#dr doom imagine
opikiquu · 5 months
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iknow my comics are ugly please just hear me out
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mischievous-thunder · 2 months
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Imagine you're having a Disneyland/Disney World day on your own, wandering the Streets and eating yummy themed snacks, perusing the merchandise shops, meeting some characters; just taking your time, having a great day already... until a Disney Villain face character approaches you, wondering where your group is?? Why are you alone?? Welp I guess they're gonna hang out with you now and end up following you everywhere all day, showing you around, getting you free treats, giving you the VIP treatment XD
At the end of the day you realise that it's the actual villain. In real life.
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kakarotcamp · 2 months
They shouldn’t have told us rdj is doom
Where’s the twist in the movie now
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kirby-toons · 9 months
some more human doom raiders designs 4 yall :3
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aanesthesiia · 4 months
it's you!
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...despite everything, it's still... you ?
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We lost a legend yesterday...Thank you Mr. Jones for bringing many iconic characters to life on the stage and the screen, there will never be another like you.
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franken-loser · 6 months
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Alan we both love her
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We'll leave the choice up to her
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But whomever she chooses, we shall remain boyfriends...
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They should've kissed here just saying
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raisdaluz · 7 days
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midnight talk
realized that something that differentiates rai from homura is the fact that rai doesnt appreciate their own life
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vikwrites · 2 months
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foximator-blog · 10 months
I'm not sure if you answered it anywhere, but since you made all the Doom Raiders into villain Senseis, does that mean some elements have two villain Senseis or did you remove some?
Yes, there'd now be two per element. I don't like removing or replacing characters usually. Just adding onto what's already there. Though some of this is tricky to me
Pain-yatta (Smasher)
Mesmeralda (Bowslinger)
Dr Krankcase (Quickshot)
Brawlrus (Bazooker)
Tae Kwon Crow (Ninja)
Chef Pepper jack (Swashbuckler)
Grave clobber (Brawler)
Gulper (Smasher)
Chompy mage (Bazooker)
Sheep creep (Quickshot)
Wolfgang (Bowslinger)
Dragon Hunter (Sentinel)
Bad Juju (Swashbuckler)
Dream Catcher (Ninja)
Golden queen (Sorcerer)
Brawl and Chain (Brawler)
Blaster Tron (Knight)
Luminous (Sorcerer)
Hood sickle (Sentinel)
Nightshade (Knight)
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selfship-central · 10 months
I'm sorry to say it but it is the truth: Darcy/Doom crackfics from 2013 when Darcy was the fandom designated self insert and avengers movie was a gateway to actual comic books did irreparable damage to my fanfiction engine. The premise of pairing an absolute rando with DOOM and then worldbuilding about it like if beauty and the beast had geopolitics was entrancing.
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1nfine77 · 10 months
Shifting Diary - 1 (11/12/23)
Thought I'd start one of these. Not starting off at the absolute best point in time, I must admit, but... Here we go.
(Below the cut so it's not hell to scroll through.)
Put on a shifting subliminal last night (2am this morning) and just... Fell asleep to it. Didn't try any methods or anything. Just focused on passing out.
Then, since I was slightly stressed this morning, I ended up actively attempting to shift again for... Maybe a few hours? I was in and out of sleep and those hours included maybe three attempts? Two and a half?
I can't say I was particularly focused. I was partly trying to shift to my usual DR and partly just trying to shift to a version of my CR that's not as... Hectic, I suppose?
I was laying there counting and affirming and staring at the backs of my eyelids. Nothing special. Theoretically you could say 'oh Julia method' or 'oh Raven method' or whatever in terms of general structure, but it has been a long while since I've simply done a method I found online. It's been 'random bullshit go' for months at this point.
I switched between three subliminals as I went from one attempt to the next, sort of going off vibes, mostly to block out the noise in my CR. However, I did notice that when listening to them, I would fall into this... Slightly dizzy state for a little while. I had my eyes shut and it felt like the world around me was gently spinning.
Could've been my awful sleep schedule catching up with me, to be fair. Did not sleep for long enough.
There were also points where my awareness of various parts of my body would change. Obviously, limbs going numb, which is what typically happens when you haven't moved in a while. There was a point where I was awfully aware of specifically my fingertips, specifically of my left hand, against the mattress, so much so to where it was difficult to think of anything else, while the rest of my hand was almost completely numb. Not had that one happen before, I do admit.
There were a few points where I lost focus on my body entirely but I have no idea how aware I was at those points. I think I might be remembering instances right before falling briefly asleep - which is a testament to my tiredness because I only fall asleep on my back when completely sleep deprived.
I've also been trying to focus more on the backs of my eyelids when I do actively attempt to shift. I don't get much in the way of impressions or images - especially today, since I could see the light from outside dimming and brightening because it was fucking morning lmao - but I do get ever so slightly brighter patches against whatever the brightness of the general backdrop is, quite blurry and indistinct but still clear enough to be able to intuitively link what I'm seeing to a specific concept without thinking about it. They fade in and out quite a bit.
There was a point where it felt like I was seeing the light from behind a door - as in, the door was open a crack and I could see the light through that crack. I unfortunately got a bit too eager and tried to mentally reach out, completely reflexively, to open the door wider, which made the entire thing fade. Need to focus on just observing rather than trying to interact whenever anything even mildly interesting happens.
My main takeaway is mostly to let myself watch rather than act. As much as the impressions are... Impressions - not necessarily linked to shifting - I do feel like entertaining whatever my mind happens to bring up once I'm in a relaxed state can't do me any harm.
And breathing exercises are fucking great. 4-3-5 and 7-6-8 both completely calm me down after a little while. From there, it is finding something to keep my focus on that doesn't drag me back into my CR, which is affirmations or visualising (sight and sound only, thanks) or daydreaming, or some combination thereof. Obviously since I was semi-panicking today wasn't a particularly engaged experience lmao, but hopefully that all gets sorted by tonight and I can either take a rest day or have an attempt unencumbered by whatever the fuck is happening in my CR.
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shipperoffanonships · 2 months
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kirby-toons · 9 months
redraw of a human golden queen drawing from last year
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I...Think I may be getting my Doomsdays mixed up.
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