#don’t know wat to write here
kai428 · 6 months
(double ask sorry)
If I was in that all of my group is related (except for Fiona she supposed to be Felix sister but eh why not)
Do they ever make out.
If bendy died after in a car crash how would the others react
Ps: if my group if bendy died:
Cindy: *would visit her brothers to make sure their okay*
Maria: *does the same as Cindy*
Brittany: *would cry and visit his grave *
Andra: *would comfort her but not crying*
Everyone: be crying and depressed cause of Bendy’s death
I don’t know if they make out they don’t even tell me 😑
Sad sad times
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sterredem · 6 months
Pretty Boy
Oscar piastri x Famous!Reader
Face claim: random girls on Pinterest
Summery: When Oscar meets a pretty girl he is interested in her and decides to shoot his shot.
Word count: 938
A/N: Sooo this is my first fix. I am very nervous but I hope you like it! I know I made the polls and the results were completely different from this but I need to do a lot of research for that one so I thought that this could be fun.
Also this could be red with everything in mind. It is a female reader but you can read it with whatever job you want!
I did make it with a European singer in mind but chose what you want!
Please give feedback or comment!
Extra info for fic: the note, Insta DM’s
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Y/n always felt like she was being watched. Whenever it was by her friends, paparazzi, fans or just people walking by it didn’t matter. She felt it.
But this time it was different, she didn’t know who was swatching her, normally she could figure it out really quick who was watching but now… she just couldn’t figure it out. And it also felt different then normally, this time it didn’t feel like they wanted something from her. Everyone always wanted something from her; a picture, money, publicity anything really. But no this time it felt different. The ‘stare’ felt more caring (for all she could know because stares don’t really have feelings) it felt more intense but in a good way, like they were zoned out or something. But she didn’t know who was watching her or why.
So because she couldn’t figure it out she turend back to het coffee and her work. She took a moment to look around in the cafe to look at if she can see who was staring at her. But she couldn’t figure it out.
Wat she did saw was a very handsome man talking with who she presumed to be his friends. He had brown fluffy hair and brown eyes. She had to admit he looked really pretty.
But now that she was thinking he did look away when she looked at him. And then she realized, he was the person that was ‘staring’ at her. Now she was actually thinking, that was pretty creepy.
But ignoring all that she decided that her work is more important than the pretty boy staring at her. So she turned back to het coffee and work… again.
Meanwhile Oscar or better known as ‘the pretty boy’ was star struck. Not because he knew she was famous no, but because of her beauty. She was the most beautiful girl in the world in his eyes so he couldn’t help but stare at her.
But when she turned around he knew he was caught and quickly turened around back to Lando.
Because if he was being honest it was pretty creeping with him staring at her. He just hoped she wouldn’t find it to creepy.
“Hey you okay mate?” Lando asked after Oscar spaced out for a long time.
“Huh what?” He asked still in a daze from the beautiful girl.
“Are you okay? You were liked zoned out or something.” Lando said a bit confused with how his friend was acting.
“Oh yeah I am fine. Just got distracted.” Oscar said now focusing back on the conversation.
“Okay… you sure? What got you so distracted?” Lando asked with a teasing smile.
“Oh nothing important.” Oscar said blushing a little.
“Okay I will drop it. But if you want to talk about it I’m always here.” Lando said now becoming a little more serious again. “Zak will be here in a minute so if I where you I would figure the distraction out before it becomes a problem.”
“Yeah okay, okay I will. Just wait one second okay?” Oscar said already coming up with a plan to speak with the gorgeous girl.
“Yeah, yeah okay I’ll cover for you if it takes too long” Lando said preparing to cover for his teammate.
Oscar walked away to the bar and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and write something on it.
He then waited for her to go to the bathroom (no he is not a stalker) and then walked to her table and put the piece of paper down by her work stuff and walked back to his table just in time for her to get back and for Zak and a few other members of McLaren to come into the cafe.
When y/n came back to het table from the bathroom she saw the pretty boy walking away and she saw a piece of paper on her table.
She unfolded the paper and smiled at what stood there, she grabbed her phone and goes to her instagram.
She took a quick Look at the note again.
Hey, sorry if this is a bit weird but I think you are really pretty and would like to talk some time. Btw: sorry if the staring was a bit creepy didn’t meen to stare :) if you want to talk you can just DM me on instagram. My user on there is: JackOP81.
She smiled at the note again and logged in on to her alt account and searched the user name. She followed it after she had found it and DM’d him.
Hey coffee shop guy! This is the girl you gave the note to. I am guessing your name is Jack? So hi! I would also like to get to know you.
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Pop Crave
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Liked by: User1, User2 Landonorris and 100.756 others
Pop Crave: @_Y/n_y/l/n seen in cafe working on something new? Possibly new content? We are excited to see what is going to come from this!
User2: This is so disrespectful! You are basically stalking her!
User3: that’s so true! It is always so disrespectful erom where they take pictures!
User4: ew not her again
User5: why are you being so mean? She is amazing!
User6: YES I LOVE HER!!!
User7: Wait weren’t Oscar and Lando there?
User9: it is probably nothing! They have never been seen together! We don’t even know is y/n like F1!
JackOP81: @_not_y/n this you
Not_y/n: well we seem to both learn something new!
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Would you guys like a 2nd part?
Pls comment, like or repost if you enjoyed it! And let me know any thoughts and feedback!
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garbinge · 4 months
Shot To The Heart
Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader (turned SWAT/TEMS) 30 Day Fic Challenge (13/30)
Word Count: 1.3k A/N: Just something small for this wife reader/Tim universe I occasionally write for. Looking forward to season 7, and hopefully a Chenford reunion lol.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Mentions of violence, gunshot wounds, ptsd, wat flashbacks, hospitalization, light angst. The Rookie Taglist: @simrah1012 @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @afuckingshituniverse Other fics with this reader: Clean Cut - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader Earthquakes and Promotions - Tim Bradford x F!Nurse!Reader
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“Hey I was just about to call you, I’m wrapping up my shift but the team is heading to get drinks, figured you could meet us there? We’re going to that spot that has those mojitos you like.” Tim had a smile on his face as he answered your phone call. He was walking through the station towards the men’s locker room, ready to change out of the stench of a long patrol day.
“Before you freak out, I want you to know I’m okay.” Your voice was completely opposite of his. It wasn’t shaky for what happened, but you were solemn and still in your delivery. It was honestly silly to start your conversation this way, Tim wasn’t one to freak out, but he was one to think the worst first. 
“What happened?” His voice immediately matched yours. Very typical for people that held the positions you did, to be calm under crisis. 
“I got shot on shift today. I’m at the hospital.” 
“You what?” Tim had stopped in his tracks immediately waiting for more information. 
“My thigh, it’s not a big deal. It missed my artery but protocol is for me to be here for the next couple days.” You didn’t exactly want to get into details but you knew you had to give him some information. 
“Why am I just finding this out?” Tim was now rushing to the exit doors. 
“I told them not to call you, I wanted you to hear it from me, not some random SWAT member.” 
“You do realize they’re not random, they come to all our barbecues, we’ve been to their weddings…” Tim was starting to argue with you. “Not to mention, I should’ve heard it on the radio.” 
“Really wanna argue with me right now, Bradford?” You sighed despite the smile on your face. 
“I really wanna know what happened.” 
You could hear his truck engine start in the background and from that you knew he was going to be at the hospital in minutes. 
“We got called in on some cartel tip, it was off-channel, stealth.” You explained knowing he wasn’t going to let it go. “I was applying aid to a hostage and it just happened.” 
“I really hope you didn’t write your report that way.” Annoyance was dripping off his tone. 
“Tim.” You said with the same amount of annoyance. 
“No, you don’t get to be mad at me for being mad.” He was on the highway now, you could hear the change in background noise. “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” 
With that he hung up, and was in front of you within minutes. It made you wonder where he left his truck and who he talked to before getting to your room. 
“Jesus.” He was at the edge of the bed looking down at you. “How you holdin’ up?” 
“I’m fine, I just wanna go home.” You brushed him off. 
“What the hell happened out there?” His voice didn’t sound angry like it did on the phone, he was genuinely upset. 
“I told you, it happened fast, I was applying aid and then the next we were under fire.” You shook your head, not able to look him in the eye. 
At that motion he walked over to the side of the bed, quickly engulfing you in a hug. “I know when you’re lying to me.” He mumbled into the top of your head before placing a kiss there. 
You leaned into him, despite all his gear from his belt making it rather unpleasant to be in his embrace, it was the most comfortable you’ve felt since everything happened. You leaned into him more, gripping him closer to you when you let out a little sob. 
He gently scooted you over, making sure he didn’t aggravate or even touch the leg with the bullet wound. It was just enough so that he could sit next to you in the bed and shield you from prying eyes outside. 
“It’s alright.” He hummed as he rubbed your back up and down. A nurse had entered at one point and Tim just politely smiled and asked if the two of you could have a couple minutes. 
The tears you let escape you were some that you hadn’t shed in years. It was buried down deep, being in your field, being at war, it did that to you, it bottled everything up and left you to deal with it at another time, and each time being more inconvenient than the last left for it to overflow now. 
As you calmed down, you took a deep breath and wiped your face before looking at Tim. 
“You went back.” Tim said not needing you to say anything in explanation about what happened. 
“It was like I was right back in Afghanistan.” You nodded. 
“Protocols are different here.” Tim tilted his head to look at you, wondering if he pushed you into this too soon. 
“Yea, they got me on probation. Seeing the shrink tomorrow where they’ll figure out when I’m cleared for active duty.” 
“You know, if you wanted to go back to work at the hospital, no one would hold it against you.” Tim offered up a solution that was more for him than it was for you. 
“I was doing fine up until now, I think all the dust from the desert we were in, my hands wrist deep into this guys abdomen, brought me back to when you were bleeding out in front of me. Getting shot brought me back to the moment, it was like the shake back to reality I needed.” You shook your head as you thought through it all. 
“Yea the shrinks gonna have a ball with you.” Tim teased you before getting serious. “You’ve always been self-aware. On top of your shit, you’ll be back on active duty in no time.” 
“You sound worried.” It was obvious to notice the hesitancy in his voice. 
“Just can’t help but feel like I pushed you to this.” Tim sighed deeply. 
“I chose this.” You began to argue with him. 
“But I planted the seed.” He argued back. 
“You give yourself too much credit.” You laughed and squeezed his hand. “Remember when the Chief’s daughter came in, and I took her on as my patient, he saw how I handled everything, when they checked out, he mentioned how I might be good in TEMS. I brushed it off, but when you brought it up again, it just was harder and harder to brush it off. It just made sense.” 
Tim looked down at you shocked that you never mentioned what his boss said to you. 
“I’m just saying, don’t give yourself the credit for this.” You shrugged and teased him. 
“I just want to make sure you’re good.” Tim got serious again after letting out a laugh from your tease. 
“I’m fine, and after I see Dr. Shrink tomorrow I’ll be even better.” 
“You’re not opposed to it, which is already how I know you’re fine.” Tim joked as he brought you closer to him as both of you relaxed in the bed. 
“That’s that machismo stigma, I love talking to people about my problems. Which, speaking of, you didn’t take the trash out this morning.” 
Tim let out a belly laugh, “I’ll be sure to take it out tonight.” 
“No you won’t. You’re staying with me, Sarge.” And with that you cuddled into him as best as you could and closed your eyes so you could get as many minutes in the the most comfortable sleep you’d get while being in the hospital. 
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thrillered · 28 days
"You Know I Mountain Dew It For Ya" | Spencer Agnew x Reader | Pt. 14
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Part 14: The Date
Guys I'm so sorry this is so late lmao
“That’s SO good, wait.” You laughed. Courtney was testing a new TNTL bit with you, explaining the props and joke. “I think that would kill either Amanda or Trevor.” 
“You think so? I wasn’t completely sure the joke made sense to anyone but me.” 
“If you don’t do it I swear that I will.” You laughed, high fiving Courtney before heading back to your desk. 
Your day had been great so far. You filmed a beopordy and had a meeting about an upcoming character based games video. Everyone loved the character pitches you gave, boosting your confidence a little higher all day. 
Your date with Spencer was tonight. You thought you would be more nervous but so far you only felt excitement and positivity. Everyone could tell you were absolutely giddy, the energy radiating off of you was contagious. 
You felt like you were bouncing off the walls, every time you saw Spencer you both were blushing messes. 
Everyone broke for lunch, giving you the opportunity to spend some more relaxed time with Spencer. 
“Hey,” You began, sitting next to Spencer with your plate of food. 
“Hi beautiful.” He responded, earning a swat to his arm as you blushed. 
“What’s the rest of your day lookin’ like?” You asked, beginning to eat. 
“I’ve got another meeting then we’re shooting a games video and a Shayne guesses. Oh! Which reminds me, would you be able to fill in for Court in the video? They got a bad migraine and their medication isn’t helping so they went home.” 
“Yeah of course, anything for you and Court.” you smiled, happy to help and happy to film. The rest of your day was writing and sitting in on the Shayne Guesses video so you were glad to have a little more excitement. 
“You’re the best.” He grinned, placing his hand on your knee and squeezing it gently. 
The rest of lunch went by peacefully, people coming and going from your table to talk and hang out before making their way elsewhere. You and Spencer went your separate ways, him reminding you that games filming was in an hour, leaving you with a gentle hug. 
You managed to get a good start to a sketch, outlining it and creating a rough draft before you left to film. You walked into the sound stage and got mic’d, excited to film. Mario Party was up on the TV so you prepared yourself to do a ‘don’t win’. 
The video began, everyone being introduced– Shayne, Trevor, Angela, and yourself. You were about to begin when Spencer interrupted, making it known that it was actually ‘WIN mario party’. 
You were on a team with Angela while Shayne and Trevor were together. 
“Okat this isn’t fair!” You and Angela complained. “Shayne and Trevor and the 2nd and 3rd nerdiest losers I know! And Angela doesn’t even have her glasses!” 
“I don’t even have my glasses!” Angela mirrored. 
“Okay… one: Rude.” Shayne began. “Two: who’s which?” 
“Trevors number two and Shayne's number three.” You explained, like it was obvious. 
“Wait who’s number one?” Angela asked. 
“He’s right behind that camera.” You laughed, gesturing to Spencer.
This made everyone laugh, knowing it was probably 100% true. Spencer got up and walked behind the couch, kneeling to speak directly into your ear, “Hey so never say that shit ever again.” 
Trevor, who was sitting next to you, laughed so hard he started choking. 
“Frankly… that’s accurate.” He laughed when he made it back behind the screen. 
“No this is actually insane!” You exclaimed, after another win for you and Ange. “I take back what I said, maybe me and Ange are actually the best gamers here.” 
Angela high-fived you, emitting a screech with it before pulling you into a bro-hug. 
“Okaaay… that’s enough.” Trevor laughed. “I will not let my good gamer name be besmirched.” 
“Oh shut the hell up.” Angela interjected. 
You strategized with Angela to make it to the star seeing that you could both earn double stars. “It’s so over for you guys,” You began, watching your character move across the screen. “I literally freaking got your asses, Im literally- i’m literally getting so many stars and you will never have as many stars as me.” You said seriously, in a low monotone voiced bit. 
“You know what I’m thinking about?” You asked, playing the final round of Mario Party. “Spencer in Gentleman’s don’t win. That shit was so stupid.” 
“You’re literally obsessed with me.” Spencer commented from off camera. You immediately stood up, acting like you were going to step up to him. 
“I’m just kidding!” He backtracked, “It’s actually the opposite! I’m obsessed with you, not the other way around!” 
“Yeah that’s right.” You and Spencer laughed, knowing he was actually telling the truth. 
The rest of the shoot you could feel Spencer’s lovestruck gaze against you, sneaking glances when the game allowed. 
“Alright thank you guys for joining us! Me and Ange have proven, once and for all, that we are the best gamers in the office so don’t forget to subscribe and press the bell to be notified when me and Angela win another game and these dorks LOSE!” You outro’d, everyone saying bye before you cut. 
“Alright we have a half hour break before we shoot Shayne Guesses!” Alex announced. 
You were talking with Trevor as you both walked out of the stage, heading towards your desks. You finished your conversation and parted ways, heading to your desk and sitting to continue writing. 
You spent a few minutes writing, engrossed in the document, before a mug was placed before you. “What-,”
“Hi Y/N” Spencer said, pulling a chair next to you. “You always have tea around this time.” He continued, noticing your slightly confused face. 
“Thank you Spence,” You smiled, feeling warm. 
“How's the writing going?” He asked, leaning into you slightly to scan over your screen. 
“Pretty good I think. It’s not super fleshed out but so far I’m really proud of it.” 
Spencer’s phone buzzed, signaling he was needed for filming. “You’ll have to let me read it when it’s done.” He stood with this, grabbing your laptop and holding a hand to you. “Let’s go film Shayne Guesses.” 
You grabbed his hand, blushing as you walked together to the set, feeling him squeeze your hand every so often. 
“This drawing is so awesome.” Shayne laughed, staring at your drawing on the screen. You were trying to keep a poker face, almost breaking when Spencer looked around the room and landed on you. “If I hadn’t already guessed Courtney I might have guessed them… This could be someone from art.. But I’ve already guessed most of them.” 
You had drawn him doing the middle splits, using one of his instagram posts as inspiration. 
Shayne was looking around the room, trying to decide from reactions who drew it. You were sitting closer to the back, your laptop on your raised knees to shield your face slightly. 
“This could be you Spencer.” He remarked to Spence who was next to him. 
“Honestly, that is really flattering.” 
“Well now it doesn’t seem like its you… I- I don’t know though so I’m just gonna guess you.” Shayne decided, bracing himself before changing the slide. “Y/N!?” 
The room cheered, Spencer waving for you to come over and say something. 
“You said you never thought you’d be able to do this splits so I thought maybe this would inspire you or like, you could put it on your vision board.” You joked, your hand on his shoulder as you leaned into frame. 
“I really thought I was gonna get you! My streak of always guessing you is lost now! This drawing is so sick tho, thank you.” 
“A comedian, actress, musician.. Now an artist? What can’t she do?” Spencer jested. 
Your day had been incredible. You had felt just excitement all day but now that you were at home, alone, you were anxious as all get out. 
Spencer was supposed to pick you up in 10 minutes. You had been ready for about 40 minutes, scared you would be late or mess up your makeup. Now you were sat at your kitchen island, facing the door, trying to will Spencer behind it. It felt like hours had passed of you waiting but every time you checked your phone only a minute had passed. 
Finally there was a knock at the door. You were immediately able to tell it was Spencer. Even though you were anticipating his arrival you'd be able to recognize his knock anywhere; something so menial, but a detail you’d never want to forget. 
You were greeted with a stunning bouquet of flowers upon opening the door. A smile shooting across your features as you saw Spencer. He was wearing a casual suit, with his glasses and his hair perfectly styled. 
“Oh my gosh, they're beautiful.” you cooed, taking them from Spencer before inviting him inside while you found a vase and a home for the flowers. 
“Not as beautiful as you.” Spencer teased. 
“That's so corny.” 
“But it's true. You look… just wow…” Spencer breathed, taking in your appearance. “I don’t think there’s a word in any language, old and new, to properly describe you. Not just your incredible beauty, but also your dazzling mind. I feel so lucky to have the honor of taking you out.” 
You laughed and blushed at his antics, smiling as he held you an arms length away to look at you. You were wearing a deep blue silk midi dress and black heels. You weren’t sure how nice to dress and thought you may have overdressed but seeing Spencer's dark blue suit match your dress perfectly eased any nerves you had. 
“Okay stop being a dork, take me out.” You joked, excited for the night. 
He laughed with you, placing a sweet kiss on your lips before taking your hand and guiding you out of your apartment. 
Spencer helped you out of the car, the Griffith Observatory in front of you. He gave his keys to the valet and was back at your side. 
“Spencer what is this?” You asked, in awe of the beautifully lit area, framed by stars. 
“I know how you love LaLa Land and heard about an event and snagged some last minute tickets.” He explained.
“This is incredible.” 
“This is just the beginning.” Spencer noted. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
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flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
ןhiii can i please ask for the cullen with a mate with a powerfull gift like elament control b i love 💓💓💓ur writing english is my first lanugne so sorry
The Cullens with a Reader who can Control the Elements
Hello! Thank you so much for the kind words! And don’t worry about your English, I think I understood what you were asking for
Thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy!
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He is astonished
When he knew you when you were human, he never would have been able to guess that you would have such a powerful ability
He thinks you are fully deserving of it though
He loves watching you use your powers
He’s always there if you want someone to practice with
He might ask you occasionally to use your abilities for something mundane
Just for the fun of it
“You should take the water that’s in that glass and dump it on Rosalie’s head”
And he is always there to defend you from the Volturi looking to expand their guard
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She's used to being the one with the most powerful ability in their family
But she did see this coming so she's not surprised
When you were still human she could see flashes of you moving water, bending fire, and shaping the air
She knew you would be amazing
She loves your ability
She could watch you work for hours
And she does
Her favorite pastime is watching you as you practice using your ability
And she knows how it feels for the Volturi to want you so bad they would be willing to do anything to get you to join their ranks
She's always on edge waiting to see if the guard tries to move against them
The Volturi will get to you over her dead body
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He's shocked
He's only ever known mental abilities
A couple of the Volturi have the ability to manipulate the world, but it's still mostly mental
He thinks it's amazing, but he is also a little on guard
Whether he knew you as a human and you were turned, thus being a newborn, or you were another vampire who joined their little family, he's watching you closely
He wants to make sure that everyone he loves is safe, and since you have such a strong ability, he's on edge
But after that he is entranced
He loves watching you work
But he also understands if you just want to be left alone
And he doesn't like the Volturi anyway
So if they even ask if you would like to join them, he is on their asses
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I feel like she's always had a little bit of a complex that she doesn't have an ability but Edward does
So she's a little self conscious when the human that she fell in love with and turned ended up having an even stronger ability than anyone could have predicted
Cue the feelings of jealousy and inferiority
It takes her a little bit to get over it
But when she does, she loves your ability
It's very useful
She knows that she'll need to touch a human's hand but doesn't want them to get suspicious because she's too cold?
Well you're here and you can just sort of make fire so it's a perfect scenario
She needs to leave right now but her curling iron is too hot to just leave there?
Boom ice
And she's not afraid to kick some Volturi ass so don't even worry
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Hell yeah
He loves it
He's so used to being the scary dog, now it's your turn
Like yeah stay away from us my SO will kick your ass
He thinks you're so cool
He loves watching you practice or do anything with your ability
And he has plenty of suggestions for what to do
"You should turn that puddle into ice so when that guy walks on it he slips"
"That guy just spent 10 minutes waiting for his pizza to cool down... you should heat it up again"
He likes to play pranks, and now he has you and it's so much easier to do
But don't even get me started on the Volturi
He legitimately hates them
Like he can't stand them
So if their old asses ever show up at their house to try and get to you they won't even be able to step inside
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She's amazed
She's seen so many amazing things since she joined Carlisle, but this definitely takes the cake
She just can't even fathom how you're so powerful and talented
She loves to watch you
And help you out from time to time
Even if she doesn't know what it's like to have an ability
She will do her best to educate you about the Volturi
She doesn't ever want you to leave or to join them, but if that's something that you want to do, then she won't stop you
She'll be very upset and sad, but she would let you go
She just does her best to tell you everything that she knows about them and that she has experienced in the past
Just wants you to make an informed decision
And hopefully not leave her
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He's met many powerful people over the course of his life
Of course, he's met Benjamin too, who has the same ability as you to control the elements
But that doesn't mean he's any less astonished
He always thought that Benjamin was a one in a million chance
So he is very interested to know how you managed to get the same ability as him
He's very helpful when learning how to control your ability
Even though he doesn't have one himself, he has raised three vampires who do (not including Jasper)
Like Esme, he prefers to tell you everything that he knows about the Volturi in the hopes that you'll make your own informed decision
He doesn't want you to join them
But he won't force you to stay with him
That's not his style
But if you express that you don't want to join them but they still try to get you to, he won't hesitate to fight
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Vampire! Bella:
All she can say is wow
She's a little butthurt
I mean, she wasn't very happy that her only ability is "to have an incredibly thick skull"
But she is happy for you
She just wishes she was also cool
She loves to watch you work and practice
And she's very helpful with teaching you how to control your ability
She's the most fresh one anyway, it feels like she just learned how to control herself yesterday
And yeah she hates the Volturi's guts
I mean, they were fully intent on killing her daughter and her whole family so
She will fight again if she needs to
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bigsexiest · 3 months
Strange Rain Sickness
Rain's sickness is sort of vaguely described as "drying out". Do with that what you will. Swiss could've probably had a bigger role in this but whatever. I've been feeling somehwat brain sick and I thought this would be cute to write out. For some reason I've been second-guessing the validity of my work despite this being a completely anonymous account. I'm overthinking. I just need some cute ghouls to make me feel better. Rainy is so pathetic and Swiss is so hero. I love them so much.
word count: 1420
synopsis: Rain starts feeling hella sick and Swiss is there to save the day
The second the water hit Rain’s skin, he felt much better.
The pack had been rehearsing in the abbey. Nothing intricate, just making sure everything looked and sounded good. Rain figured he must have head-banged too hard or stomped across the stage too fast. He was drying out. He skipped his regular morning shower, expecting to make it through the day fine. Rain knew he would fall over if he did not come into contact with water soon.
Luckily, Papa had just called for a break. A strange tingling sensation had started in the tips of Rain’s fingers and slithered up his arms. The same happened with his feet and legs. His head felt as though they weren’t connected to his body. Rain was running out of time.
Leaving the stage, Rain practically threw his bass at a sibling of sin and ran as fast as he could toward the ghoul den. He didn’t care about returning. He just needed to get to water.
He couldn’t feel his legs, but he made it just the same. Flipping the light switch would have taken him too long so he hopped into his bathtub in the darkness. It didn’t matter, he could see in the dark despite his quickly blurring vision.
Turning on the faucet brought immediate relief. He blacked out in the pleasure. The sensation was reminiscent of falling backward or drifting to sleep after a day of hard work. The longer Rain existed outside the pit, the better he has gotten at not drying out. If he’s lucky he can go days without needing to submerge himself. Not that that happens often.
Usually, Rain stays comfortable by using the water from his showers. Occasionally he��ll use the lake. Rain will start drying out if he doesn’t submerge himself in water often enough. It’s a water ghoul necessity. Drying out has its own array of problems. It starts with a dry feeling in a ghoul’s mouth and on its skin. Sometimes these symptoms can be overlooked. If they are, the ghoul will begin feeling nauseous, lightheaded, and weak. These symptoms are much easier to realize. Finally, if none of these symptoms are managed, a ghoul can pass out and eventually even die. 
Rain doesn’t understand why he missed the warning symptoms earlier. It hadn’t been that long since he’d showered. Rehearsing had never been an issue before, nor did he think he was doing anything more strenuous than anyone else. Taking all of this into consideration, he had no explanation.
The water had filled up the tub and Rain finally turned off the faucet. His body was submerged up to his neck. Lukewarm water flowed in and out of his gills. He found it easier to rehydrate if he used them.
Quiet droplets dripping from the faucet had just started to lull Rain to sleep when a frantic knocking could be heard coming from the door to his room. Rain sat up but made no move to get up and actually answer the door.
“Rainy, are you in there?” Swiss’s voice stood out. It was loud and emotive. Rain liked knowing what faces the multighoul was making based only on the sound of his voice. The door to the bathroom was open so Swiss could hear when Rain called for him to enter.
From the bathroom, Rain saw the confused look on Swiss’s face as he looked for where the water ghoul was. 
Rain called to him again. “I’m in here.” He was so tired.
His eyes were closed when Swiss crouched down beside the tub. “Little ghoul, you don’t look so hot.” 
Rain made a noncommittal ‘mmhm’ noise in return. The original bliss of the water had started to wear away. It wasn’t as urgent, but he was still in pain.
“How long have you felt like this, Rain?” It was clear Swiss was no longer teasing, his voice was serious and concerned. 
There was nothing Rain wanted to do less than explain how he felt. Just listening to Swiss was making things worse. He wished he could just fall asleep until he felt better. 
Rain must’ve passed out. He doesn’t remember anything other than the excruciating wave of exhaustion after Swiss’s questions. He knows he hasn’t moved from the bath, but Swiss isn’t in the room anymore. Rain even leans forward to try and see if he’s in the main room anywhere. 
Rain wonders to himself if Swiss had ever been there at all. What if he had been hallucinating? Rain realizes he has to find help. The water might be making things more bearable, but he was not feeling any better. Something was seriously wrong.
Despite the various red flags raised in his mind, Rain forces himself to grab the edges of the bathtub and push himself to his feet. The cold water dripping off his body gives him a chill and he shivers violently. He wraps his arms around himself but the sudden lightheaded feeling he gets gives him an immediate headache. Through the extreme pressure building in his head, he wonders how he’s supposed to find help. He can barely see through the pain.
His clothes are plastered to his body and his hair is in his eyes. He feels pathetic and he can clearly see in his mirror that he indeed looks like a drowned owl. Shuffling across the floor is slow but anything faster might put him in his grave. The shivering rattles Rain’s body deep within his chest. He can’t take deep breaths without risking a coughing fit. 
Just as he’s about to reach for his doorknob to leave the room, Swiss barges in. His eyes are wide and panicked. Rain doesn’t see much, he closes his eyes trying to avoid being knocked over by the big ghoul. 
He can faintly feel what must be Swiss’s hands on his upper arms holding him up and guiding him to the bed. Everything sounds and feels like it's miles away. It takes a conscious effort to open his eyes and be present. 
Rain’s vision is still blurry but as he’s laying back on his bed he’s sure he can see what looks like either Omega or Aether standing next to Swiss. They’re looking down at Rain, Swiss looks worried but what now appears to be both Omega and Aether are trying to ask Rain various questions that he can’t understand. 
Rain tries to convey his confusion, but it’s just a mumble. The quintessence ghouls look at each other, but Swiss doesn’t take his eyes away from the water ghoul. 
Rain isn’t sure about how he ended up in Omega’s arms, being carried through the halls. He wasn’t very familiar with the ghoul. Rain only knew it was Omega because his scent was so different from Aether’s. Aether’s warm cedar and honey scent had been a comfort for Rain for the many years they had known each other. Rain’s eyes were closed but he could still faintly smell both Swiss and Aether under Omega’s scent. 
At his soft whine, he felt his hand taken up and held in the warm hand of another ghoul. Upon opening an eye a sliver, he could see Swiss still looking at him with concern holding his hand. He was jogging to keep up with Omega’s quick pace. Feeling safe despite the pain, Rain closed his eye and allowed himself to drift off again.
Waking up in the infirmary was never fun, but at least Rain didn’t feel as bad as before. He was still exhausted but seeing Swiss curled in a small chair beside his bed holding his hand filled his heart with a unique warmth. Soft snores were the only noise in the room. Rain wanted to cry out with adoration for the multighoul, but opening his mouth would be too much work. Instead, he let out a discomforting whimper loud enough to wake Swiss and squeezed his hand. When Swiss opened his eyes and straightened in his chair to check on Rain, Rain used the last of his strength to pull Swiss’s arm towards the bed. He scooched to the edge of the bed so Swiss could fit. There was a second’s hesitation in the multighoul’s eyes, but then he climbed onto the bed and pulled Rain close. Quickly drifting off to sleep again, Rain began to softly purr in satisfaction at being comforted despite being so sick. Starting the slow recovery process from the strange sickness, Swiss decided then and there that he wouldn’t leave Rain’s side.
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mishacakes · 11 months
how do you connect to your character? like how do get to know them so well? how do you pick out their likes, dislikes, habits and those itty bitty bits about them? I've been struggling to do that for sooo many of my ocs, and i'm also at a lost of how to design them. like i once had a clear idea of what kind of character they are, but i wanted to change them a bit, make them a little better, and i feel like I've lost that character and that character i'm working on doesn't exists, no matter how much i loved them and enjoyed writing an drawing them. this has happened with every single character i made and it just makes me think that i may not be cut out for drawing or writing characters. i look up to you so i thought of asking you for help
sry for the long rant idk wat im doing
HELLO HELLO THANK YOU FOR ASKING!! So basically I took this question and turned it into a 1.6k word essay on writing characters and how I like to do it, so, uh, hope you enjoy!! and hope it helps!
OK!! character writing. How do you do it? or, well, how do I do it. I’ve got a few methods that help me out the most and are the most fun for me to think about. Here’s my big secret, if it’s not fun I don’t do it. I’m not here to do homework I’m waaayyyy out of school. I’m a legal adult. I pay my taxes. I’m not gonna do something that doesn’t give my brain the good fun juice. Anyways. My methods are: symbols, archetypes, and character inspiration. I use all these to figure out the CORE of a character, their very beating heart, and most importantly, what haunts them. Everything about a character, in my opinion, comes from this core and their ghost. Their habits, their fears, their joys, their coping mechanisms. So long as you have a clear grasp on their heart, you won’t go astray. Let’s dive into it! The characters I’m going to be using to describe how I use these methods are Alice and others characters from my webcomic—namely Edith, Hatter, and Rougina—and Tomiko (you know her you love her, catgirl supreme).
Symbols! I love using symbols, they’re something that can describe a character through metaphor, even without going into detail about their whole backstory and habits. Tomiko’s symbols are lanterns (specifically light), cats, ghosts/yokai, shapeshifting, and gold. They all work to further her character as a rough around the edges monster cat with a heart of gold, who uses shapeshifting as a method (both literally and metaphorically) to mold herself into what others need her to be. Alice’s symbols are hearts, eyes, and flesh in general. Try picking one general symbol (the ocean, the forest, the city), and see how specific you can get from there. Or pick a god or goddess that resonates with your character and see what symbols are used for them. Rougina (the antagonist in my webcomic) is a war goddess fallen from grace, and is symbolized with land and volcanoes, so I’ve used volcanic plants to evoke her. Personally I also love going through the tarot for symbols, assigning a tarot card to characters (of the major arcana) is a fun exercise. Which leads us nicely into our next method:
Archetypes! The tarot deck’s Major Arcana is pretty much only archetypes. The Empress as the Mother. The Magician as the Wise Mentor. The Tower as The Worst Thing That Could Possibly Happen Oh Jesus Shit. These can help a lot with who your character is. I’m extremely storytelling oriented, so it helps me knowing What Role a character serves in the story they inhabit. Another thing I love in archetypes in the Zodiac. Yes, I am an astrology bitch. The whole reason I love talking about my methods is my Sag rising, I love giving my wisdoms. But astrology can be used for writing, and not just for excusing and not reflecting on shit behavior (can’t help being a gemini!). The zodiac is FILLED WITH ARCHETYPES!!! From elements to how they function! The four elements (you A:TLA bitches know this), and three modalities. If you’re interested please watch Eugene’s Rank King video, it’s very informative on the signs. Also many symbols! For example, Alice is a Taurus—May 4, Alice Liddell’s birthday—so she’s pretty stubborn while also loving creature comforts. Tomiko’s birthday is August 23, making her a Virgo, so she likes being precise in her work. More archetypes you can look for are DnD classes! I love using that to design costumes. One of Edith’s recent costumes is very wizard inspired, since that’s the class I see her having as she’s very studious and driven. Heck, all of Alice and the Nightmare is derived from the character archetypes of the Alice in Wonderland characters! Rougina is specifically the Red Queen, NOT the Queen of Hearts!! The confusion started with the 1951 Disney animated movie when the two characters were merged!! Lewis Carroll himself said the two were different! The Queen of Hearts is an “embodiment of ungovernable passion�� and the Red Queen is “the concentrated essence of all governesses”!! GOD!!! Tim Burton meet me in the fucking pit you’ll pay for your alice crimes. anyways.
Archetypes help a lot in costumes too, figuring out what kind of fashion they’d like to wear. You can start broad and get more specific with it (like going from a wizard type character to a wizard character with steampunk themes). Fashion is just an extent of character. What are they comfy in? Are they confident in their body? What colors do they like? Bright high fashion or simple dark sweaters? Ryoko Kui is a master of character design I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend checking out her work.
Another method I like using, specifically for Alice and the Nightmare characters, is what I call the “three trait method”. When I was in middle school we did a production of Alice in Wonderland (I was the White Knight), and too many girls auditioned for Alice. So the director’s solution was to split the character into three parts, and assigning each part to an actor. Her temper, her intelligence, and her innocence, all used in different scenes. Now I use that to think about my own Alice character, except with “polite, temper, and curious”. Edith’s keywords are “nervous, tactical, and intelligent”. Hatter’s are “kind, enthusiastic, and intuitive”. Using keywords can help figure out how they’d react in a situation, what side of them would shine the brightest. Hatter’s want to help everyone is his kindness, but overstepping his bounds can be attributed to his enthusiasm. Edith can know what path to take in a pinch, but her nervousness can freeze her in place. Reading the source material helps a lot with Alice characters too, which brings us to our final point:
Character inspiration!! The art of taking things you like and shoving them into your own characters and stories. DISCLAIMER THO!!! If you take things without really EXAMINING what about them you like, WHY you like them, and how you’d like to evoke that same love in the things you make, the interpretations can come off as shallow. (for more on this subject, watch HBomberguy’s RWBY video essay, specifically the section on “anime homework”)
Tomiko’s biggest inspirations are Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi, April Ludgate from Parks and Rec, Power and Reze from Chainsawman, San from Princess Mononoke, and Mei from LMK. It’s a good cocktail of aloof, biting, vicious, weird, fierce, loving, and bright. Figuring out what I love about the characters and what I want to write in a character like that helps a lot in writing Tomiko. It’s also really fun in a sense for screenshot redraws and memes.
Music is also a HUUUUUUGE source of inspiration for me, I love making playlists. And even as playlists can change as characters grow and change, having a couple of core songs still helps me ground to that character’s center. For Tomiko it’s “Make Them Gold” by CHVRCHES, and “Nice Girl” by Ashnikko. Alice’s is “Headlock” by Imogen Heap and “Demons” by Hayley Kiyoko, Edith’s is “Warrior” by Kimbra, and Hatter’s is “Dementia” by Owl City.
Ok, we’ve gotten though symbols, archetypes, and made a couple of banger playlists. Next is something that can help write your character, the Big Lie. The thing that keeps them up at night. Their biggest fear, their ghost, what haunts them. What’s holding them back from their goals? What do they need to overcome? That can be as central to their theme as any symbolism. For Tomiko it’s the lie that her emotions don’t matter, only what she can do to be of service to her mother. Her arc is about overcoming her dismissing her own emotions and learning to not run away from the people who she truly cares for. Alice dismisses the literal ghost that is haunting her believing that that will let her have a normal life. Edith pushes down abilities that come naturally to her for fear that she’ll be exiled, not just from society, but the world. Rougina believes she must burden the world’s problems on her own shoulders with no one’s help. The outer character and the inner ghost can reflect, mirror, and inform each other.
Now, listen, sometimes characters are hard to get to know! Tomiko was lol. Quinn was for a looong time. And in times like this, I just, let them be. I listen to some music to get inspired, and let them tell me about themselves when they feel like it. And they will, it just take a little while. And a few dozen quick exploration drawings. But they come through. Also, try not to get bogged down with habits and little details of their character, keep their core in mind, what their heart is. Start broad and get specific. That way, if you feel like you’ve lost your way or the character feels different to you, recenter yourself at their heart and go from there. Or, if you find that their center no longer fits, don’t be afraid to change it! Characters are meant to be fun! First and foremost!! I make characters cause I like writing and storytelling, and drawing little comic for fun and me time. Sometimes characters stick around, sometimes they fall by the wayside. You really have to find what sparks joy, and chase your bliss!
So as long as you have your character’s essence in your hands, and you WANT to keep working on them and drawing them, there’s really no wrong way to go. This whole essay I’ve given is just a set of tools that works for ME, and I HIGHLY encourage you to find stuff that works for you! I really really hope that all this has made sense and isn’t just the ramblings of a madman. Good luck and happy charactering!!
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wosowrites · 1 year
International Break (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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warnings: ⚠️swearing, smut⚠️
a/n: still don’t know about smut. wont write it often, much prefer the cutesy little couple moments.
prompt: Leah and reader having fun with friends and together during the international break.
International break were your favorite days. They were always fun, easy and full of laughs. It also meant you were back to playing striker. For Chelsea, you were their solid defensive midfield, but all that changed when you entered Sarina’s house. She wanted you as the nine. A team car picked you up from your house at 6:00 on Sunday evening. You had met up at Millie’s house with the other Chelsea lionesses. You, Lauren, Niahm, Jess and Millie all sang carpool on the way there, but eventually you got tired and fell asleep. The drive was two hours long and you woke up 15 minutes before arrival to the girls making tik toks. "Did you all make tik tok’s with me sleeping in the back?" You asked the girls, laughing slightly. "Definitely. Posted this one twenty minutes ago and all the comments are about you, lady pleaser." Millie tested, showing you her phone. "You’re funny."
"Yeah Mills, there’s only one lady she wats too please." Lauren said. She was sitting beside you and laughed, pushing you gently with her shoulder. "Ha ha." You said.
Leah and you had been together for six months. Not a long time, but you thought you would die if you didn’t know she was all yours. You got out your phone and fixed your messy hair, letting your waves fall loose on your shoulders. "Making yourself all pretty?" Niahm said. "I hate you all and I can’t wait to be there so I don’t have to talk to you until we have to go back to the club schedule." You told them. But yes. You were. You hadn’t seen Leah since the conti cup final. Your heart had been broken at that loss. And then after that it was Champions League nights, and your schedules collided with each other annoyingly. You couldn’t wait to be with Leah again.
Soon later, the driver pulled up to where the Lionesses would be training. You let all the girls get out first, and as you got out you looked around. There were videographers and photographers, but you couldn’t care less about them. You saw Leah leaning against a brick wall parallel to where the Cars were pulling in. She was talking to Keira and Georgia, you knew how much she missed them. You didn’t even grab your luggage from the back because you saw Keira pointing to you. She waved at you cheekily and you smiled at her briefly before locking eyes with Leah. You gave her the biggest smile and ran towards her. She took a few steps forward and opened her arms for you to jump into. You wrapped your arms around her neck and your legs around her waist. She buried her head in your neck, breathing in the smell of your hair. You hugged her back tightly. "I missed you so much." You whispered to her, feeling her hands run up and down your back. "I missed you more." Leah said to you as she put you on the ground. She was a bit taller than you, but barely.
She helped you bring your luggage in as she had already been here for over two hours because of captain duties. You fist bumped the anon for the Lionesses, laughing at Leah as she did the most extra high five ever, and then you walked in and then headed towards the dining hall. Twenty minutes later everyone was there including Sarina and the rest of staff. Sarina did a little welcome speech and then it was time for the roommate picking. It worked the same way every time. Sarina would choose one of the girls to come up on a little stage their was at the front of the dining hall and the lioness would pick a name out of a bowl, and that would be their roommate for the whole training camp.
You were sitting at a table with Lotte, Keira, Georgia, Lucy and Leah when Sarina called people’s names. Niahm roomed with Rachel, Millie with Mary ( which would be chaotic, everyone groaned as Millie picked Mary’s name ), Lotte would be rooming with Esme. And then
"Y/n! Come up here." Sarina said. You smiled at her as the group started to clap and cheer as they did for everyone. You bowed jokingly and walked up on stage. "Pick your fate." Sarina said. "Please not Lucy, please not Lucy." You jokingly muttered into the mic, making the room laugh and Lucy raise her arms in defeat. You chose a slip of paper and pulled it out, opening it slowly. "Ha! No way." You said, turning the slip of paper for the group to see. "It’s you and me, Leah."
The group laughed at the luck you guys had. "No funny business eh!" Sarina said, making you blush basically purple. Everyone knew you were dating, but having the coach bring it up made you feel lightheaded with awkwardness. You walked back to the table and high fived Leah. No PDA during training was one of your big rules. Football was your job, and you knew to be professional.
So, you brought your luggage to yours and Leah’s room, room 222, and settled in. "Right or left bed?" You asked Leah who stopped in her tracks. "What?" You asked her, deciding to mess with her a bit. But your smirk at her look of confusion gave you away. Her frown turned into a smile as she jumped on you and pushed you onto the far bed. She laid on top of you, pressing kisses to your face and then to your lips. It got heated quickly and she started to push her hips into you, you weren’t exactly innocent either, moaning at her smallest touches. But then a knock echoed on the door and Leah was suddenly on her feet and getting ready to open the door while you were standing up and pretending to take off your shoes. You nodded towards her and she opened the door to find Lucy, Rachel, Millie and some of the younger girls standing at the door. "What are you all looking at us weird for?" You yelled at them making them chuckle. "Thought you’d be fucking already." Lucy smirked. "Lucy! Children!" You scowled at her as you walked towards the door. "Hey we’re not children." Esme said. "Whatever. We’re going on a team walk. Wanna come?" Millie asked.
You and Leah agreed, Leah made the smart move of grabbing her coat while you just walked out in your england sweats and nike compression shirt. "You won’t be cold?" Leah asked you, slinging her arm around your waist. "Nah. All good." You told her.
You guys went out for your walk, and ten minutes in you were shaking like a leaf. Leah was walking slightly in front of you with Keira and Georgia, they had a lot to catch up on, and you were walking behind them with Jordan. "You cold?" Jordan asked, bumping shoulders with you. "Nah." You lied. "Liar." Jordan spat back. "Just don’t tell Leah or she’ll give me shit about it." You laughed, smiling at the short girl. "That’s why I want to tell her." Jordan said. You laughed and then things went quiet. "I’m happy you’re here, Jords. You deserve this spot." You told her. She smiled at you gently, bumping shoulders with you as a sign of affection. "Leah come get your girl! She’s freezing!" Jordan said before running away. "JORDAN!" You yelled after her as she ran to hide in front of Lotte.
Leah separated from Keira and Georgia and waited for you to catch up. "So. You’re cold?" Leah said. "Barely," you answered. Leah took your hand and instantly felt the shivers going through your body. She stopped in her tracks, you guys were closing the line so there was no blocking of anyone’s path. She slipped off her coat and gave it to you. "I’m wearing a hoodie anyways. I wore the coat more for you that for me." She said. She watched you, almost mesmerized, as you slipped on the coat and looked back at her. "You’re so beautiful. I’m so in love with you. Like… so in love. And I never want to loose you." You told Leah.
She was a bit taken aback by your words, but her face softened quickly. "Where’s this coming from?" she asked, cupping your face with her hands and using her thumb to wipe away a tear you hadn’t noticed was there. "Just form looking at you. From being with you." You told her. "I feel the same. All the time. I just didn’t know if you did. You’re not loosing me, y/n. Ever."
And with those words, she kissed you gently on the lips.
The next morning you were up at 7:30. Breakfast was at 8:00 and then it was photoshoot time in the new England kits. Every player had different time slots. Sarina had made groups of 5 to get their pictures taken at the same time to reduce any chaos. You were in a group with Lucy, Keira, LJ and Chloe for the individual photos. You were sad you weren’t with Leah, her time slot was after yours. But Sarina had asked you, Leah, Lucy, Chloe, Ella, Keira, Georgia, LJ and Hempo to come in after everyone else to take a group picture. You and Leah went downstairs for breakfast and then went back to your rooms to do your hair for the photoshoot, the makeup artist would be doing the rest.
You stood in front of the mirror, looking at yourself. You loved media day, you loved taking pictures, it was just the little comments people would say that made you worry. You hated the things people would say.
"You okay?" Leah said, walking to you and putting her hand on your back. "Yeah. Just not feeling myself today." You told her, looking at her and smiling slightly before walking out of the washroom. "You look amazing. You always do." Leah said to you gently.
You nodded and ignored the look of sadness on Leah’s face at the thought that you weren’t liking yourself today.
Your time slot was right before Leah. You watched the girls in your group take pictures, you cheered them on and then made tik toks with a few of the girls. Finally, it was your turn. You put on the white kit and did a few poses. You juggled, we’re asked to scream like you just scored which was always an awkward one for you. You then repeated everything in the away kit before taking pictures in the shorts and your sports bra. It was easy to say you had muscle to show.
You were the last in your group to go, so while you were taking the last pics in your bra and shorts, Leah came in with her group. She smiled at you, watching you pose. You hadn’t realized she was there. Leah took out her phone and video taped you, laughing at your awkwardness. Eventually, you had the go to put on your shirt again and you took a few pics with both Lauren’s and Lucy.
Finally, media was over. You spotted Leah who had now put on her home kit and smiled at her, but you couldn’t go talk to her because the photographer wanted to show you all some of the pictures.
To your surprise, you really liked them. "You always make me look so good, Mike." You said to him, hugging him quickly as he sat in the chair. "Hey it’s all you." He said.
You watched Leah take her pictures, her group being the last one and then you took the group pictures. It was a long day, and training started tomorrow.
Training was at ten the next morning. Leah woke up giddy and the first thing she did in the morning was lie on top of you and kiss you everywhere. "Mhmmm good morning to you too." You said, wrapping your arms around her body. "It is a good morning. It’s a good day." Leah said. "I wish we could play together all the time… Come to Arsenal! I’ll put in a good word for you. Jonas wants you already." Leah begged.
It was true, Jonas had put in a huge offer and you and Chelsea turned it down immediately. "No way. Never. I’m a blue through and through. Sorry baby." You told her, kissing her lips sweetly.
Before it got too heated, you pushed her off of you. "Come on you’re such a tease. We haven’t had sex in a month." Leah said to you. "And I want too. So badly. Like i’m actually dying internally but our friends are sharing a wall with us. Like Lotte and Esme are right there. Right now." You said, rummaging through your bag for the new training kit. "Let them hear!" Leah said. You gave her a 'really?' look and she laughed. "Okay. Not a good idea."
"No. Not a good idea. You laughed, throwing her her training kit and starting to change." She watched you, smiling, and then put on her own kit. You put your hair in a ponytail and then went down for breakfast. You went around talking to a lot of the girls, got pranked by Millie and Rachel and then you all went outside for training.
Leahs good mood stayed the whole day, she ran onto the field and you kept on making the joke that "your skipper was skipping."
Training was great. Everyone seemed to connect and you felt as though this was a world cup winning team. You put in the work, fighting harder than anyone else, except maybe Jordan. She had a place fo secure for the world cup. During an 11 v 11 scrimmage, you teased Mary with a panenka chip as Millie had taken you down in the box. Leah was on the other team and she shoved you jokingly after you scored that, Mary flipping you off with her keeper gloves was a funny sight. You hugged her after the game was over, your team winning 2-1.
It was then time for lunch, and then another training session followed by ice baths. You had fish, mash potatoes and a salad for lunch, going on your phone briefly to text your club teammates.
The second training session was really focusing on 1 v 1 and 2 v 2’s. Two nets about 15 meters from each other. Four groups. Two groups on each side of the net. One person would go from each side of the pitch, one defending, one attacker, and then when the ball goes out of play, another player from each side came in and it was 2 v 2.
Eventually it was your turn, 1 v 1 vs Niahm. You played with Niahm all the time, you were always with her so you knew how she played, but she did too. You dribbled up to her slowly, faked left and then did a scissor right, making Niahm step to block. After that, it was an easy tap through her legs and a hard shot to the bottom right corner. Niahm fell to the ground in defeat as the girls yelled "MEGGG"
You helped your Chelsea teammate up, laughing, and then it was you and Ella vs Leah and Niahm. Ella took the ball but Niahm stole it, with a quick slide, you got it back and passed it to Lessi, splitting Leah and Niahm completely. Lessi shot it but Mary saved it. "You do that again and i’ll put acrylics on." Leah whispered to you jokingly. You laughed loudly, no one hearing what she had whispered to you.
When training ended, you all headed towards the ice baths. You had a love hate relationship with them.
The whole team poured into the room, ditching shirts and socks and entering the water. You watched G, Keira and Leah enter but you stood at the stairs. "Is it cold?" You asked them, crossing your arms over your chest. "It’s an ice bath baby." Leah said, laughing. You pouted and looked at the water. "Come on y/n. It’s not that bad anymore." Georgia said. You stepped into the bath, your feet numbing. "Jesus." You groaned, going in deeper until the water was at your mid stomach. "Cold, cold, cold, cold." You groaned.
The photographers came and took a picture of all of you and you put on a smile for him before letting it falter. You could only focus on how cold it was.
Leah wrapped her arms around your upper body and you buried your head in her shoulder.
"You guys are gonna make this third wheel?" Keira said. "Nah! Get in here!" You said, opening your arms for Keira and Georgia to join. Maybe that wasn’t the best idea.
Georgia jumped into you at full force, and you were not expecting it. She sent you toppling backwards.
You felt nothing but ice cold water as your whole body got submerged into the bath. You were down there for a couple seconds before your body worked again and you came flying back up, gasping for air and coughing. Everyone was kind of silent, Leah was obviously trying to uphold her girlfriend role but she was the first to burst out laughing. "GEORGIA!" you yelled, shaking violently and pushing your hair out of your face. "I’m sorry! All those muscles I thought you could take it!" She squealed, hiding behind Leah. "Don’t hide behind me! I’m not protecting you from her!" Leah said, moving away. "Aww how sweet! How about you come give me a hug?" You said to your girlfriend, opening your arms to her. "No no no, i’m not getting all wet." Leah said, backing away. You stopped in your tracks, pouting. "Fine then. I’ll go put on acrylics." You said, using her threat from earlier. You turned around and walked out of the bath, laughing to yourself as you heard Keira and Georgia making an "ooooh" noise. Leah knew you were kidding, but she was quick to follow you out of the bath. "Everyone’s here for another 15 or so. Our room?" She whispered to you as you tried your whole body with your towel. "I don’t know. You really left me stranded out there." You told her, putting on an act. Leah looked over at you as she dried her legs. "Can’t leave at the same time. Meet you in three?" You quickly left the area and headed to the third floor. You used your key card to get in and then turned on the shower.
You stripped from your wet clothes and threw them in the hamper, proceeding to putting your hand under the shower to make sure it was warm enough. It was. You stepped in, feeling the relief of the heat on you.
Soon after, you heard the door open.
Leah walked in and heard the sound of the shower. She smiled to herself, shower sex was her favorite, always had been. She ditched her shorts and sports bra and walked into the washroom, looking at you through the clear glass. "You just gonna stand there?" You asked her playfully. "Just let me admire you for a second" Leah said.
You did not.
You walked out of the shower, not caring about the water you were sipping everywhere. You grabbed her by her waist, pulling your naked bodies together. Gently, but sternly, you pushed her into the shower and up against the wall. You took a moment to look at her, trace your fingers on her jawline and then you kissed her, nipping at her lips and using one hand to play with her nipples while the other one cupped her core. You trailed kisses down her body, Leah’s nails holding you tightly to her as she kept a stern grip on your waist. Her legs were shaking and as you kissed down her neck, too her collarbone, and slowly down her stomach, you we’re having to hold her up against the wall. "You ready?" You asked her, looking up at her through the valley of her breast. "Yeah."
You pushed your middle finger into her, using the pad of your thumb to push into her clit. She moaned at your touch as you pumped your finger in and out of her, holding her thighs steady. After her first orgasm, you put your head between her thighs and finished her off. When she came for the second time, you went back up and kissed her gently, grazing your nails down her stomach. "You tired?" you asked her, cupping her face. "Yeah. But you, I can-" she started saying. "No. Not today. You’re tired and so am I. It’s all good."
She kissed you sweetly and you took turns washing your hair and bodies.
The rest of the night was spent with movies and team bonding. It was all good, you were back with Leah, the lionesses were stronger than ever, and it was time to bring the World Cup home.
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absurdthirst · 2 years
Sleep Tight {Joel Miller x F!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4.4k
Warnings: Minors and dirty magazines, only one sleeping bad troupe, masturbation, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, semi public sex, SPOILERS for TLOU Episode 1 x 04
Comments: Fucking Joel in that sleeping bag, that's the summary.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
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Click Keep Reading only if you have read the Rating and Warnings and understand the warnings may not be complete to avoid listing spoilers. As AO3 says 'creator chooses not to use warnings'. You also agree that you're the right age to be consuming anything here.
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“Hey, quit kicking back there.” You huff, rolling your eyes as you look back at the teenager in the back seat. She was a little too excited about her first day in the car and after a few hours, she had wanted to swap seats, coinciding with the first of multiple pitstops. Gas just didn’t go as far as it used to. 
Ellie rolls her eyes and huffs, leaning back in the seat and crossing her arms as she stares out the window. “I have to pee.” She huffs, making Joel groan again and let out a long suffering sigh even though it’s only been four hours.
“There’s a rest stop up ahead.” He grunts after another mile. “We’ll stop there and you can pee while we try to find some more gas.” He looks over at you for a moment, before glancing back at the road. You know he’s irritated by the fact that you aren’t getting farther than you would have back when gas was fresh. It’s taking longer to get to Wyoming than he would like, leaving you exposed out on the road. 
When Joel pulls over into the rest area, he immediately grabs his hose and gets to work siphoning some gas from the abandoned cars. It’s like water now, nowhere near as potent as it used to be, but it gets you somewhere. Ellie disappears and comes back with a joke book. “Volume Too.” She points out and you snort, looking over at Joel who rolls his eyes. Ellie starts to read out a joke and you bite your lip to smother your chuckle. 
“Jesus Christ.” Joel grunts, struggling to stand after kneeling down.
You hum and walk back over to the truck. “Did you pee?” You ask, opening the passenger door to the truck and pushing the seat forward.
“I did, did you?” Ellie asks, smirking slightly in the way that only smart ass teenagers can. 
“I don’t have the bladder of a thirteen year old.” You snort, watching her climb into the back before you slide the seat back and climb inside the cab. Watching as Joel secures the gas can and gets into the driver's seat. “Let me know when you want me to drive.” You offer again, knowing he will turn you down, again.
“I’m fine.” Joel says, getting back into the car. He starts the engine and pulls away from the rest stop. You sigh and look out of the window. 
“Must’ve been some trick.” Ellie says as she looks out of the back window. 
“Yeah they used to stick big ass plows on them and clear the roads for their tanks and such.” Joel explains and Ellie grins, “I wanna see a tank.” 
You look back at her, “you will.” 
Joel nods, “tank, choppers, all that stuff. But they’ll fight the wrong enemy. Just scattered around now.” 
Ellie fumbles, reaching into her backpack and pulls out a tape. “I got something.” She hands it to you and you show it to Joel, “here. This make you all nostalgic?” You ask Joel who snorts, “this is actually before my time.” 
Ellie settles back in her seat, “great.” 
You sigh, “it’s a winner, though.” 
Joel nods and you put the tape into the player. Joel smiles, shaking his head as he drives along to the music. “Oh man.” He sighs and you smile at him. 
Ellie rummages in her backpack again, pulling out a magazine, “got something else”. 
“What is that?” You ask, eyes wide and you nudge Joel and he looks in the rear view. 
“It’s light on the reading but it has some interesting pictures.” 
You watch Joel’s face, “no, no, no, put that back.” Ellie opens another page while Joel says, “that’s not for kids.” 
You try to reach for it but she pulls it back, “how would he even walk around with that thing?” 
You snort, reaching again, “please get rid of it.” Joel begs and Ellie shakes her head, “hold your horses. I wanna see what all the fuss is about.” Ellie looks at you then Joel, knowing exactly what your relationship entails. 
“I’ll take it.” You tease and Joel’s eyes widen, “no you will not.” 
You giggle and Ellie grimaces, “why are all these pages stuck together.” 
Joel’s face is shocked, “uhhhhhh. The—” Ellie whacks his shoulder with the magazine, “I’m just fuckin’ with ya.” She tosses it out of the window with a “bye bye dude.” 
You pout, “I kinda wanted that.” 
Joel rolls his eyes, focusing on the driving. “Ain’t I enough for you, sweetheart?” He teases but his eyes are serious.
“If he’s got one like that, I don’t know how you do it.” Ellie huffs, and you smother your giggle since it looks like Joel is about to have a stroke. 
“I’m going to decline to comment, but yes, you’re enough.” You promise Joel, mollifying him slightly. 
“Okay, we’re done talkin’.” He huffs, looking in the rear view mirror. “Let’s play the quiet game.” 
Ellie wrinkles her nose, obviously not happy with that option but she turns her head to look out at the surrounding landscape. Sighing, you reach over and touch his hand, smiling at him slightly when he looks at you. The thing with Joel was both easy and complicated. Easy because you never defined anything and complicated because you never know where you stand with him. You think that he cares for you, in his own way but it’s not like you’ve had conversations about feelings.
You look out at the scenery, abandoned cars. FedEx trucks in a depo that sit empty, ransacked not long after shit went down. The train hanging off of the bridge. The abandoned tanks. It’s eery and reminds you of the harsh reality of this world. Joel notices how quiet you get, Ellie is napping on the backseat. “You sure you don’t want me to drive?” You check and he shakes his head, “gonna stop soon. It’s getting late and I wanna be parked up before bedtime.”
It’s only about ten more minutes before Joel decides he’s done. “That’s enough for today.” He slows down and pulls off the Highway into a large field. Jolting Ellie awake as the truck bounces through the grass as he heads for the forest on the other side. You know why he is pulling away from the road but you don’t say anything as he starts to drive through the trees, making sure that you are well away from the road before he stops the truck. “Well, I’ll start unloading supplies.” You offer, knowing he probably needs to stretch his legs and take a piss after driving for so long. “Why don’t you walk around?”
Joel nods, knowing he needs to check out the area for any clickers or dangers. “Get the steak out for tonight.” He orders, knowing you’ll need energy for tomorrow. Who knows what tomorrow brings? If there’s one thing Joel lives by, it’s eat the damn steak. He hears you talking to Ellie as he strides through the trees, eventually feeling safe enough to pull his dick out to take a piss. He sighs in relief and leans against the tree, ears open for anything moving around. When he makes his way back, he sees Ellie reading that damn joke book again and you are opening the portable stove. “Everything alright?” He asks you, setting the gun down as he helps you open the ancient can of Chef Boyardee
“Yeah.” You take the can and sniff it, nodding when it smells good. Amazing how it hadn’t gone back, and you don’t want to think about how many preservatives had to be in it for such a thing. “We are having steak with a side of the finest Chef this side of the Mississippi.” You joke as you dump it into a pan and start opening the next one. “Find anything out there?” You lower your voice slightly and glance over at him, not wanting Ellie to overhear and worry. Your job was to help him protect the girl and you were slightly softer than Joel, but both of you didn’t want her to fear for her safety until it was necessary. She’s still just a kid. 
Joel shakes his head, kneeling down beside you to place his hand on your lower back, the only indication that he is emotionally connected to you. He helps, stirring the ravioli and he looks over at Ellie.
You can’t help but lean into the warmth of his hand. It’s been a difficult few days and while Joel isn’t overly affectionate at the best of times, you are enjoying the feeling of his hand on your body. The small steaks are next, another pan ready and you sigh softly. “Just a weekend getaway.” You joke, “camping in the woods. All we need is a cooler full of ice cold beer.” Those things seem like a dream and you know that this isn’t a fun weekend bonfire in the woods. The sun is starting to set and soon you need to get the bedding out of the truck after cleaning up from dinner. 
Joel watches you finish the meal and he sighs, wishing this was a camping trip and nothing more. Yet it isn’t. It’s deadly and dangerous and he wishes he could keep you and Ellie safe but it’s going to be a challenge. When you get the dinner served up, Joel watches Ellie wolf it down and tells her to slow it down. You snort in amusement and Joel rolls his eyes at the teenager.
“What am I even eating?” She asks between bites. 
“That is 20 year old Chef Boyardee ravioli.” He tells her, cutting up his own small steak and you smirk when she shoves another large bite in her mouth. 
“That guy was good.” 
Joel grunts. “I actually agree.” You do too, but hunger has a way of making a lot of things taste good. 
Ellie looks over at you for a moment. “How long are we staying out here?” 
Knowing Joel, it will just be for the night, he doesn’t like to stay in one place for long when he is outside the QZ. “I figure I sleep tonight, and drive tomorrow all day.” He glances over at you. “And let her drive all night and get us to Wyoming by next mornin’.” 
You nod, agreeing with that idea, although if he doesn’t sleep, you’ll drive in the morning and let him crash in the passenger seat. Ellie scoops up some more of her ravioli. “So can we start a fire? I’m freezing.” It is cold out here, but there is no way Joel will allow a fire. 
Joel’s head shoots up from his plate. “Now why I am gonna tell you no?” He demands like he’s talking to his daughter about dating or staying out past curfew. 
Ellie rolls her eyes. “Because the infected will see the smoke.” She huffs, shoving another bite in her mouth. 
“No.” Joel insists. “Fungus isn’t that smart.” 
You nod. “It’s too remote for infected anyway.” You add on, knowing what Joel is worried about. 
That gets Ellie’s attention. “People?” Neither you nor Joel answers but the look he gives her is answer enough. “So what are they going to do? Rob us?” She asks next, full of questions because she’s never experienced the horrors outside FEDRAs control. 
“Oh, they’ll have way more in mind than that.” His look turns dark and you shiver, he would know first hand what some of these people were after and you want to forget what men are capable of. 
Ellie seems to get the message and she swallows slightly. “Okay….” 
Joel knows that it would be devastating for you to end up with others. You’re pretty, gorgeous, and he knows that you would be- well, he will fight to the death to protect you and ensure that that would never happen. You finish your meal in silence, fork scraping the metal and eventually the food is put away and Joel is double checking the perimeter while you gather the sleeping bags. 
“We have a problem.” You tell Joel and he turns to look at you, “what is it?”
You hold up one of the three sleeping bags that had been packed in the back of the truck under a tarp. You hadn’t unrolled it before now. “This sleeping bag is ruined.” You tell him, showing the large urine and rodent droppings, as well as the obvious destruction of the material. 
Ellie unrolls hers and picks it up to sniff it. “Mine actually smells kinda good.” She informs you, making you roll your eyes. 
“Well that would be Frank’s then.” Joel tells her, making her laugh quietly. 
You sigh and drop the ruined bedding to the ground. “What do you want to do?” You ask Joel. 
Joel sighs, annoyed by the fact that there’s one less sleeping bag. “We can share it. You and I. Ellie gets her own.” Joel says and grabs his rifle, ready to ensure that you and Ellie are safe, even if it means not getting any sleep himself. “Are you tired?” He asks Ellie, gesturing for you to get into the sleeping bag.
Ellie smirks at Joel and waggles her brows. “Of course you want me to go to sleep.” She teases, making him roll his eyes and shuffle uncomfortably. 
“Get in the fucking sleeping bag.” He grunts at her and it makes you snicker quietly as you spread out the other sleeping back you will have to share with him. You know he will put you in the innermost part of the bag so he can get out quickly so you don’t hesitate to go ahead and climb in. Ellie pulls out her book and while Joel grunts again as he kneels down next to the sleeping bag, she turns down the lamp that was set between the two bags.
Joel is hesitant to share a sleeping bag with you, knowing that he wants to be able to move at a moment's notice. Also, the ribbing from Ellie has him rolling his eyes. Another part of him wants to hold you tonight.
“Come on.” You order and Joel shifts to get in beside you after checking his rifle. 
Ellie tries to tell Joel a joke, but he already knows the punchline. “Because he was outstanding in his field.” Joel replies, and Ellie claims that he has already read the joke book. You snort and laugh and Joel smiles to himself, but he’s turned away from you so you and Ellie can’t see. 
“Get some sleep.” He says again and turns to pull you into his arms.
It’s a tight fit in the sleeping back with both of you, making you wiggle slightly and push your ass against his groin. Joel grunts in your ear and you hum. “Sorry.” You whisper, aware that he is trying to fall asleep. Of the two of you, he’s the one that barely moves unless prompted at night.
Joel doesn’t respond, trying to close his eyes and not think about how you feel pressed against him. It’s been a while since you slept together. It was before leaving the QZ and Joel wants you to get some sleep. You wiggle against him again, trying to get comfortable and he grunts. “You gotta stay still.” He demands gruffly in your ear.
“Sorry.” You close your eyes and try not to think about the warmth and weight of him behind you. Although you flatten yourself out to give him more room and he follows you, pressed right up against your ass and you feel the bulge of his cock even though he’s not even hard.
His hand comes to your hip, trying to keep you still but his body still reacts to yours. His cock hardens and he closes his eyes, trying to ignore the way his body needs you. You’re so warm against him, he knows how hot you are when he’s inside of you and he curses himself internally for thinking like that. “Get some sleep.” He murmurs, more to himself than to you but his fingers caress your hip, slipping under your shirt to touch your skin.
Biting your lip, you try to not move. It’s hard when you feel his fingers on your skin, hot and rough from the callouses. Instinctively, you rock back just the slightest amount, pressing your ass against his cock more firmly, the handy excuse that you are getting comfortable. It’s been too long since you’ve had him inside you, the fear and sorrow and danger not allowing it. Now, you just want to feel normal for twenty minutes.
Joel can sense what you want. He knows you inside and out by now. It’s too risky though. You’re in the open. The kid is a few feet away. He can’t risk being lost inside of you and not paying attention to what’s around him. “Behave.” He growls into your ear, “or take care of yourself.” He demands, flicking the button of your jeans. You get excited but he pulls his hand away, “I’m not fuckin’ you so you better take care of yourself, baby.”
You pout, sighing in disappointment, but you don’t hesitate to unzip your jeans and slide your hand into your panties. You’d rather have Joel’s cock inside you or his fingers on your clit, but you’re not going to bed. “Probably jerked off in the trees.” You huff quietly, pressing the pad of your index finger against your clit and moaning softly.
Joel doesn’t respond, deciding to just press against you. “You can feel how hard I am. Feel like I jerked off thirty minutes ago?” He scoffs, “I’m too fuckin’ old, baby.” He rolls his eyes and reaches up to squeeze your breast.
Closing your eyes, you push your ass back against him again, grinding slightly. He is getting older but that doesn’t mean he can’t fuck you like he’s still young when he wants to. It just means that his recovery time is longer. You circle your clit and start rubbing it quickly, wanting to cum before you go to sleep. “St-still can get it up.” You murmur quietly. “Still good.”
He chuckles, burying his face in your neck to breathe you in so he can hear your whimpers while you try to keep quiet. He loves it. “Fuck baby. You sound so sweet.” He rasps into your ear, “rubbing that little clit like that. Feel good?”
You know that it’s risky, that Ellie could hear or someone could sneak up but you think that the first option is more likely. Especially as remote as you are. “Y-you’re b-better.” You admit breathlessly, your cunt clenching and your hips rocking slightly to chase the pressure.
He snorts when you say he’s better. His cock is hard and he is desperate to touch himself, touch you, but he can’t risk it. His ears are honed in on the surrounding while you bite your lip to smother your whimpers. “You need fingers inside of you?” Joel asks, knowing he can help you if you need him.
“Fuck yes.” You moan quietly, eyes rolling at the thought of his thick fingers curled up inside you. He always manages to press against your g-spot perfectly. It makes sense due to knowing your body as well as he does. He chuckles quietly against your ear and squeezes your tit once more before he slides his hand across your tummy and into your panties where you are still rubbing your clit.
He presses your hand against your clit, almost unable to move your fingers, and he pushes two of his thick digits inside of you, curling them. “That better?” He whispers, pumping them in and out of you and groaning softly at how wet you are.
His cock would be so much better but you whimper your agreement. Loving how immediate your reaction is to him and the arousal floods his fingers. You push back, wanting his fingers deeper inside you and twist your head so you can kiss under his chin and along his jaw.
“Good girl.” He murmurs, biting down on your earlobe. “Always so good for me.” He grunts, working his fingers inside of you, pressing his palm into your hand to force you to rub your clit a little faster. “I need you to cum for me. Clench around my fingers.”
“Joel.” You whine softly, rolling your hips down against his hand. You want him inside you. You want him to roll you onto your stomach and push your jeans down, pull out his achingly hard cock and fuck you into the hard, forest floor. “Fuck,” you feel your walls start to flutter, body tensing up to cum as he curls his fingers and yours rub your clit.
Joel turns your head to press his lips to yours, wanting you to be quiet, to not wake Ellie. You cry into his mouth, smothered and muted, while your walls clamp down on his fingers, soaking them, and it ignites something inside of him. He pulls his fingers out of you, pushing you onto your back and it’s tight but he manages to push your jeans down to your knees, fumbling with one hand to open his pants and he pulls his hard cock out. “Need you.” He grunts, pushing inside of you while you are still shaking from your orgasm.
Your hands curl into Joel’s shoulders, biting down on your lip to smother your moan at his intrusion. It’s so good, having him fill you up like nothing else can. You can fill him twitch inside you and you whimper. “Fuck me.” You beg quietly, knowing it will be quick and rough.
He groans softly, pressing his lips against yours and sliding his tongue into your mouth so he can start to fuck you. He grinds deep, barely pulling out of you as he rocks his hips. Reassured that you’re beneath him. After losing Tess, losing Bill and Frank. He’s on the edge, desperate, not his usual self. Too many people have died, left him, and he won’t let you join that list.
Ellie snorts, shuffling in her sleeping back and Joel freezes inside you. Both of you listen for any other movement or indication that she’s waking up. The silence ticks by and Joel’s cock is throbbing inside you at the same beat of his heart, making your cunt clench around him. You exhale softly, relaxing when Joel starts to move again. Kissing him desperately in order to recapture the moment.
He is slow, grinding deep, and he allows himself this time to enjoy the fact that you’re here, in his arms, and alive. “Fuck baby.” He grunts into your mouth, loving how wet and hot you are around him. You both listen for Ellie, making sure she doesn’t wake up, and the sleeping bag doesn’t allow for a lot of movement.
It’s easy to forget everything when Joel is deep inside you. The slow grind of his hips keeps his cock buried deep and it’s like he’s making love to you. Whatever is between you isn’t defined and you won’t ask him to put a label on it. You just are, but you love this tempo.
He kisses you, keeping his mouth fused to yours to smother the way you cry out his name. Not wanting to wake the kid or alert anyone to your presence. His hands slide under you, gripping your shoulders to help him thrust a little harder inside of you.
Every gasp is poured into his mouth, urging him on. The thrusts aren’t sharper, but you love that he can push into you with a bit more force, making your walls flutter around him and the roughness of his jeans grinding against your clit. The fact that your jeans are pulled down but still on your legs only allows for you to take his pace, unable to wrap your legs around him and urge him on.
He wants you to cum, needs to feel it, so he pushes deeper inside of you, thrusting a little harder, and he groans your name into your ear, shifting one arm out from under you to cover your mouth with his palm.
Joel being vocal always does it for you. That gravely, raspy voice sounding wrecked makes your cunt lock down around him as your core twists even more until you are gasping his name against his palm. Shaking underneath him as you come apart in perfect, shattering pleasure.
Joel hisses your name, loving how you feel clamping down around his cock, and he hisses your name again, pushing deep a half a dozen times until he’s spilling inside of you. Thanking God for the umpteenth time that he got a vasectomy after Sarah was six and he and his ex had decided against having more kids. “Fuck.” He pants, kissing your forehead then he pulls his palm away from your mouth. 
You hum quietly, aware that this isn’t the safety of your apartment in the Boston QZ. He can’t sleep inside you or just lay here basking in the afterglow for too long. You kiss his lips and along his jaw before he shuffles to the side, both of you trying to put yourself back to rights under the cover of the sleeping bag. “You actually gonna sleep?” You as Joel as you pull your panties and jeans up.
Joel shifts to the side, tucking himself away, and he offers you a look, knowing that you know he won’t sleep. He never does when he’s on the road. “You get some sleep.” He orders, kissing your forehead and he shuffles out of the sleeping bag, grabbing his rifle. He will keep watch tonight over you and Ellie. It’s his job to keep you both safe and he’ll be damned if he fails. He’s lost everyone but he won’t lose you. He will keep you and Ellie safe, even if it’s the last thing he does.
You shuffle slightly, turning so you can see Joel as he stands guard, eyes ever watchful for any approaching danger. You sigh slightly and close your eyes. You’ll let him sleep while you take the first shift driving tomorrow morning. And make some coffee for him to drink. He would like that. For now, you drift off to sleep, feeling protected since you know he is watching.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Hellooo!!! If you're not writing anything else at the moment, I was wondering if you could make a station 19 Natasha Ross x Montgomery! Sister reader!!
Brother’s boss
Summary: It’s not a secret if no one asked about it.
Pairing: Natasha Ross x Montgomery!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 961
a/n: Natasha Ross deserves more recognition!!
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“When do you think you’ll get out of work?” Y/N asks, leaning against her girlfriend’s unofficial work desk. She wasn’t at her own office today, deciding to spend the day at Station 19.
Natasha glances at the clock, them turn to look at her girlfriend with an apologetic look on her face. “Late.” Y/N sigh, throwing her head back. Laye hours weren’t unusual for her, she works at Grey Sloan Memorial after all, but the Firs Chief’s duties seem to be never ending. “I’m really sorry, love.”
“It’s okay. This is your job and your job is important and you’re amazing.”
With a chuckle, Natasha stands up to kiss Y/N. Her hands are wrapped around her lower back, while Y/N’s are on her shoulders. She pushes her against the table. Unfortunately for Y/N, Natasha pulls away before things go any further, which makes her whine.
Giving her one last kiss, Natasha goes back to the desk full of paper work. “Go home, wat something and take a nap. I’ll be there before you know it.”
“Okay.” Y/N agrees, though she doesn’t hide her pout. “Love you, see you later.”
“I love you,” is the last thing Y/N hears before closing the door to the office.
Sighing, she starts descending the stairs, hoping not to run into any of the other firefighters, as none of them are aware of her and Natasha’s relationship. However, luck isn’t on her side today.
“Y/N!” Travis, her brother, runs up to her with Victoria. “What are you doing here?” He looks over the scrubs she’s wearing. “Did something happen?”
“Nothing happened.” She rolls her eyes, stopping in front of the best friends.
“Then why are you here?”
“To see Natasha.”
Travis scrunches his brows while Victoria raises hers. “You were with Chief Ross?” She questions, not understanding why the younger Montgomery would have any business with the fire department’s chief.
“I was.”
“Because we’re in a relationship.”
The lobby turns eerily quiet. Victoria’s eyes are wide as she takes in the sentence. Travis looks like he has frozen on his spot. Neither of them expected to hear that coming out of her mouth. Y/N stares at them expectantly, waiting for either of them to say anything. She doesn’t really care what anyone thinks about her, but this silence was starting to make her uncomfortable.
“You-“ Travis points at her, as if that’d make him articulate better, “you are dating out boss?”
He doesn’t understand how the word comes out of her mouth so easily. Yes. Like it’s the simplest thing in the world. “Why in the world didn’t you think to tell me, that you are dating my boss?” His voice turns high pitched.
“You never asked.”
“I never-!” He takes a moment to compose himself, rubbing his face. He glances at Victoria, who is quietly laughing to herself. “This isn’t funny!”
She raises her hands in mock surrender, but there’s still a grin on her lips. “I’m sorry, but I think this is amazing. Go baby Montgomery.” She high fives her, making Travis groan.
As Victoria clearly doesn’t see the issue with this, Travis decides to handle it himself. Which is why he starts jogging towards Chief Ross’ office. “Travis!” Y/N shouts, running after him. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid and dramatic, or I’ll strangle you!”
But, Travis has already slammed the office door open. He stands in front of Chief Ross, who just stares at him, and opens his mouth only for nothing to come out. He clearly didn’t think this through. That is his boss after all.
By now, Y/N has caught up to him. “I’m sorry, Tasha. He is being stupid.”
“You’re dating my sister.” Is all he manages to get out.
“I am.”
“Chief, with all due respect, I think it is an inappropriate relationship.” Travis states, making Y/N hit his arm.
“Y/N isn’t part of the FD, I’m not her superior.”
“Well, she’s my younger sister.”
“Adult younger sister.” Natasha argues back, way calmer than Y/N would be capable of when it comes to her brother. “This is a consenting relationship between two adults, who are equal. So, what is the problem, Montgomery? Is it because we’re both women?”
Y/N snorts at the question, and Travis starts spluttering. “Of course not!” His hands wave around the room. “I am very proud that my sister is comfortable with her sexuality, but..but this-“ he tries to come up with anything, but he can’t.
“But this is my relationship,” Y/N steps in front of him, “and I love her and that’s the end of it.”
He sighs. It’s his sister’s relationship, he can’t do anything, no matter how uncomfortable it is to know his younger sister is dating his boss. “I know. But if you do anything to hurt her-“
Natasha interrupts him instantly, “you should remember that I am still your superior.”
“Yes, Chief.” He mumbles, gives Y/N a hug, and leaves the office.
Giggling, Y/N closes the door and goes to sit down on the desk. “That was funny, and kind of hot.” She whispers with a glint in her eyes.
Natasha shakes her head with a smile. “Now, don’t do anything or I won’t get any work done.”
“Can I at least stay here? Now that they know.”
“Of course.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s knee, the other hand signing all the needed papers.
They spend the rest of Natasha’s work day together, though mostly in silence, but it’s the good kind of silence. Where Natasha can work in peace and Y/N can admire her while she works, one of her favorite things to do.
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imaginethezeldaverse · 10 months
Hello! I don't know if you write for the more obscure characters in Botw/Totk but I figured I'd ask just in case ☺️ Could you please write something about Tauro, Purah, Sidon and Zelda dating a Sheikah s/o who's chronically ill/disabled? It'd be great if you could make them specifically have weak bones and be really short too, and they're often upset how people keep babying them because they might fracture or break something. But if you want to keep it more open-ended that's fine too!
Thank you so so much, you're probably my favorite Zelda blog on Tumblr! Your writing and ideas are always like *chefs kiss* 😘! Have a good day and drink lots of water!
Whenever people tell me I'm their favorite anything it literally shocks me because there are SO many fantastic zelda fic blogs on here that I feel are vastly superior - but I thank you nonetheless! 🥰
I'll write for pretty much any character - I just keep romance and nsfw content for adults. So I'd be happy to!
Tauro, as well-mannered and good-natured he is, is amongst the mass where he needs to be reminded that while you are disabled, you aren't incapable of doing normal things. He tries his best to remember that, but his rambunctious and steadfast nature leads him to be righteous and helpful, even when it's not needed. Plus given his height, he always just assumes that people tend to need help to reach things in tall places if he's ever around. He does try his best to be sensitive to your needs and wants, however, tapping his hand to his chest when he catches himself doing too much. Instead, he makes an effort to remind himself to wait for you to ask him should you need anything. Very affectionate, otherwise - he enjoys making you smile and wrapping his big ol' bear arms around you (albeit, he's careful not to actually squeeze you too hard because he does NOT know his own strength) and is very attentive on the days that you specifically don't feel well and your body leaves you in a weaker state than normal.
Purah, being the research fanatic and accomplished scientist that she is, is already aware and well read on your illness. That, however, has never stopped her from being absolutely smitten with you. Where she is boisterous and outlandish, there is a careful resilience to you that she keeps close to her heart. She sees your frustration often with the townsfolk who treat you with unnecessary delicacy, and while she understands the "good-intent", she feels as you do: chronic illness should not beget differential treatment. When you express your frustrations, she's an open ear always. Purah is never one to explain why the people of your community act this way that leans in their favor, but rather why their attitudes should not portray you under a fragile light when you are anything but. She empathizes with you greatly, knowing exactly what it's like for your own people to treat you like you're something you're not (her experiences with de-aging left quite the mark), but she assures you that you've always got her on your side.
“I’ve never much like everyone else…and neither have you,” Purah muses, tapping her recorder in her hand. She lifts her glasses, her crimson eyes blazing in your direction with admiration and sincerity, “I guess that makes us a cut above the rest, now doesn’t it?”
Sidon is about as bubbly with you as you can imagine. That sharp smile completely alight when you're with him. His height difference compared to yours doesn't bother him considering he towers greatly over just about everyone he meets, so as long as you don’t care (which he secretly hopes you don’t!) then all is well. When he learns about your chronic illness, he’s at first admittedly worried, but he sees how much you value your independence and doesn’t push you to do less than anything you’re up for. Sidon, having learned his healing capabilities from Mipha, will actually offer to “bathe” with you whenever you’re not feeling especially strong, letting the softness of his magically imbued water immerse your body and take any pain or pressure off of your form for a while and bring you some ease. You don’t take him up on it often, half because you don’t feel it’s always necessary, and half because you don’t want to impose - though of course Sidon would refute you ever being an imposition upon him. He chooses his words very carefully, making sure to give you the impression that he’s willing to do whatever you need should you need something from him, but without overstepping and making you feel incapable.
“You’ll never be without, my darling,” Sidon whispers, taking your hand, those slit-pupiled eyes softening as he brushes back a lock of your silver-white hair, “But I will never claim to know you better than yourself.”
Zelda has always been a ball of curiosity, that’s one of the things you love about her. She has an awfully curious mind, so when you explain to her about your chronic illness for the first time, she of course asks you a lot of questions. You laugh thinking about back then, how she felt terrible for borderline prying into your life though she wanted to know everything about you at that time. You remember assuring her that it was fine, and it made you incredibly grateful that Impa had introduced you before she stepped down - it allowed you two to get close. The times that you’ve gone to town together, Zelda takes notice of how people tend to treat you akin to porcelain: delicate, fragile, some even giving off the impression that you’re a lost cause because of your Sheikah heritage. Combined with your stature (with Zelda herself being on the shorter side of an average Hylian’s height), it’s enough to infuriate you both. You two tend to bounce off of one another: shes sticks up for you when you feel like someone’s unnecessarily babying you, and you put your two cents in whenever someone is overly cautious and hovering due to her status, even after proving herself beyond capable. Ultimately she too understands your plight of people looking at you differently because of who are you or what they know about you. She recants the days when her father treated her as helpless and small, hyper focused on keeping her in line rather than letting her be her own person. She takes your hand, intertwining fingers with yours and lending you a genuine smile.
“But we are not weak. We are not frail or easily broken. I am not defined entirely by my title,” Zelda kisses the top of your hand before gently covering it with her other in an endearing move, “And you are not defined by your illness.”
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Hi there!!!! I'm very glad I found your blog! If you have time, please consider writing a fic where either (you can choose) childe or wriothelsey or itto, visited your serenitea pot, and got gang tickled by your serenitea pot members! I just love your serenitea pot dynamics and it seems like they can work great as a tickle team lol P.S. please no venti because I'm still sad I lost him to tighnari huhu! And if possible no foot tickle? Other than that, Have fun! And have a nice day! Im very happy to encounter your amazing fics!
Surprise Visit - Part 0
Surprise Visit - Part 0 of 3 (This Post), Also on AO3 Taking Down an Oni - Part 1 of 3 Teasing a Childe - Part 2 of 3 Catching Wrio Off-Guard…or Not? - Part 3 of 3
Summary: Aether and his lovers get a surprise visit from Wriothesley, Childe, and Itto and decide what to do together.
A/N: Why not all three? This is part zero of this request. No tickling, but a build up for part one which will be Itto! Sneak peak for part one at the end ;) Anon, I know part zero doesn’t actually complete your request, but the other parts should satisfy you when they come out! As always everyone, enjoy!
Word Count: 784
Aether was chilling with his lovers in the living room of their Serenitea Teapot when his doorbell rang.
“Wonder who that could be,” Aether mumbled, getting up from the large sofa.
“Don’t leave us…”
“Come back…”
“They can come back later.”
Venti, Xiao, Kazuha, Heizou, Wanderer, Lyney, and Gaming all whined when their Aether went to get the door.
“It’s rude of me to not answer the door, loves,” Aether said softly.
They just grumbled in response.
He yawned and went to open the door. His eyes widened when they met a pair of red horns, ginger hair, and handcuffs.
"Oh! It’s you guys! Come in! Nice to see you all!" Aether greeted, motioning to Childe, Itto, and Wriothesley to come inside.
"Hey, compadre!" Itto exclaimed, ruffling his hair.
"Haha, good to see you too." Aether laughed.
"Can we spar?" Childe asked, his fighting spirit shining through his eyes.
"Later," Aether said, playfully punching his arm.
“Cozy,” Wriothesley remarked.
“Oh yeah! It’s your first time here. I should give you a tour sometime!”
They all walked into the living room to see Aether’s living room still lounging around.
“W-Why are you here!?” Both Wanderer and Lyney exclaimed, shooting up at the same time. The former pointing at Childe and the latter pointing at Wriothesley.
Before anyone could say anything, Itto was running towards Xiao with his arms open for a hug.
“Little dude!”
“I-Itto!? N-No! You’re going to cruSH ME!”
As Childe, Wanderer, Lyney, and Wriothesley bickered with one another and Xiao was being hugged to death by Itto, Venti was clutching his belly, laughing and Gaming was asking Kazuha and Heizou if Itto was the Arataki “The One and Oni” Itto that he has heard stories about. Aether just shook his head, chuckling before heading into the kitchen and grabbing food and drinks.
“It just so happens Childe, Itto, and I came at the same time because our schedules were free. Are we not allowed to come?” Wriothesley explained in his calm demeanor.
Everyone had settled down by the time he started talking and when Aether came back with the drinks and food.
“Mhm,” Aether hummed. “Everyone is free to come, but I probably should put up a sign when I’m busy with my loves.”
“Oh! Were you guys doing something naughty~? S-”
Before Itto could say anything else, Xiao jabbed him in the side.
“N-No! We weren’t doing any of that sort when you guys got here!” Aether squeaked. His ears were burning red as were his lovers.
Childe and Wriothesley were looking anywhere but them and Itto rubbed his side.
“Why did you all come then?” Venti coughed, changing the topic.
“I wanted to spar,” Childe said, making Aether and Xiao roll their eyes.
“I wanted to have some tea time with Aether. Clorinde couldn’t have tea with me today and the Fortress was getting boring.” Wriothesley spoke.
“Wait. Then who is watching over the Fortress?” Lyney asked.
“Sigewinne. She is capable. She took you down, remember?”
“You!” Heizou pulled Lyney back before he could launch at Wriothesley.
“Wrio,” Aether warned.
“All jokes,” he chuckled, sipping his tea.
“And Itto?”
“I just wanted to have some fun with my good buddy!” Itto grinned.
“Cool,” Gaming stared in awe, his eyes sparkling at Itto’s infectious carefree attitude.
After hearing their purposes for coming, Kazuha thought long and hard about what they all could do.
“Hmm,” he hummed in thought. “A fun sparring with tea?”
“You are thinking of combining tea with sparring?” Wriothesley asked, incredulously.
“I don't think it's possible with tea. I can only think of combining sparring with fun, but…a little differently,” Kazuha’s face flushed quickly as the thought crossed his mind.
“Well, what is it?” Childe asked impatiently. “I want to spar now.”
“Um, it's…not really sparring,” Kazuha spoke slowly, causing everyone to furrow their eyebrows. “It's…t-”
“T- what?”
“T-Tickling,” Kazuha finally got out.
Once Kazuha said the word, the world seemed to have stopped. All the lovers froze with their eyes widened looking at one another and making eye contact with their guests. Wriothesley continued to sip his tea, Childe had a mischievous grin on his face, and Itto’s expression morphed from thinking to realization, and a joyful glint shined in his eyes.
“That’s a good idea, Kazu-bro!” Itto said, getting up. “You are getting tickled first!”
After Itto spoke, all hell broke loose. Aether and his boys dispersed like leaves in the wind. Itto managed to pick up Kazuha and took him away. Childe ran in the direction of Aether and Wanderer. And Wriothesley? He still sat, sipping his tea calmly, but a sliver of a smirk made its way onto his face.
Sneak Peak for Part One:
“Playing tough guy are we, huh?” Itto teased. “Sorry to burst your bubble, Kazu-bro, but I’m winning this one because I am Arataki ‘Numero Uno’ Itto!”
With that, he drilled right into the center of Kazuha’s hollows, igniting his skin with ticklishness that went straight to his brain.
Kazuha’s eyes shot open and he let out a shriek of laughter.
“IHIHI- AHAHAHAHA! NO NO NOHOHOHOHO! GAHAHAHA! IHIHIHITOHOHOHO!” His legs finally gave out and he slumped against Itto’s chest.
“Now there's your laughter!” Itto teased. “Haha, the One and Oni strikes again! Laugh me your praises!”
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jkfanfr · 4 months
Sarawat and Tine FF- 2gether The Series (BL)
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UGH! I love these two so much!!!!!!!! I don’t care what anyone says, but their chemistry is definitely one of a kind compared to many. Definitely in my top 3 couples. They won my heart when i watched the series and were just the cutest. So i’ve decided to make a FF about them because i’m just obsessed, no literally, i’ve rewatched the series like 3 times already
Disclaimer: I mean no disrespect to actual actors, this is pure fantasy for the series characters 🤍
Have fun reading, and enjoy my lovelies <33
Sarawat- “So when are you coming back from work?”
Sarawat turned around, looking towards Tine with a gentle smile widening on his lips. He curved his palms around Tine’s waist, digging his nose into the crevice of his neck.
Tine- “Get off of me you idiot”
Tine shoved himself off of Sarawat, which of course made him a little disheartened as his smile slouched.
It’s what happens when you delete Tine’s lawful files off of his laptop. He works as an attorney, and keeps his clients information on his laptop. And not surprisingly, with how bad Sarawat is at using technology, he accidentally deleted them when looking for his own files.
Sarawat is a solo artist, working as a musician day in and day out. He was in a group called Ctrl+S a while back, but after a couple of years being together, they disbanded due to them wanting to focus on their own careers and personal lives. They are all still very close as friends even with how busy they are.
With Sarawat and Tine having busy busy jobs, they still own a home together, still cute together, still sleep together, still go on dates together. All in all, they’re still 2gether, since Sarawat first laid his bambi eyes on his chic little bunny, Tine.
And they plan to keep it that way for the rest of their lives, ever since Sarawat found him again after bumping into him at a Scrubb concert. The endless thoughts in his mind of maybe never being able to see the one he admired ever again almost horrified him. But that day wouldn’t of come anyways.
The love he felt in his heart when he found Tine again, oh Sarawat couldn’t help but fall all over him just the same as Tine did for him.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine baby..I said i was sorry about the files..”
Tine- “You’re sorry, but i’ll never be able to get them back. I’m gonna have to re-write all of that all over again y’know?”
Sarawat- “I know..and i feel really bad about it, you know i do..”
Sarawat tugged onto Tine, even if he shoved him off a million times, he’d never let his baby go. Tine looked at him with his dark circles on the prowl after the sleepless nights he’s been having to work with.
Tine- “I’m heading to work, i’ll be back by 9pm”
Tine grabbed his satchel bag, one which carried the paper files which surprisingly didn’t get deleted. He latched onto his keys, which was hung on a rusty key ring. The mirror was the last thing Tine met as he adjusted his hair in the reflection of it so he doesn’t look like a complete mess.
Sarawat shifted towards Tine, as his heart was palpitating against his chest under his old t-shirt which was bound to be years old by now,
Sarawat- “No kiss goodbye baby?”
Tine- “Do you deserve one?”
Sarawat instantly looked down at his feet as he kicked at the carpet on the floor a little. He then looked up with a little pout on his lips
Tine couldn’t help but give into his cuddly boyfriend, as he looked like a sad little dog who wanted some love
Tine- “I’m only joking, you know i’d never deny a kiss from you, come here Wat”
Sarawat’s smile sprouted up again as he quickly went over to Tine. He put his fingers on his soft cheeks before giving him a delicate kiss on his lips. No matter how tired Tine was, he could never decline Sarawat’s sweet kisses.
Tine- “I forgive you alright? I know it was an accident, but please be careful next time okay?”
Sarawat- “Mhm, i will be as careful as possible. Thank you baby..~~”
Tine forgave Sarawat still, even if he would have to go through another sleepless night. He couldn’t go through the day with thinking about how he didn’t forgive him. Tine cared for him deeply especially when it comes to his feelings.
Sarawat let Tine go after a little while before they both said their goodbyes with Tine shutting the door behind him. And with that, Sarawat was all alone. With no work, no Tine, no nothing. Just a boring Wednesday. He figured he’d spend today writing a song for Tine, as his guitar glistened in the corner of his eye. He’s been singing Scrubb songs for years now, and maybe he could finally write his own for his darling boy.
This would also be good for Tine, as he’s been so stressed lately with his job. This could be a good way to break through that hardheadedness since he’s been so reckless with his well-being lately.
Sarawat decided to take that chance and picked up his guitar, his notebook and went on to their balcony. That’s where his brain was the most efficient. In a relaxed breeze over the city, as he sat in his chair, pondering through all of his best love lines for Tine.
Later that day
Tine shoved himself through the front door, shutting it behind him before dropping his bag on the floor. He sighed deeply before leaning against the door. His eyes filled with tears before he broke down on the floor. Tine brought his knees to his head as he sat on the floor, unable to keep himself from sobbing quietly. He didn’t even know why he was crying, it was all such a trouble to his mind as he thought of how weak he was.
Sarawat was sat on his chair, studying his lyrics as he heard the front door open and close. It must be Tine, his baby. He left his chair, as he walked out of their bedroom to see him.
Sarawat- “Hey my love, how was work-..”
Sarawat’s words soon stopped as he realised Tine was on the floor, swept up in his tears. He ducked down immediately, wanting to know why he was crying so hard.
Sarawat- “Oh baby..why are you crying?”
Tine sniffled hard as he looked up at Sarawat with his twinkling eyes filled with salty tears. He still looked so angelic, even in such a state.
Tine- “Wat..”
That’s the only thing Tine said before rushing into Sarawat’s hefty arms, forcing his warm body into a deep hug. Of course, Sarawat gave into that heartbreaking hug Tine was wanting so badly. He could tell Tine was feeling so messy and out of place.
Sarawat- “Shh..baby, relax okay? I’m here, i’m here for you Tine”
Tine- “W-Wat..”
Tine’s voice was so quiet, as he was stuttering, struggling to talk properly. He was really emotional right now, and Sarawat could only feel so sympathetic, wanting to help his love with anything
Tine- “It’s so stressful..it’s so hard..i can’t do anything.”
Sarawat’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, as he looked at Tine’s glistening face which was filled with watery tears. This wasn’t like Tine, he loved his job so much
Sarawat- “What makes you say that honey?”
Tine- “I just k-keep on messing up with files and my boss complained at me so much today. I-It was always little concerns but this time was so serious. H-He said my clients don’t deserve me as an attorney. I feel so stupid a-and idiotic and and-”
Sarawat- “Tine”
Tine was interrupted with Sarawat’s voice, as he looked at his serious sort of expression. Tine bucked down, a bit worried of his sudden attitude.
Sarawat- “Do you really think you’re not a good attorney?”
Tine- “N-No..i don’t think i am”
Sarawat- “And you believe that because your boss said it?”
Tine- “Well yeah, b-because he’s my boss and he has to be honest with his employees”
Sarawat- “Do you love your job?”
Tine- “Yeah..i love being a lawyer..”
Sarawat- “So if you love being a lawyer, why do you care if your boss believes you’re not cut out to be one?”
Tine- “B-Because-”
Sarawat- “Because you don’t believe in yourself.”
Tine looked at Sarawat with a softer expression, his lips quivering at his words. Sarawat’s heart shook harder in his chest as he stared at Tine’s pink and puffy cheeks, his saddened expression.
Sarawat- “Tine baby, you’re amazing at your job. No matter how many mistakes you make, you always find a way around them. It makes me admire you even more as a person and as your boyfriend. Your boss doesn’t realise who he’s treating wrong alright? If you love being an attorney, then you need to focus on your passion than other people’s negative opinions of you.”
Tine’s eyes filled with more tears, as Sarawat’s words tugged onto his heartstrings. Sarawat's smile formed on his soft lips, unable to not smile at his sweet Tine. Hearing words like this made Tine feel more relieved, relieved he has someone on his side. Instead of against him
Tine- “Y-You really think so Wat..?”
Sarawat- “I don’t think so, i know so”
Tine couldn’t help but smile a little, looking like a cute little bunny as his arms wrapped around Sarawat again. He sniffled his sadness away, his love for Sarawat only blooming more and more. He doesn’t even know what he’d do without his beautiful man beside him.
Sarawat- “I love you baby, so so much alright? And i don’t want you to think anything otherwise”
Tine- “Mmh..okay Wat..i-i love you too, really i do”
Sarawat- “I know my love, i know you do..”
Tine- “Im so glad i have you Wat, even when i’m so overworked and tired..there’s not a day that i don’t want you”
Sarawat- “Really?”
Tine- “Of course..”
Sarawat- “So..can i have you right now?”
Tine’s eyes widened in slight shock, as Sarawat had a playful smile on his lips. He knew exactly what he meant. His sly and dirty intentions were obvious. So, he quickly hit Sarawat’s shoulder, a sort of punishment for his words
Tine- “Ai! Wat?!”
Sarawat- “Im joking, i’m joking honey, don’t hurt me..!”
Sarawat’s smirk soon went into a pout, his mischievous expression changed into something more worried. Worried about where Tine would hit him next.
Sarawat- “But if i’m serious with you, no matter how you look or feel, i’ll always love you just the way you are Tine.”
He placed a small kiss on Tine’s temple, as he inhaled his aroma of pure sweet vanilla.
Sarawat- “And to show you how amazing you are, i wrote you a song”
Tine’s eyes widened slightly as he looked at Sarawat. He was slightly shocked he wrote a song for him. Spending all of his time to write a full blown song? Tine couldn’t even comprehend the fact Sarawat would even go all those lengths for him. He felt so appreciated.
Tine- “You wrote a song..? For me?”
Sarawat nodded; a small chuckle escaping his lips as he left a little tickle at Tine’s jaw
Sarawat- “Of course baby, why wouldn’t i? Come, jump on my lap” Tine’s smile sprouted even more, like a daffodil blooming in late spring time. He planted himself into Sarawat’s legs, as he brought a guitar and placed it in front of Tine. Tine’s eyes were glued onto Sarawat’s long fingers tuning the guitar as he couldn’t help but admire his beautiful man.
Sarawat- “You ready honey?”
Tine- “Yeah, of course i am~~”
Tine giggled cutely, as Sarawat cleared his throat. He was a little nervous, but started his pretty lyrics anyways.
(Best Part; Daniel Ceaser, H.E.R)
(Now it’s not Sarawat’s original of course, but just imagine that gorgeous voice in this song 😩)
You don't know, babe When you hold me And kiss me slowly It's the sweetest thing..
Tine’s ears were in another world as he heard Sarawat’s beautiful voice. His heart went rampant, as he couldn’t contain his own small gasp.
And it don't change If I had it my way You would know that you are..
Sarawat’s eyes closed every now and again as he focused on his tone and rhythm of his fingers slowly strumming the guitar. But he couldn’t help himself and stare at Tine’s glittery eyes.
You're the coffee that I need in the morning You're my sunshine in the rain when it's pouring Won't you give yourself to me Give it all, oh..~
I just wanna see.. I just wanna see how beautiful you are You know that I see it I know you're a star Where you go I follow No matter how far If life is a movie Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh..
Tine swore he had tears forming in his eyes, as he couldn’t see Sarawat clearly. The love and passion in his voice, oh he couldn’t help himself
It's the sunrise And those brown eyes, You're the one that I desire When we wake up And then we make love It makes me feel so nice..—
Tine was unable to hold himself back as he shoved his lips straight onto Sarawat’s already parted lips. His eyes widened at Tine’s bold move, as his singing was cut off by his plump and sweet lips attached to his.
Sarawat- “Mmh..babe..what are you doing?”
He asked with a small chuckle, as Tine continued to kiss Sarawat with all of his lips stuck onto his like glue. Tine couldn’t part himself from him anymore
Tine- “Wat, babe, that was so beautiful, your voice, the way you play the guitar, just everything..it just makes me so attracted to you and i can’t help but kiss you right now. I’m sorry i cut you off in between but i couldn’t hold back..You deserve the most loving kiss i can offer..”
Sarawat felt his heart race against his chest, which was tight in his shirt as he watched Tine’s eyes fill with tears. He couldn’t bare to see that as he quickly wiped them away for him. Tine’s words had him on a slight chokehold as he let out a small giggle. His lips curved into his signature smirk.
Sarawat- “Oh Tine..you’re so sweet to me. You give me too much for my heart to handle..”
Tine grabbed the guitar, placing in on the ground beside them both. Confused Sarawat watched his boy get more comfortable on his lap, as his arms were wrapped around his neck.
He soon found it relaxing as the both of them stayed in that same position, feeling each other’s warm bodies pressed against one another.
Sarawat- “I love you baby”
Tine smiled quickly, placing a kiss on his temple
Tine- “Ai love you too Wat”
Sarawat took Tine’s cheeks into his hands, pulling him closer into another one of his signature kisses. They always had Tine hung onto him. The love they both had for each other whirled it’s way through their tongues meeting quickly since the passion rose so incredibly.
Tone moaned breathlessly, it being so melodic in his ears, as his ears felt like they were in heaven. Sarawat brought his arms around Tine’s waist, carrying him towards their bedroom with their lips connected.
Tine already knew where this was going once he was plopped onto the bed, as Sarawat pressed butterfly kisses around his jugular vein. That was a sensitive spot of Tine’s as he shifted a bit on the blankets
Tine- “Wat..baby..please”
Sarawat- “Let me show you how much i love your body..”
Sarawat held Tine’s hands above his head as his lips continued to drag his mouth around his neck. Little love marks were placed around, as Sarawat sucked into his skin. He knew his Tine loved those hickeys around his body.
Sarawat swiftly then undressed Tine, his eyes admiring everything about him. His defined collarbone, those squishable pecs he loves touching, his fresh abs as sweat drips down his tan skin. Those gorgeously long legs of his, curves which fit his fingers perfectly. Everything about him was so perfect
Sarawat- “Oh you’re stunning baby..”
Tine blushed profusely, smiling gently as his boyfriend’s sweet words. Sarawat dipped his head straight on his nipple, tasting the latter on his tongue. His other hand softly squished the other pec, feeling it up how he liked to. Sarawat let his teeth softly sink into his skin, leaving a small love mark before givin the exact same treatment to the left pec.
Tine was groaning through his already parted lips, unable to control my lungs from letting them out. He always secretly loved Sarawat’s touch on his body.
Tine- “Please love..i want it..”
Considering they haven’t made love in a while, Tine was really expecting it. And Sarawat was ready to give it as he stripped himself down. Tine caressed his body lightly, loving the look of his musician.
Tine- “You’re so hot Wat..”
Sarawat let out a small grin and grabbed the Tine by his ass. He squeezed it roughly, pulling them both into a sloppy but meaningful kiss. Tine was in ecstasy already.
Sarawat- “Lay on your stomach then baby..and perk that ass up for me”
Tine giggled cutely before rolling onto his stomach on the mattress. His ass was lifted up a little as Sarawat brought it right to his crotch. Tine was immediately met with his hard and erect length pressing against it, as he let out a groan.
Sarawat- “You feel that? How bad it wants your perfect body?”
Tine’s eyes shut as he nodded slightly, he wanted Sarawat-expo more than ever right now..
Tine- “Oh fuck-please..i beg..i want it..”
Sarawat loved dirty talk, and hearing Tine’s responses made it all the more better. Just hearing how much Tine needs him, not even only in a sexual matter..it’s always so freeing.
Sarawat- “Let me make you a little wet first..”
Tine whimpered lightly at that response, but instantly moaned as he felt Sarawat’s tongue leave a trail of saliva across his ass. He felt his own erection wanting to spill out so badly, he was desperate. He was gonna get wet alright Sarawat let his mouth swerve around, loving how Tine was losing his composure right now
Tine- “No-No more foreplay please Wat..i just want it..”
Sarawat chuckled lightly, ruffling Tine’s hair lightly before shoving his length into his ass. That made Tine half-scream as it was impact he didn’t expect to feel so quick. His boyfriends erection covered with cold lubricant.
He began pounding into his Tine, letting his groans escape from his mouth as the heat was rushing all throughout his body and the room. It was as if nothing could be more pleasuring. And perhaps not too.
Tine- “Oh..oh..mmh..Wat~..please..right there right there for me..”
Sarawat- “Right here baby?”
His tone was deep and lustrous, making Tine growl slightly as his prostate was being satisfied to a whole new level. It was something he’s been craving and his boyfriend was finally giving it too him.
All the stress from his work was being freed by Sarawat, as he let him know how much he enjoyed it.
Tine- “So so good..you’re so good..”
Sarawat continued to thrust into Tine, until he felt a coil up in his stomach, signalling that his climax was approaching
Sarawat- “So hot..and tight..just how you’ve always been. God you’re so sexy..”
Tine loved Sarawat’s praises as his moans exceeded in volume, as he felt his boyfriend’s hands touch up his own erection. That urged him more as his body let out its climax.
Tine groaned breathlessly once more, as he came over the bed, unable to contain himself. Meanwhile, Sarawat was getting round to his finale. Tine- “Babe..it hurts..”
Sarawat- “Hold on baby..i’m nearly there..”
Sarawat continued to pound into Tine, making sure he wasn’t too overstimulated before his let his warmth simmer into Tine. He hummed breathlessly as Sarawat did so before he flopped onto the bed.
Their chests were a bit red as they were breathing fiercely. Sarawat curved into Tine, spooning him from behind. Tine, of course, snuggled into his boyfriend’s warmth.
Sarawat- “Let’s go take a shower my baby”
Tine- “I’m tired..”
Sarawat- “Do you want me to wash you with a towel instead then?”
Tine- “If you don’t mind..”
Sarawat smiled gently, getting out of the bed and putting his boxers on. His feet stepped into the bathroom and came back into the bedroom with a bowl of water in his hand.
He dipped the towel into the water, rubbing it over Tine’s sweaty body. Aftercare was something that Tine took to heart, and it was a very loving gesture from his boyfriend.
Once Sarawat was done washing his Tine off, he settled that stuff all aside before climbing back into bed. Yes he was still sweaty, but at least Tine was all cool and comforted. That’s what mattered to him, his bunny, Tine.
Sarawat- “C’mere baby, let’s sleep okay?”
Tine cuddled into Sarawat’s arms, as he leant onto his chest. His heartbeat was always a healing noise to him, his favourite to sleep too.
Tine- “Thank you Wat..for making me feel better.. for the song..all of this love making..”
Sarawat- “Mmh, don’t you worry my darling, i wanted to do all of that for you..”
Sarawat smiled, his eyes glowing at Tine’s, how dilated his pupils were. He was adorable.
Tine- “I love you baby”
He left a small kiss on Sarawat’s lips before his smile widened. Sarawat- “I love you too my sweet Tine”
Tine- “I love you more my big Wat”
Sarawat- “Yeah, i am pretty big huh?”
His smile curved into a smirk as Tine playfully hit his shoulder out of slight shock
Tine- “No! That’s not what i said”
Sarawat- “So i’m not big? You want more proof?”
Tine- “Saraleo! Fuck off”
He rolled over so his back was facing Sarawat, as Sarawat laughed a bit more loudly at Tine’s reactions.
Sarawat- “Okay okay baby, i was joking, come back to me”
Sarawat shifted back to Tine, rubbing his sides gently as they both snuggled into one another again.
Tine- “Good night sweetheart”
Sarawat- “Sweet dreams angel”
Sarawat left a kiss at his temple before their eyes closed and they fell into dreamland with their hearts intertwined.
I hope you all enjoyed that fanficccc, i apologise for not being active in a while, but it’ll do my best to put out some more work!!
Thank you all for the great amount of support and please do request any suggestions if you want to. You guys know i can do Thai BL couples, or even some anime characters if you please.
See you all later my lovelies <888
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whatisthatmae · 2 years
On Wat you On
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Synopsis: You accuse Eren of cheating on you, and he’s so damn tired of it.
Warnings⚠️ : pet names( ma, mama) , black reader, Fem!reader, Plug! Eren, mentions of sex, cussing, sex in general, unprotected sex (p in v), sort of toxic relationship, tatted Eren, Eren with long hair!!( Yes lordt 🙏🏾)
A/n: this is my first time writing full on smut like this.. enjoy!
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“Why you always telling these people I’m crazy?” Eren just got home from selling some of his drugs to his clients. Lots of people most females be telling you the things that says about you.
“What you mean mama?” He was standing by the door looking confused as if he did nothing wrong.
“Don’t look at me like that Eren. If you gon tell these people our business you should tell them how fucked uo you got me.”
“I got you fucked up?” He chuckled at that.
“Yes bruh, you do. How am I not supposed to be when you over here sleeping with Mariah and Casey? Who else know you be sleeping with behind my back.”
“Who said I was sleeping with anyone else but you?” Now he had an attitude with you.
“You said you were “hanging with Connie and them.” Turns out Connie said you weren’t even at his house today. So I know you were with one of them bitches.”
You had an apparent mug on your face when you look at him. He was slightly laughing at you, like you really were crazy.
“What the fuck is funny?” He looked up at you and he stopped laughing. “Nothing, just laughing at myself.” You still had the mug on your face and you were just blinking at him. “You really should be, dumbass.” You muttered out under your breath.
“What was that?” He looked at you with an angry expression. “Nothin, I aint say anything.” You looked away from him walking into the kitchen getting yourself something to drink to calm your nerves.
“Nah nah, go into the bedroom.” He came up to the island counter and looked at you while you were drinking your water. “Nuh uh, you can’t just put your dick in me every time we have a problem. Now you just doing too much.” “If I’m doing too much, then your not doing enough.”
You stopped drinking your water and looked at him. You tsked at him “That’s a damn lie, you don’t even hug and kiss me no more.”
“okay and I’ve been working on that, every time I try to do something right here you go making another issue.” Now your looking at him like he offended you. He’s trying to make it seem like you’re the problem.
“Oh no sir don’t turn this shit on me. My friends were right when I took your ass back.”
“You aren’t shit. Your only good for dick and nothing else.” You we’re so sick and tired of this shit happening. “Mama look, I’m sorry. I wasn’t cheating on you. Promise. I was just at Levi’s getting some more weed.”
“If you were ‘Just getting some more weed’ then whyd you lie?” Eren sighed before looking at you in your eyes. “Cuase I know how much you don’t want me around him.”
You were shocked that Eren was with Levi. “Boy, bye I’m leaving cause wtf were you doing with him? You coulda gotten weed from anyone else.” You we’re walking towards the door to put your slides on when you felt a tug on your arm.
“Eren, I don’t have time for this. Let me go.” You tugged for your arm back as you tried to put your jacket on. “No, cause now you’ve got me fucked up. Why you still have an attitude ma?”
You tried not to look at him and just huffed in annoyance. “I’m talking to you.” You turned around and looked up at him. “Cause you should’ve lied in the first place. What don’t you get?” You said snapping your fingers in his face.
“Okay first, I apologized. Second lose the attitude before I have to make it go away for you.” You we’re very short tempered, when something you didn’t like happens you get upset so quick.
You smacked your lips “Boy please I ain’t losing nothing.” You said so confidently before he picked you up over his shoulder and carried you to the bed room.
“Daddy m’ sorry!” You cried out as he buried in you for the umpteenth time that night.
“Sorry for what baby? Tell daddy what your sorry for, I might forgive you.” He was going in and out of you so damn slow, you couldn’t take it.
He wouldn’t let you come either it was torture. “M’ sorry for yelling at you! I should’ve trusted you I’m so sorry!” You had a tear stained face with pouty lips. You screamed out when he hit your g spot.
“I don’t forgive you yet mama. Keep begging.” He groaned out when pulling out of you slowly before picking up his pace a little. “You had the nerve to tell me I’m not shit? When all I do is spend my last dime on you, treat you good, I flaunt you around like a damn princess, and I dick you down good?”
“That how I know you’re too spoiled.” He slowed back down and you groaned in annoyance. He’s been edging you this entire time and you were tired of it.
“Please ‘ren let me cum!” You pleaded out with almost everything in you. You were full on sobbing by now from how overwhelmed you were from not cumming. Your hands were scratching at his tattooed back. He looked so sexy with them to you. 
“You can cum now baby, you can cum as much as you want.”
That was 10 minutes ago. Now he’s overstimulating you to the point you might pass out. You’ve been pleading him to slow down and stop. But he’s been acting like he’s deaf all of a sudden and doesn’t wanna hear you.
Now here you are, laying underneath him pleading for him to stop. Your thighs shook as you wanted to cum.
He’s been edging you this entire time and you still haven’t cum as much as he did. “Please ‘ren, let me cum!” You looked back at him and saw his face concentrating.
“I don’t believe you mama, you had the nerve to say I’m not shit? While I spend every dime on you, flaunt you’s round like a damn princess, and dick you down good? Keep begging though.”
You groaned with frustration as he said that, and it was all true. After some time he finally let you cum and after that he just kept going.
Now you’re underneath him on your stomach begging for him to stop and his pace sped up a whole lot more. You buried your face into the pillows of the bed while you were sobbing from pleasure. He hit a certain spot in you that made you scream out and arch your back.
“Keep that arch baby, keep that arch for me.”
He reached his hand down to find your clit, but he couldn’t do that because you grabbed his wrist. “Let my hand go baby. I said, let my hand go.” You cried out more as you finally let his wrist go.
He pulled his hand up and landed a harsh smack on your ass which causes you to yelp. His pace slowed downs little because of your disobedience.
On the bedside table, your phone lit up with a text message. It distracted you a little bit and your moans quieted down. Eren noticed and slowed down and looked at you, then looked ti where you were looking at.
He picked your phone up from the table and looked at the message, it was from your friend Sasha… ‘Hey ____! Come with me and girls for a brunch tomorrow afternoon! I know it’s kinda late but respond as soon as you can!’ is what it read.
Eren handed your phone to you and got his pace back, thrusting into you again as you groaned out from the pleasure building back up. “Respond to her, tell her you’ll be there.” And you nodded.
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© 2023 whatisthatmae - please do not steal my work,upload, nor copy any of it on any other websites.
Likes,comments and reshares are much appreciated!! Thank you for reading! 🤍
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docholligay · 7 months
this was all @thoughtfulfuri's dream i just basically wrote it down. It's not great, but it's somethin, and I'm happy with that!
I don’t like to lie to you. 
It’s not who I am, even to people I don’t like, and you’re one of the people I like very much. I never cultivated a real gift for it, though, like me and most things, I can manage, in a pinch. This is a pinch, if there ever was one. 
“It’ll be fine. ‘Ow long ‘ave you know me? I can survive anything, it’s just that you need to ‘urry, right? Right, that’s all. I’ll be waiting.” 
See, the problem is, you’re a bit of an idealist, when it comes to the subject of me. I suppose I don’t blame you, since mostly it works out. I can survive anything, because I’ve survived everything. So far. I’ve been ripped through time twice, shot, all sorts of things that were meant to kill me, and just didn’t. I lived, anyhow. I do. 
Maybe I still will. Maybe I’m not lying. I don’t want to be lying, I don’t want to die, but I am fully capable of assembling evidence and coming up with a decent idea of the situation. Things have looked bad for me before, but Win, that’s the thing about flipping a coin. Coming up heads doesn’t make heads or tails more likely. It’s just..chance. 
“I can’t leave you, Lena.” 
“Well, you can’t take me neither. They ‘ave me CA. Couldn’t if we wanted to, love, so you just take the escape, and, and then you’ll come back.” 
I didn’t lie, then. I couldn’t leave if I wanted to. This cage is trapping me here, and keeping me alive. What’s that saying, between the devil and deep blue sea? Well, I’ve been to the bottom of the sea more than once, and it’s cold and it’s lonely and I spent the whole time wishing I’d died instead, so I might as well try the devil. 
She will kill me, though. I’m done for. I’ll be lucky if all she does is kill me. Now that you’re gone she’ll be able to convince them it’s all can be done with me. That the risk is too high to keep me alive. She will get permission to dismantle me brick by brick, and I’m trying not to imagine what that’s going to feel like. I can’t imagine it, because I need you to go, and for you to go, I need you to think I’m not afraid. 
“I can wait, I can work into the--”
“No! You can’t, Winston! This is the only chance either of us ‘ave! Please! You will just doom us both.” 
I’m annoyed with you, right? I’m not afraid, just annoyed, because you’ll come back. And you will. I know you will, I’ve never doubted you, same as I knew you’d be looking when Doomfist sent me spiraling. It’s just I’ll be gone by then. The gravestone at East London has been carved for years, but I’ve never laid in it. So that’ll be a new experience. It’ll save you all the trouble of deciding what to do. 
“Are you sure?”
You sounded so strained. The plastic at the wall of my cage is cheap and foggy, and I can just barely see your eyes. You’ve always taken care of me. I hope I’ve done the same. I put my hand up on the plastic of the wall, and gave a big grin. 
“I’ve never been more certain of anything in all me life, Win. Go. Come back, quick as you can. I’m waiting and the food ‘ere is rubbish.” 
“Okay. okay.” 
It was almost a whisper. I looked up at the clock, at the time drawing in when the rescue crew would be in position, and Winston would be safe. I could know I’d done that at least, as well as sit and plan the thousand annoying and nasty things I would say while I was being tortured to death. I hope I die before she comes up with a single good comeback. I hope she gets angry thinking about it in her shower the next day. I hope someone is sitting in the corner writing them down so I can have a big article, maybe even a pamphlet, titled, ‘Lena Oxton Died Very Brave and Also Funny, One Liners on Page Eleven, Nation Mourns Star Pilot’s Sick Burns.’ 
“Win. It’s time.” 
“I love you, Lena. I’m so sorry.” 
I wanted to tell you so many things right then. I wanted to tell you I loved you, and to take care of Em. Let her take care of you. I wanted to tell you to watch after Fareeha, who will take this personally whatever she says, and how all that rage she just tamps down inside her is going to pop, and without me there, I’m afraid no one will be able to help her. To let everyone have fun at Christmas. I don’t want a ruined Christmas, never on my account. Tell the little ones I love them. It was a good life, tell everyone, even if I wanted a bit more time. I always want more, don’t I? Tell Florrie I wasn’t afraid, she’ll worry I was. I hope she hadn’t started on my jumper. 
Tell Emily to find someone else. I’ll be offended if she doesn’t, tell her that, I wanted to say. 
But I couldn’t say any of that. Because then, you wouldn’t leave. I couldn’t say goodbye, because you couldn’t say it. 
“You can thank me by ‘aving some takeaway ready. I could murder an Indian right now.” 
You smiled, a little and I’ll take that as victory. Then you did what I bloody well told you to and scuttled back to where the rescue crew was going to enter. There was a lot of noise, and fire, but the swearing I heard over the crackle of the radio tells me that you made it. I know that you’re safe. A guard has come to make sure I’m still here. I can hear voices in the hallway, and I hear ‘Tracer,’ and the unlocking of the laboratory next door tells me what’s coming next. 
I don’t regret it. My only other choice was to let you die with me, and I would never do that to you. What a payment that would be, for everything you’ve done. I’m not built that way, and so I apologize for the lie. I knew they would never get here in time. I hope Ang lies too, I hope she tells you they killed me quickly. I’ve seen her do it before. Lies can be the greatest kindness some of us ever know. 
I’ll tell you a truth here, though, in my head, where you won’t hear it. 
I am a little afraid.
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bangmechann · 2 years
Kinktober Day 9
Hi guys! I know it has been a while since I last posted, and October is long gone but I really wanted to finish this. I’ve been stressed with work and school and lost interest in writing :( but I am back :) so keep an eye on the rest of these posts! 
9) Seonghwa (Ateez)~ Classmates
Mentions!: Seonghwa x Female Reader, f!ngering, a little bit of hair pulling, spit play, doing the deed! unprotected (don’t try this minors!)
You loved your last class. Not only because Seonghwa was in your class, it was really a fun class. But his beautiful black hair would cover his precious face, and his smile; it would make you get all mushy inside. He was so tall and when he would walk past you, his scent was just immaculate. 
Your teacher was a sweet lady and would let you do anything. You would even stay back to help her with her errands or just hangout in her room. But one day faith wanted to play a little trick on you.
Seonghwa had to make up a test and stayed back as well. 
“Y/N sweetie, I have to go to a faculty meeting. Keep an eye on this little thing for me will ya?” she winked at you.
“Will do Mrs.DelConte!” 
Im fucked-
A few minutes went by and then he broke the silence.
“Hey y/n? Can you help me with this question?”
You looked up from your book and went over.
“I missed part of the story when I went to the bathroom, do you know the answer for this question?”
You hovered over him a bit to look at the question, but by doing so, you got a whiff of his cologne and boy did it do something to you. 
“Umm, it’s... uh C.”
He smiled and continued his test.
“You can sit here I don’t mind.”
“Go get your book and bring it here. I don’t bite.” he winked.
Oh how you wanted to smack him. You brought back the book and sat in the desk next to him. He finished his test in the next 15 minutes and was just sitting there. He nudged your foot with his and you jumped. 
“You’re real quiet aren’t you?”
You smiled and nodded your head.
“But I’ve noticed something strange about you.” He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms around his chest.
“Excuse me?”
He chuckled, “Whenever your around me, you go quiet the most and a bit awkward.”
You looked down. Was he really making fun of you?
“It’s cute, really.”
You looked at him. He pulled your chair closer to him, letting out a gasp. 
“The way you look at me, the wat you get flustered when I talk to you, and when you smell my cologne. I noticed it when you came over to help me.”
His eyes deepen while looking at you. You started back looking into his eyes, and then down to his lips. They were a pretty light pink shade, oh how bad you wanted to kiss them. They pulled into a small smile and he brushed back some hair put of your face. He leaned in slowly, monitoring if you were okay. When he saw that you were, he kissed you. He tasted sweet and you relaxed into the kiss. His tongue slipping in and enter twining with his. He pulled away, leaving a strand of saliva and a small whine came out of you. He laughed and got up to lock the door. 
He came back and motioned for you to get on the desk. When you stood up from the chair, he picked you up and placed you on it. He kissed you all over; lips cheek, jaw, and neck. He pushed your cardigan off of you and made his was down your chest and stopped at your breasts. He looked at you for a sign of confirmation and you nodded your head. He pulled your shirt down slowly and started to place more kisses. Soft moans were coming out of your mouth as he place his mouth on your sensitive bud and started sucking and licking. You pulled his hair slightly and he groaned. You can feel him rubbing against your leg. He pulled away and you looked down to see a small wet stain on his pants. 
He giggled, “Whoops, my bad.”
He placed his hand on your upper thigh.
“Seonghwa, please?” You looked up at at him, your pupils dilated.
A smile pulled at his lips and his hands went to undo the buttons of your pants. You kicked off your shoes and he pulled your underwear and pants off. He undid his pants and pulled himself out of his boxers. He was dripping with pre-cum. 
He stroked himself a couple of times, groaning. 
“Oh baby, you see what you do to me?”
You lay back on the desk spreading yourself open for him to see. His tongue hanged out of his mouth looking at you. You were drenched.
“I only kissed you and this is the result?”. You cackled at his response. His heart filling with happiness at hearing the sound.
He rubbed himself against your opening. He looked down and sent a little bit of spit down, pushing himself in. You both gasp at the feeling. He deepened all the way in and you gasped at the feeling of being so full. 
“Oh god, I feel so full.” You looked down to see him pull out and spit again on you. You moaned at seeing it.
“You like that baby?” 
You nodded, still looking down.
He deepened in you again, this time even more pleasurable. He started moving again and your arousal was poring out. 
“God, so wet.” He moaned out. 
He was hunched over from all of the pleasure and you were squeezing his arms that were locking you in under him. 
“More please.” You looked up at him and he lost it, looking at your fucked out face.
He started pounding into you, letting go of everything. You moaned out loud and got up, holding on to his shoulders. The pleasure was even better in this position now, causing you both to moan out. He angled him self a bit lower, getting your spot with ease. You grabbed on to his hair desperately, trying to chase your high.
“Just like that, just like that Seonghwa! Oh god, please!” You threw your head back, feeling it creep up on you.
“You’re close aren’t you baby?”
“Yes, yes, yes ,yes , yesss!” You started blabbering.
“Cum for me then baby.” His own hips stuttering. 
Your orgasm hitting you hard, you moaned out his name and other strings of curses and nonsense. He kept going, helping you ride out. He whined and shut his eyes tight as he was holding in.
You held his face up, making him look at you. “Cum for me Seonghwa.”
He rolled his eyes back and pounded harder. He pulled out and ended cumming on your thigh. You both breathing hard and catching your breathes. Sweat was running down his face. You looked at him and started cracking up, him following after. He gave you a peck on the head. 
You heard the doorknob turning and you both rush to put your clothes on back and sit back down, Seonghwa was rubbing the seat off of his face and fixing his hair.
Your teacher walked in, seeing you next to him.
“ I hope my two angels weren’t cheating?”
“No Miss, I was just keeping an eye on him.” You smiled.
Seonghwa looked at you and you both exchanged smiles.
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