#do what you'd like of course. you are as entitled to your opinions as i am mine
the-woker · 1 month
The whole Jason Todd is girl-coded debate thing admittedly just rubs me the wrong way.
I understand that there are people who consider gender as a concept and there are other people who consider gender to be something very real. Both are correct and very valid statements of expression, but someone who is genderless and has a heavy respect and fondness for the feminine and people with such experiences, I feel like what we are declaring 'girl-coded' should probably be a bit more analyzed and taken with more care.  
I have no ill-will to any of the people who post about this, they all seem like kind people, and everyone is entitled to their opinions and to posting them.  There is nothing wrong with projecting onto a character, identifying with their struggle and using that to cope with your trauma.  As someone who’s favorite character of all time is Jason Todd, and enjoys gender-weirdness,  and has been severely mistreated for being perceived as feminine before, I understand entirely. 
But there's a point when I can't help but feel uncomfortable with assigning being violent, a victim, “hysterical angry-like a girl”, expressing rage via screaming, and looking up to women in general as 'girl moments' and explicitly stating these as the reasons a male character is girl coded. And those have been the very specific points I have seen cited as what traits Jason has that make him "girl-coded."
I'm putting this all under a read more since this discussion is really not that deep, nor is it really relevant to the average Jason Todd tag surfer. It's just something I keep seeing talked about in the past few months.
Admittedly, just to begin with, the argument that what makes Jason ‘girl-coded’ is the fact that he is a victim in general, has strong connections with women, tends to like strong and muscular women, and has been vitriol in his screaming matches with other characters simply does not sit well with me as an explanation for what people are associating women with.  A female character can indeed do everything Jason did in a comic story, and I would enjoy it greatly, however staking these specific traits of his as the “feminine” ones is treading into a dangerous territory.
Especially since I’ve seen a few times now that people are claiming Jason and Batman’s fight in UTRH to be a Patriarchy metaphor and how Jason represents women’s struggles. The first problem I have with that claim, is very simply that Jason and Bruce’s fight is explicitly not about Bruce being a system that failed to protect Jason.
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Nor is it about a pressure for Jason to return to conforming to Bruce and his rules.  Bruce wants him back with him, because Bruce loves Jason, but at no point does he attempt to force him to return to him, nor does he even force him to stop killing.  He certainly gets in the way and he prevents several of them, but when given the direct choice to either kill or force Jason to stop killing, he simply walks away and only intervenes after Jason attempts to kill Bruce himself. Calling this an analogy for women fighting against oppression by an organized system designed to exploit them, is not an apt metaphor, as likable and sympathetic as it is towards Jason, and I’d personally recommend avoiding it.
In general, on that topic.  The argument could be made for other male members of the Batfam (take Dick Grayson’s constant sexual harassment for being a ‘pretty boy’ for example.), but Jason is also simply just not a victim of the Patriarchy.
Unlike Stephanie Brown, Jason was accepted immediately by Bruce as Robin and as part of the family.  He was murdered by his mother for being an obstacle in her operation of stealing from starving people, and by a madman who killed him for being one of his nemeses.  His murder was upsetting but had nothing to do with him not presenting himself as society claimed he should, nor for not obeying said society's customs and arbitrary rules.
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Under the Red Hood is a fascinating, engaging, philosophical, and extremely emotional piece of media and it’s a favorite for many people (including me) for a reason.  Highlighting Jason’s actions as being a ‘girl moment’ when he is intentionally trying to push past Bruce’s only boundary, however, is an uncomfortable idea to proclaim. Especially considering when and how Bruce tries to negotiate and reason with Jason. Jason quite literally holds their relationship, and his life, over Bruce in an attempt to get him to behave how he wants, claiming that he does so as an expression of femininity has horrible implications. Jason is entirely allowed to do what he wants (I enjoy it greatly. His violence is very sexy and honestly we should bring it back) but that is a gender neutral choice, and I wouldn’t say that this run nor his backstory have much in common with women’s struggles to label them as “clearly being such”.
Additionally, The narrative is also not portraying Jason as “hysterical”; this was his first proper return to comics after 20 years. The intention of the narrative is to challenge the morality of Batman and to open an in-universe line of discourse for a discussion that for years, has been, and still is relevant in the comic community.  
Jason’s death was notoriously the moment that Batman got closest to breaking his rule and so they brought Jason back to be the character who pushed him on why he maintained it.  They made Jason angry and violent to raise the stakes of what the Joker did to him, and to raise the question of if there was a crime so horrible that it was a moral failing to continue the pacifist approach to criminal reform.  Jason is being treated in a significantly kinder light than most of the characters we would traditionally see doing these actions.  We all agree Lock-up was a bad guy, we can agree that the League of Assassins is wrong, but we’re given a chance to take Jason at face value and are not immediately told how to feel despite the narrative showing us his violence in a raw and uncut way. Killing a bunch of drug dealers while rising in the ranks of the drug trade yourself is hardly a selfless act of good after all. 
Disclaimer 1:  I don’t think Jason is entirely wrong about many things.  But I simply do not believe Bruce “owes” him killing, and that it is wrong of Jason to demand this of him or anyone for that matter. Nobody owes you their innocence and you aren’t entitled to breaking anyone’s boundaries. 
Disclaimer 2:  I cannot stress enough how much I like Jason.  This post is not meant to make anyone feel bad, or make Jason seem like the “bad guy” of the fandom.  It’s simply a disservice to his character to write him off as nothing more than an angry victim and call it an expression of femininity, and a reminder to be a bit more careful when labeling and assigning traits. 
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Hello! I am Caitriona anon. My ask was prompted by a comment from succulently speaking who commented in your post a few days ago “what has Sam done wrong and what exactly do you want him to do”? You responded he needed to step up his game. That’s why I asked about Caitriona because I thought it funny how much you post about Sam and what he should or shouldn’t be doing and I thought, I wonder why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment? I've been following you since you got here. I understand your position. My only quibble is I don’t think of them as one entity and I think Cait especially has pushed against this for years. She’s offended at the notion. As I said, of course it's your blog and you can post whatever you'd like and certainly don't owe me an explanation, but I thank you for the one you gave anyway. I’ll continue to read you because I enjoy you. I hope I didn’t offend or that I was impertinent.
Dear (returning) Caitriona Anon,
For an Anti, you sound pretty literate and polite. So, I am going to answer you and try to keep this dialogue line open. Try me: keeping dialogues open is my bread and butter, IRL. Has been so for twenty years.
Thank you for understanding my position, but I do not really need to be 'understood', like a minor Romantic poet by his posterity. I try very hard to rationalize yours and I believe it is your constitutional right to believe what you want about this saga. Conversely, it is my prerogative to believe exactly what I want about it, based on what I do consider to be relevant facts. Not social media, press circus or PR induced tacky blogger manipulation.
Having said that, it is also my constitutional right to express my opinions and try to encourage others to do so, in a no-drama, friendly environment. It would also seem that determined Mordor to marginally step up their game, for I seem to be the nightmare these people collectively manifested every single time they howled 'the shippers are stupid', on full moon nights.
Shippers are everything but stupid, pumpkin. They are witty, funny and completely immunized to bullshit. For rhetoric bullshit with honors is your question: why Caitriona doesn’t get that same treatment?
You know very well why and I am going to tell you a Romanian proverb: cine nu muncește, nu greșește. Loosely translated: no work, no mistakes. How do you want me to say anything about a statue, who doesn't show us anything else about her life anymore, spare her outfits, her make-up and some rare events, with or sans the PA? Oh, and marGINally, her erratic business projects, for ever ongoing, hinted and never ever, God forbid, materialized? SAG-AFTRA strike? News of it never seemed to have made it to Caitrionaland. Israel-Palestine conflict? Prudent silence, but hello Tilda, darling, how are you. Ukraine? Last I heard/seen, a short appeal for helping the refugees and then crickets. Women's rights? Again, a short snippet on Persia, then mum. Just what the fuck is this supposed to be? Surely not a coherent PR strategy for a gifted, intelligent and fun (yes, fun!!) 44 year old actress who wants to keep her lucky strike going on! Let me tell you: she doesn't come across as dignified. She comes across as despising, condescending and entitled. Too cool for school, too sexy for your car, peons.
She is not Queen Victoria, for crying out loud, and we are definitely not amused!
You then proceed to say 'she pushed against it for years'? Please, do not insult my intelligence! She pushed against shippers who deface the nice Narrative, when she needed sympathy and massive support for her Belfast promo, unwittingly making a major PR blunder and for ever fracturing this fandom in at least two savagely antagonistic camps. Then, a cold, totally DGAF attitude, including towards her stans: tough to be her stan, when your Goddess is more silent than a Poor Clare (pun totally intended) nun! And she denied being an item with S (which is a complete, pious lie), because that is the Narrative, ever since IFH.
So, it's safe to say: yes, public Caitriona Balfe is dismissive of the notion, but since when is social media indicative of an undeniable or even intimate truth, especially in that particular world of hers? Oh, and by the way: sorry to be pedantic, but - it's offended by the notion, not 'at the notion'. Simple curiosity: you translate your thoughts from which language, exactly? My bet would be either German: bei, or Russian: обидеться на - yes: literally 'offended at'.
My complete Romanian proverb includes a conclusion. In full, it would be: cine nu muncește, nu greșește, dar nici nu reușește. No work, no mistake, no success.
How I wish to be proven wrong, Anon, on that one: you can't even imagine! Thank you for the time you took to answer me. I am afraid we agree to disagree. Change my mind? Not in a million years.
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What the FREAK!!!
Literally get out of there smh my head
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Yes of course!! You're so stunning Holly!! If you'd like to come over and paint each others nails I'd be more than happy too!! <333
Also your fashion sense is DIVINE, people could learn a thing or two from you!
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Finally, a bloke with fucking common sense. Truly so hard to find these days.
-Pip P.
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My word! Please do not resort to such drastic measures!
I'm sorry to disappoint you but my answer still remains the same, It is a firm NO, if you cannot respect my wishes than I will no longer answer your asks.
I apologize for being so direct, but I feel as if It must be done.
With love,
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Didn't she tell you no? I'm sorry but I have to respect her wishes, I love her too much to do this to her (platonically, of course). But I mean.... I'm not opposed to getting a partner... (just... you know... throwing that out there...)
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Oh you poor thing!
Why yes of course! I love collaborating with my fans! They've all been such lovely people, as long as you're okay with me doing your makeup/being on video in general, I'd happily collab! Just let me know where and when
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Literally what the FREAK!!! It's been X for like... a month??? Maybe more?? Smh my fucking head
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Hey Anon,
I've got to say, your recent comment about my hair was seriously uncalled for. "Ugly"? Really?
I'm all for expressing opinions, but let's try to keep it real here – your choice of words was downright rude and offensive. It's my hair, not yours, and I don't recall asking for your unsolicited critique.
If you've got an issue or if my hair somehow offends your delicate sensibilities, how about expressing it like a decent human being instead of resorting to insults? It's infuriating to think that someone I know can be so insensitive.
Next time you feel the urge to be brutally honest, maybe take a moment to consider how it might feel on the receiving end. Constructive criticism is one thing, but your comment was just plain mean.
Not impressed,
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That's okay, everyone's entitled to their own opinion,
but it doesn't mean that opinion is correct :)
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princesssarisa · 6 months
Character ask: Dorothy Gale (The Wizard of Oz)
I answered this ask a while back, but I felt like sharing it again.
Favorite thing about them: She's an all-around likable character; a nice, warm-hearted, relatable every-girl, whose "heroine's journey" is engaging and enjoyable to follow.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmmm... there's not much to dislike about her. Maybe that she tries to run away from home without considering at first how much her aunt and uncle will miss her and worry about her. But since she's just (approximately) a 12-year-old girl and desperate to save her dog's life, it can be excused, especially because she feels so guilty about it later.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have brown hair.
*I'm sensitive and a bit of a dreamer.
*I love dogs.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never lived with an aunt and uncle.
*I don't live on a farm.
*I could never manage a long journey on foot in high heels (though maybe if they were magic, I could).
Favorite line:
"Someplace where there isn't any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
All the lyrics to "Over the Rainbow."
To Miss Gulch when she comes to take Toto away – a good scene to remember whenever critics accuse the screenwriters of robbing Baum's young heroine of her spunk:
"I won't let you take him! You go away, you....! Oooh, I'll bite you myself! You wicked old witch!"
To the fearsome giant head of the Wizard – more good lines to remember any time a critic labels her a weakling:
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, frightening him like that when he came for you to help!"
"If you were really great and powerful, you'd keep your promises!"
And of course, the iconic line when she first arrives in Munchkinland:
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"
brOTP: The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and their real-world equivalents, Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke.
OTP: Safety and happiness.
nOTP: Any of the other characters; they're all too old for her.
Random headcanon: Her parents died in a fire. This explains why fire and smoke are associated both with the Wicked Witch and with the Wizard's initial frightening appearance in her dream.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she's too much of a damsel in distress or a crybaby. Now, I understand why feminists complain that she's less spunky and no-nonsense than Baum's original Dorothy. But (a) she's older than Baum's Dorothy – it's natural for an adolescent-ish girl to be more emotional than a small child, (b) she's not without her own spunk – she still stands up to people who behave badly or threaten her friends, and even slaps the nose of a lion (not yet knowing that he's a coward) in Toto's defense, (c) Baum's Dorothy cries fairly often too – I don't know where the myth that she hardly ever cries came from, and (d) with all the danger and turmoil she goes through, I think she's entitled to a little terror and a few tears!
Song I associate with them: What else?
Favorite pictures of them:
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katyspersonal · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every time a person that quite seriously helped with public slandering and humiliating me for fake ass reasons, supported drastically ableist stance on me and took the side of my stalker (that also I remind you bullied other fans for headcanons) then got upset and "insulted" at the fact that I vented about how much they hurt me and my friends, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but what the actual fuck.
Like... Maybe consider not spyoning on a blog of a person that "makes you uncomfy"? You will be happier if you don't check up on things and people you hate, seriously. And if you do, why you act so shocked that I express my pain and disapproval of your actions and mindset, the very same that hurt me and my friends? In fact, why DOES it hurt you to learn what I think and feel after your words and actions? Why do you CARE about feelings and opinion of a person you despise and disrespect so much that you deemed them worthy of all this, and even their friends deserve to be hurt by association? Like... NOW you consider my feelings? Of course I fucking disapprove of backstabbing me and my friends after over month of pretending to forgive me. Of course I fucking disapprove admission that you are willing to help slandering and humiliating a person that you were not even scared and hurt by. I wrongly assumed that if you hated me that much, I must have actually done something wrong, but now I know I still didn't because you admitted that you were willing to harm someone and even shun their friends without even as much as hard feelings, because they are a "heretic"?
Is what hurts that I had very high opinion on you and then flipped on a dime when something drastic came out? But isn't it the same way for you? Didn't you both like my blog and thought I was cool and then one day it was over? I think it is safe to assume that unfortunately it can work like that. And everything can be fixed and worked into neutrality and 'cold peace' coexistence, but you don't want that. You'd rather keep getting upset and self-isolate from everyone that likes my company, or isolate them from me, so this hole just keeps growing and growing and all good things that could have been keep falling into it. Or you really expect me to leave just because of all this? When I was a kid and a teen and a bit of a young adult, I've dealed with bullying to the point of having literal stones thrown into me, and never once I avoided the places where it was happening. Because it made no logical sense that some jerks could decide who belongs or not belongs in a place that is for everyone. I tried to enjoy my time anyway. I was not, listening and enduring all that, but I tried. Sometimes I'd get really bad for me and I'd snap and fight back, and I remember they were scared when I did because anger of cornered rat is a terrifying thing you know? One time it got especially bad with one of them and I snatched the bat from her hands and smacked HER over the face, worse than she hurt me but I've had enough. Then finally adults bothered to get involved, and what I received from the bullies was "but why didn't she just leave this area? :(" Why the question is "why won't you go away?" instead of "why I feel entitled to bully out a person that didn't even do anything bad to me but just makes me uncomfy with not being like us?"
In the end, I walked a full circle. Some autists just have a power of bringing out the worst in people with how much they don't understand unspoken social cues, cultural rifts, even the language and semantics often times. I have a friend with similar problem, he had a bad luck of using combination of words that make people go blind from rage without meaning to, and you find out he actually made a perfect logical sense after talking to him for context and reasoning. I thought it was a curse, but it is a blessing. I decided I will never fix what is "wrong" with me, if it really helped to separate fakers from real ones in such a short time. Without it, I'd be friends with traitors, cowards, bullies, fools, conformists and stalkers. And the worst part, I would not ever learn it.
Yet again: you are NOT harmed by me venting in MY blog about how I was hurt by your words and actions. If you two were okay with slander and public humiliation of someone and their friends, sure you must be okay with someone venting about actual harm. Or else you have double standards. You are not supposed to care about what I think about you either, you are supposed to crawl into your Discord groups to share screenshots of my posts and mock me there for "being so butthurt" like your kind of people always does. And if you do not want me to hold grudges, you've had enough chances to neutralize me. I was not having you blocked for a good reason. But you chose to keep throwing stones. Too bad for you, I've been trained for this shit, when your spoiled soft asses cry harm and trauma over a single slightly negative experience. Heck, over even reading something you don't like!
Here is a thing: I do not namedrop you. I only namedropped two people when it was relevant, and only because they made themselves public first so I didn't "out" them. And if some people read "he reblogged posts bullying me 50 times too often and was too eager to hate on me, like to the point it was scary" and instantly think of you, then consider what reputation you have. Why? Why? Why you'd throw me (and. my. FRIENDS.) to the wolves and then get angry that I react? Tell me why! It is your problem that you are willing to harm people willy-nilly without considering their feelings or bothering to actually learn whether they deserve stalking and bullying and their friends getting collateral damage, and in the end you don't even have the honor to be genuinely mad and scared as your motivation for it. It is """not personal""". So getting unhealthy obsession with helping slandering me was "not personal"? So acting oh-so-supportive towards my friend who got to talk about her identity and then instantly dropping her upon learning she was interacting with me, after previously having been thankful to her for being one of the first to support YOU, was "not personal"? And the worst thing, I believe it. This is just your Tiktok generation of cruel, overly-judgemental people. You did not get to learn about real life and real relationship and real complexities, and you never will. And I was such a fool doubting myself thinking that you were scared of me.
So tell me why. Tell me why NOW you care what I think of you? Why you care that I vent in MY blog, without namedropping? Why you care what I say and feel if I am nothing but a name of "heretic" to block and pass along for you, a person you don't know and don't think has feelings and nuance worthy of considering before mistreating? Why do you CARE about my opinion? Is this because I effects your self-image? But I am just a stupid bigot in your eyes, so how can my opinion have any power or credibility for you? Are you scared that people will find out? But I do not namedrop! Are you upset that "I don't know you" to say such things? But you do not know ME, and yet that didn't stop you from accepting and helping to spread extremely hateful and uncharitable headcanons about my personality, beliefs and motives your friends crafted, so clearly you are okay with "saying things"? Why? TELL ME WHY! Tell me how it is supposed to hurt you, because it does NOT! The worst I can do is to yell at you and run away crying, and I didn't even do THAT!
Unless I just did, because yet again you decided to sneak around and check my blog. Dude, you hate acknowledging my existence to you point of abandoning mutuals that answer my asks, so why would you check my blog? Just don't do that? Just not check it? There were 4 coincidences about your art that made me think that you were snooping on my content, I am helpful with the lore I know, and took some stuff for inspiration, and one time was passively-aggressive about how I drew a certain female character. But I've got a relief that no, they were all coincidences, and you were not stalking me. So now I have to worry about it again? So I should give into my paranoia, because there was a reason in the end?
Just go away, okay? Just go away. The alter that grew from guilt and pain, and admiration, that you've triggered, is dead, anyhow. It was painful and felt like getting the whole entirety erased and written again, but it's done, so you don't have to worry about it either. Just not sneak on a person you dislike, because, again, me venting without namedropping won't effect you, nor you should care what "just another heretic" thinks. I am not a human for people like you, after all your drama-hungry kind does, and stop pretending that I am. My friends aren't either, they are just "traitors" that refuse to cooperate for your group, and I hate every single conformist bastard that blocked them by association. Not you, them. I won't have a gaslighting of "it is not us vs them!!!!" when actions speak louder than words, and all effected people know what they did.
So far I do not have an incentive to stop digging myself deeper into a hole of "wronged intellectual" self-image, which is a bold claim for someone with quite large intellectual disability as myself, I know. But none of this makes any sense, and doubting that maybe I just don't get something about people availed me nothing. I do get it, society IS just as bad as it seems, deny it or not.
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yjyt85r98r · 13 days
Aikatsu song reviews: Hadashi no Renaissance
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Sword idols for the win.
Some fun facts:
If some website is to be believed, this is tied with MUSIC of DREAM!!! for Aikatsu song that used the largest number of live instruments. (8 instruments, although the tin whistle is credited with two different names, so maybe 9 instruments?)
This is my most replayed song in all of Aikatsu.
I saw someone list it as their least-favourite Aikatsu Stars song. All I can say to that is, "you're entitled to your opinion".
But no, I do get why someone might not like this song. It's very jaunty, and if you're not into medieval stuff or high fantasy then I can see that it might not be for you. Personally, though, I am all about atmospheric songs that transport you to another time and place, so of course I love this. Even the melody is perfectly suited to the theme... if you were to hum it with no lyrics and no backing track, it would still evoke that medieval knight vibe.
I initially found the tin whistle in the intro to be VERY annoying, but I think it does a really good job setting up that jaunty medieval atmosphere, so I got used to it. On a conceptual level, I don't really like when the electric guitar plays along with the tin whistle near the end of the outro, because it sort of destroys the medieval vibe, and electric guitars are so overused. But it sounds cool, so I don't actually have a problem with it. It's well-incorporated; it's not jarring like the guitar in "Have a Dream".
I like every part of this song, but if I had to choose just one, I really like the part just before the chorus where the beat turns slow and heavy for a moment and the instrumentals sound deep. On its own, it doesn't sound like much, but when contrasted against the rest of the song, which is faster and higher, it's just special. To me, at least.
While this is clearly an anime song, it's one of the least pop-like out of all of Aikatsu's discography. It fully embraces the medieval fantasy sound and doesn't try to sound modern or danceable, but it still keeps up a lot of energy that makes it feel Aikatsu-like.
I was surprised when Rei started singing, because her singing voice does not sound at all how I expected it to. Every time I watch the music video, I feel a sense of dissonance between her looks and her voice, but I sort of love when someone's voice is very different than what you'd expect.
A lot of people seem to not be a fan of Rie's vocals. I agree that they're not as polished as many of the other singers' vocals, largely because Rie was newer to the group at the time. Her vocals don't have a ton of individual expression, and her breathing is quite audible at some parts. But her voice is just so pretty! How can you hate such a pretty voice?!
Rei and Lily have similar voices, but contrast each other through their personal styles. Rei has a more simple and straightforward style, while Lily's style is more emotional and expressive. It suits their personalities well.
Regarding technicalities... would you believe me if I told you that, out of all the Aikatsu songs I've recorded the vocal ranges of, this one is actually one of the overall highest? It's sung entirely above middle C (most Aikatsu songs go down to at least middle C if not lower). It doesn't have the highest notes ever, but it's sung in a higher range than the other songs. I just found that surprising since it's sung by characters with deeper-sounding voices, one of whom has a more androgynous appearance.
I like Rie's vocals even if other people don't, but for some reason, after the 15th or 20th listen, they start sounding weird and choppy and shallow? Maybe it's just me, though. Or maybe other people heard them like that the first time, and it just took me longer.
They're exactly what you'd expect from a character cosplaying as a knight to express her devotion to one person. Pretty self-explanatory.
There's something about the choreography that reminds me a bit of martial arts. Obviously there's the kendo aspect since part of the dance features a sword. But there are some parts that reminds me of other martial arts, like how a part near the end has the dancer go into cat stance, and the second verse has them sort of punching into their own hand. The dance looks a little odd at times, but it's unique and has a certain something to it.
The duet version of the dance seems a little weak. I think the intention is for Rei to be the main dancer and Lily to be the secondary dancer, but it just gives off the impression that Lily forgot some of the dance moves.
I love the stage, and how it starts inside the castle and ends outside. There are some reused elements, like the fountain from "Start Line!" and the chandeliers from "Kouya no Kiseki", but they blend in well and feel more like a motif than a stolen element. The blue lighting from the stained glass at the beginning is beyond cool. So is the gate opening at the climax. I don't think an Aikatsu Stars stage design can get much better than this.
The outfit is perfectly on-theme, and the rare appearance of an Aikatsu coord with pants is always appreciated. The stained glass look of the boots' tongue, pants' lining, undershirt and wings helps the outfit match the stage without blending in to the point of camouflage.
Lots of people have pointed out how good Lily's emoting is when she performs this song. Her expressions match her vocals really well and add something that Rei's expressions lack.
I once counted the number of swords that appear in Rei's performance... it was 15. I assume that, with the addition of Lily, the number of swords goes up to 16.
Good points: Strong theme/aesthetic Bad points: Tin whistle might be annoying, song is just not for everyone
Rating: 8.7/10 because I can't rate this one fairly; I'm too biased. Personal rating: 9.8/10
(Ever since I gave Glass Doll a 9.6/10, I've been scared to give any other songs a higher score, because what could possibly be better than Glass Doll? But you know what, I can't let that stop me. I don't think this song is better than Glass Doll but I do appreciate not having to sit through a 2.5-minute guitar solo.)
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incarnateirony · 1 year
So, there's been something I've wondered about for a couple years now, and even more so since stalking your blog pretty heavily for the last few weeks and reading lots of old posts.
Something obviously shifted in Jensen's view of Destiel a few years back, it was a wildly noticable change. You said during 15x18 filming, which I am totally clear on, and also something earlier having to do with TAW (and maybe Mark P?)? I don't know much about that, not sure I want to.
But the point is, now that Jensen gets it, do you think he regrets any of his previous brushing off/gruffness/annoyance at the DeanCas stuff?
I just--some of his earlier behavior (2017 and earlier) was frustrating and I'm never quite sure what to believe. Jackles long con? Was he Heston'ed?
Of course he's always been entitled to his own opinion, but now that his opinion has changed, do you think he understands why some fans got upset?
(Sorry to go anonymous with this, I'm genuinely just curious if you'd heard anything or have an opinion on it. But nearly every time I publicly interact with your blog, bitches be trippin in my inbox. Idk how you deal with it.)
it's a bit of a mix. first, he had a terrible introduction to ships in this fandom. He was a young actor, everywhere he went, there was wincest. Wincels reframe it now, but on their own boards back in the day, they knew he didn't like it. The so proud "My favorite is wincest" they trained the new kids to cut off his expression and "because it's. SO weird." and on their forums they ratted and begged each other to never mention it to Jensen again back then. Because not just that. Wincest was used for pranks. They superglued it to phones to torment cast members. They basically rickrolled each other with wincest porn. It was literally an eternal mockery of them that made the old season "that's just sick" honestly seem gentle. But they've. Buried this.
So you gotta understand the first MINIMUM 3 years that's all jensen knew. Then Misha came in and kept getting extended and kinda got ball and cup plot shuffled with Anna at some point, so like. Anything that popped up back then. Sure, Sgriccia was like, wow, that's gay. But. Again. What's the mood about ships on set right now.
It took several years for them to realize there was even like. An actual ship. Because realistically like. they don't... see wincest as a ship. They saw it as a gross joke, like dropping flaming doggie doo on someone's door. So there's that.
Then add in like. The Chad Kennedy shit. The s10 press packet drop. The S11 mass salty author exodus, etc.
So we look at 2017--for the record, Doesn't Exist was before he got the 12.19 script. Just fyi. Or. You know. [gestures at all the following seasons]
all that man knew before then was WB was like hell no. He hadn't yet been handed Bobo's first step on the highway to gay mega hell
But yes, the shift mostly came arounnnnnnnd. Well. Hm.
He was lightly jolly about it but mostly in a comedic way that still didn't sit well with many. Some time around Wayward, A Little Birdie sent some names to some people with some power to put it on some lists watched by some security company that condensed the reports and gave nice readouts to the ackles on who seemed like a threat to their family.
And they saw a lot of bitching about Destiel.
You ever hear of spite shipping? Yeah. They done that to themselves. From like. IDK. jan or feb 2018 give or take, climbing upwards, there was a lot more banter, a lot more jokes that didn't have negative possible reads, a lot of chuckles. And then he'd go backstage, check his phone, and enjoy the assholes that hate his wife and friend shitting their pants that he DARED to support Destiel. Lather Rinse. Repeat.
It was 15.18 that actually torpedoed him.
hope that cleared it up.
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sapphos-darlings · 4 months
i've been feeling really hopeless lately. i really wish i could come out of the closet, but i'd feel like it'd be such a burden to everyone in my life i've given up on it. i'd be basically admitting i can't give my parents grandchildren, can't continue our family, do what is expected of me. i'd be completely shattering the trajectory they have in mind for me, that almost everybody else goes through. my sister on my father's side doesn't have any children, and she recently had a hysterectomy for health reasons. it crushed my father emotionally. how am i supposed to tell him the truth?
it'd be so much easier if they were shitty parents who didn't care about my wellbeing, whose opinions i could just brush off as regressive and dumb. but they're not. they love me so much, i'd feel like an asshole turning their lives upside down for such a small reason. i don't know what to do.
Hello, Anon!
You're definitely having a hard time. You have my deep sympathies with you, these are definitely worries many gay people deal with during our lives. It's true that coming out to the people closest to us is often the hardest.
Women everywhere are pressured to centre procreating and family over our own well-being and dreams, and that's just not fair and simply not realistic or good for us. Worrying about continuing the family is also pretty old-fashioned with little reason behind the tradition in this day and age, unless you happen to be a royal. The thing is, no one is entitled to grandchildren. You shouldn't take so much weight on your shoulders about a demand that is so unfair and unreasonable.
The truth is that having children is a big, life-changing decision that simply isn't suitable for everyone. You would be a parent for the rest of your life, and that's not something to take lightly. You are not a burden to anyone for not having children. Children should be wanted by their parents out of love, not out of social pressure for the sake of filling the role made for women by the patriarchy.
Also, if you truly want to become a mother, being a lesbian isn't an impossible obstacle. In many countries, lesbian couples as well as single women can get fertility treatments that use donated sperm. Adoption is also a possible route to become a parent.
You haven't done anything wrong. It's not your job to carry everyone else's hopes and wishes and fulfill their expectations at the cost of your own. Besides, if your parents truly are as good and loving as you consider them, they will come through and change to support you.
Your life must be planned by you, not your parents. Well, to the extent anyone's life can be planned. You didn't plan to be (I'm assuming) a lesbian, yet here you are. That is the reality. That is a simple fact that continues to be whether or not you tell others. Telling the truth isn't wrong, and if anything, trusting your family with the truth about you despite these fears you carry should be received with respect. But even if it's not, remember that you are not responsible for handling other people's feelings and reactions. Of course you are going to feel bad if the reaction is negative, but that is on your parents, not because of you.
For some practical advice, consider what would happen if you told them: What is the worst case scenario? How about the best? Weigh these possibilities and consider what you are risking, and what you're possibly missing out on. Usually the reality is not the worst or the best but something in between!
Consider how you'd tell them. You don't have to tell your whole family at once. If there's someone you're especially close to and think would support you, consider telling them first and planning forward together. You could also make a phonecall or write a letter if coming out face to face is too scary.
Being closeted is clearly not your only burden. Untangle your worries and face them one by one. Your friends and/or trusted family members could help you cope with the fear of letting your family down and with the pressure to have kids. Hinting that you might not ever have children won't out you, but dealing with that can eventually make coming out easier.
If possible, look up your local LGBT groups and resources. You might find out more help, support and advice there. There might also be women's groups that can help with family conflict, living closeted/coming out, and living childfree by choice. You already reached out to us, so keep doing that! There are women like you ready to help and with life experiences that show you there's plenty of hope.
Best of luck to you, Anon. I hope all goes well between you and your family. Have hope, courage and pride!
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I do mean this with all respect but as others have stated, you aren't just half joking anymore but are legit asking people to vote for what you want.
Maybe dial that back with the upcoming polls because you seem genuinely upset over a poll that's supposed to be decided by the voters- and getting angry because some voted Meta Knight after you begged for Gala over and over is only making this come off as extremely childish and entitled. Maybe just let people vote for what they want and just post your fic regardless? This is something that's supposed to be fun but it feels more pressured and like we're on eggshells than anything-
Again no offense, just some collective thoughts- just remember to have fun with it is all! Of course feel free to let your opinion be heard, but no more begging for votes from here on out please!
Mod completely understands, they really do. Mod already released another poll about whether or not they should post the fic regardless, and the whole "begging for votes" thing will stop. Mod isn't trying to come off as "childish and entitled" but they ARE trying to look from the point of view of those who DO want to see the fic. /gen /srs
They aren't trying to come up with excuses. They realize that what they did may have been too much, and distressing for some people. Mod (unfortunately) has the mindset of a child. Vote for who you'd like, mod won't try to pay it any mind anymore. /gen /srs
Sorry again. /gen
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glimmcr · 6 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
“maggie    rosario  –  wait,  do  i  have  to  say  my  full  name?  i  didn’t  lie  did  i?  oh,  right,  we’re  in  nyc.”  
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
“i’m  peachy!  thanks  for  asking!”
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
“lilac,  it’s  also  my  favorite  flower!  you  just  know  spring  is  finally  here  when  they  bloom!”
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
“musicals.  or  rom-coms.  how  can  i  choose?”
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
“a  pen.  you  never  know  when  inspiration  will  strike!  i  used  to  constantly  look  for  one  so  i  started  carrying  one  with  me.”
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
“tea.  hot  or  iced.  i  prefer  spicy  teas,  though.”
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
bold  what's  been  attended,  italicize  what  would  attend  /  attend  again.
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity  galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
“i  think  i  just  want  to  be  remembered.  doesn’t  have  to  be  by  a  ton  of  people  but  i  want  to  make  an  impact,  i  think  that’s  why  i  like  writing  so  much.  creating  worlds  that  will  outlast  me.”
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately."
“oh,  i’ve  read  some  things  on  there  but  i  don’t  put  much  stock  into  it.  even  if  it  is  true,  it’s  not  my  business  so  i  shouldn’t  pry.”
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
“that  i’m  married.”
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
“ooh,  is  this  where  i  get  to  shamelessly  plug  my  next  book?”
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
“i  like  both  but  i  do  have  a  dog  so  i  guess  i  gotta  say  dogs.”
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"when do we get to hook you up to this thing?"
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
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emmetxrex-official · 2 years
In response to the anti-rexmet that's going around, here are reasons why Emmet and Rex would be good for each other instead:
Rex was lashing out because of trauma. He needs stability in his life, he needs to feel like he can trust again. This doesn't forgive his actions but he can't be allowed to grow and heal unless he's given a chance.
Yes, he did horrible things. Because he thought he was alone in the world. People do horrible things when they feel justified in their hatred.
If he did survive it would be very difficult to find someone other than Emmet and Lucy that he trusts not to leave him again. Lucy he witnessed coming back to rescue them, and Emmet reaches out to save him when he's convinced he can't be saved.
So when struggling to fix himself what better people for him to turn to?
Because deep down, he's still Emmet. He's Emmet that's been beaten down by life one too many times. But that good heart of his still exists in him somewhere, if he's given the chance to find it in himself.
And Emmet knows that, he knows better than anyone what Rex went through, and can help him talk through and process his emotions when Rex comes to him for help. And of course get him to a real therapist. But the point remains that Emmet could never completely hate Rex. Not when he understands. And in helping Rex get through his emotions, Emmet can come to terms with his own feelings as well.
And you know Lucy would support them both every step of the way through healing. She'd do anything for her boy, even if he's going through an emo rockstar phase. She's so proud of how far both of them have come and wants to see how far they can go.
If you don't like the ship, A. Why are you here if you know you'd just upset yourself? And B. That's fine. I'm not saying you're wrong or you need to be more open-minded or yada yada. You don't. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine.
But don't go around saying we're all abuse lovers. We're not. We're here for the redemption and healing and trust. I don't support abuse irl and I don't support it here.
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princesssarisa · 2 years
For the character ask: Glinda and Dorothy (Wizard of Oz 1939)
Favorite thing about them: She's an all-around likable character; a nice, warm-hearted, relatable every-girl, whose "heroine's journey" is engaging and enjoyable to follow.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmmm... there's not much to dislike about her. Maybe that she tries to run away from home without considering at first how much her aunt and uncle will miss her and worry about her. But since she's just (approximately) a 12-year-old girl and desperate to save her dog's life, it can be excused, especially because she feels so guilty about it later.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I have brown hair.
*I'm sensitive and a bit of a dreamer.
*I love dogs.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I've never lived with an aunt and uncle.
*I don't live on a farm.
*I could never manage a long journey on foot in high heels (though maybe if they were magic, I could).
Favorite line:
"Someplace where there isn't any trouble. Do you suppose there is such a place, Toto? There must be. It's not a place you can get to by a boat or a train. It's far, far away. Behind the moon, beyond the rain..."
All the lyrics to "Over the Rainbow."
To Miss Gulch when she comes to take Toto away – a good scene to remember whenever critics accuse the screenwriters of robbing Baum's young heroine of her spunk:
"I won't let you take him! You go away, you....! Oooh, I'll bite you myself! You wicked old witch!"
To the fearsome giant head of the Wizard – more good lines to remember any time a critic labels her a weakling:
"You ought to be ashamed of yourself, frightening him like that when he came for you to help!"
"If you were really great and powerful, you'd keep your promises!"
And of course, the iconic line when she first arrives in Munchkinland:
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore!"
brOTP: The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Cowardly Lion, and their real-world equivalents, Hunk, Hickory, and Zeke.
OTP: Safety and happiness.
nOTP: Any of the other characters; they're all too old for her.
Random headcanon: Her parents died in a fire. This explains why fire and smoke are associated both with the Wicked Witch and with the Wizard's initial frightening appearance in her dream.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think she's too much of a damsel in distress or a crybaby. Now, I understand why feminists complain that she's less spunky and no-nonsense than Baum's original Dorothy. But (a) she's older than Baum's Dorothy – it's natural for an adolescent-ish girl to be more emotional than a small child, (b) she's not without her own spunk – she still stands up to people who behave badly or threaten her friends, and even slaps the nose of a lion (not yet knowing that he's a coward) in Toto's defense, (c) Baum's Dorothy cries fairly often too – I don't know where the myth that she hardly ever cries came from, and (d) with all the danger and turmoil she goes through, I think she's entitled to a little terror and a few tears!
Song I associate with them: What else?
Favorite pictures of them:
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Favorite thing about them: Besides being such a kind protector of the Munchkins and helper to Dorothy, I like that she's a little bit ditzy in a funny way, or at least lacking in knowledge of humans and earth animals: e.g. asking if Toto is a witch. It saves her from being just a sugary "good fairy" stereotype. Also, her cheerful nonchalance in the face of the Wicked Witch's threats: true proof that in Oz, good is stronger than evil.
Least favorite thing about them: The fact that she knows all along that the ruby slippers can take Dorothy home, but instead of telling her, she sends her on the journey to the Wizard, putting her at risk of being caught by the Wicked Witch. "She wouldn't have believed me" is an awfully flimsy explanation why. Now, I don't think she has any dark ulterior motive – it's just the screenwriters' awkward patch-up of the plot hole they created by combining Baum's Glinda (who doesn't meet Dorothy until the end of the book) and the unnamed Good Witch of the North (who sends Dorothy to the Wizard because she doesn't know about the shoes' power) into one character. But if I could rewrite any part of the classic movie, it would be to change her explanation... maybe to say that Dorothy had to go on her journey to help her friends find their brain, heart, and courage and to destroy the Wicked Witch, as well as to learn that there's no place like home.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm female.
*I like to help others.
*I like pink.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a witch, good or bad.
*I don't have red hair.
*I don't usually wear sparkles.
Favorite line:
Her iconic first line:
"Are you a good witch, or a bad witch?"
About Toto:
"Oh! Well, is that the witch?"
And to the Wicked Witch:
"Oh, rubbish! You have no power here. Be gone, before somebody drops a house on you, too."
brOTP: Dorothy, in a surrogate mother/daughter or fairy godmother/goddaughter type of way.
OTP: None; she's a happy, powerful single woman and this doesn't need to change.
nOTP: The Wizard or the Wicked Witch of the West.
Random headcanon:
(1) An "Oz is real" headcanon: Like Baum's original Glinda, she's centuries old and was in Oz long before the Wizard ever came.
(2) An "Oz is Dorothy's dream" headcanon: She looks like Dorothy's late mother. She might seem to be the only main character in Oz who has no counterpart in Kansas, but really she does.
Unpopular opinion: I wish more of the adaptations, spin-offs, sequels, etc. would portray her as a redhead again. She has red hair in both the original book and the classic film, so why do Wicked, Oz the Great and Powerful, and their like always make her blonde? Is it a legal issue with MGM, or is it just anti-redhead prejudice?
Song I associate with them: "Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are."
Favorite pictures of them:
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daysdraem · 6 months
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"  we're  going  to  be  taking  a  lie  detector  test  today.  you  will  be  hooked  up  to  the  machine,  and  we  will  ask  you  a  series  of  questions  -  whether  you  tell  the  truth  or  lie  is  up  to  you,  but  the  test  wil  be  able  to  snitch  out  any  lies."
"  okay,  that  sounds  easy  enough.  "
"  to  start,  what  is  your  first  name  and  what  city  are  we  in  ?  "
"  seoyeon   yang—  i  adopted  the  name  julia  in  grade  school.  we're  currently  in  manhattan.  "
"  thank  you.  how  are  you  feeling  today  ?  "
"  nervous,  but  also  excited.  i've  never  done  anything  like  this  before.  "
"  understandable.  how  about  an  easier  one  -  what's  your  favourite  colour  ?  "
"  currently,  it's  milennium  pink—  specifically.  it  constantly  changes.  "
"  and  your  favourite  film  genre ?  "
"  romantic  comedy,  especially  on  a  lazy  sunday  with  a  bottle  of  wine.  "
"  let's  see  -  what  is  one  thing  you  wouldn't  be  found  without ?  "
"  oh,  this  is  an  easy  one  !  i  always  have  a  lip  gloss  or  lip  oil  of  some  kind—  either  that  or  a  perfume  oil.  "
"  keeping  it  light,  what's  your  drink  of  choice  ?  "
"  i  don't  drink  often,  but  i  love  mezcal  margaritas.  "
"  which  of  the  following  have  you  attended,  and  would  you  attend ?  "
the  ballet.  the  met  gala.  the  horse  track.  the  race  track.  a  yacht  party.  the  opera.  the  orchestra.  a  broadway  show.  a  shakespeare  production.  a  concert.  a  comedian.  an  (  american  )  football  game.  a  soccer  /  football  game.  a  documentary  film.  a  film  premiere.  a  polo  game.  art  museum.  wine  tastings.  nyc  sightseeing  tour.  celebrity  sightseeing  tours.  haunted  tours.  charity�� galas.  fashion  shows.  fashion  week.  disneyworld  /  disneyland.  a  basketball  game.  a  hockey  game.  a  baseball  game.  a  boxing  match.  a  cricket  match.  the  golf  course.  the  olympics.  
"  oooh,  we're  jumping  into  something  a  bit  heavier  now.  what  is  the  one  thing  you  want  to  achieve  in  life  ?  "
"  i  want  to  become  more  than  just  an  influencer.  this  life  is  fun,  knowing  that  people  love  seeing  my  everyday  life,  but  i  want  more.  i  love  fashion,  so  i  hope  whatever  is  out  there  for  me  includes  doing  something  within  that  scope.  "
"  who  knows  what  the  fates  have  ​​​​​​​in  ​​​​​​​store.  ​​​​​​​how  do  you  feel  about  reputation.com ?  it's  ​​​​​​​all  ​​​​​​​anyone  ​​​​​​​seems  ​​​​​​​to  be  ​​​​​​​talking  about  lately.  " "  i  don't  really  know  how  i  feel  about  it.  on  one  hand  it's  kind  of  funny,  but  on  the  other  it  just  seems  like  it's  people  who  have  nothing  else  better  to  do.  seems  a  little  weird  to  keep  tabs  on  people  like  that,  but  whatever.  "
"  everyone  is  entitled  to  their  own  opinion,  i  guess.  what's  the  weirdest  /  craziest  headline  you've  read  about  yourself  there  ?  "
"  i  went  home  to  korea  earlier  this  year,  and  i  apparently  got  married  while  there  !  i  bumped  into  an  old  friend,  but  i  guess  our  hangouts  were  a  little  too  intimate  than  we  thought  they  were.  "
"  what's  something  you  are  currently  working  on  ?  "
"  i  don't  think  i'm  at  liberty  to  say—  not  yet.  sorry  !  "
"  i'll  look  forward  to  it.  one  last  official  question  -  and  it's  an  easier  one.  cats  or  dogs ?  "
"  i  hope  you  do.  oh,  easy—  dogs.  specifically  cockapoos.  "
"  personally,  i'm  a  dog  fan  anyday.  anything  else  you'd  like  to  add ?  "
"  hmm,  i'd  just  say  thank  you  for  having  me,  and  i  hope  reputation.com  finds  something  else  better  do  do  with  their  time.  plus,  right  now  all  of  the  stories  are  rather  boring.  "
"  well,  thank  you  so  much  for  joining  us  today  ​​​​​​​-  can't  ​​​​​​​wait  ​​​​​​​to  ​​​​​​​have  ​​​​​​​you  ​​​​​​​back  ​​​​​​​with  ​​​​​​​us  soon."
"  thank  you  !  i  can't  wait  to  come  back.  "
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tim-hoe-wan · 1 year
In your honest opinion, why do so many people dislike Meghan Markle? I'm not even talking about the disgusting far right and the monarchist, just in general a lot of people find her unlikeable. Even my friends who I think are pretty level headed don't hate her but did say they don't exactly like her.
There's not one single all encompassing answer to this question. She doesn't deserve the level of hatred and vitriol she receives, but she's completely harmless. Even if you do have valid reasons to dislike her, it isn't worth it to dwell on it. I also can't believe she gets the vitriol and Harry barely gets any considering how genuinely stupid and entitled he is. That said from what I can observe here are some reasons:
Misogyny and racism. Internalized misogyny is real. But what's even worst is misogynoir. God forbid a black woman ever tries to step up or defend herself, cause people will be unforgiving, just take a look at Meg. Even if you have valid reasons to dislike her, you can't deny she is a victim of relentless bullying and misogynoir.
She's an enemy of the royal family but not the monarch itself. This is genuinely one of my gripes about them. They are obviously monarchist and have no issues with the royals who treated them nicely. Like ok, so you are willing to criticize the monarch now but let's save Lizzie cause she's nice to you? You still want your kids to have titles?
Lying or plain ignorance? From the Oprah interview onwards, there's just a lot of things easily debunked that you don't know anymore if these two are liars. Why their children won't get the titles, Charles supporting them, the Mandela comment etc. I mean, surely at least Harry knows these things could easily be explained or debunked, but it really doesn't help to give them sympathy.
The Cut Interview. This was actually the one that made me annoyed with them cause she chose the journalist, there was nothing wrong with the interview, yet Meghan threw the journalist under the bus for some reason. Same goes with the netflic doc. Even before it was released, they threw the creators they handpicked under the bus. These two seem to want all praise and everything about them glowing cause The Cut interview was handpicked and was a very good piece.
Those two are truly lacking in self-awareness and have a high opinion of themselves. In this era you'd find it very hard to sympathize with rich people. Especially when these two complain about things that make them sound plain entitled. Just get a regular job Harry. My dad also mentioned recently that Harry's gripes kinda remind him of Andrew trying to assert him and his children as part of the royal budget.
Speaking of which, those two or maybe just Harry, are close to Andrew. By default of course a lot of people would find that an issue. They're willing to talk against Willy, but nothing on Lizzie and Andrew? Come on Harry if William was the one who made a racist comment just say it. You'd look less ridiculous.
Tax payers money. My grandparents favorite gripe. Again you just don't know if they're lying or ignorant. Of course the people don't want to pay for your security if you're no longer "working" royals. Not even giving your children titles will save you as exhibited by Lizzie's less favored children and grandchildren.
She really is an ugly American. You know how everyone hated Emily's attitude in Emily in Paris? Like how Americans act like they're better? Like how Americans can find other culture and other people's rules as ridiculous? Yeah Meghan is like that. Even if I don't mind her disrespecting royal protocol, I mean sometimes her response come off as she has some messiah complex meant to change to system and it does seem she really believes that. But again, we don't want to change the system. We want to abolish it altogether.
My friends really love mocking how she still signs herself as the Duchess of Sussex. From my British friends, it's ironic and hypocritical and just shows in the end they're not your allies. From my American friends, it's ridiculous cause Hamilton is right there to remind you George Washington kicked them out so we don't have to care about these titles anymore.
It's a play of narrative. A lot of their words and actions seem to be they're the protagonist and Willy and Kate, not Lizzie or Charles, are the antagonist. I have no doubt the royal family is an antagonist. I just don't think Meghan and Harry are worthy protagonist at all. Sometimes I'm just waiting for Harry to say he should be heir instead.
Those are what I can think off. In the end I think it's valid to dislike or get annoyed with any person or celebrity. But I do not think Meghan has done anything to receive the level of vitriol and hatred that she is receiving in the daily. They're so easy to ignore and overall way too harmless that if you spend time getting so riled up at Meghan (not Harry, I won't defend his ass), I personally think that's a you problem.
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unaushab · 6 days
I don't think you understand what self-hatred does to a person: It rules your entire life. Your every thought, your every action, your every emotion becomes poisoned with hatred. You stay silent at parties because you hate the sound of your voice. Binge-watch TV for hours because you hate sitting with your own thoughts. Ghost your friends and the people you love because you hate how much you need them. How much you crave their attention, their love, their acceptance of you. You hate how soft you are, how needy you are, how desperate you are. It's practically written across your face how much you beg for other people's consideration so that the demonic voices in your head constantly smearing your pathetic existence can shut up for a minute. So rather than bend the knee and affirm that nagging feeling that perhaps you do belong on the floor getting walked all over, that being abused is the only way you'll ever realize love, you sit at home. Cut yourself off from a world that even at its worst is too good for you.
But the thing about hate is that if you let it fester long enough, the hatred you reserve for yourself turns into hatred for other people. How dare other people feel worthy of commanding attention? How dare they feel entitled to unconditional love? How dare they ask for that raise? Walk up to someone at a bar? Have two loving partners at a time when you've convinced yourself you'll never even have one? How dare they travel to exotic destinations and live their dreams and be fucking happy when happiness doesn't exist for someone like me? Why me? Why am I cursed with the burden of the whole world on my shoulders?
And every slight turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course he got bored of me and ghosted; it’s a wonder he put up with me this long in the first place. Of course my father hands my sister her mug of hot cocoa first, he loves her more because she is worthy of his love. Of course I got rejected from that job, they know I'm full of shit. They could see right through me. Everyone can see right through me. There's no substance, no bravado, no personality. I'm just a dead man walking in the shell of a human being. Of course my friends are busy and have better things they could be doing than hanging out with me, no one wants to be around me. No one things I'm funny. No one thinks my opinion on anything matters, because it doesn't. The only reason people even put up with me is because I give them what they want. I wouldn't even want to be around me.
It seeps into your bones, attaches itself to your ego, invades every cell in your body. Every movement, every reaction, every sensory impulse raises doubt in yourself. You'd never trust a person you hate, so how can you trust yourself? You are at fault in every situation, you are the weak link in every chain, and every single thing you do is wrong. You breathe too loud, you eat too messy, you talk to high, you sit too hunchback, you stand too rigid. You can never be small enough, you can never be invisible enough, even the thought of being perceived turns your stomach. Your mind is constantly attacking itself, short circuiting even harmless notions into malevolent fantasies design to couch and coddle the bard that your ego throws at you. You create your own religion, your own mythology justifying your eternal debasement at the hands of your mind, judging every facet of your being and deigning all of it to hell. Self-hatred breeds narcissism because how can it not? In order to hate yourself religiously you must exalt yourself to be worthy of that vile, to demonize yourself you have to imbue yourself with enough power to be hated. You have to think about yourself all the fucking time, because no one else is allowed in this 7th level of hell to hold your hand except yourself.
It's all about you, just not in the way you'd want.
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etherealsign282 · 2 months
Wow, you're so empathetic and a bleeding heart now, almost makes me forget the fact that you bragged about being compassionless, apathetic, amused by certain suffering, lacking in morals (and only virtue signaling because it's what J would share/believe), while also wanting to kill people, and having so much entitlement that lack of consent pissed you off and you'd whine until you got what you want.
No I totally believe that this caricature you've sculpted online, which of course smells like the bullshit of a whole community of fake leftist martyrs, is suddenly magically real- after you specifically took the biggest L in your history and lost several people for being the human equivalent of a trash can in real life.
You must have realized that the only thing you can do to fix all of this is regurgitate memes all day to "prove" you're better and deeper as a person, even when the only explicit, opinion-based rants that continue to spew out of your mouth are mind-meltingly stupid (bc you can't logic your way into understanding it's bad, so you have to use the circular argument fallacy and be like "this is bad because it's bad"), internally sexist, or just personally offended tantrums because you think you deserve special treatment for being a leech. Just so you can have a little window time every day sucking your own dick by bragging about how much you've grown and changed.
Even though you condemn people exactly like you because they make the world a worse place. Hell you can't even stand to forgive a judgmental old hag. But yes I'm sure all of this is based on these ethics and morals that you magically discovered the second we left and there isn't some ulterior motive so you won't have to feel bad about yourself for justified reasons (bc you're shallow and can only "hate" yourself when it's not actually that deep and you don't have to meet the real you, and your actual soul).
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