#does this still count lmao
lazylittledragon · 16 days
ok someone please correct me if i'm wrong but am i weird for thinking those 'audiobooks don't count as reading' posts are ableist as fuck????
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miguxadraws · 5 months
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something awful (Not the forum)
@spitinsideme i'm sorry
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darlingsart · 10 months
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Some Skyros silliness!
I like to think that after the ‘my husband’ scene in the book, Achilles was absolutely insufferable about it, calling Patroclus his husband whenever he could and really playing up the whole married woman thing while they were there lmao
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ihavesomejays · 6 months
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when i saw the drip marketing i stopped and had to take a breath because GOD. i'd call her daddy ANY day of the week (sorry if you had to read that)
closeups below keep reading
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ughhhhh so probably the tgcf scene i think the most about is in the final battle when hua cheng is holding xie lian and backwards gripping eming with his other hand i . god. this is referenced off of The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel (i’m pretty sure everyone has seen it by this point) which is surprisingly pretty topical for tgcf.
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mllenugget · 9 months
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I mean I’m just saying I’m surprised Baghera didn’t do a Baghera on this one
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nenoname · 1 month
stan twins the canon cptsd brothers i will always think about all your unaddressed issues that would make perfect plot fuel for your spinoff
and also the whole 'stan getting that poem by bill via a website which contrasts with bill getting one from the axolotl via a website' foreshadowing thing
like idk i would love something like su future but like more optimistic, aka not an accumulated breakdown that has to be mostly resolved off screen at the end :/// but something thats being kinda addressed throughout? (although would love to see one of them turn into a monster thats always fun lol)
stan having severe issues from his dad and those years of being homeless that we keep on getting more info on but never really getting confronted on (the drifter catalogue and tijuana incident...), him being completely alone for like twenty years when running the shack before soos comes along to the point that 1998 is noted as his low point, and him not really learning about bill+what he did to ford until ages after he killed him if he ever did get the full context
while i think amnesia and everyone seeing him as a hero actually helped with stan's 'i'm a worse version of my brother' thing its still a lingering issue too and we now got him being insecure over his own hands
ford being immediately thrown from 'being tortured by bill' to 'being stuck in the multiverse and being chased by bounty hunters constantly', him fully expecting himself to die when destroying bill, and him only now being safe for the first time in 30 years ....relatively safe, he's still in constant danger because of course he is
idk in the end the series wants them to be happy and they deserve it, its why i wasn't too worried about the book being like 'ooh bill is back!! and the book is haunting ford' thing cos i knew they'll be ok
#stan pines#ford pines#stanley pines#stanford pines#gravity falls#stan twins#as for the 'still on your mind' thing to me its stan literally thinking about bill despite ford resolving to move past it#or alternatively me on my same coin theory obsession lmao#me yelling and screaming at ouroboros being used to link to the axolotl and bill and how ford didn't actually keep it#which brings up even more questions about it reappearing in the shack when stan takes over#of course even if him realising about reincarnation being a thing i think its still way less to deal with than his actual issues#something something a same soul doesnt mean much when he already proved himself a better person a million times over#idk my thoughts on reincarnation as a concept is like eh??? anyway#also completely unrelated but stan writing fanfic means he knows what soos meant when he was talking about stan fics#soos seems like a gen fic writer especially with the ones we got as those promos#the train one where he comes up with a giant backstory for the setting that has nothing to do with the fic bros is super funny#but meanwhile we have stan the canonical smut writer who had to be writing it that summer#would he be a self insert shipper? would he projecting on the duchess instead? is he both???#i have many questions#then again judging from hows theres a wedding scene that he got super emotional over he might just be a shipper????#this has nothing to do with my original post#...or does it cos the axolotl last appears reacting to stan freaking out about count li--#anyway if you think this post is longer than my usual its cos i physically made myself delete most tags and put it in the actual post
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susandsnell · 9 months
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braisedhoney · 1 year
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aw c’mon doc, pranks are supposed to be funny.
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m00ns3tt3r · 2 years
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Blahaj and a little blahaj
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ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Parentalbond Cross
We are back on my BS and selfindulding drabble series, today we are finishing up how all the guys adopted Nightmare!
Last but not least, Cross :D
First Drabble (and original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Okay! No edits and no beta because we don't roll that way 😎😎
But more serious. slight content warning. Cross helps Nightmare bath, wash and clean his wounds and injuries. Poor baby can't take care of his own wounds that well and needs assistance from one of his four dads.
Cross isn't feeling good. Nothing is actually wrong with him but he is nervous.
Why is he even watching Nightmare today?!
It isn't that Cross... it isn't that he doesn't like...
Cross just doesn't feel sure about this.
He just doesn't have that instinct with childcare that the others seem to have. He tried! But he can't help but keep seeing Nightmare as an adult, or old adult? Ex adult?
Even when Dust and he spoke about it. How Dust just compared it with a natural change. Cross just... can't see him as a child.
He knows it is bad. Cross tries very hard to treat him as a child and do it right but Nightmare seems to notice Cross' nervous around it.
Which helps because if Ngihtmare needs anything he just asks Dust or Killer or Horror! Which works perfectly for Cross! How bad of a caretaker is he? That even the child notices that Cross can't handle it.
Cross checks the list again, the list beign something that Dust (and Killer) had put together. Cross would feel bad about needing a list but seeing as the last time he had to babysit he skipped a step or two he knows he deserves this.
Cross nods to himself. Breakfast and lunch were both done. Nightmare had his personal reading time. Nightmare had completed the few assignments Dust had put together for him. They had gone outside for fresh air and sunlight.
Now, the point he had been dreading. Bathtime.
Cross just doesn't get why Nightmare can't do it himself. But Cross had tried that last time only to get Dust to be furious at him, at the time it had also surprised and confused both of Killer and Horror much like Cross.
Since then Dust had refused to let Cross watch over Nightmare. A few days later Killer fully accepted his role as babysitter and caretaker. Which meant that Cross just didn't need to solo babysit Nightmare again.
Which had been fine! Perfect even!
But... well... You always have days were it just doen'st go according to plan. Which leaves Cross today to do all the duties.
Cross sighs and takes out the second list. It is a long list of rules for bathtime.
You need to follow all of these steps! And I mean all of them Cross. No skipping.
Cross rolls his eye lights and reads.
Step 1. Use WARM water. And I mean WARM! If you put your hand under the faucet it should be close to burning you.
Cross turns on the faucet and holds his hand under it to measure the warmth as he continues reading.
Step 2. Fill the bath as Nightmare gets ready himself. He doesn't need help undressed unless he specifically asks. And only then! >:( Tiny boss is specific about when he wants help!
Cross nods before snorting at the extra text. Seems like that Killer also got his hands on this list.
Step 3. Use the soap in the pink bottle and put enough in it to get a few bubbles to appear. NO! USE A LOT! MORE BUBBLES! >:3 No. I am serious. Just a bit is enough.
Cross finds the pink bottle in the small basket of bath stuff that Dust had left for him. Cross knows this because there was a note on it saying 'CROSS USE THESE.'. He can't help but ready the bottle and frowns. mild soap for sensitive skin with some antibacterial effects. Cross puts in a little at first and waits. No bubbles so he puts in a little more. a few tiny bubbles appear and Cross puts the bottle back in the basket.
Step 4. Just let the bath fill up until about the midheight. Safety reasons. Yeah we know we don't need air but Nightmare's magic is fragile and if he gets under water and panicks he may not be able to make his magic shape in the way to enable him to handle no air!
Cross hums and keeps an eye on the height fo the water. Turning it off at the right time.
Step 5. Just wait until Nightmare knocks on the door that he is ready. Once he is make sure you stand with your back to the door and bathtub. Nightmare can get in himself and if he needs help he will let you know. <- This.
Cross nods and just waits. He eyes the door and knocks on it, knowing the large master bedroom is behind it. "You okay Nightmare?"
Silence before a huff "I am fine." he sounds slightly out of breath. But Cross doesn't bother to point it out. He sits next to the bathtub and looks through the basket. A pink soap bar and Cross sniffs it. It smells like citrus, the same scent that the other soap had. Mmh. He grabs some of the brushes and feels them. Very soft and hardly any resistence. Weird choise as the harder and stiffer brushes work better with cleanign between bones. Cross spots some of those brushes in the basket as well and organises those as he waits.
A knock on the door "Cross? I am ready... Is the bath okay?"
Cross gets up and takes his list as he stands with his back to the door as ordered "It is ready!" he takes the list out in front of him again as he reads the next step.
Step 6. Whatever you do. Be normal. Please be normal. Don't freak out and remain calm. No sudden movements as you go near and announce your movement and what you do. Try to make some noise as you move! I have notices that that helps!
Cross feels nervous about that but waits. He hears Nightmare shuffle in and the door close behind him. No movement for a while before light steps move towards the water. Some splashes as Nightmare gets into the tub.
More silence before "okay. I am in... I can do this myself you know..." he sounds nervous.
Cross takes a deep breath and reads the text again before he turns, making sure his feet make noise as he moves around on the tiles. A familiar clicking of bones against it. Cross sighs "I know Nightmare. But last time they got annoyed I let you do it yourself and I don't want to risk that." he slowly gets closer.
Nightmare hums as he moves the water around with his hand "Fair enough."
Cross gets to the side and feels himself freeze. His back is a mess. Open wounds nad chips of bones missing. large cracks and bones barely holding together.
Cross gulps and finds his voice "I am going to sit down now, behind you..." fuck. fuck.. This is why Dust was furious. Because these need cleaning. fuck fuck fuck.
Ngihtmare hums that he heard him and keeps playing with the water.
Cross sits on his knees behind Ngihtmare and glances at the list.
Step 7. Once you are behind Nightmare you will start with his ribs. Use the shower body scrub thing for that. I always called it the poof. I am very sure that isn't the name Killer. Well what is the name? .... That is what i thought. Use the shower body scrub and some of the soap bar. Soap it up and move slowly rib by rib. It takes time. As you do this you need to pay close attention to Nightmare. If you reach his limit he will tense up. When this happens you need to pause and give him a moment. Use this time to just clean the scrub and reapply some new soap before continuing. Ha! You sure that isn't a new step? and what call it 7B? no thanks.
Cross glanes around and sees the shower wash thing that they must have meant and were talking about. Cross isn't even sure about the name for those sponge floof things himself. He nods and speaks "I am going to get the scrub ready. You okay? water okay?"
Ngihtmare hums and shrugs. The shrug causes Cross's attention to shift from the back and mess of ribs and the horrific view of the spine to the large bruises and sores all along the clavicle. Who would do this to a child? Why would they hurt a child this badly?! He is just a babybones!
Cross has the shower floof all nice and wet and soapy and moves slowly closer "I am going to start on your ribs now... okay?" A nod is his answer and Cross gets to work. He applies almost no pressure but Nightmare still shivers. Cross moves slowly to clean some of the ribs. He keeps a close eye to make sure nothing gets stuck on the broken and wounded bones.
They are silent as Cross works as Cross is hyperaware of Nightmare and his breathing. it is slow and even. One by one the ribs get cleaned and Cross makes sure to take two breaks to enable Ngihtmare to calm down.
Cross washes out the floof as Nightmare tries to relax, poking bubbles. Cross looks back at his list.
Step 8. Once you managed to finish washing his ribs he will need a moment. Give the scrub to him, soaped up, so he can wash his own legs and pelvis. As he washes this you need to wash his skull and neck with one of the washcloths. There are no wounds there but it is easier if you do it.
No extra comments form Killer this time. Cross does as told and gives Nightmare the shower floof and Nightmare gets to work on cleaning himself without even needing instructions. Clearly already part of the routine.
Cross still gets the right washcloth wet and soaped up as he speaks "I am going to wash your neck and skull in the meantime okay?" a small nod and Cross gets to work. His hands and fingers easily finding the curves and dips as he carefully cleans the babybones. Nightmare actively relaxes as Cross takes care to clean everything.
Cross leans back and grins "There. those are done." he looks at the list.
Step 9. Now the hardest part. the spine. Nightmare knows he needs this but won't like it. But he won't fight you on it. Again, he understands this is needed. So don't even bother to tell him it will be over quickly or not suck. He hates that. For the spine and the many tiny wounds nad the larger cracks you will need to soft soft brushes, you will quickly understand what i mean. It are the softest i could find and we keep them clean and disinfected. Still, one of the two will have the soap as always. the other is to apply disinfectent at the very end. Make sure one of those two stays dry.
Cross puts one of the two soft brushes to the side and grabs the other one. He starts getting it soaped up as the speaks "I am going to start on your spine now." Nightmare immediantly grows tense and hugs himself. floof forgotten in the water. Cross feels terrible "I am sorry. I will do my best to be careful okay? Just slow and steady?"
Ngihtmare hums and nods "okay..."
Cross has the brush ready and sits nearby "Okay. I am going to put one hand on your side to help keep you steady as i do this." Another nod and Cross helps support Nightmare as he nears the spine with the brush. "I am going to start cleaning the wounds now." a very soft brush but Nightmare still shudders and whimpers in pain.
He hates this. How fucking dare they hurt a child like this? To do this and hurt him this badly? And why?! because they are idiots to think he was bad?! That a child was evil??! That a babybones was evil?!
Cross is seething but his hands are steady as he cleans the wounds and deep slashes. No wonder that they need to do this for Nightmare. Ngihtmare is shaking in pain as he cleans the wounds. Nightmare would not have the ability to do this for himself.
Eventually he manages to clean the spine and Cross puts the brush away "there! All done with that!" Nightmare still sits shaking but leans a bit deeper into the water. calming himself.
Cross grabs his list and searches quickly.
Step 10. If you get to this spot you are almost done. We are in the home stretch! Now. Next is to give him a moment to relax. JUst let him sit in the water. In the meantime you can get the scrub soaped up again for the last step.
Step 11. next is the arms and shoulders. And while sensitive they won't hurt too badly in this. Just wash it off with the soaped up scrub once Ngihtmare sits up striaghter again.
Okay. easy enough. Cross starts preparing the floof as he keeps an eye on Nightmare. Nightmare sits back up after a while and mutters "okay... arms next?"
Cross nods as his soul fills wiht pride and... and... he isnt'sure what... instead he ignores it as he speaks "indeed." Nightmare hums but holds one of his arms out, still not looking at Cross. Cross cleans it efficiently but makes sure his touch is gentle. They switch arms and this one gets the same treatment.
Nightmare uses the water in the bath to get the soap off of him and Cross refers back to the list.
Step 11. This one and the next go together. After you got a towel, pick Nightmare out of the tub and just wrap him up. I like to fully burrito him, You know you did it right when he starts to purr.
Step 12. Use a soft towel to get off all the water. Just softly dab- LMAO! DAB! :D okay. My bad. Just softly tap the towel to the areas near the wounds instead of scrubbing it dry. It takes longer but hurts him less.
Cross searches the bathroom and finds some towels that meet his standard of softness. He takes it to Nightmare. Next he carefully picks Ngihtmare out of the tub, Nightmare still isn't looking at him and Cross can spot a small blush on his face. No doubt embarressed. Cross wraps Nightmare in the towel and hugs him close.
Affection. The other thing he had felt was affection and pride. Becuase Nightmare had been such a brave babybones and had been so well behaved. How could he not be proud?
Cross follows the instructions to the letter as he finishes drying Nightmare. He keeps him in the towel and reads the steps explaining how to desinfect the wounds and how to wrap those. pretty basic stuff. He grabs the other soft brush and explains to Nightmare what he is about to do.
It still stings as that is the nature of the desinfectent but Cross finishes up bathtime with wrapping the ribs and wounds all in soft bandages. In the end Cross puts on the hoody and holds their babybones close to him.
Nightmare, still purring softly as he leans against Cross, relaxes further and further and Cross nuzzles the tiny skull "There we go. you did amazing! We will just sit downa dn waits for the others okay?" a glance back at the bathroom but Cross leaves it be for now. He can clean up their tools and stuff when someone else is back to watch Nightmare.
Nightmare hums and snuggles clsoer to him under his chin and Cross starts to purr himself.
Maybe he does know how this whole parent thing works.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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kiwanopie · 1 year
What would happen if we did try to leave kiyoomi like would he go haywire and turn into a madman or even a yandere (ps I love your work it makes me swing my legs back and forth while I twirl my finger in my hair 🤭)
Men as proud as him rarely grovel - they rarely beg. But when they do it’s overgrown by denial and a special kind of disgrace.
Talking to you like this makes him want to bite his tongue off. “You’re out of your fucking mind if you think I’ll let you leave me.”
You close your eyes as he steps to block your path to the door. Neatly packed bags weigh down the sleeves of your coat and even through grief are you still emboldened by the soft lights. Eyes cottoned by tears, still doey as they stare emptily forward. Nothing he’s said or done has invoked so much as a word from you since he’d returned home. Just a figure wisping away before his eyes, falling out of his hands before he can reason himself how to catch you.
But a man like him is used to threats and strong-arming to get his way. And though Kiyoomi doesn’t touch you, his tone is enough to make you wish he would. “You’re making a mistake. I mean it, ______. You walk out of this door and I don’t what I’ll do-“
“Move, Kiyoomi.” But you’re a contest to him. Just that nearly evokes a flinch.
Kiyoomi’s jaw tenses as you finally look up at him. And you know him well enough to know that his demeanor is a falsehood. It’s a show. A mask - not even well enough to hide that his eyes have already gone glassy. Neat scowl barely changed on his face but his fingers creak against the door frame.
He’s holding on by a thread. “You’re not leaving me.”
He steps forward as you try to step past him.
“You can’t keep me here, Kiyoomi. I don’t-“ Your voice cracks and so does his restraint. “I can’t do this with you anymore.”
“I don’t care.” Which he doesn’t mean. Really, the thought of you not loving him anymore makes him so nauseous his mouth kind of waters. He’s living out his worst nightmare right now, if you can believe it.
“You made a promise when you married me. You won’t leave me and I don’t leave you-“
Another side step. You let out a frustrated breath when he doesn’t let you push past. “You are my wife. Mine. Every breath you take is for me and you the same. That’s just how it is.”
“Get. Out. Of my way, Kiyoomi.”
“No. You need to think about this-“
“Get-“ You drop one of your bags just to push him out of your way. Nails somewhat digging into his button up but the force of the push slightly teeters him on his heel. You’re just as strong if not stronger through your resentment. Just as angry as he is if not angrier. But you’re not as ruthless as him, that’s for damn sure. And you find that out the hard way when you finally push the wrong button.
“Get out of my way, Sakusa!”
You’re pulled forward by the wrist.
It isn’t a hard enough grip to bruise but it’s stern, it’s promising something much worse should you start to pull away. - You meet his eyes and he’s wrathful. You’ve never seen him look at you like this before.
His voice is vexed, ireful and seething. “You really must be stupid if you think you’re leaving here scot-free. Do you know who I am? You think I don’t have the names of your family, your friends, any asshole dumb enough to think they matter? You really think I’m gonna let you leave here - start some worthless life with some one-off nobody? - Do you think you’re allowed to be happy without me?”
“I will kill - Look at me,” He inches you forward. “I will slaughter any and every one I have to just to make sure that I am the center of your life. Your husband. And if you think that any life, any relationship you have outside of me isn’t borrowed, then let me remind you right now,”
“You are my wife and I am your husband. Anything outside of that - is concessionary.”
You stumble as he releases you from his grasp.
Kiyoomi steps past you as you stand static still, already snatching up your bags while you look off in horror.
“Now,” He says over his shoulder. “Let me put these away for you.”
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mochiajclayne · 28 days
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These panels always get me feeling things because Law was given the angle to lie--all he had to say was the Strawhats were his subordinates and the Marines would leave them alone. It was called to attention for the readers too, through Caesar pointing it out. If he wanted to betray the Strawhats here, it would've been the perfect opportunity with an Admiral arresting them.
However, Law didn't lie and confirmed the alliance to be true. He also made sure to emphasize that the Strawhats and him are equals.
(I also checked the raw scans for this and Law says "麦わら" (mugiwara) which is up for interpretation: he could be referring to Luffy here unlike Fujitora who referred the Strawhats as a group "麦わらの一味" (mugiwara no ichimi). It's a small detail and Luffy is the captain of the Strawhats so it's association, either way.)
It's insane to stumble on discussions years ago about Law possibly betraying the Strawhats because this happened and instead of saving his hide, Law decided to buy some time for them.
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otaku553 · 1 year
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Naruhodo Legal Consultancy
(Wouldn’t it be fun if susato kept taking cases as naruhodo ryutaro post canon? As a defense lawyer employed by the naruhodo legal consultancy?)
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Danny is dead, true and well. Danny does not know he is dead. Why? Because his body still functions, his heart still beats, he can sort of feel his figures.
Danny is a full ghost, his body is 'alive' but braindead. He's literally puppeting his body, it's not like anyone's living up there. No one realizes he is possessing his own corpse. Shenanigans insue.
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ratatatastic · 1 month
"Have you ever seen [Barkov] fall? Has he ever fallen? He's never fallen his entire career!" "Uh—It's, uh, funny and I don't know if he'll care that I say this, but he's got those—he doesn't like the blades that you can snap in and out quickly. So when he needs to get his skates done in the middle of a game, he's gotta fully take off his skates, get 'em sharpened and retie them up—which is like one of the few guys in the league, I think, that still do that. So sometimes he'll have absolutely no edge, and he'll just find a way to, like, compensate and get through it—which is incredible." "That kind-of sucks though 'cuz that's like a bad dream to have. You're waiting on something else, like—even if the trainers just like snapped it back in or whatever, like maybe they had something different they can put in there. He probably wouldn't even know!" "[...] this guy's particular. He knows his game and he's goddamn good at it! And we don't say a word so!" "'Barky, we need you out there for the face off! There's two seconds left!'" "That's what I mean! He'll compensate and he'll still look better than all of us! Like if any of us had no edge like that, we'd be screwed, right? And he goes out there and does the Barky things that he does. We're all grateful for it! He's been getting me paid for 10 years now, so."
The Cam & Strick Podcast | 7.30.24 (x)
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loving my captain face... absolutely smitten with the man hes spent a decade with despite still not being invited to his house... thats love babey oh hes absolutely swinging and kicking his feet
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THE LITTLE SMILE HE MAKES AFTER HE GOES "hes been getting me paid for 10 years now so 😃"
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