#do you wanna see my trek pics??
nkogneatho · 9 months
the feeling of self-fulfilness and achievement is the greatest shit ever. everybody clap for me i climbed the highest mountain and the most dangerous one in my state <3 THAT TO AT 2 AM with a torch because i wanted to see the sunrise
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thegeminisage · 5 months
ok, i'm getting behind on ym star trek updates. last sunday we watched ds9's "sanctuary" and tng's "parallels," monday we watched ds9's "rivals" and tng's "the pegasus" (out of order!!! 💔) and last night we watched ds9's "the alternate" and tng's "homeward." we were supposed to do "rivals" and "the alternate" monday, and then the "pegasus" and "homeward" last night and i really wish we had bc i was not in the correct headspace to really enjoy the alternate but that's what i get for forgetting to check my spreadsheet!! ANYWAY.
sanctuary (ds9):
i love sisko in this episode. he has the same vibe w his subordinates as he does with jake, that he will back them up even if they're breaking rules but also when kira didn't do her homework he does have to lay down the law a little bit. lovingly, but he does. and since he never does it w/o a reason and w/o compassion nobody really minds
i'm sorry but the reverse sexism was really funny. thank you 90s tv for being brave. especially with her having multiple husbands. get it girl
kira and haneek should have explored each others bodies also
quark picking up the nephew like yeah hes gonna do it again. poor odo
literally it was such a good little conundrum bc all the logical reasons they gave for bajor not being able to support more people were like correct or whatever BUT THEY WERE FARMERS. you get the idea they really could have helped and that kid didn't have to die but inherent, knee-jerk suspicion of new/foreign people just got in the way in both cases. like you had the solution right there!! unfortunately, as we know, people
why is it ALWAYS kira's episodes that go this hard also. it's always like "here's a thing about the complex and ugly truth of the human(oid) nature and how we just have to live with ourselves" and every time it pops off
parallels (tng):
we were just saying "there's no ways tng would have the pussy to do something like this" when tng came on and also was really good
first of all, my worf e deanna DREAMS are coming true. sorry to the actors ik they hated it but i know in my heart worf e riker e deanna is real..............
i read the episode summary for this one but it said AMNESIA not WORF SWITCHING REALITIES. so i had fun going wait the cake WAS chocolate earlier and being gaslit along with worf
his little surprise party hat. please.
i didnt notice data's eyes being blue at the time but going back and looking at the pics is WILD
my baby boy wesley crusher was there also........i missed him sm
the universe worf left was crazy. picard dead, geordi dead, deanna forever without her husband...jesus christ
but my FAVORITE part (aside from the romance) was the bit there the zillion enterprises showed up and the crazy borg-hunted riker was like NO NO WE'LL NEVER GO BACK girl i was like oh but i wanna see inside those other enterprises! actually no i didn't
worf finding out deanna began having the potential to develop feelings for him after the ritual suicide thing and then IMMEDIATELY turning around to seduce her when he got back to his universe...so true. i would have done the same thing. i know he's gonna get w dax later and deanna will eventually marry riker so he's GONNA fumble it but don't fumble it!!!
rivals (ds9):
have only seen princess bridge 1 time when i was a teenager so i was not able to enjoy the biggest appeal of this episode rip
actually i thought the a plot of this episode kind of sucked ass. i didn't find the conman particularly funny or charming but i also didn't hate him enough to get invested in his downfall. also, it was so stupid that he took that machine when the guy explained that it had literally killed him............like, girl, are you stupid? obviously ds9 can save it with endearing characters and like, Acting, but i wasn't having much fun with it
i DID love the obrien bashir racketball matches though. first of all the fact that luck decided who won and not actual skill and no we'll never know...but secondly, bashir like Oh No I'm Going To Kill Him With Tennis. like, my guy, you could have just showed off less out of the gate. it went against his twink instincts though
keiko's go-get-em-tiger was really good. he would have won anyway i just know it
quark trying to DRUG A DOCTOR. his audacity truly knows no bounds. i hope those orphans got their blankets
i do like also that when they figured out the matches had been rigged they weren't even mad about it, they were both just curious and trying to experiment. i love when obrien and bashir hang out it's really great
the pegasus (tng):
picard day really good. yes. be miserable. i love riker getting to dunk on him
i really really REALLY enjoyed riker's energy when his old captain came aboard. jonathan frakes isn't the most technically accomplished actor on that cast, but he does such a fantastic job with that shift - riker is normally such an easygoing, funny, down to clown guy that whenever he gets :| you notice RIGHT away. episodes where he gets to be serious and angry wouldn't work if he got them all the time (though my lament for tng is that we don't get character stuff more often...), but BECAUSE they're rare, even a little too rare, you take notice all the more
i wish we had gotten to see riker sparring with worf <3
argument between riker and picard was FUNNNN i don't like picard but i DO like it when sir patrick stewart acts and i think him being on his game and jonathan frakes also being on his game was wonderful. first of all, i love it when they say the m-word, and secondly, riker grinding his teeth because he WANTS to tell and all his instincts are screaming at him to tell and he CAN'T because his loyalties are divided or whatever...delicious.
beaming aboard the ship frozen in rock with the perfectly preserved bodies. mwah. dead bodies won't even age. i know it was a budget thing and space probably wouldn't really keep them from decomposing THAT well but it quite literally took riker back to the scene of the crime and he was like yeah no i'm not having it. GOOD for him.
bonus when riker gets locked into the brig <3
the alternate (ds9):
i recognized the scientist by his hair!!! he mentioned before he copied it from him
dr mora die challenge. it's not exactly that he "abused" odo in the traditional sense but he did put him in a cage, and he dehumanized him with his experiments, and every single word out of his mouth was either dehumanizing or patronizing. i love how quick they both were to correct the assumption about this guy being odo's dad - like yeah maybe an adoptive dad in a way but odo wasn't a "child" he was just so different from humanoids he had to figure out communication from scratch
like, this mf commenting on odo not having gotten the ears, or like wow you can tell what emotions people are displaying just by looking! say that again to my face i'll kill you.
dax was so weird in this episode. i kept wondering if she was possessed or something because she showed up out of nowhere and offered to buy drinks with bashir and said something about the pillar being moved. a red herring which was perhaps unintentional but unsettling nonetheless. her personality is still fluctuating a lot - at times she's prissy and at other times she's just one of the guys! but at least now she has one, from time to time. not in this episode though
i felt. SO BAD for that little life form they kidnapped. you suffocated it to death :(
i also felt terrible for odo. firstly, he deserves to kill that guy. secondly, how humiliating for him to be seen in goop form by half the station...he doesn't like being seen like that :(
i still blame dr mora though for basically triggering that last transformation...i was so mad at the end when odo was like yeah we can reconcile :) like i get loving the people who "raised" you even when they "abused" you but this wasn't quite that. i wish we had got more of a sense of them having, at any point, actually ever liked working together to solve the mysteries of shape shifters. i looked him up on imdb though and he DOES come back so maybe better luck next time
homeward (tng):
i fucking hated this episode.
firstly, who brought worf to his parents? i thought it was their adult son who was in starfleet, but was it worf's dad who brought him home? cuz this guy is worf's age and was not officially in starfleet...
secondly, there should be a clause in the prime directive about "if everybody is about to die save them with the least interference possible." i get that that runs the risk of like, being written down in their bible as jesus and altering their culture, but the idea that the culture is better off totally annihilated than altered is a little bit missing the forest for the trees. like, putting those machines on the planet in the first place would have been WAY less inference than having worf and his brother lead them to safety.
ALSO, I CANNOT BELIEVE WORF'S BROTHER KNOCKED THAT WOMAN UP. like, this kid is not gonna pop out of the womb with his surgical alterations!!
also, that guy who killed himself didn't get his special document delivered back to his people...worf KEPT IT as a souvenir? one of the only surviving documents from their old culture??
furthermore, his brother did not "won up to responsibility" by staying with those people. he's further contaminating their culture with his outside influence including the HALF HUMAN BABY and since he's marooned there he will never see his parents or brother ever again. because he got the awooga eyes. like, yes, he saved them when starfleet (picard in particular) were being horrible, but also, he didn't save their culture even a little bit, and he's lying to himself if he thinks he did. and WE COULD HAVE SAVED THEIR CULTURE WITH THE MACHINES. that was so much lower risk...................
redeeming factor of this episode was that worf is HANDSOME under all that klingon makeup. like i knew he was attractive because i've seen like headshots online but i like never saw him moving his face and acting without it. he's actually really expressive..........why do you hire a man this beautiful and then put him under all of that. like he's absolutely stunning i was so shocked
TONIGHT: ds9's "armageddon game" and tng's "sub rosa," which i have seen celebrated online for some reason? something about sexy ghosts??
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rabbithaver · 1 year
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incredible fursona art by @aoiblueskyyy !!!
rabbithaver's patented introduction poast
hi there! my name is Rabbit and i use they/them pronouns! i am a gendervoid autistic snow leopard guy from Colorado. i am 26 years old (born October 6) and aromantic pansexual, but i prefer to call myself gay because it's easier to explain. i'm also multiply disabled. i am HoH (hard of hearing) and i have severe chronic back pain, as well as some other health issues that limit my energy levels. i have several worms in my brain mental illnesses as well. i can't work because of these things, so i have a lot of free time and very little money.
right now i'm hyperfixating really intensely on the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. i got into it for real back in May of 2023 after watching a playthrough of Sonic Frontiers. before that, my appreciation for the series was strictly ironic. now it's completely genuine. Silver is my son that i've legally adopted. i found him in a cardboard box on the side of the road, sopping wet from the rain and all by himself.
i am also into Star Trek, Fallout, the Elder Scrolls, Pacific Rim, Supernatural, and like four hundred other things. if you're also into any of those things, i have great news for you: you're gonna see a lot of them on this blog.
also, if you even think about asking me about discourse, i will zap you with my incredible laser eyes. i have so much anxiety and no money! i do not have the energy to care about what other people on the internet are doing!
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my '#bunnies' tag is where i post pictures of my pet rabbits! i also have a dedicated '#bun tag' for bunny picture reblogs. if you're having a bad day i recommend scrolling through both.
my '#terin.pets' tag is where i post pictures of my pet cat, Fluffurnicus! and also bunny pics.
wanna know more about me? posts that resonate with me go in my '#about me' tag.
check out my fursona's google document! chirp is a purple snow leopard and also what i look like irl :)
read about my main Sonic OC, Oracle! due to a Time Stone & Chaos Emerald experiment going horrifically wrong, she's simultaneously alive and dead: basically Schrödinger's mink. it didnt agree with her and kind of drove her mad, so she's gonna try and kill Silver about it. you can also read some of my posts about her and her story in my '#omenhunter au' tag!
@bumblekastclips is my sideblog where i transcribe BumbleKast questions! if you're into Sonic stuff, check it out!
@lawyerenjoyer is my retired Ace Attorney sideblog. i didn't post there often enough to justify having a side blog for AA lmao
@stellastarcrash is my kin blog. if you don't vibe with kin stuff that's cool, just don't be a hater <3 thanks!
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stinkyhyena9000 · 11 months
FInally just got to watch Sing 2 for the first time in a month or so (I'm a very busy gal) and ohmygod I just remembered why I love Sing 2 so much: the ending.
The entire performance of Out of This World is great, but I'll only be going over Clay's part and thereafter.
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Seeing Clay down breakdown, and hearing his voice softly apologize about not being ready. It really shows how vulnerable he is, and how even if we put on a brave face and think we're ready, loss and mental struggle is not just something done quick and easy. Furthermore, it really means a lot to see him here, finally putting of his whole facade and finally letting loose a second time.
Speaking of which, I actually wanna look back in earlier parts of the movie (still within the time frame of the performance). During the time where everyone gets ready and the scene where Meena and Alfonso singing, we get to see glimpses of Clay sighing and staring deeply at his guitar case, like he knows what's inside it is going to hit him emotionally, and hit him hard.
Back to the show, when we see Ash first exit, we can see her alone, sing the songs Clay have sung before. Clay sees this, and he sees himself within her. (See me later for how they're so father-daughter). He sees this, and realizes that he can do this too, and he's not alone either.
I also want to note that Ash's quills actually do sort of resemble a white mane here. (2nd pic from later in the song)
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We can even see Ruby's ghost come in behind Clay, kinda sort of saying "get in there, she needs you." I like to think it's also a little call back when Ash asked Clay if Ruby would've wanted him to give up on music.
The theatre is flooding with lonely silence as she sings, even though it's full of people, similar to how people going through depression may feel lonely when surrounded with love. The crowd eventually chimes it, but it still feels close to that same way still.
And then BOOM, we get chills when we get hit with that first guitar. As soon as we start to hear him, the room fills with life as well. We hear applause from the crowd. We hear percussion. It's just great.
Now before I continue, I just want to mention. This scene is probably one of the best animated scenes throughout all of Sing 2. They did just such fantastic work on his facial animations. I can say that for every Clay scene in Sing 2, but especially here. And they didn't just do a fantastic job with facial animations, but all animation here.
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GUESS WHAT BABY. IM BRINGING IN LYRICS TOO!! (of course I am). So, this part also goes with the following lyrics
I believe in the Kingdom Come Then all the colours will bleed into one Bleed into one But yes, I'm still runnin'
I like to believe the lyric about running can be interpreted two ways. Firstly, it can be interpreted as a call back to him running from his emotions, in constant denial over his loss of Ruby. Another way of seeing it is him running towards, trekking on through all the hardships he has faced.
Back to the actual movie, I just want to mention: bro is getting groovy with it. You can se by the way he moves his body that he is really getting into the music, especially after 15 years
Later on in the song, we actually see Ash and Clay look at each other, kind of like thanking each other. Clay, thanking Ash for getting him out of that rut, and helping him to continue onward. Ash, thanking Clay for coming to the show, and being her idol for who knows how many years.
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Oh yeah, lyric time again! Here they are
You broke the bonds And you loosed the chains Carried the cross of my shame Of my shame You know I believe it
Ash is the one who broke Clay's bonds of that rut he was in, and she buried the cross of his shame by never making him ever feel bad about what he was going through, but being understanding with him.
Anyways, back to the main summary. God I love the song. I love how you can see the pure unadulterated hope and joy enter Clay's face as he sings his song. I love how you can see the moment he's officially caught his second-wind.
I mean, look at this face and tell me it doesn't make you feel all warm and inside. It doesn't give you hope for a better tomorrow.
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Unfortunately, I can't include any more images at the moment, but I can still go on.
Anyways, now we're moving onto the next famous bus scene. You know the one that plays that one song. We all love it.
It's just so great seeing all the cast members finally interact with each other again after being separate for a lot of the movie doing their own stuff. It's just a great reminder on how they really are just one big family. Even better is seeing how quickly Porsha, Nooshy, and Clay were integrated into it. Sure, the other two had some time to warm up but Clay? Clay just got here, and yet he's still already seen part of the family, and I'm really glad to see it.
The camera angles and lighting here and before are also just plain phenomenal. They really do a fantastic job with the camera and the different views of the different characters, and the warm lighting just does a fantastic job.
Super random but Clay also does a nice sigh here, and it really just speaks words. You can tell that that sigh was long overdue, and how he's just so ready to keep going and not be so caught up in not letting go. He's finally allowing himself to relax. Around the same time, we also see Ash cuddle up to Clay, and I just love the idea of Ash seeing Clay as a father figure. It's so good and true.
Oh and do NOT get me started on that song. I could really ramble on about it all day, but I'll try to keep it short. (Mostly) each character was saved by music, and that really makes the music fit. It's also worth noting that FUNFACT. Bono and U2 kinda made that song for funsies too.
(Quick summary of what happened: Bono teased wanting to make a song because the story of Clay spoke to him so deeply. Jennings wasn't actually expecting it to happen, but then Bono literally gave him a demo at the end of his first recording session)
And now we get to The Majestic. It is just plain gorgeous, and it really shows off of Sing 2 could've been just jaw-dropping gorgeous the entire way through given they were able to utilize their setting a lot more. LOOK AT THAT CITYSCAPE!! THOSE PRETTY LIGHTS!!
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And then we also see just a lot of nice and comforting smiles. I mean come on, look at the guy!! It's so awesome seeing Buster Moon so unbelievably proud of what he's accomplished.
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And then of course we cannot forget the final part. I'm sure everyone knows this by now, but it's so amazing and invigorating seeing Sing 2 end the same way Sing 1 started, like Buster is finally a kid again. It's just an awesome throw-back. I really don't see how Sing 3 can top this.
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agent-troi · 5 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by the incomparable @baronessblixen 🫶🫶
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files, Star Trek, and I have one The West Wing fic
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Platonic Procreation
Security Questions
Mother Knows Best
The MSR Files
5. Do you respond to comments?
Sometimes! I usually try to respond if someone commented about something specific, and essay length comments always deserve a reply❤️ also if someone comments saying they reread your fic bc that's the best feeling in the world
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm I only have a few that end angsty but I guess that would be my canon compliant post-IVF Rain King fic, Driftwood Lullaby
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Aqua Vitae, but I also wanna spotlight one of my earlier fics, in which Mulder gives Scully a real wedding ring for their case in Arcadia, Though the Heavens Fall
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten a couple of nitpicky comments and one actual hate comment (ironically that one was on my most popular fic!😆)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I know it's popular but it's just not my thing either to write or to read
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't written one yet but I have several ideas for TXF/Star Trek, TXF/SVU, TXF/Bones gathering dust in my google docs😅
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not as far as I know
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several! I contributed a chapter to Anahata: The Heart Chakra, Eden, The Amazing Muldeeni, and Agent Scully is Already in Love
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A prequel to Purplerow by @katy-kt-katie, an AU in which Scully is an astronaut, about the time she made first contact with aliens on Mars (I really wanna finish this but life has decided to just keep throwing bricks at me and I haven't been able to concentrate enough to write in so long😭)
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told I'm good at dialogue😅
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle so much with choosing the right word to describe something sometimes, and also finding alternative words to use when I accidentally use the same word four or five times in the same paragraph😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I like reading it! I think it adds to the atmosphere of the story, but I don't think I've ever done it myself except to copy and paste the German dialogue from Triangle😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings, I wrote a sequel featuring Aragorn and Arwen's daughter and posted it on Instagram back when I was active in the Tolkien fandom circa 2015 (posting fic on instragram probably sound super weird lmao but it was what people did, they'd post a pic corresponding to the fic and the chapter went in the captions)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I'm pretty proud of the fic I wrote last October for Mulder's birthday, Where a Million Stars Catch Fire
Tagging @katy-kt-katie @tofuttim @television-overload @cecilysass @slippinmickeys @skelavender @virtie333 and idk who else writes and hasn't been tagged so if you see this have at it lol
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
naurrrrr, so a lot has happened since thursday last week ('tis now a tuesday). the long distant dude i voice called on thursday (took us 6 months and a fucktonne of communication issues in between) hasn't been answering my messages since the call and long story short, i'm kicking him to the curb for the meanwhile and if he ever replies then gg. ion need a partner OR a friend like that, ngl, because he's been inconsistent for the longest of fucking time, and i don't wanna agonise over someone like that any longer.
on friday, i went out with another guy. we'll call him... the cat dude, cause he loves cats and has one himself (she's the cutest thing ever, with the pics he's been sending me). first half of the date was a little boring, ngl. he's a lil' awkward. he was probably also a lil' nervous, which i don't blame him for.
and then we got drunk as shit for the second half, and i was leaning against him and everything while we were trekking around the city, and uh... AHEM. we ended up making out during karaoke. several times at that. i initiated most of them, too, because i wanted someone to kiss (mayhaps kissing is quite fun, imma tell you that much), so i'm like... LKFNEWLKFN. TAKE ALCOHOL AWAY FROM ME RIGHT NOW. a complete menace to society, your honour!
like, i still remember our first kiss where i turned around to face him, looked at him for a second or two then pulled him in by the nape of neck to kiss him. i don't remember how the other ones happened but i remember he initiated one of them. i remember him cuddling close to me, with me leaning against him, while we sang into our mics; him kissing my face (do guys just like... do that after you kiss them or what is this????). the karaoke room was like... right near reception and there's like a small window where people can see us so if workers/guests were walking around, they might have caught us doing that. so yeah. no decorum whatsoever.
i kissed him goodbye at the train station when he dropped me off (I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING WHEN SOBER, I WOULDN'T EVEN HUG SOMEONE WHEN LEAVING UNLESS THEY GO IN FOR THE HUG FIRST SO BITCH), before i hopped my drunk ass on the train to get home (and now i cannot stop thinking about it for the life of me!!! fuck me!! and i also can't stop wishing i kissed him for longer LMFAO). he ended up staying at a hotel (i'm so thankful i didn't stay with him or else things might have happened and i would have woken up to true regretfulness).
saturday morning, i wake up with a slight hangover (so worse than what happened the week before this when i got drunk as shit) he messages me and says he enjoyed my company, both drunk and sober and i was like... oh. because i thought he didn't enjoy my company while sober LMFAO, but i guess i was wrong (or maybe he was being polite, i have no clue). and now i'm seeing him again this week saturday for a small picnic with the promise we won't be drinking any sort of alcohol. AND IDK MAYBE I'M STUPID but i think he might be feeling me a little? he's more fun over text than in person tbvh, but again, first meet ups are usually a lil' awkward ahaha. and like... he's chill and i wanna see where this goes. (all i can say is, guys definitely get vvvv clingy when they're drunk! you break that touch barrier earlier on and they'll be all up in your personal space esp when you decide to add a few drinks to the mix lmfao. and yeah i only got drunk with like two dudes so the sample size isn't big but ya know??). i know his ass remembers what happened even if we never explicitly talked about it, but i ain't even embarrassed about it at this point. i just find it so funny lkwnfklwenf
as for the mixed signals guy... the dude who kissed me while drunk and got all clingy with me? the one who told me a few days later that he liked someone else? the one who was supposed to watch the fuckin' barbie movie with me? he flaked on my ass LAST MINUTE so he could go have a study date with the girl he likes. (that girl, according to him, doesn't like him back, and he's been pissy about it ever since.)
this guy is a MESS. he keeps reiterating that we're friends and nothing more so i'm acting like a friend towards him even though he probably doesn't fucking deserve my friendship considering how he could so easily flake on a friend after they planned a hang out with him over a WEEK in advance. a whole fucking week, with solid plans, and he fucking flakes. all because he wants to see the girl he's simping after. rude ass fucking bitch! that is not a good friend quality to have at all. inconsiderate, if you ask me. thank fuck i was able to find another friend to go with me.
there's also a lot of shit going on with him and the more i talk to him, the more i'm like... my god, i should probably drop him. i've been telling my friends about it and they're like "is this man okay? you sure you still wanna talk with him?" and i'm starting to think - no, i don't. he has hella issues, thinks getting into a relationship is the only means of having someone care about him (completely disregarding the fact that friends can care about you, too, sometimes even more than a partner does), and he's done questionable shit in the past. he also says really questionable shit.
and, like, don't get me wrong, i wanna be there for him and like... i can partially see why he might be the way he is today, but we had a conversation about it last night and he basically tried to push me away and i'm out here like - why would you ask me to be your friend when your end goal is to push me away? why ask for someone to care about you when this is the shit you do???? you can't be there for someone who simply just doesn't want to get their shit together. it gets draining really fucking quickly.
oh, not to mention, he ghosted all of his friends when he got with his now ex so fucking gg, mate. he seems to expect me to do the same with him when i get into a relo and i'm like... motherfucker, i'm not you. assuming i'd do that, just because you did that yourself, is just so hurtful. a complete red flag of a human being, if you ask me. if he continues to be like this then i'm taking the left exit. i don't need this shit in my life, right now or ever.
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mygwenchan · 8 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
I got tagged by the lovely @scarefox :)
Last song?
This one from my work playlist (it's a remix of the "The Lost Boys" soundtrack)
Favorite color?
It kind of changes every couple of years. Right now I like green a lot 💚
Currently watching?
A lot 😅
Ossan's Love Returns
War of Y
Pit Babe
Cooking Crush
Sahara sensei to Toki-kun
Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka
And I'm also (re)watching some older series (mostly while I work, perks of working in my home office ^^):
The X-Files (season 1)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (season 1)
Star Trek Voyager (season 6)
Star Trek Deep Space Nine (season 3)
Last movie?
I mostly watch series, but I actually managed to watch two movies last weekend!: The Favorite (18th century lesbians anyone?) & Ratatouille (the best tiny cook!)
YES Idk I like all the flavors XD The only thing I can't eat is sour stuff, because I'll get an upset stomach :(
Relationship status?
Single pringle~
Current obsessions?
Playboyy the series 😌
Last thing you googled?
Hmm, I think the last thing I looked up was info about the 6th Oktober 1976 massacre of students at Thammasat University to get more background information while I was watching Shadow the Series. Pretty gruesome stuff... Especially the fact that none of the perpetrators were ever held accountable. It seems the official government stance is that it was just an unfortunate event and everyone should forget about it. But when you watch interviews with people who survived, it's obvious there is still a lot of trauma going on.
Selfie or another pic you took?
Let me share a cool pic from my parent's garden. What you can see here is not a hummingbird, but a huge chunky moth! They're called Taubenschwänzchen or hummingbird hawk-moths and they're about 4-5cm big :3 It's a pretty rare find up in the northern parts of Europe, because they usually prefer a warmer climate.
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And let's see... I'm tagging: @boysslove @my-rose-tinted-glasses @blmpff @pinkkop @bunni-bun @ellieellieoxenfree
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sunsetkrp · 1 year
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the employees of sunset galleria are hitting the road this summer !! after loading up on a fleet of luxury charter buses and traveling to south korea's scenic western coast, you'll all have the opportunity to camp out on bandisbul beach all weekend ! camp in style inside comfortable yurts right on the beach and watch the fireflies gather among the waves as night falls ... more details below the cut !
happy summer, campers !! starting today, your muses will be traveling to bandisbul beach, before having the weekend to enjoy all it has to offer. in real time, the event will last two weeks, meaning you will have that stretch to create new event starters ! also, the beach is completely fictional, so feel free to headcanon extra features to your heart's content ! here's some extended inspo for what the yurts look like ( x, x, x. ), and below contains some details and inspo pics (just click the titles !) for other amenities bandisbul beach offers !
the yurts — not your average camping tent !! these cylindrical wooden structures house a variety of interiors based on your needs. for singles or couples, you'll find a master bedroom feel with a large bed, a breakfast nook, and a small bathroom with an open shower. if you're looking to bunk with friends, yurts with up to three smaller beds are available instead ! the bonfire pits — nestled among the shallow sand dunes, the pits are perfect for resting around after a long day in the waves with those closest to you, or for roasting some goodies from the general store ! bandisbul general store — the place to go if you wanna stock the mini fridge inside your yurt with snacks or drinks ! they also serve hot foods like tteokbokki, tteokguk and tteokkochi !! bandisbul beach bar — enjoy bottomless margaritas mixed with the fresh, salty air right on the water at this ambient beach bar ! a long list of signature cocktails and plenty of top and bottom shelf liquor will have you feeling fantastic as the sound of waves lapping mere feet behind you sets the perfect mood. bandisbul pier — a large, wooden pier that offers breathtaking views of the firefly gatherings at night. there are boat and jet ski rentals available, and large viewfinders line its edge for better views of the picturesque surroundings ! you can also find a small surf shop in the middle that offers rentals for any water board you're in need of, along with other water toys (shoutout giant swan & unicorn floaties) ! inflatable obstacle course — set up especially for visiting sunset galleria employees, take a crack at the giant, floating obstacle course ! some of the obstacles can be physically taxing, so feel free to take a rest on one of the lounge areas, or have a bounce on the trampoline ! the sea caves — in the rock formations around the beach, gorgeous aquatic caves can be found. do you have the guts to rent a small boat for a trek inside ?? if so, you'll be rewarded with some of the most stunning scenery you'll ever see, and a small sandbar that allows a private swim !
and of course, like i said, if you'd like to headcanon any part of bandisbul beach you have full creative liberty to do so !! it is a completely fictional location so go crazy !! go wild !! and most of all, enjoy a little vacation from sunset galleria~ please remember to tag all event posts with 'sunsetevent: beach weekend' & have fun my dears 🧡🧡
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faorism · 2 years
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day three of my mini advent posting with this leverage and star trek fusion! all aboard the USS Harland-03. i have this posted on ao3 as well, where i also have started a series which i plan to post art (and potentially fic??). this pic obviously uses a ref pic from the series for the background and their positions.
on ao3 and in the cut below, i have included my headcanons for au. i think it would be easier to read on ao3, but here it is if you don't wanna leave the site!
→ USS Harland-03: A small vessel retrofit from a Miranda-class ship with one of the most diverse executive crew in Starfleet, both in terms of species and in terms of work backgrounds, done as somewhat of an experiment to see the speed of integration of highly skilled civilians into command posts. Its primary assignments are those concerning diplomacy and investigation into reports of corruption (the two unsurprisingly go hand in hand). The team is given a lot of leeway in order to get their jobs done. Or, rather, what the Admiralty doesn't know won't hurt them. The team does great and consistent work, and maybe some of it is not how the Starfleet usually operates. But the crew knows what needs to be done, and they got the skills for shenanigans and a little just a little a little a lot of conning and forging and manipulation.
→ Captain Nate F'Ordai (Vulcan): Captain. Birth name: *waves it off, because Nate only wants to use his Standard-friendly name.* He was born on the Vulcan colony, Kethri, to a father who was unscrupulous and underhanded and a scammer; Nate learned early on that Vulcans? Yeah they can lie and they can act all sorts of ways if they want to. He tried to reform himself as he got older, moving to K'Lan-ne on T'Khasi (aka, Vulcan the planet). Logic served him well, and he worked logically at an insurance firm that worked with clients of primarily Vulcan and Human clients, and he found logical reasons to bond with T'Pymhagi ("Mhaggie"), and they had a child: Sammi. For his work, he traveled across the quadrant a lot, leading a crew of ten. Nate spent a logical amount of extracurricular time with a particular colleague, Sterr-Lng (NOT a friend). Everything was reasonable and logical and great until Sammi got sick. Nate had done everything right and yet his son died and that sucked. He got lost and angry, and he and Mhaggie separated, and Nate decided on a chocolate-induced whim to join Starfleet and idk maybe Dubenich was somehow involved. As a Vulcan with a former career, he was able to do the Academy really fast and the Admiralty allowed it because they were looking for someone with his skills. He had one posting before Harland-03 to make sure he was ready.
→ Commander Eliot Spencer (Andorian): Head of security with shared first mate duties (second in command). Birth name: Elio th'Spenciceran. As is typical of those of the thaan gender, he had a muscular physique but his height is more comparable to those of the shen gender. The Harland-03 is his first posting which makes his ranking seem high; however, Starfleet took into account his work with the Andorian Imperial Guard's Ahm Tal (spy & black ops), as second in command to Damihen "Moreau" ch'Volmoreauette. Shit got... bad, and Eliot saw a way out with Fleet who certainly felt the Andorian was a huge gain. He only had to take a year of Academy training, focusing on Starfleet regulations that differ from the Guard's. Eliot has a modified phaser to remove the kill level, and mostly prefers to use his hands anyway. He had a coworkers-with-benefits, no-strings-attached, no-commitment thing with Parker pretty early in their shared posting (at least... that's how he understood it). When he saw that her and Hardison were developing a romantic relationship, he distanced himself from Parker sexually like a fucking idiot because even though polyamory was a reproductive necessity for Andorians, he knew that that wasn't the case for other species... And so he wanted to give them, the "real" relationship, time to figure things out. Not like he's also super into Hardison as well, obviously, of course.
→ Lieutenant Commander J'mes S'giwan Sterr-Lng (Vulcan): Chief engineer with shared first mate duties (third in command). Was interested in Starfleet for a while, especially after hearing about how renowned Spock became. Sterr-Lng's pride logical reading of the situation meant that he knew he could be a huge fish in a small pond. He eventually followed Nate into the Fleet upon the request of Mhaggie. His -Lng suffix refers to the small ethnic community he is from, which is why his accent is different from Nate and Spock's. His group does not offer child betrothals so during his time he would visit relief services until, well... why travel all the way back to Vulcan when the Fleet has stuck him with Nate since their fast track Academy career because they are the only was who can stand each other. The two pair up for pon farrs and not outside of them (...at first). They are formally recognized as a bonded pair by Starfleet and the Vulcan Council and by their families because of this, but they ABSOLUTELY refused this title.
→ Doctor Harry Wilson (Human): Chief medical officer. Harry was born on Terra (Sol-III, aka Earth). Pretty privileged upbringing even for utopia standards. Was in law school for a while but after working as a defense intern on a case about a pharmaceutical that knowingly produced addictive hypospray, he got skeeved out and went into medicine. In addition to supporting his specialization in medical ethics, Harry's history with law helps the crew's dealings with all the bureaucracy that comes with their assignments. He is often called on to translate non-medical contracts to see where the funny business may lie.
→ Commander Sophie Devereaux (Betazoid): Chief communications officer. Birth name: unknown (she's pretty sure she remembers but unconfirmed). She grew up on the streets as a street urchin on Risa. Grifting was the only way for her to survive, and she definitely used her empathy to her advantage. It was a hard life, even when she first gained a partner and then joined a crew. But she made her way up Risa's society, and the second she saw a way off Risa, she took it even if that meant bad blood with her ex-colleagues. Sophie did a lot of wild shit and traveled far and stole a lot of random stuff. She always wanted to be an actor but... that never quite worked out for her for some reason, even when she scammed patrons to support her productions. Sophie definitely encountered Nate out in the world, and like in canon she always slipped out of his grasp. She enjoyed her long cons, ones she could really sink her teeth into. One had her posing as a communications student at a satellite Academy. And... okay, so she would sometimes go in and out of semesters as needed, and she enrolled in classes, and she grifted the admin as needed when she wanted paperwork. She gave the excuse of her needing to travel for important Fleet work from her previous position a diplomatic and... One day she? had somehow? earned enough credits to grant her a legitimate communications officer placement on a vessel? Oops? She figured she should report for duty so her persona wouldn't be put on alert as a deserter and then fake her own death. Thing is, she was good. And if she was careful, during shore leaves? Sophie had her fun. Eventually, Nate and Sophie ran into each other while he was a student, and Nate was like. The Fuck. Anyway, even though he didn't technically have the power to make formal petitions, Nate requested her to be posted to the Harland-03 when they launched. She very much likes her job, likes the leeway Nate knowingly gives her (and enjoys himself), and she dresses herself up to the nines, and she eventually untangles the mess that is Nate and Sterr-Lng by tangling it up even more...
→ Lieutenant Parker (Orion): Executive navigator. She was part of the system very early on, before she could remember not being in government care. She had an unhappy childhood due to her disabilities being ignored and misunderstood as behavioral issues, with one blip of light being the placement with the boy she would always consider her brother, Mason. When he died, Parker's already fraught history with foster care grew more precarious as she acted out due to her grief and continued engagements with ableism. Eventually, she was covertly sold into the Orion slave trade, with her case worker paid off to mark her as deceased. Parker doesn't talk about her childhood much, but what the others gleamed from what she has said is that Parker grew very adept at running away, thievery (wildly helpful for their missions), and rightfully being a menace. Eventually, she escaped and eventually she encountered Commodore Archie Leach, who did a lot of shady under the table dealings. He saw a lot of potential in Parker. Her trained her as a pet project and protege, with hopes of securing her eventually as a number two for his operations. Under his tutelage, she began taking pheromone blockers in order to mask better. Archive encouraged her to join Starfleet, where she excelled in her classes (even the one that had her write a paper on Tellarite textiles, which she was utterly bored by but could not get out of) even though she never fit in socially. She was posted to three different crews, where she was quietly passed on because again, she didn't mesh despite her competence. Harland-03 was kind of her last chance to be on a crewed vessel; she would be grounded or placed in transport otherwise. The Fleet says they don't intend to be punishment but... it kind of feels like it. Luckily! Parker finds her family! and friends! and her partners! and she's very very very very very very very happy.  
→ Lieutenant Alec Hardison (Caitian): Chief science officer. Pretty much same story as in canon but he's a catboy I MEAN Caitian. Lived in Nana's interspecies, interfaith, and very loving household on a mid-sized industrial colony. He was up to intergalactic cyber crimes the whole ass time, and eventually Hardison got caught. He had to do the ROTC-equivalent for Starfleet. Hardison went and did more crime when he graduated because Fuck The Man, but eventually Nana wanted him safe, and her being disappointed in him because he was so out of contact made Hardison enroll in Starfleet. He's so smart! He's so funny! He's amazing and I love him and everyone else does too. He is legit a genius. This is his second ship he's been posted to. He was originally brought on as second to the chief science officer for Harland-03, but some shenanigans happened the chief where he was revealed to be evil so the crew kicked him off and put Hardison in charge. Hardison loves this found family so fucking much. He also, like, really has a big ole crush on Parker (and Eliot, but Eliot is so grumpy and obviously not interested so Hardison won't bother, he ain't mad...). It's still pretzels and I just?? love him, he's so smart and eventually he gets with Parker and then they rope in Eliot and it's all! amazing!
→ Officer Breanna Casey (Human): Helm pilot. She followed in her brother's footsteps by joining Starfleet, but went in a different direction. She loves the intricacies of making things and of the vessels; one of her hobbies is definitely making models. She wanted to fly the big ship instead of being in the jefferies tubes, so she got helm but made sure to minor in engineering. That minor came in handy when she needed to fill in for a shift on engineering, and she met Love Of Her Life Emily.
→ Officer Jack Hurley (Deltan): Red shirt that doesn't die. Technically, because of his species' superior attraction characteristics, he is meant to take an oath of celibacy, however! he's on a really rad ship, and red shirt Peggy is so beautiful, and they make out. 
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
henlo I'm sorry to keep flooding your asks, but I wanted to know if you had any images of ur Trek ocs or any sort of reference I can go off of?
I want to draw something for ye that may or may not involve feral puppy mans (I cannot disclose anymore information beyond that sorry) :3
You never ever need to apologize for asking me stuff! I always enjoy seeing your url in my notifs!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 You wanna draw my OCs??????? I'm honored!!!!
I definitely do! I have 4 OCs, at the moment: Jorik (Vulcan male), Celas Tyrh (Andorian thaan), Major Denak (Romulan male), and Cassandra Connor (Human female). I can reblog this with pictures of/references for any of them that you're interested in!! Let me know which character(s) and I can totally toss pics your way!!
(If somehow I misunderstood this and you meant my default mental image of who the character is in my x Reader fanfics, then they're whoever you want them to be! They can look however you want and it's totally valid bc they're x Reader fics! 💖 I mean I guess I could post a little picrew of me, but I get the feeling I might be overanalyzing this lol. I'm just really excited you wanna draw a character of mine!!!!)
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mantisfriendd · 1 year
(have a graphic here that says welcome)
I'm Mantis Friend
I consider this an 18+ blog not because I frequently post 18+ content but because I want the freedom to do so if I want, usually though this is just a place for me to post art and reblog things I think are funny.
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(full resolution cat pic at the bottom)
Number one Mr. Cupcake fan
I'm mainly an artist and musician but I also do a lot of other things, including shitpost, if you just wanna see my art, I've tagged it all as "#my art" if you wanna see my music I've tagged it as "#my music" ... if you only wanna see the nonsense I've tagged all of it as "#shitpost" any thing I reblog is now tagged "#re🅱️log" so you can mute that tag if you only wanna see my wholly original unhinged rambling and art. "🅰️sks" is the tag for asks.
Reblogs, replies, and follows are NOT a endorsement. Simply put I cannot do a full background check on every person I interact with on this site, obviously if I catch someone I'm following doing something awful I'll unfollow them then, but there is simply no time efficient way for me to do that with every person I ever interact with ever.
(more info below the cut)
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some more info about me for the nosy:
I'm a big fan of:
Five Nights at Freddy's , Ace Attorney , Undertale/Deltarune , JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, The Persona Series and Doki Doki Literature Club!
I consider myself a collector, I mostly collect Retro games and pins, but also anything that catches my eye, I have almost the entirety of Star Trek on VHS, I've not watched a full episode yet.
I have been working on this webcomic for quite awhile now, which is unfortunate because I started it with the intention of it not becoming one of my huge projects that never come out.
That being said this will be the first wholly original project I will make.
The comic is inspired by Shonen manga, specifically Jojo's, if that sounds like something you might enjoy, stay posted! I don't have a venue for the comic at the moment but I think I may host it here on Tumblr!
Role Playing Game:
Dont expect this one any time soon, I want to make sure I am at least somewhat competent in Game Maker Studio before I work on this idea I've had for years.
As this project is so on the back burners because of the skill needed for me to actually start work on it, I can't say with certainty what the game will be like when I finally start development, right now it is a scattered series of artworks, documents, and soundtracks, but this is what im building towards.
I will say that this game as I Invision it currently, is inspired by the Persona series, with elements of Ace Attorney's investigation and Cross Examination sequences. The only other thing I will say about this game is that I intend to have a mechanic to replace the "level up to get stronger" mechanic that most traditional RPGs have.
Finished Projects:
Back in 2021 I decided I wanted to upload a video to my YouTube Channel every day that year, and that I did.
Mostly songs you'll notice that the quality of the videos takes a serious nose dive during most of the year, they aren't all great but there are some good things in there.
I have a playlist of all the videos here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUv6pXjkdl6Bgq5Nim0AJuYzxNImg-Ga_
I do not recommend you watch them all, please don't, but it might be fun to scroll through the playlist and click on ones that catch your eye.
if you don't wanna do that then you at least watch the first video Black on White https://youtu.be/iI9HQg9lyjA and the Last https://youtu.be/qjdoybrOduQ which is a remix of the song using the experience I gained through the year. and who knows maybe there is some secret hidden in the end screen if that last video ;)
you can find me in other places here:
My website is janky but (hopefully) the best place to link you to anything you might desire (if your desire is more stuff by me)
YouTube is where I post my music and other video things: https://youtube.com/channel/UCKDmQwajLVwu_FKKlPqebUA
I sometimes post to Instagram but the way it works kind of annoys me so you might not find all my art there, but you will find some game boy photos!
I have a Gamejolt account but I kinda forget about it
on discord I am "mantisfriend" DMs are open, for now, feel free to DM me!
I have a Twitter but I find myself using it less and less as the CEO makes a fool of himself and guts the platform
I have a Reddit account but I am not really using it anymore as the CEO makes a fool of himself and guts the platform
I got a Newgrounds account have no idea how this site works!
If you want to Email me feel free to email [email protected]
and of course feel free to message me here as well, I'm probably most active here now that reddit has become worthless.
currently I am a composer for the FNAF fan game Fazbear Rebrand
(sometimes this link breaks for no reason, but if you search Fazbear Rebrand on gamejolt it should come up)
Thats the only one for the time being, but I'll make sure to keep this post relatively up to date
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Thanks for reading!
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coredrill · 3 years
that finale was. rly good trek
0 notes
Sunday mornings with y/n 🌥🌸
aot x reader 
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“Honestly y/n, they should’ve hired me,” Eren said as you applied the serum to his face. Eren lived for the feeling of your gentle touch on his skin. “Okay, reenact the end scene but like how you would’ve written it.” The two of you were doing your skincare routine together in the bathroom while talking about how bad the movie you watched last night was and basically rewriting the script. You giggle as Eren impersonates the actor and does different accents. You give his face one final pat “All done!” Next on the agenda was your yoga routine. Ever since forcing Eren to try it out with you, he always joins you. He says it calms him down but he only likes to do it with you. “Look at this new move I learned,” Eren says as he goes into a perfect headstand. “Woahhh! you say in sheer shock, lowkey pissed that he’s getting better than you 🙃.
It’s 8 am and you and Armin are on your way to the farmer’s market, excited to buy fresh berries and bright flowers to place all over the house. As you walk to the market hand in hand, you share a pair of Bluetooth earphones, both listening to ELIO’s “When U Saw Love” as the morning breeze tickles your face. “We could visit the Botanic Gardens and go on the cable car!” Armin exclaimed. “Yeah, and we could go to the gallery and museum!” You two chatted about the trip to Singapore you’re planning for next summer and all the other places you want to see together. “We gotta figure out where we wanna go for our honeymoon,” Armin said in complete earnest. “We’re not even engaged,” you said, giggling as a fluttering sensation filled your stomach. “Not for long!” Armin declared. You literally stopped walking; you looked so stunned that Armin began to laugh.
“Say cheese y/n” Jean took the picture and feigned a heart attack after gushing about how cute the two of you looked. You and Jean woke up at 5 am to go for a hike to catch the sunrise, something you’ve been wanting to do together for a while. You packed the perfect breakfast picnic together which you guys practically inhaled after the tiresome 3-hour trek. At the crest of the small mountain, you two sat there for hours sitting and talking and taking cute pics together. “I’m gonna send this one to my mom,” Jean said with the brightest smile on his face. “No, take a better one 😠.” When you spot a couple in the distance with their 2 small kids, he says that’s gonna be you guys in a few years. He always says stuff like that and every time he does, your heart literally constricts; he’s literally gonna give you a heart attack omg. 
“Hmmm…what should we make today?” You asked Connie while looking into the fridge. “I have no idea. How about we make whatever’s on the page I open in this cookbook?” Connie said while holding up the cookbook you were gifted last year and never got around to using. “Good idea!” “Super Creamy mushroom, Brie, and pancetta croissants,” he said, pronouncing pancetta in his best Italian accent. “That sounds amazing except we don’t have mushrooms, brie, pancetta, or croissants,” you laughed. “How about…coffee walnut banana bread?” Connie looked up at you questioningly. “Okay, I think we can actually make that!” you exclaimed.  “Alexa, play  “Carry Me Away” by John Mayer” Connie shouts at your smart speaker and you both get to work on your (hopefully) beautiful banana bread. While measuring out flour and cracking eggs, Connie tells you about how excited his family is to meet you soon, reassuring you that you have nothing to be nervous about. When the chorus comes on, he twirls you around and then you twirl him around and now you’re having an impromptu dance sesh. 
You wake up to a quick, soft kiss on the check from Levi. “Wash up and come to the living room, I made you coffee.” The living room smells faintly of the lavender candles you love mingled with the heavenly smell of freshly brewed coffee. You see Levi curled up on the couch sipping on the tiniest cup of tea. He pats on the space next to him, indicating for you to join him. You plop down right beside him, reaching for the mug he set down on the coffee table. His hand resting on your leg, the two of you talk about anything and everything--gossiping about coworkers, showing each other recipes you wanna try and make together, the books you’ve been reading, new music you’ve been into, and Levi raves about the new cleaning product he found the other day 💀. With the morning light filtering in from the windows and John Mayer’s “Say” playing softly in the background, you couldn’t think of a better way to spend your Sunday morning.
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII / Part VIII / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
As it turned out, Tony did make great pancakes. Peter woke up the next day to the smell of them, and shyly headed in the general direction it was coming from, until he reached the kitchen. Tony was standing there, wearing impeccable gray dress pants, a crisp white shirt and a green tie, as he added batter to a frying pan. Peter supposed that was what heaven would look like when he died.
“Oh, hey, kitten, you’re up.” He grinned at him, who smiled in return, nodding. He had put his clothes from the night before back on, and he was glad he did, because Tony was dressed to the nines and it would have been awkward if he had shown up in just his boxers or something. “Sleep well?”
“I did, thanks.” And it was surprisingly true. Peter hadn’t had such a good night’s sleep in a while, he supposed he missed sleeping next to someone. He did share a bed with Beck for two years, so it felt awfully lonely to sleep by himself. “Are you headed to work?” He asked as he sat on a stool by the kitchen island and Tony nodded guiltily, fixing two plates of pancakes.
“I’m so sorry, I tried to make arrangements to get the morning off, but duty calls.” To his credit, he did look genuinely sorry, so Peter thought maybe it wasn’t just an excuse to get rid of him. Maybe.
“It’s okay, I have to be home soon, or my friends will worry.” Which wasn’t exactly true, but not exactly a lie either. They wouldn’t notice he was gone until lunchtime, since they both had work or class in the morning, but when they did notice, they would freak out.
“I thought you lived by yourself?” Tony sounded interested as he sat beside him by the kitchen counter and pushed a plate his way. Peter thanked him, taking a bite of the surprisingly good pancake.
“I do, but we live in the same building, so we’re always checking in on each other.” Tony hummed, nodding, and they were silent for a little while, until the older man spoke up again.
“Can I ask about your relatives?” He felt his eyes on him and knew that, much like the night before, he was testing the waters, making sure Peter was comfortable with that subject.
“Sure. I don’t have any, though. I’m an orphan, I’ve lived in foster homes for most of my life.” Peter didn’t really mind talking about that period – it was basically all he knew. He was too little when his parents died and was only ten when Ben and May passed away, so the foster homes were where he made most of his memories.
“Oh. I’m so sorry to hear that.” Tony winced, maybe thinking he had touched a sensitive subject after all, but Peter smiled and shrugged.
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago. My friends are like family to me now, so I’m good.”
“I’m glad you have them.” Again, he gave him that genuine smile that made Peter believe he was actually glad to hear that. Like he actually cared. “So… Can I see you again? Or was this just a one time thing?” The older man turned his body to face Peter, who froze for a second with the mug held to his lips, mid-sip.
“Oh, uhm…” Peter almost chocked on the coffee, not quite believing his ears. He honestly thought that the older man would slowly disappear from his life. Or maybe not even that slowly. Peter figured he had gotten what he wanted, so why would he stick around? “I mean, sure. If you want.” He said, like an idiot, and Tony raised a brow.
“I really do, but I don’t mean to pressure you, so if you want to say no and just go back to what we had, that’s okay. Or not even that, if you prefer. Just say the word and I’ll get out of your hair.” He sounded honest enough, but Peter quickly shook his head, eyes wide.
“No, it’s okay, I definitely wanna do this again.” He assured him, and Tony seemed satisfied with his answer, expression softening as he nodded.
After breakfast, the older man insisted on driving him home and when they arrived at his building, he felt a little awkward as to how to say goodbye, but Tony made it easier by simply leaning in and kissing him softly on the lips, one hand stroking his knee in a gentle caress.
“I’ll call you later, kitten.” He promised and Peter just sighed quietly, feeling dizzy.
He was a little out of it for the rest of the day, both Ned and MJ asked what was wrong with him in separate occasions, but he just said he was tired from his new routine. They had dinner together and when he went back to his apartment that night, he was just mildly surprised that he actually got a call from Tony. It was an innocent, sweet phone call, too. He did not expect that, to be honest, they had been sexting for two months and they had actual sex the previous night, so he kind of expected Tony to just go for it.
But no.
He asked about his day, about his friends, he told him about his own day, then somehow they ended up talking a little bit about Peter’s childhood, his parents, aunt May and Uncle Ben, it was just a really nice chat, which he appreciated. Not that he didn’t enjoy talking dirty to Tony, but the fact that he called just to have a normal conversation with no second intentions was, well. Nice.
He didn’t really know where they were going with that, probably nowhere, really, Peter was an ex-porn star, Tony was an A-list celebrity, a billionaire and a fucking Avenger, so there was literally zero chance they could evolve to something else. They would probably just go out a few more times, have mind-blowing awesome sex, and then go their separate ways. And Peter was okay with that.
It was fine. Really. It was just fine.
And it was for the best, otherwise how would he explain to Ned and MJ that he was dating Tony Fucking Stark? It would be a nightmare. MJ would kill him and lecture him on how big corporations like Stark Industries were destroying their way of life and Ned would pass out – and possibly die – so, yeah. It was a good thing they had no real future together.  
That didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy it while it lasted, though. Tony was really nice, a true gentleman, a good conversationalist, a great kisser and an amazing lay. So whatever he could get out of those moments they had together, he would. Everything was perfectly fine and under control. And did he mention fine?
The next morning, he woke up early and went for a jog around the block. He had been experimenting with different types of workout routines, but he thought he might stick with jogging and yoga for a while, he was even looking for a yoga studio close to his building so he could start training more seriously. When he got back, he took a long shower, made breakfast and spent a few hours answering people on Just4Fans, then posted a few pictures there, linked it to his twitter account and let people know on Instagram.
Tony texted him mid-morning and Peter blushed like a teenager when he read his message.
“Just saw the new pics, you look stunning as always, baby, but I have to admit I’m spoiled now, pictures are not enough. Can’t wait to see you again. Dinner tomorrow?”
“Flattery will get you everywhere, sir, keep it coming.” He smiled to himself and bit his lower lip, excited by the prospect of seeing Tony again so soon. “Tomorrow sounds great, where are we going? Should I start stressing about the dress code?”
“I was thinking you could come over. Did I mention that I’m a great cook? Pancakes aren’t my only specialty.” Peter felt butterflies in his stomach. It was stupid, of course, but he just found it endearing that Tony wanted to cook for him.
“I’d love to. I’m curious about your cooking, your pancakes did taste fantastic.” Just the thought of that morning and, more importantly, the night before that, made his mind wander, as a quiet sigh left his lips.
“Prepare to be blown away.”
“You’re so humble, I love that about you.” The young man smiled to himself.
“Thank you, kitten, it’s one of my many qualities.” Peter laughed at his antics.
They settled on a time and Tony insisted on picking him up, even though it was obviously inconvenient since they were having dinner at his place, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer, so Peter gave in. They talked a little more, but soon Tony had to go back to work and now that the younger man knew exactly who he was, he imagined it was a lot of work.
He went on with his Saturday – in the afternoon, he took a few pictures and videos with different sets of lingerie he bought with MJ when they went to Victoria’s Secret, and that should be enough to last him at least a few days. At dinnertime, he went down to his friends’ apartment, as usual, and they were both home.
“What’s up, nerd,” MJ greeted from the couch, but didn’t raise her eyes from her phone.
“Hey, Pete, dinner is almost ready,” Ned called from the kitchen island.
“Want me to set the table?” He walked over to where Ned was fishing a plate out of the microwave.
Peter knew his way around the kitchen, so he got to work, placing the plates and cutlery on the small, square table by the counter.
“Hey, are you up for a Star Trek marathon tomorrow night? I don’t have any classes next Monday morning, we can stay up late.”
“Oh, uhm. I –“ Fuck, he hadn’t really thought of an excuse for why he wouldn’t be having dinner with them. “I can’t, because…” He noticed that MJ had finally raised her eyes from her phone, only to stare at him suspiciously. “I have this thing, uhm, on my Just4Fans… Tomorrow night.”
“Can’t you just schedule the posts?” MJ asked from the couch, because of-fucking-course she knew about that.
“Uhm, yeah, I can, but – uhm. It’s a live stream. I’m live streaming tomorrow for the first time. It’s good for tips and stuff, so. Yeah. I’ve already let everybody know, I can’t cancel.” He gave them an apologetic smile, trying to look convincing, but he was pretty sure he just looked like a nervous wreck.
“Oh. Ok, then.” Ned shrugged and didn’t seem bothered at all, but MJ kept staring at him from the couch, like she could smell his bullshit from a mile away. She didn’t say anything, though, for which he was grateful.
The next morning, he woke up early and decided to skip his usual jog around the block and just did a short yoga session in his living room, warmed by the morning sun that flooded his apartment at that time. He had lunch with his friends and spent the afternoon with them, but left early with the excuse that he had to get ready for his “live stream”.
When the older man texted to say he was waiting outside, Peter was already showered and dressed and skipped downstairs two steps at a time. He didn’t know what he was supposed to wear to a billionaire’s house, but he decided casual was probably fine, so he put on a pair of light blue jeans and a light pink, thin sweater.
Tony was driving a low-profile, black SUV and he got out of the car when Peter stepped outside the building. He had a baseball cap and tinted glasses on, dark blue jeans, a Metallica t-shirt and sneakers, and if Peter didn’t know it was him, he would never have thought that was actually Tony Stark.
“Hey, gorgeous, looking good.” Tony didn’t think twice before reaching out to pull him closer by the hips, stealing a chaste kiss from his lips. Peter blushed and completely forgot he should be worried that Ned or MJ might see them if they came downstairs for something, or even if they looked out the living room window. He wrapped his arms around the older man’s neck and deepened the kiss.
“Thanks, but you should get your eyes checked.” He joked as he let go, taking a small step back.
“Yeah, I think so too, I think constantly staring at such beauty is taking a toll on my eyesight, I’m an old man, after all.” Tony pulled him by the chin and stole yet another kiss. When he pulled away,  Peter shook his head and laughed.
“Oh my God. Seriously, do you practice these lines in the mirror or something?” He had a feeling that if it was anyone else saying half the things Tony said to him daily, he would find it corny and possibly annoying, but somehow the older man made everything sound charming, sweet, sexy, endearing – hell, everything at once. And he always knew what to say to make Peter’s knees go weak, it was unnerving sometimes.
“No, you just inspire me daily, baby.” He gave him a charming smile, as he opened the door and gestured for Peter to get in the car.
The ride to Tony’s place was filled with the sound of the older man humming along to the music playing. Peter didn’t recognize any of the songs, it was a classic rock playlist, but then he heard a familiar beat and thought it was a great opportunity to stick his foot so deep inside his mouth he almost choked.
“I love Led Zeppelin!” He didn’t exactly love Led Zeppelin and he was quite sure he had just heard a cover of that song, not the original version, but he thought he’d sound cool if he said that. When he looked over, though, Tony was laughing his head off. Peter blushed a deep crimson, eyes widening as he realized he must have said something incredibly dumb.
“Oh, you’re not joking.” Finally seeming to realize that the younger man wasn’t laughing along with him, Tony turned down the volume, as they approached Stark Tower’s garage entrance. “That’s Back in Black by AC/DC, kitten. But hey, I love Zeppelin, too, who doesn’t?” He smiled warmly, looking at him sideways, and Peter nodded.
“Oh, right. Yeah. Of course.” Fuck his life. Of course he had to make a complete fool of himself right at the beginning of the night. He wanted to jump out the window from embarrassment, but it would only add to his humiliation, since Tony had already parked and got out of the car.
The older man opened the door for him and Peter avoided eyes contact, as he led him to the elevator. He could still feel his cheeks burning on the ride up, his head was starting to hurt from shame. Was that a thing?
“Hey, don’t be like this.” Tony pulled him into a loose hug, kissing his temple with a soft smile on his lips. “It was an honest mistake. Besides, I wouldn’t be able to identify whatever it is you kids listen to these days.”
It was oddly comforting to hear that. Even though he knew Tony wasn’t trying to be mean to him back in the car, it was hard not to feel attacked in situations like that. Beck always tried to make him feel dumb, inferior and juvenile whenever he got the chance.
So he rested his head on Tony’s shoulder and nodded slowly. He was going to say something like “don’t worry, I’m fine” but it got lost somewhere in the back of his throat when the older man held him a little tighter and stroked his hair.
The whole interaction lasted merely a few seconds, soon the elevator doors opened to the familiar sight of Tony’s living room, looking just as impeccable as it did a couple of nights earlier. The older man gestured for Peter to lead the way and he did, paying closer attention to the details, since he was a little too nervous to do it the last time he was there.
What he realized when he took a look around, was that the penthouse didn’t look lived in at all. It was all glass and metal, shiny floors and sophisticated furniture, black and gray decoration – it looked ready to be featured in one of those shows that listed the most beautiful houses in the world, but it didn’t look like a place he would like to go back to at the end of the day.
“You don’t spend a lot of time here, do you?” Peter asked, as Tony led them in the direction he remembered the kitchen and the dining room were.
“That obvious, huh?” The older man winced and Peter flushed, realizing he might have been a little rude in his observation. “But yeah, when I’m home, I spend most of my time down in the workshop.”
“Ah, the famous workshop. I suppose if I were to visit right now there would be pictures of me hanging on every wall?” He joked, remembering that Tony had once told him that he would hang his pictures in the workshop and never get any work done.
“I mean, not every wall…” He turned to him and winked, leaving the younger man a little unsure if he meant it or if he was just messing around. Sometimes it was hard to tell with the man’s sarcastic sense of humor. “I’ll give you a tour after dinner.” He promised, when they finally reached the dining room.
The table was set in a simple manner, for what Peter was glad, it made him feel more comfortable and at ease. Tony pulled out a chair for him then headed to the kitchen, which was separated from the dining room only by a long, wide counter, where the had breakfast the other day.
The man came back with wine, pouring two glasses for them, then he started placing the dishes on the table. There was mashed potatoes, grilled veggies and roast chicken, and the smell was to die for, Peter’s stomach rumbled and he wasn’t even that hungry.  
“Voilà. This was my favorite meal as a kid, my grandma used to make this for me all the time when I spent summers with her.” He took a seat across from Peter, looking at him expectantly. The younger man found his enthusiasm amusing, so he fixed a plate under Tony’s eager supervision. “Tell me what you think. But be nice, I haven’t cooked this in a while, it might be a little dry.”
Peter took a bite of the chicken first, and it took him a few moments to feel the explosion of flavors on his tongue. The meat was tender and juicy, cooked to perfection, and the seasoning tasted inexplicably like home – it didn’t taste like something he could order at a restaurant, let alone a frozen meal he could buy at the supermarket. He then tried the mashed potatoes along with the grilled veggies and almost cried.
“Tony, this is so good, have you considered dropping everything and starting a restaurant?” he gushed, taking another bite of the chicken only to confirm that, yes, that was probably what paradise tasted like.
“Don’t exaggerate. I already like you plenty, kitten, you don’t need to flatter my cooking skills.” Tony smiled, shaking his head lightly, and if Peter didn’t know any better, he might think he was blushing.
“I’m not, this is seriously the best homemade meal I’ve ever eaten,” he insisted and Tony cocked his head to the side, with a confused smile and a frown
“What the hell have they been feeding you, kid?” He asked and Peter chuckled.
“Well, I spent most of my life in foster care and I was never lucky enough to end up in a family that liked to cook.” The families he stayed with weren’t bad – not compared to some of the horror stories he heard from other foster kids he met in the past – they just weren’t good. They provided him with the bare minimum for survival, so water and enough food to avoid starvation. “And uncle Ben and aunt May, dude… They couldn’t cook for shit.” He laughed, remembering Aunt May’s date loaf, which was probably the worst thing he had ever tasted in his life.
“Well, now I feel obligated to feed you properly,” Tony announced, and Peter quickly shook his head, feeling his face grow red for the hundredth time that night.
“Oh, no, you don’t need to, I wasn’t–”
“I want to, if I’m your only source of good, homemade food, then I’m taking this seriously, kitten.” He pointed a fork at him as he spoke. “And you can help me cook, what do you say? That way I can teach you a thing or two so you won’t starve to death.” Again, the idea that Tony wanted to cook for him was too sweet. He was an incredibly busy guy who probably didn’t even cook for himself, but he was willing to waste that kind of time on Peter. It just–
“Sounds amazing.” He smiled, nodding, and the older man’s face softened when their eyes met.  
“Good.” He took a sip of wine and topped off both of their glasses. “Did you tell your friends you were coming here today?” That seemed like a polite way to ask if they knew about him, and Peter wasn’t sure what kind of answer he was expecting.
“No, they think I’m home.” He watched the man’s face, waiting for his reaction, but there was none, so Peter felt like he should explain himself further. “After my ex – they’re just a little too overprotective, so, you know. I just don’t want them to worry.” Tony raised his eyebrows and Peter’s eyes widened, realizing what that might have sounded like. “Not that I think you’re my – that we’re – I mean, I’m not assuming anything, I just meant –“
“Hey, it’s okay, I know what you mean.” He reached across the table to squeeze one of his shaking hands. “Your friends sound like good people, by the way. You’re lucky to have them.”
“Thanks.” Tony smoothly changed the subject and started talking about his summers with his grandmother and how she taught him everything he knew about cooking. He said that was the reason why his repertoire consisted only of comfort food and Peter thought that was the sweetest thing he had learned about him so far.
Once dinner was done with, Tony kept his promise and gave him a tour. The place looked like a labyrinth made of glass and steel, there were five floors, several rooms with various purposes, but everything seemed sterile and impersonal, like nobody ever stepped foot in any of those places, which somehow made them look lifeless and even a little scary – like a ghost town of sorts. Peter couldn’t help but think that his tiny, mostly empty apartment felt more like a home than all five floors of Tony’s.
Well, all except for one.
“And this is the workshop,” Tony declared with a flourish when the glass doors slid open, revealing a wide, open space filled with worktables, holographic screens, robots, cars, Iron Man suits, and so many other things he had never seen before in his life. “Sorry about the mess.” He didn’t sound sorry, though, he sounded happy and proud, and Peter thought it was the only place in the penthouse that felt weirdly cozy and homey. To his relief – and secret disappointment –, there were no pictures of him in lingerie hanging on the walls.
“This is amazing…” Peter breathed out, realizing that that was Tony’s actual home. There was even a kitchenette in a corner, and next to it there was a small, cozy couch in front of a reasonably sized TV and a fluffy rug. He supposed Tony took naps there, too, because there was also a blanket draped over the back of the couch.
He walked over there, followed closely by the older man, and took a seat, sinking into the soft pillows.  
“I think this is my favorite room.” He blinked up at Tony, who regarded him silently for a few moments, and Peter started to think he had fucked up again. “What?” He whispered, but his answer came in the form of a kiss. He immediately melted into it, all worries flying out the window as he opened his mouth to taste him better.
Tony pushed him gently until he was lying on the couch with his larger body on top of him, and he’d be lying if he said that wasn’t the best feeling in the world.
It was a tight fit, but they made it work, as pieces of clothes were thrown to a pile on the floor; as skin met skin and made the room feel unbearably hot; as hands explored and mouths danced together and teeth left secret claiming marks on eager necks; as he felt, once again, full and sate and whole, and then spent and lax and dazed in the best of ways.
Suddenly, what had been frantic and passionate became slow and soft, what had been loud and messy became quiet and wholesome.  
The room was silent then, as their bodies slowly cooled down. Tony was lying on his back on the couch and Peter was lying on top of him, chests flush together, breathing in and out in sync. He felt a blanket being draped over his shoulders and he all but melted into the body underneath him.
“Can I ask you a question?” He whispered quietly into Tony’s neck, after several minutes, not sure if the older man had fallen asleep, his breathing was slow and constant.
“Baby, you could ask me anything right now, there’s no way I’d say no to you.” He answered right away and Peter giggled, pushing himself up on Tony’s chest to look down at him.
“Why did you want to meet me? For real?” Tony, whose eyes had been closed until that moment, opened them to gaze at him. He was quiet for a while, as one of his hands found the small of Peter’s back under the blanket and started rubbing circles on his skin.
“I liked talking to you.” He answered quietly, eyes locked on his. At first, Peter thought that was all the answer he was getting, and he would have been fine with that, but Tony kept talking. “You made me feel alive again.” His heart raced and his breath hitched in shock. He blinked down at the older man, who raised his free hand to tuck some of Peter’s curls behind his ear. “You see, things were… rough. After Thanos.” He remembered the funny story Tony told him in the restaurant a few nights earlier and was surprised to see such grief in the man’s eyes. “I had these nightmares. Anxiety attacks. Couldn’t sleep most nights.”
Peter reached out and ran a finger across the man’s forehead, trying to smooth down the frown that had formed there. Tony smiled, grabbing that hand to give it a little kiss.
“Pepper wanted me to give up the suit for good, said it was killing me and she wouldn’t stand by and watch it happen. On top of that, my relationship with some of the Avengers was strained, to say the least. I thought retiring from the Avengers would be enough to solve most of my problems, but I was wrong and everything just kind of snowballed from there. So what I mean to say is that by the time I met you, I was… Fucking exhausted.”
“Tony...” He frowned, heart clenching, because he could hear the pain in the man’s voice and how much he meant every word and it was devastating.  
“I looked forward to talking to you every night, you know. Still do. I don’t why you got under my skin like that, but you did. So when I said I needed to meet you, I meant I needed to meet you.” He smiled and Peter’s heart skipped a beat. The whole confession was almost too much to handle, too much to believe. At the same time, he knew what Tony meant because he had also been in a very dark place when they met and, somehow, talking to him brought some light back into his life. “My turn?”
“Sure.” Peter smiled, entwining his fingers on Tony’s chest and resting his chin on top of them, looking at the older man’s face.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to answer, I have a feeling this might be a bit of a touchy subject for you.” He cautioned, and Peter gulped. He knew what was coming and he thought about not answering, but Tony had been honest with him, so he took a deep breath and nodded.
“How did you end up doing porn? Not that it’s bad or anything, you just sounded so uncomfortable the other night... Like you’re ashamed of it, or regretful.” Tony asked carefully, one of his hands was still rubbing soothing circles on the skin of his back.
“Hm… Well. It’s complicated. I guess the short answer is: I was young and dumb and my older boyfriend convinced me it was a good idea. Then he left me and took all the money and everything we’ve ever built with him and – and now the only thing I know how to do is porn, so… Yeah.” It was a very short version of what happened, but very accurate as well. Tony frowned, raising an eyebrow.
“What do you mean he took everything?”
“He told me to pack a bag and leave. Whatever I couldn’t fit in my bag stayed behind, as well as the social media accounts, the channel, the money… He locked me out of everything.” Peter’s voice grew weaker as he spoke, because he felt so fucking ashamed. Of everything. Of admitting he let a man like Quentin into his life, that he made so many terrible decisions just so he could stay with him, only to be treated like that in the end. It was fucking humiliating.
Tony sat up in a haste, forcing him to do the same, until they were both facing each other on the couch. The older man’s eyes were wide, he looked so shocked it was almost funny. Almost.
“Peter, that’s – why – wait, and what do you mean he convinced you to do porn? Is it not something that you want to do?” Peter dropped his gaze for a second, not really sure what the true answer to that question was. If he was honest with himself, most times he just avoided thinking too much about what he was doing.  
“Well… I don’t hate it anymore, I guess,” he settled on that, after a few minutes of silence. “Sometimes I even enjoy it now, like… Like when we talk,” he mumbled the last part, raising his eyes again to look into Tony’s warm ones, and the older man looked back at him with – what? Worry? Regret? Guilt?
“So you hated it? Before?” He insisted, and Peter knew he could still choose not to answer if he wanted to, Tony wouldn’t force it out of him, but still – Peter wanted to tell him. He wanted Tony to know.
To know him. All of him. Even the parts that hurt.
“I did.” He whispered, holding back the tears that filled his eyes when the confession left his lips, because that was something that he never wanted to acknowledge. It took all he had to hold Tony’s gaze and not look away in shame. “I just felt… kinda shitty sometimes. Like… I wasn’t even human, just an object to be used and abused and disposed of.” He continued, swallowing a lump in his throat. He couldn’t read Tony’s expression, but his eyes were gentle as always, there was no judgment there. “I didn’t feel like my body belonged to me anymore.” Saying that aloud came almost as a surprise to Peter himself. He always tried so hard not to think about those feelings he almost believed they didn’t really exist, even though they were always there at the back of his mind.
“Pete...” Tony cupped his face in both of his hands, he looked so torn, it almost made Peter regret telling him.
“I’m doing okay now, I promise. I’m in control of my body, my choices, my money. I’m fine now, really,” he vowed and Tony pulled his head closer and pressed their lips together – it wasn’t even a kiss, just a caress.
“I can help you.” He offered with determination, holding his face in his hands, looking straight into his eyes and they were burning with anger, but Peter knew it wasn’t directed to him. “I can help you get everything back, I can make his life a living hell for doing that to you, I can –“
“Please, don’t,” He winced, shaking his head firmly, lifting his hands to hold Tony’s wrists, feeling his pulse and how fast his heart was beating. “Okay? It’s in the past. It’s over now. I don’t want to – relive it, I just want to forget.” His heart raced when the older man closed his eyes and started shaking his head. “Tony?”
“Peter, you can’t ask me to –“
“I am asking you leave it alone.” He insisted, a little desperately, but Tony’s face was locked in a frown and panic started creeping up on him. He couldn’t bear to think about confronting Beck, having to see him again, maybe talk to him again, he just wanted to move on, to forget he ever existed. His eyes burned and he closed them, trying to get his breath under control, but he could feel his hands shaking. “Please, please, don’t make me –“
“Hey, no, no, no.” Tony gathered him in his arms, rubbing his shoulders in a soothing way. “I’m sorry, no, I would never force you to do anything, okay? It’s your choice.” He cupped his face in his hands again, peppering kisses on his cheeks and forehead. Peter started calming down slowly, and even laughed a little when the man’s beard tickled his nose. “You know that I see you, right? And I mean I see you, Peter Parker, not the persona in the videos or the pictures, and you sure seem pretty fucking human to me, kid. You know that, right?” Tony kept holding his head in between his hands, forcing Peter to look back at him, which wasn’t necessary, he couldn’t look away if he tried.
He smiled, nodding slowly, leaning in to kiss his lips. The older man lay back down, pulling him along, until they were back to their original position. He rested his head on Tony’s chest and closed his eyes, sighing in relief.
He felt Tony wrap his arms around his waist, holding him tight, and he thought to himself that if heaven looked like Tony making breakfast in the morning and tasted like his cooking in the evening, it certainly felt like holding him at night.
Tag list (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list):  @sadachmesarthim @iamnotparticularlyproud @staticwhispersinthedark @bluestarker
Sorry for the long chapter, guys, it really got away from me 🥴 Only four more chapters to goo ✨✨
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kirksfattitties · 3 years
Hi, I was wondering what order I should watch Star Trek in? I’ve watched tos before but that was a long time ago. I’m not sure if it’s best to watch it in the order it was released or if I should watch it in like the in universe order so it’s not confusing. Thank you! Sorry if I’m bugging you btw
i’m not sure if i can say which star trek you wanna watch them in EXACTLY but what i did was watch in order of characters i saw people posting about that i was attracted to and i mostly went from old to new, but there’s a few outliers
i did watch tng a couple of years before i decided to watch ALL of the star treks but i was never hyperfixed on star trek until i saw tos so i don’t really count my first watchthrough of tng
the order (i think) i went in was:
tos & tos movies
tng rewatch & first watch of the movies
aos (i think? i forget when i watched it for the first time)
dsc & short treks
(and then snw and prodigy when they come out)
honestly, i would look at peoples posts about the shows and/or at pictures of the characters and see which shows you think would be the most interesting.
for me personally, i like the fan content by tos/tas, ds9, dsc fans the most so i watched those relatively early on, whereas my boyfriend liked tng content more but then was sucked into also liking tos and then eventually other treks.
i would also look at if there’s any actors from star trek that you recognize and maybe start with whichever trek/treks they were in and then go from there.
my bf also is super organized and made a list of the different treks and movies for them to watch and checks stuff off as they go, but they’re also a little bit insane (complimentary) and went COMPLETELY out of order in a wild and wacky way that makes very little sense to me and would make me feel crazy to watch in that order. i’m not sure what exact shoe order they went in, but for the tos and tng movies, they went in the order of good movie, bad movie, good movie, bad movie, etc. so. you could do that if you want
for the most part i think going from oldest series produced to newest series produced series would be the best bet because it’s the least amount of work to research, BUT i have also seen a few people go from the IN-universe timeline (which seems confusing to me with all the time travel esp since dsc starts before tos but travels to after every other series)
i think it might be easiest if you go in order of how theyre made, specially since there’s like a bajillion new treks going on right now/gonna air soon, and that if you start going in-universe order, you might have to change that order when snw comes out?
you can honestly watch in any order and it will mostly make sense (or end up making sense eventually) but you should probably watch tng (&the movies and maybe aos) before watching pic if you want things to make sense for that show. lwd is a pretty good show to watch last because it references most other treks, but i think it’s done well enough that you could watch it alone and still understand it. this isn’t a continuity thing, but i also would suggest watching lwd after watching a particularly heavy trek (like pic or dsc or aos) because lwd is light and funny and will make you less sad. same thing with tas, its light and funny and it’s a great series to watch after finishing tos because it’s like BONUS tos
ANYWAY im not sure if answered your question (probably not! sorry!) but good luck and happy trekking 🖖
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youremyonlyhope · 3 years
Starship Rewatch
10 years ago today (well, yesterday since I’m posting it a day later), 15 year old Hope curled up on her couch to watch a new StarKid show called Starship right as it dropped. This was the first time I got to watch a show when it was posted since I didn’t become a StarKid fan until a months earlier. I was so excited.
And now, I’m rewatching Starship for the first time in full in at least 5 years I think. I listened to the soundtrack twice earlier today, singing along at my desk at work (thank god no one else was here tonight to judge me). I still know so many of the lyrics. And so many little jokes and stuff were flooding back. Starship was my favorite StarKid show for a long time, so I’m so excited to watch this again to see if it’s still my fave.
This post ended up being really long, so you’ve been warned. But it also includes pictures of the crocheted Roach and Bugette plushies that I made as a teen.
OH. THE OLD LOGO. AHHH. I already have so many feels. The future is now! I can’t handle this. The nostalgia! The Galactic League of Extraterrestrial Exploration. My facebook account to this day says I am a Starship Ranger at the G.L.E.E. because I’ve never bothered to change it. Also, shoutout to anyone from the StarKidPotter FB and EFST days if you’re reading this. AHHH IT’S CHRIS AND ERIC. Ok I might have to pause 20 thousand times during this Starship Ranger ad to acknowledge all the StarKid cameos. Tyler! “We come to conquer... in peace!” Tyler I love you. Brian and Richard! I forgot they painted Richard BLUE. Britney and Ariel! Nicholas Joseph Stauss-Matathia! I see that StarKid’s website has shortened his name to just Nicholas Strauss but remember the days when we’d purposefully say his full name? Anyway, I literally just screamed “NICK” when I saw him because he was always one of my faves. The Old Snatch was and still is iconic. Devin and Lily! The Wizard God himself, AJ Holmes. God... remember those AJ Holmes appreciation days where we’d make Chuck Norris-like memes about AJ? So much is rushing back from the depths of my mind oh my god... It’s been so long yet it feels like yesterday... “Someone really *static* F- *static* -ucked up big time” Love it.
2 minutes and 22 seconds in. I’ve written so much. I had to pause before Joey started singing to take a moment. I love this show so much. I love these goofballs so much. And they’re all so young. Most of them are younger than I am now. This is insane.
Ok I have to promise myself not to pause as much now. *Spoiler, I failed*
“I’ll fight off this gamma radiation if it’s the last thing I ever do!... We’re going down! This is the last thing I’ll ever do!” Oh my god. Look at baby Joey. He hasn’t even graduated from college yet. And that Bug puppet! Someone remind me to dig up the pictures of my crocheted plushies of Starship puppets since I made Roach and Bugette and gave them to the StarKids at SPACE and Apocalyptour. (I also did Rumbleroar, but the bugs were my own pattern I made so I was more proud) The camera is focused in on Bug instead of Joey’s face. I love it. So much. Brannnttttttt. My god. Am I gonna freak out over every single entrance? Roach pretending to die, he’s the best friend ever. “The needs of the many bugs outweigh the needs of the few bugs.” “Or the one bug, I know.” Oh man, when that line comes back... “Dirt eater” “Exoskeleton polisher” “I wanna build honeycombs” “The bug that ruins your picnic” “A fly on the wall!” That line came back to me earlier today and I died. Remembering that line was like 50% of the reason I listened to the soundtrack today.
Nick Lang! Julia! LAUREN LOPEZ. THERE SHE IS. Lovebugs, I can’t. *Sentimental music* “You could come over to my nest and I could... tear off your head and let my larva devour your body?” How did I forget that line? The way Lauren has to kick Bugette’s larva sack to walk. But the way that it also works so well with the character. I can’t. The Mosquito Brothers!! I forgot they show up so early. “This is our sister, Sweetheart” “...YO.” I CANNOT HANDLE JIM POVOLO. The “zzzz”s like buzzing as backing vocals instead of the usual “ahs” and “oohs.” The things you don’t appreciate until years later. Darren, you genius. That is such a good detail. For a second I couldn’t remember who the Overqueen is played by. 99% sure it’s Jim (It is). Also. Overqueen like ovary... and it looks like a giant vagina. That had to be pointed out to me later. “FLATTERY WILL GET YOU... everywhere.” Why did I forget that line too? “I’m a starship ranger” “Quiet you, you’re drunk” “No I’m drunk!” I remembered that line probably like... 2 minutes earlier when I noticed Joe huddling in the background and realized that line was coming up. The way Joey lets go of the puppet so both he and the puppet walk away with their arms limp... so cute.
Before even pressing play on part 3, I can hear February saying “Let the record show I am super ahead of schedule.” and I’m dying. I forgot about Brian as the escape pod. Denise Donovan! That Star Trek prop. I’m dumb so I can’t remember if it’s a communicator or what. But I know my Uhura Barbie had a mini one that I lost within a month probably. “OxyGen” “Schience” I can’t. “Mission Log... I think I just heard a spooky noise.” How am I forgetting all of these amazing lines? “Pika-pi!” AHHH I JUST SCREAMED. “My stars, I seemed to have landed in a field of these aMiNals!” I can’t. “Can I tell you guys something?” *port de bras and falls gently to the ground* “Hello!” “TOTORO!” I’m dead. The balloon mechanism on the mosquitos! I forgot about that! “HOLY SHIT IT’S A BUUUUGGGGG” Ok something I noticed but didn’t mention earlier. The bug puppet that Joe uses when he says “I had my heart set on nourishment” is the same one red and pink one that Julia used when talking about wanting to be nourishment. When Julia actually gets eaten, she’s using a different bug puppet, the green and pink one, but the same character voice. So, I can’t tell if they intentionally had her play 2 bugs so Joe could be one of them later, or if it was a mistake. I might also just be overthinking things. “ME THINKS IT WENT THAT-A-WAY” I cannot handle Jim Povolo. That scream Joe does as he slimes her. Woah I originally wrote “There seems to be no signs of intelligent lifeforms anywhere” earlier and then deleted it since I don’t know why I found it remarkable. And then looking at the comments of this part I see someone mentioned a Toy Story reference. So that’s why that line stuck out to me. Aww StarKid. There are so many Disney references in this show.
THERE SHE IS. THERE’S MY GIRL TAZ. The pew pew effects how could I forget that!  “Hey Taz. You’re pretty tough for a chick.” “I was just going to say the same thing about you.” “Woahhhhhhhh” JoMo oh my god. “My spectrometer readings are off the wazooooooo” That line kills me. Why am I JUST NOW noticing, 10 years later, that Tootsie enters this scene with his gun facing the wrong way. Oh my god. “I saw the empirical proof that science killed god. It’s comforting to know he was once alive though. I like to think that when he died, he went to heaven.” Oh Tootsie Noodles. “...What the hell kind of name is that?” “He’s got bear hands??” Why do I forget all of these lines??!? That record scratch and freeze frame to go “BOOOOOO” oh my god I forgot that. “Like the other day, he was in the cafeteria, just cah-rying in front of everybody.” BOOOOOOO. Here we go, Taz’s amazing Up monologue. “And when Up, cuts an onion, the ONION is the one who cry.” HELP. Also 99% sure I used that joke for AJ appreciation at least one year. “Now take a walk off my knife” What a line. So awesome. I remember having a profile pic on FB that was the text of that monologue and the image of Lauren screaming “WALK IT OFF” I’m still convinced that first “WOO” from the audience that we hear when Up enters is Darren. “I do not peepee sitting down” “Huh??” JoMo’s face as if he’s trying his hardest not to laugh and I can’t tell if that’s him breaking character or if Krayonder is actually trying not to laugh. “I peepee like big boy, deadgoddamnit. So stop making fun of me because it hurts my feelings” I’m dying. Also, deadgoddamnit is amazing. “if you don’t go out there and die for something, then I will kill you for nothing.” I remembered the mirror scene, just seconds before it started and already started laughing. “You’re not a failure, overall.” “Allow me to introduce you to the final member of your team. MegaGirl!” I forgot how DRAMATIC that was. I also forgot that’s how MegaGirl comes into the story.
I need to stop pausing every 5 seconds oh my god I’ll never finish this tonight if I don’t.
“All hail AstroBoy” That was the funniest line. “MegaGirl, can you kill humans?” “No. But I’d like to.” I can’t handle it. “A horse ate my cousin! Me and horses got a feud.” #1 MegaGirl doing the “I’m watching you” hand sign. I can’t. “Hey. Miráme. *Slaps* NOW ESCHUCHAME” amazing. “Or that time. You taught me calculus... CALCULUS WAS TOUGH.” I never went past pre-calc. Nope. Ah. Get Back Up. One of my fave songs. “And now we dance.” Dylan’s “OW” as they lean back. “Ok Idiotas. Say something nice. Or I will kill you.” It’s all so iconic.
“So you still think being an egg planter is lame?” “...Yes.”  The larva oh my god. I forgot we see one before the end. That’s Jaime playing the larva I think. Life is definitely one of my all-time favorite StarKid songs to this day. I wish it was longer. I love it so much. And I love that its instrumental is scattered as a motif throughout the show. “It’s a short, small thing we lead. With so much potential, pointless or essential, which one can I be?” Wow. Near Pippin levels of giving me an existential crisis. Also wow Joey improved his singing so much between AVPS and Starship. “My name’s Bug” “*Gasp!* Like a bug??” “Uh... no.” “Good. I’m February, like the month, but a person.” I should start saying that honestly. “I’m Hope, like the concept, but a person.” “You boldly go where every man -hey- woman -bark woof- or data dog has ever gone before! Sorry K9DX” Adorable. Joey’s subtle little double nod he makes the Bug puppet do when he’s shocked she thinks he’s a Starship Ranger. Amazing. Ah he said goddamn not deadgoddamn! February should have known right then he wasn’t human! “Take my claw” that too. "The only thing that needs to rest are your jokes, because they are so tired.” “Woahhhhhh” No but like... why don’t I use that line in everyday life... “Now I am slightly less weak.” “Ok. I’m going to shoot this metal bitch!” I’m dying. How did I forget the Taz/MegaGirl rivalry?? “That thing is a R-O-B-O-T man” “Can’t fool me with numbers, Krayonder.” I’m dead. “The stack of hay was my cousin!” #2 The way Meredith says “barometric pressure” is great. And Tootsie saying “Well you must take real good care of it, because I never would have guessed.” He’s such a sweetheart. “Nobody shoot dammit, nobody shoot.” “KILL KILL KILL” I never really liked Hideous Creatures but it’s so cute to see MegaGirl do the choreo robotically. I love that the Gap hasn’t changed. “Cool it skank, you do not know me.” Another line that I forgot until a split second before it was said. I’m so glad whoever edited this added some pews going in the wrong way for Tootsie’s gun. I know I definitely noticed Tootsie’s gun was backwards during this part, but I don’t know if I noticed it was backwards in that very first scene too. I forgot about MegaGirl tossing out Specs. That “MEGAGIRL!!!” scream from Joe though.
“Never in my 6 long days of life.” Underappreciated joke. Also, I think this is the 4th unique upright bug puppet. We got red/pink, green/blue, green/pink, and now red/blue. Also, Nick Lang is a great puppeteer. “Yes, I helped her escape. But I swear, never in a million years, did I think I’d be caught and yelled at for it!”  Oh I forgot Bugette is the witness. Jaime’s angry face behind Joey is killing me. “He didn’t know the humans were evil.” “Oh, they’re not.” “Shut up!” Humoons and hoomans. “And no more singing or dancing” *gasps of horror* “The Overqueen has overspoken.” “Well, that’s not gonna help your chances with Bugette” Oh Roach. “PERHAPS.” Jim destroys me.
God the 4-person Pincer puppet. Amazing. Dylan’s arms being strong enough to be above his head for 10 minutes straight. Amazing. Also, Nick Lang is so emotive as a claw. It took me a sec but yeah JoMo is the tail. “There were? Where are they?” Joey’s face. “Tell me all about her” The claws under the chin I can’t. Hey StarKid, I see you throwing in an ad mid-video before Kick It Up a Notch. You’re lucky I love and support you guys. “Put ‘em together and what have you got?” bibbity boppity boo. More Disney references! This scene is full of them. Man, remember when we were all blown away by Dylan’s voice in this song the first time? Like we could tell he could sing in AVPM/S, but his songs were just so jokey and only his long “Welcooooooooooome” showed us his talent. But then Kick It Up a Notch happened. And we FINALLY appreciated Dylan’s beautiful voice. “I pushed it to the limit.” and “To coin a phrase, be a man.” more Disney. I might be overthinking this and will have to rewatch Life to confirm, but I think the camera zooming out as Pincer reprises Life is just like the camerawork when Bug sang it originally. If so, then wow even when filming their shows StarKid really thinks it all through. (Update: It totally is referencing the original zooms for Life and that’s amazing. Except it’s zooming out instead of in. I LOVE the attention to detail even in filming the show. I’m gonna guess that’s Liam’s doing.) All I can see when I hear Bug’s chorus of this song is Jaime and her SPACE tour dancing, which they incorporated in Apocalyptour as actual choreography. Because they’re goofballs. The kick line. Love it. God. Even though it’s not my favorite song from Starship (just because I love Life and Beauty more), Kick It Up A Notch is one of the best StarKid has ever done. I really has everything. Dylan’s gorgeous voice. Not one but two reprises of earlier songs to throw Bug’s own words back at him. Jim’s bass line. Awesome puppets. Disney references. It’s so amazing. I love how all the comments are either about Dylan’s voice or Dylan’s ability to hold his arms up for a 10+ minute scene or both.
"Gameover man, gameover!” “I feel like cutting open your belly, and filling it with jelly” *Gasps* Oh my god, I put on the captions for a second, and  the caption said *Sad spayed puppy noises* “I am in charge of this mission now.” How did I forget about the mustache until 2 seconds before it happened? “She’s got the mustache now. *Kisses head* I love you” Oh my god Tootsie. I FORGOT ABOUT THE SECOND STACHE. There’s an ad right when we see Bug’s human form and I can’t even care because look at him! Ahhh. And the blue headband! Ahhhhh. Joey you’re so adorableeeee. “Bug? Well that’s a fine name.” His concerned face then the relief. Adorable. “Thank you sir. I am a tough bitch.” “Getting nothing but bug muff?!?” I love the slight delay the audience has before laughing as they realize what was just said. “Bug. You hard, ese. You flame.” I die. “Up there. In Space!” *dramatic pointing* No I totally didn’t just do the dramatic pointing with them... no that’s not in my muscle memory from 10 years ago... why would you think that. I’ll rave about Status Quo after it’s done. “But, what if I miss you?” Awwwwwwwww. And that “Just look up.” screenshot was used for “This.” memes in the fandom for years.
Oh Joey. Status Quo is such a good song too. And he really did improve as a singer to sing it. Earlier this week I remembered that this week is also the 10th anniversary of that time Darren was hopping from city to city every single day to promote the Warblers album. And at one point in that week he did a livestream that I remember rushing home to watch. In that livestream, I am 99% sure he sang Status Quo as a little sneak preview for Starship being released later that week. (Just checked, yep he sang it in a livestream on April 20 2011) God I love this song. Then the version the boys all sang for SPACE Tour was beyond beautiful too. Ahhh I love this musical.
Ok. It’s almost midnight. I started this 3 hours ago. I’m probably not finishing the show until 2am at the rate that I’m pausing and stopping to comment. But OH WELL.
“Dr. Spaceclaw” wow. “Leaving them behind was of little consequence, but a pleasure.” Oh Megagirl. “You did a very good job today too, son.” “*Gasp* Thanks dad.” That Star Wars fake-out though. Speaking of Star Wars, I really need to rewatch Ani now that I’m actively a Star Wars fan unlike last time when I still wasn’t invested in the movies I just watched them. How did I forget about Jaime playing Junior’s new mom?? ...Does Junior get an alien incubating in his chest... is that foreshadowing... I can’t remember. (This was like... half a foreshadow) This scene is funnier now that Breredith is married. The way Junior says “Phew” I’m dead. I remembered how they restrain MegaGirl once again 2 seconds before it happened oh my god. “We deserve bubbles on our skin.” An iconic line. “Well thank the long dead god you made it, Bug!”  The crunching of the handshake, I can’t. Oh someone in the comments pointed out that Bug and February are doing the Tarzan hand thing while Up’s asking Taz to see a movie. Adorable.
Get yourself a man like Tootsie who won’t stand for you talking down about yourself. “Maybe this was all part of God’s plan. He made before he died.” I love the dead god jokes. I remember years ago some kid on facebook was like “The dead god jokes are offensive” and I was like “It’s a sci-fi musical about a bug in a human body but sure worry about god being dead.” but probably in an even more immature answer. I’m just mesmerized by Tootsie and MegaGirl’s verses. God. The first Dylan and Meredith duet. Amazing. And MegaGirl’s confused face is great. “Don’t press that button, or we’ll all be sucked into space.” So... Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is? Oh shoot... ok wait no I’ll comment on that when we get there. God that is such a cute love song. I wrote barely anything just because I love that song so much. Would love to know where Tootsie’s taking her though.
Oh my god this scene! I forgot about this. How could I forget this. “Well the world always looks a little bit brighter, from on top of a lap.” I had remembered Bug sitting on Up’s lap, but not Specs. This is the part I forgot. Adorable. Ahhhh so cute. The Specs/Krayonder relationship was apparently cut from the filmed version, but was present if you saw it live. These moments are adorable. And I love how this is the second person JoMo’s had to carry in this show since he also carried Denise earlier. “Why if it isn’t Bug, my oldest friend.” and “Don’t say that, my dear.” are adorable. Oh wait. Up sat on Bug’s lap. Not the other way around. Ok. I didn’t remember this scene as well as I thought I did. I’m dying. I didn’t want to write anything during this, but oh my god “That son of a bitch Optimus Prime” I forgot that. I love the audience’s reaction to “The entire right side of my body, it’s a robot” because they all gasp, and then laugh at themselves for gasping. I knew there was something he couldn’t do without crying. I didn’t remember it being “Sir I Wanna Buy These Shoes” Christmas Song. It’s ok Up, I haven’t listened to that song in full in years. I can’t handle it. But Christmas songs in general make me cry too. Oh Up said goddamn instead of deadgoddamn too. Hmm... Aww the mother spider story. “I think the old you was just killing out of hate.” “Oh I was.” I’m dying. Awwww the nose kiss. I definitely remembered that. “Deadgodspeed soldier!” The way Joey misses catching the keys and also Darren’s “Woo!” in the audience again. So great. That 12 minute scene is just adorable and the Up story is so dramatic and hilarious.
Hmm finishing before 2am might be ambitious... “Hahaha. Then I’ll shoot him!” “Taking care of my business down on the planet is that cool with you?” Brian’s delivery of that line has always intrigued me. “How much I care about my MegaGirl unit’s survival is also a percent equivalent to zero” Rude. “You are nothing like my boyfriend, Tootsie Noodles.” “Yes, well - wait WHAAA” This scene is so different now that they’re married. “Ha. Ha. It was cute.” “You’re... a toaster.” *Slaps* Ok 1) I used to use that insult all the time and only half ironically. I was a strange teenager. 2) She just hurt a human... isn’t that against programming, or can she just not kill humans? Evil angry Brolden is something we need more of. I love Brian as a villain. More please. “You stupid goddamn robot” So I guess they say goddamn and deadgoddamnit. I’m overthinking the evolution of language in this universe. Also Brian’s screams while being choked are amazing. I’ve never forgotten those, if anything they’re better now.
AHHHH I REFRESHED AND DELETED ALL OF MY STUFF FOR BEAUTY. Kill me. I’m so mad. Let me try to recreate it but I hate myself. I was saving this draft after every part but OF COURSE I don’t save after my favorite song and then refresh.
Oh poor Meredith. Her white wig doesn’t let her blend in as much when she’s in the hoodies playing a bug. “Oh hey Bugette, we’re just trying to get Bug laid!” That bug had to know about Bugette’s crush though? That’s just cruel. “The ending is killer” ruuuuuuddddddddddeee. I know I had at least one more point, but that’s lost to the ether. Beauty is probably my fave, if not tied with Life. When I was listening to it earlier, I was overcome with emotion because it’s just such a joyful song. These days I cry over happy stuff almost as much as I cry over the sad. And these lines just hit so hard... I love it. I love this song so much and this scene so much. “Bug. She excreted her filth for you. WE DID IT!!!!!!!!” Brant Cox is so good. It really is a shame he’s not in anything else besides AVPSY and the 10th Anniversary with everyone else. “I do accept you for who you really are. A genius.” Well February, you’ll be glad to know that you thought of that, so you’re the genius. Wow. Junior’s 25, Brian was 25, and now I’m 25. This really was perfect timing for the 10th anniversary. Also I do not feel 25. “Suck off!” amazing.
Ok next part. Luckily I was only 1 minute into the next part when I refreshed. Still so mad at myself... “Someone really firetrucked up big time” (Dead)God I love that line. I also used firetruck unironically. Once again, I was a strange teenager and I didn’t like cursing and I still don’t. “This is so weird, I’m so used to the scrambly version.” (It was while writing this line the first time that I refreshed and lost Beauty....) Ok as I watch AJ, it’s hitting me that he almost definitely came to the set during rehearsals and filmed his part since it’s not a green screen like the rest of them. “The hunters have become the hunted, and it’s wabbit season.” “That was a good video, until the end when it got sad.” Thanks Bug. “I think, I just had a think” See February’s smart. “I’m in a weird situation” Love that line. “Bug is a BUG!? I DON’T BELIEVE IT” Oh Junior. Dylan’s insulted face at “I am not... a dumbass.”  So I can’t tell if Brian forgets he’s trapped when he moves his arms into a more relaxed position to lean on the column and then puts them back, or if it’s purposefully staged that way. Brian’s acting while he pretends to be shy and embarrassed about his evil plan is amazing and adorable. Brian has a good evil laugh, why don’t we get him as a villain more often? Also I was gonna make some sort of joke about Nick as Pincer’s left claw vs. Robert as Snarl’s left paw, but I’ll leave it be.
I FORGOT ABOUT THAT WEIGHT TAZ WAS LIFTING JUST FLOATING UP TO THE SKY WHEN SHE LETS GO. I just laughed out loud. “Damn that G.L.E.E. They’re always making twisted abominations of everything!!” I cannot handle it. And the wink. Poor Darren but also not poor Darren at all. I was just now WRACKING my mind for who could possibly be playing Pincer’s tail if JoMo was being devoured by mosquitos. It’s Brant. Literally the entire cast is currently onstage. Ok Krayonder’s been getting his blood drained for 3 minutes, why is he alive? OH I FORGOT KRAYONDER GETS UP AND SHOOTS THE BUGS. Ok and he gets chopped by Pincer’s claws too so HOW does he survive? StarKid answer!!! I forgot how dramatic this musical gets when you got both the bugs and MegaGirl coming after the humans. Aww the Vulcan salute from Specs. “I changed my name. To Tootsie... MegaGirl.” I love the reactions of the people in the audience who immediately realize what that means. I hear at least one “oh my god” that sounds like sobbing. Awwwww Tootsie’s “that’s real” speech and “I’d love you if you was the horse that ate my cousin.” (#3) just... get yourself a man like Tootsie MegaGirl. He is perfection. God the downloading love scene is so cute. I can’t handle it.
The Up saving Taz scene is so dramatic. Then Brian and Jim just calmly walk offstage. It kills me. Also why did Jaime just continue to lie there? “I just needed to learn how to kill with my heart.” Not exactly what Bug meant, but it works. God Taz climbing onto Up’s back is still the most hilarious thing ever. Whoever thought of her climbing that way was a genius. So funny. I always wanted to try it. Holding the gun up to her head like a blowdryer always gave me anxiety. Making the door out of a scrim that can be backlit was genius. Oof and bringing back “The needs of the many bugs outweigh the needs of the few bugs. Or the one bug.” just hurts. Poor Bug. My heart. This is probably the line that sticks with me to this day and I do think about sometimes.
Ok it’s now 2am and I still have 2 more parts.
I sorta love that Joey didn’t have the time to change into his blacks so he’s still in the Starship Ranger suit while playing the Bug puppet. “Save the Overqueen. I love her.” Awww. “Roach, I’m gonna get the job done if it’s the second last thing I do.” Love it. That Kick It Up A Notch Reprise though. Brian, you should play villains more often. Also remember all of us being like “LUPIN CAN SING?!?!?!??!!” “Lucky for me, God is dead. When you see him in hell, tell him Junior sent you.” Deadgod I love that line. This whole deadgod thing was just leading up to that amazing line. Oh no Bugette! Bug saying “maestro” oh my god. “DFSDSJFDSJKFDS... I’m dead.” I forgot that part! Oh my god the way Brian flicks the glasses back down on his face. Ok so I saw Lauren wiggle her way behind the mucus sac, but I didn’t see Nick come onstage. I rewinded, and I guess the zoom in shots on Brian and Joey were timed so we can’t see Nick join Lauren to be the first larva to come out. Oh well. And I love the crowd cheering as Junior dies. “And bingo was his name-o” That callback though. I forgot that the Overqueen eats Bugette’s body while crying. “Or Bugette! Oh...” Also god Roach is adorable.
Last part. 2:21am. Here we go. Krayonder got his blood sucked out by giant mosquitos and was cut up by a giant scorpion, but all he needs is a bandage around his head. Awwww the soft “I Wanna Be” playing the background as Bug begs the team to accept his bug form. Bug being so mad “It’s that bastard Pincer isn’t it?” and then being so happy that Joey does the little nose scrunch thing. So cute. JOEY’S FACE WHEN DENISE KISSES THE BUG PUPPET. Cannot believe I forgot that until 2 seconds before it happened too. “I now pronounce you man vs. machine. Fight!” WOAH. Why in the WORLD did “eep op ork ahah” come back to me. I was able to say it WITH Joey. That was straight from the DEPTHS of my teenage brain oh my god. I forgot about that oh my GOD. THAT’S INSANE. I FORGOT SO MUCH STUFF BUT I REMEMBERED HOW TO SAY “I LOVE YOU” IN BUG.
And the Beauty reprise.
God I love this musical. It’s still my fave StarKid show I think. And I’m horrified to see that it has only 500K views for the last part, so only 500K people have watched it all the way through after 10 years. That’s disgraceful. It’s amazing. Watch Starship.
It is 2:32am. I started at 8:50pm. Got sidetracked when I had to rewatch the Beauty part of Act 2 again to make sure I got my notes back in the post. Took a few bathroom breaks. But this is mostly because I paused every like 10 seconds to make a comment, so it took 5 and a half hours to watch a 3 hour musical. This why I take forever to watch things while liveblogging. I take too long to writing notes.
I’ll probably just post this in the morning. Gotta proofread for mistakes before posting.
Ok it’s the next afternoon. This post is literally 5,000+ words and takes 20 minutes to read according to a online word counter. I’m sorry to whoever read this entire thing. Your reward is the pictures of the Starship plushies I crocheted when I was 15 and 16.
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(Ignore the bad lighting and my horribly chipped paint. That’s the only picture I have of the Bugette one since I gave it to Lauren Lopez a day later. I started making another for myself shortly after but never finished. Maybe I should finally finish the second one... hmm...)
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