#don’t forget to grab your masterpiece when checking out!
dranna · 9 months
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Ah yes, in an other great evening as an artist who makes commissions.
@giosnape your ideas are truly magnificent ~
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etherealinowrites · 10 months
I saw there wasn't any for hyunjin so I'm just gonna add my 2 cents...
I just feel like hyun is such a sucker for big thighs. He loves it when he sees it jiggle or how the flesh just pudges out over the elastic of some thigh high socks. And if given the chance, idk he might fuck em ya know? (Yes, thigh fucker!hyun <3)
thank you for requesting hyunjin!!! and please, this ask is god-tier 🤲🏻
minors dni
hwang hyunjin was a man of great taste, and it was evident in the way he fell for you and treated you, like you were a piece of art. in his eyes, you were the greatest masterpiece ever made. every inch of you was perfection, and even if you didn’t feel that way, hyunjin certainly made sure to make you feel that way.
his touches against you were gentle, soft when you needed the comfort, and rough and hurtful when you needed to forget. he was the perfect addition to you, making you feel things you didn’t know you needed. he loves living with you, seeing you in all your natural states, shirtless, pantless, braless, makeup less, he just loved seeing you. and every part of your body was his shrine.
it didn’t help that for some reason, he found your soft thighs the main source of his obsession, the way they jiggled when you ran, the way they were soft enough for him to lay his head on, how he could dig into the flesh as he ate you out…oh he could go on and on about all the wonderful things those thighs could do.
and you best bet his eyes were always, always trained on them, especially if you wore skirts and shorts, oh boy his hands were always on you, pulling you closer and stroking them as he would leave kisses in your neck. “such a pretty girl” he hummed, “all mine” he would add and you would melt under his touch. oh he knew just what to say.
that particular day, you had worn a pair of thigh high socks, along with a mini skirt and a dress shirt, the entire fit looking delicious on you. you happily walked into the living room, mumbling a soft hi to hyunjin who’s smile faded when his eyes locked onto your thighs. oh sweet heavens, hyunjin gulped. staring at them shamelessly and checking you out, making you blush with how much he loved making you feel confident in your own skin and clothes.
“angel….you look gorgeous, like always” he breathed out, walking over to you. oh the way the skirt swished around your hips, the way the thigh socks pushed out some of the skin, making it puff out and jiggle, oh he was going insane. “shit baby, you drive me crazy” he groaned, pulling you by your waist, like he always did, your back against his chest and his hands snaked down to feel your thighs.
“but i didn’t even do anything hyun?” you cooed out as you felt his soft kisses on your neck and you let go, knowing you were taken care of.
“you don’t have to baby, you just make me crazy” he grinned, hands stroking the soft skin as he felt his cock grow harder in hai sweatpants, digging into your ass. “hm baby you’re so perfect, my pretty” he grunted, slipping his pants low and flipping your skirt up, stroking the mid of your thighs with the tip, making you whimper.
“hyun…” you whispered breathily, grabbing onto his hand. “yes baby?” he hissed into your ear, cock now slowly slipping between your lush thighs and you felt your wetness gush. “need- need you” you let out and he smiled, slowly starting to fuck your thighs. oh the feeling was too good, hyunjin could cum just imagining you getting turned on by him just fucking your thighs.
“you have me” was all he said because was fucking your thighs, half naked, worshipping you like the goddess you were.
[compiled list of hard thoughts]
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mydearestdrabbles · 9 months
bring your stuffies and your smiles to work
a cglre story | bsd | cg + reader | doppo kunikida | pet names | co-working
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doppo kunikida may be known as an idealist, short-tempered, by-the-book kind of guy but to you,, to you he was doppo, he was papa, he was home.
on this particularly grey yokohama weekday you found yourself in a place too big in a mindset far too small… so as you clung to every last ounce of your big headspace you navigated yourself straight towards the agency building.
the door opened louder then you’d liked and you’d managed to depart with your big headspace as soon as you saw him your partner,, your caregiver as he looked away from his work and towards the door.
it took everything in you not to run towards his desk, but that didn’t stop you from keeping up with a little skip- finally arriving at his desk you couldn’t help but fidget, almost forgetting to flash the signal you’d both agreed upon to signify you’d regressed.
kunikida’s gaze softened as he saw you, paying close a mind to your hands waiting patiently for the signal- upon its display he made eye contact with you saying
“hi my sweet thing, i’m so happy to see you!” he said softly using one of your pet names he knew would help you slip. “can you tell papa what brings you here angel?”
you shook your head, face getting hot and tears threatening to trickle within the second- but before they could doppo was scribbling something in his notebook and showing it to you.
it was a pacifier, the same ruby red as his ribbon.
graciously you accepted it, the comfort of the object subsiding the overwhelm that had come from his question.
doppo glanced between you and his desk when he proposed another question, this time even softer and gentle than the last.
“did you bring any of your little things with you love?” he asked as he began opening one of the drawers in his desk.
you shook your head, when you’d left for the agency it was too much to grab anything more then your headphones and stuffie, you showed him the items that had been tucked beneath your arm as his desk drawer revealed that would be more than enough.
a series of small fidgets, art supplies, picture and coloring books were all neatly organized with handwritten labels relating to their purpose or the people in the agency whom certain items belonged.
doppo gestured toward the drawer saying patiently “why don’t you pick out a thing or two to keep you busy while papa finishes up his paperwork,, does that sound alright love?”
you nod, though it’s not his undivided attention you’ll still be in his company, and it’s hard to resist a good coloring session.
doppo smiles as you walk to the other side of his desk and take a seat, carefully laying out the various items you’ll be using for todays masterpiece as your caregiver returns to work.
time passes quickly with periodic check-ins and doppo’s occasional “you’re doing such a good job little one!” and “i’m so proud of you angel” easing you through headspace.
before you know it doppo has shut his computer and is stretching his hand towards you. the sun making the agency floor almost glow- the two of you are the only ones still working.
“thank you love for waiting for me” he began “i know it took a while and you were so well behaved for me… shall we go home little one? i think there are some warm blankets waiting for us.”
and with that, you took his hand and began for the exit smiling behind the pacifier he’d gifted you- today was a good day.
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akariamai · 1 year
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Part 1, Part 3
Pairing: Ex!Matt Murdock x Writer!reader
Word Count: 1627
As the poor college student you once were, whose heart was crushed in one of the worst ways possible, you’d had no clue what was awaiting ahead to surprise you. The dream which seemed unreachable at the time. There was a bright future shining over you. The book you wrote a few years after you graduated from Columbia University slowly gained attraction. Suddenly your life has become a whirlwind of good news. You were rising to become a well-known author. Your books began appearing on the shelves of your favorite book stores. Your childhood dream was gradually becoming a reality. You were ecstatic, truly.
You were currently planning a new mystery thriller series in your condo. A giant cork board covering your wall as each piece of the mystery hangs. The cork board contained the entire timeline of your mystery. Red string showcases how they all connect. At first glance, many would’ve chalked it up as a mess. To you, it was your ongoing masterpiece. Notebooks and lone sticky notes covered your work space. A cup of steaming hot coffee was held close to your lips as you looked at the chaos you’ve established. It was your chaos and you treasured it.
Your show of appreciation was disrupted when your phone rang. You very rarely kept the sound on. Writing was hard enough without distractions and while your multitasking had gotten better, it was not that advanced where you could listen to the television while working on the backbones of your series and having your phone on standby. Your friends understood and rarely messaged you with the occasional meme or invitation to go out which you greatly appreciated. They were the best and you loved them dearly.
You walked toward your charging phone, checking the name before answering, “Hello beautiful.” You already knew the reason for this call. It was a reminder to get ready to go out. “I just want to let you know I did not work today.” Lie. “But I did admire my work with a cup of coffee.”
“Why don’t I believe you?” Their voice echoed a scanty teasing tone. It supported the mental image, that you created in your mind, of them tilting their head before placing their pointing finger on the lower side of their check. Unintentionally, you were called out on your bullshit. “Maybe because you're a workaholic and refuse to rest your mind and soul.”
You rubbed your forehead gingerly before rushing to grab suitable clothing, “There’s nothing wrong with getting ahead of work. My deadline might seem long but you never know when that pesky writer’s block comes to bite me in the ass.”
They laughed as you searched through your closest. “One night won’t make a difference.”
“How would you know? I could have a revelation at the bar with no paper or pen and forget about when I get home. A true tragedy for my fans.” You were being dramatic and for good reason. It was simply fun to annoy friends. They loved you no matter how annoying you can be and the good ones stick till the end. “Taking advantage of this abnormal desire to write seems to be a hell of a way to spend my night.”
“Which you have last night and the night before that and the night before that. I don’t want you to burn out and feel uninspired. I know how you get when you're pressed for time.” It was not pretty. You basically have a complete and utter meltdown. Scurrying to finish to reach the deadline while also not disappointing your fans or doing such a disservice to your characters.
As you could not win in this playful argument, you relented. “See you there.”
The glass bottle clanked when they were slightly tapped against one another and you and your friend cheered for good fortune. The place your friend had chosen was, to the untrained mind, a dump but places like these were the best. The tap water however cannot be trusted. While it looked ghastly, it kept so many memories within its walls. A secret only the building will know when everyone ceases to exist and more memories continue to be harbored. Tonight you will be one of those secrets. Another body the bar sheltered and one that will soon leave when the night is replaced by day. 
You didn’t notice them. Two old faces sitting in the same bar astonished you were so close yet in an entirely different universe. One watching with fond eyes, the other unable to do the same. One was ecstatic to see you once again, grown into the person you were meant to be, and the other, filled with guilt for how things ended. There was another with them, an unfamiliar face, and witnessing the jolting glances they sent to you.
“[Reader].” One whispered so lowly the others didn’t hear. The sound of your heart beat once again gracing his ears. He missed you. Once the tinted frames of Elektra were smashed away, he realized the devastating aftermath left in her wake. The relationship that was once wondrous and blissful was gone. Ruined and tarnished by his inability to not decimate his own happiness.
There was always one thing he wanted to say, after he freed himself from his own blindness, if he was ever granted the chance, was to apologize. His mishandling of the situation caused you so much unnecessary harm and there was only him to blame. He fell for Elektra charm and her assertions of being cut from the same cloth. Still there was no excuse for what he did.
“I’ll be right back.” He assured Foggy, who knew of his intentions, and Karen, who remained confused. Foggy remembered those late night talks after the whole Elektra situation detonated. Matt mourned the loss of a healthy relationship and shame remained to haunt him. If Foggy was being honest, he missed you. He loved to hang out with you and Matt despite the lovey-dovey gestures you’d paraded around him. It felt like a glimpse of what real love was.
Matt reached your table before asking, “[Reader]?” You had never known of his powers and yet always treated him like an able-bodied person. With the occasional but completely harmless quips surrounding his blindness. After all these years, he wondered of all the moments you would’ve shared together had he not doomed your love. He wondered if you laid awake flustered at the thought of his lips.
“Matt?” He looked different yet the same. The years have gone easy on him since the last time you’d spoken. He matured like fine wine. “What are you doing here?” Not in the bar. You wanted to add. Here by me.
He straightened his posture, “I wanted to speak with you.” And apologize. “Alone if that’s alright with you.” The conversation he hoped to have should not be for anyone other than yourself. At least for this specific moment. He knew friends (Foggy) would want an update.
Your friend gave you a look before you assured them that you would be fine. They walked away, too far to listen but not so much they’d lose sight of you. Matt took over the now empty seat and the two of you sat in silence. The agonizing tension striking the two of you like a club or, in this case, a cane.
“What did you want to talk about?” The relationship you once had was short-lived but memorable. Your first taste of what love should’ve been until it was spiked with poison. You had plenty of time to reflect upon your brief passion towards one another but you were still left with questions. Maybe they can finally be answered.
“I was - I’m sorry.” His head faced the stained table as if he was ashamed of himself and granted he should be. “I know we didn’t end off on the right foot and it was my fault. I should’ve handled it better but my naive younger self was thoughtless of the pain and anguish I’d caused you. There are no words to describe how embarrassed and ashamed I am for not apologizing sooner.”
There it was. The apology you’ve been missing for years and now you had it. Apologies are never enough, however, it is merely words seeking for an ounce of forgiveness. Forgiveness is a fickle matter to you. It is, in your mind, unnecessary when burying the hatchet of the past. Forgiveness is not for you but the person who hurt you. Moving on does not require forgiveness. Moving on, in its true form, is reflecting on what was done and finding a semblance of peace. 
You found yourself only able to mutter a simple thank you and the tension heightened. There was nothing more to say. Nothing that truly mattered in this moment. “I’d like to make it up to you.” He offered, “A redo of sorts. We can go to that diner we've loved.”
The thought almost made you laugh. A redo. At the place where it all began and ended. Moving on was one thing but the memories will always linger. The pain never truly vanishes. It merely blooms in a different form.
Shaking your head, “No.” The word spilled out of your lips with such sternness. Matt tensed when they reached his ears. “I don’t think so. While I do appreciate your apology, I’d rather not exhume what once was. Our love, no matter how short, is and will forever always remain six feet under.” You couldn’t fathom his train of thought. How ridiculously seeming it was. “I’d rather leave the past where it belongs and I suggest you do the same. Do, however, say hi to Foggy. I have missed him.”
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banannabethchase · 6 months
Nothing But Your T-Shirt - also on AO3
Adam comes home to a fascinating, pretty surprise after the grocery store.
Adam has to juggle the groceries in his arms to get a hold of his cell phone. “Hey, baby,” he says. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” Matt says. “Just checking in. How’s your week off going?”
“Great,” Adam says. He grunts as he gets the first few bags in the bed of his truck. “Forgot what it was like not to spend most of my weekly hours away from the house.” He adjusts his grip on the bags.
“So, um,” Matt says. “When do you think you’ll be home?”
Adam shrugs, checking his watch. “Dunno. Maybe twenty minutes?” He shuffles around the bags – sometimes the glass moves around when he drives and he doesn’t want to deal with Matt’s pickle jar shattering again. “Why? You want to FaceTime?”
“No,” Matt says, and it’s almost too fast. “I mean, it’s fine.”
“You sure?” Adam throws the last bag into the truck. “I can call while I’m on the way home.”
“I can wait,” Matt says, and there’s something in the back of his tone that makes Adam wonder. “I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, baby,” Adam says, and he settles into the driver’s seat. “Soon. How about I call you later tonight and we, uh.” He checks to make sure his windows are rolled up. “We talk about that one fantasy of yours.”
Matt giggles. “Yeah, that could work,” he says. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Adam makes his way back to his house, humming along to his playlist on shuffle, when he realizes something is just the tiniest bit off on his front porch.
Cautiously, he grabs the bags from the trunk of his truck. He can just barely make it to unlock the door. But he can tell, just from the doorway, that there’s someone else in the house.
“Hello?” he calls. “You wanna fight, go for it. But letting you know I’m a professional wrestler who just drank somebody’s blood for fun, so I don’t like your odds.”
“I like it when you get unhinged.”
Adam drops the bags, forgetting about the stupid pickles and the ice cream, and makes his way to the bedroom. “You little –” But all words leave him as he takes in the sight on his bed.
Matt, in his favorite Dolly Parton shirt, Adam’s glasses. Bare legs. Pink panties. Adam’s most recent read in his hands.
“This isn’t anywhere near as good as Devil in the White City,” Matt says, not even looking up as he flips a page. He pushes the glasses up his nose and Adam is already rock hard, ready to go. “Though, it’s hard to compete with a masterpiece.”
“Baby, what – what the fuck are you doing here?” He wants to touch. He wants to devour. He wants to claim. “You said you were busy!”
Matt finally looks up at him, smirk unbearable. “I was,” he says. “Busy getting a flight out here to surprise you.”
Adam dives on top of Matt, slapping the book to the side of the bed. He doesn’t even care if he loses his place; nothing is a priority over a surprise Matt. He stretches out on top of Matt’s body, kissing him deep and filthy and demanding. “When did you get here?” he asks, pressing kisses along Matt’s neck.
“About two hours ago,” Matt says, arching up to keep his body aligned with Adam’s. “I know you always go grocery shopping on Saturday afternoons.”
“God damn it – Matt, you’re perfect,” Adam growls. He’s got a hand gripped on Matt’s bare thigh, ready to rip those panties, when Matt freezes.
“I’m not,” Matt says, voice tiny.
Adam pulls back. “What?”
“I’m not perfect,” Matt says, and he shuffles up to sit against the headboard. “That’s – that’s why I did this. To apologize.”
“Apo – for what?” Adam asks. He sits on the bed. The pink looks so goddamned good against Matt’s bare skin. “You didn’t do anything wrong, baby.”
“The night after Full Gear was a lot,” he says, shrugging. “It’s – I want to do something nice for you,” Matt says, and Adam can barely focus on his words as his legs stretch out on Adam’s bed, as his arms and chest fill out Adam’s favorite shirt, as the hem of that shirt skims the top of the pink panties. “You put up with me last week when I was awful.”
Adam snaps back into it. “Hey, whoa. You were not awful.”
Matt shrugs, not meeting Adam’s eyes. “I was horrible after a match, and then you had to deal with me when I was crying for hours.”
“Yes,” Adam says. He sits on the bed next to Matt, forcing himself not to touch, not yet. “Because I love you. That’s part of all of it.”
Matt tangles his fingers together and looks at Adam through his own glasses. Matt’s eyes are a little off focus because of the prescription, but the effect is still hitting Adam directly in his heart. “You love me, but you don’t have to love that part,” Matt says.
“I don’t have to,” Adam says, and his heart is on the outside of him now, looking at him cross eyed with giant brown eyes, “but I do.”
“Are you sure?” Matt asks. “I – I feel like you do so much for me.” His fingers have got to hurt with the way he’s got them in tangled knots, eyes cast down. “And I’m just here. Taking from you.”
“Matt.” There’s got to be something in his tone that gets Matt to focus, because he looks up to meet Adam’s eyes again. “You’re not taking from me. It’s back and forth. And I love every single part of you because it’s you. Not in spite of the fact that it’s you.”
Matt launches at Adam, throwing his legs around Adam’s hips and shoving him down to the bed with the force of his kiss. His hands on either side of Adam’s face are tight, as firm as Adam’s ever felt it and Adam takes a second to kiss him back, sliding his hands up the back of Matt’s shirt.
Of his shirt, technically.
“Hold the fuck up,” Adam says, grabbing a handful of Matt’s ponytail to pull him back far enough to get a look at him. “Aren’t I supposed to be the one going wild on you for wearing my clothes?”
Matt shrugs, pulling at Adam’s hand and smiling, something soft and vulnerable. “You’re being all sweet and you love me even though I’m terrible and the worst.”
“You are not terrible,” Adam says. “I know I call you a dumb slut when we’re fucking all the time, but you’re not dumb or anything, and you’re not terrible.”
Matt shrugs.
Adam sighs and pulls Matt’s head back a little more so he has to lift up off of Adam’s chest. “Fine. If you’re not going to believe me, I’ll just have to prove it.” He sits up, adjusting Matt in his lap as he lets go of Matt’s hair.
“First off,” he says, skimming his hands along the underside of Matt’s shirt. “Look at you right now.”
“Can’t,” Matt says, but he’s finally smiling steady. “The mirror is behind me.”
“Oh!” Adam says. “Oh, that’s what you’re looking for. Okay.” He stands up and throws Matt on the bed. “Hands and knees. Eyes on yourself in the mirror.”
Matt immediately turns all pink, matching the panties and shirt. “O – okay.”
Adam can feel Matt’s eyes following him through the mirror as he walks to the other side of the bed. He swallows – Matt’s wearing panties that aren’t normal, but aren’t a thong. He thinks they might be cheekies or something. Whatever they’re called, they’re incredible. Framing Matt’s perfect ass with neon pink emphasizing the way it swells. “So goddamned gorgeous,” Adam murmurs. He reaches out and traces along the hem. “Look at yourself, baby.”
Matt’s head snaps up and looks at himself. “I am,” he says, voice tiny.
Adam crawls up on the bed behind him. “You knew exactly what would get me,” he says, grabbing a handful of Matt’s ass and almost collapsing with how good the warm lace feels. “Wearing my favorite shirt. Pretty little undies.” He meets Matt’s eyes in the mirror. “You even have my glasses on. Bet you can’t see a damned thing, huh?”
Matt nods. “Your eyes suck.”
“You fucking – god, I love you,” Adam sighs. “C’mere, give them to me.” Matt moves to turn around, but Adam rests a hand on Matt’s back. “Don’t turn around. I want to make sure you can see how beautiful you are.”
Matt nods and takes the glasses off. Adam sets them somewhere on the bedside table indelicately. “There we go,” Adam sighs. “So tell me.” He settles his hands on Matt’s hips. “What gave you the idea, gorgeous? How did you know exactly what I would like?”
“You love this shirt,” Matt says, and his eyes are wide and needy when they meet Adam’s in the mirror. “Last year,” Matt says, “you chose to wear it, right before you confronted Mox, right?”
Adam nods, running his hands up and down Matt’s back. “I remember. You were watching me back then?”
“I always watch you,” Matt says, almost shy as he speaks. “Even when – when we weren’t talking, I was watching. I was thinking about you. Always.” His eyes well a little bit.
“You okay?” Adam asks.
Matt nods, tucking hair behind his ear as a way to try and hide that he’s swiping at tears. “We missed so much time, Adam,” he almost whispers. “I don’t want to miss anything else.”
Adam kisses the small of his back. “Thank you for telling me, that, baby,” he murmurs against Matt’s skin. “Talk to me more. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
Matt nods. “Just – I hurt you back then, so much. And when I saw you get hurt, with the concussion, I knew I had to get you back.” He meets Adam’s eyes. “I knew I couldn’t keep going without telling you how much I loved you.”
Adam rewards Matt’s vulnerability with a hand on his back, along his hips. Touching, touching, touching. “And then you stepped to Mox, and – I got scared.” He smiles. “But I knew you could handle yourself. Mox is scary, but you’re better.”
Adam laughs, kissing along the waistband of those goddamned neon pink panties. “Mox really does keep showing up in our bedroom, doesn’t he?”
“Your fault for being all gay with him for, like, six months,” Matt fires back, and Adam’s a little in love with him all over again. “But I – I remember how much you like me in the panties, and how much you like the shirt. I had an idea maybe you’d like how I’d look all in your clothes.” He flutters his eyelashes. “In your bed. Reading your book.” He exhales, and it’s taking all of Adam’s restraint not to take him right there. “When you got home.”
“See?” Adam says. He grabs Matt’s hips and hauls him back into his lap where he’s kneeling. Matt grinds against his dick. “You think I do stuff for you only, but you went out of your way to fly across the country to surprise me.” He slides his hands up Matt’s stomach to grab at his pecs, tweak his nipples. “And you think there’s parts of you I don’t have to love?” He leans in and kisses at Matt’s neck, grinning at the way Matt squirms. “I don’t have a choice, baby. All of you has got all of me. No turning back.”
Matt whines, swiveling his hips. “Adam,” he gasps. “Adam, please.”
“Tell me what you want, baby,” Adam murmurs, sucking a bruise into the back of Matt’s neck. Same spot Mox had a while back. “You know I want to give it to you. As long as I get to see you.”
“Want – inside me,” Matt says. “Want you to…” He trails off and meets Adam’s eyes in the mirror.
“Say it, pretty baby,” Adam says, sliding his hand up to circle Matt’s neck. “I wanna hear it.”
“Please fuck me,” Matt pleads. “I – Adam, I’ve been waiting so long, and it’s all –”
“Of course,” Adam says, “but I’m keeping you in my shirt. Want you to see all the ways you belong to me.”
“Jesus – Adam, you can’t just say things like that,” Matt pants.
“Why not?” Adam asks, and he guides Matt gently back to his hands and knees, kneading his ass. “Why can’t I tell you that you’re mine, every last part of you.” He leans down, grabbing at the panties with his teeth, snapping the elastic enough for Matt to yelp. He shoves Matt’s thighs apart and slides under Matt. With a grin, he licks up his hard cock through the lace. “Why can’t I get you worked up and begging so you sound as pretty as you look?”
“I – okay, you can,” Matt says, grinding his cock against Adam’s face. “But I don’t want to wait.”
“Okay then.” Adam slides out from under Matt and grabs the panties, ripping them off. Matt yelps again, eyes lit up and giddy in the mirror. “Don’t worry, I got you.” He spreads Matt’s cheeks. “God, what a pretty little hole. And all mine.”
Matt whines. “Yes, all yours,” he promises. “Any – anything you want, I swear.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks. “How about we start with me fucking you so good you forget your name?”
Matt turns around and nods.
“Turn around, baby, keep looking at yourself,” Adam says. He slides his hands between Matt’s legs to stroke at his dick, grinning at the way Matt’s mouth falls open. “See? So goddamned pretty.”
He leans back to brush his glasses out of the way so he can grab the bottle of lube that’s made its home on top of his table and spreads some on his fingers. “You want it slow?”
Matt shakes his head. “Use me,” he pleads. “Like – like I’m all yours. Like you can do anything you want and I’ll like it.”
Adam traces a finger around his hole and slowly pushes it in. “Could I do anything and you’d like it?” He pumps his finger a few times, grinning as Matt’s eyes threaten to flutter closed before he forces them open again. “Good boy.”
Matt hums. “Anything,” he says, and it sounds like a promise. “I’m yours.”
Adam speeds up, because Matt wants more, he knows it, and when he’s two fingers deep Matt’s doing most of the work.
“Okay, now,” Matt says. “I don’t – I’m good now. I can take you.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks, adjusting on his knees. He pulls Matt’s ass level with his dick. “You sure?”
“I trust you,” Matt says. “I know – anything, remember?”
Adam pushes into Matt, and he’s finally home. “There we go,” he says, sliding his thumbs along the creases where Matt’s ass meets his thighs. “God, you’re always so good for me, baby. So, so good.”
Matt nods, meeting Adam’s eyes in the mirror. “Always,” he promises, “always for you.”
“I noticed you didn’t say the always good part,” Adam chuckles, fucking Matt slowly. “That’s fair. You know yourself well.”
“I’ll be good for you,” Matt says, meeting Adam at every thrust. “Just – not always.”
“Yeah?” Adam asks. “What are you thinking?”
“You – oh – you know,” Matt says, grinning. “Maybe mess with the BCC again. Piss off Mox.”
“Always with Mox,” Adam mutters, fucking into Matt a little harder. “It’s like you want him to kick your ass.”
“I was thinking something different with my ass,” Matt muses.
Adam chuckles, spreading Matt’s cheeks so he can see himself plunge in and pull out of Matt’s body. “Yeah? You want him to fuck you again?”
“You know what I want,” Matt pants. “Can – can I touch myself?”
“No, baby, I got you,” Adam murmurs. He reaches around and gets a hand on Matt’s dick. “You close? Talking about Mox getting you hot and bothered?”
“More than just Mox,” Matt says, rocking between Adam’s dick and hand, starting to feel a little desperate.
Adam chuckles. “You want the BCC to run a train on you, don’t you,” he murmurs.
“Mostly Yuta,” Matt says. “He’s being a dick and it’s attractive.” He whines. “He wore glasses last night on Rampage, did you see?”
“I did,” Adam laughs. “He looked real cute, didn’t he.”
Matt nods frantically. “Maybe we could pull Eddie in, too. I know he and Yuta are a thing.”
Adam laughs. “Slow it down, baby. So eager today.”
Matt nods. “Okay. Um, I – Adam, can I?”
“Can you what?” Adam asks. He’s secretly glad Matt’s asking, though. He’s close and isn’t sure he can hold out much longer. “Ask me, baby, and you can have whatever you want.”
“I wanna come,” Matt begs. “Please, Adam, I – please.”
“Whatever you want,” Adam says, picking up the pace of his hips and hand. “I promise. If I can give it to you, you can have it.”
Matt comes with a cry all over Adam’s favorite blanket, clenching around his dick like a vice. “Adam,” he cries.
“Yeah, baby, I know,” he says. He drives into Matt with intention, with a purpose. “God, I’m gonna – baby, fuck.”
“Come in me,” Matt gasps. “Make me feel you for days.”
That does it. With a groan and a gasp of Matt’s name, he comes with his hips pressed against Matt’s ass. Matt’s slumped onto the bed, face down ass up, and Adam has to laugh.
“So good,” Adam says as he breathes. “So fucking good for me, baby.”
“For you,” Matt murmurs. “You’re not mad I’m not looking at myself, right?”
Adam laughs. “No, you’re good.” He rolls to the side. “Come here, baby.”
Matt crawls over and drops on top of Adam. “Hi,” he says.
“Hi.” Adam turns his head to kiss the side of Matt’s. “How’d you think your experiment go?”
“My experiment?” Matt asks. “You turned it all different by making me, like,” he shivers. “You made me watch myself.”
“You liked it, didn’t you?” Adam laughs.
Matt nodded. “I – I didn’t know I looked like that.” He snuggles into Adam. Adam plays with the hem of his shirt. “And here I was, thinking I was going to do a surprise and clothes related experiment for you for when you got home from grocery shopping.”
“Goddamnit,” Adam sighs, ducking his head into Matt’s shoulder.
“What?” Matt asks. “Are you mad you ripped the panties? I can get more.”
“Not mad about that,” Adam says. He lifts himself onto the elbows. “I got ice cream, and now it’s gotta be melted.”
Matt shrugs, stretching out under Adam, looking pretty as ever. “Oh no,” he yawns. “Now you’ll have to go out and get dairy free ice cream that I can eat. How awful.”
“So self-centered,” Adam chuckles. “And I love it.” He leans down and kisses Matt gently. “And I already have your dairy free ice cream from before. Obviously.”
Matt smiles up at him. “You do?”
Adam nods, and it’s impossible to hold back what comes next. “What, uh,” he shifts so he can really get a good look at Matt. “What would you say to staying here a little more permanently?”
Matt scans Adam’s face. “Wait, are you serious?”
Adam nods. “You got that whole dresser full of stuff.” He kisses Matt’s forehead. “Got eight hundred pairs of sneakers here already.” He kisses the tip of Matt’s nose, fighting the urge to plead. “The freezer has, like, five of your half-finished ice creams in it.”
“You want me to move in with you?” Matt asks.
Adam nods. “I do.”
“You really do love all of me, don’t you?” Matt says, eyes wide. “You really want to keep me.”
“Have for a long time, baby,” Adam says. “You can think about it, if you want. I don’t want you to feel –”
“Yes,” Matt says. “I – yes. I mean, if you’re okay with it, I’ll still keep the place in California. For when we’re up there?” Adam nods to him. “But, um. This will be. This will be home.” His eyes well up, deep brown pools. “Oh, no. Now I’m crying again.”
“Twice in one night?” Adam laughs. “Must be a record for Matt happy tears.” He leans down and kisses Matt again, gathering him in his arms. “And all I’ve got to do make a grand romantic gesture.”
Matt curls into Adam’s chest, yawning. “I love a grand romantic gesture,” he mumbles, body relaxing against Adam’s, “but I like it when it’s just us, too.”
And like that, Adam knows how he’s going to ask.
Mini Playlist: T-Shirt - Shontelle Good For You - Selena Gomez Moon - The Cab Revelations - Kim Petras
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two-oaks-farmstead · 7 months
The Ultimate Guide to Preparing and Decorating Your Home for a Wild Family Feast at Christmas-Part 1
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The Chaos and Joy of Hosting a Large Family Feast at Christmas Ah, the chaos and joy of hosting a large family feast at Christmas! It's like trying to juggle flaming Christmas puddings while wearing a Santa hat - equal parts nerve-wracking and exhilarating. First comes the planning. You have to figure out seating arrangements that won't result in Uncle Bob and Aunt Martha engaging in a passive-aggressive battle over who gets the last slice of turkey. And let's not forget about coordinating dietary restrictions - gluten-free, vegan, lactose-intolerant...it's enough to make your head spin faster than a dreidel on Hanukkah. Then there's the preparation. Hours spent slaving away in the kitchen, trying to whip up a feast fit for royalty. But no matter how hard you try, you can't escape the inevitable holiday chaos. The kids running around like sugar-fueled reindeer, tinsel getting tangled in your hair, and festive decorations mysteriously disappearing into thin air (thanks, Great Aunt Mildred). But amidst all this madness, there is pure joy. The laughter that fills the air as loved ones gather around the table, sharing stories and making memories. The warmth of familial love that can melt even the coldest snowman's heart. And let's not forget about the food - oh glorious food! From succulent roast ham to the beautifully baked turkey, from creamy mashed potatoes smothered in gravy to the mouthwatering holiday dressing (stuffing for you yanks), it's a culinary masterpiece that would make Gordon Ramsay shed tears of joy. So yes, hosting a large family feast at Christmas may be chaotic at times, but it's also an experience filled with love and laughter. Just remember to take deep breaths when things get overwhelming and maybe invest in some extra rolls of wrapping paper - you never know when you'll need emergency tablecloth replacements! In an attempt to help you soothe some of the madness, or at least find a place to lock it up for a while, we have compiled a few options at great prices that just might hit the target. And since we are talking about targets, let's start there... Don't use Uncle Jerry as a target, grab this set of throwing knives and target board and take out some frustration there! If you have your own target, then check these others out. Setting the Table for a Family Feast When you determine who needs to sit where to keep catastrophe at bay, you can solidify your decisions with place cards beautifully arranged around each place setting at your table. Check out these options! A beautiful place setting will keep your family mesmerized long enough to start stuffing their faces instead of talking politics! Try these options for a beautiful family feast: If your dishware leaves a little to be desired, you might want to freshen up your collection with some of these Christmas options: Or go with this beautiful disposable set for quick cleanup and get everyone on the road in a timely manner! Regardless of how you decide to decorate or set up for your Christmas family feast, keep your eye on the prize. We celebrate this day because a Savior was born this day in the city of David. Love will win in the end...just try to get everyone to the end without 911. Be sure to subscribe and check back daily for parts 2-6 which have everything from clearing the way and decorating to culinary chaos and cozy spaces! Merry Christmas Y'all! Read the full article
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letmedeocr · 2 years
Top Home Decor Online Products to Buy
Home is everyone’s comfort zone, sharing memories to food. A home is always a happy place. As we know, after a while, humans need a makeover or home to demands a makeover. The festive season is just around the corner, and it is high time to redesign your home. Let Me Decor will help with the top home decor online products, which are a must-buy. If you are hunting for a handful of home decors online products this festive season, then you are in the right place. We will take you along the “Pinterest-styled” top seven home makeover online products, which are in trend these days.
Top 7 Home Decor Online
Metal Wall Decor
Metal Wall Decor
We all need that one statement piece of Decor that grabs eyeballs and makes our wall and corner the best in itself. Let Me Decor brings to you its exclusive and unique range of Metal Wall Decor with double-layer coating, perfect finish, and long-lasting shine that fits in your room exactly the way you want.
We bring our three variations in Metal Wall Art such as Metal Wall Decors, Metal Wall Arts Panel, and Metal Wall Quotes with a vast range of designs of animals and paintings. Grab your Metal wall decor now!
Range: 1799 -2599 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/decor/wall-arts/metal-wall-arts/
Metal Wall Art Panel
Another most loved and prestigious product, “Metal Wall Art Panel”, is an extended version of Metal Wall Arts. This statement masterpiece will change the way your regular wall looks.
The Unique design, durability, double-layer coating, perfect finish, and long-lasting shine make it a perfect choice for your home. Metal Wall Art Panel comes in two, three and four-panel design. Folks, what are you waiting for? Choose the design that fits your requirement and order now.
Range : 1950 – 5499 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/decor/wall-arts/metal-wall-decor/
Wooden Wall Art
To brighten up any boring area, all you need to do is add some color, and the easiest way to do so is to look for soft furnishings that fit everyone’s budget and allow you to adjust and initiate a unique vibe as the homeowners.
“Wooden Wall Art,” our most cherished creation, now comes in a brand-new range.
Let me Decor brings in various designs, and color options, two-set and three-set of uniquely designed Wooden Wall Art are perfect for your lobby area, living room and bedroom. What are you waiting for? Don’t miss out on these beautiful and handcrafted Wood Wall Art.
Range : 599 – 2199 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/decor/wall-arts/wooden-wall-arts/
Wall Masks
Masks were worn on the face and now mask on walls are in trend, check out our Wall Mask. A handcrafted artistic wood mask inspired by Picasso, Cubism, patterns, and contours – the color combinations create unique depths on the surface. This wall mask will be the centerpiece of any decor, whether you hang it alone or combine it with other art pieces.
Range: 749 – 1049 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/decor/wall-arts/wall-masks/
Wooden Pendant Lamp Shade and Lights
As we have Diwali, Christmas and New Year coming up, it’s the time to light up our home, and you will give up on the old and boring lighting up option after checking out our lighting range. Let Me Decor takes immense pride in introducing the most creative and unique range of handcrafted Wooden Pendant Lampshades, affordable and eco-friendly. 
Range: 699 – 1299 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/lighting/hanging-lights/
When we talk about home decor, one can never go wrong with plants, they are the showstoppers, but we always forget about planters and pots. Believe it or not, the planter gives an athletic look to your Decor. Check out the range of planters now.
Range: 55 – 1317 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/home-garden/pots-planters/
Wall Accents
Wall Accents are a combination of decor cum utility products, and it is always good to have utility products creatively. Check out Wall accents such as Wall mirrors, Wall clocks, keyholders, Photo frames, Wall Shelves.
Range: 199 -2149 INR
Link: https://letmedecor.com/decor/wall-accents/
Apart from all these, check out the various range of home decor online products such as Wall Mask, Acrylic Wall Arts, Wall Plates, Painting, Diffuser Lamp, Tea Light Holder, candleholders, Pot Stands, Neon Lights, Out Door Lights and many more. Visit the website to place orders.
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youreatotalposer · 2 years
All too Well
Natasha Romanoff X Reader
A/N: Another one shot based off of Taylor Swifts song All too well (Taylor’s version) 10 min Version.
Warning: Verbal altercation, Angst, Hurtful.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the music/ lyrics.
Word Count: 1278
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I walked through the door with you
The air was cold, but somethin’ ‘bout it felt like home somehow
And I left my scarf there at your sisters house
And you’ve still got it in your drawer even now
I remember the time Natasha and I were driving to upstate New York, and we were singing and laughing, and everything was perfect. The leaves were falling to the ground, and it was starting to feel like fall. These are the memories that get me through all of the hard times.
And I know it’s long gone and that magic’s not here no more
And I might be okay, but I’m not fine at all
There was this one time we were driving through this small town, and she almost ran the red light because she was looking over at me. The wind was blowing, and I had the window down and my hair was going all over the place, but she looked at me like I hung the stars in the sky.
I remember it all too well
We traveled to Ohio to visit her parents and her sister Yelena. Her mother had a photo album of young Natasha and she was telling me in detail about each of the pictures, and Nat’s cheeks kept turning red. She used to be this little kid with glasses in a twin size bed. I knew Nat had been training all of her life, but her mother started telling me stories about her in martial arts.
You taught me ‘bout your past thinking your future was me
We were driving back home when she got a call from Stark about a mission, and I guess it pissed her off because she tossed me the car keys. ‘Fuck the patriarchy’ keychain on the ground. It felt like we were always skipping town. Silly me for thinking on the drive down she was going to say it was love… she never called it what it was.
Til we were dead and gone and buried
Check the pulse and come back
Swearing it’s the same after 3 months in the grave.
“Seriously?! You always do this Natasha. Every time you leave, you come back and wonder where it all went to! I needed you and you weren’t there!” I cried out, but all she did was look away. I reached for her and all she did was pull away. Then she finally held my lifeless frame. Right then I knew it was long gone and there was nothing else I could do..
And I forget about it long enough to forget why I needed to
There were nights that we would dance around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. We would dance down the stairs and laugh all night long like nothing wrong ever happened. I was there and I Remember it all too well.
And there we are again
When nobody had to know
“We’ve been together 2 years Nat and you won’t tell anyone at the compound why?” I plead. “Why, Why would I tell them? What’s the point? We are together and we don’t have to parade it around at my job!” She yelled back at me, I began crying. “Why do you keep me like a secrete when I keep you like an oath?!” She pushed past me and grabbed the car keys “I am leaving I will be back tomorrow.” Just like that she left out the door.
Sacred prayer and we’d swear
To remember it all too well
“Nat I love you.. why can’t you just love me too?” I said as she was trying to leave again “Maybe we got lost in translation and maybe I asked for too much. Maybe this thing was a masterpiece until YOU tore it all up.” I shook my head, She was running scared, but still I was there.
I remember it all too well
We had been broken up for months, no word from her it was like she was a ghost in the wind. I spent most of my days in bed crying, I barely eat anymore and all I do is sleep. I just woke up when my phone starting vibrating, I picked it up and it was her she was calling. “Nat?” I am confused, but I wait for the red head to speak. “Y/N, I am sorry for everything I did, and I do love you. I just can’t be with you.” She said, then the line went dead. She hung up. She called me just to break me like a promise.
So casually cruel in the name of being honest
I’m a crumpled-up piece of paper lying here
‘Cause I remember it all
They say all’s well that ends well. Truthfully, I am in a new hell every time, she double-cross my mind. “Maybe if we would had been closer in age, maybe it would have been fine.” Her words played back in my head. That made me want to die. I wonder what idea she had of me. Who was she?
A never-needy, ever lovely jewel
Whose shine reflects on you
I received an invitation to a fundraising event for some security company in Manhattan. I saw someone who looked just like her, and now im crying in the bathroom. Some actress asking me what happened YOU.
We were having some of Nat’s friends over for dinner, Tony, Steve, Clint, and Wanda. I tried holding her hand on the table and she dropped it. She continued talking all night until the guest left. I began cleaning up the kitchen and she came up behind me, “You dropped my hand Nat.” She was confused, “What are you talking about Y/N?” “YOU DROPPED MY FUCKING HAND.” I screamed, because if I didn’t, she wouldn’t listen to me, she never does. “I was talking to my friends Y/N. For Fucks sake!” I started crying and she wrapped her arms around me. “Y/N.. Babe.. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled, and I Shouldn’t have dropped your hand.”
*End of flashback*
That’s what happened: YOU
That time I brought Natasha to meet my parents, she charmed my dad with jokes, and she sipped her coffee like she was on a late-night show. But then he watched me watch the front door all night, willing you to come… My dad told me, “Its supposed to be fun turning 21..”
Time wont fly, it’s like I’m paralyzed by it
I told my friends I’d like to be my old self again, but I’m still trying to find it. After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own. Natasha had mailed back all my things and now I walk home alone. She kept my old scarf from that very first week, because it reminds her of innocence, and it smells like me. She can’t get rid of it because she remembers it all too well.
‘Cause there we are again when I loved you so
Back before you lost the one real thing you ever known
It was rare, I was there
I remember it all too well.
“Your jokes are terrible” Nat said with a laugh, “If they are so bad why did you laugh?” I said smirking.. The memory is burned in the back of my mind. I was never good at telling jokes, but the punch line goes “I’ll get older, but your lovers stay my age.” I heard she was with a new girl, apparently, she has superpowers and lives at the compound. I want to hate her for having what I lost, but it isn’t her fault.
I remember it all too well.
Tag List: @alotofpockets
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sparkledfirecracker · 3 years
Wrong Encounter
Synth’s 5K Follower Challenge / How it started – How’s it going?
@syntheticavenger , Congrats on reaching 5K and thank you for hosting this magnificent celebratory challenge.
Title: Wrong Encounter
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Female Reader
Challenge: Any character but arguing over being charged for something you didn’t order at a restaurant and the owner comes to assist.
Warning: 18+ only, dark content, explicit language, explicit sexual content, vaginal play/teasing?, sex/human trafficking?, sexwork, forced prostitution, forced sexwork, smut, unprotected sex, NonCon
A/N: I can’t say this enough; Synth thank you for inspiring me to write again!  I could have gone any direction yet this came out and fought me along the way, so I whipped out the old skool pen and paper. Maybe a little too save on the warnings, but at least they’re there. Don’t think it is dark enough, so enjoy this masterpiece of crappiness, because editing is not making it any better with this beer I’m consuming. Also as a non-native tongue here, so ALL mistakes are my own. Only lightly proofread, so don’t come for me.
Pictures for moodboard inspo found on pinterest, so all the credit goes to the respectful owners. The quote inspired the final part to this.
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How it started
The red ambiance of the room mixed well with the black shining floor and hanging chandeliers, it was slick and well set up. Looking around the room had you wondering what the parties must be like at night. A colleague had recommended this new place – an exquisite night – as they had described it. Yours ending miserably having a disagreement with your waiter.
The waiter had a way of pissing you off tonight and irritation was clearly bubbling “I’ve only had the steak with sides and a fucking bottle of rose, not the entire fish tank and three bottles of your most expensive champagne” your white knuckles balling around his collar as you practically screamed in his face.
 “There was another table that said you would pay for them.” It sounded like a plea of trying to settle the rage that was coursing through your body.
 “OUTRAGEOUS -- you don’t fact check with your customers?” You seethed “Listen up you little shit. I want to speak to your manager” throwing him out of your grasp, making him stumble backwards bumping into someone.
 “He’s already here and you have his undivided attention” your waiter stands in front of the large man awkwardly “Get back to work Jensen, I’ll deal with this fiery kitten” he nods and practically runs off.
 Annoyance rising at his degrading comment. “Perfect, an insult to go with the wrongly charges to my bill”
 “Ma’am please calm down, I’m sure there’s a way to resolve this mishap” his stance intimidates you
 Your eyes wandered to his silver nametag “Why should I calm down, mister Drysdale? Or should I say, entitled prick?” there was pride in your comeback, no-one should ever call you a fiery little kitten.
 “Ma’am, Ransom, please and watch your mouth, because we have places for woman like you.” It almost sounds like a threat and you’re willing to fight him on it.
 He’s a dark enigma, you can feel it radiate from his body. You’re too caught in taking in his enchanting features and wonder what kind of sorcery this man is using on you to make you feel so small.
 “Why don’t we settle this in my office” A charming smile thrown your way, but you’re too caught up in observing the blue-eyed man in front of you “Ma’am?”
 “Sorry, yeah, the idiot waiting on me charged more to my bill than I even consumed.” You explained without him asking for any of it.
 “Unfortunate, but it happens, please follow me to my office so we can resolve this. Can I offer you a coffee or something else for the inconvenience?”
 “No – No, your waiter overcharged me. No need to sit down somewhere private for this idiotic mishap” words falling firmly from your tongue “Just fix my bill so I can be on my way and never come back.”
 “Please, let us sort this out, if you just come with me to my office -- we can talk this over” His calming persistence had you hooked and you took a deep breath in.
 “Great, thank you – Jensen, we’ll be in my office, don’t fuck up more than you already have” You roll your eyes at the barked order, he felt superior to his employees.
 You had followed him into his office, the golden name plate beaming on the door. The dark aesthetic of his office fitted well with the ambiance he’d created in his restaurant and nightclub, it felt luxurious and exclusive, sprinkled with a bit of mystery.
 Ransom stood by his bar cart filled with expensive liquors while your eyes lingered on the well-stocked bookshelves. Ransom Drysdale didn’t look like much of a reader to you.
 “My grandfathers, well most of it anyway, he’s a writer and owns Blood Like Wine Publishing” Ransom explained looking at your admiring gaze. You look back at him noticing his motioning gesture to the chairs “Please sit, can I offer you a drink?”
 “No thank you” shaking your head at his offer, he poured his poison of choice, even though you had refused he handed you a glass. It would be rude to decline again, you accepted the tumbler letting your fingers trace the outlines of the crystal glass in your hand.
 “I won’t keep you for long. What happened?”
 “Tonight I celebrated my promotion and a colleague recommended this place. To find out that – Jensen, I believe his name is – added the entire fish menu and three bottles of your exclusive champagne to my bill. Only to justify it with -- the other customers told me that you would pay for them – kinda bullshit” anger returning you gulped down the strong spirit.
 “I apologize for the experience. How about we forget this night? I want you to come back somewhere next week. Let us wine and dine you, give you the experience you deserved to have had tonight.” He took a sip from his own glass looking at you with darkened yet hopeful eyes.
 It had been a tempting offer, was it going to be worth your time or would you be left disappointed again? “You know what, fine. I’ll be here next week, same time, same day.”
 How’s it going?
One week later
Everything in you had screamed not to continue the night in Ransom’s office. Yet here you we, having had that hard liquor burning down your throat. He’d explained how you owed him now and that his interest in your aggression -- a week prior -- had sparked his desire. There was no going back, there was no way out.
 Ransom’s looking forward to what is to come. For now, he’s cherishing this moment, he loves the switch being pulled, when the terror fills your eyes and start to physically fight him. They always did and he knows you will too, within the soundproof walls screaming when there is still fight left.
 Your mind still trying to comprehend his plans for you. You weren’t sure what to say, instead you settled on staring back at him. Your optic view taking in his well-build frame. You licked your lips unknowingly when he flexed his pecks under the crisp white button down. Your body betraying you by your crossed legs clenching together.
 “Like what you see, precious?” your wandering gaze shot up to meet his eyes, your cheeks blushed as you got caught in the act “-I am certainly liking what I’m seeing”
 “Don’t flatter yourself, Mister Drysdale” you roll your eyes, leaning forward to set the empty tumbler on his desk. He’d taken a step sideways having his crotch right in your face. “Is this really how you want to settle this?”
 “Ransom, I insist -- and funny you should ask.” He looks amused by your question “This is exactly how we’re going to finish this extravaganza I offered you”
 He was on you before you could even make a comeback. His strong arms had lifted you from the chair, kissing you roughly. A strong – almost painful – hold on your neck, other on your hip pushing you into him feeling his stiff shaft probing against your lower belly.
 You felt the shame rising as you let out a moan. His free hand hiking up your skirt, ripping your panties with his calloused hands. The sound snapped you back to reality of what was happening. You tried to push him off, but struggled in his strong grasp. Grabbing his wrist digging your nails in into his flesh.
 “You evil spawn.” He roared crushing the grip on your neck, making you squirm “I was going to make this a pleasant thing, but now I’ll take what’s mine.”
 “Rail me daddy.” You taunted, you knew you shouldn’t, but there was nothing left to loose.
 “That mouth on you little minx. Not one to deny requests though, so the pleasure will be all mine -- Until.That.Cunt.Is.All.Fucked.Out.” with each word spoken he had rubbed himself on you, the heat in your pussy rising unwillingly.
 “I just didn’t know you were running a brothel.”
 “This is not a brothel, there are no prostitutes at this address. Just woman with disrespecting mouths like yours solicited for exclusive places like mine” Ransom muses “Because you’re staying right here – with me” He forces your neck to bend uncomfortably forcing you to look into his darkened orbs.
 Trying to fight him, but failed under his strength. Your body surrendering to his brutal force pressing you into the mahogany wood. The chime of his belt and zip being undone echoing through the room.
 “Don’t please.” You begged trying to get out of this horrible nightmare. A wrong encounter because of being wrongly charged for items you didn’t consume.
 “Let’s play a little game first; if those panties aren’t drenched - I’ll let you go” Keening at the cool air hitting your clit when Ransom’s hands opened your wet lips. “But – if that sweet little honey pot of yours is soaked for me, I’ll fuck you open with just my cock and you’ll stay right here -- forever.”
 “No.” you protested.
 His whispered confession only proved his twisted game. “I think you and I both know what it will be.” His fingers played with your clit and prodded your entrance. A soft wail escaped at his given attention. “I think you’ll be a nice addition to my selection of ladies.” Ransom couldn’t help but smirk at your powerless expression. His confession only added to the unwavering pain of realization that you were stuck in this newfound imprisonment.
 Thumbs pressing into your ass, his other fingers digging into the flesh of your hips. He slams into your fluttering cunt, the air leaving your body from his unforgiving pace. You scream loudly at the unwanted pleasure.
 You’re fully trapped underneath Ransom’s body, impaling you from behind continuously. “Scream for me!” It’s an order you won’t obey and you squeak when he balls your hair in his fist “Fierce little minxes like yourself are made for places like mine” Ransom growls into your ear. “Let me hear those gorgeous sounds, precious. Scream while you still can before it vanishes. No-one can hear you, scream for ME.”
 Ransom’s arm finds its way around your neck jerking you into his toned chest, your hips being bruised from the impact of the wood. Your hands grip his arm trying to loosen the chokehold, fighting for air into your lungs only to have it escape with every rut inwards. His free hand rubbing circles on your pulsating bead, his pleasured grunts making your stomach churn.
 Pleasure taken from your - desperate, powerless and giving - body in his arms. He ravishes your body, like you’re his personal favourite fucktoy. Your legs start to tremble and your orgasm builds rapidly under the abuse, little whimpers escaping you. Tears streaming down your cheeks at the realisation of being solicited for a brothel.
 Only seconds later your body surrendered to the fire within you, screaming out to Ransom while your body shook heavily in his hold. His arms let you go, your quivering body dropping on the desk, panting from the intense build orgasm. The lost air stings with every inhale, you’re too tired to fight him.
 Ransom sat down in his leather chair and picked up the phone. You tried to look away from him, but he is fast to grab your hair and keep the intense stare. Ransom’s pride beams, he’s a heartless beast. He’s always gotten what he wanted and you’re just a new addition to his elite gentlemen’s club.
 “Barber? Yes! She’s definitely the one. How I know? She’s fucked out on my desk, tight little cunt on her. Perfect for the job, draw up the contract will you” A snarled order followed by a darkened smile and filthy wink thrown your way. “Her mouth looks exquisite; I’ll make sure to reserve it for your cock. So she can suck it as a thank you!”
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heyyyharry · 4 years
(a blurb from the My Girl Series)
…in which Harry and Y/N watch porn, but he won’t touch her.
Warning: smut (duh!)
AU: older!harry, actor!harry.
“You can’t go a day without my pussy,” she had said to him after they’d had sex on the kitchen counter. She’d only come in here to get some juice while he was making coffee, and look how she’d ended up, with her panties on the floor, her skirt hiked up to her waist, her chest bare, and his cum slick on her inner thighs.
She didn’t even remember how it’d started.
He stood between her legs, a hand on the countertop on either side of her. A smirk peaked at the corner of his lips as he considered her with squinted eyes. “Is that a challenge?” he asked.
“It’s a fact,” she returned.
She expected him to tease back like he always would, but he only breathed out a soft laugh and pecked her on the cheek. “Get dressed,” he said. “The housekeeper might walk in.”
They spent the rest of the day in two separate rooms. He had a meeting with his dialect coach then locked himself in his library to study and practise his lines. Meanwhile, she did some research for her new book and tried to write as much as she could so her agent would stop bombarding her with phone calls, texts, and emails.
After dinner, he got a zoom meeting with his publicist, so she took a shower first and curled up in their bed, watching a porn movie on the telly while waiting for him.
He came in an hour later, his hair damp, a white towel draped over his shoulder. He cracked an amused half-smile when he saw what she was watching.
“When you said you were doing research, I didn’t expect this,” he said.
“My next book is a Fifty Shades fanfic. Don’t tell anyone.”
A laugh crackled out of him as she placed a finger on her lips to ask him to keep a secret.
When he returned to their bed a moment later and snuggled up against her, his curls were dry and falling into his forehead. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt and a pair of boxers she’d bought for him last week. She thought he looked extremely sexy this way. Biting her lip, she continued to stare at him, momentarily forgetting what she’d been watching until he asked, “What position is that?”
She whipped her eyes back to the screen and burst out laughing when she saw the couple performing an advanced version of Reverse Cowgirl, in which the guy’s hips weren’t even touching the bed.
“These porn movies are so extravagant,” he commented, now sitting shoulder to shoulder with her. “Who moans like that? Literally no one. The sex scenes I’ve done are way more sensual and convincing.”
She scowled at him, and his mouth curled. “Sorry,” he said though he didn’t seem very sorry.
She smacked him on the arm and picked another movie with more realistic sex. It was fun watching bad porn because they made her laugh more than they got her off. She wished she had stuck with that, because although she was exhausted, the heat between her legs would say otherwise. On the screen, the couple were fucking like rabbits on the sofa. They were more about pleasuring each other than putting on a show, so it was extremely hard to watch without getting turned on.
She rubbed her thighs together and stole a glance at her boyfriend, whose attention was on the movie. He was pinching his lips unconsciously, the thing he did when he was nervous or turned on. Weird. She was sitting right here. If he was hard, why hadn’t he touched her already?
She dropped her head to his shoulder and started tracing the tattoo on his arm, watching goosebumps pimpled his skin. It normally worked. He should have pinned her down on the bed by now. And if he was tired, he would let her sit on his face or let her ride him; Harry never said no to sex.
She would just let this slide if she wasn’t so horny and frustrated and angry. She leaned in closer, intentionally letting her breast brush against his arm. She was only wearing a sheer white babydoll chemise, which she knew he loved. It was astonishing that he hadn’t made any comment about it.
“Shhh! I'm watching!” He covered her mouth with his hand while his eyes stayed fixed on the screen, his brows drawn together thoughtfully.
Surprised and frustrated, she licked his palm and he immediately shrank back and wiped the saliva onto her thigh.
She batted his hand away, her gaze skipping between him and the screen. “Why are you watching porn like it’s a cinematic masterpiece?” she huffed, tugging at his shirt.
He still didn’t look at her. “You're being disrespectful to these hardworking porn stars."
She crossed her arms over her chest and sunk into the pillow. “Maybe I should become a porn star so you’d pay attention to me."
He said nothing.
"I'm sorry, okay? For whatever I did or said," she said angrily. "Can you stop now?"
Still nothing.
"This is not funny, Harry!”
This time, when he softly shushed her, he placed a hand at the back of her head and stroked her hair like she was a cat. She knew he couldn't stay in character for too long. But this wasn't enough. She wanted all of his attention.
"When I asked you to watch porn with me, I didn't mean to actually watch porn," she said, resting her cheek against his arm.
His eyes suddenly searched her face, the look made her flustered. Arching an eyebrow, he said, "You told me I couldn't go a day without your pussy. It's only been a few hours and you're already asking to get fucked. Make up your mind, Bambi."
She jolted with a start, her mouth fell open. "I said it as a joke!"
He shrugged and turned back to the screen.
She continued to glare at him while he kept a straight face and began to comment as though they were watching a documentary. "Wow, look at that. Remember when I fucked you like that?"
"Arsehole," she muttered as a smirk crept up to his stupid face. She wasn't sure if she wanted to kick him or suck his dick. Maybe both. The moaning and slapping of skin from the video didn't really help in this situation.
Back straightened, she cleared her throat. “So you wouldn’t even touch me if I was naked?”
No answer.
She bit her lip and reached her hand under the cover to feel his dick over his boxers. He showed no emotions, still playing this game, but from the way he gulped, she knew he was destined to lose.
"You're hard."
"Great observation," he said smugly. "As you can see, I'm watching porn."
"Well, I'm wet," she whispered seductively despite his indifference. "And I hate to fuck myself right here right now because my boyfriend's a dick and he's ignoring me."
When he didn’t respond, she exhaled sharply and pushed his legs apart to sit between them, leaning against his chest. He let her do as she pleased but didn’t touch her. His hands remained on his thighs, his eyes fixed on the telly. When she pulled the chemise over her head and sat completely naked between his legs, he grabbed her hips only to push her to the side so he could continue watching. She stubbornly leaned left and right to block his view until his indifference got on her nerves.
She spread her thighs, draping each of her legs over his, her head tipped back on his shoulder as she moved her hand under the duvet and started touching herself.
At first, she only wanted to mess with him, but somehow this situation turned her on. She was gasping into the crook of his neck with two fingers curled inside of her. He hadn’t made a sound. She didn’t look up to check if he was watching her getting herself off, but from the way his palm twitched before he squeezed his own thigh, she knew he was going to give in one way or another.
She moaned louder, her free arm curled around his neck, her face pressed into his hot skin as she nipped the sweet spot below his ear. If he wasn’t going to touch her, she was going to touch him and drive him crazy until he lost it and had to fuck her. She knew how to play this game. And he was already hard, his cock poking at her lower back.
Eventually, he gave in. Not entirely, but he couldn’t keep his hands off hers any longer. He started by stroking her legs. She’d been craving for his touch, so just the warmth of his hands could make her flinch and pant heavily. He shushed her, his mouth at her ear. She could smell the champagne in his breath which turned her on even more. She was pretty sure the noises she made had drowned out the porn playing in the background.
“Slow down. Do not come yet,” he whispered into her ear. She shivered, biting her lip and giving a nod. “Look at you, Bambi.” She could feel a smirk in his dark tone. “Is this how good girls should behave?”
“You...were naughty first,” she argued, her lashes fluttering. The couple on the screen was doing missionary now. The girl was wailing as she came. Harry didn’t allow her to cum, so she had to chew on her lip and fight the urge to rub her clit.
“Why?” he asked in a fake concerning tone. “Because I didn’t pay attention to you? You couldn’t have my attention so you decided to misbehave?”
“You’re a dick,” she gasped. His faint laugh made her stomach clench and her walls close around her fingers.
“That’s not how you call me, love.”
Slowly, his hand made its way up up to her slick inner thigh and then he placed his palm on her lower stomach, not touching her where she wanted him to. Her breath caught as he grabbed a handful of her breast and started toying with her nipple.
His other hand curled under her thigh, spreading it to give her more access so she could do the work on her own.
She hated him. She loved him. She wanted him.
“Eyes on the screen,” he commanded, cupping her chin gently and tilting her head upward, his lips hot against her ear. “Remember when I fucked you like that?” he asked. “Just this morning. In this bed.” The girl on the screen was lying on her stomach, arse up, as the guy held her wrists together at her back and slammed into her mercilessly.
Harry chuckled. He knew how good it’d felt for her. She’d bit onto the sheet when she came, wetting his dick. The memory worked better than the actual scene before her eyes. She arched her back and pumped her fingers faster, stroking her clit with her free hand.
“Stop,” he said roughly, but she didn’t listen. She fucked herself hard and cried into his neck. His breathing came ragged. She knew he was frustrated and annoyed. A triumph grin spread across her face, then she came hard, gasping his name, his massive hand squeezed her hip as he buried his face into her neck, groaning loudly as if he could feel it, too. His chest rose and fell unsteadily against her. His cock jerked at her lower back.
She didn’t have the strength to deny him for denying her. Now that she’d made herself cum, she only wanted him more. They both knew it never finished without his cum dripping out of her.
“You okay?”
She heard his raspy voice and tipped her head back to look up. His face was right above hers, his lips parted, ghosting over hers. His cheeks were flushed, and he was taking short breaths. He grasped her wrist and pulled her fingers out of her sensitive cunt. She watched him intensely as he brought her hand to his mouth and sucked and licked her two fingers clean while holding her gaze.
She couldn’t help it anymore. She cupped his cheek and pressed her lips to his, her mouth opened, her tongue sliding against his, heat pooling between her legs as if she hadn’t just cum a minute ago. He only broke the kiss to pull his shirt over his head, and she wasted no time to free his cock from his boxers. He was leaking precum and it made her mouth water. She wanted to taste it. Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hips and lifted her off him.
“On your stomach,” he demanded.
She shook her head wordlessly and reached for his cock. He quickly caught her wrists and tugged her up so they were face to face. “Not now.”
“But I want–”
“I’d cum if you put your mouth on me, Bambi,” he rasped, sounding almost helpless.
She clenched at the words and nodded as she scooted toward him on her knees, hands on his shoulders. “Let me ride you. I wanna see your face.”
His laugh turned into an exaggerated, ‘aww’ that made her want to punch him. Instead, she shoved at his chest and he dropped onto his back, hands on her knees as she straddled his thighs. She reached out and grasped his cock, stroking him just once, just to spread her wetness over him.
“Am I a good girl now?” she asked, her head cocked to the side.
“I don’t know. Show me,” he replied with a smirk.
She hitched herself up over his lap and slid down onto his cock, so suddenly that he jolted and dug his fingers into her bum. She rode him hard, holding his gaze. The way he grinned with his mouth open made her moan and squeeze around him. She hated how she was the one riding him but he still managed to have the upper hand.
He let her have her fun for a moment before grasping her bum and thrusting into her hard and fast. She cried out and fell onto his chest, their mouths meeting with more sloppy kisses.
“You like this, huh?” he panted into her ear, her fingers digging into his shoulders as an answer while he fucked into her, taking full control now. She nodded wildly before propping herself back up with her palms on his chest. Seeing the ink on his torso glistening with sweat made her stomach flip and her knees go numb. He circled his arm around her waist and hitched her up, drawing a gasp out of her before his mouth was on her throat as he pumped her on his dick.
“Yes, Daddy, yes.”
He didn’t stop, but his hips faltered for a second.
“What was that?” he asked, dropping his head to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. She could tell he’d been wanting to do this all night. She gasped and clenched around him. She had really sensitive nipples and he adored them.
“Daddy,” she whimpered, rolling her hips. He met her pleading stare and groaned. He knew she was close.
He sighed against her lips but didn’t object when she got one hand between them, two fingers on her clit, rubbing hard the way he would. He loved to make her cum but he also loved watching her touch herself.
She came first, stars exploding behind her eyelids as he fucked her through it and cum inside her, hips jerking up off the bed. Curses spilled from his lips and her own as they both collapsed, her on top of him, his arms tightened around her waist.
She was pretty sure she’d passed out for a second or two until she felt the warmth of his hands against the cool skin of her exposed back. She opened her eyes, cheek resting against his chest as her eyes searched his face. His cheeks dimpled as their eyes locked.
“You’re so spoiled now. Always getting your way,” he said, breathless.
She propped her head up and pouted. “You have to let me win because you’re older. That’s the rule.”
He contemplated her face with an arched eyebrow. “So I have to let you win because I’m older, but I’m not allowed to call you a child when you act like one?”
“Correct.” She nodded and combed her fingers through his hair, pushing his sweaty curls out of his forehead. “I need you to include that in your wedding vows.”
“My wedding vows,” he echoed, his mouth curled.
“Only if I say yes, though,” she clarified, lifting her chin.
“Only if I ask,” he smugly replied.
She glared at him before leaning down and kissing him again. Suddenly, he pushed her away, fingers still in her hair but his eyes were on the telly. “Look, Bambi.”
“What?” She whipped her head around, slightly annoyed by the interruption.
He chuckled softly. “They’re still going at it.”
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weelittleweasley · 3 years
crazy (f.w.)
prompt: something has been off between you and fred and trying to get to the bottom of it is madness.
pairing: fred weasley x fem! gryffindor! reader
warnings: mild language, crying, usage of marijuana, underage smoking, being high, dwindling relationships, angst
word count: 6.6k
taglist: @rosaliepostsstuff​ @harrysweasleys​ @gcdric​ @lumos-barnes​ @whizboingies​ @lumosandnoxwriting​ @pxroxide-prinxcesss​ @c-t-h​ @lol-idk-oops​ @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @parseltongueswriting​ @shilohpug​ @peachypotter​ @spacexcowgirl​ @paintballkid711​@vogueweasley​ @kaseyrose96-blog​ @hufflepuff5972​ @gryffindcrghost​ @wand3ringr0s3​
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The snow melted away revealing the lush, green Scottish landscapes that the Hogwarts castle proudly sat upon. Spring had made its arrival with the eruption of white forget-me-nots and blossoming wildflowers in the courtyard. The sight from outside your window made your heart fill with glee as you smiled brightly, a lighthearted giggle dancing off your lips. You turned to your roommates with bright eyes and a hopeful smile. Alicia sighs mellow dramatically as you run over to her with pleading eyes, “It’s a beautiful day outside. Don’t you want to enjoy the first day of spring?” you dance around her as Angelina enters your dormitory with a big, bright smile. She had the same idea as you, no doubt. 
Alicia looks back and forth between you and Angie before surrendering, “Not too long please. I have an herbology exam and I need to do well on it.”
Without much more hesitation, the three of you are out of the dormitory and scurrying down the stairs. “We’ll be surrounded by the grass and the flowers and the trees; that oughtta help with studying, won’t it, Angie?” you tease as Angelina laughs in agreement, earning a sarcastic eye roll from Alicia. Finally, a warm day outside after the brutal and unforgiving winter. The sun was out, the grass was green, and the air was fresh with renewal. Spring was here.
As you walk through the common room, you stop in your tracks when your eyes land on Fred, your lips involuntarily turning up into a smile when you see him. Angelina and Alicia run ahead of you as you grab Fred’s hands with a smile. “Freddie!” you beam, looking at him with a happy grin, cheeks tingling from smiling hard.
He reciprocates a smile and places a kiss to your forehead. “Excited to see me, darling?” he teases. “Where are you lot off to?” he asks, resting one of his hands on your hips, looking down at you as you excitedly rock back and forth on your heels. Your lips are curled into a smile as you bite onto your bottom lip, lovingly looking at your Fred. “Take a picture, sweetheart, it’ll last longer,” he whispers, teasing you as you roll your eyes with a light swat to his chest, making him chuckle.
“We’re off to go outside. It’s beautiful out and we figured we would enjoy the weather,” you tell him as he tilts your chin up with this forefinger, rubbing his thumb over your bottom lip. You giggle lightly before biting his thumb gently as he chuckles. “You want to come with us?” you ask hopeful for his response.
Much to your dismay, Fred sighs, “I’m afraid I can’t. I have loads of work to catch up on today. I’m way behind in Potions.” You pout, displeased with the news, but Fred kisses your pouted lips which brings an instant smile to your face. “I’ll catch up with you later though, alright, darling?” You give him a small nod before he pecks your forehead and leaves you, catching up with George who waits for him at the bottom of the steps to the boys’ dormitories. 
You run off, catching up with Alicia and Angie, linking your arms with them as you make your way outdoors. As soon as you step outside, the spring air fills your lungs, smelling of fresh grass and morning dew. A small smile forms on your lips as you happily sigh. Springtime made your heart soar. It reminded you of good things, happy memories. Running in the grass as you played games of tag as a child, going to the park and getting pushed on the swings as you swung higher and higher. Spring reminded you of laying underneath a tree, Fred’s head in your lap as you brushed through his hair, reading a book out loud to him as he happily shut his eyes, listening to the sound of your voice mixing with the springtime breeze. 
Angelina immediately makes a run for a grassy patch covered with beautiful wildflowers, laughing in the process as you and Alicia run after her. All three of you immediately flop down, the grass molding to the shape of your bodies as you lay back, staring at the pale blue sky filled with cotton ball clouds. As if on cue, the three of you sigh out. “This is nice,” you speak as Angie hums in agreement. “Aren’t you glad you came, Alicia?”
Alicia sighs, “Yeah, I guess.” You push her arm teasingly, making her retaliate, “Okay, okay, yes. This is very nice. Thank you.”
The three of you lay in the grass for a long while, making quiet chatter. At one point, you start picking flowers, tying the stems together to create a crown for each of you. You skillfully plaited the stems of the purple, yellow, and white wildflowers before placing the crown on your two friends’ heads. With the other flowers you found, you started plaiting again, this crown for Fred as you smiled to yourself, quietly making your masterpiece. 
“For Fred?” Alicia asks you as you nod your head, not looking away from the plaits. “Jeez, (Y/N), you’re like a lovesick puppy.” 
This earns a slap on the arm from Angelina, a small ouch dropping from Alicia’s mouth. “I think it’s sweet, (Y/N),” Angie beams at you as you roll your eyes, knowing she found it tooth rotting-ly sick like Alicia did. But you didn’t care. It was the small things that you did that made Fred know that you loved him. Small kisses in between classes, closing his textbook for him when he needed a break, offering a hug when he was stressed, sneaking out of class to meet him in the hallway. It were the little things that made Fred fall in love with you and you with him. Although a flower crown may be silly, it was just a token of affection. To show him that you were thinking of him while you were outside.
Recently, you’ve been doing little things more often just because of how busy Fred seemed to be. Your hang outs have been getting cut short and he doesn’t seem to have as much free time anymore. Whether it’s quidditch practice, studying for exams, or running off to pull pranks with George, you always catch him when he’s busy. It was a little frustrating, feeling like your boyfriend had been casting you aside and taking priorities over something else. But rather than telling him how you felt, you convinced yourself that this was just temporary and it would phase itself out. But a month had gone by, and nothing changed. But you still hadn’t brought it up to him. Instead, you continued doing little things.
Alicia groans, peeling herself off of the fresh grass, shielding her eyes from the setting sun. “I should probably head back inside now to study. The exam is this week and I still have a lot of work to do,” she huffs before standing from the grass, brushing off her skirt as you and Angelina follow her lead.
You link arms with Angelina as Alicia leads the way. Angelina looks at you, as you play with Fred’s flower crown in your hands. “You alright?” she asks you as you look at her with a small nod. “You seem gloomy.”
You think for a moment. You could tell Angelina about the situation, but you didn’t want to drag your friends into your relationship problems. She could talk to Fred, but why would she talk to Fred when you could? With a shake of your head, you speak, “I’m alright, Angie. Thank you for checking in though.”
She hugs you to her side, “Of course. You are one of my best mates, I just want to make sure that you’re happy.” You nod your head and walk back into the common room. 
Alicia and Angie start to the girl’s dorms as you part from them, towards the boy’s. “I’m gonna go to Fred’s. I’ll catch up with you lot later,” you smile at them with a wave before heading up the stairs to Fred’s dormitory. Nervously, you play with the flower crown in your hands, twisting it in between your fingers. You were hoping that you and Fred could finally have some alone time, hoping that George and Lee wouldn’t be in the room. It had been a long while since you had alone time with Fred. Even then, the last time was short lived, Fred leaving your room earlier than you had planned thanks to quidditch practice. 
When you reached his dormitory, you lifted your hand up to knock, but stopped when you heard laughter coming from behind the door. There were a few people in the room. You could hear Fred’s voice, but also a handful of others in the room. Your heart sank as you listened to the muffled voices behind the door, having a laugh with each other. Did Fred leave you out intentionally? You were friends with the same people in your year which made no sense as to why he didn’t tell you of this hang out. You got along with everyone just fine. 
You shake it off and knock on the door which causes all the voices to halt suddenly. You are so tempted to press your ear to the door to listen to the low whispering before you hear footsteps approach the door, the lock turn, and the door creak open to reveal Fred at the door. “Hi,” you speak timidly as Fred smiles.
But instead of swinging the door open as expected, Fred slithers out from the door and closes it behind him. “Hi, sweetheart,” he coos to you as you feign a smile. You look behind him at the door, wondering what could be happening behind it. “I didn’t expect you,” he interrupts your thoughts as you look at him.
“Well, you did say we would catch up later...and it’s later,” you chuckle as Fred smiles. “Um,” you stutter before formulating a sentence, “I, uh, are you busy now? I thought that maybe we could go out into the courtyard and grab a blanket and watch the stars? It’s supposed to be clear out tonight. Perfect for stargazing.” You had come up with this idea off the cuff, testing him. If he said no, he could invite you in to where he was clearly hanging out with some people already. If he said yes, it meant he was willing to ditch whatever was going on inside to be with you. 
Fred gives you a sad smile. “That sounds lovely, but I’m afraid I’m slammed with work tonight,” he tells you as your heart falls. You wait for him to invite you inside to his room with the obvious group he had. But he mentions none of it. “But I promise I’ll make it up to you. Soon,” he explains, kissing your hairline as you gulp, trying to keep cool. “What’s this?” he refers to the flower crown on your head with a giggle as you lightly force a smile on your lips to cover your disappointment.
“It’s, uh, a flower crown. I made them in the field. I made one for myself and Angie, and Alicia, and I actually m-”
“I hate to cut you off, my love, but I really have to get back to work,” Fred interjects as you stand there, mouth agape and eyes filled with pure confusion. “I’m sorry about tonight, darling, but I have to get going. I’ll see you soon, I promise. Love you,” he kisses your parted lips before slipping back behind the door, leaving you speechless and upset.
The flower crown in your hand suddenly looks very wilted as you sigh at the sight of it. You gulp hard, trying to keep calm and collected, but you can’t help but feel so disappointed. And lied to. Fred obviously had people over in his room and he didn’t tell you about them when you gave him the opportunity to.
Even more upset than before, you walk down the stairs and back to the girl’s dormitory, throwing Fred’s wilted crown in the garbage in the process. With low spirits, you walk back into your dormitory to see Alicia reading a textbook on her bed while Angelina laid on the floor, painting her nails, both shocked to see you back so soon. But before they could ask you why you simply stated, “He was busy.”
You take off your jumper and change into a fresh shirt and comfortable sweatpants as Alicia closes her textbook and sighs. “(Y/N), is something going on between you and Fred?” she asks you as you face away from them, changing. As you fold your clothes, you try your best to not let your sad thoughts get the best of you. “The two of you seem a little off lately. Can we help?” she asks, but that’s when it gets to you. You couldn’t hide the fact that something was happening between you and Fred and not something good. This distance, the feeling like you were oceans away, was starting to show to the outside eye.
Without bothering to cover it up, you let a small sob escape your lips as you turn around to face your friends. Both of them rise to their feet to comfort you as Angelina wraps her arms around you, pulling you closer as Alicia rubs your back. You cry in Angie’s arms, speaking through small sobs, “I just can’t help but feel worried for us.” The two of your friends listen to you intently, not wanting to miss a single beat. “Why do I let myself worry wondering what in the world did I do?” you cry out. You can’t help but feel like you did something wrong that made Fred cast you aside. 
You peel yourself from Angelina’s embrace you as you wipe your eyes with the cuff of your clean shirt. “I’m so sorry you feel like this, (Y/N). You don’t deserve any of it,” Alicia says. “He’s behaving like a child,” she shakes her head as you sniffle, Alicia still rubbing your back.
“It’s not even him behaving like a child. I’ve grown used to that. It’s just...” you sigh out, running your hands over your face. “I came to his room and there were people there...and he was hiding them from me. He came out into the hallway to talk to me and he didn’t invite me in when I knew there were people inside. He’s just become so...sneaky for some reason. And that’s not the Fred I know,” you trail off, thinking about how unlike Fred this was. “I feel crazy for feeling so lonely.”
The thought of Fred becoming someone you didn’t recognize made your stomach feel queasy and your chest feel tight. You fell in love with a wild, goofy, happy person who loved spending time with you. And now...now you barely even saw the boy to know what he was like.
Angelina looks at you with sad eyes, “Hey. You’ve got us.” You give her a sad smile and nod your head. She was completely right; just because your boyfriend didn’t want to hang out with you all the time didn’t mean that you didn’t have other people in your life. “Now let’s dry those eyes and enjoy the night. I’ll finish painting my nails and then we can do yours. After that, I say we sneak into the kitchens and get some snacks and head up to the astronomy tower. It’s supposed to be a clear night and that means it’s a great night for star gazing,” she suggests with a hopeful smile as you sniffle, a small smile emerging on your face.
You look to Alicia, an excited gleam in your eyes, looking for her answer. She sighs in defeat, “Yeah, I’ll join. But if I get a shit mark on this test, it’s you two’s fault,” she points a warning finger at you as you giggle.
“Thank you, the both of you,” you tell your two best friends. This was exactly what you needed. A night with your two best friends enjoying the views of the crystal clear night sky. It was exactly what you needed to get your mind off of your relationship with Fred. 
Soon enough, Angelina had finished painting her nails and Alicia had finished cramming in some last minute studying. “You sure that you’re ready for the exam, Leesh? Because if you’re not, we can do a different night!” you try to sympathize with her.
Alicia shakes her head, “Nah, I should be fine. Besides, I sit next to Longbottom. If worse comes to worse-”
“Alicia!” Angelina laughs as she just shrugs as the two of you leave your dormitory room, headed for the kitchens. “Alright you lot, come on now. And remember to keep,” Angelina speaks in a hush whisper as you tip toe into the kitchen, but halting in your tracks when you realize you’re not alone, “quiet.”
Standing in front of you is a laughing Katie Bell as she stands in between the legs of Fred who is sat on top of the counter, munching on a chocolate biscuit. The two of them are a giggling mess as you spot George and Lee raiding the cupboards for more snacks. But the laughter dwindles down as Fred’s eyes land on you. When his chocolate eyes meet yours, your heart falls onto the ground. He was busy, eh?
Alicia looks at your reaction and what she sees is the look of heartbreak. Anger starts to bubble in Alicia’s chest when she notices how upset you are. Without further hesitation, she claps her hands. “Alright, you lot. The kitchens aren’t just for you. Come on. Give it up,” she walks further into the kitchens, plucking snacks as she sees fit, one of them being the biscuits that Fred had in his hand. She immediately sticks the treat in her mouth before Fred can protest. “Thanks, Weasley,” she says with a mouthful of chocolate biscuit. 
You on the other hand stay put where you are, eyes glued on Fred and his on yours. Your eyes stare into his soul and you can feel how uncomfortable he is with you catching him redhanded. His eyes are like magnets, not letting you pull away from him. It’s like you’re in a trance and he’s trying to send you a mind message. But before he can say anything, you shake your head and break eye contact. Angelina mutters something under her breath as she walks towards Alicia to help her with snacks, but you can make out her saying something along the lines of how pathetic. 
Walking into the kitchens, following Angelina, you grab a bag from Alicia filled with snacks. As you turn around, you bump into George who is a giggling mess. “(Y/N)!” he exclaims as you sigh and give him a curt smile. “I haven’t seen you in forever,” he whines as you look to Angelina for help with wide eyes. “Is Freddie keeping you all to himself again?” he teases you, wiggling his brows.
But as you look at his eyes, you see how bloodshot they look, how droopy and tired his eyes are. He sports a lazy smile and a giggle keeps reverberating in his chest. You furrow your brows, “Are you...are you high, Georgie?” you ask him.
He scoffs, “Me? High? Pffft, no!” You give him a look. “Okay, yes. I am.” You look to Angelina and gulp, wanting to leave now before things got ugly. “Freddie, I miss (Y/N). Where have you been hiding her?” George calls out to her brother who remains seated on the counter, staring at you the whole time.
Fred opens his mouth to say something, but you speak before he can, “You’ve been really busy, huh, Freddie.” He just sits there and stares at you. “Thank you for being honest with me.” Your eyes divert and see Katie who stands in between his legs, hands placed on his knees. The sight makes you feel sick. “Very important business to attend to, you know? Keeping up with Potions homework. Maybe Katie can help.”
Not wanting to wait in the kitchen any longer, you start out with Alicia and Angelina not too far behind. Fred calls out your name, once, and then twice when you don’t respond. When you’re out the door, you call back, “Talk to me when you’re sober.”
You, Alicia, and Angelina walk out of the kitchens and through the castle, the energy between the three of you noticeably shifting as anger, hurt, and sadness bubble in your bones. Angie speaks, “(Y/N), you wanna ta-”
“No. I want to watch the stars with my friends. That’s all.”
Alicia and Angelina share a look as you continue to march your way to the astronomy tower, trying to enjoy what is salvageable of your night.
The next morning, the emotions you felt from last night are only amplified. The night under the stars with Angie and Alicia was lovely, but you couldn’t help your mind from wandering to the sight of Katie next to Fred, his eyes glued on you. You felt sick. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions without hearing the full story, but your gut was telling you something wasn’t adding up. The relationship wasn’t what it used to be, but this...this was something you didn’t think would ever happen.
As you sit up in bed, you run your hands over your face in distress, trying to figure out how to approach the situation. Angelina and Alicia are still fast asleep, so there was no use asking them for advice. You were on your own with this one. 
“Get dressed and then you can think of something,” you whisper to yourself. You hoist your legs over the side of your bed and stand up, stretching your arms out with a yawn. “You can deal with Fred later.”
And as if on cue, there was a knock at your door. You look at the clock. It was only nine in the morning on a Saturday, who was up this early on a day off? Slowly, you make your way to the door and speak from behind it. “Who is it?”
“It’s, uh, me. It’s Fred, (Y/N),” the voice speaks as you close your eyes, silently cursing to yourself. Shit. “We need to talk about last night and what happened in the kitchens.”
You remain behind the door, hand on the door knob, but not moving it. You knew you had to talk to him and sort this whole thing out whether you liked the ending or not. 
“Please, (Y/N).”
Taking a deep breath in, you open the door gently to reveal a messy haired Fred in a t-shirt and sweatpants, still groggy from sleep or lack thereof. He gives you a weak smile, “Good morning, darling.”
But his pet names didn’t bring a smile on your face like they normally did. Instead, they made your stomach sour as you just looked to the floor, pulling your jumper closer to your body. “If you want to talk, we can’t do it here. Angelina and Alicia are sleeping and I’m not disturbing them,” you speak plainly, looking up at Fred with cold eyes. 
He bites the inside of his cheek and speaks, “We can go into my room if that’s alright with you. George and Lee went down for breakfast.”
Even though you would have preferred to have this talk in your own room, your own space, it was better to do it in the privacy of Fred’s rather than having to wake up and shoo Angelina and Alicia, or worse, talk as they were asleep. Begrudgingly, you shut the door behind you and follow Fred to his dormitory, a familiar route to you, but one you’d rather not be taking now. 
The walk there is quiet and awkward. It is obvious that Fred is trying to make light of the situation, asking you how last night was with the girls, asking you about the day in the grass and how the weather was. But instead of engaging in conversation, you just give him one word answers or remain silent. 
When you reach his room, he opens the door for you and you step into his dormitory, immediately feeling like an outsider. It was unfamiliar. This room was where you spent most of your time for so long, but since you hadn’t been here in nearly a month you felt out of place. Like you were disturbing it. You were an intruder. 
Fred taps his legs before sitting on the bed, expecting you to follow suit, but you remain standing in the middle of the room, staring at him in your pajamas. “I just want to apologize for last night and you having to see me like...that,” he sighs as you remain unfazed by his words. “I should have told you that the boys and Katie and I were hanging out instead of telling you that I was working. It was wrong and I feel like shit about it...I’m sorry, love. I really feel like a dickhead,” he apologizes to you as you fold your arms across your chest. “The truth would have been so much easier to tell you rather than lie about something as silly as a group hang out. I just didn’t tell you because the boys were complaining that they never see me anymore because of how much time we spend together and I figured that if I didn’t tell you, you wouldn’t ask.”
You give him a look that just screams, you’re kidding me, right? You were busy hanging out with him? For Merlin’s sake, you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in almost a month and that was his apology? Rather his excuse? “They haven’t seen you? Fred, I haven’t seen you in nearly a month! Every time I try and ask you to hang out with me or even talk to me you have something to do. Quidditch, pulling a prank with George, hanging out with Lee, studying for an exam. Don’t try and make this about me and my demands because it’s not,” you retort to him as he just sits on the bed and stares up at you as you vent. “Not to mention, since when has you dating me ever stood in the way of you hanging out with your friends? If you wanted to hang out with them so badly, then you should have told me and I still would have said yes, Fred! I’m not a monster who wants you all to herself, but Godric, I’m sorry that I’ve miss my boyfriend!”
Fred rubs his face and simply says, “Well, I have been busy over the past couple of weeks, so that’s not rubbish.”
You laugh at his response. “That’s all you have to say for yourself?” you exclaim. “Fred, I’ve been driving myself crazy over the past few weeks wondering what I did wrong. Why you pushed me aside, why you’ve tossed me away like I’m a piece of garbage!”
“That’s not true, (Y/N). Come on,” he shakes his head, looking away from you.
Now, you are getting angry. He was going to pretend like him ignoring you and denying you for a month was nothing. That’s not how things worked. “Yes, it is, Fred and you know it!” you cry out, not realizing how loud you’ve gotten. “I don’t know what is happening between us, but whatever it is, I don’t like it,” you confess.
Maybe it was your emotions talking, but you couldn’t help but feel like Fred didn’t mind the distance between you two. Maybe he liked not being as close. Maybe he wanted to have more alone time away from you. But the thought of losing Fred, someone you had loved so dearly, so intimately, made you feel lightheaded. 
Fred stands up from the bed and you think he’s going to walk over to you and give you a hug, which you know you would gladly accept. You need his comfort right now. You need him to scoop you up and tell you that everything is going to be alright and that he’s sorry for making you feel so lonely and sad. But instead of him telling you all the things you want, no need, to hear, he speaks something different. “Maybe we’re just growing apart,” he suggests.
You turn to face him with so much hurt and pain in your eyes it was enough to shatter his heart twice. Your vision becomes blurry with tears as you swallow, pushing the lump in your throat down, blinking your tears away. What was happening? “We’re w-what?” you stutter.
“Growing apart,” he repeats. “(Y/N), we’re going to be graduating soon and we’re going to have to start thinking about what we want out of life. I don’t know if we want the same things,” he tells you as your heart is ripped out of your chest and stomped on at his words. All you can do is laugh in disbelief. “I’m serious. You always told me how after you graduated here you wanted to go back to school and become a Healer and have a family and move away from England...I just...Merlin, I don’t know how to say this...”
“Then don’t,” you cut him off as Fred looks at you, tears streaming down your face now. What he was saying to you know completely contradicted everything he had told you in the past. When you and Fred spoke of the future, he always spoke of you in it. He told you how he wanted to buy a house in the countryside and raise a big family together and take holiday vacations to America and do weekly visits to the Burrow. Fred always told you that no matter what happened, he wanted you in his future. And now, that was revealed to be a lie. “Fred, I don’t care about Healer school or moving away from England. What I want is you,” you tell him as you feel your chest tighten with pain. Now Fred’s eyes start to blur with tears as you look away from him, pulling at the roots of your hair in distress. It was like he changed overnight. “What...what happened, Fred? What happened that all of a sudden you tell me our futures don’t align?”
Fred wipes tears away from his eyes and takes a deep breath in. “It’s, um, it’s a long story, but um...the joke shoppe...it looks like it’s going to happen,” Fred tells you with a lighthearted chuckle. “Harry gave George and I the winnings from the Triwizard tournament to open up the joke shoppe. It’s happening. That’s why I’ve been distant these past few weeks. George and I have been planning like crazy for it. Testing products, crunching numbers, ordering stock, finding a location in London,” he rambles on. “Last night, the lot of us were testing out an...adult product and we didn’t realize the effects it would have...so that’s why we were like that in the kitchens.” 
His words make your heart swell for a moment. Fred’s dream was coming to fruition. His own joke shoppe. A place he could call his own with his best friend and twin brother. He could finally start creating the life he wanted and you couldn’t be happier for him. Except it seemed like that life he wanted didn’t have you in it. And that’s when your heart stopped swelling.
You nod your head, “That’s...brilliant, Fred. I’m so happy for you. Really. About the joke shoppe...that’s great news.” Fred gives you a hopeful smile, thinking that the worst was over. But it hadn’t even begun. “But, I don’t understand why you had to hide it from me. Did you think I was going to be upset with you? You know that I’ve wanted this for you just as badly as you have,” you tell him with the utmost sincerity which Fred knew to be fact. “You just couldn’t have me know about it for what reason exactly?”
Fred scratches the back of his neck before pacing around his room, trying to avoid the question, but you weren’t going anywhere. “I just...ugh,” he groans and throws his head back. “I just didn’t think that you would be interested. Besides, I need to focus on my work. I can’t have any distractions,” he says this last part without looking at you.
Your stomach is doing somersaults and you feel like you’ve just been lied to your entire relationship. Fred thought that you wouldn’t be interested? How was he going to determine what you were and weren’t interested in? “You’re joking,” you speak. “Fred, I will and always will support everything you do. I can’t believe you’d even think that I wouldn’t be interested in something you are so clearly passionate about,” you tell him as he gulps, knowing he was in the wrong for making such a claim. Even after all of these explanations of him ignoring you and diverting his attention elsewhere, there was something that just didn’t add up. “So, you asked Katie Bell to help test out products with you? Instead of me. Or Angie, who is seeing George. Or Alicia, who Lee has been flirting with since the dawn of time.”
Fred becomes visibly uncomfortable at the mention of Katie’s name and that’s when you shake your head, the whole thing becoming very clear to you know. This wasn’t about the shoppe anymore. This was about something else. “It was never like that, (Y/N),” Fred speaks.
“It was never like that or you never intended for it to happen?” you ask him, your voice cracking as you pace back and forth in his bedroom. He was distant with you because he was falling out of love. That was it. “Good Godric, I feel like I’m going crazy,” you let out a shaky laugh, unable to believe what was happening. The story just kept on unfolding.
Fred walks over to you quickly, trying to calm your fears, “Nothing happened between us! I swear on my life!”
You let out a laugh, “Sure! That makes me feel better!” Fred gulps. “But there was something that was there enough to make you push me away,” you speak lowly as Fred searches your teary eyes for something. He doesn’t know what he’s looking for; hope? forgiveness? love? friendship? You start pacing the room again, the venomous thoughts coming into your head as they vomit out of your mouth, “You know people told me not to get involved with you because you were a flirt, Fred. But I told them that you were different with me. You saw a future with me, but now I am proven wrong,” you tell him as he shakes his head in disbelief, trying to get you to stop talking, but you don’t. The words just tumble out. “I knew you’d love me as long as you wanted. And then someday, you’d leave me for somebody new,” you spill. “I just didn’t think that this someday would come so soon.”
“I don’t want Katie, (Y/N)! I don’t! Godric! I don’t!” he yells out. “(Y/N), I love you! You know that!” he screams as you just cry harder at his words. Over the past month, you didn’t feel his love. It felt like a chore to get an I love you out of him. “I’ve been distant because I’ve been working hard for my dream! My future! Why can’t you understand that I’m working for something I want!” he yells.
And the truth comes out.
Instinctively, you yell back, “Because how am I supposed to understand something you never told me! You never told me about the joke shoppe and your plans for it! Hell, you never told me Harry gave you the money! How am I supposed to support you when you don’t tell me how I can?!” you yell through tears. “Don’t you hear yourself! Your dream! Your future! You want! What about us?”
The both of you are crying now, you covering your mouth to prevent sobs from escaping, Fred sitting on his bed, hanging his head in his hands, sniffling. This all blew up so quickly and neither of you knew how to recover from this. The damage that the past month had caused was enough to put a gaping hole in your relationship that would be very hard to cover up. That was if you wanted to cover it up.
It’s silent for a while. The air is still and untouched. Fred on the edge of his bed, you sitting on the floor, back resting against the door. You want to get up and leave the room. But you don’t. You sit there. And think. 
And then Fred speaks. “Our futures don’t fit together,” he looks at you, eyes swollen and red matching yours. “We’ve tried to make them fit. But it won’t work.”
You laugh and shake your head, “Freddie...then you haven’t listened to anything I’ve ever told you.” He looks at you, twisting his face with confusion. “All I’ve ever wanted was you. I don’t care what happens after we graduate. Healer school was an idea. But you? You were never an idea. You were something I always wanted,” you confess as Fred gives you the saddest smile you’ve ever seen. “But if I’m not in your future...then...” you trail off, unable to finish the sentence. It was a nightmare. 
It’s silent again. 
But the longer you sit in silence, the more angry you get. Not at Fred. But at yourself. If you had known about what he wanted, what Fred wanted, you could have avoided all of his heartbreak and pain. But instead, Fred fed into your fantasy, this dream, this hazy future of yours and you let him. “I’m crazy,” you laugh as Fred look up at you. “I’m crazy for thinking that my love could hold you.”
Fred shakes his head, “No, (Y/N). You’re not. I love you and I always will.”
“Please don’t tell me that,” you close your eyes and bite down on your bottom lip to prevent the tears from falling again. You couldn’t let yourself hope for a future that didn’t exist with Fred. “This was never going to work. I’m crazy for trying,” you breath out before standing and brushing yourself off, Fred rising with you. “I’m crazy for crying,” you wipe away the remaining tears on your face.
Fred walks over to you as you place your hand on the door. “(Y/N),” he starts, “I never wanted us to end like this. You mean so much to me and I can’t just let you go like this,” he starts crying again, but you have to peel your eyes away. “We want to different things and we both deserve to be happy. Don’t you think?” he asks you. But his question sounded like he needed the reassurance from you. That he needed you to tell him that you agreed. To make it seem like you both wanted this break up.
Looking at Fred once more before you leave, you say, “We do want different things. You want your dream and I want you. But I can’t pretend like I’m happy that we are going our separate ways.” Fred nods his head, wiping his tears away. “I need space. And time. Away from you, Fred.”
And with that, you leave his room and start down the stairs back to your dormitory. You hide your face as best as you can from passing Gryffindor students, trying to be as incognito as possible. As you walk back to your room, you can’t help but think back on all of the happier times that you and Fred shared and think was it a lie? Was it all for show? It would be something that would keep you up at night. 
You were crazy about Fred Weasley, that was for certain. But even crazier for loving someone who didn’t want you as badly as you wanted them.
Walking up the stairs, you look out the window to see the fresh spring countryside. Admits all the chaos, the flowers were still blooming, the grass still growing, and the sun still shining. Spring was still here and new as ever. The snow had melted away to reveal the fruitful, lush land. A new start. Maybe it was time for you to have one too. 
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night-fallz · 3 years
XY’s Muse
Based on this prompt
Like I have stated before, this is my first fanfic. Please let me know what you think of it. Any kind of criticism will be welcome.
uploaded on 01/23/21
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Chapter 2
XY was staring at the ceiling. A week has already passed. And he still couldn't stop thinking about the day he spent with Marinette. It was the most fun he'd had in a while.
Before the whole Silencer fiasco, his father would not stop pressuring him to produce a new song. So when they met up for dinner and his dad came up with the idea of stealing someone else's music, he couldn’t bring himself to decline.
XY knew it was wrong.
But all he wanted was the chance to finally impress his dad. Bob Roth might not have the best attitude towards him, but he was all XY had left.
Xy already lost his mom. He would not lose his dad too.
At least, that's what he believed. He should've known that his father was just using him for money. According to his dad, money was the most valuable thing in life.
XY scoffed. He should've known better. He should've known that all his father thought of hi-
He felt a buzz in his pocket and his face immediately brightened. Marinette just texted him!
Marinette: what's up?
Marinette: have u been inspired yet?
Marinette gave XY the idea to just sit back and let inspiration hit him. It was a common idea but it was one that most people tend to forget in the long run.
XY: nothing much
XY: and nope.
XY: my dad has been pressuring me to come up with something tho
Marinette: ignore him
Marinette: he's just mad cause he can't get any ladies
The three dots popped up on his screen.
Marinette: OH CRAP I'M LATE
Marinette: TTYL.
XY rolled his eyes and smiled.
They've been texting back and forth these past few days. He's learned so many things about her and vice versa.
It was nice. It's been a while since XY has had a friend.
Maybe she'll be even more, XY couldn’t help but think as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Huh," XY said out loud. "Even more"
And just like that, inspiration for his next song hit him.
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Marinette was thinking of a certain blonde-haired, blue-eyed musician when she heard her phone ring.
"Tikki!" she screamed, staring at her phone as if it was Hawkmoth himself.. "He's calling me. XY is calling me."
Tikki sighed and floated next to Marinette, "Maybe you should answer it. It would be pretty rude to keep him waiting."
"Right, right," Marinette answered his call and hoped her voice didn’t sound as squeaky as she thought it did.. "Hey."
There was a moment of awkward silence.
Marinette didn’t know what to do. She glanced at the small goddess.
Tikki rolled her eyes at their awkwardness as she gestured to the phone. Ask him why he called you, she mouthed to Marinette.
Marinette nodded. That was a smart idea. "So," Marinette cleared her throat. "Why did you call me?"
"Right, Uhm." Marinette heard him shuffling around his room. "You know how you've been asking me if I was inspired and stuff?"
Marinette's eyes grew wide and a huge smile took over her face as she started to nod before remembering that he couldn't see her. "Yep." she eagerly said, "Did you find any?"
"Yes!" Marinette could hear the excitement in his voice. "I was actually wondering if you wanted to design the outfits for my music video."
Marinette's eyes looked shocked. "Yes!" she jumped around in excitement before remembering she was still in a call with XY. "Why me though?"
XY’s voice sounded confused.. "What do you mean, why you? You're literally perfect for it. You're talented. Plus, everyone loves your designs."
Marinette’s cheeks resembled a tomato. She has never been more thankful for the fact that he couldn't see her right now.
"Thank you." Marinette managed to mumble. "That really means a lot."
"You're welcome." XY said. Marinette had a feeling he was smiling though. "I have to go and have my dad listen to the demo. But I'll text you later, okay?"
"Yep," Marinette whispered and gave Tikki a cookie. "Good luck. I know that whatever song you came up with is gonna sound good. No matter what he'll say."
Marinette heard a faint "Thanks" from the phone before the call ended.
Marinette screamed into her pillow and looked up and saw Tikki look at her with amusement. “I think I like him.”
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"So, what do you think?" XY asked as his father finished listening to his song. "Is it bad? Do you think people will like it?"
Bob Roth grinned at his son. "This is a Masterpiece. Where did you find this?" He gestured to the video of XY singing the song, "Who did you steal this from?"
XY's proud smile immediately turned into a scowl. "What do you mean, who did I steal this from?" He yelled at his dad, his blue eyes glaring at him as he grabbed the demo from the table. "I made it. I came up with it myself." XY felt his eyes tearing up. "Something you would actually know if you thought of me as something more than a money-making machine."
How could he? XY thought as he climbed up the stairs. Is it that hard to believe that I could come up with something good?
XY slammed his door shut. "All I wanted was to prove to him that I wasn't a talentless son." XY put his hands on his face. "I just wanted to make him proud."
XY felt a buzz in his pocket and immediately knew that it was Marinette. After all, she’s the only one that ever texts him.
Marinette: how did it go?
Marinette: did he like it?
XY wiped away the tears that were starting to come out of his eyes. He couldn't help but smile. Marinette certainly had an effect on him.
XY: he called it a masterpiece
Marinette: yes! I knew he would like it.
XY: yeah
XY: but then he asked me who i stole it from
Marinette: THAT JERK
Marinette: WTF
Marinette: THAT's SO MESSED UP
Marinette: HOW COULD HE-
XY laughed at her text messages. He only started to text her and he already felt better.
XY: no, it's fine
XY: i actually yelled at him
Marinette: ...
Marinette: do you feel better?
XY: actually, yep.
XY: he's a really sucky father
Marinette: for some reason, a lot of the blondes i know have a toxic parent
Marinette: it's kinda sad
XY: maybe it's a paris thing
They texted back and forth, XY laughing at the memes Marinette sent.
XY: You're definitely a daughter of Athena
Marinette: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Marinette: is that a percy jackson reference i see
XY: yep
XY: have u read the books?
Marinette: duh
Marinette: you haven't lived til you've read the books
Marinette: sadly, the movies sucked tho
Marinette: EXACTLY!!
XY: oh yeah
XY: before i forget
XY: what's ur insta?
Marinette: which one
XY scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion.
XY: What do you mean by which one?
Marinette: i have two
Marinette: one as my personal one and the other one for commissions and stuff
XY: ohhh
XY: smart
Marinette: i know ;)
Marinette: my personal one is @Mdupaincheng and the one for my commissions one if @MDCdesigns
XY switched his apps and searched up Marinette's personal instagram. He clicked on the first result that came up.
The profile picture was Marinette in a blue, silky dress that went just above her ankle. There was a slit on her left leg that showed her knee. It was nighttime and Marinette was practically glowing under the city lights. She was staring at something on her right side, with one hand running through her silky black hair which was down for once.
She looked hot.
After XY stopped admiring her profile picture, he finally noticed her follower count.
She had 200,000 followers. 200,000.
It wasn't as high as XY's follower count, that was still quite a lot.
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XY: i didn't know u were insta famous
Marinette: wdym?  
Marinette: which acc
XY: ur personal one
XY: u have over 200k followers
Marinette thought that she read his text wrong. There's no way that Marinette had that many followers. 200,000? There was no way.
Marinette: ur lying
XY: I'm not.
XY: check ur acc
It's been a while since Marinette has logged onto her personal account. The hate she got the last time she's been signed in was too much for her and when Alya told her to log out and just focus on her other account, @MDCdesigns, she couldn't bring herself to argue against her.
Marinette hasn't even thought of that account since that day. So when she logged in and saw that XY wasn't lying, she accidentally dropped her phone in shock.
Tikki looked at Marinette with a questioning look.  
Marinette ignored her kwami and texted the blue-eyes boy back.
Marinette: HOLY SHIT
Marinette: I HAVE 200k FOLLOWERS
XY: when was the last time you checked ur acc
Marinette: about 3 months ago
Marinette: the media thought i was adrien's gf and his fangirls came at me
Marinette: i got a ton of hate and a friend of mine told me to log out and just focus on my @MDCdesigns acc
Marinette: so i did
Marinette: i haven't thought abt that acc since then
XY: the fangirls were probably just jealous
XY: it's been months so they probably calmed down
XY: I'm looking through the comments rn and so far the latest hate comment you've got was about 2 weeks ago
XY: you've got a bit of a fanbase yk
Marinette: WHAT DO I DO
XY: don't post anything rn
XY: post a picture of yourself and the caption it something that shows ur thankful for the number of followers u received
XY: a few hours before u post the picture, make sure u post on ur story abt how ur back from ur break on social media
XY: that way ppl will understand why u haven't been active
XY: it'll also have ppl prepared for ur post and they'll be waiting for u to post it
XY: that'll give u more engagement and stuff
Marinette: thank u
Marinette: that was really helpful
Marinette: when should i post something?
XY: u told ur friend that u were taking a break from social media right?
Marinette: yes
XY: then they probably weren't expecting u to post anything so they weren't checking ur insta
XY: u should post something on the weekend
XY: that way ppl wouldn't bother u during school this week
XY: if u want i can help u come up with ideas tomorrow?
Marinette: yes, please!
Marinette: do u wanna come over
Marinette: we can plan it in my room so that ppl won't overhear us
XY: guess I'll see u tomorrow then
XY: just text me the time ur available and I'll be there
Marinette: make sure to wear a disguise tho!
Marinette: we got lucky last time and no tabloids caught us
XY: ur right
XY: we must've been really lucky if no one got a pic of us
XY: but okay
XY: I'll wear my best disguise
XY: goodnight, princess
Marinette blinked a few times, making sure she read the text correctly.
Marinette: goodnight ♥
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This is the first chapter of the story. Please let me know what you think
1,967 words
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babiesdreams · 3 years
Helloooo can i ask a ceo!lucas smut like you are his secretary and he always tries to get in your pants but you keep on avoiding him because he is a known playboy but he gets frustrated in the end by your rejections that's why he decided to profess to you and seduce you through wine in his condo. Also i was the one who requested a smut with jae and lucas in a poly relationship, can i be a regular anon? 🥺
I don't know if this is how it goes but can i be 💛 anon? Hehe
Of course you can be a regular anon babe, I love your request.
Lucas day post 1
Yes, boss +18 Wong Yuk-hei
Warnings: Deep description of sex (?, unprotected, agressive Lucas (Kinda)
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Being a secretary has never been easy, but your boss didn’t even try to make it better. He was always forgetting about stuff, not completely doing his job or discussing with his father, the previous CEO. Nothing that he did helped the company nor you. 
And the worst part were his dating scandals. You promised his father that you would take care of him and try your best to teach him how to be a good CEO, but it was just so hard to keep ignoring his attempts to fuck you. He really tried hard for that.
“Today’s schedule is a little busy” You say looking at him and he raises a brow. “Come here and tell me” His hands tap his lap, wanting you to sit on it. You roll your eyes back and try your best not to lose it. “That’s not professional sir” You simply tell him, but he covers his ears in protest, not hearing a single thing of your words.
You throw him the Ipad on your hands and simply said “Read it yourself then” But his hand traps your wrist when you try to get out. His strong arm pulls you into the sofa he was in and skillfully he gets on top of you, trapping your body with his.
“You gotta stop pretending that you don’t want me, because it’s getting on my nerves lately” He whispers on your ear annd you push him off you. “You gotta start acting like a boss and not like a horny teenager” You simply say before leaving. 
It was always like that, there was no day he didn’t try to get you, and therefore there was no day you didn’t reject him. So he started getting frustrated by your attitude.
It was 3:15 AM when he called you. You normally weren’t awake at those hours, but for some reason you couldn’t sleep that night. His voice really sounded desperate, sad, on the edge. That’s why you decided to go to his apartment, to figure out what the hell happened.
When you saw him, with a wine glass and a gun next to him, something gets into you, you never felt anything for your boss, but seeing him like that, made you think on things you would’ve never thought about otherwise. It’s that kind of feeling of appreciating something when you lose it, but having a chance to keep it. 
You walk closer to him and sit down on the couch he was on. You look at the gun, it looks so real, it had to be real for sure. “What happened?” Your voice sounds worried and scared at the same time. He looks at you with a dead serious glare. 
“You know, we always talk about business, but not about the real life. You don’t know how fucked my father is, or how he treats me, so you have no rights on telling me how to act” You gulp at his words and look at the gun. He laughs looking at your expression. “Don’t worry, it’s fake” He says grabbing the gusn and showing you how it had no bullets. “I wanted to see you, because I needed to look at something beautiful for a minute” He says getting your hair out of your face. 
“Are you drunk?” You ask him, rolling your eyes back. “Do I need to be?” He whispers on your ear before placing a kiss on your neck. Your eyes close for a split second, allowing your mind to travel away from your body, to forget about your responsabilities, about everything else in the planet apart from him. 
And that moment feels somehow like the feeling you’ve been crawling for since you can remember. His stupid yet perfect figure, made you feel like you were floating into some kind of universe where everything was calmed, where nothing wrong was happening, and the only sensation existing were his wet lips pressed on your neck.
“S-stop” You finally manage to say, coming back from the enchantment he had put you into. He stops, getting far from you as he stands up in front of you. He holds a wine glass, a full wine glass on his hand and drinks calmly from it. His hand throws the expensive looking glass to the white wall, leaving a red mess printed on it.
Your whole body shakes at the loud noise. “Calm down” You say looking to the floor. Almost as if you were saying it to yourself really. “Get here” He says pointing next to him, but you shake your head. “You have to control your anger” You say calmly but a smirk appears on his face. “I’m not angry” He says extending is arms before walking slowly towards you.
He kneels down in front of your sitting figure and he licks your thigh slowly whispering “Just horny” Your eyes look directly into his, feeling the lust inside of them, a lust that you had never seen in your life, not even inside the playboy’s eyes.
“You don’t know what stop means?” You say, completely unable to control a smile to form on your lips. “I can read you babygirl. I can read through your words” His fingertips caress the wet payhs his tongue left along your thighs, making you feel goosebumps with it.
You want to tell him he’s wrong, but you aren’t even sure if he is. And your thoughts completely get lost in the feeling of his fingers drawing patterns over your sensitive skin. 
“You really like playing hard to get, but I could feel how you felt during that kiss” He says, getting closer to your face. His lips repeat the said kiss, making your brain go through a beautiful dejavu. His hand holds your cheek firmly as he does. And before you can even notice, his lips are already pressed on yours.
There’s something about him, about the slowliness of his touch that makes you feel like a masterpiece on a musseum, getting finished by the artist. You feel his tender touch and don’t even recognize the boy you thought you knew. The roughness that he always wanted to give, it was pretty much non-existent. There was just pure love and care in his touch.
Even when his fingers got into you, curled inside you, pressed every spot you ever knew and more, and even when he got faster, there was nothing but love in his touch. But when his length got into you, something changed.
His thrusts were giving you the sensation of unrealness that filled the boy’s mind. You were feeling exactly every insecurity he had through the roughness of his dick stretching your walls like nobody ever did before. There was something comforting about it tho. The way he was exposed in front of you, just like you were to him. The connection that formed into the heavy air along with the moany sounds and the heavy breaths.
It was in his every move, and his every word. Although they might have sounded differently to someone else’s ears, for you, his words were so filled with that sensation, that feeling that you were thirsty of. That feeling that only sex could give yet not everyone could achieve it. 
And the way his hot cum brushed your walls, giving warmth to your shaking figure. His hands caressing your face, as both of your mouths were fully open, letting out lovely and loud sounds.
I got to deep on this one... I mean... It’s another way to feel sex.
Masterlist –requests open– How to request?  Check out your score.
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dragon-chica · 3 years
The Mighty Gesäß
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B Now for the illustrious hindquarters of Saviors and rumps of their friends. Wax poetry on Mollymauk's ass is what you wanted right?
Fandom: Critical Role
Fjord: Actually has a fair bit of ass, working as a ship hand already gave him a nice amount of glute, soft and visible, but adventuring has certainly toned him up. Does not know how to shop for pants, you and Jester make sure he only wears tailored now. Because friends care like that.
Jester: Plump and soft, slightly toned and oh so grabbable and she knows it. And knows how much you love it, buys an extra order of bread at the bakery and asks you which buns you like more, then pouts and threatens to eat your donut for pretending to have to think about it. She's great as pillows and giggles when you say so.
Caduceus: He's on the flatter side but can't deny his rear is still nice, though not plentiful what he does have is a nice spot between soft and slightly firm, you can feel the bit of muscle when you give a grab. And fitted pants still give a pleasant view.
Yasha: Forget bouncing coins, this woman could crack a walnut. Her ass is big and toned. Very meaty and clear muscle, looks far too good in any pants. Or lack of pants. Extra D6 damage to nearby lesbians.
Beau: Jester painted a poster of her in yoga pants, hung it outside the Cobalt Soul training rooms and enchanted it so it can't be removed "Not that anyone would want to, it's a masterpiece." and it really is, she is so toned and puts extra effort into her ass workout, checks herself out in every reflective surface and frequently asks outsider opinions.
Mollymauk Tealeaf: 12/10 the most beautiful ass in Wildemount. Bubble shape and rightfully got all his pants tailored "Juicy". We know he has the prettiest dick, and butt to match. Everyone blessed with that Platinum Dragon tapestry catching a breeze, or just having roomed with him, will agree. Perfectly rounded. Be sure to bounce a gold coin off him.
Kingsley Tealeaf: I think Kingsley would start off a little less bountifully blessed due to Lucien being such a salty little bitch that perfect round gem deflated a little out of spite.
Caleb: Boney and you're kind of worried that he'd be sore, he did exactly one push up and you'll have to have a lot of expensive paper to get one squat. Jester comforts him "Don't worry Caleb, it's a wizard thing." Thinks everyone's ridiculous and that his ass is perfectly fine, gets distracted by someone's while saying this.
Nott: A bit boney when she first became a goblin but ended up with the tightest buns of the Nein, such is the life of a rogue. You could bounce a well aimed button off her.
Veth: Fat ass. Jester was sure to mention this not-so little fact too, she is very plump and fills out her dresses generously. Got so many compliments from a joyful Tief that she asked Yeza what he thought and nearly made him faint.
Caliana: She has a small, soft butt that's very nicely round and will jiggle, she blushed so much when you mentioned she has "a cute butt" and couldn't look you in the eye but mumbled that yours is very nice too.
Reani: Another very pretty ass! She has golden freckles on her bum and you can't decide whether kissing them or playing connect the dots. She has a very nice bubble butt and is directly between firm and soft.
Essek: It's a wizard thing. He's not the same level as Caleb but a bit more on the flatter side, pointedly ignores this by having tight, tailored leather pants and hug his ass so shapingly you are distracted by it. He may be hidden under those cloaks but on any off chance taken, you will be engrossed.
Bryce: They have a very soft and plump rump, you can quote many a Nein on this. Bryce is a diligent guard working those glutes and ever running from the anxious feeling those...interesting people who dealt with gnolls are up to something. They deserve this payout.
Keg: Big. Thicc. Firm. Is it a dwarf thing or a Keg thing? Does it really matter?
Artagan: Has definitely mooned multiple people and whilst offended, they couldn't help but think he has the juiciest ass they were bare witness to. He told Jester of this once while she was talking about butts and she later added a very shapely little butt next to her shrine dick.
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 3 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hola everyone, here is part 3 but not yet proof-read. I hope you will like it nevertheless...
Word Count: 2.7K
Liviana drove herself to office due to the driver’s message early in the morning that says he will be late because of an emergency. Upon arriving the buildings parking lot, instead of her driver, it was her assistant who was waiting with a worried look.
“Why the long face baby boy?” This is the thought that has been running through Liv’s mind when she saw her assistant, and this made her laugh. It took a while for her to compose herself so with a long face, she just remarks as she exits the car, “Why the sad face Jer?”
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“Why are you laughing though?” Jayceon asked with a growing grin, but Liv just dismissed it by saying ‘nothing’. So he continues to inform his boss, “It turns out that your driver for today had to rush her wife to hospital earlier so there won’t be anyone to drive you.”
“This won’t do, I have to get these cakes delivered and to check the situation in Paradigmia.” Liv said with worry written all over her face but then she suddenly smiles, “You do have a license, right?” She asked the young man who responses with a nod. “Then you’ll drive. I just have to get some materials in my office.”
Jayceon sees Liviana walking towards the car and anxious on how his driving should be. Because the only one who he was able to drive are his friends. Heck, his parents don’t even know that he can since he has always been provided with a driver and an assistant. It didn’t help either when Liv chose to seat beside him after she arranged the materials and cakes at the back seat. “Why are you sitting here instead of over there?” Jayceon nervously asked as he points to the back seat diagonal to the driver’s seat as where bosses should sit according to some according to etiquette.
“Well, I am not really used to passenger seat being vacant. Don’t worry Jer, this is perfectly normal and please just treat me more as your friend instead of your boss. It will be more comfortable that way.” Liv informed her assistant.
Jayceon smiles as he was happy hearing how humble his business partner is, so he proceeded saying, “Ok then Liv, buckle up and enjoy the ride!”
It was an internal chaos in Jayceons mind since he doesn’t really want to go to his habit of over speeding and to scare Liviana however his childhood acting lessons had paid off since he was able to act composed and relaxed while he’s driving his temporary boss. Okay, so if you’re wondering about Jayce’s early life, his mother well like all Asian mothers are, enrolled him in all extracurricular activities she could come across. Therefore, ever since in the age of 4 he had already experienced EVERYTHING, from sports to performing arts.
Upon arriving to the Academy’s main branch, Liv immediately went to her friend Anne’s office. “Annie! Been so long, I made you some cupcakes!” She enthusiastically greeted her friend.
Anne was a little bit puzzled by the sudden visit, “What’s up? Why the cupcakes?” She asked. However, Liv just gave her a questioning look as a response and it only dawned on her that it was their friend’s birthday. So, the look at her face was so funny as if she experienced horror while saying, “OH MY GOSH! How could I forget?”
“Don’t worry Anne. Just message her later or maybe give her a visit after your working hours. It’s just a 30-minute ride so… It’s up to you.”
“Well, if it is up to me, I will just take a half day off and go to her but yeah cannot do that because my boss would be mad.”
“Ha, I know what you’re trying to do, well just so y’know as your boss I would totally not mind however I know how keen you are with your work so I reckon that you will finish today’s job and just go to her later after working hours.” Liv said the last words with a tap on Anne’s shoulder then left her office.
As they left, Anne just snickered on how her long-time friend never failed to read her like an open book.
On their way to Paradigmia, they stopped at a gas station since Jayceon found the need to pee. So Liviana just waited in the car. Jayce always has the impulse to buy something since he finds this satisfying. When he was about to pay, only then he realised that he left his wallet in the car’s compartment that is in between the driver’s seat and passenger seat. So, he hurriedly opened Liv’s door side in a rush, and tried to open the compartment and reached it and however this fell on the backside and without thinking Jayce climbed on top of Liv and once he reached his wallet he exclaimed, “Yes! Finally got it!”
This woke Liv up and her eyes widened in surprise. Jayceon just froze and stared to her eyes, and he had the urge to gulp just to somehow slow the rapid beating of his heart. To snap him back to reality, Liv asked, “What are you doing?” in a concerned voice and was trying hard not to jump to conclusion since as far as she knows, the guy in front of her was gay.
Jayce or in Liv’s perspective, Jer stepped back to not cause any alarm and calmly said, “I was just trying to reach for my wallet,” showed the wallet in his hand, “because I have items waiting in the counter of that 7-Eleven.”  He pointed to the convenience store in the side of the car.
“Oh okay, but you know you could’ve used the other door, right?” Liv asked genuinely.
“I didn’t think of that earlier since I was in a rush. I am so sorry about that.” Jayce apologised. “I promise it won’t happened ever again!” He subconsciously emphasised as his eyes asked for forgiveness.
In Liv’s perspective, she cannot stay mad to this adorable guy in front of her. “Fine, just never ever do that again to me or to anyone ever again.” She informed her employee.
“Pinky swear! Brb just gonna pay for those food! Thank you, Liv!”
As Jayce ran back to the convenience store, Liv thought it was really odd for Jer to stare at her like that. However, she just dismisses this immediately and went back to her nap since she knows it will be a long day in Paradigmia.
“Hey,” Jayce said as he tapped Liv’s shoulder when he sat at the driver’s seat. “You want some peanuts? It’ll help to lessen your sleeping.”
Liv slowly opened her eyes and looked at the bag of peanut he was holding, “Yes, that would be great.”
As Jayce prepped himself to drive, he asked a last question, “What did you do last night that made you this tired today?”
“Well obviously the cake made me use all my remaining energy last night. I don’t know maybe I had a tiring dream.”
“You also believe that? Despite not remembering the dream?” He asked and she just nodded with a faint smile as a response. “So glad that I am not the only one.”
After few more minutes they finally arrived to the apartment of Julie. Liv asked Jayceon to grab the balloons she prepared at the backseat. “You had balloons? Why haven’t I seen it?” He asked in amusement. “Well, maybe I unintentionally intentionally hid it?” This just made the pair chuckle as the guy grabbed the balloons, the lady handled the cakes.
“After centuries you’re finally here!” Liv’s best friend, Julie exclaimed as she hugged her while holding the cakes.
“Careful! My masterpiece!” Liv yelled.
“Sorry but that will not even last a day in this household.” Julie rebuked. This resulted to the three of them laughing.
“Did Anne tell you she’ll be here later?” Liv asked her good friend.
“Yeah, she felt so guilty of almost forgetting and thanked God when you thought of leaving some of your wonderful cupcakes in her office and she has time to prepare.” Julie nonchalantly informed Liv.
“So, what do you prefer, stay here while we wait for her or let’s head now to the hotel I already booked for tonight?” Liv asked.
Julie replied after some thinking, “Well, I think my family will still visit here shortly to give cakes and such, so maybe wait for Anne in here.”
With Julie’s response, Liv faced her assistant and informed him, “So, if you want to take a rest you can go to the hotel first. I am sending you know the voucher for your room, and by just showing this to the reception, I think you’ll be assisted to your room immediately. Just leave the car and keys since we really do not plan to get wasted so I’ll just drive us there and I’ll just let you know once we arrived there. Is that okay?”
As Liviana is explaining her proposition, Jayceon cannot help but take notice on how she always has the tendency to worry about everyone around her ergo, planning everything tediously beforehand. He admires this but at the same time feel sorry for her since she has the kind of person who loves to smile despite the truth that deep inside, she is already drowning. He can see this because she tries so hard every single time as if it is always her life on the line. He wishes that somehow he can help her to loosen up a bit and be true of what she truly feels. (A/N: Jayceon has taken a lot of Psychology modules in undergrad as a hobby that made him enjoy analysing human behaviour and Liviana has been one of the most interesting person he has met.)  So after listening to Liv, he answered, “Yep, sure thing! That all sound great! So I guess, see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Jer see ya! Thank you for the help. Ooh I almost forgot, I also set aside these cupcakes for you.” Liviana said as she gave the 3 pieces cupcakes in a sealed tray.
“Thank you Liv! Really appreciate it! Bye!” He remarked as he waved goodbye then got inside the taxi they messaged.
~Jayceon in the hotel~
Jayceon went to the counter which the receptionist immediately recognised him as his family being the co-owner of the hotel. In which he was greeted immediately with a bow and for the employee to immediately ring for the Executive Manager. Jayce then quickly tried to explain his stuation in the most discreet way possible. Telling him to stop his manager from coming because most probably him having prior commitments with his work. He just asked for the receptionist to give him the room stated in the voucher and instead to have Liviana Voss in the most expensive room available during her stay and charge her with only the amount the room she booked. So just like that, Jayce had his staff to put Liv in the Premium Suite Penthouse which is technically a room with rooms and a second floor that has a direct access to the rooftop.
Jayce was pretty proud with what he did especially on how smart he think it was. To have Liviana be one of the lucky winners in an online booking event that never existed. After feeling content, he took a nap to make sure he will not miss any updates from his “boss”. But didn’t miss the beat to take a taste of the cupcake after dinner. He can surely tell that it was made with love.
~Meanwhile in Julie’s Household~
“So, who was that guy? He looks so good! Do you have a thing with him?” Julie prompted with the question she has been holding until that guy left.
Liv answered with a grin, “I knew it! I can already sense your questions like once we both entered your house. And the answers would be: first us my assistant; second, yep he is but not interested with girls; and finally, I think no?”
“Omg, you do have! Spill!” Julie enthusiastically ordered.
“But it is your birthday! Why talk about me? We need to focus on you getting older!” Liv claimed.
Julie tried to explain, “Still, I am the birthday girl, so you need to let me use my power card for today of you to just share about this matter, please?”
“Fine! I love you so much that is why I am letting you use the card.” Liv gave in.
Julie was delighted with this by saying, “YAYYYY! BEST BDAY because of the BEST TEA!” But then suddenly interrupted with her family entering the house with their spare key. This made Liviana laugh so much that Julie’s family can see her almost rolling off the ground literally but thankfully she was able to stop herself. Julie’s family only stayed for like 2 hours since they also have some stuff already planned.
Once they left, Liv and Julie cleaned a little bit and wash the little number of dishes. Just right after they finished, Anne already arrived, and this made Julie happier since Liv can share the tea to the both of them at the same time. Liv’s narration went like this:
“Well, I was taking a nap since I was really exhausted with the baking and decorating so I really do hope you guys will love and like it. So, while napping I can feel that something is different, and I can see him staring at me adoringly? I guess, it was really weird because I felt something. It also feels like an eternity and still his position being on top of me didn’t change and remind you that the seat was declined so it was really awkward and I can also see his change in demeanour of somewhat being manly like more than so he normally is and he also gulped that really sent shivers to my spine. Just overall – WEIRD.”
Julie and Anne just looked at each other because they have the same idea. So Julie slowly proposed their idea, “Liviana, don’t you think it is time to consider that he is not gay? As we both can already sense with the vibes whenever the two of you are in a room, you guys act like high schoolers interacting with their first love like that is literally the aura the two of accentuates.”
Anne added, “Also this is nothing like the chemistry thingy back when we tried to ship you with someone in junior high instead this thingy right now is something that everyone can call sincere and genuine.”
Liv was really quiet with the insights her friends are telling her but all she managed to reply is a joke, “Okay guys, you two could really write a million-seller fiction right now.”
Anne just retorted as she and Julie are already used to their friend always being in denial which is the total hundred percent reason why she still never had any boyfriend, “Whatever Liv, just don’t tell us we didn’t inform you. I know that you know that there is a possibility with what Julie and I are saying. So please, don’t resist it anymore because you also need to find a partner too at some point.”
“Wow, our youngest just scolded me. Yes Ms. Annie, will do. So can we now finally celebrate Julie’s birthday?” Liv asked warily.
“YAYY!” The two girls exclaimed, and Julie shouted, “Movies and cupcakes!”
“Speaking of cupcakes, where did you put the cupcakes, I gave you Anne?” Liv asked.
Anne replied, “I have the half of them in my house and left some to my mother’s because you know how much she loves your cooking and baking!”
Liv responded, “Yes of course, I am glad she still does.” She asked, “Julie, what movie do you want?”
“Ugh please, let’s not do that, we will spend like an hour just looking for a movie, guys just pick a number up to 10.”
“Three!” Liv exclaimed.
“Five!” Anne yelled.
“Okay the Liv, just choose the eighth one while pressing the arrow down keys in the remote control.”
“We got, Force of Nature, a 2020 film. Is that okay?” Liv asked as she manages the TV.
“Yup!” Julie replied while she takes the cupcakes to a plate and placed the cake in her refrigerator.
“Sounds great!” Anne responded as she handled the flavoured drinks. They all agreed to get drunk once they arrived at the hotel.
After the movie, the cupcakes also ended. So they cleaned up and prepared their things for the second party in the hotel.
Re-blog for part four!
Lemme know what you think…
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naceisonthecase · 3 years
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Summary: Basically, red string of fate but make it supernatural.
Word Count: 5,218
[Read on AO3]
@aceandnancy @bughead-bones @ismokechurros @nacegolden @nocturne-alley
The Red String of Fate: Fact or Fiction? The title of the article read. Nancy couldn’t read anymore, not even if it was Bess who had sent it and was most likely going to broach the subject as soon as she came downstairs. Grabbing her bag off the hook she left her room and headed down the stairs.
“Good morning Nancy!” Her dad and Ryan echoed as she entered the kitchen. This was still taking some time to get used to, her two dads side by side drinking coffee and cooking breakfast as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Which, Nancy thought, would explain the state and smell of the kitchen.
“Morning,” Nancy replied. She moved through the kitchen toward Carson, letting him wrap his arms around her. As he moved away Nancy spied a circle of red around his pinky finger. “What happened to your finger?” Her eyes wandered away from the mark on his finger, the same size and shape of his wedding ring, scanning his face for any sort of incriminating clues.
“Must have burned it when helping Ryan cook.” He said, nonchalantly. He shook his hand as if that would erase the mark.
“That’s unusual for a burn. It’s a perfect circle.” Nancy had grabbed her father’s hand and was turning it back and forth to observe it more completely. “Does it hurt?”
Carson wrestled his hand back. Placing both hands on Nancy’s shoulders he held his daughter at arm’s length. “It’s just a burn, Nancy. Nothing serious, nothing supernatural.” Another thing that would take some getting used to -- her dad knowing about the weird, paranormal happenings around their seaside town. “And, no it doesn’t hurt. Not even a little.”
Nancy nodded at her father, not quite convinced, and he released her. She wandered over to a cabinet and grabbed a mug to pour herself a cup of coffee. The action caused a small red object to be knocked off the countertop. Her coffee momentarily forgotten, Nancy bent down and picked it up. A spool of red thread. How did it get there? Who did it belong to?
“What’s this?” She showed the spool to Carson. He had started dishing himself up a plate of food and squinted at the object in Nancy’s hand.
“It's a spool of thread. Probably belonged to your mother.”
“Mom didn’t sew.”
Carson shrugged. “We’ve reached our before breakfast question quota. Can we discuss it after we eat?”
Nancy put the spool back on the counter and turned to Ryan. He was wearing an apron and a gaudy chef’s hat standing by the stove with a spatula in hand.
It would have been comical if it wasn’t so disastrous.
“You want some,” Ryan asked proudly, showcasing his burnt scrambled eggs as if they were a masterpiece.
Nancy screwed up her face. “I think I’ll pass.” She said, finally pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“They aren’t as bad as they look or smell.” Nancy turned to see Bess seated at the breakfast table. She had a plate of burnt eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her and was smiling around a mouthful of food.
“Nancy, you have to eat something,” Carson said, passing by Nancy to seat himself down by Bess.
“I’m fine with just coffee. I’ll just get something at The Claw,” she said, shrugging off her father’s recommendation. She snuck a look at her phone to check the time. “Speaking of, Bess, I think we should get a move on. You know how George is when we’re late.”
“You think it’s a good idea to go back to work so soon after…” The rest of Carson’s sentence faded away, the implication of after hanging heavy in the air.
“Yeah, Nancy, George ok’d your extended absence. Just as she did Ace’s.” Bess was quick to add, filling the silence.
At the mention of his name, Nancy’s hand tightened around her mug, her stomach spinning. She put the mug back down on the counter. She hadn’t mentioned her dreamscape or the part each of them played in the journey to any of her friends. The closest she had come was Ace, and that hadn’t gone as planned.
“It's been weeks. I need some semblance of normalcy back in my life, and that means,” Nancy swung her bag over her shoulder so it hung across her body, “returning for my usual shift at The Claw.”
“Remember, you can come home at any time.”
The smoke alarm chose then to blare its angry head. Carson rushed off to the smoke alarm, ordering Ryan to begin opening windows around the house.
“And, I think that’s our cue to leave,” Nancy said to Bess, speaking louder over the wails going off in her house.
Bess nodded, just as happy to escape the chaoticness of the household as Nancy was. She reached for a napkin that was laying on her lap, dabbing at her lips politely as if she were dining at a fancy restaurant, and quickly went off to get her belongings.
“Don’t you think it’s quite romantic though?” Bess said, continuing the conversation they were having on the ride over about the article she had sent Nancy.
“It sure is something.”
Bess gasped, a hand flying to her chest in shock. “You don’t believe in soulmates?” She nearly screeched.
“Love I believe in,” Nancy said, approaching the door to The Claw, “but soulmates…there’s no proof.” Nancy pushed open the door to The Claw. Her gaze travelled over the room -- she spotted George and Nick at the bar. With Ace.
Ace was home? He wasn’t supposed to be home for another two weeks.
Nancy felt her throat constrict, she stood frozen in place. She thought facing him with these new fully realized feelings would be difficult enough standing on his front stoop, a rehearsed speech at the ready, but that didn’t hold a candle to seeing him unexpectedly here amongst their friends in a familiar environment and completely lost for words.
Ace looked up at the door at the sound of the chime. He beamed when he saw his two friends but his eyes remained on Nancy longer, Bess having already sauntered into the restaurant and over to the bar, wrapping her arms around Ace from behind, Ace’s hand coming up to pat her arm. His concentration broke off Nancy for the time being.
Nancy took a deep breath, then crossed the threshold.
Out of Bess’s hold, Ace was off his stool and was coming towards her before Nancy was even halfway across the restaurant. She froze in her tracks.
“Hey, Nancy!”
“Hey, Ace! Uh, how was your trip? How is...how is Amanda?” She felt a sudden prick against her finger, nothing more than a needlepoint but it made her look down anyway. Her finger was snagged in her bag buckle and she yanked it free.
“It was great.” She heard Ace saying And looked back up. “Amanda is good too.” It was as if he wanted to say more but shut his mouth instead.
They were such simple answers but it made her heart ache. The throbbing in her finger intensified and she jammed her hands into her coat pockets, slowly moving away.
“I should put my things in the back,” Nancy announced, walking away.
“Wait, Nancy.” He reached out a hand to stop her progress, his hand lingering on her arm. “How are you doing?”
She took a deep breath in before answering. “I’m alright.” She nodded, a faint smile tracing her lips. “Just recovering from nearly dying. So, you know, the usual.”
Ace nodded, not taking his hand or eyes off her. The pain in her finger had subsided, it was nothing more than pinched flesh after all. She was only thinking about it because she couldn’t allow her thoughts to settle on how Ace’s touch felt on her arm. Like his touch was meant to be there.
She gulped, trying to find her voice, and pulled away. “Ace, I need to go.”
She saw visible disappointment, concern, and curiosity flash through his eyes. Then she turned and disappeared into the kitchen. He stood there watching after her until Bess called him back to the bar to fill them in on his romantic getaway, and as a loyal platanchor he willingly obliged.
Nancy sat on the bench in front of the set of lockers. The kitchen was empty and she could spend the short time before her shift alone. And, Ace wasn’t yet in the kitchen, watching her from above.
He was with Amanda, and according to him, they were doing good. She couldn’t have these thoughts. She had to forget about this crush, or whatever it was, and move on. No matter how much she wanted to run her fingers through his gorgeous locks, again, or kiss him, and not an almost dreamscape kiss this time, she couldn’t act on it. She wouldn’t. She would just have to figure out a way to get through this shift without these feelings interfering and then figure out how to get over him.
“Drew, get your ass out here. We need you.” George called from the dining area signalling that her shift had begun.
She stood from the bench and smoothed down the front of her uniform, composing herself before heading out into the thick of it. Her first day back in weeks.
Ace was entering the kitchen as she was leaving, the two were in a dance for access to the door. He moved to his left, she moved to her right. Then vice versa. Eventually Ace allowed her enough room to scoot by, laughing. She felt his eyes on her back as she moved past. What greeted her on the other side was the typical Saturday lunch rush. She did want normalcy, she remembered, as she dug into her pocket for her notebook and flipped it open to a clean sheet to begin taking orders.
From there the hours became a blur of jotting down orders, filling and refilling water glasses, and polite smiles that she didn’t wholeheartedly feel. It was filled with lobster rolls, fried calamari, fish and chips, and The Claw’s famous clam chowder being passed from the kitchen to the awaiting customers. She was more or less in a state of workflow uncommon to her gig as a waitress when Nick stopped her, pulling her aside.
“Nancy, your hand looks serious.”
It had begun to hurt more, a constant pounding but she continued to play off as best she could even though the pain was getting to her. She looked down and saw that her finger was scratched up and bleeding, and a rash was beginning to spread through her entire hand.
“I must have been itching it. Not a big deal.”
George and Bess had gravitated towards her too and Ace had moved to the serving hatch, a cloth hung over his shoulder and his arms resting on the ledge. Great a full audience!
“I know first aid,” Ace piped up eagerly from the hatch, “I was a Boy Scout”
Nancy’s heartbeat quickened but she kept her voice steady as she said, “as much as I appreciate your concern, and I do, it’s just a few scratches. I can easily wash it up in the bathroom and be back in a minute.”
“You are not serving food with that,” George pointed in the direction of Nancy’s hand, a look of horror on her face.
“Oh, Nancy, it’s dripping!” Bess exclaimed, hands fluttering to her mouth. A few patrons close enough to be in earshot turned to see what the commotion was about.
Sure enough, during the few seconds of the conversation, it had gotten worse and now a green goo was emanating from the wound.
“Oh, ew,” Nancy said, extending her other hand quickly just in time to catch a glob before it fell to the floor.
“Take Ace up on his offer,” George ordered, nodding towards the kitchen, “then go home. The rest of you back to work.”
Nancy sighed. Keeping her mind preoccupied and not focusing on her crush on Ace hadn’t worked and now she was going to be in a room alone with him. Unprepared and in unknown territory. Then she winced and pulled her hand toward her chest. Her hand was in excruciating pain and she had to admit that it needed tending to. So, with a groan, she turned to meet him.
Ace was sitting on the bench searching around in the first aid kit when Nancy arrived in the back room.
“Let me take a closer look,” he said when he saw her paused at the top of the steps. He tucked his hair behind his ear, watching her descend the stairs and closing the distance between them.’God, that hair!’ she thought as she sat down beside him and extended her hand for him to inspect. “It looks like an infection. A gnarly one.”
“Gnarly?” Nancy said an awkward laugh in her voice. He smiled. She looked away. She couldn’t fall back into their usual behaviour no matter how easy and familiar it was.
“Don’t worry, it’s nothing we can’t fix.” Ace said, picking up and ripping into the small packet, unfolding the wipe into the perfect square with such care.
She found herself staring too long at his hands as he took her own and wiped away the blood and grime from her skin. She flinched, shaking herself away from the memory of those fingers entwined in hers.
“Does it sting?” Ace’s hands slowed. Nancy shook her head. “Good,” he said, ripping into another packet. “Because this isn’t a one-and-done job.”
In the end, it took seven of the tiny wipes to clean the blood and green goopy mess. During which, Nancy had gone through all the symptoms she’d experienced with the lust butterflies, many times over. Although, fortunately for her, under better control. By the time Ace was applying a thin layer of an antibiotic ointment to the scratches she was wondering if he could feel how fast her pulse was racing, how sweaty her hand was in his or if he could see the heat upon her cheeks, and if he did, did he assume it was just a side effect from the infection or something more? After he secured the bandage in place he dropped his hands to his lap.
“All done.” He said, proudly. He admired his handiwork for a moment then looked up, meeting Nancy’s eye.
The two of them shared an extended moment of eye contact, his eyes so blue and portraying a deepness that many didn’t know the extent of, an ocean she was falling into. She scrambled to her feet at once conscious of how close she had gravitated to him. She had been practically sitting in his lap.
“Uh, thanks, Ace. It feels better already.” She felt herself falling back into those eyes, and pulled away before it could last any longer by heading for her locker. “I should be getting home.”
“I can give you a ride.” Ace said. Nancy popped off her lock and turned to look behind her. Ace was still on the bench, his hands balled together in his lap. He was rubbing his thumb against his other hand, watching her, eager for her to accept.
“It’s fine, Ace,” Nancy said. “I can walk. Bess can drive my car home.” She proceeded to shimmy into her jacket, careful not to upset her bandaged finger and fanned out her hair that had been trapped behind the collar. She then reached into her pocket for her car keys, putting them into her empty locker and writing a quick note, slipping it through the slates of Bess’s locker.
“Are you mad at me?”
Nancy faced Ace, her hands stilled on her coat buttons. “No--no I’m not mad at you.” She couldn’t take that sad, puppy dog-eyed look and busied herself with her coat.
“Then why have you been avoiding me all day?”
Nancy thought back on her shift as she continued with the buttons. When Ace was at the serving hatch she would wait until he was back at the sink before continuing her job. When she was in the kitchen she would ignore his calls and waves for her attention, And, if he was out in the dining area fetching something or chatting with George, Nick, or Bess she would take the longer route to where she was going. It hurt to stay away. It almost felt as if she was being pulled in his direction but she fought against that feeling.
“I--I wasn’t -- I haven’t been avoiding you.” Nancy lied.
“And, you’re letting Bess drive your car? She still drives on the wrong side of the road.”
“You should keep Florence here,” Nancy said, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “For when you pick up Amanda from the hotel.”
“Um, Nancy, actually about that.” Ace started. He stood from the bench in an attempt to stop her but she had already made her exit through the back door.
Outside, Nancy leaned back on the wall of The Claw. Her eyes shut.
When did this become so hard?
Ace was her best friend. But she had to put a kibosh on these thoughts before it ruined what they had. And, luckily for her, she had a mystery on her hands to do just that. Literally.
Nancy hadn’t walked home. Instead, she had made the trek to The Historical Society. She had let herself in and found Hannah doing inventory.
“I need your help,” Nancy said after acquiring Hannah’s attention. She had her bandaged hand raised. When she had left The Claw it was, as she had told Ace, feeling significantly better but by the time she had reached The Historical Society the pain level was off the charts and the green goo was seeping through the bandaging. And, she was beginning to feel faint.
Hannah was at her side at once, immediately leading her over to a chair. She re-cleaned and bandaged the wound and handed Nancy a high-strength painkiller and a glass of water, which dulled the pain a bit. Hannah sat down across from her to hear the events that lead to this predicament.
“Hand me your bag.” Hannah requested after Nancy finished detailing the story. “I’m going to test the buckle for any supernatural or natural causes of this infection.” Nancy did as she was told, but the short litmus paper-type test turned up nothing of concern.
“Could it be something from the lockboxes, something I let out when I got the shroud? Which, again, I profusely apologize for.”
Hannah was silent for a moment, in thought. “This is nothing like anything I recall seeing or hearing about before. But we can take a look.” Hannah got up from the table and returned with an armload of gathered papers, records, and books that could be of use.
That had been four hours ago and still, there were no answers. And, her finger was again protesting loudly.
“I’m sorry, Nancy.” Hannah placed a hand on the younger woman's uninfected hand and squeezed it.
“It’s alright. We tried.” Nancy reassured her. “Actually, Hannah, while I’m here could we discuss something else?”
Right now Nancy needed motherly advice. And, after losing a mother, a grandmother, a potential step-mother, and learning about her biological mother’s death all in less than a year, Hannah Gruen was the last maternal figure she had.
Nancy took a deep breath, letting it out in a slow exhale. “Have you ever had a crush on someone that wasn’t available?”
“Yes, I have. My best friend.”
“What did you do about it?”
“I told them.”
Nancy’s eyebrows shot up. “You told them?” She said in disbelief. “Even though there was no chance you’d be together? Weren’t you worried you were risking your friendship?”
Hannah shook her head. “I was at the beginning. But, it ended up being better for the both of us that I told the truth. The truth holds power.”
The truth holds power, that was something Nancy believed too.
“Thanks.” Hannah gave Nancy’s hand another squeeze, then she got up from the table to return to her work.
Nancy felt a sudden weight in her coat pocket. Reaching in she pulled out the spool she had found in her kitchen that morning. She stared at it for a few seconds in bewilderment. How had it magically appeared in her pocket when she had left it on the counter before she left for The Claw? The longer she stared at it the object and the colour became familiar for some reason, something that Bess was talking about. Nancy dug her phone out of her other pocket and opened it. The article that Bess had sent her was still on the screen. The red string of fate. Nancy scanned the article.
‘According to Japanese legend,’ she read, ‘there is a thread that originates from the heart and extends through our pinky finger connecting us to those that we are fated to meet.’ Nancy looked down at her finger. The infected finger, the one now covered in bandages, was her pinky. The red mark her dad swore was a burn wound its way around his pinky. ‘It is said that no matter how much you stretch or tangle the invisible red string it can never be broken.’
Nancy recalled how her finger felt better when feelings of attraction were coursing through her body when she was in the back room with Ace and had gotten worse when that attraction was being suppressed, as she was trying to do the entire day. How she had felt that strange pull whenever she was near him as if being pulled closer by a thread.
So much for forgetting these feelings. They were as much a part of her as her traumas.
“Hannah,” Nancy called, and the owner of The Historical Society appeared in her office doorway, “I think I know what this is.”
Nancy placed the spool on the table and handed her phone to Hannah so she could read through the article herself. She recounted for Hannah finding the mark on her dad’s finger. Him downplaying it as a burn.
Nancy’s eyes widened, as a thought occurred to her. “I need to see if he’s alright.”
“You check on your dad, and I’ll look further into this,” Hannah said, handing Nancy her phone back. “I’ll let you know if I find anything.”
Nancy grabbed her bag off the table and ran out of The Historical Society. Her phone clutched in her hand, she dialled her home number. Carson didn’t answer after the first or second ring and the worry began to build in Nancy until her stomach ached. When he did pick up on the third ring he could hear him talking to someone in the background. Ryan she presumed.
“Did you happen to touch the spool? The one I knocked off the counter this morning.”
“Hello to you too,” Carson replied sarcastically. He covered the receiver but she could still make out him saying “It’s Nancy.” to Ryan. They had a snippet of a side conversation and then she could hear the sound of the speakerphone being turned on.
This wasn’t the time for the speakerphone.
“What were you saying?” Carson asked and Nancy repeated herself. “I kicked it off the stairs by accident, picked it up and put it on the kitchen counter. Is this important for something sleuthing-related?”
“I’ll get back to you on that,” Nancy said, putting an end to that line of conversation. She decided to change her tactic to avoid his growing suspicion. “Hey, by the way, how’s your hand?”
“Same as the last time you asked.”
“Alright then, I’ll see you soon.”
“You’re coming home?”
“Yeah, I’ve had a long day.” Nancy ended the call and dropped her phone into her pocket. She slowed her pace, suddenly feeling weak and dizzy. Her worry catching up to her.
She had nothing to worry about. Her dad was fine. Good even, he seemed to enjoy having Ryan around. Maybe she was wrong about this lead and the spool hadn’t caused the infection. But that still brought to mind why she had found it in her pocket. Nancy caught herself itching her finger over the bandage as she thought this over. The wound had begun leaking through the bandages again and she stopped her itching.
Suddenly her phone began ringing and she took it back out to answer the call.
“Nancy,” it was Nick who answered the phone, “you have to return to The Claw ASAP.”
“Why? What’s going on?”
There was a shuffling as the phone was passed between hands. Now it was George’s voice on the other end. “It’s Ace, he’s caught whatever weird finger fungus you have.”
No, this was definitely the spool.
Nancy got back to The Claw in record time. Although it was not yet eight o’clock the restaurant was empty of patrons and only Nick and George could be seen in the dining area.
“They’re in the back,” Nick called as soon as Nancy passed through The Claw’s doors.
Ace was sitting on the bench, Bess knelt in front of him pressing a damp cloth to his face. “Oh, Nancy, you’re back!” She exclaimed once she saw her.
Ace turned. He was pale, too pale, showing off dark bags under his eyes and a sheen of sweat glistened on his skin, soaking through his clothes. And, his pinky was just as green and goopy as hers was. Despite this, he smiled at the sight of her. Nancy threw her bag to the side and knelt beside Bess.
“I’ll give you two some time alone,” Bess said, handing Nancy the wet cloth, then she exited the backroom.
Her phone then decided to ring. She snuck a look at the caller ID. “It’s Hannah.” She said to Ace. “I should take it.” Getting to her feet she walked a few paces away to take the call.
“I was looking through my photocopies of the Women in White’s spellbook,” Hannah explained after Nancy accepted the call, “and found a spell similar to this red string of fate curse.”
“This isn’t exactly the Women in White’s MO.” The moment she voiced it she knew. “It’s Temperance’s.”
“I was thinking the same thing. She’s changed the spell in some way. To only hex those who haven’t found or confessed to their destined partner. If they have it shows up only as a red mark around their pinky, no infection.”
The red mark showed her dad had met his soulmate, her mom, and even though she was gone she was still his soulmate.
“The bad news does remain the same,” Hannah continued, “when the infection gets to the heart both destined partners die.”
Nancy swallowed hard and looked back at Ace. He was looking back at her. This time when they shared a long moment of eye contact she didn’t avert her eyes. Her heart pounded. “Is there a cure?” Nancy felt her voice crack on the final word.
“Nothing that I’ve found yet, but I’ll keep looking.”
There was no discernable cure. Ace was running out of time. And, because this curse had connected the two of them, so was she.
Nancy thanked Hannah and hung up, gravitating back to Ace, and sitting by his side. She entwined her hands with his cold, clammy ones. Not caring how the goop squelched between their fingers. It had made her feel better when she was at her worst when they were unattaching the wraith from feeding on her life force, and she wanted to show the same compassion to him. The longer they sat there, the worse her symptoms got until she was the same feverish mess that he was.
She held his hand as tight as she could, ignoring all the butterflies fluttering inside her. “This is my fault,” Ace parted his chapped lips to protest but Nancy silenced him. “No, that’s the truth.”
This reminded her of what Hannah had told her back at The Historical Society. Truth has power. Maybe confessing would lessen the curse.
She couldn’t look at him as she spoke instead looking over his shoulder as she recited a modified version of the script she had planned weeks previously. “In New York, I had this dreamscape experience with you at the bluffs. It was -- it was powerful and I felt things. For you. At first, I thought that it was the wraith manipulating how I felt but it wasn’t. I-- I know that now. And, I know you’re with Amanda and I don’t want to ruin that. And, right now I should be my first priority and put relationships on the backburner. And, I know this could risk everything we have, but, I needed -- I needed to tell you.”
Ace was silent, and he removed his hands from hers. Nancy was preparing herself for the worst, for Ace to say that he didn’t want to be friends with her anymore. That she should stay out of his and Amanda’s relationship. She frantically wiped at her eyes, trying to compose herself for what was coming.
“And, you don’t need to reciprocate. You’ve--you’ve become very special to me and I--I can’t lose you.”
“Nancy, slow down,” Nancy looked tearfully into his eyes, stopping her unconscious stream of thought, and he grabbed her hand again. Some of his colour had returned and the dark circles under his eyes weren’t as pronounced. “Amanda broke up with me.
Nancy gulped. “She did what now?” She hadn’t expected this.
“She said I wasn’t all in. And, she’s right. I’m not. So, she stayed behind in Portland.” Ace squeezed their conjoined hands. “And, you’re right too. Your first priority should be yourself right now. You shouldn’t be jumping into a relationship with me or anyone else until you're ready. But, I’m always going to be by your side. Nothing will change that.”
A sudden green smoke filled the room making Nancy and Ace cough. When enough smoke cleared away, and they were able to get a good look at each other, Nancy noticed Ace’s pinky had healed, good as new, and quickly removed her bandages. Except for the line of scratches, it was as if nothing had happened in the first place.
George, Nick, and Bess rushed into the back room, waving the smoke away with their hands that was drifting towards them as it drifted to the kitchen windows.
“What the hell is going on back here?” George said, “We smelled smoke.”
“It’s the tail-end of Temperance’s soulmate curse,” Nancy responded.
When each of her friends looked back at her with confused and shocked expressions she unclasped her hands from Ace’s and stood to face her friends. She had another truth to reveal.
“Temperance is back. She used my blood from her machine to return. Now, she’s somewhere in Horseshoe Bay. Waiting. Trying to learn about me. About us. About this town. So she can destroy it.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Ace said, coming up to join her. “How are we going to kick this bitch out of our house?”
Nancy smiled at him.
Maybe there was something about this soulmate thing after all.
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