#donna troy x reader headcanons
spidernuggets · 10 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do,"
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"I don't get it" Rachel says to herself, staring at the couple. You're sitting on the island while Jason's head is buried in the fridge looking for another brew.
"Get what?" Gar chimes in, following where Rachel's gaze was at. "Jason and Y/N? What about them?", he quietly asks, not wanting the lovebirds to overhear their conversation.
"Yeah, I think I'm improving, but I still can't get the landing right," you say to Jason as he pops the cap off of the beer he finally finds. He replies with a simple hum of acknowledgement while taking a swig.
"He's so..." Rachel starts, trying to look for the right words to describe him. "Rude? Self-absorbed? He's not even listening to what Y/n's saying," she whispers back to Gar, finally turning away from the two.
Gar tilts his head to the side. "I don't know... They've been together for a good few months now, right? We don't see them together that often, we don't know how they're like," he tries to reason.
Rachel scoff, sitting on the couch. "That's another reason why he's a bad boyfriend. We never see them around. Does he not like showing off that they're together? Jason being a cocky-ass person, he's the kind of person to flaunt around his partner."
Rachel turns back to where you and Jason were standing just to see the two of you were gone as she scoffs once more.
Gar opens his mouth to speak once more as Kori and Dawn enters the room.
"What are we talking about?" Kori asks.
"Jason being an asshole of a boyfriend," Rachel almost laughs.
"How so?" Dawn questions.
"How could you not see?" Kori says. "Jason's always brushing Y/n off, blunt, short replies, puts missions before them, he's hardly ever acknowledging their presence," She laughs, listing all of Jason's flaws as a partner.
"I guess I've never really notice..." Dawn says, unsure.
"Jesus, you drive me crazy," Jason says, his voice low, grinning at you like a school girl with her crush.
You're on his lap, hands cradling his face, his hands on your ass with a firm grip. You're placing soft kisses all over his face, a quick break from the hungry make-out session you both were so busy with.
Your soft kisses trail away from his face, down his jaw and onto his neck, kisses and nibbling all over. Biting a certain spot, Jason lets out a quiet gasp along with a held back whimper.
You let out a light chuckle while continuing to pepper kisses on his neck.
"I liked that," You softly say, kissing against the same spot. "Do it again," you teased.
Jason groaned. "You're trying to kill me, babe," he complains as he captured your lips against his once more.
You sighed in content, breaking the kiss and leaving another lingering kiss on his forhead.
"Don't let them get to your head, love," You tell him quietly. The both of you are well aware that the other Titans (maybe except Gar) don't see why you would date Jason. You're kind and considerate while Jason is... Jason. Jason has told you many times that he wants to be taken seriously by the other members, hence his cold demeanour. And along with those explanations, came affectionate apologies of him spending all his free time alone with you in either his or your room, cuddling, kissing, properly listening to your rants and more.
"They're right though," his reply is delivered rough and raspy, a change of voice that indicates to you that he's upset.
You sigh, arms wrapping around his neck, burying your face in his meck, breathing in his distinct scent of faint alcohol and strong cologne.
"No they're not," you say, just above a whisper. "I get it, Jay. You want to prove yourself. But you don't have to prove yourself to me. Okay? You're more than enough for me," One of your hands move down, grabbing hold of his own hand, bringing it up to your lips for another gentle kiss as your other hands cup his cheek.
Jason sighs, leaning into, your touch. "I love you, okay, Jay?" He nods in reply.
"I..." He tries to say it too, but fails as his gaze shifts to the ceiling in guilt.
"Hey, hey. I told you. Only say it when you're ready, you don't have to force yourself to say it, Jay," I assure him. "Now," You move yourself off of him, bringing him down to lie with you as you rest your head on his chest. "You're supposed to tell me about this book you were reading," You remind him. He smiles once more, his arms wrapping around you happily as he starts ranting about his new book.
"You guys got it?" Dick confirms with the rest of the group, finishing up a debrief with the other Titans. Everyone nod and murmur 'yes's and 'yep's.
"Alright, everyone get to training," He says as he departs.
You turn to Jason excitingly. "You wanna train together, Jay? You can help me with the new move I was telling you about!"
"Not today. I'm gonna train with Gar," Jason replies.
"Ah, okay! Have fun, teach me some new stuff you learn, later, kay?" You reach up to his cheek, giving him a quick peck and a short "Love ya!"
He responds with a grunt and a nod and leaves you with a quick caress on ur cheek as he goes to one of the training rooms with Gar. Oh how much he wants to just pick you up and kiss you and hug you and hold you for all eternity.
Hank scoffs at Jason's reaction as he walks off. Donna shakes her head in disapproval as she followed along too. The other women in the room have their eyebrows furrowed, judging looks towards your boyfriend and crossed arms as they looked at you with a lovesick grin and heart eyes, watching your love walk away til he disappeared.
You quickly turn around, smiling at the rest of the members. "Any of you guys wanna train with me- what? What's with the looks?" You ask, confused.
"What's with your boyfriend?" Rachel hisses.
Your face scrunches in slight offence. "What about him?"
"Honey, he's..." Dawn starts to say though her words trail off.
"You can do better," Kori states, her hands landing on her hips.
You lightly scoff "Why's that," You say lowly, eyes narrowing, ready to defend Jason.
"Y/n..." Dawn speaks up. "We're just looking out for you. We just think you and Jason... Aren't the best match."
"We think Jason is selfish, rude and annoying, is what she was meant to say," Rachel said quietly, but loud enough for all of you to hear.
You roll your eyes. "And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do," you barked, almost wanting to cry for Jason.
"Y/n, we just-" you cut Kori off by putting a hand uo, refraining her from continuing.
"No. No, no. You can talk to me when you find some respect for Jason." You coldly say as you walked away to train.
The girls looked at each other with disappointed and worried looks.
The team was on a mission that involved Deathstroke. It was wild and messy to the point where everyone was split up, and only some of the Titans returned back to the tower.
Jason is pacing around, alone in his room. He's covered in blood and bruises, but those don't matter to him right now. The only thing in his mind was
Where the fuck were you?
It's been two hours since he came back with Dick, Gar, Rachel and Donna but there were no signs of you coming back. Or of the others coming back he guesses. You're comms weren't working and you weren't answering his messages.
To piss him off more, Dick forbade him from going back out, knowing that Jason's impulsiveness would bring further damage.
"He's not even worried," Rachel says, sitting in the couch cleaning the blood of herself, noticing Jason's absence of worry.
"He could be?" Gar shouts from the kitchen, trying to reason again.
"Why are you even trying to defend him, we know how he is."
"He's our teammate, Rachel. We can't go off judging him if we don't know him that well," He says softly, trying not to get a rise out of the purple haired girl.
She scoffs and reply with whatever.
Dick and Donna walk into the room. "We got a message from Kori," Dick says. "The comms were breaking up but they're all safe."
Rachel and Gar sigh in relief.
Around half an hour later, you, Dawn, Hank and Kori finally return.
You're cracking your back and stretching your arms. Parts of your hero outfit is ripped and some of your blood that escaped your skin was dried and dirty and bruises littered your face, but you were always in a bright mood.
"She's finally back and bird brain isn't even running out," Rachel whispers to Gar as his shoulders sink.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna need a lie down for the rest of my life," You groan, cracking your neck.
Even from his room, Jason heard your voice as he rushed out and saw you there all battered up.
He heavily sighed in relief, running up to you, lifting you up. You lightly shriek at his sudden appearance, wrapping your legs around his waist, hands on his shoulders.
"You're okay... you scared me..thought you weren't coming back," he admits quietly, but as the other Titans stare silently in shock, especially Rachel, they heard him loud and clear.
Jason lets you down slowly and litters your face with kisses before pulling you in closer, attaching his lips to yours, finally not caring about the presence of the other members.
"Hello to you too," you giggle, leaving a kiss on his nose.
"You're hurt," he says, looking at your scrapped body.
"I'm okay, Jay," You reassure him. But he shakes his head, carries you bridal style.
"I need to patch you up," He says, giving you another kiss on the cheek before heading to his room.
"Okay, that just happened," Kori said in amusement.
"They're cuties, aren't they, Hank?" Dawn asks, looking up at the lover of her own.
Hank rolls his eyes and answers with an "I guess so" before they leave the room.
"So?..." Gar grins in success and amusement as he looks at Rachels shocked reaction.
She sighs and leans back against the couch.
"Yeah, yeah you're right, I was wrong. They are good for each other," She admits.
"In front of them too?" You question, sitting on Jason's bed as he wipes away any dried blood before patching you up.
"I don't care," He says, keaving you surprised. Jason patches up your last wound, giving it a kiss before getting up and cradling your face.  "Your safety is more important to me"
You lean into his touch, your hand coming up to hold his. He leans into you for a deep, passionate and long lasting kiss.
Breaking it, he leans his forhead against yours.
"I love you," He quietly but confidently say.
Your eyes brighten and you couldnt helo but break into a wide smile, feeling giddy like a kid receiving a oresent from Santa.
"I love you too"
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thebisexualdogdad · 11 months
fic where y/n is kinda like green arrow and he’s hooking up with donna
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Donna Troy x Male!reader
● you're the resident archer of the titans
● you had known Donna since you were a teenager and it was purely platonic until 6 months ago
● Oliver always teased that you and Donna would end up together one day
● and you were certainly not going to let him know he was right
● the first time you hooked up you guys were alone in the titans tower
● and a couple of beers later you were waking up naked in her bed
● "so we…"
● "yep"
● "cool"
● "that's all you're gonna say?"
● "what do you want me to say? Thanks for the sex? I enjoyed eating you out and I'd like to do it again sometime?"
● "Diana's right you really are just like Oliver"
● "that might be the meanest thing you've ever said to me"
● Dawn is the first one to figure out you're sleeping together when one morning she goes to Donna's room to talk to her and finds her trying to sneak out of your room instead
● "Really Donna, you're hooking up with Y/N?"
● "yeah I know he's annoying but the sex is really great, like really great"
● "give me all the details"
● lucky for you not everyone on the team is so quick to figure it out
● Gar is walking down the hallway with his arms full of gaming snacks for him and Connor when it's your turn to be caught leaving Donna's room
● "Hey Y/N what's up?"
● "Oh nothing… Donna was just… helping me fix my compound bow"
● "where is your bow?"
● "uhhh I forgot it… that's why I'm going back to my room… to get it"
● "Okay have fun fixing your bow"
● the sex really is great
● especially when you and Donna were bickering on a mission and it leads to very passionate hate sex
● but thanks to her Amazonian stamina you can barely keep up with her
● "come on Y/N don't tell me you're tapping out early"
● "early?? We've been having sex for three hours already!"
● Donna loves that the only thing that can shut you up is telling you to use your mouth for something more useful and go down on her
● Oliver trained you to be disciplined, meticulous and attentive which you apply to every aspect of your life and Donna highly benefits from it
● she will drag you back to bed when you're walking around your room in nothing but gray sweatpants, bulge on full display for her
● you pick up on this and start walking around the tower like that just to turn her on much to your teammates display
● Jason "dude put that thing away"
● "no idea what you're talking about Todd"
● Donna "Y/N can I have a word with you… in private"
● she gets you back by only wearing your shirts
● and again she benefits from this because it gives you perfect access to eat her out
● you and Donna often fight for dominance
● though you usually end up letting her top you because it's incredibly hot when she's in control
● especially when she uses her lasso to tie your hands above your head while she rides you
● you finally go official after you accidentally use the g word when fighting onomatopoeia
● "hands off my girlfriend you literary creep"
● *later after the fight while shes patching you up* "you know you called me your girlfriend back there"
● "yeah I guess I did"
● "this is the part where you're supposed to ask me to be your girlfriend you idiot"
● "Oh, hey you wanna be my girlfriend?"
● "I hate that I'm saying yes"
● she kisses you and you pick her up, carrying her to your bed
● soon you tell Dinah about your relationship who then tells Oliver and he calls you just to gloat that he was right
● "I told you kid, you and Donna were always meant to end up together"
● "I'm hanging up the phone and blocking your number Oliver"
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writingafterdeath · 2 years
Rando Titan Headcanons |
Notes: Since it’s almost Christmas I wanted to write some festive little headcanons I can’t stop thinking about. 
Picking Out the Tree and Decorating it: 
you would insist on putting up the christmas tree the day after thanksgiving. 
you’d beg them all to come with you. 
you wanting to pick it out as a family. 
rachel, gar, connor, and dawn would be done to sweet talking needed. 
but in order to get the others to join it takes some convincing. 
kory would love the idea. she’s never had a christmas on earth before. 
once arriving to the christmas farm, you told everyone to split up and look for the best tree. 
of course no one could agree on a tree so you where the deciding factor. 
back at the headquarters, you made the gang lug the boxes of christmas decorations you’ve collected over the years out of your room. 
you start your playlist and smile, humming to have yourself a merry little christmas. 
gar and rachel beginning to dance. dick looks at a very suprised kory and the two join. 
the room fills with laughter, as hank grabs you throwing you over his shoulder as he starts to sway to the music. 
once the tree is decorated, the lights plugged in. 
you step back. taking a good look at the masterpiece in front of you. 
you let out a sigh of content and try to stop the tears that threat to escape. 
you haven’t had a proper christmas in years and this seemed to make you more emotional then you thought
Ice Skating: 
much to your surprise it wasn’t you who convinced everyone to got ice skating. 
rachel had talked gar into it and he forced everyone else to tag along. 
while everyone was skating you realized that hank wasn’t doing so good. 
the giant himbo was a little clumsy and he couldn’t keep himself up straight. 
which resulted in him needing help. which almost caused you to fall right with him he held on to you for support. 
you would be thrown into a fit of laughter watching him. 
Cooking Christmas Dinner: 
I can only imagine what it would be like to cook christmas dinner.
you’d be busting your ass half with rachel, gar, dawn and connor.
hank and dick would be sitting at the table, watching as you guys work.
beer in hands.
hank would steal things off and on as you prepare it.
you’d swat is hand away every few minutes.
it would drive you insane but you would still laugh and have a smile on your face.
jason would come down stairs while your finishing up.
he’d make some snarky comment about how we aren’t a real family so why are we pretending.
when in reality he’s actually loving it.
seeing how happy everyone, is enough to convince him.
but of course he’s going to fuss about it the entire time.
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sundrop-writes · 10 months
Sundrop's DC Titans Masterlist
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Stop? (Baby, Don't Stop) - Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP. Gar is stressed out about everyone else's problems, so you get him to de-stress the only way you know how (by riding his dick). (1,800 words.)
Shared Trauma - Sub!Gar Logan x Dom!Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut and Angst. Gar is upset after having to kill someone for the first time, and you help distract him from the pain. (3,600 words.)
Miss Nectarine - Donna Troy x Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut. Stress has been eating at Donna since the old Titans came back 'home'. She finds the perfect way to relieve that stress when she accidentally walks in on you in a certain compromised situation. (2,600 words.)
The Girl Next Door - Hank Hall x Fem!Reader x Dawn Granger. Neighbours to Lovers. Smut. When you move in across the hall from Dawn and Hank, they immediately become protective of you. When you ask them for advice to help out in your sex life - things spin out of control in the best possible way. (5,600 words.)
Better Than Sleeping - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Friends with Benefits. Smut. Jason comes to bother you one night when you're tired from training. It quickly turns into a battle of wills between the two of you. Eventually, much to your annoyance - he wins. (5,300 words.)
Dreaming Of You (Mini Series - Complete) - Gar Logan x Fem!Mute!Powered!Reader. Best Friends to Lovers. Smut and (Slight) Angst. Having a direct window into someone’s mind is not as fun as everyone thinks it might be. You see and hear things that you might not want to. Or things you want to see very, very badly. But in your case, the problem was a delicate mixture of both. (31,300 words.) | Part One | Part Two | Series Masterlist |
Not A Good Time - Gar Logan x GN!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut. Seeing Gar fighting while on a mission makes you hot and bothered, and you can't wait to get him home. (2,000 words.)
Missing You - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader x Jason Todd. Accidental Voyeurism. Smut. Gar calls Jason when he's feeling lonely, and accidentally catches you and his best friend in a very compromising situation. But he can't bring himself to hang up the call. (2,800 words.)
Emergency Contact - Jason Todd x GN!Reader. Enemies/FWB to Lovers. Angst. Hurt and Comfort. (Slight Smut.) After Jason is kidnapped by Deathstroke, you help each other heal, even if he tries pushing you away at first. (10,400 words.)
Tongue Twister - Gar Logan x GN!Reader. Friends to FWB. Smut/PWP. In which you literally try to suck Gar's soul out through his dick. (And you might actually succeed.) (2,000 words.)
When Doves Cry - Jason Todd x Gar Logan. Friends to Lovers/Lovers Reunited. Emotional Angst and Smut. After helping the Titans foil Crane's plan, Jason tries to leave forever. Gar has other plans. (11,100 words.)
Precious Time Alone - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Established Relationship. Smut/PWP. When the Titans split up, you and Gar get your first true moments alone in weeks. You take advantage of it, even if it ends in a bit of a strange disaster. Aka - neither of you knew that Gar had the ability to knot, and you find out when you have sex for the first time. (11,800 words.) 
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One Moment Per Episode With Dick Grayson - Series Masterlist
Season One - Episode One | Episode Two |
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Your First Kiss With - Gar Logan | Dick Grayson | Jason Todd |
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What would a first date with Gar Logan be like? (Headcanons)
How would Jason react to you accidentally sending him a nude?
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Note: The rest of these link off to AO3, but I am hoping to have them edited and posted on Tumblr sometime soon.
Pretty Venom - Conner Luthor x Fem!Reader. Friends to Strangers to Lovers. Smut. When Mother Mayhem's magic messes with Conner's head, you find yourself confused, but intrigued - and then turned on. Conner takes advantage of that. (11,800 words.)
Glitter & Crimson - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Friends to ‘Lovers’. Smut. Conner is your ‘boyfriend’ - maybe. Either way, the two of you aren’t having sex, and you’re pent up. So when Gar offers you a golden opportunity to blow off steam, you don’t even consider how much it might be breaking his heart. (6,700 words.) (Prequel to the fic linked above.) 
Free Use Day - Poly!OG!Titans x Fem!Reader. Established Poly (Sexual) Relationship. Smut/PWP. You are a sex toy for the original Titans, and you love it. (14,300 words.) 
No Place Like Home - Gar Logan x Fem!Powered!Reader x Jason Todd. Friends to Lovers. Angst and Smut with a Happy Ending. Jason leaves the Titans broken and battered, and gets set on a dangerous path, and it’s up to you and Gar to bring him home. (90,300 words.) (Series - Complete.) 
Steamy - Jason Todd x Fem!Reader. Rivals to Friends with Benefits. Smut/PWP. You and Jason compete in everything - including the difficult task of sharing a bathroom. Until one day, competing in petty things becomes a battle for dominance in other areas. (5,200 words.) 
Now You See Me - Gar Logan x Masc!Powered!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut. As soon as you meet Gar, you’re smitten with him. You’re used to people looking right through you - literally. But for once, Gar is someone who truly sees you for who you are, and he likes you. Every part of you. (6,900 words.) 
The Sweater Song - Gar Logan x Fem!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Emotional Angst and Smut (with a Happy Ending). Songfic. Gar decides to leave Caulder House, and it breaks your heart. But you give him a token of your affection so that he won’t forget you, and eventually he does return home to you. (7,200 words.) 
Snow In Florida - Donna Troy x Fem!Powered!Reader. Childhood Friends to Lovers. Emotional Angst (Sexuality Crisis) and Smut (with a Happy Ending). You and Donna have been friends for as long as you can remember - but as you’re both maturing, your friendship shifts in a dangerous way. A birthday party, a nagging crush, a kiss - all of it leads you both down a beautiful and bitter path to your one true love. (30,300 words.) (Mini Series - Complete.) 
Don’t Say It - Jason Todd x Fem!Powered!Reader. Friends to Lovers. Smut and Emotional Angst. After Jason is kidnapped by Deathstroke, the Titans don’t have any sympathy for him. When they pile onto the weight he’s already carrying, he can’t take it anymore - and you task yourself with picking up the pieces before it’s too late. (11,300 words.) 
Yokai - Gar Logan x Masc!Japanese!Reader. Strangers to Lovers. Smut/PWP. Gar visits your family’s Japanese restaurant often - it makes him feel normal, talking with someone who doesn’t secretly wear a cape. Plus he loves the food, and… he thinks you’re super cute. (6,400 words.)
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skyesdaisys · 11 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, ally mayfair-richards, kai anderson, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson, montana duke)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why), nate archibald (gossip girl)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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bimb0fy · 1 year
Hi! I'm not sure if you do crossovers but can I pls req some headcanons about Billy Batson (2nd movie) dating Donna Troy's sibling? If you don't do crossovers then maybe some general Billy Batson dating hcs instead 👀. Ty in advance!
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You often had dinner with Wonder women and thing of her as a mother, so most holidays were spent with her, and you would invite Billy. Every. Damn. Time.
You often have patrol or fight crime with him since you love spending time with him. Sometimes you'd help Wonder woman and he'd join only to get too nervous of flustered to actually talk to her.
Bro buys you followers all the time. He knows your favorite flower, your least favorite flower and why you don't like them.
Bro obvi has abandonment issues so if you ever go on a mission WITHOUT him he would full on cry and breakdown thinking that you don't want to go on missions with him anymore.
You go out on mission dates, cmon now. You would just patrol around the city, find some dumbass robbing a bank, kicking his ass, then go get smoothies.
Bros inlove with the lasso of truth. WW had given it to you and you use it to fight crime. But instead, he uses it to make sure you love him.
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teaand-dreams · 2 years
Donna Troy and Spring
What’s it like being with Donna Troy in the spring? Requested by @sheimagineddragons​
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Firstly, spring is seen as the time of new beginnings and new birth
thus, expect Donna to adopt at least one nest of baby birds in the city
she will go out of her way to watch out for them by shooing away possible predators and other humans, and protect them as much as she can
she will also watch the baby birds grow up with a sense of pride, and will probably cry when they first learn to fly
during this time, you will have to make sure to remind her to drink water and eat because she is likely to forget about her own needs
that being said, when the baby birds do move out of the nest, Donna will take your hand, watch the birds with tearful eyes, and tell you she’ll never love another family of birds as much as she loves this one (this will be the same speech about different birds every year, mind you)
just pat her head, kiss her forehead, and tell her you know. she’ll be very grateful for any comfort you can provide her
When spring arrives, so does rain
on rainy mornings, Donna will sit by the window and take pictures of the outside world through the window and tell you how amazing it is to see the world through a clouded perspective
the two of you will sit and talk about the plants you hope will grow, drink tea, and read for a bit
when the rain isn’t that heavy, just a light mist or drizzle, the two of you will go outside and dance around, laughing and jumping in small puddles
after, Donna will light candles and the two of you will sit on the couch huddled under blankets and warm up so you don’t catch a cold from the rain
Some days will be sunny, though
Donna will absorb each sunny day as a breath of fresh air
she’ll walk around the city and take pictures of all the new growth she sees
if you go with her, she’ll have you stand next to trees regaining their leaves and sit in a field of blooming flowers as she takes a variety of photos
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taglist: @tangled-upwithyou​​ @retvenkos​​
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swanimagines · 3 years
Hi, I would like to request a headcanon for fem!reader being Dick Grayson's best friend and is dating Donna Troy (Titans), please.
A/N: I hope you like it Kit!
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- You and Dick go way back.
- You both were performers at Haly's Circus when you were kids.
- But when his parents died, he got taken away and later you heard that he had been adopted.
- You had no idea to who though.
- When you reached 18 years, you left the circus to find your own life.
- You ended up being a barista at a cafe.
- You met Donna on your first shift and quickly learned that she's coming there almost every day.
- You ended up chatting a lot, your boss had to remind you that you're at work at times.
- One day, she left you a note with her phone number.
- And of course you called her (you totally weren't freaking out before calling ahem ahem)
- You had your date at a restaurant which wasn't too fancy, but a cute and romantic place anyway.
- It quickly resulted in dating.
- One day Donna bumped to an old friend while you had grabbed some coffee when she was walking you to work.
- You recognized him right away. He had grown up, but you'd recognize him anywhere.
"Dick?!" - You
"Y/N?" - Dick
*you rush in for a crushing hug*
"Wait, you two know each other?" - Donna
- You explain everything to Donna and she's amazed and grinning widely.
"Well, what are the odds." - Donna
- Dick is really happy to see you're okay and you have a lot of catching up to do. You learn that he was adopted to Bruce Wayne and you tell him how your parents are doing.
- And now, besides you and Donna having dates, you could also build up your friendship with Dick again and went to drinks with him quite often.
- You got it to its former glory if not even greater in just a few meetings. It almost felt like time hadn't passed at all.
- You also go to drinks together, the three of you.
- You never get bored with the two of them, and you know you're very lucky to have them in your life.
Titans tags: @captainshazamerica @simsrecs @winterxisxcomingx @bookfrog242 @katherinepetrovawife // send me an ask if you wanna be added for my content for this fandom!
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astrum-naut · 3 years
A G T Y letters for yandere donna? ❤ thankyouuuu : )
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Alphabet by @mo0nfairy
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗱𝗼 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗮𝘆? Donna really likes spending time with you through the quiet parts of her lifestyle, wherein she doesn't have to necessarily strain herself or expect to get hurt out of the abusive superhero responsibilities. She would like for the both of you to enjoy life and whatever it could offer, so expect some picnic dates, photography sessions either you as the model; you assisting her; or even her as the muse, daily park walks, training sessions so you could always be prepared for any danger you could stumble into, cute coffee dates. Basically living that cute, domestic couple life.
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺?
Donna is one of the more seemingly normal yanderes. She definitely has one of the best self-control in regards to her urges so she doesn't do anything that necessarily tips of your radars. She doesn't pick off anyone with her golden lasso unless you were really injured, she doesn't isolate you from your friends, she doesn't manipulate you in order to serve her needs. The worst she can really do is stalk you and worm herself into your life. And maybe a few other things when she's pushed to her limits. But really, like most of the other female yanderes, she's a pretty solid choice of being obsessed over. You just think of her as the cute, girl-next-door who works in photography and occasionally takes you on these out of these worlds dates. You think of her of the sun, moon, and stars and she happily thinks of you the same way.
𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗮𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴?
Donna is not one of the types to be so overly into PDA. She's not going to lounge herself over you like some kitten starved for affection, nor is she going to instigate make-out sessions in the middle of public places. She's the subtle and reassuring type. She squeezes your shoulder, she presses small kisses on your face, she rubs your fingers, all out of an attempt to comfort and remind you she's there. Hell, if she's really feeling it she may even sneak her hand into your pants' back pocket.
𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴?
This is always a fascinating question in terms of discussing yandere behavior. Yet, I believe everything was mostly normal except this underlying doubt of what she was really fighting for worth it. Donna despite her logical and very pragmatic nature, seems like she has a lot of self-doubts in terms of being a hero and what it esentially means to her. But when she met you, that faith and drive was restored. She found herself waking up in the morning and fighting crime in the name of you and the encouragement you were able to provide her, when no one was able to. Donna found herself at her knees for some mere mortal, and yet she would only lift herself up in your grace and honor to fight another day.
Cue Feel Special by Twice
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bonesofapoet · 4 years
here's a little reel starring donna troy and a snowy afternoon that I literally can't get out of my head?? I am, once again, half asleep, and this is once again, messy af:
maybe it's a bleak, cloudy day, or maybe the sun has just hugged its final rays close and disappeared below the horizon, but street lamps and string lights already share their soft glow with the city streets, and those that linger under their warm light. the air is brisk, and it's filled with chatter. It seems hushed, in a way, almost like no one wants to disturb the wintery magic that's settled in all comfy and cozy.
donna has her camera of course, you tagged along while she tried to capture the world in this soft time of year, basking in the warmth it ignites deep in your chest, your bones, your heart. Your corner of the world is already hiding under a few inches of snow, yet fresh, bright fluffy flakes begin to float down anyway.
there's a cup of something warm in your hand, the other laced with donna's. she pulls you into the closest park, eyes set on photographing the laughter that rises from the rink erected solely for the chilly months. she turns to you and maybe stops. Freezes, like the snow has solidified in her veins and frozen her heart.
You're a few feet away, illuminated by glowing golden lights, twirling against a backdrop of swirling, glittering crystals.
She falls in love when your arms spread wide, head tilted to the wide open sky, carefully navigating clusters of people who stray too close. maybe you tried to catch snowflakes on your tongue, but you're wearing a smile so bright that donna swears it's you, lighting up the city that night. Maybe she reaches for her camera, or maybe she just watches, because even she knows not every moment needs to be immortalized on film. This memory will be with her until the end of time, anyway.
a grin slowly spreads across her face as you dance, her eyes shining as she realizes with a startled laugh, oh, she thinks. I'm right where I belong.
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scarlettconfetti · 3 years
Hi!🥺👋could I request a Donna Troy x artist!Reader fic where the reader and Donna are best friends, and she has a crush on Donna but hasn’t told her how she feels. But Donna eventually catches the reader sketching her and the reader ends up confessing her feelings for her?🥺and they get together in the end?🥺you could do a fic or headcanons, it’s up to you!
a/n: this request is so cute & it has been an honour to write it. i really hope you like it.
this is also dedicated to my friend, an amazing artist who deserves the world. i don’t know what i’d do without them these days & i’m just so lucky to have them in my life. to be honest i’m extremely bad at communicating & i feel like i might have annoyed them a lot & i am so, so sorry. i love them & they are such a wonderful friend.
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you’re an artist.
creating art is your hobby, your passion.
normally you like to share your art with your best friend donna.
she loves to see the artwork you create.
she always wants to hang a copy on her walls.
her compliments & encouragement never fail to make you smile.
especially when you’re excited to show her something you’ve spent a long time on & she’ll come to your side.
wrapping an arm around your shoulders as you show her what you’ve created.
she goes with you to any art galleries you want to go to & sometimes just drags you to one because she thought you might like it.
donna is your number one supporter, she cares about everything you create.
if any of the other titans don’t agree with her about the fact that it’s amazing, a masterpiece & should be hung in the most exclusive art galleries, then she’ll kick their asses.
she’s your best friend & you love her.
you love her so much, but have never told her the true extent of your feelings.
however, one day you’re sitting with your (insert art device of your choice) across from donna.
she’s playing with her lasso & glaring at the other titans so murderously & yet beautifully at the same time.
you can’t help but start to sketch her.
“what are you drawing this time, y/n?”
she startles you a little, but you smile at her regardless.
“just drafting something, it’s not important.”
“hey, let me see. anything you create is important to me.”
she’s on her feet & walking towards you, you try to hide your work to no avail.
“it’s in the early stages, like the really early stages it’s not even...” you want to actually disappear into your chair when donna arrives at your side.
she sits next to you like she always does, leaning over to see what you’ve created.
“oh my god, is that me?”
you’re too nervous to look at her.
she doesn’t let you escape from her though & tilts your chin up so you’re looking at her.
donna is beaming at you.
“yeah. i mean, you’re my best friend it would be weird for me not to draw you. i’ve drawn the others before.” you say quickly.
“oh, i know. i think my favourite was the one you drew of kori kicking dick’s ass.”
you both laugh & she hugs you.
her hugs are warm & you instantly feel safe & loved.
“thank you, it’s beautiful.”
“you’re beautiful.”
you immediately want to yeet yourself from existence, but as it turns out there’s nothing you need to feel ashamed of.
donna cups your cheeks & grins at you.
“so are you.”
you’re not sure what to say to her, but you give her a friendly smile back.
“can i kiss you now? because i’ve kinda wanted to do that for quite sometime.”
when you let her kiss you, it is the sweetest first kiss.
gentle, caring & filled with all the love she has for you.
“wanna be girlfriend’s?�� she whispers against your lips.
“i thought you’d never ask.”
you’re together from that day onwards & you have a beautiful relationship.
eventually the two of you have a home of your own where donna has an entire room just dedicated to your wonderful art.
a/n: sorry if this is a bit rough, i hope it turned out alright. this was so much fun to write.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Could you plz do headcanons with Hellblazer!Reader x Donna Troy?
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Donna troy x Male!reader
● you have known Donna for a decade first meeting back when you were 18
● the justice league dark which you had recently joined were asked to aid the justice league in fighting doomsday
● Dick had written you off but Donna fully believed in your magic
● Dick "really Donna? You're falling for this mumbo jumbo?" He says as they watch you create a potion made of outlandish ingredients Dick had never heard of
● Donna "the Amazon's history is rooted in God's and goddesses, occultism is not too far out of the box"
● sure you two met up every so often to hook up but with the amount of traveling around you both did you decided it was best not to commit to a relationship and ruin the good thing you had
● but then years later she's settled down in San Francisco with the titans so you found a way to make your own pocket dimension headquarters to allow you to move to San Francisco to be with her while still having 24/7 access to the other JLD members when needed
● Donna is the only one on the titans who is allowed to have a key to this pocket dimension
● and Gar and Connor have been banned from even stepping inside after setting off a magical windstorm in your library while messing around with some of your ancient artifacts
● well Kori has been trusted with another key in case of an emergency but no one except you and Donna know that
● Donna walking in on you doing a spell fully naked
● "see something you like love?" You say with a grin
● "Y/N please put some clothes on, the titans need your help"
● you become a mentor of sorts to Rachel teaching her about the supernatural and how to control her powers
● she's also not allowed to take any of your spell/ritual books out of the library because once again Gar and Connor were messing around and accidentally summoned a demon in the titans tower
● Donna and Zatanna are super close
● Zatanna tells Donna so many embarrassing stories about you
● and all the magical mishaps she's witnessed you make
● being the only girl in the JLD Zatanna also likes having other women around
● Zatanna "you think Gar smells bad when he shapeshifts? You don't even want to know the smells that come off of Alec when he returns from the swamp"
● giving Donna your trench coat when it's cold out
● "you know there is something that will warm you up" you say suggestively
● Donna leans in like she's going to kiss you but instead whispers "tequila?"
● Donna pulling you in by your tie to actually kiss you
● and flirting with her at the most inappropriate times during missions
● Jason "does he ever shut up?"
● Jason still hasn't forgiven you for the time you turned him into a rabbit
● in your defense it was Kent's idea after the two of them were arguing because Jason was trying to sneakily put his Dr Fate helmet on despite being warned not to several times
● Jason "it's just a stupid helmet what's the big deal"
● "kid that helmet is one of the most powerful artifacts in the world not even I could handle wearing it, you certainly wouldn't be able to"
● Bobo argues a lot with Dick on who is a greater detective, him or Bruce
● Bobo "Richard, I am a member of mensa"
● Dick "yeah but you're a monkey!"
● Bobo "a chimpanzee actually and batman is the one who comes to me for help not the other way around"
● "he's got a point Dick"
● Dick "not now Y/N!"
● when Donna died you and Rachel stopped at nothing to get her back
● Kent told you it would be impossible to resurrect her but she was the love of your life, you would either get her back or die trying
● when you do finally get her back the two of you decide to put superheroing behind for a bit and travel the world together
● a year later Kori gets a call that you proposed in Paris and that Donna would need her help planning the wedding
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
Master List - 19
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The end has arrived, let the darkness take over you - Frank Castle x Male Reader
Hurricanes- Male Reader x Frank Castle (SMUT)
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Let’s watch the thunder together- Sam Arias x Male Reader
Let’s have fun tonight - Lena Luthor x Male Reader x Kara Danvers (SMUT)
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Come tomorrow night - Charlize Theron x Reader
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Last Minute - Hank Hall x Male Reader (SMUT)
headcanon - Garfield Logan x reader 
Vete - Dawn Granger x Male Reader x Donna Troy (SMUT)
Maybe then - Connor Kent/Superboy x Male Reader (SMUT)
Sketch fire - Dick Grayson x Male Reader (SMUT)
Break the rules - Male Reader x Donna Troy G!P x Dawn Granger G!P (SMUT)
Hey let’s make pluto a planet again - Male Reader x Dick Grayson
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Cut - Finn Balor x Male Reader (SMUT)
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being best friends with Donna and Kory
Donna Troy/Kory Anders x reader
a/n: sam!!!! sending love!!! 💖💖 do i remember anything about s2? unlikely but lets see how far i go 😌
prompt: @myriadimagines: “HEY LACEY do you mind if i request a titans headcanon for being best friends with donna and kory? thank you so much and i hope you have an amazing day!!”
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you were a former titan, still an active vigilante tho!!
after the titans disbanded, you disappeared for a while to do your own thing
as time went on, you missed your teammates, so you gave donna a call
she was out of the hero-biz as of then but that didn’t mean she didn’t wanna see you!!
wasn’t long before you moved into her apartment, you two missed being roommates tbh
“pajama night?”
*gasp* “PAJAMA NIGHT!”
you changed up your game a bit, donna was like your P.I., giving you intel on whatever she may come across
you were the brawn of the operation, getting shit done where you could
it was surreal seeing dick again, but nevertheless, you were glad to see another familiar face
“wow, the gang is back together again”
doing some more vigilante work with donna and him, felt like the good old times
until you three had to haul ass to go intervene in some crazy, inter-dimensional bullshit
oh oh oh! this is where you meet kory!
she wasn’t very nice when you met her but she definitely made up for it later on
especially after she regained her memories
there wasn’t much time here to become all buddy-buddy, but after all the chaos and all that
“so, miss anders, care to join me and donna in our own little crusade?”
“it’d be my pleasure”
you, donna, and kory went on your own little missions and grew to absolutely adore kory
i mean, what was not to love about her? absolute badass but same amout of sweetheart
“guess what day it is!” -you
“tuesday?” -kory
*gasp* “TACO TUESDAY!!!” -donna
kory loved learning about the two of you
and you guys loved hearing any bit of information about kory’s past
donna and kory were legendary compared to yourself, but they always made sure you all felt like equals
i mean, seriously. kory is an alien, donna was trained on themyscira. you just put on a suit and ran around the city
“donna! kori! donna! kori!”
“yes, y/n?”
“you guys are the best”
casually leaning on each other after pulling all-night missions
“you tired?”
“what makes you say that?” *yawning*
i sincerely think one of you starts humming a song while patrolling and the other starts tapping along and someone else starts singing and its just a beautiful experience
70s-era music is kory’s favorite, but you try to introduce her to a wider variety
telling old stories about yourselves and people you’ve encountered over the years
“listen, donna was wonder woman’s sidekick and i’ve gotta say: that is the coolest gig ever. i only met diana once but i froze, i couldn’t believe she was talking to me. i didn’t even freeze when i met batman! fuckin’ BATMAN! it just goes to show how cool wonder woman is”
“yeah, y/n didn’t even freeze when they met me”
“really, donna? nooo, i didn’t freeze because i loved you right away!!!”
“good save”
kory told stories of tamaran that always left you wanting more
“yeah, my sister was...not the greatest if im being honest”
“dude, if i ever meet her, i’ll fight her for you”
“i appreciate that but i’m pretty sure she’d kill you in an instant”
*sipping your can of pop and muttering* “im still gonna do it”
gettin’ shimmer and gettin’ tacos and gettin’ confuzzled bc kory vanished, but she called and let you know she’d be fine and back soon
going back to the ol’ titans tower
brought some bad memories with it tbh
“havent been here in a while”
“oh my god. they’re everywhere”
donna and you bunking together 😌
“i miss kory”
“me too, y/n...me too”
midnight snacks
kory coming back!
“oh, thank god, kory!!! i missed you so much”
you jumped into her arms
“yeah, y/n wouldn’t shut up about you”
“aw, well i missed you guys, too”
supporting each other through these stressful times
there wasn’t much time to chillax but you tried
you’d “reserve” the living room for you and your lovely gals
but rachel was allowed to sit with you, anyone else and you’d kick them out
“we love rachel so she can stay”
(im definitely getting this timeline wrong bc im forgetting a lot of things and trying to read the fandom page and i cant remember shit????)
comforting donna after garth is brought up again
she really needed some hugs
deathstroke made his comeback and it was not cool at all not at all it actually sucked and then kory was comforting you
“hey, none of this is your fault, y/n. i’m here for you, we all are”
(forgetting every single plot point ah hah hah)
okay so everything was fine for a minute, people were saved, teammates were saved, villains were defeated...almost too good to be true
and then donna made her sacrifice to save dawn and you couldn’t even process it, it happened so fast
“donna, no!”
you fell next to her body and cried, rachel on one side and kory on the other
she didn’t deserve this and you would’ve given anything to save her
but the damage was done and you had to accept it
you kept kory close, she wouldn’t have it any other way
you decided to stick with the titans for a while, you didn’t want to go back to your shared apartment just yet
donna and kory would always be your best friends 🥺
taglist: @cullens-stuff // @lotsoffandomrecs //
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Perfect- Donna Troy
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Pairing: Donna Troy x Reader
Characters: Donna Troy
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon- Headcanons of Donna Troy comforting reader when they feel insecure about being with her???
Word Count: 412
Author: Charlotte
“What’s wrong?”
Donna looked concerned by your recent actions. As someone who loved you dearly, she paid attention to what you did and had noticed that recently you had started becoming more cut off from her and struggling in your day to day. She tried to wait it out knowing that you did have some bad days, but these ones didn’t seem to shake, and it was beginning to worry her.
“Nothing’s wrong, Donna,” you smiled softly, trying to hide the pain behind a happy exterior.
You didn’t want to tell her the truth. You didn’t want to tell her that there was a lot that was going wrong in your mind. So much pain went through your mind on a daily basis, a lot of it to do with yourself and how terrible you felt about yourself in comparison with Donna. Maybe you put her on a pedestal, but it was hard not to. Donna was beautiful, intelligent, ambitious and kind; she was everything in the world that you wished you could be and that only made your flaws more apparent to you.
“Don’t lie to me Y/N,” she frowned. “I know that something is wrong, and I know that you are upset. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me about it.”
You let out a sigh. You didn’t want to lie to Donna, but you also didn’t feel capable to tell her the truth, scared that she would hate you for the way that you thought.
“I just find it hard to feel good about myself when I’m dating Wonder Girl,” you shrugged. “How am I meant to compare with the epitome of perfection?”
Donna cocked an eyebrow at you, not having a clue by what you meant.
“I’m hardly perfect,” she stated.
“To me you are,” you smiled softly. “Everything about you is perfect. You’re everything I’m not.”
She let out a gentle laugh as she pulled you into a warm embrace, holding you a little longer than she normally would, just to reassure and care for you.
“That’s love,” she stated. “Love blinds you to all the bad. I may be perfect to you but to myself I certainly am not; however, you are perfect in my eyes. I would never change a thing about you, no matter how you think of yourself.”
You offered her a gentle smile, curling more into the hug, glad to have such an amazing girlfriend who you could talk to.
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Nat’s DC Masterlist
* = Smut
(Non-Linked titles means they’re planned/being edited/queued)
A title with a strike through means it was removed during the Tumblr Snap
Dick Grayson
A Whole New World (Dick x GN!Reader)
What Choice Did I Have? (Dick x GN!Reader)
Please, Nightwing (Dick x Reader)*
My Son, Robin (Dick x Reader)
Meeting The Family (Dick x Kori)
Possibilities (Dick x M!Reader)
Captured (Dick x GN!Reader)
Work of Art (Dick x Reader)
Hotel Showers (Dick x Kory)*
Four Years Later (Dick x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Let Me Help You (Paternal!Dick x Rachel)
The Bird and the Bow (Dick x Reader)
Baby Bird (Dick x Reader)
Keep Each Other Safe (Dick x Reader)
Leave A Porch Light On (Dick x GN!Reader)
Breaking The Bro-Code (Dick x Reader)
Bow-Hunter Security (Dick x Reader)
Jason Todd
Give Me A Chance (Jason x Reader)
Wandering Hands (Jason x Reader)*
Movies and Friends 
Darkness Within
[Part 1] [Part 2]
Robin Is All I Have (Jason x Reader)
Dating Jason Todd Would Include
Meeting The Titans (Jason x Reader)
I Don’t Know You (Jason x Reader)
Meeting The Family (Kory x Dick)
Do I Know You? (Kory x GN!Reader)
Hotel Showers (Kory x Dick)*
Mall Crawl (Maternal!Kory x Rachel)
Gar Logan
Dating Gar Logan Would Include
Tranquilizers (Gar x Rachel)
Tell Me About The Darkness (Gar x Rachel)
I Think I Love You (Gar x Reader)
Movies and Friends 
The Calm After The Storm (Gar x Reader)
We Heal Each Other (Gar x Reader)
Gar and Rachel in College Would Include
You Have A Connection (Gar x Reader)
I’ll Be Your Guiding Light (Gar x Reader)
Rachel Roth
Tranquilizers (Rachel x Gar)
Tell Me About The Darkness (Rachel x Gar)
Let Me Help You (Rachel x Paternal!Dick)
Movies and Friends
I Can Handle It
Mall Crawl (Rachel x Maternal!Kory)
Gar and Rachel in College Would Include
Dawn Granger
Is That My Shirt? (Dawn x Reader)
Donna Troy
Cuddle Time (Donna x M!Reader)
Bruce Wayne
Daddy (Bruce x Reader)
Arthur Curry
Flirting With The King (Arthur x Reader)
Ten Years Away (Arthur x Reader)
[Part 1] [Part 2]
The Power of the Waves (Arthur x Reader)
The Trench (Arthur x Daughter!Reader)
Cuddling With Arthur Would Include 
Bleeding Love (Arthur x Reader)
You Annoy Me, I Like You (Arthur x Reader)
Our Future (Arthur x GN!Reader)
The Secret Is Out (Arthur x Reader)
Returning What Was Lost (Arthur x Reader)
Goodbye, Arthur (Arthur x Reader)
The First Kick (Arthur x Reader)
Queen of Atlantis (Arthur x Reader)
Cold and Flu (Arthur x Reader)
Caged Love (Orm x Reader)
On The Beach (Orm x Reader)
Wally West
Wally’s Food (Wally x GN!Reader)
My Home (Wally x GN!Reader)
NSFW Alphabets Headcanons*
Poison Ivy
Roy Harper
Jason Todd
Harley Quinn
Dick Grayson
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