#she is so beautiful ohohohohoh
kaitoushootingstar · 7 months
Guys.... just let me cook for a second hear me out on this headcanon...
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Butch Lesbian Wilson...👉👈
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unsleepingtales · 11 months
The one gift daylight savings has given me is that for one week, burrow’s end comes out at 11 pm instead of midnight. Onwards!
Ooh what’s the group name gonna be
(tense yet whimsical music)
Ooh yay puppet show again
God they’re so creepy
OOOOOOH it’s so good it’s so good
Her charisma is SO low 😭
BABE why would you say that
Brennan and Siobhan my HEART that was beautiful
Beautifully done
Oh they’re all so insane <3
Brennan is so good at cutting right to the core of Daughter Experiences
The worldbuilding here is incredible Aabria I am in awe
Girl I saw you almost say weapons 👀
This is so fucking funny
Human remains??
Oh the rehearsed propaganda is so much
(Erika lets loose a savage battle cry)
The new yorker analogy <3
They’re all so In It
W h a t
Babe that’s radiation poisoning
You JUST met clothes
Aabria & twins that are impossible to tell apart 2 for 2
Them <3
He’s so good at this actually
Rogues ftwwwww
I’m so excited to see how Izzy handles Arcane Trickster things bc I will be taking notes
Oh these children are going to have to go to school
I’ve never seen anything 💀
Such a ten year old asshole moment <3
That little smug flipping off
She just has an aneurysm or something
So it is some version of human language
But also how have none of them noticed the thing on the back of their clipboards
Biting the walls rn.
Couples that game together destroy erasers together <3
Saving throw??
Oh ok she’s Actually having a thing
“This is a safe space-” “Deception Check!!” The immediate cutoff 💀
What’s the point of me anymore 😭😭
Why I oughttaaa
Tonic immobility! Neat!
I too hold my collarbone when I get nervous
Oh Tula’s gonna love that…
He was so sure he wanted to keep the kids with him for the day and so quickly regretted that
They’re so good!!
Bryan Cranston
Thank you Brennan for highlighting that joke
Love the split screen moment
OK IM GLAD ITS NOT JUST ME WHO THINKS THE BRITISH GRADING SYSTEM IS BIZARRE I’m currently studying here and the idea that I could get a 50 on the essay I turned in yesterday and that would be a pretty good mark is batshit to me
Also how are we up to #42? Will there be a complete list somewhere at the end of the season?
Oh god Tula’s so real for that
The immediate emotional and physical crash after prolonged stress once there’s safety
They’ve immediately started calling it population control instead of population support lmao
You’ve been here less than a day you can chill a Bit
In neverafter we were on the road to shoeberg, now we’re on the road to hats :)
Erika has SO many werthers
The tonal shift from Tula talking to her family to Tula talking in a diplomatic sense is fascinating
Ohohohohoh girl
That’s a teenager
What is Brennan planning why am I nervous
That is so not how that works
Honey oh god
Memory check <3
Oh Erika handled that so well
Why is D20 dealing so much with grief rn. I didn’t need this.
(I did need this I didn’t want it I know that’s the point but god)
I love character choices
What is happening
YES rocky horror ref and YES Brennan’s Tim Curry impression
Oh god the new student anxiety is so real
Oh ok it straight up is real world radiation I thought maybe it would be like. Fictional parallel or allegory situation but nope straight up this is nuclear radiation
My name is Normal Size Jaysohn and my sister can read
The most sidekick-y kid 😭 PLEASE
Siobhan <3
Bi jaysohn
They’re teenagers now and it SHOWS
When’re the bnei mitzvot?
I love our little fourth wall stunts
Siobhan looks so cool like legitimately I know she’s doing a bit as a student trying to look cool but she looks great
Aabria and her consequences <3
What the fuck is happening
Why have they started a GANG
Ok well at least he not congested anymore
Never mind
He grows up and becomes one of those guys always chewing tobacco but it’s mint
Troubling. This is incredibly troubling.
Siobhan has had her leg up this whole time <3
Thorn 😭
Jesus Christ
Aaaand the party’s back together :)
Help her out here man
She’s so seventeen years old
Keep it together-
Oh god
She’s so eldest daughter
We gotta get through the series.
Oh yeah because leaving the kids with Thorn went so incredibly well an hour ago
The emotional manipulation involved in every aspect of this
Real tears at the table 💜
What a rollercoaster
Brennan and Siobhan sitting next to each other is so fun
Chill this is all chill
He’s unfairly good looking
This is so cool Aabria oh my god
What the fuck man
Horrifying. Truly? Legitimately? Horrifying.
Well maybe they know something about the blue
I don’t think anyone ever hid that from you? Maybe I’m having trouble distinguishing in game vs above game conversation but I thought that had already been brought up
Ok so they did already know this. Glad I’m not losing it
Oh shit
Clover. Like the crushed clover from the story. God.
Good for her getting the breakdown and rant she deserves
The tears at the table today
Oh that one hurt coming out huh
Terrifying! Good god!
A lie oh god oh fuck
Oh the theater kid energy is palpable
next week looks insane oh god.
ANYWAY this was fun see you next week I guess <3
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dromaeo-sauridae · 3 years
hi hello hi please tell me about dinosaurs please
ohohohohoh youve just asked a man whos been obsessed with bones and dinosaurs and dead shit since he was like, five years old. buckle up buckaroo this is about to get anatomical
so we all know and love velociraptor right? like you saw her in jurassic park i saw her in jurassic park we all did.
steven speilberg has committed some great atrocities and i feel so bad for that poor animal.
see im pretty certain that the ‘velociraptors’ from jp are more of… utahraptors. cuz uh,
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shes about the size of a turkey. utahraptor, however,
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was a tiny bit bigger. no hate to the velociraptor ofc!! those little creatures have my entire heart. ive been more focused on utahraptors as of late because eheheheh a character from jojo part 7 can TURN INTO ONE KEKEKEKEK ofc.. its a blight on my eyes. ive been working on fixing him 💔. anyway back to jurassic park. another anatomy sin of speilbergs was his raptors’ hands.
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this uh. this aint right. see, their (and all other dinosaurs of similar build) wrists couldnt rotate like that. it looks cool! but in reality their wrists were stiff, facing each other as if they were going to clap their hands.
another thing, most (if not all) of the dinosaurs of jurassic park are victims of shrink-wrapping. theyre skinny and naked. they look starved half to death. thats just sad.
not to mention feathers. people like to think that dinosaurs would look stupid with feathers, which is just. unimaginative at best. i mean hell, think of the colors they couldve been! we just dont know!! they probably werent like. ridiculously gaudy, but still. feathered raptors, my beloved. among all these i should probably atleast mention the tail. in life, the tail wouldve been much stiffer than we see it in jp, used for balance as they ran.
(god i want a velociraptor…)
anyway, i think thats it for the raptors. but nOT FOR THE T REX. directing our attention away from jurassic park for a moment, id like to mention the smithsonian tyrannosaurus.
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look at her. l. look. is she not the most beautiful thing youve ever laid eyes on?? i cant believe i got to see her in real life. everyone reading this, if you ever have the chance to visit the natural history museum in dc, take it. go see her. look through the entire dinosaur exhibit, because holy shit, its fucking insane. they have SO many skeletons.
jurassic park’s tyrannosaurus makes me sad. naked, skinny, her teeth sticking out, poor eyesight, shes just. she is sad.
the REAL tyrannosaurus rex was gorgeous. it didnt have the full coat of feathers like the dromeosaurs did, but it had a fair amount (if you want a really fluffy tyrannosaurid, look up the yutyrannus. baby boy. baby). its teeth didnt stick out like a nightmare, but it had actual LIPS so they didnt get cracked or broken. as much. speaking of teeth, their teeth were serrated. a bit like the komodo dragon’s teeth. or a sharks (sharks my beloved).
moving on. the whole sight based eyesight, ‘if you dont move it cant see you’ thing? its bullshit. the tyrannosaurus had INCREDIBLE eyesight. it had around a 55 degree wide field of vision i believe. thats about 13 times that of a human. if i ever see anyone insulting her eyes its on sight 💛. they also had good hearing, tuned to more to low frequency sounds.
which brings us to our next point! new studies have shown that the tyrannosaurus probably didnt actually roar. instead, it made a sound similar to how we hum. a bit similar to an alligator. it was probably so low that you felt it more than you heard it. is that not terrifying? and fucking awesome??? these things just like. walked around.
anyway uh. this post is super fucking long. and i could 100% go on, but i think its time to wrap it up. if i think of more things i will probably reblog with renewed energy. but here. velociraptor and t rex. two of the most well known and well loved dinosaurs. (sorry for the jp slander, its one of my favorite movies regardless 💔)
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captainxsassafras · 4 years
Ok, I know it's an absolutely ridiculous scenario, but I think with Mirko it might actually work because she's bullheaded and aggressive enough to decide she knows better (not necessarily a criticism! 😚) BUT
I've just got it in my head that she's becoming fast friends with Keigo (I just love them as friends ok? I think they'd get up to all sorts of shenanigans and somehow manage to accidentally be heroic while going about it!). But what if you're also friends with her. Then you let her know you've been feeling kinda lonely lately. She decides this is your way of saying you need to get laid. Then she sees that Keigo is antsy or tired or touch-starved (we all know he is) or whatever, maybe she thinks he's feeling lonely too. And she decides that he needs to get laid too! Well, what do you know! She has two (2) friends who need to get laid! How perfect is that! Simple, she'll just introduce you (it does hurt that she realized you've got nice and complementary personalities and she thinks you two will just have a good time together!), leave you two alone, and BANG (literally)! Problem solved. You're less lonely (Mirko mind: less horny), Keigo's less... Whatever (Mirko mind: horny). Everyone can be more relaxed and less cranky or whatever AND two of her friends got a fun, pleasurable time out of it!
Things do not go as planned. When you said you were feeling lonely, you meant you'd were wanting intimacy and closeness, not necessarily a one night stand. Keigo had been feeling kinda horny lately (Ohohohohoh, but what if his rut is approaching, whole new layer of madness!), but more than that he's just feeling a bit restless and wanting to move around a lot (ok, fine, he doesn't realize it, but he is actually really touch-starved, so he's really just been aching for some good old fashioned affection, but he grew up emotionally repressed (i.e. the commission taught him to ignore desires for intimacy) so he doesn't even recognize his own system yearning for closeness).
AND when Mirko finally does introduce you two and just leaves you two alone at Keigo's apartment (I'm assuming it's bigger and generally a bit nicer things than yours), you just... Don't actually fuck. Especially because Mirko is very straightforward and basically said, ' Alright now go get laid. Have fun you two!' like the weird mom in Mean Girls. Now there's pressure! You can't fuck under that kind of pressure! (I mean, I'm sure you can, but if someone basically ordered me to go get laid, I'm pretty sure I'd take care of it myself just to spite them. 😜)
And you're like, "Sorry, homeboy. I just went along because Rumi said there was food. (Or whatever so your primary motivator.) I didn't really come here to fuck."
And Keigo's is like, "You know, I'm actually not in the mood to fuck a stranger, as cute as you are. Wanna order some takeout and watch a movie?"
(These are obviously ad-libbed, I'm just getting ideas out!)
So the two of you end up cuddling on the couch and you both sate your intense desire to snuggle and be close to someone, but.... It just doesn't stop there? You keep in contact and end up cuddling together very often. And obviously you both find each other attractive (because while I'm a cuddly ho, I'm also a horny one). But you both love snuggling together you don't really want to cross that boundary in case the other doesn't feel the same way. And you become good friends, but MOTHERFUCKING HELL the sexual tension is killing the two of you! But neither wants to break it!
And now Rumi is even more irritated than before because the two of you are even more cranky than before (but also weirdly happy. It's like a horny, cranky happiness because you two enjoy each others' company, but really wanna fuck???), but you won't fuck (she can tell. She may be straightforward and direct, but she can pick up on those subtleties (read: you two are NOT subtle, you're just very dense when it comes to the others' feelings)). And finally, she barges in on the two of you cuddling and just straight up asks, the two of you still entwined so closely that anyone watching would have sworn you were getting sexy, "Hawks, do you want to fuck y/n?" And he isn't ready for it and fidgets and deflects until Rumi is ready to strangle him. And finally he mumbles out, "Yeah."
"How much?"
"How badly do you want to fuck them? How long have you wanted to fuck them? How fucking horny are you for them? Give them details! They need to know how you feel, you dumbass!"
And he breaks like a dam! It all spills out. How absolutely fucking horny he is for you all the time. How he has to be so careful when he's cuddling you or you'll get a ride straight to cuddly bonertown. How he can't stop thinking about you. How badly he wants to rail you into the mattress. How much he wants to snugglefuck you to pieces. How he wants to fuck you on every single surface of this apartment, the fuck you again in the bathtub while you're relaxing afterward. And if you're really lucky, he even let's slip how he touches himself (probs like every night if not more) to thoughts of you (very bashful and quiet, because he doesn't want you to think he's a creep).
(Rumi left a long time ago because she's not about to be in the middle of what comes next. She's knows you feel the exact same way.)
And then Hawks runs out of things to say. He's told you everything and you've been quiet (and of course you two are still tangled up together from snuggle time) watching him with rapt attention because dammit you are so fucking elated he wants to fuck you as badly as you want to fuck him, but you also want to keep listening to him because it just keeps adding on to the ecstasy of mutual desire!
And then, feeling nervous cause you haven't said anything, he shifts and you feel it. That beautiful boner saying hello to you right after he'd confessed that he wanted to make wild, wild love to you.
And then, you're pulling him close and kissing him as eagerly as he is you and in between kisses you're murmuring out how badly you've wanted to fuck him for ages, but how you wanted to be friends, but maybe you wanted to date him to, but you were also really really horny and it's so hot that he gets boners fr snuggling you. And he's laughing delightedly and telling you he gets boners from more than cuddling you. It's pretty much everything about you.
Naturally, the two of you go wild and make love everywhere, everywhen, and in as many different positions as you can imagine (and when you run out there's always google).
And Rumi now thinks she's a matchmaking goddess and uses this newfound power to wreak havoc with the lives of her fellow pros!
(Bonus points: she's actually surprisingly good at it?)
(Extra bonus points: if Keigo was close to his rut and that's why he felt antsy before, I can only say with the fullest confidence, that the lustful happiness of finding out you both were in delightfully horny love with each other would 100% send him dick-first in an early rut and that's a whole 'nother story.)
And of course, you and Keigo live happily ever after in horny, snuggly, sexy bliss.
@queensynderella @heyitswhiplash @lovekeigo @keilemlucent @mindninjax I feel like this is an idea y'all could get behind! 😘
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wickedcriminal · 5 years
Infinity Train reaction: episode nine
Aahh of course we've got to start out the episode in the most heartbreaking way... with Buggicus trying to break out of his cage and Tulip still there mourning. Fuck, my heart.
HEYY THE CAT CAME BACK AFTER ALL!! Its almost kinda nice to see this fuckin shady cat. Sitting here spouting bargains like she's Bill Cipher. Wait, does she even have a name??
Oh fuck wrong thing to say Tulip didn't like that
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I like how there's this random ass tv here lmao
Oh fancy classroom with fancy children. And some kids eating jam in the middle of class lmao what a weirdo I like him already
One-ones little "I dunno noise" is the vocal version of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apparently he can rewind these memories! I knew there was more to him!! I bet he was something like that spaghetti ass bitch before conking his head or something. Calling it now.
Omg these new people are so fuckin cute... I ship it already... something angsty is gonna happen, isn't it?
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Ohhh my heart...
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Ohhhhhhh oh noo. I knew it, I knew it would bite me in the butt. Ouch.
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(One more thing, looks like Shady Cat doesn't have an actual name. I wonder if she'll get one later.)
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heartforheart532 · 6 years
‘Lost Souls’ Review
First of all, HOLY MOLY! We’re officially back guys! Man, it’s been a long nine months but after staying up and watching the episode on a livestream, and now just rewatching it over and over on Netflix, I’d say it was well worth the wait!
I noticed that this time around I don’t have many things I didn’t like about the episode, in fact, the more I watch it the more I begin to like it. It’s amazing.
So let me dive straight into what I thought of the episode:
- Luke. Fucking. Baines. Man, oh man, the poor guy’s debut was delayed by nine months because some asshats decided to cancel the show but... He was simply wonderful. So amazing, so creepy at the same time... He’s the real Jonathan and I am super excited to see more of him in 3B!
- Magnus and Alec. Duh. What I love the most is how you can tell how much their relationship has changed. They’ve left the honeymoon stage behind them (sort of, I see saw you sulking when you didn’t get a kiss there, Alec) and have grown in this beautiful domestic couple. Matt and Harry definitely grew along with them in this relationship and there’s nothing more beautiful than to see their love and dedication they have for this couple. It’s the best thing. Them babysitting Madzie and showcasing what their future would be like if they had kids? YES PLEASE.
- The mourning scenes. Those feels punched me in the gut. You see the people who cared so much about Clary so broken, especially Simon and Jace and of course Luke later on as well. It broke my heart. Also Magnus with his little altar and thinking back to when Clary lost her mom and he gave her one of his memories? Catch me crying on the floor, how bout dat? Also I really liked the way they used the flashbacks. Very clever.
Now as I mentioned before, there aren’t many things I didn’t like about the episode but still a tiny few:
- What even happened with Simon and Maia? Like... was THAT their break up scene because... it’s left me all confused.
- I just hated Iris here. She’s a crazy lady that tried to kidnap Madzie, ended up kidnapping Magnus (who is powerless by the way) and started digging in his memories. Lady.... get the fuck outta here with your bullshit. No, just no.
- No offense but some of Emeraude’s lines seemed...off. And with that I mean the way she delivered them... Not all the times, but there certainly were a few times that kinda... I don’t know, rubbed me the wrong way.
And that’s basically it. Yeah. Next week we have 3x12! Paris, destroying the mark of Cain and... THAT MOTHERFUCKING MALEC TRAINING SCENE WHERE THEY’RE FLIRTING BUT ALEC TELLS HIM NOT TO AND HE PUSHES HIM AGAINST A PILLAR AND- consider me deceased.
Be sure to let me know what you guys thought!
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inbtswethrrust · 7 years
Hello I’m alive (barely!!!) I’ve decided to make this random masterpost (of yoonmin, for now) bc I feel really bad that I haven’t been able to be an active admin on here because Life(TM) and I’ve been too tired to go on tumblr :( So, here’s a bunch of stuff that I’ve read recently (never too tired to read fics amirite ha h a send help) and I hope you enjoy them! Drop a fanmail in the inbox and yell w/ me when you’re done!!! More random masterposts coming your way soon~
This is a long one my dudes, so all the juicy goodness under the read more :)
Sleepovers in My Bed by baepce [T, 12k]
“You should just sleep here, hyung. It’s still raining hard.”
“Should I? My house is literally in front of yours though.”
The fingers in Jimin’s hair continue combing through the locks, soothing and gentle. Yoongi’s ministrations help him dip slowly into sleep. “Just listen to me, hyungie! I’ll make you pancakes in the morning.”
How can Yoongi say no to that?
; or Yoongi and Jimin get to know their selves, each other, and fall in love through a series of sleepovers.
Admin’s Note: SO GOOD!!!!!!! Friends to lovers always gets me especially when it’s one of those that start off as childhood friends it got me right in the heart strings
all the currents lead back to you by anyadisee [M, 19k]
Jimin doesn’t really lie so much as he chooses not to mention a certain truth to a certain witch, but he has his reasons. And they’re perfectly valid reasons, thank you very much, as a certain fairy and a certain half-human, half-pixie have constantly reassured him. Reasonable reasons. A surprise won’t exactly work if the person meant to be surprised gets a heads-up about it, after all.
Still, that logic doesn’t stop the little twinge of guilt in Jimin’s chest when he sees Yoongi’s text saying, Have a safe trip, I’ll see you in two days <3 (he even used a heart, Jimin thinks dazedly) when in fact Jimin a) is already out of Busan and has been crashing on Taehyung and Jungkook’s couch since yesterday, and b) will be seeing Yoongi not in two days, but just one. He just tries to shake it off by imagining the surprised look on his boyfriend’s face when he comes knocking on his door bright and early tomorrow, armed and ready for their first date.
And, wow. Their first date.
[or in which jimin and yoongi finally go on their first date]
Admin’s Note: This is part of the moonlight on your skin, ocean in my veins series w/ witch!yoongi and mermaid!jimin and lemme tell u this is the fluffiest and sweetest thing I’ve read in a long time
What's Up, Buttercup by springrain21 [Not Rated, 14k]
Jimin meets Yoongi, the grumpy buttercup fairy, and proceeds to worm his way into his heart.
Admin’s Note: I was so surprised when I first read this because buttercup fairy???? What type of Soft am I gonna witness and then I was attacked by Actual Softness you won’t regret reading this (and squealing)
Love me this Christmas (and forever) by Imperatritsa [Not Rated, 12k]
Jimin had an album full of his most precious memories. He started it two years ago, going through his parent’s physical albums and his friend’s digital ones, picking all the pictures that made him smile bright enough to hurt his cheeks, the ones that made him feel warm, made him want to never stop looking at them because they brought back the sweetest memories.
Also all the Holidays he spent with Yoongi.
[or "childhood friends!au/friends to lovers!au where with each Christmas & new year's yoongi and jimin's feelings grow for each other"]
Admin’s Note: More friends to lovers!!!! This kind of reminded me of the sequel to When You’re In Love by jflawless bc of the photo album so if you liked that softness you’re gonna love this Trust
a gift wrapped in yellow by abdicar [T, 15k]
It was perfect.
Yoongi had taken a single look at it and decided that it was the ideal gift for Jimin. Yet, somehow, he managed to underestimate exactly how much his friend would love it - or how much Yoongi would resent having bought the damned thing in the first place.
(Or: the one in which Yoongi is Jimin's Secret Santa and gives him a really good gift which ends up backfiring. Or maybe not.)
Admin’s Note: More friends to lovers bc ohohohohoh also mutual pining and a super oblivious yoongi pls help him
Peach Kiss by BabyLove (sugamins) [T, 92k]
Pepsi Cola Queens Hang On, Baby!
Admin’s Note: 80s!au and I suddenly feel the need to wear bell bottoms again
what the headlines don't tell you by anyadisee [T, 14k]
People call them Shadow and Hurricane.
Jimin calls them a pair of giant headaches, one a lot more so than the other.
it's already difficult having a college-student-by-day, crime-fighter-by-night kind of lifestyle. jimin doesn't really need to be stressing over reckless fellow superheroes and crushing on cute bookshop workers on top of everything going on with his life, but here he is anyway.
Admin’s Note: Superhero au!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So good s o g o o d!!!!!! Warning: some violence but not anything super graphic or anything like that :)
in this blue light by anyadisee [T, 20k]
For a second, the dragon looks as though it's going to bump its head against Jimin’s palm, giving him the chance to graze his fingers over its glinting scales.
But then the second is over, and the dragon snorts instead, warm smoke coming out of its nostrils and blowing Jimin’s hair back. Then it turns around and goes back into its cave, leaving Jimin standing there and feeling like an idiot.
Taehyung appears by his shoulder seconds later, whistling lowly. “Well, that didn’t work. No worries though, Jimin! I’m going to find another way to get my necklace back. Sorry for dragging you all the way out here.”
Jimin says, “It laughed at me.”
Taehyung blinks. “What?”
“Taehyung, that dragon bastard laughed at me.”
[or in which taehyung asks jimin, who has a calming aura towards animals, to help him get his necklace back from a dragon. only, it gets personal.]
Admin’s Note: This was so cute the dragon yall the d r a g o n
stay up (talking to the stars) by realitygetsdestroyed [t, 4k]
“Do you believe in the stars?”
Eight year old Jimin’s eyes bug out before he rapidly turns his body to Yoongi. “Do they have magic powers?”
Yoongi laughs, his chubby fingers rubbing against each other in order to get his blood circulating. “Sort of.” He looks up at the sky. “If you wish on some of them, they will grant that wish for you."
in which childhood friends yoongi and jimin stargaze every Christmas.
Admin’s Note: This was angsty but cute and growing up makes me emo
Sleepy by Whatev3rs [Not Rated, 1k]
After that, it's quite. Jimin starts getting very sleepy, and he's so comfortable right there, in Yoongi's bed, with his arms around the older's neck. So he doesn't realise it when his thoughts drift to his hopeless, hopeless feelings. And the illusion that everything was so perfect at that moment that he could get away with anything.
And before he realises it, he tips his head up and places a small kiss on Yoongi's neck, making the older's breath hitch and his own heart stop beating.
Admin’s Note: Non au gets me in the liver
After-school Deception by AriaHann [T, 7k]
She was the most beautiful girl Park Jimin had ever seen.
And yet, she was a strange girl. She was as tall as him, acted slightly boyishly, and had a deep voice. Her hobby was breaking other boys' hearts. Despite this, Jimin was only intrigued even further.
Jimin learned her name: Min Yoon(ji).
Admin’s Note: MIN YOONJI
Best Kept Secret by small things (lost_things) [E, 2k]
Yoongi is a lot of things, including something that A.R.M.Y. doesn't suspect. Jimin is a good dongsaeng in the best way possible.
Admin’s Note: who would i be if i didnt put any smut
soju and i love you by daegu1310 (jeonseokf) [T, 1k]
jimin is a star, yoongi wants to watch him shine.
My Soulmate Who Reads Smut by pseudo_nim09 [T, 2k]
Prompt: On some days, whatever your soulmate thinks of is something you can hear in your mind and your soulmate is currently reading smut fics and you’re trying so hard not to mess up this class presentation which shoulders half your mark for the semester.
Where Yoongi is going to strangle his soulmate for reading some Taekook smut fic at a really shitty timing.
Baby Fever by sobermilk [E, 9k]
Jimin wakes up one afternoon feeling like he's been set on fire. Yoongi's not there to help him, so he helps himself instead.
I Swear by bramblejelli [M, 10k]
You gain a tally mark every time your soulmate swears.
Jimin swears like a sailor and Yoongi's never sworn a day in his life.
Bring On The Sunshine by smoljean [G, 42k]
With the help of their five year old "matchmaker" Taehyung, Yoongi and Jimin stumble into each other's lives. Cue the awkward, messy pining and dating adventures with a noisy kid in their way.
I blush every time I see you by dmingi [T, 10k]
After the incident, Yoongi the wizard and Jimin the water nymph met again at Santa's Christmas party where they share their first ever kiss.
Magic AU where if you get stuck under the mistletoe, you wont be able to get out until you get kissed.
I Call Him Daddy (He Calls Me Baby) [Not Rated, 8k]
Jimin likes money. Yoongi likes fucking. They work out a deal.
Practice Makes by signifying_nothing [E, 4k]
the facts in the case of the unfortunate min yoongi: the Gay that Can't Suck Dick.  
i'm just going with the flow by arsen [T, 3k]
"I took advice from my friend and pretended to trip in front of you to get your attention except I fell harder than I thought and now my arm is broken can you drive me to the doctor please"
park jimin doesn't know if he should punch kim taehyung or thank him. kim namjoon either will go to jail or will be killed by kim taehyung and kim seokjin. min yoongi is confused and he takes advantage of namjoon's card, jung hoseok and jeon jeongguk just hangs around.
Yuletide Baby by MiniBunny [Not Rated, 12k]
With the help of their friends, Jimin and Yoongi realize their feelings for each other. And it goes a little too well.
Santa tell me (don’t make me fall in love again if you won’t be here) bySlytherintimelord [T, 4k]
- jimin, a 22 year old man, still believes in santa claus, and on christmas morning he finds a man not much older than himself sitting on his couch -
“At least you’re not like ‘Santa doesn’t exist’”, Mystery man whined and made air quotes, “I’m supposed to be the next Santa, but red is not a good colour on me. Also, I’m not short. And reindeers are useless in this day and age, when I can just ride a motorcycle or some shit. I mean, my grandfather was Santa, and he learned from this other old dude, and apparently I’m supposed pass down the lineage, but honestly, it’s a boring job-PUT THE BOOK DOWN,” hot mystery man yelled in panic as Jimin held the book up again from where his arm had lowered.
Minutes to Midnight by WeirdButIloveIt [Not Rated, 9k]
Park Jimin was your average fanboy: Poor, sleep deprived, and in love with someone who didn't even know he existed. A surprise Christmas gift may change that though, and maybe he was a little bit in over his head.
Yoonmin YouTuber AU
What I Like About You (Everything) by DIMPLEDJIMINIE [T, 3k]
After a long day for Jimin, Yoongi just wants to remind him why he likes or— loves him so much.
Yours by mochiJimin [Not Rated, 4k]
Jimin has a habit of not returning anything he borrowed from Yoongi. The older guy never complain tho until one day he did. And it just happen to be at the time when Jimin was drunk.
All I Want For Christmas (Is You) by ayumin [G, 6k]
So, yeah, it is likely that at some point in their lives everyone has had a crush on Jimin, or still has one, but at least Yoongi has the privilege of being one of his closest friends.
(Except Yoongi doesn't want to be Jimin's friend. Yoongi wants to kiss his neck.
And, unfortunately, it seems like his friends are very aware of that.)
No Spell Can Cure Shyness (except maybe love) byMissterMaia [T, 29k]
Yoongi really doesn’t expect the witchboy who sent him an accidental text to be the prettiest boy he's ever seen in all his life. Or the nicest. Or the kindest. Or just the best in every possible way.
Painfully shy and (un)smooth as he is, Yoongi decides the best way to approach this Jimin person is in the form of a cat. A cat who can't talk.
Great plan, Yoongi.
Admin’s Note: YA L L F L OOF TO THE M A X
Red's Big Bad Wolf by TheOrgasmicSeke [E, 31k]
Yoongi takes the journey to see his Nana once a week but ending up with a wolf stalking after him was the last thing Yoongi expected. Add in that the wolf is maybe the most gorgeous creature he has ever seen, and seems intent on making Yoongi his, just completes the list of problems Yoongi never wanted to have.
Or, Yoongi is Red Riding Hood and Jimin a rather gorgeous wolf who has easily fallen so very in love with him.
Admin’s Note: who’s cryin itsa me also i love yoongi’s grandma that is all
- A
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bloodmatriarch · 3 years
plots please // you know ;)
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Ohohohohoh okay first of all I love them your honour, they are in my heart. I think the concept of Liadrin loving someone is very beautiful because let’s be real. . . Once you get her comfortable in a relationship, she is a damn good lover. She and Velicine also make one hell of a duo.
01.    Sparring. Training together. All that jazz. I want them to get dressed for the occasion together and then give each other the best they’ve got and then winding down and tending to each other’s potential bruises and cuts afterwards. I also really want Velicine to see all of Liadrin’s bruises and cuts that she hides on the down low. And have her realize that Liadrin has a martyr complex.
02.    Velicine’s reactions to Salandria’s shenanigans is another thing I want to see. I want to know what Velicine would do when Salandria is stealing Liadrin’s attention and also when she asks Velicine to do stuff like brush her hair or read to her. I just think it’s very cute and potentially a funny little thing to explore. Salandria means so much to Liadrin, and Velicine showing interest and / or getting along with her is a must and would warm her heart.
03.    I really want to RP out something soft for them too though. Even if they’re not the softest couple, Liadrin will eventually be pretty soft. So! Future RP where Liadrin is spoiling Velicine / teaching her how to be soft. Could also tie in with Liadrin being a good influence on Velicine and weaning her off some of all that anger and resentment. I think they deserve to be happy too, as much as I love angst.
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Plots please!    1 / ??.
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dancingwithour · 7 years
Times Taylor Swift did THAT:
okay so, in light of all this discourse I decided to make a post about songs I love of Taylor’s and my favorite lyrics. In this case, the entire red album lol. let me know if you want me to do any other albums sometime soon too and which ones! alright here we go:
State of Grace
“we fall in love till it hurts or bleeds or fades in time” RTRTRT
“we learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts” that IMAGERY really just gets me man, my heart
“you’re my Achilles heel” we love an allusion to greek mythology
“like the colors in autumn so bright, just before they lose it all” the true beginning of associating red with the fall time, an ICONIC moment
“forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you never met” what a lyricist I think about this lyric all the time it’s just an incredible way of describing how impossible it is to forget someone you loved and i’m gonna cry if I keep typing
“losing him was blue like i’ve never known, missing him was dark grey all alone” yes taylor painting emotions with color and it’s so vivid
“and i’ll do anything you say, if you say it with your hands” okAY TAYLOR
“and I, I, I like it” me being drawn in and loving situations that are risky and most likely detrimental
“all we are is skin and bone trained to get along” one of my favorite lyrics of all time it just explains itself
I Knew You Were Trouble
“I guess you didn’t care, and I guess I liked that” once again RELATABLE also a theme of remaining in situations that we been knew will end rough
“a new notch in your belt, is all i’ll ever be” ouch harsh reality
“and the saddest fear comes creeping in, that you never loved me or her or anyone or anything yeaaaaah OOOOOOOH”
cause it’s a beautiful lyric and that 1989 tour version NOTE THOUGH YES VOCALS
“left my scarf there at your sister’s house and you still got it, in your drawer, even now.” just cause give the scarf back jake
“and I might be okay but i’m not fine at all” just a reminder as to where she was then versus now we love a glo up
“hey you call me up again just to break me like a promise” one of my favorite lyrics of ALL TIME scream it
also where is the 10 min version i’m still salty
“it feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight” i’m feeling late night waffle house vibes
“we’re happy free confused and lonely at the same time, it’s miserable and magical” my sister says this is exactly how being 22 feels
“you look like bad news, I gotta have you” hmm a theme of bad decisions once again? can relate!
bonus: “who is taylor swift anyway? ew” I love taylor making fun of herself
I Almost Do
(is always slept on)
“I bet it never ever occurred to you that I can't say ‘Hello’ to you and risk another goodbye” so beautiful and i’m obsessed with this line’s melody
“in my dreams you're touching my face and asking me if I wanna try again with you. and I almost do.” I just started crying typing this lyric and i’m not okay wow
“and I hope sometimes you wonder about me.” I love when taylor’s outros mirror the first verse so powerful UGH
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together
“when you said you needed space (what?)” lol her what is me with all boys always pulling the dumbest things
“like....ever” truly how I end all my arguments
“with some indie record that’s much cooler than mine” yes sarcasm tay and also 1989 tour version when she screamed this I got chills I was shook before shook was a thing
Stay Stay Stay
(my mama’s fave song of taylor’s!)
“no one else is gonna love me when I get mad, mad, mad” unconditional love got me thinking of joe SHE FOUND THE LOVE SHE WAS DAYDREAMING ABOUT GOOD GOD DONT TOUCH ME
“but you carry my groceries and now i’m always laughing” the way she says groceries I want on a loop as my ringtone
“it’s been occurring to me I’d like to hang out with you, for my whole life” yeah once again don’t touch me i’m not okay I wanna cry
The Last Time
(my child)
“put my name at the top of your list” yes make me your PRIORITY
“disappear when you come back, everything is better” and again, bad decisions that just feel so good
“This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong,
This is the last time I say it's been you all along,
This is the last time I let you in my door,
This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore” I LOVE A TAYLOR SWIFT BRIDGE also the harmonies on the “ohohohohoh” are to die for
Holy Ground
“back when you fit my poems like a perfect rhyme” y’all I love taylor swift lyrics I can’t even put into words they are everything
“and I see your face in every crowd” RETWEEEEEEEEEEEET
“but I don’t wanna dance, if i’m not dancing with you” I love it I love it I love it I love it that is some HOLY GROUND I think everyone can relate, honestly me with harry styles though. jk! (no i’m not)
Sad Beautiful Tragic
“words, how little they mean, when you’re a little too late” this can be applied to so many areas of life
“and you’ve got your demons and darling they all look like me” THIS. LYRIC. KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING IT AND TAYLOR SWIFT
“kiss me, try to fix it, could you just try to listen?” thank YOU taylor, when all someone wants to do is try and “fix” something but you really just need someone to listen to you I CAN RELATE @ all boys ever
The Lucky One
“you had it figured out since you were in school, everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool” screw the popular kids lol
“and your lover in the foyer doesn’t even know you” this lyric just gets me going I don’t know I get so aggressive at the industry and truly shout it lmao
“cause now my name is up in light, but I think you got it right” this lyric makes me feel emoooootions dude like it’s like her noting the moment she realized how brutal the media and fame is and the damaging effects because she’s living through it as she grows up :((((((
Everything Has Changed
“cause all I know is we said hello, and your eyes look like coming home” so cute, so real, the harmonies man, i’m soft!
“I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time” when you didn’t even know the person before but now you’re like, this is the piece that has been MISSING and taylor really has me in my feelings
“all I know is pouring rain, and that everything has changed” I love a taylor song with rain guys
“we were 17 and crazy running wild, wild”
I just love that she had this magical idea from a picture she saw of bobby and ethel
“and we were dancing, dancing like we’re made of starlight, starlight” this song just feels sparkly and pretty. it’s just stunning and makes me happy
“don’t you dream impossible things” at the very end, the song fades out so glittery and pretty and I love love love it so in summation, starlight is an ethereal, sparkly, pretty song
Begin Again
“you pull my chair out and help me in, and you don’t know how nice that is but I do” cue the tears, she’s gotten used to people not treating her how deserves to be treated so the simplest gestures are amplified
“thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end but on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again” such a contrast from the rest of the album, I love how perfect this ending is. it shows that you will heal and pain isn’t permanent and wow i’m crying
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onceawasteland · 7 years
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NATASHA, PIERRE AND THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 (August 11th 2017, and August 12th 2017) there are spoilers to come but i felt you would all appreciate my take on the show for I have greatly appreciated everyone else's reviews. THIS STORY IS THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO ME AND I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT IT IS CLOSING. the above are pictures from my two respective seats and at the stage door Act One * the walls are covered in portraits from the 1800s, some of which are landscapes of operas) * i danced (badly) on a broadway stage * to get to the on stage seating you enter through lucas' door * while waiting for the show to start old russian music is playing. they also played some french music bc they were francophiles YAY FOR HISTORY * a lady behind me said "omg look at how they did the staging... i guess its pretty clear that theres not a lot of dancing in this show. and i about died laughing * during prologue Cathryn squeaked on the clarinet as she ran down the stairs and my best friend is a clarinet player so this made her RIDICULOUSLY happy * OAK LOOKED RIGHT AT ME DURING MY FAVORITE PART OF PIERRE WHICH IS MY FAVORITE SONG (You empty and stupid, contented fellows. satisfied with your place, im different from you im different from you. i stilll want to do something) * during pierre, pierre sings the part, "and how many men before good russian men, believing in goodness and truth" right to Anatole (who is in the main spot light) and a bunch of other dudes including Dolokohv * Anatole is wasted pretty much the whole show but he this is when you first notice it and lucas was sitting on the stairs right next to me and he kind of drunkenly slipped before he ran to the other side of the stage and i was like 😍😍 * Deneé was on our side of the stage pretty much the whole show and she looked me straight in the eyes about 15 times * during the very beginning of no one else when the music just starts to play Deneé walks with very youthful steps and it just emphasizes her innocence and lack of awareness and just EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS PLAY IS MAGIC * no one else is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen (well kind of if you dont count the great comet of 1812) The independent lightbulbs which are hanging from the ceiling all kind of drop so it kind of looks like Natasha is floating among the stars * when deneé sang "we were angles once dont you remember" the second night i was there the guy she was singing to on stage right said yes and you could hear it in her mike 😂 * also during no one else, when Deneé sings "this winter sky" she is standing on the top tier of stairs and she flings her arms out gesturing to the sky and the blue light of the moon is the only real light on her and it is quite simply breathtaking * andrei shows up 3-4 times during act one and its super sad every time. the first one (i think, from my vantage point) was during no one else when Natasha is squeezing her knees. Andrei is holding her letters in his hand and then he puts them in his coat pocket right next to his heart and i want to die. * at the beginning of the opera when Dolokohv is introduced he is so ridiculously arrogant and its adorable. Dolokohv in general is pretty fucking adorable. He points at the mezzanine and smirks and its beautiful * at the opera when Natasha says "a little sad a little stout" pierre is in the parlor which is right between natasha and Marya, and Helene and he makes this face like "wtf dude we should be bros" and he is playing the accordion and he pulls it in a way that the note declines and its just this hilarious moment * during the opera andrei shows up covered in blood right after Natasha sees Anatole is staring at her and its so depressing and also NICHOLAS BELTON OMG * Andrei also shows up during Natasha and Anatole (ok my heart 💔) * pierre is reading in his study through almost the entire show * So i heard this before and i didnt believe it bc you cant tell from just the music but the way that lucas plays Anatole is just so complex i love it. During, Natasha and Anatole he is a. really surprised at the amount that he isnt being rebuffed. and b. he has all these nervous tics before he enters the box all the way and makes his presence known and it just adds so much to the character because while yes he is the bad guy he isnt evil he is just unaware of everyone else. * he also tries to convince himself that he isnt doing anything wrong during "we are speaking of the most ordinary things" he wasnt trying to convince her HE WAS TRYING TO CONVINCE HIMSELF * and then RIGHT WHEN SHE SAYS "yet I feel closer to you thank Ive ever felt with any other man" he just looks so happy and surprised * Right before Anatole goes to talk to Pierre during the duel he does this mind blown motion after watching natasha exit and its so fucking cute * DOLOKOHV'S "DRINK DRINK"s AT THE BEGINNING OF THE DUEL HAPPENED AS HE RAN UP THE STAIRS RIGHT NEXT TO ME AND I DIED BC HOLY FUCK NICK CHOKSI * I know you all already know this but the strobe lights are the most badass thing i have ever seen in my life. i straight up thought i was going to die they are SO intense. and during the ohohohohohs at the beginning lucas and nick did this hoping dance and i was like 😍 and its so cool bc of the strobe lights and I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE STROBE LIGHTS HOLY FUCK * the second night i saw it, i cant remember who it was but, someone literally almost kicked me in the face from the stage section right in front of me * during the line "then i feel a pleasant warmth in my body" LUCAS DOES A BODY ROLE AND IT IS SO RIDICULOUSLY HOT I CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE IT * OK OAK! this is the moment i was like FUCK ME GENTLY WITH A CHAINSAW THIS BOY IS A GIFT FROM HEAVEN. When Dolokohv is singing "heres to the health of married women" he is talking directly into pierre's face trying to bro out, and oak's face just falls completely and im like I NEED TO GIVE YOU A HUG DONT BE SAD. then, THENNNNN Dolokohv actually goes and makes out with helene two feet away from him and the hurt on oaks face was so raw i just 😭 * during the duel it is super obvious that Helene actually cares about Pierre because when she see that he hit Dolokohv shes more worried about the retribution than she is about dolokohv and i just want to die bc these characters are so fucking complex and BEAUTIFULLLLL * Dust and Ashes IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SONG AND OAK SINGS IT SO WELL AND I DIDNT KNOW THAT THE SONGS COULD GET BETTER BUT HE DID AND I WANT TO DIE * Dust and Ashes is my best friends favorite song and Oak looked directly at her during her favorite line too and its like he fucking knew we were sitting there * during sunday morning Sonya is trying to imitate Marya by sitting exactly like her and that is so great * Charming is gay. that is all there is to say really, just GAYYYYY * and Natasha imitates Helene at the end of Charming which again shows her innocence (SCREAMING) * she then makes the most adorable "well if you say so face" during "but still she talks so frankly. so it must be alright" and she kind of shrugs and AGHHHH * at the beginning if the ball Anatole, again, has all sorts of nervous energy and hes pacing and bouncing on the balls of his feet shaking his hands. and it just adds so much depth. * the ball was really distracting the first night bc two people (cant say who they were bc they are in huge ass masks) were dancing like 6 inches away from me and kept breathing in my ear. I am not complaining. * Lucas turns around with his hands up in a surrender pose like "i didnt do anything what are you saying" when natasha says "your hurting my hand" which i love. then he runs up and just grabs her bodily, turns her to him and smashes his lips on to hers. they stay like that for like 4 seconds and then natasha throws herself on top of him, essentially, and he kind of spins them around and its really kind of romantic (i am not a shipper of the two, except that i maybe kind of am after seeing how they interact with eachother) * Natasha kind of freaks out after the kiss but she is convinced that there is nothing else for her now but anatole and its like GIRLLLLL * Lucas and Deneé leave the stage arm and arm through the big door at the back with the same white lights that Anatole entered with. ACT 2 VERY FIRST THING THAT HAPPENED IN ACT TWO. LUCAS STEELE STARED INTO MY EYES FOR A SOLID 6 SECONDS AND SMIRKED AT ME AN I DIED AND MY FACE PROBABLY LOOKED SO DUMB BUT I DONT CARE BECAUSE AGHH In Letters when pierre says IT IS NAPOLEON the portrait of napoleon on the wall lit up and i cried andrei was there during all of letters and it was so depressing BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHATS COMING AND AGH. right before sonya and natasha sonya and anatole glare at eachother as lucas exists and then sonya runs to grab the letter from natasha's hand. DENEÉ'S SASS DURING THE LINE "I do not grasp the question" is fucking epic. she roles her eyes and its perfection during Sonya alone Igrid Michaelson was literally three feet away. and the lights didnt light up behind denee and i was like ohhh someone messed up. Dolokohv was trying insanely hard to convince anatole not to go through with the abduction and his turmole was very evident. at one point denee walk across the stage and he looked between her and anatole, ran his hand through his hair and then just gives in and follows. Anatole is v annoyed with Dolokohv during preparations. while dolokohv is speaking he is mouthing along like "shut up bro you dont know wtf youre saying" its very funny balaga: there are no words just so much happened paul pinto is a beast i dont even know how he does it. ok on night two i tried write down things from balaga Heath whipped me in the face with his hair as he was head banging on the stage in front of me. marya plays the drums at the top of the stage #GRACEMcLEANISAGODDESS andrei is present through most of act two. he is playing the triangle in pierre's study during balaga OAK DOES THE MOST ADORABLE LAUGH AFTER HIS "WooooOOOOOOAHHH" in abduction. he makes me want to die Lucas' "WAAAAAAIIIT first we have to sit down" is hilarious because the amount of time that he just sits there in silence flirting with this random lady on stage is ridiculous. he messes with his hair and puts his arm around her while we (i) all just sit there staring at him with doppy smiles on our (my) faces. on night two he sat next to a guy on the stage and i really thought he was going to flirt with him as well but alas dolokohv's fur cloak bit is very funny and the cloak is purple which is not what i imagined. again i will say that he is adorable anatole makes out with the fur cloak girl before going to get natasha. boi Grace McLean's in my house is not just angry she is also devastated that natasha is to be ruined. her face is contorted with pain in almost every line. and she is pleading with natasha to listen to her. her vocals are just so insane just OMG the blocking during in my house was also insanely cool. sonya, natasha, and Marya are standing in a a triangle the whole time (denee was RIGHT in front of me for the majority of the time) and they would switch which point of the triangle they were at and the rotation was very neat. I REALIZED LATER THAT THIS IS A PARALLEL TO MOSCOW BECAUSE THEY ARE STANDING IN A TRIANGLE THEN TOO AND OMG THIS SHOW DOES LITERALLY EVERYTHING RIGHT in call to pierre, oaks first what, when pinto gives him the letter is like "wtf is going on here im nobody whats going on" and despite being very depressing is also kind of funny. the whats then progressively get less funny and more depressing and i HATE THAT THIS HAPPENS TO MY CHILDREN NICHOLAS BELTON WAS RIGHT NEXT TO ME ON THE SECOND NIGHT DURING CALL TO PIERRE AND HE KIND OF RUNS AND HIDES BEHIND A POST IN THE BACK OF THE THEATER AS PIERRE LEARSN WHAT HAPPENED TO NATASHA. pierre went to find anatole in the club all of the ensemble were surrounding the walls of the theater and it felt like we were actually in the club which was insane after "NATASH, NATASHA. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT I SEE NATASHA" Anatole throws his head down into helene's lap and i read somewhere that "they downplayed the incest" BUT I CALL BULL SHIT I DIDNT SAY THIS EARLIER BUT DURING THE DUEL AT THE LINE "Imma make love to her" AMBER IS GRINDING ON LUCAS SO I CALL BULL FUCKING SHIT anatole is also really distraught. its super weird bc with just the music to go off of you think anatole is just this jackass that wants nothing but to feel good and fuck everyone else... BUT LUCAS OMG lucas makes him sympathetic. he seems to really love natasha and when pierre is yelling at him he takes it to heart and freaks the hell out and just my love (i mean still a dick but) pierre and anatole is so fucking intense. and the ending if it when anatole is being a whiny baby IT IS SO GREAT BC ITS SO CLEAR HE IS THROWING A TEMPER TANTRUM which emphasizes his age and lack of understanding as well WHICH IS JUST SO FUCKING GREAT. Anatole's exit is almost an exact reflection of his entrance. with the lights flaring as he walks out the door everyone talks about this but when natasha poisons herself shes right between anatole and pierre and its so depressing and just my heart pierre and andrei is so fucking sad. first off in the book (which is all about redemption, ill get to that) Andrei gets the BEST most beautiful redemption arc, and ive always been kind if sad that they took that out. everyone else gets at least the possibility of redemption and they just straight up removed every possibility of andrei finding forgiveness. but whatever this is the song that made me start crying, i didnt stop until i was standing at the stage door both nights. ITS JUST SO FUCKING SAD AND I DONT EVER WANT TO FORGET NICHOLAS BELTON STANDING ON THE STAGE "smiling like his father" AS HE COMES TO TERMS WITH THIS BETRAYAL. OAK! OAKKKKKK. I did not know that pierre could get better i thought we had reached maximum amazing but HOLY SHIT. first off the whole time he was hilarious. at the beginning of the Duel when he said opera he satirized the word and drew it out kind of long which was hilarious. and other little moments while he was in his parlor. BRILLIANT. and then AND THEN DURING PIERRE AND NATASHA. i have no words the whole thing was heart breaking. I started crying during Pierre and Andrei and I didnt stop until the end, at the stage door, but holy fuck. after he says his line (you all know the one) i could SEE this singular tear fall from his face and god damn if that wasnt the most heart wrenching thing i have ever seen. he was full on sobbing on stage and i could not handle it. During Pierre and Natasha, Helene, Marya, and Dolokohv were sitting in the audience sections and Helene was crying, dolokohv was strumming his guitar and looking very depressed and Marya just sat there shaking her head. Im not sure if other people were around too but those were the three i could see. during great comet everything is just so beautiful. oaks acting and gestures made everything 100102948391x better but the lighting was INSANE. the comet was beautiful the stars were beautiful, oak was beautiful. one of the MOST stunning plays I have EVER seen in so many ways. a person is not supposed to cry 6 times during a show... it requires magic and this show had it in bucket loads. STAGE DOOR DAY ONE: I MISSED GRACE MCLEAN BC I WAS DISTRACTED AND I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF AGHWHSHF Lucas must be on voice rest bc he wasnt saying anything but HE WAS SO CUTE AND IM DYING BC HE TOUCHED ME. (also i became like ridiculously starstruck and forgot that i wanted to tell him how much his acting adds to the lyrics and the character and how he is so much more sympathetic because he genuinely loves natasha and just doesn't demonstrate that in a good way, i will also. ever forgive myself for that) there was a little girl next to me at the stage door and the actresses were all being so encouraging to her. they were like "if you want to be an actress DO IT, I was right where you were once and now im here. you have it in you, just dont ever give up." and i wanted to cry bc OH JESUS THEY ARE SUCH GOOD PEOPLE. Paul Pinto is THE MOST™. i absolutely love it even after the show he had SO much energy. i was like 😮 how. Nick Choksi is adorable and wears so much eyeliner and he also talked to the little girl next to me about how excited he would be to see her name up on a marquee one day and i cried. I have no idea what I said to him bc again i was starstruck. My best friend died a little bc she loves him and i think it was honestly one of the best moments of her life. Amber, Oak, and Denee didnt come out (sobs) but APPARENTLY Renee Elise Goldsberry was there to congratulate Oak and support him and i was to cry again. OK DAY TWO STAGE DOOR: * this was a scary night for me * i got into a fight with a man because he was being exceptionally rude to the actors and i called him out on it and he started screaming at me and then he started pushing this other lady right when Shoba was signing in front of us and she looked so scared and i feel so fucking bad * also his daughter was obviously a huge fan of the show and was so excited to see the cast and when he got kicked out she was sobbing and i will maybe never forgive myself for ruining this girls night on broadway but someone needed to say something. he was straight up making fun of the cast as they were three feet away from him and the final straw for me was when he said "some one needs to go in there and grab that blond bitch by the hair and drag her out here. if no one else will ill do it" and so i turned around and said "excuse me sir would you mind turning down the vulgarity. it's incredibly disrespectful" and he said some of the meanest things i have ever heard from another person (called me a bitch, told me i would always be alone, tried to intimidate me by saying he was three times my age... i was just like that says more about you than it does about me man) any way the security guy (idk his name but i love him) got him to leave and then once he was gone i started crying bc everyone around me was patting me on the back trying to make me feel better and that makes me cry apparently. * SO THEN ANGLE MAN MCSECURITY came over and tried to cheer me up as did many other people which really only made it worse but everyone was being so kind and trying to distract me and finally i said "FUCK IT I CANT BE CRYING WHEN LUCAS STEELE COMES OUT" and everyone laughed and i started to stop crying. OK SO WHEN LUCAS CAME OUT AND GOT TO ME ANGLE SECURITY MAN SAID "lucas just so you know this girl has had a really hard time just now. a man was being very confrontational with her in the crowd, (wait for it) can she have a hug" and lucas stared into my eyes (LMAO I AM NATASHA) and said (his voice was so raspy and he was definitely not supposed to be speaking) "im so sorry but if i hug you i have to hug everyone, im so sorry that you had an altercation. here i can do this" AND HE STARTED RUBBING MY HAND IN CIRCLES AND I ABOUT DIED and i said "its ok i totally understand, you are actually fantastic (AND I LOVE YOU, actually no i didnt say that) can i have a picture?" and he said yes (its so bad) and then went down the line more BUT HOLY FUCK * and THEN i asked the totally innocuous question to angle security man, out if curiosity not wanting to do it myself, "not to sound presumptuous or anything but how is it that people grt to go back stage at things like this?" and he said friends or family and i said ok, makes sense i was just curious. THEN HE CAME BACK 3 MINUTES LATER AND SAID "i just wanted to let you know i tried to get you back stage, my friend Summaya is in the cast would have taken you but she already left. i hope thats ok." and i just kind of stared at him bc I WASNT ASKING TO GO BACK MYSELF IT WAS A FOR FUTURE REFERENCE THING and i said "no no of course i totally understand dont worry about it" * GUESS WHAT ELSE HAPPEND BRITTAN ASHFORD WAS THERE AND WHEN SHE CAME OUT i started pointing and talking incoherently and he said, "do you want Brittan's autograph?" and i just kind of nodded and he BROUGHT HER OVER TO ME * Nicholas Belton didnt come out the stage door but he apparently was meeting up with Cathryn and a bunch of the other cast after the show bc i saw him as i was walking to my uber and i just kind if stalked him a little bit bc OMG and i love that they all go out together after the show * Anthony Ramos and Jasmine Cephas Jones were at the show to see Oak and they went in the stage door and Jasmine waved right to me after she saw me waving at her. they showed up separately and i was like OMG ARE THEY OK I HOPE THEYRE OK... but its all good * and Alex Gibbson told me that he was proud of me for having read War and Peace because his copy was collecting dust in the attic somewhere and i laughed * and BRAD GIOVANINE REMEMVERD ME at the sage door he said "hey! you were here last night werent you?" and i said "YEAH!" and he said "yes, i thought i recognized you in the audience! thank you so much for coming back" and i said "I wouldnt have missed it, thank you for telling this story" and that was a definite highlight OK SO THE REASON THAT THIS SHOW IS MAGIC: so the main message of war and peace is that people are good, and redemption, for even the most base of people, is not only possible it is probable because when you break it down we are all imbued with humanity which can triumph when/if we let it. the show doesnt necessarily show that redemptive possibility because it is the part of the story where literally everyone is at their worst. BUT the acting and intention behind the blocking and the small things show that even the very worst of characters (cough anatole, cough helene, cough dolokohv), that we really shouldnt sympathize with based on their actions, are portrayed in such a way that it is IMPOSSIBLE to not see them as, at their root, good. it is impossible to not see their humanity. their weaknesses are on full display, but those weaknesses are merely weakness. they are not evil, they are a result of circumstance and upbringing. not to mention the characters we are supposed to love... they are so easy to forgive its ridiculous in conclusion: Natasha, Pierre, and The Great Comet of 1812 is the bets musical i have ever seen. I love the cast with all of my heart because of their talent and kindness, I will NEVER forget the magic that was tonight. i CANNOT believe that this show is closing. I will never see anything like it ever again and its a travesty. I hope one day there is a revival that is this good... i have hope 🙏🏻.
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positivelyamazonian · 7 years
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Happy birthday to me...
Ok, from where to start. I honestly have no words. This is probably the most amazing present I’ve got in my whole life - and from here I apologize to husband, family and friends who have made me also amazing presents but this... well... this is something you don’t get every time, much less expect in any way.
This is @hydraballista‘s birthday present to this humble person, which she schemed with my dear sis @anentireamazon. Contained in two boxes which arrived three days ago, there was, in the first place, an amazing Lartis drawing - the kiss scene at the end of my first fanfic, The Golden Seal - which has eased all my griefs since I was born because oh boy, oh boy IT’S AN ORIGINAL!!!!! and as sure as hell THIS IS GONNA BE FRAMED AND HUNG UP IN MY STUDIO’S WALL BECAUSE DAAAAAMN, IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL :’)))) and honestly I didn’t expected it.
And also a super-cute birthday card and a lovely letter with a new Lartis sketch and Cappadocian postcard with an inedit Lartis scene aaahghgfhsfhfshjf!!! You get to my heart with this one, whose content I’ll keep to myself... ;)
All of this was more than enough and even too much... BUT the printed versions of my fanfics... I mean girl, The Golden Seal and Lilith’s Scepter Spanish versions printed with covers designed by YOURSELF? What have I done to deserve such a gift? And they’re SO beautiful!! The Periapt and the celestial wheel by paschal McGuire and all the characters entangled in Lilith’s hair... I HAVE NO WORDS!!! I can’t express how amazing are those concepts! There has NEVER something similar crossing my mind before and now it looks so obvious and natural and... DAMN HOW’S THAT BOOK THAT THICK?!?! I can’t believe it! It looks like Tolkien’s Two Towers... damn. Daaaaamn. Now I can understand it’s a pain in the ass to read ahahahaha
Ok. Ok. I should stop rambling and... and let me give you a huuuuge hug and a big THANK YOU for this... I don’t seriously know what have I done to deserve such precious jewel.... but I’ll keep these close to my heart. Forever.
All hail your glorious talent. I hope you achieve everything you wish for this life, because damn, girl, you’ve the talent, you’re the big deal.
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rfa-scenarios · 8 years
hi, do you write angst? if yes, would you mind doing a headcannon for RFA finding out MC has an emotionally abusive mother when said mother suddenly appears and throws a fit and humiliates MC in front of them? thank you
RFA+minor trio in protective mode is always good shit
When your mom went off the hinges in front of Zen
And Zen saw the fear in your eyes
If this boy normally was a beast, right now he was the fucking Hulk
He shoved you behind his back and started yelling right back at your mom, because how dare she say such filthy things to his precious princess
His beautiful, brilliant, amazing, innocent, perfect princess
You hadn’t even heard the combinations of curse words flying out of Zen’s mouth before
When you saw his hands clenching into fists you had to hold him back
Eventually your mom left
“Don’t come near MC again unless you get your shit together” he spat before slamming the door on her face for good measure
You were watching your literal worst nightmare unfold as your mom went bonkers right before your sweet, kind, innocent boyfriend who only saw the good in people
You tried to bite down the tears but eventually it got too hard
He nervously stood beside you, trying hard to figure out a solution
“Umm…uhh…I just remembered…I left the oven on! SHIT!” he yelled desperately, with the fakest tone of surprise you’ve ever heard
“Yoosung we don’t even have an oven” you whispered to him, but he was already dragging you out
Once you got far enough away from your mom, he gave you the tightest hug
“Has your mom…always been like this?” you nodded into his chest
You went out for comfort ice cream and he offered to share his mom with you
Everything went to hell when your mom busted into the café and lost her shit in front of Jaehee and all the customers
Everyone was watching
Yeah Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak sounds good right now
You were about to self-inflict some third degree burns with boiling coffee for the sake of getting out
…when Jaehee sternly suggested you all come to the back room to talk it out over coffee
Once in the back room, she told your mom off for her immature actions and gave her the number of a local therapist
…and that frankly, she will not hesitate to press charges towards your mom, should the coffee business ever be disrupted again
Jumin was quiet for a second when your mom started throwing her tantrum
Without even flinching, he stood up, signaled for security, grabbed your hands and walked you out the room
You were about to say something when you realized he was already on the phone
“…This is Jumin Han speaking. I would like to file a restraining order…yes, as soon as possible…”
When he got off the phone, he informed you that he will personally draw you a bath
Apparently, he had read somewhere that a bath is good for people in distress
Seven knew the signs of someone about to throw a tantrum all too well, so when he recognized this on your mom, he instinctively dragged you out
Not just out, but into his car, which he drove, very fast, and got both of you into his 15-security-layered-house, where he buried you in honey buddha chips
This boy ain’t having no more of this bullshit
He had the power to protect you now so you sure as hell aren’t becoming a second Saeran
“But hey!” He said cheerfully, “now we got another thing to bond over! Abused children high five!” He said, as he held one hand up, ready for a high five
You gave him the high five as both of you dissolved into laughter
————–Minor trio——————————–
Your mom made a bad, b a d mistake by raising her voice at you in front of Saeran
She had just started screaming at you, when Saeran looked at her dead in the eyes, and said “I could kill her” to you, as if he was offering to wash the dishes
You hastily declined
Knowing Saeran, he was probably not kidding
He proceeded to explain that it would be “very easy” and that “no one would know” and “it’s not like it would be the first time”
You looked at your now petrified mom, and for a split second you considered accepting his offer
However, you quickly came to your senses and assured Saeran
That it’s OK, you are pretty sure your mom won’t be bothering you anymore
Poor, innocent, very much blind V
He actually believed he could talk sense into your mom
When she flipped out at you, he calmly suggested you leave the room, so he can handle your mom on his own
As you stood outside the door, you could hear a mix of V’s soothing voice and your mom’s increasingly obnoxious screaming
You lost it when you heard the words “…you’re just as useless, selfish and pathetic as my daughter!”
That was when you barged back into the room
Usually you would’ve stayed quiet during one of your mom’s rage storms
Because sometimes you believed those words to be true
But now that the same words were used on V, you weren’t having any of it
You charged at her, grabbed her by the collar, threw her out and slammed the door in her face
…then you went back to check on V
“I’m so sorry, I tried my best”, he said with a sad smile as he pulled you in for a hug
You thanked him for helping you stand up for yourself, and honestly you were pretty proud
When your mom started screaming at you, for some reason, Vanderwood just could not take this seriously
“You’re GARBAGE!” Your mom yelled, whilst Vanderwood raised his eyebrows questioningly
He looked disbelievingly from your mom to you, back and forth a couple times, paused for a second before asking your mom “seriously? You’re calling her garbage? I mean, have you seen yourself in the mirror lately?”
He laughed a bit, but he wasn’t done “Ok first of all, you look like garbage”
“Second of all, you act like garbage…”
“…Third of all…if you open the dictionary and look up the word garbage, there would be a picture of you”
He gestured your mom vaguely to the door, “um, so what are you doing standing here? Don’t you have anywhere better to go? Cos I don’t remember sending invitations to…” he lowered his voice dramatically, then whispered “…garbage”
You stared in disbelief as your mom actually turned around and left, looking evidently defeated
You were about to thank Vanderwood, when you heard him question under his breath when he signed up to be a part of a soap opera
Bonus: if your mom screamed at you when the entire crew were in the room
Zen is yelling shit at your mom while Yoosung attempts to hold him back
Yoosung tries teary eyed to distract everyone by weakly asking if anyone wants to go for ice cream
Jaehee’s trying to make coffee so everyone can calm down and talk it out
…Saeran’s somewhere in the background grabbing a knife
Jumin’s calling his lawyer while eyeing Saeran - “ok so how do you legally get away with murder”
Seven’s just standing on the side, eyes wide and whispering “déjà vu”
Vanderwood is halfway out the door, mumbling “nope not this shit again”
V’s tapping Seven on the head muttering calming words thinking it’s your mom
Plz can someone draw this
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