#done differently...but like i don't wanna ask her about it. i'm shy.
Clara's illustrator, Rumple, has expressed a desire to redesign her with a more Mediterranean influence instead of her original solely European influence, so Bruno and Clara could separately represent European Spanish and Mediterranean Spanish culture. This redesign does not currently appear to be completed or published online.
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(source: mozaikrol on Twitter)
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trivia-yandere · 7 months
Hi!!!! Okay, first of all, I'm in love with your writing!!!!!! 💕💕💕💕And I was wondering (I've never done a story request so if it is horrible, please just ignore it 😅) but I was wondering if you could write a story of maybe yandereboyfriend/friend jungkook kinda forces older (not heaps but like 2-5 years older but shes just shy and confused when it comws to sex and intimacy) reader to loose her virginity to him and she likes it at the end?? If this is super uncomfortable, please don't even think about it 😅😶‍🌫️👉👈 or if you wanna do something completely different, I'd love your writing anyways!!!! 💕💕💕💕💕
hello! yes I can :) thank you for sending a request and being so patient! i feel like this yandere is more light than the usual lol
best friends!
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jungkook doesn't like the idea of you wanting to loose your virginity to anyone that wasn't him. @momnomnom @sweetempathprunetree @darkuni63 @minshookie29 idol version
word count: 6.100
warning: naive/shy reader, mentions of watching porn, childhood friends jungkook + reader, smut scenes, coercion, masturbation, manipulation, light yandere tedancies, jealous jungkook, dub-con moments, dry humping, kissing, nipple sucking, oral sex, loss of virginity, rough sex, dacryphilia, fingering, unprotected sex, spitting,
“You’ll never be able to seduce a man, Noona.” Jungkook laughs boisterously, causing your face to heat up. “You’re just too shy.”
Jungkook’s eyes watch as your arms cross over your chest, any self-confidence you had slowly falling. He hums, turning over on his bed to face you. He then places a hand on your thigh. “Noona…”
“Stop calling me that, Jungkook.” you murmur. He knows that you prefer to be called by your name, but he’d often ignore you because of how much he enjoys teasing you, even after years of friendship. 
“You’re upset with me.” says Jungkook.
“I’ve stopped calling you Kookie like you asked.”
Jungkook snorts. “That’s because the nickname doesn’t fit me anymore. I’m a man.” his hand squeezes your thigh. “Besides, I said stop calling me that in public. You and I are alone now.”
You and Jungkook have been friends since childhood, your father and his being great friends. The age difference never bothered you as much, and you’d often recall calling Jungkook your baby brother during his primary and middle school days - you having been homeschooled. It was when Jungkook grew in size and age and reached High School did he demand you stop calling him that but never gave a reason as to why.
Even now, as Jungkook and you are adults, the friendship remains. You went to him for whatever you thought you needed and he was there. Moving away from your father had been a big step and finding a job to support yourself was even bigger, but you were never truly alone because you had Jungkook - you and he living together.
Jungkook was the opposite of you. While your job consisted of you being home, he wasn’t. He made friends easily while you remained with a close knit circle. He was more social when needed and you often closed up around people you didn’t know. Most of your friends were Jungkook’s friends that he considered brothers - you recall asking him why he considered them family and not you. Jungkook didn’t give you any reason, stating that you’d never be a sister in his eyes, no matter if he knew you longer or not.
Now you and Jungkook lay in his bed, an action that he insisted on every so often, and watched tv. He’d often hold you, his breath tickling your ear with how close he was. A certain thought now laid on your mind and when you brought it up to Jungkook, his initial thought was to laugh at you. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, Y/N.” Jungkook sighs. He pushes himself closer to you, the hand on your thigh firmly keeping you in place. “It’s just…you don’t go out much. You’ve been homeschooled your entire life and you don’t really have friends besides the ones I have.”
Jungkook continues. “You literally cried the first time I showed you porn.” he tries his hardest not to laugh at the memory of you and he, both in High School. You had come over to his home while his parents were working. Jungkook had asked you about it randomly, and when you insisted that you never watched something as normal as porn, he insisted that you and he watch together. 
You’re flushed with heat at the embarrassing memory. “You…” you take a deep breath so your voice wouldn’t crack. “You told me it was just sex.”
“Is it not?” Jungkook knits his brows. 
“They were crying!”
“In pleasure.” says Jungkook. “I should have started you off easy and not gone into bondage.” low, he begins to laugh. It’s a memory that he’s fond of. “But I don’t regret showing you either. It was the first time you came!”
A memory you wished Jungkook would forget - and stop bringing up. That same night he insisted on teaching you about masturbation, telling you that it was normal. You’ve never done so before, feeling weird about it all together, but Jungkook wouldn’t allow you to leave until you at least gave it a try. 
“You even cried in pleasure.” 
Jungkook closes his eyes, the scene flashing in his mind. How innocent you appeared, completely confused on what in the world you were doing. It was then did Jungkook tell you that he’d talk you through it. It took a half an hour of convincing, of course. Getting you out of your pants, then your underwear. 
“Open your legs, Y/N.” Jungkook had said, grabbing your wrist. “Put your fingers right…there.” he places them onto your clit and you flinch at the feeling. “Then rub…” he murmured, his hand coaching you to rub until you got the hang of it.
Jungkook will never forget the sight and how hard he was at just watching you. Your breathing hitching, the low moans and the calls of his name. It’s a memory he cherishes with you - his best friend - and one of the main reasons as to why he’d never call you his sister; he had to dead that immediately afterwards. 
“Who are you trying to seduce anyways?” Jungkook changes the subject and goes back to the original topic. “You found yourself a boyfriend?”
“No.” you quip. “I-I just want to have sex.”
Jungkook raises a brow. “Why?”
“You have sex all the time.” you retort. You didn’t like Jungkook’s question, nor the look in his eyes. 
“I’m also not a virgin.” Jungkook fires back. “You can’t just have sex with anyone, Y/N. Don’t you think it has to be special?”
“Your first time wasn’t with anyone special.” you murmur. “Do you even talk to her anymore?”
Jungkook snickers. “Don’t remember her name.” he shrugs. “But you and I are different. Sex is different for women.” Jungkook says matter-of-factly. “You women create bonds with guys you give your body to. You can’t have that bond with just anyone.”
It was a conversation Jungkook and you had time and time again. As you got older, you were tired of being a virgin - and dating was never an option. Not because you couldn’t find a boyfriend - you could. You had men come up to you asking for your number and if you’d be interested in going on dates. 
The problem was Jungkook. He lingered around you often, and you never minded. He was your best friend and each man that tried were always shot down by him, not you. “He’s ugly.” Jungkook said about one man. “He looks like he doesn’t even shower, Y/N. Why he thinks he can speak to you is beyond me.” was said about another. “Men only want one thing. They can tell that you’ve never been touched.”
“What about Hoseok?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, your question lingering in his mind.
Jung Hoseok as his friend - the man he calls his brother?
There’s a dark look in Jungkook’s eyes as he thinks about your question. 
“Do you like him?”
“I love Hoseok.” you say calmly. “Like I love you.”
Jungkook doesn’t realize that his nails are digging into your skin until he hears you yelp. There was no way in Hell you love Hoseok the same as you loved him; the thought makes him want to gag.
“Why Hoseok?”
You aren’t sure how to respond. “I’ve known him for years.” was all you can think of. You and he were around the same age and he was nice, always smiling widely at you whenever he came around. “Maybe Namjoon?”
Jungkook swallows.
“You look at my friends often?”
There’s a change in Jungkook’s tone that has you cowering.
“I-I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Do you want to fuck my friends?” 
You’re taken aback by the harshness in Jungkook’s tone. 
“I…I don’t know anyone else but your friends.”
Jungkook snickers. He wasn’t going to allow you and Hoseok - or Namjoon, hell, anyone - to do anything. Hoseok is a man such as he is and the thought of his taking something precious from you was driving him wild. Wild because he knows that if you asked Hoseok, he would.
“No.” Jungkook shakes his head. “Hoseok has a girlfriend.”
A lie, but you’d never know that.
“Oh.” you appeared bummed. “Nam-”
You swallow. “Jimin…?”
“Do you fantasize about them?”
You’ve know his friends as long as he has, and now he’s wondering when you had the thought of fucking them in your mind. 
“I just want to have sex.” you sigh in defeat, not wanting to cause a fight with Jungkook.
“Why wouldn’t you ask me?”
Jungkook doesn’t care how unreasonably spoiled he may sound. You were his best friend, after all. He kept creeps away from you who wanted nothing but to wet their cocks. You were safe with him in the home you and he shared - he’d be damned if he’d allow a man to come in here and fuck you.
You’re silent, and Jungkook continues. 
“You don’t love me.”
Your eyes widen when you feel Jungkook remove himself from you.
“I do.” you quip. “I-I just…I don’t have anyone else. I’m tired of not knowing what it feels like.” watching television with sexual scenes had you wondering if sex was truly as good as they made it seem. You recall hearing from Taehyung, another friend of Jungkook, that porn is often fake and not everything you see was real - but how could it not be when their eyes are rolling and they’re screaming with such passion?
“If you loved me, Y/N, you’d ask me.”
Your heart sinks when Jungkook lifts from his lying position. You hated arguing with him. He was someone you loved and trusted with your life - him being upset with you had your anxiety spiking.
“I thought you had someone you were seeing.” you admit. You recall seeing her a few times in the home. She never spoke, but then again neither did you. She would stroll past you to enter Jungkook’s bedroom and only ever gave you a small grin. 
“Oh her.” Jungkook brushes past the statement. “I am. Somewhat.” he shrugs his shoulders. Her contemplated asking her out - she was decent looking and a good fuck. But he didn’t love her nor respect her enough to make her his girlfriend. He was just bored at the moment. “Why does that matter?”
The same way it matters that Hoseok had a girlfriend, you think. You want to say it, but you didn’t want to upset Jungkook anymore than he already was. “I don’t want to come between that.”
Jungkook wants to laugh. “I don’t love her. I love you.” Jungkook says, a tone in his voice that indicates that it should be obvious. “You are my best friend. You should be able to come to me when you need me. Not anyone else.”
You lift yourself up from the bed, as well, and you slowly nod your head. “Sorry.” you murmur.
Jungkook turns to face you, a full smile on his lips. “It’s okay. I’ll forgive you, Y/N.” Jungkook holds his hand out for you to grab. 
You do, and Jungkook lightly tugs you closer. You and he are face to face now.
“Sex is more than just losing your virginity.” Jungkook’s thumb rubs your knuckles. “Sex should be pleasurable for both of us. Masturbation is a form of sex. You’ve done that already.”
You nod slowly, feeling hot. 
“Tell me, Y/N.” Jungkook says. “When you masturbate, what makes you cum?”
You lick your lips, again embarrassed. You swallow while trying to find the words to answer Jungkook.
“When you watch porn, what do you like?” Jungkook changes the question up, and understands how shy you were - even with him. 
Jungkook waits patiently for you to respond. “I-I…” you glance away from him. His eyes were always so piercing, like small black holes that can swallow anyone whole. 
“Don’t be shy. We’re best friends, right?” Jungkook pulls you closer to him. “If you loved me, Y/N, you’ll tell me. I can’t help you if you don’t let me in.”
You nod. “Oral sex?” your words come out questioningly. 
Jungkook nods. “Okay. That’s a start. Oral sex is a big part of sex. It’s a form of foreplay. Get things started.”
“I don’t think you should do that.” you’re horrified with Jungkook’s face being so close to your sex. Yes, he’s seen it before - years ago - but that was then. He was a man now and he’s had sex with countless women.
“Why not?” Jungkook tilts his head. 
You’re silent, and Jungkook sighs. “You don’t trust me.”
“I do!” 
“Then why don’t you trust me to pleasure you? You’d rather go to my friends than trust me, Y/N. How do you think that makes me feel?”
“I’m sorry.” you quip. “I just don’t think it…looks good?”
Jungkook blinks. 
You swallow.
“Of course it looks good.” Jungkook then laughs. “I’ve already seen it.”
“That was years ago.” you murmur, casting your eyes away. 
“True. But still. You trust and love me just like I trust and love you.” Jungkook places a hand on your cheek for you to look at him. “If we’re going to do this, you can’t hide your body from me. I’ll have to show you mine, too.”
You nod your head.
“We can start now.”
You inhale deeply. You don’t move, and when Jungkook notices he frowns. 
“Y/N. What did I say?”
“Don’t hide from you.” you murmur. 
“Exactly. Here. I’ll help you take your clothes off and you can do the same for me.”
Jungkook is slow when he puts his hands at the end of your shirt. He lifts it up and you stiffen, unsure of what to do next. The shirt comes over your head and Jungkook throws it aside. 
“Okay?” asks Jungkook, his eyes glancing down to the bra you’re wearing. It’s red and basic, but it hugs your breast perfectly. 
You only nod.
“Okay.” Jungkook then goes towards your leggings. They’re tight, but he manages to get his hands inside. He begins to tug and awkwardly, you lift yourself up so he can remove them. Your panties are black and cotton.
“Now you do the same to me.” Jungkook says. He understands you by now, knowing that you’d never take the first move. He grabs your wrists and walks you through it. “Go ahead.”
You’re trembling, you note, as you remove Jungkook’s shirt - an oversize black shirt. You often are reminded how much Jungkook has grown over the years, going from a boy to a man. He worked out often and was athletic. He had many tattoos that litter his skin - you had gone with him for a few of them and pondered how he could sit so calmly. 
“I’ll get up to make it easier.” Jungkook lifts from his bed and waits for you to continue. You’re as slow as before, hands trembling more than before. You tug at the sweats he wore, watching as they fall to the ground. You try to hide the fact that you gawk at the bulge in his briefs, swallowing at the sight. 
You blink up to look at Jungkook.
“You trust me, right?”
You nod your head.
“Okay.” Jungkook gives you a grin. “Come here.”
Jungkook leans down, his hand grasping your chin. He no longer hesitates or holds back, placing his lips upon yours.
You’re shocked, completely stiff, but Jungkook doesn’t mind. You’ll give into him eventually - it may take a few rounds, but you will.
You’re pushed backwards, back hitting the mattress. Jungkook hovers above you, his hands placing themselves onto your shoulders to keep you in place. 
You gasp for air when Jungkook removes his lips from yours, but then they’re trailing down your jawline to your neck. You’re breathing heavily, unsure what to do.
“You can touch me.” says Jungkook, as if reading your mind. “Don’t just lay there.”
Jungkook continues to kiss at your neck, his left hand leaving your shoulder and grabs your hand. He places it upon his chest for you to take the lead. His hand then goes to your waist to pull you closer to him. 
Your heart thumps that this is happening now - you and Jungkook. Goosebumps litter your skin, the hair standing straight up. But you do as you’re told, hand grabbing Jungkook’s bicep and squeezing it. 
Jungkook forces your legs apart, wrapping them around his waist. You yelp when you feel him, his bulge grinding directly against you. There’s a deep groan from Jungkook that you hear coming from your neck. 
“You have to engage.” Jungkook lifts slightly to look at your face. “Kiss me like I’m kissing you.”
You’re left stunned when Jungkook flips the both of you, his own back hitting the mattress and now you’re on top of him. He places his hands on your hips, a smirk on his lips. “It’ll be easier for you this way. I’ll let you take the lead.”
There’s a tension - one sided - when you lean down to his own neck.
“You’re still shy. It’s just me.” Jungkook sighs.
 It was easier for him to say. He wasn’t the virgin - or the closed off one that has been homeschooled. The only friend she kept was Jungkook, and his friends, but mainly Jungkook. There was no one she could go to that was the same sex that she could vent to about her frustrations. 
“Just let loose, Y/N. We’re friends. There’s nothing you can do that’ll make me view you differently.”
You try your best, even closing your eyes in hopes that’d be better. Your lips place themselves at the nape of Jungkook’s neck, and ever so gently did you kiss him. You allowed your hands to rub softly on his bare shoulders, kissing down his neck until you got to his collarbone.
Jungkook hums to himself, his cock twitching to be let loose from his underwear. 
You were adjusting - only a bit - but you’d soon be fully accepting. Jungkook allows his hands to dip from your waist and he grabs your ass fully in his grasp.
You swallow, hiding back the surprised gasp. You don’t want Jungkook to think you don’t trust him - because you do. You don’t want to appear utterly shy and closed off. You were older than Jungkook and he had to be the one to show you what life was like, as sad as it was.
“Okay. Now kiss me.” 
You nod your head. You want to avoid Jungkook’s gaze, but he doesn’t falter. “You’ll have to look at me eventually, Y/N.” Jungkook murmurs. 
“I know.” you murmur back, and now meet his eyes. Jungkook smiles when you do, and his head lifts slightly.
Your head dips down to capture his lips in yours once more. There’s a fire running through you this time at the feeling - no longer hesitant or awkward to kiss him. It felt…normal; as if this is something the two of you always did. 
Jungkook’s teeth catch your bottom lip and he lightly tugs. “Let loose.” he whispers, and then dives into your mouth again. This time, his tongue pushes past your teeth and meets your own, it’s warm and slimy, but it causes you to moan.
Jungkook’s hands grip your ass, keeping you firmly against his erection. He rubs up your sides for a moment, then on your back. His hands are now on your bra and he appears to be swift in unhooking it.
“Kookie…” you murmur against his lips.
“It’s okay.” Jungkook responds. “You trust me, remember?”
You nod, but trust doesn’t help with your self–consciousness. 
Jungkook tugs at your bra until it’s fully off of you. He disgards it, bare hands now taking your breast entirely. He doesn't care how heavy he’s breathing, or how rough his hands squeeze your breast.
“My pretty girl.” Jungkook praises.
 It’s weird hearing it - for you at least.
 Jungkook rarely compliments you - not because he doesn’t think you are, but because he never really has a reason to. He sees you the same everyday - his best friend who he has breakfast, occasionally lunch and dinner with. You’re the same Y/N that he shares movie nights with where the two of you cuddle and laugh at whatever was on the screen. 
Now, however, Jungkook has to compliment you. He has to let you know how beautiful you are now - a woman. You grew into your womanly curves over the years, hiding it behind loose clothing, but never truly hiding it. You never hid from him; occasionally wearing shorts that showed your legs and the roundness of your ass, or tank-tops that made your breast appear more plump.
You yelp when Jungkook pinches your nipple. He chuckles at your reaction. “So responsive.” he says, more to himself than to you. 
Jungkook’s tongue licks on your nipple, shuddering at feeling. He couldn’t help but to bring it entirely into his mouth, tongue twirling and suckling on it while his free hand pinches the other. There’s a euphoric feeling engulfing him right now. Yes, he did think about you sexually at times - he was a man and he couldn’t help it. But this was far better than any feeling, any thought or dream he’s ever had. 
“Does it feel good?” Jungkook manages to say, popping your nipple from his mouth to just engulf the other one.
You don’t intend to sound so soft and meek, moaning against Jungkook. But you couldn’t hide it any longer. You can feel the wetness between your legs, arousal pooling out - and Jungkook’s grinding didn’t make it any better.
“You can talk to me, Y/N. You can tell me how  much you like it. How I make you feel.” 
Jungkook kisses both of your nipples softly. 
“I-I don’t know what to say.”
“Tell me how you feel.” Jungkook repeats. “Here,” his right hand drops your breast and without warning, he slaps your ass. The sound echoes, as does you shriek. “I love the way your ass feels.” he then squeezes it in the palm of his hands. “I love the sweet moans coming from those pretty lips of yours.” he continues. 
You’re hot, Jungkook’s words cause a new sensation to run through you - nerves running through your body and meeting exactly between your legs. 
“It feels good when you touch me.” you say, admitting even if you want nothing more than to hide. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook lightly laughs. He squeezes your ass again. “What else?”
You huff, this time now hiding your face. Your head is between his shoulder and neck.
“It’s okay, pretty girl. Just tell me.” Jungkook encourages. “You trust me like I trust you.”
You sigh. Jungkook was going to be the death of you - you were going to die with embarrassment.
“I like the way you look.” 
Jungkook, again, is swift with his movement. He’s once more on top of you. He’s now forcing you to look at him - as if you weren’t embarrassed enough.
You go to cover yourself, but that wasn’t something Jungkook was going to allow. 
“Go on, Y/N.” Jungkook places a quick peck on your lips before he kisses down your neck to your collarbone. 
Your breath is shaky - but it was all Jungkook. His hands rub along your sides as his lips send kisses between your breasts, going lower and lower. “You make me feel…different.”
Jungkook’s lips are now on your stomach. “What’s different?”
Jungkook groans. His fingers are hooked between your panties and he wants nothing more than to remove them and dive in, but he’d remain calm for now.
“Look at me, Y/N.”
You hesitated. Not because you didn’t want to, but because you’re unsure what Jungkook had in store for you. 
You do, however, and Jungkook is now directly between your legs. Your thighs quiver at the sight. 
“What do you want me to do?” Jungkook asks, and before you can answer, he places a single kiss upon your clothed clit.
Your throat tightens.
Jungkook wasn’t going to stop. He wanted to hear you speak - hear your thoughts, whatever moans you had in you. He didn’t want you to be shy - not with him. He wasn’t a stranger and who else should be the one to take your virginity than him?
Not Hoseok.
Not Namjoon.
Not Jimin - none of his friends.
Just Jungkook.
Dare he say he was entitled to it - you were his best friend. He was there for whatever you needed him to be; and this was one thing you didn’t come to him for (not at first). You wanted his assistance in finding you someone. The thought still upsets him.
“Kookie.” you sigh, hands crashing to your face. 
“So shy.” Jungkook tsks. His hands grip your waist and he drags you to the edge of the bed, him falling to his knees before you. “I’ll take the lead.”
You feel your panties being tugged off. You’re unsure of what to do or say - you knew you had to keep breathing or you’d pass out. The coolness of the air hits you and now you fully accept that you’re naked for Jungkook, completely bare before his eyes to see.
You’re so wet, Jungkook notes, arousal coating your lips and thighs. The thought of how excited you’ve been and nothing has happened yet makes him groan, anticipating what's to come.
Your throat releases a gasp and instantly, your legs clench shut, caging Jungkook in.
“S-Sorry, i-”
“It’s okay, Y/N. Relax.” Jungkook laughs, a gleeful tone in his voice. He had done nothing but flick your clit with his tongue. “Watch me, okay?”
You nod your head.
Jungkook hooks his hands right on your thighs, holding them in a firm grip so you wouldn’t be easily reactive - not without him stopping you. He dips his head back between your legs, tongue dipping between your folds.
Your eyes flutter, unable to truly focus on Jungkook like he wants you to. 
The sight alone is filthy - his head bobbing back and forth while his tongue assaults your clit. Occasionally, his eyes would dart up to capture your reaction, satisfied that you no longer hid your moans from him.
But the noises Jungkook made were another thing. He suckles on your clit, completely ravishing you as if it was the finest meal. He’s animalistic, not caring. He would draw his head back and spit, then continue his assault upon your clit.
“Kookie, I-I, you need to stop.” you try to get away from Jungkook, but he doesn’t allow it. If anything, Jungkook holds you even tighter. You were going to cum, of course, never truly experiencing a man going down on you. Your stomach churns and you feel like you are going to explode. “Kookie, please stop…”
Jungkook’s eyes flicker up at you. Your eyes are snapped shut and there’s a few droplets trailing down your cheeks. Jungkook grunts into your pussy. His fingernails dig into your naked flesh, his tongue laying flat against your clit. He continues to ravish you, not caring about your pleas - it was obvious you wanted more and was far too inexperienced to understand it.
Jungkook dives deeper and deeper, your cries only fueling him for more. Your arousal coats the bottom half of his face entirely. 
There was another attempt to remove yourself, buckling your hips, but Jungkook only shoves you back down upon the bed. Your toes are curling and you’re unable to see straight. There’s a tightness in your stomach that’s utterly unfamiliar to you.
“I’m not going to stop.”
Jungkook’s voice is deeper - deepest you’ve ever heard it.
“Not until you cum.”
 Jungkook’s right hand removes itself from holding your thigh, but that only means he’s holding the other tighter. 
Your back arches when you feel his fingers at your entrance.
“I can’t-”
“You will.” 
Jungkook doesn’t give a warning before entering his finger’s inside of you. You jump at the foreign feeling. You swallow back and shriek.
“So tight.” Jungkook murmurs to himself.
 Two fingers is all you can handle for now. That doesn’t mean Jungkook goes easy on you. He pumps inside of you vigorously, your walls clenching around his digits. Each time he hits a deeper spot that has you jerking.
“I know it feels good, Y/N. My pretty girl.”
You can’t speak, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He pumps and pumps until you’re cumming all over him, arousal splashing onto the hardwood floors of his bedroom. 
You’re a crying twitching mess, whimpering to yourself. Jungkook removes his fingers, satisfied with your appearance.
“I could fuck you right now. You’re so wet, Y/N.”
You exhale, eyes snapping open. “Kookie, I-”
“Don’t tell me you can’t take me.”
Jungkook pushes down his underwear and you freeze.
You’ve never seen Jungkook naked before, never going past witnessing him shirtless.
Now Jungkook is as nude as you, cock erect and hard. His tip is red and leaking with pre-cum, the shaft twitching in anticipation.
“I can’t.” you cry, now dwelling on the idea of having sex with the man.
Jungkook snickers. He grips his cock and slaps the tip against your wet clit. So wet, he thinks. Wet and warm, completely aroused because of him.
“You were willing to fuck my friends.”
Jungkook rubs the tip against your clit in slow circular motions. It makes a wet and sloppy sound as he does.
“They don’t love you, Y/N. Not like I do.”
You twitch at the feeling, overstimulated enough, even if it did feel good.
“Don’t you love me, Y/N?” Jungkook’s eyes don't leave your clit. He continues to tap and circle the tip of his cock against it, the sight beautiful.
“I do…”
“Then why do you keep denying me pleasure?”
Jungkook removes his hand from his cock to place it upon your hips, keeping you in place. He begins to thrust forward, sliding his entire cock against your clit.
“I allowed you to cum, haven’t i?” Jungkook grunts. “Milked my fingers like a little whore. But you won’t let me fuck you.”
Jungkook’s words cause you to gasp - that and the way his cock feels against your already stimulated clit. 
Jungkook’s open’s his mouth, a trail of saliva dripping right onto your clit, not because you needed it - you were literally dripping - but just because he wanted to. In his eyes, spitting upon you was an act of marking his territory and after he fucked you - and he was going to regardless - he would assure that only he would be the one fucking you afterwards; always and forever.
Jungkook continues to rub, his pace quickening. 
“Do you think another man would have given you the satisfaction?” Jungkook hisses. “They would’ve fucked you and left, Y/N. This is why I’m here. I love you, my pretty girl…” his tone softens. “...so wet and ready for me. You’ll let me have you, right, Y/N? You’ll let me be the one who takes your virginity?”
Slowly, you nod your head. Jungkook was someone you loved greatly. He was a man and understood how men think - you couldn’t be upset with him now. “Okay…” 
Jungkook smiles wide, full set of teeth shining at you. “My pretty girl. You’re always so good for me. Give me your hand.”
You do as Jungkook tells you to do, and he guides your hand to touch his cock. It twitches in your grip.
“Tighten your grip.” Jungkook demands and groans when you do. “Okay, baby…now center it at your pussy.”
You’re being so obedient for him, Jungkook thinks. He watches as you do what he tells you, the tip of his cock at the entrance of your hole. “Good girl.” Jungkook mumbles.
“Don’t you need to wear a condom?”
Jungkook wants to laugh at your words. “Condoms are for people who have one night stands. Why would I wear a condom with you?” he asks, a tilt of his head. He had no intention of allowing you to fuck another man, so him not wearing a condom was alright.
You widen your eyes. “Pregnancy…?”
Again, Jungkook laughs. He doesn’t say anything for a moment, only stares into your wide eyes. He had no intention of impregnating you now, but if it happened, then it did. That only meant that it’s what the universe wanted.
“You know I love you, Y/N.” Jungkook says.
“I love you, too.” you respond.
Simpering, Jungkook nods. “I know.” he says, and then without warning, he enters you whole. There’s no warming upm Jungkook thinks, the faster he gets it over with, the faster pleasure will come for you.
When your mouth opens to shriek, Jungkook silences you with his lips. His hips snap inside of you, unable to stop. So tight, he thinks, fully milking his cock with your essence. It’s as though his cock fit perfectly inside of you; like a puzzle piece coming together to complete a set.
The pain is excruciating and you’re unable to pull away from Jungkook. His grip on you was intense, fingers bruising into your skin. 
The sound of skin slapping is loud in the room, echoing off the walls. 
“My pretty girl.” grumbles Jungkook when he releases your lips. “Thank you for trusting me, Y/N.”
The pain shoots throughout your body, but hearing those words from Jungkook was worth it to you. You blink away the tears so you can focus on his face.
“Soon the pain will go away, and you’ll love the way I fuck you.”
You nod. You trusted Jungkook.
It takes a while for the pleasure to come, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t. Jungkook hits your sweet spot, slamming you against his bed with each thrust. Your moans are loud for him, so sweet and melodic - he knew you had it in you to let loose.
“Feels good, pretty girl?” Jungkook questions, the question rhetorical. He knows by the way you clench around him that it does - that and your high pitched moans. 
“Feels…so…good…” you grunt, panting along with each powerful thrust.
Jungkook removes himself just so he can turn you around, chest firmly against his mattress. He enters you once more, hitting even deeper than before.
Your eyes snap shut and your arms shoot out, gripping the bed sheets for support. Whatever you once imagined sex would be like didn’t give it any justice. Sex with Jungkook was a pleasurable feeling you’d never forget - you’re unsure how you’d ever be able to go back to masturbating once this was over. 
Both of Jungkook’s hands place themselves on yours, entangling your hangers with his. His lips kiss your back, pounding inside of you with such passion. 
There it was again, the churning feeling in your stomach.
“I feel you, baby.” Jungkook pants. It’s as if you never want him to stop, creaming his cock like your life depended on it. “Go ahead and cum for me, pretty girl.”
You groan, shaking your head at how good you felt. 
“I love you, Kookie.” you murmur so low that it’s barely audible, but Jungkook hears it loud and clear.
 It causes Jungkook to grind into you deeper and deeper, feeling himself come undone at just words. You told him those three words many times before, but now it felt different. Intimate. This was something he’s never heard during sex - and if there was a chance he did, he wouldn’t care. 
You were who Jungkook loved; his best friend since childhood.
You were the one who Jungkook wanted to hear the words from.
Jungkook’s cumming, his heaving breaths ticking the skin of your back. He doesn't bother to pull out of you, instead he milks your walls completely with his seed, shuddering with complete bliss.
Jungkook won’t regret it - cumming inside of you felt right. It wasn’t as if anyone else would be.
“My pretty girl.” Jungkook coos, pulling out of you to tuck you further into his bed. He lays beside you, embracing you from behind. “You did so good for me.”
Your heart swells at the compliment, your eyes heavy with slumber.
Jungkook holds you tight as you drift to sleep, satisfied that you were here with him. 
Not Hoseok or Namjoon or anyone else -  but him.
 After all, he was the only one who truly loved you for who you are and didn’t see you as just a hole to fill - he wasn’t like those other men out in the world. No, Jungkook was better than any man you could ever think about being with. He proceeds to place a kiss upon your temple, satisfied that you were his and his alone.
idol version
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weird-is-life · 4 months
Okay so, how about reader and Spencer Reid doing smth where they need to exchange kisses now and then. Reader has a crush on Spencer and can’t keep kissing him. It becomes too much for them. So one day reader tells him smth along the lines of him needing to stop kissing her like he means it. Bcuz she’s going to read into things wrongly and end up breaking her own heart” and Spencer answers with smth along the lines of “that’s b’cus I do mean it. Every single time. Ur just too dense to see it.”
But u write it like u want. I wanna give u creative freedom. It was just a thought. And if u don‘t wanna write it, that’s okay too. I hope u have a nice day :)
Ty for the request, lovely🥰! Hopefully, this is okay. Warnings: pet names, little angsty, fluff, mentions of kisses ofc, (0.5k)
Spencer keeps kissing you, well you keep kissing each other and it honestly drives you a little mad. Not because you don't enjoy it, you do, a lot actually, but because you don't know what the kisses mean.
They leave you so confused, you don't know what to think of them. Especially when Spencer kisses you so lovingly every single time. His kisses leave you breathless and confused at the same time.
So right now, as he leans in to kiss you again, being at your place to watch a movie, you turn your head away from his. You almost wince, when you notice Spencer's baffled and definitely a little hurt expression.
"What's wrong?" he immediately asks, worried, that he's done something wrong.
"I-I...it's just...," you try to find the right words, but you don't know how to tell it to him. You look down at your fiddling hands, just so you don't have to look at his worried, puppy eyes.
"It's okay, if you don't want me kissing you, I won't do anything, you don't want me to, I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable," he carefully takes one of your hands in his as he apologises.
"No, I do want to!" you say maybe a little too quickly, the embarrassment of it makes your cheeks go red.
"Yeah?" Spencer grins at you, not cheekily tho, softly as always.
You bury your hot face into your hands.
"What is it, huh? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" Spencer doesn't really understand what's going on. He's thought, you liked him, like he does you.
You take a few big breaths and then you slowly put your arms away from your face.
"It's just...I need you to stop kissing me, Spencer," you blurt out and it comes out differently than you intended it to be. Spencer looks stunned.
You try again, " I need you to stop kissing me Spence, 'cause I'm afraid, I'm reading into things wrong and I'm worried, that I'll just break my own heart by doing so."
Spencer is sure, that his relief could be seen from miles away. He was waiting for the worst possible rejection from you, but he definitely wasn't expecting this.
You look at Spencer's face, only to find him looking right back at you with the biggest happy smile ever.
"You're such an idiot, if you think, that you're readings into things wrong," Spencer starts, " because I like you. I wouldn't be kissing you, if I didn't mean it, sweetheart."
It takes you a few seconds to process, what you've just heard, but when you finally do, your whole face lights up. Spencer likes you back? This isn't a dream?
"Yeah, really. But I thought, you knew that already," he chuckles at your cluelessness, he really did think, that you knew.
"I don't know, what I thought," you say sheepishly.
Spencer doesn't think, he can survive looking at your cute, shy expression with the rosy cheeks any longer, so he just leans in to kiss you.
Of course, he gives you a moment to push him away, in case you still don't want him kissing you, but you don't do anything like that. Instead you are the one to finally connect your lips with his. Not afraid to show him how much you like him, too.
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yunohentai · 10 months
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night lights. warnings: noncon/cnc ?, pervert heeseung, boob guy hee, reader's older (like 2 years?), reader's shy and sophisticated, virgin reader + experienced hee, dumbification, she says no (which is like noncon) but is enjoying it so its cnc, clicking pics and recording sex too ig??, indication of blackmailing towards the end, he masturbates alot. this is like real filth with some wild kinks. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK + minors dni please.
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Lee Heeseung has huge secrets, everyone thinks he's a perfect boy with great grades and a promising future ahead... but little do they know. He's the biggest pervert you could come across. Just 19 yet he's obsessed with sex. He lost his virginity at the age of 17 to a 20 year old girl who rode his dick in a huge crowded party. he was so obsessed with the feeling that since then he's been having sex every week, different pussy every time and well he got blessed to have a huge, thick cock which he knew how to use well, oh and his amazing looks... got all the girls on his dick, ready to let him ruin them.
While you, Y/F/N... knows only the main thing. 'Sex is done to reproduce.' without too much of an idea, and neither you've ever felt any "dark" desire. Innocent little sweetheart who is focused on building up a career and leading a stable life. You love shopping, studying English literature and posting on Instagram. Your tits are so huge. It's as if your tits are honey and boys are bees, they want you and your body so much... but you don't wanna give it up.
Heeseung and you were in the same college but have never crossed ways until today. You were wearing a sage green dress till your knee, which showed alot of your cleavage, your sister always bought you outfits like those in hopes you'll finally have a boy in your life.
You were on your way to class while reading through your 'Wuthering Heights' notes quickly, not noticing your way as you bumped into a guy, falling on top of him. It was obviously none other than, Heeseung. It was a very bad collision. You fell in his lap, your arm hurting as he just stared at you with his mouth wide open, eyes on the main attraction, the huge tits that were almost slipping out of the dress.
Unknowingly his hand moved towards your chest, fixing your dress as you gasped softly and looked into his eyes. he felt your cleavage and the softness made him harden a little as he got up and helped you up too. "I'm so sorry." he apologized and bowed, eyes stuck on your milky white legs. "I'm sorry too! Please forgive me!" you felt really shy and guilty as you bowed, your breasts coming all out again as he moaned lowly and made you stand straight again, "hey it's fine. anyways, I'm heeseung. Freshman." you smiled at him while fixing your dress.
That fucking smile. His heart fluttered, and butterflies filled all of his stomach and he smiled too. "I'm Y/n, Junior." he nodded his head as her cheeks burned with shyness. "I hope we become friends." he winked and walked away, leaving you a mess because of how well that handsome boy treated you and even cared about how your dress revealed your private parts! so considerate!!
He had left straight for the bathroom as he then sat in cubicle, gasping to himself. " Oh wow" he said to himself as he then started wanking, he couldn't help thinking of her. Heeseung tries to use his negative emotions like, anger and all because he works his ass off all the time. So he mostly channels those emotions sexually, kinda hot.
~ ~ ~
The day had ended as you were by your locker, putting in your books and taking the one you're gonna study at home. as heeseung came running to you. "Oh my god- listen y/n do you major in English lit. ?" he asked her, acting all worried. as you nodded your head in confusion. "why?" you asked and he leaned on the lockers. "Okay so our teacher is making me get tutored by a very annoying girl so I told him I'll find someone else, and while looking for someone else I saw you. Do you mind?" he told her with a pout on his lips, and the look in his eyes, that could make everyone melt. "Hmm... I'm not that good at it but I can help."
heeseung smiled. " thanks alot!! btw, your number?" he asked with a pretty smile and you nodded while softly blushing as you both exchanged numbers and shook hands.
~ Timeskip to a month or so later ~
You and Heeseung sat in the hallroom of your rented apartment as you helped him out with the freshman English lit syllabus, wearing shorts and sleeve less top that barely kept your tits inside. "Okay let's take a two minute break." you said and took your phone scrolling through your instagram. you were wearing a really soft shade of pink which highlighted your hard nipples because of cold and your cleavage. Heeseung pulled out his phone and subtly clicked alot of pictures of them, from even different angles.
"hey, i'm gonna use the bathroom." he said and you nodded, very busy on your phone as he quitely went towards the bathroom but sneaked into your bedroom. he knew you won't look for him for the next 10 minutes, so he went into your wardrobe for like the 5th time this month and stole another pair of your panties, it was a lacy white one as he sniffed it and moaned. "Like always. even her fucking panties smell heavenly." he said and put it in his pocket as he went back outside.
he was a bit shocked to see you stretching from your spot, your complete breasts visible and ass in the air, as you lazily tried to grab the charger and your earphones. your hard pink nipples rubbed on the wool carpet getting harder as he felt his dick harden, he looked down and saw the boner. he sighed and coughed, making her gasp and sit back up, fixing her clothes. "Are you alright?" he asked and you nodded. "Let-let's get back to work!" you said and he shook his head. "Wait y/n let me help you." he said and smirked, he knew you were gullible and he could atleast get to touch your tits tonight.
He sat down, way closer to you than before. "Straighten your back." you were about to question but he shushed you and you nodded, giving up. You followed his command as he then leaned down, now his face was almost buried in your chest and your eyes widened. "Hees-" he silenced you and grabbed your tits using his hands. "Heeseung stop!" you said in an angry tone. "just let me do it, y/n!" he said and removed your shirt with one hand and held your hands tightly with the other one. he was so ecstatic to finally see the tits.
he hooked his lips on your nipple and started sucking on it aggressively while caressing the other one, you could feel wetness spread down between your legs. Confusion was what you felt, what's happening- why am i loving it..? she let out a string of hot moans as he grew harder and harder, he then sucked her tits really good, the nipples un-hardening slowly. he then pulled away.
"see. that's how they un-harden" he rolled his eyes and you looked into his eyes. "oh... thank you... heeseung.. can we conti-continue?" he shook his head. "I'm going home." you nodded as he left.
you didn't know or understand this feeling between your legs, as you went into your bedroom, touching between your legs and gasping. "Oh god- i'm just gonna sleep-" you gasped and hugged the pillow between your legs falling asleep.
And well in your sleep, you humped that pillow, thinking it's heeseung's thigh. oh your first wet dream!
while heeseung thrusted his dick into your panties, and also wanked himself off, moaning and grunting your name. how you moaned, your scent, the smell of you in the panties, your tits, your innocence, your beauty.. everything turned him on so bad as he grabbed his phone and wanked himself more and faster, watching you boobs.
~ The next week ~
For the full next week you were acting weird. turning red whenever heeseung was around, and not even avoiding him at all, trying to get closer to him. While heeseung enjoyed the attention and continued to secretly steal your panties and click lewd pictures of you.
For example, He dropped his fork down on purpose and went down the table, where you sat with your legs open wide and enjoyed the food as he clicked a photo. Then when you were busy looking for something under your bed, he got a picture of your perfect round ass. Oh and when you thought he was in the bathroom and sheepishly pushed your hand inside your shorts, feeling and caressing her clit. that photo made him feel so fucking turned on. he litreally caught you touching yourself, he thought. And last, when you had left your main door unlocked and he got in, you had taken off your lens and were showering, you didn't even see him when he got the most lewd of all pictures and videos. Photo and video of you squeezing and scrubbing your tits and them bouncing etc.
He was in love with your body and with sexualizing you. He was excited to fuck you and feel your pussy.
Today you went over to heeseung's so you could help him out with the work and studying as his exam was approaching. you wore the tightest and revealing dress today. it was till your thigh and super tight on the breast region making them pop out more. you had no idea why you were doing this but dressing up for him was fun.
you rang the bell and smiled as he opened the door. "hey y/n, welcome" he greeted as you walked in, taking of your jacket and hanging it. heeseung was done with life now, you're wearing a peach dress till your thighs which was flying everywhere because of the fan, showing him your black underwear and the fact your tits were spilling out and your nipples were visible, you weren't even wearing a bra.
he was now almost offended, she acts innocent? and then dresses like that? is she fooling me.. he pushed away the thoughts and led her into his bedroom as the two sat down and today you were helping him finish his sketches for submission. his arm was pressed in the region between your breasts as you led his hand and helped him sketch. "see, that's how you do it. you're bad at this." you said and continued to lead his hand, as your tits then rubbed on his arm.
That. drived him insane, but he held back and decided to play the same game with you. you giggled at his bad drawing and made fun of him. "Oh yeah? You're so mean" He said and started to tickle you as you giggled and fell backwards onto his bed as he was on top of you tickling you while you giggled and bounced. His eyes were stuck on your tits. "OKAY STOP STOP NOW."
He stopped and you looked into his eyes, seeing a certain look on his face which scared you and brought that same feeling between your legs. "Y/n, Can I?" he asked leaning in to kiss you as you let the thoughts leave your head and pulled him closer by the collar of his shirt and let him lead.
His hands were next to your head as he softly kissed you, slowly speeding up and biting your lips. His hands ranged lower while touching your thighs and touching you sensually as you made out with while breathing heavily. Soon the reality hit you as you pulled away and tried to push him off of you. "heeseung no no-"
You were resisting him but the soft look in his eye had now been replaced by something darker, something more scary. Chills went down your spine and your pussy fluttered. "Shh" He whispered and started to leave a trail of harsh bites kisses from your chin to your shoulder blade. "I've been waiting for this moment. Don't fuck it up for me."
"Heeseung stop, let me go." you said as a few moans left your mouth too. He rolled his eyes and slapped your face as you gasped and looked at him with wide eyes. With one swift moment he threw everything that was on the bed away and pulled you closer to him.
"Are you nicely gonna take it off or should i tear it off?" He asked as you looked at him with doe eyes hoping he'd stop but the need in your eyes stood out to him more. "Fine." And there was your dress, left only in shred around your thighs.
Your tits fell out with a small bounce as he licked his lip at that view. He shimmied off the shreds and your panties to the side as you tried to stop him, few tears forming in your eyes. I want to feel more.. you thought but tried to kick him off of yourself. "Please stop this!!"
His hand moved between your legs harshly as the other one held you down, he rubbed your clit harshly and waited for your wetness to grow so he could put his fingers inside your walls while you complained and cried. His lips were abusing your tits like an animal, biting, pulling the nipple and kissing them. You were moaning and rubbing your hips against his fingers while he thrusted them harshly.
"It- hurts.." You cried out with your eyes closed and he smiled. "Just the way my dick used to hurt watching you in those tiny clothes love." He said and continued abusing your tits and pussy. The tears weren't there because of disgust or any negative feeling, you were crying because you were actually liking it. You knew your dad would kill you if he found out you consummated before marriage.
He was just there admiring your beauty as you threw your head back and moaned softly to his touches. He moved a bit away and stopped touching you as you looked at him. He was rummaging through his side table cupboard as he pulled out a vibrator. You were confused as you watched his click a button and put it into your pussy. "OH GOD-" you moaned and threw your head back.
He then took off his own clothes and started to rub his tip while watching you get off. "Need to get my dick wet myself because you're too dumb to do it for me." He tsked. He noticed how the area around her breast and her face had turned, there was drowsiness in her eyes. "M-my belly-" you moaned as he then stopped to pull the vibrator out.
"Please stop it heeseung... this isn't r-right" You whispered as his hands moved behind your head, and he grabbed your head by your hair. His lips were inches away from yours as he whispered. "I don't care." and there he was, pushing both of your hands above your head and pushing your legs wide apart.
You could feel it, all too much. Even the smallest of touch and the smallest sound in the nearest area, you could feel it all, hear it all. You closed your eyes tightly, slowly fighting the grip his hand had on your hands while he just slid his penis inside you, your faces inches away as a few more tears fell out of your eyes. "I hate you" You whispered out as you felt rippling pain with his soft motion. "D-DON'T!" Heeseung stares at you as you complain about the slight pain.
"Be a woman, Y/n." He whispered as he slowly started to move, taking his time and let the pain turn into pleasure. The moment it did change, it was too clear. You couldn't protest anymore as your hands moved to his shoulder, scratching and wanting him to increase his speed so bad but no word left your mouth except the moans.
"Fuck. this feels so good. so so good" he panted out like an excited child, but in a deep voice. You could feel the shivers on your back as you shook underneath him, letting your breasts bounce and jiggle with each and every hard thrust. Heeseung continued to pound into you senselessly, his eyes stuck on your breasts well it shifted to see your face twist into a pleasure-ful expression. "Gorgeous"
His hands were free now so they dived lower, rubbing your clit while he moved his hips graciously rubbing against THE stop. You felt these overwhelming feelings for the first time in your life, you knew you could just explode anytime and then there came the tickles in your belly. "My belly!" you gasped as you felt his pace increase, it was indicating your coming orgasm and well also how deep his dick was into you. It could be seen when he thrusted inside. "m-my god-"
"You're all mine now" he smiled, watching his cock create the bulge in your belly, proudly. He groaned when you clenched a little too hard on his dick. It twitched inside of you, as you felt him paint your insides white. That feeling broke your control too as you felt all of your tension and stress evaporate along with the "liquid".
You felt free, but little did you know by putting that small camera right in the correct corner... he might have changed everything, and made sure that you stay with him and only him.
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adventuringblind · 8 months
Hello darling🫶🏼 I hope everything is okay🥹 I love the way you write, it’s sooo feel so real!
I have a request Lando x fem!reader, were she is Italian and she’s working for another team. So they live this relationship for so long distant, and she can’t go at every race as a McLaren supporter, but , and that’s situation make the things between them very difficult. So at some point, when everything looks like an end, he decide to ask her to live with him in Monaco.
Idk I feel this a little bit angst but happy in the end.🥺🥺
Thanks for all of your works, are amazing😍
Monaco Bound
Lando Norris x Ferrari Reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Summary: Lando is lonely, and Refer thinks he doesn't want her around. Turns out Lando just doesn't know how to ask. Featuring Max being blunt and the Ferrari boys trying to be emotional support.
Warnings: miscommunication, Lando is anxious, reader is so confused
Notes: Just so you are all aware, I am getting to requests! I've been working on the series more, as well as my works on AO3. Sorry it's taking so long, everyone!
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Everyone says long distance is difficult. And when your partner needs physical contact and quality time, they really aren't joking.
Her and Lando had been making long-distance work for the last year and a half. Her living in Italy for work and Lando living in Monaco. Sure, they see each other in at races, but working for different teams really doesn't help anything.
Hope came in the form of teleworking. Finally, they'd managed to make it so she could do work from home, working remotely from the factory.
Did she tell Lando? Yes. Was she hoping to move to Monaco with him? Also, yes. But she also didn't want to just straight up ask him. That could make him uncomfortable, and then it would be awkward. Instead, she leaves it alone. Patiently waiting for Lando to maybe ask her.
On the other side of things, Lando could not decide whether his girlfriend simply isn't into him anymore, he had done something wrong, or she's just shy. He wants her to come live with him. To the point where he has broken down over in when he's alone in bed at night.
The next race weekend, he caught her talking with Charles and Carlos. Knawing insecurities creeping their way up his throat. He avoided all three for the rest of the day.
No phone calls were answered. No texts responded to. Always going to opposite direction. Was he being petty? Possibly, but he needed to think this through.
That night, he's shocked when Max comes knocking at his door. Lando opens the door and greets his friend cheerfully. Max though, looks solem.
"Wanna talk about why your girlfriend is acting like she's killed you?"
Lando's face dropped. "What?"
Max shoves past him and takes a seat in one of the chairs at the small table. "Carlos and Charles are worried also. They tried consoling her, but she's hysterical mate. Thinks you don't love her or something."
Again, Lando's face drops. She thinks he doesn't love her? She believes she did something wrong? He's misread this situation entirely.
"I- I thought that - that she was falling out of love." He admits. His face turns away from Max to the floor.
"She was raving to Carlos and Charles that she's finally able to work from home and wants to live in Monaco with you, but you hadn't asked."
"Why didn't she ask to live with me?"
"Maybe she didn't want to seem rude?"
And suddenly Lando is running out the door. Sprinting to his car to get to the hotel he knows she's staying at. With the room number she'd given late last night when she arrived.
It's a blur, really, the trip from point A to point B. He doesn't come back to reality until he's staring at her door. He can hear the muffled sobs on the other side.
He knocks. She opens. They collapse into each other.
"I thought you didn't want to come live with me."
"You idiot. Of course I want to live with you! I love you!"
"I'm your idiot."
Does she move to Monaco? Yes. Is Lando like a koala bear clinging to her every second of the day? Absolutely.
But she wouldn't trade it for the world.
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strawberryyivy · 8 months
— ★ Blind Faith [Hazel almost confessed her feelings for you twice, but maybe the third time's the charm?]
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The first time Hazel tried to confess her feelings for you, was two months after you two met.
She knew you because you were best friends with her roommate, Stella, and ever since you both met she started to see you around a lot. you were always there, getting ready for parties, studying, but most of the times just hanging out. and she felt a little bothered in the beginning, when she didn't exactly talk to you. To her it was a bit weird that somehow whenever she was there, you were as well. But that only lasted for a few weeks before you guys had your first talk.
She was exhausted from her classes, all she wanted to do was lay in her bed and never get up. But when she entered her room she saw you, sitting on your best friend's bed, pen in hand, eyes focused on whatever book you were reading at the moment. Your eyes went to her the minute you heard the door being closed, making her feel nervous all of the sudden.
"Hi" you said, your voice sweet and careful, like you were scared you were going to scare her off.
"Hello" she sat on her bed, unsure of what to do. "Hm... are you waiting for Stella? cause I don't think she's done with her classes yet"
You sent her a smile, which made her nervous. How didn't she notice how pretty you were?
"I'm not, I have a class in a few minutes and I wanted to rest for a little bit, if that's okay?"
She wanted to ask why you wanted to rest in her dorm and not yours, but when she looked at you again, you still had that stupid smile on your face making her forget about her more stupid question.
"Yeah of course! I don't mind."
You blinked at her a few times, and she could swear you looked at her mouth for a second. "Thanks, Hazel."
You went back to your book, getting more comfortable on the bed. Meanwhile, she didn't know how to act so she just laid down and stared at the ceiling, hoping the silence was bothering you as much as it was bothering her.
After that, you guys become something, she couldn't really put a finger on it, she didn't really know what to call it, she just noticed that now a few things were different. She noticed how whenever you were around you would touch her in some way or another, she noticed the smile that almost never left your face when you were talking to her, she noticed that your eyes shined whenever you would look at her direction. But then again, can eyes even do that? She felt so confused, specially because she noticed things about herself.
She noticed how nervous she became around you, she was usually shy and reserved but around you it seemed to be worse, her hands would shake whenever you would hug her, her heart started to beat way faster just with the thought of you, and the minute she saw your smile, that stupid beautiful smile, she felt like she could melt on the floor.
When she realized she had a crush on you, she went on a little spiral. There was no way a beautiful girl like you could ever like her back, she saw the way you carried yourself, the way people would look at you with admiration and love. You were smart, and kind, and so pretty, and not the normal amount, more like she would start a fight club just to have the chance to even be close to you kind of pretty.
So that's when she told her friends, Josie and Isabel, that she liked you, she was extremely surprised by their response.
"So wait, you are telling me, that this girl, always find a way to talk to you, always wanna be close to you, her eyes don't leave you whenever you are together... doesn't like you back?" Isabel was shocked, how could Hazel not see the signs that you were clearly trying to give her?
"I don't... I don't know. I don't think she does, I don't even know if she's gay." her sad puppy eyes made Isabel want to shake her shoulders and scream at her face. It was so obvious.
"Hazel. Listen to me," she took the girl's hand to try and get her point across. "she likes you! She is crushing on you just as much as you are on her. She wants you. Just go for it. Just do it."
Hazel looked at Josie, waiting for her opinion.
Josie looked at Isabel and then looked at Hazel again. "You heard the woman, just do it."
The words of her friends was all she could think about as she watched you and Stella get ready for another party. You guys tried convincing her to come along, but she denied, claiming to be too tired for it.
She watched you putting your lipstick on, making your mouth a pretty shade of pink.
"Okay, wait. I'm going to Brittney's real quick, I think she's got my favorite top" Stella says before going out the door, not giving you guys time for an answer.
When you were done putting your lipstick on, you looked at her through the mirror. "You know, there's still time for you to come with us. It will be fun"
"Oh, well, I don't think parties are really my thing"
You turned around, walking towards her bed, stopping right in front her. "Not even if... I'm there? I'll keep you company during the whole night." You once again gave her your smile, your head slightly tilted to the side. "I pinky promise."
That moment something washed over her, she got up before she could even think about what she was doing, breath heavy and eyes blinking nervously.
"I- I need to tell you something"
"Okay," you took one more step forward, faces inches apart. "you can tell me anything."
Your pretty voice whispered to her, eyes locked with hers.
"I don't... I don't know if you want to hear this but I- I think- fuck- I-" she stopped when she felt your hand on hers, reassuring her that she could take her time. She took a deep breath. " y/n I think I-"
"Oh my god I'm back, Brittney couldn't find it anywhere!"
You guys jumped when you heard Stella's voice, her eyes looked in between you too and a look of guilt appeared on her face.
"Am I interrupting something? I'm so-"
"No! No, you're not! I was just about to go, actually."
Hazel could feel her heart beating fast and her hands shaking as she looked for her phone, when she turned to you, she saw a look that she couldn't really describe, and her heart sunk a little when you looked away from her, saying you had to finish getting ready.
Hazel said her goodbyes and left the room without rethinking her decision. She sat outside the dorm for a few minutes convincing herself that she was probably doing the right thing, it probably wasn't the right time anyway, and even if it was, she still had her doubts that you liked her back, even after everything.
So she just decided she would wait for these feelings for you to go away, knowing that she couldn't and wouldn't feel like this forever.
But oh she was wrong, completely and truly wrong.
The feelings for you didn't go away, on the contrary, they got worse, much, much worse. At some point she started believing that you were a witch, punishing her for something she did in her past life, and it was probably something terrible. Only that could explain all these feelings.
First of all, she felt horrible about the way she just left you that night, even if you didn't know what she was going to tell you, she could tell you got upset. The image of your pretty disappointed eyes looking away from her kept playing over and over in her head. She was truly fucked.
And then she just kept feeling sorry for herself, she was such a loser she couldn't even tell you how she felt fast enough. She had you, listening to her, waiting for her to finally say what she wanted but she just couldn't.
"I mean it's not completely lost! You still have a chance!" she heard Isabel's voice and took her forearm away from her eyes, getting up and sitting on her friend's bed.
"I don't know... I think I messed it up." she let out a groan and put her face in her hands. "I'm so stupid! I can't believe I took that long to say one sentence."
"Just stop beating yourself up about it, you have to tell her, you will have other opportunities." Isabel put her into a quick hug before getting up from her bed. "Now, I have to go see Josie. You promise you'll be okay? You can stay here for as long as you want."
Hazel knew she wouldn't be, but maybe she just had to start accepting that.
"Yeah... Yeah I will."
After she was done feeling sorry for herself she decided that maybe, just maybe, Isabel was right and things weren't lost. Yet.
Maybe she could try again, maybe she could try talking somewhere more private this time, just you two, and she would prepare something nice and coherent to say to you instead of whatever came to mind. She just needed to figure out how to do that.
"Hey" she entered her dorm and saw Stella getting ready to leave.
"Hi haze, you okay?"
"Yeah, hey listen, do you know of any parties happening this weekend?"
Stella stopped what she was doing and looked at Hazel like she had three eyes and four ears.
"For who? You?"
Hazel rolled her eyes, knowing that this would happen. But there's a first time to everything. Right?
"Well yeah, I'm tired of just staying in and you and... and y/n usually go somewhere during the weekends right?"
Just saying your name out loud made her nervous, and you weren't even there. That moment she knew. You really were a witch.
"I mean yes, I'm not judging by the way, just curious." She thought for a few minutes before continuing. "Yeah, so there's a frat party going on tomorrow, it's gonna be huge apparently, you should come!"
"Okay! Yeah I will, thanks Stella."
Hazel smiled to herself watching her roommate leave for her class. She was finally going to tell you, and there was nothing stopping her this time.
"Okay so, are you sure you're ready?" Josie asked when they stepped out of the car. "Fuck, this is packed"
At that, Hazel finally took a look at the house, it was packed, definitely not her kind of scene but she had to do this. It was now or never.
"No yeah, I'm ready." she smoothed out her shirt taking a deep breath.
"And hey," she felt Isabel hand on her shoulder before they could go in, her eyes with a little bit of worry in them that she chose to ignore. "if anything happens, and you wanna leave, just look for us, okay?"
Hazel nodded, trying not to think about it too much. "Thank you."
Isabel nodded and smiled. "So let's go get your girl haze."
One hour and forty minutes has passed, she had two drinks, danced to a few songs and talked to a few girls she would probably never see in her life again, but you just wouldn't show up.
She was already giving up on the idea that you were going to the party, Isabel said that people usually get there late but it was almost midnight and she wasn't really feeling like staying any longer.
That was until she saw you.
And she thought that was finally her chance, she would come up to you and ask for a moment of your time and she would be finally able to tell you what's been eating her inside for what's been feeling like too long.
But the few seconds of happiness were quickly destroyed when she saw that you were not alone. There was a girl standing way too close to you, touching your waist in a way that Hazel wanted to. You were smiling at her the same way you would smile at Hazel. Her heart sunk at that moment.
She couldn't bear to watch that anymore. She had to leave. And quick. That was her last try.
You started to like Hazel the minute you laid eyes on her for the first time, you were having coffee at your favorite coffee place, right across from campus. She came in wearing a white tank top and a flannel over it. She didn't see you, she went straight to the cashier to order her drink and left right after she got her order.
But you didn't forget about her, you kept thinking back to mysterious beautiful girl and who she was. Later on, you found out.
She was your best friend's roommate, and you could swear that when you guys met and you heard her voice say your name for the first time, you thought you were in heaven.
She was a little different than you, she was quiet and reserved, she didn't talk much but you liked it, you felt like you couldn't stay away from her.
So you started to spend as much time with Stella as possible, you felt a little bad at first, felt like you were using your best friend just to see your crush but Stella said that she didn't mind, that she was actually happy that you were finally putting yourself out there. But reality was: you were not out there. At all.
Yes, you tried to give Hazel little hints here and there, specially after she let you in a bit more, but it didn't seem to be working. At all.
That was until that one night, she said she wanted to tell you something, and you could swear that she was going to ask you out. That she was finally seeing you as more than just her roommate's best friend. You believed that she was going to tell her that she liked you back.
She didn't do any of those things, the minute she got interrupted something switched and you could tell. She never said what she wanted you to know, and you were beyond disappointed. Not at her but in yourself.
You waited for so long, and beside that night she never gave you any reason to think that she liked you back, she never flirted with you, and whenever you tried she would nervously change the subject. So you had to accept, Hazel was not into you like that, and she would probably never be.
You smiled at the girl in front of you, trying as hard as you could to make this party worthy of your time.
You got there later than usual, because you really didn't feel like going. But you had a date after all, and you weren't going to spend one more minute in your bed thinking about Hazel and her beautiful blue eyes. No. You were moving on. You had to.
And that's why you let the girl kiss you.
She was nice, and she was pretty, she treated you right, so why didn't it feel right? Why did it feel like you were doing something you shouldn't be doing?
Later that night when you were in bed, you started to regret everything, you regretted going after Hazel and listening to your best friend telling you that she of course likes you back! ー And now you have to feel like shit, just for keeping your hopes up.
It was a beautiful day outside when you decided to go to your coffee place, taking your book and headphones with you.
You were just starting out the window, thinking about your life, book long forgotten, when you heard the bells above the door, and when you saw who it was coming in, you felt like you couldn't breathe.
Hazel was looking was good as always, her hair was a bit messy but that was nothing new. You always thought she looked cute.
Just like the first time, you thought she wouldn't see you, you thought she would just grab her coffee and go wherever she was going. But this time was different, when she turned around she saw you and that made her stop right in her tracks. Eyes locked with yours, and you could tell that she was nervous.
You didn't know what to do but apparently she did, and you were thankful for that.
"Hey, uhm, it's been a little while"
She sounded nervous and she kept playing with her fingers. That just made you want to kiss her more.
"Hey, yeah it has been, how are you?" You gave yourself a little pat on the back for being able to speak while too many thoughts kept running through your head.
"I'm good... Thanks." she gave you a little smile before adding. "And you? Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah! I'm great, thanks" you smiled back, trying hard to not make it seem forced.
"Hm... Well, I'm glad... I'm glad"
Both of you just stared at each other for a few seconds, not knowing what to say.
"Well, I have to... go, so." she was the one to break the silence.
"Sure, yeah." You just smiled again, feeling lost on what to do.
She nodded and waved, you waved back and watched her go. When the door of the coffee shop closed you felt like you coul breathe again and something weird formed in your chest.
Even after everything you still liked her, you still wanted her, and you still felt that little hope inside of you, that hope telling you to try just one more time.
So you packed your things as fast as you could, throwing everything inside your bag, with coffee in hands and running through the door you see her, already across the street going in the direction of the campus.
You cross the street as fast as you could, and when you get close enough you scream her name, not caring if you were about to embarrass yourself.
She turned around, round and big eyes staring at you with confusion. When you stop in front of her, heavy breath and a expression she can't exactly read, she starts to worry.
"What's going-
"Hazel, I like you." you stumble over your words, speaking over her. "I like you more than as a friend, I actually like you for quite some time now." you let out a breathe before you can continue. "And I'm not sure if you like me back, I mean.. may- maybe I'm humiliating myself in front of all these people that I don't know, for nothing."
You give a quick look around, deciding that you only want to focus on the girl in front of you.
"But... I really want you Hazel, and if you don't want me in that way, it's fine but do you think you can at least-
Thankfully you didn't get to finish your speech, because Hazel had her hands on your face and her lips pressed against yours.
Your mind kept asking if that was even real, if that was actually happening. So when you pull away and see a little smile on her face, you feel like jumping up and down, not believing that she just kissed you.
"You like me." she whispered to you, not believing her own words.
"And you just kissed me, in front of everyone." you say, the biggest smile on your face.
"I can't believe you like me" she laughs a little.
"Yeah well, can you blame me?"
She just shakes her head, kissing you again. And only stopped when she heard a few people clapping and making kissing sounds.
"Okay" you grab her hand and start leading her away. "Let's get out of here"
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Aita for telling my lil sis that she isn't that important even when her friend group is standing with us?
This is a long story background of the story / main focus(???)
Soo me[16F] am I highschooler and I have this extra activity that I do after school called landservice.( Basically we're a group of a bunch of people from the same school that shows to 4 loves by working together. The 4 loves are: love for your fellow people, love for your beliefs, love for labour amd love for nature)
It's my sister's[10F] first year of doing landservice, while I have been doing it for over 7 years. She was really sceptical over whether she wanted to do it but my mother insisted she try just as she did with me 7 years ago.
Soo I just wanna say that her middel school's landservice was soo crappy I had to endure it for 4 years. Soo last year at our once a year meeting to get ideas of what to do next year, we decided we would go help the middle school with their landservice.
We have done it once and yesterday(22/02) me and 4 others were chosen to help the kids make small bunnies out of wool( i was the oldest there rest were 13-15). Now for us highschool kids it's easy peasy but let me tell you middleschoolers don't have a single thought in their brain.
We were task to help the kids when they struggled and were divided in different groups. I got stuck alone with the grade 4 who were the most kids there(there was like 30 grades 4s there mixed language) and since their the youngest of the bunch they struggled the most.
I helped there and then there then suddenly there's like five or four kids surrounding me with questions.( just to say I am very shy with people my age but I absolutely love working with kids.)
Soo here's where the story gets interesting!
My sister and her group didn't really understand the task of what to do and I had to go and help them frequently (they still didn't get it right though)
She would get me to help her group while I'm busy with other kids. Then at one point she just started crying because hers wasn't working out and her friends tried to get me to go help her. But at that moment I was help 7 English kids[my English is the best in our group of five soo I also had to help them alot more] and explaining how to do it with the limited time we had. And her friends just kept bothering us till I said to go let some one else help her.
After I help the bunch I went to try to find my sister, just to find out she refused to get help from anyone else in our group even the teachers. Now that really pissed me off.
I went to talk to her and said that I wasn't there to be her babysitter or mother I was here to help ALL OF THE KIDS THERE not just her. I wasn't going to take this bullcrap from her she is old enough to do it alone or be able to ask anyone else for help.
So that's where I landed in front of my sisters friend group telling her she isn't that important amd she was bloody mad. Soo were he friends calling me a bully amd that I was to mean.
Also told our mum about this later and she says she understand but that was an asshole move.
And after alot of thought I see where I could be the asshole.
Soo aita???
What are these acronyms?
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formulalfc · 6 months
If you can make this a longer fic I would love that😊
Anyways so I’m Italian and I wanna know what it’d be like if an itialian reader was dating Trent like him wanting to learn some Italian words and like the reader cooking pasta almost every night, and Italians normally have big families and like reader is the only girl and had like 4 older brothers and it like scares Trent sometimes
Anyways if you do this I understand 🤍
an- i love this cause i have 4 brothers and everyone i have dated is terrified of them, despite the fact they're younger than me. i don't speak italian tho so i'm super sorry if it's no good! i also went in a crazy direction with this so please lemme know if you want me to do a different part <3
Family Pasta Night
Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader
tw-google translated italian, light swearing i think?
You and Trent had been dating for about 6 months now and despite meeting most of your family members, he had yet to meet your brothers. But with your brother's birthday coming up your mamma had decided to throw a family pasta night for your family.
You were on the way there now, a couple hours early so that you guys could help in the kitchen before everyone else arrived, and your boyfriend's knee was bouncing as he drove.
You tried to calm your boyfriend but nothing seemed to work, he was shy in nature and your brothers were super loud and outgoing but he wanted to make a good impression on them. "Baby, you make me so incredibly happy and they'll love you because I love you and they want me to be happy more than anything and you make me so happy."
He sends you a small smile and gives you a kiss on the cheek in thanks before he climbs out of the car and opens your door for you.
Your mamma greets you when you get there, kisses pressed to both of your cheeks as she ushers you into your childhood home, overjoyed that her baby girl is home and happy to see your boyfriend again. Your mamma loves Trent, they go on coffee dates every other week when you get your nails done, and talk to each other about you.
You guys walk into the kitchen, an apron is presented to both of you before she pulls you over toward the kitchen side. your papa comes in to greet you both quickly before he rushes out to buy some more wine for dinner.
You guys get straight to work, you and your mamma directing Trent on what to do with his task as you guys teach him some different Italian words.
He points at things and you guys tell him the Italian for it, "formaggio" (cheese), "frusta" (whisk), you shake your head as you tell him that pasta is the Italian word for pasta. His cheeks turn bright red as you and your mamma giggle, but you give him a kiss on the cheek as an apology, your mamma doing the same.
You guys spend about an hour in the kitchen making sure everything is ready, your papa had joined you when he got back, turning on some music in the background as he and Trent took turns in twirling you and your mamma around.
By the time you hear the knocks on the door, you all have rosy cheeks from your dancing and the heat of the kitchen. You rush to the door, excited to see your brothers for the first time in months and you swing the door open to see all four of them standing there.
You throw yourself into the arms of your oldest brother as he exclaims, "ciao piccolo!" (hello little one)
Your other brothers join in on the hug, pressing kisses to your hair as they tell you how much they missed you.
As you all pull away from the hug a look of seriousness crosses their faces before one of them asks you where your boyfriend is. You scowl at them and tell them that they will be nice to him or else you'll kick all their asses and then mamma will too.
You lead them through to the dining room where Trent and your parents are laying out the food and walk over to your boyfriend, giving him a reassuring smile and a squeeze to the hand, before you turn and glare at your brothers.
They all shake Trent's hand making sure they eye him down as they introduce themselves, you can tell Trent is nervous but he loves you and is willing to put himself through this if it means you guys can be together.
You made sure to sit your boyfriend in between you and your mamma at dinner so that he wasn't completely overwhelmed by your siblings. You managed to keep the conversation light at dinner, mostly telling your family about recent work projects you were doing and telling them about how good Trent had been playing recently.
The talk of football got your brothers intrigued and they all started chatting about Liverpool's season and how Trent thought the season would end for the team. You and your mamma shared a smile over Trent's head, glad they were getting on with each other.
As dinner came to an end your brother and Trent cleared the table, telling you and your parents to stay at the table for a minute. You and your mamma shared a worried look as they left, both of you quietly whispering to each other as your papa just sat there smiling.
After a few minutes, Trent and your brothers come back in and carry on as if nothing had happened. You looked at Trent in question but he just smiled and asked you if you were ready to go home.
You guys said your goodbyes and headed out the door, promises of pasta night at your house made as you got in the car.
You looked at your boyfriend with a silent question in your eyes, asking if he was okay or if you needed to go back in there and kick some ass. But your boyfriend just gave you a kiss and asked you what pasta you guys should make at the next pasta night.
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deadpool15 · 6 months
Ch.3 You and Me
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It all happened so fast that I had never experienced sex. Well, good sex, they say uts better with someone you love. My first time happened right after graduation. To be honest, it wasn't even a good enough first time. If coming fast was a sport, that guy would've had an award. Then, again, he also didn't make me come at all. When I asked, he made it seem like it was me. "Oo, you're so beautiful it's too bad something is wrong with you, you know." Imagine someone being so bad at sex they have the audacity to blame you. Shi-oh was absolutely mortified by the story, claiming the guy deserved to die for being such a sad lover. I just thought after all these years I wasn't able to. I never tried to masturbate. To be honest, I found the whole thing kind of weird. I wasn't worthy of much, so why would pleasure be any different.
I'm sitting there on Shi-oh lap as we told each other stories of our happiest moments together. Then he leaned in, catching me off guard. My breath started to escape me, and everything seemed to speed up. "Are you nervous, baby? I haven't done anything yet." It was hard to concentrate when he was so close, and I was leaning in even more due to his hand being my only source of balance. "You know how this turned out before, don't you?" Of course we had tried before or more, so I had. He told me that he didn't want it to simply happen in a place of inconvenience. "Yes, I quite remember. In my office you tried to slut yourself out because of your sister correct." Hearing him bring up such a jealous moment for me, made me hit him in the face. I get up trying to get away from him. "You know how I feel about her." He laughs blindly, staring at me while pulling me back under him and slowly taking off the only piece of clothing I had on. "You are right. You could never compare to Nam-soon. Because you're so much better, in completely different universes, baby. And only one of you has my heart. Can you guess who?"
I stared at him, yet before I could answer, my words got caught in my throat, finally staring at his chest. I hadn't realized he had unbuttoned my, well, his shirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, so my breasts were being guarded by nothing but the shirt, so he could easily move out the way. "I seem to know, yet it's almost like you forget." He pushed the shirt out of the way, and I shivered when the cold air hit my nipples. Before I could complain about the cold, Shi-oh had taken one of my breasts directly into his warm mouth. My back arched, head hitting the pillow while he held my back up to bring him closer. "W-wait..baby..fuck." He let go of my breast and proceeded to blow a gust of his breath onto it. I moaned at the feeling. This wasn't like my first time at all. "My little baby was so in a rush to go feel good, and now she wants to wait. Just don't know what you want, do you?" The words died right on my tongue when I felt his bulge right rubbing against my pussy.
"Pretty girl is so confused, isn't she? It's ok, baby. I'll make it better." He had pushed the shirt further, and as I finally came back to my senses, I tried to remove it before he stopped me. "No, don't take it off. I wanna be all over you. Fucking you with a piece of my clothing on you will be the best option don't you think?" I couldn't even begin to respond to him when he grabbed my waist and moved his fingers down to push my panties to the side. His eyes landed right on my wet soppy cunt, he wouldn't remove his eyes. Almost as I'd he was in a trance. Feeling shy, I tried to close my legs. "You close those legs, and I will stop right here right now. Open uo baby, I wanna take a nice long look." Hearing those words, I blushed, slowly opening up my legs. "Yes all fucking mine." I moaned hearing his words, feeling his breath moving closer to my cunt. He kissed my thighs, ignoring the very place I needed him most. I knew exactly what that meant. He expected me to beg. My pride wouldn't let me, but my desperation seemed to be winning this war.
He knew I would crumble soon. Sucking and leaving marks all over my thighs. Watching my cunt grow wetter and wetter by the second. "Baby...please...I'll be so good for you. You know this." He moved his head upward, kissing my knee. "You will. My little baby is so desperate and wet, isn't she? Fine, I'll play nice." And just like that my suffering ended, when he pushed his head directly into my cunt. Licking, sucking and eating me like I was his last meal. He pushed two fingers into me, and God did it feel amazing. "Fuck..y-yes..soo...goood." He simply made eye contact with me casuing me to be flustered, but as I go to look away he grabbed my breast firmly and squeezed it in his large palm. Letting me know he wanted me to watch. He started to play with my nippple while pushing his fingers in and out faster. Sucking down on my clit hard. It slowly became too much for me. I started to thrash away from him. He noticed and pulled my thighs to wrap around his head, pushing me even closer to him. I became even more overwhelmed by the second. Before I knew it, I had squirted. I was so taken aback by everything that I immediately started to apologize.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know I could do that. I've never come before, so that was like completely different. I'll clean." He cut me off my slamming his lips onto mine. Completely stopping my thoughts. "You just squirted all over my face." He looked at me in shock. "I know, Shi-oh, I've seen, and I'm already embarrassed enough." I said shyly while he grabbed my closed thighs, pulling them apart again. "W-wait, what are you doing?" He looked at my cunt in amazement. Like, I'd just given him some price. "Your going to do that again, but this time on my cock. You can do that for me, right baby?" I was shocked by his words. Finally taking a moment to stare at his appearance, I noticed his face was still caring for my juices. He was practically covered in it. I try to wipe his face clear. "No, I wanna fuck you with it all over us. All dirty for you." I had never seen this side of him before. He was always so collected and to himself.
He looked like a man possessed. Yanking my panties down completely while placing his thumb on my clit. "Shit...baby..I'm still s-senstive." He smiled down at my figure before pushed down his pants, making the bulge that I had seen before more noticeable. "I know that's the best part." He started to take off his boxers, I couldn't imagine how hard he was right now. Finally, there was nothing stopping us. No clothing in between us. Looking down, I took in the sight of how large he truly was. Thinking about it now, I was scared. "B-baby, that's not going to f-fit." He pushed my thighs open further, taking as much room as he needed. "Don't worry. I'll make it fit." He started kissing my face, while my cum was still dripping on his face. Basically, it's soaking me in it as well. And then he pushed inside. "F-fuck." I was losing all my sense as he pushed further inside. "Almost....there." and finally, he bottomed out. Everything was different, it's felt as if my mind was gone to another place and my body was floating on clouds.
One thing was for sure, I had never felt so full in my life. Shi-oh stared at my pussy as it gripped his cock. Practically choking him. He hunched forward, and I opened my arms to hold him. I just wanted to feel all of him. Being full of him was a new feeling, though. "F-fuck..your so tight." He was praising me while kissing my jaw and neck. Then he started moving, I had never felt so good in my entire fucking life. I never wanted it to end. "Said it wouldn't fit, it's almost like your cunt was carved just for me baby. Just to take me." He leaned near my ear and whispered. My legs wrapped own his waist. Needing him closer than he already was, it just wasn't never enough. "Taking me so fucking well. Bet you're loving this, aren't you? That little boy couldn't give you this." I whined hearing his words, "n-no..one..but..y-you." Before I know it, he was slamming into me at the speed of light. Panting in my eye before flipping us over, leaving me on top. He felt deeper at this angle. I still held him close, wrapping my body around him. Never wanting to let go. He bounced me up and down. "S-so..b-big." My brain could only mutter out his size over and over again. He pushed our lips together again covering us in my cum.
Dipping his finger down to rub my clit and then moving it back up to place on his tongue. I leaned forward sucking onto his tongue. It was filthy, and dirty. But it loved every second of it. "My nasty little baby, who knew you would be such a whore?" I moves back from him placing my hands on his thighs to gain leverage, "wanna be your whore, only for you." He was shocked and while in that state of shock I reached up, on the tip was inside of me before I moaned and slammed myself down on he length. I'm doing it again and again, leaving him a whimpering mess. This is what I wanted, to leave him so vulnerable in front of me. "Gonna cum baby f-fuck." I pushed myself down further while moving to wrap my arms around his shoulders, yanking his hair to place kisses on his neck. I whispered in his ear, causing him to fall apart and rut inside of me. "Come inside, wanna feel you for days. Want it inside, Shi-oh." Hearing this, he finally came shooting his load directly into me, and I came right with him. As I make way to move, he stops me. "Gotta make sure it takes. Your nice and warm baby. Need to stay inside."
Shoutout all the beautiful souls who waited for me to get out of my rut. The writing block is over. Hit me up, yall.
Chapter 4 is coming soon.
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shepherds-of-haven · 10 months
BOOM—personality swap between the shepherds! how would that go down?? (i’m envisioning briony having blade’s stoic exterior or chase acting sophisticated like lavi and it’s killing me)
I wish I could draw, because I feel like this would be so much funnier with illustrations! 🤣
I used a random generator to generate the personality swaps:
Halek ↔️ Ayla
Halek is loud, mouthy, aggressive, and wants to fight you all the time. He has a bunch of pent-up rage from being forced to be leader of his people and he responded by acting as delinquent as possible, except instead of being a slacker and shirking his duties, now it's like some Hunter Guy questions his decision and he gets all up in his face and is like, "Huh? You wanna repeat that before I beat your fucking ass?" He is a surprisingly effective leader because everyone perceives him as tough and passionate. However, as a Shepherd, you can't get him to do anything unless you ask him nicely. He has no fear but also no chill... that fight with Ayla about the witch's bane soup would have gone soooo differently if he wasn't naturally quite laidback lol! His partnership with Moonsilk might be more compatible because she'd be the one to seemingly "hold him back" or calm him down... or he'd have told her to fuck off right from the get-go LMAO "I'm not marrying her! Either I'm the leader around here or I'm not, *I* pick who I'm gonna marry! Pack your shit and go!!"
Ayla is just a sleepy lil Wind-Mage. "Ayla, could you, maybe, you know, blast this demon to kingdom come?" "Hm? Oh, yeah, sure... 🥱" Everybody thinks Jalis people must be a buncha hippies because she's sooo lazy and chill. She's the force of calm in the group, the port in the storm: when Briony and Trouble start brawling with some rude assholes in a tavern, Ayla is just waiting on standby, vibing until they're done so she can clean them up and take them home. It probably makes her a vastly less effective fighter because she doesn't summon the energy and passion to send opponents flying, it's probably just a gentle puff of wind LOL
Riel ↔️ Lavinet
Honestly, I don't think they're that different, I feel like Riel is just more vain, fashionable, charismatic, and flirtatious. But their skillsets, backgrounds, and interests are still fairly similar! Still... imagine him lounging in like a flame-red tailored suit with, like, a peacock feather tucked into his breast pocket, the trailblazer of fashion for all of Haven... fanning himself idly while he flirts and flatters courtiers of all stripes shamelessly! "Darling, I realize you have reservations about our business agreement, but haven't you learned you can trust me? 🖤" Oh my god. He would be a menace. Imagine him with an ojou-sama laugh I'm dying
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Lavinet is considerably less popular among the nobility because of her various eccentricities... She's neurotic, uptight, fastidious, cutting! She's no entertainer of grand balls and parties, but still a fearsome political opponent all the same... The new Iron Lady! She's known as something of a terror and will snap out a biting retort to just about anyone, whether it's people who don't show her the proper respect or someone who carelessly offset her carefully-arranged tea tray, annoying her to no end! She's known as something of an introvert and recluse and would just rather be left alone to read her books and manage her father's financial affairs. The young men of the Iron Court are so terrified of her that she doesn't even have to worry about being married off against her will LOL, they wouldn't dare to propose!
Chase ↔️ Shery
GOD THIS ONE IS SO CURSED GRLGJKRGJKL There's just no way... The thief-lord of Haven is actually a shy, mousy sweetheart... There's no way that could work, right?? Maybe he has an alter ego where he acts ruthless and cunning, and then he walks into another room and melts into a puddle on the ground like 🥹🥹 "that was so hard... I'm sweating haha...! 😭" Some rival guild leader flirts with him (dangerously) like "well, I was thinking of killing you... but now that I see you in person... I could think of other things I'd like better..." Chase internally is like nooooooo please stop this 😭 while outwardly he blushes and stammers something like "yeah uh th-that sounds like a better option than... being killed..." 🫠 Someone steals from him and Trouble finds him like crying dramatically on the ground an hour later like "why would they do that, that's so mean!!" 😭
I can only imagine Shery as this like vaguely evil, chaotic quartermaster, which doesn't make any sense lmao, her occupation requires her to be extremely orderly, organized, tidy, and on top of her business, and throwing Chase's lackadaisical, unpredictable, "I'm allergic to plans" personality at her is just crazy lol. Imagine trying to run an order when your quartermaster is actually your biggest prankster! YOU CAN'T DO IT, IT WON'T WORK. Every recruit who gets assigned a new room or handed new blankets or puts in a requisition order for a training dummy gets surprised by 8,000 fake spiders. Or a bucket of flour dumped on their head. The Order would collapse into dysfunction within a month. Not to mention the quartermaster's habit of flirting and chatting up the new recruits outrageously! 😭 On the flip side, Vivek would not have given her any shit after the first few minutes of meeting her...
Tallys ↔️ Briony
Tallys is bubbly, cheerful, energetic, and an emotional chatterbox, lol! That's so weird to picture lol imagine Trouble walking into a room and Tallys looking up brightly, her face lighting up in a big smile, and saying something like, "Hi, Trubs, I was just looking for you! The laundresses are throwing a fit because you keep getting the smell of gunpowder in your drapes--how do I know? Oh, well, you see, I'm friends with that nice silver-haired girl on Pelinel Squad, you know, the Weather-Mage, and she said--" I don't think she commands half the dignity or respect she receives now as Third this way lol because she's trying to be everyone's friend... probably the Elves of the Elven Quarter like Ashaniel and them low-key all hate her because she's such a little ball of sunshine, she probably comes off as quite immature and cutesy to them, so imagine her asking Ashaniel to trust her with Quel-Qanaeon, it'd be like asking an 80-year-old war veteran to trust someone whom he just saw getting distracted by a butterfly or something, like "Oh my god, look at the pretty flowers! :D It's such a nice day today, isn't it?" The irony of it being that she's an excellent Keeper and fearsome archer, just no one really listens to her advice or takes her seriously because she's so
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Briony is this calm, composed warrior who likes to keep to her own solitude and comes off as quite mysterious and enigmatic. Everyone attributes this to her amnesia and past as a gladiator (surely she must have seen and done such dark things, but look at her resilience of spirit to stay so quiet and dignified!) and is basically looked at as some kind of like wise, martial monk-like figure whom you can always look to for sage advice. However, she comes off as a bit aloof, as she prefers to meditate at dawn by herself and gather herbs to make healing salves (she must have learned these rituals from her Elvish friend at the arena). She's far more meditative, contemplative, and serious... but if you take Tallys's cautious, "observe from a distance" ranged fighter behavior and apply it to what should be the destructive charger/bruiser who runs into the fray headlong, you get a Briony who's probably vastly less effective as the Battle-Mage tank she's supposed to be! She lacks her signature recklessness, so she's probably not punching down walls!
Mimir ↔️ Blade
GOD LOL I HATE THIS well Blade becomes even more quiet than he already is, and he has the charisma of a dead shrimp. He's always silently preoccupied with ✨ mysterious thoughts ✨, and his effectiveness as a commander drops drastically because everything he says is extremely cryptic and makes everyone go like ??? 🙂 What did that mean?? so nothing would get done LMAO instead of barking very straightforward, blunt commands as he is known to, he'd just sort of mumble something extremely enigmatic. This would drive Trouble crazy and he'd probably have to become acting commander. At first people would think the mysterious aura is part of his whole "formerly the greatest assassin" shtick, and his martial prowess and ability in combat couldn't be denied, so at first people would see this dark, unknowable swordsman and be like 'oh yeah, that makes sense why the Autarch picked him, he seems like he's... not of this world...' Very god of death, very ethereal... but then eventually people would start to get annoyed by the lack of clarity LOL and realize it's less "brooding darkness" and more "vague absent-mindedness" or something LMAO
Mimir's this traveling Seer who can not only see the future, but envision 900 different ways for her to kill you?? This makes her an incredibly effective fighter and she's always carrying dozens of weapons on her person... She's survived multiple assassination attempts because of people fearing/hating her predictions about their futures and considered her to be a heretic and a threat, so she's paranoid, abrupt, brusque, and finds it hard to get along with people. She prefers sleeping in a tent outside because she doesn't trust the others not to try and sneak into her room to try and kill her in her sleep! She comes off as a bit unpleasant, but her skills are so valuable that everyone ends up respecting her need for space...
Trouble ↔️ Red
Trouble's abilities as a sniper vastly diminish because, while he's lying on a rooftop or in the bush, waiting to snipe a target, he's sneaking secret reading sessions of his latest book and getting so engrossed that he forgets to keep track of them entirely! He's extremely enthusiastic about arcana and historical discoveries, partially because he's done so much research about magic to understand what was done to him by the Equalists: now he's the Order's resident "obscure magic" expert. Fist-fighting in taverns? No thank you, he prefers reading with a good cup of tea by his elbow. He's a polite, friendly young man who's adored by the neighborhood residents ("such a good, upstanding boy! ever since he was a young man he would come over every year to re-thatch my roof for me!") but has a bad habit of inadvertently making people fall in love with him. He would think he and Lazu Reen are good buddies and that the guy's insults are "just his way of joking around" LOL Lazu Reen: "you're a pig fucker" Trouble: "haha okay buddy, have a good day 🙂" Kind, optimistic, honest, and thoughtful... I feel like he would be sort of like Clark Kent, original good boy himbo with nerd flavor LMAO
Red is his sisters' biggest source of stress in life. Not only is he an UNAPOLOGETIC playboy, he's always going around, carousing in taverns, getting drunk, and then swinging that warhammer around and causing massive destruction!! They've tried to put a rein on his temper from a young age, but he's always been so mutinous and impulsive, sullenly taking their lectures and then immediately going back out and causing more trouble! Everyone in the Circle would have known him and Pan as the class clowns (Neon, like Hermione, was just there to make sure they didn't get killed). He certainly wouldn't have been named Archmage (I think people would have argued that Archmage Tevanti must have been senile at that point: you can't put that hammer-bashing barbarian in charge!!), but that's okay, he's mostly only interested in traveling around and experiencing his youth! Catch him smoking charch in the back and getting into arm-wrestling matches with Halek in bars for fun LOL. He probably wouldn't take any care of his hair and it would just be carelessly lopped off whenever it got too long! 😭
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talentisntgenius · 5 months
Heard you like PJhazel, so hope you don't mind some incorrect quotes I have made but am too shy to post on my blog, i know alot people don't enjoy incorrect quotes so feel free to ignore this message if you don't but if you...enjoy
Hazel: 🥺🥺🥺
Pj: Alright, fine. You can talk to me. BUT NO ONE ELSE! I MEAN IT!
Pj: hazel just said "I have an appetite for destruction" and then she reached down and untied my shoe.
Hazel: Your legs look great in those pants.
Pj: You should see me without them.
Hazel: Why would you take your legs off?!
Pj *covered in hickeys and scratches from hazel but refusing to admit who they're from*: I don't kiss and tell.
Josie, from across the room: That's literally the only two things you do!
Sylvie: I dare you to kiss the next person who walks in this room. 
Pj: Fuck you, I’m not kissing anyone- 
*Hazel, walks into the room*
Pj: ...Fine, I'll do it. Rules are rules.
Pj: Hazel; my beautiful girlfriend, taught me to think before I act.
Pj: …So if I beat the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Pj: Hey, babe, remember how I had to go to the pharmacy to pick up my ADHD meds?
Hazel: Yes?
Pj: Well, it turns out they're all out for the next five days.
Hazel: Fuck.
Pj: It's gonna be a fun week!
Hazel: I'm going to josie and isabel’s house.
Pj: Nuh-uh. Through sickness and health, motherfucker.
Hazel: this is a stupid idea!
Pj: Hey, nothing we’ve done so far has been un-stupid, and we’re still alive, aren’t we?
Hazel: I can’t really argue with that, but I feel like I should.
Pj: not that I'm complaining, but when I asked for a spoon, I meant the utensil.
Hazel *hugging her from behind*: Oh.
Pj: How do I tell hazel that I want her to yell at me like she's Gordon Ramsay and I'm a poor little chef who just ruined a crème brûlée?
Josie: Wow you and pj are home early from the movies. What happened?
Hazel: We got kicked out because pj wouldn't stop yelling diving scores as people jumped off the titanic.
Pj: That last guy had a solid 8, I'm telling you!
Pj: We have a problem.
Hazel *is done with her shit*: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them
Hazel: Hey, wanna have sex?
Pj: I have a gun in that nightstand beside the bed. If I ever say no to that question, I want you to take it out and shot me because I’ve obviously gone crazy.
Pj: Before "the huntungton incident", I had so many interests. Now all I care about is whether or not Hazel had a good day.
Hazel: for the last time pj, they're called "hikes" not "stupid mental health walks"
Pj: I don't see a difference
Pj: Hazel is good at kissing. So good I want to punch the ahit out of the person who taught her.
Pj: You know what would be sexy?
Hazel: What?
Pj: Eating food off each other.
Hazel: You didn't do the dishes, did you?.
Pj: ..I did not.
That's all I've got, hope you enjoy!
Anon I just gotta say, neurodiverse PJ is so real and you were brave enough to say it!!!! You heard it here folks: pjhazel aduhd couple (real) (canon)
Loved the last three in particular and the spoon one it's so them lmaooooo thanks for this! <3
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eddies-mattress · 2 years
The Munson's
Dad!Eddie Munson X Teacher!Reader.
Warnings: Fluff, mutual pining, small age gap (Eddie is 30 and Reader is 25), that's pretty much it.. Reader had a lot of animals and maybe a little suggestive language but NO smut.
Word Count: 6.5K
Not my GIF
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Eddie Munson had become a Dad when he was 24 years old.. He had a one night stand with a woman named Lisa he'd met at the hideout and she fell pregnant.. Eddie was completely involved with the woman and they even became a couple.. They argued a lot but they loved eachother and neither of them had a 'traditional' family so they wanted to at least try for their child.. Once their daughter Avery was born Eddie felt so much love it was overwhelming. He loved Lisa but for once he loved someone more than her.. Not long after Avery's birth Lisa became a different person. Eddie and her didn't know eachother and the only reason they'd even been together was because of their daughter. Lisa found someone else and she became a real party girl.. She was out every night and Eddie was at home with Avery.. It wasn't long before Eddie found out about Lisa's other man, they broke up. Lisa got Avery every other weekend and was fine with that. She wasn't much of Eddie's-Wife material but she tried for a while before she met her new boyfriend. Eddie had Avery every week and on the weekends Lisa didn't have her. After the break up Eddie moved back to the trailer park to be closer to Wayne because everyone needs help.
Avery was a carbon copy of Eddie. She had big brown eyes and pretty brown curls.. She was shy but once she got to know you she was outgoing and extroverted like her Father..
Now Avery is five years old and going into Kindergarten after finishing her year in Pre-school..
Y/N had graduated from Hawkins High and went to collage in Indianapolis and after graduating quickly got a job at the local elementary school as a kindergarten teacher.
That brings us to the very first day of Kindergarten. Lisa had to work so Eddie was bringing her in alone.. He liked it better that way anyhow.. He made sure to get up early and made a small breakfast for his daughter before waking her up.
"Avery.. It's time for school.." He whispered as he gently shook his little girl. She groaned and glared at him as her eyes opened and her eye brows scrunched. "I don't wanna go.." She whispered. "And why not?" He asked and she rolled over. "What if they don't like me.." She whispered looking at the wall. "What if my teacher's mean?" She asked turning over to him. "Oh baby.. They're gonna love you.. And I'm sure you're teacher is gonna be so nice.. She's gonna love you." He said and she shook her head. "I don't think I feel good." She lied and he chuckled and rolled his eyes as he put his hand on her four head. "Nope. You feel just fine to me." He said as he lifted her up. She whined and tried to push him away but he tickled her sides. She squealed and pushed him away. "Okay! I'm not sick!" She said and he stopped. "I made you waffles. Go eat." He said with a smile. She did as she was told and made her way to the kitchen. Eddie opened her closet and turned on the little light at the top.
He got out a pair of denim overalls, a white short sleeved shirt and a pair of white socks. Once she was done eating Eddie got her sticky syrup hands and mouth cleaned and then got her dressed. Once she was ready he got her hair brushed and pulled back into a ponytail. He took a couple pictures of her for Lisa before loading her and her backpack into his van. They made it to school on time and as he watched every kid walk in with their mother he felt a little guilty.. But he got her and her backpack out of the van with a smile on his face. "Ready baby?" He asked and she gave him a slight smile before she nodded.
They walked in and found Avery's classroom. Room 102, Ms. L/N. Eddie held Avery's hand as he walked in. Ms. L/N was talking to another child and mother with a big smile on her face.. Not a fake one either.. A true real smile.. Eddie felt a little embarrassed as he felt his face heat up slightly.. She was gorgeous.. He internally calmed himself down.. High school him having appeared for the first time in years. When the teacher turned around her eyes met with Eddie's and she smiled and made her way over. "Hello there.. What's your name sweetie?" She asked bending down in front of Avery with a smile as Avery hid behind Eddie's legs only peaking out behind him slightly. "I'm Avery.." She whispered barely audible. "Hello Avery, I'm Ms. L/N." She said with a smile. She looked up at Eddie and stood up and held her hand out. "Ms. L/N." She said with a smile and Eddie held his hand out to her. "Eddie." He said with a smile and she chuckled lightly. "Munson, yes?" She asked with a smile having read the names over and over again all morning.
She was wearing a pair of green overalls and a white sweater under it. "She's shy." Eddie said with a smile. "That's okay. Today's a big day.." She said with a smile as she looked down at Avery who hid again. "We won't be doing anything hard hunny." She said smiling down at her. "She can pick a seat." She said before tending to the other student. "Where do you wanna sit babe?" Eddie asked and Avery looked around. There were a few kids from preschool one being a little girl she'd even made friends with. Avery looking at her and little Kennedy smiled and waved. "Wanna sit by her?" Eddie asked and she nodded happily. "See. Not so bad." Eddie said with a smile as he walked her over to her seat. "Hi Avery!" Kennedy happily greeted. Melissa, Kennedy's Mom gave Eddie an awkward smile.. She didn't like metal head Eddie much.. Melissa was quick to kiss her daughter goodbye and make her way out.
"Daddy, do you think you could stay?" She asked and Eddie smiled sadly. "No baby. I gotta go to work.." He said brushing her hair back. "Maybe another day?" She asked and he smiled and kissed her forehead. "You're gonna have fun.." He whispered and she sighed. "She's pretty.." Avery whispered with a smile as Eddie looked down at the floor in his bent down position. "She is. And she's nice just like I said she would be." He said gently poking under her chin with his thumb. "I love you." He said kissing her forehead as she replied with an "I love you too Daddy." Before he made his way out the door while Avery tried to hold back her tears..
Y/N was quick to make her way over to her desk once all the parents left. "Alright everyone." She called and the room quieted down. "I'm gonna pass out papers for everyone. Does everyone know how to spell their name?" She asked and they all nodded. "Great." She gave them a sweet smile. It was a coloring page that said 'This is my name' On the top. And then on one side of the bottom it said 'My name starts with' And then the other side of the bottom said 'It has this many letters'. "I'll also be taking a picture of all of you for another coloring page for your parents for your first day of school." She said with a smile. She passed out the coloring page and then went around to each table and pulled the kids over to a little yellow back drop and took all of their pictures. By the time that was done everyones papers were done and the craziness started up again. Y/N clapped and every kid did the same back on beat. "Why don't we all sit on the carpet in a circle. We can introduce ourselves." She said and they all happily made their ways over.
Y/N sat in the circle with all the children on the carpet. "We're all gonna go around and say our names and our favorite animal. I'll start." She said trying to keep things simple to not overwhelm anyone. "I'm Ms. L/N. My favorite animal is a bat." She said with a smile. "You go next." She said to the little girl next to her.. Once it got to Avery she got a little nervous.. But Kennedy was going before her and other students had been able to do it so she calmed down. "My name is Kennedy. My favorite naminal is a kitty. Cause I have a fluffy grey one." She said with a confident smile. Y/N nodded to Avery with a smile and Avery looked at no one but Y/N as she spoke. "My name is Avery and my favorite animal is a dragon." She said with a smile. "That's awesome." Y/N said with a smile. Once that was all done they did a few more number pages and coloring pages and finally it was time to go home.
And for the first time in his life Eddie was on time for two things in a row. As he made his way inside Avery ran to him with a smile and a hand full of papers. "Look what I made Daddy!" She said in excitement completely ignoring his outfit covered in grease. "That's awesome baby." He said kissing her cheek. "She did great." Y/N spoke with a smile and her hands folded in front of her. "I'm glad she came out of her shell." Eddie said with a smile. "She did. And she mingled and she was just a big sweetie." She smiled as she spoke and Eddie was getting that feeling in his stomach again. "Oh! I've been passing out papers to all the parents. Every Friday I like to have a different parent come in and bring a treat and be my little helper for the day. It also just makes for the end of the week to be very special and easy." She said with a smile. "That's great. I have off most Fridays." He said with a smile.
Eddie works long hours Monday-Thursday but since it was her first day of school he made sure to not be scheduled for a long day. Usually Eddie drops Avery off at school and Wayne picks her up and later when Eddie gets off work he walks over and picks Avery up.
"There is a dress code.. Just business casual like me. No ripped pants no graphic tees." She said with a smile. "It can be rather annoying but it is what it is." She said rolling her eyes with a smile. "I think I have a Mom coming this Friday. But I hope I get to see you next Friday." She said with a smile as she walked away to a different parent. Eddie couldn't believe it.. Did she just flirt? Eddie added it up to friendly conversation.
After he got Avery in the van and himself and they were leaving Avery had a cheeky grin. "You have a crush on her." She said with a smile and Eddie chuckled. "Now, why would you say that?" He asked and she giggled. "Your face gave it away. You were all red." She said with a smile. "Oh stop.. That's your teacher Avery." His smile never left.. He'd gotten caught red handed.. "It's okay Daddy. I like her." She said with a smile. "You should take her on a date." She said with a smile. "I can't do that doll." He said and she frowned. "Well why not?" She asked in that sassy tone she only uses with him, her Mom and Wayne. "Because baby. She don't like me." He said pulling into the trailer park.. What he didn't know.. Is that Y/N was beating herself up just as much over her little crush on Eddie..
A couple of normal weeks went by with Eddie dropping off little Avery and Wayne picking her up.. Until finally he put in a paper to come on that Friday.. Y/N was ecstatic..
And when that Friday rolled around and Eddie stayed after the late bell rang she was so excited. She gently held Eddie's arm above his elbow as all the kids quieted down and stared at their teacher and the strange man in their classroom. "This is Mr. Munson, Avery's Dad. He's gonna be our helper today." She said with a smile. "Who wants to start with Dr. Seuss?" She asked and they all cheered happily. "Mr. Munson is gonna pass out coloring pages with words to finish on your desk.. We can do them once we're finished with Green Eggs and Ham." She said with a smile.. Eddie could feel a soreness when she took her hand off him.. He wanted it back in the place it once was.. But instead he passed out the paper she asked him too.
Once the book was over all the children ran to their seats to color and finish their papers. Y/N walked over to Eddie with a smile. "If you want to just walk around and if anyone asks for help, help them out.. For example if it's a B that they need.. Ask what letter makes a bah sound." she said and he nodded as she smiled up at him.. He had set out an outfit special for this.. A pair of khaki pants and a tucked in black button down.. He felt ridiculous.. but in his head it impressed Y/N.. And it did. She was happy that this metal head could find something within the dress code to wear.. What she didn't know was that he'd borrowed most of it from Wayne.. Eddie was talking to a little boy named Jaxon at a different table when he over heard Avery talking to Ms. L/N.
"Are you single?" She asked and Y/N giggled slightly. "I am not married." She said with a smile. "Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked and Y/N giggled again. "No. I do not." She said smiling at her as she bent down. "I think you should go on a date with my Daddy. He likes you." Avery said with a confident chest. Eddie quickly turned around with a bright red face.. Y/N looked up at Eddie with just as bright of a face.. Then she smiled and brushed Avery's hair back. "I don't know about that Avery." She said with a smile. "I do. He's got a big crush on you. Get's all blushed up when he picks me up from school. He thinks your pretty." She said and Y/N giggled as Eddie let out a scolding "Avery!" "Did you hear that?" She asked and Eddie's face scrunched as he walked over. "She didn't mean that." Eddie said and Y/N pulled him to her desk so none of the kids could hear and gossip to their parents. "So you don't have a crush on me?" She teased. "Well.. I wouldn't say that.." Eddie said with a smirk as he assessed the situation. "Here's my number Mr. Munson. I am free this weekend by the way." She said handing Eddie the paper as Eddie watched her walk away to help other students out before looking at Avery who sent him a not so subtle wink as he shook his head.. At the end of the day Eddie waited for all the kids to leave before walking over to Y/N. "Tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 2:00." He asked and she smiled and nodded. "Sure." She said and he couldn't help but be gitty over their cliche crushes.
Eddie was so excited.. Lisa would be taking Avery this weekend so he could go on his date with no chance of cancellation. Avery got out of school at 2:45 and most days they get home about 10 minutes later. Lisa gets off work at 3:00 and picks Avery up right after so Eddie always has Avery's bag packed in advance. "Hey baby, are you ready to go to your Mama's?" Eddie asked and Avery nodded slightly. "Don't look so sad. It's only this weekend." He said and gave her a gentle kiss. "Are you gonna go on a date with Ms. Y/N?" She asked sitting at the table while Eddie gave her an orange he had peeled. "Yes, but maybe don't tell any of your little friends." He said and she nodded. "Why?" She asked. "Don't need no rumors going around about your dad." He said and she nodded. "Can I tell my Mom?" She asked and he thought for a second. "Maybe wait a little." He said and she nodded. "Why?" She asked and he sighed.. "Because baby. I just wanna make sure we actually like eachother." He explained. "Gotta make sure she'd be good for us." He said and she nodded with a scrunched face. "I don't understand you Daddy." She said before walking away from him. Eddie smirked and looked down as he stood up trying to hide his laugh.
When Lisa pulled up in her 95 black Honda Civic Eddie called for Avery. He picked up her bag and held her hand as they walked out the door. Lisa leaned against her car with a pair of sun glasses and her blond hair pulled back. "Hi baby." She said giving Avery a hug before helping her into the car. "I'll pick her up at 6:30." Was all Eddie said before saying his goodbyes to his daughter and making his way inside to get ready for his date.
It seemed the night went quickly and 1:00 came even quicker..
Eddie wasn't sure what in the hell to wear on his date.. He hopped in the shower and washed his hair.. He'd finally upgraded from the two in one he used in high school to shampoo and conditioner.. Once he was out of the shower he dried himself off and pulled on a pair of boxers. After that he put on a heavy coat of deodorant. Eddie pulled on a clean pair of jeans, a simple white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. He felt nervous.. Y/N was a teacher.. She was a good girl.. And he just felt the complete opposite as that. But time came that he had to leave and he checked the paper Y/N had wrote her address down on.. It was a small house near Dustin's old place. His mother still lived there.. Dustin was now a student at MIT. He lived in a small apartment nearby with his now fiance Suzie.. Eddie and Dustin often talked on the phone together.. But Eddie hadn't mentioned Y/N yet.. He hadn't told anyone just because.. It's a little inappropriate for Eddie to be going on dates with his daughters teacher..
Eddie was holding a bouquet as he knocked on the door of Y/N's door.. He heard a loud bark at the door and backed up slightly. "Brutus. Down." Eddie heard a sweet voice say and the barking stopped. Y/N opened the door and Eddie felt his heart leap at the pure look of the dog.. He was a big ass pit bull just staring at him.. He was fully grey with big blue eyes. He was sitting beside her silently and Y/N stepped away from the door. "Come in! Please." She said with a smile and Eddie listened to her. As he walked in the intimidating dog began to shake as his tail wagged and he let out a loud bark. "This is Brutus. He's a sweetie.. Looks are deceiving." She said putting her hand on the huge head of her dog. "He's so excited to have company." She said as she smiled down at him. "He's handsome.. Can I pet him?" Eddie asked hoping the answer was yes. "Oh yeah!" She said. "Done." She said and Brutus borderline ran over to Eddie as he bent down and he gave Eddie a wet lick on his face. Brutus had scars all over him.. "He's a good boy. But he's huge so we had a lot of training." She said with a chuckle as Brutus ran around happily grabbing his toy. "These are for you." He said and she smiled. That was when Eddie noticed her outfit.. She had on a black skirt and a white sweater with a pair of black healed boots on. Her hair was pulled back and she had on seemingly light makeup..
Brutus brought Eddie over a toy and he looked at Y/N. "He's great with people. Don't be afraid of him." She said with a smile and he nodded. Eddie tried his damnedest not to judge based on looks but Brutus was huge. "He's a cane corso pit bull mix. Or at least that's the breeds that came through the most. There's a couple more in him but they couldn't tell me all of them." She said running water into the vase. "I got him from a shelter when he was around 2 or 3. I've had him for 3 years." She said smiling at her puppy. Eddie gently grabbed the toy and gentle was the wrong option because Brutus was quick to start a game of tug of war.. "He was a fighting dog.. Yet he still has so much trust in people. It breaks my heart." She said setting the flowers on her counter. Eddie was fighting for his life with the rope toy.. Brutus letting out grunts of pure happiness. "That's where all his scars are from?" Eddie asked damn near out of breath. "Yeah. They found him all mangled up and on the blink of death at a farm house with about 20 other dogs." She said and Eddie felt his own heart break. "Yet he loves other dogs and he loves people." She said as she walked into the living room. "He doesn't like squirrels much though." She said with a chuckle as Brutus finally one the game and shook the hell out of his toy before sitting on the recliner like he owned the damn thing.. Which he did. "Shit he's strong." Eddie said as he caught his breath. "He has a bite force stronger than a lion." She said as she bent down and kissed his nose and he responded his a kiss of his own on her nose. "He's my baby." She said petting his ear as he tilted his head in happiness as his tail went crazy.
Then a big brown cat came walking out of the hallway. "That's the problem child." Y/N said with a chuckle as she looked at the cat. "Her name is Luci. For Lucifer." She said with another giggle. "He's moody and got a bit of a rude side.. I have another cat around here somewhere. He's the better of the problem children." She said with a giggle. "Tank!" She called with a pspspsps and Eddie could hear the running and meows and you could feel the annoyance radiating off of Luci. A skinny orange younger looking cat came in the room and ran right to Y/N as she scooped him up. "They're all rescues." She said kissing Tank's face as she scratched his head and he let out meows of delight. "Luci was gonna be put down the day I got her cause she's mean and nobody else wanted her. Brutus was waiting for someone special to come in.. And this guy.." She said walking closer to Eddie so he could pet the happy orange kitty. "He's a couch claw-er.. Two people brought him back to the shelter. Poor kitty's barely two and had a week before they put him down." She said hugging him. "Sorry! I don't mean to ramble on about my animals." She said setting the cat down. "No! No! I don't mind. I can see you have a passion for them." Eddie replied. "During the summers I try to volunteer as much as I can for these little dudes." She said giving Luci a pet on the head as she grumbled. "I wanted to be a veterinarian.. Then I found out I'd have to put animals down and opted for the next best thing. Kindergarten teacher." She giggled and Eddie laughed a long with her.
"You're not wrong. Kids are a lot like little animals." She said with a smile. "I think dogs listen a little better." She said with a smile. "Anyhow.. How about I get these two put away so my furniture doesn't become the victim of a knife crime." She said lifting Tank back up and walking him to a back room. "I have a couple more animals back here if you'd like to see." She said with a smile. Eddie was more than excited to see what she had. She put Tank in a room and put Luci in another. "That's John.. She's my corn snake." Y/N said pointing at a large cage with a thick orange snake in it. "Those are the fresh water fish. And that's the salt." She said pointing at the two large fish tanks next to eachother. "What's she named after?" Eddie asked and Y/N chuckled a little. "She's a corn snake. So I named her after Johnathan Davis of Korn." She said and Eddie felt like that alone made him wanna marry her. "That there is a rosy boa. His name is Axl." She said with a smile. "After Axl Rose." She said with a chuckle. "He was my first snake." She said with a smile. "Also the nicest of the three. And Brandi my gopher snake is the meaner of the three. Bites like a mother fucker too." She said looking into the third cage. "Wanna hold Axl?" She asked and Eddie quickly nodded. She opened the cage and carefully pulled out the grey and orange snake. "I've had him the longest. I got him when he was a baby. I was about 16 when I got him." She said with a smile. "So he's about 9." She said running her fingers over his scales as he slithered slightly up Y/N's arm. "I got John when I moved to Indianapolis for collage. She was about a year old when I got her so she's about 8 and Brandi I got when she was 6 about a year ago. So she's 7.. Her previous owner was scared of her because their bites are a little more painful but.. I mean.. If your afraid to get bit don't get a snake." She said rolling her eyes. "Wanna hold him?" She asked and Eddie nodded and Y/N passed him over.
"I always wanted a snake.." Eddie whispered looking at the snake climbing his arm. "He's cool as hell." He said with a smile as Y/N smiled and nodded her head. "My Mom was livid when she found out I bought him.. I'd been asking since I was like 9.. I was told no every time but once I had my own job I saved up for a cage and everything I needed and then I bought him." She said with a smile. "I know we have a date to get too.." She whispered looking up at him and he shook his head. "Babe. We've got all day." He said and she smiled. "As long as we're having fun.. We could do this all day." He said with a chuckle as her smile turned into a laugh.. Eddie loved the sound she made as she laughed.. Or even when she talked. Eddie had never felt like this for anyone. Not even when he was with Chrissy did he feel this way. "How do you feed them?" Eddie asked. "The little cages above their big ones.. I don't feed live. It was a little hard with Brandi at first but she was quick to acclimate to frozen." She said and Eddie nodded along to her words.
After they put Axl back it had been almost an hour of just her introducing him to her pets. "Want me to show you around a little?" She asked and Eddie nodded happily.. His hair shaking on his head as he did. "Luci's in my bedroom.. She can get mean with Tank cause he's way more hyper than she is.. She's an older lady and he's close to being a kitten still. I wanna get another cat closer to his age so he'll have someone to play with when I'm not here. Tank is in the empty room. It has a couple cat towers and a bunch of toys.. And then theres this room with the reptiles and fish." She said as she touched each door. "Over there is the bathroom." She said pointing out of the hallway and into the kitchen. "And theres a second bathroom in my bedroom." She said and he nodded to make sure she knew he was listening. "It's been like an hour.. Do you wanna maybe.. get lunch?" Y/N asked and Eddie nodded. "Yeah.. Yeah." Eddie said as she pulled on a jacket. As they walked out to Eddie's van he was quick to open the door for her before making his way to the drivers seat.
"Where do you wanna go? There's a little diner like 5 minutes away." He said and she smiled and nodded. "Sounds perfect." She said and he nodded with smile. Eddie drove them to the diner and after Eddie parked he ran over to her side and opened the door for her. And as they walked in he again opened the door for her. They were seated and handed menus and Eddie couldn't take his eyes off her. "How long have you been teaching?" Eddie asked and she looked up from the menu in her hands to look at Eddie.. He loved her soft doe eyes.. They were sweet but held more behind them.. And Eddie craved to learn what that more was.. He craved to know more about her and who she is..
"I've been teaching Kindergarten for 2 years now. I started collage right after I graduated high school and started working right when I graduated collage. "Shit.. You're a hard worker huh?" It wasn't a question Eddie needed her to answer. "I try." She said with a smile. After they ordered food and their drinks they went back to talking and laughing with eachother.. Even after one date Eddie knew he made the right choice in taking Y/N out for a date. "Do you wanna.. Maybe hangout at the arcade or something?" Eddie asked and she nodded happily. "I'd like that." She said with a smile. After Eddie paid for their early dinner they made their way to the arcade Eddie had been playing at since he was a kid.. And so had Y/N. "You graduated from Hawkins right?" Eddie asked and she smiled. "I did." She said with a smile as they walked together. "You know.. On um.. Your last senior year.. In 86.. I was a Freshman." She said and he perked up at that. "You graduated with Henderson?" He asked and she giggled. "I did." She said with a smile. "Really?" He asked and she nodded. "I was a cheerleader." She said with a giggle. "And God was I jealous of Chrissy when you started dating her." She said looking down as she admitted something she'd kept hidden since she saw Eddie. "Ready?" He asked with a smirk. "Yeah.. 15 year old me couldn't stand it.." She said squeezing her hands together.
"You really had a crush on me when you were younger?" He asked and she nodded. "Oh yeah. If Freshman me knew where I was.. Who I was wish right now.. I think she'd pass out." She said and he chuckled. "That's funny huh.. Cause now I'm taking you out.." He said and she chuckled. "What happened between you two?" She asked and Eddie chuckled. It had been so long ago it seemed. "We just.. Drifted apart. I stayed in Hawkins and she went off to collage. Found other people and a bigger world than just me." He said feeling now sadness, regret or feelings of wishing things could be different. "I'm sorry Eddie. That must of sucked." She said gently brushing her hand against Eddie's and he looked over at her and shrugged. "We were kids. I don't have negative feelings about it anymore." He said and she nodded. "What about you?" He asked and she shrugged. "I had a few boyfriends here and there. Nothing ever ended up right." She said and he nodded. "Their loss.." He said and she let out a scoffing chuckle. "But it's my gain." He said letting out a heavy flirt. "Really now?" She asked and he nodded. "Oh yeah babe. Cause let me tell you this now.. I'm gonna take you on so many other dates." He said wrapping a playful arm around her shoulders as she laughed and wrapped her arm around his waist.. If you'd have seen them on the street walking you'd have thought they'd been together for years just by the way they look at eachother alone.
They played at the arcade for hours.. They'd finished eating by 4:00 and left the arcade at 8:00.. They'd been hanging out for 6 hours and they didn't want to stop.. At 8:15 when Eddie pulled into Y/N's driveway parking next to her car. "Eddie, I don't do this often.. But um.. Would you wanna come in?" She asked and he smiled that big goofy smile as he looked into her eyes. "Absolutely." He said and they went into her home together.. "I um.. I can make food." She said as she pet the excited dog. "I gotta feed these guys first." She said with a smile as she pressed kisses to Brutus' face.. Then she made her way back and opened the two doors and Tank ran out and happily ran around rubbing against Y/N's legs while Luci slowly came out and rubbed on her in a much less dramatic way. She got some food out to make for her and Eddie before getting three bowls out and measuring the proper amount of dry food before adding wet food to all of the bowls. Then she put the cars back in their respected rooms to eat and feeding Brutus last. "Sit." She said holding her hand up and he listened. She sat the bowl on the floor and his tail began to wag. "Go." She said putting her hand down and he ran to his bowl.
Y/N made chicken for the both of them with a side of potatoes and a jar of gravy.. It took about an hour to prepare the entire meal properly and made both of their plates and then sat down at the table to eat.. "So um.. When do you wanna do this again?" Eddie asked with a smile. "I have Avery next weekend.. But she can go see Wayne for a night.. Or um.. Or.. the weekend after." He said and her smile never faded as he spoke. "Next weekend will be great." She said and he smiled big at that as he put another bite of potato in his mouth. "Fucking awesome.." He spoke and she continued to eat with a closed mouth smile on her face. Once dinner was finished Eddie helped put food away and the dishes.. The clock on her stove read 10:12. "Do you um.. Wanna crash on my couch.. Or is that coming on too strong?" She asked and Eddie smile as he looked down at her. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and her face heated up and turned the color of a tomato. "Yeah.." She whispered and he smiled as he pressed his lips gently to hers in a closed mouth, passion filled kiss. Once he pulled away he just pressed his lips right back down this time putting his hands on her cheeks while she wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss was full of passion.. And dare I say.. love.. "Holy shit.." Eddie whispered as he looked down at her. "I wanna stay.." He whispered and she nodded and gave him another kiss. "Why don't you skip the couch?" She asked and he nodded.. He was completely serious now.. "I um.. I have a couple pairs of pajama pants that might fit.. My Dad left a few here last time he was in town." She said and he nodded. She opened the doors to the rooms her cats were in and Tank ran out but Luci was laying on her bed..
She opened her bottom drawer and pulled out a pair of black spandex shorts and blue pajama bottoms. "Do you need a shirt?" She asked opening a different drawer and pulling out her own pajama shirt.. "Please." He said and she walked over to her closet and pulled out a korn shirt for him to wear. She handed him the clothes and gave him a small smile. "I'll get dressed in my bathroom.. Call me when your dressed." She said and he nodded.. He couldn't believe he was spending the night.. Eddie had gone on dates.. But none like this..
He got himself dressed in the pajamas he'd been given. He called out to Y/N once he was done and she came out with her hair down and makeup off with her own pajamas on. She went into the reptile room and turned on the night time lights for them on before turning all the lights in the house off and making her way back to her own bedroom.. She turned the lamp beside her bed off before turning the ceiling light off and they climbed into bed together.. Eddie knew this wasn't a sexual sleepover.. And he was more than fine with that.. They spent the entire right cuddling and occasionally waking up and kissing one another gently.. In the morning it wasn't awkward.. Y/N made breakfast with Eddie with even more smiles and laughs. Eddie didn't leave her house until about 6:15 when he had to pick up his daughter.. And he was so disappointed to have to leave.. But he was so excited to see Avery..
As he pulled into Lisa's apartment building he was excited to see his little girl. Lisa brought her down and Avery ran to her. Lisa said her goodbyes to Avery and gave Eddie her bag. Once they were alone in the car the first thing Avery asked him was "How was your date with Mrs. L/N!" She was so excited as she asked him. "It was magical Avery.. I think I'm falling in love." He said and Avery smiled at his words.. She felt like a little Cupid..
This was a longer fic! I'm very proud of this one! Hope you enjoyed. <3
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gensokyogarden · 6 months
it's almost new years and you guys have been there for me so much during this year so tonight I do want to make a post trying to recognize a lot of people within the community. My head is pretty fuzzy right now so I fear I'm gonna forget some folks, in which case I'm honestly genuinely very sorry, but know that so many of you have touched my life in a positive way. Since I wasn't fully around on Thanksgiving either, consider this my chance of telling you all that I'm thankful for you too.
Some of you may not see this. Either because you don't follow this blog or you've been offline for a while. But I hope even if you don't see this post you still are able to understand my feelings towards you.
At the moment I would prefer if people don't reblog this. I'm not the most comfortable with my out of character thoughts being spread around. However if you know someone in this but think they won't see it on their own you are welcome to link them to this. Also if you're mentioned in this and you REALLY want to save it, I guess I can't stop you from reblogging.
Ruler: It feels like anytime I'm in a rough spot you always have kind words for me. With how often you're in character I just deeply respect you always breaking it for me. You've helped me to feel safe in the community during a very difficult time. That means the world to me.
Annette-mun: I know we only met a year ago but you have become an incredibly close friend to me. Being honest, I rank you as one of my best friends. I have fun with all of the boardgames we play together as well as the connections we've made between a lot of our muses. I always want to recognize all the work you put in sending me those ask spams. I'm sorry that because of head stuff I haven't been able to answer most of the new set. It makes me feel as if I've failed to respect the effort that you have put in. But I hope some day in the future I can fix that. I'm very glad we're friends.
Vel: You're a really funny friend and I care about you a lot. I feel that sometimes I'm not sensitive enough to things that may bother you and worry I may have upset you at times in the past. If I have, I'm really sorry. You write Kyouko really well and your ocs are also quite fun. Thanks for letting me make Nagi. Sometimes you say things that make me feel you are self-concious about your blog and other things. So I just wanna reiterate that I am in your corner and here for you whenever you need.
Slap: I was shy towards you at first, I'll admit. It may not seem it but I'm kinda a shy person in general and I'm nervous to warm up to people, but I'm glad you joined the Touhou community. You're a really funny guy. I love reading your posts on my dash and now I also love playing the occasional game with ya. Your ability to do voice and to commit to bits is astounding. I'm really glad I met you.
Argo: You're someone who is always there for me. I really appreciate that. I left the Fate community for personal reasons years ago now. I'm very glad that, despite that, I still ended up meeting you. Because you've been such a good friend to me. I'm glad that you've gotten somewhat into Touhou because it gives us more room to interact. You've really been there when I've needed you. Often you apologize and say you don't do enough but you've done so much for me. You're special to me.
Hoche: Through all the struggles I've gone through you have been very supportive of me. You have been a level headed voice of support and advice. I think that if it were not for you I would have been worse off in many different circumstances. Aside from that you are a very talented writer. I find myself stunned by some of what I've seen you write. Thank you for everything you've done for me and for being my friend.
Zane: You always show me cool warhammer things and that's special to me. I also really like Nyalter. I love ocs in general, but I think you have done a phenomenal job in giving her a life and story that is uniquely hers. I find it to be quite inspirational and it really pushes me to work harder on my own original characters.
Amber: I have mentioned this before but you were the first person to welcome me into the community. That is always going to be special to me. During that period when you left I teared up a fair amount because it felt like things would always be so different with you gone. I'm very glad that you came back. I really like all your ocs. I'm glad Eri isn't gone but I'm also really happy to be seeing the opportunity for your other ocs to shine as well. They're all fun, but I'm particularly a fan of Anna.
Kay: You've given me some of the advice that has helped me the most when I have been in a bad spot. I can't thank you enough for that. You've stopped me from making really bad decisions. You've also just been a fun and supportive friend. I am very interested in your Reimu and the story arc you've created with the hakurei god.
Swigg: I know we haven't talked much lately. I think our schedules don't line up the best. But you recently mentioned trying to get back into Tumblr. I'll be very happy if you do. Your ocs are fun and you put a lot of love and care into the canon characters you write. I think you add a lot to the community.
Sethy: I didn't know it for a while but back in the Fate community I followed your arknights blog and admired you there. I'm super glad I have gotten the opportunity to meet you and to become your friend. I think that all the things you do are so cool. Like you're a vtuber that's incredible. I always wanted to stream but could never work up the courage. You also know the creators of all the walfas I love. I just think its so cool. You have such a history within the community. I know that you suffered a very bad tragedy this year. I don't believe I was in a good enough headspace at that time to have provided you with the support a friend should have given and I deeply regret that. I just hope you're doing well.
Noka: I think you're a real sweetie and also really funny. I'm glad to see you posting on your sfw blog a lot more again because I really love seeing you on my dash. I'm hoping that we can do a lot more threads in the future because its always fun to write our muses together.
Minnie: Maybe the only person with the same brain worms as me. I know that lately we have not talked much but I hope you are doing well. I just wanna say that I really love your art.
Aurora: My apprentice and buddy, hehe. I know I haven't been around much but I want you to know that I'm glad you decided to join the rpc. You're so full of ideas and kindhearted. You have such phenomenal oc ideas and have such a talent for making danmaku. I think someday you may be the centerpiece of the community.
Sats: We haven't spoken too often but like Amber you were one of the first folks to interact with me in the community. Alongside that I find your writing to be phenomenal. As are your headcanons. The work that you put in to research, especially on folklore, is just so inspirational. It drives me to want to learn everything I can.
Momi: Hey Momi. It's been a while since you've been around and I miss you a lot. I know we still message on discord occasionally so its not like I can't reach out to ya. But I just miss you being in the rpc a lot. You were such a great writer and always doing something fun. But I imagine you've got a whole bunch of difficult challenges ahead of you. I've heard the career you're pursuing is really rough. I hope that you're thriving in it though.
Sarience: You've always been a good pal to me. I have a lot of fun writing with Neka in both forms as well as your other muses. There's a lot of asks from you I haven't answered yet. I'm really sorry about that. It feels disrespectful. Still I hope to be able to do more in the future. Thank you for always being interested in interacting with my muses, even when I was very new and unestablished.
Kyo: I really really like everytime that I see you on my dash. You write your muses in such a fun and engaging way. I hope that we get to interact a lot more in the future. I also know you've started something new in the last few months, not gonna be specific since I'm not sure if you've shared that part of your personal life on Tumblr, but I wish you the best of luck at it. I think you're going to succeed hard!
Ran: Ran I guess I just first wanna say I consider you a really good and special friend. When we've spoken you've often alluded to social anxiety and feeling like you've said embarassing things. So I want to restate that I've never been put off by what you've said and I love talking to you. As well as roleplaying and doing boardgames. I have so much fun pairing our muses up our causing wacky hijinks. I haven't seen you on your blogs much lately. Maybe I've just missed you but if not I hope you return to the rpc soon. It's not the same place without you.
Metal: You've been a long time friend to me by this point. Longer than a lot of folks on this list. I really appreciate that a lot. We haven't talked too much lately but I hope you're doing well. I also know not all of our fandoms sync up but I'm always down to interact anyways.
Nep: Hey Nep I haven't really seen you on Tumblr lately. I'm hoping that's just because we've been active at different times but if not I hope you're back soon. If you're not, I hope you're happy wherever you are. I think that you're real fun to write with and you've got original characters I'm excited to do much more with. I also believe that you had an event while I was gone that I'll hopefully be able to catch up on sometime soon.
Koi: I know I've not been around much lately but I hope that you're doing well. I've not really been in the headspace for horror lately but you're very good at bringing a unique horror flair to things.
Plumber: Hey we don't really personally know each other all that well but you're always making fun and wacky posts that I love to see on my dash. It feels like the rpc would be a lot less fun without you here. You also seem to be an incredibly kind person.
Kaali: A friend I've had for quite a while now but that I don't talk to enough. Sorry about that I'm just genuinely not the best with conversations. I have mad respect for all the work you put into your original characters and into your ideas. Like you really pull out all the stops.
Awoo: I've admired your ability to create interesting and fun original characters a lot. Several decisions I've made to develop my skills as a roleplayer have been inspired by you. I know you've had some mental health struggles of your own and I haven't heard from you lately so I hope you're doing alright wherever you are.
Sades: During some really difficult moments you were there for me when not many other people were. I'm always going to appreciate that. You're also the reason I got into Touhou. Which means that without you, chances are I woule not have met the vast majority of people here or found a community where I feel I belong.
Cobalt: I am always ecstatic when I see your posts on my dash. I love your Chen and think that you're a lot of fun. I have not been around much but when I have been I've seen you talking about things like not feeling you have much to do in the community. I can't make decisions for you but I do want to say that I think you are a fundamental piece of our rpc. I would be sad not having you here.
Teeps: I was shy about approaching you at first but you're incredibly cool. A lot of the fandoms you are in I'm not in but your posts get me interested in them anyways. Like I have no clue who that green sonic character is but you give her such an energy. I'm real glad to know ya. As far as the 2hu rpc goes you've been around a lot longer than me and I love hearing your own personal that you've developed.
Cait: I need to pop in and catch your streams more. I think that you're very cool to see on the dash. I especially love the way that you write your Sakuya. I really cherrish her interactions with my Reimu.
Sev: First of all. A while ago you sent me a very kind message wishing me well in my mental health struggles. I was not in the best place then so I did not appropriately respond. So thank you for that it truly meant a lot to me. I believe that you put a stunning amount of work into the characters you write, giving them so much detail and layers. Its inspiring and I just really want to appreciate you for it.
Hanafuda: You haven't been around much and last we spoke you alluded to a rough spot. So I hope if you ever see this that you're doing well. It was always fun having another Miko on the dash for mine to banter with. I also looked forward to seeing more of the other muses you played. Maybe someday you'll return.
Frozen: Everytime I see one of your posts it makes me smile. Honestly you've got some of the funniest jokes in the fandom. Some I don't get but I still feel they'd be hilarious if I got them. Also I have noticed you often commission art for other people. I find that to be a very sweet and kindhearted thing. So I consider you to be the heart of the community.
Fox: I don't know you very well but I've recently seen your multimuse popping up and it seems very fun. So I want to get to know ya in the future.
Chiru: We've not really spoken but I think you make some really great posts. Very well written headcanons and roleplays. So I just wanna say I'm always happy seeing you on my dash.
Draco: you're not in the touhou fanbase but you have been a long time friend. I haven't heard much from you lately so I hope you're doing well. I'm here if ya need me.
Sturm: I think that all your fairy posts are incredibly. You truly are a star of my dashboard. Hopefully someday we'll interact more. I'd like that.
Xana: You seem to have so much lore for your blogs, its really cool. It seems you've been around a long while so there's a lot of history. Someday I'd like to sit down and hear all about it from you. I also find your writing to be quite fun.
Jacob: we don't interact too much but I'm always excited to see someone posting walfas images. So that has always made you stick out in my dash and brighten it. Hope you're doing well.
Geisthonoredferry: As of yet, I don't believe we've interacted. But you're always liking my posts thst's something I really appreciate. Hopefully sometime I can get to know your oc.
Carp: Last I saw you were in a rough spot so I hope things are well now. You're newer to my dash but you seem very kind hearted and jovial. Also your ocs sre red as hell and go've got good face claim tastes.
Crim: You're a real cool friend with a lot of cool ideas. I love any interactions that our muses have together. Although my favorite is Kutaka/Eiki because it's somehow both a very obvious ship and yet a rare one. I think that they are very cute together. I also like the sisterhood of Reimu and Kisume. It's an unexpected but fun dynamic.
Mugenri-mun: I don't believe I know your screen name but you've been real supportive of me through my hardship and gave me a person to speak to. I would not be in as good a place without you. Also I'm glad someone is repping Len'en.
Kcmeiji & Closedheartedgirl: I wanted to note you both as you are both Komeiji blogs thay popped up and then disappeared while I've been got on hiatus. I just think that's a bit disappointing. The Komeiji are some of my favorites.
That's about all I have to say. It was kind of tough to word it all out but those are things I want y'all to know.
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lythea-creation · 2 months
Caught on Camera - Shams x fem reader (Chapter 8)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: none
word count: 1.186
When I woke up in the morning I immediately noticed that the space next to me was empty. Apparently Shams had already left.
I was torn between the urge to look for her and the urge to take a shower first. Considering how dirty I was feeling I decided for a shower and got dressed in some of Shams' clothes, hoping that she would not be mad. I was not too eager to get back in uniform.
When I left her room and moved upstairs I could already hear some chatting and laughing, followed by a delicious smell.
Shams and Omar where sitting at the kitchen table while an unfamiliar woman, most likely their mom, was making breakfast.
Shams flashed me a smile as soon as she saw me, leading her brother to raise an eyebrow.
“I didn't know you could smile”, he teased her, a big grin planted on his face.
“Oh, shut up!”, she demanded and slapped his shoulder.
“Good morning, (f/n). Shams already told me that you're here. I'm Nayan. Nice to have you here”, she greeted me.
“Thanks”, I replied, suddenly feeling shy.
It should not be a big deal. After all she was just a mom of a friend. But after last night Shams' and my relationship was somehow feeling more intimate than that of a casual friend.
“I already thought you'd miss breakfast”, Shams proposed. “Didn't wanna wake you up though.”
I sat down next to her as Omar was sitting across from her, while sending her a small smile as a reply.
“Oh, by the way, (f/n). Ali told me that he wanted to message you, but that he didn't have your number. Do you mind?”, Omar wondered.
For a second Shams' face fell, but she quickly hid it again. Maybe I had just imagined it.
“Nah. I don't have insta or tiktok. But Shams can give you my number. Although you can tell him right away that I'm not interested in any more than friendship”, I declared.
“Alright. I'll tell him”, he assured me.
“So what are you all up to today?”, Nayan inquired as she placed all the food on the table.
“This looks delicious. Thank you”, I proclaimed.
“It's nothing really”, she brushed it off.
I could not even remember the last time my mom had made breakfast for me. So it kinda was a big deal.
“I'm gonna study and later meet up with the guys”, Omar announced while digging into breakfast.
“Do you wanna hang out today?”, Shams asked me.
“Sure. I'll text my mom, if you can get me a charger. My phone died on me”, I pointed out.
We all continued talking during breakfast and afterwards cleaned everything up together. To my surprise I enjoyed doing chores for once. It was a whole different thing when you were spending time together while doing it.
“So what do you wanna do?”, Shams questioned back in her room.
My phone was already charging by now.
“Let's finish the school project first. So we won't have to think about that anymore. Then we can do something fun”, I suggested.
Knowing that we would hang out after finishing was a great motivator for me, leading to seemingly endless concentration.
After one more hour we were finally done with the project, putting everything away contently.
“I'm beat”, Shams declared. “How about some video games?”
“Oh yeah”, I agreed excited. “What do you have?”
We settled on a car racing game. Shams was incredibly good at it.
“Finished”, she announced once again.
“How do you do that so fast?”, I complained.
“Not that hard”, she claimed, a teasing grin on her face.
I should have kept my eyes on the road because I ended up crashing my car, thanks to looking at her.
“You should probably practice some more though”, she suggested, her voice dripping with amusement.
“Yeah, I get it! I'm just a hopeless case”, I half-joked.
“How about some other game then?”, Shams questioned.
But no matter how many games we tried, Shams always won. No matter how hard I tried and how relaxed she appeared.
“So what is it with you and Ali?”, Shams asked casually.
“We just talked at Omar's party. That's all”, I brushed it off. “Why?”
“Just curious”, she claimed.
Suddenly my phone started ringing, ripping me out of the flow of the game. Of course it had to be now out of all times when I was finally getting the upper hand for once.
I put my controller aside and hurried over to my phone to accept the call.
“Hey, mom”, I greeted her.
“Hey, sorry to bother you, (f/n). But could you come home and help me with the garden, please? Tasmana is on vacation, remember? And you know I always ruin the garden. It already looks horrendous. It can't wait any longer”, she ranted.
“Okay, mom. Calm down. It's alright. Can you pick me up though?”, I requested.
“Of course! I'll be right there”, she declared and hung up.
I sighed. “I gotta head out”, I enlightened Shams.
Her smile quickly fell. “Oh, okay.”
“I'll bring your clothes to school if that's alright”, I suggested, already grabbing my backpack.
“Sure. I'll accompany you to the door”, she remarked.
I said goodbye to Nayan on the way out. Omar was probably in his room as I did not see him anywhere around.
Shams followed me outside, waiting with me for my mom.
“Shams”, I called out her name, taking a deep breath to gather my courage. “Thank you for last night. You know … comforting me like that. Nobody's ever done that and you were there for me so many times already. I still feel like a jerk for treating you so badly before. You really deserve better.”
Her dark eyes met mine. “I didn't do that much. And you changed and apologized. There's nothing more you can do. So apology accepted”, she noted.
As none of us was breaking eye-contact, we were simply staring at each other.
The space between us was shrinking as my heart was bumping against my chest.
The vibration in my pocked startled me so much that I literally jumped backwards, almost falling over in the process.
“I'm here. Are you coming out?”, my mom wondered.
She could not see us because the gate was closed.
“On my way”, I promised and hung up again.
“See you at school then”, Shams stated.
I nodded and sent her a quick smile followed by a short “bye” before heading to the car.
I had not imagined the tension between us, right?
“Hey”, my mom greeted me once again. “Are you okay? Your face is really red. Are you getting a fever?”
“I'm fine”, I mumbled, my head full of questions.
Last Chapter
Finally the next chapter! I hope it was worth the wait. Just so you know, your messages are the reason I'm posting this already. If you hadn't texted me, the chapter wouldn't be ready rn. So if you like to read something, writing comments, messages and asks is the best way to get it asap. And I'm always happy when you tell me that you enjoy my stories.
Tag List: @sunwoniie
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rinhaler · 7 months
I've been thanking A LOT about your plug!Sukuna and I wanted to share a thot
imagine after a smoke sesh where you managed to trick him and smoke wayyy less than him so you can be in control of the situation bc you want something from him that you know he's not willing to give in his five senses
You kiss his neck and ask him to let you fuck him (not that he needs much convincing but deep down you know he's aware you are into something) when everything is said and done you are on top pinning him by the wrists while he's inside but you won't move until he promises to give you what you want (IDK WHAT IS IT I DIDN'T THINK THAT FAR I'M JUST HORNY) and he know he could turn the whole situation around, he's stronger than you buuut his mind is so foggy and you feel so good and maybe he's feeling a little sub for some reason all he can do is wiggle and fuck himself against you biting his lip while we contemplates to give you whatever the fuck you little heart desires but he knows if he gives in just one time you are going to become extra bratty and belive you can get whatever you want whenever you want it from him just in exchange of some pussy (you totally can but he's won't admit and doesn't want you to know) eventually when he realizes he won't be able to cum like this Sukuna agrees but let's really clear you own him something, maybe a position he always wanted to try and you absolutely refuse, or to let him get your ass virginity, or some kinky shit he is interested at the moment bc Sukuna always has to win and always has to be in control of the situation.
anyways sorry bc i know is a lot, luv you🥺❤️
I have no doubt in my mind that Sukuna has a crush on the reader. But despite him and Yuuji not really getting along I know he cares for his little brother and ultimately wouldn't want to hurt him or betray him like that. That's why he would have made a point of telling Yuuji that he wants to fuck the reader rather than just doing it without permission.
So, to that end, I think the reader could very easily manipulate Sukuna into doing what she wanted. But I don't think she's that kinda girl! She's sweet and shy but is sooooo different when it comes to Sukuna. She's really tense and uncomfortable and she will always try to stay loud and confident and put him in his place but he can so easily have her cowering and doing what he wants.
But if she got the upperhand in a situation like you described? He would fooooold. If she had a clear head and he was a little fucked up from smoking she could definitely wrap him around her little finger. His crush on her would blind him completely.
I think he'd be sooooo mad at us though like how DARE you get me in this compromising position how dare you make me so weak and pathetic 😭
ohhhhhh i love this ask thank you so much im sorry if i worried you by taking so long to reply!! i really appreciate all of my asks and i like to take the time to think about what i wanna say and write a response! i can see you put a lot of thought and effort into this so i wanted to try and do the same for you <3 thank you so much for reaching out and sending me this i love ur big big brain heheheh pls take care and look after yourself!
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I wanna make an AU with Mudshock and Rebooted but..
I low-key don't know where to start
I attempted it before but I discontinued it because I hated it. I have ideas but they're but bullet points rn
Like I re-watched rebooted it still stands as one of my fav seasons and I'm sure we're all aware of the whole love triangle getting worse in this season. What bothered me the most is that there was no end goal in their relationship! We don't get that until SKYBOUND which is one of my least fav seasons I legit stopped watching Ninjago after Skybound bc I was so disappointed. (Hopefully, this is not a hot take bc I will not be hearing anyone out lol) Like the season ends with everyone mourning Zane's death and it's just Nya crying into Cole's arm while Jay looks sad not about Zane's death BUT BECAUSE NYA HAD ThE ADuACiTy! OF HUGGING COLE BC SHE'S SAD
But yeah, enough of my ramblings. This is what I want to include in my re-writing of rebooted but with Mudshock. This is not me re-writing Rebooted but rather the love triangle into a polyam relationship
The first episode is practically the same. They're teachers, and they get invited to Borg's tower with the students, they get there and the ninja get the techno blades, the robots go wack they leave for Sensei Garmadon's monetary
The only major change I'd make in episode 1 is when Nya is doing the stupid love machine thing, it reads that both Jay AND Cole would be good matches for her (Like they both score an 87%) and that only makes her more anxious. I'd also like to change the two seasons before to have Nya constantly thinking about "What if there's a third option?" and have that more prominent in this season. A simple tiny thought from season one like, "Tee hee it would be funny if I could kiss and hold hands with both Jay and Cole" and have it be "Oh god wanna go on silly dates with them both of them,,hold hands and cuddle together--dear god what's wrong with me?????" in Rebooted
In the third episode "Blackout" everything would be the same up until where PIXAL says, "Lol Cole's better for you" PIXAL says, "They're both a perfect match, perhaps you should consider a different type of relationship" but before she could ask what that is Cole and Jay start breathing on each other gay-ly. As the Magnetic Crane starts to pick up the trailer instead of insulting them she tries to calm them down and says, "Well maybe a third option is the only option," and again before the two boys could question what she means, the fighting scene begins.
In Ep 2, "The Art of the Silent Fist" while they're on the train going into New Ninjago City, instead of that weird scene with Nya and Cole, Cole asks Nya what she meant and that just leads to her insisting that it's nothing then Jay comes in and also ask what's up. She still won't open up. Now just bc I really really like Cole and wanted to see more of him and his dad: Cole talks about when he non-monogamous relationship and how his father disapproved of it which tensions between them were already high enough with him not wanting to pursue singing or dancing and his mother's death, Lou finding out he had two boyfriends caused a month worth of silent treatment. Cole quietly and shyly adds at the end, "I wonder if my mother would have done the same or if she would've supported me. I will not never know but I still don't regret it." He gets up and stern but calmly adds, "I'm not forcing you to talk about it just know that you're not a weirdo," and he walks off to the other room, it cuts to PIXAL fixing Zane, blah blah blah
THAT'S WHAT I GOT SO FAR! I still definitely wanna continue with this bc I love Mudshock and there was so much they could've done with that but I'm still doing my watching of March of the Oni so maybe I'll go back to Rebooted again and take footnotes later I suppose. I'd love to hear people's suggestions for this idea and even criticism of my rewrite so far. Don't be shy to tell me what you think! :)
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