move on from these shows?
224. Favorite DCLA WLW ship
225. Favorite DCLA MLM ship
226. Favorite DCLA M/F friendship
227. A dynamic you think many people sleep on
228. A platonic dynamic in any DCLA show that you dislike
229. Favorite parent-child relationship in a DCLA show
230. Opinions on Tini the movie?
231. Favorite DCLA cast?
232. Sing, draw or roller skate?
233. Which character’s clothing style is the most similar to your own?
234. The best character development of a DCLA character?
235. The worst character development of a DCLA character?
236. Best Violetta performance?
237. Worst Violetta performance?
238. Best Soy Luna performance?
239. Worst Soy Luna performance?
240. Best Bia performance?
241. Worst Bia performance?
242. The hottest Violetta character according to you?
243. The hottest Soy Luna character according to you?
244. The hottest Bia character according to you?
245. Which DCLA main character’s house would you want to live in?
246. The worst scene of your favorite DCLA ship
247. The best season 1 finale
248. The best season 2 finale
249. The best season 3 finale/final episode?
250. A question of your own that you want to ask.
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Thank you @leatafandom for the tag! This was a lot of fun and fun to answer.
20 Questions For Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
78 in total.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
184,450 in total.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supernatural mainly but I also write Beau Arlen from Big Sky, Soldier Boy/Ben from The Boys, and Steven/Marc/Jake (Moon Knight system) from Moon Knight.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Annual Chase (Supernatural (TV 2005)) (3,896 words) 155 Kudos
Domestic Destiel #1 (Supernatural (TV 2005)) (2,501 words) 132 Kudos
Day 7: (Consensual) Nonconsensual and Somnophilia Dean x Castiel (Domestic Destiel #10) (Supernatural (TV 2005)) (449 words) 86 Kudos
Day 23: Breeding/Impregnation, Alpha Cas/Omega Dean (Supernatural (TV 2005)) (435 words) 81 Kudos
Day 24: Bratty Sub, Anal/Oral Training, Caging, Destiel, Risk Aware Consensual Kink (RACK) (Supernatural (TV 2005)) (486 words) 66 Kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
Every single one, always. I love, love, love comments. If someone asks me to keep working on a fic, I will. (E.g. Castiel’s Wings, Fledgling Castiel, and Surpise Me)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Blood in Heaven and Hell
I write angst to get over, not to end with angst. I prefer happy endings. I know life doesn’t always work out that way but that’s what I like to write. I like the conflict to be resolved and the character to learn.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh, so many, so many. I try to only write happy endings but the happiest 🤔
Alternate Scene Ending for Season 11 Episode 03 The Bad Seed
I say this because I changed the scene and it went from Dean suffering to Dean feeling loved and healed.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not that I am aware of.
9. Do you write smut?
All the time, Sweetie. All the time. Have you seen my kinktober series? 😈
10. Do you write crossovers?
I have not published a crossover yet. I do want to do an Spn/Fifth Element and Spn/Lilo & Stitch fics. I’m working on those still.
11. What's the craziest one you've written?
Because Mothers Ask Those Questions
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, I have not. I’ve read translated fics though. They’re always very good.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I am in the process of co-writing a fic with @wolfiepyxie about Tiny!Cas and Tiny!Dean forcing Dean to realize he is in love with Cas. A lot of tiny shenanigans. Did I mention Gabriel gets up to a lot of trouble too? Hehehe. So much drama and hilarity.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Destiel (Castiel/Dean Winchester)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Stereo Love, Blind Castiel A/B/O, and The Virus (orign story of A/B/O that is not part of any fandom).
16. What are your writing strengths?
SpaG. Dialogue. Showing how characters relate.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing a full plot from beginning to end and then writing the story out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I look stuff up. I can read Spanish, mostly, and that’s it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically? Mortal Kombat: Conquest but it was like 40 pages of hand written fic that I lost as a teenager during a move.
Otherwise, the first fandom I wrote and published was Supernatural
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Domestic Destiel #1, Imagine…, or In the Mood at least right now.
No pressure tags: @riley-phoenix @luci-in-trenchcoats @impala-dreamer @hectatess @zepskies @maddiebwrites
Empty questions to copy and paste friends below the cut
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. What's the craziest one you've written?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
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bronanlynch · 1 year
this week's media roundup has even more incoherent rambling about gundam than last week. that's where my brain's at I guess
listening (podcast): once again still listening to the Wing episodes of Great Gundam Project but I listened to their ep on the finale today so I just need to listen to their Endless Waltz ep and then I will be finished with that and move on to uhhh probably their 0079 episodes sorry I am So gundampilled right now. anyway. this makes me feel so much better for being confused & frustrated by the politics at the end of Wing but also kind of excited to rewatch it with my roommate (who's never seen it) at some point in our Gundam marathon because I really do think that watching 0079 first at least helps you understand what they're calling back to. like the answer to 'why is Zechs like that' is 'because he's based on Char' and I, watching Wing for the first time before any other Gundam, did not know who Char was yet
listening (music): I am perpetually just a little bit late to listen to new music but at least I did listen to new music this week. my fave thing about Mitski's I'm Your Man is how jarringly nice & pleasant the guitar accompaniment is for the first half, contrasted with the kinda eerie echo-y quality of the vocals and also like, what the lyrics are saying
reading: same things still. Rule of Wolves remains kind of mid and does not do anything particularly anything with any of the ideas it raises. Water Outlaws continues to be extremely cool and Imo does an extremely good job of expressing what would be very cool action sequences in a wuxia drama in a different medium. but also sometimes I wish I could see the cool fights because I like good fight choreography
watching: my parents visited this past weekend and one of the things we watch together is Ted Lasso, so I've seen a few more episodes of season 3 and honestly I'm kind of underwhelmed I guess? I have extremely mixed feelings about the handling of both of the queer plotlines (Keely getting a girlfriend & Colin's whole arc) that I'm not sure I care enough to type out. I like that Trent is around more though, I do like to see him
we've been watching the current season of Bakeoff (me & my roommate, not me & my parents), but it's not far enough for me to have strong favorites so I don't have much to say here other than that I do like the new host, she's fun
and now the most important part of this post, we've been watching Zeta Gundam. man. we're 17 episodes in and I'm having so much fun. I love Kamille, I love it when the main characters are doing armed resistance against the military hegemony even though I wish I had a better understanding of the scale of any of these factions, I love Quattro's stupid obnoxiously shiny gold mobile suit, I love the concept of Cyber Newtypes because it emphasizes the stuff about exploitation and dehumanization that I wanted more of in the discussion of Newtypes. I have many complex thoughts about gender (wish it wasn't always the women who are the most outspoken about peace and/or want to settle down to raise their children, or that women got a few more options besides that and dying in battle immediately after kissing the nearest man, but also I think there's something interesting in how many of the Cyber Newtypes and honestly also Newtypes are women like so far it's mostly women and protagonists and also Char). I miss Sayla. I hate that 26 year old Mirai dresses & styles her hair like a generic 45 year old housewife, please let her keep her style & personality even though she's a mother now I am begging you. I love Quattro's extremely 80s outfit. my head is very full of thoughts about how the child soldiers from 0079 are now a little older but still stuck in the same patterns because they're stuck as the people they were forced to become during the war and now they're perpetuating that on the next generation of kids forced into the conflict. thinking about Quattro trying to mentor Kamille and turning him into a soldier, and how Char & Amuro are both so shaped by the violence they've done that neither of them can conceive of themselves as anything else, with Amuro resenting/fearing his role as a soldier but not seeing any options for what he can be instead and Char leaning into it, again because he doesn't think he has any other options. tasty narrative foil situation. they should kiss about it. also I'm obsessed with how much the Beltorchika-Amuro-Char situation feels like a love triangle. Tomino didn't have to make Amuro's love interest a blonde in a pink normal suit with a comet-related callsign but as someone who is constantly thinking about Eve Kosofsky Sedgewick's writings on triangulated desire I'm very glad he did. this section is a mess, I'm so sorry, shout out to Zeta Gundam, I love watching teenagers bully Char and I hope Kamille gets to punch more cops
playing: still working on Ace Attorney 5, still on 5-4. just met Aura Blackquill and I love her already <3 unethical science lesbian <3
making: continuing the autumn theme that I've had pretty much every week, we made an apple pie, except we ran out of flour while making it so we couldn't sprinkle the crust with enough flour to make the filling thicken so it had the soggiest bottom imaginable. still tasted good though
more importantly, we are in our gunpla era and made the Michaelis from Witch from Mercury, a suit that everyone else on the internet seems to hate but I adore. I like it when robots are purple and look like they're wearing high heels, and also Shaddiq was one of my favorite GWitch characters which I realize is also a uhhhhh fairly unpopular opinion but anyway here it is
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also because I think it's funny, here's what it currently looks like on display, leaning against the wall because it doesn't stand super well on its own but we don't have a base for it yet, and it looks So short next to the Pharact & Darilbalde
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drinking: Thirsty Robot Brewing's key lime cheesecake sour, a beer that tasted so good I had to restrain myself from saying "wow this fucks" in front of my parents. it had lactose in it so it was a really nice amount of smooth & creamy, and the key lime flavor was really strong
also had a cocktail that had the most tailored to me list of ingredients imaginable: lemon vodka, creme de violette, elderflower liqueur, butterfly pea flower simple syrup, lemon juice, & lavender bitters. it truly is a shame that I cannot be bothered to acquire most of those ingredients on my own because wow that was tasty. I love it when drinks are citrus-y & floral, is the thing
writing: once again thwarted by not being able to write while watching Gundam (not a complaint). I swear I'm going to finish a fic again at some point
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cangelgifs · 2 years
it’s been ages since I’ve seen Angel and I have suddenly thought about Cangel and my heart missed them oh so much.
Do you keep up with the comics? Is she ever mentioned again? Is there any crumbs for cangel? I wish she would be brought back somehow, but I guess that’s what fanfiction is for 😩
Speaking of, do you have any fic recs of cordy coming back to life?
Is cangel still heavily hated? Ik when I was in the fandom years ago it had somewhat mixed feelings
Anyways thanks and have a lovely day ☺️
Hello, thank you for the ask. <3
Re: the comics - the 'canon' comics that took place directly following the show had a few Cangel crumbs. There is a really good Cangel scene in After The Fall. The Angel & Faith comics had a few more crumbs.
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They are talking about bringing Giles back from the dead and Faith mentions that if bringing someone back safely/properly was possible, Angel would've done it with Cordy. <3
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Angel is hallucinating here and he mentions Cordy.
Dark Horse (they published After the Fall & Angel and Faith) no longer own the rights to BTVS/ATS and Boom now does.
Boom have published a Cordy and Angel mini series that has a Cangel endgame.
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You can read Angel (2022) HERE but make sure you've got an ad blocker.
There are quite a few cute CA moments scattered through out the non-canon comics. I'm making my way through them and will be sharing them on cangelgifs as I come across them. :)
A few so far:
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Re: fic recs where Cordy comes back to life. I also included some of her waking from her coma because there aren't a lot of fics about her coming back from the dead (at least that I know of).
I haven't read all these personally - I got help from the cangel discord. :)
This Time It’s Real Anneb Rating: NC-17 Challenge: Issued by Muff Cordelia dies Buffy and Angel get back together but Angel is not happy Cordelia comes back from the dead ^This one is a fave of mine
Welcome Back by Helen RATING: R/NC-17 SUMMARY: Cordy gets an offer and makes a choice to try and gain back her life.
Kyrumption by moonlittides Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: When Cordelia awakes from her coma, she and Angel are provided with a second chance at love. Will they be able to overcome their fears and admit how they truly feel in order to be together or are they doomed to repeat their past mistakes? Re-write for 'You're Welcome' (s5 e12) with a happier ending.
ANGEL 2035 by Lysa RATING: R Summary: It’s the year 2035. Los Angeles needs Angel’s brand of heroism as he continues to help the helpless. Cordelia returns to reveal his new mission.
Alcohol and Ice by Marie Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angel wants Cordelia in his life always. Cordelia has other plans for her life and they do not include Angel. Cue a possessive; jealous Angel not willing to let her go. Warning: As the summary states, this fic contains very possessive behavior.
Rooks and Pawns by DamnSkippy Rating: PG-13 Summary: Cordy is still in a coma but the PTBs send her a vision. She must communicate the vision to the FG somehow to save the victim who is somehow connected to how she can be brought back.
Lost and Found by Helen Rating: NC-17 Summary: This is set in season 5. A little back history is Cordy woke up and Angel helped her get over what happened to her, but then she took off, now she’s back.
Angel Season Six by brownsbros3 Rating: TV-14 Summary: Due to the numerous e-mail requests that I have received, I have decided to repost my original four episodes of Angel's fantasy sixth season.
Insurrection by LaLa247 Rating: R Summary: Cordelia awakes from her coma in a new, different world.
we are by buries Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Summary: Cordelia comes back for Angel.
i've looked at you with the focus i gave to my birthday candles by thecarlysutra Rating: General Audiences Summary: "Make a wish,” they say at the end of the world.
As for CA hate, I've found it has died down in recent years and support has grown. The haters have calmed down after 20+ years. It still varies from site to site, though. Some sites (Tumblr, Twitter) are quite pro-Cangel, and some sites are not.
-- whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
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galactic-pirates · 2 years
Spoilers. Warning. Episode 3 of Picard.
So that happened.
Yeeeeah this episode was just… the first two I had enthusiasm because it’s Star Trek! Seven is back! Raffi is back! Whoo.
Honestly what the hell was that? Like I am trying to think what was good, what was bad, and analyse but I am left with the fact that I paused it 3x to scroll social media instead as it was just not keeping my attention.
The whole “big blowout” with Picard and Crusher was everything I expected and I am just bored with it. I really hoped that there was going to be something more. Now obviously… don’t misunderstand me. Twists for the sale of twists suck - foreshadowing is good. I’m not complaining because I predicted the ‘reason’ for Crusher keeping the secret of the son. I’m complaining because it is such a “logic not found” argument. It’s a tired cliche. It’s been done. I didn’t like it then, I don’t like it now. I get it people are people and they do human things, they make mistakes and then don’t feel they can take them back. Crusher was scared etc. I get it, I understand it but just ugh.
I did make myself laugh by remembering Bones quote from the lens-flare Trek movie “If you’re going to ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don’t leave your prize stallion in the stable.” because Seven on lockdown in her quarters? Huge waste of talent. Honestly the one bright spot in the episode was baby LaForge visiting and calling her Commander SEVEN. Because damn straight. We can keep baby LaForge.
Also I might have laughed at Shaw hitting his head. I still want to throw him out the airlock but it’s a start. I jest, I jest, obviously injury is bad. Also it was such a forced way of getting Riker to have the command. It was all a setup for the conflict between Riker and Picard and that felt very unnatural, like they were trying to force this dynamic that wasn’t right. It was so choppy, like maybe the episode was badly edited and they cut some stuff they shouldn’t? Nothing really felt earned.
The whole Worf not in StarFleet and the terrorist changeling is a bit confusing as I have not seen all of DS9. I am pleased (kinda?) that the changelings are involved. They had hyped up a “DS9” continuation and I was thinking perhaps that was just Worf’s inclusion as he had done double duty being on DS9 as well.
Raffi continues to be an absolute gift. The snark and banter and the “cool” at the end, also the respect and just I don’t know everything. Worf was kinda weird like he’d turned half-Vulcan or something but I don’t mind it. I wonder if the portal creation thingy that the shrike has was what they were hiding the theft of? I mean something has to tie the two storylines together and the changelings are involved with the shrike as there is one as the saboteur.
Side note I can’t hear “the shrike” without thinking of Agents of Shield. It’s very distracting.
Also I am laughing about the portal wormholes because Stargate will forever be my first love. Something is tickling my brain about that image of the portal thingy being in the Strange New Worlds opening credits but I could be mistaken about that.
Yeah I don’t know. The vibe from this episode was just off. Maybe different filming methods too? A lot of shaky cam (which sucked) and that will give it a different feel. I think it just felt really heavy handed. Like they wanted to hit these beats (the whole 17 seconds thing) and it was just too in my face to emotionally resonate. Plus I did read somebody say about the message that biology is all that matters sucks. I think of Elnor who Picard could have had as a son but he never even visited him. Yet the whole ‘father’ thing kicks in with Jack Crusher? Big ugh again.
Seriously like the whole Picard’s mother storyline last season was an eye roll. But I had some investment because I was pissed off. For all they aesthetically tried to make it look like Picard grew up in the 1800 somethings, it was actually around 500 years later, and yet mental illness is still “lock the crazy lady in the attic?” I mean who thought that was a good idea? I thought the Federation was supposed to be better than that. Now I get the “let’s not trivialise and suggest everything has a cure” because that is also really problematic and would piss me off. I’m just saying have a little compassion and respect. Anyway I digress. My point is the storyline this season is just as eye roll ugh as the mother storyline, but not so maddening. It’s going to be a temptation to fast forward I swear. Not even the Han Solo scoundrel vibe will amuse me forever.
Not a fan. I hope episode 4 is better.
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reynie-muldoons · 2 years
"A Gold Bar in Fort Knox" Liveblog!
Good morninggg. It's early here, but not very bright 😂 there's been a lot of fog the past few days.
Today's a fun day because season 4 of The Dragon Prince came out today too!! I can't wait to consume all of it and spam reblog things from the tag LMAO.
Anywaaay, I have some hot tea and brekkie, so it's new episode time. Spoilers under the cut :)
1:08 oh shit here we go, water polo raid
1:20 I bet they're above, like clinging to the wall or something
1:40 theme music my beloved
2:37 are they in like the boiler room?? That's kinda sick
2:50 OHHH are they plants?? Did Curtain's goons put them on the boat???
2:56 ayy same brain Reynie
3:12 Constance says "have faith in yourself". You go bbg 😂
3:36 they're just going to stay in the boiler room?? Do they realize how dangerous that could be, or how easy it would be for them to be spotted if a crew member came down for maintenance???
3:47 Constance has seen things
3:54 AYYYY blorbo
4:00 number two baby I love you but why are you going through the trash
4:08 both. both are correct. It's a scientific breakthrough that relies on manipulation
4:26 he's like "why, just why" 😂😂
4:34 LMAO why doesnt he want to tunnel? Do I detect some claustrophobia, hmm? 🧐
4:39 mold? Okay RE Village
4:59 "I didn't sign anything 🤨" LMAO TRUE ENOUGH BABE
5:01 okay but "troubling, but clever" describes SO MUCH of this show hahahaha
5:11 bestie..... I hate to break it to you........ but he is simply not interested in things that arent control
5:35 "to show how much of a genius he was" early signs of narcissism maybe? Cause that's the vibes I'm picking up
5:46 I think I see where this is going. Mr B desperately wants to get through to Curtain, Curtain ends up getting him in a vulnerable place, ends converting him to the fake happiness shtick. Please let me be wrong
5:55 "well that was on his turf." "SO IS THIS." she has a point there dude 😂
6:03 CO👏🏻RRECT👏🏻
6:08 "and I would love to find a phone" number two wants to scroll on that dash 😂
6:10 "Rhonda and Milligan must be sick with worry" I know that's what she meant but it made me laugh all the same
6:21 ohhhh nooooo. NOOOO. "At least Rhonda and Milligan are at home, away from danger." NOOOOOO
6:26 HARD cut to the blimp in a storm 😂
6:39 Milligan my love your original arrival was set to be 25 hours ahead of the kids, I think you'll be okay with a slight delay
6:49 Miss Perumal, as always, you are lovely and composed despite being full of worry
7:03 RHONDA MY BELOVED 😂😂😂 You truly know someone's character from the way they treat service workers!!!
7:08 I love her so much ahshdjjd
7:11 every shot of this ship is just fucking gorgeous
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7:17 okay if the sugar was so all-important WHY LEAVE IT OUTSIDE DUDE LMAO
7:43 the speed check comes back to bite them!!
7:49 he looks genuinely scared to deliver this news 😬
8:03 low blood sugar, a faltering marriage, and liens on his big shit. Poor guy. btw I looked up "lien", it's basically legal rights to keep something, like a mortgage
8:17 awwwww. they're adorable. protect them at all costs
8:56 oh dang, they stumbled upon the crew's party space!
9:05 "Constance wants a taste" LMAO KID
9:18 "the inflation rate in Portugal is alarming" lmao kid the inflation rate *here* is alarming too
9:18 what money are they even going to gamble though?? Surely they're starting with pocket change
9:39 oh my gosh the chips 😂
10:23 the crew with those sly looks. These kids are about to wreck house LMAO
11:11 not gonna lie I know almost nothing about gambling so this is a little over my head
11:34 sunglasses? Wow, he saw the cards from the reflection on his eyes, that's impressive
11:57 I had two reactions to reading "Enzo's pies & pastries":
1. Stranger Things date night with Hopper and Joyce 🥺
2. MOOCHO?????
12:09 okay it's kinda sick that number two blends in with the lemons so well
12:20 another interview? And was that SQ on stage???
12:27 it was not SQ 🙃
12:33 "we've been expecting you" well that's concerning
12:47 their wardrobe choices are just. Strange
13:07 I think I just gagged
13:24 two things:
1. Every time we cut to Milligan I think about how good he looks in general. Well kept in that cute suit. He just looks nice.
13:36 awwww Rhondaaaa
13:48 "I am not scared" you fooled me 😂
13:57 "is a gold bar scared in Fort Knox?" ROLL CREDITS! Kind of!
14:09 and the dam breaks 🥺 the pain and mutual understanding from both of them makes this a perfect opportunity to open up
14:20 "but I'm learning that worrying is not a form of preparation" I need that tattooed on the backs of my eyelids, maybe then I wouldnt worry so much
14:31 awwwww 🥺🥺
14:49 damn 😂 the captain is becoming his own character at this rate
15:14 ....are they about to maintenance the ship?
15:49 Sticky out here playing 5D chess
16:08 he's totally right, keeping track of the cards isnt cheating. It's just smart 😂
16:52 you know, as much as they're talking about winning money, all they have is the chips. They need to cash out
17:08 Reynie, my love, I know you're trying to make a moral choice but in the long run that's pretty stupid. Also Sticky didnt cheat lol
17:25 they're innocent victims and so are Mr B and Number Two. The kids dont know this, but so are most of the acolytes
17:43 okay fair
17:56 yeahhhh idk how they thought the crew would take this
18:34 what the fuck was that Reynie 😂😂
18:48 yeaaaaahh that's kinda what I expected
19:15 wooow. Okay, not what I expected
19:29 why do I feel like the other boot is going to drop
19:40 wait huh? Did the guy just give them cash?
19:50 LMAO at least they have actual money instead of just chips
19:57 "you're an insult to real water polo players everywhere" KATE HAHAHA I bet she's been waiting to say that
20:23 "everything has an end, only a sausage has two" is that an actual German saying, can anyone confirm
20:33 ayooo this is the actual perfect time for Cannonball to find them
20:42 poor guy 😂😂
21:02 and there it is
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21:52 HIS FACE LMAOOO. Apparently they clap at everything
22:20 "you have no idea who my parents are, do you?" He doesnt and neither does anyone else, so I'm all ears
22:40 I cant tell what's true and what's bullshit with her 😂😂
23:13 "the raw, terrifying beauty of nature's power" NOT HELPFUL CAP
23:19 oh shit. They're not making it to Lisbon, are they?
23:33 whooooa. So not only are they making an emergency landing, they're tossing everyone's stuff. RIP
23:53 the kids have officially met Captain Noland!! I've been waiting for this
23:59 "like rats." I dont like how he said that 😬
24:40 damn, are they about to bargain their maintenance services to dodge maritime court?
25:06 hey, play your cards. Cant hurt to try
25:22 "get us to Lisbon on time, and you go free" daaaaamn. Captain Noland is putting a lot of faith in them, considering this job means so much to him
25:35 the fruit 😂😂
25:50 what happened to "I moved on" hmmm? Hmmmmmm? 🧐 bitch
25:57 whoooa I did NOT like the shifting of his eyes over to Mr B. Super subtle but incredibly effective
26:16 fucking weirdo. Bye
26:52 NICE
26:57 oh good grief they had to do this at night too. Get ready for a jump scare
27:21 daaaamn. Weird, eery.. I guess we'll find out what's going on later?
27:34 eughhh.
27:35 ugh he's doing the thing again with the rods and cones bs
27:47 okay I dont like that mr b is listening like that. Please dont get got
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28:12 oh shit they got there on time!! Cap looks good in the cap
28:24 one of those suitcases has the kids in it :) like for sure
28:47 ayyyy, there they are. That was smart!
28:50 awww the hand :) she's not going to accept but the gesture is there
29:00 god that was so sweet
29:04 AWWWW
29:31 I'm sad to see him go, I want to know more about him!!
29:42 oh THATS why she stole fruit 😂
30:04 them 😂😂😂 give me that sibling dynamic
30:36 fair enough Kate LMAO
30:49 "Mr Benedict is not strong. he's a glass house held together by desperate optimism." Two things:
1. Standing tall and keeping yourself from crumbling when you're constantly in a state of self-sabotage seems like a form of strength to me. It takes so much to keep yourself going when it feels impossible to
2. Damn, she knows him really fucking well 😂
30:55 "that guy? Again?" I mean all of the passengers did have the same docking point, so yeah 😂
30:58 "must be hard to see" she knows he's jealous 🥺
31:08 omg did Sticky talk Reynie up??
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31:28 oh lord here we go again
31:37 this guy again! I dont remember his name
31:44 well yeah, that usually happens when someone's missing
31:48 ohhh I Dont Like that he's using their title, that shows respect for them, which means he's taking their threat seriously. Yikes.
32:04 yep. Yep. It's weird, and he's weird, and unfortunately, he's taking it seriously.
32:12 "I respect them deeply. Deeply enough to... treat them without mercy." BELGUHDOWHDHD EUGHH
32:19 ayyyy this is where the Portuguese on his name card comes into play!
32:21 dang he was really just in plain sight
32:26 I dont like that we cant see the driver
Okay I'm fucking shook??? You mean to tell me we have to wait a whole ass WEEK to find out what the hell's happening? Something something the driver works for Curtain, something something Number Two breaks out just to break back in, something something the adults have to improvise
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Ahsjdjdjd 🥴 welp, time to scream and theorize. See y'all in discord, love you byeeee
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bbboar · 2 years
@boogerwookiesugarcookie asked me to answer ALL of the end of year asks so here we go! Thanks Naja!
Going to put it under a readmore bcs long
1.Song of the year? Dream Girl Evil by Florence and the Machine So nice of Miss Florence to make a song thats not only a bop but also specifically the theme song for my oc Hydrangea
2.Album of the year? I don't listen to many full albums but for me it would have to be a tie between Give me the Future by Bastille and Impera by Ghost 3.Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Ghost 4.Movie of the year? Everything Everywhere All At Once! Like i don't even need to think about it. Unlike anything ive ever seen, so interesting and heartwearming. Excellent performances and costuming 5.TV show of the year? Oh man this one is touh bcs i had 3 shows ive been obsessed with this year…. Our Flag Means Death, Severance or Interview with the Vampire 6.Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? Not defined the year but the best ep of anything ive seen this year was the the season finale ep of Severance. It was so excellent at keeping up the tension for the entirety of the ep. I was pacing and yelling and restless for the full length of it. Just amazing storytelling of everything coming to a head and the editing...my god!!!
7.Favorite actor of the year? I don't care that much about actors to have a fave of the year 8.Game of the year? I was a teenage exocolonist. Just finished my 4rth playthrough and i think i may have 2 more in me bc i want to see different outcomes/choices 9.Best month for you this year? Idk they sorta all blend into one? But December is when i have 2 weeks off work and also the weather is beautiful and sunny so im going to say that and not think about it too much.
10.Something that made you cry this year? A friend was never available to see me despite my multiple attempts to meet up and even though i didnt mind for a lot of it, eventually it started hurting my feelings. 11.Something you want to do again next year? Go on a mini vacation. I took a week off work to visit friends in Tasmania and i think i would be nice to visit some other place next year as well. 12.Talk about a new friend you made this year? I think we'd chatted a little on twitter and also possibly met irl once? But anyway yeah i formally met and befiended the partner of a friend and we rly got along! 13.How was your birthday this year? I went to this super expensive viking themed restaurant ive wanted to go to since 2019! Food, drinks, service, all excellent. I was dressed to the nines in my sequin dress and after i went for a little night walk around the city. It was gr8! 14.Favorite book you read this year? A nobleman's guide to scandals and shipwrecks by Mackenzi Lee. The Montague siblings series is such easy reading for me so i had a fun time! 15.What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? Forgetting to take my acne medication but i also took steps to prevent that so were good now 16.Post a picture from the beginning of the year Actually the first pic i took in 2022
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17.Post a picture from the end of the year
Food from yesterday (27/12/22)
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18.A memorable meal this year? Oh i already mentioned my birthday dinner so instead ill mention the brunch i made for my friends when i visited them in Tasmania.I was going to make eggs, bacon, homemade flatbread and some other stuff but my time management was off and it took me sooo long to make everything.In the end it was more like a lunch than brunch^^; But everyone was so patient with me and in the end the food was yummy and everyone liked it and we played dnd and had a great time :) 19.What’re you excited about for next year? Going to be getting a new phone and also....idk i havent made any big plans but i look forward to the little moments of joy and indulgence that will come. 20.What’s something you learned this year? Im sure theres life stuff i learned but what im psyched about is learning how to make scones. Its so freakin easy!!! 21.What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? After living here for about a year,i decided to finally put shit up on the walls of my room.Paintings and fairy lights and i plan on having a little colection of magpie prints too.It rly lifted my mood and brightened up the space. 22.Favorite place you visited this year? Oh man i was just stoked to visit Tasmania and see friends! I need to travel more bcs i love seeing new places. 23.If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? Do not catastrophise when someone upsets you. Just sleep on it and then act. People sometimes are stupid and thoughtless,not secretly malicious. 24.Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? I usually have a few and some years i end up completing them, other years i dont. This year my only resolution is to comment on people's art more. Thats fucken it. 25.Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one. Many actually bcs aside from various ocs, i run some trp games where i make 10+ npcs for. I guess one would be Winnie an npc i made for a game who i put so little thought in. Like i needed a character to fullfill a certain role so i recycled an old oc design and gave her like 2 personalty traits. Then though as we played, we all ended up liking her way more than id planned so anyway now she's in the queue to be an upcoming pc for a dnd campaign (with a slight redesign)
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gleefullypolin · 5 months
Same on the anxiety! Knowing what's coming just gives me better enjoyment, I know some people think it takes away from the story but for me it lets me relax into the story and doesn't ruin it at all for me.
For sure, a lack of context and visuals is going to affect the interpretations we all make but I think there was enough info using the basics and without catastrophizing it that I think we have a good idea of the tone of it all currently.
I really want to see the Eloise bits and see how it goes further into the season but they can easily make us feel less sympathetic towards her if they wanted to. They did say that Peneloise was also a love story for the season so I think we'll see some good growth from both of them over the season. Her trying to keep the LW from him is truly big brain Bridgerton thinking.
Oh Colin. What a faker. 17 cities visited and he comes home with 2 brain cells fighting for 3rd place when it comes to actually finding himself and his friendship with Penelope. We're supposed to believe his anger at LW is about anyone else but himself? I don't remember him threatening to ruin her life until she pricked his ego?🤔 I did see that Anthony mentions that they had no idea where he was and hadn't heard from him so was he only writing to Pen? I don't think he expected anyone to so quickly to see through whatever persona he's trying to wear and it sets it up nicely for the season that he's pretending, gives him a depth of character for growth into himself into adulthood and his relationship with Penelope.
I do love me a good enemies to lovers! What a layered season and relationship this is going to be. Adding in the Kenebling of it all is definitely going to be interesting as he was so kind to her from the spoilers. It looks that timeline wise Colin gets down bad very quick but maybe has to come into his own and feel more confident in himself if he's going to get what he wants. Which I'm looking forward to seeing happen.
I have seen fans of another ship say that Polin is the one who says terrible things, etc, and I have no doubt that people have said something awful, but I haven't seen it and have only seen them say the worst sorts of things so far. I'm not sure what people think is going to happen with each season? I don't expect s4 to be Polin 2.0? Knowing now that they essentially give themselves an out in ep1 to have them out of the show for a little bit just might make people more insufferable I fear. Add in the promo tour? Jealousy makes people be the worst version of themselves at times.
Oh agree, I have seen some pretty bad takes on Polin as well. It's very reactionary in the tags, ha. I do think it's normal to love both but maybe relate to one side more than the other but some people act like if you don't specifically agree with this particular take that's one extreme or the other you're not a fan and never have been.
If I could just get a full breakdown of each episode I would have a lot less stress before May indeed. I know it's hardly more than 3 weeks at this point but still, we're suffering.😄
I’m one of those people who could read the entire synopsis of a story and then watch the season just so I could know which parts to be ready for but also know that the end is glorious and happy. I know others would say, where is the fun there, but WHERE IS THE FUN IN FEELING ALL UPSET AND WONDERING IF IT WILL BE FIXED AND WHEN? No thank you! I just want to know that for X amount of episodes I will be utterly crushed but by the end of 20 mins of a certain episode I will start to feel something warm back in my heart again. That I can live with.
I got enough out of the spoilers yesterday to not feel as nervous about Eloise but also I’m going to stay guarded. Because it could just as easily turn and piss me off again. LOL! They are young and say stupid things and I must remember that. They will hurt each other and I will cry just as badly as I will for the Polin of it all.
And yes, I truly am getting the “I put my big boy pants on” feeling from Colin. 17 cities. Wow good for you Mister. But what did you get out of it but a lonely heart. His family had no idea where he was, and he was off still writing to Pen…Lonely lonely lonely boy. His heart is betraying his mind. That was even in the trailer. Do you believe the heart or the mind. But Pen definitely went after his ego in her LW. He was hurt after the Marina stuff. But he is ANGRY now. He wants to ruin LW because she dare go after his character, his sense of worth. She is basically calling his bluff of who he is as a man. Because she did not dare do it to his face! I cannot wait for these two to drop the mask and let it out at each other because holy hell its going to be hot as hell.
It only feeds even more into this notion that Pen is the only person that truly sees him for who he really his. Not who he tries to be to the ton or to his family or other women, but who he is inside. The boy who has always wanted to have this purpose. And here she is calling him out to EVERYONE in society that he’s a fake who doesn’t even believe this newfound person he is himself. Girl is brave as hell to go at him like that but also…hiding behind LW to do so because she is angry at him and instead of telling him that to his face, she says “Ok bestie, I’ll let you help find me a hubby.”
Because it seems like she didn’t even need him for that! From what I read, she found Lord Obi Wan all on her own without his assistance at all. He seems to be the suitor that found her. And isn’t that just interesting all on its own. It puts the whole reason that Colin needs to be around her to bed right in episode 1. (I was slightly disappointed that Lord Obi Wan was already involved right at episode 1 but oh well band aid ripped off right away I guess)
It’s just so juicy all on it’s own because she’s obviously more angry than she let on due to the LW article about Colin and she needs to work through that obviously but now she is working on her anger while having this man who seems to have gravitated to her of his own volition and was nice to her for just being her and then Colin is over there being Colin (let me help you bestie) who also hates half of her and this sets up sooooo any interesting ways they can go. And I’m just so here for this.
And the fandom….well poo on them for not just enjoying the ride. You don’t want to see Polin, don’t watch. Watch the parts you want and fast forward the rest. No one cares how you watch! Nor do they want to hear about it. I just don’t get the reason to rub it in that you hate something. I know they are angry about the lovely promo tour and it’s unfortunate that last season didn’t get one because of Covid and it would have been lovely. The leads were very sweet last year and seem to be very good friends and Covid ruined a lot of good promos but that is not Luke or Nicola’s fault. But don’t shit on the show! Lol.
I myself am rolling in Polin (I needed to take my Flonase and almost lost conscious thought yesterday while trying to be out doing adult chores yesterday LMAO. At one point my husband said, just go back to staring at your screen dear, I’m sure those Bridgerton people will disappear if you don’t! And I’m sure he was right but I was not going to take that chance!
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faustocosgrove · 9 months
and on the thirteenth day of reviewmas I, Fausto, give to thee:
[(a show taking place in 2040/6 other shows i reference in this dual review)/(a different franchise with 1 manga + 4 anime series + 3 tv specials + 5 feature films + 1 musical +1 video game + 2 live action adaptations)] - (one show released in 1994 - the other released in 1987) = 13 reasons why i’m placing this review at number 13.
one of 12 instances of elder abuse
11 yawns
my 10 remaining brain cells after this shitty movie jfc
9 instances this show reminded me of a better show
an 80s cult movie
7 lgbt main characters in an incredibly queer manga like holy shit
6 ye olde government agents
5/5 stars best movie of the decade easily. might be the best movie of all time
4 scantily clad teenaged girls (fbi open up! meme)
the 3rd time i read the same book about lawns maybe?
2 high school animes
and a ninja book
…from a guy who still thinks about the naruto series in the year 2024
yes that math checks out. i would have simply placed it else where if it didn’t.
here’s the math again without words to make it easier on you:
hell, i’ll even show my work
2040/6=340 1+4+3+5+1+1+2=17 1994-1987=7 340/17=20 20-7=13
Another dual review!
this review contains spoilers for a series not reviewed here: the nausicaa manga.
So I was turned off by this first show’s art style and kept scrolling around it but i’m running out of bad 80s and 90s anime on this free streaming service. also there’s like 3 seasons and 2 movies i keep seeing over and over again so i finally said the hell with it and turned it on. i don’t know how far i got through episode one, but i turned it off before the credits rolled. Anyway, City Hunter is the story of a vigilante/mercenary in 80’s tokyo with a gun who is also a massive pervert. that’s it. that’s the show.
based on the wikipedia page, it seems to have been quite popular, considering is has like 2 seasons and 3 movies or whatever up on the streaming service i should have seen that coming.
y’know i’d brush off that i didn’t like this on the fact that i’m not a fan of crime dramas, but i literally watched all of Nightwalker and that show was fucking awful. and i would also make the excuse that i’m not a fan of pervert is comedy but that’s a good chunk of Ranma 1/2 and like all of Urusei Yatsura and i didn’t hate either of those. i dunno, stars weren’t aligned or something.
Anyway, since i was scraping the bottom of the barrel for 80s and 90s anime i made the massive genre shift to a 90s american saturday morning cartoon.
i am not a clever man.
I also only got part way through episode one of Phantom 2040, but i’ll probably come back to it, just not often enough to shelve this review until i do.
I have never seen an animated show where everyone is ugly before. it’s fascinating. i want to study it. i mean the bad guys are clearly uglier than the main cast, but even the Phantom, who is supposed to be an 18 year old kid, is kinda ugly. best looking character in the whole cast so far is light googling Guran, the grandson of the original Guran. i mean at least in a franchise that’s core theme is “white man gets magic power from africa and is trained by a black man” makes everyone uglier than the one black character. i choose to believe that was intentional. tiny consolidation prize for the overarching racism.
the show also has that 80’s “this show was made for the sole purpose of selling merchandise” feel, mainly in how all the character models look like they’d translate into dolls very easily. unfortunately the result of the dollification is that everyone is doing the tory power stance at all times. like, so the doll can stand up by having its feet apart. this choice also leads to a lot of weird crotch shots. like, a guy or an evil robot gets shot and tumbles backward. with their legs apart. so you just get this animation rotating around the whole no-no-zone. and like i can see kids playing with their dolls shoot them and they die and knocking them over and like the kid knocks the doll down to show it’s dead. and this is like animating that. but it’s still weird crotch shots.
mild tangent warning, but i am going somewhere with this.
i am a huge fan of nausicaa of the valley of the wind. it’s my favorite book, bar none. yes my favorite book is a manga, shut up. i’m really touchy when it comes to nausicaa references. i detest the character rei from the new star wars movie because the opening sequence of that movie is just nausicaa references and then the rest of the movie has zero environmentalism. i’m also a huge Lily Orchard fan who has through the years used rei as an example of a perfectly fine character that men don’t like just because she’s a girl. and in spite of all the evidence i’ve seen of rei being a perfectly fine character whose trials and growth just don’t happen to revolve around environmentalism, i still can’t bring myself to like the character because i can’t detach the lazy nausicaa references from her. a thinking error on my part, but i just can’t fix it.
and then there’s the movie I Kill Giants where in the final battle the little girl’s hallucination tells her to stop fucking around and go see her mother before she dies of cancer and then drops the line “All things that live in this world die. That is why you must find joy in the living while the time is yours, and not fear the end. To deny this, is to deny life. But to embrace it…can you embrace it?” which has some, keyword some, resemblance to the final fight scene in nausicaa where our hero says “all things are born from the darkness and all things return to the darkness” and “suffering and folly will not disappear in a purified world. they are part of humanity. that is why, even in a world of suffering, there can also be joy and shining light” and “we can know the beauty and cruelty of the world without the help of a giant tomb and its servants” which is not to say that i think the mom cancer movie was ripping off nausicaa like starwars did. i understand that accepting death is a concept that many works depict and use almost these exact phrases because we all have to fuckin grapple with death, but the lesson of accepting death is an important one and it’s one the movie i kill giants did poorly. but because i’m obsessed with nausicaa it’s an insult to nausicaa to tell a story where a little girl is in denial for like 80 minutes then gets all the lessons crammed in her face that she somehow accepts suddenly versus nausicaa who comes to this realization herself after her father dies in book one of seven, being in a content wide war, and suffering from radiation poisoning herself. i mean even her pets die. her teacher dies. and in the purified garden scene nausicaa has to be brainwashed for her to forget all that’s going on and she only struggles for about 5 minutes with the idea of forgetting the real problem and playing a game of everything being fine in fantasy land before she snaps back to reality.
wow i really wrote more words letting you know how obsessed i am with nausicaa than i did reviewing either of the shows.
anyway, back to phantom 2040. there’s this bit about the new phantom discovering a leaf that after scientific analysis is determined to be a plant that absorbs the poison in the soil and destroys it.
unenthusiastic drumroll
exactly like the forest of corruption in nausicaa.
and… i don’t hate it.
i don’t know why it doesn’t come across as blatant plagiarism to me when i kill giants literally had nothing to do with nausicaa and i hold it to that standard anyway. it might be because i haven’t finished the series so i don’t know how bad it gets. it might be because phantom 2040 clearly didn’t make any money so i guess i think stealing is okay if you suck at stealing so bad you can’t even make money by copying literally the best thing to ever be written? sure. there you go, there’s my review.
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Season 12 (2020)
Most rankings seem to put Season 11 towards the bottom and Season 12 towards the top, but I feel the exact opposite. Season 11 never had a dull moment, while Season 12 is nothing but dull moments. Especially the second half of it. This is blandest season (and cast) I've encountered so far, other than All-Stars 1 which barely even qualifies as a Drag Race season. The 90-minute runtime does not help either. The Werk Room portion of the episodes go on forever - all they talk about is the upcoming challenge, or their self-doubts, or the MANY, MANY mirror stories. This is easily the worst season of Untucked too – episodes 5 and 6 are the only ones worth watching. And once again, the guest judges appear on it every week. The giant shade button was wasted on this Untucked season. Season 12 really is “RuPaul's Best Friend Race”. Everyone gave supportive words to each other at one point or another. I'm not going to criticize the cast for being good people. But there's barely any drama or storylines. The only real storyline was Brita vs Aiden, which escalated into Aiden vs everyone. And honestly that rivalry was tiring by episode 6. You just know the producers wanted them to lip sync against each other. You could also include Widow's downward spiral as a storyline. And they tried to set up Nicky vs Gigi as rival fashion queens, but that went nowhere. And that's about it. The only other drama was from Widow and Jaida having attitude during the rehearsal of their respective premieres. And the Gigi vs Heidi tiff. I think the main reason why Season 12 is praised is because of the challenge performances. Almost everyone did well in both “Gay's Anatomy” and the Madonna Rusical, for instance. But I need more than just good challenge performances to fully enjoy a season. The Snatch Game was forgettable anyways, aside from Gigi and Jackie's performances. The Debate was a let down, but I get why Ru was pushing a political theme considering how important the 2020 election was to the drag community. I also don't like how they keep shoving the Ball to the beginning of the season. 36 runways in one episode was too much. But thankfully they skipped the late-season acting challenge. And the superfan Makeover was a nice moment; including the lip sync. Also, WTF was that cat mini-challenge? Oh, and apparently they didn't air the Reading mini-challenge because it was so bad. I will say the premiere was very hype. The first group was clearly the stronger one. “I'm That Bitch” might be the best girl group song they've done. Widow gave the best lip sync of the season. And the non-elimination felt justified. In past seasons, the first challenge was almost always a design challenge, unless it was All-Stars, so this was much more demanding. The split premiere fit the political theme of the season as well, as if they're competing political parties. I could do without the Fashion Show though, and the fake celebrities watching. The A-list celebrity guest judge was Nicki Minaj. She replaced Ru in the “Cover Girl” transition thing, and she was pretty harsh with Heidi. The editors also tried something new in the premiere where the producers interacted off-screen with the queens. The second group felt like a comedown though. I don't know why they did an odd number of cast members for a split premiere. I know Tamisha Iman and Kandy Muse were supposed to be on this season, but they were actually replaced. And then the producers had to erase Sh*rry P*e from the edit starting from episode 3, and DQ her from the finale. Her track record screamed favouritism. How did they let her talk for 17 MINUTES uninterrupted in that stand-up challenge? I've seen speculation that she would've won the season, but I don't think she was ever beating Jaida in a finale lip sync thankfully. Anyways, episode 3 starts off with some manufactured drama of the two groups coming together. Followed by Ru being a s**t-stirrer by making Widow and Jaida rank the other groups. Then an improv challenge that felt endless (“World's Worst”), where the winning team just did the same joke. Heidi winning would've been a much better storyline, since Jaida ranked her last that episode. Speaking of which, why were Sh*rry and Gigi winning everything for the first 7 episodes? They were even top 2 in their respective premieres. Also, Episode 3 aired on March 13, 2020, the same day a National Emergency was declared in the US. So maybe Drag Race was a comfort show to those stuck at home, adjusting to a "new normal", scared and uncertain about the outside world. It probably helps that this season didn't have a lot of negativity either. The restrictions only affected the reunion and the finale, because the show is filmed during the previous year. They did what they could given the circumstances, but Zoom call lip syncs ain't it.  Oh yeah, Leslie Jones might be the best guest judges ever? Not only was she funny AF on the panel, but she went on Untucked and asked Aiden why she's sour and signed Widow's shoe. Vanjie's cameo on the Snatch Game episode (and that Untucked) was fun too.
Queens Ranking: 13. Sh*rry P*e Who? Didn't even notice she was there. 😂 12. Brita The inflated sense of self-importance. Brita mentioned New York City all the time. She was delusional; disagreeing with her placements, bragging about her improv skills, and saying “I am serving you looks every single time”. Aiden was right - Brita expected her NYC reputation to put her on top, but that's not how this works. Brita's confessionals had a mean vibe too. She wasn't throwing fun shade, it felt serious. She made condescending remarks about Aiden: “Aiden's like a lost little puppy”; “I don't want to babysit Aiden”; “Aiden isn't working hard enough” etc. And she borderline bullied Aiden to her face after the “World's Worst” challenge, and again on the episode 5 Untucked, and again on the red couch. Then she said “I love Aiden” after Aiden's elimination like what? Brita also thought Widow was milking her knee injury and cringed at Widow doing Ike/Tina. She called Rock M's outfit a “science fair project gone wrong”, as if hers was any better.  And then she cried on her last Untucked for being in the bottom so much. In the competition: Brita had the worst track record. She flopped 4 challenges in a row. She had no idea what she was doing in the Ball challenge; all 3 of her looks missed the mark, and the judges didn't know it was a pineapple. She also overacted in “Gay's Anatomy”. She just laughed for every answer as Jennifer Holliday in Snatch Game. And she messed up the choreo in the Rusical. She was fierce in “I'm That Bitch” though (“cause they be givin' up and I ain't even done!”), but her lyrics didn't really say anything. As for Brita's runways, meh. Frozen was her best one. Spring and Buttons And Bows were a “no”. I actually enjoyed her lip sync performances though. 11. Jackie Cox Too dry and overly professional for me. And seemingly snobbish? She couldn't believe that Aiden didn't know Mae West (“call my lawyer”). She was confused by Vanjie's Julia Roberts joke. She gave people a hard time for being “unprepared” for Snatch Game. She insisted that Jaida volunteered to go last when she didn't (“roll that tape” indeed). She questioned why Aiden was safe, but later gave Aiden a reasonable explanation for why she's getting heat. She made an issue out of Widow not making connections, but had a heartfelt chat with Widow afterwards. Otherwise, Jackie mostly talked about her parents, LGBTQ+ discrimination in her culture, and Islamophobia. She even had that speech with guest judge AOC. I respect her for using Drag Race as a platform for these important issues, but I wish she had more un-serious moments I guess? She did occasionally throw shady jabs in the Werk Room though. In the competition: Jackie placed “high” in several challenges but never won. Her “I'm That Bitch” showed her identity, but it wasn't as memorable as the others. She was a natural talker in “World's Worst”. I thought she was the funniest in Snatch Game as Lisa Rinna – how she rambled on and threatened Heidi. Her genie concept in the advert was great (“For you!”) And in the stand-up routine, she told a personal story while keeping it funny. But Jackie struggled in the latter half. She was boring in the Rusical. She kept doing Canada jokes in the Debate. And her Makeover outfits were basic. She knew her time was up at the end too. Jackie was comedic lip sync-er, but “Kill the Lights” was cringe. My fave Jackie runways were her Frozen snowflake, her Michelle Visage look, the Purple People Eater, and the hijab. 10. Nicky Doll Nicky came in as a fashion queen that will “bring you glamour without breaking my hip”. While the producers spent the premiere pointing out her mispronunciations. But ultimately, Nicky got in her head - she felt defeated by the language barrier, and didn't think she could live up to everyone else's level because of it. She even named herself to go home in episode 5. She seemed crabby too? She was unhappy about her “World's Worst” role, she was annoyed by Jan's dissatisfaction over being safe, she was relieved to work solo for once, and she was bewildered by Aiden's favouritism. She also fought with Aiden on Untucked; and told Aiden she should be in the bottom over Jaida. Meanwhile, the judges read Nicky for not showing personality. She did joke around in the Werk Room – it just didn't materialize in the challenges. Her confessionals weren't bad though (like the popcorn one, saying “are you ready?” in French, etc). In the competition: Nicky was the fashion queen that bombed the performance challenges. Her “I'm That Bitch” verse was my least fave – the lyrics were generic and she didn't sell it on stage. In “World's Worst”, she didn't really add anything to the skit, and she cut Widow off. While in “Gay's Anatomy”, she thought she tried something different, but her baby character wasn't fun. Then it seemed like she gave up in her last lip sync. But yeah, Nicky served Parisian high fashion on the runway. My faves were her Fall look, her Sparkle look, and all 3 Ball looks. My least fave was her Spring look. 9. Gigi Goode Falls into the bland category for me. Gigi mostly talked about wanting to be on top (who doesn't?) Or being excited for a Fashion Show. Or updating us on her Ball outfit. Or just hyping herself up: “I'm not just good, I'm incredible”; “I see my drag going to the cover of Vogue. Period.”; “I think this means that I'm the queen bee of this season right?” Gigi also struck me as someone who cares about her image. She didn't really give reads; aside from comparing Crystal's singing to Kermit smoking pot. She was terrified of politics. She apologized for not knowing Patti LuPone. And she only got involved in drama once – when she told Heidi that she wasn't listening to the judges; a comment that Heidi found unnecessary –  and she tried to smooth things over ASAP. She also later said “we've built a family and families fight and families get over it!” Sure. Otherwise, Gigi started showing vulnerability towards the end, when she cried over what to do in the stand-up challenge, and talked about repressing her self-doubts. She also came out as gender fluid on the show. And her mom making her outfits was so wholesome. In the competition: Gigi having 4 wins is excessive, especially 3 times in 4 episodes. They weren't undeserving wins, but there were other options: Jaida could've won the Ball, Jackie could've won Snatch Game, Jan could've won the Rusical. Gigi's Ball looks were polished but not that inventive. Her saucy robot in Snatch Game was funny but came off cocky. Her poses in the Rusical were compelling though. And her “I'm That Bitch” performance was fierce, even if I wasn't into the lyrics. I laughed when she read the audience members in her stand-up too. On the flip side, Gigi's stuck-up character in the advert didn't land. Her Debate was lacking (“why not”). Her Makeover outfits screamed safe. She was just a corpse in “World's Worst”. And her “turn it into comedy” bit in the “Starships” lip sync was cringe. Also, Gigi's runways were very well-constructed, but her style didn't excite me? The colonialism costume was a choice. My faves were the button outfit, her Black Wedding, the Daphne Blake one, and her pirate entrance. 8. Jan The blandest cast member of the blandest season. But still likeable enough. Jan was this positive, energetic Drag Race superfan who was excited to be there. There was even a complication of her chipper moments after she left. But Jan's confessionals didn't have much personality. The few Jan moments that stood out were: her being flabbergasted that Aiden didn't know her outfit was referee. When she talked about being a sports kid. When she assumed she'd win the Rusical because of her experience, resulting in the infamous face crack. And when she insisted that she was upset over Brita leaving, and not because of losing the Rusical. I call BS on that. I think Jan was moreso crushed that she didn't meet her own expectations. She later said “It's a good thing that Brita's gone because now I don't have to worry about her”, as if that was ever the issue. In the competition: Jan was highly ambitious, but I think this came off as desperation to impress the judges. The judges said she was doing too much. Jan sounded overeager in “You Don't Know Me”, but that attitude works well in a song. The point of the challenge was to introduce who you are, which she did. Her high energy was annoying in the “Droop” advert though, but I liked the Jan puns, and I understood her product better than Widow's or Gigi's. Otherwise, Jan was a solid actress in “World's Worst” and “Gay's Anatomy”. Her screaming at Sh*rry was funny in the latter. And her choreo was impressively smooth in the Rusical. Her Bernadette Peters in Snatch Game was forgettable though. As for Jan's runways, Buttons And Bows was amazing, and Black Wedding was my other fave. I enjoyed her in the lip sync too, even if it didn't match the song. 7. Dahlia Sin “I'm Dahlia Sin and I'm here to take your man”. I can definitely tell she's from the House of Aja. Dahlia was very chill in confessional, usually laughing at whatever she just said. She forgot to wear underwear in the premiere, she wanted to poke Rock M's butt, she “meh”-ed everyone out of drag, and she talked about her twin brother. Dahlia wasn't very chill during her exit, however, when she stormed off the stage without an exit line. She also had a problem with Crystal receiving encouragement on Untucked, and she was bitter that Crystal didn't lip sync. But Dahlia had the last laugh: she made cameos in the broccoli costume for the rest of the season! In the competition: Dahlia was a pretty obvious first boot. She just wasn't performing at the same level as the rest. Her girl group verse was the worst one across both premieres – her performance lacked conviction and Michelle exposed her lying in the lyrics. While in “World's Worst”, she hesitated and looked lost, playing this sensual-voiced broccoli that didn't land. Then she kept looking at the camera during the lip sync. Both of Dahlia's main stage runways looked unpolished too. Her best look was the Fall fashion show black fur. 6. Aiden Zhane I want to sympathize with Aiden. Brita borderline bullied her, and the cast tore her down, even when she did well, reaching a boiling point on the episode 5 Untucked. I'm glad she stood up for herself there. But I think Aiden was too standoffish and defensive: “I repeat I'm not a dancer”; “I guess I'm gonna have to be, aren't I?”; “well I'm not just going down there with my face painted, naked”; “when I did ask for my lines, I only asked once”; “I don't think so, I know so”. She tried to brush off their opinions, but I think they affected her. Like Leslie Jones pointed out, Aiden had this sour demeanour. She had to fight the perception she's the weakest. She felt disadvantaged for not coming from a big city. She got exposed in the premiere for calling herself an actress. And she finished her Ball outfit super early, which upset some people. That said, the only real storyline of the season revolved around Aiden so... In the competition: Aiden's “You Don't Know Me” verse gave us an idea of who she is. And she had that Mae West voice in “Gay's Anatomy”. She sold it with her facial expressions in those two challenges. But she looked unsure during “World's Worst”. While in Snatch Game, it was like she had no idea how to answer the questions as Patricia Quinn, someone she knew personally! She also gave up in the lip sync. I wasn't a fan of Aiden's simple outfits either - her Spring look, her Buttons And Bows, her Frozen one, and all 3 of her Ball looks. The referee outfit did need more time on it. Her Tulle runway was her best. Her face was what made her drag unique. 5. Widow Von'Du I'm not sure how to process the assault charges. But Widow had a presence to her during her introduction (“get into AAAAOOOOOOOOLLL of this”). In the premiere, she was voluntold to lead the choreo... until Brita and Jackie overstepped (insert deep sigh confessional). Then she gave up and gave attitude (insert “go ahead go ahead” confessional). Then they said she wasn't taking charge on Untucked. Lol. But yeah, Widow was enjoying herself so much in confessional: “I enjoy when bitches tell me what their weaknesses are”; “MF Sh*rry P*e that's my role”; “you can just taste the fakeness in the air”; “apolo-lie”; “...and now i'm laying eggs in you bitch”. She was devilish in the Rusical episode too (“Jackie, karma's a bitch ain't it”; “I got my first choice”; “well guess what bitch I'm a dancer”). But Widow was moody when she didn't get the “Gay's Anatomy” role she wanted. She was upset over Jackie's preparedness comments, and responded vindictively. And she self-destructed midseason, all because Ru pointed out she hadn't won lately. The inner saboteur took over! I think Widow felt pressured to impress Chaka Khan too. In her last episode, she got frustrated at the judges, and didn't know what they wanted. Otherwise, Widow shared stories of her mom's passing, her abusive relationships and getting kicked out. In the competition: Widow annihilated everyone in the premiere, between her side splits in “I'm That Bitch”, and her multitude of moves in the “Starships” lip sync. She then carried her disastrous team in “World's Worst” (“and this is barbecue sauce”). And she delivered personality in “Gay's Anatomy”. Her Tina and Ike in Snatch Game was whatever, but she had the cake joke. And she was great in the Rusical, just overshadowed. But Widow fell apart midseason. Her advert came off lifeless. Then the judges didn't understand her angry politician in the Debate. Maybe she played it too serious, but she was funnier than Gigi or Jackie. That said, I was disappointed by Widow's runways. Her Buttons And Bows clown, her Cape, her Frozen life-preserver, and especially her Michelle Visage look were a “no”. She was one of my least faves in the Ball too. I appreciated her Stars and Stripes message though. 4. Rock M. Sakura “Is it cultural appropriation? We'll find out”; “this song is dumb, I wanna do it like this and dress like a hot dog”; “feeling that steam [...] like some sort of hot pocket”; “you just walk down the runway and scream: high fashion”; “I want that apple!”. Rock M's high energy OTT personality was entertaining to me. She was so extra during her entrance. She loudly duct taped herself in the Werk Room. She flailed her arms in confessional. But I think this was her anxiety acting out. She explained how she uses humour to mask her insecurities. But I don't think Rock M was emotionally ready for Drag Race. She told Ru that she needed the girls for support. She had that emotional story about her mom's drug addiction. She meekly asked for that apple role. I'd love to see her growth on a future All-Stars though. In the competition: I enjoyed Rock M's “You Don't Know Me” verse. She gave us a character (the fart joke didn't bother me), but I can see how her performance came off intrusive. While in “World's Worst”, she told this joke that wasn't a joke at all... and that was the joke. I was more intrigued by Rock M's looks though. The anime outfit she drew herself was impressive. Her tulle runway was bold (I disagreed with Ross on that one). As was her Buttons And Bows. So it was surprising to see her bomb the Ball challenge. The tether ball was a gag (which is why I didn't put her bottom 2), but her second look had misshapen hip pads, and her third one just looked like garbage scraps. Then she couldn't get the skirt off during the lip sync... 3. Crystal Methyd Despite the quieter edit, and not being involved in any drama, and only having a few memorable confessionals - “I'm a little devil that likes to raise hell in Bible Belt”; “Own it baby! My husband is Harry Hamilton or something”; “I'm not too impressed that Gigi was able to make a pretty girl into a pretty girl”; “Jackie is meeping?” - there's just something about Crystal. She's so genuine and humble with a positive attitude. She was the underdog dark horse too. It seemed like Crystal was going to be an early boot. She cried in front of the judges in episode 3, and she couldn't get past her self-doubt at one point. But once she realized what worked for her, she was unstoppable. Such a good growth story. Crystal was living for the other girls during challenges too. She had a One Direction tattoo in Arabic, a language she doesn't even speak. Ru was obsessed with her mullet (cue “Rhythm of the Night”). And she talked about her conservative parents and her father's Parkinson's. In the competition: Crystal had a rough start, messing up her line in “World's Worst” and blanking on the questions, as well as her Buttons And Bows runway. The fork bit in “Gay's Anatomy” didn't land either. And the judges didn't get her Poppy impression in Snatch Game (but at least she tried unlike Brita or Aiden). Her “I'm That Bitch” verse was kinda bad, but that's why I like it (“I'll have you all screaming Crystal Methyd!”) Then Crystal slayed the second half. Her wacky comedy carried her through the Rusical (the echos; the checking of her pulse), the advert (magic mullet!), the Debate (another mullet joke!), and of course the fitness instructor. Crystal had the most interesting runways too. Her style was ugliness turned into beauty. That's exactly how I'd describe her Makeover. Her Freddy Krueger look, her Black Wedding, and her purple look were all amazing too. I also like her Capes and final 5 blue. 2. Jaida Essence Hall “Chile I'm not finna be this damn orange no”; “this is not RuPaul's excuse race”; “Antarctica's at the bottom ain't it?”; “If a robot and a Barbie and a cheerleader had an orgy...”; “dinosaur doctor”; “nobody wants the butt slice of bread”; “keep your ass right and your mind will follow”; “who is Rose Nylund?”. Yeah... Jaida's my fave winner since Bob. She was so fun in the Makeover episode too: “Let me see, run your split Jackie”; “Mic drop. Bow. Boom. Cat. Cow.”; “baby you gonna get rid of that pinky toe”. Plus there's her ball jokes in the Ball episode. Jaida came in calling herself a classy, boujee female impersonator. She was wise and didn't have time for other people's BS. She started off the season by giving attitude in rehearsal, because she wanted simpler choreo that she wouldn't mess up, and no one listened to her. She called this a “slight disagreement” next episode lol. Then she refused to give Rock M the role she wanted. She got heated at Aiden interrupting her. She schooled Aiden on making excuses. And she clarified to Jackie that she didn't have a say in going last. But Jaida also gave supportive words to Rock M. Same with Jackie about her mom. And she told Widow to get out of her head. She didn't get emotional until the end, first with her Makeover partner, then in front of Whoopi. In the competition: Jaida's only bad performance was her pee story in the stand-up, imo. Just dead air from the audience there. She was “middle of the pack” a few times, like her confrontational apple in “World's Worst”, or her Cardi B in Snatch Game, or when she struggled to say “Diver-dick-ulitius” in “Gay's Anatomy”. But all those performances were good enough. And when Jaida was on top, she slayed. Her “You Don't Know Me” verse made a confident statement (plus the booty slap!) She arguably had the best look in all 3 Ball categories. She sold sexiness in the Rusical. No one came close to her in the Debate (“LOOK OVER THERE”). No one stood a chance against her in a lip sync. And her Makeover looked opulent. My other fave Jaida runways were Tulle, Frozen, Michelle Visage, Stars And Stripes, and the purple one. 1. Heidi N Closet Whether Heidi was getting phrases wrong: “Leprosy print”; “like watching the walls dry”; “right up my avenue”; “as a political politician”; “hepiphany”; “the initialation”. Or simply joking around: “ARR MATEY”; “overall she delivered – literally because she was pregnant”; “maybe she's not the trade of the season – what if I'm the trade of the season?”; “Gigi? Cocky? I would've never guessed”; “and that was the right numbers of fingers honey”. Heidi charmed the viewers in such a cute and harmless way. She laughs with us, and at herself, and doesn't take things too seriously. In the premiere, Heidi had the trill entrance, she pushed through an allergic reaction, she made chicken noises in front of the judges, she exclaimed “I'll never eat kale again!”, and she confronted Nicki Minaj on Untucked. That critique made her so mad. Heidi would also banter with Ru during her walkthroughs, and oftentimes stole Ru's ideas. Ru hated her name too lol. Heidi also had her emotional moments: She seemed irritated during the Rusical Untucked. She felt insulted by Gigi saying she hadn't improved her make-up. And she yelled “f**k you” at everyone on Untucked to leave Aiden alone, which was iconic. But Heidi was there for Widow. She had the uncle passing from HIV story. And she proved Jaida wrong for ranking her last. In the competition: I'm declaring Heidi the Lip Sync Assassin of Season 12. She had funny and entertaining moves in each one until she faced Jaida. She was also bottom 2 in challenges where nearly everyone did well - “Gay's Anatomy” (that fork bit did not land) and the Rusical (for not emulating Madonna, but her moves were still impressive). That said, Heidi's Makeover outfits were basic, and her stand-up routine was messy. Still, she should've won “World's Worst”. And she had the Widow's shoe joke in Snatch Game, the “tears of a drag queen” in the advert, and Jackie's 5 O'clock shadow jab in the Debate. I thought she was one of the best in “I'm That Bitch” too. But Heidi's runways were kinda mediocre. My faves were her Fashion Show looks, even if the headpiece fell off. Her Ball looks weren't the best, but not the worst either. Favourite entrance look: Gigi Goode (night 1) / Rock M. Sakura (night 2) Challenge ranking: 1. “I'm That Bitch” (Girl Group #1) 2. Madonna: The Unauthorized Rusical 3. “Droop” Adverts 4. “You Don't Know Me” (Girl Group #2) 5. “One-Queen Show” (Stand-up) 6. The Ball Ball 7. Snatch Game 8. “Gay's Anatomy” (Acting) 9. “Viva Drag Vegas” 10. Superfan Makeover 11. Presidential debate 12. “World's Worst” (Improv) (this challenge felt endless) Lip Sync ranking: 1. Gigi Goode vs Widow Von'Du ("Starships") (Widow kept finding new moves to show off!) 2. Jan vs Widow Von'Du ("This Is My Night") 3. Brita vs Heidi N Closet ("Burning Up") 4. Jackie Cox vs Widow Von'Du ("Firework") 5. Heidi N Closet vs Jaida Essence Hall ("1999") 6. Jackie Cox vs Heidi N Closet ("Kill the Lights") (Jackie was cringe) 7. Heidi N Closet vs Nicky Doll ("Heart to Break") (Nicky wasn't trying, but Heidi's moves were cute ignoring the wig fail) 8. Jaida Essence Hall vs [Redacted] ("Call Your Girlfriend") (LOL at Jaida playing off the other person) 9. Jaida Essence Hall solo ("Get Up") 10. Brita vs Rock M. Sakura ("S&M") (Rock M's skirt wouldn't come off! but Brita was enjoyable) 11. Top 3 Lip Sync #2 ("Survivor") 12. Crystal Methyd vs Jackie Cox ("On The Floor") 13. Crystal Methyd solo ("I'm Like a Bird") (it's meme-worthy at least) 14. Aiden Zhane vs Brita ("Let It Go") (Brita very theatrical/Aiden looks dead) 15. Gigi Goode solo ("Take On Me") (without the set design, it's not all that) 16. Top 3 Lip Sync #1 ("Bring Back My Girls") (it's just their faces...) 17. Dahlia Sin vs Nicky Doll ("Problem") Season ranking so far: 9 > 5 > 6 > 11 > AS2 > 4 > 10 > 2 > 7 > AS3 > AS4 > 3 > 8 > 12 > 1 > AS1
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0 notes
jasonblaze72 · 2 years
The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers: Kim talks about how Pete is going to space
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The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers are in order and here is what fans need to know more about the same. The series has been giving us a whole scoop out of the lives of our favorite reality TV stars and their influential businesses and chaotic lifestyle. Till now, we have seen Khloe dealing with her trust issues and the hurt that Tristan has caused her after the birth of their baby. As for Kim, she is happy and in a new relationship after getting a huge and publicly humiliating divorce from Kanye West. She is with Pete Davidson right now and they are having the time of their lives. Kim and Kendall are heading over to Milan for the Prada Show and life is perfectly good for them. Kylie has given birth to her second baby boy and Kris was so overjoyed to be a part of the same that she packed snacks and champagne for the occasion. As for Kourtney, she is about to be married for the first time in her life and it is surely a big deal even though it is not stressing her out at all. But now that we are looking for a new episode, here is what we can expect from the same. If you have not watched the latest episode, I suggest you do it before reading the spoilers. The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 3 Spoilers In The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 3, we will witness Kris facing some back issues. She is obviously getting old even though we are constantly fooled by the glow on her face. As the promo suggests, Kris will be undergoing surgery for her right hip because it is paining her a lot. In order to get relief from the pain, we will witness Kris taking half a gummy bear "medicine". Although, it will make her super high and it would be too entertaining to watch her blabber stupid stuff. Now, the focus will be shifted to the second Kardashian daughter Kim. She is in a relationship with comedian Pete Davidson. And however odd this relationship might look, Kim is definitely very happy with him. The episode will see that Pete has made a new Instagram account and his first post is revealed. Kim talks about how Pete is to go on a ride to outer space. He will be a passenger on the Blue Origin. It was when businessman Jeff Bezos decided to go travel as well. He had room for six passengers on board as well and Pete was going to be one of them. Kim talks about how this is a scary concept to her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2I1dnY2TqQ Kim and Kendall Take Milan The focus then shifts over to Kylie who is obviously mispronouncing words right now. She is going through a photoshoot to promote her brand new product at Kylie cosmetics, that are lip oils. While she talks about the same, Kylie mispronounces and says "people love my nipples" and this makes the producers laugh a lot. Now the focus shifts over to Kendall who is in Milan along with Kim. She is to walk for the luxury brand in their Milan fashion week. Kendall talks about how her 17-year-old self would be highly proud of her. Soon, we see her walking down the ramp and Kim on the phone being her hype woman. Kris is obviously dealing with some serious back issues and it is time that she seeks medical care. Her workout instructor talks about how she needs to go to a surgeon because they have already tried new stuff and it is not working as well as they thought it would. This gets Kris emotional because she does not like to go into surgeries as it makes her nervous. Well, this was all that we can expect from the new season and in order to watch the same, I suggest you keep your Hulu subscriptions ready. Also read: The Kardashians Season 2 Episode 3: Release Date & How To Watch Read the full article
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j4gm · 3 years
A thread of lore, Easter eggs, episode connections, and background details from Adventure Time: Distant Lands: Together Again! Let me know if I missed anything! This is adapted from my original Twitter thread.
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Keep reading ⬇️⬇️⬇️
1. I was expecting them to perhaps do a classic style title sequence for this episode, but I wasn't expecting them to straight up use the original title sequence. The only difference is this final screen saying "Distant Lands".
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2. The background of the title cards is also the hill from the title sequence.
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3. The ice cream having "50 flavours" and having an image of an enlightened soul is an obvious reference to the 50th Dead World as we see it later in the episode.
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4. Continuing with the metaphor, the dirt in the ice cream could be a parallel to the fact that Jake's Nirvana actually wasn't perfect, because his inaction was allowing for injustice to perpetuate.
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5. This whole scene feels immediately slightly off. Finn has his Scarlet sword and is out on a classic Ice King adventure, but he speaks in his grown voice and all the slang feels much more forced than it did in the real season one. Turns out this was deliberate.
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6. The snow golem speaks with a baby voice like it did in the pilot episode, even though in canon it has a deeper voice. This further hints that something is not quite right.
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7. The first major break in continuity is these snow golems resembling Uncle Gumbald and Peace Master, who Finn didn't meet until later in his life.
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8. LSP sitting on Finn's head like this is reminiscent of Pen Ward's piece for the 2018 Ble crew zine.
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9. Finn being given the choice of helping somebody but ending up helping everybody reminds me of "Memories of Boom Boom Mountain". It's the kind of resolution that wouldn't happen so much in the late seasons of the show, which helps make this scene feel even further out of place.
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10. Jake is half frozen by Ice King in pretty much the exact same way as he was in "Prisoners of Love", and even has a very similar line.
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11. The Snail is seen here. The crew have said that the Snail has been deliberately left out of previous Distant Lands specials, so its placement here is another very deliberate hint that this whole sequence is "trying too hard" to be like the early seasons.
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12. The book "Mind Games" appears a couple of times, as seen in several previous episodes of Adventure Time. The first is as Finn is approaching the library in his dream. It also appears as one of the items in Finn's backpack later.
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13. Jake is hurt when Finn fist bumps him with his metal arm, revealing that this scene is not real. This is also a callback to the title sequences of "Islands" and "Elements".
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14. A whole bunch of familiar skeletons are seen in the bird's nest: Dirt Beer Guy, Abracadaniel, Me-Mow, Lemongrab, Mr. Pig, and the Snail again. This doesn't necessarily mean that all these characters are dead, since this scene is just a hallucination.
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15. Old Man Finn! He's still got the chest tattoo of Jake, and this time we know that Jake is dead, so the theory that Jake died before "Obsidian" seems pretty likely. He looks similar to his old man design from "Puhoy", with the same facial hair.
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16. There are several cameos of familiar characters who apparently died at the same time as Finn. The first is this duck, who previously appeared in "Ocarina".
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17. The second is Donny, from the episode... uh, "Donny".
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18. This goblin guy is an unnamed background character from “The Silent King”.
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19. This old lady first appeared in "The Enchiridion", way back in season one. Old ladies are a species in the Land of Ooo, so I guess she wasn't actually very old back then, given she just about outlived Finn.
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20. This is the cobbler who first appears in "His Hero". Amazing that he lived so long given all the trouble he got into in that episode.
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21. Land of the Dead! This place was first seen in season two's "Death in Bloom", and now we are finally learning its actual purpose. It's a sort of gateway and hub to all of the other dead worlds.
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22. There are some more minor cameos at the gates: a house person from "Donny", a soft person from "Gut Grinder", and a wood person from "When Wedding Bells Thaw". And, of course, the gate guardian himself from “Death in Bloom”.
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23. Finn completely ignores the gate guardian in the same way he did in Death in Bloom. This also has the convenient effect of not having to reveal how Finn died, leaving it up to the audience's imagination.
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24. Mr. Fox! We already knew he would die at some point because BMO had his skull in the finale.
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25. Finn has his design from the first Distant Lands poster in this scene. Turns out it's young Finn in old Finn's clothes. But they gave him a shirt in the poster so you wouldn't be able to see the tattoo.
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26. The clapping that Finn does while he's looking for Jake is a callback to "James Baxter the Horse", when Jake tells Finn to listen for that same rhythm if they are killed and need to find each other in the afterlife.
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27. Mr. Fox talks about a "past life quotient", suggesting that there might be some kind of limit to how many times somebody can reincarnate. Finn's reincarnations are also seen in this scene; a callback to "The Vault", and confirmation that reincarnations share the same soul.
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28. Boobafina, the goose who Mr. Fox was in love with in his debut episode “Storytelling”, apparently reincarnated into a tugboat. We've already seen that objects can have souls in the episode "Ghost Fly".
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29. Finn is initially assigned to the 37th Dead World, which is the same one that Jake went to when he died in "Sons of Mars". We can only guess at what the other numbers on the ticket mean ;)
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30. Tiffany! Despite several lucky escapes throughout his life, Tiffany has finally died. I like the use of this imagery to express Finn's conflicted feelings about him.
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31. The 50th Dead World has long been established as the "highest" dead world, and the one synonymous with Heaven within Adventure Time's universe. It was first mentioned in "Ghost Princess" back in season three.
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32. It's unclear what happens to souls which are destroyed within the dead worlds. It is a similar question to asking what happened to the ghosts that were killed in "Ghost Fly".
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33. Death doesn't speak at all in Together Again because his voice actor, Miguel Ferrer, passed away in 2017 long before production began.
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34. Finn phases through New Death when he tries to attack him, just like what happened way back in "Death in Bloom".
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35. The 30th Dead World contains Tree Trunks as well as many of her love interests; Mr. Pig, her alien husband from "High Strangeness", Danny and Randy who first appeared in "Apple Wedding", and several more who we don't recognise, including at least one who presents as a woman.
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36. Literally yelled when these two showed up. Joshua calls Finn a crybaby, which is a callback to "Dad's Dungeon".
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37. The wall of weapons in Joshua and Margaret's house includes the iconic Demon Blood Sword, which was broken in "Play Date", as well as Margaret's auto-loading crossbow from "Joshua & Margaret Investigations".
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38. Jermaine is sidelined a few times through the episode, in reference to his attitude in "Jermaine" where he feels that Finn and Jake were always their parents' favourites. I would have hoped things would be a bit better by now.
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39. Fern gets name dropped while Finn and Jake are reuniting. A shame he doesn't actually show up in the episode.
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40. In this scene, Finn says "What time is it?" This is a very subtle reference to the 2010 cartoon "Adventure Time".
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41. In a couple of shots during this fight scene it looks like Jake might have a tattoo. It seems like it only becomes visible when he stretches out his arm.
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42. New Death's amulet in this scene resembles parts of the Lich's cape, foreshadowing his influence on New Death.
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43. There are several more cameos in the 50th Dead World: Booshy from "High Strangeness", one of the Marshmallow Kids from "Scamps", and Ghost Princess and Clarence, who were seen ascending to the 50th Dead World in "Ghost Princess".
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44. Finn didn't interact with Booshy in "High Strangeness", but it seems they must have met at some point before they both died because Finn knows his name.
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45. It seems like people in the 1st Dead World are slowly melted away until they become part of the landscape. Nasty.
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46. Lots more cameos in this scene: a gnome from "Power Animal", a gnome from "The Enchiridion", a Bath Boy from "The Vault", Blagertha from "Love Games", Maja the Sky Witch, a troll from "Dungeon", Chocoberry, Choose Goose, Wyatt, a spiky person from "Gut Grinder", and possibly more.
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47. Tiffany's insults are consistently nonsensical and amazing, as they were in the original series.
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48. The Candy Kingdom looks extremely different. Peppermint Butler is wearing the crown so he might be in charge now, which is supported by the kingdom's very magical-looking augmentations. It’s not clear whether Finn and Jake were expecting to find Princess Bubblegum or Peppermint Butler, since both have the initials “PB” and both could be going by the title of “Princess”. Perhaps Peps and Bubblegum share the princess duties now that PB is living with Marceline more of the time.
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49. Peppermint Butler has a "Boss" mug, although it's not the same colour as the one from "Obsidian".
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50. Jake's ghost has the same design as he did when BMO killed him in "Ghost Fly". I also absolutely love Finn's ghost. This scene establishes that ghosts are just visitors to the mortal plane from the dead worlds.
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51. Life has only appeared in animated shorts before now. Namely, "The Gift That Reaps Giving" which establishes her relationship with Death, and "Frog Seasons: Winter". This episode gives her a concrete place within Adventure Time's pantheon: she is in charge of reincarnation.
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52. A translation of Life’s angry French dialogue by Shado: “After all I did for that boy. After all I did for him. No, it's not possible. It's not possible no, that... that makes me so mad but it's not possible.”
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53. We finally have in-universe confirmation that Shoko's tiger is a previous life of Jake. This was previously confirmed by one of the writers, but wasn't canon until now.
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54. I feel like Finn pulled off Shoko's look even better than Shoko did. I wonder whether Finn has gained the memories of his past lives now that he’s dead.
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55. No Easter egg here, just want to appreciate this image.
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56. There is an elemental symbol on the wall here, as seen in "Jelly Beans Have Power".
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57. Tiffany's dramatic internal monologue is a recurring gag, as is his habit of nearly dying from falling into holes.
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58. The Jake suit makes a cameo in the fight against New Death. It was last seen in the episode "Reboot”.
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59. Finn's backpack contains a few familiar items: the t-shirt with the pocket from "It Came from the Nightosphere", Finn's underwear from "Little Dude" and other episodes, and a copy of Mind Games as I've already mentioned.
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60. The Lich's Hand is present in the background of Death's... death scene. This is probably the unseen "friend" who New Death keeps talking about.
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61. The Lich's menacing monologues often begin with a single command. Previously they have included "Fall" and "Stop". This time, the command is "Burn".
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62. Jake uses the word "boingloings", which is a callback all the way to "Hitman" in the third season.
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63. Jake's blue shape-shifter form from "Abstract" appears very briefly during his fight with Finn.
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64. Finn's lumpy space person form also makes an appearance. This design was last seen all the way back in the second episode of the entire show, "Trouble in Lumpy Space".
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65. Jake steps on the Lich's hand in a very similar way to how he stepped on Ash in "Memory of a Memory", which is itself a Monty Python reference.
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66. The credits include a dedication to a few AT cast and crew who have passed away. Polly Lou Livingston was the voice of Tree Trunks. Miguel Ferrer was the voice of Death. Michel Lyman and Maureen Mlynarczyk were both sheet timers on the original series. Rest in peace.
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67. The message that Finn and Jake write out on the ouija board is "BUTT", which Peppermint Butler takes as a distress signal. This message is also used as a distress signal by the Hot Dog Knights in "The Limit".
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68. Peppermint Butler's reversed dialogue from the scene where he makes contact with Finn and Jake is "Kee-Oth Rama Pancake", the spell from “Dad's Dungeon” for banishing demons.
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69. That appears to be President Porpoise with all of Tree Trunks’ other lovers.
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70. In this scene, Life is humming part of "Lonely Bones", the song which Death tried to record for her in her debut short "The Gift That Reaps Giving". It's hard to notice because it's so brief.
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71. Finn and Jake's cover is blown while in the Land of the Dead because Jake loudly farts, which also happened in "Death in Bloom".
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72. The place where Mr. Fox explains the perception mechanics of the afterlife is the exact same location as the River of Forgetfulness from "Death in Bloom", which, as it turns out, was imaginary.
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These are sort of out of order at the end because I was adding stuff to the Twitter thread as it got discovered. That’s all for now!
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tiktaalic · 3 years
Why exactly do you see Dean as gay rather than bi? Absolutely feel free to completely ignore this ask if you don't want to go into it - it's just I've heard that interpretation a few times here on Tumblr and I'd genuinely be really interested to hear your thoughts behind it, and how you relate it to the way Dean canonically acts on the show
the pithy answer is projection! the unpithy answer is that out of 320 episodes over the span of 15 years, there is one (1) where his attraction comes off as genuine to me, and it took place fifteen years ago (cassie). i’m a lesbian, and when i was younger i had really genuine and meaningful friendships with men that i thought meant i was in love with them. they were very dear friends to me and i cared deeply about them, and they continue to be dear to me and people i care deeply about now that my head’s on straighter. so that’s that point. 
this is. going to be a long post so this is the preemptive warning to everyone who can’t read tumblr paragraphs to zip scroll.
lisa straight up reads as a lavender marriage to me. the focus for both lisa AND dean is him stepping in to be a father figure. their conversations about how much they care about each other center around how good he is with ben/how much he loves ben. there’s like, nothing where they’re smiling at each other and actually enjoying each other’s company. she’s a two night stand he’s seen 4 times in the last decade. she is dean putting on his brave face and keeping his promise. lisa’s post dean boyfriend matt is in one episode for about 3 minutes purely so he can die, but this is the scene.
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so like. lisa is CAPABLE of interacting with a man she’s dating in a way that looks like they’re dating, versus. this.
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so that’s that point. we’re at season six and we’ve already gone through every long term relationship with a woman dean’s been in. but let’s get really technical! let’s go through bad boys and after school special and amara to boot. 
in bad boys, robin is dean’s first real crush when he’s fifteen or so. first crush being when you’re 15 rather than in elementary or middle school? gay behavior (joke). let those among us who have not had a straight crush as a teen because they were the first person to be nice to us throw the first stone! and that’s what it boils down to for me. it’s the first time dean’s had ANY stability, and he relishes it. it would not surprise me if she’s his first real friend. she’s definitely his first real NORMAL friend. she asks him what HE likes, what HE wants to do with his life. and that’s totally new for dean! to have choices and to have his wants given consideration instead of just having expectation after expectation loaded onto him.
it does not surprise me that dean, who’s been taking a masterclass in repression and masculinity since the tender age of four, dates robin. it would not surprise me if he dated robin and was gay. of course he’s going to throw himself 100% into a relationship with a girl when he knows he’s at an age where boys are supposed to be skirt chasers, when he meets a girl and she’s NICE to him and KNOWS him like literally no one else does. all of this accompanied by the “i am a boy and have positive feelings for someone who’s a girl this MUST be romance this MUST be a crush” like. this is going to get into overshare territory for a moment i apologize but As A Lesbian when i was 15/16 i actively had crushes on girls and rational-ed them away as Girl Best Friends :) while telling everyone that the feelings i had for my boy best friends were crushes aksdkfkndf. repressed gay people are stupid and dean is MUCH more repressed than me aged 16. so. robin box ticked. 
after school special: jail for dabb jail for dabb for a thousand years i know. trust me i know. BUT. 17 year old dean who’s fully pulled on the leather jacket and womanizer persona, who doesn’t talk to anyone in his class and just hangs out in janitor closets making out with a girl who thinks his persona is hot. and when she tries to get close to him, to form an emotional connection, he panics and self sabotages. which. yes. peak straight man behavior. i’m not arguing that this little characterization bit is the pillar upon which gay dean rests, i’m saying if you’re inclined, you can nudge it into gay kid going “oh no this is too much responsibility i gotta get out of this” behavior. and i’m inclined!
amara: the amara stuff is so. hdnfdkf. it’s this primordial connection or whatever stronger than dean and amara both and yet dean’s still able to buck it a few times for [drumroll........] cas! + i don’t have any of the posts on hand but i DO agree with the whole vibe of. “i would fuck the embodiment of my destruction and horrors and failings because my self loathing is THAT strong”. also: gay af for the being of destruction with an immutable pull on you and towards you to say i will give you your greatest desire and then give you your mommy back and dip.
and then there’s the various one night stand stuff. i don’t have the comprehensive list on hand, but off the top of my head these are times when dean has sex scenes that are given huge focus:
when he comes back from hell and everyone’s gently asking if he’s fine and he’s like could a guy who wasn’t fine do THIS [tries to sleep with a bartender and or angel]. when bobby dies and dean’s hardcore mourning and hardcore drinking to the point where i think his drinking is acknowledged for one of a true handful of times in the series. just checked the transcript for that one. the morning after:
DEAN: Ugh.
SAM: You look like crap.
DEAN: Yeah, well, I feel worse than I look. I do recommend the Cobalt Room, by the way. Awesome night. Although I think I'm getting too old for this.
which. again. normal straight man commitmentphobe hitting his 30s and going hmmm.... perhaps real connections would be nice? but that doesn’t contradict gay dean at all, it slots in. also this is season 7. season 7 and he’s too old for this. top of my head i can think of two more similar instances: s11 baby when he groans and goes “mistakes were made”, s13 advanced thanatology when cas is dead and he’s FULL ON grieving so hard that sam takes him to a strip club. and again. he over does it. again he throws himself too hard to the coping vices and when he wakes up he’s tired and sore and has a headache. the other time he gets laid is endverse, which uh. is basically dean in 24/7 mourn drink sleep with someone mode. there are like... a handful of times he has sex For Fun, enough to count on one hand. the rest are all real easy to slap the label PERFORMANCE or COPING WITH MOURNING on.
obviously all of these points go either way - you could absolutely interpret them as legit attraction to women. you can interpret them as legit attraction to women while these instances are still coping/performance. but for me personally they all end up on the gay column instead of the bi column. um. end manifesto i think.
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