#don't know if you only wanted sam and harvey now that i think about it
This is a pretty serious topic, so feel free to not answer if you don't want to.
How would the Sdv and Sve bachelor/ette's react to the Farmer (who's their partner) flinching when they moved suddenly? As in, the farmer subconsciously thought their partner was about to hit them
Pretty dark topic, but I want pain and glass so why not 🥲 Thanks so much for the question, dear anon 💕
⚠️Warning: angst, mention of past abusive relationship/physical abuse, mention of domestic violence, swearing, and a lot of hurt/comfort
Stardew Valley:
SDV bachelors:
Shane had never had such a desire to break someone's nose. To punch with all his might, to break a jaw, to knock out teeth, to make the bastard who dared to raise a hand against Farmer regret their cowardice and wish they'd never been born. Too bad they're somewhere far away... No, it's not a pity, let this fucking asshole die in their hellhole. What's important right now that Farmer's here, and Shane's gonna be right there with them. He's gonna suggest that Farmer go to therapy. It really helps, Shane's realized that himself. And he'll be there for Farmer, he'll never leave them. And would never hit them.
Alex knows all too well why Farmer flinched like that, and his heart filled with rage. The same way his mom clutched herself, hiding her face from the heavy hand of her alcoholic husband... The very thought that his dearest Farmer, the love of his life, had thought he would hit them, that Alex would be like his father, made him shiver with unbridled hatred for whoever had made Farmer feel that way. But the athlete will calm himself down, and do whatever it takes to help and protect Farmer. He would never, ever hit them. Never.
Sam has a look of utter confusion on his face. "Babe, what's wrong?" The young guitarist was just chasing flies, and now doesn't understand why Farmer hid their face in their hands. Is something wrong? Why do they look like they're crying? When Farmer tells him the reason (which they were previously afraid to tell), Sammy's heart just cracks to pieces. He will put his arms around Farmer and slowly rock them. If they are comfortable, Sam will listen to them carefully and try to cheer them up, showering them with kisses and affectionate words.
Elliott would simply become speechless. "My love, you didn't think I'd..." He can't even get the words out. He knows that Farmer's relatives treated them horribly, his partner have told the writer about it. He knows that recovering from such trauma will not be easy or quick. Elliott won't leave them alone with the trouble. But did they really thought that Elliott would allow himself to fall so low and raise his hand against them? The writer's in tears. It hurts him, but Elliott is in no way angry with Farmer. No, he loves them with all his heart.
Sebastian would never forget the moment in his childhood when his biological father was ready to slap him. Luckily, Robin managed to catch the man's arm before that, and Sebby never saw his bio father again. As he grew older, Sebastian realized exactly what that man had intended to do. He was disgusted to even think of doing that to anyone, much less the person he loves and adore endlessly. He would take the Farmer's hands, look them in the eye, and tell them that he loved them and would never, under any circumstances, raise a hand against them.
Harvey will put Farmer in a hug, but the doctor still won't be able to hold back the tears. Harvey knows that Farmer has only recently, on the advice of their beloved husband, sought professional help, that progress won't be immediate, and that it takes a very long, long time to work at it. But for Harvey, every time Farmer flinches at their husband's sudden movement is like the first time - shock, confusion, sadness, pain. And even worse when the Farmers began to blame themselves for this behavior. No, Farmer, it's not your fault. Harvey won't let their partner think it's their fault.
SDV bachelorettes:
Abigail is hella confused.... Why are they flinched? Wha- What do they mean!? She loves Farmer, how did they even think of that?! Abby got angry, but would quickly cool down and start apologizing to an even more frightened Farmer. She didn't mean to yell at them like that, but the image that her partner thought she would take a swing at them just threw her off. Ugh, if those creeps who had hurt Farmer came to the Valley, then the amethyst lover would pelt them with such stink bombs that even the skunks would turn their noses away from them. Hehehe, good thing that made Farmer laugh. Right, fuck those bastards.
Leah can't believe her ears. Farmer, she is holding an axe! How could they think that their wife would dare swing at them with a sharp axe?! The fact that someone actually tried to swing something like that at Farmer made the blood in the artist's veins boil. She wasn't angry at Farmer, naturally, but at the bastard who'd treated Farmer like that. And don't let her partner worry: if their ex abuser dared to come in the Stardew Valley, Leah would definitely use her axe... Okay, maybe not so radical, but this person won't lay a finger on her precious partner. She'll defend them to the last, that's for sure.
Penny is a very peaceful, fragile and gentle girl. How can anyone imagine that she is capable of such a thing - to hit Farmer, love of her life? For a young teacher, family is sacred! Her spouse, her children, it's... She will never agree with the people who justify violence and abuse with "discipline" or "tough love". For in Penny's mind, someone who can easily hurt a loved one is not worthy of those loved ones. The red-haired girl bursts into tears. She cannot calmly see how Farmer is scared and hurt because of their ex. But she will find the way to help them. Together, they will overcome it.
Maru was upset at first, because she thought that the Farmer was afraid of her next invention (she could not forget the humiliating incident when they were electrocuted). Only after a couple of seconds Maru realized that they looked with fear not at her device lying on the table, but at herself. She doesn't understand what's wrong. It's not like she has any super dangerous wires or parts with her, see? What? The Farmer thought Maru was going to... hit them? She loves them! Never, you heard her, Farmer, she would never....
Emily is a person who values life and the comfort of every creature. Happiness and positive emotions for everyone around her, especially for her close people and friends. Because of this, the very thought of Farmer hiding their face from what they thought was a punch made the blue-haired girl upset. Farmer had told her about their... not-so-good relatives, who left her lover with this trauma. Emily tries her best to make the house as comfortable as possible for Farmer, and they know it and will always be grateful to their loving wife.
Haley had had partners in the past who, as she found out later, lived by the principle of "beats means love". She wouldn't let those pieces of shit around her anymore, and made a promise to herself never to get involved with such people and never to fall to their level. And Farmer flinched so much at Haley's sudden movement made her remember her exes. She is furious. But right now, the most important thing to her was her beloved Farmer. Haley apologizes for the sudden move, shares her experience and wisdom on how she handled the abuse earlier, and assures Farmer that she will never do to them what Haley's exes tried to do to her.
Stardew Valley Expanded:
SVE bachelors:
Lance had many swordsmanship and magic teachers in his youth. Almost all of them were excellent and taught him many things that helped him in life. There were some that set impossible conditions for Lance, and when he failed, took up their tools to punishment... Lance had the guts to stand up to it, and there were also people who stood up for him. Farmer didn't have anyone to help then, and Lance won't let that happen again. He genuinely loves Farmer and he wouldn't dare let himself fall so low. They vowed to each other to share both joy and sorrow together. Lance will always love them.
Magnus faced various conflicts when he was married for the first time. Misunderstandings, quarrels, arguments - it's quite natural for a couple. But the wizard would never, ever raise a hand against his partner, and he would despise anyone who justified violence and abuse of authority. He would immediately calm the shuddering Farmer and begin to comfort them. If those pathetic excuse of humans showed up at their farm, Magnus would disintegrate them with a snap of his fingers. Ministry rules? There's a one rule in the Mage Law that allows the use of magic for self-defence and the protection of loved ones. So let the Farmer not worry about this.
Victor, overwhelmed with the good news about his bridge-building practice, raised both arms to hug Farmer, but immediately pulled back when he saw how much they flinched. "Honey, did I do something wrong?" "You didn't... You're not going to hit me, are you?" "What?...." If anyone heard the sound of cracking glass, know this - Victor's heart had shattered into a thousand shards. The spaghetti lover was confused for a few moments, but pulled himself together and cautiously approached the Farmer. Victor hugged them tightly, allowing his partner to snuggle into his shoulder and cry while Victor listened to them, slowly rocking and covering them with kisses.
SVE bachelorettes:
Olivia is not mad at Farmer in any way. And quickly put a stop to all their attempts to make themselves look guilty for being so flummoxed by the sudden movement of Olivia's hand. Her partner has been victimized in the past by the simply disgusting treatment from the scum who dared to reach out their paws to Farmer has spurred Olivia to pull up all her connections in the city. She knows their names and all the information she needs to turn their lives into a nightmare. In the meantime, Olivia herself will devote all her attention to her precious Farmer and family.
Claire could not have imagined that her desire to show her partner a new ballet movement she had learnt would end like... this: Farmer shivers slightly and looks at the red-haired girl with a share of fear, while Claire stands still, motionless as if struck by lightning. The former Jojarmart cashier slowly and carefully walks over to Farmer and asks permission to hug them. The Farmer agreed, of course, and before launching into an endless stream of words about how it was their own fault, Claire only reassured them and continued to hug them. She was now too shocked that the Farmer had thought Claire would dare to injure them....
Sophia was completely unaware of what had just happened: the pink-haired girl raised her hand for her partner to high-five, but instead they covered their heads with their hands as if expecting a punch. Had she done something wrong? What, did the farmer really expect a punch? She... She... If Sophia tried to say anything, Farmer wouldn't understand anything anyway - the flood of tears on Sophia's face and the lump in her throat from crying interrupted all words. She would hug the Farmer, hold onto them like a lifeline and sob. She would say through her sobs that she loved them very much and would never be a monster like those who had hurt Farmer.
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pastelvelvett-2nd · 1 year
Hello there I seen your wrote for Harvey from sdv, I’m not sure if what other sdv characters you will write for but I was wondering if I could request yan!sebastian x gn!Willing!reader. Just some stuff on what type of ya deer he is and how he would act with a so who is ok with his yandere tendencies. Sorry if this sounds confusing at all
Hello! Thank you for reading my Harvey fic!!
It doesn't sound confusing at all, don't worry about it. ^^ I present to you: ✨the yandere emo boy✨
Trigger warnings are, as always, in the tags!
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Yandere!Sebastian x GN!Willing!Reader
Sebastian would be the type to take a while to warm up to you.
At first, Sebastian didn't think too much of you. He had absolutely no clue why you would decide to move here of all places when you already lived in a place he dreamed to live in. He was a bit jealous, to be frank.
Surprisingly enough, you kept visiting and talking to him, despite his aloof behavior the first time you spoke. The more you'd chat, the more he'd understand your perspective and what drove you to leave the hubub of the city. He began to get to know you better, and you seemed to want to do the same in turn.
Sebastian started awaiting your visits with bated breath, and when you did arrive, he acted a lot less cold than he initially did. He started being more open, and the two of you even shared some of his geeky interests. Your hangout sessions became his favorite part of the day.
With you, he was open and friendly. There was nothing he wouldn't share.
He realized something. How open he was... It's wasn't the norm. A person only shows certain facets of themselves to another. That's the way he used to function, and everyone else seemed to tick the same way. Surely, other people must know other sides of you that he wasn't familiar with.
There were many things he wouldn't find out about you. The thought made him feel sick to his stomach like little else did.
Sebastian would be the type to eventually begin stalking you.
This way, he'd get to know you in a deeper way he ever could just by listening to information you'd offer him. He'd follow you around town, watching as you'd go shopping or talk to the villagers. Sometimes you'd even go drinking on fridays and play videogames on the arcade machines with Sam.
You seemed close to Sam.
Sebastian would be the type to cut anyone off without a second thought, anyone that isn't you.
As much of a loner as Sebastian already was, he gradually talked to Abigail less and less, and Sam... He stopped talking to him alltogether.
Sebastian would be the type to want to do awful things to someone he once called a close friend, all because of you.
He couldn't stand the sight of him anymore, which was a shame, because it seemed like the two of you spent more and more time together.
Sam obviously noticed his change of behavior, and so did you. Sam first tried talking to Sebastian about it, but a curt "I'm busy right now" and a dirty look from him made it clear that he wasn't quite as willing to talk.
When Sam saw Sebastian following you around town, he obviously went and told you about it. You seemed to react... A lot less scared than he expected you to?
"I'll talk to him about it. Don't worry." You told Sam, though he didn't think you talking to him would ease his worries any bit. He practically begged you to talk to tell the police, but you assured him you would take care of it. Sam eventually gave in, albeit reluctantly.
You visited Sebastian like you usually would, acting completely normal as if you never found out he had been stalking to you. If you didn't bring the topic up, then he would've never known that you knew, but you did exactly that.
You confronted him about it.
In such a calm and casual way, Sebastian thought he was dreaming or hallucinating.
You explained that you knew everything. You left out who told you and just said you caught on to it on your own, just to be safe.
You explained you had no problem with it. Sebastian didn't believe you at first. He was upset that you would lie to him.
But you assured him of your honesty. You truly didn't mind. Sebastian's eyes widened, now believing you.
He loved you before this an abnormal amount, but somehow, hearing this made him love you even more.
Sebastian would be the type to build a shrine to you.
He adored you. So much. He felt so grateful that you would accept even this... Intense side of him, so grateful that you treated him with so much love. So happy that you apparently liked him enough to ask him out.
Yes, despite him being head over heels for you, he was too shy to ask. Eventually he would, of course, but you made this so much easier for him.
And you, on the inside, didn't just tolerate his obsessive attention, but you were even pretty flattered about it. Not something you'd directly admit to him, of course.
Neighbors would urge you to not involve yourself with him, but you didn't listen.
Sebastian would be the type to only kill if he considered it necessary.
It wouldn't be out of guilt. Murder came with a lot of complications. Sebastian, being a calculated person that always thinks before he acts wouldn't give in to his violent urges. Except for when he had to, of course.
He just hoped there would be no need for it.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
So, I wrote the thing. I don't know if you'll like, but I sure hope you do. The only warning I think I should give is about the pairing, because it's heavily implied (a little more than that, actually) that it's Val x Wes x Sam x Tucker x Danny, (I have no idea what's the name of this ship, I just love it because it sounds chaotic as heck) and Dani is their daughter. Maddie and Val are also implied to be a little unhinged.
So... I gave Wes and Val their alternative versions, and changed Dani's:
Danny Fenton --- Bruce Wayne
Samantha Manson --- Selina Kyle
Tucker Tuck --- Ethan Bennett
Valerie Gray --- Talia al Ghul
Wes Weston --- Harvey Dent
Dani Fenton --- Damian Wayne
(a secret, third thing: Clockwork is Alfred)
I hope you like it!
The day Valerie decides to hunt down Danny until she could punch him in the face even if it’s the last thing she does has, surprisingly, nothing to do with his double life as Phantom, or the fact that he passed a third of her skate into the wall and she had to ask The Ghost Box to take it out so she could teach Dani how to skate.
If she’s feeling nice, she might even say it isn’t because he left the family group chat on read after saying that sometimes it is better to ask for forgiveness than permission and hasn’t been seen again in one week, but.
She’s not feeling nice.
At the start of their summer holiday, two days unsupervised were enough for Danny to find a word in the stone age and get a lot of new pets when the meteor fell, filling their castle with the biggest and scariest Woolly Rhinoceros imaginable… Who he called Sweetheart.
At the end of their summer holiday, three days were enough for Danny to turn into a squirrel and start a war against the pixies, and Wes had to step in to create a democracy when the squirrel won over the fairies and Danny was almost crowned King 一 again, this time looking like he really wanted the title. Thankfully, it wasn’t in another dimension and sometimes he can come back to see how they’re doing, or Clockwork knows what he would do to protect them from other creatures.
Now, at the beginning of their winter holiday, Valerie fears what he has done in the week no one could stop his intrusive thoughts or find him, because the little shit learnt from his mistakes and took the boo-merang with him.
And that’s why she’ll hunt him down in a way Skulker wishes he could accomplish, with their three years old daughter tracking him down like a sugar-high boo-merang would.
Valerie isn't doing it because if he’s not in their dimension in three days, she is the one going with Sam to one of her parent’s boring galas as her partner to listen to their speech about how supportive they are to accept that their daughter has more than one partner, one even being a girl.
It’s also not because she and the others are worried about him, and also Tucker, who hasn't slept in days trying to help Dani find her familial ties with Danny.
So when Valerie packs her weapons and puts on her suit, she pretends she doesn’t notice that some of the guns Maddie created for her are heavier than others and wouldn't work on Ghosts, so that Sam doesn't get even more panicked.
She also pretends, when she follows Dani through the Infinity Realms, that she isn't scared for what could happen to Danny with his Fenton Luck 一 she’s the level-headed of the relationship, after all, and she has to keep her composure because the other three surely won’t.
… She's still punching him as a greeting, though.
Tasting the decaffeinated coffee Alfred poured for him, Tim knew that the day was going to be long.
When the front door was blasted out of its hinges by a young alternative version of Talia al Ghul screaming for her stupid boyfriend, though… That's when he knew he wouldn't know peace until his last day alive.
Seconds before the door was blasted:
Dani *turning off her invisibility after scouting the area and not seeing her Father*: Mother, they have a secret basement!
Valerie "I'm the level headed of the relationship" picking the rocket lancer that wouldn't hurt a ghost: Say less, sweetie. Also, call your Fenton grandparents, tell them Danny is involved with another billionaire :)
After Danny is back home from feeding his raccoon friends and getting dropkicked by Val:
Danny: This is my girlfriend, Talia.
Val: ???
Danny: And this is our daughter... Daniyah.
Dani: ... >:)
Damian "We never told Brucie my mother's name": I'M A GIRL??????
Dick "I have my priorities straight": I'M NOT THE OLDEST????
Alfred "I do have my priorities straight and a shotgun I'm not scared of using": I'm already a grandfather????
Clockwork "I could have stopped this any time I wanted but let the alt me have these sweet moments to remember the good ol' times": Yes, we are :)
Maddie and Jack showing up in Gotham with their Midwest smile and a lot, a lot of weapons that wouldn't hurt ghosts: ◉⁠‿⁠◉
Everyone withing 100m radio: Why... Why do I suddenly fear for my life... More than usual?
(I'm sending this without much proof reading because if I don't I'll ending up not sending anything, so sorry about any mistakes)
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I love how Val is the most level-headed but also the one who shoots a mistle at the door just because they couldn't spot Danny but saw a basement.
Like they didn't even confirm Danny was in that basement, they just went "Well it's time to say hello! *BOOM*"
Thank you for sharing this with me!
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mysticmikalla · 1 year
I don't know if you take any kind of requests but if you feel like it could you maybe write about how you think the bachelors would react to you asking them to marry you? 🥹
I am always honored to take requests!! Thank you for being my first, I hope I do it justice!
The Stardew Valley bachelors’ reactions to being proposed to
Harvey did not know what to do with himself at first. Did he gently accept the deep blue, shiny pendant from your hands and hang it around his neck? Or should he pull you in for a kiss instead, breaking apart only so he could attempt to express how much he loved you? ... Or perhaps just a simple yes, with excited promises about the future? Or maybe all of the above, in that order?
He didn’t do any of those. Instead, he stepped closer to you until he was close enough to engulf you in a hug, a little tighter than normal, hiding a silent tear that he could not help but shed while softly murmuring his answer against your hair.
He would’ve never guessed that the farmer that took up that old farm would be lying in bed next to him, gazing up at him with such a look in your eyes that made him feel like he was the only person in the world who mattered. And as unfamiliar as that feeling was, Shane felt it. He mattered, and it you had just made it clear wasn't temporary. He did feel a little afraid, however, of what came after - the moving in together, the possibility of kids, of sickness and health, and he did not want to disappoint you. But that, he decided, was a worry for the future. So for now, he wasn’t going to let you down. He took your face in his hands and smashed your lips together, taking advantage of the fact that you were already in bed and barely clothed to show you how much he meant his yes.
He already knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. Sam just... took things one day at a time. He was never one to look too far into the future. So when he was playing with your fingers, absentmindedly while he went on one of his tangents instead of finishing a story he was telling you, you pulled the pendant out and set it on his lap, waiting to see how long it would take for him to notice it. And it look a while - so long that you couldn’t contain yourself, and nodding down to his lap, you said, “Sam, look.”
He stopped talking to follow your gaze, and resting on his lap was your promise to spend the rest of your life with him, if he'd have you. He stood up, pendant in hand, prompting you to do the same, “Is this…? Actually?!” Then he would pepper your face with kisses, “Do I even have to say it? Yes, yes, yes.”
He had never kissed you quite as passionately as he did then. When you were straddling him, a make out session well underway under the cover of the dim lights in his room, his hands on your back, under your shirt, and your hands tangled in his hair, out of breath… The feeling had consumed you then, and as good as kissing him felt, you pulled away for a moment, and as easy as if you had already said it, you murmured, “Marry me?”
Sebastian never thought he cared much for marriage, but he longed for this. To be your only one, to be the one someone finally chose. And that’s when he kissed you again. He nodded wordlessly, pulling your head back in to meet him again, intensely, deeper than before, as if he wanted you to taste his answer on his lips.
At that point in your relationship, Elliot had already purchased the pendant. He had been sure of this for a while now, only waiting for the right time to ask you the most important and yet the easiest question of his life. He never imagined that you dreamed the same - as when he took you for your usual walks along the shores, admiring the golden glaze of the setting sun over the sand, you also had an item most precious in your pocket.
At first, when he looked at you, he thought it was a reflection of his own feelings in your eyes. And then his own fell to your hands, where they stretched out a beautiful blue pendant. Elliot never thought he’d be rendered speechless at a moment like this. All he could do was reach for his own pendant and place it on top of yours, and then finally he would say, “In any and all lifetimes, I’ll say yes.”
Because he was raised a certain way, Alex always expected he was going to be the one to propose. The excitement of buying a pendant and hiding it from you, the planning out a date that was romantic but not-so-romantic that you’d suspect it, the getting down on one knee and asking you to make him the luckiest man alive… It was corny, he knew, but that’s how he saw it happening.
And maybe you two were too alike, because you were the one to buy the pendant, the one who planned the date and the one who got down on one knee. He was genuinely shocked when he saw you, “Are you serious?” Was the first thing he managed to say before joining you on his knees to look you in the eye, “Are you actually… are you serious? I was going to… I mean, yes, but that was my line!”
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veren-cos · 3 months
Bachelors (Sdv) x gn!Anorexic Reader
Tw for anorexia, mentions of purging, poor self image, and weight loss. If you struggle with an eating disorder please reach out for help. Things will be okay, and you can get through it.
Another note, this fic (even tho almost all of mine are) is gender neutral. There is this stereotype that only girls can have eating disorders, but this is not true. Anyone can get an eating disorder and everyone deserves comfort.
This is proofread / sensitivity read (Is that the word?)and requested by @vvnbxz (tysm!!!)
• If you told Sam you had anorexia he wouldn't know what the hell to do.
• Honestly if you opened up to him about anything to do with mental health he wouldn't know what to do.
• And it isn't that he doesn't try, it's just that he doesn't know. (He is just a clueless guy and that's okay/hj)
• But yeah, when you tell him he is just so worried. He noticed as a general statement you didn't eat a lot, but he thought you just had a low appetite.
• So he never thought too much of it, unless it was the days you didn't eat anything.
• On one of those days, he finally asked about it. When you told him you had anorexia, he just looked. So sad.
• "Babe I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't notice. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. But I will be now. What do you need?"
• If you need comfort, he is there the whole time. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear. "You are beautiful babe. How on earth did ever land someone like you?" (He is still a skater boy haha)
• If you need structure and legitimate help, he will be asking and researching. He asks Harvey how to help someone with Anorexia, and Google became his best friend. Though Google was a tad unreliable, you appreciated the effort.
• Overall, he just wants to be there for you, and will do his damned best to make sure you feel better.
• This is going to sound off topic but it's relevant I promise!!
• Sebastian is online a lot, okay? He almost definitely uses discord. At one point he was in a mental health server because he was really struggling and was just trying to find resources to help himself right?
• Well there was a channel in there about eating disorders, and while he didn't personally have one, he kinda just lurked in the server and read about everything.
• So Sebastian has a really large amount of knowledge in almost any mental health topic! And knows where to look for more info, and has heard personal storied. (Yay context is over with now onto the actual thing-)
• When you tell Sebastian you have anorexia, he is probably the calmest put of all of the Bachelors.
• He saw the signs, but recognized that it was still your business, and you were not in a desperate situation where he would have to step in. So he waited for you to tell him, while keeping an eye to make sure things didn't get any worse.
• Back to when you tell him though, he holds your hand and just pulls you into a hug. He offers to make food more often so you don't have to think about it.
• He tries to make sure it's lighter stuff, and doesn't overwhelm you with anything.
• He watches out for signs of it getting worse, and checks in with you often about how you are doing, and if there is anything more he can do to help.
• He understands that anorexia affects your entire life, but he knows that it is your life. He respects your boundaries, basically. He wants you to he in full control of your recovery, with him just helping you along the way.
• He encourages you to go to therapy. He sets you up with an tele-health therapist, and he gives you a bunch of online resources for when he isn't around.
• Overall, Sebastian is really sweet about it, and just tries to be helpful.
• He would unknowingly make things worse at first.
• When you get together for sure, but especially when you move in together. He definitely counts calories to make sure he is getting enough for whatever sport thing he is doing, and when he tried to encourage you to join it brings back some old habits.
• After a month or so of living together, Alex notices you've been loosing way too much weight. So he asks about it.
• He thought you were doing an extremely unhealthy diet, so when he did ask you about it he was not expecting this to be a long time issue.
• When you tell him that you have anorexia, he immediately apologizes for asking bluntly.
• "No, no. Alex it's fine. I should have told you."
• He takes a pause because he knows he has to be careful now. "..why didn't you?" It was so quiet.
• "I just couldn't Alex!" That came out louder than you meant it.
• "You are so perfect and really damn.. I dont even know you just.. I'm jealous of you. You have everything under control all the time. And I see how much effort you put into keeping it up that I didn't feel like I could stand next to you! I feel gross, food makes me feel gross. And I didn't want to burden you with this. Nothing in my life is going right right now. And this is the one thing I can make go right. But apparently I can't because I'm screwing this up too!"
• You pulled your hands to your face and broke down sobbing.
• Alex pulled you onto a hug. "Shhh, shhh" he strokes your hair. "Your going to be okay? I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I was making you feel like that."
• You shot up. "No don't apologize! You aren't doing anything wrong, I'm the one who needs to get things together!"
• "But I should have been more considerate! I should have seen!"
• Both of you took a second to calm down.
• After a moment, Alex spoke again, "what can I do to help you?"
• And you didn't know. You didn't know anything.
• "Alex I don't know. I didn't even think this was going to come back again I don't even know how I dealt with it the first time."
• He let out a breath. "Okay. I'm not changing what I'm doing, because I know that will just make you feel guilty. But I won't talk about it okay? I'll move the scale outside somewhere else. And I'm going to check in with you every once in a while. Okay?"
• You nodded.
• "I don't know what I can do to help, but I will not be giving you more to overtime about. You are perfect just the way you are. You don't need to change, your body is perfect. Okay?"
• You nodded again. This time it was you pulling him into a hug.
• "Okay. Okay yeah we can do this. Thank you." The last words came so softly that you just hoped Alex heard.
• "Of course, anything for you."
• Harvey had seen the signs well before you confirmed his suspicions.
• He noticed you leaving very shortly after dinner dates, how you avoided mirrors when getting ready.
• He had known you for a long time now and he could see that you had lost weight, and not at a normal rate.
• After you moved in together, things became blaringly obvious.
• One morning he woke up to the sound of you throwing up.
• That's when everything became real.
• He walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "My love? Can I come in?"
• "NO!" You coughed, "no, no I'm fine it's okay."
• "Dear we have to talk about this."
• "No we don't, I'm fine. I just wasn't feeling good."
• You went back and forth on this for a while, but eventually he just came in.
• "My love, we just moved in together. I am very serious about this relationship. This means we have to tell each other when things aren't okay. Okay?"
• You thought for a moment. "Harvey, you're a doctor. You are just going to go on a medical spiel if I talk to you. I already know what's wrong. I'm handling it."
• He sighed, "I don't mean to be blunt, but clearly you aren't. All you have is protein shakes in your fridge, you can't live off of those. And I'm assuming you do this every morning? You can't be drinking those and then throwing them up. It defeats the purpose of drinking in the first place."
• "But I have to! I have to do this Harvey. This is the one thing in my life I have control over I have to do this."
• "No, you don't! Dear, I can help you, you just have to let me! You have full control over your life. Let me be here for you"
• You sat there. Just thinking. Harvey had no idea how what he said would land. Would you get upset? Would you lash out? Cry?
• "Okay." You whispered
• He stared at you.
• "I said okay!" You were nearly shouting. "Help me! I know this isn't okay but I need help!"
• Oh thank yoba you listened. "Thank you. Now, please just listen to me. Please." He waited for a nod of recognition before continuing,
• "I'm making all the food from here on out. And I dont care what you say because you are not burdening anyone. You aren't going to look at any labels, I'll scratch them out if you need me too.
• "I'll make a meal chart for each week, and you don't have to eat all of it, but you need to eat something. Eating something is better than nothing, I don't care what it is."
• This was already making you nervous. It was all too much, but if nothing else you had to try for him.
• "Okay.. okay. Okay yeah... thank you."
• He gave you a big hug.
• "I'm here for you with this. You don't have to do this alone."
• Shane is not perfect by any means, we all know this.
• But one thing I will stand on is that, if y'all are dating, he will stand with you through any mental health crisis no problems.
• He probably wouldn't notice much of the mental signs, but would notice you loosing weight.
• He tried to ask you about it a few times, but you always brushed it off.
• He let it be until you literally fainted from lack of food intake.
• He rushed you to Harvey's and honestly just hoped you would finally open up to him about what was going on.
• Harvey had already known you had an eating disorder because it was in your file, so when you woke up, he strongly encouraged you to talk to Shane about it.
• Shane was chill enough to at least wait until you had gotten home to talk about it.
• ...
• "So what the hell was that?" He asked.
• "Shane, I'm sorr-"
• "No, don't be sorry that's not what I'm asking for. I'm asking what that was." He stared you down.
• "Shane.." You sighed. You had meant to tell him but everything you tried, something got in the way.
• "Shane, I have anorexia. I'm not going to make it into a big thing. I mean, I guess I already did because I literally fainted. But I want you to know that I am working on it."
• "And you didn't tell me, because.? Babe, we all have our issues we are going through. I want to be there for you but I can't be if you don't tell me."
• "It was hard, That's why. I know you don't care, but I care so much as to what others think of me. About what I think of me. I dont like the way I feel. The way I look. I just always compare myself to others and I don't like it. I'm not asking for help and I certainly don't want it but I think I might need it at this point."
• He sighed, and had both of you sit down. "Okay.. okay, thank you for telling me. Now that the hard part is over, here is the harder part. We are getting you into therapy. It might be uncomfortable. But it will help. I know it helps me. And I know I can't do anything personally, but talk to me if anything is going on. I'm here to listen, okay?"
• He doesn't tend to be one for random physicaly affection, but he pulls you into a tight hug.
• He really meant every word, so from then on you became more dependent on him like he was on you.
• Elliott. Oh Elliott.
• He knew something was up right when you started going out.
• You never ate much, never drank much. It looked like you felt food and taking care of yourself was a burden.
• So once you got married and moved in together, he knew he had to confront you about it.
• "My love?" He knocked on the door to your room. You were in your pajamas getting ready for bed.
• "Yes?" You smiled softly at him.
• "We need to talk." Your face dropped. Elliott tended to have a way with words but he became far less eloquent under stress. "Not in a we need to talk, my dear. Apologies." He cleared his throat,
• "I've noticed your. Ehm. Unusual? Eating habits?" And your face dropped more.
• "Oh Ellio-"
• "Hold on." He reached for your hand, cupping it between his. "I'm not upset with you. There is no reason to be. But I think I know what is going on, and I just want you to know. I am here for you. Alright, love? You can talk to me, and I can help. Food can become a stressor for the best of us. So you don't have to talk to me now, but just know I'm here for when you need."
• You met his hands with the one left on the bed. "I'm not sure if what your thinking is entirely accurate? But I suppose I should clarify." You took a deep breath, "I have anorexia. I've been managing it, at least what I thought was, pretty well. I didn't think you would notice, but I guess it was something I should tell you. I just.. I just didn't have control over much in my life when I worked for Joja. So food was a thing I could control! I thought it helped. But it didn't."
• You continued, "When I moved here, things genuinely became better! I have full control over my life. How I run the farm. My time, my pace. But I became so dependent on my food patterns for regulation that it was just a habbit I couldn't give up. So now here we are!" You let out a dry laugh.
• Elliott wasn't going to make a big deal out of it, despite his general dramatics.
• He knew that it was hard for you, but from what you said, you were working so hard on your own to help yourself.
• He reassured you that he would be there if you needed it, and tried to make sure you were eating a good amount of food everyday. But life continued on as normal for you two, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
An* so this was a deep one, I personally do not have anorexia but a lot of this still resonated with me for other reasons. Please reach out to either a doctor, family member, or friend if you think you have an eating disorder. They are serious business.
Also. I tried to make it accurate to anorexia but my knowledge isn't all encompassing, so it might have slipped into general eating disorder territory. So if it doesn't line up perfectly, I'm sorry about that- I also tried to not make it stereotypical but there may be a varying amount of success with that. Please lmk!!
Less serious an* I really wrote so much for Harvey I was not expecting to be able to write this much- Harvey's might as well have been it's own little fic from how long it was.
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babiebom · 1 year
Stardew Bachelor/ette's as relationship tropes
A/N: because this is cute and im in my feelings watching the little mermaid im feeling so giddy omfg THIS MOVIE WAS MADE FOR MEEKLALQOWOSOA also plus victor and Sofia(sophia?) WOW so if anyone has already read this it was not finished nor was it supposed to be posted so as I finish it it'll just be updating because i don't wanna delete it oopsies!
Tw: none? Idk maybe bullying???
Genre: headcanons
Wc:maybe like 5 bullet points per thing?
Sdv Masterlist
Strangers to Lovers:
Friends to Lovers:
I feel like Penny and Leah would be a meet-cute sorta thing like at a coffee shop or a library
Maybe elliott also at the library or at a bar
But I feel like with Emily it would be somewhere chaotic
Like a concert
Or a rally of some sort
All of these would be like a romance novel of some sort you meet your soulmate on a chance outing super cute!!!
Enemies to Lovers:
All of these guys seem as if they fall hard for friends mostly
Like yeah they sometimes find a stanger attractive
But I feel as if these people are the kind to slowly develop a crush on someone they already know
Sam would make the best tv show character and Sophia(pls someone tell me how to spell) and Harvey would make better book characters
Second chance:
You probably absolutely hated these guys ngl
Like I feel like they have enemy quality
Like especially Haley and Alex they have high school bully energy to me
So even if they weren't bullys they would somehow end up on your kill list
Seb and Abigail seem like general assholes and probably did something to piss you off(im saying this as a Seb girlie)
Honestly my favorite genre to read but that's because i am toxic oops
I feel like these three would've been in relationships they had to let go of for different reasons and now that time has passed you meet again and get that second chance at loving one another
Shane would prolly be because of his downward spiral and you two broke up after a heated fight because he just refused to try so you left(Jas was torn up but doesn't really remember because she was younger)
Victor prolly had to break up with you because of Olivia and different statuses in money. She only wants the best for her son and unfortunately in her eyes you were not it.
For Maru i think its obvious Demetrius had something to do about it. Maybe you were in a relationship in high school
And even if her grades didn't slip at all when he found out he made her break up with you to force her to focus on her future.
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vintagelacerosette · 4 months
Wednesday tag game
Hiii darling angelpies! I am here on timeish 😆
I was tagged by these dazzling sweethearts Nosho @creepkinginc Mel @gardenerian Evie @energievie Deanna @deedala Kat @ mybrainismelted Julia @blue-disco-lights Al @spookygingerr Jessica @guinguin1984
How did you get into the fandom?
Like a lot of us 😆 I saw a fan edit of Mickey & Ian on YouTube (I can't find it again even when I've searched my history 😭) I was kinda in between fandoms at the time with Malex from Roswell New Mexico but they were broken up at the time & buddie lol.
But then I was shot through the heart when I went through the gallavich tag & it felt like home 🥰
How long have you been here?
I was lurking at the end of 2021 & the first official time I contributed to this darling fandom in Feb 2022 with gallacrafts 💝
What's the first fandom channel you found? (youtube, reddit, tumblr, insta, twitter, FB, other?)
Here on tumblr babeeeyy
What's your favourite now?
Still tumblr but I wish I was better on discord 😅 I get overwhelmed & don't wanna talk over ppl 😔
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
Oh my goodness I had no idea but my longest mutual is the always spectacular Calli @callivich 🥰🩵💙 woooww!!
Which tumblerinos did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know?
Y'all have to understand you are all unbelievably swoon worthy & there's only so many ppl I can tag in one post (damn you tagging limit 😣)
Ok, so definitely have a big crush on Deena @suzy-queued & to see smitten feeling is mutual got me
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GIF by theresaphoenixinmyboot
Alice @darthvaders-wife Jane @captainjowl Mitch @psychicskulldamage when we became mutuals I squealed bc how much talent??
Jenna @ianrightsonly & Kay @goodkwuestion their fics changed me
Also, Benja @svltburn | Nosho | Vey @look-i-love-u Macy @heymacy Julissa @heymrspatel Jo @jomilky Harvey @mikhailoisbaby Georgia @iansw0rld Molly @deathclassic Stas @messedwithmandy Howl @howlinchickhowl Michelle @michellemisfit | Deanna | LJ @ofalltheginjoints Sam @sam-loves-seb Face @ burninface | Calli | AJ @ clingymickey Mills @gallavichsbitch Leah @whatwouldmickeydo
Also Jay!! You've left but gave me butterflies 🦋
Pls I kind hate this question! I've come to the conclusion I have a crush on you all OK?? 😭
This is why I make y'all Valentine's
First gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)?
By the magnificent Kay The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Ian Gallagher!!! OH MY GOSH JUST THINKING ABOUT THIS FIC MAKES ME FEEL ELATED & FERAL!!! It's my favourite piece of written work & I need my non gallavich ppl to read it so I can scream into their faces how much I love it 🥰🩷🩷🩷
First fan art that blew your mind?
Seriously, Deena's gallacrafts & art always take my breath away!!! Like the artistry & creativity?? I wanna get to your level 🥰
It's three dimensional & has twinkling lights ✨️ I was astounded & my jaw literally dropped 😍
All of Alice's art especially my commissioned art 🩷
Also, Mitch's comic I stared at it forever like Ian's eyes reflecting Mick's booty 🍑👀
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn't for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
I have read some pretty freaky & nasty fic bc of curiosity, so I nothing really gave me icks in tropes, but in writing style, I got turned around with Jen @wehangout with second person POV. You're so talented that I really enjoyed them when I would nope out before 😆
What surprised you most about this fandom?
Everything surprised me about this fandom bc it was my first one!! 😆 I didn't really know how to do tumblr & didn't really get how to interact. So I used tumblr like a sticker book, then came learning tags & so ppl reached out to me which helped me gain confidence haha
This is kinda a golden standard fandom. So welcoming, loving & encouraging!! If I ever dabble in another fandom, imma have a high standard bc I've been spoiled by y'all! ILY
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you're one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with gallavich?
It was the "I'm fucking gay" scene to the "Guess what we've been doing daddy" The way he humps the car with all that conviction & screaming "he fucking loves it".
Everything clicked & I was like "Damn I love this fictional man." He is my favourite character of all time & this ship is my OTP & GOAT.
Also I love this edit too. It gives me chills
Ian or Mickey?
Mickey, but holy shit I love them both
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Which gallagher or milkovich are you?
I took a page from @/guinguin1984 & did some quizzes & I got Fiona Ian Fiona Debbie not of them feel right ahaha
I guess Fiona bc I had her twice 😅
Consider yourself tagged if I have a crush on you or mentioned you. Also tagging these sunshines & if you wanna do it too, have at it 💛🥰
@lingy910y @mickittotheman @doshiart @crossmydna @y0itsbri @7x10mickey @whatthebodygraspsnot @ms-moonlight-inn @mmmichyyy @sickness-health-all-that-shit @kiinard @transmickey @gallawitchxx @sleepyheadgallavich @rereadanon @whaticameherefor @darlingian @andthatisnotfake @ian-galagher @francesrose3
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valriety · 2 years
Hi there! I remember reading your bachelor physical touch hc and I cried while reading Sam's part because it was so darn cute ;-; him patting heads and holding hands while walking back home just make me melt hahahah </3
I wanna ask if you can make another hc for the bachelors of just Sam (whichever you prefer) if the s/o just likes to cling to them like a koala whenever they feel down :')
Thank you if you decided to do this, and hope you have a great day ahead!
SDV: Bachelor Reactions To A S/O Who Likes To Cling To Them Like A Koala When They're Down!
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Post Type: SFW, Fluff, Established Relationship, Comfort, Romantic, x Reader. Characters: Sam, Elliot, Harvey, Alex, Shane, and Sebastian. GN Reader (You/Yours).
Hi Anon!!! So sorry that it's taken forever to get this to you! These are a lil short, but I did all the bachies and put in a little extra detail for Sam just for u <3 Hope you're having a lovely day.
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Sam loves when you do this - he gets to be there for his S/O and he gets an amazing cuddle out of it??? Mark him as down.
He caught on pretty quick what it means when you get like this, so immediately he's in supportive boyfriend mode, asking if there's anything you'd like, or if you'd just like to cuddle :')
Carries you around for a little bit before taking you to a sofa to cuddle. There, he lets you wrap your arms and legs around him and pulls you close - softly patting your hair, whispering how much he loves you, and tracing a small pattern with his other hand.
If it would help, Sam would absolutely offer to run to the Saloon for takeaway. He'll make sure to get all your favourites too, but not before he makes sure you're alright!
You're in for a long night of cuddling after this! He adores you so much, and wants to make sure you know always :')
Probably started doing it back after the first time it happened, but for all sorts of things, like when he wants attention, or when he doesn't want you to leave to do chores! <3
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Immediately concerned if this is a reoccurring thing, asking if there's anything he could do for you right now and holding you close. He also thinks back to the other times this has happened, trying to recall if there was anything that made you happy back then too.
Surprisingly strong, able to hold you up with only one hand and using the other to brush and stroke your hair gently. As he carries you, he whispers about everything he loves about you, maybe he'll even recite a comfort poem to you! <3
Secretly wants to do it back sometime, but doesn't know how to bring it up.
....please bring it up for him :')
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So incredibly flustered the first time this happens before he realises that you're feeling down. Starts collecting your favourite things if you're unable to talk, reassuring you the entire time that he's there for you :')
Has to sit down after a hot minute, but that's alright, you have his full, undivided attention now! Now that he has both of his hands free, Harvey plays with your hair and rubs up and down your back.
He's happy to sit with you there in silence if you need, but he's very up for talking too! Alternatively, if you just want him to talk, Harvey will recount all his favourite things about you, and just how in love with you he is <3
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Strong enough to carry you around while he's doing stuff for ages, but will take you somewhere more comfy to relax if you'd prefer that too!
Traces a pattern on your back and gives you lots of kisses on your hair. If you're standing, he might throw in the occasional gentle swaying, or a little spin! <3
He loves it honestly, being close to you is something that he holds closest to his heart, and he loves that he can be a source of comfort for you! Absolutely encourages you to do this when you're feeling happy too :D
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Extremely warm. Like a living heater. Honestly I wouldn't blame you for doing this when you're just cold too. He's pretty grumbly about it, but don't be fooled!
Abides by cat rules and never makes an effort to get you down. Holds you super close, and tells you how much he loves you before he asks if there's anything you need <3
He's still got some strength left over from his Gridball days, so he's happy to carry you around like this for a while, or take you somewhere comforting, like the sofa or his chicken pen!
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It's certainly not to Alex's extent, but Sebastian is actually pretty strong from working on his bike and helping out Robin all the time! This guy can carry you around for a little while, or take you somewhere comfier! Whatever you need.
While he is flustered at first, he recovers quickly to ask if you need anything. Gives you a soft kiss on the forehead and sways you gently as he listens to you talk <3
One of his favourite ways of holding you is you facing him on his lap in his desk chair whilst he's doing work! He loves spending quality time with you, and this way, he's encouraged to take cuddle breaks too!
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A/N: I had a lot of ideas for this one, so I got it out fairly quickly tbh! I love it sm,,, i think it's so cute. Anyways, I know I've already posted today, but anon has been waiting long enough hfhjhjg lil very late present for you haha
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Oh god, what mods do you have so far? I have seen the famous Sebastian one, one for Sam, Alex and recently, Elioth. I belive there's one for Harvey, but not too sure about that one!
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While searching for mods I found the one for Elliot (my man of choice) and I have seen Sebastian's on tt before so I thought why not and I regret NOTHING. I currently struggle a bit with getting the second yandere event but otherwise it's so good i love it!!! I do think most male bachelors have yan mods by now tho I haven't seen Shane. But knowing that some mods let you date the Wizard I am pretty sure Shane must have one as well somewhere lol. I would get the one for Shane too tho, I can see him being clingy and obsessed ♥
Underneath are some letters I have gotten from Elliot, mind you tho it'll spoil the experience so I'd only look if you don't want to add this mod. But I'll be honest, these letters are inspirational as a writer bc they are so damn good.
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okok ik I should probably start that violinist!farmer x elliot but HEAR ME OUT ON PUNK METAL!FARMER----
Imagine like farmer being like this really scary looking guy, coming to the valley with those spike bracelets on and trad goth makeup/corpse paint, looking like a full on murderer, skull t-shirt, those ripped thigh-high pants and chains from My Little Halo and everything;;.....
..only to be interested in geeky/nerdy hobbies, like collecting Hello Kitty/My Melody plushies, paint, and is somehow really good with the ASS trio (Abigail, Sebastian, Sam) + young adults/kids in general
.......and also punk metal!farmer is like the same age as Harvey LMAO, just like 2 ~ 3 years younger...
Farmer's got like, long dark brown hair too, it's amazing how he doesn't break a sweat doing farm work; you'd think he's cold blooded
Farmer's so engaging with the general community of the valley too, despite his usual gothic appearance slightly scaring Jaz and Vincent, he's a kind fellow who helps around here and there.
He'd probably be one of the first to test a game Sebastian coded, help orchestrate a song with Sam (farmer played cello in highschool?), or do/give manicures to Abigail while chatting about ghosts,,
He doesn't leave out Maru either; albeit he doesn't talk to her much, and Jaz and Vincent just need to get use to his corpse paint- but he doesn't dare talk with the kids unless they're the ones to strike conversation.
(because he's tried once, and Jaz ran away to Penny LMAO) (embarrassment 101)
Alex's cool with him too; he plays gridball with farmer sometimes,, (if you can count farmer losing most of the time after round 3 of gridball because he's too tired)
Especially when farmer develops a crush on Harvey/Elliot too, like he's not that bad at hiding it, but he spends a lot of free time with the trio so obviously they notice LMAO
“You tell him and I'm moving out-”
poly!harvey x elliot x punk metal!farmer too omg
obsessed with the extrovert x introverts poly trope tho
what if I was devious and added morris /j /j /j
Ok I have to go do chores now my parents are gonna kill me if I don't LMAO
- 🫚anon
I don't know if this is a request but I am gonna just wjsjsjs and then I'll like add stuff onto this later on to make this some sort of thing maybe depends,,,,, would go insane with metal punk farmer like absolutely, would go insane,
I deleted two entire paragraphs because I did not like how I written my ideas, so, imagine when you first arrive yeah? You need to befriend the older people first, and then the parents of stardew valley, doing things for them, running errands, so they'll talk about you to everyone else and become friends with you, they'll say you're nice and all that, and not as scary as you seem, so, you soon become friends, even though it takes a long time, with the others in the small town, and you have to slowly befriend the children, which takes a longer time, since they are kids and kids have the power of imagination, which, can lead to scary thoughts and images on whatever, so you have to be careful and ask their parents how you could possibly seem not scary, and so their kids wouldn't have to seem so scared around you, and act like they're walking on eggshells in their homes when you visit or when you're walking around town doing your own thing, since you just want them to be comfortable around you and not worry about you, since you're not scary and you're just wearing makeup you know??
Like that would be nice, I would also enjoy having a mod where you just need to befriend the older people before you could try and befriend the bachelors and bachelorettes, or even try and romance them, you need to get close with their family and friends before you could do such things, not sure how I'm gonna romance Harvey but you know what that's fine.
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Here's a silly idea if you wanna try it, no pressure!
How do you think the bachelor's/bachelorette's world react to the Farmer casually mentioning a blue man who leaves notes for them around town as challenges who also keeps cameras around town to watch them?
They do not elaborate, the Farmer just moves on like they talked about the birds lmaooo
Oh, man. I found the idea itself so funny that inspiration immediately kicked my ass 🤣 There's already been more than one mention for Qi and about his weird obsession with Farmer, strange quests and, God forgive me, about "snake milk"... Sheesh 😅
Thank you so much for the ask! ☺️ (hope I translated this correctly. Or feel free to ask again!)
SDV bachelors/ettes react to Farmer, who casually mentioned Mr. Qi:
"You gotta drink less so you don't see shit." It's unusual to hear Shane say that, but even he doesn't remember drinking so much that he saw some hallucinations like "blue men". He'd let Farmer's words pass his ears and now was beginning to wonder if he should let his dear niece near that weirdo. Challenges, cameras everywhere... yeah sure.
The doctor's instincts hit right away and Harvey will run after Farmer to see if they have a fever. Cameras in the whole Stardew Valley? Dangerous quests in Calico Dessert? Sorry Farmer, but Harvey won't believe it and will insist they go to the clinic for a check up, or at least rest at home. You can’t ignore rest, you know, because it affects both physical and mental health...
"So I'm not the only one who noticed it." Wait, what? How does Sebastian know? "Found a weird note with your name on it when I was in the mines." Hold on, what was a local emo doing in the mines? And why is his arm in bandages? "Hm, let't change the subject, we were talking about blue stranger, weren't we?" Wait a minute, Seb!
Alex probably won't even listen to what the Farmer is saying. "Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever you say, weirdo." The athlete may not be a genius, but even he can realize that there's no benefit to anyone putting cameras in Pelican Town for, like, what? Fun or whatever? To keep tabs on Farmer? That's stupid. Don't be stupid, Farmer.
"Wait, seriously? Yo, no kidding." With a lifestyle like Farmer's, Sam immediately believed in their words even without the details. However, the interest and desire to organize a quest with his friends to find the "secrets of the Valley" quickly faded away as the skateboarder's stomach rumbled. He would just forget the whole thing later.
Honestly, Elliott is completely confused. How should he react to what his friend Farmer has just said? The writer thinks it's complete nonsense, but because of his manners and his unwillingness to be confrontational or rude, Elliott will simply try to change the subject.
"Absurd", Abigail thought, but somehow the Farmer's words stuck in her mind. Considering that the purple-haired girl was just looking for an excuse to procrastinate duties, her ass began her own adventure of finding cameras. And she found one right away! And a strange note from someone named "Qi"! Wtf, hey Farmer, tell again about that weird blue dude!
"Ok, let's think: why would someone follow you around 24/7 and give you weird tasks?" For some reason, Maru was very much interested in Farmer's casually thrown words, trying to make sense of them. It's unclear, really, where this interest comes from, but maybe the young inventor wants to spend more time with Farmer. Even if the conversation is kinda strange.
Penny did her best to keep her smile from looking too forced. Wishing to remain polite and not to be rude, the red-haired teacher simply thanked Farmer for the conversation and went about her business, trying not to think too much about their words.
"The blue man? Oh, has Clint been drinking that Joja soda again?" No, Emily, that wasn't Clint, and he only turned blue once (and that was probably from worry, not from Joja cola). She would have forgotten about Farmer's words, but she also could swear that Sandy had once mentioned a similar person paying the rent in Oasis. Hmm, maybe Emily should ask again...
When Farmer told Haley about the strange blue man and other oddities, the blonde paused and wondered: if she should really have even listened to the words of a person who just a couple days ago had been rummaging through trash cans and eating raw seaweed? The answer was obvious, and Haley forgot about it as a misunderstanding.
Leah only shakes her head. "Whatever you say, Farmer." She doesn't want to be rude to them, but all this talk of cameras, dangerous quests, and a mysterious man hasn't impressed her one bit. If Farmer keeps this up - they'll always be considered a weirdo.
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ask-shane · 9 months
this has already probably been asked, but what's yor opinion on the other bachelors and bachelorettes in town? (you don't have to do ALL of them! just do a few if you want!!)
i'm not one to usually talk aloud about my neighbors, but let's give this a shot. for all intents and purposes.
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might as well go through the whole list while we're at it. and hey, just a fair warning: my opinion is always subject to change. i'm just speaking based on what i know for now.
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alright. prepare for some blabbing. if you're not interested, there's your cue to bounce.
alex: alex is complicated. he's a little self-absorbed. and arrogant. but he's also not as mean as he seems. he just has this whole "bad boy" image he likes to put on for whatever reason. at his core, i think he's actually a pretty nice guy. we both like gridball and can chat over that so i can't really complain too much. sebastian: i hardly see this guy around. maybe during town festivals or at the saloon playing pool, yeah, but i can count on my fingers the amount of times we've talked one on one. it's possible he's just not much of a talker. i can't figure out if he's reserved or just doesn't have a lot to say. dude's doing his own thing most of the time and that's fine by me. elliott: his speech and outlook on life can come off as kinda pretentious or egotistical, though to be fair... if i were him, i'd be the same way. he's done well for himself. he's a little hard to catch since he never leaves the house, but if you get him talking about books, his passion is pretty admirable. it's just hard to connect with him because he always seems to have this "mysterious elusive writer" image up.
sam: i don't mind this guy, actually. he's my co-worker too which i guess is a good thing. he's laid-back and doesn't sweat the little stuff. super easy going, just wants to chill out and have a good time... we're not close buddies or anything, but from our short break room chats, it's clear he's pretty passionate about music. almost reminds me of myself when i was younger. he's got a good head on his shoulders. harvey: what can i say? he saved my life when i was at my lowest. i've got a lot of respect for the work he does and for taking me in that night. sure, he's dorky, but he's way smarter than i could ever dream of being, so who am i to judge? he's like the dream kid every parent wishes theirs could be. hope the guy's not overworking himself. knowing him though, he probably is... emily: she's one of the closer friends i have in this shitty town. she's been incredibly optimistic for as long as i've known her and normally that'd piss me off, but i actually find her tolerable. maybe it's the way she accepted me and stayed kind even when i was being a piece of shit. i gotta appreciate her for that.
abigail: i know she's pierre's daughter and that's about where my knowledge stops. like sebastian, i hardly ever see her, let alone find a reason to chat. she's a mystery to me. i do wonder if she has any hard feeling towards me, considering my job at joja right across from her dad's store. knowing the trouble that corporation's caused them, i'm not sure i'd forgive me either. hopefully she gets that it's not my call though.
haley: i never thought i'd say this out loud, but she's kind of the stereotype for spoiled city girl. she thinks she's all that and you just get the sense that she thinks she's better than you. she probably sees me as nothing more than dirt beneath her shoes for all i know. although honestly, i think it's just a defense mechanism for some deeper insecurity. i can see right through that.
penny: she's jas's teacher and also the only teacher for the kids in town. that's gotta be a handful. thankfully it seems like she really loves what she does. i have a feeling she just wants to do the right thing, which is hard to find in people these days. she also has to deal with pam's alcoholic instability at home but never gives up or lets herself become hopeless and i admire her for that. good for her.
maru: while i don't know her personally, i know she's accomplished. from what i've seen and heard from her proud dad, they work together on science research projects and whatnot. with a strong support system like hers she's set up for a future making headlines as an astronomer or something like that. she strikes me as someone who struggles to take things easy but that's pretty normal for goal-oriented people. i don't have much to say about her aside from that. leah: she's my neighbor, if you can even call it that. every time i see her art in the town square, i've gotta admit, it gets a nod of approval from me. i try not to knock other people's art, but every now and then i see these abstract pieces going for a million g that make me think i could've made them at home for a buck or two. so i gotta hand it to her. her craft is impressive.
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hopefuloverfury · 1 year
What song/genre of music do you think of when you imagine the bachelor/ettes? If there was a specific artist or band for Sam, who do you think they'd be?
Oooh—I actually have thought about this! I have a playlist just for when I'm writing blurbs about the stardew valley characters, and no I don't care if any of these are predictable because I think they're accurate lmfao.
2014 Five Seconds of Summer, Shawn Mendes, and Why Don't We. His general vibe is young, reckless love. If there's a specific song in mind, I think of him as a mix between 5sos' End Up Here, She Looks So Perfect, If I Can't Have You by Shawn, and Why Don't We's Fallin' (Adrenaline)
I think he's a mix between 5sos' Voodoo Doll, Troye Sivan's Strawberries and Cigarettes, Taylor Swift's Style, and the last 90-ish seconds of Sleep Token's The Summoning. Also Conan Gray's Overdrive. He's still young and reckless, but he's a little more subdued and all over the place.
One Directions' Steal My Girl, Shawn Mendes' Wonder, and Harry Styles' Watermelon Sugar. Even though they're pretty heavy with gendered language, I have no issue imagining Alex with varying farmers while listening to these songs.
His love definitely swerves more toward obsession and worship, so anything by Hozier, no question about it. But also Can't Take My Eyes Off You by Frank Valli is heavy Elliott energy.
Everybody Wants You by Johnny Orlando, Someone To You by BANNERS, DogBird by Madds Buckley, and Lauv's I Like Me Better. Like Seb, Shane's pretty all over the place as well. Also he makes me cry ahaha. hm.
Harvey gave me a little bit of trouble when I first started writing. I had to think about him quite a bit to land on a genre/song for him. Anyway, Ophelia by The Lumineers, Ready Now by dodie, and The Way You Look Tonight by Michael Bublé are all Harvey coded. END ME
In My Mind by Lyn Lapid, Bubble Gum by Clairo, and Space Girl by Frances Forever. I imagine her as a pretty inexperienced and romantically repressed character (I wonder why Demetrius) so all of these songs have a certain level of melancholy about them, which is very Maru for me.
She by dodie, Conan Gray's Heather, and Lonely by Noah Cyrus. Repressed, just like Maru, but for different reasons. Never had the opportunity to really live her life, you know? Lots of insecurities and feelings of inadequacy my poor babie nO but I usually only listen to those when I'm feeling a little down. You can trust that I don't always write angst for her, and when I don't, it's loooots of early Taylor Swift.
Sabrina Carpenter. That's it. lmao no i'm kidding Diamonds Are Forever, Nonsense, Looking At Me, and Girlfriend by Bea Miller. I love me a mean, confident lesbian, but she does soften up the more you get to know her, and I always listen to Isabel LaRosa's I'm Yours when I want to go that route with her. I also think of her when I listen to Dress by Charlotte Sands.
Very punchy, "powerful woman" type songs. Namely UPSAHL's People I Don't Like, Beautiful is Boring by BONES UK, and American Horror Show by SNOW WIFE. She has opinions and she's going to let you know what she thinks—but make no mistake, she is a loyal and good person to her core. She's just got an attitude sometimes.
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machines, Light My Love by Greta Van Fleet, and Constellations by The Oh Hellos. She's got a certain whimsy about her, but she's still a very grounded individual. She and Elliott have a similar vibe to each other, but where he's the smell of salty sea spray and plum juice dripping from your fingers, she's frayed picnic blankets and the smell of grass after it rains.
Now this might be controversial, but Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello is always gonna make me think of her. I'm Born To Run by American Authors, Enchanted by Taylor Swift (her version, obviously), are also both some of the easiest songs for me to think about her. She definitely believes in soulmates and fate, and probably makes jewelry or sews while thinking about you.
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daubigny-stan · 10 months
Best Stardew Valley marriage candidates according to their story arcs
(warning: objective but also my opinion)
So what do I mean by according to their story arcs?
Stardew Valley's NPCs are very well written, with well defined personalities and goals. Here I will be judging if it would be right to marry them according to their goals. Basically, if your farmer married them, would they be fulfilled? Would they be okay with settling in Stardew Valley? Would they like being at a farm?
Note that I am not judging them by how nice or pleasant it would be to marry them, just based on would it be right to marry them.
Yes, get on your knee and pop the question already!
Now I might be biased because she's my favorite, but she's also the one that makes the most sense. She came to Stardew for the same reasons your farmer did, to escape to rat race and the non-stop grind of city life. She moved there on her own terms and it's shown that she actually enjoys living there. Since she's one of the only NPCs who likes foragable items, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that she would enjoy farming as well. Your beautiful farm could also serve as inspiration for her art. And hey as a bonus, she won't be a starving artist anymore.
Elliot, Harvey
I'm putting these two in the same spot for the same sort of reasons. Their occupations/hobbies don't necessarily tie into nature as well as Leah's does, but I they're up here this high because I think they need partnership. Both of them are canonically a bit older and they live alone. Most of the time, cooped up in their houses. Their jobs have a risk of self isolation, especially Elliot's. And again much like Leah, they came to Stardew because they wanted to. Elliot for what we can assume are similar reasons, Harvey because he just be happened to be posted there (and Stardew needs a doctor).
Penny is up here because I see her as the traditional sort. Like, I think she would actively try to get hitched. But I don't think she would be comfortable living far away from Stardew. Penny's job teaching the kids shows that she has a lot of love for the valley and its people, she wants to make it a better place. Why not get married to the farmer, who also has an interest in boosting the valley's economy? The reason I'm putting her a bit lower is her relationship with Pam. They do love each other, but they don't have the healthiest relationship. I think Penny should know more about the world rather than using marriage to further herself from her troubled home. There's some potential to have this unbalanced relationship with the farmer as well. Moreover, she also never goes to the bar, maybe because she detests drinking, but maybe because she also isn't old enough.
Ehh? Maybe?
Shane, Hayley
In contrast, Shane and Hayley are in the same spot for different reasons. Shane would probably enjoy being married to the farmer because he himself enjoys farming. You could definitely see him help raise your chickens and ducks. But because of how his story panned out and how he is after getting married (his room is still full of beer cans), I don't know if marriage is the healthiest option for him? I think staying with his family for a bit would be better but when he's a bit more self assured, he could be marriage material down the line.
As for Hayley, I think the marriage part is ok. She starts off immature and getting close to you and being married helps her grow as a person. She tries to help out with the farm and she ends up also contributing to the valley. But I don't know if she should stay in the valley? I think it would be good for her to gain more worldly experience, again like Penny she's never in the Saloon, indicating that she might be a bit young.
Alex, Sam
These two are in the same position, in the middle because I don't really know how to feel about them? In terms of age, I think they're both ok, they are known to enter the Saloon. But they act so young, Alex and Sam come across as highschool boys; Alex being the jock and Sam being the skater. These two guys need a bit of soul searching I guess, maybe marriage is the answer to that, maybe not.
Abigail is also someone who needs a bit of soul searching. She has a bit more of a clear path compared to Alex and Sam, she shows potential in magic and adventuring/combat. That can be done in Stardew, in fact it can be enhanced by being with the farmer, but I think her biggest obstacle is her family. The girl should move out, out of Stardew. Caroline is an ok mom, but too traditional. Pierre is a downright sexist father. Their traditional expectations for Abigail (finishing school and helping around the house) are holding her back. I don't think her final goal in life is settling in the valley, I see her as a wandering adventurer.
I don't feel right marrying them
I think Emily is also someone who has potential and staying in the valley is holding her back. I see her as suffering from eldest daughter syndrome, having to take care of her family and home because her parents put all of the responsibility on to her. She does seem happy and cheerful but if you ask her about her job at the saloon, she'll say "well at least it'll pay the bills." In a way, she's the opposite of Leah, where Leah is a city slicker wanting to live the slow life, Emily deserves more than this provincial life. She should be an up and coming designer in Zuzu or something.
Sebastian is similar to Emily, except he is much more explicit with it. Sebby straight up wants to move out to the city. As a tech guy, I think it's important if not necessary for him to hone his skills by attending school or getting a tech job. With his motorcycle I also see him as someone who doesn't want to stay in one place, let alone settle down. I've consistently gotten to 8 hearts with Sebby but I would just feel bad marrying him.
Look, I like Maru. She's the only BIPOC character, she's sweet, she's smart. But man do I feel bad marrying her! Someone like her should be studying at Yale, not cooped up in some little valley. I have to admit, Demetrius is kinda right. Maru doesn't need marriage, she should pursue a PhD. It doesn't help that she's pretty young, again, one of the NPCs who never go into the saloon. I think marrying the farmer will actively hinder her goals
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gen0c1de · 1 year
Stardew Valley Bachelors when the Farmer gets a new tattoo
I got a new tattoo, it is similar to what my dad had but on the opposite arm and mirrored. If you want details or if you wanna see it I made a post about it. I will make one for the Bachelorettes, just need motivation I guess lmao Requests are open! TW: Mentions of pain, mentions of blood, mentions of smoking, if i forgot anything please let me know
Doesn't notice right away.
He's an airhead, he's focused on throwing the Gridball up in the air.
When he does look at you, still doesn't notice it right away.
Lets face it, this boy doesn't expect a change from you, you're a "Boring farmer".
When he does finally notice it, he takes a HARD double-take.
Super shocked and excited for you.
Will ask questions about it like: "Did it hurt", "What does it mean", "Is it something that means a lot to you", etc.
He want's a tattoo but is scared of the pain and doesn't wanna miss working out for a while to let it heal.
He will have a tattoo vicariously through you.
Notices right away.
This man is able to tell if you went to the dentist, he's THAT observant istg.
Will ask a few questions about it, but not bombard you like Alex.
Studies it and pinpoint any potential mistake right away so you can get it fixed right away.
Ask to take a picture or two so he can make a book about it and use your tattoo as the cover, with credits of course.
Is honestly proud of you for having the guts to get a tattoo done.
He personally believes the body is a temple that should not be tainted with ink, piercings, or hair dyes.
He keeps those opinions to himself though, not wanting to upset someone by giving his unwanted opinion.
Notices it when you have your check-up.
He may be older and a doctor, but he thinks it's really cool.
Asks only a few questions about why you got it, but mainly focuses on the health of it.
Examins it throughout the healing period to make sure it's not infected, that you're not allergic to the ink, and that you're taking proper care of yourself.
Will come to the farm every now and then to check on your tattoo as well to make sure you're letting it heal and not damaging it by working on the farm.
If you want him to put Aquaphor on it, he will, just come to his office when it opens and closes and he will do that for you.
Doesn't want a tattoo, thinks they're cool, but is terrified of the risks and the pain.
He's obsessed with cool stuff.
With that being said, he notices it right off the bat.
Immediately bombards you with questions, his eyes sparkling.
Wants most of the juicy details of you finding what you wanted, deciding on it, before the tattoo, during, and after.
Just don't tell him about the bleeding, he's not into that stuff... makes him queasy.
Talks about how much he wants a tattoo but can't get one yet since he doesn't have the money and his parents don't want him to get one while he lives with them.
He already got piercings without talking to them first, defiantly not going to get a tattoo yet.
If you're good at drawing, he will ask you to draw fake tattoos on him so he can get the feeling of what its like to have one, without it being permanent.
Talks to you a lot more now, finding you to be really cool.
Also another one to notice right away.
He likes things that are "Rebellious" and stuff his mom and Demetrious don't want him to do.
Will have you walk with him while he has a cigarette so he can talk about the tattoo with you.
Asks you a few questions, but due to him being a bit timid and having anxiety he doesn't ask a lot of them.
Is totally fine with you just telling him details without him asking, prefers it that way anyway.
You can tell him the bloody stuff, not at all bothered by it, he thinks its cool anyway.
Ask him about if he wants one!
He will be happy that you care enough to ask about his interests!
Please!! It's fucking adorable!
He will tell you how he wants one but doesn't have the money for it.
If you offer to pay for his tattoo he will get excited!
He won't show his excitement, but you know he is because he actually SMILES A LITTLE!
You both will be looking for a good first tattoo for this man!
Never notices it unless you straight up shove it in his face saying "LOOK! A TATTOO"
Or Marnie/Jazz will talk about it when he's around, then he will notice it.
Thinks its neat, not something super exciting though.
Might ask about it, might not.
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blackquillchillin · 6 months
Okay for Simon romancing people in Stardew Valley, we gotta evaluate the potential relationship with each of the characters, so, starting with the Bachelors!!
Alex: gives young person vibes, similar to how Sam does, but more then that i just don't think he's Simon's type. Cocky Jock with Gridball on the brain, eh. I don't know they'd have anything to talk about, really.
Elliott: Aesthetically quite nice, though I don't know if I picture Simon as being very appearance focused in partnerships. Very Artsy. Could work, though I think Simon would be pretty neutral towards him initially.
Harvey: Huge Bonus is that he does not appear as young as some of the other Bachelors. I'm also biased, as He and Sam are the only two I've gotten to marriage to personally. (and quite liked both of them) That said...I don't think he has enough Confidence for Simon. He's dedicated to being a doctor, sure, but he's also nervous, with huge amounts of anxiety at times. He talks constantly about the health and safety of the town, but when other topics do come up, particularly in dating, he's easily flustered. As cute as i find him (and his mustache) I don't think Simon would be interested.
Sam: Reads as too young. everything's still about skateboards and music. Not too young for romance, mind, I romanced him, but too young for Simon. does have golden retriever energy though, which is nice, and really loves his younger brother, also a plus. and he does grow a little once married, But I think it would feel weird. Better match for someone Athena or Apollo's age.
Sebastian: Now here's where we get into the fun stuff!! I think Sebastian would NOT like Simon, who in turn would be....very neutral towards the young man, and completely unaware of the one sided rivalry brewing. See, a lot of the problems Sebastian faces are concerns about not being able to establish himself. He's living in his Mom's basement, with his Step Father he dosn't get along well with, and half-sister who he sees as being favored over him. He also feels no one takes his job seriously, (example, in his two heart event we learn Abigail plans to come visit regardless of him working) but one thing he IS is the town's resident Goth, even more so then Abby. So, imagine, just imagine, how frustrating it would be for him when Simon rolls up, Grumpy and Standoffish, Shock of black hair, dressed all in black, hawk perched on his shoulder, already having his own space with a job everyone recognizes and not having to answer to anyone. If we wanted to count who's edgier, Simon's even been to prison. Heck, in this world he might even have prison tats, anything could happen. And Simon? not the least bit concerned about this, or even aware.
Shane: On the one hand, no one should romance Shane. Shane needs a friend, absolutely, but he also needs therapy, and is not ready to commit to marriage. I might feel differently about this if he wasn't returning to drinking after tying the knot, or reacted to you giving him Beer after quitting. On the other hand, they're both deeply troubled, and I absolutely pair deeply troubled fictional characters, both romantically and platonically. (Bobby Lives! Blackbright whomst, on both counts) They could be deeply troubled.....together..........
And that's the Bachelors! Next up, Bachelorettes..... Abigail: One of her Big character conflicts is growing pains and tension with her Dad. Too young for Simon.
Emily: Too new age-y. I do think they could be friends, though. She'd gift him crystals to "help him absorb negative energy" and he'd get caught in anything she's hung from the ceiling, like dream catchers or beaded curtains. She would be brightly optimistic even as he grouses about life, though wouldn't always appreciate his sarcastic ways.
Haley: Okay hear me out, same energy as Blackmahdi, or NyQuill as I prefer to call it. Sure, it's missing the Ying-Yang color scheme, but consistently arguing? taking pot-shots at each other? both being complex characters with real human motivations underneath their cruel exterior? yeah. It could work. Emily wouldn't be thrilled that that's how they talk to each other though.
Leah: Don't have a reason for it other then I just don't see it. Like, sure, it could happen, but I just don't think it would, you know?
Maru: Simon would be immediately put off by her dad, like that's a big no. Also, she reads fairly young, being at least younger then Seb. also, while he may be reasonably fond of her as a person, (or maybe not, i dunno) I think growing up with Aura may have killed any interest in inventors in general.
Penny: Okay, I know I said Harvey was too timid for Simon, and Penny doesn't exactly exude confidence, but it's not the same. She's a lover of children, who's actively trying to teach the only two children in town. She's aggressively helpful, and trapped in rough circumstances. Also, he could sweep her up in his arms and hold her close and she could gently help him through his anxiety attacks and no I'm not projecting-
Lastly, It's not Romance, but Platonic,
Krobus: No notes. Sweet little guy. Perfection. Simon would share his house with him, as would anyone.
And that's the list!! let me know if you want to hear potential dynamics with the other townsfolk, I may have more thoughts about some of them then others, of course.
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