#do you ever speak to someone and just feel the love from them and it makes you feel so good inside
enwoso · 12 hours
Alessia Russo + reporter!gf, where Alessia is nonstop flirting with Reader on national television when you're trying to interview her
LIVE TO ALL — alessia russo
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you were a sports journalist for itv, travelling up and down the country as well as across the world each week to cover matches as well as try and get some of the players thoughts and opinions on the game.
today was the england lionesses vs sweden at home, at a sold out wembley. the game being tense but the girls pulling out a win by one goal and of course it being scored by non other than the alessia russo who just happened to be on your radar to interview.
normally it would take some convincing from some players to get them to do a quick post match interview, most players after a win wanting to celebrate and after a loss was when it was even harder to get players to interview as they just generally weren’t in the mood, understandably.
however luckily you wouldn’t have to do much convincing to get england’s star girl for an interview as she just so happened to also be your girlfriend. so one little bat of the eyelashes and a flash of the smile and the blonde would be right over.
so as your team handed her a mic as she walked over from the pitch hugging you tight as you sent her a loving smile trying your best to remain professional but the girl just looked so gorgeous even after running around a pitch for ninety minutes, her hair slicked back a few flyaways had came loose above her as well as her cheeks being slightly flushed pink probably from the amount of running she’d done.
“so alessia another sold out wembley for the lionesses, does the feeling ever change walking out and seeing that many people in the stadium?” you began the interview as alessia nodded along with what you were saying, her bottom lip inbetween her teeth as you watched as her eyes roamed your face as she held her eye contact with you instead of the camera like she was supposed to.
there was a slight pause between your question and the blonde starting her answer, “oh um it definitely helps to keep us motivated whilst we are playing- as we love seeing our fans pack out stadiums and creating as much noise as possible!”
“speaking of motivation, what helps to keep you fired up especially when your playing top teams like sweden?” you asked as you seen alessia giggle to herself, you being thankful for the fact that the camera can’t see the look your throwing alessia right now.
“well away from football there’s definitely someone who does that for me-” the blonde making direct eye contact with you as a smirk crept onto her face. you knew exactly what she was insinuating on and while the your relationship wasn’t exactly out there it wasn’t a big secret either fans definitely had their suspicions and alessia right now was definitely adding fuel to that fire.
she carried on, you sending the blonde another stern look that told her to behave, “but the staff at england as well as the girls we all do our part to ensure that’s we can all play to the best of our ability to ensure we get the result that we want as a team and as a nation” she smile innocently as she finished awaiting your next question.
you began to explain the importance of the goal that alessia scored to start of the lionesses euro qualifying campaign while alessia well she was just scaring at you, totally zoned out as her she licked her lips. her eyes scanning your outfit as she imagined maybe what it would look like on the floor of your shared bedroom…
“and finally how does it feel to finally get your first goal at wembley especially the one that sealed the win for your guys” you finished with a quick smile, slightly kicking the blonde which wasn’t able to be seen by the camera which shook the blonde from her daydream.
“oh- um, wait i- sorry what was the question?” alessia flushed red with embarrassment as you were the one now with a smirk, knowing by her face she hadn’t been listening and also having a suspicion of why she hadn’t been but nevertheless repeating the question again for her.
“yeah, it’s always a good feeling to score at wembley makes it that little bit special but anything to help the team out”
“well thank you alessia and well done for tonight!” you applauded with a smile as alessia nodded, “thank you babe” alessia said so causally, you quickly spinning around mouth wide open as you eyes widened.
the interview already been finished as your team off-mic you both. alessia with a smirk which was widening on her face, you knew she had done that on purpose.
“i love you?” she whispered, as she looked at your less than pleased look on your face.
“your on thin ice miss russo!” you warned narrowing your eyes at the blonde as she slung her arm around your shoulders guiding you both down the tunnel as you knew she was rolling her eyes at your stern tone.
“hey! it’s not my fault the person who was interviewing me happened to be my really sexy, beautiful, gorgeous girlfriend!”
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 days
Soft cregan with his betrothed? Literally any scenario you can come up with but i need him being soft and sweet and flirty with his girl(reader)🥹
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Cregan was the sweetest man you’ve ever known, for every morning he would attempt to wake you up with kisses to your face, starting from the top of your head and working his way down the slope of your nose, across your cheeks and finishing with your jawline and lips. His kisses were the softest and sweetest you’ve ever felt and yet so uniquely his that they made waking every morning worthwhile, especially if this was the treatment you’d be on the receiving of his love and affection.
‘My love, you must awake and allow me the opportunity that is looking into your eyes sooner or later.’ Cregan said softly as you only groaned and tried to hide your face in his neck, only for the man to have the audacity to pull away, much to your distain at the lack of bodily warmth to ease you back into your slumber.
‘Cregan.’ You moaned dejectedly, lazily reaching a hand out for him.
‘Open your eyes and I shall obey to your every wish thereafter, I promise it.’ He replied as he reached a hand to intertwine with your hand, kissing the back of it with a smile.
‘Why are you so eager to see my eyes my beloved? They’re just like anyone else’s.’ You tell him as you finally opened your eyes to look at the beautiful man that you were lucky to have share a bed with, you envied how effortlessly handsome your Cregan was even early in the morning, with tussled dark hair and sleep still laced in his gorgeous eyes that looked back at you with nothing but love and utter admiration.
‘For there is no one in all of the seven kingdoms with eyes like yours.’ Cregan said with the upmost seriousness. ‘The colours that make up your eyes have to be my favourite, they’re unique and beautiful in their own right and I could find home within them without trying.’ He adds and you couldn’t help but want to look away from him, but Cregan must’ve read your mind as his hand lets go of yours and instead latched onto your chin, keeping your head in place so that you’d only look at him.
‘That sounds a bit much, don’t you think?’ You asked as you never had someone talk so passionately about your eyes before, it was a feeling that you weren’t use to but it felt as though it was something that you had wanted to hear for a long, long time.
Cregan laughs. ‘Not to me it is not my beloved.’ He rests his forehead against your own to stare deeper into your eyes, smiling almost on instinct at the intrigue mirage of colours that made up your eyes as a warmth spread throughout his chest. ‘It couldn’t be more than the truth as when I am lost, I look into your eyes and I see home, I’m found and I have you to thank for that.’ He then moved to plant a kiss to your forehand before pressing his head back against yours.
‘You’re too sweet for me my love.’ You told him softly as your hand reached to caresses his jawline slowly. ‘Far too sweet that I can feel my heart burst whenever you speak such honeyed words to me in the comfort of our shared bed.’ You shuffled closer to Cregan until you were practically pressed against one another. ‘Who’d knew that my betrothed would be such a master of words.’ You added, smiling at him.
‘You need only look into your reflection and find the reason.’ Cregan said as he stole a kiss from your lips. ‘Now that I have seen your eyes, what is it that you wish to do today?’ He then asks as you pretended to think it over when the answer was made obviously clear.
‘I only wish to be spared a few more moments with you in this bed.’ You tell him as you batted your eyes at him, hoping that you could use his soft spot for you to your advantage for the most harmless thing you could possibly think of. Cregan scoffed softly as he pulled you somehow even closer to him until you were the only thing he could feel. ‘You could spend the rest of your life in the end if you could.’ He tells you playfully, pinching your side as you swatted him in the arm. ‘I don’t see you complaining.’ You say as you felt him tighten his hold on you.
‘You’re right I don’t because I get to spend the rest of my days with the most beautiful soul in all of Westeros.’ Cregan utters as you both soon drifted off back to sleep within the other’s arms, much like lovers did.
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paradiseprincesss · 16 hours
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forever boy | jonathan crane
umm i lowkey did not want to post this because i feel like it's not eating but i hope u guys like thissssss :')
summary: you and jonathan are close friends — he was your brothers best friend so it was bound to happen, after all. however, all you want is to be more than just friends. one night, after a particularly bad date, you drunkenly call jonathan asking him to come pick you up — and you accidentally confess your feelings while you're at it too.
warnings: unspecified age gap (reader is early 20's, jonathan is early 30's), sort of friends to lovers, smut, p in v, oral (f!receiving), general sexual content ahead lol, mdni 18+ only
word count: 3.4k
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"i don't think i've ever seen you stay with a guy for more than six months." jonathan pointed out teasingly as the two of you sat on his couch alone in his apartment, watching some random horror movie you chose to put on.
"very funny, jonathan." you say sarcastically, reaching over to grab the remote so you could pause the movie. "that doesn't make me feel any better, just so you know."
"you said you broke up with him because you don't care about him." jonathan shrugged. "psychologically speaking, have you ever considered that you may have an avoidant—"
"oh please," you scoffed, "do not turn this into one of your therapy sessions. psychoanalyze me all you want, but i guarantee you'll be dissappointed."
"i feel like you have a phobia of commitment." he says, sighing as he looked at you through his glasses.
"no, it's not that. it's just — nobody ever kept my attention." you explain, causing jonathan to raise a brow. "they just don't know how to make me...happy."
"i see," he said softly, "have you ever considered that, i don't know, maybe your going for the wrong type of guys?"
"what do you know about love? you're married to your job." you scoff, causing jonathan to chuckle softly.
"fair point," he nods, "but i do happen to study human psychology and behavioural patterns for a living."
recently, you had been spending a lot of time with your brothers best friend — doctor jonathan crane. he'd known jonathan for a good few years, the two of them got along well as they'd met at a conference for medical students when both of them were still in gotham's medical schooling program.
your brother was ten years older than you, meaning that you were currently still in university but your brother had built up a successful career for himself by now. of course, jonathan was just as, if not, more successful, with his name plastered in every article and paper in gotham about the remarkable work he was doing at arkham asylum.
you'd met jonathan while you were still in high school, but you only started to get close with him during your first year of university. one evening, you'd gotten a little too drunk at a frat party with your friends, and ended up calling your brother to come pick you up in your drunken state.
unfortunately, he had informed you that he was just swamped at work — but he would get his best friend, jonathan, to do him a favour and pick you up since he only lived about ten minutes away from the area you were partying at.
when he picked you up, all you could focus on was how handsome he was — why hadn't you noticed this before? not to mention his intoxicatingly blue eyes; how could someone have eyes that blue?!
after that — the two of you had become quite close. suddenly, you were tagging along if your brother and jonathan had plans, and you were also hanging out with jonathan when your brother wasn't around as well.
something just clicked when you two were together, despite him being nearly a decade older than you. the two of you would frequently make plans to meet up, whether that was to get food together or watch movies snuggled up on the couch of his apartment.
just as friends though, of course — he was your brothers best friend. plus, you were sure that jonathan would never see you in that way.
and since you'd been friends for a minute, he knew just what you liked; what made you smile. he'd even see boys come and go, he knew what made you cry. though he'd never say it aloud — he wanted to be the one to treat you right.
"what time is it?" you asked.
jonathan checked his watch, "quarter to seven." he replied, making you groan as you got up from his couch. "where are you going?"
"home," you sighed, "i have a date tonight — nate's picking me up at nine."
"you just broke up with your boyfriend two weeks ago, and you have a date already?" he asked with surprise, and you rolled your eyes as he got up with you.
"yes, so what? i told you that two month relationship meant nothing to me anyway." you shrugged, and jonathan looked at you with concern as he grabbed his car keys off the kitchen counter. "spare me the judgement please, jonathan."
jonathan always drove you — even though you had your own license and car, he insisted. "i'm not judging you, i just don't want you to get hurt." he said with a sigh, and for a moment, he almost sounded disappointed.
"i wont." you assured him as the two of you drove back to your home. since you were still in university, you lived at home with your parents, and it had become a routine. he'd pick you up, and sometimes you'd even stay overnight at his place — as if friends do that.
"okay, well," he said with a sigh, parking on your driveway, "just promise me you'll call me if you need anything."
"i will. i know you're working an overnight shift so i can just call my brother—"
"just call me, i'll answer." he said softly.
when jonathan told you that, you felt your cheeks heat up and your heart start to beat rapidly. you smile and nod, waving goodbye as he drove off, leaving you at home again. as you rushed upstairs to start getting ready for your date — a feeling of overwhelming dread consumed you.
you were always defensive and deflective anytime anyone asked about your commitment issues. you knew the root cause: it was jonathan. the reason nobody could ever keep your attention was because you were already too focused on someone else — your brothers best friend.
you went on date after date, dated guy after guy, only to break their hearts months (and sometimes even just weeks) later. you were a professional at delivering the whole "it's not you, it's me" speech. you were sure that at some point, someone would help you get over jonathan.
but nobody ever did.
however, that all changed after your date with some guy named nate from your class had gone poorly. he was very clearly into you, however you on the other hand, were not into him at all. your mind was doing that thing again.
you know, the thing where your thoughts were consumed with jonathan and jonathan only — thoughts of what he was doing right now. how was work going for him? your mind was spinning as you daydreamed what it would be like to be the one he'd come home to every night, after a hard day.
"did you hear what i asked?" nate's voice cut through your thoughts, and you looked up at him as you mindlessly swished the clear liquor in your martini glass.
"oh, m'sorry — no." you say in a bored manner, making no attempt to conceal your disinterest.
"whatever," nate sighed, clearly frustrated with your lack of interest for the last hour over drinks, "enjoy your night, i guess."
he places a fifty on the bar top, grabbing his phone and wallet before heading out of the bar you were in. you made no attempt to stop him, and instead, you order another martini for yourself as you let the liquor stir inside of you.
tonight, you felt like you'd hit a dead end. when were you going to learn that this would never work? when would you come to terms with the fact that another guy wouldn't fill the jonathan shaped void in your heart?
reaching into your purse, you grab your phone and put it up to your ear as you heard the dial tone.
"hello?" jonathan's voice spoke from the other end of the line.
"jonathan, hey," you said softly, "i'm sorry for calling, i know you're busy at work right now—"
"do you need me to come pick you up?" he asked, interjecting you and your tipsy apology.
"i-i can call my brother, it's fine. i don't even know why i called—" you said, suddenly feeling very choked up.
jonathan's tone went from casual to concerned in a matter of seconds as he heard you sniffling from the other end of the line. "are you okay? where are you? i'm leaving right now."
maybe it was the gin or maybe it was the harboured feelings you'd been denying for the last year — perhaps both — but all you wanted to do was drunkenly cry and confess the way you felt for him.
screw being just friends, right?
after telling jonathan the address, you let the liquor do the talking. "jonathan?" you asked, to which he hummed over the line, "i just — i have feelings for you."
as you let out your slightly drunken confession, you hang up the phone before he had a chance to respond, throwing back the rest of your martini as you made your way outside. the weather in gotham tonight was miserable, rain pouring down heavily as the night sky was glum.
this was not your best moment — but when jonathan heard your little confession, his cold heart melted a little. even if it took a little liquid courage to get there, then so be it — he'd finally got conformation that you felt the same.
you weren't sure how long you were stood outside in the parking lot of the bar, letting the rain pour down on you dramatically, but you started to shiver. of course you did — you were in heels and a dress, and now, you were soaked from head to toe.
suddenly, you heard your name being called out and you looked to your left to see a familiar car parked, with a familiar man in a suit and glasses rushing over to you. "what are you doing out here? it's pouring." jonathan said with concern, taking his suit jacket off and immediately placing it around you. "come on, i'll take you back to my place — i took the night off of work."
"why?" you ask suddenly, making jonathan raise a brow.
"what do you mean why? just — get in the car, it's pouring." he asked with confusion, but you continued to argue.
"how long are you going to keep pretending were just friends?" you choke back a sob, and he looks at you with concern once more. "friends don't — fuck, friends don't do what we do!"
"how drunk are you?"
"i'm not even that drunk!" you exasperate, "i just wanted an excuse to call you!"
"of course i don't think of you as a friend!" he exclaimed, "but you're out with a new guy every month!"
"because i was scared of telling you how i felt. i only ever wanted you!" you exclaimed back, tears streaming down your face as you were both intoxicated and vulnerable.
as soon as he noticed your tears, he stepped closer to you in the pouring rain, letting it soak you both. his hand suddenly reached up to cup your face gently, "why on earth wouldn't you just tell me?"
"you're my brothers best friend. and were friends, i just figured—"
"what if i don't want to be just friends?" he asked as you blinked your tears away. "haven't you noticed the way i look at you whenever you're around? the way i would drop anything to be there for you, no questions asked?"
everything was happening so fast, from your drunk confession to letting out a year of pent-up emotions — but it didn't matter anymore. you'd fallen for him and now, it was clear that he had fallen for you too.
"then fuck being just friends." you whispered.
within seconds, his lips came crashing down on yours as the gotham rain poured down on the both of you in the parking lot. alcohol was coursing through your veins, but now, so was adrenaline. you weren't sure how it all happened — but in the midst of a big, blurry mess, you ended up in jonthan's bed sharing sloppy, hungry kisses together.
his touch was gentle — loving — and you melted into it. carefully, he slipped your soaking dress off, and you tried not to cower under his gaze. those blue eyes of his had such an effect on you, and he smiled softly as he tried to ease your nerves.
"we don't have to do this — just tell me to stop and we can." he whispered lovingly, gently playing with your hair. "i don't want you to feel pressured since you've been drinking."
"i want to do this jonathan," you insisted, feeling a cocktail of emotions bubbling all at once, "i just really care about you. about us — i don't want to...screw things up between you and me."
"i know," he whispered, "but i promise, nothing will change between us—"
"i've had feelings for you for a long time." you said suddenly. "if we do this, i need to know you're serious."
he hummed softly in acknowledgement and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "ever since last year, when we started to hangout alone. just us..." he trailed off, admiring every detail of your pretty face. "i couldn't stop myself from falling for you."
"god, jonathan. you're such a sappy romantic deep down." you teased lightly, making him smile. "and all this time i thought you were in love with your job."
"well that," he said softly, "but i fell in love with you too."
your breath got caught in your throat as the words fell from his lips. not to mention your heart started to race about a million miles a minute. all this time you'd been harbouring your feelings for jonathan — he'd felt the same.
"i-i fell in love with you too," you confess, rambling on innocently, "s-sorry, i feel like i'm making things so awkward—"
he cuts you off with a kiss, his hands now resting on your hips as his thumbs started to rub soothing circles onto your skin. "relax, sweetheart," he whispered, "just lay back for me. let me show you how much i love you."
slowly, he started to pepper kisses down your stomach and thighs, making you squirm a little under his feather light touch. his hands came to paw at the waistband of your underwear, and if you weren't red in the face before — you definitely were now.
"are you comfortable?" jonathan asked softly, his icy blue eyes piercing through yours as he looked up at you from between your thighs. "is this okay?"
the sight was driving you to the brink of insanity, and with a desperate nod, you look down at him nervously. "y-yeah, just a little nervous." you admitted with honesty.
"have you ever...?" he raised a brow, his breathing slightly ragged.
"y-yeah, no i have before," you say as your heart raced, "i-it's just — it's you."
"what does that mean?"
"you...make me nervous." you say with pink cheeks, nervously giggling as his fingers toyed with the lace of your panties.
"like i said before," his voice dropped several octaves as he slid your underwear down your legs, "let me ease your nerves, darling."
you barely had a chance to react before his hands were gripping at your thighs, and his tongue was licking a fat stripe up your soaked cunt. your head fell back onto the pillows as every pent up anxious thought suddenly left your body, the only thing coming out of your mouth being breathless moans.
as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, he ate you out like his life depended on it — the man was gifted with the knowledge of anatomy, after all. he knew a few things.
his tongue continued to lick all around your dripping folds, lapping up your arousal as you fell apart from his touch. as he took your clit into his mouth, you let out a strangled moan. you could feel him smirk against your cunt when you moaned — which turned you on more if that was even possible.
"j-jonathan," you moaned feverishly, "i-i'm so close—"
"yeah, are you?" he asked with a muffled voice, face still buried in your cunt, "come on, darling, let me taste all of you."
as he worked his skillful tongue in your hole, your back arched and his name started to fall from your lips over and over again like a chant. you swore you started to see stars from the way he was eating you out, devouring your body as if you were something to be cherished. to be worshipped.
as you came on his tongue, jonathan lapped up every last drop of you, sparing no mercy as he continued to lick every part of your pussy even after you'd came.
"s'too much," you whined, "but i need you inside of me, jon."
he finally pulled away from your puffy, needy little hole, wiping his lips and chin with his suit sleeve. he tossed his suit jacket onto the floor in a rush, and you were holding back moans as you watched him undress.
it felt like an eternity (forty-five whole seconds), but he got undressed as he positioned himself between your spread legs. how's that supposed to fit?! you thought to yourself, watching in awe as his thick cock leaked pre cum from the tip.
"take a picture, it'll last longer." he teased, causing you to scoff.
"shut up, i didn't think you'd be...so b-big." you managed to choke out, cheeks burning.
"so, what i'm hearing is that you've thought about us having sex before."
"oh my god, shut — mmph!" as you were about to dish out something back, he pushed his throbbing cock into your cunt without warning, catching you off guard as he split you in two.
"you were saying?" he cooed mockingly, moving his hips gently as you adjusted to his size.
"mm, fuuuck—" you moaned, unable to comprehend his teasing as he fucked you deliciously with his fat cock.
"awe, how cute," he cooed, "you're already cockdrunk. what a needy little thing you are, hm?"
he suddenly took hold of your hips, pulling you closer as he fucked you faster, deeper — harder. you let out a strangled, choked moan as his cock hit all the right places inside of you, rubbing against that spongy spot as he fucked you closer and closer to your release.
jonathan groaned through gritted teeth, trying not to lose his sanity as he felt your warm, wet, hole clench around his cock. "fuck, you're so tight — perfect fucking pussy."
"a-ah, you feel, fuuck — so good, jonathan. right there—!"
"right there, darling?" he asked, emphasizing his words by snapping his hips into you harsher each time, "you like it when i fuck you like this? when i turn you into a desperate little whore, is that it?"
"yes, f-fuck y-yes!" you whine breathlessly, your mind going blank.
"i bet you love getting your pussy stretched like this, don't you?" he cooed with faux sympathy, "you love getting ruined by me."
"m-mhm!" you agree mindlessly, barely able to focus on his words with the way he was brutally pounding your cunt. "l-love you, jon."
"oh fuck— look at you pretty girl. so ruined and so fucking eager to please me." he growled lowly, watching you fall apart underneath him as you took his cock deeper. "god, i love you too — and i love watching you turn into nothing but a little fucktoy for me."
his degrading words didn't match with the saccharine tone that managed to slip through his voice. but you were too fucked out and ruined to put two and two together.
"come on my cock, darling." he commanded softly, feeling your cunt fluttering around his cock. "come for me."
his words pushed you over the edge, and within seconds, you were babbling incoherently again as he fucked you senseless. you couldn't process your thoughts — your brain short circuiting as your release washed over you.
the sight of you getting fucked dumb by him was enough to make jonathan come on the spot, and as you came all over his cock, he was filling your cunt with his warm seed. he let out a low, gravelly moan as he painted your walls white with his cum, and you wrapped your arms around him in an attempt to keep him close.
after the both of you caught your breath in the now oddly quiet bedroom in his apartment, he let out a breath as he winced, pulling out of you.
"so does this mean were just friends?" he joked, pulling you into his arms as you scoffed. "kidding — you're forever mine now, darling. don't you ever forget it."
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clangenrising · 2 days
Month 16 - Greenleaf
When Aldertail had volunteered to go herb gathering with him, Oddstripe had been delighted but he had definitely expected her to get tired and lose interest by this point. The day was hot but there was a nice breeze and, as they meandered the territory looking for patches that hadn’t already been harvested, Oddstripe couldn’t help but smile. 
“Y’know, I’d really love to find some thyme or juniper,” he said, hopping over a stone in his path. 
“What do those do?” Aldertail asked, carefully picking her way after him. Her legs were the best he’d ever seen them. There was almost no redness and the fur had nearly grown back in. Oddstripe was so proud.
“Thyme is very calming and juniper berries are just all around useful. On top of being calming, they soothe belly aches, help with coughs, and they can even treat aching joints when mixed with the proper herbs. I’d love to get some for Sagetooth.” 
Aldertail’s ears pressed back briefly. “Mm, would that help?”
“Oh, yes,” Oddstripe nodded. “When she isn’t suffering from her aches, she’s really, actually very kind. It can just be hard for her to stay that way when she’s in a lot of pain.” 
“I guess,” Aldertail shrugged. “I feel like you don’t just start being mean to people though, if that makes sense.” 
“I get what you mean,” said Oddstripe, “but something you have to remember is that your body and your mind aren’t two separate entities. They’re both you and they influence each other.” Aldertail winced in an attempt to seem less skeptical. Oddstripe laughed a little and tried to think of a better way to explain. “Oh, for example, when your mind starts to run wild, you feel sick to your stomach right?”
“Yeah,” Aldertail nodded. 
“So that’s your mind influencing your body!” Oddstripe grinned. “But the inverse is also possible. Like, if you’re very scared, we do those deep breaths and the act of calming your body calms your mind.” Aldertail hummed thoughtfully. “So when Sagetooth’s body aches it makes it harder for her to control the way she speaks to people. You’re right that it doesn’t make her something she isn’t but it’s also not entirely her choice. Even I can get snappy when I’m stressed or ill.” 
“Really?” Aldertail didn’t seem convinced. “I can’t picture you snappy.” 
Oddstripe blushed and laughed as he replied, “Oh, that’s very sweet of you.”
“It’s true,” she said. “You’ve only ever been kind and gentle.” 
“Well, I’ve been lucky that I’ve never felt ill enough to snap at you,” he said, full of pride. 
“Mm,” Aldertail chewed her lip. “So where would we find juniper berries?” 
“Hmm,” Oddstripe scrunched up his face in thought. “I know a place they’ll definitely be but its a bit of a distance. Would you still want to come along?” 
“Of course!” she nodded vigorously. “I like learning about medicine.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe. 
“Mhm,” nodded Aldertail. “It’s so… powerful. I can’t imagine being able to do what you do.” 
“Oh, it’s really not that hard to learn,” Oddstripe said, changing course. “I’ll show you.”
As they made their way towards the juniper bushes, Oddstripe went over all of the basics he could think of. Healing was something he was intensely passionate about and Aldertail indulged him in his ramblings for the entirety of their walk. Oddstripe couldn’t remember the last time someone had let him ramble like this. It felt amazing. 
They crossed the eastern border and Oddstripe assured Aldertail that everything would be alright. Eventually, the grass petered out and the earth beneath their paws turned to dry, sunbaked mud patterned with cracks and ridges. Oddstripe smiled at the feeling of it under his paws. It had been too long since he’d stepped foot in the desert and he had missed it. They passed little burrows and scurrying lizards and dry looking shrubs and then finally came across the big juniper bush.
“Tada!” Oddstripe declared, unfurling his tail towards the cloudless sky. 
“This is a juniper bush?” Aldertail asked, glancing around its leaves as if something would jump out. 
“Mhm!” he purred. “The berries near the bottom are usually gone because creatures eat them but we can jump up and snag a few branches to take home. Maybe we could even plant one closer to the territories.”
“That would be a good idea,” Aldertail squirmed. “I don’t like this place.” 
“Really?” asked Oddstripe, tilting his head.
“Yeah, it’s too open,” she shuddered. “Let’s hurry up and go home.” 
“Alright,” he frowned worriedly. He’d never considered that someone might not enjoy being able to see the world stretch out endlessly around them. He bunched his legs underneath him and sprang into the bush, but failed to grab onto any of the branches. “Mousedung. Let me try again.” 
He jumped again, this time snagging a branch in his teeth, and his weight pulled it down to a place where Aldertail could help him snap it off. He handed the branch over to her and tried again. The leaves rattled as he fell through them, this time taking another two tries before he caught another branch in his claws. It nearly slipped and he had to scramble to clamp his jaws down around it, smearing berry juice all over his muzzle. 
“Are you okay?” asked Aldertail. 
“Uh huh,” he said awkwardly. “‘Ah you ‘reah ih?” 
“Oh, right! Sorry!” Aldertail hurried forward to start chewing through the branch.
“S’alrigh’,” he chuckled, feeling silly. She met his eyes and flushed pink, quickly averting her gaze to focus on her work. He laughed again. She was such a sweetheart. 
A voice startled them both. “You shouldn’t be out here.” 
Aldertail squeaked and flattened herself against the ground. Oddstripe tried to turn around but struggled to do so without letting go of the branch which didn’t occur to him at all. The cat who had spoken, thankfully, stepped to the side into his view. She was a plain looking grey tabby with bright, golden eyes, and she was watching them with an expression that read to Oddstripe as professional. 
“Oh, sahhy,” he tried to say around the branch in his teeth. 
A small smile poked at the edges of the stranger’s lips and she glanced carefully at Aldertail before asking, “Would you like a paw?”
“Mm!” Oddstripe grinned and nodded clumsily. “Mhm!”
The stranger chuckled softly, dropping her gaze to her paws for a moment, before she stepped up and swatted the branch where Aldertail had been chewing it. The force of the blow was enough to snap it and Oddstripe stumbled away as the rest of the branch sprang noisily back into place. Aldertail squeaked again, and scrunched herself closer to his side. 
He laid his tail over her back, dropped the branch, and then licked his muzzle before speaking. “Thank you! I really appreciate the help. My name’s Oddstripe, what’s yours.” 
“Oscar,” the she-cat smiled with a polite dip of her head. “I’m glad to be of assistance but I really must urge you to leave this place.” 
“Oh?” asked Oddstripe, ears perking. “What for?” 
“This is coyote territory,” she said, scanning the area with a sharp gaze. “You aren’t safe here.” 
“Oh, I didn’t realize the coyotes had come so far west,” Oddstripe said. 
“You live here?” asked Oscar, brow furrowing. 
“No, no, but I used to live near here,” he said. “Now I’m out in the grasslands.” 
“I see,” Oscar nodded. “Well, I must insist you return home, for your own safety.” 
“We will, thank you,” smiled Oddstripe.
Oscar glanced around again and said, “Should you require an escort, I would be happy to oblige.” 
“I don’t think it would hurt,” Oddstripe said. “Aldertail, honey, is that alright with you?” Aldertail simply shrugged, eyes wide enough to show the whites. 
Oddstripe’s ears drooped in pity. “Oh, you poor thing. Here, let’s head back to camp.” He licked her cheek and helped her stand, then handed her one of the juniper sprigs to carry. Having something in her mouth would keep her occupied, he thought. Picking up his own branch, he glanced at Oscar and said, “It’s just this way.” 
“I follow your lead,” she deferred with a bow of the head. Oddstripe blushed, a silly little flutter dancing in his stomach. Something about her seemed right out of a story. He’d never felt that way before. 
Shrugging it off, he led the way, tail wrapped around Aldertail’s leg reassuringly. She stayed close to his side, ears flat against her skull, and Oscar stayed on the opposite side of him, at least two tail lengths away. Oddstripe wanted to walk closer but the distance was probably best for Aldertail. How considerate of their new companion, he thought. 
“So, Oscar,” he asked, able to speak around the sprig this time, “why are you out here in coyote country?” 
“I’m patrolling,” she said. “I look for creatures like you and give them the warning.” 
“Creatures?” Oddstripe chuckled but Oscar nodded seriously.
“Yes. Anything I can speak to. Cats, deer, snakes, most birds.”
“Wow!” Oddstripe marveled. “That’s amazing! I didn’t realize you could talk to those kinds of things.” 
“It’s simple if you have a teacher,” said Oscar humbly. 
“It seems most things are,” laughed Oddstripe. 
It wasn’t long before they reached the edge of the grass again. Oscar stopped under a scrubby little tree and said. “I should return to my patrol. Will you be able to get home from here?” 
“Oh, yes,” nodded Oddstripe. “Thank you so much, Oscar, it was lovely to meet you.”
She shook her head. “I’m simply doing my duty.”
“Well, thank you anyway,” said Oddstripe. She smiled, dipped her head in a polite bow, and then turned and bounded back into the desert. Oddstripe watched her go like he was trying to catch every last moment of her before she disappeared forever. Eventually, her shape disappeared into the shimmering edge of the horizon. 
“Oddstripe?” asked Aldertail quietly. 
“Oh,” he blinked and looked down at her. “Yes, dear?” 
“I’d like to go home, is that okay?” 
“Oh, of course it is,” he said, “let’s go home.”
“No, no, that’s alright. Sorry I got distracted.” 
“What was her deal?” Aldertail asked, craning her head to see if she could spot Oscar in the distance.
“I don’t know,” Oddstripe breathed softly, doing the same.
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konnosaurus · 2 days
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heheheh :3 it's emily and ashimaaaaa!
after mentioning that i think these two would be quite sweet on my pride month headcanon drawing, i realised that i needed to draw them and give a few of my thoughts! (especially as @togetherness23 seemed intrigued by the concept in their lovely tags (sorry about the @ i just thought you might like this hehe))
my hand hurts from drawing all the little details on both of them hehe, it was sooo hard to make them look nice but i'm p happy with how they turned out!
i've got a little analysis/ramble under the cut if anybody wants to read my thoughts :3
okay so.. emily x ashima.
first of all, i think it is just nice to give emily a load of girlies for her romances, she is such a fascinating character and i think that her almost.. stubborn?? nature? i'm not quite sure whether that is the word i mean, but she has strong feelings, strong opinions and a strong personality. she doesn't pull her punches and if she wants to do something she will find a way to do it.
i feel this makes her interactions with potential romantic partners veeery interesting. she falls hard and fast- there isn't any doubt once she likes someone, she knows it very quickly and decides whether to persue or not. i think this shows up in best engine ever, where she decides that caitlin is cool and funky almost instantly, talks about how wonderful she is to all her friends, and the next time she sees her makes a big declaration (well, a big rescue, but it plays the same).
there are a few parallels between emily meeting ashima and emily in her first interactions with caitlin in best engine ever, and this sort of overlap is what made me first consider this potential pairing. well, that and how funny i think it is that ashima and caitlin have very similar base deep and bright pink colours, and if you add new rosie and her dark pink (i think it is more of a dark pink than red oop) then one can have emily and her collection of pink-adjacent women and that is fun. now we just need to paint mavis pink to add to the collection...
anyway! back to the parallels.
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i'm putting this one up first even though i think the second parallel is stronger. in the scene from the great race, emily is clearly being positive when she says 'you know, the painted one from India.' she clearly thinks highly of ashima's looks, and this comes up again when she is surprised that ashima wasn't in the best decorated engine competition. she clearly thinks she is pretty, and in the scene from best engine ever she also talks about how she thinks caitlin 'looks amazing'. emily clearly likes looking at these two hehehe.
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and my personal favourite, emily and her instant praise for those that she likes. even though in the great race she is speaking about ashima and in best engine ever she is speaking to caitlin, both statements are so nice and show emily and her positivity towards those that she likes. i think that the instant desire to compliment everyone is part of emily's hard-fast romance routine.
another interesting thing is that in the great race, ashima has barely been on sodor for any time at all and emily has already spoken to her enough to remember her name, origin AND come up with enough of an opinion about her to think she is great. and that is just neat!
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lightfeltmemories · 3 days
soft feitan headcanons
note: hey y'all, in my previous post i stated that i was making some soft feitan headcanons, and it's been a while since i've actually made content on here because of writers block. what made me make this post in the first place is that i don't see a lot of posts of a normal feitan relationship, it's like 98% yandere, dark and hard smut, etc. don't get me wrong i get why and i find them pretty entertaining but i feel like a lot of y'all exaggerate his personality and it's lowkey cringe sometimes, so i wanna switch some things up and introduce something new.
tags & warnings: fem imagined reader but i kept it androgynous so anyone can enjoy, some mentions of torture, death, etc because thats stuff he does obviously but it won't be on reader, reader speaks his language.
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feitan would definitely want a normal relationship with you, the staying at home watching movies, cooking dinner for each other, sleeping and waking up next to one another type, he may not be the most romantic such as taking you to fancy restaurants or proposing to you but something to come home to after weeks & months of torturing people for the troupe.
he's not the type to verbalize "i love you," but show you in a multitude of ways, stealing things you talk endless about, trying his best to be there for you in need, taking care of you while you're sick (even if he doesn't know wtf he's doing), and just doing everything he can to make you happy.
the only problem is, he can't allow the troupe to know of you and vice versa, not even a hint of you, not only because he'll be teased about being whipped but if you do know, theres a high chance you might be a threat in some way, most likely a snitch, so if something happens to where you find out about his business, something very bad is going to happen.
and that proves to be the hardest part of the relationship, he knows what chrollo would do to you if you were to ever find out about his work and he is very paranoid about it, especially if you two are out in public for whatever reason.
but, thankfully, he's pretty good at hiding his job even if he thinks he isn't, and the two of you live happily together.
he lets you do his hair, it's naturally curly and very soft, he also secretly uses your shampoo and conditioner, and has may or may not stalked you while you wash it to learn what you do with it.. how he straightened his hair? i dunno.
if you speak his language, it's like you were sent from heaven, he can finally have someone to talk to in his native tongue, he can't even do that with the troupe, but if you don't (which theres a 99% chance you wont) he can teach you, it's a long process but you'll get there.
he's very protective of you, has no problem eliminating anyone who is stupid enough to ever touch you, he might use that free alone time for whenever you're at work to torture this person if he's having a particularly good day, even though his time away from the troupe is his time away from any work, but he does enjoy the act none the less on a one off occasion.
feitan is actually not the jealous type, he's pretty content with you interacting with the opposite sex, as long as he doesn't see any underlying hints of potential romantic attraction everything is all clear.
he may not be the best at showing emotion, but you're the best thing that has ever happened to him, you'll make him feel things he's never truly felt before.
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metamorphesque · 5 hours
its so comforting to see someone unbashedly love their country and culture. the way u write and speak of it its so refreshing to me. im from india and well, the state of our country isnt good our fascist leader is successfully dividing the people and its so rare these days to find ppl just simply love where they come from, culture and language without any hate for anyone else. so i absolutely adore it when i see u talk abt armenia its like one can see how much care u hold for the language and the country. wishing for peace and sending love x
I am sorry, dear, that dark clouds are looming over your bright and colorful land of magic. In my lifetime, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering a few young Indian people (both in real life and online), and I have a lot of love and respect for your nation and its culture. I am sure that brighter days are awaiting both our homelands.
You see, what I’ve noticed is that some people often confuse their fatherland with their government. The hatred that they have toward the latter often taints the love and respect they ought to have toward their homeland. But, once and for all, we must remember that these two are not synonymous. Fatherland is a place where the roots of history, culture and identity intertwine. A fatherland is not just a geographical location; it is a sanctuary of shared memories, values and traditions passed down through generations. It represents the collective spirit of a people, their history, struggles and triumphs. To call a place one's fatherland is to cherish it as a cradle of life, as one’s own home.
To me, the love one has for their fatherland is like a mathematical function that always moves towards infinity (its designated final value) but never quite reaches it. One can never love their fatherland enough. There’s always something more you can do, there’s always something better you can do. I guess the vessel that carries one’s love toward their homeland is only ever fully filled when one gives up their life to protect their fatherland.
I can only speak from my own experience – I was raised historically and, more or less, politically conscious. When you’re a six or seven-year-old impressionable kid and you visit The Museum of The Armenian Genocide of 1915, you see the photographs, the articles, all the documentation that exists – firstly, you’ll never be the same again, and secondly, your naïve childish brain thinks that, as you’ve always been told, whenever someone commits a crime or does something bad, they get punished. Then I looked around and noticed that these heinous crimes, these massacres, were not only left unpunished, but the whole thing was swept under the rug by the world, as if it never happened. Then you grow up, sharing borders with the enemy, the dagger of war swaying upon your head, with every new day bringing more and more deaths of Armenian soldiers serving on the border. You see your enemy disrespecting you, your history and your culture. You see them erasing your history and your culture … and all of this is accompanied by the crickets of the world. Then there’s Western Armenia calling for us, a topic that I plan on writing more about. And at last, our Ararat that you can see so very clearly from Armenia …
And, alongside this, there’s this immense pride you feel in being an heir to a nation that created a culture so distinctly beautiful, a nation that gave birth to luminaries such as Grigor Narekaci, Sayat-Nova, Hovhannes Toumnyan, Vahan Teryan, Eghishe Charenc, Daniel Varujan, Paruyr Sevak, Misak Metsarenc, Silva Kaputikyan, Hovhannes Grigoryan, Vardges Petrosyan, Martiros Saryan, Sergey Parajanov, Shahan Nathalie, Gurgen Yanikyan, Monte Melqonyan, and the list goes on … the nation that invented color television, ATMs, hand-held hair dryers, coffee machines, PET scans, MRI and so much more.
Have all of this brew in your soul and dare not to love and cherish your fatherland – you can’t.
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The Fandom & Unhealthy Shipping
Hello. In light of all the uproar and recent focus on Austin’s relationship. I felt moved to post this. As someone who isn’t exactly a fan of the relationship he has with Kaia Gerber, I feel like this is needed. Us “fake fans” as some may call it are tired of being silenced and bullied.
I will like to start off with that I love Austin. I want, as well as other fans like myself to see him thrive. Not just in his career , but in his love life too. I am in a very serious relationship myself , and see myself spending the rest of my life with the man I am with right now. I want that for Austin , I want him to have the love he deserves, that I am sure he craves. I want to see him happy again. The same way he was when he was with Vanessa Hudgens.
As we all know Austin began dating Kaia December 2021. From jump…I knew something was very odd about them. We all did , including those who call themselves “shippers” now. That itself should tell you something when a fanbase as a whole damn near feel something was off about the relationship. None of us were “jealous”. I have been in a few fan bases in my lifetime. Typically you can tell when there is pure jealousy vs genuinely getting a bad feeling about a person.Normally when people are “jealous”, it’s only a select few. A handful of unhinged weirdos who no one really cares for anyways.I have never seen it where the majority of the fanbase are on the same level. The same thoughts and uneasy feelings.I also wanna add when people are just jealous they never give a detailed, logical answer on why they feel a certain way about their favorite’s partner.It’s always some blind rage and childish reasons to be against a relationship.I don’t get that with the people from this fandom who side eye whatever Austin has with Kaia. We all knew something was just not right with them from the get go. Between Kaia breaking it off with Jacob Elordi a month before she got with Austin, and snatching him up before all his Elvis craze. We knew there some shady shit at play here. Especially since her and Jacob dressed as Elvis and Pricilla the Halloween before they broke up.It’s like she had some creepy Elvis fetish.Also, let’s not get started on how no one really knows the true story on how Kaia and Austin met,which is quite unusual. Almost every Hollywood couple has some story on how they met, even the bs PR relationships do. 2-3 years later and we still don’t know anything. Very peculiar to say the least.
As Austin grew bigger, the relationship progressed more. Kaia’s name was always attached to him some way , some how. There were pap walks, her being with him at events. No matter what Austin did , Kaia’s name was somewhere in the mix. That’s when people started to suspect that the relationship had to be PR. Not saying they definitely are PR BUT the way they moved , there was something just so unnatural about it. People started calling it out and voicing their concerns. However somewhere along the line certain fans began to do a 180, out of no where people started shipping them together and actually liking Kaia. Which was extremely questioning.
If you changed your mind about something/someone okay…that’s one thing. But to change your thinking and then proceed to bully others is a no go. Ever since then multiple people have been ran out the fandom, or bullied into to silence for still upholding the same thoughts on Kaia. Not being a fan of her and this relationship, thinking that Austin can do better. It’s like it suddenly became a golden rule to ship the relationship or get backed into a corner and harassed and have people assume that you’re some jealous bitch.
Lately though, some of us are beginning to speak out and stand on what we think. We are simply sick and tired of not being able to enjoy Austin without other fans making everything about Kaia. Everything he says and does. He smiles…it must be about Kaia. He wears a purple hoodie…must be Kaia’s…he mentions a damn dog….ooop he is really talking about mf Kaia. This man is 10 years older than her, he is his own person. Not everything he does is about his “girlfriend.” He has his own thoughts and feelings. His own personality. His own identity. He is not a puppet Kaia controls that just abides by what she says and has her mannerisms.
Us who do not ship this relationship have a right to do so in peace. We have a right to our opinions and a right to discuss them. We have a right to voice our validated concerns for what we see. It’s not like we are reaching and pulling things out of our asses. After all, the whole fanbase almost as a whole all thought the same thing at first about this relationship. Some of us just kept our opinions the same.We didn’t sit there and change it for the sake of followers and clout…like some. We are actually concerned for Austin’s well being.
With that being said. Stop harassing people and bitching because they do not want to ship this relationship. Stop bugging people when they say that he has good chemistry with someone else other than Kaia. Stop coming into people’s inboxes pretending like you are someone else but really you’re just trying to aggravate people by the questions you ask. People are not dumb , they know they know it be shippers low key on anons. Us here on this side do not come bugging and bitching about your opinions so why do that to us? Why does it matter to you so much that we be on board with what this bs? We are fans of AUSTIN BUTLER..not Kaia.
It shouldn’t matter if we do not support the relationship or not. We are here for his work. Half of y’all do not even care about Austin it seems outside that damn relationship anyway. Which…says a lot. Yet you have the AUDACITY to say we can’t be a real fan just because we don’t care for Kaia Gerber.Just know if you were so confident in Kaia and Austin’s relationship you will not be pressing others about their outlook on it just because it’s opposite of yours. It’s ridiculous you are this uptight like the relationship is yours. You guys are not Kaia Gerber so stop trying to live through her by projecting your raggedy ass delusions on everyone. All you’re doing is creating a divide in the fandom no one wants.
Just stay in your lane and let people who don’t want to make this relationship their entire life stay in their own. While we may disagree with y’all…we let you have your space to discuss your thoughts & feelings on your own platforms , so please do the same for us.
Note: Shipping real life people is weird. It’s fine to think two people are cute together and have good chemistry. It’s okay to do little cute fan edits and such. But when your shipping starts disturbing the peace in a fandom there is an issue. These are real people not a Prince and a Princess in a Disney fairytale. Calm down when people don’t agree with you and let it go!
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gojoest · 2 days
Would gojo view sex as a sacred act like something he can only do with someone he truly loves/harbors feelings for… 👀
Since his infinity makes him touch starved/deprived, he wouldn’t want to be vulnerable and give his body away to just everyone/anyone.. His lover being the only one he makes love to. However this does contradict geges statement regarding gojos character (😭)
Idk.. what’s your take on this? :)
yes, in a way i think he does view it as a sacred act. he keeps to himself a lot despite always having this big energy attitude, being all smiles and giggles around ppl, he’s actually got nobody to talk to. he’s not as great expressing himself emotionally to begin with, so he lets out a big portion of his bottled up feelings/frustration when he’s fighting (that’s why he gets such a thrill out of it) or during sex. but i think with sex, he needs some sort of connection with the person, like i rly can’t see him fooling around with random ppl :/ it makes no sense to me bc he usually keeps everyone, his friends and colleagues, at a certain distance from himself even if he acts overly familiar with them all the time. and by connection, i don’t mean it as knowing each other to the T, but more like clicking spiritually with little words exchanged. like he’s attracted and naturally drawn to them but afraid to explore it further so he engages only physically with them (physical touch is definitely his love language btw) and that’s why i said he’s got someone he goes to for sex. and he’s like, if i can’t tell you how much you mean to me, i will show it to you with this but after we’re done, let’s pretend you don’t know anything…. this is how i interpret gege’s words, i can’t ever see him as a fuckboy i just can’t and i don’t think he meant it that way but maybe i am biased. yet judging by his character there’s just no way i speak out of subjective opinion only
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majorproblems77 · 2 days
Sacred realm update! And We have LORE!
We get the information on what that carving is! And I love it! Lore is my fave and I am just buzzing to get my teeth into this because oh man yes lore.
Alright, now for the important stuff! Sacred realm belongs to @zelda-the-sacred-realm, and all art from the comics belongs to the comic artist. I've got their permission to do these! I love the comic so much its so good and so well done!
The link to the update can be found here! You should go reblog it, it's great, give it some love, please? [but remember this is its own Zelda comic, so please tag it as such! <3]
Now, Get some snacks and a drink, and lets go!
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Link is literally me, exactly my thoughts my man exactly my thoughts.
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Oh? That's interesting! So my theroy on the last update was incorrect, i like this better come on then Time,
Leans forward - Tell me everything.
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He calls him Birdbrain
I repeat
Time calls Sky birdbrain
Time calls Sky birdbrain i love it so much Oh my god these guys know each other from something 100% you wouldn't call someone who you've known for like 5 minutes that.
Also more innocent Cinamon roll link alert. This isn't a drill
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Oooh cool spell! It appears to appear from his amulet.
Time also appears to embody an Ice/water element. A pure opposite/neutraliser of Fire.
You know I think I can see more why Sky and Time might not get on as much. there's friction between them And I see these elemental powers as not only their source of power but as a metaphorical representation of relationships.
Time dosent appear to like Time, and Fire dosent like water.
[This is another theory that I need more information about before I can talk about it more. But when we get it I shall share more.]
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What a fascinating explanation. Ice is wack and really cool. But you know what Ice also does.
And I think Ice, is used deliberately, Let me explain.
So When I think of Ice I think of two things, small crystals and Icebergs. Small Ice does something very specific, but is also VERY detailed.
[I have a science background so I won't go into too much detail, but I will say, the structure of ice, Is VERY pretty. Just think about a snowflake, they are just ice crystals.]
Then on the opposite end, you have these MASSIVE structures of ice which are even larger under the sea. This information we have here to me could just be that initial bit we can see. As Time says It has "Numerous facets, each different from the others."
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Time even says that what we have on this wall, are only the main ones.
Something to think about.
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Do you mean like that realm covered in water where you fight Demise in Skyward Sword? That's the vibe I get from this.
Maybe when Sky feels better we should speak to him about this?
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So we all can see fierce deity here. And that other guy, now that I think about it looks an awful lot like someone we know, no?
He looks like the Black knight
I went looking for information on the black knight and found this page (black knight information from the artist)
So like The black knight and Fierce Deity are brothers?
Cause if I've understood that right, and that's correct. This changes A lot of what happens next. And we are going to need Time and Sky to get along to be able to fight it. You know, As they've both fought gods. And are the most experienced to do so.
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Is that where our big bad from RIGHT back at the start of the comic lives. It would certainly make sense.
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Have I ever mentioned how much I like Hylia's and Fierce Deity designs in this AU cause I love it.
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Well we know what happens to Fierce, at least at the moment we can assume he's safely secured inside the deity mask that Time carries.
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Hello not friend
who are you? what are you doing
Did Fierce betray this mystery figure, or did this mystery figure betray Fierce? I have so many More questions!
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Why are you laughing?!
Oh man
I hope you enjoyed my rambling! And that you have as many questions as I do because I have so so so so many questions about this new character.
Hope you have a good day! :D
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
It sucks to want to support your posts because when you get told by your supporters that something you did hurt them or didn't help or hurt a whole group of people it always has you saying "I'm sorry you felt that way" or "I'm sorry it came across like that", it never feels like you're sorry for what you've said, it's always that you're sorry people took you, someone who says they speak facts and wants to disprove lies, as being truthful when you say things. You basically blame your supporters for thinking you mean something fully when you often do.
It's hard to even believe you didn't just say sorry because it upset a fan, I like your stuff, I really do, but when the ONLY reason you "realised it was hurting people" was when a supporter told you, it's a bad sign. People were telling you there were issues before that, both anti-endos and people who had NO part in system-topics at all, you were told it triggered and upset people, you ONLY listened when it was someone who said they were a supporter, no one else got the point across to you? How does that happen? and the most you can give was "it was meant to upset anti-endos"? How is that a good excuse? If an anti-endo can disprove something you say fully (like even you can see you were wrong, by mistake or something), is that to be ignored because you dislike anti-endos? Even if they disprove something totally unrelated to endos? That is bad. Awful actually. It makes me not want to trust you when I can't even know if you even look at both sides in any way, now I look at your posts and wonder if you've cut context or made something up just to "upset anti-endos" like everyone says anti-endos do to endos, instead of because you can actually prove they're wrong. This isn't how I want to feel, but you make that SO hard when you won't even agree wholeheartedly that what you said was actually just wrong and it wasn't people "feeling the wrong way about it".
Like that's not even a hard thing to agree to, it never had to be a long "I'm sorry, I'm an awful person" kind of thing, you never even had to say sorry to anti-endos at all. But the fact you wouldn't say "I'm sorry" without an "that you felt that way" really just sucks dude. It sounds like you don't mean it at all, because you're passing the blame to people for being upset at you, not because you did something wrong.
This clearly isn't an attack, it's a fan who truly wants to see you actually learn that, although saying "sorry" IS good and what you should do, how you say it says a lot about you as a person and makes people feel ways when it isn't done with the respect that they think should come from you.
I like your stuff, it's good, it's well-researched and well-written, and I'm sure MANY of your other fans feel the same, but the part that makes us love your stuff so much is why we were so disappointed in your apology; it wasn't even well-written, let alone well-researched.
If none of that gets to you, just think about how you actually upset and hurt people, anti-endos, endos, people who are trying to learn, people who don't even know what an endo is, and so on, you upset tons of people, for what? A "gotcha" at anti-endos? Why would that ever be worth the hurt? Why can't an actual apology be offered? That's stuff I was wondering when reading your apologies, and that sucks.
Overall just hope you can learn, because this never should have happened in the first place, let alone ended with such a poor apology.
I wish you luck and I do hope to be able to keep supporting you, just wish an effort could be made to make your fans feel like they're not even allowed to tell you when you fuck up.
Tell me, do you ever get sick of it all?
How long have you been involved in syscourse? For me, it's been close to 3 years. Practically since the first time I got posted to r/systemscringe for making a post on r/tulpas about how we used kissing to trigger me to front. (We stopped because a happiness trigger was too unstable and I started switching in when we weren't wanting me to.)
3 long years of watching people I care about be bullied and harassed. 3 long years of facing that myself. Maybe that doesn't sound like much but for me it feels like a lifetime.
I thought coming to Tumblr, I could share information and be compassionate, and change people's minds.
Did it work?
A little bit. Here and there. Between all the harassment campaigns and hate sent my way, I know I changed some minds along the way.
But there's been so much hate directed at us. I've watched so many people get hurt. And I've tried to stop it. Tried to fight back. But it always keeps coming.
We get some wins. We change some minds. We make a difference. I don't want to minimize our successes because there are plenty.
But more anti-endos keep coming. More keep spreading hate.
And more of us keep getting hurt. Over and over and over again.
So we go through years of this, culminating into Aspen's invasion of our tags and them passing posts around literally calling for death to the endos of Tumblr. And the anti-endo community largely did nothing. They said nothing.
And it wasn't a small post nobody saw either. It was a huge picture with 60 notes. It was posted in their tag. How messed up is that, that so many anti-endos liked and shared that, passing it around, and the community remained totally silent?
And while I wouldn't advise going into people's DMs to try to get them to change their minds by telling them anti-endos nearly bullied your friend to commit suicide, the fact that their responses when someone has done that have been come variation of "we don't care actually, LOL" has been disheartening to say the least. Because it drives home a central fact... that many of these anti-endos simply don't care if we die.
Many, I think, would genuinely be happy if I was dead.
And then there was the SAS drama. I definitely would never claim to have done this for SAS. Even without asking or seeing their opinion, I'm sure SAS would hate what I did. But it's more that the whole incident showed me just how few morals this current batch of anti-endos have. That they would dox an account that's not connected to being a system at all, one that's followed by people who know SAS in real life, and when called out they ALL defended it and stood by AEV. IIRC, AEV's own response when called out was saying that some people don't deserve privacy!
All their followers stood by this. All defended them. I looked so hard in this current batch of anti-endos to see even one who would condemn this. One who might restore a bit of faith that their community wasn't just assholes and bullies. And I found nothing.
So... I forged my words into a blade. Because after 3 year of fighting with people, you get to know their insecurities. Their fear of abandonment. Their desperate need to cling to everything and terror of it being ripped away from them. Their self-loathing, because a small part of them does know they're the bad guys. You can't hurt people constantly and spread hate, day after day, without that doubt slipping into your mind.
So I took all of that and forged it into a blade that was meant to... maybe... make anti-endos feel a fraction of the pain they've caused our community. Or at least turned a blind eye to pain their friends were causing us.
The reason I won't offer a full apology is because... I don't want to lie like that.
You say you can't trust me to be honest. But if I told you right now that I regretted my entire post and wish that I could take the whole thing back, that I was deeply sorry for it all... that would be the real lie. I would be saying it to make this whole thing go away and placate people who are mad at me, but I wouldn't feel it.
In my apology, I believe what I said was that I'm sorry it came off that way. Maybe this sounded like I was blaming them, but I was trying to apologize for phrasing it in a way that was interpreted like it was, when that's not how I meant it.
I do regret that the way it was worded triggered delusions. If I were to reforge my blade, I would have made it differently to be more clear and hopefully avoid that. Because my blade was designed to cause a specific sort of fear and hurt and pain, and that wasn't it. And so for that one part I really am truly sorry and feel it went too far.
But... I don't regret telling them that their loved ones would leave them. I don't regret telling them that their therapists will turn pro-endo. I don't regret telling them that they would be pushed out of their fandoms and communities.
I was even grateful to endogenic-cringe for delivering and swinging my blade for me, because it wouldn't have been able to reach as many anti-endos without their help. So many of the anti-endos who were affected by my post only saw it because of them. They made such a great accomplice.
Maybe that makes me a bad person.
But I'm what I've been made by dealing with three years of hate. And worse, three years of watching other people endure it and be broken down by it. I hate, so much, watching people in this community be constantly bullied and abused just for their system being different. Or even just being inclusive to different systems.
You know... I can finally sympathize with Hyaena-Bites. (Wonder who all here has stuck around since that drama?) I mean, I still think the blog was too close to harassment and I don't like that it targeted non-syscourse-related positivity posts. And I don't like that it reblogged those posts just to say horrible things, thus promoting the hate they pretended to fight against in the tags. But I understand the impulse behind it.
There was a girl who had faith in people and made a blog with a big dream, who was convinced that anti-endos were just not educated and that with enough sources, enough evidence, she could change their minds. And the bits of that girl that believed those things have died bit by bit every day.
They've systematically killed all the parts of me that were stupid enough to believe in them.
So seeing the sysmeds get hurt... I'm satisfied. There have been small moment where I start to feel a shred of guilt, but then I remember every system I've seen bullied by them. The systems who have been sent into derealization spirals from fakeclaiming. The systems who have been constantly told to kill themselves for being different. And at this particular moment... I'm thinking of the corpse of my naive faith in anti-endos to be decent people. Because I do mourn for that part of me they killed. Even if its death was necessary to make me see things more clearly.
So this is my vengeance for it all.
Is it productive? Probably not.
Is finally giving anti-endos a real taste of their own medicine for once going to result in blowback because they can actually have a real reason to pretend to be the victims? Maybe.
But their harassment only seemed to be ramping up anyway even before this.
You can do with this what you want. If you don't think you can support me and want to unfollow, that's totally valid. Especially if you think following this blog might be unhealthy for you. I completely understand that and respect what you decide.
But I'm not going to lie and apologize for something that I truly don't regret.
I'm sorry that I worded my post, that was meant to hurt anti-endos by preying on their deepest fears and insecurities, in a way that accidentally triggered delusions. And that's it. That's the full extent of what I can honestly say I'm sorry for without lying to you.
If you do decide you can no longer support me and the person I've become, I sincerely wish you the best on your way. I appreciate all the support I've gotten from my followers over the years but I would never ask any of them to stand by anyone, including myself, if you thought they were bad for you or unsafe.
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angstywaifu · 2 days
The Lost Sister - Part 32
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC (Ophelia Riorson) NSFW, 18+, SMUT, Oral (m receiving), unprotected sex.
The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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As we land I spy Garrick across the field, crystal egg held high above his head, Dain waving the flag above his head that I had given back on the flight back to the flight field. Nearly every rider in Fourth Wing is rushing towards the pair like they are gods. And to me one of them is. One of them is mine. I can’t help but watch as he’s pulled into one armed hugs, clapped on the shoulder, shaking hands. He’s in his element. And I can’t help but smile at how happy he is.
As if sensing my gaze, Garrick’s hazel eyes snap to mine across the flight field. Not paying a single bit of attention to the riders gathered around him once our eyes meet. Without looking away from me he tosses the egg to Bodhi who stands next to him before pushing through the crowd. Bodhi looks at the egg shocked, as if not expecting Garrick to part with it so easily. Hell the Garrick I knew would never pass on the opportunity to gloat and celebrate the win as the centre of attention. But as Bodhi looks to where Garrick has walked off and see’s me, a massive smirk adorns his face as he shakes his head at us. I had promised Garrick a reward if he got the egg. And that he had done, using Xaden being distracted by Violet’s signet to his advantage. And he was going to get his reward.
The crowd parts easily for Garrick before he even gets close to them. His presence parting the way for him. Creating a path directly towards me as I slowly walk over to him. He rushes forward when only a few feet separate us, his hands cupping my cheeks as he leans down, his lips greedily kissing mine. Not a care in the world that half the quadrant or my brother can see us. The cheers of our friends and fellow cadets fade into a distant hum as we focus solely on each other. Garrick slowly pulls back, his hands still placed firmly on my cheeks as we slowly open our eyes and look at each other.
“That reward still up for grabs?” He asks huskily, his lips ghosting mine.
”Depends whose asking.” I tease, a chuckle rumbling through his body.
Garrick’s right hand lightly drifts down my neck and arm before resting on my waist, pulling me closer into him. His hand digging tightly into the small bit of skin that has become exposed. His hazel eyes fixating on mine.
”You’re boyfriend.” He whispers, his breathing slightly shaky as if he’s nervous. No he is nervous. “Hell, I’d be more if you want it. Whenever you’re ready, say it and I’m all yours sweetheart.”
My eyes go wide as I take in Garrick’s words. But know everything he speaks is true as I feel the love and devotion rolling off him. The strength of his emotions being the strongest I had ever felt since I got my signet. Which was saying something now I could block most of that out with ease, only calling on it when I needed to. As much as I wanted to say yes, say those words to make him mine. I wanted the moment I said those words to be us. Just us. Not in a flight field full of cadets watching us.
”One day.” I say as I reach up and cup his cheek with my hand, Garrick instantly nuzzling into it and placing a kiss to my palm. “I promise I will one day, even though I want to say those words so badly right now.”
He smiles and nods, understanding even if I don’t say it right now, he is mine and I am his. Have been for a very long time.
”But I think I owe someone a reward for capturing a certain egg.” Grabbing Garrick’s hand and leading him off the flight field as a chorus of cheers and whistle follow us down the stairs to the quadrant.
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As soon as I shut the door Garrick tries to push me up against it. Eager to take control like he normally would. But not today. Today I had a different plan. A fleeting look of confusion flickers in Garrick’s eyes before widening in shock as I send him stumbling backwards into his desk, his hands bracing on the edge to stop him falling over. I step forward, shrugging off my flight jacket as Garrick watches me intently. I can feel the confusion and curiosity flowing off him as I open my shield to his emotions. Wanting to feel and experience everything he does. Garrick’s throat bobs as I stop in front of him, his eyes flicking down to my hands as I slowly tug on the ties of his pants. Slowly pulling them down his legs as he kicks off his flight boots and removes his jacket and shirt. Leaving Garrick standing in front of my in just his underwear, his arousal very evident.
”Mo Gradh….” He mutters as he looks at me with hooded eyes, reaching out to me to pull him against him.
”Shh… let me take care of you.” I whisper as I hook my fingers into the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling them down as I kneel in front of him.
Garrick’s eyes go wide as he realises what I’m planning. I had tried before but he had always pulled me up, clearly worried I wouldn’t enjoy it as he wasn’t exactly small.
“Y-you don’t have t-”
I lean forward, tracing the tip of him with my tongue. Garrick’s hand fly's forward to my hair, his fingers tangling in the braid I had done for War Games. I look up to see Garrick looking at me with hooded eyes, lips parted. I keep my eyes locked with his as I swirl my tongue over the tip again before I take him fully. Garrick’s head rolling back, a moan escaping his slightly parted lips.
”F-fuck Ophelia,” Garrick moans as I take him deeper, his fingers tightening in my hair as I take him fully. “F-feels so g-good.”
I can feel Garrick holding back, not fully letting go. Not wanting to lose control. But I wanted him to. I wanted him to . I take him fully again, reaching up a cupping his ball, rolling then gently in his fingers. His hips fully lifting off the desk as a low groan slips past his lips as I hollow out my cheeks. Garrick’s eyes snap open, and I watch as something in him snaps. His composure letting go. His hands move to the end of my braid, throwing away the tie and loosening my hair before gripping it in his hands in a makeshift ponytail. before he sets his own pace as I brace my hands on his thick thighs.
”That’s it sweetheart.” He moans, sending a shiver through me. His words doing more to me than they should. “You’re doing so good.”
Our moans mix together, echoing off the walls of his dorm room. Each thrust becoming more and more urgent as Garrick chases his release. My mouth strains to fit all of him over and over again. But I don’t stop. I panic as my teeth lightly scrape along his length every so often, but he only moans when it happens.
His thrusts start to falter ever so slightly as he gets closer. But suddenly Garrick stops. Pulling me urgently up from the floor, crashing his lips into mine. His hands pushing and pulling at the last of my uniform I hadn’t taken off before taking him in my mouth. Only caring about pleasing him in the moment. Garrick’s hands begin to roam over my body, cupping and squeezing my breasts as he kisses down my neck leaving small love bites along the way. Marking me as his. Not uncommon for him to do. But never on my neck. He wanted these to be seen. He grips the back of my thighs, lifting me up with ease before securing my legs around his waist. I expect him to walk us to the bed. But he walks us over to his desk chair, positioning me directly over him. My fingers digging into his arms as he sits down, lowering me onto him in one smooth movement. My mouth open in a silent moan as I adjust to his size and angle.
”That’s it Mo Gradh.” He whispers in my ear as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. “Good girl.”
Garrick’s hands grip my hips and push me up, my hands tightening on his arms again as he does so before his hips raise to meet mine, my head rolling back. Each thrust hitting just the right spot. Something Garrick had become very good at finding over the last few months. I place my hands on Garrick’s shoulders, using them as leverage as I take over from Garrick’s thrusts. He leans back on the chair, hooded eyes watching as I bounce up and down on him. His hands tightening on my hips whenever I roll my his against his. One of his hands traces along my hip to where we meet, his fingertips slipping back and forth over the slick and swollen nub. My body instantly responding as I clench around him, my head rolling back. Garrick’s hips raise to meet my thrusts, increasing the feeling building up inside me as we move as one. He must sense I’m close as he picks me up and lays me on the desk, staying sheathed inside me with ease. He hooks my legs over his shoulders as his hands raise my hips.
”Oh god.” I moan out as my head thumps against the desk, my hands gripping onto the desk as if my life depends on it.
”No gods here, sweetheart. Just me.” He says with a smirk as he picks up the pace. “But you can worship me if you want. I can be your god.”
I laugh softly at his words, my body trembling as each thrust pushes me closer to the edge. "You're already my everything, Garrick," I whisper, locking my eyes with his as we move in a rhythm that's become as familiar as breathing.
For the second time tonight, I watch something in Garrick snap. Something primal and feral flickering in his eyes. His hips no slamming into me at an ungodly pace that has my eyes rolling back into my head. My fingers digging into the wood of the desk as my release rushes through me, I vaguely register the sound of me screaming Garrick’s name, my name name also falling from his. Garrick scoops me up into his arms, holding me tightly to his chest as he lays us down in his bed. His fingers trailing up and down my back as his beating heart pulls me into a deep sleep.
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh @leptitlu @came-to-laugh-but-cried @onthewaytotimbuktu @daardyrnitta @lovemesomevesey @mxtokko @krowiathemythologynerd @callsign-blue @1islessthan3books @side-angel @wolfbc97 @just-an-ace-elf
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chnt-confessions · 2 days
i think i'm the only person in the entire fandom that has any genuine empathy for elijah, and i'm stuck thinking there's something deeply wrong with me for that. i feel like quite a lot of people split black on him (and joshua) and then split white on jedidiah, and sydney. the ONLY two options are to dehumanize or objectify him. no hate to jedidiah-likers, but jedidiah is not a victim. he doesn't act entirely the way he does because of trauma, he acts that way because he implicitly looks down on sydney. what kind of man jeopardizes the entire world for a man that he let gravely sick in the first place, only to gaslight and neglect him?? all this because of mommy and daddy issues that, like, 70% of the population has?? i had to headcanon extra issues and trauma for him to just to keep myself sane. i don't mean to invalidate his trauma, but he has lived such a privileged life and can easily go to therapy and yet. i'm sorry but it's bojack-horseman levels of "how tf do you expect me to feel bad for you? lmao." like, i need him to get better because people will likely die if he gets any worse, but other than i couldn't care less about this guy. i'm way more sympathetic to sydney because he's trying his best but he seems to have an empathy deficiency of some kind (it's not his fault but it is painfully obvious sometimes and i wish i could fix him but i have to fix myself first because i also deal with this); i also relate to the "feeling unlovable" aspect of things.
we have only seen elijah at his worst. the elephant man is elijah "mental breakdown, 2 years and counting psychotic episode" core; did everyone just assume he was born like that? and if he was, that would also make me sad tbh. he had a similar upbringing to jedidiah and yet he does not show it at all and i'm wondering what tf was different. he also generally sucks at being a villain sometimes (i.e. telling sydney his weakness, letting sydney go back to jedidiah, reacting way better than most people would when sydney told him that he couldn't get the journals). when jedidiah says "sydney, you're always fine." vs when elijah says it; jedidiah said it to gaslight sydney and because he feels bitter about the fact he's working so hard to keep sydney alive and can't use it to manipulate him (i'm joking but i'm also not joking), while elijah was just being a little acolyte and also he's symbolically the earth, so when he says the earth will catch him when he falls, he is fr. idk what snapped in him with the murder-suicide thing but considering that he is the earth, and unfortunately due to sydney's weird little mind and jedidiah's horribleness, the earth is, like, post-apocalyptic now so it probably has something to do with that (idk why he switched from stabbing to burning alive; probably cuz of the theatrics/j). anyway, he does suck and he needs to go back to russia and never come back for everyone's good, but i really do think he would be better than jedidiah could ever be (yes, even with therapy; i'm literally speaking facts/hj) if "everyday [wasn't] a living fucking nightmare." and i'm constantly like "._." whenever i remember that jedidiah is the reason "everyday is a living fucking nightmare." also i really wanna see someone do elijah/the elephant man analysis/interpretation that doesn't reek of disgust and hatred (or lust; do whatever you want, but i'm judging you rn), just for variety tbh. here is his official playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/389N5sUULTXFC63I3CSn7c?si=756dacaa18cd491c some of the songs in here are, like, "???" and i want to see someone's else's take on them (even elijah haters tbh) sorry for the essay, that's all i wanted to say :)
also im so happy that i can say this anonymously, thank you chnt-confessions for doing god's work, i love you platonically <3
(ABOUT THE LAST PART) no need to apologize and I'm really glad to make you happy!!
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jammboe · 3 months
Just got done eating for suhoor and I can hear the birds singing outside and the odd car driving down the main road. It's so peaceful, i want to draw but my body is telling me to sleep ☹️
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scattered-winter · 6 months
working retail is making me remember how much i hate stupid customers btw
#so i work in a tiny nonprofit thrift store. right.#its one room w concrete floors and very compact shelving because there is just No Room for anything.#and our office/employee backroom/breakroom is a little corner with wood+canvas dividers separating it from the rest of the store#with LOTS of signs saying employees only nothing is for sale here etc etc etc#and there was a customer today who went through the divider to ''shop'' in the ''other section of the store''#and we didnt even KNOW someone was back there until she brought up one of my coworker's purses to ask how much it was </3#im so baffled. there are so many signs saying its employees only.#not to mention that the office is full of notes and paperwork and my boss's computer and filing cabinets and the fridge and microwave#its CLEARLY an office/break room. even if you ignore all the signs. and YET.#there's also people who will literally just steal. anything and everything#which like. i will always support shoplifting from walmart or another big retail company. in fact i encourage it.#but a tiny locally owned NONPROFIT thrift store that supports local arts ???? HELLO ????????????????#gah. i should be allowed to throttle one customer per day. i should get paid to do so#most of them are so so sweet. we have regulars who are in almost every day and they are the NICEST people ever#but its just those few who are absolutely the worst most selfish stupid people to ever live#woes from work#winter speaks#all complaining aside i do enjoy my job quite a bit more than i thought i would#i like my coworkers and i feel like im actually connecting with most of them#and i love my supervisor. i have so much respect for her she's an amazing person#you win some you lose some i guess. cool job i actually like but with stupid fucking customers who make me want to MURDER
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renegadeontherunn · 2 months
hi! this is my small, gentle reminder that you don’t have to be like other people. I know the best parts of other people are beautiful and exciting and just so cool, but you don’t need to be everything. it’s okay not to be as good at watercolor as your sister or not give good advice like your mom does and it’s okay to love qualities in other people. sometimes other people’s words or their idiosyncrasies or the way they part their hair is so wonderful that you want to join, you want to feel the way about yourself, about the not-as-great parts of yourself that you do about the best parts of them. and it’s okay if you start listening to The Killers because it’s your brother’s favorite band or if you decide you want to get red converse like the ones your best friend has. but it’s okay if you can’t “keep up” with their grades or will never be able to do eyeliner as well as they can or maybe it seems like they just love life more than you do. I just want you to know that there are unattainable parts of you too. you can like things about other people that you don’t have, and you don’t have to give a compliment thinking god I wish I was like that. you don’t have to be like that. it’s okay to just be the things you are. you don’t have to be everything. 
#found this in my drafts from a couple years ago & thought it was still pretty relevant haha#this isn't at anyone other than myself but#sometimes i look at the people i love and think !!!!! this part about them is so wonderful!!!!!#i want to be wonderful in the same way!!!! because i love it in them and so i want to love it in me too#but you can't have every quality and you can't be good at everything#it's okay to be what you already are#not to say that you can't try to emulate your role models don't take pieces of your loved ones for yourself#we are collages of every person we've ever loved ever known#but you don't have to#you don't have to take everything you don't have to be everything#you don't have to be like someone you love#someone you know is loveable#to be loveable too.#you can. i started listening to the magnus archives because of my friends and i like to try my hand at aus i loved reading#and those things bring me a lot of joy!!! and i love them!!#but sometimes it can turn into. why isn't this as good as theirs why can't i look like them or have as cool clothes as them or whatever#'i'm so sick of myself / rather be rather be / anyone anyone else'#'i know their beauty's not my lack / i know their win is not my loss'#maybe this is a very selfish mindset. it feels like it and ha#i wish i wasn't as selfish a friend as my friends are#do you see how this works#hm. this probably doesn't make much sense.#i just. you don't have to be everything#you are already the things you are and that's already enough#fiona speaks#i just think comparison#comparison and shame are at the root of so many of our problems. they are one of the greatest enemies to us#take pieces but. ha a uquiz told me once that your fuel does not have to be shame#idk just. yeah. what other people have is not your lack#idk
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