#dont use assassins creed games
Yasuke was indeed a real person, who was an African Samurai.
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nexus-nebulae · 4 months
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the aftermath of having 2 terabytes of storage
#i have never had a computer this nice lmao#i'm constantly so used to automatically assuming i Can't Do Most Things bc most of the time i'm barred from Everything#either by physical skill or money or age or location#so when i got a Nice Computer my brain was like STUFF I CAN DO?????????? STUFF I CAN DO!!!!!!!!!!!!#and just. downloaded all the games i haven't been able to play bc my laptop sucks ass#the dopamine rush. lmao#i can actually play skyrim again for the first time since i was 17 😭#genuinely getting this computer has given me the exact same feeling as finally getting my wheelchair#just the fucking sheer joy of *oh my fucking god i have freedom now. i can actually DO STUFF*#seriously being able to use the wheelchair has made me so fucking happy i don't feel awful when going to the store i can actually THINK#bc i dont have brain fog from having to focus all of my energy on staying upright#and the computer is giving me the same feeling of freedom like. i can actually DO STUFF with my computer and not worry about it crashing#i can record video now!!!! I COULD START STREAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i can actually learn to code because the coding programs will run!!!!!! i can start making datapacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!#can PLAY THE GAMES I'VE BOUGHT OVER THE YEARS FINALLY#FUCKING THANK YOU STEAM FOR LETTING ME KEEP THESE GAMES UNTIL I CAN ACTUALLY PLAY THEM#INSTEAD OF BEING A SHITASS STREAMING SERVICE THAT TAKES AWAY YOUR PRODUCT *AND* MONEY WHENEVER THEY FEEL LIKE IT#like i bought assassins creed odyssey the year it came out and i've never even been able to OPEN it on any of my old computers#i bought Jusant recently because it looks very pretty but the game wouldn't let me download it on my laptop bc the graphics card was shit#i have a bunch of games that I've just hoarded on my steam account for years and now i can finally play them#i can get back to subnautica too!!!! and finally finish out we happy few!!!#anyway im gonna go continue to be insane about this machine i love computers theyre so fun
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cy-cyborg · 7 days
I'm begging dragonage fans to do a tiny bit of research about arm amputees before loudly shouting their opinions on the inquisitor returning in the next game Please lol.
Apparently, it was confirmed that the inquisitor, your chatacter from the last game (who looses their arm in the final cutscene of the DLC), will return in Veilguard as a customisable character, similar to Hawke, and they will play an active roll in the story. This has caused a lot of people to start speculating on how they'll handle the inquisitor's missing hand, with most people agreeing they'll have to have a prosthetic to be an active part of the story. Which, while I do think this is the rought bioware will take, isn't true, and a part of me really hopes they leave the inquisitor without a prosthetic arm like in the end of Tresspasser
Partially because we already have a companion with a prosthetic (neve) and it would be nice to see some diversity in how amputation is depicted in such a mainstream game, but also because you dont need a prosthetic to fight as any of the main 3 classes from inquisition.
mages just need a staff, the game shows them as 2 handed weapons but it's totally beleiveable that it would be usable 1-handed (Neve also uses a dagger-like weapon in the trailer, you can make a "staff" in inquisition that functions more like an energy sword, and the Mage in the chargers uses a staff resembling a bow, so I think it's more that they just need a focus, the shape doesn't matter as much). A knight enchanter may struggle more 1 handed, but I wouldn't write it off as an option with some modifications made to their main staff.
the easiest to justify, because there are several cases of arm amputees fighting with a sword and sheild in history, and while many did have prosthetics, most weren't functional (meaning they were mainly for aesthetic purposes and didn't actually aid the fighter in any way. There were exceptions, like Götz of the iron hand, who's prosthetic was functional, but most were not). The inquisitor looses their arm just above the wrist, so they still have most of their forearm. Most sheilds strap to the forearm, so it wouldn't take much adjustment to make that work, and you can use the other hand for the weapon. Obviously, two-handed weapons will probably be off the table, though, lol.
this is the one people tend to be the loudest about and the one I understand the most. Obviously duel-weilding daggers won't work (unless you give them something like the hidden blades in assassin's creed on their stump side, I guess) but using a single dagger still would, and is a perfectly reasonable approach, given that's how most irl people used daggers. Archery, though, absolutely can work without a prosthetic, despite what people think. Dragonage has crossbows, not something like Bianca (rip) but a small, single-handed crossbow is an option. Even ignoring that though, amputee archery is a thing irl, and not every arm amputee uses prosthetics for it. The bows are modified to be held in one hand and drawn with the mouth using a kind of pully-system built into the bow that I could very easily see being modified into some dwarven-style contraption in game (some double arm amputees use their feet to draw regular bows, but I don't think that would be pheasable in combat).
Like I said, I think bioware will probably go with a prosthetic, but i hope that they don't. Or at the very least, show them with it sometimes and without it other times (the same goes for Neve, no one wears their prosthetic 24/7, I'd love to see them both take them off around the home base, even just occasionally). A lot of arm amputees in particular prefer to go without one, and arm prosthetics in media are some of the worst offenders of the "perfect prosthetic"/"miracle cure prosthetic" tropes. It doesn't count as "diversity" or disability representation if it doesn't actually change anything other than the look of the chatacter, and im really, really desperate for some actually decent amputee representation in games.
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starswallowingsea · 2 years
if yoimiya wasn't literally getting her rerun next week i would have dropped this game like last week. im so tired
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helloo since we're on the topic: top historical fiction (or adjacent) ? can be any time period I just really love your taste in shows/games/etc and am always on the lookout for history inspired media !
thank you!!! im rly glad im like. inspiring other ppl to engage w things im insane abt hudofajsdfdassfsad. anyways. i will probably expand that list bc i literally forgot every single thing i ever read. also i havent watched that many movies so far
ancient times: i havent really watched a lot of movies/series set in ancient times so far :(
rome HBO (2005-2007) (tv series) - OF COURSE. i personally think its one of the best series ever made. they combine political, miliatry history with the lives of every day people in an incredible way. they never let you once engage with the series through modern lenses. according to my teacher (a historian, archeologist & self described 'romaphile') its incredibly historically accurate, mostly the clothing, set designs, characterization, military practices, etc. except for the things they straight up made up, of course.
i really enjoyed gladiator (2000), i think its a masterpiece.
prince of egypt (1998) i guess?
all the asterix movies of course, all the animated ones and most of the live actions. but i wouldnt really call it historical fiction
ok i havent actually finished watching it for now but sebastiane (1976) - an erotic, x rated, gay interpretation of the martyrdom of st sebastian. its in latin also.
wait i cant believe i forgor about assassin's creed odyssey - so far the only one ive played. its so fun and incredibly immersive visually. especially pour moi who cries into the pillow about how ill never experience the ancient world. also you can b a faggot which is always fun. i have things to say about their portrayal of same-sex sexuality and slavery in classical greece but i get why they did that considering its supposed to like. appeal to a lot of people, and a more "historically accurate" portrayal (for example of pederasty or how common slavery was etc.) would b v difficult for a lot of their target audience. alas.
medieval and early modern era:
the name of the rose (1986) - my medieval history teacher literally showed us bits of this movie to teach us about monasteries and monks fhdosiasdjasd.
the borgias (2011-2013) - incredibly messy, lots of political intrigue, and so so fun to watch. about the history of the borgia family. filled to the brim with drama.
the three musketeers (1993) - my favorite adaptation, also coincidentally the one i grew up on. casting tim curry as richelieu was genius. he slays so hard.
i also like bbc's the musketeers (2014-2016) - a neat little series. very fun and entertaining to watch.
outlaw king (2018) - like i dont think most ppl heard of this movie. its about robert the bruce's fight to reclaim the throne of scotland. starring chris pine
vikings (2013-2020) - its fun. i havent watched the entire series tho. dont expect anything resembling historical accuracy
the northman (2022) - you will see something resembling historical accuracy
mihai viteazul (michael the brave) (1971) - a fun movie. very much romanian propaganda tho.
1670 (2023-) - such a fun series!!! incredible cast, shows respect to the actual history and the lives of historical people. really cute and funny.
caravaggio (1986) - a biopic about caravaggio.
wait i also forgor about pentiment - an intriguing, immersive, and incredibly beautiful video game! it has a lot of 'the name of the rose' vibes, with it being a medieval murder mystery taking place in a monastery. its incredibly touching and made me cry, and in the last few years i very rarely cry. also im 99% sure its an indie game? go support the creators!
vaguely-medieval/early modern fantasy:
mirror mirror (2012) - a retelling of snow white. a very fun movie imo, with incredible costume design. julia roberts plays the evil queen and she SLAYS. armie hammer is unfortunately in that movie.
stardust (2007) - one of my fave movies growing up. more modern-inspired but still.
the green knight (2021) - controversial i know but i actually loved this movie! i liked it both as a standalone movie but moreso as a 21st century adaptation to sir gawain and the green knight.
galavant (2015-2016) - !!!!!!! one of the most series ever! they manage to tackle such difficult concepts and conversations with a hilarious wit. so fun to watch. i listen to a lot of the songs still, and rewatch every once in a while.
disenchantment (2018-2023) - very fun to watch, especially the first season.
i also really liked the novel uprooted by naomi novik. its a polish-inspired fantasy.
modern era:
killers of the flower moon (2023) - of course. a masterpiece
aferim! (2015) - a romanian movie set in 19th century wallachia, about two officers, a father and son, who were sent by a nobleman to retrieve an escaped enslaved romani man. a lot of the people in the comments were calling the movie humorous and funny, maybe im missing smth (as im watching with subtitles n dont understand the original language) but it was a very difficult watch for me??
the handmaiden (2016) - need i say more
black sails (2014-2017) - a prequel to the famous novel 'treasure island'. not an easy series to watch. incredibly good.
the favourite (2018) - need i say more pt 2
the rabbi's cat (le chat du rabbin) (2011) - animated movie set in early 20th century algeria. a rabbi's cat learns to talk overnight.
the nice guys (2016) - a fun murder mystery set in the 1970s
o brother, where art thou (2000) - a retelling of the odyssey set in the southern us in the 1930s
victor/victoria (1982) - set in early 20th century paris. julie andrews pretends to be a man and takes on a job as a drag queen. extremely fun, extremely gay movie.
lady chatterley's lover (2022) - very much porn for moms but it was a nice watch imo
amulet (2020) - set in like. idk. sometime in the 20th century. this is a horror movie, deals a lot with misogyny, sa, and so on. i really like it, personally. a lot of people, mostly weird men, dont tho.
the great (2020-2023) - i have mixed feelings about this show. on the one hand, its really fun to watch. on the other hand, its basically ofmd for girls who have public mental breakdowns whenever someone claims corsets were oppressive. and theyre so weird about russians, jesus christ.
domina (2021-) - i just couldnt get into it, esp since i tried right after finishing rome hbo. it was kind of silly, and not in a good way. takes itself wayyyy to seriously.
i didnt like spartacus (2010-2013) - the dialogue was almost grotesque and the editing, especially the transitions, straight up killed me
damsel (2024) - holy fuck what a trainwreck of a movie. absolute waste of angela basset and robin wright. the only good thing were the costumes.
lancelot du lac (1974) - i just didnt like it at all. couldnt get into it. i guess it was way too french and artsy fartsy for me. a movie that was trying to say both too little and too much at the same time.
i didnt rly like bram stoker's dracula (1992) - i mean. it was a fine movie. it was definitely not the godfather. the movie itself was meh. the visuals tho? absolutely stunning
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20cm · 13 days
hi rookie my beloved have u done/read/watched/played anything interesting lately
so true.. fun question thank u :] i havent read/watched anything lately unfortunately and aside from doing stuff at work i havent done much either (though i have been showing percy my beloved teenagehood anime natsume yuujinchou. its about choosing to be kind when no one has shown you kindness before. its about letting yourself be cared about. its about different kinds of families and platonic and familial love. its really great i recommend it to anyone honestly its just therapy. cried so many times ∞/10)
BUT i have been hopping between games lately :) namely because my brain cant sit still lately
assassins creed odyssey
set in greece, a fictional telling of the peloponnesian war, honestly really really fun :) i love the AC games and this one having a more RPG angle wasnt popular w/ the dudebros but its popular with ME! i love doomed siblings and fighting fate! what if you were two children doomed by the pythia and one of you was raised by a violent cult into thinking you were a demigod but instead you were a tool, and the other was forced to flee home raise themself into a hero of the people and save greece from this cult.....and then youre faced with your baby sibling who you tried and failed to save decades ago
they dont tell you this but palia is a post-apocalyptic game set a hundreds of thousands of years after humans were killed off by some sort of cataclysmic event and all thats left of us are memories of concrete jungles and wires like veins permanently left behind in the memory discs of sentient robots we created to help us who got left behind. you play as a human who came out of some hibernation, separated by your own past by thousands of years and amnesia, and you befriend the townsfolk and try to make a life :) it just looks like a cute life/farming sim
the outer worlds
soooo fun its like if the fallout sense of humor + post apocalypse capitalist doomerism met the sci-fi fun of the mass effect games. which makes sense because the studio who made the most popular fallout game made this one. youre unfrozen out of hibernation and used as a guinea pig to gather material and information for the mad scientist who freed you, working with very little information but a whole lot of incentive. you accidentally crash land on the guy who was supposed to give you a ride off this planet you were just shucked onto. now youre impersonating him. humanity is spread across a system and capitalism-as-a-religion runs it all.
mass effect 1
ive always been obsessed with ME's fantasy sibling dragon age so im trying the mass effect games out... its a dense sci fi and a little clunky but shes from 2007 and both percy and gabe love these games so im persevering. the story is really fun (its about what constitutes "being alive" and personhood) but i feel like ive barely scratched the surface so far!! currently playing this one as im typing
sims 3
shes my childhood sims game :) sims 4 WISHES she could be sims2/sims3. i play it for mindless fun. my current sim has had a batshit life so far
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goqmir · 6 months
hype level for future mtg releases (this is genuine btw i cant sleep because my leg hurts so bad let me have this)
Murders at Karlov Manor (Q1 2024):
15%. i kinda get the vibes. theres some interesting things generally but im not sure this one is for me. i like clue tokens so im excited for some support in that area but. ill probably pass on buying any of this
Outlaws of Thunder Junction (Q2 2024):
like 35%? its cool! i like the west quite a lot, everyones excited for deadbeat dad oko. im just not expecting a ton and id love to be proven wrong! new planes are always fun and it would be a delight to fall in love with thunder junction but my expectations are very tempered. supposedly its about "villians"-- of which my biggest dream is a reveal of a phyrexian that wasnt killed onscreen to be hanging out there. rakdos would be cool too.
Modern Horizons 3 (Q2 2024)
90%. i cant wait frankly. modern horizons 1 and 2 feature some of my favorite magic cards ever and ive never been around for a modern horizons release so im just so excited. cant wait. big fan i bet there will be so many cool cards dude holy shit
Assassin's Creed (Q3 2024):
5%. i dont give a shit about assassins creed. i like the aesthetics of black flag i guess. this is a set with boosters and the cards will supposedly be modern legal(?) but they arent draftable so thats gonna be a shitshow when the boosters are overpriced and you cant even run limited events with them like MAT but like. at least MAT was awesome and had a bunch of banging cards and introduced cool deciduous mechanics to standard and gave us [[Rocco, Street Chef]]. all this is giving us is ezio or some shit
Bloomburrow (Q3 2024):
75%!! woo!!!!! i cant wait for the little animals set. i like little animals. i would really like one of them to wear a thimble
things i want specifically out of bloomburrow:
give us kwain lore! kwain is such an important little guy to our playgroup we would all love a new kwain or some kwain backstory and there has never been a better time for it
fox tribal 🥺🥺🥺🥺 boros please plzplzplz i need fire foxes i need evil foxes i need foxes so bad i want a fox tribal commander ill do anything
Duskmourn (Q3 2024):
45%. wrenny is hyped for this one but i dont think ill be biting tbh. its cool! i like the vibes :) just not for me is what it seems like right now. maybe like LCI the set design and mechanics will be so sick that its just awesome but the setting isnt catching me
Not gonna talk about innistrad remastered i will not be buying that. give me anime art tamiyo
"Tennis" 2025 (death race across multiple planes with cars):
15%. i like vehicles but like. i feel like this one will kinda skew corny in a way i wont vibe with. the technology seems like kind of a lot too. cool idea, i hope its executed well
"Ultimate" 2025 (Return to Tarkir):
65%! i like tarkir :) they wont print the stupid fetches but whatever. tarkir is super swag and i hope they can resolve the weird multiverse tarkir thing and give us a swag set i believe in them. also ugin reappearance maybe........
Final Fantasy 2025:
100%. i am so onboard with final fantasy dude i feel like it will be so fucking cool compared to like marvel or doctor who or whatever. final fantasy fits so perfectly with the other mtg planes and theres so many interesting things to pull from every game could be its own set so the fact that theres like so much shit there like its so exciting like i cant wait for this one. im gonna play final fantasy 6 with wrenny before it comes out so thats exciting too teehee ^_^
"Volleyball" 2025 (top down space opera set):
95%. a space opera could be so fucking cool. im worried theyll fumble the bag and make it really fucking star warsy and thats a truly terrifying thought but i have faith that we can get so see some more interesting and solemn parts of space in magic the gathering. i think a plane with fledgeling space operations and wild star littered frontiers would be so fucking sick and thats like maybe one of my dream sets. please dont fuck this one up
"Wrestling" 2025 (Lorwyn reimagining)
cool. i like what they did to kamigawa. um idk 30%
"Yachting" 2025 (Arcavios/strixhaven)
yippee!!! 55%? i like strixhaven but showing off more of arcavios is what im really super into here cuz i feel like that could be a lot of fun. its an interesting plane i wanna see more
um anyway ill try to sleep again now i guess
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silurisanguine · 11 days
OC Questions tag game (a-cosmic-elf questions answered)
I was tagged by @a-cosmic-elf in the oc questions tag game (answer 3 questions given in style of your OC then give three new questions to tagged people) I'm going to answer the three given me in with all 4 of my ocs as they are a really great way to develop them! - Seren Jones, Aeryn Ryder, Zofie Orel and Kiara Black
Since this is going to be a long post, answers behind a cut!
And I'll tag @vorchagirl @despicablediet and @bearlytolerant @staticpallour @fangbangerghoul @a-cosmic-elf @atonalginger @eridanidreams @toxiclizardwrites @therealgchu @aro-pancake with these three new questions to answer, no pressure though!
-Is there anyone famous you'd love to meet? -What is your favourite season (or weather if you don't have seasons)? -Is there anything physical you'd change about yourself?
First up Seren Jones (My Starfield Coemancer Starborn)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Youtube? Oh viddocs? I dont think I'd have a 'make' channel. Mine would probably be a vlog of my exploration. I see so many incredible things when I'm exploring places I'd want to share that. I already take so many photos, so I think yeah, think I'd like to do something like that." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "Before I became Starborn, my signature color and cut was a silver pixie hairstyle. But after a few universe jumps I wanted to get away from that look and find a new one as I'd kinda let myself go and it seems hair just keeps growing no matter what. So I went to Enhance and I got it dyed this bright teal blue in a sort of short bob. Don't know how long I'll keep it, who knows. I know a version of me had much longer hair similar in style to Andreja's and it looked good, so maybe I'll try that when I finally settle down again." What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "Carrie of the Cosmos. I'd read everything at a mining dig on some backwater moon I can't even remember the name of now and that was left. It's so cliched and predictable." Next - Aeryn Ryder ( My Mass Effect Reyes Vidal romancing Pathfinder)
If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Video documentaries huh? Not sure what I'd be allowed to do considering how Tann rode Keri's ass on her documentary. Maybe 'how to maintain your armour, no matter the environment' type thing or... 'The beauty of Kadara for non exiles who want to visit'....Maybe I do want to piss Tann off." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "My hair is bright highlighted blue and purple already! Had that since I was blacklisted by the Alliance and thought fuck it, let's do what I always wanted but never could before. Luckily I can keep it like this as the angara have these awesome dyes that Lexi found are safe to use on human hair!" What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "I actually don't really read books...not novels anyway. I never have time to really focus on one for long. I liked some of the asari mythology books I used to read, so I guess those."
Next Zofie Orel ( Deus Ex/Assassin's Creed OC)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "Oooh in another life, one where I don't have to not make myself too known, I could do one of those hands visible only jewellery making shows. The camera would be on my worktop and I could show the intricacies of working with silver and gold." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "When I got augmented, they had to shave my head to install the brain implants and I decided then to change up my look as my mousey brown hair was just too boring. I love red so picked the brightest I could find and have had this colour ever since and no damn Templar Hunter is going to get me to change it!" What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "I read this trite publication about Hatshepsut, that was obviously written by a historian who didn't like his theories being proved false by new evidence. A common thing with historians I've found. 'Cant possibly agree with that, my book says otherwise.' Thankfully the new evidence that was found proved he was talking out of his arse." Lastly Kiara Black (My Thief/ Dishonored OC)
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If you had a YouTube channel, what would you make? "What is a You...tube... channel? Huh... I wouldn't want to ever appear on a recording, thanks." Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut? "Oh I once cut my long...long hair short with a pair of my father's sheers and nearly gave my mother a heart attack. All because I wanted shorter hair and she told me no. After that she took me to a barber and made him cut it into something 'feminine'. I watched that man like a hawk and since taught myself how to cut hair properly I've let it grow since then, but I mostly keep it braided back. With what I wear now, I might cut it again as the braid sometimes gets itchy against my neck. But dyeing it? My hair is black, almost blue-black, so no way would I dye it." What’s the worst book you’ve ever read? "The Seven Strictures...Militant religious doctrine masquerading as guidance."
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caracarnn · 3 months
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
CURRENT MUSE(S): (canon muses)
Rand al'Thor (the wheel of time)
Elayne Trakand (the wheel of time)
Andraste (dragon age)
Asmodean (the wheel of time)
Ciri (the witcher)
Daenerys Targaryen (asoiaf)
Dalinar Kholin (the stormlight archive)
Deirdre Mayfair (anne rice)
Elend Venture (mistborn)
Galad Damodred (the wheel of time)
George Villiers (mary & george)
Geralt of Rivia (the witcher)
Jon Snow (asoiaf)
Julien Mayfair (anne rice)
Kaladin Stormblessed (the stormlight archive)
Kelsier (mistborn)
Mona Mayfair (anne rice)
Padme Amidala (star wars)
Perrin Aybara (the wheel of time) Renarin Kholin (the stormlight archive)
Robb Stark (asoiaf)
Rowan Mayfair (anne rice)
Shallan Davar (the stormlight archive)
Spook (mistborn)
Stella Mayfair (anne rice)
Tyrion Lannister (asoiaf)
Empress Tuon (the wheel of time)
Yennefer of Vengerberg (the witcher)
Anne of Austria (the musketeers)
Arno Dorian (assassin's creed)
Cesare Borgia (the borgias)
Daryl Dixon (the walking dead)
David 8 (alien)
Eleanor Guthrie (black sails)
Ellie (the last of us game)
Sir Gawain (the green knight)
Hannibal Lecter (hannibal)
James Flint (black sails)
Jamie Fraser (outlander)
Jesper Fahey (six of crows)
Katrina van Tassel (sleepy hollow)
Klaus Mikaelson (tvd)
Louis Pointe du Lac (anne rice)
Lucien Grimaud (the musketeers)
Magneto (xmen)
Obi Wan Kenobi (star wars)
Philippe d'Orleans (versailles)
Ragnar Lothbrok (vikings)
Rebekah Mikaelson (tvd)
Richie Gecko (from dusk till dawn)
Rick Grimes (the walking dead)
Sam Bridges (death stranding)
Ubbe Ragnarsson (vikings)
Victor Frankenstein (penny dreadful/novel)
idk? lol I mean I always happen on someone new everyday so --- there are tons. I was looking for someone from the Dune novels but idk. Lestat? DONT KNOW
HAVE WRITTEN: (these I only write for strict people still but usually nope)
Steve Rogers (mcu)
Athos (the musketeers)
Porthos (the musketeers)
Loki (mcu)
Natasha Romanoff (mcu)
Doctor Strange (mcu)
Lanfear (the wheel of time)
Dr. Thresden (ahs)
every sarah paulson ahs character ever lol
mark (orphan black)
John Constantine (dc)
Oliver Queen (arrow)
Sylar (heroes)
Claire Bennett (heroes)
Sara Howard (the alienist)
Lucius Isaacson (the alienist)
Freydis (vikings)
Katia (vikings)
Aslaug (vikings)
Thor (mcu)
Edward Kenway (assassin's creed)
a bunch of other assassin's creed characters lol
Alina Starkov (shadow and bone)
Genya Safin (shadow and bone)
Luke Crain (Haunting of Hill House)
Eva Villanueva  (high seas)
Lola ( reign)
Bash (reign)
Henry & Catherine (reign)
Michael Curry (anne rice)
Every Mayfair character ever lol (anne rice)
Santanico (from dusk till dawn)
Clarke Griffin (the 100)
Quicksilver (mcu)
Jensen (the losers)
Aragorn (lotr)
tagged by: @luckhissoul & @stcrforged tagging: @ofprevioustimes @adversitybloomed @malumxsubest @uncxntrxllable @forwardlion @depictedblue @qanedanegros @theasteria @revelour
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sarasa-cat · 1 year
After partner ended the night’s P5 gaming session at the entrance of Madarame’s palace (yes!!!), we watched a whole bunch of game trailers.
There are too many games and not enough time. How do people find the time? Ahhhhhh.
Assassins Creed Mirage looks so incredibly gorgeous. Salivating. (Where am I going to find time??)
Speaking of loading more on my need to do list:
Realizing that I think I want to hold off on my Corpo V until I do an as-close-to-completionist-as-possible CP2077-PL play though starting when PL drops (and probably breaks so many mods- weeping)
Until then, I think i want to make some time for a mostly-main-story (plus selected side quests) run with a nomad V, but starting from scratch rather than the nomad I created one weekend when curious to play the other two origin prelude quests.
I love the concept of a street kid V but the prelude story didn’t do much for me.
Meanwhile, I had never really thought I wanted to play a nomad BUT when I played that prelude quest it grabbed me and it still haunts me all this time later. Literally. Haunts me. Like dayum.
So, I need a second V. A second canon, I guess?
This also simplifies my canon(s) for CP77. Given what the base game gives us, if i am playing a female V, I prefer Judy/V for the official romance and a very specific ending for the end. BUT all of that is tossed out the window when playing a corpo!V because it is all alt-canon/headcanon/modding and Goro/corpo!V or bust. And thus a very different end for that. That is the only choice. And i dont make the rules.
But given how PL might provide other interesting options, hm. tbd? so i might put my corpo V replay on hold until PL drops. (And hopefully mods aren’t too badly broken and easily updated by their creators).
So, thinking about leaning in on nomad V for this summer with a very different brand new V. different personality, etc etc. and hm!
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royallygray · 1 month
Hi Royalllll :DD
Im about to go play Assassin's Creed but I just thought of a question so here's 2/?
Do you play any video games? If yes, which ones and what one is your favorite?
oooh ty for the ask! and uh
I don't play any video video games. I just got bedrock Minecraft like three or four days ago. it's slightly embarrassing how good I am at the game and how much I know for playing approximately eight times.
I was really fucking good at Tower of Destiny on Coolmathgames in like 3rd grade
I slay at bop it. The irl device. I'm so fucking good at it. most of the time.
Yeah. I have Beatstar! and Im rly good at that (it's a music tiles game where you tap in beat. it's accurate and also it uses actual songs not covers)
I think my favorite is Minecraft. I'm constantly playing with one of my friends, and it's really fun, even though it's genuinely terrifying bc I do not have any sense of time when playing and it freaks me out since I started playing at like 6pm and then the next time I looked at the clock like five minutes later it was 8:30
For other games, since why not overshare, --HOLD ON A MINUTR
One of my most recent intense hyperfixations that is a more short lived one is GIGGS Phasmo. I usually never watch VODs because they're too long, but I actually fucking BINGED 90% of Impulse's Phasmo VODs and all of Grian's Phasmo videos. I do watch the VODs at like 1.75 speed so my interpretation of ghost speed is almost certainly completely fucked up but OTHER THAN THAT I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT PHASMO AND I LOVE IT AND I LOVE GIGGS AND THEN IQWHOQJQL THEMMM <<3333
One of my other favorites to watch is Gloom's playthrough of Sally Face. I started watching her like that before COVID and I watched her Sally Face stuff and it has a very special place in my heart. I also watched her play 60 Seconds, which was very cool except I watched all of them and didn't find anymore and also it takes me a while to branch out to new YT creators stuff
Ooh speaking of like.
I need to watch Undertale.
And I also! adore Minecraft Skyblock. Either MC Skyblock normal or Skyblock one block (my personal fav) or Skyblock one block but you get an item every 30 seconds
yeah hope that answered like 120% of your question
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silentm0th · 15 days
xbox showcase thoughts
black ops 6 gp release on my bday pog!! thank you for the zombie present
i am so sorry da fans this looks like shit
starfield mod support finally yes players pls fix this game
metal gear looks like a ps3 game
perfect dark looks like starfield/cp visually but that FIGHTING LOOKS SO GOOD
FABLE!!!!! STILL NO SOLID DATE 🥲 i should play through the fables before then
mixtape narrator sounds like the disney coming soon guy
why did they use we belong for eso?????
indiana jones game looks like a fun time if you dont take it too seriously bc otherwise it looks Bad
avowed looks incheresting
of course an assassins creed based in japan is in english
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dausy · 15 days
So I finished Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth last night. I told my husband I was going to spam finish the ending and I did warn him that final fantasy endings (including final boss fights) are usually notoriously long but I didn't realize that final section was THAT long. I chewed off all my fingernails too in the process so typing all this is actually hurting me. Spoilers below eventually.
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I have some thoughts or feels right now that may change as the game ages. I think its similar feels to how I felt with the Remake which is kind of overall a sense of..disappointment? in a way. I think its the same type of disappointment as you get when you convert a book experience into a movie.
Like deep down I understand that they aren't just making a remake, they've added an extra twist. I understand that they have expanded upon the world and added more character development to make the world seem bigger and more alive. But it does not feel the same. My husband is not familiar with video games so I was excited to show him this badass world and game and honestly a lot of it was cheesefest and make Cloud look as silly as possible. Which is fine for me as a FF veteran but I kept having to say "no I swear this is serious game, serious characters" but then again when we played OGFF7 we were kids..my perception of cool is probably different.
I had a lot of issue with the game mechanics when it came to exploring the world. It tricked you initially making you think it was open world but it isnt. Its very "follow the path" but then you get held up by random rocks and environmental blockages. They added some features like being able to climb up walls and some rocks but not all rocks and then when you do climb its extremely slow. I find myself trying to spam buttons to try and make him go faster and he wont. I honestly miss the old school world map where you would find random hidden areas in forests. I don't think that translates well in modern games though.
Utilizing the map at some points felt worthless because trying to find those locations were next to impossible. My brother had warned me about the Gongaga region but I actually think I had the worst time in Cosmo Canyon trying to find things. Junon probably being a close second. Navigating inside cities was also one of the other biggest frustrations. Getting lost in Cosmo Canyon and Kalm is not fun. If I can't walk into a town and get an immediate layout of the land, I'm instantly annoyed.
Im also usually really excited to clear a map in open world games (having played assassins creeds and eldin rings and horizon series etc) but I was over it after Junon tbh. I did not find the grind to be satisfying especially when it had some mini games in there like Fort Condor. I was over it. I was over Chadley too after remake. They added Mai to rebirth with Chadley. Done. Do not want.
that then comes down to the mini games. These are quite far responsible for the most complaints Ive seen about this game on the internet. I agree. It kind of angered my brain how the controls wouldn't be the same for all the games. In particular, the racing games. The accelerate button in chocobo racing isn't the same as the one motorcycle race. I don't remember if it was even the same for the buggy. But I was having some finger flubs because ye olde hands were used to pushing some buttons then needed to switch it up. Also, some of the mini games just seemed to be impossible. In particular, I absolutely could not figure out the Punch game in the gold saucer. I did not understand it. Could not comprehend it. And after costa del sol, I knew for sure I was not getting any mini game achievements. 100% was not going to happen for me.
I did set the game on easy mode so I probably cant talk about the battle mechanics. I just didn't care to make my time more frustrating. That being said, I dont feel like the materia system had that big of an impact like the original. I just hacknslashed my way through the game. The Folio screen, I felt was dumb too, just let them unlock things as they level up? Also didn't like how I couldnt zoom out on this screen. Speaking of zoom, I had issues with zooming on the world map too. It didn't zoom in and out as much as I am used to with other games. What surprised me the most was by the end I was living off RedXIII which I have not heard anybody else mention. I started the first part of the game thinking I was going to abuse Barrett forever and then I kinda learned how to use Tifa when I decided I wanted the Tifa date. But then redXIII happened. Again, it may be because I had it on easymode but with red I had him equipped with whatever that gave him instant ATB bars and leveled his limit up quick. I just had to run in spam stardust ray which staggers almost everything instantly and then my limit break would be ready. I felt I could just solo the game with him. I never could figure out how to play with Aerith or Cait Sith and just didn't use them if I didn't have to.
I think is kinda the major...well it wasn't a let down...it was just different. It was one of those where I don't know how I would feel if I wasn't familiar with OG. I think my husband was just confused. I just kept having to explain "no this is new, this did not happen" constantly. I felt it was simultaneously too over-explainey but also too cryptic at the same time. I was having to fill in the blanks with what I already knew and expected. That happened emotionally too. I did not get the same OOMPH with Aeriths death as the original. Probably because they didn't show her get skewered and then they made it cryptic about whether or not she did or didn't. "Aerith open your eyes" just confused my husband more. No bud, she dead. Its the whole multiple timelines did not give the same shock. I have to use, again, my knowledge and fill in the emotional blanks. I did really like the church scene where Sephiroth opens the church door. But I had already seen that scene online too and it made me has an assumption that Sephiroth was chasing her down. I thought there would be some sort of a scene where Aerith was going to explain to Cloud that she needed to die because that happens in the original timeline and he was going to try and convince her no and stop her and hence he has to run after her and none of that happened which hurt my feelings but I made that up so. I do like how the kept the thrust you into a bossfight with the sad music.
I tried to explain to my hubby how in the OG, her death was such an immediate shock, especially with how early it was in the game, and she was your obvious dedicated healer and then they toss you into a boss without your healer. That was rough. But it didn't matter in this game because I had no lack of healers anywhere.
I liked the voice acting, I guess. Its still kind of anime-y. Barret grew on me, this game. I thought Cloud was perfect casting. I keep comparing it to FFXII and some of the voicework in that game was brilliant and I don't really think FF7R compares in too many places. I also don't necessarily agree that the character models look great. SE has kind of gotten weird with some of their body proportions. I'm actually not talking Tifas boobs but rather her skinny long spider arms and tiny head. Its giving LunaFreya and I think its hideous and distracting. I do prefer the much more proportional Tifa from Advent Children (and what they pulled into Kingdom Hearts).
Tifa is one of my favorite characters. I do really like how Cloud got crazier as the game progressed, into crazy creepy and I like scared wary Tifa. I got the impression, this game, that Tifa suspects Cloud might have killed Aerith. I could be wrong. I know that Tifa is criticized a bit as a last minute add on character in the OG and I do kind of appreciate fleshing her out a bit. She's understandably a lot more timid and wary in this production. Makes me wonder how they're going to reverse that though in the next game cause that girl looks SCARED of Cloud.
It just isn't the same feel and wonderment. I get nostalgic sometimes for that sensation of the first time I turned on certain video games. The first time I turned on FF10, 12, Ni No Kuni even..and this game is not going to give me that same feel 10 years from now. I do not anticipate I'll ever say "oh man, I wish I could forget my first time playing it and experience it for the first time again".
I will play the third. I want to see Cloud lose his s--- and have a mental breakdown. I think Aerith will still be there, its not going to have that same empty hole feeling that the OG had though. But I'll play it for finality. I do hope they tie in some Advent Children stuff. I do want a nice long finale sequence but it'll probably just abruptly end unfortunately. meh.
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yanderepuck · 1 year
So I bought the DLC for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood simply for the Salaì content. And even tho the designers did him dirty, the dialogue is on point.
Let me give you a run down of my favorite key points
Leonardo: you underestimate Salaì
Ezio: we'll see about that
Ezio did in fact underestimate Salaì
Because he was at the thieves guild...gambling..and there's a prostitute dancing on the table
Ezio: Giacomo
Salaì: I do not answer to that name
Ezio: *annoyed sigh* Salaì
Salaì: good enough I guess
Ezio: the three men from the game are following us. Stay quiet.
Salaì: why? *Turns around to face them*
Just listen to the man. All you have is a dagger.
Salaì: I know a good route. I take it every morning after the taverns close
Salaì: *about Leonardo* he never takes me out. And he's so cheap! I have to beg him for money
And then he admits to just taking his money.
Salaì: there's something written on the floor
Ezio: what is it?
Salaì: I can't read
With ikevamp Salaì... I have him complain about not being able to read when he's younger...let alone Leonardo's backwards handwriting
Salaì: I sold one of Leonardo's paintings. I needed the money for a doublet...but now it's gone out of fashion
Ezio: *is so tired of his shit and it's been maybe 30 minutes*
Salaì actually LOVED shopping. What's hilarious is that Leonardo made sure to point out in one of his notebooks that Salaì owned 24, pairs of shoes. This bitch had STYLE
Ezio: Salaì! Think!
Salaì sounded so gay when he said "being him back to me" bc Leonardo got kidnapped and now he's a wreck
Leonardo: I suppose Salaì is out having fun spending my hard earned money
Ezio: Salaì is safe at home
Leonardo: I'm relieved- about my money that is
Ezio: Salaì fits you. I approve
Leonardo: ..I...
Ezio: what? Is the great Leonardo da Vinci at a loss for words?
The only thing that sucks about the DLC....WE DONT GET TO SEE THEM REUNITE. I wanted to see them hug.
Ezio finally saves Leonardo tho and Leonardo is trying to figure out some hidden knowledge thing and Ezio is like "something's aren't meant for us." AND GETS HIM OFF TRACK SO EASILY BY TALKING ABOUT HIS OTHER PROJECTS. The ADHD really kicked in for Leonardo.
Leonardo says so much gay shit throughout the whole game
Anyway. I love Leonardo and I love Salaì. I want to have dolls of them and make them kiss
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Hi! I’m Lily aka herhopeistreacherous (she/her). I live in the PNW, work in entertainment, and play lots of video games. I’ve been on Tumblr since 2010 and I have the brain rot to prove it. You may have sensed from the theme of my blog, but I actually also like Taylor Swift. Could you tell?
While I certainly post lots of Taylor, here are some of my other interests that often pop up on my blog:
- Legend of Zelda (played Link’s Awakening, SS, BOTW, & TOTK)
- Assassin’s Creed (played 2, Brotherhood, Revelations, & 3)
- The Sims (played 1, 2, & 4)
- Stardew Valley
- Twilight Saga
- The Hunger Games
- boygenius (I am queer as hell)
- Conan Gray
- Olivia Rodrigo
- Sports (NFL/Seahawks, Mariners, other Seattle teams… not the Huskies)
- Gilmore Girls
- Brooklyn 99
- Otters (I just really like otters)
- Cats (see above)
Expect to see those things sprinkled in amongst the Taylor Swift, along with things I find pretty, interesting, funny, or important. Why am I explaining this? You know how a blog works.
What you don’t know is important tags I use! Here you go: personal, I wrote this, i dont know when i became a twilight blog, i used to be a glee blog, those adorable gilmore girls, botw, totk, it was rare I was there, thg, assassin’s creed
Previous URLs: atleastshestrying, lilyamongthethorns, yougavemelilys, lilyceleste
Side Blog: lovelettersfromlily.
Have I mentioned Taylor Swift yet? What about that one time she sent me Christmas presents? Check out my tag Swiftmas for the wildest story of my life. I use the tag Taylor Swift very inconsistently so if you don’t like her… I just really don’t recommend being here.
I want to make it abundantly clear: this space is not for TERFs, you are not welcome here.
Trans folks: here’s a consensual forehead kiss. I love you I love you I love you.
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scorchedhearth · 1 year
dashboard osmosis: dishonored and/or yellowjackets <3 <3 <3
there is a city!! and it is very wet, and the rats and whales are a big part of it, u can eat the rats and use them to attack ppl which is a core aspect of the game and fascinating to me. the very wet and creepy city is a big part of it too, more than just a background setting, it is almost alive in its importance. i know u have 2 protagonists u can use, and the gameplay can range from high stealth and rogue-like mechanics where u go through the levels like a ghost or an absolute battering ram of a machine that kills everything in its path which i’ve heard is lots fun and many ppl love that range of options, there’s also a time-related mechanic where u can wind back time? or see two different places/pov at the same time? idk, i’ve just heard that the gameplay is actually pretty fun. for the story itself i know next to nothing, it just reminds me of assassin’s creed for some reason because of the lone assassin walking thru a city doing his own things. the aesthetic is set in the past, i’d say around the 19th century? maybe 20th? one character is called corvo which always remind me of corvid/crow and i hope his personality is inspired by that?? also! u can take ur lover/fiance’s heart with u and it talks to u in some levels which is SO cool. it's a story about revenge and rebellion against the government but mostly it's about the wet city and water. and rats
ask me about a fandom i dont know
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