masryno · 1 year
رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور
رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور عارية ونشرت “هويدي” صورة عبر موقع تبادل الصور والفيديوهات “إنستجرام”، صورة لظهر مدون عليه عبارة: “من منكم بلا خطيئة فليرجمني بحجر”. rana heweidy mbc رنا هويدي مذيعة MBC السابقة “تريند” بسبب صور عاد تسريب صور وفيديو منسوبين لـ “الاعلامية” رنا هويدي تصدرها التريند من جديد، تِلك الإعلامية التي كانت تعمل بقناة  MBC مصر، والتي تم القبض عليها نهاية الشهر…
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anisecandy · 1 year
Imagine an au where Eddie is a patient at a mental hospital,everything was just from his fantasy and venom is a persona he created to cope with his isolation and trauma that led him to mass murder his whole family and other people,thinking that he was doing something good to protect innocents.Peter either is his doctor or he’s another patient
You know, I feel like if this ask would reach me when I'm in the right mood, I would react to it with "Heck yeah! Messed up, edgy psychological horror romance!! Let's go!!!". But when I saw it today I just thought, man, doesn't it suck how often we have stories demonizing mentally ill people... Perhaps it's the inclusion of mental hospital and grounding it in reality.
So... let me change things up a little. Or maybe a lot.
Sure, let's make it more grounded. But let's also make it sad. Let's make it soft. Let's make it... to be about compassion.
Now... I'm not a perfect person to write about a mental health and treatment. While I have been in therapy for... 3 years now, I've never been to a mental hospital. But here are some ideas(not a full fic though. just ideas). I hope I was able to be adequatly tactful while talking about this.
(tw for mentions of abuse, medical malpractice and implied sexual abuse)
Peter is a new hire at a prestigious mental hospital. It's not one of those places that your average joe could find himself in, if the world got to him a little to much. Here, the patients pay the top dolar for the top doctors providing the best service. And Peter, well, Peter certainly is what you would describe as the best. He graduated at the top of his class and got recommendations from some of the most demanding intern supervisors. He's smart, good at what he's doing and wants to help people.
And if incidentally that means he'll get to earn some good money... well, if you have health insurance bills to pay for your surrogate mother, then you can't really afford being all that selfless in your mission to help, can you?
So Peter works with people in need. But mostly, he works with people who have a lot of money, and little heart. He works with a drug addict, who is only here because the family threatened to cut him off otherwise and not because he's ruining the life of his fiancee. He works with a film director, whose excellent lawyer managed to reduce his sentence from 9 to 3 years and a court ordered therapy. Said man cares a lot about numbers in his pocket. Not so much about those by the birth date of the actresses he helped to promote, for a price, of course.
Peter works hard and a lot, and he doesn't feel like he's making a difference.
He sees a lot of corruption among his colleagues, too. He learns that not every patient is treated the same. That some of them are placed here by powerful people, because nobody would believe abuse accusations from poor, broken madmen. And said "some" are not getting out. (Somehow, he manages to at least be assigned as an assistant to the dostor in charge of Harry Osborn's treatment. He wishes, desperately wishes he could do more.)
Also, he hears gossip.
Most patients here are nonviolent. There are only three rooms serving to hold the "troublemakers". Those are swept clean of anything that could be used as a weapon. Their walls are padded, and built to contain most sounds, as to not disturb the rest of the high paying clientele. Two of them stand empty. But the third one, as Peter learns one day, has a resident.
There are countless rumors about that one isolated patient. He's said to have murdered his wife. Some add, that they never found the body. The more imaginative clarify, that it's because he ate her. The least outrageous gossips suggest that he's one of those old money people, escaping jail thanks to insanity defense in the court. But not many repeat that version of the events. After all, everybody knows that this man is a bonafide, drolling, deranged lunatic. A lost cause if there ever was one, really. What everybody agrees on, is that he's unpredictable and dangerous. He has to be kept sedated at all times, so as to not harm the staff. And of course, every nurse and security guard knows somebody, who knows somebody, whom he attacked and maimed.
And maybe it's because he's surrounded by people so divorced from the reality thanks to their status and privilege, against whom he, poor Jewish man from the Queens stands out so much, but Peter starts to develop interest in this patient, that slowly changes to a strange feeling of kinship, as he seldom catches the glimpses of said patient.
He's not often let out of his room. But sometimes, Peter can see him being walked for one or another experimental treatment, in the assistance of two muscular caretakers, over whom he still towers. He doesn't seem "deranged", not in the pejorative way the staff is using this word anyway. Despite eyes muddied by the sedatives, he walks straight, with his head up and a dismissive grimace on his face, as if he was too proud to look anybody in the eyes. There's an arrogance there that fits right in with the lebel "old money". But then, there's something else too. There's the eagerness of every caretaker to be very generous with their usage of strength, with dragging and showing the man around. Once or twice, Peter sees him beng pinned to the ground and restrained. After he snapped at a nurse gossiping about his late wife too loudly, too close. After he doesn't leave his room as quickly as he's supposed to.
From his perspective of someone not quite on the inside, Peter can see a lot. And he doesn't like what he's seeing.
It takes a lot of persuading to let him at least meet the isolated patient. But eventually, he's allowed a session with him. There are no special requirements from the client handling the bills for that one. And no doctor really wants to work with him on their own either.
Leading to the session, Peter is nervous. It starts dawning on him that perhaps he's just developed an unhealthy obsession over a patient, that maybe he's just acting out of curiosity, treating this man as a novelty. A fun excerpt for his research paper. He starts getting scared too. He's heard the gossip. He's been paying close attention to them, more than anybody else in the whole hospital.
But when Edward Brock is brought in, he doesn't seem very eager to jump for his jugular or clawing out his eyes. He appears... tired. Still proud, oh yes, but mostly tired. He doesn't speak much, aside from asking to not be referred to by his full name. The sedatives make him slur words and lose the thread often, which visibly upsets him. Still, even in such a state, he appears to be a rather bright man, his only visible fault being perhaps a bit too dark sense of humor.
This causes Peter to develop certain guesses and he starts pushing for more opportunities to get to know Eddie better.
And he discovers that there most of what is said about the harm he did to the nurses and guards are made up. That there was in fact no wife's murder, that she just divorced him. And that Eddie was brought to the hospital after a failed suicide attempt.
He discovers that this isn't some Silence of the Lambs-esque thriller, but rather a story about a man, who didn't get the help he needed, because he appeared too threatening. Whose worsening mental health became an excuse for escalating the "precautions" around him, to objectifying him as this evil, grotesque monster, because he has one of the "bad" illnesses.
He discovers that Eddie has DID, developed over the childhood of neglect and emotional abuse. He meets Venom - a headmate, who's Eddie's protector, in the times when his trauma gets triggered or the harm caused him by the hospital staff gets too hard to bear. He learns that they both like old music, although Venom has rather severe sensory issues, making them only want to listen to it very quietly. He learns Eddie's favorite books. And how he looks when he smiles
All in all, from this point on, Peter does what he can to help Eddie, both in terms of healing, but also trying to change the things around the hospital. Some other Spider-man could be there as well, for example, villains and friends alike as doctors or patients (like mentioned before Harry). But, all in all, today I just really wanted this to be a more gentle story. Something with hope and kindness. And I think I quite like this idea. I could write it some day, or maybe somebody else could write it. I think there could be space here for an interesting plot and a nuanced take on mental health (maybe even some subtle romance, hah, but "subtle" being absolutely the key word here. given the ethics of it all), as well as social classes.
I know this isn't what you wanted from me, but I still hope this turned out to be an interesting little creative session.
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yamen-hurreya · 1 year
Listen to نجيب محفوظ - الحياة على أساس الحب by Dostor News - جريدة الدستور on #SoundCloud
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shouldiusemyname · 2 years
Last night my 5yo, who is autistic, swallowed a plastic diamont from a boardgame. This lead to me spending 3 hours in the ER getting x-rays of his entire body...
He insisted that he felt it stuck in his throat and when the doctor tried to feel his throat and asked him if it hurts his answer was "I don't know. LET'S FIND OUT TOGETHER!".
The dostor was very confused and I had to explain that his inability to feel pain is part of his autism, and that it's a catch phrase from one of his favorite shows 🤦‍♀️
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notahappystan · 2 years
Okey so...
If the multiverse is real, and it is shown to us by our dreams...
You are telling me that in some realites I get railed by a lot of people? Like just yesterday in my dream i was ridding jake peraltaz dosen't it mean that my variant got the d?
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so0 · 4 years
most likely to ser castigado/denunciado por ti
"Cualquiera que no cumpla las reglas y no tenga una buena razón para ello."
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maquilanews · 3 years
Rinden homenaje a médicos que lucharon contra la pandemia
En sesión ordinaria de cabildo aprueban por unanimidad la designación y ratificación para que las clínicas de Salud UNE lleven sus nombres.
NUEVO LAREDO, TAM.- En la décima sesión ordinaria de cabildo síndicos y regidores aprobaron por unanimidad la designación y ratificación para que las clínicas de Salud UNE lleven el nombre de reconocidos doctores que atendieron  en la primera línea de batalla contra el Covid-19. La alcaldesa Carmen Lilia Canturosas Villarreal mencionó que uno de los dispensarios médicos está ubicado en la colonia…
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theblotmag · 6 years
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lunnvtiko · 3 years
se supone q mi mama va a llevarme mañana al dostor,, y ns si dormirme ahora pa decepcionarme mañana viendo cmo no me llevará nunca al medico o quedarme despierto no ma y q no me lleve igual, ns q me provoca mas ansiedad,,,, toi xikito kero puro nanai u.u
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no-toy · 4 years
Tengo ansiedad por salir al dostor wn aksk por salir nomas, no por lo del hombro. Por tener que tomar micro y ver gente 🥺 habia dejao de fumar y la idea de salir me dan ganas
Ya pero chill yuli que a nadie le importas en la calle aparte real que la mascarilla ayuda a mi ansiedad skdk es como un tuto de wawa que me da comfort
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Dostor nutria, es normal que me exciten las axilas de las minas, y mas si les empieza a salir pelo??, ayuda dostor D:
Bueno, hay un refrán antiguo que dice en gustos no hay nada escrito, por lo tanto mientras sus gustos no dañen a nadie considero que todo puede ser permitido, también con el debido consentimiento, mucha orina de nutria para ti.
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gopisharmasworld · 3 years
Carpet Spot Remover Market : Global Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2020-2027
The global carpet spot remover market is experiencing a significant growth, and is expected to grow considerably during the forecast period.Carpets are highly demanding consumer product as they are used to cover floor of houses, offices, and hotels. It is very costly so it need more care and maintenancefor itscleaning, which creates more demand for carpet spot remover.Carpet spot remover is the primary and basic product used for the maintenance of the carpet.
Market scope and structure analysis:
Report Metric
Market size available for years
Base year considered
Forecast period
Forecast units
Value ($US)
Segments covered
Type, Application, Nature, and Region
Regions covered
North America (US ,Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy, Spain and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, , Australia, South Korea, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific), LAMEA (Latin America, Middle East, and Africa.)
Companies covered
Venus Laboratories Inc., BlueMagic Inc., 3M Company, Folex Company, Hoover Limited, Reckitt Benckisere Group plc, OrganoClick AB, S.C. JOHNSON & SON Inc., SPECTRUM BRANDS Inc., RUG DOSTOR.
Ask for sample copy of this report >>> https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-sample/9778
COVID-19 ScenarioAnalysis:
Corona virus has spread all over the world and most of the countries are adopting lockdown measures to control the spread of the virus and securing public health. All business and production activities are fully shut down except the necessary one such as food and medical sector or other, leading towards economic crisis in the country. Manufacturing and production functions of the carpet spot remover are stopped which has slowed down the business and lockdown has impacted badly on distribution channel of the carpet spot remover, which in turn hamper the growth of the carpet spot remover market.
Top Impacting Factors:Market Scenario Analysis, Trends, Drivers and Impact Analysis
Traditionally, Carpets were considered to be a luxury item, but now it has become a necessity for every household.. Carpets are widely used in household , hotels, restaurents, resorts and cinema halls.
Carpets has beengaining major deamd owing to its multiple benefits such as  making room more comfortable to sit on floor, insulating person’s feet from cold tile, reduces sound while walking particularly in apartments. Carpets can not be changed frequently owing to its highcost and tedious maintenance.Carpets are a durable product mostly preferred in high quality which includes high cost, so its need to get cleaned. As carpets are used daily, it can get dirt and stain very easily which raises the demand for carpet spot removal products. These products help eliminating stain, odor and residues caused by pets or any kind of spills which provide carpets a long life.
The global carpet spot removermarket trends are as follows:
New product launches to flourish the market
The new products that contain improved capabilities of spot removing have been launched by leading market players. They have taken necessary steps to improve accuracy of devices and overall functionality as well. DPM care’ technology uses minimal amount of water with no residue left behind.
DPM care method cleans with low moisture and dries in 30-45 minutes, preventing microbial growth. It will not damage or leave a residue.
Dry powder method which actually applies a pre-spray that is of low moisture. Thus growing product improvisation and innovations in the spot removing machines are expected to boost the demand for casrpert spot remover market.
Get detailed COVID-19 impact analysis@ Request For Customization >>> https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/9778?reqfcor=covid
Key Segments Covered:
Key Benefits of the Report:
The report provides a quantitative analysis of the current carpet spot removermarket trends, estimations, and dynamics of the market size from 2019 to 2027 to identify the prevailing opportunities.
Porter’s five forces analysis highlights the potency of buyers and suppliers to enable stakeholders to make profit-oriented business decisions and strengthen their supplier–buyer network.
In-depth analysis and the market size and segmentation assists to determine the prevailing online entertainment market opportunities.
The major countries in each region are mapped according to their revenue contribution to the market.
The market player positioning segment facilitates benchmarking and provides a clear understanding of the present position of the market players in the carpet spot remover industry.
Interested in Procuring this Report? Visit Here >>> https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/9778
Questions Answered in the Carpet Spot RemoverMarket Research Report:
What are the leading market players active in the carpet spot removermarket?
What the current trends will influence the market in the next few years?
What are the driving factors, restraints, and opportunities in the market?
What future projections would help in taking further strategic steps?
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peredarelator · 3 years
Porque mi vida ya la prefiero vivir así... Créditos al DoStor @navmora (en Angol, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQgnUKIFK6eiHiJLBSUeuMLVgF2JIUxrocqgHY0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Necesito a mi dostor😔
Poy de encefaloo
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eduardoroa10 · 4 years
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En el Dostor... #laQuintrala (en Huaso Choppers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGI1IPdBHn_hG1gk-1ax_JDgMUdcyjnuWQ1HEk0/?igshid=14xpwpnbp368s
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teblignet · 4 years
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Bırakın sigarayı, bedene zarar veren zemzem bile olsa içilmez.. Nureddin Yıldız başlıklı yazımız yayında.. Yazıyı görüntülemek için şu adresi ziyaret edin: http://teblig.net/birakin-sigarayi-bedene-zarar-veren-zemzem-bile-olsa-icilmez-nureddin-yildiz/?feed_id=6315 #nurettinyıldız - #aşırıyemek #çokyemek #doktor #dostor #fetva #haramgıda #harammıdır #haramyemek #helalgıda #helalmidir #helalyemek #istiaphaddi #neyemeyeceğiz #neyiyeceğiz #nurettinyıldız #sağlık #sigara #sigaraharammıdır #sigarahelalmidir #sigaraiçmekharammıdır #sigaraiçmekhelalmidir #sigarayıbırakmak #tıkabasayemek #turşu #yemeadabımız #yemekültürümüz #yemeterbiyemiz
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