#dominik mysterio oneshot
ripleylove · 3 months
Hard mission.
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requested by anonymous saying: Kind of going off of the idea in ‘The light of the group’ can we get a reader who has little candy in her bra? They can be in the middle of a segment w/ the judgement day and will just pull a jolly rancher out.
pairings: the judgment day x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff !!!!
summary: after Damian banned candies,you had to invent any way to eat at least of sweetness. (including hiding a jolly rancher in your bra.)
A/N: started writing again!!! your fav rhea and tjd writer is BACK 🗣
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
As every monday night,you and your friends were rehearsing your lines for your next segment in the clubhouse.
While you and Rhea were giggling together while watching some videos on tiktok,you started munching on some little oreos,giving the part with the cream to Rhea (since it was her favourite).
"Nuh uh. That's enough,Y/N. We don't want the thing that happened yesterday to happen again." Damian walked to you and took the little pack of mini oreos from you.
"But-" You tried to reason,but he wagged his index finger in front of your face,and Dominik silently laughed.
"No buts,missy. No more sweets today."
You pouted,and Dominik was still laughing.
You picked up a red plastic cup that was next to you and you launched it to him with full force,hitting his back.
"Ow! Ow! Okay,damn!" He raised his arms in surrender, and you smirked,turning to Rhea.
The reason why Damian wouldn't let you eat candies it's that the previous day,you had a really bad tummy ache thanks to all the sweets you consumed,and he took matters in his own hands,banning them for 3 days.
And that was the worst thing someone could ever do to you,a major candy lover.
So,you had to find a way to get at least one little candy before your segment, and you asked Rhea to help you.
"Here's the plan: you get me a jolly rancher without Dame noticing. Understood?" You talked to her in a typical action film way,and she firmly nodded.
While Damian was engaged in a conversation with Finn,Rhea tried to sneak in Damian's backpack (the place where he put all of your candies),finding your dear jolly rancher.
She had an evil smile on her face,and you mirrored her expression.
She ran back to the place where the both of you were sitting before,and you gave her a kiss on the cheek as a way to thank her.
"Wait." You started to panic,and Rhea answered.
"Where do I hide it?" You whispered,and she pointed to your chest.
You looked down,then up at her again with a confused face.
"In your bra,dumbass!" She whispered back,and you finally realised.
Since you were wearing a black lace corset,it was easy to hide and pull out the jolly rancher, and you did your handshake with Rhea.
"You're a fucking genius!" You exclaimed.
"Well,what can I say. Mami's always right." She said cockily and you rolled your eyes.
"Okay guys,time for the segment!" Damian exclaimed,and you all got ready.
The cameramen arrived and you immediately started filming.
While Finn was talking about him qualifying for Money In The Bank with Damian and Rhea, you were by Dominik side,and you discreetly looked around.
When you felt like you were safe to go,you pulled the jolly rancher out from your corset,and you carefully removed the wrapper, popping the cherry flavoured hard candy in your mouth.
Looking around again,you noticed that no one saw what you did,and you smiled in victory.
It definitely was a hard mission.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa @thegalacticnacho091
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
Hiii I love Ur judgment day x readers they are so adorable
Could you please write a JD (Platonic) x Reader where Y/n gets in a bad fight with their partner and they comfort them
the judgment day x reader (platonic)
‼️cheating and gaslighting, your bf name in this is alexander bc my ex name is alexander and now i hate alexanders
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(i love this pic btw)
i don’t wanna love
“you’re overacting!” your boyfriend alexander kept screaming at you.
“so you’re telling me there’s nothing between the two of you? that i’ve been hallucinating for the past month?” you screamed back, tired of trying talking with him.
“there’s nothing between me and her” he said, lying. because of course you had the proofs that he was cheating, that he was seeing someone else while you were out touring.
“how can i fucking believe you when i have proofs!”
“what proofs?” he asked, not caring about the whole cheating part.
“the pictures of you two together? the messages? the-…”
“you went over my phone without even asking me?” he was angrier that before.
“i did! because you wouldn’t tell me the truth! you can’t deny what i just found!”
“okay, fine! i cheated, is that what you wanted me to say? i did it, and i wasn’t proud of it but you were always gone and i was here alone waiting for you every week to come home, i got tired and i wanted to have some fun and one night i went to this club where i met her, and she was always there for me, it wasn’t just sex, there was a connection…she understood me, she was there when you were out wrestling with your friends!” he said, not feeling guilty at all.
you couldn’t believe he was blaming him cheating on you on the fact that you were away from home because of your job.
“i can’t believe it that you are blaming your fucking childish behaviour on me being away because of my job!”
“i needed you and you weren’t there!” he kept screaming.
“so the best solution was fucking some bitch you met at the bar uh?” you were done with it “you have ten minutes to pack your things and get out of my house!”
“what are you talking about? where am i supposed to go?” he asked you.
“i don’t know, ask my replacement if you can stay at her’s, i don’t care, now, move before i call the police. this is my house, do you remember?” you said locking yourself in the guest bedroom and waiting for him to be over with packing.
you were sure you heard him closing the door once he was done packing and leaving your house. you were too tired to even go back into the master bedroom that you cried yourself to sleep right where you were.
the morning after you were supposed to go at rhea’s as you guys needed to prepare your upcoming match but you were drained and had no energy. you felt like shit and all you wanted to do was staying in bed and cry.
the team immediately knew something was up when you didn’t show up at her place. so instead of calling your or texting, you found them in front of your door.
“what are you doing here?” you asked them.
“we were worried. you didn’t show up, you didn’t call or text, we thought you were sick or that something happened…wait, were you crying?” rhea stopped when she saw your red eyes.
“no” you lied.
“whats going on love?” finn soft voice almost made you want to cry again. he always had a soft spot for you, treating you like a daughter.
“i just…i wanna be alone today…now, can you please go?” you almost begged them but they got it as an invitation to come inside so now you found yourself with your friends sitting on your couch, waiting for an explanation from you.
“what is going on uh?” damian asked you again.
“alexander and i broke up…” you whispered and waited for them to talk but they let you continue “he was cheating on me and i found out…instead of apologising he blamed it on me, saying that it was my fault because i was away touring and he needed me here…i just…what did i do wrong?” you cried again and now rhea was sitting next to you, holding you in her arms.
“you didn’t do anything wrong y/n…” she whispered.
“he was saying how much he wanted to marry me, to have a family with me just to find out that he was fucking someone else behind my back…it fucking hurts because i was ready to be with him for the rest of my life…i really loved him” you cried harder and rhea swore that alexander was a dead man.
“hey…” finn, the parental figure inside the whole group sweet talked to you “it’s not worth it…crying for him? it’s not worth it, he’s not worth it…i know you’re hurting right now and it will hurt for a while but eventually it’ll pass…it’ll get better, trust me…”
“thank you…” you whispered.
still crying in rhea’s arms as she let you. you never experienced such heartbreak and the pain you were feeling was too much.
“i just don’t understand how it went so downhill…everything was going perfectly…i would have noticed if something was wrong but i swear, everything looked normal” you cried.
“it’s not your fault love” finn said.
“finn’s right, you couldn’t have noticed…if he was acting normal, you couldn’t have noticed the sudden changes in his persona…i’m so sorry it happened to you, you don’t deserve it…” dominik said while sitting on the carpet, in front of you.
“i swear… i don’t wanna fall in love anymore” hearing such words coming from you hurt the group. you’ve always been the sweet and romantic one, you’ve always dreamed of a fairytale life and now you believed everything was a lie.
rhea looked sad “don’t say that love, it’s just a phase but you will feel better, i promise you”
of course. you were complaining about your disastrous love life with dom, who just got married, rhea, who’s gonna get married soon, finn, who’s been married for years and damian, someone that wasn’t looking for love and couldn’t understand anything about love.
“it’s easy coming from you…you’re all happy and in a healthy relationship, you all trust each other and i’m pretty sure you’ve never been cheated on” you regretted immediately saying that but you were hurting.
“we had our painful break ups too honey…” rhea said. she knew you were hurting so she didn’t mind it.
“did they cheat on you?” you asked them.
“no but…”
“exactly” you said, drowning your head in your pillows.
“what rhea was trying to say is that break ups are always hurtful, whether you get cheat on or not…and this pain you’re feeling, will get better, in a month or two you’ll be feeling better…” damian spoke softly to you. knowing that you were already in pain and that he didn’t want to upset you more.
“we will leave you alone if you want to…” rhea said, not wanting to leave you alone but she knew you probably needed time for yourself.
“no please…” you said shocking everyone.
“okay…then we’ll stay here…we can watch a movie if you want to” finn suggested and you all agreed.
“no rom com please” you said making them laugh.
rhea’s idea was to watch a horror movie but while they were all watching the movie you ended up falling asleep, too tired for all the tears you’ve been crying.
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Hi umm, can I have three large Yandere cultists please?
Judgement Day, Number 22?
Slides a rubber duck, some lint, and a paper clip
Sweet As Honey
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Summary: You’re meant to be a sacrifice, but the monsters in the woods have decided you were just to much fun to kill
prompt: “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, darling. Your blood just taste so sweet~,” 
warnings: yandere!judgment Day, Vampire!Judgment day, intended killing, human sacrifice
taglist: @fiskers7136 @peachmango-kombucha @kcloveswrestling @bellalutionn @xkennyxomegax @tummyyellin @legit9thlunaticwarrior @auburnwrites @melissahausen @thesusbunny @writtingrose
“Please, Mother! Reconsider!” You begged, gripping the bottom of your mothers dress as you sobbed at her feet.
“I have to, you are the perfect candidate. virgin, no suitor, they will except you and we will be safe again.” She wouldn’t look down at you, and you shoved your face into her dress at the mention of ‘them.’
A pack of beast who lived in the woods surrounding your village. In the old years they would attack farms, taking the animals. And if anyone tried to stop them the blood would be drained from their body. Eventually, they realized if they made a human sacrifice the monsters would leave the village alone. There wasn’t a set amount of time, but when they wanted another they would attack a farm to remind the people.
I’m your life, you had seen two women sacrificed. The first was a 15 year old girl, who had been returned. They had been furious, and began killing nightly. To calm them, a women was given the night before her wedding. People tried to ask the 15 year old girl what had happened, but she refused to talk about it. In fact, she hadn’t spoken to anyone since and took her life only a year again. And now, they wanted another.
“There must be another way!” She still didn’t say anything, and the door to your home flew open. A few men stormed into the room to grab you, causing your to scream and struggle as they dragged you out. “Mom! Please!”
They dragged you down the road towards the woods, clearly not caring about the struggle you were putting up. When the crowd saw you, those who weren’t holding lanterns swarmed you, yanking your clothing off and dressing you in a small white dress. No shoes. Your arms were pulled to the side and you were tied up, only your legs free.
“Go.” A man pointed to the woods after setting you down.
“Please…” you begged again, hoping someone would help you. But you knew they wouldn’t.
A sharp dagger was pushed against your collarbone, cutting the skin lightly. You hissed at the pain, feeling a small amount of blood drip down. “I won’t tell you again. Go.”
You sniffled, but stood up straight. You wouldn’t walk away with your head bowed down. You turned towards the woods, took a deep breath, and began walking. The trees towered over you, and you felt like a child again, scared of the shadows in your room.
You didn’t hear it, but you felt a fish of wind and something slam into you. You let out a quiet scream, and everything went black.
“She’s waking up,” a voice spoke as you opened your eyes slowly. Your arms were held above your head, and your feet just barely touched the ground. The room was dark, and made of stone, and your entire body ached. A glance down showed your white dress stained with dirt and blood, and a glance up showed four figures in the room.
“Good morning, sleeping beautiful.” A pale man with dark hair spoke as he stepped forward. “I was starting to worry we killed you.”
“Where am I?” You whispered, voice barely working.
“Even her voice sounds innocent,” the only women spoke. Her hair was cut short, and she had pieces of metal in her face. You had never seen such a thing.
“Be nice, she’s scared,” the tallest man spoke that time. His hair was braided, and despite his size he felt like the safest person in the room.
“Doesn’t that make it better?” The last man spoke. He stood close to the women, and he licked his lips lightly. You caught sight of his teeth, long and sharp.
“They really have us a good one,” the first man spoke up. He was right in front of you and reached up to touch your neck. Pain shit through your neck and you tried to pull away, but he caught you. “A little tender? I’m sorry love, but most people don’t live long enough to feel sore.” His voice seemed to make you tired, as though in a dream.
“Poor, lost, little girl,” the women walked forward, and the first man stepped out of the way. “Aren’t we lucky Finn took the time to look at your face, otherwise your body would be being devoured by animals.” Your head was heavy, and her hand went up to cradle your face. “Do you know why we saved you?” She shook your head for you. “Because we couldn’t help but save such a lost little soul.” She leaned forward and pulled you into a kiss, and she didn’t seem to mind that you weren’t kissing back.
“We are going to devour you, sweetheart.” She stood back, allowing the man with long, braided hair to approach you. “I can’t wait to make you ours,” he whispered, pressing a kiss against your forehead. Finally, the last man stepped up. He didn’t actually say anything, but he leaned in and bit into your neck. You let out a cry at the feeling of his teeth sinking in and blood flowing out. In the back of your mind you could hear the others laughing, but you were more focused on how light headed you were becoming as he drank your blood.
Finally, he stepped back, a bit of blood dripping down his chin. He reached up to whip some of your tears away, and placed a kiss on your lips. You could roast your blood.
 “Sorry, I couldn’t help myself, darling. Your blood just taste so sweet~,” he whispered. He walked over to the other three as the door opened. “We’ll be back soon love. Just sit tight.”
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Dominik Mysterio x Y/N
This one is not very good but eh ill post it anyway. Ill make a better one, idk when tho.
Female reader
Y/n = your name
N/n = Nick name
Y/N and Dominik used to be best friends, they told each other everything, but once everything went south the Mysterio Family Y/n couldn't bring herself to forgive to him.
As she was walking around backstage, she bumped into the person she's been trying to avoid.
Dominik Mysterio.
Former Bestfriends
Y/N and Dominik used to be best friends, they told each other everything, but once everything went south the Mysterio Family Y/n couldn't bring herself to forgive to him. Not when he hurt his family like that.
When Y/n and Dom were friends she wasn't a pro wrestler but she supported him throughout his whole career, she was training with Rey Mysterio to beome a wrestler one day and she was so so grateful.
In 2023 Y/n got signed with the WWE. She couldn't be happier. she thanked Rey everyday for his help, without him she wouldn't be here.
She was quite nervous though. What if she ran into Dom backstage? Would he ignore her? Would he remember her? All these thoughts were running through her head as she was walking around backstage, They hurt.
As she was overthinking she didn't realise she walked into somebody- or a couple people actually.
"OMG IM SO SOR-" She tried apolagize before she realized who it was she bumped into.
She looked up and see the the person she'd been trying to avoid.
Dominik Mysterio.
"its alright.. wait Yn is it really you..?" He said in shock staring her up and down
"Yup! Nice to see you again. Bye" She tried to leave before one of the people beside him grabbed her arm
"Who the hell are you?!" The person who she knows is Rhea Ripley asks her.
She was scary, She truly terrified Y/n, She was really pretty though.
Dominiks eyes widened when he saw what was happening
"Mami calm down, Balor, Priest can you guys takes her to the locker room or something?" He pleaded
Mami. The name was just as cringy to hear it in person than it was on tv. She must admit though, Hearing it come from Dom's mouth made her blush, shes always had a crush on him, she never dare to tell him though, She'll take it to her grave unless he makes the first move, She doubts he will though, Seeing him all happy with Rhea... She'd never have a chance with guy like him. They aren't even friends anymore.
"Y/n come here" He motioned for her to follow him and he took her to an abanded locker room
They both sat down on the ground and just stared at one another waiting for someone to break the silence.
Dominik chose to.
"Look im sorry" He whispered
"You should apolagize to your dad" She whispered not looking him in the eye
"I know i should, but thats not why i was apolagizing. Look im so sorry for practically abandoning you and bringing you into all of these messes, I just miss you, I miss you so much n/n"
She teared up at his confession
"I-i miss you too Dom" Both of the superstars smiled at each other
"I can't believe you got signed. It about he time, congrats" He congratulated her
"Thanks" She giggled before continuing
"You look good by the way" She complimented him
His cheeks turned a rosy pink at her compliment.
"Thank you, so do you Y/n"
Y/n looked down, avoiding his gaze while picking at her shirt before she told him what was running through mind.
"I-i dont think we can be friends again" y/n mumbled
"What... Why not" Dominik asked sadly while shaking his head
"You're with the judgement day. They're your friends Dom, plus Rhea wont like me hanging out with you, I think its just better if we avoid one another, im sorry." She smiled at him numbly
"NO.. I was friends with you first, it has always been you n/n i dont need them, its all just Vince and triple H's plan. I need you" He rushed out standing up
Y/n stood up with him and grabbed him hands, looking him in the eye.
"It'll be alr-" She started before she got cut off
Dominik kissed her.
Y/n froze in shock before she kissed him back and grabbed his neck lightly to deepen the kiss while he put his hands on her waist..
She felt him smile against her lips.
"You don't know how long i've wanted to do that'' He mutters while looking dazed.
"Well i see why they call you dirty dom" she mocked him while smirking
"Shut up" he blushed
"I've loved you for so long"
"I love you too, Remember all i need is you, Its always been you"
~cross-posted on Wattpad & ao3 ~
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purplegirl20 · 11 months
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me), along with judgment day
Summary: The Judgement Day decide to surprise me after not seeing me for several months.
Warning: None
Tagging: :@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sparkleva95 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @sparklykryptonitequeen91 @claymoresofinfamy23
Note: Sorry for the very long hiatus. I've been dealing with studying to get my nursing license and now I'm back. I hope you enjoy my oneshot.
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October 18th:
It' was a chilly Wednesday afternoon. The Judgement day was eating together at a local dinner.
Damian: It's good to reclaim our titles.
Finn: I know right. Finally back home. Their real home.
Rhea smiled as Dominik was munching on his chicken tenders.
Rhea: By the way, What's happens with your girlfriend lately? We haven't from her in a while.
Damian: Oh. She's out of town. She been dealing with her family. Apparently both her mom and her dad caught COVID and been dealing with taking care of them.
Rhea: Damn. Doesn't she have siblings that will help her?
Damian: She does, but both of them live out of state and she's the only one that lives in the same state as her parents. It like a 3 hours drive for her.
Rhea and Finn: What?!
Finn: Is she the oldest?
Damian: Middle child.
Finn and Rhea:(groans) Ah. Middle child syndrome.
Dominik:(mouth full) Middle child syndrome?
Rhea: Dom! Don't speak with your mouth full.
Dominik:(mouth full) Sorry Mami.
Damian: Yea. She basically had been busy taking care of their needs. She barely talk to me because of this. She does small talks via text.
Dominik: Wow. She have alot of her plate. Does she have a good relationship with her parents?
Damian: It's normal. Although her parents are strict. She kind of quiet and socially awkward because of that.
Dominik: How strict are her parents?
Damian: A lot stricter than any parents in a typical Latino home. I mean they wouldn't let her celebrate Halloween. Or let go out to parties while she growing up.
Dominik: Holy shit! None?
Rhea: Now, that you think about it. The few times that I interact with her, she sometimes have problems with eye contact.
Dominik: Really?
Rhea: Remember, on her birthday last year and during the induction ceremony back in April, she sometimes don't look at us.
Dominik: Huh. I didn't notice it.
Damian: She kind of a homebody. She would rather stay home, watching cartoons, anime or play on her phone.
Rhea: Wow.
Finn: That's crazy.
Damian: Yea. I sometimes has to gently push her out of her comfort zone, from time to time.' It sometimes works, but she get overstimulated after a little while.
(Phone vibrating)
He quickly looks up at his phone and see my name on the phone.
Damian:(gasp) It's her.
He quickly picks his phone.
Damian: Shaynell. Mija. My chocolate cake! How are you? I miss you so much.
Shaynell: Hi Bunuelos. I miss you. I'm sorry for not talking to you that much for the last several months. I've been dealing with my own family affairs.
Damian: It fine, Mija. I miss you so much.
Shaynell: I miss you too.
Damian: What are you doing now?
Shaynell: I'm actually driving on my way home. I have at least 2 hours to go.
Damian: Wow. Really?
Shaynell: Yea. After 5 long months, dealing with family, I finally get to arrive home.
Damian: Aw. Don't worry baby. When you come back, I'm going to spoil you rotten?
Shaynell: You promise?
Damian: I promise.
Shaynell: Alright. I love you. Bye.
I quickly hangs up the phone.
Damian: Alright. I have 2 hours to surprise. I'll need your help.
Rhea: Of course. We'll always here to help. Right guys?
Finn and Dominik nods their head in agreement.
Damian: Perfect.
Dominik: Can I least like 2 more orders of chicken tenders and fries, please?
Rhea, Finn, Damian: DOM!
2 hours later...
Shaynell:(sighs) Finally! I'm home! 5 months of being away. I know my fridge has expired food already. I need to clean the fridge and order some groceries when I get home.
I turned the engine of my car and parked my car. I then noticed Damian's car at the parkway.
Shaynell: Look like Damian is at my house already.
I grabbed my luggage and grabbed my keys to get into my house.
Shaynell:(sighs) Finally! I'm inside my own house.
I opens the door and went inside the house. I set my luggage aside and kick my shoes off.
Shaynell: UGH! Finally. Damian! I'm home!
I heard from no response.
Shaynell: Damian? Hello?
I went to the kitchen to try to get rid of the expired food, when I noticed that a huge chocolate cake on the table.
Shaynell: What the hell? Why there's cake here?
Shaynell:(gasp) AHH!
I quickly turns around and saw Judgement Day in front of me.
Judgement day: SURPRISE!
Shaynell: What the hell is going on?
Damian: I just want to surprise you!
He smile and kissed me on the lips, making me a smile.
Damian: I miss you so much!
He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight.
Shaynell:(giggling) Damian!
Damian: I miss you so much! I miss your Face! Your voice! Those lips!
He smirks and and sloppily kiss me on the lips, causing me to gasp for air.
Rhea: Damian! Give her some space. You're going to swallow her face.
Shaynell:(coughing) Jesus!
Damian: I'm sorry. I just miss her so much!
He quickly picked me up and hold me tight, accidentally squeezing me.
Shaynell:(gasp) Damian! You're squeezing me! HELP!
Finn and Dominik quickly pulled me away from him.
Finn:(concerned) Are you ok?
Damian: I'm sorry. I just can't enough of you.
Shaynell:(coughing) I know. Just please be gentle next time.
Damian: I will, Mija.
He smile and gently holds me.
Damian: Come here, princesa.
He smiles and playfully pokes my sides, causing me to giggle and squirm.
Finn:(clears throat) Excuse me. Aren't we going to eat this cake or see you make out?
Damian: Oh right. I got some double chocolate cake for you.
Shaynell: I can see that.
Dominik: Oh. Let get some milk to eat some cake.
Shaynell: DOM! Don't drink that! It expired!
He accidentally drink the expired milk, but quickly spit it out.
Dom:(gags) YUCK!
Shaynell: Sorry. I haven't throw away the expired food. All of my food went bad for the last 5 months.
He continue gagging to get rid of the awful taste in his mouth with Rhea by his side.
Rhea: Wash it down with water.
He quickly drinks water from the tap to get rid of the smell.
Rhea: You feel a little better?
Dominik: Yea.
Shaynell: Seriously. Sorry. I didn't have the chance to get rid of the food in the fridge.
Dominik: It fine. You got Listerine?
Shaynell: Bathroom on the right.
Dominik: Thank you!
He quickly left the kitchen to go the bathroom.
Shaynell: While he in the bathroom, I'll order some pizza and wings to go along with some cake. Damian, can you take the cake to the living room?
Damian: Of course.
Shaynell: Thank you, my bunuelos.
I smile and kiss him on the lips, making him blush.
I starts ordering some food while we wait for Dominik to recover.
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cybercloudpunk53737 · 2 years
Hello, my name is Alex and/or Cyber! This is my master list!
- Seth freakin’ Rollins :) (any gender)
-Rhea Ripley (any gender)
-Dominik M. (Any gender)
-Damian Priest (any gender)
-Finn Balor (any gender)
You can request ppl!!!!!!!
Obey me
-any of the brothers any gender!
Any of the side characters (NOT luke only if it’s platonic!) and any gender!
Request ppl!!
Twisted wonderland
Any of heartslabyul
Any of the dorms in general lol
Any of the staff (no Grimm unless it’s platonic!! :)
Demon slayer!
Any hashira! (Even tengen’s wives)
Any demon!
Tanjiro or any one of that group! (No nezuko unless it’s platonic!)
Anything horror!
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on elm street
Please request anything else! I will happily except them! If I don’t know them I will do research!!!
I will do a angst, fluff, I will try to do smut but I still have to practice it!
Again! Please request!!! I will happily except them! You can request anything! To fandoms to oneshots to imagines!
-Alex! <3
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cosmicflw3rr · 23 days
ooooo or maybe a oneshot about r adopting a pet behind dom’s back and at first he doesn’t like it but slowly starts loving it? 😭😭
dominik mysterio x fem! reader
summary: you've always wanted a dog, but your boyfriend doesn't due to your busy schedules. a girls' day off leads to adopting an adorable black and white puppy.
A/N: I’m backkkkkk. also I feel this is so unnecessarily long but hope you enjoy!!
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you and liv were sitting at a coffee shop in san diego, enjoying the day off you both had.
being a wwe superstar required a non-stop road schedule, with just two days of home time before travelling to the next city for monday night raw.
even then, you weren't sure if you'd make it home every week due to the ongoing live events every week. so, whenever you did have days off, you tried to enjoy them to their fullest.
the two of you had just gotten your drinks, and up until this point, the conversation had been focused on catching up on how work had been. even though you worked together, you rarely saw her due to your different schedules. gradually, the conversation shifted to your home lives and how you had been spending your off days.
“oh my god, wait.” liv chuckled, pulling out her phone and scrolling through it. “the other day I was working out, and kilo would not leave my side at all!” she exclaimed, turning her phone to show you a video.
you watched the video, laughing heartily as kilo, her dog, tried to mimic her workout moves, hopping around and occasionally getting in the way. the video also showed a moment where kilo licked her face.
liv laughed, trying to move away from him, but her attempts were in vain as she eventually gave in, hugging him tightly and showering him with kisses and hugs.
“that’s actually so adorable!” you remarked, still chuckling at the heartwarming video.
she smiled warmly, her eyes meeting yours for a moment before she looked back down at her phone, her fingers deftly scrolling through the screen. “I know! he’s such a sweetheart,” she exclaimed her eyes showing genuine affection.
she then turned her phone towards you again, this time displaying a heartwarming picture of them cuddled up on the couch, kilo nestled comfortably against her, both looking completely content and at peace.
“awww!” you exclaimed, your face lighting up with genuine delight. liv had a warm smile, before turning off her phone and placing it gently on the table. “I’ve always wanted a dog,” you admitted, before you took a sip of your coffee.
the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the soft murmur of conversations around you. liv leaned in slightly, her expression thoughtful.
she quirked an eyebrow as she also took a sip of her drink, “why don’t you get one?”
you sigh gently tracing the rim of your coffee cup with your index finger. “dom’s not really into the whole idea.”
she took a moment to pause, setting her cup down carefully on the table, her gaze flickering towards you once more. “really?” she asked, “he seems like a dog dad 100%”
you laugh softly, settling back into your chair with a sigh. “he just thinks that since we’re both constantly on the road and barely home, it would be too much to ask either his mom or my parents to take on the responsibility of watching it,” you explain, your shoulders lifting in a shrug of understanding.
yet, a part of you can’t help but wish he’d just give it a try.
liv nodded thoughtfully, genuinely listening to your words, “I can understand where he’s coming from,” she began, her voice gentle and reassuring. “but at the same time, I know that even with our schedules, having a dog could be a good thing.”
“a part of me understands him; we’re just so busy,” you say, pausing for a second to gather your thoughts. “but I feel like a fur baby would be so good for us.”
liv juts out her lip softly looking at you with a ‘awe’ face. "I totally get that," she says, her eyes meeting yours with a knowing look. "maybe the conversation is worth revisiting with dom.” liv shrugs taking another sip of her coffee and glances at the clock on the wall.
"ou come,” she said, “I wanted to stop by this little pet store I saw just down the street while I was driving here."
you both stand up, gathering your things. "okay, let’s go then."
the two of you walk out of the coffee shop together, continuing down the sidewalk and admiring the charming little shops set up along the street. “this street is so adorable, I can’t believe I’ve never been here before,” you tell her, a soft smile spreading across your face as you take in the surroundings.
you both slowly come to a stop, right in front of a small pet shop/adoption center. “I know, right?” she said, opening the door and causing the little bell to jingle. you followed after her.
“I’ll be right back.” liv said giving you a soft smile before she heads straight for the aisles, searching for the items she needs.
you take a moment to look around, noticing how the shop is much bigger than you expected. the air is filled with a mix of scents—
pet food, and a hint of something sweet, like treats baking in an oven.
the store is well-organized, with bright, colorful displays showcasing various pet supplies. there are shelves lined with toys, beds, and grooming tools, and aisles dedicated to different types of food and treats.
the walls were adorned with pictures of all the pets that had been adopted and their owners.
you look around the store, looking at all the cute little animals they had scattered around, you wander over to the adoption area.
the soft meows and barks immediately catch your attention. as you walk down the aisle you see a variety of dogs.
you stop in front of a kennel and notice a tag that reads "otto." he's an australian shepherd and border collie mix. as you kneel down to get a closer look, you can't help but feel a tug at your heart.
you smile at him as you hook your finger through the fence. otto immediately starts licking it.
"you're such a cute boy," you say, your heart melting a little more with each lick. a worker comes up from behind you.
“believe it or not, but otto’s been here longer than most of our other pets have.”
your smile falls slightly as you look up at the owner, still petting him through the cage. “really?”
the worker nods sympathetically. "yeah, he's a bit of a special case. he's incredibly sweet and so well behaved, but people just seem to overlook him."
you look back down at the dog who was still licking your fingers. “that’s so sad.”
you continue to gently stroke otto's fur, feeling a pang of sadness. "I can't believe no one has taken him home yet. he's perfect." the dog looks up with you with big, hopeful eyes.
the worker smiles warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "he is. we're really hoping someone will see what we see in him soon. he's such a special dog."
liv finds you in the adoption section, her arms filled with an assortment of pet supplies. "hey, I got what I came for," she says, giving you the heads-up that you guys could leave if you wanted to. her gaze falls on the black and white dog you're petting. "oh, who's this handsome guy?" she kneels down next to you, carefully placing her things on the floor before reaching through the fence to pet him as well.
"this is otto," you say, your voice filled with affection as you watch liv interact with him. "he's been here longer than most of the other pets. It's really surprising because he's seems like such a good boy."
liv's eyes soften as she continues to pet otto, her fingers gently scratching behind his ears. "aw, that's heartbreaking. I can't believe no one has taken him home yet, I mean he’s gorgeous.”
you inhaled deeply, closing your eyes for a brief second. liv looked at you, her gaze knowing and filled with understanding. after a moment you let out a soft whine. "I can't leave him here, liv," you admitted, opening your eyes and looking at her, your eyebrows furrowing and your eyes softening.
liv gave you a reassuring smile, her hand still gently petting otto. "I knew it," she said softly. "I could see it the moment you started talking about him."
you took another deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision. "I know dom said no pets, but otto, he just... he deserves a home, you know? and I don’t think I can leave him to spend another night here."
liv nodded, her smile growing. "me being an animal lover I say you should do it, but-“ she paused smirking. “if anybody asks I wasn’t with you.” the both of you burst into laughter.
you gave otto one last pet before standing up, sighing and looking at the worker. "I want to adopt him."
the worker’s eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and joy. "oh my! that's wonderful! I’ll get you started on the paperwork."
you gave otto one last look before you followed the worker to the front desk, liv gathered her things and joined you, her excitement evident. "I think you’re doing the right thing."
you nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. "I hope so. I just want him to have a good home."
the worker handed you a stack of forms to fill out, and you began writing down your information, your mind racing with thoughts of how otto would fit into your life. you could already picture coming home to him after a long week.
you could only hope dom wouldn’t be to upset with you. liv leaned over, glancing at the forms. "how you holding up?”
you took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision you had just made. "I just hope dom won’t be too mad," you said, glancing at liv. "I mean, I adopted a dog behind his back when he’s made clear we’re too busy for one."
liv gave you a sympathetic look, her hand still gently petting otto. "I get it, but sometimes you just have to follow your heart," she said softly. "I think he’ll come around."
you nodded, trying to find comfort in her words. "I hope so, I think we can make it work."
liv nodded, “you definitely can,” before gasping suddenly. you looked towards her, confused. “can I please go pick out some toys, treats, and a cute comfy bed?”
you chuckled, shaking your head. “go ahead, I’m just gonna finish up the paperwork.” she squealed before leaving your side and disappearing into one of the aisles.
not long after liv left, you finished the paperwork. the worker handed you otto’s adoption certificate and a small bag of starter supplies. "thank you for giving otto a home. we can tell he’s going to be so happy with you. I’ll go get him.”
you nodded gratefully, smiling as you gazed over the adoption certificate. as the worker walked away, you glanced around the store, your mind racing with thoughts of how dom would react.
liv returned, her arms loaded with toys, treats, and a plush bed that looked perfect for otto. “look at all this stuff! he’s going to be so spoiled,” you said, grinning from ear to ear.
she smiled warmly, her eyes twinkling with joy. “yes, he is! and it’s all on his auntie liv.” liv carefully placed the items in the cart with a flourish, then turned to you with a reassuring pat on the back.
you shook your head, a mixture of gratitude and protest in your voice. “no, liv, I can pay—”
“ah ah—” she interjected, cutting you off mid-sentence. “take it as a welcome home gift for my godson.” her tone was playful but firm, leaving no room for argument.
you rolled your eyes, a smirk forming on your lips. “your godson, huh?” you asked teasingly, raising an eyebrow at her.
liv shrugged nonchalantly, but her smile grew even wider. “of course! someone has to spoil him rotten, and who better than me?” she winked at you, making it clear that she was thrilled to be part of this new chapter in your life.
you couldn’t help but laugh, feeling a wave of affection for your friend. “alright, alright. thank you, auntie liv. otto’s going to be one lucky pup with you around.”
the worker returned with otto, who wagged his tail excitedly as he saw you. he jumped up and down, and you couldn't help but smile widely as you bent down to pet him. "ready to go home, boy?" you asked, your voice filled with warmth and affection. otto barked in response.
meanwhile, liv took care of paying for all the items you had picked out for otto. With everything settled, you both walked out of the store, otto trotting happily beside you, his leash held loosely in your hand.
as you reached the parking lot, you and liv shared a quick hug and said your goodbyes, each heading to your cars.
you opened the backseat door and gently helped otto climb in, making sure he was comfortable. once he was settled, you closed the door and walked around to the front, sliding into the driver's seat.
after adjusting your seatbelt, you started the car and turned to look back at otto. "ready to go home?" you asked with a smile. otto responded by leaning forward and licking your face, making you laugh out loud. you turned back to the road and began the drive home.
you walk into yours and dom’s shared apartment, making your way to the spare room down the hall.
you set otto’s things up meticulously: his toys arranged neatly, his cozy bed in the corner, his crate positioned just right, and his food and water bowls filled and ready. once you're done, you sit down in the middle of the room, watching as otto sniffs around curiously before finally settling on your lap.
you pull out your phone, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness, and dial your mom's number.
"hey, mom!" you say enthusiastically, a wide smile spreading across your face as you see her appear on the screen.
"hey, honey! everything alright?" she asks gently, her voice full of warmth and concern.
"well, I kind of did something," you admit, turning the camera to show otto lounging comfortably on your lap.
her eyes light up immediately. "oh my goodness, he's adorable! what’s his name?" she asks, her excitement mirroring your own.
"his name is otto," you reply, smiling. “he’s an australian shepherd mixed with a border collie, and he’s the sweetest boy ever.” you purse your lips and place a soft kiss on the top of his head, then look back at your mom.
“I thought you and dom weren’t going to get a dog?” she says, her smile still on her face, clearly happy for you.
you wince slightly at the reminder. “we weren’t, but I was out at breakfast with liv, and she needed to pick up some stuff for her pets. It happened to be at an adoption center, and I just fell in love with him,” you explain, waiting for her to scold you.
to your surprise, your mom laughs warmly, the sound filling you with a sense of relief. “well, sometimes the best things happen unexpectedly. he’s a beautiful dog, and I can see why you couldn’t resist. when you gonna tell dom?” she asks, her eyes twinkling with curiosity and a hint of amusement.
you look down at the ground, your fingers absentmindedly playing with the soft fibers of the carpet. “well, he’s not home right now, but as soon as he is, I’m going to tell him.” you take a deep breath, suddenly remembering the other reason you called. “the big problem with having a dog is finding someone to watch him while we’re gone, and I was wondering if you could watch him while dom and I are on the road?”
"of course, I'd love to," she says warmly, her voice filled with reassurance. “I’ve always loved having animals around, and he seems like he’d be wonderful.”
just then, you hear the front door open. "dom's home, gotta go," you whisper hurriedly, hanging up the phone.
you gently stroke otto's fur before standing up, feeling the soft warmth of his coat under your fingers. "shush, buddy," you say softly, giving him one last affectionate pat. you quietly leave the room, closing the door behind you with a soft click.
you walk down the hallway, and step into the kitchen and see dom placing some things into the fridge. “hey baby,” you say softly, moving closer to him, eager to share a warm embrace once he’s done.
dom glances over his shoulder at the sound of your voice, a smile spreading across his face. he quickly finishes putting the groceries away, then turns to face you, his arms already extending to welcome you into his embrace. "oh hey, cariño," he greets you warmly, his accent never failing to send a shiver down your spine.
you move into him and he wraps his strong arms around your waist, pulling you snugly against his chest. his hands find their place on your hips, holding you with a gentle yet firm touch.
you loop your arms around his neck, a tender smile gracing your lips. “how was your morning?” you ask.
he hums contentedly as your arms encircle his neck, feeling the warmth of your touch.
he leans in and presses a gentle kiss on your forehead, taking a moment to just appreciate being with you.
he pulls back slightly, his thumbs still gently rubbing your hips. "It was alright," he replies casually. "the usual stuff—gym, errands, nothing special." he studies your face, noticing a hint of nervousness in your eyes. "you okay, babe?"
you nod, looking up at him as you bite your lip nervously. untangling yourself from his embrace, you take a step back placing your hand on the counter for support. “I have to tell you something, and I know you’re going to be a little pissed off, but I want you to hear me out.”
at your words, his expression shifts to one of concern, his eyes narrowing slightly as he leans back against the counter. he crosses his arms over his chest, a habit he has when he's worried.
he continues to study your face carefully, recognizing that something is troubling you. he nods slowly, signaling for you to continue. "okay," he says softly, his tone neutral yet attentive. "I'm listening."
“okay, so today after breakfast, liv and I stopped by a pet store. It had this adoption center inside.” you pause, trying to gauge his reaction as you continue speaking softly. “I couldn’t resist... I adopted a dog.” you stop, waiting for his response.
dom's eyes widen in shock, clearly taken aback by your confession. his arms drop to his sides in disbelief.
he takes a moment to process your words, then shakes his head slightly as if trying to clear his thoughts. "you what?" he says finally, his voice a little sharper than usual. “you adopted a dog—without even talking to me first?”
your eyebrows furrow as you look at him, feeling the weight of his reaction. “I know. I should’ve talked to you first!” you try to explain, hoping to ease his frustration. “but I saw him, and I don’t know, I just couldn’t say no.”
he runs a hand through his hair, frustration written all over his face. he takes a deep breath, trying to remain calm.
"you 'couldn't say no'?" he repeats, his tone becoming annoyed. "babe, we live in an apartment. we have a pretty busy schedule. you can't just adopt a pet without discussing it with me first. we're supposed to make these decisions as a team, remember?"
you inhale looking down at the ground before looking at him. “I know baby. I’m sorry..”
he sighs, seeing the genuine remorse on your face. his expression softens slightly, but he's still clearly frustrated with the situation.
"I get that you love dogs," he says, his voice slightly calmer than before. "but you can't just make these kind of decisions on a whim. we need to think about this logically—our lifestyles, our schedules. we're constantly traveling and doing press, we don't have the time to take care of a dog properly."
“I know!” you counter trying to make him see your point, to at least hear you out. “I know we’re traveling a lot but my mom can watch him she’s already agreed to, and I’ve heard people at work say having a dog to come home too is a good thing.”
dom's expression softens even more, his irritation fading slightly. "your mom agreed to watch him while we're gone?" he asks, a hint of skepticism in his voice.
you nod, hoping he’ll understand
he takes another deep breath, mulling over the idea in his mind. he knows you've already adopted the dog, so there's no going back now.
"but what about when we do come home?" he asks, turning his attention back to you. he studies your face, noticing the hopefulness in your eyes. “like I said our schedule are pretty packed even at home. how are we supposed to find time to take care of a pet on top of that?"
“dom i know it sounds stressful, but it doesn’t have to be.” you assure him. “I’ll take care of him. my off days are pretty chill, and most of the times so are yours.”
dom runs a hand through his hair again, clearly conflicted. he knows you mean well, and he can see how much you love this dog already.
"babe, I get it, I really do," he says, his tone calmer than before. "but I'm just worried about how we're gonna make this work. I don’t want it to be a burden on you. you've already got a lot on your plate."
“baby I got this, please just trust me.” you ask him softly, reaching for his hand.
dom sighs, looking down at your hand in his. he can't deny that the thought of having a dog in the apartment makes him a bit happy too, even if he's still worried about the details.
he laces his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand gently. "I do trust you," he says quietly. "but we're in this together, alright? we’re gonna make this work."
your soft frown turns into a smile. “we’re in this together.” you repeat softly.
he nods, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "we are," he replies, his voice warm and reassuring.
he takes a step closer to you, his arms wrapping around your waist again, pulling you closer against him. "just promise me one thing," he says, looking down at you with a serious expression.
you look up at him confused, humming in response.
dom quirks an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on his lips. he can't help but be a little bit excited at the thought of seeing the dog you've secretly adopted.
"do I want to meet him? of course I do," he says, his tone a mix of sarcasm and amusement. "lead the way, cariño."
you pull away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him down the hallway to the spare room. you open the door to see otto laying down in the same spot you’d left him in asleep.
dom follows you into the room, his expression softening as he sees otto for the first time. he can't deny that the pup is adorable, all cozy in the spare room.
"wow," he says quietly, a hint of awe in his voice. "so this is the little guy, huh?"
he steps into the room, approaching otto slowly, not wanting to startle the sleeping dog. you do the same slowly sitting next to the sleeping puppy.
dom sits down next to you, watching as otto stirs slightly, lifting his head to look at you both. he notices that the puppy has a curious look on his face, as if assessing the new stranger in his room.
he reaches out a hand, gently scratching otto behind the ear. "he’s kind of cute," he murmurs, a small smile on his face.
you look at dom a wide smile before looking at otto. “this is your daddy otto.” you say softly placing a soft kiss on the dogs head.
dom smiles at the sight, his heart melting a little at how sweet you're being with the puppy. he stretches out a hand, gently scratching the top of otto's head. "hey there, buddy," he says quietly, his voice warm and soothing.
otto tilts his head in response, his tail thumping on the ground as he seems torecognize the affection from both of you.byou smile looking at otto before looking at how dom was with the dog.
dom's expression softens even more as he continues to play with the puppy, gently scratching behind his ears and petting his soft fur.
he can't help but grin as otto seems to respond to his touch, whining affectionately and trying to crawl into his lap. he looks over at you, joy in his eyes.
dom grins at your laugh, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I think he likes me," he says jokingly, as otto continues to crawl onto his lap, resting his head comfortably against dom's chest.
“I think he does.”
a year later.
It was yours and dom’s day off. you both had, had the most hectic week. wrestlemania was coming up and quickly.
so when you had asked him to join you at the gym he declined and told you he was just going to watch a movie.
you’d just come back from your morning workout, you could hear the tv playing softly in the background, and the apartment was dim, lit only by the gloomy light filtering in from outside. The rain had left a gentle patter against the windows.
you unlock your apartment door and step inside. “baby, I’m home,” you call out softly, not really paying attention as you kick off your shoes and place your water bottle into the fridge. when you don’t hear a response, your eyebrows furrow in mild confusion.
just as you’re about to call out again, you notice dom lying on the couch, fast asleep, with the tv quietly playing a movie in the background. you walk around the kitchen island and see dom cuddled up with otto, who was also sleeping peacefully.
a smile spreads across your face as you take out your phone and snap a quick picture. “we are too busy for dogs, my ass,” you tease softly, chuckling to yourself.
dom stirs at the sound of your voice, slowly opening his eyes as he becomes conscious of your presence. he blinks a few times, adjusting to the dim light of the apartment.
he looks up at you, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he notices you taking a picture of him cuddling with otto. "hey, you're home," he says, his voice still rough and groggy from sleep.
dom glances down at otto, who remains cuddled up against him, eyes half-lidded and content. "yeah, yeah," he mutters, rolling his eyes playfully.
you laugh, sitting down next to dom, causing otto to slowly wake up as well. “I missed you boys.”
dom wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer against him. he chuckles softly as otto raises his head, looking at you with his big, sleepy eyes.
"we missed you too," he says, a hint of affection in his voice. he gently scratches behind otto's ear, eliciting a soft whine from the pup.
you cuddle into dom, humming in contentment as your eyes flutter closed. “nope,” you say, getting up reluctantly. “I need to shower, I’m sweaty.”
dom groans softly as you get up, clearly not ready to let go of your cuddles.
"do you have to?" he whines jokingly, pouting slightly. He looks up at you with puppy-dog eyes, trying to convince you to stay.
“we can cuddle and take a nap after I shower. I promise.”
dom sighs in mock defeat, a small pout still on his face. "fine," he relents, reluctantly pulling his arm away from you.
"but you better not take forever, or I might fall asleep without you," he teases, his eyes still sleepy and half-lidded.
“I won’t.” just then, you run to the bathroom, getting into the shower as quickly as you can.
dom watches as you hurry off to the bathroom, letting out a small chuckle, amused by your eagerness to shower and be back with him.
he stretches out on the couch, reaching for the remote to turn off the movie that's still playing on the tv. he then turns his attention to otto, who's now standing beside him, waiting for your return.
"she takes quick showers," dom says to the dog, as if trying to explain your absence. "don't worry, she'll be back soon."
you finish up, throwing on sweats and one of dom’s hoodies.
dom looks up as you re-enter the living room, his eyes wandering over your sweatpant-clad legs and the oversized hoodie you're wearing. he smirks slightly, recognizing it as one of his.
"nice outfit," he teases, a hint of admiration in his eyes.
“hush,” you tease, sitting down in your previous spot and cuddling up next to him.
dom chuckles softly as you settle back beside him, immediately draping his arm around your shoulders. he pulls you closer against his chest, enjoying the feeling of you against him.
"so clingy," he teases, a hint of affection in his voice. he gently runs his hand up and down your arm, tracing aimless patterns on your skin.
you roll your eyes, leaning into him a bit more, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. just then, otto jumps up onto your lap, his tail wagging excitedly. you can’t help but smile as he settles down, nuzzling into you.
dom laughs softly, watching. "looks like someone missed you," he says, reaching over to give otto a gentle pat on the head.
you scratch behind otto's ears, feeling the soft fur under your fingers. "yeah, he’s a little cuddle bug," you reply, your voice filled with affection.
dom's arm tightens around you both, creating a cozy little bubble of warmth and love. "our little family," he murmurs, his voice content.
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y/n: love coming home to my boys❤️
dominik_35: love you amor🖤
y/n: love you moree 🖤🖤
yaonlylivvonce: my godsonn 😍
y/n: he misses you! visit soon😊
archerofinfamy: my man otto
y/n: 😭😭
49 notes · View notes
specialinterestshows · 2 months
minor spoiler if u havent see raw 7/22
yeah sorry i went insane for a few. Yea oh lord yea im re reading. Idk if youve seen raw yet but if so the clip of rhea licking doms face😭❤️🫡
it wont lemme insert the vid i have i can dm it to you so likeeeee
Like gn!afab!reader and dom yella at liv and then rhea does that little lick thing and she then takes reader and dom back stage and fucks them? And like raging mommy kink (idk if you could tell but i LOVE mommy/daddy kinks /sarc) and but like POSSESIVE SEX like they get handsy back stage a damian is like “take it easy” the they fuck at the hotel.
holy fuck i love this woman lmao
You got it!
The following is a gender-neutral!AFAB!reader x Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio oneshot, based on the incident in the aforementioned episode of Raw (which I have been mentally calling “the face-lick that launched a thousand fics.”)
Warnings: Exhibitionism, mommy kink (for reader; Dom still calls her Mami), possessive dirty talk, choking, face-licking, voyeurism, groping, orgasm control, biting, blindfolding, body writing, possessive sex, begging, edging
Squared Circle Triad
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Damian quickly averted his eyes, having walked into the Judgment Day locker room to see Rhea with you and Dom. She had half-stripped the two of you already, black lipstick prints covering you both. She ran her nails across you for a moment longer before turning around.
“Just reminding both of them who they belong to,” Rhea smirked, “Mami’s been gone so long, hasn’t she, loves?”
She was right. Three months without Rhea had left you and Dom scrambling trying to get the title belt away from Liv and avoiding her increasingly uncomfortable advances toward you both. It had all come to a head tonight, when Dom started yelling at Liv.
You were surprised at first, never having seen him have an outburst quite like that before. But the more he spoke, the more you agreed and, eventually, both of you were yelling across the stadium for Liv to stop trying to interfere with your relationship. She ran away crying - but the moment she did, Rhea grabbed both you and Dom by the throat in that passionate, possessive way you both missed.
You watched his goofy grin as Rhea slowly licked the side of Dom’s face and kissed him, before doing the same with you. A thrill ran up your spine and you were left a bit dazed as she whispered something about wanting both your tongues next, pulling the two of you out of the ring and into a more private setting - but not completely private.
“Yeah, well, take it easy,” Damian suggested, looking at the three of you now, “Carlito walks in here and I guarantee he’s gonna make it weird.”
“Relax,” Rhea chuckled, “Never thought you’d mind getting a free show so much.”
Her lips brushed your shoulder as she played with Dom through his unbuttoned pants, her teeth sinking into your skin and making you moan loudly. You felt your face get warmer, knowing you were being watched.
“That’s cool,” Carlito’s voice made you look over, realizing your audience now included the entirety of the rest of the Judgment Day and company, all watching intently.
“Perverts,” Rhea sighed, letting go of you and Dom, “Alright, alright, we’re leaving for the hotel.”
Grabbing what clothes you recognized as quickly as you could, a sigh made you look up. Dom locked eyes with you, disheveled and visibly aroused. He seemed hesitant to leave, despite the crowd.
An insistent cough and tilt of her head from your girlfriend told the two of you to hurry up. There was no hesitation after that, both of you re-dressing in record time.
“Coming, Mami!” Dom said as he walked over, not appearing to realize his shirt was on inside-out.
“Not yet,” Rhea teased, grabbing his jaw as you caught up, “Not without permission.”
She let go and you grabbed Dom’s hand, pulling him along with you as you followed.
As you exited the room, you swore you could faintly hear:
“That’s… cool?”
Once the three of you entered the hotel room, both you and Dom were told to strip down to nothing. Eagerly following orders, it quickly became a sort of competition as to who could strip faster, Dom playfully throwing his clothes your way as soon as he removed them until you were doing the same.
“Behave for Mommy, darlings,” Rhea warned, trying not to laugh at your antics, “Go on, kiss and make up.”
Dropping the underwear you still had balled up in your hand, you threw your arms around Dom and the two of you giggled as you kissed.
“That’s better,” she said, slowly taking off her belt and undoing her pants, “Family shouldn’t fight. Family” - she let her pants, belt and all, fall to the floor before running her hand along the small wet patch that was already soaking through her panties - “should love each other.”
Once her underwear also laid on the floor in a heap, Rhea turned around and bent over. While you and Dom were distracted by the mouthwatering view, her hand disappeared into one of her bags for a moment, pulling out a purple bandana and a shiny, silver marker.
“You, on your knees,” she ordered, pointing at Dom, then the floor underneath her, “You’re mine, which means your mouth is too. Get to work.”
While Dom did as he was told, Rhea folded the bandana.
“You, come closer,” she was speaking to you now, beckoning you forward with one finger.
Rhea was already biting her lip and sighing at the touch of Dom’s tongue when you stepped forward. She placed the bandana over your eyes, tying it into a makeshift blindfold.
“Can you see?” she asked, breath hitching at the end of the question.
“No, Mommy,” you replied, mesmerized by the sounds of her restrained pleasure.
“Good,” you heard the smile in her voice before she moaned, “Fuck, that’s it, Dom-Dom.”
A cool feeling slithered across your chest as the acrid marker smell reached your nose. No matter how hard you tried to concentrate on how the marker moved - and what she might be writing - you were distractingly wet and aching with desire. Listening to both of your partners enjoying each other wasn’t making it easier.
“Hold still,” she instructed when you squirmed, “Mommy wants to make sure everyone can read what she’s writing on you.”
After what felt like far too long, you finally heard the click of the marker cap snapping back into place.
“Yes… fuck yes… smile for the camera,” Rhea said before the sound of her phone taking photos clicked over and over, “Mmm, fuck, now turn around” - her hand gently touched your waist to make sure you did as you were told - “So good for Mommy.”
The moans that rang in your ears were getting louder as the blindfold was untied and lifted away from your eyes. The look on Rhea’s face told you she was close to coming. She confirmed your suspicions when she pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss and your lips buzzed, her grip on you tightening as she trembled, letting the sensation engulf her. Your body screamed for the same pleasure, but you knew trying to touch yourself would only delay it further, so you kept your hands at your sides and melted into the kiss.
After riding out her orgasm, Rhea let go of you and giggled. Looking over, you saw Dom serenely licking cum off his mustache before looking down at yourself. You could only read some of what Rhea had scrawled across you. Then, you remembered her taking photos.
“What is it, darling?” she asked, eyes searching you for a hint at what you might be thinking.
“Can I see the pictures?” you asked shyly, watching her slight worry turn to amusement.
“Of course you can,” Rhea cooed, “Look at all the lovely things Mommy wrote on you, baby.”
You looked through the pictures of you on her phone as you felt Dominik’s eyes reading what he could see of you.
There were several that made you smile:
“I love my Mommy” across your chest,
“Pretty little plaything” on your lower back,
Yours, Dom’s, and Rhea’s initials inside a heart on your side, separated by little plus signs,
“Rhea’s forever” on your shoulder.
By the time you were done reading, you were practically dripping down your own thighs.
“Get a good look?” Rhea asked, smiling when you nodded and handed back her phone, “Perfect. Now switch places, both of you.”
A gentle peck on your cheek sent you on your way. A second later, Dom pulled you in for a kiss, the familiar taste of your girlfriend still on his lips, before grabbing your ass and taking your place - standing, ready to be blindfolded.
Kneeling down between Rhea’s legs, you greeted her with your open mouth. Her body responded as soon as you started to move your tongue, the melody of her ecstasy beginning once again.
The orders she gave Dom became background noise as you focused all your attention on pleasing Rhea. You hummed against her, delighting in how good she tasted. Losing yourself in the rhythm of your own movements and your girlfriend’s moaning, your mind reached a point where your thoughts melted into muscle memory.
Even without having payed attention to any of the words exchanged between your partners, you knew when Rhea was done with Dom when she suddenly started moaning louder. Your mouth moved faster and faster, tongue flicking wildly, until Rhea filled the room with the sound of her climax. She tasted even sweeter when she came, and it took her yanking you away to stop you from trying to push her through to yet another orgasm.
Grinning, Rhea turned, reaching into her bag once more as you and Dom took a moment to examine what she had written on him. The two of you compared similar ones; his said “Mami” where yours said “Mommy,” among other slight differences. Each of you was so busy pointing out what was written on the other that it wasn’t until Rhea said “Your turns now” that the two of you turned to look at her again.
She was stanced powerfully, naked except for the strapon fully snug against her hips, thighs, and ass. The purple toy she had on was one that the three of you had picked out together; thick, with a series of bumps around the base that drove you and Dom wild.
“Lay down on the bed, babe,” she told you, giggling at how quickly you followed instructions. Then, once you had, “Scoot down a bit.”
You did so, but apparently not far enough.
“Here, let me help,” she said before pulling you closer to the edge by giving your ankles a sharp tug, “There we go. Now Dom-Dom, you get on top of them, facing each other.”
She pushed him down once he held himself over you, making his elbows buckle and his torso press against yours. You gasped at how hard he was, the pre-cum dripping down his shaft smoothing the friction against your clit as he squirmed.
“Good boy,” she praised, “You’re going to stay there, just like that, and you’re not allowed to come until they come twice.”
Dom whined pathetically at this news, resting his head in the crook of your neck.
“Aw, don’t worry,” Rhea told him, “You’ll still get to feel Mami fucking them while I tease you.”
Saying this, she pressed the tip of the toy against your wet, needy hole.
“You’re not allowed to come without saying you belong to me first,” she pushed a bit further inside you for emphasis, “Understand?”
“Yes, Mommy,” you whined, desperate to feel her fill you all the way.
“Let’s practice,” Rhea suggested, drawing out your anticipation, “Pretend you’re getting close. What do you say?”
“I belong to you, Mommy,” you recited.
“That’s right, just like that,” she praised.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head the moment she slid so deep inside you that you felt the texture at the base of the toy.
The first few thrusts released your unrestrained moans into the air, feeling like almost too much all at once - just the way you liked it. Dom obediently remained on top of you, making needy noises as he kissed your neck. Your fingers gripped his hair as you rapidly approached your first orgasm.
“I’m close,” you moaned. Then, remembering your orders, “I belong to you, Mommy.”
In response, she started fucking you harder; but you still didn’t have her verbal permission.
“I’m yours!” you cried out, so close you were worried you might come whether you had permission or not, “I’m yours!”
“Come for me,” Rhea purred, praising you as your body automatically responded to the command. She had trained you well, and a few months away hadn’t dulled that training in the slightest.
As you rode out your pleasure, Dom suddenly began squirming on top of you, noises growing more desperate.
Once you had fallen into aftershocks, you opened your eyes and moved your head to see Rhea teasing Dom’s asshole with the pad of her thumb.
“Mami!” Dom moaned.
He sounded so cute when he was desperate that you couldn’t help but want to tease him a bit too. You nibbled on his ear as Rhea stopped moving the toy inside you, both of you having too much fun torturing Dom. He whined your name next, knowing he shouldn’t even think about coming until you had done so again.
“Aww, he’s confused,” you joked, “You don’t need my permission, babe.”
“Mami, please,” Dom begged urgently, “Please make them come again.”
“Oh I will,” Rhea said, “But I’ll take my sweet time doing it.”
She gradually started thrusting in and out of you again, the sublime motion making you cling to Dom. He whimpered against you as you grew closer and closer to your next orgasm with every movement. But, just when you were getting close enough to confess Rhea’s ownership of you once more, she stopped entirely. Both you and Dom groaned in frustration, making her laugh with delight.
“You’re both so cute when you want it this badly,” your girlfriend said, a twinge in her voice betraying the sadism behind her sweetness.
Before either one of you could try to beg, Rhea began fucking you and touching Dom at the same time. Your moans and his echoing each other as you both writhe against one another, a fervent mass of flesh chasing release.
But the moment the word “Mommy” escapes your lips, Rhea stops, leaving only the tip of the toy inside of you. The whine of defeat muffled by your shoulder tells you that both of you have been left at the edge.
“Please, Mommy,” you hear yourself say, so needy your words are running into each other, “Please, I’ll do anything-“
The heavenly sensation of Rhea sliding all the way back into you made you lose your train of thought, the loud sound of how wet you were punctuating each push of her hips. It wasn’t long before you were close once again.
“I belong to you, Mommy!” you cried out hopefully.
But rather than giving you permission, she slowed her pace instead.
Dom started begging her not to stop. Soon, the both of you were pleading for her to let you come.
“Alright, alright,” she finally conceded, “Mommy can’t say no to both of you.”
Rhea started thrusting again, showing you just how much she had been holding back by putting her weight behind every bruising, carnal thrust pounded into you this time, until the hotel walls resonated with your cries of pleasure. She fervently fucked you past your peak, until you whimpered a breathy “thank you, Mommy.”
Rhea pulled out of you then, immediately sliding the head of the toy into Dom. Your cum must have made excellent lube, judging by the way he was moaning on top of you.
Once the toy was all the way inside of him, Dom came embarrassingly fast, all over your torso and his.
“Gracias, Mami,” he breathed as she pulled out.
“I’ll only be a moment,” Rhea says, leaving you and Dom in a warm, sticky embrace as you kissed each other.
She appeared by the bed again a moment later, handing you both warm, damp towels to clean off with. Dom rolled off of you with a sigh and began cleaning off.
“You two did so good for me,” she praised, loosening the straps on her harness before climbing out of it, “Need anything else?”
“Just you,” was your reply as you wiped the last bit off your chest. Dom agreed, motioning for her to join the two of you.
She turned off the light, crawled over, and sat down on the bed. Her arms were around you both before your eyes even had time to adjust. The three of you moved and shifted into each other until you had all found maximum comfort.
“Te amo,” Dom mumbled sleepily, tapping Rhea’s hand with one finger.
“Te amo,” he said again, doing the same with you, “Buenas noches.”
“Good night,” you said to your partners, “I love you both.”
“And?” Rhea asked, gently grabbing hold of your jaw to get her point across.
You understood immediately.
“And I’m yours.”
Tag list (thank you!)
@domripley , @falloutboy-lover , @emogoblin-666 , @teganc , @sinderellanightwolf
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romansloverboy · 4 months
~Papi~ Dominik mysterio smut!
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Warnings: smut, fluff, rough sex, name calling (whore,slut pretty girl, good girl, baby girl), After care, dirty talking, praise kink, papi kink, shower sex
Summary: your horny asf so dom helps u out in the shower
if you have request i will take them but only wwe superstars i will post a list of wwe superstars i will be taking! with that being said i will not take requests like, R*pe, SA, Abuse, ECT, i hope you enjoy it this is my first oneshot/ book on here so ENJOY luv bugs!
Y/ns pov
i woke up and seen dominik peacefully sleeping so i got up and got clothes ready for a shower and i grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom i set my towel down and clothes on the sink counter and stripped i started the shower and got in.
Doms pov
i woke up and seen that she wasn't  next to me i looked around and heard the shower so i get up and before i walk into the bathroom i get a call from my obsessive ex Milly and i pick up
(dom is in the bold milly is in reg)
"milly what are you talking about"
"milly i didnt cheat on anyone im not explaining this situation you already know WE HAVE BEEN BROKEN UP FOR 2 YEARS NOW!"
i hung up
y/ns pov 
my hand moves slowly down to my heat and i start rubbing thinking of dom fucking me my eyes close and my head falls back "mhm dom!~" i slide a finger in and start fingering "uhh y-yeah right there papi!~" 
doms pov
i hear y/n moaning my name so i go into the bathroom and strip i walk to the shower and get in y/n noticed i was in there and said "o-oh i umm" i chuckle and pick her up kissing her my hand trails down to her wet heat and i slide a finger her earning a moan "you like that naughty girl" i say fingering her harder making her weak and wet "mmm shit papi!~" i turn her over and bend her over putting my cock in her earning a loud moan so i thrust hard "FUCK DOMINIK!" i smile and pounding harder "OH GOD PLEASE PAPI!!", she starts shaking so i keep going faster and faster her voice is shakey "F-F-F-FUCK P-P-PLEASEE!!!!"
shes clawing me trying to push me away i already know whats coming so i keep going "DOM DOM PLEASE!!!" she squirts and cums all over the shower wall screaming and shaking "mhm!~ fuck such a good girl!"
i hear her say "uh~ fuck me daddy" i start pounding her she is now screaming out. i rub her clit as fast as possible and shes shaking!
i clean her up and we get out and cuddle falling asleep
y/ns pov
i have always wondered when hes gonna propose to me i want to be his forever....
heyyyyy i hope i did good
I HOPE you enjoyed that! if you have request put it in the request box!!! i hope it isnt too short but love yall!
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ripleylove · 4 months
Mami,tu eres solo mia.
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inspired by the video down below!
pairing: Dominik Mysterio x fem reader.
genre: fluff
summary: even while doing an interview, Dominik always defends you,no one disrespects his mami.
A/N: oh hell yeah I love jealous and respectful latinos like whatever you say beautiful 😍😍😍😍
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Dominik was always going to defend you,always,not letting anybody talk badly about you.
And you got another demonstration of this while he was doing an interview.
Being a backstage worker at raw,you two always managed to meet each other,and both of you knew that you liked him and that he liked you. So one day,he mustered enough courage to ask you out,and since then you all didn't even split.
Today you couldn't be at his side in the spanish interview,since you had to stay home because you weren't feeling really well,but you still watched it on youtube.
At the beginning,Dominik and the interviewer talked about all that wrestling stuff,about the judgment day and about Dominik's relationship with his father,the usual.
Until,the interviewer started asking your boyfriend about you. How did you two met and how did you two get together.
Dominik was so overprotective of you,and he wanted everyone to respect you. That's why he was almost going to punch the interviewer when he said you were "rica" which means "hot" but in a kinda disrespectful way.
Your eyes widened,already feeling pity for that interviewer.
"What did you say?" Dominik asked,daring the man in front of him to say it again. (he looked insanely hot while doing that you must say).
"No,no,but it's with respect." The interviewer tried to defend himself,shaking his hands in front of himself,but Dominik wasn't having it.
"With respect to whom?"
"To you,obviously. And to her too." The guy said while acting confident.
Oh you were fearing for his life.
"But I want you to say it one more time. What was it?" Dominik asked the interviewer, and said guy looked at the staff behind the cameras,trying to escape form this situation.
"I said that she's pretty,she's good lookin-" The guy got interrupted by your boyfriend.
"No,no,no. You said the word that starts with an R. C'mon,say it again,I didn't hear you." Dominik got closer to the guy while having a plastic red cup of water,and you already knew what he wanted to do.
"I said r-rica" Poor guy even started stuttering,while Dominik stood up from his armchair.
"Don't even dare talking about my mami like that ever again,saying that she's hot and she's pretty. Know your place and stay there,pedazo de mierda." Dominik said while still standing up,and after he finished talking,he throwed the cup of water on the guy,wetting him and the microphone.
"Don't even think about inviting me or my girl for an interview ever again,understood?" The interviewer nodded,while trying to remove the water that got in his eyes.
Dominik glared at him,and he started walking away from the set,ready to go home to his mami.
At home,you watched the whole thing and your mouth was wide open.
"Damn,that was hot."
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
It was 1 a.m. when you heard keys giggling and the main door opening,and you already knew Dominik came back home.
"Mamacita! Where are you?" Dominik shouted from downstairs,you assumed he was in the living room,and you got up from your shared bed to greet him.
"Mami! Did you see the interview? I destroyed that dumbass with punches after they finished recording." He said while smiling,as if he really had fun.
"Dom,you're insane!" You exclaimed while giggling,and your boyfriend came to you and gave you a soft kiss.
"I had to defend my mami,didn't I?" He asked smirking,while holding your waist with his huge hands.
"Oh,you had to,DomDom. That was one of the papi-est things you ever did." You said chuckling,while wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Oh,yeah mamacita. Tu eres solo mia,mami."
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp
193 notes · View notes
Liv calling Dom "Rhea's little bitch"....as if the whole mf WWE universe wasn't aware?
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Baby you're late to the party
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Can I have Damian Priest x Fem reader where he walks in his room and finds the reader asleep in his bed so he lays down and holds her?
damian priest x reader
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hold me please
you and damian were used to share car rides when touring, hotels and sometimes even hotel rooms. everytime you were in a different city the staff would make sure to put your changing room next to damian’s one. they all knew about your crush on damian and about damian crush on you, the only people who needed to realise that was you and him.
you were staying in the same hotel but different rooms this time but he gave you his backup key in case something happened.
so while you were showering and wearing something comfortable he told you that he was going at the grocery store that was just a few blocks away because he needed to buy some stuff.
you decided to go straight into his room while waiting for him. it was like a tradition the two of you had. everytime you would share the same hotel but not the same room you would find in each other’s bedroom to spend the night watching movies and shows.
but he was taking too long for your liking and from resting your eyes just a little you ended up falling asleep on his bed.
you didn’t hear the key opening the door and you didn’t definitely hear damian stopping his track when he saw you sleeping on his bed. he silently removed his shoes and his leather jacket and threw them on the little couch next to the front door. he laid the grocery bad on top of the jacket and grabbed the tv remote.
he didn’t even ask too many questions when he saw you fast asleep on his bed, he imagined that you would have come sooner or later.
so while you were peacefully sleeping, damian laid back on the bed next to you and turned the tv on watching some news, not that he really cared about the news but he knew you had this strange addiction that you could sleep better with some noise in background.
he carefully circled your shoulders with his arm and held you closer to his body, letting your head falling on his chest.
he smiled watching at how sweet and peaceful you looked and how he wanted that to happen every single day.
you, sleeping next to him and waking up between his arms. that’s what he dreamed of everytime you were together.
twenty minutes later you wake up from your nap, feeling tired more than ever you wanted go back to sleep but suddenly realised that you weren’t in your room.
“dam?” you called him when you saw him resting next to you.
“hey mariposa…you okay?” he smiled at you.
“tired…” you yawned a little.
“go back to sleep y/n, food will arrive in an hour, you can sleep till then” he said.
“okay…” you went back to sleep but couldn’t find the strength to fall asleep “dam?”
“yes princesa?” he looked straight into your eyes.
“can you hold me please?” you asked him with a soft voice. you didn’t want to make things uncomfortable between the of you so you proceeded with caution.
“of course mi amor, of course…” he smiled to himself and let you come closer to his body. you were now trapped between his legs, your head still laying on his chest and his arms went from your shoulders to your waist, holding you gently.
“thank you…”
“anytime baby…go back to sleep now, i’ll be here when the food arrives” he smiled and you drifted off to sleep once again.
maybe the two of you already realised that what was going on was more more than friendship, you just needed to find the courage to confess to each other.
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codyswhitebelt · 8 months
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all works are for ages 18 and up ONLY!
✮ smut
❀ fluff
❆ angst
la knight
commited❀-part 2 to above⬆️ -wip
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
jey uso
daddy? -ssf✮
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
roman reigns
for you ✮❀
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
cody rhodes
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
dominik mysterio
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
solo sikoa
wwe headcanons-wip✮❀
dean winchester
sam winchester
more to be added! 💕
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purplegirl20 · 1 year
Secret Meetup
Pairing: Damian Priest x Self-Insert (Me), along with judgment day and Edge.
Summary: A certain someone decide to visit me before the induction ceremony.
Warning: Light Smut.
Tagging:@ghoulsister1 @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sparkleva95 @alicejoaquin1990 @vintage-pvssy @ashkrystal @theworldofotps @nyc-kyra-93 @ziasaph @priestparty @queenzay @sultryfandoms @auburnwrites @windhamsrotunda@rheaanddamianfan@theclawdeen1442@tmt-77@blueberryomega@ironshamelessyouth@lisashield @sparklykryptonitequeen91
Note: I hope you love my story after a long hiatus from writer's block.
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March 31st: Los Angeles.
It was a hectic Friday night at the Arena. I was in the staying in the Judgement's Locker room, getting myself ready for the Induction Ceremony. I was getting my makeup done by Rhea.
Rhea: You're going to look good for Damian for tonight's ceremony.
Shaynell: You think so?
Rhea: I know so.
Shaynell: Alright.
Rhea: Good. I'm almost done.
He continue applying some dark eye shadow and lipstick.
Rhea: And Done.
She then passed me a hand mirror. I quickly gasped at my appearance.
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Shaynell: Holy Shit! I look beautiful!
Rhea:(chuckling) You like?
Shaynell: I do. I'm surprised that you actually have make up that matches my skin tone.
Rhea: Hey. I have done your boyfriend makeup, like all the time.
Shaynell:(smirks) Well I look fantastic.
Rhea: Thank you.
Dominik : Hey Rhea. Are you ready for you segment with Charlotte?
Rhea: Yea. Give me a sec. Dom!
Dominik: Yes Mami?
Rhea: Give her a compliment. I worked so hard to make her gorgeous.
Dominik: You look very Bonita, princessa. You look good in Purple.
Shaynell: Oh! Thank you. It my favorite color
Rhea: I'll see you later. Try on the new dress while we're gone.
Shaynell: Ok. See you later.
They smile and left the room. I removed my dress from the garment bag, revealing a dark purple evening gown.
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Shaynell:(sighs) It look beautiful.
"Purple is such a regal color on you, my little boston cream"
I gasped as I quickly recognize the voice. I turn around and saw Edge at the entrance.
Shaynell:(gasp) Sprinkles!
Edge:(chuckling) We meet again, my love.
I ran off to him and hugged him. He smile and wrapped his arms around me.
Shaynell: Edge! What you doing here? You're on the judgement day's hit list. We'll be in huge trouble if they say found us together.
Edge: I know, but I haven't seen your face for a long time. I just want to see you before my match.
Shaynell:(blushing) Sprinkles. I miss you. But your wife--
Edge: Don't worry. I won't let anyone know about our meetups.
Shaynell:(blushing) Sprinkles... I love you.
Edge: I love you too, Boston Cream. I miss your warm smile. Our secrets escapades together.
Shaynell: I miss them too.
I smile and hold him tight.
Shaynell:(sighs) I can't believe it been 1 year since we meet.
Edge: It had been.
Shaynell:(sighs) I wish we went back to relive those memories.
He sighs as he ran his fingers, through my crochet braids.
Edge: Before I go, Can you let me help put on your evening gown.
Shaynell: Yes.
He smiles and removes my clothes, leaving me in my undergarments.
Edge: It been a while since I saw your body.
He smiles and help me put on my dress and zip me up.
Shaynell:(blushing) How do I look?
Edge: Beautiful.
Shaynell:(smiles) Thank you.
I gave him a small, but warm smile.
Edge: This outfit is missing something.
Shaynell: Really? What does this outfit need?
Edge: This.
He then produced a purple a black and purple choker.
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Shaynell:(gasp) It so beautiful.
Edge: Think of it as my anniversary gift to you.
Shaynell: Oh Edge. Thank you.
He smiles and put it around my neck.
Edge: Such as a exquiste necklace for a exquiste girl like you.
He smirks and starts placing soft kisses on my neck.
Shaynell:(whimpering) Edge.
Edge: I miss your soft moans.
Shaynell: I miss your warm touch and smile.
Then we heard faint footsteps.
Edge:(gasp) I must go, my love.
Shaynell: Please be safe and beat Finn.
Edge: I will, Boston cream.
He smile and passionately kissed me on the lips, making me blush.
Edge: We shall meet again, Boston cream.
Shaynell: Farewell, sprinkles.
He smile and quickly left the locker room.
Shaynell:(thinking) Good thing the lipstick is smudge free.
I sighs and look myself in the mirror. I quickly grabs a breath mint to conceal Edge's breath in my mouth.
(door creaking)
I look over and saw Finn and Damian at the door, donning their suit in their faction's colors.
Shaynell: Damian.
Damian: Princessa. You look so beautiful.
Shaynell:(blushing) Thank you.
He smirks and lift my chin up to see my face.
Damian: You're look fantastic. Rhea did a good job doing your makeup.
He smile and smash his lips against mine.
He smirks and wrapped his arms around me.
Shaynell:(sighs) Damian. I love your cologne.
Damian: Why thank you, mija. I make sure that I smell good for my own princess.
Shaynell:(blushing) Damian.
He smirks and gave me another kiss, making me blush.
Finn: Not to interrupt your lovefest, but we have to do our photoshoot.
Damian: Alright. Let's go princessa.
He smiles and take my hand to lead the way.
Shaynell: Wait! Hold on!
I quickly grabs my purse and took his hand.
Shaynell: Let's go.
Damian and Finn escort me out the locker room and left for the photoshoot.
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
wwe/aew - masterlist
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nsfw / smut = ***
nothing yet
oneshots / drabbles
best friend - jeff hardy
we make a good team - darby allin
see it in your eyes - cm punk
safe and sound - jeff hardy
wrong - jey uso ***
on your side - jey uso
ghosthunting - rhea ripley and dominik mysterio
remember me? - dominik mysterio
cold nights - cm punk
look after you - mjf
three ***
lowkey - damian priest
one ***
two ***
jeff hardy playlist
cm punk playlist
mjf playlist
darby allin playlist
jey uso playlist
pov: ghost hunting with rhea and dominik playlist
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