#don’t tell vi but I like my friend’s version of little sister more
myname-isnia · 1 year
My friend and I had history club today so my friend’s little sister stayed with the after school program until we were done, and before we started my friend was trying to get her to settle down and eat her lunch which eventually evolved into her just saying her name over and over again so she’d look up from the minecraft video she was watching like:
“Kitty. Kit. Katie. Katyusha. Katya”
And Katya kept ignoring her so eventually my friend got annoyed and pulled out the
It worked. In fact so well that even I was ready to go eat those soggy noodles despite my name and patronymic being nothing close to Yekaterina Dmitrievna
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rosy-crow · 5 months
Yeah, after watching the teaser, I’m really starting to think Square is doing the Arcane thing.
I’ve been talking about it with @altocat for a while now, and I feel like it’s starting to get real. So, this is just gonna be my final theory for the story until proven otherwise.
Spoilers for Arcane: League of Legends, but for anyone that doesn’t know, basically Arcane adapted LOL and developed one of their most iconic villains, Jinx, into a very well-written character with a story that showed you exactly who she was and why she eventually lost her mind. Before this show, she was probably about as developed as Seph was in the OG.
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Even though Jinx is more flamboyant and emotionally chaotic, she and Seph are weirdly similar villains from what I’ve seen. Seph reminds me a LOT of Jinx and vice-versa. I’ve even drawn them together and compared their designs—it’s funny how mad villains in video games tend to have key similar design points, even down to hair-styles and clothing, but I’ll save that for another post lol.
Anyway, from the FS teaser it looks like we have a big climax in that ultimately leads to this scene with Seph and Rosen, who have been set up to be mirrors of each other.
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All I know is that the trailer showed Rosen telling Seph to make a choice about which life he wanted to save (Japanese version made this a bit clearer), and the other lives in danger are Team Glenn. Seph is gonna have to choose between them, and….well, since we know Team Glenn lives….uhh…and also….
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Rosen’s dog is trying to alert the others of something. Seph made a choice or did SOMETHING, and I thiiiink it’s gonna result in Rosen’s death. Whether it was intentional or an accident, we don’t know, but it’s clear this is when sane Seph when was still good and caring, even if a little psychologically stunted and conditioned because of Shinra. He’s been consistently this way throughout the First Soldier and doesn’t change until Nibelheim.
But I get the feeling everything went wrong with Rosen. That’s why Glenn is at odds with Seph years later.
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This is also why we’re getting Arcane vibes. If it’s a misunderstanding or rift caused by Seph’s intentions to save his friends…well, that’s very familiar to this notorious Arcane scene:
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Basically, Jinx…or Powder, as she’s known here, makes a drastic decision to save her friends and sister from genuine danger. However, her own talents are her worst enemy, and she causes twice as much destruction as the enemies her friends were struggling with. Almost everyone ends up dead, except for Powder’s sister. It was a horrific mistake and creates a massive rift between Powder and Vi (that’s the sister).
Vi also cements the idea in Powder’s mind that she’s a “jinx” or a curse of sorts. A complex that Powder had already been struggling with, and one she later embraces as her persona.
Glenn and young Sephiroth have been established to have a bit of a brotherly relationship so far, with Glenn being the down-to-earth and honest older source of influence. There was also the whole arc between these two revolving around Glenn initially calling Sephiroth a “cyborg” as an insult to say the kid was modified and different, not a “normal human.” This lowkey came off like a deliberate reference to Sephiroth’s later meltdown over not being human, yeah?
So you guys see what I mean, the themes here are similar to Arcane and Jinx’s psychology. If Seph makes some fatal mistake or a bad choice to save his team, and they walk in on this? Or get the wrong idea? Yeah, it’s gonna turn what was supposed to be an act of heroism into something much worse. It’s also gonna be the perfect reference to Seph’s later big moment in canon…errr, Nibelheim itself, where he just embraces inhumanity and finally goes berserk against everyone’s expectations, traumatizing the main protagonist and his eventual rival in the process.
Again, the theme of “tragic mistake paralleling or foreshadowing a villain’s first deliberate act of cruelty and evil” would be VERY similar to what happens with Jinx in Arcane.
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I’m not saying SE is doing this on purpose, really, but the shared themes of identity collapse and “monsters you created” between Arcane and FF7’s main “mad villains” are interesting. Their stories obviously will play out differently, but it wouldn’t surprise me if The First Soldier ultimately culminates in a life-altering decision that Sephiroth makes, one that does NOT end well and births that conflict between him and Glenn.
That’s my theory for now. These teasers are convincing me more and more. We’ll see.
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justallihere · 5 months
A bit late to this chapter since i've been traveling but it was a TREAT when you dropped it.
Not sure why I found Dain and Cam pummeling each other was attractive to me but I'm rolling with it.
Is there a potential Tessa and Cam pairing I see 👀. I am DYING to know what plans you have for Cam, does he want to be a rider now that he has the freedom??? or is he going to continue assisting in different ways.
After IF, I understood what RY meant that Dain was going to have a redemption arc and I am HERE for your version too (though I was initially hesitant with RY lmao)
As the eldest daughter in an immigrant family, I relate to Mira on a spiritual level, this line 😭. Someone hug Mira PLEASE
I believed in everything they told us. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought I was making a difference. I thought that I could make my brother’s death mean something by protecting our sister, the only person we both ever loved more than each other, but I couldn’t even fucking do that, Brennan. He told us that having a little sister was the most important thing in the world. There wasn’t a better or bigger job than being a big sister and a big brother.
Xaden really told Brennan, fuck around and find out in regards to his wife and how they make her feel.
I love all the hugs and physical touch that is happening between these two. The slow burn was WORTH IT
Tairn being such a girl dad to Violet, I AM SOBBING. He probably felt so much anger when he couldn't do anything for Vi when she was being tortured.
Brennan telling Vi that she has to finish her education is so older sibling coded. He's trying to pull the older brother giving his younger sibling advice card but Vi is like Im the goddamn queen and your superior officer LMAO.
Vi wanting everyone to love Aretia as much as she does was so gut-wrenching and idk why 😭 (and Mira being extremely uncomfortable in Aretia and Vi being sad about that made ME sad)
My only thought for this line was "whipped"
Xaden only shrugged. “Anything for you.”
Hope you got to enjoy your weekend and relax a bit <3 Thank you for gifting us this chapter, it made my week
The Dain & Cam fight almost involved Sloane and Tessa “watching for technique” 💀
“Staring is rude,” Violet noted mildly as she approached.
Sloane’s face lit up, but she said evenly, “We’re not staring.”
“We’re. . . watching for technique,” Tessa added with a smile.
Liam coughed pointedly.
“Technique,” Sloane agreed unconvincingly.
I’m keeping my Cam plans to myself!! My man isn’t done causing problems yet though
Mira deserves THE WORLD. She is just doing her best to be the best big sister. She needs so many hugs
Xaden was like “I don’t care if we’re friends, I don’t care if she’s your sister, she’s my wife, upset her again and you die” and Brennan took that shit seriously
Tairn!! I felt a lil bad leaving Andarna out of that moment but there’s just something about the Violet & Tairn bond that demanded that needed to be only for them
Brennan: “you should—“
Violet: “no”
Violet finally has a home she’s happy and safe and comfortable in when she’s never had that her whole life and she just wants everyone else to feel the same and get to experience it with her 🥺
Xaden is, in fact, whipped
Thank you!! 🩷🩷
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The Critique of Manners Part IV
A Very Amused Review of Emma (1972)
One doesn’t really know where to begin with this one. I’ve watched a few of these 70’s/80’s period drama adaptations, but I’ve never written a review for one. I think the tricky thing is it doesn’t feel fair to judge them against more recent adaptations because the approach and quality are so very different to modern television making.
But people do. I’m sure it’s different for people who grew up watching these, who are just used to them and their objectively terrible, stagey quality and can look past that particular weakness on the sheer power of nostalgia.
So I’m going to try and find a middle-ground here where I ignore the stagey and obviously dated aspects and judge it primarily on its value as an adaptation – is it faithful to the book?
Let’s dive in.
Cast & Characterization
Normally I would start with Emma and Knightley but this time I’m gonna switch it up a bit and do them last because… well we’ll get there in a bit.
Let’s start instead with Mr. Woodhouse. I have to say, I kind of like this take. The 1996-7 and 2009 adaptations all kind of went for the same type of older man: a bit stout, or in Michael Gambon’s case… however you would describe Michael Gambon. With Donald Eccles, however, this version goes for a rather more frail looking Mr. Woodhouse; in fact to compare him to any recent Mr. Woodhouse, I suppose he comes closest to Bill Nighy (although the general characterization is of course very different.)  He’s a ridiculous but lovable soul who seems always, of course, worried about his own health and comfort, but in his own selfish way, concerned for his friends and family as well. My only complaint is that maybe they over-utilized him.
I thought the casting of a plump Mrs. Weston (Ellen Dryden) was an interesting choice, and definitely different from other versions. Her acting was actually really good too.
I wasn’t quite so pleased with the characterization of Mr. Weston, on the other hand. I have huge issues with this script vis-à-vis the men, but Mr. Weston and Knightley in particular. The problem with Mr. Weston is how he’s written as just verging on uncouth at some points. There are way too many rustic contractions here: “Ain’t I looking well too, Miss Emma?!’ “’Ark at that eh? The sly young rogue!” “Oh I think it looks tolerably gay and festive, don’t it?” and then just throwing himself back on the grass and chortling when Emma makes her fateful Box Hill faux pas? Like, what the hell? I’m not saying he shouldn’t use a few casual contractions (“How d’you do?” for example) but he seems almost like a positive country bumpkin and I don’t think it’s appropriate; he doesn’t talk like that in the book and I’m just all-around not here for it.
Constance Chapman, a well-respected character actress of the time was cast as Miss Bates, while Molly Sugden, of Are You Being Served? fame was WASTED in the bit-part of Mrs. Goddard. If you ask me, they should have swapped this casting, since I think Sugden, an outstanding comedienne, could have done so much more with the Miss Bates role than the usual wittery-old-lady style chattering Chapman delivered.
Mr. Elton was played by Timothy Peters (Right) and was, eh, adequate. They did slime him up a bit by having him over-eagerly offer to fix Emma’s bootlace, which she points out isn’t entirely appropriate for a man to do, especially the vicar and it’s pretty funny; but other than that, he has all the appearance of being a pleasant young man, as Mr. Elton should – becoming less pleasant as the story progresses.
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One John Alkin (left) played Mr. Robert Martin, and he, too, was adequate. There’s not much of him and, since Mr. Martin wasn’t one of those characters this version decided to approach more three-dimensionally, there’s not much to say about him. 
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Ahem. Yes, Robert East (BETTER KNOWN AS PRINCE HARRY FROM BLACKADDER) plays a very agreeable (and smarmy, but not too smarmy) Frank. I think honestly this is as good as this part could get in the 70’s, although at 29 he was a little too old for the part.
John and Isabella, in an interesting (?) casting choice, were played by brother and sister duo, Yves and Belinda Tighe. I actually really liked Yves’s John Knightley (he’s actually one of the more handsome John’s, in a 70’s kind of way; for note-taking purposes I have nicknamed him “Not-Harrison-Ford”), but his sister as Isabella seemed kind of old and had just a really annoying voice. Also she doesn’t look at all like Doran Godwin, and Emma and Isabella are supposed to look somewhat alike.
The real casting stand out for me in this version is Fiona Walker as Mrs. Elton, although she too was a little old for her role, I’ve said before that there are no bad Mrs. Eltons (only bad accents) and she just absolutely nailed the insufferable chatter to a definitive standard (until the recent adaptations – 2009 onward).
I did however, get the feeling in this version that they kind of wrote in a through-line where Mrs. Elton is putting the moves on Mr. Knightley (to the point where they actually wrote out Mr. Elton from scenes he should be in) which was one of those unnecessary deviations which made me raise an eyebrow and also was just… weird.
Now my question is – why do all of the young women in this series kind of look like evil dolls?
Debbie Bowen, from a strictly book accuracy perspective is one of the most accurate Harriet Smiths I’ve seen – in fact we don’t get another this accurate (to my way of thinking) until Louise Dylan in 2009, who fits roughly the same model (fair and shapely). Its Bowen’s acting I don’t like, but I know that in the 70’s, this kind of simpering acting for this kind of character was just unavoidable. It was the style at the time, so I’m cutting her a break critically; but the performance just doesn’t cut it for me.
This Jane Fairfax (played by Ania Marson) is not my favorite interpretation of this character. At first I thought she was going to be alright, but in her first scene she bursts out and actually shouts in frustration at her chattering aunt (which she has some basis for, I’ll admit, since Miss Bates, in her muddle-headed way, could very well have unwittingly spilled the beans about Jane and Frank) but this is far more feeling than we should even have a hint of from Jane at this point. The whole reason Emma doesn’t like Jane (other than the fact that Emma is an attention whore and Jane steals her thunder by being so admired and accomplished) is because she’s timid and demure and reserved.
But the biggest problem I have with this Jane is that she can’t even fucking sing. I know they write it away as her having a sore throat (Which I think is a pull from a different part of the book?) but this was just egregiously bad to me. This is the only time in the series they show Jane singing so it’s never actually established that Jane really is more accomplished than Emma (although they don’t show Emma herself singing or even playing at all either.) Could the actresses just not sing well so they decided to write around it? You could have dubbed it; you had that technology in the 70’s!
OK. Now it’s time to talk about Doran Godwin. I’ve never seen her in anything else so I don’t know if it’s just that she can’t act, but I have no idea what she was going for with this portrayal of Emma, and this is something so consistent and unique to her that I, for once, can’t justify blaming it solely on the director because you can’t direct crazy-eyes. They just happen; and they happen A LOT in this series.
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I’ve struggled to find the words to sufficiently describe my feeling about Doran Godwin’s facial expressions and her acting in this adaptation. In my ribbon rating notes I think I describe her as a “witchy automaton”? I stand by it. Every time she talks to someone her eyes go very wide and she sort of looks like she’s trying to hypnotize everyone in Highbury. The effect is just absolutely inhuman. I never thought I’d ever see anyone with more patently crazed Crazy-Eyes than Timothy “Crazy-Eyes” Dalton – but man, Doran “Hypno-Witch” Godwin just stole the prize. Perhaps she escaped from the set of a Doctor Who? telling of the story where Miss Woodhouse has been replaced by an android.
You have scenes such as this in episode 2 , where Harriet is trying to get Emma to acknowledge Mr. Elton calling after them as they walk past the vicarage, and Emma ignores her by mechanically continuing to talk, looking straight ahead with laser focus. Of course, Emma is intentionally ignoring Harriet because she wants Mr. Elton to follow them, but that wasn’t quite apparent to me until the end of her ramble – which I had assumed she was forced to complete due to some directive in her programming. I have more to say on her characterization, but we’ll get to that in a dedicated section of the review.
John Carson might actually be one of the better Knightley’s, but I’m sorry – at 45 he was just too old. This is something you can play around with in other characters (Mr. Weston and Miss Bates after all, have no stated ages in the book) but not only do we know how old Mr. Knightley is in the book, they state in the show that Emma is 21 (Doran Godwin was actually 28) and that Mr. Knightley is sixteen years older than her – 37 or 38 – and John Carson is CLEARLY no 38. This obviously-over-forty appearance does have an effect on how I view his banter with Emma, and it’s more avuncular than the older-brother feel that Mr. Knightley and Emma should have.
Whether by direction or actor’s choice, Carson’s Mr. Knightley speaks in a way that just doesn’t feel period to me. He has a very sort of 20th Century, stock British, hearty-good-fellow manner, that dates this adaptation pretty badly and feels old-fashioned (but not in a Regency/Georgian way) even in the 70’s.
Sets & Surroundings
Normally at this point in the review I would talk about the British manor houses and estates used and how they measure up to the book descriptions but the publicly funded BBC ran on a much tighter budget in the 70’s (apparent in the production values and number of obviously bad takes that they just decided to leave in, in everything they made) and as such they couldn’t afford to film in and rent out large estates quite as much, so this has the trademark 70’s/80’s BBC sound-stage quality of all of their other productions of the period. That said, this production actually has some of the better sets I’ve seen and that’s saying something, for being made in the 70’s. The walls didn’t actually shake when doors were closed, and it didn’t feel as stagey as some other Austen serials of the time. (This doesn’t improve the very “on-cue” acting in the series, but I have to give credit where it’s due.) I believe they may used a real manor house for the exterior of Hartfield (and not a landscape pastel) and maybe some of the interiors too? I can’t say for sure, and I would love to tell you what house and where it is but I can’t find any credits on it. I’ll just say that I think it’s very suitable and leave it at that.
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Much like today, the BBC almost exclusively used, re-used and rented costumes for their period productions. Almost every costume in this series was also used in the 70’s and 80’s BBC productions of Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, and Pride and Prejudice (P&P being the overwhelming common denominator – almost every one of Emma’s evening dresses and pelisses was seen, primarily on Caroline Bingley.) Some of the shawls have been picked out in BBC Austens as recently as 2008.
For being made in the 70’s the costumes in this production are really kind of nice. They don’t date themselves too badly. The ones that do feel 70’s retro, in fact, were mostly styles borrowed from period accurate fashions that just happened to coincide with contemporary 70’s tastes, and which aren’t often used in Regency costumes today because, well they don’t coincide with our modern tastes. For the most part, they look well-made (although some of them do have that stiff, dingy polyester look to them and there are definitely some plastic pearls here and there).
I’m quite pleased with the silhouettes which don’t suffer from Square Bust/Boob Droop syndrome the way the 1980 P&P does. All of the assets seem to be lifted and shifted in the right places.
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I like Emma’s blue day dress the best of all her day-wear looks. It’s a rich color and has pleated cups (Also on her white day dress) which is a style I really love.
Emma wears the gauzy… let’s be kind and say ivory instead of “Yellowish” ruff during the day A LOT (Emma Pic 2). It’s a popular look on Jane Fairfax too (Jane Pic 2) and I just… I don’t like it. Not that it’s not period appropriate (because it unfortunately is) it just makes them look like Dr. Seuss characters to me, especially worn with short sleeves which is something these dramas do a lot and I hate it. It just makes the person in question look very awkwardly disproportionate to me, especially because. if they had long sleeves to go with it (which would be more correct from a historical authenticity standpoint) it would even it out so much better. Compare Jane and Emma to see what I mean. The single layer ruffle (Emma Pic 1) is much more agreeable to me. (I wanna point out that Jane wears the same green dress without any partlet or undersleeves for strawberry picking at Donwell, which is blatant Eveningwear-For-Daywear™ and looked really out of place since everyone else was wearing day-appropriate attire).
Emma’s wider, cuffed, long sleeves and Mrs. Elton’s puffy segmented Renaissance sleeves are exactly what I mean about period accurate styles that suit the 70’s in a way that they just don’t jive today. Even Harriet gets some.
Mrs. Elton Orange ™ is another crayon color Crayola should consider I think.
Harriet gets stuck with a lot of brown outer wear but her day clothes are otherwise pretty nice. I especially like the ivory and blue number (Bottom right) and her white day dress with blue accents (Top right) which I think is the nicest thing she wears in this whole series. 
Evening Wear
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Emma’s evening wear confines itself pretty exclusively to cool purples and blues except for her white ball gown. I find this interesting because other versions tend to dress Emma in warmer colors and pinks (As I’m very partial to purples and blues, I love all of them). I can’t say it’s inconsistent with Emma’s cold characterization in this version. Mrs. Weston’s evening gowns are uniformly amazing. I especially love her blue party dress, which is my favorite in the series.
Both of Harriet’s party dresses are characteristically pretty and girlish. The pink is a bit fussy for me but I love the blue one (which has a lot more detail but I couldn’t get a full length shot of it.)
I’m pleased that Jane is given a bit of a break from the Jane Fairfax Blue ™ trope with her evening wear. She has one light blue evening gown and gets a few green numbers, most notable being her mint ball gown. Her beige party dress is absolutely tragic though.
Mrs. Elton’s evening color seems to be chartreuse (Which I think was also the case in the ITV version? ITV fans back me up.) Her black overlay/spiky number is iconic of the Austen Bad Girl, but her ball gown is a bit disappointing in its simplicity to me.
I would love to have seen a full length shot of Isabella’s black and purple number because I have a suspicion THAT would have been my favorite but I just can’t make out enough detail on it.
Zig-zag patterns on the skirt are a huge theme in this version, which is so of the period. Mrs. Cole (shout out to another future Are You Being Served? familiar, Hilda Fenemore) looks straight out of a fashion plate in her dark green party dress, which has (drumroll please…) a padded hem! 
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This version has SO MANY PELISSES AND REDINGOTES. Are they all nice? No. No they are not; I particularly hate Emma’s fugly salmon number that she wears for Strawberry picking/Box Hill. Mostly because she looks SO over-dressed compared to everyone else who’s wearing loose fitting light clothes (except Jane, who’s wearing an evening dress). Just looking at her makes me hot. I’m also NOT a huge fan of her pink winter cloak. The one trimmed with… faux ermine? One can only assume. It looks awfully tacky.
That russet pelisse tho! This is one of my all-time favorites. It’s SO. PRETTY and so detailed (See this number on Jane in P&P ’80). I think her gray fur-trimmed pelisse is pretty fabulous too, but I do not like the hat she wears with it. The brim is kind of a funky shape to me.
I know I’ve criticized brown before, but I do like it in moderation and this version is astonishingly brown-free for being made in the 70’s, so I really like her red/brown velvet spencer, especially with the cream dress and gloves, and her hat has some amazing decoration.
Jane and Mrs. Weston are the only other characters who get pelisses/redingotes. I’m not a fan of Mrs. Weston’s fuchsia number, and while I like Jane’s, it does put itself solidly in the Jane Fairfax Blue™ category.  
Harriet gets pretty much only one form of outer-wear, her brown school cloak (a different brown school cloak from the one in the ‘97 version, in case you were wondering) and while it’s pretty dull, it’s hardly unexpected. Here it is paired with her rather ugly blue bonnet, with yellow ribbon. The bonnet features heavily in this episode.
To be honest for the most part I totally forgot about the… 
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because a lot of it is very standard. No dandy standouts here, but overall it’s pretty okay and I’m really pleased to say that there are no bib-cravats. That’s not usually so much a problem in Regency Era stuff (Since ruffles were going out at around this time), but you can really distinctly see that the ruffles (where ruffles there are – usually on older men which is good) are part of the shirt and distinctly separate from the cravat. Also there are LOTS of high collars and they’re not comically high to the point where they get wrinkled, like they were in Emma. (2020), so points for that also. These are the screencaps I gathered going back over it for posterity.
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Mr. Knightley doesn’t really get a lot of cool outfits. His best is his purple velvet evening jacket which somehow manages to not look ostentatious (but is his only dress jacket), and his gold-topped Prussian boots (which you should just be able to see bottom right.) The worst though… I’m sorry, (looks up costumer’s name) Joan Ellacott – do you really expect me to feel the weight of Emma’s cock-ups when Mr. Knightley is rebuking her in such a cartoonishly proportioned top hat? It’s like being scolded by the Mad Hatter. All of the men’s hats are pretty flared in this series too, and I’m not totally sure but, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that flared top hats are not right for this period?
I think Mr. Weston only has one day outfit (which, in keeping with his characterization is pretty farmer-chic) and one evening outfit. Frank’s dark green day-jacket is a pretty standard look on him and I don’t think we get a fresh look until his fabulous blue jacket/yellow waistcoat combo that he wears for Strawberry Picking/Box Hill. I believe his evening jacket is also dark green but it was tough to tell. Again I think he has only one set of evening-wear. I would expect Frank to have more, since he’s such a dandy.
Mr. John Knightley doesn’t have much to write home about in terms of evening kit, but DAYUM, his blue traveling coat is DOOOOOPE. 
Let’s Talk Script
This adaptation was directed by John Glenister and Dramatized by Denis Constanduros.
Now I’ve seen a lot of positive reviews for this on IMDB calling it the… let’s see here… “The best Emma I’ve ever seen” and “The most true to the novel”… *Takes off spectacles and sighs heavily* I’m afraid I have to disagree. Several people also really love Doran Godwin’s Emma (We’ve already gone over why I don’t, and I have also seen reviews that name her and her lack of charisma as the main sticking point preventing them from really enjoying it, so I’m not alone). I’ve also heard it described as “sensitively handled” “Intimate” and “The most faithful to the spirit of Austen” and so forth, and again maybe it’s that prejudice against the stagey production and… no there’s definitely some other reason I have a problem with this version.
Let me make this clear – I don’t totally hate it, and I’m not here to shame the people who really love this version. Once again – if this version gives you what you want from the story I think that’s great for you. I, myself, like it pretty well and I think it’s one of the better early BBC Austen serials. It’s certainly not boring; but I do want to go over some of the changes that were made and choices in the script.
Some of them aren’t really that egregious, but they’re annoying in that I think they didn’t need to be made and don’t really add anything. Characters being added to scenes where they didn’t need to be and written out of scenes where their presence was missed. Like writing Mr. Elton out of Box Hill (And really the whole second half of the series, to facilitate Mrs. Elton flirting with Knightley), and adding Miss Bates into the after-dinner scene, I think at the Randalls Christmas party? I’m sure this was done for expediency but you have six episodes. It’s not as though you’re strapped for time.
Particularly praised, as far as I’ve seen, is the scene at Christmas when Knightley and Emma make up after their argument over Harriet. It takes place in the nursery, which I suppose isn’t an unreasonable place for Emma to be fawning over her niece (in the dramatization she seems to have been feeding the baby, where in the book she is playing with her). The book doesn’t specify where the scene takes place, although I assumed it to be a downstairs room, and I’m not sure that it’s entirely appropriate for Emma and a man (even one connected to her family through marriage) to be alone in an upstairs room together with the door closed and no more chaperone than a baby. But in spite of this, perhaps inappropriate, level of privacy, the scene feels less intimate to me than the book, where in the course of the conversation, where Mr. Knightley takes the baby from Emma “in the manner of perfect amity” and holds her himself and it is very adorable and sweet. In the dramatization, Knightley sort of just stands next to Emma’s chair and leans down a bit. After this conversation in the book, John comes into the room to talk to George, while in the show Emma puts the baby in the cradle and they leave the room to go downstairs.
But there are more outstanding changes that just feel wrong to me. When confronting Emma about her meddling in Harriet’s response to Mr. Martin’s proposal, Constanduros changes “What is the foolish girl about?” to “What is the stupid girl about?” it’s not that big a change, but it makes Mr. Knightley sound unnecessarily mean.
I’ve already mentioned the, er, additions regarding Mr. Weston’s dialogue and Mrs. Elton, and Jane shouting at Miss Bates; but by far the biggest, worst additions were made with Emma. The worst, I think, is the handling of this scene in Episode 4 when Harriet is feeling heartsick following Mr. Elton’s marriage.
And for those of you who don’t wanna follow the link, here’s a transcription:
Emma: Now Harriet! Your allowing yourself to become so upset over Mr. Elton’s marriage is the strongest possible reproach you could make to me!
Harriet: Miss Woodhouse –
Emma: Yes it is! You could not more constantly remind me of the mistake I made, which is most hurtful!
Harriet: Oh Miss Woodhouse, it was not intended to be!
Emma: I have not said “think and talk less of Mr. Elton” for my sake, Harriet, because it is for yours I wish it. My being hurt is a very… secondary consideration, but please, please Harriet, do learn to exert a little more self-discipline in this matter.
Harriet: {Looks down} Yes, Miss Woodhouse.
Emma: We are all creatures of feeling; we all suffer disappointments, it is how we learn to suffer them that forms our character. If you continue in this way, Harriet, I shall think you wanting in true friendship for me!  
Harriet: Oh, Miss Woodhouse! You, who are the best friend I’ve ever had? Oh what a horrid, horrid wretch I’ve been!”
Emma: Oh now Harriet – (She’s gonna console her now, right?)
Harriet: Oh yes, I have, I have!
Emma: Harriet, control yourself! (ha ha bitch, u thought) Now, you will tie your bonnet, and you are coming with me to call on Mr. And Mrs. Elton at the Vicarage…
Harriet: Oh, Miss Woodhouse –
Emma: Yes you are! And I’m sure you will find it far less distressing than you think.
Harriet: Oh, Miss Woodhouse, must I?
Emma: Yes, Harriet; but you may borrow my lace ruff if you wish.
Harriet: Oh may I, Miss Woodhouse? Oh, thank you!
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(Look how evil she looks! She looks like she’s planning on baking Harriet into a pie!)
While this scene is in the book and much of the dialogue is also from the book, it’s the lines that were added that stick out to me. Emma does tell Harriet that her allowing herself to become upset over the Eltons is a reproach on Emma more than anything else and reminds her miserably of the “Mistake [Emma] fell into” but from this point, the script takes a left turn from the firm but kind appeal to Harriet to move on for both her happiness and Emma’s own comfort, to a far more manipulative strain.
Even after Harriet apologizes, she goes from simply appealing to Harriet to let herself move on, to basically telling her that she’s a bad friend. She treats Harriet like she’s unreasonable for feeling this way, where in the book Emma is very understanding and feels that “she could not do too much for her; that Harriet had every right to all her ingenuity and patience…” and only after Harriet goes all afternoon with Emma soothing her and no improvement in her spirits does Emma take any kind of reproachful tack whatsoever.
    In this scene, Emma says that her own happiness is a secondary consideration (this is stressed much more in the book) but from the way she says it, it seems more like she just wants Harriet to shut up about it rather than actually meaning it. (This is a very prominent example of Emma’s not seeming to really like Harriet at all in this version, only tolerating her presence.)
AND THEN she does something which Emma in the book most certainly did NOT do and forces Harriet to come with her to visit the Eltons, as if to put her on the spot and test how good a little friend she will be. I can’t express how disgusted I am by the changes and interpretation here. This is the culmination of the general through-line of Emma’s manipulative characterization being taken to an extreme. She looms over Harriet sounding, by turns, like a school marm and a saccharine nanny. She’s like a (very) low budget version of Tilda Swinton as the White Witch in The Chronicles of Narnia. 
My question about all of these changes is simply: Why? They don’t improve the story or the characters. They’re not big, but a lot of them just strike me as weird and unnecessary, but I guess there’s no accounting for artistic license.  
Final Thoughts
So is it a faithful adaptation? I often find this a more complex question to answer for myself than one would think, since inflection and line delivery and even, at some points, intention behind what the characters say tends to be up to the interpretation of the person reading the book.
Is the dialogue faithful? Other than the many changes I’ve mentioned (and the numerous cuts and edits I didn’t – and besides no screenplay can be 100% faithful), for the most part yes.
Are the characters accurate to description / faithful in their portrayal – again this tends to be subjective and opinions vary. In my opinion, Emma is not. I’ve mentioned that Knightley is too old, and Emma not only seems more intentionally manipulative than I believe she’s meant to be, and also just does not seem 21. She acts and looks like a much older woman, especially when preaching at Harriet) but she’s also very gawky, and Emma is supposed to look very healthy and glowing.
So my book accuracy rating meets in the middle at a 4.5. It’s NOT the most faithful adaptation I’ve seen, nor is it the most fun or the most intimate, but it’s not totally a travesty either and there are good things in it, even with a robot witch playing the main lead.
Ribbon Rating: Tolerable (43 Ribbons )
Tone: 4
Casting: 5 (Witchy automaton Doran Goodwin plays opposite avuncular good-fellow John Carson. Fiona Walker stands out as Mrs. Elton.)
Acting: 5 (Doran Goodwin is by turns crazed and mechanical with some momentary touches of what might be actual emotion. Raymond Adamson way over-acts Mr. Weston as a hobbeldy-hoi, verging on uncouth.)
Scripting: 4
Pacing: 4
Cinematography: 4 (A bump up from the usual 1 or 2 for TV dramas of the time. Surprisingly less stagey than expected.)
Sets and Settings: 5
Costumes: 7 (Very clearly of the 70’s but drawing on perfectly accurate styles that jived well with contemporary taste)
Music: 1 (Plinky, poorly played piano music. Only used for intro and outro I think? Jane Fairfax can neither play nor sing.)
Book Accuracy: 5 (They changed a lot of small details. Lines are changed unnecessarily (Calling Harriet “Stupid” rather than “Foolish” – Why?) Mrs. Elton seems to have a thing for Knightley? People present when they shouldn’t be, others absent when they should be present, again without any apparent reason.)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Naive Melody - c. 4 - JJ Maybank
Request: no, just another blurb about these three.
A/N: Title based on the song This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) by Talking Heads. The version I linked to is a cover by Imaginary Future. 
Creedence Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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Bea shrieked like a teenager meeting their celebrity crush as JJ walked through the back gate with Pope, both boys looking every bit like they had forgotten what they were supposed to be doing until the last minute. 
Bea’s request had been simple, a garden party for her birthday with everyone in dress up. You had even donned a white summer dress for the occasion though it looked like your boyfriend of a year and a half hadn’t bothered to put on a clean shirt. Regardless, Bea didn’t seem to care and in all honesty neither did you.  
“JJ!” Bea came tumbling out of the bouncy castle that your brother-in-law had rented and ran for JJ, squealing as he picked her up at the last second and threw her in the air before catching her. In another year the now six year old would be too big for the move but for now she was still small enough for JJ to scare the life out of your sister.  
“JJ! You could break her skull! Is that what you want!” Your sister’s voice cut across the backyard full of people and he fought to hold back a smile at her agitation. While she couldn’t definitively list one thing she disliked about him she still enjoyed giving him a hard time whenever he came around.  
“No Dos, I don’t wanna break her skull.” He laughed, setting Bea back on the ground. “We’ll have fun later, don’t worry.” He promised, kissing her cheek.  
“Pinky promise.” He agreed.  
While he pinky promised Bea more time you gave Pope a hug. “I didn’t know you were home already, how’s school?” Your boyfriend had failed to mention exactly when your friend was supposed to arrive home from Duke, only that it was ‘sometime in the summer’. You knew you could’ve gone right to the source but every time you talked to Pope you always forgot.  
“I just got home this morning, I thought you knew, JJ picked me up…in your car.”  
“I told you I had to be at the ferry this morning.” JJ replied, throwing an arm over your shoulders and pulling you into his side. He kissed you cheek and you smiled at the affectionate gesture. You weren’t much for kissing in public, or around your family, but Bea had caught the two of you on occasion when you were sitting her.  
“I just thought you were picking up your other girlfriend.” You teased. Your shriek matched Bea’s when JJ wrapped his arms around your waist and practically lifted you off the ground, blowing a raspberry against your neck. “Get off, get off!”
“I know this is a kids party but you two are practically adults, I think you’re being a little immature. Maybe try to reign it in. Or save it for when you’re home?” Your sister suggested as she came over to where the three of you were.  
JJ pulled away from you, trying to look apologetic but failing, “sorry Dos.”  
“I swear to god it’s like having three kids.” She shook her head in disdain at you and JJ before giving Pope a hug, “please tell me you aren’t staying with these two while you’re here. You’d have better luck staying at the motel.”  
“Hey! No one’s ever found roaches in our apartment.” JJ replied defensively though he knew your sister was only joking.  
The small studio apartment that the two of you had rented out was part of an old plantation home that had been divided up in the 60’s when the landowner wanted to make more money off renters. There was a pool There was a pool in the backyard and the three other couples that lived in the house with you. A lesbian couple split the first floor with an old man and his wife, the middle was taken by a family of four, and the apartment across from yours was a middle-aged couple with no kids. It was a nice enough place and your sister had gifted the two of you some furniture that she didn’t want anymore.  
It had been a spur of the moment decision on both of your parts to move in together. JJ was tired of couch surfing and your sister’s standing rule of him not being allowed to stay over was doubly enforced once the two of you started dating. It took a year of saving and looking around and finishing out high school before the two of you moved but it was worth it in the end.  
“My mom is pretty set on me being home for the summer.” Pope replied.  
“JJ!” Bea shouted across the small backyard, waving him over, a rather perplexed look on her face. She was standing around with a small group of friends who had come for the party and the bouncy castle and the cake. Their parents had been left to mingle with your brother-in-law while your sister stuck to you and Pope. It had been harder than either of you expected when you moved out and whenever you were around your sister seemed to stick close, as if you’d up and disappear at any moment.  
“What up Beatrice?” JJ asked, coming over to sit with her and her friends.  
She wrinkled her nose the same way you did whenever something bothered her, frowning at JJ for the use of her first name. It had been fine when she was four but now she was six and all her friends had names like Emma and Ashley and Anna and she had Beatrice.  
“Why wasn’t I your flower girl?”
“What?” He looked back across the yard at you for a second but you were paying attention to Pope and Dos, completely unaware and out of earshot of the odd question your niece had asked.  
“When you got married, why wasn’t I your flower girl?” Bea repeated, looking truly perplexed. “Ashley said that when you get married you get a flower girl…why wasn’t I it?”
“Cause I’m not married?” JJ replied.  
“But you live together.”  
“Yeah…sometimes people live together before they get married.” JJ explained, trying not to get himself into trouble. “But when we do get married I’ll let you know.”  
“When will that be?”
“Hopefully sooner than later.” He glanced back over at you and the telepathic wavelength he’d been trying to accomplish earlier seemed to work because you smiled at him and then made your way over. Something he didn’t think too much about because he was busy admiring the dress you were wearing, one that, coincidentally enough happened to be white. When you reached him, sitting on a picnic bench with his back against the table, you sat on his lap, hooking an arm around his shoulders to support yourself.  
“What kind of gossip is happening over here?” You asked and suddenly it all clicked but JJ was too late because Bea had already opened her mouth.
“JJ said when you get married I’m gonna be flower girl.”  
“JJ said so?” You asked, looking at your boyfriend suspiciously. It sounded much more like something that Bea would say though the thought did have you in giddy knots thinking about marrying him.  
“I may have been cornered on the decision.” JJ explained, looking back to Bea and smiling, “if you’re the flower girl how are you gonna be my best man?”  
“Whoa, hey, wait a second.” You laughed, “why do you get Bea? What if I wanted her?”  
“No way…Bea’s my best friend.”  
“She’s my niece!”  
“Guys, guys,” Bea put a hand on your knee and a hand on JJ’s to get your attention, “I’m a flexible person!”  
JJ burst out laughing at her as one of her friends vied for her attention, pulling her back toward the bounce castle. You leaned your forehead against his collar, eyes shut and unable to stop the smile on your face. “So when is this wedding?” You teased, pulling away to look at him.  
“Don’t rush me.”  
“Oh I’m not, but I think my niece might be.”  
taglist:  @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes@millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles  @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox@belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla@vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh@gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot@stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla@bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie@mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes@wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn@pcterparxer @literarycharleton @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @collectiveuniverses@activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom@talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @jolomez @timotaychalabae
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rrickgrrimes8 · 4 years
Normality is Death
Chapter Twelve ~ TS-19
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The next morning, Rick woke up, his eyes catching the bright lights of the room, which immediately blinded him. As he tried to hide away from them with a blanket, he soon realised that his head was banging profusely, which just added to his problems. Bravely, Rick lifted his head out of the blanket attempting to power through the pain, only to see the emptiness of the room. Right away he felt a surge of panic force through him but settled realise that they were, in fact, safe and protected by the C.D.C. Rick sat up grabbing the clothes he'd left lying around, still somewhat fearful that he wasn't with his family. 
Jacey watched from the table they had all sat on the night before as her father shyly walked into the busy room. 
"Hello," he addressed them all, really feeling the effects of his hangover. 
"Morning," Dale cheerily greeted making some of the adults groan. 
Jacey laughed at them before returning her gaze to her father, "Morning dad." 
"Morning, princess," He gladly returned, scruffling her hair and taking the seat next to her. 
"Are you hungover? Mom said you would be," Carl giggled. 
Rick sighed, taking a sip of water, "Mom is right." 
"Mom has that annoying habit," Lori stated as a matter of fact. 
Rick looked down at the table to the bottle of aspirin, only slightly paying attention to Glenn and T-dog's conversation, "Where'd these come from?" 
"Jenner," Lori answered. 
"Could you help me, please?" Rick sweetly requested from his wife after attempting to open it a few times. Lori did as he asked, opening the bottle easily, surprising Rick, which caused Jacey and Carl to laugh. 
"Your back still hurting?" Rick said to his daughter, which she nodded to, remembering how the pain had surfaced this morning more brutal than the day earlier. 
"What's wrong with your back, Jace?" Lori looked to her daughter, who just shrugged, not wanting to get into it. 
Rick took another pill out of the bottle for Jacey, passing it over to her, swallowing it immediately, "Thanks, dad." 
Soon after Shane walked in, much like Rick just had, grabbing the coffee pot and a cup, "Hey." 
"Hey, you feel as bad as I do?" the officer queried. 
"Worse," Shane now sat at the table, next to Jacey, which was another empty space. Lori visually tensed at his presence which no one seemed to notice except Jacey. 
T-dog walked past the group dishing out the eggs to different people and instantly noticed the scratches Lori left that littered Shane's face and neck. "What the hell happened to you? To your neck?" T-dog exclaimed. 
Shane did his best to make a puzzled face and looked around, "must've done it in my sleep." 
"Never seen you do that before," Rick appended, still unaware of the situation between his best friend and his wife. 
"Me neither," he started before bitterly looking at Lori, "Not like me at all." 
Jacey watched as her mother's attention shot down to the food, ignoring Shane. She wondered what he could've done to make her mother so uncomfortable but reminisced on how Lori had said that Shane had upset her the night before. 
Jacey had also yet to say anything about what had happened the night before in the bathroom. She didn't exactly know what they could do to help if she was honest. It wasn't like therapy was an option anymore, and besides being honest about her hallucinations would just add to the stress of the group. How would she even say it? She felt as if she couldn't just tell the whole group that she saw her dead friend last night and watched as he reenacted his final moments. It would sound crazy - well, it is crazy, she told herself. 
When Jacey looked up from her plate, she realised the extra presence in the room of their new acquaintance, Doctor Jenner. He walked in, wearing the same clothes he did the day before smiling softly. Shane and the man exchanged pleasantries as he sat down with the rest of us, tucking into the eggs that T-dog made. 
"Doctor, I don't mean to slam you with questions first thing-," Dale began before Jenner cut him off, "But you will anyway." 
"We didn't come here for the eggs," Andrea deadpanned. 
Leading us all over to the main room, Jenner looked at us all and said to VI, "Give me a playback of TS-19." VI did as he asked, projecting a mess of data or rather that's what Jacey saw it as. Seconds later, the image on the screen changed to one of a brain accompanied with an abundance of information and a large timer filling the bottom of the screen, "Few people ever got a chance to see this, very few." 
Staying close to his sister and parents, Carl asked, "Is that a brain?" 
"A very extraordinary one," Jenner spoke softly to the young child, "Not that it matters in the end. Take us in for E.I.V."  
"Enhanced internal view," VI repeated, processing the request. The display shifted into a view from the side, everyone watched mesmerised. The computer zoomed in further pinpointing a part of the screen that held a large state of colour. "What are those lights?" Shane asked the man as the picture became more detailed. 
"That's a person's life," Jenner stated, Daryl looking around the group confused on what the hell was going on, "Experiences, memories, it's everything. Somewhere in all that wiring, all those ripples of light is you- the thing that makes you unique, what makes you human." 
"You don't make sense ever?" Daryl leaned back on the desk behind him, annoyed. 
"Those are synapses," Jenner told him, "Electric impulses in the brain that carry all messages. They determine everything a person says, does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death." 
"Death? That's what this is, a vigil?" Rick called out. 
"Yes. Or rather the playback of a vigil," Jenner put, dejectedly. 
Andrea walked forward, closer to where Jenner and Rick stood, "This person died? Who?" 
"Test subject 19. Someone who was bitten and infected... and volunteered to have us record the process," the doctor said, before speaking to VI once more, "VI, scan forward to the first event." VI did this, causing the brain to zoom back out the colour that once graced the image gradually was overtaken by blackness. 
"What is that?" Glenn blurted the surprise and curiosity getting the better of him. 
"It invades the brain like meningitis. The adrenal glands hemorrhage, the brain goes into shut down. Then the major organs... Then death. Everything you ever were and ever will be gone." Jacey's eyes stayed glued to the screen, to the person that was tested on. What happened to them, whoever they were, was the same thing that happened to Addie, to Mitchell and to that kind old man. It threw her into a state of morbidity. They died in so much pain indirectly because of her. They had their body shut down, their brain too all because of her. Tears began to fall freely, which came as second nature to Jacey now as she didn't even bother to wipe them. Jacey continued to watch the screen ignoring the chatter amongst the group, some regarding her, which she was happy to shut out. 
"The resurrection times vary wildly. We had reports of it happening in as little as three minutes," Jenner continued, looking at Jacey for a moment and then back to the screen, "The longest we heard of was eight hours. In the case of this patient, it was two hours, one minute... seven seconds." 
I wonder how long it was for Addie she darkly thought. 
Suddenly, the majority of the display began to change darkness branching off further, but a red streak down the base of the brain spawned. 
"It restarts the brain?" Lori inquired. 
"No, just the brain stem. Basically gets them up and moving." Jacey watched the back and forth between her father and the doctor discussing what happens to the person, "Dark, lifeless, dead. The frontal lobe, the neocortex, the human part - that doesn't come back. The you part. Just a shell driven by mindless instinct." 
"That's the part of me that you killed," A voice said to her from her right. Jacey jumped at the sudden voice, the voice of yet another deceased. She closed her eyes, not daring to look at her. 
"Go away," she whispered, trying to not draw attention to herself. 
"It's funny, that's what I said, what I screamed when you got me killed. All I wanted was them to go away! For them to leave! All I wanted was to live, but you took that from me," Jacey brought her hands over her ears, "Why didn't you save me Jacey? Why weren't you there? I needed you, and you left me. You left me alone to die. Just like you did with Mitchell." 
Attempting to distract herself from the booming voice, Jacey turned to the group to listen in to their conversation or even to see if they could hear her too, but Addie's voice stopped her. 
"Leave me alone, please," she whimpered softly. 
"God, you're so selfish, Jacey. How didn't I notice that when I was alive? First, you leave me for your family. Second, you get me killed. Third, you then kill me once more. And now when I'm here, alive, wanting to talk to you once more, you want me gone! You begged me to come back, remember? I don't want to be here. I don't want to be anywhere near you. I'm only here for you!"  
"Stop ignoring me!" Addie violently slammed her hand on the desk closest to Jacey. Yet still not drawing the attention of the others. Now the girl finally looked at Addie, but it wasn't her Addie, it was the dead, monstrous version of her. The version Jacey had killed. The walker jumped to Jacey, ready to take a chunk out of her neck. 
Gasping, Jacey pushed herself away from her, subsequently knocking into Daryl as she did. 
"Watch it," he spat in his gruff voice. 
"W-what? Y-you didn't see that?" Daryl looked at the girl confused, seeing nothing around that would warrant that sort of reaction. 
"What do you mean, kid? What should I have seen?" Jacey shook her head, moving away from Daryl still panicked, "You okay?" 
"M' fine. Jus' fine," She assured him, still out fo breath but glad to see no trace of Addie around. 
"Dr, Jenner," Dale started, really taking Jacey out of her hallucination and back to reality, "I know this has been taxing for you and I hate to ask one more question, but that clock... it's counting down. What happens at zero?" 
"The basement generators. They run out of fuel," Jenner told him. 
"And then?" Her father asked, who thankfully had not seen what had just happened. Jenner ignores him and walks out of the main room, unable to meet any of their eyes. "VI, what happens when the power runs out?" Rick called to the machine. 
"When the power runs out, facility-wide decontamination will occur," VI responded. Promptly following VI's reply many of the group, including her father, ran out. 
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Imprisoned - Chapter III
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Chapter III
Story Rating: 14+ Warnings: Language, Murder, Mentions of Murder Summary: Y/N is Andy and Laurie Barber’s 14-year-old daughter who is a high-grade student in Archer Middle School. Her best friend, Alice Miller had been gone for a while. They search for the lost student and find out that Alice Miller’s body has the prints of Andy and Laurie Barber’s daughter, Y/N.
Chapter I  Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII
Author’s Note: I just read that District Attorneys have to be fluent with Spanish and English. So Andy should know Spanish. 
Don’t you just love being Andy Barbers daughter? That’s Daddy’s girl there.
Also, I still haven’t found a way to watch the show. So if my story is inaccurate with the story line for the show, I didn’t want to copy the whole story. This is not Jacob. This is you! I do have the book, I could probably read up on that instead.
Love you!
Songs I listened throughout the whole writing: Night Trouble - Petite Biscuit Where’s My Love (Alternate Version) by Syml
Those song just gave me some tears during this writing. You don’t have to listen to them.
The family had driven to the Diner not too far from their home. Andy needed this family to go out, he didn’t want to speak about Alice and the police work. Laurie could tell on his face. That determined but something that was bad news look, Laurie knew she needed to wait for the right moment to ask. 
Now was not a good time when they’re together as a family.
Everything came flooding through his head. Those 7 years of Alice and Y/N running around, laughing and playing. Those 7 years of them getting skid marks on their knees when they played outside. That laughter that just never seem to go away.
The Polaroid photos hanging in Y/N’s room with the added firefly-like lights that shined in her room. He wanted to see her at her prom with Alice by her side. All those small get together’s at the school to see them laughing. All to see that crumble at his daughter’s feet.
Having her walk into class with an empty seat beside her. 
He needed to get that out of his mind. But seeing his daughter’s smile was something that made Alice pop into his head. Her happiness was not just created by him and Laurie. It was Alice who was there making it her day.
He looks up to see the sign with the word Diner on it as he pulls into the parking lot.
Y/N looked out the window and Andy turns the car off. Y/N was the first to get out of the car and closed her door. Laurie looks at Andy, “What’s wrong?” She asked. Andy turns his head towards her, he just stared at her before speaking. “Nothing.”
That word nothing meant something to Laurie. She wanted to speak again till someone knocks on his window. “Come on!” Y/N says, Andy and Laurie step out of the car and they walk into the diner.
The soft music playing in the back.
Those ceiling lights hitting the booths along the window side. Y/N looks around as Andy and Laurie grabs themselves a table with menus on it. The couple sit down with the girl in one of the booths.
Even though this town had over 80,000 people, this diner was very empty. Y/N was going over the menu with a small smile. Andy had to think of something to say that’s not about Alice. He had to go with her school. Or something.
“So how far was your spring break?” He asked. Y/N looks up from her menu and places it down on the table. “It was good.”
Shit. During break one person had been gone for a week. That’s probably going to her head now. School can’t be an option as well. Y/N does everything with Alice.
“What were you thinking about getting?” He asked. Y/N looks down at her menu, “I think just the burger and fries.” Andy nods, “Good choice. Might do that as well,” He grins at her making her smile.
“With a shake.”
Andy tilts his head, “A shake?” Y/N nods, Andy smiles, “I don’t think I’ll finish that shake.”
Y/N leans back, “Then I can take it.” Andy laughs while Laurie smiles. The three began to chat throughout the whole dinner. The night growing dark and cold, the family had laughter throughout their meals.
Y/N had spoken about her past games where she scored and how the other team would be after she did. Andy just loved hearing about her game stories. Their season was closely coming to an end but he would have to see her one day at her games.
He did see her in her jersey all around the house. He would go out in the backyard to see her kicking the soccer under and over her feet while their dog Milo would blow his paw towards it and ruin her momentum.
Just how it would be to just stay with her.
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Andy glances up at her as he chews on his food with a grin. The way she smiled as she told a story about what she did just after school to go to the playground. Take the trail back home with friends.
Yes. This is what this family just needed.
A small family that just needed to be out together to talk about what the others had missed when they’re not there. The fun and hilarious things that happened outside of their home. Andy enjoyed ever second of it. He could never ask for a better family.
As if the day never happened to him, the family went back home after a good time. Y/N opened the door to their house and chased Milo into her room. “It’s a school night, Y/N. Don’t forget to brush your teeth,” Laurie calls.
“Okay!” Y/N calls back, Laurie sees Andy go into the bedroom, his phone buzzed in his hand and he pulls it out to see Detective Duffy.
He picks it up and turns to the bedroom door to see Laurie stand there. “Detective Duffy,” He says, Laurie takes the look of his face and closes the door.
“Yes,” He says. There was a short pause but Laurie could hear the chatter on the other side. “Okay. Thank you.” He drops his phone from his ear and placed it on his nightstand. Laurie crossed her arms, “What’s going on?” She asked.
Andy sighs. Right. Alice was dead.
Andy turns to Laurie, the look of pure bad news. “We found Alice.” Laurie didn’t need more information once she lifts her hand up to her mouth. “I’m taking the case for her murder.”
He could see the shaking in his wife’s hand, he took the time to walk up to her and pulled her into his chest. 
“How are we gonna tell her?” Laurie asks. Andy stared into the hallway to see the stickers on their daughter’s door. “I don’t know.”
Andy’s POV
I had to break it to our daughter soon enough. Eric had a reception for Alice’s passing. Laurie and I spoken last night in bed on how we could tell her without bursting out on us. So, we simply told her about Alice and that they’ve found her.
We did give her a small hug. The day we had to get ready, Y/N was in dark clothes while I got into a suit. Then we headed to the Miller’s household.The Miller’s family were rich. They didn’t dress like they were the richest people in the town. They were just a simple happy family. 
Their house was big. I believe their backyard was the same width and length of the house. 
Y/N invited Milo to this reception. Eric was the one who actually gave her the dog long before they moved here. Eric and I weren’t exactly as friends, people say that because our daughter’s just knew each other.
He barely knew Y/N and so was I with Alice. Weird connection between our families but Laurie knew we had to be at the reception.
There were tables set outside in the yard. The day was gloomy. I didn’t want to be here. Not because I didn’t like Alice. The kid was murdered. I saw her body. The smell she given off by the pond. The blood.
I saw our daughter outside with Milo after I told her to keep him out there in case he did something bad inside. She was kept away from the food. Milo somehow had a tie on. Found that deep in the closet. It was actually mine.
I hear Laurie come in. Her hair was thrown in a messy bun. She was talking towards one of the women in the other room before she joined me in the kitchen. She sees me with my arms crossed.
“Can we go?” I asked.
“Andy. You were saying that since we were coming.” Thinking. Not saying. I look out the sliding door window and saw Y/N who was petting Milo with that mournful look. I look back down at Laurie, she sighed, “I knew we should’ve gotten here in separate cars,” She says.
Laurie knew I wasn’t the chitchat guy in things like this.
I couldn’t start a conversation without them saying, did I know Alice. I simply say no and they just go on and on about the girl. Alice was a gentle person. Sure, we’ve spoken, said hi and talked about their practice but I never knew her like that.
But Y/N did.
I didn’t realize Laurie was patting my chest to break my thoughts. “You can go, I can get a ride from Toby. Take Y/N with you.”
“You sure?” I asked, Laurie nods. “I’ll be okay. Y/N was talking about some computer work so you take her and you do some of your work. I’ll be home soon. Your coat is in one of the rooms upstairs.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I headed up towards the stairs to the gloomy hall.
I see myself meet the long corridor. I open one of the doors to see what was Alice’s little sister’s room. There were a few coats on the bed but none looked like mine.
I then look into the next room to see my coat on the chair. Once I stepped in I noticed Eric was sitting on his bed staring at the dresser in front of him.
“Hey, Andy,” Eric says, I gently grin at him. “I’m sorry I bothered you, I was gonna grab my coat. Y/N isn’t feeling well. I didn’t want to intrude you-” I began to slip on my coat.
“No, please, Andy. Sit. I wanted to talk to you.” I couldn’t just take my coat and leave. I sigh softly with a grin and sat down in the chair while Eric stared at the photos on his dresser. “People who have these sorts of traumatic events, did you ever see them after?”
“Did you see the ones who moved on?”
“How about the ones who didn’t? That didn’t move on from their family members death?”
“Well, what we could all use is someone who you can talk to. Someone with a similar experience. It helps because they’ve been through it as well. I don’t help those people with things like that, I only take the cases. But I’m not really special to,” I said.
Eric never moves his gaze away from the photos. “Your daughter, Y/N. You and Laurie must be very proud.” I smile at him and nod, “We are.”
“There’s nothing you wouldn’t do for her. Nothing in the world, right?” He finally looks over to me. All I could do now was nod. “Of course.”
“How far are you willing to?” 
“As much as I can.”
WOW! This is amazing in my opinion!
@jtargaryen18​ @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​ @chrisevans-imagines​ @princess-evans-addict​ @elliee1497​ @ifuseekamyevans​ @navispalace​ @axen-gers​
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Discord pt 58
[Date: 08/03, 3:20 AM - 08/03, 4:06 AM GMT]
[Direct continuation of Discord pt 57]
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fetch: “Not trying to be antagonizing, I’m genuinely curious.”
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Viscount: “No no, it's alright. Crown has made me happy in many ways, he's given me a family again! A place to call home! He's brought my sister and I back together which is more than I could have even asked for honestly :)”
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fetch: “That is great, but...”
Viscount: “But...?”
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fetch: “Have... have you ever considered that Crown might have been the reason Countess left in the first place?”
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Viscount: “I don't particularly like what you may be implying there, Fetch.”
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fetch: “Look, I'm just laying out all the possible chances here. Nobody remembers how they met Crown, and you don't remember why she left. I can't help but draw a couple conclusions. I’m sorry if I'm overstepping. I've just been. Thinking a lot.”
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Viscount: “I remember how I met Crown, Countess came home and said she had a friend to introduce me to. I remember this quite clearly.”
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fetch: “Yeah, but did she ever tell you where she went? Or how she got there? Do you remember anything from before Crown? Anything else from Countess coming back?”
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Chat: “...”
Chat: “I wish Knight were here. He wouldn't stand for any of what you're saying, Fetch.”
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Viscount: “I..”
Viscount: “Of course I do”
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Viscount: “I remember the ice cream shop. I remember the library and studying codes. I remember before Crown.”
fetch: “Again, I’m sorry if I’m overstepping. I just. Have all these pieces in front of me and I’m trying to put them together.”
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fetch: “I don’t remember a goddamn thing during my time as Knight. And it really got me thinking, Vis.”
Viscount: “...What are you implying, Fetch?”
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fetch: “Who were you before you became Viscount? What don’t you remember? If you were able to become that other person again, would you want to? Would you remember anything about the Court?”
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fetch: “Do... do you even remember who you used to be?”
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page: “Your time as Knight? What do you mean, you're not Knight, silly!”
Viscount: “...”
Viscount: “Who I used to be?”
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Chat: “"Thinking", you say. Like you've been thinking about anything other than how to torment us for no reason. Don't listen to any of this, Viscount. It's just stupid and cruel.”
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fetch: “To a degree, Page, yes I am. Granted, we are vastly different- if anything I see him as a younger version of me. But. Come on, Page. Don't you think it’s a little strange how Knight is always gone when I'm around? And I’m always gone when Knight is around?”
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fetch: “You said it yourself, "Can you imagine a child named Countess?" I can't imagine a child named Viscount.”
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page: “But...Crown always said that Knight just needed time to himself whenever he left and you were hurt before”
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Viscount: “...”
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Chat: “Vis, don't listen to this. They're not trying to help us.”
fetch: “Just a little food for thought. Isn't it strange how the most important memories are the ones you forget?”
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Grimm (They/Them): “Fetch,, kinda has a point. No matter how you look at it. Lest you look at it in blindness”
Chat: “No, I really don't think so :) But you're welcome to be wrong :) Though it doesn't mean I won't say so :)”
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Viscount: “...Fetch”
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fetch: “Yes?”
page: “But if you and Knight are the same person...How does that explain the times you've went missing how does the even work--”
Viscount: “Do you.... really remember nothing from when you were Knight?”
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fetch: “Not a damn thing. Everything I know about him is from what other people have told me. Reading those Tumblr posts he made... its like someone else logged into my account when I wasn't looking.”
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page: “Vis how have you just accepted this? I mean aren't you confused too?”
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Viscount: “...So you don't remember the sleepover? The movie nights? Prince's cooking fiasco?”
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Viscount: “...Page, I'm sorry, I've known the whole time”
fetch: “No, I don’t.”
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fetch: “Those are Knight's memories. Not mine”
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Viscount: “...I see”
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fetch: “You understand why I've been thinking now, don't you?”
Viscount: “I believe I do, yes”
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page: “What...you've known this whole time!? Why haven't you said something? We're a family we're not supposed to keep secrets from each other! Are there any other secrets I should know about!?”
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samgtt700 · 4 years
Happily Ever After...
This is an alternate ending to my series.
Total angst warning. I wrote this a while ago but only now decided to post it.
Annabelle Parsons x MC
“Are you Annabelle?” The doctor asked. Annabelle nodding. “She’s asking for you. Insists upon it.”
Annabelle followed the nursemaid inside, hearing the doctor explain Maria’s condition to Mr Chambers, how unlikely she was to make it. Seeing Maria laying in bed. Blood covering the sheets, her skin pale. Her eyes not the bright light she was use to broke her heart, knowing their was nothing she could do within her power to save her wife. After all they went through, to lose her now.
“The baby?” Annabelle asked the nursemaid.
“A healthy baby girl.” She beamed.
“Let Annabelle hold... our girl.”
Annabelle saw the little girl wrapped up. The nursemaid handing it to Annabelle at Maria’s request. Her eyes meeting her daughters, feeling an overwhelming joy, her daughter, in her arms at last.
“Anna...belle.” Maria struggled.
Annabelle moved to her, sitting, holding their daughter. “Maria. Do you want to hold her?” Annabelle wanted Maria to hold her daughter. Her tears threatening to break through. She saw her wife nod, attempting to sit up but failing. “Allow me.” Annabelle handed her daughter over to the nursemaid before helping Maria sit up enough to hold her daughter. Her hand briefly caressing her cheek. “My beautiful wife.” She whispered. The nursemaid walking back over and handing Maria the baby. Annabelle seeing the small smile on Maria’s face. “What shall we name her?”
Maria looked at Annabelle. Her eyes darting back to their daughter. “Do you have a name?”
Annabelle shifted to put her arm around Maria, holding both the great loves of her life. “Mary Annabelle Williams.” Maria named their daughter. Her hands trembling. Annabelle moving to take Mary into her arms, holding her against her chest. Her piercing blue eyes, her mother’s eyes meeting her.
“You have your mother’s eyes already.” Annabelle put forth a brave face to her daughter. She felt a hand on her shoulder, seeing Mr Chambers. “Mary Annabelle Williams.”
“A wonderful name.” Mr chambers said. Reaching down to take his daughter, his voice a low whisper in Annabelle’s ear. “Maria doesn’t have long. Do not worry about Mary. I will take care of her until you are ready.” He promised. A sad nod from Annabelle as Briar stood by the door. Maria grasping Annabelle’s hand. “Could I speak with Briar for a moment?”
“Of course.” Annabelle moved to the other side of the room. Briar taking a seat by Maria’s side and leaning in to whisper. Annabelle’s eyes trained on Maria.
“Briar.” Maria gripped her best friends hands. “I need you to promise me something.”
“I will take care of Annabelle. I promise.” Briar already knew what Maria was going to ask her. “I will make sure your daughter and Annabelle are okay.” She kissed Maria’s hand. “Everyone will be okay.”
Maria teared up. Feeling so cold. “I feel so cold.”
Briar rubbed Maria’s hands. “I will be there for your daughter. Always. She will know so much of you. I promise she will know you loved her fiercely.”
“Thank you Briar. For being my best friend.”
“You are a sister to me. Never forget it.” Briar kissed Maria’s cheek. Slowly getting up. Approaching Annabelle. “I will make sure no one disturbs you two.”
“Thank you.” Annabelle touched her chest. Feeling her dam ready to burst. Her eyes brimming with tears, waiting to flow free. Briar squeezed Annabelle’s hand before closing the door behind her. Leaving them alone.
Annabelle walked over to Maria, sitting down beside her and wrapping her in her arms. Maria laying her head on Annabelle’s shoulder. “I love you.”
“Our daughter. Mary. What do you want me to tell her when she asks about her mother?” Annabelle asked.
“You can tell her the story of how much I love her mother. And how much I love her. And grateful I am for her.” Maria answered. Her voice breaking, struggling to breath. “Annabelle.”
“I’m here.” Annabelle drew a small pattern on Maria’s arm, comforting her.
“Promise me. Promise me that you will enjoy the world. Take our daughter to France like we talked about.”
“I would take her all over the world if you asked that of me.” Annabelle broke. Her tears rolling down her cheek. “I wanted so much for us.”
“I had so much with you. A love unlike anything else.” Maria voice cracked. “You are the love of my life Annabelle.”
“And your mine. I do not think I can live in a world without you.”
“You can and you will.” Maria insisted. Her hand finding its way to Annabelle’s cheek. “Our daughter will need you. She needs her mother. To teach her everything we talked about.”
“She’ll know all about her mother.” Annabelle promised.
“Make sure she marries for love. Like we did. it’s all I want for her. More than anything. To be happy.” Maria’s hand fell from Annabelle’s face. Annabelle taking her hand and putting it back. Holding it in place within her own. Her thumb softly grazing her knuckles. Feeling the warmth leaving her.
“I love you.”
“I am forever yours.” Annabelle pushed her forehead to Maria’s. Breathing in her perfume. “I love you Miss Annabelle Parsons.”
She felt Maria’s finger trace her cheek like she had a thousand times. “I don’t want you to go.” Her voice breaking into sobs. “Please don’t leave me.” Annabelle pleaded, not wanting to lose Maria. Not after everything they went through to be together. She had loved her every minute she possibly could and the seven years they were together wasn’t enough. “We didn’t have enough time.”
Annabelle opened her eyes. Realising Maria was gone, she pulled her close. Crying into Maria’s neck, letting her tears flow freely.
Annabelle pushed a silver clip in Mary’s hair, glancing in the mirror at her daughter. Seeing her biting her lower lip exactly like Maria use to. “How are you feeling about tonight?”
Mary’s shoulders slumped. “Do I have to go? I feel like everyone will stare at me.”
“The only people who might stare. Will be speechless at how beautiful you are.” Annabelle put her hand on Mary’s shoulder to calm her. “You will dazzle all you meet tonight.”
Mr Chambers knocked upon opening the door. “Is she ready?”
“Almost. Just putting the finishing touches on her.” Annabelle smiled to him. “Pass me the small box.”
Mr Chambers opened the small box. Smiling when he saw the Edgewater crown. “She would wholeheartedly approve.”
“I thought it would make Maria feel part of tonight.” Annabelle pulled out the crown. Gently positioning it on Mary’s head. “Your mother wore this at the end of her debut season. She would want you to wear it from the start. You are more than worthy and I know... that she is so proud of you, like your father and me both are.”
Mr Konevi stepped in. “A beautiful woman on debut tonight.” A small smile on his face. “the Edgewater crown well deserving of the young woman before us.”
“Thanks.” Mary smiled. Getting up. Wearing a fine blue bodice dress. Annabelle organising it in advance. She felt the material, unable to hide her smile.
“You look beautiful.” Annabelle kissed her cheek. “Like your mother.”
“Thanks.” was all Mary could say.
“Our carriage awaits.” Mr Chambers led everyone down. Annabelle offering her hand to Mary who took it. Mr Chambers winking as he helped Annabelle in. “Percival is excited to have you debut at his ball.”
“I hope I make an impression.”
“Maria made an impression on many in her debut.” Mr Konevi crossed his legs. “Mr Sinclaire, Sir Luke and Prince Hamid all vied for your mother’s hand but-“
“Miss Parsons defeated them in single combat before shooting Mr Richards with a bow and arrow.” Mary giggled. Covering her mouth.
“That is not what I told you.” Annabelle scoffed. Shaking her head.
“I like Auntie Briar’s version better.” Mary snickered.
“Sounds poetic.” Mr Chambers chuckled. Squeezing Mr Konevi’s hand. “Enjoy tonight and make sure to dance at least once.”
“Can I have you lead me through one dance?” Mary asked Annabelle.
“Unfortunately this is London. Not Edgewater.” Annabelle sighed. “But perhaps once we are back at the townhouse we can.”
Mary nodded. She loved to dance with her mother, having been taught by her. Mr Chambers and Mr Konevi playing their part.
Mary slowly got out. Mr Konevi holding his hand out to assist her. She let go of his hand. Walking ahead. Her family watching from behind.
“She is her mothers daughter. Fearless.” Mr Chambers looked at Annabelle. Offering a sincere smile. “She would have not been here without you.”
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poorrichardslegacy · 4 years
Kacxa Week 2020 Day 7 - Return to Braylar IV
SUMMARY: Keith and Acxa return to Braylar IV with their teenage daughters. It is the first time either of them has been back to the planet since their first visit as enemies 23 decaphoebs earlier.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26923546
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Acxa/Keith (Voltron) Characters: Acxa (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Original Galran Character(s), Original Characters Additional Tags: Kacxa Week 2020, Family Secrets, Family Bonding, Family Fluff, Pack Family, Wolf Pack, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon
Acxa looks around the clearing as Keith lands their ship on the surface of Braylar IV.
“Well, that was certainly a much smoother landing than the last time I was here.”
“Mom, any landing would be smoother than the one you made the last time you were here. You crash landed, remember?”
“Actually Cataleya, I try to forget that part of that trip.”
Disembarking from the ship, Keith sees four Cosmic Dire Wolves approaching. He and Acxa grin from ear to ear when they recognize the lead Wolf.
The three rush forward to great one another. Standing over 8 feet tall at the shoulders, Cosmo bends down and allows Keith and Acxa to scratch him behind his ears.
“Oh, buddy. It’s so good to see you again! How have you been?”
“I am well, Keith. I assume all is well with you and Acxa? And the pups? Cataleya and Mireya? They are well?”
Acxa laughs. “The pups are fine, Cosmo. In fact, they’ve grown up since you last saw them.” She turns, looks behind her, and summons her daughters forward. “Girls, you remember, Cosmo? You were six the last time you saw him.”
“Mom, of course we remember Cosmo!” They rush forward to greet their former companion, who is just as happy to see them.
Keith sees a she-wolf with two pups standing behind Cosmo. He taps Cosmo on his shoulder. “Are you going to introduce us?”
“Of course. Keith, Acxa, Mireya, Catleya…this is my mate Corima, and our pups Tiguan and Merina.”
The Koganes bow in unison at the waist as they greet Cosmo’s family. “Corima, Tiguan, Merina…it is an honor to meet you.”
Corima and her pups bow in return. “The honor is ours, Black Paladin.”
“Black Paladin. That’s a title I haven’t been called in a long time.” Keith pauses and looks wistfully at Acxa. “A long time.” He turns back to Cosmo. “So, it’s been awhile since we’ve been here old friend. How is the pack?”
“The Sonai are well. About two decaphoebs ago, Father was severely injured fighting the Hyenas. They attacked a neighboring clan that was friendly to the Sonai, and he and I went to help them. Corima was a member of that clan. She helped me nurse him back to health and…well, here we are. I became alpha male of the Sonai when father and I returned.”
“Mother and Father are very eager to see you again. Shall we go to the compound?”
They enter the compound where the entire Sonai clan has gathered to meet them. As is their custom, the wolves bow out of respect for their visitors. Keith and his family return the courtesy, bowing in greeting as well.
Stepping forward out of the crowd with a noticeable limp is Soran. He is followed closely by Ashira, who keeps a watchful eye on her mate. Ashira looks well, but for Soran it is a different story. The decaphoebs have not been kind to the old Dire Wolf. Besides the limp, Soran is considerably grayer than he used to be.
Happy for the opportunity to see his friends again, Keith steps forward to greet them.
“Soran. Ashira. It is so good to see you again!”
“It is good to see you as well, old friend. I knew this day would come. I have been looking forward to seeing you again for a long time.”
“I’ve brought my family with me. I’d like to introduce them if I may.”
Soran looks past Keith and spies Acxa. He moves close to Keith and whispers to him. “So, you finally wised up and claimed her?”
Keith whispers back. “It’s more like she claimed me, but I’m not complaining.”
“It’s just as well, since you weren’t about to do it.”
Keith assumes an air of mock indignation. “And everyone asks me where Cosmo learned to be so snarky…like father like son.”
“Hey, I taught my son everything I know.”
Acxa shyly says hello to Soran, apologizing for her state the last time she was here. She gives Ashira a warm greeting as well, since Ashira and her sister saved Acxa’s life following her crash landing on Braylar IV.1
Ashira notices the girls. “Tell me Acxa, are these your pups?”
“Yes, they are. Girls, come here and say hello to Cosmo’s mother.” Acxa introduces the girls, who both render the respectful greeting Keith hammered home to them on the way here.
Soran turns to Keith. “So, she claimed you and you got busy. Well done!”
Keith sets up camp for his family in the cave that he and Acxa used for shelter 23 decaphoebs earlier. They are joined for dinner by Soran, Ashira, Cosmo, and his family. That night, around a campfire in the cave, Soran asks Keith’s daughters if their father told them of their parent’s first visit to Braylar IV.
“Do you know all that transpired in this very cave, young pups?”
“No sir, they mentioned they were here, but they never went into details.”
“Would you like to hear about it? How that rascal of a father of yours saved your mother’s life?”
Acxa shoots Keith a panicked look. There is a part of this story she prefers not be told. Keith nods to his wife, then turns to Soran. “I don’t think that’s necessary. We don’t want to put you out.”
“Nonsense! These pups need to know about their parents before they were mated! It will help them understand who they sprung forth from.”
Soran turns to Acxa, a glint in his eye. “You’re not ashamed of anything I may tell them, are you?”
Acxa gives Soran a deadpan look straight in the eye. “Would it make a difference if I said yes?”
“Nope. I’m going to tell them anyway.”
Acxa sighs and looks to Keith. “That’s what I thought he would say.”
Soran proceeds to give the girls the full unabridged version of Keith and Acxa’s earlier visit to Braylar IV.2 3
Embellished and entirely from his perspective.
As Soran finishes his exaggerated story of Keith and Acxa’s first visit to Braylar IV, Mireya and Cataleya look at each other then turn to their mother with smirks on their faces.
“Mom…I gotta ask this…how in the name of all that is holy did you and Dad ever get together?”
“What do you mean, Cataleya?”
“Ok. This is what Soran just told us. You and Dad are enemies. You’re trying to kill each other. You fight Dad two planets from here, he cripples your fighter and breaks your arm, then he just flies away and leaves you. You crash land on this planet, you have to fight poisonous Hyenas, one of which poisons you, and you nearly die. All because Dad put you in this position. Not exactly good boyfriend behavior if you know what I mean.”
Keith, hurt by his daughter’s words, speaks up for himself. “In my defense, your mother jumped me at Braylar VI. I was just defending myself.”
Speaking of jumping on Keith, now it is Mireya’s turn to poke some good-natured fun at her father. “So, Dad, let me make sure I understand things from your point of view. You do all that to Mom, then you feel all guilty and decide to check on her. You got Mom naked while she was delirious with fever, yet you were a perfect gentleman and didn’t touch her…well…except for taking her bodysuit off…, you got your butt kicked by Narti and had to get the Sonai to help you beat her, and then you let Mom leave without saying goodbye? Wow, that doesn’t exactly sound like a romantic date to me. It sounds more like a date from hell. Mom, tell us again why you picked him?”
Seeing the hurt behind Keith’s eyes, Acxa reaches out, takes his hand, and whispers to him. “I’ve got this.” She pulls a recording device out of her pocket and turns to her girls. “You want to know why I picked your father as my life partner? This is why.”
Keith goes wide-eyed upon seeing the device. “You still have that thing?”
“Of course, I do, love. And it still plays like it did the day I found it.”
“Mom, what is it?”
“This? Oh, your father slipped this this little gem into my bag before he and Narti loaded me into the shuttle to return to Lotor’s cruiser. I think it’s worth listening to. You girls put an interesting forensic slant on what happened here, but there’s more to the story than what you just heard. You’re missing the nuances and you don’t really know what happened from your father’s perspective. This recording will put Soran’s story in a whole new light. It opened my eyes when I first heard it, so many decaphoebs ago.”
As the girls gather around their mother, Acxa starts the playback on the recording Keith made so many years ago.
“Hey, Acxa, it’s me, Keith. The Black Paladin. The guy you probably want to tear up into a million small pieces right about now. Yeah. But before you do that, let me explain a few things.”
“Wow, Dad, you look so young there. And hunky. I see why Mom fell for you…”
“Wait…Hunky? What does that…”
“SHHH! Dad! We want to hear this!”
“You might or might not remember the first fight against the Hyenas. I came down to help you because…I needed to...it was the right thing to do. One of them got close to you and slashed your right leg. You were injured pretty badly, lost a lot of blood.”
Pausing the recording, Acxa tells the girls about the onset of the symptoms of the Hyena poisoning. The big needle Keith used to inject the medicine that slowed the poison. How he asked for permission to remove her armor to treat her leg. And, how he treated Ashira, who was also poisoned by the Hyenas.4
She hits the play button again.
“I was also the one who called for Narti to come get you. I’d gone to your fighter to figure out your communication protocols, and I happened to see her on radar. I called, she came down, and the rest, as they say, is history.”
“I wanted to tell you all of this to your face, but…you were pretty loopy. You had no idea where you were or who you were talking to you. I don’t kill helpless enemies. But I know, technically, we are enemies. The next time we meet, if you come after me again like you did the last time, I will use deadly force if necessary, to defend myself.”
“I’d prefer not to do that. I had no desire to fight you at Braylar VI, because of our shared experience in the Weblum. I have no desire to fight you now. Not after what we just went through together.”
Mireya reaches in and hits the pause button on the playback device. “Wait…you two met on a Weblum?”
“No dear. Inside a Weblum.”
“The second stomach if you want to be precise. That’s another story.”
“Yeah, one that you two are going to tell us on the way back to Diabazaal! Then we want to hear the Androse Campfire story!”
Acxa prepares to restart the tape. “Pay attention girls, this is the important part.”
“I apologize for saying you lack honor. Narti told me about you. I believe what she said is true, and I was wrong to say what I said to you.”
“I also apologize for the pilot taunt. Turns out you’re just as good a pilot as I am. If not better. The skill it took to fly that fighter to Braylar IV with a broken arm and walk away from a crash landing is amazing.”
“Finally, I apologize for removing your body suit without your permission. I know you’ll figure it out sooner or later, so it’s best I admit it now. I mean nothing happened…it’s not like I haven’t seen…well…ok it was the first time I’ve seen…but it was purely clinical. Yeah, that’s it. I mean you were sweating…perspiring…uh…your body suit was saturated. You would have gotten a lot sicker if I left you in it. I did it for your own good. I hope you believe that. Please don’t kill me for it.”
“Wow, Dad…you were quite the smooth talker there…”
“Aww, he was really embarrassed Mireya…I think it’s cute…he tried.”
Acxa smiles and blushes at the memory, and at the sight of a clearly embarrassed and flustered Keith on the video. “Yes he did.”
“In another place and another time, I like to think we could be friends. We seem to have a lot in common. Also, if you ever have a change of heart and want to join the Coalition, you can do so any time. I would welcome you as a comrade in arms. And…as a friend. I hope someday we have a chance to talk when we aren’t pointing weapons at each other. In a selfish way it would be good to talk to you about what it means to be a half Galra.”
“Good luck and be safe, Acxa.”
Acxa carefully stows the recording device and faces her daughters.
“So, you see…your father did say goodbye. All kidding aside girls, after hearing that tape I began to realize that I had feelings for the man who would someday become your father.”
She takes Keith’s hand and looks him in the eye. “He told me decaphoebs later, the first time he said he loved me, that the message on this device was his way of telling me he was interested in me.”
She turns back to her daughters. “But he didn’t have to tell me that. I knew, just by listening to this recording. It only took us just over four decaphoebs to finally get together after we were here. Too long, in my opinion. But…we did it.”
“Thanks for sharing that recording, Mom. And for telling us how you fell for Dad.”
Mireya sheepishly turns to her father. “Dad…I’m sorry for needling you about what you did when you and Mom were here the first time. What you did was sweet. I see why Mom fell in love with you.”
Soran can’t resist on final parting shot at Keith.
“Good, then perhaps you can enlighten me. Because I still don’t see it.”
Keith turns to Ashira, a deadpan look on his face. “Ashira, would you smack him for me?”
Ashira give Soran a sharp whack across the top of his head with her paw.
“Ow!” The surprised wolf turns to Keith. “Why did you ask her to do that?”
Keith laughs. “That my old friend was a love tap to say how much I missed you and your snark. You’re just too tall for me to reach your head myself.”
“Well, if that was supposed to be a love tap, any chance you could let Ashira know the next time you decide to do that? She just about killed me!”
Ashira gives Soran a stern look. “Don’t be so dramatic, you old coot. If I wanted to hurt you, trust me you’d know.”
As the group shares a good-natured laugh, the Kogane girls turn to one another.
“You know, Mireya, this is turning out to be a pretty cool trip after all.”
  1 Return of the Prince, Chapter 11, Cry of the Wolf
2 Return of the Prince, Chapter 11 Cry of the Wolf
3 Return of the Prince, Chapter 12 Riders on the Storm
4 Return of the Prince, Chapter 11, Cry of the Wolf
5 notes · View notes
whereisten · 5 years
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Summary: Violet is a blossoming filmmaker with her own demons. When man of the night Taeyong comes into her life, she realizes that demons are very much real. She will have to endure the consequences of trusting the one person she should’ve steered clear from.
Genres: Romance, A Pinch of Smut, Fluff for Days, Comedy, Drama, Angst, Thriller, Horror, Fantasy
Cast: Taeyong, Yuta, OC (the bad bitch that you’ll get to know as Vi)
WARNING: Mentions of Sexual Assault, Death, Language, Alcohol, Addiction, Violence (this writing in no way represents the members mentioned, all events are fake).
CD 1: Intro - Track 1 - Track 2
Word Count: 6.5k
Two months later
My younger sister Janine and I met up with Hani at the mall for some milkshakes. Janine recently moved back from North Carolina while her ex-husband Joaquin was deployed overseas. Janine and I had been settled in an apartment in Sunset for two weeks now. She rubbed her six-month pregnant belly in comfort. Janine and her ex were intent on raising the kids together in their own way. It was the most functional breakup I’d ever seen.
Janine pushed some of her shoulder length brown hair behind her ear. “So tell me something juicy.” She looked amusingly at our friend. “Hani?”
Hani shook her head. “Nada on my end.”
I sipped my strawberry milkshake. “Actually. I do have something to share with the class.”
Hani looked at me in concern. “Are you sure?”
“It’s not like we ever dated, Hani.” I felt the teeniest pang in my chest. 
Janine’s light brown eyes were more alert. “What? Dated? You? Who? Why am I now just hearing about this? You bitch.”
“Your spawn can hear you, Janine.” I dipped a french fry into my shake. “I met someone one night at BOSS. It was...two months ago.” We met at the end of July and now it was the start of October. And based off of Janine’s response, she could tell I wasn’t fucking around.
This was a surprise for everyone, actually. 
“Tell me everything! Do not leave a single detail out,” my sister urged.
I started. “His name is Taeyong.”
I gave Janine the Sparknotes version of the night Taeyong and I met. She consumed her cheese fries in rapid succession. It was like I never lived so upon hearing about my hookup of the century, I dared not spare a single detail. 
“Have you guys kept in touch?” Janine asked cautiously.
I fiddled with my napkin. “Just for the first month. But after that...it’s been silent. I think he got busy.” 
Janine and Hani gave each other a look. 
“Oh…” Janine started.
“You don’t have to put on an act. We know you’re upset,” Hani replied.
I blew a strand of hair away from my face. “It’s not that bad. He’s just a handsome stranger I had the pleasure of sucking face with.”
“Vi?” Janine offered.
“Forget about him. A guy like Taeyong may seem promising at first glance but it’s not the whole story...”
“She’s right.” Hani added as her phone went off. Her eyes widened as she read her text. “Oh, yes! Ready to kiss Taeyong goodbye?” Hani possessed a different kind of fire in her eyes at that moment.
“You’re coming with me on a double date,” Hani said.
Janine gave me a playful shove. “You should go! It’s exactly what you need!�� 
I said, “Hani, I don’t think that’s-”
Hani stopped me. “Vi, it’s just one date. It won’t hurt. If it blows, I’ll owe you a mani-pedi. But it won’t because I have good taste.”
Janine and I frowned at each other. I said, “Hani, I swear if he ends up being a creep-”
“Are you considering it?” Hani looked amazed that I hadn’t shut down her invitation right away. 
I was, actually. I hadn’t thought about dating since Taeyong left me on read. BOSS was always busy and I was working on my film for the Nakamoto International Film Festival (NIFF). I was down to filming the last couple of shots with my cast and crew. Taeyong seemed to have moved on. Why couldn’t I? 
I asked, “When is it?”
“Friday night,” Hani sang in an operatic tone. 
I slapped her arm. “That’s two days away!”
“Why do you think we came to the mall today?” Hani laughed wickedly.
The night before my date, I dreamed about Taeyong again. We were in his car on the beach. The night was pitch black. We were in the middle of an intense battle of tonsil hockey. His mouth alone possessed a lot of talent. I would never forget that. He left traces upon traces of kisses all over my arms, back, face, and I nearly let him kiss all over my legs before I pushed him away so I could kiss him all over. 
The dream flash forwarded to us engaged in a staring contest. He was in the driver’s seat, his elbow propped against the window and just “getting a good look at me”. I had my hands in my lap, fiddling like I’ve never fiddled before. Then, we got out of the car and ran out into the water and splashed each other. We were soaked and our kisses were salty. 
I looked away from him for a second and when I turned back, there were bodies all around him, blood running down their necks as they held on for dear life. I screamed, looking up at Taeyong. Dark streams of blood poured out of his lips. He smiled fondly at me like we were about kiss again. Like the bodies weren’t even there. But then his irises turned red and he lunged at me. 
I shot out of bed in a cold sweat and breathed heavily. It was still dark outside. I checked my phone to see that it was five thirty in the morning. I groaned into my pillow.
For the first time in a while, I didn’t want to go back to sleep. I turned on my bedside lamp. I got out of bed and checked off a day in my Minions wall calendar. My mood lightened a little at seeing what was coming up in my schedule. Distractions were everything to me. 
Tomorrow night was the Thorne Gala: a celebration of young filmmakers from all over the country. The Thorne Association would be kicking off the annual Nakamoto International Film Festival (NIFF).. I was competing in the Short Film in Drama category. All kinds of legendary filmmakers were attending the gala tomorrow, some even coming all the way from South Africa, Japan, and Russia. The finalists will attend NIFF. And the kicker: NIFF was in Sunset this year. 
Even so, the excitement over the competition couldn’t quell these unsettling feelings over Taeyong. I’d never dreamed about something so brutal in my life. 
I rubbed my hands over my face. Why did I let him get in my head? It wasn’t like we ended on bad terms or anything. We were just friends. Emphasis on the were.
During our month of flirtation and friendship, he messaged me through HowRU, the international messaging app. Taeyong told me about work and how he received more songwriting and producing opportunities. I told him about the contest and how I was on the verge of a mental breakdown. He talked me down with encouraging words and even sang me to sleep. He had a soft voice. His speaking voice sent me in a trance but his singing voice? That was something else. 
Now and then, we’d tell each other how we wished we’d stayed together that night. 
It seemed like we were growing closer, regardless of the distance. He told me he was coming back to the States but he never said when. And then by week five, he stopped replying to my messages. After a few days of being annoyed and in denial, I took the hint. 
We were how many miles away from each other? We were on separate days for the most part. So naturally, we were bound to drift apart. I just didn’t expect it to be so soon. 
I could deny it all I wanted but something about Taeyong was off. Once the lust took a backseat, I vividly recalled how things went down that night at BOSS. He commanded such power and authority. He talked down that belligerent Baekhyun and got a hold of him. I still couldn’t understand how he did that. Taeyong may have been well-built but he was slender and of average height. Like Baekhyun. Neither man appeared to outmatch the other. I didn’t expect Taeyong to do so much with a mere movement of his hands.
I still wondered what he whispered into Baekhyun’s ear. It was like he commanded him and controlled his next move.
And then there was my ring. 
I dreamed about Taeyong returning my ring. He claimed he found it on the ground. But I wasn’t sure about that now. My dream shifted to Taeyong slipping the ring out of my finger without my realization. When he gave me his credit card. 
But that was impossible. Why would he do that?  Why am I dreaming about something that didn’t even happen? 
I was stressing myself out over someone I was never going to see again. 
Maybe my latest dream was the final push in that direction. 
I put some of my clothes into the dryer before I went downstairs to the mail slots. I had my earbuds in and played “I Want to Hold Your Hand” by The Beatles. As I walked out the front door, a man about my age came from the elevators. 
Soaked from the rain, he wore a navy blue rain jacket. This was a man who embraced the words beautiful and handsome simultaneously. He wore ripped black jeans that exposed parts of his muscular tanned legs. I didn’t think I would ever find ripped jeans attractive on a guy at this point in my life but here I was, blatantly planted at my front door and wanting the moment to pass slowly. 
The tips of his red orange hair were soaked from the rain. Droplets fell down to his cheeks. He had a very stoic expression on his face, his cheekbones striking and lips plump. His lithe frame made him deceivingly delicate when odds were he wasn’t. A full-fledged anime character with profound brown eyes. Everything about him was sharp : his movements, his body, and his expression. 
He noticed me staring and his eyes pierced mine. The moment came and went quickly. He simply nodded before he entered the apartment across from mine. 
“Well that just happened,” I whispered to myself. Janine and I were no longer the new kids on the twelfth floor.
I went downstairs to find that my Rilakkuma pillow arrived. I did what many would describe as the unholiest of bad dances. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I whipped my head around to the mail room entrance and saw no one. 
Back in the apartment, Janine was up and eating some Honey Nut Cheerios at the kitchen island. 
“Hey, single lady...embrace the status while you have it because tonight…can mean that your dry spell is over,” Janine teased. 
“Let’s not hold our breath.” I set my package down by the door and grabbed a banana off of our fruit bowl. 
“Oh yeah, which reminds me, we have a new neighbor!” Janine yelled.
I blushed. “Yeah, I saw him.”
“He just moved in yesterday. His handsome friends helped him bring up boxes and a lot of instruments. A musician.” She swooned.
“Someone sounds smitten.”
“Are you kidding? No man is on my radar right now. I was thinking of him for you.”
I laughed. “Knock it off.”
“Make me,” Janine prodded. 
“Let me just get through tonight before we start going door to door to get me laid.”
Janine took my quip and twisted it. “So that’s not out of the question, then? Because I say we start with boy across the way tomorrow and then work our way down to the violin player on the fifth floor if things go south tonight.”
“My sister: the optimist.”
“Pessimism is in our blood, hermana. The sooner we accept that, the better.” She got up to wash her bowl at the sink. 
Our dad called to check up on us as he did on a daily basis.
“Hey, pops!” I said. 
“Violeta! We have a special VIP coming tonight. You sure you can’t make it? It might be one of those celebrities you like so much.” My dad took a lot of pride and joy in his work, which made me very happy for him.
I raised my eyebrows at that, though. I’ve already had enough excitement at BOSS for a while. “Sorry, dad. I have a date.”
“It’s okay, sweetie. I...Wait.”
“Papá, it’s cool. It’s a double date with Hani. Remember her?”
Janine snickered very loudly over the running tap water. 
“I’m gonna have to speak to Hani if she wants to keep her job,” Dad muttered.
“You’re bluffing.”
“It depends on how nice this boy is to you. If he doesn’t treat you right, Hani can redeem herself by sending me his home address. If it goes well, the same conditions apply.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. Hani usually stays away from the criminals.”
“Well, dad, would you look at the time? I gotta go. Good luck tonight. Let’s have dinner with Janine and her buns on Sunday.” 
Janine laughed at my play on “buns in the oven”, which was much appreciated.
“Okay. But you better keep me posted. I want pictures and contact information,” Dad demanded.
Hani and I walked out of my building’s elevator to meet our dates. There was a Bugatti in the pickup area in front of the lobby. 
Hani squeezed my arm. “Let’s go.” Pulling me with her, she ran out to the car where the driver and passenger were getting out. 
Both men were real lookers so I wasn’t going to be disappointed over who was Jinyoung. The shorter of the men had distinct catlike eyes and a boyish charm to him. The taller of the two had a regal aura that made me wonder if Korea did in fact have a monarchy. His mind seemed to be elsewhere as he looked off into the distance. And...I couldn’t quite pinpoint what it was about him that reminded me of Taeyong.
But it was there.
“Kim Minseok. Park Jinyoung. This is my best friend Violeta Luna. She goes by Violet or Vi or woman of your dreams. Vi, this is Minseok,” Hani linked arms with the man with cat eyes. “He and I have been friends for a good minute and we just thought we’d take you two kids out for a good time.”
“You two know each other?” I asked Minseok and Hani.
Hani replied, “Duh. I wouldn’t set us up with randoms. Jinyoung is verified not to murder you and leave you in a ditch.”
Minseok smiled as he elbowed spacey Jinyoung to be present. “Junior and I work together at his father’s company. I’m here to see that Jinyoung Senior will have grandkids. Especially since Jinyoung’s been on the rebound.”
Jinyoung, realizing he’d been exposed, smacked him. “Minseok.”
I gave Jinyoung a pointed look. “Rebound?”
Jinyoung stammered. “I-It’s nothing. I just...got out of a relationship.”
“It’s been a month, Jinyoung,” Minseok said, “You gotta get back out there.”
This sounded like a conversation that should’ve taken place before coming here.
Hani laughed nervously. This was going to be a long night.
After an awkward car ride where Hani and Minseok tried to get Jinyoung and me to start talking, we arrived at a nightclub called Point 127. It was pretty brand new if I had to guess. My dad and I always kept in the loop for up-and-coming clubs and bars and Point 127 was a mystery. 
There was a long line to get into the club and one thing I noticed off the bat was that a lot of people got turned away. The bouncer was slender and very attractive. I wondered how he could hold his own. Bouncers were usually more built. They could break my wrist with a simple flick. 
But this guy? He seemed as fragile as a Pocky stick.
Jinyoung led us to the front of the line and I could hear complaints in at least five different languages. He quickly muttered into the bouncer’s ear and the bouncer nodded. He looked at Hani and me in particular and licked his lips. I frowned as he lifted the rope to the entrance and let us through. I never wanted to see him again. 
The club was happening. It was a two-story nightclub. The main dance floor was on the first floor where couples were becoming one before my very eyes. The second floor was enclosed with railings that people can look down from as the dance floor was the main stage. There were two bars: one on the first floor and the other on the second. The lounge sofas looked to be made of red velvet cushions. 
The explicit music was nearly deafening as the DJ played from upstairs. The strobe lights were mainly red. I felt like I was among devils. 
Minseok and Jinyoung went to get some drinks. A couple at the lounge table beside us was engaging in major public displays of affection. The man was sucking really hard on the woman’s neck. 
My head started to hurt and I blinked a couple of times. Instead of seeing a make-out session like before, I saw something else.
It was like I was seeing everything that had been concealed from me until that very moment. 
The man was drinking the woman’s blood. The red liquid was dripping down her neck and onto her satin red dress. It was almost like the blood would blend in with her dress and no one would be the wiser if they left the club right then and there. He was making loud grunting noises and she was moaning in pure euphoria. She hugged him tighter. He maneuvered her like a rag doll, like she weighed nothing. 
I looked away to the dance floor where I saw more of the same thing. A woman licked her partner’s blood that was dripping down to his collarbone and met him with a kiss. The blood stained both of their lips now and they laughed. Another man was taking turns taking the blood out of two women he was dancing with. The women were laughing and twirling around like it was the Fourth of July on a sunny day. 
“Hani,” I demanded, “Are you not seeing this?” I waved my hands around. 
Hani turned to me. “What’s going on?”
I nodded over to the couple as an example and waited for Hani to freak out with me. 
She frowned. “Violet, don’t be a prude.”
“Couples hook up. Sometimes in public. It happens.”
“Hani, that man is drinking that woman’s blood!” I exclaimed. 
Hani whipped her head back to me. “Vi…”
“Wait, you don’t see it? The blood on her neck? The blood on his lips? Nothing?” I felt a pang in my chest and felt really alone at that moment. 
She shook her head. “Are you okay? Have you been taking your meds?”
I nodded. “Yes...And I’m fine, even though someone’s getting the life sucked out of them right over there.”
Hani was about to reply when the men returned. Minseok stood there with a tray of eight shots in hand. Jinyoung and Hani spoke for a moment and I had no idea what they were saying. He surprised me when he put his hands on her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. He muttered something and she nodded. They sat back down. 
Jinyoung then sat in between Hani and me. “What did we miss?”
I was stunned silent when there was blood on the corner of his lips. 
Minseok sat on the other end beside Hani and they did a love shot. He whispered in her ear and they left us to dance. 
She left me. Unbelievable. When I was with an apex predator? 
“Love shot?” Jinyoung asked as he held up two shot glasses.
I shook my head, scared shitless. What was I supposed to say to him? Um, Jinyoung why did you bring us to a vampire nightclub? 
And how the fuck is there even a vampire nightclub?
“So Violet, here’s the situation...My ex is here.” Jinyoung said as he licked the corner of his lips to remove any trace of blood. It was as if I wasn’t supposed to notice. 
In fact, I believe I wasn’t supposed to be aware of anything that was going on here. 
“Oh...” I said. What the hell did that even matter? 
“And the truth is...I brought us here because there was a chance we would see her and I could make her jealous. I’m still in love with her, you see.”
“I’m sorry if you thought anything would come of this. I’m a Grade A asshole but I own it, at least. So, come on. Let’s go dance.” He got up and stuck his hand out for me to take. 
I didn’t get up. 
Jinyoung sighed, surprised that I wasn’t cooperating. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to dance,” I mustered. 
Jinyoung sat down again, even closer to you. He bumped his thigh with yours. “Violet, I know we just met but please...I’m going to need you to cooperate with me if this is going to work.”
“I don’t owe you anything,” I shot back at him.
Jinyoung’s casual demeanor shifted and the desperation and something else came out full force. He rubbed his hand over his face. 
He surprised you by grabbing your chin and making you look at him. “You’re going to be a good girl and do as I say. You will dance with me and I will dip you. Then I will fuck you in a corner in front of Olivia.”
He said all of this like a command.
“Jinyoung, what the fuck? Get your hands off of me!” I tried pulling away but he had a strong grip.
He continued, “I will fuck you in front of Olivia and you will scream so loudly that the music won’t be able to block it.”
“You are not going to fuck me,” I said. “Like hell.”
Jinyoung faltered and looked at you in confusion. “How are you-”
Why was he so shocked?
He groaned in frustration and took his hands off of me. “I guess we’ll go with Plan B.”
He quickly got up and returned with Minseok and Hani. That was when you noticed the vacant look in their eyes. They were like robots: mindless and complacent. Jinyoung got behind Hani and embraced her. He smiled at you as fangs sprouted out of his teeth. 
“If you don’t comply with my demands, Hani is going to be my late night snack.”
Jinyoung exposed Hani’s neck. He inched his teeth closer to it. Close enough to graze it. 
“No, please! Stop!” I yelled.
He laughed. “Dance with me, then.”
“Don’t you dare touch her again,” I said as I could feel myself shaking.
“Fine,” Jinyoung said as he released Hani from his grasp. Hani stumbled but Minseok caught her. That was strange, considering he had done nothing for her until then. 
Jinyoung offered you his hand. I took it and could feel his slimy skin. Contrary to what I’d read about vampires, his skin was warm.
He led me to the dance floor and I knew who Olivia was when I saw her glare at us. She was drinking with her friends at a lounge pretty close to us. She was sizing me up the entire time. I would’ve been annoyed had there not been a fucking vampire threatening me. 
“It’s working.” Jinyoung was giddy. 
“Chantaje” by Shakira and Maluma was on as Jinyoung pulled me closer to him. I was on the verge of tears. 
How could I have been so alone? Hani was nowhere to be found. She wasn’t herself. Jinyoung must have manipulated her somehow. And Minseok was in on it. How could I have been so stupid? Why didn’t I run with Hani when I had the chance?
Why did I say yes to this stupid double date? The worst that was supposed to happen was that he didn’t like SHINee.
I swayed my hips, hoping to no avail that Jinyoung wouldn’t get too close. He grinded on me right away. I could feel his member grow as he moved himself against me from behind. I stiffened.
“I’m not that repulsive, am I?” He demanded into your ear as he pulled you to him. 
I didn’t answer. 
He spun me around to face him and tilted my chin up to look at him. “Be a good little girl and give in, Violet. I know you’re fighting what you really feel.”
He pulled me in for a kiss and I shut my eyes, ready to block it out.
Then, I heard someone fall to the ground.
I opened my eyes and found Jinyoung on the ground. Blood came out of his nose. 
I whipped my head to find the person responsible for knocking this son of a bitch silly.
And there was a blonde Taeyong, shaking his fist, repulsed.
“Taeyong!” I yelled.
“Violet,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me without hesitation. “Are you okay?”
I couldn’t believe he was here with me. It was like a dream. I didn’t think about how he left me hanging for weeks. I didn’t think about how much I wanted to yell at him. I just hugged him back like my life depended on it. I wasn’t alone. I wasn’t trapped. Taeyong was right here with me.
And I missed him. Deep down, I just missed him.
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I loosened my hold on him and gazed at him. 
Taeyong gave me such a tender smile as he moved some hair away from my face. “I wanted to see you-“
Jinyoung yanked Taeyong away from me and knocked him to the ground with a blow to the stomach. 
“Taeyong!” I screamed as he groaned in pain on the ground.
The other vampires and those who I suspected were humans formed a circle around us as they egged the men on to fight.
Jinyoung strutted around the space we had, acting like he’d won already.
Taeyong’s look of agony quickly changed into a smirk. “Fool.”
He disappeared before my eyes and was in front of Jinyoung again. Taeyong delivered a swift kick to Jinyoung’s stomach and gave him a right hook to the face that sent him flying and knocked him unconscious.
“Jinyoung!” You heard from the crowd. Olivia ran over to Jinyoung. “What did you do?!” She pointed at him accusingly. 
Taeyong didn’t even bother giving her a response. I found my voice again. “What did he do? He saved my ass from getting raped by your ex-boyfriend. All because he wanted to make you jealous!” As those words came out of my mouth, I had to laugh because of how ridiculous the whole thing was. 
Olivia scoffed. “Please. I saw you. You were all over him.”
I clenched my fists, then. I was about to yank this girl by her weave and make her see stars. 
But instead I kicked Jinyoung in the groin. The crowd collectively groaned. 
I reveled in the fact that he would feel that when he came to.
Taeyong took my arm and said to Olivia, “Tell your ex that he’s getting a visit from the Angel of Death very soon. That’ll wake him up.”
We walked off the dance floor. I scanned the club for my best friend. I had to get her away from Minseok. “I need to find Hani.”
Taeyong helped me search for her and we found her at the bar with Minseok. She was laying at the table while Minseok just sat there. It was unsettling, to say the least.
I ran up to Minseok and slapped him with my hand full of rings.
Minseok was still dazed. Hani was drunk out of her wits. 
Taeyong helped Hani up and looked gave her direct eye contact. “Wake up, Hani.”
She blinked and looked a little more alert. 
She looked at us both and laid her head back down. 
“Hani? We’re going home.” I shook her to get her more awake. 
Hani asked, “What about the guys?”
I replied, “Fuck the guys, Hani.”
Taeyong piped up as he nodded at Minseok, “They’ve both been compelled, Violet. He manipulated their minds.”
“I knew they weren’t acting like themselves,” I replied.
Taeyong got a good look at Minseok and he met his eyes. “Snap out of it.”
Minseok shook his head and I could see life come back into his eyes. “What the-“
“Minseok,” I started.
“Violet?” He asked. “What’s going on?” He winced as he felt pain in his face. “What hit me?”
Deliberately ignoring his question, I asked. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
“I was getting shots with Jinyoung and then he...said something to me. But I don’t remember what…” Minseok held his head in his hands. “My head is killing me. I’m not drunk but I feel like someone fucked with my brain. I hate it.”
I frowned, still a little wary of Minseok. 
Minseok looked around him. “I must be hammered because I’m seeing vampires all over the place.” He laughed. “Wild.”
Hani groaned. 
“Minseok, can you walk?” I asked him as Taeyong helped Hani up. 
He nodded. “Are we leaving? Where’s Jinyoung?”
“He’s occupied,” Taeyong replied, “I’ll take you guys home.”
We got the hell out of Point 127, a place I prayed I would never come back to. Taeyong dropped Minseok off and he assured me that he just needed a good night’s rest and some fluids so he would get back to normal. He wouldn’t remember much from tonight. 
I was still riding on the adrenaline of my so-called date night that I didn’t even process Taeyong being right beside me and how he knew so much. 
“So, you’re a vampire,” I blurted without internalizing things too much. 
“Way to steal my line,” he said as he parked in my building’s parking garage.
We helped Hani out of the car and walked her back to my apartment. 
She slurred, “I’m borrowing your pajamas, Vi. I’ll give you my keys so you and Taeyong can go back to my place and fuck each other’s brains out.”
“Hani!” I yelled as Taeyong bit back his laughter. 
I continued, “Go to bed. I’ll check up on you in ten minutes.”
“Okeydokey,” she said as she left us in the living room. Taeyong and I sat on the couch.
All the while, everything started clicking. Something about Taeyong seemed almost superhuman. His speed and his ability to take Jinyoung out, for instance. A vampire could take out a vampire. His strength and hold on Baekhyun were the other main signs for me. He must have compelled Baekhyun to settle down that night. And the reason why Miri was so drunk…
Someone drank from her.
“Who drank Miri’s blood?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
“Baekhyun,” he confirmed.
“And how the hell did that not show up on the security footage?” I went through those tapes multiple times but Taeyong and his friends were partying like regular filthy rich adults. So I let it go.
“One of my friends manipulated the tapes. It takes a good amount of magic to manipulate media that can be viewed by a lot of people but we made it work.”
“Magic?” I demanded.
“Well, if there are vampires, then a couple of other folk tales have to be true, wouldn’t they?” He made a good point. 
“My head hurts,” I sighed, “I have a lot of questions. I hope you don’t have any pressing matters to attend to because I’m keeping you up all night.”
He smiled suggestively at that. “I don’t. My schedule’s wide open.”
I rolled my eyes. “I’m mad at you so don’t.”
“What?” He played dumb.
“Don’t act like you don’t know what you’re doing.” I knew that Taeyong was aware of the effect that he had on people. On me. Now I wondered about his vampire ways.
If my O-positive blood was appetizing.
If he ever compelled me. 
Which made me wonder.
“Why couldn’t Jinyoung compel me?” I wondered aloud.
Taeyong surprised me by taking my right hand. “Your mood ring.”
“What about it?”
“It protects you from being compelled. From being lied to. It helps you see things for what they are,” he said as he looked at it carefully. “I was curious when I saw it on you the first time we met so I borrowed it.”
“So you did snatch it off my finger.” I glared at him. 
“It’s powerful. It must be a few decades old, at least,” he said.
“It was my grandmother’s ring.”
“Then your grandmother must have been a witch or knew one, then,” he said.
Bombshell after bombshell.
“Violet?” He asked softly.
“I need a drink,” I said as I headed to the kitchen.
“Do you have lemonade?” There he went again with the doe eyes and pouty lips. 
I rolled my eyes. “Wouldn’t you rather have some O-positive?”
He frowned. “Why would you have-“
“Oh for fuck’s sake, I’m joking.”
Taeyong and I hashed things out for well over two hours.
Taeyong turned into a vampire at the age of sixteen. He didn’t want to get into details over who turned him so I decided to grill him on everything else. He was a mortal vampire. He was basically human in the sense that he aged but based on abilities, he was a vampire. His vampirism was like a medical condition that came with ups and downs. He had his own set of powers. He could compel without having to make physical contact with the person he wanted to manipulate. He had super speed and super strength. Every vampire was different, though, so not every vampire necessarily had the skills he did. The major downside was having to deal with his thirst for blood. The other was feeling too intensely if he wasn’t careful. If he was sad, he could get into the throes of despair. If he was happy, he might as well levitate. If he was angry, God help you.
I asked Taeyong about the night we met. He told me that in his group of friends, there were vampires and consenting humans. There were humans that knew about vampires but were sworn to secrecy and discretion for as long as they both wanted to pursue a particular relationship. Baekhyun was casually dating Miri and she consented to him drinking her blood. Baekhyun’s mistakes? Doing it in public and most importantly, going overboard. Had Taeyong not stepped in, Miri could’ve died. 
Everything made more sense now. I sighed as I stretched my arms. It was 3 AM when I checked up on Hani for the umpteenth time.
Hani was asleep and holding on tightly to my panda bear plushie. I shut the door and returned to Taeyong who was rinsing out his drinking glass.
“I think that’s enough truth bombs for one night,” I said. 
“Don’t you want to see my fangs?” He teased.
I punched his arm. “We still have to talk about why you blew me off for a month.”
It was interesting. He was unshaken the entire time I asked him everything I wanted to know but at this, he clammed up. 
“I had business to take care of at SM...I’m sorry. I got carried away and thought I could surprise you once I got confirmation that I was moving to America.” He looked genuinely apologetic.
I gaped at him. “You’re moving to America?”
“I’m moving to Sunset, angel,” he said as he dried the glass and placed it in the cupboard.
“Amazing? Spectacular? Wonderful?” He offered.
“I need time to process everything. I think we should call it a night.”
He sighed, probably disappointed I didn’t jump into his arms, then. Could he blame me, though? I was exhausted. 
I walked Taeyong out the door to find my neighbor was lingering outside of his door. He was giving a woman a hickey in plain sight. Her dark curly brown hair was placed on the opposite side, giving the man full access to her neck. She moaned in pure delight. 
So, that was not the administration of a hickey.
“Yuta,” Taeyong said, unnerved.
Yuta removed himself from his embrace with the girl, hesitated for a second, and then faced us as he licked her blood from his lips. He helped the girl fix her hair and hid his teeth marks. The girl looked drunk but elated and satiated as she remained leaning against the wall. 
He gave me a fanged half smile when he recognized me. “Oh, hey, neighbor.”
Taeyong look at us accusingly. “Neighbor?”
Yuta glared at the sight of Taeyong. “It’s you.”
“Yuta, what are you doing here?” Taeyong demanded.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to see my friend. You?” Taeyong was bothered. I wondered why. 
“I like hooking up in random buildings,” he said as he chuckled sarcastically. 
Taeyong rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Violet, I-“
Hiding his fangs, Yuta interrupted as he gently took my hand and shook it. “Violet? It’s nice to meet you. I’m Yuta Nakamoto. Have a good night.” He had such a bright smile. His brilliant white teeth nearly made me go blind.
Taeyong clenched his jaw, silent. Clearly annoyed. And Yuta was reveling in it if the cocky smile on his face was any indication. 
“Nice to meet you, too, Yuta...Well, good night, you two.”
“Violet,” Taeyong started.
“I’ve seen and learned too much tonight so if you could give me a few days to process...that’d be delightful.”
Yuta waved at me while Taeyong looked dumbfounded.
“Good night!” I shouted as I shut the door. 
Track 1 : Epilogue
“That your girlfriend?” Yuta asked. “She’s cute.”
Taeyong gritted his teeth. “Hyuna wasn’t enough of a steal for you?”
Yuta rolled his eyes. “For the last time, I didn’t steal her. I was just an upgrade. She dumped me, too. I let it go. Why can’t you?”
“You don’t understand.” Taeyong was seething at the recollection of his ex using him, changing him, and dumping him for Yuta. 
Yuta moved closer to Taeyong and whispered, “What I do understand is that you ruined me, Taeyong.”
“Yuta,” he said, alarmed. He knew Yuta was as powerful as he was. If not, more so, and that would have set him off even more had he not been afraid. 
Yuta looked so menacing, then. His eyes were narrowed into slits and he clenched his sharp jaw. Then, he relaxed instantly and laughed. “While there’s no place I’d rather be...I have to take Holly home. And then...maybe I’ll come back and kiss Violet good night. How does that sound?”
“You stay away from her.” Taeyong was not going to let the one good thing that could be a part of his life slip away. 
Yuta scoffed. “You don’t deserve her.”
“That’s not your call to make.” Taeyong had just about had it with this imbecile. 
“Give that a girl a chance at happiness and leave her alone.” Yuta seemed concerned as he looked toward Violet’s door.
“Again, stay out of my business.”
Yuta smirked. “Maybe I will. But I like getting to know my neighbors...Have a nice night, TY.” He helped Holly off of the wall and walked her to the elevators.
Taeyong waited for them to leave and walked off to take the next elevator down He made a phone call.
“Ravi? It’s Taeyong. What do you have on Park Jinyoung from Sunset, Florida?”
Track 2 (Coming Soon)
A/N: I am so so so sorry that I took forever updating! Track 2 is already in the works!
P.S. I had to go back and edit in Intro when Violet realizes she lost her bracelet after TY brought it back to her. She says she remembers stuffing it in her pocket but I changed it. She thinks she must have stuffed it in her pants pocket and it fell. 
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wisteria-lodge · 5 years
So thou want’st to write a character who uses thee/thou/thy pronouns?
Fantastic! Love me some good vampires, time travelers, fay lords, wizards recently recovered from magical trances, weird off-the-grid societies, and mysterious immortals who start slipping into old speech patterns whenever they are emotional/intoxicated!
But if thou art going to do it, DO IT. Commit. (I’m looking at you, Christopher Paolini). Do it right, and it will give thy character so much more depth.
[and okay, I have a version of this post where I use modern ‘you’ pronouns] 
I - So WHEN exactly am I supposed to use these thee/thou/thy pronouns?
Not all the time! Thou should’st look at the person thou art talking to, think about what kind of relationship thou hast with them, and then decide’st: thou, or you?
YOU is the polite, respectful option. It’s for acquaintances and social superiors.
THOU is the causal, friendly option. It’s for family, close friends and social inferiors.
Which leaveth so much room for drama! “Thou” is either the most intimate, kindest thing thou canst call someone - or the most insulting. Think Jane Austen / Victorian England: if thou art calling someone “Mary,” they’re either thy sister, wife, or scullery maid. That’s what a “thou” pronoun is. “You” is just sort of polite and neutral, like saying “Miss Jones.”
Thou canst insult a teacher/parent/king/commander by using “thee/thou” pronouns. Or flatter a servant or up-and-comer by using “you.” And switching from “you” to “thou” is emotional, like calling someone by their first name when thou hast only ever referred to them by their last. (and switching back from “thou” to “you” can be cold as hell.)
And oh my god, if thou art ever reading Shakespeare and need to understand a relationship or power dynamic or whatever, just check if they’re saying “thou” or “you.” That will tell thee *everything.*
Take’st a look at these two sentences:
She curseth the wizard.
The wizard curseth her.
Thou art using a different word depending on whether this lady is doing the action herself (cursing), or having the action done to her (being cursed.)
Thou/thee worketh exactly the same as she/her.
Thou cursed* the wizard.
The wizard cursed thee.
And this is a little tricky, because “you” doth not have that subject/object distinction. In that cause, thou art using the same word both times.
You cursed the wizard.
The wizard cursed you.
Just remember: Use “thou” wherever it maketh sense to say “she,” and “thee” wherever it maketh sense to say “her.”
[*I’m gonna come back to the verb thing, i promise]
This part easy.
THY pairs with YOUR (Is this thy castle? // Is this your castle?)
THINE pairs with YOURS (Is this castle thine? // Is this castle yours?)
That’s it.
IV - THOU + VERB = ?
‘kay. Sorry to get all grammar on thee, but here’s a very mini verb conjugation table:
You sing
She sings
Thou sing’st
Notice that “thou” getteth its own very special verb ending: -’st. (the same way that he/she/it getteth -s). Here are some more examples:
Thou come’st (You come)
Thou know’st (You know)
Thou see’st (You see)
Thou find’st (You find)
Thou pray’st (You pray)
Thou talk’st (You talk)
Thou answer’st (You answer)
And HERE is a little cheat sheet of all the ‘thou’ verbs that are NOT usually spelled with that handy apostrophe:
Thou dost (You do)
Thou didst (You did)
Thou art (You are)
Thou wert (You were) 
Thou wilt (You will)
Thou shalt (You shall)
Thou hast (You have)
Thou canst (You can)
Thou wouldst (You would)
Thou darest (You dare)
Thou liest (You lie)
And don’t forget that thou canst flip the order to ask a question. For example:
Dost thou? (Do you?)
Art thou? (Are you?)
Wilt thou? (Will you?
Didst thou? (Did you?)
Canst thou? (Can you?
-th / -eth is the slightly older ending for he/she/it nouns. (it eventually was replaced with -s).
If thou didst want, thou could’st re-write my mini conjugation table as
You sing
She singeth
Thou sing’st
But that’s extra credit, as far as I’m concerned.
If thou canst remember the first stanza of “Greensleeves,” then thou hast this. It’s a perfect little reminder:
Alas, my love, thou dost me wrong, To treat me so discourteously, For I have loved thee well and long, Delighting in thy company.
Thou hast thou, thee, and thy all used properly.
Thou hast ‘thou dost’ in there, which will remind thee to stick a -st on whatever verb thou art using with ‘thou.’
And also, “Greensleeves” is a love song, but also kind of a diss track. THIS is a good reminder of WHEN thou art supposed to use thee/thou pronouns.
And that’s it! I recommend grabbing thyself a nice Reader x Character fic, and switching out all the “you” pronouns as practice.  ;)
[NOTE: King James Bible  + Quakers have entirely different way of using thee/thou pronouns. DO NOT USE AS REFERENCE.)
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color me moonlight. V
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☾ • I • II • III • IV • V • VI • VII ☽
› Summary: Some flowers are not to be plucked, for their thorns are far too sharp for any hand to graze, yet, they were chosen. She shined, light radiating from the depths of her soul. She was radiant, powerful – she didn’t know it, but a creature as beautiful she could never be bad. However, he was made to consume the light. For the light was meant to dwell with darkness just as powerful, but far more dangerous.
› pairing: Taehyung x reader/OC › genre: angst | m | fluff | sci-fi au | supernatural!au | mutant!au | hybrid!au |
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- Flashback - 
November 21st, 1980
I believe my calling is to heal people, make them stronger, beautiful—better.
A wide-eyed 5-year-old came running down the hall, a sheet of paper in her hands. Lenny. She’s a carbon copy of her big sister, just a tiny version with two pigtails and a jet black bob.
“Look,” She took her paper and put it over her sister's biochemistry homework, “I drew this for you.” She had the cutest smile and her oversized shirt hung on her tiny figure adorably.
“Thank you, Lenny,” She smiles, “but mom said you were supposed to stay in bed, Doctors orders.” Jane was currently in school for her first medical degree and she takes her little sister's illness very seriously.
“But I just wanted to bring this to you.” She pouts, bottom lip poking out.
“Well, your picture is beautiful,” Jane tilts the photo to the side and furrows her brows, “who is this pretty girl?” She points to the photo illustrating a girl in a garden with a sun behind her in vibrant crayons. 
“That’s the girl I see in my dreams sometimes, the light follows her, it’s like- like the sun.” She jumped on Jane’s bed, playing with the charm bracelet on her wrist. 
She’s having the visions again. Lenny has a rare ‘disorder’ that Jane has been researching with other doctors for some time now. She sees what they believe to be the future in vivid dreams and visions, and she sees it backward. When the doctors were testing her and trying to figure out why she would get so fatigued, that’s when they found the reason.
“It does what she says and that’s how the plants grow.” She giggled, crawling off the bed and jumping into Jane’s lap.
“Wow, she must be really special if she can do that.” 
“Of course she’s special,”
She giggles, “she’s your daughter.”
“My- My daughter?...” She reiterates to make sure she heard the little girl right. When Lenny nods, a cute little grin on her face, Jane just shakes her head with a giggle. “Ok,” She gets up and scoops Lenny into her arms, 
“You officially need to go back to bed, you’re talking crazy.” 
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Agent Jeon has one goal, find Y/n and take her to SRMA. 
His first attempt to capture you backfired, but with all of the research he’s doing, he should have no problem tracking you down. Nelson didn’t say much about what you could do, so he didn’t know how cautious he should be. But then again, you ran away from him, you didn’t try to fight. So that makes him wonder, do you even know how to use your powers?
“I made a list of contacts, I’m going to meet with Jung Hoseok, a friend of hers who works as an intern at the SRMA. I’m going in now to ask him a few questions,” He nods at whatever is said through the phone, “I’ll make sure he knows.” He walks up to the front desk. 
“Excuse me,” The woman looks up, “hi. I’m looking for Jung Hoseok, he’s an intern here I believe.” 
“Oh, yes. And your license please?” His brows furrow as he reaches in his back pocket to reveal his form of identification—his FBI badge. By her widened eyes, she deems is identification enough for her. She directs him to the elevators so he can go to the 4th floor. He gets on the elevator and in just a few moments, he’s walking down the hall, and coincidentally, he sees Hoseok walking by with a clipboard and a lab coat on his shoulders.
“Excuse me, Mr. Jung.” Hoseok looks back at the call of his name.
 “Hi,” He pauses in his tracks to look at Jungkook, “can I help you?” 
“Yes actually.” Jungkook shows his badge and Hoseok recoils at the sight. “My name is agent Jeon Jungkook and I’d like to ask you a few questions.” 
“Alright...but what’s this all about?” He swallows, trying to remain composed in front of the agent.
“Is there somewhere we can talk privately?”
“Sure,” Hoseok let his coworkers know he would be a minute before leading Jungkook to the break room. They both take a seat across from each other and, Hoseok twiddles his fingers as Jungkook gets comfortable, pulling out a pen and paper. 
“So,” He sits cross-legged, “how do you know Y/n?”
“We met in a class, I’ve known her for about 4 years now.”
“I see,” He writes that down, “and are you to close?”
“I mean, does she share a lot with you? Does she confide in you at all? or vice versa.”
“Well,” He contemplates his answer. While you two are great friends, there are some things you tend to avoid, questions about your past, questions about your family—you avoid it like the plague, “we’re close but I know there are some things she keeps form me, that’s just the kind of person she is. I don’t argue with her about it, she gets upset if I pry too much.”
“That makes sense.” He nods, “What do you know about her involvement with The 1989 Project?”
“I don’t think she has any...Every time I bring it up, she changes the subject or talks about how she doesn’t believe it. She knows I work here but mutants freak her out.” Jeon nearly laughs, Hoseok definitely isn’t aware of the truth.
“I see,” He scribbles a few things down, “and has she ever come to the SRMA for any reason at all?”
“I’m not sure, I told you we really don’t talk about the SRMA. If I’m completely honest, there’s not a whole lot I know about her. I do know a bit about her past, what she does for a living...She even confides in me at times, but-...I don’t know, I worry about her.” Hoseok is reminded of the message you sent him this morning about you staying at a friend's place—that’s very out of character for you.
“When was the last time you spoke with her?”
“This morning actually, I texted her to tell her I was returning a book but she wasn’t home. She said she was at a friends house, I’m not sure what friend though.” Jeon asks for your number and Hoseok reluctantly gives it to him.
Jeon sighs, closing up his notebook before standing to his feet. “Thank you for your time, Mr. Jung, I truly appreciate it. If you have any information on her whereabouts, please, don’t hesitate to give me a call.” He walks out of the room with swiftness. “Have a good day-”
“Wait, what’s going on? Is she okay?”
“She’s fine,” That was a half-truth, “this is just an extra precaution we take when we think we have a potential lead.” Hoseok’s brows furrow and his stomach churn at the term—lead. At the SRMA, when a lead is admitted, that means a potential subject of The 1989 Project. 
“A lead? You think she’s a part of that? That’s impossible, she can’t stand the mention of it...” Hoseok shakes his head at the FBI agent’s implication that you, of all people, are a product of Jane Sato. That’s absolutely ridiculous.
“You can never be too careful these days, it could be anyone.” 
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This is not, by any means, your best blouse—but it’s as good as you’re gonna get until you can go buy a new one. 
You buttoned up your dress pants, slipped your day-heels on, and walked out of your room to see if Taehyung was out there. He was in the kitchen like always, pouring hot water into a portable teacup. When he looks up, you ease out of your room and it makes him smile. He had gotten up a lot earlier than you, around 2 o’clock in the morning to be precise. But instead of staying with you, he opted for going to his bedroom and sleeping there. Lately, he’s been getting these waves of pain in his head, like little tremors of headaches and it was difficult to sleep. Even when he went to his room, he had to take a few ibuprofen to get a little shut-eye. And there you are, looking like sunshine and moonlight tied up in one beautiful creature.
You walk into the kitchen. “Good morning...”
“Good morning, are you ready for your first day?”  
“Yeah.” Not really. “Are you sure I should start today? Or should I even be doing this in general...” 
“I don’t see why not.”
“The whole city is paranoid and there are people looking for me.”  
“The city has always been paranoid. But you don’t have to worry, they don’t have a bunch of pictures of you so no one's gonna easily  recognize you.” He seems to underestimate the paranoia that some people have. You sit on a barstool at the island and grab one little vine of grapes from the bowl he had out with various fruit. “Just hide in plain sight, you’ve done it all this time.” He retorts, raising his brows when you frowned. 
“I’m not really hidden anymore...”
“You’ll be okay, just keep a low profile.” He grabbed his bag off of the chair beside you, you scurried to get your purse and trailed behind him. He locks the door you two are on your way.
The commute was nice, quiet, but nice. You two didn’t talk too much, you asked him simple questions about what you’ll be doing, what time you get off, things like that. He had a lot on his mind, you could tell by the way he seemed to zone out at red lights. He pulled in to his designated parking spot and pulled the keys out of the ignition.
 “I’ll try not to interact with you.” You speak up all of a sudden. “People might start suspecting things,” You nibble your bottom lip anxiously, “about me and why I was transferred here...Why I was in the inner city now I’m working in the North Heights, and arriving with the CEO...” He admits that you do have a point. 
“Ugh,” You drop your face in your hands, “who do I need to introduce myself to? I have a supervisor, right?”
“Yes, you’ve met her, Margeret.” He got out of the car and you followed him, your steps steady and deliberate. Taehyung walks confidently as if the ground was lucky to be graced by his steps. “She’ll tell you what to do.” 
“Okay...” You two walk into the elevator and when the doors close, he looks down at you, a grin on his lips. You furrow your brows when he continues to stare. “What’s that look for?”
“I like your top, it suits you.” He diverts his gaze, that grin still present on his lips.
“Oh...” You glance down at the basic blue blouse and you almost smile at the compliment. “Thank you.”
When the elevator stops at the desired floor, he steps out first and you follow with timid steps. You realize you’re back on the same floor you were called to the last time. Margeret is already walking from the coffee station with a cup of coffee and a smile.
“Good morning Mr. Kim.” She greets him with a bow and a smile. “The progress report for the Milan group  
“Thank you, Margeret,” Taehyung shuffles you forward with a hand on your back, “you remember Y/n, don’t you?”
“Yes sir, I remember.” She kindly smiles at you.
“She will be under your supervision from this day forward. Anything you need to be done, she can do it for you.” You could have sworn he said you’d have a job inspecting cameras or something, but being an assistant ain’t half bad.
“Oh,” She looked a little surprised but that expression quickly returned to a smile, “alright.” She turns to you as Taehyung walks into his office and closes the door.
“Y/n, I’ll have your work in the file room, for now, follow me please.” She walks behind her desk area and opens the door to the room back there. When you maneuver your way in front to get a better view of what’s in there, you’re met with a little office with a computer and some file cabinets.
“I need you to document the costs of each manufacturer and compare it to the preferred budget. If you could bring me what you’ve documented in the next two hours, I’ll have your next assignment.” 
“Okay,” You shuffle into the room and she closes the door, “okay...”
After a few minutes of figuring out the system, it doesn't take long before you’re typing up the first price comparison. Albeit boring, it is kind of nice to have a set list of things to do. Your other job wasn’t bad but unpredictable phone calls can be very stress-inducing, extremely so. Let’s just say, you partook in quite a bit of wine after the Christmas sales. 
Your new little job was going well until the screen froze and the screen turned blue. “What the heck...” You type a string of random numbers to maybe get the screen back to normal, but it does nothing—it might just need an update or something. You wait for a little bit, thinking it might go back to normal soon but nothing changes.
Meanwhile, you had tiptoed to the door to hear Margaret. She asked to speak with Taehyung and both of them are in his office, for some reason you were uncomfortable with the idea—but you shouldn’t be, right?
“What did you want to talk about?” Taehyung swivels in his chair slightly and Margeret stands with an uncharacteristic anxiousness that he quickly picked up on. 
“Mr. Kim, I hope this is not out of line but...Who is that girl?” She finally confesses what he knew she'd been thinking. “I just don’t understand. She came from the downtown office per your request, now she’s working here.”
Taehyung has a thoughtful expression, she’s not wrong to have her suspicions. But if he’s honest, he rather not explain the whole situation right now. 
“She’s just a bright employee that I think is valuable for the company. I can’t imagine how that would bother you.”
“Sir,” She made that face she always made before saying something truthful, “I’m always honest with you, right?”
“Yes, you’ve never tried to sugarcoat the truth,” He furrowed his brows, “why?...” Don’t say what I think you’re gonna say, don’t say what I think you’re gonna say-
“She just seems-...I don’t know, out of place. She’s a sweet girl and all, but you’ve never treated someone the way you treat her. You don’t like extra unnecessary people, that’s why you got rid of my last assistant.” He can’t deny that she has a fair point.
“What are you trying to say?” 
Now he’s getting annoyed.
“I did my research on her when I first met her, like I do all of your visitors, for your safety. And she’s not the most well-off woman in the world, I mean she worked downtown as tech support and she has no family out here.”
“Say what you’re trying to say.”
“Your father never did anything like this, what do you expect me to think? I think she’s a desperate young woman who’s found what she thinks is a cash cow. I think she’s a sugar baby.” 
She says that last part so cautiously—but you hear it loud and clear.
He’s shocked—and you’re offended. 
“Excuse me?” 
Is she serious right now? You hiss to yourself in the stupid little closet she put you in. Her hurtful words trigger sadness in you and you’re on the verge of tearing up. You are fully aware that she’s close with Taehyung and his father, but that’s just too much opinion to give. She has no right to research and ridicule the people Taehyung chooses to have around him. How can she be so quick to judge? Either way, you refuse to be supervised by someone who thinks so little of you.
You walk out of that room and with all the courage you could muster up, you knock on the office door. You noticed that their conversation comes to a halt when they hear you knock. You can feel Taehyung’s frustration radiating off of him in heavy waves. He is quick to open the door and his heart sinks into his stomach at the sight of you—he knows you probably heard everything.
He opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes out.
“Sir,” He winces at the way you address him, “This isn’t gonna work out...” 
You shoot Margeret a knowing-look but she avoids looking at you – that heifer. Before Taehyung can say anything, you’re storming off, and you know for the sake of hiding your true relationship, he has to keep himself from following you.
Margeret messed up.
“Look what you did!” He raises his voice for the first time and she’s surprised by his reaction.
“She fucking heard you.” You could have heard her if you were across the street but that’s beside the point.
“Taehyung, I have to be honest, if she eavesdropped and got butthurt, that’s not my problem. I don’t know her but I do know this-”
“You’re right, you don't know her.” He spat, cutting her off. His eyes are suddenly physically feeling like they were on fire. “You don’t know shit about her Margeret, and you were way out of line.” 
Her eyes widen, she has never ever, in her life, been scolded by Taehyung. She stands unsure for a moment before opening her mouth to say something, but closing with her head hung low. 
“I apologize, sir...I didn’t mean to offend you, I just-...I’m a married woman and I’ve seen these young single girls trying to make a financial mess of people's lives and I don’t want it to happen to you...I said what I said out of concern for you, I’m sorry if my delivery was poor.”
Taehyung doesn’t say anything, he dismisses her with a hand. It takes him a moment to process how he’s going to get you back and make up for his secretary’s bluntness. 
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But you’re running down a flight of stairs, anger, and insecurity bubbling in your chest. Not only that, but your hearing went through the roof and you feel like anything you touch might melt. You’re burning up.
You’re not sweating, but it’s that same energy that burns. The energy you feel when you’re on edge and about to blow a light bulb or something—I need some water.  
When you reach the last flight of stairs, you practically leap to the exit. The cool air outside hits your face but you don’t care, you need to catch the first bus to downtown- oh wait, that’s right, you’re wanted. Public transportation is not an option right now, walking it is. With your light-weight jacket and little shoulder bag, you walk with your head considerably low, to avoid eye contact. Everyone is looking at me, they all know it’s me, they know it’s me. You took a deep breath and continued to stroll down the busy sidewalk. Unfortunately, you get stopped at a pedestrian walkway, and that’s when you look up. 
Oh no.
The agent that tried to take you away is standing on the opposite side of the street and he’s looking directly at you. For a moment, you pray he didn’t recognize you, but when he presses a finger to his ear, still maintaining eye-contact, he says, ‘I just found her, stand by.’ You book it out of there. Instead of waiting for the light, you make a right to try and lose him but he’s mirroring your path on the opposite street. 
“No, this can’t be happening,” You bite your lip, eyes searching for an alley or something you can run into, “why, why...” 
You make a sharp right into what looks like a slum infested alley beside an abandoned building. You look back and the agent is crossing the street and you freak out. You run into the old building and you instantly regret it when you get inside. It smells like urine and old wood since your sense of smell has been heightened lately, it smells a lot worse than it probably is. It’s an old abandoned restaurant, it’ll suffice for a suitable hiding spot. You can hear Jungkook’s footsteps approaching and you run as quietly as you can to hide behind the 20-foot bar that took up most of the little place. 
The wood creeks under your weight and you know he knows you’re in here. 
“Miss Y/L/n,” You cringe, “if you know what’s best for you, you’ll come on out.” He pulls the stun gun out of its holster and walks armed and prepared to fire at any moment. 
You can hear his footsteps approaching and you crawl as quietly as you can further down the expanse of the bar. 
You scream when you feel his hand on your wrist. “No!-” 
He managed to sneak up behind you and when you try to run, he turns you around and tries to cuff you. “Stop resisting!”
“Let go!” You yank against his hold, causing your self more pain than anything. “Let go of me! Let go-”
“You are being taken into custody for violating statewide protocol.” He proclaims as if that means anything to you.
“Let me go, I didn’t do anything wrong! I- I just-” You are becoming more and more worked up, eyes squeezing shut in frustration.
Jungkook is steadily trying to cuff you when he catches the eye of your hands and your wrists that are covered and glowing with luminescent veins. 
“Whatever you’re doing,” Jungkook leans in to hiss a threat into your ear, “you need to stop, right now.”
You’re confused unto what he’s referring to until you open your eyes and you can feel the familiar energy coursing through you—this is your chance, you can use your powers to get out of this. You’ve never really tried to do this before but there are very few options on the table now. You focus on bringing all of that feeling to your fingers. He’s speechless. He’s witnessing what looks like a light traveling down to your fingertips. Nope. He is not about to fight someone who appears to conduct electricity through their body, that's not within his pay grade.
Before you could even do anything, you feel a sharp pain in your neck and you fall unconscious. 
“Now this,” He supports your suddenly limp body before you fall to the floor, “is what I was trying to avoid.” He keeps you up with one hand before whipping out his cellphone to make a call.
‘Tell me you have her this time.’ Nelson said over the phone.
“Send a car and I’ll have her at the SRMA within the hour.”
Jungkook hung up, Nelson dialed Jane’s number immediately after.
Today is jogging day and she just hit the 3-mile mark. She decided to stop at a park bench to catch her breath before starting up again, and that’s when she got the call.
“Jane, Jane,”
Nelson spoke hurriedly over the phone, 
“they have her.”
She felt her heart beat faster and a smile crept onto her lips, and tears to her eyes. “Really?...”
“Yes. She’ll be proofed through the SRMA then I’ll her transferred to the facility, and then you can see her.” He knows she’s excited by the fact that she’s barely saying anything. 
“Is- Is she okay? They didn’t hurt her did they?” Nelson only smiles at the protective attitude towards you, even though she hasn’t seen you since you were an infant.
“Our best agent was on her case, no harm came to her. I can guarantee that.”
“I’ll be in the facility tonight, don’t let anyone do anything to her, got it? I don’t know how evolved she is.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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It’s quiet now—you can’t hear anything, barely even your own breathing. You’re laying on a small bed, head throbbing as soon as you moved to sit up. You were wearing a loose white shirt and long pants.
They got you.
All you remember is kicking this guy, getting hit on the head, and here you are. Taehyung was nowhere to be seen before you went unconscious.
You’re afraid, deathly afraid. When the man clamped a metal brace around your wrist, you panicked. All the lights blew, you felt a sharp pain in your neck and that’s all you can remember.
Just when you considered getting out of the bed, the door opened. Your heart sank into your stomach and you bit your lip, waiting to see who it was.
It was a woman, she looked about 40 or 50. For a moment, she just stared at you, eyes drifting from your face to your wrist, her eyes immediately furrowed.
She took a step into the room, closing the door as she continued to approach you. From what you can tell from her exterior, she’s harmless. But who is she?
“Did they hurt you?” She sounded concerned, her eyes saddening at the sight of contraption they put on you. “I told them not to touch you unless absolutely necessary…and they go and put this thing on you.” She reaches out to touch your arm and that’s when you go on the defense again, jerking away from her. She looks as if she regrets
“Where-…Where am I?” You seethe, clenching the sheet in your fists.
“You’re safe now…” She wears a sweet smile. “You don’t have to worry.”
“Who are you?…”
She doesn’t answer you, instead, she extends a hand in wonder. Her eyes are scanning you, analyzing your entire face.
“I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” She sighs, “but you grew up to be so beautiful, Yves.”
You just stare at her, in shock—in terror. Mr. Kim told you who gave you that name, the woman who started this mess. So this is her. She’s the person responsible for your parent's brainwashing and their inevitable demise. Because of her, you grew up disgusted with who you are, you were convinced that you were a mistake.
All those years, your entire life had gone by with you assuming you’d never understand why. Why this was done to you, why anyone would basically sacrifice pieces of someone’s humanity without consent.
“My name is Jane,” She smiles, “Jane Sato.”
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June 10th, 1981
“Happy birthday Lenny!”
The giggly 6-year-old blew out her candles and smiled when her mother began to cut her a huge piece of cake—probably too big for her little self. The party was a nice change for the rigorous studying Jane has been doing for school. She had just proven her research case study and her senior biochemists and doctors have been wanting nothing more than to work with her in opening her own center.
Unfortunately, after getting her slice of cake and watching Lenny open her presents, she had to get on the computer to work on some things. Jane sits at the living room table while her family watches a movie with Lenny and at times like this, she wishes she was gifted with a mind that required so much work.
“Jane,” Lenny suddenly hops off the couch and runs up to Jane with her new flamingo stuffed animal, “what’re you doing?”
“I have to write this paper that explains a patients condition, I’m sorry I’m doing this on your birthday, my deadline is tonight and I procrastinated,” Jane sits back from her computer and Lenny takes a seat on one of the stools with her poofy purple tutu.
“It’s okay, you always say ‘a doctor has a big responsibility,’ so I get it,” She replies rather maturely with a sweet smile, “I’m not mad.”
“How are you enjoying your day? Did you like the canvas and paint set I bought you?”
“I love it!” She smiles brightly. “How did you know I wanted it?”
“I just knew.” Jane simpers.
“Oh! Oh! I made you something this morning, let me go get it!”
Jane furrows her brows and waits for Lenny to come out.
“Here,” She comes stumbling in with her sketchbook and sits back in her seat, “I saw him in my dreams.”
When Jane looks a the piece of paper, she is at a loss for words. It’s a drawing of a boy in a pond of wilted flowers, a murky looking forest surrounds him, and dead animals lay at his side. This is the darkest drawing Lenny has ever created and it makes Jane’s heart sink at what this dream might mean. “Wow, um…Are those dead animals?”
“Yes, he controls the air…and he takes the energy of living things, it kind of scares me a little bit…” That made Jane even more worried because Lenny’s dreams never scared her. “But just a little, he’s actually a good person. He likes flowers, trees, he especially likes the sunlight.” She smiles.
“So, um, who is he? Does he have a name?”
Lenny hesitates, eyes drifting from Jane to the photo before giggling. “You should know his name,”
“How would I know his name?”
“He’s your son.”
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He hasn’t heard from you since you walked out and you won’t answer any calls, it’s almost been 24 hours. It’s well into the morning and there’s not a trace of you anywhere. Maybe you were more than just offended by Margaret, maybe you’re angry—angry at your situation, angry at him for putting you in this position. But he doubts that you would just leave without telling him something. But he doesn’t know you, know you. He may have a connection with you but he hasn’t had much time to really pick up on your patterns and such. He can’t feel you anymore and that’s what scares him.
Taehyung resorted to his safe haven, his father’s home.
“I don’t know what to do.” His hand tightly held up a cup of green tea as he had to consciously make himself blink.
“And you said the last time you saw her was at your job,” He made a plate of stir-fry for him and Taehyung, knowing that was his son’s favorite, “why did she walk out?”
“Margaret wasn’t too thrilled that I brought her up from the downtown office to headquarters. I was shocked, she was going on about how she could be a gold digger and she even looked her up on the internet to screen her herself! I can’t believe her, she said she was trying to keep me safe but she was out of line. And of course, Y/n heard all of it. She came and told me that she didn’t think things were gonna work and then she just left.”
“Taehyung,” He took a seat, fork in hand, “she was hurt. On top of that, she’s probably worried about everything that’s going on with SRMA trying to screen everyone. And I haven’t known her for very long but I have a feeling that it takes a long time to gain her trust, just be patient.”
He sighs, not convinced that he should take the patient approach to this. “But I’m afraid something bad might’ve happened to her.”
“Maybe she went home- His father is cut off by the buzzing of his cellphone. The caller ID was unknown, yet, something in him felt the need to answer it.
“I’m sorry Taehyung, give me a minute, I should take this,” He quickly gets up and exits to the room, leaving Taehyung to dwell on his worry for you by himself.
He answers the phone and awaits the voice of whoever’s on the other end.
“Hello, is this Kim Taewoo?”
The female voice sounds the slightest bit familiar and his brows narrow.
“Yes, who am I speaking with?”
“It’s Jane…”
He nearly drops the phone and his eyes widen. “Jane…I haven’t heard from you in years, what’s going on?”
“I thought you’d be happy to hear from me,” She lets out a nervous laugh, “especially after all that’s happened. I just wanted to let you know that I-.” She pauses, silence filling his ears until she speaks again. “I’m doing well.”
“That’s great to hear Jane, now I’m sorry to sound so blunt but why are you calling?”
“I wasn’t going to tell anybody about this but I felt like I could trust you,” She takes a deep breath and sighs, “I found one of the children.”
“One of the children? I don’t know what you mean.”
“From the Flower Garden,” She’s surprised as to why he even asked that, she knows he remembers her taking him there, “I think it’s Yves. You remember, she was Winnie and Joon’s little girl, she has the full M2 gene through Winnie.”
“What?…How is that possible? I thought all of the children were lost and sent off to other countries, how could one end up here?”
“I thought so too, but none of the subjects from the other projects were like this. This has to be her.”
“And you’re sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. We plan to run tests today, hopefully we’ll find out what we can do.” She pauses, “I’m sorry, I have to go, but please, don’t tell anyone.”
“Wait, Jane, you-”
Dial tone.
She tucks her phone into her pocket when she heard the second knock on her office door. “Come in.” The door opens and she looks up, “Senator,”
“I came back as soon as I heard,” He sits he briefcase on the chair near the door and smiles at the petite doctor. “agent Jeon told me he was able to get her. How is she?”
Jane breathes, taking a moment to compose her thoughts.
“She’s fine, a little on edge but she’s okay.” She sits down, head shaking in disbelief, “I can’t believe I actually found her, she’s my life’s work…”
“What was so special about her? You said all of the children in the Garden were closest to pure offspring of the M2 gene. Why is she so different from the other children?”
“She’s one of the few that I was able to begin mutation on her almost as soon as conception. She’s one of the closest things to M2 carriers of the past, my hope was that she would grow up getting help with her abilities, but she’s been alone all these years and I’m not even sure when she started showing signs.”
“But she does have the abilities?”
“There’s no way she could not have them. The way she was designed, her energy is in sync with living organisms, light, electricity, she can control it and sense it.”
“Wow,” Nelson steps back, “then she’s more powerful then the others you’ve told me about. And she’s the only one like that, that’s amazing…”
Jane brushes her hair back, shaking her head. “She’s not the only one, she has a coequal.”
“What? You never mentioned that,” He furrows his brows, “she had a twin?”
“No, no, she’s an only child. There was another woman, I found her at an adoption clinic. I told her about my work and she trusted me to take care of him after he was born. It was only a few weeks after conception when I started work on the baby, the alterations for him were just as intense as Yves. Both of there mothers had similar symptoms during their pregnancies but his mothers were more draining. I had to monitor her closely because he would deplete her energy, make her really sluggish, almost to the point where she’d pass out. While he is Yves coequal, his power is- It’s the opposite. He sucks up energy.”
“Did you make them like that on purpose?”
She bites her bottom lip in thought, “I did, I hoped that one day they’d parent the first pure M2 child.”
“So why aren’t we looking for him?”
“Because he-…He’s gone. I don’t know how they did it, but someone took all of them and sent them away. It’s out of pure luck that we found Yves, I highly doubt he’s even in this country.”
“Hypothetically,” Nelson makes a thoughtful expression, pacing with a hand under his chin, “what if we did find him, what if we had them both together?”
“Well, they’re a dyad. If they were to come together, use their powers, honestly…There’s no limit to what they’re be capable of, I really don’t know the extent of their abilities.”
“Well,” Nelson looks down at his watch, “I have a meeting in 20 minutes, whenever you think she’s ready to meet me, let me know.” He picks of his briefcase and closes the door with a click.
Jane cringes, thinking of the truths she withheld from him.
She loved Yuma like her own, but she never knew how to get past the dream that Lenny once shared with her. The little boy in her dream was Yuma—the child was capable of draining the life from animals, plants, anything living. What he could do with it, Jane had no idea, but she feared finding out.
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- Flashback -
The hallways were your least favorite, it’s what you hated most about school.
Girls congregating near your locker, talking, they’re always talking. Some boys, they’re really loud and they like to run past you and everyone else minding their own business. It takes a while to sneak through the people walking to their classes, or whatever they’re doing. Only when you fight your locker to open it do you see your academic advisor looking at you, it looks like she’s trying to say something. Oh hell.
“Miss, Y/L/n, can I see you for a moment?”
You pop out your earbuds and stick them in your pocket, this should be fun. You pull your hair forward, dragging your feet to enter that wretched little office.
“Hi, Mrs. Williams,” You deadpan, taking a seat in the gray chair that you’re all too familiar with.
“Y/n, I heard you got into a fight.”
“Did you?” You sigh.
“Y/n, don’t give me that.” She’s heard your B.S for years now. “What happened? They said you were in the cafeteria, Lena Bale and you just fell out.”
“She doesn’t know when to shut up…”
“Y/n, you can’t keep getting into situations like this. That’s not gonna look good on your record if you ever plan to-”
“I don’t plan to do anything.”
“Don’t say that…” She takes her glasses off, auburn hair falling on her face when she presses her temples. “Tell me what happened.”
“I stepped on her foot by accident and she just went off, she ripped off my earphones screamed at me. I flipped my tray at her…She overreacted.” “Sweetheart, I know it’s not easy, but you have to try to be the bigger person. Your aunt has asked me to look after you, and I want you to keep your head on straight, keep you on the right path.”
“For what?!” You stand up. “Why does any of that matter to you? I’m tired of everyone thinking they know what’s best for me, like they think I have some bright future at a perfect college, with a perfect major, a perfect family, and perfect friends. That’s never gonna happen for me!”
“So, you saw the news last night then.” You deflate instantly, sinking back into your seat when you think of what you saw. It hurt you to hear them re-tell the story on the anniversary of the fire, of how so many people perished. including your parents.
“I knew Winnie, we went to the same college.” She’s told you that more times than you can count. “And you’re just like her, you have so much heart, but you have to learn to let people in, let people see who you really are.” You want to cry because you hate who you really are, who you really are has never been accepted by anyone. You want to curl into a corner and cry, but you can’t do that.
“Now, get to class.” She rubs your shoulder and you get to leave, earphones returning to your ears.
You’re taken from your sleep when you hear a knock on your door, by the breathing, the field of energy surrounding the individual, Jane Sato.
The door opens and you quickly shuffle out of bed, standing to your feet. When she enters, you see your clothes in her hands, they look washed and folded.
“We washed these for you,” Her black hair sits at her shoulders and her face looks as kind as it was last night, “I thought you might want to put them back on.” She sits them on the end of the bed and keeps her distance.
“I know you’re probably confused and that’s understandable. But I want you to know that we don’t mean any harm, you’re here for your own safety.”
“You kidnapped me for my own safety?” You finally speak.
“The news stations have speculated that there’s a, for lack of a better turn, Sato-cross experiment, on the run for the while now, I assume it was you.” She sits on the end of the bed as you walk towards the window that seems to give you the view of what you think is SRMA’s medical city.
“Why do you think that?” You play dumb.
“Yves,” She stands up and walks towards you, “you don’t have to hide around me.” She places a hand on your shoulder.
“That’s not my name. My name isn’t Yves,” You shy away from her hand, “it’s Y/n.”
“I’m sorry, Y/n. Listen, I know you’re upset, but you have to understand, I thought I’d never see you again. Your mother, Winnie, she said if anything ever happened to her, to take care of you. After the fire, all of the children like you were gone and sent off without my knowledge, I couldn’t forgive myself,” Her head hangs low, guilt clawing at her chest. “but here you are.”
You stare at her silently, eyes sweeping over her with the utmost apprehension. She doesn’t mean any harm, you know that much, but this is a lot to take in. Life for you was awful because of this woman. She made something, she took someone and changed their fate for her own desires.
“So, you knew my parents,” You sigh, placing your hand on the window, “they were like you,”
“They believed in my work, believed that people like you were possible. Gifted people who hold powers and ability’s unseen for centuries.”
“People like me,” You have to scoff, it’s amazing how she speaks about you with such high regard, “look…I can’t stay here.”
You quickly step past her to grab your clothes but she grabs your arm before thinking. “Wait-” Regretting her decision immediately, she holds her hand to herself, wincing.
“I- I’m sorry,” You panic, dropping the clothes and walking far from her, “I didn’t mean to do that.”
“No, no! it’s not your fault. It’s your body’s defense mechanism, like a deterrent, I was pretty sure you’d develop this. Has this happened a lot in your life?”
You nod.
“Y/n, have you ever been to a doctor?”
“No- Well, when I was little, but that’s about it, I don’t really get sick.”
“Please, just let me look at you,” She pleads, “your anatomy and your DNA isn’t like ours, it’s delicate and I want to make sure you’re okay. Please, I can tell you about your parents, we can talk about your powers, anything you want to know.”
Your parents? There had been very few people who could tell you about them. It was always the same run-around about them being scientists and doing their own thing. No one had ever really told you about who they were as individuals, why they were so passionate about their work with at the SRMA. This woman has all the answers, and all you have to do is withstand a little check-up.
“Fine.” You pick up your clothes and sit them on the nightstand. “But I need to make a phone call, I need to let my friends know I’m okay-”
“I’m sorry, but we have a strict policy of no phone usage on this side of the center, after the check-up I can take you to the garden and you can call there. You’re welcome to freshen up before you come to the lab,” She stands in the door frame, “I’ll have my assistant bring you.”
She leaves with a kind smile and when the door closes, you rip through your clothes in search of your phone. They took your phone. There’s no way for you to contact Taehyung, but he’ll find a way. Something in you tells you he’s looking for you.
He’s worried about you.
“I haven’t heard from her in a while,” Hoseok closes his laptop and gathers his books, “I had an FBI agent come to question me about her.”
“Seriously?” Wendy stops typing and takes her glasses off in thought. “Geez, I hope she’s not in any trouble,”
“I can’t imagine her being in any trouble,” Hoseok defends, knowing Wendy had always had an aversion to your ambiguous past, you didn’t seem to have any family anywhere when you all met. Wendy has always been curious.
He even called your job yesterday, they said you had been transferred to another branch of the company. When they directed him to the new number, the woman on the phone said you weren’t in. “I’ll see you Wednesday, I’m taking off tomorrow to dog sit at my sister’s place,”
“Well, have fun, I’ll let you know if I hear from her,” She waves him goodbye, eager to get back to her internet surfing.
On his drive to his sister’s house, all he can think about is you. He doesn’t have a clue on where you might be, you haven’t answered texts, emails, calls, nothing. In his effort to settle on a conclusion of your whereabouts, he remembers you telling him that you were with a friend. Oh no, no, no. What if that “friend” is the reason for your disappearance? He knows some of the things you’ve been through, the very few unfortunate relationships you’ve experienced. That what scares him the most. He recalls vividly when you were fresh to the city, you came over his apartment with Wendy and his roommate Jin, because your car battery died. It was too late for you to be out by yourself so he convinced you to stay. In the dead of night, when he got up to use the bathroom, he found you on the back patio, wide awake.
He asked if you were okay, genuinely searching for an answer when you nodded. In the smallest of voice, you said, “I can’t sleep in a place where there are people I don’t know,” you had just met his roommate that night, “I’m sorry, I know I probably look silly, it’s nothing against your roommate, I just-…It’s hard for me to relax, y’ know?” You laughed, your eyes glimmered with a hint of sadness for a moment.
That night he saw you. The sides of you that you hid in front of everyone, the sides that made you vulnerable—your fear. He saw a glimpse of your true self and it made him feel closer to you. He stayed up with you that whole night, and you talked until sunrise.
After that, he made a promise to himself to always check on you. He assumes that you have since gotten over that fear, or maybe you haven’t, who knows.
He parks his car, glad to have made a speedy arrival to his sister’s place so he can get some rest. When he takes his weekender out of the car, he used his key to get inside to greet her hyperactive puppy. He coos over her like always, picking her up and taking her to the couch where he switches on the TV. He doesn’t pay much attention to it, he just uses it as background noise to his scrolling through his phone.
That’s when he gets a call from an unknown number. Hoping it might be you, reluctantly, he answers.
“Hi, is this Jung Hoseok?”
“It is, who is this?”
The voice is deep, distinct, definitely not someone he knows.
“I’m a friend of Y/n’s, I just wanted to know if you’ve seen her this morning or last night even-”
“Wait, wait-” He stops the mystery man on the other end, “are you the friend she said she was staying with?”
“Yeah,” He answers plainly, “but she left yesterday and I haven’t heard from her. I was worried so I called the only number she’s contacted within the week, have you heard from her?”
“No…I’ve been under the impression that she’s been with you. Who are you? She’s never mentioned you before and it’s not normal for her to just stay with anyone, are you related to her or-”
He hangs up.
“He hung up,” Hoseok looks down at the phone in shock, “who is that guy…”
Hoseok is beyond worried now, he needs to know the true identity of this supposed friend of yours. He looks down at the number and decides to throw it in a search engine to see if he can find anything. The first few digits aren’t super familiar, he doesn’t know many people with that area code. The results that pop up don’t help him too much, but it shows that the number is calling from The North Heights. Since when have you had friends over there?
Taehyung went to work to pick up a few things from his office, but rather than taking his usual means of transportation, he decides to take the subway. Knowing that’s what you used to get around, he hoped that just maybe he might pass you. For a moment he thought he might get recognized, but with a casual hoodie and jeans, he doubts anyone will even spare him a glance.
The crowded subway comes to a sudden stop. People are getting on and some are getting off, he eyes the crowd especially hard, in hopes that he might see you. To his disdain, it’s just a bunch of strangers, no one interesting.
He looks around, watching the woman across from him typing on her phone. Her aura is so gold, it’s glowing transparently around her. That color could mean many different things; happiness, eagerness, jealousy, and even apprehension. It all deepened on the hue, the shade of the aura. Whenever he sees that color, his mind gets a little foggy, and as soon as that happens, the color begins to fade and that person becomes blurred from his vision.
When he confided in his father about it, he told him to try not to look if it made him feel unwell. That’s when they discovered that his body was reacting to the aura, in what way? They never had the resources to further research it, Jane invented most of the practices that went into making him. Unfortunately, there were some things Taehyung went through physically that his father wouldn’t know where to start in trying to help.
When the subway halts at his stop, he gets off, maneuvering through the crowd so he could start his walk back to his dad’s place.
It’s so quiet. That’s what he first notices when he walks along the sidewalk. His eyes follow the people walking in all different directions, hoping you might be there. But he’s only fooling himself, if you were around, surely he’d feel your aura.
When he enters his dad’s home, he sees that he already left to start his work shift. Not enjoying the silence, he trudges over to the couch and turns the TV on. Of course, the news is on and they’re covering the same forecast for the third time today, probably. He turns a deaf ear to it and leans back, not feeling good enough to start working. The thought that you might have just decided to leave him, it crosses his mind. But you wouldn’t do that, would you? It seems he’s discovered more about his powers in the short time that he’s known you than he has in his entire life.
It might seem too early to say, but he feels like he needs you around. Every fiber in his body seems to crave your presence in your absence. He’s never had this type of draw to someone, not even of his loved ones, not even his father. It’s not a platonic need, not an emotional or physical need, he’s not sure what it is. But ever since you two somehow merged consciousness, he’s felt the need to go back to that part of his dreams. But he doesn’t know if he can do it without you.
Selfishly, that’s one of the reasons he wants to see you. He thinks that maybe if you two can connect like that again, you’ll both gain some clarity about who you really are and what you’re capable of.
His eyes try to stay open, but he soon falls victim to sleep.
Gasping for air, his lungs expel water, and his body jerks forward. When he takes in his surroundings, he’s in what looks like a lake it’s as dark as night. Swimming to the edge, he hoists himself out of it and stands to his feet looking around for some type of familiarity. When he fully takes in the new environment, he’s in the forest. Trees and plants arch up, branches and vines hanging on them, ropy and sharp edges on it. Nothing bright and bushy with life like one would expect. The leaves are dark, not wilted but dull and heavy.
Cold. He’s ice-cold. A sensation he’s seldom felt in these dreams before.
“What is this place…” He mumbles arms hugged to his sides to supply some warmth to himself. His bare feet drag on the forest floor—it feels so real, it’s hard to grasp that this is only a dream. Curious to find out what this place is, he turns back to the body of water he came from. Coughing due to the cold temperature, he runs back to the body of water and stops when he reaches the edge.
It’s frozen over.
“What is this?…” He gets on his knees, staring down at the now icy body of water. Rubbing some of the ice from the top of it, he looks closer and for a moment he sees a light. Something familiar, warm. When he leans down to get a better look, the ice breaks under his weight, a sound that nearly shreds his eardrums before the cold abyss swallows him whole.
When he opens his eyes, he’s in the same darkness he had been in with you, and he’s completely dry, not a drop of water on him.
He looks around, gathering that this place looks similar to where he just was, but the plants are thriving bright green, the fruit is growing abundantly. Everything looks dewy, supple, ripe—nothing he’s ever seen before.
Light. The farther he walks towards it, the more it calls him—draws him in. Before he realizes it, he’s running, he’s running towards it. The closer he gets, the better he can see a silhouette, it looks like your silhouette.
“Y/n?…” He whispers, eyes narrowing when he notices you grow further away from him as he tries to get closer. “Y/n!” Desperately, he calls your name.
Why aren’t you looking back at him, can’t you hear him?
When he manages to get close enough to the aura surrounding you, he can only see the form of your body, almost appearing bare. It’s obvious that he’s not making any progress trying to follow you, so he stops, and that’s when you stop moving.
He’s entranced in the intense glow emitting from you, just trying to make out your frame. Suddenly, you start to look around, head-turning left to right, as if you weren’t sure where you were. All while you obliviously look around, he’s thrumming in desperation to get closer. Physically, his energy responds so strongly to you.
He can’t take the distance anymore, he takes a step towards you and he cringes when you release a bloodcurdling screech. Your body collapses and all he can see is darkness.
The warmth ceases, and he’s cold once again.
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Jane sits idly by your side, gazing down at the IV in your hand and the sticky monitors all over your forehead. You began to toss a bit, a deep furrow in your brows.
Her assistant, Peony, is accompanying in your check-up. In the young doctor’s eyes, this is the highest honor Jane could give anyone working by her side. Not only is this a top-secret project, but no medical professional has ever gotten this close to a child of the Flower Garden. They were assumed to have been lost, but here you are, a full-grown woman with mysteries soon to be discovered.
“Dr. Sato,” She speaks softly, eyes not leaving the brain activity monitor for a moment, “the activity just spiked like crazy, I don’t know what’s going.”
“Let me see,” Reluctantly, she leaves your side to observe the monitor and she’s taken aback, “her brain activity is going to be much different than ours, but that is a bit unusual-”
The lights flicker.
“What was that?” Her assistant glances at you, watching your fingers twitch erratically.
“The power in this facility state-of-the-art, we don’t get shortages or anything like that because we’re not running off of the city’s power,” Jane furrows her brows, looking up at the lights that have since gone back to normal, “it must be her,”
It burns, it feels like your blood is on fire. The machines in the room, the lights on the ceiling, everything charged by electricity is connecting to you. Screaming at the top of your lungs, you try to wake yourself up.
You want to wake up, it’s too much.
Peony seeks reassurance from Jane with wide eyes, pushing her glasses up her nose out of nervous habit. They’re eyes drift over to your arms, and the glowing veins are something they’ve seen in other experiments. You have it too.
Both women duck down when they hear the building’s power surge. “Dr. Sato, what’s going on- Ah!”
“Dr. Sato, I think we should turn it off!” Peony holds her hands to her ears as Jane tries to turn off the monitor that’s now flashing bright colors that it definitely wasn’t meant to do.
She flips the switch off, brows furrowed when it does nothing at all. “It’s not shutting off- She’s- She’s powering it.”
The alarm starts blaring a painful screeching to their ears, the lights glow brighter, so much so that they look like they’ll pop. Peony’s mind immediately goes to the other patients in the building and she fears you might be affecting them.
Instinctively, she runs to the com so she can call an emergency code. Jane blocks her way to the phone, “No! Don’t call, she’s doing this, we just need to wake her,” Peony is struck with fear, she’s never seen anything like this.
“Y/n,” Gently, Jane shakes you a little, not fearing your ability to unintentionally hurt her.  “Y/n, wake up,” Biting her lip, she hesitates to but calls you by the name she knows you by, “Yves, wake up,”
Slowly, your eyes flutter open and your brows narrow at the now poorly lit room.
“Sweetheart,” Jane touches your arm lightly, “how do you feel?”
“I have a headache,” You hold your forehead, “what happened to the lights?”
“As soon as your brain activity started spiking, the lights, the fire alarm, my equipment—everything started overcharging, it was you. What were you dreaming about?” Jane inquires, “Peony, take notes on my laptop.”
Still, a bit shaken, Peony walks over to the desk and opens up the laptop.
You glance over at the assistant, Jane notices your hesitance. “Peony will be by my side as we do further testing, you can trust her.”
“I was in a garden, I think that’s what it was…I felt overwhelmed like I was connecting to something, I was trying to wake up.”
Jane stands, a notepad and a pen in her hands so she can have personal notes.
You pull the monitors off as you get out of the bed and walk towards the door, you open it before they can stop you. Jane doesn’t mind though, she glances at you as you peek out there and see the hallway lights off.
Have security check the circuit breaker, none of the 4% are powerful enough to cause something like this.
You clearly hear a male voice coming from one of the lower floors and it really hits you—you’re powerful enough to knock the power out of this huge building. Closing the door softly, you take a step back. For your entire life, you’ve wondered why you were given these powers, why it had to be you. If you really possess the gifts she says, how come you’re so unfamiliar with it? Taehyung didn’t as distanced from his powers as you but he still understood them better, he had his father there as support. But you had no family, no friends, you had no one.
“What’s the 4%?” You look at both of them, patiently awaiting an answer.
“How did you know about that?” Peony furrows her brows.
“I heard someone say it just now, somewhere downstairs, what is it?”
“Wow, I knew your sense was heightened, but your hearing is incredible,” She smiles, still taken buy all you can do. Your expression doesn’t change though and she clears her throat to answer your question.
“The 4% are individuals all possess the M2 gene. The M2-gene is a genetic trait passed down to a handful of humans, it’s supernatural gifting. I devoted the final project for my doctorate to prove it’s existence.”
She goes on to explain the M2-gene, the Flower Garden, the experiments, all the things Taehyung’s father had told you. The treatments, the experimenting process, she rambles on about it but one thing she hasn’t mentioned, Taehyung. If his father was right, she should be eager to tell you about him, even mention that you had someone out there who had powers similar to yours. You wished you had the powers Taehyung had, then you’d be able to read her. His ability probably came in handy when it came to interacting with you, you weren’t always truthful. You bet he’s wondering where you are and you wish you could tell him, but you fear to expose him to Jane. So you’ll suffer alone until you can find a way to leave. You don’t have to kindest of feelings towards her but she seems to care, that puts your mind at rest for right now.
You interrupt her, “Did you really know my parents? Personally,”
She falls silent, sitting down her notepad. “I did, and I know they’d do anything to be with you now.”
“Tell me about them,” You sit down, “my aunt and uncle didn’t talk about them much…”
“That’s where you were?” She never knew where they sent you. “Do you still live with them-”
“No, my uncle kicked me out when I was eighteen, I haven’t seen or heard from them since. I want to know everything you know about my birth parents, if you’re going to hold me here against my will,” Suddenly, the lights flicker back on and the building hums, the power coming back on, “I think you owe me at least that,”
“Alright,” She swallows, walking to the door and opening it up, “I have a section dedicated to all of the doctors and scientist who helped me, everything I know about them is there.”
“Can you take me there?” You walk up to her, eager to finally learn something about them that wasn’t just a picture that you stole from Taehyung.
You want to know who you are, where you came from—who you would have been had you met them.
She’s showing you everything you’ve asked to see without hesitation. It is so surreal. The person you had always imagined behind the name Dr. Sato acted much differently in your mind. Now that you’re standing face-to-face with the woman you cursed throughout your teen years in a moment of frustration – but you’re not angry. She looks at you with infatuation, complete and utter infatuation. She tries to make it subtle but with her little henchmen following her every move and writing down your answer to every question, it’s obvious she has a tiny obsession. That’s reasonable.
“This was your mother’s journal and your father’s bracelet with your name on it,” Jane opens a drawer and hands you a purple journal and a thin gold bracelet with a little plaque on it, “she tried to write down every little thing about the pregnancy, and things she wanted to tell you when you got older. And your dad had the bracelet made just a few days after you were born, he was gonna give it to you when you got a little bigger. I hope I could give it to you one day,”
With hesitant hands, you take the dainty bracelet, admiring it and the spelling of  Yves in delicate calligraphy. Closing the bracelet in your fist, you open the journal. A smile comes to your face when you see the inconsistency in some of the manuscripts, a problem you used to struggle with. As hard as you try, you can’t bring yourself to read any of it. Because once you’ve read it, the words she dreamed to tell you, they’d be out in the open. No more wondering. What if you were disappointing? What if the hopes and dreams she had for you were things you couldn’t amount to, would she be proud of who you are? You always hoped she would.
“I don’t have anything from my parents,” You close the journal holding it to yourself protectively, “thank you.”
“Of course,” She glances down at your clenched fist. “Do you want to wear it? I can put it on for you,” She offers, anxious to see if you’ll brush her off or let her help, “it clips on and off-”
“I’m fine, thanks…” You clear your throat, walking off to the other side of the little museum-like space. Suddenly, as if you were back in the dream realm, you sense something hot. It’s just for a split second but it was so weird, you almost dropped the journal. You must have looked spooked because Jane is looking at you with concerned eyes.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a little tired, I think I need to get some sleep, it’s been a long day,” You see if she’ll take the bait and let you go to your room.
“Oh! I’m sorry, of course, yes, I can imagine you’re exhausted. You’re welcome to stay in here a little longer and you know where your room, I’ll see you later,” She leaves the room with Peony on her tail and you wait until you hear their footsteps grow further before you let yourself react.
“Huh…” You look down at the journal, still not ready to read it, but even having it in your hands is enough right now. Placing your hand on the window, you pray that Taehyung can wait for you a little longer – just until you’ve found what you’re looking for.
The senator is on his way to a conference on the other side of the city, he’s been asked to talk about the new policy. It’s been deemed necessary for all citizens born between 1992 and 1998, it’s newly been suggested that all citizens consider visiting SRMA.
Just when he thought things were getting interesting, it gets more interesting. He gets a call from agent Jeon. As he holds the phone to his ear, his relaxed expression twists into one of confusion when Jungkook rambles on. “Wait, wait, the memorial?”
Jungkook is a safe distance away from the lake, gazing at it with more confusion than curiosity, “Yeah, the gates and the Mantra in the garden is just- It’s- it’s all on fire.”
In the large garden where the memory of Lenny and the Flower Garden lay, the 8-foot gate and the once-grand plaque in the middle of the garden burns. The letters spelling Jane’s younger sister’s full name, Lenoir, melt before their eyes.
Humans can be morphed into something greater, stronger, and far more beautiful through science and mutation. Through technological advancements, the idea of physical imperfections, chronic illness, genetic disorder, and even the common cold will be made history through rigorous genetic and biological alterations. There is no denying that a human’s DNA is beautifully made, but the M-2 gene will usher in a new being, radically transforming humans with abilities beyond our comprehension. 
All of that was once in the middle of the garden in front of the fountain, and it’s up in flames, along with the water in the fountain.
“I’ve never seen anything like this, it’s definitely the work of someone but I’m not sure why anyone would do this here.” Jungkook looks around, see no other part of the garden is touched, 
“This part of the facility is blocked off from the public and some of the staff if someone was trying to make a statement, it looks like they were making it to Dr. Sato personally.”
The firemen frantically raced to put the fire out, but they’re too late. The gates are destroyed, the plaque and the fountain still have flames that devour the former beauty.
Greene groans, pressing his temples firmly. “Does she know about this? She’s working on something really important right now, we don’t need her upset about this right now.”
“Okay, sir,” He sighs, “but she comes out here almost every morning, she’s gonna find out.”
In the forest outside of the facility, a pale-skinned dark figure sits in the highest tree, watching the little haven go up in flames with a devious smile. His hands have a lingering burn but that will always fade in time, this was worth it. The thought of Jane’s face when she sees this, one might have pity but the pain she’s put him through, the pain she’s caused – she can’t ignore this.
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theawkwardterrier · 5 years
things left behind and the things that are ahead, ch. 27
AO3 link here
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The more things change, Steve thinks comfortably, and it’s true. For all the modern cars he can spot lining the streets, the changing fashions, the sounds of TVs through the windows which have mostly replaced the radios, he might as well be back in short pants.
“Here,” Bucky says, coming through the front door and hooking it closed with his foot (he’s not wearing the arm today) before he starts down the steps. He hands Steve a beer, which Steve clinks automatically against the one remaining in Bucky’s hand. “Everyone still in one piece?”
Steve lifts his eyebrows toward where the kids are running, shrieking and giggling, through the water arcing from the fire hydrant. “I don’t know if I’d be able to tell if someone started screaming for real.”
“Yeah, you would.” Bucky sits, taking a sip of his beer, and Steve can see his eyes searching out Libby’s toddler form between the taller ones of the Carters and her Barnes cousins. They both spot her at the same time, tucked behind Rose and Baby, using them as a shield so she gets only dainty amounts of water on her feet and hair. She claps her damp hands and looks over at Bucky, palms out, smiling. Bucky sets down his bottle to wave back to her.
“Father of the year over here,” Steve says, grinning, and Bucky elbows him.
“Never learned to shut your mouth, did you?”
Steve shrugs elaborately. “Lesson was never smacked into me hard enough, I guess.”
Bucky snorts and takes another swig of beer. “I’m sure my mother will be happy to give it a try.”
“Hmm.” Steve looks at the bottle he’s holding between his palms. He isn’t in the mood to joke about Winifred Barnes considering the way she has avoided using Drea’s name since they’ve been back in Brooklyn. It wasn’t meant to be a surprise for her - Steve knows that Bucky’s talked to her about it - but her reaction has been more disapproving than he would have expected. Josie and Vi have, after all, been together nearly as long as he and Peggy have, and while it isn’t precisely acknowledged, they’ve always been treated warmly regardless of what the church might have to say about it. He knows his wife has already had some harsh words with Winifred about the sort of love parents - and, by extension, grandparents - are meant to show their children, but she’s been stubborn in her opinions about what kind of parents they are to support this. They haven’t been back to her house since that first day. At this point Steve’s had Winifred, teasing and reprimanding and caretaking, longer than he had his own mother, but the way she’s acting is wrong and he won’t force any of his kids through her coldness.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Bucky says, tone no longer joking. “I didn’t think--”
“Not your fault.” Steve summons up a smile and changes the topic. “You need any help getting the nursery freshened up while we’re here? Plenty of us to give you a hand if you need one.”
“I trust Carter with a hammer before I trust you—”
“Probably a good idea.”
“—but she’s been in and out of meetings with Howard nearly the whole time you’ve been here.” Steve’s mouth pulls to the side; he had hoped that she would be able to relax a little once they’d arrived, but the relentless pace of her work seems to have followed them up from Washington. “And I’m not making those kids of yours work during their summer vacation, especially when only half of them are any bigger than the hammer. Besides, I’ve got months.”
“Check your calendar, pal. Baby’s due in October and that’s coming up fast.”
“I know when my baby’s due, you punk.”
“Better not let Layla hear you with this ‘my baby’ stuff.”
“Then you’d better not let it slip.” Bucky finishes off his beer, puts the bottle off to the side, and plucks Steve’s out of his grasp. They both know Steve hates the taste of the stuff anyway and only holds it because he likes the feeling: sitting here with the sun warm on his head and neck, watching his children play in these familiar streets, his best friend beside him, a cold beer in hand.
(It is never difficult for Steve to appreciate the normal, wonderful things. He knows just how close he came - a million times, a million different ways - to not having any of it.)
Their move to Maryland was necessary and they’ve settled into a good life there, the kids doing well in school, finding friends, Peggy somehow forcing time amidst all her other work to design the new DC SHIELD headquarters. Steve’s gotten to know the employees at the grocery and the politics of his new local PTA group. Still, he misses being able to just drop by and watch Bucky at work or get scolded out of Layla’s lab, misses phoning on a Saturday morning and having them over for dinner that night. When the new baby is born, he won’t be around for things the way he was with Libby. He’ll be Uncle Steve from afar, mostly.
And yet now that they’ve come back, it’s like there was no time away. He falls back into step with Bucky, back into bantering with Becca and teasing smiles out of Josie, back into the patterns of these streets and alleyways, as if he’d never left. These are things embedded within him, things not even about blood shed beside each other but instead the bone-level knowing, deep as a nursery rhyme, that he would always have a place with them.
That sort of familiarity was how Bucky, the other Bucky, had known that he wasn’t simply going to return the stones. A few evenings after the funeral, once most people had departed, Bruce said that he would be ready to set up the next day and Steve nodded. Later that night, he and Bucky had both come up with pretenses to pull each other aside, out into the gentle air. The night had been shadowed by trees, barely crescent-mooned.
“I don’t think I’m coming back,” Steve finally shored himself up enough to say, just in time for Bucky to comment, “So, you’re probably not coming back, right?”
And he had been calm about it, prepared, that gentle look to his eye, that tilt to his head. The understanding of old soldiers who had come a long way, the determination of one ready to keep fighting on his own terms. He’d squeezed Steve’s shoulder. “Live a good life,” he said. “And if you see me there, do what you think is right, okay?”
All the trust in the world in those words, and Steve knew that it was permission to kill him if necessary, to leave only that time as a weapon without the opportunity to come out the other side and regain something of himself. As if it was the only answer, as if Steve would have such an answer if that came to it.
Bucky, Steve thinks, too sadly for someone with his best friend sitting right beside him. He wishes he could whisper this afternoon, this moment, into the ear of that other version of him. He wants to tell him about all of this: about a life where he fixes things with capable hands, where he can put his mind to work, where he had another chance for ball games with his father and got to cry at his funeral, where he sits and eats and laughs with his mother and sisters, their spouses and children, at least once a week. Where he has a woman who walks shoulder to shoulder with him. Where he holds his own child against his heart and will soon hold another. About the warmth of the bricks steps outside this home and new young laughter ringing where theirs once did.
But he can’t speak to that tempered-steel version of his friend, not for a long time. So he turns to the one beside him instead and says, “Thanks for having us. Really.”
And Bucky grins at him with sun-squinted eyes, gives a shrug that means of course, then says, “By the way, Drea tells me that you’re both Orioles fans now, you asshole,” and Steve laughs and is grateful.
More chapters here
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mixed-imagination · 5 years
Something Borrowed (Pt. 2) - Steve Rogers x Reader (NEW version)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: I’ve decided to rewrite my series “Something Borrowed.” For a thorough explanation click HERE. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: You and Steve keep missing each other. When will it be your time?
Warnings: very little angst
Word Count: 1.9+
Notes: My inspiration for this came from the movie Something Borrowed.
Song of the chapter: Thinking About Your Love - Turner, Skipworth
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Your eyes fluttered open.  It took you a minute realize it was morning.  The sunlight peeked through your bedroom curtains, city cars dully roared outside, and the warm breeze brushed against your cheeks. You blinked and stared up at your white ceiling as the events of yesterday came pooling into your mind.  
“No,” you whispered.  Your chest started to feel heavy, tears building. You closed your eyes and shook your head trying to block out the memories.
After a few minutes, you finally sat up and groaned, rubbing your crusty eyes, “Shit. Friday, what time is it?”
Suddenly your bedroom door flew open. You jolted, “Jesus! Are you insane?” you grabbed your heaving chest. You were almost thankful for the shock because for a short moment you had forgotten everything.
Standing in front of you was Wanda who was holding a tray of breakfast, “It’s time for you to get the hell up, Y/N.”
Your brow raised, “Excuse me?” You laughed a bit, slightly amused. “Please, Friday, what time is it?”
“Good afternoon, Y/N. It’s 1:03 PM,” Friday spoke.
“You know Friday is not Alexa. Don’t treat her like one.”
You groaned again, slapping your forehead and ignoring Wanda’s snide comment, “Jeez, it’s so late!”
Wanda held her arms out and handed you the tray of food, “Here. Eat.”
“Wanda,” You chuckled, taking it from her.  On the tray, there was a plate of sunny-side eggs, bacon, slices of banana and a cup of orange juice. It smelled delicious, but you had no appetite, so you let the tray remain on your lap.
Wanda sat at your bedside and placed a hand on your arm, “How are you feeling, love?”
The color drained from your face as your pleasant expression disappeared faster than it appeared. Heartache started to creep up again, and Wanda’s pained face did not help it go away. You quickly forced a smile, “I’m feeling good.”
“No seriously. Are you okay?”
You nodded and lifted your arms to stretch, yawning, “I feel good.”
“But what about Steve?” her eyebrows furrowed.
A wave of pain washed over you as soon as his name left Wanda’s lips. You coughed and feigned laughter, “Oh that? No need to worry. I have to admit I was a little sad, but after having a good cry, I feel great. Steve sucks. Fuck Steve,” you grinned widely, trying to reassure her.
You knew you didn’t need to hide anymore, but you guessed you lied because you just wanted to forget everything. You didn’t want to hurt anyone or have anyone worry about you. You needed to stay strong, and this was just a way to try and make yourself believe that you really were.
“I don’t believe you.”
“Wanda, please don’t worry—”
“Don’t worry?” her voice raised slightly, “You made me look into your mind, Y/N. I saw your memories. I felt all of your memories—”
Anxiety raised in you, “Please—”
“I felt all the love and all of the pain,” she rubbed your arm, “There was a lot.”
“I saw all those late nights, Y/N. I saw that night at the bar—”
“Wanda, please stop,” you begged, “I’m trying.”
She quickly shut up, but her frown remained as she removed her hand from your side. She leaned back and crossed her arms, noticing that your food had not been touched, “Y/N, you need to eat.”
You smiled weakly and shook your head, moving the tray of food to your bedside table, “Thanks, but I’m not hungry though.”
Her eyebrows furrowed, slightly annoyed, “Why not?”
“I’m just...not,” you sighed and shrugged.
Wanda abruptly stood up, huffing in frustration as she made her way to spread the window curtains apart. She stood there, staring out at the sky.
“You know, Y/N,”  she sighed, “You’re one of my closest friends.”
The twang of pain grew in your chest, “I know.”
“I love you like a sister... Same as Natasha,” she glanced at you before returning to the window, “I would never want to see you or her hurt.”
You nodded, your voice almost a whisper, “I know.”
Suddenly her head whipped towards you, face contorted, “If you know, then why didn’t you tell me?” her tone was stern.
Once again, your stomach dropped as your anxiety and guilt began to grow like wildfire. Your mouth parted, words failing to escape your lips. You didn’t really know what to say.
“I don’t know.”
“Do you not trust me?” she walked towards you.
“No! I do!” you frowned.
“Do you value me less than I do you?”
The more she questioned you, the more your facade failed you. You felt your eyes start to flood with tears. “No, Wanda, you’re my best friend.”
“Then you could’ve told me. I would’ve helped you!”
You shook your head as your tears rolled down your cheeks, “No, Wanda,” you whispered weakly, “I couldn’t. There was no point in telling you or anyone for that matter.”
“No point? You’ve been hiding this secret for so long!”
“You saw the memories. I missed the chance to tell Steve my feelings twice now. The first time was silly because I didn’t realize my feelings until Sharon came around. And then once she was gone, I was trying to grow some balls to tell him. But I was too late because he fell in love with Nat,” you shrugged and let out a nervous chuckle.
“Y/N…” sadness clouded her face.
“When they were together, not only did I feel like shit because Steve didn’t love me, but I felt awful, too. I felt like a bad friend. I was guilty of being in love with my best friend’s boyfriend. Nat would kill me and I would never want to hurt her. So you couldn’t have helped me.”
Wanda grabbed your shoulders and pulled you in for a tight embrace. You instantly wrapped your arms around her, letting your tears drip onto her sweater. “You could’ve talked to me,” she stroked your hair.
“I’m so sorry, Wanda,” you tried to smile, but it wavered as you struggled to keep yourself together.
“It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
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After an hour of crying and talking it out, you were snuggled in your bed in with Wanda lying down at the end.  You were watching a movie on Netflix called To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before while sharing a carton of chocolate ice cream.
“I wish I had a Peter Kavinsky,” you spooned some ice cream in your mouth, “Too bad he’s a boy and not a man.”
Wanda shook her head, “Nu-uh, I think he’s kinda cuter than Steve.”
You raised a brow and tilted your head towards her with a smirk, “Yea, he would be your type, wouldn’t he?” You laughed as Wanda rolled her eyes, “Shut up.”
She turned to you and grabbed the ice cream carton before you had a chance to eat some more. “Hey!” you detested. She ignored you and spooned some, “So, Y/N.”
“Tomorrow is your bir—”
“Please don’t finish that sentence,” you cringed.
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to be reminded that I’m getting old—”
“Shut up, you’re not old. Your birth—”
“Wanda, please—”
“I’m only bringing it up because tonight’s the party!”
You groaned and sunk into the bed sheets, “Shit, I forgot. I don’t want to even think about that.”
She twirled a strand of hair, “Maybe you should tell him how you feel?”
“What? No! Are you crazy?? Steve, he...he just got engaged!” you started fidgeting with your nails and stared up at your ceiling, “I already lost my chance with him to Nat, and… and if I tell him… I’ll lose both of them forever.”
“Fine, don’t tell him,” Wanda sighed, “but you can’t avoid him forever. You know he’ll come looking for you.”
“No, no, no, no. I don’t even want to think about Steve right now,” you yanked the covers over your head in frustration.
The thought of Steve hurt. Just hearing his name flashed an image of him in your mind.  You would see his charming smile and his shiny blue eyes, and if you thought for a second more, you’d hear his laugh. Because with every signature smile came his contagious laugh.  It was a package deal… a package deal you wanted out of your mind.  You shook your head vigorously.
Wanda stretched over the edge of the bed and placed the finished ice cream carton on the floor, “Alright, you don’t want to think, so… you wanna drink? I could grab some Asgardian booze from the common area.”
“Nah. Save that for tonight. I don’t think I should drink right now,” you mumbled under the sheets.
As much as you wanted to forget, drinking alcohol was not the way to do it. Your broken heart was still fresh and raw.  Booze would only make the ache in your chest burn and your misery amplified.  You knew your limits, and your relationship with alcohol was no bueno.  You knew if you were drunk, you’d probably do something rash like accidentally roam around naked, or worse, go and find Steve and say the unspeakable… or even MORE WORSE, go and find Steve WHILE naked.
The covers were yanked from over you, “Common, the party’s in a few hours. We have to make you look hot tonight,” Wanda lectured.
You squinted from the sudden light and immediately retreated into your pillow, “I just wanna sleep,” you mumbled.
“But Y/N!—”
You smirked, “I wonder what Vis would say if I told him about your little crush on Peter Kavinsky.”
Wanda’s eyes widened as she sat up a little, almost like she was about to pounce on you if she continued testing her, “You. Wouldn’t. Dare.”
You giggled into the bed, making her laugh along with you.
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The party was exactly how you expected it to be. It was held in the tower’s common area, which was swarming with groups of people, many of which you did not recognize. You were secretly glad there was a surplus of people because that meant you could easily mask yourself in the crowd if you ever spot Steve or Nat. Thank god Tony was always in charge of the guest list.
Speaking of the devil, Tony appeared and sauntered towards you, holding two glasses of champagne, “There she is! Woman of the hour! Look, everyone! The birthday girl is here!” The crowd of strangers cheered. He handed Wanda a glass, but you declined yours.
“You always know how to host a party Tony,” Wanda rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Hey,” he shrugged, “Genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist, right?”
You laugh, “Right.”
Tony gave you toothy grin as he came in closer to hug you. As soon as your mouth was near his ear, you whispered, “Thank you for yesterday, Tony.”
He squeezed you tightly in response and then pulled away, “For you? Anytime, kid.”
Your face flushed as you smiled at him. You were so thankful for Tony.
“So!” he clapped, “You ladies hungry? Let me lead you to the food table.”
“I’ll be the one to do that, Stark.”
The hairs on the back of your neck immediately stand up. You sucked in your breath.
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NOTE: hey yall! sorry if this chapter is a little short. it was originally supposed to be like....5,000+ words l0l..but i decided to split it into three 🤷🏻‍♀️hope you enjoyed some of the character development :D stay tuned this week for more chapters!
TAGS: @blueenemy24 @meaganottiz02
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rcgreens · 5 years
                             olá vocês, tudo bem??? eu sou a mar e estou aqui humildemente fazendo minha entrada (oficial) na comunidade de 1x1! demorei pelo que? vergonha mesmo kfjands estou em busca de partners e plots gostosinhos para jogar e comemorar que estou praticamente de férias da faculdade. abaixo do readmore eu vou deixar ideias de plots que quero muito jogar, mas estou 100% aberta a sugestões e combinarmos plots juntxs e também saber o que vocês querem jogar, ou só conversar mesmo ué fkajds gosto de tagarelar!!! deixem um likezinho que chamo no chat ou já me chamem direto, tanto faz! enfim, let’s que let’s mores <3
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observações: eu jogo smp com female muse, não sei bem explicar porque mas eu só me sinto mais confortável mesmo e consigo desenvolver melhor, espero que tudo bem <3  sou super tranquila quanto a fc, pode vir o que quiser! posso jogar com sideblog, no twitter ou telegram e adorooo musing inspo e conversar sobre ship, podem me encher fajsdnfaf  ah, os plots q eu escrevi sao bem “real life” eu diria??? mas gosto de jogar em determinados universos também, só nao tive ideias para agora KKKKK
FROM PRADA TO NADA: basicamente é de uma fanfic de mcfly que eu li faz um tempão e eu ainda amo a história! A família de MUSE A perde todo o seu dinheiro após um golpe e o pai dela pede para que uma amiga acolha sua filha em sua casa simples no interior para que ela não faça parte de toda aquela bagunça. Essa amiga é mãe de MUSE B que já julga MUSE A pelo primeiro olhar quando a vê chegando com milhares de malas. Mais uma patricinha, diria ele. Para MUSE A ele não passa de um babaca sem classe. Um love/hate bem gostosinho e que não fica velho, né? (ja tenho char praticamente pronta fkasnd)
MONDLER VIBES: MUSE A e B são melhores amigos since always e nunca pensaram em ficar até o momento em que passam uma drunk night juntos! O mais estranho de tudo é que aquilo não parece estranho, mas os dois costumavam ser tão ruins em relacionamentos que preferiram deixar escondidos dos outros amigos do grupo. quero demaisss (quem me conhece sabe como friends crazy fan eu sou)
OUR LAST SUMMER: Inspirado lá no filme mesmo, MUSE B tem queda abismo em MUSE A desde que a viu pela primeira vez no colégio e aquele é o último verão antes de saírem da cidade para a faculdade. É a única chance dele conseguir alguma coisa com ela, então cria coragem para chamá-la para um encontro e poderem aproveitar o restante do verão juntos. CUTEEE
UNTIL IT STICKS: “how many times jug? how many times are we gonna push each other away?” “until it sticks.” MUSE A e B se amam, mas sempre acontece alguma coisa que os separa. MUSE B acredita estar protegendo MUSE A agindo dessa forma, mas apenas a faz sofrer. Enquanto isso MUSE A quer mostrar que está ao lado dele para o que der e vier. MTTT angst
MY MIDNIGHT KISS: Festa de ano novo, todo mundo tem quem beijar, menos a recém solteira MUSE A que está irritada por isso. No desespero da contagem, então, ela beija MUSE B que estava ao lado dela sem hesitar. Acaba sendo um beijo mais intenso do que o esperado. Após aquele contato MUSE A agradece e se despede constrangida, deixando MUSE B sozinho ali. É claro, porém, que o destino não vai deixar fácil né? Quem vai estar em x lugar no dia seguinte? Ele mesmo, o beijo de meia noite.
BEHIND THE SCENES: Esse é clichezão, mas eu amo e quero demais! Uma vez eu tive uma personagem que era atriz e iria viver um relacionamento fake com um boy par romântico dela nos filmes mas que apesar de aparentarem serem os melhores amigos nas entrevistas ela o odiava, porque ela era atriz responsável perfeita, enquanto ele um completo preguiçoso, irresponsável, sem dar valor para nada!, nas palavras dela. é basicamente essa loucura que eu quero reviver!
APARTMENT PLOTS: Vi as inspos aqui e tem várias que me interessam muito!! Pensei muito nessa ideia de exes de escola ou faculdade idk e agora algum deles se muda e o vizinho é quem??? eitcha! ooou a simples ideia de minha personagem estar bêbada e chorando no corredor do bloco e seu personagem não sabe bem oque faz? nessa lista tem muita coisa legal galere, vamos que vamos
HIGH SCHOOL REUNION: Basicamente MUSE A e B estudaram juntos no colégio e nunca mais se viram depois dessa época. Agora acabaram de receber um convite para uma reunião de turma e se reencontram. Eles teriam alguma backstory no colégio. Podiam ter sido high school sweethearts, inimigos, se pegavam as escondidas dos outros amigos, idk, vemos isso <3
SUMMER CAMP: Meio super clichê básico, mas todos vêem que eu amo? Todos os anos essas duas escolas se unem em um acampamento de férias. MUSE A e B são de escolas diferentes e todas as férias entram em um nível de competitividade altíssimo. Estão agora no último ano do colégio e querem muito ganhar para fecharem aquela época com chave de ouro. Aparentemente se odeiam, vivem discutindo, se ameaçando, acusando o outro de trapaça, mas a verdade é que sentem uma super crush um no outro. 
SUMMER CAMP 2.0: Ainda de escolas diferentes, MUSE A e B ficaram durante o primeiro ano de acampamento. Parecia tudo bem até que um dos outros chegou no segundo ano com um namoradx. Aí ferrou tudo. Ciúmes, brigas, discussões, pegação, etc etc durante esses 3 meses
KEEP ME CLOSE: MUSE A é atriz desde criança e ficou extremamente famosa. durante a premiere de seu filme ela surta e sai correndo, tromba com MUSE B e implora para que ele a leve dali. MUSE B a carrega para sua casa em um bairro simples de classe média e lá a atriz implora para que a deixe passar a noite. Minha ideia é que um se surpreenda com o outro. MUSE A com a vida simples e animada e MUSE B com a humildade de uma garota tão famosa. Simpleszinho né? 
clicando na frase você encontra gifsets que eu rebloguei e acho que dão bons plotss!
high school cliché, líder de tocida e jogador de futebol. siM KKKKK aaaa e gosto de plots com bebês tb aaaaaa
messy exes plot where they can’t get over one another no matter what they do and they always tell themselves they’re not gonna go back to them yet every time they get done with a date they end up knocking on the other person’s door and just jealousy and angst and heartbreak and crying because they don’t know if this is ever going to work out but they can’t walk away because this person is still their whole fucking world and they don’t know how to move on CREDIT
“i slept with you the other day and i didnt know we had a mutual friend and now we’re sitting across each other for brunch and it’s awkward because i ran out when you were asleep” CREDIT
“i met you when you stayed in my little beach town almost the entire summer when we were 15/16 and we had a summer fling and i’m pretty sure we were a little bit in love but then you left and we just kinda stopped talking and now i’m well into college and holy shit i ran into someone at a party that looks like an older version of you–wait that IS you??? and we’ve been going the same college the entire time?? and now i feel like i see you everywhere??? what the hell is this you’re even hotter than you were back then what the HELL” CREDIT
we dated once in college and i never got over you. now i’m a single parent because my ex didn’t want a kid, and holy fuck you’re my kid’s kindergarten teacher. (tenho uma char pronta para esse aaaa) CREDIT
“you broke my little sisters heart so i’m going to make your sister fall in love with me and do the same” plot??? CREDIT
“you’re my best friend but please be my fake boyfriend for my family Christmas party you’ll get free food and we’ll be at a nice cabin but my family always asks why I don’t have a boyfriend and I need this from you shit we slept together this is awkward” CREDIT
childhood best friends slash roommates who get immensely drunk one night and have sex and then just continue to keep doing it because that’s the only way they think they can have each other. spoiler: they’re both in love with each other and have been for years, but don’t wanna say shit about it because they’re afraid of losing each other. cue angst. CREDIT eu perdi o link oficial </3 mas vi aqui
‘we’re broken up but i never changed my emergency contact and now i’m in hospital and ?? why are you here first at my side you didn’t have to come’ CREDIT
also like … royal plots ?? yes please ?? someone give me an actress meeting a royal and falling in love ?? a royal falling in love with a commoner ?? arranged marriages between two royals ?? GOD pls (tenho char pronta tb fkansdkjfns) CREDIT
muse a and muse b work together at a cafe/restaurant but do not like each other at all and all they ever do is bicker and yell + curse at each other pls then one day muse a messes up the others order on purpose and muse bconfronts them angrily about it and there’s a screaming fight so they get so close to each others faces and breathe heavily AND THEN BAM THEY’RE MAKING OUT CREDIT
i just want a i have a famous boyfriend but i cannot tell anyone plot cause cute like going out at night and dressing him up so that people won’t recognize him, secret meetings at the closet and FUCKING inside the bus. until one day he starts dating some hot celeb and the other muse finds out online or on tv… CREDIT
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