#do u like my little swiftie references
carebearmareee · 1 year
the 1
tws: cursing, talks about faked death, fight(ish)??, running away from home, lots of angst but it gets better, implied anxiety (ig?? idk i’m bad at putting tws and i apologize for that)
in which vincent solaire needed a permanent vacation from new mexico, from his friends, from his life. so he decided to fake his own death, leaving everyone and everything that he loved behind (except for his camera, his favorite book, and money that was supposed to be paying for college).
vincent solaire has been lonely ever since the however many years ago he decided to trick everyone he ever knew into thinking he was dead. well… not necessarily everyone. the only excuse was them. he had to tell them, had to let them know that he would be safe. but he did not plan on ever seeing his first love again, especially not at the crowded bus stop of the place he had ran away to.
there was no way in hell, he was just going to flat out deny the fact that he even saw lovely there, if it even was his lovely, he had no way of being sure and didn’t want to confirm his suspicions either way. but, oh, how he missed them. he missed their laugh, their beautiful smile, the stupid jokes that they always cracked, and the way that they made him feel, like he was truly wanted by someone for once. and vincent couldn’t help but stare out of the corner of his eye. they looked different, older, but still just as pretty as the day that he left, the day that he tried not to think about because it only made him miss them even more.
“please, lovely, come with me.”
the look on their face after he had told them his idea was one that he would never forget, a concerned pout had found it’s way onto their lips, eyebrows furrowed slightly. they looked like they were about to cry, and it hurt vincent to remember it.
“you- you know i can’t do that vinny. i have my future all planned out, you know i could never do that. i need to finish school! i’m sorry..”
“lovely, you have no reason to be sorry. i just- i’m gonna miss you,” he sobbed, moving closer to give them a tight hug, “i’m gonna miss you so fucking much."
lovely pulled away from the hug, looking vincent in the eyes, "no, vincent. no. i can't do this. i can't just lie for you when everyone is worrying about where you are and if you're even alive or not!"
"i'm sorry, i need to do this. you know my parents don't exactly approve of me doing what i want, even now that i've moved halfway across town they still find ways to try and control me, and i'm just tired of it! i need to leave, even if that leaving comes with consequences, it's the only way i might be able to be myself. i want you to know that i will always love you, whether i see you again after tonight or not."
they sighed, gently grabbing his hands, "i'll try to lie for you. but please don't actually die or something," they teased, blinking back the tears in their eyes as vincent leaned in to give them one last kiss goodbye.
the memory left as quickly as it had came, leaving vincent aching to talk to them, because no matter how much he tried to deny it, there was just one thing that he missed about new mexico. his lovely. he was sure now, that this person was the same one he had loved all those years ago, he could tell by the way their brow furrowed as they looked down at their phone, and from the silver ring with a small heart made of pearl in the center that they wore on their ring finger, they fiddled with it (vincent had also noticed this, a habit that he knew they were prone to) while holding their phone with the other. it was the little things that vincent liked to look for, and also remember. he really liked maine (despite the bitter winters), but he still missed them.
lost in thought, he hadn’t even noticed the bus that had pulled up at the stop, his mind to busy reminiscing about the past to even notice it. someone tapped him on the shoulder.
“hey- um, the bus is here,” the stranger said politely
he turned around quickly, only to find that the stranger was not in fact a stranger at all, but his lovely. and they seemed to realize the same thing, because when their eyes met their expression was nothing but pure shock and terror.
“oh my- holy… vincent?” they asked quietly, even though they knew damn well that he was in fact, still vincent.
jokes were the only thing that kept vincent going in moments of chaos or panic. they to helped ease the tension when someone asked him how his childhood was or if one of his friends grilled him about his mental health, it had become such a habit, even in a serious moment like this, the only thing he could think of to say was, “well you see- i actually go by hugh, now,” he cleared his throat quickly, “hugh jass, if we’re getting fancy.” he would regret saying that in a few seconds, but for now, he just flashed a stupid grin.
the bus had pulled away by now.
people waiting for the next bus were starting to look at them now, many of them being people that vincent knew. almost all of them wondering who the boy they had grown to love was getting yelled at by.
“hey- um lovely,” he winced, he hadn’t meant to call them that, but old habits die hard. it’s not like it’s easy to just forget a nickname that he used for someone who he had thought had been the one. he watched their eyes wander to the ground when he said it, he remembered it all to well that it hurt. because maybe they could still be the one, and it would just take time, “we need to talk. and not here, like somewhere private, and i can explain, and you can explain. i think i- i think we both need this. please?” he was honestly desperate at this point, any old feelings that he had shoved down and tried to hide had come bursting up to the surface.
maybe vincent solaire was lonely since the six (yes, he remembers how many years it has been now that he received a lecture from them) years that he left new mexico. maybe it would change in the three hours that the two talked about where the both of them had went wrong. maybe the change started when he offered for them to stay the night, but they were sleeping on the couch wether they liked it or not, because they did not want to make anything awkward. something may have changed when vincent made them coffee just how they liked it the next morning. days turned into weeks, the couch turned into vincent’s bed, which eventually turned into cuddling, and then to kissing (vincent swears that after their “first” kiss, he was very calm. lovely tells a different [truer] story.), dates and buying new clothes that were more fit for the chilly maine weather, vincent thinks that he was a fool to ever leave new mexico, even though he was miserable there, somehow fate had brought the good parts about new mexico back to him, in fiddling with rings, in bright smiles, in watching sunsets, in dinner dates. in his lovely.
“i wonder if things would have been different.”
“hmm?” they look up at him lazily, hands not stopping petting the orange and white cat in their lap (vincent got the cat after few months of lovely living with him and realizing that they weren’t going to leave).
“if i never left. if you went off to college and i just stayed. maybe we wouldn’t be together now.”
“oh, stop, you know that stuff creeps me out. besides, i’m here with you now, that’s all that matters, vinny.”
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
hello there! this is my first time requesting anything so i’m sorry if it comes out too long or i don’t really request it properly hwhshwhsjssh, i just stumbled across your blog and saw you’re a swiftie AND a jack stan too!!! (i already love u for this!!). could we get jack/ethan with a swiftie girlfriend? maybe he got her tickets to see taylor (and if it’s jack, maybe he knows taylor and got into the little celebrity area at the eras tour?) and he tells her he loves her for the first time during “daylight”, because ever since they got together he learnt love is golden 🥺<3 if you’re not up for it, it’s totally cool!! your work is so good :)
hi!! the way i SCREAMED in excitement when i saw this request omg! thank you so much! writing this was honestly heartwarming. i always include some taylor references on my writings because she’s the one that inspires me to write. so, i’m actually really proud and happy of what i did with this little one shot🥺 hope you enjoy it!
it’s golden, like daylight — jack champion
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words: 1,307
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: taylor invites jack and y/n to her show, and during one of the surprise songs, jack gets the courage to tell her the three words.
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THE FIRST THING JACK THINKS WHEN HE HEARS THE NAME TAYLOR SWIFT IS Y/N. When they met, one of the first thing he noticed about her was that she was a huge swiftie. He took interest in her interests, so now his timeline and his search page was filled with things about the american singer. He even added tons of her songs to his playlist. And if you were to ask him what his favorite album was, he would say Lover. But maybe that’s because—as his girlfriend said—he was in his “Lover Era”.
When Taylor announced she was going on tour, he knew he would do anything to make his girlfriend’s dream come true. Maybe the stars had aligned, maybe it was a coincidence or maybe it was faith, but Taylor Swift knew him, and she also knew that Y/N was a big fan and Jack almost fainted when he saw his Instagram notification. He had kept it from Y/N for a couple of weeks, and it was finally time to reveal it.
Y/N was sitting on the couch, laptop on her lap and you could see the stress and anguish painted on her face. It was clearly someone who was having an awful time on queue.
Jack walked towards her with a smile, and closed her laptop. She started at the device with an expression of shock before setting her eyes on him—if looks could kill, Jack would’ve died on the spot.
“Jack! What the fuck!” she said in a loud angry tone. “You better pray to all the gods that I didn’t lose my queue number, cause I’m going to strangle you” she gritted her teeth as she opened her laptop again.
“You don’t need the queue” Jack simply said, taking her laptop away.
“Jack, please, it’s not the time for your cuddling needs” Y/N said frustrated.
“It’s not that” he laugh, as he took his phone and opened his DMs. He handed the phone to her. “Read it”.
Y/N’s curious eyes took notice of the user on top—Taylor Nation. Her heart skipped a bit, and read the message.
Hey, Jack!
Hope you’re doing well!
Taylor Swift knows your girlfriend, Y/N, is a big fan and she would like to invite you both to her show on Minneapolis, night two!
Please, answer us if you’re available and gives us the address so we can send you the tickets.
The girl stared at the phone in pure shock, not even noticing the tears leaking from her eyes or her shaking hands. She re-read the message hundreds of times, but still felt surreal. Taylor fucking Swift invited HER to her show. Taylor Swift knew who SHE was. Y/N never imagined something like this would ever happen, not even in her wildest dreams.
“Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I wanted it to be a surprise. Also, sorry for making you angry and scaring you with the laptop thing” Jack spoke up.
Y/N grabbed his hand and pull him in, his body landing on top of hers. She hugged his boyfriend tightly. “Is this really happening?” she asked with a broken voice.
“Yes, babe. We are seeing Taylor in a couple of months!”
Y/N sobbed as she hid her face on her boyfriend’s neck. Her wishes became true—she was seeing her favourite artist with her favourite person.
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JACK DIDN’T KNOW THAT THE TOUR WOULD BE SUCH AN EXPERIENCE. The concert was still months away, but the excitement was present every single day. Y/N even had a folder on her pinterest called “the eras tour”; in where she had outfits ideas and inspo for friendship bracelets. She also had a list on her phone notes with the surprise songs she would love to get.
“So, what costume are we getting?” Jack asked her while they made friendship bracelets.
“You are getting one too?” Y/N asked surprised.
Jack smiled “Of course! I was thinking of doing couple costumes”
“Yes! Let’s go on pinterest” she said with eagerness.
They spent a couple of minutes searching for a costume they both liked, until they found the perfect one.
“I’m so happy, you don’t even know” she beamed, head on his lap.
“I love seeing you like this. It makes me happy too” Jack grinned, tracing her cheekbones with his fingers.
Y/N lifted her head to kiss him softly “Thanks for putting up with my annoying fan girl ass”.
“Shut up” he laughed against her lips “You say it as if it was something bad. And it isn’t. Like I said, seeing you like this makes me happy too. Besides, I’m actually enjoying this whole ‘the eras’ experience”.
“Well then, I’m glad. What song would you love to hear live?” she wondered.
Jack knew the answer instantly. “Daylight”.
“Jack, oh my god, you have great taste. Why did you choose it?”
“I just like the lyrics” he shrugged.
Lies. Well, of course he liked the lyrics—but more importantly, he understood and felt them. Jack didn’t really know how Taylor came up with the concept that love was golden, but it just made sense to him. Maybe it’s because he had Y/N in his life that he could see why the color fitted just right.
His girlfriend was a literal ray of sunshine, there was no chance of feeling blue whenever she was around. How could he not fall for her? How could he not love her when everything was brighter and shiner—like daylight—ever since she barged into his life with her dazzling smile and heart of gold? She was golden and so was their love.
Love… that was a word they hadn’t say to each other yet. They had been together for almost six months, and he had known he loved her two months ago. But she was his first girlfriend, and he was scared he was going too fast for her liking, so he decided to wait.
Ironic enough, the same thoughts were on Y/N’s mind constantly. Falling in love with him had been as easy as knowing all of the words to her old favourite songs, pun intended. He was sweet, funny, caring, the representation of a golden retriever.
Both had the other completely bewitched, and they didn’t even notice.
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THE DAY HAD FINALLY ARRIVED AND Y/N ENTERED THE VENUE WITH SHAKY LEGS. A security guard guided them towards Taylor’s guests area and on their way, a couple of fans waved at them excitingly.
Once they were settled there, the fans started to come their way to say hi and exchange bracelets with them, also receiving a lot of praise for their outfits. They chose the costumes Brandon Urie and Taylor used for the ME! music video. Jack had a dark pink checkered suit and Y/N the glittery pink dress with the big red heart on the middle.
The countdown began and Y/N and Jack screamed her lungs out singing the intro of Miss Americana and Cruel Summer’s bridge. They got all lovey during Lover and Enchanted and danced their heart out to the rest of the set list that was filled with Taylor’s most iconic songs.
Before they knew it, surprise song time came, and Jack’s mouth fell open when he heard the words.
My love was as cruel as the cities I’ve lived in…
“Jack, what the fuck! You literally manifested it!” Y/N laughed. Jack laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist, her back pressed against his front and Jack’s chin rested on the top of her head.
I once believed love would be black and white… but it’s golden, like daylight.
If that wasn’t a sign, then Jack didn’t know what else it could be. But he was going to tell her, he felt a little more brave…fearless.
“I love you, Y/N” he whispered on her ear, as Taylor continued to sing the song that, in that moment, became theirs.
Y/N turned her head to the side, their lips brushing. The corners of her mouth lifted and she looked at him with eyes filled with love and adoration. “I love you too, Jack”.
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liked by taylorswift, taylornation, jackchampion, and 16,987 others.
y/n.y/l/n i once believed love would be black and white, but it’s golden like daylight 💓 i love you forever and ever jackchampion
jackchampion that’s our song, love. i love you to the moon and to saturn 💕
jennaortega best couple ever
masonthegooding you two are disgustingly cute
baileybass omg you finally said the l-word!!!
y/n.y/l/n baileybass yes!! he said it during daylight😫💕
jamieflatters and they say romance is dead
misstrinitybliss i love you both 🥺🫶🏻
taylornation that’s a real fucking legacy
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placeinthisworld · 5 months
ttpdta review part one 🤠
let me preface this by stating that i am a swiftie first and person second in this situation. i have grown up with taylor and feel as if shes my big sister- yes i can make fun of her but if i see anyone else do it i will get fiercely protective. i do understand her music is not only art but also her form of therapy. that being said, throughout these nonsense notes i am constantly mentioning that taylor should go to therapy. i am aware of what she has said about therapy (and why she doesn’t go) but i would beg to differ with her…especially after this album release lol.
taylor is an extraordinary storyteller and song writer. i believe this album is full of evidence of that, but it also has some faults that prevent from being as good as i felt like it could have been. overall the album feels rushed.
i also feel like it’s important to recognize the elephant in the room. i know we probably all expected this to be a joe breakup album, so the fact that it turned out to be a “fuck you matty healy” album shook us all a little bit. i know matty had a controversial history, im not gonna sit here and defend him. i don’t know much about him other than what is forced against my will. i do however know that he struggles with mental health issues/ substance abuse/ addiction. i’m not gonna comment much about his personal issues, i don’t feel like that’s right and taylor’s constant references to drugs throughout ttpd definitely rubs me the wrong way. i should also mention i grew up with an active addict and do view things from that perspective, so i feel slightly triggered by the topic and my feelings about that may just be personal but i do mention that in my notes when it’s relevant.
lastly, i am not a music production girlie idk shit lol. i only know i am a aaron dessner stan so any song with his name im already biased towards and i am aware, if u don’t like that idk what to tell u lol. i just know what i feel like is “good” or “bad” but music is subjective🫶🏻
1. Fortnight:
Hate the functional alcoholic part. Like the beat, the chorus is catchy. One thing i love about a taylor swift song is that theres always a story and its always visual. I like the metaphor of the “good neighbors” of like having this teasing/ longing feeling for someone that you could have had a life with. “Your wife waters flowers/ i want to kill her + my husbands cheating/ i want to kill him” feeling like you were robbed of her life, feeling “all my mornings are mondays stuck in an endless february” reminiscing about the short period of time where you were together and convinced it would last forever (only for it to end before it even started). I do not listen to much post malone but i enjoyed his verse!! So many florida references we get it everything bad happens in florida.
i have not seen the video yet oooopsies
2. Ttpd:
i thought this was the opening of Hey Stephen (the remix) or something at first. gotta say i absolutely love the way she sings “you left your typewriter at my apartment/ straight from the tortured poets department” i enjoyed the vibe of this song, and lyrics up until the “you smoked then ate seven bars of chocolate (OKAY SOOOOOOO ME CODED NGL I LAUGHED at this point i could let this lyric slide- bit then she had to mention the charlie puth and golden retriever thing and ngl it almost ruins the song entirely for me. Tbh when i first listened to the leak i thought this was a fake AI song and that i was sending around a fake leak bc these lyrics started to get a little weird to me. ‘Sometimes i wonder if youre gonna screw this up with me/ but you told lucy you’d kill yourself if i ever leave” …………girl i am begging you to see a therapist (side note did anyone else have a friend in hs whos bf would say that shit a lot?? I remember straight up fighting with a friend who refused to break up w her bf bc he would threaten to end his own life is she did and he was like 16? If an adult is saying that same shit i would be Very concerned not gossiping about it???) “i chose this cyclone with you” my first reaction was: ride the cyclone the musical? Overall i liked the first half but you lost me at charlie puth (hes the one with eyebrow right? I think i get him and miles teller mixed up) (i dont know who either of these men are)
3. My boy only breaks his favorite things:
Okay tbh i thought this was gonna be one of my least favorites, but the total opposite happened. I think this is one of my top 5 favorites on this album. I do think that there is a difference between a poem and a song and that they are not always interchangeable. I feel like if this was edited into a poem it would be KILLER. The visuals, the the story, the vocabulary, the sadness in it. “Im queen of sandcastles he destroys/ There was danger in the heat of my touch/ once i fix me/ hes gonna miss me/ i felt more when we played pretend then with all the kens / cause he took me out of my box” i feel like ever since folklore, taylors been trying to push these big fancy words and sometimes it feels awkward and forced, but this is one of the rare songs that doesn't suffer from that.
4. Down bad:
meh. Chorus is catchy. I dont love the narrative “fuck it if i cant have him/ i might just it would make no difference” but i also have never once experienced that over a person before lmao……….taylor go to therapy. Nothing really stands out about this to me otherwise. No offense, but it sounds like a generic jack antonoff song lol. Like maybe if another artist released this, i would enjoy it more but idk i wouldnt expect it from taylor i guess. Just kinda feels boring to me sorry if u enjoy it <3
5. So long, london:
oh man were done with british men now for real for real. “ two graves one gun. I'll find someone” its over for joe and matty (but thats fine if all she has to say about joe is what i think she said on this album i am happy i think We Get It…) Aaron dessner i love u (remember when he reposted me on his ig ahh).”i kept calm and carried the weight of the rift/ pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away” + “I stopped trying to make him laugh/ stopped trying to drill the safe/ i didnt opt in to be our odd man out/ im pissed off you let me give you all of that youth for free” oof i FELT that one a LITTLE too hard. I think this is both a song about matty and joe- i think she had a life and an attachment to london just in general through both relationships, “im just mad as hell because i loved this place” and so reflecting back on how both are over and how all those plans with either are done. “You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days” OKAY kinda hate this phrase bc it feels like shes placing blame on whomever’s mental health/ depression, like as if they made the conscious decision to sacrifice the relationship solely. This very much feels like “how much sadness did you think i could take before i got bored???” overall top favorite songs bc it doesnt have too many cringey or odd lyrics and the production is 10/10 thank u aaron dessner ilysm king
6. But daddy i love him:
tbh when i got the leak this was the first song i listened to bc i thought it was gonna be the worst one and i wanted to get it over with (i was RIGHT until she dropped that second half……..) and i DIDNT have the lyrics obviously so i couldnt for the life of me figure out if she really said “im having his baby…..NO IM NOT!” until the VERY end of the song and bro…….the cringe. The cringe. The cringe. This is also when i started to question if this was real or if i was passing out a fake leak, lol. I dont understand how she could be saying this shit about matty. And like we all know it lol. “Sometimes growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all” …….but like does it??? I feel like thats kinda an oxymoron or something like i understand what shes trying to say and MOST of the time her metaphors and comparisons make sense to me but like this one doesnt. Growing up precocious means to grow up more advanced in maturity, how would that also mean not growing up at all? Is it just me getting stoned and overthinking things? “Ill tell you something about my good name/ its mine alone to disgrace” true that bestie ur doin a great job by being so politically quiet over the past couple of yeats after making a whole asss documentary about wanting to be on the right side of history. But I digress i am just one of those bitches performing soliloquies you'll never see. Overall this song is very weird and cringey imo and i wish it stayed in whatever vault it was sitting in lol.
7.Fresh out of the slammer: “In the shade of how he was feeling” -_- dont like this narrative already. I could honestly go on a rant about why i dont like this song but im going to spare for the sake of my sanity in this review of thirty one fucking songs but its along these lines “to the one who says im the girl of his american dreams” oh brother. otherwise i dont care for many of the lyrics, the chorus/ melody/vibe is mid i guess. It sounds like another jack song (i was right)
8. Florida!!!: “all my friends smell like weed or little babies” okay i know what she was trying to say but im SORRY you cant tell me she couldnt think of ANY other way to say her friends are either parents partiers lmao. Deserves jail for that but luckily the vibe and the chorus of the song are really catchy and florence’s voice is beautiful in it. “Well me and my ghost we had a hell of a time/ yes im haunted but im feeling just fine” CHILLS i loved it. I didnt think i would like this song but (maybe as much as i like no body, no crime which is meh) but no i lowkey love this song and think its really fun. Once again the drug references start to get heavy here in the album and like i mentioned i do get slightly triggered by drug mentions.
9. Guilty as sin?:
okay taylor we get it you masterbate. Another strong jack song and it’s pretty similar to others on the album so nothing besides the sexual lyrics stand out.
10. Whos afraid of little old me?:
“if you wanted me dead you should have just said/ nothing makes me feel more alive” ooooooooooh i love that. I feel like a live or an acoustic version of this song would give me CHILLS. “Is it a wonder i broke / lets hear one more joke/ then we can all laugh until i cry” honestly so relatable, “i was tame, i was gentle til the circus life made me mean” oh :( that hurt bc it just reminds me of the vibe shift during midnights era/ eras tour where it *feels* like she started to pull back from being taylor swift and started to become Taylor Swift (™) and the way her fans/ media has treated her made her mean or cold or something and that just makes me feel sad. “Whos afraid of little old me? You caged me and then you called me crazy! I am what i am cause you trained me! SO. WHOS. AFRAID. OF ME? Again the narcotics line kinda makes me feel icky but thats bc i have that thing about drugs and just dont LOVE all the references to them. Like i know its not that serious but theres a reason why i dont seek out artists that typically talk or write about that stuff ya know so its weird. Overall i think the production is one of the most unique ones on this part of the album.
11. I can fix him (no really i can):
i hate it all around i think. I hate the narrative of “i can fix him!! I can handle a dangerous man!!! No really i can!!!” there is a reason why this song is barely 3 mins long lol it should have been cut but i think taylor wanted to Be Edgy. i dont care for the productions or the lyrics, its very forgetful imo.
12. Loml:
okay i really thought this was gonna be a joe song (rip) so i was thinking it was gonna be really deep and sad and like it IS but with the context of it being the pt 2 fling with matty it doesnt seem like it now. Anyone who thinks this is not about matty please look at the lyrics and be so serious “whos gonna stop us from waltzing back into reklndled flames/ if we know the steps anyway” I think matty just said too much shit to taylor during their fling and taylor WAS truly convinced this her invisible string and he promised her a lot that he couldnt upkeep and ghosted her and she took it SUPER hard, i mean two breakups in one year is a lot (me, whos never been through a single breakup once). I just dont understand how she feels like matty is the greatest loss of her life. One of my favorite tracks on the album, “our field of dreams engulfed in fire/ your arsons match your somber eyes” a LOT of these lyrics are actually really good imo. I think im the only one that didnt find the “mr. steal your girl and make her cry” line idk i thought it was actually kinda neat, the phrasing of it, kinda contradicts the title “love of my life” because he was never that serious or respectful of her and only use her from the beginning. This is another song that i think would make KILLER poem over song. Overall i think the piano is haunting and a live version of this will make me die, thank u again aaron dessner 10/10
13. I can do it with a broken heart:
ngl i thought this was the opening to mastermind for a hot second- also gave me a scare on whether or not this was a fake leak lol. Catchy ass chorus but very YOYOK. “Breaking down i hit the floor/ All the pieces of me shattered/ as the crowd was shouting “more!” ooffffffff seeeeee that is exactly WHAT i was afraid she was feeling durning the eras tour after the joe breakup/ matty situation and all these stupid twitter and tik tok swiffers were out here overanalyzing EVERYTHING and demanding rep tv like every other day. “Im so depressed i act like its my birthday” …….okay taylor. Like a lot of people have said, i think she interchanges “depressed” for “sad” a lot and the two are not the same. I think taylor wrote this song (but specifically the “i cry a lot time but i am so productive” and was like “yup this part is gonna go viral on tik tok,” initially i wrote “feels like taylor saw that depression barbie commercial in barbie 2023 and wrote a song based on that” lol which i still agree with. Overall the production of this screams midnights reject lol, very jack antonoff. Over time this song has grown on me a lot. Originally i didnt care for it but now its kind of a bop but i think its bc its so similar to YOYOK. “Try and come for my job” @taylorswift deadass you couldn’t think of anything else to say instead. cmon. I was mostly on board until that very last part, just seemed very cheesy lol like its not a big deal but i thought it delivered well without it.
14. The smallest man who ever lived:
(aaron thank u for saving me and this entire album) “they just ghosted you/ now you know what it feels like” OUCH. “i dont even want you back i just want you to know/ if rusting my sparkling was the goal/ and i dont miss what we had but can someone give/ a message to the smallest man who ever lived” oh this was somber af. I am obsessed with the phrasing of the chorus. I also LOVE taylors deeper voice its def giving me the same feelings MTR gave me from folklore, that made me CRY and this was very similar. This is another classic taylor song that i could EASILY write like a ten page essay about if someone put a gun to my head. I know that its about a *romantic* relationship, but it feels general enough to be able to relate to anyone who is close to someone with an addiction or struggles with substances. A lot of addicts dont understand the impact of their addiction or their behaviors that they display while struggling. To meeeeee, this feels very much like “you were self centered and betrayed my trust, was any of this true? Real? Am i paranoid or is this that deep?” “it wasnt sexy once it wasnt forbidden” has me thinking lots of things. I think that describes taylors “type”if that makes sense? Like i said i would need to literally break this song down line by line like its ridiculous i have too many thoughts about this song i have listened to it on repeat six times by the time im typing this. “In public showed me off/ then sank in stoned oblivion” FUCK. “you treat her like an also-ran” honestly i have never heard of that phrase/word thank u dr. swift. “Were you sent by someone who wanted me DEAD/ did you sleep with a GUN underneath OUR BED/ were you writing a BOOK?/ were you a sleeper cell SPY? IN 5O YEARS WILL THIS BE ALL DECLASSIFIED?/ AND YOU’LL CONFESS WHY YOU DID IT!/ AND ILL SAY GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” tears were formed besties. Also love the gracie abrams reference. “And you deserve prison but you wont get time” i feel like is very metaphorical like you DESERVE to be punished for what you did to me but you won’t admit to the guilt, you wont admit your wrongdoings, you wont admit that i would have done anything for you and you have no problem replacing me. “You said normal girls were boring/ but you were gone by the morning” first of all red flag girlie, nonetheless heartbreaking. “And in plain sight you hid/ but you are what you did” i say this with all the love in my heart, someone take taylor swift to a really good really private therapist. I could say more but i think i need to move on because i am now on my eighth cyle of listening to this song.
15. The alchemy:
already kinda hate it. “What if i told you im back/ the hospital was a drag/ worst sleep i ever had” do you think taylor swift has ever been admitted to a real hospital in this context. Feels very out of place and like i said earlier i dont love the psych ward visuals/ references she keeps inserting in this album. “He jokes its heroin but this time with an e” thanks! I fucking hate that line so much. Feels very icky, not funny. I get what shes going for but it falls so flat for me. The football references (yall know my opinion on meathead!!!!!!!! I will not engage!!!) are fucking dumb. Production is kinda lame and uninterested. Will only listen to this song if by force and will not repeat it ive head enough lets move on.
i have Lots Of Thoughts. i don’t think anyone cares about what i have to say though so i don’t think i’ll bother posting the rest lol but i did do a lot of work so ill post just a bit to make myself feel better.
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wayfayrr · 4 months
Omg just read the ask about reader accidentally hurting Link. Yeah it’s me. Hi. I’m the problem. It’s me. lol I’m not a Swiftie I just thought that’d be funny there. Anyway, I’m really really bad at video games. For example my ex hated playing games with me bc he’d always win, sometimes with only one hand. It got boring for him. Anyway, there has been multiple (no, millions) of times when I’m playing Botw/totk and I do something stupid, not even that it hurts him all the time, but something stupid, or the wrong way to solve a shrine, and I just imagine Link looking at me with the “what is wrong with you?? What kind of answer was that??” Face or “um, ow?? R u stupid??” Face. You know, facepalming a million times lol. I feel so badly that he’s stuck with my terrible gaming self.😂
Then I must also admit that I sometimes in Botw bc it was my first Zelda game, and honestly first true video game too, would intentionally hurt him just a few times to see what things did or something. Like in Botw u get bombs? Yeah I’d hurt him to see how many hearts it’d take. Then I’d make sure I had the champion’s tunic on and use a bomb on a bokoblin and see how much damage it dealt and did the math of “ok so it took 35 off the bokoblin and 3 and a half hearts off me so…” or whatever. So it’s not that I did it just for fun lol but for science! I did accidentally kill some npcs when trying to complete side quests tho and laughed like a maniac when I did so. Oops lol.
I’ll also sometimes talk about Link like he’s me, saying things like “wow, they were so mean to me!” Or “what did I ever do to them??” Is it just me? Yeah? Ok bye now🙈😂
going to have wild learning maths just for you at this rate, and he's surely more than a little concerned by you laughing at killing the npcs
bet it isn't making him unhealthily attached too hearing you refer to him as part of yourself - a title he'll wear so proudly
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justanapparatus · 3 years
"SOUR is only about breakups" aside from being a lazy misogynistic criticism also misses the point. I've seen a lot of people say SOUR is a concept album centering on this breakup which is pretty accurate considering everything about how it has been branded. But I also think it makes the only two songs that aren't about the breakup, brutal and hope ur ok, all the more important.
First of all, they're the first and last songs on the albums, so they bookend the entire story. brutal serves as the thesis of the album, especially the perfect line "I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fucking teenage dream." YES this is an album about a breakup, but it's more about being a teenager. That's why the album is called SOUR and she has this very teenagery vibe with the clothes and the stickers and the poses and the stylization of everything - it's not a breakup concept, it's a teenage girl who's a little bit sour concept album, which centers on a breakup, yes, but it is so so much more than that.
There's so much to brutal as well as an opening track. "Where's my fucking teenage dream" is clearly a reference to Katy Perry's Teenage Dream aka the 2010 pop album that defined the next decade of pop music. I haven't really thought about Katy Perry since 2010, but ever since hearing SOUR I cannot help but think about what it means in relationship to this album. I invite Katycats or anyone else to expand on this and I will probably have more thoughts too, but I think the gist of Olivia's point is that this glamourous sexy candypop vibe that Teenage Dream embodies in our collective imagery isn't real, even for a Disney star. She is deliberately referencing the 2010s pop girl scene throughout the entire album, which she openly talks about in interviews as well. In doing so, she evokes the imagery of this era but recenters it through her perspective as a teenager in 2021. One way she does this is by embodying an authentic teenage voice which Katy Perry, in her mid-20s and singing that she feels like she's in a teenage dream, was not at the time that the album was released. Olivia doesn't talk about sex, she just got her driver's license and can't parallel park, and says "I'm so insecure I think that I'll die before I drink" implying that she hasn't enjoyed any underage drinking she may have partaken in. She is singing about a first heartbreak, and people criticize her for being immature or obsessive or repetitive and it's like... first of all you're being a misogynist... second of all that's literally the point and she says that throughout the album. She's obsessive and insecure and angry and sad and she says that - because god, it sure is brutal out here for a teenage girl.
I'm not going to break down the breakup songs by track, but I honestly don't think they're repetitive. They explore different emotions - angry/sour (good 4 u), heartbroken (driver's license) - and songs like enough 4 u and happier create a very specific story about a single relationship which was unhealthy and tragic but Olivia still wants him to be happy but not too happy, which are all different facets of the same relationship. When Taylor Swift did this on 1989 that was awesome that won album of the year. And Taylor got shit for it too. We can't keep saying young women, especially teenage girls, aren't good writers for writing about relationships. It's tired. It's misogynistic. And it's just not true. Also the fact that I have seen Swifties use this argument against Olivia? Whew....
And our final track, hope ur ok. Aka the song that made me cry this morning aka seven by Taylor Swift's dear sister. Also not a breakup song, it's about people she used to know who had bad relationships with their parents and how she hasn't seen them in a while but she hopes that they're okay. The nostalgic song reflects on more ways that people can hurt other people in the name of love, and concludes the album with a wish of happiness for people she has loved.
At the end of the day, SOUR isn't just about a breakup. It's about being a teenage girl who has been through some shit and is working through it. And maybe the relationship is the focus for a lot of it, but think about it. When you were in high school, you had a lot going on because, again, it IS brutal out here. But certain relationships held up your focus - many of us cannot help but replay our high school friendships or romances or crushes when we listen to SOUR, because the album is about how it feels to be a, to quote brutal, "messy" teenager. It concludes with a memory of her old friends and wishing them well. Most of SOUR is about one relationship, but as a whole, it explores the facets of emotionally charged early relationships under the pressure of a changing world through the perspective of a teenage girl. She is dramatic, she is immature, she does reference other artists - that's the point! It's a brilliant debut album and I for one cannot wait to see where Olivia Rodrigo goes from here.
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goldengoddess · 3 years
call it what you want - bucky barnes
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: falling in love with your best friend is hard, especially if all you want is to wear his initials on a chain round your neck & kiss his face
a/n: oh my god i’m so proud of this i’m in my feels just writing it :’) pls understand the reference and appreciate it, my swiftie heart needs it !!!!! pls lmk what u guys think <3
warnings: a lil angst but honesty it’s very fluffy okay
bucky barnes was not a man of many words. he was a man made up of long looks and subtle hints, mysterious in nature. unpredictable and yet incredibly reliable. 
but most importantly he was a man made up of so so much love. brimming with it, actually. bucky was made to love others.
you knew that, of course. he had shown you in every way how it felt to truly be loved.
but his love was slow, and painful, and often time consuming. the kind of love that came out in little actions, that took months, even years, to really feel it.
you'd been more than happy to be patient. to wait while bucky realized that you weren't going anywhere, that you weren't afraid of him, that he didn't need to push you away. your patience had been worth it, all beautiful things take time.
and your friendship with bucky was just that, beautiful. he trusted you more than any other person in the compound. well, other than steve of course. 
though neither of you had ever said it aloud, you were his person. and he was yours. the two of you relied on each other more than you cared to admit. during missions, when his command and voice had saved you a countless number of times. but also just in your daily lives, where your comforting presence put him at ease in uncomfortable situations.
 your heart was bursting with love and admiration for the man you had watched grow out of his shell into something better, someone stronger.
and how could you not fall in love with someone like james buchanan barnes?
frankly, it was inevitable. 
everything he did made you fall deeper into this sinking, fantastic, terrifying, love for him. the way he said your name. the way he looked for you in a crowd. the way he understood what you were thinking before you even had to say it aloud. the way he always placed his fingers on your back as you walked. the way he adopted a stray cat off the streets and let you name it. 
falling for your best friend? more likely then you might think.
and even though just the color of his eyes made you want to kiss him senseless, you couldn't do anything about it. 
it would be selfish of you to act on your feelings. it would mean taking away the lifelong friendship the two of you had built. 
so as you sat beside him on his bed, your head on his metal shoulder, some cliché movie you told bucky he needed to watch playing in front of you, your heart longed for the soldier sitting next to you. 
bucky's hand traced little patterns on your thigh, just lines and every now and then a small circle. you were more focused on his touch than on the plot of the movie, the way bucky was.
but bucky's mind was on everything but the film. all of his attention was focused on your breathing, the way it hitched slightly whenever he let his fingers linger on your thigh for too long. the way you closed your eyes in content whenever something funny happened. he was watching you, in awe of you. 
lately, bucky couldn't do anything but admire you. 
as the movie played on you fiddled with your hands as a distraction, praying that your plaguing thoughts would calm down so you could enjoy this moment with bucky. but when he started drawing letters on your thigh you knew it was no use. the movie was the last thing you cared about right then. 
you peaked your eyes at him, finding him already watching you. you averted your eyes to his hand on your thigh and focused on the letter. “h” you said out loud, “e,y. hey,” you combined his letters. you felt bucky nod his head and then begin again, spelling out ‘doll’ on your thigh. 
you grinned up at him, feeling the air leave your lungs at the icy blue of his eyes. “hey doll,” you laughed, “hey buck.”
he smiled back at you. the way you said his name made him turn into an absolute mess. he knew he’d do anything for your if you just said his name in that pretty way of yours. 
his smile had a similar effect on you. a blush spread across your cheeks and you moved your eyes back to your fingers on your lap, wishing your had a ring or something to fiddle around with. 
bucky furrowed his brows at your anxious movements, “you okay honey?”
you nodded your head but the anxious butterflies in your stomach increased at his much too sweet nickname. 
he lifted your head off of his shoulder, forcing you to sit cross legged facing you. you let out a small whine at the loss of contact, since he had to move his hand off of your thigh. he chuckled and grabbed your hands so you’d stop moving them around, “honey?”
you let out a sigh, if only you could tell him what was really bothering you. if only you could tell him that every single touch, word, action from him sent your body and mind into overdrive. tell him how unfair it was that he had so much control over you. “just wish i had something to mess with” you said lightly. 
bucky thought on your words for a moment, visually searching his room for something he could give you. then he heard the familiar ‘clink’ of his dog tags touching around his neck. he let out a shaky breath at the idea but this was you. he let go of his hand and slipped the chain off of his neck and around yours.
you let out a small gasp as the cold metal pressed on the back of your neck. your fingers instinctively went to the tags on the chain and pressed them between your fingers. your mouth was parted in shock as you looked up at him, not understanding why he’d given you his most prized possession.
he shrugged, as if it was the most casual thing in the world, “just mess with my dog tags. it’s no big deal.”
that was it. those words send you over the edge. enough was enough. how could he say it wasn’t a big deal? when the action made your mind go wild. it was a big deal, by giving you his tags bucky was giving you yet another part of him.
a part of him you didn’t want to have as just a friend. these tags were meant to mean something. you needed them to mean something. because you wanted to mean something more to bucky.
you let out a scoff and took the chain off of your neck, aggressively placing them back in his hands.
the look on bucky’s face was a mixture of confusion and hurt and it broke your heart in two. but you couldn’t do this anymore, the what if scenarios, questioning if every one of his actions was friendly or romantic, the possibility of something more right around the corner.
you climbed off the bed and patted your wrinkled clothing down. you gave bucky a look that you hoped conveyed what you were feeling, heartbroken and angry. angry that you couldn’t have him the way you wanted to.
“what’s wrong?” bucky asked softly, moving towards the edge of the bed so his feet were placed firmly on the floor.
you shook your head and made your way towards the exit of his bedroom. it was childish, the way you were reacting. your anger wasn’t at bucky, even if you were slightly taking it out on him. it wasn’t even about his dog tags. your anger and hurt was directed towards this situation, towards yourself. you were angry at yourself for falling for the person that meant the most to you in the world.
before you could open the door though, bucky had gotten up and grabbed your wrist, effectively turning you to face him. “doll, what’s wrong?”
you let out an angry huff and poked at his chest, “it’s not a big deal? really buck? they’re your dog tags, they’re the biggest deal! how could you even say that?”
he tilted his head to the side in confusion, “you’re angry about my dog tags?”
you let out a frustrated groan and moved away from him. as you paced back and forth across the room you tried to explain yourself, “it’s not about that! it’s about everything else! it’s about us. i don’t want to not be a big deal to you. i want to wear your initial on a chain ’round my neck! because you really know me! i want those dog tags to be something we can share. but not if it doesn’t mean anything to you. not if it doesn’t mean to you what it means to me. how i feel about you is a big deal james.”
you sucked in a breath and realized you had stopped pacing. you didn’t dare look up at bucky. you knew he was watching you, could feel his stare. you hadn’t outright admitted your feelings but you might as well have. there were few ways to interpret your words.
you watched his feet step closer towards you, until you were sure that if you looked up you would meet bucky’s intense gaze. he didn’t give you much of a choice, grabbing your chin with his flesh fingers and forcing you too look at him.
his eyes were glittering with something new. some hidden feeling you’d only seen a handful of times. an emotion bucky tried to keep hidden away for a long time.
“doll” he pleaded, not adding anything else.
you shook your head and closed your eyes in an attempt to keep your embarrassed tears at bay. “just say it” you said, just say that you don’t want me like that, that i’ve lost you forever.
you kept your eyes closed as you felt him let go of your chin. you prepared yourself to hear him walking away, closing the door behind him, never to speak to you again. instead, for the second time that night, you felt cold metal on the back of your neck and an unfamiliar weight against your chest.
you opened your eyes and found bucky staring at the chain around your neck. he picked up his hand and caressed your cheek lovingly.
he took a deep breath and both of you prepared for whatever he would say next. “honey. i did one thing right, and that was trust you. it was letting you see all the parts of me, and trusting that you would still want me around. you love my love me like i’m brand new. and it’s all i’ve ever wanted. you, are all i’ve ever wanted.”
he picked up the tags hanging on the chain and rubbed them with his other hand, “this is just another part of me i want you to have. you already own my heart and every other part of me, might as well have my initial ’round your neck too.”
the blush on his cheeks made your own face heat up. you couldn’t quiet comprehend what he was saying, couldn’t accept it as a reality. this whole moment felt like a day dream.
bucky ducked his head down and placed his forehead against yours. you closed your eyes happily. all of the anger and tension from earlier, dissipating from your body, replaced by pure bliss at the feeling of bucky so close to you. the air was charged with something new, and the both of you could feel it. and you both welcomed it.
“hey bucky?” you whispered, still not opening your eyes in fear that it would break whatever spell you two were under.
“yes doll?” he whispered back and you could practically hear the smile he was more than likely wearing as he answered.
"what's this thing between us?” you asked hesitantly.
bucky moved his head away from yours, causing you to open your eyes. he grabbed the sides of your face and grinned like a fool, “call it what you want to, i just know i want you.”
later, as the two of you sat tangled together, closer than ever before, you couldn’t help but touch the dog tags around your neck. now they didn’t feel so foreign. they were familiar, the same way bucky was familiar. bucky traced little patterns on your thigh that night, similar to how he had earlier. but now you felt the distinct outline of little hearts, and you knew that nothing else mattered much when you had bucky.
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writtenonreceipts · 3 years
C and U <333
Hey hun! thanks for asking!!
C: What member do you identify with most?
--I'm not sure what "member" refers to here? But I will go with fandoms/characters here. I'd say that I've always had a connection with the Harry Potter fandom, as little as I write for it as I do, haha.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
--Oh, I cannot keep it to just 3. There are so many that I love! I'm planning on making another post along these lines through November, but here are some that come to mind! If you want more recs/just wanna know who I like reading, just ask!
@petalstofish is so awesome! Not only is she a talented writer, but she is a ray of sunshine. She is so kind and welcoming and it's just been so much fun following her (and she's a swiftie, need i say more?). She writes amazing Harry Potter Fics and has recently self-published an original novel and has a 2nd book coming out soon!
@morganofthewildfire -- I remember Morgan being the first person to comment on my fics and ask to be added to my tag lists and ever since she has been so kind, supportive, and just a great human. Her writing is lovely and she is a powerhouse when it comes to tugging at heartstrings.
@whimsicallyreading --Val is such a kind person. Like. Really. She's been a sounding board to me with some stuff that has happened in my life and so open and sweet. Plus--her fics. Dark Roast No Sugar is such a gripping read and then her coming Vikings fic---I can't hype it up enough.
@manonblaqkbeak -- has so many great fics for Rowaelin and I love the dynamic she writes between the two. "The Little Bookshop" was such a sweet read. Plus all the fics she put out for Rowaelin Month were all phenomenal.
@cuquitalocita -- Has some great Feysand fics that are just so real and I really enjoyed the characterization in them. I also really enjoy her Rowaelin fics that are super sweet and fun to read.
@gracie-rosee -- Her fic "Hopscotch & Sidewalk Chalk" is a single parent fic and I just adore it. Her writing is awesome and just flows so well.
>>Fic Ask Game<<
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adhdzagreus · 4 years
A get to know me meme
@nojohi tagged me! 
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better:
Nickname: Kate, Kacy 
Zodiac sign: Taurus i think?
Height: 5'5″
Last Thing You Googled: ‘scoville scale’. i’m not providing an explanation. 
Favourite Music Artists: The Mountain Goats, Jukebox the Ghost, Taylor Swift, AJR, Halsey, Lorde. 
Last Movie you (re)watched: My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree
What are you wearing right now: it’s a mauve day dress with yellow flowers i got for $15 at aeropostale 
Why did you choose your URL: it was @s7nnyflowers‘s suggestion. it’s a reference to petaline drake herself. 
Do you have any other blogs:  yeah i put my garbage on @arofluctuation and my swiftie on @itsn1cetohaveafriend
What did your last relationship teach you: i’m aro 
Religious or spiritual: spiritual i guess?
Favorite colour: pink 
Average hours of sleep: idk somewhere between 6 and 12 
Lucky Number: 7 
Favorite Characters: lucretia (the adventure zone), londo mollari (babylon 5), percy jackson (percy jackson and the olympians), steven q universe (steven universe), fluttershy (my little pony) 
How many blankets do you sleep with: i have like 4 right now 
I tag: maggie ur it, @leedoobles ur also it, @meghanlovesash did nojohi-nee tag u already? 
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tassium · 5 years
PART 6 - reputation
(part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
Listen. This was by far the hardest review for me to get going into properly. I love every single track on this album without exception, and it was SO HARD for me to come up with coherent comments to make on all of them.
But I think I managed alright, and we’re finally about to embark on the wild ride that is @taylorswift‘s 6th studio album, reputation.
Hang on tight, and please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
1. ...Ready For It?
No, Taylor, none of us were ready for this, not even a little bit.
Can we just talk about that introduction? like. What a way to kick off an album. This track grabs you by the hand and just pulls you along for the ride, like “get in losers”. That little throat clear at the beginning! the beat that drops off and lets her voice go all light and ethereal! This song is a wild ride from start to finish, and I love it. “Let the games begin” indeed.
And that MUSIC VIDEO!!! I want the rest of that movie, please.
I made a reaction video to this track/video and if you wanna check it out, click here
2. End Game
I love the synths at the beginning of this song, but I’ll be honest that Future’s verse took some time to grow on me. Ed’s verse and Taylor’s on the other hand? Boy. Those grabbed me from the start, as did the harmonies that are laced all through this track.
Is it just me or was this the first time she used the word enemies for the people she’s clashed with? I feel like that’s a new thing. 
I also reacted to this one when the video dropped, click here to watch
3. I Did Something Bad
Okay so first and foremost. Taylor Alison Swift, in the year of our lord 2017, swearing on a track out there in front of god and everybody. I feel like if there was any remaining ‘oh she’s just a sweet young thing’ attitude from anyone, this album shattered it to pieces in the best way.
The production on this track, I can’t even. This is an explosive track, it just hits you like a train and drags you along for the ride. There’s a bit on the way out of the track where she says “I did something bad” in a straight spoken voice and it is. Too much for this weak swiftie!
4. Don’t Blame Me
This sacrilegious hymn of a track. I swear. That almost broken electronic wavering synth behind the chorus. The choir effect on her voice. The stripped down beat-driven verse. The lyrics in general? My dude. I can’t. Also anyone who still thinks she has no range can physically fight me after that note after the bridge. That’s power is what that is.
Also can we talk about that behind the scenes clip of her filming the angry distant vocals for the chorus? I’m weak.
5. Delicate
Another thing I’m weak for is use of vocoder. And that beat that comes in for the verse! AND THAT LITTLE ‘delicate’ IN THE CHORUS!! kills me every single time. I’ll be honest here and say that the video for Delicate didn’t really grab me as much as some of the others, but the song itself certainly did.
Can we just. Talk for a second about how sad it is to think about that concept of ‘wow. you must really actually like me if you’re hanging around through all this mess.’ 
One of my favorite things in this track is the descending harmony behind “sometimes when I look into your eyes”. I always want to sing along with the harmony instead of the melody on that part because I find it so compelling.
6. Look What You Made Me Do
WHERE IT ALL BEGAN! that building drumline is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t not air drum to it - I don’t even play drums!
Also, yes, I am fully aware that I JUST SAID on the 1989 review that Out of the Woods was too repetitive for me, and here I am raving about this song which... honestly. Is just as repetitive if not more so. But this song just grabs me so much more and so instantly that I really get into the repetition (And maybe that has something to do with the familiarity because of the sampled melody).
That plinking lead line thing, and oh my god, the percussion on the second chorus. I can’t.
The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now CAUSE SHE’S DEAD. And I feel like with lover about to come out, maybe we’re killing off yet another “old taylor”
click here for my reaction video
7. So It Goes...
I read somewhere that the tracks with the ellipses on them mark out the edges of the “side A” part of the album, and it’s the spot where things shift over to a different feeling, and I believe it.
Again, this track has absolutely outstanding production on it, the softness dropping into the driving beats, and the bridge. Oh my god. I’m still not over that whispered “1 2 3″. And that line “i’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you’ reminds me of blank space and that “I can make the bad guys good for a weekend” it’s like the inverse of it.
Also welcome to the first track on this album that I refuse to let my dad listen to - “scratches down your back” indeed t a y l o r
8. Gorgeous
Adorable baby voice!! This song is so great, I love it to pieces. I love the sort of bitter quality about it and the way she’s taken how tumblr and twitter fandom talks about celebrities and made it just a mainstream piece of her song.
Also is that a bell like the kind they put on counters to get the attention of the person working? because I can’t help but hit the bell (air bell!) when it comes in and that’s what I always picture when I do so.
I can’t come up with anything more coherent so .... guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats.... ;)
9. Getaway Car
More vocoder! I love. The wording in this song is so evocative and brings up such perfect, crisp mental images for me, and she applied that to perfect metaphors for the situation in question. I love the idea of how.... like. It’s a rebound relationship, right? but it’s the getaway car from the previous relationship. And really, you can’t be surprised when something like that doesn’t last as long.
Also that outro beat? Be still my heart!
10. King of My Heart
THIS SONG!!!! More gorgeous vocoder use, of course, but then also. So many little things about the lyrics that get me! “Salute to me, I’m your American queen” and “jag-u-ars” and the way she sings “luxury” and just!!! so much!
As for the musical side of things, I absolutely adore that really subtle acoustic guitar in the chorus, and the DRUMS in the post-chorus (or whatever you want to call that bit). They’re so full and almost feel-it-in-your-chest even just in headphones! (I’m still not sure I survived that concert)
11. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Early on I had a half-baked theory that this song is about John Mayer, but the timeline doesn’t work at all, so... definitely not. Still though, think about it. “slow dancing in a burning room”/”swaying as the room burned down”
That aside, though, this song makes me think of the Halsey track Bad at Love if ONLY because of the theme of melancholy looking back at relationships that felt doomed from the start (or didn’t, as the case may be, I don’t know)
But also just. Taylor’s vocal performance on this song. Those ‘ad libs’ in the background of the final chorus have so much power in them.
12. Dress
And here we have the other Taylor song I won’t let my dad listen to. He would be scandalized to death by this song.
I love that lyric about the golden tattoo. I can’t really explain what it is about that line that gets me so much.
More beautiful production - something about the tracks on this album feels so grand for lack of better word. Plus there’s that moment in this song “say my name and everything just STOPS” and the whole thing goes silent... I will never forget the feeling of that line coming out and the way the whole stadium went dark.
13. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Ahhhhh I love this song. Gotta love a nice sassy Taylor style clapback, right? Beautiful.
“Feeling so Gatsby” is the best line for getting her point across. You don’t even have to be particularly familiar with the work that references, it just brings the opulence to mind effortlessly.
That laugh in the bridge though, and the tumbling low piano crash afterward, I love it so much. Again to reference the tour, it was such a great extended moment of laughter. So great.
14. Call It What You Want
This... Is probably my favorite track on the album, if I were pressed to name one. I adore this song so completely. I still get just emotionally overcome if I take the time to really pay attention to this song when it comes on. I love it so much, and it’s such a beautiful hopeful song. Like, yeah, my life’s been a right mess but it’s better now with you in it, and just.... this song fills me with feelings like that one animation in the lizzie mcguire movie. 90s kids, you know the one I mean. (lover, the song, gives me those same feelings, just amplified like 30x)
The smile in her voice on “yes” can almost bring me to tears all by itself.
my reaction video can be found here
15. New Year’s Day
Speaking of beautiful mushy-feelings-bringing tracks... The fact that these two are paired back to back like this is just bringing both barrels to my emotions. Gosh.
At the show, I’d taken my shoes off literally two songs prior - I was the girl carrying her shoes in the lobby.
I love so much that it’s just her with a piano and then a little bit of guitar, and those soft self-harmonies on some parts - “please don’t ever become a stranger” reminds me of Enchanted.
This song will without fail make me cry because it’s just so soft and I’m so happy for her. I can’t believe how long it’s been and she’s so happy and in love and. Even when this song came out. Gosh.
We did it, yall. We’ve made it up to date, and it’s almost time for Lover to come out! I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready. My emotions aren’t ready. Gosh.
Anyway, thanks for coming along with me on this ride. See you on the other side of the release!
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rudeinterrupti0ns · 5 years
Amazon Prime Concert
ok here are all my thoughts about the gig. i've already posted a few thoughts such as how brilliant the audience were before taylor even came on, chanting her name and then screaming to high hell when appeared, and a few other things, but i've sort of decided to live post a bit in one post to be less annoying. so here is my terrible stream of consciousness, live from my bed and thanks to a total lack of sleep!
omg she's starting with me! yay!- i loved that she played this first. her first song released which is, at the end of the day, owned by her and it's so happy and cheery and it's such a positive start to this era. love it. also the video is unbeatable. suddenly thinking about benjamin. been distracted brb.
blank space - hell yeah after the last few weeks taylor's gonna play blank space! another great big fuck you to the media's opinion of her. god i love this song. she so smort. this song will never age because the media will always be this dumb. this is why taylor's timeless.
owh she's giving a speech about everyone already being the most supportive crowd. good work gang. that's what we were aiming for tonight.
ikywt - i felt it was really interesting she played ikywt, especially given that it's one of the few songs sc**ter changed on apple music. to me it felt like she was reminding everyone that it was HER song, no matter what he did with it. ooh a slightly funky ending! ooh taylor yeah mix it up!
'I wrote all of it'' YES TAYLOR! fucking tell em! we will never forget this. and i love that this is how she's dealing with it. cause she's right. tbh it's not like she needs the money from them and although i'm sure it fucking HURTS to a) be backstabbed by someone so close to her and b) have her musical children in the hands of someone else, she knows that in the world's eyes and in the fans' eyes and especially in her eyes the music is hers. and that's so important. we're not under any pretences that entire albums were ghostwritten like some singers do. we know that taylor's work is her own and so we accredit it to her. so i'm glad she's reminding everyone publicly again who wrote those somgs because she deserves to reiterate that no matter whose hands those songs are in...that she wrote them. good for you taylor.
love story yay!! - i cried during the intro lmao happens every time. and oh my god. there's a guy in the backwards cap during the first verse and he is so intensely singing the words and staring at taylor and it is amazing someone please find him. and oh my god PAUL SIDOTI YES BB show him the love he deserves.
"A little me and you time one on one on the guitar" YES PLEASE AND NEW YORK CITY HOOOOOLD UP WHAT YOU SAYING-
"I get inspired by lots of things in life, not just my own life but books and relationships between characters... but then there's being inspired by a place. That definitely happened to me when i spent a lot of time in new york city... this is the FIRST song that I wrote which was inspired by new york city" OK GUYS SHE HAD A MAJOR INFLECTION ON THE WORD "FIRST" I BET THERE'LL BE ANOTHER IN LOVER!!!!!!
ok side note i've just noticed yellow stars on the frets of taylor's guitar WHAT IS THE STAR THING?? so many easter eggs, so few brain cells.
AND YOU CAN WANT WHO YOU WANT BOYS AND BOYS GIRLS AND GIRLS yes taylor you show them that yntcd isnt queerbaiting you've been publicly supporting lgbtqa+ for yonks give them the receipts!! also this has got to be a shout out to the us womens soccer team. so cute. so deserving.
well that was bloody beautiful taylor. what a lovely version of that song. we have been blessed.
DELICATE 123 LGB!!! her face when everyone screamed it oh my god. she loves it. she fucking gets it. i love that amazon didn't censor it in time lmao, they weren't stan enough to know it was coming. i bet there was at least 1 swiftie working there keeping their mouth shut just so we could get an hq version of 123lgb lmao. brilliant.
also isn't delicate just so fucking good? ahhhhh the switch from acoustic to the backing track! love that. the kick into the 2nd verse is my favourite bit. great stuff.
STYLE. i s2g i hear the tiniest part of the beginning of the backing track and my whole body lights on fire. there really is no song like style. it is a pop masterpiece.
she's talking about lover!! - a love letter to love itself AHHHHHHHHHHHH!! love is complexity, struggle, pain, joy, hope... love is EQUALITY YEEEEEEEEET god she's such a good precious lil bean!!!! so much support for the queer community this era i am so here for it.
"would it be ok if for the first time ever we play yntcd live?" lmao taylor WHAT DO YOU THINK? hooooly shit. i love it.
ahh she's dancing! aha omg the little boxing motions taylor u geek. owh her lil choreography ugh, soft bean. MUST HAVE TAKEN ALL NIGHT lmaoooo her face. CAUSE SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY yes the crowd went IN! well done bbs. and omg why does amazon keep cutting to people standing there being miserable??? they've done it the whole show like what are these camera people doing?!?! maybe focus on people actually obviously having fun lmao. um also i see the beachballs in the background video... is that a wango tango reference? who knows maybe she's somehow made it another easter egg, incredible work.
last song?? noooo! but SHAKE IT OFF yes!! you literally feel the vibe in the room change. there's something about that song man. you literally cannot help but dance. god i wished i lived in nyc. for so many reasons. but also so i could have attended this. so much fun!!
LIARS AND DIRTY DIRTY CHEATS OF THE WORLD yes taylor fucking TELL THEM. these are your words!!! and you own them and you can apply them to whoever you want. because you are the rich man!! you are so strong and powerful and don't you forget it!
also whenever i see the shake it off rainbow confetti i just die. the love in that room.
oh she's going around holding everyone's hand!! TAYLOR!!!!!!
ok that was so much fun. now just 2 more days til july 13th 👀 and 4 days til my birthday, what a life we lead. hope you enjoyed my stream of connsciousness it probably reads terribly but i'm very excited and underslept. CONGRATS @taylorswift you KILLED it as usual!! @taylornation
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folklorecostumes · 6 years
A lot of these posters are pictured in either giant bubble letters, rep font or in calligraphy. Can’t do any of these? Download the rep font or font you wish to use, type up what you want in a big enough font size, print, cut, and trace, or glue them down up to you! Of course, write these however you wish!
Hello all! Thanks for waiting so patiently for this list! Because of how long it is and how very excited you all have been waiting for this we have decided to post it into 2 parts to keep the excitement going. Part 1 is linked below! Please enjoy all the ideas we listed below, feel free to send us others you may have and want to share with the swiftie world. We apologize if the formatting on this looks bad on mobile, we are trying to actively make it easily accessible and readable across all platforms!
And lastly, enjoy and tag us in these recreations! We want to see them! We want to help them get seen by Taylor!
Find the Reputation Part 1 list here.
Find the 1989 idea list here and here.
Find the Red idea list here.
Find more costume and poster ideas and tips here.
- Reputation Costumes.
1.  “Gorgeous” – Few options:
      → Draw/or print the baby emoji onto a poster with a speech bubble saying the word gorgeous.
      →  Poster spelling out gorgeous between you and your friends.
      →  One poster with the word gorgeous on it. This song really sounds very bubblegum-y pop so pink and glitter and fluff and flowers can be associated with this. Keep that in mind when designing your poster.
     →  Create your own gorgeous inspired Taylor merch. Get an idea based on how her current merch looks and design a shirt similar but instead of saying like “rep” everywhere it’ll say gorgeous.
2. “Made fun of the way you talk” – Poster with a multiple taymojis of Taylor with speech bubbles including all the extra hashtags, replies, reblogs Taylor’s ever used or said. This includes (find more on tumblr or I’m sure there are screenshots of these all somewhere since she like cleared her tumblr):
     →  Mom-croon
     →  Bae
     →  Emojis
     →  “I think for me, um…”
     →  Pop Tart Squad 4 Lyfe
     →  Can’t find my chill ever
     →  Shifty Swifty Strikes Again
     →  No it’s Becky
     →  Brb going to buy more cats now
     →  Merstare
     →   I stalk because I care
     →  They see me lurkin…They hatin…
     →  Welcome to moo York
3. “Magnetic field being a little too strong” – Glue magnets onto a shirt and create a poster cut into the shape of a giant U-shaped magnet with that lyric written in it.
4. “Whiskey on ice” – Poster of a tumbler filled with whiskey and ice. The lyrics can be written into the ice cubes.
5.  “Sunset and Vine” – Few options:
      →  One person dresses up as a sunset, see the idea above for the “grey days clear” lyric in So It Goes…
      →  Another person dresses up similar to Poison Ivy from DC Comics or one of the other poison/vine related looks listed above for Don’t Blame Me.
      →  Poster with a map street view with a pin at the intersections of Sunset and Vine.
      →  Dress like you’re favorite vine!
      →  Poster cut out to look like a vine video post, you can take pictures with it as if you’re in the vine. Have the caption of the vine video be a cute lyric from the rep album!
6. “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face” – 2 options:
      →  Wear a morph suit or shirt consisting of only Taylor’s face over and over—can be where she’s making a funny/weird face or can be just a normal shot of her face. Have a poster saying “you’re so gorgeous” to go along with this.
      →  You and a friend can have two posters, one that says, “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your” and have an arrow pointing over to your friend. Their poster will be a giant cut out of Taylor’s head.
7. “Cause you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts” – Poster saying Taylors so gorgeous it actually hurts. Can have a friend hold one that says “(Honey, it hurts)” or you can write that underneath the main lyric in the ( ).
8. “Ocean blue eyes looking in mine” – Poster of eyes, draw them big enough where you could draw waves of water where you’d shade it blue for eye color.
9. “There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” – Typically we don’t recommend this simply because it canget fans overlooked, however it’s funny and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after party show!
10.  “Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats” – Buy 2 cheap plush cats, maybe at a local dollar store, glue the heads of it onto a poster (or cut holes into the poster and stick the stuffies through, make sure they’ll stay all night though) and write the lyrics. Draw paw prints along the poster. Could pair with cat shirts and cat accessories. Could also glue multiple mini plush cats to an outfit and pair with a poster cut into the shape of a paw print. @taylortreasures has created an outfit similar to this!
1. “Best of times, worst of crimes” – Set of posters for you and a friend to match with.
       →  Times poster could consist of multiple watches/clocks drawn throughout the words
      →  While crimes poster could have things like handcuffs, stolen money bags, cars all drawn throughout it. Turn these poster ideas into two unique outfits!
2. “Struck a match and blew your mind” – Set of posters:
      →  Poster in the same of a match with a flame.
      →  Poster drawing out the words “mind blown” in pink. See link to get a good idea, don’t draw the bitmoji.
3. “Ties were black, lies were white” – Dress up fancy for this! Think Blank Space video but before the outfits get torn up! Poster can read, one a white poster board, “lies were” and then leaving the rest blank. Could write “white” in glow in the dark paint/tape that would only show after the lights go off.
4. “X marks the spot where we fell apart” – 2 options:
     →  Treasure map idea, see End Game “bury hatchets” idea!
     →  Write out your stadium(s) name and draw a giant red X over it and write  “where we fell apart” underneath.
5. “From the first Old Fashioned” – 2 options:
      →  Dress old fashioned—so like pick a decade and go with it! May we recommend the 80s ;)
      →  Poster in the shape of a tumbler that appears to be filled with an “old fashioned”, be sure to include the small details like a lemon rime/wedge and a cherry!
6. “Never had a shot gun shot in the dark” – Poster of the night sky with cutout bullet holes in it. Write the lyric out in mini glow in the dark stars to stand out!
7. “Drivin’ the getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster in the shape of a car. Think of a 1969 Camaro or another vintage car that’s often seen in movies involving getaway cars. The lyrics from the chorus can look like its spray painted on the side of the car or front depending on how you face it in the poster.
       →  Poster of the front of a car that’s cutout so you can wear it to look like you’re sitting in the car. Could have fake money hanging off the edges to make it look like money is flying out.
        →  Poster with any of the chorus lyrics with a little drawing of a car speeding away with money flying out or drawing of tire tracks on the ground. Perfect for the “we were flyin’ but we never get far”
8. “Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery” – Few options:
        →  Poster of the side of the Scooby doo van with the lyrics above the word Mystery that’s painted onto the van (omit words “the” and “machine”)
        →  Make a Clue game board involving Taylor scenes from videos/tour pics etc and you can even include Olivia in a little detective outfit and a magnifying glass. Have a few game cards flipped over on the board with the lyrics being written across them.
9. “Think about the place where you first met me” – Met Taylor before? Or even some of her band members, dancers, parents, team? Make a poster with any pictures of these events and the lyrics!
10. “Sirens in the beat of your heart” – Draw a heartbeat line emitting from a police car or the red and white lights attached to the top of them (think the portable round ones’ undercover cops would attach to their cars). Put this idea onto a poster. Could even cut out the shape of the red and white siren lights and the heartbeat line and use glow in the dark tape/paint to make it stand out.
11. “The great escape, the prison break” – Dress up as runaway prisoners or thieves on the run! You can make posters in the shape of giant money sacks.
12. “A circus ain’t a love story” – Few options:
       →  WANEGBT tour outfits from Red tour worn by Taylor and dancers!
                  → This includes ring leader, clowns, acrobats, etc
       →  Traditional circus outfits
       →  Love Story, a classic Taylor song! Dress like the music video or past performances of this song.
       →  Romeo + Juliet
13. “Hit you like a shot gun shot to the heart” – Same concept as above, however instead of a night sky poster, have a large cut out heart with bullet holes in it.
14. “We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde” – Dress as the infamous Bonnie and Clyde!
15. “Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys” – Bank robber with a money sack poster. Reference the poster to either show it’s a friend’s (or Taylor’s) money and have novelty keys hanging off the tie of the bag.
16. “I was ridin’/cryin’/dyin’ in a getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster using a car emoji, the crying emoji and the skull emoji in the lyrics.
      →  “I was crying to getaway car” pun on you enjoying the song poster
     →  “I was dying to hear getaway car” poster
17. “I made up my mind, I’m better of bein’ alone” – Poster saying you’re better off being a swiftie.
18. “We met a few weeks ago.” – Tribute to if you’ve met Taylor/her team/parents/band/dancers/etc on a poster or shirt.
19. “Callin’ me baby like tryin’ on clothes” – Poster board that’s interactive! Make a cut out Taylor (using the IKP outfit from 1989 tour will be the best option to start) and attach multiple tour outfits or appearance outfits she’s worn with double sided tape or some other adhesive and allow fans to try different outfits on Taylor!
20. “Salute to me, I’m your American Queen” – Few options:
         →  Dress up as a Queen/royalty
         →  America/4thof July inspired outfits
         →  Crown and sash/Pageantry. Sash can say “Miss American Queen” You could even have a fake acceptance speech written out on a poster board that says like “And I want to thank Taylor…”
        →  Poster cut out into the shape of a crown.
        →  “you traded your baseball cap for a crown” relate KOMH to Long Live.
        → Poster saying this lyric and have American Queen colored in red, white and blue.
21. “You move to me like I’m a Motown beat” – Motown beats originated in gospel music but also in the 1970s music industry, use these two to inspire decade looks! The 70s were big on disco.
22. “With their range rovers and their jaguars” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of the range rover or jaguar emblem.
       →  Wear or make merch that looks dawns these brands emblems.
23. “You are the one I have been waiting for” – Poster ideas:
       →   Typically, we don’t recommend this simply because it can get fans overlooked, however it’s fun and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after-party show!
       →  Taylor’s the one I have been waiting for on a poster.
24. “King of my heart” – Few ideas:
      →  Giant heart shaped poster with a king’s crown and mini robe attached to it.
     →  Poster using the crown emoji and the heart emoji.
     →  Going with a significant other? Have them dress up as a King (or Queen) and have them hold a fake heart (think the vampire diaries but less gore ha) or hold a cutout heart poster. You can wear heart shaped sunglasses (think heart eyes motherf*cker vine) and shirt with these lyrics and an arrow pointing to your significant other.
     →  Going alone but like the above idea? You can say you have Taylor’s heart or she has yours instead.
25. “I’ve been waiting” – Poster including how many days you counted down for your tour date(s).
26. “Late in the night, the city’s asleep” – Poster using the visual opening for WTNY that showed the landscape of the city at night. Use glow in the dark stars over the skyline and hole punch the lettering when writing out the lyric.
27. “Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep” – 2 ideas:
      →  Make a poster using this lyric and draw out the emotions of hoping, dreaming and dying. Think of the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil sort of imaging.
     →  “Taylor’s love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep”
28. “With a school girl crush” – Dress up as if you’re trying to impress your crush on the first day of school! Have a poster that consist of those passing note questions you’d send your crush but have them addressed to Taylor. (ex. Do you like me? Circle one. Etc)
29. “Drinking beer out of plastic cups” – Red solo cup poster.
30. “Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff” – First fancy in the lyric draw heart and draws in the sentence and the second fancy draw diamond rings, luxury items etc. with a large red X through them.
1. “Oh twenty-five years old” – Poster with your age in replace of the 25 lyric.
2. “My love had been frozen” – Few options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a heart that is frosted over and turning blue.
       →  Poster with these lyrics but the word frozen is drawn like the movie poster font for the Disney film.
       →  Winter wonderland type of outfit or poster. Think Snow Queen.
       →  Dress as Elsa, Anna or Olaf.
3. “Deep blue, but you painted me golden” Few options:
      →  Two matching posters saying Deep Blue and Golden painted in the prospective colors.
      →  Matching outfits made from the prospective colors.
      →  “Deep Blue” think the deep sea.
      →  Dress up as a painter.
4. “Picture of your face in an invisible locket” – Make a poster cut out in the shape of a locket, have it folded to open up like an actual locket and have a picture of Taylor in it.
5. “But we were dancing” – Poster with these lyrics, have the dancer emoji drawn on it.
6. “Dancing with our hands tied” –  2 options:
        →  Poster in the shape of a pair of hands tied together.
       →  Poster with these lyrics. Have it split up if you’re going with a group of friends.
7. “Yeah, we were dancing, like it was the first time” – First Taylor show? Make this poster dedicated to seeing Taylor for the first time!
8. “Through an avalanche” – Poster in the shape of a mountain top with the words of the lyrics to appear to be snowballing down the side of mountain.
9. “I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” – 2 options:
       →  Dress up like you’re a mess and have a poster to match with the lyrics.
       →  Poster that says you’re the mess Taylor wanted.
      → You’re a mess because of Taylor poster.
9. “Cause its gravity, oh keeping you with me” – Poster with these lyrics but have them begin to fall down and off the poster. Have cut out letters dangle off the poster.
10. “I’d kiss you as the lights went out” - few options:
        →  Poster in the shape of lips painted red. Use red reflective tape to make it stand out.
       →  Poster adorned with miniature red lips all over it. Use glow in the dark tape/paint on the words “lights went out” so it stands out.
       →  Make a cut out poster of the lyrics “lights went out” and fill the letters with glitter, as much as you can. Do a matte finish or laminate it so you can shake it up and have the glitter move around.
11. “If I could dance with you again” – Print out the photo of Taylor performing Holy Ground on the Red Tour, print it large enough that you can make a cutout silhouette of her dancing as a poster. Don’t have the resources to print it big enough? Try your best to sketch the outline! Incorporate the lyrics either into the silhouette or have it as a sort of a halo written around the entire silhouette of her!
1. “Our secret moments in a crowded room” – Poster with the words secret moments being suffocated by a multitude of things such as confetti, glitter, charcoal etc. Have the words pop out of whatever you chose to relate to the sense of a crowded room.
2. “There is an indentation in the shape of you” – Poster cut out into the shape of the indent of a person lying in bed.
3. “Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.” –  2 options:
        →  Wear those gold jewelry type tattoos people wear to music festivals!
        →  Poster asking Taylor to make her mark on you with her signature.
4. “All this silence and patience, pining and anticipation/pining and desperately waiting” – Few options:
        →  Poster of these 4 adjectives for you and your friends to hold!
       →  Desperately waiting for rep room.
5. “Say my name and everything just stops” – 2 options:
       →  Say my name, Beyonce/Destiny’s Child connection.
        →  Say Taylor’s name and everything just stops.
6. “Only bought this dress so you could take it off” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a dress, possibly little black dress since Taylor has referenced those forever.
       →  Make an outfit that you can transform from dress to whatever else you want! Think tear away tour outfit!
7. “Carve your name into my bedpost” – Poster of a headboard with Taylor’s name or initials into it, make it look carved in. Could even carve out lyrics or the word reputation.
8. “And if I get burned, at least we were electrified” – 2 ideas:
       →  Two posters of the words Burned and Electrified. Have burned be made or engulfed in flames and have electrified have lightning bolts striking off of it.
       →  Make the poster idea above into an outfit. Use reflective tape and cut out pieces into the shape of flames or lightning bolts and attach them to the outfits.
9. “I’m spilling wine in the bathtub” – Poster in the shape of a wine glass. Cut it so it’ll be on an angle and have red or rose wine sloshing out of the rim.
10. “Flashback when you met me” – Met Taylor/her team/parents/dancers/band? Make this a tribute to them!
11. “Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me” – Make a poster using headlines about Taylor and have them slashed up and covered with positive memories and headlines and all her success. Have reputation written in the middle of it.
12. “My one and only, my lifeline” – Poster made of these lyrics. Could also say Taylor’s my one and only, my lifeline.
1. “It was so nice throwing big parties” – Posters made to look like balloons, party favors, etc. Think Gatsby and vintage since this is a popular theme in this song.
2. “Everyone swimming in a champagne sea” – Make a poster in the shape of a giant champagne bottle and have confetti looking like its pouring out of it.
3. “Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year” – 2 options:
       →  Dress vintage and 1920s Gatsby like.
       →  Use the Great Gatsby font and make a poster using these lyrics.
4. “So why’d you have to rain on my parade” – Make an outfit that looks like you’re a part of a parade celebration and hold a poster in the shape of a rain cloud with raindrops dangling from it. Use reflective or glow in the dark tape for the rain drops to stand out.
5. “This is why we can’t have nice things” – Poster of these lyrics but instead of the word nice, replace with drawn items or emojis of things like rings, money, designer brand labels.
6. “But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” – 2 options:
       →  Related to back to Bad Blood, check out our 1989 costumes post to get some ideas.
       →  Where a fake knife attached to the back of your shirt, you can find these sort of props at a Halloween/gag store or at like Party City.
7. “Get you on the phone and mind-twist you” – Cut out of an old fashion rotary phone and have a speech bubble coming out of the speaker portion of the phone to make it look like the person on the other line is saying “mind-twist you”
8. “So I took and axe to a mended fence” – 2 options:
     →  Could recreate a blank space music video or tour look
     →  Poster in the shape of an axe.
9. “If only you weren’t so shady” – Poster in the shape of sunglasses with these lyrics reflected into the frames.
10. “Here’s a toast to my real friends” – 2 options:
    →  Poster with these lyrics and champagne glasses clinking drawn throughout
    →  Poster in the shape of a champagne glass clinking with another, could even make two (or more) separate ones for you and your friends to match.
11. “He-said-she-said” – few options:
    → He said she said is typically hearsay/rumors, so you could dress up as a news reporter.
    →  Using the NYT’s font aka reputation font as a background/filter for the lyrics in a poster. Think of how it looks on the right ride (Taylor’s left) on the album cover.
    →  Poster of a fake headline regarding Taylor. Could recreate the back of the reputation magazine covers. Have the headline be the lyric.
12. “Here’s to my baby” – Poster idea. Do what you think works best with this as it’s a very simple line.
13. “Here’s to my momma” – Poster dedicated to Mama Swift.
14. “Had to listen to all this drama” – Drama poster, it’d be a cool idea if you bought all those crappy tabloids and sort of papier-mâché the word out of all the headlines revolving around drama.
15. “Because you break them” – 2 options:
    →  Poster cutout of a broken fancy item. Could be a broken award, broken watch, etc anything fancy that you deem making.
    →  Make an outfit out of the idea above, wear broke items glued to you.
1. “My castle crumbled overnight” – Poster in the shape of a castle, could have pieces hanging off or broken to represent it crumbling. You could also dress up as a princess/prince.
2. “I bought a knifer to a gunfight” – 2 options:
   →  Foam knife/sword accessory
   →  Poster of the knife emoji
3. “They took the crown” – Crown shaped poster or plastic crown to wear!
4. “My baby’s fit like a daydream” – Few options:
    →  Fit is British slang for attractive or good looking. Make a pun of the word fit and have a poster that looks like a guys six-pack abs.
   →  Poster in the shape of a thought bubble with the lyrics “my baby’s fit” could even use all or some emojis in replace of the words.
   →  Could dress up as a sort of fairy/daydream-y/soft type of persona. So wings, pastel colors, definitely having jewels glued around your eyes and such! Have fun with this look, for makeup lookup festival looks or mermaid looks to get an idea.
5. “I’m the one he’s walking to” – Poster replacing the lyric “he’s” for “Taylor’s. Could have foot tracks painted around the lyrics or even use high heel cutouts from magazines and catalogs rather than painting foot tracks.
6. “Call it what you want” – Paint this in a pretty pastel color in a calligraphy font. Have the background of the poster have a soft feel to it, like cloud and starry like. Could even make a 3D type poster and have plush either as the background or as the letting.
7. “My baby’s fly like a jet stream” Few options:
    →  Poster in the shape of a plane/jet with these lyrics behind the plane in a loop. Think of how planes on maps so dashes to track their paths.
    →  “Taylor’s fly like a jet stream”
    →  Couples costume of a pilot and attendant.
8. “High above the whole scene” – 2 options:
    → Poster of a skyline. Can be whatever city skyline you’d like, maybe even emphasis in the building windows/lights which city; it’d be cool to reference your tour stop! Have the poster cut out to mimic the buildings rather than drawing in a sky.
    →  Could make a poster of a bird since they fly above the scene, as well as planes like referenced above. Could relate this back to 1989!
9. “Loves me like I’m brand new” – Few options:
     →  Not necessarily tour outfit related but don’t want to dress up? Simply buy a nice outfit and only where it the day of the show! It’s brand new. Could even be Taylor merch.
    →  Poster of a giant price tag that has Love written as the amount. The product into written on the tag could say like Taylor Swift. Size: Reputation Stadium Tour
    →  Taylor loves me like I’m brand new.
    →  Poster of a new package or wrapped gift with the tag saying “love you – (name or xoxo)”
10. “All my flowers grew back as thorns” – 2 options:
    → 3D poster of like a thorn-bush or vine type thorn with only a few flowers still left on it. Have the lyrics written or painted out in a deep green cursive font, intertwining with the thorns.
     →  Buy or make a skirt and attach fake flowers to the entire skirt so it is covered. Buy or make a top and attach plastic “thorns” or vines around the top and have them hang off of it so it looks like they are slowly taking over the flowers. Have the top be very dull and lackluster in color but have what is remaining on the skirt be full of color.
11. “Windows boarded up after the storm” – Poster of a broken windowsill with boards covering up the cracked window. You could even make the boards openable like a book so that when you appeared into the window you could see the fire that is referenced in the next line. Have caution tape covering the planks but have the lyrics written repeatedly over the caution tape.
12. “He built a fire just to keep me warm” -  See idea above OR make a poster in the shape of the flame emoji or a log campfire.
13. “All the drama queens taking swings” – Dress up as a baseball or softball player and have your team name be Drama Queens. Make a baseball bat poster with the word reputation on it.
14. “All the jokers dressing up as kings” – Dress up as a joker/clown/fool but masquerade as a king so also were a crown and possible a cape. Make a sign that says “King of Reputation” or that displays the lyric.
15. “They fade to nothing when I look at him” – 2 options:
     →  Poster with these lyrics where it looks like the words are fading off the poster. Use glow in the dark paint/tape to have it still show after the lights go down.
    → They fade to nothing when I look at Taylor.
16. “I did one thing right” – Poster that says Swiftie or Proud swiftie, meant to represent you made the right choice in being a fan of Taylor.
17. “I’m laughing with my lover, makin’ forts under covers” -  Make a poster that is drawn like a bed fort, so multitude of different blanket patterns etc and attach a speech bubble to the top of the poster to show either “hahahaha” or “* giggling *”“* laughing *” to make it look like there’s laughing underneath the sheets.
18. “Starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” – few options:
     →  Dress up in a costume that is galaxy themed. So tons of stars, especially glow in the dark ones, have glitter, moons, a tutu and have it all be in a navy blue. Your matching poster can be in the shape of a shooting star with the lyrics “Sparkin’ up my darkest night.” Use reflective tape or glow in the dark paint to stand out!
    →  Poster cut out of eyes and have the galaxy drawn in them rather than simply coloring in a regular eye color.
   →  Could have a lit match or sparkler shaped poster.
19. “I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck” – Make a poster of Taylor’s initial’s and wear them like a necklace. Think back to when flavor flav wore a giant watch.
20. ���Late November” – Poster of this exact lyric but have it big enough where you can decorate inside the words and have it fall themed.
21. “Would you run away with me? (Yes)” – Make a poster asking Taylor if she’d run away with you. Have it set up like a check yes or no question and have a paw print or 13 stamped in the yes box.
1. “There’s glitter on the on the floor after the party” – Few options:
     →  Glitter, glitter glitter! Wear sparkly outfits (think NYE) and have body glitter all over you. Have fun and extra glittery makeup looks and have a poster of these lyrics written out in glittery puffy paint.
    →  Have a poster made that looks like you’re staring down at hardwood floor and have a spilled glitter container open, glitter all over the bottom of the floor with the lyrics written out (think written out as if someone took their finger and just wrote it out in the pile).
     →  “After the party” – reference the end of your show with this, rep room.
     →  “There’s swifties on the floor after the party(concert)”
2. “Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby” – Poster cut out and drawn to look like you’re carrying a pair of high heels. Look at some of the heels Taylor’s worn for previous tours and outfits and recreate them on a poster.
3. “Candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor” – Few options:
     →  Burning candle poster, could be a simple candle, could be in a jar like the ones she uses frequently, or it could be decorated with things that remind you of Taylor and Reputation.
    →  Polaroid poster (1989).
    →  Poster of burned out candles and dried wax on the floor (look up the candles Taylor loves to have in her home and create the logo for the posters) and polaroids scattered on a hardwood floor (reference the opening lyric idea to get how to picture this.) Have the polaroids be pictures from the reputation magazine.
4. “Don’t read the last page” – Poster of the opening/dedication page of a book with this lyric written in it. Either make it look like the author purposely wrote it, OR have all the prewritten info from said book be information about Taylor and the reputation tour and use her handwriting from 1989 and have it look like she handwrote “don’t read the last page” as a note to the next reader. Make it look three dimensional by having the page look like it’s about to be turned to the next.
5. “But I stay” – Make a poster of these lyrics but make it big enough that you are able to write inside of each individual letter. Write the speech Taylor gave about how she felt her hands were tied behind her back but swifties always defended her (it’s a clean speech). Could even write long live lyrics.
6. “I want your midnights” – 2 options:
     →  An analog clock striking midnight
    →  Or a digital clock (think the old digital though where the numbers physically flipped rather than it being just animated) and have the numbers look like they’re changing from 11:59PM to 12:00AM.
7. “But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you” – Poster of a recycling bin that is piling up with empty champagne and wine bottles. Have all the labels on the bottles be song titles or lyrics!
8. “New Year’s Day” – Few options:
     →  Dress up like its NYE/NYD. This means glitter, 2018 hats and glasses, champagne, confetti and streamers, dresses or skirts and crop tops. It also means holidays, so you could reference a few other things as well with this.
     →  Poster drawn out of the NYE ball dropping. On the countdown screen you could either write the lyric (full or just NYD) or you can write how long you waited for your show.
     →  Simply just sketching out the words New Year’s Day however you may want.
     →  Midnight kiss, so a poster of lips.
     →  “Ring” in the new year. Could be a poster of a bell or a ring.
9. “in the back of the taxi” – Dress up like a taxi or make a poster of the backside of a taxi with the silhouette of two people sitting in it. Have the license plate reference reputation or swifties. Be sure it’s a NY plate.
10. “I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe” – Few options:
     →  Could do a large poster that looks like a champagne glass with a tag/ribbon hanging off the stem (think like seating cards) that says Toast of the Town.
    →  An award poster (like an Oscar or such) but instead of it saying Best Picture etc it’ll say “Toast of the Town: (name)” You can either write your name or Taylor’s name or even Joe’s.
    →  Poster of a cut out magazine cover you can take photos in (or make it look like an Instagram post) and have the little blurb on the “cover” say this lyric. Make the magazine a reference to the rep mags.
11. “If you strike out and you’re crawling home” – Baseball or softball player costume with a poster in the shape of a bat. Could even have two posters for you and a matching friend where the bat is broken in half and you’re each holding a split end.
12. “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” – Few options:
     →  Reference long live. Whether it’s by poster or you want to recreate the long live tour outfit!
     →  Poster of the word memories but have it being spelled out by photos from previous tours, Taylor with fans, from previous album booklets. Tumblr likes/posts, etc.
    →  Met Taylor/her team/band/dancers/parents/etc? Wear an outfit or make a poster using pictures and memories from that moment.
    →  Poster of the word memories being hugged/squeezed. Don’t have to draw the entire body, just arms wrapping around the word.
     →  Have a poster in the shape of a jar and have it labeled Memories and then fill it with your favorite Taylor memories. So love the Speak Now album? Write the words Speak Now in big block/bubble letters in the jar. Keep doing this with words of memories you like. Don’t have the words overlap, simply cut off a word if it doesn’t fit. Make it seem full but not unreadable.
13. “And I will hold on to you” – Poster of this lyric just as is. Maybe make it written on a music sheet or on piano keys. Could also write Taylor will hold on to you or I will hold on to Taylor.
14. “Please don’t ever become a stranger” – Poster dedicated to her 6 albums.
15. “Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” – Poster collage of all the photos of Taylor laughing.
16. “You and me forevermore” – Poster of the word forevermore. When I hear this line, I think of a clear night sky, glitter, love, passion so incorporate that into this creation. Maybe have it made out of stars or hearts, or have it made out of flowers. Whatever you envision when you hear this.
1. Make poster that looks like the popup stage in the reputation VIP tour box, make it out of papier-mâché newspapers.
2. Snake poster.
3. Use the dialogue from the LWYMMD end scene as funny posters.
4. Meredith and Olivia posters.
5. Reputation/REP poster cut out using the rep font.
6. “There will be no further explanation. There will be just reputation”
7. Lots of gold and metallic colors, glitter.
8. TS/TAS Initial Poster
1. “Pavement she once decorated as a child with sidewalk cross” – Poster that looks like a sidewalk drawing.
2. “Her skin was spattered with ink” – Use body paint to spatter ink on your arms and clothes. Make a poster using the same idea. Maybe use the word snake in some of the spatters.
3. “She rose slowly” – Poster of a flower slowly blooming.
4. “Avoiding old haunts and sidestepping shiny pennies” – 2 options:
      →  Poster of a ghost (think emoji)
     →  Poster of a penny or writing out this piece of the poem using pennies (or drawing them if you don’t want to waste the money)
5. “Way of phone calls and promises” – Relate this back to All Too Well or LWYMMD. Have a phone poster with a speech bubble writing this line.
6. “Waded out into the dark, wild ocean up to her neck” – The ocean is almost all unexplored so have fun with this line. You could do mythical mermaids or sirens. Or you could make an outfit out of seashells and seaweed. Your poster could be a cutout of a wave.
7. “And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive” – This is a GREAT quote for a poster and to really sum up the entire reputation era.
1. “Cross your fingers” -  Poster of crossed fingers.
2. “Wish on lucky numbers” – Poster of a number cutout related to Taylor. (13, 22, 1989)
3. “Rest in Peace, to your naïve bravado” – 2 options:
     →   Poster of a gravestone addressed to your naïve bravado.
     →  Dress up as a zombie (zombie Taylor) and where a tombstone or have written on shirt “Here Lies my Naïve Bravado”
4. “Secret garden gate” – Poster of a flower garden. Have it three dimensional so use craft flowers.
5. “Each new enemy turns to steel” – This line reminds me so much of Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde in the line “I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me” Maybe make a poster combining these two ideas.
6. “You’ve grown to hate your pride and to love your thighs”
7. “But Darling, it’s going to be okay”
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