#double dumbass || back from another great adventure
nxttheendxfthestxry · 2 years
Re-done Tag Dump: Dynamics (2/6)
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ofragesaesthetics · 3 years
Tag Dump 14
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oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
BFF Jaehyun
Jaehyun is all crinkly smiles and too-loud laughter when he’s with you
Half of your friendship is inside jokes, or just being dorks in public to try and make the other person laugh
Jaehyun’s the friend who texts you at the most random times like “hey can we hang out” and you’ll literally do anything together
One night could be a movie marathon, another could be eating at a fancy new restaurant he heard great reviews of, and the next could be sitting on the floor of his dorm sipping wine and planning an international adventure
Jaehyun loves to travel with you, whether it’s a town down the road or exploring new countries, so one of your favorite things is planning those trips
The two of you have a whole folder of destination ideas, ready at a moment’s notice to escape and hop on a plane somewhere
You know that jae will book the tickets in a heartbeat, you just need to say the word
Long story short, he’s a planner and a doer, the best of both worlds
Jaehyun loves learning new things with you, from latte art to stopping by a random museum while walking around the city
Jaehyun always has an extra sweatshirt for when you inevitably end up cold (you confess you haven’t given them all back)
He gives the best gifts, and loves to surprise you with little things. It’s always something you need, or you’ve mentioned that you want. Like when you complain that no one ever gets you socks even though you’ve asked for them, you better believe you’re getting socks from him the next day
You repay the favor of course, and got him a collection of headbands to use (you love the look of him when he shoves his hair back and it sticks up in every direction)
You’re both terrible liars omg 😂
Jaehyun’s ears would turn red the second he so much as thought about lying, not that he ever does with you
But that doesn’t mean you don’t find other ways to make him blush like a tomato
The benefits to being jaehyun’s friend include knowing all the awkward and embarrassing stories
One word is enough to remind him and have those ears flaming haha
“Eggplant” and boom, the ears 🔥
Of course, this is a double edged sword, since he knows all the ways to make you melt into a puddle of embarrassment, too
Jeffrey is a real punk
And yes you definitely call him jeffrey when he’s annoying
That’s how he knows he successfully pissed you off
That or you start smacking him (with love, of course....his muscles can handle it.......you’re definitely not just looking for an excuse to feel his abs...........)
You can never stay mad at him for long though. He always brings out those stupid dimples and then boom you’re smiling at him again
Who can resist a smiling jaehyun? Not you
Again, he’s a punk but you love him
You’d never tell him, but your stomach does somersaults when he smiles at you
Its been like that since the beginning, though. I mean hello? You have two eyes and they work fine
Who wouldn’t erupt into butterflies when he looks at you like that?
But jaehyun already has plenty of girls panting after him, he doesn’t need his best friend added to the mix
Jaehyun never seems to notice them, though. His phone lights up with messages from this girl and that girl, but whenever he’s with you, he puts it on silent
He does that regardless of who’s texting. He always says he wants to give you his undivided attention. The last thing he wants is for you to feel like a second thought. He’s so up front with his feelings, he wants to make sure that comes through in every action, too
Its only gotten him into trouble with work once or twice lol
You might be besties but Jaehyun is such a flirt
You know he’s just being annoying, or practicing his looks or whatever, but omg someone stop this man before you have a heart attack
You need to stop being a dumbass (but that’s for another next headcanon so be patient)
He’s also sooooo free with praise. Will compliment you at any and every opportunity. When you’re testing out a new recipe with him, he’s the first to compare it to edible art
He’s not the best at taking selfies (you’d beg to disagree, but again, how do you say no to that dimpled smile), and neither are you lol
So the two of you end up playing photographer for each other
Jaehyun always manages to make you feel comfortable, and that extends to the pictures too, something that usually makes you turn into a stiff board
When he’s behind the camera, he somehow makes you forget you’re the center of attention. Or at least, being the center of attention stops feeling so daunting
That doesn’t mean your pulse isn’t racing when he comes over to fix your hair or something
When he’s the one being photographed.....hoo boy, cue the butterflies—he’s just drop dead gorgeous posing on the other side of the camera
Jaehyun is just the most comfortable friend. You can do anything with him and feel right at home. And he would die to keep it that way—he’d never ever want you to feel uncomfortable with him
You’d never do anything to jeopardize a friendship as valuable as his, even if it kills you to hide the heart eyes you get around him
But don’t worry you don’t have to hide it for long
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Emp-Ire “The King.”
“I am starting to think that the oracle was screwing with us.”
“Silence!” One of the men barked, clapping Ramirez across the back of the head with an open palm. Ramirez jerked forward with a grunt of pain, and seeing that, Adam was having the sudden, sneaking suspicion that…. Everything wasn’t what it seemed to be.
At first, the whole thing had screamed of elaborate tourism. Let the tourists show up and think they are going on some cool quest, and then make them overpay to meet with some lady who was just super high, but the way these men were acting…
Adam was beginning to agree with Ramirez.
If their adventure as Sheriff’s deputies had been real then wasn’t there all the likelihood that this was real as well? Just because you show up to someplace exotic doesn't mean it was designed like that to amuse you. He wouldn’t take a hop and a skip over to Japan and just assume that the different customs there were an elaborate ploy to get money off of tourists….
Well maybe on Earth that sort of thing could totally happen, but looking at these men…. Their physiques, their clothing,their weapons, and the very real, point of their spears, he was becoming aware that maybe they had stumbled on something a lot more serious than they had first thought.
He seemed to have a habit of doing things like that.
He glanced around at the small contingent of men who walked with them. As he had noticed before each and every one of them was absolutely shredded, not necessarily in the bodybuilder kind of way, but in a way that made it clear these guys never skipped leg day, arm, day or cardio. 
Adam and Ramirez were no slouches; by comparison, both of them hitting the gym at least five times a week for an hour at least, but in comparison?
And of course they didn’t hide it either. 
Each of the men carried a massive circular shield and spears taller than they were. They had on sandals with greaves and simple leather wraps, most of them were bare chested, though their commanding officer wore a breastplate, all of them wore helmets.
His sudden exclamation startled the man as well as Ramirez, 
“Shit, I just realized why that sounded familiar.”
One of the men turned to look at his commanding officer, “I do not think they are Athenians, sir.” He glanced back at Adam, “Too dumb.”
The other men laughed at his expense. Adam frowned, “Sorry my knowledge of ancient greek geographical locations isn’t up to snuff.”
He was silenced with another slap to the head, and with his ears ringing and one eye fuzzy, he finally accepted that this was, in fact, not a joke. Somehow, for some reason that dumbass oracle had sent them out to get potentially sacrificed by a group of Neospartans, and he doubted they were going to be able to sue for damages.
It took almost the whole day to make it to “Sparta” itself, though he became aware of their approaching closeness when small dwellings began appearing on the edge of fields. It was only when he figured out that Spartans needed to eat too that he realized not ALL of them were going to be big buff badasses. Of course, that was until he saw the farmer pulling the plow, who was in fact Hercules’s cousin on his father Zeus’s side.
Okay so maybe things were a bit different.
He was under the impression back during the age of real Sparta, a lot of spartan citizens were just normal people and it was only a select few who were turned into warriors. Women, while they had some rights than in other places, were still expected to stay home and take care of things while the men were off at war. She had to be strong, but that was only because she was expected to raise spartan sons, or something like that. He couldn’t remember exactly how that sort of thing worked, he wasn’t a historian. For all he knew Spartan women were just as shredded as the men.
A truth that seemed apparent for thee spartans because, as they made it to the next little farming house, a woman turned to look at them and damn it was like the Amazons met the spartans. She wasn’t particularly tall by anyone’s standards, but she looked like did mixed martial arts for a living.
He had no doubt she could probably kick his ass.
Ramirez had gone rather silent as he looked around  nodding to himself every so often as they were dragged through the outlying villages and farms, and eventually up a set of stone steps leading into a city which was surrounded by lush medeteranian hills and grasslands on either side.
The city itself was no slouch either. It wasn’t as artistically expressive as New Athens had been, ut there was no shortage of statues, and interesting architecture. Walking down the street, everyone they met was shredded or well on their way to becoming so. The men, the women, everyone but the children.
He noticed a few differences from ancient histories, including but not limited to the fact that the women were just as armored as the men, the many races and ethnicities, and the strange assortment of modern day dogs that roamed the place, which he thought was a strange addition.
A line of marching soldiers passed by wearing their red and gold, and as they went Ramirez turned his head to follow them, “Welp, I am pretty sure I had a dream like this once.”
“Did you dream include us dying horribly?”
“Does being crushed between someone's thighs count?”
Adam sighed and rolled his eyes to the heavens, “how can you be thinking like that at a time like this?”
“How can you not, I am scared and way turned on and it is the most confusing feeling I have ever had in my life…. Aren't you just a little?”
Adam frowned and was surprised to find that, “No, he didn’t think so. He was JEALOUS of plenty of these men, but none of the men or women caught his eye in that way, at least he didn't think so.”
Ramirez stared at him and shook his head sadly.
“Still thinking about your breakup huh?”
“No I’m not.”
“Quiet.” One of the men hissed raising a hand to backhand one of them, though he stopped as a voice called out from before them.
“Captain NIcos, you have returned from your patrol.”
It was a woman’s voice this time, and as they looked up an armored figure stepped down from the steps to the columned temple. She wore a bright golden breastplate, knee length red skirt and golden greaves and bracers. An attendant at her shoulder carried her Helm, though she kept hold of her spear and circular shield. She was at least six feet tall and had a body like the she hulk though her face was exceptionally beautiful as well, with large brown eyes and full lips. 
The man raised his spear to her, “Queen Xanthia.”
The man around them raised their spears as well.
She stepped forward over the stone, “What have you found here.” She used the tip of her spear to reach under Ramirez’s chin and tilt his head back, “Athenians?’
“They say they are ‘from Athens, but not “Athenian.” Captain Nicos said shoving Adam forward so he tripped and fell to his knees on the hard stone.
She grunted and turned her attention to him, tilting his head back to look at her, “Is this true, not-an-Athenian.”
He crinched away from the blade of her spear, “I’m Mericandian actually, Terran, Earthling.”
There were a couple grunts of surprise from around the group.
“Tourists.” Ramirez piped in.
Xanthia frowned, raising her chin, “And how did you end up on Laconia. We don’t encourage tourists here.” 
“Would you believe it if I said that asshole of an oracle sent us here.” He raised his hands, “We meant no disrespect of course, we just came here to see the sights and then leave.”
Ramirez nodded.
There was another muttering from the crowd. She had an eyebrow raised, “The oracle you say?”
The two of them nodded again, not sure where this was going.
She turned her head to Captain Nicos, “Keep a close eye on them, I will speak with the king”
She turned on her heels and walked off, passing through the double doors with a swish of her red cloak, leaving the two of them still kneeling on the rough stone.
They turned to look at each other in nervous confusion, not entirely sure where this was going. Overhead the sky had dimmed to a dull blue and torches were being lit all up the city streets. The young man who was doing the lighting had the look of a classic greek hero with tight curly hair and a body borrowed from a demigod.
The two of them didn’t say anything until the doors opened and the queen walked back out, “The king wishes to see the intruders.”
Two guards held the doors opened as they were forced to their feet and up the steps. The interior of the room was bare and blunt, no more than stone pillars and a single uncomfortable throne carved out of sharp marble blocks, on which sat the manliest man he had likely ever seen. Xanthia walked over and sat in the identical throne next to him, and together it seemed as if they were being pulled before the throne of the very gods themselves.
This man was godlike, but not the kind of overly muscled where he can't even touch his own head. This was probably what peak human performance looked like with a neatly shaved beard and thick dark hair. Adam glanced over at Ramirez again, to see the other man was nodding in great approval of this development. He turned his head back to the man who stood very slowly, his armor clinking. He wore a short sword on one hip and carried a spear in one hand, and when he moved, he moved with the grace of someone who knew exactly what he was doing, and where his body was at all times.
He walked down the steps and looked the two of them over with steely golden eyes, like those of a wolf.
His gaze fell on Adam for a long hard moment, “I see we have been graced by the presence of a foreign general.” He said turning back and stepping up the stone steps.
There was a murmuring in the room around them.
Adam blinked in surprise, “You know who I am.”
The Spartan king stood before his seat, but did not sit down, “Well of course.”
He held up his arm so Adam could see the scrolling holographic image across his wrist, “Just because I live like a spartan doesn’t mean I subjugate my life to not knowing what goes on in the universe. In fact as King it is my duty to know what important developments are being made in this galaxy.”
He turned his head to look at Adam ,”I am loyal to this galaxy and the ideals upon which humanity has befriended aliens.” He walked across the stone, “And you Admiral Vir  are an important linchpin in that model.”
He turned to wave a hand at Ramirez, “And of course I know a Marine when I see one.”
Another muttering from around the room.
So, this is sort of not what he expected. The Spartan king was well versed in intergalactic politics, and was no slouch intellectually either.
“So, you’ll let us go then.”
The man did not smile, but the way his eyes twinkled, almost menacingly did not give Adam much hope.
“Oh I never said that.” He turned and paced back in the other direction, “You see, Admiral, I have become aware of an unfortunate pattern in humanity’s political history, and this includes the fall of empires due to poor or weak leaders.” he turned on the spot, “I had given up hope in being able to influence the intergalactic stage, but finding you here has…. Given me an idea.”
Oh no.
“I want to see just what kind of men are being tasked with keeping this galaxy together. I want to know if you can do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done. I want to make sure that my people are in good hands, when their good is out of mine.”
“What are you talking about.”
“I want to make sure you are a brave leader, and that you can fight when is necessary.”
He made a motion with his hands and Ramirez was dragged off to the side.
A group of Spartans stepped up and grabbed Adam around the arms hauling him to his feet.
“Bring him to the training field.” The king said, and the group of men dragged him forward and out the doors.
Adam tried to protest but he was silenced as he was dragged from the doors, down the walkway and into a large lit arena with a sandy dirt floor. A large group of men were practicing here with their spears and shields, but cleared off as soon as an order was barked.
“What are you doing!” Adam demanded
“Consider this your greek trial, Admiral.” The king said taking his own spear and tossing it to Adam, who caught it in one hand, “Fight, and let’s see what you can do.” “But I-”
He was handed a shield, and then the group began to pull back.
The king stepped up onto the arena wall and paced down it’s length, “Lets see if you can beat one of my men first, and we will go from there.”
He motioned a hand and ordered one of the younger men forward. He couldn’t have been that old and was not nearly as well put together as the others, but he held his spear and shield with some confidence.
Ok…. this was going to get interesting.
He knew there was nothing he could do to stop them, so Adam dropped into a crouch.
The shield felt awkward and heavy on his arm, but the spear was a familiar weight. They circled for a short time before the boy came charging at him. He could see what the king was doing. This boy was young and had probably trained repeatedly in drills but had never sued weapons in practice..
He was meant to be easy to beat.
Adam stepped to the side and caught the boy’s foot sending him staggering away. Adam used the shield to knock him further off balance and sent him plowing into the dirt.
No one made a sound.
It wasn’t that impressive. That was SUPPOSED to be easy.
“So at least you have SOME training.” The king called. Overhead a shooting star crossed over the heavens. A crowd trickled onto the stands of the arena.
He motioned someone else forward. She too was young, but the set of her face and a scar down her right cheek showed that she had at least SEEN combat at some point. The way she eyed Adam told him that she knew what she was doing.
Her problem?
She was likely to set i nher fighting abilities, not creative enough. He traded a couple of strikes with her, gaging her ability before making his move. He used his shield as a distraction to cover some of his movement so she couldn't see, and then sent a lightning fast jab. He struck a hit hard on the side of her helmet sending her plowing to the Arena floor.
Still no one made a sound.
The king nodded slowly and motioned someone else forward.
This man was an actual soldier, though likely no great shakes, but at least he knew what he was doing. Adam ended up in a sharp flurry of contact before the shield got in his way and he almost took a hard blow to the shoulder , even so he ended up with a delicate cut along the side of his cheek. It was only by way of quick thinking that he was able to duck under one of the swipes and kick the man hard in the sternum. He went flailing back into the dirt, and Adam couldn’t help but whisper to himself.
“And this is sparta bitch.”
The kind paced around him in a wide circle, “So, someone has trained you in the use of the spear.”
Adam growled, “I was trained to fight aliens with four arms, so you are going to have to try harder.”
The king smiled, “Confidence…. Always a good sign. But the shield, I think you have not been trained to use one of those.”
Adam paused nodded, and then threw the shield to the ground kicking it away.
He took the spear up in two hands, in a distinctly different style from the spartans, “Well, come on then.”
WIth the shield gone and his switch back to using a spear like he had been trained he defeated the next three challenges with relative impunity. It was only when the king stared adding extra fighters did Adam struggle.
They clashed hard, Adam ducking dodging and sometimes jumping over swings from his opponents. He dived into the dirt, rolled onto his back and caught two spears as they hurtled down at him. He kicked one in the side of the knee and he went down. Adam lunged for the hit, spun on the spot and caught the second spear as it came down for him again. He brought the but of his spear up and hit the woman in the face before spinning back in the other direction, dodging an oncoming jab and slammed his spear into the back of his opponent’s head sending them sprawling to the ground.
He was breathing heavily now but he could see and hear some of the men and women muttering in surprise.
The king nodded, “This is heartening, I must say. It seems as if our leaders CAN fight.”
Someone was motioned forward and he was handed a rag to wipe his face and a canteen of water. He drank greedy wiping his mouth and tossing the leather skin back to the young woman who had brought it to him.
“But I think I do see one deficiency.”
He took a waiting spear from one of his followers, waved off a shield and stepped into the ring.
Men and women all around the circle leaned forward in anticipation. Adam readied himself.
The king stepped forward.
Adam could already tell this wasn;t going to be easy.
He was already tired, the kind was fresh.
But still he was ready, the two men circled and then Adam lunged forward in the way the Drev had taught him, The king batted it away and they made an exchange. The man didn’t try to attack him, but seemed content on seeing what Adam could do. Their engagement must have lasted for thirty minutes as they clashed, the king slowly escalating over that time. The longer they went the more energized the other man became. Adam thought if he could just hold out until the other man grew tired as well, then maybe he would have an upper hand.
But it never happened.
Adam gasped for air.
Even after what must have been thirty minutes of continual engagement, the other man only seemed to be breathing steadier and more deeply. All together they had been fighting longer and harder than all of the other previous engagements put together, and still the man was not tired. Adam watched as the man specifically did not take openings that should have killed Adam.
He knew he was trying to make some sort of point.
Adam was breathing in ragged gasps now. He had never been so tired in all his life, he came in for a lunge he knew was sloppy, and his spear was kicked from his hand. A sandals foot hit him in the chest and he went down choking. The king stood over him nodding, “I am impressed by your skill” He turned and waved to the crowd, “You could match any man or woman here hand to hand in a fair fight, but you do have one deficiency.”
Adam gulped and panted.
The king crouched next to him, “No stamina.”
He stood again, “You train with my men tomorrow, and so does your marine. We will make Spartan’s out of you yet!”
Adam gasped coming to his knees, “Wait… but I-”
“You came here for vacation, and I am sorry to inform you that will not be so. You will not be leaving until I am satisfied our galaxy is in the Best hands.”
Adam stood crawling to his feet with great effort.
The king even smiled at him this time, which seemed strange to him somehow. He held out a hand and Adam took it, “A pleasure to fight with you Admiral, I am James king of the Spartans.”
Adam frowned, “James?’ Not Kyros or something?”
“I was born in the northern provinces of Mericanda, of course I don’t have a greek name.”
He clapped Adam on the shoulder and then walked off joined by his queen and their entourage as he shouted orders vanishing into the night.
Adam stared after him.
So, the king of Sparta was Canadian? 
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shsl-otaku · 4 years
Where Greed Goes, Despair Follows: Chp. 38
Pairing: Ban & Y/N
Anime: Seven Deadly Sins
Genre: Adventure, Romance
Warnings: ⚠️Syringes, injections, slight torture? idk if it can be called that, but there's a bit of screaming⚠️
Tag List: @asgleo16 @yuri-2018 @vialuciferscage @commanderawkward @chidayasays @misfitgirlwrites @amberfoxcosplay @catlover7722 @shiggi-trash @softiekage @happynoodle @milkysamu @kageyamis @yogurthdecoco @alysplxnet @chanderefk @furryavocadoowo @nellieleverlin @djdestiny23 @kelseyleia98 @demise-dies-dead @giyuustears @callmeunstable @jaybeingweird @lizzy101 @wishfulcoconut @80strashbag @crownedcupcake17 @rinzyx05 @cinnamonbun332 @smolmacbean @lalalol17 @rintheemolion @lostgirl2007 @god-of-the-universe @whorianscum @ihaveaproblem98 @ariknj @liawinchester67 @sunnsettee @beccawinter @stxtch72 @starrykeigo
You let out a gasp, your e/c eyes flashing open. You breathed heavily, staring up at what seemed to be the top of a dark cave. Panic and adrenaline rushed through you as you remembered what had just happened.
"Elizabeth?" you yelled. You tried to get up but couldn’t. You looked down to see that you were tightly chained down onto some sort of stone table. "Elizabeth?!"
"She isn't here," a voice said.
You turned to the voice to see a man with cold, turquoise eyes and hair the color of periwinkle. You scowled as you saw that he was wearing armor. "Who are you? What did you do with Princess Elizabeth?"
"Shouldn't you be more concerned about yourself right now?" The man asked, walking to you.
You scoffed in disgust. "Answer me!"
"She is being detained elsewhere," the man said. His cold eyes scanned over you. "So, this is what the famous Raven Sin looks like."
"What do you think you're doing?" you said, glaring harshly.
"It appears you are physically unscathed despite what you went through during your last encounter with Jericho," the man said nonchantly.
Your eyes widened and cold dread washed over you. "What?"
The man tilted his head, his eyes boring into yours. "That means that my hypothesis was correct."
"Hypothesis?" you repeated. "What hypothesis?"
"You really don't know then, do you?" the man said. You stared up at him impatiently. He shook his head. "I've been studying records of the Demon race for quite some time now. The different types, their blood, their statuses. However, I happened to stumble upon something incredibly interesting."
The man looked back at you, a glint in his eyes that made you feel uneasy. "A scroll that mentioned of a human who had demon blood in them. A person who could possess power as great as the Demon King himself. Someone who the Demon King could channel himself into and use as his way to see and live in our world."
Your breathing grew uneven as emotions swirled within you. "You... You think that that person is me?"
The man smirked. "Haven't you wondered why you're still alive despite Jericho stabbing you with her sword being covered in that substance?"
You stared at him, shocked and confused. "I..."
"What about your abilities?" The man continued. "No normal human being is able to summon stalagmites from the ground. No normal human being is able to trap someone's consciousness in their own mind. No normal human being's eyes glow red when they are enraged. Have you really never considered that you might be more than what you've been told?"
The man walked over to a small table and picked up a syringe. You could barely breathe when you realized what it was. It was filled with the same black substance that was on Jericho's sword when she stabbed you.
The man walked up to you, holding the syringe up in his hand. "This is a syringe containing the Demon King's blood." Your eyes widened. "Jericho's sword was covered with the blood of a different demon but after long and desperate searches, I finally found this."
You stared at it, frozen in fear. "No. How did you even get that? How did I never know about this? I was raised by a human family, I—"
"All memory of what you are has been erased since the beginning," the man said. "You were never supposed to know until you had the Demon King's blood flowing in you." He positioned the syringe on the left side of your neck.
"W-Wait—! No!" you screamed, tears forming in your eyes.
The man looked down at you, his cold, turquoise eyes being the last things you saw. "You'll feel better when it's over."
He pressed the syringe into your neck and began injecting the blood. You let out a cry of pain as your e/c eyes began glowing a bright purple, the two symbols reappearing on the backs of your hands. A new symbol was now glowing on your forehead as well. The man continued to inject the blood into your neck as your terrified and agonized screams echoed in the cave.
"Don't let Meliodas use Full Counter," a Holy Knight yelled, charging towards Meliodas with an axe. "Use your weapons to stop them directly!" He swung his axe at Meliodas, Meliodas deflecting every hit with his sword. He quickly punched the Holy Knight, sending him flying away.
Another Holy Knight tried sneaking up on Meliodas, only for him to be punched down by Ban.
"Don't think you can beat us without using magical power, dumbass," Ban said, glaring down at the Holy Knight. "Well, it'd be futile even if you did." (gODDAMN HIS VOICE IN THE SUB WAS SO HOT WHEN HE SAID THAT JFC. OKAY I’LL LET YOU GET BACK TO THE STORY LMFAO)
Ban raised his hands up, looking at the group of Holy Knights charging at him and Meliodas. "Geez, they just keep coming!"
"So we're gonna have to wipe them all out after all?" Meliodas said.
"Let's be efficient about this," Gowther suddenly cut in, walking between the two. He raised his hands up, summoning his Sacred Treasure. "Sacred Treasure, Double Bow Harlit!"
"Sacred Treasure?" Meliodas exclaimed, eyes widening.
"Where the hell was he hiding that," Ban asked, staring at Gowther in confusion.
"Rewrite Light," Gowther said, shooting arrows of light through all the Holy Knights. The arrows all passed through each of them without causing them to die or bleed.
"Hey, Gowther," Ban said, looking at him. "The effect is like zero!"
Suddenly, the Hoky Knights all dropped their weapons and began running towards them.
"Meliodas, my son," a Holy Knight yelled.
"Ban, my bro! I really missed you, man!" another Holy Knight said.
"Huh?" Ban and Meliodas said, surprised.
"Gowther, what is this?" Meliodas asked, blinking in confusion as he was hugged by a Holy Knight. Ban was being carried up by a group of Holy Knights, trying to process what was going on. Gowther was being held close and patted on the head by another Holy Knight.
"Right now, the Holy Knights see us as their dead family members, friends, or lovers whom they haven't seen in some time," Gowther said, pushing his glasses up.
"Did you rewrite their memories?" Meliodas asked.
"Shh," Gowther said, turning to face him. "It's merely a simple stopgap. Once they notice the inconsistencies in their memories, they'll go back to normal. Moreover, their memory of being under this spell will be deleted."
"Don't you ever use that on us!" Ban and Meliodas yelled, appearing in front of Gowther.
"Roger that," Gowther replied, looking at them blankly.
The three of them managed to get away from the crowd and go deeper into the city.
"All right," Meliodas said, now hiding behind what appears to be what was once the wall of a building with Gowther and Ban. "We managed to get into the capital, but what are we gonna do now?"
"We can't just recklessly start battling in the city," Gowther stated.
"Man, that's gonna be a drag in itself," Ban groaned. "Who knows where those bastards could be hiding Y/N?"
"With all these Holy Knights around, it's not gonna be easy to search for traces of Elizabeth or Y/N," Meliodas said.
"Hey, let's head to the castle," Ban said, grinning mischievously. "You know how in fairy tails, the princess is always locked up in an underground dungeon in the castle?"
"Don't you mean the top of a tower?" Gowther asked. "Also, do you mean to refer to Y/N as the princess?"
Ban let out a cough to hide his shock, cheeks starting to flush. "Shut it!"
"The castle, huh?" Meliodas murmured, staring up at the large castle of Liones. Suddenly, a wave of pure fear and pain washed over the kingdom, making Ban and Meliodas' eyes widen.
"What... is this," Ban gasped, tears forming in his eyes. "I... can't move..."
"It appears to be Y/N," Gowther said nonchantly. He brought a hand up to his face, touched it, then looked down at his hand. There were tears on his fingertips. "Fascinating."
Meliodas looked up at the two, tears also streaming from his eyes. "You don't think...?"
Ban's eyes widened in realization. "Something's happened to Y/N."
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fandomoblivion · 5 years
Ella Enchanted (prologue)
Fandom: Stranger Things season 3
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader 
Summary: (Y/N), also known as Nine, was a girl being experimented on all her life by the Hawkins Lab, conditioned into following every command her brain heard. She managed to escape the lab, with the help of her little sister Eleven, and was taken in by Hopper. Now, it’s a year later, and the three of them are a happy family. She just got her first job, where she works alongside Steve “The Hair” Harrington… who her father doesn’t much like.
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 1,356
Notes: This is the “Lot of Livin’ To Do” redo! Even if you read that prologue, please read this one as well, since I nearly doubled it in length! 
“I thought you forgot about me!” You sobbed, your face pale.
He held your head up, his eyes wild. “Never, Kiddo. Believe me, I would never.”
You clenched your hand around your open wound on your stomach, crying both tears of pain and happiness that you had been found.
“Shit, we gotta go, like, now.” He said, covering one of his own hands around your wound, trying to apply pressure and stop the never-ending bleeding while trying not to hurt you still.
“What?!” You cried, your breaths heavy. “N-No! They- Them! They’re still out there! And- and, and I wanna...” You dissolved into heavy sobs in his shoulder, and he held you tight against him, knowing that, in this second, he could protect you.
“Ssh... Kid, listen. El got them. They’re dead. But I promised her that when I found you, I’d take you straight to her for help. And... and I’ve found you.”
He hoisted you to your feet, and you almost collapsed instantly. “Shit.” He mumbled a quick, “C’mon, Kid. Up we go,” while picking you up in his arms. 
“Thank you Hopper.” You whispered. 
He huffed. “Don’t mention it.”
“Can you… tell me a story?” You asked, your head spinning from the amount of blood that had escaped. 
He sighed. “Once upon a time, there was a guy. And a girl.” At this point he was more carrying you than helping you walk. “They went to high school together. They used to meet under the bleachers, in the stairwell, wherever they could.” Your breaths were sharp and ragged. “They smoked together. And one day… Joyce-” 
He looked down, and your eyes were closed. “Fuck. Kid!” He said, shaking you in his arms. When you stirred, but didn’t wake or open your eyes, he broke into a sprint down the hall.
“Someone! Anyone! Help!” He yelled.
Mike and Lucas skidded down the hall. “Hopper!” Lucas yelled. They ran to each other, and the two young boys quickly spun around to match the direction that Hopper was running in with you. 
“We need to find someone.” Hopper said, his breathing ragged.
Mike cursed. “Mrs. Byers is down the hall, but she still hasn’t found anyone.”
“El!” Lucas yelled. The young girl turning the corner.
“Stop!” She yelled, halting all of you in an intersection of corridors. “Put her down.” she said, pointing at your body.
Hopper set you down on the cold linoleum floor. He watched as your chest rose and fell shallowly, one arm loosely draped over your own face.
The crimson stain of your shirt was growing ever larger, and it almost made Hopper’s stomach queasy.
Eleven closed her eyes and gripped one of your hands in her own.
“Mike, take off her shirt.” She said, turning her head toward Mike, but keeping her eyes closed.
Mike’s face turned bright red. Lucas awkwardly coughed and looked away as Mike lifted your shirt, revealing the most horrible gash in your skin that Hopper had ever seen. And he was in the police force.
He watched quietly as Eleven kept your hand in one of hers, and placed her other hand lightly on the injury. And although you weren’t conscious, your body contracted in pain when El’s small fingers touched it.
There were footsteps down the hall as Joyce came from one hallway, followed by Nancy and Jonathan. 
Everyone now was gathered around you and Eleven as the cut noticeably faded. The blood that had escaped your body already had stayed, though, keeping your skin shiny and your shirt damp. She moved her hand from your injury to putting two fingers on your forehead.
The absence of El’s hand showed your stomach had completely healed. Hopper, at the sight of this, let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
El’s hand started shaking, and it stopped as your eyes flew open.
“Fuck.” You mumbled, your wild eyes looking around at everyone. You reached your hands out, silently asking someone to help you sit up a little. Dustin and Lucas rushed forward, helping you lean up against a nearby wall. 
Your body shook with sobs. El sat down next to you and silently rested her head on your shoulder. You took your hand in hers. You looked down at her, smiling through the tears coursing down your cheeks. “Thank you, Eleven.”
“Son of a bitch, I know who you are!“
“Dustin, language.” Joyce mumbled, making everyone laugh through their blurred eyes.
“Sorry! It’s… it’s just… I didn’t know there were more.”
“Of course there are. She’s number eleven, you dumbass. That means there’s at least ten more.” Mike said, hitting Dustin upside his head. 
Hopper and El helped you to your feet. “I’ll take her home with me so El can watch over her. I’m sure she’ll be happy to have her sister back.” He looked to Eleven, who smiled in agreement. 
Joyce smiled and nodded. “I think that’s a great idea, Jim.” 
Hopper huffed and nodded, and he and Eleven helped walk you down the hall, towards the exit. 
You looked down at your wrist at the small “9” imprinted into your skin. You were scared beyond your wits, but insanely excited to see real sunlight for the first time. You were going to be a normal seventeen year-old. 
Since you had left the lab, you been living with Hopper and Eleven. He had a nice home, a little cabin deep in the woods. You had agreed with both of them that until you all knew it was safe, you and El were not to leave the house without Hopper. 
Which meant you almost never left the house.
From one prison to another. 
You and El shared a room, but she soon grew restless. Soon enough, she was requesting your help every night to check up on Mike and his friends to see how they were doing. Now, you didn’t know these kids. They had only seen you once, when you were being rescued from Hawkins Lab, and since then Hopper had disallowed any contact with them. 
When El ran away, and Hopper had to leave to help Ms. Byers and her son again, you wanted nothing more than to leave too. You had the chance, too! No one was home, and you could set out to have your own adventure, and come back before Hopper even knew. 
Unfortunately, Hopper had told you the four words you wished he hadn’t. 
“Don’t leave the cabin.” 
So you couldn’t. 
See, Eleven was tortured into having telekinetic powers. You had heard whispers through the lab of another kid being “conditioned” into being able to create illusions in the eyes of others. Your brain was altered to obey every command it heard. Yup, you were a regular ole Ella Enchanted. 
So you didn’t leave the cabin. Yup, you were stuck there, bored out of your mind. You cleaned up the glass that had gotten everywhere from El’s little outburst. You rearranged all the furniture. The tv was broken, so you couldn’t even watch the news… you were cut off, isolated once again.
And then, Hopper came back. They tried to act as though they had never left. Hopper fixed the television, repaired the windows, and for Christmas, he adopted the two of you. Turns out, Eleven found out who you two really were, outside of the lab. Her name was Jane, and yours (Y/N). 
She still went by El though.
You helped her get ready for the Snow Ball, which you begged Hopper to let you go to, until you found out it was for middle schoolers. You asked him what middle school was, and he explained the American public school system. 
You hated it.
He also told you you’d have to jump in, head-first into your senior year of high school. You didn’t understand why, you had an education back at the Lab, but Hopper insisted. He forged school records, showing fake grades for fake courses so you could still graduate with everyone else. He wanted you to live like a normal seventeen year-old, even if it was just for one year. 
Which meant you needed to enjoy your summer before high school.
TAGLIST (bold means tumblr wont let me tag)
@a-hopeless-and-imaginative-girl . @alina-margaret . @anamcg317 . @annaewww . @blackandwhiteimagines . @bubblegumcat229 . @bucky-newtlock . @canny1902 .  @christinawxxx . @cosmickha0s . @creativedogs . @darkcrystal-wolf . @editsbyjenny . @eyeballtoes . @fandomsstolemylife00 . @fanatic-anne . @fredweasleysupportgroup . @ginger-swag-rapunzel . @golddvstwoman . @gracelynns . @grippleback-galaxy . @gruffle1 . @hananabee . @heavenlyholland . @hellhoundschewtoy . @in-my-dreams-2000 . @mackycat11 . @megsell99 . @metuel18 . @morganmindflayer . @notvvarriors . @opalrustad . @potterhead-witch . @queen1054 . @sheridans-dynamos . @thecaptainsgingersnap . @thegloryofliterature . @thoughstofaredhead . @ucantknowmeyet . @wastelandkitties . @whataloadofmalarkey​
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twins-parted · 4 years
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                                          Kiss, Kiss ( Heather Meme ) || Accepting !!!
@allbravado​ Said: “ 💋⁉️ for all our ships mayhaps 👀 or whichever one(s) ur feeling The Most Rn. “
* ( Second down, 1 to go. ) * -> Time skipped from this ask. 
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Jonah was glad he hadn’t really needed to jump off a bridge ... he’d have missed seeing Cherry’s pretty face too much. ( Of course, it was also nice that she’d taken him up on his offer. That had been a little unexpected. ) He’d spent much of the day cleaning up the house, fussing over his appearance & getting assorted snacks ready. 
Honestly, Seth was the TV Show / Movie date expert and Jonah clung to each word exiting his brother’s mouth like his very life depended on it. 20 minutes before they’d scheduled to meet up Seth and Edith were ready to depart on their own adventure: renewing Seth’s license at the DMV. 
“ You probably have, uh - - - a couple hours to make a move or something, don’t waste it. Okay, Dumbass ?? Good luck. “ 
Jonah rolled his eyes and pushed his brother out the door behind their sister. He found himself seated stiffly waiting on the couch for her to arrive & after about 10 minutes - a tentative knock on the front door sent his heart through a relay of olympic activity. He forced himself to move a little more slowly than usual - to give the impression of confidence & carefully crafted nonchalance. 
He had this. 
Hadn’t he been practicing two very simple greetings: “ Hello, Cherry. “ & “ Hiya, Cherry. “ 
He could do this. 
He opened the door, self - assured expression of pomposity evident in his features, he opened his mouth & - - -
“Hi - O, Cherry. “
Oof !!!
He’s dealt himself a massive blow to his self-esteem. Perfect, he was a fraid he’d make it out of today unscathed.
His hand automatically covers his face and he takes a shaky breath in and out, before dropping it & running his tongue over his top lip thoughtfully:
“ ... and in that vein, we begin the afternoon. Please, come in. “ 
He stepped out of the way to let her in & then led the way to the living room, he’d pre-recorded several shows & sat the remote on the couch. 
“ I’m going to go grab some popcorn & water for us, you can choose what you want us to watch. I’ll be back in a moment. “
He took the time to gather the items he’d promised to take back, stopping in front of the pantry to gently ‘ thump ‘ his forehead against the old teak wood door. 
“ Why am I so so so horrendously, completely, entirely & utterly stupid ? Seth sapped all the charm out of me in the womb and left me with the anxiety. That’s probably what happened. Well, ready or not - I have to go back in there. “
He took up their snacks in one arm and purposefully made his way back to the living room.  
Cherry had settled on a episode of ‘ Catfish ‘, she seemed either dazed - or was trying to tune it out. He paused in the doorway just to look at her. 
... Even knowing it was probably kind of creepy. 
She had gotten comfortable on the left side of the couch, and he very much liked the idea of her being installed there every other Saturday. Less than a foot away from him, maybe holding his hand ??? 
Wishful thinking, most likely. 
( Cherry was probably one of the prettiest girls he’d ever seen and he was always struck by just how stunning she looked bathed in golden sunlight. Come to think of it, she looked just as gorgeous under the fluorescent ones at school  even if they made her look more tired than normal. It was strangely charming, her eyes were usually heavy & she’d go about the school day with a dreamy quality clinging to her. She had it even now as she stared in the direction of the screen. ) 
Quietly, he moved around the couch to take his own seat, his bowl of popcorn already nestled on his lap as he settled in. He sat Cherry’s snacks down with a small ‘ Crack ‘ of the popcorn bowl on the tile table. It seemed to startle her out of whatever trance she’d been in & Jonah couldn’t stifle a laugh. She was so cartoonishly wild-eyed, something in the range of Bambi, that he almost found himself swooning just from the intensity of her accidental charm & the proximity in which they found themselves. 
“ Sorry for laughing, you just looked so cute that I - - - “
Jonah’s mouth snapped shut and he shook his head. He could almost feel flames coming off his cheeks and the tips of his ears from his blush.  
“ That was incredibly forward, sorry about that. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea, I’ve been weird since you got here 15 minutes ago & I’m so sorry. “
 “ It’s really okay. I promi - “
He couldn’t hear her as he continued:
“I just, I really really like you. I wanted to spend more time with you outside of school, alone ... “
He grimaced:
“ I didn’t mean for that to come out creepy. I just want you to like me at least a little. I mean, it would be really great if we liked one another the same amount  - - - but, I guess ... ”
“ Jonah ! “ 
He blinked, and smiled apologetically: 
“ Sorry ... I - - - “
“ Jonah. You can just kiss me already ?? If you want. “
( Hadn’t his mother said you shouldn’t keep a lady waiting after she’s asked you something ? ) 
He leaned the last few inches to close the gap between them. 
He noted, as his lips pressed gently - but firmly against Cherry’s that they were a tad on the cracked or dry side. He was surprised to find he didn’t mind it at all. She tried to move her arms to wrap them around his neck, and in so doing knocked his popcorn out of his lap, covering them & the couch & the floor in salty snack food. 
She tried to pull away to assess the damage, but his arms around her middle tightened playfully as she stared at him slightly perplexed.
“ ... I should clean that up, right ? “
 ( Not that it stopped her in the slightest from leaning back into their previous activities, either much to Jonah’s delight. ) 
“ What’s the rush ?? “ 
He leaned in again, placing smaller more measured kisses against her mouth & tempering them with longer more lingering ones:
“ We ... ” 
“ Can ... “ 
Long smoldering smooch.
“ Get it ... “ 
Double cute smooch.
“ Later. “
After this exchange & a few more minutes of holding one another for good measure - both ended up falling asleep sitting right there in the popcorn mess & that’s exactly how Edith and Seth found & left them, until it was time for Cherry to head home. 
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kurokoros · 5 years
not another teen horror movie | sp x oc
Rated: T (mentions of smut)
Words: ~3K
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Jubilee Jones (OC)
Characters: SP, Jughead, Toni, Fangs, Joaquin
Summary: When they go camping in Fox Forest for a night, it’s all fun and games until Fangs goes missing. Maybe the legend of the Gargoyle King isn’t as fake as they thought.
AN: One-shot written for the @southsidearchive prompt: Classics. Requested by @catthecoder “from the falloween prompt list, can i request numbers 12 and 22, with sweet pea + oc?”
The fire crackles, little wisps of flame dancing through the air before disappearing into the darkness. The embers illuminate the small clearing where they’ve set up camp in Fox Forest. The woods are otherwise quiet save for the chirping of bugs. When Toni suggested they have a bonfire in the middle of the woods, the rest of them agreed easily, despite the local legends. They all needed a quiet night like this, and spooky stories and cheap beer around a camp fire seemed like a perfect decision for a chilly October night.
On a quilt a few feet from the fire, Jubilee curls herself closer to Sweet Pea’s chest, playing with the rings on his fingers as she stares into the fire, the warm, smoky smell lulling her into a half-asleep state. Sweet Pea’s chest rises and falls beneath her in a slow and steady rhythm as he draws shapes against her back beneath her shirt. His fingers trace the length of her spine absentmindedly.
Across the fire, Toni rolls her eyes as Jughead shoves another charred marshmallow into his mouth. Her nose scrunches in disgust, and she shakes her head as she takes another long drink from the bottle cradled in her hand. Jughead doesn’t notice, engrossed in roasting another marshmallow already.
They’re all a little drunk and tired, and Hot Dog’s tail thumps against the ground as Joaquin comes back out of the woods with an armful of sticks for the slowly dying fire. He drops the pile beside his folding chair before plopping down. “Hey,” he calls across the fire to the rest of them, “has anyone seen Fangs?”
Jughead frowns as he chews his burned marshmallow and Toni’s half-lidded eyes slide to the empty chair Fangs had been occupying for most of the night. Jubilee pulls her head from Sweet Pea’s chest to do the same, and beneath her Sweet Pea sighs.
“I thought he went to piss?” Sweet Pea says, voice low and thick with sleep.
Joaquin nods as he scratches Hot Dog between his ears. “Yeah, like a half-hour ago.”
Jubilee sits up, ignoring Sweet Pea’s attempts to pull her back down to him. “He didn’t come back?” she asks, slightly more awake now. She scans the clearing, just in case Fangs is passed out on the ground somewhere.
“Drunk bastard probably got lost,” Jughead says after swallowing. He stretches, his shoulders cracking loudly. “You know how he likes to go adventuring when he’s wasted.”
Toni groans as she comes to the same conclusion. “Who was supposed to be watching him again?”
Jughead takes a sip of his beer and glances at the couple on the ground slyly. “I’m pretty sure it was Sweet Pea,” he says as Jubilee disentangles herself from her grabby boyfriend and stands up.
“What?” Sweet Pea snaps, surging up from his prone position. “Fuck you, Jones, I watched him last time!” He follows Jubilee up, his eyes narrowed dangerously as he glares at Jughead.
Jughead scoffs. “No, I watched him last time because you were busy trying to grope my sister behind a tree.”
“Can we not have this conversation now?” Jubilee asks, sighing as she grabs Sweet Pea’s arm to keep him from beating the shit out of her brother. Joaquin stares at the rest of them in amusement and continues to stroke Hot Dog’s head.
Toni sets her drink on the ground by her feet. “Agreed. Let’s just find Fangs and go home. He can’t have gotten far.”
Sweet Pea rolls his eyes as he runs his hand through his messy hair, irritation flashing in his dark eyes. “Let’s split up and look for him then,” he suggests.
“Let’s not,” Jubilee says, staring up at her boyfriend. She crosses her arms, having to crane her head back to meet his eyes. “That’s a good way to get lost. Or axe murdered,” she tacks on. He snorts in amusement, and she glares back at him. “What? You know what people say about Fox Forest.”
“Oh yeah. Sacrificial cults. A bloodthirsty, demonic creature. So spooky!” He laughs at the face she makes, and Jubilee shoves him away from her. Sweet Pea doesn’t let her go far. Easily, he tugs her back to him and wraps his arms around her torso, hugging her to his chest. “Come on, baby,” he murmurs against her hair, still chuckling as he presses a kiss to her temple. “There’s nothing out here. The Gargoyle King is just a myth.”
A displeased sound pulls from her throat, but she leans against his chest. “That’s what the hot guy in every horror movie says before everything goes to shit,” she reminds him, but she doesn’t stop his hands from flirting with the hem of her shirt.
He grins against her hair. “I’ll take care of you.”
“Eww,” Jughead says loudly from where he’s sitting closer to the fire. “Can you two not fuck in the middle of the woods? Thanks.” He takes the last swig of his beer, pulling a face as his sister and her boyfriend continue to flirt shamelessly.
Jubilee rolls her eyes. “Shut up, dumbass.”
“Shut up, dumbass,” Jughead repeats mockingly.
Before they can start bickering, Toni stands from her folding chair. “Okay!” She claps her hands together, gaining everyone’s attention. “Look, Sweet Pea is kind of right,” she admits. “Fangs probably just wandered off to take a piss and passed out in one of the bushes. It’ll be faster if we split up and look for him.”
Jughead’s eyes narrow as Sweet Pea’s fingers dip beneath Jubilee’s shirt. “Maybe I should go with Sweet Pea.”
“What? Need me to protect you, Jones?”
The girls share a look before Jubilee slips from Sweet Pea’s grip and gabs his hand instead. “Sweet Pea and I will go this way,” she tells the others, gesturing north of their camp. “You two head towards the lake. And Joaquin,” she shrugs, “just stay here in case he comes back, I guess. Is that okay?”
Joaquin snorts and ruffles Hot Dog’s ears. “I’m fine with not wandering around in the middle of the creepy woods.” Hot Dog woofs his agreement, tail thumping against the ground by Joaquin’s feet.
“Great,” Jubilee says. “Keep your phones on and meet back here in an hour?”
Begrudgingly, Jughead stands from his chair, already groaning. “An hour?” he repeats, his brows furrowing. “You think it’s going to take an hour to find Fangs?”
“Nope.” Sweet Pea licks his lips as he looks at Jubilee, a mischievous look in his eyes. As he tugs her away, Jubilee giggles, barely glancing back at the rest of them.
Jughead watches them go. “You two disgust me!”
Jubilee flips him off over her shoulder.
They’ve been wandering around Fox Forest for nearly a half hour when Jubilee comes to the conclusion that they have absolutely no idea what they’re doing or where they are. It’s been at least twenty minutes since either of them could hear Toni and Jughead in the distance, and they’ve checked every bush and tree, yet there’s been no sign of Fangs.
In his drunken state, she seriously doubts he could have made it this far into the woods by himself, and she’s half tempted to head back to the bonfire to see if he came back. Though, that’s hard to do when everything looks the same and she has no idea where they are anymore.
“I’m calling it,” she says, stopping with a heavy sigh. Sweet Pea glances at her over his shoulder. “We’re officially lost in the woods.” It’s cold and dark and everything looks the same out here, and Jubilee can’t shake the weird feeling she’s had since they all split up.
Fox Forest has always creeped her out, especially at night. Sure, a demonic gargoyle and satanic cults sounds ridiculous, but with the rest of the weird shit that happens in Riverdale, she really wouldn’t be surprised if they walked into the middle of a group of masked cultists about to sacrifice some poor animal.
As if he knows exactly what she’s thinking, Sweet Pea rolls his eyes. The light from his flashlight makes another sweep across the nearby trees, casting gnarled shadows across the ground. “We’re not lost, babe,” he says. “I know exactly where we are.”
Yeah, that’s a lie. “I’m sure,” she responds dryly, gaining another look from him. “Okay, human compass, what direction are we going?”
It takes him way too long to answer her. “North?”
“Are you asking or telling me? Because I swear, Sweet Pea, if we’re lost out here in the middle of the creepy ass woods, I’m not sleeping with you.”
A smirk she knows far too well creeps onto his face, and the double entendre hits her a moment later. “What?” Sweet Pea asks her. “You scared?” He angles his light on the ground and crosses the short distance between them.
That look in his eyes makes her mouth go dry. “Hardly.” Jubilee wets her lips.
He clicks off the flashlight and slips it into his back pocket, plunging them into darkness. She blames the hitch in her breathing on the sudden chill in the air. “It’s okay to admit it,” he tells her, clearly amused.
“Bite me,” she murmurs as he backs her up against the nearest tree, his lips hovering over hers teasingly.
Sweet Pea’s hands press against the rough bark on either side of her head, boxing her in. Her fingers fist around the lapels of his leather jacket, pulling him closer. “You first, baby.” Teasingly, his lips brush against hers, the heat of their breaths mingling in the chilly air.
Goosebumps prickle at her skin as his palm leaves the tree to settle on her hip, his fingers flirting with the hem of her shirt. “We’re supposed to be looking for Fangs,” she reminds him half-heartedly, rising on her toes to get closer to his lips.
“He can wait,” Sweet Pea tells her before his mouth finds hers in the dark.
It doesn’t take long for them to become lost in each other. Their heavy breathing and the quiet gasps and whimpers slipping from their mouths are the only sounds in the dark woods. The moonlight casts a silver shadow across the secluded spot between the trees.
Jubilee’s arms loop around Sweet Pea’s neck as his mouth moves against hers roughly, the alcohol buzzing in their veins and the thrill of the night making them bolder than usual. His fingers slip beneath her shirt, his palms hot against her as he tugs her shirt upwards, revealing inches of soft, creamy skin to his greedy hands. She moans against his mouth, raking her fingers through his hair, and Sweet Pea’s lips move to her jaw. Nipping and sucking his way to her neck, he grins when her head falls back against the tree trunk, her eyes fluttering shut as he works a faint hickey just beneath her chin.
Jubilee giggles as he nips her shoulder, pulling her shirt higher, letting it bunch above her bra. His teeth scrape across her neck as her fingers disappear into his boxers. A low groan rumbles in his chest.
Glowing eyes lock with hers in the dark from between the trees. Jubilee freezes, her breath hitching. A trick of the moonlight, maybe, an owl in the trees, or a deer, but then her eyes start to adjust. A figure swathed in a black cloak watches them from between the shadow of the trees. Gnarled antlers protrude from a deer skull, blending with the trees.
It stares with empty eyes, and every story she’s heard about the Gargoyle King comes rushing back to her. Slowly, as if it isn’t really happening, the figure’s head moves.
“Sweet Pea,” she murmurs, watching in horror as it takes a step out from the trees. “Sweet Pea—stop. Oh my god!”
He rips away from her neck, his eyes wide in concern. “Shit, sorry, doll, I—” A branch snaps behind him, and Sweet Pea whirls around, releasing her. “What the fuck?” Sweet Pea immediately shoves her behind him, blocking her from view as whatever the fuck just popped out of the woods takes another step towards them. “Hey, what the fuck, man?” he shouts, glaring at the figure.
It just keeps coming closer, unafraid, and Sweet Pea squeezes her hip. The familiar sound of a switchblade clicking open splits the air.
“Jubilee, I want you to run,” Sweet Pea tells her, voice low so whatever the fuck the creepy masked thing is can’t hear him.
Her fingers curl against the back of his jacket. “What? No, are you crazy?”
The goddamn Gargoyle King raises its arms, spreading them wide. “It’s time to ascend,” a voice booms across the space between them, a hoarse, gravelly sound. And then, the figure starts to shake.
It takes them a second to realize it’s laughing, the sound familiar.
“Wait, Fangs?” Sweet Pea asks. The figure only laughs harder as it yanks the mask from its head like a damn Scooby villain.
“Fangs, you asshole!” Jubilee yanks her shirt back down, glaring at the cackling man as he doubles over, clutching at his stomach.
The creepy, antlered mask drops to the ground by Fangs’ feet, rubber and very much fake. Sweet Pea slowly lowers his arm when he realizes it’s just his best friend, though he doesn’t put away the knife in his hand. Jubilee subtly grabs his arm. The last thing they need is for Fangs to get his dumb ass stabbed.
Fangs wheezes, hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath, “Oh my god,” he giggles, “that was fucking fantastic!” He wipes the tears from his eyes and straightens. A smug smile spreads across his face as he looks at Sweet Pea and Jubilee, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.
“What the fuck, man?” Sweet Pea sneers, his jaw clenched tightly. Jubilee slips around his broad frame, and his arm immediately curls around her waist. She leans against him in return and slips her cold fingers beneath his jacket. She rubs his back, drawing small circles between his shoulders, and he slowly starts to relax again.
“Where the hell did you get that costume?” she asks, eyeing the black fabric draped around his frame and intentionally ignoring the ugly, rubber mask on the ground.
The twigs sticking out from his back shake as Fangs shrugs. “Dilton Doiley had one,” he says. “Something about LARPing? I don’t know, he just said I could borrow it for twenty bucks.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Jubilee murmurs, running her fingers through her hair and brushing the strands away from her face.
Sweet Pea’s eyes narrow. “There’s no fucking way you knew we’d show up here. We’re in the middle of the woods, how’d you even find us?”
“I didn’t.” The smirk never leaves Fangs’ face as scoops his mask off the ground and crosses his arms. “I’ve kind of been walking around for the last hour waiting for someone to show up. I was hoping to get all four of you at once, but, damn, that look on Sweet Pea’s face was priceless.” He chuckles again and Jubilee grips the back of Sweet Pea’s jacket as he puffs up. “You two were being loud, so it wasn’t hard to find you.”
Jubilee blanches as realizes Fangs was lurking around in the woods listening to her moan, and Sweet Pea’s jaw clenches as he comes to the same conclusion.
Oblivious to their anger, Fangs wrinkles his nose and tugs at the black fabric he’s still swathed in. The creepy decorations that look like bones on his necklace rattle. “It’s fucking hot in here, man,” he whines, pouting at them. He freezes when he sees the open switchblade still clutched in Sweet Pea’s fist. “Dude, were you gonna stab me?”
“Still thinkin’ about it,” Sweet Pea grumbles as he closes the knife and slips it into his pocket.
With a groan, Jubilee buries her face against Sweet Pea’s shoulder and tightens her grip around his waist, her face heating up. “I can’t believe we were almost those naked teens that die in every horror movie,” she murmurs against his shoulder. Sweet Pea leans down to kiss her temple.
“Want me to kill him?” Sweet Pea asks her, too low for Fangs to hear.
Their friend doesn’t pay them any attention, too busy trying to yank the costume off over his head, but only succeeding in getting the fabric even more tangled.
Jubilee snorts as she leans back. “No,” she decides, pursing her lips as she tries not to laugh at Fangs’ struggles. “People would ask too many questions.” Sweet Pea chuckles, and she rises on her toes to give him a chaste kiss.
He steals another kiss before letting her go, and she giggles before turning back to Fangs.
“Okay, Your Majesty,” she calls to him, “lets go back to the car now. You had your fun.”
Fangs gives up on tugging off the costume and looks at her. “Oh, come on, Jubilee, you’re not scared are you?” His eyebrows wiggle.
She sending him a blank look that makes him freeze. “You really wanna tease me right now?” she asks seriously, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one hip, a stance that means instant death.
Fangs swallows. “No.”
“Good!” Jubilee grabs Sweet Pea’s hand. “Let’s go.” The two of them leave Fangs there, his costume still tangled around him.
“Wait—fuck—guys wait for me!” He chases after them, stumbling over his cloak.
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Aaand now it’s time for episode 6 of The Witcher! Rare Species is the title and it’s intriguing, are we going to learn more about witchers?
Anyway, let’s do this. F.lux off, luminosity on, earbuds, clean glasses, and we’re ready. Nobody cares about that but whatever.
We start directly with Jaskier which is always welcome.
Geralt’s employers for the case think he’s dead by now and take Geralt’s stuff... but some strangers just show up and help out. Stranger dude introduces himself and I immediately forget his name and don’t try to learn it. Now he’s Suspiciously Helpful Guy, for short Beard Guy. The ladies with him are gorgeous.
This is about a dragon!!! That’s super exciting. Hope the dragon looks cool.
Jaskier also thinks the ladies are gorgeous. He probably thinks everyone is gorgeous but still, mood.
The reward for killing the dragon is huge, because it’s about the reputation of a king. Makes sense. Suspiciously Helpful Guy isn’t suspicious after all, he just wants the lord title and whatnot and wants Geralt on his team because Geralt is like the Cristiano Ronaldo of monster hunters, and that makes sense.
Beard Guy doesn’t want the reward for itself, but wants a last adventure before he gets too old to do anything exciting, apparently. He tries to appeal to Geralt emotionally, but Geralt is still unconvinced. Aaaand now we get what convinces him to join. The world is small :)
So welcome to Deadly Gishwhes.
Yennefer is there as a fancy escort to Pompous Knight. I think they haven’t started yet and she is already Done with him.
Meanwhile-not-meanwhile Ciri is walking right into Fake Mousesack’s trap...
Deadly Gishwhes for now is a camping trip. Isn’t this fun! Geralt is convinced that the most dangerous thing on the mountain isn’t the dragon, but Yennefer... we’ll see. I mean, definitely.
Dinner is an awkward affair until it gets a more intimate affair, then it’s cute. I’m afraid these nice people won’t survive this.
Dara suspects Fake Mousesack, but Ciri doesn’t...
Meanwhile Yennefer has been sleeping and has lost her escort. Oops.
Oh, he’s been found. Double oops.
The dwarves suggest a shortcut, our team accepts, but we’re gonna have some Yennefer-Geralt drama first.
And of course Yennefer is meaning to use the dragon to get her uterus back.
Geralt says she’d definitely made a bad mother and, well, is he wrong. Apparently it’s customary to make witches and witchers sterile, and he acknowledges that their lifestyle isn’t suited for children. Which I can’t really disagree with... if you really want a child, you can adopt one after deliberation, and not risk to produce a child accidentally that will be thrown into a very unstable environment. I get where Yennefer is coming from, though--it’s not really about a child, it’s about reclaiming the possibility of a choice that was taken from her. I think it’s more about having a part of herself taken away, and maybe she’s been rationalizing her feelings as wanting to be able to have a child, but I think it’s about the integrity and wholeness of her body, of getting back something of herself she got robbed of (even if she chose it at the moment--but it was a choice dictated by the desperation of fixing what had caused her a lifetime of abuse, suffering and self-loathing).
I love how this thing is all leading to Geralt becoming a mama duck.
(Yeah, I don’t know how this story will progress exactly, but I am assuming the plot is going to be about Geralt becoming a mama duck until proven otherwise. I mean, this episode is yelling at us that Ciri is going to become his adopted daughter, we just got hammered with a reminder that she’s tied to him by destiny and Geralt is now babbling about the fact that it’s not a good idea for him to have a child. But for some reason I expect Geralt to go through the story being imprinted on by every orphan or lost soul he meets, like baby ducklings with mama duck.)
(I can’t really think of Geralt as a father but I can only think of him as a mother, does that make sense? I’ve watched too much Supernatural.)
AAAAAAH he’s “thought about this--often”. He’s thought about children and parenthood. Excuse me, I needed that heart, who gave you the right.
Oh my god, he’s been avoiding the surprise because he knows he’s supposed to parent the child, and does not want to subject the child to the life he leads!! I am having feelings!! He does not want a child to go through what he goes through!! He’s literally been tormented by the idea that destiny wants to give him a child but he doesn’t want the child to suffer through the horror and pain of his life!! Wasn’t one (1) show with these themes enough, did I have to add another??
Well, now Yennefer is going to be bitter that she’s been trying to get a child for decades and this dude stumbled into magical adoption just like that.
Also love how Geralt is like “why do I start babbling like an idiot when I’m near you”. It’s called being neurodivergent Geralt. I know this isn’t the take I was supposed to get from the scene but I’ll go with it. It makes sense okay?
Ciri catches Fake Mousesack, and They(TM) get fed up with the whole thing... Ciri is savage af.
The shortcut is terrifying and Jaskier is being perfectly reasonable thank you very much.
Nooo Beard Guy!!! Goergous Ladies!!!! I mean, I expected it, but still. :’(
Oh bby he’s trying to console Geralt and also working out his own pain.
The directors have a favorite angle to shoot Geralt, uh.
Yennefer has made a Tardis Tent. And they have an emotional (emotionally mature, at least for they standards?) moments. They suffer a bit from a-man-and-a-woman-share-a-pencil-syndrome, but that’s just how the show has been working so far, it’s a lot about negative space, so I’m giving them a pass.
Me the other day, as a joke: the horse is the fantasyland equivalent of the Impala. This episode: if he wasn’t a hunter witcher he’d work with cars horses. *deep inhale* Okay.
Ah. Her dream is to be important to someone, yes. A child of her own would be a sure way of achieving that.
Alright, this scene was sweet. They lil stupid faces when they wake up together. They’re dumbasses but cute.
And Ciri is caught. This guy is either feeding her some fat lies or not, let’s see. He speaks destiny stuff so he probably believes what he’s saying. The camping party was talking about the religious zealotry of Nifgaard peeps. He’s probably the religious righteous type, which is the most dangerous type.
OH! Now this is intriguing! It’s Them(TM). And yes, he believes the prophecy stuff, and the shapeshifter thinks he’s insane. Yep.
Yennefer cheats at track and field.
I have a theory about the dragon, let’s see.
Ho ho ho! This is great, the ladies are alive, Suspicious Guy was not what he appeared uh.
I was right, the dragon was a she and had a baby. That was my theory. Yennefer was after it for motherhood reasons... but the real motherhood was the dragon she was after all along.
Suspicious Guy was indeed a gold dragon, the rarest, the ones with the very peculiar mutation... of course. I should have expected it. He hired the only person who’d empathize with dragons and could protect the baby dragon. 
Mama Duck Geralt Foreshadowing Abounds!!
Sorry guys, Team Protect Baby Dragon are the most badass people around.
Ah, I’m so happy about how this episode went. Sorry for poor dragon mama, but the rest was 👌🏼
Dara is done with white people bullshit, which we can’t blame him for.
And now it’s time for draa~ama! They break up. I mean, I knew I’d happen because they’re dumbasses and just at the beginning of their character development arc. I want them to be each other’s weird ex that somehow is always involved accidentally in everything the other does.
Dragon Dude is like, forget heterosexuality, embrace your true nature as a Mama Duck.
Well, dumping your frustrations on Jaskier doesn’t seem fair. Aw, that’s so sad. Yennefer and Geralt speak the same emotional language, but Jaskier is a lil dumpling.
Fringilla boosts Creepy Religious Dude’s self-esteem. They have a Mission!
And we’ll see how it goes in the next installment...
This episode was really good. Yep.
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memoriesofyourdread · 5 years
akishinji for the ship thing
Always AkiShinji for all the ship things.
who hogs the duvet: Okay, so it’s a constant fight in their sleep because Shinji is always cold because of taking those suppressants, and Akihiko can’t even subconsciously lose a fight. They may or may not have woken up to a ripped duvet.
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: Shinji texts to make sure Akihiko isn’t being an idiot while he’s in the country, but when Akihiko’s abroad fighting bears and training, Akihiko keeps up on calls because he misses his boyfriend.
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: Shinji, most definitely. Akihiko tries, bless his heart, but it’s always something that’s more utilitarian. Shinji appreciates it still, but Akihiko eventually learns that he can offer kinky sex things as bday gifts that are bit more creative than sock and turtleneck sweater. 
who gets up first in the morning: This one’s difficult, because Akihiko is most definitely an early riser to go on a run, but I feel like Shinji is an early riser too. Though, I think Akihiko wins out by way of just by way of if Shinji doesn’t have to be awake for anything, I think he’d sleep in. Akihiko doesn’t know what sleeping in is unless Shinji’s holding him down.
who suggests new things in bed: They’re both morons about this kinda thing until they hit their stride. After they figure out something sorta kinky by accident like Shinji liking his hair pulled, it all goes downhill from there. And let’s say when Akihiko comes home from his world tour of training, he’s got months worth of ideas to share with Shinji.
who cries at movies: BOTH. But specific ones only, and they will hide said tears and pretend it didn’t happen. Give Shinji animal movies like Homeward Bound or Look Who’s Talking (did I just date myself, I think I just dated myself) while Akihiko will cry for inspirational sports movies like Remember the Titans (most definitely dating myself, damn) but also anything with super sad family feels, but they avoid those movies in general.
who gives unprompted massages: ...welp, I read that as messages. Let’s try this again. Depends. Shinji will give Akihiko massages if he looks like he needs one after a good training session, BUT he will not do it if Akihiko looks like he’s pushed himself too hard. Akihiko, however, always loves rubbing Shinji’s shoulders when Shinji looks like he’s had a rough day.
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: Shinji is the mother hen of all mother hens, but he’s also the worst patient, so when Akihiko tries to fuss in return, he gets shoved out of the room.
who gets jealous easiest: Akihiko, most definitely shows it the most. He wears everything on his sleeve. Shinji gets jealous less easily, but boy, does he get petty when he is jealous.
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: Akihiko just listens to whatever his friends tell him, and his S.E.E.S. underclassman are a bunch of trolls, soooo. They introduce him to shitty pop and so much more, but everything that has a fast beat, Akihiko loves because it becomes good work out music. 
who collects something unusual: Probably Shinji. I can’t think of what, but I bet he’d have a secret collection. Akihiko doesn’t seem to be a person for material things, for the most part. He might have an accidental weird collection of things from training around the world.
who takes the longest to get ready: They’re both pretty quick, but Shinji manages to be dressed well first. Akihiko might be done first, but without Mitsuru (and her staff on speed dial, because let’s be honest, she doesn’t dress herself either), he’s a hot mess that thinks a ragged cape is a good idea. Shinji usually marches him back to the bedroom to get him dressed properly.
who is the most tidy and organised: Shinji is, but Akihiko isn’t exactly a slob, so much as anyone is a slob in comparison to Shinji’s organizational skills.
who gets most excited about the holidays: Akihiko stopped getting excited about holidays after Miki died, but after every thing with Nyx is over, and Shinji’s out of his coma, Akihiko starts to get hype over spending holiday with Shinji and his friends. Shinji thinks it’s cute, even though he will never admitted it.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Shinji’s usually the big spoon, because Akihiko gets clingy and likes it when he can snuggle into Shinji’s chest. If Shinji’s clearly having a bad day, Akihiko will definitely be the big spoon to let his boyfriend hide from the world for a bit.
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: They’re both competitive as hell, but Akihiko takes it to a new level on most occasions. When Shinji’s no longer feeling it because Akihiko’s taken it way too seriously, he tends to distract Akihiko by touching or kissing him. In a way, Shinji tends to win in those situations, so it soothes his competitive streak in the end.
who starts the most arguments: They are equally dumbasses about starting arguments and making them go on for much longer than they should. Every once in a while, if the arguments go on too long for petty reasons, Mitsuru or Kotone will find a way to smack their heads together. It tends to be a deterrent for continuing stupid arguments, since no one wants a Mitsuru execution or Kotone’s pranks.
who suggests that they buy a pet: Akihiko, because he knows Shinji won’t bring it up, even though he really wants a fluffy companion, since Koromaru tends to stay with Ken.
what couple traditions they have: Sometimes, instead of having a fancy date for an anniversary, they just go to Hagakure and get ramen. Also, October 4th is definitely a chill day. They eventually spend it with Ken, but for a few years, it was just not leaving the house and doing nothing but cuddling and not talking about it.
what tv shows they watch together: Their tastes in TV don’t tend to overlap, unless it’s some sort of nostalgia bomb from when they were younger. Reruns of the original Featherman, reboots of cartoons that they loved that didn’t age well but the reboot does it better, and stupid shows about paranormal things. Sometimes, it ends up being related to shadows and personas.
what other couple they hang out with: YukaMitsu, because Yukari’s big on getting Mitsuru out of the house and out of the office, so double dates with her besties is a great excuse. AiKo tend to be fun to have wander adventures with, since Aigis is still new to a lot, even years later, and Kotone is an enabler. The boys can never say they’re bored hanging out with them.
how they spend time together as a couple: Usually, sharing a good meal or chilling at home. Occasionally, when needs must (and they really must, because Shinji doesn’t even want to be a backup Shadow Operative), they’ll be together on an op for the Shadow Operatives, like trying to find out what the hell is going in Tokyo and what are the Phantom Thieves really doing. 
who made the first move: Akihiko. Always Akihiko, because the likelihood of Shinji believing he doesn’t deserve good things is very high.
who brings flowers home: Neither are really flower people, but sometimes, Akihiko will get some to be romantic. Shinji doesn’t really mind all that much, though he won’t say it.
who is the best cook: Obviously Shinji. Akihiko could probably burn water, but I don’t think Shinji never tried to teach him. Whether Akihiko had the attention span for it, is another story...
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lattelesbean003 · 5 years
1-50 for the asks lmao (if you feel like it, but you don’t have to lskdjfls)
1. What’s your sexual orientation?
I’m lesbian! 🏳️‍🌈
2. What are you obsessed with right now?
Uhh, I’m really into Haikyuu!! again. I’m still kinda obsessed with Marvel though lol.
3. Ever done any drugs?
Only prescribed drugs.
4. What piercings do you want?
Ohh, so many. I want three piercing on the lobes of both my ears and a couple cartridge piercings. I’ve kinda thought about a nose ring? But I’m not sure. As a start though I need to get over my fear of needles and actually get my ears pierced.
5. How many people have you kissed?
6. Describe your dream home.
Okay okay. I want a one or two bedroom apartment in Montreal, Quebec. (NYC would be the dream but hahahhhh way too expensive). The kitchen would have dark cabinets with a white counter top, a nice deep sink with a movable faucet, obviously a dishwash and stove, a pretty big stainless steel fridge, a stainless steel microwave, and a toaster. I’d have a nice, big, comfy couch in the living room. There’d be lots of plants (I love plants), and a little table by a window for a ‘dining’ room. Bedroom would be big enough to fit a double or queen bed. Oh! I’d also have bookcases everywhere cause I love books and manga lol.
7. Who are you jealous of?
There are a few fanfic writers that I’m jealous of just cause they’re really good at writing and my dumbass feels inferior and bad about myself. It’s one of the things I hate about myself. I get insecure wayyy too easily.
8. What’s your favorite show to binge?
Right now, Haikyuu!!. I binged it pretty quickly and it’s turning into a comfort show for me lol.
9. Do you watch porn?
I have before, but it makes me uncomfortable.
10. Do you have a secret sideblog?
I do have a blog that I run that I haven’t told anyone about.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
Florence, Italy. I wanna go back so baddd.
12. What’s one of your fantasies?
Living a good and happy life and not feeling insecure about literally everything
13. Do you have/would you get your nipples pierced?
No I wouldn’t. Exposing my chest to anyone makes me very uncomfortable. Also, the idea of nipple piercings is very bizarre to me but hey, you do you boo.
14. How would you spend a million dollars?
I would buy way too many books and clothes lmao. Also food. If I didn’t set aside some of it for college, I’d spend it on dumb stuff like that.
15. Are you in a relationship?
No, but I wish. I’d love a girlfriend.
16. Do you follow porn blogs?
17. Are you angry with anyone right now?
I’m not angry with anyone, just feeling insecure about my relationship with a couple people cause my brain is stupid.
18. What tattoos do you want?
I want a full sleeve tattoo! Idk what the art would be, mostly because I haven’t actually thought about it toooo much because tattoos involve needles and pain and those are two of my biggest fears. (Failure takes the number one spot though.)
19. If you could change your name, would you? What would you change it to?
Oh uh, idk man. I’ve never thought about it. I’d just stick with Jen.
20. What is something you’re obsessed with?
For fandoms, Haikyuu!! right now, but I love sweet things way too much. Also, bread.
21. Describe your best friend.
Tall, adventurous, takes no shit, smart
22. Tag someone you think is hot.
@ms-bookdragon ;)
23. Who are five of your favorite bands/musical artists?
I mostly like specific songs, rather than one artist. Here are my top five at the moment:
Piano Man / Billy Joel
My Love Will Never Die / AG, Claire Wyndham
Toss a Coin to Your Witcher / Samual Kim, Black Gryphon (I like the remix more than the original)
Dance Monkey / Tones and I
The Sound of Silence / Disturbed
24. What are three places you want to travel?
I really want to go to Quebec (and I might be able to this summer!!), Japan, and Greece. (I also wanna return to Italy).
25. Describe your perfect Friday night.
Sharing lots of laughs with friends.
26. What’s your favorite season?
Spring! I don’t mind winter if it snows, but where I live it mostly rains and it’s annoying lol. We’ve only had like, four dry days since the new year.
27. What’s your pet peeve?
LOUD CHEWING OMG I CAN’T STAND IT. Also when anything scraps against metal. Makes me cringe and tense up like nothing else.
28. Who is the funniest person you know?
A gay guy in my chem class. Also my neighbor. They both have very weird senses of humor but I appreciate them lol.
29. What’s the most overrated movie?
Avengers: Endgame. :3 (I will forever hate that movie lol.)
30. Tag someone you want to talk to but have been too shy to message.
Oh god why you gotta do this to me. @voxofthevoid. Ahh he only knows me from my main not my sideblog. 😭
31. Do you like paper books or ebooks better?
Paper books don’t hurt my eyes as much. I don’t think I could read a paper version of a fanfic though.
32. If you could live in a fictional world, what world would you pick?
Oh oof, uhh none of them? They’re all kinda shitty worlds lol. 
33. If money was no object, what would your wardrobe be like?
Lots of button-ups and sweaters. Jeans, converse, scarves, nice dresses and skirts. I don’t have a specific wardrobe, I mostly buy whatever catches my eye.
34. What’s your coffee order?
Depends on my mood, but I mostly buy ice caps at Tim Hortons. Sometimes a french vanilla. At proper coffee shops, I buy a latte or mocha. I can’t handle a normal latte yet though, so it’s normally a caramel latte or something. At Starbucks, I typically buy a caramel frappuccino. When it’s cold, a mocha latte. (The peppermint mocha is yummy.)
35. Do you have a crush on anyone?
Nope, kinda wish I did though. 
36. Do you still have feelings for any of your exes?
Nope! I have on ex and mostly avoid him lol.
37. Have any tattoos?
No, but as I mentioned above I’d love a full sleeve tattoo.
38. Do you drink?
Nah, I’m still underage, alcohol is gross, and I’m not popular enough to be invited to parties.
39. Are you a virgin?
Yis. Still haven’t gotten my first kiss too.
40. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
41. How many followers do you have?
On this account, tumblr claims 39, but it’s actually 24 lmao. I have a joint account with another person that has over 1000 followers though.
42. Describe the hottest person you know.
She has a long mousy brown hair, a bunch of ear piercings, really adorable dimples, and a very nice smile. I’m like 99% she’s straight though.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure?
I indulge too much in junk food. 
44. Do you read erotica?
Yupp. I mean, if you count fanfic with sex in them plus the occasional doujinshi.
45. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
The one date I’ve been on wasn’t too bad, but the dude I went out with thought we were a couple after the one date. I feel kinda bad because I led him on for two weeks, unsure how to break it to him that I discovered I was gay soooo.
46. How many people do you follow?
100, but like over half of them aren’t very active.
47. If you could marry any celebrity, who would you pick?
Hmmmmmmm. I don’t have a specific crush on anyone, but maybe Sebastian Stan just cause I wanna be his friend. He’s too old though lol.
48. Describe your ideal partner.
A girl (obviously), who’s could drag me to social events, but also enjoy a quiet night at home. Funny, encouraging/supportive, kind. Also lots of cuddles. I love cuddling and hand holding, plus cheek kisses!! Ahhh
49. Who do you text the most?
Two of my irl friends. They’re both great. I also text the person I have a joint blog with.
50. What’s your favorite kind of weather?
A warm spring day. The sun isn’t too hot, the grass is a lush green, and there’s only a handful of clouds in the sky. On the flip side, if I don’t have to go to school, I love snow. Walking around my neighborhood when it’s totally quiet and peaceful is one of my favorite things to do.
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thcyer · 5 years
hello!! ah I’m so excited to meet and get to know every single one of you even though I’m a SNAIL!
I’m just gonna hop right into it and introduce you all to my lil french dumbass. :’))
Tumblr media
i also lob this boy’s face
name: samuel thayer. age: twenty-two major: art history and philosophy gender: cismale clubs: campus media — photographer
allow me to introduce you to the sole child of a belgian diplomat and a french politician. samuel thayer was born in gousainville, france with a silver spoon at the ready. he’s always had a very strong connection with his mother and he often insisted on joining her whenever she had to travel some place new for work. that’s not to say he disliked his father. In fact he looked up to him greatly as he seemed to hold an important role as a politician. sam always thought he’d grow up to make a difference in the world. he wanted to work with people to make the world a better place. it wasn’t until he got older and understood more that he realized what his father was doing, the government that both of his parents participated in, wasn’t actually helping anyone. rebellion ensued throughout his teenage years. minor acts at first. things that were often quelled by his mother’s sporadic work schedule and her insistence of his company. it was when the two were alone, away from france, away from the politics that she’d attempt to steer him on the right path. to remind him of his goals as child. her advice had only gotten him so far for a short amount of time. he allowed them to shape him into a air of sophistication suitable to continue in politics. however, by the time he was 15 civil unrest in france was on the rise. he learned that he was not alone in the discontent of the family “business”. it only took his participation in a riot turned violent for his world to turn upside down. his father shipped him out of france immediately as means of punishment and a veil for his reputation. it’s an act that’s forced the young male to hold a certain distaste for his father. now he uses travel as an act of rebellion against his parents. a crumbling family image and his unknown whereabouts are their punishment.
except at some point he actually began to enjoy traveling again. he regained that youthful feeling of wanderlust and longing for adventure. once he got past the idea of running away from his issues back home he began to truly relish all the beauty the world had to offer. he’s never in one place for too long, yet he makes sure to give every location he’s visited and all the friend’s he’s made his all.  in fact his time spent in st. ettienne might be the longest he’s ever remained in one place as he enters his senior year with everyone else. perhaps he’s just trying to finish college. perhaps he’s made some great connections here that he can’t see disappearing in the wind just yet....
sam is very headstrong, but compassionate. he is extremely amicable. there is no better feeling for him than being surrounded by a good group of friends. making solid connections is hard for him primarily because he knows one day he will leave them, yet he makes them often. it’s something he battles with all the time. he is fully intent on getting everything out of life that he can. He hates the feeling of having to conform to specifics just because someone else says its right. he’s not overly confrontational and he doesn’t have that much of temper but it’s best not to bring out either sides from him. he likes to have fun. sometimes that also means stirring up a little bit of trouble. charming and quick witted. the subtle life of the party that you wouldn’t suspect by just looking at him. can totally be an utter goofball one day and perfectly groomed well mannered politician personality then next. it’s a struggle. sometimes the chaotic aries energy wins I can’t help it.
he is currently double majoring in art history and philosophy. art in all of it’s varying forms has always been a great passion of his. to him art is freedom and expression. philosophy is his key to understanding the world. there are certain systems in place that he’d like to understand in order to ultimately help bring them down in place of something better. his childhood goal of aiding the world is still there in some part of his mind.
he’s a great cook!
he knows at least five languages being: french (1st), german, english, italian, and he’s currently learning spanish!
he can play the piano very well. 
he’s 110% a cat person. 
hardcore art lover.
video games are almost frickin foreign to him. he wasn’t really allowed to play them growing up and they never really sparked much interest once he gained freedom. he knows names of games and stuff but don’t try to ask him to play anything. 
ayyye I actually have two party related plots tht I’d like to point out bc I think they’d be cool  👀
001. the tourist and muse a met the night of daisey’s disappearance. they did not chat for long before the tourist was pulled away by muse h and they do not know each others names. this is a plot that will include the muses meeting and getting to know one another organically.
008. hours after the party the night of daisey’s disappearance, the tourist and muse h somehow found their way to each other. the pair hooked up. this happened long after the party had ended and they are currently each other’s alibis.
annnnnnnd I have more plots here that I’m still adding to but like I WANNA PUT THIS UP but pLS HMU AND PLOT I LOV IT 
and um...yknow...that’s...it about him..... 👀 yup
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urfavepisces · 6 years
peter kavinsky, was it all fake?//part III
a/n: alright y’all here is the final part of ‘this is fake right?’ mini series that came out of nowhere lmao. i hope that you all enjoy this one as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it. thank you for all of the love and the past two parts!! and please let me know what you thought (:
part I (this is fake right?)  part II (it was all fake right?
word count: 3,214 (okay wow i didn’t think i wrote that much lmao)
warnings: like before some cuss words
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After the argument you two had, you went home and locked yourself inside of your room. Your Dad had tried to get you to come out with bribes of his famous cheeseburgers and dark chocolate fudge cake which he knew were your two favorite dishes he made but you refused. That’s when he knew something was really wrong with you because you never turned down a burger and cake.
However, you weren’t in the mood to eat or interact with anyone at all.
Your little sister also attempted to coax you out of your bedroom by asking to have a movie night with her. Also something you always said yes to because you honestly loved spending time with her, she was the polar opposite to you. Ava was a vibrant young girl who was always looking for an adventure to embark on. You envied her tenacity and ability to try new things which always made you want to do things with your sister. So when she was met with silence when she suggested you two do a double feature of your favorite movies she also realized that whatever you were going through was serious.
How could you be so naive? So wishful?
Peter Kavinsky didn’t like you and you should've known better than to think otherwise. You should’ve been more realistic, you shouldn’t have let yourself get caught up in the fake relationship you two shared. The sweet moments between you two were merely just for show and you really should’ve been smarter.
After a few hours of wallowing in self pity, you forced yourself to clean your room and finish any assignments that were due in the next week. It was a great distraction for the night but you couldn’t help but let yourself get lost in thought about what could’ve been with Peter or how if you could go back then maybe you would’ve said no to his proposition.
As you sorted through your binder, throwing out old papers that you didn’t need and placing the now finished assignments into it, three knocks sounded on your bedroom door each one escalating in volume. Only one person knocked like that and even though you ignored her texts, you were still happy to know that she’d come and check on you.
You set your things aside and pushed yourself off of your bed. When you opened the door, Angie pushed past you throwing you off balance.
“You know I should cuss your ass out for ignoring me but since I love you I’m gonna give you two minutes to explain to me what is going on?” She crossed her arms and glared at you.
You gulped, your nerves were on edge because you’d seen her like this before but it was never directed at you. You quietly closed your door and fiddled with the hem of your hoodie as she awaited your response.
“Sorry, I was busy studying.” You shrugged not looking at her and keeping your focus on the creme colored carpet.
Her eyebrows shot up, “Excuse me, I know you just did not lie to me.” Angie pointed to herself before she continued, “I really need you to cut the bullshit and tell me what’s really going on.”
All of a sudden a wave of despair crushed into you, making your eyes well up with tears. You were so confused about Peter and it finally got to you. 

Even though Angie prided herself on being a tough person she always had a soft spot for her best friend. She immediately walked over to you and brought you into her arms, cradling your head with one hand while the other rubbed your upper back soothingly.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N. You know I could never really be mad at you.” She whispered. Her heart sank at the sight of your tears, she knew you were sensitive but you always handled her brashness with such ease that this was a bit of a shock.
As the tears fell, you two remained silent. Your throat hurt so much because you had literally stopped yourself from really letting yourself go for the last few hours.
It took awhile before you fully calmed down and Angie had been so patient that you were honestly very thankful to have her as a friend.
You explained to her the turmoil you were experiencing and she listened attentively. People at school loved to paint her as a carefree individual who was immune to being sentimental but you knew better. Angie had a heart of gold and she only let it show if you were worthy.
“Look I love you girl, I really do and that’s why I’m telling you that you need to talk to Peter. You have to go on the ski trip.” She hugged you close as she said this.
You couldn’t help but frown at her words because you didn’t want to face him after everything you two had just gone through.
“I don’t want to.” You whined.
You wanted to crawl up into a ball and hide away from the world but it wasn't going to be that easy because of the best friend you had.
“Yea but you need to. Isn’t it  time you stopped hiding from real life? No one made you two do this but it happened and now y’all dumbasses gotta figure your shit out. Plus he’s been blowing my phone up crying about how you're ignoring him.” She tightened her hold on you.
“And look any other girl at our school would be practically fighting to have Peter Kavisnky in their messages but I’m tired! I need y’all to get your shit together.” Angie laughed.
You couldn’t help but smile in response, she was the best but it was short lived after she uttered her next words, “Sooo I’m going on the ski trip with you.” 

Your eyebrows bunched together as your mouth turned down into a scowl, “WHAT?!” You screamed. 
You instantly tried to pull away from her embrace but she quickly wound her arms tighter around your shoulders, “Girl don’t even try to talk yourself out of this, I’m going on this trip which means you going. You two are going to work this out.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed because why couldn’t she just let you be? You wanted to forget all about Peter.
She rubbed your back before releasing her hold on you, “You gotta deal with whatever scares you even if it’s Peter Kavinsky.”
A week later you found yourself in your Dad’s all black range rover driving to the school. You really wanted him to make a U-turn and go back to the safety of your room but you knew Angie would actually kill you, if you skipped out. So you reluctantly pulled your suitcase from the trunk and said said your goodbyes to your Dad.
You’d seen Peter from the corner of eye the moment you walked onto the bus, it was impossible not to when he made it obvious he was looking at you. But you kept your head held high and your eyesight focused on Angie who was dozing in the back of the bus.
You plopped down onto your seat which made her twitch and bring her face into the crook of your neck. You settled into your seat as she snuggled further into you and as you opened your bag to grab your headphones she started to snore. This was going to be a long bus drive.
“Wait you’re not actually going to ski?” Angie’s chocolate brown eyes widened at you. You shrugged, “Well I agreed to come, I never agreed to skiing plus since when do you ski?” You always remembered how much she hated the cold and the snow.
At that moment, Marcus Lamore waltzed his way over to you two and swung one of this arms over Angie’s shoulder.
“Hey Angie.” He kissed her cheek lightly before turning his attention towards you, “What’s up Y/N? You still icing my boy out?” At that Angie elbowed him in the stomach as you scoffed.
Marcus is Peter’s best friend so you shouldn’t have been surprised at his question plus he’s always been outspoken and never knew when he was being extra.
You clenched your first around the strap of your duffle bag and cleared your throat, “Well I’m going to head up to my room. Have fun guys.”
But before you could turn to leave Angie grabbed onto your arm, “Hey remember what we talked about. You need to at least try and talk to Kavinsky.” You couldn’t help but notice that just over her shoulder, Peter and Jess were talking to each other. You felt sick, regretting even coming on this trip.
You needed to get to your room, “Yea. I’ll see you later.” You quickly walked to the elevator and practically punched the “up” button. Once again you were becoming a prisoner to your thoughts of self doubt.
You don’t why you decided to do it. You guess maybe just maybe it would further convince you to get over him but when your eyes glanced over to where the two exes had been talking; you were met with Peter looking at you. His eyes seemed like they were pleading with you to talk to him but you could tell he was still upset with you and the argument you two had.
The ding of the elevator was your saving grace and as you turned to push the number of your floor, your eyes once again found his and Angie was right Peter really did have puppy dog eyes.
You were halfway through one of the books you brought with you when your phone buzzed. Angie sent you a picture of her on top of the mountain with a message saying:
my ass really out here skiing but it’s actually fun. you betta go talk to kavinsky by the time i come back.
You rolled your eyes and typed out your reply before clicking out of the messages and scrolled through tumblr for another thirty minutes before your stomach started to rumble.
You hadn’t eaten since that morning so you swung your legs over the side of the bed and slipped on a oversized black hoodie over your head. You were about to leave when you realized that the hoodie was actually Peter’s and you didn’t even think about that fact until now.  
He’d given it to you after one of his lacrosse games. It was so cold that night and he insisted that you two went out to eat at the diner in town. He was starving after playing one of his best games this season and you were craving a double chocolate shake from the place so you agreed instantly. When you two had walked to his car, he saw your shoulders had started to shake and he pulled the hoodie from his back pack and threw it to you.
You were about to tell him you were fine but he’d given you one of his incredulous looks because he knew you were cold. So you slipped your arms through the fabric as it pooled around your frame.
You smiled at the memory and remembered how he’d made you laugh so hard when you had just taken a gulp of the shake that it’d almost come out of your nose.
You shook your head and made a point to try and forget that moment because it made all seem too real. You made your way to the little cafe that was inside of the hotel. You remembered how on one of the pamphlets in the lobby talked about their world famous hot chocolate and decided that would be perfect to sate your hunger for a little bit.
There was no one sitting at any of the tables where the cafe was so you chose to make yourself at home on one of the stools that overlooked the slopes as you waited for your order to be called. The snowfall had increased and all you could see was a blanket of white as you listened to the faint sounds of old school R&B that played over the cafe’s speakers.
After a couple more minutes of waiting, your name had been called and when you went up to the counter to retrieve your order there was a light brown bag right next to your large rose colored cup of hot chocolate.
You called over to the barista, a young man with long light brown hair that been pulled into a low bun, “I didn’t order any food.” You told him.
He wiped his hands on his dark blue apron and grabbed a sponge before he spoke. “Oh yea that guy-he pointed over to a large black leather recliner situated in front of the fire place-ordered it for you.” The man smiled before turning around to scrub the sink behind him.
Peter was sitting in front of the fireplace, his body completely engulfed in a light blue throw blanket and your heart lurched at the sight. You’d let him borrow it after the movie night because he’d told you how comfortable it was.
You laughed, looking up and wondering if somehow this was fate. You two always found yourselves in the same place but it was never the right time unfortunately.
But you were done with hiding how you felt and if in some alternate reality he felt the same way then you we’re going to do your best to put yourself out there. No more running away, this was it or you would always be wondering what if.
You dragged your feet to the only other recliner which faced Peter’s perfectly. You slowly sat down and as you did, he noticed your presence. His dark brown eyes watched you intently as you situated yourself into the large chair. The flames of the fire flicked rhythmically and accentuated the warm gold specks in his eyes that you remembering detailing in your love letter to him.
You knew you had to be the one to say something, the ball was in your court whether you wanted it to be or not.
“Thanks.” You bluntly said holding up the paper bag, making you close your eyes and internally scold yourself with how awkward it sounded.
He just shrugged and took a sip from the black cup he held in his hands.
You took a couple of more sips before opening the bag and seeing what was inside. When you saw what it was, you melted. He’d gotten your favorite, a dark chocolate chip muffin and it was still warm which made you revert back to the time that you told him you couldn’t eat muffins cold it was blasphemous in your opinion. All he could do was laugh and find it endearing.
“Look Peter I don't know how to do this.” You huffed. You really didn’t, this was all new territory for you but you continued on, needing to get out how you felt out.
“It’s just that all of this started out to be fake and just isn’t for me anymore. I get that you still want to be with Jess and—“ Peter scoffed loudly and shook his head interrupting your rambling.
He set his cup down and looked at you for the first time since you sat down, “I don’t want to be with Jess.”
Your mouth hung open a few seconds before you snap it shut and thought of what to say next but before you could actually say something, he started to speak again as his pretty eyes stared straight into yours.
“Y/N. I want to be with you.” Your eyes widened at his confession.
The way he was looking at you, had your heart swelling with emotions you had never felt before and you had never been in this position before. People like Peter Kavinsky just didn’t profess that they wanted to be with you. It didn't happen.
But it was happening and you didn’t know how to react to it. At that Peter could tell he was going to have to take the reigns on this so he reached his arm out and motioned you over to him.
You gulped your nerves down and made a conscious decision to just go with the flow and actually experience life for once. You slowly stood up and took a couple of steps and place your hand into his. He tugged you towards him and making you fall into his lap. You couldn’t help but smile because you had missed Peter, no matter how you two ended it last time.
As you snuggled further into his chest, a question on your mind kept nagging at you and you knew you had to ask. You needed to know.
You fiddled with the blanket around his shoulders, “You know I heard Jess say that you two still text? Is that true?” Your eyes gazed over the side of his face waiting for an answer.
Peter cleared his throat, “I mean yea when we first started this thing we were still talking but for the past month it’s just been her texting me asking if we could get back together. You know what’s crazy two months ago I would’ve been happy that she wanted to get back together.”
You nodded understanding where he was coming from because she was his first and firsts always hold your heart captive until you’re ready to let them go.
“I get it Peter, she’s your first love.” Your eyes connected with his as he tightened his hold on you,“Yea but you know whatever I had with Jess is over.” He added on.
Before you process what he continued on speaking, “What about Danny Luna?” He asked as his full eyebrows raised.
You groaned, pushing his shoulder, “What about him Peter, there was nothing ever really between us. It was just a crush and I’d never do that to my sister.”
His raspy voice whispered, “Okay.”
You two sat in silence enjoying the noise of the fire crackling in front of you and the snow that had started to fall heavily just outside to the floor to wall window before you.
Peter broke the silence between you two, “You know you’re really special Y/N.”
You scrunched your nose and brought your hands over your face. You weren’t used to this type of attention. You had glimpses of it with Peter but it was always under the notion that you two were putting on a show for the kids at school and now that it was just you two, you didn’t know how to handle the feelings you felt.
And when you looked into his eyes, the feelings quadrupled and had your heart soaring into your throat. You were irrevocably falling for Peter Kavinsky and the intensity of his stare made you feel that he felt the same way.
It was so natural how your hand grasped onto his jaw caressing the soft skin and he lowered his head until his soft pink lips were inches from yours and the tips of his curls tickled your forehead.
Before your lips could meet you needed to ask and you needed to know his answer before you could go through with what was about to happen, “Peter Kavinsky, was it all fake?” Your thumb caressed his cheek.
He shook his head, “No it wasn’t.” He answered seconds before his arm lifted you up to meet his lips. 
@theinterestsofsomeone @yourwonderbelle @kierra-c @thats-so-rhyan @matokii95 @crybabycth @keely-ansell @needtokeepfeelingsincheck @imsodoomed @nicole13letson @kaylinfayezink @mentallych-ill-desi (tag wouldn’t show up :/) @infin-itywar
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tazchat: double whammy
okay so i’ve been havin computer troubles lately and i wanted to make sure the readmore works so i had to wait to upload these, right. but. anyway. if you know me irl and you see this you are legally allowed to kill me.
i’m almost done with the bank episode, but. y’all. there’s two whole episodes before that. we’re just now getting to the really good shit. but the shit that came before? also fucking good. here’s that.
and now, what about two of you have been waiting for: Welcome Back To Bee’s Journey To Self-Acceptance Re: Their Deep Attachment  And Sense Of Relation To Travis McElroy’s Self-Insert DND OC
—“i wish i had pictures but at least i have my memorieeeees” —LOOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH —i love weird all yankovic’s song paradoxes —magnus calling the boys “fellas” and “boys” all the time is a speech quirk i forgot about. he addresses them as a group more than the other two and. hm. —you know what else i forgot about magnus? he values honesty to a point he doesn’t always live up to? but when he does... boy HOWDY. this whole roswell exchange is SO in-character and i love it. —aaand (this is a magnus monologue!!! listen. listen) he is All About People even if he isn’t necessarily great with them? he knows that nobody’ll survive past 12 but he won’t let them die in the collapse/fire —wait. oh my god. that’s why! i guess! because that’s what happened in RR. fuck? it’s salt shaker level implication, if intentional, and i love it. —chekov’s bush —“oh, the labor—“ / [magnus starts digging with his hands] / “i cast healing word on taako” PEAK THB DYNAMIC —“i put the bomb in a DIFFERENT POCKET than steven” —ALPHABET PUZZLE —oh my god they just blow up the room GRIFFIN: how do you feel? you’ve died three times. it hasn’t been great. TRAVIS: this is how magnus would live his life anyways? he’s emboldened by being able to fuck up CLINT: merle’s not a fan JUSTIN: Just Another Day At The Office, Babey. but he’s fuckin disoriented. —just highlighting that bit which has been highlighted so many times before because it’s so good because we stack up: Oh That’s Why Magnus Made The Chalice, merle death irony, and Justin Predicts The Stolen Century —A L P H A B E T P U Z Z L E —fuckin love the implication that this mine intentionally hired one person for every letter of the alphabet —DISARM / OPEN —“you guys are adorable right now :D” —I’m Gonna Call It Good Ice —token arc elevator —The Bugs Appreciate His Folksy Charm —magnus is exactly that one andy samberg snl skit about that Actor Who I Won’t Name Because He Committed A Literal Hate Crime talking to animals. —Another Fine Miller™️ Product —Merle Fucks Up His Nature Check And Clint Fucks Up Justin’s Mic —[merle solves the whole issue] / TAAKO: another great adventure, magnus. —every time they say umbrella on this show i am reminded that i apparently say umbrella wrong, but, look, they say it the same way!!! —also the imagery of merle just whistlin as magnus and taako hide under their shield/umbrella is so cuts —♪ To Heaven We’re Going On A Trip Together ♪ —CHRIS ISAAK —“dad , i don’t give two shits” —three bubbles —Teef —Oh Worm? —all of you hold hands [...] and you are dead. —Oops-A-Doodle! —oh my god it’s the diamond episode —“i have 24 hours, i don’t know if i can learn to play jock jams on piano” —“oh, i remember you, little ren!” lyin ass but it’s cute —“so the cooking show is on ...Hiatus” —Help Yourself Cast Yourself Into Magic Legend —the ash character voice is really familiar and i can’t place from where? i think it’s the john voice —HELL YEAH IT’LL BE COVERED IN THE SEMINAR —“my lawyers have told me that if there is no tomorrow this payment is null and void” —“that’s a one perception” / “EVERYTHING’S COOL, DON’T EVEN WORRY BOUT IT.” —I DON’T KNOW YOU FROM JAKE! —oh fuck there IS a zone of truth in this arc. —Istus? Maybe Christmas? Biscuits? —clint thought bjork was pronounced bork —“listen skipping niceties is our spe-ci-ality.” —“did you use cold butter or just stick with room temp?” / “mostly just scone magic!” / “not the baking convo i was hoping for, but.” —TURN RIGHT. TURNRIGHT. Tuuuurn Riiiiight. —“it’s my prophecy. i earned it. through lying.” —black opal. fuck off griffin. —“an ocean of tar [...] a world covered in ash.” / THERE IS ALWAYS A THIRD OPTION which none of the dumbasses on this show could figure out beforehand because plot —i burp and small prophecy comes out. —wait no i wanna talk about like. lup and lucretia are both very smart women who are extremely myopic but like. what if we had both. you dumb ass motherfuckers. i love you. —“tell em it’s a bank holiday. hug day?” / “it IS hug day.” —magnus nerds out over the architecture in spite of disaster. hell yes —MERLE ABOUT TO MAKE HIS FIRST RELIGION CHECK — comin up on junebug! i just remembered —“can’t call up istus, like new phone who dis” —Fantasy Shorts —magnus chasing a rag like a kid chasing a butterfly is SO GOOD —clint wants to play doctor strange so bad. @mcu recast now —“is it alive?” / “it’s a skeleton.” / “yeah, but it’s dnd.” —caleb cleveland teen cop —“SKELETONS CAN MOVE IN THIS GAME, JUSTIN!” / “so can rugs, travis, watch aladdin.” —“...it’s seventh level necromancy.” —the ONE TIME griffin gives a shit about casting time is when clint tries to necromance asdhfjkll —“are you about to make a joke about the song luca?” / “...no.” —“it can be upsetting to see a Living Skeleton Man!” —“what loop? what are you talking about?” me when people first proposed the twin theory —Griffin Wants Magnus To Take The Chalice So Bad And I Love It
libra season
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firegrilled · 6 years
I Need a Hero
Jearmin Week Day 1 Fantasy
Summary: Jean’s band of adventurers come across royal bodyguards of a kidnapped princess. Seeing an opportunity to line his pockets and finally live the easy life, Jean and his friends get more than they bargained for when they discover their kingdom’s most well-guarded secret: they don’t have a princess but a meek prince.
Next Part
A spark flew from Eren’s fingertips. The small light drew squints from the guards by the castle gate. Mere seconds later a ball of flames lit up the night sky along with the orcish guards. Their pained screams echoed around the ancient castle causing numerous bells to start clanging.
“Goddamn it, Jaeger!” Jean shouted, finally catching up to the rash sorcerer. “What part of stealthy don’t you get?”
“The part where my friend remains captured by Marley longer than necessary,” Eren crossed his arms indignantly.
Before Jean could attempt to tackle him, a knight clad in full steel plate stepped forward and placed him into a headlock. “Eren, we have to be careful. We don’t want to risk them injuring the princess.”
Letting out a sigh, some smoke blew out of Eren’s mouth. “No. But we need to hurry before they have a chance to escape with her. Let’s go!”
The rest of the adventurers caught up with them, all breathing heavily.
“Wait a minute!” Sasha held up a hand, bending over to catch her breath. “I need a minute... and some food.”
“We ate like thirty minutes ago,” Jean rolled his eyes. “Take a minute but we need to get going before they try and escape since someone alerted them to our pressence.”
Eren stuck his tongue out and face the castle. “Like they’re gonna escape me.”
“Look, I still don’t know what the fuck you are but we still gotta get across that moat,” Jean pointed to the gap between the gates Eren just clear and the wooden drawbridge.
“Oh, let me get that. I just need to sneak in and lower the bridge!” Connie offered, his face lighting up at the opportunity to break into a castle.
Unfortunately an even brighter flame exploded across the moat. The wooden drawbridge shattered into splinters and shrapnel as Eren snapped his fingers. “There, gate open-”
Mikasa proceeded to choke Eren while Jean ran a gloved a hand down his face.
“Don’t worry, I can fix this,” the final adventurer stepped forward, gracefully stepping towards the moat.
Marco knelt down and muttered words in a language only he and his kind understood. His freckles glowed a dull green, catching the attention of their flame sorcerer. Eren stopped struggling in Mikasa’s grasp, watching with curiosity as seaweed twisted upwards from the moat. The plants grew into a bridge.
“Thanks Marco. Come on!” Jean pointed forward. His group ran across the bridge with Jean leading the charge. “Where are they keeping Princess Historia?”
“The top of the tallest tower, duh. Are you even a real adventurer?” Sasha spoke, earning a scowl from the leader of the group.
“This isn’t a fairy tale.”
“Actually, she’s right. Prince Zeke’s room is at the top of the tallest tower and likely where he’s keeping his hostage,” Mikasa informed him.
“Told ya so!” Sasha pointed at Jean.
Ignoring the urge to hit his friend, he clenched his fist while Eren dashed ahead.
“This way, I know how to get there,” Eren stated.
“Wait!” Jean called back, quickly picking up the pace. The group sprinted through the castle, turning various corners. “Does he really know where he’s going?”
“Yes,” Mikasa replied until they found Eren brought to a halt at the end of a corridor.
Standing in the hallway was a petite blonde with icy blue eyes and clad in dark metal armor. Her hands rested on the hilt of a longsword.
“So the prodigal son returns... with company,” a cool voice greeted the group.
“Out of the way Annie. We’re grabbing the princess and leaving,” Eren snapped back.
The blonde knight quirked an eyebrow, drawing her blade.
“...I’m under orders to capture you on sight.”
Eren pointed a finger at Annie, but a black flash ran by him.
Mikasa swung her blade at Annie, who swiftly blocked it with her own. Exchanging glares the two broke out into a fight- metal clanging against metal. Both warriors made use of the ample hallway space and swung liberally, cutting through tapestries and pots. Mikasa looked back at the group.
“But-” Eren reached out for Mikasa, but Marco grabbed his wrist.
“Just go!”
“Cone on, Eren. Lead us to the princess. Mikasa can handle herself,” Marco gently pushed him ahead.
Swallowing a lump in his throat, Eren nodded. He sprinted forward again. Leading the group up a nearby stairwell, Eren paused to take in his surroundings. Pointing to down a barren hallway, the adventurers made it halfway to another intersection before another knight and a group of orcish guards blocked the way.
“Called it,” the large blond knight in their path chuckled at the group. “Bertholdt owes me a round of mead. No one else is dumb enough to blow open a gate besides you.”
“Shut up and get out fo our way, Reiner,” Eren replied.
Laughing loudly, Reiner stepped forward holding a double sided ax. “You’re not getting through me.”
Jean’s eyes widened as Reiner sprinted forward. For such a bulky person he was quite fast. Reiner swung for Eren’s arm but Connie blocked the blow with two daggers.
“I got him, go now!” Connie said through gritted teeth.
“You?” Reiner balked at the thought. “I’m gonna chop a twig like you in half!”
A loud twang echoed around the halls as a lute slammed into the side of Reiner’s head. He rolled to the side as he recovered his bearings.
“Sasha?!” Connie’s mouth dropped. “But your lute?”
“I got you, baldie,” Sasha grinned. “Don’t worry about my lute, i’ll tune it once we get out of here. Besides I can smell the kitchen nearby.”
“Be careful!” Jean called back as he followed down another corridor. The thought of leaving his bard and rogue against a knight like Reiner sent chills down his spine but he had faith in the two. They made it this far in life after all.
Just as Jean began to recollect his thoughts he ran straight into Eren’s back, not realizing the boy suddenly stopped.
“What the hell now Jaeger?” Jean asked, rubbing his nose. he looked around Jaeger to see a tall but lanky man with dark robes in their way. “It’s just one guy. And he’s not wearing armor!”
“That’s Bertholdt the Black you dumbass,” Eren retorted. “He’s on the archmages of Marley. Why the hell are you in this ancient dump?”
“You already know the answer to that,” Bertholdt replied, stepping forward.
Eren took a step back into Jean, unnerving the adventurer. What about this man unnerved Eren Jaeger?
Before Jean could guess an answer, Marco stepped past the two.
“Rescue the princess,” Marco simply stated before his freckles glowed once more. The stone floor between Marco and his friends suddenly rose to the ceiling, separating them.
“Marco!” Eren shouted, slamming his fists against the new wall.
“Eren, let’s hurry! Marco can hold his own but I don’t know for how long,” Jean explained.
“Against someone like Bertholdt though?” Eren wondered as he sprinted down a nearby corridor.
At the end of the long corridor a spiral staircase lead upwards.
“Marco is stronger than you know but I don’t know that mage’s power. He’ll be able to last a little bit at least.”
A massive tremor shook the castle causing dust to fall from the cracks of the stone ceiling. Candles fell from their stands and put themselves out as they hit the ground. Eren and Jean barely maintained their footing.
“That wasn’t one of Bertl’s spells...”
“Oh shit. If Marco is shaking the castle we don’t have that much time,” Jean swore. “Is that the stairwell the tower?”
Eren nodded as Jean and him resumed their run. As they reached the end of the hallway, a gust blew from the tower. A few large stone fell downwards, causing Eren and Jean to stop.
Frowning at the sudden event, Eren turned to Jean. “The prince is here. Just run up and grab the princess like we planned, I’ll hold him off.”
“But I can fight too!” Jean geatured to his blade.
“Not against this kind of magic. He’s like me,” Eren let out a deep breath, releasing some smoke. “Trust me on this one and trust this spell.”
“What?” Jean questioned as Eren placed a hand on his head. He felt his head started to glow hot for a moment. The warmth spread over his body and relaxed his tense muscles. Before he could inquire more he saw his skin start to fade as the familiar invisibility took hold. Normally this was Connie’s schtick.
“Well, well, what an unpleasant surprise,” an older man stated as he floated down from the tower. He stepped through the entrance into the corridor. “What brings you home?”
“You took my princess,” Eren narrowed his eyes at Prince Zeke.
“That’s your princess?” Zeke scoffed, not noticing Jean scooting carefully along the wall. “Of course that’s your preference. If you want ‘em you can have ‘em. Assuming you can beat me, brother.”
“Shut up and fight,” Eren demanded, his eyes glowing red.
“As you wish.” Prince Zeke’s eyes glowed grey as one of the stone from before shot out from behind him and towards Eren.
Jean covered his mouth as he almost gasped from surprise. Quickly but nimbly he ascended the stairs at the castle shook again from the battles below. Flame and stone shot upwards as Jean circled the tower. Despite being in great shape, running up so many stairs left him heaving by the time he reached the top. Whoever the fuck made these things an architectural necessity for castles deserved to be shot with several arrows.
Reaching the door of the royal chambers, Jean opened it and suddenly felt very impoverished. Purple carpet extended from the door to the giant bed in the center of the room. Dark, wooden chairs were pushed into a desk in the corner with papers splayed out on it. A silver jug and wine glasses were set on a table near the bed. After being understandably caught up in the moment, Jean heard sobbing coming from the bed. From the doorway he could see a silhouette through the canopy in the bed.
Taking a step into the room, the carpet crunched under Jean’s weight. A gasp came from the bed and the sobs stopped. Jean swallowed the lump in his throat and continued forward. The carpet continued to make sounds as he made his way around the regal room. On the ground he noticed ripped apart.
The silhouette in the bed disappeared under the covers as Jean reached the side. As soon as he opened his mouth a pillow came crashing into his face. He stumbled backwards and into the table with wine glasses. The invisibility faded and the silver jug spilled wine all over Jean. Now he’d need a good bath after this.
“Ouch!” Jean reacted, rubbing the back of his head.
“Stay away!” A voice warned from the covers.
Before Jean could utter a barbed retort, his throat choked out his words. A beautiful blonde head poked from the covers, her expression a mixture of anger and fear. Jean’s heart pounded and his mouth ran dry. The rumors about the princess being the greatest beauty in the land did have some weight after all.
“Uh. That stung... I mean-” Jean cleared his throat and plastered the cheesiest smile he could muster. “Princess Historia, my name is Jean Kirschtein and I’m here to save you.”
The princess’ eyes widened. “What?”
“Well, it’s more accurate to say me and my friends came to rescue you. We found Eren and Mikasa on the way here and came to help rescue you, my lady,” Jean explained.
The princess’ face turned a deep red. “Eren and Mikasa came to rescue me?”
“Of course! Right now they’re fighting below but once I activate this scroll,” Jean gestured to a parchment on his belt. “We’ll teleport out of here and the others will get the signal to do the same. Shall we?”
“Uh... I don’t have any clothes...” The princess looked at the ripped pieces of cloth on the ground. “Prince Zeke isn’t known for his... temperament.”
“No fear, you can use my cloak,” Jean offered before realizing it was covered in wine. “It might be a bit damp.”
“That’s fine, that was my fault,” the princess raised her hands out of the cover, causing the duvet to fall. Before Jean could avert his eyes, he noticed the pale chest of the princess and that it lacked... “Oh my!”
The princess covered her chest but it was already too late. Jean’s face fell at the sight. “Y-you’re not a girl.”
“N-no. I’m not the princess. She’s in another castle,” the impostor frowned. “My name is Armin.”
Jean pressed his lips together as his hopes and dreams for a cushy life were dashed once more. he pinched the bridge of his nose and exhaled a deep breath. “So your friends mislead us?”
“I’m afraid so...” Armin’s face fell, tears forming on the edges of his eyes. “They kidnapped me by mistake. When Zeke found out a bit ago I thought he was going to kill me until an explosion rang out.”
Jean’s chest tightened again. Seeing the petite boy on the verge of tears made his stomach twist in knots. Resigning himself to reality, Jean stepped forward and wrapped his wine-soaked cloak around the poor boy. He offered a gentle smile. While not a princess, he did at least knock one thing off his bucket list; he rescued a beauty from an ancient, evil castle.
“Come on, let’s get you out of here,” Jean extended a hand and bowed a little.
Caught off guard by the chivalrous treatment, Armin’s blush deepened.
“Thank... Thank you,” Armin took the hand and stood up. His eyes darted to the desk and he ran over.
“What are you doing?” Jean tilted his head from confusion as Armin grabbed all the letters off the desk. Another tremor shook the castle. “We need to get going!”
“Making sure this humiliation wasn’t for naught,” Armin replied. he bent over and opened a drawer. he flung out some quills and and ink until he found a bag. he grabbed the bag and ran over to Jean. “I’m ready.”
Grabbing the parchment, Jean opened it. He glanced over the arcane text before muttering the words Marco trained him to say. The scroll glowed a dull purple. “Hang on!”
Jean hooked an arm around Armin and pulled him close, both of them disappearing in a quick flash.
Both boys were teleported to some plains far away from the castle. Armin landed on top of Jean, knocking the breath out of his chest.
“I’ve been saved,” Armin stated as he rolled off Jean, disbelief evident in his voice. “This must be what the princess feels like.”
“How’d you know that?” Jean asked, taking in a deep breath. While emotionally confused, he was glad to at least have his life.
“She tells me in between kidnappings. I swear Ymir let’s it happen just so she has an excuse to ravish her,” Armin answered as he sat up.
“Wait, you know the princess? And she’s repeatedly kidnapped?” Jean’s eyes widened. maybe this wasn’t a complete crapshoot.
“Yeah, we’re best friends,” Armin admitted, his eyes falling to his hands. “And she’s kidnapped enough that it’s pretty normal. If you were expecting a reward for saving her I don’t think you would’ve gotten it.”
“Damn it,” Jean cursed falling back into the grass. “I was hoping to at least get a kiss for all that bullshit.”
Before he could register what was happening, he felt a pair of lips press against his. It was a chaste kiss but it left Jean red faced, especially since the sounds of the others teleporting in rattled his nerves. He was going to have fun explaining why a he had a naked boy on top of him instead of Princess Historia.
To Be Continued tomorrow with Jearmin Week Day 2 Survival!
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hamilmeme69-blog · 7 years
The Counsellor's Surprise.
{ AU belongs to @doritofalls ! Check them out! } Peace and quiet. Serenity filled the crisp and cool air, not even a butterfly flittering anywhere in sight to disturb the silent and still morning. The honey-gold sun slowly crept into sight, touching all areas with its warm and radiant light. Birds chirped their good morning songs, grass blades drifted gently in the soft breeze, nothing could ruin it. Max, appreciating the noiseless morning, took the opportunity to sleep in and catch up on all of those missed hours of shut eyes. Drool trailed down the corner of his lips as he snored, though, it wasn't loud enough like a bear's to stir up any true annoying noise. But it was like as soon as he thought he had earned some well-deserved rest, an all too familiar jovial and perky voice echoed through the branches, an even more bothersome guitar started to play almost straight away. "OHHHHHHHHHHHH! There's a place I know that's tucked away, a place where you and I can stay where we can go out to laugh and play and have adventures everyday! I know that sounds hard to belive, but guys and gals it's true! Camp Campbell is the place for me and you!" David. Of every possible way a morning such as tranquil as this could be ruined, it had to have been ruined by David. (Un. Fucken. Believable,) Max thought. With an angered growl, he emerged from his cot and felt a dizziness arise in his head, making his environment spin a lot harsher than it should've. To his dismay, a throbbing, stinging pain erupted in his skull, a migraine following after. This always occured if he had been awoken too abruptly and far too early. Rubbing his temples, he walked through the flaps and shot David the most aggravated expression he could think of. "David, what the hell?! People are trying to sleep you dick!" As always, David merely greeted him with his default bright smile and cheerful tone. "I know! They're going to miss out on a bea-utiful sunrise!" "A sunrise? That's what you woke up us for?!" The other campers, who tried to ignore David's admittedly annoying wake-up call, soon came out of their tents when the argument had began. Each of them were groaning and rubbing their eyes. David's breath hitched somewhat. "W.. Well, yes! Sunrises are an amazing feature about nature, Max! And--!" "No. NO. Shut up, just shut. Up. No one gives a flying fuck about your dumbass sunrises and not a single goddamn shitty camp activity you planned out for us! Can you even call it planning; it feels like you just make shit up on the dot and if it goes to hell but it works, then by all means, just throw away any original plans!" Neil blinked himself awake at Max's berating, frowning slightly as he warily approached him. "Whoa, whoa. What's your problem? You're acting like a bigger douche than usual." "What's my problem? My problem is that David woke us all up at ass in the morning for something as stupid as a fucken sunrise! Sorry if I'm a bit cranky!" Nikki shook her head and stood next to her clearly upset friend, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You have to give David some credit, Max. He was just trying to be considerate." He glared. "Maybe I would if he had done it in a less obnoxious way. Did you know that was the one time -- The one time! -- I could actually close my eyes and sleep for a solid eight hours? But nope! Camp Man here decides to fuck it all up because he thinks he knows what's best for us instead of just letting us gain our own happiness in our own way so he can figure it out!" Soon, his attention averted to the male. Everybody held their breath when Max pointed a finger at him. "I can't believe you have the audacity to claim you've been working with us kids for a good portion of our ruined summer and yet you don't use your fucken brain to see a pattern here! Hell, I'VE noticed that this is the TENTH time you've done this in nearly three fucken weeks! You ever stop and wonder what we want? It's all about what you want and what you want to see. I wouldn't be half as pissed if you didn't pull this shit on Saturdays. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go try and go back to sleep. Good. Night." Without another word, Max turned himself around on the rock of his heel and charged back inside of his tent, shock and unease thick in the silent again air. It was Nikki who was brave enough to reach up in attempt to hold his hand. "David--." Attempt failed. He jerked his hand away and forced an insincere grin, clasping his hands together in a single clap. "Campers! Change of plans. Why don't you, ah, take the day off and um.. H-Hang out with Gwen for the day? I just.. Remembered I have a very busy schedule today, sooo.. Gwen's in charge." Preston felt his heart stop beating. "W-What?! But.. Who's going to help me with my costumes for next week's play?!" "You can always ask Gwen, Preston." "BUT ONLY YOU KNOW THE DESIGNS, DAMMIT!" "I don't see the issue in teaching them to her." "You don't understand, it.." The child paused and frowned, his heartbroken expression triggering a pang of guilt in David's chest. "..It wouldn't be the same." "Who's going to help me with space camp?" asked Space Kid. "Who's going to help me repair the ramp?" asked Ered. "Who's going to help me with my painting?" asked Dolph. "Who's going to help me clean out the dove poop from my hat and actually get me to laugh about it instead of feeling embarrassed about it?" asked Harrison. "David," started Neil gently. "Who's going to actually care about us? The last time Gwen was left 'in charge,'" he air quoted, "we were raided by the Woodscouts and she moved not a single bone in her entire body to do something about it. You forget that she's the same woman who's recorded another grown woman attack a child in hopes it would go viral and she would earn a fair amount of cash from it." Nikki crossed her arms. "Yeah. We've tried going one day without you in the past but things never turned out well." The male bit down on the edge of his thumb before sighing lightly and patting himself down in search of his keys. When he found them, he started to depart from the children. "It's just for today, kids. Come on, give her a chance, please? For me?" Not like they had a choice. Before they could argue again, he had made it crystal clear he was going to head out for the rest of the day. Neil sighed in exasperation and defeat. "That's just great. The one adult that gives a shit about us just walked away because Max was on his man-period. Did you guys see the hatred in his eyes?" "Yeah," replied Harrison. "I would say Max had been holding that in for a while now." "Probably longer than we think," added Nerris. Neither of their comments put Neil's nerves at ease. "No, I mean.. I think Max wanted to hurt David the way he did. And, granted, he tries to hurt him almost every day of the week, this time it felt.. Different, didn't it? If there's been another time where he struck where it hurt, I don't think any of us were there to see it." Nurf grunted. "I don't see what the big deal is. So David's feelings got a little hurt, big whup." Preston stomped his foot on the ground, somewhat offended himself the other had dared to say that. "THE BIG DEAL, NURF, IS THAT DAVID IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN KEEP SHIT IN CHECK! WITHOUT HIM, WE CANNOT FUNCTION PROPERLY AS A CAMP OR EVEN OURSELVES!" "Don't yell at me. You know what I'm like when I'm angry." SLAP! "Not everything is about YOU, Nurf," Preston spat out, retracting his hand after it had left a large red handprint on his cheek. "Then again I'm not surprised that someone as thick-headed and insensitive as yourself would only think about yourself. He has been there for every single one of us when we needed him to be. I say we do the same when he returns! We can write him a song or even throw a play! Who's with me?!" Neil nodded with a smile at the idea. "Hey, that's actually a really good idea! We had a Quartermaster appreciation day. I don't see why there shouldn't be a David appreciation day!" Nikki gasped. "And him being gone gives us the perfect time to work on a surprise!" Neil rubbed his chin. "Alright, gang. Any idea you have, just go for it. All that matters is that we show David how much he means to us. Let's get to work!" > Everyone had worked hard that night to set up a surprise. They had baked a cake, tidied up the cabin -- Why, Neil even managed to convince Max into apologising to him and help everyone make the camp look nice. But everybody, even Gwen, noticed just how late it had gotten and their fellow camp counsellor had yet to return. Max sat down at front, anxiously waiting for his car to pull up at any second. Gwen volunteered to clean up David's room and make his bed. She was alone. David left at 5:09 A.M. and it was 8:32 P.M. The thought made her chew on her lip. Her phone soon buzzed. When she read the text, she was beyond relieved to know David was still okay, the feeling of her stress vanishing immediately returned and doubled when reading his text. She felt sick. She felt appalled. She felt unsure of what to do. | Moron. | { Gwen. Get QM and meet me out in the back. } { Don't tell the campers that I'm here yet. } { I killed a man and I need help hiding his body. } She couldn't believe David -- Of all people -- Had killed a man, let alone he requested she helps hide the evidence! If they get caught, they'd be thrown in jail and the campers would forever live in fear and shame and be forced to carry around the burden of knowing two murderers who were counsellors in disguise. But for some odd reason, a reason Gwendolyn herself may never know why.. | Moron. | { Gwen. Get QM and meet me out in the back. } { Don't tell the campers that I'm here yet. } { I killed a man and I need help hiding his body. } {Gwen, please answer me. This isn't a joke.} {Gwen??} {Sorry. I got distracted.} {Okay. I'll help you.} {Just. This. Once.}
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