#donna troy x reader fluff
spidernuggets · 10 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do,"
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"I don't get it" Rachel says to herself, staring at the couple. You're sitting on the island while Jason's head is buried in the fridge looking for another brew.
"Get what?" Gar chimes in, following where Rachel's gaze was at. "Jason and Y/N? What about them?", he quietly asks, not wanting the lovebirds to overhear their conversation.
"Yeah, I think I'm improving, but I still can't get the landing right," you say to Jason as he pops the cap off of the beer he finally finds. He replies with a simple hum of acknowledgement while taking a swig.
"He's so..." Rachel starts, trying to look for the right words to describe him. "Rude? Self-absorbed? He's not even listening to what Y/n's saying," she whispers back to Gar, finally turning away from the two.
Gar tilts his head to the side. "I don't know... They've been together for a good few months now, right? We don't see them together that often, we don't know how they're like," he tries to reason.
Rachel scoff, sitting on the couch. "That's another reason why he's a bad boyfriend. We never see them around. Does he not like showing off that they're together? Jason being a cocky-ass person, he's the kind of person to flaunt around his partner."
Rachel turns back to where you and Jason were standing just to see the two of you were gone as she scoffs once more.
Gar opens his mouth to speak once more as Kori and Dawn enters the room.
"What are we talking about?" Kori asks.
"Jason being an asshole of a boyfriend," Rachel almost laughs.
"How so?" Dawn questions.
"How could you not see?" Kori says. "Jason's always brushing Y/n off, blunt, short replies, puts missions before them, he's hardly ever acknowledging their presence," She laughs, listing all of Jason's flaws as a partner.
"I guess I've never really notice..." Dawn says, unsure.
"Jesus, you drive me crazy," Jason says, his voice low, grinning at you like a school girl with her crush.
You're on his lap, hands cradling his face, his hands on your ass with a firm grip. You're placing soft kisses all over his face, a quick break from the hungry make-out session you both were so busy with.
Your soft kisses trail away from his face, down his jaw and onto his neck, kisses and nibbling all over. Biting a certain spot, Jason lets out a quiet gasp along with a held back whimper.
You let out a light chuckle while continuing to pepper kisses on his neck.
"I liked that," You softly say, kissing against the same spot. "Do it again," you teased.
Jason groaned. "You're trying to kill me, babe," he complains as he captured your lips against his once more.
You sighed in content, breaking the kiss and leaving another lingering kiss on his forhead.
"Don't let them get to your head, love," You tell him quietly. The both of you are well aware that the other Titans (maybe except Gar) don't see why you would date Jason. You're kind and considerate while Jason is... Jason. Jason has told you many times that he wants to be taken seriously by the other members, hence his cold demeanour. And along with those explanations, came affectionate apologies of him spending all his free time alone with you in either his or your room, cuddling, kissing, properly listening to your rants and more.
"They're right though," his reply is delivered rough and raspy, a change of voice that indicates to you that he's upset.
You sigh, arms wrapping around his neck, burying your face in his meck, breathing in his distinct scent of faint alcohol and strong cologne.
"No they're not," you say, just above a whisper. "I get it, Jay. You want to prove yourself. But you don't have to prove yourself to me. Okay? You're more than enough for me," One of your hands move down, grabbing hold of his own hand, bringing it up to your lips for another gentle kiss as your other hands cup his cheek.
Jason sighs, leaning into, your touch. "I love you, okay, Jay?" He nods in reply.
"I..." He tries to say it too, but fails as his gaze shifts to the ceiling in guilt.
"Hey, hey. I told you. Only say it when you're ready, you don't have to force yourself to say it, Jay," I assure him. "Now," You move yourself off of him, bringing him down to lie with you as you rest your head on his chest. "You're supposed to tell me about this book you were reading," You remind him. He smiles once more, his arms wrapping around you happily as he starts ranting about his new book.
"You guys got it?" Dick confirms with the rest of the group, finishing up a debrief with the other Titans. Everyone nod and murmur 'yes's and 'yep's.
"Alright, everyone get to training," He says as he departs.
You turn to Jason excitingly. "You wanna train together, Jay? You can help me with the new move I was telling you about!"
"Not today. I'm gonna train with Gar," Jason replies.
"Ah, okay! Have fun, teach me some new stuff you learn, later, kay?" You reach up to his cheek, giving him a quick peck and a short "Love ya!"
He responds with a grunt and a nod and leaves you with a quick caress on ur cheek as he goes to one of the training rooms with Gar. Oh how much he wants to just pick you up and kiss you and hug you and hold you for all eternity.
Hank scoffs at Jason's reaction as he walks off. Donna shakes her head in disapproval as she followed along too. The other women in the room have their eyebrows furrowed, judging looks towards your boyfriend and crossed arms as they looked at you with a lovesick grin and heart eyes, watching your love walk away til he disappeared.
You quickly turn around, smiling at the rest of the members. "Any of you guys wanna train with me- what? What's with the looks?" You ask, confused.
"What's with your boyfriend?" Rachel hisses.
Your face scrunches in slight offence. "What about him?"
"Honey, he's..." Dawn starts to say though her words trail off.
"You can do better," Kori states, her hands landing on her hips.
You lightly scoff "Why's that," You say lowly, eyes narrowing, ready to defend Jason.
"Y/n..." Dawn speaks up. "We're just looking out for you. We just think you and Jason... Aren't the best match."
"We think Jason is selfish, rude and annoying, is what she was meant to say," Rachel said quietly, but loud enough for all of you to hear.
You roll your eyes. "And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do," you barked, almost wanting to cry for Jason.
"Y/n, we just-" you cut Kori off by putting a hand uo, refraining her from continuing.
"No. No, no. You can talk to me when you find some respect for Jason." You coldly say as you walked away to train.
The girls looked at each other with disappointed and worried looks.
The team was on a mission that involved Deathstroke. It was wild and messy to the point where everyone was split up, and only some of the Titans returned back to the tower.
Jason is pacing around, alone in his room. He's covered in blood and bruises, but those don't matter to him right now. The only thing in his mind was
Where the fuck were you?
It's been two hours since he came back with Dick, Gar, Rachel and Donna but there were no signs of you coming back. Or of the others coming back he guesses. You're comms weren't working and you weren't answering his messages.
To piss him off more, Dick forbade him from going back out, knowing that Jason's impulsiveness would bring further damage.
"He's not even worried," Rachel says, sitting in the couch cleaning the blood of herself, noticing Jason's absence of worry.
"He could be?" Gar shouts from the kitchen, trying to reason again.
"Why are you even trying to defend him, we know how he is."
"He's our teammate, Rachel. We can't go off judging him if we don't know him that well," He says softly, trying not to get a rise out of the purple haired girl.
She scoffs and reply with whatever.
Dick and Donna walk into the room. "We got a message from Kori," Dick says. "The comms were breaking up but they're all safe."
Rachel and Gar sigh in relief.
Around half an hour later, you, Dawn, Hank and Kori finally return.
You're cracking your back and stretching your arms. Parts of your hero outfit is ripped and some of your blood that escaped your skin was dried and dirty and bruises littered your face, but you were always in a bright mood.
"She's finally back and bird brain isn't even running out," Rachel whispers to Gar as his shoulders sink.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna need a lie down for the rest of my life," You groan, cracking your neck.
Even from his room, Jason heard your voice as he rushed out and saw you there all battered up.
He heavily sighed in relief, running up to you, lifting you up. You lightly shriek at his sudden appearance, wrapping your legs around his waist, hands on his shoulders.
"You're okay... you scared me..thought you weren't coming back," he admits quietly, but as the other Titans stare silently in shock, especially Rachel, they heard him loud and clear.
Jason lets you down slowly and litters your face with kisses before pulling you in closer, attaching his lips to yours, finally not caring about the presence of the other members.
"Hello to you too," you giggle, leaving a kiss on his nose.
"You're hurt," he says, looking at your scrapped body.
"I'm okay, Jay," You reassure him. But he shakes his head, carries you bridal style.
"I need to patch you up," He says, giving you another kiss on the cheek before heading to his room.
"Okay, that just happened," Kori said in amusement.
"They're cuties, aren't they, Hank?" Dawn asks, looking up at the lover of her own.
Hank rolls his eyes and answers with an "I guess so" before they leave the room.
"So?..." Gar grins in success and amusement as he looks at Rachels shocked reaction.
She sighs and leans back against the couch.
"Yeah, yeah you're right, I was wrong. They are good for each other," She admits.
"In front of them too?" You question, sitting on Jason's bed as he wipes away any dried blood before patching you up.
"I don't care," He says, keaving you surprised. Jason patches up your last wound, giving it a kiss before getting up and cradling your face.  "Your safety is more important to me"
You lean into his touch, your hand coming up to hold his. He leans into you for a deep, passionate and long lasting kiss.
Breaking it, he leans his forhead against yours.
"I love you," He quietly but confidently say.
Your eyes brighten and you couldnt helo but break into a wide smile, feeling giddy like a kid receiving a oresent from Santa.
"I love you too"
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months
Can you do a Brother of Dick Grayson/Red Robin x Donna Troy(Titans)?
Y/N and Donna train hard…
Y/N: looking tired there, Troy.
Donna: your point?
Y/N: why don’t you join me for a quick shower?
Donna: how long are you going to flirt with me and keep this up?
Y/N: til my last breath
Donna bites her lip…
Donna: I like being cuddled afterwards
Y/N: I love cuddling
Donna takes Y/N’s hand and the two head off to the showers…
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primeofprimes115 · 11 days
Overwhelming Burden - Supergirl x Male Reader
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Note: Fluff 🥰 and Angst 🥺
I've just read the Zero Hour 30th Anniversary comic #1 not long ago and... Honestly, it's such a good comic, biggest highlight for me is seeing Supergirl wearing a black suit with the silver S on the suit and cape, the silver belt, bracelets and black gloves (In the comic, there's instances where she's wearing black gloves or not which is a little weird but in this imagine, she'll be wearing black gloves, another image will be shown in the imagine later of her wearing black gloves) are a nice addition as well... And pants! Best suit I've seen in a while.
This is a world where Superman is dead, dead after his fight with Doomsday and where Batman never came back because he's broken, so pretty much retired and Batgirl is Gotham's Knight now while Supergirl is Metropolis's protector. Diana Prince is no where to be found so Donna Troy is the new Wonder Woman also. They what would be the New Trinity in those words.
Supergirl in this comic however is supposed to be Matrix aka Mae Kent, but DC for some reason wanted Kara Zor-El/ the original Supergirl to be mentioned in this rather than Matrix Supergirl which is a little odd but I'm not complaining. Spoiler for those but Donna named dropped Supergirl as "Kara" in the comic, so... I suppose it's Kara Zor-El, again it's a little odd, ain't complaining, I honestly don't mind.
So in other words... This imagine is inspired from this. Hope you enjoy!
Credit also goes to @bisupergirl for the pics!
Metropolis, once a city that was defended by a man who revolutionized the way Aliens were welcomed on Earth, a man that changed the world with more superheroes making their debut, along with the added threat of supervillains and those that had an agenda against him. He was a man who only found out he was in fact an Alien once he found out where he really came from.
His parents, Ma and Pa Kent, aka Martha and Jonathan, once told him he came from the stars one day, crashing down onto Earth in a small pod not far from where they lived in their farmhouse, and finding a newborn wrapped in a red cloth that would be used as his cape when he grew older to become...
He inspired many, became Earth's Champion, defended Earth and Humanity from many threats, though he couldn't always do it alone, he eventually had allies that formed the Justice League that vowed to protect Earth from any known threat known to Humankind.
Clark Kent of the Daily Planet and from a little town called Smallville, Kal-El of Krypton, Superman, the Man of Steel, Man of Tomorrow, once an icon, a hero, a loving Husband and son to all that loved him.
He was once the fabled "Last Son of Krypton" until one day, that changed... When another pod came crashing down onto Earth, holding a young blonde haired girl, who was petrified, confused, unaware of how long it has been after being in hypersleep for many years, sent from her planet of Krypton alongside her cousin, before her pod was knocked off-course.
Kal didn't know at the time, but the arrival of this girl changed his life forever and for the better, this girl was his cousin, Kara Zor-El, who would later become Supergirl and wear the same colors and family crest, one that Clark learned more about from Kara, all about the House of El, their family, his and her parents... Some he already knew from the Fortress of Solitude that was created by the Kryptonian crystal that he put into the ice in the North Pole.
Things were going very well with Kara's introduction to Earth, adopted by the loving Danvers family, she took the name "Linda Lee Danvers" to blend in and hide her powers, though at times she wasn't great at controlling them, she was taught how to.
From going to Earth school, to meeting the one guy that she befriended, the boy named Y/N, which the two eventually began to fall for one another during high school, becoming somewhat high school sweethearts. Clark supported the fact Kara found someone she liked, someone to keep her on her toes when unexpected, she eventually introduced Clark to Y/N, letting him know of the other secret they hadn't told him yet. Their Kryptonian heritage which was a big surprise to the young boy at the time, she even took him on a flight to convince him further.
Around this time, Kara being 16 years old, she debuted as Supergirl, cousin of Superman. Embracing the whole Girl of Steel part of herself to defend her new home from enemies alike. Sporting a blue top with a red skirt and gold V-shaped belt, a short red cape with a golden S on the back as opposed to wearing the same S on her top with a red background just like her cousin, showcasing the House of El sigil proudly.
At first, the world wasn't sure how to accept Supergirl, but eventually not long after, they did with Superman's help. Kara was more happier than to be both Linda Lee Danvers and Supergirl.
But... Not everything is forever...
With some years going by and now with Kara have been Supergirl for three and a half years...
A Doomsday descended upon Earth... Many heroes answered the threat and couldn't stop it without cutting losses.
It was Superman who saved the day... But at a heavy cost...
His own life, succumbing to his wounds and the world fell silent once the news broke out.
Earth's Champion... Superman... Had been confirmed dead, giving out his life to fight Doomsday, the fight was nothing more than brutal and destructive, Metropolis was wrecked and battered by the events.
His death hit many heavily, Kara especially. There was supposed to be a surprise for Kara, before Doomsday came to be, but Y/N called the surprise off, in exchange to grieve, knowing it wouldn't be the right time to propose to the girl he has always loved.
In honor to grieve her cousin's death, Kara made the decision to change up her suit and colors, now sporting a black top, long cape and pants, with a silver V-shaped belt, bracelets and the S and shield, colored silver, even on the back of her new black cape had the S colored in silver, also supporting black gloves over her hands. The bracelets both have a diamond shaped sigil on the front, even the belt too, unlike her previous suit.
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No longer blue, red and gold. Just a black and silver look, the world took notice of this change, seeing a black and blonde blur zoom past on multiple occasions throughout the world, it didn't take long for people to know it was Supergirl, now having a wardrobe change since the last time she appeared on camera months ago.
Some asked why? The obvious answer was simple... Coming from her.
"To honor my cousin" she said nothing more after. She refused to take anymore questions about anything else, it was nothing but a bother to her.
She became Metropolis's new protector, Earth's New Champion and part of the new Justice League that was put into place, post Doomsday and Superman's Death within a year later.
Kara was well known to he amongst the newer Wonder Woman and the Batgirl that has taken over Batman's duties after he mysteriously "vanished" when more forces played behind the scenes in that regard.
Meanwhile, still being Supergirl, her lover, Y/N, now loving Husband, having gotten married a few months ago, remained behind as the ever-loving House Husband, in their now shared apartment building, every day and night when Kara came back from her duties as Supergirl, he'd be the one greeting her when she came back.
But as of recently... Kara's been barely getting home than usual, skipping lunch dates, dinners, her usual work before she quit and the two had a fairshare of arguments then and there about the issue, as mostly every married couple eventually argues over something.
This morning was no different, it was the same as usual, Y/N always said that her being Supergirl didn't had to always be a thing, he wanted her to be Linda Danvers for a day or two, but she kept refusing the idea, Supergirl was needed day and night, it was her duty, her vow to fill in Kal's shoes.
Y/N made the argument that Superman wasn't always needed and this only infuriated Kara further, where their argument turned a little more heated. Y/N hated arguing with her about this, this was the first ever heated argument with her and he felt bad bringing it up. Kara was still hurting about Kal's death. There was one thing he did say that was true...
He felt neglected by her now, he hadn't been hugged by her in the last few weeks... Or even kissed by that matter and he missed having her lips on his
Kara was nothing but frustrated and moody mostly in the last few months, the last time he ever saw her smile much was during their wedding day and the entire week. It was like something switched off in her that caused her to be like this.
Could it be that something has happened? Something so bad, it's keeping her awake at night and not as the forgiving girl she was before?
She wasn't a Girl-Scout, but there was times she was, and it rarely shows today.
Y/N spent all day to himself once more, still thinking back on the argument he had with Kara this morning before she left, getting groceries, doing the laundry, keeping an eye on their cat, Streaky, before he eventually began to relax for the day. Not having to do any online work since Kara quit her Human job.
He sat on the couch, his Playstation controller in hand, playing a story-driven game before he paused it to go grab a drink.
His mind was still on the argument they had this morning, his eyes caught onto the plate of food, covered by tin-foil, dinner that was made for Kara for when she would come back at the usual time but again... She hadn't come back yet.
Y/N knew not to worry much, but it became increasingly hard for him, he loved her so much, despite the arguments they've had since getting married.
But he was worried, he was worried that she was beating herself up over everything that's happened, and it showed in her face, her body language.
The pair haven't kissed or hugged in the last two weeks and he missed being held, being kissed, being flown by her, he misses the old Kara, the old Supergirl...
The old Linda Danvers he fell in love with...
Just as he poured some fresh OJ, Y/N heard a pair of boots land on the wooden flooring by the window. He briefly looked to see Supergirl, his wife, who had seemed to look like she had been tossed around and thrown into the surface of the sun yet again, nothing more than usual.
His heart swelled to see her, but it hurt knowing she was probably still mad at him. He knew he wasn't wrong, but he just wanted to patch things up, like a normal married couple would.
"You're back" he stated the obvious with a lowered tone, but a tone she could pick up with her super hearing. "I... I was beginning to worry, but... I'm glad you're okay" he gave a little smile at the corner of his lips but it soon vanished after taking a sip of his drink.
Supergirl hadn't said anything back to him, she only looked at the TV to see what he had been doing in her absence, before noticing Streaky as she shakes her long, black cape, wiping off dust particles.
'Ugh, gonna have to get that cleaned up' he mentally noted before taking another sip from his drink. "I made dinner again, it's cold now but I ca-" a whooshing sound interrupted him and he was met by Kara who had zoomed up close to him after looking him in the eyes, completely surprising him. He almost dropped his glass of fresh OJ once she zoomed up at him in a nano-second.
There was nothing but pain and hurt in her eyes before grabbing the sides of her cape and lunged her arms around him, wrapping her cape around him also as her body began to quiver and tremble.
She dug her face into the crook of his neck and her breaths became shaky, Y/N could only stand there with a surprised look on his face as Kara... The Girl of Steel, his wife, Supergirl, had began to break down emotionally from what it sounded like.
Then he could hear her sobbing into him, little sobs of sadness washing over her as she clung onto him hardly but gently, not wanting to let go just like any other time he'd tried to hug her.
"Y/N" she mumbled with a shaky breath into his neck, her messy blonde hair tickling the side of his face. "I-I-I" she couldn't speak her words, sadness overwhelming her as tears flushed down from her closed eyes that began to soak the T-shirt's fabric on his shoulder, crying even harder by the minute.
Y/N wrapped his arms around her figure quickly, who was clinging onto him like she was holding on for dear life, he accepted the hug he longed to get from her, it broke his heart hearing her sob and cry, feeling his shoulder getting wetter by the minute from all the tears she was shedding. Her words coming out trembling and mumbling nonsense
"Oh, Kara" Y/N cooed to her, rocking a little left to right while feeling the warmth of Kara's long cape wrapped around him and her, her arms holding him into place while a hug carried out.
"I-I... I'm so s-s-sorry!" she cried harder into him, her sobbing getting more prominent as Y/N tightened his arms around her, even his breaths began to get shaky at this moment, he felt her words hitting him in the heart. "I-I".
"Sshhh, i-it's okay" he cooed to her softly.
"N-N-No! I-It's not o-okay!" she denied that fact, struggling with her words still, but Y/N understood what she meant.
Yes... It wasn't okay, he could clearly see and hear it, with a crying Supergirl in his arms, also embracing him with her cape wrapped around him to cling onto him as she cries and sobs, overwhelmed by drowning dread and grief.
He always had a feeling eventually Linda/Kara L/N would be overwhelmed with this, mostly overwhelmed with the burden of being Earth's Champion twenty-four-seven, since Superman's death, she's been nothing but mostly Supergirl the entire time, the only acception she wouldn't be her superhero self was at the wedding and the week following that with the honeymoon.
"Let it all out, it's okay, my Sunshine" he cooed further though he stumbled on his wordings, calling her by a nickname he had for her, one she hadn't heard in a while which made her sob harder. "Let it all out" he told her once again, letting the broken Girl of Steel cry on his shoulder, just like he once told her that if she needed a shoulder to cry on, she's got him.
He could remember the days when they were in high school, remember when they were fifteen years old, he'd stop by the Danvers's place to hang out with Linda and her two other friends that she made in class, he remembered getting to know them better since he had different classes from them, and only a few classes where he and Kara would be seated near each other, often not sitting next to one another.
The days where he first began to crush on Linda, he found her the most adorable and smartest girl in the world, to him? She was everything he wanted. He didn't have much friends, most were into edgy stuff, which didn't match his tastes.
But Linda? She was into anything, she was cool to him, smart, had a sense of humor, was fun to be around and was pretty defensive for him against his bullies, once publicly embarrassing one of them by flipping him over her shoulder, on the verge of breaking the bully's arm, potentially ruining his placement for the basketball game coming up that time.
Once everything had calmed down, along with Kara's sobbing, and apologies were made about all the arguments they've been having, the two pulled back from the hug and kissed, lips-to-lips for the first time in two weeks, a kiss both surely had been missing, a long kiss between them with their lips slowly smacking off each other in a slow dancing way.
His hands caressed her cheek with his thumbs swiping away at any stray tears that fell down from her eyes which they did once they began to kiss, Kara's cape still wrapped around him and herself, not even thinking of letting go any time soon.
"Y/N" Kara broke the silence after the long kiss they had, the kiss she could clearly see that Y/N had been dreading for, a kiss of closure in other words. "I... I thought about what you said this morning, and... You're right, I have been... Neglecting you as of recently" she painfully admitted, her voice croaking as she spoke.
"No, no. I was wrong to say that" Y/N backed down from what he said, taking back the hurtful thing he said this morning. "I shouldn't have said that in the first-".
"No" she interrupted. "It's the truth. All I've thought since..." a pain arose in her chest as she felt it flare up from what she was about to say, struggling to speak a little.
"I don't think you need to say" he told her, knowing what she was going to say, as it was clear as day...
She took the burden of being the next Symbol of Hope, the carry on the shoes and burden that Superman alone carried with him through his actions and heroism, Supergirl was a role model to most, if not, all people as expressed through her actions and words alone. She didn't want to be like her cousin, she wanted to be her own person.
She once admitted to him the fact she was scared she'd end up losing herself because of the fact that there could be one day he might die and she'd have to pick up where he left off being Earth's Champion, but Clark gave her sound advice. Like him...
She had family and friends to help her carry the burden if she struggled, to carry on without him if he were to die, which happened.
"I visit that statue every day" she sniffled, looking into Y/N's eyes still. "Wishing he'd be here today still, wondering what it would be like to have him around again" she closed her eyes and sighed with a sadness that could be seen in her face. "I miss him... So, so much" she croaked.
"I know, I miss him too" he laid a finger under her chin and raised her head so he could look into her eyes, tears forming her eyes once more before one fell down onto Y/N's thumb. "But you're not alone, Kara. Being Supergirl twenty-four-seven hasn't done you good, you look stressed and tired, which is concerning considering Kryptonians don't get tired from what you've shown" he made a valid point across to her, but she seemed to have heard it before.
"You sound like Babs".
"Do I know?" he chuckled. "Well... If I was Barbara, I think she'd also be correct".
This prompted to make the Girl of Steel smile just a little, which was enough for him to point out with a little smile back at her.
"There she is, there's the smile".
"Don't ruin it" she groaned.
"I'd never" he smiled, giving out a little laugh that was a little contagious for Kara, a soft laugh escaped her before it died down, with her sighing next.
Y/N pushed a strand of Kara's hair behind her ear, seeing the other half of her face that was hidden by her golden hair. "I think... You should take off the suit and Supergirl" with his eyes he traced out the House of El glyph on Kara's chest. "...could use a good break for a little bit, you can have someone else fill in for you, clear your mind a little with me" Y/N suggested to her, though he knew she wouldn't like it, now that things had been settled between them, he wouldn't lose his chances.
And Kara knew it...
"I can heat up your dinner, or you can probably use your heat vision since it's quicker than the oven" he snorted, getting a faint laugh out from Kara while she smiled, his face brightened up again noticing it. "And we can also... Cuddle on the couch, put on a movie of your choice, not my pick because you know I'm picky" he suggested further.
"Or..." Kara unwrapped her arms off him for a moment before wrapping them back around, only around the crook of his neck this time around with her cape billowing slightly behind her due to the window being open still on a cool windy night. "I can take you on a flight?".
"Ohh" Y/N caught himself between two hard choices. "Hmm... Maybe tomorrow you can take me on a flight, how about that, Sunshine?" he answered.
"Deal" she nodded before smiling a little more, finally answering after a minute. Deep down he was right from earlier when she thought about it, her being Supergirl twenty-four-seven has done her no good, it put some strain on the relationships she's got with her loved ones, her adopted family especially and Y/N, who love her all the same, she had a prior visit to them before coming back, wanting to reconcile which was as emotional as it was already.
"It's your favorite, by the way, from your adopted mother's recipe" he smiled as Kara x-rayed the plate with the tin-foil over it, spotting a Lasagna and coming from him, it was Edna Danvers recipe of her Lasagna.
"I thought I smelled something familiar" she noted while looking at the plate.
"Go on" he gestured his head toward the plate.
"You want some? There's plenty left for us to share" she offered, unwrapping her arms off him and began to walk up to the plate.
"Nah, I'm good" he declined politely.
"You sure? In case you end up eying it up anyway" she smirked, taking off the tin-foil gently though unnecessary to do it gently.
"I had like... Maybe two plates earlier, cooked a bit too much, I'm full still" he gestured. I'll wait on the couch for you, gonna turn this game off and that".
"Okay, Love" she nodded and smiled before she looked at the food, her eyes soon lit up red before she quickly heated up the food with her heat vision, heating it up to the right temperature, just for her.
Taking the plate, she saw her Husband save his progress and switch off the game, she had a little fond memory of him kicking her ass at a fighting game when they were younger, back when things were simpler when Clark was still alive.
"Y/N" Kara broke the silence yet again.
"Yes, my Sunshine?" he answered.
"I love you, I really love you, you dork. Always remember that" she smiled once again, stabbing her Lasagna with a fork that was left on the table next to the plate earlier before taking it to her mouth to savor the taste of the food.
"I love you too, Linda L/N" he smiled back at her, her face noticeably brightened as she strolled over with her plate of food in hand... 
Word Count: 4078
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skyesdaisys · 11 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, ally mayfair-richards, kai anderson, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson, montana duke)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why), nate archibald (gossip girl)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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You Truly Are A Holy One
Pairing: Kyle Rayner x GN!Reader
Summary: “You know…” He made it a point to gesture at your bandaged shoulder, “You truly are a holy one.”
You gave him an unimpressed look and scoffed at his little joke.
Warnings: canon-level violence, swearing, blood, severe injury, a hint of angst, fluff, established relationship
Word Count: 1.6 k
A/N: I decided to give the reader "Thrasher" as their vigilante name just to keep consistency with my other Kyle fics. I hope u enjoy this oneshot! This probably took me forever to write, mainly bc I was moving. Not entirely happy how it turned out but it's done now ;-;
Taglist: @esposadomd
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The morning had been going on quite well, in fact it was a little concerning. Something was always bound to happen in your line of work. There’s never a dull moment when living as a vigilante, even when dating and living with another. Especially when said vigilante happens to be a green lantern. More specifically the freelance artist green lantern who’s known for creating gigantic gundams.
He’s a great boyfriend and chaos has a tendency to follow him wherever he goes. Thus, chaos followed you as well like an unshakeable cold. Most of the time it was manageable but it seemed like today was heading towards a direction you certainly did not like once a fellow vigilante had called you for backup on a case they were working on.
Donna Troy was a close friend to both you and your boyfriend, so whenever she asked for aid you normally drop what you're doing and go support and vise versa.
She needed help closing up her case by stopping a shipment from leaving the docks. She had intel there were five cargo crates that needed to be obtained with a small crew handling the drop off. The case had been in the works for two months deep undercover. Donna was not one to slack off when it came to things like this. She’d informed you these crates were filled with containers of lethal weaponized chemicals that could cause a national ecocatastrophe.
Getting there was an easy job, waiting for the package took longer than expected. At one point you thought maybe Donna had gotten her intel wrong. It had been hours of sitting in the same position and your body was starting to lock up. You desperately needed to stretch out. Before you could voice your worries however, the loading trucks carrying the crates arrived.
“Thrasher, there’s six coming out of the truck not including the driver. Stay concealed until I give you the signal,” Donna whispered. She was making her way over to the truck where the crew began unloading. She slowly picked off one by one, starting with the driver who had gotten out to smoke.
As Donna made it to the last one the back doors flew open and more came barging out with weapons. “Well Donna, I’m gonna take that as my signal unless you’d rather I sit this one out?” You spoke through the coms.
“A little help would be great you little asshole! Now get down here!”
You unsheathed your trusty daggers and made your way down from your high perch, effectively dropping two goons on your way down from the silent jump. Unsheathing the knives from their holsters you threw them to their targets who went down with no issues.
There were only a handful left. You slashed down whoever was near you while Donna was moving the crates away.
“Hey, have you gotten the crates to a secure place yet? I know-” you choked out in pain. Looking down you saw a narrow spear half sticking out of your right shoulder.
“Okay, I just got the last of them secured. Heading over your way,” Her voice crackled through the com piece in your ear.
“Son of a bitch!” you gasped as you broke off the end of the spear after a few hacks from one of your daggers. You made sure to keep it in your shoulder so you wouldn’t bleed out but the edges are going to cause more harm than good if you can’t fix it fast.
Once your arm had more movement you went after the remaining goons who were left standing. They weren’t too much trouble compared to the others you had just fought but they carry stranger weapons.
Donna had made it back in time to catch you before you tumbled down. Only after convincing her you were fine to make it back to yours on your own did you make it inside your small apartment.
Kyle had spotted you instantly on the couch once he got back, rushing up to you with shaky hands at the sight of blood pooling out from the wound. “Hey, hey look at me. Let’s get you to the bathroom so I can clean you up, okay? Can you walk on your own?”
When you slowly shook your head no he carefully lifted you up and carried you to the bathroom. He waited until he was finished with rubbing the blood off with a damp towel and disinfecting the wound before carefully pulling out what was left of the narrow spear. You instructed him through patching you up, reminding him you’re fine just woozy from blood loss.
After Kyle gave you medication for the pain he took you to the bedroom carefully tucking you under the covers.
“You know…” He made it a point to gesture at your bandaged shoulder, “You truly are a holy one.”
You gave him an unimpressed look and scoffed at his little joke.
“So, are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to bribe you to let me in?” Kyle pulled you into his arms, your back towards his chest,  as he slipped into bed next to you, avoiding your injury to not cause any more damage. Which you were very grateful for.
You let out a shaky sigh, your head was still spinning albeit slower than it was a moment ago. “I uh, it was from a case I was helping out with. There wasn’t much going on, I only had to lend a hand when things got to be too much. I can feel the face you’re making right now. If it makes you feel any better I was careful for the most part. It was just the end when I got this nifty souvenir.”
He let out a small bemused huff through his nose, “What am I going to do with you?”
“Well, for starters you could graciously put a ring on it.”
You could feel the vibrations of his laughter begin to lull you to sleep. You let your eyes flutter closed and your breathing finally evened out.
Once Kyle knew you were fully asleep he pulled you in closer, reassuring himself that you were still alive, still here. He went to sleep knowing he was planning a trip for the two of you with the small ring box he had hidden away deep in his pants drawer.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Can I request fluff Donna Troy x Male reader. When Donna has a rough day and when she came home, reader has already make they favorite dinner. The appartement has only candle light on. And after they are cuddling and fall asleep on the couch?
Donna Tory x GN!reader
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You had gotten a heads up text from Dick that Donna had a rough day with the Titans so you make a quick trip to the market wanting to go all out to try to cheer her up.
She returns home to a dark apartment, about to flip the lights on when she notices a faint glow coming from the dining room.
"Y/N?" She calls out.
"In here," you reply from the kitchen.
She walks towards the sound of your voice and finds the dining room lit with candles as you place the last of the food you cooked on the table.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"Dick told me you had a hard day so for dinner I made your favorite, fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread and sautéed vegetables on the side and don't forget the chocolate mousse for dessert," you tell her, kissing her cheek and pulling the chair out for her.
"You made all this?" She smiles, taking her seat.
"Everything except the mousse, you remember what happened last time I tried baking," you chuckle sitting next to her.
"I will never forget the cupcake incident, we were finding flour in the kitchen for weeks," she laughs.
While you two eat Donna tells you about her day and how Dawn had to stitch her up in multiple places after a nasty fight with Chesire and her claws.
Her mood instantly lifted being with you and it didn't hurt having such a delicious meal in front of her.
Every plate is empty by the time you guys are done eating, leftovers were not a common thing in your home especially when it came to dessert.
Donna hugs you from behind, resting her head on your shoulder while you wash dishes.
"You sure you don't want me to help? You cooked dinner all by yourself the least I can do is clean some dishes," she says.
"I got this, go find a movie for us to watch. I'll join you in a few minutes," you smile.
Donna gently kisses your shoulder, heading to the couch and blowing the candles out on her way before turning the TV on.
Five minutes later the dishes are done and you plop down onto the couch next to Donna, "so what are we watching?"
"Bad moms," she says pressing play, "this movie never fails to make me laugh."
"Good choice," you reply, putting your arm around her and bringing her in close.
You settle into a comfortable position to cuddle and laugh plenty while watching the movie.
Eventually you notice Donna has stopped laughing so you look down to see that she's fast asleep.
You turn the movie off, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over you guys.
When Donna wakes in the morning she's wrapped in your arms, pleasantly warm from the blanket laying over her and the frustrations of the day before completely forgotten.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 10 months
DC Titans Requests - CLOSED
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Requests CLOSED as of December 27th, 2023. 
(Requests are now closed, and I am keeping this form up for reference in case I can use it in the future.)
Hello! So, I have decided that I’m going to open requests for Titans again. For reference, my main focus is on the versions of the characters from the HBO show - so if you send in a request for Dick Grayson or Jason Todd, that will be the characterization that I base my writing around. I am opening requests, because (as I mentioned in another post) Tumblr stole all of my old requests from my other blog, and that is one of the reasons that I moved blogs. I like having requests to work on to complete shorter fics in between working on longer fics and editing re-posts. I will usually work on requests with the goal of the fic being one thousand words or two thousand words long, so I do prefer requests that are more simplistic. 
In the past, I have reblogged prompt lists for requests, but the past few times I have opened requests, I have used my own prompt list, and I find that it works better. Below is the prompt list I have made - you don’t have to use ideas off this list, but the ideas off the prompt list are perfectly suited for a fic that is shorter and easily completed. You can definitely send me a request based on your own idea, just make sure it’s not too detailed - otherwise it’s not likely to get completed in a timely manner. (Also keep in mind, all requests are not guaranteed to get done. I don’t complete requests in order, I just do whichever ones speak to me. And in a batch of twenty requests, I am only likely to complete two or three. I don’t rush to complete all requests because it’s not creatively fulfilling.) 
Please read all the information in this post before sending in a request. Also please keep in mind, the prompt list below does make references to kinks and sexual situations, pregnancy, and death. All of my fics will have thorough warnings on them if you’re not comfortable with any of these topics. 
Titans characters I write for: Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, Donna Troy, Kory Anders, Barbara Gordon, and Conner (with Conner, I feel more comfortable writing smut and sexual situations with S4 Conner/Luthor!Conner, and I would write angst or fluff with any version of him). 
Also aside from short blurbs/short fics, I would also love get some requests for MLTs - Most Likely To, where you pose a situation and I say which characters would most likely do it/be into it - this can be anything from certain kinks or sexual situations to something cozy and fluffy like a coffee date. Just use your imagination. I am also taking requests for ‘how would they react to’ - where you ask how the characters would react to something - again, could be a sexual situation or something fluffy. And if I am writing these, it will mostly likely be with two or three characters at a time, and you can pick which characters if you want to.
Requests can be sent to this blog or my writing blog @sundrop-writes - I don’t accept requests in DMs because it’s very hard to keep them organized and come back to them that way. Also, finished fics will be posted on my writing blog.
I will accept requests for poly ships. (Character x reader x character.) I am a huge fan of requests like this - I have a long history of writing for Jason x Reader x Gar (aka JayGar x Reader), but for Titans, I would write pretty much any combination of poly relationship because I love all the characters so much.
In your request, please specify if the reader character is female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, I do not describe the reader’s genitals or gender presentation in any way, so I don’t write ‘GN AFAB reader’ fics. If you want the reader to be described as having a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics. 
Also typically, I don’t describe the reader character as having specific traits. I like my reader character to be as broad as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. I don’t write a character that has a specific race, height, hair color, etc. but one exception I have to this rule is that I love writing fat/plus sized readers in my fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics - I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So definitely feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, as it’s one of my favorite things to write. 
For reference, I will also write about a reader character with autism or chronic illness (someone with chronic pain or a fainting disorder, or someone who uses a cane or a wheelchair), because these are groups that I am a part of and I know that they are not portrayed in fiction often enough. If you have any questions about these aspects, please let me know. 
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut, please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’, something to denote the dynamics to let me know what you want it to be. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so I won’t shy away from things like that - but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of things that I will. So if you’re wondering if I’m okay with a request or not, just ask. 
For reference, my big ‘nos’ are: virgin!reader fics, or fics where the reader is sexually inexperienced or portrayed as innocent. I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader (someone who is only pretending to be innocent), and I am also okay with writing about a canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. (That’s something I love writing about, actually.) I am okay with writing about sexual coercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon. (Or even noncon or cnc, under certain circumstances.) 
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. And while I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy - it’s something I enjoy writing about, actually. I also enjoy writing parenting fics and family fics with children. (I especially love writing fics where a poly throuple has kids, if that's something anyone wants to request.)
Smut Prompts/Ideas
The canon character is a virgin (ex: virgin!Jason) 
“Just the tip.” 
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage 
The characters are locked in a room together (and forced to face their sexual tension) (bonus points: they hate each other)
Arguing that leads to fucking
Hate Fucking
Sex Pollen (or any sex inducing chemical) (used on one or both of the characters) (this is one of my ult favs as a DC fanfiction trope)
There Was Only One Bed 
Caught Masturbating (one of my personal favs) 
Late Night Semi-Public Sex (bathroom sex, kitchen counter sex, etc.) where they have to shove their hand over your mouth to keep you quiet 
Dirty Talk/Teasing While On A Mission 
Training/wrestling/sparring together that turns into sex on the mats
Them seeing you in a slutty outfit to go undercover for a mission
Using sex as a way to destress after a difficult mission
Breeding Kink (or Faux Breeding Kink with a strap-on)
Accidentally Sending Nudes
Phone Sex/Sexting
Underwear Stealing
Perv!Canon Character
Dumbification Kink/Objectification Kink 
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (or their reaction to being called Daddy or Mommy for the first time) (or - epic bonus: them accidentally calling you Daddy or Mommy during a sexual encounter) 
Them masturbating to the thought of you 
Accidental Voyeurism (this one is great with a third party) 
(There is plenty more kinks or sexual situations I will write, this is just all that I thought to add to the list for now) 
Angst Prompts/Ideas
(I would love to get some of these as requests - I love writing angst but people don’t request it as often. I can also write hurt/comfort by writing one of these with a happy ending if that’s preferable!) 
They break up with you to keep you away from danger 
Attending to their injuries after a fight (or them attending to your injuries after a fight) 
You are attacked (verbally or physically) and they step in to save you 
Their reaction to you being killed/your death (bonus angst: you died before they got to confess their feelings to you) 
They hold you in their arms as you die but they can’t save you 
How they react when you are killed by a villain (bonus angst: you were targeted by that villain because of their vigilante deeds) 
One of you has been brainwashed and completely forgets the other (or you have been brainwashed to hurt the other person) 
They save you from a near-death experience (or you save them) 
They find out that you are alive after thinking you had died (bonus angst: it's their first time seeing you after thinking you had been dead for years)
Being reunited after years, but you didn’t part on good terms 
“Who did this to you?” 
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think that you’ll never love them back. etc.) 
Fluff Ideas/Prompts 
They confess their love for you 
Your first kiss together 
They react to finding out you’re pregnant 
You adopt a pet together (or find a random animal on the street and keep it) 
(this list is a lot shorter because typically I don’t write pure fluff lmao) 
Also again, you don’t have to use these prompts, I just think these are good examples of ideas that will fit within the 1k-2k mark for shorter fics.
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teaand-dreams · 2 years
Donna Troy and Spring
What’s it like being with Donna Troy in the spring? Requested by @sheimagineddragons​
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Firstly, spring is seen as the time of new beginnings and new birth
thus, expect Donna to adopt at least one nest of baby birds in the city
she will go out of her way to watch out for them by shooing away possible predators and other humans, and protect them as much as she can
she will also watch the baby birds grow up with a sense of pride, and will probably cry when they first learn to fly
during this time, you will have to make sure to remind her to drink water and eat because she is likely to forget about her own needs
that being said, when the baby birds do move out of the nest, Donna will take your hand, watch the birds with tearful eyes, and tell you she’ll never love another family of birds as much as she loves this one (this will be the same speech about different birds every year, mind you)
just pat her head, kiss her forehead, and tell her you know. she’ll be very grateful for any comfort you can provide her
When spring arrives, so does rain
on rainy mornings, Donna will sit by the window and take pictures of the outside world through the window and tell you how amazing it is to see the world through a clouded perspective
the two of you will sit and talk about the plants you hope will grow, drink tea, and read for a bit
when the rain isn’t that heavy, just a light mist or drizzle, the two of you will go outside and dance around, laughing and jumping in small puddles
after, Donna will light candles and the two of you will sit on the couch huddled under blankets and warm up so you don’t catch a cold from the rain
Some days will be sunny, though
Donna will absorb each sunny day as a breath of fresh air
she’ll walk around the city and take pictures of all the new growth she sees
if you go with her, she’ll have you stand next to trees regaining their leaves and sit in a field of blooming flowers as she takes a variety of photos
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taglist: @tangled-upwithyou​​ @retvenkos​​
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Hi Jill!
Happy early birthday!! I'd like to request a Scenario Sunday with the fluff prompt, “I wanna kiss your lips” and birthday cuddles with Donna Troy, please.
Thank you!
Scenario Sunday
You wake up to birds chirping and sunlight streaming through your windows and an empty bed. You whine and blindly reach for your phone and once it’s in hand you pull the covers over your head. You quickly send a text to Donna and then settle back into the warmth of the blankets.
“What’s the emergency?” She asks a couple minute layers, tugging the blankets off your face.
“I wanna kiss your lips.” You giggle and pull her by the shirt into the bed with you so you can kiss her softly.
“That’s not an emergency.” She whispers against your lips but she’s making no moves to leave your arms.
“It is because it’s my birthday and I woke up to an empty bed and no one to kiss.” You pout.
“I was gonna make you breakfast in bed.” She pouts back, flicking your lip as she pulls away.
“Did you start yet?“
“Not yet, I got distracted cleaning dishes.” She hums and you pull her back down against you.
“Good cause I would rather birthday cuddles first.” You giggle and kiss her hard.
“You’re so spoiled.” She whispers as she wiggles to get under the blankets with you.
“It’s my birthday, you’re supposed to spoil me rotten.”
She rolls her eyes at that but she tightens her grip on you and starts stroking your back lightly. You bury your head in her neck and she moves a hand to scratch lightly at your scalp and you start purring like a kitten.
You stay in bed like that just chatting and cuddling until we’ll after noon but Donna still makes you a birthday breakfast when you finally drag yourselves up. She does her part and spoils you rotten, indulging in every request you have when really you’d be just as happy to spend the day pressed into her side.
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retvenkos · 3 years
of puzzles and chaos | d.t.
requested by @sheimagineddragons​ Titans — Donna Troy x Reader, light angst, fluff
tw: mentions of donna’s death, mentions of anxiety, light mentions of grief word count: 1.6k prompt: love language - touch A/N: i know it was supposed to be a drabble, but listen,,,,,,,,,,, it’s donna troy.
Summary: A year after the carnival where all was seemingly lost, you’re still putting the pieces back to together - one moment at a time.
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The neon glow of the city doused your apartment in shades of purple and blue, light spilling through your open curtains and into the darkened room. It was beautiful, really - in a slanted, calm sort of way that wasn't common, this deep in the city. Nights were rarely peaceful when masked superheroes patrolled their crime-ridden streets. But tonight was something silent and subdued, and you were grateful for the respite. You were certain your Titan friends were, as well. For one night, they were finally able to sleep.
"...And that's how you know you're in good company!" Your television droned on low volume - some late-night talk show host laughing overly bright, interviewing Bruce Wayne, of all people, about his latest philanthropic deeds. You shook your head softly at the way the audience guffawed at the half-baked joke before turning your attention back to the scattered chaos that lay before you.
Of all the undertakings you'd faced thus far, this was the most challenging.
Subtle hints and minuscule pieces were spread before you - a chaotic whirlwind of information that had you puzzled. There was a pattern to all of it - you knew there had to be - but all of these clues churned through your mind in unbridled disorder. It seemed there was no end and no beginning to the picture you were slowly placing, and yet, you knew there had to be. You moved things around. Tilted your head. You just had to learn the secret of the design.
It was late, and the night was calm, but in the contours of your mind, it was not so - chaos very rarely left you anymore. Even when the world settled, you continued to spin.
"(Y/n)...? What are you doing?" You turned, and Donna was walking toward you from the bedroom. Sleep still clung to her and colored her weary voice, despite the alertness of her gaze. You bit the inside of your cheek. You hadn't wanted to wake her.
"Nothing," you muted the television before you. "Just thinking, is all. It's late - you should get some rest."
She dared to scoff. "Anytime before daybreak is early for a Titan - you should know that by now." But the way she yawned said otherwise. You raised a brow, and she fondly swatted your shoulder as she came to look at the mess you had spread on the coffee table before you.
Not that you had been trying to hide it - but you had hoped your efforts would have pushed you further before she found out.
Donna breathed a smile at the array before you. "Another jigsaw puzzle, huh?" 
You offered a dull smile in assent. Puzzles had always been comforting to you. They were challenges and questions that always had a picture-perfect end. They were broken and scattered, but you always had everything you needed to fix it, again.
As a private investigator, your life was filled with puzzles and confusion - pieces that didn't seem to fit and endings that were often more gruesome than you hoped. It was chaos out there (and you had a mind to think it always would be), but here, in the confines of a jigsaw, everything had its place, and the surety of that made finding things simple.
Donna had always found it funny - how puzzles were seemingly your lifeblood, and how effortlessly they could flow. She seemed determined to find your secret or find a way it could be fooled — "One day there'll be a puzzle you can't crack, (Y/n). What'll you do then?" 
"Continue to solve it with my dying breath."
But that had all been so long ago, and there had been chaos since that you still couldn't reconcile with reality.
So you opened something self-contained. Something you could labour over but never agonize - something with a picture that ended in paradise.
You were nursing yet another worry tonight.
Donna leaned over to grab the box that you had discarded on the floor ("Having a picture is too easy, Donna. The unknown is what makes it riveting.") and when she noted the details, she whistled lowly. "Four thousand pieces - a painting of the ocean? You're insane, (Y/n)."
"It's not insanity once I find all the borders."
Donna grinned as she settled on the carpet beside you, her loose sweats brushing against your legs - knees touching. You leaned into her presence - just enough to be indulgent - and the worry eating at your mind became a gentle tug. Donna was good at that - easing whatever anxiety knotted in your thoughts. So were your trusty puzzles - as you had learned in the months she had been dead and out of reach.
"I see you've already done that," Donna said, tapping at the skeleton you had assembled, and were starting to fill in. She picked up a stray puzzle piece and tapped it against the table, indulging your chaos for a moment - considering your shambles. "What's the strategy, now, then? You were always better at putting things back together than me."
And that begged a pause - one that was perhaps more vulnerable than you had expected. "Are you sure?" Your voice had dropped, and so your eyes did, too. You traced the edge of a puzzle piece with your finger - through the valley, and up the steep edge, over the bump, and back down again - and blinked at its vague illustration until you could form a sentence in earnest. "With everything that happened after the carnival last year, I'm not as certain as you are."
Donna's hand was warm when it squeezed the firmness of your knee, and you looked up before you could think better of it. In the glow of the cityscape, she looked angelic - in that pensive sort of way that made paintings all the more adored. Donna's brows knit together, but whether it was pain from days past, or something more immediate, you didn't know.
"Of course, I'm sure." Donna shifted so she could face you more earnestly, and her hands ghosted over your frame until they met your yours. She held them, and you could feel her pulse.
"(Y/n), you were there for me when I came back to life - whenever I needed you, whatever I needed you for - you were there. You took all my moods, of which there were many, and you took all my pain, and you treated it with more grace and understanding than I could possibly imagine. Even before that, you were there for whatever nonsense we Titans tossed your way, and you're here, now, doing the same thing. Just because you couldn't find a cure to bring me back, doesn't mean you weren't the one to call me home."
You could feel the tears welling in your eyes, but you smiled, and when they started to fall down your cheeks, Donna kissed them away, her forehead touching yours, her nose brushing your warm skin. The puzzles were gone, the chaos was at rest, and all your life was here, wrapped up within Donna Troy and burning radiant.
Your eyes were closed, but you could feel her. She was shaking her head just softly, and her hands still clutched yours. "I came back for you, (Y/n) - and the Titans, and this city, and myself -  but to be with you." You opened your eyes, and Donna was staring back at you. She leaned back to brush your cheek, and you gently tugged one of your hands free to move a loose strand of her dark hair. She found your fingertips and kissed them. "One of the reasons I couldn't accept my fate was because I told myself years ago that I wouldn't be the puzzle you couldn't solve... No matter how much I joke about that eventuality."
Donna's lips curled into a smile, then, and you couldn't help but laugh at her joke - something knowing and familiar, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. 
"What would I do without you?" You scoffed, shaking your head, knowing that the lightness of your tone still carried an undercurrent of a tumultuous storm, but feeling the sun peeking over the horizon, nonetheless.
"Finish more puzzles in the middle of the night, probably." Donna teased. But she picked up her fallen puzzle piece, anyway, and she waved it before you. "What comes next, after the edges?"
And you looked back to the coffee table, where four thousand puzzle pieces were scattered in relative disarray. Already, there were pockets of like-color and semi-connected pieces - little bits of understanding sprinkled through the jumble and storm. You had a strategy in mind for this particular puzzle - you had quite a few if you were being completely honest - but you were tired, and for just one night, Donna had convinced you to let it all go.
You breathed in and reached for the remote to turn off the TV. 
"Tomorrow," you declared, and you didn't need to turn to Donna to know she was smiling, self-satisfied. But you did so anyway, and you squeezed her knee with tenderness. "I'll teach you tomorrow. For now, we should get some sleep."
You leaned in and kissed Donna - tasting the softness of her lips against yours, drinking in her good spirits and warm heart -while smoothing out her hair. She hummed into the kiss, and when you parted, she tugged you to your feet, and you stumbled, arms wrapped around the other, to bed.
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taglist: @starkeysslut, @teaand-dreams, @vixxiann​ // add yourself to the taglist here!
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astrum-naut · 3 years
A G T Y letters for yandere donna? ❤ thankyouuuu : )
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Alphabet by @mo0nfairy
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗮𝘆? Donna really likes spending time with you through the quiet parts of her lifestyle, wherein she doesn't have to necessarily strain herself or expect to get hurt out of the abusive superhero responsibilities. She would like for the both of you to enjoy life and whatever it could offer, so expect some picnic dates, photography sessions either you as the model; you assisting her; or even her as the muse, daily park walks, training sessions so you could always be prepared for any danger you could stumble into, cute coffee dates. Basically living that cute, domestic couple life.
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺?
Donna is one of the more seemingly normal yanderes. She definitely has one of the best self-control in regards to her urges so she doesn't do anything that necessarily tips of your radars. She doesn't pick off anyone with her golden lasso unless you were really injured, she doesn't isolate you from your friends, she doesn't manipulate you in order to serve her needs. The worst she can really do is stalk you and worm herself into your life. And maybe a few other things when she's pushed to her limits. But really, like most of the other female yanderes, she's a pretty solid choice of being obsessed over. You just think of her as the cute, girl-next-door who works in photography and occasionally takes you on these out of these worlds dates. You think of her of the sun, moon, and stars and she happily thinks of you the same way.
𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴?
Donna is not one of the types to be so overly into PDA. She's not going to lounge herself over you like some kitten starved for affection, nor is she going to instigate make-out sessions in the middle of public places. She's the subtle and reassuring type. She squeezes your shoulder, she presses small kisses on your face, she rubs your fingers, all out of an attempt to comfort and remind you she's there. Hell, if she's really feeling it she may even sneak her hand into your pants' back pocket.
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴?
This is always a fascinating question in terms of discussing yandere behavior. Yet, I believe everything was mostly normal except this underlying doubt of what she was really fighting for worth it. Donna despite her logical and very pragmatic nature, seems like she has a lot of self-doubts in terms of being a hero and what it esentially means to her. But when she met you, that faith and drive was restored. She found herself waking up in the morning and fighting crime in the name of you and the encouragement you were able to provide her, when no one was able to. Donna found herself at her knees for some mere mortal, and yet she would only lift herself up in your grace and honor to fight another day.
Cue Feel Special by Twice
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Don't Do That || Donna Troy
Pairing: Donna Troy x Vigilante!Fem!Reader
Summary: After a terrible scout, Y/N goes home close to death and Donna gets to witness her sneaking inside her apartment.
Words: 2.7k
Warning: little angst, but also a fluff end!!
A/N: man i'm still upset about s2's ending so here i am resorting to writing,,, Donna Troy my BELOVED ♡
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・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━ ☆☆☆ ━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
New York City isn't as magical as how movies and shows portray it to be. Streets are always occupied, people you pass by are always in the rush and won't hesitate to talk shit when you bump into them, trash everywhere you go and crime always happening on every corner. But no matter how dirty the city was, figuratively and literally, Y/N loved the city that never sleeps. She grew up in the area and had too many memorable moments. Practically glued to it no matter what. Her love was reflected through her way of justice. No, she had no law degree to defend the wrongfully accused or taunted in court, but she had the strength to protect the streets by running around in black with a blue mask to cover most of her face. Her activities were widely known by the city and most of them underestimate her capabilities. Y/N didn't have any crazy abilities other than combat and gymnastics skills to speak volumes for her. A few years in a gymnastics team and mixed martial arts molded them into who she was today.
People she has encountered are usually robbers or kidnappers, occasionally would be a mob or a serial killers. Some crooks she faced were experienced, were able to scar her good or even make her reach the point of draining her energy.
This was one of them, except it was worse than before. She has faced a group of people before, though the brute force they performed truly caught her off guard. There were too many cuts and probably three broken bones, but the vigilante was too focused on running her way back to her apartment. The cold breeze of the night made its way deeper into her body through the scars and it became harder to keep her up on her feet, yet Y/N told herself that she needed to keep going, she has to. When she finally recognized the rooftop that had some comfy hanging lights she was passing by she felt relieved about it. She was close. As she arrived at her usual entrance inside her apartment, she climbed in the window by her bedroom as stealth as she could but she failed to keep it up due to her injuries. A small thud was heard when her butt landed on the floor and silently she screamed at the dart of pain. Slowly Y/N picked herself up from her somewhat comfortable surface and held onto the ledge of her window for support. To her stage of lightheadedness, this was new to her. She felt too exhausted and couldn't care less if she was on the brink of dying because of the bleeding. As long as she gets to have her last moments by her bedroom window, it was ten times better than a filthy alley.
Her state barely caught the sound of the bedroom door creaking open and the vigilante's mind could not register who could have barged into her apartment at this hour to confront the noises. Her eyes moved to where the person stood by and slowly her vision focused on their figure that seem to display a glowing rope that was held by their hands while their stance was ready to throw her out of the room. She couldn't tell if her head was starting to make her hallucinate things or not, but she recognized that it was either Wonder Woman or Wonder Girl. God knows what the fuck her mind was farting out at that point.
"Who are you?" It was her girlfriend. Donna's voice was stern and rather demanding towards what she thought was an intruder.
A small smile formed from Y/N's bruised lips and before she could make a sound from her mouth to respond, her body collapsed back to the ground and finally lost the grip of her consciousness. The Amazonian has rather frozen from her spot after the loud thud and the tension around her was still heavy. Donna only had one thought on how her night was going to end and it was not like this. She then moved closer to where Y/N's body lied and kept her defenses up in case the person was acting. She had heard of the masked person who beats the shit out of criminals, but only to the point, that they'd knockout. She always wondered about them but never thought of encountering them sneaking inside apartments, specifically Y/N's. Donna had told herself that she was done with hero stuff after the Titans disbanded yet what was happening at that very moment is causing conflict within herself. The raven-haired's curiosity ate her mind when she felt tempted to remove the blue mask that hid the vigilante's identity. Deep down she hoped this poor fella wasn't her girlfriend but a second voice in the back denies otherwise. When Donna peaked on the mask to reveal their face, a small gasp escape her lips.
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━ ☆☆☆ ━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
Before the injured woman could even bear to open her eyes, a numerous set of agonizing pain welcomed her back to her consciousness. She felt like a bulldozer ran over her trice. As her eyes flutter, her bedroom ceiling was the first thing she saw and light from her window made its way to her face. It was morning... The brightness of the sunlight pop a headache out in the blue and it caused her to groan. The surface she was lying on felt softer than she had recalled.
She fell on the floor, didn't she? Since when did she get to move her own body to her bed when she went out?
Y/N then remembered what happened on her patrol last night and a curse accompanied her sigh. There was a last-minute change of plans for the group that she was looking out for weeks and being ambushed by a bunch of brute men was not on her mind, being mauled down was another. Y/N went to touch the area of her cuts, which was at the bottom of her left collarbone and felt a thin cloth covering the said scar. She figured the person who found her did this or maybe Anna who's a nurse that lives a few streets nearby and happens to pass by her place. Usually, she only calls the nurse when she's wounded, but there were times she'd be visiting to look out for her. Before she could even dare to try sitting up a voice interrupted her action,
"I wouldn't even try moving so much if I were you." Y/N sighed when she realized whose voice had spoken.
When she faced where her voice came from, the young woman had many emotions painted over her face when she had the view of her, the confusion being evident in her eyes. She had figured a long time ago that she had to come out clean to Donna, one way or another and this was one of the many scenarios she had imagined herself to be in. It was a matter of time for her to admit it now because it was getting harder to keep her second life hidden from her. The raven-haired woman had made known before that she preferred when secrets are admitted wholeheartedly no matter what the circumstance they may be, either they were in a fight, caught in a lie, or trying to get an answer out of her when Y/N's keeping things to herself. Donna respected her privacy too much. But even if that was the case, she hasn't told her the truth about her past as well. Their current case was different.
Both of them met at one of Donna's galleries and she was quite intrigued with Y/N's presence as a whole. Her knowledge of photography had created a connection. Since she was an independent photographer and had been interested in the certain gallery that had been mentioned to her by an acquaintance, she just had to check the place out. Her style contrasted with Donna's, but after all, they had different lines of work. For the majority of that night, both of them enjoyed each other's company and decided to converse outside of their occupations. This meant casual coffee dates in the morning or inviting each other for a meal in their places. A few weeks later, Y/N finally had the guts to ask her out for a date and Donna was rather relieved that she decided to do so after how long they've started talking.
"Hey, Donna." Y/N casually greeted her as she ignored her warning and continued to sit up, resting her back by the headboard.
"We're just going to ignore that fact that I walked into you bleeding in your bedroom wearing this mask?"
"Just like that, huh?" The Amazonian wasn't dumb about what she was trying to address, but all she wanted was to dodge the questions. Her injuries were also distracting her from entertaining the woman's question,
"Like what exactly?" Her question boiled Donna's frustration towards her.
"I don't want to push you into talking but please know that I'm just scared to death of losing you, Y/N." She winced a little when she referred to her first name.
All she received was silence from the injured woman when she tossed the blue bloody fabric by her legs. It was the type of silence that could break both of their guards down. Y/N had no telepathic abilities, but she knew Donna was losing her patience with her. It was holding on to a thread. She had every right to be angry with her. Being a vigilante wasn't any small secret you could keep from anyone, let alone always having the possibility to lose your life. There have been many articles about her business on any platform, some being too concerning but weren't inhumane. Donna couldn't get a hold of herself from this new information and it's been hours since she realized her lover was the masked vigilante who keeps New York as safe as she could, but this reminded her of Garth and how things have ended with him. All those times where she noticed Y/N having bruises or cuts accompanied with white lies weren't helping. Like that time when she showed up late to dinner and a spot on her right cheek was darker than usual.
Everything was making sense.
"Did you patch me?"
"Don't do that. Don't act as if nothing happened and start pushing me away again, please." Donna pleaded. She felt restless at this moment and being left in the dark was the last thing she wanted to be treated.
"And yes I did some of it." She answered her question before she saw Y/N take a deep breath from this.
"Yes, I am the 'masked vigilante'. I've been going for a year or two. I've tried to keep a low profile about it for the longest time. It became... a challenge when you came in. You always could easily tell if there was something wrong with me so I had to learn how to keep things because... I didn't want you to be hurt or be used against me if things go south." Y/N confessed, slightly feeling more relaxed now that she has said it out loud.
Donna deserved the truth.
Her fear was valid and it would be dumb to ignore her point. Y/N cares too much about her that she didn't want to mess things up between them big time so she finally throws her guard away,
"I was going to tell you, Donna. At first, I thought that you'd move on from the common scars and bruises but I was wrong, and here we are." Y/N finished.
"I'm used to getting hurt every night. Sometimes not so much other times I can still walk back and sew myself, but last night wasn't in my mind. This mob that I was checking for weeks saw me coming and decided to attack me last minute. There were thirteen guys, armed with knives and had experienced better than what I usually encounter. I was able to knock them down, but I was too busted so I had to run as fast as I could back here."
Both of them went quiet again but it wasn't as uncomfortable as it was earlier. Donna imagined how her girlfriend described her night and felt too bad that she could've been there to help her, yet she was busy looking out for another group to bust with her work. She feels proud of the heroism she had in her, but that fear still lingered within her.
She couldn't expect her to respond so well to the truth. This was a lot to take in and Y/N being half-dead at the moment was not adding well. Donna felt bad for not telling her about her past sooner and maybe she could've helped her about last night. But even if the woman knew who she was there were many possibilities on how things would go. She shook her head before deciding to stand up from where she sat and carefully sat next to the love of her life by her bed, offering a glass of water to the woman knowing that she might have been thirsty. Y/N accepted it with a little pain following her movement but not that it bothered the hell out of her. She observes as Donna stares at her lap for a bit to collect her scattered thoughts before she decided to say them,
"I... haven't been quite honest with you too." Donna started while looking her in the eye.
"I was part of the Titans five years ago. Things got sour after we lost our friends on a mission and I decided to leave that life behind as well. Remember Dick, Dawn, and Hank? They weren't just ordinary friends of mine. They were a part of it as well and also my family."
"And if you were wondering, I'm Wonder Girl." She added with a nervous chuckle.
Her eyes widened from Donna's confession and couldn't help but leave her mouth slightly agape. Y/N recalled what her vision caught the minute before she passed out and realized what she saw was real. She... as Wonder Girl... raised by Wonder Woman herself and probably met the rest of the Justice League... And are also close friends with the Titans. Now that both of them know each other's second life, they didn't know where to begin with. Y/N's glistened at the memory of the woman's confrontation last night. This reaction had caused Donna's eyebrows to furrow at her as she wait for what she had to say. She couldn't tell what she was reacting to, but doing so wasn't helping her physical state.
"So I guess I wasn't hallucinating when I saw you last night," Y/N noted.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!" The raven-haired apologizes.
"Titans huh?" All the Amazonian could offer was a sheepish smile from her girlfriend's reaction.
"When I thought my girl couldn't get cooler than she already is." From how flustered Y/N had made her, Donna unconsciously slapped her arm lightly and covered her mouth after realizing what she had done.
"I'm already half-dead and this is what I get?" Y/N joked and this made her cling her arm around hers gently, resting her head by her shoulder to hide her embarrassment.
Y/N felt content at the scene of it. She had always loved to see Donna change the color of her skin to cherry tomato when she says something to make her feel the love she had for her. It was always a rare sight to see her be vulnerable. Most of the time Y/N only gets to encounter them when they are on their own and some occasions when she catches Donna off guard about something, usually when she catches her staring. She loved this side of her. Donna Troy was always confident about herself, but catching her embarrassed was something she loved more.
"You know..." Y/N settled down when she heard her begin,
"I don't mind giving a hand when you need an extra," Donna told her. This made the vigilante smile at her offer.
"Maybe when you're only in dire need of assistance." Donna continued as had her signature smile directed at her. A smile with unimaginable worth.
"I thought you were out of that?"
"Oh well as long as I get to hang out with you more and maybe show a few moves, won't be too bad to start small again." The Amazonian's eyes were painted with excitement.
"Sounds like a cool date idea," Y/N smirked.
"But first let's get your body to heal..."
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━ ☆☆☆ ━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
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joaniepencil · 3 years
Fanatique de muffins
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Chapitre 10
Résumé : La passion entre Billie et Sy se développe mais tout n'est pas tout rose. Sy cache des squelettes dans son placard qui pourrait faire peur à la jeune femme.
Pairing : James Syverson ( mélange Marshall et Syverson) X OFC Billie Morgan
*Les personnages de Marshall et Syverson ne m'appartiennent pas ainsi le reste oui! Langue des signes en italique. Pas de beta Reader donc les fautes sont de moi!!! :)*
Avertissement : 18 ans et plus! Sexe!! P dans V sexe oral, masturbation féminine. Position douteuse 🙃 fluff angst aussi. Jalousie.
Billie dormit pendant deux jours entiers. Les préparatifs du mariage l’avaient complètement épuisée. Quand finalement elle se leva pour prendre une douche, elle constata qu’elle sentait encore la présence de Sy au fond de son ventre. Il l’avait tellement baisé fort qu’elle avait encore mal au col de l’utérus.
Les jours suivants, Billie essaya de mettre cette belle soirée avec Sy dans le fond de sa tête. Il ne lui avait pas donné signe de vie. Elle finit même par se demander si elle n’avait pas rêvé.
Un midi, une bonne semaine plus tard, elle décida d’aller se chercher une salade dans sa petite boulangerie préférée.
La chaleur de juin frappait les rues de New-York, Billie suait à grosse goutte dans son blazer noir, quelle idée elle avait eu de laisser ses cheveux libres sur ses épaules? La sueur coulait sur sa nuque alors qu’elle attendait sa commande. Elle releva ses cheveux et s’éventa avec un menu de carton, elle sentit un souffle anormal sur sa nuque. Un peu effrayée, elle se retourna pour face à face avec Sy qui lui souriait doucement. Ses yeux bleu foncé la regardait intensément.
-Tu as chaud ma belle ? Elle hocha la tête lentement. Il était toujours aussi sexy avec son t-shirt bleu royal et ses jeans. Sa plaque et son arme de service accroché à sa hanche. La sueur perlait sur son front ses boucles brunes collaient sur sa peau.
-Oui il fait une chaleur d’enfer.
La commande de la jeune femme était prête elle se poussa sur le côté. Elle ne savait pas trop si elle devait l’attendre ou si elle partait tout simplement. C’était un peu inconfortable mais le désir dans le fond de son ventre, qui ne demandait que ses caresses, prit le dessus. Elle posa la main sur son bras pendant qu’il attendait son tour.
-On va prendre un verre quelque amis ce soir si tu veux venir avec nous… Ou si tu préfères tu peux me rejoindre en fin de soirée. Jane et Luke sont encore en voyage…
Sy lui fit un petit sourire en coin.
-Je travaille mais appel moi quand tu vas être prête à rentrer chez toi et j’irais te chercher. Billie sourit de son magnifique sourire qui le faisait craquer.
-D’accord… mais je n’ai pas ton numéro. Sy se mit à rire.
-Donne-moi ton téléphone. Elle lui tendit son téléphone et elle le regarda composer son numéro. Maintenant tu as le mien et j’ai le tien. À ce soir.
Il se pencha sur elle et il lui donna un baiser léger sur la joue.
L’estomac de Billie fit des bonds dans tous les sens tout l’après-midi. Elle but un ou deux verres de trop avec ses amies au bar ce soir-là. Vers 22h elle envoya un texto à Sy.
Billie : Je suis toute prête pour toi.
Cinq minutes plus tard il lui répondit.
Sy : Tu es où?
Billie : Molly.
Sy : J’arrive ne bouge pas de là.
Dix minutes plus tard, Sy fendait la foule de gens beaucoup trop bourré pour retrouver le petit bout de femme qui le faisait sortir de sa tanière.
Aussitôt qu’elle le fit, Billie lui sauta au cou laissant le jeune homme près d’elle sur sa faim. Les filles autour d’elle se mirent à glousser et lui jeter des œillades jalouses. Les deux ou trois jeunes coqs le regardèrent en se bombant le torse.
-Sy, je suis si contente de te voir! Elle avait bu quelques verres de trop, il le sentit dans son haleine et dans ses yeux qui bougeait un peu trop. Il la serra brièvement contre lui presser de sortir de cette fournaise mais Billie en avait décidé autrement.
- Les filles je vous présente mon … Elle lui jeta un œil. Ami Sy. Sy voici les filles.
Le groupe de fille le saluèrent avec un peu trop de chaleur. L’une d’entre elle le déshabilla carrément du regard. Sy n’avait pas l’intention de s’attarder.
-Bill tu ne nous avait pas dit que tu sortais avec un policier ! Dit l’une d’elle. La blonde plantureuse regarda Sy avec envie. Il portait encore sa plaque et son arme de service au grand bonheur de la blonde. Billie ne l’avait pas comprise et Sy se demandait bien ce qu’elle lui aurait dit. Billie le tenait par la taille fermement appuyer sur lui. Il pressa un peu le haut de son bras nu quelques fois pour attirer son attention.
-Tu es prête ? Elle hocha la tête et saisit son sac à main et salua tout le monde en partant. Elle marchait étonnement droit pour une personne en état d’ébriété mais Sy préférait garder la main dans le bas de son dos jusqu’à ce qu’ils soient dehors. Ce soir, elle était à lui.
La route entre le bar et sa maison était déserte. Cette fois Billie ne dormait pas, elle regardait silencieusement dehors en chatonnant un petit air à voix basse. Sy bassa le volume de la radio et l’écouta en souriant. Il prit sa main dans la sienne et embrassa doucement ses jointures. Elle soupira et le regarda faire. Comment un homme aussi imposant qu’un grizzly pouvait être aussi doux?
-Je suis contente que tu aies accepté de venir… Je n’étais pas certaine que veuille me revoir. La noirceur cacha sa réponse. Il frotta doucement sa petite main sur sa barbe. Elle ronronna presque.
Arriver à la maison, elle fit sortir Mia puis proposa un verre à Sy. Il regardait chacun de ses gestes avec attention et intensité comme un prédateur regarde sa proie. Sa petite robe noire virevoltait dans la cuisine.
Il prit la bière qu’elle lui tendit.
-Tu as faim?
-Oui mais c’est toi que je veux manger.
Billie rougit jusqu’à la racine de ses cheveux. Il s’approcha lentement d’elle et enroula ses bras autour d’elle son front touchait le sien. En un clin d’œil, il captura sa bouche dans la sienne, la souleva comme si elle n’était qu’une plume et l’assit sur le comptoir de la cuisine.
Sa bouche la dévora comme s’il n’avait pas manger depuis des jours. Billie enroula ses jambes autour de sa taille, se frottant contre lui en gémissant à son contact électrisant. Ses mains jouaient dans ses boucles brunes. Elle le repoussa un peu.
-Sy… Attends… J’ai eu tellement chaud… Pourquoi pas une douche… dit -elle entre deux baisers fiévreux.
-Ok… Je vais te baiser dans la douche. Dans ta chambre?
Elle hocha la tête.
-En haut.
La langue de la jeune femme léchait la sienne à pleine bouche. C’était le baiser le plus érotique que Sy n’eut jamais échangé de toute sa vie. Sulfureuse et passionnée, Billie envahissait sa bouche avec sa langue douce lui arrachant un grondement de plaisir. Sy la ramassa une nouvelle fois par les fesses et la serra contre lui. Il était plus qu’excité, il était tellement bandé que son jeans lui faisait mal. Billie se frottait contre lui sans retenu pendant qu’il l’emmenait avec lui dans l’escalier. Il pouvait sentir la fournaise de sa chatte contre lui. Au milieu de l’escalier il la déposa dans les marches en tapis. En continuant de l’embrasser il retira rapidement son t-shirt, elle ouvrit son jeans humide de son jus qui dégoulinait de sa chatte.
C’était une véritable urgence. Il fallait qu’il la baise furieusement, là, tout de suite. Il lui déchira sa petite culotte et l’empala avec sa grosse bite. Elle poussa un cri.
-Fuck!! Sy!! Doucement !
-Désole ma belle.
Le souffle court, la sueur au front il se retint le plus qu’il put pour ne pas la baiser le plus fort qu’il pouvait.
Lentement, il se mit a aller et venir dans sa chatte brûlante. Il parcouru son cou de baiser mouillés, elle goutait le sel et le parfum.
Elle bougea les hanches avec lui, leurs deux corps dansaient la même danse de plus en plus effrénée. Se percutant comme des vagues sur un rocher, malgré l’inconfort du tapis. À court de souffle Sy s’arrêta. Billie protesta.
-Non !
-Viens dans la douche. Accroche-toi. Il la prit dans ses bras, la bite toujours au fond d’elle. Il la releva et l’emmena avec lui en essayant de ne pas tomber, Billie continuait d’onduler des hanches pendant qu’il marchait.
-Putain Bee, tu vas me tuer... Il l’appuya brutalement sur la porte de la salle de bain et lui assena plusieurs puissants coups de rein assez fort pour lui faire voir des étoiles.
-Merde … Elle frissonna de tout son corps, sa chatte se serra sur sa bite, ses ongles se plantèrent dans ses épaules. Continue!
Sy continua et la baisa fort contre la porte jusqu’à ce qu’elle cri comme une actrice de porno.
-Serre moi fort… Dit elle les dents serrés les yeux fermés. Il la serra très fort dans ses bras, son petit visage dans son cou, ses jambes autour de lui, elle ondula des hanches encore un peu jusqu’à ce que l’orgasme soit passé. Sy sentait ses couilles complètement trempées et douloureuses.
Il la posa doucement au sol. Elle tremblait mais tenait debout. À bout de souffle et impatient il lui fit signe d’aller dans la salle de bain. Elle retira sa robe et son appareil avant d’ajuster l’eau penchée devant lui. Il se déshabilla rapidement et frotta son gros gland sur son cul magnifiquement nu. Il entra et sortit tranquillement de sa chatte dégoulinante quelques fois, il frotta même sur sa petite rondelle rose. Elle réagit vivement et le repoussa.
-Non !!! Pas là. Il lui donna un baiser sur l’épaule et la poussa doucement dans la douche. Le désir ravageur le rendait impatient et bestiale.
-Je ne veux pas te faire mal mais putain j’ai tellement envie de toi.
-Baise moi, fais ce que tu veux avec moi mais pas dans le cul. Son regard bleu la transperçait. Il aurait pu lui faire mal, la prendre de force mais elle lui faisait confiance.
-Dis non si tu n’aimes pas, d’accord? Elle hocha la tête. Il dirigea le jet de douche pour être sur leur deux corps et la retourna pour la mettre face au mur de carrelage. Il écarta ses pieds et il entreprit de la baiser d’abord doucement puis de plus en plus fort toujours plus profondément. Il mit une main sur son ventre pour l’empêcher de bouger et de l’autre agrippa ses deux poignets au-dessus de sa tête. Elle couina quelques fois mais ne lui demanda jamais d’arrêter.
Il sentait l’orgasme monter dans la base de sa bite et la retourna vivement. Il l’embrassa et lui mordit la lèvre inférieure.
-Suce moi. Elle se mit à genou devant lui et le prit dans sa bouche. Son jus encore sur sa bite. Elle n’avait jamais fait ce genre de chose avant mais Sy avait découvert la salope en elle et elle adorait ça !
Elle le prit le plus profondément qu’elle pu, avalant, léchant, suçant sa bite énorme. Sy renversa la tête en arrière en grognant de satisfaction.
-Fuck !!!
Billie s’appliqua à lui faire plaisir et elle le sentait près d’exploser. Elle branla de sa main ce qu’elle ne pouvait sucer. Tout en insérant deux doigts dans sa chatte bouillante. Elle gémit fortement quand un autre orgasme la fit s’arrêter de sucer. Sy pencha la tête vers elle et la vit se branler frénétiquement. Il n’en fallut pas plus pour qu’il explose dans sa bouche sans avertissement. Billie ouvrit de grands yeux ronds mais elle avala le tout sans broncher.
Elle reprit son souffle à quatre pattes dans la douche. Il s’agenouilla près d’elle et la prit dans ses bras en s’assoyant dans le bain. L’eau leur coulant dessus.
Elle sentait son cœur battre aussi fort que le sien. Il caressa ses cheveux et lui vola un baiser. Ils passèrent la nuit ensemble se caressant, goûtant, léchant chaques parties de leurs corps respectifs jusqu’au petit matin. Quand finalement elle se réveilla, Sy était partis depuis longtemps la laissant seule dans le grand lit.
Deux jours plus tard, Luke et Jane revinrent de leur lune de miel la peau bronzée du soleil de la Floride où ils avaient passé les deux dernières semaines.
Ils se regardaient avec amour, les yeux brillants plein de promesse de bonheur.
Dès le premier soir Billie se sentit de trop. Luke tenait Jane dans ses bras sur le sofa et lui donnait de doux baiser dans le cou la faisant rire. Sa solitude lui pesait, elle aurait voulu que Sy la cajole comme son frère faisait avec sa femme.
Elle saisit son téléphone et le reposa au moins 4 fois. Non Sy ne l’avait pas texter. Elle ne savait pas si elle devait le contacter ou non. Il avait été très tendre avec elle mais il l’avait laissé sans nouvelle depuis, elle n’osait pas non plus le contacté.
Elle se décida finalement à aller prendre un café, au moins elle sortirait de sa maison. Le soleil était déjà couché quand elle enfila un chandail à capuche noir et ses espadrilles.
Les jeunes mariés ne remarquèrent même pas qu’elle était sortie trop occuper à se fondre le plus possible dans la peau l’un de l’autre.
Elle parcouru au pas de course les deux petits kilomètres qui la séparait de son café préféré. Le Tim’s était une petite brulerie qui offrait aux amateurs de caféine une ambiance confortable pour relaxer.
Billie y allait souvent quand elle ne voulait pas être toute seule. Tim, le propriétaire était devenu un ami pour elle. Gay extraverti et hypersensible il la faisait toujours rire. Aujourd’hui il portait la chemise la plus rose flash qu’elle est jamais vu.
Il passa la tête hors de son bureau quand il entendit sa voix.
-Salut miss comment ça va? Je croyais que tu ne trompais avec le nouveau Starbucks du centre-ville!
Billie se mit à rire.
-Bien sûr que non voyons. Tim lui tendit sa tasse de café noir brûlante avec un nuage de cannelle sur le dessus. Starbucks c’est de la merde voyons!
-Tu étais où ça fait des semaines que je ne t’ai pas vu ?
-J’ai aidé mon frère à préparer son mariage, plutôt je l’ai préparé pour lui! Billie prit place dans un des grands fauteuils près de la fenêtre et enleva ses chaussures. Elle remonta ses genoux sous son menton et s’assit confortablement devant Tim, le grand jeune homme s’assit devant elle et mit les coudes sur ses genoux, le menton sur ses points.
-J’ai presque cru que tu avais enfin trouver un Roméo! Billie souffla sur son café sans rien dire. Miss? Tu as rencontré quelqu’un? Tim la regarda par-dessus ses fausses lunettes multicolores. Elle dodelina de la tête.
-Plus ou moins. On s’est fait du bien mais je crois qu’il n’y aura pas de suite… Elle haussa les épaules.
- Vraiment? Il avait une grosse bite au moins? Billie haussa un sourcil suggestif. Vraiment ?
Elle hocha la tête.
-Énorme. Assez parler de moi. Quoi de neuf ici?
Il regarda sa montre.
-Tu vas voir dans cinq minutes. On a un nouveau client… Ce type transpire la testostérone par tous les pores de sa peau. Il est tellement sexy tu vas voir… Il vient ici tous les soirs de semaines à la même heure…. La clochette de la porte sonna et Tim se leva comme si un ressort l’avait poussé sur ses pieds. Il lui fit un clin d’œil en se dirigea vers le comptoir.
Billie connaissait bien l’homme qui entra dans le café. Elle reconnut tout de suite Sy, elle se détourna vers la fenêtre. Elle essaya de ne pas être vu, elle n’était pas d’humeur ni habiller pour jouer les femmes fatales. Pour être tout à fait franche elle était mal à l’aise, elle avait très envie de le voir mais elle était trop timide pour faire les premiers pas.
Elle prit le journal sur la table devant elle et entreprit de regarder les petites annonces de logement à louer en se faisant discrète mais la discrétion n’était pas dans les habitudes de Tim.
-Ce ne sera pas très long capitaine je prépare votre commande, pourquoi pas prendre un café en attendant, les fauteuils sont vraiment confortables près de la fenêtre. Sy ne dit rien. La journée avait été épouvantable et il n’avait qu’une envie rentrer chez lui et manger mais il prit tout de même la boisson chaude et se retourna vers le coin salon. C’est là qu’il remarqua sa petite silhouette pelotonnée dans un fauteuil. Il l’aurait reconnu n’importe où, sa masse de cheveux cerise l’attirait comme une lumière dans la nuit.
Elle ne l’avait pas vu, elle regardait un journal en buvant sa boisson. Peut-être qu’elle pourrait l’aider à passer une plus belle fin de soirée… Il avait penser à elle bien plus qu’il n’aurait dû durant les derniers jours. Son sourire doux , ses gémissements sensuels quand il la baisait et la chaleur de sa chatte le hantait.
Il ne réfléchit pas avant d’aller la voir. Il se pencha au-dessus d’elle et vit quelle regardait des annonces de logement. Il se pencha un peu plus pour sentir l’odeur de ses cheveux.
« Bon Dieu qu’elle sent bon! »
Le besoin de la touché fut irrésistible. Il caressa doucement sa joue sans crier gare. Elle sursauta et se retourna vivement en renversant une partie de son café sur le journal et ses cuisses nues.
-Sy!!! Jésus Christ tu veux me faire mourir?
Sy s’excusa et trouva des serviettes de papier sur une table et s’agenouilla devant elle.
-Désole ma belle, je ne voulais pas te faire peur. Il tapota le café sur ses cuisses douces. La respiration de Billie s’accéléra quand sa grande main se posa sur sa cuisse et la caressa avec son pouce un instant. Leurs yeux se croisèrent et Billie vit dans ses prunelle bleus l’éclat du désir qu’elle commençait à connaitre. Il se releva et partit lui chercher un nouveau café ainsi que sa commande emballer dans un grand sac en papier brun.
-Qu’est-ce que tu fais ici toute seule ? Luke est revenu de voyage non ? Il s’assit tout près d’elle ses grandes jambes entrelacés possessivement avec les siennes. Elle la regarda en penchant la tête de côté, elle se mordit la lèvre avec un sourire. Il lui avait manqué même si elle avait mal à la cuisse. Au fond d’elle, elle était bien contente d’être venu là et de l’avoir croisé. Elle se sentait bien avec lui. Il dégagea une telle force et une douce tranquillité qui l’apaisait.
-Oui ils sont revenus et ils dégoulinent de bonheur de jeunes mariées. Elle fit la grimace au -dessus de son café.
- Dégoutant en effet. Il sourit en coin. Tu fais quoi ce soir? Tu as envie de partager mon repas?
Vingt minutes plus tard, Sy donna un coup de pied dans sa porte d’entrée pour la refermer. Les mains trop occupées à caresser la peau de satin de la jeune femme, la bouche sur la sienne. Billie lui arracha son t-shirt noir dès qu’il eut posé son sac, complètement droguée de son odeur et le goût musqué de sa peau.
Sa barbe rude piquait sa peau quand il la prit dans ses bras et la leva, sa poitrine au niveau de son visage, comme si elle ne pesait pas plus qu’une plume. Il la balança sur le lit de son studio. La jeune femme se mit à rire de plaisir.
Durant les semaines qui suivirent, chaque fois qu’ils se croisaient par hasard, ils finissaient invariablement dans les bras l’un de l’autre.
Peu importe l’endroit.
Il lui avoua un soir après une autre baise endiablé alors qu’il la tenait contre lui. Elle reprenait son souffle à demi couché sur son torse en sueur dans son lit.
-Avec toi on dirait que je suis un adolescent en rut. Je n’ai jamais assez de toi ma belle Bee.
-Et toi tu m’as transformé en putain gémissante. Elle se hissa jusqu’à sa bouche et lui vola un baiser. Il pinça sa fesse et la retourna sur le dos en riant.
-Tu es ma putain gémissante… Elle regarda ses yeux bleus magnifiques quelques instants, elle ne voulait pas briser le moment alors elle n’ajouta rien de plus et pris sa tête dans ses mains et l’embrassa de nouveau fiévreusement. Il était de nouveau dur et près pour une nouvelle fois…
Ils n’avaient pas vraiment mit de mot sur leur relation mais ils avaient du plaisir à se retrouver plus ou moins souvent. Billie se sentait lentement tombé amoureuse de lui. Elle se demanda s’il ressentait la même chose mais elle avait beaucoup trop peur d’être rejeté pour s’ouvrir à lui.
Un soir alors que Billie avait décidé d’accompagnée Jane et Luke boire quelques verres, elle ne s’attendait pas à grand-chose. Sy était sur une grosse enquête et il n’avait pas de temps pour leurs petites rencontres sexy.
Elle essayait tant bien que mal de se commander une bière quand elle sentit une paire de main sur ses hanches. Elle se retourna vivement en espérant vainement que ce soit Sy.
-Colum!!! Elle sauta joyeusement dans les bras du jeune homme blond qui lui souriait.
- Comment tu vas? Ça fait une éternité que je ne t’ai pas vu. Tu étais où?
Ils prirent place au bar et se mirent à discuter ensemble de tout et de rien. Ils avaient beaucoup de temps à rattraper. Colum était toujours aussi drôle que durant leurs années d’étude à Galaudet. Elle riait au éclat quand un mouvement près de la porte attira son attention.
Sy venait de passer la porte. Large et sexy comme toujours. Il la vit tout de suite et lui fit un petite signe de tête. Billie retourna son attention sur Colum qui c’était retourné pour voir ce que Billie regardait avec autant d’insistance.
-C’est un ami à toi?
Elle hocha la tête.
-Oui, il travaille avec mon frère… Elle se retourna de nouveau vers lui et se força à ignorer Sy. Ils ne se parlaient presque jamais en public. Ils gardaient leur relation discrète et privé. Alors parle-moi de ton travail. Tu fais quoi maintenant, tu es toujours avec Connor?
Colum touchait beaucoup Billie, ses cheveux et son bras. Il se pencha sur elle et elle se mit à rire à gorge déployer.
Au loin, Sy bouillait littéralement de jalousie. Il prenait sa bière sans vraiment écouter ce que les autres disaient son attention tourné le plus souvent vers la jeune femme et son compagnon.
-Cap pourquoi tu veux tuer ce pauvre gars? Lui demanda Evans.
-De quoi tu parles?
Sy prit une gorgée de sa bière. Evans secoua la tête.
-Le gamin avec Billie, on dirait que tu veux le tuer, tes jaloux ou quoi?! Laisse les enfants s’amuser. Bill à l’air de bien s’entendre avec lui. Pour une fois elle a un flirt qui parle la même langue qu’elle.
Sy grogna mais continua néanmoins de les regarder.
-Je dois y aller maintenant mais j’aimerais vraiment qu’on se revoit bientôt, tu m’as manqué.
Sy avala sa gorgé de travers quand il la vit sortir son téléphone. Elle le lui tendit et il composa quelque chose dessus. Le jeune homme n’avait qu’une envie, arracher les yeux de ce gamin. Billie se pencha sur lui et lui donna une chaleureuse accolade. Le jeune homme lui donna un baiser sur la joue et partit.
Le bar était bondé et elle avait besoin de prendre l’air, le gin lui montait à la tête.
Elle se rendit sur la terrasse arrière et tâcha de se reprendre son souffle. Deux minutes plus tard, une poigne d’acier la retourna sans ménagement. Elle reconnu Sy dans la pénombre.
-Qu’est-ce que tu fais avec ce gamin pré-pubert? Billie secoua son bras tenta de se défaire de son étreinte de fer.
-Lâche moi tu me fais mal! Elle ne l’avait pas compris mais elle savait qu’il était fâché. Au cas où tu n’aurais pas remarqué tu es dans le noir je ne te comprends pas…
-Et ça tu le comprends.
Il l’embrassa sauvagement, insérant sa langue dans sa bouche sans ménagement empoignant ses cheveux dans son poing. Il relâcha son bras pour mettre la main dans son dos et l’écraser contre lui. C’était sauvage et primal, son sexe dur contre son ventre attestait de son désir brut pour elle. Billie couina contre lui. Bien malgré elle, elle sentit ses genoux ramollir. Elle finit tout de même par le repousser, à bout de souffle, elle lui demanda :
-Qu’est ce qui te prend putain de bordel de merde! Je n’ai pas de nouvelle de toi pendant des jours et maintenant tu m’agresse comme un homme des cavernes? Elle se tourna pour qu’il soit face à la lumière faiblarde du lampadaire.
- Qui est ce gars ? Est-ce que tu as baiser avec lui? Ses yeux bleus scintillaient de fureur.
-Non ! Tu es sérieux? Tu me fais vraiment une crise de jalousie ? Franchement! Colum est mon ami rien de plus. Elle était furieuse elle aussi.
-Un ami? Menteuse, tu es comme toute les autres une petite chienne qui aime se faire baiser bien profond…
La gifle retentit sur la terrasse comme un claquement de fouet. Heureusement il n’y avait personne d’autre qu’eux sur la terrasse.
La main de Billie pétilla encore quand elle lui hurla :
-Va te faire foutre Syverson. Ses yeux verts étaient pleins de larmes.
Elle dit en passant à son frère.
-Je rentre à la maison en taxi. Il lui prit le bras.
-Oui. J’ai mal à la tête.
-Tu es sure que tu vas bien?
-Oui, je retourne à la maison, un connard m’a gâché ma soirée. J’ai besoin d’être toute seule.
-Qui ? Il t’a fait du mal?
-Non. Je n’ai pas été blessée je suis seulement fâchée. Il hocha la tête et lui donna un baiser sur le front et la laissa partir.
Sy revint calmement vers la table, la joue lui brûlait encore, la pénombre et sa barde cachait la trace de main.
-Cap, tu étais dehors toi aussi? Billie est partie comme une furie. Un connard lui aurait gâché sa soirée…
Sy croisa les bras sur sa poitrine.
-Non j’étais au toilette. C’est peut-être ce petit gamin qui l’as fait chier. Celui avec qui elle buvait tout a l’heure.
-Colum? Luke se mit à rire. Impossible. Colum est presque un petit frère pour elle.
Sy grogna dans sa barbe.
-Peut-être qu’il voulait plus…
Morgan explosa de rire encore plus fort.
-Même complètement saoul il ne la toucherait jamais comme ça.
Il n’avait plus le cœur à boire avec ses collègues, il finit sa bière rapidement et se leva pour partir.
-Déjà. Bon dieu mais qu’est-ce qui ce passe se soir? Plus personne ne veut se saouler?
Dans son camion il poussa plus d’un juron en tapant sur son volant.
La voir avec ce jeune homme l’avait complètement rendu dingue, aveuglé par la jalousie il lui avait des paroles qu’il regrettait amèrement.
Non loin de là, Billie pleurait à chaude larmes rouler dans son lit. Tous ses espoirs de bonheur envolés. Elle avait vraiment crue que Sy était fait pour elle.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 10 months
DC Titans WIPs (November 2023)
Okay, so - I am the type of person who actually benefits from people ‘bugging’ me when it comes to my WIPs. I know a lot of authors say that they don’t like being bugged or hounded down for their work, but I am the opposite. So I have made this list of my Titans WIPs so you guys can 'bug' me into finishing some of them.
The only time this doesn’t work for me is when you’re bugging me/asking me about work from a fandom that I’m not currently working on. (aka asking me about Lessons For A Genius when I’m not currently working on Criminal Minds stuff) - but if it’s a WIP from a fandom that I am currently working on and someone is really enthusiastic about it, asking for updates, ‘bugging’ me about it, then I know that they are anticipating that work and that they look forward to me posting it, so it makes me more eager and excited to work on it, and I will actively prioritize that work over other stuff. 
So, I have made this list of my Titans WIPs. Most of these are from months ago or even years ago, and this isn’t even all my WIPs from this fandom - I have just included the works that I am most excited about and most likely to finish. Realistically, do I think every single item on this list is going to get done within the next few months? No. But I hope that I can get four or five items on this list done soon, on top of editing reposts and possibly starting new ideas. 
This is a really long list and realistically not everything is going to get done, but if you see something on this list that you think sounds cool, send me a message and bug me about it and it will definitely move up the list in terms of priority. I know a lot of these are untitled, so if you want to come into my inbox and talk about one, just send me the number of it or talk about the general concept, etc.
Completed Fics That Need To Be Edited:
(I am actually surprised by how many of these there are. Last time I was working on Titans stuff and lost steam, I left quite a few blurbs unedited, so look forward to these coming your way.) 
First Kiss With Gar Logan - Gar Logan x Reader, Fluff, set during S2, 2k words est. - This one is described all in the title; mutual pining, mostly fluff; a short fic describing what your first kiss with Gar would be like. I know the reason I didn’t post this one! This one was intended to be part of a series called the ‘First Kiss’ series where I showed a situation of the reader (in each case, it’s a different reader character) having their first kiss with each of the Titans characters; very random and funsies, and I am probably going to continue this as a series like intended if people like this one EDIT - NOW POSTED
EDIT: now titled Miss Nectarine - Untitled Donna Smut Blurb - Donna Troy x Fem!Thick!Reader (Plus Sized Reader), Smut/PWP, set during S2 (Titans ‘return home’ era), 2k words est. - This one involves the ‘caught masturbating’ trope (one of my ult favs); Donna walks in and sees you touching yourself, and with your gorgeous curvy body revealed to her, she can’t hold back anymore. The reason I didn’t post this one is because I thought it was crappy and I was too tired to edit the issues out of it, and now that I have come back to it, I am excited about the concept and the bones of it and I am lot more excited and energetic to edit the issues out of (I feel like this could be 4k or 5k with editing because I really love the ideas behind it). I have definitely not written enough Donna smut and there needs to be more in my catalog. NOW POSTED
Great Dick, Sweet Personality - Gar Logan x Male Reader, Smut/PWP, set during S2, 3k est. - This one involves the ‘accidentally sent you my nude’ trope; you are trying on lingerie in your room for your own enjoyment and snapping pictures of yourself cause it feels good, and then you accidentally send one of them to Gar; you freak out and demand that he delete the picture, and you find out that he likes them, rather than mocking you for wearing the girly underwear, and then smutty smut (Gar is a bi king, I love writing him with a male reader) 
Main WIPs
A lot of these have a good chunk of the fic written and need to be finished, and some of them are just an outline of what the fic would be. I have put them in the order of what I am most excited about, and like I said - if you guys get really excited about something, it will be moved up the list. (Though I don’t think this list will actually be edited to reflect that, it will just be moved up the list in my mind, or put on the ‘coming soon’ section of my pinned post to reflect that I am prioritizing it.) 
Snowed In - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd, Smut/Emotional Angst/Ending Fluff, set during S2 (AU version of the S2 ending), 1k words so far, 15% done so far, 10k est when finished - This is a Christmas themed fic; it will include a different ending for S2, so all the Titans are living at Titans Tower and operating out of San Francisco; however, everyone is going to different places for the holidays, and Jason, the reader, and Gar, are all dreading ‘going home’ for Christmas, so they are putting off leaving for as long as possible, and this gets them stuck in the Tower during a massive snowstorm; when the Tower’s generators run out of power, they are forced to snuggle together for warmth, and thing leads to another - threesome smut, confessions of feelings, and also, them chatting and explaining they didn’t want to leave leads to a lot of emotional catharsis; I rarely do holiday themed fics because I can never get them posted ‘on time’ but maybe I can actually do a Christmas fic this year?? 
Detective Grayson and The White Rabbit - Dick Grayson x Fem!Villain!Reader, Smut (with the barest amount of plot), technically doesn’t take place in the Titans!verse (but definitely inspired by Brenton Thwaites version of Dick), 3k words so far, 40% ish done so far, 7k est when finished - you are a famous masked villain in Gotham (a thief known as the White Rabbit) and you have an attraction to Nightwing, particularly because of his very famous ass, and one night, when you are arrested by Dick Grayson (disappointed that Nightwing didn’t show up to the ‘party’ that you set up just for him), you recognize that ass waltzing away from you, and you call out Detective Grayson; and in order to keep his secret identity a secret, you ask for one thing in return (to get fucked by the birdie vigilante that you have desired for so long). This is actually a kind of cracky idea that came up from a conversation between me and Star, and I loved it so much that I ran with it. Long live Nightwing’s royal ass 
A Knife Called Lust (The Sex Pollen Fic) - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd, Angst and Smut, set during Season 3, 12k words so far, 30% done so far, it’ll probably be over 40k when it’s done (and it was originally intended to be a oneshot, but I think it would work better as a 3-shot); this one actually won a poll on my old blog, and then I girl-failed to actually get it done lmao; you are Jason’s childhood friend, and when he dies, you fall into Gar’s arms, and then the two of you find out Jason is alive (and Jason harshly rejects any attempts you make to get him to come home); and when Gar is hit by a mysterious chemical made by Crane, you go to Jason for help (it was sex pollen and a threesome ensues) 
Untitled Gar Smut (The Face Sitting Fic) - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader, Smut (the barest amount of plot), set during S2, 3k words so far, 50% done, 6k or 7k est when finished - This is based on a request I received on my old blog; Gar and the reader are sparring, and the reader wraps her legs around Gar to take him down, and this ends with her accidentally ‘sitting’ on his head; he loves the feeling, and asks her to do it again - this time, without pants on (very simple and smutty, cheers) 
Untitled Donna Fic (The Rage Chemical Fic) - Donna Troy x Fem!Kryptonian!Reader, Angst, set during the flashback era of S2, mostly just an outline atm - this is based off a request from my old blog; you are dosed with a chemical that Cadmus is working on (in the hopes of using it on Superman) and you end up in a blind rage; Donna, your lover, is the only one strong enough to fight you and inject you with the antidote (there is some angst where you try to kill Donna and she uses her calm, loving words to temporarily stop the rage) (this is structured like an episode of Titans, set during the OG Titans era)
Untitled JayGar fic (The Mockingbird Fic) - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd, Hurt and Comfort, slight AU of Season 3, mostly just an outline - this is mostly inspired by the tiktok edit(s) of Jason and Gar, comparing their two styles of love, with the song lyrics ‘Daddy’s gonna but you a mockingbird, I’ll give you the world’ for Gar and ‘I’ll break that birdie’s neck’ for Jason; while the Titans are working in Gotham, several bomb threats are received; you, Jason, and Gar are at one location checking out one of these threats and someone sneaks up on you and sexually assaults you; Jason beats the man to death while Gar holds you and shields your eyes (showing how they care for you both differently but in ways that protect you) 
Untitled Donna Fic (The Death Fic) - Donna Troy x Fem!Reader, Angst and Smut, slight AU of Season 2, mostly just an outline - you and Donna are dating and in love and she gets shot by Deathstroke and dies (a much cooler death than dying from a carnival ride); she gives you her lasso as a last sign of her love, and when she somehow miraculously comes back to life, she comes back to you to get it (and to fuck you brainless to prove that she’s real when you think that she’s just a hallucination). I came up with this idea before I saw Season 3, and it was inspired by gifs of the scenes of Donna being in the forest after she had come back to life
Dick Confronts Your Abuser (not yet titled) - Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader, Hurt and Comfort, set during Season 3, 2k so far, 10k est when finished - this is similar to the fics I have already written for Abby and Ellie (and I would definitely be willing to write this prompt for other Titans characters, because it’s very close to my heart); what it says on the tin; you are in an unhappy, abusive relationship and when Dick finds out, he beats the shit out of the guy (Dick is also your ex and pining to get you back)
Untitled Enemies to Lovers Fic - Dick Grayson x Fem!Powered!Reader, Smut, set during Season 2, mostly just an outline - you are the daughter of Barry Allen/The Flash, and you have the power to slow down or speed up time around you; you have been an annoyance in Dick’s life since childhood, often using your powers to mock him and pull pranks on him; after the incident where he accidentally lets Doctor Light go, you continue mocking him, and the annoyance flares its head into attraction, and the two of you end up fucking on the mats in the training room (and you end up using your powers for good for once - making his orgasm longer and more satisfying than he ever could have thought) (I really love this idea and idk why lmao) 
Sequel Ideas:
(A lot of my fics could have sequels, and a lot of people have asked for certain fics to have sequels, but these are the fics I have thought about continuing the most and fics that I am the most excited about giving a sequel to.) 
Emergency Contact (sequel would be called The Jaws of Life) - Jason Todd x GN!Reader, Angst and Smut, set during season 3; this would be a reunion between Jason and the reader after Jason dies and comes back to life (reunion sex) 
Free Use Day (sequel would be called Shibari Whore) - Poly!OG Titans x Fem!Reader, smut, set during the flashback era; this would be a fic about Dick discovering his desire to be submissive; Dick becomes a rope bunny, and during their next play session, Dick is submissive and ‘used’ alongside the reader 
Missing You - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd, Smut, set outside of the canon; I am thinking about a sequel and maybe even a third part to this, where Jason and the reader have phone sex with Gar now that they know he’s listening (and a part where they have sex with him in person) 
Now You See Me - Gar Logan x Male Reader, Angst, set during Season 3; I actually really love this fic so much and I’d love to write a sequel for it; with the Titans living in Gotham, a place that was once your home, when Hank gets into trouble with the bomb in his chest, you dive into your dark past in order to help him, and call in someone unexpected, but capable to help save Hank’s life - your father, Viktor Freeze
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Yay scenario Sunday! Would love a cute fluff thing planning a birthday party with or for a poly reader's partners Donna and Dick 🥰
I went for it being Donna’s birthday and that reader is dating both Donna and dick but dick and Donna are not dating each other cause that’s just how I see them. Hope that’s ok!
Scenario Sunday
“She’s my best friend.” Dick argues.
“And she’s my girlfriend.” You argue back, “And she’s just gonna want a small thing, just a couple of us.”
“But you’re my girlfriend too and you’re supposed to agree with me.” He whines as he buries his head in your neck and squeezes around your middle.
“Nuhuh. You need to listen to me.” You giggle and scratch the top of his head as he nuzzles you, “You gotta trust me. I know Donna.”
“And what do you know about Donna?” She’s standing in the doorway with her arms crossed and looking at you with a smile tugging on her lips.
“I know everything about Donna.” You giggle, pulling away from Dick so you can wrap around Donna now.
“No, she knows nothing, tell her I know you best since we’re best friends.” Dick argues, leaning against the counter.
“Depends on what the subject is.” Donna hums, hands running along your spine gently.
“It’s about your surprise party.” Dick gasps as you talk, “I don’t think you would want one but Dick does.”
“What do you think I would want?” Donna asks, cradling your head as she hovers her lips above yours.
“I think you’d like something small, just a couple friends and then the three of us having beers and hanging out afterwards.” You hum, closing the gap and kissing her gently.
She grins and darts her eyes between you and Dick, drawing our her response.
“Come on, tell us, pleaseeeeee.” Dick whines and Donna laughs hard.
“She’s right, she’s always right.” Donna grins, kissing your temple and rocking you gently.
“You’re just saying that because she’s kissing your neck.” Dick groans, watching as you nibble on her.
“Mmm, nope, she’s just right but the affection definitely helps.” Donna winks.
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thebisexualdogdad · 5 years
May I request a Donna Troy x Grayson Male Reader x Dawn Granger poly relationship HC with some fluff and smut?
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· all the Titans boys are jealous that not only do you have one beautiful girlfriend but two
· Dick pretends like his brother dating his best friend and his ex isn't weird for him
· Jason doesn't fail to him remind him constantly
· the Titans tower is so big that you guys all have your own rooms but you switch up where you sleep at night 
· Donna always takes pictures of you and Dawn 
· Dawn sneaking pictures of Donna in return 
· bookstore trips on the weekends 
· Donna has so many books that they start to pile up in your room because she ran out of space in hers 
· dates to art galleries 
· Dawn loves getting to dress up and go out on the town 
· nights where you sit around painting with music playing in the background 
· none of you are the greatest cooks so you order a whole lot of takeout
· going on missions together 
· but being crazy worried about each other the entire time 
· cleaning up one another's wounds after the mission
· training together 
· they are much more fun to train with than Dick
· but they can both happily kick your ass 
· they have two very different styles but they both love to steal your sweatshirts when it gets cold 
· Dawn is much hornier than Donna is 
· Donna was taught to be more preserved about her sexual needs 
· you and Dawn have had sex all around the tower 
· while you and Donna keep it confined to the bedroom 
· when all three of you are together it's a trip 
· one of them riding you while the other sits on your face 
· Dawn leaving scratch marks down your back
· and Donna leaving hickeys on your chest
· Dawn likes to watch you fucking Donna 
· and Dawn is the one who always suggests trying new toys 
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