#donna troy fluff
spidernuggets · 7 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do,"
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"I don't get it" Rachel says to herself, staring at the couple. You're sitting on the island while Jason's head is buried in the fridge looking for another brew.
"Get what?" Gar chimes in, following where Rachel's gaze was at. "Jason and Y/N? What about them?", he quietly asks, not wanting the lovebirds to overhear their conversation.
"Yeah, I think I'm improving, but I still can't get the landing right," you say to Jason as he pops the cap off of the beer he finally finds. He replies with a simple hum of acknowledgement while taking a swig.
"He's so..." Rachel starts, trying to look for the right words to describe him. "Rude? Self-absorbed? He's not even listening to what Y/n's saying," she whispers back to Gar, finally turning away from the two.
Gar tilts his head to the side. "I don't know... They've been together for a good few months now, right? We don't see them together that often, we don't know how they're like," he tries to reason.
Rachel scoff, sitting on the couch. "That's another reason why he's a bad boyfriend. We never see them around. Does he not like showing off that they're together? Jason being a cocky-ass person, he's the kind of person to flaunt around his partner."
Rachel turns back to where you and Jason were standing just to see the two of you were gone as she scoffs once more.
Gar opens his mouth to speak once more as Kori and Dawn enters the room.
"What are we talking about?" Kori asks.
"Jason being an asshole of a boyfriend," Rachel almost laughs.
"How so?" Dawn questions.
"How could you not see?" Kori says. "Jason's always brushing Y/n off, blunt, short replies, puts missions before them, he's hardly ever acknowledging their presence," She laughs, listing all of Jason's flaws as a partner.
"I guess I've never really notice..." Dawn says, unsure.
"Jesus, you drive me crazy," Jason says, his voice low, grinning at you like a school girl with her crush.
You're on his lap, hands cradling his face, his hands on your ass with a firm grip. You're placing soft kisses all over his face, a quick break from the hungry make-out session you both were so busy with.
Your soft kisses trail away from his face, down his jaw and onto his neck, kisses and nibbling all over. Biting a certain spot, Jason lets out a quiet gasp along with a held back whimper.
You let out a light chuckle while continuing to pepper kisses on his neck.
"I liked that," You softly say, kissing against the same spot. "Do it again," you teased.
Jason groaned. "You're trying to kill me, babe," he complains as he captured your lips against his once more.
You sighed in content, breaking the kiss and leaving another lingering kiss on his forhead.
"Don't let them get to your head, love," You tell him quietly. The both of you are well aware that the other Titans (maybe except Gar) don't see why you would date Jason. You're kind and considerate while Jason is... Jason. Jason has told you many times that he wants to be taken seriously by the other members, hence his cold demeanour. And along with those explanations, came affectionate apologies of him spending all his free time alone with you in either his or your room, cuddling, kissing, properly listening to your rants and more.
"They're right though," his reply is delivered rough and raspy, a change of voice that indicates to you that he's upset.
You sigh, arms wrapping around his neck, burying your face in his meck, breathing in his distinct scent of faint alcohol and strong cologne.
"No they're not," you say, just above a whisper. "I get it, Jay. You want to prove yourself. But you don't have to prove yourself to me. Okay? You're more than enough for me," One of your hands move down, grabbing hold of his own hand, bringing it up to your lips for another gentle kiss as your other hands cup his cheek.
Jason sighs, leaning into, your touch. "I love you, okay, Jay?" He nods in reply.
"I..." He tries to say it too, but fails as his gaze shifts to the ceiling in guilt.
"Hey, hey. I told you. Only say it when you're ready, you don't have to force yourself to say it, Jay," I assure him. "Now," You move yourself off of him, bringing him down to lie with you as you rest your head on his chest. "You're supposed to tell me about this book you were reading," You remind him. He smiles once more, his arms wrapping around you happily as he starts ranting about his new book.
"You guys got it?" Dick confirms with the rest of the group, finishing up a debrief with the other Titans. Everyone nod and murmur 'yes's and 'yep's.
"Alright, everyone get to training," He says as he departs.
You turn to Jason excitingly. "You wanna train together, Jay? You can help me with the new move I was telling you about!"
"Not today. I'm gonna train with Gar," Jason replies.
"Ah, okay! Have fun, teach me some new stuff you learn, later, kay?" You reach up to his cheek, giving him a quick peck and a short "Love ya!"
He responds with a grunt and a nod and leaves you with a quick caress on ur cheek as he goes to one of the training rooms with Gar. Oh how much he wants to just pick you up and kiss you and hug you and hold you for all eternity.
Hank scoffs at Jason's reaction as he walks off. Donna shakes her head in disapproval as she followed along too. The other women in the room have their eyebrows furrowed, judging looks towards your boyfriend and crossed arms as they looked at you with a lovesick grin and heart eyes, watching your love walk away til he disappeared.
You quickly turn around, smiling at the rest of the members. "Any of you guys wanna train with me- what? What's with the looks?" You ask, confused.
"What's with your boyfriend?" Rachel hisses.
Your face scrunches in slight offence. "What about him?"
"Honey, he's..." Dawn starts to say though her words trail off.
"You can do better," Kori states, her hands landing on her hips.
You lightly scoff "Why's that," You say lowly, eyes narrowing, ready to defend Jason.
"Y/n..." Dawn speaks up. "We're just looking out for you. We just think you and Jason... Aren't the best match."
"We think Jason is selfish, rude and annoying, is what she was meant to say," Rachel said quietly, but loud enough for all of you to hear.
You roll your eyes. "And who are you to judge him? It's not like you've tried to get to know him. You guys just don't know him like I do," you barked, almost wanting to cry for Jason.
"Y/n, we just-" you cut Kori off by putting a hand uo, refraining her from continuing.
"No. No, no. You can talk to me when you find some respect for Jason." You coldly say as you walked away to train.
The girls looked at each other with disappointed and worried looks.
The team was on a mission that involved Deathstroke. It was wild and messy to the point where everyone was split up, and only some of the Titans returned back to the tower.
Jason is pacing around, alone in his room. He's covered in blood and bruises, but those don't matter to him right now. The only thing in his mind was
Where the fuck were you?
It's been two hours since he came back with Dick, Gar, Rachel and Donna but there were no signs of you coming back. Or of the others coming back he guesses. You're comms weren't working and you weren't answering his messages.
To piss him off more, Dick forbade him from going back out, knowing that Jason's impulsiveness would bring further damage.
"He's not even worried," Rachel says, sitting in the couch cleaning the blood of herself, noticing Jason's absence of worry.
"He could be?" Gar shouts from the kitchen, trying to reason again.
"Why are you even trying to defend him, we know how he is."
"He's our teammate, Rachel. We can't go off judging him if we don't know him that well," He says softly, trying not to get a rise out of the purple haired girl.
She scoffs and reply with whatever.
Dick and Donna walk into the room. "We got a message from Kori," Dick says. "The comms were breaking up but they're all safe."
Rachel and Gar sigh in relief.
Around half an hour later, you, Dawn, Hank and Kori finally return.
You're cracking your back and stretching your arms. Parts of your hero outfit is ripped and some of your blood that escaped your skin was dried and dirty and bruises littered your face, but you were always in a bright mood.
"She's finally back and bird brain isn't even running out," Rachel whispers to Gar as his shoulders sink.
"Oh my god, I'm gonna need a lie down for the rest of my life," You groan, cracking your neck.
Even from his room, Jason heard your voice as he rushed out and saw you there all battered up.
He heavily sighed in relief, running up to you, lifting you up. You lightly shriek at his sudden appearance, wrapping your legs around his waist, hands on his shoulders.
"You're okay... you scared me..thought you weren't coming back," he admits quietly, but as the other Titans stare silently in shock, especially Rachel, they heard him loud and clear.
Jason lets you down slowly and litters your face with kisses before pulling you in closer, attaching his lips to yours, finally not caring about the presence of the other members.
"Hello to you too," you giggle, leaving a kiss on his nose.
"You're hurt," he says, looking at your scrapped body.
"I'm okay, Jay," You reassure him. But he shakes his head, carries you bridal style.
"I need to patch you up," He says, giving you another kiss on the cheek before heading to his room.
"Okay, that just happened," Kori said in amusement.
"They're cuties, aren't they, Hank?" Dawn asks, looking up at the lover of her own.
Hank rolls his eyes and answers with an "I guess so" before they leave the room.
"So?..." Gar grins in success and amusement as he looks at Rachels shocked reaction.
She sighs and leans back against the couch.
"Yeah, yeah you're right, I was wrong. They are good for each other," She admits.
"In front of them too?" You question, sitting on Jason's bed as he wipes away any dried blood before patching you up.
"I don't care," He says, keaving you surprised. Jason patches up your last wound, giving it a kiss before getting up and cradling your face.  "Your safety is more important to me"
You lean into his touch, your hand coming up to hold his. He leans into you for a deep, passionate and long lasting kiss.
Breaking it, he leans his forhead against yours.
"I love you," He quietly but confidently say.
Your eyes brighten and you couldnt helo but break into a wide smile, feeling giddy like a kid receiving a oresent from Santa.
"I love you too"
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fandomnerd9602 · 3 months
Can you do a Brother of Dick Grayson/Red Robin x Donna Troy(Titans)?
Y/N and Donna train hard…
Y/N: looking tired there, Troy.
Donna: your point?
Y/N: why don’t you join me for a quick shower?
Donna: how long are you going to flirt with me and keep this up?
Y/N: til my last breath
Donna bites her lip…
Donna: I like being cuddled afterwards
Y/N: I love cuddling
Donna takes Y/N’s hand and the two head off to the showers…
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fandom-friday · 5 months
Help! My baby brother is a vampire! By deitybird. (https://archiveofourown.org/works/42756189/chapters/107410599)Batman. Exactly what is says on the tin.  Inspired by DC vs Vampires and DC vs Vampires: All Out War! Comics. Dick Grayson becomes a vampire, but in the process his baby brother (age four) ends up becoming the Vampire King. The characterization of Tim as well as everyone else is very well done.
I'm ALWAYS down for fics that have the "Crack Treated Seriously" tag because you know what, sometimes the crack thoughts grow legs and turn into fics. I can totally see this starting off as a funny idea as @deitybird states, but the summary? I SEE WE ARE GOING TO GET ANGSTY, AND I AM HERE FOR IT. This one seems super interesting, and for the record, I think a Vampire AU just fits perfectly with the Batman universe. Thanks so much for sending this in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter One: Sunlight (Donna's POV)
Roy arranged flowers in my hair for a picture once. He leaned over me, chuckling as he worked. His wheezy laugh was grating to most, but it made me smile. Actually, it made me laugh. “Roy, please don’t make a d—.”
“Lay still, you’re gonna mess it up… And stop breathing on me. It tickles,” Roy warned me as he wheeze-laughed. And no, it wasn’t asthma. It was more—. It was a snicker. A raspy snicker. He smelled great. It was probably the best he ever smelled since I knew him. Notes of something baked and sweet complemented by a smoky wood. I pulled his shirt to my nose, and he leaned backward on his knees. Smiling. His mouth formed cute parenthetical folds on freckled canvas. Roy was sunlight.
“Roy, we’ve been here an hour—.”
“I’m almost done. Trust the process,” Roy whispered. His voice seemed more serious at that point. “Donna, you said you already set your Polaroid—?”
“You’re done?” I asked. He nodded and stood over me with his camera. “How do I look?”
“Like a goddess,” Roy whispered, and I felt my cheeks redden as I shut my eyes. Roy snapped three pictures before kneeling beside me and removing the flowers. “Do you have a brush?”
I laughed and shook the rest of the flowers out of my hair as I sat up. “Roy, you’re stalling. Let me see—.” He held them to his chest, protecting them from me. “What? What is it?”
“Donna, if you don’t like them, would it be weird if I kept them anyway?” Roy asked. I gently pried the pictures from his hands, and the flowers spelled out I-L-Y in my hair. I looked at him, and he rubbed the back of his neck.
I laid my head on his shoulder. I was speechless, and he didn’t expect anything, but I wish I said something that day in the field. Roy was like that. He loved and never expected to be loved back. That’s what made him special to me. I could never say what I wanted to, but he didn’t force me to try. Roy pressed kisses to the side of my face and my neck. “Roy,” I whispered.
“You’ve gotta go away… I know you do, but I want you to know I’ll wait for you if you want me to,” Roy whispered.
It felt selfish to make him wait for me, but I couldn’t look at him and tell him to go. I couldn’t speak. I wish I could’ve said something, but my throat ached. I kissed him, and I think he knew. “Let me keep one picture,” Roy whispered. I nodded, and Roy returned to my cheeks and neck. I craned into his touch but could feel his pain through my flesh. It hurt, but I needed him close. I pulled him in by his shirt, and he shook his head. “Wait… Wait, I’m shaking.” Roy pulled away from me, and I turned to him. I reached to touch his arm, and he stood up. “Let me take you home before I say something dumb—.”
“You can say whatever you want, Roy. I won’t get mad,” I whispered as he took my hand and helped me stand. “Roy? Please?”
“I want ya to go. I do. Don’t get me wrong, but I don’t wanna—. I wanna—. Come on, let me take you home,” Roy sighed. He seemed irritated. Not with me, but the temperature between us changed. “You’ve got packing to do, Princess.”
His smile disappeared, and I held onto his hand, desperately squeezing for the warmth and safety it offered only moments ago. I held onto him like a child holding onto a teddy bear. “Roy, are you mad at me?” I asked.
“No, I could never—. I’m a little mixed up right now, but I’ll be okay. This is your big moment, Donna, and I’ve got a present for you back at your place,” Roy whispered, “I’m sorry… I’m gonna miss you a ton. I guess-. It didn’t feel real until today.”
He opened the door for me, and we stared at each other for a while. I wanted him to ask me to stay. I know that sounds cliche, but I hoped he would at least try. Or hell—. I don’t know. I wish he would’ve asked to go with me. We drove to my place in silence, and when I got to the door, I wanted to say everything I’d held inside—. “Surprise!” they yelled. I backed into Roy, and he offered a gentle push toward our friends.
Dick punched Roy’s shoulder. “Hey, chump, what took you so long?” Dick half-joked. Roy forced a smile.
“I had to take a quick detour to spend time with my favorite girl,” Roy replied as he slipped into the crowd. Everyone seemed so happy for me, but I couldn’t help but feel lonely.
The night droned on, and I slipped into my bedroom for a break before running into Roy. He sat on my bed with a gift box on his lap. “Roy—.”
“I know you don’t like people in your room, but I’m—. I thought you’d make an exception this one time,” Roy smiled as he gave me the box. I carefully unwrapped my gift and smiled. A plush lamb in a replica of my first drama class costume. I held it close to my chest. “I know we’re a little old for that stuff, but I—.”
I embraced him, and then there was silence. Then there was longing. Then there were lips… My lips against his warm, peach-fuzzy cheeks. Then there were lips. His lips against mine. And his scent was sweet and smoky, luring me in. I kissed his neck, and he laughed his wheezy laugh. “Donna, the party—.”
“Will you stay until after they’re gone?” I interrupted. He lifted my chin with his knuckle.
“Well, I’ve got a lot of free time with Ollie gone, so I don’t mind waiting around tonight,” Roy grinned. We partied that night, and after everyone left, Roy curled up in my bed and reached for me.
We were quiet. It was so quiet it scared us when the bed made a noise… or Roy bumped into the wall. He was gentle. “This is goodbye, isn’t it?” Roy whispered afterward. I frowned. “Maybe one day it’ll be hello again… But we’ll always be friends, right?”
“Nothing will change that,” I replied. Roy was sunlight. Far too bright to look at. Hot to the touch. He cried that night. He waited until he thought I was asleep, but I heard him. I didn’t speak because I didn’t want to hurt his pride. Still, I wish he would’ve come with me. I wondered if we would’ve stayed together if he’d simply asked to come along. I would’ve said yes. I would’ve done anything to make space for him there.
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raphael-angele · 2 years
No One’s Giving Me Fanfics, I’M GONNA MAKE THE FANFICS
He couldn't breathe. He tried to but can't. He tried to stand from his kneeling position but can't. He wanted to shut his eyes tight and make it all go away, to wake up from what he hoped was just a nightmare. He looked around but the fire was too high and it was spreading even farther. He couldn't see much. How could he? It was dark and the fire was the only source of light but even with that he couldn't tell where he was.
He started coughing. His hands gripped on his neck to try stop himself from breathing in the air from the fire. But that didn't seem to help. It was as if everything was a repetition of that day. The day he summoned the devil to the tranquil land of Azarath. The moment where he saw his mother's golden eyes as she smiled at him, as if to thank him for bringing her to Azarath. He screamed.
Raven screamed as he woke up in a cold sweat. He took several deep breaths before realizing he was already wake. His breathing started to regulate, he couldn't say the same for his heart, though. He could feel it pounding through his chest; he could hear it. The sound was inside his ears, beating fast and it had no intention of slowing down. It was only when he blinked when he noticed the tears that streamed from his eyes, rolling down his cheeks. He lifted his hand up to his face and wiped them off. He let out a big sigh and sniffled.
He looked around.
It was dark.
But the moonlight that shined through the window beside him lit his surroundings enough for him to see that he was in his room. He blinked a few more times just to make sure. He’s seen very convincing illusions before. He wanted to make sure he was actually in his room and not somewhere in hell, that was just disguised by his mind to think he was safe and sound. He didn’t want a repeat of that.
It was quiet, besides the sound of rain hitting his window pane, the slowing thumping of his heart in his ear, and the his breathing going back to normal.
He looked at the clock on top of the door to his room. "1:13" he groaned as he rubbed the sleep off his eyes. It was still too early for anyone to be up. Talia and Jacqui might still be up, talking about a case they're working on or planning for the team to take. Klarienne went to bed some time after he did. He went to bed around the same time as Jess and they didn't wake up till around 9 am. And Talia made it very clear to the team that Laurel had a bedtime, and didn't wake up any later than 7:30 am, which is around the same time Troy would wake up.
After a few more minutes, the cold was getting to him. He was to tired to adjust the air conditioning. So he simply wrapped himself up tightly into his covers, closed his eyes and went back to ...or at least tried to.
He sat up in annoyance once he realized that after many twists and turns, and other failed attempts to sleep, he couldn't. Those images of the dark room and the fire, and the seemingly never ending suffocation, he should've known. He was still tired and sleepy, but his mind was restless and wouldn't convince him that his surroundings were safe. He groaned again, folding his legs to meet his chest and tucking his head in between his knees. He lifted his head enough for him to see the crumpled blanket at his feet.
His eyes started getting droopy until his head felt heavy and his eyes finally closed. It wasn't long before he woke up with a gasp, from the same recurring nightmare that had been haunting him since he could remember. He sighed. He swung his legs to one side of the bed and put on his indoor slippers. He grabbed a pillow and headed for the door. He clutched the pillow closer to his chest as the door opened. He stepped outside his room and took a deep breath before taking a few more steps to the room across from his.
He's been here before. He's actually been here several times before. He lifted his arm with a fisted hand. He hesitated to knock. Maybe he can go back to sleep now. You wont. Maybe he can just stay awake till the morning and sleep in the afternoon, his nightmares weren't as bad as they were at night. Maybe he can go to someone else's room, no that would be too embarrassing. Oh, who are you kidding, you're standing in the hallway of a headquarters you don't even belong to half past 1 in the morning, there's nothing more embarrassing than this besides the fact that you've been here before. Maybe this would be the last time. What makes you think you wont come back?. No, he'll understand. He said I can go to him if I'm not feeling so good. Or maybe he's already tired of taking you into his room and will just tell you to go away.
No, he won't.
Yes, he will
No, he wouldn't do that.
Yes, he would
No, he won't.
By that time, he knocked on the door to try and cut off the voice in his head. Then he pulled his hand away and waited.
That was a mistake
No, it wasn't
He's gonna get mad at you
Shut up.
When no response came after a minute, he tried knocking again. "Please open the door, please." he whispered to himself. It was barely a breath. After no response again, he sighed and hung his head. Told you.
He turned away and started to walk back to his room when he heard the door open. He turned and saw Troy, with his hair a little messy like how it usually would look like when he got up in the morning, before he fixed it. He was dressed in a sleeveless shirt and baggy pajamas. He rubbed the sleep off of his eyes as he yawned a bit. He blinked a few times to see who could be knocking at this time of the night. "Raven?" he called to the other.
Raven just stared at him. He kept quiet. He swallowed down the saliva that piled up in his mouth and tried to think of what to say. "Raven, what's wrong?" Troy asked worriedly, taking a tentative step towards him to try and see if he was hurt in any way. After the other failed to respond, the young amazon took his hand and led them into his bedroom. He closed the door but kept the lights off, knowing by now that if he turned them on, it would hurt their eyes. "Raven, tell me what's wrong." he said in a soft voice as he lifted his hand onto the other's cheek to try and wipe the tear stains he saw earlier.
Raven leaned into his touch. His hands were warm, despite the air conditioning. They were soft, too, in contrast to what he thought they'd feel like. After all, they did have to deal with a lot of criminals in their work. With one of Raven's hands remaining on the pillow he was still carrying, he softly held Troy's wrist with the other. He brushed his cheek across his hand with his eyes closed, trying to ground himself; telling himself that he's safe as long as he's with him. When he opened his eyes, turquoise blue met indigo.
They stayed like that for a moment as Raven gazed into his eyes. He could tell the other was worried and concerned for him. He tried to see if there was anything else there, like judgement, disgust or even hate. But there was nothing.
When the moment was over, Troy pulled him in close. Raven dropped the pillow and wrapped his arms around the other. The hand that was once on his cheek was now on the back of his head, gently stroking his hair. Another one wrapped around his shoulder onto his back, pulling him close to Troy's chest. Raven buried his head into his shoulder and cried softly. "I'm sorry." he whispered. It was muffled with how close he was to him. "For what?" Troy asked him in the same volume. "They just wont stop." the younger pulled away for a moment.
"What wont stop?" the amazon wiped away the tears that rolled down his cheeks with one hand while the other kept him close. "The nightmares." Raven said in an even softer voice. "Oh, Raven, we can't control those. No matter how much we try." Troy said in an attempt to make his significant other feel better. "If I could, I wouldn't have to keep waking you up in the middle of the night." he cursed himself.
"Hey," Troy called on him, sliding his hand from his cheek to under his chin to tilt his head so they could look at each other directly. "Raven, I already told you, it's okay. I don't mind you waking me up. I told you to come to me if you're not feeling well, didn't I? I'm holding up to that no matter what time of day it is."
"I do. I mind."
"You shouldn't." Troy cut him off before he could add anymore insults to himself. "Raven, you are part of this team now. Whether you like it or not, we are going to be there with you and for you. You don't have to go through these things alone." He put his hand back on the other's cheek and smiled. "Not anymore."
Raven buried his head back into the other's shoulder and rested there for a few more moments. "I'll ask you again: What's wrong?" Troy asked him. "I can't sleep." Raven whispered. "What do you need?" the other asked. There was a moment of silence before the younger spoke. "Is it okay if I sleep with you tonight?" he asked. Most of it was muffled but it didn't matter to Troy. He already made up his mind n what to do when Raven came in through his door.
"Of course you can." Troy whispered into his ear and smiled as he pulled away. He picked up the forgotten pillow on the floor and softly grabbed the other's wrist as they walked over to his bed. He fixed it a bit and added the extra pillow at the head and pulled the covers so Raven could get in first. After he did, Troy got in and covered the two of them with the blanket. They faced each other and stared at each other. "Are you scared?" Troy asked. "Yes." Raven answered in a small voice. "You don't have to be." Troy reassured. "I'm right here. As long as I am, you'll be safe. And I'll always be right beside you." he said, caressing his cheek one last time. The other couldn't help but lean into his touch. He locked eyes with him again. As they laid their head into the pillows, Raven felt his eyelids getting heavy. "Good night, Troy." he said before he closed his eyes and fell asleep. It was barely a whisper, but Troy heard it.
He stayed like that for a while, playing with Raven's hair a bit to keep him calm in his sleep. He looked at the clock on his nightstand. "1:54" it said. Soon enough, he started feeling sleepy. He watched his significant other sleep right beside him. He looked so peaceful, it made the other believe that there was absolutely nothing that Raven could do that would make Troy hate him.
But this wouldn't be the first time he would think that, now would it?
Troy pulled him close to himself and wrapped his arms around him, keeping his promise to protect him no matter what. He caressed his hair a few more times before planting a kiss on top of his head and whispering something to him. He closed his eyes and went to sleep. He didn't see it, but Raven smiled softly as he laid there with his head to his chest. He leaned in close, knowing that tonight, he'll be safe.
He knew Troy's last words before slumber would always comfort him. He will never forget the way he whispered to him, "Good night, my angel."
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Arrowverse Au
Hello, This is my attempt to get back into writing, Here goes... 
Please don’t continue if you haven’t seen one of the Arrowverse series and don’t want spoilers, I don’t want you to risk it if you don’t want spoilers. 
PS this is about Dick Grayson... soo yeh 
So Basically I wanted to combine two Ideas I’ve been having lately, The first is, ‘What if Moira had adopted Richard Grayson While Oliver was gone?’ what would happen after, and how would she come across him? 
I don’t really know how to say the second idea but I will give you this: 
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Please note that I hope to start reading the comics before i start this Au but for now only know the basics on these characters. Also ‘Granted’ (Second from the right) Is Grant Wilson in this Au, Yeah im confiscating that Plot Point.  Next post about this is probably my Headcannons which are off to the side. 
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I feel that the 2003 Teen Titans cartoon has a weird chokehold over a lot of the DC fandom, particularly the parts that don't actually READ or even like COMICS, to the point where this show, whose creators openly admit had to be simple enough for a toddler to follow, largely informs a lot of fans' interpretations of some pretty complex characters, themes and continuity. The show, specifically, can tend to become nostalgia bait, and I think it's due time for a lot of this fandom to take off their rose-tinted glasses and let the show go.
Like I enjoyed the show growing up and I still have a soft spot for episodes like Lightspeed and Hide & Seek, but...frankly it's a simple show tailored to young kids that just does not, and was never meant to, do justice to the Titans' comic canon. This show could never have done Who is Donna Troy? and conveyed the unlabelableness of Donna and Dick's relationship, but it was never supposed to. Characterisations are intentionally dumbed down, themes are broken down into bite-sized morals, half of the show is dedicated to comedy, and character development is purposely few and far between because this show was designed for kids aged 2-11. And all that is fine but it's just not at all a reflection of what the Titans really are in print. It should not really inform any serious reading of the DC comic universe.
On the one hand, I really didn't need to see a Red X comic arc or Starfire talking in broken english in a comic, it's all just cheap nostalgia bait that people need to stop falling for. It's sacrificing theme in favour of cheap references. On the other hand, I do think the fans I'm talking about probably owe it to themselves to a) be a little more honest and critical about their engagement with DC media, and b) challenge themselves more when engaging in media to avoid wallowing in flanderized fluff.
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skyesdaisys · 8 months
character's i write for
welcome to my list of characters where i have many of them from many fandoms that i write for
requests: temporarily closed
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bolded names are ones i really wanna write for
yellowjackets (shauna shipman, jackie taylor, lottie matthews, taissa turner, van palmer, nat scatorccio, laura lee, callie sadecki)
dc titans (dick grayson, jason todd, kory anders, gar logan, donna troy, dawn granger, hank hall)
fear street (deena johnson, sam fraser, ziggy berman, cindy berman, kate schmidt, alice hart, simon kalivoda, tommy slater, young!nick goode)
teen wolf (scott mccall, stiles stilinski, isaac lahey, malia tate, kira yukimura, lydia martin, liam dunbar)
american horror story (violet harmon, kit walker, lana winters, zoe benson, madison montgomery, kyle spencer, misty day, cordelia goode, jimmy darling, tristan duffy, winter anderson, mallory, brooke thompson)
the summer I turned pretty (jeremiah fisher, belly conklin, taylor jewel, shayla wang, conrad fisher)
miscellaneous: maeve rojas (one of us is lying), leighton murray (the sex lives of college girls), miguel diaz (cobra kai), brooke davis (one tree hill), maeve wiley & ruby matthews (sex education), kate bishop (hawkeye), roronoa zoro (one piece live action), daisy johnson (agents of shield), zach dempsey (13 reasons why)
another thing i'd like to add, i wouldn't mind writing poly ships x reader like dickkory, jackieshauna, stalia, sameena, lottienat, jaygar, etc. (or a poly ship with crossover characters like dick grayson & kate bishop for example)
i will write for fluff, angst, and maybe smut (there's only so much i am comfortable with though) if you ask nicely. and i only write for fem & gn readers
and as a reminder, you guys can request for the following fandoms for oneshots, headcanons, or just sending your fluffy or horny thoughts in my inbox (i don't judge)
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workingbynyx · 6 months
— nyx's inbox !
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Hey there! I'm a bit new to fic writing but i figured it would be nice to try it out here on tumblr so here i am! My name is Nyx and I'll be sharing my works here <3
I decided to open an inbox for requests (if ever), but please do note that i won't be able to create every submission—i lead a busy life and tend to get a lot on my plate so i apologize in advance, but i will try my best anyway to post and write something ^^
refer below the border if you got anything in mind!
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☕ genres/topics I do
Angst (still getting the hang of it)
Found family
‼ genres/topics I don't do
Smut (not comfy for me to write 😭🙏🏻)
Mentions of r4pe
And basically any inhumane thing being romanticized
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As for characters and fandoms, I'm mostly open for Marvel and DC! But i'm still an average fan of both so I do have some limitations when it comes to requesting certain characters, i want to make sure that they're accurate in my works as possible so below are the characters i listed that i can surely make something out of :)
Peter Parker/Spiderman (Tom Holland)
Peter Parker/Spiderman (Andrew Garfield)
Bucky Barnes
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Tony Stark
Spiderwoman (Gwen Stacy)
Kate Bishop
Spiderpunk (Hobie Brown)
Spiderman 2099 (Miguel O'Hara)
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
quick note that i normally write mostly for the (teen) titans !
Dick Grayson
Gar Logan
Rachel Roth
Jason Todd
Kory Anders (Koriand'r)
Dawn Granger
Tim Drake
Donna Troy
Connor Kent
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As for the pairings, i usually try to keep it gender neutral as possible so all interested readers are able to enjoy the fic no matter what! But i will gladly attempt and do any pairings as for requests :D
And speaking of requests, I do have a small system to make it easier for me to access submissions—so if you have an idea in mind and want to send something in, kindly use the format below <3
📸 || (write here your plots, thoughts, or ideas!)
🫂 || (write here the pairings and genre!)
✍ || (format of your choice; oneshot, imagine, or a full fic!)
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That's all for now! I look forward to any of your submissions, i'll do my best in giving out the best content i can possibly make in my free time—until then, this has been nyx 🌙
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dailycass-cain · 6 months
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Titans Beast World Tour: Gotham #1 had several stories, and Cass sort of had one of them. I say sort of because it was a story she shared with Huntress. Anyhoot, here are my thoughts on the tale...
I'll just start right off the bat (ironically), and say it's probably the weakest story in the entire one-shot sadly.
Like tonally?
It just feels "off" compared to the other stories going on (save maybe the Harley/Ivy one).
My problem with the tale (by Sam Maggs) is that well, it goes into showing Helena transforming into a panther, but um.. how the heck did she get the spore in her mouth?
She's confronting a supposedly corrupt city councilor and the next minute she's possessed by the spore.
We get an entire page of her transforming and attacking the city councilor but it just feels like one could've skipped the two pages and gone into Cass. Or do a better job showing HOW Helena got the spore into her mouth (given the angle she was at when it occurred).
Yeah, I'm probably overthinking it. I should just "roll with it", but the other stories in this one-shot establish "the rules" and this one feels so different.😋
Enter the secondary protagonist in the tale and the introduction as it was tweeted earlier this week kind of lays the first actual commitment by DC in saying that the original origin is fully back in canon, and the "main one".
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Because we know the B&RE is still around given Harper and Cullen Row exist in this universe. Just to explain how both exist is well-- I guess a mini version of Donna Troy or Hawkman levels of explaining.
I'm just surprised we got confirmation here of all places, and not Batgirls (which sort of hinted at it by mentioning Batgirl Vol. 1 #25), but glossing over other bits. Mariko Tamaki all but saying it in her Batman work: her story with Cass in the AAPI one-shot, her Detective Comics run (which ironically also gave Helena's origin back and made No Man's Land canon again), and OBD: Two-Face #1.
The story just feels all over the place (even though it feels the shortest among the tales here). As one minute Helena is doing her thing, gets "Starroed", and suddenly it's a Cass tale trying to protect Helena and the City Councilor.
I think the story would've worked better from Cass's point of view instead. With her abilities of seeing body language and seeing Gotham City go primal.
It would've been an interesting counter to what we got. Cass knows that some form of the possessed is in there deep down, and she's out there making sure it stays that way.
Instead what we get is um... a more humorous lighter take than I think anyone was expecting in a story with Cass and Helena.
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Also, Cass just feels a little talkative in this for me too. I think Maggs could've dialed down the dialogue to the last line of the story and used the art to convey Cass (along with the reader's realizations).
Said art by P.J. Holden is neat. I love the way the tranq gun is introduced via a "Chekov's gun" by Holden showing it on Cass's belt before she uses it on Helena.
Likewise, Holden's Cass is quite emotive and I think could've benefited better without the dialogue. Also, I did enjoy the way they drew Helena transforming.
You really got the sense she was trying to fight the transformation, but in the end, couldn't stop it.
So there are bits I did enjoy of this tale. It's just that-- well compared to the rest? It was meh.
That's not to say the story is bad, just harmless fluff in the end that doesn't really make itself stand out compared to the introduction one with Dick/Bruce/Croc (the best Chip Zdarsky Batman story shockingly), Jason's, or Stephanie's (which was my favorite).
This one felt like it was juggling way too much and by the time it had a clear sense of story, it was kind of over. It just didn't strike me as memorable compared to the other stories sadly.
Sadly, I think the only element many will remember from the tale will be Cass's old origin being mentioned here again. That's sadly about it.
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kyleraynermybeloved · 11 months
You Truly Are A Holy One
Pairing: Kyle Rayner x GN!Reader
Summary: “You know…” He made it a point to gesture at your bandaged shoulder, “You truly are a holy one.”
You gave him an unimpressed look and scoffed at his little joke.
Warnings: canon-level violence, swearing, blood, severe injury, a hint of angst, fluff, established relationship
Word Count: 1.6 k
A/N: I decided to give the reader "Thrasher" as their vigilante name just to keep consistency with my other Kyle fics. I hope u enjoy this oneshot! This probably took me forever to write, mainly bc I was moving. Not entirely happy how it turned out but it's done now ;-;
Taglist: @esposadomd
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The morning had been going on quite well, in fact it was a little concerning. Something was always bound to happen in your line of work. There’s never a dull moment when living as a vigilante, even when dating and living with another. Especially when said vigilante happens to be a green lantern. More specifically the freelance artist green lantern who’s known for creating gigantic gundams.
He’s a great boyfriend and chaos has a tendency to follow him wherever he goes. Thus, chaos followed you as well like an unshakeable cold. Most of the time it was manageable but it seemed like today was heading towards a direction you certainly did not like once a fellow vigilante had called you for backup on a case they were working on.
Donna Troy was a close friend to both you and your boyfriend, so whenever she asked for aid you normally drop what you're doing and go support and vise versa.
She needed help closing up her case by stopping a shipment from leaving the docks. She had intel there were five cargo crates that needed to be obtained with a small crew handling the drop off. The case had been in the works for two months deep undercover. Donna was not one to slack off when it came to things like this. She’d informed you these crates were filled with containers of lethal weaponized chemicals that could cause a national ecocatastrophe.
Getting there was an easy job, waiting for the package took longer than expected. At one point you thought maybe Donna had gotten her intel wrong. It had been hours of sitting in the same position and your body was starting to lock up. You desperately needed to stretch out. Before you could voice your worries however, the loading trucks carrying the crates arrived.
“Thrasher, there’s six coming out of the truck not including the driver. Stay concealed until I give you the signal,” Donna whispered. She was making her way over to the truck where the crew began unloading. She slowly picked off one by one, starting with the driver who had gotten out to smoke.
As Donna made it to the last one the back doors flew open and more came barging out with weapons. “Well Donna, I’m gonna take that as my signal unless you’d rather I sit this one out?” You spoke through the coms.
“A little help would be great you little asshole! Now get down here!”
You unsheathed your trusty daggers and made your way down from your high perch, effectively dropping two goons on your way down from the silent jump. Unsheathing the knives from their holsters you threw them to their targets who went down with no issues.
There were only a handful left. You slashed down whoever was near you while Donna was moving the crates away.
“Hey, have you gotten the crates to a secure place yet? I know-” you choked out in pain. Looking down you saw a narrow spear half sticking out of your right shoulder.
“Okay, I just got the last of them secured. Heading over your way,” Her voice crackled through the com piece in your ear.
“Son of a bitch!” you gasped as you broke off the end of the spear after a few hacks from one of your daggers. You made sure to keep it in your shoulder so you wouldn’t bleed out but the edges are going to cause more harm than good if you can’t fix it fast.
Once your arm had more movement you went after the remaining goons who were left standing. They weren’t too much trouble compared to the others you had just fought but they carry stranger weapons.
Donna had made it back in time to catch you before you tumbled down. Only after convincing her you were fine to make it back to yours on your own did you make it inside your small apartment.
Kyle had spotted you instantly on the couch once he got back, rushing up to you with shaky hands at the sight of blood pooling out from the wound. “Hey, hey look at me. Let’s get you to the bathroom so I can clean you up, okay? Can you walk on your own?”
When you slowly shook your head no he carefully lifted you up and carried you to the bathroom. He waited until he was finished with rubbing the blood off with a damp towel and disinfecting the wound before carefully pulling out what was left of the narrow spear. You instructed him through patching you up, reminding him you’re fine just woozy from blood loss.
After Kyle gave you medication for the pain he took you to the bedroom carefully tucking you under the covers.
“You know…” He made it a point to gesture at your bandaged shoulder, “You truly are a holy one.”
You gave him an unimpressed look and scoffed at his little joke.
“So, are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to bribe you to let me in?” Kyle pulled you into his arms, your back towards his chest,  as he slipped into bed next to you, avoiding your injury to not cause any more damage. Which you were very grateful for.
You let out a shaky sigh, your head was still spinning albeit slower than it was a moment ago. “I uh, it was from a case I was helping out with. There wasn’t much going on, I only had to lend a hand when things got to be too much. I can feel the face you’re making right now. If it makes you feel any better I was careful for the most part. It was just the end when I got this nifty souvenir.”
He let out a small bemused huff through his nose, “What am I going to do with you?”
“Well, for starters you could graciously put a ring on it.”
You could feel the vibrations of his laughter begin to lull you to sleep. You let your eyes flutter closed and your breathing finally evened out.
Once Kyle knew you were fully asleep he pulled you in closer, reassuring himself that you were still alive, still here. He went to sleep knowing he was planning a trip for the two of you with the small ring box he had hidden away deep in his pants drawer.
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Can I request fluff Donna Troy x Male reader. When Donna has a rough day and when she came home, reader has already make they favorite dinner. The appartement has only candle light on. And after they are cuddling and fall asleep on the couch?
Donna Tory x GN!reader
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You had gotten a heads up text from Dick that Donna had a rough day with the Titans so you make a quick trip to the market wanting to go all out to try to cheer her up.
She returns home to a dark apartment, about to flip the lights on when she notices a faint glow coming from the dining room.
"Y/N?" She calls out.
"In here," you reply from the kitchen.
She walks towards the sound of your voice and finds the dining room lit with candles as you place the last of the food you cooked on the table.
"What's going on?" She asks.
"Dick told me you had a hard day so for dinner I made your favorite, fettuccine Alfredo with garlic bread and sautéed vegetables on the side and don't forget the chocolate mousse for dessert," you tell her, kissing her cheek and pulling the chair out for her.
"You made all this?" She smiles, taking her seat.
"Everything except the mousse, you remember what happened last time I tried baking," you chuckle sitting next to her.
"I will never forget the cupcake incident, we were finding flour in the kitchen for weeks," she laughs.
While you two eat Donna tells you about her day and how Dawn had to stitch her up in multiple places after a nasty fight with Chesire and her claws.
Her mood instantly lifted being with you and it didn't hurt having such a delicious meal in front of her.
Every plate is empty by the time you guys are done eating, leftovers were not a common thing in your home especially when it came to dessert.
Donna hugs you from behind, resting her head on your shoulder while you wash dishes.
"You sure you don't want me to help? You cooked dinner all by yourself the least I can do is clean some dishes," she says.
"I got this, go find a movie for us to watch. I'll join you in a few minutes," you smile.
Donna gently kisses your shoulder, heading to the couch and blowing the candles out on her way before turning the TV on.
Five minutes later the dishes are done and you plop down onto the couch next to Donna, "so what are we watching?"
"Bad moms," she says pressing play, "this movie never fails to make me laugh."
"Good choice," you reply, putting your arm around her and bringing her in close.
You settle into a comfortable position to cuddle and laugh plenty while watching the movie.
Eventually you notice Donna has stopped laughing so you look down to see that she's fast asleep.
You turn the movie off, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and throwing it over you guys.
When Donna wakes in the morning she's wrapped in your arms, pleasantly warm from the blanket laying over her and the frustrations of the day before completely forgotten.
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 7 months
DC Titans Requests - CLOSED
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Requests CLOSED as of December 27th, 2023. 
(Requests are now closed, and I am keeping this form up for reference in case I can use it in the future.)
Hello! So, I have decided that I’m going to open requests for Titans again. For reference, my main focus is on the versions of the characters from the HBO show - so if you send in a request for Dick Grayson or Jason Todd, that will be the characterization that I base my writing around. I am opening requests, because (as I mentioned in another post) Tumblr stole all of my old requests from my other blog, and that is one of the reasons that I moved blogs. I like having requests to work on to complete shorter fics in between working on longer fics and editing re-posts. I will usually work on requests with the goal of the fic being one thousand words or two thousand words long, so I do prefer requests that are more simplistic. 
In the past, I have reblogged prompt lists for requests, but the past few times I have opened requests, I have used my own prompt list, and I find that it works better. Below is the prompt list I have made - you don’t have to use ideas off this list, but the ideas off the prompt list are perfectly suited for a fic that is shorter and easily completed. You can definitely send me a request based on your own idea, just make sure it’s not too detailed - otherwise it’s not likely to get completed in a timely manner. (Also keep in mind, all requests are not guaranteed to get done. I don’t complete requests in order, I just do whichever ones speak to me. And in a batch of twenty requests, I am only likely to complete two or three. I don’t rush to complete all requests because it’s not creatively fulfilling.) 
Please read all the information in this post before sending in a request. Also please keep in mind, the prompt list below does make references to kinks and sexual situations, pregnancy, and death. All of my fics will have thorough warnings on them if you’re not comfortable with any of these topics. 
Titans characters I write for: Gar Logan, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger, Donna Troy, Kory Anders, Barbara Gordon, and Conner (with Conner, I feel more comfortable writing smut and sexual situations with S4 Conner/Luthor!Conner, and I would write angst or fluff with any version of him). 
Also aside from short blurbs/short fics, I would also love get some requests for MLTs - Most Likely To, where you pose a situation and I say which characters would most likely do it/be into it - this can be anything from certain kinks or sexual situations to something cozy and fluffy like a coffee date. Just use your imagination. I am also taking requests for ‘how would they react to’ - where you ask how the characters would react to something - again, could be a sexual situation or something fluffy. And if I am writing these, it will mostly likely be with two or three characters at a time, and you can pick which characters if you want to.
Requests can be sent to this blog or my writing blog @sundrop-writes - I don’t accept requests in DMs because it’s very hard to keep them organized and come back to them that way. Also, finished fics will be posted on my writing blog.
I will accept requests for poly ships. (Character x reader x character.) I am a huge fan of requests like this - I have a long history of writing for Jason x Reader x Gar (aka JayGar x Reader), but for Titans, I would write pretty much any combination of poly relationship because I love all the characters so much.
In your request, please specify if the reader character is female, male, or gender neutral. When I write gender neutral fics, I do not describe the reader’s genitals or gender presentation in any way, so I don’t write ‘GN AFAB reader’ fics. If you want the reader to be described as having a vagina, that would be a fem reader in my fics. 
Also typically, I don’t describe the reader character as having specific traits. I like my reader character to be as broad as possible to appeal to as many people as possible. I don’t write a character that has a specific race, height, hair color, etc. but one exception I have to this rule is that I love writing fat/plus sized readers in my fics. I love spreading love for fat bodies, especially through fics - I love making people feel good about their fatness through the gaze of a fictional character. So definitely feel free to send in requests for a plus sized reader character, as it’s one of my favorite things to write. 
For reference, I will also write about a reader character with autism or chronic illness (someone with chronic pain or a fainting disorder, or someone who uses a cane or a wheelchair), because these are groups that I am a part of and I know that they are not portrayed in fiction often enough. If you have any questions about these aspects, please let me know. 
I will write smut, angst, or fluff, but I mostly prefer writing smut or angst. When requesting smut, please specify if you want the characters to be dominant or submissive. In your request, write ‘sub!reader’ or ‘dom!reader’, something to denote the dynamics to let me know what you want it to be. I am a big fan of writing submissive men, so I won’t shy away from things like that - but I will write any dynamic as long as it’s properly communicated to me. 
I will write for a lot of dark topics and different kinks. In general, the list of things that I won’t write is a lot shorter than the list of things that I will. So if you’re wondering if I’m okay with a request or not, just ask. 
For reference, my big ‘nos’ are: virgin!reader fics, or fics where the reader is sexually inexperienced or portrayed as innocent. I am okay with doing a ‘faux’ innocent reader (someone who is only pretending to be innocent), and I am also okay with writing about a canon character being a virgin and having their first sexual experience with the reader. (That’s something I love writing about, actually.) I am okay with writing about sexual coercion, sexual blackmail, or dubcon. (Or even noncon or cnc, under certain circumstances.) 
Also, I don’t write fics about miscarriages, safeword use, or extreme choking kink. And while I don’t write about miscarriage, I am okay with writing about pregnancy - it’s something I enjoy writing about, actually. I also enjoy writing parenting fics and family fics with children. (I especially love writing fics where a poly throuple has kids, if that's something anyone wants to request.)
Smut Prompts/Ideas
The canon character is a virgin (ex: virgin!Jason) 
“Just the tip.” 
Stuck and Fucked/Situational Bondage 
The characters are locked in a room together (and forced to face their sexual tension) (bonus points: they hate each other)
Arguing that leads to fucking
Hate Fucking
Sex Pollen (or any sex inducing chemical) (used on one or both of the characters) (this is one of my ult favs as a DC fanfiction trope)
There Was Only One Bed 
Caught Masturbating (one of my personal favs) 
Late Night Semi-Public Sex (bathroom sex, kitchen counter sex, etc.) where they have to shove their hand over your mouth to keep you quiet 
Dirty Talk/Teasing While On A Mission 
Training/wrestling/sparring together that turns into sex on the mats
Them seeing you in a slutty outfit to go undercover for a mission
Using sex as a way to destress after a difficult mission
Breeding Kink (or Faux Breeding Kink with a strap-on)
Accidentally Sending Nudes
Phone Sex/Sexting
Underwear Stealing
Perv!Canon Character
Dumbification Kink/Objectification Kink 
Daddy Kink or Mommy Kink (or their reaction to being called Daddy or Mommy for the first time) (or - epic bonus: them accidentally calling you Daddy or Mommy during a sexual encounter) 
Them masturbating to the thought of you 
Accidental Voyeurism (this one is great with a third party) 
(There is plenty more kinks or sexual situations I will write, this is just all that I thought to add to the list for now) 
Angst Prompts/Ideas
(I would love to get some of these as requests - I love writing angst but people don’t request it as often. I can also write hurt/comfort by writing one of these with a happy ending if that’s preferable!) 
They break up with you to keep you away from danger 
Attending to their injuries after a fight (or them attending to your injuries after a fight) 
You are attacked (verbally or physically) and they step in to save you 
Their reaction to you being killed/your death (bonus angst: you died before they got to confess their feelings to you) 
They hold you in their arms as you die but they can’t save you 
How they react when you are killed by a villain (bonus angst: you were targeted by that villain because of their vigilante deeds) 
One of you has been brainwashed and completely forgets the other (or you have been brainwashed to hurt the other person) 
They save you from a near-death experience (or you save them) 
They find out that you are alive after thinking you had died (bonus angst: it's their first time seeing you after thinking you had been dead for years)
Being reunited after years, but you didn’t part on good terms 
“Who did this to you?” 
Unrequited Love (they see you with someone else, they think that you’ll never love them back. etc.) 
Fluff Ideas/Prompts 
They confess their love for you 
Your first kiss together 
They react to finding out you’re pregnant 
You adopt a pet together (or find a random animal on the street and keep it) 
(this list is a lot shorter because typically I don’t write pure fluff lmao) 
Also again, you don’t have to use these prompts, I just think these are good examples of ideas that will fit within the 1k-2k mark for shorter fics.
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The Flames That Burn The Brightest
Fandom: DC Comics, Titans (Fab Five), Arrowfam
Summary: Donna Troy is working as a teacher at a high school, and to her surprise, she comes face-to-face with an old flame who just so happens to be the new guidance counselor.
Chapters: 2/?
Characters: Donna Troy, Roy Harper, Jade Nguyen, Lian Harper, Garth of Shayeris, Dick Grayson, Wally West
Relationship(s): Past DonnaRoy, Past CheshRoy
Additional Tags: Teachers AU, No Powers AU, Donna Troy-centric, Platonic Soulmates Dick & Donna, Parent Roy Harper, Lovers to Friends, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Reunions
Chapter Two: Kindergarten (Roy's POV)
I awakened to the gentle purring of Fanta as she rubbed her furry face against my cheek. “Good morning, Mama. Let me get cleaned up, and I’ll feed you. I promise,” I whispered. Fanta was a pretty orange Maine Coon. She technically wasn’t mine, but I kept her when I left her the first time. Part of me hoped it’d give her an excuse to call me. She never did. Being in love made the world move faster, and I was prone to reeling out of control. Maybe I left to protect her from that. It’d been five years, and I finally learned I can’t run from everything that makes me feel something. I couldn’t have abandoned my most recent love even if I wanted to. I stretched out and sprawled across the bed. Then I felt a weight on my chest. I welcomed its heavy-handed warmth. I wrapped my arms around her as I playfully rocked side to side.
“Good morning, Daddy,” Lian whispered. I chuckled as I let go and opened my eyes. She leaned over me. “I want to brush our teeth together.”
“Yeah?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “Do I have stinky breath? D’you wanna smell?”
“Yucky,” Lian laughed as she jokingly pushed my face aside.
I sat up, and I saw Lian was already dressed. My breath caught for a moment. “You start kindergarten today,” I whispered. I covered my face, hiding my mortified expression in my palms. Lian pulled my hands away.
“Uh-huh,” Lian smiled, “Are you okay?” Lian asked.
“Yeah, I can’t believe you’re going to school today,” I replied.
“Like you!” Lian grinned. I nodded, brushing my knuckle against her chin.
“Yeah! That’s right!” I exclaimed.
“Are you still gonna take me, Daddy?” Lian questioned.
“Of course, I promised. I wouldn’t miss today for anything,” I replied. Lian jumped from my bed, and I followed her to the bathroom. I put toothpaste on her toothbrush for her while we rinsed with mouthwash.
“Is Mommy coming?” Lian asked. I nearly choked on my mouthwash. I spat in the sink and brushed my teeth.
“Um… I don’t know if Mommy’s dropping you off with me or if she’s only picking you up. I’ll call her during breakfast,” I replied. Jade and I were so hard on each other for so long after the breakup… But Lian was a constant reminder that we loved each other once. Deeply. It was nearly impossible to be upset with each other when we had to focus on co-parenting our daughter.
I was still a dumb kid when Jade told me we had a daughter, but I grew up fast. At least I think I grew up. I finished school, and I started counseling at one. I planned on coming in later because I had to get Lian settled. We brushed our teeth, and Lian sat in the kitchen watching me make pancakes. “Can I call Mommy?” Lian asked.
I reached into my sweatpants pocket and gave her my phone. “Stand here, okay?” I requested while I flipped pancakes. Lian nodded and called Jade from my phone. She put the phone on speaker and sat it beside me on the counter.
“I’m on my way right now, Roy,” Jade answered on the first ring. I chuckled. I was so relieved she’d drop Lian off with me.
“I’m not calling you. Lian wanted to talk to you,” I grinned as I winked at Lian. Lian giggled.
“Good morning, Mommy!” Lian shouted.
“Great morning! Did Daddy make breakfast?” Jade asked.
“He’s making pancakes,” Lian answered.
“Tell your mommy I’ll make her a plate,” I whispered, “We can eat together since everyone’s early.”
Lian lit up. “Mommy, Daddy’s gonna make you breakfast too,” Lian announced. We didn’t usually do meals together, but I figured Lian would enjoy having Jade with us for breakfast.
“Oh, well, tell him I’m using my key when I get there… Roy, are you dressed?” Jade asked.
“Nah, not yet. It only takes me a second to get dressed,” I replied.
“Okay… If you want, I can do the dishes after breakfast so you can get dressed… And I know you have work, so I wanted to let you know I can pick Lian up and take her out for lunch,” Jade offered.
“That’s good with me,” I replied, “Lian, do you wanna go to lunch with Mommy after school?” Lian stood on the tips of her toes.
“Uh-huh! I can’t wait!” Lian exclaimed. It was my second year at the high school, and Jade was super supportive about taking Lian when I had emergencies at work or a meeting that ran late. I had to give it to her. Jade was a great mom.
“Lian, we can go wherever you want,” Jade replied, “I’m in the neighborhood, so I’ll see you when I get there. Okay?”
“Okay, Mommy. Bye-bye,” Lian replied.
“Bye-bye, Lian. Love you… And tell Daddy I love him too,” Jade replied. I choked.
“Love you too, Mommy. Daddy’s choking, I gotta hang up,” Lian replied as she hung up and got my water bottle out of the fridge.
I took a sip and thanked her. “You know your mom means as a friend, right? She loves me like a friend,” I explained.
“Okay,” Lian replied, “How do you love her?”
“What do you mean—?” Jade walked in and picked Lian up, showering her in kisses.
“Hi,” Jade smiled. “Breakfast ready?” I nodded as I took a sip.
Jade grabbed plates and sprayed whipped cream on everyone’s pancakes. We sat at the table, and Jade snapped a picture of Lian with me before scooching in on Lian’s other side to get all three of us. It was nice.
After I ate, I slipped away to get dressed. I put on my pants and a colorblock knit shirt that Jade got me for my last birthday. It sounds weird, but things were complicated. We shared a daughter. We were family. And I desperately needed that. There was nothing more to want from life. Anything else would’ve complicated and confused things too much. I was finally content with life as it was. My phone rang, and I chuckled. “What’s up, Fish-breath? Don’t you know what today is?” I asked.
“Yeah, I called to tell Angelfish I hope she has a great first day at school,” Garth replied, “Oh… I’m canceling next Friday’s swim practice because Cerdian’s got his checkup, and Dee’s busy.”
“Okay, I’ll type up the announcement before lunch today if you forget,” I replied. We always talked about our schedules together. Because on top of being sports coaches, we were school counselors. So, whatever I couldn’t handle, he picked up, and vice versa. Garth was the one who got me the job at the high school. We’d known each other since we were kids, and he wanted an excuse to hang out. To be honest, it felt nice to stay in touch with some of my friends from the past. It was a simple life, but it was my life. I couldn't ask for anything more.
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Fandom: DC Titans
Title: Acrida
Chapter: 2/?
Pairings/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Rachel Roth, Dick Grayson & Donna Troy, Graysonfam, Dickkory.
Fic summary:
The Acrida Protocol, a plan created by the Justice League, required its members to provide immediate aid to those superheroes who would call upon it, especially in the case of time travel. After a mission gone wrong, Dick and Donna find themselves stranded in 2005. They've been trained for this scenario, they know what to do, they just need to find someone who will fix their time-travel devices and help them get home. But not before they help a young nurse and a special baby escape a demonic cult chasing them and get to the sanctuary of a convent in Ohio.
Chapter summary:
Melissa shares her story and Dick gets the first taste of what it's like to take care of a baby.
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Chapter 2 is here! It's just a lot of fluff, tbh. And read with caution, because it may cause a baby fever.
Thank you to everyone who's tuning in. Enjoy!
@wonderbatwayne @ambeauty @escapism-through-imagination @meetmeunderthestarrynight @legendsofentity @undertheknightwing @fallenstar07 @graysonfamfan2021 @kirjavasblade
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dcmakeitpoly · 1 year
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Hey friends! It's time for the Fics Recs reveal!
Since we received many recs for fics, this will be part 1!
Geometry by kitkatt0430 [M, no warnings, 14425 words]
Ship: Barry Allen/Eddie Thawne/Iris West
Anon's comment: "I love all kitkatt0430's fics, and they have several Barry/Iris/Eddie ones (and other poly ships too!) but Geometry is just so good"
Outlaws by Rulerofyouall [T, creator chose not to add warnings, 2426 words]
Ship: Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd
starlight, sunshine, moonheart by TheGodWith5Yen [T, no warnings, 1502 words]
Ship: Barry Allen/Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Iris West
Anon's comment: "It's a very sweet Hal/Barry/Iris piece of fluff"
Bonds of the Future by Miss_Fallen [T, no warnings, 1187 words]
Ship: Roy Harper/Jason Todd/Donna Troy
Anon's comment: Just a cute little fic about them getting together
The Girlfriend Caper by Esmenet [T, no warnings, 9741 words]
Ship: Lisa Snart/Iris West, Barry Allen/Iris West
Anon's comment: "This one is so much fun, there's art, it's so good"
As It Should Be by quiet__tiger [E, creator chose not to add warnings, 2046 words]
Ship: Bart Allen/Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent
Anon's comment: "favorite smut"
A Perfect Rhyme by fanfictiongreenirises [T, no warnings, 2248 words]
Ship: Dick Grayson/Peter Parker/Johnny Storm
Anon's comment: "This is so sweet!"
Date Night by Sasam [T, no warnings, 972 words]
Ship: Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Harper Row
Anon's comment: "the best girls <3"
there is a thing about time and space which the philosopher einstein is going to find out — some people call it destiny by brawltogethernow [T, no warnings, 886 words]
Ship: Dick Grayson/Koriand'r/Raven
Anon's comment: "A nice pre-poly fantasy AU. Probably my favorite fic so far for these three."
Nanda Parbat Wedding by changingdestiny4 [G, no warnings, 1261 words]
Ship: Nyssa al Ghul/Sara Lance/Oliver Queen
Do Every Stupid Thing by thepartyresponsible [E, graphic depictions of violence, 108287 words]
Ship: James "Bucky" Barnes/Jason Todd/Tony Stark
Anon comment one: "This crossover sold marvel crossovers to me"
Anon comment two: "It's a Marvel crossover, Jason Todd / Tony Stark / Bucky Barnes, Jason POV, rated E, slow burn, 100k. Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence. If you don't like reading actual explicit sex and don't mind missing a tiny bit of characterization with it, you can skip it easily since it's neatly contained in its own two chapters (chapter notes says something like "bumped up the rating" so you get advance warning). It was one of the fics that introduced me to DC and made me love Jason, and a hundred fics later it's still top of the list. It has great characterization, somewhat scarce but quality batfam interactions, emotional angst, an in-depth look about Jason and how he feels about his death, father figures, and the Robins, and every character being horrified by each other's past and dismissive about their own. I also really like the kind of slow burn it is. The core of it is them feeling protective towards each other and amazed by their respective skills, not by their bodies, and there's no urgency or pining or embarrassment: sex is not the end goal, it's not a big milestone Jason looks forward to, it's just something nice that they do at some point because it feels right then, and it doesn't change their relationship."
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