#do you guys wanna see my fanfiction and poems and stuff or no
shoel4ced · 1 year
i would make a great boyfriend if not for the horrors
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hayleysstark · 4 years
can i be close to you
words: 3437  warnings: light angst, mild language summary: "And Branch is really good with this kind of stuff! Remember?" Bridget glances pointedly over at Branch. / Oh. Oh, no. Bridget is talking about The Poem.
Read on Fanfiction or AO3. 
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"Ooh, I wanna dance with somebody! Wanna feel the heat with somebody!"
Out under the flashing rainbow lights of the Bergentown roller rink, with the music blaring loud, Poppy spins and spins and spins in her skates, her hands tossed up over her head, her smile brighter than all the stars in the sky outside, her lipstick smeared into a faint pink smudge on her mouth, her hundred thousand bracelets jingling and jangling on her wrists, and her brand-new butter-yellow dress flaring out around her legs, so she looks like a sunbeam fallen to earth, bright and golden and beautiful, lighting up the whole world and not even knowing—
"Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!"
She whirls around, all of a sudden, out of the blue, to grab Branch's hand up in hers—and he has to pretend his heart isn't beating out of his chest at the barest brush of her fingers on his, he has to pretend every single second of her skin on his skin doesn't feel like actual lightning in his veins—
"With somebody who loves me!"
—and, out under the flashing rainbow lights of the Bergentown roller rink, Poppy pulls Branch into the dance with her and, clumsy as he is in his skates, it's all he can do just to blindly follow her lead, to just go wherever she wants to take him, it's all he can do to spin and spin and spin with her until he's breathless, and dizzy, and smiling so hard it hurts, so close to her that he can smell her favorite strawberry perfume, smell her cinnamon bubblegum in her mouth, and he's dizzy with that, too, with the scent of her and the feel of her pressed against him, skin on skin on skin—
"Poppy! Branch!" Bridget still talks in that light little whisper, soft and sweet and skittish as all hell, but when she smiles, it's bright and full and real. "There you are!" 
She pushes a lock of hair lightly behind her ear—it looks longer now that she wears it loose, down around her freckled face, running in a river all the way to her shoulders, and it looks good on her, or maybe it's just that she looks so happy now—before she tips her head at the Bergen beside her, a skinny, lanky, string-bean of a thing, with several big, white warts scattered all over his dull purple cheeks. Probably no more than fourteen or fifteen, if Branch had to make a guess.
"This is the troll I was telling you about," Bridget says to the Bergen. "His name is Branch, and he's really good, okay? Promise. Just ask him. He'll help you out."
Branch has absolutely no idea what the hell is going on, but Poppy elbows him sharply in the ribs from where she still stands half a step behind him, and he has enough sense left to lift a hand and offer a quick, awkward wave.
"What—?" He flicks a glance from Bridget to the new Bergen and back again. "What's going on?"
The new Bergen immediately ducks his head to stare down at the dirty floor, twisting his hands together and a deep violet flush creeping up into his warty face.
"Oh, come on, Andre," Bridget says, sweet and patient like she always is. "You can do it! Just ask! He'll help you! Promise!"
"Yeah!" Poppy bounces forward to stand beside Branch, and how the hell does she do that in roller skates without falling over? "We'll help ya, Andre! No worries!"
Andre finally opens his mouth and a low, hoarse croak spills out. "I—I just—" Yeah. Definitely fourteen. That's puberty if Branch ever heard it. "Okay, so there's—" he swallows so hard that his throat bobs lightly, "—there's this girl, a-and I want to—I want to tell her—"
"That you like her!" Poppy bursts out. "Oh, my gosh! That's so sweet!" She claps a hand to her heart and spins to look at Branch, her eyes wide and sparkling in her flushed, freckled face, her smile big and bright. "We gotta help him, Branch! For love!"
Poor Andre looks like he's never wanted to disappear so badly in his entire life.
"Uh, okay," Branch says, as nicely as he can, because he really does feel sorry for the guy, "I—I'm really not the best troll for this kind of thing. Poppy is actually the one who—"
"Yes!" Poppy cuts him off with a squeal so high, it could shatter the glass doors over on the far wall. "Yes! Let's do this! Oh, my gosh, let's go, Branch, we'll get the Pack together, give him a makeover, just like we did for Bridget when we—!"
"No, no," Bridget says, gently, "no, Poppy, he doesn't want all that. He just wants someone to—to help him figure out what to say, you know? And Branch is really good with that stuff! Remember?" She glances pointedly at him.
Oh, no.
Bridget is talking about The Poem.
Bridget is talking about that stupid, silly, ridiculous little verse Branch just spouted off, in a blind panic, because no one else was doing anything, and no one else was saying anything, and she was crashing and burning and Poppy was losing her one chance to save Creek and he didn't know what to do, and that stupid, silly, ridiculous little verse he scribbled down when he was seventeen popped into his head, and he just—he just said it.
Bridget is talking about that.
"Uh," he says, and now he's never wanted to disappear so badly in his entire life, "I—I'm not actually—I-I just made that up on the spot, i-it was a one-time thing, I probably couldn't do it again—"
"But you gotta!" Poppy says. "It's true love, Branch! How can you say no to true love?"
"True love?" Branch doesn't scoff, but damn if he doesn't come pretty close. "I doubt it. He's fourteen."
"Fifteen," Andre says haughtily.
"That's not any better," Branch tells him.
"Please, Branch!" Bridget clasps her hands and leans down to look him full in the face. "Please? Andre really, really needs your help. Just like I did! You helped me be happy! Can't you do the same for him?"
Damn it.
That is the textbook definition of a low blow, and Bridget knows it, he can tell just from the look on her face, but he clenches his jaw and clenches his fists and mutters, "Okay, fine."
Barely a month out of the bunker—barely a month with blue skin—and he's already going soft. It's pathetic.
"Oh, yeah!" Poppy pumps a fist in the air. "You're the man, Branch! Knew you wouldn't let a good Bergen down!"
Bridget's nervous, freckled face softens into a wide smile. "Thank you!"
Even Andre, all wide eyes and white warts and violet blush, stammers out a small, squeaky thanks, but Branch waves him off—okay, look, this really is not going to be that bad, he'll just pick out a stupid poem and shove it at Andre and it's really not going to be that bad, he can do this, no big deal, it's no big deal, and—
—and everybody just stands there and stares at him. Literally no one moves.
"W-Wait," Branch says. His mouth feels too dry all of a sudden. "Now?" In front of Poppy?
"Well, yeah?" Andre licks his lips nervously. "I—I'm going to—" he shuffles his enormous feet awkwardly, "—I'm going to tell her today. No backing out this time."
"Uh," Branch says, because his brain will not stop screaming at him to not do this in front of Poppy, don't do this in front of Poppy, do not do this in front of Poppy, haven't you humiliated yourself enough to last the rest of your life by now—? "Y-Yeah," he says, finally. "Okay."
"Yeah," Andre nods almost to himself, "yeah, I'm ready.”
"Yeah," Branch says, as clearly as he can—which isn't all that clearly because he could swear his tongue is glued to the roof of his mouth. "Yeah, okay."
Everybody stares at him some more.
Okay, fine.
He can do this. He'll have to go home and lock himself in his bunker until everybody in the whole world forgets his entire existence, but he can do this, and it'll be fine, it's fine, it's absolutely fine, he just wants to literally die. "Okay," he says, "okay, um—" he thinks about Poppy, spinning and spinning and spinning under the flashing rainbow lights, her brand-new, butter-yellow dress flaring out around her legs—
"Y-You're like—" he stammers, but Andre is looking at him and Bridget is looking at him and Poppy is looking at him, and not to be dramatic, but if the earth would just open up and swallow him down right about now, that would be fantastic. "Y-You're like a sunbeam, fallen to earth—bright and golden and beautiful. Lighting up the entire world, and you don't even know."
There is a single second of ringing silence.
Please just let the earth open up and swallow him, please.
"Oh, wow," Bridget says softly. "That was so pretty, Branch!" She turns to smile at Andre. "Told you he's good with this stuff!"
Branch tries like hell to just not look at Poppy, but she's staring at him, and he can feel it, he can feel her eyes on him, and he can't just not look at her, he can't just—so he does, he finally breaks and looks over at her, a quick, split-second glance, all of half a heartbeat, and under the flashing rainbow lights of the rink, he can see her mouth has dropped open and her freckled cheeks look just a little too pink—
"Wasn't that so great, Poppy?" Bridget beams.
"Uh," Poppy blinks, and the pink in her face seems to get pinker, and she looks away from Branch like she's been burned, "y-yeah! Yeah! Great! So great! So so so great! So pretty! Real pretty! Yep!"
Andre flashes Branch a small, shy smile full of crooked yellow teeth and a quick, quiet thank you before he turns around and skates off, deeper and deeper into the crowded rink, to find his girl.
"Thanks, Branch," Bridget says again, with that bright, full, real smile that lights up her whole face. "Thanks for doing that. I really owe you one—"
"Y-Yeah, whatever," Branch cuts her off, because the quicker everybody just shuts the hell up about this, the better. "Just—just forget it. Seriously." Forget this was a thing that happened and forget the last time was a thing that happened, too, forget all the silly, sappy poetry I've ever been stupid enough to say out loud, and hey, if it's not too much to ask, I'd really love it if you could also just forget the fact that I exist, too. That would be great. Thanks so much.
Bridget tosses him one last smile and a quick wave before she finally skates off, too, and he's left alone with Poppy—which is fine, completely fine, look, this is all completely and totally fine, everything's fine, it's just that he wants to literally die again, and if only there was a decent cliff around, he'd already be over the edge right now—
"Soo—" Poppy laughs, a little too loud, and elbows him in the ribs again, "—nice to know you still got that pretty way with words. Doesn't look like a one-time thing after all, buddy!"
And Branch knows it's coming—he knows she's going to say something about it, he knows she's not just going to drop it like Bridget did, he knows she's not going to forget about this, and she's definitely not going to ever let him forget about this, and he knows that because she's Poppy, and when does she ever let him off easy—but that doesn't mean he's not a hundred thousand kinds of completely humiliated when it finally leaves her mouth.
"I—I don't—" and he knows he should brush her off—roll his eyes, push out a quick okay, fine, whatever, because he knows half the fun for her is the way he stutters and stammers and stumbles over his words, forgets what he's going to say, the way his cheeks burn white-hot in a furious blue blush, he knows half the fun for her is just seeing that she's effectively flustered the living hell out of him—but he can't play it cool when she's talking about this. "I—I told you, I just—I just made it up on the spot. Just like with Bridget. It—it didn't mean anything, I—I didn't mean anything, when I said it, I just—"
But Poppy arches her brows at him, and the corners of her mouth curve up in a small, infuriating smirk that he thinks he would cut off his right hand just to kiss. "You know, call it a hunch, but I think this mystery troll you're so head over heels in love with—"
"What?!" Branch yelps, and okay, yeah, it's official, he's finally barreled right on past completely humiliated to irreversibly mortified.
"—might like it a little better if you just told them how you feel," Poppy says, and oh, this is bad, she actually looks serious about this, "instead of writing about them and pretending you're not."
Okay, so, now is obviously the moment to brush her off—to roll his eyes, to say okay, fine, whatever—but he just can't push the words past his pounding and pounding and pounding heart. "I—I'm not—" he sputters, but her mouth pulls up in that smirk again, and he knows she's not going to believe a damn word he says, and everything is awful, and where is a decent cliff when he really needs it, "—I'm not—I don't—there's no 'mystery troll'! I-I'm not in love with—!"
"Look, I'm just sayin'!" Poppy holds her hands up and out in front of him, like he's some kind of mindless, bloodthirsty beast she has to soothe and shush before he charges at her. "I know you're all 'worst-case scenario' all the time, but sometimes you just gotta think best-case scenario! Like! Maybe your mystery troll really likes you, too! Ever think of that?" She plunks herself down on the edge of the table, swinging her legs out over the miles and miles of empty air below her, and tips her head back to grin up at him. Her flower crown slips down over her ear.
"She doesn't," Branch says, flatly, and he can't even believe he has to come out and say that—she has eyes, for hair's sake, and even her blind optimism has to have some sort of limit—but he eases himself down onto the table beside her, very slowly, because he's still got his roller skates on.
Down in the rink, the bouncy, upbeat song from before fades out for a new and softer number to flow in.
"Though I've tried before to tell her of the feelings I have for her in my heart—"
Oh. Great. Even the music is against him.
Poppy leans in all of a sudden—until he can smell her strawberry perfume and her cinnamon bubblegum, until he can count every freckle on her face, until her mouth is hardly half an inch from his— "You,” she says, softly, her breath hot on his neck, “are making an awful lot of assumptions there, buddy.” 
Literally every single thought in his head scrapes to a dead halt, and he can’t think and he can’t breathe, because is she—is she really saying—?
Is she saying what he thinks she is?
No, no, that's—that's crazy, that's insane, he's got it wrong, he's got this all wrong, because she's Poppy, and he's Branch, which means she'll never love him, and it's as simple as that.
"And," she says, slow and steady, like she wants to be sure he hears her, “and she’s assuming, too. She’s assuming that it’s her, and--and she really wants it to be true, because she really likes you.”        
No, no, he has to be misreading this, he has to be misreading her, the look on her face and the lilt in her voice, he has to be misreading, there has to be a—a vital wire that he didn't connect, a cog that he forgot to turn, because she can't mean—she can't—
"But you're gonna have to let her know," she whispers, and under the flashing rainbow lights of the rink, her eyes sparkle and shine. "Because she's got no way to be sure if you don't let her know, and she—" Poppy drags in a deep breath, "—she really, really doesn't want to mess things up with you."
A soft, shaky gasp tumbles off his lips, and he knows she can hear it—she can't not hear it, she's too close for that, and he—
—wants to kiss her, wants to wrap his arm around her waist and pull her to his chest and kiss her breathless, kiss her until his mouth is numb, kiss her until she's all he can taste, kiss her until he forgets what it's like to not be kissing her, but she's not asking him to kiss her, she's not asking him the question, she's asking him to ask her the question, and he—
—and he can do that.
"Okay," he whispers, and his heart bangs against his ribs so hard, it hurts, but he swallows down the knot of nerves in his throat and he keeps going, "okay, this is—this is me, letting her know."
He reaches for her hand—slowly, so she can pull away if she wants to, so she can say no if she wants to, but she doesn't pull away and she doesn't say no and now he's holding her hand, and even if it turns out that he's wrong, that he really is misreading this, that there is a vital wire he didn't connect, this will still be the best moment of his entire life.
Poppy smiles, and it's like the sun, so bright he kind of forgets how to breathe, and then she throws her arms around his neck and—
—and she kisses him.
And it's—it's like the sun, too, it's like a hundred-thousand-million beams going off inside him, under his skin, lighting him up until he feels as bright and golden as she is, and it's—it's like firecrackers, bursting and exploding in his chest, in his throat, and he reaches to wrap his arm around her waist—slowly, so she can pull away if she wants to, so she can say no if she wants to, but she doesn't, and he was wrong before, wasn't he, because this is the best moment of his entire life—
Poppy pulls back, her eyes dancing, her smile so wide he can see the deep dimple in her left cheek. "And this is her," she whispers, soft and breathless, "saying yes."
(Ten minutes later, when she pulls him out of the rink and into the open streets of Bergentown, he glances, on impulse, back over his shoulder, to see Andre in the window, tucked up in a corner booth with a teenage Bergen girl, their hands clasped on the table.)
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
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Title: Too Young to Fall in Love 36
Summary: Nikki Sixx was a hard partying musician on the strip. He never expected to fall in love with anyone, until a girl knocked on his dressing room door looking for a ride home and took his breath away. Just like everything else Nikki did; the drugs, the money, the music; Nikki went hard with love. (Y/n) Bass never expected the bassist of Motley Crue to be the one to shake her calm and calculated life up. She had a plan. Graduate school, become an epic producer, and watch from behind the scenes as her brother’s band rose to fame. Nikki and (Y/n) were perfect for each other, too bad her brother, Tommy, didn’t think so.
Series warnings:  Smut (18+ Please), drug use, language, referenced miscarriage, drug overdose, mentioned attempted suicide, out of character moments for everyone in the band, the timeline might be a little screwy but it’s fanfiction! I know nothing of music production and my medical knowledge is really screwy, so it won’t be accurate.
“I can’t believe you already have to go back.” (Y/n) sighed as she watched Nikki pack up his stuff from his hotel room.
“Sorry, label wants us to do some shows and a small tour with the new guy and…” Nikki zipped up his back and let his shoulders fall. “I don’t want to leave you… I want to take you with me… but…”
“I’m thinking about getting transferred back to LA.” (Y/n) told him. “I miss it there.”
NIkki smiled, “only if you think it will make you happy?”
“I think it will.” She sighed. “Because I can see you more than once a month.” She wasn’t sure if he was her boyfriend or not. She didn’t want to scare him by bringing it up.
Nikki walked up to her his hands in his pockets, “My flight doesn’t leave for another couple of hours,” he blushed slightly. “Maybe one more lunch before I go?”
“That sounds good.” She smiled. “My treat.”
“No way sweet girl!” he laughed. “My treat.”
“I don’t think so silly boy.” She smiled brightly. “Wanna just eat at the airport?”
“Ok sweet girl,” he held her hand as they made their way down to the concierge. Nikki checked out and turned in his key. Turning to (Y/n) they made their way to the front and Nikki had a cab hailed for him. “So, you’ll tell me if you’re definitely back in LA for good?” he whispered as he held her close.
“Of course I will.” She told him. “I have a long weekend coming up soon. I might go to LA and look at apartments or something. Well, once I convinced them I need to transfer back that is.”
“You could say you want to convince us to jump ship…” Nikki smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I mean… at this point Elektra and Tom are being difficult.”
“Maybe you should make your own label sometime.” (Y/n) shrugged.
“Huh,” Nikki shrugged that’s an idea. He had never thought of it, but he didn’t think him and the guys were ready to have their own label or anything. They could barely make it through a recording session.
The cab stopped at the side of the airport letting them off. NIkki paid the cab fare and helped (Y/n) out of the cab. Grabbing his bags they walked in and made their way inside towards one of the restaurants.
“So…” he wasn’t sure what to say. “I…” he found himself reaching into his bag and taking out a leather bound journal. “I didn’t have a way to contact you so…” he pushed the journal towards her. “This is everything I thought about while I was in rehab. Some of it good. Some of it dark, mostly because of the withdrawal phase.” he took a deep breath. “I… I want you to know that every day I was there, I was thinking about you.”
“Nikki…” She whispered, touching the journal. “I...this is your personal stuff. Are you sure you want me to read it?”
“I wrote it all for you,” he admitted. “Some songs, some poems… most of them letters.” he took a hard swallow.
“I’ll cherish it.” She said, smiling.
“Just… don’t judge me too hard on some of what I wrote… some of it got dark and… some  of it I was meaning from my heart once that darkness faded.” he couldn’t look at her. His throat felt raw as he tried to hold back his tears.  
“Nikki…” She got up and wrapped her arms around it. “I will never judge you silly boy.” She kissed his head.
NIkki nodded and gave her a teary smile. “(Y/n), I want to take this as slow as we can… I am so scared of messing up and just… I can’t lose you again… I can’t…”
“Nikki,” She brushed back his hair. “I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”
Caressing her cheek he brought her in for a kiss, “I feel like I’m dreaming and I’m scared to wake up.”
“I’ll be there when you do.” She smiled. “We better finish up. You’ll miss your flight.” He saw her smile waver a little before she painted it back on.
“Hey,” he brought her back in. “I’ll call you every hour if you need me too,” he whispered. “I’m starting to feel alive again sweet girl… you are breathing life back into me.”  
“I want to  do whatever I can to make you feel better.” She hugged him close. “Think I could squeeze into your carry on? No one would ever know.” She laughed a little.
Nikki laughed, “I wouldn’t be able to keep you a secret,” he held her tight. “I’ll call you when I land in LA?”
“You better.” She laughed.
Nikki gave her one last kiss before boarding the plane. He looked back and gave her a wink and mouthed that he would call her. Walking into the terminal he made his way to his seat in first class and looked out the window. He let the tears fall, his fear of this all begin a dream haunting him.  
(Y/n) closed her eyes. She waited until she saw his plane take off before she went back home.
“How was New York?” Tommy asked Nikki the next day.
“It was good,” Nikki sat behind the soundboard as John was in the booth trying to sing the lyrics. “I stayed at the Hilton and she had her apartment so we met for lunch and dinner. Kept it vanilla you know?”
“Really? You didn’t bow chicka wow wow?” Tommy asked.
“Look, Tommy…” Nikki sighed. “Last time we were together, I moved way too fast. You were right in your own messed up way.” he sighed and growled. “Hey John just take it from the top and watch out for those high notes man.” Nikki sighed as he ran a hand across his face.
“Hey Nikki, I’d watch out. Sloths have long nails.” Mick grumbled from his seat. Nikki turned to glare at him.
“Was she happy?” Tommy asked. “When I saw her in LA last...she didn’t look like the same person…” Tommy sighed.
“She was happy when I was there,” NIkki pointed at Mick. “And no more nature channel for you! I am not acting like a sloth! I am making sure I don’t fuck this up!”
“I’m sorry about everything,” Tommy sighed. “I wish I could take back what I said to her in the past…”
“Yeah well, all we can do is move on and try to take it slow, not rush and I think we’ll be ok…” Nikki cringed at John’s vocals. “Ok… John take five!” he called into the booth and looked at Tommy and Mick.
“We need Vince back.” Mick told him. “Vanessa finally got through to him, but he’s going down a dark path.”
Nikki just nodded and sighed. He closed his eyes and leaned back. He wasn’t sure what to do but he hoped (Y/n) would move back sooner rather than later.
One Month Later
“Nikki, phone.” One of the techs said as Nikki was working in the studio.
“Busy.” Nikki muttered.
“It’s some chick from MCA. (Y/n) Bass.” The tech told him.
NIkki put his bass down and walked out to grab the phone, “(Y/n)? Everything ok?”
“Hey Nik, everything’s fine. I just...I’m on my way to the airport and I was wondering if you could pick me up when I get to LAX. It’ll be a few hours.” (Y/n) told him. “Someone got fired over at MCA LA, and they’re sending me there for the time being. Maybe longer, so I’ll have to go back to New York and pack…”
“Sure what time is your flight landing I’ll make sure to be there.” Nikki smiled as he grabbed a paper and a pen. “Do you know what gate you’ll be coming out of?”
“I’ll be landing there probably about three your time. And it should be gate 21B.” (Y/n) told him. “Sorry it’s so rushed. If you can’t pick me up, I can call Vanessa or something.” Nikki could tell she was stressed or rushed. Probably a combo of both.
“Hey, sweet girl take a breath I’ll be there without a problem ok?” he felt himself smiling at the thought of seeing her. “Am I dropping you off at Athena’s or Vanessa’s?” he was tempted to get her to stay with him in one of the guest rooms. The house they once shared was long gone and he had bought a different home.
“Crap! I forgot to set that up.” She groaned and he could hear the tears in her voice. “I’ll call them when I land and figure something out. I think Athena’s going out of town because Tommy has Angus.”
NIkki cleared his throat and closed his eyes, “You could… you could stay in my guest room… I um, I got a new place and it’s pretty cosy…”
“Are...are you sure?” (Y/n) asked. “I know you said you wanted to take things slow.”
“Only if.. It’s ok with you I know it��s last minute and I’m not sure what Vanessa or Athena would do and I’m going to be recording most of the time…” he found himself rambling. “I just… I mean… I…”
“Nikki, I would love to come stay with you.” (Y/n) said. “If I overstay my welcome, just kick me out.” She laughed a little. “I gotta go. My flights being called. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
“See you in a few sweet girl,” he muttered before hanging up.
Nikki sighed as he grabbed his jacket and keys, “I’m going to go home and get some things ready before I head to the airport.” he rushed out before the others could question him.
“Airport?” Tommy asked. “Where is he going?” Mick and John just shrugged.
Nikki went home, looking around to see if there was anything he needed from the store. He wanted everything to be perfect for her. He brought fresh flowers and made sure to keep everything clean. Looking at the guest bedroom he changed the sheets and made sure everything was right. He heard the small whine of his dog. He had asked Athena what kind of dog she had, he had found the puppy not long ago. He bent down to scratch his ears.
“Hey boy,” he whispered. “You get to meet a very special friend today.” he made sure to let the puppy loose in the backyard before rushing back to his car and driving to the airport.  
(Y/n)’s flight landed and she came out into the terminal. She was so ready to be done travelling. She had just come back from a business trip in Florida when they told her to not unpack, she had to go to LA for awhile. She didn’t see Nikki when she came out of the gate and was worried something had happened.
She had just taken a step forward when strong arms wrapped around her and hugged her.
“Ah!” She called out.
“Hey Sweet girl,” he said and spun her around. When he let her go he turned her to face him and smiled. “Good thing we aren’t in a grocery store. No carts to have fun in.”
“I still got looks from the manager after that.” She laughed. “Thank you so much. You’re a lifesaver.” She hugged him, letting her eyes fall closed but woke herself back up.
“Ok, you need a nap,” he said noticing how tired she was.
“I should get to the office.” She yawned. “A nap might be good.”
“Nope no office, nap time,” he laughed as he helped her with her bags and  helped her into his car. "Now, this house is a bit smaller than the one we had but it's still pretty big, " he chuckled as he define down the street towards it.
"You've been to my apartment. Everything's bigger than it." She laughed.
"Yeah," he smiled and pulled to to the house. Helping (Y/N) with her bags he unlocked the door. He didn't have a chance to step inside when barking could be heard and a ball of fur came to the door.  "Ziggy, wait."
"Puppy!" (Y/n) said happily. Ziggy jumper on her, smelling her and giving her kisses. "He looks like Angus!"
"Yeah," Nikki rubbed the back of his neck. "I asked Athena what kind of did she had and I… I remembered you wanted one so I...I got him." He put her things on his couch and grabbed Ziggy. "Rascal."
"I like him." (Y/n) looked full of light. "ready for a nap though." She yawned.
Nikki laughed and grabbed her bags from the couch after placing Ziggy in his pen. He led her to the guest room on the first floor. Opening the door he hoped she would like it, he made sure to keep the room simple and clean. Nothing dark or scary. Placing her things on the bed he turned to her.
“Ok so, bed and then there is a walk in closet and… the bathroom is right through that door.” He placed his hand in his pockets. “My room is upstairs and if you need me you can press on the intercom and I can come down.” he cleared his throat. “I’ll let you get settled and I can make some sandwiches or something or I can order us some food.”  
"You're too good to me." She smiled at him.
“So…” Nikki cringed, he was nervous around her. He felt like she would break if he moved too fast. With a small smiled he backed up and out of the room. “I’ll be in my room if you need me…” he was turning to leave.  
"Hey Nikki?" (Y/n) asked.
“Yeah?” he turned towards her from the staircase.
"Would...do you want to take a nap...with me?" She was sure he'd say no.
“Um… a nap sounds good… I mean if you want me to…”
"Come on." (Y/n) held out her hand to him.
Nikki held her hand as she led him to the bed. Taking off his shoes he pulled down the covers and let her get in first before joining her. “Noones used this bed before. You’re the first.” he sighed. “I um…” he adjusted himself and blushed. “I can set an alarm or do you just want to nap until you feel like waking up?”
"Just nap. No alarm." She yawned. "come here silly boy." She moved to give him space.
Nikki got in and lay on his back. He was never this nervous around her before. But he really wanted to make everything perfect. He closed his eyes expecting her to keep her distance. He bit his cheek to keep from pulling her close to him. Tommy’s words kept echoing in his head, kept haunting him.
Forever Tags:  @anathewierdo @dekahg @marvel-af-imagines @feelmyroarrrr @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogarukes @xxwarhawk @sandlee44 @shatteredabby @caswinchester2000 @supernaturalwincestsblog @lauravic @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @teller258316 @horrorpxnk @tommyleeownsme
Motley Crue Tags:  @primal-screamer @waywardprincess666 @twistnet @saint-of-los-angeles @vader-kai @motleyfuckingcruee @sharon6713 @kawennote09 @2dead2function @nikkisixxwiththebass @iamtiber-andtiberismusic @jayprettymuchomw @charlyallise @you-know-im-a-dreamer @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings @estxxmotley @arianareirg @the-normal-potato @nikki-sixxtynine @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18 @stella20131991 @tarahell @wowilovenikkisixx @i-want-to-shoot-myself @motleycrueee @sams-serialkiller-fetish @getbackhonkycatt @are-you-reddie54321 @flamencodiva @lesliethegroupie @deacyduck @scarecrowmax
Nikki Sixx Tags:  @daisystuffsstuff @unknownoblivion @deakysblueoutfit
Too Young to Fall in Love Tags:  @kingbouji3 @leximus98 @thekidbakerinthetardis @crystalbaby12 @shawnsstxtches @knockemdeadgirl @deansgirl1993
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daenyara · 6 years
“I’ll be your Valentine”
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Hey everyone! The Valentine’s Day event is happening, thanks to everyone who commented on my previous post ♡ It’s gonna be one long sleepover, sort of. And I know this is mostly a fanfiction blog, but you don’t have to be part of any fandom to participate. No one is gonna be alone this Valentine’s Day, not on my watch!
The event lasts 3 days, from February 13th to February 15th (CET). Here’s a timetable:
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Don’t worry if you cannot be online all the time, I definitely don’t expect that from you (Seriously guys, sleep and be healthy). The 3-days length is just so that everyone can participate despite the timezone they live in!
You don’t have to sign up in advance and you don’t have to follow me, even tho it would be cool
Before you send an ask, please reblog this as a signal boost! This is the only thing I ask of you, cause I really don’t want this to flop
You can send as many requests as you want
Rude people will be hunted blocked
All posts will be tagged #v day event in case you wanna blacklist it, but I hope you won’t cause you’ll be missing loads of cute drabbles!
The following list regards what you can ask during the event, but it’s not a set of rules. If you have any other idea, let me know and I’ll add it to the list. If during the event you want to do/talk about something that’s not on the list, you can.
First of all, send me your cutest, fluffiest headcanons/blurbs. I’m closing request but you’re more than welcome to send me your own fluffy blurbs/hcs, I’ll just publish them as they are!
Are you an artist? Submit your stuff. If I’m inspired I’ll write a quick blurb using it as a prompt! (Also valid if you make mood boards, edits, etc…)
As every good sleepover, let’s talk about things that make us happy. Tell me about your hobbies and what’s going on with your life, I’ll do the same
Let’s exchange fandom opinions! An extended list of the fandoms I’m part of can be found on my about page, otherwise, just ask if you’re not sure. This includes characters ratings.
Same goes for pairings. Send me a fandom and a short description of yourself including at least 1) Myers-Briggs 2) Your ideal date 3) Three good traits 4) Three flaws 5) Fave character from a fandom different from the one you’re requesting! 6) Sexuality, and I’ll tell you who’s your match. You can find all the ones I’ve done under the tag #pairings.
“Ship or sink?” - Send me couples, I’ll comment and rate them on a scale on 1 to 10
Also, can we please discuss romcoms? I’m a slut for romcoms and teen movies (not even sorry), I could talk about them forever
Send me a sweet message about some other user with any specific you want and I’ll turn it into a Valentine’s Day card (I wanna be Cupid so bad). It doesn’t have to be romantic, let’s celebrate every kind of love.
Recipes exchange: comfort food edition. Give me the recipe of something you make when you need to cheer up + choose a key ingredient, and I’ll give you one of my recipes using the said ingredient (you can almost exclusively expect Italian food from me, I’m warning you)
It would also be cool to exchange poetry? Like, you could give me a poem to read (it can even be yours, I’d be super glad to read it)! I can give you poetry recs, but I’m afraid lots of the poems I know aren’t originally written in English. Still, it would be cool
You love making mood boards, gifs or edits but you need some inspiration? Send me a ✨ and I’ll give you an idea! It could be a fic rec, a movie, a character or something else entirely (I actually have a list of edits I’d like to see but I don’t do edits so it’s kinda useless lol)
Send me a word you love in your native language (specify the language) and I’ll make you a playlist (but you have to trust my shitty music taste)
Give me a genre and ask me for book/movie/music recs
I’m out of ideas but honestly guys, whatever the hell we want. Just be there and be happy cause you’re not alone. If Valentine’s Day it’s a rough day for you, if it isn’t but you’re having a hard time for whatever reason, my inbox is open and I’m told I’m a pretty decent listener. ♡
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imaghostwriter · 6 years
11/11/11 (or more like 44/11/11)
Rules: Answer 11 Questions, Ask Eleven Questions, Tag Eleven People!
alright, so i had a lot of people tagging me in this one and i was really happy about every single one! but to sum things up a little (and also so that i wouldn’t have to come up with 44 questions myself) i decided to put it all in one post. i will tag 11 people with 11 questions of my own and answer all 44 questions i received under the cut.
thanks to the wonderful @thewritingsofart, @i-rove-rock-n-roll, @writingsonesdreams and @waywordwriter for being awesome and for tagging me! xx
now, here are my 11 questions:
1. if you had to rewrite the earliest work you remember writing, what would you change?
2. have you ever written fanfiction? if so, what was your first fic about?
3. do you have any foolproof methods against writer’s block?
4. have you ever thought about quitting writing?
5. is there an author who you feel influences you as a writer?
6. would you like to have fanfiction written about your works?
7. what is the nicest compliment you’ve ever received on one of your works?
8. have you ever cried over one of your own stories?
9. do you draw about your own stories?
10. have you ever written an au about one of your own stories?
11. have you ever written something creative in another language than english? if so, which one was it? and which language do you prefer?
sooo, those were my 11 questions. now my 11 victims are: @storyteller-kaelo, @metaphors-and-melodrama, @wasted-hymn, @authorified, @writingnosefreak, @quilloftheclouds, @bookenders, @vhum, @madammuffins, @catgirlwarrior, @blueinkblot
and for those who are interested, here are my answers:
1. In what other format do you enjoy reading a novel? Script, Poem, Diary, Illustrated, etc.
i love stories of all kinds, the format doesn't really matter
2. What POV do you prefer reading from? Writing from?
third person, both reading and writing. it doesn't matter if the narrator is omniscent or stays up close and personal with the protagonist
3. Do you remember what your first creative writing piece was?
i remember the first one i created outside of school lmao it was awful but i've also grown a lot since then and i still remember my first work fondly. and tbh i still like the idea so i gottagive little me probs for that. it was about a girl who wakes up with no memories, in a world where everyone believes to have a certain destiny and thus doesn't question what happens to them bc they accept everything to be part of a greater scheme and she starts rebelling against that bc she doesn't want to accept that she was supposed to forget everything about her life and then tons of stuff happens
4. What are you working on now?
a fantasy novel which is a collab with a writer friend that i still know from school and a drama novel, set in the 1960's
5. How do you get in the mood to write?
usually i just reread what i've already written and that does the trick for me but if not then go back to my outline and work a little on that which reminds me of all the cool stuff that i wanna write that's yet to come
6. What in your daily life inspires you to write?
everything and anything. inspiration doesn't come from a certain place from me, it's compeltely random. i just hear or see or read something and it sparks an idea and then i'm stuck with it
7. Do you have a favorite writing snack(s)?
i don't snack much whilst writing tbh bc then i need my hands to write. but i snack a lot to procrastinate and then any snack will do
8. Who do you go to first when you want someone to read/look over your writing?
the friend i do my fantasy collab with is the only friend whom i'm entrusted with almost everything i've written in the last three years and i've even shared some of my older stories with her
9. What got you started in writing for pleasure?
i can't remember if there was a specific reason that got me started. i always liked the creative writing tasks that we got in class so one day i wanted to try writing a book. that was pretty much it
10. How do you create your characters? Do you use a character sheet or another method?
my characters are usually the first thing that come to me so i don't actually use any specific method to create them. they all serve the plot and are built for necessity around my protagonist to create the most believable and most fun dynamic that ultimately leads my main oc to where they need to be
11. If you could have one famous person, from today or history, to read your best piece of writing, who would it be? This includes authors
jane austen probably bc i think she could give me good advice on character dynamics and would smack me on the head for making a man the pov character in my drama novel. but i also think she would be super nice and encouraging in her advice. also she's one of my favourite authors so there's that
Heels or flats? flats! i can't walk in heels properly
What’s your favorite Starbucks drink? i don't go to starbucks. if i go to any café i usually get tea if i stay in or coffee if it's to go
Winter or summer both are very uncomfortable, temperature-wise. but i'll go with summer bc it's nice to be too hot for once when you're usually always too cold
Do you write short stories? heck yeah i do!
Favorite author? jane austen bc i always feel good when reading her books
3 words to describe your protagonist(s) going only with daniel from my drama novel: repressed, oblivious, gay
3 words to describe your antagonist(s) well, in my drama novel there is no clear antagonist as in it's not a person and in my fantasy novel the protagonists are kind of the bad guys so i don't really know how to answer this. capitalism? prejudice? believing you know what's best for the people you love and acting on it until your behaviour is downright abusive? none of these are three words but i'm rolling with it
Favorite school subject? constantly changed. when i graduated it was english, german, spanish, art and philosophy
Favorite book(s)? also ever-changing but since i picked jane austen as my favourite author i'm going with pride and prejudice
Favorite music genre? don't have one, it all depends on the song but atm i listen to a lot of old rock
How was your day today? veryyy stressful and emotionally exhausting but i also got to see a good friend of mine that i hadn't seen in some time now and that was nice!
1. What part of worldbuilding do you like the least? i'm a sucker for worldbuilding to the point where i procrastinate writing bc i worldbuild too much. there is no part that i don't like
2. Do you write in your own language? If not, why? i do! but i also write in english. at first bc it forced me to simplify my sentences due to a lack of vocabulary but now bc i like it and it gives me the possibiliy to share my work with a wider audience!
3. How many of your characters are orphans or have absent parents? not too many, actually. i think it's mostly a thing in my drama novel where it's 2.5/5 (one being an orphan, the other having abusive parents and one case where i'm not even sure if it's just a very complicated relationship or if it counts as downright abusive but the story doesn't dive too deply into it either). in my fantasy novel it's just 2/6!
4. Do you have any happily married couples in your story? uhhh... now that i think about it.. i don't. wow. never realized that, you really got me there!
5. What kind of visual arts (cinema, sculpture, painting…) inspires you and your stories? all.
6. Did you ever go somewhere and think “this is exactly my story’s setting”? not really. but certain places do sometimes inspire me to set my story somewhere similar. my trip to cambodia led to an outline for a pirate story that has yet to be written
7. If you take public transports, do you ever look at the people around you and imagine their story? yesss, i am 100% that creep that is constantly observing and analysing other people
8. What is the last book you read (or are currently reading)? Would you recommend it? it was "the death of mrs. westaway" and i definetely recommend it! it was a good read. even though i guessed the ending it was still thrilling and it didn't chip away any of the suspense bc the author always kept me questioning myself and always had me asking "but what if i'm wrong?"
9. When was the last time you read fanfiction and what was it about? maybe about two weeks ago? i can't remember what it was about bc it was just small bits of fluff but i do remember that it was a merthur fanfic
10. What is the first thing that came to you for your WIP? Was it a scene, a character, or something else? going with my drama novel: it started out with the idea to write something where the story couldn't stand the way it does if a single sentence where to be taken out. to have something written so minimalistically that only what is absolutely necessary remains but still have it be interesting, engaging and compelling. so i started writing something from the pov of someone who is just the most oblivious rhabbarb the world has ever seen. the rest evolved around it
11. Is there a genre or writing format you’d like to try in the future? not currently. these things tend to come to me with time and as soon as they do i try them out at once bc i can't wait haha
1. How much of your writing is influenced by your daily life? Like does what happened during the day affect what and how you write? not intentionally but when it happens (and i notice it happening, usually) then it influences mostly my characters. their aspirations, their internal conflicts. the reason why daniel is struggling with the expectations of others is bc it's something i experience myself, although maybe not as strongly as he does. but then again, that's kind of a universal experience so it's not that noticable
2. How much of you is inside your characters? every single one of them has something from me but i always make sure to never make them too similar to me and whenever i see myself too much in them i start changing them around until i can distance myself enough from them to be able to write about someone else's experiences instead of my own
3. Do you start writing from the beginning or somewhere else? yes, i usually do
4. What is the most difficult for you about writing? connecting scenes. i never know when to write something out or to sum it up in one sentence and just dive into the next scene. it confuses me to no end
5. What is the hardest part about creating characters for you? my characters tend to come very naturally to me. they're born out of necessity for the plot and thus are fitted to it. i guess what is most difficult for me is reminding myself of the fact that all my charas have a live outside of the plot, except for my protagonist and usually have more than just that one (1) friend
6. What are the themes of your wip and what do they mean to you? both my wips deal with questions of morality, loyalty and autonomy and those are all themes that i spend a lot of my free time thinking about and/or that are very important personally. especially autonomy was always something that i was taught to value as a child and that my parents value a lot as well, even more than most germans which is saying something.
7. What books/movies/series whatever inspired or influenced your current wip the most? i honestly don't know. they're both not consciously inspired by specific media although i don't doubt that i was influenced by a lot of different works
8. What would be the biggest appreciation of your work for you? if someone loved it. if someone would read it not just once but then again just bc they felt like it and wanted to insert themselves into the world again. if someone would love the characters and bond with them. if my work meant something personal to someone.
9. Why did you choose to write this wip and not something else? What’s so special about it? my fantasy novel: i wanted to do a collab with a friend of mine whom i've known for a while now and she only writes fantasy so i thought it would be a good excuse to try myself out in the genre my drama novel: i honestly don't know. i can't even remember how the idea came to me but suddenly i was heads deep in a 1960's period drama about a gay dude and social pressure. i guess it was the way i write it, as minimal as possible, that appealed most to me
10. What kind of scenes do you not want to write/don’t enjoys writing but can’t get around them? scenes where i don't know what's going to happen plotwise but only the feeling that i want to get across
11. What part of the writing process is your favourite? (Coming up with the idea, thinking, outlining, researching, writing itself, editing, reading what you have written, etc) worldbuilding and creating characters bc i get to enjoy the creative process without worrying too much about perfection and editing bc it's meditative and bc i feel proud for completing my draft and don't have to worry about still having to write anything out. but i also love reading what i’ve already written! i guess in the end i have fun with all the parts lmao
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Secret behind the sunglasses chapter 1.
Words: 1114
Warnings: I dont know does this have any.
Pairing: Prinxiety(slow burn), logicality(in the side)
Summary: Roman has the biggest crush on this guy, who never takes his sunglasses off. Patton and Logan try to get Roman to talk to this guy. 
Notes: My first fanfiction. I hope you all like it. I have no idea what to write here :)
”Just go to talk to him” Patton said to me. My eyes wondered around the cafeteria where were sitting. My eyes stopped wondering around when I spotted him. He was the most handsome guy I had ever seen. He had purple hair and he always wore black clothes. I swore that his eyes were brown and beautiful. Thing was he never took his sunglasses off. He wore those even in class. I didn’t even know his name. I looked back to Patton, because I didn’t wanna stare him too long.
“You know I can’t do that. What if he doesn’t even like guys?” I said and Patton laughed.
“It doesn’t matter. When you go talk to him he will fall in love with you, even if he doesn’t like guys”. Patton’s positivity was nice. I had been friends with Patton all of my life. We had lived next to each other when we were kids and now we were in same high school.
I saw that Logan, Patton’s boyfriend, was coming towards us. I waved at him and Patton got up. Logan’s face turned red when Patton kissed him. From somewhere yelled “Fags”, but Patton didn’t care. He just took Logan’s hand and sat back down.
“Hey Roman” Logan said. “What are we talking about today?” His voice was full of sarcasm. We had talked about this guy every single day for 2 months. Patton laughed.
“I think I’m going to talk to him today” Patton said and I felt how my eyes almost dropped from my head.
“Yes. We have art together. That way we’ll know something about him” Patton’s voice was determined. I nodded and looked down. I felt how huge smile started to form on my face.
Bell rang and Patton got up in seconds. He started to run. He didn’t even say goodbye like he normally would. Logan and I got up too and walked to our class together.
I walked inside the art class room. Roman’s crush was already on his spot. I usually sat in front of the class but this time I went and sat next to him. I looked at him and smiled. Class started and teacher gave us our assignment. We were supposed to continue work that we started last week. I gathered all of my stuff that I needed.
After 15 minutes and looked again to the guy next to me. He was drawing. His paper was full of dark knifes pointing to one little red heart.
“Hey. That is really cool” I said. Guy was obviously startled. He looked at me with confusion. I noticed that even when he wore his sunglasses.
“Thanks…” His voice was silence and shaky.
“I’m Patton”
“I’m… Virgil”
“Hey Virgil” I kept smiling the hole class. I talked with Virgil and little by little his voice started to be little bit louder. When class ended I promised to meet him tomorrow for lunch so that we could hang out before art. He noticed that he was smiling too when our paths parted.
I waited for Patton with Logan. Logan was checking my math problems. He only put my notebook away when Patton came. It was clear how much Logan loved this boy. They walked to theatre together. I left them to when I walked to stage. While I and my counterpart were rehearsed all I could think was this guy. I had been thinking about him for 2 months but I was still too scared to talk to him.
When we finished and all the actors bowed I could hear couple of people clapping. I looked up and smiled at Patton, who was clapping and standing up, and Logan who was clapping little bit. I went towards them and I noticed that Patton was more excited then usual.
“Finally! Let’s go! I have so much to tell you” Patton said while jumping up and down.
We sat down on to ground of Patton’s back yard.
“Come on Patton. Tell me what you found out” I asked eagerly.
“Well, lets see. His name is Virgil. He lives with his adoptive family. He likes drawing and poems. And this is the best part tomorrow he is sitting with us in lunch” My heart started raising like hell when Patton finished. Patton looked at me with worry.
“Is it okay? I wouldn’t ask but seems like he doesn’t have any friends” Patton was obviously worried. I smiled.
“Its okay. I’m just worried that he won’t like me.” I said.
“It’s more likely that he likes you because of your ability to be friendly and appealing to everyone. And of course because you also enjoy poetry you will have something to talk with Virgil” Logan said. Patton and I laughed.
“You are right like always” I said.
I had English right before lunch and I was so excited that I almost couldn’t keep up with class. When bell rang I almost ran out of the class. I spotted Patton who waved at me. He was holding Logan’s hand. Logan greeted me with smile. He gave me small mirror so I could look did I still look good.
“You still look good” Patton said and I had to agree. I looked really good. We walked to the cafeteria.
“Virgil isn’t here yet. Lets sit down and wait him” Logan said. We sat down and I felt so nervous. Logan and Patton started talk about their date night for tonight. I listened them with half ear.
“Logan please? Can we please watch ‘To kill a mockingbird’? Please” Patton looked at Logan and he had his best puppy eye look.
“Patton… You know how much I like it but we have watched it already 10 times and I think…”
“Virgil!” Patton screamed middle of Logan’s sentence. Patton jumped up fast. He waved and ran towards boy who looked so nervous. Boy looked like someone had talked to him for the first time ever. Patton reached boy and hugged him. They started walking toward us. I heard that Patton was already telling long story from his childhood. Patton sat down and looked at boy.
“Virgil. Sit down. These guys are really nice” Patton said. Virgil sat down. I couldn’t see his eyes put I was sure he was looking at me and Logan.
“This is Logan. He’s my boyfriend” Patton said pointing at Logan. Logan smiled and nodded.
“Good day” Logan said and Virgil just nodded little bit.
“And this is Roman. He’s my best friend” Patton said. Virgil nodded at me too. I felt how my face started to turn red, because I was sure he was looking at me.
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yetanotheremptypage · 6 years
Happy Fanfiction Writers Appreciation Day!
It’s another fic rec list! Here’s last years, which includes a link to my 2016 recommendations. They are all amazing, so you should definitely check them out, but in the mean time, here’s some more. I tried to tag most of the ships and/or fandoms, so if you ship any of those or are in the fandom, check out the recs below the cut. Of course, there are plenty more amazing fanfictions/writers out there, and to them, I give a huge THANK YOU! Finally, for the shameless plug, if you have any interest in any of my stories, links can be found here.
Arms Extended (Gen, Bandstand) AO3 [Complete]
a remix of “welcome home (finale)”
(or: the moments that inspired the lines of julia's poem)
Bandstand on the whole deserves more love, attention, and fanfiction, especially because the relationship these people build is so beautiful and there’s so much to be explored. This fic does it BEAUTIFULLY, and I can’t stress it enough. TW: I mean it’s Bandstand so anything that applies there applies here
Cut, Print, Moving On (Gen, Smash) AO3 || FF [In progress]
An imagined third season, starting approximately two years after the Tony Awards.
This fic is perfectly written and explores all of Smash’s complicated, messy, great relationships, romantic and otherwise, beautifully.
Epic Love (Han x Leia, Star Wars) AO3 || FF [Complete]
Here is what is believed: that Leia Organa has been abandoned by her husband and her brother, the two men who loved her best, in her time of greatest need. But things are not always as they seem. A TFA fix-it fic about family, the Force, and the love that could save the galaxy. Again. Also features Luke, Chewbacca, Rey, Finn, and mentions or cameos by several others.
I love the new Star Wars movies, I do. But this fic treats Han, Leia, and Luke so much better than TFA does. Please go read this pure perfection of a work and give it all the love it deserves. While you’re at it, check out... Everything else @lajulie24 has written; it’s all golden.
Everything I Never Knew (Emmett x Rosalie, Twilight) AO3 || FF [Complete]
Because sometimes a split second decision changes a life… One night, Rosalie Hale walked a different way home. Because of this, she didn’t meet Royce on the road and the worst night of Rosalie’s life happened to someone else. So what happened when Rosalie was never hurt, never turned vampire, and got everything she had always thought she wanted?
I love a good AU, and Rosalie and Emmett seem the best suited for one. Their connection is amazing and well-written and honestly, everything makes sense to me. I lowkey wish things could have played out this way for them, but alas, they didn’t, so let’s read fic instead. TW: Spousal abuse, bear attack so like blood and stuff
hey baby (i think i wanna marry you) (Donna x Josh, The West Wing) FF [Complete]
Josh goes to dinner with his old law school study group. He ends up defending the institution of marriage, before going home to Donna. Set in the Santos administration.
It’s just such a cute, fluffy little piece. How could I not, you know?
in a storm in my best dress (Percy x Annabeth, Percy Jackson and the Olympians) AO3 || FF [Complete]
"Point is, Percy's not used to being swamped in friends. So you can bloody well imagine his shock when he wakes up one morning and looks impulsively at his arm and there’s one, two, three, four, five, six, seven Marks on his line and holy crap the seventh is a soulmate mark."
or, Percy finds it difficult to make friends and Annabeth is the popular girl with a heart of steel. Soulmate AU.
Not gonna lie, this is a behemoth-- two chapters that come out at like 70k which like, damn, most of my one-shots aren’t even 1500 words, you get props for that alone. However, every word is perfect. There’s lot of pining, and hey, Percy Jackson with anxiety? Works. I saw my own anxiety reflected all over the place which... Was not the main reason I fell in love with this fic, but it’s nice to be recognized, you know? No, I fell in love with this fic because it’s about falling in love and making friends and growing up. And it’s beautiful, so go read it. TW: Anxiety attacks (Is that a tw? Oh well)
Miracles, etc. (Wanda Maximoff x Vision, Marvel Cinematic Universe) AO3 [In progress]
Wanda Maximoff’s life has been a set of frightening miracles: living in a war torn country as an orphan, escaping her anarchistic biological father, and surviving the American foster system with seven older foster siblings. Now 26 and working as a hotel waitress, Wanda has very distant plans for love and for a child. Unfortunately, her complicated life is about to get more complicated when a medical mix-up leaves her artificially inseminated with a stranger’s sperm. That stranger? Her boss, with an equally dark past.
Now pregnant- and possibly falling in love- Wanda finds herself with only nine months to rethink her entire future. Because the only thing more frightening than a miracle… is parenthood.
Did you know that a Jane The Virgin AU is EXACTLY everything you ever needed for this fandom, and specifically this pairing? My depression is cured, my skin is clear, and my crops are thriving, especially now that there’s new chapters again. Read this fic, please. It will not disappoint, especially if you enjoy JTV’s tongue-in-cheek style humor. Also dad!Clint.
My Beauty, My Baby (Gen, Downton Abbey) FF [Complete]
Cora and Sybil share a moment on the eve of the birth of Sybil and Tom's child. This story takes place in Season 3, sometime between Episodes 4 and 5. This is a bit of a departure for me, but the title words were an inspiration.
This is just so lovely. Sybil and Cora’s relationship is, I feel, kind of unexplored, so this was such a lovely treat.
people can surprise you (or not) (Anya x Dmitry, Anastasia) AO3 [Complete]
He's a poor joke of a journalist, she has something to prove to her family, and they're in here for a hell of a ride.
(“You’re asking me to be an asshole to some random woman just to prove a very sexist and offensive point like I’m some guy on Reddit who has no idea women are actually people?”)
(“Next Wednesday. I bet you can’t find a guy tonight, in this bar, and keep him until next Wednesday. Prove me wrong and introduce him to Nana during the gala. As your boyfriend.”)
OR, the reversed How to lose a guy in 10 days AU nobody asked, but everybody gets.
Angst, fluff, pining, misunderstandings, this has got it ALL. And it’s written flawlessly to boot.
Take Me Back To Me (Mary x Matthew, Downton Abbey) AO3 || FF [Complete]
When heiress Mary Crawley finds herself in the headlines for her third scandal of the year, Cora decides that it is time for Mary to turn her public image around. The solution? Hire humanitarian lawyer Matthew Crawley, whose new charity just happens to need a new donation, to play Mary’s boyfriend. (Modern Mary/Matthew!Fake Dating AU)
Were you aware you needed a modern fake dating AU for these two? No. But you do. It cleanses the soul with its perfectness. Go read it. TW: Descriptions of past not quite rape but I think it’s still classified as sexual assault
The Only Crime Is To Lose (Gen, Game of Thrones) AO3 [I think in-progress?]
The series doesn’t have a description, so here’s my attempt at one: The major houses of Westeros are crime families at war. This author expertly adapts the plotting and relationships into this scenario, which takes place after the Red Wedding-- which, in this world, involved Robb getting arrested and put away for life-- and most of the action surrounds the kidnapping of Jaime Lannister, though no one knows who did it. I’m not actually certain if this series is finished or not, but it leaves me reeling from unanswered questions and its overall beauty every time I finish the last story, so you should check it out so we can all share the pain. TW: I mean it’s Game of Thrones so like a lot of that stuff still applies
Treading Water (Annie x Finnick, The Hunger Games) AO3 || FF [Complete]
They don't tell you when you go into the arena that the lucky ones are those who die.
I don’t think I can state enough how amazing this fic is. The beautiful relationship between Finnick and Annie, the breathtaking way Catching Fire is woven into the story, and seeing the Games from the mentor’s perspective is fascinating. Go read this fic! TW: It’s the Hunger Games so anything from the books applies
we got the world (Jesse x Beca, Pitch Perfect) AO3 || FF [Complete]
"They say you're a freak when we're having fun, say you must be high when we're spreading love, but we're just living life and we never stop, we've got the world." Beca/Jesse, post-Kennedy Center flop. A series of missing Jeca moments from Pitch Perfect 2. COMPLETE.
Did you wish there had been more Jeca in Pitch Perfect 2? Then read this fic. It’s perfect in every way. (Written before PP3 though, so not canon compliant for that).
Willow (Anya x Dmitry, Anastasia) AO3 [In progress]
In a city by the sea, Anya and Dmitry find their footing.
Beautiful, happy Dimya, plus dashes of you know, revolution and angst and history. It’s gorgeous and perfect and go read it.
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hanasaku-shijin · 7 years
Hi Hana. I was going through the reviews of The Last Stand and there one guy on there, Knight of Balance, who doesn't seem to fond on how you wrote it out. I love that one of his many points was removing Jaune entirely from the story, which should be obvious to anyone who reads your work or follows you on here. Anyways, I had a good laugh at seeing him try and ridicule your writing and stating that you have an "arrogant attitude that will rot your abilities". What a tosser.
I literally read his first half sentence and then just started laughing. He said something like “IF YOU EVER WANNA BE A GOOD WRITER” and “IM JUDGING YOU LIKE I JUDGE MILES AND KERRY” so I replied with “I’m not Miles and Kerry I’m a fan writing fanfiction my stuff doesn’t have to be incredible because it’s not witnessed by millions of people and I post it for free and you read it for free I can do whatever the fuck I want and it’s still better than theirs anyway” 
But yes clearly my attitude has rotted my ability. I can’t write at all. All of these 400+ stories and 600+ poems don’t actually exist and I haven’t been one of RWBY’s most prolific fic writers since the trailer days and no one lieks any of my fics. My bad.
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My Supernatural Origin Story!
I know it’s getting close to the time where everyone goes to bed, so I wanna send you all goodnight messages in thanks.
I had no clue when I started watching Supernatural that I would meet so many wonderful people. I want to explain to you what happened, if you are interested, read on! If no, then that’s fine, there are thanks beneath the cut as well.
I will honestly be amazed if you guys don’t get bored reading this.
I am a strong advocate of sharing the love. And that is something I haven’t come in contact with a lot.
My family is not physically loving people, I am a person who enjoys physical love. And no, I do not mean sex, I mean hugs, cuddles, kisses. Stuff like that, and my family, they don’t do that, especially now that I am an adult, they think I shouldn’t need it.
I got my first job when I was 17. I was hired as a Crew Member at McDonalds. I worked from 11 am to 4 pm most days, the only day I always had off was Sunday.
I loved my job, I got along well with my co workers mostly, and the customers were generally not that bad. I was very new to the world since I had been home schooled most of my life, so I generally had a positive opinion of everything, even when I dealt with a rude or mean customer, I shrugged it off and thought, ‘oh well’
When winter came around I switched my hours to full time because I wasn’t willing to walk in the cold.I worked 6 am to 2 pm. I slowly became more and more exhausted, less willing to do things. Before I knew it winter was over, but I liked my paycheck, so I kept the hours.
The job and the people slowly began to weigh me down, I was always exhausted, and I didn’t want to do anything.
Finally, in March of 2016, my grandmother passed away while I was at work. I have never experienced a worse feeling than when my brother, who was working there as well at the time, came up to me and told me that my grandmother was gone.
My grandma was my rock, she was my happy place, when I went to her house, all was well with the world, I was allowed to be a child, I goofed off and had fun. It was grandma’s house, but it was home.
When she passed, that was when my world came crashing down. Anxiety and depression set it, something I had never dealt with before. I was always a cheerful kid, while my brother and cousins had a song that my grandma would sing to them, I had my own special song, You Are My Sunshine, because I was always happy.
After I lost her, that song was a bitter reminder of what I wasn’t anymore.
I finally ended up leaving the job on good terms after a panic attack. My GM had anxiety issues as well so she was very kind and understanding.
I began looking for a job after a few months, and it was a struggle to find one, no one was hiring, but I couldn’t go back to McDonalds. It was just too much stress, I needed to ease into something, not go back to what caused a lot of problems in the first place.
Finally, I came to a book bindary that had employed my older brother over the summer for the past three years as summer help for college kids.
I wasn’t in college, but I was hired on full time as a processor. Ya know the stickers, bar codes and such you see on library books? That’s what I did. Seems easy right? It was, for the most part.
The problem was speed. We had a quota, and for me, someone who needs to take her time otherwise I’ll screw up everything, that was problematic.
Is was here though, that I found friends. Good friends. I had my first ever girls night out with a couple of the women from this job.
This was the start of Supernatural for me.
I saw one of my coworkers wearing a shirt with the words Carry On My Wayward Son, and a sillhouette of Sam and Dean. I didn’t know about Kansas, but I had heard the song before, so I asked if that was the band.
Then, low and behold, the community gathered around! Okay, so it was only three people at the time. But it still counts!
They said it was a shirt for this show called Supernatural. I’ve always been interested in creepy sorts of stuff, so I asked what it was about.
After it was explained to me, I decided it sounded interesting. I was curious, and wanted to know more. 
I had been in the middle of watching Prison Break, and decided when I was finished with that, Supernatural was next on my list, because I was needing something to watch anyway.
A couple weeks later, I was fired. Unfairly by my opinion, and the opinion of all of my co workers.
They all found it unfair, my co worker Teresa, she trained me, she had told me for a fact that I was not the slowest person there, and the problem was, I was fired because they said I was just too slow.
I had been happy while at this job. But when I was fired, the depression set back in, I was sad, and discouraged.
Then I remembered Supernatural. I decided, I had plenty of free time, let’s check it out!!
I looked up a trailer for the first season, and... I loved it. I don’t remember my original thoughts or feelings exactly, I just thought it looked interesting. So I said Yes to the dress!
I found the first episode, and watched it, and before I knew it the seasons were flying by.
I’m a lot like Sam, but I’m more of a Dean girl, because there is nothing I love more than a big brother. Dean’s entire personality made me wanna cling to him.
I cried, I laughed, I got angry, I got happy. The show was my solace in a way, it made me happy, it made me forget the crap that was happening.
I had already been on a writing site, and as I was finishing the first season, I decided I wanted to roleplay. I created a character, that I, to this day, am very proud of. Her name was Hali.
Through this character I got out all my feelings, all my bad negative thoughts and emotions. I worked them through her, I became Hali when I was alone, I turned myself into her and used her to work my way through my struggles, through my hurt.
My first encounter with a member of the supernatural family was @blue-heaven-winchestergirl83. I roleplayed with her where my character was Hali, and hers was a nephilim named Kass, who was easily incredible.
I rped through the rest of my time watching, right up until the season 13 premiere, and I loved it. Carmine was and is my friend. She guided me through the beginning of my love of Supernatural.
There wasn’t too much love for the show there however. I wanted to read more! Especially, Dean smut. Cause I mean... come on, this guy.
Tumblr media
And so, I searched on google for some links to fanfiction, it always led me to tumblr when I was interested in 5sos or 1d fics, but I had never been interested in tumblr, it was just... confusing to me. I didn’t understand it, and I am not fond of new things.
Finally, I read through all of @theinsandoutsofcastiel masterlist. OH MY GOD I loved it all, so I finally decided to start using it.
I had already created a tumblr previously, but hardly used it because I wasn’t much into what I had created it for.
I logged on, and we were in business.
I wrote a fic, that was honestly so many kinds of bad that I am probably going to end up taking it down and rewriting it. But with that, spawned something.
The first memorable encounter I had was with @impala-dreamer, I started following her cause I liked that she said Castiel was her patronous, I thought she was funny. Then I got through her masterlist and I decided she was also pretty damn cool.
I loved her and her work, so, one day I sent an ask, wondering if she would review one of my fics, and she did, and it gave me hope.
She helped me through a lot of things, she was patient with me, and kind to me. Even though I know I annoyed the crap out of her, because I annoy the crap out of myself.
With Beka, I learned a lot about tumblr, I became more comfortable with it. I joined a couple challenges, and that got me more likes and followers. She reblogged my fic, I believe it was about removing plastic from a turkey. 
I made a post, telling her about how grateful I was to her. And from that, came Amanda.
I don’t even remember how @amanda-teaches and I fully began talking, unsure which of us started it, but it doesn’t matter, cause Amanda, she’s my people. She is a constant ray of sunshine and I love her with all my tiny little heart.
She beta’s my fics, she helps me through them, she lets me rant at her about ideas, and she’s just so incredibly patient with me. She is still, and hopefully always will be, one of my closest friends.
@queen-of-deans-booty is another one I don’t fully remember meeting, I remember loving her so much, she was so sweet and I just loved her writing. I left her an anon ask, I was getting down on myself, and she was kind and patient with me, she told me it was safe to come off anon, and then, she allowed me to put her on my Dream Team, or forevers list.
She reblogged and commented on the first chapter of my series You’re Not Alone. I still read that on bad days, to remind me that I can still do good.
With that, came a flood of love. It spiked me to more followers, more likes, more reblogs. I was more noticed.
I don’t remember how I came to know @katymacsupernatural, but I will never deny it was one of the best things ever. Undeniable Heat was what I found of hers. I loved it, with all my heart, it was incredible and I immediately wanted in. Her story inspired me to write my imaginary world where Jensen and Jared are my honorary brothers, where Dani and Gen are my best friends, and where Misha is just a constant goof of a great friend.
I love writing it, even though Im not comfortable sharing it yet. Her inspiration to write it aided me a lot, she was so incredible, and then one night, she opened her inbox, and I pulled a full frontal attack.
I bombarded her with stupid little poems, goofy things and just me being a dork. I told her I was kidnapping the Winchesters, and for the next few weeks that was just our thing. It made me so happy. She was the first person I was comfortable not doing anon with, because she played along, and made me happy.
And thus struck up that friendship, which, wow... has done more for me than I can say. She and Amanda are what I call my butter pumpkins. And let me tell you, that it the highest honor.
Katy, you are constant and wonderful.
Since then, I have gained more than 200 followers, at this moment I have 243.
I was lucky enough to meet @becs-bunker, @sillesworldofwriting in a way through my fic called Just A Touch, which was a fic I wasn’t even proud of. I got such a roar of feedback from that fic, and it was at a time where I needed it most.
After that I met @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, and I love her to pieces because I see her and I see a strong, and brave person. She reminded me that you don’t have to take crap. She showed me how to stand up for someone, and for myself.
I don’t think I can say enough about the people who have helped me on this site. But to all of you who I have tagged, and will tag.
I’m sorry if I don’t have much to say about you, but you all mean more to me than I can say. Thank you for sharing the love, thank you for being there.
Thank you for helping me feel like family.
The #spnfamily, it’s one of the best things that’s happened to me. Through all the hate I have recieved today, I laugh at it, because I know I have all of you. So thank you.
@manawhaat @polina-93 @cassieraider @dizwinchester @babypieandwhiskey @nightlyinsomnious @cass-trash @ladywinchester1967
And anyone else I may have forgotten. I love you, your support is keeping me going everyday.
You will never know, how much it means.
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petite-neko · 7 years
For the fanfictions thing: 6, 9, 10, 20, 31, 41 and 50 please (yes I'm curious 😇)
Just Bombarding me with questions, aren’t ya?
Fandom Questions
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.?
Dear god.... Um let’s start from the beginning? Naruto: kaka sasu//Saso dei. Ze//lda: Sh//ink DBZ: Truhan - but with Mirai and present Trunks. Danny Phantom: Let’s just go with Vlad/Fenton parents, shall we? And of course for One Piece: Lawlu
9. What are the best things about your current fandom?
I COULD GO ON FOREVER ABOUT IT BUT I’LL STICK WITH THIS: It’s what a fandom SHOULD be. I don’t see too many wars. People don’t persecute another for liking a certain ship(s) or character(s). Or the way they write the character(s) or ship(s). That people don’t try and force their ideas or headcanons onto others or try and say their ideas are more canon than another. There isn’t all this comparison to see who is better. It’s just ‘you enjoy what you enjoy. If I like some of it sure, sweet stuff! If I don’t, no biggie, you continue enjoying it!’
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Bahaha. Yeah. A number of them. I tend to delve into the Tales of series (If I’ve completed the game) And sometimes older fandoms I’ve always enjoyed. (Ranma 1/2 // Inuyasha... Also enjoy Kyo Kara Maoh!) Most of the time as long as I won’t get spoiled forthe series and the concept interests me, I’ll read it, as long as I’m familiar with it :D
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
Lawlu, honestly. Like, yeah I have my casual ships (Zolu, Zosan, Nami/Vivi) but they are more ‘sure, why not, it’s nice’ and the other ships that are ‘eh, okay, sure.’ that I can see happening. (Practically, most of the ships that don’t fall under my ‘notp’ section -- which is really just ‘stuff I don’t/won’t ship’ as opposed to an actual ‘notp’)
Mostly because I never really saw myself shipping Luffy with anybody. Like, sure, Zolu to me was ‘okay then, sure, I can see it. Interesting concepts. Artwork’s nice. No smut plz.’ but I’d never thought I’d actually SHIP somebody with Luffy. Like ever. Where I’d wanna write a bajillion ideas, or read more and more stuff. Or rant about ideas with friends and see all these pretty artworks and just get IMMERSED into it so wholly.
Author Questions
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I’m going to put a disclaimer on this: There’s probably nicer things, but due to ‘recent’ (Within the last year) occurrences this takes the cake.
People telling me how in character I am when I write. Due to old stuff that was a mixture of drama, wars, and RL issues, I really doubted how accurate I wrote my characters. I’m more or less over it, but when I started writing for this fandom, when I was told how good my writing is, and how in character the characters seemed? It just... lifted a weight off of my shoulders. It was like somebody shone the light on me and pulled me out? Because I just... I enjoy writing so much and to have it almost ripped away from me like that was hard. And to know that people enjoy my writing. That they want me to continue and that I do get the characterisations right was what got me going again. And honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to ever forget that. Eventually, I probably would have gotten here by myself - I like writing too much - but that help was just something else.
So thank all of you guys :3 If it weren’t for your comments and likes and just everything, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:
Oh dear me.
I am really enjoying Black Gold right now
And there’s always The Greatest Adventure (So amazing. And yes, I know I’ve linked it at least 5 times already but)
How to Snare a Life is also pretty good - one of the few AUs I actually read :D
And the other AU I read: Wrong Number
Annnnd while I’m not CURRENTLY reading it, this is the first thing I’m going to finish once I get back into the fandom: Congruent It’s an amazing Sh//ink fic.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
Okay folks. Get out the popcorn. Let’s see a black and white film about me getting into the fandom world. (Really though, it started like 13-14 years ago.)
I’m going to start out with a few years before I even got into being a fanboy: What got me into writing.
Tldr; version of it is, back in grade 5/6 I had some close online friends, and they convinced me to start writing poetry. I used it as an outlet for emotions and stuff. I was an angsty teenager. I was apparently ‘really good’ at it and so I continued. (PS: Also got published in grade 9 for a poem I wrote in grade 6 SNORTS)
Anyway, ended up losing contact with those friends over the years // broke up the friendship with one of them and eventually I just stopped writing poetry. Mostly because I didn’t have anybody to really show it to.
Now, I’m still just enjoying shows on TV, and gradually getting into watching anime online because of my older brother. It wasn’t until the end of grade nine that I became involved (reading/writing/drawing/etc.) in what is known as ‘the fandom’
Now I had a friend, and he was a big old nerd. Nerdier than I. The one who declined to hang out with friends because I wanted to game. We got along great, but soon, I fell. And I never got back up. Because, you see, he introduced me to all these ‘weird’ and ‘strange’ fandom things. At first, there wasn’t fandom things. At first we started making our own characters in their own world and oh look. Roleplaying.
But then these things called ships. and what’s that? Yaoi and Yuri? and What? People ship Naruto and Sasuke together? wth? And then, one day, I had decided to just (not a smart move at all, I must say) google search (Or Deviant Art search, I can’t remember) ‘Naruto Yaoi’ for shits and giggles, before I stumbled upon my First ship. And there was just no going back from there. Soon I began to look up everything on that ship: Drawing, and what’s this? People write stories about this? Holy shit. I need to check this out! Before one day, I decided to take my newfound writing skills of roleplaying my OCs into: Writing fanfiction.
Many different ships and fandoms later: Here I am. And yes, I still ship my first ship.
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