#do not pay attention 2 the dark circles n bags under my eyes i sleep so much.
arcadequeerz · 2 years
its 7:30 am and i havent slept at all.
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Pay Attention
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Dr. Spencer Reid x Reader
Words: 4472
Part 2 of 2
Part One
Summary: With a new body, the team is sure that the reader’s attacker is the unsub they’re looking for. He, however, is looking for them too. 
Notes: Like the last part, this one is a dark one guys. This part will deal with more violence and the attacks. Feel free to skip. I really loved writing both of these. Let me know what you think!
Warnings: Trauma, gore, assault, mentions of rape and sexual assault. 
Find Reid and more crime drama imagines: HERE
He checked every corner of your apartment, leaving no throw pillow unturned. After that call, he wasn’t taking any chances. It wasn’t until he was sure it was clear that he let you through the door. You had your arms wrapped around yourself, hugging your sweater closer to your body. 
“Spence, come on. I feel ridiculous enough with the security detail standing out here.” You glanced at the agent beside you. “No offense, Agent Bradford.” 
“None taken.” He nodded with a kind smile. You stepped into your apartment and Spence immediately started making you some tea. 
“I can do that.” 
“I know.” He looked at you and his hazel eyes were distraught. “I just… I need to help. Please, just let me help.” He turned back to the stove to put the kettle on. His shoulders slouched forward and his whole frame seemed to cave in on itself. You took off your sweater and laid in on the back of the living room chair. Everything felt so hot and stuffy and suffocating. 
You pressed your cheek against Spencer’s back, wrapping your arms around his middle. Your chest and arms still ached and the bandages rubbed against his sweater vest. Spencer paused, resting his hands on top of yours. You could hear how fast his nervous heart was beating and held him a little tighter. 
“I’m okay, Spence.” You whispered, but even you thought it sounded unconvincing. You were scared and you were angry and you were guilt-ridden for causing him this much pain, but you definitely were not ‘okay’. He could feel it too. 
Spencer turned around, still keeping your arms around him. He tucked your head under his chin and enveloped you in his embrace, holding you as close as he could without hurting you. You held each other like that until you pushed away slightly. 
“Spencer?” Tears pricked the corners of your eyes and Spencer put a hand on your cheek, his eyes searching yours in panic. 
“What is it?” 
“Can you…” You felt so stupid, but you needed to feel something else. “Can you kiss me?” His brows knitted together in confusion. You looked down at your feet. “All I can think about is him and his hands and his lips and I-” You choked back more tears. 
“Hey, it’s okay.” He put his other hand up so he was cradling your face. He hesitated at first, worried that it would trigger memories of the attack. But when you gave him a small nod, he closed the space between you. 
Spencer’s lips were soft. He seemed overly cautious at first, but it only took a moment for him to confirm that you weren’t uncomfortable. His fingers slowly slipped back to tangle themselves in your hair. It wasn’t rough or needy. It was more to remind you that he was there. He was with you. 
You weren’t sure which one of you fell asleep first, but your couch was hardly big enough for both of you. You were pressed against his chest and he had his arms locked around you to keep you from rolling off. You listened to his heartbeat and he listened to your breathing, both lulling each of you to sleep. 
Until his phone rang. 
It woke you up first and Spencer still seemed fast asleep so you answered it. 
“Hello?” You whispered, slowly trying to slide off of your boyfriend so he wouldn’t wake up.
“Y/N?” It was Morgan.
“Yeah, Spence is asleep. Is everything okay?” 
“Not exactly. We found another body.” He sighed. “Looks like our guy.”
“He killed someone else?” You cried, putting your hand over your mouth to quiet the sound. “That’s not possible. He said he would stop as long as I went to Hotch. He said he would stop-”
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, just calm down, okay?” Morgan instructed, softening his tone. “I need you to keep calm and put Reid on the phone, can you do that for me?” 
“I’m not a child Morgan.” You snapped bitterly. You didn’t mean to take out your frustration on him, but your blood was boiling. Your anger kept you from being afraid. 
“I know that.” He wasn’t defensive or irritated. Instead he seemed sympathetic. “Y/N, this isn’t your fault. This guy was never going to stop.” Morgan watched crime scene investigators swarm around him, his eyes landing on the new body. He had a gut feeling that had been gnawing at him since he got here and he hoped that he was wrong. 
“Who is it?” Spencer rubbed the sleep from his eyes and sat up. 
“Here, he’s awake now.” You handed him the phone and had to sit down. It was like he was there, his weight crushing your chest and making it impossible to breathe. 
“Reid, we’ve got another body.” 
“That’s not much of a cool down.” Reid pinched the bridge of his nose. This could be turning into a spree which meant that he would strike again soon. He turned so that he wasn’t facing you and tried to lower his voice so you wouldn’t hear. “Did the other crime scenes seem to fit Y/N’s attack?” 
“That’s the thing, Reid.” Morgan stared at the pale blue fabric hanging limply from Maddison Gusman’s body. “When we talked to the family of the last victim, they said only one thing was missing from her body. Her red jacket.” 
“The one Y/N saw in the van.” Spence winced. While making connections would help catch the man that did this, it wouldn’t make it easier for you. 
“There’s something else. About this body.”
“Is she missing something too?”
“No. It’s what she’s wearing.” Morgan watched them zip the body bag and grimaced. “Her shirt isn’t the right size. It’s too big.” 
“What does that have to do with-” He stopped, feeling his stomach drop. “You don’t think that…”
“Hotch said they never recovered Y/N’s shirt. Other victims had items of clothing that were missing. From the missing person’s report, the shirt on the body is not the shirt that Maddison Gusman was wearing according to her boss’ description.” 
Spencer was silent, trying to control himself so he didn’t scare you. 
“You okay, kid?”
“A murdered woman was found wearing my girlfriend’s shirt less than 24 hours after she was attacked by a serial killer. No, Morgan, I’m not okay.” He hissed. He flinched, hearing a sob escape your mouth despite your efforts to cover it. So much for control. “Do you need me to come in?” 
“No, you stay there. Prentiss and I will come to you to go over the details.” Hotch didn’t want either one of you stepping one foot out of that apartment. “And Reid?”
“If either of you need anything, I’m a phone call away.” Morgan wished that he could just take all of this away, but he couldn't. The best thing he could do was catch the bastard. The agents hung up and Morgan returned to the crime scene. 
“He made her wear my shirt?” You tried to stand up from the chair, but your legs were shaking. Spencer gently sat you back down and crouched in front of you. 
“Y/N, I’m so sorry. You weren’t supposed to hear that.” He put his hands on your legs, his fingers rubbing soothing circles. He looked at the floor. “Morgan and Prentiss will be here soon. They want to go over some of the details with me. They might want to talk to you too.” His hazel eyes searched yours with the same sadness you saw in them at the hospital. 
“Okay,” You said softly, twirling one of his mousy brown curls around your finger. You stared at it, your mind unable to escape your own guilt. “I really thought that if I did what he said, he would stop.” Spencer caught your hand in his, tangling your fingers together. 
“This man wants to feel powerful. He’s been neglected all his life and this is how he’s getting attention. He needs it.” 
“So he was never going to stop.” You nodded grimly. You should have seen that. You taught this kind of behavioural analysis, for god’s sake. “I gave him what he wanted for nothing.” You should have known better. 
“No,” Spencer said sternly. He pressed his forehead against yours, holding the back of your head in his hand. “It probably kept you alive. And to me that’s everything.” 
You stayed there for a while, breathing each other in and holding completely still. Suddenly, a gunshot ripped through the silence, followed by another. Spencer was up in a second, pistol in hand and slowly walking toward the door. 
“Spence,” You squeaked, getting up from the chair. 
“Stay there.” He instructed, listening carefully for any other sounds coming from outside the door. 
He slowly opened the front door, but his path was obstructed by Agent Bradford’s body. There was what appeared to be a stab wound in his side and two gunshot wounds in his chest. His gun was gone. Reid looked down the hall, finding the fire escape window open. 
“Spencer.” He heard you call out. Darting back into the room, he kept his gun at his hip. 
“It looks like he got out through the fire escape. Bradford is dead. We need to get out of here.” 
“I couldn’t agree more, Dr. Reid.” That familiar raspy voice sent a chill of panic up his spine. He spun around and found himself aiming his gun at you. The unsub was holding you in front of him with one arm latched around your stomach with crushing force and the other holding a gun to your temple. 
“Let her go.” Reid ordered, adjusting his weapon. The unsub just laughed. 
“I wouldn’t do that, Dr. Reid. We both know you aren’t  a very good shot and lovely Dr. Y/L/N here wouldn’t stand a chance if you missed. So why don’t you be a nice agent and put it down.” 
Spencer was frozen. He looked at your terrified face and back at the unsub’s smiling one. 
“Spence,” You cried, wincing as the unsub tightened his hold. Spencer held up his hands in surrender. 
“Okay, okay, just don’t hurt her.” He moved slowly, setting his gun on the floor and sliding it over. The unsub kicked it far out of reach.
“Alright, I just need everybody to calm down.” He leaned his face into your neck, inhaling the smell of your hair. He watched Spencer’s fists clench and grinned. “And do exactly as I say.”
Prentiss had been oddly quiet since the hospital. The elevator in your apartment building was getting repaired, so they had to climb the four flights in uncomfortable silence. Morgan gave her an inquiring look. 
“You feeling okay, Prentiss?” He asked. She seemed too lost in thought to hear him. “Prentiss?” 
“Hmm?” She saw his concerned look and sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ve just been thinking about Y/N. What this guy did to her…”
“It’s rough stuff,” Morgan nodded solemnly. He remembered the sound of your voice over the phone. How scared and angry you were. “That’s why we’ve got to catch this guy before he gets to anybody else. And if anyone can figure out how to do that, it’s those two.” Prentiss smiled slightly.
“They are kind of a brainy power-couple, aren’t they?” They both laughed, finally reaching your floor. Her expression turned serious again. “You know, we always made plans to get a cup of coffee or lunch, but something always came up. You guys have all known her a lot longer than I have. She’s practically part of the team, and I hardly know anything about her other than she’s one of the youngest instructors at Quantico and a super genius when it comes to behavior.”
“And that she somehow got boy genius wrapped around her finger.” Morgan added, trying to lighten the mood a little. “But you should get to know her. She’s one of a kind.”
“I guess her and Reid were kind of made for each other.” 
Her nice sentiment was forgotten as soon as they emerged from the stairway. Both agents grabbed their weapons and trained them at the unmoving mass on the floor. They scanned every single detail of the hallway as they approached. 
“Is that…” Prentiss started grimly. 
“Agent Bradford.” Morgan confirmed. Your apartment door was cracked open, but it didn’t look like it had been broken into. The window at the end of the hall was fully open, leading to the fire escape. Morgan motioned towards it and Prentiss nodded. She slowly crept through the door while he looked outside, making sure it was clear before climbing out onto the fire escape. The platform had access to one other window. The glass was broken from the outside, shattered pieces littering the carpet of your bedroom. 
Prentiss opened the door, holstering her weapon once she checked the room. She looked at Morgan with a sickened expression. 
“You better come see this.” 
Morgan carefully climbed in, making sure not to disturb any evidence. He followed Prentiss out to the living room and felt his heart sink. Sprawled across the wall were words written in blood. 
“Pay Attention.” Derek read angrily. He wanted to put his fist through every bloody letter. “We took, what, ten minutes to get over here?” 
“He knows how to work fast, that’s for sure.” Prentiss scanned the room. She had to treat this like any other crime scene. She walked around while Morgan called Hotch to get some back up. 
The kitchen table had a chair pulled out and the beginnings of a pot of tea were left stranded on the counter. Scuff marks from the chair likely meant that it had been pushed away from the table quickly. The body in the hall had both gunshot wounds and a stab wound to the side. 
“So if I’m the unsub, I must have approached Bradford without him pulling his gun, so I look like I belong.” She made the motions as she spoke, trying to get into the killer’s head. “I know I can’t take him down without a fight, so I stab him in the side and grab his gun, shooting him twice in the chest.” 
“Reid and Y/N hear the shots, one of them stands up and scuffs the floor.” Morgan added, putting himself into the scene. “If I’m Reid, I’ve got the weapon. I’m going to go check out the sound and keep Y/N away from the door.” He walked across the room and stepped into the hallway. “I see Bradford’s body and the window open so I’m going to go back in and get Y/N the hell out of here.” 
“But Y/N had to have heard the glass break in the bedroom.” Prentiss pointed out. “But if I’m already at the front door, I’ve taken out the security, why don’t I just come that way? Why go out onto the fire escape and break in through the bedroom window?” Both agents were quiet for a moment, trying to get a clear view of the situation. Morgan spoke first. 
“Because you want to get to Y/N without confronting Reid. That way you can use her to control him.” 
“So I’ve got my gun on her and I make you slide yours over here.” Prentiss pointed to the abandoned pistol next to her foot. 
“And make me write that.” Morgan added, looking at the message on the wall. He looked around the room for any kind of clue Reid could have left. “Reid knew we were coming. He’d try and tell us something.” 
There, on the table beside the couch, was another spot of red. Morgan pointed to it and Prentiss grabbed a glove out of her pocket to pick it up. The paper had a red thumbprint next to a few scribbles of writing.
“They look like Y/N’s notes.” She held them up so Morgan could see them. 
“Look at that. She wrote these for her guest seminar at Georgetown three days ago.” He ran a hand down his face. “When Reid told us about the phone call he got from the unsub Reid said that he told him ‘He learned from the best.’” 
“You think he was talking about Dr. Y/L/N’s class?”
“Reid put this here for a reason. He wanted to make sure we saw it.” He took out his phone and dialed Garcia. “If we can find out who was in that class, we find Reid and Y/N.” 
You were both in cages. Yours sat adjacent to the one Spencer was in but your cage had a moldy, piece of cloth that could have been a blanket at one point in the corner. You made the connection and scrambled to the farthest corner away from it. 
“Oh god,” You put a hand over your mouth to cover the sound of your heavy breathing. Your mind started to go into a panic. You were going to die. This man was going to torture and kill you and then dump your body for other agents to find and study and dissect. A quiet groan broke you out of your thoughts. Spencer. He was going to kill Spencer. He turned over, eyes slowly opening. You reached your arm through the bars, desperate to touch him, to feel him just one more time. 
“Can you see anything?” He asked quietly, slowly crawling towards you. Other than the lights hanging over the cages, the room itself was pitch black. Judging from the echo, you knew you had to be in some kind of warehouse or workshop. 
“No, I can’t see anything. I can’t see anything.” Your breathing was picking up as the panic fully set in. Spencer finally reached you, grabbing your hand and putting it against his cheek. 
“You can see me.” His thumb gently rubbed the back of your hand. “Just look at me. Look at me, Y/N.” He was just able to get his hands through the bars and put them on your shoulders. “We’re going to be okay. The team will find us.”
“How, Spence?” You cried, the dark shade of hopelessness washing over you. “They don’t know anything about this monster and- and we don’t know where we are-”
“He was in your class.” 
“They don’t know that. How are they going to figure out who he is let alone where to find us?” 
“I showed it to them. It wasn’t much, but I know that Morgan and Prentiss will understand.” Through his hopeful tone you could still hear it. The fear. He was terrified. 
Spencer wasn’t tough like Morgan or cool and collected like Prentiss. He couldn’t turn off his emotions the way that Hotch could. The only thing keeping him from breaking down was you. Your hand fell from his cheek to his neck. He was wearing some kind of collar, a chain connecting him to something outside the cage. 
“Spence, we have to get that off of you.” As soon as you said it, he was yanked backyards, a choked cry escaping his mouth. The chain pulled him against the bars, his arms still reaching out for you as it crushed his windpipe. “Stop it!” You shrieked into the dark. “Leave him alone! Please! Stop it! Spencer!” 
The chain slackened and he fell to the floor, gasping painfully for air. 
“You’d be surprised at the amount of things you can make with elevator parts.” The unsub had appeared behind you, leaning his forehead against the bars of your cage with a smile spreading across his lips. “Fun, huh?” 
He dangled a key from his fingers, swinging it back and forth in front of you before he started to unlock your cell.  
“Leave… her… alone.” Spencer coughed, slowly making his way back towards you. 
“You know, whenever I brought one of those other girls here, they just screamed and screamed the whole time.” The man shook his head, entering your cage one step at a time, drawing out your panic. “But you aren’t going to do that, are you? You’re going to do exactly what I tell you to.” He pressed a button on the remote in his hand and Spencer was jerked back again. 
“Yes!” You blurted. “I’ll do whatever you want, just leave him alone.” You had your back pressed against the metal bars, putting as much distance between the two of you as you could. He beckoned you to step forward. 
“Show me my work.” 
“I’ve heard you teach, Dr. Y/L/N so don’t pretend to be stupid with me.” He snapped, his calm exterior cracking. He stepped towards you more aggressively but was able to regain control of himself. “Take off all those pesky bandages.” 
“P-please let us go.” You pleaded. He just held up the remote again, his finger hovering over the button. “Okay, okay.” You made sure your back was to Spencer before lifting your sweater over your head and slowly peeling the bandages off of your wounds. The letters were still an irritated red color against your skin and your usual bra felt more revealing than ever. He ran a hand down your arm, bringing your shirt up his nose to breathe in your scent. 
“D-don’t touch her.” Spencer cried, using the bars to pull himself up. The unsub just clicked his tongue, not even bothering to look at him. 
“You should have popped the question while you had the chance, Dr. Reid.” He smirked as your eyes widened. “Oh, didn’t I mention that?” He pulled a small rectangular box from his pocket. “I found this in lover-boy’s jacket pocket. Looks like he won’t be needing it after all.” He tossed it over his shoulder and grabbed you by the back of your neck, forcing your lips to his. His hands traced over the marks he’d left on you greedily. 
He was distracted and you took the opportunity to snatch the remote out of his pocket and threw it through the bars, listening to it smash into pieces under Spencer’s foot. The unsub shoved you backwards, the breath knocked out of you as you hit the ground. 
“You little bitch.” He spat, his hands moving down to his belt. “Pay attention, Dr. Reid. I’ll show you how your girl is meant to be treated.” 
“Put your hands up and don’t move!” Prentiss’ voice ordered, a team of agents bursting into the room. The unsub clenched his jaw and lifted up his arm, knife clenched in his hand. Prentiss pulled the trigger without hesitation. 
You didn’t even give them time to reach you. You reached into the dying man’s pocket and grabbed his keys. You pushed through the other agents and unlocked the door to Spencer’s cage and had the collar off of him as quickly as you could. He could see your body shaking as you moved and you were desperately trying not to break down. He wrapped his jacket around you and pulled you into his arms. 
“I’m okay.” He choked out. It was still hard to speak without his throat feeling like it was burning and now he had relieved tears welling in his eyes. “We’re okay. It’s over.” 
Sitting in the hospital felt strange. You had been cleared already, but Spencer was still in as they looked at the damage to his throat. You sat leaning forward with your elbows on your knees. In your hands was the small box you had yet to open. You had grabbed it before you and Spence were taken out to the ambulances, but you hadn’t brought yourself to look inside. 
“You, um… I guess you know what it is.” Spencer’s raspy voice startled you. You looked up and saw the dark bruises starting to form on his neck. “They said I’ll be okay, I just have to take it easy on the talking.” 
“That won’t be easy.” You laughed lightly. He sat beside you and stared at the box.
“Have you opened it yet?” Even in his strained whisper, you could hear the disappointment. This isn’t what he wanted and now he was afraid his chance was gone for good. You shook your head. 
“I thought we should do that together.” You took his hand and put it on the lid. He gave you a small smile and slowly flipped it open. Inside was a leaf. To someone else, it wouldn’t have made any sense, but seeing it brought tears to your eyes. “Is that…?”
“It’s the leaf that got caught in your hair the day we met. You walked into the BAU to assist us on a case and I grabbed it for you. I was just this weird, tall guy who pulled your hair so you gave me this strange look so I explained that there was a leaf in your hair. And then you smiled and I had never felt like I had right then before. There wasn’t a trash can or anything so I put the leaf in my pocket. I guess I’ve just held onto it ever since.” 
“Spencer, this is-” You were trying to find the words, but you couldn’t. 
“I was going to ask you last night when we were supposed to watch the movie.” He sighed. “It feels like a long time ago now, but I still feel the same way.” He shifted so that he was kneeling in front of you. “I always thought that if, by chance, I ever found someone I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, it would be because they make me feel normal. But you don’t make me feel normal.” He blinked back his own tears so he could say everything he needed to. “You make me feel like the best version of myself. And maybe it’s inappropriate after everything that has happened in these two days, but all of the pain we just went through just made me realize even more that I don’t want to spend one moment of my life without you. Dr. Y/N Y/L/N-”
“Yes.” You blurted, kneeling on the floor with him and taking his face in your hands. Spencer laughed. 
“You didn’t let me even ask.” 
“Right, sorry.” You brushed away the endless flow of tears that now fell down your cheeks. “Ask away, Dr. Reid.” 
“Will you marry me?” The smile on his face made your whole body light up. 
“Yes.” You crashed your lips into his, not caring if anyone was around to see. 
The team was down the hall, beaming at each other. Even though they couldn’t hear your words, it wasn’t hard to tell what just happened. Prentiss leaned over to Morgan. 
“I told you.” She grinned. “They’re made for each other.”
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks​
From last part (I think I got everyone, but don’t be offended if I missed you, I’m just bad at tag lists): @ takeyourleap-of-faith; @ squiggledrop; @ avidreider; @ lotties-journey-abroad; @ justfloatingthroughtime; @ bisexualwomanofcolour; @obsssedwithjustaboutanything; @jupiterdove; @ uhuhuh; @ walkingjunkdna; @ skullwithemotions; @ shigwhore; @ harry-hollands; @ cielo1984; @ slytherin-blogger; @eevee0722; @ spenceoffense; @ radtwinkie; @ absolutemarveltrash
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anonymousfiction211 · 3 years
Give it time: ch4
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Click here for chapter 1 Click here for chapter 2 Click here for chapter 3
A/N: It took a while, but here is the continuation of Give it time. For the people who requested it, don’t worry. This is not the last chapter! I think about writing one, maybe two more. This one is written from Thor’s point of view. Hope you like it!
Brother ‘Loki? What are you doing in Asgard?’ Thor asked surprised when he saw his younger brother walking through the hall.
‘It’s my home, so what do you think?’ Loki answered clearly irritated. Before Thor could answer he walked past. Thor had learned to let Loki be when he was in one of his moods, and went in search of his mother. He found her in the garden.
After he had greeted his mother properly he asked ‘What is wrong with Loki?’
Her smiled turned sad. ‘I only know that he and (Y/N) had a fight. Apparently she has gotten back together with her ex-boyfriend Steve? He was a bit cryptic and didn’t feel like talking about it. All I know that he is been in a foul mood, berating the staff, annoying your father and recently he started to drink and attend party’s… trying to find his happiness elsewhere’
‘What do you mean broke up? (Y/N) truly loved him, I didn’t even know she and Steve were together once’
‘This is all I know, he barely sleeps, is angry all the time, and I’m afraid he is planning something. I think it is best you go talk to him’ Frigga told him.
Thor hummed in agreement, and went to search for Loki. A task proven to be extremely difficult if his younger brother didn’t want to be found. It took him half the afternoon, but he finally found Loki sulking in his own private library.
‘Brother, what happened?’ Thor asked.
‘Go away, Thor. I’m not in the mood for you or the volume of your voice’ Loki snarled.
‘Tell me what happened, you’re miserable that is plain to see. Maybe I can help?’ Thor asked, ignoring his brother’s bad temper.
‘Thanks for the compliment, and no you can’t help me. Nobody can’ Loki answered.
‘Loki, just tell me’ Thor sighed. ‘If you do, I will leave you alone’ he added.
This got the attention of Loki. ‘Fine’ he said. And Loki explained his version of events. The past between Steven and (Y/N). How Steve has been setting (Y/N) up against him, how she is too naïve, how Steve practically admitted that he wanted her and how he walked in on them kissing each other. Thor listened to every word and kept his thoughts and questions to himself, letting Loki finish uninterrupted. After the story came to an end, he had to find the right words. Words and meanings were everything to Loki and he couldn’t mess this up. Not when Loki finally let him in.
When the silence endured Loki spoke first ‘You may take your leave now’ he grabbed one of his books and opened it halfway through.
‘What did (Y/N) say about all this?’ Thor asked, he wondered since he hadn’t heard anything about it.
‘We did not talk, I just left’ Loki said through gritted teeth.
‘And you haven’t had any contact with her since then?’ Thor asked.
‘No, weren’t you listening?’
‘Then how do you know if your version is true?’ he asked.
‘I beg your pardon?’ Loki asked.
‘If everything you say is true, then how do you know that she’s with Steve? That she loves him? I know her, and she was crazy about you. I just can’t believe that she would do this…’
‘I saw it’
Thor just chuckled a little ‘If there are two things I learned from growing up with you: one, pay very close attention to what you are actually saying and two, nothing is what is seems’
Loki smirked a little ‘That is because I’m a skilful sorcerer and the God of Lies’ then his smile faltered ‘It doesn’t matter anymore, this was all some time ago. By now she surely is with Steve, and I wish them a very unhappy life together’ he said while his attention shifted back to his book.
‘And what are you planning?’ Thor asked, remembering the words of his mother.
‘I may have thought about ways to kill Steve, but I’m not anymore. I’m just attending a party tonight. So, you can tell mother she’s worries for nothing’
‘It’s not like you to drink and attend parties. You always hated them’ Thor said a bit surprised.
‘Well yeah, but where else meet a girl for a night?’ Loki smirked.
‘Or you could come with me’ Thor said.
‘To where?’
‘Back to Midgard, to the Avengers. You can clear things up with (Y/N), because I’m not buying this story to be true. Plus, your still part of the team and can’t just leave whenever you feel like it’ Thor said.
‘No thanks’ Loki said.
‘Loki, you look like crap and knowing you, you probably feel worse. So, coming back can only improve your mood. If not, I promise I will let you attend ever party in Asgard and you can drink and fuck your problems away. But you will hate yourself if you didn’t at least hear her out’ Thor said angrily.
It took Loki aback a bit. He pondered over the question. ‘Why are you doing this?’ he then asked.
This took Thor aback. ‘Because you’re my brother and I want you to be happy’ he answered.
Loki clearly was struggling with not letting the emotion show on his face, Thor let him get away with it, it was what Loki needed at the moment.
‘But you don’t believe me?’ Loki asked after a while.
‘I do believe you, I just think there is more to the story. If it is the whole story we leave immediately, I promise’ Thor said.
‘Together?’ Loki asked.
‘Together, I got your back’ Thor confirmed. He got up and walked towards the exit of the library. He would have to prepare the journey to Midgard. He looked back when he heard Loki say ‘Thor… thanks brother’. Thor just smiled and nodded, but in his heart there was nothing but love for his little brother. Who, despite the way he could lash out, he loved very dearly and he knew that Loki cared about him, even if he didn’t always show it.
Back on Midgard The Bifrost opened and Thor and Loki stood in front of the familiar compound. Thor noticed that Loki used magic to make himself appear more together, but didn’t comment on it. The two of them walked in the tower. That’s when they heard Tony.
‘Thank God, latterly, that the two of you are finally here!’ he exclaimed.
‘Why, what’s wrong?’ Thor asked.
‘What’s wrong? (Y/N) is an absolute mess, she barely eats and doesn’t want to talk to anyone. I can’t believe you did that to her’ he looked accusingly at Loki.
‘I didn’t do anything, she was the one that kissed Steve’ Loki angrily replied.
‘Huh, what? You were the one that cheated on her. She broke when she found out about it’ Tony said.
Thor was confused. Yes, in the past Loki has betrayed the one’s he loved many times. But he always had a good reason, it was not like him to betray the woman he loved for a bit of fun.
Tony grabbed his phone and showed them the video that Steve had showed him. It was Loki at some party in the compound, drinking and kissing with some other woman Thor didn’t recognize. Loki looked intently at the video. ‘That’s not me! How did you even get that?’ Loki asked.
‘Steve showed it to us’ Tony replied. While Loki was ranting on about Steve he and Tony started to discuss the realness of the video. Thor sneaked away and went in search of (Y/N). He knocked on her door, but there was no answer.
‘(Y/N), I’m coming in’ he said, hoping she was okay. He opened her room, which was still dark. (Y/N) lay under the covers, the air in the room didn’t smell fresh, and around her bed there were several empty bottles of wine.
‘(Y/N)?’ Thor asked. She suddenly turned around and faced him. She sat up straight. Thor could tell she had lost weight, probably from not eating. There were bags and dark circles under her eyes and her hair was greasy.
‘Leave’ she said angrily and Thor saw a hint of the fire that Loki used to love about her.
‘No, I think…’ but he was cut of by (Y/N) throwing an empty wine bottle towards him. It missed his head and broke against the wall, glass flying around the room. ‘LEAVE’ she half-yelled again.
‘I will leave when you talked to me, and I talked to you’ Thor said sternly. He looked her in her eyes, they seemed to be in some sort of staring contest. He could tell she was tired.
She sighed ‘Fine, but I don’t wan to hear a thing about your brother’ tears were already forming in her eyes.
‘Just tell me your version of events, and if it makes sense I promise that I will take Loki back to Asgard with me’ Thor said. Her eyes widened when she heard that Loki was here. For a moment she felt relieved, and wanted nothing more than to run towards him. Hoping he would wrap his arms around her and spin her around. But then she remembered the video Steve showed her about a month after Loki left. He tried to help her get over him, but it only made things worse.
When (Y/N) started to tell he story, Thor discovered that they didn’t add up, just as he expected. He couldn’t help but get angry at Steve for orchestrating this whole thing. He got so angry that a storm was brooding over the compound, something that hadn’t happen in a few hundred years. But now, he couldn’t control himself. He saw (Y/N) flinch when she heard the rumbling sound of thunder, but couldn’t help himself. She had finished her story and Thor was hallway through to explaining Loki’s version of it, when the door burst open.
Tony came running towards (Y/N) yelling ‘It’s deepfake, it’s deepfake!’ he was panting and couldn’t say anything more. That’s when he saw that  (Y/N)’s eyes just notice done presence that was looming in the doorway, Loki.
Permanent taglist: @delightfulheartdream @the-best-phineas @pescadoavocado @theestorm @theaudacitytowrite​ @justacripple​
People who definitely needed the story to continue/commented on the other chapter (hope you don’t mind me tagging you!): @onlyforloki @not-your-bitch @lovelokiqueen @unicorns105 @phenelopejoy @elliemustdraw @lokiestorch
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ | Planning The Trip
Part One of my "Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™" headcanon series
Includes: (The Whole Gang) Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Vision, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner, Stephen Strange, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson
Word Count: 3.9k
Relationships: The Avengers x F!Reader, Ambiguous; just how we like it ;)
Going To Disney With The Avengers Gang™ Master List
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→The whole idea starts when the team is lounging at the compound doing regular™ team things
→A.K.A Wanda, y/n, Pietro, and Vision are in a pile on one of the couches cuddling, Clint and Nat are across the room playing pool, Bucky is making ramen in the kitchen, Steve is trying to convince Bucky to add an egg or something for more protein, Bruce and Stephen are talking neuroscience and bickering over techniques of spinal fluid something, Thor and Loki are fighting over the remote before Loki finally rolls his eyes and picks up the book y/n had left on the coffee table, Sam is asleep on the floor, and Tony is just tired
→In the madness though he picks up on the conversation happening between the four people on the couch
→“You’ve never been to Disney World?”
→Three rounds of “no” “nope” “I’ve only had a body for a year, y/n. When would I have gone to Disney World?”
→”Okay, yeah, good point, Vis. But y’all would love it. I haven’t been since high school but I want to go again so bad. We need a vacation.”
→Tony doesn’t even stick around to hear the rest, he’s already walking away while speaking to FRIDAY, telling her start pulling up the Disney site and analyzing it, disappearing to his lab and using all of his monitors to compare the resorts and try to decide where to stay that everyone would like (and where they would all fit because there’s too many of them)
→It doesn’t take him long to realize they’re going to need large accommodations
→Bruce is the first to notice that he’s gone, sneaking into the lab and scaring the hell out of Tony
→“Whatcha’ doing?”
→“Ah shit-- Bruce! How are you so quiet?”
→And then he points to the seven open listings on the monitors and explains that the team needs a break and that he heard y/n talking about Disney World and that he wants to surprise the team-- Bruce agrees immediately (the man is always in need of relaxation)-- and that’s how the team’s geek squad ends up playing Disney Dad #1 and Disney Dad #2 and planning the most extravagant vacation in less than three hours
→They have it down to a science after the first twenty minutes-- dividing what needs to be done and tackling it individually while bouncing ideas off one another
→“Do you think they want to eat at Beauty and The Beast Castle or Ariel’s Grotto the second night?” “I’m not sure-- book them both.” “Tony we can’t--” “FRIDAY, book them both.” “You got it Mr. Stark.”
→There’s a lot of Bruce wondering if what they’re booking is too expensive and even more of Tony reminding him that he’s a literal billionaire and that he could buy the Disney company if he wanted to-- that still doesn’t stop Bruce from suggesting more frugal methods from time to time-- it only makes Tony want to spend even more money because you need to lighten up, Banner
→The next person who realizes Tony and Bruce are gone is-- surprisingly-- Sam
→Honestly it’s only because he has to pass Tony’s lab on the way back from his room and he sticks his head in to tell them that “Romanoff and Barton ordered pizza if y’all want any… holy crap is that Disney World? Are we going to Dis--”
→Tony literally grabs him by the collar and tells him to hush it, birdman before pulling him into the room and explaining his plans for the second time-- “Yes, we are going to Disney World and I want it to be a surprise.”
→Sam just nods, his eyes on the screen and his brows beginning to push down and-- “Okay but why are you booking dinner at Mickey’s Backyard Barbecue on the same day that you have fast passes for World of Color at Epcot?”
→And Tony and Bruce blink and are just like “What?”
→And Sam is already at the computer, fingers stuttering over the weird ass hoverscreens while pulling up the page which shows that the World of Color has a whole ass dining experience-- Tony and Bruce have no clue that was even a thing-- and suddenly Sam is the one telling them what to plan because, as it turns out, this man loves Disney World and has been upwards of thirteen times and knows it inside and out
→Thank gods for Sam because these two Disney Dads™ were really shooting blindly into the abyss of trip planning without ever having gone to Disney World-- he has to shift around fast passes, dining reservations, water park tickets, and even the family portrait session that Tony demanded Bruce add
→He shows them all the things they don’t even think to plan-- firework shows, dessert parties, literally all of Downtown Disney-- Tony wants to be mad but he’s too busy picking his jaw up off the floor when Sam manages to book them for an After Dark Party in Magic Kingdom
→Bruce gets so excited when Sam tells him that’s a thing that he almost gives the plan away when Natasha comes rushing to see what all the noise is (it’s Banner jumping up and down like a toddler) -- he has to rush to the doorway, make up a lie about him dropping a piece of equipment, and then walk her back to the common area and play a round of pool with her to keep her questions at bay
→It’s all fine because Sam puts the final touches on the plan and has Tony give the order for FRIDAY to book it all and then it’s ready to tell the team
→They sneak back into the common area, it’s nine pm and everyone just looks so worn out
→Stephen is literally half way to snoring, legs curled under him on the love seat, doing that thing people do when they’re falling asleep and their head slumps and then they spring back awake, repeating the process an embarrassing amount of times but nobody’s even paying attention
→Steve and Bucky are talking quietly in the corners about whether or not they should just go to sleep because it’s Thursday and there’s really no point in staying up any longer
→Clint and Thor are sharing a bag of popcorn and half watching John Wick while discussing the inaccuracies of the movie-- “If he had a bow none of this would have happened.” “Or a hammer.” “Yeah, that too.”
→Yeah, they’re exhausted, and it makes the Disney Dads™ and Sam that much more excited to share the news
→Sam’s twiddling his hands behind his back and sharing smiles with Banner who’s trying to keep his excitement at bay and Tony is rolling his eyes but smiling too and for a moment nobody notices their cheshire grins and nervous foot tapping until finally y/n lifts her head from Pietro’s chest-- who complains at the action and lifts his head too-- and lazily asks
→“Tones, what on earth are you smiling about?”
→And the man opens his mouth but before he can even get the words out Bruce and Sam are already jumping up and down again and screaming “We’re going to Disney World!”
→And the room goes dead silent for three beats-- one, two, three-- and it feels like a million seconds and Tony’s face is dropping slowly and he’s ready to be like sike and then she jumps up, literally stepping on Pietro’s stomach, hurtling the back of the couch like a damn track star and rushing the man at full force, flinging herself at him and jumping into his arms and there are tears streaming down her face and she’s screaming
→“Tony you didn’t! Oh my gods you didn’t! You’re lying oh my god no! Are you serious?”
→And he’s nodding but he still can’t get a word in edgewise because she’s still rambling-- “You heard me oh my gods! You heard me and you did it! Tony that’s insane and reckless and oh my god I love you! Are we actually going? This isn’t a trick? Please don’t let this be a trick!”
→And he just laughs and spins her around and tells her that no, this isn’t a trick I’m not the mischief god here and Loki rolls his eyes but he’s also kind of excited despite the frown on his face
→They’re all excited
→Pietro and Wanda and screaming with Sam, slapping each other and just full on freaking out like children, incoherent and happy and raring to just go already
→In turn this wakes Stephen up who hears the madness and jumps up, on edge and ready to literally fight before he realizes what’s going on and calmly sits back down, nodding his head but not speaking because if this literal grown man opens his mouth he knows he’s going to freak out too because holy shit Disney World-- even sorcerers like Disney!
→Steve and Bucky are kind of confused-- they just barely remember Snow White when it came out but Disney World? They made a-- what is it? A theme park? Regardless they’re excited, ready to break the old men lull they’ve fallen into-- Bucky hears y/n ask if Tony booked water park tickets and gets super excited
→Vision is also confused but he sees everyone getting turnt over Disney World and decides that he is also excited-- Wanda momentarily stops being hyped up to ask him if he’s waterproof in which he goes into explicit detail about how yes, he is and he’ll show her if she’d like and she has to slap her hands over his mouth and tell him to hush
→Thor and Clint also turn into children but they’re the run around the room yelling types as opposed to the stand in a circle and scream types-- the gang is apparently just like fifteen children who barely manage to get things done apparently because they’re all hyped as fuck
→Clint sprints over to Nat whose hands are already up, ready to fight the man off because she knows what’s coming, but he’s too fast and too happy and uses all his assassin training to dodge her kick, grabbing her around the waist and spinning her around until she’s giggling and slapping his back
→“Natty we’re going to fucking Disney World!”
→“I know you lug, I heard Stark too. Let me down!”
→He doesn’t-- he just shakes her harder, cheering with the rest of them
→Thor slumps down next to his brother, nudging his shoulder-- “Migardians are strange”-- and Loki nods but pulls out his phone and starts looking up what’s actually at Disney World and-- “Look, brother, our home… wait is that us?”-- and the brothers get sucked into a rabbit hole of the Norwegian pavilion and whatever the hell the Frozen ride is and why their pictures are there
→It takes thirty minutes for everyone to calm down enough for them to actually have a conversation about what on earth Tony and Bruce and Sam did-- it takes another ten minutes after that for Stephen to finally break through the chatter to ask the most important question-- “Guys, seriously. You can ask about the plans after. The main question here is when are we going.”
→And Tony glances at Bruce and shrugs and is like “Tomorrow.”
→And they all erupt again-- y/n and Wanda because they have to pack and Stephen because normal people don’t just up and go on Vacation, you’re supposed to make time and Clint and Pietro because holy shit we’re going to Disney tomorrow!-- but Tony just brushes the worry off and reminds them-- again-- that they’re superheroes and that he’s a billionaire and that they can go on vacation whenever they damn want
→Cue fifteen more minutes of freaking out and y/n tackling Tony and then tackling Bruce and then, finally, tackling Sam who scoops her up and all but tosses her in the air before thanking her profusely for putting the idea in Tony’s brain
→They spend the next few minutes fangirling together-- Sam raves about all the food he’s going to eat-- Mickey bars, corn dogs, pretzels, those huge turkey legs-- and y/n talks about how she wants to get all the autographs she can-- especially Goofy and Pluto-- and then Sam mentions the After Dark Party and, like Bruce, she freaks out
→Finally Wanda has to split them up, grabbing y/n with one hand and hauling her over to the other redhead who’s still being held hostage by the resident archer and grabbing Nat with the other-- when Clint protests she curls her fingers, warning him with a pinch of red magic, and he holds his hands up, backing away slowly but telling Nat she’d better come see him before they leave
→On the way out Steve asks where they’re going and Wanda almost threatens him too until Nat tells him they’re going to pack for tomorrow-- he then turns to Bucky and reiterates the idea to a less than enthusiastic super soldier who tries to argue that I can pack in the morning but Steve just isn’t having it-- it takes five minutes but finally Buck agrees (but only after Steve says Bucky can just throw his stuff in his bag)
→The girls spend the rest of the night giggling and packing, holding up dresses and putting them down, shoving things in each other's bags and dancing to a playlist of oldies from Wanda’s phone-- Nat is the most boring packer but after some threats to get resident archer involved she gets her act together
→Pietro comes in when he’s done and Wanda scoffs at what he has packed but he only shrugs, slumping on y/n’s bed and giving her grabby hands until she rejoins him
→“But Pietro what if I forget something?”
→“You worry too much-- can’t Stange make portals?” He has a point
→What they all pack:
→Tony: Suits and graphic t-shirts. He’s either rolling up to Disney World in a Metallica t-shirt or a full three piece suit there’s no inbetween. He’s really not concerned about packing-- he can just buy whatever he needs there. After a text from y/n though he throws in a few pairs of shorts that he didn't even know he owned and his M.I.T. hoodie. He tops it off with a few gadgets he thinks he might need-- FRIDAY’s chip and some nanotech-- and he’s good to go. Billionaires don’t need to pack.
→Steve: Clothes and toiletries. Boring, basic, forgets swim trunks until he sees Bucky put his swim trunks and nothing else into Steve’s bag. That’s how he remembers most things actually; by looking at what Bucky doesn’t put into the bag. Along the way he suggests what the super soldier might want to pack while adding a few extra of his own just in case. After thinking about it for a few minutes he adds two books-- one for each of them. He also adds some tools-- a screwdriver and some pliers-- in case Bucky’s arm starts acting up. He’s sure Stark will have something but in case he doesn't, those will hold it over.
→Bucky: Swim trunks. And, when Steve begs, he grumbles and adds a few button downs and henleys. He also sneaks in a few knives, burying them in the henleys. He watches Steve pack for him though and leaves it at that-- what’s the point of packing when the super soldier can just do it for him? He’s not stupid-- he’s tired and Steve is fussy. He’ll have what he needs and if he doesn’t then he’ll just make y/n go swimming with him. Then he won’t need anything. Easy peasy.
→Nat: She’s the most level headed packer of the bunch, spare maybe Bruce and Sam. She Packs what she’ll need-- not too much and not too little. If anything she packs too many of Clint’s hoodies (three). Part of that, though, is her knowing that he’s probably going to forget one. She packs her normal toiletries, making sure to add an extra stick of deodorant and a bottle of Wanda’s red nail polish because-- despite the fact that she spends an hour watching Wanda pack her entire room-- she just knows that the woman forgot a bottle of that stuff and that she’ll be upset if her nails look chipped in the pictures. Wanda and y/n make her pack a bikini despite the fact that she has two scars from Bucky still and they threaten to get Clint involved if she tries to refuse-- “I suggest you put that little black number in that bag right now unless you want some aggressive compliments, you hear me woman?” She didn’t have to be told twice.
→Clint: Not as much as he should. Never as much as he should. He packs boxers, a pair of swim trunks, a few regular shirts and shorts (not enough), a couple nice shirts and a pair of jeans, and his toiletries. He’s gone longer with less but-- like-- he doesn’t have to this time? Nat walks into his room as he finishes packing and takes one look at his bag before marching to his closet and adding a hat, a pair of sunglasses, a jacket, a pair of sweatpants, and socks because who the hell doesn’t pack socks when they’re going to be walking around for days, how the hell are you an accomplished assassin Clint?
→Wanda: She literally packs as much as she can-- think the essentials times three and then some, like five different dresses, two leather jackets (even though y/n reminds her that Orlando is hot), her laptop and her ipad, two pairs of headphones. She has a notebook, a sketch book, and a regular book. Six bikinis and a one-piece. Three hats, four pairs of sunglasses, enough panties to last a month, let alone a week. She packs heels, boots, sneakers, flats, and sandals. Two purses and a backpack. Wanda Maximoff is the epitome of team mom-- anything Nat and y/n forget she’ll have it. She also packs a few things that she thinks Pietro will forget-- a few nice outfits for nights out and his main toiletries. Oh-- and sunscreen! Lots and lots of sunscreen!
→Pietro: Well, let's just say that it’s a good thing Wanda thinks to pack some things for Pietro because this man barely remembers his toothbrush let alone his phone charger. He gets the basics-- the bare necessities-- like three t-shirts, a pair of shorts, some (?) boxers, and like seven pairs of shoes because with how fast this man is he’s going to need them badly. He does, however, remember to pack his bathing suit and that’s more than a few people on the team can remember. Poor baby just wants to get there already-- he can just buy whatever he forgets.
→Vision: A very strange assortment of items. He doesn’t need clothes-- he can make whatever he would like appear on his body-- but he does want to feel included so Wanda gives him one of her backpacks and he puts like kind of random items into it. He sees a phone cord and shoves it in and like a hairbrush-- all items someone will need eventually but not him (later will find out that it’s the cord to Sam’s Iphone and will hand it over and have the audacity to say you’re welcome Samuel after doing it).
→Sam: He packs at least four ball caps. Nothing besides that really matters; he just knows how fucked you are if you don’t bring a hat and he’s bringing enough for the people who forget. As much as Bucky gets on his nerves he also packs him one. Besides that he packs normally-- t-shirts, shorts, shoes, socks, boxers-- all regular amounts. He freaks out a little when he can’t find his phone charger but he’ll just buy one when he gets there. He also brings a Polaroid camera and a shit ton of film-- some of his team members have never been and he will be documenting it all.
→Bruce: He’s the most boring packer and that isn’t a bad thing-- it’s the reason he has so many doctorates-- because he’s smart and level headed. He packs the clothes he needs with one extra of everything. He packs his toiletries. He doesn’t pack his whole room and he doesn’t pack nothing at all. He’s perfectly in the middle-- a Disney Dad™! He does, however, forget his swim trunks-- oops.
→Stephen: One backpack with a t-shirt, sweatpants, and swim trunks. That’s it. Why would he pack anything else? The man can open a portal whenever he needs! He’s always one step away from his bedroom! Stephen simply flicks his wrists and can change and rejoin the group in less time than it takes the rest of them to pull shit from their bags and wait for the washroom to free up. It’s actually a genius play.
→Loki: Despite being the most outwardly unenthusiastic he packs almost the exact same way that Wanda does. He’s a nervous packer. His brother laughs but, like, he has a point. Safe is better than sorry. It’s comical that he packs like five sweaters though considering that he can snap his fingers and make the sweater appear. All his clothes are either green or black. He packs at least one all black suit. Thor has to force him to add a red Hawaiian shirt and he scoffs at it and shoves it to the bottom. Definitely packs three pairs of swim trunks because he doesn’t like putting them one while they’re still wet. He doesn’t even know if he’s going to go swimming but he’s still doing it anyway. He also packs the scrunchie y/n gave him to keep his hair out of the way and when Thor tries to say shit about it he pulls a dagger from thin air and just chucks it. After dodging it Thor asks why don’t you just make your clothes appear the same way?
→Thor: Enough but, like, definitely not enough. The normal things but like less. He figures he’s going to be spending most of his time in his bathing suit anyway. Loki tries to remind him that he can’t go shirtless in the parks (he looked it up already) but he doesn't listen. It really is a good thing his brother can make things appear from thin air. He’s the type of guy to be content in a pair of flip flops and an open button down. He does, however, bring one of those dad-esque fanny packs and somehow he makes it look hot.
→Y/n: Literally packs the same as Wanda, if just a tad less. So many clothes that it’s insane. She, however, has the added bonus of her old Mickey ears-- a pink sequined pair that are a little worse from wear but still pretty. She packs a bucket hat to pin collectable pins to. She makes sure to leave extra room in her suitcase for souvenirs. She’s had her eye on the luxury bath salts from the Grand Floridian ever since the Disney Instagram posted them a few months ago and now that she’s going she won’t be leaving without them. She also packs the strapless dress she’s been meaning to wear for months now-- she doesn’t know who’s going to be there to admire it but she’s sure there’s at least one person who will. Besides, Nat’s been telling her to wear it for ages.
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cudan2 · 3 years
One Last Surgery
Spring Break Shadowing Part 5.1
Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Word Count: 2,043
Summary: You finally find out the reason for going to the children’s hospital, but you’re more distracted than usual today and Dr. Cullen can tell. 
A/N: Tell me why part 5 of SBS takes up over half of the whole series? I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for 5 months because I keep adding more to it smh. Now it’s too long so I’ve decided to split it up into 3 parts (in addition to parts 6 and 7). I’m making the final edits the rest of this part now - 5.2 should be posted in like two days.
Anyways, this is technically the beginning of  #1 and #2 on my headcanon list.
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital is only across the street from Doctor Cullen’s office, but it seems to take forever to get there. You trail the doctor like a lost puppy through a skyway and a series of corridors before eventually reaching the right building. Different is definitely an understatement.
Gone are the linoleum-tiled floors, the abstract paintings lining the hallways, and the stark white walls. Instead, there are bright colors everywhere you look. Artwork featuring various galaxies and planets scatter throughout the hospital, and giant stars are imprinted along the floors; even the whole atmosphere just feels different.
You don’t get much time to analyze the differences though. Doctor Cullen is wasting no time to reach the destination, and his long legs aren’t making it any easier to keep up.
“Not that I don’t like surprises, but any chance you can tell me what we’re doing in the children’s hospital now?”
“Impatient, are we?” Doctor Cullen chuckles. He stops at an elevator and pushes the up button, only giving into your question once he catches a glimpse of your pout. “Alright, you win. Are you familiar with a cleft palate or cleft lip?”
The elevator dings, the doors sliding open with it. You shake your head no and get on the elevator with him. He presses the button for the floor and then leans against the wall, arms outstretched on the handrail, and gives you an explanation. 
“A cleft is a gap or split occurring in the roof of the mouth, upper lip, or both. It is due to improper joining of the tissue during fetal development. There are no definitive known causes as of right now, but it’s believed that the environment and genetics can play a role.
The hospital has its own craniofacial team, but I was asked to join this particular case given its more complicated nature. Hanna became one of the first patients I treated when I came to Columbia,” Doctor Cullen finishes fondly, a smile gracing his lips.
“What makes this case complicated?” you ask.
“Hanna was born with a bilateral complete cleft lip and palate, meaning her lip cleft is two-sided and continues into her nose. It took quite a few surgeries to repair the lip, but now the next step is to repair the palate.”
The elevator reaches the floor and dings. You follow Doctor Cullen out and continue prodding him with more questions, which he is more than eager to answer. It’s incredible how knowledgeable he is. Granted, it is his job to know these things, but you couldn’t begin to imagine yourself being able to even scratch the surface of these topics, not to mention give a mini lecture on it.
You’re soon standing at the door to a patient room while the doctor asks Hanna’s parents if you can observe. They readily agree, and Doctor Cullen motions for you to come in.
Inside the room, you see an infant that can’t be more than a year old – Hanna.  She’s sitting upright on the bed, leaning against who you assume to be her father. You notice two fading scars going up into her nose above her lip. Her mother is waving a stuffed toy around her, but Hanna’s attention is fixated on the blonde doctor.
“Y/N, allow me to introduce you to Hanna’s parents, Anthony and Linh Pham. And this is Doctor Giselle Adamou, who will be working with me on the surgery,” Doctor Cullen gestures to the older doctor in the room.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you say politely.
Pre-op goes differently than what you’ve gotten used to observing this week. There is no case presenting given the lack of residents on the case. If anything, this is what you would expect out of a non-teaching hospital.
Doctor Cullen re-explains the procedures to Hanna’s parents, but halfway through, Hanna crawls to the end of the bed where Doctor Cullen is and attempts to stand, arms outstretched as if to say, “Up! Up!” Bewilderment is not a word you would have associated with him, and yet you catch the brief widening of his eyes that betray his usually calm demeanor.
“I think she wants you to hold her,” Linh comments.
“I can see,” Doctor Cullen muses. “Do you mind?”
“She’s all yours.” Linh picks her daughter up from the bed and hands her to the doctor. The sound of Hanna’s elated laughter fills the room, and you can’t stop a small smile from appearing on your own face. A cute baby and a gorgeous doctor? You don’t know who to thank for the sight.
Meanwhile, Hanna starts playing with various pens in Doctor Cullen’s breast pocket while Doctor Adamou continues where her colleague left off. You try to pay attention, you really do. Like Hanna though, your attention lies on someone else, and that someone else happens to be Doctor Cullen.
The more you study him, the more the minute features you never noticed about him before seem to pop out to you. Under the bright fluorescent lighting of the hospital, the dark purple circles under his eyes are more apparent than ever. How ironic for the preacher of health to lack sleep himself. His eyes, which you normally consider to be a vivid golden, are darker than you initially thought them to be. They are liquid pools of dark amber, speckled with dustings of gold and flecks of black. There isn’t a single blemish on his face that you can see either, further confirming your belief that this man is truly the most attractive person you have ever met. Either that or he must have one hell of a skincare routine.
It’s unnerving how young his appearance is. Skincare and diet can only do so much for a person, right? Doctor Cullen has to be at least 35 at the minimum, yet he could easily pass off as someone from your own school.
“Any last minute questions?” you hear Doctor Adamou ask and snap back into reality. By missing nearly everything the older doctor talked about, you already know you’ll be so screwed if and when Doctor Cullen decides to interrogate you on this case.
Neither parent has anything left to say, so Doctor Cullen gives a reluctant Hanna back to her mother. She lets out a cry and his expression softens.
“I know, sweetheart. I’ll miss you too, but I need to get ready for your big surgery, okay? I promise you’ll see me again in a few hours.” His soothing voice does wonders for her. In an instant, Hanna quiets down and her frown is replaced with giggles and smiles again. She waves the two of you off, and you both take your leave with Doctor Adamou trailing behind you. You’re not even halfway out the door yet when Doctor Cullen starts testing your knowledge again.
“Y/N, what procedure will we be doing to repair Hanna’s cleft?” 
You do not have this one in the bag whatsoever. You wrack your brain for information that could help you, but Doctor Adamou interjects before you get a chance to say anything.
“Why does it not surprise me that you’re treating students like interns already, Carlisle?”
“I am merely advancing the education of next generation’s doctors,” he responds.
“Whatever you say,” she laughs. “Don’t scare off Y/N though, or we won’t have any doctors left in the next generation.” She turns to you after picking up files from a nearby counter and says, “You come running to me if he pushes you too hard, alright?”
You grin. “For sure.”
“Good. I look forward to seeing you both in the OR,” she says before heading off.
You like Doctor Adamou. Each surgeon you’ve met here so far has had such different personalities, yet each also has the charisma and confidence to take control of a room and command respect. You, on the other hand, could barely get your own friends to listen to your own words. How are you ever going to get on the level of all the amazing doctors around you?
“She saved you there,” Doctor Cullen comments, leafing through Hanna’s charts as he walks you into an empty elevator to the operating floor. Oops, it’s just your luck that he noticed your lack of attention during the pre-op. “It’s unlike you to be distracted. Penny for your thoughts?”
The elevator doors shut, and he looks up from the chart, his eyes falling onto yours. He has that twinkle in his eyes again – the one that brings warmth to your cheeks and could make anyone weak in their knees. You know it’s silly, but a single look from him could make you spill any of your deepest and darkest secrets, yet a part of you also knows that he would keep it. You’re not naïve – you know it’s dangerous to put so much faith into a man you only met this week – but there’s something about him that told your instincts to trust him from the very beginning.
Call it intuition, or maybe it’s just plain stupidity, but you sure as hell aren’t going to tell him about how you got distracted because of his pretty face.
You hesitate for a moment and let out a sigh. “How do you do it?” He quirks a brow, momentarily perplexed, and you attempt to find the right words. “How do you make all of this look so easy? How do you know what the right thing to say is? Or trust that what you’re doing is even right? How did you know if this was all meant for you? This is really dumb, but it seems like everyone here was born for this job, and then there’s... me.”
There’s a slight sense of dread starting to form in your stomach. You’re unsure if what you asked even made any sort of sense and wonder if you gave too much away. Giving any reason to second guess your abilities is like digging your own grave when it comes to this career. Expressing uncertainty is one of the biggest taboos of the cutthroat world that is pre-med because schools would not accept students that aren’t absolutely, totally, and completely sure about this path.
You’ve wanted this for so long, yet there’s still a part of you that doubts if you would be enough.
Rather than going straight to gowning and scrubbing in for the surgery, Doctor Cullen grabs your hand and leads you down to an abandoned hallway, only letting go once the two of you are hidden in an alcove away from any prying ears or eyes.
“What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for surgery?”
“We have a few minutes to spare. Y/N, please know that I understand how you feel,” he says softly. “There was a time when I questioned my own abilities as well… whether my perseverance could overcome adversity. It took quite some time to reach where I am today.  However, without enduring those trials and tribulations, I would not be here. With time comes experience, and it is that experience that allows me to perform my job the best I can.”
His voice reminds you of a gentle breeze, rustling the leaves of a tree on a cool summer night when he continues speaking in hushed tones. It brings a blanket of reassurance, a sense that things would eventually be alright.
“I have said this before, but I see enormous potential in you. You still have a great deal of time to grow and develop your skills. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself with others, especially given today’s societal standards, but I believe you are much more capable than you may think you are. Everyone’s journey is different and yours may not necessarily be as linear as you would prefer. In due time though, I have faith that you will succeed.”
What he says is exactly what you needed to hear.
The swell of tears pricks at your eyes and start blurring your vision, but you blink them away quickly, fighting the urge to wrap your arms around the doctor. 
“Thank you, Doctor Cullen.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“You’re very welcome. Now, I believe there’s a little girl waiting on us.” 
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f0rever15elf · 4 years
They Were Roommates: Part 1
Modern!AU:  Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5  / Part 6 (coming soon) Pairing: Pero Tovar x fem!reader Rating: NC-17 Word count: 9,509 (I ain’t even sorry)  Summary: A dangerous night leads to an interesting living arrangement between you and one grumpy Spaniard. 
Warnings: Violence, blood mention, death mention, alcohol mention, food mention, reader in danger, oral (f receiving), vaginal sex, no beta reader, shameless use of the roommates trope
A/N: So this was gonna start out as just a fluffy little fic and then it turned into something a little bit steamier. I have lost all control of these characters, I’m sorry (not really). 
Masterlist |  Ao3
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You should have run. You should have turned on your heel and gotten out of there as quick as your legs could have possibly carried you. You knew better than to go sticking your nose into things that could get you in trouble, Dad had raised you better than this. But Mom had raised you with that tender heart and soft soul, and ultimately they won out over your sense of self preservation. And now here you are, surrounded by a group of brutish looking men who all reek of the cheapest vodka you've ever smelt. The contents of your stomach churn as they banter, joking about all of the things they were going to do to you, and tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you do your best to keep your knees from knocking together. 
You should have walked the other way. 
But the man on the ground was being beaten. Five on one was hardly ever a fair fight, no matter how strong and rugged the one seemed. And so you had yelled out to get their attention, telling them to back off. And it got their attention alright. The new target was you, and they wasted no time in cornering you against the brick wall. 
"Please, please just let me go. You can have everything in my purse, and I won't tell anyone about this. Please..." You hate the way your voice sounds when you beg, but if it meant surviving, your pride could take the compromise. The one you could only assume was the ringleader barked out an obnoxious sounding laugh and shook his head. 
"No can do toots. We were getting bored with our little punching bag over there. You showed up at just the right time." The four other goons all chuckle and make various sounds of agreement, closing the circle in on your tighter. Your mouth is dry as the Sahara when you try to swallow and your ears are beginning to ring. 
"P...Please don't do this..." you manage to squeak out as the leader slinks up in front of you, bracing a hand by your head as he stares at you with feral eyes. You close your eyes tightly, trying to shrink away from the stink of cheap booze on his breath when a sharp crack from behind the leader breaks the tension. Your eyes snap open to see the man who they were beating standing there with a short piece of pipe clutched in his hands. In front of him, one of the men lay crumpled and motionless on the ground, red staining the ground around his head. Your stomach couldn't take it any more and you double over, emptying the contents of your stomach right onto the ringleader's shoes. Sputtering and gasping for breath you stand back up as the remaining four descend on the dark haired man, leaving you your opportunity to escape. Dark eyes catch yours for a brief moment before the man nods, swinging his pipe again. You decide that's your cue, and turn tail, taking off into the night.
The next morning, the blaring sound of your alarm rouses you from a restless sleep. Resisting the urge to chuck it through your window, you instead turn it off, slamming it back down on the bed side table. Sleep had eluded you in favor of nightmares of the men cornering you. Even in your dreams the smell of alcohol was sharp and nauseating. With a groan and a sigh, you toss back the covers and stumble into the bathroom. 
"...I look like shit." The reflection stares back at you with sunken eyes surrounded in dark circles, her hair an absolute mess. 'Death warmed over' is how your mom would word it, and to be honest, it pretty accurately describes how you're feeling this morning. Did you really need to go to work today? One more glance in the mirror and you decide that is a firm "No." Marcy would understand when you call her about it, you know she would. "I should get cleaned up, at least," you mutter, quickly going about your morning routine. 
The shower certainly helped, and with a little under-eye concealer the bags were mostly hidden. Mostly. Today was a me day, you decide, grabbing your purse and heading out the door. First order of business? Caffeine. 
The little coffee shop down the street was your favorite spot for a decent cup of coffee, and the owners were always so sweet. As the bells in the doorway chimed over your head, Samael, the owner, looked up to greet you, smiling as he recognized you instantly. 
"Well, well, well! Good morning to our favorite regular!" 
"Morning Sam. How are you and Anita doing?" You smile as you approach the counter, already digging out your wallet. 
"Well, today. A bit of a busy morning, but busy is a good thing! Will it be your usual today?"
"Please, with an extra espresso shot."
"Long night?"
"You have no idea." Sam just chuckles and shakes his head, ringing you up before going to make your order, muttering something about what it is to be young as he does. 
With your artificial energy securely in your hands, you make your way outside. The sun was shining brightly today, and a cool breeze kissed your skin, beckoning you to spend time enjoying it. The park it is. Lost in your own thoughts, you didn't even notice the man making his way towards you until it was too late. A hiss leaves your lips as hot coffee drenches the front of your blouse, causing you to jump back. "Son of a-! I am so so sorry!" You look up to see who had been unfortunate enough to wear the other half of your drink and your heart nearly stopped in your chest. "It's...you..." 
"Clumsy," he mutters under his breath before scowling back up to you. "You should be more careful." A heat rises in your cheeks and you clear your throat, readjusting your bag on your shoulder. He had an accent, you noticed. Spanish, perhaps? Regardless, it sounded wonderful coming off of his lips, and almost didn’t match the irritated look he wore. 
"I'm honestly really sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention." The man just grunts in agreement, slipping off his coffee soaked hoodie. 
"Clearly. Like I said, you should be more careful." He stares you down with dark brown eyes and you get the feeling he isn't just talking about the coffee incident. In the daylight, you could finally get a good look at him. Dark, curled hair stuck out in almost every direction on top of his head in an organized chaos. His eyes had a hard edge to them, the edge of a man who had seen too much. His skin had an almost golden hue to it, but the most notable feature was the scar that ran along his left eye, now paired with a blooming black bruise. His lip was split and a bruise was creeping its way along his jawline as well. "It's rude to stare." 
The comment sends a jolt through you and you jump, clearing your throat. "Right, I'm sorry I just...You...you're the guy from last night, right...?" You lower your voice as you ask, worried about someone overhearing, though you weren't sure why. He stuffs his hands in his pockets, staring you down with an intensity that made you feel only inches tall. 
"...Thank you, then. For..." you wave your hands, trying to complete your sentence, but the thought of what he had saved you from brought a sour taste to your mouth. 
"We're even." His matter of fact tone catches you off guard and you open your mouth to respond, but nothing comes out, so you close it, kicking the ground. The whole time, his eyes never leave your face. 
"Did you, uhm, get those taken care of?" you ask, gesturing to his face. 
"They'll heal on their own." 
"So, that's a no then. I have a cold compress back at my place. A-and I can wash your hoodie since I got coffee all over it. It's the least I could do." What are you doing? Inviting a strange man over to your place? A man whose name you didn't even know? A man who literally beat someone with a length of pipe right in front of you last night? If Dad could see you now he'd be reading you the riot act for sure. The mystery man just blinks, considering it for a moment. "And I could make us some lunch...?" 
"Sure." Ah, so the way to this man is through his stomach. That's easy enough to handle. You offer him a gentle smile and nod, turning to head back to your apartment, and he follows just behind you, hands still in his pockets and grumpy countenance still on his face. 
The walk is...strange. Not necessarily uncomfortable, but there was a palpable tension in the air between the two of you, and it was clear this man was not going to be initiating any form of conversation. Clutching at your bag, you clear your throat. "I don't think I ever got your name." You look up at him, curiosity in your eyes. 
"Tovar is what most call me." You nod, testing his name on your lips. 
"Tovar...Spanish, right? That sounds like a Spanish name," you muse, and he just makes a grunt of affirmation. Clearly, this man was the pinnacle of conversationalists. The corners of your lips perk up at your own little joke. You offer him your own name and he nods. "Are you from around here?" The look he gives you absolutely screams "what do you think?" and you felt that heat rise in your cheeks again. 
"Spain. The Eastern region. Moved here about a year ago." 
"Well, welcome to The States." You rummage around in your bag, pulling out your keys to let you both in. You kick off your shoes as soon as you cross the threshold and drop your keys in the bowl you keep by the door. "Home sweet home. Pardon the mess, I wasn't expecting to bring someone home today." The man called Tovar was silent, standing in the doorway with an awkward hunch in his shoulders. "You can come in, you know. Make yourself at home. Ah, and I'll take your hoodie." He hands it off to you without question before slipping off his own shoes, following your farther inside. He remains standing, looking over the pictures you have hung over your walls.  When you return from changing into a clean shirt and starting the laundry, he's found one particular picture that he's picked up off the bookcase to look over and you feel your chest tighten.
"That's my parents." Your voice is smaller than you were expecting it to be, and Tovar looks up at you when he hears it before looking back at the picture. "They passed away a couple of years ago. Car accident." He nods, setting the picture back down. 
"You look much like your mother." His observation brought a small smile to your lips as you turned to head into the kitchen. 
"Most people said I looked more like my dad. But I appreciate the compliment. How do some grilled cheeses and tomato soup sound?" He grunts again, coming to sit at the bar that runs along the side of your kitchen. Mulling over what to talk about as you get out everything for lunch, you decide it was best to jump in head first. "What did those men want with you last night?" You hazzard a glance over to him to see him staring at his hand he’s resting on the bar. When he doesn't reply after a moment, you gently call his name and his head snapped up, as if you broke him from a daze.
"The leader owed me money." Now you're really confused. 
"The big one owed you money, but you were the one getting beat up? Isn’t it usually the other way around?" The first sandwich sizzles in the pan as you flip it before looking back over your shoulder. 
"He called his friends to...deter me from taking what I was owed." For some reason, the way he said that made your blood turn to ice in your veins. 
"Ah." What else could be said? It suddenly felt hard to breathe in the little apartment so between sandwiches, you moved to open a window, feeling Tovar's eyes on you the whole time. 
"That... sounded bad, didn't it?" You look back at him as he speaks up, and you could swear you saw a nearly...sheepish...light in his eyes. But as quick as you saw it, it was gone, replaced with that glowering look he always seemed to have.  "I just did some work for him, and he's shorted me in the past so I didn't want it to happen again." You nod, setting a plate and bowl in front of him, for which he thanks you quietly before hunching over his food. Walking around the bar, you set your own food down and sit next to him as he eats like a man who hasn't seen food in weeks. You pick at your sandwich, thinking. 
"Tovar...what is it you do?" You feel his eyes on you again, electing to keep your gaze on your soup. 
"You're awful interested in business that is not yours," he grumbles before taking another bite.  
"Can you blame me? This isn't exactly a normal situation." 
He sets his spoon down and sits back in his chair with a sigh. "I do whatever I can to make ends meet. To get food to eat. To save for a place to live." You splutter into your soup, grabbing a napkin to wipe your mouth before turning back to him. 
"You don't have a place to live? You're homeless?" 
"I am." That matter of fact attitude astounded you. 
"What the...How can you be so...okay with that?" He just shrugs. 
"It's how I've lived for years since I left the Spanish military. No job, no family, no friends, nowhere to go. I came here to see if I could find something else." His eyes leave yours and he picks up the spoon again, playing in the soup. You sat in silence for a few minutes, trying to wrap your mind around this. He was homeless, probably struggled to ever get a good meal which would explain how voracious he was when you put the food in front of him, and had no one. Your heart begins to ache as it always did when you were met with someone in need. 
"I...have a spare room..." The words are out of your mouth before you're able to second guess them. The look of surprise on Tovar's face as he looks up at you makes your heart stutter for a moment. 
"Are you offering it to me...? I can't pay you yet, I have almost no money." You shake your head and wave him off. 
"I'm not looking to make a profit off you, Tovar. If you need a place to stay, you can stay here for as long as you need. Just help out around the house. The nights are gonna start getting colder." 
"Amiga, you are far too trusting." For the first time, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, oh so slight, but you're sure it's there. 
"I know, and my dad is rolling over in his grave because of it." The laugh that leaves your lips is gentle and light and is the closest thing to music Tovar has heard in a long time. Perhaps things would be alright after all. 
It’s been almost two months since you invited Tovar into your home, and it’s nearing a point where you’re finding it hard to remember what living alone felt like. Life with him was comfortably simple. He never asked for much, and did as you asked in terms of helping to keep the house clean. Tovar kept odd hours, a by product of taking odd jobs to try and start amassing some semblance of savings, and it wasn't uncommon for you to come home from work to find the grumpy Spaniard knocked out on the couch with the TV on Telemundo. And every time it brought a smile to your face. When he was sleeping, his face looked so much less grumpy, the frown lines smoothing out as he dreams. You would drape a blanket over him and turn off the TV before heading to your own bedroom to sleep. 
What you weren't expecting was after a night of working late to come home to the smell of popcorn. "Tovar..?" You called out, confused. Normally at this time, he was either out on a job or passed out on the couch. 
"Amiga, you're home! Good!" He comes out of the kitchen, a large bowl of popcorn in his arms. You set your purse down by the door, walking over to him with that puzzled look still on your face. 
"Work held me a little late today. What's with the popcorn?" He hands off the bowl to you before grabbing two beers from the fridge. 
"A celebration is in order." 
"Celebration? For what?" 
"As of today, I am employed!" You blink as a slow recognition lights your face. 
"The security detail job got back to you?" The excitement in your voice is unmistakable and he nods, proud. 
"I start tomorrow." 
"Tovar, that's great!" He nods again, grunting as he moves past you to the living room. 
"So tonight, let's watch a movie together to celebrate." He plops himself down on the couch, spreading out and making himself comfortable, drawing a chuckle from your lips as you move to join him. It wasn’t often that he acted happy, usually staying quiet and reserved even when you knew he was excited about something, so this was a welcome change of pace. 
"As you wish," you grin as you set the bowl down before settling in next to him, pulling a throw over your lap. 
"What shall we watch?" he grumbles, flicking through Netflix. You shrug, popping a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth. 
"Dealer's choice, gruñón."  He rolls his eyes at the nickname you had for him before settling on some Spanish flick you had never seen before, remembering to turn on the subtitles for you. Exchanging the remote for his beer, he settles in, turning off the light on the side table and plunging the room into darkness, save the light from the TV. 
You aren't sure when exactly you fell asleep, You really aren't sure when you ended up leaning against Tovar, and you are EXTREMELY unsure as to when his arm found its way around you. The only thing you are sure of is that this grumpy man holding you to him while he slept was one of the most comfortable feelings you had ever had the pleasure of experiencing. At least, that is what your sleepy haze told you. When it finally clicks that you were cuddled up to your roommate, your heart leaps into a sprint and you tense in his arms. You shouldn't be doing this. You were roommates. Oh my god, you were ROOMMATES! This was crossing all sorts of lines! Wiggling slightly, you do your best to try and worm your way out of Tovar's grasp, but the movement stirs him just enough that he grabs you more securely to him, turning you so your cheek presses against his chest. 
"Hermossa..." His words are but a breath on the top of your hair and you freeze, the sound of his heartbeat strong and steady under your ear. Had you heard that right? Maybe it was just the rustling of fabric. Yeah, that was it, the fabric. Heat was rapidly rising in your cheeks and the tips of your ears were on fire, but struggling too much more to get out of Tovar's grasp would surely wake him, and you knew he needed to be well rested for his first day of work. And so you choose to stay in place, cradled against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat strong in your ear, the sound that slowly lulls you back to sleep. 
You thought the morning was going to be awkward, but Tovar never gave you the chance. The sun's golden light pouring through your curtains is what wakes you, alone, on your living room couch. Sitting up, you wipe the sleep from your eyes, your cheeks getting hot again as you recall what you woke to earlier that morning. "Tovar...?" You called softly, standing up to look for your roommate, but only finding a note on the kitchen table, telling you that he had headed in to work with an approximation of when he would be home. He must have tucked you in before he left, and this thought did little to cool the heat burning in your cheeks. 
You slap your cheeks quickly, letting out a frustrated groan as you make your way to the bathroom to get cleaned up for your day. You were friends, that's all. Roommates. Sometimes friends fall asleep on each other, no big deal. So why is it that whenever your mind wandered to the thought of being in Tovar's arms, your cheeks grew hot and your pulse quickened? Why was it that the only thing you could bring yourself to think of was how strong and sturdy he felt as he held you to him? Why was "hermosa" said in his sleepy voice the only sound you could hear as you tried to go about your day? Looking into the mirror as the steam slowly starts to fog it up, you had your answer, proudly displayed in the shine in your eyes.
"...Fuck...I'm falling for my roommate..." 
And so, you do the only thing you can think to do when you find yourself bogged down in thought. You clean. Today was an off day for you, so you had all the time in the world, and the countdown to Tovar's return from work was quite possibly the longest countdown you've ever been faced with. All the better to clean with, you decide, throwing on some music. Working from room to room, you clean every surface that COULD be cleaned; counters, cabinets, walls, baseboards, floors...The apartment would be SPARKLING by the time you were through with it, so help you God. Tovar would inch back into your thoughts time to time, and in retaliation to the errant thoughts, you scrub harder or faster, as if the scrubbing would cleans the thoughts away. So absorbed are you in your cleaning that you don't even hear the door open, or the keys clatter into the holder. 
"Scrub any more and you'll need to replace the tile." You nearly jump out of your skin, letting out an embarrassing shriek as you wheel around, brandishing the bottle of cleaner as a weapon. You're met with Tovar's bemused expression, eyebrow cocked as he leans against the door jam of the bathroom with crossed arms. 
"Jesus, Tovar, you scared the crap out of me!" 
"Thought you heard me come in," he shrugs. "All I can smell is cleaner, have you been cleaning all day?" 
"Why?"  You open your mouth to respond then snap it closed, fidgeting, still on the floor. You couldn't just tell him it was because you had been thinking about him all day, you couldn't make things weird like that. You were roommates, just roommates. 
"Just felt like cleaning is all." 
"Amiga, you are a strange one." He holds out his hand to help you up, his face still disgruntled looking, and you take it. Your knees protest and you groan, stretching as you make it to your feet. 
"How was your first day?" You ask, moving past him, oblivious to the look on his face in response to the borderline lewd groan you let out. He swallows thickly, following you back to the kitchen. He grunts as he sits down, rolling his eyes. 
"I work with a bunch of idiots." You can't help but chuckle, unsurprised at his response. Tovar tended to find most people to be idiots. "But it's steady pay. Better than the odd jobs I was working." 
"That's good. I'm sure you'll be able to take care of any of the idiots at work in short order." You flash him a grin before ducking down to put the chemicals back under the sink. "I was thinking paella for dinner. I splurged on some saffron and seafood at the store when I went shopping the other day." You pop up from behind the counter just in time to see the surprise on his face before it falls back into the resting grumpy face he wears so well. 
"You know how to make paella?" His voice is incredulous, and you nod, grinning. 
"I learned on a trip to Spain several years ago, actually. I just don't normally cook it 'cause my paella pan is really big and well, seafood is expensive." He lets out a grunt, sitting back in his chair and nods. 
"If you mess it up, I'll judge you forever." 
"I would expect no less from you, Tovar." Pulling off your gloves and tossing them under the sink as well, you head back to your bedroom. "I'm gonna shower then get started on dinner." He grunts again, and you don't catch it as his eyes follow you all the way back to your bedroom. 
Fresh from the shower and dressed in a pair of sleep shorts and a tank top, hair still wet down your back, you make your way to the kitchen to start on dinner. Tovar is nowhere to be seen, so you assume he's hiding in his room. The man enjoyed his privacy. Paella had seemed so intimidating  to you at first, but after having someone walk you through the steps, you picked it up quickly, electing to stick to the more traditional rendition of the dish. After slapping the lid on the paella pan and setting a timer for it to simmer, you walk to Tovar's door, tapping on it. You were just going to tell him that dinner was about 20 away, so you were surprised when the door opened. The sight before you took your breath away. 
He was standing there, shirtless in some loose hanging sweatpants that hung low on his hips. His hair was damp, the occasional droplet dripping from it to roll down the expanse of his chest. Your eyes drifted down for a moment, taking in his muscular physique graced with scattered, faded scars. 
"It's rude to stare," he states simply, but the smirk is evident in his voice. You snap your eyes back to his, your face on fire. His eyebrow is arched and the smirk is firmly on his face. "What do you need amiga?" 
"D-Diner," you squeak out. "Dinnerintwenty!" The words run together before you turn and all but sprint down the hall to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you. You lean against your door, sliding down to hide your face against your knees as you attempt to calm your racing thoughts. The way Tovar looked had been positively SINFUL, and your mouth is dry at the thought of how those drops of water looked rolling down his skin. 
"Stop stop stop," you chant, smacking your cheeks again. "None of that, noooone of that." After a few more deep breaths, you're able to compose yourself enough to dart to the bathroom and rinse your face with some cold water before heading back to the kitchen to check on dinner. You notice Tovar has come out to take up residence on the couch, flipping through the channels. He's apparently elected to put a shirt back on, and you'd be lying if you weren't a little disappointed in that fact. He must have felt you staring, because he turns to look at you, eyebrow still arched, and you quickly avert your gaze to the dish in front of you, grabbing a fork to test the rice. Satisfied with the taste and texture, you grab out two plates, serving up a large portion for Tovar, and a significantly small portion for yourself. Two months, and he still ate like a starving man every meal. You had no idea where he managed to put it all. 
"Dinner's ready, Tovar." He grunts, coming back to the bar from his place on the couch to take his seat as you place down two glasses of white wine before hopping into your seat next to him. You watch him anxiously as he picks up his fork, heaping a large bite into his mouth. You worry your bottom lip between your teeth as he takes a few more bites before he grunts appreciatively. 
"It won't be winning any awards back home, but it isn't bad." The backhanded compliment was more than you had expected, and a wide smile crosses your face. Satisfied that he enjoys it well enough, you join him in eating quietly. Tovar never really talked while he ate, usually too busy stuffing his face to get a word out even if he wanted to, so dinners were typically silent. You couldn't help the feeling of pride when he helped himself to an equally large second serving. As he sat back down, his knee bumped yours and you squeaked, drawing his gaze. 
"What was that?" 
"N-nothing, just startled me a bit is all." You cram another bite into your mouth, hoping he would drop it. 
"You're jumpy today, amiga." He takes a few more bites before he continues. "Something happen?" 
Oh, you know, just came to a realization that I'm falling for my roommate who I still know so little about and I can't get the thought of you wet and shirtless out of my head, but yeah, I'm totally fine....
Is what you wanted to say. All you were able to say, however, was a simple "No." He nods, scraping up the last few bites on his plate before clearing both of your place settings. You down the rest of your wine in a gulp, hoping it would still your trembling nerves. Tovar loads the dishes into the dishwasher before turning to lean against the sink, arms crossed as he stares you down. "What?" You ask incredulously. He's silent as he stares at you with that grumpy, inquisitive gaze, sizing you up like some sort of quarry. "What is it? Something on my face?" you ask again, unable to bare the intense silence. Eventually, he just shakes his head, pushing off of the counter to walk past you. 
"I have work early tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep," he states, continuing down the hall. The sound of his door shutting is followed by you slumping in your chair, resting your head on the counter. You bang your head against the counter a few times before standing up to clean the kitchen. Once all of the dishes are put away and the counters wiped down, you head down the hall to your own room for the night. A sound coming from Tovar's room causes you to pause. It sounded almost pained, so you stop to listen, concerned he might have hurt himself at work and didn't tell you about it. After all, it wouldn't have been the first time he had done something like that. You can't help the little gasp that escapes your lips when you hear him moan out your name, the shock of it causing you to stumble back from the door, pressing up against the wall adjacent to his door. Wide eyes bore holes into his door as your name drifted through it once more, laced with the lewdest sounding moan you had ever heard. 
Deciding you had heard enough, and feeling rather embarrassed for such a blatant breach of privacy, you bolt for your door, shutting it quietly. Your heart is racing, thrumming loudly in your ears, and your cheeks burn so hot you feel like you could combust just standing there. There could be no mistake, your name had come from Tovar's lips mixed with the unmistakable sounds of pleasure. 
...How the HELL were you supposed to sleep tonight? 
The next week or so, you try your utmost to act normally around your roommate, still preparing meals, or covering him with a blanket if you come home late and find him on the couch. But every night plays out the same once you’re safely behind your bedroom door. Those lewd moans lacing your name in his gruff, husky voice. The thought of them caused the heat to pool in your belly every time, without fail. You'd find yourself seeking your own high, getting off to the thought of him over you, moaning your name in your ear. God how you want him. 
There were times where you thought you had built up the courage to tell him that you had heard him, but as soon as those dark eyes meet with yours, all thoughts vacate your mind and you end up a babbling wreck. This was going to kill you, you were sure of it. 
The desperation and desire does nothing but mount the longer this drags on, to the point where even at work you can't seem to manage to keep your thoughts off of the handsome Spaniard sharing your small apartment. Word from your manager saying you're able to head home almost an hour early is a welcome reprieve and your home is a welcome sight as you cross the threshold before immediately making your way to your room, kicking the door closed behind you. Or, mostly closed, anyways. That didn't matter, Tovar wasn't going to be home for several hours. You'd be cleaned up and calmed down by then for sure. 
Shedding your clothes, you sprawl on your bed, slowly dancing gentle caresses over your skin. The pads of your fingers ghost around your nipples before you squeeze both breasts. You let out a quiet sigh as your eyes slip closed. Your imagination runs wild as you picture Tovar above you, his warm breath brushing over your skin, raising goosebumps along it. You shiver at the thought of him whispering your name against the shell of your ear, yearning to feel his stubble scratching against your cheek as he drags kisses down your jaw. 
Your hand finally dips between your legs, spreading yourself and coating your fingers in your own arousal before drifting back up to twirl around your delicate bundle of nerves. Your hips arch up off of the bed under your ministrations, wishing it was Tovar's fingers drawing these moans from your lips rather than your own. His name slips out before you can stop yourself, completely lost in the fantasy of your roommate pinning you to the bed, the image of him in just those loose sweats urging you forward as the heat coils tighter in your stomach, your fingers moving ever faster as you pleasure yourself. "Fuck...Tovar...haaa..." You hiss between clenched teeth as you continue to work, drawing yourself ever closer. It's when you imagine him whispering terms of endearment to you in his native tongue that sounds so good on his lips that you lose yourself completely, tipping over that precipice of pleasure with a long keen of his name, back arched. 
You fall back against the bed, panting as the waves of your orgasm slowly abate, leaving you in a happy haze as you get up to go and clean yourself. You're a mess, aren't you? Unable to think of anything but your roommate pleasuring you, which is definitely not what he signed up for when he agreed to your offer of a place to stay. You ponder how much longer this living arrangement is going to last. He has a steady job now, a steady paycheck. That, coupled with what he already has saved...he would probably be off to find a place of his own soon, and that thought made you sadder than you would care to admit. You can always ask him to stay, but would that be too forward? There was no harm in asking, right? He'd understand, right? Tovar was a bit of a grump, but he was at least understanding with most things....usually. With a grumble that sounds a bit too much like your roommate's, you finish your shower, getting dressed before heading to the living room, nearly hitting the roof when you see Tovar sitting on the couch, playing on his phone. He glances up at you when he hears your gasp, that damn eyebrow quirked up again before his gaze fixes back on his phone. 
"I wasn't expecting you home for another couple of hours, Tovar." You try to make the comment sound offhand as you head into the kitchen to raid the fridge for dinner ideas. 
"Got off early." Oh God, his voice was gruffer than usual and the heat was already pooling in your core again. 
"Well that's good. You've been working late pretty much every night since you started." You settled on just grabbing two beers from the fridge, bringing one over to him after opening it. He just nods, taking a sip of his drink. 
"They let me off because apparently threatening to break William's arm for being an idiot isn't proper etiquette." Your mouth falls open and your eyebrows raise as you stare at him. He looks up at you and you see the glimmer of humor in his eyes, causing your shoulders to relax and a smile to cross your face. 
"Tovar, I never pegged you for a joking man." You chuckle as you make your way back into the kitchen, pulling out the takeout menus. "I don't feel like cooking tonight, come figure out where you wanna order from, what do you want?" You lean against the counter, flipping through menus with your back turned to him, doing your best to keep your mind from wandering to the man sitting on your couch. You jump a little when a hand finds your left hip, the other bracing against the counter as Tovar leans up against you. Instantly your face grows hot and your mouth goes dry at the feeling of him so utterly close to you. The hand on your hip feels electric and you struggle to keep your breathing under control. 
"What I want, hermossa?" His voice is low as he brings his head down level to yours. "Are you an option?" Your knees give then and there and if you hadn't been holding on to the counter, you would have hit the floor. Tovar's grip on your hip tightens and he presses up against you, pinning you to the counter as you tremble against him. "Well?" he nearly growls into your ear, and you squeak out an affirmative as his nose trails a line from your ear down your neck to your shoulder where he places a kiss at the junction before nipping it gently. A shudder runs through your body and you're sure at any moment your eyes would open as you wake from this delicious dream. There is no way this could be real. 
You could feel him pressing up against your backside through your clothes and you swallow thickly at just how big he feels. Your imagination had not prepared you for this. The fingers of his left hand dig into your hip as his lips attach to your neck, sucking and nibbling till a dark mark is left. The sound he makes after leaving his mark is proud and dammit your knees just won't stop shaking.  
"Pero," he whispers suddenly into your ear and your eyes open. You turn your head to look at him, confused. "The next time I hear you moaning my name, I want it to be my proper name." His eyes were so dark and lust blown, they caught you so off guard that you almost didn't put two and two together. 
"N...next time? What do you mean next-." You cut yourself off as you freeze in realization. "Oh my God...you...you heard what I was...earlier you heard..." Pero smirks wickedly and nods. 
"You should really close your door, hermossa, if you don't want to be heard." His hand that had been resting on the bar comes up to turn your head just a little more, gripping your chin to bring your lips to his in a firm kiss that you quickly find yourself melting into. For as gruff as he sounded, Pero's lips were so damn soft. You crane your neck to press deeper into the kiss, drinking him in as much as humanly possible as you press your backside against him. He growls into the kiss as you grind against him, his hand letting go of your chin to run his fingers down your body, slipping under the hem of your tank top. Goosebumps break out along your skin the feeling of his calloused fingertips running along the skin of your stomach. In a sudden moment of boldness, you grab his wrist and lower his hand, helping to slip his fingers under the waistband of your pants and he groans into your mouth. Taking advantage of the situation, you lick up into his mouth, desperation and a burning need tinting every single action. His tongue dances with yours as his fingers rub you through the thin fabric of your panties, drawing a whimper from your lips. 
He's the first to break the kiss, chuckling darkly against your lips. "You are a mess. Already so wet for me. Did your fantasy do me no justice to quell that ache between your legs?" All you can to do to respond is let out a high pitched whine at his lewd question, grinding down on his fingers, desperate for that delicious friction. 
"P-Pero...Please..." Your voice is a whimper as you open your eyes to look up at him, the desperation in them clear as day. He leans in, grabbing your bottom lip between his teeth for a moment, pulling back until your lip slips from between them with a gasp from you. 
"I like the sound of your voice when you beg, maravillosa." You didn't think his voice could get any lower than it was, and the sound of desire that laced his words would have hand you on the ground if he hadn't been holding on to you. His fingers slowly slip under your panties, rubbing your mound before parting your lips to coat his fingers in your slick. "So fucking wet for me." You whimper again, nodding as you cling to his arm, grinding down your hips. A jolt fires through you as he finally swirls the pad of his finger around your clit, and you let out a strangled cry, clenching your eyes closed. Pero chuckles in your ear, nibbling at the lobe before moving down your neck to suck another mark as his finger rubs the most tortuously slow circles against you. You were losing your mind and needed so much much. 
"I'll beg all you want, please, PLEASE Pero, give me more. I need more," you keen, bucking your hips against his hand. Thankfully, he obliges, slipping a finger inside of you with ease and you let out a content sigh, grinding down against his hand. He curls his finger against your walls, searching for the perfect spot that he knows will have you seeing stars. When you nearly scream, he grins against your skin, nipping at his latest mark before adding a second, then third finger, slowly thrusting them in and out of you, meeting the thrusts of your hips. The stretch of his fingers is delicious, the bump of his thumb against your clit with every thrust bringing you closer and closer as your nails dig into his arm. 
His lips trace along your ear still, and he whispers to you with that voice so low it draws a groan from your lips. "I want you to cum for me, hermossa. Cum and let me hear my name on your lips." He punctuates his demand with a nip at your ear and you lose it, coming undone around his hand. Your walls clench around his fingers as you throw your head back against his shoulder, your arousal absolutely coating his fingers as his name pours from your lips as reverent as a prayer. He coaxes you gently through your orgasm with slow thrusts before slipping his fingers from you. When he puts them in his own mouth, moaning deliciously at the taste of you on his fingers, you could swear you were about to cum again just from the erotic sight. Your hands moving on their own, you grab his wrist and pull his fingers from his mouth. Looking up at him with the most innocent eyes you can manage, you bring his fingers to your lips, taking them in your own mouth. You moan at the taste of him mixed with your own arousal, running your tongue along the digits. The light in his eyes turns absolutely feral and he spins you around, reconnecting his lips with your, one hand holding your hips to his, one hand at the base of your skull, crushing your lips to his with a passion that literally takes your breath away. Your arms wrap around his body, pulling him closer to you as you drag your nails down his back, relishing in the shiver that runs through his body as you do. 
When he breaks the kiss to trail kisses down your jaw, you let your head fall back to grant him better access, trembling in anticipation and he forces your legs apart with his knee, bringing it up to grind mercilessly against you. The whimpers he draws from you only spur him on further. 
"P-Pero I need you. Please," you beg shamelessly, all rationale replaced by the burning desire for the man who currently had you pinned to the counter. The growl against your neck goes straight to your core as Pero drops both hands to your ass, giving it a rough squeeze before hooking his hands under your thighs, hoisting them around his waist, holding you up against him. Your own arms wrap around him, tangling in the curls at the base of his neck as he turns, carrying you to his bedroom. The blood in your veins courses with such excitement that you couldn't help the giggle that bubbles out of your throat. 
Gracelessly, he tosses you on to the bed and you bounce, grinning up at him like some Cheshire cat as he strips out of his shirt. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as your eyes rake up and down his figure. Taught skin covered corded muscle, something you know he worked very hard to maintain given how often he used the gym at your complex. He joins you on the bed, crawling up to you with the most intense look in his eyes. His fingers tug at the hem of your tank, tugging it up. 
"This. Off with it," he growls and you nod, nearly ripping the offending article from your body as he watches approvingly. Reaching around you, he quickly undoes the clasp of your bra, tossing it to join the discarded clothes. A hunger for you shines in his eyes as he takes you in, the intensity of his stare bringing a sudden shyness to the forefront of your mind. You shrink in on yourself, bringing your arms up to cover your chest, but he is having none of it. He takes your wrists, pulling your arms away from your chest as he looks up at you. "Hermossa, do not hide your glory from me." The gentle command sends a rush of adrenaline through your body and you nod, arms relaxing in his grasp. He lays you back, rough hands running up your arms and over your chest where he massages your breasts, pinching the nipples just hard enough to cause your back to arch off the bed before they continue down over your stomach, finally coming to rest on your hips. The feeling was better than anything your imagination could have possibly dreamt up. "How many times I have dreamt of this..." 
He leans over you to press a fierce kiss to your lips that quickly migrates along your jawline, following the line of your neck down to your chest. His stubble rubs deliciously against your skin, raising bumps along its path. Your fingers tangle in his hair, hips bucking up against him as he takes your left breast in his mouth, alternating between sucking, nibbling, and lavishing it with kisses until it borders on sore before switching to rain the same attention over the other. A whimper of longing escapes your lips and he glances up from his ministrations with a predatory grin before he trails kisses lower, over your naval and down to the hem of your pants. Greedy fingers hook into the waistband of your shorts, yanking them off with a quick motion, your panties along with them. The cool air on your core sends a shiver rocketing through your body. 
"Such a beautiful sight," he mumbles, his hands grabbing your hips firmly as he makes himself comfortable between your legs. You do your best to still the trembling in your legs, but to no avail as he runs his nose up the inside of your thigh, his warm breath sending tingles across your skin. He repeats the gesture for the other side before letting go of one of your hips to drag a finger up your dripping slit, gathering your arousal on his finger. The gasp you let out is one of the most beautiful sounds he has ever heard, and he craves more. He wants to see just how many sounds he could draw from those pretty lips of yours, but his patience is wearing thin, his self control slipping. He presses the flat of his tongue against you, licking the whole of you before spreading your lips to suck your swollen clit into his mouth, running his tongue around it in quick circles. Your hands tangle in his hair, tugging on it and he groans at the feeling, his cock twitching in his sweatpants. Your hips buck against his mouth, and he lays his arm across your hips, holding you in place. 
As he continues his ministrations, begs and moans spill from your lips in an endless, nearly incoherent stream, and each time you say his name he drags his teeth lightly over your clit, sending an electric shock through your entire body. Your moans grow higher and higher in pitch until you are screaming his name, tugging harshly on his hair as you cum for him the second time, spilling over his tongue as he eagerly licks it up. He pushes himself up and off the bed, licking his lips as he watches you laying on his bed, chest heaving as you try to catch your breath from your orgasm, eyes hazy with pleasure. He quickly rids himself of his pants and smirks when he sees how your eyes widen at the sight of him. Opening his bedside table, he pulls out a condom, ripping it open with his teeth before rolling it on, hissing at the feeling before he crawls back over your body, connecting his lips to yours. The taste of yourself on his lips draws a moan from you as you pull him against you, wrapping your legs around his waist. With a bite to your bottom lip, you feel him pressing against you. You break the kiss and gaze up into his lust filled eyes with a gaze that surely rivaled his own in terms of need and want and he hesitates, watching you. You lean up, ghosting your lips across his ear and he shivers as you speak. 
"Fuck me, Pero." 
You need say no more as your words start a fire inside of him. He presses into you and your head falls back against the pillow, your jaw going slack at the stretch as he fills you. With shallow thrusts he works his way into you until he is fully seated inside of you, his own body trembling at the feeling of your heat totally encompassing him. He groans as his head falls against your neck when your walls flutter around him, the stubble and mustache tickling at your skin. 
"Te sientes como el cielo..." He mutters against your neck, your pulse racing under his lips. 
"Pero, fuck, please move. Please, I can't take this." You cry as he snaps his hips against you, lifting his face from your neck enough to watch your face contort in pleasure as he sets up a brutal pace, fucking into you hard enough to shake the bed. Your hands find his shoulders, nails digging into the skin there which causes his hips to stutter for a moment before he regains his pace. Mutters in Spanish pour from his lips in the most gorgeous song you have ever heard as he ruts into you. When his hand moves to where the two of you are joined to rub aggressive circles against your overly sensitive bundle of nerves, you scream his name in a way that has his stomach tightening. 
"Won't...last..." He grunts, but all you can do is nod and cry out. His face falls against your neck again, stubble scratching at your skin. His teeth find purchase against the soft flesh of your neck and that is all you need to come tumbling over the edge. Your walls bare down on his cock and he growls against your skin, pulling you through your orgasm before his hips slam against yours, the moan of your name on his lips as his own release washes over him. He stills inside you, panting against your neck as he tries to regain his breath. Your arms hold him to you for as long as you can, worried that when he pulls away this would all disappear and you would be standing in your kitchen as if nothing had happened. 
After a few moments, he slowly slips out of you, propping himself up on his elbows over you to look over your face. His face still carried that borderline grumpy look, but the edges were softened, gentle. His fingers lift to delicately trace along your jaw and your eyes flutter at the feeling, leaning into his touch. 
"Of all the times I have imagined this very thing, nothing compares to the actual feeling of you..." You open your eyes to look up at him, your heart swelling in your chest. You open your mouth to speak, but once again find yourself at a loss for words. He gives the smallest glimpse of a smile before getting up to clean himself off, coming back to join you in bed. He gathers you into his arms, pulling the blanket over the both of you. Once again you find your ear pressed against his chest, the heartbeat strong and steady.  Your mind begins to race at the thought of what had just happened, and Pero feels you stiffen in his arms. His fingers trace lines along your spine in an attempt to soothe you, grunting in question. 
"Please don't leave..." you whisper against his chest, so quiet he isn't sure he hears you. 
"What was that?" 
"Please...please don't leave. You have a job now and you're making money and can afford your own place and I know I said this was a temporary thing till you got back on your feet but," You look up at him with watery eyes. "But I don't want you to leave...I want you to stay here, with me." He looks down at you with an unreadable face, his fingers stilling on your back. 
"Maravillosa... I would not do such a thing to you." His gruff voice was still coated in the honey warmth of his own release, and it warmed you through. "I will go nowhere, I swear to you."  At his words, you let out a breath you hadn't realized you had been holding, relaxing into his arms to let your cheek rest against his chest. 
Pero Tovar is not a soft man. He is war hardened. A man of few words. His face always borders on a scowl when he is awake, but when he looks at you, his eyes soften just a touch, the crease in his brow smoothing ever so slightly. Pero Tovar is a grumpy Spaniard, but he is your grumpy Spaniard, and that is all that mattered. 
gruñón : Grumpy Hermossa: Beautiful Amiga: friend Maravillosa : Marvelous or gorgeous Te sientes como el cielo... : You feel like heaven
Tag list:  @yespolkadotkitty​, @lackofhonor​, @cryptkeepersoul​ Tag list is open! Requests are open!
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awritingtree · 4 years
Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: Y/N has been pushing herself past the limit with school work. When Fred notices her unusual behaviour, he decides to intervene. But what happens when Y/N snaps and says some things that could possibly destroy their relationship and friendship?
Words: ~2.5k
Warnings: angst, fluff?, mentions of anxiety attacks, lack of self-care
A/N: “What is this crap?” you ask. I don’t know myself 😂 this started off as one thing and ended up being something different. It really is not my best work. I don't know what I've written myself. I’m confused. Might delete it later, idk. But I hope you enjoy it xx
“Good morning love,” Fred Weasley greeted his girlfriend with a kiss to her cheek as she sat down at the Gryffindor table on a Friday morning at the Great Hall.
“Hi,” Y/N Y/L/N mumbled quietly without looking at him. She reached out to grab a piece of warm toast and spread some butter on it before taking a bite. She poured herself a glass of milk, gulping it down as she munched on her piece of toast as quick as she could.
Fred frowned at Y/N’s unusual behaviour. She’d usually greet him back with an enthusiastic ‘good morning’ hugging him tightly, proceeding to make a joke which would make his laughter echo through the Great Hall on a quiet morning. He shrugged off her behaviour, reckoning she must be stressed about the Transfiguration test that afternoon.
Y/N continued to gobble up her food at a speed that was not healthy.
“Slow down, Y/N. We don’t need you choking early in the morning,” joked Lee Jordan, eliciting a chuckle from the twins.
“Shove off, Jordan,” Y/N clipped back. She shoved down the remaining bits of the toast before getting up and stringing her bag over her shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Fred asked.
“I need to go talk to Professor Flitwick about the assignment he gave the other day. I’ll see you guys later,” she said, leaving in a hurry.
This made Fred concerned, wondering what was going on with his girlfriend. She left without giving him a kiss goodbye; that never happened. Before he could ponder more on the topic, George pulled his attention back to a prank they’d been discussing throughout the week.
And the topic was forgotten. For now.
Y/N sat close to the Black Lake in the company of Fred, George and Lee. Sitting cross-legged, she leaned her elbows on her knees, fingers tangled in her hair, pulling at it in frustration. Her eyes scanned the open books strewn around her, searching for something to write on the blank piece of parchment perched on her lap.
“You’re coming to Hogsmeade tomorrow, right Y/N?” asked the younger twin.
Y/N looked up, a confused look on her face. “Huh?”
“You’re coming to Hogsmeade tomorrow?” questioned George once again, dragging his words out slowly.
“Oh. Um no,” she said, her attention already back to the books in front of her.
Fred’s grin dropped into a frown, his eyebrows scrunching together. “What? You promised you’d come this time. You’ve missed out on every single Hogsmeade trip this year.”
“I have a lot of work to do,” Y/N replied, barely paying attention to the conversation she was a part of.
“You’ve been working since the beginning of the year. You need a break, love.”
“I can’t afford to take a break, Fred,” huffed Y/N, her eyes moving to look at the ginger beside her. The dark circles under her eyes looked more prominent in the evening light. The exhaustion and lack of sleep clear on her face.
“You’re being unreasonable. You can take one day off.”
“No I can’t,” snapped Y/N aggravated, “Just because you don’t care about graduating and your future, doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t either.”
Fred’s face contorted in anger, her words hitting straight home. He got up and stormed away without another word.
George and Lee looked at Y/N disappointed before leaving too, chasing after Fred. Y/N sighed before looking down at the blank parchment on her. She pulled at her hair as she let out a small scream of frustration. Tears that had started to gather in eyes began to flow down her cheeks. She tore the parchment into pieces, throwing it away. Y/N had begun to tremble as she pushed the books around her, attempting to throw them away from her. When there were no more books in close proximity, she curled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, resting her forehead against her knees as she continued to cry.
Y/N’s fingers and toes beginning to freeze but her armpits and palms were sweating, feeling as if the temperature had been turned up a few notches. The world around her blurred out; no longer comprehending her surroundings. The only sound she could hear were her sobs as she gasped for breath. She could feel her heart thumping in her ears, the sound so loud that it almost drowned out the sound of her sobbing gasps. Her chest ached from the lack of oxygen. She could taste the salty tears streaming down her face onto her lips, feel the cold tears travelling to her jaw and down her neck. Any attempt to wipe her face clean was carried out in vain; the tears she wiped were replaced with double the amount.
“Y/N?” she heard a voice call out in the distance.
“Merlin! Y/N breathe with me okay?” the voice sounded nearer, however as if underwater, “Look at me. Y/N, look at me.”
A warm, soft hand rested on Y/N’s cheek guided her face to turn and face the voice’s owner. Y/N’s eyes focused onto the brown eyes of Ginny Weasley.
“You’re okay, Y/N. I’m here. Breathe. You can do that for me right?” she questioned softly, her voice still sounding underwater.
Y/N managed to get a small nod through her panic.
“Breathe in… 1 2 3... Breathe out… 1 2 3... Breathe in… 1 2 3... Breathe out… 1 2 3...” instructed Ginny, “Yes, just like that. Breathe… 1 2 3...” Y/N concentrated on listening to Ginny’s counts, attempting to breathe along with them. Soon enough, Ginny’s voice started to sound clear; Y/N feeling that her head was finally surfacing from the water she was drowning under. After a while, her breathing had started to regulate. A few gulps of air later, Y/N turned her attention to Ginny.
“Thank you,” Y/N muttered, quietly. She glanced away from the ginger-haired girl, not being able to hold eye contact due to the situation she had been caught in.
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m just glad I walked by at this time,” said Ginny with a soft smile. Y/N returned a small smile of her own.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Are you sure? Can I do anything?” Ginny asked, concerned for her brother’s girlfriend; someone whom she saw as her own sister.
“Yes. I’m fine now. I- I think I just need to go and rest for a while. Thank you, Ginny. I’ll see you later,” she said, gathering up her books hastily and leaving.
Things had not gotten better the past few days. If anything, they had become much worse.
Fred and Y/N had not talked, only sparing glances at each other when the other wasn't looking. Though she had not mentioned what she had witnessed that day to anyone, Ginny was worried about Y/N; even more when she noticed her and Fred were currently not on speaking terms. George was concerned for both his twin and best friend; Fred was in a constant bad mood and Y/N looked worse for wear. The bags under her eyes looked darker, her skin beginning to turn sallow, her hair unkempt. George hardly saw her eating when she turned up to the Great Hall during any meal, sneaking a few bites in before leaving in a hurry. To say he was worried about her would be quite the understatement.
Y/N felt awful. She could barely get out of bed in the mornings. She was constantly tired, barely paying attention in classes. She couldn’t concentrate on anything, constantly wanting to do nothing but go back to bed. She continued to cry herself to sleep every night, like she had been for the past few weeks; the reason as to why she did not know. Her body ached all over, her head being the worst. She felt lethargic, not having any energy to even pick up a glass of water. She was falling behind on her work, her grades were slipping - they had been for quite a while.
Y/N knew she needed a break. But instead she continued to push herself, the thought of taking a break and falling even more behind or the idea that her grades would worsen not allowing her to have a moment of peace.
The fact that she was fighting with Fred, not having talked to him for a few days, was not helping. She knows she was in the wrong, she should apologize and tell him what’s going on. But for some reason, she didn’t want to admit that she was struggling. Not because she was egoistic, but because she felt she constantly had something to prove. Education was the only thing she excelled in, if she lost that she felt she would be nothing. She was embarrassed to ask for help; she did not want to appear to be a burden to him, to anyone.
“That’s enough!” said George one morning to his older brother. “You both can’t keep going on like this. You need to talk to each other, you’re both miserable.”
Fred sighed, looking away from his breakfast. “I know.”
“Well then, what are you waiting for!? She’s right there,” George said gesturing towards Y/N, sitting at the end of the table with Angelina and Alicia.
He knew he had to talk to her. Fred had noticed something was wrong for weeks now. He knew she was stressed out due to school, crumbling under the pressure and expectations she placed upon herself. But he didn’t want to force himself on her, so he’d decided to wait for her to approach him first. What she’d said had hurt him, no doubt about it, but he knew that she didn’t mean it. It was the outcome of a moment of anger. He had seen her the past few days around the castle too, struggling to carry on with her day. But he was afraid to walk up to her; afraid that she would lash out at him again. Afraid that the angry words that would follow, from both their sides, would worsen the situation.
Taking a deep breath, he walked down the table towards where she sat. Angelina sent him a small smile noticing him walk up to their small group. Fred paused for a moment, gathering up the courage to speak.
Y/N jumped at the unexpected sound of someone clearing their throat loudly behind her. She turned to see her boyfriend standing there, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked the same, a bit more troubled than she’d ever seen. He’d developed dark circles under his eyes; an indication he hadn’t been sleeping well, not that she had been either. Other than that, he still looked the same - the same boy that she’d fallen in love with.
“Can we- can we talk?” he asked nervously.
Y/N stared at him for a second before nodding. They both walked out of the Hall and through the corridor before entering an unused classroom. Fred shut the door behind him. The both of them did not speak a word, fidgeting as they gazed around the room, gazing everywhere except each other. Fred decided to take the initiative and start the conversation that was long due. But it seemed Y/N had made the same decision.
“I’m sorry,” they both said at the same time. They both chuckled, the tension in the air disappearing.
Fred moved closer to Y/N, using the few seconds to come up with what to say.
“I’m sorry. I- I shouldn’t have said what I did. It was completely out of line and I didn’t mean it. I could never mean something like that. You- you know I didn’t mean it right? I was just frustrated, and I know that still doesn’t excuse what I said but I’m sorry. I am so so so sorry,” said Y/N, tears brimming her eyes. She took a shaky breath trying to calm herself down.
Fred closed the distance between them, cupping her face in his hands.
“Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean what you said. I understand, love. It’s okay. Don’t cry, please,” he said softly, his thumbs drawing circles on the soft skin of her cheeks.
“I really am so-” Fred leaned down, cutting her off with a kiss. Y/N’s hand moved to hold Fred’s forearms before slowly moving up his arms to rest on his shoulders. Fred broke the kiss after a while, resting his forehead against hers as his hands moved down to her hips.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn’t have pushed you. I know you’ve been stressed over school; I should’ve been more supportive.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, you-” Fred cut her off with another kiss.
“How about we both stop apologizing and just agree it was no one’s fault, purely circumstantial?” he said.
Y/N hesitated before sighing and nodding knowing she would not win. “Brilliant,” said Fred, pulling her close to wrap her up in a hug. They stood there for a while, basking in the feeling of being in each other’s arms - their favourite place to be in the world - after days.
“You know you can come to me for anything, right? No matter how small or stupid you think it is, you have nothing to be embarrassed about with me. And no, you will not be burdening me. I’d be more than happy to help you,” Fred said, pulling away from the hug but still keeping Y/N at a close distance in his arms.
Fred smiled endearingly at the look of surprise that crossed Y/N’s face as she looked up at him. She really thought she’d done a better job at hiding how she felt but it seemed like Fred had seen through everything, just like he always did.
“Did you really think I wouldn’t find out? I care about you, Y/N,” Fred said, his hand tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear gently. His hand remained there, cradling her face, “I notice every miniscule thing about you, whether you want me to or not.”
Y/N averted her eyes, ashamed of herself. How could she ever think Fred would ever judge her badly? The boy whose eyes shined with love and adoration whenever his gaze fell upon her. The boy whose face lit up with the thought or mention of her. The boy who would be ready to give up anything and everything for her, including his dream of owning a joke shop.
“Just promise me you’ll take one day off,” Fred implored. “We can do whatever you want, wherever you want. You need to take one day to relax, love. You can’t keep overworking yourself like this.”
Y/N looked up and nodded with a smile. Fred smiled back, delighted with her compliance, leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead.
“I love you,” he mumbled against her skin.
“I love you.”
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abreathofthewild · 4 years
I Need A Hero, Chapter 1/?
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Summary: After Y/N finds out that her late grandfather has willed his rural Montana ranch to her, she decides it’s time for a little change of scenery. At least until it’s in a condition to sell. Along the way, Y/N finds a renewed appreciation for hard work, new friends, and possibly even love. She has the land. Can Thor help make it a home?
Word Count: 11559 (I have no idea either, trust me)
Warnings: non-main character death, mentions of alcohol, some thematic elements, eventual smut.
A/N: I have so many people I could tag on this post, so many. For now, I'll just say thank you to @spacelabrathor​ for allowing me to use this idea and to @itssimplydior​ for going above and beyond in helping me grammar check and just being a great hype person. Thank you thank you thank you! And thank you to everyone who has waited so long for this. I have an amazing circle of friends on here. I hope this first chapter was worth the wait!
Edit: The banner is by the amazing @frankiemorales who designed this moodboard because she loves the story so much ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Links: Thor Odinson Masterlist and AO3 Version
Skyscrapers cut through the blue sky like ancient monoliths; they weren’t ancient at all but the way the sun glinted off the glass and steel of their structures made them look like modern interpretations of old gods. Car horns and shouts and ongoing conversations hummed through the air, the constant buzz of life an undercurrent that was all at once hard to ignore and easy to be lost in. There in the middle of it, beneath the heartbeat of the city, you sat in an office chair trying to clear your head around a different type of ringing in your ears.
Your grandfather had passed away. Your estranged grandfather. And yet here you were, listening to his attorney tell you that he had willed you his ranch. The ranch you had spent almost six summers at as a child. The ranch where you had learned to ride a horse. The ranch where you had learned how to skip rocks and climb trees. The ranch where you had decided that one day you’d have a big ranch of your own, “just like Grandpa”.
“Miss? Miss, are you still there?” A breath rattled from your lungs as you tried to form a coherent sentence. “I’m sorry, I can imagine this is difficult but were you able to hear me on the line? Hank has passed away and he’s left you his ranch. We’ll need you to come sign some paperwork. There are some stipulations that I’d rather discuss in person. Then you’re free to get the details settled to sell it if that’s what you want.” Another pause.
“Um, yes, I’m sorry. I heard you. Can you email the initial documents?” The barely-managed response felt odd on your tongue, stiff.
“Ah, yes, I’m sure we can manage that. I’ll have to apologize, things move a little slower around here so sometimes it slips my mind that electronic signatures are an option now. Like I said though, the final details will need to be worked out here, in Dove’s Reach.” After that, you tuned out; the man’s voice on the line seemed to drone on. Your brain honed in on “it’s not really in a state to sell” and “I’ll put you in touch with a licensed appraiser just to make sure”. Then the call ended and you realized somewhere in there you must have hung up the phone but you honestly couldn’t remember.
A ranch. A whole ranch. 500 acres of rolling hills in Montana. Your breath caught and you quickly brushed away the tears that had welled in your eyes, pursing your lips and glancing at the paperwork spread in front of you. There was so much work to do here with the Harrison case. Your eyes roved from the physical documents to the spreadsheets on your computer screen and back again. It would be foolish to take time off now when you were so close to finishing it up. You could see your father’s frown as if he was standing in front of you.
And yet… Your grandfather hadn’t been a part of your life for so long. In the beginning, when your parents had told you abruptly that Grandpa had done something bad, been mean to them, you took it hard. Seven years old is a horrible time to lose a grandfather who taught you how to milk a cow and showed you the wonder in the small things. But as you got older and your parents became more embroiled in work, more distant, you put it to the back of your mind. You were still young enough that you had no choice but to take their word for it. The thoughts tripped around your head like a broken record; you felt a little queasy. You wiped brusquely once more at a stray tear and, taking a deep breath, turned to your monitor. You minimized one tab and opened another, preparing to write an email. It was a little more difficult than you had anticipated though and ten minutes later when your assistant walked in reminding you of your 2 o’ clock, you startled from a blank daydream and an even blanker screen. Your surroundings rushed back in around you on a pinpoint vortex and all at once, you knew you had to go. Regardless of parts of the will needing to be handled in person, something split in your heart. Right now, your place was at the ranch.
“Reschedule that appointment please. Let Clark know we’ll be switching it over to a Zoom call. Actually, cancel the rest of my appointments for the next two weeks. I’ll let you know if I need you to move anything around after that.” She widened her eyes but nodded all the same, turning and exiting your corner office with purpose. You began typing out the email to your father letting him know that you’d be taking advantage of all those vacation hours you had stored away for a rainy day. You would take the Harrison case with you and could easily finish it remotely. It would be on his desk by the deadline. Your rainy day was today but despite the circumstance, you were beginning to catch the feeling that there wasn’t a cloud in sight. The ranch house flashed across your mind’s eye and you blew out a breath from your lungs you hadn’t even realized you were holding.
You clicked send and stood, throwing on your coat and gathering the necessary paperwork from your desk. You let your assistant know you were leaving and walked out the door, not bothering to pay attention to a few pairs of wandering eyes who watched as you entered the elevator and headed down to the ground floor. With each minute of descent through the high-rise building, you felt your heart beat faster. It felt like there was a balloon in your chest waiting to burst. Your heels clicked on the marble floor and as you pushed through the doors into the spring air of New York City, you felt just a little more alive than you had moments before.
The redeye flight and extra two-hour drive put you in Dove’s Reach before the sun had completely risen. Last week if someone had told you that you would be standing here right now looking at your grandfather’s ranch house with the notion that you could fix it up, you would have laughed in their face. But as the sun rose in the east, it felt as if anything was possible. To the north was a range of mountains that could have looked menacing, but from your vantage only served to leave you in awe. The immediate land was just miles and miles of green fields that met with forest. The trees were behemoths; the sun bathed everything in a rich golden light adding unbelievable depth to the scene before you. The air smelled clean and fresh and alive.
You resisted the urge to pinch yourself because if this was a dream you never wanted to wake up. There was your grandfather’s house right in the middle of all of it. It still held the country charm that you remembered but there was so much that was… off. From what you could see with the naked eye, the wooden fence was sagging and falling over in a lot of places. The barn was missing slats of wood and one door hung precariously on its hinges. The house was a relic, the paint dry and peeling. You knew your grandfather as a strong, stout man who even in his older age was capable of running a whole ranch. The state of things now left a hollow feeling in your stomach and left so many questions unanswered.
A suitcase, carry-on, and laptop bag was all you had with you as you took the key from under the mat and opened the front door. It groaned loudly as if it hadn’t been opened in a long while but it made you smile to know that your grandfather had left the key in the same place after all these years. You walked to your left into the kitchen and set your keys on the counter. The familiarity of it all suddenly made you pause with a sudden sense of Deja Vu. The magnets on the fridge, the little table with four wooden chairs, and an old fashioned clock hanging on the wall that had faded from a once dark blue. The checkered yellow and white curtains were rolled up above the farm-style sink and an old mason jar with some dried flowers sat in the sill.
You found yourself choking up as you realized your grandfather’s coffee mug, the big one with some western painting of a bucking bronco, sat ready next to the coffee pot. You walked over to it and cradled it in your hands as the feeling washed through your bones that it was your mug now. There was so much you remembered about him and yet so much you never got to know, never would know. It nagged at you as the realization began to set in that there was so much to get done to sell this place. And after it was gone, there would be nothing of your grandfather left. A shaky sigh escaped from your lips.
Sleep. Right now you just needed to sleep. You made your way upstairs, the wood groaning in protest as you went, and headed to the right where one of the two guest rooms were located. Again, it was like a museum, in a state of preservation. With a wrenching in your stomach, you wondered if he’d ever had visitors after you. The bed sat against the opposite wall under the window and the sunlight filtering in passed the tree outside left dappled patterns on the patchwork quilt. You brushed your fingertips across it and marveled at how soft it still felt.
The room smelled faintly of dust so you cracked the window. You were rewarded by the cool breeze laced with the scent of pine wafting gently into the room. It was the beginning of spring but mornings were still chilled with the end of winter. You were pretty sure that in the shade of various trees on your way in there were small drifts of unmelted snow and the dried grass in the fields outside had sparkled with frost. You flopped down on the bed, covering yourself with the knitted throw that was tossed across the bottom.
As your eyes fluttered shut, you had a distinct feeling that you had always lived here. The thought crossed your mind as you edged into sleep that maybe you should stay.
It was well past noon when you startled awake. This time, it felt like there was a weight on your chest. You cracked your eyes and let out a small ah when you were greeted by a plump silver and white cat with green eyes sitting on your stomach. It chirruped when it realized you were awake. The cat hadn’t been in the house when you arrived (that you had seen). Maybe it climbed the tree and hopped in the window. Either way, it had been a long time since you’d last had a pet (your long hours didn’t allow for it back in New York) and your heart did a light skip as you scratched behind its ears. Its purr sounded like a motorboat.
The breeze coming through the window was a little warmer now and after a while of trying to stay lost to the world outside, you knew if you didn’t get up right then, you wouldn’t feel motivated to do so for the rest of the day. And there was a lot to do. With an exaggerated grunt, you deposited the cat on the other side of the bed. It sat there licking a paw and periodically giving you an irked look. You let out a small snort and grabbed a pad of paper and a pen from the desk and began writing down your goals for the day.
The main one was a basic grocery list (you were pretty sure there was nothing in the fridge or cupboards), and now getting some cat food. If you remembered correctly, the actual town was about another half hour from the ranch in the opposite direction you’d come. You stood and winced as pins and needles prickled up and down your legs from sitting cross-legged on the bed. You glanced at your computer bag tucked in next to the desk on the floor. The Harrison case would have to wait.
Main Street hadn’t really changed much from what you could remember of your time here. A lot of red brick and dark wood. It was quaint and about as small-town as you could get. Something lurched in your chest when you pulled to a stop in the grocery parking lot. Everything was so foreign to how you lived in the big city but at the same time… it sang of a home you had not experienced before. Part of you thought it was a shame that you had to go back in two weeks. You brushed the thought aside as quickly as you allowed yourself to feel it. There was no use indulging that line of thinking and besides, it was the first day. You were sure you would feel differently at the end of that time after you’d put in the work that would be required.
The grocery store was bigger than you remembered; you were pretty sure it had been expanded. Maybe the town wasn’t as little as it used to be. A cartful of basics and what felt like 500 mental notes later, you brought your groceries to the front. You daydreamed for a moment as the steady beep of the register sounded in the background.
“You’re not from around these parts, are you darlin’?” You came back to yourself, shaking your head. The woman ringing you up was older, with short-cropped white hair and glasses perched on the end of her nose. Her name tag read “Rose''. “I thought so. We don’t get many people around here that buy tofu. Is it any good?” She wrinkled her nose in such a way that made you giggle. You shrugged your shoulders.
“There’re a few different ways I make it that taste pretty good. I’m not vegetarian or anything, I just like all sorts of foods.” She brightened at that; you guessed there were also not very many vegetarians in Dove’s Reach either. “I’m actually here to handle my grandpa’s estate. He just passed away…” You trailed off, surprised by the lump that was suddenly in your throat. Her eyes widened just a bit before she reached out to pat your hand.
“Do you mean Hank? Was Hank your granddaddy? Yes, he must be, I can see you have the same eyes now. Well, I’m so very sorry, hon. He was a good man. It seems like only yesterday he was here picking up groceries.” There was a tear in her eye now and it made you wonder how close the two were. “It had actually been quite some time since he was able to make it in here on his own. Months at least.” Months? So he had been sick for a while. Why hadn’t he told you? Rose saw the look flash across your face. “Oh,” she breathed out quietly, “you didn’t know, did you?” She clucked her tongue as you paid. “That Hank, always thinkin’ he didn’t need help. We were all surprised when he finally had Jonesy coming ‘round to do things in town for him. Jonesy was his attorney, you’ll probably be speaking to him soon, I’d reckon. Well, if you need anything, you just let me know, okay?”
You grabbed your bags and put them back in your cart. There would be time to ask Rose questions about your Grandpa later, you hoped. But right now, you needed to focus on getting help with the ranch.
“Well actually, Rose, I’m looking for some help to fix the ranch up. Do you know anyone off the top of your head?”
Rose had told you to go across the street to On The Wings of A Dove, the local hang out after a day’s work had been finished for a lot of folks. It was surprisingly modern with an old feel. Deep red brick, exposed black pipe, and low lighting. The smell as you walked in the doors made your mouth water. Luckily the owner, Gus, was in and was more than happy to help a young lady such as yourself.
“Thor! This lady here needs some help fixin’ up her ranch to sell. You lookin’ for work?” You glanced in the direction the portly man was facing, down the bench, and around a couple of other patrons. A man leaned out and smiled in your way; the flash of white teeth made your heartbeat stutter.
“As a matter of fact, Gus, I just finished up at the Finch’s farm helpin’ them with that young colt.” He stood and walked over to you. If he looked big from a distance, there was no denying it now as he moved into your space. You looked up at his face and the golden hair framing blue eyes was enough to make your brain go foggy. He held out a hand, the chorded muscle across his chest and in his broad shoulders evident even with such a small movement. You took it and something bloomed in your chest when his hand enveloped yours. His skin was rough with calluses. It was warm and a vision flashed across your mind unbidden: those hands grasping at your face, roving down your arms, across your chest, gripping your hips, and moving lower… You shook your head and tried to listen to the words coming out of his mouth.
“The name’s Thor. Thor Odinson. How may I be of service, pretty lady?” Normally, someone being so forward would irk you. But somehow hearing Thor say the words “pretty lady” in a slow drawl didn’t bother you in the least. You offered him a smile back, quirking your head to the side. Taking inventory. He couldn’t be much older than you if he was older at all.
“Thor Odinson? That’s an interesting name.” He nodded, ducking his head and running a hand through his hair. It looked ridiculously soft to the touch and you had to stop yourself from snorting in good-natured annoyance.
“Yes, ma’am. My family comes from the Old Country. They wanted a strong name for a strong man. Gus said you’re lookin’ for help though?” He crossed his arms and leaned in, the white t-shirt he was wearing stretching across his chest. You forced your eyes to move back to his face where you were met with a little crook of his lips. You were pretty sure he saw that but there was no embarrassment in the knowledge. “I can help you do just about anything. Pick your poison.”
It was a lot. And you were certain there was more than you even realized with your knowledge of how to run a ranch being zero. You listed off how the house needed a good cleaning but you could take care of that. It probably needed a new coat of paint inside and out. Several of the shudders on both stories needed repairing. The barn looked pretty run down but you hadn’t gotten up close to it yet. One of the doors had definitely been hanging crookedly on its hinges. Then there was the fence… You could probably use more than two people for that. You had no idea of what state the ranch hand cabin was in. You looked up at him and gave him a shrug. His eyebrows were up near his hairline as he leaned back and whistled.
“Boy, we’ve really got our work cut out for us, don’t we? Well, I think we’d better start with those things you mentioned first. Trust me, if there’re other problems we’ll find ‘em real quick. Might cost ya a pretty penny. Are we tryin’ to stay within a certain budget?” He looked you right in the eye and Lord help you, it had been a long time since someone looked you in the eye with any sort of sincerity. You were used to working with less-than-savory types in your corporate world. You cleared your throat and shrugged again.
“Not really. If we fix it up good enough, there won’t be a loss. It’s a pretty place. Just needs some TLC. And the land is worth its 500 acres in gold.” The silence was palpable but not in an uncomfortable way. Thor leaned in and you caught a slip of his scent. Sweat and leather and woodsmoke. You took a deep breath, pulling the smell with it. You realized he was listening. He wasn’t just hearing your words, he was taking them in and mulling them around in his brain. “But wait. Does that mean you’ll do it? We haven’t even talked about wages or anything like that.” He waved a hand in dismissal, rolling his eyes.
“We can talk about that later. What matters is you need help and we like to help people ‘round here. Maybe that’s not somethin’ you’re used to where you’re from? It’s all right though. I’ll introduce ya to small-town hospitality. When are you wanting to get started?” You threw him a sheepish grin before glancing down at the floor as if the pattern there was the most interesting thing in the world. If your parents could see you now, you knew they’d be appalled. Thinking of doing the work yourself, of hiring someone you literally just met and someone who was only suggested to you by a cashier at a grocery store. It was a little ridiculous you admitted but you brushed the thoughts away.
“Tomorrow? You can stay in one of the guest rooms in the house. There’s a ranch hand cabin but I have no idea what it looks like. As far as I can tell, it hasn’t been a working ranch in a while so there’s really no telling what state it will be in…” Again, he held his hand up slowly, politely putting a stop to the words pouring from your mouth.
“The cabin is just fine. I don’t need much anyway. Depending on how long I’m there, the only thing I ask is to bring my dog, Tucker, with me. He’s as good a help as any man I’ve met and twice as friendly.” You nodded enthusiastically. “Well, all right then. Sounds like everything is as settled as it gets for now. Can I get the address from ya? I’ll head over around 5 PM, get settled in if that suits your plans for the rest of the day.
“Perfect.” You smiled as he shook your hand again.
It occured to you that this is the first contract you’d ever made without a signature on paper and yet somehow, it felt like the most foolproof one as well.
It didn’t take long for Thor to settle in. He had insisted on taking the ranch hand cabin despite your protesting. When the two of you looked it over, it wasn’t as bad as you would have guessed it to be, even though there was a thin layer of dust on every surface. You searched through some of the cupboards and luckily came up with a spare sheet set. You took the old one to wash, holding your breath against all the dust motes that flew into the air as soon as you took the sheets off.
“Tucker didn’t want to come?” You asked with a teasing tone,one that Thor responded to with a laugh. He took his baseball cap off and roughed his fingers through his hair. He shook his head.
“No, ma’am. We’ll see how things go here but guessing by the fence line I saw on my way in, he’ll definitely be coming to stay here with me. Don’t worry, either way you’ll get to meet him. He’ll be tickled pink.” Again, a duck of his head that made you wonder how someone could have such good manners. You looked down, shuffling your feet. That seemed to be a regular thing for you now as well. Not being able to look someone in the eye? Not a good look on a big time lawyer. But you had an excuse, right? You glanced up through your eyelashes as he turned away and looked around.
He stood tall, straight-backed. You absently wondered if it was from riding horses. He probably looked great on a horse. He was no longer in just the white shirt from earlier but his Carhartt jacket didn’t swallow him, it just somehow emphasized how big he was. Every movement brought that into sharp focus. The floor creaked beneath his boots as he flipped switches on and off, watching with concentration as each lightbulb somehow still worked. They took a few moments to crackle on but crackle on they did. And with each one his smile somehow got bigger. After a little while of inspecting the little space he turned to you again.
“This will do just fine. No worries need be wasted on my behalf. Tomorrow I’m thinking we should head down to Redwood Hardware and see if we can get an order in for some fence posts. They might have some in stock already but the amount we’ll need is probably not gonna be in store. You might also wanna consider hiring other help besides me. I stand by my work ethic but we’ll get the job done a lot faster with more people.” You blew a breath out of your mouth and pursed your lips. He was closer in an instant, placing his hand on your shoulder. He lowered his head to make sure you would meet his gaze. It threatened to take your breath away. “I know it might not seem like it right now, but we’ll have this place up and running, sale-worthy in no time. A place your granddaddy would be proud of.”
You did meet his eyes then, glancing back and forth between them. You nodded. If anyone was going to tell you how a thing was going to go and you would believe them… It was going to be Thor.
The day came when it was time to actually set up the new fence posts instead of just staring at them with a certain bit of dread each day when you went outside. The sky was a blue that seemed to go on forever and the air itself smelled alive but still, you stood, hands on your hips, ticking off all the other things you could be doing. There were loads of things. But Thor stood next to you, a smirk on his face and you knew there was no way you could put off starting this any longer. He placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed.
“It’ll be alright darlin’! It’s a lot of work, hard work, but you’ll get the hang of it. I’ll be right there every step of the way to help ya out.” Again, the uncanny wave of reassurance swept over you at his words and so it was you found yourself climbing into the passenger side of his old Ford and marveling at what pristine condition it was in. The last couple of days you’d been driving your rental car; there was an old Jeep in the barn but it needed more repairs than you could focus on at the moment. You’d seen his truck the day he drove up to the house and the days after but you hadn’t seen the interior and you were impressed.
You didn’t know many hyper-specific details about any vehicle but you guessed this one was old and yet… the seats were a rich brown leather, worn in certain places from use but not split. It even had a sheen to it still, as if he wiped it down on a regular basis. There was one little piece of plastic up near the passenger air vent that was slightly cracked but the rest of it still shone as close to new as it would ever get again. A reddish brown darker than the seats but just as fine. Nothing had been replaced or updated it seemed, just kept in the same condition it always had been. But looking around, you knew it had been used. It had worked many long years. You quirked your mouth and glanced at him as he shifted the truck into gear and drove through the gate, driving along the rutted pathway that ran along the length of fencing. The field stretched out for miles and miles beyond you in gentle sloping green hills. There were some wildflowers starting to sprout up but from what you understood, it was nowhere close to peak season yet. The fence closer to the buildings was in better condition; the farther away from there you got, the more obvious it became that the ranch had been non-operational for some time. As it was apt to do regularly now, your mind wandered. You were lost in two vast landscapes, one physical, the other in your memories. It took Thor slowing and then parking at the point where the fence literally ceased to exist to bring you out of yourself.
The two of you hopped out and started grabbing supplies. After figuring out how much you wanted to get done for the day, the two of you started in on the fence posts. Or more like Thor jumped right in and you took a split second to watch him as he began working. Almost immediately he shrugged off his flannel; he was in a simple white tank top and those ridiculously well-fitted Wrangler jeans and boots. Even the gloves on his hands looked slightly tight as if his hands were too big even for the large size. His motions were smooth and concise; he turned away from you, leaving his back on full display. You leaned on your post hole digger for a minute, taking in the way all the parts of his body worked together. From the muscles in his arms, the ones chord across his shoulders and back, all the way down to how his hips swayed with the movement.
An eagle cried out overhead and you moved in about ten feet away from him. You wanted to think that you knew how to do this right away just from watching him. The soil was no problem. It was soft and dark and easy to dig. The smell curled through the air and reminded you of being a kid, when the most you had to worry about was if the dirt was the right consistency for a mud pie. But after a few tries, you realized you must be doing something wrong because your hands kept slipping and Thor had already moved past you to dig and place two more wooden posts. Still, you don’t say anything just yet. You were determined to do this.
As the day waned on, slow as molasses, you could feel him watching you. He didn’t move in to stop you, didn’t tell you you were doing it wrong. He let you struggle. There was a war inside of you at that moment, part of you wanting him to jump in and show you how and the other part being refreshed by him letting you figure it out. That inner monologue went on for a while before he nudged you and handed you a bottle of water. You stopped, relieved. The sun was somehow high overhead now. For every one post you were finishing with difficulty, Thor was getting two done. Frustration flared over your whole body. He cleared his throat and raked his hand through his hair.
“I noticed it looked like you were havin’ a bit of a hard time diggin’ the post holes. Would ya like if I gave ya some pointers?” You watched him, the earnestness in his blue eyes, and nodded. A smile lit up his face and you wondered how many people got to see it. It was bright and put the endless Montana sky to shame. “Perfect. Let’s eat lunch now and then I’ll show ya a thing or two.” You munched on the turkey sandwiches you had thrown together, sitting on the ground in front of the truck where there was still some shade. The ground was cool beneath you, the air around you smelt like something that should be written about in a book; the earthy smell of grass , the distant hints of pine, the promise of wildflowers. Thor was sprawled out next to you but not in an overbearing sort of way. He just took up a lot of space. You tried not to concentrate on the fact that your knees were touching.
“So your granddaddy left you all this? I’d be pressed to sell it. It’s too bad ya can’t keep it.” You stiffened before catching yourself quickly, though you were pretty sure he had noticed He took his last bite before standing up. “You’ve got a life back home though. It’d be hard to leave that behind.” He held out his hand and you accepted it, wanting to push that cagey feeling behind you. He looked off in the distance, hands on hips, then back to you. “Well, ya ready for those tips?”
“Yes, sir.” You brushed dirt off your backside and put your gloves back on. “It is too bad,” you mumbled. Mumbled because you were too afraid that saying it out loud would change something for you. “That I can’t keep it, I mean.” He turned to you, not the least bit of surprise on his handsome face. But there was understanding there. He got it. You grabbed your post hole digger and went ten feet from the last post readying to dig the new hole. Thor watched your position for just a moment before you heard his footsteps come up behind you. And then he was standing there, at your back. If you took one half-step back you would be met with his chest. The day was warm but heat radiated off of him like a steadily growing fire. Something pooled low in your belly and your mouth went dry as he moved into your space and then you were flush with him.
His arms came around yours, his hands engulfing your own. His breath was warm near your ear as he rumbled “No, darlin’, like this.” He shifted your hands from the middle of the handles to the top. You were hyper aware of the way his arms felt around you, acutely aware of his scent. Sweat, and musk, and dirt. “That way you have more leverage and you’re not leanin’ over when it goes in the dirt.” He stayed like that for a moment, probably only seconds, but it felt like longer. You heard his breath catch from behind you before he slowly removed his hands, backing up just a pace. You immediately tried to retain the feel of him against you, the way his voice settled into you when he spoke. The way his smell engulfed you, making you feel like the safest person in the world. When was the last time you had felt that way?
Your limbs moved slow, as if your body was now full of lead. He moved back in again, briefly, sliding his boot between your feet and nudging them just a tad bit farther apart. “That’ll help too,” he said. And this time, when you raised the digger up and heaved down, you immediately noticed a difference. While it didn’t necessarily feel easier, it definitely didn’t hurt as much and your body didn’t feel as stiff, didn’t feel like it was being pushed into an awkward angle. You took a couple more plugs from the earth, digging down far enough to keep the pole stable and when you stood straight and looked at him, there was that grin written all over his face again. This time, that smile leapt to your face.
Thor pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, red with a white paisley pattern, and raised his hand, slowly, as if he was touching a wild animal, wiping a streak of perspiration from your cheek. “That’s my girl! Keep that up, we might not need help like I said before,” he exclaimed with a wink. Time seemed to slow to a halt. That’s my girl. That’s my girl. That’s my girl. The words thundered through your brain, down out your limbs, between your legs. That’s my girl.
You looked down at your watch, surprised to see the hands tick forward without delay. As the day went on, a thought tickled at the back of your mind, like a horses’ whiskers on your palm. It’d be easy to be his girl.
The night came in cold enough that you were filled with relief when Thor stood to his full height and stretched, slotting the post hole digger in a pile of soil and suggested the two of you call it a night. Goosebumps had already peppered your skin and the breath coming from your mouth was visible in the air. You nodded and stretched a little too, trying to ignore that stiffness you knew would turn into full-blown pain by tomorrow morning. Thor watched you quietly as you slowly put your jacket on; he glanced from the ground then to the sunset when you looked his way. You let out a small barking laugh and almost immediately regretted it, wincing as the cold night air ripped its way into your lungs.
You managed an uncomfortable grunt as you stuffed your gloves in your pocket and Thor grabbed the keys to his truck. You examined your hands; your palms looked like one huge blister. The skin was bubbled and inflamed and if you were being completely honest, it was one more thing you really had no idea how to take care of on a scale like this. Thor started the truck and even though it was only a ten-minute drive back to the house, you were already thankful in anticipation of him cranking the heater just a bit. It would hopefully be a small relief for the contracting sensation in the muscles along your shoulders and arms and back.
There was not a whole lot to gather since the only portion of the fence that went up today was the posts; still, you moved in to help him by grabbing some smaller loose supplies and your post hole digger. You could feel his eyes on you, feel the way he noted you navigating around your raw hands. It took a moment but soon he was wandering over to you and taking the items from you, nodding his head kindly to the truck. You mumbled your gratitude as you got in, frustrated with yourself. It was only the first day but Thor was already picking up your slack. You watched him from the passenger side mirror as he slammed the tailgate shut. There was not a bit of annoyance in his expression. You had small inkling you were being a bit too harsh on yourself.
When he got in, the truck groaned and immediately the cab that felt huge and open before now felt full; crowded but not in an unpleasant way. You sneaked a sideways glance at him as he settled in. He didn’t shift the truck into gear right away but instead sat back, gazing out the windshield at the sunset. Even from your vantage point, it was stunning. The sky was a variation of colors from deep black-blue, to a soft blue, to pink, to orange. The sun slipped back below the mountains to the north and west and the only detail you could make out on them now was their peaks; they were in shadow and looked like a great set of black teeth.
The light coming into the truck had softened, illuminating the planes of Thor’s face. The slip of his golden brown hair, the strong cheekbones and slope of his nose, the clean jawline that now had a five o’ clock shadow. It was quiet, save for the lulling roar of the truck engine and somehow you knew in that second, you wanted more of these moments. Your brain hadn’t quite latched onto how you would get them but you were going to try. Maybe it was Thor. Maybe it was the gentle heat in the cab with the chill outside. Maybe it was the clean smell of spring scented air. Maybe it was a hard day’s work that was so different than the long hours you kept at home. Right now, it didn’t really matter. You sat back with a sigh of content, able to ignore the subtle aching in your limbs. Finally, Thor let out a gentle hum, a sound you guessed actually reverberated through his body.
“When we get back to the house, we’ll take care of those hands, all right?” You nodded and he shifted the truck into gear, turning back the way you came this morning and it was suddenly all you could do not to reach out and rest one of those hands on his arm.
The gravel crunched under the wheels of Thor’s truck as he dropped you off at the front of the house, telling you he was gonna take a shower and then he’d be back up to bandage your hands. You tried to tell him you would take care of it, really, but he insisted. Deep down, you knew you had taken care of blisters on your heels before but nothing like this so you gave in, hiding a smile as he drove the truck down to the other cabin.
When you got to the bathroom, it took every effort not to just quit and wallow right there on the old tile floor but after a few struggling moments, you peeled your clothes from your body and stepped into the warm water, ignoring the stinging of the wounds. It took a few tries with washing off the dirt of the day, with every contact with soap intensifying the hurt in your hands. As you stepped out, you knew you’d be popping some Advil tonight; it would be foolish not to, you guessed.
You threw some leftover chicken noodle soup on the stove and plopped unceremoniously into one of the kitchen chairs, leaning your head against the wall as you relaxed. The fact that you hadn’t worked on the Harrison case for two and half days now nagged like a trapped rat at the back of your mind. Your laptop was currently upstairs though and there was no way you were forcing yourself up those steps again until you absolutely had to. Instead, you checked your emails on your phone, briefly scanning over the subjects on each of them and filtering out the spam. You set it back down with satisfaction. You’d just worked one of the hardest days in your life and you guessed it was probably going to remain tough from here on out. Despite that, you felt more nervous energy bubbling in your veins.
You decided to pull out the old maps you had found at the little desk in the living area. The house was small compared to the expanse of the land itself. Your grandfather hadn’t been a person who needed extravagance, that was for sure. Maybe you’d convert one of the guest rooms into a study. It would certainly be a lot easier to spread out property maps in an office rather than a little desk in the living room. You put little x’s where you thought the boundaries were. You were somewhat familiar in your work life with reading property maps but these… the maps were old enough that you were second-guessing if the plot already marked was accurate. Another thing to put on the to-do list for a town run. Land maps would be public record, especially in a town as small as Dove’s Reach.
A knock on the front door snapped you out of your thoughts. You hollered that the door was unlocked as you rolled the maps up and put them back on the desk out of the way. You ladled soup into bowls, setting them back on the counter to cool just a bit. You heard him knock his boots on the door jam outside and then set them with a thump just inside the door as he ambled into the kitchen. You reprimanded yourself as you turned and got caught off guard again by his size. His arms were crossed and he was leaning against the wood of the kitchen entrance, completely filling it up, quietly surveying your movements. You thought he was zoning out but you were not entirely sure.
“Uh, I hope chicken soup is okay,” you let out. His eyes met yours and he nodded enthusiastically as he shot you a dazzling smile. You gave him one back. “Somewhere else just then?” He nodded and you took one bowl at a time to the table, a heavy cloth in between your skin and the bowls. You hissed as the edge of one of the bowls caught a patch of the blister, the hot ceramic making the burning more intense than it should be. Thor was behind you immediately, taking the bowl and steadying it. It was a good thing because you were certain you couldn’t have prevented a spill at this point.
“Let’s take care of those blisters first. Looks like that soup is a little too hot to eat just yet anyway.” You nodded as he placed a gentling hand on your shoulder, maneuvering you to the chair you were sitting in earlier. The pain was pretty bad at this point; you had taken Advil about fifteen minutes ago but it hadn’t taken effect yet so here you were, miserable, and trying to fight the hot tears welling up in your eyes. It was embarrassing. Thor cleared his throat. “Did your granddaddy have a medicine cabinet around here?” You took a shaky breath and pointed to the little doorway off the kitchen.
“There’s one there in the laundry room on the opposite wall from the door.” He stepped away from you and into the little room. You could hear him open the cabinet door and rummage around. You hadn’t looked in there yet to see what supplies were available but you doubted any of it was still usable. Yet here was Thor, a huge grin on his face, some bandages in one hand and a questionable-looking jar in the other.
“I knew if your granddaddy was as much of a working man as you had mentioned that he’d have some of this here with him. Best ranch and farming remedy for just about anything.” You knew the look on your face was one of clear skepticism because he laughed, a deep booming thing that made you want to listen over and over again. “I know you city folk probably like to go to the doctor’s for everything but let me tell ya, if we put this on your hands twice a day and keep them all wrapped up, those blisters’ll be gone in no time. Three days tops,” he murmured as he finally looked at the ragged state of your palms. He was moving slower again, pulling out a chair and placing it right in front of you.
He sat down and despite the pain, or maybe because of it, your breath hitched when he caged your knees with his own. “Let me see ‘em up close, darlin’” he breathed as you held out your hands for closer inspection. He let out a low whistle as he gingerly took one, then the other to examine the raw skin. He rubbed a small circle on the inside of your wrist and you were acutely aware of every little detail as his calloused thumb against the soft skin there elicited an erratic heartbeat. He sat like that for a moment before seemingly catching himself; leaning back and reaching over to open the jar of salve. It was not a bad smell but you wrinkled your nose a little at it. He glanced over at you and smiled.
“This might hurt a bit. But it’ll help.” You nodded and braced yourself just a little. The balm itself didn’t sting but the contact of fingers on the blisters definitely did. There was no use hiding your grimace so you just let yourself go, taking deep breaths and letting them slowly out through your mouth. He was so gentle. This close and with his concentration on your hands, you allowed yourself to watch him unhindered by the threat of getting caught. His fingers were steady and slow and he was so sure of himself. You found yourself leaning into his touch, holding your breath. After he was satisfied with one hand, he took the roll of bandage material and slowly wrapped it around your palm, down around your wrist, and back up again to secure it in place.
“You did real good today,” he said quietly, still looking down, almost as if he was unsure he should say it. As if he thought you may not want his opinion. A smile spread across your face as you let out an exasperated groan.
“If you say so,” you replied, willing him to look up at your face to see that you mean it. He must have felt your eyes on him because he turned to you then, looking back. Searching. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks and creep down your neck and something leaped in your belly. He was so close. You could see his eyelashes. See how his eyes weren’t just one shade of blue but several different ones. You could smell him. A similar scent to when you first met him but also mixed with a fresher element from his shower. You could smell his wet skin and how it went from a day of work to warm water to the chill outside to the warmth of your house. It made you want to lean forward and bury your face in the place where his neck meets his shoulder.
You must have been staring a hole into him because he bit his lip then leaned back, finishing up with your other hand before grabbing the supplies and heading to the laundry room. “I do say so,” he rumbled from the little room. When he came back out again he’s smiling. His hands were on his hips and for whatever reason, it was exactly the release of whatever emotion that had transpired moments ago. You laughed, grabbing some bread slices and dropping them in the toaster. They popped up and you spread on some butter, ushering him to sit back down.
The conversation was easy, more idle chatter than anything else. Questions about each other’s lives. How long had he lived here? All his life. When did you know you wanted to work in law? As long as you could remember. You wanted to help people at the heart of it. How did he learn to train horses? From his daddy and his grandaddy before him. Would you ever consider keeping the ranch? The question caught you off guard and a rush of emotions flowed just beneath the surface of your calm exterior. Your pause told Thor what he had guessed the moment he saw you go to work on the land that morning.
“Of course I would,” you murmured as you pushed your empty bowl aside. You leaned onto the tabletop, one arm across its surface and the other supporting your face as your eyes stared off into space. “I just… I just don’t think it’s in the cards for me right now. If it had fallen into my lap under different circumstances or at a different time, maybe. But now? I don’t think so.” Your words trailed off and sounded empty even to your own ears. But as you glanced back up at Thor, there was no judgment there. Looking into his eyes, you could almost imagine a future here.
A future here was a dream though. A dream you were not keen on indulging. You tossed him a smile and grabbed the bowls to put them in the sink. Dreams were good. They could keep a person going. But you were already living a dream back home so you plastered your best convincing expression on your face just as he stood and brought the toast plates to the sink. You watched as he washed both of the plates, slowly, like he was waiting for you to amend your words. But you didn’t and he thanked you for dinner and headed for the door.
You followed him to it, leaning in the doorway as he stepped outside into the cold night air. He zipped up his jacket and turned back to you, a curious expression on his face. If he had thoughts about any of the night’s conversation, he didn’t voice them. Instead he just gave you that lopsided grin and bid you goodnight. Without a second thought, you reached out and grasped his wrist. He turned to you, looking at where your hand held on and then back to your face. You let go immediately.
“Um, thanks for… for today? For your help. Thanks for your help so far. I really appreciate it.” He chuckled low and quiet, a sound that seemed to continually get under your skin, and warmed you up from the inside out. He nodded.
“The pleasure’s all mine, ma’am.” You watched from your place as he stepped off the porch; you could still see how his breath fogged up the air. “Good night,” he called over his shoulder.
You did not retreat into the warmth of the house until the darkness swallowed him up.
“This is ridiculous. What do you mean there’s a stipulation?” Another ten days had gone by and you were just now getting around to meeting with your grandfather’s attorney. Thaddeus Jones was emblazoned on the golden placard on his desk. The man before you did look like a Thaddeus but at the beginning of the meeting, he had insisted that you call him Jonesy. He sat back in his chair with a look somewhat like that of a golden retriever being scolded.
“Well, your grandfather wanted to give you time to… enjoy the little things in life again. He thought that maybe you’d need a break from all the hustle and bustle in New York. As such, in his will he specified that you could only sell the ranch if you stayed there for one year. If at the end of that year you decide that you still want to move forward with the sale, then you are more than welcome to and will receive any and all profits made from said sale. If, however, you have a change of heart, the ranch is also yours to run as you please. But if you decide to sell any time before then, all profits made from the sale will go to our local youth program.” There was no use trying to hide the stunned expression written all over your face. You had to stay here for a year? How were you even supposed to go about this without feeling torn about one thing or the other? You weren’t in it for the money. You knew that with a certainty that sat deep in your gut. And donating to a youth program was a great use of anyone’s money.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude. I just thought this wouldn’t be so complicated.” Jonesy nodded solemnly, his round spectacles sitting towards the tip of his nose. “I thought this would be a sign and done deal. I thought I wouldn’t feel so conflicted about leaving,” you finished quietly and suddenly it was as if the air had been punched from your lungs. There it was. There was the real reason this whole thing felt so ludicrous. It wasn’t the stipulation itself--it was the fact that you were actually considering it. You glanced out the vaulted window of Jonesy’s office. It was on the second story of his building and gave you a sweeping view of Dove’s Reach. It also gave you a focused picture of the huge storm brewing outside. Massive cumulus clouds gathered not so far away, the heart of them dark and foreboding. It mirrored the storm in your heart.
“I suppose the good news is that you have a while to make a decision. I’ll just have you sign some preliminary papers today and then you take all the time you need. It is a lot to take in but your grandfather was a good man, one of the best. I’ve known him since we were young colts ourselves. I’d like to think he knew what he was doing when he made this decision.” It was difficult to argue with any of that, considering you didn’t get the chance to know him better yourself. Maybe this was a good thing.
“Thank you, Jonesy. I really do appreciate it.” You bit your lip and glanced outside again. “That should work for today. I have a feeling I should be getting hom--getting back to the ranch before that hits.” You pointed and Jonesy watched you for a moment before nodding.
There really wasn’t much for you to sign at this point. Mainly papers about you having seen the will and that you had a knowledge of what was going to come of it. You gathered your copies and shook Jonesy’s hand before leaving; you were instantly glad that the two of you had decided to speed things up a bit because as soon as you exited the building, a cold gale hit you in the face, ripping back the hood of your jacket and nearly blowing your hair out of its braid. It would have been twice as cold had Thor not given you direction on which clothing was worth spending money on. You gave him a call, letting him know you were on the way back. It was a new routine, one that you had started. It felt good to have someone to stay in touch with. It was unlikely you’d get lost in such a small town, but still.
“Drive safe, darlin’. The closer you get out here, the harder the wind’s blowin’. I already put all the tools away and got most of the larger open spots on the barn boarded up. Also dropped some buckets on the front porch just in case. From what I could tell, the roof seemed pretty sounds but just in case.” A pause. “How did the meeting go?” You sucked in a breath.
“Different than how I thought it would go. I’d rather talk about it later though. I’m thinking I’m gonna head straight to bed when I get back. It’s just a lot. See you tomorrow morning?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
The drive back was definitely worse than the drive out. Wind and rain pelted your vehicle, so much so that by the time you got home your knuckles were white and your hands were aching when you released the steering wheel. Thunder rumbled closer and closer and lightning flashed in the distance. A warm bath and warm pajamas were currently at the top of your list. Then bed. You smiled when you saw there were indeed buckets on the front porch, all mix-matched colors and various sizes but they would do if the roof started leaking. At least you wouldn’t have to be scrambling to find anything if it did. There was also a note taped to the door, scrawled in surprisingly loopy handwriting.
Grabbing some clothes and things from my place, won’t be back for a couple hours. Call if you need anything :)
You smiled and stepped inside, glad to be out of the weather. As you turned again to glance out at the land, the sky darkened visibly even as you stood there. It looked like it was going to be a long night.
Your phone screen was too bright in the dark space of the living room. 8:30 PM. The power had gone out and it had taken you a little bit of time to scrounge up some candles to keep things lit. You knew you should just go to bed but quite frankly, you knew that wasn’t a possibility. The storm raging outside was unlike any storm you’d experienced before. Sure, there were big storms back in New York but this… the wind and rain was coming down so hard, you were sure the roof was going to tear off. It was doing surprisingly well right now but with each big gust, the whole house groaned. The thunder and lightning were even worse. The sound of both was so close, so loud, so frequent that your ears were ringing. There was no way to research now with the internet out but you were pretty sure you had read something about lightning being able to strike you in a house.
You paced, already familiar with the location of the furniture, every wall, every corner. It was a comfortable dance around the couch, passed the coffee table, to the window by the fireplace and back. A flash of lightning burst in the sky, illuminating every contour of the layout of the house. Almost immediately the clap of thunder sounded like some ancient drum and despite the logical part of your brain telling you it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine, you dropped to your knees.
“Holy shit,” you breathed through clenched teeth. Your hands were shaking as you brought the phone to your ear. Thor was probably already asleep. He had gotten back about an hour ago and was a naturally early riser because he somehow was able to fall asleep early every night. He was probably asleep--
“What’s wrong?” The sleepy gravel in his voice sent shivers tripping down your spine. He had been asleep. But those two words were still calm. Concise. Protective. You were silent. Now you felt stupid.
“Uh, it’s--it’s nothing. I’m sorry I woke you. I can’t sleep. This storm is pretty wild. Um. I thought maybe you’d still be awake and wanted a drink but it’s fine. We have--” You didn’t know if it was your rambling or if he sensed the fear in your voice.
“I’m comin’ up.” That was that. A dial tone. He had already hung up. There was no chance for you to object. You waited by the front door, listening to the rain and watching for more flashes of lightning. You heard Thor’s heavy footsteps as he came up the porch steps, saw him as a flash of lightning illuminated his outline from behind. You hastily opened the door. He hesitated for a moment, only long enough to watch as you nearly leaped out of your skin when another boom of thunder cascaded about you.
He stepped into you, wrapping you up in a hug. It was unexpected but you felt yourself sag into him. His jacket was wet from running through the rain so he slipped it around you and suddenly you were enveloped in warmth. You buried your face in his chest, as he rested his chin on the crown of your head, rubbing his hand down your back. You took deep pulls of his scent as his voice rumbled above you, into you from his chest.
“Aw, it’s just a little lightnin’, darlin’. Just a little storm. You’re safe. Nothin’ to worry about, I promise. You’re safe.” He kept murmuring it as he nudged the door shut behind him with his boot. Murmured your safety into existence like a mantra. As you rested there in his arms, your hands under his jacket around his back, you tried to remember the last time you felt this way, like nothing could touch you in the world. The house could crumble around you and you would be fine. In his arms, you would be fine. You gripped a little tighter, noticing with mirth how your hands could barely touch around his abdomen.
“How about that drink?” You said it into his chest as he stilled above you, breathing in slow and steady as he nodded into the top of your head. You reluctantly backed up from him as he slipped passed you into the living room making straight for the fireplace. He had it roaring as you brought two glasses of whiskey on the rocks and set them on the coffee table. You sat, dragging the blanket around your shoulders and allowing yourself to zone out while you stared into the fireplace. The crackling of its embers still couldn’t drown out the maelstrom outside, however. Thor took off his jacket and hung it on the coat rack by the door. When he sat next to you, the couch sagged under his weight. He took a sip of his drink before sitting back and opening his arms in invitation. You didn’t wait this time, instead scooting over to nestle up against him. Heat radiated off of him.
“Did you know the diameter of a lightning strike is actually only about the size of a quarter? Think about that, that big ol’ powerful force of nature the size of a coin.” No you didn’t know that. Another flash of lightning, another clap of thunder. This time you didn’t jump. “And thunder can actually be heard as far away as twelve miles from the actual strike.” Another sip of whiskey. “Lightning can also strike outside of the rain zone. Those strikes are called anvil crawlers.” A log shifted in the fire and your eyes drooped. He chuckled quietly as he intoned “In Norse mythology, the sound of thunder supposedly comes from my namesake as he rides his chariot across the sky.” You offered a lazy smile even though he couldn’t see it.
Thor continued on with more various facts about thunder and lightning and the storms that brought them. The taste of the whiskey sat light and spiced on your tongue, and your eyelids became heavier as you relaxed into him more. The fire burned steady and even though the storm continued to rage outside, at a certain point Thor’s voice faded into nothing as you fell asleep.
You woke up to the sun shining directly in your eyes. You groaned, shielding them from the crisp light and instantly regretted taking your hand out from under the blanket away from your heat source… Thor was stretched out behind you on the couch. It could barely fit the two of you but his arm was locked around your waist, caging you in. His breath came slow and steady on your neck. You could hear the rooster calling from his coop by the barn, hear his hens clucking about him. The cat you still hadn’t named was curled up on the rug by the fireplace, the embers almost completely died down. Thor took a huge breath, tickling the hairs on your neck as he rumbled something into the skin there. Your heart ballooned in your chest.
“I guess my facts weren’t that interestin’, seein’ as how we both fell asleep. Want some coffee?” You nodded as the two of you sat up. The cat chirruped from his place on the rug. He stood and arched his back in a stretch as well, coming over to the two of you for his morning pets. You both reached down to touch his hand, your hands meeting in the middle. Thor offered you a sheepish grin as he stood. “Uh, coffee is… ?”
“In the cupboard above the pot.” You smiled back, not bothering to hide any of the warmth in its shape. You stood, letting the cat out the front door. He seemed a little indignant at the fact that it was so wet outside but his ears swiveled and he was out the door and racing down the steps. You added some kindling and more logs to the fire, satisfied as flames leaped into existence. Thor handed you a mug of steaming coffee, with cream and a little bit of brown sugar. How he knew how you liked your coffee you didn’t know. But you liked that he knew.
The storm had cleared. A peek of blue sky could be seen from the window. With the clear sky came clear thoughts. It had been two weeks already since you had come to Dove’s Reach. Two weeks since you learned you had the rights to a whole ranch. A day since you had learned that you had to stay here for a whole year if you wanted to see any profits from selling. And only a night since you had realized that a year was no time at all.
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dadoroki · 4 years
Reminder [2]
Dabi x F!Reader x Hawks
Warnings: violence, fluff, swearing
Description: After many years, a familiar face decides to make an unexpected visit at your house before your date with Hawks.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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“Hey, you’re the kid that almost died right? I’m Keigo. But they want us to use our hero names so I’m Hawks. But call me Keigo when they’re not around. You’re actually really pretty.”
Boy, did this kid talk a lot. Everyday he’d come up to you, blabbering about some unimportant thing that you had no interest in. One day, something Keigo said had actually caught your attention. “Yo, so I heard there’s gonna be some new kid but he’s not gonna stay here. He’s only here for ‘extra’ training cause his dad teaches him...”
His voice began to trail away from existence as you were met in your own world. This was the first time you’d be meeting another kid who hopefully wasn’t the bland bunch around you, aside from Keigo of course. Curiosity started to fill your mind, excitement slowly rising as you counted down the days.
And here he was, standing right next to his famed father, Endevour. The boy was shy and avoided eye contact with you and the talkative kid beside you. You shamelessly gawked at the boy while Keigo jumped in joy, seeing his favourite hero infront of him.
You were too young, too naive to know what love was. But in that moment, that’s what you thought you felt. Your stomach was filled with butterflies. The boy was like a dream and you swore he looked like a prince in shining armor.
Your confidence rose, walking up to the boy and forcing him to look you in the eyes. Your little hands reached for his and held them tightly. “Hi! You must be Touya. I’m Y/N. You’re my boyfriend now.” Even at that age, you were a flirt. Maybe a little too bold but you still had much to learn.
Touya became flustered, his small cheeks blushing pink. He began to stutter but was interrupted by Keigo ripping your hands apart.
“Hey! You never said that to me!”
You were too distracted, admiring the new boy and that only made Keigo grow more jealous.
“Y/N, pay attention to me!”
Your focus went back to Hawks’s irked voice. These days, you couldn’t help but think back to when times were easier. Times where you didn’t have to care about your image, being able to live life freely.
“Yeah, sorry. What were you saying, Keigo?” You dried your hair, exiting the bathroom with nothing but a red robe tied around your body. You struggled to keep your phone between your cheek and shoulder as the man chattered his life away.
Hawks had dialed you to discuss your upcoming “date”. After initiating the hero plan against the villains, Hawks’s heroic face had been plastered on multiple cover pages of magazines, newspapers, and news outlets. The minute they came out published, Hawks had spammed you with multiple calls and messages to rub it in your face, reminding you of the public bet you lost. Unfortunately for you, you always kept your word.
“Yeah, I know.” You reassured the winged-hero, rolling your eyes in annoyance. You made your way to the kitchen, placing your phone and towel on the counter and snatching a bag of chips from the pantry. Sensing a presence within you, your movement came to a cautious halt. You didn’t spare a glance at the figure sitting on your living room couch, already knowing who it was. “Give me a second, Keigo.”
The good thing about Hawks was that he could always sense when something was off. He heard your sudden switch in tone and didn’t question you, muting himself but still listening to your line. You tossed your bag of chips back to it’s original place, walking around the kitchen island.
Reaching up the cupboard, you got two glasses and a half empty bottle of red wine, making your way to the shaded man. The room was dark with the dim lamp barely making him visible to the eye. “You know, it’s funny. I didn’t even recognize you.” You placed the two shiny glasses on the table and poured him and yourself a drink.
You sat on the opposite side and crossed your legs. When you first encountered Dabi, you didn’t really care much for him. But the more you examined his face, the more it felt familiar, even with the burns and staples. “How could I even forget you or those bright cyan eyes?” He didn’t say anything, keeping his eyes on nothing but you.
The lack of communication caused you to pout. Being greeted with open arms was what you expected but this was far from it. You took a sip of your red wine and twirled the glass in a circle, watching it spin like ocean waves. “Not gonna talk? Fine.”
You placed your glass next to his untouched one and repositioned yourself to lean closer to him. “So you side with the villains now, hm?”
Dabi concentrated on your words that were faint in a whisper, barely even audible.
“What would your father say about that, Touya?”
The mention of Endevour sparked the memory of a buried past and ignited a flame filled with hatred in him. He quickly pushed himself up, throwing an immense amount of flame at you. But you knew him too well. You were quick to sense his move and you forced upon a huge gust of wind, ricocheting the fire back to him.
From the other line, Hawks could hear the loud chaos. “Y/N, is everything ok? What’s happening?” He couldn’t figure out what you were saying earlier, as the whole conversation was mumbled.
Smoke was everywhere and you struggled to keep your eyes opened. “Yeah, I’m fine...” You coughed and rapidly blinked to keep the toxic gas from entering your eyes. A huge hole in your living room wall was newly formed with no Dabi to be found. So much for moving in. “But my house isn’t.”
You could say your date started early. Hawks had offered you a place in his house to stay while your’s was under construction. Being the gentleman he was, he offered you his room and that he’d sleep on the couch. But of course, he originally insisted on sleeping in the same bed. He would pester you from time to time, asking what happened and you never told him.
The day of your date, you walked the busy streets of Musutafu together. As expected, many fans surrounded you both and bombarded with questions. Hawks had held a conversation with you while impressively aiding civilians in need of help.
“You just love to show off, don’t you?”
“Can’t help it, babe. It’s my specialty and when we’re officially together, I’ll be sure to show you off too.”
A young boy rushed towards you, tugging on your black cape. “Storm! Storm! I’m a huge fan! Can I please get a picture?!” You crouched to match the same level as the kid. “Of course!”
His mother thanked you as you squeezed the boy in a tight hug, kissing his cute chubby cheek. He giggled in happiness and his mom snapped the picture. Hawks walked up to the kid, teasingly patting his head. “Woah now, kiddo. Don’t go stealing my lady now, ya’ hear?”
Hawks was immediately pulled away by you, as you thanked the fans and left in a hurry. “I can never do anything without you being jealous. Don’t you get enough attention?” He smiled and held the restaurant door open, waiting for you to get inside. “It only matters when the attention comes from you.”
The two of you were guided to your table with Hawks on his best behaviour, making sure to pull out the chair for you. They brought out the yakitori and you both conversated about just everything and honestly, you really enjoyed talking to him.
“Oh, if you aren’t gonna have anymore, can I have it?” Hawks asked, pointing at the last chicken skewers. You nodded and watched him gladly take it. “I just have no self-control when it comes to the things I want.” He took a bite and smirked at you. “You should know by now.”
Since when did Hawks become good at flirting? From the beginning, he knew damn well that he wanted you but it was a struggle. It was a struggle to even get you interested in him and now, he finally had the girl of his dreams on a date with him. Hawks was found attractive by many. He could have any girl in the world but none could compare to you.
“Oh, that reminds me. I almost forgot!” His eyes popped out in realization and he dug into his baggy pants, pulling out a small white box and handing it to you. You stared at the box and he began to grow impatient. “What are you waiting for? Open it.”
You removed the lid of the box, revealing a silver tiara-shaped ring. You were in awe and slid it on your ring finger. Hawks smiled in joy, happy that you loved the gift. The ring was beautiful and you couldn’t help but move your hand around, watching the ring sparkle in every direction you went. “Hawks, this is beautiful.”
He smirked and crossed his arms. “I know. That’s because I chose it.” You laughed and admired the shiny ring. It wasn’t a surprise that he chose a crown-shaped ring because he always saw you as a princess. “And don’t worry...” He continued. “One day, I’ll replace that promise ring with a wedding ring.”
You turned your head with eyes shut in embarrassment, as he laughed at your shocked reaction. He waited for you to speak but your eyes remained closed with your eyebrows furrowed. You felt something was off and just by your reaction, Hawks felt the same. He glanced outside to what seemed to be a normal day. “Y/N...”
“Here are your drinks-” The waitress came smiling and you quickly opened your eyes, returning to your surroundings. “Hawks!” You yelled and he quickly got the message. “Get back, Miss!” A dark flying creature smashed it’s way through the window but you were quick to jump out of the way. The woman screamed and Hawks held her in a protective hold. The creature stared at you with dark piercing eyes.
Seeing that you were it’s target, you matched it’s stare and brushed the fallen dust off your nose. “Hawks, evacuate everyone now!”
“But what about you?” He asked worried.
Your eyes began to glow pearl white as you gradually activated your quirk. “You’re forgetting that we’re heroes, Hawks. I’ll be fine.”
He was hesitant but nodded. You returned your gaze back to the strange creature. With all the collected power, you gave it a strong hook kick to the chest, supported by a huge amount of wind that sent it flying out from where it came from. “I can never seem to catch a fucking break, can I?”
You ran and jumped down from the high story building. Hawks was worried. Not about you losing the expensive ring. Dramatically speaking, it did almost cost him a quarter of his bank account. But he was more so worried about you. He knew very well that you were capable of handling this on your own but the thought of you getting seriously injured made him anxious.
You glided your way down to the falling High-End Nomu, sending and shooting electrical charges at it. The lightning strikes gave you enough time to build up wind power. You were close to ground so you used up all your stored power and sent it to your leg, giving the High-End Nomu a hard stomp to the face on your way down to the empty road.
You released your leg to see the High-End Nomu’s head now entirely crushed. You tried to catch your breath and looked around. Screams were coming from all directions. Civilians tried to escape the chaotic scene but were blocked by multiple Nomus. Your eyes glowed as you raised your hands to the sky that slowly turned into dark clouds. Violent lightning began to appear and striked the Nomus left to right, killing them and giving the citizens enough time to flee.
The distraction caused the High-End Nomu under you to regenerate quickly without you knowing and you felt a hard punch to your stomach, sending you flying up in the air. Your ribs were for sure injured by now, if not broken.
The pain was highly effective and you struggled to keep your balance in mid-air. You didn’t have the strength to gain wind momentum but thankfully, strong arms grasped you tightly. You looked up to see the same annoying arrogant smirk. “Looks like I caught you just in time.”
You groaned and held your ribs. This was not the time to joke around and you definitely weren’t in the mood. “Keigo, give me a boost.” He gazed down at you before getting ready. “Whatever you say, darling.”
Hawks threw you towards ground level, giving you the speed you needed. You shot lightning towards the High-End Nomu but with each strike, it was quick enough to dodge them. You snarled in dissatisfaction and with all the energy you had left, you attempted to give the creature another kick. It was too quick, grabbing you by the ankle and smashing you to the ground.
The harsh impact made you dizzy and gasping for air. The monster was about to finish you off with one last punch before being cremated by hot blue flames. You heavily breathed and held your ribs, rising up to gaze at the figure that you wished wasn’t there.
The streets were packed with dust and smoke but Dabi was able to see you clearly. “Well won’t you look at that. You’re still fighting.” Blood was dripping down from your forehead and lower left eye. Your hero attire was ripped in some parts. But even with the damage, you still remained flawless. He smirked and walked closer to you. “Just like the Y/N I remembered.”
You limped towards him with an angry expression. He had no right to come here, let alone ‘save’ you. He wasn’t the Touya you knew. This wasn’t Touya at all. You didn’t have enough power to use your quirk but you did have enough power to physically punch him.
Or not.
You fell midway but he caught you with a tight grip on your chin. The pain from your body was taking over and you were struggling to stay awake. Dabi looked down at you with pity, pulling you up. “Dying on me now, Y/N? But we barely got to talk.”
You stayed silent, blinking as much as you could to keep you from fainting. A tiny light was shining brightly and Dabi looked down to your hand, only to see a ring displayed on your ring finger. He grabbed your hand and examined it. “That little chicken bastard gave this to you?” You didn’t respond and faded off, pissing Dabi off even more. He snatched the item off your finger and tightened his grip on your chin. “What do you see in him that you don’t see in me? You remember your promise, don’t you?”
The boy flinched at the sudden call of his name. Your soft voice echoed in the room and the sound of your footsteps gradually got closer. You sat infront of him with crossed legs and scooted closer to him. “Touya, what’s the matter?”
“It’s okay. Everything’s okay. Just go back to Keigo.”
“I don’t wanna see Keigo. I came to see you.”
Your eyes softened, analyzing all the scars and burns of the boy’s body. He hid them behind layers and layers of gauze and you never noticed how much pain he put himself through. You spent most of your time with Keigo and unintentionally pushed Touya away.
You pulled the boy closer in a hug, never wanting to let go. “I’m sorry, Touya. Keigo told me he was feeling left out so I wanted to spend time with him.” Touya was about to speak but closed his mouth, letting you continue.
“I promise to put you first before anything. I promise I’ll always protect you and stay by your side. I promise that one day when you ask me to be your girlfriend or wife, I’ll always say yes. We can be heroes and be together like we imagined.”
Touya was young and kids always had their own wild imaginations of the future. Always having their own crazy perception in life. It was a know fact that you and the boy had strong feelings for eachother. Even at that age, Touya knew he wanted to be with you. For you to become his girlfriend. To become his wife.
He also knew his ‘disappearance’ had to be done. He was sad that he had to keep that secret from you but it was only to keep you safe. It was what he had to do. It would be a while before he could see you again.
“You promise, Y/N?”
“How’d that turn out?” Dabi watched you with eyes full of pain and you did nothing but stare at the ground. Words couldn’t leave your mouth as the memories were too much to handle. Finally, you had the courage to look up to him. “I could never love you. Not like this.”
Those words struck Dabi like an arrow to the heart and he tried to mask the hurt from his face. He slowly pushed you away from him. He stared at you and internally fought with himself, trying to bring himself to hate you, to want to kill you but he couldn’t.
He sighed and his eyes softened, lightly stroking your scratched cheek. “Even if I tried, I could never hurt you. You know how much pain you bring to me?”
Red feathers pierced Dabi’s back, causing him to yell in pain. He released his grip on your chin and before you could fall, Hawks dived in and swooped you into his arms, flying upwards.
“Am I too late to the party?” He jokingly laughed until he realized your unconscious state. Full protective mode was now on and he gathered his feathers back, zooming as fast as he could to the nearest hospital. “Don’t you dare die on me, Y/N. Not now, not ever.”
Dabi plucked the last feather out of his back, furiously throwing it to the ground and getting ready to burn it before it quickly flew up to Hawks. The High-End Nomu fully regenerated and Dabi watched as the winged-hero had you wrapped around his arms. He pulled out the ring he stole from you and stared at it.
“I’m gonna kill you, Keigo Takami. Even if I die trying or in the process of it all. If it’s the last thing I do.”
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seancekitsch · 4 years
Strictly Confectional.
a/n: part whatever of the prize buck series, slight spoilers of tua season 2 so you HAVE been warned but like if youve read the comics nbd, smut warnings, klaus being sorta dominant for once, slight sensory deprivation kink, unprotected norty bits (wrap it up folx), canon drug references, rehab references, drug use, cursing, the title of this fic is from a lemon demon song which warrants its own warning, my usual run of the mill warnings etc. 
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Halloween is a fucking ordeal when you work at an occult shop and date a personified ouija board, and that’s putting it lightly. Even more of an ordeal considering Klaus decides to go cold turkey for the holiday week without warning you. Of course it was easy to figure out what was going on. The his and her’s morning joints you typically had resting on the windowsill became yours and yours joints. He had exactly one beer since last saturday, and halloween was still a day away. It was starting to get a little spooky. Your boss Margie hated Klaus on a regular day, claiming he threw off the vibes her store was supposed to give off. She was a highly superstitious woman and you wouldn't put it past her to actually notice if Klaus agitated any of the spirits that were probably attached to the things you sell. Realistically, Klaus’ presence did in fact stir up the spirits in her store. Lots of victorian era mourning hair bracelets and taxidermy probably made before your birth would do that. He always claimed the store was extremely loud, but still liked to visit you when your boss was running errands because you were there, and he can't help that he gets bored easily. Klaus’ being there never went unnoticed by your boss, even if he was gone by the time she came back. But this whole cold turkey thing was new for him. Even Diego and Ben said he had only tried to do this one other time, and it was during the apocalypse that never happened that you still think might have been a case of mass hallucination. You weren't sure what his reasoning for it was, since he was just sober enough to conjure Ben any time enough for you to see him and speak to him, even if he was a glowing blue apparition that you compared to the Tupac hologram from Coachella that only appeared for a few minutes. This week was a lot of Klaus having the usual headaches and shaking that come with coming off alcohol, but probably heightened because you know the ghosts don't just shut up when he wants them to. He hasn't been sleeping well unless spooned by you and hushed to sleep with the cool beginnings of fall air blowing through the window.
Friday morning you get your first cryptic answer as to what's been going on with him. 
“The veil is thinner on Saturday, I want to try something I haven't been able to do since the sixties,” is the only explanation he’ll give as he kisses your fingertips and holds the door open for you at the shop. Of course, it has something to do with the sixties. Normally you wouldn't pay much attention to his family’s antics because you knew something was going on there that probably didn't concern you, the exception being that time he pulled you back to the sixties briefly and you were handed a briefcase meant for an old man before ending up back at home. You still aren't sure how you made it back to your shift at work that day but Margie hasn’t looked at you the same since. She probably thinks you're a freak like your partner. Which, fair. 
His answer doesn't give you that much clarification, but it's better than nothing which is usually what he gives you in warning for his ideas. But anything testing the limits of his powers is usually good for the both of you, because it's a testament to growth and confidence just as much as the pieces of furniture you're slowly accumulating. Sure, there are still bad days. There are still terrible days for the both of you. The more he learns to control his abilities and the more furnished your apartment becomes, it's almost more like you're becoming real functioning people and you can consider yourselves part of that human race you've heard so much about. 
Your shift at work is… different. Friday is typically a slow day, but the holiday weekend packs your store in a way you can barely keep up with. The quiet baroque music generally wafting through the air is interrupted by quiet “ewwws” and “what is that?”s from people who normally wouldn't be setting foot in a store like this being dragged in by their spookier friends. You've sold hundreds more than you usually would, but the quiet almost holy spell of the place is broken today. At least the day passes quickly with all the sales you make.
You can feel Klaus coming before he even presses his face into the glass window, smushing his lips and cheek into the glass like one of those slugs in an aquarium. Maybe there is something to be said about the veil being thin and all that. When his tongue darts out to join the rest of his face on the cold surface, you giggle, but then begin to wonder if you're getting a taste of what all the ghosts see when he tries to get in contact with them. He pulls back and waves before putting a hand on the door, a silent question of if it's safe to enter. You shake your head no because your boss is in the back room, but he only has to wait ten more minutes. 
Those ten minutes pass slower than the entire shift before that. Just knowing he’s outside has you almost itching for his touch. Since when were you so needy that ten minutes felt like torture? Blame it on the fucking veil or whatever. Your hands are clammy by the time you clock out and bid Margie goodbye,while she reminds you to show up at work in costume tomorrow. Only she doesn't know you fully plan to come dressed in one of your partner’s silly superhero outfits from when he was a teenager. 
Klaus is all too happy to kiss you open mouthed the second your figure is out of your workplace, and you willingly ignore that it's the same mouth he just smeared all over the side of a storefront because you're all too happy to kiss him back. One thing about his little cold turkey experiment that you’ve been loving is how potent his sex drive has become. His hands grip your hips like a vice as you continue kissing on the short three block walk and up the flight of stairs to your apartment and travel down to your thighs as you fumble with the keys in the dark of the setting sun not facing the only window in the building that faces the front door of your apartment. It's always a testament to your will when he gets like this as there's nothing you'd like better than to just ride him on the steps in front of your door, but there's just something about doing it in the privacy of your apartment that you like better.
But it's seconds before you feel the key sink into the hole and the tell tale click of everything being pushed into place, and the door gives way almost not soon enough for the two of you to clumsily barrel through it. Now Klaus under normal circumstances is a sexual being, but this cold turkey sobriety and focus is new, and makes you feel wanted- maybe loved- in a way you've never felt before in your life. It's not just that he wants to get off, he wants you. He wants to get off with and for you. Specifically you. Which is the sexiest feeling in the world, you've decided. 
You barely put your bag down before he's pulling your coat from your shoulders behind you and growling in your ear. 
“Now we’re trying something new tonight, okay baby?” you barely get out an affirmative nod before he finishes, “good, just trust me, I've got you in safe hands.”
You let him take the lead as he strips you bare in the middle of the studio apartment, which feels much bigger than usual, maybe because he’s still fully clothed. His movements are greedy, hands sparing no touch on even an inch of your skin, grabbing and caressing as if it was his property, which in a way, you'd be glad to grant him ownership. He takes control of you, your body not moving in any direction he does not will himself. 
“Close your eyes,” he whispers as his hands find their way to your chest, and you do. You hear him sigh, and maybe a breath of “that's right” as his hand slides up to touch your face, making sure you listen to directions as well as he wants you to. You can hear him start to breathe a little heavier as he presses his leather clad crotch into your ass. He chuckles as you return the pressure, wiggling your hips a little to entice him, before he spins you around and presses your hand into the buttons that hold his pants up on his bony hips. Your eyes are still closed, that’s good, he thinks as he rewards you with a kiss. Your hands make quick work of the buttons, despite your impaired senses, and he shimmies the pants to his ankles, where his boots prevent them from falling any further. 
“Wait a tic- wait, just…” he trails off and falters a little, you notice, before commanding you again, “stand there and touch yourself. I gotta get these boots off but if you open your eyes it'll ruin what I have planned for us.”
You comply and focus on the smells and sounds of the room as you part your legs a little further and trail your fingers down. There's a heady scent in the air from stale weed smoked this morning and the sickening sweetness of the strawberry hookah set out and packed for tonight, which now would probably be left to the wayside, you note, as you feel wetness collect on your fingertips even at first contact. You focus on the sound of his laces as they smack the hardwood floor as your middle finger rubs slow calculated tight circles on your clit. You don't dare pick up the pace or try to touch yourself in earnest at first, unsure of his intentions for the night as a soft sigh of a moan leaves your parted lips. You hear a loud dull thud, and then another. He must be done, you think, as your fingers pick up the speed, just a little, just enough to make you whine at your own actions. And he is, his boots are discarded near the door, but this isn't a view he's going to give up that easily. Its not every day someone is obeying his commands, fucking themselves and whimpering his name uninhibited like this. He smiles as he watches, and you can feel his eyes on you. You wonder what you must look like, shameless, wanton, on display for him. But then you feel a hand wrap around the wrist of the hand that's between your legs and he pulls it away from your body. Then the chill of the fall air hitting your wet fingers, then his wet mouth engulfs them, sucking. The action sending shockwaves up your arm to the joint of your shoulder, the entire arm pliant for him to use as he wishes. This is what being with Klaus does to you. Your body instinctively wants him to use it. Once he's content with licking every drop of you off your fingers, he moves your hand from his mouth to on his shoulders, and surges up to gather you in his arms, yours moving to grab him and stabilize yourself in return. He carries you to what you assume is your bed and settles you on his naked lap, his hard cock finding shelter between your thighs. He kisses you hard and deep, focusing on his tongue greeting yours, then pushing it out of his way as he explores your mouth. You've been so good, keeping your eyes shut for this long, and tells you so as he grinds up, the head of his cock just barely brushing against where you want him most.
His hips rock up and down, up and down, tantalizing and teasing you. Your moans and keens whenever he happens to hit the mark are music to his ears, something he holds so incredibly dear to him. Even with your eyes closed, when he looks up at them he can still see the love behind them. It's an acceptance he’s been struggling to find in modern times, until you. It’s the full trust you give him with your body and mind. He remembers every scrap and detail you’ve given him since he first tucked you into bed that day in the clinic, and hoards it like treasure. The way you’ve slowly opened up to him like dropping a trail of breadcrumbs for him to follow, your willingness to work to give him what you can. You’re guarded for a lot of the reasons he’s so open. But you make the choice to be open to him, and he’s thankful. And as he shifts your bodies to thrust inside you, as your mouth falls open into an ‘o’ shape, he decides he wants to take everything you’ll give him, bask in the affection you readily shine on him, as long as you’ll shine on him. Tonight he wants to impress you.
You’re being so good, really so good. You haven’t opened your eyes once, not even to peek. You’ve just held on tight and let Klaus take the lead. It’s kind of kinky; really. Letting him be in control, losing one of your senses, blindly kissing the parts of skin you can reach, which you think is his chest and shoulder. Even as he shifts you, holding your legs now as he shifts the position a little more. It’s not uncomfortable, but never a position you’ve been in before. You can tell by the way your thigh muscles quietly burn that you’re pretzeled up in his lap, with him thrusting deeply up into you.
The way his thrusts hit inside you is delicious, each time he bottoms out earns him another moan falling from your lips against his skin, always vocal for him. This time your moans are uncontrollable, the way he controls the action is undeniably sexy and undeniably the Klaus of it all, the way he can toe the line between gentle and rough, the care he puts into every motion. He makes sure to use his entire body to get you off, and tonight he’s really trying to go above and beyond.
“Okay-“ a moan from deep in his throat, “open your eyes. Don't scream!”
The first thing you see is the blank white smoothness of the wall, specifically where it kisses the ceiling. At just above eye level. Your head has to be, what, inches from the ceiling? and. wait. What?
If you weren’t clinging to him for dear life, you certainly were now. He hisses then groans at the feeling of your nails digging into him, sure to leave shallow little crescent moon marks on the tops of his biceps. The ceilings are tall enough that Klaus can stand on top of it without his head brushing the ceiling, and you were somehow floating right up there.
Immediately Klaus sees the panic that crosses your features and shushes you, comforting, but not unlike how someone tries to calm a child or a pet.
“Hey, look! I haven’t levitated since 1963. I thought it would be a nice surprise, I can stop if you need, we can lay down,” Ever the sweet man, he’s instantly trying to make sure this is okay or if he’s crossed a line. But you shake your head no. Honestly, fucking freaky at first, but then its fucking freaky, and you are down with it. Up with it.
“No, no... I like this. Do your worst.”
The words are barely out of your mouth before he leans back, bringing you with him. Now you can sit up, and give your body a little bit more space than he had been giving it before. You figure you could ride him like this and push against the ceiling for support, which actually, was Klaus’ whole idea behind this. Great minds think alike or whatever. So as he keeps thrusting you start to shift your hips back to meet his. It’s weird not having anything below you for leverage for your legs, but maybe if he does this again you can figure something out.
Instead it’s this steady grind, him up, you down. Now its less of an honest to god fuck and more of a writhing midair to make each other come.Instead of his worst like you’d asked, its incredibly intimate in a way you usually aren’t. But that's enough for the both of you. The ceiling does wonders to help your arms press you down into his pelvis, rocking yourself up and down on him while your legs dangled. You were honestly impressed by the way he was able to keep himself so horizontal. Maybe his being trained in combat as a teen gave him core muscles you didn't realize he had. All of these thoughts of muscles are quickly swallowed by Klaus, Klaus, and nothing but the way Klaus was making you feel at this very moment.
If any one would have seen the two of you climax, which happened at the same time for once in the hundreds of times now that you'd fornicated, one would have seen from the top of your window two legs go rigid before two bodies floated down back to where human bodies should be with surprising grace, the owners of those bodies kissing everywhere one each other that they could reach. He kissed your neck, your chest, your face, long strong fingers brushing your hair soothingly as his back hit the mattress. He slides out of you unceremoniously, at which you pout at the loss of him, but only to shift and tuck you into his side as his arms still cradled you close. 
“So, as lovely and thrilling as that was, why did the veil or whatever need to be thin for you to do that?”
“Well, it didn’t, but I wanted us to get in the holiday spirit a little more, like that scene in Poltergeist.” He punctuates the sentence with a kiss to your temple as he slides off the bed, and gingerly walks over to the kitchen. He’s turning on the stove, then using tongs to place a coal onto the heat.
“If I torch this for hookah, will you take this bowl with me?” as if everything that just happened was commonplace. An everyday occurrence.
All you can do is nod.
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jinie · 5 years
bedtime memories | kth
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❥ Pairing: Taehyung x reader
❥ Genre(s): pure fluff
❥ Word count: 3061
❥ Rating: PG-13
❥ Warnings & tags: established relationship, Tae is a sweeatheart, brief mentions of sex, this might be really sappy sksks
❥ Summary: Going down memory lane with your boyfriend at two in the morning turns out to be exactly what you needed to slow down your racing mind.
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A/N: @taehyung-me-down​ this is your gift!! Happy birthday bb <3 I hope you’ll like it, I did my best to bring you some good quality fluff! Ily and I hope you’ll have an amazing day uwu thanks for always being there for me!! Also, a special thanks to Mari @shadowsremedy​ who helped me with the summary! <3 (on a side note, wow, I can’t belive I’m finally posting something sksks) 
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Taehyung suddenly felt aware of his surroundings, his sleep going away too quickly and for no apparent reason. He felt you shifting your weight beside him and sighed softly, trying to find a more comfortable position as well, in hopes he'd go back to his deep slumber. A chilly breeze came in through the open window beside the bed and he wondered if the cold air was what woke him up in the first place, but quickly shook the thought off, giving in to the drowsiness.
He felt his body relaxing and his mind was starting to doze off, but then you shifted in the mattress again and let out a low, frustrated sigh. He stirred from his sleep, curious, and opened his eyes as he lazily reached for his phone under the pillow. He yawned and turned on his screen to check what time it was.
2:48 AM.
The sudden brightness in the dark bedroom caught your eye and, as your boyfriend turned to face you, wondering why weren't you asleep, you let out a surprised "oh".
"Am I moving too much? Did I wake you up?", you asked. Your voice came out hoarse, and it sounded more tired than you had expected.
"It's ok," Taehyung assured, even though you tossing and turning in bed was probably what woke him up. "Are you alright?"
The subtle moonlight that entered the room by the window wasn't enough to make it bright but your eyes, that remained open the whole night, were used to the darkness. You could see Taehyung's concerned gaze and his brown messy hair, the wavy strands pointing at all directions and slightly smashed against the pillow. The pale moonlight made his eyes glow beautifully and you reached out a hand, slowly caressing his cheek.
"Yeah, yeah, " you nodded. "I just... can't sleep."
"I don't know, I just can't quiet my mind down. There are so many thoughts crossing my head... And I can't seem to get comfortable," you answered. "I'm sorry for waking you up."
Taehyung could tell the guilt you hid behind the sweet tone you used. You never liked to wake him up when you couldn't sleep, even if talking to him could help you to relax. Although he couldn't see your face clearly, he could also tell you were tired and probably had bags under your eyes. Could he do anything for you?
"Are you worried about something?" he questioned, accurately pointing out what was wrong. Your boyfriend knew you too well after so many years together...
"I guess," you admitted. "College is taking a toll on me lately, and work is stressful too."
"You have lectures tomorrow morning. You won't be able to focus and take notes if you don't sleep at least a little bit."
"I know..." you sighed. "But I feel like I'm gonna fail anyway, paying attention or not."
You sounded bitter. Taehyung hated how you looked away when you were done speaking and how your body was tense, he hated how you felt restless and how you worried about such things. He believed those were just useless thoughts running through your mind at the moment, but he knew how distressed you could get over them and he hated the way you kept quiet about it. He always insisted on the idea that, maybe, if you voiced your concerns and shared them with him, you'd feel a little better.
However, as much as he'd like to go into detail about your feelings, Taehyung knew you were both tired. So, instead of keeping the conversation going, he decided to just be there for you. The talk could be postponed to later, you had all the time in the world to sit down and share your thoughts.
"Come here," he said, opening his arms to you.
Without hesitation, you accepted his invitation, beaming at the gesture. Even though it was a summer night and the warmth of your bodies together could get too hot to handle, his warmth was still very welcome. As you settled in his embrace, wrapping an arm around his waist, you finally felt comfortable for the first time. His arms felt like home, like the safest and coziest place in the world.
Taehyung could feel your body relaxing next to his, and to help ease the tension you were feeling, he stroked your hair lightly. His touches were soothing and you felt goosebumps running your body. Soon you also felt like your problems were starting to disappear and all you wanted to do was to close your eyes and forget about everything, but you were still unable to fall asleep.
Somehow, the silence in the room felt too loud. Sure, noises were coming from the street every now and then, like some car passing the street or some dog barking in the distance, and the ceiling fan quietly buzzed above your heads. You could listen to Taehyung's calm breath as well as your own, but it all felt too quiet, quiet enough for your thoughts to get loud and creep in your mind again.
"Can you tell me a story?", you asked, breaking the silence. Suddenly, Taehyung's deep voice sounded like just what you needed. You've always liked to listen to him, something about his voice was very soothing and you knew that, at this moment, it'd help to keep all the unwanted feelings and thoughts out.
"What?", Taehyung asked, confused for a second.
"Tell me a story," you repeated.
You looked up at him and your boyfriend slightly tilted his head. "Like, a bedtime story? Why would you want me to do that?" he chuckled, not getting the point of doing so.
You shrugged. "I don't know, I just wanna hear your voice."
"It calms me down," you confessed, looking away while you felt your cheeks burning in slight embarrassment. You had never told him how much you liked his voice, how you could listen to him talking for hours. It was like admitting a guilty pleasure of yours. "I think it's gonna help me to fall asleep."
"Well, what should I talk about, then?", he asked with a small smile on his lips, as he now began rubbing circles on your back and shoulders with his fingertips. Your revelation caught Taehyung off guard, he wasn't expecting to hear that out of all things you could've said. He never imagined you'd find comfort in such a simple thing as his voice, but it made him immensely happy to know about it. He liked to know you could rely on him the same way he relied on you, you were also a safe place for him, the one person who could make all his troubles go away like magic.
"Anything you want, really. I just wanna hear you," you answered quietly, the slightest bit of expectation growing inside you.
You waited while Taehyung decided on what to talk about. Should he tell you about his day? Should he come up with some story? Did you want to listen to some fairytale? He kept wondering for a few seconds until what seemed the perfect idea popped in his mind.
"You know, I think it's really funny how you squeal when you're excited," he said, a fond smile forming on his lips as he thought about you earlier that day.
During the afternoon, you were discussing the idea of getting a pet and when Taehyung agreed to have a small dog, which was allowed in your apartment, you started to squeal. It was something you've always done, since childhood, and he knew you hated it. He knew it was involuntary and that you didn't like it when people pointed it out. To him, it was a cute habit nonetheless and when he thought about the highlights of his day, it was the first thing that came to mind. You squealing, your happy and shiny eyes, and the way your smile was so wide... His heart fluttered in his chest as he recalled the moment. He loved to see you happy and excited about things.
"Hey, no!", you gave his chest a light slap in between giggles. "If you talk about that I'm gonna quick you out of bed!"
"I highly doubt it," he replied, looking down at your pouty face and chuckling in amusement.
"But seriously, don't tease me about that!"
"You said I could talk about anything," he protested in an amused voice.
"You know it makes me embarrassed," you mumbled, getting comfortable in his arms again, and waiting for him to start over.
Taehyung thought your reaction was adorable and he would've kept on teasing you, but he had no energy to do so.
"Alright, I won't tease anymore," he promised, smiling. "I thought it was a good idea to talk about memories, though."
"What memories?" you questioned, interested.
"Remember our first kiss?" he asked back. "It tasted like vanilla."
"What?" you chuckled on his chest. "How do you even remember that?"
"You don't?" he inquired quite surprised.
"No," you admitted, shaking your head lightly. "But that was back in high school, how could I remind such details?"
"Well, I remember as if it happened yesterday. You passed the exams with good grades, even on the subjects you were failing, so I decided to treat you as a reward. We went for ice cream after school. I was so proud of you, for working hard and achieving good results... By that time, I already liked you a lot." Taehyung's deep voice felt peaceful and soothing in the darkness and, although it was low and he sounded a bit sleepy, his voice was the only thing you could focus on. You could listen to him for hours and it made you feel like everything was alright. "I was nervous. Like, I was shitting myself," he laughed, "but I decided if I didn't do it at that moment, I'd never be able to. So I kissed you right after you finished your ice cream and it tasted like vanilla," he continued. 
"Oh," you exclaimed, surprised. "I didn't know you had such a good memory... But you really kissed me out of the blue."
He nodded. "And then I confessed... It was one of the best choices I've ever made."
"You're such a sap," you said teasingly, but a small smile appeared on your lips. Taehyung wasn't one to show his feelings through words a lot, so listen to him say these types of things made you feel happy, it felt really special.
"Do you remember when we decided to move in together? I remember as if it was yesterday," he kept on talking.
You nodded, as a smile made its way to your face once more.
"In our first night here we had no furniture," he reminisced. "There was a delay in the delivery of our stuff..."
"Yeah, so we slept on a few blankets in the living room for the first two days," you agreed, your smile growing wider as you recalled the empty apartment and how everything felt so fresh back then.
"I remember we were both in our pajamas already, wearing socks and getting ready to sleep, but I was so excited to be moving in together that I still had a lot of energy. So I waited for you and when you came out of the bathroom I grabbed your hand and started to slide on the flooring with you."
"I remember that too," you laughed, recalling the night. Now, living together had become routine and you've created so many other memories since then... However, you would always cherish those times too, when everything was new.
"I guess I'll never forget the face you made and how you were screaming we'd fall until we stopped. But, then, you started to laugh and said you wanted to do it again. And we kept playing like two kids until we really fell down. That was such a good day... It always makes me happy to think about it."
"How did you even discover we could slide like that?" you asked, suddenly curious about where he got that random idea from.
"I was gonna wait for you outside the bathroom and kiss you. I wanted to surprise you and tell you how happy I was, but I slipped and fell on my butt when I got up from the blankets."
You giggled, picturing the scene perfectly in your mind. "I never heard about that."
"Then I just thought we could have some fun," he shrugged. "You were a bit stressed about moving and all the things we still had to unpack and organize, so I thought it was a good idea to make you laugh a bit. And it worked, I never thought we could get that happy over something so silly!" 
"Keep going," you blurted out in a whisper, eager to hear more. Taehyung's voice came out softly, in a low tone that was so calming... You couldn't help but want him to keep talking, especially because you were getting an insight into how he felt about your moments together.
"I remember it was also our anniversary that day, right?" he continued, as per request. "I was feeling bad for not being able to get you something in time, but we ended up having the time of our lives that night. It was fun," he smiled, feeling his chest grow warm as the memory came back to him so vividly. It was a moment of his life he would always cherish. "I remember when I laid down I realized I'd wake up next to you every day from then on and I was so happy... Sounds sappy now," he chuckled, a bit embarrassed. "But I was so happy that our relationship was evolving back then."
"Hm? Is that so?" you asked, slightly tightening your grip around his waist as happiness seemed to flood your chest. Then you yawned. Your eyelids were starting to feel a little heavy and you made no effort to keep them open as more words left Taehyung's mouth. He was in a daze, reminiscing the past.
"Oh, and a few days later, we had our first time... I guess that's when I felt like our relationship was getting really serious. I felt like we were taking such a big step," he confessed, his smile growing bigger. "I remember it perfectly. That's one of the moments I can recall the best."
"Tell me more," you whispered. You wanted to see his face and what kind of look he had on, but you couldn't bring your tired body to obey your wishes and you kept your eyes closed, feeling more and more somnolent as you enjoyed his featherlight touches on your back and how the circles he was rubbing on your skin made your body shiver.
"You insisted real bad even though you were shaking in nervousness," he chuckled. "And I really wanted to make you feel good, but I was a bit unsure as well."
Taehyung gently hugged you, not even aware of your current state. You were probably not assimilating all of his words anymore, but it didn't matter, he just kept talking. And, as he remembered that moment, he held you in his arms nostalgically.
"It all went away when you started to let yourself go, though. I remember how it felt awesome hearing your moans for the first time... I'm not sure if I should've been gentler, but it was hard not to lose myself once your shyness disappeared. I don't know why, even though that wasn't the best one, that night really was something else... I especially love the way your breath hitched right before I brought you over the edge," he smirked. "And then you kept on calling my name. You were amazing..." Taehyung stopped, as if leaving a trance, suddenly catching himself in embarrassment. How could he say such things so easily?
He quickly looked down, not sure about how you would react to such a revelation, only to find your figure buried in his chest and notice you were completely relaxed. He, then, noticed your steady and calm breaths. You were finally resting...
He smiled in content and adoration as he looked at you. He never really told you all of these things and how he felt about these moments before, but seeing your happy features was enough to convince him this was the type of talk you should have more often, especially to cheer you up or help you to relax. 
If you weren't trying to sleep, and looking so comfortable on his arms, Taehyung definitely would have pulled you into a kiss. However, he didn't want to disrupt you, since you were finally sleeping. Instead, he decided a few sincere words would be enough at that instant.
"I never told you about these things before, right? But I just want you to know I'm grateful for each and every moment we had together so far. I wouldn't trade what we have for nothing in the world."
He had put his heart into such words and even though you were drowsy, half asleep already, you could tell he really meant that. A small smile appeared on your lips and your heart fluttered in your chest just the slightest bit.
"I love you," you said, before completely giving in to sleep. Your voice was no louder than a whisper, but you knew your feelings would reach him.
Taehyung smiled as well. "I love you, (Y/N)," he said back.
And with that, he kissed the top of your head and finally allowed himself to close his eyes and relax again. A feeling of satisfaction and happiness overflowing him, as Taehyung thought about how much he loved having you on his arms, how he didn't want to ever let you go and how he wanted to be able to sleep and wake next to you again, every day, until the very end of his life. Even if, sometimes, sleeping and waking up next to you meant waking up in the middle of the night and losing a few hours of sleep just to talk about anything in particular.
He could swear he felt you smiling against his chest and he could tell he was probably smiling too, but slumber was taking over too quickly for him to check. 
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fredweesleyismyslut · 4 years
Really, that Weasel? pt. 2 Spencer Reid x reader
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You couldn’t help but notice the fact that Spence hadn’t been answering your calls.  You didn’t want to call too much to the point that it seemed obsessive so you chalked it up to him being busy on a case.  I mean god knows you get caught up in cases so much that you can’t answer your phone every time he called.  You were finishing up with a case, you and your brothers had finished chasing down a ghost in a haunted hotel that was killing off the visitors.  Your brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester, came back into the Impala.  Dean was of course huffing and mumbling about how the owner of the hotel was a “real pain in the ass” and the least he could’ve said was “thank you because we saved his ass tonight”.  Holding back a giggle you shuffled in the back seat to lean forward, “Hey, can you guys drop me off at my apartment, Spence isn’t answering and I’m starting to get worried.”  Dean’s brow creased as he turned to look at you, “That weasel, maybe he realized how much of a dick you can be sometimes…”  “Hey, I’m the one who has to deal with you being a dick.” you retorted hitting his head playfully as you gave him puppy eyes.  “Okay, okay kid you don’t gotta give me the sad eyes.”  Sam chuckled in the passenger seat looking over at his brother,  “Kid’s got a point about you being a dick though.”  “Hey, hey… I already have demons riding my ass give me a break.”  Exchanging looks with Sam you giggled, “I’ll make pie if you can get me there by 6pm.”  “Oh, it’s on, be ready to pay up with pie.”  Dean said making a show of rolling up his sleeves and pretending to rev his car up.  You woke later to the sound of someone calling your name, “Y/n, y/n wake up.”  Fluttering your eyes, you looked up to be greeted by Dean’s green eyes laced with slight concern.  “Maybe we should seriously stop bringing you on these trips, you have a life here y/n.”  Groaning you shifted in the seat, getting out of the car, “Hey, I’ve been losing sleep even while in my apartment.  My life is with you two no matter how much you guys may be a living pain in my ass.”  Dean’s eyes crinkled softly in the corners as he shut the door, “Yeah, well I’m always going to be a pain in your ass...oh and I’ll be a pain in the ass for that weasel.”  His voice lowered slightly as he muttered, “Punk thinks he can date my little sister.”  “His name is Spencer, you could at least learn his name I’m gonna be with him for a good while.”  You shoved his shoulder softly, “You just can’t get over how he kicked your ass in poker.”  “He did so not kick my ass y/n.”  Rolling your eyes you caught up with Sam to your apartment door, opening it with your keys.  Checking your clock you realized it was just a little past 6, “Guess I owe you that pie huh?” you muttered, hoping Dean wouldn’t remember.  “Damn right you do, now pay up kid.”  Grumbling you made your way to the kitchen and decided that since you were making pie you could at least make some dinner to feed your brothers.  God knows Sam would appreciate some actually cooked food that wasn’t a patty flowing with grease.  You decided to make some chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, and obviously with a side of pie.  Dean was already making his way over to the table laden with food, “Have I told you that I love you?”  He said, grabbing a plate and loading the dish to the point you were surprised it wasn’t overflowing.  “Ugh whatever just get your food you butt and get out the way your blocking me.”  “Hey, I drove.” Dean retorted to which you mocked, “Hey, I cooked and this is my apartment.”  Scoffing he put more food on the plate, “Hey, Sam better get out here before Dean eats everything!” you called out to Sam who was in your guest room doing some more research on whatever he could get his hands on.  “Yeah, Sammy what she said!”  Sam shuffled out the room hurrying to get food, “Did you forget that I was here too?” he asked.  “First come first served Sammy, I can’t help ya.” you said, smirking as you handed him your plate as a gesture of peace.  Sam accepted it, following Dean to sit at your dining table.  As you were eating and possibly on the verge of a food fight a knock resounded at your door.  Dean and Sams’ body language immediately changed to a protective one as they came to stand in front of you, Dean’s hand laying over the gun in his pocket.  “Who is it?” you asked, going over to the door to look out the hole.  Spence stood outside, “Just me y/n.”  he said, his eyes seemed slightly sunken in due to the dark circles.  “Spence.” you mouthed, motioning for your two brothers to calm down.  They sat back down, body language relaxing slightly as they went back to shoveling food.  “Come in, Spence.  My brothers are here.” you warned jokingly as you opened the door.  Spence’s face looked deadly serious as he didn’t even smile at your joke.  “We need to talk about something.” he said, looking straight at you,  “Ummmm okay about what?” you asked.  “Maybe somewhere not in front of your brothers?” he asked quietly, motioning to the audience watching you from the corners of their eyes.  Huffing softly you nodded, grabbing his hand to lead him to the bedroom.  “Don’t even think about trying to spy on us and listen, both of you or I swear to God I’ll give you both a new nose.”  you warned, giving them soft glares to enforce your point before closing the door.  “What’d you wanna talk about Spence?” you questioned heading over to your bed and motioning for him to follow.  He stayed standing, looking at you cautiously, “Is y/n even your real name?  Or what, should I call you Ashley instead?” he asked, sliding one of your fake id cards towards you.  A look of horror spread across your face as you looked up, your tongue suddenly felt as if you had never learned how to form words,  “S-Spence I promise I can explain...well not really it’s something you have to see to understand or you’d think I’m crazy.”  “See what?  That you’re literally a criminal?”  He pulled out a box from his bag, dumping the continents out on the bed, “I mean seriously, you have more weapons than I’ve ever owned.”  The gun and assortment of knives you had displayed on your bed set your stomach to feel as if it was coming up to your throat.  Throat feeling dry you looked up at his eyes, distant and cold, “Did you tell…”  He cut you off before letting you finish your question, “I haven’t told the team yet although I could’ve easily gotten Garcia to do a check on you I didn’t because I wanted to hear it from your mouth first.  The honest truth y/n who are you?”  Your heart raced a thousand miles an hour, the blood rushing to your ears, “Okay, first yes my name is really y/n I never lied to you about that.  I never lied to you about anything besides my job and no I’m not a criminal, I save lives just like you Spence just not in the same way.”  Spence looked down at the floor before meeting your eyes again, “Were your feelings real?  Or was it just another persona?”  Hurt stabbed your heart at his words, “Of course my feelings were real, they always were I never pretended.”  You reached for his hand but instead met air as he pulled away, standing further from you than he ever had.  You suppressed the hurt from your face, “I’m what you’d call a hunter, Spence.  I...well me and my brothers… we hunt monsters, Spence.  Real monsters, not the boogieman or some made-up shit, we hunt real-life ghosts, demons, I mean hell my brother literally went to hell once to save the world.”  looking up to meet his eyes, “I mean...you probably wouldn’t even be standing here if it wasn’t for us…”  A dry laugh escaped your lips, “I mean we’ve literally saved the world multiple times.”  Spencer looked towards you a look of concern lacing his features, “So...you’re delusional?”  You looked up at him, you could almost see the gears in his brain trying to process your words, “I know.  It all sounds like crazy talk, you’d have to have a werewolf trying to rip your throat out to really believe it.”  Spence seemed to have a fight within himself, trying to decide if he should back away or comfort you.  He came over, “Y/n, I know how this is.  You’ve been under a lot of stress, I know people I can help...”  Cutting him off, you held your hand up, “Save the speech Spence, I‘m not crazy, I’m not one of your unsubs so don’t profile me.  If you don’t believe me then just leave, this isn’t something I can convince people about, especially not someone so logical and reasonable as you.”  Spence stood up, “I...I need time to think y/n.”  Spence looked torn as he walked out the door, hearing the front door slam you held your breath, trying not to cry and attract your brothers’ attention.  “Did that little shit just...leave you?”  Dean asked, anger broiling in his features.  Shoulders shaking you formed words with your mouth but nothing came out, “No, Dean look…” Sam said, his gaze shifting to your bed, strewn with weapons and fake ids.  “He knows…?” Sam asked, nodding you inhaled air, feeling as if your lungs were burning from the inside.  Dean’s face reddened clearly ready to chase Spencer down and give him a good beating for hurting his kid sister.  “Don’t” you warned, knowing what was going through his head, “He doesn’t believe me...he thinks I’m delusional.”  His features softened, slightly, moving to sit next to you as Sam took the other side.  “Hey, he doesn’t understand.  Most people won’t unless the evidence is right in front of them and it’s too late.”  Nodding you leaned into his side as he swept your hair from your face, “I know I can’t give him a beating but the least you could do is stop crying over him.”  he mumbled softly.  You laughed softly, “I...I can’t, I think...no I know I loved him Dean.”  Sam leaned over wrapping his arms around you, the scent of his cologne and the scent of forest surrounded you comfortingly.  “I know, y/n.  Maybe he’ll come around but if not you gotta cut off your losses you know?”  He ruffled your hair softly, placing a kiss on the crown of your head.
  The comforting silence, after half an hour, was cut off as your phone rang, “Hello, y/n.” sang a voice that sounded gravelly, “Why don’t you turn that frown upside down, sweetheart.”  The voice sent chills down your spine involuntarily.  “Looking for something?  Perhaps your boy toy, Dr. Spencer Reid?”  Clenching your fist, you felt your nails digging into the flesh of your palm, “Who are you?”  “That’s for you to figure out sweetheart, you’re a…” He whispered the last part, “..hunter, right?  Looks like pretty boy doesn’t even know that he’s dating one of the infamous Winchesters.”  The phone line clicked, leaving you with the words ringing in your head, running the gears in your head, who would know Spence but also know hunters.  Gasping you said, “Spencer’s been kidnapped, by the Bloodsucker...I think.  That’s what the news had been calling him I didn’t think he’d actually be...yknow a bloodsucker.”  Sam’s head jolted up, “The bodies that were showing up with bite marks in their necks with the blood drained?”  “Yeah, Spence told me about the killings, his team was working to catch the guy.”  “Well, let’s go stick one up that bloodsucker.” Dean said, reaching for his jacket as he grabbed the keys to his Impala.  “Spence told me about a place that his team thinks the vamp was using as his hideout.  We should head there first.”  Sam nodded, getting the address from you to give directions to Dean.  Sitting in the backseat, you kneaded your palms together, anxious as to what was happening to Spence.  Once arrived Dean opened the trunk of his car, handing both you and Sam machetes then grabbing his own.  You reached in and grabbed a small handgun, “You never know.” you said, responding to the look that Dean had given you.  “I want you staying with Sam alright?”  “I’m not a kid.  We’ll cover more ground if we each separate.”  you argued back, looking to Sam for backup.  Sam grabbed your shoulder instead, giving you a look that clearly said he agreed with Dean on this one.  Huffing you nodded, knowing that arguing wouldn’t get you anywhere with Dean when it came to your safety.  The building was an old abandoned office, clearly, it had not been used in years you gathered from the molding smell of the building.  Going up a flight of stairs, the only thing you could hear besides your heart hammering were the soft creaks of the old stairs, not used to holding weight in the years it hadn’t been used.  Sam looked into a room, motioning over his shoulder for you to follow.  In the room sat Spencer, tied up to a chair, his wrists so tightly tied that you could see the indents the ropes were making, cutting off circulation.  “Spence.” you whispered, looking around before heading towards the chair as Sam watched your back, “Hey...don’t worry.  I’ve got you.” you murmured over and over, more for yourself than Spence due to his mostly unconscious state.  His eyes fluttered tiredly, lips dry and cracked, as his hand involuntarily tried to move away.  “Stop.  He’s here.” his voice croaked, as you reassured his touch,  “He’s...he’s not human.  I…”  Cutting him off you softly whispered, “I know, Spence.  He’s a vampire, a real bloodsucker and a pain in the ass.”  Cutting the ties, you let him lean most of his weight on you, before hearing a loud crash from the other room.  You struggled between running towards the sound and holding Spence up, “Go...I’ll still be here.” he replied dryly, a soft smile appearing on his lips.  Running to the sound you saw Sam lying on the ground, groaning from impacting the wall.  Footsteps resounded behind you before you heard a loud thud, the sound of a body falling.  The vamp’s head rolled to your feet as you saw Dean holding his blood-soaked machete, “Figured you two would be in some sort of trouble without me.  Where’s your weasel?”  “Shut it, and he’s in the other room.  Grab Sammy will you?”  Dean helped Sam up as they walked behind you, grabbing Spence you headed back to the Impala.  You arrived at your apartment, letting Spencer rest in your bed from the night's activities, “So, you two are heading back on the road now?” you asked looking up at your two brothers.  “Yeah, we’ve got more cases to hunt and with saving the world and all we can’t stay here.”  “Don’t let the whole saving the world thing give you a big head, it’s already as big as it can be, Deanie.”  you retorted, punching his shoulder, “Hey, my head is normally sized.  Some might say it’s very attractive.”  Hugging him, in front of the Impala, “You guys will visit again, right?  Call me sometime whenever you need help, I’m always free for you two.”  Dean nodded, “You too, kid.  Just because you’re grown or whatever doesn’t mean you can’t call us.  Got it?”  Sam smiled softly, eyes creasing gently, “What he said.  We love you y/n.  Take care.” he leaned down and pulled you up into a hug, feet slightly dangling from the ground.  “Okay, okay you big oaf.  You’ll break my spine if you squeeze any harder.”  Sam’s chest vibrated against your shoulders as he sat you back down to the ground, “Seriously, call whenever we’ll come racing.”  Ruffling your hair one last time they got into the car, the engine revving up as they drove away.  Heading back up to the apartment you saw Spence sitting up on the couch, “Hey.” you said softly, rubbing the back of your neck.  “Hey.” he replied, lips quirking up slightly, “So, I guess you weren’t kidding about the monster thing.  You saved my life.”  “I’ll always save your life Spence. It’s okay to be the one who needs saving, especially when it comes to the supernatural, me and my brothers are kind of experts at not dying...well at least not staying dead” you said, smirking slightly, “We’ve literally escaped death several times.”  Spence chuckled slightly his arms opening for a hug, “Guess I wasn’t the only one who saved lives, huh, Agent Todd.” he joked, using one of your fake FBI badge names.  “Oh shut it, Dr. Reid.”  His hand squeezed your shoulder, goosebumps rising in the places his warm breath touched on your neck, “I love you y/n.  Sorry I didn’t…”  You cut him off once again, “I love you too, Spence.”, placing a kiss on his lips, you proceeded to place a kiss on other parts of his face,  “If you’re sorry, why don’t you show me how much you love me.  I did just save your life, Dr. Reid.”  chuckling Spence replied,  “Roger that, Agent Todd.”
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sunca · 4 years
Hey congrats on starting your writing blog !! Could I request Narancia with 2 and 87 from the yandere prompts? Maybe in like a school setting of sorts? Thank you in advance!! 💕
Yandere Narancia x reader(Yandere Prompts)
2. "Please pay attention to me."
87. "What do I need to make you love me back?"
Warning : Death, blood, gore, physical violence, curse words, kidnapping, mentioned of stalking, yandere stuff, a bit of lust.
Count : 4030
Thank you. I appreciate it. (•-•)\💖
Sorry for the wait. I've been busy these days but as soon as I finished those stuffs, I went straight down to writing and fixing this.
Please accept this art as my apology. Long hair, fancy Narancia is a must and reader as a small chibi.
Requests still open. Thank you and I hope this brings satisfaction to you.
Sadly, I couldn't post this with read more. ;-; Forgive me.
I almost forgot. Recommended song for this.
Anson Seabra - Stay with me
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Sleepless nights and those stares which hunted you in the darkness. You tried to sleep soundly as much as you could but those nightmares picked you like a marionette and made you dance as they willed. Traces of fingers on your skin offered the ecstasy of waking up. Only to have chills rushing on you. Sweats and tears tainted on the mattress. The warmth of another person, the breeze would steal every night. The welcomed window with a broken lock in your view. An orange wrist band disappearing into the leaves of a nearby tree.
You hid your yawn with your book from your teacher. She shot a glance at you but you just tried to hide between your shoulders. Dark circles lingering around your eyes as you tried to wipe your tears away. You once again looked down at your book to greet with an x and its long lost number. y and z waiting for their soulmates. Numbers running around on your page playground. A discontented sign falling down along with your tense shoulders.
Slender fingers rested on his cheek. His chin stood gracefully on his palm. His captivating purple eyes sojourned on your back. You who couldn't concentrate won't be able to detect his enthusiasm for you. He planned to open his heart for you today. He could only wish it would go well. He can only wish. The echo of the bell rolling into the class directed his attention to turn to his dear friend.
Fugo closed his book and let it rest for a period. His hand reaching for the lemon coloured lunchbox and water bottle. Narancia then get attracted to your magnet but blocked by a girl who stood between you two. Narancia looked up to see her lunch box held tight to her chest. She then build up her courage to ask him to spend his precious time with her. He leaned back. Creating more space between him and her. Showing uninterested body language. A single worded rejection. His feet walking on your yellow path. You getting up to get some space from people, stopped in your tracks when he came into your view.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Nothing to do at lunch. Right? Come join us! You've been busy with that club and activities. I missed you," he whined with puppy eyes. You being your dithering self because of restlessness. "Sure," You replied with a small puff and smile, blinking your fuzzy vision away. His gleaming smile blinding you so easily. "Great! Let me grab my lunch box fast! Wait here!" He gleefully replied and headed back to his seat. A soft smile staplered on his cheeks.
The three of you sitting under the unfixed clouds. A baby tomato rolling under your fork. You listened to the back and front between Fugo and Narancia. This bickering was bringing out more headache for you. Then suddenly, Narancia wrapped his arms around your torso and faked a cry. "(Y/N)! See? Fugo is making fun of me! I just don't understand math and he's calling me 'stupid' again!" You let out a tired sigh and patted his head. "I'm calling you stupid because you are! 33×12 is 36? Oh. What a genius! How many times do I have to teach you that?!" Fugo looked as if a strawberry now. His face all red because of rage.
"Oh, Fugo. By the way, did you heard-," Narancia looked up at you. His hands not retreating back from you but holding more tightly. You were focused on Fugo and letting him know about the new series he caught upon. The two of you would buy the book together or inform each other about the news related to that series. You and Fugo having interest in a same subject once in a while. Narancia was not getting any of it. His eyebrows fusing.
"(Y/N)! I burned my hand the other day!" He put his hand in between you and Fugo's eye contact. You just nodded and patted him again but didn't stop communicating with Fugo. Narancia's hand slowly drafted back to your shoulder. Tears welding on his eyes. His cheeks swelling. He then slowly fell onto your lap. His hands closest to his heart which was aching for you. Both Fugo and you stopped in track. You looked upon a teenage boy in tears, sulking like a baby and resting on your lap.
"Please pay attention to me, (Y/N)."
His voice shaking. You felt bad for not giving him the attention he deserved and run your fingers through his hair gently. Narancia has always been like this whenever you ignored him a bit. You didn't want to speak it out loud but it slipped through. "Aww~ my baby," you wiped his tears away. Narancia started sniffing and sobbing. You picked him up by his shoulder and he sat up. "Don't cry. Don't cry~," Mischief in your sugary voice. "Aww~ There. There," you comforted him with a hug and caressed his head. Fugo scoffed and focused on eating again. Turning his gaze away from the two of you.
After a minute or two, the door to the rooftop swung. A pair of canary preying you in. Burgundy hair combed back neatly. His sharp jaw ready to slice anyone in two. His flawless face shining like silver. Turtleneck white sweater revealing his ravishing physique. Black jeans hugging his slender and long legs. The papers in his grip rustled as the breeze flowed in.
Once he saw you, he stormed up to you. You looked up at Kevin, your club's president. Narancia, on the other hand, didn't want Kevin to come and destroy his paradise, and he knew Kevin would be a bad new for him. As soon as he saw Kevin, Narancia glanced to you. Narancia didn't expect and want this to happen but here you are, looking at a boy other than him.
"Oh, Kev! What brought you here?" You greeted him and drew back your hands. Narancia didn't bother to move from your side. Fugo twisted his neck to look up from his lunch to your target. Fugo repositioned himself since he saw who was it and listened to hear whatever Kevin had to say. "(Y/N), Mrs. Smith said you made some mistakes in the paper sheets for the club. You better get there now and I have things to do," Kevin stood beside Fugo and waited for you.
"I will go there once I finish my lunch," you glared up at Kevin. Narancia was also glaring at Kevin. "She didn't look like she was busy which is unusual," Kevin insisted. Kevin's demand irked you and you rolled your eyes. "Fine," you groaned as you packed your lunch back up. Narancia complained as he clasped your arm. "(Y/N), you don't have to go." Narancia's puppy eyes striking your week spot but you couldn't say no to the class president. "I'm sorry, Narancia but I have to. I will see you back in class when this is over. Ok? No worries," you gave Narancia a reassuring smile and stood up. Narancia's eyes were narrowing at Kevin. Fugo noticed this and observed him carefully. So then, he could step in if Narancia was to burst out.
You headed to the teachers' office and prepared yourself. Kevin was walking on the corridor of the old, abandoned school building. He just needed to grab some stuffs from there. He was on his way until he saw a group of people in a class. He pulled the door open and shouted, "Students are prohibited to come here withou-," he saw an adult looking like a street rat handing a bag wrapped in tape to a student. "YOU! Outsiders are prohibited here too and state your busines -" Before his sentence ended, —wham!— his unconscious body fell onto the dusty floor with a thud.
Narancia tried his best to keep his serenity but something clicked in him. He threw his orange juice and stood up. "That motherf*cker!! $&j#fc;h-e)g£sv%y!!!" He cursed as the bottom of his shoe stamped upon the poor lunchbox. Noodles flat under, the sauce splashed across the concreted floor, the plastic scattered into pieces and his shoe fouled by the mess. Fugo noticed the buzz in his pants pocket and reached for it. Checking the ID, he then picked it up. "Pronto."
"Damn it!" Narancia exclaimed as he rubbed his shoe on the clean surface of the floor. "They're always trying to steal my (Y/N) away. A*sh*les!" Narancia kicked the air and his feet yeeted his shoe. Narancia was too furious to pay attention to Fugo or his talk. He then let out a frustrated sigh and hopped. "Yes. We'll take care of it. Arrivederci," Fugo hung up and shoved the phone back into his pants. He then reversed his direction back to Narancia who was putting on his shoe again.
"Narancia," he calmly called him to see his fumming face almost as if a tomato. "They're making a move now. Gior- Boss want us to take action. Bruno said he will send the info in 5 minutes," Fugo's sentences were short but held engrossing mystery in them. Narancia's face was dark and occupied with a wide grin which would inject a chilling trepidation to everyone sane but Fugo wasn't bothered. The thought of finishing an order perfectly enraptured Fugo as he couldn't wait to spend more time with his beloved who was in a cage. "Go fetch (Y/N) after this," Fugo shot a smirk and encouraged Narancia. The two boys communicating with their eye contact. You who thought Fugo and Narancia were normal teenagers and not knowing anything about their past, didn't even notice the foreboding gift future has in store for you.
When you entered the club room, you couldn't find Kevin anywhere. "MuMu, have you seen Kev anywhere? I need him to check these sheets," you asked a girl who was filling in forms. "Ah! He went to that old building in the west. He said he needed some files from class B," she answered and you smiled at her. "Thank you!" You replied and headed to there. Looking over the papers in your fingers again. "This will be fine. I guess...," you spoke to yourself.
Narancia and Fugo were checking out the rooms at the ground level. They entered the 5th room when you entered the hall. You then zigzagged and stepped on the first step of the stairs. 'Class B. Huh. That would be third floor.' You thought to yourself and rubbed your temple. "Wait. This building has three stairs. Right? What if I miss Kevin? I can't let it happen! I must hand in these today," you talked to yourself and hurried your steps. "Nothing's here too," Fugo looked up to Narancia. He was squatting and checking for footprints or any sign of their target were here or the packs since the info showed they stored some in here. "Let's move on," Narancia replied as he head to the stairs.
You arrived on the third floor and everything was a mess. There were plastic bags, dry leaves and dusts. You looked up to the sign on top of an entrance. It read 'E' and you moved on to get where you wanted to be. When you passed through class D, you heard something. You stopped in track and paid attention to it. It was as if something was being beaten. You backed to the wall and approached the back door of the third room. You sneakily opened the door a bit and peeked in. A strange scent hitting your nostrils.
There was a group of students and some people in normal attire. Smokes surrounding their heads. Cigarettes in between of their fingers. Some were staring down at the centre. You followed their gaze. A fist rose and fell like a tsunami. You couldn't see who was the victim since the desks and some males blocked it. You keeled for a better view and in between legs, you saw a familiar male with burgundy hair. Blood rivering down on his lips and chin. His nose all red. His face swollen.
You questioned why he didn't fight back and you covered your mouth. His fingers bending back in. Blood stained on his white sweater. Two knives attached to his belly. You started to tremble and your breath hitched. You wanted to step in and help Kevin but it would be around 15 against 1. You don't even stand a chance.
You gotta get out of there fast and affirm the teachers. When you raised your head back, the door swung open with a creek. You looked up like a cornered prey under the gaze of a predator. To meet with a pair of eyes staring down at you. A grin sent chills down your spine. You didn't waste any time and sprang for the escape. The shadow behind you chased you down. You were pulled back by a hand wrapping by your waist. "HELP-!" Your mouth covered by a hand.
"Did you hear that?" Narancia glanced at his friend who didn't turn away from his staring towards the ceiling. "Hear what?" Narancia had a confused expression. Fugo then looked at Narancia. "Narancia, call out Aerosmith. They might still be in this building," Fugo commended him. "Okay?" Narancia raised an eyebrow and spread his arms horizontally. "Aerosmith!"
You were struggling against two males. The others were staring or laughing at your inadequate struggles. You kicked, wiggled your body out, punched and did everything you could but nothing seemed to work until you remembered a method. You kicked the male in front of you where the sun don't shine and curved in your spine to smash that nose with the back of your head. The grip around you loosened. Your feet trying to be your life saviour, betrayed by a hand grabbing on one. Your face came in to kiss the floor. A crack rang in your ears and a light flashed before you. You tried to get back up but restrained by a pull.
You rolled around and punched anyone who was in sight. Your hand captured in a grip but you used all of your force and took your hand back. Your other hand reached something and you grabbed it. Panic swung your hand and —Shluk!— crimson liquid spattered. A glass shard deep in the throat of a student. Blood trailing down from his mouth and nose. He choked out and a daub of red landed on your cheek, soon to roll slowly to side. Your eyes went wide. You brought up your hand to wipe the burning sensation on your nose and hide that glup. You were stunned. Your brain tried to reload what you just did but errors delayed it.
Tap, tab, tap, dab, dap, dab, dap, swissh, dab, swissh, dab, dap, zwish, dab, dap, zwish, Dap, zwish, Dab, Dap, zwish, Dab, BAM!
The door swung open, brining you back to reality with a flinch. Your head spun and you saw a ray of hope along with two boys. Narancia's scanning fell upon you as soon as you goggled him. Your nose red. Blood smeared on your philtrum, upper lateral subunit and upper lip. Your obscured tears failed on you. The look in your eyes begged him to save you. Your lips quivering. Your quietened sobs emerging. "What the f*ck!?" A wrongdoer swore out loud and they prepared themselves by picking up some chair, wood stick, spiked bat, and pocket knives.
"Na-Narancia...," You ran towards him but your legs gave out and you crawled. Clinging on his leg. He crouched towards you. Holding your trembling hand in his. Your poor body shaking like a leaf. Tears streaming down on your exquisite cheeks. Your state in this situation and a murmur of your voice turned on the insanity inside him. "Fugo, I will leave (Y/N) to you," Fugo took over his role and supported you to stand up. Narancia's face was hard to read when you glanced at him. Narancia stood tall.
Your back leaned on the dirty wall. Your breath hitching and you hugged onto Fugo tightly. Burying your face in his chest. Snivelling all your emotions out. Screaming were heard in the distance. Fugo patted your back and separated you by your shoulders. "(Y/N)?" He called your name and you looked up at him. "I need you to stay here and not going anywhere. Ok?" he waited for your answer. You nodded while sobbing. He set up a reassuring smile and left you there. You sat there and wiped your tears away. When you glanced at Fugo, you saw him walking into that room.
"YOU BASTARD! YOU WORTHLESS LITTLE S*HT!! YOU SHOULD GO DIE IN A S*HT HOLE, YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING B*TCH!!" The dead hooligan lied flat under Narancia's shoe. Narancia's breathes were hitching, and veins were popping out on his forearm and the back of his hand. Blood painted the wall and floor red. The pool under his shoe sticky and thick. They deserved it. No one and by means that, not even a single soul is allowed to hurt his perfection whom he worship daily. Anyone who left a scratch on (Y/N)'s body will be left with a missing limb but made her bleed more than a drop? Haha. Ya gotta be kidding about it.
Fugo stopped him in track. "(Y/N) need you now. Go. I will take care of them," Fugo's hand on his shoulder, giving Narancia a proud smile. Narancia stepped back and cooled himself down. Fugo took out a glass bottle and a handkerchief. He opened the cap and enclosed the lid with the handkerchief. He then turned them upside down. Soon to be back in their position. He handed the handkerchief to Narancia. "Here. Take this just in case." Narancia took it and in a split second, there was a wide, merry grin on his cheeks. He put it in the skirt pocket. "Yea! Thanks, Fugo!" He exclaimed gleefully and ran out of the class with a jolly behaviour. Fugo chuckled at Narancia's usual behaviour and put the covering back on.
Of course. You must be waiting for him all this time. You need him like he needs you. You sinning his thoughts and nights. You who was defenceless. He who was resistless to you or your beguiling body. His hands not wanting to depart from your skin. His lips brushing softly on your throat. He was addicted to you. You who spellbound him, lured him in, ensnared him, planted a seed called possessiveness in him, seized his obsession only to yourself and inveiged him to come swoop your fragile soul from this heartless world. He's your knight in shinning armour after all.
"(Y/N)!" You heard a familiar voice. Your sugary name cloying him more and more. He was drunk upon the bewitching splendour of your beauty. Your voice ripping his stability bit by bit. His body towered you. Trapped you between his torso and the wall. You were in a daze. His tranquil smile avenging your cruel actions towards him. His loving gaze hypnotising the poor prey.
You turned your head to the source. A breeze revealing a dazzling boy to you. "Narancia!" You called your friend's name as you eyed him up. He who bathed in his enemies' blood. You wiped your tears again as you stood up. Observing the boy before you in terror. "I killed them for you~ (Y/N)♡," his voice sickeningly sweet. His usual cute smile inverted into a nightmare with blood staining on it. "Thi-This is wrong. So wrong...," you choked out. His eyebrows raised with disbelief. "What are you talking about, (Y/N)? This is the right thing to do! They hurt you! You are a perfection and I'm your guardian! If anyone try to corrupt you, they are devils and it's my duty to get rid of them! Hehe," he chuckled lightly. As if taking out the fire of life was nothing more than a joke to him.
"Naranci-" you were cut off. "I love you~" The grin not dropping from his face. "W-Wha-What?" You asked again not because you didn't quite catch it but because you didn't get what he meant by that. "I love you♡" An adorable giggle rumbled down his chest. "Wha- N-No! Liste-" you tried to speak again. "No? You don't love me?" The wretched look gushed down your throat like a blazing lava. Guilt's hands tightening around you throat. "No. No. That's not-" Your panic dragged and chucked you down the cliff.
"Then what do I need to do to make you love me back, (Y/N)?"
You stopped. You legitimately stopped. He wasn't trying to hear out what you had to spill. He wasn't even trying. It seemed as if he won't give up or drop that subject. No. He wouldn't and you have had it. You took a sharp breath in. Your legs spun and took a step farther away from him. Your back getting smaller and alarm bells rang loudly in his head. Your direction fixed on the stair. He pulled you back by your wrist and made you face him. His hand sneaking around your waist.
"Let me g-" your lips sealed with his. Your heart jumped like a rabbit and your mind reset itself. If you were just an innocent civilian, he wouldn't do anything to you but remember that time you helped him with that winsome smile? Remember that time when you let him rest on your lap? Remember that time you held him tight in your sleep? You have given him those blushes, those smiles, those giggles, those restless nights with only you in his head, those hushed moans and those vivid dreams. You have stolen his only heart and tried to flee with it. Did you think he was that stupid to let you go after everything he went through for you?
A white silk between the two teenagers sparkled under the orangy ray. The sun slowly dying on the horizon, letting his lover breathe and shine in the darkness with her small sparkling fairies. Your breathing uneven. Unable to leave his dusky purple soul. He fed upon your candy as his right hand flew up to cup your cheek. His thumb swinging left and right. Your cheek dough under his fingers. Your life like a droplet of rain in his palm.
His touches varied into needy ones. His desire asking for more as his lips once again sucked the life out of you. His tongue burrowing into you. Your hands constraining him away from you. Your head trying to break away from his grasp. Your brain sending red flags in your view. Your anxiety lining tears on your lower eyelashes. Your lung shrieking for the oxygen you needed. Him devouring on your sobs.
Your leg swung back to aim whichever part of his leg you can reach. —Wham!— he groaned and reached for his luckless shin. You didn't waste any time and hurtled wherever you can but far from this pitiful boy. Your legs wanting to give out under you but your brain forcing them not to. Your heart ringing in your ears. The stairs blurred in your vision.
You set your foot upon the second floor and aimed to make a U turn to descend more. Coincided with a yelp, your flimsy body was tugged back by a hand wrapping around your chest. Your nose and mouth were covered by a hand, linked with a cloth. Due to the intense exercise you had, you respired a small amount of chemical with a gasp. The sharp smell made you press harder into his chest, gratifying him more.
Your fists hitting his hands, pulling them away. Your body twisting in order to be freed. Your tears messy on your cheeks. Your limbs faltered. Your muscles relaxed. Your soul doors pulling the curtains. Your head rested on his shoulder. Your consciousness fell into the dark abyss. Pulling you along with it. A word echoed in the void.
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donghyuwus · 4 years
jisung | dream a little dream au #2
⋆ pairing: jisung x fem!reader (ft. nct dream)
⋆ words: 3,279
⋆ category: fantasy!au, thriller, fluff will come in future parts
⋆ warnings: a bit of dark shit and people not being displayed they are irl, mention of alcohol and spirits
⋆ summary: this boy from school has been showing up in your dreams maybe a bit too much lately and what is up with his friends and that weird green door? when you decide to see what kind of secrets lay behind it you are met by a whole other world, dark secrets, a big crush, but evil is watching behind one of those doors. dreaming: upgraded
⋆ disclaimer: this au is inspired by one of my favourite books ever: silber aka dream a little dream. it isn’t my intention to steal the writers work and copy her book. I took the concept and some aspects of it and came up with this au. I strongly recommend reading her book if you liked this!
click here to read the other parts: one
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‘Grab her.’
Before you could even try to run away Renjun and Jeno had already grabbed you by the shoulders and lifted you up. Both of them held one of your arms while they and the other boys walked you around the hallways.
It is just a dream, it is just a dream, it is just a dream. You kept chanting in your head while also quietly whispering it, nobody of them noticed because they were busy finding the right path, except for Jisung. He walked beside Jeno, on the right side of you. The boy noticed the scared look you had on your face and the whispers you were letting out. It was nagging him seeing you like that.
‘Guys,’ he spoke, making the boys stop in their track and turning their head towards him, ‘I think it’s best if we just bring her back to her own door and into her own dream.’ Haechan clearly didn’t like the sound of that and rolled his eyes. ‘And why would we do that Jisung? She spied on us. I wanna know how much she knows and have seen. Nobody is supposed to know about this.’ Your eyes shut up at him. ‘I won’t tell anyone what I’ve seen, trust me. I didn’t even know what I saw, or what this is or where we are.’ Chenle nodded his head, ‘You know what maybe Jisung is right, remember the first time we got here, we barely remembered that, it was all very vague, it needed a lot of practice before our memories could handle all of this. So maybe if we bring her back she will forget about it all in the morning.’ ‘And if not, we will make that happen.’ Jaemin grinned, a bit too creepy in your opinion.
‘Okay, okay,’ Haechan agreed, ‘We’ll bring them back. But if we ever see her here again or she speak about what took place here to anyone, there will be consequences. Understood?’ You shook your head violently, relieved that they would let you go. A quick glance towards Jisung and you noticed he was smiling to himself, he looked like he was the only one having real mercy with you.
After a while of walking around the same bright hallways with loads of doors and turns, you finally made it to the familiar dark green door with the fancy brown handle. Jeno and Renjun both let go of your arms and took a step back. ‘You wanted to bring her here, you go and drop her off inside, Jisung.’ Haechan spoke. By the way of things you noticed that either he or Mark seemed to be the leader of the pack. ‘We need to go now, because of this inconvenience we have quite a lot of things to catch up on now.’ He said while giving you a dirty look. Well damn, somebody didn’t like you. The boys gave you one last glance before wandering off together in the hallway, leaving you alone with the youngest of them all. The boy shyly smiled down at you before grabbing the wooden doorhandle and pushing it down, opening the door and revealing a large field of grass.
‘Shall we?’ He asked as he stepped inside and reached out his hand for you to grab. Hesitantly you grabbed it and stepped inside as well. Jisung closed the door behind you, while you looked at your surroundings, you remember it changed since you left the place. Instead of your friends hanging out around the school at lunchbreak, it was just an insanely large field of grass and nothing else. Just you and Jisung standing there. With that thought in your head you suddenly remembered you were still holding his hand and quickly pulled it back before you looked creepy. A slight, deep chuckle escaped his lips at your actions. You felt yourself getting more awkward and didn’t really know what to do. This whole thing has been a lot and you don’t even know how to begin processing what had just happened out there in those hallways and in that weird-looking forest.
Jisung sat down on the grass and as if he could read your mind he spoke: ‘It’s a lot right? What you just saw?’ You nodded and sat down beside him, your eyes staring at him, hoping he would explain. The boy started plucking some grass out of the ground before he started talking. ‘You know, we aren’t as mean or as scary as we look. Haechan just doesn’t want this to go bad.’ ‘What to go bad?’ ‘That’s a long story. I’ll save it for another time, if I’m even allowed to see or visit you again.’ He quickly glanced at you and you could see the worry in his eyes. ‘Why wouldn’t you be allowed to see me again? Did I do something wrong by stepping into those hallways?’ A sigh escaped his lips. ‘It’s just- don’t do it again, okay? It could be dangerous. Plus the boys were nice to you this time and I could talk them out of their plans, I don’t know if I could do that again. Also you are lucky, so lucky Mark didn’t see you.’ Your eyebrows frowned at his words. Mark? What would have happened if Mark had seen you? You decided to stop asking questions because you could see Jisung didn’t really like talking about the topic. But you had one left.
‘This is all a dream right?’ The boy stopped plucking the grass and his eyes looked at yours. He blinked and thought for a while before he answered. ‘Yes, yes this all a dream.’ While nodding your head, you sighed in relief. That’s when the familiar sound surrounded the environment. This time you knew what it was and weren’t scared by it. Your alarm rang and rang while the ground started to shake a little. Jisung sighed before jumping up. ‘I guess it’s time to go.’ You saw the slightest bit of disappointment on his face and it confused you a little. But before you could question it you became dizzy. The boy walked towards the door and you turned your head to look at him and wave him goodbye. He smiled at you before opening it. ‘Stay safe.’ ‘Wait will I see you again?’ But it was too late, he had already closed the door and you became even dizzier. That’s when you woke up.
That day felt like a haze. Dark circles had appeared under your eyes and you felt like you didn’t even sleep that night. You were oh so tired and confused. Vague, short flashbacks popped up in your head about your dreams and what happened that night but you couldn’t bring your mind to memorize any of it. It left you frustrated. At school you payed even less attention than usual because of sleepiness and frustration. Which made it even worse was that the Dreamies kept on giving you glances while walking trough the hallway or at lunch. What was their problem?
You were putting your books into your locker after your last period when this girl from your math class suddenly approached you and stopped by your side. Never have you talked to her in your whole life, so it wasn’t a surprise that you were confused by her. ‘Can I-’ ‘You need to stay away from them y/n.’ ‘Excuse me what? Who?’ She stepped even closer, that’s when you noticed she was quite a bit taller than you. Not gonna lie, it was intimating. Slowly she bended down so her face was at the same level as your ear. ‘They are dangerous. Stay away.’ Without saying anything else she stood up straight again, gave you an innocent smile and walked off. Startled you stood there not knowing what had just happened, how she knew your name or who she was talking about. It took you a few seconds before you quickly finished what you were doing, packed your bag and headed out of school. On your way out of the school terrain you noticed the Dreamies sitting outside on a grass field. They looked like they were doing their homework out there. You didn’t question it, it was amazing weather, especially since it was mid spring, so not too hot nor too cold. That’s when your eyes landed on Jisung. You stopped in your tracks. He was plucking the grass. He was plucking the grass. He was plucking the grass. You blinked, once, twice. The third time he looked up. The fourth time he noticed your blank stare and your open mouth. The fifth time he whispered ‘shit’. The sixth time he stood up and was heading your way.
It was time to run. So you did. Running wasn’t your strongest point but if it was necessary you could manage. The memories of your dreams, clear as day now spooking trough your mind. The door, the hallways, the other doors, the bright lights, that weird forest, the strange ritual, being caught, not speaking about what had happened, being brought back, a grass field, Jisung plucking grass. It was right there. Just like Jisung was also right here. Wait, what?
You bumped right into his chest as he was standing right in front of you. He was panting and so were you. How? He was chasing you. How is he in front of you? Before you could undertake any action he grabbed your arm and dragged you with him. ‘No.’ ‘What ‘no’?’ ‘I am done with you and your friends dragging me around, let me go.’ ‘So you do indeed remember it.’ He sighed out while still holding you and bringing you with him. You knew damn well you had almost no chance trying to escape from him, clearly he is stronger, taller and faster than you. So you just gave in, you knew he wouldn’t hurt you anyway. Most likely he was just going to have a talk with you about not telling anyone what you had seen. Why was it such a big deal anyways? You were honestly so confused.
After a while of walking he stopped at, what you assumed, his house. He let go of you to grab the key in his pocket and opened the door. As he stepped inside you followed. ‘Wait here.’ Alone he left you in his hallway as he walked away to another room. You looked around you at the environment. The hallway was quite small and looked cosy, lots of brown and wooden elements. A coat rack with a few coats on it was standing to the left of you, close to the door. Two potted plants were placed next to the staircase, they were quite big. There were photos on the wall of Jisung and what you assumed his brother when they were little, his parents at their wedding and some more recent family photos. You found yourself staring at Jisung and his nice smile for longer than you would have liked when Jisung himself entered the hallway with two cups of water. ‘What are you smiling at?’ He asked confused before tracing back to where you were looking earlier. ‘Oh nothing.’ A frown appeared on his head after your mumble. ‘Anyways, shall we?’ He asked before pointing upstairs.
You went first and he followed. ‘The door on the right.’ And so you opened the door on your right and stepped inside. After he stepped inside he placed the cups on the desk and closed the door before sitting down on his bed. He patted the place beside him, signing you to come and sit down, and so you did. You both were quiet for a while before he started speaking. ‘I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have dragged you with me like that, I just panicked after knowing you remembered everything. I’m also sorry for what happened last night. You must be so confused and even though the boys kill me if they find out, I’m just gonna be honest with you.’ There was a pause before he stood up again and grabbed the cups of water and gave one to you and drank some of the other.
‘So basically where it all started was Halloween night and as you know, we are a bit too old for trick or treat now and instead we were at a party. And some of us, not gonna throw names around, were a bit too wasted. So my friends, Stacy and I decided to do something fun and spooky. We-’ ‘Who is Stacy?’ You interrupted the boy. ‘Don’t you know her? We have math with her. Tall, blonde girl, ex of Mark?’ That’s when you mind wandered of to earlier today.
‘You need to stay away from them y/n.’
‘They are dangerous. Stay away.’
Deciding not to bring it up you keep it at an ‘Oh yeah, that girl’ and continue to listen to what Jisung has to stay. ‘Anyways Stacy decided it was a fun idea to summon a bad spirit in exchange for our wishes to be granted, from one of the many weird witchy books her parents own. I knew it was bad idea and had a whole discussion with everyone how it was insanely stupid. Eventually the boys told me it was probably going to be nothing and that we had nothing to worry about, that it was all fake and blah blah blah. So we did it anyway, we all had to put some of our blood into this weird cup and write our wishes onto a small piece of paper before burning it together with our blood, while Stacy was chanting some weird Latin sentences.’ He paused and fumbled with his fingers, you could tell he was getting nervous and placed your own hand over his thigh to calm him down. For a moment he looked up at you and smiled lightly before continuing. ‘Anyways nothing happened for a few days, and I started to believe my friends, that it was all bullcrap. That was until Jeno’s wish suddenly came true.’ ‘What did he wish for?’ ‘Sounds stupid, but you know how Jeno is on the basketball team right?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Well he wished to win every match his team plays. And ever since the ritual they never lost one.’ You frowned of confusion. ‘Well maybe they just got really good.’ No, you weren’t going to believe such a stupid thing. ‘Well yeah, that is what I thought at first too. Then Renjun’s wish came true. He wished to be accepted into the art college he dreams to go to next year. And he got accepted. After that Jaemin followed, he just made up a wish on the spot and because he didn’t believe it he made it stupid, he wished that our friend group would be the most popular and eye-catching everywhere we go, and now because of that we are indeed so popular, I don’t like it whatsoever.’
Without thinking about it you let out a chuckle. ‘I’m sorry but this seems just like a lot of coincidences, it doesn’t surprise you guys are popular, everyone of you is handsome and nice. Renjun is amazing at art and as I said Jeno and his team just got better.’ ‘My wish came true.’ ‘And what did you wish for?’ It was silent. ‘That’s personal. I don't want to talk about it. But it came true.’ You respected his privacy and kept quiet. Clearly he did believe in all of this. ‘Anyways,’ he continued, ‘after that Halloween night everyone of us noticed a certain door appear in our dream. At first we didn’t think much of it until Haechan did some exploring and found out there was a bright white hallway behind his door. He told us one night that as soon as we fell asleep we should go trough the door and that was when we all saw each other in that hallway. It was so confusing at first. We just stayed in the hallway and talked to each other. The next day we barely remembered it until Haechan brought it up to us. It was weird, like we shared the same dream. After that we tried it a couple more times. We went trough each others doors and saw each others dreams. We tried going trough other doors, the doors we assumed belonged to other people. It didn’t work, it wouldn't open. The only way we could come in was if that person let us in trough the hallway. Another way was to hold and item that belonged to that certain person on you while you were sleeping. We discovered that after many trial and errors though.’ Jisung let out a sigh and dropped his head on the bed,  and was now laying down on.
‘It was all fun and games in the beginning. Spying around in other people’s dreams here and there, trying to find out which door belongs to who, training ourselves to change the environments of dreams and to change ourselves into certain things and people. That was until Stacy met us in the hallway one day. She said we had upset the spirit and that if we wanted to keep him happy and keep our wishes granted and visit these hallways, we must do certain rituals in our dreams and in real life once in a while. We were scared and didn’t want things to get ruined so we listened and do those things.’ The room went silent and you looked down at the boy laying next to you, his eyes were on you. ‘But if you guys had to do all those things to get out there, how did I manage to get to these hallways?’ ‘Honestly, I wouldn’t know. Maybe it’s because-’ Jisung got cut off when his brother entered the door. ‘Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know you had a guest over.’ The tall boy looked over at you and back to Jisung before smiling brightly. ‘I’m Minjun, Jisung’s older brother. We are having dinner in a minute, wanna have dinner with us?’ You looked over at Jisung who hold up his shoulders, leaving it up to you to decide. ‘Yeah sure, thank you.’ And so you did.
Dinner was amazing, Jisung’s parents were really nice and asked you all sorts of question, never was it really quiet. Minjun was really talkative as well. The only being silent was Jisung. That however changed real quick when you two went upstairs again and both chilled and laid down on his bed. You asked him all sorts of questions about the doors, the hallways, the rituals, how to change into this or that. He answered everything and even promised you to teach you some stuff. You two were talking for so long and didn’t even notice the change of time. Until the both of you got quite sleepy. Jisung was answering one of your questions when he realized you had gone real quiet, even your breathing was slower. He glanced beside him and noticed you had already fallen asleep. And before he wanted to he drifted away as well.
It didn’t take Jisung long to find your door and step inside. He looked around and noticed he seemed to be in a kitchen, you were standing at a counter mixing something. It looked like you were baking. Creeping up on you from behind he wanted to surprise you, he stopped in his tracks however when he heard the door behind him open up again. Slowly he turned around only to be met by himself standing in the door opening grinning at him.
‘What the fuck.’
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wlw-in-space · 5 years
Another little luthor fic? L!L likes to join Lena for dinner at L-Corp and stick around her office to study for high school/uni (whatever). No matter how late Lena stays up working, L!L does too. Lena takes notice of L!L slowly becoming more and more exhausted, and Lena realizes that maybe her workaholic habit isn't so healthy and they try and make a change together :)
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“Hi, Lee!” You smiled, walking into your big sister’s office with your school bag and food from Big Belly Burger.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Lena stood from her desk and hugged you before kissing your cheek and taking the food from you to set it up so the two of you could eat together.
“I missed you today,” You groaned. “Stupid school was so boring.”
Lena chuckled and poured two glasses of water for you guys before sitting down to start eating, “I missed you too, but seriously, it couldn’t have been that bad.”
You took a bite of your burger and swallowed it quickly so you could disagree, “Oh, it was definitely that bad. I swear I almost fell asleep in every class and in history we rewatched the same documentary we watched yesterday that I was telling you about just to take notes because only half the class took notes. I got lucky though ‘cause I’d already taken notes, so I just slept through it.”
Lena almost said something about how much you had mentioned sleep, but decided against it, “Just make sure you’re paying attention in class, (Y/n/n). If Lilian finds out that you somehow got a C on an assignment she’ll break herself right out of jail just to reprimand you.”
You laughed softly and nodded, “Of course I’m paying attention. I’m just tired is all.” You shrugged and continued eating until both of you had finished.
When you were both done, Lena went back to her work while you started your homework.
It didn’t take you more than an hour and a half to finish, so you decided to get ahead on as much as you could before starting to study for a quiz you had next week, doing that for an hour before taking a bit of a mental break.
You were feeling a bit disgruntled because it was only Tuesday and you still had more than half the week left, but the good thing was that all your assigned homework was done.
You glanced up at Lena and bit the inside of your lip, watching as she worked efficiently, never seeming to get distracted by anything.
You let out a quiet sigh and spent the next five hours reading one of the books Lena had in her office and texting with a few of your friends.
Lena finally finished work at 1 in the morning and you were so relieved.
It took half an hour to get home and another half hour to shower and get ready for bed, so you said goodnight to Lena at 2, giving her a tight hug before going to sleep.
You and Lena had fallen into a routine, it was unhealthy to say the least, going to bed roughly at 2 and waking up at 6:00 every morning. But it was a routine nonetheless.
Lena was apparently accustomed to it, having done it for years, but she seemed to be able to get more sleep in, having the luxury of being able to sleep an hour or two more than you in the mornings since she didn’t have to go to school and she owned her own company.
At first she had thought that she was imagining it, how much you talked about sleep or being tired, but by Friday of that week, she realized how dark the circles under your eyes were and how you seemed to be falling asleep as you were sitting up.
“(Y/n/n)?” Lena put her pen down and grabbed your attention after she’d glanced up twelve times in the past five minutes and you had been staring at the same spot on the wall without realizing it.
“Hm?” You redirected your focus to Lena, blinking to clear your vision and see her correctly.
“You seem exhausted,” Lena frowned, as she watched you try to stifle your yawn.
“Nah, just a little tired,” You shook your head and blinked a few times, struggling to see.
Lena bit her lip for a second as she thought and then she finally realized that you’d been staying up with her every night until she finished work. “You should get to sleep, babes.”
“No, no, I’ll wait for you,” You shook your head, as if trying to shake the sleep away. “I can wait.”
“I’m done working for tonight, lets go home,” Lena stood and grabbed all of her things and taking your school bag too, not wanting you to drop it or anything.
She placed a gentle hand at the small of your back to help lead you to the car, “From now on we’ll be going to bed earlier, (Y/n/n). My working habits might not be that healthy.”
You smiled softly as you yawned again and nodded in confirmation, “Sounds good. I can’t wait to sleep.”
Lena chuckled, “Yeah, we could both use the sleep.”
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calpalirwin · 5 years
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A/N: Inspired by the real events of my life with my husband just a few days ago.
Warning: Smut. Poorly written smut, but still smut.
And away, and away we go!
The house was dark when Ashton came home which surprised him because it was still early and your car was in the driveway meaning you were home. 
“Love?” Ashton’s voice called out as he turned on the living room light. “I brought home dinner.” He set the bag of food down before heading upstairs to check the bedroom. He found you curled up in bed, blankets pulled up around your face. For a second he thought you were asleep, but then he caught a glimpse of the light on your phone. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, placing a soft kiss on your head. For you to be already curled up in bed at 5:30 in the afternoon meant 1 of 2 things: depression or physical sickness. 
“Migraine,” you mumbled. 
He nodded. He had been dating you long enough to know the difference between when you had a regular headache and a migraine. So he knew you had been trying to sleep it off probably since the minute you gotten home. He also knew it meant that you hadn’t eaten, which was probably making the situation worse. “Well, come eat. That’ll help.”
“Yeah, probably,” you agreed, getting out of bed and following him downstairs to the kitchen. You took your burger out of the bag and took a bite. “Mmm,” you smiled softly as you chewed. The food felt good. Well, it did until your stomach caught on to what was happening, anyway. Your chewing slowed as you set your burger aside, frowning. Eating would be great if you didn’t feel you were seconds from throwing it all up. 
“That bad, huh?” Ashton asked, nodding at your largely uneaten meal. 
You nodded.
“Well, go lie down on the couch. I think Harry Potter’s on.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, feeling bad he had spent money on food you weren’t going to eat.
“It’s okay. Just focus on getting better.”
A half hour later you were curled up under a blanket on the couch, only half paying attention to the Harry Potter marathon playing on some channel, debating whether or not you should just go upstairs to bed. 
“Head still hurt?” Ashton asked, crawling under the blanket with you.
You nodded, scooting over to make room and then leaning into him. One of his arms wrapped around shoulder, his hand resting gently right above your boob. His other hand came to rest on your ass. Both hands started to move restlessly, teasing your body. “What are you doing?” you giggled. 
“What? I can’t touch my girlfriend in my house?”
“No, you can. As long as you have my consent that is.”
“And do I have your consent?”
“I never said you didn’t.”
His hands stopped their movement and you snuggled up closer to him, feeling his hard-on through his jeans. You giggled again. 
“Why are you laughing at me?”
“You’re cute.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. Then, a finger slipped into the waistband of both your sweats and panties before tracing a path between your folds. “Oh… wow… really?” he asked, his voice low.
You giggled a third time. “Shut up. You’re teasing me and I’m attracted to you. Of course I’m wet. And you have a boner, so do-“ you words got replaced by the moan ripping out of your throat as his finger plunged into you. He continued to work his finger in and out of you, his thumb drawing circles on your clit. 
Your own hand reached to palm his hard on through his jeans. Both of your movements were slow, taking your time working each other up, you letting out slow moans, while his breathing grew heavy. Then, he took his hand out of your pants. Your moan broke off into a whine, wondering why he had stopped. “Bedroom?” he asked, his hazel eyes glazed over in lust. 
“Bedroom,” you breathed, before racing him upstairs. 
In the bedroom, you quickly kicked off your sweats and panties before stripping his hoodie off your head and diving under the covers. After ditching his own clothes, he crawled in after you, adjusting your body so you were laying sideways across his chest. You placed kisses across his chest, occasionally biting down as he set back to work of bringing you over the edge. “Fuck…” you breathed into his chest. 
“Damn it…” he muttered, his movements stopping.
“What? What’s wrong?” you asked, looking up at him. 
“The condoms are all the way over there…”
“Well, hurry up then,” you told him, moving off of him. 
He quickly rolled over to dig around the nightstand drawer for a condom. 
“Alright, c’mere,” he said, once the condom was on, moving to be above your body. He rubbed your clit with his fingers, checking that you were good and ready before plunging his dick into you. “Fuck…” you both moaned.
He started moving his hips and his fingers started to draw circles on your clit again, the headboard rocking with his movements. “Shit, your head. You good?” he asked, looking at you worriedly, hoping he wasn’t making your migraine worse by potentially slamming your head into the headboard with his movements. 
“I’m good,” you panted up at him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” you moaned into his chest when his movements started up again. 
“That’s my girl,” he praised, feeling you release around him. 
“Fuck,” you breathed, giggling as your body twitched.
Your twitching around him was enough to make him finish with his own moaned “Fuck…”
“Fu-uck!” you whimpered as he slowly pulled himself out and placed a kiss on your forehead. 
“Get some rest, okay?”
You pulled the blanket up to cover yourself, a happy smile on your face, feeling the pain in both your head and stomach beginning to ease. Orgasms were fuckin magic.
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