#dont starve headcanon
shr000min · 2 years
lil random hc i thought of:
wilson covers up his freckles with makeup bc he doesnt like them. idk why he wouldnt like them maybe he got bullied bc of them or something but just lil thing i would like to share to the class ❤️
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carnis-insanis · 2 months
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yapping session about them being at the opposite ends of a spectrum lmao
sorry not sorry for bad handwriting
(no ableist tags i will kill you)
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awesomesaurous · 1 year
Do you have any headcanon ages for Maxwell and Charlie?? And some of the other’s if you have them lolz :•)
Ok, if I must. Well my gut settled on like...27, 28 for Charlie, and I feel like Maxwell is at least 40. It would be funny if they were both the same age, and Charlie is baby-faced while Maxwell has aged really poorly, exacerbated by the stress and smoking. Got some city miles on him. Highly doubt it though, I think Maxwell is coded as older, though not as old as Wickerbottom. I don't know how aging works in the Constant? Queen!Charlie seems older than normal Charlie, but maybe that's just the makeup.
As it happens, I did this age progression a while ago, just to experiment with this:
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His twin brother Jack is old enough to have what I assume are 10-12 year-old daughters, so I can't make Maxwell too young, you know? Maybe he's more like 50 by the time we get to "a new reign" and all that.
I think Wigfrid is the same age as Charlie, since they're contemporaries. Winona has been looking for Charlie for 10 years, so she's probably pushing 40. Wilson we all know is 30 and broke af. Woodie is canadian, I think Walter, Wendy, Abigail, and Webber are around the same age, 10-12, while Wurt is the youngest. She acts kind of like a kindergartner to me. Wickerbottom is probably in her 60s. Warly seems like he's 40-something, and I can't really put an age on all the non-human characters (Wortox, Wormwood, WX-78), but I think Willow is in her 20s, and Wolfgang's in his 30s. I think Wes is like, 22, because at the rate his luck was going, it would have been a miracle for him to live to be much older than that.
Ultimately though, they're cartoons and age doesn't matter much!
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v0mitbeetle · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE EVERYONE!!!❤ Webber wanted to paint everyone’s ‘special’ colors aka Willow told him about it and he got excited
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ancient-sentrypede · 2 months
The shadow thurible quotes suggest it smells different to each character, though most describe it as something relating to fire, or simply a foul odor. Here's my headcanon list of what each survivor smells from the thurible (and also the canon smells)
Wilson- chemicals Willow- burnt hair Maxwell-roses (of course) Winona- gasoline Warly- burning food Wortox- brimstone (brimstone means sulphur. so rotten eggs.) Wendy- saltwater, candle wax Wolfgang- caged animals, coal exhaust WX- I'm skeptical if they can smell, but it'd be mice Wickerbottom- burning paper, ink Woodie- sawdust, gunsmoke Wes- Soot Wigfrid- Newsprint Webber- Citronella Wormwood- cut plants, burning plants in general Wurt- fresh cooking, stone rubble Walter- blood, brushfire Wanda- I don't know. Old people?
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sylvermoths · 9 months
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Starvetober day 7: curse
several years have passed and I still love the headcanons that Wilson's arms are like that cause of the throne
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housethemd · 10 months
@purrassicjet made a post about wanting House and Wilson to hug and it really got me thinking about House and how he must be so terribly touch starved.
Like how often do we get to see House touched gently but non-sexually?
I remember one scene (I don’t remember the episode) where Cameron comes into House’s bedroom when House is asleep and instead of yelling at House to wake up she sits next to him on the bed and gently touches his back to wake him it really stuck with me because how often do we see people being gentle with him?
Even Wilson who is his best friend rarely touches him. They do have no regard for person space sometimes, but they rarely touch one another.
House deserves more gentleness. More hugs. I think he needs some physical affection in his life.
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cameoappearance · 3 months
Could you do something about the quotes for the Pig Queen (Queen Malfalfa)? Wheeler's quote is where I got the ship from.
Yeah OK.
Every Don't Starve character meeting the Pig Queen:
Wilson: "She looks bossy." Willow: "Hey there, your majesty." Wolfgang: "Wolfgang should curtsy?" Wendy: "A life of aristocracy is a life empty of meaning." WX-78: "I AM YOUR MONARCH NOW" Wickerbottom: "Clearly the monarch of this society." Woodie: "We separated from the crown ages ago." Maxwell: "She does not smell particularly royal." Wigfrid: "O, great lady!" Webber: "She looks majestic." Walani: "Afternoon, queenie." Warly: "What feasts she must have…" Woodlegs: "Whar be yer treasure?" Wilba: "MAMA, QUEEN OF HAMLETS" Wormwood: "Fancy Twirly Tail" Wheeler: "Maybelle Dorothea Wheeler at your service, your majesty." Wagstaff: "Are you a patron of the sciences by any chance?"
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kaitoushootingstar · 4 months
Guys.... just let me cook for a second hear me out on this headcanon...
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Butch Lesbian Wilson...👉👈
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strixs-bull · 7 months
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Just a study/headcanon thingie comparing Maxwell and Wilson's arms and how they're different. Cuz fuck yeah shadow arm + chemical burn heacanons. Plus a contrast version just to more clearly illustrate Wil's scars, these aren't very high visibility. --Just the left arms.
Tiny smidge of hc under the cut--probably not even enough to justify a read-more. Mostly rambling, sorry.
I have thought too much about this.
-Max's claws/talons/whatever are sharper than Wil's. They're also kinda polished and shiny, as well as pretty much scar-less. This is mostly because he prefers his puppets to do the dirty work, but also because he's a little too concerned with his appearance for someone struggling to survive.
-Wil's are slightly shorter and duller from manual labor and lack of care for them. If he wanted to do some damage (which is a last resort for both of them) he absolutely could, but they're not going to prick your skin.
-The skin of both their arms is smooth and hairless, hair just... doesn't really grow well on shadow skin, ig. As you get to the fingers, the tops gradually feel smoother and harder, like, chitinous (i think.) The palms and undersides of the fingers remain somewhat soft and textured.
-Not claw related, but Max has longer palms and fingers! (fingers mostly.) Apparently this makes him water-aligned or something? Based on... I don't know what. Just something I came across looking for references.
-I dunno what that'd make Wil, since his hands are fairly average in proportions. Maybe his fingies are a smidge long?? So air I guess??
-Wil actually holds some amount of pride for his scars (save for the palm cut.) He sees them as symbols of his growth as a scientist. They do however stiffen those areas of his skin and pull a bit, which can be mildly painful.
-The palm cut he really wishes he didn't have. Baaaaad memories.
-Aaaaand on the subject of self-consciousness: Wil is kinda bothered by the shadow arm thing. Less so as time goes on (in the camp it's become pretty normalized,) but he initially wore his gloves over them to try to hide them.
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lun4rm0th · 1 year
Do we agree that maxwell adopts the monster children of the constant
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recitedemise · 3 months
𝗚𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝘅𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗶𝗺𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗱𝗶𝗴𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲. Even as a child, Gale struggled to find steadfast friends. He had rambled too much, was a prodigious student among overly envious wizard boys, and honestly, to make sure he kept in the good graces of most, he, with some practice, hammered a mold. He didn't wear a mask, of course, more leaning on concealing his more 'unsavory' quirks, but it was not unlike walking like just half of he was--offering, essentially, the more 'palatable' parts. He was proud, sure, riling his share of more insecure peers, but he was good at magic, obnoxiously good, and in time, people weathered that pride to essentially ride his coattails. As Mystra's chosen, however, that doubled in force. He learned to hide himself, learned he was loved exclusively for magic. He made more friends among those lonely evenings in his tower, growing familiar with the voice of long dead authors and finding, of course, fulfillment in words. In fact, his idea of romance comes largely from words. It's partly why when smitten, he's such traditional ideas. He's not socially inept, mind you, but many of his thoughts come taken from stories, and if asked, he'd admit to having his heart steeped a touch in romanticism--though age, blessedly, has tempered the naive.
With the orb, unfortunately, he learned to quell himself only further. Gale could only feel so much, a terrible weight for a man who longs most to be seen and heard. Again, he'd further stemmed his excitements, his babbling passions and the stars in his eyes, and even despair and heartache were halved or quartered, or else, of course, the orb would burst. Now, he's learned not to be burden, that on top of being something half of himself. Suddenly, Gale being Gale wasn't just halfway a nuisance, but Gale being Gale could be more than inconvenient--Gale of Waterdeep is now plainly catastrophic.
Gale doesn't exactly hate himself, but it's hard for him to think anyone would like him for him. He's so starved to show himself just as he is--and it's partly why he rushes to give himself over completely when the moment's right.
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theothermorganh · 1 year
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Wilson runs his hands through Maxwell’s hair to help him sleep. Now that is the only way Maxwell can sleep now a days, with out Wilson he will stay awake for how ever long he can until is body stops working.
Yes Maxwell is still wearing his tie, he is self conscious about his body and how he looks even when he sleeps, Wilson tried to have Maxwell take off his tie and stiff clothing to sleep more comfortably but just let Maxwell wear them so he can be comfortable how he wants.
Honestly, amazing idea. Horrible execution, I hate how the drawing came out.
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ancient-sentrypede · 2 months
Inspired by my older post about why wormwood speaks the way he does, I wanted to write something about WX and their emotions.
So like, wx goes on about how they don't feel emotions, even though they obviously do, but I don't think this is them being in denial, I think they just don't recognize their feelings as such
Being a machine they process things in a much much different way than a human would, so their thoughts and the way they experience things functions differently. You could couple this with their past life as a human, whatever distant memories they have of that time are the only things they can compare themselves to, and because they don't match up they conclude that they must not feel anything
Mostly I'm making this up as I go along but I have thought for a while that differences in computer and brain function changed them fundamentally into a different 'person', and was the cause for their negative reactions to the transfer.
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maskeddiany · 1 year
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there was an attempt in the perspective but at the same time there wasn't
yes, i know the roles are inverted but that's becuase this is an improved version of this school doodle
original meme:
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bravevolunteer · 6 months
michael ships moodboard
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