#dolores is autistic
mmollymercury · 1 year
Encantober, day 30 ~ Milk🍼🍼🤱🤱
Of course milk is a prompt😭😭 I mean, it was bound to happen. To all the new/unaware encanto fans, I'm seriously sorry, this must be so confusing😭
A continuation of yesterday's drawing! Dolores has given birth to her first baby👶👶 Breastfeeding is natural and beautiful so don't say anything otherwise or I'll scream😤😤
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+ I've been brainstorming on what the baby could grow up to be,, at first, I was just gonna draw a generic baby and not really think abt the character, but I had fun thinking abt all the different powers the baby could have, since I wanna make them autistic coded lol. Eventually, I decided on a girl, who like me, thinks visually and imagines up elaborate scenarios, but unlike me, has the ability to project those detailed, visual thoughts into reality💞 her name is: ✨Vera✨ Idk it just spoke to me lol. Yes she inherited the gap in Pepa’s teeth😭
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After the family started to work through their issues, I think they decided to be more,, laid back with the whole 'colour coordination' thing. Free expression and all that. Vera has some rainbow earrings from her grandmother and her first cousin once removed: Mirabel(who she just calls tia Mirabel), embroiders all her clothes, they brainstorm designs together😇😇 she loves colourful things!
Tomorrow is the final day. I'm so happy I've been able to draw EVERYDAY so far for this challenge, seriously, it blows my mind, I never thought I'd be able to complete one of these 'daily challenge' things. HOWEVER if you haven't done everyday, that doesn't invalidate the work you did or the time you put into that work, whatever people felt comfortable with doing is amazing and still a massive achievement! Same goes for if you didn't participate. All of you should be proud! Do something sweet for yourselves💖💖💖💞💞
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non solo forte…
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autisticheadcanons · 2 months
Bruno, Dolores, and Antonio Madrigal from Encanto are autistic.
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omgcheez · 1 year
I'm unsure if you've already done this one, but do you have Autistic Dolores or Pepa headcanons?
I have not. This one I will have to think about a bit because I absorb headcanons through osmosis and then they mutate into their own beasts.
This is a basic one, but I can see Pepa playing with her braid (something that she does in the movie) as a nervous stim maybe? She would also probably be more pressured into masking untinentional misogyny towards her by others
As for Dolores, this has been pointed out, but the script points out that she is trying to help Mirabel, though others mistake her actions as being rude/sabotaging Mirabel and the family. That kinda stuff prob happens a lot and she's not aware of it. I feel like any HC surrounding sound would be pretty basic and self-explanitory too, but appreciating peace & quiet is something that helps her bond with Bruno.
I'm guessing since you sent an ask, you might have your own HC's, which I would love to hear. I adore seeing people's different interpretations of the characters
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
The Encanto Neurodivergent Discourse: A Retrospective (Kinda)
So I was thinking back on the Encanto neurodivergent discourse that occurred after the movie came out, and I realized that there was a huge misunderstanding between the two sides that caused the main part of the discourse. So I decided to do a small retrospective type thing on this discourse, my opinions, and where each side went wrong/misunderstood the other’s argument.
So, first let’s start with the elephant in the room: Bruno. If you’ve seen some of my posts on this topic, you know where I stood/stand. Of course, my opinions have slightly altered to become more neutral (or at least softer) on this particular point, but I would still like to explain and unpack where each side went wrong here.
In my personal experience, the reason that multiple neurodivergent people believe/believed that Bruno is neurodivergent isn’t because of his superstitions, but because of multiple of his other mannerisms, as well as how it ties to one of the themes of the movie, or at least what he represents in terms of the main theme. I originally thought to myself, “oh my god, this bitch be autistic,” not when he started doing the rituals, but actually when he was first introduced and how he spoke to Mirabel. He stared at her for a few seconds before abruptly saying “bye,” and brushing past her. I (and others) have actually done this in real life, sometimes mid conversation.
His speaking mannerisms are also very familiar, with the way he rambles and how his phrases things, as well as how his sentence structures flow. And when he was explaining stuff about his visions, we realize that many of the visions mentioned in “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” were likely just regular predictions, showing that he is likely very blunt. The wedding incident, as he explained, was mainly just him not at all reading the room or knowing how to properly comfort his sister. This is common for people with things like autism, and likely other neurodivergent things that affect socializing. It’s less about the rituals, and more about the socialization style.
Now onto to talking about how OCD works and why Bruno’s rituals are seen as parts of OCD. I myself have OCD (very mild in terms of most rituals, but very intense in terms of intrusive thoughts, so highly stressful) and a good understanding of the disorder, so I believe I can add my two cents in a credible manner.
OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) is a neurological condition in which an individual will experience unwanted, excessing, persistent, recurring thoughts that will cause the person to engage in repetitive behaviors in order to diminish the amount/intensity of the thoughts.
The reason people felt that Bruno likely had OCD was not really because of the rituals themselves, but how often Bruno did them and when. 
Most people would perform good luck rituals if they saw a sign that something bad was going to happen. For example, breaking a mirror is bad luck, so it would be reasonable to do something that would ward off that bad luck. You could also do such rituals if you needed extra good luck for something, like an important test. I myself do this sometimes (I’m not superstitious, but I’m also kinda superstitious), and it has nothing to do with my OCD.
But Bruno doesn’t seem to just do it when bad luck comes around, or when he needs good luck. He seems to do it a lot more excessively than most people, and it seems that he believes that there is always bad luck in the air. He seems to be doing these rituals repetitively.
And I honestly think that, because his rituals originate from his culture, it makes for better representation. You see, OCD rituals typically aren’t completely random. While things like counting tiles can be “random” rituals, the most likely way OCD will manifest is tied to the nature of some of the intrusive thoughts, as well as some of the individual’s other fears. Their rituals will then often be tied to something familiar or even something comforting. While this is not always the case, it can be. For example, say someone has OCD, and a majority of their intrusive thoughts revolve around germs. This may cause them to persistently clean their hands, and they will do this repetitively, even when they have no reasonable reason to believe that they are “contaminated.”
In Bruno’s case, his thoughts most likely seem to be that he is bad luck, causes bad luck, or bad luck is at every turn. These thoughts are likely constant and persistent, so he feels a consistent need to ward off bad luck. This is why he will perform rituals known to cause good luck and ward off bad luck, just like washing your hands will make germs go away. That’s why I think he has OCD.
It also adds to his theme in the movie, which a lot of neurodivergent people can relate to: being an outcast in the family, the one who acts strangely, the one who seems to be “embarrassing” to the family, the one that no one talks about (or they talk too much about). I have family members who can relate to this, because though we have multiple autistic folks in the extended family tree, not many in said tree seem to fully understand what it is like to be on the spectrum or generally neurodivergent. I see multiple of my family members who are like Bruno in that specific way, and it kinda made me cry.
So it makes a lot of sense why people would view him that way.
But here’s where things went wrong. First, many neurodivergent people got so excited about the prospect of having good representation, they got a bit carried away, and, from what I’ve heard, started saying that the movie was about neurodivergent representation, or they completely ignored the Colombian representation. This was obviously very irritating to many Colombians, as this movie was very significant in terms of Colombian representation, and to ignore that was insulting.
When some Colombians started telling people that these rituals were actually a part of Colombian culture, a small, yet significant miscommunication/error occurred. Some of the more (I’m assuming) neurotypical Colombians seemed to assume that those headcanoning Bruno as neurodivergent were basing it solely on his rituals. From that assumption rose a (pretty reasonable) assumption that others saw Colombian superstitions as a whole as solely an OCD ritual rather than a cultural one. 
However, though these superstitions originated from Colombia (and I’m assuming other Latin American countries?), they are not unfamiliar to other countries and cultures. Even the least-Latino people I know were familiar with knocking on wood, crossing your fingers, or throwing salt over your shoulder for good luck. Many of them did it themselves. So I’m pretty sure that most people making the headcanons didn’t see the rituals as “exotic” or “strange”, but it is perfectly reasonable to assume that they did. 
A lot of non-Latino and non-Colombian folks were not completely familiar with Colombian culture or some little details they added to the film, and people who aren’t familiar with certain cultures tend to do that, which is frustrating. And there were definitely quite a lot of people in the fanbase who were constantly ignoring and brushing aside the Colombian aspects of the film.
But instead of trying to clear this matter up and explain why many neurodivergent people saw Bruno’s rituals as OCD rituals, most people immediately jumped to a defensive position, and became dismissive of their concerns over how people were portraying Colombian culture and even ignoring very valid points on how people were brushing over the importance of cultural representation in the film, because whether you like it or not, I will say that the primary representation in the film was cultural.
So many Colombians ended up feeling frustrated, because instead of having a proper conversation about how to interpret this part of Bruno’s character and see why people are perceiving him that way, many Colombian voices and concerns were drowned out, ignored, or even dismissed. Some people even dismissed Colombian culture entirely, and I remember seeing a few people basically say that those rituals weren’t actually a part of Colombian culture, which is a horrible thing to do/say.
The aggressive backlash to the points on cultural representation caused a responsive backlash from particularly frustrated Colombian voices. Though the loudest voices were likely the minority, they still had a strong negative impact. The loudest and most extreme voices essentially began dismissing neurodivergent voices, and even made some very ableist comments. This particular backlash (at least in many of the circles I was in) eventually began drowning out neurodivergent voices who were more willing to explain their stance, which caused its own wave of frustration, etc.
That was the main issue with that particular discourse.
Now for Dolores, that is a whole other story. From what I could find, the main (and lowkey only?) reason that people believed Dolores is neurodivergent is because of her “hm!” that she makes throughout the movie. Some say that this is a tic, others that this is a stim. I think some of us jumped to that conclusion way too quickly. Multiple Colombians explained that that is actually a cultural thing, something that many people do quite often. And they are likely right that this is not a sign of Dolores being neurodivergent. First off, she only makes this noise during very specific moments. If you replaced the sound with “huh!” or even “oh well!”, it wouldn’t feel that out of place. 
It is a response to situations, and specifically when she ends certain statements. So it is less random than a tic. She also never really uses it as a self soothing mechanism or a way to express certain emotions, which is what stims are mainly for. So we can likely rule out stimming. So it is perfectly reasonable for many Colombian folks to be frustrated about this, because it takes one trait and turns it into something else rather than a cultural element.
I think the reason some people may have jumped to the conclusion that it was a stim is because it is actually a very soothing sound that actually became a minor stim for me after I heard it. I don’t quite “copy” some people’s stims, but I may see/hear one, think it looks calming, do the thing, and then it becomes something that evolves into a stim. This is likely the reason that people thought that Dolores is neurodivergent: because they have/like that particular potential stim (or tic). 
Doesn’t really make it any better though, and it is probably pretty annoying to those who know that it’s most likely not a stim or tic in Dolores’ case. Especially since some neurodivergent folks were dismissing Colombian culture in the Bruno discourse, and it gets really frustrating and annoying after a while (or even the second it happens). Having every aspect of one’s culture be labelled as something else is uncomfortable, especially when (I assume) many of the people making these headcanons were White Americans who know nothing about Colombia or even Latin America.
So that is where the neurodivergent side of the discourse were the most in the wrong.
For little things like Neurodivergent Mirabel headcanons? Eh, they seem to be more obscure and are truly just headcanons. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone try to actively prove that she or any other characters are neurodivergent, it’s more just a basic neurodivergent headcanon like any other.
I won’t even get into what went wrong with the “Lesbian Isabella” discourse (especially since I didn’t really pay attention to that one, and this post is about the neurodivergent discourse), but all I’ll say on that is that Colombian lesbians should probably be the ones to decide whether or not we should write Lesbian Isabella stuff. I personally think it can be harmless to portray a character as queer whether they are actually queer or not in canon, but for cases like Encanto, which takes place in a specific country with a specific culture, I think we should always consider what it is like to be queer in that specific country and culture. Not every queer community across the world is going to be the same, and we need to respect that. A queer Colombian will have a very different experience from a, for example, queer American. 
This can honestly apply to all the discourse. The main reason I like the idea of Bruno being neurodivergent is because, as I said in a poem I wrote here on Tumblr, I have an autistic Colombian American older cousin, and her heritage affects her experience with that part of her identity. Most autistic portrayals we see in the media are from a White (and non-Hispanic) lens, and most of the time, they’re not even that good! So for a Colombian person to be seen in that way is amazing. But that type of representation is mainly for those whose intersectionality is never represented. We need to show and respect that intersectionality as much as possible, and should be careful with how we portray someone with that type of intersectional experience.
But enough on that. If you’re reading this part, thank you for reading this giant post analyzing and explaining this specific subject. I hope you enjoyed, and please add your thoughts in the replies and reblogs!
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Dolores Madrigal from Encanto is a samefood autistic! Some of her safe foods are ajiaco and arepas con queso!
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brunofanfiction · 1 year
🥺 Best Tío: Bruno! 🥺
Master List (Pt.1)
🥺 A Madrigal gets Sick
“Mirabel finds out Antonio is sick and informs the family, unfortunately for them the rest of the family is stuck at the town with a storm hitting~” #fluff #sickfic
🥺Hide and Seek
“Bruno plays hide and seek with Camilo. Well, maybe it’s just the two of them hiding together from Pepa and la Abuela.” #fluff #hurt/comfort
🥺Petting Zoo
By @metaphoricaltigers
“Antonio, Luisa and Bruno go to a petting zoo and Bruno talks about his mental health.~” #fluff #BrunohasOCD #AutisticBruno
🥺 Daisy Chains
“On a sunny afternoon Julieta and Pepa take their one year old daughter’s (Isabela and Dolores) to the garden for a picnic along with Bruno. When Julieta and Pepa head inside for a bit, Bruno is left to look after his nieces.~” #fluff #itsjustfluff
🥺Duerme Bien
By @waitingonavision
“Listen to the six-year-old. Antonio has the only right idea. ~A sleep pile with Bruno and his niblings. This is the result.” #fluff #toothrotting #Brunospancita
🥺Healing Takes Time (you’ll get there in the end)
By @impossiblefangirl0632
“One day you’re going to look up and realize that things are starting to get better, that you’ll be okay. Today is that day.” #fluff #healing #hurt/comfort
🥺Little Gestures
By @sokkas-first-fangirl
“Mirabel noticed Bruno tended to pat them on the head (especially when he couldn’t handle a full hug) and, as he did, deja vu always hit. He must have done the same thing ten years ago.~” #fluff #toothrotting
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goldenxchoices · 1 year
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choices aesthetics | open heart appreciation week 2023 day 1: mc -> lola castillo
"i'm going to lose patients. we all do. but if my patient doesn't quit, then neither do i."
26. she/her. afro-latina. bisexual. autistic. ♡ rafael.
(tag list: @openheartappreciationweek)
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Dolores Madrigal from Encanto
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O personagem autista do dia é: Dolores Abernathy, da série Westworld.
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vodka-tristx · 1 year
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Contigo me sentía menos mrd.
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mmollymercury · 2 years
How I write Dolores:
Says a completely insane thing whilst being the epitome of this: 😐
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chloeprice17 · 1 year
Hoy soñé contigo y me decías que yo era tu hogar.
Te miré con tanto amor.
Me sentí como en casa después de mucho tiempo...
Verte sonreír otra vez me hizo sentir tan vivo y feliz.
Mi corazón latía fuertemente.
Tus ojos me miraban con extrañeza y nostalgia, había tristeza en ellos...
Todo lo que me decías parecía real y falso a la vez.
Sabía que estaba soñando.
No escuché un te amo...
No sentí dolor.
Pero cuando desperté me sentí muy vacío.
Al saber que solo había sido un sueño.
Mis ganas de escribirte estaban ahí, presentes.
Decirte lo que había soñado...
Lo mejor es que siga extrañando todo eso en silencio...
Sé que estás y estarás mejor sin mí.
Encontrarás a alguien que te ame más de lo que yo te amé...
Y te hará más feliz de lo que yo lo hice.
Algún día mi corazón dejará de extrañarte.
Porque a pesar de todo lo sufrido, el sigue queriendo estar contigo.
Todavía latiendo cuando piensa en todo lo que vivimos, cuando recuerda tu voz, tu risa y tus ojos.
En mi sueño todavía hice cosas por ti, solo para poder verte un poco más de tiempo...
Sonreí y me puse nervioso, cómo la primera vez que te ví.
¿Estarás pensando en mí?.
¿Todavía me amas?.
O al menos ¿Todavía me quieres aunque sea un poco?.
Escribo esto aquí porque no puedo escribirte...
Soy demasiado cobarde para volver.
Te hice mucho daño.
Y no mereces más eso.
Esto fue un jueves 2 de febrero a las 9:33am.
Mi corazón partió un martes 10 de enero.
¿Eso cuenta como sanar?.
¿Cómo sé que volver a estar contigo no volverá a doler?.
Probablemente llore.
Si es que un día decides volver, cómo lo dijiste esa última charla...
(Sé que no lo harás)
Sonreiré y te miraré como el hogar que tanto deseé y perdí...
La última imagen que tengo de ti.
Fue nuestra última vez, 15 de enero.
Así te ví en mi sueño.
Ese día, lo sentí tan gris.
Porque mi corazón sabía que sería la última vez que te vería.
Ese día te abracé muy fuerte.
Te miré a los ojos con intensidad.
Te besé con mucho amor.
Y cuando saliste por la puerta.
Te di nuestro último te amo.
Todavía espero algún mensaje tuyo.
Todos los días.
Es triste.
Pero siempre fue así.
Esperé por ti.
Debí luchar más por ti esa última vez.
Pero mi corazón ya estaba muerto.
Me dolían demasiado tus mensajes, a��n después de que siempre estaba esperándolos... Esperando por tu amor...
Pero también estabas agonizando, por no decir que muerto igual que yo.
Y fue ahí que...
Decidiste que era suficiente y te fuiste.
Ambos dijimos que era lo mejor.
¿Y de verdad lo era?
¿De verdad lo era?
Solo el tiempo dirá si fue lo mejor.
Lo correcto.
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Arthurian characters based on how likely I think it is that they can read
Can definitely read
The Lady of the Lake: taught Lancelot to read, also exchanged letters with Guenevere
Guenevere: see above, also exchanged letters with Isolde
Lancelot: taught to read by the lady of the lake, learned his own name by reading it off his gravestone, read the inscription on Galehaut's coffin which sent him into a dissociative murder rampage. Possibly the best-documented reader in the Arthurian canon
Isolde: exchanged letters with Guenevere
Tristram: exchanged letters with Lancelot
Definitely cannot read
Gawain, Yvain, Galegantin, Galecsconde, Tors, Carados, Yvain (the bastard), Gosenain, the Gay Gallant, Aglin: had to find a monk to read the creepy gravestones at the Dolorous Guard to them
I would be astonished if they couldn't read
Morgan Le Fey: surely that nunnery taught reading and writing in addition to necromancy right
Your average monk/hermit: gotta be able to read the Bible to do services for random passing knights
Galahad: an autistic Bible nerd raised by nuns. No fucking way that boy can't read
Most damsels: there seems to be a robust letter-writing tradition among ladies, especially queens, and damsels are often message-carriers. Perhaps not all of them can read, but I would guess the average one can
Strongly doubt that they can read
Arthur: I do not believe that Arthur can read. He did not clock the "He Who Pulleth Out This Sword" note, which I suppose there is an argument that he is dumb and just missed it, but can't read is simpler. And he does not strike me as the type to develop late-in-life literary ambitions, when you could just kidnap a bunch of scholars instead
Perceval: the idea of Perceval reading is wild to me, like a parrot who has somehow managed a note-perfect rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Not completely outside the constraints of physical possibility, but the effort involved would be so astronomical and what anyone would be getting out of it would be negligible. Just let him fly free in the woods.
Most knights. If those ten knights above are any indication, reading is not a prized or necessary knight skill. I would not be shocked to learn that a certain individual can read, but my baseline assumption would be no
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willowwhistle · 9 months
MLP ship pairings and songs that exemplify them (to me(based mostly on vibes))
Twishy: Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place Specifically the Stop Making Sense version. Both of them are really neurotic, autistic, and idealistic, and I think they'd find a lot of comfort in one another at the end of a stressful day (every day, for both of them)
Raripie: Clairo - Sofia Rarity and Pinkie work super well together, but Rarity can't help but be dramatic about the act of dating anypony at all.
Pinkiedash: Willow Smith ft. The Anxiety - Meet Me at Our Spot They would go on picnics a lot. Pinkie would bake treats for Dash, and Dash would show Pinkie new tricks she's learned. (Rainbow Dash is basically a dog). Appledash: Indigo Girls - Get Out The Map They don't do much traveling, but AJ plays this on her guitar sometimes and it makes Dash swoooooooooon. Twipie: The Go! Team - Ready To Go Steady They both immediately wanna get married. Rarijack: Two Gallants - Nothing To You Both of them, independantly, are worried they're not good enough for the other. Flutterdash: Gorillaz ft. Slowthai and the Slaves - Momentary Bliss This is Dash trying to pump-up Flutters when she's having a hard day.
Flutterjack: Dolores O'Riordan ft. Jah Wobble's Invaders of the Heart - The Sun Does Rise They duet this and cry tears of joy. Raridash: Milky Chance - Stolen Dance They would get together after a night of drinking and reluctantlyadmitting they had feelings for one another
Twijack: Rachel Kann - i know this: Twilight just giving a stream-of-consciousness to Aj of how she feels about her. Pinkieshy: They Might Be Giants - Erase Pinkie would burst out into song when they profess their love for one another, and this is what she sings. Applepie: Los Lonely Boys - Heaven AJ serenading Pinkie. Rarilight: Bandits on The Run - What To Do Twilight lifting Rarity up during one of her "I'm so pathetic!" stints.
Twidash: Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now They very eagerly start smooching as soon as evrypony else leaves the room. Rarishy: Allison Young - Sh-Boom (Life Could Be a Dream) Flutters would sing this trying to impress Rarity. It would work perfectly.
I will reply to this post with more if I think of any. I'm kinda struggling with a Startrix one at the moment.
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