#don’t forget charts and graphs
weathertheraine · 7 months
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After seeing another post I felt the need to try and put my trans headcanons in a chart like this hehe!! If there’s no gender specified, they’re the gender they are in canon just trans (aka Shoyo is a boy so he’s a trans boy here).
The ‘canon’ end is for characters who I’ll do a little double-take if they’re cis in a fic because I forget not everyone headcanons them that way (Noya and Shoyo being trans boys, Kenma being nonbinary etc.) The parallel timeline is for… u know I don’t know if I can explain this properly it’s just a Vibe. Like bigender Asahi is MY canon. But it’s not to the same degree of genuine surprise when other ppl don’t write her that way lol. ‘It’d be fun’ end is headcanons that aren’t always my Canon but that I am still fond of (transmasc Tanaka, genderfluid Yachi).
Tsukkiyama get their own little box because I love them and they’re special to me. They may need a more complicated graph to express how these hcs influence each other (trans girl tsukki is more likely to be paired with cis boy tadashi, etc).
ANYWAY this is a ramble but trans hcs are my favourite thing ever send me your trans hcs i love u bye
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skwpr · 5 months
How To Take Great Study Notes
Take Great Study Notes That Make Exam Prep Easy-Peasy.
Why We Do NOT Take Notes
To start, let’s consider reasons not to take notes:
Not to document everything said during a class
Not to document everything you read.
Not to fill up a notebook.
Hopefully, you get the idea! Notes should NOT be a comprehensive document detailing all of the facts. This is what a textbook is for. You can always look up specific concepts in your book or online if you need a more thorough refresher.
Why We DO Take Notes
Now we know what not to do, so let’s talk about the real purpose. There are two goals for taking notes:
Document information pertinent to you. Your notes should not look like your friend’s notes. You both have different experiences and prior knowledge; your notes should differ to fit your own individual needs.
Collect your thoughts. When you are learning something new, the information is not stored in memory. Notes help you to initially get the information into short-term memory. Through continual practice and study, we can move it to long-term memory.
If you’re just starting a course, you may be thinking…I need to write it all down! When we begin to learn a new subject most of the information can feel new. It is likely true your notes will be longer as you begin, but follow these two tips for taking better notes and you will immediately see the power of notes to help you study.
Get Organized
To create notes that will be a useful tool for studying you need to create one central place to keep everything related to a specific course. There are a lot of options on how to do this:
Have a single notebook or binder for your course
Use a digital tool like OneNote or Evernote
Keep a folder of Word documents
By getting organized upfront you will be able to find what you need when it matters. If you sit down to study and only have 30 minutes, you need to make your time count! Knowing where your material is so you can get started will make you a more efficient student.
Most courses either follow a textbook in order or have a syllabus with a set of topics in order. Use this order to set up your system. If there are 12 chapters, go ahead and make space for each chapter. If there are 10 topics, make a space for each topic. By doing this ahead of time, you are ready to add notes at any point.
Take Great Notes: Keep It Short
You’ve got a system. Check!
You’re in the right spot to work on Chapter 1. Check!
Now it’s time to start taking notes that are going to be beneficial to study from down the line. You want to write short facts, not long paragraphs. When you are in class, or when you are working through the course material, try to take the shortest notes possible. As long as it will make sense to you tomorrow, it works.
Imagine going back over each of these notes in three weeks as you study for an exam. Which is going to be faster and easier to review? Just looking at the notes on the left makes my brain feel tired and overwhelmed. The notes on the right feel much more do-able. I can remember those three facts!
important dates
new terminology
important names
steps of an important process
references to charts, tables, graphs, or other visuals
Questions? You Betcha.
Absolutely! You especially want to jot down questions as they come to you, and mark them so they are easy to identify. I like to draw a big question mark in the margin or use the question mark icon in OneNote. If you skip this step and don’t write down questions, you will forget them. And then you don’t know what you don’t know. This is an easy way to fall into the “I don’t know what to study” trap.
When you do write down questions, then you know what to study. I need to figure out the answer to these things. When I have answered all of the questions, then I can work on memorization to get prepped for the exam.
Do A Quick Review And Revise.
Notes taken on-the-fly are not going to be cohesive or coherent. This is normal! What we do need to focus on is spending 10-15 minutes reviewing and revising notes after they are taken. Can you rearrange information so related information is together? What information did you write down but doesn’t really seem important any longer? What already lodged itself in your short-term memory?
Bonus tip: Schedule a 10-minute comprehensive review session every day. Use your time to review your existing notes. Your comprehension will go through the roof with this strategy and final exam prep will be painless.
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bingwriterxo · 9 months
Cheese is great. Personally, i can appreciate a good mozzarella every once in a while. Even if im not ballsy enough to chomp on a pound of if in one sitting. Being lactose intolerant would probably make me buy a golden toilet since i would rather die than give up dairy. How is lactose intolerance? Do you keep track of your dairy consumption with a chart? I think a bar graph would suffice. Or a pictograph. I like drawing cheese. Do you draw? I draw very often. I think the best thing about being an artist is that i can draw legible graphs. Especially in group projects, you’re always sought after because you can actually draw straight lines. How often do you use your writing abilities outside of fanfiction? Anything even related to these fanfictions are definitely not straight. I think the most straight thing i can think of is maybe Chad and Tara. Or Danny and Sam. Honestly amber was better. (team Tamber for life 😔) you cant forget Mia and Vada, they’re my favourite. When i first watched The Fallout i was pleasantly suprised. Do you prefer Tara and Amber or Mia and Vada?
- 🧀🐀
i don’t keep track of my dairy consumption LMAO i just eat it and deal with the consequences b/c no way am i giving up cheese and ice cream
i don’t really draw; i used to when i was younger but it’s not really my thing
i write a lot actually! i’ve been taking creative writing courses for the past year and a half, and i just write as much as possible b/c i want to be an author at some point in life
as much as i love mikey madison, i’m gonna have to go with mia and vada just b/c they were canon (and i like vada’s character a lot more than tara’s tbh)
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sciencestyled · 3 months
The Alchemical Marriage of Pi and DNA: A Hilariously Twisted Saga of Mathematics in Science Education
Ladies, gentlemen, and distinguished nerds of the jury, strap yourselves in and adjust your monocles; we're about to embark on a wild ride through the whimsically warped world of mathematics in science education. Imagine, if you will, a universe where Pythagoras DJs at the biggest raves, Newton’s apple is a viral meme, and Einstein's hair isn't just a style statement but the ultimate symbol of scientific rebellion. Welcome to the chaos.
Now, let's get down to brass tacks, or should I say, brass abacuses? Science education, that hallowed ground where the brave dare to tread, has long been the breeding ground for future world leaders, Nobel laureates, and that person who finally figures out how to get printers to work on the first try. But at the heart of this intellectual jungle gym is the unsung hero, the silent beatboxer to science's rap battle: mathematics.
Ah, mathematics, the language of the universe, or as I like to call it, the universal gossip column spilling the tea on everything from the atoms twerking in your coffee cup to the swagger of galaxies on the cosmic runway. It's the tool that transforms the abstract into the "Oh, snap, I get it now!" moments in various science disciplines. Whether it's statistical analysis, modeling, or computational methods, math is the secret sauce that makes the science burger taste so darn good.
Picture this: you're chilling in biology class, right? Suddenly, the teacher drops the bomb that DNA replication is basically just a very meticulous braid of nucleotides, kind of like your cousin trying to explain the plot of "Inception" – it's all about patterns, baby! And who's there, with a smug smile and a calculator? Math, ready to explain the party tricks of enzymes and the RSVP list of amino acids.
Or how about when you're knee-deep in environmental science, crying into your recycled notebook about deforestation, and boom! Math swoops in, cape billowing, with statistical models that predict the effects of human folly on Mother Nature's mood swings. It's like having a crystal ball, but instead of vague warnings about tall, dark strangers, you get graphs and charts showing precisely how screwed we might be if we don’t change our ways.
And let’s not forget the rock stars of the scientific world: physics and chemistry, where math plays the lead guitar and occasionally smashes it on stage. Want to know why atoms don't just decide to break up the band and go solo? Quantum mechanics, with its mathematical autographs, has the answers. Curious about the cosmic mosh pit that is the universe? General relativity throws down the equations to keep the party going at the speed of light.
But, dear audience, it's not all just numbers and equations, oh no. Mathematics in science education is like the ultimate crossover episode where every character from your favorite shows turns up. It's "The Avengers" of academia, where every discipline brings its own superpowers to the table, united by the common goal of understanding this weird, wonderful, and absolutely bonkers reality we call home.
And in this era of technological razzle-dazzle, computational methods stand at the forefront like the cool kids in class, coding their way through problems like hackers in a Hollywood movie, minus the dubious ethics and questionable fashion choices. From mapping the human genome to simulating climate change scenarios, computational science is the VIP lounge of the academic club, and math is the bouncer deciding who gets in.
So, as we stand on the precipice of knowledge, gazing into the abyss of ignorance, let us remember the words of the great sage, Weird Al Yankovic, "I was valedictorian, I got a full ride to MIT, and I was on a very strict diet of milk, fish, and honey - until I started to break out in Pi." Mathematics in science education isn't just a subject; it's a lifestyle, a state of mind, and the ultimate cosmic joke that we're all in on.
In conclusion, as we navigate the labyrinthine corridors of science education, let us clutch our graphing calculators like the swords of yore, ready to duel with ignorance and emerge victorious. For in the alchemical marriage of pi and DNA, we find not just answers, but the right questions, the kind that lead us to the edge of the universe and ask, "So, got any snacks?"
And remember, in the grand scheme of things, whether you're splitting atoms or merely splitting hairs over the Oxford comma, mathematics is there, the faithful steed upon which we ride into the sunset of understanding, leaving bewilderment in our wake. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go help Schrödinger's cat out of the box. It's been meowing for quantum assistance, and frankly, the suspense is killing me – or not.
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fated-mates · 1 year
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It's Derek Craven Eve! Stock up on holiday supplies now because all the shops will be closed tomorrow in observance.
We’re wearing our t-shirts and buttons, and spending a whole lot of time talking about what Derek Craven would and wouldn’t do with one of our very favorites — Kate Clayborn. Thanks to everyone who played our silly Derek Craven games this year — don’t forget to visit our Derek Craven Day page for charts, graphs and hilarious memes made from your submissions!
Release Date: 2/4/21
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flowerfan2 · 1 year
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Chapter 10 - coda to episode 3.10, in which Ted and Trent have a talk about Roy... and Jamie.  
Read on A03 here; read from the beginning here.
“So, I wanted to run something by you,” Ted says, as he examines a head of lettuce.  They’re in the market, picking up food in a valiant attempt to actually cook for a change.  Trent’s game, although he’s also famished, which is not a great combination.
“Rethinking the menu already?” Trent asks.  “What happened to ‘let’s go wild, Julia Child?’”
Ted smiles and hip checks him.  “I love hearing you quote my words back at me.  But no, this is a non-gustatory non sequitur, nothing to do with dinner.  It’s about Roy.”
“Apparently it’s Uncle’s Day soon, and Phoebe needs my advice.”
Trent stops in front of the display of canned tomato products and waits until Ted puts down the marinara sauce and looks at him.  “I didn’t understand any of that.  What is Uncle’s Day, and who is Phoebe?”
Ted holds out the jar of sauce for Trent’s approval – Trent doesn’t care much one way or the other about which one they get as long as he doesn’t have to chop any tomatoes himself– and nods.  “That’s fair,” Ted says.  “I’ll start from the beginning.”
“Good idea.”
Ted frowns at him.  “You’re hungry, aren’t you?   You get grouchy when you’re hungry.  I shoulda waited until after we ate to talk to you about this.”  
“Too late for that.  But I wouldn’t object if we moved this process along.  I’ll get the pasta and some bread, you get the chicken, and I’ll meet you up front.”
They part to finish their shopping, and Trent forgets completely about Ted’s question until they are walking back to Ted’s place.
“So you know Roy has a niece,” Ted says, pulling Trent away from thoughts of the delicious garlic bread he’s planning on making to go with their chicken cacciatore.
“Would that be Phoebe?”
“The only and only.  And Phoebe and her family have some very, well, <i>unique</i> holidays that they celebrate.”
Trent is beginning to catch on.  “One of which is, apparently, Uncle’s Day?”
“Yes!  So Dr. O’Sullivan called me-”
“Wait, who is Dr. O’Sullivan, and why did he call you?”
“Dr. Marina O’Sullivan is Phoebe’s mom, and <i>she</i> called me about Uncle’s Day.”  Ted swings a plastic bag of groceries at Trent.  “Wait one gosh darn second, are you pulling my leg?  You’re the journalist here, are you’re telling me you don’t know every family member of every Richmond player and coach?  I would have thought you’d have us all charted out, name, rank and serial number.  Maybe a pie graph.”
“Never put it past a journalist to ask a question they already know the answer to.  Sometimes you get the best information that way.”
“Although I am still wondering how you know Phoebe’s mom.”
“Oh, Marina and I are old pals.  Ever since she patched up Dr. Sharon after her bicycle accident.  She actually thought we were together – wooo - hooo, that did not amuse Dr. Sharon, no it did not.  You’d love Marina – she’s got the best costume closet this side of the West End, great for role play of all sorts.”  Ted waggles his eyebrows at Trent and Trent can’t help but snort out a laugh.
“Do I need to be worried?”  Trent asks, and it’s Ted’s turn to laugh.
“Oh no, she’s not my type.  And I think Roy would have a conniption if I was interested in his sister <i>that</i> way.  Not that it’s any of his business who his sister dates…”
“No, of course not.”  Trent nods in agreement.  They’ve arrived at Ted’s flat, and he takes some of the bags out of Ted’s hands so Ted can open the door.  They go upstairs and set the groceries down, both of them ignoring the dinner making process in favor of pouring themselves some wine and making themselves comfortable on the couch.  It turns out that Trent isn’t so hungry that he’s going to turn down a chance for some gossip and getting tipsy with Ted.
“So, you were saying about Roy?” Trent prompts.
“Right!  Anyway, Marina called, and she said that Phoebe wants to invite Roy’s best friend to Roy’s Uncle’s Day party.  As a surprise.”
“Okay, that’s sweet.  So why did she call you?”
Ted smirks.  “Because Phoebe is convinced that Roy’s best friend is none other than he with the talented foot, our golden boy Jamie Tartt, and Marina needed his contact info.”
Trent nods solemnly.  “That sounds about right.”
“Trent, come on.  I know you were on the outside – still independent, as it were – back when I first joined the team, but Jamie and Roy were famous foes.  Arch enemies.  They hated each other.  Things have improved, sure, but I wouldn’t call them best friends.”
Trent finishes his glass of wine, and pours himself another, topping up Ted’s as well.  He brushes a kiss across Ted’s lips as he leans close, which earns him an eyelash flutter.  “Regardless, I’ve had a front row seat to their interactions this season, and I don’t think there’s anyone on the team Roy is closer to than Jamie.”
Ted studies him, and Trent warms under his gaze.  “You really think so?  I mean, I’ve been tickled pinker than Keeley’s favorite pom pom pen about how much our Jamie has come out of his shell lately.  He’s kinda awesome these days.  But Roy’s best friend?”
Trent clears his throat and begins to list off all of the evidence, starting with the one-on-one personal coaching Roy and Jamie have been doing for months.  By the time he gets to the pair’s overnight cycling adventure and windmill viewing in Amsterdam, Ted’s mouth is hanging open.
“All night??  They spent the whole night together, touring a romantic foreign city until the sun came up like characters in a rom-com?”
“Jamie even taught Roy how to ride a bike in the process.”  Trent waves his glass to emphasize his point.  “Surely, you believe me now.”
“Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.”
Trent bites down on a grin, but he can’t help it.  “I thought you said the uncle party was for Roy.”
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Silverstream: (gesturing to a graph) As you can see from our fourth quarter sales… (steps aside, revealing the rest of the graph) This chart is actually an enormous dick.
Gallus: Goddamnit, Silv!
Silverstream: Hey, guys! Check it out, I got a new spoiler for the back of my car.
(Back of the car reads ‘Vader is Luke’s father’)
Gallus: Goddamnit, Silv!!
Gallus: At the first Thanksgiving, there were, of course, the pilgrims and the Indians and…
Silverstream: (popping up, wearing a Viking helmet) YAR, DON’T FORGET ABOUT ME!!
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zjeany-blog · 1 year
Is it still not over yet?
Geez, I thought I moved on already. I thought I moved on the day I went on the day trip as planned. I thought I moved on when I wrote down the final piece of the memoir. I thought I moved on when I stopped texting weeks ago.
It turns out that you don’t know you are insane when you actually are. You think you are okay, but you are really not. I was still insane weeks ago. I am still not okay now. It’s been more than a month already, but I am still reminded of whatever that is by random things in life every so often. A smiley face with an equal sign. An afterschool program from the east side of the town. A glance at the stars in the sky. I have flashbacks here and there. I am still losing sleep.
Why is it still not over yet!?!? It is overshadowing everything that I like doing.
“He doesn’t like you anymore. Just repeat that to yourself every day and reclaim your sanity. Grief is fine but no need to over-rationalize it,” so advised my best friend.
“I know, I know. But you don’t understand…” Over-rationalization is but a symptom of grief, if only she understands. The truth is that no one will ever understand, and I hope from the bottom of my heart that no one would ever have to understand.
I hope that no one would ever have to understand what it is like to live through hell. It was a period of time when I thought I was doing okay every day only to find out the next day that the previous-day-self was totally insane. I could calmly explain everything that happened, and even joke about it, but an inexplicable pain in the chest and around the neck would come at me late at night. I would convince myself of one set of explanations, but I would also wake up at 3 am, grabbing a pen to crack another layer of the story. Ridiculously enough, I even drew a line graph and a flow chart at one point just to screen through where the problem was. I would not feel tired even if I only slept 3 hours. I would not feel hungry even if I did not eat anything. I would not know what day or what time it was. That went on for about four days and four days have never felt so long. By the fourth day, I began to forget what I wanted to say even if I just had the thought a second ago when I was in conversation. By the seventh day, I would still drift away into thoughts when friends were eating together. “What were you thinking just now,” they asked. “This is what feels like to live through hell,” I said. Because when you decide to open up and be vulnerable with someone, you are also passing on a dagger that points at the softest spot in you. You trust the other party by telling them the truth, so when they stab you exactly where it hurts most, you are essentially emotionally murdered.
Living through hell was no fun, but the thing is, I didn’t feel any resentment. Instead, I chose to understand. I tried to stand in his shoe and walk his mind. If he was the person that he said he was, that was why he did what he did. When I finally (kinda) understood, I was able to forgive. Forgive the person, not the behavior. It was healing to forgive, but now that I think about it, this is the part where I thought I regained my sanity, but I was still insane. I could have a thousand reasons to hate someone who led me on and ditched me last minute (and who said there was still residual feeling but went back on the market the day after, what a jerk, huh), but I didn’t. Some called it empathy, and it is a strength, though I learned it the hard way.
However strong I could be, my heart was still shattered, not broken, but shattered into pieces. Even if it was glued back together with the love and support from friends and family, the cracks between the pieces were still hurting. The cracks hurt every time I saw a sign that brought back a piece of memory. Every piece of the heart is still filled with memories. Memories that I didn’t want to let go of yet.
I have been following the advice of my best friend. I have been brainwashing myself that he doesn’t like me anymore, or he might not even like me to begin with. For sure, this rationalizing helped me come to terms with the most common explanation. The grieving rationalization helped me stand up again. Yet, it hardly helped with consoling the heart. Now that the rational brain was satisfied with the cold answer, the emotions started to flow out. Grief turned into sorrow.
Maybe it was this advice of rationalization that made it hard. If I keep telling myself that, I am also forced to believe that what I have remembered to be good was false. Even worse, I am facing the danger of falling into the old trap that people never like me back. It also discounted the other person’s struggles that I tried to empathize with, so I resist accepting the theory. But if I were to believe that my memories were still real, I am afraid that I’m too naïve and stupid to empathize. As I swing between the reasons, the sorrow also flows in and out as waves. It still bothers me that don’t know the actual reason.
But I gotta move on now. Does it really matter what the actual reason is? I mean, he doesn’t even know, how would I know? Well, if that’s the case, why not choose to believe in something that makes me feel the best? On that thought, I returned to the more empathetic version of the story. I even had chatGPT to write a poem out of it.
Me: Write a love poem from the perspective of an avoidant-attached person.
My heart is yours, yet I remain apart, 
A prisoner of fear that holds me in its grip. 
I long to hold you close, to share your heart, 
But every time I try, my mind takes a dip.
Into a world where I am not enough, 
Where love is painful and only leads to pain, 
Where the thought of losing you is too rough, 
And the idea of closeness makes me feel insane.
But still, I yearn for you with all my might, 
To be near you, to bask in your warm glow, 
To share my life and make everything right, 
But my fear holds on, and I cannot let go.
So I hide and keep my distance, it’s true, 
But know that my love for you will always endure.
There it is. Maybe another month from now this will still look ridiculous. But at least at this moment, my heart is finally at peace again.
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rjalker · 1 year
I keep forgetting to make the pie chart so anyways, here's this.
General spoilers for The Murderbot Diaries below the cut since it's just random sections from all the books.
the books are sorted into actual chronological order, not publish order.
I'll sort them and make a graph at some point.
Edit: Here's the pie chart :)
All Systems Red aka Book 1
This is why I actually like riding with the cargo. Humans and augmented humans in close quarters with murderbots is too awkward.
It was based on a standard research group’s uniforms, and meant to be comfortable inside the habitat: knit gray pants, long-sleeved T-shirt, and a jacket, like the exercise clothes humans and augmented humans wore, plus soft shoes.
Dr. Gurathin, the least talkative one, was an augmented human and had his own implanted interface.
I thought they were being paranoid; even with the interfaces you actually have to read the words, preferably all the words. Sometimes non-augmented humans don’t do that. Sometimes augmented humans don’t do it either.
Gurathin wasn’t as talkative as the others, so I didn’t have much of a sense of his personality. He was the only augmented human in the group, so maybe he felt like an outsider, or something, even though the others clearly liked him.
I popped the joint on my left arm so I could move it in a way not usually compatible with a human, augmented human, or murderbot body.
Bots who are “full citizens” still have to have a human or augmented human guardian appointed, usually their employer; I’d seen it on the news feeds. And the entertainment feed, where the bots were all happy servants or were secretly in love with their guardians.
I said, “One of them is an augmented human, a systems engineer.
“I don’t know. The company systems are all proprietary, but if they have an augmented human who can hack into it—”
If they noticed the dataport in the back of my neck they must have thought I was an augmented human.
Looking at it I almost didn’t see the reporters until they were right up on us. They were augmented humans, with a couple of drone cams.
It sounded like a great place to live, if you were a human or augmented human.
I’d have to pretend to be an augmented human, and that would be a strain. I’d have to change, make myself do things I didn’t want to do.
I was wearing a survey team uniform, and passing as an augmented human, so nobody stopped me, or looked twice at me.
I took a knapsack from another locker, rolled up the jacket with the survey logo and tucked it into the bag, and now I looked like an augmented human traveling somewhere.
Artificial Condition aka Book 2
I skimmed it but most of my attention was on getting through the crowd while pretending to be an ordinary augmented human, and not a terrifying murderbot.
Fortunately, the humans and augmented humans were too busy trying to get wherever they were going or searching the feed for directions and transport schedules.
The dataport in the back of my neck was visible but the design was too close to the interfaces augmented humans often had implanted to draw any suspicion. Also, nobody thinks a murderbot is going to be walking along the transit mall like a person.
They hadn’t connected the idea of a purchased SecUnit with what they assumed was the generic augmented human person going into the hotel with Pin-Lee and Ratthi.
Once down on the access floor, I had to be extremely careful, as there was no reason for someone not working to be here, and while most of the work was being done by hauler bots, there were uniformed humans and augmented humans here, too.
But the presence in the feed was too big and diffuse for a human or augmented human, I could tell that much even through the feed walls protecting it.
When humans speak in the feed, they have to subvocalize and their mental voice tends to sound like their physical voice. Even augmented humans with full interfaces do it.
“I can pass as an augmented human.” Augmented humans are still considered humans. I don’t know if there are any augmented humans with enough implants to resemble a SecUnit.
I had gotten by so far because the humans and augmented humans in the commercial transport rings didn’t see SecUnits except on the entertainment feed or in the news, where we were mostly killing people or already blasted into pieces.
Rogue units killed their human and augmented human clients
My appearance, my ability to pass as an augmented human, had to be my new armor.
Humans and augmented humans shift their weight when they stand, they react to sudden sounds and bright lights, they scratch themselves, they adjust their hair, they look in their pockets or bags to check for things that they already know are in there.
I pointed out that many humans or augmented humans had the hair on their bodies removed, for hygienic or cosmetic reasons and because who the hell wants it there anyway.
::The procedure is simple.::
“For humans and augmented humans, yes.” I was stalling. I would have to interact with humans as an augmented human.
There were multiple open levels inside, with tables and chairs, and it was 40 percent full of humans and augmented humans.
I didn’t bother to try to analyze and identify them; I was too nervous and trying to focus on looking like an augmented human.
“Spliced” was an informal term for an augmented human; I’d heard it on the entertainment feed.
The shuttle was bot-driven and the only crew was one augmented human who seemed only there to check employment vouchers and shuttle passes.
Fortunately I remembered that nobody expected me to be compelled to answer all questions immediately. One of the benefits to being an augmented human security consultant rather than a construct SecUnit.
I was in contact with a friend who was able to use my augmented feed to download a new pilot module.
My altered configuration might fool humans and augmented humans, but not other SecUnits.
He stepped back, and glanced uncertainly at the other two, the second male human bodyguard and Tlacey, who was an augmented human female.
I noted two more potential threats enter the area. Both were augmented humans.
The other humans and augmented humans in the immediate area had watched it with open or surreptitious curiosity.
This private shuttle had the benefit not only of anonymity, but of an augmented human pilot who would be in place in case something interfered with the bot pilot.
The shuttle was already loaded into its slot and its hatch was open, with a small augmented human standing on the ramp to take the money.
Some augmented humans have implanted interfaces that allow it, but not all humans want lots of things inserted into their brains, go figure.
“You’re really augmented, aren’t you. Like, a lot. Like more than someone would choose voluntarily.”
The other thing about killware and malware is that they can’t do anything to humans or augmented humans.
The augmented human security consultant I was pretending to be would have done that.
Rogue Protocol aka Book 3
talked me into pretending to be an augmented human security consultant,
It was also bot-driven, no crew, but it carried passengers, mostly minimum to moderately skilled tech workers, human and augmented human, traveling to and from transit stations on temporary work contracts.
(The good thing about pretending to be an augmented human security consultant instead of a construct SecUnit is that you can tell the humans to shut up.)
I’d grabbed the first friendly cargo transport and after a seven-cycle trip I disembarked on a crowded transit hub, which was good, because crowds were easy to get lost in, and bad, because there were humans and augmented humans everywhere, all around me, looking at me, which was hell.
(They had only liked me because they thought I was an augmented human, but you can’t have everything.)
and I had written myself some code to make sure I behaved more like a human or augmented human.
I did stop in the ring mall, at an automated kiosk that sold feed interfaces for non-augmented humans, portable display surfaces, and memory clips.
Two augmented humans, carrying traveling packs and a couple of cases I recognized immediately.
I hesitated, because while I would rather not see a group of humans killed (again), I wasn’t their SecUnit, or even their pretend augmented human security consultant.
I heard Kader, one of the two augmented human pilots up on the shuttle’s flight deck, say,
I checked again to make sure our connection was secure, that the humans couldn’t hear it and none of the augmented humans could pick up an echo.
I didn’t think I could fake my way through that; my augmented human security consultant act had been hard enough to develop, and I wasn’t trying to fool people who knew me.
I had to admit I was a SecUnit; there was no augmented human who could do what I just did.
It was at this point I remembered Miki, and how I had told it I was an augmented human security consultant.
If she had been using her scan, she would have detected me just outside the hatch, but even with the feed, even augmented, humans can only think about one thing at a time.
Exit Strategy aka Book 4
If the humans who had diverted Ship were after me, they probably knew that a SecUnit without armor would look like an augmented human.
I had ridden on a transport with a whole crowd of humans who thought I was an augmented human security consultant and talked at me nonstop nearly the whole time.
It helps that in stations like this, humans and augmented humans are distracted.
None were in SecUnit armor, and I wasn’t picking up any pings, so they were probably all human or augmented human.
One of the new shows I’d downloaded randomly at HaveRatton turned out to be a long historical drama about early human exploration in space. It was listed as a fictionalized documentary (I’m not sure what that means, either) but there were attached sidebars throughout with info about the real history, which were supposedly accurate. It was odd to see that there had been a variation of SecUnits back then. They didn’t use cloned human parts, but actual human parts from humans who had catastrophic injuries or illnesses, and had decided to have their parts used for what they called Augmented Rovers.
Usually the transit ring circles the station, with the main part where humans and augmented humans live or do whatever in the center.
(You could tell which humans and augmented humans were trying to use its mapping function because they kept walking up to blocked exits and walls.)
These scans are usually searching for known humans or augmented humans that the station security is keeping tabs on, not random escaped SecUnits.
I walked up the last ramp surrounded by a crowd of humans and augmented humans, and on into the station mall.
And the humans and augmented humans wandering around randomly were distracting from the view.
It was a big shop, with lots of humans and augmented humans going in and out.
I crossed one of the multi-level plazas, where humans and augmented humans were sitting singly and in groups at scattered tables and chairs, talking, viewing entertainment media on the displays, or working in their feeds.
Humans, even augmented humans, subvocalize when they speak on the feed.
At the hotel entrance, I blended with a crowd of humans and augmented humans who were watching a floating advertising display that was showing funny short videos.
As I watched myself through the cameras I spotted four more potential hostiles, all augmented humans.
Though from their affect they were paying close attention to augmented humans wearing any kind of hood, hat, or scarf, or face-obscuring tattoos, cosmetics, or ornaments. Me, a generic type augmented human person with my hood folded down on my back, didn’t get a second glance.
So there were no camera feeds from the rooms, but the cameras in the corridors were picking up humans and augmented humans as they moved through the connecting passages and used the transport pods to go to and from the lobbies and the three sections of food and club areas.
The feed was choked and privatized, any humans or augmented humans not registered with the hotel required to pay a fee to use it, and the security was all focused on theft-prevention.
Or if that would even work, since presumably a high-security prisoner transfer would need to be signed off by a human or augmented human supervisor who might ask unanswerable questions.
I cut it together, labeled it “Murderbot Impersonates an Augmented Human Security Consultant,” and sent it to Gurathin.
There was nothing physical to set him apart from the other humans and augmented humans wandering in and out.
And by literally, I mean pods full of humans and augmented humans crashing into each other.)
The other humans and augmented humans on the platform looked confused or relieved, with a few expressing disappointment.
I’ve successfully impersonated an augmented human security consultant with two different groups of humans.
The humans and augmented humans stopped, flinched, looked around.
It was an augmented human, not a SecUnit, but the gun was big enough.
Two augmented humans in the corridor fell to the deck, writhing, and I threw walls around them, too.
The captain was trying to assemble the armed retrieval team to repel boarding, but half were augmented humans who were now incapacitated by the attack on their augments and the other half were fighting sealed doors to reach their defensive positions.
Ratthi was out in the corridor, doing rescue breathing on an augmented human crew member who had collapsed due to the attack on her augments.
It showed me an intel fragment from the boarding shuttle: manifest suggested a Combat SecUnit was aboard, along with an augmented human boarding team.
I was in a MedSystem, with the kind of equipment meant for humans or augmented humans recovering from serious medical procedures.
A dome overhead duplicated sky views from various Preservation planets, and actual humans and augmented humans stood around to answer questions for humans who wanted to live here.
There was some security monitoring to get past, and three augmented humans who were way too easily distracted by fake feed alerts for routine malfunctions.
[No instances of the word “augmented” in short story 4.5 that has a stupidly long name I'm not memorizing enough to type out.]
Fugitive Telemetry, in publishing order book 6, chronologically book 5 because Martha Wells decided to make things difficult for no reason.
Traffic was minimal here right now, but a bot that worked for the station was out with a glowing baton, directing humans, augmented humans, and drone delivery floaters away from the junction entrance and Station Security’s equipment.
it was more like it had been with the poor humans on the transport I used to get to HaveRatton, who thought I was an augmented human security consultant.
(For example, humans and augmented humans can’t sign away their rights to their labor or bodily autonomy in perpetuity; that’s like, straight-up illegal.)
Humans and augmented humans can have null feed IDs.
But the reason she was making it was that she didn’t trust me and she wanted any humans or augmented humans who came into contact with me to be warned, in case I decided to go on a murder rampage.
If I used it, the humans and augmented humans I encountered would think of me as a bot.
This photo had come from another source, maybe an augmented human’s feed camera.
On the first visit, after the photo of me was in the newsstream, we had talked about why humans and augmented humans are afraid of constructs, which I hadn’t meant to talk about and somehow ended up talking about anyway.
The second time we had talked I had somehow just come out and told her that I thought being here on Preservation Station as myself, and not pretending to be an augmented human or a robot, was disturbing and complicated and I didn’t know if I could keep doing it.
Or really, for any humans or augmented humans who wandered by.
I had to sort through the hundreds of different connections currently attached to the station feed in the transit ring, humans, augmented humans, bots, bot pilots, small and large scale port systems, all interlinked and busy doing their jobs.
There were still humans and augmented humans wandering around, plus some hauler bots and maintenance bots, catching up on cargo transfers that had been ordered before the port closure.
You wouldn’t think lying would be a problem for me, after 35,000 plus hours lying about not being a rogue SecUnit while on company contracts, then the whole lying about not being an augmented human and lying about being a non-rogue SecUnit with a fake human supervisor.
It was the kind of thing a human or augmented human could get away with saying, not a rogue SecUnit.
The low-level specialized lifters were parked and only a scatter of humans and augmented humans wandered the stacks of pressurized containers.
(None of them were augmented humans—apparently it wasn’t common to be feed augmented in the polities outside the Corporation Rim that used Preservation as a waystation.)
I accelerated the speed, pausing it for two seconds when any human, augmented human, or bot left either of the two exits.
The security system noted feed IDs of known humans and augmented humans (Security officers, Port Authority staff, the merchant crews who did regular runs to Preservation) and I’d used them to annotate my sped-up video.
Maybe because I knew where the humans and augmented humans who had last used this ship had gone, that their descendants were running around all over this system, and that one of them was in my secure feed right now, demanding an update.
Also, I’d spent a whole trip through a wormhole pretending to be an augmented human security consultant for humans who badly needed one, so I had coping mechanisms in place.
Which made sense; only the non-augmented contract labor would be able to leave BreharWallHan without being traced, and the escapees would know to leave their interfaces behind.
Our suspect pool had been a bunch of humans and augmented humans wandering around in the Merchant Docks mostly unobserved and not interacting with station systems, as we tried to identify an actor who could remove themselves from the few surveillance cameras at will.
Whoever the actor was in the Port Authority, it was a human or augmented human who thought they were pretty clever and able to manipulate systems to their advantage.
(Okay, so a human or augmented human might have made those same mistakes.
Network Effect, aka book 5, chronologically book 6
If you had to be in a crowd of humans, the crowds at this festival weren’t bad, since they were the distracted kind where all the humans and augmented humans are talking to each other or on comm or feed or hurrying to get places.
Plus, it was Preservation and there were no scanning drones, no armed human security, just some on-call human medics with bot assistants and “rangers” who mainly enforced environmental regulations and yelled at humans and augmented humans to get out of the way of the ground vehicles.
All the humans and augmented humans staying here for the festival made it a heavily populated area, but we were traveling through the section reserved for humans who actually wanted to sleep.
(Drones had picked up previously identified humans and augmented humans returning to the other houses or passing through the area, and I’d conducted safety checks on unidentified humans encountered for the first time.
I was cataloguing power signatures on some small mobility devices used by non-augmented humans for medical reasons; I hadn’t seen these anywhere in the Corporation Rim, though maybe that was because I hadn’t spent much time hanging out on planets with human populations not exclusively engaged in corporate slave labor.
My suit read the air system level as full, which meant normal for humans and augmented humans.
(I knew of forty-seven ways that ART could kill a human, augmented human, or bot intruder, and the only reason I didn’t know more is because I got bored and stopped counting.)
Was something else—bot or human or augmented human—
Somebody had to be here, bot or human or augmented human.
(Note to humans and augmented humans: no one likes being patronized.)
Two Targets faced Amena and the casualties: possibly augmented human; scan results null.
They looked like tall, thin augmented humans, with dull gray skin.
And why would Eletra, who was an augmented human with an internal interface, need a second external one?
I’d seen shows about humans and augmented humans trapped in wormholes indefinitely.
(SecUnits weren’t allowed to sit down, ever, but humans and augmented humans did it every chance they had.)
(humans, even augmented humans, can’t process multiple inputs like I can)
That’s why humans and augmented humans are so cautious around alien remnants that even corporations mostly try to be careful.
(You may have noticed, my processing capacity allows me to think about a lot of things and do a lot of things at the same time, more than humans, augmented humans, or lower functioning bots can.
They were cycling through engine status data on ART’s alien-remnant-augmented wormhole trip, occasionally making little horrified noises.
The only interesting new info was from one of ART’s crew members, an augmented human named Iris, who had added some newsfeed archives about the hostile takeover of Adamantine Explorations after the colony had been established.
I had converted my timeline into a format humans and augmented humans could read, annotated it, and put it up in the feed.
I alerted on Marne because I ran threat assessments on all humans and augmented humans attempting to approach or form new relationships with Dr. Mensah or her family or associates after the GrayCris incident.
I knew from threat assessments on Ratthi’s associates that he had a lot of relationships with all genders of humans and augmented humans and he and they all seemed very happy about it.
“They’re SecUnits?” Thiago asked, horrified.
I can see why he might think that. I said, “They’re augmented humans who were chemically enhanced. They don’t feel pain, their reflexes and reaction times are accelerated. They have the physical strength of a SecUnit, but not the feed connectivity or processing capacity. So they’re harder to detect, and even more disposable.”
The static swirled artistically into an image of a human or augmented human wearing the same red and brown uniform as Eletra and Ras.
Name: Supervisor Leonide, augmented, Barish-Estranza Exploration Services ID, gender: female, femme-neutral
ART knew all about that because it was the one who had altered my configuration to help me pass as an augmented human.
“I would prefer you go as an augmented human.”
“Why do you want me to pretend to be an augmented human? This way is easier.”
They had guessed I was a bodyguard but I had dropped my pretend-human code while I was still in the EVAC suit and it was starting to register with them that I might not be an augmented human.
(SecUnits make humans and augmented humans uncomfortable and on my contracts, my clients had acted in a variety of nervous and inconsistent ways when I was around.
(What I use when I fight/do security is a minimum level of response, which is meant to minimize damage to humans and augmented humans and the company’s property, which means taking into account a lot of factors.
“It’s to keep the humans and augmented humans from leaving the planet.”
Terraforming projects designed to get everything livable and ready way before the humans and augmented humans moved in were expensive longterm investments, but they didn’t fail like this.
(I know, it’s a logo, but I hate it when humans and augmented humans ruin things for no reason.
It was clearly meant to be operated mostly via the feed, by humans and augmented humans who were coming in to deliver a cargo to the planet and then leave, probably as rapidly as possible.
(This was a line from Valorous Defenders, which is a great source for things humans and augmented humans think SecUnits say that SecUnits do not actually say.)
154 [this is so fucking ableist I want to scream]
The two augmented humans GrayCris had sent to kill Dr. Mensah had been less sentient than hauler bots; somebody had kept them drugged and docile, waiting for the right moment for deployment.
Activity hadn’t returned to normal, there were lots of humans and augmented humans and bots clustering together in public areas waiting for announcements.
156 [wow look it's explicit this time!!!]
It’s probably not a human; I don’t think a human could do this through a removable interface, so that’s twelve augmented humans.
(Confession time: that moment, when the humans or augmented humans realize you’re really here to help them. I don’t hate that moment.)
It would have gotten to the augmented humans who had their interfaces built into their brains, then used them to infect the humans with external removable interfaces.
ART got the infection from an augmented human, like this system did.
I’d been trying to get ART to avoid contact with potentially infected systems, when it was infected augmented humans we had to worry about.
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learnerworld · 2 years
Data Visualization & Storytelling Part_4: How to read a chart?
In continuation to my previous post on #datavizualization
📌When it comes to reading a chart, it’s not only the actual chart but also the other supporting elements such as titles, subtitles, legends, scales, sources, etc. that makes a chart complete.
✍It’s critical to read them carefully to grasp what the chart is about, what is being measured, and how it’s being measured. Alberto Cario, in his book, suggests that to read a chart well, you must focus on:
The features that surround the content and support it —>the chart’s scaffolding—and
on the content itself —> how the data is represented or encoded. The scaffolding consists of features of the chart.
⚡If you struggle to read a chart or think of a suitable chart, you must spend some time developing graph literacy. Basically, you need to learn about visual encoding of the charts.
✍🏻For example, many times after getting some clarity on first step (selecting appropriate charts), learners are aware that they need to create stacked/grouped bar charts while plotting the distribution of two categorical variables.
When I ask them to write ggplot2 (I hope you’re familiar. If not, still you’ll get the context) code for the same, they put one variable on x-axis & other on y-axis. 🤦🏻‍♀‍
And of course, it will not work! (🛑 Pause reading & think WHY)
I hope you got it. It's not about the code but your understanding of chart elements 😃 .
👉 In a bar chart, the height/length of the rectangular bars basically represents counts/proportions/percentages.
👉 So one of the axes (usually the y-axis) has to have the counts, while the other axis will represent one of the categorical variables.
👉 As you’re planning to plot 2 categorical variables, you’ll either stack or group the categories of that second variable. Refer Image below 👇
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Don’t forget to check the comment section for an awesome book to help you.
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ezra-autumn · 2 years
Testosterone and Emotions:
I went on HRT with the knowledge that a lot of people report their emotional range changing and as someone who used to cry Every Day over pretty much everything, I was kind of relieved and excited about this.
Now, let me try and explain where I’m at now and what i’m experiencing now 4+ months on T.
My emotional range has completely changed. It’s not more limited, it’s just like not really comparable. It’s not on the same graph. It’s like trying to chart the sweetness of candy vs the sweetness of fruit. It’s apples and oranges or whatever people say. They’re not the same thing.
1) Fear: I can tell where the fear used to be and I can remember it, but when i’m in mildly scary situations it just isn’t there anymore. Walking to my car in a mostly empty parking garage at night, i’m aware it’s not totally safe and I’m wary, but I have to remember to be wary. I’m not just automatically on guard with adrenaline making me jumpy and my heart racing and stuff. There’s this weird feeling of like extra thick skin? i know it’s not physically different. I didn’t get magically stronger or less vulnerable or at any less risk, but I just don’t /feel/ vulnerable in the same way. I feel a little delusional-ly invincible in a way the reminds me of being a teenager and doing dumb shit just because it felt good to be alive.
2) Sadness/stress/etc. is all internal and implosive instead of external and explosive. I don’t feel any less sad over sad things or any less stressed over stressful things, but now I feel it in a sort of internalized sinkhole and a feeling of shutting down and my brain just like slowing and molasses-ing. Crying doesn’t come easily any if it does it’s like one tear after a long long while of feeling miserable.
3) sex drive: understanding for the first time in my entire life why people call sex a basic human need. I was kind of like take it or leave it about sex/masturbation before this and now it’s like a basic maintenance item on my list of stuff I have to do for myself to feel functional like showering and brushing my teeth and eating. It’s wild.
4) internal perceptions of my own strength: still figuring this out but when i forget to over-think it, i can open jars easier and lift stuff i wouldn’t have attempted before. I’m hoping i adjust to this enough to start being more confident about my ability to build and use more upper body strength soon. The weirder part of my adjusted self perception of my own strength is that intellectually i know i’d still lose most fights, but emotionally I’ve caught myself mentally up for a potential fight in a way I haven’t been since i was a kid. Even though i’m a nonviolent person and I definitely do not actually want to fight anyone, I’m like “yeah but i could though.” and I have to be like “sit tf down me, you would still lose and it would not be a good time.”
5) anger: still haven’t noticed anything there yet. Anger isn’t really on my emotional range that often. usually it’s tied to sensory overload for me and i’ve been working pretty hard on shaping my life to accommodate my sensory needs as much as possible.
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compuease · 4 months
Unlocking Outlook: Mastering Productivity with Top 10 Hacks You Never Knew"
When was the last time you received an email? Sounds like a silly question, doesn’t it? We get them all the time. Many of us may receive dozens or even hundreds of emails a day. This trend is continuing to grow.
You might think that with the advent of social media, team communication like Microsoft Teams, and other methods of communication, email might be slipping away into the history books. But many studies and reports show quite the opposite. Email usage is continually increasing year by year.
PPM Express recently posted [+] some interesting statistics based on a study performed by McKinsey. They claim that we check email on average 11 times per hour. Factoring in the time taken to refocus on our tasks afterwards, that means, on average, up to 28% of our work time is spent on email. That’s a staggering amount of time spent on distractions that slow us down.
Can you spend less time composing emails and use the time you save on other tasks?
Can you control your email, and get your inbox organized properly?
Yes, you can.
We are very happy to share some of the valuable pointers from our “Top 10 Outlook Productivity Hacks You Never Knew” webinar, as presented by Christine Irons. If you use Microsoft Outlook, you’ll find these timesaving and productivity tips extremely useful and rewarding. Here are a few to get you started.
Timesaving Outlook training course Tips – Templates
Do you find yourself sending the same email message repeatedly? You know, that “boilerplate” message you must send out once or twice a month? Save that message as a template.
You can even save parts of your message as a signature, and then insert that in your email. After all, your signature doesn’t technically have to be at the end of your email.
Save your most often-used email messages or text into templates.
Create your standard
 message and click File, Save as, and then select as a type: Outlook template.
There are some potential “gotchas” in the process of saving a template, so follow Christine’s steps in the webinar to avoid those pitfalls!
Timesaving Outlook Tips – Quick Parts
Another timesaver is the Quick Parts feature. With Quick Parts you can add standard text, website links, or even pictures to your email. They’re a breeze to use once you set them up correctly.
Select a picture, website link, or a specific phrase or statement from your email.
Save it to your Quick Part Gallery.
Insert that text or picture into your emails with a click of a button by selecting it from the Quick Part Gallery.
Rather than showing pages of data and relying on your audience to come to the same conclusion as you, Excel offers many charts and graphing tools that allow you to explain the insights from your data.
Here's a bonus timesaving microsoft outlook class tip: Give the Quick Part a memorable short name, perhaps just a few letters. Then, in the body of an email, type those few letters in where you'd like to insert the full Quick Part message. Now simply press F3 on your keyboard to have Outlook insert your Quick Parts message in place of those few letters!
Outlook Productivity Tips – Email Signatures
Do you have a new role, or otherwise need to update your email signature? If you don’t do it very often, it can be easy to forget the steps.
Start a new email and click on the Signature button on the ribbon.
A Signatures and Stationery window will open, where you can add or edit your signatures.
Click the New button to create a new signature, give it a name, and then type in your signature information as desired.
But here is a further step you can use to quickly create a more decorative signature.
Near the bottom left of the Signatures and Stationery window is a link you can click to “Get signature templates”.
Click to follow this link and then download the templates Word document from Microsoft.
Select a signature template from this Word document, copy it, and then paste it into your own Outlook signature.
Customize it with your own photo and contact information!
Outlook training Productivity Tips – Chasing Inbox Zero
This is how you can successfully tackle all those dozens or hundreds of daily emails. Once you have read a letter delivered to your home, you don’t put it back in your mailbox, do you? So, when you’ve read an email, file it rather than leaving it in your inbox. Create and use folders and sub-folders to store your messages. For example, create a sub-folder for items you wish to defer for later. Create Quick Steps to file your emails, categorize them, create calendar tasks and appointments, or perform a host of other actions.
Use Quick Steps and the 4 Ds – Do It Now, Delegate, Defer, or Delete.
On the Home tab, create new Quick Steps for the following:
Do It Now – Create a Reply message.
Delegate – Forward the message to someone else.
Defer – Move the message to your Defer folder for later, categorize it as desired, and create a calendar task or appointment as a reminder.
Delete – Move the message to the Deleted Items folder.
Create folders and sub-folders. It’s a great way to manage and organize your Outlook account to make it work for you and your role.
Outlook Rules – Create Automations That Work for You
Outlook training Rules is a wonderful feature that many users fail to use. You can create rules that will automatically apply to all or to certain emails that arrive in your inbox.
Let’s talk about just two: the “Career Saving” rule, and the “VIP” rule.
Have you used this career saving rule?
This career saving rule can help you avoid sending an email in haste, before considering the consequences, or without the attachment you had promised to include.
Create a mail rule to defer delivery by a set number of minutes.
This allows time for you to reconsider something you had included—or forgotten to include—in the message.
What about this VIP rule?
Generate a special notification when you receive a new email from a specific person or email address. For example, from your boss or from a very important client.
Create a mail rule to display a notification in the new item alert window.
Optionally set the rule to play a sound when the email arrives.
What about this Boss rule?
This one is not really an Outlook courses rule, but you can use conditional formatting to make specific senders stand out in your inbox.
Apply conditional formatting to emails from a specific person or account, or even those containing specific words.
You can apply different font, style, size, effects, and colours as desired.
Any new emails matching your selected condition will now stand out in your inbox with your selected font colour or effects. They are easier for you to see and to deal with.
Our Outlook Productivity Hacks Webinar
Millions of people around the globe use Outlook training to manage their email and calendars. But few people really know how to make the most of its features and are just scratching the surface of Outlook’s full functionality.
Here, we’ve shared just a few little-known but helpful tips from Christine Irons’ webinar. What is covered in this webinar?
Create email templates to send frequently used content.
Convert emails to calendar events using drag-and-drop.
Automate your inbox with Rules and Quick Steps to reduce manual and repetitive tasks.
Save and use content from Quick Parts to insert reusable text.
This free and friendly webinar was presented in May 2022. Watch the replay here to learn more about the steps you can take to save yourself time and increase your productivity: Top 10 Outlook Productivity Hacks You Never Knew – Full Webinar – YouTube
Our webinars are a convenient and flexible way to learn useful tips at your own pace.
New webinar topic each month – you can register yourself or your team on our website.
Register here: Webinars | The Great Canadian Training & Consulting Company
For more information about our Outlook training, view our courses here.
Contact us to customize your Outlook training to suit your specific needs.
Our Flexible Booking Arrangements
You can take advantage of our flexibility by booking either your basic or advanced Outlook training courses when it’s convenient for you. Whatever your preferences or needs, contact us to talk over your options and make the desired arrangements.
Currently, all our training sessions are held virtually to comply with COVID-19 restrictions. When local public health recommendations allow, all our private software and professional skills training will be available to you on-premises, or virtually with a live instructor at no additional cost. If you would like to learn more about our virtual live instructor-led training or would like a short demo of our virtual training platform, please reach out to us.
Outlook is such a powerful application. Many of us only use only a fraction of its potential. Save time, be more productive, and work with much less stress by using Outlook to the full.
Do you have any questions? Contact us today!
Learn more about all our training options here. We would love to help you reach your goals. To learn more about the programs that we offer, please click here for anywhere in Canada.
[+] How Much Time Do Your Employees Spend On Checking Emails?
How to Get Started
Learn more about all our training options here. We would love to help you reach your goals. To learn more about the programs and packages that we offer, please click here for anywhere in North America.
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realtorjamier · 5 months
How to Keep up with Your New Year’s Resolutions!
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Let’s face it: New Year’s resolutions are renowned for failure. Studies show that between 50 and 80 percent of these well-intended self-promises are abandoned within months. You’re probably aware that there’s a gym membership spike in January, but did you know that there’s actually a “Fall Off the Wagon Day” (typically in February) when resolutions are notoriously abandoned and fast food restaurants see an uptick in visits?
The biggest reasons for failure include having unrealistic goals, not keeping track of progress, forgetting about resolutions, and making too many resolutions.
So how can you avoid these pitfalls and stay on course with your ultimate goal of self-improvement? Here are four ways to turn 2023 into a year of positive self-transformation.
Create your personal mantra.
As a more promising alternative to the typical resolution, this year try mindfulness through a mantra. What is a mantra? Derived from two Sanskrit words, “manas” (mind) and “tra” (tool), mantras are typically short statements that are repeated over and over, often to aid in meditation. These mind tools can help us focus on our highest intentions.
Commit to an ideal without strict rules. Manifest good intentions over rigid guidelines, and make sure your mantra is personal and meaningful. The most powerful motivators are intrinsic, based on your deep-rooted values and purpose. 
The three most popular New Year’s resolutions from January 1, 2022 can broadly be categorized as living healthier, personal improvement/happiness, and losing weight. If your New Year’s resolution tends to be “I will lose 20 pounds by this summer,” you may find that you fall short of this goal every year.
The premise of this weight loss statement is that you are starting from a place of weakness and are striving to improve. Losing 20 pounds would be great because your clothes might fit better and you may look better. Neither of these are bad things, but quantifying your goal can be a losing proposition. If you lose 14 pounds, that’s great, but technically you’ve failed because you didn’t lose 20. 
The more important purpose for losing weight is probably improving your health, so consider focusing on that goal. 
By choosing the mantra, “I am healthy” or “I honor my body,” you will start off the year in a position of strength. Internalizing this affirmation may be more effective in the long-term than committing to a number on the scale within a certain number of days.  
Make manageable goals.
There are many ways to honor your body and get healthier. By staying optimistic with a positive, open-ended mantra, you can achieve many small wins in many different ways – not simply by a measurement on a scale.
Create a clear plan, identifying actionable steps. These steps are not resolutions but ways you can commit to your mantra. Here are some examples:
My healthy habits list
Improve my sleep by:
Maintaining a schedule of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Moving the television out of the bedroom.
Charge the phone at night and use an outlet that is out of reach of the bed.
Create a relaxing bedtime ritual beginning at 9 p.m.
Attempt new recipes using more vegetables.
Snack on fruits and nuts.
Take the stairs when possible.
Drink more water.
Lift weights a few times a week.
Try yoga.
Meditate daily.
Walk more.
Eat more meals at home.
Choose healthier restaurant options online before heading to the restaurant.
Track your wins.
There are so many goal tracking tools at our disposal: apps, calendars, charts, spreadsheets, graphs. Choose one that works for you and be diligent about keeping a record of the ways in which you are fulfilling your mantra.
Be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up or throw in the towel over a lack of wins. Get back up and keep going. Aim for progress, not perfection.
Reward yourself.
Little rewards along the way can keep you motivated. Here are some healthy reward options:
Get a massage.
Buy new athletic wear.
Eat a delicious (healthy) restaurant meal.
Explore a new hiking trail.
The bottom line: enjoy this journey toward self-actualization (becoming the best version of yourself). When you stumble, practice self-compassion, and then continue to maximize your potential for a happy new year and a more fulfilling life.
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Full Overview of Website in Ahrefs Tools | How to check Website DR and UR
The Ahrefs overview displays the performance of any domain, URL, subdomain or subfolder in organic and paid search, as well as high-level SEO and backlink analytics. Use the dropdown mode to select your desired target mode.
By design, it almost always displays fewer backlinks, referring domains, and organic keywords.
This is due to the fact that:
Backlinks that have not been crawled for more than 6 months are automatically removed.
Only unique organic keywords are counted. If there are multiple URLs ranking for the same keyword, it will only report the best URL of the selected domain for each term.
Compare your expected search traffic to that of up to ten competitors.
Determine whether it is increasing or decreasing over time, and how you are faring in comparison.
You may even go one step further and expand the Organic keywords by top position chart to look further into the Top 100 organic keywords' historical rankings.
If the goal is to rank for an increasing number of organic keywords, the organic traffic graph should follow suit.
Don't forget to look at the position buckets to see which keywords are ranking in whatever position group (1-3, 4-10, 11-20, 21-50, 51+).
Only look for keywords in the 4-10 range. Examine what you're missing and consider how you can advance into the top three.
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solutionlab · 7 months
Competitor Analysis Report - Competitive Intelligence - Competitor Research
Competitor Analysis Report - Competitive Intelligence - Competitor Research
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on "How to Do Competitor Analysis Report - Competitive Intelligence - Competitor Research." In this enlightening video, we will walk you through the essential steps and strategies for conducting a thorough competitor analysis that can give your business a competitive edge. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, understanding your competitors is crucial for making informed decisions and staying ahead in the market. We'll delve into various aspects, including identifying key competitors, analyzing their strengths and weaknesses, evaluating market trends, and extracting actionable insights. By the end of this video, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to create a robust competitor analysis report that can guide your business strategy. If you find this information valuable, don't forget to hit the like button, share it with your peers, and subscribe to our channel for more insightful content. Stay tuned for a wealth of knowledge that will empower your business journey! So 💖 with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, Welcome to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.🎯For Your Inquiries Reach Us At:
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Blog ID: - https://solutionlabonline.blogspot.com/
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trustcapitalltd · 8 months
Tips for Smart Stock Trading
Are you ready to embark on an electrifying adventure into the thrilling world of stock trading? Buckle up, because we’re about to unveil some stock trading secrets that will make your financial dreams take flight. Whether you’re a Wall Street wizard-in-the-making or just dipping your toes into the market, these tips will not only guide you but have you cheering for more!
Find Your Trading Sidekick: The Stock Brokers
Before you take the plunge into the bustling world of stock trading, you need a trusty sidekick your stock broker! Your choice of a broker can either make you feel like a stock market superhero or leave you feeling like you missed the party. Look for one that suits your style, has reasonable commission fees, a slick trading platform, and customer support that’s ready to rescue you from any trading woes.
Ready to Rock ’n’ Roll: The Best Stock Trading Platform
Imagine a dashboard that’s like the control center of a space shuttle but for your stock trading dreams. That’s what the best stock trading platform feels like! You want real-time market data, enough technical analysis tools to make a computer blush, and an interface so user-friendly even your grandma could trade. Bonus points if it has a mobile app, so you can make moves while sipping coffee at your favorite cafe.
Risk Management: The Jedi Mind Trick of Stock Trading
Mastering risk management in stock trading is like learning a Jedi mind trick. The market can go wild, so it’s essential to protect your hard-earned cash. Think of diversifying your portfolio like a buffet — don’t load up on just one dish; try a bit of everything! Set up stop-loss orders like your financial safety net, and don’t forget your risk tolerance levels and profit targets. With the right strategy, you’ll dodge the Dark Side of losses.
Chart Your Course with Trading Strategies
Stock trading isn’t just numbers and graphs; it’s an art form! Craft your trading strategy like a masterpiece. Map out your entry and exit points, and don’t forget to set your phasers to profit. Use technical and fundamental analysis to make your moves. But remember, even the best artists have to adapt their strokes to changing market landscapes.
Stay in the Know: Your Ticket to Success
Imagine being at a party, but you don’t know anyone or what’s happening not fun, right? The stock market is a bit like that. Keep your finger on the pulse by staying updated with financial news, company reports, and economic indicators. Learn from your successes and (gulp) failures, and join online trading communities to share tales of your epic victories and legendary defeats
So there you have it your passport to the high-octane world of stock trading! Grab your cape, choose your sidekick (the right broker), and charge into battle with your trusty trading platform. Tame the beast of risk with your Jedi-level risk management skills and craft masterful trading strategies. And remember, the party never stops when you’re in the know.
Ready to start stock marketing? It’s time to become the stock trading legend you were born to be. Happy trading, and may the profits be with you!
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