#doesnt stop me from wanting to know all the details
machveil · 3 days
I blame you for my Simon brainrot, so have this:
Simon smitten with someone who is a complete nerd, just an absolute geek. Plays D&D, reads way too much, wears glasses (I double blame you for this) and dorky shirts and socks, etc. Him just sitting there listening to them ramble about something he has no clue about and then later on him referencing back because you cant tell me he isnt actually paying attention even if he doesnt have a vested personal interest in it.
I’ll happily take responsibility for Simon Riley brainrot lol
Simon Riley is absolutely smitten with Nerd!Reader - it doesn’t matter what fascinates you, he’s taken. anime, manga, comics? tell him about it. music, video games, movies? play something for him. are you into Dungeons and Dragons? he’ll listen to you explain everything - show him your dice, tell him about all the classes, spells, monsters
Simon Riley adores your glasses - prescription or not. thick frames? metal? plastic? functional or fashionable? he can’t stop looking at your face. if you do have prescription lenses you can convince Simon to try them on. they’re a little small sitting on the crooked bridge of his nose, he blinks once before handing them back, “Prefer my reading glasses.”. but if you wear his reading glasses? he’s nearly drooling, they look so charming on you - in fact, why don’t you just keep ‘em?
Simon Riley will soak in whatever you tell him. be careful talking to him about stuff you want, if you mention a certain pair of pretty dice or a new volume of your favorite series it’ll end up in your hands, cost be damned. if something is really expensive Simon will lie through his teeth so you don’t feel bad, “Was on sale, love, don’t worry. Hm? Exclusive release? Don’t know about that.”
Simon Riley, the big, hulking man he is, can be talked into cosplaying for you. he might roll his eyes, but he’s biting back a smile when you mention he would look good dressed as a certain character from a series you love. when October rolls around you might just come home to find Simon standing in the doorframe to your bedroom, dressed in oh so familiar clothes, “This what you wanted, lovie?”
Simon Riley that, even though he’s dead silent listening to you, can repeat everything you’ve said back to him. he might forget smaller details - the color of a character’s clothes, the way to specifically pronounce a name, but he remembers your favorite chapters and episodes, the class you play and your lucky dice. he might even surprise you when he talks about things you didn’t tell him, “Hm? Oh, jus’ did some light readin’ on it, nothin’ special.”
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muirneach · 8 months
im always like well ill go to bed early tonite but now im scrolling through random classmates instagrams trying to find out the gossip of everyones lives
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moonsaver · 7 months
Brain rotting with the image of Veritas on his knees, pleading but also demanding..
He insists, cutting you off. The small beat of silence is enough to deafen both of you, but you continue with a deep breath,
"..Veritas. Please. I can't ever consider this so please stop asking me–"
"I am begging, [Name]. Do you think any person of social standing would be on their knees right now?"
He looks at you with fervor in his eyes, brows tense from anxiety and poorly hidden desperation,
"[Name], just think."
Another beat of silence. He takes it as his initiative to continue,
"Think about what I am willing to offer. Imagine every detail of the life I am offering to you, [Name]. I am pleading to you."
The grip of his sturdy hands tightens over your knees, digging into the hollow where your bones end,
"Doct– Veritas, I.. can't. You know I can't accept such a condition.."
Your hands nervously but gently try to push his off, crescent marks forming from the digging of his nails into the thin skin of your knees, but he doesn't budge. His palms form warm sweat on the skin from the prolonged contact, not daring to move an inch. His chin ghosts the inside of your thighs, as he leans over more, looking up at you.
"[Name], we can go over this many, many times. You should have already come to know of my desperation. I will make compromises, so make up your mind. Time is a thin, linear membrane that continuously flows and awaits for none."
His eyebrows furrow even more, the nervous desperation being slowly replaced by irritation, and anger. Your back has started to ache from how tensed up you've been, your neck hurts from being held at an awkward angle, looking at Veritas. Just how long have you both been talking?
"I.. I don't know, Veritas.."
You've mentioned his first name this time, without any mishaps. Progress. Slow, but progress – he notes.
"I have made a multitude of compromises to our situation and agreement. Are you really not satisfied? What do you exactly desire?"
His tone is warning. He knows what you may say, and what you have been for the past several times. You know despite having him on his knees, he's the one deciding and placing every piece of the puzzle anyway. He won't extend any mercy to you.
You bite your lip.
Freedom. You want to be out of his grip. Once and for all.
He knows.
He doesnt care.
"..Nothing. I just.. need some more time. Please."
Your voice comes out a bit softer than before. His grip relaxes on your knees, the skin finally decompressing a bit, given the extra space. The air sneaks in from small gaps, cooling down the skin coated with a thin layer of sweat.
"I trust.. you will make the right decision."
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therealplaguedoctor · 2 months
Love at first bite
Max Verstappen x fem!reader
Summary- Y/n is a professional protection dog trainer, and an ex bodyguard. What happens when an old friend of hers calls in a favor: getting his friend some protection. The fans seem to love her, others not so much. Especially not her clients father. Her client enjoys her company maybe a little more then he thought after the first bite.
TLDR- a collection of series of events that ends with two people who didn't really know they were in love with each other until one confessed
Warnings- dogs and dog bites, mentions of aggressive fans, cursing, google translated dutch, Jos Verstappen, stupid warnings: author is a dumbass and pretends she knows shit(she doesnt), American spelling, I never spell check, also y/n is very badass and is kinds just built different, sorry I like writing badass characters/people, also this might be a bit ooc I'm sorry for that :/
A/n- AHHH okay so I kinda hate (hate as in thinking I could do better) and love this(?) I wish it was better written ngl but it is a oneshot so I wasn't able to go into more detail so I feel like the writing is a bit rushed sorry about that I promise I will get better in the future :,)
BREAKING NEWS: Fomula one driver Mav Verstappen got injured after crazy drunk fan attacked him.
BREAKING NEWS: Max Verstappen revealed that he is looking into more security in an interview
"We're sure you've seen the questions around what happened immediately after qualifying. Can you add anything to that situation? Like with your current security?"
Max picked up the mic wanting to be anywhere but here "well I will be looking for personal security. As all the security that is normally seen around me is provided via the FIA." He said "But to speak on that manner any behavior like that should not be tolerated" he put down the mic as the interview turned to ask Lewis a question.
After the interviews were over Max just wanted to relax and forget about the crazed fan. But before he could disappear into redbull hospitality he heard his name from a familiar voice.
"Max!" Lewis called stopping in front of him "Hey mate I think I know someone that I can call to help you with your security" he smiled
"Stellen" (bite) you yelled at Goose, which sent him barreling towards the man with the bite sleeve. Goose launched himself up and bit down on the sleeve. The man, Tony, aggressive, shook his arm.
You felt you phone in your pocket buzz with your familiar ring tone. You pulled it out and looked at the caller ID: Sir Lewis Hamilton. You answered the call before yelling "Loslaten" (out) to Goose who immediately let go of his arm.
"Hey Lewis what's up?" You asked as you waved off Tony telling him he's good to leave.
"Hey Y/n" he said dragging out your name a little
"Lewis" you said in a warning tone "what did you do?"
"Okay one rude, I didn't do anything." He huffed "but I do need a favor?" He asked
"What's up?" You asked again "it's not like you to ask for favors"
"Well: my friend, another driver, he had a fan attack him and he needs protection cause he doesn't really have a security team"
"Lewis I can't get him a trained dog in a day" you sighed
"I know" he said "but you're still a certified body guard aren't you?" He asked hopefully
"Lewis." You said
"I know it's a big ask" he said "but I was talking with him earlier and he's willing to pay big bucks for you to be protection for him AND train him a dog." He said
You sighed knowing that he'll continue until you say yes "fine" you said "when can I set up a meeting with him?"
"Uhh I can say next week tuesday? We can do whatever time" He said "cause after this race we have a small break then it's actually race week in Miami"
"Okay Lewis, I'll find a dog for him before then, and start training" you said "if you say he's serious about this then I'll belive you"
"Thank you so much" Lewis said "I'll let him know"
"Yeah yeah, bye Lewis"
You sat in your small office. You didn't use it much only for meeting with clients about protection dogs or getting their dogs trained, you wanted to have a atleast semi professional space due to your clientele.
A knock at the door cause you it sit up and stop spinning in your chair.
"Come in" you called.
The door slowly opened revealing a happy Lewis. Goose didn't move from his bed next to you instead looking up at the man.
"Hey Lewis" you smiled
"What's up?" He asked rhetorically as he sat in one of the chairs across from you.
Another man walked in behind him, he looked around the room as if taking it in, this must be Max the guy Lewis was telling you about.
"Hello its nice to meet you" you smiled as you stood up and extended you hand "my name is Y/n L/n"
He shook your hand "Max Verstappen" he said before sitting down
You did the same sitting in your chair "so I have been made aware that you're looking for a personal protection dog" you said "along with the fact in the mean time you're looking to hire my bodyguard services" you said as you pull up the contract you had drafted earlier on the computer.
"Uh yes that's right" the Dutch man said
"Okay" you said as you quickly checked over the document spinning your screen around so he can read it-
After discussing the contract along with pay you both sign it. Solidifying the deal.
"Okay so now that we have that settled" you said as you stood up "we should have you meet your new dog" you smiled "Hier" (come) Goose got up and followed you out if the room the two men behind him.
You took out the keys and unlocked the kennel for a German shepherd pup "he's still a bit young, just under a year actually" you said "but he has the basics down so it's now just bite training" you explained
Both men nodded as they watched the pup and your dog Goose interact.
Media day, the day Max wished didn't exist. He finally got out of his car as you approached him with Goose to your immediate left.
"Good morning" you smiled "large crowd at the gates, mostly photographers only a few fans, I recommend staying on the right side as you walk into the paddock" I explained "it's mostly photographers on that side and no interviewers"
Max nodded as you talked he followed your instructions. You put on your sunglasses to block the flash of the cameras.
Max made it past the hectic paddock entrance with you right behind him Goose walking by your side.
As Max walked through the paddock he wasn't approached by any interviewers. He could get used to that.
Max sat down ready to record some content for the redbulls media team. You positioned yourself out of the way but with a good view of everything as well as all the entrances.
Daniel soon arrived and noticed you almost immediately sitting down he leaned over to Max and asked "who's that? With the dog?"
"Oh that's, Y/n" Max explained "She's my new bodyguard"
"She looks badass" Yuki comments scaring the shit out of both Daniel and Max "where the fuck did you come from?!" Max shouts
You quickly looked over and watched the interaction, Yuki had been up there the entire time.
As the recording came to an end you stood from where you were leaning. Watching Checo leave, followed quickly by Daniel and Yuki who look like they needed to be somewhere. Max started towards the exit you quickly followed him.
Begrudgingly Max sat down in front of a mic that had a big 'sky sport' on it. You stood just off to the side of the camera, completely out of frame and able to watch to one side of Max as you had Goose watching behind yourself.
As Max answered the repeat questions he finally heard the one he's been dreading:
"So Max this morning you walked in with a lady who had a dog. Care to comment about that relationship?" The interviewer asked.
"She's my bodyguard" he stated
"She's your bodyguard..?" The guy asked like he didn't just hear him
"If you don't mind me asking why her?"
"She was recommended by a friend." Max said nonchalantly
"Sorry let me clarify my question" the guy said. Oh no, you knew where this was going. "Why not a male body guard they're stronger no?" He asked
"Are you insinuating that just because she's a women she wouldn't be a good bodyguard?" Max asked
"Well no-"
"No it's exactly what you're doing" he said "you media people always ask the stupid questions" he hissed "that is so fu-"
He was cut off by you "Max de camera staat nog aan" Max the camera is still on.
Instead of continuing he just gets up and leaves, cutting the interview short. You follow quickly, commanding Goose to walk next to Max as you figured Max didn't want to be approached by anyone. Scary dog privileges are the best.
He opens the door to his driver room.
"Hier, blijf" (come, stay) you quickly rattled off to Goose who quickly went to your side and stopped next to you
Max also stopped in his tracks.
"Sorry" you quickly apologized "he's trained in dutch"
Max shook his head "no need to apologize" he said and then motioned you inside "but I don't want him out in this heat please come inside" he said
You weren't gonna argue with your boss "Volg" (heel) you commanded Goose as you walked into his driver room. Max walked in right behind you.
You stood off to the side as Max sat on the couch. He quickly motioned for you to sit down. You did just that.
Goose sat at your feet between you and Max. Max was obviously still pissed at what the guy said, you could see it on his face.
"You know" Max started "I've never been a dog person" he said "I like cats more"
"Huh," you said "I've always been a dog person" you said "started with the herding dog on my family's farm"
Max nodded as you talked before asking "can I pet him?" motioning to Goose
"Oh yeah of course" you smiled "as long as we aren't in a camera shot give him all the love you want" you chuckled "gotta keep his image up of a cold blooded killer, until the media finds my insta" you chuckled.
Max smiled as he ruffled Gooses head earning a lick from the dog.
BREAKING NEWS: Max's new bodyguard, Y/n L/n has a trained protection dog named 'Goose'. Click here to read more!
One image attached!
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You and Max finally left his driver room as he had another media appearance with another interviewer.
Max walked in front of you Goose to his left. You grabbed the door opened it for him. You followed him inside "volg" (heel left), you told Goose who then fell in step beside you to your left.
You followed Max till he sat on the couch opposite of the interviewer. Instead you stood against the wall out of view of the camera.
"Okay" the interviewer said giving the signal to start rolling "so before we start with the questions: would you want to have your bodyguard sit down?" She asked, she sounded genuine
Max then turned to you "wil je gaan zitten? ze kunnen je vragen stellen..." (do you want to sit down? they might ask you questions...)
You responded "Ik vind het niet erg om vragen te beantwoorden. Wil je dat ik ga zitten?" (I don't mind answering questions, do you want me to sit?)
"Ik vind het prima als jij dat ook bent" (I am okay with it if you are) Max said
You gave a quick nod before walking over and sitting on the couch, next to Max. Turning to Goose you said "Bewaken" (guard), causing him to lay down in front of Max.
Turning to the camera the interviewer started "Hello everyone it's Stella here!" She smiled "and I am joined today by Max Verstappen and his bodyguard..."
"Y/n" you said "and Goose" motioning to your dog.
She smiled "and today we are asking the new, the old, and the frequently asked questions." She turned to Max "okay to start off, Max we'll start with frequently asked questions: do you think you'll win the 2024 world championship?" She asked already knowing the answer.
"Of course I will" Max said "if I don't have that mindset then I have no chance"
"Moving onto the old news: China after quali" she said "most fans just do wanna know what happened and are you okay"
"Well obviously I'm okay," he said "but the fan was drunk and belligerent after I was able to take the win," he said "knowing that he was outside of the paddock I shouldn't have left but I'm lucky at the security near the entrance was able to quickly get him away" he said "he surprised me honestly" he shrugged
"Okay now onto the new: your bodyguard Y/n" she said "everyone wants to know more about her" so that's why she wanted to have you on the couch.
Max quickly turned to you "Vind je het goed om te antwoorden?" (You good to answer)
You nodded grabbing the mic he held out: "it's a bit of a story but: I was actually the dog trainer for Roscoe, Lewis Hamiltons dog," you said "I'm a well known dog trainer in Miami I have trained several dogs for a lot of celebrities. Some for protection others just to have a trained dog" you said "but anyways Lewis called me I think the day of the incident" you thought "and we talked for a second and he asked if I still had my bodyguard certification" you said "which is really just a formality but for my job before I started training dogs I was security for a large club in Miami and we needed it" you explained "so after a meeting with Max we signed a contract that is basically me being his bodyguard with Goose until I have trained a dog for him" you finished, handing the mic back to Max.
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The drive to his hotel was relatively quiet besides the soft hum of the radio.
"When we arrive at the hotel do not get out" you said "keep the door locked till I have my hand on the handle" you explained "people are crazy here especially where your hotel is located"
Max nodded as you pulled the car up
You quickly got out shutting the door opening the door for Goose then opening the door for Max. People were everywhere, people shouting, some where drunk others just crazy. You quickly led Max to the entrance of the hotel and bid him a goodbye.
Friday and Saturday were uneventful. But Sunday was race day, the day the MOST amount of people all week.
Walking next to Max, "rechts" (heel right), Goose moved to the right side of Max you walked on his left side. You were able to easily enter the paddock.
Finally its race time you placed the dog ear muffs over Goose to protect his ears. The had just finished the formation lap. The lights turn red one by one, then all go out hearing the infamous "lights out and away we go"
Lando Norris had won the Miami grand prix. His first win. Max was really happy for him. Wanting to go out to celebrate but not wanting to get attacked he turned to you:
"Y/n do you mind coming out tonight?" He asked "I don't want to miss Landos first win celebration, but I you know need protection" he joked
"Sure I'll baby sit you" you joked back. Little did you know that was basically what you ended up doing.
As it was Landos first win they were going hard. You stood off to the side watching them all carefully making sure nothing happened to Max specifically. They decided to leave this bar going to the next. You follow them out walking just behind the group.
"Verstappen!" A drunken voice called, "why the fuck did you let that fuck boy win" the man slurred
Stepping between the two quickly "step back" you said firmly to the drunken man.
"What are you gonna do about it?" The man slurred
"Blaffen" (speak) you called, causing Goose to start barking aggressively grabbing his collar as he started going manic as he barked.
The man quickly backed away before almost bolting down the street you shook your head "foei" (no), Goose immediately stopped "Bewaken" (guard) he stood next to Max ready to start walking again
"We're good" you said to him and the group
Luckily nothing else happens that night. But not as lucky Max was beyond wasted. You were able to get him into the car and buckled him up shutting the door. You open the back door for Goose having him jump in. You got in and started driving realizing that you only knew where his hotel is and not his room you decide to drive to your house.
Getting him into your house was an adventure. He was basically a dead weight, after an insane amount of effort you got him onto the couch in your living room and threw a blanket on top of him. Placing some advil and water on the coffee table next to him.
As the job progressed and Max's new dog got trained many races were uneventful. The media attention on both of you had died down to what it was before Max got attacked. You are featured in some clips and interviews just answering the odd question or pulling Max away to get him out of range of anything dangerous. That is your job anyways.
The only big changes was social media: you stopped posting after getting a substantial amount of followers. People still comment on your old posts asking when your next post is. And the edits.. People are making edits of you and Goose being badass and it honestly makes you happy seeing all those cool edits. You'd take it to your grave but you love watching them in you bed late at night when you can't sleep.
It was the Austrian grad prix. Lando and Max had gotten into it on the track causing Lando to get a dnf, and Max to drop to 5th place. He stormed off disappearing before you could catch up to him.
You eventually find him sitting in one of the chairs looking at the ground, with his helmet still on. As a man you don't recognize yells at him.
"Hey!" You shout storming over "back away from him"
The man with anger in his eyes glanced at you but went back to yelling at Max. Ypu quickly said "Blaffen" (speak) to Goose, he started barking at the man
"Get back" you commanded again
Finally he looked at you "Do you know who I am?" He asked all proud
"I don't fucking care who you are" you snapped "step away from my client" you said firmly
He turned back to Max and began yelling in Dutch to fast and angry for you to make it out. You were about to intervene again until the man raised his hand as if to strike Max
"Stellen, stellen" (bite, bite) you quickly commanded Goose letting go of his collar. The dog jumped up and bit the raised arm the force sending the man to the ground.
As this is happening Max watched it, he looked up just as you called for Goose to bite his father.
You followed your dog holding the man to the ground before commanding "Loslaten" (let go) Goose dropped the now bleeding arm. "Bewaken" (Guard), Goose stood in front of Max now defensively.
Security arrived with medical and as they treated the dog bite you explained to them what happened pointing the the cameras around as well as a fan that recorded the entire interaction on his phone.
After a bit of talking and reviewing security bid you a goodbye and left. Citing that you were doing you job.
You then sat down next to Max who still hadn't taken off his helmet. "Who was that anyways?" You asked him as you quickly cleaned the blood off of Goose.
"My dad" he said muffled from the helmet
"Oh" you responded
"Yeah" Max said
The air filled with awkward silence before you said "let's get you back to the drivers room to cool down you still have interviews" Max just nodded making his way to his drivers room. You follow him inside Goose quickly settled by the door as you went to Max who sat on the couch with his helmet still on.
Reaching over you unclipped it and took it off, placing it on the table. Max took off his balaclava throwing it next to the mask.
"Sorry" you said "about your dad"
"I- no- uh" he groaned frustrated "You're fine you were just doing your job" he said a little snippy. He didn't want it to come out like that but it did.
You just nodded as he talked listening before saying "okay we gotta have you head to the media pen before someone yells at us and you get a fine" you said standing up
Max just nodded and followed you out if the drivers room.
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Media was done and all Max wanted to do was go back to the hotel. You don't blame him you'd want that too.
After the media pen Max was almost a shell of himself. So just to make sure he's okay you walked inside the hotel and got him to his room, you also needed to talk about earlier. When he opened the door to his hotel room and motioned you inside you were quick to oblige.
The room was nice it was similar to one of those one bedroom apartments just minus a kitchen.
Max settled down on the small couch letting out a sigh.
You just stood a bit awkwardly as Goose sat down next to Max's feet earning a few pets from the Dutch man.
"We gotta talk about today" you said breaking the silence
Max groaned "Do we have to...?" He asked
"I mean yeah" you said "Goose bit your father" you said "I'm sorry I didn't-" before you could continue he interrupted you
"You were doing your job" he said "you had no clue what he could have done or actually what he was going to do" Mac explained "you did what you thought was best to protect me. Which is your job" he leaned back on the couch and then muttered to Goose "thank you"
You ran through the situation in your head again. Jos, which you learned was the man's name, was actually going to hit Max.
"He was actually going to hit you wasn't he?" You asked him
Max stayed silent that's all the answer you needed
"Well now I wish I didn't tell Goose to let go"
Max cracked a smile, "thank you" he said this time looking up at you.
Both you and Max were in his driver room. It was media day for the British Grand Prix, but Max had been waiting to hear back about his next interview as the time.kept changing. You thought that they just wanted to keep him here as long as possible.
Max was watching the small TV as he sat next to you on the couch. You were on your phone just scrolling through some random social media apps. Goose was laying down by the door.
While both of yall were waiting Max fell asleep next to you. Because of the way he was sitting when he fell asleep he was leaning against your shoulder. Eventually you fell asleep too.
Later you slowly wake up but are held in place by some strong arms. You blink awake adjusting to the light. You laid on your side on the couch and where held in place by a sleeping Max. You tried to move to get up but were just pulled right back down. Giving up rather quickly you went back to sleep.
Max gently shook you awake. "Hey Y/n" he said softly, "we should head back to the hotel" he was blushing but it was kinda hard to tell in the lighting
You just nodded as I slowly got up and stretched quickly gathered you items.
BREAKING NEWS: Max and Y/n seen leaving the drivers room late at night. What does this say about their relationship: Professional? Friendly? Or is there more?
"Mate you're all over the news" Lewis said to you on the phone as you got ready
"What do you mean?" You asked as you got ready
"You and Max were spotted leaving his drivers room late last night, together." Lewis explained
"Yeah" he said "I'm at the track already and people are asking me about it"
"What have you been saying?" You asked leaving the hotel room Goose at your side
"I've been saying: I don't know the relationship, and that uh you're his bodyguard so whatever he was doing in the room you have to be there cause when he leaves you have to make sure nothing happens and shit"
You sighed "thank you Lewis" you said as you opened the car door for Goose and shut it before getting in yourself, and starting the car.
"It's no problem" the brit said "but are you two...you know..?"
"God Lewis!" You said "no we're no fuck buddies"
He just laughed "come on you knew I had to ask"
"I'm hanging up now" you said ending the call.
After collecting Max from his hotel and you started driving.
"You seen the news?" You asked
"I have yes" an uncomfortable silence filled the car before you spoke
"Lewis said that he's been telling media that cause I'm your bodyguard I have to be with you basically 24/7 so we can just stick with that" you said "I mean it is the truth"
"Yeah" he nodded quickly, he didn't know that you knew he was cozying up to you on that small uncomfortable couch.
Media was lovely that day and respected both of you- said no one ever.
Several times you had to yell at people to back up or even push a few people away. And media was eating it up:
BREAKING NEW: Y/n L/n 'defends' Max Verstappen from media is it more than just bodyguarding?
BREAKING NEWS: Y/n L/n pushes away journalists, bodyguard or overprotective girlfriend?
BREAKING NEWS: Y/n L/n thought to be more than just a bodyguard, is Max taking the 'body' out of bodyguard?
The last title made you gag how does that get approved? It doesn't actually bother you to much but it's gross.
You sat on that uncomfortable couch reading the news, almost every single station had something about you two leaving the drivers room late, or about you pushing away journalists.
You let out an annoyed huff tossing your phone on the small coffee table. Max leaned over a bit to look at it.
"Why are you looking at that shit?" He asked
You just shrugged
The last articles name caught his eye he double checked "what the actual fuck" he hissed "this is bullshit, why the fuck would the title an article this" he was pissed. You don't know entirely why they weren't saying anything about him.
"I don't know" you just shrugged
"You aren't mad at this?" He asked before continuing "It doesnt matter, I'm going to go punch the fucker who wrote the article" not wanting him in any legal trouble, mostly cause you knew he would punch the guy, you stood up and quickly blocked the door.
"Nope" you said simply "the article title is just that: an article title. I know it's not true you know it's not true so why does it matter" you asked
"It's disgusting" he said "they shouldn't talk about you-"
You cut him off "exactly! Me they are only talking about me in a bad light so why do you car so much?" You asked a little ticked that he was still trying to get passed you
"Because I care about you okay!" He confessed "I know it's dumb, you're my bodyguard and I-" he was cut off by a kiss.
You didn't know how but you ended up kissing him. He quickly reciprocated grabbing your chin pulling you closer.
As you both broke the kiss catching your breath you rested your foreheads against eachother looking into his eyes you smiled.
"When did you fall for me?" He asked
"When we cuddled on that uncomfortable couch" you smiled he blushed
"I didn't know you were awake for that" he said softly
You chuckled softly "when did you fall for me?" You asked
"It was love at first bite" He said "when you were protecting me from my father."
Then they fu-
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magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Its the little things
Description:things they do that just melt your heart
Characters:Kafka,Blade,Jing Yuan,Yanqing,Gepard,Serval,Stelle
Despite being a busy woman with lots of things on her mind and shoulders she never seems to forget a single detail about you
She knows you like the back of her hand,she knows when you're stressed,happy,hungry,bored,everything really
And despite coming home tired after a long day she immediately notices your mood,if you're sad or stressed she wastes not time pulling you into her arms to talk about it,no matter how tired she is she will listen to you
Its like she has the perfect memory,she remembers every single detail about you,whether its physical,emotional or in your behaviour
When she sees you're nervous and fidgeting with something she calmly takes your hands into hers,kisses the inside of your palm before saying
"Sweetheart,maybe you should stop letting your body do all the talking and tell me what's wrong will you?"
She would tell you with a warm smile,a genuine one
If you're not ready to talk about it she'll take your mind off of it
And if you wanna talk about it she'll listen no matter what
And nothing will ever stop her from making you her number one priority
And you may not notice that straight away,but with time that becomes crystal clear
Jing Yuan
This dozing general,suddenly becomes the most focused man in the world once you start talking
He may doze off during oficial meetings but when you're talking its a completly different story
It doesnt even matter what you're talking about,you could be talking about the dumbest thing in the world for all he cares,after all its you that's talking,who else could be more important to him?
He also has a way of always making you feel special and deserving of everything
He for one,treats you like a princess no matter what,even if he teases you often he always means it in a lighthearted way
Another thing that simply melts your heart is how he always seems to plan dates with you that he always puts a lot of effort into because he wants you to feel special on your weekly date night,lets not talk about anniversaries,birthdays,and whatnot
The way he is so sweet with the birds and animals surrounding him always seems to have a way to make you internally awe
When he's outside a bird will perch on his shoulder and he'll just pet it so softly,its like all of these birds already know him because the same ones seems to be coming and going
Now listen to me,this guy has a barely existent romantic side,but
Inbetween all of his teasing that makes you want to smack that annoyingly handsome face of his,between all of those times he looks so cold and uncaring,almost as if he doesnt enjoy your company,each and every single time you think he simply despises you he suddenly does something that shows you he still loves you just as much
He may not be the perfect lover or partner but he tries
When you wake up without him by your side you wake up to breakfast already made and a little note saying "Dont forget to eat"
When you go to bed at night and he thinks you're asleep you never miss that small 'i love you' tha the couldnt bring himself to say in other conditions
When talking with Kafka privately she cant help but point out how whipped blade seems for you,and all you can respond with is pure shock
As she lists down things you would have never noticed if she handnt pointed out or explained to you
His protectiveness over you,you're his treasure,and he is your protector after all,he cant let you get even a slight scratch
How each and every single time he tries to verbalize his feelings for you he just cant put it into words,so he uses other ways
He often brings back gifts for you from wherever he's went,and whenever he's around he never leaves your side,wanting to savour your presence just a little longer
You're in the bathroom? Fine,he'll wait by the door. You're eating? Great he'll nethier eat with you or sit next to you. You have nothing to do? Even better come do something with him
Gepard is a busy man,being the head of the silvermane guards and all,but that doesnt mean you're not one of his top priorities
Even if he is on duty or not he is always available for you,just dont try to take him away from his patrol,otherwise you're free to rant to him,talk to him,even if he'd prefer for you to go back to safety
Once he's finally off duty you and his sister are at the top of his list of people to find
After he passed by his sister's workshop he goes straight to your home like a child that is about to do their favourite activity
And even if while he is on duty he only has a short break,if its long enough he's coming to check in on you and his sister
To everyone else he is the head of the silvermane guards,a strong and unvwavering man,but to you,he's a puppy that never wants to leave your side
When he finally has the free time he's a lost puppy just following wherever you go and enjoying your presence
His sister loves teasing him about how lovestruck he is for you,but he cant deny a single thing because its all true,all he can do is shake his head at her antics and blush
Gepard also tries his best to make the most of every single moment he has with you
And he treasures everything he recieves from you,whether it be memories or physical things,whatever you gift him is sacred to him
The way Serval searches for you in the crowd during her performances and the moment she spots you her face lits up and its like she gained a new boost of energy
Or the way she wraps her arms around you lovingly and nuzzles closer to you during the mornings mumbling a sleepy 'good morning sunshine'
To her,your opinion is one of the most important things,and it simply melts you away to see the way she takes your opinion into consideration and is always so considerate of you
She may not look like the kind to be a doting mother to other people but to you,she is always like a mother nagging at you for going out into Belobog's icy wheather without proper layers of clothing like she doesnt walk around with a cropt top and without a sleeve+a skirt
Being caring and attentive is something she obtained from being Gepard's older sister
And while she thought that her habit of being protective ended once Gepard became a silvermane guard oh boy was she wrong,the moment you entered the picture she was back to her doting and and protective self,she thinks you dont like it but truly,it warms you up more than any coat could knowing this
During late nights in the workshop where you are simply falling asleep while forcing yourself to remain awake,for the sake of waiting for her to come to bed with you,she lightly scolds you about not sleeping not like she doesnt stay up until unholy hours tinkering with different things
But she'll still softly turn around to you,take you into her arms,speaking in such a soft and loving voice about how you should go to sleep
She truly knows how to turn into a puddle
You are her charger,when she comes back onto the express,tired and drained of energy she takes your hand and rags you to your room so she can lay in your arms for as long as she needs,you're a person that will never drain her energy or make her tired,you're her safe space,and she is yours aswell
She never fails to turn you into a puddle with some of her pick up lines,some are super corny,but on the rare occasion she makes the sweetest pick up lines that turn you into a blushing mess
She never stops trying to fluster you with her pickup lines no matter how far into the relationship you are or how corny they are
She'll also randomly fall asleep on you,whether she falls asleep on your shoulder,lap,or on top of you while cuddling its a sign of how much she trusts you,its a sign that she feels safe falling asleep in your presence because she knows you will take care of her while she sleeps,or sleep together with her
She also cant help the lovesick grin that forms on her face whenever you are ranting to her about something
She'll be leaning into the palm of her head,her head slightly tilted to the side as she listens to you rant with the most inlove expression you could have ever seen on her face
Also dont try to stop her from carrying everything,and i mean it,if you go out shopping she is your personal bag carrier,if you have to move something heavier in the express she is going to move it for you,no questions asked,she just wants to help you and make sure you dont over carry
She also adores when you dress in matching outfits,or if you ever let her do your hair,the expression of pure joy she has on her face is enough to melt your heart no matter how much ice or cold there may be in it
She just loves your presence and doing things for you
You can never miss the way his eye light up even at the mere mention of your name
When you walk into a room searching for Yanqing and he spots you his previously uncaring and bored eyes suddenly light up with happiness as a small smile makes its way onto his face when he sees you running up to you to give you a big bear hug
Or the way he'll always take the time to explain things to you no matter how many times he's already explained it or how easy the topic is,if you ask him something,even if he'll be giving you the same answer for 100th time he's still going to answer with the same patience and smile
Or how he lets you win during board games,or any game really just to see your happy face when you win for the god knows which time in that row,and yet he can never get upset about losing when he sees you cheering about your win
Or how he so tenderly helps you brush your hair,or do your hair care routine,how he so gently brushes through it careful as to not pull on your hair
And he's always gentle with you,not just when brushing your hair,that gentleness just makes your heart flutter
And the way he's always willing to adapt to you
If you have less energy and prefer to sleep more he'll plan activities that favour your low energy
If you are more energised that great,he has someone who can keep up with him
He'll love you nethier way really
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
ok what about watching a scary movie that doesnt scare YOU but it scares the shit out aaron?😭 or at least creeps him out more than the murders he sees 24/7
keep the light on
AWWWW omg cw; horror movie details, poor aaron baby is uneasy </3
you reached over to switch off the light, but a sudden hand on your waist halts you.
your hand stilled, fingers pulling back an inch or two but lingering within the vicinity of the lampshade. the abrupt stop caused your half of the comforter to dip downward off your body, your eyebrows furrowing in question as you peered behind at aaron.
"can you leave it on?"
"yeah," you fully pulled your hand away and turned your body, switching to your other side and supporting your weight on your elbow. this allowed you to have a clearer, better view of him. "is everything alright?"
"fine." aaron shrugged, a rather forced, nonchalant manner to his action, and in his voice. his head eased back against his pillow, searching for that comfortable spot. "just want it on tonight."
"okay." your fingers stroked through his hair, your nails scratching at his scalp gently. aaron leaned into your touch, his facial features relaxing at the contact; the small lines caused by uneasiness beginning to fade away.
the soft gesture also aided to him voicing his thoughts; safe and secure with you. but first, he stared at you, his brown eyes bordered with a hint of surprise.
confusion arose on your face. "what?"
"are you seriously not freaked out?"
"freaked out...?"
"the movie?"
"oh," you pondered, your fingers slowing as you did so. the horror film the two of you had just finished, not even an hour ago, was already long forgotten in your mind. it had been pretty standard - set in a small town, a psychotic killer on the hunt for victims, some paranormal elements to it. "i mean, not really. why, are you?"
you received a soft grunt in response, aaron now being the one to turn on his side, facing away from you.
"no!" you grabbed at his shoulder, eagerly attempting to readjust him but ultimately failing as he was much stronger than you. but after a bit of struggle, he assisted, easily succumbing and rolling back onto his back, his soft eyes gazing up at you. "are you?"
"a bit." he admitted, chuckling softly in embarrassment, despite not having a reason to be - especially not with you.
"aw," you laughed softly, a small, pitiful smile forming on your face. "i'm sorry love."
"it just..." he shivered vaguely in place, and you continued to run your fingers through his hair soothingly. "too realistic, believe me. that one scene, with the," his face scrunched a bit in disgust. "the gore, to put it simply. seen something like that before."
your face, and heart, dropped. "i'm sorry, i would've shut it off if-"
he moved his head, causing your hand to drop so he could kiss your palm. "i know. it's fine - i'm fine - really."
"are you positive?" your hand moved to his cheek, cupping it, the pad of your thumb grazing along the surface of his skin.
"completely." aaron nodded, the ends of his lips twitching into a barely there smile. his hand slid to your hip, giving it a gentle pat. "just keep the light on for me, please."
part of him still didn't sound like himself, nor was his current expression convincing at all, so you quickly decided to offer the usual, always successful reinforcement, "want me to get jack?"
jack had gone to bed hours ago, but it wasn't uncommon, in times of uneasiness, for one of you to retrieve him in the middle of the night to sleep soundly between the two of you. the close proximity, the added company, was the only thing needed, sometimes.
aaron quieted. an answer within itself.
you brushed his cowlicks away from his forehead, a kiss following afterwards. you kicked off the comforter, quickly getting out of bed. "gimme a sec."
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ganondoodle · 4 months
( totk rant?)
i have talked alot about my problems with totk in detail, as most of you probably know by now- but there really is a vibe of big ambitions but then not committing to it throughout the game
they want to have that building mechanic in it no matter what in a world that isnt in any way build around it, mister "freedom = good, linear = bad" guy wanting to give you ultimate freedom in the game (which imo leads to it being nothing again) but not committing to it and it creates a really toxic loop of things being more punishing than rewarding
you can build a fuckton of weird vehicles, but big parts, ESPECIALLY the glider, is on limited time so you cant actually go anywhere you want; they know giving you absolut freedom will remove any possible challenge- so they limit it by making the glider part timed, but then they cant do that for every single part bc it would be almost impossible to create anything that works well when every part is on a timer and you dont know how much of its lifespan is left bc you accidentally hit a fan once so now its uneven with the other one AND the more parts you have the more it uses battery, it makes sense, so you cant build soemthign super overpowered right at the start and its just kinda logical, but it leads to you being incentivised to build something with the fewest parts that dont have a timer-
then theres the battery power, which they try to limit by putting its upgrades behind multiple different currency exchanges, which is frustrating and leads to alot of grinding and gets overpowered really fast (it works against itself too that said currencies are all placed in the most undeveleoped and repetetive area of the game and are all never involved in anything interesting, its reused old enemy camps and the same mines everywhere, theres not a single reward in the underground that actually feels rewarding imo)
then you get the autobuild thing, so you can skip the building part of the building mechanic that is the main selling point of tha darn game, bc they know it can get frustrating to rebuild your things over and over so they give you a skip button for that if you are one of those players that doesnt like it BUT THEN they cant jsut let you do it for free so they give it a price, either spend the same currency you need for the exchange for the one you need for battery upgrades or spend parts you collected- both of which are things players generally save up and refuse to use (like the -never use any health potions bc what if i need it more at some point- thing is a problem for a reason)
then theres the added thing of the building stuff despawning incredibly quickly, im gonna guess its otherwise a performance problem (that the game is already struggling hard with) but it makes the entire already bad loop of trying to fix a problem with bandaids over and over even worse, you dont want to go too far away from your vehicles bc it will despawn and waste all that you used to build it, its like a leash to you stopping you from actually using it for more freedom- and potentially adds another annyoance bc you might try to bring it with you as far as you can, a monster truck in the depths you spend all your parts on gets stuck on the first bits of terrain you run into and you desperately try to get it out without destroying it, and if you cant you need to spend a ton of resources to build it again, even with autobuild
which is how you get the hoverbike, stupidly overpowered and boring but doing anything else is just less efficient in every way, it uses the least amount of battery, never breaks, is only 3 parts to rebuild
(i know me in particular doesnt enjoy the building in totk at all, for all those reasons and more ...... shiekah ........ and i know you CAN still choose to doing it more creatively, but you never need to, its entirely based around YOU making it fun for yourself, and i dont think its that controverisal to say a game should be fun and challenging without you having to create all the fun yourself and set yourself limit it all yourself)
similar goes for the dungeons, they heard you want the dungeons of old times back, but their strict adherance to freedom (which they themsleves contradict) leads to them being more breakable and less dungeony than even the titans in botw, they cant make it linear, thats BAD, so you can do any puzzle in any order, it cant build on any of the others bc you need to be able to do it when you want (the only one going slightly against that is the lightning one? maybe?), totks dungeons dont even limit that you cant climb them (even the titans in botw recognized that makign it easy to break so they are made of the same unclimbable material like the shrines and other shiekah tech) and the new abilities make them laughably easy to break ( .. im not even gonna mention the water temple one bc ... you dont even need to do anything there to break it to make it easier)
they wanted to cater to people wanting old dungeons, but didnt commit to it, making them WORSE dungeons than the titans with the only bonus being they got different designs and a longer build up to it (that often feels more like artificial filler than actually part of it ... like the missing lore tablet at the zoras and the missing part is a few steps away from it at best)
(ALL THE WHILE they DO limit you in SHRINES, you cant climb the walls again, for some reason, you can climb any other sonau structure though, why not that? idk, but dont limit it enough either bc you can break it all in really cheap and unsatisfying ways with ultrahand and time reversal alone- and they CANT limit those bc those abilities are the main ways to solve the 'puzzles'- botws abilities were .. well, limited in what they could do making them much more balanced, but moving sth with ultrahand and then stepping on it and time reversing it can be the boring solution to any 'puzzle', the best and only really good shrines are the ones that take all you shit bc it wactually forces you to be creative BC ITS LIMITING YOU)
(funnily enough a big possible reason why they removed the bombs from botw is bc of the glitches with it ...... like the new stuff isnt even worse and you dont even have to try lol)
people speculated on there being underground exploration due to the first trailer? people are worried about reusing the surface? ok they put the entirety of the surface map into the game again, but dont commit to it being a full thing, its horribly underdeveloped and filled with either nothing or reused filler material, while also neglecting changing anything substantial about the surface, and then the sky isalnds they even reduced and really there isnt anything of substance on there either besides the tutorial (hey, seriously, if one of botws most defining feature is its wide and empty sky why the hell would you decide to use that same map to put in your sky islands idea in), not commiting to one idea but doing all of them badly
ganondorf? well, they sure put him in there, but really what does he do? fuck all, the entire actual game hes jsut marinating in his own miasma juice for no reason, he doesnt have any presecne in the game, all he gets its a few scenes in the "story" that are told through memory cutscenes in a stupidly mega distant past i dont give a fuck about and all he does is go through the most stereotypical villain checklist of both actions and speech, they want ganondorf in there but dont commit to him ACTUALLY being there (listen i love ganondorf but really calamtiy ganon was more interesting than totk ganondorf ok im SORRY they did him so dirty)
they want dragon zelda and link 'losing' his arm be a big epic sacrifice but then .. again, dont commit to it, they tell you its oooh so irreversible and whatever and then at the end just fukcing reverse it, with no build up at all, and NONE of your own input, it just happens, and its not JUST zelda but also links arm, reversing it BOTH even and you dont even need to have all shrines (that are supposedly to cleanse your arm of miasma, i guess thats a non problem if you just stab the source of it to death instead)
they want it to be a sequel but also its own game, not committing to either and leaving us with this weird .... more alternative universe thing, vague references to botw but also acting like it never happened, slight changes, like zeldas hair, to make her seem different when shes exactly the same (you cant imply waifu zelda would ever age and not look like a little doll) and ignoring anything about her character from botw (no im serious, ooh shes nerdy for 3 minutes at the start and one time in a written thing from some servant of da royals in the past and thats it, interest in the shiekah? whos shiekah?- if anything her character is reversed, really having even less agency than in botw, that one decision to dragon is like, it really doesnt matter and not really her decision bc she didnt have a choice and it gets reversed anyway without her even remembering)
even retreading all of botws points (but doing it worse imo), but then attempting to differentiate itself from it by removing a big thing that made it what it is (shiekah) without giving it any or any sensible explanation among more, not committing to either sequel or AU and so doing both incredibly badly
(not quite the point but what i have been questioning for a while ... they way raurus abilities work ... so do all sonau have those? was it just a normal thing to have? could all sonau just glue shit together and jump through ceilings? he never uses anything of that when we see him? why is it just in the shrines at the start and its like .. he just gives it to you ...?? huh??is it part of his arm .. jewelry??)
(anyway, tin foil hat moment but it just feels like either there was a huge internal fight about everything or they neglected it in favor for something else, like say, a movie that earns them billions and is faster and cheaper to make than a game... or just dont care anymore i guess, idk which is worse tbh)
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enden-k · 6 months
I had a vision, so hear me out,
Ok so I hc that Aventurine would be a VERY light sleeper, even more so when there's someone else in the room. *Gestures vaguely to his backstory*
Insert "there was only 1 bed" scenario with Ratio. Aven has fully accepted that he's not getting any sleep. What he wasn't expecting was to fall asleep almost immediately and end up cuddling up to Ratio in his sleep.
Ratio on the other hand is just sitting there stuck(probably was reading before bed),  bc he dare not move and risk waking Aven up (same rules as to when your cat is sleeping on you, lets hope he doesn't need to pee anytime soon)
Anyways, that probably was the best sleep Aven had gotten in a long time.
aventurine is not only a light sleeper, hes also plagued with nightmares and often wakes several times a night. when hes sharing the bed w someone, he doesnt stay the night; so when he does end up sharing the bed w ratio for some reason hes certain he wont get much sleep - or have ratio ask questions bc the doctor is way too perceptive for his own good
a bit later and sleep finds aven easier than he thought - he got so used to ratios clean, nice scent from all the time they are together, it brings him sm comfort he wasnt even fully aware of it yet. in fact his entire presence brings him comfort so eventually he falls asleep, body curled up tight as if to protect himself still but seeking out ratios body to cuddle up to unknowingly (as if it knows ratio is "safe", safer than others, someone he can trust-)
meanwhile ratio (who had been reading yes) holds still, not daring to move. he doesnt rlly like touches much but with aventurine its different and seeing him curled up to his side, blanket wrapped like a soft shield around him for protection all the way up to his nose, soft hair falling over his face- he wants to touch him so bad; wrap his arms around him and inhale his scent, fill his lungs w him, carve every detail into his memory--
he doesnt though, not wanting to startle aventurine by suddenly touching him in such a state; instead he lets the other seek him out however he wants and when aventurine cuddles up closer and closer to him over the night, well, he cant help but melt into it
(aven does wake up once with a startle; the nightmares dont stop overnight after all)
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cottoncandyswisherz · 4 months
tell me.
Tumblr media
softdom!matt x exgf!reader
warnings: p n v, dirty talk, semi-public sex (in an office) a lil emotional
as i sat in the backseat of this car, driven by my driver, paul, i thought about everything i did to get here.
i thought about the people i left behind. my friends. people i called family. it pains me to know that they'll probably never forgive me. 
but nothing hurts more than thinking about matt. he stuck by my side through my senior year of high school. he loved me and i loved him. 
i loved him more than anything i've ever known. 
my biggest regret is listening to my fucking parents when they told me that he wasn't going anywhere. that his dream of being an influencer was unlikely to come true. i listened when they told that i should just go to howard and become a lawyer and forget all about him.
but i never forgot. how could i?
im jolted out of my thoughts when the car eases to a stop. 
its almost mechanical, the way i grab my brief case, and step out of the car, into the building and onto the elevator. 
im here to negotiate the terms of a brand deal between an influencer and my firms client, CHERRY LA.
who this person was, i had no idea. this wasnt my case. i'm just a associate. this client belonged to one of the partners who dumped it on me. 
again, im jolted out my thoughts when the elevator stops. i look up to see who's gonna be joining me and to make room for them but i freeze. 
my breath stalling in my chest. 
my heart does a quick double beat. 
here, in this small elevator, over a thousand miles from massachusetts, i find myself standing a foot away from the boy who changed my life. 
he doesn't look surprised. he doesnt look shocked. he looks pissed. 
"matt." i whisper his name.
in one quick movement, matt closes the gap between us. his hands come up to the sides of my face. he leans in, his bright blue eyes inches away from mine. i'd forgotten how bright his eyes were. i swore i'd memorized every detail about him, but- being this close again, feeling his heat again- is setting my body on fire.
"y/n." he growls my name. 
he leans in at the same time i push up onto my toes. our lips collide, his mouth is warm and soft and demanding. i grab onto the front of shirt, vaguely aware that the elevator doors have shut, and it feel like we're moving. 
matts hands slide around to the back of my head. his fingers gripping my hair. the tug is enough to tilt my head. taking instant advantage of the new angle, matts tongue slides against my bottom lip. i nip at him as he pulls my hair, causing me to groan. 
he presses against me, bringing our bodies flush. 
i'd missed him. missed his body. missed the way he makes me feel. 
when matt breaks the kiss, i realized that elevator has stopped, and the doors are sliding open again.  
he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers, and pulls me out to follow him. the move has me flashing back to when he took me with his family to vermont and he was dragging me through the woods to show me the creek that he loved. his grip on my hand is now even more passionate than it was then.
i almost have to hog to keep up with his long strides, not sure where hes taking me. the lights are off, but i think we're on the top floor. the executive floor. where my meeting is. 
my meeting is in 20 minutes, but for him, im saying fuck the meeting, fuck the job, fuck the career, fuck the rest of the world. 
matt steps through an open door, pulling me with. he stops suddenly, turning back to face me. with his free hand he reaches out to slam the office door shut.
"where are we?" i ask.
"in a room with a lock. 
matt walks into me, using his body to press me against the door. 
i hear the click as he locks the handle. adrenaline surges through my body. i know what he wants. 
and i want it too. 
i let go of matts hand so i can use both of mine to push his jacket off his shoulders. he lets me, but as soon as it hits the floor he crowds back into my space. 
in a move i've only ever seen in movies, matt reaches down, grabs my hips, and lifts me. pinning me against the door with his body between my legs. my thighs automatically wrap around his waist. my arms around his neck. my mouth fusing to his. 
his hands are so large the nearly cover my entire ass as he grinds into me. matts mouth leaves mine, trailing open mouthed kisses down my throat. reaching my collar bone, he scrapes his teeth across my skin. the sensation sending a shiver straight to my core. 
pulling us away from the door, matt supporting all of my weight, he walks us across the room. i drop my lips to that hollow spot at the base of his throat and lick. 
"fuck, sweetheart." matt grinds the words out.
that name. that silly pet name he used on me seven years ago. i never realized how much i loved it until i wasnt hearing it anymore. i sink my teeth into the side of his neck. this boy- no this man, has turned me back into a 18 year old girl. being so close to him, all i feel is safety and desire. 
"why'd you leave me? why'd you run?" his questions rumble through my body. 
i shake my head against him. "if i didn't leave then, i'd still be there." 
a crack sounds throughout the room, accompanied by a sharp sting on my ass. 
i rear my head back. 
he narrows his eyes at me, daring me to talk back and get spanked again. "you didn't say bye." 
he stops walking and lets go of his hold on me. i only drop a few inches before i find myself sitting on top of a desk. 
he leans in close. "and you kept my clothes."
he hands start on my bare knees, and slide up my thighs, pushing my dress up as he goes. "tell me youre sorry." 
when i dont reply, he pinches my hip. 
i  startle and whisper, "im sorry." 
"good girl." he kisses me once more. brief but hard. 
pulling away from the kiss, he presses on my chest until im laid out on the desk. 
"i should bend you over this desk. fuck you from behind. pull you hair. smack your ass until its red. punish you for what you did." his breathing gets heavier with each word he bites out.
holy shit. the idea of getting punished has never turned me on before, but his filthy words have me soaked. 
matt steps from between my legs, undoes his belt, lowers his zipper then his pants. finally he releases his already hard cock. his pants, around his knees, he steps back between my spread thighs. 
i've never been an extremely sexual being, but the sight of him, long and hard and ready, has my mouth watering. 
"i should do that." he says. "but i want you like this. i want you watching me. seeing what you missed." 
he grabs my hips and pulls me until my bottom half is hanging off the desk. i reach up and grip the edge of the desktop above my head. if he steps away from me now, i'll slide off. 
matt groans as he pushes the skirt of my dress over my waist. "fuck sweetheart. look at you."
he runs a finger over my clothed core, demonstrating how wet my panties are.
with one hand he pulls the fabric to the side, revealing my pussy. with his other hand he strokes the tip of his dick up and down against my entrance. 
"tell me you want this." he demands.
i dont hesitate. "i want it. i want you."
matt pushed in one inch. "say it again."
i moan. "i want you. please. please!" im begging for him to fuck me.
he pushes in another inch. "tell me you thought of me. tell me youve thought of my cock inside you. stretching this perfect pussy." 
his voice is strained. hes trying to stay in charge. but i know hes close to losing it. 
i roll my hips up, trying to get him deeper. 
another smack sounds through the room. with my ass hanging off the desk he still has access to my bare skin.
"tell me." he growls.
"i've thought of you." i pant. "i couldnt stop thinking of you. matt, please." 
a change comes over his eyes. its small, but watching it happen was like watching a flower bloom in 3x speed. like he was opening himself up. i said exactly what he wanted, but he knew, it was exactly what i felt as well.
in one sudden move, matts lips crash against mine at the same he pushed his cock inside me. all the way to the hilt. in one hard thrust. the feeling of him filling me again, combined with the emotional wave of my confession, is too much. the sensation is too overwhelming. i cry out in shock and pain and pleasure. 
he pulls out, presses in, and just like that, im a puddle on this desk. my orgasm hits me like a slash of cold water, my breath leaving my body completely. 
im caged in. matts encasing me. one hand holding my face, his mouth mouth plundering mine, his other hand squeezing the back of my thigh. my body doesnt know whats going on. my pussy is throbbing with each thrust, matching matt. my minds so blurry i cant form words, and i think i have tears in my eyes. 
"fuck. y/n. fuck." matt buries his face in my curls. "you feel so good."
im lost in him. in this moment. in the experience. sense of time evades me, and i feel myself hanging on for dear life. i dont want it to ever end, but im afraid i wont survive another minute. 
his thrusts are getting slower. harder. his movements jerky. 
matt groans against my neck. "goddamn, you feel so fucking good." 
he slams into me hard. once, twice, then i feel his thumb on my clit. my body can't take it. i think i've been suffering from one long never-ending orgasm this whole time, but that doesn't stop my body from starting all over. i shatter. moaning loudly. clawing at matts shoulders. arching against his body. 
"thats it, sweetheart." one more thrust and matt stills. his body going tight. his groan of release filling my head. his actual release filling my cunt. 
he raises up and looks me dead in the eyes. im mesmerized by his blue orbs. so bright. full of hope and hurt. 
"im sorry, matt." i murmur, letting the tears fall. 
then a phone rings and we're brought back to reality. matt pulls out of me and i moan quietly. 
while he answered his phone i just lay there on the desk, trying to get myself together. 
"yeah nick, im on the way." i hear matt say, before hanging up and walking over to me. 
"i have to go, but we're gonna talk. i promise. i just have this meeting with this brand and chris really wants to team with them-"
"brand?" i ask. "what brand?" 
"CHERRY LA." he answered" "chris really like their clothes and we're here to negotiate the terms of our deal." now he's getting himself together, pulling his pants up and grabbing his jacket off the floor. 
"matt." he stops what he's doing. "im CHERRY's lawyer. your meeting is with me." 
he smiled. "of course it is. i made sure we only spoke to the best attorney in california."
niyah speaks i been watching suits teeew much guys. anyways new chapter for against all odds tonight!!!
remember that if no one loves you, mommy loves you (and my mommy i mean me)
taglist: @mattslolita
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reidmania · 3 months
chapter one ;
in which spencer knows falling for a victim is wrong, but he cant help himself.
warnings ;
all chapters of this will contain strong mentions and descriptions of rape and murder, violence, eating disorders, suicides, abuse, sexual jokes and references, and all the criminal minds stuff, please be aware of this when reading.
a/n ;
around 3k words idk tbh
this is based in the earlier seasons and doesnt follow an exact plotline, its kinda all made up, if things are inaccurate i apologise, please RESPECTFULLY let me know and ill do what i can to correct it!!
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"Kay pretty boy, heads up" The voice came from the familiar voice, belonging to the all well known, his best friend; Derek Morgan.
Spencer furrowed his eyebrows as he turned his head, the nickname had developed between the two pretty quickly, it was simply teasing.
His hand came in contact with the book that traveled away from Derek's own, it was a basic copy of the illustrated man by Ray BradBury, one of his favourites.
"Whats this for?" Spencer asked, eyebrows still furrowed as he looked up from the book back to Derek who was now leaning against Spencers desk, hip to desk.
Derek chuckled, "Its your favourite right? I wanted to give you something you could read on the jet" Derek shrugged simply.
Spencer hummed, furrowing his eyebrows further as he let the book rest on the edge of his desk, his head shook for a moment as he tried to figure out why Derek would think he would have to re-read the book when he could literally recite it word for word.
"You do know I have an eidetic memory right?" Spencer asked, his head tilted slightly to the side as he looked up at Derek.
Derek only nodded, shrugging his shoulders. "I don't know man, you have read like every book in the world. I figured Id at least gift you a copy of something you like, why can't you just be grateful?" Derek said, his tone shifting to teasing rather quickly.
Spencer let his face relax, a simple shake of his head. "Thank you." He said simply, "We have a case?" He asked, mind replaying back to Derek's mention of the jet.
Derek nodded, and then as if on cue Hotchner and Gideon walked through the doors. The all familiar stern look covered Hotch's face as he looked over at the two boys.
"We don't have time to discuss, we need to go." He said sweet and simply.
Spencer nodded his head, pushing away from the desk. Morgan mirrored his actions. The two wasted no time getting their stuff before following the two older men out.
"Where are we going?" Morgan asked, seemingly enthusiastic. Spencer frowned slightly as he noticed they weren't walking in the direction of the jet.
"To the police station to get further details on the case" Gideon said, looking behind him at the two younger boys. Derek frowned, "The case is here?" He asked.
Spencer hummed, "Absolutely 65% of cases here that happen daily that we don't get called in on because we are out of town working on other cases" He muttered, although no one asked for the random bit of information he could stop it from spilling past his lips.
"Where's JJ and Elle?" Derek asked, obviously the two girls weren't around.
"They already left." Hotch said
Gideon nodded his head in agreement. "Do you remember the 10 murders that happened one after the other over the course of a month, about two years ago?" He asked the two boys.
"Which one?" Derek said, tone dripping confusion.
"2 women every week until the unsub killed four girls, in one day. He was the one that would target specific types of women, they all looked and acted the same, he would drug them and rape them and then kill them and leave their bodies out in the open" Spencer muttered as he and Derek got into the back seat of the car.
"I thought he was caught, and the case was closed?" Derek asked, eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked over at Spencer, who seemed to had thought the same of him.
"So did we." Hotch said simply.
Spencer sat up a little bit straighter in his seat, pulling his hand to his hair to put a bit of hair out of his face. "Was there another murder?"
Gideon shook his head as he turned back to look at the two boys.
"She survived."
"How do we know it's the same guy?" Derek asked, as they walked into the police station, they were met with many familiar faces, officers they had worked with on many cases before.
"We don't, not for certain but her story matches all the others, and she is exactly the type." Hotch said, taking the lead as they walked up to the commanding officer.
"Aaron Hotchner, with the bau, we need a conference room and to talk to the victim." He said.
Spencer tried his best not to watch in awe at how swiftly the elder did his job, he had the introduction down pat. Hotch and the commanding officer talked for a moment before they were directed to an empty conference room, where they each placed their stuff.
"Shes going to be sensitive, this would've been traumatic and we have to be insanely careful with how far we push." Hotch said, looking between Derek and Spencer.
The two nodded as Derek dove into the case file, reading over the contents of the piles and piles of paper. "Reid, come in with me to talk to her." Hotch said, nudging his head towards the door in the other room.
"Hey guys" All four of the men turned their head to face the blonde girl who walked into the room with a tray of coffee's.
"Hey JJ, how is she?" Gideon asked, wasting no time reaching out to take one of the coffee from the tray now placed on the table. JJ shrugged, "I want to say shes okay but that seems insensitive. Elle is in there with her now, she would know more than I do." JJ said, before handing another file in Derek's direction.
"Oh my gosh, how many files are there?" Derek complained. Spencer held back from saying how it really wasn't that much — because it was — just not to him. "Shes nice, funny, don't treat her like glass I think that makes it worse" JJ warned the boys simply, handing a coffee to Derek, who took it gracefully.
When she held out one to Spencer he was quick to thank her and take the coffee off her hands, but with no plans to drink it.
"Ready Reid?"
Spencer felt like the breath had been knocked out of his chest when his eyes rested upon the girl sitting in the corner of the room.
The chair had been pulled away from the interrogation table, instead placed against the wall in the furtherest wall away from the door.
He watched as the girls eyes traveled upwards to the door as the two men entered the room. Elle turned her head after, nodding as she stood up.
"These are some of my coworkers, you can talk to them, okay?" Elle said, Spencer watched the interaction and watched as the girl nodded her head.
"Im Agent Aaron Hotcher, with the FBI." Hotch introduced himself, taking a sensitive step towards the table. Spencer stayed in place.
"Im Agent Dr Spencer Reid." He introduced, although it felt like his throat had been closed off. His eyes stayed on hers and he felt like he was drowning when she smiled softly at him.
"Im Serenity May." Her voice was sweet like honey and Spencer had to remind himself to keep it professional as he felt his head began to swarm.
that never happened before.
Hotch offered the girl a half hearted smile, of course they already knew her name. They had an idea of what she looked like, since the unsub had a specific type.
Brunette, short, pretty face, younger than he was, girls who dressed nice, who smelt of vanilla. Every one of the victims had the same use of vanilla perfume.
Although that was something that was different, the brunette girl across the room didn't smell of vanilla. She smelt of honey and caramel, the scent took over Spencers senses.
"We need to ask you a few questions but you know how much you talk about and how deep we go is completely up to you." Hotch said, Pulling a chair to sit down, he sat at the table but made no effort to try and get the girl to move out of her place in the corner of the room.
Serenity nodded her head softly, a loose strand of brunette hair falling over her face. Spencer noticed how she was quick to push the hair back behind her ear. He noticed the way her knees were pulled up to her chest, and the way her chin rested upon them. He tried not to over analyse her body language, but he couldn't help it.
"I have a question though." She spoke up, Spencer felt his chest twist all over again with every word that left her lips. He hated the way his entire body was reacting, it was inappropriate.
"Of course, you can ask anything." Spencer said softly, taking a few steps around the room to lean against the table as he crossed his arms over his chest, leaning his hip comfortably against it.
She chewed at her lip for a moment, looking at Elle. Spencer watched the two hold eye contact before the brunette turned her head again to face the two men.
"After this.. Can I go home? I really just want to go home" The words came out desperate and sad, it broke Spencers heart because they would have to tell her No.
"Unfortunately not, If you escaped, then he would be looking for you. This is where you are safe" Hotch answered.
Spencer watched as the girls smiled dampened slightly, nontheless she nodded her head in understanding. "Okay. I get it, you guys can ask your questions now."
Hotch started, simply asking you to explain what happened in as much detail as possible without it being too much for you.
Spencer listened to her speak as if his life depended on it. His eyebrows furrowed slightly when she mentioned how she had been with the unsub for two days, yet no one filed a missing person report, when he was asked about it, the answer didn't help the way his heart was tearing away from its self as she exposed every little bit of her story.
"I don't have any family around here.. And I just finished university, things get busy. The people in my life are use to be not being able to answer for a few days.." It was horrible. Truely.
"You don't have any friends around here, room mates?" Hotch asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly.
Serenity's frown only deepened at the mention of being slightly called out, "Well — No. Not really. I live alone, I wasn't all that social in uni.." She says, eyes shifting between Spencer's and Hotch's.
"What were you studying?" Spencer asked, passing it off as a question for the case, not a question for his own curiosity, trying to figure out her interests. That always helped in these cases anyways.
"Psychology." She answered simply, eyes lingering on Spencers for a minute. "Which Im regretting now because all I can think about is how maybe there is a valid reason he did this." She muttered quietly, as if she was so ashamed of the thought.
Spencer shook his head, "There is no valid reason for what he did to you." He was quick to say it. Because morally, there wasn't, and the idea of her sitting there trying to justify sickening actions because of something that might be wrong with the guy made Spencers stomach clench.
"Maybe it's valid to him." She spoke, still maintaining the eye contact between herself and Spencer, but her voice was soft and quieter than before.
"That doesn't make it okay." He said, eyebrows furrowed in a slight look of disapproval of the perspective she was providing. The girl's lip quipped up slightly as she noticed The agents expression. "I know that. I can't stop thinking that I got lucky, which is so horrible. Ten girls before me were raped brutally and Murdered and I wasn't.. It feels selfish for me to be happy about that."
She spoke with so much doubt in herself it was almost hard to listen to, because all Spencer wanted to do was sit there and tell the girl everything she was feeling was completely valid and normal, for hours, until she believed it.
Unfortunately that was unprofessional.
Elle spoke up before either of the men could, "Oh babe. I am so sure every single one of those girls are smiling down at you, so insanely proud of what you did." Spencer couldn't have worded it any better, he watched her frown shift slightly, not disappearing but that wasn't expected of her.
"Then I guess I need to give those girls the justice they deserve.. Where were we."
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scarlett-or-wtv · 2 months
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Missed you,
A Christopher Sturniolo Fanfiction
ex!Chris x Reader
Warnings: no use of y/n, smut, ex boyfriend, pet names (baby, princess, mama, good girl, baby girl), oral (fem), p in v, alcohol, semi rough, soft!dom!Chris, begging, creampie, no protection, spanking, praise, party
Summary: You see your ex Chris at a party and try to ignore him…but that doesn’t work out so well.
A/N: is this short? Medium? Idk. Basically just wrote this cause i was bored and had an idea. Enjoy! P.S im so fucking hungry rn chat 😢
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I arrived at the party around 8pm. I honestly didn’t want to go at all but my friends invited me and I had nothing better to do. My eyes fell on him immediately as I walked in. Even the sight of him is fucking annoying. Why does he have to be everywhere?
I hate him. Truly. Through and through. So why was him talking to some cheerleader pissing me off? Honestly, no idea.
The girl was blonde anyways. He doesnt like blondes. She meant nothing. Just a distraction from the overwhelming scenery.
Avoiding him was on the top of my bucket list. I went to the kitchen to pour myself a drink, trying to forget about his existence as a whole.
“I thought that was you.” His voice sent a shiver down my body. I clenched my eyes shut in frustration before turning to him.
“Half the school is here. Why wouldn’t I be?” I stated bluntly taking another sip of my drink while observing the atmosphere around me.
“Because you hate parties.” He said knowingly. Why does he have to know things?
“People change.” I said with a shrug, still not meeting his piercing gaze. He didn’t say anything. The silence suddenly started to annoy me. “Is there something you want?” I ask.
“I miss you.” He said looking over my face. He always seemed to observe every detail.
“No you don’t.” I said with a glare.
He suddenly stepped closer, tilting my chin up as he caressed my jaw with his thumb. “I do.” He said again.
“I don’t believe you.” I whispered.
He suddenly leaned forward and ghosted his lips over mine, asking for permission. I hate you Christopher.
I nodded, giving him permission to kiss me. He pressed his lips into mine so gently, so perfectly. My hands went around the back of his neck and into his hair, pushing him impossibly closer.
When the kiss broke he leaned his forehead against mine. “Do you believe me now?” He asked, his voice almost a whisper.
“I don’t know.” I said honestly, avoiding his gaze again as I looked down.
“Tell me what I need to do.” He said desperately. His hand rubbed circles on my thigh.
“Can you take me home?” I asked, finally meeting his eyes.
“Of course, baby.” He said lifting me up from the counter and placing me back on my feet.
He walked behind me with his hand on my hip as we navigated through the crowd and outside. He took his keys out of the pocket of his sweatpants and clicked the unlock button.
I was about to open the passenger door when he stopped me and opened it for me. He always insisted on doing that.
I settled into the passenger seat and looked out the window as he started the car. The only sounds heard were the hum of the car and the quiet music playing over the radio.
He eventually pulled into my driveway, the car coming to a stop. I looked at my house, lost in thought for a moment.
“You wanna come in?” I asked turning to him.
“Thought you’d never ask.” He said getting out of the car and running to my side to open my door.
I giggle at his antics. “You’re so stupid.”
“You love me.” He said with a playful smirk.
I rolled my eyes. “We’re going through my window. Mom’s home.” I explained.
He nodded and started leading me around the back of the house. He opened my window and let me climb in first before following after me.
I sat down on my bed as he looked around my room. I watched him as he inspected every detail. “Why are you acting like you’ve never been in here?” I asked with a giggle.
“Im usually focused on you when im here.” He said stepping forward to stand above me. I tilted my head up to look at him. “So pretty.” He muttered running his thumb over my bottom lip. My cheeks flushed at his actions.
“C-Chris..” I stuttered out. He looked from my lips to my eyes letting out a questioning hum. “Can we..? Please?” I asked hesitantly.
“Can we what baby? Tell me what you want.” He said, his voice dripping with seductiveness. His tumb moved from my lip to my cheek as he caressed my face.
“Please just fuck me.” I breathed out. My head tilted into his touch involuntarily.
“So needy.” He said gently pushing me back into the bed. He crawled over me, kissing my neck and collarbones. His trained hands worked on the button of my jeans, never lifting his mouth from my neck.
I gasped as he yanked my pants down. I felt him smirk against my skin. He finally stood up, grabbing the hem of my shirt.
“This has to go baby.” He said looking down at me. I nodded before pulling it over my head, leaving me in my bra and panties. He trailed his hands over my curves. “So beautiful.” He breathed.
He pulled his shirt off before grabbing my legs and dragging me to the edge of the bed. He got down onto his knees and trailed kisses over my thighs. I whimpered in anticipation.
“You’re so desperate. How cute.” He chuckled against my skin as his mouth trailed painfully slow to where I needed it most. I gasp as he kisses my clit through the cloth of my panties.
“Please..stop teasing.” I whined in frustration, trying to push myself into his face. He grabbed my thighs and held me in place.
“Behave or I wont give you what you want.” He said sternly. I nodded in agreement, only because I was so desperate for any sort of touch from him. He kissed my thigh again then moved further up to take the hem of my panties in his teeth before tugging them down. I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra, tossing it onto the floor.
His tongue flicked over my clit making me arch my back with a throaty moan.
“I’ve barely even touched you, baby.” He chuckled. “You’re so sensitive.” He teased before licking a stripe between my folds. I high pitched moan fell from my lips as he licked figure eights over my clit.
“Shhhhh” He hushed. “You’re gonna wake up your mom, princess.” I nodded and bit my lip in attempt to keep my moans in. He continued the movement of his tongue, every lick building onto the pressure in my abdomen.
“Chris..need to- please.” My words came out in mixed rambles as my mind went blank. His nose grazed my clit with every lick. My legs shook as the band in my abdomen threatened to snap at any moment.
“Cum in my mouth, baby.” He purred as his movements sped up. My back arched and my eyes rolled as I struggled to stay quiet. My hand gripped desperately onto his hair as my orgasm washed over me.
I looked down at him, he lifted his head to meet my gaze, chin and lips soaked with my juices. My body continued to quiver with the intensity of my orgasm. “You’re so fucking good at that.”
“I know.” He said with a smirk. He stood up, the bulge in his pants unmistakable. “Hands and knees. Now.” He commanded as he worked on his belt. I obeyed him without question and got onto my hands and knees, ass to him. “Such a good girl.” He praised, massaging my ass with his hands.
I whined as I felt him press his tip against my entrance. “This what you want, mama?” He coo’ed. I nodded, he suddenly slapped my ass. “Words, baby girl. Wanna hear you say it.” He muttered.
“I want you inside me. Please.” I moan out my words, my ass stinging from his harsh smack. He groans at my words before pushing into me slowly.
“Fuck….such a perfect pussy..so fuckin’ tight.” He moaned leaning forward to cover my mouth with his right hand, his right gripped tightly to my hip. He thrusted into me fast, giving me no time to adjust.
I moaned into his hand as my eyes started to water. His tip slammed against my cervix with each thrust, the pain was so pleasurable. He leaned down to whisper in my ear.
“You feel that, baby? Feel how deep I am?” His words were punctuated by a groan. I nodded due to my inability to speak. “Gonna cum so deep inside you princess.” He muttered into my ear, making me moan into his hand.
My legs shook again as another orgasm threatened to rip out of me. His tip rubbed against my g-spot triggering my release. I screamed out a moan that was muffled into his hand. I felt him twitch inside me, meaning he was close.
He thrusted for the last time, slamming into my cervix as he painted my walls white. He let out a groan of relief before standing up and pulling out. I whimpered as he slipped out of me.
“You did so good for me. Took me so fuckin’ well, mama.” He praised as he pulled his boxers back on. I turned over and laid on my back panting heavily. He picked up my panties and tossed them at me.
“Thank you.” I said grabbing them before sitting up and sliding them up my legs. He laid back onto the bed. I laid next to him resting my head on his chest. “Missed you.” I murmured.
He smiled. “I missed you too, baby.” He whispered before kissing my forehead. We stayed there for awhile before it got really late and he had to go home. He put his clothes on and I put on a hoodie. He climbed out of the window before starting to leave. “Chris.” I called out to him leaning out of the window.
“Hm?” He hummed walking back to my window. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back, his tongue exploring my mouth. I pulled back, my fingers running through his hair. I rested my forehead against his. “I love you.” I whispered.
He chuckled. “I love you too, baby.” He said with a smile.
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A/N: do yall fw this or what. Lmk.
Click here to find my masterlist☆
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nicksbestie · 6 months
HI!!!! im back hehe >:]
can u please write an fem agere!reader x [kinda] cg jake & johnnie where;
> reader is colouring and starts slipping into a regressed mind without trying
> jake n johnnie then start talking to her but shes all baby [she doesnt realise while shes talking to them]
> so they both gotta figure it out [theyre confused at first]
> then when they realise whats going on [bc she told them about it a while ago] they try to take care of her
[hope this makes sense LOL]
Coloring - Johnnie Guilbert + Jake Webber
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Summary : When an activity that you're doing to cure boredom causes you to slip, you're incredibly lucky that your best friends are so wonderful.
Pairing : Jake Webber/Reader (platonic), Johnnie Guilbert/Reader (platonic)
Word Count : 1276
Warnings : none!!
A/N : This is an age regression fic, which is purely safe for work and innocent. Any hate/disrespect towards me, my work, or readers, will not be tolerated.
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There were some activities that never stopped being fun despite the process of growing up. Coloring was one of those things for you, and it had always been something that you did for fun, to unwind, and you had continued to enjoy the activity regardless of how old you were. It was something that turned off your brain for a while, and let you relax, listen to music in the background, and just tune out the rest of the world. You loved the way that it was able to give you some quiet space for yourself, knowing that you often needed it. However, sometimes the activity could be more child-like, and it could be a trigger for your headspace. 
It wasn’t often that just the simple thing of coloring pushed you into your headspace, but if you were really exhausted, or upset, or if you were feeling any other emotion stronger than you normally would be, then it was a possibility that it could cause you to slip. This was why you would usually color alone if too tired or sad, just so that you didn’t run the risk of anyone walking in should you slip. You lived with your two best friends, who both knew about your littlespace after a long, awkward, conversation, because they came home once while you were small. They had luckily been incredibly accepting and loving, and had been there for you when you needed anything since that point. 
You hadn’t taken them up on it, not wanting to bother them, and still having some anxiety around it. But you made sure that they both knew just how much you appreciated the support and kindness that they consistently displayed, always making sure that you were happy, as much as possible. Jake had already had his assumptions about what was going on before he found out, but he had pushed it to the back of his mind until that one day that he had walked in. He was always the most gentle with you, always watching to make sure that everything was okay, that you were comfortable and felt safe, even in his own presence. 
Today, you weren’t feeling upset at all, and so, you were coloring at the coffee table in front of the television. There was a random show playing in the background, and you were working on a mandala coloring, switching from marker to marker every time you started on a new detail. You had been working on it for a while, and were almost finished with it. By the time you finished it, you set it to the side, tearing another of the mandala designs out of the book, since it had perforated pages. It was much easier for you to color when your page was directly on a flat surface and not just the book, and you didn’t have to worry about the markers bleeding through the paper onto the design behind it, effectively ruining it. 
You were about halfway through the next drawing when you heard the garage open, and Jake’s car pulled in seconds later. You were glad that the garage had alerted you to them being home, because your back was facing the door, and if they had just walked in behind you, it probably would’ve startled you. You didn’t acknowledge when the door did eventually open, until you heard Jake yell a loud “We’re back!”. You smiled, turning around to wave at them, returning the hello as well. Johnnie walked over to see what you were doing, hugging you before glancing down at the paper in front of you. 
“What’cha coloring?” 
You smiled, picking up the page and showing it to him. You were always incredibly proud of the colorings that you had finished, because to you, it showed a lot of patience and dedication. Johnnie smiled, telling you it looked amazing. Jake put the stuff that they had bought, probably for his next video, and walked over to also take a look. He saw the one you were working on, and the one that you had finished earlier. 
“These look amazing! I love them.” 
You smiled, the praise getting to you and causing you to blush a little bit. You couldn’t deny that you did seek their approval, and it always made you feel super happy when you got it. Not that it was hard to earn, but still, it always felt like somewhat of a reward. You weren’t overly tired or upset today, but the gentle praise and soft smiles did make you feel like you were going to eventually slip. Choosing to not say anything else, you just continued to smile and work on the page you were coloring. Johnnie sat down on the couch next to you, passing you markers every now and then, throwing an arm around you and watching the show you had turned on as well.
Jake was doing something or other in the kitchen, probably making food, and when he offered Johnnie chicken nuggets, he noticed the way you lit up and immediately put some in for you. Once they had finished cooking, he brought you over a plate at the same time that he brought the nuggets over for Johnnie. You noticed once it was sitting in front of you that all of the nuggets were cut into smaller pieces, and you had a feeling that these two were just out to get you. 
“Be careful, okay? You don’t wanna spill anything on the couch.” 
Nodding, you started eating, continuing to color between bites. It was the combination of the cut up food, the coloring, the comforting arm around your shoulders, and the babying tone that was being used when speaking to you that caused you to eventually give in to your headspace, yet staying quiet because you do still harbor a little bit of fear about it. It wasn’t until Jake and Johnnie began having a conversation, filled with cursing and inappropriate jokes, that they realized. They made a crude joke to you, and you simply just stared at them, mumbling a soft 
“Don say dat. Bad words.”
It was at this point that they simply stared back at you, completely confused at the sudden change, before snapping out of it. Jake was the first one to say anything, passing you another marker and side hugging you. 
“You’re right, honey, I’m sorry.” 
When Johnnie realized the tone of voice that was being used, he understood what was going on, and he couldn’t help but think that you were absolutely adorable. They both felt so honored that they were trusted with such a vulnerable part of your life. They both began making sure that everything around you was appropriate. Johnnie switched the channel, and Jake gently offered a different coloring book, one that had lots of cartoon characters in it. He didn’t make you take it, but he offered it to you, just in case you’d want it. Those designs would take a lot less patience to finish, thus possibly avoiding a potential meltdown. Jake easily cleaned up the dish once you finished your food, bringing you some juice to drink, and making sure that you were always wrapped up in someone’s arms, and feeling safe. 
The rest of the night went arguably the best you could’ve asked for, neither of them blinking an eye at the babyish vocabulary, or the emotional state that you had sometimes. They both knew that when you were no longer in headspace, you would probably be anxious about what had happened, and they were fully prepared to reassure you and tell you that they loved caring for you.
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~ taglist : @jake-and-johnnies-slut @gvf23 @elliem505 @ilydeaky @maryx2xx @oobleoob @aemrsy @blahbel668 @mystic-maniac @maddytheweird @707xn @jasperthefriendlyghostt @camille-1019
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pestorik · 3 months
Hello! Can you give some crumbs on Trey in the twst adventure time AU? I love his concept so much and I want to hear more on it even if it isn’t a lot 💚
-Starved Trey fan looking for crumbs :>
i aim to please, anon!
there would be an episode where garden prince, ace, and deuce all go to treys house for a sleepover, in an effort for GP to live out all the childhood experiences he never got to have bc of his mother. it is then revealed trey snores like a hibernating grizzly bear and the rest of them are unable to sleep so they stay up all night playing party games.
treys employees seen in the character art are: spike the potted plant, marigold the bird, cay cay the carrot (i wonder who named him), and dan the durian. in one episode dan the durian gets broken open and smells so bad that he drives away customers and trey guiltily puts him on leave until his shell grows back. cue dan storyline where he wanders Ooo searching for a way to mask his stench.
it is revealed at some point that he has an entire armory hidden under his bakery, which he seems embarrassed of.
garden prince at one point coerces him into taking up the position of a knight in service of the garden kingdom. trey considers himself a pacifist (he's not, its just an excuse to not get involved) so he's very reluctant. he spends the entire episode walking around the kingdom looking for knight stuff to do, at the end of which he and GP agree that the garden kingdom doesnt really have any threats and he goes back to his bakery.
people think cater was the one who ended their relationship bc he cant handle commitment but really it was a lot more complicated on both ends. most ppl dont know the full details, including riddle, who is wary of cater bc he thinks he hurt trey. cater and trey remain awkward friends without ever addressing the elephant in the room, lowkey avoiding each other.
has a weird friendship w rook, nobody understands it not even trey. rook stops by at extremely inconvenient times asking for favors. there isnt any obvious reason for the favor (a carton of eggs, a sack of flour, etc) and trey doesnt ask questions. in exchange rook doesnt cause problems for him.
recruited deuce to deliver for him bc he knew deuce was trying to be a better person and felt like having a job would help him. ace also frequently calls him to get them out of trouble, he's like their big brother who has to pay their bail.
his parents are retired and he took over the bakery from them.
at one point he has to visit a neighboring kingdom to get some special ingredients. he doesnt usually travel so needs transportation. cater offers a ride on his skateboard but trey doesnt like heights so ace and deuce let him borrow their caterpillar. entire episode is him not knowing how to direct the caterpillar and it takes him through the woods where he gets beat up by nature and does not get his ingredients.
that's all i got for now! give me enough time and there will eventually be more
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polyhexian · 1 year
yall gotta STOP saying hunter was trying to kill amity in eclipse lake. he was not. he was going out of his way not to kill her. his goal was to get the key and to get the key only.
lets discuss in detail.
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absolute first thing that happens: King wehs Hunter
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Hunter gets Flapjack staff
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He teleports twice, says 'real staffs are weird' and then amity ties him up. he teleports out of this into the air.
then we has his first actual aggressive non defensive move:
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This is an AOE attack. area of effect. its an attack that does less damage but hits a larger area. so this sends bolts of magic scattering and bouncing all over the place. none of them actually HIT her. and this attack does not aim at her. It purely puts her on the defensive because she is now dodging blasts.
she hops off her staff to block one and then hunter teleports in
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he is now behind her and she is caught off guard. he does not attack her flank, he just reaches for the key, before king tackles him.
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he teleports behind her again, and this time comes in with a swing.
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one she easily blocks. again, not a magical attack here. staff bash.
okay now follow this:
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hes here, with her shield
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he zaps over here, lower, moves to swing but doesnt, zaps again
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baps her again after her shield has already moved above her head
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she moves her shield left, he comes in right but hes not even swinging.
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amity punches his fucking lights out and then orbs him
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he hits her with this construction punch that knocks her off her staff before she can escape
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and finally he breaks the necklace with his staff.
none of these attacks were lethal. he hits her with an AOE instead of a direct attack- and she didnt have a shield up yet because she had JUST used it to tie him up, then he hops around with, frankly, some staff bashes that are really holding back from what we know hes capable of, he knocks her off her staff and then when he has the opportunity to actually HIT her he hits the key instead.
compare this to the way he fights kikimora!
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he nearly gets his head taken off when she scrapes his forehead and the next attack he blocks with his eyes on Kikimora, not the attack. thats like, important. that indicative of skill level.
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especially because he does it twice in a row! the second time one handed! Left handed!
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look at the completely different posture he zaps in to strike with. the hits on amity he is holding back.
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this little bastard does a front flip mid teleport to generate strength behind this strike.
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look how effortlessly he does this. imagine how many rotations that is in a single second. hes not even looking at it OR his hands. hes spinning that one handed.
ive trained on a bo staff. this shit is not easy. i trained for two years and couldnt get anywhere near that. just watch this video of noah fort going apeshit to see what this actually looks like irl.
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he fucking... hits it back at her....
this little man can spin a staff so fast he can reflect magic and control the direction it fires. he hit kikimora so hard he sent her flying twenty feet.
if hunter had wanted to kill amity she'd be fucking dead dude. amity is a good fighter, like, don't get me wrong. but hunters op as absolute shit. hes a terrifying little man. he also fought her completely differently than he did kiki, and he wasnt even trying to kill her. we've never seen Hunter fight all out like, fight to the death when he was still at full strength. we have no idea what that would look like. but we know that fight with amity was faaaaar from his potential. intentionally. he is seriously holding back and clearly on purpose. its not just that hes exhausted already, its not just that he has a new staff, its that he is holding back. he is not using lethal techniques.
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activesplooger · 2 months
𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓼𝓽 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓮𝓬𝓾𝓻𝓲𝓽𝔂! | 𝓗𝓪𝔃𝓫𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓵 | 𝓛𝓾𝓬𝓲𝓯𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽: you’ve always felt insecure about your flat chest, but now that your married man to someone who’s ex-wife has textbook mommy milkers, it just got amplified to the max (little did u know that Luci doesnt gaf! he just loves ya!).
𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼: idk i had a thought, enjoy!
𝓒𝓦: angst w/ comfort, fluff, suggestive
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“Ducklinggg! Im waiting~” your husband calls out from the bedroom.
“Just a sec!” Hastily, you finish putting on the straps of your sexy little gift from your husband. The gift is a gorgeous set of lingerie: The lace is a bright white, the fabric just barely covering your ass and reaches up to show your entire hip bone. A teasing slit is cut on the crotch, exposing your center just barely. The bodice is elegant and corset-like, with silk strands crossing your stomach and large cups to hold you breasts… But there was a problem…
You take a look in the mirror. ‘Fuckfuckfuck! No! God damn it!’ panicking internally you try to find some sort of tightening mechanism on the lingerie to make it fit. Unfortunately there isn’t any, no matter how hard you tried, it just wouldn’t fit your bust. You stared at the material hovering over your breast, tears start to form.
Knock Knock
“Duckling? Are you okay in there? Its been awhile…”. “Everything’s fine!” you lied, your voice cracking as you hold back tears. Lucifer hears the hurt in your voice and lets himself in, “Darli- Oh nonono! Why are you crying?”. He rushes to your side, reaching a hand out to touch your shoulder before you jerked his hand away. You just didn’t want to be touched right now… you didn’t want anything near your ‘inadequate’ body. “My love…? Whats wrong…?”. Finally, you turn to face him, your face was red and puffy from crying as you stood before him. You expected him to notice the ‘issue’ right away, but he didn’t. Instead, his eyes widened, pupils dilating to the size of quarters.
“You look-“
“Terrible… I know…”
Lucifer looks confused and almost repulsed that you could look anything but perfect. “What are you talking about..?”
“The cups are too big…”
“Wha-? Oh! Ah yes, I suppose they are.” He states nonchalantly, as if it were some minor insignificant detail.
You shake your head, feeling like he hadn’t understood the full extent of what you said, “No no… It’s supposed to fit perfectly… Not hover over my flat chest pathetically!”.
Your husband’s heart breaks a little that you think of yourself this way, “Baby… I don’t care, you’re perfect just the way you are!” he wiggles his eyebrows as his tone becomes suggestive, “Plus, we don’t need anything covering those beautiful breasts of yours for what were gonna do~”.
“No,” you protest, “You bought me this gift for me to wear a-and all I did was mess it up! I just wanted this to be perfect… I just want to be perfect…”. A sympathetic frown tugs at Lucifer’s lips, “Duckling I-“
Hot tears trickle down your cheek at your next words, “I just- I feel like you bought this with someone else in mind… Someone bigger… Like Lillith.”
Lucifer immediately wraps you in a comforting embrace. Despite your earlier reluctance to touch, you lean into it, burying your face into the crook of his neck as you sob.
“Don’t ever compare yourself to her, she doesn’t hold a candle to you, duckling… I don’t love Lillith, I love you… Only you… You’re the most beautiful perfect woman I could ask for. I only had you in mind when buying this, I promise… Hell, you’re the only thing in my mind constantly… I don’t ever stop thinking about you, my love…”.
A smile spreads across your tear streaked face, he always knew how to reassure you. “I love you, Lu-bear,” you kiss his cheek, “I-Is it okay of we just… chill tonight? I’m not really in the mood.”.
Your husband nods, “Of course, what’d you have in mind?”
“Cuddles and TV? We can watch that duck documentary~”
As soon as the words “duck documentary” leave your mouth, Lucifer effortlessly picks you up and ushers you to the couch. Carefully, he places you down and plops down beside you. While he turns on the documentary, you cozy your head in his lap. With a snap of his fingers, a blanket materializes around the two of you, creating a comfortable little cocoon. Your husband runs a hand through your hair, playing with the strands as his eyes are fixed on the ducks on screen. You two watch silently for a bit, until Lucifer speaks gently,
“You know what my favorite part about your chest is?”
You quirk an eyebrow, “What?”
He smiles softly, leaning down he whispers, “When we're close like this, I can feel your heart beating against me. Your chest being small just means I'm as close to your heart as I can possibly get...and knowing that makes me happy...”
Your heart swells, that’s the most adorable shit you’ve ever heard, “Oh Luci…”
“That and I can fit your whole breast in my mouth~”
“PFT LUCI!” you shove away his face playfully
The two of you laugh together, playfully pushing Luci away as he reaches for you. The night ended great, the two of you falling asleep on the couch while the documentary plays in the background.
yayy enjoy! this was a random thought i had and thought it’d be cute! btw this is how i imagined the lingerie reader wears
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comet-forgot-you · 3 months
Okay so Amber and R go to the movies and have a cute little date fluff but smut after if you want n sub amber plz?
smut. 18+ pls
do not repost for any reason.
going to the movies with amber to watch the newest stab movie, loving how much she geeks out about it. if you had never watched a stab movie before, she would force you to watch every single one and explain every little detail to you. it was cute how much she loved the movies.
then at the movies, her struggling to not to talk the entire time because shes just so excited about it, but she doesnt want to speak over the movie when other people are watching with her. you couldn’t keep your eyes off of her, your attention kept shifting from the screen in front of you to your girlfriend’s concentrated face. it was cute.
then after the movie, you’re driving her home and she’s talking about it the entire time. your hand found a place on her thigh, squeezing at the fat of it. she stops talking when your hand inches further up, still gently massaging her thigh. you look over at her. “whats wrong, ambs?” she gives you a knowing look, her eyebrows slightly furrowed with need. “keep talking, i still want to hear your thoughts, baby.” she’d let out a shaky breath, but stays quiet. you go to rest your hand on the center console, but shes quick to grab and put it back on its original spot on her thigh, the words falling out of her mouth so fast.
you smile at her actions, driving the two of you to a secluded spot. you tug at her pants and amber is quick to peel them off, her rambling ending. her bare cunt meeting the leather of your seat, hips rolling ever so slightly at the contact. you move your seat as far back as you can before patting your lap. amber crawls over the center console, her legs trapping yours as she straddles your lap.
your hands find their firm place on her hips as you lean up to kiss her. you can feel her cunt grind against your clothed thigh. you swallow the tiny whimpers that fall from her mouth into yours. amber’s fingers lace into your hair when your lips leave hers, trailing down the skin of her neck.
“keep talking about the movie amber, if you stop, i stop,” you mumble against her jaw. amber lets out a whine, hips stuttering against your thigh. she lets out a shaky breath before continuing her rambling about the movie. “good girl” you whisper against her neck quietly.
your fingers swipe through her soaked folds, spreading her wetness even more, fingertips grazing her clit lightly. she goes quiet at the feeling, and you slap her cunt, a loud moan falling from her lips as her hips jerk against your hand. “told you not to stop, amber.” your words are stern.
“m’ sorry, sorry baby, please keep, fuck, im sorry i cant keep,” she lets out a shaky breath, “can’t keep talking when it feels so good.” her words are all over the place and you almost take pity on her.
“feels so good? ive barely even touched you baby,” amber whines out in embarrassment. “keep talking or i’ll stop now and take you home with nothing.” theres a beat of silence before amber starts talking again. her voice is shaky, getting choked up on every other word when your fingers slip into her greedy cunt.
your fingers curl into her cunt, hitting a spot that has amber stuttering over all of her words. your hand on her hip trails up her shirt, pushing her bra up to get better access to her tits. amber’s hips find a stead rhythm against your hand, your fingers toying with her cunt and her hardened nipples.
“m’ so close, baby,” she murmurs out between sentences.
“i know, ambs. keep talking baby, don’t wanna stop,” you whisper. amber nods pathetically, her words continuing. “so good for me, baby.”
its not long before shes falling over the edge, her words getting interrupted by her own moans. “just like that baby,” you mumble, slowing your movements as she rides out her high. she slumps against your body, face buried in your neck. she peppers kisses against your neck, leaving faint lipstick stains against the skin.
you pull your fingers out of her, bring them to your lips, sucking her juices off of them. “fuck,” she whines, hips bucking against your thigh. “again, one more, please.” you laugh.
“lets get to your house first, amber.”
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