#do you have notebooks in college?/j
riotcat103 · 4 months
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since I finally graduated(senior high or high school) heres a little gift for myself lol
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queenmea604 · 1 year
[ Teaser ] You're So Dumb | Minsung x F!reader
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Minho and Jisung been a couple for a years when suddenly you transfer to both of their college, Your innocent captive both of the male hearts for the first time but you so dumb to realize that when they both be your friends only to win your heart
After someone you love passes away, Jisung and Minho helplessly stare at you as you cry on. They are at a loss for how to get you to stop.
" It's ok, Everything will be fine " Minho rubs your shoulder to make you calm down.
" What should i do now? " You sniffled on Minho arms with a red face.
Your body was welcomed by Minho and Jisung, who also helped you to let all the emotions in your heart out.
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
You looks at the present you get when you open your locker to get your notebook for next class, You been getting a present from anonymous person past few months ago and you really don't have any clue about the person behind all of this.
" Hey Y/n " Minho tapped your shoulder softly.
" Minho " You give him a bright smile on your face.
" Another present? " Jisung questioned you from Minho behind.
You nodded at him while open the present and see your favorite chocolate, You pout after saw the chocolate because you think that you just want to throw it away but after saw it's your favorite chocholate, You don't have a hearts to throw it away.
" You should eat it, It's one of your favorite chocolate " Both Minho and Jisung told you simultaneously.
You didn't notice the grin at both of the male face after convince you to eat the chocolate.
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This one is for special 300 follower for me so i will make this fics soon, Like i always told you if you want yo be tagged please make sure you put your age on your blog and make sure to check your visiblity. MDI!! & blank blog will getting blocked by me.
Taglist ( open ) : @lyramundana @2chopsticks2eyes @anglerfishiey @chaotic-world-of-the-j @tinys0ftie @noellllslut @hanjingin @feybin @shycreationdreamland @jisunglyricist
( let me know if you wanna be tagged )
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nancyqueerer · 5 months
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About myself
~Just call me Saturn
~infp yep I test multiple times I'm infp, mostly I can't change my answers.
Zodiac sign is scorpio
~I'm filo. English is not my first language but it's a secondary. There's too many errors in my words
~cis female androgynous closeted lesbian
~college student (I'm in field of culinary but I want to be in multimedia work behind the scene I have a dream my works will adopt into movies or series)
~fav color blue and gray
~I love fluffy things😊
~My favorite food uhmm mostly soup with noodles,
~My quotes if I am fictional character: I can't live without fries, I need to sleep, it sucks to have migraines, I feel my head squeezing.
~Sensitive with sounds(I avoid to listen now in songs but I can't help because I really love music)
~My head hurts when irritated
~I have trust issues like I don't share personal stuff unless you are harmless creature
What do I do in my free time
~Writing some stuffs I start writing since I was 6 like dairies in my pocket notebook. I love writing it's not just a hobby but I always come back writing, I really can't avoid writing some stuffs, I like to imagine different scenario and there's a lot going inside my brain. I like to write mostly angst.
I discover lately that I love editing!
~listening to music different type of genres.
~drawing a lot anime characters and also I love sketching eyes I start to draw when i was 7.
~Non stop thinking 24/7, I'm a overthinker person and I hate it of course I can't sleep at night.
~I usually watch more k-drama than umm english movies or series but I'm finding out some shows
~Before I'm a kpop stan I never leave the fandom but umm I'm not that active anymore
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My outfit style and taste in music
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~Probably my outfit style and hair is close to seulgi! Huhu she's literally my bias too
~I like grunge style but I'm more into softer.
Like this style is more uhhh grunge 2000s long gray longsleeve then t-shirt or just hoodie then baggy pants
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Also this I dress like this too
~the picture above is not mine but I have similar outfit just different color.
~Also I wear my favorite denim jacket.
~Sometimes I wear plaids, and shirts with courdoy pants but I wear mostly gray and black shirt.
Do i wear uh skirt and dress, the answer is yes but I'm not comfortable not because of the outfit but I have different reason.
My playlist contains: Indie, alternative rock, rnb, kpop + k-drama ost, j-pop and anime songs, Thai songs, opm, vaporwave, 80s, classical(it helps me to sleep), pop, ballad, I like taylor swift a lot yep I'm Lover, 1989 and Reputation core.
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My personality
Uh it depends, I never really share my info in social media, unless I'm anonymous. I'm a private person in real life:D
I'm super awkward engaging in conversation, I prepare to be alone more.
Why I'm on tumblr? Just trying new things.
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at-thestillpoint · 1 year
weird questions for writers: 22, 32, 38
[ask me weird questions for writers!]
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
I use Google Drive to write and organize myself. I have a nested folder system broken down by ship, then story universe, then individual fic (if needed). Each fic doc is titled with the pairing, a number, and the title of the fic. The number is honestly for aesthetic purposes—it corresponds to the order in which I had the idea, though 000 is always the headcanons, blotter, and darlings catchall for that ship or fic. I write each fic in a single doc, and use headings so I can quickly jump from chapter to chapter. When I’m in editing or finalization mode, I’ll even use subheadings to tag the areas I’m still not happy with so I can easily navigate from place to place via the Google Doc outline sidebar. I also have a spreadsheet to track all my WIPs, ideas, and completed fics.
So, yeah…I’m quite an organization freak for my writing, but I have to be because I write out of order, and things would otherwise get lost.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
I’ll give you lines from a poem and a novel, because I couldn’t pick!
“There are years that ask questions, and years that answer them.” (Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God)
I read Their Eyes Were Watching God in high school, but didn’t realize how much this line had stuck with me until I’d graduated college, and faced some tough, uncertain years in my early 20s. I used it then as a reminder that answers would come—things would get more clear, or better, or whatever it was I was looking for. I still come back to it as a reminder that the moments I’ve felt most aimless, most lost, most overwhelmed, those are the moments I look back on with the benefit of time and now realize the impact they had on my life.
“Life is short and the world / is at least half terrible [...] / though I keep this from my children. I am trying / to sell them the world” and “You could make this place beautiful.” (Maggie Smith, Good Bones)
I get goosebumps just thinking about it, in particular, I got actual chills when I read this the first time. There is something devastating and poignant in how this poem summarizes the despair and the hope I feel about the world every day. 
Honorable mentions go to the entire timshel passage from East of Eden and “and time yet for a hundred indecisions” from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
38. What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I feel like my entire writing process is Really Weird, but the weirdest thing I think I do is act out dialogue in the shower. I struggle with the beat of a conversation when I’m just typing, and find characters’ spoken voices come more naturally when I say them out loud, so I will have the conversations with myself, as the characters, over and over again, and just hope that I don’t forget the words while I blowdry my hair.
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Could you do a fluffy cute mutual pining one-shot of Corpse in a College AU? Maybe with some love triangle drama 👀?
Didn't do the love triangle v well, couldn't figure out how to make it short but also fluff w that but I tried oof. Also, I tried to make it as non-descript of a reader as possible but I might've missed things agh
ps yes he's named Jack again its a good name for him lol
-Ghostiewvlf (& J The Ghost)
死 Requests Masterpost 死 Request Topics 死 Submit A Request 死
➢ Author: Ghostiewvlf & J The Ghost ➢ Pairings: Corpse X reader, Corpse X y/n ➢ WC: ~4k ➢ Themes: Fluff | One-shot | Mutual Pining | Love Triangle? | College AU, Y/N ➢ Warnings: drinking, smoking ➢ Summary: You and Corpse are in a class together in college. Mutual Pining ensues.
Request: The Final Project
“Before I let you go, remember your final projects will be due at the end of next week! That means both your videos, and critique papers!” The professor announced as he started to gather up his things. A collective groan could be heard throughout the room of students as they put away their notebooks and headed out. 
You sighed and threw your bag over your shoulder, now regretting all the times you had put off this project to hangout with friends or study for other courses. College had certainly let out a different side of you than expected. Sure your grades were- alright- but in highschool you used to do so much better. Now you could barely manage to show up to class, let alone do well. 
“Not feeling great about the final I see…” your classmate, Jack’s low voice murmured beside you, “...can’t say I’m too confident either-”
“What do you mean? You’ve done great in this class all semester…” You tried to sound encouraging, though your own insecurities bled through as you stood and waited as he moved to follow you out. 
You’d sparked a friendship with Jack early in the semester, and not just because he was amazing with video editing and knew the in’s and out’s of each software, though you loved to convince yourself that was the only reason. If you were honest with yourself- it was more than platonic to you. He was far too funny, and kind- always helping you out and making you laugh on the rougher days. He definitely was your type too, dark curly hair, piercings, all black aesthetic- but his deep, velvety voice was what really had your mind swirling in that pining, pink fog. You were down bad. 
“I’m alright with the editing- but this critique essay is gonna kill me… I flunked my English courses and still haven't retaken them.” He chuckled humorlessly.
“Well, I can help you with the paper if you want?” You offered as you both made your way out of the room.
“Seriously? Yeah, I’d love some help.” He gave you a surprised glance. 
“Yeah, I can help with your paper…” 
“...and I’ll help you edit?” He chuckled knowingly. You smiled sheepishly and nodded. 
“Do you wanna head to the library then? Or do you have a class after this?”
“Actually… I was thinking of heading to the bar to grab some food…” he checked his phone anxiously before looking back at you, “would you want to come with? Been a minute since you joined me…” He chuckled wryly, turning to face you, walking backwards in the direction of the bar.
“Yeah cause you drink me under the table every time!” You joked, trying to push away the memories of how flirty things had gotten between the two of you previous times. 
“Excuses, excuses…” He clicked his tongue. “So that's a no?” You sighed and rolled your eyes- ultimately giving in and going with him. 
“So how’s all your other classes going?” He chuckled after undoing several mistakes you’d made in the editing software. 
“Mm, not as bad- but not great.” You lamented into your beer. You were both a few deep now as the bar started to fill up with noisy people getting off work and going out to drink. 
“Felt that-” He chuckled. “Well, are you cool with picking up on this later? It’s getting pretty loud in here.”
“Yeah, we got most of it done anyway… here- I made some changes on your essay but honestly it’s pretty good as is.” You slid his computers back across the table to him.
“You’re just saying that…” He chuckles, a soft smile shrouded in embarrassment curling up on his lips. 
“You two alright?” The bartender asked as he walked up to the hightop you were at. 
“Um, can we get two shots of Old Forester?” Jack asked before you could shrug off the request. 
“Jack…” You lightly reprimanded before he teasingly covered your mouth, as if just him touching you wasn't enough to shut you up right then and there. The bartender nodded and retreated back to the bar to make the shots. Jack removed his hand from your face while shooting you a cocky smirk. “Well there goes studying tonight…” You rolled your eyes and scoffed. 
“Cmon, loosen up- it’s finals week.” He laughed. 
“Exactly, I should be studying…” 
“Y/n, you’ve been working your ass off… you’re always pulling out your work for other classes and doing it. Plus you were sick for a bit a few weeks ago, and I’m betting you didn’t rest considering you still have that cough. Give yourself a break…” He eyed you, raising a brow. 
“You notice all that?” You scoffed in slight disbelief, taking a sip of your beer to hide your face a bit while he called you out. 
“Course I do… I don’t talk to anyone else in this class…” He chuckled awkwardly as he finished his drink just in time for the shots being set on their table. You tried not to read into the admittance too much, despite his sheepishness. “Plus who else is gonna come to the bar and drink away their misery with me?” He laughed again. 
“There it is…” you laughed, “...you just need an alibi for not ‘drinking alone’.” 
“Don’t we all?” He cooed jokingly, picking up his shot and nudging yours closer to you with his knuckles. 
“Cheers to that I suppose…” You clinked your glass to his and downed the fiery whiskey, grimacing as it burned its way down your throat. He seemed unphased as he downed it, setting it down and chuckling at your scrunched face. 
“Ugh, god that’s hell…” You shivered as the liquor settled in. 
“Wanna go out for a smoke?” You nodded, his voice seeming to soothe you through the burn as you followed him outside to the alley behind the bar not too far away. 
He leaned against the old brick wall of the building and pulled out a pack pulling one out before offering one to you. You accepted and leaned against the wall beside him, shivering slightly in the winter breeze. Fall semester was always your favorite but once the snow came (and finals) it quickly became your least favorite. He pulled out his zippo, lighting it and holding it in front of your cigarette. You leaned forward and lit it, nodding a quick ‘thank you’ before taking a drag. Your head swirled more now from the nicotine as you watched his hands while he lit his own. 
“So what's your end goal with school?” He slurred slightly as smoke trailed from his nose and lips. 
“What do you mean?”
“Like, once you get your degree, what's the plan or whatever?”
“Um, I don’t know- I was kind of thinking I would try and get into gaming. Like drawing up the concepts and animating and stuff…” You flicked your cigarette and crossed your arms, staring at the embers of ash on the ground. 
“Thats- actually super fucking cool…” His voice faltered as he spoke a bit too loud, as if drunkenly surprised by your answer. You saw him turn more toward you in your peripherals. “Most people just wanna do freelance stuff or get super famous with art degrees.” 
“I don’t know- that's probably the easier route- my coding classes are gonna be the end of me…” You chuckled softly.
“It’ll be worth it though. I mean- that industry is only getting bigger, and I’ve seen your sketches… you’re definitely cut out for it.” He took another drag. 
“Thanks…” You smiled softly up at him- not really believing his words with the way your grades were plummeting. “What about you?” 
“Ah, I don’t know… to be honest, I hate school… It's taken me a long time to get caught back up. I don’t really need it right now, but if uh- if my job ever falls through it would be nice to have something to fall back on.” He stuttered nervously. 
“I get that… I hate school too.” You shivered again. “You’re majoring in music right? Do you wanna get into that?” 
“Um, I am already trying to get into it… I um- I’m trying to get into a lot of different fields I guess, but I’ve always made music.” He explained softly while pulling off his jacket and handing it to you. 
“Oh… thank you…” You felt your cheeks heat as you accepted it, pulling it on and doing anything you could to distract yourself from the musky, cinnamon cologne wafting off it. 
“Course…” He smiled, lingering close to you still. “I don’t know though- I don’t even know if I’ll stick with this major… I just like learning the instruments.” He chuckled. 
“You still haven't shown me any of your music…” You teased lightly, remembering all the times you’d asked to hear it only to get a sheepish ‘maybe’ from him in response.
“I know, I know…-” His face flushing while his phone buzzed loudly from his pocket, interrupting him. He pulled it out and checked it, furrowing his brows and sighing as he seemed to decline the call and send a text. “Fuck… I think I have to get going-” He trailed off as he put his phone away and quickly finished off the cigarette, tossing it into the trash after putting it out. “I’m sorry y/n… I hate to run off like this…”
“No, no that’s okay- I should get to studying anyway…” You assured with a smile.
“You okay to get home? I can walk you back if you need…” He asked with an anxious expression. 
“No, I’m alright… It’s just across the street.” You laughed lightly as you mentally forced yourself to shrug off the jacket he’d lent. 
“Keep the jacket, it's cold out.” He chuckled. 
“You sure?” 
“Course… you can give it back next class.” He shrugged as he started to open the back door into the bar. 
“Oh- okay… well have a good night…” You managed to squeak out. 
“You too, get home safe!” He smiled and headed back in. 
When you got back into the bar to pay your tab you were surprised to find out he’d already taken care of it. You sent him a quick ‘thank you’ text for getting the tab before sighing, gathering your things and heading back to your apartment, his stupid cinnamon cologne warming your mind as you walked. 
The next week you headed into class, grateful that your first few finals hadn’t fried your brain enough to forget his jacket. You sat at your usual spot, but as the class started, Jack still hadn’t shown. 
Gonna be late? You quickly texted him before the lesson started.
Jack: No, sorry I had something come up. I won’t be there today. 
“Shit…” You muttered quietly before responding, now anxious about how either of you would finish your projects. Everything okay?
Jack: Eh… will be soon ig… lol 
I’m sorry 😥 Anything I can do?
Jack: Write this stupid fuckin’ essay for me lmao… Nah jk, just have to get some things done today. You caught yourself as you smiled down at your phone and immediately wiped it from your face with a groan. 
Honestly… I’d finish your essay if you finished my video lol
Jack: Deadass? I’m down… that would save me rn
Jack: Deal. : ) 
You laughed and put your phone down, refocusing on the lesson for the day. 
When the class finished up you sent over the notes to his email before texting him again as you made your way back home.
Sent you over the notes from today- not that you need em lol but send me your critique and I can send you my video when I’m home. 
Jack: ty ty I owe you one ; )
Your gut churned as you made your way to class. The final project was due today. You had quickly and easily finished Jack’s critique essay yesterday while the two of you texted off and on. He seemed to be better, but was whatever came up still affecting him? Had he had the time to finish your video? Had he been too busy and you should’ve just done it yourself? Had you asked too much? 
Your worries were quickly put to rest as you saw him at the table the two of you usually sat at. He flashed you a big smile and nodded, turning his laptop toward you as you sat down. 
“Look alright?” He beamed at you arrogantly, knowing he’d improved your video submission. 
“Oh my god! Yes, thank you so much ugh!” You hugged him as relief flooded through you. 
“I- uh, yeah…” he laughed, surprised by your sudden hug as he eventually hugged back. “It really wasn't a big deal- you helped me out way more with the essay…” You pulled back sheepishly.
“Sorry, I was just really stressed. And I didn’t do much- just edited grammar and spiced up some things but, like I said, it was really good without my help anyways…” You shrugged off. 
“Alright everyone, I know I’ve been hard on you all this semester- but since it’s the last day of finals I’ll be kind.” The professor spoke up, quieting everyone down. “So, that being said, once you turn in your assignments to the portal- or hand me your flash drives- that will be it for today and you’re welcome to head out, use the extra time to study for your last exams or be done with them early…” The class celebrated the generosity as many students gathered up their things after submitting or lined up to hand in the projects. 
“Wow, I guess we're done then…” You lamented somberly after submitting your project, realizing this was your last day in this class together. 
“Thank god…” He laughed, submitting his final and putting his laptop away. “How’d your other finals go?” Something about his demeanor seemed different- though you supposed it could be that he was just done with finals week.
“I think alright, I don’t wanna get my hopes up though- coding is the biggest what if right now I think. You?” You tossed your bag on your shoulder, silently hoping he would want to hangout still. You didn’t want this to just be a friendship that died off after the class ended.
“Yeah, I bet you did great though. I think I just did okay on all mine- well except for this class of course… you probably helped me snag an A on this final.” He chuckled as you both made your way out of the building. 
“Whatever, like you didn’t do the same for me…” You laughed as you followed him out. “Hey so, if you don’t wanna talk about it that’s fine, but everything okay? I know you said something came up the other day…” You softly questioned, unsure of if he wanted to share. You weren't quite ready to ask him to hangout just yet- still needed a few more minutes for the courage to build up. He sighed and pulled out his pack of cigarettes and lighter.
“Oh… um yeah- everything’s fine. I um- I had to leave cause my girlfriend and I had gotten into an argument that day and she was upset I wasn’t home yet…  I’m sorry about that…” He admitted softly.
“A- oh… your girlfriend. I didn’t know you were in a relationship…” You felt your gut tighten. Of course he is- why wouldn't he be when he’s… him. It was stupid to get your hopes up, same with your grades, if you wanted a different outcome you should’ve done something about it much earlier in the semester. You should’ve asked… especially before flirting with him- consciously or not.
“Yeah, um- ex-girlfriend actually… I ended things.” He paused, lighting the cigarette between his lips and handing it to you. You hesitantly accepted, trying to assess what he was saying. “She was upset cause she could tell I really um- I wasn’t in it anymore, I kind of lost feelings. Shitty but- couldn’t really do anything about it.” He moved to sit on a bench nearby and shrugged, pulling out another cigarette and lighting it before taking a long drag. 
“Oh… well I’m sorry to hear that…” You weren't sure what to say.
“It’s fine y/n, I’m alright.” He laughed at your somber expression. “Honestly it was a long time coming, we were just dragging it out.”
 “Okay.” You chuckled awkwardly. “Um well, do you wanna go to the bar and drink it away?” 
“Um, actually I had other plans.”
“Oh… okay- sorry.” You sheepishly apologized. 
“No… y/n..” He chuckled at your embarrassment. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over? I could show you some of my songs if you still wanted to hear them…” He gave you a questioning glance.
“I- um… yeah… sure. You sure you’re up for that though?” Your mind was reeling. He’d never invited you over before- though him being in a relationship could explain that, especially if they were already on the outs. 
“Yes. I promise I’m fine.” He chuckled again. “Really we weren't super serious or anything. We were together for a month.” He rolled his eyes and smiled up at you. “C’mon you’ve been nagging me to show you since we started talking…” 
“Okay…” You warily accepted, no idea of where the day would lead. 
“You want another drink?” He questioned, sensing your stiffness as you played a video game on the couch. You nodded quickly with a short laugh, your mind unable to assess the situation- or even work properly with him so close beside you. He chuckled softly. “Same.” He stood and went to the kitchen to start mixing up the drinks. You paused the game and trailed after him, leaning against the counter and watching him mix. “You can relax, you know?” He chuckled, catching you zoning out on the movement of the shaker in his… hands. “Sorry, you just never invited me over before- it's weird…” You joked as you sat on the barstool.
“Yeah, sorry about that. Didn’t um- think that would be okay with everything going on with my ex…” He chuckled sheepishly handing you your drink before mixing up his own. 
“No I mean, I guess that makes sense…” You laughed lightly, wondering what exactly he’d meant. He set his finished drink beside you before he went off to another room, returning with a much nicer laptop than what you’d seen him use in class. He sat beside you and handed the computer to you, the screen filled with different track listings. 
“Here. Before I change my mind.” He let out a strained, anxious breath. “Just- don’t make fun…” He took a big, long sip of his drink to hide his face, though not before you caught the flush in his cheeks.
“Wow, where's the cocky, arrogant, I’m good at everything I do on a computer Jack that I know?” You teased with a laugh. 
“Shut the fuck up…” He laughed, wheezing lightly. You bit the inside of your lip to stop the stupid smile he caused and turned back to the screen, clicking play on one at random. A soft lofi melody played out from the speaker before the deep voiced lyrics enveloped the kitchen.“ I miss the sound of your voice and I miss the days…”
You were too impressed and surprised to even say anything, so you continued to let it shuffle through some songs- some much harder than the first, others in the middle. Eventually he clicked the spacebar and paused it. 
“You uh- you hate it huh…” His voice was soft and anxious. 
“Oh my god Jack no! I just- I don’t know what to say these are so good… you’re so fucking talented…” You turned to him, your face aching from the surprised expression each new song brought. 
“I-... really? You like em?” He seemed stunned. 
“Dude, yes! I love them… you need to release them- seriously!”
“I um, I’ve been thinking about it…” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Do it. I’m serious… they're amazing.” You urged again before taking another sip of your drink. 
“Thank you y/n.” The flush returned to his face. You giggled and smiled back, your heart warming at how much your opinion seemed to matter to him. 
“Thank you for finally showing me…” You teased. 
“Shut up.” He laughed, shaking his head as the two of you made your way back to the couch. 
After a bit more gaming, you both were far too tipsy to keep up with the pace anymore and opted for a movie. You were about halfway through before he got up and poured himself a shot. 
“Me too please!” You called out to him. He smiled and poured two shots, downing his own and refilling it before coming back and handing yours to you. You both downed the shots a bit too easily before settling back into the movie. 
“Y/n?” His low voice reverberated through the couch softly, making your head spin even more. 
“Hm?” You gave him a questioning glance. 
“Um, this is uh- really weird but… do you see us as friends?” He asked sheepishly, avoiding eye contact with you as he did. 
“Um, yeah of course…” You scoffed uncomfortably. 
“Just friends?”
“...Why?” Your brain went into overdrive. Had you done something weird? Said something? You weren't that drunk to have not remembered saying or doing something… surely he must've caught on though. Had you made him uncomfortable? His sigh broke your spiraling train of thought. 
“I uh- I don’t.” He met your eyes for a brief moment, the look in them seemingly pleading for a merciful rejection. “I don’t see us as just friends…” 
“Oh…” What. What? What?
“Yeah… I um. Fuck this sounds horrible but- I- I broke up with my ex because I uh- started catching feelings for you, I didn’t think that was fair to her so… yeah.” He fidgeted with the rings on his fingers, almost distracting you. “I mean, we can be- just friends- but I don’t know, I figured I’d uh tell you.” 
“Jack…” He met your gaze again, his expression full of anxiety and doubt. “I…” Before you could finish your thought your body was already moving. You weren't sure if it was the alcohol or the semester's worth of pining you’d done but there you were, pressing your lips to his as your heart raced. He turned more toward you, his hand reaching up to your face and pulling you closer. His lips tasted like the sweet bourbon he’d just drank, and his woodsy, cinnamon cologne fogged your head even more. When you finally parted neither of you pulled away fully, just exchanged wild and surprised looks. 
“Soo… not friends then…?” He chuckled breathlessly. 
“Shut up-” You giggled as you moved back in, kissing him again.
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Horace Desmoulins is adorable compilation
You who made vows for our union, who took our hands into yours, you who have smiled at my son and whom his infantile hands have carassed so many times, can you then reject my prayer, scorn my tears and trample justice under your feet?  Lucile in an unfinished letter to Robespierre, written somewhere between March 31 and April 4 1794.
You would be amused at hearing Horace talk about his arrival: he is to rush in and embrace you, frighten his aunt and Mère Laneau, run all over the whole house from cellar to garret; above all he is to make plenty of noise. He says all this with the greatest vivacity, and only quiets down when he remembers that he is far away from you. He’s no longer the same child; he said, with great calmness, “For all that, I cannot get accustomed to not seeing Maman. I cry every evening and morning.” Dear, too amiable child; at his simple and touching sorrow my own tears fall!... You have been informed of the way in which we passed the 30th. I had much pleasure in making the day of parting pleasant, and in spite of the grand people at the house of little Agathe's mama, where we dined, I managed to amuse the little people, the half of whom I took back to sleep with me. The evening passed quickly away; at ten o'clock they still wanted to go on with their little games. At last my carriage took us back, and at eleven o'clock our little friends were lying in their beds side by side in my room, where they slept well; at nine o'clock in the morning they went back to the college, where I took them, happy and contented, and they are quite well. They will write to you soon; my son, Horace’s secretary, is going to beg you to come and see him. In yeilding to their eagerness to have you, you will crown my desires.  Letter from madame Philippeaux to madame Duplessis, February 21 1801, telling her about a playdate between Horace and her son Auguste.
To Citoienne Duplessis, Paris, 10 Ventôse, year X (March 1 1802) Goodness triumphs and Horace is currently more often on his bed than in it. The coughing is diminishing all the time; he will be discharged tomorrow or the day after tomorrow; so you can rest easy. His guard has just given him some lint to occupy himself with in order to prevent him from bugging his neighbors whose stockings and shoes he was throwing in the air. So there’s no longer any danger. I now wish that la maman is doing as well as the child. Salut and respect. I pass the quill to my neighbor. Pierre J. Duplain
An hour after leaving you yesterday, citoyenne amie, I gave Horace his snake (couleuvre), which he saw again with tenderness, and they played together to fully reconnect. He is now only waiting for his two medicines, the first of which may arrive tomorrow. He told me that he was getting mieux en mieux, with the seriousness best suited to persuade me, and without forgetting, when repeating these words, to make the first x ring out capably before the following vowel. He really is adorable: I embraced him twenty times over for his lovable mien and we will all sketch him together (nous le crouqerons ensemble) more at ease in five or six days. We won't do it before then: that's what the supervising pharmacist told me. Goodbye; try to be as well soon as Horace is already. I just saw him again this morning with a marshmallow in the pocket; he is always getting better and better. A thousand hugs from his part as well as from mine.  PS — He's occupying himself with writing for you in a little notebook several drafts of letters that couldn't be funnier. Panis Letter to Annette Duplessis reporting that Horace is recovering well from some illness while at Prytanée français (former Louis-le-Grand), to which he gained a scholarship in December 1800.
I count on the pleasure of seeing you after tomorrow. You will have Victoire and her mother on Sunday, if the weather is fine, and even our Horace, in whose conduct there is much improvement. Be quiet on that part; I swear to you that there are many means with such a child. The slighest assumed coldness from my part, seemed to me to be unbearable for him. He quickly brought me his homework, trying to read in my eyes if he had lost my friendship for good, and telling me such things that I struggled with containing myself to giving him only a mediocre kiss , instead of my usual caresses. I'll tell you the rest on Saturday. Farewell; please take good care of yourself. Always be courageous in overcoming all your subjects of trouble. You can't better repay my strong attachment than by trying to perserve yourself. Let us always remember that Horace, who truly loves us, needs us. I embrace you a thousand times with all my heart, without forgetting Adèle.  Panis to Annette Duplessis June 17 1803
I knew this child, a young pupil of the institution of St. Barbe, directed by M. Lanneau, and I was his master. He was a very amiable and interesting child. I have never heard him spoken of since, and if he be still alive, it is evident that he has not made so much noise in the world as his father. Anonymous note on Horace written by one of his maîtres while at college
Nicknames: little Horace (Madame Philippeaux, Camille, his father and mother-in-law), little lizard (Camille), little wolf (Ricord), baby rabbit (Fréron), my little one, dear child (Lucile)
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memphisfaith · 2 years
Hearts of Lust: Chapter 10
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Pairing Kim Namjoon X Reader
Genre: Collage!AU, Smut
Word Count: 1.7K
Warning: Cursing, mentions of smut, smut, consumption of alcohol, mentions of violence, violence, crack personality disorders, Chaotic energy.
Summary: College is any young adult's prime years, at least that's what Lee (y/n) and Kim Namjoon thought. The two are infamous for two reasons, by two very different crowds. Among the professors they are picture perfect students with perfect scores, attendance, and image. However, among the student body they're the very essence of lust with amazing bodies, sex appeal, and skill. The two, although strikingly similar, butt heads quite a bit with competitions of everything from grades to who can get a person to drop their pants the fastest. With the two of them ready to conquer the school year it's all a matter of Go Big or Go Home.
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Looking down at my laptop I scroll through different pictures of marine wildlife, I sigh and glance down at my sketch book. It had a few ideas of What I wanted to do for the powerpoint, but I didn't know how I wanted to design the leaflet that RM and I would pass out for the presentation, and don't even get me started on what I should do for the 3-D model. 
I thumb through a few notes RM jotted down for me to go off of but it only helps so much. I glance over at said man to see him writing down things before scrolling down on his laptop every few minutes. 
Looking through different animals and jotting down the name with a vague sketch of it before looking for something new. Looking at the clock on my laptop I see the study hall has only just started. 
I drop my pencil before running a hand over my face in frustration. I stand from my seat and stretch before sitting back down. I scroll some more before RM hands me some paper, I scan it to see a list of animals. 
I look over at him to see him close his laptop and scoot closer to me. He pulls my laptop closer to him and opens a clean tab before closing my old one. "That list is a food web of the Epipelagic Zone more commonly known as the sunlight zone." He explains.
"So like...If J-Hope was a part of the ocean." I reference, an amused smirk grew on RM's face at my comment but he nodded anyway. "This section is where Coral reefs grow and have a more diverse population of creatures." He continues. "I was thinking we could do Raja Ampat, it's diversity in species is the richest in the world with 1700 different species of reef fish. It's even home to rare marine mammals." He lists.
"Do they have sharks?" I ask looking over his small list of animals, "Whale sharks and black tipped reef sharks." Namjoon answers. I hum with a small smile, "Noona, we should go to the aquarium that should help you get better references than internet pictures," Taehyung says as he pops up behind me and takes up residence on my shoulder. 
My eyes widen at the idea, "That would be a good idea," I comment over to RM. He didn't get a chance to say anything as the five other males ran over and piled on top of us screaming at him to agree. RM groans before finally agreeing, "I guess we could go this weekend. We could go tomorrow since it's Friday." He suggests. It didn't take much force for all of us to agree.
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I looked through my bag one last time making sure I had everything. I got my wallet, notebook, sketchbook, digital tablet and pen, and a few other small things like band-aids and lipgloss. I pull my hair up in a ponytail adding some last minute touch ups to my make-up while I wait for Yoongi to pick me up.
I hear a honk from outside signaling he's here. I walked outside, but I didn't see Yoongi but Namjoon waiting for me. As I get closer to the car I can see Jungkook and Taehyung sitting in the back. 
"Hi there boys," I smile at the two in the back, before looking over at Namjoon. "Jin divided us into groups of four, Since we need to work on a project we got stuck together. He then claimed that we need to take care of our children." He mutters, jabbing his thumb at the two in the back. 
The two whine at his comment, further proving his point, before sitting back with a pout. I roll my eyes, "Then what does that make the rest of them?" I scoff, Namjoon shrugged. "I didn't want to ask." He mutters, "Understandable," I muse turning my head to face the two in the back. 
I look at them for a minute, Why would Jin think they're our children. "Noona, you're scaring me," Tae spoke up, "Sorry Taetae." I muse before looking forward. "So did you have any ideas on how we should make our way around?' I question before digging out my notebook and pin. 
"Somewhat, I made a list of the animals that are from the reef that the aquarium takes care of. We can make our way around the best we can, but I promised Tae and kook an hour for lunch and break." He said and I nodded. "Makes sense we are in charge of them and we will have to drag them around for a while. It's only fair that we give them an hour to do what they want." I agree.
It took ten more minutes before we parked in the aquarium parking lot. When we made our way to the entrance we found Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin. "Look who decided to finally show up." Yoongi scoffs, I flipped him the finger and continued to make my way inside. We each paid for our tickets before we regrouped.
"Okay Jin and I, more like Jin, decided on groups." Namjoon spoke up, "The group you arrived with is the group you're staying with, anyone deemed a child of their respected group is to not wander too far from their group, Anyone deemed a parent or elder of their group is to watch over their respective group. Lunch hour will start at 12:00 and end at 1:00 while free hour will start at 1:00 and end at 2:00." Namjoon announced.
Jungkook raises his hand and Namjoon sighs, "Yes we will go to the gift shop before we leave." He answers, Jungkook's hand falls back down to his side as he flushes red. "Any questions?" Namjoon asks, with no more questions we break off into our groups. 
Namjoon and I looked at a map and to our luck the aquarium has an Indonesia section, which makes our job a lot easier. Jungkook and Taehyung bounced from tank to tank as we made our way to that section. Upon reaching it my eyes blew wide at all the colorful reef fish. I took out my digital pad and pen and began to sketch away.
I made a new folder with one section named Fish, thus far the section has five different pages of brightly colored fish. I made a new section and illustrated the different live coral that is said to grow in that environment.
Namjoon sat beside me as he wrote down different things from the information tablet provided in front of the large tanks. I would stop and glance around to see Taehyung and Jungkook jump from tank to tank. 
After Namjoon and I are satisfied with this subsection of the area we move on, Taehyung and Jungkook drag us down a large tube that goes through the middle of a large enclosure. My eyes widen as a whale shark swims by. I follow it up and down the tank sketching it as quickly but as detailed as I can. 
Once I finished I began a sketch of a black tipped reef shark. Luckily for me it didn't drag me up and down the tunnel like the whale shark did. When we finally moved on we crossed a large glass wall, I looked deep into it and gasped. A manatee, there were no seats so instead I sat on the floor sitting the tablet in my hand. 
I draw the lines slowly and smoothly unlike the sharks, I'm so into it I don't hear Namjoon take a seat beside me. I feel him hovering over my shoulder looking at the drawing, "Did you know when pirates and sailors would dock their ships in shallow water or sail through rivers, they would claim to have seen mermaids when in reality they just saw manatees." I whisper softly.
Namjoon shook his head, "Historians claim it's one of the origins of the mermaid myth." I add gently drawing the large tail. "When I was a kid my mom used to take me to this river and told me if I was quiet and waited long enough I would see a mermaid. But when I told kids in my class they would call me stupid because everyone knew mermaids live in the sea." I smile.
"Yoongi always came with me to the library to read about mermaids but, I'm sure he was just there to read about the pirates." I laugh quietly as I color in the manatee. "I guess that's one of the biggest reasons why I like the ocean," I hum, adding in the wrinkles of their skin with a darker gray.
When I look up from my tablet I find Taehyung and Jungkook had joined Namjoon and I on the floor. "Hey Noona I think you would make a pretty mermaid," Taehyung spoke up with a small smile. I huff but a smile that matches his slips onto my lips. I ruffle his hair before saving the picture and standing up.
My back pops from the strain of leaning over my tablet for so long. I stretch out before checking my watch, "It's almost 12:00, let's head over to the café for lunch." I sigh in bliss. Jungkook and Taehyung are quick to bounce to their feet and dash in the direction of the café. 
"AISH DON'T RUN TOO FAR WITHOUT US!" Namjoon yells after them as he gets onto his feet. I sigh and stuff my tablet under one arm before taking a hold of Namjoon with the other and dragging him along with me to catch up to the two boys. 
By the time we caught up to them they were in the main area deciding which Café they wanted to go to. "Okay," I huff out of breath, "Which one do you want to go to?" I ask. The two boys scan the different Cafes, but eventually they settle on one.
Upon entering the Café we became the center of attention, The two boys who were previously child-like and playful switched their switch and their inner succubus came out. Lustful gazes and sexy smirks in all. Not that they're the only ones, One quick glance at Namjoon and I could tell he's oozing his sexual dominance. I plant a small suggestive smirk on my lips and run a hand through my hair to make it a bit more messy and wild before I cross my arms to push up my breasts. 
As we wait in line I can see everyone scoping us out, Some look like they're going to make a move while others whisper amongst themselves about us in their corner. When it came time for us to order the cashier looked visibly flushed and baffled. 
I smile at them with a well practiced charmed smile. I lean onto the counter giving a few in the Café a good view of my ass while giving the cashier a good view of my breasts. I smirk as they visibly swallow the lump in their throat. 
"What-What can I...What can I get you?" They stutter, "breath darling, we don't bite." I smile calmly, "Not unless you want us to," Namjoon smirks. I shot Namjoon a challenging gaze and he returned it, fine game on. 
I bring my hand up to my lips and draw small subtle circles around my lips as I look up at the menu. When I figured out what I wanted I glanced at the cashier, smirking as I saw then gnawing on their lip harshly while they eye my finger and lips.
I slowly lean forward, careful not to knock them out of the trance I put them in. I hear them whine as I slowly pull their lip out from between their teeth, "Now darling if you're willing I'm ready to order." I spoke calmly in a smooth suggestive voice. 
The cashier nods their head rapidly, lip once again caught between their teeth. I lean forward and pull it out again, "Darling if you keep biting your lip like that I'll have to give you a real reason to bite onto something," I whisper darkly. I watch completely amused as I watch the poor soul catch themself with the counter to keep themselves from falling to the floor.
"I would like a number three with a lemonade." I order softly before pulling away. I take a step back and watch as the cashier visibly relaxes. "Your move RM," I whisper challengingly, taking a step to the side to watch. The Cashier stiffens as soon as RM steps up to order. This should be fun.
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bringbackmaes14 · 2 years
Weird things that happened in my French class this semester, specifically relating to my teacher
I will be referring to my professor as Prof W. My classmates will be J and S. (Also for reference not relating to my teacher but the class, on the first day of class there were six students (including me), on the second day there were three of us, and by the fourth week and through the end of the semester, it was just me, J, and Prof W.)
On the first day of class, Prof W walked into the classroom, asked if he was the teacher, left when no one responded, then came back 10 seconds later and said “oh, no, I’m the teacher”
Prof W never had an attendance sheet, he just made us write down our first names on a sheet of notebook paper and that was it
Prof made us buy the textbook off some weird international textbook website I've never even heard of rather than through the school bookstore???
On the second day of class, Prof W couldn’t find the classroom even though S, J, and I were all sitting relatively close to the door. When we pointed out the classroom to him, he said “oh you know, they are always changing the numbers.”
Prof W didn’t know what time class started or ended at for the first week even though he started and ended class on time. To remedy this he started setting an alarm for the end of class every day.
After literally not moving from one spot in the classroom for like, five minutes, Prof W started coughing and said “Sorry. You know I’m allergic to all of this.”
Prof W is not on the “rate my professor” website
Prof W taught us the phrase “pas de soucis” which translates to “no worries” he then started laughing and said there was a funny story behind the phrase. The funny story was that “the French were trying to colonize people in Australia but then the English came and massacred everyone and everyone said ‘pas de soucis’ about it.” That was the extent of the story. Prof W said all this while laughing.
I have no idea where Prof W prints out our tests. There are plenty of perfectly functional printers all over campus. He gave us our first test, and it was so low on ink that the questions were barely legible. By the time I got to the third question, the professor said “oh I should put this up on the screen”, and I realized I had done problem 1 wrong because part of it wasn’t even printed on the paper. (We were having to tell the time on analog clocks but apparently, some clocks had suns next to them and some had moons, so suddenly my answers like “midi” had to be changed to “minuit”.)
Professor W is not entirely fluent in English. There have been a few times where he’s explained things in French and then said “I don’t know if this is a word/phrase in English. Do you say [insert regular everyday words] in English?” This particular day's words/phrases included the word “anecdote” (which is pronounced the almost exactly the same in English and French and means the same thing), whether there’s a difference between the words for kitchen sink and a sink in the bathroom (because there is in French), and the proper grammar and usage of the words “coming” and “going” (which is just... wtf).
On our second test we had to describe where a monkey was in relation to a cube because we were learning directions. The problem was he never taught us what the words for cube or monkey were, so I just had to figure out which was which based on the pictures and the directional words in the question. I almost got 3 of them wrong because of this.
During fall break, Professor W showed up at my job looking for a book (I work in the college library). We talked a little and I mentioned I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays (this is relevant for later, it's also relevant to mention this happened on a Tuesday and it was the last day of fall break). I left him to peruse the French textbooks and eventually he found one he liked. He passed me, said goodbye and left. He then came back like 10 seconds later and said "Do I need my school ID to check these out?" WTF OF COURSE YOU DO SIR. So he put the books back because he didn't have it and left again. He then came in A THIRD TIME and asked me, "Do we have class on Thursday?" I was awestruck. Did we??? Apparently he just got confused when I said I only had class on Tuesdays and Thursdays and thought I meant Fall Break extended to this Thursday? And then he said "Okay well let me know if we don't have class." And left???? SIR I'M NOT IN CHARGE OF WHETHER WE HAVE CLASS OR NOT YOU ARE (although I could've just texted J and been like "do you wanna skip class?" and we wouldn't miss anything because he'd have no one to teach.)
Prof W was teaching me how to conjugate verbs with passe compose, and he was doing "er" verbs, which I've learned a lot of (manger, marcher, jouer, parler) and he conjugated "manger" on the board, and then he couldn't think of another "er" verb and he was quiet for another second and then he wrote "tuer" on the board, and said "tuer, which means 'to murder'" LIKE THAT WAS A COMPLETELY NORMAL THING TO FOLLOW UP WITH???? I WAS ALONE WITH THIS MAN IN THE CLASSROOM AND SCARED FOR MY FUCKING LIFE
During the third test in this class Prof W stopped me in the middle of my test to ask me about another student's grades. He asked me if "F" was failing (which... WHAT WHY DON'T YOU KNOW THAT) and then asked me what "FA" was and he gave this whole spiel about how the student has missed a lot of class and he's thinking about dropping out but he'd lose a lot of scholarship money. I then explained that "FA" probably meant "failed attendance". Prof said "oh that's good that makes sense" and then just walked back to his desk
During that same test: the test was only 7 questions and numbers 5 and 6 were exact repeats of 1 and 2 and Prof was like "oh I guess just cross out the doubles". Also these weren't just one part problems like "write a one-sentence response to this question" they were both like 5 part problems. Also when he was looking over the repeating questions he pointed at part of #1 and went "this is wrong you should fix that" SIR THIS IS A TEST I APPRECIATE THE HELP BUT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO HELP ME
I got to class one day and the door was locked and it's never locked so that was weird. Prof W shows up and his card doesn't open the door. SO HE JUST TAKES US BACK TO THE LOBBY TO HAVE CLASS????? AND. AND. HE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE US TO ONE OF THE TABLES MEANT FOR MULTIPLE PEOPLE TO SIT DOWN AT HE TOOK US TO ONE OF THE TINY COFFEE TABLES WITH ARMCHAIRS AROUND IT????
Also regarding his card not opening the door, he said he would call someone to put the class on his card before he walked to the lobby. And then he didn't for 35 minutes. He sat us down and got us working and only after 35 minutes did he stand up, say "I have to take this", and go call security to open the door.
We had an assignment due on 11/28 at midnight and J and I were both working on it that day, but we got confused if we were supposed to pick 1 of the 2 prompts to complete or if we had to complete both, so I texted Prof W at 1:30 pm for this assignment (which I will remind you was due that night at midnight). Well anyway, he texted me back AT FUCKING 8:30 THE NEXT MORNING and said "you have to do both". I had already done both just to be safe, but Jazmine was not so lucky 
J got an email from Prof W, from his college email AND IT GAVE HER A PHISHING WARNING??? LIKE STRAIGHT UP OUTLOOK WAS LIKE "this guy is a scammer" WHAT
For background, throughout the semester, every week we've had to present a recording of ourselves reciting passages from the textbook in class. What Prof W didn't tell us UNTIL FUCKING TODAY, THE DAY OF THE FINAL, is that we apparently were supposed to turn all of these into the Dropbox each week. BUT HE NEVER FUCKING TOLD US THAT SO I DELETED THEM BECAUSE I THOUGHT THEY WEREN'T IMPORTANT SO NOW I HAVE TO RERECORD LIKE 12 MINIATURE ORAL PRESENTATIONS
He graded the final exam OUT OF 10????? I got a 10/10 so it's fine but WHO THE FUCK GRADES A FINAL EXAM OUT OF 10???
Anyway I love this man and I want him to be my French professor again.
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arathergrimreaper · 1 year
J*hnny D*pp is untouchable garbage, ik, but there's one older movie of his I think about a lot called Benny & Joon, where he does this Buster Keaton sort of routine and after Joon sees it, she asks, 'Did you go to school for that?' and his character responds, 'No. I was kicked out of school for that.'
This scene and the underlying, probably unintentional, meaning of it sticks with me. For context, I'm not that talented at anything no matter how many hours I dedicate to it, but I've received compliments and more than a couple wistful 'I wish I could find time to do that's from people who've seen me crochet or draw or pole dance or what-have-you. There seems to be this misunderstanding that these things are doable for me because I have a plethora of time and resources or energy others just...don't.
This could not be further from the truth.
I make time to do these things. How? By sacrificing quality and time dedicated to the things society tells me should be the ultimate priority. Example? My crochet work drastically improved after years of false starts and finally finding the right teacher (Youtube) by...taking it to certain lectures with me in college. I would sit there and work on it even if it was large and took up my whole lap rather than taking notes. I still participated in class discussion. I still took my tests and did my essays (when ADHD and perfectionism didn't prevent me from turning in boring crap nobody gave a damn about). Classmates would look at me like I was insane, but not a single professor bothered me about it because my grades and class participation were solid.
Same thing with work. My current job is...well, I need money like many of you and 'beggars can't be choosers' yadda yadda. The point is, I have a lot of downtime in between duties and assignments, most of which only have to be done on a monthly basis. So I write. Fuck, I've written nearly three books worth of words since starting here nearly two years ago. One of which I did in a month (i was going for sterilization surgery consultation and wrote up 100 reasons and elaborations why i needed this surgery, just in case). And I draw. If anyone sees me at it (my back faces the door and there's high foot traffic by our office -_-), they don't say boo to me because I get my work done (and some of theirs too, lbr) and growing up with strict parents made swapping tabs and hiding chat rooms child's play. Thank Hephaestus for Firefox and adblockers.
I'm also not close with the majority of my blood family in the emotional or geographical sense. No real obligations there. Friends? The majority of them are...well, here. I regularly talk to and interact with 2 whole people in 2 different states. Even the effort of trying to meet more isn't a priority to me even though I make shallow attempts a couple of times a year. I'm not close to any coworkers either because I never feel I can trust them due to problems with gossipy coworkers in the past and, ofc, the current climate of people playing shoot-em-up when work pushes them past their breaking point.
Make no mistake, I am taking a risk doing these things. I risk write-ups and firing and dying alone and all kinds of shit...because I'd rather be doing art. Something I am never going to be able to live off of so I have to steal time from other things to be able to do it. When I go home, I barely have the energy to cook, clean, run errands, and do some meatsuit maintenance before I have to come back the next day. There have been so many times I've fallen asleep before I could get even partway through what I planned for the night, right at my computer or next to my sketch book.
I have to snatch back the time taken from me, there is no other recourse. Lunch breaks are not enough when we even get them (in OH, employers are not legally obligated to provide those. found that shit out at a factory i used to work at where i also wrote fanfic in a notebook between machine unloading). There are zero guarantees of a better afterlife or reward for continued suffering in this life and maybe it's the neurodivergency talking, but I refuse to waste more of it than I already have pretending the things I am forced to do are inherently better or more fulfilling than the shit I want to do.
TL;DR All this is really just to say: get sneakier. STEAL time back where you can. Else you're just going to keep wishing for more time you're never going to get.
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noxyfied · 2 years
Hey, I am making a comic. Wanna hear about it?
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Being a busy person during the next couple of years, I managed to get something out of it. My digital skills have quite improved from their humble beginnings when I got my first drawing tablet. It was just then, I had to start new. I always been a story writer by heart, one who likes to put parts of their personal life into the stories I have written. But some may say:
"Well it is obvious everyone does that"
Yes! that is very so true, but I felt as I inserted too much of myself into these stories I was a self insert by that time.
Looking back, is it embarrassing? yes, and so will be the things past 2019.
Nevertheless, I had to start fresh. Be original, be something you can proudly stand in front of people and tell them without feeling as your pants just disappeared when the crowd is staring.
Well, it's 2020. What a year ain't it
Someone such as myself who graduated from college with a Illustrator degree came down to a big feeling of pride and motivation to finally start writing.
Something that connects to myself without really making me the protagonist in anyways, I had to create LIFE!.
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Make my own characters was first before anything else, this is better than nothing right?.
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I am getting there!
But what would be the media I would present this story with characters whom exist in this void in my head?
I am no literary writer so writing it to a book will not work.
I cannot animate for the life of me, so no.
Film? Get out of here! how am I supposed to get a purple fox and a blue hair woman from.
It did came to my mind that just like a light bulb moment, a graphic novel it is!
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Clearly I was getting somewhere...
...So it's 2022, about that comic I was about to make.
Well as changes through my art style came around, I now have 2 years of working in the digital medium, and I think I have improved from before right?
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Well I would like to say that I did. The whole reason it has taken this long is for the insecurity of the quality of the art, I thought i made the right choice since I was still very early on my digital years. While traditionally it was much longer, but this is different.
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2 Years is quite a lot, I felt ready. Although my biggest issue other than skill was the procrastination.
I may not come as the fastest worker you have known. That's it.
The true is that if i did not work on this now, then when? I do not want this to take any longer when I have already developed the story in my head, and have kept notes in my trusty notebook too.
This is not the year, at the moment I am still sketching pages for the comic...
the comic...
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The conic is called Nox & Neva! with a brief summary I want to come to mention what I used from my life to inspire me to make it the way how i want it to.
This is a story of a woman and a fox. yes a FOX (ice fox to be specific).
Throughout my years I have come to enjoy two types of media, dwelling into their individual communities and people. I am quite a fanatic of what I am presenting within the two and the world the live in.
the characters!
Nox: An ice fox in which who is very sleepy, very closed. Do they wish to have some company? maybe, that would be nice if they stumble upon it. Nox tends to live on their own apartment in which could use some cleaning. with that idea in mind; Nox would rather have someone clean it for them. What better way than hiring someone!.
Nox may come to be small, introverted, and perhaps not very talkative. But they do have some heart. Morals still have to be there right? Nox grew to learn them and learn about themselves.
Neva: Quite the girl, what can't she do!?
Well a lot of things, the perfect white collared worker of which you can put her in any type of job and she would instantly become number one at everything. With a few degrees from amazing schools, at what cost is all of that if she cannot open her apartment door to any guests?. Maybe working at so many offices, moving from place to place, has her have enough. At least for now, she quits her job and starts from zero, nothing looks good yet. Neva has quite the mind and body to be quite perfect, maybe a bit too perfect? She is still an extrovert, or she at least thinks. She is not good at parties. Neva just needs something more than a coworker, but a friend. how hard can that be right?.
This is Nox and Neva, the story of two quite different people who find to meet each other during a hiring, from a boss and worker to quite the friends.
How will they develop this friendship, or what will the discover from themselves thanks to the other. This is their beginning.
It's not easy to write, nor will it ever be. This is my chance to do this, and working 2 years on this means a lot to me. Reflecting on the story on yourself, and yeah you wish for success as much as for those fictional people. everyone has goals, and seek for it under their own story.
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But this is the beginning, their beginning. They will become friends, but it will take it's time. And so will a lot of things.
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But for me, I am having the best time of my life drawing these goobers.
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mirandamckenni1 · 6 months
I Hate Memorising, so I Created a System to Remember Everything If you’re struggling, consider therapy with BetterHelp #ad. Click https://ift.tt/73wCiRD for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a credentialed professional specific to your needs 💚 🖤 The private heart-to-heart with my thoughts and advice on why and how to start therapy: https://youtu.be/XIjRXsyUk84 🩵 Link to the Notion page that summarises the learning points from the video and on starting therapy: https://ift.tt/ZePmLWh Moleskine Notebook link: https://amzn.to/4cjn06n (affilate link!) Leather pen holders link https://amzn.to/49ScEJ5 (affilate link!) The pen I use for everything: https://amzn.to/3wSsS6p (affilate link!) Studying doesn’t need to be as hard is it feels: after 5 years in medical school, I just finished my final exams, and this is the method I used to study. I’ve been avoiding lectures since my first year of medical school, and using just one notebook, I’ve managed somehow to learn and memorise everything I was expected to know to become a doctor. If you also struggle with memorising facts and mnemonics (like me), hopefully this will offer an alternative! Let me know what you think! Thanks for watching, and best of luck with any exams you have, may your university studies always be as un-stressful as possible 🩵 Sources mentioned: 1. Richardson, Virginia. (1997). Constructivist Teaching and Teacher Education: Theory and Practice. 2. Moon, J.A. (2000). Learning Journals: A Handbook for Reflective Practice and Professional Development (1st ed.). Routledge. 3. Eisner, E.W., 2017. The enlightened eye: Qualitative inquiry and the enhancement of educational practice. Teachers College Press. 4. Hoare, C. H. (2006). Handbook of adult development and learning. Oxford University Press, Chapter 4, pg 73-98 5. Getzels, J. W. (1974). Socialization and Education: A Note on Discontinuities. Teachers College Record, 76(2), 1-6. 6. Forms of Understanding and the Future of Educational Research, Elliot W. Eisner, Educational Researcher, Oct., 1993, Vol. 22, No. 7 (Oct., 1993), pp. 5-11 7. Kevin K. Birth: Objects of Time How Things Shape Temporality 8. Forgetting due to retroactive interference: A fusion of early insights into everyday forgetting and recent research on anterograde amnesia Michaela T. Dewar, Nelson Cowan, and Sergio Della Sala 9. The consequences of writing : enhancing learning in the disciplines by Parker, Robert P. (Robert Prescott), 1937 10. Josselyn SA, Frankland PW. Memory Allocation: Mechanisms and Function. Annu Rev Neurosci. 2018 Jul 8 PMID: 29709212; PMCID: PMC9623596. To make your life easier: 0:00 Intro 1:30 The Danger of Over-processed Source Material 5:03 BetterHelp and the value of therapy 8:00 The Learning and Memorising Side of the Notebook 18:26 The Daily Side of the Notebook WHO AM I: I'm Elizabeth, a medical student, painter and Podcaster in London. I love to think and talk about life, art, medicine, books and meaning. And also how to find the time to do those things. If you'd like to watch me paint and talk about life, I do that on my podcast (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5NsPe2poaBRA0IPdTxJTQA) and if you'd like to read my thoughts and book notes, I have a newsletter you can join (https://ift.tt/TOc3GzB). 👽 My Book on Organised Chaos: How to Succeed Without Habits or Consistency: https://ift.tt/jv9OVnb 🧠 My Notion Templates to Work Better With Yourself: https://ift.tt/pg1ULfr If you want to stay in touch: 💌 My Newsletter - https://ift.tt/TOc3GzB 🎙My Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5NsPe2poaBRA0IPdTxJTQA 📕 My Book Club - https://ift.tt/Vhsg4mA 📸 My Instagram - https://ift.tt/ArnK9ip 💻 My Website - https://ift.tt/3Eja6Zu 🐥 My Twitter - https://twitter.com/lizziefilips Or leave a comment, I (try to) read 100% of comments :) via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjyMdQptGYI
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yunohentai · 3 years
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paring: roomates!reader x mark.
warning: dom (kinda?) reader, horny!mark, masturbation, voyureism (?), virgin mark, seems kinda rushed.
proof-read lazily because the writer's been gone for too long and they just want to post smth even if its bullshit
its been a few days since you started college and moved into a dorm. you were a foreigner in korea, and there was no room available except a few that were supposed to be shared with boys. you hated the sound of that but having no option, you had agreed and moved into this warm & comfortable dorm with the college topper, mark lee who was korean yet a foreigner like you. at first it was very awkward because of how he just couldn't stop staring at you. but it took a few days, and you two felt more comfortable with each other and even became friends. mark helped you get better at korean and also finish your homework.
"y/n you don't find the value of x like that. okay look–" he said and moved closer as his pen was gliding on your notebook while he taught you how to solve the math problem. you would be lying if you said mark wasn't attractive, he was super charming and others would realize that too if he wouldn't wear his nerdy glasses and oh those oversized hoodies. but somehow he still looked exceptionally gorgeous to you.
its been almost 6 months since you two have known each other, and in all this time... one thing was clear to you. mark lee is a innocent virgin boy, and you knew you'd love to corrupt him. just that thought was enough to make you wet your panties, but the question is... how are you planning to bring your fantasies to life? that thought made you sigh. you were sitting on you study table as thoughtlessly your hands went down to your wet pussy.
you pushed your fingers inside yourself and moved them fast, chasing your orgasm as you let out soft moans. little did you know, that mark was standing outside your room... and he himself was pumping his hands up and down his cock... while watching you. he then reached his high as he released over his hand while he watched you. you were done too... as you discarded your dirty pantie and changed.
mark's been wanting to touch, for the first time in his life, a girl and its you. but he has no idea.... how to give pleasure to a female, and it sucks. he's been watching porn, just trying to know how this works but all they showed was... how to pleasure a man. he sighed giving up as he noticed his boner. "ugh what the fuck." he sighed and decided to jerk off, to relieve the stress. "oh y/n..." he moaned out.
you stood outside the room, your mouth open wide as you looked at mark masturbate to the thoughts of you. you were utterly shocked. "oh mark..." she said, shocking mark as he looked at her with wide eyes. "i'm sorry for disturbing i just wanted to ask if you wanna watch a movie" you asked acting as if you heard nothing. he quickly covered his lap with his blanket and nodded. "okay your room." you smiled and walked to the kitchen to bring snacks, well not really.
you were shocked and a little flustered. "this is going to be so fun..." you whispered and grabbed two packets of potato chips walking to his room, he had already cleaned up the bed and changed too as you smirked to yourself. "hey y/n" he said in a super shy tone as you smiled.
"so can i play the movie?" you asked and he nodded as you grabbed the remote, playing a nice movie. the two got comfortable together on the bed as you looked up at him. "so mark... do you have a girlfriend?" you asked. "N-no" mark stuttered nervously. "have you ever dated one... or like touched?" you knew what you were doing as you smiled to yourself when he started stuttering.
"N-not really.." he said and you held his hand. "would you mind if i teach you, baby?" you said while taking his hand inside your shorts as the two held an eye contact. you held his finger and slowly pushed it inside you, leading him. "that's how you finger baby." you said and he removed the blanket just to see you. you, to him, were too gorgeous to be real.
like, a girl with nice ass and even boobs... is pretty hard to find, then a nice attitude too. "do it like this now.. hm?" you told him and he nodded, slowly fingering you. your hands flew to his sweatpants as you pushed it down with his boxers. you spat on your palm and rubbed it on his cock, pumping it. "do you like that?" you asked in a low voice as he moaned in answer.
"i've already made you loose your mind." you grinned and actioned him to pull out his fingers as you got on top of him, slowly pushing off you underwear and all other clothing. your ass was pressed to his dick as you kissed his lips while slowly grinding on him. "i hope you're not too sensitive, pretty boy." you said and continued to grind. "now, take my nipple between your lips and suck it, while you do so caress the other boob baby" mark nodded and did as you told him to, maybe even better cause you let out a soft moan of his name.
"oh... you're- doing a great job baby." you whispered. "thank you.." he said breathlessly and started sucking your other nipple. "are you ready?" you asked softly and caressed his head as he snuggled his face between your breasts. he bit your breast and nodded. "Yes please.."
he whined out softly and you positioned herself on top of him, quickly discarding any sorts of clothings you wore. you then started moving your hips slowly and steadily against him, as mark let out loud groans in pleasure. "fuck... oh god y/n." you smiled and pressed your hands to his chest, riding his cock. you moaned his name.
"you look so pretty with your eyes closed... and those pretty lips moaning my name. oh baby.." you said and he gasped. you increased your pace, and with it... his moans & groans got louder. "fuck y/n, you look gorgeous...ugh you make me feel so good." you let out a moan at his words. the two of you were near to your orgasms.
"i hope you don't have some fucking std." you joked and he grunted, slapping your ass. "please let me come inside you." he begged softly and you caressed his head.
"okay baby" you said and clenched now his already sensitive cock, making him whine and release inside of you. he hooked his lip on your boob and bit your nipple, making you clench on his again as he groaned again.
you giggled. "sorry baby." after apologizing you got off him and snuggled against him. "uhh.. y/n? did you— you know, finish?" he asked and you shook your head. "i didn't come, but you'll make me... after you practice more .." you smirked and he blushed, understanding what you're suggesting.
"i felt enough pleasure though, goodnight!" you said and slept comfortably while he, snuggled his face in your warm breasts.. slowly dozing off.
a/n: happy new year in advance! love y'all<33. sorry if the smut is kind of weird, i stopped writing for a while so yeah. hope you enjoyed though!! reqs are open.
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concreteprints · 2 years
With Love, <Johnny Cade/Soc!(F)Reader>
Description: Being a soc you never really cared about anyone's feelings. You were cold, uncaring, and quite honestly a bit of a bully too. It isn't until a certian mean joke goes wrong that you realize exactly how bad you were.
Word Count: 1337
Warnings: N/A
Note: I want to make a part 2 but I have absolutely no motivation rn so (also I do take requests so feel free to request everything you have in mind, I will proofread those)
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It started off as a joke, the whole thing did, really. And at first you thought it was funny too. Making fun of some poor, lonely greaser by leaving notes from a secret admirer in his locker. You had never really cared about a greaser’s feelings before – everyone had always told you they were mean, dirty, careless assholes who were just jealous of the socs – and your locker was only a few away from his so it was real easy to catch his reactions which only made it better. Being able to see exactly how flustered he got after reading them.
You especially had fun writing the letters. It was just exhilarating and you giggled the entire time. They were cheesy love notes written in blue ink on your college ruled notebook paper. You loved dotting your i’s and j’s with hearts and saying stuff that you’d normally never have had the confidence to say.
The problem with your perfect joke (which, now that you thought about it sounded more like blatant bullying than a funny joke) came a few weeks into this new hobby of yours. You found yourself glancing over to him every passing period, smiling when you thought about him, and even getting excited seeing him read the letters. It was then that you realized that it had gone too far.
Your friends started to pressure you into telling him it was a joke and breaking his heart, but you could no longer bring yourself to do it. It was what you had been planning to do in the first place. Yet you realized now that it was much too cruel to be funny. He was just too sweet, Johnny didn’t deserve it. He was just some poor kid who was actually quite cute, the more that you thought about it. You didn’t think that someone like Johnny deserved it. He’d done nothing wrong. If anything, you were the one who deserved it. You were the asshole, you were the one who had thought it’d be funny to play around with some guy’s feelings.
Eventually you decided that you needed to end it, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do that. You liked Johnny more than you’d originally thought and you didn’t want to stop writing him letters. After what felt like years of barely sleeping because you couldn’t decide, you finally figured out what you wanted to do.
The letter started off with, “Please act upset as you read this letter. I will explain why in a minute.” Just in case your friends had decided to watch for his reaction you didn’t want them to catch on to the fact that you actually weren’t breaking his heart in your letter.
You then wrote asking him to meet you in the back of the drive-in at eight in the evening and that you’d be wearing a dress with a bow tied in your hair, both in your favorite color. You didn’t want him to be scared off if you told him you were a soc right away but you also didn’t want him to think that you never arrived.
You snuck up to his locker and quickly pushed the letter in while your friends giggled almost hysterically. You didn’t like the fact that they were laughing at him but then again you were just like them only a few weeks ago. You weren’t any better. If anything, you were practically worse for being the one who wrote those letters in the first place.
Johnny did his best to act upset, his face dropping as he read further and further and then running away to go to the bathroom, but in reality he only left so that he could smile without anyone seeing. He had been crushing on his secret admirer ever since he found the first letter in his locker. He couldn’t believe that he would finally get to meet you.
He couldn’t help but be a bit anxious. He didn’t really trust girls, not after all that Dallas had told him, but he was still excited. You seemed to be nice and he really did want to trust you. Living life assuming that everyone was just going to hurt him wouldn’t get him anywhere.
He got there early and leaned against the fence, anxiously rubbing the letter you’d left him as he waited. He eventually saw you and smiled softly even though you were a soc. Johnny felt even more anxious now but he couldn’t let himself back down. He had gotten this far after all, and he didn’t want to be a weak kid afraid of doing anything forever. Leaving now wasn’t what Dally would do, he told himself as he shook his head.
You ran up to him with what was probably the sweetest smile he had ever seen, if he had to guess. “Hey Johnny!”
Johnny nodded his head towards you as you leaned against the fence, copying his position. He was already a little flustered but he pushed through. If it was Dally here with you he would’ve already started flirting. There was no reason for Johnny to just back out.
“Oh hey…” He looked down to hide his smile, “Y/n, right? We have English together.” He could recognize you from a mile away. Everything about you made him smile, and learning that you were the one who had been writing him those love notes all along only made him more happy.
“Yeah, it’s nice to see you out of school for once.” You put your head on his shoulder. You didn’t want to make an advance too quickly and scare him off, but this was also technically a date.
He quickly felt his face heat up. You were just so gorgeous and kind and he just couldn’t help it. You two watched the movie, but neither of you were really paying attention. You were too busy staring at him and he was too busy staring at you without you noticing.
At the end of the movie you suggested going back to your house. Usually you would have not offered, him being a greaser and all, but your parents were out on a business trip and they would have no clue. Johnny was obviously skeptical. He wasn’t so sure it would be a smart idea for him to willingly go into soc territory with some pretty girl. But he eventually agreed. If he was gonna die tonight he would rather it be while on a date with a pretty girl.
You two got into your car and you started driving. Johnny did not talk much, so it was mostly you just carrying the conversation but you didn’t totally mind. Being a soc you could talk about absolutely nothing for hours on hours without messing up once, but there was one thing different about talking to Johnny. You quickly realized that you could tell him things that you would never normally tell anyone. It was comfortable and you felt safe and he was a greaser so he wasn’t nearly as judgemental as anyone else you had ever talked to.
Soon enough you pulled into your driveway. It was a nice white picket fence house with a freshly mown lawn, fairly boring if you really thought about it. He took note of how perfect it was. Not a single thing out of place. That was only a facade, but not a lot of greasers seemed to understand that. They all seemed to think your life was perfect, that every socs life was perfect and that they shouldn’t ever have the audacity to complain about it for even a second.
You two stayed up almost the entire night; drinking way too much soda, laughing, and just enjoying each other’s company. It was genuinely the best date you had ever had and you were quickly grateful that you had taken that chance.
Maybe you didn’t need your social status as much as you had thought. At least, not when you had Johnny.
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leiasfanaccount648 · 2 years
High on You
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Pairing: Keisuke Baji x Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, College!AU
Request: Could you write a high makeout session with Baji? Like both of them in his room, on his bed smoking some blunts. She's straddling him and they're just kissing and kissing and kissing and they can't get enough of each other. Like the kissing feels more intimate and intense since they're both high. Maybe make it a little funny too? Idk I feel like Baji jokes around a lot Hehehe :D - Anonymous
Warnings/Contains: Fluff, College!AU, cursing, innuendos and suggestive words but nothing happens, smoking ✨grass✨, making out, shotgunning, biting is part of Baji’s love language I will not take criticism
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: thank you so much for the request anon! I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you enjoy it!  
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“I hate this.”
“I know you do.”
“Then why are you making me do it?”
“Because I love you and want you to graduate on time.”
“The stereotype to graduate in four years is fucking stupid.”
“So is not knowing basic math, now focus.”
While most would be surprised to see that your boyfriend got into college, you were just shocked that he hadn’t dropped out yet. Regardless, being at the end of your sophomore year and his freshman year, you were proud of him for sticking it out so far and weren’t about to have him quit now.
That’s why you took it upon yourself to help him study for one of his finals; more specifically his math class.
“Kei, c’mon, it’s the last math class you’ll ever have to take-”
“You said that in high school! And look! Another math class!”
You sighed, leaning back on his bed as you tried to come up with a way to get him to learn. “Maybe we should take a break.”
“Gladly.” Keisuke said as he closed his textbook and notebook. He then got up from his bed, looking through his desk drawer. His roommate Chifuyu was out taking one of his finals so it was just the two of you; and Peke J napping on Chifuyu’s bed.
“Want one?”
His question made you tilt your head back; despite your vision being upside down, you could recognize the blunt he was offering you clear as day. You sighed again, sitting up to take it from him. “Yes please,” you then took the lighter he offered, lighting the blunt. “Tutoring you is making my head hurt.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad at it.” Keisuke said, walking over to open the window after lighting his blunt.
“You forgot that you could switch around the order of PEMDAS.” You eyed him.
“I don’t want to hear it, miss ‘I nearly failed biology.’” Keisuke countered, smirking at you as he sat back down next to you.
“That was last year and you know how tough my professor was.” You pouted, shoving your boyfriend.
“C’s get degrees, babe.” He chuckled, pecking your cheek. “Now let's take our study break.”
“Okay, but only for 30 minutes,” you sighed, setting a timer on your phone. “Your final’s tomorrow at 4pm.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He said, taking a slow drag from his blunt and pulling you close to him.
While he may have struggled in middle school, you were able to help Keisuke raise his grades so that he didn’t have to repeat another year. He graduated the year after you and got into the same university you were at. While having your boyfriend on campus is nice, it can also cause trouble from time to time.
One of them happened to be the fact that he liked to enjoy the occasional blunt. Not that you were complaining, as you did the same, but it also meant that most of the time you were over at his dorm rather than your own across campus.
This also meant that you kept having to walk back and forth across campus due to Keisuke’s stubbornness to walk over to your dorm. He didn’t mind every now and then when you asked him to, but he had a tendency of normally having you over at his place since he kept the blunts at his place; even though you also had the better dorm.
Either way, you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You loved Keisuke, and were willing to help him with whatever he needed, regardless of whether or not he asked you for it.
Whilst taking your study break, you felt the tension in your shoulders release from each hit of the blunt that you took. It also helped that Keisuke was holding you close, making you feel more at ease.
“You know I love you, right?” Keisuke suddenly said out of the silence that had fallen between the two of you. While it was common for him to sometimes get sentimental while high, his words still surprised you.
You looked up at him as best as you could, your back currently against his chest. “Yeah, I know.” You giggled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “And I love you, too.”
“Yeah, but I don’t tell you enough.” Keisuke said, his voice going soft before taking another hit from his blunt; yours was about halfway gone as you took your time with it while his was nearly done for.
“Well, I know that you aren’t that vocal about it.” “I’m vocal about other things.” He chuckled, only to groan in pain when you playfully nudged him with your elbow. “I’m being serious. I know you say it’s bullshit but I know that your love language is quality time and acts of service.” You smiled, turning around to look at him.
“That test is rigged.” Keisuke said, his gaze not meeting yours as he took another hit. He remembered when you had him take that quiz last year and hated how accurate it depicted him. His cheeks were slightly pink; whether that was from the weed or your comment, you didn’t know.
“What I’m saying is that you don’t have to say you love me all the time. You show it in your actions; whether it’s you buying me a coffee,’ or having me help you study no matter how much you hate it, I know that it means you love me just as much as I love you.”
Keisuke finished his blunt as you finished talking. Before you could ask what he was thinking about, he cupped your cheek and pulled you in for a kiss. You happily returned the kiss, almost pouting when he pulled away too soon to your liking.
“Fuck you for knowing me so well.” Keisuke mumbled.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” You asked giggling. Kei didn’t respond, instead pulling you in for another kiss. This time you didn’t let him pull away, making him chuckle into the kiss as he pulled you closer to sit in his lap. Eventually, his tongue made it’s way into your mouth and his hand took what was remaining of your blunt from you. He pulled away, taking another drag before kissing you again. The smoke entered your mouth, making you moan softly as you breathed it in. Eventually Kei pulled away, letting you catch your breath before diving in for another kiss.
You gasped, kissing back as best as you could as the effects of the weed began to make your head fuzzy.
Keisuke pulled away again after a moment, smiling like a dork as he began to leave kisses along your neck and throat.
However your alarm went off, making your boyfriend annoyed as you tried to push him off of you. “Kei,” you said softly. “We have to get back to study- Hey!” You pushed him again as you felt him bite your neck, attempting to get him to pull away again.
“We don’t have to do shit-”
“We do if you want to pass your class!” You squealed as you felt Keisuke bite you again in protest before he finally let you push him away. “And what did we say about biting?”
“What, we’re in bed aren’t we?” He smirked, leaning forward to press another kiss to your lips, only to miss and kiss the corner of your mouth due to his haze filled vision.
“You know what I mean.” You sighed, climbing off of him and grabbing your notebook from when you took the same math class the year before. “Now c’mon, if you manage to get a few practice problems correct I’ll let you bite me again.” You teased, giggling when Keisuke grabbed his textbook and notes with a groan.
To your surprise, he managed to understand the question he had been struggling with for nearly an hour before you decided to take your first initial break. Needless to say, it shocked you.
“Did getting high somehow make you smarter?” You joked, turning the page in his textbook to see what the next section covered.
Keisuke’s eyes widened, looking up at you with what you could only assume was realization when you looked up at him after he didn't say anything; however, the look in his eyes said it all.
“Kei if you show up to your final high and fail because your professor found out I will never forgive you-”
“But it makes sense to me when I’m high!”
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©copyright leiasfanaccount648 2022
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The votes are in and “Persona” won! Ladies, get the notebooks out. Class is in session. And this is gonna be a long one.
Be honest with me: Are you currently your ideal woman? The majority of you will probably answer honestly and say no. And there’s nothing wrong with admitting that. The harsh reality is most women on their hypergamous journey aren’t even close to being the ideal woman they aspire to be. Hell, the average woman (hypergamous or not) will probably live her life never being able to become that woman, if we’re being completely honest here.
I believe every hypergamous woman should create and adopt a persona. You are who you believe to be. When I was younger, my teachers and parents told me I was academically gifted. So guess what? I believed the same! That pushed me to work even harder in school. Same concept applies here. You are who you believe to be. A persona isn’t a “fake” version of you. It is you. Your ideal person. It is malleable, so it can change at anytime. Just like you changed throughout your life.
✨Not Everyone Will Win the Birth Lottery. But that doesn’t mean you can’t rewrite your past, and repave your future path. Let’s face it: some of you were born into bad circumstances; abusive families, poverty, toxic relationships, obstacles and barriers, etc. And some of you are living lives currently that you aren’t satisfied with: stressful job, health issues, bad environment, *insert sob story here*, blah, blah, blah, woe is me!  But should your current and past conditions get in the way of your hypergamous journey? No! Absolutely not. 
✨You Can’t Be the Same Basic B*tch Forever. Okay b*tch, when you were being “true to yourself” in the past, look where it got you. Probably in a less than favorable situation. Congratulations for being an authentic basic b*tch! 🥳😊
Ladies, change is necessary. When you started your hypergamous journey, you underwent a change. Are you saying your hypergamous self is fake? Of course it isn’t! It’s still you, just an “elevated you”. One that is more aware and knows what she wants. 
✨ Most People Don’t Even Know Who TF They Are. It’s sad, but true. Most people are lost and suppressing their true desires and personality. I’m here encouraging you ladies to create your ideal persona and to become this woman. Because this woman is who you are deep inside, who you want to be. Stop hiding her! Create her, and become her! As long as this person isn’t harming anyone, there is no reason you shouldn’t chase your dream self.
This is the fun part ladies! Time to choose and create your new persona!
✨ What Kind of Woman Do You Aspire to Be?  Have fun with this ladies! What kind of woman have you always dreamt of becoming? Is she wildly intelligent and beautiful? Or perhaps she has a heart of gold and is adored by all?  Nothing is off limits. This is you.
For those of you who are truly struggling, below I have included a few examples of common personas. If you don’t know where to begin, choose one as the “foundation” and build on it. Make it your own!
*Disclaimer: Anyone that I mentioned/included below is simply for inspiration. Not all of these women are hypergamous. This is just for inspiration*
1. The Socialite/ The “It” Girl: This is the girl that everyone knows. She’s always at a party with a glass of champagne, wearing the latest styles, and living the BEST life. She’s glamorously unattainable and few have access to her, but somehow she’s a part of every social circle.
Inspiration: Jamie Chua (https://www.instagram.com/ec24m/)
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2. The Traveler: This is the girl that travels constantly. Whether it’s across the globe or to a different state/town, she’s always on the go! No one seems to know how she funds her lifestyle because she always appears to be traveling and never working. Her pictures are always on point and high quality, with a combination of bikini pictures, relaxing scenery, exotic foods, and endless hotels.
Inspiration: Jennifer Tuffen (https://www.instagram.com/izkiz/)
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3. The Influencer: Think of the ultimate Instagram Baddie; perfect body (usually because of surgery), full lips, carefully applied makeup, nails always done, hair on point. She is sponsored by all the clothes brands, and lives lavishly. She’s always out at a restaurant and traveling. Typically dresses in more revealing clothes/lots of bikinis.  What differentiates her from the Socialite? The degree of elegance and class. While the Socialite gives you an “heiress” vibe, the Influencer is more on the “flashy celebrity” side.
Inspiration: Kaylar Will (https://www.instagram.com/kaylarwill/)
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4. Femme Fatale: She rarely posts on social media, but when she does, it only makes you question her existence more. This girl is beautifully sensual, and her social media only reveals bits and pieces of her life. She is an entire mystery, no one knows about her private life. One day she’ll be flying from London, the next she’ll be visiting an art gallery  She’ll sometimes post images of gifted roses with poetry captions. She oozes seduction and dark mystery. 
Inspiration: Dita Von Teese (https://www.instagram.com/ditavonteese) Now I thought long and hard about who to choose for this one, and if you take a moment to look at Dita’s IG account, you will understand why. You will notice that the ONLY thing she posts about is her clothes/lingerie brand or things relating to business. She reveals nothing about her personal life. Every post is promotion about her business. In fact, the last time she posted something about her “life” was on October 8th when she posted her CAT modeling another designer’s scarf. She’s a very discreet woman, and it works in her favor.
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5. Girl Next Door: You know that basic b*tch that’s SUPER popular for no reason? This is her. From her Starbucks to her Tiktoks, she’s just your average girl living her life. In a way, she isn’t a threat because she seems approachable, relatable, and friendly enough through social media. Something about her aspires others that they can achieve a similar lifestyle. She’s terribly basic, but somehow, it works. 
Inspiration: Loren Gray (https://www.instagram.com/loren/)
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6. Exotica: *This persona is best suited for women of color* She is exotically beautiful and unique. She is a trendsetter, not a follower. She has an air of heightened sexuality, with a touch of grounded-spirituality. Something about her is wild and untamed, and she oozes excitement and adventure. 
Inspiration: Monica Leon, or “Danger”. Now if you’re in my generation, you may remember the reality show “For the Love of Ray J” (which was ghetto btw💀). To this day, one girl that I will NEVER forget on that show, was “Danger”, the girl with the tiger tattoo on her face and that NO ONE liked, but Ray J was obsessed with. Although she no longer is on Instagram (and has since legally changed her name), I still believe she naturally embodied that exotic and mysterious woman persona. I recommend watching the show for free on Youtube just to observe her (and only her because the other women were pickme’s  💀)
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7. The Luxurious Diamond: This woman is the epitome of class and elegance. She exudes femininity and grace, and holds an air of mystery by only showing us bits and pieces of her life. What we see is soft luxuries, wineries, beautiful clothes/scenery, and a life of comfort. She balances a mature, elegant, ladylike presence, with subtle girly-youthfulness. 
Inspiration: Г-жа Анисимова   https://www.instagram.com/creme_de.la_femme/
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✨How Does She Look Like? From her hair to how she wears her makeup, be able to create a vivid description of her appearance. Being able to do this will show you where to work on with your current appearance.
✨Personality We all have traits about ourselves that we don’t like. This is your chance to identify your traits that you love and maximize them, while also working on the aspects of your personality that are a bit more problematic.
It’s important to recognize that some “negative” traits are not really negative. Society just shames us for them. For example, “The Socialite” persona may be polite, but that doesn’t mean she’s super open and friendly with everyone. Not everyone is her friend, and she is naturally unattainable. So why would she be super friendly to everyone? Some may call her “standoffish”, but I call it “selective”.
✨Past Self? Not a Problem.  So let’s say you had a less than perfect childhood and endured a lot of trauma. Not a problem, just reinvent your past! Now I’m not saying to straight up lie and make up a crazy story about how you grew up with billionaire parents and traveled the globe. I’m saying adopt a realistic story that’ll help you on your journey. 
For example, if your date were to ask about your past, instead of telling him how tragic your childhood was and how you were homeless and abused by your parents, and no longer have a relationship with them, you can say: “I moved around a lot as a child (“homelessness”), so I really enjoyed being able to interact with a lot of different people (make the negative seem positive). My parents still move around a lot, so it’s hard for us to meet (explains why you aren’t in contact with your parents). 
Reword and reframe, ladies. Not everyone needs to know everything.
✨Remove. You cannot embrace your new persona, your new IDENTITY, if you are still stuck in the past. And that includes past connections that do not serve you. Some of your old friends (college friends, childhood friends, etc.) are not meant to accompany you on this journey. And that’s OKAY. Same with other toxic relationships in your life, family included. You will have to decide who to keep, and who to distance yourself from.
✨ Social Media! I’ve mentioned this in an earlier post, but social media is the easiest way for you to push your new persona. You control the content that goes on your social media, so even if you haven’t fully embodied your new persona, you can sure as hell fake it on social media. 
- Unless your persona is a socialite/influencer type, avoid posting too often. - Be consistent; if you retouch your images, make sure its consistent with all your photos. - Be mindful of what people tag you in/post about you. You know that “friend” who always posts the ugliest pictures of you? Yeah. They’re not your friend, hun. 
✨Dress. The. Part. Okay, sis. You can have the personality down perfectly, but if the look doesn’t match, no one will buy it. Your look is the first thing people notice, so invest in it. It doesn’t cost a lot, especially with fast fashion sites like Shein that sells clothes for $5. Just be able to keep up the appearance.
✨ Immerse Yourself in the Environment.  Looking the part and having the right personality is not enough, ladies! It wouldn’t make sense for you to be a “Socialite” sharing pictures of you eating at Red Lobster and Olive Garden every night. It wouldn’t make sense for the “Traveler” persona to share only bathroom selfies in her apartment. You have to live like the woman you aspire to be, and that includes placing yourself in those environments.
If you are not in the place financially to do so, learn to project the image without spending money. Ex: If you can’t afford to go to Hawaii, go to your local beach and take bomb ass pictures. Don’t tag the location. People will automatically see a beach in your picture and assume you are on vacation traveling. Get creative, ladies. 
✨You Owe Them Nothing. Ladies! Remember you don’t owe anyone anything. Not an explanation, not your time, nothing. So if you are living this new persona and people are asking questions you don’t want to answer: don’t. This is your life. 
So now that you have created your ideal persona, and taken the steps to incorporate it into your life, how can you use your newfound persona to aid you on your hypergamous journey and while social climbing?
✨Infiltrate New Circles. Your persona should be someone exciting and enticing. People love befriending people who are happy and adventurous. Use your persona to befriend others and enter new social circles. You can do this through: - Social media; follow similar accounts to yours and interact with them. - Activities related to your persona; Let’s say you adopted the “The Luxurious Diamond” persona and started visiting wineries. You may notice when you go that there are regulars; identify the regulars and use your common interest of wine to strike a conversation. -Interest groups; join clubs/groups that help you reach your goals. For example, “The Traveler” may have always wanted to travel to Bali, but didn’t want to go alone. She joins a travel group to meet other likeminded inviduals and meets a travel buddy. This person ends up introducing her to others who also enjoy traveling.
✨ Be a Chameleon. You should  never be set on just one persona. Like I said earlier, your persona should always be malleable. You should be able to change yourself to your benefit, and always be open to expansion. When it comes to dating, a man may “want” a certain type of woman, but the secret is that most men just want a woman who is open to possibilities.  I remember a man who used to be on my roster who loved music. This man was always insisting on taking me to operas and symphonies. And he too was a musician (I really don’t like dating musicians, but that’s a topic for another day), so whenever he was performing he would have me sitting in the box so I’d have an “undisturbed” experience.  Now ladies, I’m not into music AT ALL.  But I was open and willing, and guess what? The man adored it, and he adored me even more! He spoiled me like crazy and would serenade me with music he wrote about me because I was his “muse”. Although I ended up ghosting him, I definitely appreciate a good opera now! 
✨Be Larger than Life to Entice. The attractive part about these personas is the fact that it feels almost fake. The image that is portrayed is almost mythical, like something out of a fantasy. You can’t believe this girl is traveling so much, or you can’t believe this girl still has a social life in the middle of a pandemic! It’s unbelievable, but that’s what makes us so intrigued. Men especially love fantasy. That’s why many men have a “dream girl”, a woman that embodies their physical and emotional fantasies. They love the impossible. It’s also important to remember that you are always being watched. People see you, whether in person or on social media, and when they see someone or something more interesting than their mundane life, curiosity will get the best of them. They’ll be drawn to you and want to know you.
✨ The Persona Advantage. Creating a persona is supposed to help your journey. The purpose is to reinvent yourself into someone who will help you better navigate your hypergamous life.  For example, if you are trying to get into more exclusive, affluent circles, creating a persona who is skilled in social and dining etiquette would be more beneficial than a persona that’s an Instagram Influencer. Being an Instagram Baddie that wears Fashion Nova won’t help you at a Charity Gala. So be sure to think of what you desire in life to shape yourself into that. Don’t just become someone who won’t get you to where you want to be. 
This post will definitely have a Part 2 in the future, but in conclusion: You can be whoever you want to be as long as you play the role. Be an actress in your own life, and live the life you desire.
Well ladies, I’ll be away for Valentine’s day weekend. Wishing you all a wonderful and safe weekend ❤️ Lots of love.
Follow my IG for more: @mademoisellehypergamy
3K notes · View notes
sunshine-on-my-mind · 3 years
Lost and Found
Pairing: Johnny Storm x Plus Size Reader; Jake Jensen x Plus Size Reader (College AU)
warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Mature themes, making out (sort of, NO explicit smut), kissing, hugs, body images, TW: Fat shaming, body shaming, mean friends, mature language, angst, crying, hopeful ending. (College AU)
words: 4.9k
a/n: Hey cuties! this is my first love triangle hehe, I really hope you all like it. I tried to keep the ending realistic but I am not sure how it turned out. Again, hope you all like this story. dividers are by @firefly-graphics
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Early morning classes weren’t your thing. Sleepy and tired but it couldn’t be helped. Just a few more steps, you knew you could do it, you didn’t like being late.
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in when you reached your class in time. After taking your place on a bench, you got busy arranging the notebook, your laptop and other essentials that you might be needing. You were still tired though, so when your best friend came and sat beside you, you didn’t really notice.
His voice made you realise his presence, “Well someone looks wide awake.” you rolled your eyes. That smile on his face irritated you in that moment, otherwise you were a big fan of his goofy smile.
“Jensen you must have some special talent since you left for class earlier than I did and somehow came later.” Jake laughed. You looked so cute when you were sleepy and grumpy. Actually scratch that, you always looked cute.
“Look at you being all grumpy, I knew you’d need coffee and that you’d forget it in a rush so someone had to get it for you, riiiiight?” He stretched the last word as he placed a cup of coffee in front of you.
You couldn’t stop the smile that appeared on your face. That smile was enough to make Jake’s day. Quickly, but carefully you took a sip. The smile widened. “You’re the best, Jakey.” Jake tried to hide his blush by turning his face away.
Thankfully that class was interesting, so you didn’t have a chance of falling asleep amidst the lecture. It had been at least five minutes since the class started when the storm decided to make an appearance. Johnny Storm.
The professor was nice enough to let him in after Johnny threw a charming ‘sorry’ his way. You were surprised to see him, he hardly ever came to class. Although you were much more surprised when the man made his way to your bench and took a place beside you. Jake narrowed his eyes.
Even though the bench was spacious enough, suddenly you felt insecure about yourself. Were you taking up too much space? Were the two men sitting comfortably beside you? You tried to get a read on Johnny to notice any discomfort or annoyance but he was busy on his phone. Suddenly you remembered about his image, he is known to be smug and arrogant, sometimes even a jerk.
“You’re staring” Johnny casually said without looking at you. Quickly you looked away, scribbling on your notebook. Now it was Johnny’s turn to look at you. You felt nervous under his stare. Why was he making you nervous? Sure he is probably the most popular guy in college and a heartthrob, but it didn’t matter to you. Johnny tried to understand what you were writing with so much focus, and Jake was busy trying to analyse Johnny.
“Hey,” Johnny softly nudged you with his elbow. “You seem studious, wanna help me with whatever the old man’s teaching? I don’t rea-“ you shushed him, trying to focus on the lecture. You were cute, Johnny noted. He kept quiet, for the moment, shifting his gaze to the man beside you, he gave Jake a nod, who didn’t seem interested in interacting.
“I’m Johnny” he introduced himself as soon as the class was over. You told him your name, but Jake didn’t bother, he was busy rolling his eyes. Johnny Storm, the famous heartthrob didn’t seem like a jerk, in fact he was sweet to you, you liked the way he smiled.
“Hey… sugar, can i call you sugar? well i think you’re sweet as sugar, so i’m gonna call you sugar” Johnny uttered quickly and you couldn’t help but smile. “Will you be the sweet girl I think you are and help me with this subject? tutor me, please sugar.” he went on and gave you puppy dog eyes. You could have refused, considering you had to study other subjects as well, but could you say no to those beautiful blue eyes?
“Kitten, before you say anything can I have a word?” Jake interrupted. Jake Jensen, your best friend and roommate. You both have been best. friends since forever and now you shared an apartment. The first time Jake saw you, you were wearing a t-shirt that had kittens on it, hence the name. You adored that name, but you adored the person much more. And he, well he adored you too, too much actually. Jake pulled you aside to give you a piece of his mind.
“I’m not sure if agreeing to Mr. Entitled will be a wise decision, you know about his reputation don’t you?” Jake asked, genuine concern was clear in his voice, he always looked out for you. To be fair he was also a little jealous but he couldn’t let you understand that. You laughed. His brows furrowed trying to figure out why you’re laughing.
“Oh Jakey, don’t worry I am very sure I am not his type so it will really just be me helping him with the subject, and I think that in turn will motivate me to study more.” Jake was a goner as soon as you called him ‘Jakey’. He decided it’s best to just nod.
“Okay, i’ll tutor you.” You informed Johnny who wrapped you in a big hug, before saying he really appreciated you helping him. You told Johnny he could come over to your place after college. Jake already had other plans, so it would just be you and Johnny. Truth be told, you were nervous. It’s not that you were interested in Johnny, still you couldn’t explain the sudden burst of butterflies you got in your stomach every time Johnny flashed you that charming smile.
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After college you went back home to make sure your apartment isn’t in a mess before Johnny would come over. Thankfully you got the time to tidy everything and change into something comfortable yourself. You reminded yourself he would be here just to study because he needed help, otherwise you weren’t someone Johnny would spare a second glance to. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the bell rang.
“Hey, sugar.” Johnny flashed his smile, as soon as you opened the door. He took some time to look around your apartment before sitting at the study desk. You got your laptop, notes and the books you would be needing. Also couldn’t forget the two cups of coffee you made.
“You’ve got a nice apartment, sugar. Cute, just like you” Johnny winked as you cleared your throat, to stop a shy smile from reaching your face. You informed him that Jake shared the apartment with you. He didn’t seem too excited about that information, just said an ‘oh’ before thanking you for the coffee and basically changing the topic.
That day marked the first of many of your study sessions. You both grew closer, got to know more about one another. Early classes didn’t seem too tiring anymore, because it meant spending more time with Johnny. Johnny who was hardly seen in class was now attending it regularly, making excuses to his friends. His random compliments always had some special effect on you, he also made you laugh, a lot. You cooked him a snack every time, he appreciated that.
And Johnny? Well he tried his best to not acknowledge his feelings or whatever was going on with him. Mr popular himself was well aware of his reputation of being a ladies’ man and stood by it proudly. Johnny liked being the popular guy he was, he enjoyed the attention. He couldn’t actually develop feelings for someone could he? Just because you were so sweet, warm, beautiful, kind, helpful, and just because you made him notes, asked about his day, always listened to him and made him food during those study sessions, didn’t mean that he could have feelings for you, right?
“Johnny!” you interrupted Johnny’s daydreaming when he suddenly lost track while studying. His clueless face was adorable. Johnny gave you a toothy grin as he focused on the book again. You couldn’t help but smile, couldn’t help but get drawn to Johnny Storm, just like a moth to a flame.
Oh how much you wanted to tell Jensen everything, how much you wanted his advice, but you could hardly get a hold of him those days. Maybe you were being a bad friend not taking care of him or maybe - he wasn’t avoiding you, was he? Jake was never home whenever Johnny would come over. True that Jake still smiled at you like before but he didn’t talk so much.
“Looks like someone lost their focus, huh sugar?” Johnny smirked, and you playfully rolled your eyes. He wanted to ask you out on a date but before he could he got a text from a friend about some party they were planing to go to. Johnny was reminded of the life outside your comforting study sessions. Johnny storm, heart-throb? more like heartbreaker. His friends hyped him up too much, being popular was something he always enjoyed.
Right then, you looked up at him with a sweet smile and in that moment Johnny wanted to forget everything else.
“These study sessions have helped me so much, thank you for tutoring me sugar.” he held your hand softly and continued, “I would really like if we could a arrange a little Study date? A lot like this but it will also be a date. We can order food and we can watch a movie. Y’know, a date, like the ones they show in Rom-coms. What say?” You were lost for words. Trying to form a coherent answer when you’re heart was beating so fast you were almost scared. Finally you decided to nod, maybe a little too eagerly. Johnny smiled. You couldn’t wait to tell your best friend, you were so happy, all of this felt unbelievable.
“Jakey, Jakey, Jakey!!” you hugged him as soon as your roommate entered your shared apartment. Jake smiled seeing you so happy. Before he could ask the reason of your happiness you told him everything that happened. He was happy for you, because you were happy, but a part of him wasn’t still sure about Johnny or his intentions, how could Jake ignore everything people tell about Johnny and how could you either? He was famous as a ladies’ man, as a player. Or maybe the fact that Jake was hopelessly in love with you was clouding his judgment.
“I am happy that you’re happy, kitten” Jake paused and you could sense a ‘but’ coming, “But it’s Johnny Storm we are talking about, are you sure?” You assured your best friend about how Johnny was so much more than his image, he was sweet, funny and caring. And that your really liked him.
“Well then, I am really happy for you kitten. I hope Johnny realises how lucky he is. Remember, you’re the best, okay? Hope you enjoy this date of yours and take care of yourself, please.” You hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around you, tightly, trying to hold you there, but he knew he would have to let you go.
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You decided to ditch your usual hoodies for the date and put on a cute dress. When you stood in front of the mirror to apply some light makeup and did your hair, you didn’t pick out the flaws of your body. All you could see in that mirror was the reflection of an excited girl getting ready for her date. The bell rang and you practically ran to open the door.
“Oh sugar, look at you” Johnny took in how you beautiful looked. “Wow, i- wow you’re so beautiful, so cute.” He entered through the door but his eyes were still locked on you. “I got these for you.” Johnny handed you some pretty sunflowers. “You remind me of sunflowers. Bright, warm and beautiful, and I really like sunflowers.” He blushed a little, scratching the back of his neck, looking adorable.
You could feel there won’t be much studying that evening, still as the good tutor you were you made sure to provide him some notes which would help him. For the first time Johnny had the excuse to stare at you instead of focusing on the books and notes, it was a date after all.
“Alright alright, enough with studying now, let’s watch something shall we?” You chuckled. Johnny took a place on the couch going through the movies to find the perfect one for tonight. Meanwhile you went to the kitchen to bring out the snack you prepared along with two beers. “Hurry up, sugar!” With that you came out of the kitchen and sat beside him. He played a romantic movie.
“I didn’t know you liked romantic movies”
“Well sugar, there is a lot you still don’t know about me.”
He wrapped his hand around your shoulder, pulling you closer, you kept your head on his shoulder. Being so close with him made your chest heave, and Johnny took notice of that, a smirk forming on his face.
“Hey, sugar” Johnny pushed a loose strand of your hair behind your ear as you looked at him. “You’re so beautiful, I can’t get my eyes off of you and honestly I don’t to” You bit your lower lip and Johnny lost his mind. Immediately leaning in to kiss those beautiful lips of yours, and you kissed him back. Johnny didn’t expect the kiss to turn so passionate, so heated, but he couldn’t help when you reciprocated the passion, when you tasted to sweet, when your lips felt so soft against his. Losing yourself in the kiss, only pulled apart when you were out of breath.
“Wow.” you panted for breath.
“Wow indeed, sugar” Johnny smirked, caressing your face, your cheeks were so soft. You leaned into his large palm, he smiled adoringly looking at you. He moved his hand to hold the back of your neck, pulling you closer to touch your forehead with his. You could feel one another’s warm breath. He planted soft kisses all over your face. You smiled.
The date went great, you both talked about whatever your heart wanted, ordered some Chinese takeout, watched the movie - well bits of it and spent the evening in each other’s arms while Johnny caressed your neck and face. Touching you felt so good, so soft, he was staring at your beautiful body, taking every curve in with his eyes. He showed you appreciation, made you feel smile, made you laugh. You were happy and so was he.
Just the two of without any interruptions. Except one, Johnny’s friend had called informing him about some super hot girl, whose name he forgot, who asked for Johnny’s number. That friend probably would have talked more if Johnny didn’t tell him he was busy and hung up. Again, Johnny was reminded of his life outside this warm cocoon. He cared about you, he did, but he also enjoyed that lifestyle of his, the wild fun, the parties, and the way his friends considered him to be a casanova and the coolest dude out there. As far as he remembered, he only ever dated women who looked like they came out of fashion magazines, that too longest for a month, and then there was another, hotter than the one before, popular than the one before and he took pride in it.
Would he give it all up for you? Or rather would you fit in his life? Even if he didn’t date another woman, what about his friends? Will they accept you? You were sweet, beautiful, kind, and friendly, but - he couldn’t ignore the ‘but’ no matter how much he wanted to. He looked at you again, how can someone not like you? Granted his friends were stupid and maybe a little mean at times but they would like you right?
They had to. The way you looked at him with affection in your eyes, the way you praised him when he got his answers right while studying, the way he could tell you anything about himself, be vulnerable, share his fears, even things he didn’t tell his friends and you never judged him, made him feel comforted, it made him so happy.
“Alright sugar, I guess I should go now, thank you for today, and for everything, I had an amazing time.” Johnny smiled, getting up to leave. You hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, saying that you had a lovely time too. “Oh I almost forgot” Johnny stopped in his tracks as he was leaving. “It’s my birthday next week, I’m having a little party, well um, not little actually. Anyway I really want you to be there, please sugar.”
“Of course I’ll be there Johnny, I’m excited.” He pecked your lips and left for the day. As soon as you closed the door, you were squealing in happiness, it all seemed too good to be true.
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That week went past pretty quickly, you were so confused about what present you should get for Johnny. You asked Jake for help and he suggested books or clothes but you weren’t feeling it somehow. The gift you were looking for could be simple but it must have a personal connection. After searching for ideas here and there you finally settled on a gift.
The phone chimed, you had set an alarm, it was 12 AM, it was Johnny’s birthday. You opted for texting instead of calling, in case he was sleeping.
Happy Birthday Johnny <3
You used the heart emoji even though you were nervous. Johnny wasn’t sleeping, he was out with with his friends. He saw your text and smiled.
Thank you, sugar ;)
“Who’s got you smiling like that Johnny boy?” a friend asked. He shrugged it off. “Must be that hottie who asked for his number” another friend suggested. “I don’t think so, that girl may be hot but not hot enough for our boy, he only goes for women who look like Victoria’s Secret Models, he has an image to maintain, he won’t go for just anyone.” one of them retaliated. Johnny didn’t say anything while his friends came up with different theories and basically objectified women. He didn’t like that though. Sure he wasn’t a relationship type of guy, that doesn’t mean he didn’t respect women.
Morning rolled in, and then evening. Jake informed he’ll be out for the day, had to meet a friend. You got ready for Johnny’s birthday party. Decided to wear one of your best dresses, that made you feel confident in yourself. You did your hair and makeup, and took one last look at the mirror, happy the way you looked, which wasn’t always the case, and then grabbed his gift and your set of keys of the apartment and left for his party.
The party was noisy, full of people, you didn’t go to many parties so you weren’t really used to it. Through the crowd you tried to spot the man of the hour. And there he was, smiling and laughing, beautiful as always. There were some people around him whom you assumed to be his friends. You gripped the gift tightly in your hand and made your way towards them.
“Oh shit, would you look at that?” one of the guys commented, Johnny turned his head to see you approaching. You looked amazing, so beautiful.
“What is she wearing?” another one asked. “To be fair, I don’t think clothes really matter in little miss fatty’s case.” his friends laughed and Johnny could feel his fears come true. He wished you weren’t there, wished you weren’t coming to see him. He didn’t look at you, turned his face away, hoping to avoid a mess.
“Hi Johnny, happy birthday” you wished him, sweetly. He didn’t turn to face you, he could hear his friends laughing, murmuring comments under their breath. Johnny froze. He didn’t know how to respond with his friends looking at you like you were a living joke. Could Johnny tell them he liked you? What if they made fun of him after knowing that? At the same time he liked you a lot. Before he could respond one of his friends started speaking.
“Oh hello there, are you one of Johnny’s admirers?” the tone was full of mockery. You didn’t know how to answer that, trying to ignore the tone, you thought Johnny would introduce you to his friends but he kept quiet. The question wasn’t something you were expecting. You got interrupted as soon as you opened your mouth to speak.
“Let me guess, she’s got a little crush on our Johnny Boy. Careful friend, don’t get ‘crushed’ under her weight.” one of them suggested, using air quotes and the rest laughed, everyone except Johnny, who stood in silence, trying to avoid your gaze. “Sorry to break it to you fatty, you’re not really his type. or anyone else’s I’d say” This wasn’t something new for you, you had been fat-shamed before, what you didn’t expect was to see the man you admired, the man you thought liked you, the man you were falling for to stay quiet, to let his friends make fun of you. Their comments didn’t hurt you, Johnny’s silence did.
“I- I got this for you but-“, you tried to give him the birthday gift you got him but his friend took it from your hands, Johnny still didn’t say anything, the gift seemed meaningless, like everything else. You were fighting a war with yourself to not let tears form in your eyes.
“Aww look Johnny, your little - well not so little admirer got you a gift. Let’s open it shall we?” And they did. You wished the earth swallowed you, it would be better than the humiliation, than the betrayal. Was everything a lie? Everything that happened between you both, did it mean nothing?
“Oh shit” Laughter, mockery, humiliation, still Johnny’s silence felt the loudest. “She got you mug with sunflowers drawn on it, sunflowers really? You think Johnny is lame or what? Oh man, I don’t know what’s funnier you thinking you have shot with him or you giving him this silly gift” Johnny looked at the mug, looked at the sunflowers remembering how you reminded him of them. It was special, you must have put a lot of thought into the gift.
Johnny finally turned to see you, he couldn’t feel your warmth in that moment. Your face was expressionless, your usual smile nowhere to be found. He did this, he did this to you.
“Guys please, that’s enough, she must have-“ Johnny tried to speak up but got interrupted.
“Wait, wait you know her?”
“She- she’s in one of my classes” Johnny looked away again. In that moment you realised where you stood in his life, a classmate. Everything else? Probably a big joke.
“You can throw the silly gift away, or better yet break it. Enjoy your birthday.” You quickly spoke, turning around to walk away, before they could see your tears, before they could insult you more. Johnny didn’t stop you, he looked at you though. With every step you took, he could feel you walking out of his life. He did this to you and to himself. All to get validated by the assholes he called his friends, all to maintain the image he held up for years. At least Johnny found the answer he was looking for, when he had to choose, he chose the rest of his so called ‘happening life’ at the cost of losing you. He realised he didn’t deserve love, he was shallow, he didn’t deserve someone as kind as you in his life in any form.
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“Kitten what’s going on?” You don’t remember when you reached home or for how long your were crying in your room when you heard Jake knock on your door. He opened the door and when he saw you he could feel his heart breaking to see his favourite girl like that. Instantly he was beside you on the floor, taking you in his arms. “Hey, hey sweetheart I am right here” You grabbed his T-shirt tightly, hiding your face against his shoulder, crying your heart out. He rubbed your back softly, trying to calm you down but he decided not to interrupt you, Jake felt you needed to let it out, so he held you tightly against him.
“How did I expect a guy like him to actually like me? He, who dates gorgeous women, that too not for long. What was I expecting? For him to fall for me? I’m such a dumbass, I-I’m nothing but the laughing stock, Jakey.” You spoke after calming down a bit, closing your eyes shut. You told him everything that happened. Jake always had his doubts about Johnny, but right then he wished he was wrong, because seeing you so broken was so much worse than seeing you with someone else, you were so happy after the date. Jake loved seeing you happy, nothing mattered more than your happiness.
“I know you’re upset and you have every right to be but don’t criticise yourself please, you’re the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest, funniest person I know. You’re so helpful, understanding and nice. You can easily brighten up someone’s day. Don’t think so poorly of yourself or how you look because some fucking assholes said shit about you. You’re gorgeous, beautiful, attractive and so fucking cute” He took a deep breath when you looked at him, your eyes teary yet so beautiful.
“Most importantly you have beautiful heart, full of love. Not everyone will understand your worth but remember you deserve all the happiness and love in the world. Frankly I can’t believe how everyone isn’t in love with you because I for sure-“ Your best friend caught himself before he was about to spill out his feelings to you.
“You for sure what Jakey?” your voice was slightly shaky from all the crying. Jake didn’t know what to do, should he finally tell you about his feelings? Was that the right time? You softly held his larger hands in yours, urging him to go on. He was so scared of ruining your friendship which was the main reason he didn’t say anything all these years. But maybe it was time.
“Because I for sure am. I’m in love with you Kitten, for so long I can’t even remember now. You’re the best, you’re my best girl. How could I not fall for you when you’re so amazing? I love you, so much, so fucking much. I didn’t ever say anything because I was scared I’d lose you and ruin our friendship. You mean so much to me sweetheart, I don’t want to lose you. I respect you and our friendship too much.”
You hugged him again, trying to formulate the words. How could you have been so clueless all these years? Jake Jensen is the sweetest, funniest, smartest and kindest man you know. You know anyone would be lucky to be with him. To think he could love you all these years felt pretty unbelievable to you. You wanted to explore this new exciting feeling you got when he expressed his love for you. But maybe you needed time.
“You’re the most amazing guy ever, and I just- I’m vulnerable right now and I don’t want to make you a rebound somehow, because that will be extremely unfair. So what I am asking you, is to give me some time to reflect on everything before I can properly ask you out on a date. Which I will, very soon.” You told Jake who smiled softly, nodding.
“Hey, I won’t let you slip away after you just confessed your eternal love to me okay? You better not change your mind or anything.” You teased, trying to make the situation lighter but Jake was too emotional to take it lightly, he started shaking his head.
“Never, I won’t ever change my mind about you, I won’t ever leave you.” he kissed your forehead, and the simple loving action made you shed a few tears again. The man had been with you forever, has taken care of you always, more than you thought you deserved.
“I wish I knew about your feelings sooner Jakey,” He kissed your forehead again, “It’s okay though, maybe this is how it was supposed to happen. Maybe I had to realise it the hard way that I have always had, and always will have a gem of a person looking out for me, loving me for who I am. I care about you a lot Jakey and we’ll soon make up for the lost time. I look forward to it.” You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you.
In the comfort of Jake’s arms, you could visualise the journey you have shared with him till date, all those small moments of joy, of friendship, of love, how you wrote ‘Kitten and Jakey forever’ in his notebook back in school, even the tinge of jealousy you felt when you saw someone clinging on to Jake. You liked Jake, probably more than you ever realised. For the first time that evening, the dread you were feeling to face Johnny again didn’t trouble you much, because as always, you had the best guy you knew in your corner protecting and comforting you in any form he could. The two of you would figure it out like you’ve always had. A whole life ahead to figure out everything. A life with Jake Jensen.
tagging some friends: @madgep @rodrikstark @mrsdrysdale18 @mobbucky @andy--barber @writing-for-marvel
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