#dr anteater
madmarchhare · 11 months
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 6 months
When I am sad? House MD. that is all.
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towost · 2 months
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i wanted to draw these fellas!
new brush too…might use more, might not :P
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henryscircus · 1 year
Can you draw grim matchstick x wally warbles with their kids djimmi the great x Beppi the clown werner werman x dr kahl the anteater x the snail chess knight x chess bishop from cuphead?
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Hi yeah... sorry for such a late response, I was out of the house all day plus I had to let my pen charge BUT I got it done
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thenerdykneazle · 10 months
Amorous Tension
Summary: Poppy is quite sure her best friend has feelings for our favourite heir of Slytherin. MC is quite sure she doesn't, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. When Ominis asks MC to help him study for an upcoming potions exam, she jumps at the chance. TL;DR: Two idiots in love brew amortentia together.
A collab with the lovely @darch7995, who created the audio version of this story. Listen to the first part here and the second here.
Ominis Gaunt x F!MC
Warnings: the mildest of hand kinks, kissing, a surprising amount of schoolwork, stressing about exams, failure to communicate
Word count: 4185
You tapped your quill anxiously on the edge of your parchment, forming an ever-growing blot of ink in the margin. You were re-reading a paragraph in Flesh-Eating Trees of the World on a South American anteater-eating shrub. The words made as little of an impression in your mind as they had the first time.
A hand settled on top of yours, startling you.
“You’re going to put a hole in the table if you keep that up. And I doubt Madam Scribner would be pleased,” Poppy said teasingly.
You sighed, setting down the quill before dropping your head onto the table. “I’m going to fail. I know nothing. Less than nothing, even. Garlick is going to laugh me out of the greenhouse,” you said hopelessly.
Poppy rubbed your back comfortingly. “No, she’s not,” she assured you.
You let out a frustrated groan. “I’m never learning the difference between Jacaranda muscipula and Delonix geogalinivorae. They’re both just bloodthirsty ferns.”
A smooth voice came from behind you. “Jacaranda muscipula is native to South America, and its diet consists largely of deer mice. Delonix geogalinivorae is found in Madagascar and feeds exclusively on tenrecs.”
Your head shot up off the table. “Ominis,” you said in a higher pitch than you’d intended. You twisted in your chair to see your aristocratic classmate standing there looking effortlessly flawless.
“Hello, MC, Poppy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “I take it you’re dreading Garlick’s exam as much as Sebastian is.”
You scrunched your nose. “More, probably,” you said dismally.
“Well, I had come to see if you might be able to help me study for Sharp’s exam on Monday,” he said. “I could help you with herbology after. Of course, I’d be happy to help even if you don’t have time for potions practice.”
You gaped at him. He was asking you for help? Amit and Sebastian both had top grades in potions. You’d taken to it quite well, but the two boys had several more years of experience than you did. Garreth knew every ingredient and recipe inside and out, though he almost never stuck to the instructions – you could see why Ominis wouldn’t have asked him for help.
Your stomach leapt at the idea of spending time at the bench – just you and Ominis, brushing elbows at the cosy workspace. It was always dizzying being in such close proximity – the effect of his expensive cologne, surely.
Poppy would probably argue differently. She’d just been pestering you just that morning about your alleged feelings for the sarcastic Slytherin.
“You’re the biggest flirt I’ve ever met, MC,” Poppy said, rolling her eyes as you walked to the Great Hall.
Garreth had just been talking to you out in the courtyard about needing to acquire Thornback Matriarch venom for a new potion he was working on. You had told him he’d probably be better equipped than you were at charming the ladies into giving him what he wanted.
“I think you’re jealous and just need to ask the Gryffindor out, already,” you argued, shooting her a quelling look. “I was just being funny.”
“Mhmm,” she replied sceptically. “Well, I think it’s funny how I’ve seen you flirt with Garreth, Leander, Sebastian, Amit, and even Imelda, but when a certain serpent with stormy eyes and chiselled cheekbones comes around, you turn into a frightened little puffskein. You go all ruddy-faced and start stammering.”
She was poorly suppressing a smirk as she looked at you.
You scoffed. “I do not stammer!”
“Yeah, and I don’t fancy Garreth,” she replied sarcastically. “Admit it, you’ve got a crush on Ominis.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you asserted, glaring at her.
She raised a hand to her lips to stifle a giggle. “Then why’s your face match Garreth’s luscious locks right now?”
“Oh, shut it!” you said, increasing your pace so that Poppy fell behind.
She just laughed at you. “You’re only proving my point, you know!” she called after you.
Poppy elbowed you sharply between your ribs. You’d gone far too long without replying. “Ow!” you hissed at her.
Ominis had a nervous look on his face. “Sorry?” he asked.
“Oh, no, that wasn’t at you,” you said quickly. “I mean, I’d love to study with you.”
His expression immediately brightened. “Wonderful! When are you free?” he said.
“How about now?” you suggested as you began to pack up your things.
“Oh, I don’t want to interrupt,” Ominis said.
“No, it’s fine,” you insisted. You shot Poppy a reproachful look. “I’m suddenly feeling unsafe here in the library.”
Poppy stuck her tongue out at you. “Yes, I need to go help Professor Howin feed the thestrals, anyway. You two have fun,” she said much too giddily.
You sent her one more glare as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “So, shall we use the Room of Requirement?” you asked Ominis.
“That sounds perfect!” he replied brightly.
You led Ominis out of the library and started the long climb up to the 7th floor of the astronomy tower. You were glad to stretch your legs after sitting in the library for so long.
“I don’t know how you can keep those carnivorous trees straight in your head,” you commented as you strode down a long corridor. “They look exactly the same to me when they’re not in bloom.”
“Do they?” he replied, sounding intrigued.
For a moment, you wanted to sink through the floor. Obviously, the fact that the two trees looked alike was of little consequence to him. “Sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”
Ominis chuckled. “It’s all right,” he said, clearly amused. “It’s strange to think that they seem so similar to you. They feel quite different. The jacaranda tree has very rough bark, and the geogalinivore has waxy leaves. Plus, it has a sweet smell – sort of like oranges.”
“That’s actually very helpful. Thank you,” you said.
He smiled softly at you. You couldn’t help but notice how one of the beauty marks on his left cheek disappeared into his dimple when he smiled. “I’m glad to be of service,” he replied.
You could feel your face flush, though you had no reason to be blushing. You were relieved when you reached the 7th floor and the door to the Room of Requirement appeared. You cleared your throat. “Right, well, we’re h-here,” you said, cringing at yourself for tripping over the words.
Ominis held the door open for you as you entered the Room of Requirement. “I appreciate you helping me practice. Sharp’s class was hard enough when I knew what I’d be expected to brew. Having to prepare to make any one of four potions has been quite stressful.”
“It is a bit ridiculous,” you agreed as you started pulling ingredients out of your cabinet.
“Honestly! It’s hard enough keeping the ingredients for one potion straight – let alone for the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, Draught of Living Death, Veritaserum, and Amortentia,” he said.
“It is a lot,” you said. “Where should we start?”
“Hm…Well, I don’t think I would be very productive after testing potions for sleep or euphoria. We’d best leave those for later,” he replied. “What do you think? Amortentia or Veritaserum?”
“Amortentia’s easy enough to test. We can tell if it’s right just by how it looks and smells. Let’s start with that,” you suggested.
Ominis smirked. “You just don’t want me getting you to spill all your secrets,” he teased.
You chuckled. “You’re right; I don’t,” you agreed honestly. You weren’t exactly a secretive person ever since you didn’t have to hide your ancient magic anymore. However, the thought of not being ableto hide anything if you wanted to was terrifying.
“Amortentia it is, then!” Ominis said. “It’s the one I’m best at, anyway.”
He lit the flame to heat the cauldron before beginning to grind the moonstone with a mortar and pestle.
“So, what does Amortentia smell like to you?” he asked, chatting as he worked.
“I’m not sure,” you admitted as you leaned a hip against the bench.
“What do you mean you’re not sure? Were you holding your breath when we brewed it last week?” he teased. He cracked two ashwinder eggs into the cauldron before adding the powdered moonstone and stirring it together.
“No! I just…Well, I guess it’s that it doesn’t smell like anything to me,” you admitted.
“You must be joking. Surely you smelled something,” he replied incredulously.
“Just the usual musky dungeon,” you joked. “I thought I’d just brewed it wrong at first, but yours didn’t smell like anything to me, either.”
His brows drew together. “That is curious. I know I made mine right, because it…Well, it worked for me,” he said, his cheeks colouring a bit. “Do you just not find anyone attractive, then?” he added casually as he began cutting the thorns off of some rose stems.
“I don’t know. I mean, I used to think I did, but…now I’m not so sure,” you replied. “I don’t know what could be wrong with me to not smell anything if I did like someone.”
“I’m certain there’s nothing wrong with you, MC,” Ominis replied.
You sighed. “I hope not,” you replied before biting your bottom lip anxiously. “I thought maybe everyone was lying about smelling different things, and it’s really just an odourless potion. But I checked three different texts in the library, and they all said the same thing Professor Sharp did about the smell being unique to what each person finds attractive.”
“It’s definitely not odourless,” Ominis replied with a smirk. He shook his head as if to snap himself out of something before clearing his throat. He turned his attention back to the potion.
He added the thorns to the cauldron before beginning on the petals. You watched his hands as he plucked the petals off the stems, stacked them neatly, and rolled them together before slicing them into thin, even strips. He was quite skilled in his technique. Despite sharing a bench in potions all year, you’d never really noticed how fluidly he worked. There was an almost entrancing nature to the graceful movements.
“So, what does it smell like to you?” you inquired as you forced yourself to stop staring at the veins winding over his wrists and across the backs of his hands out to his slender fingers. You had always thought there was something nice about his hands.
“Oh, there is no way I’m admitting that,” he replied.
“But I told you when you asked,” you argued.
He rolled his eyes at you. “Nothing doesn’t count as an answer.”
“But it’s the truth! I can’t help that I didn’t smell anything,” you argued.
“I’m still not telling,” he insisted. He added the rose petals to the potion. His brow furrowed as his fingers skimmed over the fronts of several bottles. “Which is the pearl dust?”
“Third from the right,” you said before letting out a laugh as a realisation struck you.
“What?” he asked a bit defensively. “Did I grab the wrong one?” He shook the sealed bottle by his ear to listen to its contents shift within.
“No, that’s the pearl dust. I just…” You giggled again, and his scowl deepened. “I just realised that’s the last ingredient and the first thing I’ve helped you with. Seems like you barely need me here.”
He relaxed almost instantly, even laughing a bit himself. “Well, it’s much easier to brew here,” he explained. “I know which ingredients are which when they’re in my own containers – and even most of yours at this point – but almost all of Sharp’s bottles are identical. I have to figure out what’s in each one every time I pick it up. Sometimes it takes four or five tries to find what I’m looking for. It wastes so much time.”
“That sounds extremely frustrating,” you said sympathetically.
“It is,” he lamented as he added a spoonful of pearl dust to the cauldron. He stirred it clockwise three times before lowering the flame. “There! It should just need to simmer for a bit, and then we’ll see how it turned out.”
“I’m sure it’s perfect,” you said as you settled into a high-backed chair, kicking your feet up on the ottoman in front of it.
“I appreciate your confidence in me,” he said. “You know, I was even worse at potions when I was younger. I tried summoning the ingredients to myself in the early years, and it was usually a disaster. In first year, we had to brew a burn salve during our exams, and I simply could not find the dittany, even after sifting through all the ingredients on my bench three times. I gave up and summoned it, and it knocked over all the bottles in front of it on its way to me. They rolled all over the bench, and I had nearly plunged my hand straight into my cauldron trying to put them back in order. During another exam, I tried to summon flobberworm mucus, and all the bottles of the stuff came flying towards me at the same time.” He laughed. “It was all over me, my bench, the floor. Amit nearly slipped in it trying to come over and help. Professor Sharp was livid, but I think he felt too badly for me to give me detention.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, as well. “Oh, I’d have died on the spot!” you said.
“I nearly did. It was utterly horrifying,” he said. “I pretended to be sick for three days after that because I couldn’t stand the thought of facing everyone. I even had Sebastian bring me food so that I didn’t have to go out to the Great Hall. But I’ve learned to bounce back from my Blind Boy Moments quite quickly since.”
“Could Sharp not just label the ingredients for you?” you asked.
Ominis scoffed. “No, he insists that every good potions student should be able to identify the ingredients on their own,” he said, exasperated. “He wouldn’t even let me come in beforehand to label them myself because other students might see them. He also won’t let me use my own containers because it’s all got to be ‘standardised’ so it’s fair.”
“Well, that’s quite the opposite of fair! He’s putting you at a disadvantage,” you said. You could feel yourself getting angry on Ominis’s behalf.
“I am perfectly capable of identifying the ingredients. Just because I can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m incompetent,” he said bitterly.
You were taken aback as his ire turned toward you. “I wasn’t trying to imply that you are, Ominis, I swear!” you said earnestly. “It just seems unreasonable that he won’t accommodate you at all. It’s so frustrating. I have an uncle who’s blind. He wasn’t born that way – he had an accident. And he’s a Muggle. So…it’s a bit different, obviously. But he’s worked in kitchens all his life. When he first went blind, he couldn’t cook anymore. But his boss’s wife, Marjorie, was blind, too. She taught him how to navigate the kitchen again without being able to see. They made adjustments to things so he could keep working there.”
“You have a blind uncle?” he asked, seeming shocked.
“Almost all my life. He married my aunt when I was just a baby,” you explained. “He cooks even better than a house-elf, too! Don’t tell Feenky I said that, though. Or Deek, for that matter.”
“I can’t believe you have a blind uncle,” Ominis said, still stunned.
“Really?” you asked. “Why not?”
He shrugged. “I’ve never met another blind person,” he said.
“Never?” you said, surprised.
“Not once,” he confirmed. “My parents weren’t exactly looking to find me a support group. It’s exceptionally rare in the wizarding world, anyway. So, they sort of just kept me hidden away until school. They hadn’t even expected I’d get a letter even though I clearly had magic. It wasn’t until I figured out how to navigate by wand that they stopped treating me like a doll instead of a child. Even my Aunt Noctua was rather overbearing. No one ever believed I could do something myself until I showed them I could.”
“I can’t imagine how difficult it was going through all of that on your own,” you said.
Ominis gave a haughty huff. “Yes, well, I think I’ve done all right for myself,” he said firmly, crossing his arms protectively over his chest.
“You’ve done more than all right, I’d say,” you argued. “Which reminds me, you still have to tutor me in herbology after this.”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry; I haven’t forgotten,” he said.
“You’d better not have,” you said sternly. Your severe expression didn’t last, though. You couldn’t help but smile around him. “Wait, so, if you didn’t have anyone to help you figure things out, did you invent the spell that lets you read books?”
“Ah, well, I suppose I wasn’t entirely on my own. Sebastian found that spell in an old tome in the library. Some languorous 17th-century scholar grew weary of having to keep his eyes open whilst reading,” he replied. “It worked quite well in my favour.”
“If there’s one thing Sebastian excels at, it’s research,” you replied.
“Yes, and it’s been both a blessing and a curse in my life,” he said irritably.
“I feel the same,” you said wearily.
Ominis spun back toward the potions station. “It smells like the potion’s ready,” he announced.
You got up and walked over to inspect it. “Mother-of-pearl sheen. Perfect spirals of steam. Excellent work, indeed, Ominis.”
He blushed at your praise. “Any essence of musky dungeon emanating from it?” he joked.
You laughed. You leaned over the cauldron and breathed in deeply to play along. “Oh,” you said, caught off guard by the smell. “Yeah, actually. It…” You took in another breath. It was masked beneath the cologne Ominis was wearing, but you could distinctly smell the cool, earthy scent that permeated the lower levels of the castle. “It does.”
“Merlin, MC! You don’t have a crush on Professor Sharp, do you?” he asked, aghast.
“Gods, no!” you replied immediately. “It’s not the dungeons, anyway. It’s different. But…familiar.”
You tried to smell it again, but it was still too hard to tell. You hadn’t realised earlier just how strong Ominis’s cologne was that day. Usually, you found the scent rather pleasant, but, currently, it was making it extremely difficult to smell anything else. You grabbed a phial and poured some of the potion into it. “I can’t tell what it is. I need to smell it in fresh air.”
“Are you trying to tell me that I smell foul?” Ominis demanded as you walked away from him.
“No, not at all,” you said before taking another sniff of the potion. “It’s just that your–”
Your voice died in your throat as two realisations struck you simultaneously. The first was that the earthy scent you had identified was the exact smell of the Undercroft. The second was that you still smelled Ominis’s cologne just as strongly even though you were on the opposite side of the room from him. The phial slipped from your hand and shattered on the wood floor.
“Are you all right?” Ominis asked, rushing over to you in a panic. “Did the potion burn you? I heard glass break. Did you get cut?”
He took both of your hands in his to feel for any injuries. The tips of his fingers brushed gently over your skin, and it sent a shiver up your spine.
“Sorry, no, I’m fine. I just–I hadn’t realised…something,” you said. You heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. Poppy had been right. You did fancy Ominis.
Ominis released one of your hands to raise his to your cheek. “Are you certain that you’re okay, MC?” he asked.
Your skin burned hot under his touch. “Y-yes, of course. I was just surprised when I placed the smell,” you said.
He tilted his head in interest. “Oh? What is it?” he asked.
You bit into your lower lip, keeping yourself silent as you wavered on whether to confess. He did seem to be rather doting at the moment. You wondered if he might return your affections.
“Perhaps I should’ve brewed the Veritaserum first, after all,” Ominis joked. “Maybe then I could finally get you to tell me what you smell.”
You laughed. “That’s not necessary. I just…Well, I’m pretty sure it’s, um…the Undercroft,” you said. Your nerves increased with every word, but you felt a flood of relief after getting them all out.
“Oh,” Ominis said uncomfortably. His whole body went rigid before his hands dropped away from you. “I…I see.”
“Ominis, I…” you started, trying and failing to figure out how to take the words back. You imagined the mortification you were experiencing was similar to how he had felt standing covered in flobberworm mucus in front of his peers.
“Well, I suppose I should still tell you what I smell, since you told me what you do,” he said sombrely. “Though, I can’t imagine it will be all that surprising.” He took a steadying breath. “It smells like old parchment, like those dusty pages Professor Weasley had you collecting last year. And I smell the mallowsweet you always carry around with you. And your shampoo. I always smell it when you hug me or fall asleep with your head on my shoulder.” He cleared his throat. “So…there you have it.”
“Are you upset about this?” you asked, bewildered by his tense reaction.
He forced a laugh. “What? No, of course not!” he insisted, but it wasn’t quite convincing. “I’m happy for you.”
“Happy for me?” you repeated, even more confused.
“Both of you, I mean,” he clarified, giving you a pained smile. “Although I’ve never asked Sebastian about his feelings toward you, with the way he flirts with you, I’m sure he reciprocates.”
“You think I fancy Sebastian?” you asked.
“Well, he’s the one who showed you the Undercroft,” he replied simply.
“Ominis, you’re the one he learned about it from. You’re the one I hang out with there. It’s rosewood and jasmine from your cologne that I smell in that bloody potion!” you said.
His brows knit together in confusion. “I thought you just smelled the Undercroft?” he said.
“Well, that’s what I thought when I was standing next to you – and in class last week,” you said. “You were right there, so I didn’t realise the smell of you was coming from the cauldron instead of…you know…you.”
His features went slack. “Oh…” he said awkwardly.
“Yeah…” you replied similarly.
“I’m a massive idiot,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
You smiled. “Yeah,” you said. “We kind of both are, aren’t we?”
“It would appear so,” he agreed. He laughed as he stepped closer and wrapped his arms around your waist. “Well, this has certainly been an illuminating study session.”
You melted into him instantly. “Indeed, it has.”
“You smell wonderful, you know,” he said as he nuzzled his nose against yours.
You giggled in response. “You smell quite nice, as well,” you replied.
“I taste even better,” he said cheekily.
Your gaze immediately dropped to his lips. “Is that so?” you asked, your voice coming out husky.
“I can prove it if you’d like,” he said. His breath fanned over your lips as he spoke.
“Yes, I think you should,” you replied. “For…educational purposes.”
Ominis’s lips brushed against yours almost tentatively before he leaned in to interlock them. His heat sank into your body as he held you firmly against his chest. You snaked your arms up behind his neck as you kissed him back. Being held by Ominis – and kissed by him – felt right. You wanted to stay wrapped in his arms forever. If you could’ve, you would have fused into him so you never had to be apart again.
You didn’t know how long it was before Ominis broke the kiss, but you knew it was too soon. “I still have to return the favour for you helping me with potions,” he said.
“Yes, right. The herbology,” you replied, still breathless from the kiss. You had forgotten about those bloody shrubs altogether.
“Actually, I was thinking we should work on divination, instead,” he said innocently, but there was a hint of a smirk on his lips.
You arched a brow at him. “Oh?” you asked. “Are you even taking divination?”
“No. I can’t exactly read tea leaves or look in a crystal ball,” he stated. The smirk spread on his lips. “But if I could, I’d see me in your future.”
You laughed. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sebastian,” you chided. “His terrible jokes are rubbing off on you.”
“You’re absolutely right, darling!” he said with a false gravity to the words. “I’d like to fix that as soon as possible by spending more time with you, instead.”
“I’d like that,” you said, unable to stop beaming at him.
“Me, too. Especially if it involves kissing you again,” he said.
You blushed. “I think that could be arranged,” you replied.
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prismaticpichu · 10 months
One day, deciding that ShinRa’s finest SOLDIERs are far too distracted during work hours, Lazard decides to implement a security browser that allows him to see what the Firsts are searching for online. Just to make sure they’re staying on track. Just to make sure they know their own intelligence and don’t need to rely on the World Wide Web.
Morbidly curious, he decides to take a look at the results after the first day.
Genesis’s Search History:
• Is Mona Lisa dead?
• Is the color red better than silver?
• Is WWE real?
• is the color brown better than silver
• what’s the adjective for one without love?
• How to be emo
• What’s the first book in the Bible
• Are rapiers better than katanas
• Does ice expire
• why do people tell me to shut up
• Are phoenixes better than cats
• is it illegal to steal a street sign
• How to put out a microwave fire
• can metal go in the microwave
• why the hell does my friend have slitted pupils
• how can I get slitted pupils?
• contacts with slitted pupils low price
• silver elite homepage
Angeal’s Search History:
• my kids are fighting what do I do
• my adult kids are fighting what do I do
• seafood pasta recipes
• my teenager won’t stop eating cinnamon dog biscuits what do I do
• is it practical to carry a sword you never use
• what temperature should cacti be kept at
• where is the internet
• do sunglasses make you cool
• honor synonyms
• what is lucid dreaming
• Kraft mac and cheese
• is ShinRa ethical
• is “puppy” considered derogatory
• is it normal for your friend to growl
• are plants good listeners
• what are phoenixes
• why does my teenager never listen
• local diners help wanted
• is it possible to send two adults to military school
• how do I delete my last search
Sephiroth’s Search History:
• is it normal to growl
• Why are my pupils slitted
• is silver hair natural
• chemical composition of a single strand of spaghetti
• cute panda videos
• are sprinkles edible
• is it normal to hear voices in my sleep
• is silver a better color than red
• how to tell someone to shut up in a language they do not speak
• are trees sentient
• cute seal videos
• is my father my father
• is it incorrect to be shirtless
• why is it incorrect to be shirtless
• is it normal to be able to lift a jeep
• can the human body handle the consumption of a mole of spaghetti noodles
• current day slang
• loveless SparkNotes
• how to tell my friends that I love them
Zack’s Search History:
• What do anteaters eat
• What is a city people live in called
• Sodium chloride
• What is the square root of one
• who invented walking
• Loveless SparkNotes
• Does General Sephiroth like hugs?
• world squat record
• Are sombreros allowed in the military
• How many marshmallows can fit inside of a whale
• where does the word laptop come from
• how much water is too much
• how to make my mentor proud
• Do rattlesnakes actually have beans in their tails
• how many pounds of pepperoni is unhealthy
• How much of Dr Dolittle is true
• How to tell someone they are loved and wanted
• sophisticated words of today
• why are they called graham crackers
• toaster alarm clocks
Lazard closes the computer, letting his head fall into his hands.
173 notes · View notes
josphitia · 1 month
TigerCow HRT
Jo always had a dual fascination with two creatures that would never intermingle in nature: Cows and Tigers. But Jo had never paid it much mind. After all, everyone had animals they associated with. And Jo bristled at the confines of so-called “polite society.” It was not kind to those who existed outside of the binary. But living in the city, Jo started to see more and more people with animalistic features. It was the odd ears at first, surely just a good cosplay Jo assumed. But it was hard to ignore when a literal dragon walked out of a coffee shop and drank 4 cups whole at once. Jo did some internet sleuthing and found that there was a specific doctor who it seemed all of these creatures were seeing: A Dr. Theodore Erian. Jo booked an appointment and waited anxiously for the appointed day.
On that day Jo arrived in the office to a room of animals at all stages of their transition. Slimes, Avians, and Snakes seemed to be the favored species. But there were a few others such as an Anteater girl in the corner and a few dragons. Jo waited patiently on their phone until Jo’s name was called. “Jos-” “Jo is fine. Thanks.” “Oh, okay. This way!” Jo followed the nurse down the hall into a room that was intimidating in its lack of furnishings. “Dr. Erian will be in shortly” the nurse said as she closed the door.
It wasn’t long before Dr. Erian walked past Jo and took a seat behind his desk. “Oh! Hello, we’ve met before, no?”
“No. Jo has never met you before. Jo is here for first appointment.”
“No, no, I’m pretty sure I treated you before. Although back then you had brown hair instead of red…”
“Again, Jo has never met you before.”
“Well you look just like a young lady I treated before… Are you two sisters?”
“No! Jo is not lady. Jo is Jo. They/Them pronouns, please.”
“Alright, alright… Well, how can I help you Jos- er, Jo.”
“Jo wants to get on Humanity Removal Therapy.”
*Sigh* “Okay, Miss, er Mister, er… sorry. Jo. What animal are you deep inside that body?”
“Tiger…Cow? As in, both at the same time?”
“Yes. Jo is TigerCow. Both creatures intermingled into one form. Both are perfect in their own ways, but both only halves of what makes Jo whole. Jo wishes to be whole. Not choose one side, can’t.”
“Alright… Well that’s a very specific request you’re making young…Jo. It will take some time for it to be completed. But I can begin working on the formulae, there have been other ‘Hybrids’ that I have helped. While yours is a rather unique combination, I have faith I can make it work. Yes… I’m actually rather intrigued by the proposition myself. You will be quite the unique specimen. There will be complications however. The fusion of Herbivore and Carnivore is a particularly troublesome endeavor to overcome, but not just for me. There will be many obstacles you, yourself, will have to overcome if this is truly the species you are. Is that agreeable?”
“Yes. Anything. Jo wants to become the TigerCow Jo has always been.”
“Excellent. My nurse will draft the paperwork for the medical release, terms and conditions, standard stuff for these kinds of medical interventions. Before I get to work, are there any other requirements or suggestions you have?”
“Just one.”
“Jo wants to be purple.”
TigerCow HRT
Thank you for reading. Jo wanted to write A-HRT story regarding their own species: TigerCow. Jo is excited to also try writing a whole story with Jo's own manner of speaking. Hope people enjoy.
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twig-collector · 4 months
Introduction post!
Hi there! You can call me Tai :D
A list of favorites:
My favorite colors are green and brown
My favorite animals are polar bears, toucans, and giant anteaters
Sade (I am #1 Sade fan!!)
Newsies, Falsettos, The Book of Mormon, and Hairspray
Davey and Kid Blink!! (+ Oscar)
Marching band
Band in general
Big red + dr pepper
Fun little facts :3
I'm currently 17, but turn 18 in September
I'm head drum major at my high school
I do choir and theater as well, but those are more recent endeavors. I've always loved singing and musicals so no better time to explore them than the present amiright
My most recent role was Brooke Wyndham in Legally Blonde!
I enjoy reading fanfiction and really want to get into writing it
Feel free to shoot me a message anytime, I'd love to be part of a community on this site!
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ur-dad-satan · 2 months
My fucking brain is melting. So many things have happened in the last 24 hours and I need to just have a day where I learn absolutely nothing.
FIRST, that orange cheeto looking mother fucker got shot in the ear and gained fucking sympathy from some of the internet, while the rest is distraught that the shooter missed.
SECOND, I love my girlfriend so much. Like she's so sweet and just a ray of sunshine
THIRD, I watched the teaser trailers for Garten of BanBan 8 and I... that shit made my head hurt. There's two of them and they insinuate two different things. I guess spoilers for the teasers and possibly "lore" so... skip if you want to? So the first one on the steam page implies that BanBan stole the blue BanBan's identity/place in the main cast. It also introduces a fucking yellow aardvark/anteater thing. Then the second teaser implies that fucking Syrengeon is the one who MADE Uthman into BanBan. I fucking HATE this franchise.
and FINALLY, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles were both at the Euros Finals, potentially just mere YARDS away from each other. For the first time in HOW MANY FUCKING YEARS?!?! IM FUCKING SORRY?!?!? YOU EXPECT MY LARRIE ASS TO BE CALM AND NOT LOSE MY FUCKING MIND!?!? I may not talk about being a Larrie too often, but I'm like a fucking sleeper agent.
So yeah, TL;DR: Too many things are happening, I love my girlfriend, and I need a nap
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nothingf-i-s-h-yhere · 3 months
hello there!
if you were an anteater and you were trying to infiltrate an elementary school in order to steal a specific pencil from inside the principals office (it’s pink and sparkly and the Pencil Of Your Dreams, no other pencils could compare) WITHOUT being caught… how would you do it?
This feels like a thing Dr doofenshmirtz would do anyway here’s how I’d do it
Being an anteater your options are pretty limited so I would dig a hole underneath the principals office, I would then try to dig my way up to grab said pencil with my long tongue because anteaters are famous for that and I would grab the pencil then leave.
Now I have a question for you oohlookafrog why did you ask me such a specific question. I’m not upset or anything this is genuinely one of my favorite questions I’ve been asked on this app. I just want to know your thought process behind why you asked this
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librarycard · 11 months
Damien is out of his goddamn mind. This isn’t a recent development, but it’s an important aspect of his work that often goes ignored. In place of this key element is the idea that his music is a sober and in-depth excavation of the American landscape and rural psyche. Well, folks, I’m sorry, but it’s not. Damien Jurado is every character in every Damien Jurado song. He is the gun, the purple anteater, the paper wings, the avalanche, the air show disaster, Ohio, the ghost of his best friend’s wife. It is a universe unto its own, with it’s own symbolism, creation myth, and liturgy. You might go as far as to call it a religion, and your religion is a character in his religion. Level with me. You're reading this because of Damien Jurado’s new album, 'Brothers and Sisters of the Eternal Son' (produced by Richard Swift). You are a progressive minded, left-leaning person who in parlor-style conversation regarding the globo-political ramifications of Sky Person relationships laughs knowingly so as not to be judgmental and very reasonably concedes “Well, I don’t believe He’s some old man with a beard sitting up in the clouds” at which point everyone agrees on [insert benign middle-ground] and moves on. Consider this: What if the only way to understand a religion is to create your own? Who is this Silver community? Where the hell are they in the Bible? Is this heresy? Agnostic reference? Isn’t this sun business a little, I don’t know, animistic? Pagan? Go ahead and answer that question for yourself. I’ll give you a second. Do you understand the music any better? You know that adage we all use so we have something to say while we shrug our shoulders? “People change”? That one. Is that applicable to Jesus Christ? Maybe he’s been on a personal journey of discovery since he ascended. He went through the 60’s, 70’s, he turned on, tuned out, got disillusioned. Why can’t we talk about that Jesus? Does it have to be the old-timey one all the time? American folk Jesus, ugh. The one who’s always winning Best Soundtrack Oscars for people. Rarely do stories of faith make us identify with Jesus. It’s Abraham, Satan, Silver Timothy, Salome, Dr. J, Saul of Tarsus; divinely imperfect brothers and sisters who give Gawd something to do. Damien Jurado made up his own Jesus because a Damien Jurado album needs a beautiful Jesus. Some freaky space Jesus that I don’t recognize. The name is the same, a lot of the imagery is the same, but he’s reborn. Born again, I mean. Yeah, as if Jesus got born again. That’s what this album sounds like. Jesus is out of his goddamn mind and I want to live in Damien’s America. Sign me up.
— Father John Misty; 09-20-2013
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my favorite characters in animal au part 3!!!
Remake because the wip one was boring asf
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Huxley (adventures of elmo in grouchland) - rhino
nationality: italian 🇮🇹
species: rhino
sexuality: asexual
gender: agender
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adam levine (bart baker) - platypus
nationality: australian and german 🇦🇺🇩🇪
species: platypus
sexuality: polysexual
gender: male
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nostalgia critic - anteater
nationality: american 🇺🇲
species: anteater
sexuality: aroace
gender: intersex
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pete mcgee (ghost and Molly McGee) - moose
nationality: canadian 🇨🇦
species: moose
sexuality: straight ally
gender: male
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tex Richman (muppets 2011) - kangaroo
nationality: australian and serbian 🇦🇺🇷🇸
species: kangaroo
sexuality: aroace
gender: transgender ftm
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lew zealand (muppets) - seal or sea lion? XD
nationality: irish and swedish 🇮🇪🇸🇪
species: seal or sea lion?
sexuality: pansexual and asexual
gender: male
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dr Bunsen honeydew (muppets) - pangolin
nationality: japanese 🇯🇵
species: pangolin
sexuality: gay
gender: boyflux
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libby stein-torres (ghost and Molly McGee) - turtle
nationality: filipino and chinese 🇵🇭🇨🇳
sexuality: lesbian
gender: girlflux
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angry video game nerd - coyote
nationality: american 🇺🇲
species: coyote
sexuality: gay
gender: boyflux
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wayne (muppets, not the one from hotel Transylvania) - giraffe
nationality: british 🇬🇧
species: giraffe
sexuality: pansexual
gender: male
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dr-kahl-fan · 3 months
Yes I caved
WELCOME to the dr kahl fan blog!
Requests are open!
Artists are 💙 (pfp art) and 🦇 (banner art)
Main is @blueopalsystem
Ships we enjoy:
If any of these make you uncomfortable, sorry, they're comfort for me (NOTHING ILLEGAL!!)
Bold are ones you may see often
Stickler x Henchman
Dice x Devil
Devil x Henchman
Dice x Henchman
Dice x Stickler (I blame Dylan /lh)
Devil x Stickler (because of one fanfic I read)
Devil x Dice x Henchman
Devil x Dice x Stickler x Henchman
Kahl x Automaton (nothing in the games or comics (that I know of) shows them as parent/child, as I know it is only fanon. If it does become canon, I will be sad but I will not ship them anymore if that does become the case.. It's just a ship I find a lot of comfort in as someone who is robot objectum.. Sorry..)
Bon Bon x Djimmi x Beppi
Mugman x Chalice (show versions, nothing gross, they're kids)
Cala x Briney
Cala x Hilda
Cala x Hilda x Briney (Hilda and Briney are just friends)
Rumor x Hilda
The Angel x The Demon
Knight x Bishop
Rook x Bishop
Charlie (spider) x Light Bug
Grim hydra heads (I don't know how this happened)
Sally x Hilda x Mr Stageplay (Mr Stageplay and Hilda are just friends)
Sally x Mr Stageplay (how could I not)
Show Dice x Game Dice
Pirouletta x Ginette
Ol Ethan x Rumulus x Ginette (why is Ethan rum and Rumulus whiskey)
Pip x Dot
Mr Wheezy x Chips
Fera x Hugo (howling aces)
Mortimer x Glumstone
Mortimer x Jupiter
Chauncey x Ollie
Snail x Anteater (moonshine mob)
Baroness x Rumor
Fera x Esther
Light bug x Esther
Charlie x Hugo
May update if I remember any more
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abimee · 1 year
hi i never send asks but i need to tell you how much your art means to me. i remember seeing it years ago when u were drawing ut/dr stuff and i loved it back then, but to come back years later and see youre into ffxiv is like, miraculous. i absolutely ADORE the way u stylize the characters, their stories seem so interesting, and its such a breath of fresh air to me, like straight up inspirational it makes me wanna go ham drawing my guys the way i want bc ive felt so self concious since most fanart i see sticks pretty close to the source. anyways keep doing what ur doing im /cheerjump'ing at you from the distance 💖
NO IM THE SAME WAY REAL getting into FFXIV after being into UT/DR had a long period of like embarassment following it because i wasnt used to being surrounded by artists who stayed pretty on model and like, didn't ''mess'' with the designs of both like specific characters and just general overall character types like m'iqote. Coming from UT/DR where the art style and the general ''theyre monsters'' gave me a lot of leeway to do stuff like anteater dreemmurs and draw frisk in a frilly flower pattern skirt, so coming over to draw ff14 art and never see people even like, give a character a haircut or draw elezen eyes slightly differently made me feel.... not scared, but i felt ambarassed that people wouldnt like my art or not recognize the characters, or find my art incoherent like a few people used to mock me for back in UT/DR days.
I eventually got over it but i still someyimes feel that shame, especially when the art isn't particularly well recieved, mostly with stuff like my butch menphina or how i draw hades, and i begin to wonder if my art would ''do better'' if i stuck closer to the style/design of the FF14 game down to the eye shape and exact clothing patterns
this isnt smthn i think about too often though thankfully, and i feel like a swell of love whenever people do react positively to how i interpret characters into my art :,] ive noticed a few people respond to really liking how i draw Zero even though i never considered her to differ far from her original design, but looking at it side by side i think i sometimes cant tell when im fucking with a design myself until i stare at them next to each other LOL
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BUT GO FOR IT!!! there really is nobody stopping you from messing with the designs in the game, FF14 is a million dollar successful MMO ran by one of the biggest gaming companies in the industry so unless yoshida sends a cease and desist directly to our doors there is NOTHING stopping you from taking characters into your own hands and molding them to your liking. Draw Miqote looking even more like cats than people, draw vieras more anthro than humanoid, make your wol part sahagin and give them funny fish gills, give your favorite character a fatter head or a buzz cut, there is an endless possibility as vast as the people in the world are!!!! \o/
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hyenaswine · 1 year
reasons why this url fits me:
- hyena-swine is the name of one of the antagonists in the island of dr moreau which is probably my favorite book even though hg wells was an antisemite
- i love spotted hyenas so so much (in my top 3 favorite animals, along with sperm whales & giant anteaters) & did my zookeeping internship with them & i've TOUCHED one
- when we did our field trip to the pig farm in vet tech school i was totally enthralled with the pigs & the pig rancher (he was just such an interesting guy) & the professor told me i had a "passion for swine" which is one of the greatest compliments i've ever received
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thecookieverse · 9 months
List of Characters and Series
Here is a list of all the OC's and Characters that are in the Cookieverse. OC's and media listed alphabetically
Blueberry Muffin Cookie
Hot Dog Cookie
Autumn Herald Cookie
Spring Maiden Cookie
Summer Autarch Cookie
Winter Envoy Cookie
Official Characters
American Dragon Jake Long
Lanatus Dragon Cookie (Jake Long)
Russet Potato Cookie (Arthur "Spud" Spudinski)
Chocolate Truffle Cookie (Trixie Carter)
Yellow Lily Cookie (Rose)
Banjo Kazooie An in-universe video game
Gummy Bear Cookie (Banjo)
Buffalo Wing Cookie (Kazooie)
Green Milkshake Cookie (Gruntilda)
Sausage Toad Cookie (Klungo)
Gummy Skull Cookie (Mumbo)
Steak Pie Cookie (Bottles)
Bubble-and-Squeak Cookie (Jamjars)
Big Hero 6
Maki Roll Cookie (Hiro Hamada)
Marshmallow Creme Cookie (Baymax)
Gummy Hoop Cookie (Go Go)
Yuzu Cookie (Honey Lemon)
Zucchini Cookie (Wasabi Cookie)
Taco Cookie (Fred Frederickson IV)
Pudding Pop Cookie (Chowder)
Bean Soup Cookie (Mung Daal)
Mushroom Bisque Cookie (Truffles)
Rock Candy Cookie (Schnitzel)
Calamansi Cookie (Endive)
Marshmallow Bunny Cookie (Panini)
Pickled Tomato Cookie (Gazpacho)
Strawberry Milk Cookie (Cuphead)
Blueberry Milk Cookie (Mugman)
Au Lait Cookie (Elder Kettle)
Golden Milk Cookie (Legendary Chalice/Ms. Chalice)
The Root Pack
Yukon Gold Cookie (Sal Spudder)
Yellow Onion Cookie (Ollie Bulb)
Chantenay Cookie (Chauncey Chantenay)
Berry Gelatin Cookie (Goopy Le Grande)
Star Spinel Cookie (Hilda Berg)
Gin Cookie and Tonic Cookie (Ribby and Croaks)
Orange Carnation Cookie (Cagney Carnation Cookie)
Cherry Cane Cookie (Baroness Von Bon Bon)
Candy Popcorn Cookie (Beppi the Clown)
Shish Tawook Cookie (Dijimmi the Great)
Serrano Dragon Cookie (Grim Matchstick)
Cuckoo Egg Cookie (Wally Warbles)
Pheasant Egg Cookie (Willy Warbles)
Golden Honey Cookie (Rumor Honeybottoms)
Rum Cookie (Captain Brineybeard)
Turquoise Rose Cookie (Sally Stageplay)
Vienna Sausage Cookie (Werner Werman)
Amethyst Cookie (Dr. Kahl)
Fluorite Cookie (Cala Maria)
King Cake Cookie (King Dice)
Devil’s Cigar Cookie (The Devil)
Sylvanite Cookie (Glumstone the Giant)
Moonshine Mob:
Gin Rickey Cookie (Charlie Left Legs)
Jack Rose Cookie (Light Bug)
Sazerac Cookie (Anteater)
Moonshine Cookie (Announcer Snail)
Moon Mist Cookie (Mortimer Freeze)
Was a teacher for the Parfaedia Institute (taught ice magic). But was fired after attempting to get students to join his cult. Now resides somewhere with the cult in the Giant Icing Ridge (nearby the Dark Cacao Kingdom).
Chorizo Cookie (Esther Winchester)
Howling Aces
Pineapple Mint Cookie (Sergeant O’Fera)
Upside-Down Cake Cookie (Pilot Bulldog)
Pineapple Juice Cookies (Yankee Yippers)
Table Salt Cookie (Chef Saltbaker)
Alfajor Cookie (Inez)
Key Lime Cookie (Matt)
Cranberry Flan Cookie (Jackie)
Dexter's Laboratory
Omelet Cookie (Dexter)
Omurice Cookie (Dee Dee)
Quail Egg Cookie (Mandark)
Disney Fairies
Dianthus Cookie (Tinkerbell)
Water Iris Cookie (Silvermist)
Marigold Cookie (Iridessa)
Alstromeria Cookie (Fawn)
Dahlia Cookie (Rosetta)
Windflower Cookie (Vidia)
Disney Princesses
Apple Streusel Cookie (Snow White)
Blue Pumpkin Cookie (Cinderella)
Loganberry Cookie (Aurora)
Alexandrite Cookie (Ariel)
Profiterole Cookie (Belle)
Bastani Sonnati Cookie (Jasmine)
Jian Dui Cookie (Mulan)
Beignet Cookie (Tiana)
Rampion Cookie (Rapunzel)
Barmbrack Cookie (Merida)
Haupia Cookie (Moana)
Doki Doki Literature Club
Ackee Fruit Cookie (Monika)
Strawberry Cupcake Cookie (Natsuki)
Ruby Chocolate Cookie (Sayori)
Chamomile Tea Cookie (Yuri)
Earthbound (Mother)
Gum Scrap Cookie (Ness)
Apple Pie Cookie (Paula)
Custard Doughnut Cookie (Jeff)
Onigiri Cookie (Poo)
Pork Rind Cookie (Porky Minch)
Lemon Swirl Cookie (Lucas)
Prickly Pear Cookie (Kumatora)
Blue Potato Cookie (Duster)
Orange Swirl Cookie (Claus)
Kid Icarus
Angel Food Cookie (Pit)
Manzanilla Olive Cookie (Palutena)
Souvlaki Cookie (Magnus)
Chocolate Cake Cookie (Dark Pit)
??? (Medusa)
??? (Hades)
Blue Spirulina Cookie (Pandora)
??? (Gaol)
??? (Thanatos)
Salad Cookie (Viridi)
??? (Arlon)
Electrolyte Cookie (Phosphora)
Gravity Falls
Peanut Butter Cookie (Dipper)
Grape Jam Cookie (Mabel)
Club Sandwich Cookie (Grunkle Stan)
Maple Syrup Cookie (Wendy)
Empanada Cookie (Soos)
Reuben Cookie (Ford)
White Truffle Cookie (Pacifica Northwest)
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Sugar Skull Cookie (Grim)
Tangelo Cookie (Billy)
Oleander Cookie (Billy)
Ed, Edd, and Eddy
Camembert Cookie (Ed)
Gelatin Cookie (Edd)
Jawbreaker Cookie (Eddy)
Caprese Salad Cookie (Kevin)
Vieux Lille Cookie (Sarah)
Dandelion Cookie (Jimmy)
Bratwurst Cookie (Rolf)
Passion Fruit Cookie (Nazz)
Granola Bar Cookie (Jonny)
Limburger Cookie (May Kanker)
Mashed Potato Cookie (Marie Kanker)
Fish Stick Cookie (Lee Kanker)
Broccoli Cookie (Edd)
Seltzer Cookie (Tom)
Choco Milk Cookie (Matt)
Peppermint Bark Cookie (Tord)
Cayenne Cookie (Blaze, OC)
Black Raspberry Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Guacamole Cookie (Eduardo)
Cinnamon Roll Cookie (Jon)
Sugar Plum Cookie (Mark)
Tomato Cookie (Jordan, OC)
Blood Orange Cookie (Blade, OC)
Garlic Cookie (Dawn, OC)
Tobacco Cookie (Paul)
Lemon Drop Cookie (Patryck)
Choco Popcorn Cookie (Bing)
Snowcap Cookie (Larry)
Lavender Cookie (Laurel)
Dipped Strawberry Cookie (Kim)
Raspberry Torte Cookie (Katya)
El Tigre
Chili Lollipop Cookie (Manny Rivera/El Tigre)
Blueberry Churro Cookie (Frida Suarez)
Paloma Cookie (Rodolfo Rivera/White Pantera)
??? (Grandpapi Rivera/Puma Loco)
??? (Zoe Aves/Black Cuervo)
??? (Carmelita Aves/Voltura)
??? (Grandmami Aves/Lady Gobbler)
Friday Night Funkin
Slushie Cookie (Boyfriend/Jacob)
Cherry Cola Cookie (Girlfriend/Amber)
Rose Water Cookie (Senpai/Kenji)
Orange Velvet Cookie (Blaze, OC) 
Soft Serve Cookie (Dusk, OC)
Waffle Cone Cookie (Vince)
Vanilla Bean Cookie (Emilia)
Devil's Food Cookie (Daddy Dearest/Maurice)
Cola Cake Cookie (Mommy Mearest/Donna)
Caramel Apple Cookie (Pico)
Candy Bone Cookie (Skid)
Mellowcreme Pumpkin Cookie (Pump)
Lemon Curd Cookie (Lemon Demon)
Starmallow Cookie (Kirby)
Battenberg Cookie (King Dedede)
Jostaberry Cookie (Meta Knight)
Tangerine Cookie (Bandana Dee)
Blueberry Cobbler Cookie (Gooey)
Berry Fudge Cookie (Marx)
Fruit Ribbon Cookie (Ribbon)
Food Coloring Cookie (Adeleine)
Bloodberry Cookie (Dark Meta Knight)
Mirror Glaze Cookie (Dark Mind)
Rainbow Frosting Cookie (Drawcia)
Stilton Gold Cookie (Daroach)
Golden Delicious Cookie (Magolor)
Tarantula Cookie (Taranza)
Honeycomb Cookie (Queen Sectonia)
Strawberry Ripple Cookie (Susie)
Golden Opulence Cookie (President Haltmann)
Rainbow Sherbet Cookie (Elline)
Fondant Cookie (Claycia)
Frozen Yogurt Cookie (Francisca)
Pepper Kebab Cookie (Flamberge)
Lemon Tart Cookie (Zan Partizanne)
Poison Hemlock Cookie (Hyness)
Blue Lemonade Cookie (Elfilin)
Veal Orloff Cookie (Leongar)
Funnel Cake Cookie (Clawroline)
Strawberry Fool Cookie (Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1)
Chili Dog Cookie (Hoagie P. Gilligan/Numbuh 2)
Matcha Choco Cookie (Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3)
Hokey Pokey Cookie (Wallabee “Wally” Beatles/Numbuh 4)
Salted Caramel Cookie (Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5)
Soda Bread Cookie (Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86)
Lemon Meringue Cookie (Rachel McKenzie/Numbuh 362)
Caramel Macchiato Cookie (Cree Lincoln)
??? (Chad Dickson/Numbuh 274)
Black Olive Cookie (Father)
Five-Layer Cookie (The Delightful Children from Down the Lane/Sector Z)
Refried Beans Cookie (Lenny), Sour Cream Cookie (David), White Cheddar Cookie (Bruce), Pico de Gallo Cookie (Constance), and Lettuce Cookie (Alessandra). 
Valerian Cookie (Pillow Featherbed)
Sprinkle Cookie (Crumbs Sugar Cookie)
Whipped Cocoa Cookie (Mittens Fluff ‘N’ Stuff)
Circus Peanut Cookie (Peanut Big Top)
Spaghetti Marinara Cookie (Spot Splatter Splash)
Candy Jewel Cookie (Jewel Sparkles)
Rocket Pop Cookie (Dot Starlight)
Beacon Apple Cookie (Bea Spells-A-Lot)
Little Einsteins
Ditalini Cookie (Leo)
Farfalle Cookie (Annie)
Orchid Cookie (June)
Banana Pancake Cookie (Quincy)
Magic School Bus
Honeycrisp Apple Cookie (Ms. Frizzle)
Carrot Puff Cookie (Arnold)
Candy Jack Cookie (Ralphie)
Champurrado Cookie (Carlos)
Blue Taro Cookie (Tim)
Green Bean Cookie (Phoebe)
Mochi Cookie (Wanda)
Daffodil Cookie (Dorothy Ann)
Berry Smoothie Cookie (Keesha)
Marinara Sauce Cookie (Mario)
Pesto Cookie (Luigi) 
Peach Cream Cookie (Princess Peach)
Button Mushroom Cookie (Toad)
Durian Cookie (Bowser)
Garlic Sauce Cookie (Wario)
Breadstick Cookie (Waluigi)
Daisy Cookie (Princess Daisy)
Konpeito Cookie (Princess Rosalina)
Stelline Cookie (Geno)
Marshmallow Spread Cookie (Mallow)
Monster High
Lemon Mint Cookie (Frankie Stein)
Pink Licorice Cookie (Draculaura)
Wolfsbane Cookie (Clawdeen Wolf)
Melopita Cookie (Cleo de Nile)
Gummy Fish Cookie (Lagoona Blue)
Jelly Worm Cookie (Ghoulia Yelps)
Shaved Ice Cookie (Abbey Bominable)
Watermelon Snake Cookie (Deuce Gorgon
Monster Prom
Ghost Pepper Cookie (Damien LeVey)
Purple Kale Cookie (Liam de Lioncourt) 
Saltwater Taffy Cookie (Miranda Vanderbilt)
Vodka Cookie (Polly Geist)
Potato Chip Cookie (Scott Howl)
Sour Snake Cookie (Vera Oberlin) 
Succulent Cookie (Calculester Hewlett-Packard)
Ikasumi Pasta Cookie (Zoe)
Calla Lily Cookie (Joy Johnson-Johjima) 
Henbane Cookie (Hope Halko)
Blackthorn Cookie (Faith Fernández) 
Filius Blue Cookie (Dahlia Aquino) 
Keema Cookie (Aaravi Mishra) 
Belladonna Cookie (Milo Belladonna) 
Elderberry Cookie (Oz)
Cherry Pepper Cookie (Amira Rashid)
Blueberry Tart Cookie (Vicky Schmidt)
Rafflesia Cookie (Brian Yu)
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Açaí Cookie (Twilight Sparkle)
Apple Cider Cookie (Applejack)
Candy Ring Cookie (Rarity)
Pansy Cookie (Fluttershy)
Confetti Cake Cookie (Pinkie Pie)
Sports Drink Cookie (Rainbow Dash)
Damson Dragon Cookie (Spike) 
Sponge Cake Cookie (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Star Sundae Cookie (Patrick Star)
Acorn Cookie (Sandy Cheeks)
Calamari Cookie (Squidward Tentacles) 
Crab Burger Cookie (Mr. Krabs) 
Lima Bean Cookie (Sheldon J. Plankton)
Chocolate Swirl Cookie (Jimmy Neutron)
Pixy Powder Cookie (Timmy Turner)
Creme Sandwich Cookie (Danny Fenton/Phantom)
Black Rose Cookie (Sam Manson)
Sour Straw Cookie (Tucker Foley)
Orange Creme Cookie (Jasmine “Jazz” Fenton)
Blueberry Fudge Cookie (Jenny Wakeman/XJ-9)
Tarator Cookie (Vendetta)
Cream Pie Cookie (Charlotte)
Star Jelly Cookie (Zim)
Astronaut Food Cookie (Dib Membrane)
O.K K.O: Let's Be Heroes!
Burrito Cookie (K.O)
Blue Agave Cookie (Rad)
Ramen Cookie (Enid)
Enchilada Cookie (Carol)
??? (Mr. Gar)
Cucumber Cookie (Dendy)
??? (Lord Boxman)
Cobra Venom Cookie (Professor Venomous)
??? (Darrell)
Orange Taffy Cookie (Shannon)
??? (Raymond)
Purple Cabbage Cookie (Ernesto)
Sausage Fruit Cookie (Jethro)
??? (Mikayla)
Knickerbocker Glory Cookie (Elodie)
Cheese Puff Cookie (Fink)
Lemon Gel Cookie (Charlie Brown)
Berry Gel Cookie (Sally)
Raspberry Jam Cookie (Linus)
Blueberry Jam Cookie (Lucy)
Mint Cream Cookie (Peppermint Patty)
Pumpkin Brownie Cookie (Marcie)
Cornflower Cookie (Franklin)
Bitter Melon Cookie (Violet)
Dirt Cake Cookie (Pig-Pen)
Cavatappi Cookie (Frieda)
Blackberry Pie Cookie (Schroeder)
Persona 3
Duck Burger Cookie (Makoto Yuki)
Strawberry Sando Cookie (Yukari Takeba)
Soft Pretzel Cookie (Junpei Iori)
Hamburger Steak Cookie (Akihiro Sanaba)
Champagne Cookie (Mitsuru Kirijo)
Miso Soup Cookie (Fuuka Yamagishi)
Toasted Bread Cookie (Aigis)
Yatsuhashi Cookie (Ken Amada)
??? (Elizabeth)
??? (Theodore)
Persona 4
Beef Bowl Cookie (Yu Narukami)
Potato Stew Cookie (Yosuke Hanamura)
Steak Cookie (Chie Satonaka)
Manju Cookie (Yukiko Amagi)
Yakitori Cookie (Kanji Tatsumi)
Vichyssoise Cookie (Rise Kujikawa)
Popsicle Cookie (Teddie)
California Roll Cookie (Naoto Shirogane)
??? (Margaret)
Persona 5
Katsu Sando Cookie (Akira Kurusu/Joker)
Black Cat Cookie (Morgana)
Meat Bun Cookie (Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull)
Chocolate Crepe Cookie (Ann Takamaki/Panther)
Jagariko Cookie (Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox) 
Nigiri Cookie (Makoto Nijima/Queen)
Curry Cookie (Futaba Sakura/Oracle)
Fruit Salad Cookie (Haru Okumura/Noir) 
Buttered Pancake Cookie (Goro Akechi/Crow)
Pea Flower Cookie (Lavenza)
Pizza Tower
Spaghetti Cookie (Peppino Spaghetti)
Lasagna Cookie (Gustavo)
Brick Cheese Rat (Brick the Rat)
Stuffed Pepper Cookie (Pepperman)
Cowboy Queso Cookie (The Vigilante)
Peanut Bar Cookie (The Noise)
Hazelnut Bar Cookie (Noisette)
Phineas and Ferb
Salsa Chip Cookie (Phineas)
Apple Dodger Cookie (Ferb)
Salsa Cookie (Candace)
Sufganiyah Cookie (Isabella)
Blueberry Kulfi Cookie (Baljeet)
Gouda Cookie (Buford) 
Black Forest Cookie (Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz) 
Gateau Cookie (Vanessa)
Powerpuff Girls
Pink Lemonade Cookie (Blossom)
Sugar Cookie (Bubbles)
Basil Cookie (Buttercup) 
Magnesium Cookie (Professor Utonium)
Banana Nut Cookie (Mojo Jojo)
Devil’s Tongue Cookie (Him)
Fruit Punch Cookie (Brick)
Blue Corn Cookie (Boomer)
Nori Cookie (Butch)
Medusa Pepper Cookie (Sedusa)
Gold Truffle Cookie (Princess Morbucks)
Orange Pippin Cookie (Ms. Keane)
Pickle Cookie (Mayor)
Sauteed Broccoli Cookie (Sara Bellum)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Buffalo Sauce Cookie (Randy Cunningham)
Curly Fry Cookie (Howard Weinerman)
Sailor Moon
Marshmallow Pie Cookie (Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon)
Berry Soda Cookie (Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury)
Furikake Cookie (Rei Hino/Sailor Mars)
Tin Cookie (Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter)
Myrtle Cookie (Minako Aino/Sailor Venus)
Chicken Salad Cookie (Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus)
Saba Sashimi Cookie (Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune)
Ergot Cookie (Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn)
Cypress Cookie (Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto)
Tuxedo Cake Cookie (Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask)
Candy Apple Cookie (Hello Kitty/Kitty White)
Toffee Apple Cookie (Mimmy White)
Pink Almond Cookie (My Melody)
Blueberry Roll Cookie (Cinnamoroll)
Purin Cookie (Pompompurin)
Twin Star Cookie (Little Twin Stars)
Star Sapphire Cookie (Kiki)
Star Ruby Cookie (Lala)
Black Cherry Cookie (Kuromi)
Matcha Donut Cookie (Keroppi)
??? (Tuxedo Sam)
Scooby Doo
Scooby Snack Cookie (Scooby Doo) 
Dagwood Sandwich Cookie (Norville “Shaggy” Rogers)
Sweet Potato Cookie (Velma Dinkley)
Deviled Egg Cookie (Fred Jones) 
Blueberry Cheesecake Cookie (Daphne Blake)
Concord Juice Cookie (Sibella)
Honeydew Cookie (Elsa Frankenteen)
Coney Dog Cookie (Winnie)
Ghost Pipe Cookie (Phantasma)
Babosa Cookie (Tanis)
Rosemary Cookie (Thorn)
Thyme Cookie (Dusk)
Sage Cookie (Luna)
Caffeine Powder Cookie (Sonic)
Butter Mint Cookie (Tails)
Guarana Cookie (Knuckles)
Boiled Egg Cookie (Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnick)
Pink Rose Cookie (Amy Rose)
Dark Roast Cookie (Shadow)
Pink Lady Cookie (Rouge)
Cloud Apple Cookie (Silver)
Catfish Cookie (Big)
Royal Black Cookie (Blaze)
Carrot Cake Cookie (Cream)
Stardew Valley
Hashbrown Cookie (Alex)
Crab Cake Cookie (Elliot)
Pickle Juice Cookie (Harvey)
Cheese Pizza Cookie (Sam)
Pumpkin Soup Cookie (Sebastian)
Jalapeño Popper Cookie (Shane)
Blackberry Cobbler Cookie (Abigail)
Eggplant Cookie (Emily)
Pink Cake Cookie (Haley)
Stir Fry Cookie (Leah)
Cauliflower Cheese Cookie (Maru)
Poppy Cookie (Penny)
Teen Titans
Kale Cookie (Robin)
Coriander Cookie (Starfire)
Tofu Cookie (Beast Boy)
Clam Cookie (Cyborg)
Black Currant Cookie (Raven)
The Emperor's New Groove
Lomo Saltado Cookie (Kuzco)
Ceviche Cookie (Pacha)
Prune Cookie (Yzma)
Spinach Puff Cookie (Kronk)
Total Drama Island and Action
Arsenic Cookie (Chris McLean)
Sriracha Cookie (Chef Hatchet)
Stroganoff Cookie (Eva)
Loco Moco Cookie (Justin)
Turnip Cookie (Beth)
Cronut Cookie (Katie)
Cruller Cookie (Sadie)
Opera Cream Cookie (Trent)
Pepperoni Pizza Cookie (Geoff)
Nanaimo Bar Cookie (Owen)
Jalapeño Cookie (Duncan) 
Kumquat Cookie (Leshawna)
Black Sesame Cookie (Gwen)
Sashimi Cookie (Heather)
Samosa Cookie (Noah)
Coffee Crisp Cookie (Cody)
Seaweed Brownie Cookie (Bridgette)
Biscuit Cookie (Ezekiel)
Protein Bar Cookie (Tyler)
Galette Cookie (Lindsay)
Horchata Cookie (Courtney)
Chickpea Cookie (DJ)
Toaster Tart Cookie (Harold)
Toxic Sludge Cookie (Izzy)
Total Drama World Tour
Saffron Cookie (Alejandro)
Purple Tea Cookie (Sierra)
Total Drama Revenge of The Island
MRE Cookie (Brick) 
Black Bean Cookie (Jo)
Orzo Cookie (Mike)
Orange Blossom Cookie (Zoey)
Bay Laurel Cookie (Dawn)
Collard Greens Cookie (B)
Protein Shake Cookie (Lightning)
Chokecherry Cookie (Cameron)
Pizza Pocket Cookie (Sam)
Watercress Cookie (Dakota)
Turkey Bacon Cookie (Staci)
Gelato Cookie (Anne Maria)
Kimchi Cookie (Scott)
Total Drama Pahkitew Island
Shameplant Cookie (Beardo)
Fruity Puff Cookie (Leonard)
Red Delicious Cookie (Amy)
Red Potato Cookie (Rodney)
Gala Apple Cookie (Sammy)
Princess Cake Cookie (Ella)
Lead Cookie (Topher)
Masala Chai Cookie (Dave)
Cobalt Cookie (Scarlett)
Black Pudding Cookie (Max)
Vegemite Cookie (Jasmine)
Raspberry Crown Cookie (Sugar)
Grilled Salmon Cookie (Sky)
Cordyceps Cookie (Shawn)
Total Drama Ridonculous Race
Corn Puff Cookie (Tammy)
??? (Pete)
??? (Gerry)
Turmeric Cookie (Ellody)
Pumpkin Seed Cookie (Mary)
Flaxseed Cookie (Laurie)
Chia Seed Cookie (Miles)
??? (Tom)
Scabiosa Cookie (Jen)
Chanterelle Cookie (Kelly)
Matsutake Mushroom Cookie (Taylor)
Blackberry Crumble Cookie and Blueberry Crumble Cookie (Jay and Mickey)
??? (Lorenzo)
??? (Chet)
??? (Rock)
Spudnut Cookie (Spud)
Banana Peel Cookie (Dwayne)
Bananas Foster Cookie (Junior)
Blood Lily Cookie (Crimson)
Drakondia Cookie (Ennui)
Shrimp Burrito Cookie (Brody)
??? (Stephanie)
??? (Ryan)
Matcha Scone Cookie (Devin)
Cinnamon Latte Cookie (Carrie)
??? (Kitty)
??? (Emma)
Berry Parfait Cookie (Josee)
Soufflé Glacé Cookie (Jacques)
Chipotle Cookie (MacArthur)
Mint Viennetta Cookie (Sanders)
Total Drama Island (Reboot)
Venison Cookie (Axel)
Fig Roll Cookie (Bowie)
??? (Caleb)
Anchovy Cookie (Chase)
Ajwain Cookie (Damien)
??? (Emma)
Avocado Toast Cookie (Julia)
??? (Millie)
Tteokbokki Cookie (MK)
Caramel Truffle Cookie (Nichelle)
??? (Priya)
Maple Bacon Cookie (Raj)
Baked Beans Cookie (Ripper)
Death Cap Cookie (Scary Girl)
Waffle Cookie (Wayne)
Hemp Cookie (Zee)
Totally Spies!
Poppy Seed Cookie (Clover)
Wonton Cookie (Alex)
Veggie Chip Cookie (Sam)
Chocolate Trifle Cookie (Jerry)
Blackberry Cheesecake Cookie (Mandy)
Winx Club
Nasturtium Cookie (Bloom)
Sunflower Cookie (Stella)
Tulip Cookie (Flora)
Clerodendrum Cookie (Musa)
Coralline Algae Cookie (Tecna)
Water Lily Cookie (Aisha)
Mistletoe Cookie (Icy)
Nightshade Cookie (Darcy)
Zephyr Lily Cookie (Stormy)
The Wonderful 101
Mcintosh Red Cookie (Will Wedgewood/Wonder-Red)
Cioppino Cookie (Eliot Hooker/Wonder-Blue)
Haricot Vert Cookie (Jean-Sebastian Renault/Wonder-Green)
Papanași Cookie (Mariana Kretzulesco/Wonder-Pink)
Yellowhammer Cookie (Ivan Istochinkov/Wonder-Yellow)
White Tea Cookie (Momoe Byakkoin/Wonder-White)
Black Rice Cookie (Krishna Ramanujon/Wonder Black)
Wreck it Ralph
Pound Cake Cookie (Wreck-It Ralph)
Pecan Pie Cookie (Fix-It Felix Jr.)
Beef Jerky Cookie (Sergeant Tamora Calhoun)
Marshmallow Cereal Cookie (Vanellope Von Schweetz)
Planned Characters
Series and characters that are only considered as of now
Amazing World of Gumball
Baldi's Basics
Bug Fables
Disney and Pixar
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Kim Possible
Pretty Cure
Studio Ghibli
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Tokyo Mew Mew
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