#dottore: h-
abyssruler · 2 years
Dottore had been stuck in the back of my mind since the comics like a parasite and it's starting to grow now that we actually seen him in game. I love that mentally unstable man 🥺. PLS I remember a post hcing that he would have abnormal ways of showing his romantic interest and we joked about how he would believe he cracked the code of romance, conquered it even while reader believes he's going to harvest their organs 😭😭 miscommunication trope but make it with a dash of insanity
he’s just a funny little guy with a dash of psychopathic tendencies 🥺 and omg what post anon show me!! ALSO THAT IDEA!!
reader being so skittish around him, wondering when this mad doctor is gonna get bored of you and decide he wants to put those organs to better use, so you always do what you think he likes so you can remain on his good side. meanwhile dottore thinks you’re in a very healthy consensual workplace relationship. he brags about it to the other harbingers, basically calling them all bitchless, unlike me, he would smugly say.
“oh, y/n? yes, our relationship has never been better. in fact, when i asked them if they would like to move in with me, they said yes almost immediately!” then, in a thoughtful tone, he adds, “almost too quickly, in hindsight. ah, they must have been so excited at the prospect of living with me.”
you were not, in fact, excited at the prospect of living with him.
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fatuismooches · 4 months
Good day! Life is the definition of stress for me lately, so i turn to Dottie x Fragile!Reader for comfort once more. I hereby present you: bathtime!
Just before i begin - NO NSFW! Only wholesomeness! Horny will automatically have their names added to test subjects volunteers list!
Reader's mysterious sickness got worse over time. Fragile body forced them staying in bed and prevented them from completing even the simplest mundane activities, such as eating or showering. But it's no fun staying in sweaty bed, is it? So, while segments are busy changing sheets, Zandik brings his beloved to bathroom.
Let's address the obvious - reader would get extra shy. It's not the first time Zandik sees them naked, taking all physical health exams into consideration. However, man is more than willing to look away and wait - he will avoid looking at the Reader if that's what they want.
Bath time feels like luxurious spa complex. Scented bath bombs? Check. Bath bubbles? Check. Soothing music playing in the background? Check. Shoulders massage? Check. Hair-washing? Check.
Speaking of the latter, Zandik's long, slim fingers rubbing shampoo into reader's hair brings them euphoria. He's so gentle with every movement, careful not to get any bubbles into his dear's eyes. Zandik also uses shampoo of his own making (perks of being the all-knowing scientist!). If Reader's hair was greasy and messy before, once the bathtime is over, you bet their locks are smooth to the touch and extra soft.
Man would make sure the Reader has been fully dried off. He'll also personally dry their hair with hair dryer (...does Teyvat have hair dryers? Idk. Assume it's something similar then.), so they don't catch cold that could further worsed their condition! Once the spa procedures are done, Zandik will have reader dressed in fresh pyjamas and wrapped in a bathrobe, cuddled in his arms - he will then carry them bride-style back to bedroom where a bed with fresh sheets and a segment with a mug of hot chocolate was waiting for them.
Cuddles and kisses afterwards are a major part of whole bathtime procedure! Must not be skipped!
BATH TIME WITH DOTTORE. <3 Your illness frequently rendered you unable to do even the simplest of activities, most importantly the basics of living. Or perhaps your mental state was not the best and you could not bring yourself or find the energy to take care of yourself. But at least you have your lovers with you to do that when you can't yourself.
No matter how many times your husband sees you nude you still get a bit anxious about it, you know he loves you. But you still can't help but look in the mirror and wonder if he notices even more imperfections than you, after all, his eyes are very observant. However every time, he patiently holds and reassures you in his own Dottore-like very, despite how many times you two have done this same routine, he doesn't seem annoyed. You're thankful.
Dottore had honestly never used or cared for such extraneous products in the bath, he never saw the point of them. He always got in and out of the shower, he never exactly relaxed in it. It was only until you started using fancy stuff like that and forcing him into it that he started to warm up to the idea of bath time also being relaxing time (something both of you really need.) And he can easily see that this is something you need right now. However, he is clueless by himself so he probably found himself at the mercy of the Damslette and Regrator much to his dismay... but, it's for you, so he can endure...
Dottore's hands are very skilled, certain areas of his work require great control over them to avoid any mistakes, so it's not surprising in itself for them to be gentle and delicate. However, what is surprising is for that gentleness to be used on another person. It wasn't easy for him at first either, he loves you but being gentle doesn't come easily or naturally for him. But he still does try and it seems that eventually, you get so lost in the feeling of his fingers massaging your scalp that you don't notice if he messes up. I imagine you'd try to return the favor too if you have the strength. Unfortunately, it gets into his eyes but he has zero reaction to it for your sake.
After the bath, you would feel so warm and fuzzy from how good it felt, but most importantly you felt that Zandik cared, which was always very important for you. Sure, he wasn't the world's most perfect lover, but you didn't care about that. All that mattered was that he tried, and that he loved you. (He invented Teyvat's first and only hair dryer. End of story.) You'd nearly fall asleep as he dries your hair, barely hanging on by the time he dresses you in something warm. But you can't fall asleep now! You have to stay awake and treasure this moment with him! It's not often opportunities like this arise with your Zandik! And you have to be awake to feel all the kisses you'll get!
(His cup of hot chocolate definitely has a little too much marshmallows in it...)
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shuicheese · 8 months
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here's a little treat for you!! >:3 that's just cranberry sauce- yeah. or jam. don't worry abt it <3
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m1d-45 · 1 year
hiiiii midasss
not a continuation of eldritch horror reader, but i REALLY. REALLY LIKE VERY TALL READER. A LOT.
it would be hard to hide, but imagine how fun it would be .. i mean, what’re they gonna do about it?? carry us off to jail? no, man, no. we can step on them. squish :]
and when i say tall, i’m talking like, AT LEAST 7 feet. quite possibly 10 feet tall. big guy.
i want to be able to pick someone up and throw them like a football.
-owl anon who was hearing bird chitters while writing this
i might bring a more detailed snack of eldritch horror reader later
oh em gee bird chitters guys
also if makes sense if you think about it, since they on your screen are itty bitty so
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fairytaleliving · 2 years
i cant unsee it and this is all ray’s fault
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
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@dochttore said:
❝ a curious girl is she not? that astrologist you live with. her abilities are quite unique. ❞ the fatui & their endless supply of resources & information are a treasure trove for a mind prepared to consume & be consumed.
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"... Yes, and she is off limits." There is no hesitation when the lord loses his crown and his cursed halo manifests its presence behind him. Anemo shredding through the inside of his body and eyes looking sternly at the doctor in their glow. He agrees to an extent, he can recall how off guard Mona's abilities catch him and have caught him in his past life. Tetsuya has many questions and it concerns him when Dottore brings up the subject of her abilities. How did he even get this info-... actually that question can probably answer itself if he takes some time to think it through, thoughts clouded in rage or not. He is all too familiar with the Fatui at this point and just what sort of things they could be up to, and come up with, especially with this damned disgusting degenerate, should he get involved in any of those things. "I didn't take you for a stalker, Dottore." He disses in bad taste. "I don't want to see you near Mondstadt." He or the Fatui. "Or near her."
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sunderberry · 7 months
anyway thinking about diluc ships for real
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uta-official · 7 months
Yall really like the chaotic segment that has no idea how animals work and likes to bother Diluc most, huh- interesting lmao
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ferdvonvestra · 2 years
If You Marry Me, Would You Bury Me? Would You Carry Me? (To The End?)
🌸 Read on AO3 🌸
Tags: M/M
Fandom: 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game)
Relationships:Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Tartaglia | Childe & Zhongli (Genshin Impact)
Characters:, Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Baizhu (Genshin Impact), Qiqi (Genshin Impact), Il Dottore (Genshin Impact)
Zhongli/Tartaglia, Alternative Universe- Modern Setting, Hurt/Comfort, h/c, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, alternative universe, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, implied/referenced zhongli and baizhu are exes, they're still on good terms though, someone give Tartaglia a hug, Depressed Tartaglia | Childe (Genshin Impact), Mental Health Issues, zhongli and Tartaglia are engaged, Il Dottore is probably ooc, I don't really know anything about him, Apologies, Northland Bank (Genshin Impact), Mentioned Ningguang (Genshin Impact), Possessive Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Title from a My Chemical Romance Song, Song: To The End (My Chemical Romance), Comfort/Angst, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Swearing
Zhongli’s coupe snaked through the parking lot at the Northland Bank. Winding through the various parked cars and valet staff spotted across the asphalt, the anxiety that had been coiling in the pit of his stomach grew tighter. Each car that he passed was distinctly not the eleventh harbinger’s powder-blue convertible.
Zhongli banished the thought. Childe said he was here, so he was here. It didn’t do either of them any good to have Zhongli skulking through the parking lot, and probably drawing attention from the bank’s expansive security detail.
Looping back to the main driveway, he pulled up to the valet station and stepped out of the champagne coupe, quickly exchanging the key for a ticketed placeholder, and walked up the short stairs to the main door.
— — —
“I have some news you won’t like” Ajax mumbled against Zhongli’s cheek, pressing an apologetic kiss to his temple.
Zhongli gave a hum of disapproval, languidly stretching and shifting on the mattress, pulling Ajax tighter against his shoulder.
“I’m going to be gone for the next few days, work stuff. I’d wiggle out of it if I could, but it looks like they actually need me.”
“Where are you going?” Zhongli whispered, half asleep.
“I’m staying local, actually.”
Zhongli’s gaze met Ajax’s, a budding confusion showing in his expression.
“What do you mean?”
“I have an assignment at the Northland branch here in Liyue, but they’re having some higher-ups come in, and it’s going to be nothing but politics and policies for a few days. Between keeping up with my with my actual work and the sheer amount of political jockeying I have to do, Ekaterina said to just plan on passing out on one of the couches in the back every couple days.”
“They torture you” Zhongli huffed,  closing his eyes and snuggling even closer into Ajax’s side.
Ajax’s expression iced over, guilt stabbing through his chest. He already hated lying to Zhongli, but the poetic irony of his lover’s declaration almost made it feel worse somehow.
“I’m here to see Tartaglia”
“I’m sorry, he doesn’t have any public appointments scheduled today, are you sure you’re here to see the harbinger?”
“I don’t have an appointment “ Zhongli replied, “it’s urgent and I couldn’t get ahold of his direct office.”
“I’m sorry, but unfortunately I won’t be able to schedule you for a walk-in meeting today. If you’d like I can set an appointment later this week-“
“I’m his fiancé” Zhongli interrupted “it’s a family emergency. I need to see him.”
“…I, one moment.”
Zhongli fidgeted with his engagement ring as the receptionist dialed an extension and waited for the line to pick up.
“Hello? Yes, I have a visitor for Tartaglia. Yes I- I understand however I have an unusual situation-Sir, what would you like me to do about- one moment.”
The receptionist held out the telephone to Zhongli with an apologetic smile.
The building worry threatened to suffocate him as he took it.
“Hi sweetheart-“ by Celestia, he sounded tired, “what’s up?”
“You’re okay” Zhongli sighed with relief, Even though he’d tried not to think about it, he knew how dangerous Childe’s career was, and he had been fearing the worst.
“Yeah, I’m okay” he chuckled, “I’m at work, why wouldn’t I be?”
“I was just… worried. You haven’t answered my calls in a couple days and I was worried-“
“-shit, I’m so sorry!” Childe interjected, “fuck, I left my phone at my desk and I honestly haven’t been back to check it, by the Archons, I must’ve worried you sick-“
“It’s okay” Zhongli insisted, “You’re okay and that’s all the matters. You are doing alright, my love? You’ve never stayed this long at Northland, I’m concerned.”
“I’m fine, really “ Childe replied “a little more tired than usual, I’ve been going pretty much non-stop the past… what has it been now, four days? I lose track of time in here.”
“Where are you, Childe? I thought you said this was all meetings.”
The dull buzz of the telephone hung in the air.
“I.. I’m here at Northland, truly Zhongli, I know you’re worried but I’m just working away from my office.”
“Your car isn’t here” Zhongli replied.
Childe was faster to cover the second time “Ekaterina must be out, she sometimes takes the car to run work errands or pick up lunch-“
“Can I see you?” Zhongli pleaded “Just for a minute or two, I won’t keep you long, I just- I need to know you’re okay.”
Another pause.
“I… one second-“ Zhongli heard the soft thump of Childe’s palm covering the other end of the call and his muffled voice. He couldn’t make out what Childe was actually saying, just the timbre of his voice. He didn’t recognize the muffled reply Childe got, but his heart sunk at the agitated tone.
Zhongli heard more thumping as Childe adjusted the phone again,
“I’m sorry I worried you, of course it’s okay for you to see me, would you give the phone back to the receptionist? I’ll let her know it’s okay and someone will take you back- I’ll see you in a minute, okay? I love you.”
“I love you too” Zhongli barely registered handing the phone back to the receptionist, or the short conversation she had with Childe before hanging up. It was all he could do just to still his heart and not bolt through every hallway until he found Childe himself.
— — —
“You know, despite your incessant whining, taking a break isn’t going to make this any easier. In fact, it’ll actually most likely delay my research, we’ll probably have to reset at least the last hour’s worth of endurance testing-“
“What the fuck else was I supposed to tell him, Dottore?” Childe snapped back, “thanks to you I’ve been gone nearly a fucking week, and if you would’ve given me, I don’t know, maybe two minutes to check my phone in the past forty-eight hours, we wouldn’t even be fucking dealing with this-“
“Whatever you need to tell yourself to feel better, it’s not improving my research”
“Shove your research up your ass- and clean this shit up,” Childe gestured wildly to the blood-covered blades, blunt weapons, syringes, and various research equipment that was scattered about the room, “you think a phone call is bad? I don’t think even you want to know what’ll happen if he sees all this.”
Dottore stared back at Childe with what could only be described as a malevolent smile as Childe wobbled to his feet and limped out the door.
How in Teyvat was he going to fix this, he thought. Catching his murky reflection in the metallic hallway wall, he could see the maroon and purple gashes and bruises that mottled nearly every inch of exposed skin.
Wincing as he made his way down the hall and into his office, he prayed that he at least beat Zhongli and the receptionist to the room. He needed every available second to try and come up with some rational explanation as to why he looked half-dead.
Panicking, he quickly pulled a spare coat from a nearby closet and shrugged it on, hoping to cover as much of the damage as possible. He tugged at his pant legs to try and cover his bruised, broken ankles, and quickly summoned a small orb of hydro energy to try and scrub as much blood as he could from his face.
He barely had time to lean against his desk and feign relaxation before a very worried Zhongli was ushered through the door.
“Hi Xiangsheng-“ Childe was instantly silenced as Zhongli flung his arms around his neck. It took everything in him to not scream out in pain from the agitation to his various injuries, locking his jaw tightly and burying his face in the crook of Zhongli’s neck to hide the fact that his eyes were watering against his will.
“What’s going on?” Zhongli pulled back, gingerly resting his hand on Childe’s shoulder and absentmindedly toying with the end of his hair.
“It’s work” Childe soothed, willing his jaw to relax and forcing a weak smile “you know how it is.”
Zhongli’s eyes flickered to the top of Childe’s head,
“You’re bleeding-“
Pushing his hair off of his forehead and thumbing over his scalp, Zhongli frowned at the blood picked up by his fingertips.
“Will you please tell me what’s going on?” Zhongli begged, “You look exhausted, for some reason you’re wearing a coat in the middle of spring in Liyue, you haven’t talked to me in four days, you seem like you’re avoiding something, you’re clearly injured with no obvious cause, please- just, let me in…”
Zhongli cradled Childe’s face in his hand, his troubled expression softening as Childe leaned into his hand,
“I want to be there for you” Zhongli murmured, “even if there’s nothing I can do to help, I’m worried, please.”
Childe sighed as he hung his head forward, his temple leaning against Zhongli’s collarbone,
“Alright… I wasn’t lying when I said I’m stuck in meetings, that was at least the first day. There’s this… researcher- well, he’s really a doctor but that’s not the point-“
“A doctor?” Zhongli asked
“I think, that’s what he calls himself anyway- besides the point, he’s here for research, and… research with, me, specifically.”
“The Tsaritsa, the other harbingers, basically everyone in her majesty’s service know about my… qualities, let’s say, from my time in The Abyss. But, beyond a surface level understanding and examples from my time in battle, nobody really knows the extent of what I can do, not even myself, to be frank, so there’s a doctor, here, on the Tsaritsa’s orders, researching my particular case. It’s happened a few times before, the past few days has been… endurance testing”
Childe sighed, “it’d…. It’d be easier if I just showed you, I don’t want to get into the details, just… promise you wont freak out, okay?”
Slowly, Childe pulled away from Zhongli, rolling his shoulders with a small wince, he carefully shrugged off the hastily-grabbed coat, letting it pool at his feet as he unfastened his uniform top.
Childe flinched, avoiding Zhongli’s eyes,
“Really, it looks worse than it is-you and I both know I have above-average stamina, this was just… seeing how far it would go.”
“Ajax, look at me.”
Childe met Zhongli’s gaze with guilt tearing at his core, quickly morphing into genuine fear as he saw the barely restrained rage in Zhongli’s expression.
“What exactly was the goal here? I’ve seen corpses that were in better shape than you right now. Was the plan to just torture you to death? Let enough blades slice into you until you succumbed to blood loss? Beat you unconscious to see how many times you could take it before you didn’t wake up?”
“I have a duty to the Tsaritsa-“
“What would’ve happened if I hadn’t come here?”
…Childe didn’t have an honest answer to give him.
Zhongli slung one arm under Childe’s shoulder and tilted to carry most of his weight,
“We’re leaving-“
“I’m still not done with the research-“
“Drop it.”
Childe shuddered at the burning rage laced through Zhongli’s latest statement. He was quite afraid of Dottore, and even more afraid of what the Tsaritsa would do when she found out he disobeyed a direct order, but both paled in comparison to the sheer terror he felt at hearing that in Zhongli’s voice
— — —
“Qiqi, forceps, please”
Childe hissed in pain as the shrapnel buried in his ribs was wiggled around and out of his flesh. Slowly, every bit of embedded weaponry was meticulously outlined and fished out of his skin. It’d been at least an hour and a half and he still wasn’t done.
That wasn’t even considering all the other categories of injury still to be addressed.
Zhongli’s hand ghosted gently over Childe’s, rubbing small circles into the iron-tight grip his knuckles had on the bed railing.
“Thank you again, Baizhu.” Zhongli said, “truly, I’m beyond words.”
“My pleasure” Baizhu replied “I must say, I’m fascinated that you’ve not only managed to not succumb to your injuries, but also still somehow stay conscious. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d be interested in researching-“
“Absolutely not” Zhongli said coldly. Seeing the surprised look from both Childe and Baizhu, he sighed
“I apologize, I mean no disrespect, that simply is not a possibility.”
“It’s no matter” Baizhu said breezily, seemingly ignoring the suppressed whine from his patient as he pulled a particularly tight suture “I’ve already made quite a few discoveries just in this work so far.”
“Lovely” Childe hissed through gritted teeth, earning a sharp frown from Zhongli.
“I should warn you” Baizhu continued, “While I have no problem respecting your privacy, I am required by oath to report this to the Qixing; the amount of damage I’ve assessed is clearly criminal assault.”
“Consider it done” Zhongli replied “I will be discussing this with the Tianquan Ningguang myself.”
“This is not up for debate.”
“Can you just-“ Childe groaned as he sat up a few centimeters, earning a firm push to the shoulder from both Baizhu and Zhongli “think about this for a second?”
“It has already been decided.”
“For just a moment” Childe said, “think about the political implications of that; for one minute, honestly.”
“What part of criminal assault are you not understanding-“
“So the Qixing get involved, yeah?” Childe retorted “even if they make a private investigation, word will get out that Liyue is making a direct accusation against the Tsaritsa; at least the leaders in Mondstat will find out, if not the general public of Teyvat.”
Childe sighed, head pressed against the pillow and massaging his temple,
“Think about how anyone in the Schneznayan service is going to react to that. Both  countries have sacrificed too much- you have sacrificed too much for an active conflict to start over me fulfilling my duty-“
“-I need to step out for a moment” Baizhu interrupted, “Qiqi, please fetch three rolls of gauze from the store room.”
“Gauze.” Qiqi repeated softly as she walked around the foot of the bed and out the door, her lilac braid trailing lazily behind her. Baizhu’s footsteps echoing across the tile behind her faded into a suffocating silence.
“…My love-”
“Don’t-“ Childe interrupted, “please, don’t make this harder than it has to be.”
Zhongli inched his chair closer to the bedside, watching as Childe screwed his eyes shut, angrily swiping his knuckles across his tear-stained cheeks.
Archons, he was in so much pain.
“My love…” Zhongli carded his hand through Childe’s damp hair, “What you have gone through, is completely beyond your duty to the Tsaritsa. While your loyalty is undeniably admirable, you don’t have to do this-“
“-I owe her my life-“
“I am owed your life as well-“ Zhongli argued.
Childe blinked back in surprise, confusion written across his face.
“I made a promise to share the rest of my life with you,” Zhongli’s free hand coming to Childe’s cheek, “share, Ajax, not sit idly as you risk your life again and again-“
“-you know me” Childe interrupted, his voice tight with unshed tears, “you know who I am, you know what I am… You know how this is going to end, how I’m going to end-“
“Stop” Zhongli interrupted “I will not hear a word of this. You deserve kindness, Ajax. You deserve a chance to live a normal life-“
“Nothing about this is normal” Childe murmured, “nothing about me is normal. My entire life has been one freak string of luck and if you’re looking for normal then I’m sorry but you picked the wrong person-“
Zhongli’s gaze was drawn to Childe’s hands, knotted in the white sheets, he watched as Childe fidgeted with his engagement ring, the ring sliding further and further down his finger as his shaking hands seemingly fought with his own mind about what he was even doing.
“Shh” Zhongli reached and took Childe’s left hand, gently flattening his palm and sliding Childe’s engagement ring back to its rightful place, “Baobei, look at me.”
Childe’s cobalt eyes, glassy and rimmed red with tears, met Zhongli’s steady, tawny gaze.
“I made a promise,” Zhongli said “to you, to myself, to Celestia itself, that you are who I am going to spend this life with. You, Baobei, wholly and utterly you, not the version of yourself that never went through your hardships that lives in your own mind.”
Childe hiccuped, fresh tears tracking down his face as his grip on Zhongli’s hand tightened.
“You are resilient, my love, not damaged, or broken. You have lived through things no one deserves to endure, that others could not endure, and yet you found your way to me.”
Zhongli pressed a soft kiss to Childe’s temple, feeling his beloved tremble slightly beneath his lips as the harbinger fought to breathe between shuddering, tearful breaths.
“I’m not going anywhere” Zhongli murmured against Childe’s skin, “I promise.”
Childe cried out as he threw his arms around Zhongli’s shoulders, burying his face in Zhongli’s neck and sobbing in earnest now. Zhongli held him steady, murmuring quiet nothings in Childe’s hair and wrapping both arms around his waist.
Zhongli had made peace with the fact that he could not go back and change the past. Archon that is was, it was a gift he still did not possess. Godhood, he found, was not ultimate power.
The future, however, he had decided, was his to mold as he wished. His ego had calmed with time, shifting from the War God Morax to Rex Lapis, the God of Contracts, before finally becoming Zhongli; the closest he had ever come to one of his mortal subjects. He had little want to transform the very earth and people upon it these days as he had in his youth.
Little, but not none.
As Childe clung, trembling, to his body across the cold metal of the hospital bed, Zhongli made another vow.
The “doctor”, would pay for what he did. The Tsaritsa herself would pay for her orders, and Zhongli would see it through as he lived his chosen life:
with his beloved at his side.
Thank you so much for reading! I will admit, this one has been sitting in the drafts for a while lol. I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go with it at first and I wanted to publish it after it was completed, rather than updating in segments. Kudos and comments are always appreciated, and if you're interested in seeing my other work, please check out my author page here on ao3 or any of my other platforms through my carrd! [https://ferdvonvestra.carrd.co]
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monogatcri · 1 year
@haereses replied to your post:
"scaramouche eats all kinds of strange things."
"i'm beginning to think it's a necessity for his survival."
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━━ ˟ ⊰🍁❝ THAT'S IT -- ❞ smack! goes his hand right across the doctor's face.
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abyssruler · 1 year
SICK and TIRED of writing these vanilla fluff and crack comedy fics! *attempts to write two people kissing and immediately explodes*
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lazulirus · 2 years
I’m sad to inform that I simp for Dottore now. I hate him but I can ignore a smart, smug and strong man with pretty voice only for so long. Please send help
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baeshijima · 2 years
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akaihibana · 2 years
trying to write verses for characters is hard bc i am just need to hold myself back from just summarizing it to much,
verse 0 : idk it is just a normal one set during his life WHAT MORE U WANT FROM ME?? verse 1: tomo lived but got no memory no more. wakes up in sumeru most of the time but not always. verse 2: dottore is tomo’s daddy now.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
If you've seen the first Deadpool movie, that compilation of him asking and looking for Francis while he's killing his men?
That's Tetsuya eventually with the Fatui checkpoints but when looking for Dottore.
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hhhh-blade-takeitall · 2 months
So, Blade fic is put on the back burner because woundfckin Dottore fic has captured my interest. Still gonna write both tho
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