#do you love aoba johsai and wish you knew what it was like for them during those 3 years oikawa was so thankful for?
Do you want to read a matsuhana fic?
What if it was a childhood-friends-to-lovers slow burn?
And what if it also featured an iwaoi childhood-friends-to-lovers slow burn?
And what if there were traces of kyouhaba enemies-to-lovers?
And what if there was a plausible (canon-compliant) excuse for the Seijoh 4 to meet and interact with the Tokyo 4?
Well, look no further!
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Now, I know you're probably thinking that the description is vague and foreboding, which must mean this fic is full of angst and misery.
However, that's not the case!
Okay, yeah, technically there's angst here and there, and some characters certainly do feel miserable on occasion. Truth be told, you might even find yourself crying sometimes.
But you know what else you'll do?
Laugh. And smile. And experience fleeting moments of joy. And fleeting moments of impatience when you realize slow burn wasn't an exaggeration.
Doesn't that sound nice?
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katszumi · 8 months
Part Two
“We won.” The words left Iwaizumi’s mouth. It was the second time he said it that week. Another win for Seijoh, leaving the other team completely defenseless. It was another easy win for them.
Another win, yet another loss in his book.
He promised himself that he’d confess to you after the game. Everyday, the words repeat in his head like a mantra. Everytime he sees you, he waits for the words to leave his mouth, but they don’t. They never do.
He hates himself for it. He wished that he could just grow up and say it. Iwaizumi knew there wasn’t much time before you both graduated, and you both knew that you’d separate after.
He wanted nothing more than to cherish this time with you.
He watched as your usual bright smile stretched across your face, eyes dancing and bleeding with pride. God, he never got tired of seeing that.
“I knew you could.” It was something he heard many times before, but he didn’t have a problem with it. No. He loved it. Loved that he had your support.
There were tons of people that supported him. He was in a powerhouse school so it wasn’t odd that there were lines of people cheering his name. Yet, he only heard you. Everytime you’d scream his name, your voice would echo in his head, telling himself to play even harder to guarantee the win that day.
He remembered you wearing his jersey once. Technically, it was ‘wear your favorite player’s jersey’ at Aoba Johsai. Mostly, it was Oikawa’s jersey that was spread throughout the school. Iwaizumi truly didn’t care that he didn’t see anyone wearing his, until he saw you.
There you were standing in the crowd alongside your two friends dressed in his jersey. He remembered how fast the heat crept up his neck, blooming across his face without warning. How rapid his heart was racing, causing him to stop in place and stare at you with a tilted head. He was shocked.
He remembered how Oikawa wrapped his shoulder around him with a crooked grin. They said nothing but from his posture Iwaizumi knew Oikawa was teasing him. Though, he didn’t care in that moment. He was too happy. Happy that you were there for him. Happy you even wore his jersey.
He remembered how Oikawa faked him into going on a date with you. Well, more of a study session. All of the third years made plans to study at the library, but it was only you and him that came. While you only saw this as ditching, Iwaizumi knew that they did this so he could confess.
He was such a blushy mess being alone and close to you. Especially when you asked for help on a specific problem, his hand lightly brushed against yours as he grabbed the pencil from you, his hand immediately recoiling back as he stuttered for words. You looked up at him and grinned muttering sorry. He didn’t know why you said it, but he nodded. That day he didn’t confess either.
He remembered finding you between two vending machines, crouched down and head into your knees. Your body was shaking as choked sobs parted your lips. Immediately, he kneeled down and asked you what was wrong but you didn’t say anything. You didn’t even look up at him. Iwaizumi was unsure of what to do since he’s never been in a situation like this before. Besides, it was you. You were headstrong, it was strange to see you break down in school.
He opened his mouth to say something, but the feeling of two arms wrapping around his stomach and a head pressing into the crook of his neck ceased him from doing so. You cried into his neck, holding him tightly like he would slip away from your grasp. He thought it was selfish to be enjoying her touch like this, but only pure bliss filled his heart.
Turns out, your grades were slipping and it wasn’t guaranteed you were going to make it into university.
He remembered the wide smile that spread across your face when you aced a test that he helped you study. You took no time to engulf him into another tight hug. Iwaizumi stiffened at your touch. Unlike last time, your arms were around his neck. Your hand placed slightly below his nape. Hesitantly but surely, he placed his fit arms on your waist. For a moment he could’ve swore that you moved in closer, but he wasn’t so sure since he was focusing on not breaking down right there and then.
He remembered the first time he went inside your home. You were down with a fever, and your parents were at work. He took the day off to aid you, hoping for a quick recovery to get back at school. Your room was nothing like he expected. It was nice, and had a sweet scent.
You were embarrassed for having him see you so sick like, but he didn’t mind. You asked him how could he not be disgusted by your looks, he responded by saying you looked exactly like he always saw you. Disgusting, is what you replied with jokingly. Iwaizumi laughed with you, his heart aching with the familiar feeling he’s experienced before. More than ever, he wanted to tell you. But he just couldn’t.
He remembered the train ride home you two took that one day, not walking since it was pouring. Iwaizumi stood, holding onto the bar to keep himself balanced while you sat. You insisted for him to sit down with you since it was still a long way to go till you both got off, but he declined. He didn’t want to invade your privacy. The seat was mildly close to yours, it was definite that he’d accidentally touch you in a matter of time. He didn’t want to go through that embarrassment, nor the apologies.
After minutes of pestering, he finally sat down beside you, his legs relishing the relief he felt from standing all day. That day he learned more and more about you: your favorite animal, favorite food, favorite place, your plans after highschool, he learned it all. From the corner of his eye he noticed your head drooping, eyelids falling. In the nick of time, he caught your head from toppling over. Unsure of what to do with it, Iwaizumi did the most selfish thing he could— He placed it onto his shoulder.
Moments after, your hand found it’s way onto his. So much for ‘invading privacy’.
Finally, he remembered the solace in his heart when he heard you reject the rumors about you and Oikawa dating. You two were growing closer, leaving Iwaizumi as a grumpy, insecure mess. The practices were more tense than they usually were, all of the 1st and 2nd years confused as to who shifted the mood. The 3rd hears already knew, and they were sure why. The rumors had been going around for about a week so it wasn’t surprising that they heard of it.
Iwaizumi didn’t want to believe it, but Oikawa was the golden boy at the school, everyone fell for him. And Iwaizumi was just him. He knew there wasn’t much of a competition, he knew that you were going to pick him, and that’s why it hurt so much. He cried almost every night, refusing to speak to anyone at school or home. He also avoided you, making sure to take the longer routes to his classes and staying ten minutes after school just so you’d miss him and walk home by yourself.
But one day, there you were, waiting for him at the gates. You demanded for him to tell you why he was avoiding you, but he wouldn’t share. You kept hassling him hoping for something to slip out, and it did. In the most snarkiest way he replied with, “Why are you bothering me? Shouldn’t you be with your boyfriend?” He pronounced boyfriend in the most mocking way, that it made you sneer. You laughed in his face, causing his heart to break even more. Iwaizumi turned around aiming to get as far away from you as he could, but you grabbed onto his hand before he could take a step. You instantly shot down his assumption, claiming that it was only a rumor, that you and Oikawa were friends and nothing more.
That day Iwaizumi felt like an idiot. He should’ve asked instead of recklessly jumping to conclusions and leaving you in the dust. It was unfair. Mentally, he cursed at himself for being so inconsiderate towards you. Only one thought entered his mind for the rest of the day: I should just confess already.
And here you are, shining your toothy smile at him, eyes ablaze with exhilaration nearly lighting the night sky itself. You were just so alluring. There was never a day where his heart stopped beating for you, where that same crimson blush stopped occuring, where he would try to find open spots in his day to spend with you. The feeling inside of him was overwhelming, the feeling coursed through his veins like it was his blood, like a drug he couldn’t live without. He wanted you. He needed you.
And like he was starved, his mouth opened before he could process anything.
“I love you.”
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thefuzzzz · 3 months
My DaiSuga Week 2024 Masterlist
(Please note, this is a masterlist of MY contributions, not any of the other lovely people who participated!! Check out @daisugaweek2024 to see everyone else’s!!)
Day 1 - Here, In This Garden
Day 2 - Put A Pin In It
Day 3 - How Daichi Fell In Love With A Water Spirit
Day 4 - The Best Time For A Marriage Proposal Is During A Drug Investigation (According to Daichi)
Day 5 - Chemistry
Day 6 - 3 Times Suga and Daichi Weren't Caught by Their Team, and 1 Time They Were
Day 7 - Afterparty
Keep reading for summaries:
Day 1 - Here, In This Garden
"I'm afraid I do not see the dilemma," Daichi interrupted.
Suga whipped around, messy bedhead hiding his eyes until he pushed it away. "The problem is I do not wish to spend my night being asked to dance by people who do not know me and do not care to."
He flopped onto the bed and engulfed himself in the blue sheets like they were his own personal ocean to float away into. "Why is my life put in the hands of my marriage?" he groaned, staring up at the high ceiling and distant windows through the gaps of his fingers.
Daichi shrugged. "You're royalty," he said simply.
"Does the knight know nothing of love?" Suga bit back, harsher than he meant to.
In truth, Daichi knew more about love than he would like to admit. He felt more like a bard who'd stumbled into the position of a knight, than a real protector. He loved too easily and was fiercely protective of those his heart belonged to. Maybe that was what made him such a good royal guard. He loved the prince, more than anything.
Prince Sugawara falls in love with a horribly oblivious royal knight Daichi
Day 2 - Put A Pin In It
"Can we talk?" Daichi asked, turning his body to face Suga's. He could feel his heart thumping in his chest already.
Suga leaned on the railing, eyebrows knitting in concern. "Sure," he said cautiously, "what's up?"
Daichi studied the worry on his face. It was akin to the fear in his eyes when they were losing a game. Daichi hated that he could make him look that nervous.
He took a breath and settled his jumbled thoughts. "About the party-"
Suga waved his hand. "Oh, that was nothing. We were both out of it I know you didn't-"
It was Daichi's turn to interrupt. He made a face. "I wasn't drunk."
Suga's lips parted in surprise. "Oh," he said flatly.
Or, while on their senior trip, Daichi tries to confess to Suga while Noya decides to prank them both.
Day 3 - How Daichi Fell In Love With A Water Spirit
"I've never met a naiad before," Daichi said, soft words passing his lips as he examined.
The naiad shrunk away under his gaze but stepped forward slowly. "I've never met a human."
Daichi smiled. He extended a calloused hand. "I'm Daichi."
The naiad took a small step forward, examining his hand. “Why are you showing me this?”
Daichi laughed. “It’s how humans greet one another. Put your hand on mine.”
The naiad lifted his hand cautiously, putting it against Daichi’s. His skin was cold and wet, but somehow not unpleasant.
Daichi shook his hand softly as he watched in amazement and mild fear.
Daichi, a human carpenter traveling between the kingdoms of Karasuno and Aoba Johsai, meets Sugawara, a curious water spirit.
Day 4 - The Best Time For A Marriage Proposal Is During A Drug Investigation (According to Daichi)
"I'm requesting a drug dog next time," Suga complained, stepping off the chair he was using to check the inside of the ceiling fan.
Daichi helped him off the chair. While he was more than capable of getting down on his own, he decided Daichi just wanted to feel helpful.
"We should talk about something," Daichi said in a voice that convinced Suga nothing was too horribly wrong.
The detective raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. We've been together for a while-"
He was interrupted by a brick. Not just any brick, but a brick hurtling in through the window and straight into their conversation. Soon after, a man with a gun was also inside the window.
Suga resisted asking 'Doesn't it hurt to climb over all that glass?' in favor of procuring his own gun. Before he could even aim the thing, Daichi had tased the man.
Sugawara, a detective, is on a drug investigation with his boyfriend, Daichi, who thinks now is a great time to propose.
Day 5 - Chemistry
"Sawamura, move to the back with Sugawara."
Suga wasn't paying attention, but he sure as fuck was now. He watched with a slack jaw as Daichi stood and walked to the back, shooting him a friendly smile and plopping down next to him in a chair.
The universe was so kind today.
"I'm Daichi, I don't believe we've met before," he smiled, leaning his arms on the table and looking over at Suga.
Suga tried very hard not to stutter. "I'm Sugawara, but Suga is fine. Nice to meet you."
While Daichi insisted that everyone he met called him by his first name, claiming everyone was his friend, Sugawara decided he was not friendly enough to do that. A nickname would have to do.
Daichi moved his focus back to the professor, who started to explain the project. Suga kept his attention firmly on Daichi's muscular arms that leaned on the table, like always. How he was passing that class, he did not know.
Daichi and Suga are paired up for a chemistry lab, and Suga is a weak man.
Day 6 - 3 Times Suga and Daichi Weren't Caught by Their Team, and 1 Time They Were
Suga and Daichi aren't doing a very good job of keeping their love lives away from their teammates.
Day 7 - Afterparty
"I don't think you know what you're doing," Suga laughed, watching Daichi haphazardly try to ice a box mix cake they'd just finished.
"I'm a pro baker, I'll have you know. They invited me to Great British Bake Off, but I declined because I was too busy marrying you," Daichi said, only just now noticing that the cake was, in fact, not fully cooked.
Suga stood behind him, looking at the sink full of dishes and the miscellaneous party decorations strewn about. Music played faintly over the speaker. The aftermath of his birthday party.
Daichi makes Suga a box mix birthday cake after all their friends leave his actual birthday party. Things go wrong. A tradition is carried on.
Andddd that’s all!!! Thanks to anyone and everyone who supported me though this and I can’t wait for next year!!
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kira-fluff · 2 years
I saw your “enemies to lovers” and I was wondering if you could do one for Oikawa, Kageyama and Tsukishima please.
a/n: of course i will continue to write my most favoritest trope in the whole wide world it is flawless and lovely and beautiful that being said i feel like this is shit but it is what it is tw: swearing, suggestive
enemies to lovers - haikyuu!! x reader
oikawa tooru you hate him because he's so. fucking. arrogant.
it wasn't fair that god seemed to bless some people with more beautiful faces regardless of whether they deserved it or not. why is he so pretty? his personality is shit. you reasoned that perhaps in order to be good-looking you must be as equally intolerable. you took it upon yourself to knock oikawa down a few pegs whenever you could. he deserved it, what with his carefree attitude and conceited behavior. you cringed at all the fan girls that surrounded him. sure he was attractive, but you only wished they would open their eyes and realize how badly they were being deceived by his "happy-go-lucky" nature that secretly hid a dark, sinister, evil side. you tried to rant to your friends but they'd always stop you saying he "wasn't that bad".. but it was clear that they just didn't seem to see oikawa for the piece of shit that he really was! his stupid, shit-eating grin and his gross, fluffy, beautiful, luscious hair were annoying in and of itself, but then he always seemed to get a kick out of making you the butt of all his flirtacious jokes.
"hi-hi, y/n-chan~ you'll come cheer me on at my next match, won't you?"
you deadpanned, "i'd rather die."
you heard his friend, iwaizumi hajime, let out a loud laugh (he seemed alright to you) while oikawa's obnoxious, whiny voice said, "sO mEaN iWa-ChAN!!" he deserved it. stupid, annoying oikawa.
the thing that annoyed you most is how he seemed to always carry himself like he was so much better than you. as if being a volleyball player and the captain of the team made him fucking GOD or something. it made you despise sports altogether - it was just so common to see athletes who were so full of themselves act like they're the greatest thing to ever fucking exist. so you had never went to a single game aoba johsai played - of any sport - but especially volleyball. you rolled your eyes as you studied in the library, hearing the loud, bothersome cheers coming from the gymnasium during their matches. sometimes you even heard an "oikawa-saaaan~~~" which made you nearly gag. why did girls even like him? his personality alone was the least attractive thing you'd ever seen in your entire life and he was not that handsome. in fact, his shitty personality immediately made him go from maybe a 7 to a 1. or a negative number, if you could rate him so. it was so annoying! you felt bad for all of them - using their money to buy him gifts and giving their hearts to him only for him to crush them by dating them for a week or just flat-out rejecting them. you'd think after the first few times it happened that they'd learn their lesson but after so long they still trailed after him like lost puppies. you pitied them, really.
you were interrupted from your trance by the clearing of a throat. you looked up to see the fucker himself, oikawa tooru. you weren't in the mood for good graces so you glowered at him, muttering a low, "what."
he smirked at you like he knew something you didn't, "just reminding you my game is tonight."
you sighed, your eyebrows narrowing further, "it's not just your game, it's aoba johsai's game. and like i'd ever go to watch you."
he leaned closer to you, his stupid cologne fumes getting in your nose. "are you sure, y/n-chan~?"
you rolled your eyes, "positive. now please leave me alone."
he huffed, "why don't you-"
"obsess over you? cry for your attention? wet my pants when i see you?" you interrupted.
he begrudgingly muttered, "i was going to say, like me.."
you scoffed, "why don't i like you?" your voice was getting louder now, "maybe because you're an arrogant piece of shit who only thinks about himself!"
his eyes widened, then narrowed. his voice grew low, "...you don't know me."
you laughed, "pretty sure i do, actually."
you moved closer to you, "you barely even look at me, much less show up to any of the school's games. i think we both know who the arrogant one is. 'oh i'm so special! i'm not like those other girls! i'm so quirky and amazing because i pride myself on not giving a shit when in reality all i ever am is angry at the world because if i were gone no one would even notice!'"
you blink back tears, "..you're a piece of shit." you ground out the words, wiping hastily at your eyes.
he smirked sardonically, "again, you barely even know me. you don't know the first thing about me. i bet i know more about you than you know about me."
"really? what with the way you advertise every moment of your life, i find that hard to believe!" you jeered.
"wanna bet?" he placed his hands dramatically on his hips.
you sighed, "well, for starters, you think you're better than everyone else because you play volleyball and you're slightly good-looking if you squint and you have good grades because then you can brag about them and your friends all make fun of you."
he raised an eyebrow, "that's all?"
"there's not much else, you're pretty shallow."
he swallowed thickly, "well i know that you like to pretend that you're better than everyone else just because you pretend that everything everyone else likes is uncool in comparison to you sitting by yourself all lonely and sad. you like to look down on other people for being conceited and you hate sports because you think that anyone who plays a sport must be oh so arrogant or else your theory that me being a piece of shit will be proven wrong. you try hard in every aspect of your life but you don't want other people to notice because you so desperately want others to validate you for completing things flawlessly and without any struggle. you are afraid that other people will see the real you so you pretend to be someone you're not. you think others don't notice the way you cry if you get below an A on your test and you secretly love volleyball even if you pretend you hate it. you think no one notices when you fall asleep in the library because you were studying so hard you passed out."
you blinked in surprise. "thats-"
he continued, "you almost fainted after midterms. you were pale like a ghost. you suck at taking care of yourself and you suck even more at pretending you hate the things you like. you're so..."
you looked at him up and down, "annoying?"
he shook his head. "i was going to say beautiful."
"you're so full of shit."
he rolled his eyes, "would you rather i'd said 'ugly'?"
"that'd be a compliment coming from you." you smirked.
he averted his eyes, "well that's the last time i ever compliment you."
"like you even meant it! you're a flirt. you manipulate people to get what you want."
"i do not!"
"yes you do! you play with their hearts until you've had your fill of their attention." you sighed, "it's no wonder iwaizumi calls you 'shittykawa'."
oikawa huffed, then grabbed you by the arm, rushing you into a deserted classroom.
you glared up at him, eyes radiating pure malice. "i hate you."
oikawa's eyes traveled downward before snapping up again to your eyes. his adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed thickly, his eyes growing hazy. the next thing you knew, his lips were on yours. the strangest part is that you didn't pull away. in fact, instead of feeling strong disgust, you found yourself leaning into his touch as his hand found purchase on your cheek and jawbone. oikawa lightly slid his tongue over your lip, gaining entrance into your mouth where the two of you battled for dominance. in the end it was he who won, though you swore it was only because you so desperately needed air. as you pulled away, a string of spit strung between your lips. you were no longer glaring, instead, you wore a dopey expression of surprise and desire, though his expression was no different. his pupils were blown so wide you could see your own reflection in them. yet, his eyebrows were also creased, as if in pain.
then he said words you thought you'd never hear him say.
"i'm sorry."
you opened your mouth to speak but he continued.
"i'm sorry i haven't done that sooner." he winked, before walking away, leaving you enraged and chasing after him. there wasn't anything else that needed to be said between you - the kiss said it all.
kageyama tobio you hate him because he hates you.
you weren't one to judge someone for having a resting bitch face but you were convinced this guy genuinely hated your guts. he seemed to radiate hatred whenever you were around. if you turned toward him, his expression immediately soured.
so, you decided two could play at that game and from then forward, a silent game ensued. you weren't sure how many of the rules kageyama understood or was aware of but you were certain of one thing: you weren't going to lose.
when engaging in eye contact, the first to change their expression even a little bit loses
if you make the other laugh, it's an automatic win
no talking whatsoever
they weren't difficult rules to abide by, except when you had the burning need to trade a few insults with him. the strangest thing is that you never seemed to hear he was talking bad about you. you thought for sure by now you'd hear all the sorts of things he'd be saying about you to his teammates but so far you hadn't heard a thing. you assumed they must just be very close-lipped individuals or that kageyama must not have many friends (which is definitely a possibility if you're being honest). even though you're sworn to hatred of your nemesis, that thought made you a little sad. but you were sworn enemies, you told yourself, because he hated you. it upset you that you weren't sure why he disliked you.. and it bothered you even more that he refused to talk to you about it. perhaps you had made him upset about something. still, you recalled the time you tried to go up to him to talk to him about it - you called out his name - only for him to take one look at you before completely ignoring you and turning around, walking away. that set you on the path to hating him from then on. still, it made you sad that he refused to talk to you about it.
it wasn't until second-year when the two of you shared the same homeroom when you were surprised to see that maybe he was finally forgiving you. after you'd gave him an eraser to borrow, he smiled a little and quietly said, "thank you." another time you scored a perfect 100% on your test and he awkwardly said, "g-g-g-good job." it sort of threw you off that it took him so much effort to say it, like giving you a compliment was some sort of chore, but you were glad that he was at least trying to be nice now.
you turned in surprise, greeted by kageyama tobio himself. you raised an eyebrow in question.
he continued, "w-would y-you want to g-go on a date with me?"
you blinked in surprise. "w-what?" was he joking?
his face was quite flushed now as he averted his gaze, "n-nevermind."
you made a noise of hesitation, "wait, you don't hate me?"
it was his turn to blink in surprise, ".....hate you?" he turned his head to the side in confusion. "i...i don't hate you.."
your expression only grew more confused. this didn't make any sense. he always glares at you when you walk by... right?
what you didn't know is that each time he turned away from you, it was to hide his raging, red blush. each time he frowned at you, it was in an attempt to calm his beating hard, so rapid it was nearly about to come out of his chest. kageyama was much more confused of his emotions than anyone else.
tsukishima kei you hate him because he's rude and mean and RUDE.
leave it to tsukishima fucking kei to shit on your parade. you were notorious around school for being "miss sunshine" - the light of class 1-A: you tried to be as positive as possible.
"tsukishima-kun, look, this week there's going to be an event for your volleyball club to raise funds! isn't that so exciting?" he only deadpanned at you before replying, "acting excited doesn't make the job any less of a hassle." not only was he a huge buzzkill, but he was also just a huge meanie! a big jerk! you tried everything from searching for hobbies that might motivate him to even blackmail (which went about as well as you could expect) to try to get him to like you.
to make matters worse, he was a wiz at school which made every time you got a test back the bane of your existence. no matter how hard you tried to hide your score, you'd always catch the little sneer sent your way from the blonde boy. you sank in your seat as you took in the "F" on the top of your paper. tears welled up in your eyes as you turned around and stuck out your tongue. he'd only smirk in that rude, mean way he does while mouthing, "dummy". so, you decided, you'd hate him. you'd hate him so much that you would purposefully try to irritate him as much as possible. it brought you immense joy to see the irritation on his face as you'd poke him or jeer at him. it was a side none of your classmates had seen before - you weren't any less positive, but you definitely got a big kick out of pushing tsukishima's buttons. anything that would annoy tsukki was fair game. that meant calling him "tsukki" or "kei" whenever you got the chance. you also made a point of being extra loud in the morning when he was yawning and grinning a wide smile at him while he glared at you. if there was a moment during your breaks where tsukki had accomplished something, you'd smack his back extra hard while "complimenting" him with sayings like, "wow, as expected from Glasses Guy!" (another one of his least favorite nicknames). the spectacle amused your classmates and even encouraged you, much to tsukishima's dismay. but that's what he gets for being such a bully to you. sometimes he'd purposefully move things in the classroom to higher shelves when he knew you'd need to reach for them and couldn't. you'd always turn around and glare at him before sticking your tongue out.
as much as tsukki hated to admit it, a lot of what he thought about consisted of you. how he was going to annoy you or pay you back for what you'd done. but it was because you were so annoying - a huge dummy - he reasoned, that he couldn't ignore you. the way you ran around trying so hard and failing like a little mouse was amusing as it was equally obnoxious. he reasoned that maybe this was the reason he found himself becoming less bothered with you and actually beginning to enjoy your company - if that was even possible.
don't get him wrong, you were still extremely annoying. like that time you'd stood and talked with a second-year for what felt like hours during lunch, twirling your hair around your finger and smiling like an idiot. and then you started to giggle and covered your mouth which was something you never did around him (you usually laughed as loud as possible). it was disgusting, the way you flirted so openly with a guy, to his knowledge, you barely knew at all. so, he decided he'd put a stop to the spectacle that was definitely making everyone else as equally irritated as him. he stood up and walked over - visibly towering over the second-year - and stared him down. the loser seemed to catch the hint because he mumbled some excuse before retreating into the hallway.
"that was really mean of you, tsukki," you huffed.
tsukishima rolled his eyes, long-since given up on correcting your nickname (and strangely he didn't find that he disliked it too much anymore), "i thought i might throw up if i see anymore that."
you glowered at him, "anymore of what, tsukki?"
he narrowed his eyes, "you know what you were doing."
you puffed out your cheeks in the way that you knew bothered him because he looked away, his ears turning red - from anger, of course. "that's not fair!"
he raised an eyebrow, challenging you, "what isn't fair about anything that i said? do i need to spell it out for the dummy?" he grinned sardonically.
you scrunched your nose, "s-shut up, tsukki! you're so mean! what have i ever done to you?!"
tsukishima was already feeling anger boil up in him, "what haven't you done? just you being around is a chore in and of itself."
you blinked. he swallowed as your eyes turned glassy. you voice was only above a whisper as you replied, "then i guess i'll just stop bothering you." and then you turned around and ran.
the following week you ignored tsukishima. not that he really went out of his way to talk to you, you noticed. it had always been you going up to him and making a point to bother him. the thought saddened you - you hadn't even realized how much he hated you. and that thought angered you more. you decided from that point forward to ignore anything he did, unless to provide a scathing remark - just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
what you hadn't noticed is tsukishima's gaze that so often wandered over to you.
to be honest, he admired how hard you worked... for him, it wasn't necessarily an "effort" he put in rather than raw talent when it came to school. it's why, he reasoned, he'd so often catch himself staring at you while you nodded at the teacher mid-lecture, faithfully highlighting your notes. only for you to fail the test the next day. unfortunately you seemed to be more aware than he thought because you'd always catch him looking, but thankfully seemed to write it off as an insult because you'd always stick out that damn tongue of yours. the first time you'd stuck out your tongue he found himself swallowing like an idiot, entranced. so irritating.. you always did such unnecessary things.
he did feel bad for what he said to you. he was aware of his habit of saying this he didn't entirely mean. and well, what he said couldn't have been further from the truth.
you blanched.
"in order to get your grades up, i decided to make the decision to get you a tutor." you teacher grinned.
you heard the familiar, annoyed sigh and knew immediately who it was. you teacher smiled a little wider, "tsukishima-kun here owes me a little favor," she clasped her hands together, "so here we are."
tsukki rolled his eyes before meeting your own, mouthing, "thanks a lot." you frowned at him. this was going to be a long semester.
as soon as your teacher left, you slumped down into one of the library chairs, groaning. he sneered, "you're acting like you're the one suffering here."
you glared at him, "trust me, i am."
"funny, you're not the one trying to teach the idiot calculus."
"'m not an idiot, shitty-shima"
he laughed, "that's a new one."
"just get this over with."
he rolled his eyes, "believe me, i don't want to be here any more than you do."
strangely enough, though, tsukishima was a faithful teacher. he seemed to be patient enough in explaining each of the mathematical concepts that continued to stump you. sure, there wasn't a bit of encouragement when you answered something correct, but at least he didn't make fun of you when you answered something incorrectly this time. in fact, he reasoned that the areas where you messed up were common misconceptions. almost like he was trying to comfort you. almost.
it had barely felt like an hour when tsukki looked at the clock and sighed, saying that he was going to be late for practice if you didn't stop there. it had really been almost three hours already? despite yourself, you found yourself thanking him bashfully to which he nodded in response.
out of the blue he said, "about before," he sighed, "sorry."
your eyes widened in surprise. you blinked before abruptly asking, "hey, tsukki?"
"why... why do you hate me?"
he raised an eyebrow, "..hate you?"
you scoffed, "well you don't exactly make it subtle."
you stared down at you, his expression serious, "i don't hate you."
you smacked his arm lightly, "you don't have to lie."
he caught your hand, peering into your eyes, "i'm not lying."
you don't know what possessed you to say what you said next.
"prove it."
he swallowed thickly before taking your arms in his and diving swiftly, kissing you deeply. it felt strangely familiar, like something you'd felt before, yet had been deprived of your entire life. most of all, it felt right - something that scared you, knowing that only moments ago you believed he was the last person you'd ever want to kiss. and yet here you were, panting, eyes blown wide, and completely entranced.
he was so confusing, but you were willing to spend your entire life trying to solve the puzzle that was tsukishima kei.
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creepychan08 · 3 years
Yandere Oikawa x reader
It was a known fact that Oikawa always get what he wants. Be it in sports,  academics,  or girls he always come out at the top and he relishes in the attention that he gets. With his smooth words and gestures,  he managed to get the hearts of everyone he met- teachers, classmates, the trust of his teammates and even the principal himself.
Oh and did I mention?
Oikawa Tooru is the great Alpha of Aoba Johsai.
In this world,  werewolves exist and the population is divided into three class- alphas, betas, and the omegas.
There is also a predestined mate for each one of them. Usually, werewolves find their mate during their high school days where there bodies started releasing pheromones that catch the attention of their specific mates.
Despite of this however,  unmated werewolves can still flirt with anyone as long as they were still not taken to just generally waste their youth.
You were one of the people who are against that. You believed that since everyone has their own mates,  they must remain pure and untouched until they meet the one destined for them. That way even before meeting them,  it shows their loyalty in waiting for their partner.
Yes, and that's why you kind of despise Oikawa Tooru. Unfortunately,  he is your classmate so you have to suffer everyday in just being near his presence. His huge ego doesn't help as well.
"Omg,  look,  look!! He's sitting over there! I wanna talk to him!"
"Oikawa-senpai looks so hot today!!"
"Gosh,  I wonder if he will accept this lunch I prepared for him!"
"Notice me, Oikawa!!!"
The shrieks of girl flocking outside your classroom caused another headache in your already throbbing head. Closing your eyes in distressed,  you buried your head in your desk trying to drown out the sounds. Some of your classmates surrounded Oikawa and were eagerly shoving letters and foods on his desk as he laughed and winked flirtatiously at them.
You sighed and took out your bento,  figuring that it would be better to eat somewhere quiet. Standing up,  you didn't notice the gaze that followed your form as you exit your classroom.
It was the end of the last period and you walked out of the school when you forgot your textbook underneath your desk. Heaving a sigh of irritation,  you turned around and went back only to see two people talking in your classroom.
With the light from the sunset coating the room in a soft orange glow, you squint your eyes to see Oikawa with his hand tilting the chin of another girl as he moved his face forward and from where you can see, softly press his lips to the pair of awaiting ones. Feeling your face burn in embarassment from the scene, you gasped and quickly hide when you saw him turn towards you.
Disgusting.  Fucking disgusting.
Is the thought going in your head. You know he's a playboy but you couldn't help the shivers of disgust that runs in your body as you saw his display. How could he do that??  And the girl as well??  Yes,  they were unmated but still!  Haven't they ever thought how their mates would feel when they discover how their mates acted before meeting them? First kiss,  first hug,  first date. Wouldn't it be better to reserve that for your mate when you finally meet them?
Shaking your head in defeat you kind of pitied whoever ends up as Oikawa's mate. Oh well none of your business.
As you decided to forego your earlier plan of picking up your book, you turned to walk back down again when you feel a cold hand tightly gripping your arm.
"Yn-chan~" an eerie voice sounded loud in your ears as you shuddered in response. Turning around you saw Oikawa with the usual grin on his face but there was something dangerous in his eyes.
"Its bad to watch a confession,  you know?"
"I-" you felt the words stuck in your throat but you took a deep breath and faced him properly.
"I apologized for that Oikawa-san. I didn't meant to watch. I was just getting my book- I left it behind but seeing as you two were busy, I decided to just leave it there." You explained.
"Oh and please don't call me by my given name. We are not close. It's Ln-san to you."
Oh? One of Oikawa's eyebrows raised at your statement before he dramatically bowed at you as he pulled the door to the classroom open.
"By all means, please take what you need, Ln-san." It wasn't much but you feel uncomfortable in his presence so you quickly entered the room to find the girl crying where she stood. Trying to get out of the place at once,  you took your book and immediately flee the scene only to hear Oikawa giggling at you from behind.
"Don't worry Ln-san,  I didn't kiss her~ Take care!"
You scoffed in return. Who the fuck cares about that? That egoistic bastard!
A week has passed after that and you'd gladly say that everything return to normal but unfortunately it did not. After that encounter,  Oikawa started acting different around you. He seems to bother you at any chance he could. Like suddenly talking to you in class and asking to be partners for activities. Occasionally asking to have lunch with you as well.
Needless to say, you gather a lot of hatred from his fangirls who started harassing you. You heaved another sigh. Well.. there goes your plan for a quiet school year. Inwardly you curse him in your mind as you trudge towards your club activity. Hopefully, seeing your friends in the club can help dampen your negative mood.
It was night time when you finish in the school. Your friends waved goodbye to you and you return the notion as you slowly walked behind them. You took the time and just admire your surroundings. You always love watching the stars and moon. It makes you feel peaceful and relaxed.
Weirdly though,  you felt something unusual in your body. There was a tingling sensation and you felt light headed. Fortunately there was a bench near the gates of the school so you decided to rest there for a couple of minutes.
Breathing in the clean air around you,you try to relax when you suddenly pick up the scent of the most wonderful aroma you've ever smell. A group of footsteps soon followed and you watch a small crowd of volleyball players come out of the gym and towards the exit of the school.
You froze as you realized that wonderful smell is coming from their direction.
You feel your heart stopped. Is your mate a part of the Aoba Johsai volleyball club!?? Who is it??
Your answer soon came when you saw a lone pair of shoes stopped a distance before you. His friends unknowingly leaving him behind.
"Yeah,  don't you agree,  Shittykawa?" you heard a guy said before realizing they left their friend behind.
"Oi,  what are you standing there for?  Hurry up Oikawa!"
Your eyes twitched as it slowly goes up to see the owner of the pair of shoes that stop a distance from you and the group.
Oikawa Tooru.
He's your fucking mate!!?? 
Your mind couldn't grasp the info as you stared dumbly at him. At his awestruck look as well. His teammates seems to piece the picture and they immediately left,  bidding him farewell.
"You're my mate..." Oikawa whispers,  and you saw how he look at you as if you're the most precious thing in the world. You wish you could say the same. But its not because he's fucking Oikawa!  The one who played around and break a lot of girl's hearts. The one who probably had sex with a lot of girls before you.
And it broke your heart.
"Why is it you?" you asked, seeing him walk nearer towards you.
He stopped and looked at you like you shot him.
"I've been waiting for this moment all my life and now... " You turn to hide your tears, ashamed to let him see your appearance.
"Don't!" Oikawa shouted, grasping your face with both of his face as he turn your face towards him.
"I always wondered why am I drawn to you in the past days.. what is it with you? And why have you caught my interest. I thought its because of what happened back then in that afternoon when you saw me with her." Then he shook his head,  "But I guess its not so. You see Yn-chan even before I knew you were my mate, it seems my body already knows its you. You're mine!" And with a strong force he pulled you towards him in a crushing embrace.
You stiffened. The words he uttered must be romantic to others but it only made shivers run down your spine. You don't know why but when he pulled back to look at you and you stared at those golden eyes of his, both pupils dilated, a rush of fight and flight kick in. He is dangerous. Your mind screamed at you. Get away from him!
You pushed him back and started running down past the school gates towards the empty street. You looked back to see his astonished face before it morph to a feral look and he smiled widely at you.
"Oh Yn-chan, don't run away~"
A set of footsteps soon followed and you gasped as you hear it coming nearer and nearer you.
"No!  Please stop!  Don't follow me!!!" You screamed as you continued running,  panting for breath. You knew there was something dangerous about him and with him acting like that it only proves your point.
"No!!  Can't you see you're mine and mine alone!! I'm your alpha!! " He yelled and with one lunge he pounced at you, grabbing you as you fall to the cement floor. Twisting his body so he take the blunt fall, you both finally skidded to stop. With you on top of him.
Opening your eyes,  you breath heavily as you realized you were lying on top of someone breathing as hard as you. That and you felt arms tightly wrapped around your waist was enough to jolt you back to reality.
From below,  you saw Oikawa grin madly at you.
"I catched you now babe~ So don't try to escape me, your one and only alpha~"
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ghostlygeto · 2 years
heyy~ can I please request prompt 7 from the meaningful gestures prompts with ukai keishin from haikyuu? like, maybe when he's analyzing a game/coming up with strategies for the team? thank youuu <3
yes you absolutely can<3 ty for the request. i did…deviate slightly from the req but i’d say it’s still good (hopefully)
pairing: ukai keishin x reader
warnings: fluff ! some little spoilers from s1 (nia if u read this it’s ur warning)
wc: 350
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7. Unflinchingly settling your head into your lover's lap while they watch television/are reading a book/doing their favorite hobby. Then asking your lover to explain what's going on/what they're doing.
You could tell when Ukai was stressed, he always stayed up too late watching videos of past matches and practices. Tonight was one of those nights.
"Keishin, come to bed," You whined a little, wishing for the company of your beloved companion, "It's late,"
"I can't yet, y/n," Ukai responded, gesturing for you to come over and join him. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer, but rather you just laid your head down on his lap. You were tired, but wanted to stay near him.
“Can you tell me about it?” You asked, eyes half open trying to focus on the screen. You knew this was the practice match against Aoba Johsai, this was one he came back to often. But you never really knew what was going on.
“Set three always gets me,” He sighed, “They’re much better than this now. This was one of our first practice matches and Aoba Johsai is a really good team. It’s crazy how Oikawa was able to see that Tsukishima is a weak receiver despite not having really seen him receive. The fact that he was able to read him so easily…” Ukai rubbed his chin and then sat back in his chair again. “We still won, but wow it was wild. And I mean, comparing it to when we played a real match against them. I love seeing our improvements, even if we did lose then.”
You tried your best to listen and take in his words, wanting to understand more about volleyball and the boys he spent most of his free time with. But honestly between fighting off the sleep and your lack of knowledge, you found it hard to understanding anything he was saying.
This wasn’t a secret to Ukai, he could see your eyelids closing and opening again five seconds later. He felt the way your breathing would change every time you almost fell asleep. He wasn’t upset by it, he admired your dedication to trying to stay up to listen to him.
“C’mon,” Ukai nudged you to sit up, then carried you to your shared bedroom. “Let’s go to sleep, yeah?”
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send me a hq or aot char and something from this list for a short fic!
likes, reblogs n comments appreciated
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cherxyx · 2 years
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Summary: This is a late 4th of July and Pride month post, but here you go! A firework date with Kiyoko…plus the others
Warnings: Kissing, suggestive at the end, playful hitting, cussing(1)
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“Stop…look at all those purple ones,” you said with awe pointing towards the sky where the fireworks were popping off. “I know they’re exquisite, just like you” you turned towards Kiyoko; your girlfriend of 5 years with a slight pause you said “If you ever say that again I’m going to leave you here” she looked at you with a funny, but uneasy face. Though you cherished every time she called you gorgeous and she knew that you admired it too.
You’ve known Kiyoko since your 1st year at Karasuno. She sat next to you in English class and at first, you guys didn't click until she asked your opinion on a dress, and then boom—you guys have been dating for 5 years now. Kiyoko is someone you didn't imagine in million years that you would even be friends with, but when she turned around with this gorgeous smile, you knew that she was yours forever.
Now here you guys are 5 years later at the park with the rest of the group including Nekoma, Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, Shiratorizawa, and Inarizaki. Bunch of grown-ups in the park at 10:30 with fireworks, what can get better than this. Daichi and Kuroo were lighting the fireworks while Suga was passing them to them, and Yachi and Hinata were running around with sparklers, while others were talking or eating some food made by Aran and Ukai.
You and Kiyoko are sitting on the ground with Alisa, Sakeo, Kenma, and Noya coming over. “You know this gives me Silent Voice vibes and I enjoy it,” you said out loud “Y/N, you cried for hours, and then you got mad at us for laughing” Sakeo turned around and looked at you with a “are you kidding me” face “And. Y'all shouldn't have laughed if you didn't want to get slapped in the face” The group started laughing with hysteria.
You recoiled back and looked up to see gorgeous purple fireworks, but you wished they had warned you guys, “Fireworks are cute, but loud” That's when you felt hands around your waist and looked towards Kiyoko who was looking up at the sky. You didn't look back up at the sky, only at Kiyoko—The way the light reflected off of her eyes and her stunning smile. Kiyoko turned toward you and gave you a big smile while reaching down towards your lips.
Never in a million years would you think that you would have somebody to kiss under fireworks, but for the past 5 years, Kiyoko has been that person. Her smooth lips against yours and a couple of sweet kisses later your lipstick is smudged. “Ew, get a room love birds” You both turned to Noya before taking off your shoe and throwing it at him “Look the other way dumbass” Noya rolled his eyes and went back to the rest of the group.
We have to remember that you wouldn't believe that you would have a friend group this big to share the Fourth of July with. You do now and have an incredible girlfriend too, so you’re going to appreciate every moment of it, and you laid your head on Kiyoko's shoulder enjoying the fireworks. After a while she moved your head and pulled you into her lap before giving you a quick kiss on the temple and leaning towards your ear.
“I can't wait till we go back to my house, so I can taste every inch of you”
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sugamamacustard · 4 years
Let me help you
Pairing:  Alpha! Toru Oikawa x Omega! Reader, Alpha! Hajime Iwaizumi x Omega! Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, Hurt/comfort.
Request: Because I like a bit of hurt/comfort, and I love the idea of an omega depression, I'm curious on how alpha third years on Aoba Johsai (so like Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Mattsun) would do in response to their omega being in an omega depression.
Summary: Because of unseen circumstances, you drop, and you drop hard. How does your alpha help you/redeem himself?
Author’s Note:  Oikawa’s got really long, so I didn’t include Mattsun or Makki. If you wanna request a part 2 I’ll get on it right away!
Requests: Open!
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Toru Oikawa
➵ Truth be told, it was kind of his fault. 
➵Right after you both bonded, he immediately seemed to drop any redeeming qualities he had while courting you.
➵He skipped out on dates, stayed later and later at practice, gave the mile to his fangirls.
➵And while you could get over that, the worse thing you realized was when you went to cheer him on at one of his games. 
➵His bond mark was covered with a scent gland bandage and when Iwaizumi noticed it (He knew of your bonding), he sent a worried glance your way.
➵He could practically see the heartbreak from his place on the court. 
➵What was worse was that you didn’t make a scene. 
➵You stood, turned and left. That was it. 
➵ Oikawa was busy doing his pre-game whatever to notice, making the situation even worse.  
➵Iwaizumi wanted to follow you but the whistle of the ref called him back. 
➵ You didn’t want Iwaizumi to follow you anyway. 
➵You felt numb. So, so numb. 
➵Like anything you previously felt-- any longing, or wishing for your alpha-- reduced to a numb buzz that kept your body moving. 
➵You felt like you were on Autopilot. 
➵Toru made it fairly obvious that he wanted your bond mark on display, so why weren’t the same standards held to him? It wasn’t against the rules of volleyball-- several alphas had theirs out on proud display with their omega cheering in the stands. 
➵Was it you?
➵God, you felt so empty. Like your will to live was dripping away. 
➵You felt your omega lay down, whining as they tried to figure out what was wrong. Where did you go wrong? 
➵You barely felt the soft fleece of your blankets as you settled into your nest for who knows how long. 
 Toru was lost. You were in the stands during warm-up last game, but was gone by half-time. Okay, fine. Maybe you had to pee. But then you didn’t show up at all after that.  While at the time it took a back burner-- because we all know how Oikawa plays-- it was now front and center. His alpha was on edge and snapped on him twice already, sending sharp throbs of pain to his temples. It had been three days since Toru had seen you, his mate, so Toru could tell that was a big reason for his frustration. But Toru didn’t know why you had been gone for three days. 
If you were sick, why didn’t you text him? Were you injured? Toru didn’t know.  His neck burnt with anticipation at the thought of you in any peril. 
Where were you?
 Shoving his way past a few fangirls, Toru made his way into the gym, racking his brain for any sort of hint. Vacation maybe and you just forgot to tell him?
 “Iwa-chan! I need your-” Toru paused, huffing when Iwaizumi roughly shoved past him. His alpha was on guard immediately, making Toru growl loudly.   “What’s you issue, Iwa? Blue-balled or something?” 
The laugh that left Iwaizumi made even him, the head alpha, shiver. “My issue? What’s yours?! You absolutely destroyed your relationship last game and ask me for help?! What the hell is wrong with you, Oikawa?!”  
Oikawa swallowed. There was no nickname. No sense of friendship in his words. They were straight malice, laced with acidic venom meant to hurt him. 
When Oikawa didn’t immediately answer, Iwaizumi continued. “You make them wear their bond mark for all the world to see, but cover yours up? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?! How in the hell you got someone like them to glance your way for more than a second is beyond me, let alone bond you; but when you do, you fucking destroy them. You’re a failure of an alpha, Toru Oikawa.” 
Truth be told, Oikawa thought that him covering up his bond mark would save you from trouble. The less people who knew about him being mated the less people to harass you. But he was your alpha. He was supposed to make sure that didn’t happen anyway.  Fuck, Iwa was right. He was a failure. This became evident as more and more things came hurdling back at him.  He didn’t even grab his duffel before he was, quite literally, sprinting out of the gym. He didn’t care who he pushed over. He didn’t care who he snapped at. He didn’t care. He only care about one person and one person alone. 
You whined as hunger continued gnawing at your gut. You wanted to eat, really, but you just didn’t have the energy. You didn’t have the will. 
You still felt so numb and didn’t know where to go from here. At this point, it was clear you were in the midst of an Omega Depression, and to be fair-- that scared you. You wanted to spend the evening in your nest, restart and reboot, before talking to your alpha about it the next day. You truly didn’t mean to drop. 
But here you were. The aspect of ...starvation scared you. The aspect of no closure for yourself scared you. Death scared you. But you couldn’t fight yourself to fix it. Couldn’t bring yourself to even lift your head or stay awake for more than an hour. 
The door to your room slammed open, but you didn’t look up. It was probably your guardian coming in to try and get you to eat again. But you wouldn’t. 
Your heart dropped when the smell of burnt plastic invaded your sense. 
“No- no, no, no, no no- Please god no-” Oikawa felt his heart shatter at the sight of you. You looked like you had both feet dangling in the grave, hanging on by a loose root you grabbed onto in a last ditch effort. 
He continued repeating no while running his hands through his hair, already crying before he even set foot in your room.  When he did dare step closer, that was all it took before he was running to you, pulling you in close despite your whines of protest.  His grip on you was bruising, but he couldn’t risk letting you slip. Not again. 
“Please- please don’t leave me.” He sobbed into your shoulder, your own eyes stinging (Dehydration keeping tears from falling).  “I- I can fix this- I can fix us. Fuck- Please Y/N. Please omega, let me help you. Let me make this right!”
Though you didn’t say anything, the grip on his jacket told him all he needed to know. And though it would be a long road to recovery, you and him would conquer it. 
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➵ Completely contrary to Oikawa, your drop wasn’t anyone’s fault.
➵Maybe the school systems, if there was blame to be put. 
➵So much had gone on in such a short period. 
➵You and your alpha, along with his team, had been bombarded with practice and paperwork in preparation for the upcoming tournament. 
➵But just because volleyball picked, doesn’t mean school drops off.
➵ You had essay after essay due, Unit exams which would soon fall into Final exams.
➵You and Hajime had barely even seen each other all week.
➵You both still sent each other good morning and good night texts, and if you see each other in the hallway you’ll give each other a quick peck. 
➵Honestly, it was obvious everyone was on edge. 
➵Teachers didn’t care though, they just kept piling on more, and more, and more work.
➵ And volleyball just kept getting closer and closer.
➵You stumbled into the gym with a chirp, trying to sort through the multitude of papers in your arms. 
➵Your back was aching and your arms were strained, but you couldn’t drop them. That would be a disaster. 
➵ The coach sent you a raised brow, offering a hand to help. You waved him off, sitting on the bench with a grunt.
➵Everyone was already sweaty and panting, practice in full swing. 
➵God, everyone looked so tired already. 
➵You could feel the waves of exhaustion.
➵ As they were just in deep in your bones as they were in theirs. 
“Did you finish filling out the registry forms?”
You looked up to the coach, nodding slowly before riffling through your papers and pulling out the ones you were looking for. You handed them to the beta, quickly going back to your notes once more. 
You noted the stumbled steps and slowed reflexes, but simply made it a point to emphasize rest with the boys. Maybe a day with no practice would do them more good then practice. 
Hajime was doing well, as usual, somehow keeping his head and energy high. You know he hasn’t gotten much rest either, and you felt for your alpha. Honestly, you just wanted one day with just you and your alpha, where you both could sleep the day away and come back good as new. 
That just sounded glorious. 
“You wouldn’t mind filling out the ref sheets either, would you?” The beta smirked, already handing you the sheets. He knew you had a tough time saying no to people older and/or bigger than you; and had you doing several things that most mangers would never touch.
It was tiring.
You reluctantly took the sheets, already starting on them. The notes you were working on were yanking from under you, the coach reading over them. 
He scoffed at your note of possibly skipping a practice. “Are you serious?” 
“I’m sorry?”
“Take a break?! These boys are on the brink of a skillful breakthrough, and you want to stop them?!” 
You closed in on yourself at the yells, trying to focus on the ref sheets. He continued yelling and berating you for the notes you made. You could feel the teams stares on you, but you also knew they wanted you to learn to stand up for yourself. They had been giving you a few minutes to try and collect yourself and if nothing happened they would step in. 
It only took seconds for you to finally break down, sobbing into your hands as the coach’s yelling reached a breaking point. The team took very time to act then and there. 
Oikawa and Kyoutani were snapping and growling, pushing him back and away from you while Hajime slid onto his knees in front of you, pulling you to his chest and kissing your bond mark. He rocked you side to side, purring and letting you cry. 
You sobbed and sobbed while the coach tried backtracking, but it was too late. The pack was on defense. One of them was in danger and they were going to make sure they all were safe. 
You don’t remember falling asleep, but when you wake up, your in Hajime’s arms, which are wrapped tight around your waist. 
Oikawa was on the other side of you, head on Hajime’s thigh, Makki and Mattsun were cuddling together a little to the left of you. Kyoutani was closest to you (He had a soft spot for you, almost like you were another older sister to him). You ran a hand through his hair for a moment before taking a deep breath in and out. The rest of the team was scattered in the puppy pile around you, and the gym was dark. 
In fact, everything was dark. There were chairs propped up by the door, just in case you supposed, and there were jackets littered everywhere. Your heart fluttered at the thought. 
Hajime’s arms subconsciously tightened around you, luring you back into sleep.
You, your alpha, and your pack.
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goldentsum · 4 years
— oh my empress: aoba johsai palace
CHARACTERS: oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime, matsukawa issei, hanamaki takahiro
TAGS: suggestive themes, smut, angst, historical au where women have the ‘superior’ status, pet names, ‘cheating’ but is it really cheating tho? idk empress x concubines have such confusing relationship status, unrequited love, dom-ish! empress! reader, concubine! males, praising
ROUTE: aoba johsai palace: you are here. 
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this idea was lurking in my mind every single day so i tried to write it HAHAHAHA very angsty tho. unedited bleghhh :p 
— oikawa ♡
• a clingy concubine!! he fr thinks that yall should just make it official official so that he can stand by you in the throne room as your one and only man 
• he’ll talk smack about the other concubines. it’s canon.
• also, oikawa knows all the gossip in the palace
• oikawa always tells you that he loved you even when you two were younger and no one can ever love you like he loves you
• when he was younger, his mother is one of the officials in court and the woman always brought him along
• and before he knew it, it was normal for him to go to court with his mother. 
• oh how he remembers it clearly. you in that soft white kimono, smiling brightly as you giggle, while your handmaidens gently pushing you on the swing. your perfectly adorned hair framing your pretty face. 
• you were so beautiful and oikawa just can’t help but know you. though as a male, it would be proven difficult, but his mother was one of the officials and tried to talk to you
• oikawa thought at first that you were a child of another official too and to his big surprise, you were the crown princess! 
• you still tease him to this day about how cocky he was at first, trying to impress you. 
• he loves it when you spend time with him and go to his room for procreating...
• it always feels like you’ve chosen him. chose him to spend your limited free time with him among your many concubines 
• maybe in the future, he can be your prince like you are his glowing empress.
“your highness, i’m really happy that you’re here...” he hic-ed, his lips trembling as he looked up at you with a red blush on his face. his once immaculate kimono draped his body loosely while you run your hands up and down his chest, admiring the milky and soft skin. 
you smiled at him and leaned down, placing a small kiss on his forehead making him gasp. you softly whispered against his skin, “i’m here, sweet prince” 
oikawa whimpered softly, heart beating harshly at the sweet pet name as tears pricked his eyes. your hands trailed down his stomach, feeling his clenching muscles. you leaned further down, trailing hot wet kisses on his neck, and slowly started grinding on top of him. 
the pretty male gasped, his hands flying up to wrap his arms around you. you chuckled at his reaction and the prominent hard-on that was nudging your thigh. 
“such a cute reaction you have, sweet prince~” you teased, your hot breath hitting oikawa’s sensitive neck. you let your hand go to his hair, running through the messy tresses and your nails scratching his scalp gently. oikawa’s eyes rolled to his skull and letting his head hung back, giving you more space to his neck. his hips jerking when you continued the slow and agonizing pace of your grinding. 
“p-please... y-your highness... touch me more..” he whispered, the massive blush on his skin so delectable. you smiled and faced him. oikawa’s half-lidded eyes stared at you with love and need. you placed a soft kiss on his lips making him moan. the kiss turned messy and hot in an instant. 
oikawa opened his mouth, letting your slick tongue in. you swallowed his moans when you started playing with his tongue and your fingers thumbing his nipples. his kimono rustled and crumpled as you moved it off his shoulders. 
tooruu loves you so much that it hurts. your soft touch wasn’t making it easier for him to deny you. he tried to shove the feelings he had for you but whenever you smiled at him, it starts to build up again. 
it was as easy as that. you had him wrapped around your fingers and you don’t even know. 
his hands clenching your red kimono as if he were to loosen even just a bit, you’d disappear. just like before...
— iwaizumi ♡
• an intellectual concubine who deals with affairs in court!
• the other concubines are scared of him! 
• but he doesn’t know that so shhh! this baby thinks that they’re just shy and just didn’t know him so they talk to him
• iwaizumi wants to be useful to you. not just a baby maker who comes and goes. 
• he never intended to fall in love with you. he really didn’t. he became a concubine because oikawa dragged him into it when the former was up for the exam. 
• iwaizumi relented because he thought if he’s at court, he can do something about the oppression that was happening around towards males. 
• he wants to change it and he thought that he was just a mere concubine in your court so he can do something about it without having to deal with you. you were an empress that embraced and welcomed many men in your court. 
• though, he didn’t know how much he was able to feel so loved when he met you. 
• so his objective changed, though only a little. he wants to be called as your lover that changed the views of society. 
• but he admits that there was a lot of competition in court. most especially for your affection and attention. iwaizumi saw a lot of other males ruining and fighting when you were not present. 
• but he won’t participate in it, he won’t stoop so low. though when another concubine started telling lies about you having favorites and being unfair, he mayhaps fought talked with him. 
“y-your majesty! we can’t do this here!” iwaizumi gasped, placing a shaky hand on your arm as you pressed him against the shelves of your private library
you chuckled and leaned against him, trailing kisses with your lips on his neck. you felt him shiver when you placed a wet kiss on his pulse while your hands groped and caressed his body through his thick kimono. 
“why not?~” you asked, biting his ear. iwaizumi gasped, his knees buckling a bit while he supported himself on the shelf. iwaizumi always tells you that you shouldn’t waste your time with him. he was so different from the usual concubines in your court. he wasn’t pretty nor delicate like them... but that what makes him so addicting to you. 
“i think you deserve a break, sweetie~ i heard all about your accomplishment in my court. may i say how impressed i am” you cooed and leaned a bit to face him. you looked him straight in his eyes making him a little shy at your unwavering gaze that was filled with adoration. 
iwaizumi closed his eyes tightly and hugged you, hiding his warm face in your neck. it was inappropriate to just hug the empress like this and normally, he wouldn’t do this but he just felt so much in the moment. 
he made you proud. you’re proud of him. it was all for you. you. 
iwaizumi heard you chuckled, feeling the light vibration through his clothes. he felt you lean away and he let you. you pressed your forehead against his, caressing his warm red cheek. “you worked hard, hajime” 
the man whimpered and pressed a hard and needy kiss on your lips as you hummed in approval. he let you guide him through the kiss as your tongue slithered in his cavern, playing with his tongue. 
god, you tasted so good. your lips felt heavenly against him. if he can, he’ll kiss you forever. 
your hand trailed up to his hair, massaging his scalp and he moaned into the kiss. you felt the hard nudge against your thigh which make you smirk, as much as you can while kissing. 
you then jutted your leg between his, your thigh pressing against his hard-on. iwaizumi gasped, holding onto you. 
he looked into you and he shivered when he saw your dark gaze as your eyes swirled with lust. 
before he can do anything, a voice called out from the door outside. “your highness? the court awaits for you in the throne room” 
you sighed in annoyance but slowly removed your body away from iwaizumi which made the male whine unconsciously at the lost of your heat. you smiled at him and held his face, swiping your thumb lightly against his pink lips. “i’ll see you later, sweets~” and went out of the library, leaving him alone in silence and with his thoughts. 
the male sighed.
hajime knows he can’t make you love him like he loves you but that’s okay. as long as he gets to be by your side, it’s okay. it really was okay... to be able to hold you was a miracle for him and he ended up loving you way too much. 
not many would remember him and his work in your court but he wishes something more than anything else.
when all of these moments pass and he’s all but a grain in the wide earth, he hopes that the world can remember how much he loved you. 
— matsukawa ♡
• mattsun doesn’t know how he got in your court tbh
• he was just lounging around his estate then his mother slammed his door open and told him he’s gonna be a concubine for the empress
• at first he doesn’t know what to feel cus a concubine? for the empress? him? fr? 
• though when he met you, you were kinda intimidating tbh. he was nervous because he knows the status of men in court and in society in general. 
• but when he found out that you were chill about it and actually cared about him well them? 
• he mayhaps softened
• mattsun is usually seen in the garden with makki, just talking shit about some desperate concubines they see around
• when you started visiting him in the palace he resides in with the other 3, he thought he was sick with how fast his heart was beating.
• he never really paid any attention to other women, finding them annoying with how boasty they get about their status whenever he’s in a match-making visit.
• but you talked to him like he was a human being, like you see him for him and not his status in society. 
• when mattsun gets comfortable, he’s very tease-y because he likes hearing you laugh. call him whipped but he doesn’t care. 
• he wants to see your bright eyes looking at him. him. just him. your smile sent towards his way. 
• when you consummated that one night for the first time, he got overwhelmed with the way you were soft and let him lead though still maintaining your aura of authority. 
• whenever he thinks about that night, the butterflies in his stomach starts again. mattsun would thank his mother right now if he can for letting him have the opportunity to meet you and to actually hold you. 
you chuckled when he started pecking your face with multiple kisses as his larger body pressed against yours, pinning you down in the soft and thick futon in his room in the palace. 
“still so clingy, issei~” you teased but the male only hummed with a small and warm smile on his lips while he continues to litter your face and neck with his kisses. you felt his warm hands touch your skin softly, the feeling of his soft hands on your body always made you feel a little softer. 
you reached up and held his face, squishing it so that his lips were all pouty. you laughed at his expression and kissed his lips. 
mattsun could feel it again. the butterflies in his stomach. the harsh beating of his heart. he hoped that you wouldn’t hear it. he wants to maintain this calm and apathetic that goes with the flow kind of vibe. 
if you knew how much he loved you, he doesn’t know what he would do. these feelings were too much for the young man. 
mattsun wants to be with you all the time, he wants to feel you all the time. to have and to hold you. 
when you released your hold on his face to run your fingers through his hair and massaging the back of his neck, he started kissing you deeper. 
he swiped his tongue on your bottom lip, asking for permission. you hummed and opened your mouth which he eagerly accepted. 
his hands then held your thighs, squeezing and fondling the thick meat. matsukawa groaned into the kiss when you wrapped your legs around his waist, making his groin press against your heat. at the small action, he started kissing you more feverishly, his hands touching every skin and starting to remove your kimono. 
so needy. desperate even. to touch you. to feel you again. to sink into the delusion that you two were two lovesick couple in your own small little world. 
you chuckled, albeit muffled by matsukawa’s lips still working against yours, you let your legs drop from his waist making him whine and break the kiss in confusion. 
“i thought we were finished and you’re letting me go back?” you teased, wrapping your arms around his neck loosely. issei rolled his eyes playfully, though he knows he shouldn’t but you just felt so familiar and you make him sp comfortable in your presence that it scared him a little because he does all sorts of things. 
“i am~ but you’re making it a little harder than usual, my empress” he teased back, bumping his nose against yours while his lazy smirk that you loved so much appeared in his lips. 
“am i?~” you bit back, replying with your own smirk. mattsun let his eyes drop and go to your lips. mesmerized by it. it was so red. so beautiful. so soft. so kissable. 
“well you have to let me go, issei. you hogged me for the whole day, needy~” you poked his cheek which he bit playfully making you chuckle. mattsun let go of your finger and placed a small kiss on it. “well, i am your favorite right? i have the right to take your time~” he teased again
“of course” you whispered, stroking his face. mattsun’s eyes softened at that and leaned closer to your hands. 
“i have to go, issei...” his lazy smirk wavered a bit at your words but he straightened it. fortunately for him, you didn’t noticed. 
mattsun nodded and sat up, letting you sit up too. you pressed a soft kiss on his lips and fixed your kimono and hair to look presentable as you leave. 
you stood up and was about to go out but a large hand held yours. you looked down at him and smiled, squeezing his hand before letting go and going out
he watched you exit his room, his heart clenching painfully. issei let out a shaky breath and held his forehead, chuckling pathetically. 
it was painful to see you come and go. it was his fault for feeling like this, not yours... it’s his fault for falling in love with you, the empress, when he’s just a mere concubine in your court.
he cursed and gripped his chest, where his heart was. 
he dreaded this and he knows that there would be a time where he’ll see a man by your side. and all he can do is wish that it was him that you chose.
— hanamaki ♡
• he’s a chill concubine
• makki just hangs around here and there, not minding any of the loud concubines when they’re in your palace. 
• he also doesn’t do anything to capture your attention but weirdly enough that made you intrigued
• his soft pink hair was always your favorite. you always tell him this that he had the prettiest hair you’ve seen. that it was so unique and whenever all of your concubines are in your court, you can spot him easily.
• makki being the middle child with two sisters mean that there was barely attention given to him in his household. 
• so the male wasn’t familiar with compliments and gets a little too shy when he receives it. and especially from you? the empress, the most powerful woman in the country? 
• his father brought him up when his mother took his sisters with her. 
• he remembers the muffled shout, “i don’t need a good for nothing male!” 
• hanamaki doesn’t really care anymore, deciding to isolate himself but his father was ambitious.
• his father pushed him to the empress, telling him to get ahead. that he can raise their status. he was the shining hope for the two of them. 
• makki didn’t know what to do when he first came to your court but you were there to ease his nerves though he’d admit he thought you were a guard from the way you dressed. you loved sneaking around, wearing different uniforms. though makki had his suspicions because there was no way a guard could look so beautiful..
• may the gods help him. he was falling in love with you. and fast. 
this was bad. really bad. but he can’t stop. not now. not now that he has experienced what it was like to be in your arms. to feel your lips against his. 
but the guilt was slowly eating him away. mattsun, his best friend, loved you and takahiro promised to help the former with you but here he was. warming your bed, stroking every skin he could touch. 
“what’s wrong, cherry blossom?” you asked, breath heavy from his actions. makki leaned his head against your thigh, looking at you. you’re so beautiful. 
your eyes half-lidded, chest heaving heavy pants from your previous orgasm as your red lips curled into a breathless smile.
you run your fingers through his hair, looking at him with confusion. makki let out an amused sigh and shook his head, pushing down any guilt that he felt. 
he doesn’t want to remember that. he doesn’t want to be reminded. right now he wants to focus on you. you. nothing else but loving you. 
“nothing, my queen” he hummed and leaned closer to your wet cunt again, tongue swiping against the puffy clit making you shiver at the sensitivity. you sighed, eyes rolling back to your skull as makki gently sucked and licked you. 
you gripped his hair, hips jutting against his mouth. makki hummed against you, his cock twitching excitedly, as his actions got faster when he saw that you were ready for more. oh, how he lives to please you. 
to see you come undone before his eyes was truly heavenly. 
but takahiro knew this was a bad idea. he didn’t want to do this to his best friend... he knew that issei loves you... but here he was, enjoying your every touch, every affection, and every moan your pretty lips releases. 
if he can redo everything and decline his father’s wishes and honor his friend’s feelings, he knows what he'll do... 
he would be here again and again, waiting for you. 
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starylust · 4 years
A Team of Lies⍨ Part 2.
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part 1
➙  synopsis - being the team manager for karasuno was really fun overall, but when you forget your phone in the gym and head back to get it some things were said that maybe you shouldn’t have heard. or maybe it was something you should’ve heard.
➙ pairing -  tsukishima x fem!reader ; hanamaki x fem!reader
➙ genre - ANGST, fluff:)
➙ word count - 1641
a/n - sorry i took a little to write this i had a few things going on. also dont mind how i completely changed the color scheme to my profile. anyway i hope you guys like this part:)
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The weekend went by pretty fast you may say. Although it was mostly just you laying in bed caught up in your thoughts, with red puffy eyes and a wet pillow, it did go by fast. 
Monday came and you did not want to go to school. So you told your mom you didn’t feel good. The next day comes by but you suddenly don’t feel well again. You had now missed school for a week.
No one knew where you were. No one knew if you were okay. But no one even bothered to stop by your house to check. No one came looking for their missing manager. Was it cause they already had two other ones?
What hurt most of all is one person didn’t even try and search for their girlfriend. The one who was supposed to love and care for you didn’t even try to make an effort to make sure you were okay. How were you supposed to feel?
As the weekend came by again you sat your mom down and had a talk with her. You explained how you didn’t feel comfortable going to Karasuno anymore and how you refused to go.
You didn’t go into much detail but by the expression on your face your mom could already tell something wasn’t right. She gave you an offer you couldn’t refuse. Although taking this offer would leave your mom all alone staying here would’ve been much worse.
As the weekend passes you have your stuff packed. The forms you needed were filled out and the bags you needed were already taken to your dad’s house. 
Your mom dropped you off with all your things giving you an apologetic smile. She wished she could’ve helped you through whatever it is you are going through. You gave her a nice long hug with a squeeze before thanking her for doing this for you.
You told her you’d try to visit as much as possible and that you’d miss her so much.
Laughter filled up your ears as the people around you laughed at the joke Matsukawa just made. Everyone had now calmed down a bit, a few giggles here and there but nothing much.
The Aoba Johsai boys made you laugh, they made you feel safe. They protected you against anyone who tried to step near you.
A month or two had now passed since you moved in with your dad. He happened to live near Aoba Johsai, so that is where you went since it was the most convenient. 
You had now become their manager since you needed a club to do. The Aoba Johsai team was so different from Karasuno you thought. Although they were similar in many ways they were way calmer. 
You had gotten real close with the third years of the team (especially makki!) He was so sweet and so caring towards you since the day you two met. When he first saw you he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
The thought of having someone as beautiful as you as their manager made him really nervous. He thought maybe you’d be judgemental or mean, but you were none of those things.
You cared for the team as though they were your own family. Always checking up on them, bringing them snacks. You did whatever you could to help.
Even though you had managed to catch Hanamaki’s attention he had no clue he had caught yours too. You loved the way he smiled or the way his hair moved when he jumped.
The little things about him suddenly made you forget anything that happened a couple months ago. 
As time goes by your feelings for each other keep growing stronger, but none of you made a move. That is until Hanamaki got tired of holding back and confessed to you.
He gave you one of the cutest and sweetest confessions you had ever seen. Although it wasn’t much the letters, flowers and food were enough to make you say yes. You would’ve said yes even if he had just asked you with nothing in hand.
The day finally came to where you would have to face your old school again. The one where you felt like everyone was just playing with you, only using you for their own good. 
Not only that, how would they react when they see you? You had just disappeared out of nowhere and didn’t say a single thing to anyone. Hanamaki saw the nervousness on your face and walked up to you.
He grabbed your chin in his hand and tilted your head up. You looked at him with a tiny pout of your face from the anxiety creeping in. He gave a gentle kiss on your nose before pulling you into a hug.
“It’s alright love. You have us now and if they dare try anything all four of us will get them.”
You giggled into his chest as what he just said. You fell into his embrace and wrapped your arms around his torso and snuggled even more into his chest. You heard him slightly laugh at the gesture you just did, which he found adorable.
He pulled away giving you a quick peck before heading back to the courts. Before leaving though he reassured you that everything was going to be fine. As long as you didn’t overthink everything that was happening everything would be fine.
Your nerves had now calmed down a bit. Unfortunately they had risen back up listening to the gym door open. You saw as an orange haired boy basically sprinted through and placed his bag down near the bench. 
Your breathing now became irregular and you felt kind of light headed. A few seconds after Hinata walked in the rest of the team followed. The team did not make eye contact with you which did calm your nerves once more.
They had been too caught up in warming up that they didn’t even notice you. You were glad but also sad that they didn’t even see you just standing there. You brushed off those thoughts as soon as you heard footsteps running towards you.
You head flicked over into the directions to see Hanamaki running towards you. He put his hand near the bottom of your waist and pulled you in close. 
“You okay?” He asked looking down on you.
You gave him a slight nod saying yes. He smiled at you and gave you a kiss on your forehead. He unwrapped his arm from around your waist to head back to the courts. 
When he tried going back he felt a hand tug onto his wrist. He turned back to see you looking at him, but this time with a smile. He smiled back at you. Before any of you said anything you jumped onto him and put your arms around his neck.
“Good luck Hiro,” you whispered into his ear. A bright red blush appeared on his cheeks as you whispered into his ear. He smiled so brightly anyone looking could’ve sworn it was as bright as the sun. Before jumping off of him you gave him a nice kiss on the cheek for good luck.
All while this was happening though Karasuno had finally noticed you. Their eyes all widened at the affection you were giving Hanamaki. You and Tsukishima had never officially broken up so why were you in the arms of another guy?
The whole team stared at you before slowly turning their eyes to Tsukishima. They all saw the same stoic expression across his face. Was he not bothered by this?
Tsukishima was also staring at you with the rest of the team. His expression remained the same while his heart felt a strain. It felt like a knife had just pierced his heart and stayed there. 
The pain he felt was immeasurable to what he’s ever felt before. Was this what a heartbreak felt like? You disappeared out of nowhere. No goodbyes, no check ups, nothing. And now you were found here. Kissing another man infront of him.
He was so baffled but kept his same careless expression. If anyone looked close enough they could see the pain that filled his eyes. But he wouldn’t let someone that wasn’t you get that close.
Tsukishima wondered if you ever figured out he cheated. You probably just since you left without saying a word and disappeared. Had you known the team was keeping the secret from you as well? Is that why you ghosted all of them? 
Or he won’t anymore. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way. Wasn’t he the one who cheated on you. Who thought you were a nuisance and thought you were annoying? So why did it pain him so much to see you with him.
You looked so happy. Happier than you’ve ever been with him. He never got those tight hugs and goofy smiles you showed to Hanamaki. Why was that? Did you ever really like him in the first place?
Tsukishima was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard his teammate yelling at him. The game was now starting. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of you and Hanamaki though.
Hanamaki set you down onto the floor and moved your hair away from your ears. He moved his head next to your ear and returned a whisper.
“Thank you beautiful, I’ll be playing even better knowing a pretty girl is watching.”
He pulled back to see that you looked a little shy and embarrassed. Before you knew it you watched up walk off onto the court. Once he made it on the court he made eye contact with you and gave you a wink.
It’s surprising how he made you forget all about the team who treated you so poorly.
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next part:)
taglist: @fernandaweasley2 @nachotrash @buttrflyboy
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734 notes · View notes
Heartbroken | Tōru Oikawa
Pairing: Tōru Oikawa x f!reader
Prompt/summary: Nearly three months ago, you abruptly broke up with Aoba Johsai’s setter/team captain, leaving Iwaizumi playing catch up while his friend overworked himself and fell apart; but what was Oikawa supposed to do when he’s sobbing one night, aside from go to the one person he knew would comfort him, even if it might hurt him at the same time?
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings/contents: Post breakup, depression, lots of Oikawa crying, fluff at the end/happy ending, mild language
Notes: No worries, this has a happy ending!! It is very sad, and I cried while writing this, but it ends very happily so it’s sort of worth it. I wouldn’t read this if you’re in an emotional mood or in love with Oikawa like I am and was when I wrote this, but if you do then good luck, and I hope you like it!
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Tōru was working himself ten times harder again. Trying to avoid his feelings. Trying to avoid running into you in the halls, thinking that it might make this all easier. Trying to fight back the urge to break down and sob every time something (even if it was something so small and easily fixable) went wrong, and yet he always found himself clutching at his pillow every night, wishing to god that he could click your contact that still had your pretty picture and the sweet nickname he’d given you with the heart emojis beside it, and have you talk him to sleep like you always had done when he couldn’t.
Iwaizumi tried talking to Oikawa millions of times, but it was like talking to a brick wall. He was determined to keep you out of his mind during the day.
Out of sight out of mind, right?
If only that was the case.
Iwaizumi had to take Oikawa’s phone and change the backgrounds to default ones to keep him from staring at the photos of you he had as his lockscreen and you and him on Christmas as his homescreen to keep his friend from breaking down every time he looked at his phone.
But even then, your face was all over to the camera roll to the point that Oikawa couldn’t even open it. He knew that he’d break down again if he saw your face in there, which was inevitable, but he always found himself wondering if maybe you felt the same about him.
If you kept the photos of you and him saved on your phone. If the selfies that Tōru took on your phone and was constantly changing your lockscreen or his contact photo to were still saved in your camera roll, and if you cried when you looked at them because you missed him just as much as he missed you. If there was any chance that his name still had hearts beside it in your contacts like he had in his own for you.
When the two of you were happily together Oikawa swore that he was never going to have to change your contact name again, and now that he had to, he desperately didn’t want to.
He was clinging to the small things. A lingering scent of you on his sweatshirt that he refused to wear because it would make your scent go away. Sleeping with his face buried into his pillow to catch that glimpse of your scent on it until it went away-- though he still found himself trying to chase the scent anyways long afterwards. Your contact name, and the photos of you that were in his camera roll. Even if it was hurting him, he couldn’t find it in himself to let them go.
Even when Iwaizumi came and tried to help him. Oikawa had sobbed and clung to his phone, loudly begging the boy not to touch anything. That if he lost the tiny piece of you that he had, he was going to lose himself with you. Iwaizumi swore that if he didn’t stop screaming the neighbors were going to hear him and complain, that’s the only reason he gave the phone back to Oikawa, who ended up curled on the floor while he clutched his phone in his hands and sobbed at the thought of almost losing you-- again.
Things were only worsening every single day, until tonight which was by far the worst.
He was breaking down again after not being able to catch your scent on his pillows, trying to quietly sob to himself at 2 in the morning. Tonight he couldn’t stop himself. He grabbed his phone, sniffling and trying to wipe the tears from his face as the light shined in his wet eyes. He clicked his favorite contacts. You were still number one, and you weren’t ever going to be replaced.
Oikawa couldn’t stop his fingers from clicking your contact and putting it on speaker. Though the second the line started ringing, Oikawa panicked.
What was he supposed to do? Sit here in silence if you answered the phone because he was paralyzed?
He was terrified of what you would do if you even answered the ringing call, but he couldn’t make himself click the end button. Which was worse? Sitting in silence and hearing your tired, maybe even cold tone, or having to see you in the halls tomorrow at school knowing that he’d called you in the middle of the night and hung up-- because it would still show on your phone, and that wasn’t helping his dilemma. Yet he just sat there frozen, scared of sensing the annoyance in your tone when you spoke to him
And then his mind went completely blank when the line quietly clicked.
“Oikawa?” You asked softly, clearly woken up by your phone. He was silent, unsure of what to say. He stared at his phone in horror as the tears started welling up in his eyes again. “Are you okay?” You asked as quietly as before, shuffling around in the background like you we sitting up in your bed.
“I...” He was completely frozen. You weren’t being mean. You weren’t ignoring him. There wasn’t even a sense of annoyance in your tone-- in fact, you sounded worried. He hated it-- that you were worried when he called you now, thinking something bad happened. The longer he thought about it, the faster he broke down again. “I can’t.... I can’t do this anymore...” He whispered so softly that you struggled to hear it through his choked sob.
“Can’t do what anymore?” You asked softly. The boy sniffled, eyes constantly wet with hot tears that he was trying to wipe away as he watched the seconds on the call grow.
“I love you, (y/n).” He gave a soft sob, rubbing his nose with his shirt sleeve. “I love you, and I miss you. God, I miss you so much.” He buried his face into his pillow, sobbing and beating himself up for it. He didn’t want to be that ex-- the one that just wouldn’t let go and made your life miserable, but here he was, crying on the phone to you at nearly 3 in the morning.
“Oh, Tōru...” Your voice was so gentle, and it made everything worse, since he couldn’t hug you and have you hold him and soothe his tears anymore.
“(y/n) please,” he cried, not even really sure what he was begging you for at this point. He just wanted comfort-- your comfort specifically. The only comfort he knew would bring him peace was your arms around him, even if it hurt him even more. “Please just...” He didn’t know what to say or what he really even wanted, and it was frustrating him. His fingers crumpled the poor pillow between them, holding it so tight that his knuckles went white.
“Do you want me to come over, Tōru?”
Could he ask you to do that? No.
He felt horrible for even calling you and waking you up in the middle of the night, let alone asking you to get out of bed when he knew that you were sleep deprived. And for what, anyways? Come sit with him for an hour to make him stop sobbing, only to leave again? For this to become another distant memory that he wasn’t even sure was real or not because of how numb everything was?
But his mouth decided before his brain could intervene.
“I’ll be right there, okay? Just wait for me.” Your words made him choke again as he buried his face further into the pillow and forced a nod, even if you couldn’t see it.
Wait for you. Of course he would. He’d wait as long as it took-- even if you weren’t coming. He would wait an entire lifetime for you. After all, you were all that mattered to him anymore.
He heard your door open, and he was sad to realize that he knew where you were in the house by a mere creak in the wind. It was cold outside, and his guilt was growing by the second.
“Are you still there?” Your voice suddenly spoke when you snuck out the front door on the other side of the line. Your parents probably didn’t hear you, but that was the last thing on your mind. Hesitantly, while completely filled with guilt and sadness, he sniffled softly.
“Yes...” He said in a soft, depressed tone that only made your worries grow.
“Just... stay on the phone, okay?” You weren’t really sure why Oikawa had called you, but he’d been so down lately that even you had noticed, and he was avoiding you carefully. With every step around Aoba Johsai, he was never seen-- and in the tiny glimpses you had of him, he looked deprived of sleep, maybe even food, and having known the boy since middle school, you knew just what happened when he got too stressed out and overworked himself.
“Okay...” He whispered, sniffling and trying to push himself off his bed, but failing. His sore arms weren’t great for holding his own weight right now. It was silent on both sides of the line except for his soft sniffling and occasional soft sobs that were making you just as sad as he was feeling.
You missed him just as much as he’d missed you, and while you were a little bit better at hiding the exhaustion beneath your eyes, it’d been around three days since you last got more than a single hour of sleep. As much as it hurt to be awake, you got horrible dreams every time you went to bed, so you opted to stay awake. Suffering all day because of exhaustion was better than having nightmares and not being able to call your best friend to calm you down like you could before. You couldn’t even count on both hands how many times Oikawa had come to your house in the middle of the night after a nightmare to comfort you, so why wouldn’t you do the same for him?
Even if the two of you were broken up, you were best friends before you even started dating. What kind of best friend lets their friend suffer?
Even now, the soft sniffles you heard on the other side of the phone call made your chest ache and your mind race. Not knowing how many times this has happened before was something that was bothering you. You couldn’t help but wonder if he’d ever almost called you before and hadn’t worked up the nerve until tonight, and it made you feel more guilty the longer you thought about it.
The side of Oikawa’s house came into your line of sight as you tiredly walked down the sidewalk. It was nearly freezing, even in the sweater you threw on, you were cold. You’d climbed up the side of his house so many times in the past that even if you hadn’t climbed it within the past few weeks, your feet instinctively knew where to grab as you balanced your phone on your shoulder.
“Is your window by chance unlocked?” You asked, climbing up onto his roof that was thankfully right by his window.
“Yeah, it is.” He sniffled, not sure if he was ready to see you again or not. First of all, he looked downright horrible, and second of all, he thought the second he laid eyes on you again for the first time, he’d break down. Before he even had the chance to think of something else to say, you opened the bedroom window and climbed inside with a soft little sound that Oikawa was certain he’d never hear again.
He sat up on his bed, the phone that still connected your call sitting on his pillow. He was right on the account that his eyes started welling up with hot tears when he saw you straighten up and flip his lamp on. You knew his room like the back of your hand, and could have easily made it to his bed in pitch black, but after so long of nothing, you kind of wanted to see him again.
When you looked over, what you saw was not what you were expecting. You’d seen middle of the night Oikawa on dozens of occasions, though he’d never had the sad eyes, or the pink cheeks from sobbing, nor had his hair ever looked so matted-- like he’d buried his face into the pillows or not showered in 3 days.
“Hey,” you ended the phone call and set your phone down on his desk, taking a few small steps closer to the man. “Are you okay?” You asked gently, and feeling even worse when you saw his lip quiver like he was holding back more tears than the one you saw slide down his cheek.
“I... don’t know.” His voice was very different than it usually was, in a way that it had a raspy undertone to it, like his throat must have been hurting.
“Is it purely emotional, or did you hurt your knee again?” You asked, sitting on the edge of his bed and looking at him. He wiped his face off, sniffling and shaking his head.
“My knee is fine.” He said, but previously in the week it had been more sore than usual because of all the work he’d been doing. Tōru hesitantly moved on the bed, scooting a little bit closer to you on the edge, and sighing. The more he thought of what to say and how to word what was the matter-- why he called you-- the worse his eyes burned.
Because why did he call you and make you come out in the middle of the night? Because he missed you? Because you were the only thing that could heal his pain? It didn’t seem worthy, and he felt bad for even calling you in the first place. Another tear slid down his cheek as he finally forced himself to start speaking, even if he wasn’t sure what to say, he needed to fill the silence that hung over the room.
“I just miss you so much. I tried distracting myself with volleyball, but everything hurts too much, and I just want you back--” He cut himself off with a sob that made your chest ache. You watched the tears stream down his face, gently reaching up and brushing them away with your sleeve. Tōru leaned into your hand and sobbed, looking as miserable as you felt, and yet, even with tears streaming down his face, swollen eyes, messy hair, and a heartbroken face, he was still the most attractive man you’d ever seen.
There was just something about Oikawa. An unmistakable beauty that nothing could change. A certain beauty that you missed, and found yourself daydreaming about in class again, though your thoughts were rather sad lately.
In a quick decision, you leaned into the man and pressed your lips to his. The taste of his salty tears was in your mouth, and when he gave a shocked sound and hesitated, stiff beneath your other hand that rested on his broad shoulder, you wondered if this was a mistake.
And then he kissed you back.
Your sleeve was wet from the tears on his face, and even as he kissed you back another one fell from his eye. You carefully swiped your thumb across his cheek to wipe it away, but you didn’t dare pull back from the kiss. In fact, the taste of his tears weren’t bothering you much when he started leaning you back on the bed.
He let out a shaky sigh against your mouth when he got you laid back, but he didn’t pull away much, even before your hand went up into his hair to stop him from doing so.
He craved this moment so badly for the past few weeks that he couldn’t waste any time. If you wanted to kiss him, who was he to turn you down? Even if it hurt him to be kissing you again-- to be feeling you beneath his hands and not knowing if he was going to ever experience this late night kiss again. He didn’t care much as he got comfortable on his elbows between your legs.
“I love you, Tōru.” You suddenly said between kisses, breathless but pulling him back down for more anyways. His eyebrows furrowed lightly as he sucked on your bottom lip.
“I love you, too, (y/n).” He said quickly, reaching to grab your hand that was on his shoulder and sliding his fingers between your own. Your smaller hand gave his a soft squeeze as he lowered it back down onto the bed. A soft little sound left Oikawa into the kiss, and you weren’t sure if it was a soft sob, a hum, or a laugh. Maybe it was even a mixture of all three, but all you could think of was how good it felt to be kissing him again.
His eyes started drying up, and you felt his lips curl into a soft smile when you twirled his hair between your fingers. It made you smile a little bit as well, and after a few more soft kisses, you broke it and pressed your forehead against his. Both you and Tōru were out of breath, taking a few minutes of silence to catch your breath together, though neither of you moved an inch.
His hand stayed in yours, and your fingers softly twirled the strands of his hair between them. He was thinking about what the hell to say now and sniffling softly. While his eyes burned like nobody’s business, it was the furthest thing from his mind.
Much to his surprise, your lips softly pressed back to his. You stopped the kiss just a moment afterwards, leaving his lips just barely puckered up to kiss you back, and letting out a soft sigh as you flattened your hand in his hair and pressed him closer to you. Oikawa wasn’t exactly sure what all of these gestures meant, but he easily leaned into you, having missed merely feeling your body against his own. The quiet moments after make out sessions when the two of you just caught your breath and held each other, only to end up snuggling for the remainder of the night or the day were his favorite times in life, and when he lost it he felt like he lost more than just a small piece of himself with you.
Though tonight, those bittersweet memories were tasting more sweet than bitter with your body still snug against his own. Not to mention, you told him that you loved him. Surely he hadn’t made that part up, right?
Even with questions in mind, Oikawa was scared to speak. He worried if he spoke up, or if he even shifted on top of you, that you would move away or even leave. That was the last thing that he wanted in this moment. All he truthfully wanted was to be able to keep you with him again like before when you would come over at night, or when he would sneak in your window to comfort you after a bad dream. He missed holding you while you slept and being such a trusted person in your eyes that you let him see you in such a vulnerable time, such as after a bad dream.
“I’m sorry.” You suddenly spoke, so soft that Oikawa wasn’t even sure if he heard you properly. “I thought maybe... things might be better off if we were single going to college, and... the thought of not being with you anymore hurt, but I knew I was going to miss you so much when you left, that I thought it might be easier if I just left you, but... it really wasn’t better.” Oikawa noticed the soft strain in your voice since he had been refraining from crying nearly every time he spoke. It was impossible not to know that soft voice crack. “Not being with you is harder than I thought it was going to be...” You softly trailed off. “I guess maybe... the point of all of this, aside from making sure you were okay, was maybe to explore the possibility of you considering on taking me back.” You seemed hesitant to ask, like you shouldn’t even think of it let alone speak such a thought.
“Consider...” Oikawa’s lips just barely seemed to brush against your own with a tiny little kiss before he pushed his forehead back against yours. “Cutie, I want nothing more than to have you back in my arms.” Your fingers tightened in his hair, keeping him close and giving a soft little sigh.
“I miss you.” You whispered, and you could basically feel Oikawa nod a little bit.
“I miss you, too. If I take you back, will you take me back?” He asked softly, and you gave a soft little giggle beneath your breath. After tonight, you weren’t sure if you’d function any better than you already were without Oikawa, and you denying him now was just unthinkable.
“If you’re willing to take me back after hurting you, Tōru, I’d do anything.” You said softly. He suddenly pushed his lips against yours, moving a hand up as well as he could when he was down on his elbows, and gently caressing your face.
“(y/n),” he started between kisses, “There’s not much you could ever do that would make me not want you back. Unless you killed my dog.” You gave a soft laugh, pushing his head back down to meet your lips.
“I love you so much, and I’ll never kill Aki, I love him too much.” Oikawa gave a soft little snicker, pressing his curled lips to your own again.
“He loves you too. But... not as much as I love you.” He gave a soft exhale from his nose, pulling back from another little kiss and pressing his forehead to yours. “I’m just so glad that you’re mine again. You... are, right, cutie?” You smiled, and even if he couldn’t see it, he could feel it as you leaned up and pressed your lips to his for a soft, short peck.
“Of course I am. I love you, Tōru. So much.”
“Please... stay with me tonight?” He asked softly and staying close.
“As long as you like.” Tōru gave a soft chuckle and sniffled a second later.
“If you’re staying as long as I like, little cutie, you’ll never leave.” You smiled lightly, tightening your arms around the man and pressing your lips back to his.
“Then I guess we’ll have to be together forever.” You could feel Oikawa grinning after you said that, and even then a soft nod from the man despite how close you were.
“What a shame.”
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Kinks Each Inarizaki Member Has
Due to the great reaction from my Karasuno,  Aoba Johsai, and Nekoma/ Fukurodani, and Shiratorizawa.  I have included the most prominent the boy volleyball players in this. I hope you enjoy what kinks each of them have. I tried to have some variety. Tell me your your head cannons! If you have any suggestions, feel free to message me. Reblog and like if you enjoy please!!
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Atsumu Miya: Voyeurism, Recording
Atsumu found pleasure in watching himself on the court. He’ll play back video tapes of games to see his best moments. He was the one to suggest recording you two having sex. He phrased it as finding a way to improve yet he knew he wanted his own personalized porn movie. 
He bought special camera equipment so you two can get the best shots with the promise that the tape would stay between you and him. 
At first, filming such an intimate act felt a vile. Atsumu was enjoying every second. He played up each thrust and praised comment towards you. 
“You’re doing so well. You look so good on the camera. I can’t wait to watch you cumming again and again.” His words whispered into your ears with each thrust. You claw at his back to get a grip on anything other than the incessant feeling of your boyfriends inequitable thrusts. 
It takes a few days before you two can watch the video. When you do, you can’t get enough of the ripples of Atsumu’s muscles every time you moan or the curl of your toes when he hits a particularly sensitive spot. 
“Is this good enough to make money?” You groan at his comment; yet, you spend the rest of the video under his actual mercy with the promise to film more in the future. 
Osamu Miya: Food Play
Osamu makes delicious food for you constantly; however, he’d say his favorite snack is you. He knows that it is cliché to say but he can’t help nipping, biting, and kissing every bit of your skin. 
Recently, he decided to buy out some edible chocolate paint. He spreads you onto your back and will paint these beautiful murals on your back. He’ll make sure to take pictures of your naked frame with his artistic design on top of it. 
He’ll take pleasure in licking up the chocolate on your skin. Osumu gives soft praise of how patient you are while taking his time with each lick of his hot tongue.
You’ve had to replace your sheets many times because he got too excited and fucked you with chocolate still dripping on your skin. 
Besides his masterpiece on your back, he enjoys having it smeared by how fast he ruts into you. Sticky, sweaty, and messy is the picture he wishes he could take after you’ve come twice for him. Shower sex will soon follow. 
Kita Shinsuke: Squirting/ Control
Kita has always been a control freak. It started from his grandma and was passed down to him. When you first started dating, you thought the incessant and diligent work would stop at the bedroom. 
You soon found out that your thoughts were in vain. He wants you to feel as much pleasure as possible. Kita loves to watch you squirm at his touches. Each pump of his fingers work you towards an orgasm that has been lingering for an hour. 
Every time you get close, he pulls away his fingers. Leaving you a whiney mess. His voice is low saying “You’re going to be good for me? I want to make sure you know who can make you feel this good.”
Kita can edge his significant other for hours without getting tired. He loves to watch the look in your eyes more than getting off himself. 
He only will give you your orgasm when he thinks you’ve earned it through your begs and pleads. He loves the gushing liquid that comes from in between your thighs. 
“I have to clean up the mess you’ve made,” says Kita before finally fucking you. 
Aran Oijiro: Lingerie/thigh high socks
Aran’s fascination with lingerie started when you bought the first pair for his birthday. He was hard from the moment you stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a skimpy, red piece and white thigh highs.
He motions for you to sit on his lap just to feel how hard he actually is. His grip on your thighs tighten as he motions for you to grind against his member.
“See what you’ve done to me, baby?” Aran whispers in your ear. “You’re going to have to take credit for how hard I fuck you tonight.”
That pair of lingerie was destroyed the first time you used it. He ripped it within ten minutes of his cock deep within you. The fabric was in the way of him treating you like the slut you are. Aran made you buy a matching pair with one day shipping from Amazon.
He made sure to take good care of the thigh highs as those are his favorite part of the look. He loves staring at them while your legs are on his shoulders or your legs pressed against your chest.
If you ware the thigh highs out in public, be prepared for Aran to take you home and show you who’s he belongs to. 
Rintaro Suna: Choking and Degradation
Suna, unlike the others, will get down and dirty. He loves degrading you while you’re fucking yourself around his cock. His hand is a permanent necklace around your neck. 
“Such a greedy slut for my cock. You don’t want to breathe, you want my cock.”
He makes sure to use your throat like it's his own personal cocksleeve. He loves to watch as tears run down your face as he uses you the way he wants. Suna will pull away to watch you gasp for air. A single train of saliva from your mouth to his cock. 
“Did I tell you to take a break? You’re not taking a break until you’ve made me cum. Like a good slut.”
When he's deep inside you, he’ll make sure to whisper the filthiest things in your ear as you take his cock. Suna only feels proud when you have bruises and are worn out from fucking. If you haven’t scratched up his back, he didn’t do his job properly. 
Suna is really good about after care. For as much as he degrades you, he’ll make sure you feel good afterwards. He’ll switch to praise really quick if you ask him to. You will have to ask nicely though.
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tobiosmilktea · 4 years
hello there. my bday is around the corner and i was wondering how would random haikyuu boys celebrate it with u 💓
how the haikyuu boys will celebrate your birthday with you
a/n: my birthday is just around the corner too so this was really fun to write 🥺 i decided to do it by team bc i couldn’t pick who boys to do lmao
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— karasuno
i think they’ll definitely pull some intricate plan that will go wrong one way or another
like a surprise party maybe
it was fs nishinoya and tanaka’s idea to set one up after school in the gym where they tell everyone to pretend to forget your birthday just to add that special element of surprise
but then again, guys like tsukishima and kageyama don’t need to pretend they didn’t know your birthday because they truly didn’t until hinata brought it up to them (don’t take it too personally tho lmao)
speaking of which, hinata almost spoiled the surprise for you if yachi wasn’t there to distract you 💀
despite being the second year’s idea to throw this surprise party for you, it’s primarily the third years doing all the work since tanaka and nishinoya don’t know how to organize a party for shit
poor kiyoko is actually doing all the work while daichi and asahi are putting up decorations with the help of the first years (tsukishima had to be forced tho smh)
yamaguchi and yachi seem like the types to overthink what to get you for a birthday present, probably going all out while kageyama would just buy you your favorite drink and snack from the vending machine near the gym literally five minutes before the surprise
it’s the thought that counts ig
sugawara made your cake as well with the usual message, ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N !!’
and since the surprise party was being held in the gym after practice, everyone had to hurry and clean up before setting out all the decorations. and can i just say, it’s chaotic™️
yachi had to distract you for a good ten minutes by asking you to walk all the way towards the other end of campus to ‘get something’ that didn’t exist in the first place
meanwhile in the gym, the second years were in charge of taking down the volleyball net to replace it with a badly homemade painting with tanaka’s messy ass handwriting wishing you a happy birthday
the third years and first years as mentioned before were setting up decorations, hanging up streamers, setting out balloons, and handing out party poppers
with kiyoko, takeda-sensei, and ukai set out a table for sugawara to place the cake he made for you (which it almost fell cause ennoshita bumped into him)
hinata was also on the lookout if you and yachi were nearby
and when you were, he shout so loudly that even you heard down the hall
finishing up any last minute details, the team sets out their presents for you with their party poppers in hand before shouting, “SURPRISE!!”
it’s all fun and games until nishinoya accidentally released confetti at your face by accident
he made up for it with his present though lmao
— aoba johsai
saying that seijoh probably won’t do anything as big as a surprise party is a complete lie
knowing oikawa and the moment he found out it was going to be your birthday soon, he’ll plan something more extravagant than some lame surprise party (albeit, badly planned without the help of iwa)
he’d probably rent out a party bus to drive around the city before stopping by at some random karaoke place downtown
he’ll only invite the third years and your close friends so it isn’t too big of a celebration that it doesn’t feel like it’s your own party
the best part of the night was mattsun absolutely outshining oikawa in literally everything
there was even a stripper pole in the party bus and he just started fucking around with you to pretending to make it rain on him,, it was hilarious
you love rewatching the videos you took of that night
your favorite (besides stripper matsukawa) was iwa singing a ballad for you and when i say that man has vocals i mean it
at the end of the night, all your friends got up to sing happy birthday to you on the karaoke machine
the second years would probably feel bad celebrating your birthday with you, so instead they take you out to get udon after school and just vibe
you were honestly just surprised that it was kyotani’s idea to take you out like this, not to mention the cute gift he gave you that he put a lot of thought into
meanwhile i think the first years are just too intimidated by you minus kunimi
like kindaichi knew of your birthday but he was just too scared to go up to you and wish you a happy birthday before handing you your favorite convenient store snack as a little gift
— nekoma
unlike karasuno and seijoh, the way the nekoma boys celebrate with you is definitely on the more laidback side, yet they still put effort in wishing you a happy birthday
kenma, kuroo, and yaku would definitely stay up with you the night before your birthday playing video games just to be the first ones to wish you a happy birthday the moment the clock strikes midnight
they’ll even set up a minecraft server that kenma spent hours setting up and building everything that you like with a gigantic banner made out of your favorite colors of wool saying ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
the rest of the night staying up playing party games on hypixel despite having school the next day
in the morning, you’d find kenma and kuroo waiting outside your house so they can walk the birthday celebrant to school, plus they had bags in their hands to which you assume were presents for you
it was then did you realize that you were going to get more throughout the day after kuroo mentioned how he told the team that it was your birthday
there was something embarrassing and a bit cringey being showered with attention for your birthday, especially at school, but you still appreciated the team’s efforts
throughout the day, people would notice the gifts in your hands and would wish you a happy birthday, definitely causing a stir in the school when yaku, lev, and yamamoto burst into your classroom to shout happy birthday
while yamamoto is literally showering you with birthday wishes and presents, lev would give you a cute plushie of your favorite animal along with a little cake
he’d probably ask to eat it with you during lunch lmao
by the end of the day, kuroo and kenma would help you carry all the presents you received as you guys end the day off getting ramen
— fukurodani
i don’t think they’ll make a big deal out of it knowing you don’t like making a big deal out of your birthday either
the only reason why they even found out that your birthday was around the corner is because bokuto couldn’t keep his mouth shut
it played out somewhere along the lines like this: akaashi would ask you if you were free this weekend so you two could study for the upcoming math exam
bokuto was there as well when you had to ask for a raincheck on studying as your parents were forcing you to go out on a celebratory birthday dinner (as by their words, “it’s the least you could do.”)
to which bokuto literally gasps and shouts, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY THIS WEEKEND?” his words echoing throughout the gym and definitely catching the attention of the rest of the volleyball team
if that’s his reaction to finding out it’s your birthday soon, just imagine how shocked he would be when you tell him that you don’t really like celebrating it
akaashi would definitely understand and opted to buy you a little something for his appreciation and give it to you the following day, but bokuto wants to full on throw a party for you
“come on! it’ll just be a little get-together at the park!” he would beg
“thank you, bo, but i’m honestly fine just going out to dinner with my family.”
he would huff, planning to throw one as a surprise party instead, but akaashi immediately shoots down his idea out of respect for you
instead, bokuto would channel all that energy to giving “the best birthday gift of your life!” (end quote)
even konoha would challenge him on that just to tease him, but would still give you a well thought out gift
and yeah, it’s honestly kind of embarrassing seeing him walk into school with a box full of things you’re into including a giant owl plushie (school spirit ig??)
poor bo was outshined by yukie and kaori when they made a birthday cake for you
— shiratorizawa
lowkey i feel like shiratorizawa is definitely one of those private schools that would announce when their student’s birthdays are when they come close
like no one of the vb team would’ve found out your birthday was in a couple days if it wasn’t for that overhead announcement made by the vice principal
however, i wouldn’t think they’d make a huge deal out of it besides tendou maybe
the moment you would walk into the gymnasium, he’ll immediately wish you a happy birthday loudly before nudging ushijima to do the same
instead of one big party, you celebrated with them almost individually
tendou and ushijima both took you to the aquarium and bought you a gift that you specifically chose out cause they’d probably wouldn’t be bothered to do so without you
and then you’d go out with semi and reon to which you three just get sushi after school
lowkey i feel like they would buy literally anything you show even the tiniest amount of interest in and they’ll buy it within a snap
you literally had to stop semi from buying you anything else as he’ll end up spending all his pocket change when the sushi was enough
and unlike their upperclassman, shirabu and goshiki would probably just celebrate with you by just hanging out at your house--watching netflix, playing video games, maybe ordering some pizza
it’s pretty simple, but they’ll be there all day cause the time spent together is just really nice
— inarizaki
the twins literally cannot keep their mouths shut
the team was already pretty aware of your birthday, but they have been keeping the surprise party for you on the downlow ever since the twins proposed their idea of doing a little picnic for you
but go figure that it would be atsumu and osamu exposing their entire plan in front of you after nagging their team not to say jackshit in front of you
they’d still follow through with their plans, however, despite not being a surprise anymore
the little celebration would be held at the park, suna being in charge of the picnic blanket, kita being in charge of bringing drinks, osamu being in charge of bringing the food, and atsumu being in charge of... well,, bringing you ig
aran would arrive late only because he had to get his bday gift for you (which btw was the best one fs) as well as picking up your birthday cake with the words ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH <3′ 
it’s so obvious that suna was the one who ordered the cake, but it’s literally the best you have every received
overall, it’s pretty chill but you couldn’t ask for anything more knowing their efforts and how you’ve been laughing your ass off the entire time
you guys would even watch the sunset as yall sat atop a hill, taking photos to put on your stories and to post on social media
out of the hundreds of photos taken of you with your cake or aran force feeding suna food, the group photo taken exactly at golden hour was your absolute favorite
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mysterystarz · 3 years
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summary: oikawa knew that he was happy, so then why was it so difficult to preserve that feeling?
pairing: oikawa tooru x g!n reader
word count: 1.4k
genres + themes: reverse comfort, angst
warnings: a lot of oikawa's inner thoughts, mentions of self-doubt
a/n: so this was a very self-indulgent fic (inspired a lot by this word and perfectly wrong by shawn mendes) and kind of encompasses a lot of feelings that i've been experiencing sometimes, but i feel like this was one of the things i've written that i'm kind of happy about ! i hope you enjoy this <3
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Happiness was a feeling that was always difficult for Oikawa to identify. There were moments in which he could confidently taste the sensation on his tongue, a golden sort of taste that brightened his soul from the inside out, but other times, it was almost indecipherable to the other emotions that he seemed to find.
Why was it so complicated?
He often found himself sitting late at night, wondering how, if anything, people seemed to find glory in every glance, while he had to spread himself thin just to catch a glimpse. It was a question that drove him in circles in some of his lonelier moments, a constant reminder to the way he could never find the same sort of...fulfillment as others did.
It was something that bothered him with his late night practices, serving ball after ball across the gym, until the burning in his muscles was enough to drown out the feelings of inferiority he seemed to feel.
Happiness was as good as an illusion. To Oikawa, the feeling was far too short lived, far too fleeting to even be considered as a reality.
The day he discovered what happiness could be, was the day he met you.
It had been a normal day by all standards, the sunshine casting it’s glow delicately onto the buildings and the numerous sakura trees that lined the entrances of Aoba Johsai. It was a lovely spring day, one with the type of breeze that struck a freshness into everyone’s hearts, as well as their minds.
He liked these types of days for the simple pleasures he could indulge in. Eating his milk bread, he could pretend for a small moment that he was just another highschool boy, somebody who could make fun of Iwa-chan while being made fun of by Makki and Mattsun. He didn’t need to shoulder the expectations of the world, but he could still reach for the stars, and even hold one in his hands. It was why these days brought a rare sort of feeling, and it was why he managed to treasure them when they came around.
It had been on one of these days where you had strolled into the gym during practice, a concentrated, yet polite look on your face as you handed their coach your manager application, a gentle smile on your features when it had been accepted. You had done your job as manager to perfection, and he felt the morale of his team increase with every praise you sent in their direction.
Never him though.
He knew his sets weren’t as accurate as Kageyama’s, but they were still consistently improving. He didn’t expect praise from anyone, and yet found himself doubting his abilities when your calculated eyes didn’t make a comment on them. It was a neutrality of sorts. You never wrote it as a point of improvement, yet never complimented them.
Did that mean he was average?
The darkness enveloped his surroundings as he served again, his knee straining uncomfortably. He had been in the gym for hours now, doing anything, to get his mind off the precedent of facing Shiratorizawa the next day. It was a thought that nagged at him.
What if he wasn’t good enough?
Oikawa was supposed to be happy. He was happy for sure. His team had won the earlier matches, and cheers of their school name and the sight of his school colors was enough to send a wave of warmth and pride straight to his chest.
The way he felt defeating Tobio was one he savored continuously, the very thought of him beating one of his own demons fueling his morale incredibly.
So then why was it that he felt this way still?
Ah. No matter how many victories he held in his pocket, he could still never shake the way he always managed to lose somewhere else. He won against Tobio due to skill and observation. Was that really him and his team? Or was it just the circumstances?
A final serve over the net had him kneeling down, a million thoughts enveloping him at once.
Happiness wasn’t supposed to feel like this.
He wasn’t even sure what it was supposed to feel like. All he knew was the way he picked apart the scenarios, wishing time after time that the feeling would linger long enough. Call him goal oriented, but surely his ambition would allow him to truly appreciate the way something seemingly light hearted and accomplished would be like.
“Oikawa. Are you okay?”
He suddenly looked up, only to find your concerned face across the gym. You jogged over to him, water bottle in hand as you examined his position. He was on the floor now...somehow.
When had he fallen over?
“I’m alright Y/N-chan.” He smiled charmingly, “What brings you here now?”
“You’re lying,” you sighed, tossing him the water bottle. “Drink this, and then try that sentence again.”
He hesitantly took a sip of the water, feeling it soothe his insides until suddenly, he had downed the whole bottle itself. A glance in your direction saw him identifying a knowing look in your eyes as you smiled back at him, almost gently.
“You have to rest before the game tomorrow you know,” you chuckled, joining him onto the floor. “Why do you do this to yourself?”
“Why are you here?” Was what he asked instead, watching the way your expression never changed. “Aren’t you supposed to be at home?”
“Iwaizumi-kun told me something like this could happen,” you admitted, “I hoped I wouldn’t find you here, but here we are.”
He found himself brightening slightly at the thought. He knew that Iwaizumii cared. Behind the gruff and tough persona he put on, he cared deeply for everyone he was close to, always worrying for their well being and putting all of himself into ensuring that.
He must have told you about all the past times he’s been in situations like these.
But then why was it you that came? You were one of the smartest students in their class, and even despite that, you somehow made time to juggle all your other obligations.
He was important....to you?
“I’m here because I care about you Tooru,” you said, hesitantly ghosting your fingers over his cheekbones. “Please, don’t internalize what you’re feeling. I’ll provide you answers to anything you ask me, but please, just speak your thoughts. They’ve been troubling you, and that troubles me to know that.”
“What does it take to feel content, Y/N?” He questioned, feeling his confidence spike momentarily. “What is contentness when there’s always something new to climb for?”
“It’s where you can look at your achievements and feel like you’ve done something worthwhile.” You smiled, “But there’s something deeper than that. What makes you overwork yourself when you’re one of the best?”
“I’ve never been good enough to get completely to the top!” He groaned. “There’s always been obstacles and a victory...it makes me happy but it never lasts! Why can’t it last?”
“Hey,” you said, leaning slightly closer, “Maybe it’s because you never believe that you deserve the happiness you feel. I think you deserve this and a whole lot more you know.”
He turned his head upwards to meet your eyes, reassuring and genuine at his predicament. Perhaps what you had said had some truth to it.
Yet he still felt something weighing him down.
“I just want to feel on top of the world for real one day,” he admitted, exhaling a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Yet anytime I try to, it always just disappears. I’m practicing so maybe we have a chance at winning tomorrow. I’ve tried so hard, but somehow the talent always beats that.”
“Tooru…it’s alright to let it out you know.” You placed a hand gently on top of his, a hesitant act that he found quite endearing. “How long have you felt this way?”
“Always do,” he mumbled, “And I feel pathetic for it. Y/N-chan, is there something wrong with me?”
“No way!” You argued, the passion ever so present in your eyes. “You devote all of yourself to this. You are worthy of all good things. I swear it.”
“I can’t bring myself to feel that though.” There seemed to be a tension building up into his chest and his eyes.
“Your team believes it. All of your fans too.”
He met your eyes again, watching your breathing slow. “What?”
“They believe you deserve the world.” you affirmed, your mouth set into a straight line of seriousness. “And I think you do too.”
Underneath the dimmed lights of the gym, your hand a gentle anchor atop his own, Oikawa finally broke down.
Perhaps happiness was the feeling of being loved.
He realized that as long as you were beside him, that feeling would never fade.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved, please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics in any way even if credited
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kiwikyuu · 4 years
➟ a list of my favorite haikyuu works
(across tumblr, in no specific order, with mini thoughts by me)
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- some works may include smut
— i am in awe of each and every writer and work on this list! the tumblr writing community is so cool and i just wanted to share a couple of my favorites for this fandom. happy reading
— if you are a writer mentioned on this list and would prefer for me to remove your work, please send me a message and i will immediately
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✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ KARASUNO
october — "warnings: cursing, mentions of hickeys, makeout session hehe"
this is a particularly great combination of suggestive (not smut!) and fluff. it's cute and it's realistic and absolutely adorable. it reminds me of what i wished my high school relationship was like.
this didn't happen | tsukishima kei — "WARNINGS: honestly i think this is cute, but theres some angst oops, pining, unedited, kissing, kinda sad if you can read between the lines, season three spoilers"
you don't understand. the writing. the set up. the execution. absolutely beautiful! sometimes you come across a work that just encases the characters perfectly and something about that is just so *chef's kiss*
karasuno first years out late w/ their s/o
this was such a soft headcanon with wholesome high school / coming of age vibes. for real transported me into each scenario
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ NEKOMA
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ AOBA JOHSAI
beautiful stranger — "tw: indirect and direct implications of suicide"
an 11/10 good read and probably my favorite oikawa work so far. if you're worried about the trigger warning, i would say it's not too heavy because the lighter parts balance it out
come on, let go — "contents: oikawa being your first love, tooth-rotting fluff, fem!reader, rebound?? he dates you to get over his ex, oikawa being an idiot 🙄👎 and happy ending!! ft. aoba johsai team."
i am a simp for oikawa and basically all the haikyuu boys but this one ohohoho this one was bittersweet but in the best way possible. it does end on a happy note tho :)
it was always there — "oikawa tooru x f!reader your friends always said that you’d never have to worry about seeing oikawa again. if only you knew how wrong they would be—and not just a minor wrong. the ‘I just got paired up with my ex-boyfriend for our class final project’ kind of wrong."
this was so cute. it's 12k words and was a great read. if you're a fan of ex lovers to lovers with a hint of hurt/comfort then i recommend this
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ FUKURODANI
broken — "warning - mentions of illness + death"
yes i cried. yes i couldn't stop. what about it :(
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ INARIZAKI
college student!miya atsumu hc dump — "pairing: gn!reader ; genre: so much fluff, headcanons/mini drabbles ; tag(s): fluff, slightly suggestive, just the underclassman years for now, based on the american college system ; wc: 1.2k"
simply this is the college experience i wanted. i absolutely despise relationships but this one right here made me doubt that for a moment there
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ SHIRATORIZAWA
the grey area ; tendou satori — "tag(s): college!au, stuco!au, enemies to lovers, slow burn, angst, fluff, smut, tantalising witty banter, semi is a Good Bro™, reader is a fully developed character ; warning(s): profanity ; wc: 8.1k"
this,,,god this shit right here,,,this was sent down from so heavenly place because holy shit. this was so good. it was just it was SO good. i absolutely cannot form full sentences to even begin to describe how much i fucking loved this
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ GENERAL
the hq boys falling in love as love quotes found on the internet
gosh this hit different. it was so wholesome and ugh,,,,,,,brb sobbing. i loved it so much. i really am a sucker for soft haikyuu
haikyuu on a zoom call — "[18+] its back to school time for most of you, or if you’re like me you’re working from home, and thus our lives are dictated by a tiny little app called zoom. while skype mightve missed the mark, here’s what the world of hq does on zoom!"
y'all it's the way that this had me fucking LAUHING so much oh my,,,,like this was so good. completely accurate and made zoom seem a little less intimidating
random couple tiktok pranks you’d do to your haikyuu boyfriend
ngl tiktok is my most actively used app (spotify in background came at #1) according to my screen time report so this was just icing on the cake
hq boys office au
this is one of those hc's that just really make you wish the boys were real
gift giving || haikyuu — "warnings: suggestive, timeskip spoilers!!"
timeskip haikyuu make my brain go brr but this was so thoughtful and everything just made sense. i absolutely loved this and it was so soft!!
how you comfort them when they lose a game
my heart broke and was re made reading this
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this list will continue to be updated!
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iwaisuke · 3 years
i like you so much, you'll know it
ft. kageyama tobio, semi eita, iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader
genre: fluff (prompts are based off lines of the song)
a/n: from the c-drama a love so beautiful :) i wrote this at like 4am so sorry if its crap haha. not proof read either. also, sorry in advance if they're too ooc lol im a mess rn.
» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
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i like your eyes, you look away when you pretend not to care i like the dimples on the corners of the smile that you wear. i like you more the world may know but dont be scared cause im falling deeper baby be prepared.
» today was your first day at karasuno highschool. honestly, you were so scared. that was up until you found out kageyama was going too.
» the two of you had been childhood friends due to each others grandparents knowing the others. you had been with him through his ups and downs. his victories and defeats. almost everything kageyama did, you were there with him.
» actually, you didnt know kageyama was going to karasuno until you walked outside your door to find the raven haired boy in the same school uniform as you
» "tobi? you never told me you were going to karasuno?" giving him a side eyed grin. "i thought you were planning on going to aoba johsai like oikawa senpai and iwaizumi senpai"
» you viewed kageyama as someone who expected others to reach his level in order to be a good match for him. he had a strong head on his shoulders. naturally gifted in volleyball, like everything was given to him on a gold platter. of course, he wasnt perfect and thats where you come in and keep him level headed. helping him understand his faults and weaknesses as well. doing your best to encourage the setter
» he let out a sigh. a slight frown forming on his face. "i didnt get in.." he quietly said. "karasuno has a good volleyball team though and i can feel myself growing here" he stated bodly
» and boy was he right. something about kageyama did changd that day. he usually was so bitter and angry. a very pessimistic look on life if he and others weren't at the top. maybe it was the orange haired boy, hinata, that the setter and you became friends with. and maybe it was his great senpai's who were patient with him and gave him the opportunity to grow
» kageyama started smiling more often. his small unnoticeable dimples showing. he became kinder. softer. and more carefree. he was a growing boy both mentally and physically.
» what you didnt realize was that not only was kageyama changing, you as well, had something changing and growing in your heart.
» but kageyama noticed. oh boy did he really notice, the way you seemed to become happier and livelier by the day. how the stars sparkled in your eyes when you talked about something you enjoyed. the kind of perfume you would wear and how you would tie your hair differently each day. the weird trinkets you just seemed to love that decorated your bag. but most importantly, how much bigger your heart has become, loving everyone and their faults. always encouraging and motivating him and his team.
» was she always like this? he would constantly think to himself. all of a sudden being hyperaware about you... but he would NEVER let you know that, let alone his senpai's. it was just too embarrassing. just thinking about the never ending teasing he'd get from tanaka and noya senpai made him shiver.
» all of these things he felt about you hit kageyama like a truck the day everyone started to wear their winter uniforms.
» picking you up to walk to school together was a normal thing since the two of you lived close, but how was kageyama suppose to do this now when you're standing in front of him. thigh high socks to keep your legs warm, an oversized jacket that you had borrowed from him a while back you forgot to return. white mittens to cover your cold hands and the slight blush on your face from the wind chill.
» "does it look weird?" you shyly asked. kageyama was silent. "ah.. give me a second. I'll go back in and change real qui-"
» kageyama tugged on your hand. "its fine. lets just go to school or we'll be late." refusing to look you in the eyes. heat rising to your cheeks as tobio dragged you along with him.
» your feelings for the setter had blossomed over the past few months. falling deeper and deeper into him, and at this point you felt like you couldnt hide it anymore. you just had to tell him. tell him all the wonderful things he's done. the way he's grown and how much he means to you.
» "tobi..." your soft voice spilling out. eyes closed, the fog of your breath coming out as you exhaled. "i lik-"
» you felt something wrap around your neck. "wait y/n..." kageyama spoke, interrupting what you were about to say. not gonna lie, you felt like your heart was about to be shattered like ice eventhough kageyama continued to wrap his scarf around your neck.
» "dont say it..." he quietly said as he began to walk forward without you.
» ah... is this what rejection feels like? i didnt even get to say it properly... your hands felt colder now that kageyama wasnt holding them anymore.
» he took a quick glance back at you. blush on his cheeks. "be prepared because i want to be the one to tell you first."
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i like the way you try so hard when you play ball with your friends. i like the way you hit the notes in every song you're shinnin' i love the little things like when you're unaware, i catch you steal a glance and smile so perfectly
» semi eita, your 3 year heart throb from the moment he first spoke to you.
» at first, you had suppressed these feelings, telling yourself he would never look at you the same way. but something about the blonde tsundere struck a chord in your heart that you just couldn't forget.
» the two of you ended up becoming friends. closer than you had actually imagined within these past 3 years. doing everyday life with you. waking up and saving you a spot at breakfast. helping you with your studies in exchange for being his workout buddy and motivator.
» semi kept his tabs on you. your likes and dislikes. the things that made you smile and the things that made you groan in disgust, but he would never let you know that.
» to semi, you were his breath of fresh air. the song he has on repeat everyday. the kind of person who would keep him on his toes. in a good way of course
» "oi what are you daydreaming of this time?" semi asked as you zoned out while drinking your carton of strawberry milk. "hm? oh nothin. just thinkin about whats in store for us today!" reaching your arms above your head letting out a stretch. "i just know for a fact. today is gonna be a good day." semi chuckled at your optimistic claim. "how do you know for sure?" "i dont know how. i just do" you replied with a smile on your face.
» today, shiratorizawa had a practice match with aoba johsai and today, eita was picked to be in the starting line up. the pure joy that radiated from his body. maybe today was a really good day just like how you had said.
» semi took a quick glance up into the stands, you gave him a thumbs up and wished him good luck. his smile was brighter than you had ever seen it and his eyes shined like stars. he always told you that whatever chance he got on the court, he would be sure to not let his team down no matter what. he was in his zone. playing his best and sure enough, they had won all 3 matches.
» after practice, semi and you would hang out at his dorm afterwards. he liked to show you all the new songs he was working on. whether it was a cover or a song or a song he was writing on his own.
» the two of you leaned against the wall as you sat on semi's bed. his sheet music all sprawled out before him on his bed sheets. guitar in his arms and you beside him.
» "what are you working on semi?" "a song" "well obviously dum dum" you laughed, reaching out for a paper in front.
» "so who's the special lady?" you teased him as you read the lyrics. deep down inside you could only wish these words were meant for you. a blush formed on eita's face. "just... shut up about it... its not ready yet"
» it was getting late and falling asleep at semi's place was a normal occurrence at this point. your eyes became heavy and your head started bobbing.
» "sleepy?" eita asked as he noticed your eyes drooping. "mhm. sing for me semi? please?" his voice was so soft like a mothers touch yet somehow had the power to pierce through your soul sometimes. although, it never failed to help you fall asleep when you needed it.
» hesitantly, semi started humming. softly speaking some lyrics here and there. you didnt know where the tune was from so you listened the best you could.
» "... till the last of snow dissapears ... till a rainy day, becomes clear. never knew a love like this, now i can't let go..."
» your eyes had closed. slumber taking over you as you fell onto semi's shoulder.
» "im in love with you... and now you know..."
» yeah. today was a good day. just like you said it was going to be.
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in a world devoid of life, you bring color. in your eyes i see the light, my future. always and forever i know i cant let you go. im in love with you and now you know
» to iwaizumi, unlike volleyball, oikawa, maki, mattsun, school, anything life threw at him; you were the thing in his life that was constant yet at the same time a whirlwind of new beginnings. not in a bad way though.
» ever since you were kids, you showed iwaizumi the beauty in things he would have never guessed had. he was bold and tended to look over things without giving them much thought. his eyes straight ahead to the trials before him. you on the other hand, stopped him and slowed him down from rushing into them blindly.
» "every moment is precious. you should learn to cherish it because you never know when it's gonna be your last" you always said
» your views of the world were beautiful compared to how cruel it actually was. naivety maybe? or maybe it was just because you were blessed with a kind soul.
» iwaizumi always knew he had feelings for you. you had been with him through thick and thin. he could depend on you and you could depend on him. in his eyes, you were the most beautiful person on earth. deep down he had hoped the two of you could stay like that forever. nothing could ever change that.
» or so he thought...
» "iwa chan~ you owe me a meat bun" oikawa whined as the group of friends were walking to the gym for volleyball practice. "shut up crappykawa. i already bought you one last week" "oi isn't that y/n over there?" maki said, shaking iwaizumi's shoulder.
» sure enough it was you. apparently you had told iwaizumi to go ahead of you today because you had something to take care of in the afternoon. telling him you'd meet up with him after practice was over. not thinking much of it, he bid you a farewell and went on in his day.
» "oooou by the looks of it, this is the perfect confession scene" mattsun teased. "oi stop messing around" iwaizumi's voice hoarse. not gonna lie, iwaizumi felt his heart drop when mattsun said that
» the 4 boys crept closer to see what was going on.
» there you were, standing in the middle of a classroom with a black haired boy. "mhm. definitely a confession." oikawa stated. "shut up tooru we cant hear" maki retorted.
» you weren't considered popular in school but that didnt mean people didnt know who you were. iwaizumi knew you were gorgeous and on top of that, smart, kind and one of the sweetest girls, so it was only natural that people would be drawn to you.
» they watched as the boy got closer and closer to you. voices barely being audible to the 4 boys outside. iwaizumi's heart could bear to see this right before his eyes.
» without even thinking, his feet moving on his own, iwaizumi barged into the room. all eyes towards him.
» "iwa what are you-" without letting you finish, iwa dragged you out of the classroom. "iwa where are you taking me" asking him as he took you to who knows where, leading you up the stairs of the school.
» up on the roof, he finally let go. "sorry..." he mumbled.
» "sorry for what iwa?" "for ruining that confession... i just-"
» "you just...-?"
» "i just love you ok?!"
» your heart shook at the resonance of his voice. iwa liked you? he liked you back?! wait no- he loved you.
» you had loved iwaizumi from the moment you met him and as the two of you grew up, your love for him only grew deeper. he was the only one you'd ever look at. the only one who would ever cross your mind. you had hoped he felt the same about you but he was always so busy with other things you only felt like you would be able to support him on the sidelines as he faced the world head on like he always does.
» just being in iwaizumi's presence was enough for you. no need to be greedier, you thought. its good to be content with what you have, but just knowing that he shares the same feelings... its ok to be a little greedy right?
» your silence being louder than it should have been, iwaizumi took it the wrong way. "look I know this isn't the greatest confession. heck it's not even the way I wanted to confess to you, and get it if you like that other guy, you don't have to-"
» shuting him up with a kiss, you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. needless to say, he was shocked, but embraced you as well.
» "you're overthinking too much iwa. that's so unlike you" you chuckled. his face bright red at the previous actions.
» "i love you. I've loved you for a long time actually. every single second. every moment we've shared. i cant picture myself with anyone but you hajime."
» iwa let out a sigh of relief. a smile being brought back onto his face. "good because all I know is that i cant let you go. in the past, present and even in the future...."
» the blue sky slowly changing into shades of coral warmed your heart even more on top of his sweet words that you've always longed to hear.
» "im in love with you, and now you know"
-» ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆
enjoy your order! have a great day!
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