#donations for comments
icypantherwrites · 9 months
Returning to one of my favorite traditions of donations to charities for comments in honor of my birthday today ♥ I love giving back and knowing you can make a difference is the best gift of all.
For every comment that is left on one of my fics (with a few stipulations, keep reading) I will donate $2 to either Rescued Rascals (the foster group I work with and where I adopted Kili from) OR the Aurora Area Interfaith Food Pantry (local food pantry to me).
Some guidelines since I don't want a rush of spam and I really do love hearing from y'all and heartfelt, detailed comments are a wonderful birthday present ♥
Comment(s) must be left on AO3*. It can be on any story; one you’ve never read and decided to try, an old favorite you never left a comment on, an old favorite and you want to revisit, you get the picture ;)
The words “Happy Birthday Icy!” or something similar should be somewhere in your comment so I can track this as well as please note which of the above charities you'd like your comment to be donated to (if you don't notate such I'll pick!)
Comments have to be minimum of 35 words (you know, since I’m 35 now, hello old lady) although please, feel free to go longer and please don't use quotes of the story to make up the majority of said word count. Please make the comment about the fic; the writing, the plot, a scene, etc. and not about my birthday/the fundraiser / etc.
*If you’re a Patreon patron you are also welcome to leave comments on the Fic of the Month Fics, Your Biggest Fan, Bottled Ocean, or any other exclusive fics on the site :)
I'll run this through the weekend so any comments that come in to the above will be counted for donations. Hopefully I'll be able to post a nice update with the funds raised!
My A03
My Patreon
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ladychlo · 8 months
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spaceistheplaceart · 4 months
Art for Donations!
Because I haven't seen any art for donations projects open for new artists, I'm just going to start this one on my own blog. There are so many fundraisers I see each day, and I want to make sure they reach their goals. I have nearly 5,000 followers on this account, and if each one donated just two dollars we could very easily complete this GoFundMe:
$3+ = a sketch
$5+ = a sketch + lineart
$10+ = coloured sketch
$15+ = coloured sketch + lineart
To get a sketch, just donate, then send me a screenshot of your donation email confirmation into my askbox. Give me what you want me to draw, and I'll do it once I've verified the donation :)
Lina is only 7,310 from her goal!!! Please, donate!
what i will and won't draw guidelines below:
explicit NSFW
fetish/kink content (would fall under NSFW)
comics! (but length will depend on donation. probably a $10 will get you a decent comic that's uncoloured)
furries (will warn: i do not have a ton of experience with them but I'll do my damn best)
anything else p much?
all my art is tagged under #op art if you want to see examples.
If you're unsure about your request, just message me and we can talk it out. Or if you donate and give me a request that is against this guideline, that's fine! Just put in another request, no need to donate again.
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pastadoughie · 2 months
Hello 👋 🤗,
I hope you are well 🌺.
I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and faith, asking for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them.
Please, could you reblog the post about my campaign on my account? Every share can make a difference in my family's life. 🙏
Note:My old Tumblr account was deactivated💔, and I need your support again♥️.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide. 🌹🌺
this has been vetted by multiple different people! tumblr has a really nasty habit of deactivating the blogs of people in gaza so please dont be rude to him about having a new account donate here!! i hope the best 4 u n ur family!!!
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nosnexus · 1 day
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Hi everybody, as promised, just like the Bad Kids Books covers, I've put up the Never Stop Blowing Up VHS posters up on my KoFi for free to download!
Thanks for joining me on my fun D20 poster-making journey 😂
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queerstudiesnatural · 4 months
commenting "what if i'm broke" under a post about donations to help people evacuate gaza literally won't accomplish anything. no one is forcing you to donate if you absolutely can't. as i've said before, giving just $5 helps, but if you don't even have $5 to spare, which is fair and a reality for too many people, especially young people, then you can still help by sharing campaign posts, to tumblr and any other social media platform you use. your voice is just as impactful as your wallet. using your voice to place yourself in a victim position on a post discussing the victims of an active genocide really isn't the punchline you think it is. "but what if i'm broke :(" then you can still push buttons on your phone. there is no excuse to be passive.
we need to stop waiting for the people with the really big wallets to help, because they've made it abundantly clear that they're not going to. politicians and celebrities won't do anything, but we still have to.
donate, share, speak up 🗣️🍉
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fdelopera · 10 months
Exposing an Antisemitic Conspiracy Theory from TikTok
If I see one more Jew-hating idiot with TikTok brainrot saying shit like, "the Palestinians are descended from the ancient Philistines from the Bible lolol"...
You Jew-haters are exhaustingly stupid. And in this post, I'm going to show you why.
As I said in my post yesterday, there are some really bad actors (both in the conspiracy sense, and in the literal "drama" sense) on TikTok who are trying to erase Jewish history by spreading conspiracy theories that somehow Philistines and Palestinians are "the same".
These idiots are doing this so they can claim that "Jesus was a Palestinian/Philistine."
It gives me a headache even to write something as stupid as that.
No, ya dumb-dumbs. Jesus was not a Philistine. Jesus was a Judaean Jew. He was from Bethlehem. In Judaea.
You know, Judaea. The place where the Jews are from.
It is actually really offensive to a lot of Christians to claim that "Jesus was a Philistine" like this. If you've never read the Bible (and I'm guessing none of these TikTokers have), calling someone a "Philistine" is an insult. In common use, it means an uncultured or crass person.
In Hebrew, the word for Philistine is "Peleshet (Plishtim, plural)". It is related to the Hebrew word, "Polesh". Polesh in Hebrew means "invader".
So by calling Jesus a Philistine, you're calling him an uncultured invader.
And I am here, as a Jew, telling you to stop insulting Jesus like this!
Now, saying "Jesus was the same as modern day Palestinians" is also unhistorical.
The region was called Judaea when Jesus was alive. So he was a Judaean Jew.
It would be just as unhistorical to say, "Jesus was a modern-day Israeli".
So, why are antisemites spouting this bullshit?
Unfortunately, these Jew-haters think they're "protecting" the Arab Palestinians by spreading conspiracy theories and lies about Jewish history.
They think they're making a "case" for Arab Palestinian indigeneity in Judea by telling these lies.
Because Arabs aren't indigenous to Judea.
And let me tell you, Tumblrinies who went to the Tumblr school of world history are even trying to rewrite Arab history! Some of them have even tried to tell me, "but Canaanites were Arabs lolol!"
Do you want me to show you a map?? No, dumb-dumbs. Canaanites were NOT Arabs. Canaanites are the ancestors of the Jewish People. Not the ancestors of Arabs.
Arabs come from the Arabian Peninsula.
OMG do you guys not even study geography anymore??
These Jew-hating idiots are literally willing to try to rewrite the history of the Arabian Peninsula just so they can fuck with Jewish people. You antisemites are absolutely unhinged!!
Okay, deep breath.
Here's the other thing. Our educational system is broken. And people don't study history (clearly).
Because if they did study history, they would realize that attaching Jesus to the Philistines doesn't confer ANY indigeneity to the Palestinian people.
(G-d, you conspiracy theory idiots are so dumb!!)
Because, you see, the Philistines were GREEK!!
They weren't indigenous to the Levant AT ALL!!
So in claiming that the Palestinians are the "same as" the Philistines, you have actually WEAKENED the case for Palestinian indigeneity!
And none of this matters!
YES, the Jewish people ARE indigenous to Judea.
And NO the Palestinian Arabs are NOT.
Do you see what spreading conspiracy theories and lies about Jewish history does? All it does is make you look like FOOLS, and it HURTS the Palestinian people!!!
And YES, these conspiracy theories mainly hurt Jews. But I know y'all don't give a single SHIT about Jews. You've proven to us just how antisemitic you are.
Okay. Deep breath. Some history.
The Philistines were ancient Bronze Age Mycenaeans, aka they were Greeks. The Torah is consistent with this. It records them as being from Crete, which during the Late Bronze Age was under Mycenaean control. They also had some genetic admixture from Southern Italy. We know this both from DNA evidence from their skeletons, and also from their pottery, which looks similar to Mycenaean Bronze Age pottery.
And regardless, Israel and Jerusalem are both in the archeological record, and in Egyptian records, LONG BEFORE the Greek Philistine people appeared in Egyptian records. The ancestors of the Jewish people were there long before the Philistines arrived.
And you would know all this if you STUDY JEWISH HISTORY! Here's my Jewish history masterpost. I recommend that everyone read it.
The Philistines were invaders in Canaan, and they clashed often with the native Canaanites, which are the people that Jewish people are descended from. Jews ARE Canaanites. Read my post here on Jewish origins.
The cultural memory of these clashes is recorded in the story of David and Goliath in the Bible. The Israelite David felled the much larger Philistine Goliath with a slingshot, and then chopped off Goliath's head with his own iron sword.
The Greek Philistines were a small people group living in Judea. The last of the Philistines in Judea were slaughtered in 604 BCE by the army of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II when he besieged Jerusalem. This is the same siege that resulted in the Babylonian Exile of the Jewish people. Nebuchadnezzar dragged many of the Judeans (the Jewish population) as captives to Babylon (modern day Iraq). Then in 586 BCE, Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Jewish Temple and dragged many more of the Jews into captivity in Babylon.
In 539 BCE, the Persian King Cyrus the Great defeated the Babylonians in battle, and in 538 BCE, the Persians allowed the Jews to return to Judea. The Jews came back to Jerusalem to build the Second Temple on the site where the First Temple had stood, which they completed in 515 BCE. But when the Jews returned, they found that the Greek Philistine community had been decimated by the Babylonians.
So, where did the Philistines come from?
As I stated above, the name "Philistine" is a Greek version of the Hebrew word Peleshet, and the Peleshet were likely the same as the Mycenaean Greek Peleset tribe known to Egypt. The Greek Peleset tribe were part of a people group that are today called the "Sea Peoples."
At the end of the Bronze Age (aka the Late Bronze Age Collapse), the known world was going through a period of terrible drought, famine, and earthquakes. Various people groups from areas that are now part of Italy and Greece, including the Greek Peleset tribe, formed a rough confederation and went around to various cities, sacking and plundering the cities for resources. In 1175 BCE, the Sea Peoples invaded Egypt, and King Ramesses III defeated them in battle. He commemorated their defeat on a wall of his mortuary temple at Medinet Habu.
So why is Palestine called Palestine, a name that does derive from the name Philistine?
To find out, you have to fast forward from around 604 BCE (when the Babylonians wiped out the last of the Greek Philistine people) to around 135 CE to get to the next time that the name of the "Philistines" becomes important.
That's a span of around 740 YEARS!
At that point, the Second Temple in Jerusalem had already been destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE. The Romans were doing ethnic cleansing on the Jews in Judaea, after the Jews tried to get Jerusalem back from Roman control in the Bar Kochba revolt (132 - 135 CE).
After the Roman Empire defeated the Jews in Judaea and squashed the Bar Kochba Revolt in 135 CE, the Romans RENAMED the region Syria-Palaestina. It was a vain attempt to remove the Jewish presence in the region. The Romans literally tried to wipe the Jews "off the map."
Guess what, motherfuckers! It didn't work. Jews came back to the region not long after.
The Romans named the region after the GREEK Peleshet/Philistines (who, again, by then were LONG GONE).
So the name "Syria-Palaestina" is basically the Romans trying to erase Jewish identity. Which again, DIDN'T WORK.
So tl;dr "Palestine" is NOT the same as the Greek Philistines/Peleshet.
The Romans just went through the Hebrew Bible and looked for a name they could call the region that would be painful to the Jewish people. So they named the region after one of the Jewish people's Biblical rivals.
Philistia was also a name that was in use in the Greek world because, again, the Philistines were ancient Greeks.
But there's no actual connection between the region called "Syria-Palaestina" and the Greek people group called the Philistines.
This is why (let's say it all together kids) you need to LEARN JEWISH HISTORY!
And here's the worst part of this conspiracy theory.
Again, I know why Jew-haters tell this lie. And by now, so do you.
Jew-haters say this shit in a completely misguided attempt to "protect" the Palestinian people.
But, let's say it all together, the Palestinian people don't need to be backed by LIES in order to defend their human rights and their right to self-determination!
THIS IS NOT A ZERO-SUM GAME, with one "winner" and one "loser."
Jews and Palestinians are not "pawns" for you Jew-haters to use in your pretend game of war. You're acting like you're in some sort of video game fantasy.
If you tell lies about Jewish history in a stupid attempt to "defend" the Palestinian people, you're not helping them at all. You're just being an antisemitic bigot steeped in Jew-hatred.
And taken to its extreme, the real conclusion of your antisemitic LIE is actually a really weird, unhinged blasphemy against the Prophet Muhammad!!
So if you ACTUALLY want to HELP the Palestinian people, and not just be a Jew-hating bigot, I would recommend that you put your money where your mouth is.
Stop telling easily disprovable LIES about Jewish history, and start donating to organizations and charities that are helping Palestinians. The organizations that I recommend are:
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Doctors Without Borders
Standing Together
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quasisnipr1048 · 2 months
Listen, when I was using the internet for the first time, there was a lot of DO's and a lot of DONT's drilled into my head. The two that always sit at the forefront of my mind when I'm using Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are:
Do not click any link you do not recognize.
Do not give any amount of money to strangers you meet on the internet.
Unfortunately, modern internet interactions (and a general lack of education and awareness) seem to have made a frighteningly large group of users forget these two rules.
Look, man, I get it. There's bad shit happening in the world, and sometimes the only way you can feel like you're doing some good is donating. Be it through GoFundMe, Patreon, a nonprofit, whatever. And yes, there's people and organizations out there whose entire purpose for being is verifying all these donation links to make sure the money really is going to a good cause. I applaud those groups, everyone donating, and everyone in between.
But you can't fault someone for being suspicious when it was beat into an entire generation's head not to click on unfamiliar links to give money to people you don't know. You can't fault someone for wondering how this sort of thing gets verified and if they can trust the verification process. Your first line of defense on the internet is to assume every user is lying and/or trying to take advantage of you. It's Social Engineering 101. I feel like this should be common sense, but as I've come to learn in my line of work, common sense is anything but. And I feel some of you really need to reevaluate why you feel so strongly about skepticism towards donation links/posts. That and start being more mindful rather than mindlessly reblogging said posts.
You should trust that people are out here trying to do good.
Trust, but verify.
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queerliblib · 1 year
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Stand up. Queer up!
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dailykugisaki · 8 months
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Day 101| id in alt
Stand united. Because they do not deserve to be familiar with death. (Read my tags please💥)
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khaire-traveler · 14 days
I reiterate that if you're going to ask people for donations, you will come across as extremely suspicious if you spam their inbox. People are likely to report and/or block you, thinking you're a bot. If you need donations, I do not recommend going about like this. I really, REALLY do not recommend it.
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njamil21 · 8 months
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"Why don't we let the Prefect show you the importance of upper body strength?" "Wait, Coach Vargas, I don't think this is appropri- AH!!"
Finished this piece for the @twst-charity request! Thank you for donating to help Palestine, it means a lot and I was so excited to draw this request! I imagine they're at Camp Vargas and everyone is not having a great time but at least the Prefect gets free reign to dish out some overdue revenge for one tricky octopus.
Thank you again for requesting this prompt!
Please do not edit or repost without permission. To donate and have your request submitted, click here.
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mushroomjar · 3 months
I don't like the way you guys talk about Palestinians asking for donations. I don't like it.
I had to see someone make MULTIPLE posts bitching and moaning about how people need to stop sending them asks asking for them to reblog their donation posts, that they'd just be blocking them from now on, and that they didn't care if they were vetted because they still found the act of sending asks to get reblogs on their donation links suspicious, even if they were in a dire situation. They even went as far as to say that they got an ask, deleted it, and then they got another ask from the same person, and accused the person of sending another ask to purposefully "get under their skin"
I don't know man, have you considered that being a victim of ongoing genocide will make you ask for help in whatever way you can? And sometimes that involves sending random blogs asks to see if they can donate or at the very least share your donation links? A Palestinian reaches out to you multiple times because they need help and your response is to whine about getting donation links in your inbox? I wish I had your problems
Also the thing about "getting the exact same ask from the exact same blog multiple times"... uh, duh? First of all, they're probably reaching out to dozens of blogs daily, do you think they're gonna type up a new paragraph for each blog they reach out to? Second of all, maybe they reached out to you multiple times because a. They really really really need the help and b. What, do you think they're gonna see your URL/blog and be like "oh! I already reached out to this blog, I'm not gonna send them another ask"? Or do you think they'll be like "this person has been reblogging other people's donation posts, maybe they'll reblog mine too"?
Like I understand being suspicious about getting sent donation links to your inbox, but literally all you have to do is check if the blog's been vetted by other bloggers? It's as easy as searching for their URL on tumblr sometimes, it literally takes less than a minute or two. And that's what bothers you? That's what you're complaining about? Find a real problem!!!
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tnbscans · 14 days
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Comment by Go Inoue from the Masakazu Katsura T&B2 Design Works artbook.
If this is translated somewhere please let me know and I’ll link to it.
Scans kindly donated by @lidoxia.
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Palestinian Aid Link Post!! 🍉
I will continue to add to this.
• Donate with just clicks, one per day to help the Palestinian people:
• Use this doc as an email template for MPs if you live in New Zealand. Contains a list of MP emails. Can be used as a guide for those outsude of NZ too.
• [UK Focused] Linktree with the following recources: Where to learn more about what is occuring, where to donate, petitions to sign [3 for the UK govt and 2 general change.org petitions], email templates [all relating to the UK] , BDS /boycott, divestment, sanctions [what brands to boycott, investigate your investments, etc]
• 6 ways you can support Palestinians in Gaza: [US centred but useful in general]
• [US] Write to your member of congress via this form:
• How people in New Zealand can help people in Palestine: petitions, charities, email template for the media and MPs, list of MPs and media, rallies in NZ, what to read/watch, accounts to follow on Instagram
• Linktree: calendar of resistence, how to stay safe when protesting, join a protest near you, donate, petitions and pre written emails to send [multiple websites]
• detailed post with education recources and ways to support the cause and contribute
• Help these Palestinians
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waltongoggins · 4 months
some of the comments on the posts are insane. They genuinely don’t know what the show is about and when they get told what it’s actually about, they still refuse to watch it. There is no changing their minds which is sad because they’re going to miss out on a beautiful show.
“Don’t care about this show about eating expensive foods.”
“Actually! It’s not about expensive foods! It’s about bringing light to some amazing foods from different cultures!”
“What do you mean it’s not expensive?! What about the flights?! The hotels?! The people they have to feed?!”
It’s so confused 😭
Honestly at this point I don't care if they watch it or not!!! I just wish they would move on like they claimed they would when they supposedly all unsubscrubed and decided they'd hate the boys forever based on a decision that was 1) misrepresented and 2) entirely reversed!!!
I mean, its a shame because Travel Season is really delightful and a beautiful (and respectful) exploration of culture which is absolutely 100% part of what art and media is meant for but its clear these people don't want anything of substance and would rather make themselves look like dumbass clowns than admit they maybe overreacted or walk back on their own decision (funny how that works) because of spite alone.
And don't get me started on how hypocritical and transparently wrong or racist all the arguments are against this show. I dont take a single one of these people seriously, they have zero media literacy and are not worth the effort of engagement.
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