#dori’s bedtime stories
tetralea · 2 years
I love the prompts 43) “Why is everything so cold?”  And 49) “Sorry, I’m… I’m really dizzy.” Maybe with Alpha Charles and omega max after a race
Some omega Maxy for you anon 🥰
Finishing a race was taxing, finishing a race right before heat hit Max was even more difficult. He was breathing heavily, hands shaking as he opened the door to the motor home for their pack.
Shower, he needed a shower. With wobbly legs he got there, opening the water, the steam quickly filling the small room. He could hear some of the others closing and opening doors in the trailer, some muffled conversation by the water but he wasn’t bothered. His joints and muscles welcomed the hot water which slowly made his skin pink, the temperature being higher as usual.
When he got out he was shivering, he tried to dry himself with quick moves, rubbing his sensitive skin with the soft towel. After when he was dressed in some sweatpants and a hoodie, he peaked out from his room, finding the common living room empty. He sighed, he was hoping to find Lando or some of the other omegas there, he needed nothing more than to curl up on the couch with them and having some good fun.
Hoping they would appear at some point he curled up on the couch, pulling his legs up, placing a pillow in his lap, scrolling on his phone quietly. He was now almost shaking as his body shivered, he inhaled deeply and put his phone down. He was feeling dizzy as well, his mouth dry, lips chapped, no matter how many times he tried to wet them.
Just before he could have decided to retreat back to his own room, he heard the door open, a familiar figure walking in in his casual clothes. Charles.
“Hey, Max. You are back early.” The Monegasque chipped cheerfully, shutting the door behind himself. “I thought the whole team was out celebrating.” He added, while walking to the couch, flopping down on the cushions ungraciously.
“I wasn’t feeling it.” Max admitted, licking his lips again, looking to the brunette, something deep in the pit of his stomach moving. “I got really tired.” He laughed a little, running his hands through his hair. He wasn’t looking, if he had he could have seen Charles biting his lips, taking a dragged out inhale as his scent become stronger, the green eyes not leaving him for a second.
Max sat up, rubbing his hoodie with his arms, his body shaking a little. “Why is everything so cold?” He looked around, like he could find a turned on AC somewhere, before his gaze fell on Charles who was in a shirt and a short, seemingly not feeling cold at all. “Aren’t you cold?”
The pretty brows knitted together, the look in the green eyes changing to being a bit concerned. “It’s not cold, Max.” He said shortly, pursing his lips his fingers twitching trying not to reach out.
Now it was Max’s turn to raise his brows in confusion. He was quiet for a second before touching his forehead and one hand going, sliding onto the stubbled cheeks. “You are cold too.” He stated, giving a questioning look to Charles who just shook his head.
“I’m ok, you are burning up.” The blonde flinched as the supposedly cold fingers touched his wrist, long fingers wrapping around it, a low hum leaving the red lips. Charles reached out pressing his own palm to Max’s forehead. “I think you have a fever, you feel really hot.”
Max wanted to make a joke of being hot, which could have been half flirting half joking, but his tongue felt numb as the word suddenly turned upside down, his dizziness becoming even worse. The alpha must have noticed because, he reached out with both hands now, ducking his head to find the clear blue eyes. “Hey, are you okay?” He felt even trough the many layers how hot Max’s body was. “Aren’t you supposed to get your heat soon? Or did you get sick?” He tried his best options.
“Heat.” Max answered quietly. “But this time it feels different, I think I’m too exhausted.” As he spoke he scooted closer the the alpha’s warmth, pressing their shoulders and thighs together, resting his head on Charles’ shoulder. He exhaled, shoulders slumping. “You smell good.” He mumbled making Charles freeze. “So good.” By the time he had time to react the sensitive nose was nuzzling against his neck and into his freshly washed hair.
“We should take you to your nest, I should call Lando, Seb and George, they can take care of you.” He tried to deflect the sudden attention on himself, while one hand firmly held the strong body against his, the other run trough the damp blonde hair, trying to pull Max away from his neck.
He could smell it since he stepped into the trailer. Max’s heat hit him already, he was not going into heat, he was in heat, and he was desperate to let the pack know, to call for help for him. Max wasn’t his mate, they weren’t even courting, he liked the Dutchman yes, and he could ignore the calling of his body from this close for so long.
After some nudging they stood up, Max immediately swaying, his head not being able to tell him what is the right direction, he almost lost his balance.
“Easy.” Charles reached out, steadying the blonde by his hips, pulling him close to himself, using his own body as support as they slowly started to walk.
Max grabbed him, fingers holding desperately onto the white shirt covered arms and shoulders. ‘I’m… I’m really dizzy.” It came so quietly Charles barely heard it, but he held the heavy body closer to his nonetheless.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He pushed in the door to Max’s room, and the room being small enough, they were right at the bed, which was more like a nest now, and he helped Max lay down in it.
“Will you stay?” The small question made his Charles froze for the second time of the night, and he felt like a deer caught in the headlights. He wanted to, but he shouldn’t. He leaned back down, after the gentle pull on his shirt. His lips placing a gentle kiss on the burning forehead. “I really want you to stay.” Max’s voice was almost nothing but a mumble, eyes hooded and hazy, his heat slowly fully taking over his body.
“I can’t, you know that.” He gritted his teeth and his heart was aching for the small whine in response.
“You are an alpha, you should stay with an omega in his heat.” Max falsely reasoned, his judgement almost fully gone.
Charles crawled closer, pulling Max to his chest stroking his hair softly, trying to find the right words. “I can’t do that to you, it’s not okay. I would stay if I were your mate,” he wanted to go on when he realised what he just said, the situation, Max so close to him, his sweet seductive scent filling his mind made his tongue slip.
Max whined again, his hands pulling on the white shirt as the first waves of hot and want and need washed over him. “You should be my mate. I always wanted that.” Max’s words slurred, but they were enough to render Charles speechless.
God, what does he say, is Max even himself enough for this conversation, should he keep talking or push himself away, run out call Seb and then stand in the cold shower until he is shaking like Max does? How he was gonna wash his scent off? He didn’t want to. Not at all. He didn’t want to leave either, but staying didn’t feel right. “I would also love that too.” His lips gave in, letting the words fall. Even if Max won’t remember he would. He could make them true, he could court Max if he still wants to when his brain is not being fill with drug like hormones.
Max fidgets and he has Charles on his back, holding himself on his elbow, the other hand weakly pressed to the broad chest. “Promise.”
“I promise.” He purrs to the long fingers sliding into his hair, pressing his forehead to Charles’ much cooler skin.
“I’ll remember.” He says and it sounds more like a threat than a promise and it makes the alpha giggle.
That okay, that is more than okay.
They stay like this, inhaling each other’s scent deeply, almost breathing the hot air into the others mouth, and Charles knows it would be so easy to kiss Max. He has to close his eyes to restrain himself to the thought. He can smell Max’s arousal too, the omega’s body giving into the heat fully, and he shakes his head trying to prevent his head to even go there. It’s hard. He is hard, and he need to leave soon. When he moves Max cries a little.
“I gotta go, Max, I gotta tell the others.” It’s hard to speak too, but before he could say anything more he yelps, hot fingers touching the bottom of his stomach, sliding under the cotton of his shirt. He wants to sit up, but Max’s hold on him is stronger. “I just want the shirt.” He tries to clear his throat, to explain himself. Not like he didn’t want the shirt to be off and everything else too, Charles to be naked and strip himself too, kissing and touching the brunette anywhere he can reach, sleeping with him to ease the tight coil in his stomach, having his knot to calm his body’s claim to be filled and fucked until he can’t take it.
He shudders and he knows Charles can feel his body grow even hotter, shaking and trembling. The shirt is off and Charles is gone from his bed, leaving him with the soft material between his hands. “Hold on, okay. Next time I’ll be here, I promise okay?” It’s not an empty promise both he and Max knows it. “My strong omega.” Charles whispers and leaning back to the bed rubbing his nose against Max’s neck, then his own, scenting the omega and earning a yearning whimper with it.
Before Max could answer or do anything he is gone, the door slams behind him, and Max is left with the white shirt, the textile filled with Charles’ scent, and he arranges it quietly so it becomes part of his nest.
“Max went into heat, please help him.” It’s the first thing Charles says as he is out, the others already back in the living room. He has no idea how he looks, but judging by the eyes on him not good. He is disheveled, hair is a mess, he knows he is shirtless and smells like Max, and when the omegas go in they will know just how much Max smells like him, as he scented him, and the thought makes some warmth spread in his chest. “I need some air.” He practically groans as he pushes himself from he door, storming out to the fresh air.
He doesn’t go far, his body forbids him to leave Max further than this. He leans against the cold metal, resting his head against it, his hands shaking.
Soon Carlos appears with a bottle of water and a fresh shirt. He accepts I gladly.
“Thanks, mate.” He downs the water almost immediately, he never noticed how thirsty he got. “Was it so difficult for you with Lando at the beginning too?” He asks and its blunt but he feels too much to think in that moment.
Carlos laughs, and pats his shoulder. “Yeah, when he went into heat for the first time and I was already with the pack I had to leave until it was over, I didn’t think I could have kept myself away from him for days. I just knew he was in agony, that I could have made it better for him, but he was in no state to say yes or no, so we decided it’s for the better.” He explained quietly, making Charles feel a bit more guilty. “You did good.” He offered a small smile to the other alpha. “Anyway finally you can start courting him, and you won’t be so annoying about him anymore, god, I can’t listen to you explaining how amazing he is, and about the cute freckles on his face and whatever.”
Charles laughed. “I wasn’t that bad, mate.”
“You were insufferable.”
They laugh and Charles pushes himself from the white metal. “Well, I can’t promise anything.” He says with a little squint in his eyes. “Or maybe I can, you all should buy earplugs.”
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hypersudio · 5 months
Im sorry for the lack of posts so have some stuff about each of the brozone bros in my Pokemon au(I'm currently working on Bruce's drawing dw)
John Dory
John Dory had just recently turned 18 when everyone split; putting him at 40 years old now.
John has dyslexia and OCD Wich he doesn't like to tell people.
JD went grey for a few years after returning to find branch and his grandma only to assume them dead.
He struggled with alcoholism for a bit.
JD's first Pokemon was a turtwig named Jade.
Jade managed to evolve into a grotle before certian events led to her no longer being with JD.
Before JD left for the neverglade trail he had 5 Pokemon, now he only has Rhonda.
He is very protective over Rhonda and if he can help it he won't do any battles with her.
John could never get over what he did to cause everyone to split up.
He misses all of his brothers but refuses to look for them, believing them all to hate him.
Bruce was 16 when everyone left; now putting him at 38.
Bruce's first Pokemon was a panpour named William.
William was given to Bruce by JD when he was 11 as an egg.
When Bruce left Brozone he had two Pokemon, now he has six. (All water types)
Bruce doesn't know if he can ever fully forgive JD for what happened, but also recognizes that hating him forever won't make anyone feel better.
Bruce and Brandy have been happily married for 13 years, dating for 17 years.
For a while Bruce struggled with his body image, but Brandy helped him get past that and now he's happier than ever
Used to be the worst at surfing but will never admit it, claiming he was always a natural
Misses all of his brothers, but feels conflicted about missing JD
Clay had turned 13 the day before everyone left; now he is 35
Clays first Pokemon was a qbone named Wilbur
Clay vows that he will never forgive JD for what he did
Clay had 1 Pokemon when we left Brozone, now he has 3.
His pokemon are either electric types or ground types.
Clay loves reading so much he tried to teach his pokemon how to read.
Every night he reads his pokemon a bedtime story.
He doesn't like keeping his pokemon in pokeballs.
He misses Bruce the most and sometimes wonders how Floyd and Branch are, but can't bring himslef to go look for them.
Floyd was 11 when everyone split up; he is now 33
Floyds first Pokemon was a spirgatito named Rosey
Floyd decided to start a solo career and is now a dark type gym leader.
Floyd only had Rosey when he left, he now has 6 Pokemon.
Floyd has had a few relationships but has yet to settle with anyone.
Floyd has dyslexia as well but unlike JD doesn't shy away from telling people.
After some thinking Floyd thinks he could forgive John Dory if he ever found him again.
He misses his brothers but is too busy to go looking for them.
Branch was two years old when everyone split, making him 24 now.
As Branch was only 2 when everyone split he didn't have a pokemon.
Branch has only ever had one Pokemon; a sandile named Gary.
However Gary has evolved into a krokorok by the time the brothers reunite.
Branch found Gary when he was building his bunker and ever since then they've stayed side by side.
Gary actually doesn't have a pokeball, he just chooses to stay around Branch, despite his grumpiness.
Branch has a hard time remembering his brothers, and every year it seems he remembers less and less.
Branch however will never forget what John Dory did, but he's not sure he hates him for what he did, just that he left.
Branch has autism and OCD.
Branch also has a fear of abandonment
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vilevenom · 2 months
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Howdy, Anon! An idea for this prompt smacked me right in the face as soon as I read it. Aaaand I have a feeling it's, uh, not as fluffy as you may have been hoping. Still a JD & Bruce fic, buuuut less of an "Oh no! John Dory had a bad date! lol" and more of a "Oh no. John Dory had a bad date." Also, this is set pre-brozone breakup. Let's not mention the sheer amount of times I wrote "Bruce" instead of "Spruce" and had to go back and fix it I hope you enjoy!
John Dory crept into the pod, knowing full well he was much, much later than he had told his grandmother he would be. And after the night he'd had there was no way he wanted to deal with a confrontation with her. She had been upset enough with him when he had proposed the "Win a Date with BroZone" contest in the first place, especially without a sponsor to cover it. He didn't need to provide her with extra ammo over the whole thing by how late he'd gotten home.
He made sure the door shut as quietly as it could, then tip toed through the pod, doing his best to avoid toys and instruments scattered across the floor in the dark. He let out a near inaudible sigh of relief as he made it to the door of his bedroom, reaching for the knob, fully believing he had made it scot-free.
"About time you got home."
"Cupcakes!" John hissed, nearly jumping out of his skin at the voice suddenly to his right. He placed a hand over his rapidly beating heart, shooting a glare at Spruce who was stood in the darkened hallway, arms crossed over his chest, and a scowl on his face.
"Bitty B cried when you weren't home to tuck him in."
John rolled his eyes, shoving his bedroom door open. "It was one bedtime story. I'm sure he'll be fine," John grumbled, quickly ducking into his room and away from Spruce.
Spruce followed John Dory like a shadow, quickly shutting the bedroom door behind him in the hopes of keeping the rest of their brothers asleep. "Oh, no. You do not get to pretend like you weren't out until the middle of the night, making us worry. And you better believe that Grandma is going to have words with you in the morning. You've got to stop putting all of the band crap before your family!" Spruce growled, doing his best to keep his voice quiet, while also conveying to John Dory just how upset he was. Not only did he have to deal with a crying Branch, but Floyd had also been upset by John missing their bedtime routine, and Clay had just been angry.
"Come on, Spruce. Can't you lecture me in the morning? It's late," John grumbled, tugging his goggles off and tossing them aside, not bothering to turn the bedroom light on.
"No! You're going to listen to me, John Dory! This is getting ridiculous. First you start sequestering yourself in your room for hours on end to write, then you're forcing us to practice every minute we're not scheduled for a press conference or photo shoot, now you're out partying it up late into the night, making our brothers upset! It has to stop," Spruce snapped, flipping on the bedroom light as he spoke. He scowled when John quickly turned his back to him, his fur bristling as he stormed across the room. "Look at me when I'm talking to you," he snarled, grabbing John's shoulders to turn him around.
Spruce fully expected John to glare at him and give him some snotty remark about being manhandled. He was not expecting to find a bruise forming over his brother's cheek, and crusted blood covering a split in his lip. Spruce gaped while John looked at the floor, unshed tears brimming in his eyes.
"What happened?" Spruce asked, his tone distinctly softer as he directed John to sit on the edge of his bed.
John took in a deep breath, obviously trying to keep himself from sobbing, but it did nothing to stop the tears that slowly began to trail down over his cheeks. "The date went…badly."
"This looks like it went worse than 'badly', JD," Spruce murmured, sitting next to his brother and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Talk to me, bro. What happened?"
John sniffed loudly, quickly wiping this nose with the back of his hand. "You're going to say 'I told you so', and I really don't need that tonight, Spruce."
"I won't, I promise," Spruce said quickly, shaking his head. He had a feeling he knew exactly what John was referring to. After John had argued with Rosiepuff over the date contest, he'd gone to Spruce with the proposal, as he was the designated heart throb and had previous experience with fake dates with fans. Spruce had immediately refuted the idea, citing the debacle when 'Trolls Magazine' had held a similar contest, and the awkward ice cream date he'd gone on with one of their fans and a photographer. John was proposing they run the contest themselves, without someone to vet the entries, to boost popularity before their next tour. Spruce had argued that a date without a chaperone, even with John being seventeen, was a terrible idea. John thought he would be able to handle it. After all, how crazy could their fans be?
John took another deep breath, coughing quietly as he tried to choke back a sob. "You really promise?"
"I absolutely promise."
John blinked a couple of times, before finally letting out a low whine, burying his face in his hands. Spruce rubbed his back in comforting circles as his older brothers shoulders shook. After a moment he finally sat back up, gasping quietly for air. "I…It started off fine," he said quietly, gaze far away, "She looked older than I thought she'd be. Her contest entry said nineteen, but I think she was older. She brought me flowers, which I thought was weird, but sweet. We went for dinner. I took photos with a few fans who asked while we were out. She got mad. She said I should only be paying attention to her and telling the others to go away, because she won my time. I told her I couldn't just ignore our fans, that'd be rude. She was upset, but let it go. She seemed to get more agitated as the night went on, though. Finally, when I was walking her home- or, at least, what I think was her home…She pinned me up against the tree and kissed me. She was rough, and it hurt. She bit me when I tried to pull away. When I did finally manage to get her off of me, she hit me. I ran for it, and she chased me. I only got home so late because I wanted to make sure she wasn't following me anymore."
"John," Spruce breathed, shaking his head in disbelief. To think that one of their fans would do such a thing was disturbing, to say the least.
"I should've listened to you and Grandma," John whimpered, turning a tearful gaze onto Spruce, "I never should've put together this stupid contest. I never should've gone on that date without someone with me."
"Hey," Spruce murmured, "What happened wasn't your fault."
"Wasn't it?" John scoffed, wiping at his eyes angrily, "I didn't listen to you or Grandma, I went out by myself to meet someone I didn't know, and then had to run around the tree for hours so she wouldn't follow me home! I think that qualifies it as being my fault." He let out a weak sob, covering his face again. "I was scared." The admittance was quiet, and Spruce likely only heard it because he was so close to John.
Spruce tugged John Dory bodily into a hug, his older brother practically falling into his lap. "It wasn't your fault. I should've gone with you, regardless of how I felt. I could've helped to keep you safe." John clutched at the back of Spruce's sleep shirt, the damn of his tears breaking as he wept quietly into Spruce's shoulder. "You're going to be okay, JD. It's going to be okay."
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 11 hours
Father's Day is coming so could you give us more headcanons for Brozone dads (Bruce, Clay, Floyd, Branch) and their kids. What activities their children like to do with their dads? Camping, reading, sports?
Fathers Day is actually on September 1st in Australia.
I do like the idea of some Father's Day themed stuff tho. I just didn't have anything planned for this weekend. 😋
Let's see what I can't think of.
Branch 🌲
Branch is the preferred bedtime storyteller. Poppy gets too animated and keeps the kids awake longer. Branch's voice is more soothing.
Teaching the kids to be self sufficient. Foraging, farming, hunting, storing food, building and mending things. He tries to make a game of it the best he can. He thinks he's boring. The kids think he's fascinating. 😁
He is the closest with Princess Rosiepuff. Whilst he loves all of his kids very much, she just shares more of his interests.
Floyd 🔥
'Baby and Me' exercise classes.
Weekend family road trips. Visiting the different tribes and exposing the kids to the different cultures.
Boom coaches The Sprouts. It's basically a Little League team for Trollings. Angel and Phoenix are both part of it. Floyd doesn't play but is very supportive! ⚾
Clay ⛳
Clay tried to get his brothers into golf. They preferred baseball. Clay found he was actually great at baseball. Clover liked baseball as well. They actually bonded over it. Clover joined the kids team The Sprouts and Clay was part of The Hotshot Hue's.
Teaching Clover to dance by doing the 'standing on my feet' thing.
Birdie is a quieter kid and he shares the love of golf with Clay.
Bruce 💜
Bruce's favorite go-to game to keep the kids occupied is to bury a toy in the sand and tell them to start digging and whoever finds it can keep it. Sometimes he doesn't actually bury anything just so they stay out there longer. 🪣
He encourages their creativity and freedom. He keeps every one of the artworks they make for him.
John Dory 🐟
Grampbro! Uncle John Dory gets a visit from all the kids on Father's Day. ❤️
Telling the kids all stories about their moms and dads.
Showing them how to properly camp, survival skills and critter maintenance.
I have this whole extra story in my head that Boom coaches The Sprouts and is part of another adult team called The Diamond Diva's and he has to verse Clay and there's like a friendly rivalry between them. Boom and Clay are like "Floyd, who do you think will win?" (Undertones of Brother vs. Boyfriend) And Floyd is like 😅 "I just hope everyone has fun."
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daisyblog · 1 year
Capital FM Interview
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Our Story Masterlist Summary: Harry talks about his new music and opened up about some of his other massive projects for 2022; movies My Policeman and Don’t Worry Darling…and of course YN.
"Please welcome to the show Harry Styles" Roman announced, after explaining he was wearing a dressing gown on the show today because Harry wore a purple one during his last interview on Capital FM.
Harry and YN have just flown into America for Harry to prepare for his Coachella shows later in the week, so Harry was doing the interview over a Zoom call.
"Duh duh duh duh...duh duh duh...duh duh duh duh..duh duh duh" Harry begins to chant, waving his arms in the air, through the screen, wearing a white t-shirt and his earphones dangling from his ears. The presenters joined in with his chant.
"Mate It's been ages how are you?" Roman asks.
Harry gives the biggest grin "I'm very well thanks..yeah..I'm very well..I-its uh..thank you very much for the dressing gown reference"
"No it's okay..well..well..I mean I was upset that you didn't turn up in a dressing gown on my screen but I'm sure everyone in the world would be upset if you didn't turn up in a dressing gown-"
Harry interrupted Roman "I can run and get one"
"Just do it" Roman encouraged, but Chris the other radio presenter explained they haven't got enough time, so Harry pulls his t-shirt over his head slightly to pretend he was wearing one, causing the presenters to laugh.
Roman continued the interview "You're back..you got your brand new song As It Was..so many people absolutely love it..we love it in here..the video is super cool as well-"
"Thank you so much" Harry politely said, as he played with a piece of his hair.
"There is obviously...the best thing about this is that people have waited so long to hear your voice once again...on a brand new song but it's not your voice that we hear first..isn't that right?" Roman questioned, still wearing his dressing gown and headphones placed over his hood.
"It is yeah...it's the voice of YN's little sister-" Harry began to explain before Roman and Sian is heard 'awwing' at his confession.
"Her and YN's little brother used to try and call us before bedtime every night so..uh..one time I don't know..YN's phone didn't ring or something..so they phoned mine but I missed it and she sent me that and I kind of dug it out at some point while we were in the studio..and put it in front of the song for some reason and I kind of just fell in love with it so..it stuck" Harry explained how Doris and Ernest would phone their oldest sister and Harry each night to say goodnight to them.
"It is really nice but I do think that..that does mean she's officially a recording artist now-" Roman spoke.
"True" Sian agreed, interrupting her colleague "She get's a percentage"
"Yeh..she's a recording artist..you've got to share a grammy with her" Roman continued to explain his opinion.
Scratching the back of his head, Harry joked "Oh yeah..she was asking..she was asking for a big fee" causing Roman and Sian to roar with laughter at his sarcastic comment.
"What did Louis think..you know was he annoyed that you'd thought of the idea first of using his sister's voice in a song?" Chris continued to ask questions.
Harry thought before answering "Uh..no I don't think so..I think he was proud to be 'onest"
"We are loving this..it's the lead single from your upcoming album Harry's House..the artwork is you in like an upside-down room..all the furniture's glued to the ceiling..now I don't imagine this is exactly how your house looks but do you have anything weird and wonderful in your house like that-"
"I'd say at the moment it's kind of just..uh..piles of things which we're kind of sorting through-"
"What have you just moved?" Sian asked the singer.
"No we haven't-" Harry smiled shyly.
"You've just got piles of things" Chris laughed along with Harry.
"I'm trying to kind of empty out a little bit and kind of clear..uh..the space that I'm living in a little bit..get a little bit clearer" Harry explained.
"Are you a messy person then..is this the problem?" Sian questioned.
"I don't think I am..but YN would probably disagree" Harry laughed "That's why there are so many piles of things..because she'll be like c'mon let's have a clear out and then literally pile my stuff up..and uh..I don't always get the chance to sort through it..so yes and no"
"Oh she's one of them..a big clean and clear out" Sian commented.
Chris began to ask Harry about his home, location and accent "Speaking of..uh..homes..you're not actually at home at the moment you're in..you're in America..um..but we've seen some pretty wild accents from the 1D boys recently and specifically from um..Mr Liam Payne on the Oscars red carpet..um now I've got to ask you have you sort of started to get like a transatlantic accent from America at all?"
"Well I don't think in the time that I just got here 'cause we only got in yesterday for uh Coachella rehearsals..so uh..in the space I've been here this trip I think I've survived..I think it's a little bit all over the place" Harry began to explain his accent "I'm from up North and I've lived in London for ten years and I've spent a lot of time in America and stuff so..I think uh..I think when I'm with Americans they don't think I sound American at all and then I think sometimes when I'm with English people they expect me to sound American..I don't think I do but maybe I you know pick up some..a couple of bits along the way but I-" Harry let out a chuckle before continuing 'I have to translate for people sometimes..because they don't have a clue what YN is saying and it's so funny" Harry continued to laugh.
"Yeah she definitely hasn't lost her accent has she?" Roman joined in on the joke.
"No and I think it's more noticeable when we're in America" Harry continued to explain his girlfriends accent.
"You've been working so hard recently yeah...and we said you know-" Roman began before Harry interrupted.
"Thank you Roman"
"No I appreciate it mate I do appreciate it...um but look it's been a while since we last spoke to you and...the movie thing we've got to talk about that because I don't know whether to call you an artist..I don't know whether to call you an actor..what would you call yourself?..Are you an artist first or are you an actor?" Roman questioned Harry.
"I mean I think I'm a musician first" Harry explained before adding how lucky he felt to be able to do the jobs he loves and how grateful he is to be able to explore acting. Harry then went on to say how he was able to step out of his comfort zone with acting.
Roman continued with his questioning "Yeah and talking about comfort zones as well because I need you to..uh..sort something for me right because obviously I'm gonna go see both you're films that you've been doing recently..so you've got Don't Worry Darling and..uh..My Policeman..my question Harry what is the film that I can safely watch with my parents...because I've heard that it is getting racy"
"I don't know if you can watch either with your parents" Harry confessed, making the three presenters gasp with a 'what'. Harry made a joke saying he's going to have to do another film that Roman would be able to watch his mother. "Do you want to know something funny...well It's not funny for me but you'll find it funny"
"Of course mate" Roman eagerly nodded.
"YN said to me the other day" Harry let out a little chuckle before continuing "Shall we host..like uh..um..movie night with our families to watch the two films" Harry along with the presenters roared with laughter at YN's idea "I was like no..no let's not do that"
Sian still laughing spoke "That's absolutely brilliant"
"Hey maybe me and Shirley could join..it won't be so awkward for me then" Roman joked before thanking Harry for joining them all today.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r  @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @indierockgirrl hittiesontour
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kittyball23 · 8 months
Lullaby (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: On the way to their first destination, the Trolls have a brief campout for the night
A/N: An idea by FandomKingdomGirl on AO3 as well as @pixarchan :)
Nobody realized how much of a distance it was to their first stop, until the sky began to turn a gradient sunset color, and then gave way into night.
They had set out in the morning, traveling all day without rest, and it had taken its toll on the caterbus. Rhonda stretched out each of her four green legs and then flopped down on the ground, letting out a great big yawn. John Dory seated himself next to her and patted her fondly, the caterbus letting out a happy little purr in response.
Poppy in the meantime had nursed a fire, supplying wood to it so that it continued to keep them each warm. Sleeping bags were being set up by Branch around it, so they could all turn in for the night and be readily re-energized once tomorrow came.
“Ooo,” Tiny Diamond said, seeing the setup. “Are we gonna be telling scary stories?”
“No,” Poppy shook her head. “We’re gonna go to sleep.”
“What?” Tiny said, like he couldn’t believe it.
“It’s way past your bedtime,” the Pop Queen said matter-of-factly.
“A man doesn’t need bedtime!” Tiny Diamond pouted, crossing his arms.
“Oh, yes you do!” Poppy said. “How else are you gonna grow up to be big and strong?”
“Aunt Poppy, I’m already big and strong, see?” He flexed the teeny little muscles he had on his arms and Poppy sighed.
Branch could tell she was tired. With how energetic she was throughout the day, it all came crashing down at night. A fussy child was not something she would rather deal with right now when there was a nice, comfortable slumber awaiting her. So Branch stepped in to help.
“Proud of your boy
I'll make you proud of your boy
Believe me, bad as I've been, Ma
You're in for a pleasant surprise,
I've wasted time
I've wasted me
So say I'm slow for my age
A late bloomer, Okay, I agree…”
Branch sang just loud enough so that it could be heard over the crackling of the flames, and other nature sounds around them. Poppy glanced at him with delighted surprise, always charmed to hear his voice, but Tiny Diamond wasn’t sharing her sentiments exactly.
“A lullaby?” he said. “Nice try, but that never - “ He broke off, yawning suddenly, and realizing that it just might be working. Seeing that it was, Branch continued.
“That I've been one rotten kid
Some son, some pride and some joy
But I'll get over these lousin' up
Messin' up, screwin' up times
You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part
Someone's gonna make good
Cross his stupid heart
Make good and finally make you
Proud of your boy…”
It was clear that Tiny was falling to the sleeping spell, with the way he was bobbing his head and trying really hard not to let his eyes get too droopy. But he was being stubborn. He still had his glittery arms crossed and was sitting up straight. But Branch didn’t let it deter him.
“Tell me that I've been a louse and loafer
You won't get a fight here, no ma'am
Say I'm a goldbrick, a good-off, no good
But that couldn't be all that I am
Water flows under the bridge
Let it pass, let it go
There's no good reason that you should believe me
Not yet, I know, but…”
Poppy sighed in admiration, her hands tucked under her chin and her eyes dilated. He was so captivating when he sang. That voice of his was something special, a gift from the heavens that bore much talent. It was no longer anything new to her, but it was to someone else who hadn’t heard his singing voice for nearly two decades.
John Dory was just about to snooze against his pet caterbus, when Branch’s singing had made him perk right up. It sounded totally bro-dacious! Not realizing it, his jaw had dropped and his eyes had gone wide as the realization came to him. That was Baby Branch, the little infant who was only an inch tall and who’d sang there on stage next to him when he was a teenager, with a voice that was still developing in strength and uniqueness. Clearly, Branch hadn’t given up singing, and he seemed to have perfected his vocals so stunningly in the years he was on his own…
… years that John Dory was absent for.
A guilt suddenly came upon the teal Troll. He began to think back to how he’d greeted Branch back at the wedding earlier that day, as if no years had passed by, as though it was just another day up to their brotherly antics, when it obviously wasn’t the case. There were many years in between, years where he could’ve seen Branch grow into that lovely voice, and helped guide him there vocally. That was no longer possible… not without a time machine, which, didn’t exist of course.
Still, he wondered if there was a way to make amends to that bond…
“Someday and soon
I'll make you proud of your boy
Though I can't make myself taller
Or smatter or handsome or wise…”
John Dory had taken a leap of faith in joining in on the song, hoping that Branch wouldn’t get upset. Branch did not stop singing, but he did look over in surprise at his brother. A part of him was annoyed. He hadn’t wanted JD to sing with him. He wanted to sing with him only when the time required it, when they had already retrieved Spruce and Clay and were ready to do the perfect Family Harmony to free Floyd. But he couldn’t stop himself now. It would break the serene melody that was finally making Tiny shut his eyes for good, the fight in him to stay awake lost.
“I'll do my best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you
Mom, I will try to
Try hard to make you
Proud of your boy…”
Both brothers sang, and Branch felt a little spark inside him once they’d concluded. It hadn’t sounded awful. It had sounded pretty good, and John Dory was beaming at him. Branch didn’t scowl at him. He didn’t smile just yet, but he wasn’t frowning or huffing either. He was just looking at him with the slightest hint of appreciation.It wasn’t much, but it was just enough for JD to get that vibe that things could be amended. They weren’t beyond repair - they could still be put right.
Poppy was bubbly with joy as she grabbed the sleeping baby and tucked him into one of the sleeping bags. Tiny smiled in his sleep and cuddled the blanket close to him, sucking his thumb. She then turned her gaze to Branch and JD, and could see the expressions on their faces. They’re going to be great friends by the end of this trip! Poppy thought to herself, looking forward to when she would see her boyfriend and his brother pal around, singing songs and hugging and dancing like they had years before.
Branch broke his gaze away first, and he glanced around them. “Wait… where am I gonna sleep?”
Poppy cocked her head. “Huh?” She looked down, and suddenly realized the predicament. Poppy had placed Tiny in Branch’s sleeping bag, and by the looks of it, the Trolling seemed far too comfortable to be moved. Aside from John Dory’s sleeping bag, which he was already settled into, there was only Poppy’s pink one.
“Ohhh… oops,” the Pop Queen said, biting her lip in contemplation.
“Hmm,” JD thought, and then he snapped his fingers as he thought of a perfect solution. “Say, why don’tcha sleep together!”
John Dory reared back as the two Trolls yelled in shock back at him. “Whoa, chill, alright? I just thought the sleeping bag looked big enough to fit ya,” he explained. “What’d you think I meant?”
As Poppy’s face turned red with a blush, Branch already began to walk off. “You know what? I, uh, I can just gather some leaves and moss and stuff and I’ll just make myself a pile to sleep on, okay? Okay!” He hurried off.
“But won’t that be uncomfortable?” John Dory called after him.
“NOPE!” came the strained reply.
JD was confused when Poppy too didn’t want to speak anymore. “Well, goodnight!” she squeaked, quickly tucking herself into the pink sleeping bag and making sure to turn her face away from his.
John Dory exchanged a baffled look with Rhonda. “Was it something I said?”
Rhonda only shrugged.
__________________________________________ A/N: Song is "Proud of Your Boy" from the Aladdin musical 🎶
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cherrirui-official · 3 months
Making a post abt this so I don't forget later on when I wake up in the morning but, for the Beach Bros AU, I can totally see Bruce going to bed after reading a bedtime story to all 13 of his children and just as he's about to drift off John Dory appears at his bedroom door and says "hey, what about me??? :[" Like the pathetic manchild he is.
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(image unrelated. The post just felt empty without the low quality JD)
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smol4bluengine · 1 year
Hey Gordon, are you ready to go night-night?
Lady Hatt: Almost, Gordon has just been dried off from his wash. All he needs now is to be tucked in with his plush elephant Dory and read a bedtime story.
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literaticat · 3 months
What are some modern elementary school-aged classics? I have fond memories of reading books like Boxcar Children, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, but not sure how those have held up and I'm sure there's a bunch of cool new stuff out there my kiddo (currently 5 but quite precocious) might enjoy more.
This is NOT answering your question at all because these are, well, OLD classics -- but they are maybe a bit lesser known than the ones you cite, and they might be a hit with a five year old (they've always been hits with five year olds I've known!) -- I like these because they are like collections of stories, rather than one long novel, so you can chunk them out at bedtime without having to remember/keep track of all the nuances of a much longer book.
JENNY AND THE CAT CLUB - the NY Review Classics collection - about a shy kitten in NYC whose owner knits her a scarf that makes her brave and then she has various adventures with the other cats in the neighborhood like Pickles the Fireman Cat, etc.
THREE TALES OF MY FATHER'S DRAGON - this was a fave as a kid, and all the kids I know still love it - It's about, well, a kid with a dragon. Pretty much says it on the tin! Personally like the hardcover edition that has all three books in one, but you can get them individually in paperback too.
[SPECIAL ALERT: When I was linking to the above I remembered that My Father's Dragon book 1 has a handsome oversized picture book version that came out a couple years ago as well. That big version is now OUT OF PRINT -- but I checked my local bookstore and there's still a few copies on the shelves. Once these are gone they are gone!]
As for more modern picks, many 5 year olds of my acquaintance love the PRINCESS IN BLACK series, the MERCY WATSON series, the DORY FANTASMAGORY series...
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respectthepetty · 2 years
609 Bedtime Story: Ep. 1 - Kimlock Holmes Edition
Golf is smart. The Eclipse’s final episode aired October 28 in between a solar eclipse (Oct. 25) and a lunar eclipse (Nov. 7).
609 Bedtime Story's first episode begins on November 1, and the series "began" airing on November 25.
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I think the end date of the show’s timeline will be the 25th as well, and our beginning is actually the end, so we, as well as Mum, are seeing the events in reverse.
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Before the title card appears, the very first shot we get is a mirror image of Mum’s world, letting us know we are in the parallel world instead of the main one.
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This mirror image happens again when Mum makes out with a woman reinforcing the parallel-ness of this world.
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Theories listed in order of most logical to “it’s a vibe”
Theory #0 – There is an unedited version
This episode was short. There has to be an uncut version that shows them having sex or will air later giving more details that are vital to knowing who the killer is.
Theory #1 – Mum is dying
The second image we get in the show is Mum’s discarded cigarette. Mum later develops a cough. Is he dying or sick? Possibly from lung cancer (big leap…but something is up).
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After being sent home, he takes the medication, and while he is falling on the bed, memories appear on the screen in reverse order.
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He sees Mint crying (possibly after he is dead?), her hugging him (because he is dying?), the jellyfish that he stands in front of with Dew in the trailer, and Mint telling him to get rest from earlier that day. The next scene we will play out in the series from these memories is the jellyfish one.
The parents are already dead, so this would hurt the sister even more to know Mum is dying or sick.
Theory #2 – Dew is Mint’s boyfriend
Dew received white lilies, which she took with her to the cemetery. She probably ordered them herself, or someone bought them for her.
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Mint mentioned to Mum that she was “getting close to having a boyfriend" when he was teasing her. In the trailer, we see Dew hold red lilies at the bar, which he might be handing to Mint, with Mum in the background looking shy or upset. Mint also asks Mum if he can help “him” in the trailer.
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Games talked to Mum about how he always dated girls but found himself liking Vee. This could be Dew's bisexual awakening story as well.
Theory #3 – Games knows something
Games cursed Mum, and it was a very specific curse that Mum fall in love with "a pretty boy".
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When Games was with Vee, he seemed upset about Vee getting a call from “A,” but Vee was also talking to him about how the financial records that Games is in charge of don’t match.
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And Games was the most insistent that Mum go home that night from the club.
Theory #4 – They exist in each other’s world but are different
We see Mum and Dew in the trailer together outside of the fantasy world, but those are not the Dew and Mum they know IN the fantasy world.
Black is Dew’s color, so the hourglass represents him. If Dew gets shot on November 25th, we are working in reverse. Mum has time on his side since it’s only the 1st.
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However, Mum has wasted a few nights with several different women, and the records being played indicate the situation -   Was (Not Was)’s “Robot Girl” and “Earth to Doris” are about getting superficial love from women, Jumpin’ Man’s ”Fuck Me” is exactly what it seems it would be about, and James Bond’s Original Themes is, of course, the epitome of a womanizer. All are also highlighted by Mum's colors.
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When Mum gets up to grab his medication the night he meets Dew, it’s 11:56.
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When he enters Dew’s fantasy world, it’s midnight, and once they are done having sex, it’s 12:30.
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Dew will die on the 25th at 12:30 am, but Mum might die before that.
Dew knew Mum when he saw him, so he has been seeing Mum in chronological order (1st-ish -> 25). However, Dew, upon seeing Mum, told him he missed him, so Mum might already be sick or dead in Dew’s world. Mum must have told Dew he was going to die at this time and day because once they are done having sex, Dew seems to realize what is about to happen, and spits out that he loves Mum.
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The song that Mum sings in the bar indicates that they can’t stop what is going to happen:
There is nothing that means so much right now. It is worthless. If we can reverse back in time there is nothing to replace the dream we used to share. It is worthless. The beauty when we were chasing…
But the sign from the very beginning indicates that double-guessing themselves will be the issue. They must trust their initial instincts for everything to end up alright. or maybe a sign to the audience to not worry about the ending, PLEASE!
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If Triage taught me anything, it’s that in order to save the other person, they will die in the process. They are also working in opposite of each other, so maybe the timelines will match in the middle. Finally, Russian Doll taught me that sometimes they are using their skills not to save the parallel person who knows everything, but their world’s person who knows nothing. This Dew and Mum might not end up together, but the lessons they learn will help them save their world’s Dew and Mum.
Warning: I plan on watching the next episode two days before the next one airs in hopes of not spoiling the plot for those who are watching an episode behind, so I'll watch episode two in four days since I have access to it already.
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tetralea · 2 years
what about a fic where it's 2024, Charles is in Red Bull with Max and Charles wins championship with the last race. Max is just as happy if not happier for him. They're on podium, Max almost kisses Charles. Later Charles confronts him saying "I thought you were gonna kiss me haha how silly right" and then Max actually kisses him after saying "I was going to".
Wow wow wow wow wow. Wow.
That is something anon. 😄
I’d say Max kind of hates it and loves it at the same time, that Charles won. He hates to lose but if he has to at least against Charles it is not so bad. And when they are on the podium he realises just how not so bad it is.
Charles is vibrating with happiness, his smile is so wide, it reaches his eyes and his dimples are all out and Max just feels the urge to grab him and kiss him right there. He doesn’t have too much time to day dream about it because the anthems are ending and he picks up his champagne bottle to absolutely drench Charles in the bubbly liquid.
He then has to go for the obligatory pic on top of the podium. Charles is already there reaching or his arm to put it around the dark blue overall matching his. Max steps up and maybe he moves a tad bit faster or with more purpose than he should. When he arrives his body presses to Charles’, his arm wraps around his waist rather than his shoulder and pulls the brunette a tiny bit closer. Charles looks at him, still laughing, his eyes sparkling and Max swears he could kiss him.
The blue eyes look into the green ones, and it is only as long as a heartbeat, as he tips his head to the side a bit before the cameraman shouts his name pulling his out of his stupor.
The moment is gone and when he looks back at Charles his gaze is on the crowd again.
It is only later when they are both in the RedBull hospitality when they can have a second to talk. The monegasque is sitting in his drivers room, leaning to the massage table, taping on his phone when Max finds him.
‘Congrats on the win, mate! It was a good battle all season.’ He says and Charles can tell he is sincere.
‘Yeah, it was quite tough.’ He laughs, puts down his phone and gestures the blonde to come in.
There is a moment of silence as Max takes a few steps standing in front of him, before he speaks again.
‘You know, on the podium, for a second I thought you were going to kiss me.’ His tone is light, not mocking at all, more wondering.
‘That should have been quite a show.’ Max forces a laugh, but doesn’t look at the other one. ‘Imagine Christian’s face.’ He continues to laugh but Charles is it doing the same. Just smiles a bit, his eyes loving their sparkle slowly.
‘Yeah. It was a stupid thought, anyway.’ Charles tries to dismiss the topic feeling a bit embarrassed to even bringing it up. Max panics and does the only thing his confused brain feels sensible.
‘No it’s not.’ He straightens himself a little, looking at Charles with determination, stepping closer until they are almost touching. ‘I thought the same for a second.’ He admits and is now more confident than ever because Charles’ hands are on his waist, pulling him closer.
He doesn’t say anything else because he looks into those green eyes and he is rendered speechless. Charles is looking at him with a certain longing he never saw before and one of his hands is now on Max’s neck who leans in kissing the pink lips gently.
It is only a few seconds before they part and Charles whispers a bit out of breath. ‘Can you do it again?’ And who is Max to deny him? He kisses his team mate firmly, pressing their lips together, lips and teeth and tongue moving in sync, making it heated quickly.
‘Maybe if you want to, after the celebrations, we could have our own thing in my room.’ Charles suggest, his fingers pulling on the blonde hair, making Max’s eyes roll back.
‘Good thinking, we totally should do that.’
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tobyfobywoahby · 11 months
jammy want bedtime dory but bedtime story FRIENF not on :((((
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mercurygray · 2 years
Merc, if any members of the Girl Gang(tm) had a podcast, who would it be & what would the topic be?
Well, this is a fun question!
Doris and Ruth have a "Two Women Walk Into a Bar" podcast on pop culture. Every month or so they have a "Third Woman" episode where they invite someone else on to share perspectives.
The replacements (Niamh, Maggie, Hannah) have a podcast literally called "The Replacements" where they myth-bust things. I foresee this transitioning to a YouTube channel where everyone makes a lot of jokes about Maggie blowing things up.
(@shoshiwrites also thinks Niamh should have a podcast where she shares different folktales every week in a bedtime story format.)
Molly has a "Women You Missed In History Class" podcast. She definitely has "Girl Gang" merch.
Joan has no podcast - she just doesn't have the time - but she'll happily be a guest on someone else's!
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vilevenom · 2 months
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Greetings, Anon! Thank you for your prompt! I feel like you probably wanted more interaction between John and the kids, but it sort of became more of a Bruce and JD fic. Whoops! I hope you like it, anyway!
Bruce didn't know exactly when it had begun, but it was certainly becoming hard not to notice just how much his daughter carried around John Dory. When he called the kids for dinner, she had him in hand. When he poked his head outside to check on the kids during the lunch rush, he was sat in her hair. When he was getting the boys ready for bed, she was placing him on the bathroom counter so she could brush her hair.
Honestly, he was beginning to be a bit concerned. Not because he thought John Dory was using LaBreezey as some sort of easy transportation around the large resort (though that had crossed his mind), but because he was a little worried she was looking at her uncle like some sort of living doll.
Despite the fact that LaBreezey was half troll, she and her siblings weren't overly used to being around smaller species. Sure, they were used to Bruce, and he had tried very hard to teach them that no matter someone's size they should be treated with respect, but they had a tendency to let Bruce's life lessons go in one ear and out the other. Put that together with LaBreezey being his only daughter, so Bruce had a bad habit of letting her get away with more, along with the fact that she was his youngest…Well. Bruce had a feeling it was a perfect recipe for potential disaster. Especially when it was topped off with John Dory admitting to, and striving, to be the kids favorite uncle.
Bruce recalled it vividly, the day that John Dory puffed out his chest with a grin and declared in front of his brothers that he was bound and determined to be bestowed with the title 'favorite uncle' by at least one of the kids. He had laughed and then had promptly handed one of his kids a glitter bomb. So, to say that Bruce had a terrible feeling that John was letting his daughter treat him like a toy to earn brownie points was putting it mildly.
And it wasn't like he had much of a chance to pull his brother aside to talk about it, either. Between LaBreezey toting John Dory around, running the restaurant, dealing with the other twelve kids, and trying to make sure he had time to spend with his wife and other brothers when they popped by, it was nearly impossible.
Until finally, one blessed night when all of the boys went to bed without much fuss, Brandy was out with a couple of her friends, and the only one of his brothers currently visiting was John, he had found the opportunity. Well, nearly. LaBreezey had begged to let John Dory tuck her in that night, so Bruce was left standing outside his daughters room while he waited for John to finish reading her a bedtime story.
"…and the princess ran off into the night with the treasure, leaving the stodgy old prince in the dust. The end."
Bruce arched an eyebrow at the ending of the story, not recalling a single book in any of the kids rooms that ended that way.
"That's a much better ending, Uncle John," LaBreezey hummed, her tone letting Bruce know she was already drifting off to sleep.
"Isn't it? I think the princess is much better off without marrying that silly old prince. Who wants to get married after knowing someone for, like, a day?" John chuckled softly. Sometimes Bruce forgot just how good John Dory was with children, right up until he heard this sort of conversation with any of the kids.
"Good night, Uncle John. I love you," LaBreezey murmured, while Bruce peeked through the door to see her struggle to keep her eyes open.
"G'night, pumpkin. Love you, too," John whispered, a soft smile on his face as he blew her a kiss before hopping off her bedside table to flip on her night light.
John Dory quickly exited the room, startling quite badly at finding Bruce waiting for him directly outside the door. "Holy cupcakes," John hissed, clutching at the front of his vest, shooting Bruce a glare, "You're gonna give me a heart attack."
"I very much doubt that," Bruce snorted, arching an eyebrow at noticing the fact that John's hair was coated in glitter, there was a large flower sticker on the back of his vest, and there were bright pink ribbons tied around his wrists. He gestured to the offending decorations, scrunching his nose slightly. "What's with all that?"
John made a quizzical sound as he glanced to the ribbons, his expression turning mildly surprised, as if he had forgotten they were even there. "Oh, yeah," he finally chuckled after a moment, "LaBreezey said pink is my color, but she didn't have any outfits that would suite me, so she found some little ribbons one of her dolls had in their hair. And then she decided my whole look needed a slight adjustment."
"So, you let her coat you in glitter and decorate you with stickers?" Bruce asked, a slight frown on his face.
"I mean, she wanted to play dress up. I wasn't about to tell her 'no'," John snorted as the two began to walk down the hallway, away from the kids rooms.
Bruce sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment, before shooting John a slight glare. "I wish you would have."
John looked affronted for a moment, before returning Bruce's glare full force. "You would prefer that I make your kid sad by telling her 'no'?"
"Yes!" Bruce started, only to shake his head with a groan, "I mean, no! I don't want her to be sad, but I also don't want her thinking it's okay to treat smaller species like play things!"
"Since when is playing dress up teaching her that trolls are play things?" John scoffed, wrinkling his nose.
"It just is!"
"How?! I used to play dress up with you guys when we were kids!"
"It's different!"
"Again, how?!"
Bruce growled in frustration, throwing his hands into the air. "Because they can hurt us!" Bruce slapped a hand over his mouth as soon as the words escaped him, glancing back towards the kids rooms. They both stood in silence for a moment, Bruce letting out a sigh of relief when none of the kids came running into the hall. He glanced back to John to find him giving him an odd look.
"Maybe you shouldn't have decided to marry a vacaytioner if you were afraid of being hurt," John half growled, his fur bristling.
Bruce rolled his eyes, scoffing at John. "I'm not. Not intentionally, anyway. But you seem to forget, John Dory, that you are dealing with children. Big children. Children that don't realize their strength when dealing with smaller species, like us. Children that aren't used to having to be careful, because they're primarily around vacaytioners their own size. It may not be on purpose, and she might not even realize that she's treating you that way, but when you let LaBreezey do whatever she wants with you, you're unintentionally teaching her that it's okay to treat smaller people like that. Like toys. She doesn't realize it's because you're her uncle, and you're trying to earn some stupid arbitrary 'favorite uncle' title. It was hard enough to get the boys to understand, after I made the mistake of rough housing with the oldest ones when they were younger. I don't want her to think that's okay."
John's expression went from defensive, to pensive, then to defeat. "Okay," he finally muttered after a minute, nodding slightly, "okay."
"Daddy, where's Uncle John?" LaBreezey rocked on her heels as she looked up at her father, who was sat on the counter above her drinking a cup of tea.
"I'm sure he's around, sweetheart. Did you check Rhonda?"
"Rhonda's not where Uncle John parked her yesterday," LaBreezey informed. She looked thoughtful for a moment, before she pulled what appeared to be doll clothing out of her hair. She then climbed up onto the stool next to the counter, placing a troll sized pink vest on the counter next to Bruce. She looked eagerly at her father, bouncing slightly in her seat. "Do you think Uncle John will like it?"
Bruce frowned lightly at the vest, clicking his tongue. "Where did you even find that, sweetie?"
"Oh!" LaBreezey kicked her feet, setting her chin in her hands, "Well, yesterday Uncle John and I were gonna play dress up, but the only clothes I had were dresses for my dolls, but Uncle John didn't want to wear any of those, so I found some stuff to make his outfit pretty. But then I remembered that Cove had a doll with other clothes that he never plays with, and it had a pink jacket. And I know Uncle John likes vests, so I cut the sleeves off for him."
Bruce nodded along as his daughter spoke, before letting out a quiet breath. "You know, LaBreezey, sweetheart, you shouldn't dress Uncle JD up like one of your dolls."
LaBreezey cocked her head slightly in confusion, a little frown on her face. "I wasn't?" she said, taking the vest and tucking it back into her hair. "Uncle John offered to play with me when the boys said that playing dress up was a dumb."
"Oh," Bruce blinked a couple of times, brow furrowed as he mulled that over. "Well…Do you mind if I ask why I keep seeing you carrying Uncle JD around the resort?"
LaBreezey snorted and rolled her eyes as if she'd just been asked the dumbest question in the world. "Because Uncle John's legs are tiny. He can't keep up when we play outside, so it's just faster for me to carry him. Like how mom carries you around sometimes. He told me I didn't need to, and that he was okay on his own, but he gets tired faster when he has to run after us. Plus, he tells me fun stories about when he was traveling when I carry him that only I get to hear, because I'm his favorite niece," she said, smile proud.
Bruce suddenly felt like an idiot. He'd been applying adult concepts and thinking to a child's straightforward actions. He also apparently had far too little faith in his daughter. "So…you just like spending time with your Uncle John? It's not because he lets you dress him up and treat him like a doll?"
"Don't be silly, Daddy," LaBreezey scoffed, "Of course that's fun, too!"
Or perhaps Brue had been right to worry.
"But," LaBreezey continued, "Uncle John listens to me, like you do. We had a tea party yesterday and he let me talk about my sparkle princess pony books the whole time. Rainy and Freddy and Bruce Junior don't like it when I talk about my books. They make fun of them and call them 'girly'. But Uncle John listened to me and told me that if I wanted I could read them to him, since they're too big for him to read."
Oh, yes. Bruce was the worst. "That's so nice, sweetheart! I'm glad to hear it. Did you say that Rhonda wasn't parked where she was yesterday?"
LaBreezey shook her head. "Nope! There were tracks going into the jungle, and you told us not to go out there by ourselves, so I came to ask if you knew where Uncle John went."
"Good girl," Bruce hummed, rising from his seat and setting his tea cup aside. "How about I go find Uncle John for you? As soon as I find him, I'll tell him to come find you."
"Thanks, Daddy!" LaBreezey chirped, leaning in to place a kiss on Bruce's cheek before scrambling off her stool and scampering away.
"You better not have gone far, John Dory," Bruce grumbled to himself as he set off to try and find his brother.
Bruce didn't really have too terribly far to go to find John, luckily. He wouldn't have been surprised if his eldest brother had left the island all together, but luckily he was only on the beach on the opposite of the island to the resort. Rhonda was splashing around in the water, while John was sat in the sand, tossing pebbles into the waves.
"There you are!" Bruce huffed as he jogged up to John, placing his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.
John looked rightfully startled by his appearance, frowning slightly. "What'd I do now?" he scoffed, throwing another pebble into the water with a bit more force, "You came running out here like a bergen was on your tail. Did I teach the kids that arson is good because I taught Bruce Junior how to build a camp fire the other day?"
Bruce blinked in surprise, finally catching his breath. "You did what? No," he waved his hands through the air, approaching John with a sigh, "That's not important. I mean, well, it is, but that's not why I came to find you."
"The kid was going to light a fire one way or another. At least I taught him a safe way to do it, and that he should always have a bucket of water nearby," John said with a huff, throwing his last handful of pebbles into the water all at once, catching Rhonda's attention. She churred happily, bounding over to poke at the water where the pebbles had landed.
Bruce watched her for a moment before letting out a long breath. "I was wrong."
John visibly perked up at the admission, turning his head sharply to stare up at Bruce. "Excuse me?"
"Yesterday," Bruce stated, folding his arms over his chest and looking distinctly uncomfortable, "When I spoke to you about LaBreezey. I was wrong. I didn't give her enough credit. Or you, for that matter." He glanced down at John Dory, whose expression all but sparkled.
"I wish I had a camera," John said gleefully, getting to his feet, "So I could commemorate they day one of my little brothers finally admitted to me being great."
"I did not say that," Bruce grunted, shoving John once he as on his feet, making him stumble, "I just…I think you are her favorite uncle. Sometimes I forget that she occasionally has a hard time fitting in with her brothers. But you actually listened to her and spent time doing things that she doesn't get to do as often, because her brothers don't like them, and Brandy and I are too busy. That means a lot to her. And to me, too, if I'm being completely honest." Bruce glanced at John to find him wiping at his eyes with a dopey grin on his face.
"I'm her favorite?"
"That is not the take away you should have here, John Dory."
"I know, I know! But, c'mon!" John nudged his brother playfully, "None of you thought I would be any of the kids favorite."
Bruce rolled his eyes before yanking John Dory into a head lock and ruffling his hair. "Definitely the wrong take away, JD!"
"Ack! Let me go! This hurts my back," John whined, smacking at Bruce's arm.
"Yeah, yeah. All right, old man," Bruce snorted, letting John go. "By the way, LaBreezey made you a new vest,"
"Oh, did she?"
"It's pink."
"Of course it is."
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 16 days
hiiiii! i was just wondering if you have any headcanons about brozone before the breakup?? like when they were living with rosiepuff? i love your posts so much and im always looking out for more!! 🫶🫶
Helllooooooo Beautiful! 💓
All the boys shared a room. Bunk beds!
With every new egg the boys would cross their fingers and hope that it was a girl. Please Muses, no more brothers! 🥚
John Dory dropped out of school early. He tried his best to make sure the others graduated. Spruce did, Clay graduated early, Floyd dropped out when Brozone became more popular.
Soap in the mouth when they swear! 🧼
Spruce taking all morning in the bathroom with his skin care routine and the others roughhousing outside to decide who is next.
Hiding all their snacks because they WILL eat each others snacks with no regrets. 🥨
Clay offering to do his brothers math homework in exchange for chores. 📖
Not being able to lay down on the floor because Baby Branch will launch himself onto his brothers stomachs. (I apparently did this to people when I was a baby 😆)
Clay reading bedtime stories to Baby Branch. Usually the same story. Over and over. Branch could tell if Clay skipped a page. 📖
🐟 💜 ⛳ 🔥 🌲
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wMDSr5d
by transkermit
"I am a dwarrow of Durin's folk as much as any other who came. Erebor is my home, for all that I've never set foot in her halls, and I long for that home just as all of Durin's folk long for the halls of Khazad-dûm and to gaze into the smooth waters of Kheled-zâram. But unlike our lost home in the Misty Mountains, Erebor is not barred from us by a sleeping Bane of Dwarves, and I will not sit idly by when I could march alongside the other brave dwarrow who answered your call, and take back our revered halls from that horrid worm who sits there now, a murderer and thief. I would do what I can to see Erebor under dwarven rule again." Gimli, only a year and a half shy of his first majority, was told that he was too young to join the Company of Thorin Oakenshield in reclaiming their lost home. However, Gimli is of the line of Durin, known for their thick skulls and often-impulsive decision making. So he sets out nonetheless to follow his kin and assist on the quest to slay the beast sleeping on their treasure. But the road is long and hard, and Gimli soon realizes that unlike what tavern songs and bedtime stories lead you to believe, not every quest is simply a matter of dwarven strength and heroic glory.
Words: 4345, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Gimli (Son of Glóin), Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin's Company, Fíli (Tolkien), Kíli (Tolkien), Balin (Tolkien), Dwalin (Tolkien), Glóin (Tolkien), Óin (Tolkien), Dori (Tolkien), Nori (Tolkien), Ori (Tolkien), Bifur (Tolkien), Bofur (Tolkien), Bombur (Tolkien), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien)
Relationships: Gimli (Son of Glóin)/Legolas Greenleaf, Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies)
Additional Tags: Gimli goes on the quest for Erebor because he's a little shit who won't be told what to do, this has a mix of book canon movie canon and my own personal brain canon, which of course triumphs over the other two, Gratuitous Khuzdul, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, this is just me taking the story of the hobbit and picking out what I like, and throwing the rest in the garbage, and adding a generous helping of gay because . of course
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/wMDSr5d
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