#dove and rahim.
mel-0n-earth · 8 months
BG3 February Writing Challenge: Day 1
Day 1 (SFW, except one or two sentences are NSFW): What was Tav doing when they were abducted?
Link to the original prompt list
[Using this as an opportunity to plot out some backstory for a nonbinary Tav for the Kar'niss fic I'm brainstorming. Enjoy :) ]
Sunshine gleamed blinding over the pristine blocks of limestone lining the Upper City’s manicured streets like so many rows of straight, white teeth. The sun hung white hot from the cloudless blue sky, pouring radiant rays of heat onto the city below. The only shade to be found consisted of bleak shadows clinging to over-trimmed trees, all frighteningly identical to one another. The very air smelled sharply of soap and freshly juiced lemons.
Kai couldn’t stand it. The brightness, the sterile perfection of it all. It was difficult to believe that anyone actually lived here amidst the immaculate aisles of townhouses and fountains spouting pearly blue water. They’d seen at least two picturesque flocks of white doves since they crossed the bridge, yet the whole district was utterly spotless. It seemed even the birds saved their shit for the Lower City.  
Besides, all the sunshine hurt Kai’s eyes. That was one of the shit parts of having a deadbeat drow for a mother. At least dear old dad had the good sense to be humor, or Kai would be burnt to a crisp in this sun. They could practically feel their sclera cooking like eggs inside their skull. How much longer were they going to stand around out here?
“Getting impatient, Rahim,” Kai drawled, fingers tapping their bicep.
Their partner didn’t move an inch, or so much as spare them a glance. He’d been sitting like a statue on that bench for what must have been over an hour now, solid as a gargoyle, and perhaps just as frightening, with that craggy scar of his raking a diagonal across his tanned face, black hair pulled back into a bun and beard trimmed short. Even his dark eyes hadn’t moved from whatever distant spot they’d been studying since they got here. Kai might have thought him under a holding spell, if it weren’t for the glaring sparkle of sunlight catching his earring every time he moved even the slightest bit.
“We just got here, Kai,” he said in his usual cool tone. “What’s got you all twitchy?”  
Kai rolled their shoulders—a nervous habit. “Nothing. Just don’t like it here. Too damn clean.”
“There’s a nice thorny rosebush ‘round the corner if you want to squat for a piss. Hells, I’ll take a whole shit in it if you’ll hold still for five damned minutes. You’re drawing attention to yourself.”
Kai frowned at a saccharine house across the street, its latticed windows framed by painted window boxes stuffed with yellow tulips. “Your guy should’ve been here by now.”
“We’ve got time. Last thing we want is a rushed job.”
“Maybe, but why I haven’t seen a single Fist since we hit this street.”
“This is Upper City, Kai. Most Fists are posted in our neck of the woods.”
Kai nudged Rahims calf with their boot. Finally, he turned to face them, his brown eyes melted to amber honey in the sunshine. The color was made all the more striking by the kohl lining his lids. It gave Kai pause. No one should look that beautiful, especially smarmy rakes like him.
“Don’t you think it’s a little odd?” Kai asked, fingers digging into their arm.
Rahim’s lips quirked up, softening the hard edges of his sea-worn face. Kai steeled themself against the devilish look he only wore when he was busy reading them like a book. “What, you nervous? Looking for some reassurance?”
A breeze drifted by, and Kai caught a hint of the familiar saltwater scent that clung to his skin. Fuck, he even smelled good. Damned pirate bastard.
They looked quickly away. “I don’t trust this new guy, is all. Never worked with him before.”
Rahim turned his attention back to the distance. “Plan’s all his. If we want our cut, we better play along.”
“Yeah? Would love to hear about this plan of his.”
A muscle twitched in Rahim’s jaw, then he smiled. “All in due time. Just trust me on this one, love. Have I done you wrong before?”
Kai tilted their head back. The white hair over their neck was damp with sweat, and the shaved side of their head felt ready to blister under the sun. “No,” they conceded. “Just…got a weird feeling. Can’t quite shake it. Like something isn’t right.”
Rahim rested one rugged hand at the small of Kai’s back, fingers slipping beneath their shirt to brush the sensitive skin there. “Easy there. Should be a quick one, in and out. When it’s done, we can have some time to ourselves, eh?”
Kai shifted, but said nothing.
Rahim breathed a laugh. “See, nothing but cheek, until I talk sex, then you melt like butter.”  
“I might actually melt if we have to stand here any longer. It’s hot as the Hells out here.”
Rahim’s eyes darted to the other side of the street. Something flickered in his eyes that Kai couldn’t recognize, jaw tensing. “Hells indeed, speak of the devil…”
Kai followed his gaze across the street, only for their eyes to be immediately assaulted by yet more gleaming light. It was a dragonborn. A fucking copper one, light dancing off his scales in a a blinding dazzle. A headache started to prick at Kai’s skull.
“You’re kidding me,” they muttered to Rahim. But the damned handsome pirate didn’t say a word. He simply followed the dragonborn’s approach from beneath darkened brows, heel tapping against the foot of the bench.
The dragonborn regarded them both with acid-green eyes and a flick of their scaly tail before approaching the bench, hand outstretched. “Rahim,” he hissed in a voice that was unmistakably lizard-like.
Rahim clasped the proffered hand. “Cadmus. You’re late.”
The lizard—Cadmus, apparently, flashed him a toothy grin. “Apologies. Our decoy required a few finishing touches.”
Kai lifted a brow. “Decoy?”
Cadmus’s passed his gaze over them, eyes narrowing. “A drow?”
“Only half.”
His reptilian mouth approximated a frown. “Male or female?”
“If you’re wondering whether to call me a bitch or a bastard, either is fine with me.”
“I need to know for your uniform,” he intoned.
Kai gave them a bewildered look. “What uniform?”
Cadmus cast a glance at Rahim. “You didn’t brief them?”
Rahim gave a noncommittal tilt of his head. “Thought I’d let you do the honors.”
The dragonborn swiveled his head to check that no one was listening, even though the street was nearly empty, then gestured for them to follow. Rahim rose from his bench without question. Kai frowned, but made no argument as Cadmus led them to a nearby alleyway. At least they were in the shade now.
“The two of you will be retrieving an heirloom from the Jannath manor,” Cadmus explained. “My sources tell me the family just fired and replaced half their staff after the Lady’s lover disappeared. A perfect opportunity to pose as new hires.” He angled his chin at Rahim. “The Hells hath no fury like a lover scorned, no?”
Rahim’s lips thinned. “You think either of us will pass as servants?” His dark eyes slid to Kai’s—pale purple, like most surface drow. The color of lavender, he’d told them one night, sharing a pillow while his cock softened inside them. Like the sea at sunset.  
“So long as you’re dressed the part, no one will notice a thing.” Cadmus insisted. “But the uniforms…” he looked back to Kai. “Males wear pants, and females wear skirts. Which would you prefer.”
Kai rolled their eyes. “Pants, obviously. You think I want to do a heist in a skirt?”
Cadmus inclined his head, then reached clawed hands into the pack slung over his shoulder and produced a set of clothing—nothing exquisite, but far finer than anything Kai had ever worn. They resisted the urge to reach out and touch the supple material.
“Who’s this decoy you were mentioning then?” Kai asked.
“Not who,” Cadmus corrected. “What. See, we’ll be stealing this.” He spared another quick glance around, then opened his bag so Kai could see.
Kai frowned. “A necklace?”
“Not just any necklace. This one is gnome-made.” He pointed a single talon to each detail as he named it. “Rubies set in gold and silver, with a dewdrop diamond at the apex. See the flowering detail? It was popular a few hundred years ago, and just came back into fashion. Should fetch a handsome price.”
Kai leaned in, squinting at the sparkling stones where they lay limp in his pack. “So this is a fake? Could’ve fooled me.”
The dragonborn’s maw split into a toothy smile. “That’s the idea.”
“So, how are we going to do this? Rahim?”
Rahim blinked, as if waking from a dream, then rubbed a hand over his thigh. “Ah, right. It’s just going to be you and me. You’ll watch the door while I run in. Once I grab the necklace, we make a break for it.”
Kai gave him a skeptical look. “What’s the catch?”
Rahim’s mouth pressed into a flat line.
“The catch,” Cadmus cut in, “is that the Jannaths have the jewelry box alarmed. The moment Rahim opens it, they’ll notify the guards. Hence the false necklace. Once Rahim has the real one in hand, he’ll lay low while you draw the guards away with the fake.”
“And what happens when I get caught with the fake?”
“The gems are made of glass,” Cadmus said. “They should break quite easily, and there’s no law preventing you from carrying a false reproduction.”
Kai chewed their lip. They were a good liar, but it would be a hard sell. Still, Cadmus was right—even the fake necklace looked like it would be worth a fortune. If they pulled this off, Kai might never have to sleep on a street again. Hells, they might be able to afford to sleep in a room with a door that locked. They could finally spend the night with Rahim without having to worry about someone walking in on them, or watching through a crack in the wall.
Kai turned to Rahim, who had remained uncharacteristically silent. “Well, what do you think?”
His eyes flickered to theirs before falling to the limestone brick beneath their feet—those damned pretty eyes. “I don’t know, Cadmus,” he said slowly. “Hearing you say it just now, there are a lot of cracks…”
The dragonborn gave him a sharp look. “Fastidious words for a man of so many debts.”
Kai pursed their lips. Rahim had never mentioned debts. They liked to gamble over cards every now and then, but he never had much to put down.
Still, if he owed someone a large sum, it would only spell trouble further down the road. Better to nip it in the bud now, for both their sakes. After all, he’d gotten Kai out of plenty of rough patches. It was their turn to return the favor.
“So,” Cadmus said, “Are you ready to begin?
Kadmus heaved a sigh, then met his acid-green eyes unflinching. “Yep. Let’s make it happen.”
The servant’s uniform turned out to be more comfortable than Kai expected. The undershirt was made of linen dyed a dark shade of indigo, the vest and pants fitted but breathable. Cadmus had guessed their measurements rather well. Rahim’s, on the other hand, seemed to fit too tightly. He wouldn’t stop pulling at his sleeves and collar, even well after Cadmus left them to make their way to the manor. When they were about a block out, Kai finally gave in to the urge to slap his hand away.
“Stop that, will you? People will think you have lice or something.”
His expression went taut, eyes fixed straight ahead to the busy street before them, chock full of well-dressed nobles and carefully maintained walkways. “Sorry,” he muttered. “Just not used to wearing this sort of thing.”
“Well, get used to it. You’re good at blending in. Just…try to look like you’re really good at pretending you love to wipe someone else’s ass for a living.”
Normally, that would have at least cracked a smile, but Rahim merely clenched his jaw a little tighter.
“What’s up with you?”
Finally, he turned to look at them, and something in his expression caught Kai off guard. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Why didn’t you tell me you had gambling debts?”
His expression turned to stone. “What, were you going to offer to pay them off for me? With what coin?”
Kai bristled at that. “Fine then, don’t tell me.”
Rahim regarded them for a moment, then sighed. “Look, just got a bit reckless with my money is all. Nothing for you to worry about.”
“So long as we get paid, right?”
His throat bobbed. “You don’t have to do this on my behalf, you know. Could still bow out if you wanted.”
Kai thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. “Could. Don’t see why I would. If things go south, just drop the damned jewelry and run. We’ll ditch Camdus and find someone to fence the fake. Or we’ll find work elsewhere. Either way, I’ll make sure your debt is paid.”  
Rahim turned his attention back to the path forward, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as they walked the final stretch to the Jannath’s manor. He didn’t say another word until they’d rounded their way to the back of the building where the servant’s entrance was located.
“You’ve got the decoy?” he asked in a hushed whisper.
In lieu of an answer, Kai pulled open their pants pocket so he could see the false rubies glint in the sunlight.
He heaved a sigh and nodded. “Alright then. Listen, I don’t care what Cadmus said: They don’t have to catch you for this to work, alright? Just lead them away. I’ll clear out fast as I can, promise.”
Kai’s mouth ticked up in a smile, and they leaned in to press a quick kiss on his lips. “You worry too much.”
Rahim regarded them with a burning stare, then tilted his head down to capture their mouth in another kiss, this one longer and more sensual, his tongue pressed warm against the seam of their lips. When he pulled back, Kai followed, almost tempted by the notion of abandoning this entire scheme and finding a shed to rut in instead. Almost.
“Bye then, love,” he hummed against their ear. “See you on the other side.”
He turned to slip inside the manor, never once looking back.
Kai’s boots collided hard with the pavement, like sparks rattling the grill of a stove. Sweat poured down their brow, and they could feel themselves sweating through the thin fabric of their shirt. The uniform’s vest had long been abandoned, dropped in the middle of the street as a bread crumb for the Fists to follow as they pursued them through the city. They’d taken the bait, and managed to track Kai all the way to the harbor before finally meeting them at a dead end.  
Really, Kai had let them catch up. Despite Rahim’s assurance that they didn’t need to get caught for the plan to work, they just couldn’t resist a chance to rub it in the Fists’ face that the goons had no grounds for an arrest. While Kai sprinted through the streets of the Gate, they’d pictured themselves smashing those glass rubies, proving that for once, they were the picture of innocence.  
But of course, something had to go wrong.
See, Kai had the whole thing planned out. They would run to the end of the dead end street, look up with pretend horror at the unsurpassable wall blocking their way, then slowly turn to the guards in pursuit, hands thrust in the air as if they’d just played their last card, only to pull one more from their sleeve when they least expected it.
“I didn’t steal anything, I swear!” Kai said, voice trembling with mock fear.
“Tyr’s bleeding arse you did,” one burly guard spat back. “Empty your pockets and we’ll see.”
It was only then that Kai let a sly smile spread across their face as they pulled the necklace from their pocket and dangled it in the air between them, giving it a quick jingle for good measure. “Is this what you were looking for? Well, too bad. It’s just a fake. See?” The necklace fell with a clatter to the stones. Kai lifted their leg, and delivered a decisive strike to one of the overly large rubies with the hard heel of their boot, the force of it enough to shatter glass.
Except it didn’t shatter.
When they lifted their heel, the necklace remained intact.
Confused, Kai lifted their leg again, ready to strike another blow at the trinket, but then they felt the Weave slither like a serpent around them, and their body came to a standstill.
“That’s enough of that,” came a familiar, lizard-like voice.
Kai couldn’t move a single limb. They didn’t even have the wherewithal to grimace past the spell’s hold as Cadmus appeared from amidst the throng of guards. They could only watch as the dragonborn fixed them with a smile that bore disgusting resemblance to the cat who got the canary, toothy and predatory. With a delicate hand, he reached down to retrieve the necklace from beneath their foot, taking a moment to study it in the sunlight before turning back to the guards.
“Well, I must commend the Flaming Fists for a job well done,” he crooned, the words dripping like poison from his scaly lips. “It seems you’ve caught the thief after all. I’m sure Lady Jannath will be pleased to see such a fine heirloom returned to her after being parted for so long.”
Kai felt their heart seize in their chest. What did that mean, “for so long?” They’d only just stolen it today.
Cadmus passed the necklace to one of the guards, who regarded it with a skeptical look.
“Everything should be in order,” Cadmus insisted. “Note the initials near the clasp? They belong to that of Lady Jannath’s great grandmother, the original owner.”
A few of the guards exchanged glances. “It certainly does appear to match her description.”
“I imagine the family will have no trouble confirming the provenance,” he continued. “After all, it is a rather unique item. The thief must have been quite the fool, to think they’d be able to sell such a recognizable piece. Even the most reckless fence wouldn’t dare take it on.”
Kai felt anger boil over in their chest. The pieces were falling into place. Of course something like that wouldn’t be easy to unload. And if the necklace was stolen “so long” ago…This wasn’t a heist—it was a setup.
It all made sense now—why Cadmus had approached a couple of lowlife thieves for an Upper City job, the need for a decoy, why Rahim had been ready to jump out of his own skin all day while claiming it was an “easy” job.
Kai could see him then—that edged look in his eye when he looked at them, the way he’d frozen up at the mention of a debt, how he’d offered them a way out at the last minute, the way he’d kissed them goodbye. He knew. All this time, he’d been planning to sell them out, and Kai was so busy staring at those pretty eyes, they hadn’t even seen it…
 All those nights, they’d spent together, all that sweet talk about lavender eyes, all the times he’d called them “love,” as if that word ever meant a fucking thing to him. It was all a baldfaced lie.
Kai wanted to scream, to tear their way through the circle of guards with their bare hands and come out bloody on the other side, to stalk Rahim to whatever dark hole he’d crawled into and demand an explanation, then rip his tongue out through his ass when it inevitably fell flat.
And to think, Kai had almost convinced themselves that bastard actually cared about them, fuck, loved them even. Shows what they knew.
Kai felt something hot fall over their cheek. At first, they thought it was the start of another spell. Then their vision started to blur, and they realized they were in fact crying. Having no control over their muscles, the tears simply came until they were streaming down their face. Gods, they must have looked pathetic.
Then, as if the day couldn’t have gotten any worse, a scream resounded from the next street over. Kai only just managed to slide their eyes up to witness the strange, hulking almagamation of flesh and sinew screaming through the sky before it brushed one of its slimy tentacles across their tear-streamed face.
They couldn’t even suck in a frightened breath before the ground fell away, and the world went black.  
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simmetrycal · 2 months
that’s what i like ༉‧₊˚.
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a glimpse into chantelle and oaklynns relationship, accompanied by ash who’s got nothing better to do than to third wheel.
word count: 5.7k wow
a/n: i just be writing! (not proofread) ((asher solace of solace enterprises is my very best friend))
chantelle tapped her foot against the glossy marble tiles in front of the cafe “Little Dove”. for a coffee shop that is owned by and literally on the second floor of the company, the service still isn’t quick enough. and the coffee itself is mediocre at best. there was a line of about seven people in front of chantelle, all waiting to pick up their drinks.
chantelle knew all of the employees in front of her. some worked in the call center, some in finance, some in marketing. even a fellow secretarian. she looked around, more of her colleagues at the tiny tables with their laptops and cups.
she noticed hans working silently to himself before agnes comes up to him. they spew insults at each other, aiming to offend and hurt.
the scoop on agnes and hans is always fresh on everyone’s ears. their drama never ceases— the rivalry still and perhaps always will be a flame that never goes out. it isn’t a romantic flame at all, don’t get it twisted, they fight because they’re after the same person.
rahim abboud. he’s from syria and he’s in tech support. he’s probably the funniest guy chantelle’s known at the company (don’t tell ash.) everytime she has trouble with hers or ash’s computer, he’s there. he does a silly accent to mock stereotypical tech support scammers, who tend to also be brown men.
none of which look like him of course— rahim had a smile that makes crowds literally buckle at the knees. his chiseled jaw and perfect skin and hair could also be that of a model. he almost looked a little too handsome in chantelle and ash’s opinion. though, he did own quite a nice mercedes.
hans o’neil is absolutely nuts for him. he’s not allowed to have water on his desk anymore on account of how many times he’s “spilled it” on his computer just so he could call rahim to him. agnes does the same shit only with the marketing teams phones and answering machines.
point is; they both fight over him like he’s a piece of meat and they’re starving hyenas. the two are always at each others throats.
like right now.
“run out of dry shampoo, grease trap?” hans snides at the auburn haired woman who was across his little cafe table. chantelle pursed her lips closed as she tried not to laugh, moving up in the pick up line.
“oh yeah you’re one to talk, you probably used it all on your dry ass white hair.”
agnes’ comebacks weren’t super great but she spits them with such venom that it’s enough to be hurtful.
everyone used to think hans has albinism but it turns out he’s just very, shockingly platinum. he reminds chantelle of those beautiful white hares with the red eyes. anyhow, agnes’ comment flew right past hans as he pretended she didn’t exist anymore. the classic ‘out of sight, out of mind’.
she interpreted that as her winning, so she sashayed away confidently with a hair flip over her shoulder and a “hmph!”
someone cleared their throat in front of chantelle, surprising her. she was at the wooden counter, finally.
“good morning, what can i get you?” a blue haired individual with a visor and apron asked.
“morning, pick up order for chantelle?”
the barista’s eyes widened. “oh my god, i’m so sorry! you’re chairman solaces’ secretary! let me get that for you right away!” they scrambled around, looking for the order for their utmost superior- hoping this wouldn’t get them fired.
chantelle politely urged them it was no rush, even though the more she thought about it, she realized she’d been in this long line for about thirty minutes now. the barista came back with a paper bag and a drink holder.
chantelle tipped and took the bag that had her boss’s bagel and the drink holder, making her way back up the elevator, away from the pity little dove establishment this company owns.
right as she got in and the doors were about to close, she saw hans running up to her with his closed laptop and to-go cup, his blue-strapped lanyard dancing with his jogs.
she stuck a foot out to stop the door sensors to let him in.
“phew! thank you.” he says breathlessly to chantelle before using his knuckle to press the floor number he was on his way to. floor 29, finance.
“good morning, hans.” she replies gracefully. chantelle and hans have gotten to be better acquaintances now that ash has been barking up raymond’s tree about the whole mystery girl situation. ash and her have frequented the finance floor more these past few weeks than ever.
“can you believe that trifling skank?” he runs a hand through his perfectly neat and short powder white hair.
“agnes thinks she’s hot shit. but really she’s just a dirty bitch.” hans rolls his eyes and sips his warm drink.
“mhm, tell me about it.”
“oh! i’ll tell you about it!”
chantelle chuckled, she was merely playing along but she knows this shorter boy is about to open a can of drama in this elevator. who was chantelle to be opposed to hearing it? so she avidly tuned in.
at her big, beautiful mahogany desk, chantelle ate her breakfast burrito and checked her emails, waiting for ash to return from his meetings.
many people assume ash goofs off all day, and while that is partly true, he does actually maintain his duties of a chairman. he keeps up with all his responsibilities and he attends all the mandatory meetings.
she knows he’s upstairs in the board’s conference room playing one sided footsies under the table with the unsuspecting ceo (who is always being replaced). he calls all the chair members “The Bored” instead of the board. it makes chantelle laugh.
she took another bite of her burrito whilst looking at her itinerary for the day. her heart warmed when she saw a particular reminder.
today is her and oaklynn’s four year anniversary!
this morning she stopped by jerichos place because the two had a family night there yesterday. it was a bit of a drive but she didn’t mind. she delivered yellow tulips to a groggy jericho as apparently the princess was still getting her beauty sleep. chantelle couldn’t wipe the smile off her face as she got in her car and came to work.
tomorrow was a national holiday, so no work and her and oaklynn were going to make the absolute most out of it. they had reservations to go to a lavish new italian restaurant “Casa Bellissima” which took months to get a spot.
she texted ash the other day saying thank you. it was him after all who pulled some strings for them to get a reservation for tonight.
then after dinner, they were going to the movies to catch challengers again. oaklynn was extremely excited but chantelle, after seeing it once, was simply only going for the sake of her happy girlfriend.
and finally, at chantelle’s apartment tonight, they both know exactly what sort of late night activity they’d do. eager to go for however long they want and sleep in the next morning.
chantelle snapped out of her rose colored daydreaming when she heard the familiar ding of the elevator.
“good morning, sir.” she stood up and greeted, watching him make his way to the giant doors to her right- his office. he didn’t notice her at first and changed his resting face to something high energy.
“oh my gosh! i had no idea you were here yet!” he said excitedly, knowing it’s her big day. but like a dog, he spotted treats, “is that for me?”
ash hurries over to her desk to grab his bagel and frappe, setting down the heavy binder that was in his hands. it was surely filled with new tasks wayne gave him at the meeting.
sometimes chantelle didn’t speak until spoken to, and ash knew this. a trait about her he was desperately trying to bend, even after all these years. he does this by asking her as many questions as he can.
“how do you feel?”
“good,” she says simply. “really good.”
his face warms with a genuine yet goofy smile. “yeah? did you see oaklynn this morning?”
“well, i tried to go see her but she wasn’t home. then i remembered it was family night so i went to her cousins house and she was still sleeping. i delivered some flowers.” she blushed. hard.
“awwwe!! that is too cute!” ash gushed, leaning over to mess up her hair. something she hated.
her blonde bob was back, per ash’s request. he loves choosing her hair and as a white man, he feels like he’s apart of something bigger.
chantelle always lets him and she’d never tell him it’s not doing what he thinks it is. at least, not again— she told him once.
“the black community is not going to give you a medal for knowing these hairstyles.” she blurted once when ash said something about her getting goddess faux locs for her next hair appointment.
he was sad and didn’t come out of his office all day out of embarrassment. chantelle ended up getting her hair done on company hours to come back and surprise him at the end of the day with the exact style he was talking about. it occurred to her then that ash was actually fashion saint and knew what he was doing. she never doubted his advice ever again.
he was overjoyed and gave her a big hug. he even took pictures of her because of how lovely he thought she looked. later they went on her instagram.
chantelle smoothed out her shiny bob that ash just ruffled, laying her hands down over it repeatedly.
ash giggled and made his way to his big office with a cityscape view. chantelle followed in suit with a clipboard of his printed schedule.
she noticed he had a meeting today in 45 minutes with finance’s director. wondering if it was actually to see reports or to have another chitchat with raymond.
“oh! guess who i ran into today,” she starts.
ash sits in his spinny chair and turns to look at her with surprise. “who?” he was probably expecting something crazier than she was about to say, palming a fidget toy.
“hans.” she explains, handing him a tiny paper cup of water and his adderal pill.
he downed it in a second and tossed the cup into a little trash receptacle. “oh. oh…! did he have anything to say about agnes?” ash is hilariously obsessed with the whole hans-agnes-rahim love triangle. it’s been going on for a while too.
“did he! oh my lord,” chantelle chuckles and takes a seat on the opposing couch to tell her boss everything hans spilled in the elevator earlier.
all about the weekend lake party that marketing threw to celebrate their new manager. the funniest part to chantelle was the fact that the team fully didn’t invite the manager.
she laughed hard when hans explained it. apparently the guy is old and grumpy and wouldn’t approve of a party. but the team threw one anyway for morale.
anyhow, agnes invited rahim and in turn rahim brought along hans. it was a shit show, hans said. but the lake was absolutely stunning. he recommended it to chantelle.
(i’ll write the lake shit show separately)
˚ · .
“what time is your reservation again?” ash said as he watched chantelle clock out. he clocked out himself twenty minutes ago but he likes to walk her to her car when she parks outside down the street. the sun will set soon and he doesn’t like women walking alone in the city.
why she doesn’t just park in the underground garage baffles him.
“uh, at like 9:30.” she looks at her watch. it was four hours til.
“i was thinking..” he says, hesitating because he doesn’t want her to freak out. “hear me out.”
“can you and possum come with me to visit the lake?” he refers to oaklynn as “possum” because he thinks she looks exactly like one.
she scoffed and clicked auto start when they got close enough to her camry. “why?”
ash tsked. explaining how sad and lonely and bored he is, and that the idea of going to the lake told by hans retold by chantelle sounded intriguing.
it’s true. lately he really has been sad and lonely and bored.
especially lonely.
caroline, a friend of a friend invited to one of ash’s parties, got tangled up in bed with him. ash, abandoning his celibacy, fell for her hard after mere days of them getting to know each other.
she wasn’t into relationships but ash didn’t get the message right away. not until she had to spell it out for him. needless to say he ended things, despite being completely head over heels over her. he can’t allow himself to fall more in love with someone who doesn’t feel the same way.
he’s called many of his girlfriends and boyfriends “the one”. caroline was no different. he heals and copes in his own way and soon enough, the ash we all know and love will bounce back.
chantelle knows all about ash’s recent heartbreak. he won’t shut up about it, at least not for the next week or so. and he’s been filling up his schedule 24/7 so he doesn’t have any time to linger on emotions. which, granted, is unhealthy to do.
chantelle thought about it for a moment as she got in her car and rolled down the window to look at him.
“fine. but only for an hour. and pick us up.”
ash moved aside her pointed, manicured finger in his face with a wave and laugh. “you have my word.”
˚ · .
the lake was huge and beautiful and vast, just like hans made it out to be. much more vast than any of them thought.
the half hour drive there was pleasant too, ash played music he knew is favorite lesbians would love. he brought chairs and firewood and swim trunks. hoping he could speedrun all his fun in the short hour deadline chantelle gave him.
he parked and the girls got out, taking a look around. it was getting pretty dark already and with darkness came the cold.
surely, the lake had cooled down to a temperature that none of them would like, but it didn’t stop ash from zooming past chantelle and oaklynn with light speed toward the water. he ran onto the wooden platform and jumped dramatically in.
ash surfaced immediately, comically freezing. if it were a cartoon he’d be blue and icy, bobbing in the water with his teeth chattering.
“jesus!” he yells, swimming around to try to get used to it but the water was just too nippy. oaklynn was cackling at the whole scene but chantelle was just irritated.
she went back to his car to find the foldable chairs and brought them out. placing them upright in front of a firepit.
she chuckled but it was more of a scoff— even outside of work chantelle found herself assisting her boss. she also brought ash’s towel and laid it out on a chair to get warm by the fire oaklynn began to make.
oaklynn is very outdoorsy. she used to be a girlscout and her favorite hobbies are hiking and mushroom picking. not to mention she’s a florist.
ash tried swimming around for at least a few more minutes but before he knew it, he was running out, frigid and shaky. he darted to his fluffy blue towel that was warm and cozy and started to smell like campfire smoke. he wrapped it around himself and sat down with satisfaction and comfort.
“knew that wasn’t a good idea.” oaklynn said with a giggle at ash.
“what.. do you.. mean? i.. had.. so much.. fun!” he said between teeth chatters, his cheeks and eyelashes glistening with drops.
they all chatted there around the fire for a good amount of time. well, chantelle was mostly silent while her chatty girlfriend conversed with her boss.
oaklynn and ash are well adjusted friends now, they’re past all the formalities. ash used to talk so much about professional subjects like work and networking and whatnot, but he dropped the act once he realized oaklynn wasn’t for it.
she’s into genuine, real conversations about things like hobbies and shared experiences. her storytelling is unmatched, going on and on about every little detail about childhood or trips or mishaps. the way she can entrance and keep someone on the edge of their seats, eager to hear her next words, was something chantelle wished she had more of in her.
ash developed love for the two being together and would be absolutely heartbroken if they ever broke up. more heartbroken than either of them maybe.
once ash was dry and clothed again, he got out skewers and a pack of hotdogs from the trunk.
“did you bring buns?” chantelle asks, looking around and seeing just the skewers and sausages.
ash was speechless, his mouth hung open a little as he remembered he completely forgot to bring the hotdog buns he left on the counter.
“of course you didn’t.”
“hey..” oaklynn says, extending her little hand out to touch chantelle’s shoulder. “it’s fine, don’t worry about it.”
“yeah tellie don’t worry about it!”
something about ash, especially when he called her that, made chantelle even more irritated. she looked at the time on her phone.
8:01 pm
she tsked and tried her best to remain unaffected. “we should probably head back soon.”
“nah,” ash says, also noticing the hour. “we have plenty of time! here, let’s make these weenies!”
ash loves hotdogs. even when they don’t have a bun or chilli slathered all over it, he still enjoys them. but often times, he drops them. if the floor or counter is his own, he’ll 5 second rule it. but, here, on this sandy, dirty earth floor, he doesn’t risk it.
one fell after another, making oaklynn lose her shit from laughing at him across the fire. the hotdogs covered in dirt and twigs and soot rolling away from him on the ground took her out.
his fourth hotdog dropping was chantelle’s breaking point.
“just fucking-“ she grabs the pack of hotdogs from him, rips open the plastic, and stabs a skewer through one. handing that to him before she stormed away to sit in the car by herself.
…“what’s got her so worked up?” was the last thing she heard distantly from ash’s mouth to her girlfriend as she slammed the door shut. it irritated her even more.
“i-“ oaklynn says, turning to ash from staring at the car. she had no idea if chantelle is looking back at them, the windows are tinted probably an illegal amount. they’re completely opaque black. “i don’t know. she’s never usually like this.”
“everything ive been doing since we got here has pissed her off. i mean, this morning she was so happy.”
oaklynn shrugs, worried about her girl. after all it’s their anniversary, you’d think she’d be super joyful and laid back today. but, come to think of it…
“do you remember last year?” oaklynn asks ash, recalling their last anniversary. ash wasn’t present of course but he knows what happened.
one of chantelle’s brothers showed up at her place asking her if he could stay with her. he isn’t the best person, though. his lifestyle is extraordinarily different than hers. chantelle, strong and intelligent and passionate, found her way in life by hard work and honesty. her brother jamal however, has gotten by with many.. many cut corners. he’s no stranger to the streets and he’s been on parole more times than you can count on one hand.
chantelle didn’t know how to react when she opened the door to jamal. he just stood there, chin up acting like he wasn’t in desperate need of her help. acting like a thug even though chantelle knows deep down he isn’t one. she’s known him so well ever since they were little.
oaklynn was in the kitchen at a barstool, unbeknownst to what was going at the door. she didn’t even know who was there. one moment, her girlfriend is cooking a loving homemade brisket dinner for her, the next she’s yelling at someone behind a heavy, shut front door.
when she came in again, her older brother trailed behind her, following her into the nice apartment.
“wow.. this what you been doing away from home?” he said, his way of complimenting. “you makin a bag, huh?”
she never responded. not wanting to even remember her old life with her family in miami.
“oaklynn,” she cleared her throat, looking anywhere but her girlfriends eyes. “this is jamal, my brother.”
“what’s good?” he says, giving her a head nod instead of a handshake, even though oaklynn tried greeting him with one. her pale hand dropped to her lap when she realized he wasn’t going to extend his.
the whole night chantelle was tense. nothing happened, but she still cut the food with frustration. still eyed the door like some other man she used to know would walk in. the stress displayed on her face the whole time they ate their anniversary dinner. which was odd, because the year prior they did the same thing but they were excited and happy and free. oaklynn swallowed the lump in her throat and pushed away the mere idea of the tension being related to their relationship. she was and is and forever will be in love with the woman that is chantelle.
jamal’s presence brought chantelle’s entire mood down, replacing her fluffy white cloud with a dark, rainy one. despite it all oaklynn still kissed her goodnight when the two parted, and she told her how much she loved her. how much she’ll always love her- stressed out and all.
ash bit his lip as they talked about it. feeling like an asshole. this was their day, and while oaklynn certainly doesn’t mind company, it’s apparent that chantelle does. he gave her his word that it would only be one hour.
she was being kind and polite coming here with him because of how alone he’s been, but the way he prolonged their hour into now two hours was wildly inconsiderate of him.
he dug around in his athletic shorts pocket for his keys. after finding them he clicked the button, starting his car from all the way over by the fire.
only, it didn’t start.
that’s odd..
he’ll start it when they pack up and put the fire out he guesses. but once they’ve done that and theyre all packed into the audi, his start button just won’t turn the engine over.
he kept pushing it and the car sounded horrible.
“wait right here.” he says and exits the car, coming up to the front to pop the hood.
when he does he realizes he has no fucking clue why did that. he knows absolutely nothing about engines. nothing about what he’s looking at. the whole reason why he bought a luxury german car was so that he didn’t ever have to worry about the engine. it’s meant to be reliable.
but at the end of the day. it’s a car. it’s not never going to break.
oaklynn comes out and quietly stands beside ash. they’re silent for a moment while he pretends like he knows what he’s looking at, his hands planted on his hips like a concerned father.
“..should i call jer?” she says after a long moment of them staring at the engine.
“your mechanic cousin?”
oaklynn nods, “mhm! he actually lives outside of town too so he’s in the area.”
ash bit the inside of his cheek after he agreed. he’s never met jericho but he’s heard about him. oaklynn has tried to get them to come to a few of ash’s parties but he never showed up.
“i’ll call him,” oaklynn says as she pulls out her phone, walking away to get a smidge of privacy.
ash shuts the hood and sighs, thinking of this mystery mechanic.
if all goes well, maybe ash could become this jericho guys’ new regular. he had a tiny crack in his windshield he was hoping to get fixed soon, that’d be a good opportunity for a potential return.
oaklynn came back, crunching the gravel with her yellow flip flops. she told ash he was on his way and will be here in a few minutes with tools.
“he must be quite the gentleman. i’ll have to pay him generously.”
“oh don’t bother,” she waved it off. “they won’t accept any money, especially if the situation has anything to do with me.”
“doesn’t except money huh?” ash wiggled his brows. “i’ll have to pay him in another way.” he joked, pushing his tongue to his cheek and moving his balled up hand back and forth.
oaklynn laughed her cheeky, loud laugh and slapped his arm playfully at him mocking a blowjob. “you fucking freeeakk!” she yelled.
ash squinted with his smiles and held his arm, acting like her short frame could ever do any real harm to him. in fact he barely even felt her slap at all.
he noticed oaklynns grin fade away and he followed her line of vision. it was chantelle- she was out of the car and walking to the lake in frustration.
the time was 8:38, they’d surely miss the reservation and have to give up their table. not to mention it would set back the time they set aside to go to the movies.
“you should go talk to her.” oaklynn says.
“what? no, she doesn’t want to deal with me right now, i can tell. you go possum, you’re her partner.”
he turns to look at her, prying his eyes away from chantelle’s moody silhouette at the lake. “yeah?”
it didn’t take much convincing, plopping his jingly keys into the little hand of the woman beside him. as he walked up to his assistant he heard the sound of a car pulling up on the gravel.
it took everything in him not to just ditch chantelle and run up to the gorgeous, glossed, blacked out car with a wing that just arrived. he didn’t even know what kind of car it was. he had to force himself to turn his head away as a boy in a black hoodie stepped out to greet their cousin.
right now, his focus was chantelle, and nothing else. he willed the world to fade away around them so he could comfort her. because at the end of the day, she was not only his secretary but his real friend.
it didn’t look it though with the way she glared at him through wet lashes. “what?” she grunts, keeping her composure the best she could.
“i’ll get you another reservation at casa bellissima.”
she doesn’t reply.
not even after a few minutes. ash struggles to find the right words, getting distracted every other second because he so desperately wants to look behind him and see this mysterious mechanic cousin of oaklynn’s hook up jumper cables to his audi. he oh so wishes he could help.
“it’s not about the restaurant.” she finally speaks, waking him out of his daze.
“what’s up then?”
chantelle sighs. “i just wanted this night to go perfect. to spend time alone with oaklynn..” she says, gesturing her hands.
“the way i see it,” he treads carefully, knowing he isn’t the best with reassuring words. “this night hasn’t been so bad. i mean yeah my car died but you’ll still get to go home with her. look, we’re saved.” ash motions to jericho. “you’re not stuck here with your obnoxious boss all night.”
“you’re not obnoxious,” she replies with a slight laugh.
“don’t lie,” he chuckles back, skipping a smooth stone perfectly across the lake. it goes for nine jumps.
he hands another smooth one to chantelle. hers only skips for two jumps before failing and drowning down to the bottom.
another sigh escaped her, this time more relaxed. “i was.. going to propose tonight. i have the ring on the dresser next to the dress i was going to wear.”
ash’s jaw drops and he finds her hand immediately, squeezing it. “oh my god, are you serious?”
she smiles and her free hand goes up to her teary, mascara ruined bottom lashes.
ash wipes them for her with his thumb. “i’m so sorry, i would have never kept you guys like this if i had known.”
“i know, i know.”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“because..” she looks at the lake again and takes her hand away from his loving yet tight grip. “i know how you are. you’re going to want to pick my hair and pick my ring and pick everything. sometimes i just have to tell you after it’s all said and done because that way.. you’re happy for me with no conditions.”
“i’m always happy for you, chantelle.” he shakes his head and shuts his eyes. “god, im so sorry and you’re right. i know i unintentionally micro manage.”
“it’s in your nature, you can’t help it.”
it’s silent for a moment before she restarts. “that was rude- i didn’t mean it that way. i meant to say i would never ask you to change. you’re yourself, and i love you, asher.”
he swallowed and laughed as he realized a tear fell down his cheek. “i’m supposed to be comforting you, girl. come here.”
he pulled chantelle into a movie-scene like hug. it was long, and warm, and strong. only pulling away so that ash could scrub his face- getting rid of his teary eyes so he could walk up this gravel with chantelle and meet this guy.
“she’ll say yes, by the way. i know it.” he whispers.
as they walked up, ash’s heart took a nose dive straight to his dick after seeing oaklynn’s cousin, completely taking him out of the warm, platonic moment just shared second ago.
he made a noise to which chantelle got startled by. it was like a shocked gasp-laugh.
“how long has oaklynn been concealing this absolute stud muffin?!” he whisper shouted to her. chantelle just hit his arm, her way of silently telling him “shut up!”
“hey!” jericho waves, one of his hands wearing a black rubber glove, the other bare. “sick a4 you have here, what’s her name?”
ash winces in embarrassment. “name?”
“don’t you name your cars?” he smiles. ash feels himself fold at the sight.
“n-no.. should i?”
“absolutely. this is cobra, for example.”
oh my god, ash thinks. it’s even cooler up close. there’s a few dents in the body but since it’s black it’s hardly noticeable. the shape was so fluid and compact and looked vastly different from his own, heavier sedan.
“what is it?” he wonders out loud, taking it all in.
“a ‘95 rx-7. she’s a little dinged up,” jericho rubs the roof of it lovingly, it’s definitely his daily. “you should see my supra, it’s a beast.”
this guy is totally carsexual. he’s got more than one? and ash has no clue what he’s talking about. “supra?”
jericho purses his lips together to not smile. ash was a complete noob. “i’ll show you sometime.”
they introduce themselves and shake hands. to which ash forgets to let go, too focused on looking at the scar running through his eyebrow as he’s close enough to see it. it was jagged but long since healed over— totally badass.
meanwhile jericho took in ash’s appearance. sapphire eyes, inky black hair, and a single mole below his bottom lip to the right. handsome was an understatement.
once jericho finally got ash’s car started, they bid their adieu. but not before he smoothly gave ash the address to the shop he half owns and works at. “in case anything else happens to your cruelly unnamed ride” they had said.
ash put his hands on his cheeks. treating his fingers like water and his face was fire— attempting to put out all this heat. he wasn’t used to being the one getting talked up.
he typically did the talking. he was the one who was supposed to be charismatic and charming and smooth. but here he was, driving his friends back without a word out of his usually chatty mouth.
“you should bring jericho around more often so ash stays quiet like this,” chantelle said to oaklynn who was sat in the backseat.
“oh shut up,” ash managed to get out, pulling into chantelle’s apartment complex parking lot. he parked in the handicap spot effortlessly and got an earful from miss righteous planet-loving 5 foot nothing. how’s the weather down there? is his go-to response with her.
as oaklynn headed in, chantelle got hung up by ash. his tinted window rolled down and her leaning into it. “are you going to do it tonight?” he asks.
chantelle avoids his gaze. she shrugs and smiles, “if the timing is right.”
“oh cmon, the timing is always right. you guys are meant to be.”
chantelle said goodbye after ash told her he better see a ring on her finger the next time she clocks into work.
he hopes it’s a large shiny rock but knowing chantelle, she’ll be wearing a simple gold band on her own finger. it’s oaklynn who’ll have a little beautiful stone.
on his drive home, ash daydreams about getting a ring for someone one day. how he’d go all out and spoil the shit out of some lucky person. he’d drop a brick on something so extravagant just because he can and it’d put everyone else to shame.
coincidentally the radio began playing that’s what i like by bruno mars and he started laughing. this annoying ass, corny song was ash’s anthem he thought. or would be his anthem if he had a special someone to spoil.
he finds himself also thinking of names for his audi, just so he could see jericho again.
˚ · .
as always jericho copyright dylan :-) TY for reading!
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mimbletonias · 3 years
rahim and dove.
This is not her scene, admittedly. Dove has come for their family and because their mind has started to find danger at every corner. An event like this — is it not like asking for disaster? She looks at her father with his broad smile, greeting students and holding their mother’s hand and all Dove can see is disaster. The world is cruel. The world is cruel, she knows that, and these Ministry employees keeping an eye out do nothing to quell her worries. Dove moves around. Stomps, even, holding magical candyfloss that had been bought for her by Neville who had thought it hilarious. 
Dove has no intention of eating it and she detaches from her family, stomping more. Her fingers curl around her wand in her pocket. Perhaps it’s because she expects a fight that she itches for one. As their gaze falls on Rahim, distant colleague and continuous annoyance standing in line of one of the food stamps, they join the queue. Dove feels anger curling in her body, anger because she cannot feel at peace when she knows her father walks around this place when people in similar positions of power had been murdered not too long ago. Dove shoves the candyfloss forward, entangling sugary sweet pink with the back of Rahim’s head and his hair. “Oops.” As he turns, she lets go of the stick holding the candyfloss up and it half-sticks to him, half falls on the ground. “Didn’t see you there.”
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potterinspoarchive · 4 years
rahim: i owe you my life.
dove: no thanks. i’ve seen it, and i’m not impressed.
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thirdwars · 4 years
“ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” ( dove & rahim )
Dove’s lips curl into a victorious grin. “Good,” she says. And then, she approaches Rahim, noses near touching as she glowers at him. “You had better mean it, though. Get the fuck out of my life and don’t come back.” It’s a strange way to end this feud, she thinks, with him just leaving, with him announcing it. Anticlimactic, perhaps: she always figured one of them would kill the other, either out of anger, frustration or revenge. Part of her still itches for her wand, for some violence, for something more than this exchange of words. She steps back, looks Rahim up and down. “If I ever do see you again,” she begins, her words icy and slow, a drawl. As if she wants to postpone the end of this. For years, this rivalry has fed her, has allowed her to direct her anger at someone not innocent, per se, but at least not the most guilty. “I’ll kill you.” It’s a promise. It’s also her proving that maybe she’s the evilest one out of the pair of them, that despite her calling him a monster for years and years, she’s the vicious one. He, the healer, she, the murderer. Of course, they have both healed and maimed, but it seems the former comes natural to Rahim, whereas the latter fits Dove like a glove. “So go. Fucking run, but don’t you ever dare to come back.”
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thatgirlinskullz · 2 years
Love, Victor Season 3 ***SPOILERS** (and final thoughts i guess)
-- idk how much detail i'll go into but still, you have been warned...
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okay.. so... this season was unfortunately a bit underwhelming.. idk why, but i feel like there were no real stakes this time? no real, "drama drama", you know? like, everything we see here has been done before in the show, and it's just a back-and-forth between will Mia move or not, will Felix be with Pilar or Lake or neither.. will Victor and Benji end up together.. it's a will they-won't they on all fronts but it's not as effective as it was before. and i can't really put my finger on why that actually is..
i also feel like the reduced episode count from 10 to 8 hinders the season.. there could have been a lot more drama and a lot more heavy stuff and actual complications if they had that extra 2 episodes.
but then again, i DO LOVE a LOT about this season, and the show overall..
firstly: Felix is still the most adorable human being and he must be protected at all costs!!! ❤️❤️❤️
LOVED how Lake didn't define herself as Bi or Gay or anything right away, she's still figuring stuff out, and that's 100% valid and she does not need a label to be with anyone!!!
wished they had dove more into Lucy and her relationship tho...
loved her breakthrough with her mom, too, even tho it was brief and she pretty much never shows up again xD
LOVED what they did with Rahim, and how they explored a bit more about him, but i do feel they could have done more.. i kinda wish Victor made the school give Rahim the "bravery award" instead of him. i feel like Rahim deserves it a lot more for a lot of reasons..
i really LOVED how they tried to explore more of Benji's past and anxieties and addiction issues... i say tried because it wasn't enough.. again, having those extra 2 episodes could have helped with this.. i wish we had seen him actually talk to his parents and not just learn that he did in the last minutes of the finale...
i really LOVE how they allowed Felix's mom to actually get better, and take care of her son.. she's still struggling, she's still healing, but she is getting better and she's working on it, and she realized how much her son's been dealing with, and really love how they had a little breakup party together. it was adorable!
i LOVED the Salazars and how lovey-dovey they were with each other after they got back together. they are reliving their honeymoon phase and i am here for it!!
Pilar is still cool, and i love her style and attitude and how she stands up for herself... but then again i wish it was addressed that she pretty much wanted to throw herself at Felix just to keep him / spite her parents... someone should have talked to her about that, or she should have admitted how wrong that was..
kinda wished they had brought back Simon for one last cameo this season.. maybe he shows up at the award ceremony after he hears about the award.. or at the carnival.. would have been cool.
i am still very iffy about Mia's parents, tbh... i get where her mom is coming from, to a certain degree, but after saying "she would do anything to get a chance with her daughter" she should have actually done ANYTHING do get a chance with her daughter.. she should have jumped in and saved the day and built an actual relationship with Mia, but nooooo... and then there's her dad, who.. i guess always took care of Mia, financially at least, but has never actually been there.. and yeah, he does allow her to stay and finish school, but he was sooo weird about it and his career still came first, and i get it, again, to a certain degree, but damn.. why do people like this have kids!?! if you're not gonna take care of them, just... don't... but that's me..
i feel like Andrew's devotion to Mia and the "you are my future" bit was a teeny tiny bit overdone. yeah, i'm a romantic, but then again, these are high school kids, who should not be risking everything just to stay together.. it was a bit too much, and i wish we could have explored WHY Andrew is like that.. i feel like there was supposed to be a backstory with him too, about maybe a messy family life or something that's pushing him towards putting 100% focus on Mia and the relationship, idk.. again, those extra 2 episodes could have helped..
didn't really like the whole Victor "casually hooking up in cars" thing. but at least it was with the same guy, so it's not as bad.. i guess.. was kinda scared where the whole "might be an STI" thing was headed for a second, thought it would cause more drama, but i was worried for nothing xD aaand Nick did turn out to be a good guy. yay
and also Nick and Liam are just adorable, and the way Nick was in love at first sight of Liam was just too good!!!
really love how Victor and Felix are still besties, and that they are comfortable enough to lie in bed and talk about everything and even check out each others junk when needed xD they are best friend goals honestly. and i love that their relationship was portrayed the way it was, without any of the typical toxic masculinity between two guy friends, you know?
and i do love that Victor and Benji finally managed to find some common ground and try, together, with complete honesty and just give it another go.. BUT at the same time, when Victor finally said he was fine with being alone, it also could have been soooo powerful to just have him go on the ferris wheel alone, you know? like, he's been through a LOT, he did his best, but he doesn't necessarily need another person to be happy. he can finally be alone and happy and that's okay....
..... buut then Benji shows up xD
which is fine, i like this too, it's just that it's sooo fkin cheesy xD but i guess it has too be, it's a teen show, it has to be cheesy.
also, what's up with Felix and Pilar now?! they're not back together, right?! they're just all "one big happy family"?! xD
also Victor and Pilar's younger brother, who unfortunately i completely forgot the name of, is huuuge wasted potential.. i'm sorry. they could have done a lot with him, but he was barely there. he had like 3 sentences this whole season..
i feel like i've been wwaaaaayyy more critical than i intended to be 😅 , but there's a lot of things that could have been done better, imo. BUT at the same time, i am extremely happy that 1. this show even exists, 2. it got a proper final season and ending!!!! 3. how the overall ending turned out..
this show is overall SO FKIN GOOD!! AND SO FKIN IMPORTANT!!
and honestly, i wish it had gotten a better treatment and more seasons.. it deserved it.. the story and characters deserved it, and honestly the actors too..
Disney putting it back on D+ is a tiny step in the right direction, and i'm glad they did it, but it's also kinda too little too late..
i just hope that with this tiny step more people get to experience this show, and find themselves in it, and it will help people be okay with who they are, or accept others for who they are...
that this tiny step miiighht push disney and/or other studios to do more stuff like this, with more, better, proper, good representation of not just LGBTQIA+ stuff, but different cultures and mental health and other issues...
this show, IS a good step in the right direction, as was Love, Simon, it's just that it needs more love, more attention, and it's definitely not enough.. but we're getting there i guess.
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oswincoleman · 4 years
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Here is an interview with costume designer Rachel Walsh about her work in The Serpent. Unfortunately, I did not find any direct link to the article itself. 
I thought I would point out a few things:
Jenna didn't want to [keep any of her outfits]. She doesn't keep any of her costumes because she associates them with the characters
Jenna has spoken many times before that she prefers to clearly separate her acting roles from her own life. She definitely prefers playing roles that are very different to herself, and doesn't like to wear in private what she wore while playing various roles. That just shows what a great actress she is, that she really pictures her roles as being so very different to herself in every way.
Jenna had revealed in previous interviews that all she took with her from set was a pencil sharpener, the fake newspaper with her and Tahar Rahim as Marie and Charles on the cover, and a little Thai statue. 
The character of Marie-Andrée has the biggest journey. She starts as a meek secretary and turns into this almost Vogue model. And she ends up dying of cancer. Jenna wanted to show that arc [through her wardrobe]. We chose for Marie-Andrée's palette to start very muted, then become Technicolor and finally fade into grey. Her costume she wears in prison is this pale dove grey. It's almost as if she's becoming angelic.
Yes, but Jenna is always angelic. 
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coconutcolors · 3 years
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Victoria Piper
Name: Vaiga Rasha Rahim
Age: 26
Place of Birth: Zahira
Species: Inhuman
Sex: Female
Group Affilation: The Dove Project
After being exiled from Zahira for alleged witchcraft, Victoria was accepted by the Salem Sisterhood to practice her knowledge and spells. But after realizing The Sisterhood was only interested in positive divine energy and not tapping into their full potential, Victoria left and learned to tap into every divine energy on her own. She felt like she was fine on her own but knew she could be doing more. She always wanted to do more.
Powerset: Black Widow Magic, Black Magic, Hexes, Probability Magic, Death/Spirit Magic, Necromancy, Dynakinesis, Flight
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unchosensarchive · 4 years
He wasn’t good with new people - or possibly people at all. Now that Rahim was no longer a trainee, he’d hoped to be allowed to work alone more often. Instead, he’d been stuck with a new mentor as he worked towards being granted Senior Healer status. A Weasley, of all people. And this Weasley in particular, who he had his own reasons for disliking. Rahim would almost prefer to be working with Dove Longbottom - almost. “Healer Weasley,” he greeted, maintaining his removed politeness as he loitered outside her door. Rahim did that a lot at St. Mungo’s, standing in doorways, only committing halfway. “I’ve been continuing Madam Nettle’s round of treatment as you instructed.  Using the method advanced by ...” 
My mother. Rahim wrestled with the competing urges of longing and resentment; upon meeting Victoire’s eyes again, resentment won out. “Your former mentor,” he said instead, bitterness hidden behind a mask of cold neutrality. “Her healing seems to be progressing quickly. You were right. It wasn’t Scrofungulus. The fungus was only her attempt to hide what she’s been up. She’s almost certainly been using dark magic. Should I make a report?” Rahim asked carefully, aware of the dangerous position he was in. Policy was uncertain on that front; St. Mungo’s had a tendency to ask no questions, but things were changing. There was a war brewing. He knew that all too well. 
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namelists · 5 years
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names inspired by: hufflepuff
this list includes names of notable hufflepuffs and names relating to loyalty, trustworthiness, hard work, and peace.
Adiel: Arabic, “just, honest”
Aladdin: Arabic, translate to “faithful”
Aletheia: Greek, “truth”
Amalia: Latin, “hardworking”  
Ami: Hebrew, “trustworthy, reliable”
Amina: Swahili, “trustworthy”
Amnon: Hebrew, translates to “faithful”
Artemesia (Lufkin): Hufflepuff alum, former Minister for Magic
Benigno: Italian/Spanish/Portuguese, “kind, mild”
Benjiro: Japanese, “peaceful”
Besnick: Albanian, translates to “loyal”
Bridget (Wenlock), Hufflepuff alum, thirteenth-century Arithmancer who first discovered the magical properties of the number seven
Cal: French, translates to “faithful”
Caleb: Hebrew, translates to “faithful”
Calum: Dove (symbol of peace)
Cedric (Diggory):  Hufflepuff alum, friend of Harry Potter, Hogwarts Triwizard champion
Concord: English, “agreement or harmony"
Constantine: Latin, translates to “steadfast”
Damon: Greek, translates to “loyal”
Dillon: Gaelic, translates to “faithful”
Dugald (McPhail): Hufflepuff alum, former Minister for Magic Edward “Teddy” (Lupin):  Hufflepuff student, orphan of Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks
Eglantine (Puffett): Hufflepuff alum, inventor of the Self-Soaping Dishcloth
Ellis: English/Welsh, “kind, benevolent”
Emory: German, “industrious leader”
Emily: Latin, “hardworking, industrious”
Emmet: German, “strong worker”  
Ernest “Ernie” (Macmillan): Hufflepuff student, friend of Harry Potter
Ettore: Italian, translates to “loyal, steadfast”
Faith: English, “complete trust or confidence”
Festus: Latin, translates to “steadfast”
Fido: Latin, translates to “loyal”
Frederick: German, “peaceful ruler”
Galen: Greek, “calm”
Geoffrey: German, “peaceful pledge”
Gigi: French, “brilliant, trustworthy”
Gilbert: English, “trusted”
Grogan (Stump): Hufflepuff alum, former Minister for Magic
Hamza: Arabic, translates to “steadfast”
Hannah (Abbott): Hufflepuff student, married Neville Longbottom
Hannan: Arabic, “most compassionate”
Helga (Hufflepuff): founder of Hufflepuff House
Hengist (of Woodcroft): Hufflepuff alum, founder of Hogsmeade
Hiroshi: Japanese, “generous”
Ida: German, “hardworking”  
Jalen: English, “tranquil”
Justin (Finch-Fletchley): Hufflepuff student, friend of Harry Potter  
Kalei: Hawaiian, “one who works for the king”  
Kalil: Arabic, translates to “loyal friend”
Kannon: Variation of Kuan-yin, a Buddhist deity of mercy
Kareem: Arabic, “generous, noble, honorable”
Kazi: African origins, “work”  
Kostya: Russian, translates to “loyal”
Leal: English, translates to “loyal” Luxman: Indian, translates to “loyal”
Manfred: Germanic, “man of peace”
Milan: Slavic, “kind, gracious, loving”
Miroslav: Slavic, “peaceful glory”
Newt (Scamander): Hufflepuff alum, world authority on magical creatures
Nymphadora (Tonks): Hufflepuff alum, metamorphagus, friend of Harry Potter
Paxton: Latin, “peaceful town”
Penelope: Greek, “silent worker”  
Pomona (Sprout): Herbology professor, head of Hufflepuff House
Rahim: Islamic, “compassionate, merciful”
Sadiki: Egyptian, translates to “faithful”
Salem: Hebrew, “peace”
Shield: Celtic, translates to “loyal”
Shramidhi: Indian, “girl who works hard and earns”  
Solomon: Hebrew, “peace”
Susan (Bones): Hufflepuff student, friend of Harry Potter
Tadashi: Japanese, translate to “loyal”
Thuy: Vietnamese, translates to “loyal”
Truman: English, translates to “faithful”
Wafi: Arabic, translates to “trustworthy”
Warren: German, translates to “loyal”
Zacharias (Smith): Hufflepuff student, friend of Harry Potter
Zhen: Chinese, translates to “loyal”
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bookfortunes · 5 years
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Interested in learning more about Islam and Muslims? Try one of these titles.
Amira's totally chocolate world by Mair, J. Samia
Hassan and Aneesa go to masjid by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa go to madrasa by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa celebrate Eid by Rahim, Yasmeen
Hassan and Aneesa love Ramadan by Rahim, Yasmeen
The Hijab Boutique by Khan, Michelle
I say Bismillah by Dee, Noor H.
I say Alhamdulillah by Dee, Noor H
I Say As-salamu 'alaykum by Dee, Noor H.
I Say Mashallah by Dee, Noor H.
I wonder about the Qur'an by Öze, Özhan
I wonder about the Prophet by Öze, Özkan
Muslim nursery rhymes by McDermont, Mustafa Yusuf
My first book about the Qur'an : teachings for toddlers and young children by Khan, Sara
My special angels : the two noble scribes by Noor, Razana
The perfect gift by Mair, J. Samia
Snow White : an Islamic tale by Gilani-Williams, Fawzia
The spider and the doves : the story of the Hijra by Morley, Farah
Thank you o Allah! by Bint Mahmood, Ayesha
Yan's Hajj : the journey of a lifetime by Gilani-Williams, Fawzia
Reserve them all from your library.
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junofms · 3 years
﹝ welcome luca, lennon, nico & rahim ! ﹞ you have 8 hours to check your email to confirm your JUNO account  . . ⇢  manu rios, dove cameron, matthew laureano, and fai khadra are taken
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〔 MANU RIOS + HE/HIM 〕 hey have you heard of ( LUCA OSUNA ) being on JUNO ? yeah, they go as ( GOODLUCKLUCA ) !! they’re ( 23 ) and mostly post ( MODELING, NSFW & ARTISTIC ). they had a q&a with some fans in their server the other day and they were ( SINGING DOJA CAT AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS ) and i found out that they’re actually a ( DIAMOND ) tier and that they’ve been posting content on the app for ( 2 YEARS ). it’s crazy because i remember thinking they were ( MANIPULATIVE ) but they were so ( GIVING AND HELPFUL ) !! it makes sense since they’re a ( LEO ) ⤑ c / 21+ / cst
〔 dove cameron + she/her 〕 hey have you heard of lennon grey being on juno ? yeah, they go as notjohnlennon !! they’re 23 and mostly post true crime podcasts, songwriting and nsfw photos. they had a q&a with some fans in their server the other day and they were doing musical improv based on suggestions while in lingerie and i found out that they’re actually a diamond tier and that they’ve been posting content on the app for 8 months. it’s crazy because i remember thinking they were gullible but they were so compassionate !! it makes sense since they’re a libra ⤑ e / 21+ / est
〔 MATTHEW LAUREANO + HE/HIM 〕 hey have you heard of NICOLAS “NICO” RAMOS being on juno ? yeah, they go as POGGERSNICO !! they’re TWENTY-ONE and mostly post GAMING VIDEOS. they had a q&a with some fans in their server the other day and they were ASKING WHAT A CARBON FOOTPRINT WAS and i found out that they’re actually a DIAMOND tier and that they’ve been posting content on the app for TWO YEARS. it’s crazy because i remember thinking they were HOT-TEMPERED but they were so OUTGOING !! it makes sense since they’re a PIECES ⤑ yaz / 20+ / est 〔 fai khadra + he/him 〕 hey have you heard of ( RAHIM BASHAR ) being on JUNO ? yeah, they go as ( SMOKESHOWS ) !! they’re ( 24 ) and mostly post ( VIDEO GAME STREAMS AND NSFW CONTENT ). they had a q&a with some fans in their server the other day and they were ( smoking a blunt while they beta tested a new horror game ) and i found out that they’re actually a ( PLATINUM ) tier and that they’ve been posting content on the app for ( 3 YEARS ). it’s crazy because i remember thinking they were ( STUBBORN ) but they were so ( LAIDBACK ) !! it makes sense since they’re a ( SAGITTARIUS ) ⤑ t / 22 / est
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potterinspoarchive · 4 years
Rahim: Thanks, Mum… Why is everyone staring at me?
Lydia: You just called Victoire mum; you said thanks, mum.
Rahim: What? No, I didn’t. I said thanks, man.
Victoire: Do you see me as a mother figure, Lestrange?
Rahim: No, if anything, I see you as a bother figure, ‘cause you’re always bothering me.
Dove: Hey! You show your mother some respect!
Rahim: I didn’t call her Mum!
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thirdwars · 4 years
bleeding out ( dove & rahim )
This is what you wanted, right? Dove stands and watches the life seep out of Rahim. It’s red and sticky and it covers the cobbles on which he lies and she stands, frozen. Her eyes glued to his chest, rising and falling, and how fucking small he looks. She should have used the killing curse, she then realises. A quick death. But now, she has to watch it happen. Her sectumsempra ripped shreds into Rahim Lestrange, and Dove refuses to undo her actions. This is what you fucking wanted, right? She tells herself to stand by her actions, tells herself that she cannot look away. If she wants to deliver justice, she will do it with full conviction or not at all. To turn her back from the results of her actions, is to condemn them. To look away, is to admit that maybe she is doing something that is not right, that maybe she is the monster, and Rahim the victim.  This is different, different from killing faceless Death Eaters that hide behind masks. She knows Rahim. She’s shared a common room with him, a break room. She knows him, hell, she hates him, but she knows him. It makes her feel like the world is twisting away from underneath her feet. She watches. She’s wanted him to pay for the sins of his grandparents for as long as she can remember, and now he is and she feels nothing. Her grandparents are still in St Mungo’s, and his still run around free. This changes nothing. The fury in her is not stilled. In fact, it grows only louder. He’s so small. This is wrong, this is all wrong. Dove crashes on the floor, wand at the ready, the healing spell on the tip of her tongue. It’s too late, though. She has had her revenge: Rahim Lestrange has paid the price for sins he did not commit, and all Dove can think is what have I done what have I done who have I become who have I become.
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junker-town · 5 years
5 moments that defined the 2012 Ravens’ improbable Super Bowl run
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From a controversial field goal to the Mile High Miracle to Super Bowl 47, the Ravens’ 2012 season was quite the ride.
Despite making it to the AFC Championship Game months earlier, there were plenty of questions about the Baltimore Ravens coming into the 2012 NFL season. They had an aging defense, with veterans Ed Reed and Ray Lewis near the end of their careers. Another defensive star, Terrell Suggs, was lost for the first half of the season due to an Achilles injury. There was also uncertainty about how much impact quarterback Joe Flacco really had on the offense.
Opinions ranged about just how far this team could go. While most projections had them making the playoffs, they weren’t expected to make much noise. In fact, when the postseason started, Baltimore had the fourth-lowest odds to win the Super Bowl.
The Ravens went 10-6 in the regular season, but as the No. 4 seed, they did not earn a first-round playoff bye. While they certainly had a shot to make it to New Orleans for the Super Bowl, the numbers weren’t exactly in their favor. Before the Giants’ unexpected run the season prior, only two other four seeds had gone on to claim the Lombardi Trophy in the current playoff format: the St. Louis Rams in 1999 and the Denver Broncos in 1997.
But just like it had all season, Baltimore continued to battle. From field goal drama to epic fourth-down conversions to a double-overtime playoff thriller, let’s take a look back at the five craziest moments that defined the 2012 Ravens’ run to the Super Bowl.
Week 3: Field goal controversy against New England
Early on in the season, Baltimore faced a stiff primetime test against the New England Patriots in a rematch of the previous January’s AFC Championship Game. The Ravens had their hearts broken when Billy Cundiff’s potential game-tying kick with 15 seconds went wide left, sending the Patriots to Super Bowl 46.
Things would be different in this Week 3 matchup, though.
The Ravens rallied back from a 30-21 deficit in the final four minutes of the game. Flacco found Torrey Smith from five yards out to make it a one-score game. Baltimore then marched down the field and got a break when Devin McCourty was penalized for pass interference with 52 seconds left, putting the ball at the New England seven-yard line.
When Baltimore sent on its special teams unit, it wasn’t Cundiff who trotted out on the field. The Ravens had signed Justin Tucker as an undrafted free agent out of Texas in the offseason, and he won the starting job in training camp. Tucker was perfect so far that season, making all six of his field goal attempts along with 11 extra point tries. However, he would be facing his biggest test yet when he lined up for a 27-yard field goal.
His kick initially looked off as it traveled in a straight diagonal toward the right post. The ball went sailing over the upright and everyone waited for the officials to make their decision. The referees looked at each other for a moment and then raised their arms, ruling the field goal good. Baltimore breathed a huge sigh of relief while New England — especially Bill Belichick — was furious over the call.
The 31-30 win over New England was also historic. This was the first time the Ravens had ever beaten the Patriots in regular season, with their only previous victory coming in a playoff game in January 2010.
Week 12: Converting on fourth-and-29 against the Chargers
The Ravens received a spark after beating the Patriots. They won six of their next seven games heading into a matchup against the San Diego Chargers. Baltimore’s offense struggled early while Chargers jumped out to a 13-3 lead. Once again, the Ravens had to come back in the fourth quarter.
First, Dennis Pitta caught a four-yard touchdown to make it a three-point game. Then, San Diego quickly went three-and-out, giving Baltimore one more drive to tie the game. Things looked bleak when a holding penalty and sack set up what seemed like an insurmountable fourth-and-29 at the Baltimore 37-yard line.
With none of his initial reads open, Flacco chose to dump the ball off to Ray Rice, who had slipped out of the backfield. He somehow got all the way into Chargers territory, receiving a crunching block from Anquan Boldin while stumbling toward the first-down marker. Rice dove between two Chargers and landed around the 34.
The referee ran to the spot and marked the ball for a first down. Despite a review pushing the ball back a couple of inches, it was still far enough for Baltimore to convert and extend the drive. Six plays later, Tucker made a 38-yard field goal to send the game into overtime.
Both teams punted the ball away to start the extra period, but the Ravens found success on their second possession. They drove from inside their own red zone to the Chargers’ 20-yard line, setting the stage for another game-winning field goal by Tucker. He delivered with his second 38-yard field goal of the game, handing Baltimore its ninth win of the season.
Divisional Round: The Mile High Miracle
After cruising to a 24-9 victory over the Indianapolis Colts in the Wild Card Round, the Ravens headed west to face the 13-3 Denver Broncos. The two teams traded scores through the first three quarters. The Broncos then took the lead in the fourth, and Baltimore tried to answer but was stopped on a fourth-and-5.
The Ravens were able to get the ball back, facing a third-and-3 from their own 30-yard line. But with only 41 seconds left, time was running out on their season — and that’s when their most memorable play of the season happened.
Flacco dropped back and launched a deep ball into Denver territory. Broncos safety Rahim Moore took the wrong angle and misjudged the flight of the football. It sailed over his head and into the arms of Jacoby Jones, who ran into the end zone untouched.
The #NFLPlayoffs Divisional Round... where miracles happen! Who can forget when Joe Flacco did THIS #MileHighMiracle pic.twitter.com/VD403iMWtQ
— NFL UK (@NFLUK) January 13, 2019
Denver’s crowd sat in stunned silence as Baltimore celebrated the 70-yard touchdown that was later named the “Mile High Miracle.”
The game headed to overtime and on the Broncos’ second drive, Manning tried to force a pass to Brandon Stokley and paid for it dearly. Corey Graham undercut the route and picked off the pass inside Denver territory. Baltimore took advantage of the great field position, running the ball on four straight plays to set up a winning kick. In the early moments of a rare second overtime, Tucker nailed the 47-yard field goal to send Baltimore back to the AFC title game in a rematch with the 12-4 Patriots.
AFC Championship Game: 21 straight points to exact revenge on the Patriots
The Ravens traveled to a familiar place for the AFC Championship Game: Gillette Stadium. It had been close to a year since they watched their Super Bowl hopes dashed against New England in the exact same stadium.
Throughout the first half of the rematch, Baltimore’s offense was plagued by horrible field position. The defense did its job, however, forcing the Patriots to settle for two field goals inside the red zone. New England was up only 13-7 as the two teams went into their locker rooms at halftime.
Baltimore had the momentum swing its way in the second half. After starting at their own 13, the Ravens moved up the field thanks to the Flacco-Pitta connection. The tight end caught three passes for 32 yards on the drive, including the five-yard touchdown that gave Baltimore the lead. This was the start of three straight Ravens possessions that resulted in touchdowns.
Next came an incredible three-yard touchdown from Boldin, who caught it in between two New England defenders. Then, the Baltimore defense forced a crucial turnover early in the fourth. Bernard Pollard flew in and delivered a vicious hit on running back Stevan Ridley, jarring the ball loose. Four plays later, Flacco found Boldin again, this time from 11 yards out. In the span of four minutes, the Ravens had scored twice and were up 28-13 on the defending AFC champions.
The Ravens’ defense held firm. They turned over New England on downs and then picked off Brady on back-to-back drives. The offense ran out the clock and Baltimore was headed to the Super Bowl.
Super Bowl 47: Goal-line stand against the 49ers
Super Bowl 47 was a wacky one. It featured a failed fake field goal, a mini brawl, and a power outage during the third quarter which delayed the game 34 minutes. Once again, Jones’ big-play ability came to the spotlight. He caught a 56-yard touchdown pass in the second quarter and also returned a kickoff 108 yards to open the second half. Thanks to those two scores, Baltimore raced out to a 28-6 lead.
But the San Francisco 49ers stormed back, scoring 17 straight points. With 3:25 left, San Francisco had a chance to take the lead. Colin Kaepernick threw a strike to Michael Crabtree over the middle to move the Niners into Baltimore territory. Frank Gore then burst through the defense and rumbled all the way to the seven-yard line. Leading just 34-29, the Baltimore defense couldn’t allow a touchdown.
They stopped LaMichael James for only a two-yard gain on first down. Kaepernick rolled to his right and fired near the pylon on second down, but the pass was batted down by Graham. On third down, Kaepernick found Crabtree in the flat but Jimmy Smith came in with a hit and knocked the ball out of the wideout’s hands for an incompletion.
It all came down to one more play to decide a champion. The Ravens rushed six players and forced Kaepernick to get rid of the ball as soon as he dropped back. Crabtree got the best of Smith as the ball floated to the back right corner of the end zone. But he couldn’t get to the pass in time and it fell harmlessly out of bounds.
There was still work left to do, however. Baltimore shrewdly took an intentional safety, wasting time and preventing the Niners from acquiring great field position. They stopped Ted Ginn Jr. on the ensuing free kick to seal a Super Bowl victory.
This decade has featured memorable Super Bowl winners, like the Philadelphia Eagles’ 2017 underdog team and the 2016 Patriots delivering the greatest comeback in NFL history. Yet the 2012 Ravens have been largely overlooked.
Their journey to claiming Super Bowl 47 was far from smooth, filled with many nervy moments throughout their season. They deserve more praise than they’ve received — even if it’s just labeling them as the most under-appreciated Super Bowl-winning team in recent history.
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songs-in-nature · 7 years
—    bold   all   physical   traits   that   apply   to   your   muse.
Tagged by: @discipulusmaleficus Tagging: whoever wants to
Rahim in bold, Whisper in italics
EYES (GENERAL):     large   /   small   /   narrow   /   sharp   /   squinty   /   round   /   wide-set   /   close-set   /   deep-set   /   sunken   /   bulging   /   protruding   /   wide   /   hooded   /   heavy-lidded   /   bright   /   sparkling   /   glittering   /   flecked   /   dull   /   bleary   /   rheumy   /   cloudy   /   red-rimmed   /   beady   /   bird-like   /   cat-like   /   jewel-like   /   steely   /   hard   /   long lashes   /   sweeping eyelashes   /   thick eyelashes
EYES (COLOR):     chestnut   /   chocolate brown   /   cocoa brown   /   coffee brown   /   mocha   /   mahogany   /   sepia   /   sienna brown   /   mink brown   /   copper   /   amber   /   cognac   /   whiskey   /   brandy   /   honey   /    tawny   /   topaz   /   hazel   /   obsidian   /   onyx   /   coal   /   raven   /   midnight   /   sky blue   /   sunny blue   /   cornflower blue   /   steel blue   /   ice blue   /   arctic blue   /   glacial blue   /   crystal blue   /   cerulean   /   electric blue   /   azure   /   lake blue   /   aquamarine   /   turquoise   /   denim blue   /   slate blue  /  slate gray   /   storm blue / storm gray   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   chrome   /   platinum   /   pewter   /   smoky gray   /   ash gray   /   concrete gray   /   dove gray   /   shark gray   /   fog gray   /   gunmetal gray   /   olive   /   emerald   /   leaf green   /   moss green
EYEBROWS:     arched   /   straight   /   plucked   /   sparse   /   trim  /   dark  /   faint   /   thin   /   thick   /   unruly   /   bushy   /   heavy
SKIN (GENERAL):     lined   /   wrinkled   /   seamed   /   leathery   /   sagging   /   drooping   /   loose   /   clear   /   smooth   /   silken   /   satiny   /   dry   /   flaky   /   scaly   /   delicate   /   thin   /   translucent   /   luminescent   /   baby-soft   /   flawless   /   small pores   /   large pores   /   glowing   /   dewy   /   dull   /   velvety   /   fuzzy   /   rough   /   uneven   /   mottled   /   dimpled   /   doughy   /   firm   /   freckled   /   pimply   /   pockmarked   /   blemished  /   pitted   /   scarred   /   (easily) bruised   /   veined   /   scratched   /   (easily) sunburned   /   weather-beaten   /   raw   /   tattooed
SKIN (COLOR):     amber   /   bronze   /   cinnamon   /   copper   /   dark brown   /   deep brown   /   ebony   /   honey   /   golden   /   pale   /   pallid   /   pasty   /   fair   /   light   /   cream   /   alabaster   /   ivory   /   bisque   /   milk   /   porcelain   /   chalky   /   sallow   /   olive   /   peach   /   rosy   /   ruddy   /   florid   /   russet   /   tawny   /   fawn
FACE STRUCTURE:     square   /   round   /   oblong   /   oval  /   elongated   /   narrow   /  heart-shaped   /   cat-like   /   wolfish   /   high forehead   /   broad forehead   /   prominent brow ridge   /   protruding brow bone   /   sharp cheekbones   /   high cheekbones  /   angular cheekbones   /   hollow cheeks   /   square jaw   /   chiseled   /   sculpted   /   craggy   /   soft   /   jutting chin   /   pointed chin   /   weak chin   /   receding chin   /   double chin   /   cleft chin   /   dimple in chin   /   visible adam’s apple
NOSE:     snub   /   dainty  /   button   /   turned-up   /   long   /   broad   /   thin   /   straight   /   pointed   /  round  /  crooked   /   aquiline   /   roman   /   bulbous   /   flared   /   hawk   /   strong
MOUTH/LIPS:    thin   /   narrow   /   full   /   lush   /   cupid’s bow   /   rosebud   /   dry   /   cracked   /   chapped  /   moist   /   glossy   /   straight teeth   /   crooked teeth   /   gap between teeth   /   gleaming white teeth   /   yellowed teeth   /   braces   /   overbite   /   underbite   /   dimples
FACIAL HAIR:     clean-shaven   /   smooth-shaven   /   beard   /   neckbeard   /   goatee   /   moustache   /   sideburns   /   mutton-chop sideburns   /   stubble   /   a few days’ growth of beard   /   five o’ clock shadow  /  none
HAIR (GENERAL):     long   /   short   /   shoulder-length   /   loose   /   limp  /   dull   /   shiny   /   glossy   /   sleek   /   smooth   /   luminous   /   lustrous   /   spiky   /   stringy    /   shaggy   /   tangled   /   messy   /   tousled   /   windblown   /   unkempt   /   straggly   /   neatly combed   /   parted   /   slicked down   /   slicked back   /   cropped   /   clipped   /   buzzed   /   buzz cut   /   curly   /   bushy   /   frizzy   /   wavy   /   straight   /   lanky   /   dry   /   oily   /   greasy   /   layers   /   corkscrews   /   spirals   /   ringlets   /   braids   /   dreadlocks   /   widow’s peak   /   bald   /   shaved   /   comb-over   /  thick   /   luxuriant   /   voluminous   /   full   /   wild   /   untamed   /   bouncy   /   wispy   /   fine  /   thinning
HAIR (COLOR):     black   /   blue-black   /   jet black   /   raven   /   ebony   /   inky black   /   midnight   /   sable   /   salt and pepper   /   silver   /   silver gray   /   charcoal gray   /   steel gray   /   white   /   snow-white   /   brown   /   brunette   /   chocolate brown   /   coffee brown   /   ash brown   /   brown sugar   /   nut brown   /   caramel   /   tawny brown   /   toffee brown   /   red   /   ginger   /   auburn   /   copper   /   strawberry blonde   /   butterscotch   /   honey   /   wheat   /   blonde   /   golden   /   sandy blond   /   flaxen  /   fair-haired   /   bleached   /   platinum
BODY TYPE:    tall   /   average height   /   short   /   petite   /   tiny   /   compact   /   big   /   large   /   burly   /   beefy   /   bulky   /   brawny   /   barrel-chested   /   heavy   /   heavy-set   /   fat   /   overweight   /   obese   /   flabby   /   chunky   /   chubby   /   pudgy   /   pot-bellied   /   portly   /   thick   /   stout   /   lush   /   plush   /   full-figured   /   ample   /   rounded   /   voluptuous   /   curvy   /   hourglass   /   plump   /   leggy   /   long-legged   /   gangling   /   lanky   /   coltish   /   lissome   /   willowy   /   lithe   /   lean   /   slim   /   slender   /   trim   /   thin   /   skinny   /   emaciated   /   gaunt   /   bony   /   spare   /   solid   /   stocky   /   wiry   /   rangy   /   sinewy   /   stringy   /   ropy   /   sturdy   /   strapping   /   powerful   /   hulking   /   fit   /   athletic   /   toned   /   muscular   /   chiseled   /   taut   /   ripped   /   herculean   /   broad-shouldered   /   sloping shoulders   /   bowlegged
HANDS:     delicate   /   small   /   large   /   square   /   sturdy   /   strong   /   smooth   /   rough   /   calloused   /   elegant   /   plump   /   manicured   /   stubby fingers   /   long fingers   /   ragged nails   /   grimy fingernails   /   ink-stained
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