#dont flop or ill cry
miyoriia · 1 year
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a girl put cat ears on me at the party and started treating me like a cat @_@ ♡
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whalefill · 7 months
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the two main characters from the fantasy story i've been so busy writing with my best friend :-)
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cyrusthemagician · 7 months
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"Heheh I'm gonna put you into a meatgrinder"
AU'S BY @sm-baby and @hootbon GRHAHHHHH explodes
Please god have mercy drawing this felt like the rolling a ball uphill meme
Love them tho
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
”In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live. Is that it?”
“I’ve come to think it’s worth trying.”
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"You used Corruption, believing in me? How beautiful."
skk webweaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
//strange gods - Roxane Gay// the portrait of a lady - Henry James// art from @/_mwk19_ on Twitter// say yes to heaven - Lana del Rey// the grudge - Olivia Rodrigo// litany in which certain things are crossed out - Richard Siken// art from @/suya1414 on Twitter// Kyoto - Phoebe Bridgers// we’re in love - boygenius// writings prompts for the broken-hearted - Eden Robinson// anyway - Richard Siken// art from @/AB0to on Twitter// things I never give myself permission to say - Chelsea Dingman// art from @/ssmi_0215 on Twitter// the whetting of teeth - Jamaal May// no light, no light - Florence + the machine// cosmic love - Florence + the machine// letters to Felice - Franz Kafka// art from @/rokkyun1 on Twitter// the sorrow festival - Erin Slaughter// norman fucking rockwell - lana del rey// remember my name - mitski// art by @bananana2217// townie - mitski// misheard lyrics - car seat headrest// you couldn’t just leave - Trista Mateer// art from @/T__rate on Twitter// your love finds it’s way back - Sierra DeMulder// a pearl - mitski// humpty - mitski// art by @yuyonyu// abandon me - Melissa Febos// where did you go - Hishaam Siddiqi// I should hate you - Gracie Abrams// art from @/qmthtdy on Twitter// killer - Phoebe Bridgers// a poem for Haruko 10/29 - June Jordan// crush - Richard Siken// pandemonium - Lauren Oliver// art from @/1110yu_ku_si on Twitter// catalog of unabashed gratitude - Ross Gay// steamboat - Adrianne Lenker//
hey remember when I said last part would be the final one? yeah uh about that, turns out I still have some inspiration yippee. hope you liked it :)
@dinosaur-mayonnaise @philzokman @amagami-hime @nnavia @homuncvlus @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @zamxii @ghostsinacoat @slug-behaviour @vivid-vices @atsuwushi @gorotic @pendragonstar @ricelover888 @oatmilkbasic @thou-shalt-cha-cha-real-smooth @the-gayest-sky-kid @lotus-reblogs @whiteapplesandblackblood @dazaiyuri @evermorehypewoman
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nyankonui · 1 year
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photos taken moments before disaster
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no-light-left-on · 5 months
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without any words
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gayassdbz · 1 year
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Zolu cowboy au my beloved
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diizi-dot-png · 1 year
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shapes and colours and stuff
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oz-moth · 2 hours
Nature Of The Addisons
" All Addisons are ever made to do Is sell, Queen says they are all equal...But some of them are more ' Equal ' Than others... " -Dess Holiday More under the cut!
Hierarchy [Highest to Lowest Rank] 1. Red Addisons 2. Yellow Addisons 3. Pink Addisons 4. Green Addisons 5. Blue Addisons 6. Purple Addisons 8. Orange Addisons 9. Defect Addisons
Public Models 🌐。 Public Models are Cheapily made in any old factories 🌐。They come out with no purpose, no Add-ons, and no Personality until they develop one of their own. 🌐。They are Assigned Stores and Companies by Red Private Addisons . 🌐。 Public Models will always be the lowest in their color. If two Blue Addisons where in a Room together. A freshly made Private Model and an experienced Public model. The Private would be higher in respect. 🌐。Private Models Also HAVE to join companies or they die. Selling Keeps them alive. After no sales for 3 months they die. 🌐。If A Public Model is Defected its Basically Scrapped on sight. 🌐。Public Models Also have to work twice as hard just to be taken Seriously. 🌐。Its much harder to install Add-Ons into Public Models. Private Models 🌐。Private Models are made directly by the Queen or Swatch. 🌐。They can sell alone or MAKE companies. 🌐。They are given 3 Add-ons of their choice during being manufactured. 🌐。Defected Private models are given to public models to help with selling. Or can Join a Company. But can't ever Make one. 🌐。Private Models are VERY customizable by Default and don't need it as an add-on. 🌐。They don't need to sell to live. If they really wanted to they could never sell at all and live a job-less life. Other/Extra 💿。 Most Same Colored Addisons aren't paired together in Companies. They are territorial. So they rather arent Hired or just kept AWAY from eachother. 💿。Some Addisons (Public or Private) Can be used as personal assistants (think Pearls from Steven Universe!) 💿。Romatic Relationships between any Addisons lower than their rank is frowned Upon. It can risk some Addison jobs. 💿。All Addisons come out of Factories Genderless. They can change their bodies to be however they like. One could present Fem but identify as a boy. Gender is just REALLY fluid for Addison's. 💿。Public Models can Cannibalize Private Models to Stay Alive if they cant sell. Color Roles [These are just the most common types of these Addisons, Not all of them are like this. For Example, Red Addisons USUALLY are Bossy. But they don't HAVE to be.] Red Addisons 🍒。 Majority Private Models🍒。 Head of Manufacturing all kinds of Addison's, Public, Private, any and all! 🍒。 Live in the mansion. Are Rarely seen as Assistants and Tend to have 2 Addison Assistants around them at all times. 🍒。 Known to be very bossy and grumpy. Short-tempered. 🍒。 Takes up a very small percentage of the Addison Population. Very Rarely made as a single Red Addison can Overview tons of factories. Yellow Addisons 🟡。 Majority Private Models 🟡。 Usually CEO's of companies. Typically sell weapons for self-defense...or other means. 🟡。 They usually have large lavish Penthouse Apartments, If they can tolerate each other they also Live together. Basically, a Penthouse filled with gay grumpy twinks I guess! 🟡。 Not many are made, Just more than the Red Addisons. 🟡。 VERY egotistical. Will get into Physical fights over if they are 'better' then the next Yellow Addison. Pink Addisons 🎀。 A mix of Public and Private Models 🎀。They tend to always be Co-Owners of companies, 🎀。 Most of them are very flamboyant... 🎀。Very good at selling makeup and Candy. 🎀。VERY bratty. Will huff behind a customers back if they are being 'stingy' 🎀。Will Indirecly insult you. 'Babes you look great! however maybe some foundation might...Add! to that beauty?' 🎀。Theirs a running theory Every Pink Addison is in one huge Polycule because they all seem to get along great for Addisons of the Same color. They kiss and Everything! Woah!
Green Addisons 🍃。 Mix of Public and Private Models 🍃。 General Use, can be made to sell Just about anything! They mold their personality to match what they are selling to! 🍃。 Very Bland by themself, can't do a whole lot without guidance. 🍃。 Most Green Addisons function like deadpan robots when they aren't told what to do. 🍃。 Higher-up Addison's just see them as a way to make passive income. 🍃。 Despite how lackluster they are, they seem to love trying to flirt with Customers to get sales. They will do ANYTHING to feel wanted due to how...bland they are. Blue Addisons 🌊。 Mostly Public Models 🌊。They are always very kind! sometimes so much so it doesn't really come off as genuine to some people. 🌊。HUGE gossipers. Somehow knows rumors about customers the customer didn't know. 🌊。Sells pastries most of the time, but they can be used as general-purpose sellers too! 🌊。There are some cases where they are higher in company Rank than they should be. But that doesn't stop them from being treated like lower ranks. 🌊。1 2 3...123 blue Addison cyber cafe sex
Purple Addisons 🔮。Mostly Public Models 🔮。 They are mostly Assistants to Higher Addisons. However, they are swapped and passed around a lot. 🔮。They sell whoever they are serving small snacks to stay alive. 🔮。Due to how many High ups they meet they all spread Drama to their new 'owner' about their previous one. 🔮。If they do get the chance to sell alone, they Sell pants or pets! 🔮。Due to their most common job as Assistants, If they slip up once they tend to be scrapped. So its caused them to be VERY paranoid when doing big Tasks for their 'owners' 🔮。Higher ups hardly buy from them to keep them Alive. So there is a rising issue among Purple Addisons about them Cannibalizing their 'owners' to stay alive. Orange Addisons 🍊。Basically ONLY public models. 🍊。Its rare they sell. They get used as Guard Addisons or just people to sort out paperwork. 🍊。Despite anything, they are very laid back guys! 🍊。They are good at selling when they get the chance though! 🍊。They are so low on the Addison 'food chain' as they die easily. 🍊。As their job is to protect ANY Addison they are assigned to, they could be a group or a single Red Addison. They tend to learn that putting themself in dangers way keeps their 'owner(s)' safe. 🍊。They are mass manufactured due to this, Cheaply made and cheaply sold. 🍊。They also have a bad issue with cannibalizing those they are assigned to... Defects ☁️。Being Defected is mainly a physical thing so it's hard to organize them. ☁️。Public model Defects are just killed on sight. Scrapped ☁️。Private modes can TRY climb into higher ranks but its hard, ☁️。The last Defect who tried to hit it big had his life ruined! ☁️。So no other Defect has tried to make it past a Pink Addison, Look where that got the first guy who tried.
Add-Ons 🎧。 Customization This allows Addison's to change their color, hairstyle, Name, Tail Style, Eye color, and body type through a hologram menu. 🎧。 PaintSkin Basically MSPAINT on their skin, you can doodle on them for fun. But its mainly used to take notes or other important info. 🎧。 Defense Makes them be able to summon things like Fire Walls (big walls of fire, Creative I know), AD Block (Ad Block Tabs to use as Shields), It can be used for other types of defense but these are just what came to mind. 🎧。 Attack Be Able to summon things like Spears, and Mantis Blades (Stolen from cyberpunk...they are so cool.) Large Pointer Arrows as Weapons, Guns, Grenades, the Whole lot! Or modified WireFrames that can function like Whips or just hard-hitting metal wires. 🎧。WireFraming They are able to plug a wire that comes out from the back of their head into any device to 'jam' it. Addisons use this to screw over others. But its supposed to be used if the Device has a virus that could spread.
I have reading issues and cant type very well, sorry for any errors ^^'
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3zethe3zr · 2 years
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What if Blister was as cunning and manipulative as it was said she was, holding all the cards to her chest and never giving away Kestral's murder? Sinking her claws into and dividing up the Dragonets of Destiny, and what if the two she managed to nab would be her ticket to the crown?
What if Blister won?
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alyimoss · 25 days
ok time to get off tumblr forever haha hoo hoo
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junkissed · 6 months
camboy jun dropping within the hour be there or be square 🫵
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webdings4 · 4 months
girl help an old post of mine is getting notes
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cyrusthemagician · 7 months
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Made this as an appreciation to the creativity of this amazing fandom aswell as some friends! I love all of these ocs designs and I've been waiting for an excuse to draw alot of them.. I love this fandom the hyperfixation is real and qhat better way to express my love for it for cramming 13 different full body rendered ocs in one drawing?!??!
I'm normal..
There are so many ocs in this drawing I legit will have to make a separate post for the singles .. (oc credits under cut)
Oc credits!!:
@speedyeatsdirt speedy (middle front row, blue robot)
@burrotello bumper (far right 2nd row, red band master)
@sm-baby able (far right front row, deck of cards)
@mea-art (far left 3rd row, blue balloon dog)
@mix-art (far left front row, blue, yellow, and pink balls)
@jamismejamiam fibula (left back row, colorful ball)
@onixaart xion (middle 2nd row, blue angel rings)
@skittikyu stiltikyu (far left back row, tall green haired)
@summeryseaserpent muna (right front row, small green cat)
@gravphobia pyn (far left 2nd row, gumball machine)
@rabid-mercenary15 erubus (right third row, orange and yellow bat)
@meat-pvppet (far right back row, pink, yellow, and blue puppet)
Aswell as another friend who is offsite! Kosen (right back row, blue fire ghost)
(If u don't see ur ocs single it will be in the next upload- dhegyeye)
(If any of these are wrong I will explode, pity the horrendous oc descriptions hfgdh)
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
Even Dazai had forgotten to breathe as he watched the storm that was Chuuya decimate the battlefield.
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part 2
A place called no homeland - Kai Cheng Thom// art by @liyv// the lover as a cult - Olivia Gatwood// I love you so - the Walters// consequences - lovejoy// the American water museum - Natalie Diaz// art by @pleucas// your sister was right - wilbur// life prayer - Lou Salomé// prologue - Anna Akhmatova// art by @greendy2l// house song - searows// letter to Liv Ullmann - Ingmar Bergman// art by @siredcrab// unknown// art by @liyv// 2 truths and a lie - Angelea Lowes// art by @joonsbubu// English song - Fernando Pessoa// staking a claim - Erika Meitner// never love an anchor - the crane wives// art by @pleucas// two slow dancers - mitski// Elke river// art by @zaerxa// normal people - sally rooney// art by @zaerxaa// Sweeney - Anne Sexton// @/1110yu_ku_si on twitter// written on the body - Jeanette Winterson// art by @lotus-pear// normal people - sally rooney// art by @lotus-pear// bite the hand - boygenius// the 1 - Taylor Swift// letter to J.M. Murry from Katherine Mansfield// art by @evelyn-art-05
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brother-one · 1 year
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Look at the scrunkly scrimblo
(practice with no blending) (im sorry if he looks weird ...lmao)
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