#don't have much clear details I should add more later
berrythefish · 2 years
soo hanahaki disease au...
i haven't seen much for this and have been really craving one and I really really like angst
Its just really a y/n just developing feelings for sun/moon (which surprised them) and gets the disease. Y/n then tries to convince themselves that they can't be feeling for a robot that way and try to reason with themselves to snap out of it
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They try to cover it up at first but becomes difficult after a while (constantly having to excuse themselves to run off and deal with the flowers) since they interact with the daycare attendants all day. So they start to distance themselves from the daycare attendants which only causes sun and moon to worry about them.
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sun and moon also crush on y/n but keep it on the down low. They try to help y/n but only end of making things worse for both of them. Just pure angst obviously.
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Y/n reasons with themselves that Sun is just a robot, an ai and it is weird and unacceptable to feel that way towards a machine
Sun/Moon are new to this feeling and are conflicted since it's not in their programing. They do accept it later on but think that y/n deserves better then them.
Someone help these two
Do have more details but it's late and this is just a late night ramble. I'm okay with sharing this much for now. I just want my daily dose of angst
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billie-black · 1 year
Thread of odd connections between Ikora, Elsie and Eris
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I was scrolling through concept art when I noticed that, despite not being so in-game, The Stranger's rifle is Branded as a Cassoid weapon. This wouldn't mean much, bungie tends to use decals at random, except-
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The curse of osiris variant, The Machina Dei 4, is also branded with a slightly altered version of the Cassoid logo, which I think proves that it has been upgraded with components from the foundry.
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But let's put a pin on that and talk about another Cassoid weapon, The Invective shotgun, Ikora's signature weapon. The Invective has an ornament called Iconoclast, a word which here means "Destroyer of images used in religious worship." This nomenclature is very similar to-
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The Vex Mythoclast, a weapon which, thanks to its sister weapon, The Worldline Zero (which coincidentally also has a prophecy variant), we know to be made by Elsie Bray. Canonically, we earn the Mythoclast as part of-
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the "Not forged in light" quest, which ends with Elsie gifting us the No time to explain. A weapon which eventually ends back up in her hands and she gifts to us again earlier in the timeline as-
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The stranger's rifle, which hangs around until it becomes the Machina Dei 4 (later Adhortative). And the prophecy attached to the Machina Dei 4 desribes Eris Morn and the events of Shadowkeep, when Eris discovers stasis and starts using the darkness.
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A charnel but effulgent orb.
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beacon in a loathsome dark.
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Fêted, fetid corpses rise.
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a too-long-absent gibbous spark.
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Now, it's generally accepted that No time to explain (and all it's variants by proxy) was created at some future point in a distant timeline, this is incorrect. Ghost specifically points out that "parts" of it shouldn't exist, because the rifle itself is a common suros frame.
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Going back to The Invective, you're probably more familiar with its legendary sister, The Comedian, and its D2 counterpart, Deadpan Delivery. The Comedian's flavor text reads "A. A ha. A ha ha ha. A ha ha ha ha ha ha ha" In D1 the joke wasn't really clear, but with the addition of a lore tab in D2, the joke has become the vanguard's falling victim to a hive god's deceit. Now, let's take a little trip to The dark future.
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In The dark future, Beyond light never happened, Eramis was allowed to grow her armies and master stasis, which led to a massive attack on the city by Cabal remnants, Savathûn, and the glorious House Salvation, all masterminded by Eris Morn, who up to that point was believed to be an ally, but had been corrupted by stasis and the darkness.
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Coming back to our timeline, let's look at differences between our case exotics and their variants. Elsie's rifle has undergone many more modifications than Invective. Matter of fact, Invective has barely undergone any changes from its default. It's painted red, AND It has tape wrapped the handle and the grip, just like No time to explain. (I know I'm talking about grip tape right now but please don't go, it gets better, I promise)
It's a weak link, many weapons have grip tape, but I think many of these small details add up and point to The Iconoclast being one of Elsie's gifts. Let's review the similarities between Iconoclast and other gifts from Elsie.
>It's sourced from one of the city foundries and later received Cassoid upgrades (Invective and it's variants are nadir products)
>It has grip tape where the original does not.
>Mythoclast and Iconoclast are very similar terms and could point to a connection.
>It has a perpetual ammo function, like No time to explain and The Mythoclast.
But we should also look at Iconoclast within it's own context. Invective being her weapon, what does it mean for Ikora? She's never been been known to combat or really oppose any sort of religion, at least that I can find. And let's make it clear, the gun is not the Iconoclast. Just like the Mythoclast is not The Mythoclast. The weapons, in this case, are named for the wielder. You kill Atheon and so you become the Mythoclast, the gun is more of symbol. So, what religious figure is Ikora supposed to kill in order to become the Iconoclast?
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Well, just this season, the hive have come out with a brand spanking new god, one very close to Ikora. Now I don't think Ikora is going to kill Eris. Eris would need to do something completely heinous for her to even consider that. Like, idk, bombarding the last city with House Salvation and the shadow legion... i. e., what happens in the dark timeline.
Look, I really don't believe Eris is going to turn evil all the sudden, that would be character assasination of the highest magnitude. But from Ikora's point of view? She has a supposed time traveller yelling at her that she's letting everything go sideways.
So my theory is that Elsie took Ikora's Invective from some other failed timeline (possibly the one where they smooch) and gave it to Ikora as the Iconoclast, along with the idea that alternate Ikora ruined everything because she failed to act and put Eris down when she could.
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And this is where Deadpan Delivery comes in. You see, Ikora doesn't use invective anymore, and she doesn't use the Comedian. She exclusively wields Deadpan Delivery. Now, I know this was probably just the animators being faithful to her character, seeing how she prefers shotguns-
But the retroactive additions to the Comedian's lore, outside my crazed theories, implies a statement from Ikora. The Comedian's joke is the vanguard falling victim to a hive god's deceit, and in the dark timeline that god, the Savathûn figure, is Eris morn. And so-
By maining Deadpan delivery Ikora is subtextually saying "It's not funny. I'm not laughing. I don't subscribe to the narrative put forward by the comedian or Elsie. I trust Eris". And by rejecting the Comedian she's additionally disavowing it's older sister, The Invective, which is a symbol of the gung ho attitude which defined her in her youth. And wether my Iconoclast theory is correct or not, we can definitively say: Ikora is against what it represents , she is a guardian, and she will make a new fate no matter what.
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lowtaperfeyd · 3 months
HEAR ME OUT angst lady jessica x reader w this prompt
"I don't want to love her. I don't like what that means for me."
"What do you think it means?"
"It means I have something to lose again."
Dimming Stars
Lady Jessica x Soldier!Reader
author's note: I HEAR YOU ANON, LOUD AND CLEAR, also "hey... how y'all doing?"
warnings: mentions of blood, death, dark dune stuff
wc: 1174
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There was a difference between Geidi Prime and Caladan. The former was a place where the smartest survived, not the largest. You had to always be on your toes in the safest places, be wary of anyone who holds a weapon, because you'll never know whether or not they will turn on you. Never trust a man when he says he can help you, or do you a favor. Because all of those things will lead to you being caught. And by the end, your skin feels like it's been rubbed through with sand to toughen it and your mind is guarded by rows and rows of soldiers, to the point where you become one. 
Tension was in the air ever since the herald of change was on Caladan to ‘give’ Arrakis to the Atreides. No one could pinpoint what was going on. But, the ticking in (Y/N)’s ears came back. A tick that said, “leave, it is not safe here.” The ticking was a remnant of years of loss and uncertainty, it never left and only sometimes flattered. And it only grew stronger on Arrakis. 
(Y/N) sat facing Duncan Idaho as he was polishing a blade. The practice gym they were in was a beige color, that was only dulled by the lack of sunlight streaming through the nonexistent windows. 
“Do you think I could take down a part of that wall?” (Y/N) asked, “Add a window perhaps?”
Duncan let out a noise that could be best described as a scoff, 
“Why? So we can all boil alive?” He retorted. 
“Just to add more light. It would make the place look better, feel safer.” 
Duncan looked over to them,
“It reminds me of that too.” There was no reason to say the name of that dreadful place. Because they both knew what that meant. 
“But I don't see why not,” He added, “We could approach the Duke or Lady Jessica about it.” 
Her name, Jessica, made butterflies strikethrough (Y/N)’s stomach. She was a presence that lingered in their mind. Her auburn hair and green eyes penetrated deep into (Y/N)’s mind. She was the woman who brought life and future to their mind. She was the one thing on their mind during the day. And she rested in their dreams and arms at night. She was the only person that (Y/N) couldn't think about losing. 
No, they thought, it would be too much to bare.
“That’s an idea.” (Y/N), with a twitch of their lip going up, replied to him. “I’ll ask Her Grace later.” 
Duncan smirked at their words. It was a secret not kept well about Lady Jessica and (Y/N). Everyone knew that there was something, but no one knew the details. 
“Do you think something is going to happen here on Arrakis?” (Y/N) questioned as their smile fell. 
“Your guess is as good as mine. Certainly feels that way.”
“I’m worried what will happen to the Arrakeen, the Duke, Paul,” their lip quivered just a little bit, “her.”
“If you're worried you can’t protect that, then you should really reconsider that.” He said trying to comfort them, “and besides love can make you stronger than you already are.”
“I don’t want to love her.” (Y/N) responded firmly, “I don’t like what it means for me.”
“What do you think it means?” he asked
“It means I have something to lose again.”
There was a shared silence and understanding between the two of them. Their friendship based on mutual loss of friends and loved ones. It was an indescribable feeling that you could only learn by that loss.
“Well,” he cut the silence as he began to stand up, “I have to go and find Paul before anything happens.” 
“Good luck with the window!” Duncan said as he left that room. Leaving (Y/N) to stew in the dull and dark room with Jessica on their mind. 
Later, in the evening, Lady Jessica and (Y/N) were laying in bed, under the warm light of the glow globe. Their arms were tangled like a pit of snakes with (Y/N)’s hand pinned between Jessica’s face and the soft pillow it was resting on. 
The golden hues added shape and dimension to Lady Jessica’s face. It blessed it with shadows that contoured her nose and cheekbones and with radiance that highlighted her eyes. It was a sight that seemed like no one was worthy enough to see, not even a god. 
“You’re wonderful,” (Y/N) started as their thumb stroked the soft skin beneath Jessica’s eye, “and as mysterious as a sky full of stars.” 
“You’ve always had a way with words.” Jessica whispered to them. 
“Because you give me the ability to find them freely. You are the catalyst of my poetry as well as the bane of my ability to focus.” 
They were both shrouded in sleep that they didn’t notice the bloodshed that was set upon the city. The fire that rained from the heavens couldn’t make them move. It wasn’t until the soldiers were brought inside that (Y/N) took notice and the ticking was even faster.
They shot up from bed, chest heaving, heart pounding, and grabbed the knives that was concealed in one of the bedside drawers. They rushed to the otherside of the bed to wake Jessica up. 
“Jessica,” they hissed, “Jessica, wake up!” 
Jessica’s eyes opened hazily, “what's going on?”
“I don’t know how but the Arrakeen has been invaded. We have to leave.”
(Y/N) grabbed her hand and helped her up from bed. Both of them barefoot and dressed in improper clothes for a time like this. They left the bedroom and began to silently go down the hall with one blade in each of (Y/N)’s hands. They could both hear the sound of gunfire, slashing, and the sounds of final breaths that echoed through the halls. They reached a hall that diverged into two paths. (Y/N) knew that they needed to begin fighting, they knew what choice had to be made. 
“My lady,” (Y/N) started.
“No, please…” Jessica whimpered as she grabbed their hand.
“It is here that we must part.” they said as tears began to well in their eyes. 
“You can’t go out there!” Jessica wailed, “I can’t lose you…”
(Y/N) unlaced their hands and opened Jessica’s hand before placing a blad either and folding her fingers over it. 
“If your safety is promised by my sacrifice, no matter how small, I will lay my knife down and take whatever comes over me.” They whispered before placing a chaste kiss on her forehead. 
“Go down that hall and find a way out, find Paul, find safety, don’t worry about me.” They said as they began to move down the hall to fight the enemy so that Jessica could have more time. 
They parted ways not knowing whether or not they'd see each other again, under the burning palm trees and dimming stars. 
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Finished reading Harrow the Ninth last week! It was a lot smoother than the previous book, and another fun read. Thoughts (spoiler free):
- This may be the only book I've ever read where 2nd person narration didn't make me want to pull my hair out, because it's the only time I've seen it done for a clear reason! The narration switching between chapters helps set a discordant tone and creates mystery in a unique way, and the bit where it switches to first person for just a few words 3/4 of the way through the book hits like a truck.
- Continuing to love how puzzley this series is. Piecing together stories from scraps is soo fun and satisfying. The pacing at which we receive information is (again) perfect and (again) we never get the entire picture so there's always something extra during a reveal.
- I felt this in Gideon but it's more relevant now: 10,000 years is way too long a timescale for the setting and characters, and the absurdity of it makes it feel less real. It should be 1,000 years maximum given how little it seems humanity has evolved since the resurrection, and nearly every length of time stated by a lyctor should be about 1/10 of what it is. The single reason I would accept for it really being 10k years is if it's a setup for an "over 9000" joke which, to be fair, is extremely plausible.
- Every new character has a name that's 3 syllables or less! I could actually remember who everyone was!
- It's even clearer in this book how unique and complex the characters' relationships are. I don't often encounter series where I genuinely couldn't give a concise answer for how anyone feels about anyone else. I'm so glad there's more.
- The one alien planet with substantial life we encounter is almost exactly like earth, down to Harrow assuming there are mammals and annelids. Unless these planets were purposely set up with Earth flora/fauna (despite being supposedly almost inaccessible) this feels like a cop-out to not have to make up alien biology and frankly it was disappointing. Really hoping this was done for a reason.
- Having a narrator we know is unreliable adds so much depth to the mystery of the story, especially the 3rd person segments. I said this before but I really wish more people wrote from the perspective of deeply flawed or ignorant characters.
- The visuals are detailed and often stunning, but sometimes they're just redundant. We do not need to be reminded what the lyctor robes look like every time someone is wearing one, I am going to assume they are still the same two pages later. The constant focus on the color of people's eyes could be considered an exception since it's a very plot-relevant detail, but even that was a little much at times.
- The lyctors and God read like an office drama where everyone involved is an objectively shitty person and I enjoyed every moment of it.
- I thought I was prepared to encounter none pizza with left beef. I was not prepared to encounter none pizza with left beef.
- The prose has been smoothed out a lot. The voice feels consistent even across chapters (and even near the end!), and the number of unnecessarily long and/or obscure words is slightly less but still got irritating at times. Muir definitely has a handful of favorites she overuses, namely:
Tessellate: Fair for the setting but unnecessary when telling us the wallpaper has a pattern
Scintillating: We see synonyms for this maybe once, it's used every single time something sparkles or is shiny
Deliquesce: Again great for the setting, but again it is used every single time something is melty (and a few times metaphorically). She even uses it to describe a soggy biscuit once. I don't know how to express just how much biscuits cannot deliquesce without going on an unhinged rant about the mechanics of rot.
- There are also still instances of clear thesaurus overuse, such as fog being described as "lubricious". I am assuming this was because in context it's supposed to be contrasting cold weather and that's a listed antonym for "frigid" but explicitly in a metaphorical sense. Did Muir know she was telling us the fog was horny? I want to believe there was some hidden joke but I couldn't find one, and it's far from the only time a college-level vocab word is used instead of a simpler synonym in a context that just doesn't quite work (because it adds connotations that don't make sense).
- On the other end of vocab things, there are a few obscure words she uses only once that are so vividly relevant to the setting it's almost weird they never come back. "Flense", for example, is probably the most necromancy-friendly 19th century word imaginable and using it metaphorically is a brilliant choice, but Muir has given priority to other less grotesque (but higher in syllable count) 19th century words and it only appears a single time. Yes, my irritation is showing. Unnecessary syllables irritate me.
- None pizza with left beef aside, my personal favorite meme was the Miette reference, but "wake me up inside" was a close second.
- Overall, similar in enjoyment to Gideon but easier to read. Excited to start Nona when I get the chance!
(Gideon the Ninth review here)
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burirammin · 2 months
Did I just find a really really good clip of marc with clear visor in slow motion? from a motogp game soundtrack video?? spectacular.
But what really caught my eyes was the fact that he was braking with FOUR fingers and that the video was from 2013, his first year in premier class. That made me paused a bit because he is pretty well-known (to me at least) for using just ONE finger in motogp, an index, just like casey. Here's an example with how vale does it for comparison.
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So there I go, to do some research aka. googling session that ends with me having a beef with a six years old video for audio editing mistake so catastrophic it cut off parts of interview that could potentially give me more info... and it loops the same audio part again and again and again. Drives me nuts.
Found the same video on videopass yes yess thank you!!
Anyway! It was a video on braking techniques of different riders (with interviews. from 2018) and marc said that of course he use one finger to brake, has always done that. But he used to use all four fingers to do so when he was riding a 125cc bike and then when he pass to moto2 he start experimenting with his techniques and change from one to the other end of the two extremes, from four fingers to just one. Said the technique was a crossover from him training a lot on motocross, where he use just one finger to brake. (Not a word for word quote but close enough)
Here's how he brake in 125cc
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And here's how he does it in motogp
left : four fingers (2013) right : one finger (2018)
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This is interesting, he's still braking with four fingers in 2013 (though I am not sure when the footage was from. It was definitely from before mid june of that year so, at least before Catalunya) Maybe he was still trying out things even in 2013 despite him saying he start to change it all in moto2? So i took a closer look at his braking hand during one of his moto2 race and guess what?
He did use four finger still in the footages i found, like this one from Valencia 2012
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I also look up those slow motion videos of the 2013 season and he's still using four fingers even in Jerez so that too (gif below).
By my limited research he would have change his technique somewhere between the end of 2013 season to before the start of 2015 season (because otherwise this reddit post would not exist and I reckon he’d not change mid-season, or maybe he would. Might look into it later)
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Soooo yeah... this seems to be a case of him riding so much, for so long he FORGOT details about HIS OWN riding techniques. My silly cunty boy. Mister Marc 'I don't read' Marquez, maybe you should read btw it might help with your memory 😭
Note : If anyone have more info, please feel free to add on to the post. I'll eat it all up like cake I promise.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Let's get TATTOOS!
Miles happily went up to his boyfriend: Hobie! Hobie!
Hobie smiles: Yes, luv? -he stopped talking to Gwen and Pav having all his attention to cute bf-
Miles' face gleam with joy: I was thinking... since we been together for three years... I was wondering if we taken the next step of our relationship!
Gwen's and Pat's eyes widen, both thinking it's something sexual or marriage: What!
Hobie smiles holding Miles' hand: What is it, sunflower? -he turns pink seeing his partner looking so bright and his face glowing like the sun-
Miles happily smiles: Let's get TATTOOS!
Gwen faced palmed while Pav tilted his head: Is that what couples do in his world? -he looks at Gwen-
Gwen: Ugh, I dunno... I thought we were getting something juicy! -she was disappointed. The two are so private with their sex life if they even had one-
Miles pouts hearing Gwen: That's not funny!
Hobie chuckles having to hold his boyfriend's hands: Luv, we got tattoos of each other.
Miles cutely pouts: I know, but I want us to get a tattoo together. It doesn't have to match... just something that sort of match each other. -His large eyes gleamed at him- Don't you love me enough for another one!
Hobie felt his heart get stroked by a knife then he turns even more pink: I do! I DO, SUNFLOWER! -he kisses his boyfriend on the lips- We'll go get matching tattoos, but... how did your mum took it when you asked her?
Miles giggles: Ohh... I didn't tell her! -he took his boyfriend's hand- come on, let's go. Your friend's shop is still open! -opening a portal to go to Hobie's world to get their tattoos. Leaving Gwen and Pav behind-
Hobie's eyes widen: Wait, luv. You didn't tell your mum? She's gonna kill me! -being in shock by Miles' sneaky side-
Miles: No she won't! Besides, she didn't find out about my first tattoo until Billie's birthday!
Hobie: Luv, as much as i love this rebelliousness... don't you think you should ask? I don't want them to blame me-
Miles turns to his boyfriend: Hobie! I will tell them I'm the one that thought of it!
Hobie: Your dad don't already like me
Miles: So? No dads like their kid's partner.
Hobie: Right... -he got in front of Miles- But I really think you should ask Mrs. Morales...
Miles: Hobie, everything will be fine. Why are you so worried about her? Is it cause she's my mom- look I dealt with her all the time, she's my mom! -he passed Hobie to go inside the tattoo shop- Hey Dread! Me and Hobie want tattoos
Hobie's tattoo artist peak his head up: alright, what ya lovebirds want? Names? Broken hearts!
Hobie: Nuh, none of that. Those are curses.
Miles nodded: Yeah! I was thinking a Moonflower for Hobie! -Hobie felt his cheeks warm-
Hobie: Awe, luv. I'll get a sunflower then.
Miles: But you already have-
Hobie: There's never enough sunflowers tattoos, luv.
Miles hugs his boyfriend being super happy: Awe, bae!
The tattoo artist: Ok, are you guys ready? I'm free right now. I can whip up a quick sketch.
Hobie: Yeah, mate. We're ready!
Miles bounced: Yes!
-A couple of hours later the tattoo artist work on both of their tattoos. They gotten a decent size. Miles got the the Moonflower on his right upper back. Hobie's got the sunflower on hie upper left back that way when they hold hands their tattoos are along side by side.-
Dread: You know the rules, wait a few hours before taking off the layer, add some clear lotion to moisturize, and wash gently. Avoid sunlight, the basics.
Hobie: Geez, no deep detail?
Dread: Mate, this is like your tenth tattoo and that one... -Miles happily look at the mirror at his new tattoo- you're gonna take care of. Why do i even bother? Anyway, this is on the house for saving my place with those crazy nazis, mate!
Hobie: No problem, mate -he gave his friend a handshake-
Miles walks out being so happy: Now, i have to avoid people touching my back!
Hobie: And your parents!
Miles: That's right! -he smiles happily hugging his boyfriend's arm- ehh it'll be fine! -Hobie only rolled his eyes-
Later in Earth 1610
Rio shouted out loud: OTRO? OTRO TATUAJE! -she's fuming when Miles came home showing off his new tattoo just to rip off the band-aid-
Jeff holding Billie in his arms being in shock: NOW, I KNOW DAMN WELL YOU DIDN'T GO AGAINST OUR WISHES, MILES! -he glares at Hobie and pointed at him- YOU! You persuade him!
Billie nodded mimicking her dad: Ya! Yaya! Bah! -she wag her fingers with agreement. Yeah, let's get mad at Hobie-
Miles: Mamí! Dad! It's not like that! -he happily holds Hobie's hand- we took our relationship to the next level!
Rio rub the bridge on her nose: Aye, next level? NEXT LEVEL? Miles, what couple gets tattoos and relationship! Your 18! You barely got the first one! Dios ayúdame! Este niño quiere matarme! -Hobie stood being awkward by Miles' parents while his boyfriend being happy-
Jeff: No-no, I think this was Hobie's plot! Miles was never like this before! Now, my boy got tattoos like a street thug!
Billie wag her fingers: Yaya bla bababa!
Miles: Dad, I swear! Hobie wasn't the one. I did! I made him!
Rio put her hands on her hips: Jeff, he's right. Hobie wouldn't do that! He respect me too much! Oye, right Hobie? -she snaps her fingers at the tall young man-
Hobie: Yes, Mrs. Morales.
Miles happily smiles: Hobie would never force me to do anything!
Jeff: And that's the problem! Come on, man! Be a guy I could hate! -he cursed himself seeing how Hobie is always being a good man to his son- Geez, and where's your backbone? Aren't you supposed to be the man in the relationship?
Hobie: I don't believe in gender roles in relationships!
-Billie arched her eyebrows looking at her dad who did the same thing.-
Miles giggles: It's okay, guys! This tattoo is on my back!
Rio place both her hands in prayer form: Aye dios mio! Miles, I'm too upset with you. But not you, Hobie. I know you can't handle his stubbornness.
Miles: Isn't that great!
Rio: Miles, you are grounded!
Miles: Mamí, I'm 18-
Rio cut him off: NOT IN THIS HOUSE YOUR NOT! GROUND YOUNG MAN! 18? 18, vives bajo mi techo!
Jeff: Um... it's my roof, too- -his wife glares at him- It's yours, honey! Of course, you run this house!
-Miles pouts but hug his boyfriend's arm already expecting this. better now than later!-
Rio: Yeah, I do! -she turns to Hobie- Hobie, I'm sorry but Miles will be grounded for three weeks. Would it be okay you don't visit him?
Hobie: Yes, ma'am! -he didn't want to upset his partner's mom.- Is it find I can call him?
Rio: Yeah, but on certain hours! I swear, Miles gotten too spoiled!
Jeff snorts with him and Billie eyeing at Hobie: Gee, I wonder why!
Hobie: I love him, too much! -Miles happily snuggle against him-
Rio awed: And that's why you're a good man! -she pinches his cheeks-
Jeff and Billie rolled their eyes: Oh brother...
Miles: Please, can he stay over for dinner!
Rio sighs: Okay, but it's because he's already here!
Billie scowls: No!
Jeff: I agreed with Billie! -still upset Hobie didn't stop Miles from getting those tattoos-
Miles hugs Hobie's arm: Come on, bae. Let's go set up the table! -ignoring his dad's words-
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maxmagic · 1 year
LONG post featuring my opinions on this design and her concept and also Vivs character design decisions in general
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This design singlehandedly made my account rise from the fucking dead because of how much opinions I have on it
TO NOTE : I LIKE Helluva Boss as a show. Is it perfect? No. Do I think it has issues from both writing and design aspects? Yes. Do I like it regardless? Also yes. You can like a show and still have criticisms of it. Also Viv has answered some criticisms about Beelzebubs design and I will talk about them too
Final warning cuz this is LONG and rambled at points
By this point we are all aware that once a new character gets revealed in Helluva or Hazbin , there's always opinions on it.
But Beelzebub truly takes the cake on how divided people are on her design. People either adore it or hate it with a blinding passion (and some just don't like it cuz they have a Viv hate boner).
I have to say I actually really like it as a stand alone design. Remove her from the story and context it's genuinely an appealing design with fun and bright colors. I personally don't mind the early 2010's sparkle dog look. It has a nostalgic charm to it and if you followed Viv for long enough you know she really likes that aesthetic. She has good colors and color placement and my main real dislike is the weird hair.
And she's animated BEAUTIFULLY !!! Real props to the animators for being able to make this design look nice in motion because god lord is it complicated. This will be a criticism later, but again, its really amazing on how they made this design look good even though we all know this must have been a real bitch to animate.
The real issue that come to me with her design is when you put her in the show and have to think about who she is, what she is, what her lore is ect.
Firstly: Her not being 'lore accurate' kinda falls flat given that none of the designs thus far have been accurate to what they're based on. Like Asmodeus has elements that tie him to his demon name counterpart (with the rooster tail and 3 faces) but they're more allusions then design inspirations. Lucifer is literally just a top hat twink and Mammon (even tho we haven't seen his full design yet) is clown/jester themed. Viv has made it clear that this version of hell isn't supported to be an accurate depiction of biblical hell. So she can really do whatever she wants with her interpretation. Her not being an insect, although disappointing since we don't really have that in the show, is only just a matter of personal taste.
HOWEVER there's still a lot of discrepancies with her design.
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So she's supposed to be a Bee-Fox hybrid... Where's the bee??? Like take away the hexagon background, where is the bee part of her design? She has antenna and wings but... They don't really do much. The antenna are fine and its smart they placed at the tip of her ears, but the wings are straight up not bee wings!!! They look more like pixie wings and they're so small half the time I forgot they were there. Couldn't you have added.. idk some stripes?? she has stripes on her ears but they don't look like bee stripers more so general Viv design details. It's weird given she uses stripes so heavily in other designs yet the BEE character doesnt. Maybe add some fuzz like how bumblebees have?? Maybe trade that stupid lava lamp tail/hair if its too complex. I really don't like how she has normal hair and also a weird liquid part and liquid tail. It adds too much visual noise and just doesn't gel well wit the rest of her design. Her lava lamp stomach too just feels like needless addition of animation work for something that just doesn't add anything. Her colors ( despite being nice) kinda clash against all the other hellhounds who have a muted black/grey/red color pallate. It makes her look like an 13 year olds OC thats been edited in
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Literally the only things that changed are her colors, size and eyes. In my opinion this should have been her base design because the colors and bug eyes lean into more of the bee aspect. Plus with these colors she fits more with other hellhounds.
Like right now the normal design feels 97% fox with just the most subtle bee elements slapped on. If it wasn't for the background, look me in the eye and tell me this design is a fox bee hybrid.
She also doesn't feel like a prince? She's dressed very casually and doesn't have nearly have enough of an imposing vibe. I didn't know she was a prince until it was said in show. I thought she was just some high rank demon performer. Its kinda disappointing given how grand, larger then life look and energy Asmodeus had. They were introduced in the same way via big song number, but Asmodeus felt like a Prince of Lust, Beelzebub felt more like a performer of Gluttony rather then a ruler.
Also why if she a hellhound in the first place? i saw somewhere on twitter that its cuz her people are hellhounds but that doesnt make sense. Lucifer isn't a human and Asmodeus isn't a succubus, so why does Bee have to be a hellhound? We know that hellhounds are the lowest ranked amongst hell natives, so how do people outside of gluttony feel about her? She is treated like royalty but is also a hellhound, the lowest demon. It causes a needless paradox that makes you question the worldbuilding of the show.
Also why are hellhounds the lowest rank in hell ? and why are they associated with gluttony of all things? I am going to be honest when I say I completely forgot they were native to gluttony because gluttony has a beehive aesthetic and like wtf do dogs have anything to do with it . Like other demons shown have themes that tie them into their respective prince or sin, but we aren't shown why hellhounds in particular are gluttony. Like it feels like a minor thing but when you present information about worldbuilding and show stuff that contradicts it, people will question it.
And why is she dating a hellhound? Or more so why is she so open about it. Like its been shown in the show that Stolas and Admodeus dating imps is a taboo thing so her being so open about her relationship with someone whose even lower then an imp. Again its going back on lore and worldbuilding being contradicted. If you're going to make rules for a show, stick to them.
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I'm putting these two side by side cuz I have the same complaint about them.
How are we suppose to know this?? First the gluttony ring severally lacks any circus motifs (it has more of a bee theme then a circus one), but Bee ESPECIALLY doesn't have ANY hints at being circus themed, let alone animal trainer.
I knew that all the princes had a circus theme but from I (and from what ive seen in other comments) though she was an acrobat or like dancer of the sort. Literary nothing in her design says she is an animal trainer. And also the hippie 60s spirit is also not anywhere in the design. Just because a design choice is clear to you doesn't mean its clear to everyone else. A good design makes its points across loud and clear so everyone can understand it. This really feels like she's making it all up as people ask. She probably isn't but it really comes across that way. You cant just say something about a design that just isn't in the design or its not shown properly. This is an issue a lot of Helluva and Hazbin Hotels characters have (look up any of their trivia and you'll see how bad some designs are communicated), but with Bee its emphasized tenfold because she's suppose to represent all these different things (fox, bee, prince, party girl, animal trainer, DA sparkle dog, 60s hippie free spirit) at it just isn't conveyed or is put in such a way where you cant clearly tell what it is. It honestly feels like Viv had in mind to have a Kesha pop party girl character and just made her a prince. Shes trying to justify all these things and saying them like they're obvious when they're clearly not!
This design suffers from having too many ideas slapped on it that just don't work and actively work against each other.It makes me less excited for the future prince designs
If youve come this far good for you for sticking around to this way too long of a ramble about a probably one off character in a popular indie cartoon :D
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wingsoverlagos · 5 months
Lewisohn's Little Mysteries
I should be posting the next piece dissecting the Mark Lewisohn/Kim Bennett/Parlophone contract saga--it's in the works, I promise! @mythserene and I are typing and scheming and typing some more--but most of my time has been put towards checking a zillion citations, and I wanted to share a little something before my next proper piece. The zillion-checked-citations will hopefully be available in some form soon; enjoy this as a snack to hold you over 'til dinner.
As we know, Mark Lewisohn likes to bust a myth, tear down our preconceived notions, and shed light into the murky corners of Beatles history (source: Mark Lewisohn.) But there's another pattern I've noticed while checking his citations: he likes to inject a little ambiguity every now and then where perfect clarity is possible.
I've run across a few cases of this--I'll try to dig those out and add them later--but I was struck by this example from The Best of Fellas (2002), Spencer Leigh's biography of Bob Wooler. Lewisohn sets up a little mystery, writes that there's something we simply don't know--all the while, the source is perfectly clear.
Tune In 18-46 vs. Leigh 2002 p.147
This section discusses the Beatles' plans to not pay Allan Williams a percentage for their second string of gigs in Hamburg. From Tune In:
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Paul tells Bob Wooler they won't be paying Allan Williams commission; Paul adds that he suspects Wooler will tell Williams, as the two are friends. Wooler agrees--yep, he's going to tell Williams. Then Lewisohn introduces his petite paranthetical mystery: "(It isn't clear if or when Wooler did, however.)"
Now, from The Best of Fellas (this, like much of the book, is told through a quote by Bob Wooler himself):
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To quote Wooler, "I did tell Allan and he was fuming about this." If you're struggling with the subtlety and intricacy of this quote (hi, Mark!), I'll reiterate the key phrase: "I did tell Allan." Sure, he doesn't give an exact date or anything, but from the general context, we can assume it occurred around the same time.
Why? Why does he do this? He had to actively write out that it "wasn't clear" if Bob told Allan about the Beatles' financial scheme. It would have been simpler (and more correct) to not write that. This is very strange behavior! Though I have a better understanding of Lewisohn than when I started, I still don't get why he does things like this--why introduce this ambiguity to the record when the answer is in your source, in the very same paragraph?
Also strange: that bracketed "to me" at the start of the quote. “Paul said [to me], ‘I suppose you’re going to tell your mate…’” Using brackets to clarify ambiguity in a quote is fine, but where is the ambiguity here? If someone says, “Paul said, ‘You’re going to…’” it is understood that Paul is talking to the speaker. Lewisohn even says, in the sentence before the quote, “Bob Wooler later related how Paul told him that…” There isn’t a shred of ambiguity here. Don’t amend a quote if you don’t have to! Let the words speak for themselves!
Leigh S. 2002. The Best Of Fellas: The Story of Bob Wooler, Liverpool’s First D.J. Liverpool: Drivegreen Publications Ltd. 264p. Accessed online 2024 Apr 23. Available from: https://archive.org/details/bestoffellasstor0000leig/mode/2up
Lewisohn M. 2013. The Beatles: All These Years Vol. 1: Tune In. New York (NY): Crown Archetype. [ebook]
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
hi dema! i’m learning how to do digital art, would you mind sharing your coloring process? coloring (and lineart) is the hardest thing for me to do T_T… what brushes do you use for coloring and how do you not make it look muddy? i’ve been trying to follow tutorials from different artists on youtube but i find my work to look so muddy… thank u in advance >__<
Hi, and thank you for thinking about me for advice! I'm honoured to share a bit of my process, nerve-wracking as that is for my shy self, and hopefully help you out as much as I can. Forgive me if I don't express myself very clearly—I have a bit of a hard time explaining these things. Now, let's get started, shall we?
I'll be using the first panel of this artwork as an example.
My process is pretty straight-forward for most artworks. Make a sketch, draw the lineart, and follow a self-made guideline for coloring and rendering.
Sometimes I'll throw the guideline to the trash bin and start experimenting with brushes and chiaroscuro and color palettes, but that doesn't happen most of the time and, when it does, it's more a challenge than anything else, and not really what I think you're looking for.
I'll include my usual steps here, however, and like I said earlier, these steps are more like what you'd call guidelines than actual rules.
(I just realized I didn't save the sketch for this artwork. Oops)
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This is the lineart!
I tend to think that details bore me and are actually pretty exhausting to do, but then I go and make things as clear and detailed as I can. Because I'm a hypocrite like that.
I did try to keep things simple here, though, mostly because I had to go through three other panels and didn't want to burn out my fuel mid-process.
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Base colors! The blush (and Zuko's scar!) I draw in a different layer in case I need adjusting the brightness or saturation later.
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It's time for shadows!
Pick a color depending on the atmosphere you want the artwork to have. Is it a cozy, warm scene in a honey-tinted room, or is it a moment shared under the moonlight? The color choice should come as an answer to those questions—deep red for the first one and dark blue for the second.
Choose a color and make it dark and saturated. Then, play with the layer opacity! A darker shadow means harsher light, while less opacity works best for a softer look. See the difference? It's subtle, but it's there.
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Of course, this is my personal choice. The way shadows are drawn and color is chosen depends on the artist and the artwork. I choose to play with a more simple coloring style, keeping shadows from blending into each other, but you may like a more realistic approach to shadows and colors.
My best advice? Try doing it every way you can, but in the end choose what works best for you. Whatever feels more comfortable, whatever you enjoy drawing the most. And then work to improve it. Love the little proof that you've gotten better, even if it's subtle.
And talking about subtlety...
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I love to play with gradients. I use them mostly to give the artwork some form of atmosphere, and make it look cohesive and whole. A light gradient in the color and direction of the shadows will help the characters blend with the background, as will another gradient in lighter colors for the light.
Get creative with gradients! Use them so the lights feel brighter and the shadows darker.
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Now it's time to work with the lineart again.
The pure black lineart makes the artwork look harsher, sharper, so I tend to give it some color to soften its edges and compliment the rest of the drawing. In darker shades as the rest of the colors, growing more saturated as the light comes closer.
I love to make the characters' eyes pop and glow! It's really fun what you can do by just messing a bit with the tones of the lineart.
Finally, I play with the level correction. A high contrast will help your artwork stand out and look brighter. See the difference?
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And it's done!
Sometimes I like to add other effects or details, but this is the very, very rough shape of my usual process, and thus what I thought you'd like to see.
Once again, I'd like to point out that this is what works for me, and a large part of improving as an artist is just fooling around and messing up until you find the tools and tricks you're most comfortable with.
So keep drawing those muddy shadows and colors! They're only a step of the process.
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fictionalafvsmybeloved · 11 months
the tank from fallout 4 (in the future could you enable media in asks? i plan to sling some very obscure vehicles your way.)
Alright, Sorry this one took me so long to get to (and media should be enabled, just don't spam too many pictures)
Now, bear witness to the monstrosity that is the Fallout 4 tank!
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In the vast wasteland of post-nuclear Boston you can find many remnants of the Pre-War military, and this is one of the two types of armored vehicles you'll come across.
So this is based on the aesthetics of many late WWII-early Cold War American tanks and prototypes, with no clear inspiration taken from any one vehicle (that I know of)
So, let's start with the quad-tracks why don't we?
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They're bad, really bad. Not only do they lack any drive sprockets, but the road wheels are to close together and they aren't even in-line with each other. This just increases the width of the tank with out any sort of benefit. This thing also weighs sixty tons, so even with the nuclear power-pack (also a bad idea) it's probably not going anywhere fast (and forget about soft terrain).
Now I don't know much about the armor on this, other that it's riveted armor, which fell out of use during WWII. Riveted armor isn't good, repeated hits (even sustained heavy machine-gun fire) can loosen the rivets and cause them to fall out or go ricocheting through the tank.
And things aren't any better in the turret. It has a pair of 140mm guns (I'll go into detail on why double-guns and quad-track are bad ideas in another post) and rail-mounts for machine-guns on the commander and loader's hatches, but no co-ax MG. This leaves gaps in the tank's defenses and give it a cramped turret. The turret can't even rotate 360 degrees, it's blocked by all the greebles on the engine deck.
I can't see a single sight or periscope on this ugly thing, not even in the commander's cupola. It might be totally blind.
There are at least two crew members, a commander and a gunner. There might be more but I have no idea where they would sit, hopefully not in the turret, there's barely any space inside it left.
Now about those greebles... There are to many, and most of them don't do any thing or actively inhibit the tank. That big thing hanging off the left side of the engine deck is a system of heat sinks for the nuclear power pack. It does at least have plenty of miscellaneous hatches in some useful places.
A nuclear power-pack is a very bad idea. Almost any damage too it will cause it to start leaking radiation or meltdown.
Credibility: 3/10 - Dahir Insaat Animation
Coolness: 3/10 - WarThunder Sad Eyes Tank
BONUS: I'll have to add the bonus later when Nexus mods is back up
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Part 2 of cheerleader Logan and his football bf
(Also found the Og og post)
Name suggestions: Pete, Pat(rick), Max, Tony, Lucas something like that, maybe (was shortly on Tyler, but i don't wanna stereotype too close to the sun, yk)
Also, one day, Elias coming home early to Logan and him having an at home date. BF very much now scared, cause army officer dad, but while Elias is staring at them, he's just trying to figure out if "close friends or date???", paired with "is my son gay?" He looks frightening to the fbbf, but he's just confused. Logan noticing and clearing it up that this is the footballer he mentioned and between the lines that they might be on a date, Fbbf even more scared, Elias is delighted and just invites him to stay for dinner and then very quickly leaves them alone with "don't let me interrupt you". It is now fbbf's turn to be confused. Logan's explanation "dad is just chill like that, he still might ask you a lot of questions later, nothing bad tho"
Sad add (I'm sorry, but i had to): during ODIN while trying to run to safety, Logan and Hesh pass his remains, which stops Logan dead in his tracks, before it was just get himself+family to safety, not thinking about anything or anyone else til he saw him, which crushed him a bit, probably would've died too there or atleast gotten badly injured if it weren't for Hesh, who pulled him along with a "i know it's hard, but you gotta mourn later, now we have to get out of here"
That or they lost contact after cause Logan got into the army and he didn't (but that ain't as drama as that he died, yk, gotta have the drama)
-🐑 (found its creativity again :3)
I kinda like Lucas. Logan and Lucas. Double L and double trouble.
Pfffff poor Lucas. "Oh god he's a shotgun dad." meanwhile Elias is like
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"Did Logan come out to me, and did I fucking forget? Or is this how he comes out? Wait are they even dating? If they are I guess the birds and bees talk was pretty useless... though there is some health safety involved anyways. Should I call Gabe? What advice would he even give here! He'd be more likely to kill the boy than I am. Oh but that's if they're even dating, should I ask? Would that be rude? And should I ask Logan or the boy? David might know but that would definitely be rude."
Then Logan's like "I've told you about him." and Elias is like "Oh THAT boy. Yeah sure, this is fine."
Oh but hear me out: They don't see him during the strikes but they go to a refugee/rescue/relief center and see a body there wearing his jacket or some shit (while otherwise unidentifiable.) which is a detail that could later be used to set up some mystery as to whether he really died or not because yk a jacket isn't very solid marker for a persons identity and because things are still very tense Logan does get rushed away still and can't double check or some shit.
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irritablepoe · 1 year
I was rewatching the first episodes of Good Omens yesterday and I noticed a little detail.
When Crowley signs the contract that he will bring the baby to the nuns, he signs the paper with demonic fire. Well, he's a demon, so ofc he does. But!!! He burns himself. Like, he actually hisses and pulls his hand away. Ofc this could be coincidence but maybe it has a deeper meaning.
When you look at Crowleys character he often implies that he isn't actually very thrilled by Hell. He lies to his "colleagues" about his deeds, doesn't do his job as ordered and in general goes his own ways with things. Now, we know that apparently "demons don't trust each other", though the other demons seem to have a much better relationship with each other than what they have with Crowley.
Crowley also says that "he didn't really fall" but that he "hung around the wrong people". He didn't want to fall. It just happened and he has to deal with it.
Again, throughout the series, I noticed that demons in general don't even mention God in any way, they just want to oppose Heaven and ruin their plans. Yet, Crowley refers to God a few times in the series. He even tries to speak to them directly while figuring out what he should do next (leave or stay on earth to prevent the apocalypse). It's not that he doesn't care about God and that he just wants to ruin Heaven's plans (he even executes some of Aziraphaels plans bc of the arrangement that they have). Rather, he's angry at God for not making their Great Plan clear to him (or anyone). That's probably the only reason he actually is a demon in the first place. I don't think he hates God. He's just scared what the Great Plan has in store for him. Crowley wants to live and he has some kind of hope that God wants existence to continue, too.
Coming back to the demonic fire though, my theory is, that it can be used by demons but it burns those that have some kind of faith in God. Usually these are angels. But I think, Crowley is an exception among demons. Ofc Crowley steps into demonic fire at the end of the series while presenting as Azirapheal, but this may be bc he now knows that he doesn't need God to do things. He could now be more sure of his own free will and even says to Azirapheal that they're on their own side. He disconnects himself from Heaven and Hell, just like he now trusts himself rather than God.
It's just a thought and my interpretation though, hehe. I will maybe add some thoughts later.
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saiyanwitcher · 1 month
I have been waiting for part one to be finished, because when I first started eyeing Prince of Death, it was close to being done. And oh my it hit just right. I devoured the whole thing.
I love it, my honor. It is the perfect combination of high-stakes plot, romance, main characters being a self-sacrificing dumbasses (always peak literature) and everything i was looking for. So from all those ingredients, you have created the perfect meal and I have been fed and watered and everything is great.
The whole thing just flows so nicely. You have a very clear, lovely writing voice.
I think I understood everything I needed to with ample additional mystery to be uncovered, but I never felt like I had no idea what was happening even though I had no prior knowledge of the universe. And this is indeed a feat, because honestly sometimes I read whole published books and I’m like, "Wait, what? WTF is happening?"
Another thing that is so hard to master, which you just got down here, is the pacing. It never stalls, but there are enough quiet moments for me to breathe and get to know the characters. And for Max and Charles to fall in high-stakes, low self-esteem love, which is just chef’s kiss.
Talking about Max and Charles, they are so dear to me in this fic. I live for the protective boyfriend trope and this is all set up for greatness in that regard. Kicking my feet, jumping in joy. I’m just overall a happy reader when it comes to this fic.
Also, I need to make a shout-out to all the effort you have put in outside of just writing the fic. All the pictures and posts and playlists. It adds a lot and I know that it must take effort and time; it is appreciated.
To conclude this rambly too long ask: thank you for writing this and sharing it with us. You are a gift and a treasure.
I may come here with some more superlatives later. I hope thats alright 😅
Hello there!
I always forget that people wait until fics are finished to start reading. I'm so impatient, I generally just jump right in and then get stuck on a cliffhanger and want to kms. I respect the self-control I definitely do not have!
So happy that you enjoyed part 1 ❤️ As I stated in my authors note at the start of the work, this is literally the first thing I've ever tried to write and I almost trashed the whole thing at least a dozen times through the learning process. I'm also pleased to hear that it isn't confusing or like boring to read (things I've been very worried about).
Pacing is something I wasn't quite sure if I got right either, so I appreciate the feedback! I love slow burn as much as the next person, but I also want to be engaged with a work and not get too bored with slice-of-life type stuff. I'm also a huge fan of "okay, we're together now, but the universe isn't going to let us be together," which is the definition of this entire fic. 🫣
If the angst doesn't make my chest doesn't ache every few chapters, I don't want it your honor lol
Max will continue to struggle with many different issues (as he should) in part 2, and Charles will have to learn what his triggers are and how to handle someone with such a traumatic past. He will be over protective and do some things that Charles/the reader might be confused by, but the poor guy has been through some shit, and he needs some time. I'm really looking forward to exploring that dynamic if I'm honest. I've read a lot of fic where it's either, all the trauma and no recovery or trauma happened off camera and it's all focused on recovery. Attempting to have both feels like a big ask, but I'm certainly going to try!
Making an edit for the start of each chapter was a fun idea I had starting on chapter 2, and then quickly got out of control by the time I was on chapter 20 😅 but I really like visual aids, and I will probably continue to make them for part 2 as well.
Come back any time as my ask box and DMs are always open! There's a lot of clues and subtle things in the finer details that may not have seemed important in the early chapters, but on second or third inspection, have HUGE implications on the later plot for this story.
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 110 - Under the Command of Evil Georgiou
Star Trek: Discovery - Season 1 Episode 15 - Will You Take My Hand?
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Okay, We're now onto the Season 1 Finale of Discovery! I'm excited to see how we end this season out!
We open aboard Discovery with making quoting something about the nature of feart, and unfortunately I don't recognise it, so I'm just left with the Foreboding nature of the passage.
This Georgiou's command style is immediately noticeably Terran. I loved how tense the Bridge was during the opening sequence. Her absolute disdain for the Klingons, Saru, and later in the episode Ash Tyler, pushes all of the right buttons in my head, and I can't wait for her to get her comeuppance. She makes a few veiled references to how she eats Kelpians towards Saru, and it just made my skin crawl, and so did her calling Ash an "it" later on. Unfortunately however, there is not much the crew can do for now, as she's the only one who fully knows the plan.
After the intro Georgiou and Michael interrogate L'Rell about which landing site would be best for discovery. Of Course L'Rell doesn't talk, which launches Georgiou into a much more brutal method of getting the information out of her. That doesn't work either, and Michael calls that to a stop. I'm really glad that Michael is starting to realise that maybe this isn't the way to go. Michael then takes Georgiou to Ash, and since he has Voq's memories, he willingly gives over the information they want. We also get a bit of worldbuilding about Klingon history, just a bit about Kahless and how he defeated someone called Molor, who the Klingons seemed to have worshipped in a similar way to how they worship Kahless now. I really want to know more this, and I'm trying to piece together their culture from the little scraps I'm being given.
This episode from the get go is clearly about the clear difference between Imperial tactics and Federation Tactics, and whether or not the ends justify the means when it comes to Georgiou's brutality.
This episode is putting in a lot of work to undo the mistakes of the last few episodes surrounding Georgiou, and I am 100% here for it. The last couple episodes tried to make her too sympathetic, when she is a fascist dictator, but here she is written and portrayed in such a creepy slimey way, and it's definetly what they should have been doing from the get go. I've already mentioned her racism, but also in the way she interacts with the human crew. Her various threats towards Michael, and just general attitude towards Sylvia Tilly gives me shivers, and in this episode alone I think she's earned a spot among my favourite villains so far.
Discovery Makes it's jump into the caves of Kronos, and the ground crew, made up of Michael, Ash Sylvia and Georgiou exit into an Orion market to try and get the location of this shrine.
On a side note, the more even split among male and female Orion slaves makes the whole idea feel a lot less behind-the-scenes slimy than the Orions did in Enterprise, thankfully. Here it feels slimy in a way where it feels like it's supposed to feel slimy, and not just... whatever Enterprise was doing in it's Orion focus episode. Also I'm not going to pretend like the eye-candy isn't appreciated in my bisexual brain, it feels a lot less uncomfortable when it doesn't feel like exploitation.
Amongst the chaos of the market, we get a few good downtime scenes, particularly of Sylvia being an absolute fish out of water, and a really well written heart to heart between Ash and Michael, where we finally get the full details of what happened to Michael's Bio-parents. Her survivor's guilt over this trauma is an interesting angle, and the detail of her memory over her trauma is something I really want to see explored in the future, and it really adds a interesting layer with her relationship with Ash.
Tilly finds out that the Drone she's guarding isn't a drone, but a planet cracking bomb designed to make the planet uninhabitable, and unfortunately Georgiou has moved too fast for Discovery to do anything.
Thankfully, Discovery manages to talk Starfleet out of the plan, and fromt here it's just a matter of sending in Michael to convince Georgiou to stop, which turned out easier than expected. Discovery hands the Detonator over to L'Rell, and convinces her to step up as the Klingons leader, and end the war. Ash choses to go with him, meaning we'll need a new chief of Security again. His goodbye to Michael . Georgiou is then let free, and I'm hoping we'll see her again sooner rather than later, because she still has a lot fascisty stuff to answer for.
Michael's speech at the end as she obtains her official pardon, and the crew get their official commendations, was also a fantastic way to cap off the season. We're also given an absolute shocker of a cliffhanger, as Discovery picks up a distress call from the Enterprise, so I can't wait to see what that's about!
I really liked this finale. I was shaky going into it with how the previous episodes were treating Georgiou, but this more than made up for it. It really capped of the whole methods vs results theme the season was going for, and it was just generally fun. I enjoyed myself here.
I have a couple Short Treks which I'll cover in one post tomorrow, and then immediately onto Season 2!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
good day King Magnifico, I'm glad to be here again ^^ I have a few more questions that I would like to get answers to :3
1. Do you know any other sciences that are not related to magic? or don’t you divide them into different parts and think that magic is connected with every science?
2. have you tried to fly using magic? In general, what is your magic best suited to: telepathy, creation of objects. Do you associate magic with the spiritual power of a person or does the physical body also influence?
I also have more harmless and vital questions:
1. Do you have a favorite food? Do you even know how to cook and are there any details that should definitely be included in your diet?
2. how do you take care of your hair?
3. just honestly, maybe there is something that you would like to change about yourself? (you are gorgeous)
and the question is more of a clarification, can Queen Mirah herself answer the questions? Thanks in advance for your answer, have a nice day :3 I hope my questions are not a repetition of others🥹
Hello again! Are you enjoying your stay in my kingdom so far? Has Julie shown you around yet? Our local spring festival will last until the end of this week.
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The very fist things I learned as a young boy were biology, alchemy and astronomy, since my father knew those. Later on I studied herbology, different kinds of materials, stones and such.
Magic, as I used it, wasn't necessarily tied to science but you could devide it into the elements for one. Fire, water, earth and air. I mostly worked with those elements.
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Come to think of it, when I didn't create things, I used the control over the elements to aid me. Making objects levitate or bend things to create something. Earth and stones for example. That's how I built my palace mostly. Of course you have fire too. Oh I remember forming the colorful glass for my windows was a lot of fun!
The magic, like most folks call it, is absolutely a spiritual ability. My late teacher called it gifting! Because it is not by your power alone but it is something given to you by the great father. He can give it and take it. You only learn how to use it correctly. Yes, it does impact your body. Over all, this is a topic I could talk hours about.
No, I never used my abilities to fly. *chuckles* Let me put it that way - I prefered to stay on the ground.
Do I have favourite foods? Oh .... actually I'm not that much of a picky eater as long as the dish is served right.
Oh ... but I don't like snails ... oysters, frog legs and similar monstrosities!!! *shutter*
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Blergh. Never understood how people can eat that stuff. Surpringly I can tell you more about the things I don't like to eat.
How do I take care of my hair? *laughs* guarded secret my dear.
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He has his selfmade shampoos and stuff.
Shush! Weren't you working on things, Julie?
Mememeh 😗
*clears throat* My dear asissant. Charming isn't she.
Is there something I would like to change about myself? Deep question. Yes. I would like to be in better control of my emotions. Everything I feel, I feel very intensly. Sometimes that is good. Sometimes it feels like a heavy burden. Be less fearful ... you know ... I know healing from a trauma that intense takes time but ... sometimes I wish I could be more open ... more trusting. It got better but it's not quite how I'd like it to be.
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Thank you for the compliment. I appreciate it.
Of course you can ask my wife questions too. She'll be thrilled to answer you! And don't worry. I don't mind answering questions that have been asked before. There is always something new to add.
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Now, that felt like a little interview. Thank you for your interest. I hope my answers helped you. Have a nice stay! *smiles at you before turning to return inside*
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
My Thoughts on Episode 2
I have now moved into my dorm and gotten more used to college life, so here is the post about Ahsoka episode 2 as promised---keep in mind, though, just like episode one these are just my thoughts upon first watching it. They may change or I may go into further detail on them in the future.
Once again, the scenes just feel...so utterly hollow and flat.
There's no emotion exchanged when Sabine and Ahsoka talk---neither Ahsoka nor Sabine ever actually seem worried- (whether it's about Sabine or the map) -nor do they ever seem stubborn, defensive, irritated/angry, or anything else that you would expect.
Again, it's all just hollow.
I'm gonna be honest, the villains are the singular interesting part of this show for me right now.
So, even though other people have literally died by getting a lightsaber to the gut, Sabine is perfectly fine to be sitting up and working on a droid and moving around like...a day or so afterwards?
The fuck?
Even if her surviving is possible- (since other people have pointed out that it is, when taking other things into account) -she shouldn’t be all fine and dandy and moving around! That shit should hurt!
Also, I've seen so many people point to Ahsoka telling Sabine- "no, you've done enough." -when Sabine says she can help as this badass line and saying- "yes, let Ahsoka be angry!" -but, ignoring the fact that there was no emotion whatsoever when she said that...
...how is it badass or "sticking it to Sabine" when she literally goes back to Sabine for the help she offered like an hour later?
Again, Sabine should not be moving like that after getting stabbed with a lightsaber.
"Yes, let's put this whole hospital full of people in danger because we can't be bothered to relocate, because of a timeline that we have not been very clear about---a timeline that may or may not have consequences, because we also haven't been very clear about why the timeline is the way it is or what will happen if it's not followed."
Wow, this show is just...really trying to make me not like or root for these characters at all.
I'm just...wow.
I've said it once and I'll say it again, the villains are the only interesting part of this show right now.
Also, I fucking loved Baylan mentioning Jedi younglings and that little snippet of Jedi culture---the fairytales they were taught.
Although I do think it's fucking nuts that the Darksider, the villains, are giving us more insight into Jedi culture than the actual fucking "Jedi" of the show.
Someone else explained it better in another post- (I'll reblog and add it here once I actually find it again) -but the guy that's playing the "businessman who's only loyal to his investors- (aka he does things for greed)" -is an actor, who I think is Jewish if I'm remembering correctly, who is known for playing pretty much only Jewish characters...
...I don't think I need to explain how making his character one who does things only for greed is antisemitic.
Again with the Sabine as a Jedi thing???
Non-Force-sensitives can't become Jedi---being a Jedi is being apart of a culture that is specifically centered around Force sensitivity!!!
And Sabine already has a culture, she's Mandalorian for fuck's sake!
I'm sorry, this whole fucking thing pisses me off---she better turn out to be Force-sensitive and Dave is just retconning that, because otherwise I'm going to lose my goddamn mind.
"I heard your repairs were complete."
Except they shouldn't be because she literally got stabbed with a fucking lightsaber, it should take longer than just about a day to heal---with or without a bacta tank.
I swear to fucking god-
Not this bullshit again.
Please, please, I'm begging, just retcon Sabine to be a little bit Force-sensitive and don't pull some "non-Force-sensitive Jedi can be a thing" bullshit. Please-
"I'm a general, nothing's classified to me."
That's not how that works.
I love Chopper so much istg, I'm at least glad my favorite homicidal droid is back in action <3
Ok, this scene is reminding me of it specifically, but why hasn't Sabine been wearing her armor? We literally never see her without it in Rebels and being Mandalorian is a huge facet of her identity, why has she not been wearing it?
Once again, I assume this'll be explained later, so I'm trying to hold back my judgement, but if it's not explained later then...honestly it's just confusing.
Wow, so not only was the Jewish actor cast to play someone whose motivation is greed, but they also made him a bad guy...just...wow.
*long sigh at Ahsoka calling Sabine "padawan"*
Oh hey, the big evil bad guy station kinda fucks ngl
I'm gonna be honest, Baylan---again, the bad guy---honestly shows more emotion at there being "so few Jedi left" than Ahsoka---who's supposed to be the good guy, and who's apparently just decided to take up the Jedi mantle again---does.
Also, isn't this show set before the Sequels?
So how are there "so few Jedi left" if Luke is building a new Order that's apparently successful enough to have Order 66 2.0 in the Sequels?
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