#dont spoil the final hunt
gabessquishytum · 21 days
Okay so I have seen the Warprize Au and I would like to say I have a decent understanding of it. But I have a different idea for it! It’s perfectly okay if you don’t like it, you can just delete this.
But what if King Cow!Hob and King Cat!Dream are already married and have a whole union with their Kingdom’s. And everything is actually really good! Except for the fact that they’re different species so they can’t have kids together like they wish. This bothers Hob, but he does not try and let it show.
Until they get War declared on them by another Kingdom. It’s pretty brutal, but of course with the constant supplies and powerful warriors from Hob’s Kingdom and many skilled spies from Dream’s they are able to defeat the other Kingdom. 
So the King offers them one of his sons as a Warprize, to which they accept. Mainly to understand more about this royal family and see if they could get any secrets from the Prince. 
Dream is the one who the Prince will meet first, and because of how violent the War and the information that had been given from spies. had been Dream is expecting some sort of large man who had been in many battles or perhaps a spoiled brat. So he has the throne room decorated in weapons, spikes and he himself has completely covered himself in his own armor. 
Which was a complete mistake when *ten* year old Orpheus enters the room.
Dream: *Surrounded by heavily armed guards and has darkened the throne room to make it appear more intimidating.* 0_0
Orpheus: *Trembling and sobbing.*
While different people are hurrying about to hide all weapons and pulling open the curtains. Orpheus is standing in the middle of the room, unhealthily skinny, filthy, and properly terrified. So the plan of scaring the Prince worked?
Dream doesn’t know what to do, so he does what any normal King would do and calls his husband for help. And the moment Hob sees this child he has decided he is adopting. (“No Dream this is not negotiable.”)
From Orpheus–when he finally calms down–they learn that he does have older brothers, but his father had said they were far too important to give up. Then told Orpheus that if he had to send one of his sons to their death it would be the one that he could care less about. - RB (Ima just leave this here because emojis dont work-- Sorry...)
This is a really good elaboration on the idea of a warprize au, and I absolutely love it! I have a wonderful feeling that Hob and Dream will spend the rest of their lives "collecting" war prizes in the form of other neglected, abused or orphaned children.
Orpheus is also a cat hybrid, just a different breed of cat to Dream - so they have many things in common. After he realises that he's not going to be killed or tortured, Orpheus basically imprints on Dream and follows him around with a very serious expression on his little face. He wants to be just like Dream, to fight and hunt like him and be strong! Dream quickly becomes equally attached to Orpheus, nicknaming him "little shadow", taking him to counsel meetings, showing him the best nap spots and generally tutoring him. But Orpheus also quickly grows to love Hob just as much, despite being scared of his size at first. Hob is warm and smells really good, and he always has milk for Orpheus to enjoy. He's determined for Orpheus to have a proper childhood where he's loved and spoiled (Hob has always hoped to have children with Dream, even though he had no idea how it could be possible. You can bet he takes every opportunity to enjoy fatherhood.) Every night Hob falls asleep with two cats sprawled on top of him, soaking up all of his warmth, and he has really never loved his life more.
A few years later, King Hob and King Dream happen to meet Orpheus's birth father at some kind of diplomatic gathering, and they have a proper argument about who gets to bite the horrible, awful asshole first. The rival King never even bothered to ask for Orpheus back after the war, just abandoned him in another kingdom! But Orpheus calms his beloved adopted parents down. He's a strong, healthy cat prince with glossy brown fur and a talent for music, and he's not interested in raking up the past. In fact he's much more interested in one of Hob’s distant relatives, a bovine princess named Eurydice...
Hob and Dream are truly the proudest parents. And although wars are to be avoided, they will never regret the conflict that brought sweet Orpheus into their home <3
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yandere-plague · 3 months
Any version your comfortable with thank you
All of them at once- jk
// mentions of drugging/spiking , kidnapping
takes place sometime during borderlands 3
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without spoiling much, I leave it up to you as what your 'previous' job was.
"Huh, never thought this ship would have a bar." In hindsight that would be obvious. But for one in space? Definitely not.
Everyone calls it Moxxi's nightclub, though its more of a bar than anything else. Can you really call it a nightclub if your always in space?
Sanctuary III, the home of the Crimson Raiders. Where legendary people are formed to hunt vaults. Though you know that already.
The room gave off a radiant pink, a splash of colour from the rest of the ship. And in the middle stood who you assumed to be the woman herself, Mad Moxxi.
"Well hey Sugar. Dont think I've seen you around here." Her voice sounds like honey, a mix of courteousness and flirtiness enough to give some drunk people the wrong idea.
"Just came from Promethea actually."
"Promethea? Hope the corpo war hasn't been to hard on ya."
"Eh I'm doing alright. They raised the rent at my apartment because Atlas needed to get everyone out of the city. I don't blame him but. To be honest most of us have nowhere to go."
This became a regular occurance, after your job on Promethea you head to Moxxi's for a quick drink or a bite to eat before heading to your dorm.
[A few months later]
"Hey Moxxi, guess who finally managed to get enough funds to live back on Promethea!"
You ran into the bar, giddy with excitement.
"Aww, really? I'm going to miss you sugar."
Her makeup never changed since you first met. Still wearing the ruined mascara, intentional or not.
"Dont worry Mox. I'll visit you!" You chucked.
How about one last drink? On the house~"
She smiled, she always wanted to give you free drinks. But every time you denied her.
'Well. I- why not?" You shrug.
Looking around you notice that nobody else is around.
"You closing up early? Wait, what time is it?"
"Well after closing time, but I decided to let you in." She said while trying to get rid of a damn stain on her dress.
"Shit. Sorry-"
"Dont be, now bottoms up sugar~"
She poured the drink up to your lips. It felt kind of awkward but you went along with it for now.
It tasted familiar, like her finest blend but a little bit saltier? Maybe you're just imagining things.
"Thanks." She put it down after.
"Need some help back there? Like tidying up or something?"
"You're too kind~, mind checking the tables for any leftover drinks or anything. I say people just leave their drinks like its nothing." She sighed.
"Sure thing."
You stand up, almost wobbling a bit. Did she give you an extra strong version or something?
You look at every table, they all seem to be clear. Apart from one of the booths at the back, a few glasses lay there.
You pick them up and head back to her. Placing them on the table.
"Thanks doll."
"Oof. Yeah. I think im going to go now. I'm beat." You sit back down on one of the stools, placing a hand on your forehead.
"Jeez, how strong is this stuff?"
"Its a special blend."
"It sure is..."
"Oh sugar~, can't keep you're head on straight can you?"
The world around you slipped, as you fell on the floor.
"Dont worry. Momma Moxxi will take very good care of you. Just sleep. Kitten..."
You revealed Moxxi's true voice, a sickening sap that once she gets you into her clutches, she's never letting you go...
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(I actually have the moxxi finest blend bottle. But I've never drank alcohol before and I don't think that whiskey is a good thing to try first 😅)
I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING THIS TAKE SO LONG. I was busy with college and then tumblr decided to not let me edit for some reason. I'm personally not impressed with what I've written :/ I
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shaarlslec · 2 years
lady leclerc
read part 2 here lovelies;
pairing: lewis hamilton x reader words: 7200 ish (i need to stop writing long introductions but i cannot); warnings/notes: bridgerton but make it lewis hamilton, not historically accurate at all (language esp), mentions of death; patriarchy? but dont worry we will make it fall; being sister to the three leclerc brothers; need to find gifs with lewis not in his racing gear to fit the theme agggh;
Sir Lewis Hamilton’s name was on everybody’s lips that sunny afternoon of June before the main event of the summer: the debutantes’ ball. Rumours went around the whole town of London that the Marquez’s son was in search for a lady to betroth after years of not attending any season. Hamilton’s name was on the top of your family’s tongues too that day – warning you to stay afar from the most eligible bachelor that everyone else craved to have as a suitor. 
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The day you have prepared for most of your life finally had arrived and you were feeling more uneasy than ever before. You felt your sweat going down on the line of your back as your maid was tightening the corset above your waist. You nervously gulped as you pushed your shoulders back to look at your figure in the giant mirror that stood tall in front of you. A very unrecognizable person showed on the other side, and you were not that very pleased with what was seen before your eyes.
Doodled up from head to toes, dressed in a pretty suede mauve dress and with arms covered in light purple lace gloves that went up to your elbows, the woman looking at you from the mirror looked way different than the one who often chooses to ditch pretty dresses for her brothers’ stolen loose white shirts and pants. But today was important, today was not the day for you to be dressed in men’s clothing. You had to look the prettiest you had ever looked while not being too much, showing elegance and class – but how can you do that when your brothers only taught you rough aggressive sports and how to properly spit against the wind?
You looked outside the mirror seeing how the sun peaked at its brightest shape, and you knew that the middle of the day was near which meant that you would have to be ready in time to be presented in front of the Queen by the beginning of the evening.
You rehashed the speech in your head, even mimicking a reverence as you were memorizing for the thousands time how to properly introduce your name in front of her majesty. Y/N Leclerc, daughter of Baron Leclerc, sister to the three Leclerc brothers. Simple, efficient, short and to the point. And yet, why was it so hard to you to find the right pace of the words? 
“Your Majesty,” You spoke out loud after you coughed twice to adjust the tone of your voice while trying to get a hold of your accent, “No.” You shook your head as the words seemed so utterly spoken from between your lips, “Your Majesty.” You tried again after you took a fresh breath of air in. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong. It sounded all so wrong.
You sighed and looked at your right at a happily smiling maid that only tried to comfort you with her positivity, “You will do just great, my lady.” She softly spoke before a short paused in which she read the stiffen and annoyed facial expressions on your face, “I will bring Baron Leclerc to you after we are done here, I believe that he will best know what to say.” She then replied, arraying the locks of your hair for the thousand time that day to make them sit perfectly on the top of your already aching shoulders. 
“Bring all of them in.” You sharply spoke, “They should be home, the morning hunting session must have been finished by now.” You added with yet another light annoyed huff, “I am so sorry for being this irritated, ma’am.” You apologized underneath your almost cut breath realizing how sharp and unkind your tone sounded with the one who has been noting but perfect in serving you as your main maid since you were a just a little spoiled daddy’s child, with the one from whom you learned how to act lady-like for the very moment you will be officially out in the social world. 
Lady D, as you often liked to call the maid since her name was unbelievability complicated for you to pronounce as a child, glowingly smiled at you once more before gripping the strings of the corset and tightly locked them at your back in a small complicated ribbon that you swore no one in the world was capable of doing, “You do not have to worry about that darling, I know that today is a very stressful day for you.” She then kindly spoke as she took a step back to fully watch the imagine you were unable to recognize in the mirror, “You do look stunning.” Lady D encouraged, and although you appreciated the woman’s support through not only that day but all your young years in the absence of your dearest mother, you were not able to escape the feeling that you looked like an unshaped pencil. 
Your shoulders shrugged again before being pushed back by Lady D, “I look stupid, ma’am.” You replied as you nervously started to walk across the room while talking and sporadically gesticulating, enhancing your tamed anger in front of your maid, “The way I look is not even the stupidest thing about today, Lady D. The stupidest thing is that I must look and behave in a certain way for a man to sway into my direction at the ball.” You exasperatedly cried out while still being attentive not to derange not even a string of hair with your hands so close to your face.
“Then, I have to make conversation with him and pretend that I am interested in whatever he will say just to convince everyone in the room that I am ready to marry and have kids, and built a family and be a good wife in his household just for him and his family to invest in me and my family and that it is just –” You stopped, the sound of horses neighing outside the window interrupting your brambling out of a sudden.
You glanced outside, and for a minute there your shoulder relaxed, and your speech calmed down a notch. 
They were home, your family was home. You were basically able to hear your brothers' laughter through the window alongside with the familiar sound of Lady D’s husband shouting at the horses to stop. Lady D followed your glare, and you once you saw the corners of her mouth lifted in a small genuine smile, you understood that her family was back home too, and nothing made the two of you happier than their presence in that very moment. You dearly sighed softly, when will you be able to smile at a man who is not one of your brothers like that?
 “I am not ready for what follows at all.” You ended, watching the three men you just earlier mentioned getting out of the family chaise to enter the mason with the thought of hurrying into your chambers, “If it was not for them, I would have stayed unmarried until the end of my days.” You mumbled, speaking for yourself rather than for Lady D’s ears to capture your bittersweet words. 
The first familiar face to exit the chaise’s little woodened doors was Lorenzo, your older brother, and the now head of the family. Baron Leclerc, as everyone called him since the early death of your late father five years ago. You had always known him as Enzo and called him accordingly using the terms “big little brother” and “you sound just like father, my dearest brother”. From between your lips escaped a chuckle once you saw him looking up at your window, checking if you were ready to be seen. You threw in a little wave, and Enzo replied with a warm smile. 
Enzo was two years older than you, and yet after your father’s passing, he had to take the household responsibility into his own hands, and that did not do him any good. Your big little brother had the most forced and rapid process of maturing amongst the four of you – Lorenzo had to, there was no other choice for your family to survive back then if he refused to do so. Therefore, although Enzo was not that mature in age, the man acted and behaved as if he reached an early maturity of a forty-year-old man and took the role of your protector against all the bad things in the world – including men, most importantly including men. You were the most grateful for your big little brother, not even imagining how your lives would have completely turned upside down if Lorenzo were not to take responsibilities for the three of you.
Baron Lorenzo was followed by Charles Leclerc, your fresh breath of air when times went rough in your family as they often had the tendency to do. You two were ten months apart, making him the oldest; fact that made Charles always believe that he had the upper hand in any of your arguments and there was nothing more that you loved about your relationship with him rather than to prove him wrong nine out of the ten times. With you two being the middle children, you grew up doing all sorts of mischief together as if you were twins with two weirdly coordinated brains. Your favourite ones being secretly shooting in the back of the garden or sneaking after midnight for a competition of horse-riding in the woods without anyone knowing.  
The last one of the boys to enter the house was Arthur Leclerc, the one you would trade one of your limbs in exchange for the boy’s unlimited safety and love. Arthur was your biggest supporter and admirer from the very first time he uttered his first words. Listening every single time at the door when you had one of your language lessons, exercising dancing practices with you and happily sitting on the top of your piano while slowly cheering and clapping when you would play them melodies during Christmas mornings, Arthur loved to do them all. You swore to yourself starting from a very young age that if somebody were to hurt your youngest brother, you would be the one to murder them in cold blood with or without any assistance from Lorenzo and Charles.  
Watching them going into the house and hearing their hurried steps on the stairs to come and see you, you realized that you would cause dreadful harm to anyone if they wrongly mingled with any of your brothers. No matter the cause, no matter the reason. Family always came first – always and forever. 
The three of them were your whole family, and no one dared to touch your family due to that. Mother died young, months after having Arthur as afterbirth complications shortly appeared, and father followed years later due to illness. You had other relatives spread across the town and country that you had to falsely pretend to adore, knowing that they were after your money and social status. And yet, none of the mattered. All they wanted was to spread rumors and listen to prefabricated lies about you and your brothers.
You were a Leclerc, and that was all that mattered. 
“I am so jealous that they do not have to all of this yet.” You spoke, thinking about how your situation as a woman was far different from the one of your brothers.
They were all happily unforced to marry yet. You? On the other hand. Oh, you were getting older, and no one wants an old maiden to marry. 
Lady D agreed with a silent nod as Enzo’s knuckles impatiently knocked on the other side of the door, “Men always had everything easier, in my next life I want to be reborn as one of them.” She commented as she threw you a sly wink, unlocking the door for your brothers to all barge in at once. 
You nodded back with a tiny smug on your face. Lady D was moderately right, you too wanted for your next life to not be revolved around the idea of marriage, and yet in your next life you would perhaps not be this lucky to have them three as your family. Therefore, being Lady Leclerc sounded just right for the moment, living in the same mansion as your brothers and sharing your life with them for long as your unmarried happy life permitted. 
“You look astonishing sister!” Arthur was the first one to affirm once they stopped in awe at the entrance of your chambers, covering his mouth in wonder as he took few steps in, Arthur continued with the loads of compliments, “I have never seen you in such a beautiful dress!” He then argued, getting closer to take a better look at the intricate lace print of your gloves, “Are these mom’s?” Arthur then asked with widened teary eyes that you adored staring back at you, although your heart ached every single time Arthur mentioned your dear mother as you knew that your youngest brother had never escaped the guilt of your mother’s death. 
You softly smiled to him as you took Arthur hands in yours after nodding, “They are, she wore these when she met father.” You spoke, “Enzo offered them to me as a gift.” You added, gently looking into your big little brother direction, “I will keep them in good condition so you will gift them to your future wife.” You teased, knowing very well that the idea of marriage was an estranged feeling for the twenty-two-year-old boy. 
“They are perfectly made for you, sister.” Enzo added, leaning on the now closed door behind Lady D’s exit after a short reverence from her side in front of him, “When was the last time I specifically required Lady D not to kneel in front of me anymore?” He then asked, making sure that your maid was unable to hear him anymore, “I hate when she does that, it makes me feel so dirty.” 
Charles’ short giggle filled the room, “Because she is forty-five?” He then asked, “I am pretty sure you had older women than her kneeling in front of you, brother.” Charles then teased, throwing you a short wink as your favorite topic of discussion when you two were alone were Enzo’s affairs, “Arthur is right sis, you do look astonishing in this dress.” He then added as Charles also came closer to you and Arthur to look at your dress from head to toes, “You might even make Sir Hamilton’s neck turn.” Charles then chuckled, picturing the whole imagine of envious women watching the whole scene as he indulges in bourbon in one of the ballroom’s dimmed lighted corners. 
Lorenzo had decided to drop any reply to Charles’ nasty comment or to scold you for your short chuckle as a response to Charles’ wink, and yet he was not able to hold back when he heard the name that just came out of your brother’s mouth, “You will make a lot of necks turn, anyone but him – you are not allowed.” Enzo then spoke, and you knew that judging by the seriousness in the man’s tone that he was indeed not joking around as Charles was. 
You knew how Sir Hamilton was, everybody knew who Sir Lewis Hamilton was and everybody had heard that he will be present that night at the ball – first time ever for him to do so. High rank in the aristocracy, friends with the royal family, clean reputation with business partners, and a good son to the Marquez and Marchioness Hamilton with the exception that he refused to marry by now preferring to study aboard and see the world before doing so.
Not to mention, devilishly handsome as you often heard people talking about him during your social gatherings, extremely humble for a man his status, gentle with everyone he had ever meet in public, and educated in most topics that existed. You have never had to chance to meet him in person, thought.
As if somebody carefully orchestrated that, and now that you heard your brother’s serious tone and saw Enzo’s furrowed eyebrows, you suspected that Lorenzo was the one to blame for not letting you get a hold of a sight of Sir Lewis Hamilton yet.
“Why not him?” You inquiringly asked Enzo, “I thought he will make the top of your list.” You then added, knowing that Lorenzo had all it planned for you and your family business-wise with any eligible suitor in town, “From what I have heard, the Marquez’ son fits all of your criteria.”  
Oh, how many things you have heard of him.
There was no one in the whole town who was more surrounded by mystery rather than the figure of Sir Lewis.
As the Marquez’s son was rarely in town, people gossiped about him at all social gatherings that you and your brothers attended: some said that Sir Lewis was one of the Queen’s illegitimate sons, and that was one of the reasons why he was never seen in her presence although everybody knew that the Hamiltons were in good relations with the royal family. You never quite believed that rumor or anything else that was said about him, and yet part of you was very much very intrigued by this character – as all town was.  
Lorenzo let out a deep sigh, “What about your criteria Y/N?” He then breathed, “Do you want a self-centered selfish man as your husband?” Your little big brother inquired, sending a look of disapproval by shaking his hand. 
Your eyebrows frowned in confusion, “How do you know he is all that? From what I know the Marquez’s is barely even here.” You replied, seeing Lorenzo all defensive about this enigmatic character of a man.
Charles commented as he stroked one of your shoulders for reassurance and comfort all together, “We happened to stumble across him at the club quite a few times sis, trust Enzo when he says that Sir Hamilton might not be the best choice for a husband.” He then spoke with a light smile, “You will do turn his neck, and you better leave it turned. That is if he attends.” Charles highlighted with yet another soft chuckle, “You can do better than a Marquez.” 
Your eyes slightly rolled, “Like who? A prince?” 
Arthur nodded, “You can definitely lure the prince looking like this!” 
You stroked the boy’s hands, Arthur showring you with compliments was so familiar and yet so surprising every single time, “Thank you.” You softly spoke, “What about you Arthur? What do you think about Sir Lewis Hamilton?” You asked, knowing that Arthur would be the one amongst the three of them to support even your dumbest decisions.
“I am as clueless as you sister, I have never meet Sir Lewis in flesh and bones.” Arthur spoke, “They never take me to the club!” He then argued, sending sharp looks towards his older brothers, “Something about being too young to play chess and watch people fight.” He then commented, looking straight at Lorenzo who was the one who vehemently opposed to Arthur becoming a frequenter of the club the two of them enjoyed.  
“That is what you do there?” You argued too, “Play chess and watch people fight?” You inquired while switching glares from Charles to Lorenzo, “Sounds very boring my dearest,” You paused as you patted Arthur’s light ruffled chestnut hairs, “Lady D’s stories are more interesting that what these two are up to.” 
Arthur agreed with a nod, “They do not deserve me in that club anyways, sis.” 
You and Arthur both approved at the same time with yet another nod, making Lorenzo and Charles laugh at your synchrony. If you could choose a moment to freeze in time, this would be it. The four of you laughing together in the same room, all of them admiring you and you admiring them back. And yet, reality was that you had to find a good enough man to leave them for their own sake.
Baron Leclerc was doing a good job maintaining the family’s status, and yet you were slowly yet surely running out of money to live a comfortable life as Lorenzo was not enough to provide goods for the entire family and the few remining servants that you had in your mansion. 
You sighed for the thousandth time that day thinking about the way in which you had to repay them for being your brothers, “Fine boys, leave me and get changed into fancier clothes. We need to be at the palace in less than three hours.” You demanded, unclasping your hands from Arthur, and giving Charles an anxious look, knowing that he was the one who understood you the best when it came to your emotions.  
“You will do great sis.” Charles then softly spoke, stroking your shoulder for one last time that afternoon before they went to their chambers to prepare themselves for being your three wingmen while also acting like your protectors. 
“We are here for you, Y/N.” Enzo spoke at the door as he was the one to close them back, “Always and forever.” Your brother then ended as the door were closed not only after giving you the same warm smile that Lorenzo got you used to since you were children. 
“Always and forever.” You mumbled back, knowing that the “always and forever” meant being away from them for the remining of your life. 
The atmosphere back at the Marque house was far different from what was happening at your place. Sir Lewis was back home for almost two months now, and yet no one saw him outside except for maybe the people that were members of the Gentlemen Club that he frequented. Such a pretentions name for what was really going on there. The chess and watching fights that your brothers mentioned to you were only two of the surface things that took place there. The parts where they would play poker for money and watch ladies dancing almost naked on top of tables while they take handful sips of bourbon and smoke cigars were left outside the discussion. It was not the ideal place to be, and yet your brothers much like Lewis went there to get a pause from whatever life was stressing them for. 
For Lorenzo and Charles was keeping the family together by attending events in high society at the club with the ideal of forming business relationships over placing bets for people fighting in the ring, and as for Lewis quite the opposite.
Ladies and alcohol were the two things that interested him, wanting to have little escapades from the pressure of being the Marquez’s only son. Not the ideal place to be, and yet Lewis would have wished for that afternoon to be spend there or anywhere else in the world far apart from his home where her mother tossed a huge list on his bureau with eligible women to meet at that evening’s ball. 
“Explore them and let me know what you think, you can cross names off the list after you talk with them at least once at the ball.” She demanded, pointing at the top of the list where the name of Queen’s daughter stood tall, “She is eighteen now, and the Queen is more than happy to send her off.” She then spoke, attentively watching her son taking a glance over the names. 
Lewis heavily huffed as he stood back into his chair to relax his already tensed up muscles, taking the list in both of his hands just to please his mother, “Do you really want me to marry a child just because she is a princess?” He then argued, two fingers now standing at the top of his upper lips as he counted all the ladies’ names, “Thirty-five?” Lewis then gasped in shock, “You want me to talk with thirty-five people this evening alone, mother?!” He then argued again, knowing way too well that he was not willing to do so. 
The Marchioness nodded, “And I expect you to like at least ten, and we will see from there.” She then spoke while tapping her fingers on the wooden surface, “We have let you experience life on your own too many years.” She guilty-trapped him while using the sweetest tone a mother can use when they want to manipulate their children, “Your father is deeply sick, and you need someone to rule this whole estate with a woman that can bear your children. That is our last wish as your parents, Lewis.” 
“I will try.” Lewis promised, glancing at his mother’s pleading face and then back to the sheet in front of him full of names until the very one to catch the man’s attention was the last name wrote in cursive at the bottom at the page, “Lady Leclerc.” The man mumbled, fingers back on the top of his lips as he let your name being out of his mouth as if it has always belonged there, “Why is she on the foot of the page?” Lewis inquiringly asked, giving his mother a confused glare. 
The two Leclerc brothers were very much just acquittances of his, and yet amongst all the names that were written on the pages yours sounded the most familiar and your face the most well-known.
You have never got a hold of Lewis’ sight, although the man got one of you years ago when you were at arms with Lorenzo cruising through the park near the lake in one late fall afternoon of October.
It was something about the way you looked, something about the way you clasped your hands together to blow hot air into them to warm yourself up, something about the sound of your giggle at one of Lorenzo’s bad jokes that Lewis never seemed to forget.
Lewis wanted to say ‘hello’ back then, to introduce himself and to politely ask your brother about your situation as he was struck by lightning at your mere presence ten feet away from him. And yet, Lorenzo’s sharp look over his shoulder pierced Lewis harder than your beauty. 
Months later when he was back home visiting during his studies break, Lewis met Lorenzo at the club and asked about you and your full name. Lorenzo then laughed straight into the man’s face not wanting to disclosure anything about you. Lewis understood right from there that you were off limits, and not wanting to get into a fight with the Leclerc brothers, stepping outside was the right move.
And yet, two years later there you were – on the bottom of his mother’s list meaning that you were going to be out in the social world for the very first time as a woman who wants to marry. 
“She is an orphan, daughter of the late Baron Leclerc.” The Marchioness shortly replied, “Her three brothers take care of her since they were children as they had to rise themselves since the father was occupied with business affairs rather than taking good care of them, she has no mother-figure to teach her the rights and the wrongs of being a good wife.” She then crudely added, “Her family does not have that much money left since their father died, and quite a few proprieties under the Leclerc name for a Baron.” Lewis’ mother continued, “The only reason why she even made it on my list to begin with is that her father has a small cousin connection with one of the Queen’s half-sisters and I happen to know her late mother very well.” The woman softly sighed, “Poor girl, to be part of such a damaged family with no mother by her side to guide her.”
Lewis pondered his mother’s words. And yes, as harsh as they sounded – the Marchioness was right. In the eyes of such people as her, you were just a poor girl from a damaged family where the parents left too soon and nothing more. You have been stigmatized almost whole adult life for being an orphan, and so were your brothers. And yet, what everyone was unaware of was the happiness that you four shared in your ‘little too-tiny’ house for a Baron. 
“I know her two eldest brothers.” Lewis spoke, “They do not look poor.” He argued with a smug on his face, remembering all the times in which Charles ordered the most expensive bourbon from the bar to share with the entire room while Lorenzo was already hammered on one of the seats after closing a good deal with the Duke of Hastings, “She does not look poor neither.” He then added while the smug widened on the man’s face, remembering how your neck was covered in pearls that fall afternoon and how beautifully your face was illuminated by the sun’s relaxion in them, “She looked beautiful.” He lastly covered, reminiscently curving all the details of your face from that one single day. 
“The princess is even more beautiful.” The Marchioness bluntly spoke, “Now please go and get dressed, we have to go in less than three hours at the palace.” Lewis’ mother demanded, and the man had no other choice but to listen.
Your knees weakened once you were at the top of the stairs, getting ready to be announced in front of the Queen. Charles and Arthur were next to your trembling body as Lorenzo was waiting for you at the end of the stairs to clasp your hand with yours and hand you in front of the Queen who was already bored of all ladies before you who gave her nothing but tacky lines and poor curtsies.
There were three more debutants before you, and you felt like the world was about to collapse once one of them stepped aside and her name was loudly announced.
“I will trip and fall.” You whispered to both of your brothers, “Can you please take me back home?” You desperately pleaded, grabbing Charles by the collar of his white shirt with both hands while looking at him, and then at Arthur whose emotions might have been even bigger than yours. 
“You will not trip and fall.” Charles assured you while searching for something in the insides of his suit, “Here, for courage.” He then spoke, showing you the tip of a metallic flask which you were sure was filled with the finest of Charles’ bourbon collection.  
Not giving it a second thought, you fetched the flask from Charles’ suit and secretly took a huge sip of the liquid as Arthur and Charles covered for you, “Do not tell Baron Leclerc about this, Enzo is going to be so mad knowing that you are trying to get me drunk to meet the Queen.” You chuckled as Charles quickly took the flask from your hand to place it back at its rightful place. 
“Secrets are always safe with us, sis.” Arthur assured you, watching you take yet another two steps as it was rapidly your turn to get down the stairs of hell, “See you on the other side.” He then teased, placing a short kiss on the back of your hand before letting you go. 
You took a deep breath in, and once your name was announced loudly in the room your body went on automatic pilot. You had no idea how you managed to go down the stairs without holding the railing, with your back straight and your shoulders pushed back just as Lady D thought you, and yet you successfully achieved to do so while looking elegantly radiant. Once you got a hold of Lorenzo’s hand in yours, you shortly exhaled in relief and your muscles relaxed underneath your brother’s touch.
And yet, once the eyes of the Queen looked dead into yours, your heart started beating faster than expected and your words seemed to not find their ways out.
Your hand got slightly squeezed by Lorenzo and you saw Charles and Arthur in the crowd behind the Queen, your mouth opened with class and beauty - they truly were your anchor.
“Your Majesty.” You spoke, clam and controlled as you greeted the Queen with a short reverence, “Y/N Leclerc, daughter of Baron Leclerc, sister to the three Leclerc brothers.” You added while looking at the ground, lifting your glare up just for a moment in which your attention was not fully focused on the graceful woman standing on the chair in front of you, but rather on a pair of dark-arson eyes watching you from behind her shoulder.
You went silent as your glare was caught by the man to whom the black panther’s look belonged. It was him who looked at you with interest, it was him whose name you knew very well but never met in person.
And yet, you were not then aware that Lewis’ eyes were all on you while everybody else was closely watching the Queen’s reactions.
Sir Lewis Hamilton’s memory was right – you were just as beautiful as he remembered. Your lock of eyes lasted for way too short for you to figure out who was eyeing you back, and you were too caught in the moment to analyse the look.
Your back straightened, your shoulders were then again automatically pushed back as you were waiting for a sign from the Queen who was analysing you from head to toes for a good moment before a short smile appeared on the woman’s face. 
“You smell like bourbon.” She then commented, and the room went quiet. 
Your eyes widened, and so did Lorenzo’s. You felt Charles and Arthur looks on you then, absolutely forgetting in an instant those dark-arson eyes on you.
You wanted to say something, and yet you were taken aback by the following sentences that came out of the Queens’ mouth, “I do enjoy my occasional sip of bourbon as well, Lady Leclerc.” She then spoke with an even wider smug now on her face, “Please do enjoy the night.” She continued, and then everybody else around her loudly clapped.
It was for the very first time when she pronounced one of debutantes’ name, let alone whishing one of them to enjoy the night.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” You simply and effective responded before Lorenzo took you out of the spotlight and went straight to your brothers who were happily giggling once you arrived at their spot. 
“Which one of you morons gave Y/N bourbon?” Enzo whispered in between his scrunched teeth, making sure that no one around you four can hear him.
Charles’ eyes went on the celling, and Arthur followed suit in a split of a second. You covered your light chuckle with your hands, “I think we need to thank whoever did it,” You commented while titling your head towards your little brother’s side, “I made the Queen smile.” You added, and Enzo had no other choice but to drop the scolding in front of his youngest siblings seeing how outnumbered he was. 
You took a short look around for the man whose eyes arose in the back of your mind again after the moment with the Queen was passed, and yet there was no sight of the man around you or your brothers. 
“Come on Y/N, I have to introduce you to some people.” Lorenzo demanded, grabbing your hand again in his to closely shelter you next to him and your other two protectors for that night. 
You sighed, “Fine.” You spoke, taking one last look over your shoulder lusting to find the one that resembled the black panther from earlier and yet being unsuccessful to do so, but being left only with the craving of satisfying your curiosity. 
Lady Leclerc, Lady Leclerc. 
Your name rumbled into Lewis’ mind as he was roaming around the ballroom trying to talk with as many women as the Marchioness demanded him to do so.
Lewis’ mother was closely watching him from across the room, still calculating each step of her adult son. The reason why Lewis’ eyes went away from yours as you were introducing yourself to the Queen was the Marchioness who hurried him to find a spot next to a couple of women who were already introduced before you.
Oh, Lewis needed to please the Marchioness quick, and the Marquez’s son had decided to do that since the very beginning of the evening so they could leave earlier from that hell of a ball. 
The beginning of the evening was exhausting for both of you. Lorenzo and Charles introduced you to as many people as achievable, while Lewis had to introduce himself to as many women as imaginable.
Statistically it was unlikely for you two not to meet at some point during the evening, and yet your brothers made sure that Sir Lewis Hamilton was not in your way.
Charles was the one to search for Lewis in the crowd and inform Enzo, and Enzo was the one to move you like a pawn during a very elaborate chess game. There was no way in which they would permit him to be in your proximity – and they had to make sure that you were not accidentally into his.
While all of that was happening, you and your little brother were completely clueless about your eldest brothers’ plan, and you just smiled and talked and then smiled and talked some more, you smiled and you talked until your mouth hurt from that much smiling, and especially that much talking. 
You needed a break – both of you were. Lewis was as exhausted as you to pretend to want ladies’ attention which he anyway got no matter how hard and little he tried. All of them were interested in the same topics, all of them used the same prefabricated lines, and all of them told him straight away how many kids they desired and how good of a wife every single one of them were.
When the dancing started and you firstly picked Arthur to dance with, your brothers were left with no other choices but to invite other two ladies and dance. They had to be around you, they wanted to be around you for you not to make move or say the wrong thing and you were feed up already by their schemes. 
“Little brother, I need your help.” You pleaded Arthur as you two were dancing together, “I need a break from this.” You almost cried out, “Can you be my diversion?” You spoke, and you knew right away that Arthur will never say no to one of your pleadings, “I will sneak out for a fresh breath of air only for five minutes and be back, make sure that they do not notice.” You spoke, titling your head into Enzo and Charles’ direction. 
Arthur agreed right away with a nod, no matter how much he feared to leave you alone unsupervised. You have shown him that although you are a woman, you knew way better than himself to take care of you. You needed an out, and Arthur was more than willing to help his sister.
You sneaked out on one of the balconies in dance steps, while Arthur took another woman to dance with as he threw you a grin on your way out. You had time only for a couple of minutes before the music stopped, and that was more than enough for you.
And yet, what you were unaware of was that during your little sneaking method, Lewis bumped into you, the man was planning the exact same thing as you – alone, five minutes, on one of the balconies of the palace.
Once you got out the whole charade and let your lungs freely inhale the evening’s piercing fresh air, your whole body relaxed against the palace’s wall. With your hand at your chest, you kept playing with the tiny purple diamond that was tucked in your dress by now, swirling the neckless in between your fingers.
It was the first piece of jewellery that your father gifted to you, and now having it in your hands made you less anxious at the thought that you needed to go inside and be social for the rest of the night in hopes that you will find a potential husband. Lucky enough, your potential husband followed you outside the ballroom and was now taking his first steps into your little world. Without wanting to cause you a heart attack,
Lewis coughed twice to adjust the tone of his voice and to make his presence acknowledge at your back. 
You slowly turned to look over your shoulder, thinking for a split of a second that it was either Enzo or Charles that wanted to scold you for sneaking away and not at all expecting to find the darkened eyes of the black panther staring back into yours as they shortly did hours ago. Your entire body froze, and not in the way that it froze on the top of the stairs, but in a way that it was shocked on how exhaled it was to be in the man’s presence.
Seeing him from head to toes and standing in flesh and bones right before you, you put all the heard description of the man together and you figured it out that your gut instinct was right back there – it was him, the one that everybody wanted as a suitor and who your brothers from some unknown reason detested. 
“I apologise, my lady.” Lewis softly spoke, not daring to take any step further to not frighten you no more, “I was not aware of somebody being here.” He then lied, casually resting his shoulder on the door frame with both hands clasped at the front, “And yet, now I cannot leave a lady alone in the dark.” He then spoke, Lewis’ eyes fixing on the swirl of your finger against the purple diamond. 
You chuckled, “I do appreciate the effort, my lord.” You commented, “And yet, there is enough light coming from inside, and I am only inches away from my brothers.” You spoke with a care choosing of your words, “This lady actually enjoys being in the dark alone in silence, my lord.” You added, watching Lewis’ lips being pressed together in tension every time you finished your sentences by calling him “my lord.”
Lewis wanted to make a step back and go inside, and yet at the same time it was not just you who lured him on the balcony. The man needed silence for his own good, “I was searching for the same thing as you, Lady Leclerc.” Lewis then spoke, and you were awed once again that night by someone calling out your name in such a manner, “Do you mind if I join you in silence?” He then asked, and there was no way in which you were able to refuse such an offer.  
You agreed with a nod, and Lewis permitted three steps of a slow yet powerful pressed walk on the balcony finding a spot for his body close to yours and yet distant enough for people to not interpret something if they were to witness your very first dialogue. 
“You know my name.” You commented with your eyes closed, engulfing in the sounds of the evening alongside with the voice of the man that close to you.
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ay-chuu · 2 years
hioooo I finally decided to make an order, take as long as you need for it :33, well I would like headcanons for pomefiore with a fem mc who used to be a stubborn and naughty little girl but after graduation, she became an icon in cinema and fashion like the divine audrey hepburn, I mean all that air that radiated fragile and radiant, looking both childish and feminine, sweet and graceful, well in summary mc being Audrey hepburm version twisted Wonderland (* ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚thank you and take care <3
Twisted Blonde
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Pairing: Pomefiore students x fem!reader
Warning: The "blonde" in the title and headcanons is referring to "dumb/smart blonde" roles, so please dont take it as appereance reference <3
A/N: Hi love, sorry for late responding. Here you go <3 Hope you'll like it!
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Vil Schoenheit:
You can turn to the best person in the world if you wish. Vil will remember the old you and hold a secret grudge and jealousy. He was able to grasp your talent when he first saw you, but! With your behavior, you can't even go near the dorm, let alone study with him. Vil doesn't like spoiled and mischievous, oh unless you want a first hand etiquette lesson from him ;) (Vil... calm down man...)
Still... Vil can't hold back the voices in his heart for very long. And the reason it came to light was one day when he compared you to Epel. He got weird when he saw that sweet face and kind smile in the magazine one night. Just like Epel, you had a distorted but good personality. Maybe that's why you were here... "Twisted" in Wonderland.
One day, you sent him a sincere letter apologizing for your past behavior. And that really impressed Vil because you didn't have the personality and the place to be praised without effort like Neige, or you didn't give up on your stubbornness like Epel. (And you didn't take pride in nonsense like him but he will never admit that...)
Let's say he couldn't swallow his pride and took you to a date and made you have the best night despite his rude behavior.
Oh Romeo, Juliet can change personality many times over... But you're in love with her, remember? (;
Rook Hunt:
Rook is the only one who will accept you both before and after. He finds any personality trait beautiful, let's say you crack an egg on the guy's head. He will praise the way you shoot and the way you show emotion ✋️ However, the person who he fall in love with will be the next you. Because oh, in the name of beauty, the fragrance and dignity of a grown flower that has discovered itself... who wouldn't fall in love with you, Mon amour
One day, he went to one of your theater plays and started crying in the middle of the skit for the ballerina role you played. Well... although the audience found it strange, he just saw it as a flow of emotions. Ah, you beautiful black swan, how beautifully you describe yourself.
You were just shocked when you noticed the man in the middle of the game, Rook, has always been a strangely fascinating mystery to you. So, to both cover the sweet wounds from your past and shoot through the heart with an arrow through the receptive eye of a hunter, you gently sent him a kiss at the end of the show and pointed backstage with your body language.
After the coffee and conversation on that set, Rook wanted to text Vil excitedly to let him know that he had found his true love.
Ah, black swan, let your heart steal your passion from you with the greed of his heart you hit him with an arrow, let your heart be so greedy that its love fills it...    
Epel felmier:
Epel admired you a lot, even though he treated you a little differently than vil did. Because you were brave and fearless enough to do any kind of behavior that he couldn't. And frankly... After your change, when he looked at you, he saw the shadow of himself. But he was no longer the angel and you were the devil. You were the complete opposite. Like black and white.
Epel, who was already impressed by you from the very beginning, admired and emulated you in the show you gave to warm the people of the village in his town, no matter how deeply he refused and wanted to defend his manhood. He wants to play games like this too! Why is it that only gentlemen prefer blondes, after all, aren't blondes is the one who decide to end?
After the show, you shook the hand of Epel's grandmother with a sweet smile. . "Hello... I didn't know seeing you would bring so much happiness..." Epel said, trying to maintain the tone of his voice and the beating of his heart. The ex thought, he loved you more. Oh dear, opposites used to attract, don't you know, sweet poison apple?
That night, he gave you a tour of his town, and both he and his family pressured you to stay there a little longer. Well... you couldn't say no to the beautiful face and the kind grandmother. Even after leaving town, your conversations with Epel have progressed quite a bit and are starting to reach your desired ranks. Still, if he didn't had Rook, that stupid boy would adored you too much to not understand that his feelings are love.
What do you prefer, miss lorelei? A kiss or a diamond? Oh don't be afraid of choice! Because this lover can be both your poisonous kiss and the most beautiful diamond that suits your hand...
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sweettoothvn · 1 year
I ended up going on a tangent in a server about the yandere types so here are more detailed explanations.
Also for context: When i say 'they/them/their' im referring to MC/You/love interest, etc
Since this IS yandere i will give some TW// Mentions of Self-Harm, Severe Manipulation, Stalking, Stealing, Delusions, Jealousy, Possessiveness, Obsessiveness, Violence, Mental/Physical Abuse, Mentions of sexual content.
a lot of his songs are about his love interest, people arent liking the new lovey dovey shit too much tho. Eventually he moves back to his regular music but keeps writing songs about them, realizing it's only appropriate for them to hear. He collects hair accessories from his love interest along with makeup products. Sometimes he likes to use the lipstick/chapstick/lip gloss that they use. In terms of possessiveness he is very clingy around them. He hates it when others look at them or even try to touch them. Considering his wealth he definitely spoils them a lot, mostly with food though. And lingerie. Lots of lingerie. As for sex he's very hesitant about it at first, quite anxious actually. Once alone with his love interest, when they finally get together too, he allows them to be out and about, showing off to the world who they belong to and who they will never leave. Not like they could if they wanted to of course, Kieran could absolutely destroy their life until they come crawling back to him. And nobody wants that right?
he uses his knowledge in hunting to make his love interest feel like a caged animal. Sure they dont want to talk to him or even look at him considering what he's done but they'll learn to accept it. Won't they? He's not hesitant on harming them if need be, whatever it takes after all. When first meeting him he's pretty quiet, just watching innocently and barely talking to them. If they start talking with him- or rather at him- he's keen on listening intently, watching their lips as they speak. He definitely starts taking care of himself more to make himself look more appealing to them as well. Of course once his love interest is in his own hands, he takes it upon himself to make sure they are a permanent resident in a small cabin in the middle of no where. The beautiful woods now littered with traps galore, there's no hope for salvation if you're looking for it. Unless you're looking to find it in Eddie of course, considering he is the only person you're around and in his words, the only one you'll ever need.
he's definitely more sociable with his love interest than normal. 'Coincidentally' running into them in public every single fucking day. He's terribly clingy and touchy, wrapping an arm around their shoulders or grabbing their hand. The pet names are relentless. When they arent looking, he's silently threatening the people around them that seem interested in his love interest. They definitely dont want to fuck with him, he could ruin their food supplies so easily, only providing bad crops until they back off. Theyre so hungry they either eat the crops or back off. Hes pretty controlling once he gets his hands on his love interest. Keeping them home and trying to make it seem like the world is awful without him. His security systems are intense and difficult to bypass. For once Chrys could never fathom getting through them theyre so complex.
their medication has been acting odd lately. Is it Zach's fault. Definitely. Their mind is malleable now and theyre barely able to control their own body as they feel so loopy. Constantly high off of whatever Zach is lacing in their pills. This makes it easier for him to mold them into what he wants them to believe. Only then will he allow them to ween off the drugs he had plagued their system with. As for keepsakes its definitely hair-? He makes... dolls with them... Considering he's a Franix he's definitely feeding off of his love interest frequently. Not enough to kill them but enough to keep them weak. It doesnt matter what their blood type is, it will always be so sweet to him.
he appears to be as innocent as he usually is. Smiling, giggling, sociable as ever. He was everyone's favorite but when he saw his love interest he wanted nothing but them. He didn't care about anyone else. At that point when he spoke to other people it was to keep his reputation up. Pretend to be the giggly fun loving dork everyone knew. Slowly but surely he would make sure to isolate his love interest. He made sure people felt uncomfortable around them, spreading rumors and using his abilities to change people's moods everytime their name was brought up. Until they broke and reached out to him for comfort. Every time they would cry he would make them feel better, alleviate the pain, training them to rely on him like they were some sort of pet. His favorite item to collect would be t-shirt or jackets, playing them off as items he found when thrifting. He wanted his scent to be combined with theirs. He's not the kidnapping type but he will definitely make sure to cause scenes when his partner seems to pay attention to other people besides him. It'll start off as small panic attacks, to full on mental breakdowns until his partner realizes it's probably best to just stay by Casey's side. Don't even breathe near another person, it's not worth it.
Charming as ever, she manages to coax her love interest like a fly trap does with- well- flies. Her smile being the nectar they thought they needed. She makes them feel safe and loved, a feeling they thought they'd never had in their life before… at least no to this degree. Around them is constant danger, people disappearing, cars crashing, sometimes when they're just minding their own business they nearly get crushed by falling debris from construction sights. However that all is washed away when they're near Chrys.. She was like their good luck charm, a safety bubble they couldn't be without. In reality, however, Chrys simply used her hacking knowledge to mess with traffic lights and construction equipment in the Intrepid. As for the missing people? Well you'd have to take a closer look at her greenhouse for that. Using aphrodisiacs and other pheromones and spores that her plants produce, she creates intense positive feelings in her love interest as she laces their food or drink with those chemicals. Her favorite item to collect is definitely articles of clothing. She knew she was small and hoped that they would be aroused to see their piece of clothing barely fitting on her small body. She would act innocently, confident that it would fit if they 'helped' her. Of course she's going to keep her love interest in a small cottage in a heavily forested area too. Sure there will be a town nearby, but she can just control the forest to make it morph into a maze, they can never leave after all. Why would they? When all they need is right here at home with her.
He's pretty much the same on the outside, at least. Typical tsundere and anger issues. However he's not so reliant on alcohol as normal David. Rather he finds his love interest to be his special drug. Their scent, the way they hold themselves, how they dress, their voice. God does he just love their voice. He could listen to it for hours. May it be them simply talking, singing, laughing, crying, yelling, screaming. He just wants to hear it. Some things he loves to collect, mainly sweaters, any drawings or books they've touched. He keeps a large list of books they enjoy, may that be comics, graphic novels, yaoi, whatever they consume that is considered literature really. Once he has his love interest in his grasps, he becomes very manipulative. A slow process of making them think they only need him and that he is their safety and he will protect them from anything and everything. He isn't violent towards them or anyone he is jealous of, that's not very civilized after all. He would prefer to slowly and meticulously destroy his opponents until they harm themselves.
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pluck-heartstrings · 2 months
Here I be, tainting you're robot fic tumblr with *other* robot fic because I can not understate that even if I'm not sure where it stands, Behavioral Patterns would easily be in my top ten list of top fave fics of all time. I forgot how much it absolutely consumes me. I've got this internal image of all this rumbling and crooning probably looks normal to Shrike's robot brain but sounds like a chainsaw with autotune to a human. Shrike crying is just dialup screams as their sub programs try to connect to guardianship programming manually. The blankets look and feel soft to them but its straight up chainmaiI. think about Optimus being the only crazy one in the room for once because the Matrix can not handle parental protocols and has him running at 1000% caveman efficiency and how like, Bots who arent organic life fans are looking at the Human happy autobots treating human kids a lot like they do sparklings (looking at you optimus and your preteen sidekicks) and on top of a big old piece of "dredges of cultural ptsd from the quintessons" the Autobots probably look like those folks who are fighting with their parents over "treating their grandchildren right" and said grandkid it's a mostly hairless and toothless chihuahua. Like activating guardianship protocols over shortlived ugly little organic creatures probably isnt a great look.
I screamed when Megateon first showed up. I'm a Prime and Beastwars baby with a smidge of Bumblebee movie but I love me a complex megatron and I had no idea what Earthpark Megatron is like. BIG SOFT UNCLE! I love throwing Shrike at the Prime verse decepticons. A bunch of big eyed, freaked out, hackles raised giants who dont dare to move because they might hurt the tiny little thing using them all as a jungle gym and sounds like a wind chime their armour is so thin
Knockout: children are disgusting. You are disgusting. Come let me polish you in protest
Shrike with a grinch grin who is a little shit: new pranking favorite
Soundwave: hold up I got kid experience with my gestalts and stay inside all day they should stay with me
Shrike: New Pranking fave
Megatron: just keep the pathetic weak little thing out of my (vastley uncomfortable with this) sights and away from like, dangerous shit. But dont let it leave I wanna rub this in Optimus' face
Miko: hey what's your problem with autobots? They rule and decepticons drool
Shrike: (vents about Optimus and lack of freedom)
Miko: hold up. (Busts through Autobot base door holding a wrench) "HEY! EVERYSINGLE ONE OF YOU! COME GET YOUR LUMPS ALSO WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?"
I think about the future and if Shrike ever gets siblings. I think about them being spoiled rotton and becoming just the most conceited, egomaniac but still not as bad as Starscream. They are the "but I'm baby" meme in metal flesh. I think about millennia down the road, cities rebuilt and the last vestiges of neutral parties coaxed home. Maybe they are suprised afterall in hidden seekers in the stars. And a Shrike the little royal baby in the crystal city.
I think about that big dumb medic being big dumb and far, far to old for kids finally giving Shrike cousins. I think about Elita one definitly being the favorite auntie and it driving Starscream up the wall.
I think about what would have happened if Thundercracker had noticed them a few moments later in the battle and they had gotten to the hatch? Thundercracker trying to coax them out as the world explodes around them. Maybe the trine and kid dont make it to the ship at all and are stuck on and hunted down on earth?
I think about what if Shrike's brain had decided to wipe their human memories from the start to avoid trauma (only to trickle in as the get more comfortable as a mystery)? No doubt their relationship with Rachet would be better, and their thoughts about Prime not as strong, but the clashing personalities and field resonance would doubtless still drive them away, even if the pull to the Trine is a little less overwhelmingly onesided. More open eyed wonder and less "sounds fake but cool" in response to things.
Or maybe a world where their origional room didnt blow up? In either case they are situated with Ratchet but are drawn to the explicitly forbidden from Trine. Shrike with no memories getting to have some interactions with humans before they leave earth because *noone* knows they used to human and optimus is showing them off at a top secret level like "look at my child. Please do not interfere with our departure anymore because if the transformer masses find out we can successfully make sparklings on earth we are all going to have a bad time explaining why we cant just wipe out the comparatively juvenile and underdeveloped organics to make earth into a nursery BUT LOOK ITS A NEWBORN" (earth scientist frantically writing "does the robots have a puss puss?" In his notes) " "ok but your newborns are our size, built like a shit brickhouse, move like a chuckie cheese horror movie animatronic, and TALK" (Rachet crying) "I havent held a neonate in millennia I need you humans to understand how new they are" "you're neonates TALK... and are making some very worrying references and turns of phrases" "GOOCHIEGOOCHIEGOO"
(Shrike is less than impressed)
Shrike being much more Attached to Rachet even if by Virtue of Rachet "being warmer than cold" and maybe even not being in the carriers when the battle happens but with him. (Maybe Ratchet actually realizes something is wrong since he doesnt blame the off frequencies on previously being human and doubles down on the defensiveness and worry. Optimus being in full blown denial over the flight sickness because *there can't be something wrong with the brandnew sparkling* its freshly forged. The emberstone can not make defective sparklings. Its beyond his ability to cope with) Shrike being blandly apathetic at best with their situation. Minor Autobot infighting as they all throw their hats into the guardianship ring despite Ratchet's claim. Rachet keeps trying to like, just a tiny bit passively engage the parental imprinting program but keeps being subconsciously rejected by Shrike and the series of tiny heartbreaks that causes. Shrike getting colder and more listless and duller by the day. They dont gain any colors and become less willing to engage. The Trine's plan works and they end up on ship and the autobots doing everything they can to let them *never* find out Shrike exists. Shrike finds out about them anyways and goes to explore and spends ever damn second they can scrape together alone sneaking off to bond with the Trine. DO YOU SEE HOW MUCH THIS FIC CONSUMES ME! IM FANTASIZING AU HERE
I think about G.H.O.S.T. *a lot*
I think about how they'de probably use "have overly developed and independent offspring that thrive quickley* as an excuse to categorize Transformers a life form more in line with rodents than sentice for their own gain, and that one person that might actually be touched beyond the racism seeing the care and love and obvious affection and go "but their offspring are very slow to grow and spend most of their time in intellectual pursuits and their behaviours are ticking a lot of sentient species boxes and also um they have kids, which is not a thing we thought they did in our "they are just computers and thus tools to be used" agenda?
my grimdark ass is hella focusing on G.H.O.S.T. and like, inherent tragedies they bring. And the universal need from a fandom nerd to make characters suffer. Shrike being small enough to hide in one of the Trine (probably starscream's if ghost is involved) armour if he got captured. Moving around to avoid detection like a tiny scared koala bear. *screams into pillow*
I reread and redux this fic to *death* do you know that?
Nelly I shared this with my beta and it promoted a full-blown discussion about Behavioural and our favorite parts, it means so much to me that you've read both. Behavioural was me finding my voice in writing and becoming comfortable with writing regularly. I shouldn't have been able to write PMH without Behavioural.
Now if you'll exist me I have to print out this all and read it a thousand more times
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j0tawife · 2 years
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finally, some more detailed info about Ada
thanks @rhaemaya-valwynn​ for making me do this template lmaooo
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Name: Adachi Kujo, née Sarmentero
Angelfish (Jotaro, after getting in a relationship with them)
Ada (Friends/Classmates)
Four-eyes (from Part 3 Jotaro, at the beginning of their friendship)
Ube (family)
Ube-san (other ppl)
Lieutenant Ada/Detective Ada/Ada-dantei (People in Morioh)
Ada-san (Josuke, Okuyasu and Koichi)
Mx. Kujo/Lieutenant Kujo (Post Part 4, Parts 5-6)
Japanese: サルメンテロ足立 / 空条足立
Romanized (JPN):  sa-ru-men-tero adachi or ku-jo adachi
Stand: Sleepwalker (Song by Illenium)
Age (same age as Jotaro)
17 (SDC)
28 (DiU)
40 (Stone Ocean)
48 (Trembling Heart)
Birthday: October 10th, 1970
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Gender: What’s that?  Non-binary
Pronouns: They/Them
Height: 160 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood Type: B+
Nationality: Filipino-Japanese (with British roots thanks to Speedwagon)
Hair Color: Lavender
Eye Color: Taupe
Student (Part 3) 
Detective (Part 4) 
Speedwagon Foundation Lead Investigator (post-Part 4; Parts 5 and 6)
Color: forest green and any pastel color
Movie: My Neighbor Totoro
Food: kare-kare (Filipino dish)
Musician: Elvis Presley and Michael Jackson
Athlete: They dont care much about sports
Man Type: Jotaro Tall guys with a low, baritone voice
Hobbies: Sketching
Animal: Dogs, cats and owls
Dislikes: Heights, spoiled brats, toxic people in general, DIO
Support Jotaro and Joseph in their journey to Egypt (Part 3)
Protect the people in Morioh/hunt down Angelo and Kira (Part 4)
Protect the Joestar lineage and Jotaro while under the Speedwagon Foundation (post-part 4, parts 5 and 6)
Arturo Sarmentero (Filipino father)
Tada Sarmentero (Japanese mother)
Isobe Sarmentero (older brother)
Jotaro Kujo (love interest/boyfriend (p3-4), husband (post-p4, p5-6)
Jolyne Cujoh (step-daughter)
Alexander Joan Kujo (son)
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acourtofquestions · 3 months
Empire of Storms Chapter 11 spoilers via reaction / vent:
*spoiler preface for myself; please do not tell me what happens next* this is a reacting vent😅😂
— please excuse me while I scream in Wivern for a moment — no one I know reads these books, I’m an insomniac who tends to read before I go to sleep & now I am wide awake & losing it😂🤣 hence HI TUMBLR! … now—
“Your Second, Asterin Blackbeak, shall pay the blood debt between our clans. She dies at sunrise tomorrow.”
Of all of them WHY — WHY SARAH — would you pick ASTERIN?! (What makes you think I can handle that!?) NOT ASTERIN; not WILD, TRUE, FIERCE, LOVING, BEAUTIFUL, BRAVE, HILARIOUS, RESILIENT, (ONE OF MY FAVORITES — ON MY DO NOT KILL LIST — ASTERIN?!?) SHE IS THE HEART OF THE BLACKBEAKS!🖤… If Manon is the hope Asterin is the heart (that’s what I’ve been going by)!!! Even just from a practical level; yall Manon was a MESS without her second (& that was literally a book ago… just last week😅) & this was when Asterin was still her third!! None of us are equipped for this; NOT EVEN MANON; if Manon Blackbeak can’t handle it there is no way I can! — Why can’t the old Blackbeak bitch just die already🤦‍♀️ ; let Petrah & Manon take over, & be done with this madness already! Bye bye Iskrah! Hello, semi-humane not psychopaths w cute dragons!😊😅😅🙃
… Oh, this better not happen… why would you even make me think it’s possible (she’s supposed to be immortal😫), why would anyone even consider scaring me like that?? Like okay, I know “it’s a book” and “characters are gonna die” but NOT ASTERIN OKAY?! I have a list of things I need from this book & this is not on there! … it’s gonna be a 13 revolt then right👊?- -RIGHT?!? … yeah, it’ll be fine🤪 cause um there’s just no way. I refuse. Nope! 13 bb’s r off limits!!
CHARACTERS THAT ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE: Aelin, Rowan, Lysandra, Fleetfoot (I legit googled that one during CoM to make sure she lives forever & ever—thankfully it appears I am right!) Evangeline (the 2nd time I broke my spoiler google rule; thankfully she’s also safe) Aedion, Dorian, Manon, ASTERIN, Abraxos, Yrene (I know we haven’t technically met her but I read TAB & already love her okay?), Sam (YEAH I KNOW—from day 1 I knew that he dies but GUESS WHAT— HES STILL ON THE LIST OF CHARACTERS YOU CAN’T KILL; I get it for plot & ships… but also I’m still in denial… I still miss him too😭) even Chaol (sweet idiot Chaol is NOT allowed to die, not after he’s done better, not after EVERHTHING!) Not after Sorscha, Not after Sam, DONT YOU DARE DO Empire of Storms!!!!!!!!!! Not my 13! Not the kickass group of besties! No, how about we pull an ACOTAR & none of the main characters “actually” die? Huh, how’s that sound?! JUST NOT LIKE THIS OKAY OKAY!!!
Goodness… How am I supposed to sleep tonight??? Waiting to see if Asterin survives the morning?!? …
I need to find a better pre-bed book😂😅🤣… & maybe another therapist if characters start dropping like flies😅😂 … OH GODS SHE BETTER NOT!!! …
And now we’re switching perspectives? — Most books I get annoyed & only like a few “the most” so I don’t wanna switch perspectives when I’m worried about my character… the good “problem” with these books are I LIKE EVERY CHARACTER thus enjoy every chapter & also AM CONSTANTLY ON CLIFFHANGERS! I’m at my wits end between; Rowan going on his “I’m not a worthy prince blah blah blah” bullshit, Aelin just slowly collapsing inside because of stupid old men politics, Elide teaming up with Lorcan (& whatever the hell is hunting them freaking me out), bb Evangeline & Fleetfoot having to say a TEMPORARY goodbye (still broke my heart💔), not knowing wtf Chaol & Nesryn are, Dorian almost dying every .5 seconds, & Manon 99% of the time but NOW ASTERIN… how is this chapter 11??? This feels like chapter 70 shit… HOW BAD IS CHAPTER 70 GONNA BE FOR IT TO ALREADY BE LIKE THIS… I miss the days of Rowaelin reuniting in Rifthold🥹… Remember when Dorian used to bring Celaena puppies & candy & the biggest issue was sneaking into a ball🥺
Well on that note time to go binge read or be responsible & sleep… hopefully Asterin DOES NOT DIE!!! But I’m sure I’ll be cliffhanger ramped spamming anyways😂🤣
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wulvert · 2 years
more lore questions for u,,,same as before pls feel free to add more or avoid answering if u dont wanna spoil something/would rather it be shown in the comic!! i dont personally care about spoilers/implications but this is UR awesome media!! its completely up to u :]
do vampires naturally run colder since their heart beats slower, or are they still a normal human body temperature?
how much do vampires hunters actually know about vampire lore besides what it takes to kill/weaken/hurt them? are they mostly clueless?
is it public knowledge vampires and other creatures like trisha exist, or does the average person have no idea theres ghouls and beasties out there?
besides the bloodlust, would vampires suffer any similar symptoms to anemia when they're haven't drank, since it would mean they have a low rbc count? or would any symptoms besides bloodlust be more similar to human starvation? maybe a mix of both?
is it possible for vampires to drink non-human/non-vampiric blood, like animal blood? if it is, would most vampires just find it too small/distasteful a portion for it to be worth it? also, does this mean animals would be targeted as well when a vampire's in a bloodlust frenzy?
is,,,scarlet a vampire hunter?? ex-vampire-hunter??? i assumed she was since kelly recognized her and she seems knowledgeable about it, and tracked avery down, but its also rly funny to imagine she isn't and everyone at the bbq just going "strange! this woman isn't a hunter how'd she get here! well anyways. we'll make an exception bc she looks very polite and avery's finally introducing us to a friend (🏳️‍🌈🤨❓️). good for her!"
also not really a question but. ur lore implies avery was maybe just. blacked out laying in her own blood for at maximum a week before anyone went looking for her and its so. in character for her wet and patheticness,,,i love the unseen details in ur writing!!
hello!! I think it shouldnt be too spoilerly, heres the lore....
vampires are very cold, & its uncomfortable for them, so they end up sleeping next to radiators & heat vents like cats- blankets dont make them warmer either cause theres no body heat to trap under, they just insulate their coldness.
averys more knowledgeable about vampires than other vampire hunters just bc of her upbringing ( i think i mentioned it before? her entire huge family are all vampire hunters & shes been raised into it ), I think the average vampire hunter knows the basics, like stake silver sun crucifix, but I think they probably figure vampires are more zombie like than they actually are, scarlet was probably pretty disturbed to realise she's still herself now that shes a vampire, but avery already knew that's how it works- even if shes decided she can just say no to bloodlust, thats just her being her despite knowing better ( yes scarlet is also a vampire hunter ahah but shes found a loophole & doesnt hunt vampires anymore, but still gets paid for it :)
Vampires, werewolves etc. arent a secret but they arent thought about very much! theyre thought of being a lot more rare than they actually are
when vampires r hungry their veins hurt and they cant think about much other than blood. as for anemia their hands and feet cant get much colder but they can go kind of grey if starving 4 a extended period of time, and overall extremely pale. avery has no blood left right now which is why shes like. grey (people ask why scarlet doesnt look as dead as avery, its cuz she drinks blood regularly & also wears makeup) no fatigue though, i think they get very agitated.
vampires cannot drink non human/vampire blood, itd have the same effect as orange juice but like itd be gross bc its animal blood and it wouldnt taste good to them and theyd still feel sick 0 pros all cons :(
yea avery was lying in her pool of blood for a week 😔 kelly probably called her like 4 days in but didnt think much about it bc shes aloof and offputting 90% of the time anyway so it made sense for her to disappear for a bit... nobody else cared though
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cassyapper · 10 months
are there any holidays/trips u think jotaro n kakyoin would go on together?
hm good q
i have a whole spiel about where i think their honeymoon is when they finally tie that knot but cant risk…hm…spoiling….some things i have planned for a project so i wont go in depth. but i do think it’s a destination honeymoon
as for general trips i do think they go to see the temples and such in thailand. and also the wildlife in iceland particularly the orcas near there cause they have unique hunting and i can see jotaro being into it. they might go to antarctica for jotaro’s research once but kakyoin is absolutely Miserable lmfao. he is determined to stay tho despite jotaro almost begging him to just go home. he always needs to have star platinum out as a sort of emotional support dog for kakyoin LOL. as for the usa i can see them taking a cross country road trip and getting ticketed cause neither of them can drive very well imo. kakyoin of course uses hierophant’s mind control to make the cop forget and not write it but lol. star platinum does most of the driving. they visit niagara falls, yellowstone, the grand canyon, etc. just big us culture stuff. when they reach the pacific they both feel a very strong homesickness so they take a trip to japan not long after and visit holly and josuke and co. of course they both return to india at some point likely with pol and avdol. they take many trips to africa as conferences for kakyoin’s work (i imagine him as an anthropologist with a specialty in northern african cultures for those who dont know). hmmm. yeah they just kinda go all over the place. might visit italy too for obvious reasons also tonio friendship. mm. yeah :)
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ambalambs · 1 year
So ive been really musing on miko's childhood stuff lately. Just fleshing out a lot of it since I think ive finally settled on some major keypoints lately after all these years lol and a thought came to me of little teenaged miko being raised by a gridanian hyur family and how that would be difficult at times given his previous keeper of the moon upbringing. So like being a teen and at the age when he'd probably finally get the chance to go on his first hunt had he still been with his tribe, and so he'd take it upon himself to actually just go out into the forest on his own one day and finally get his first deer. He'd bring it back home all proud of himself and happy to share his spoils only for him to be scolded for it. Gridanian rules about hunting and all that and the fear of the elementals weighing heavy on his new family. We dont have much to go on about why the miqo'te tribes dont seem to be affected by the elementals so it just seems like something he'd never had to think about and be a big learning experience for him as a kid
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
MI movie retrospective:Mission Impossible
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Mission Impossible is one of the most beloved action franchises ....And I havent seen any of them .Like I have seen bits and pieces on TV ,and with this first one I knew some spoilers ,but I am going into this series blind .I did consider watching a few episodes of the TV Show....But halfway through an episode I felt that wasnt really necesarry
In this 1996 film Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise),a agent for the IMF ends up the survivor of a mission gone wrong and is suspected of being a mole ,thus seeks to find the real mole
I liked it...But just liked it .Unfortunately ...I knew whoi the mole was ,it was spoiled for me ,and usually spoilers dont bother me but honestly this one kind of impacted how I viewed the film ,and without saying who it is ,I didnt like the villain .I'll also say two of the key actors,Tom Cruise and Jon Voight are actors are performers I am neutral on ,and considering Cruise is playing the lead and Voight is playing the TV shows lead Jim Phelps who is Ethans mentor.....I was so underwhelmed by them .Maybe its due to how big of a star he is in hindsight but I feel Cruise was kind of the worng fir for an anonymous spy who was "Trained to be a ghost" and is intially treated as just one of an ensamble .Also I am of two minds on the final action scene cause on one hand in 1996 I imagine it was thrilling ,but the effects havent held up great.I also didnt give a damn about Claire who hads kind of a will they wont they with Ethan
OK I know I am coming across as grumpy ,I actually did like a lot in this movie.Brian De Palmas direction is glorious,very strange giving a good sense of tension and unease.The two best scenes are of course the scene where Ethan has to break into a computer room while being suspended from the cieling ,but the scene I loved was right after the job went bad,Ethan meets with his supperior in a cafe,and he starts putting together that it was a mole hunt and they think he is a mole,the camera work is stunning .The supporting cast is FRIGGIN brillaint,I am excited that Ving Rhymes is a regular for these movies cause as the hacker Luther he was a scene stealer .Jean Reno is always a plus,Henry Czerny is nice and weasilly,and Emilo Estvez is solid in his brief screen time .BEst cast member has to be Vanessa Redgrave as an ARMS DEALER ,she is just such a perfect yet outside the box choice ,and she has a charisma that makes me wish she was the main villain cause of the villains she is my favorite .Danny Elfmans score also rocks
Overals its a good thriller but I am surprised it has gone on to be a mega franchise.NOt a favorite,but its good,do reccomend
@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @marquisedemasque @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @scarletblumburtonofeastlondon
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ozerashome · 2 years
Finally get to watch Scream 6 tomorrow so I rewatched 5, gonna spitball some ideas/predictions.
If you've seen it already, please don't spoil it 💕
There was a 3rd killer in (Scream/ Scream 5). Richie was in california when Sam got the call about her sister's attack- he wouldn't have been able to be at the attack and return to Sam in an inconspicuous amount of time.
My sister raises a counter point- The video of Amber was a pre-recording, allowing her to do the killing alone. Plausible and probably what happened, but I'm choosing to believe that even if it was pre recorded, the time between locking/unlocking wouldn't have been enough for the killer to run around to a different door and get through. One of them already had to have been inside. To double on that point, Tara would have heard the last question being spoken from behind her before the killer jumps.
Scream 6 alternate title; The Purge goes to NY (but we're only targeting these 4 people)
How funny would it be to continue the toxic fandom idea by having all the extreme fans from the same subreddit group as Richie and Amber invade NY to hunt down the survivors.
Yeah, it sucks because you have A LOT of people coming after you but at the same time imagine like a fat ghostface just struggling to breathe through the mask and it's like"homie if you dont just take a minute to take that shit off. I'm going to get charged with your heart attack 🙄" (not even a fat ghostface, breathing in those masks must be hard)
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Final Thoughts: Goblin 2020
It... it sure is a movie...
I dont know. I dont think I'd suggest it...
Basically, a woman and her new husband move into a new house with her young son and his teen son. The neighborhood is plagued by a monster thats eating pwoples dogs.
So the synopsis described the husband as abusive but you don't honestly see that until the end of the movie. They act it up with a couple scenes of him... standing there while she looks scared but there isn't anything that says he's more than just a dumbass macho guy with an asshole spoiled brat for a kid. They play up this scar she has, eluding that he did it, but there's no evidence he's a sadist until the very end. Hell, he goes out of his way to hunt down the bobcat he thinks is terrorizing their new home and his wife. Hes a bit of a jerk but not abusive.
By the end he's absolutely an abusive sadistic fuck but it just comes out of nowhere. He beats the family dog then tries to start in on her little boy before she steps in to take the beating. Its a total 180 from how he is in the rest of the movie.
The husband's teen son is a lot more abusive than his dad is. He's mean and nasty to his step family. He's down right abusive to his step brother and even though they're warned by animal control to keep pets and young children inside, he forces his step brother and the dog out in the backyard where they meet the Goblin.
And then we have the Goblin himself. He kinda looks like Danny Davito but, like, a bad cgi version of him... just looks like if he could talk he'd sound like Dan.
Anyway. The Goblin isn't the bad guy in the movie. Hes just a creature thats eating what he can get ahold of or else he starves to death. Its not like he can walk into the grocery store so the local small animal population is the only option for him. So he's not really the monster of the movie.
In the end the wife decides to get outa dodge with her son while the husband is sleeping but before they can leave he says they can't leave the dog. She goes back in for the dog and runs into the husband who sees she has her keyes in her hand. Hes about to lay into her when the Goblin comes into the house and saves her by eating the husband. Oh, by the way, he'd already eaten the older son.
The movie goes black and comes back in with a "nine months later" time jump. We see her picking her son up from school. They're still in the same town. Same house. As they're walking inside shes stopped by animal control and a police officer who tell her they found her missing husband's dogtags in a "big pile of shit". Shes pretty blasé about it, thanks the officers, and let's them go. Next thing we see her dealing out dog food into a bowl and puts it down for the dog. Then shes dealing out more in another bowl and then tops it with a whole package of raw hamburger. She takes it out to this shed in the back and we see the Goblin come out from behind some boxes. She smiles serenely at him before the camera pans out to show her rubbing her VERY pregnant belly.
Everything I've read says its heavily implied she fucked the Goblin.
The acting was sub par.
The cgi of the Goblin was absolute shit.
I can't even say it was so bad its good. It was just not good.
Not one I'll recommend.
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Supernatural Series Finale
It took me a couple days to collect my thoughts on one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch in my life. Like I said a few days ago, I cried even harder watching it the second time around. But now that I’ve had a chance to process and also see what other people were saying, I think I can finally put into words my impression of the finale. 
Buckle up, this is a long one....
Let me preface this first off by saying that as an adamant Dean girl that has said numerous times over the years that all I’ve ever wanted was to wrap Dean in a blanket and give him some forehead kisses and tell him everything is going to be fine, this episode gutted me. I fully believe that my boy did not deserve to fight so hard for so long to just die as soon as he was free. He deserved a lifetime of truly enjoying time with his baby brother, the person he loved most in the whole world.
Now with that being said, having watched this series so many numerous times, I truly don’t believe that the show could have ended any other way. It’s something that has been pointed out by the creator, the writers, the actors, and even the characters themselves in the show. Dean never saw anything else for himself than dying doing the one thing he knows best, hunting. I saw a post that discussed how this would have happened numerous times already had Chuck not been interfering in their lives, and I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. 
And Dean had been raised to never think anything of that. It goes back to Cas’ declaration that he is “the most loving human he has ever met”. Dean is and always has been a man of duty. He would gladly die at the end of a blade if it meant he saved someone from the fate his family was ‘destined’ to live. He has always cared more about other people than he ever has himself. It part of the reason that his freak out in 15.17 didn’t throw me because for fuck’s sake wasn’t it his turn to be a little bit selfish for once?
Anyway, I digress. Dean has been fighting for others his whole life. And as stated in 15.19, him and Sam were free to finally write their own story. Is it not 100% on character that Dean would die a hunter’s death? As we see in the beginning of the episode, the Winchesters could have chosen to walk away from the life then. They could have chose the apple pie life, a wife and 2.5 kids. But they didn’t, they chose to continue saving people, hunting things. They were writing their own story, even if it ended tragically. But that’s life, it’s messy and depressing, but it’s also beautiful and even if Dean only got a small taste of that, I can be happy.
I know a lot of people feel like that negates their character growth throughout the seasons, but I disagree. I think that the way this ended shows just how much both of them had grown. Sam very well could have went to Jack and begged him to bring Dean back and Dean could have asked him to. But neither felt that it was necessary any longer. Without Chuck pulling the strings, that scary, neurotic, codependence they used to hold was gone. Dean was okay with dying and Sam let him go. Dean told him how much he loved him and how scared he had been to go get him at school. Dean opened up, something that season 1 Dean never would have done. Just look back at “Faith”, the episode where Dean makes every joke in the book about dying instead of facing the truth that his time was up and Sam refuses to accept it so much that his one source to save him (unwittingly) is black magic. The men I saw in 15.20 were far from the men we met in season one. 
Coming back to finally being free, I have to talk about the dammed paperwork in Dean’s room. I’ve seen the speculation about that. But that’s all it is, speculation. We have no idea what that was supposed to be about. If they had meant for us to see it, they would have shown it to use like they showed us the “Dean’s other other phone” sticker. But they didn’t. So it’s perfectly fine to speculate about it, that all a part of art interpretation, but in my opinion, even if Dean was working on ‘something else’ I don’t think he ever could have fully walked away from hunting. This ending was for all intents and purposes, inevitable. 
For all the rest, as a writer, I fully understand the way that they chose to do this episode. Sure covid played a role but the boys had said that the crux of what the episode was did not change. There is a certain nuance to storytelling, like I posted back on Thursday and something that is probably one of the most famous lines from this show. Endings are hard. Writing is hard. It’s impossible to please everyone and even harder to tie up all loose ends. At the end of the day, the writers had to be satisfied with the story that they put out, irregardless of what you or I think. As Jensen so beautifully puts it, Supernatural is a piece of art, one that has numerous hands in the pot. From writers to actors and directors. And art is always up for interpretation. But that’s the beauty in it. 
I talked to a dear friend, @waywardbeanie after the episode and was like “I want to know x.y.and z” because a part of me wanted all the answers from them. I’ve always been a person so very deeply rooted in canon (I know as a fanfic author that sounds weird but stay with me). I trust the information given to me and take it as face value. I seen my stories as an extension to canon, not trying to rewrite it. So it took me a few days, and more conversations with other fans of the show, like @winchest09 , to understand that the facts left out of the final were most likely intentional. 
This is a show that has such a passionate and loving (mostly) fandom. Together we have done so much good for the world, and that is something even if you hated the finale, you can’t take back. The writers left the ending open for us, to write our own stories, whether it’s just your thoughts or if you actually write a piece of fanfiction. There is so little about what happens after Sam leaves, presumably for Austin (don’t even get me started on the essence of that cause I might cry again), because it’s our job to decide. Did Sam quite hunting all together or was he a pseudo Bobby, manning the phones for other hunters? Did he finally go to law school or end up getting some other mundane job? Who was his wife or girlfriend or baby momma in the background? Was it Eileen? If not did she know about his life? One could drive themselves crazy answering these questions, and it’s your right to do so however it will make you happy. But at the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter to the story. 
At the end of the day, what mattered was the peace that the boys found together, in heaven. Sure Dean missed Sammy when he first got there, but he didn’t fuss, because as Bobby said “he would be along”. So Dean did what he’s always done, he took a drive in Baby, and Sam was there when he finally brought her to a stop. In the end their story ended just as it had started, our boys together. 
And I know a lot of people are angry because one of the big themes this show touched on was that family doesn’t end in blood. And I agree wholeheartedly that I would have loved more familiar faces or even the mention of them (I screamed when Donna was mentioned), but at the end of the day, something Eric Kripke has been saying since season one, this show is and always has been about the brothers and their relationship. I in no way think that this negates the family they found along the way or how they could not have done a lot of it without them but, it’s not their story. I’m sorry but it’s true. 
It’s not about Cas, Jack, Bobby, Crowley, Ellen, Jo, Mary, Eileen, etc. It’s about Sam and Dean and it sucks that people can’t let that go, but I get it. I can’t imagine putting so much time into something to let something like that ruin the whole experience for you. I hope that you can find peace eventually. I guess that’s my blessing, that I never really cared for anyone besides Dean. Which isn’t to say I didn’t like characters but what happened to them never mattered to me, as bitchy as that sounds. 
I’m at peace with this ending, no matter how much it hurts me. And I think it’s just the finality of it that hurts. Jensen and Jared and Kripke are satisfied with their little show that could and that’s what matters most to me. Because those are the real people with real feelings that I care about. 
So there you have it. I have zero tolerance for negativity, so please keep your comments off this posts. You are free to your opinion but I don’t want to see it and put any seed of doubt in my acceptance of this ending. I’ll be the first to admit I’m too easily swayed, ha!
But if you need to talk, my inbox is always open. I’m still coping with the loss of this show and everything that comes with it. I don’t do well with change or facing my own mortality, something that has rattle me these past few days. I feel a million years older and that scares me. So know your feelings are valid and I’m here. 
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And they were soulmates... the platonic way
We dont ship incest in this blog, but we enjoy the bond of 2 brothers who changed the world for eachother
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