breannasfluff · 10 months
What if... through time/portal shenanigans, Eldritch!Chain met Wing!Wild for a shift
Traveling through time? Check. Meeting alternate versions of a hero? Also check. Legend sits up in his bedroll and stares at Wild. Or…not-Wild. Not their creepy vibes Wild. No, this one is crouched by the fire, cooking what looks like bugs. Oh, and he’s got wings. Because yeah, that’s how this day is going to go.
Legend points, which is rude, but so is dealing with this so early in the morning. “Who are you?”
Not-Wild looks up and honest-to-Hylia chirps at him. Yeah. No. He’s not dealing with this alone. The vet leans across and whacks at Twilight’s bed roll. “Fix this!”
The rancher blinks slowly, entirely too comfortable. “Mornin’. Cub cookin?”
“He’s weird now. What did you do?”
“Me?” Twilight blinks again and sits up, turning to the fire. “Whadja–oh.”
“Yeah. Oh.”
They both stare at the not-Wild. The person? Bird? Avian? Ruffles feathers and fluffs his wings up around his ears at their stare.
Twilight cheats and slaps Time awake. “Somthin’s goin on.”
By the time the old man extracts himself from the bedding, everyone else is awake and staring as well. Time manages an impassive face pretty well, but his tells give him away. The vein next to his eye is twitching. 
“Good morning.”
Bird boy whistles again and looks at his pan. “Breakfast is almost ready.”
“Er, right.” Time shares a helpless glance with Twilight. Goddesses, they really make the vet do all the work, don’t they?
“Hey, kid. Where did you come from? Where’s our Wild?”
He cocks his head and flutters his wings. “I’m with you for now, I guess.”
“Who said?”
Well, shit. She would inflict some kind of dimensional weirdness on them. 
Wild gives the pan a shake and waves Four over. “Here. You can have half,” he stresses.
Four sidles closer, the wariness growing to confusion as, likely, he doesn’t feel the need to run for the hills. Then he glances in the pan. “Are those bugs?”
“Yeah. Got some nice crunchy bees.” The avian pops one in his mouth and crunches and oh–Legend would like his weird Wild back. Sure he eats animals whole but they aren’t…bugs. “I’ve got a nice big spider we can split, want some of the legs?”
Four blanches and skitters away to the other side of the clearing. Insane-Wild turns his attention on Warriors. “Catch!” Then he chucks something that smacks the captain in the face. Warriors shrieks and flails. The thing falls to the ground. Wild chatters in what must be disappointment. “That was good quality meat!”
“You threw it in my face!”
“I have meat juice. On my face.”
“...why didn’t you catch it?”
The captain joins Four on the other side of the clearing. Most of the others back up as well. 
Twilight makes the next move, coming to stand by Wing Boy. Wild sidles away. Twilight shuffles closer. The champion sidles away again. They continue the weird shuffle all the way around the fire as Wild’s wings get higher and higher. Finally, he gives a strange tsksksks and bites the rancher on the arm.
Now Twilight is yelping and hopping away. “What was that for!”
Wild eyes him, wings ruffled. “Too close. You know better.”
“Nah, I don’t!” He rubs his arm with a truly wounded like. Like a kicked puppy. Fitting, considering his transformation.
Sky steps into the fray, but his eyes are glued to the wings. “Is your nickname still Wild?” he asks, only he’s addressing the wingbone rather than the boy attached to it.
“Your wings are beautiful! They remind me of my loftwing.”
Wild loosens slightly, wings drooping. “Yeah, your loftwings are cool.”
The chosen hero, because he has rocks for brains, reaches out and pats some feathers. Wild shrieks and explodes off the ground. His wings kick up clouds of dust and he launches straight up, then flaps into a tree and balances on a branch, hissing down at them. Sky is left blinking in confusion, hand still outstretched. 
It takes a good ten minutes for Wild to flutter back down, during which the bugs have been moved out of sight and eggs and potatoes set to cooking in a new pan. 
Legend watches from the corner of his eye as Wild paces around the edge of the group, then zeroes in on where he sits with Hyrule. He gives a funny bird call and trots over, shoving his way between them. 
“Hey!” Hyrule moves entirely, annoyed at being ousted from his seat. Legend gets a face full of feathers which he doesn’t dare push away. 
The avian trills again, wings pulling in tighter.
“Wild,” Legend says, or tries, muffled by feathers. “We don’t know what you want.”
He chatters at them both. “Force of habit.”
“To steal seats?” Hyrule’s prickly, both because he hasn’t had his morning tea, and because his fae sensibilities have been offended.
“Not stealing.” Wild’s attention is caught by the bag at his feet and he dives for it.
“Hands off!” Time jumps for it as well and a wrestling match begins before Wild lets go of the bag. The old man falls back on his butt and masks spill everywhere. 
Everyone tenses as the fierce Deity mask lands in the dirt, but the avian ignores it to grab for a cow mask. He holds it up with a grin. “This is my favorite.”
Time is still sputtering and Hyrule grabs some of the masks, passing them over. “You can’t just–take things!”
Bird boy blinks back, the picture of innocence. On the other side of the clearing, Twilight sulks. Warriors considers his scarf with misery; must have gotten meat juice on it. Sky’s wariness fades into resignation and he sits next to Four, who’s still a little peaky. 
This Wild inspires no strange feelings, but the absence of them is…disconcerting. It’s like a small piece of Legend’s awareness is missing; like he grew an inch without realizing. 
Wind, who was out collecting wood after his watch enters the clearing with a cheery smile. “Good morning! What did I miss?”
The champion perks up and taps his slate, pulling out a crab and tossing it at the sailor. The crab is, unfortunately, still alive. And angry at being thrown before breakfast–or to be breakfast. The crab attaches itself to Wind with vengeance. 
Wind starts screaming.
Legend closes his eyes to the chaos. Hylia, please give them their old Wild back. Nothing is worth this much chaos in the morning.
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matoitech · 8 months
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simple izzys cuz ive been thinking abt him
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butcherlarry · 1 year
Exercise Fic Recs 21
Sorry I’m a bit late posting this, I just got back from watching ATSV.  It’s just as good and everyone has been shouting about and I don’t know why it took me so long to getting around to watching the movies.  Anyway, on to the fics!
The Only by pasdecoeur  (Superbat, complete.  Felt like being a little sad, so I read this fic again.  Bittersweet, read the tags.)
how many roads less traveled? by TopHat  (Superwonderbat, complete.  Polyamory negotiations between the trinity.  Very sweet, features ace Bruce.)
be my kryptonite by renecdote  (Superbat, complete.  Clark has a sensory overload, Bruce helps.)
Courage by LemonadeGarden  (Batfam, complete.  Bruce has a run in with fear toxin and Dick helps him deal with it.)
Stuck in the Middle (With You) by TheResurrectionist  (Superbat and Batfam, complete.  A re(re)read for me, I needed some good humor.  Damian gets stuck and Dick calls for help.  Shenanigans ensue.)
Just a Formality by FabulaRasa  (Superbat, complete.  Bruce and Clark get married for work reasons, and Clark has So Many Feeling About This.)
misty by TheResurrectionist  (Superbat, wip.  Different first meeting.  Bruce crash lands on a cold, barren planet and Clark finds him.)
Patchwork Pod by Ktkat9  (Superbat, wip.  Another merbruce fic update!)
Midnight Hour by BisforBread  (Superbat, wip.  Medieval/fantasy au.  Clark is a prince and Bruce is a knight and they have Feelings for each other.)   
a world in repair by Batbirdies  (Barfam, wip.  Part of the Emotional Motion Sickness series.  Jason and Damian go on a trip together, but not everything goes according to plan.)
Veritas by Anonymous  (Batfam, complete.  Batman gets hit with truth serum and talks about how he loves his kids SO MUCH.)
Jesus Is Not A Zombie by Sadsnail  (uuuuhhhhh, bible fic?  I blame @beachcat0772 , she posted this in our friend server and told me to read it.  It’s just crack fic, but GOOD crack fic 😆)
They had a pastry with lemon curd on it, I couldn’t resist!
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It was so rainy this morning!  It pretty much rained the entire time I was birding.  Got so cool pictures though!
The baby geese, they are growing up!  They are looking more and more like adult geese everyday:
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Wasn’t able to get a good picture of this guy, but it’s a brown thrasher!  This is the second time I’ve seen him running around the area:
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Look at this funky lil’ guy!  A grackle!  They were so fun to watch:
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There were SO MANY swallows out flying around.  They kept flying around me, they were so much fun to watch!  And they’re SO PRETTY too.  I tried to take some pictures of them in flight, but it’s SO HARD.  This one is ok, I need to practice more.  This guy is a barn swallow:
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A red-winged black bird chilling in the rain:
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This is also a red-winged blackbird, but a female!  She caught breakfast!  This is probably my favorite picture I took today:
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A robin!
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When I got to the arboretum, some tree swallows were flying around!  Here are the best pictures I got of them midflight:
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A titmouse grabbing a snack in the middle of the rain:
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There’s also a big flock of goldfinches that hangout here too!  I thought this guy looked handsome:
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This white-breasted nuthatch was having fun hopping around on this tree:
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OMG.  I didn’t realize this until I got home, but these are juvenile eastern bluebirds!!  Wow!!!
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This has a parent and a baby!!  Holy moly!!
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An indigo bunting in the rain.  I think my lens was starting to fog up:
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A downy woodpecker.  I like how it looks like they’re peaking around:
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A black-capped chickadee!  They snagged a treat:
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An indigo bunting again:
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I love this picture of a female cardinal:
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Now onto some scenery!
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ngl, the rain made everything look prettier.
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balconybirds · 11 months
Sunday Birding 7/30/23
I had a lot of fun birding yesterday!  Saw some of my favorite birds and a few new ones!!
I didn’t see as many around the pond, but I still saw my favorite funky lil’ guy, the green heron:
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You can also see a frog in the left hand corner!
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Some juvenile red-winged blackbirds:
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A mourning dove:
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I’ve been spotted!
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At the arboretum, had to take some pictures of some pretty flowers:
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some water lilies:
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you can see another frog in this one!
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A wild Kansas sunflower:
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Big flower:
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A turtle, relaxing out of the water:
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Another big flower:
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A butterfly!  So pretty:
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I saw so many of these guys out yesterday!  A male northern cardinal:
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I saw some more snowberry clearwings too:
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Another male cardinal:
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A wood pewee.  There were two of these guys out, flying around, getting some bugs to eat:
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A downy woodpeck, perched on top of a feeder:
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A female cardinal, grabbing a treat:
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A male indigo bunting!  I met and helped a really nice older couple find this guy too.  He was at the very top of the tree:
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Some hummingbirds!
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A male indigo bunting again, singing his little heart out:
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Some pretty yellow flowers:
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Some neat purple ones:
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I thought this was a cool picture, an indigo bunting and an eastern bluebird:
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I was SHOCKED when I saw this guy!  A blue grosbeak!!!  I almost confused him for an indigo bunting, but he’s too big, and you can see the brownish-red on his wings:
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Some more water lily flowers:
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Other neat flowers I saw:
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A bee getting some pollen:
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one last hummingbird:
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lanternlightss · 4 months
wish i had coherent thoughts but the only thing that’s been on my mind on repeat is. what if ,,,, what if. nameless bard groomed venti’s wings ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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boyfeminism · 5 months
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jencsi · 6 months
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Best birds of 2023
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dcwnrisen-aa · 1 year
apollo now has six wings and they're fucking majestic, and huge and fucking soft looking, but they're basically weapons.
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mythreecrows · 1 year
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A few friends at Cromwell Valley, Parkville, MD.
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dykebluejay · 2 years
my art related fatal flaw is that i cannot enjoy art that does bird wings wrong. it doesn’t matter how stunning the art is if the wings don’t have proper feathers then What Is The Point
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breannasfluff · 11 months
“Link! What do you think you are doing?!”
Link, who’s halfway up on Epona’s back, screeches in surprise and tumbles off. The young horse slows to a trot, then a walk. She circles back to check on her errant rider. Link grumbles as he gets up, shaking out his wings before turning to Malon. “I almost had it that time!”
She cuffs him with a wing, but it’s too soft to do any damage. “I’m asking again, what are you doing? Epona’s young! She doesn’t need you climbing all over her.”
“I want to launch off her back! Think how useful it would be in battle.”
This time, Malon’s wing smacks him directly in the face, and he spits out feathers. “Battle! That’s the last thing you need to be doing!” She reaches out for the horse, who noses at her hands in hopes of a treat. “Hylia above, Link, what if you got hurt?”
He snorts and waves away her concerns. “Can’t be worse than a girl startling me when I’m standing on the back of a horse.”
Malon looks at Link and Epona, and then considers his wings. He can’t help but resettle them, trying to fluff them a little larger. Not that he needs to show off for Malon; she’s seen him covered in hay and mud too many times to be impressed. Still, it can’t hurt.
Heaving a sigh, Malon turns Epona around. “Okay, if you are going to do this right, you’re going to want to get her to a gallop first. And you have to keep her going when you start moving around. Keep your wings tucked…”
Link nods along to her instructions before climbing on and setting the horse to a trot, canter, and finally a gallop. There’s a moment where he slips and almost slides off the saddle, but Epona jerks to the side to correct for his blunder. 
Spreading his wings, Link pushes off the saddle and uses the height and burst of speed to launch into the air. Then he’s laughing and cheering as Malon takes off to join him. “It worked! Did you see that?”
The ranch girl grins at him. “You just got lucky, Epona did all the hard work.”
He’s too excited to push. “You know what? Fair. I want to do it again!”
Also an AO3 here!
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amtrak12 · 2 years
Long rambles about my current fic project because I’m too excited but I promise it will be horrifically boring for all who follow me unless you also happen to like reading Lucifer fic so I’m putting it behind a cut.
Okay so I'm that person who actually loved S6 and the finale but who also loves reading all the alternate 'Lucifer stays and gets to raise Rory' takes that fic writers put out because, while I don't want kids in real life, I am such a sucker for a good baby!fic. I'm also a HUGE sucker for time travel shenanigans so all the 'Rory time travels to a different season' fics are mmm *chef's kiss* delicious. Right up my alley.
Time travel shenanigans are also right up my writing alley. So, if I was going to use Rory to change any season of the show, it would 1000% be season 3. I abhor season 3. It was so uneven. It doesn't flow from season 2. The timeline was inconsistent from episode to episode making it hard to follow the main arc. Cain is arguably the MOST boring antagonist of the series and yet he was also supposed to be sympathetic at times???? I HATE HIM!
(also his curse doesn't make any sense. Is he really the only person in the history of humanity to not feel guilty for his actions? THE ONLY ONE? That doesn't make any sense! YOU DON'T MAKE ANY SENSE!!)
Anyway, I have tried multiple ideas to shift the events of S3 but my favorites just weren't working out so I let myself play with an idea someone else did in a fic: time travelling TODDLER Rory. The original fic writer dropped her in S4 right after Lucifer learned about Chloe's plot to permanently banish him to hell -- so you know, the absolute perfect time to drop their toddler daughter from the future on them. It was AMAZING. That fic took me for all I'm worth and then some. I'M IN LOVE.
So I thought, time travelling toddler fic, what a perfect treat to give my brain instead of beating my head against the wall. Except when I dropped a toddler Rory halfway into S3... it worked? Like the entire plot just ran through my head, one event after the other, and the emotions were delicious, but not as delicious as the ones that came after the goodbye to Rory. The fic is done, Rory's gone home, but the GRIEF my friends, THE GRIEF!!!!! Like can you imagine? 'Hey here's your daughter. No she hasn't been born yet but you don't mind, right? Great.' *two months later* 'Okay time for her to go back to her own timeline now. Say bye Mommy! Bye Daddy! See you in two seconds for her and SEVERAL YEARS for you' like ????? Heartbreaking. Just absolutely gutting stuff and I must write about Lucifer and Chloe navigating that. Especially because they're not even in a real romantic relationship yet when Rory goes home? They're full coparents and have recovered their S2 'dancing on the line of a relationship' but they haven't actually crossed that line yet. Then the adorable creature tying them together is just.. gone. She's just gone. Now what are they supposed to do?
(Also my god, the pressure knowing the future would put on you. Like, hey we know we're going to have a daughter before we even start a relationship. How awkward is that? So weird. So delicious to explore too.)
And then of course after the time travel and after the grief, you have to change the timeline right? Like sure, sure you showed Rory triumphantly returning home to her family in the epilogue of book 1. The reader knows they changed the timeline and Lucifer stays. But S3 Lucifer didn't believe the timeline would change when Rory left. S4 Lucifer didn't believe it would change either even as he and Chloe figured out how to have a relationship with each other. So OBVIOUSLY we need a third one to finish the story out. And OBVIOUSLY -- given that toddler Rory accidentally invented time travel because Trixie was sad about her daddy and Rory was determined to go to heaven and bring him back for the 'best big sister ever' -- we show Lucifer moving from 'I'm destined to abandon my daughter :(' to 'oh shit we actually can change the future! I can stay! :D'.... by allowing them to save Dan.
Now, I didn't know if they would save Dan or not. I know it's fic, but I still worried it would feel cheap if I let the *entire* future get rewritten. But if it's a plot device, it's not cheap. It's just smoirt. *taps side of head* Also it would still have to be a close call so that they know they've changed the future. They need to know they've changed the moment that Dan died in Rory's original timeline.
(Also also, since they don't know how Dan died in the original timeline, I get to write things like Maze stalking Dan 24/7 as a protection detail and Dan finally catching her and being like WTF are you doing? It's gr8. I'm totally normal about this trilogy. I promise.)
(Also also despite my main rants about Cain -- he lives in this trilogy? And goes to jail for the Sinnerman crimes/murdering Charlotte instead? But I've also changed his curse to being tied to Abel's guilt instead of his own. It was my spouse's idea to make it God's response to 'am I a brother-keeper?' like yes. Yes you are Cain. And now you don't get Heaven until your brother does. AND this means I get to have Eve interact with her son which would be both interesting and useful because Cain can tell Eve about Chloe being a gift and then Eve can tell Chloe because 1) it would drive a wedge between Lucifer and Chloe and 2) Eve can relate to being created for someone else and thinks it's kind of shit that Chloe doesn't even know she was created but mostly 3) it would drive a wedge between Lucifer and Chloe so Eve can get closer to Lucifer again. \0/)
(I love my girl. She's such a shit-stirrer when she's got that tunnel-vision on. <3)
Um, so yeah. That's what I'm working on. What are YOU working on? Are you also being completely normal about a story idea? :P
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stationk17 · 2 years
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New Veil Ref!
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balconybirds · 1 year
Sunday Birding 7/9/23
So many good birds I saw Sunday!  I might have gone a little bit overboard with taking pictures.  When I uploaded them to my computer, I had 1152.  That’s the most I’ve ever taken!  But again, I saw sooooooo many good birds!!
There were a BUNCH of juvenile green herons out!
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The brown thrasher was so nice and posed for me in a tree:
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a male goldfinch!  the first of many Sunday:
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a male red-winged black bird, taking a walk:
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there was actually a whole family of them out!
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Canadian geese! 
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And the goslings are looking so much like adults now:
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at the arboretum, the first bird I saw was a tufted titmouse:
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another male goldfinch:
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also, his wife (she was a bit camera shy, lol):
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a neat bug:
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A male cardinal, singing his song:
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A red-shouldered hawk!  I think they were being harassed by the cardinals:
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I was able to get this neat shot of them flying away!
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an eastern bluebird!  Male, I think:
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The goldfinches again!  I thought this was a neat shot!
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Some brown-headed cow birds, perched high in a tree:
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this carolina wren was easy to hear, but tricky to find:
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an indigo bunting hanging out at the top of a tree:
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PHOTOGRAPHER DETECTED (carolina wren again):
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The female eastern bluebird:
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A downy woodpecker (male, I think), getting a snack:
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A female red-bellied woodpecker:
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Another titmouse, grabbing a seed to eat:
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Another indigo bunting!  He looks so dramatic with this lighting:
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A tiny black-capped chickadee!
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I wasn’t entirely sure what this guy was when I snapped this picture of them soaring around.  When I got home, I was able to ID them.  A Mississippi kite!
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Some pretty flowers:
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Some more bees:
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Turtles!!  Ngl, I really like the flat guy:
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I might have freaked out when I saw these guys, but I FINALLY got some good pictures of ruby-throated hummingbirds!  There was a group of them at a feeder  I got a lot of pictures of these guys, so I might make some separate posts with these pictures.  Here are a few of my favorites:
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Some more flowers:
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Another butterfly:
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And the final pictures, some water lilies!  I just think they’re pretty:
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lesbianpikachu · 1 year
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captainbragd · 1 year
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Local birdwoman has tea and takes notes on you
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