being-of-rain · 14 days
Oh hey, The Confessions of Dorian Gray is half price atm! If you're interested in a good supernatural horror audio series, I really recommend you go check it out! It's about the immortal Dorian Gray who lives past the end of Oscar Wilde's original novel and through the whole 20th century. That means each episode is set in a different time and place (and has a queer main character. There's a gay vampire romance, obviously.) It's part-full cast drama, part-first person narration by the silky smooth voice of Alexander Vlahos. And episodes are usually only half an hour, making them satisfying little things (with great music too.) Eps are only a dollar or two each. (Just be aware the series is intended for mature audiences, and has things like adult themes, some odd violence, and the very rare short sex scene.)
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Super Quick Listening Guide for the Morbidly Curious:
-The first episode is 'This World Our Hell', and if you're looking for the popular gay vampire ep in series 1 it's 'The Heart That Lives Alone'.
-There's some minisodes that are always free! I don't think any of them are as good as most of the full episodes, but they've got Vlahos' voice in them so worth checking out.
-If you want to dive in, then the collected 'Series 01-02' is good value for money. Just be aware it puts the episodes in chronological order rather than release order—I'd recommend release order for your first time, but they can be listened to either way. (As well as some other bonus features, the set also includes the episode of Bernice Summerfield that first tried out the Immortal Dorian Gray concept. But I wouldn't listen to it first, it's not part of the rest of the Dorian series and assumes you know the Benny characters.)
-After series 2, Big Finish also made an adaptation of the original Picture of Dorian Gray novel. I'm not sure I'd recommend listening to that first either; it's a lot longer and perhaps not quite as captivating as the series itself. If you've read any summary of the original novel, you'll be more than prepared for the Confessions of Dorian Gray.
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belacottie · 1 year
New to this but here is my art of Dorian form the chronicles of Vladimir tod I might post some head cannons next✨
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russilton · 7 months
(Practice p1, pole, every lap lead, fastest lap, race win)
( + sprint win)
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nanowatzophina · 10 months
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Alexa. Play Francesca by Hozier.
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tenmillionthfirefly · 7 months
Zib was so real for this
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yourrrrrprefffffect · 29 days
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Doriane Pin | race winner | Dutch Grand Prix
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cowchickenbeefpork · 6 months
do you guys ever think lee insulted Edward in ways she thought he couldn't understand due to brain damage during the narrows arc only to find him completely aware and offended at what she was saying? like she compares him to a siren due to his dating history and he completely blows up on her for saying that, making her realize he might not be dumb anymore
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i want to be pushed off of a cliff, only to be found at the top of the staircase wearing a blood-soaked gown with a candle in my ivy-covered hands, waiting for you
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fuzzyspiderpawz · 1 year
the Lackadaisy pilot was so good it was soooo goooooood I love how you don’t have to read the webcomic to enjoy it but it’s also so much more enjoyable if you have read the webcomic and it stays true to the source and ughgggghhhhhhhhhggggh it’s so good the characters were portrayed so perfectly and the animation and just just just
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Lucy Doraine on a vintage postcard
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belacottie · 1 year
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russilton · 5 months
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I’m obsessed with these— look at the BAbieS!
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phantom-pleasure · 1 year
Grab my hand and show me how wet you are, what my words do to you while you grind and beg for me to pay attention to a pathetically desperate mutt like yourself. Beg me to fuck you where we stand with just my fingers because you simply can't wait for my strap.
Be a good boy and beg for me.
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dross-the-fish · 1 year
Was Dorian seducing Adam a set part of the story, or did it come about due to player decisions and dice rolls?
Dorian seducing Adam was kind of planned. Dorian, at the time, was being controlled by one of the other players because the Dorian used in the first version of the campaign was her OC. She was the one who initially decided that Dorian would want to sleep with Adam and I think that's honestly all she really wanted out of this, was to see those characters bone it out but I didn't see the point or the appeal of a sexual encounter between the two so I wanted a reason why that would happen. I think I got on her nerves a little when I insisted that if we were going to write that in we'd need to go over what that kind of encounter would mean for the characters, is Adam in a healthy enough place that it's safe or advisable for him to hook up with a character like Dorian Gray (no) what would the lasting impact be and do we have the time to devote to weaving a Dorian/Adam subplot into the current arc and how do we make it engaging for the other players.
The only real roll involved was for Dorian to pass a charisma check, he had bonuses and advantage on the roll so it was a pretty easy check.
In the end I did most of the actual writing for that segment but I did like what it added so I've kept it in.
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rhysnolastname · 1 year
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taking on a dragon on nightmare severely underleveled but youre a KE....
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herenya-writes · 11 months
Day 2: Spiders
Laughter spilled out of Arlaros like a river breaking into a waterfall. It was a beautiful sound, one of those sounds that Dorian wanted to bottle and keep with him for a rainy day. It was also terribly rude.
“Don’t you laugh at me! Some of us are not accustomed to roughing it in the wilds! Can you truly blame me for being worried about my hygiene?” He crossed his arms and frowned at the Herald, although he had a feeling the stern effect was somewhat dimmed by the fact that he was still in his night clothes.
Arlaros stifled is laughter, but his wide smile remained. “I know, I know. You’re used to finery and servants and silk sheets for your bed.”
“At this point I would settle for any sheets so long as they came with a bed,” Dorian sniffed.
“But I didn’t think you’d be the type of person to be squeamish around spiders,” Arlaros continued as if he hadn’t been interrupted. “It was tiny, and you squealed because it crawled over your shoes. It didn’t even touch you!” He was laughing again, bright and clear.
Dorian scowled, but his heart wasn’t in it. “Those creatures could be carrying any manner of sickness. I had a perfectly reasonable reaction to one crawling around on my personal belongings. Is it so unreasonable to expect to sleep undisturbed?”
“We’re in their woods. Maybe it’s you who’s bothering their sleep.”
Dorian huffed. “You have a point,” he admitted. That wouldn’t stop him from researching spells or potions that could serve as a deterrent when they returned to Haven, though. He had no desire to wake to a spider or anything else crawling on him, and it seemed likely he would be spending an extended amount of time in the wilderness following Arlaros as they tracked down leads on the Venatori and other ruffians. Maker, he hadn’t considered this is where life would take him when he had followed Alexius to the south.
If that life continued to include Arlaros’s smile, though…
“Dorian, you with me?”
He blinked and felt heat rush to his cheeks. “Simply contemplating ways to keep these wretched creatures away from me,” he lied. The Herald chuckled.
“Try not to burn down the camp if you find a spider crawling on you.”
Dorian raised an eyebrow. “I make no promises, although I doubt the smell of burning spiders is a pleasant one.” That earned him another laugh, quiet this time, as Arlaros held his gaze for a few moments. Eventually, he nodded to himself, perhaps satisfied that Dorian was going to survive the wilds after all.
“Good night, Dorian,” he said, his words still light with the end of his laughter.
Dorian echoed the farewell and watched as Arlaros returned to his tent, the moonlight making his dark hair gleam. Then, he returned to his own tent and collapsed face-down on the cot and tried not to think about how well and truly smitten he was.
Why else would he willingly trek through the wilderness and endure its spiders?
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