#dont want to speak too soon but this will probably mean i will have fun posting again !
boiled-dennis · 1 year
rarely speak to my mother but i told her about always sunny for the first time and was told i should make a highlight reel since she would never watch the show itself. is this what breathes life back into my enthusiasm for it ......
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Omg I LOVED your hcs about Alator’s shadows!!!!! I was wondering if you would be ok doing some more nsfw ones? Like maybe they catch the reader having some… *cough cough* alone time..? 🤭 Whatever you want, really! I just loved those so much 🥰
A/N: Alastor’s shadows >>> based off of this set of headcannons. A little short on my end but i’ll probably follow up on this soon!
warnings: NSFW mention under the cut !!
Navigation!! // Masterlist!! // Serendipity Writes (Event)
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Alastor’s shadows are known for being nosy
Especially with you, they love you so so much, which he appreciates he’s jealous
Now being that you are his lover, he sort of has to shoo his shadows away a lot
They’ve definitely stolen some of your undergarments before and shown him, to which he begins to fight with them
remember the bath bit from the last headcannon? they’ve definitely seen you take a bath before and Alastor will always have something to say about it
“you’re lucky they can’t speak to anyone but me”
Though he doesn’t mind them being around, since they do help him and he essentially bends them to his will
He doesn’t get very in the mood often, its usually during a rut that hell get this way, so having some alone time with him is very rare, in this sense at least
Now dont get it twisted, he’s a kinky shit
But he doesn’t think he is, he just knows what he likes
You are hardly seen during the autumn months due to his rut, poor thing
He’s a rough lover, simply by nature, but there are moments when he’s very soft too
His shadows will often help with aftercare, taking care of you and showering you with affection
Alastor will prohibit them from joining the two of you, if he can really help it at least
Though that doesn’t mean they wont ever be present
Alastor truly doesn’t like physical touch, but during his rut his mind is pretty much one tracked so they’re usually on the nicer side of spice while he’s… himself :)
He wont allow you to touch him, so usually his shadows will hold you back while he does his thing
Not like he really needs them too, he could just magically pull out something to hold your hands together, but having them do it so much more fun especially watching you fight against them while asking him for more
He does get very embarrassed by his rut, so his shadows will keep watch over you while he hides out by himself
During this time his shadows will report back to him on anything
This causes his jealousy to flare up immensely and it gets really bad
His shadows will snatch you up out of nowhere mid day and bring you to him
He takes his jealousy out on you, and you’re out of commission for a good week or two
Overall his shadows are more snitches during this time, but they have their fun with you too, if he allows them too at least.. ;)
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bestpigeon · 7 months
Vox x male reader unfamiliar feelings..
Vox x male reader.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, aggression, strangling.
Words: 1.6k
Thought I'd do some Vox for a change
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I've been safely working at the Hazbin Hotel. Charlie's been more than kind. She let me stay for free, knowing my struggles. Though despite the face that I've got her help, Vox can still make me appear into thin air if needed. I'm still trapped. A worthless demon like me binded to a powerful overlord called Vox. I was relaxing in my hotel room. I suddenly felt myself black out for a moment. Like I was fading away.
This feeling was familiar, and I wasn't surprised one bit when I opened my eyes to see Vox. Great, what does he need now.
"Vox." I say in a stern tone. I was clearly not happy with his presence.
"Ah, where the FUCK have you been!?" He says as he lunges up in his chair in anger. His screen glitches as he shouts into my face. He's slightly taller, so I have to rotate my head to look up at him.
I hesitate to answer. I mean, if he knew I was in his enemies' hotel? He would absolutely murder me. "Away." i say simply. I didn't intent of telling him my where abouts any time soon.
His face only glitches more in anger. His fists clench as he grabs my neck and pulls me close to him. So my face is inches away from his. "Answer my FUCKING QUESTION" he says shouting once again. His screen glitches when he's angry. I choke and feel tears prickle in my eyes. He was gripping my throat with intense strength. I flinch as he lifts his other hand to my shoulder and claws at it.
"I- just at a..f-friends house!-" i say. I could barely breathe since he was gripping intently at my throat. He squints his eyes at me and stays silent for a while. He rolls his eyes before dropping me onto the floor.
I fall to the floor. I'm a thump. I groan and gasp for air while grasping my now purple neck. Vox speaks again. I feel a familiar chain appear at my neck. I look up at Vox with watery eyes.
"Don't forget who owns you, sweetheart. You dont want to fuck with me!" He says before the chain disintegrates into thin air. My head falls and I wiped the tears on my face before Vox had a chance to notice them. He'd probably make fun of me for being so pathetic. "Yes.. sir." I say in almost a whisper. I felt so pathetic under Vox. He rolls his eyes and snickers. He then walks out of the office, leaving me on the floor.
I slowly catch my breath and rise from the floor. I rub at my still bruised neck before I fo some paperwork. I have a little desk at the back of Voxs office. It's a little space where I can do paperwork. Im assuming the reason why he called me here was to do his shit work. I haven't seen him for about 2 months now. Normally, he would summon me at least once a week.
I sat down and automatically saw a pile of papers dumped onto my desk. I sigh and slump onto the wooden chair. I grab a few papers and start signing and writing some random shit on them. Vox told me to just sign everything. I mean, he doesn't really care. If he can't be fucked to go to a meeting then he would just cancel it, with no feeling of shame at all.
After what feels like hours, I've finally completed half the stacks of paper. I rub my neck again since it's sore. I continue to pick out papers and sigh away. I didn't bother reading them. Why would I? Suddenly, Vox enters his office again. I don't move at all. I don't even bother looking at him. I just lean onto my knuckle and repetitively write Voxs name over and over again. I see Voxs flat-screened head rotate and glare at me. I don't move again, and he just sits onto his chair. He straps the wires to the back of his head and does whatever shit he usually does.
I felt so tired, overwhelmed, and bored. All this dumb paperwork. I mean, I know this guy is famous and all, but still. People can't care that much about him. I mean, I don't. He's not too bad, I guess. Sometimes he's nice sometimes he's not. His mood mainly depends on Valentino. If Val pisses him off, then he would lash out of everyone. It's not entirely his fault. Valentinos a bitch and Vox gets stressed easily. I somewhat understand. But sometimes it's too much.
I rub my worn-out eyes and groan. I hold back a yawn before I lean against the back of my chair. Vox glares at me again, and I turn to make eye contact with him. The silent communication is cut off when I look away. His eyes were different than usual. Some different emotions he's never expressed for me before. Sympathy, maybe? Could be.
I sigh and lean on both my hands. I lean against the table and drift away into a deep slumber. I didn't mean to. Though the activities I did with Charlie earlier and all this paper work.
Vox turns and notices I was asleep. He holds back a smile and approaches my sleeping body. He taps my shoulder to justify that I was actually asleep. He slowly and carefully picks me up, bridal style, and relocates me. He walks towards a door in the corner of his office and walks through it. His bedroom.
He delicately puts me down and tucks me into the bed. He smiled down at me before writing on a piece of paper he found scattered on his desk. He then leaves. He quietly shuts the door and leaves.
Hours later, I awake finally. I have slept for a while. I was clearly sleep deprived. I sit up and look around the room, confused. Where the fuck was I? I quickly went to run out the room when I noticed a ink covered peice of paper. I pick it up and read it.
"Morning, or whenever you wake up. I just wanted to say sorry earlier. I didn't mean to treat you that way. I had a bad day and took it out on you. Let's talk."
From Vox
I couldn't help but smile. That was sweet. Well, the bare minimum, but for Vox, this was a big step. He never shows sympathy or any fucks for his minions. This actually meant something. My head flies up to the door as someone slowly starts opening it. I see Vox glare into the room to see if I was asleep. He enters when he sees me.
"Oh. Mornin'.. um. Are you doing okay?" He says quietly. He approaches the bed and lifts my chin before looking at my neck. I blush and glare at his pretty but flat face.
"Since when are you nice?" I say somewhat teasingly and somewhat truthful. I mean, I'm right. He's never nice.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up." He says as he rolls his eyes with sass. I chuckle slightly and smile up at him. He's been nice, well, in his own way.
"The letter, let's chat," He says. I have no time to deny before he sits on the bed beside me.
"So. Val has been a little fucking asshole. I mean, the idiot thinks he can boss me around like I'm his boy toy, and -" He stops talking for a moment. "Never mind. Um. But I've been.. pissed off lately. So I lashed out on you." He says. He seemed genuine. His normally loud dementure not present. I nod. I somewhat forgive him. My neck still hurts but he's trying. Which makes it count.
"Yeah so. Sorry for being a bitch. Asshole I don't know. I um. I guess I just find you different from the other fucks." I chuckle at that. Though he's calm whenever he talks about someone else he grits his teeth.
"You find me different? How?" I question. I generally was confused. How was I different? I assumed he meant because I'm not an overlord. I'm weaker then everyone else he knows. Anyone that's not Velvet or Valentino is under him. Though I could be wrong. Because I've never met this Vox before.
"I guess I uh.. feel different with you. The others fucking stress me out. You dont- as much." He says. Adding a snarcky comment on the end. Of course. Why wouldn't he?
"How.. surprisingly charming." I say. He rolls his eyes and looks away. He thinks of what to say before turning to look at me.
"Oh fuck you. Really. But I feel different with you. Fuck knows what that means." He says as he leans back slightly. I smirk and glare at him.
"Aww you have a little crush on me Vox?~" I say teasingly. His screen turns a lighter and brighter blue. I pull playfully at his bowtie all while having complete eye contact.
"Oh fuck you asshole- I'm trying to be nice yknow?" I smile at that and move my hands away from his bowtie. I look into hi alluring red eyes. They're actually quite beutiful.
"Yeah. I appreciate it though. Your not too bad." I say. He smiles at that. Oh that smile. He normally just smirks but that soft smile is so fucking attractive. I grab his bowtie again and peck the side of his screen. "I'll see you tomorrow, Vox." I say before getting up and leaving.
Vox was left dumbfounded. You just kissed him? Why? Why did he like it? His screen blanked out and read; 'warning, emotion overload.'
Let's just say, Vox's day got better. Way better
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atom-writings · 2 years
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(Hetalia Main 8 x Reader) Finding out their future S/O likes them through... unconventional means!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N anon i hope u do not mind i changed the scenario the slightest bit so theyre not all the same. Also ur english is fine dont wrry!! <3 also srry for the wait ):
Trigger Warning: Implications about reader that might be wrong, Ivan is kind of invasive, awkwardness? Other than that, just fluff!
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One day, you and one of your closest friends went out to a local restaurant to hang out. You two talked for hours and hours, about everything and anything. Of course, during that time your love life came up. That part of your life has always been complicated, and you couldn’t think of a better person to talk it through with. Lately, you’d become entranced with your good friend Alfred. Everything about him drove you wild, and you could talk about him for hours.
But little did you know, the restaurant you love just happens to be one of his favourites too. So, a couple of booths away, he sat. At first, he tried not to intrude, but he couldn’t help but perk up upon hearing his name.
He doesn’t confront you with this immediately. In fact, he’s gonna keep that to himself as long as he can stand to. Which, probably isn’t that long.
He finds it very entertaining to watch your reaction to him… very subtly flirting. Leaning over your shoulder more than he needs to, brushing hands when you’re walking together, offering you his jacket…
Of course, he knows why you’re blushing, but you don’t know that he does. Isn’t that what makes it so much fun?
Eventually he’ll actually ask you out. But for now, he’ll just enjoy having this… power over you <3
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When you decided to invite your friends over to play a new board game, you had no choice but to invite Arthur over as well. Your feelings towards him maybe have been… complicated… but you couldn’t deny that any gathering felt lonely without him. Even if he could easily defeat all of you in any strategy game.
When you began playing, you all began quickly immersed. Your eyes couldn’t leave the game, and even a second away could cost you everything. So when Arthur lost a turn, it was only natural that he was forced to retrieve something for the group. You asked him to grab something from your room. However, that thing just happened to be right next to your trash can. 
When he finally found what he was looking for, it had fallen on top of the trash. As he picked it up, it revealed a crumpled-up letter underneath. Looking over his shoulder, he unfolded it. But scribbled hastily on that letter were the details of your true feelings towards a certain British gentleman…
He’s going to be blushing and panicking immediately. Leaves swiftly with next to no explanation (he’s gonna beat himself up later for that one-)
He’ll bring it up next time you meet. Of course, casually. He doesn’t want to pressure you, especially since he feels a little guilty about how he found out.
But thank god he did find out because he’d be much too scared of rejection otherwise. Asking you out feels incredibly vulnerable, but this way, both of you are happy.
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Although it had never been in your nature to reach out… you had come to a breaking point. Your feelings towards your friend, Francis, had become an issue. But considering how embarrassing it was to admit, asking your friends for advice was out the question. You would have to do it anonymously.
So, on a warm Saturday afternoon, you decided to call into a small English-speaking talk radio. You were visiting France, just for him, and hoped that the native Parisian host may be able to provide a unique perspective on how to proceed. Perhaps there was some… cultural barrier between you two?
So when you began describing your predicament, you couldn’t stop. Before you knew it you were gushing about your love for Francis. But in your haste, his name slipped out. You paused, right before on the other end, a familiar voice said your name.
Naturally, as soon as he finds out, he’s all in. He’s immediately asking you out and showering you in all the compliments he’s had to internalize (on air even-)
He’s gonna be a bit awkward just in the way that it’s hard for him to understand any reservations you may have. You’re both head over heels for each other, isn’t that enough?
Of course, it’s not. You hadn’t even planned to reveal your feelings yet, it was just a misunderstanding! Although it’s a dream to him, your uncomfortableness is no surprise. Set some boundaries, and he’ll be the most perfect boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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Yao always loved sharing his culture with you. One of his favourite ways to do so was through cooking! You had never been that much into cooking, but with him, it seemed much easier and way more fun. So when he invited you over to teach you a new traditional Chinese dish, you couldn’t say no. Even if you felt a little… awkward around him now.
But you considered that maybe, that day, you could finally tell him how you felt. Maybe then wouldn’t have to deal with that awkwardness, and possibly even end up with him, in a more romantic sense. But if he rejected you… the awkwardness would be ten-fold. You had no idea what to do! Luckily, you could always consult your friends.
So, while you and Yao cooked, you also texted your friends for advice… discreetly, of course. But as you two got more and more invested in your meal, you forgot about all your troubles. And by extension, your friends trying to give you advice. You even got so distracted that you forgot your phone on his kitchen table, and when he picked it up to investigate, he found your friend’s text thread telling you to confess.
He’s going to panic immediately. This isn’t how he wanted to find this out! It makes him feel all guilty… like he invaded your privacy. Obviously, he’s a little excited but still!
So he has no choice but to pretend he didn’t see anything. If you ask him about it, you’ll get nothing but denial. 
As soon as the time is right, and it’s not obvious that he already knew you’d say yes, he’ll ask you out himself. If anything, this incident will just be a little bump in the road to you guy’s eventual relationship. Honestly, he may still deny it even after you’re dating. It’s just… embarrassing for the both of you.
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Although you had only been friends for a short time, it felt as if you and Ivan had been together for years. When he asked to come over to your home for the first time, it came as a shock. Not because you didn’t want him to, but simply because you assumed he had already come over! You had spent a lot of time at his home already, so it felt natural
While you gave him the short tour, he couldn’t help himself but ask question after question. It seemed as if he was investigating your whole life based on your possessions. But considering how much you knew about him, you felt completely comfortable sharing. While you regaled him with the stories of your, relatively short, life so far he listened intently. Soaking in every detail and never looking away from you. In fact, he seemed so enthusiastic about you, you started to become flustered. You had been able to keep your feelings under control for most of your time spent together, but this was proving too much. No one else had ever paid as much attention to you as he had.
Soon enough, you had no choice but to excuse yourself from his overwhelming presence. But while you tried to busy yourself in another room, he was drawn to the beautiful journey laying on your desk. Although he knew it to be wrong, he couldn’t help but flip through a couple of pages. Unfortunately for everyone involved, those few pages just happened to detail your romantic feelings towards the Russian reading them.
Ivan, despite the way he found out, will be ecstatic! Absolutely no shame about how he found out about your feelings. Immediately rushes over to you and nearly tackles you to the ground in a hug.
At that point, he’s not even asking you out. You like him as well, so you’ll agree with no questions asked, right?
Despite that, he won’t take any reservations too personally. He’ll always be happy now that he knows you feel the same as him. Whatever that means for you.
He doesn’t even think about how invasive and uncomfortable it might’ve been for you to have him find out in such a personal way. But he’ll promise to never do it again, don’t worry.
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One thing that no one could deny about Italy, was that it was beautiful. Romantic architecture, perfect coastlines, its culture burst at the seams, and you couldn’t get enough of it. You were so possessed by its beauty that you couldn’t help falling into the local superstitions around it. In specific, you found yourself believing in wishes. By your friend Feliciano’s house, there was a beautiful, centuries-old fountain that locals wished in.
Normally, you wouldn’t believe in such things. But day by day you felt more desperate. You were in love with your friend, but you couldn’t risk losing him just because you wanted a little bit more. Although he acted quite affectionate with you, he did the same for everyone. All you wanted was for Feliciano to take the first step, for him to understand without words, or anything at this point!
So you went down to the fountain, bringing just one euro coin to sacrifice. It was in the evening, so only a few people remained in the square, leaving you almost alone. You wished out loud, confessing your true feelings to the world, in a desperate plea for them to come true. But little did you know, Feliciano had come with the same idea.
Oh, he’s definitely confronting you right away. Him being there while you confess has to be fate, there’s no other explanation!
He’s very smooth about it though. He’ll ask you out, but with no strings attached. By the end of the whole ordeal, you won’t feel embarrassed in the slightest. It’s almost like he has practice dealing with this kind of thing…
All he can think is how romantic this whole situation is. It’s like something out of a movie, and a perfect fairytale romance is all he’s ever wanted. Hopefully, you do too <3 
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Ludwig had always been a smart man. That was one of your favourite things about him. When you worked with him, it felt as if anything was possible. Even when he struggled, he would comfort you and promise that together, the solution would become clear. So when you had no idea where to start on your essay, he was the first person you asked to help.
So, early in the afternoon, he came over to your home. Laying out his own preliminary research, you couldn’t help but laugh. Somehow, in half the time, he was able to find double the information you could. But he wasn’t embarrassed, simply choosing to ignore your reaction and begin walking you through the writing process.
With his he;[, you couldn’t help but get on quite a roll. Any distractions faded away, and it felt as if every second could be used to it’s fullest extent. So when you needed a specific piece of information you had noted down before, you asked him to retrieve it. But when he grabbed the notebook you had asked him for, he opened it to reveal dozens of notes… about him. Even with little hearts dotting each line! 
He is so excited. I mean, he’s so freaked out about it he feels like he’s gonna pass out, but in a good way! It’s pretty adorable, he’s all flushed and can’t help but start stimming.
Next time you see him, he’s gonna try his best to ask you out and reveal that he feels the same. But, the first time, he might panic and dip out. 
He worried you’re gonna judge him for how he realized you liked him as well, and reject his advances. If you did he’d never live it down-
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As much as he loved you, he did not love your friends. Kiku would come to anything you invited him to, regardless of the fact that every time he would end up playing video games alone in your room. While everyone partied outside, he found the noise unbearable. But the fact that you didn’t question his decision to isolate, and even made an effort to still hang out with him alone, was one of his favourite things about you.
But one time, during one of those gatherings, he turned into a side room early. It had been a hard day for him, but still seeing you was his first priority. Right before he put his headphones on, he overheard someone saying his name from outside the door. 
The longer he listened, the colder he felt. Two of your friends were commenting on his behaviour, calling him strange and awkward. One questioned why he had even been invited, remarking that he didn’t fit into the group. He was about to interrupt their conversation when you joined their mean-spirited discussion.
But you didn’t agree with them, oh no. You told them that he was always invited because regardless of their rude opinions. Because, well, you loved him. More than just a friend would.
Oh, this is so awkward for him.  And you. What a situation! He’s so worried about what to do. He likes you a lot too, he keeps catching himself daydreaming about you… holding your hand, kissing your cheek, being in love with each other… but there’s no way you feel the same! He must have misheard!
He’s definitely not gonna bring up what he heard. As far as you’re aware, he knows absolutely nothing. And he’s trying his best to-
I seriously doubt he’d be the one who asked you out first, regardless of the situation. All this has done is make him doubt everything more. Just do him a favour and be direct, won’t you?
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lemon-natalia · 7 months
Gideon the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 25
dont think i can express in words how much of a fucking rollercoaster this chapter was to read, i was genuinely gasping in shock every other sentence. 
everyone keeps emphasising the bone fragments in the Fifths bodies, and honestly i really don’t know what that means other than whoever killed them was presumably a necromancer? also maybe isaac is onto something about those skeletons spying on them, they really are everywhere
Isaac can make glowy lights with his powers?? necromancy is a much more catch-all term for magic than i thought it was
ok so the military isn’t just an institution, there really seems to be an active war going on? that begs the question against who, i thought the only places were the Nine Houses, but apparently not, there's mention later of ‘post-colony’ and ‘hold’ planets, it seems to properly be an empire. the world-building is getting very star wars. but said war can’t be going too well if they’re resorting to child soldiers and the Fourth House is apparently getting that badly hit.
brb getting flashbacks to that one library doctor who episode where all the lights start going out. this chapter with all the blood wall writing is probably the creepiest since the one featuring Harrow’s zombie parents
well if Pro had to face The Bone Amalgamation 2: Electric Boogaloo he’s definitely dead
it's not even Jeannemary, whos been so on edge this whole time that eventually breaks, its Isaac. ohhh, poor poor Isaac. i knew that one of them would just snap and do something reckless soon, i still just wasn’t emotionally prepared for this
Jeannnnmaryyyyyy, the way Gideon has to pull her away from going after Isaac is killing me. she’s just lost her life-long best friend and literally the only person she has left. and poor Gideon as well, there was nothing she could even do, and she’s just doing her best to take care of Jeannemary, and even that ends tragically 
immediately after reading the previous section, i was shocked by isaac's death, but also (i'm sorry isaac) at least glad my favourite of the two was still alive. and then the ending of this chapter hit me like a freight truck, and i literally had to reread it three times before my brain computed Jeannemary was gone.
what the fuck is up with those blood messages on the wall, whoever or whatever was doing this wasn’t just trying to kill them, its trying to get to them psychologically before it does so. and with the second message, though its possible it was meant for Jeannemary, i don’t know if she would even have had time to see it before she died. the more disturbing possibility is that it was meant for Gideon to see when she woke up, and taunting her
speaking of, even more disturbing is that for whatever reason they didn’t kill Gideon despite her being right there and also sleeping. that speaks to a slightly different motivation than simply getting rid of competition, it wanted her alive to see Jeannemary’s death?
and on top of that, Jeannemary was killed in a locked room outside of the facility, so absolutely nowhere in Canaan House is truly safe. Fun!
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hutaoscoffinn · 2 years
Everyone is getting sick once again thanks to covid and the flu having another go around and I had two requests for a sick reader so headcanon time
Warnings: sickness, this is super fluffy, domestic Rika, fussy Rika, Rika taking care of you when you’re sick, gn! Reader, this is honestly really cute and domestic, so fun to write
Character: Rika of the Elite Four
Requests: OPEN
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Sickness has been knocking everyone down these past years but its always before Christmas where it comes to a head
But don’t worry good ol’ Rika will take care of you
Rika will realize almost immediately that you are sick
She is incredibly perceptive when it comes to you so she notices when you wake up with a stuffy nose and a hoarse voice with a groggy look in your eye
She will immediately call you out of work, email your professors if you are a student, do whatever she needs to do to make sure your day is freed up
Don’t even try to get out of bed
Rika will not let you
She will be making sure you have medication at hand and if you don’t she will be going to the pharmacy to get some medication that you can take
After you’ve taken medication Rika will absolutely be making you some hot tea with honey to help soothe your sore throat and to give your body a little boost for fighting off whatever ails you
If the tea gets cold dont worry, Rika will warm it up again for you and she will make sure you drink it all
Hot tea is really helpful for whenever you’re sick and can help clear up your sinuses so save Rika some extra fussing and drink the tea
She just wants to make sure you feel better as soon as possible
She can’t have her baby feeling down now can she?
Speaking of fussing Rika will be fussing over you all day, making sure you are tucked into bed and not too hot nor too cold
If you’re feeling cold she will make sure you have some extra fluffy blankets at hand along with plenty of her sweatshirts to keep you warm
If you feel too hot she’s grabbing a loose tshirt and getting you cold water and some ice packs to help you cool down and will even turn down the temperature in your home if need be
Rika will also be making you some soup for while you are sick, whichever one is your favorite of course
Warm soup when you’re feeling ill soothes the soul and I stand by that
It’s comforting to have some hot soup when you’re sick especially when someone you love has made it for you
Rika will even feed you if you’re having trouble eating by yourself
She loves taking care of you so let her help okay?
Rika is incredibly insistent that getting proper nutrients is even more important when you are sick so she wants to make sure you eat as much as you can without making yourself feel worse
And of course, drinking water
Hydration is a key part of overcoming your illness quicker so you can expect Rika to be constantly filling up a cup of water for you
Every hour or two she will check in to make sure you have been drinking some water
If you have been drinking water, expect lots of praises from your very loving girlfriend
If not,,,
Well, be prepared for a bit of scolding
But don’t worry, being sick doesnt mean Rika will be fussing over you 100% of the time
She will probably take the day off to care for you, maybe even multiple if your sickness doesn’t let up
So while you are both at home, Rika will be by your side and holding you
She knows she could get sick but honestly she doesn’t really care
She’s more focused on making sure you start feeling better and obviously a good remedy is some cuddling in bed
Watching movies or some of your favorite shows with Rika, curled up by her side in bed is an upside to being sick
Usually your lives are rather fast paced without much of a chance to slow down for a bit, especially for Rika
Working for the pokemon league and being a member of the elite four isn’t an easy job and is definitely one that isn’t exactly an office job
So spending full days with Rika like this are rare
And even if one or both of you is sick, having the time to slow down and enjoy each other is needed and Rika is grateful for the extra time with you
Even if it means that when you feel better, she has a case of the sniffles
Guess you’ll just have to take care of her now, wont you?
Reblogs are always appreciated <3
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arqdyke · 1 year
hey! i'm the person who sent in the transmasc jane <3< transfem rose request and, first things first, wanted to say thank you. i've never thought of jane with those like eyeglasses strings things (no idea what they're called) but i LOVE them and he is so real. 2 me. as a janerose enjoyer.
second thing is: i've been sending in rqs for... i think since the beginning of the blog's founding? (first request was published on 9/14/22. there have been too many sent in since then to name, but. A Lot Of Requests, hehe). i just wanted to send in a thank you here.
you've done a lot of really beautiful gorgeous art on dyke-stuck. i'm really glad for the time that it's existed, and if you do decide to stop using it come november, i'm glad that you're going to be able to make that decision to stop doing something that isn't fun for you anymore. to me, dyke-stuck is about having fun, and it would really suck if it kept going even if you weren't happy with it or weren't having fun. like, i think it's better if it ends on a happy note, if that makes sense? obviously every decision up to you, and i certainly wouldnt be Upset if it continued, but like. idk. peace and love on planet earth and the health and well-being of a talented Artiste above all else, yk. thank you for everything!
(i would've sent this on dyke-stuck but your asks were closed (probably bc a Lot of people dont know what Requests R Closed means) so i sent it here instead, i hope that's okay)
staring at you with wobbly tear filled eyes. thank you so so much for sending this it means a lot!! figuring out when to end dyke-stuck has been like. on my mind since long before it even hit the one year mark but i wanted to make it at the very least that far
originally i wanted to end with a bang (hence the little event thing i did!) but all the support from it actually motivated me for a little longer lol. SPEAKING of support seriously thanks so much for like. regularly interacting and being nice all throughout the blogs lifespan :,3
your blog is one i instantly recognize the url & pfp of just bc ive seen it in my notes a lot & i really appreciate that :D! idk if im wording this all that right. dyke-stuck wouldnt have gotten even half as far as it did without all the asks, interaction, and hell the actual friends ive made off of it. peace and love on planet earth forever :3
(and yeah! asks are closed mostly so i didnt have to deal with people sending in requests despite the closedness lol. i might reopen them sometime soon but requests are probably closed to the public for a while..)
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give-grian-rights · 2 years
Mika you are a Joe main, please expand on how to write him I'm begging (does he say "isn't" or "ain't" etc?? Is he more reserved or does he like to be the one talking in a crowd?? stuff like that) ((only if you want to ;;w;;)) - M
i think he mostly says "ain't" but he DOES say isn't. i mean. the man's a poet and a writer and he writes songs. i think it depends mostly on the tone. he mostly will like, say "this is NOT the time to be messing around". generally speaking he is... very frazzled person. they'll do that thing that's like they're laughing but it sounds seconds away from turning into crying.
very eccentric for no reason. last i saw his latest streaming look irl is... chroma green classes. lime green fingerless fishnet gloves. his usual green tanktop (which will probably turn into a hoodie soon if it hasnt already) . and thats WITHOUT mentioning his props and Beetlejost just. very theater kid
he CAN take control of a situation but he usually avoids it. for example ! he single handedly saved Hermitcraft from only being one season. when GenerikB left and no one else really stepped up, Joe found the seed, organized the date, updated the server, invited Cleo because god damn it if he's doing this he's inviting a friend. and then once the ball got rolling he siad he wouldn't do it again and luckily did Not have to become head admin, though what a funny world it would be if he did.
related, when he still had admin powers, and i DONT know what season this was but i think after that he didn't let himself be given it anymore, he...accidentally cleared his entire inventory .
so he normally lets other people take control, you'll see him in a lot of the major events being kinda quiet and letting other people talk and only adding small comments and his off-handed jokes and references half the people dont react too and he's just . vibing
i havent been able to watch a stream in MONTHS and all his streams are mostly just..extended episodes. since he uses them to record his videos in, so its that and also fun behind the scenes song writing nad mishaps.
-vocabulary is situational. casual: ain't, isn't. stressed: is not.
-startles kinda easily and in the face of CRAZY STUFF or something bad happening, is VERY rarely angry. gamer rage does Not exist within him. his reaction is usually cry-laughing. throwback to that clip of him losing a BUNCH of diamonds in lava to a trap by Jevin, when he was trying to give those diamonds to Jevin. that was season 6 demise.
-roundabout explanations for why he's doing something the most inefficient way possible. (no diamonds season 7)
-taking things entirely literally in the most stubborn way possible. i cannot give you any good explanation just... watch a stream and watch him interact with chat for like half an hour and you'll understand. "why is your face in your hotbar?" "because anywhere else and it would be hard to see"/"why is your face on the screen" "where else would it go?" and then sometimes. when someone will ask a serious and legitimate question he'll still answer it in a sarcastic but matter-of-fact way that you cannot tell if he genuinely misunderstood or if it's a joke. again hard to give explanations
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Let's make smiles bloom, anytime, everywhere! (WONDERHOY~!★)
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welcome to my blog! (or welcome back if you knew me before i went by this user)
name: christy or papu either is fine
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual omniromantic
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i am certified the prettiest princess in the entire world. bow down to me or else you get the guillotine grrr
-pls use tone tags when ur talking to me it makes a big big difference!!!!!
-possibly neurodivergent
-uh i apologize a lot and im really sensitive so. uh. jus like reassure me a lot ig
-if you call me a dry texter i will literally block you. /j but srsly not every1 is the best at talking..
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-i have an agere blog which is basically my alt so follow that one if u want too. or not.
DNI: proshippers, anti antis(?? idk what this means but i see this in a lot of profiles), freakstarries, whatever weird pjsk fans call themselves, basic dni criteria ykyk, if u think age regression is a kink. it isn't. go fuck yoursel- if you support Sara_mjrb/lord_sara_gaming or mizumi-kagaho
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social time whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
discord: ask in dms
youtube: pan_pan_papu
tumblr: ur here already.
wattpad: coming soon?? maybe????????
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project sekai
danganronpa (well. barely.)
anime in general but most of the subreddits on reddit fucking suck. theyre all either weirdos or homophobic (as in, i like yuri but yaoi is EWWWWW guys cant like guys!! i wld fuck alstolfo tho)
bubble guppies
sanrio in general
im joining a lot of fandoms every day. too many to remember
parappa the rapper
cardcaptor sakura
animal crossing
shima shima tora no shimajiro
ojamajo doremi
little witch academia
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ummmm im hypersexual so like im more. weirder. than other people
fanfic writer. kind of. i have 200 million fankids and i will write about them ALL
i am probably the only shima shima tora no shimajiro fan ever. like im being serious its not that well known out of japan
i like karaoke!!!!!! kind of! its fun <3
also. i am being serious about potty training being my special intrest. pls dont think im weird.
if u ever wonder why all my fankids are so young/why i usually draw pjsk characters younger than they acc are then. ur reason is here.
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-my art is fucking ass. like seriously its so terrible its the worst thing you have ever see
-speaking of, if u dont like wxs m/f or vbs m/f dni. like imagine being pressed over two teenagers kissing. that is so silly. anyways most of my ships are m/f i dont know why i have a lot of m/m and f/f ships tho. there is no way you can convince me haruka kiritani is straight she is a girl kisser. same w airi.
-mahou shoujo has my heart and soul <33
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-i love ken shiraishi. whoever made an's dad design i love you so much he is such a dilf bro
-professional shitposter
-this is rlly cringe to admit. but. im one of those fictional other people ig? my f/o is arisa mochida from the hit game idolmaster cinderella girls starlight stage
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anyways my tags are
fanfics - fanfics. obvi.
ok thats it idk what else to write
oh damn i made this too long. anyways. heres my carrd. it looks better on phone.
ok goodbye
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crushingcasanova · 1 month
yay!!! I'll send you my discord then :DD
I will very diligently try to learn about undertale and then handplates for you, cariño!!!! and trust me, i can handle any kind of torture! and yes, i do speak some spanish! im mexican, actually, and im currently learning more spanish :D HRRBFHDHDH also i love when people speak in languages that arent english, so if you do ever wanna use the spanish youd know id probably love it..
THANK YOU!! your styles sound so cool too >:0 maybe one day we can show each other our outfits? or, if youre more comfortable, ill just show you one of mine! and speaking of comfort, i promise you dont have to vc with me if you dont want to so soon. i pride myself on being respectful, and i dont ever want you to feel like you have to do something you dont want to
Added you on discord right now! I have a very purple profile, so you should be able to tell it's me ^^
How cool to see you're hispanic too! I'm like,,, ecuadorian, cuban, and puerto rican, but I've never been to any of my countries of origin. I've been trying to learn more spanish, it's just been hard to get vocabulary down even if I'm good at verb conjugation. I'll keep it in mind; how cool that we're both learning! I'll think of a cute nickname for you soon, dear Venus. And a spanish one too!
I appreciate your concern! I'd love to show you some of my outfits, too. I think that would be really fun! And I appreciate that you don't want to pressure me <3 it means a lot that you're considerate of my feelings,,, I hope you know I feel the same way to you, dear! I'll never pressure you, so if something is too much, just communicate with me!
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boysareouttonight · 2 years
listen if u think about it macdennis is tragic in a way. u just wanna buy some weed in high school and then when u realize u just met ur best friend and hanging out with him is the best part of ur day and u know what this is u fucking know it bc u dont feel this way with any girl but hes not into boys he'd be disgusted and probably cut off ties with u if u ever brought this up so u just push all ur feelings deep inside u then u come back from college and decide to move in with him bc u wanna spend every second with him and thats what u do and u become codependent u have the most fun when u're with him no one makes u feel like this he makes u laugh and then gives u the most warming smile in return bc he likes to see u happy hes the fucking love of ur life and no one in this entire world would understand u better than him its like u two are living in ur own bubble that no one can pop until ur sister calls u married couple and then like woah hold on ppl are starting to notice this wasnt supposed to happen but u cant stay away from him its not the same when hes not around so u go back to keep doing what u've been doing all those years bc u two are straight right everyone knows this and u're fine with what u two have u would rather have him like this than not have him at all, u already share a life together but things are starting to change its getting more obvious than hes gay he tries to kiss u once but thats all this is i mean who would not be physically attracted to u and hes too deep into his religious trauma to ever come out even tho everyone knows. and then he comes out. u're so proud of him and alongside this feeling theres also anger and jealously bc how dare he. how dare he ruin what u have how dare he take this weight off of him while u're not there yet how are u gonna keep having that relationship if now this has another implication, this is too real. and then a few weeks later theres stupid valentine's day that u fucking hate bc it reminds u of how no one is gonna truly love u or want to be with u if not in a sexual way and u just want that day to be over until u have the biggest realization. that ur best friend doesn't only wanna hook up with u. hes in love with u. he gives u unconditional love even if he thinks u dont love him back. he doesnt care bc for him loving is so easy its like second nature hes not ashamed of it and he doesn't care if the other person feels the same. u break down bc where was all this when u were teenagers why couldn't he have done this sooner why did it have to be now. u love him so much that u cant handle it and then u skip town thinking things are gonna get better and u're gonna forget him but u miss him too much. and then u come back but u're angry. angry that macs acceptance is trying to speak to a part of urself and make u confront feelings that u wanna burry deep inside u. angry that hes so open to love. that he seems so light now like he never was before. so u push him away and at the same time brings him closer and more depended on u bc the more u push him away the more clingy he becomes bc he would do anything for u and u love when he takes care of u he makes u feel safe and u wonder every day what it would feel like to be in his arms and to kiss him and to hold his hand and to wake up next to him. hes ur best friend ur roommate ur life partner ur business partner but u cant. u wouldn't know how to do this u wouldn't know how to love and to let urself be loved u need to remain in control. it hurts every time u scream at him and he gives u the sad puppy eyes he all he wants is to make u happy but u don't know how to act in any other way and then quarantine comes and u're forced to spend more time with him and its almost like old times just the two of u having fun together in ur own bubble without any worry or guilt and u want this back and ur sister says 'maybe u should get a boyfriend' and it hits u that mac isn't yours anymore he never was and soon enough hes gonna move on with someone else bc hes ready and u're not.
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1moreff-creator · 1 year
Hi! I'm pretty new to tumblr and I have no idea if it's appropriate to come into your askbox to talk about my drdt chapter 2 theories but I'm not confident enough to make my own post and it's more a fun thought I just had than an actual theory
/! \ this will contain spoilers for drdt obviously as well as THH in case people who follow you somehow havent played the game
the gist of it is, someone who is not the culprit could have messed with the crime scene.
It's mainly because so far the chapters seem to have reference to THH in more ways than just with the motives (it is probably too soon for it to be a pattern and ngl i kinda hope its not because if it is, with what we know of Rose' money issues she might end up the ch3 culprit and I want her to live so badly. would make the whole series a bit too predictable also, although i dont personally mind that kinda stuff)
because like. Chapter 1 had someone who got close to the protag, ended up betraying their trust, chose the murder location to frame someone specific, failed their murder attempt and died as a result with the real culprit technically acting in self defense (although its not 100% the case for Leon)
and in chapter 2 we have the victim who died a pretty quick and violent death (at least im pretty sure chihiros cause of death was a violent hit to the head? been a really long while, i could remember wrong) but the murder scene make it seem more complicated. And the victim died just after they decided to change/improve themselves in some way also
In both cases someone who has nothing (at least probably, in Davids case) to actually do with the murder have some pretty big part of themselves exposed during the trial
idk who would mess with the murder scene and for what purpose (Vero. for funsies. What a Legend)
I'm probably wrong cause that doesnt really explain the evidence at the crime scene. like. at all, i know
like Idk what the spinny thing has to do with anything (I mean you could put a bunch of tape on the handles just 'cause, i guess? but it would make more sense if it were involved in some sort of mechanism which you wouldn't need if Arei was already dead)
same for the ball of clothes and the flickering light
Whoever put the fish there though, whether its the actual killer or not, I'm pretty sure they did it to make everyone think the crime couldn't have happened at night time and fish water was actually never part of the murder itself
that would make someone physically strong like Levi the killer tho and even though it would make sense (pretty sure at this point that Arei has his secret) I feel like its too soon for him to die? Eden got more development and makes more sense to me (which breaks my heart, I love her)
Hi! Don't worry, none of us know what we're doing in this website! :D
No need to be shy about making your own posts, but it's also fine to talk/ask me about whatever crosses your mind! So, your theories/thoughts.
The possibility that someone other than the killer screwed with the crime scene is one I've seen before, and technically speaking, something like that most likely happened. I think it was an accomplice of the killer (Eden!Blackened Levi!Accomplice gang rise up), but a third party is part of other theories.
The fish are the main thing: given Nico's account (fish were all still there when they last fed them, which can be deduced to be around 7:00 - 7:30 PM of the third day, the day most of episode 7 takes place in), whoever took the fish must have done it at around the time the characters believe the murder happened. But there's no reason for the killer to bring the fish unless they were trying to confuse the time of death, which would only matter if they can have an alibi at the time the fish disappeared. But if they have an alibi at the time the fish disappear, they can't have taken the fish! (Which, btw, eliminates Veronika. Unfortunate, they won't let women do anything these days, not even mess with crime scenes for funsies smh)
So either it was someone unrelated messing with the crime scene, or an accomplice took the fish there to give the real killer an alibi. I'm planning to do a post summarizing my theory on how exactly the whole mess happened, so uh, stay tuned ig. But if you're interested in the "David screwed with the crime scene" idea, I recommend reading thebadjoe's theory on the murder. I may not agree with it, but it's still a fantastic post and a really fun read!
As for most of the other stuff, yeah Arei's death probably wasn't very simple. Explaining the odd contradiction of her wrists being bound but a mechanism clearly being involved (as you mentioned, tape on bars and flickering light, among other stuff) is a whole mess. It's part of why I'm not really sure this is absolutely supposed to parallel THH. Like clearly there's some similarities, but it's basically impossible to know what aspects of a case would be similar and which ones wouldn't. So, uh, yeah. Who knows.
I do agree Eden's the killer though! Why else would she take the tape from the gym? If you don't know what I'm talking about, basically the gym lockdown and the tape disappearing seemingly overnight makes it impossible for anyone but Teruko, Ace or Eden (or I guess Rose if she's lying) to have taken the tape. But since the tape also disappears from the background right after Ace wakes up... yeah, just Teruko Ace or Eden. But we know Teruko didn't, Ace couldn't have done it without Teruko noticing, and Eden got knocked to the floor when the tape disappeared from the floor :p
And yeah, it hurts. It will be a sad day when the killer gets executed, regardless of who they are, but especially if it's Eden T_T
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reigningmax · 2 years
I saw your tags under the Max video and the ask after and I absolutely agree. I sometimes am taken aback how "stable" Max is. idk how to say it but from the outside we can clearly see that the way Jos has been treating him is abusive, but you can't really see it on max? he is more private than most drivers so we can't see that much, but people that work with him all sing his praises and not just because he's fast. he has 2 cats, which means he's wholesome (that's why Alex is the wholesomest) 1/4
The way he is with Kelly and Penelope is actually surprising. How he's taking care of Penelope(the little we can see of it) looks good, fun and helthy. And how he isn't afraid to wear floaties in the pool, or swim in Kelly's arms like the babygirl he is. If I were a guy and my father was Jos, I would be the poster child for toxic masculinity tbh... yet Max isn't. I am a new fan and I've only seen some videos and stories of him being angry/agressive but I don't see it in present Max 2/4
Also the way he put his foot down with DTS and declined being a part of it because he felt like they're creating drama.Wether it's for his benefit alone or because he sees the whole grid mistreated idk.I wish he was more firm and outspoken on other stuff too. I'm not sure if he simply talks about everything he cares for and doesn't talk about anything else or if there are other stuff he's not comfortable speaking out for. I don't think I was ready to talk about a lot of stuff back at his age 3/4
And the way he spoke out about the virtual Le Mans! I don't understand how some people were not siding with him! Not only was he right, he was probably the best known person there and his words can actually change something. And the way he spoke about it reminded me of Mr Darcy lol "I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself... My good opinion once lost is lost forever." 4/4
YES!!!!!! YES EXACTLY. he in every way is expected to be that toxic man whos' controlling and angry and shitty. it's how his haters want to believe is just to make themselves hate him but he's literally just Not that?? he's very grounded, protective, SO loving towards his people. he shares his wealth with his family and friends. he takes care of his people. he loves his team and his friends in the paddock. he's unapologetically himself cause it seems like he's always had to apologize before for who he was, how he was, what he loved. he's someone to admire IMO cause he got out of a shit situation and made the most of it??
there are people who say they like him and always give a "well people who hate him have their reasons" but DO they? lmao or is he just good at getting shit done in his sport without faking niceness??? yknow... like all the greats in every sport ever lmao.
and you dont even need to like him as a racer to see how he is a man but. he's either reduced to [insert whatever buzz word the moral police wanna use here] or he's max, the abused dick-traumized weird man who likes weird kinks and to be humiliated. which....couldn't be farther from who he is clearly even if it tried. and obviously fic vs reality etc etc but I think the excuses people who hate him AND people who pander to those who hate him clearly completely miss the mark of who Max is. the man who loves what he loves unapologetically and takes care of everyone around him and is a good one to love, with all his flaws and past mistakes. cause obvi he has those and has fucked up and I wish he has spoken up about things in a more conscience way. but you can't sit and tell me he hasn't changed.
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tieria-erde · 1 year
tagged by nika @pianofish ty!!! :3
last song i listened to:
im being honest it was summer buzz by nika...! go listenn please their music is always so beautiful. i wanna do a cover of this song sometime soon... (probably not acapella this time bc i like the percussion too much) i have vague ideas for an mv that i am not sure i have the skill to execute but i wanna try anyway. i need to lay down some thumbnails but i see it in my brain it's similar in style to iyowa's imawanokiwa mv
alsoo this wasnt the question but im recommending this vocaduo song because its really pretty and i like it a lot
currently watching:
i watched spirited away for the first time this past week it was soo lovely...! a while back i went on a mall date with a friend and i bought a cute spirited away button down just because it was purple and i said to myself "well i haven't watched spirited away but if i watch it and like it that'll justify the purchase right?" and then forgot to watch it... but now i have, and i liked it, so i can wear that shirt without a heavy conscience 👍
currently reading:
not really "current" but i recently read the storytelling animal by jonathan gottschall for one of my classes next semester and i liked it! some parts i found irritating but it was still a fun read to pick apart. ive also been meaning to get back to reading the insomniacs after school manga... the anime was so so so wonderful but the only scanlation i've found for the manga doesn't look all that high quality ;w; i still wanna read it though
oh also JUST last week finished rereading heir's game by suspu, beautiful beautiful comic. andd last month i reread when the day comes by omyo which is my favorite webtoon of alllll time ever. sorry for being a webtoon guy i promise i do it with a distinct theme-understanding air 💜
current obsession:
i have been working for like a month on english translyrics for eimin no susume by narumiya. this isnt my first attempt at writing translyrics (i have tried so many times to write translyrics for itte by yorushika but i think that song's just impossible to translate well in general) but it is the first time ive gotten anywhere close to finishing them... im not as mindblowingly depressed as i was a few weeks ago so im not actually sure i'll still want to cover the song by the time i finish these lyrics but i wanna see it through to the end! and its a fun song to sing anyhow (speaking of covers ive been sitting on this 90% complete cover for a while that i just need to finish recording harmonies on..... maybe i'll go do that after i post this)
also my mom made egg tarts yesterday and they are so awesome and tasty. obsessed with those for sure as well
this isn't really an obsession but i also want to mention i started gnosia a week or so ago at the recommendation of a friend, i kind of got off on a rocky start with it because it wasn't what i was expecting (i am a diehard fan of hidden role games but the singleplayer gameplay just does not scratch that same itch for me) but once i got past that i really started liking it...! i haven't played in a few days but i wanna get back to it
tag 9 people:
umm i dont know that many people ^_^ do it if u wanna do it! no pressure @larnax @vivi-mire @neildylandy @thebeggarlover @ptolemaiios @sunnymatsu
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Spoiler for my stories
Dear my winter cycle friends.
Hi! This is kohaku! I am actually going to send this letter to you guys. I'm actually worried about someone. Through I'm always worried about people those day, but those days I think they'll be fine untill this little event happened which the context of the letter I have!
I don't know how to explain it since It happened when I pass out... After seeing Doll memories with the help of Sea. To the context of the memories.(• ▽ ��;)
I rather not say, it's a classified information after all, it's bad for my heart to remember something like that again, I run a fever after I pass out that time! Anyway, it's not about me, don't worry too much. Since I'm well now. (´・ᴗ・ ` )
back to the main topic! Actually. My friend mad hatter -- no, I mean. Blood, disappear for couple of days. Almost a week even. His mansion disappear too. Even the cool one in the deep sea.
Bee spouse seems to notice what's up but never told us anything. They just said " it's matter of their world rule" or something Along the line. Doll wanted to question them but they left to fix something. Bee seems worried about it too but he stayed behind like always. He seems to finally snap out from whatever making his eyes turn peach for some reason.
When I'm writing this, blood already been found, he was kinda... Strangely normal. Which is abnormal, even doll who wish upon violence upon blood like it's normal thing like breathing to him don't move against him. Blood thought all of us are siblings through.
The kaname Toujou of his world is no longer a kid but on his canon age and he takes blood away before he can say anything. Blood don't show up for one day, he did appear again after he sneak out.
Which is weird. Since all of us is just different version of one character.
But explaining it to him seems strange so we all just agree. Blood said some weird stuff. He said Grey-han was apologizing again for something.
Laughing at it, and being back to his normal self... Kinda. He seems more "less dark and burden some" like he was before. But his more happy now while holding a cat, who seems sleeping all the time, or rather suspicious unconscious as blood put ribbons and dress on them. (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
Blood is weird with his cat. I think his cat is his world mc and bee spouse baby or something. Which is complicated.
There was another fact about his cat:
They smell like death, a soul that shouldn't be among the living, also the stench of blood(literal one) and lives that seems to be offer to the little cat...
It's kinda .. unpleasant feeling when I'm around that cat. Probably cause I'm a reaper of death Esther way.
I want to take the cat and sent them to the afterlife train tbh. But blood probably won't like it, but also it's like the conductor won't accept that kind of case either...
It's very complicated... I dont want want those scary conductor chasing me with Guns, swords and alikes if I cause trouble and work load for them. And my friend would hate me if I did.
Btw!! Those people I speak above are My new friends I happily and thankfully meeting. sorry for not saying more about them. I honestly don't know much but they are fun batch.
We also have sea who's a kraken and can do some potion and magic, he don't speak much.... Like he only speak one word every thousand word a person says to him. We also have that mofumofu moth kid (i dont see them for weeks now but bee spouse said they are playing with baby moth kana in the gallery), bee spouse forcedly adopted with bunch of other kids.
Anyway I have to go now! I actually forget the reason I start this letter. Others are forcing me to fasten my writing!
I can't wait to see you all soon.
Reaper of Spring
Kohaku Oukawa
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saffronscales · 2 years
hello cricket here’s some Poprocks Fanfiction. One Saturday Ravenpaw sat in his bedroom watching some mewtoks he then got a text notification oh! he checked his messages oh! It’s from Barley! Ravenpaw starting blushing oh that sweet little munchkin! he sent me a good morning text! I must reply now! Ravenpaw mewed he then sent a good morning text back. Wanna go to the mall today? Barley asked ofc! Ravenpaw replied he then received a call from Graystripe hello Graystripe mewed wanna go somewhere? Graystripe asked oh- I’m so sorry but I’m going somewhere today! Ravenpaw meowed he felt sort of guilty for saying that. Oh okay! Is it with ur bf 😏 Graystripe giggled Barley is not my boyfriend- Ravenpaw stammered oh come on Raven I know you love him! Graystripe teased yeah- just don’t tell him he probably is straight anyway Ravenpaw added. okay! have fun! Graystripe meowed before hanging up, okay im going to get ready Ravenpaw meowed getting off his ass & putting some clothes on I had such a good dream last night Ravenpaw thought to himself. He had a dream where him & Barley made out & cuddled shirtless I wish that would actually happen Ravenpaw mewed but he knew it was unlikely that Barley liked him back I want to fall asleep in his arms Ravenpaw started day dreaming about his crush even more. Soon he was ready to go, he put his shoes on & left his apartment, Ravenpaw got in his car & drove to the mall where Barley was waiting for him, Barley! Ravenpaw purred giving his best friend a hug Raven! Barley replied they proceeded to hug. Meanwhile: So is Ravenpaw coming? Firestar asked No Graystripe meowed he’s hanging out with Barley today Graystripe replied he’s always with that bitch Firestar meowed it’s as if he likes Barley more than us Firestar added. Bitch he was literally was hanging out with us yesterday Graystripe meowed it sounds like someone is jealous Graystripe scoffed rolling his eyes at how much of idiot Firestar was being. Meanwhile Ravenpaw was having a good time at the mall with Barley they were having fun going into each store Barley couldn’t help but blush at Ravenpaws cute moments. Over the next couple days Ravenpaw & Barley started hanging out more… Firestar was pissed he wanted to spend time with his friend but he was too busy hanging with another friend. I’m sick of this shit Firestar thought to himself Fuck it I’m calling Ravenpaw & giving him a piece of my mind Firestar then proceeded to call Ravenpaw hello we need to talk Firestar meowed about what? Ravenpaw mewed That Green Day obsessed whore Firestar hissed you mean Barley?! He is no whore he’s literally a virgin- Ravenpaw meowed confused at why Firestar was speaking to him like this. You spend so much time with him that he might as well be your boyfriend Firestar spat HE IS NOT!!! Ravenpaw hissed OH YEAH WELL ALL YOU TALK ABOUT IS HIM!!! ALL I HERE IS bArLeY tHiS bArLeY tHaT Firestar hissed back. OH YEAH WELL YOUR STRAIGHT AS A FUCKING ROPE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT WHAT LOVING ANOTHER TOM FELLS LIKE Ravenpaw screamed I- Firestar now felt bad about having this conversation with his friend FUCK YOU Ravenpaw spat before hanging up. Sandstorm over heard The conversation Firestar what the fuck? Sandstorm meowed why the hell did you do that they asked umm… Firestar mewed are you jealous of Barley or some shit?! Sandstorm asked you should apologize to Ravenpaw! She added okay! Firestar stated
god damn firestar,,,
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